#soft pushover Remus is NOT my Remus
fauna-flora11 · 6 days
Never trust Severus Snape
Pairing: James Potter/Lily Evans
Warnings: cursing
Hurt/comfort ish
1k words
Summary: Lily snaps at James, calling him out for all his unwanted confessions and acts of love. Is that really what she wants though?
The sun was setting, streaks of orange and red painting the sky. It was a beautiful day, most people out on the last day of the weekend. Laughter echoed in the air, and James sauntered over to Lily Evans, confidence in his gait. She was sitting next to Severus Snape in intense conversation. James heard bits of 'He's horrible-' and 'using you -'. James scoffed. As if that was enough to setter him "Hey, Evans!" his voice rang out in the ground. "I wanted to ask you something. Will you go out wit-"
Lily whirls suddenly , stomping the ground."Enough! Merlin, Potter! Do you not know how to take a hint? You have been hounding me this whole year, actually, for the past 3 years, and I have continuously.been.rejecting.you! Do you not know what that means? " Lily fumes, "What does a girl have to do to stop some perverted wierdo making advances on her?! Sev is right, you know. You're a douchebag who doesn't know anything. Hail Potter, the fucking loser who thinks he's so great but you're actually nothing. A nobody who only has one friend that tried to kill my best friend." She pokes him in the chest, nose scrunched in fury. Though she doesn't push him very hard, James stumbles back as if she had punched him. An eerie silence had taken over the moments before laughing ground. "I hate you, James Potter."
James takes a step backwards, tears shining in his eyes. "I-I'm Sorry," A tear falls down his face. "I'm so sorry." And he takes off, only turning back once to the girl he thought would be his forever.
Back in the Gryfffindor dormitory, James sobs into Sirius' shoulder,surrounded by pillows. He murmurs soft nothings into James' ear and soothingly runs his hand in circles around James' back. Remus sits next to him, cooling down a cup of Chai, knowing James needs the taste of home. Remus frowns, "Look, I know Evans is my friend, but that was so unnecessary and so fucking rude. If she wanted you to back off, we all know she's not some pushover that can't voice her thoughts, she would've told you so!" Sirius pulls back, nodding vigorously, "She led you on mate! She let you take her on dates, hang out, giggle whenever you told her you loved her, and now this!?" he made a noise of disgust in his throat. James sniffed, wiping at his nose with his sleeve. "But still, I feel like it's my fault. I should've known, she's right. She has been rejecting me for years. I'm just the one who's daft enough to continue trying." Remus scoffed, handing James the now cool cup of Chai, "Please! She was lapping up your attention, giggling and twirling her hair. Besides, it's a loss for her, losing a guy like you. You're literally head over heels for her."
This just makes James return to the comfort of Sirius' shoulder. Remus leaves to refill James' cup and Sirius tucks him in to his bed. He sits next to James, running his hand through his hair and doing such ridiculous things that he coaxes a watery laugh out of James once or twice. Remus had gone to class, but Sirius had forbidden James from going. "You'll only get more upset when you see her mate. It's not worth it." After a while James suddenly hugs Sirius, murmuring into his hair, "Thanks mate. Thanks so much," Sirius just smiles. "That's what I'm here for, aren't I? What would you do without me?"
When night had well and truly fallen, James gets up, pulling on a coat. "Where are you going?" Sirius calls. "Just-walking. Need to clear my mind." "Want us to go with you?" Remus asks. "Nah, I'll be back in a bit."
James still has an hour left for curfew, but he still brings his invisibility cloak in case he needs it. Walking down the winding path to the lake, he finally settles under a tree next to the bank of the lake. He rests his head on the tree, thinking. He hears a rustle on the grass beside him,and his head snaps to attention. There, he sees Lily walking towards him, and she settles on the grass beside him. "Hi," She says, a wary look on her face. "Hey." James turns away, knowing if he looks at her any longer, he'll start to tear up, which isn't something he wants to do right now. "James, look. I wanted to talk about earlier today and-" "No, Lily, I wanna talk about today. Not only today but the past few years. I want to apologize. You're right. I've been annoying you for the past 3 years and I know it's my fault. I really should've listened, or payed more attention to your obvious discomfort. It's my fault, and I'm really, really sorry. I-I should've known. " Lily looks at him,"No-James, listen, you don't need to apologize I really-"
"Lily-please. Don't," his voice cracks, and he runs a tired hand over his face. "Don't do that. Don't be nice because I'll hope again. You're kindness is one of the many things that made me like you, and if you do it again, I'll never be able to get over you, because, merlin, lily, I love you so fucking much. If there's even a sliver of hope that you might still like me even a little bit, I'll cling on to it. I can't help it, because you're like a magnet. I can't help but be attracted to you. So please, please just hate me, scream at me again, shout at me, but please, don't give me that hope. " Lily looks at him, tears in her eyes. " James, listen. I will give you that hope because I do love you. I've loved you for a while, I just didn't know it. I'm so sorry for today. I was in a shit mood since morning, and everything was annoying me. On top of that, Severus was egging me on about how I shouldn't even speak to you because of that prank you and your mates pulled on him but what he failed to tell me was how he was saved. I should've never listened to him James, Proffesor McGonagall told me later in transfiguration what actually happened. I'm really sorry. Please, forgive me? "
James looks at her, obviously surprised but a sliver of doubt shines in his eyes." Was that out of pity?" Lily sobs, smiling through it."James Potter, you are such an idiot." She flings herself at him, locking him in an embrace and kisses him. And suddenly, all of James' worries melt away.
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wolves-and-stars · 6 days
Go to Fics (Easy Reads)
(A list of fics for when you're in a reading rut and want something easy, i keep going back to these ones they never let me down. Nothing too heavy, but please read the tags.)
1. How Remus Got His Groove Back by RealityShowJunky (ao3) 42k
Category: fluff? crack humor
I love this fic, the conversations are so well thought out, the characters are so interesting, you'll hate sirius, and Remus is kind of a pushover giving 2014 nerd, lonely, poorly written personality archtype. BUT, only when it comes to sirius, otherwise he's brilliant.
2. Succession of Halos by orphan_account (ao3) 7k
Category: fluffr
Remus runs a bookstore and sometimes minds harry, lily and james' brilliant son. Remus reads harry a book written by prof. sirius black about astronomy and the stars, and happens to attend a lecture to get their signature. Lily might be playing match maker.
