#solar protection
australiansolarmesh · 5 months
What Measures Ensure Longevity for Your Solar Investment? Delving into Solar Protection
As solar energy continues to gain popularity as a sustainable power source, ensuring the longevity of your solar investment becomes crucial. One key aspect of safeguarding your solar panels is through effective solar protection measures. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into various strategies and solutions to protect your solar investment for years to come.
Understanding Solar Protection:
Solar protection encompasses a range of measures aimed at safeguarding solar panels from environmental factors, wear and tear, and potential damage. These measures are designed to prolong the lifespan of solar panels and maximise their efficiency over time.
Types of Solar Protection:
Physical Barriers: Installing physical barriers such as mesh screens or bird spikes around solar panels can prevent birds and animals from nesting or perching on them, thus minimising potential damage.
Coatings and Treatments: Applying specialised coatings or treatments to solar panels can enhance their durability and resistance to weather elements such as rain, hail, and UV radiation.
Surge Protection: Implementing surge protection devices can safeguard solar panels against electrical surges and fluctuations, reducing the risk of damage from lightning strikes or power grid fluctuations.
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Benefits of Solar Protection:
Enhanced Longevity: Effective solar protection measures can significantly extend the lifespan of solar panels, ensuring continued performance and efficiency.
Reduced Maintenance Costs: By minimising damage and wear, solar protection measures help reduce the need for frequent maintenance and repairs, saving both time and money.
Optimised Performance: Protected solar panels are better equipped to withstand harsh environmental conditions, ensuring consistent energy production and optimal performance.
Choosing the Right Solar Protection Solution:
When selecting a solar protection solution, it's essential to consider factors such as the local climate, environmental risks, and specific challenges faced by your solar installation. Consulting with a reputable solar protection provider like Australian Solar Mesh can help you identify the most suitable solution for your needs.
Investing in solar protection is essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of your solar panels. By implementing effective protection measures, you can safeguard your investment against environmental threats and enjoy reliable solar energy production for years to come.
About Australian Solar Mesh:
Australian Solar Mesh is a leading provider of solar protection solutions, offering a range of products designed to safeguard solar installations from birds, pests, and environmental damage. With a focus on durability, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we strive to deliver superior solar protection solutions tailored to meet our clients' needs.
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avarkriss · 6 months
listen. listen to me so carefully right now. (if you're in the eclipse path/planning on viewing). please don't stare directly at the sun tomorrow. i am begging you - do not stare at it. if you got eclipse glasses off of amazon/other, please put them on in your house and make sure you can't see anything; if you can still see like regular sun glasses, they are not safe for eclipse viewing, you will burn your retinas, and we cannot fix that. eclipse glasses should be iso/ce certified, and aas (american astronomical society) approved. please make smart choices and protect your eyes. please.
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andromeddog · 5 months
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a total solar eclipse occurred on august 21st, 1914
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clowngem · 6 months
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ravensvalley · 10 days
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Mountainous Parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
@BenAdrienProulx September 12, 2024.
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h0neyfreak · 9 months
helping “The Environment” as an individual is such a nebulous and ever changing concept and seems to be very much in the Discourse™️ at the moment so I just want to take a minute to shout into the void with some reminders I gave my enviro students when they got to the “oh dear god we’re all gonna die” phase of the class:
“Individual choices don’t matter” is like. true(?) for climate change (unless you’re a kardashian or CEO or something) but that just means you can’t reusable tote bag your way out of a private jet society. NOT that you can’t have any impact through community initiatives and activism. Advocate for municipal composting and public transit!! Get involved locally!!!!! Write weekly to your representatives! Do whatever you can to get unstuck and scrape together some modicum of hope.
Also on individual choices. There are some that “matter” but be very wary of outsized benefits promised for seemingly small choices (e.g. the straw debacle). An app is not the thing to save us from a hundred years of industry. Going out and collecting litter DOES have an impact even if that impact is just “this area of the world no longer has trash in it.” It’s not solving the issue of microplastics or whatever but it is helping local birds. And it’s helping YOU feel more connected to your local environment and getting you involved with the world and your community.
