#solid commentary!
umbrvx · 10 months
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ashenberry · 1 month
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mgs doodle dump + 2 shitposts i shoould like. organize these somehow. i wont but i should
thank you @counterfeitubiquity for helping me ID and also letting me steal one of ur memes
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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psst if u think this meme is only about one of these guys, u are wrong
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Handing out a pamphlet to any mangahood fans giving the 2003 anime a shot:
Ed and Al (and Hohenheim) are not Xerxian. In fact there is no Xerxes. Don't interpret these characters through that lens. Similarly, Xing has no relevance here (it's a single line in a discussion of Amestrian geopolitics, and that's it)
Ed does not metaphysically supply Al's body with energy and nutrients. That's not how the Gate works here
Alchemy itself is handled differently from the manga and Brotherhood
This version of the story will not coddle or spoonfeed you. You will have to deal with complex themes and upsetting scenes, and you will have to pay attention to what's going on in order to understand and interpret the story and characters
In fact, if you're so inclined, repeat watches will absolutely reveal new layers to the pathos, mysteries, and themes presented, and answer questions you will still have after your first watch
I am begging you not to take everything at face value. The characters are not treated as infallible encyclopedias nor are they dispensers of morality lessons. They are treated like people. In that they are flawed, they are not omniscient therefore they do not have Complete Objective Knowledge over their own lives and the world, and the world/other characters will contradict and challenge them regularly
To put a finer point on the above: Don't take Ed and Al's perspectives as gospel. They are not the arbiters of righteousness who shine the light of Goodness and Reason onto the rest of the cast, they are orphaned teens scraping by in world that, by its nature, looms larger than themselves
Romance is not a big element here. You will not be eating well from the Edwin and Royai troughs this go-around
In mangahood Scar was right in killing state alchemists, but prepare yourself for: Scar was right in killing state alchemists, AND he never relents in being anti-military, AND he escalates that fight to magnificent proportions. Your fears about the "scary racialized radical who doesn't reform to your side nor assuages your guilt for the gains of imperialism you enjoy" are made real in 03
No doubt you've already heard that homunculi work differently in the 2003 anime. But to emphasize one of those major differences: the homunculi are not split aspects of one guy. They are all separate, unrelated, individuals
The characters shared between mangahood and the 2003 anime are, ultimately, not the same characters. Character design and some basal core traits link them to the manga, but their backstories, choices, character growth, and even their perspectives end up completely different from the source material
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
have you watched barbie the movie? interested in your thoughts about it :)
not to sound like a terrible feminist but it's so funny that ryan gosling is getting all the awards for the women are amazing movie
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emblazons · 6 months
I’m gonna laugh my ass off when everyone who kept trying to argue as to whether Nancy would end up with Steve or Jonathan has to contend with the fact that the whole point of that was to make Stonathan friends
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carlyraejepsans · 6 months
i wish i had more energy to draw and plot lately i NEED to make the insane daemoverse flowisk situationship real. i need you guys to see my vision
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menlove · 2 months
the way I cannot stand sa//ltburn but I've made people watch it with me 3 times
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muchcelebrated · 2 months
I need someone to go through and make a compilation or list of every time Jack subtlety code switches and goes from a more RP London accent to a slight cockney because that’s the detail I eat up but also I suck at differentiating English accents.
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ohnoitsz1m · 30 days
Mayhaps a doodle of Bec and Bloody.
Sorry they're furries bc my hand wouldn't cooperate otherwise
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Anyways hc that Bec intentionally puts on a voice to add to his persona.
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I've been pretty busy! Here are some previews for the updated character art for 2024. I'm planning to make this for the main cast (Sun + 8 planets, likely including Pluto).
The two smaller pictures on the right of the screenshots are from 2020 and 2014, respectively.
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I'm so happy with these. It feels like their personalities are finally fleshed out! Let's hope the entire cast gets redrawn by Heliosphere's 10th birthday!
To clarify: The webcomic debuted in WEBTOON last year, 26 April 2023. (anniversary) The project was released to the public in 22 May 2014. (birthday)
If you wanna see how my messy sketches look like before the lineart (and how big Uranus is compared to Earth lol) here he is!:
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
so do you guys remember that episode of don’t hug me i’m scared where the yellow guy gets into a cult that worships the concept of love and it’s all fucked up and shows a very narrow (and heteronormative) understanding of relationships and puts all the emphasis on everyone having a special one and the yellow guy is also told how he is supposed to love and the cult pretty much places love above everything to the point where they’re pretty much worshipping the idea of love itself rather than actually loving anyone... cause i remember and looking back on it knowing i’m aromantic is like... wow... yeah
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fancyshooting · 2 years
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majors and ocelots
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silverskye13 · 8 months
I do be kinda bonkers nutso over RnS and I lobe poetry so..... RNS POETRY BASED OFF OF THE LAST CHAPTER AND FROM HELSKNIGHTS POV!!! (Plus a helsknight Doodle)
Through flesh thine dagger breaks.
I mustn't flinch in the face of pain.
For I know my friend may cause death.
You hath protected yourself in panic.
I wonder what you had been put through.
For I know that the harm is not from our world.
The dagger back in your hands.
I send you to prevent rust.
For I know you don't want to, you must.
Pouding radiates through the house.
I rush in to more panic.
For I know you need help.
Wrapped in my shadow of strength.
I let you rest.
For I know that later, you must recall the pain.
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 6 months
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Metal Gear Solid Integral Staff Commentary
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Perhaps exponentially so, in the creation of a video game. All of the moving parts – the circuitry that powers it, the code that gets it running, textures painted and models animating on screen, the timing and waveform of sound coming out of the speakers – are so complex and deeply entwined, that it can feel like a miracle whenever a game just stands on its own legs and waddles around, let alone one that is released in as mature and polished state like Metal Gear Solid did in 1998 on Sony’s PlayStation. When it was reissued in Japan a year later, with the subtitle Integral and more content, the staff behind the masterpiece snuck in their thoughts and experiences in making the game. These comments were presented in the game through the CODEC system, on a specific frequency (140.07). Each stage has a different set of comments, with some overlap, and each one is tagged by the staff member who wrote it. Curiously, there are no comments from Hideo Kojima himself. These insights reveal a group of people working at the forefront of design and storytelling in a nascent medium, grappling with the bleeding edge technology of the day. Here are some of the more notable comments, rendered in English.
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mmmmalo · 2 months
The Sburb spirograph kinda looks like a dream-catcher...? which would be thematically consistent with Sburb's "manifestation systems" that turn player's dreams/nightmares into game content... In addition to lining up with how early game play invokes "totems" and "kernels" (ie corn) to riff on colonial dynamics.
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