3. See But One Moon by orphan_account (ao3) 9k
Category: fluff
Sirius Black has been pining for the nerdy Barista, Remus Lupin, for three months, but can't seem to get his attention. Remus, however, has noticed the over-excited law student, but isn't interested in being a conquest of the week. When Remus starts listening to the Marauding Hour--a University radio programme, he finds himself enraptured by one of the DJs, and starts to crush on him--hard. Little does he know that Padfoot has known him all along, and is looking for something much more than a one-off.
The summary explains it well enough, its very cute.
4. Sun In My Eyes by orphan_account (ao3) 12k
Category: not fluff, not angst either? non magic?
Remus Lupin struggles with a lot of things in life. Bipolar disorder, being poor, and working as an artist. He has a strict routine and plans to keep it that way with the help of his best friends Lily and James until one day James' best mate from school shows up and turns everything upside down. When art model Sirius enters Remus' life like a whirlwind, nothing will ever be the same.
I love this one, read it in 2016, still do every once in a while.
5. Other's Woe by orphan_account (ao3) 2k
Category: fluff
Forced to attend a group project meeting for a theology class, Remus thinks his day will be miserable until a gorgeous, grey-eyed stranger plants himself at their table and challenges the archaic thinking of the rest of the group. And in the end, it works out very well for Remus Lupin.
very fluffy, very soft, very short.
6. Living Like We're Renegades by orphan_account (ao3) 24k
Category: fluff
Exuberant, proud, genderfluid, cheerleader, self-described narcissist. All things to describe Sirius Black. It's a stark contrast from the self-imposed loner, Journalist, and Gender Studies major Remus Lupin who is thrown into Sirius' world after accepting a project for a class. When the two worlds collide, both lives are changed for the better.
 Sirius leant forward a bit, meeting Remus’ eyes. “Are you asking if I go for cute boys in beanies and jumpers, Remus Lupin?”
 Remus’ face went hot. “Er. No. I mean…er…”
 Sirius laughed. “Find your chill, love. I’m joking.” He winked at Remus and sat back again.
sorry for staright up copy pasting the summaries by the author, but i feel like they cover it well enough.
7. Miles To Go Before I Sleep by orphan_account (ao3) 4k
Category: fluff, mostly
Working the front door at a posh block of flats, Remus Lupin spends their nights watching the door, and occasionally taking a sleep-walking Sirius Black back to the arms of his flatmate. Pining quietly, everything changes for Remus one night when Sirius' sleep-walking leads to comfort and emotional revelations.
8. All Hail the Outlaws by orphan_account (ao3) 29k
Category: fluff, fluff, fluff
One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
9. A Cure For Nightmares [+podfic] by picascribit (ao3) 36k
Category: hurt/comfort, angst, emotional
Sirius Black is not happy about their new roomate, who seems up himself, except the both of them suffer from nightmares and happen to get each other through the night. Will the secrets behind their nightmares get them together or will it tear them apart?
A couple of trigger warning for this one: mentions of SA, Physical A*buse, S*lf H*rm, De*th, H*m*phobia. i would proceed with caution, and read the tags carefully.
10. take me as I am by orphan_account, Shira_a 48k
Category: fluff, humor, but also sort of emotional and moments of angst.
Sirius is a sleep demon who gives nightmares to humans. Remus is an insomniac with hallucinations.
I will offer no other explanation. Love, Love, Love this one. its odd and well written and the characters are real and so is the relationship. Sirius the sleep demon and the hardship of humans and their mortality,
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
✩ Star also congrats!
personally: pretty open-minded but also stubborn and ngl hold grudges easily. lowkey a ppl pleaser but we don’t talk abt that. my friends say i’m a good friend but can also be distant when needed :) also infp personally type and libra moon and sun and sagittarius rising. i’m also like a extroverted introvert where i love being around friends and ppl who make me happy but also need alone time
appearance: 5’7 almost 5’8 with blondish brownish hair and hazel eyes- mid size? maybe smaller but i’m around 145-150 lbs and have body dysmorphia so lol
things abt me: love music (am a swiftie and love lana and phoebe bridgers), i love cats and harry potter(specifically marauders if u look at my account), i read a lot and hope to be a writer plus i love books. also love baking
my style is like downtown girl w slight indie/hippie vibes.
i def do have a preference (if u look at my account) but yeah i hope that was enough info and tysm <33
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose form <3
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☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with! Congrats Kat, you got 1/3 of the special drabbles.
Ink and Secrets
Prompt: A little of enemies to lovers, where you and Remus, two individuals with a history of conflicts, gradually build a mysterious bond through secret notes on books. Word count: 2.6 k Warnings: None, (a bit of enemies to lovers).
Hey love, I ship you with Moony!
The first thing Remus noticed when he met you was your hair; he thought it looked incredibly soft, and when you sat in front of him in Charms, he couldn't help but pull on it.
"Hey!" You complained, and he just gave you the most charming smile you'd ever seen in your life. So you frowned and turned back to pay attention to class.
Later, during your first week, you got paired with Peter in Potions, and you became close. He introduced you to James, Sirius, and, in the end, Remus. Peter wasn't very good at Potions, nor was James, and Sirius was great if he decided he wanted to pay attention to it, but most of the time he didn't. Therefore, the person Peter was always calling over to your table was Remus. It was always Remus. You were not particularly great at Potions either, but you studied extra hard so Peter would stop calling his damned friend. You did not like Remus butting into your business as much as he did. And you stared daggers at him whenever he came up to your table because of Peter's request. Peter was so oblivious to your quarrel with Remus that he even assumed you had a crush on his friend, so he called him over even more often.
"Stop calling him, will you?" You told him one day in the second year while you worked on a particularly complicated potion.
"But I thought you liked him?"
"Like him? Like hell I'd like Remus Lupin! He's an entitled little pushover, I don't wanna see him."
Peter was so impressed with your words that he was speechless; he genuinely thought you had a thing for each other. So eventually, he stopped calling him, and whenever either of you needed any help, you'd call Lily instead. Sooner or later, the famous Gryffindor group was created, and everyone was friends with each other, everyone except for you and Remus. You still kept your distance.
So much distance between the two, that in fourth year when you discovered there was a person who had borrowed the same books as you had at the library, you started to fall for them, completely oblivious to the fact that "Moony" was actually Remus. You started leaving little notes on the books you found, and he would answer them, always diverted to see your opinion. He decided not to tell you he was Moony because he was scared your little secret text exchanges would disappear. He'd even asked the boys to call him by his nickname when you were around.
When you finally discovered Moony was Remus, it was because of James.