Finally, the best thing you can be is well informed, persistent, and kind. Be willing and able to help if you bump into someone who is open to the idea of not letting Shell and SHEIN pour toxic sludge directly into every river. It’s more people than you think. But most people only know how to buy things that are “better.” (Electric cars, reusable bags, expensive neutral clothing made of flax). They want to do SOMETHING but we’re all just kind of vibrating balls of anxiety all the time. Know what sort of things are going on around you and invite them! My go to’s are composting initiatives, textile recycling programs, and pollinator friendly/grass free gardens.
Again, it would be great if we were all willing to drag the Shell and Nestle CEOs out to account for their crimes but being paralyzed by fear is not gonna help. Neither is another ethical clothing brand selling $400 linen underwear (probably). I’ve found time and time again that people who have any amount of tangible connection to the world outside have a much more visceral reaction to billionaire super yachts than defeatist suburbanites who drive EVs and have a kitchen full of dubious organic snacks.
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tsams-and-co-memes · 2 months
Something that I don't think gets talked about enough:
The fact that Ruin is good with kids
Yeah, it kinda comes with the territory of being a daycare attendant, but still. Before he got his current body and was still broken, while pretending to be cured, he was in the daycare’s ballpit as the resident "ballpit shark." He was entertaining the kids and playing with them, and despite how he looked, the kids would've had to like him a decent amount, since he was never asked to leave the daycare at any point during that window of time
I read something before about how, in Ruin's dimension, there's a chance that he (as a carrier of the virus and not someone who was affected by it) may or may not have had to go against his childcare programming and kill kids to blend in with the affected glamrocks, so they wouldn't get suspicious and try to dismantle him or anything
The bit about what he did in his dimension is just a thought that someone had that really stuck with me, and I don't remember who came up with it, unfortunately, but it's still at least relatively legit that despite whatever he had to do or go through in the past, it doesn't affect him anymore, and he's still someone the kids liked being around
Which. Considering some of the things he's said and done, is pretty cool to me
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hiimspooks · 6 months
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Poptart wore his eye protection, and this is what he saw!
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socksandbuttons · 9 months
Solar? A pookie bear? Nah. He's bbg 😍
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*Lunar has now blocked you all.
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spinetrick · 1 year
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just thinking about how korvo was the first to pop a super goobler and by shlorpian standards should have been destroyed for being a liability to the mission back in season 1
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
(More of Robin and Steve working at a diner, I guess?)
The first time Robin burns herself on the grill is bad.
The burn itself isn’t bad; it’s almost more startling than it is painful, at least initially. And really, it had been kind of an inevitability – a rite of passage, even, for short order cooks.
So the burn isn’t terrible – what’s bad is that Steve happens to be working the same shift.
It’s at the tail end of a Sunday breakfast rush; Robin is jammed into the kitchen with two other cooks—Dennis and Carl—and the orders have been coming in thick and fast. Space is limited, and even though they each have their own assigned tasks, there’s a certain amount of dancing around and reaching past one another to get to everything they need. In retrospect, Robin is a little surprised she’d lasted as long as she had before reaching a little too far around Dennis to grab a flipper, overbalancing, and touching her bare forearm to the edge of the flattop grill.
She yells, a short, loud burst of noise as she jerks her arm away, at first because she knows it should hurt, and then because it does fucking hurt, and then she’s shouting a string of expletives as Dennis hustles her over to the handwashing station and shoves her arm under the cold running water.
Out in the dining room, Steve shouldn’t have been able to hear her at all, not over the bustle of the breakfast service, especially not with the way the hearing in his left ear is always a little fuzzy now, and with how hard he’s focusing on the way the words are forming on the lips of the guests at the table he’s serving to make sure he doesn’t miss anything – but he does hear. It cuts into his awareness like a siren through the fog, and he’s moving before he’s even made a conscious choice to do so.