"Hey Moons, you're coming to Kat's party, right?" You pulled your head from the book, wondering who James was talking to; Remus ignored James, trying to maintain his identity a secret, "Moons?" he insisted.
Remus finally threw a warning look at James. "Moons?" You asked, not having noticed, since your head was turned back to the boy in question.
"Yeah, short for Moony."
"You know Moony!?"
"Of course I know Moony, it's Remus!" He answered as a matter of fact. Remus banged his head over the table. You turned to him, feeling like you'd been played with, and stormed out of the common room with a frown.
"What's with her?" James asked, confused.
"You're an idiot mate," Remus responded, sighing and looking to the side.
You ran to the library and picked some of the books you and Moony Remus had exchanged notes in, and you cursed yourself for being so dumb. It was obvious it was him, his slightly sloppy handwriting, the way he drew his "a." Moony was Remus, and Remus was Moony, and you wanted to die for falling for his trick. You were too focused on your despair that you didn't realize when Remus entered the library. You only realized it was him when he pulled back a chair and sat down in front of you and all the books. "Hey!"
"You've come to gloat? You got me, I fell for your prank, congratulations!"
He sighed. "I wasn't trying to prank you."
"Yeah, and elephants fly."
"I'm serious, I... didn't tell you it was me because I thought you'd stop exchanging notes. You're not exactly my fan #1."
"Of course, I'm not Remus, but it's not like me either!"
"I do." He corrected.
"You don't! The first thing you did when you met me was pull on my hair!"
He looked at you in shock. "In... the first year?"
"Of course! You don't remember?" You asked, annoyance growing on you.
"I did it because I thought it was... pretty."
You stared directly into his eyes, trying to find an ounce of a joke; he seemed sincere, but then again, he also seemed sincere when he pretended he was someone else. "Don't ever toy with me again, Lupin!" You told him as you stood up and left the library. But once you were back in your room, you couldn't stop thinking about him. About his pretty hair and his broad back and how beautiful he actually was. You cursed yourself for thinking such a thing. He's the enemy, you tried to remind yourself. But what if Remus is more like your Moony than he is the Remus you had made up in your head?
You had to get your head off of him, so you decided to go to the kitchens and asked the elves to lend you some space to bake something. They did, a small elf named Jayis had even offered to help you, and between the two of you, you ended up baking a cake, cookies, and even a pie. When you were done, you were even more pissed because you had only managed to make yourself think even more of Remus Lupin. You packed the things you had baked in a box and walked out of the kitchens, quickly realizing it had gone dark. You'd lost track of time.
You tried to maintain yourself in the shadows and hid behind a statue when you heard some steps from behind, but Remus found you.
"Hey luv!" He said with a soft smile.
"Remus." you acknowledged.
"Can we talk?"
"No," you said before turning around and attempting to continue walking. He grabbed onto your arm. And you accidentally dropped the packet of food you carried. You quickly leaned down to pick up the stuff you'd dropped, he did the same, your hands brushing against the other as the two reached for a cookie. You turned to him, with a frown. "What are you playing at, Remus?"
"I'm not playing." He affirmed, tightening his hand around yours, "I like you." You stared at him, trying to decide if it was some sort of trap. "I'm still the same Moony you've been talking to through books. You just hadn't seen that side of me because you never gave me the chance. I had no clue you were still hung up about me pulling your hair."
"Well, that was a rude thing to do!"
He ignored your comment and continued "When I figured we were reading the same books, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to you directly; it was easier to talk to you through the books. And you were more than happy to respond to Moony, I…"
"Didn't want it to disappear," you finished, your own feelings perfectly resonating with his feelings. He nodded, and you chuckled lightly. You couldn't believe you'd fallen for Remus Lupin of all people. "At least Moony's handsome; I was scared you'd be someone like Severus."
Remus laughed, but once he caught up with the meaning of your words, he turned to you, asking, "Did you just call me handsome?"
"Please tell me you're not going to be insufferable about it."
He smiled cheekily. "If you kiss me, I'll forget about it." You gasped at his forwardness, and he leaned closer to you. "So?"
You laughed and shook your head, picking up some of the things you'd dropped and placing a quick kiss on his cheek before standing up and running towards the common room. His smile widened as he saw you run, and he stood up, running behind you, a bright smile plastered on his face.
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A/N: I hope you liked this little Drabble (came out a lot longer than I had planned, clearly I don't have any sense of self restraint).
Much love, Lilly xx
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lynxindisguise · 1 year
Padfoot going full on destructive rage on their pillows and it is feathers everywhere and he falls asleep in middle of the chaos and when Remus comes home he still gives him kisses on soft dog fur because he can't really be angry when those gray eyes stare straight into his soul
oh my god bat, remus is a pushover on a good day, and when it comes to padfoot??? absolutely pathetic. lily comes over and asks why their flat is destroyed, and remus just sort of shrugs, 'dog training is harder than it looks,' and she's so incredibly baffled, 'what the actual fuck are you talking about your dog is your boyfriend' and he's like 'yes exactly have you SEEN him?' on cue, sirius—fully human, mind—tilts his head and gives her puppy eyes. she is unimpressed. and then she decides he needs proper training and jilypad is born.
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stupidstrawberrystars · 11 months
How I think the marauders came up with their nicknames:
(This is half way through fifth year and half way through making the map btw. They became animagus last summer- end of fourth year) 
It all starts Monday evening.
“Right, I’ve got my book from the common room, wanna play chess while James has his shower Pete?”
Peter nods and they get to playing. Sirius is relaxing on his bed. James’ shit singing is a suitable faint background noise for his stupid head right now.
For some dumb reason, he hasn’t been able to take his mind of Remus all day (or his eyes- it’s getting bad- he’s literally staring at his fucking hair and back now). 
James emerges from his shower and does his usual belly flip onto Sirius’ bed. He’s still wet from the shower and he would be pissed, but it’s common to have James invade his space now. It’s nicer than having a brother who never comes anywhere near him. 
“Still mooning over Remus then?”
He never should’ve admitted that he fancies Remus. They’ve been treating him like some chick with a crush ever since. 
“Alright James, at least let me be moony in peace.” He rolls his eyes and gets up to go occupy Remus’ bed (only because it’s free and James wouldn’t dare sit on his bed while soaking wet… and he’s not sat there because it smells of him or because it’s weirdly soft or because his jumpers here and- fuck maybe he is acting like some girl).
As he falls onto Remus’ bed, James springs off Sirius’. He’d better not come near him again.
“That’s it! Moony. Remus, your nickname will be Moony.”
They’ve been trying to think up nicknames as they’re working on the map now and want to brand it with more than just Marauders. 
“Alright that’s not too bad.”
Although now every time he’s uses Remus’ nickname he’s going to remember this moment. He’ll never get Moony out of his head now.
But they all look too happy to debate it, and it does suit Remus. 
So Sirius smiles and lets himself indulge in a moment of peace (you know, before more pranks and OWLS and all that shit).  
“Pete that was marvellous! Getting away from Filch as a rat, just be careful next time, that cat got too close to your tail for my liking.”
James is right, Pete was brilliant. They were borrowing (stealing) supplies from Slughorns cupboard for their next prank, James had the cloak and Sirius and Peter had the map, but no way of escaping.
“Distracting the cat saved my butt too Pete. Did its claws reach you, you alright?” He looks alright. He looks ecstatic. 
“Oh i’m alright.”
“Don’t forget to be careful, you all could end up priso- Azkaban. Man it’s so dumb you magic idiots only have one jail in Britain. Anyway, my point is, be careful.”
“Oh Moony it’s nice of you to worry but dearest Pete here would never be so dumb to get himself caught and stuck in Azkaban of all places. Sounds more like a me thing to do, to be honest.”
Pete’s been getting a lot better at lying recently. He’s an essential part of the marauder pranksters (he’s still an annoying pushover though, but they’re training it out of him). 
“Alright. Just don’t lose your wormy tail Pete.”
Sirius sees Pete smile and lock eyes with James. They still have that ridiculous childhood friend idea, connection, mind reading bullshit from first year. 
“Wormtail!” They both yell at each other.
”Oh Moony you’ve done it! You’re a dream. Peter you are now officially Wormtail.” 
“Erm mate, are you sure that’s the nickname you want?” Yes Remus, that’s exactly what Sirius is thinking.
Peter looks to James, and to his friends, and nods.
Alright then.
“Now just us two need nicknames.” 
“Yep. Just you two idiots. The deer and the ghost dog.”
“I’m a stag-“ “Ghost dog?” 
For two people who constantly finish each others sentences, Sirius and James also talk over each other a lot. But it’s worth it to see Remus roll his eyes fondly at them.
“James a stag is a deer. And Sirius, your animagus form looks exactly like the black dog from folklore. A ghost that appears all around Europe and America. They’re either death omens or guardians, I guess you’ll have to pick which one you’ll be.”
He’s obviously a guardian, no one protects Remus better than him (you’re a death omen Black… don’t forget The Prank).
“Well I don’t know about calling you ghost… Did those dogs have other names?”
“Yeah… near Sheffield is a place called Leeds. My grandparents lived there. The town has a local version of the legend, it’s known as Padfoot.”
“I like it. Sirius you are dubbed Padfoot.”
“I want a nickname!” It’s literally the middle of the Great Hall and James is being a prick. Not that that’s uncommon, just usually his craziness is directed at Evans.
“James, we’ll get you a nickname.” Sirius can’t help being slightly annoyed now, he’s rejected everything they’ve thought up. Ok admittedly only Sirius and Pete have tried, Remus deemed it impossible after watching the fifth reject of a perfectly good nickname and chose not to participate in this very weird game.
“I want something good. Come on.”
Sirius beside him to Remus with desperate eyes, and all he gets is a mocking laugh.
”Do I have to do every nickname but my own? Really Pads?”
Sirius falls just a little more every time Remus shortens his nickname.
“James-“ Peter puts his arm up as protection since he’s stuck next to James, who’s swinging his arms in frustration while still clutching a fork. “Be careful with that would you?”
“Oh, sorry Wormy. My bad.” 
Luckily, before Sirius has to intervene, something very, very shocking happens.
“James stop. You’re going to take someone’s eye out. Besides, you’re wrong, why would you want a nickname from these guys if the one Peter got is Wormtail?” Sirius is pretty sure he freezes when Lily, who’s sat on the other side of Remus, joins the conversation. Before he can even insult her for interrupting (and yes his mouth is already open to say something) Remus has his hand on Sirius’ thigh and looks over at him and then winks. 
“Oh? Just pick James’ nickname for us Lils. Then he’ll finally shut up about it.”
Oh he’s a genius. Sirius’ brain is still half-fried from the hand that’s still on his leg (it doesn’t need to be anymore, but it still is) and so he barely notices as Lily rolls her eyes, and declares,
“Potter put down the fork. For fucks sake, just be called Prongs or something.” 
Sirius’ eyes whip to meet Remus’ where they engage in a silent battle debating whether she knows his animagus form or is just making a joke about the fork he’s holding. They settle on it’s probably just a coincidence.
And since Lily said it, James is in love and they have their nicknames.
“Well then. I guess we are officially Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.” 
Sirius feels himself smile. When he first came to Hogwarts, he didn’t expect to meet people who’d change his life this much. And there’s still so many more years to come. 
Oh and in case you’re wondering… yeah… Lily Evans knew. 
Lily Evans knew about the deer. She played it off, but she knew. She knew about the dog. She knew about the rat. She obviously knew about the werewolf. She even knew about the map they were making and the cloak they wore- she’s a muggle after all, and in her world the sound of footsteps means someone’s there, and not just another magic trick, so she put it all together pretty fast.
Lily Evans has had a weight on her shoulders since being shunned from her family, so she learnt everything she could about the wizarding world since she knew it’d be the only place she could have a valuable future. 
And yes, she knew about the war, she knew the years after Hogwarts weren’t going to be easy. 
So what’s the problem with some mischief, it’s not like she wants credit… but Remus has been having some trouble with one of the rooms… and she has an idea on how to record it on their map. 
They still have time until OWLS, and then NEWTS after that. Plenty of time to be young and free before…
oh well, it’s nothing to worry about now, is it?
After all, that’s what Dumbledore tells her whenever she asks.
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luveline · 1 year
Jade! First of all I’ve missed you, I’m sad your were having a rough time but I’m also happy that you felt comfortable enough with us to not just take a break but be open about how you were feeling and why you did.
Secondly, I’ve been thinking about that ask you got earlier about doves and ravens and just opposites attract and I just wanted to throw in I love the whole trope of opposites attract but the opposites are not who you think at first glance. Like rockstar eddie (not love bites universe just standard rockstar au) might appear to be all tough and edgy and his girl might seem soft and quiet but really she’s a bitch (affectionate) and he’s the biggest pushover. I think it also works great with most of the other characters you write for though sometimes it’s swapped (I think Remus would look like a dove but actually be a raven)
Lastly, the Remus smut sneak peak was so good, I especially liked the first half maybe because it reminds me a bit of my bf
omg don't be sad for me angel!! and yes absolutely, I'm really glad I could do that too. Couldn't agree more about the opposites attract, it's always brilliant when the characters involved have lots of layers to them
Thank you <3 does ur boyfriend have any single friends the girlies on tumblr need to know
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j-amespotter · 4 years
★ cardigan - s. b.