He doesn’t excuse himself from his table, he doesn’t say sorry when he cuts in front of one of the other servers as he shoves his empty tray onto a counter and bangs through the swinging door into the kitchen, and he doesn’t hesitate when he sees Dennis and Carl crowded around Robin while she runs her arm under the water and grinds out curses and little hisses of pain.
If Steve had been thinking, he might have recognized that her shout hadn’t been one of fear and that her curses were muttered things out of irritation as much as discomfort, but Steve isn’t really thinking at all. All he’s registered at this point is that Robin is in distress and that there are two men he doesn’t know very well hovering around her.
“Get the fuck away from her.”
Dennis, Carl, and Robin all freeze where they’re standing, startled by Steve’s command – and that’s exactly what it is. It isn’t a hysterical shout, it isn’t a scream of anger, it’s a full-chested command that will be followed or so help him god–
The other two cooks are already scrambling out of the way when Steve stalks forward, practically shoving them out of the way with presence alone, placing himself between them and Robin as if they’re the threat here and not him – suddenly not that kind of goofy kid who flirts with his customers and sometimes mixes his orders up but is so sheepish about it that it’s hard to be mad, but a man with solid, tense-shouldered posture that says if they make one wrong move, retaliation is not a threat but a promise.
Except then Robin is reaching out and putting the hand from her uninjured side on his arm, gentle even as she speaks to him with a voice like steel. “Steve.” He turns and looks at her, wide-eyed and worried. “I’m fine.”
Steve’s attention flicks from Robin’s face to her arm under the running water. He glances at the grill, at the other two cooks, and then back at Robin. His shoulders are starting to slump.
“The grill bit me,” Robin explains, lightening her tone and holding her arm up to show Steve the shiny pink line across the pale skin on the inside of her forearm. “Dennis was helping, and Carl was getting in the way and letting the eggs burn.”
Carl swears and lunges for the pan he’d left the eggs frying in, because some things are more ingrained than a newfound fear of Steve Harrington.
Steve clears his throat. “Right.” He glances back at the cooks, almost the same kind of sheepish as when he’s sent back three Denver omelets and a burger when what he’d actually needed was one Denver and three burgers, and suddenly he looks sort of lost in the middle of the kitchen. “Uh. Sorry. I–”
“C’mon,” Robin cuts in, shutting off the sink and giving Steve a nudge towards the first aid kit by the back office. “Help me get some burn cream and a bandage on this and then let’s get back to work.”
Grateful for the new purpose, Steve follows her away from the grills, and just like that, the whole incident is over, never to be spoken of again. Robin jumps back onto the line a few minutes later and the three of them synchronize like nothing had ever happened.
But if Dennis and Carl are both a little faster to move out of Robin’s way now when she needs something – well. That’s their business.
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thedenofravenpuff · 9 months
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Hey, @dana-chan-the-control-brain, psspsspss, have some more food! Another using @witchysolfan's Solar, just cuz.
When your colleague and brother to your crush realizes what ya been up to.
The Roan RPG Project ScreeCon Server on Discord Leave a Tip on Ko-Fi
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filthyguts · 1 year
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beamingdesign · 9 months
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Important lessons I was reminded of this year: 1. Trust the universe 2. Begin again 3. Protect your peace 4. Love deeply
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 3 months
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Surely THIS won't be at all relevant in future chapters. ;) Nope. Not a bit.
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dr-whoopsie-daisy · 6 months
PSA: Solar Eclipse tomorrow
Eclipse glasses need to meet ISO 12312-2 international standard. If you are a welder or have welding equipment the hood must be Shade 12 or higher!!!!
Most general welders equipment from a hardware store is less than Shade 12.
Please take care tomorrow, I'd like you to be able to see me the next time I see you in my office.
Solar burns to the macula cannot be repaired. The inflammation can be controlled but the scars are permanent.
If you don't have the right protection then... don't look up.
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