“i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired.” 
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
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x. x. x.
Summary: Your relationship with Sirius is on the rocks, but you loved him and at the end of the day, he was always there. For your own happiness, something had to change. 
Genre/Warnings: angst, alcohol, language, toxic relationship 
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: this took a lot, and i mean a lot of energy. not sure how i feel about it (i am my worst critic) but i really didn’t want a pushover protagonist. ps... communicating with your partner is hot! let me know what you think (and if you think i should make a taglist) :) 
“Ravenclaw girl this time. Blonde… I think I recognize her. Couldn’t see the front of her robes, she might be one of the fifth-year prefects. You know I’m terrible with names. Ask James, he finds it hilarious.”
“You should work for the Prophet, Lils,” you said, without looking up from your toast, which was becoming more and more tasteless with every bite. “What were they doing?” 
“Talking,” answered Lily pointedly. “He ended the conversation fairly quickly when he saw me looking, though.” 
You sighed. This discussion was becoming too routine for your liking, most often with Lily, occasionally with Remus. “Well, if they were just talking, then I don’t see the issue. Lily, it is early. We have double Potions this morning. I really don’t want to deal with your weird suspicions about my boyfriend right now.” 
If Lily sensed your underlying irritation, she chose to ignore it. “I just think you deserve better, that’s all. I mean, James–” 
You finally turned and stared defiantly into your best friend’s vibrant green eyes. “Lily, I hate to break it to you, but James is the exception, not the rule. Just because he’s some angel on earth doesn’t mean all boyfriends are like that, and that’s not even considering the fact that he’s been hopelessly in love with you since second year…” 
Huffing, Lily picked at the fruit off of her plate. “Okay, I get it. I won’t bring it up again.” It was sweet how much Lily cared. James doted on her day and night. It would have been easy to forget about her friend’s love-related quandaries. But that was Lily Evans – always considerate of others.
Truthfully, you were tired. You knew what ‘talking’ with Sirius Black entailed. It did not make you feel as secure as you indicated to Lily. As time went on, it was getting increasingly harder to defend Sirius’s overly-careless behavior. If he wasn’t chatting up girls in random corners of the castle, he stood you up on your scheduled study dates in favor of detention with James. There was only a little comfort in the fact that he wasn’t always like this. If he was, would you have even dated him? Deep down, you knew that as much as Sirius was a thrill-chaser, he was incredibly capable of being a loving boyfriend. For that reason alone, you bore the incredibly painful motions of being in a relationship with him. 
He briefly reminded you of his better qualities when you opened your Potions textbook and felt a feathery kiss on your neck. “Guess who?” whispered Sirius sultrily into your ear. 
You couldn’t help the automatic flush that made its way onto your cheeks. “Hmm… is it Remus?” you whispered back, stifling a giggle. 
“Don’t tease,” he grunted before planting a swift kiss on your cheek. He plopped onto the chair next to you and faced you with a lazy grin. “You look disappointed, love. I’m afraid your usual Potions partner is a bit preoccupied at the moment.” He gestured across the room, where you spotted Lily practically hanging off of James’s lap, distracting herself until the start of her favorite class with his lips. 
“They’re hopeless,” you commented airily, in an attempt to disguise your envy. You felt Sirius’s gaze burning into you. “Missed you at breakfast this morning,” you added in a casual tone.
“Oh, well, you know–” 
“No, I don’t know,” you interrupted, bitterness leaking from your clipped voice. You always let Sirius off too easily. “But I certainly can’t wait to hear your ready-made list of vague excuses. Please, do continue.” There. He had it coming. He deserved for you to throw him off track.
“Baby, it was nothing,” assured Sirius rather predictably. “Just Pippa asking for help with Transfiguration. Honest.” He placed a hand on his heart in mock sincerity, which only angered you further. 
Nevertheless, you chose not to argue. He was incredibly brilliant with his words. There was no way he would understand your plight. Instead, you absentmindedly flipped through your Potions textbook as Slughorn finally entered his unruly classroom. 
Sirius seemed uncharacteristically bothered by your lack of response. With a half-glance at James and Lily, he entwined his fingers into yours. “They’re in their honeymoon phase, you know. You really can’t compare.” 
“There is no comparison, Sirius. James prioritizes Lily. I can’t remember the last time you prioritized me,” you whispered. There was a finality in your tone that you hoped he would hear. It was the most you were willing to discuss the matter. 
Sirius Black was a lot of things, least of all oblivious. He gently squeezed your hand. Silently, he slipped his fingers out of yours, choosing to follow your lead and not pursue the issue any further. 
A part of you was proud of the fact that you finally found it in you to voice your concerns to him, but another larger part dreaded the irreversible distance it put between the two of you for the rest of the day. You weren’t necessarily avoiding each other. Though his smiles were significantly more tender, he seemed reluctant to talk, let alone touch you.
Sick of the mental torment you were subjecting yourself to, you stuffed your unfinished Charms essay into your bag and headed to your dormitory, choosing to retire for bed early. Mid-yawn, you spotted a single red rose on your unmade bed. You didn’t have to read the attached note to know who it was from but felt your heart thudding against your chest as you unfolded the small piece of parchment. 
I’m sorry. I love you. 
There was no signature, but you could recognize his meticulously-slanted script anywhere. You stared at the note adoringly before pressing your lips to the corner of the crumply parchment and marking it with the remnants of your lip gloss. 
Suddenly, you were no longer tired. Skipping down the stairs, you found yourself wishing for a certain map that would tell you the exact location of the only person you wanted to see.
Fate seemed to be on your side when you saw him in the common room, his head bowed as if he was praying. “You’re here!” 
He gazed up at you, his shoulders relaxing when he noticed the smile on your face. “I’m really–” 
You didn’t let him finish. You kissed him hard, throwing your arms around his neck. You felt him smile against your lips. Reluctantly, you pulled away from him. “Don’t worry about it. I was being silly.” 
Sirius’s grin widened. “You’re quite low maintenance, y’know. I thought it would take at least a week and a hundred roses. And if not roses, then daisies, sunflowers, peonies… I was ready to pull all the stops. For future reference, a good snog is all it takes to win me over.” 
You laughed heartily, though you struggled to keep up with his train of thought. You always appreciated his good-natured ability to poke fun at the gravest circumstances. “I just missed you.” 
“Me too, darling. I’ll do better this time, I promise.” 
True to his word, Sirius showered you with a level of affection that could rival James’s for Lily. He spent every spare moment with you in his bed, sneaking into the kitchen for secret dinners, and pushing you against bookshelves in the back of the library, homework-be-damned.
On Tuesday night, you sat on the Astronomy Tower. You glanced at your watch, realizing that Sirius was nearly an hour late. Your eyelids were drooping shut. It had been a long day. Everything in your brain felt scattered. You could’ve been catching up on the mounds of schoolwork you were now falling behind on. Sirius… Did he say midnight? Did you hear him correctly? Maybe he meant for you to pencil it in. Maybe he was hurt. Was it Remus? You stared at the sky, peering at the crescent shape of the moon. It taunted you. Stop kidding yourself. He’s not coming. 
Just as you were about to call it a night, Sirius stumbled into the Tower and onto the floor. Startled, you helped him up. “There you are! Are you alright? I was so worried… Are you drunk?” 
His grey eyes shone in the soft moonlight. The cloudy expression on his face paired with the sloppy grin he sent your way spoke for him. “Lost track of time… we snuck into Hogsmeade,” he slurred. “Rosmerta slipped us some firewhiskey. Here, I brought us a bottle...” He reached into his robes, only to come out empty-handed. “Uh-oh… finished it. Sorry, baby.”
You processed his words very slowly, realization dawning on you with the weight of heavy bricks. “Un-fucking-believable.” 
“Hey! We’re all of age.” He threw up his hands in surrender and widened his eyes innocently. “Next time, darling. I promise.” 
“It’s not about the fucking drink, Sirius! You’re here so you obviously haven’t forgotten that we had plans tonight! I don’t care if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade, but you should’ve told me. I’ve been waiting here like an idiot for an hour. I’m exhausted!”
“Told you,” he grumbled, now irritated, “we lost track of time.” 
You stared at him, unable to comprehend his complete shift in attitude. “Whatever,” you said finally. “I’m going to bed.” 
Spinning on your heels, you swallowed the lump in your throat as you prepared to march away from him with your chin up. Before you could take too many steps, however, a firm hand grasped your wrist. The intensity of the force pulling you back to him felt so otherworldly that you could hardly believe it was a wasted Sirius. 
You had a fleeting thought of pushing him away but instead tilted your head so he could pepper kisses onto the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry,” he whispered over and over again, between his fluttering pecks along your jawline. 
His lips found yours. His hand released your limp wrist as his fingers gently trailed up your arm. “So beautiful,” he murmured, gazing directly into your eyes. You practically melted as your body fell into his. Like always, his arms were ready to catch you, drunk or otherwise. 
“No Sirius yet?” asked your mother, sipping her drink cheerily.
You refused to look her in the eye in fear of giving something away. “No, not yet. Should be here soon, though.” 
“Better be,” said your father, slipping away from a party guest. “He’ll miss cake.”
It was your parents’ twentieth-anniversary party, an occasion made doubly special as their one and only daughter was now officially a Hogwarts graduate. You had planned the party and made Sirius promise that he would not only attend, but also arrive early to help greet your guests as your boyfriend. 
You knew that your parents did not initially approve of Sirius, but as your relationship strengthened, so did Sirius’s standing in your family. Now, post-Hogwarts, you were desperate to not only show your parents that the two of you were committed to one another but also feel yourself that your love would endure the many challenges of adulthood. 
As the last of your family friends trickled out of your childhood home, you failed to hide your disappointment at his loud absence. Like many months earlier, your mind see-sawed between possibilities, some pathetic, others worrying. You were in the middle of a war, after all. You always believed Sirius’s recklessness would be his downfall. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, your worries subsided when you saw him slip into the parlor with a present in hand and a sheepish smile directed at you and your parents. “Happy anniversary! Sorry I’m late, you won’t believe– hey, where’s the party?” 
“It’s over,” you announced bitterly. 
Your mum and dad sensed the tension and tactfully exited the room. “We saved you some cake, dear,” your mother said to Sirius, after politely thanking him for his present. 
“So,” you started as you heard your parents’ footsteps fade away, “where were you? Actually, don’t answer that. Let me talk first. This was important to me, Sirius. You knew that! What will I say to Mum and Dad? Don’t I matter to you at all? Is it always going to be like this?” 
“Slow down,” whispered Sirius. “I’ll explain everything – just listen! I was with James, okay? We were only mucking around on the bike. I was on the way, I swear! But then these Muggle Aurors – police, they’re called – they started chasing us! We were getting away but these three blokes – Death Eaters – caught up to us. Long story short, we got into quite a scuffle and…” He looked at you in an attempt to gauge your reaction. 
Your mouth hung open as you absorbed his story. Regardless of your anger, he presented a legitimate case for himself that you could not quash. “Death Eaters? Thank Merlin you’re alright. How on earth did you get away?” 
“I’ll tell you everything. Your mum mentioned something about cake?”
You stood on your toes, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his chest. “In the kitchen,” you answered softly. “I wish you would be more careful.” 
He kissed your temple. “Don’t worry,” said Sirius dismissively, “I handled it, didn’t I?” 
“So, what do you think?” 
You and Sirius were standing in the middle of his new studio flat. Primely-located and newly-furnished, it was the picture-perfect bachelor pad. Sirius now had a place to call his own, thanks to a bountiful inheritance from his Uncle Alphard. The walls were bare and the lighting dim, adding an overall sensuality to the atmosphere. 
“It’s nice,” you remarked sincerely, smoothing his plain black bed sheets. You peeked into his wardrobe, smirking to yourself as you noticed it was half-empty. “Lost the rest of your clothes, babe?” 
“No,” answered Sirius quietly. “It’s for you.”
“What is?” 
“The closet space. It’s for your clothes.” His voice was barely above a whisper. 
“For when I come to visit,” you amended automatically. 
You turned to see Sirius scratching the back of his head. “No, for when you live here. With me.” 
“W-What?” Your mind was reeling. You leaned against his side table to steady yourself. “Me? Move in with you?” 
“Well… yeah,” said Sirius as he slowly regained his signature confidence. “We’ve been together for ages, seems about right. Besides, James and Lily are getting a place together.” 
You did not understand why you weren’t over the moon. It was what you always wanted from him – a tell-tale symbol of his otherwise-flaky commitment to you, a sign of your sparkling love. It was the beginning of the next chapter of your lives, and you were meant to start it together. On paper, it was perfect. There was no explanation for the sinking feeling in your stomach. 
Suddenly, the words that would never come were on the tip of your tongue. The answer was clear as day. “No.” 
It was an extremely difficult task to catch Sirius Black off-guard, a feat you used to motivate your argument. “No, Sirius. I won’t move in with you.” 
Shock was written all over his face. “What the hell? Why?” 
“Because… you didn’t even ask me!” 
Sirius stared at you blankly for a long moment before bursting into laughter. “Alright… (Y/N), will you please do me the honor of sharing an address with me? Is that it, then? Shall I get down on one knee?” 
“No, Sirius. That’s not the point,” you said firmly. “The point is that you didn’t ask me. You just assumed that I would say yes – don’t interrupt. I know we’ve been together for years, but can’t you see? You make me so incredibly happy and yet, so unbelievably unhappy at the same time. You’re so good to me, and then so horrible, and then amazing again… I can hardly keep up anymore. I’m a fucking doormat and I’m sick of it! It’s humiliating. I’m tired of feeling humiliated in front of people I care about. It’s starting to become too high a price of being in love with you.” 
You ended shakily, afraid to look at him. When you dared, you saw him wearing an unfamiliar expression. The silence washed over you both for an eternity. You had the horrible thought that perhaps this was it. Perhaps, you crossed a line. Maybe he hadn’t noticed how broken you both were, how broken you were, and now… well, he couldn’t unsee it now. You were over. Without a word, you headed for the door with your head down.
“Wait,” shouted Sirius hoarsely. “Don’t go. I-I’m not sure what to say to make you stay.”
“Try being honest,” you whispered weakly. 
He swallowed nervously. “Okay, here goes. I know that I haven’t put enough effort into this relationship… I know that. I realize that I take you for granted and that you deserve better. I don’t blame you for thinking that. I would never have blamed you for thinking that. But here’s the truth – I am so far gone when it comes to you, you have no idea. I am so in love with you. I think about you morning, noon, and night. And the thing is, here we are, fighting for Muggles and Muggleborns and the good of the world… but above all, I am so utterly afraid of losing you. I think that’s why, actually. That’s why I keep you at arm’s length. I don’t think I mean to, but it just happens. Because I’ve never met anyone who loves me as much as you do, not even my mother. Especially not my mother. I’m torn between keeping you close and pushing you away because the truth is, you’ll always deserve better than me. And I’ve always been afraid of you realizing that.”
His truth was careful but sincere. Your hand slipped off the doorknob. Still, it was not the first time Sirius had rendered you speechless. “How do I know you mean it? That it’s more than just words to you?”
“Let me prove it to you,” he said meaningfully, grey eyes glistening. 
You took slow steps toward him, and he embraced you with the hope of filling all the gaps he may have left open. “Okay,” you said, your voice muffled into his shirt. “Just… leave the closet half-empty for a little while.” 
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b00t-s · 3 years
Characters Introduction
All characters belong to Thomas and crew, I just altered them for my au ^^
CHARACTERS (if I find motivation I will draw them)
Thomas Sanders, cis Male, he/him: [30]co-manager of "beans and co". He is a wholesome, good natured man and is a proud gay, and cares for others a lot. Thomas occasionly participates in the local theatre community, depending on his schedule and shifts. He is a HUGE fan of Disney, Harry Potter and all things cartoons. He is extremely partial to a certain regular customer, Nico Flores. Unfortunately, he is a pushover and listens to his employees and co-manager more than he should, and can overthink events repetitively, causing him to worry alot, causing him to trip up alot.
Nico Flores, cis male, he/him: [30]regular customer at Beans and Co. ,and a casual songwriter. Thinks Thomas is pretty cute and adores his feeble attempts at flirting. He's quite a cheerful and friendly dude, but doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. He and Joan have some playful banter, mostly to tease Thomas but their senses of humour just go well together. Has a simple coffee order and doesn't interact much unless Thomas/Joan have a shift.
Joan, non-binary, they/them: [30] co-manager of beans and co. They are as smart as they are funny, and can have a lewd sense of humour. They swear too much for a subtle coffee shop, so Thomas tries not to put them on counter jury. They enjoy art so they do latte art that the customers love and makes the Beans and Co customers regulars. Them and Thomas platonically flirt to confuse everyone often and it is a running gag for regular customers. They are the bestest of best friends. They are currently dating Talyn, who sometimes comes in for coffee but not often.
Janus Anguis, genderfluid, xey/xem: [28] been a barista at Beans and Co. for 5 years, mainly night-shifts. Xey have a dismal view and approach to life, as xey believe society is twisted to manipulate all it's inhabitants; in retaliation Xey lie too much and can be incredibly sarcastic. Janus can make amazing coffee if xey're in a good mood or like you, but if you've upset xem in someway, or xey just hate you for no reason, get ready to have the most bitter coffee ever. Xey hate paradoxes, optical illusions and people in general, unless you are one of the lucky select few. Virgil Frica was not in those few.
Virgil Frica, cis male, he/him: [27] barista at Beans and Co. He is stuck in his emo phase but the people in his life find it endearing, which he hates. He suffers from heightened anxiety which he attempts to disguise in a thick layer of sarcasm and dark eyeshadow. He has a hidden talent for poems, which he doesn't mention much. He regularly dyes his hair purple and doesn't give a fuck about the cafe's policy, so Thomas has just given up telling him. His coffee is medi-core. He constantly tells people he hates his job but he hasn't left for over five years and regularly makes banter with the customers. He and Janus have some sort of rivalry going on but the occasionally team up.
Patton Parvus, trans male, he/him: [29] barista at beans and Co. He is the softest little puffball they team has and all co-workers protect him at all costs. However, he does have a criminal record...and you know...depth....*cough cough spoilers cough cough*ANYWAY he has been working at the cafe for nearly seven years now, 3 years after it had opened, and has been the guide for the new recruits. He and Virgil are the iconic friends of the team, known for their playful dynamic.
Roman ‘Princi’ Realeza, demiboy, he/she: [28] regular customer at Beans and Co. ,and is Good friends with Patton and Virgil but hasn't met Janus yet. He is a minor actor in the Local theatre group, the same one Thomas attends, and is always over-dramatic. His coffee order is.....interesting.....and always angers the newbies, so she is generally directed to Patton, who has worked there long enough and is patient enough to deal with Roman. He is a strong feminist and will stand up for others....even if help is unwanted. She is a proud latino, his father being Spanish. His ego is huge but fragile.
Remus ‘Dukey’ Realeza, non-binary, they/them: [28] Remus is Roman's Twin, and gleefully torments him as much as possible. Unlike Roman, Remus took to more of the creative arts than the dramatic arts, and creates beautiful...or disturbing, depending on how you look at it....paintings. They have been married to Logan Realeza for 3 years now, even though them and him seem to be polar opposites. They mainly bond over medical shit as Logan is a brain surgeon and Remus has an unsettling fascination of gore. Remus is too horny for their own Good, and does not hide it, constantly embarrassing Logan. They may not have a fragile ego like Roman, but they do have mild abandonment issues and a disorder called Pica, meaning they crave and eat non-edible items. Only comes to the café when the know Roman is trying to do something important.
Logan Realeza, cis male, he/him: [29] Logan is a extremely talented Brain Surgeon, and has been presented with the Young Neurosurgeon Award at 24. He has autism but hides it well and is very well accustomed to it. He is married to Remus, something he wonders why he loves daily. They do help him alot with his autism, though, and as much as Logan ‘love is overrated’ Realeza will deny, he really does love Remus. A lot. He was the one to propose in the First place, and he does have a soft spot for romantic poems, and oh boy does Remus know that. He and Roman have a love-hate relationship. Logan doesn't understand why Roman must be so flamboyant, and Roman doesn't know why Logan must be such a buzzkill. Only comes in the café when one of the twins drag him there.
AND THAT'S IT FOR NOW! I am going to start working on a plot and things, but you guys are welcome to interact with the characters and the narrator (me), and ask if you want to be tagged, the usual. This can be interactive so again, feel free to give prompts, give tips, ask the characters questions, etc. I know it's kind of a cliché troupe, but this time it's different, I hope. Anyway, that's it! Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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spidersbane · 3 years
Hiya :) could I get a Harry Potter ship if you've got time? I'm 5'6" with dark brown hair and light blue eyes (Scots-Irish). I'm a hufflepuff, a gemini, and my patronous is a fox. At my worst I'm a hot head but at my best I'm the mom friend. Sometimes I feel out of place/isolated from my friends because I'm an old soul. But I love joking around & was mischievous in school which is ironic bc I'm now a teacher. I love to go out dancing, listen to music, and write! Thank u & good luck with exams!!
Hi anon! Sincerest apologies that this took over a month to get back to you, so thanks for being patient. College was hard this last little while, and as a teacher, I’m sure you understand lol, but kudos for being a teacher in this wacky time! You all are literal superheroes. 
For Harry Potter (Marauders Era) - I ship you with Remus Lupin !
not me totally going ham w my Lupin obsession lol 
but honestly, Lupin is an old soul, and not necessarily for the best reasons - he had to grow up way too fast, so he’s used to feeling like an outcast, but that’s how you two start to vibe; but Remus can still be young from time to time, and he would LOVE to go out dancing, although it might take some coaxing on your part 
also, can we say soulmates bc he used to be a troublemaker w the marauders but is now a teacher ?? i mean come on dude, it’s perfect 
Remus, however, can come across as a mom friend too from time to time, although not as much as the fandom wants to write him that way (but that’s another argument for another day) so there’d be some competing interests here 
both of you want to take care of each other, and while this isn’t a bad thing, at its worst, either one of you could become overbearing, which is a slight problem - but as long as there are solid boundaries on what’s okay and what isn’t, then you guys can work through those conflicts when they come up 
also, i’m just soft for gryffindor/hufflepuff pairings, so there’s that too 
 overall, a relationship between you and Remus would require a lot of balance and work on both of your parts, but as long as y’all are open to hearing each other out, then it’ll make for a successful partnership
For Harry Potter (Golden Era) - I ship you with Luna Lovegood ! 
so you never specified a specific gender so I get to have fun w this one :)
to start, Luna knows better than most what it’s like to feel isolated from friends for a lot of different reasons, so you two can really resonate on that one, and also help each other when you’re feeling a little down about it 
Luna loves dancing and no one can convince me otherwise - we saw how she was in the wedding scene in DH, so while it might be a little untraditional, she would love to go dancing with you! y’all would honestly have a great time 
Luna can also deal with hotheadedness - while it’s not her fave thing to deal with, she’s used to getting some heated reactions from ppl (i.e. Hermione mostly), but rarely does she have an adverse reaction to it. if she does react to it, then it’ll be in the kind of way that accidentally makes you feel guilty for lashing out
but all in all, she understands when things just happen and might actually try to teach you some ways to handle things a little better! 
overall, Luna would just be the softest gf without being a pushover. like she seems a little strange, but that’s how you know you can be your most genuine self around her, and while she may seem nice, she isn’t afraid to push back if you push her, it’s just a really nice balance 
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aandag · 7 years
bad behaviour // closed
Desmond sighed, lips quirking up as Remus tried to cheer him up, the baker figuring that….maybe he really hadn’t known it was bad? He was an absolute sweetheart most of the time and-dammit, if Desmond was caving in and being a pushover again-but he the cold nose pressing to his neck was making him squirm and bite back a laugh as he plopped down onto the bed with Remus in his arms.
“Fine. We can play for a little bit but please try and not get fur all over my bed next time. I’ll smell like puppy everytime I go to bed.” He laughed, scratching behind Remus’ ears and rubbing the soft, warm appendages. So soft!!
“Silly puppy!” He giggled, mood lifting for the moment and his hellhound’s forehead, curiously stroking at his tail. He hadn’t had him that long, rarely seeing him half shifted like this. He just wanted to rub those adorable ears and scratch his scalp and play with the flopping tail. “Even if you are a pain sometimes you’re still my silly puppy.”
Remus had sort of known it was a bad idea. He’d known full well that Desmond had just done the laundry, and he’d had an idea that he probably didn’t want him to make a mess of it all. It was hard to resist-- impossible, really when the sheets were still warm and oh so clean. 
He giggled in delight as they fell to the bed together and squirmed to snuggle up to Desmond. “There are worse things to smell like.” he suggested, and idea coming to him that moment. “What if! Oh! What if next time I lay in your bed I just do it looking uhh... looking human--- because I can look human. I’m pretty good at it, even!”
Though Remus was enjoying all the attention, he didn’t wait for a response. He let himself shift fully into him human form, bright red eyes glowing faintly as he found himself straddling Desmond. The position might’ve made anyone else blush, but there was little that made Remus bashful when it came to this. “Do you like it?”
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