#some of scenes are so memorable i literally still remember them from high school
uglygirlstatus · 1 year
Curious to see how you’d rank every Riverdale musical episode
this ask has been in my inbox for months because I could not make up my mind whatsoever and had to rewatch all musical eps 2x each to decide.
Splitting rankings into categories for my own sake: Songs (ranked on both quality and integration), Plot (entertainment value of the storyline points featured), and Iconry (ratio of special/memorable/iconic lines and scenes)
#6. American Psycho
Songs ⭐️⭐️
Plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Iconry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I remember somehow being underwhelmed when I first watched this because I had really hyped myself up after reading the episode description. But now in a post-50sdale world, I realize how lucky we were with this one. We got SlaughterCon, Cheryl and Kevin hexing Toni and Fangs, Betty being gay, Kevin not warning Betty in advance that he added a bit to his musical number where Doctor Curdle Jr dresses as TBK and then getting visibly annoyed with her when she interrupts it fearing for his life, Betty finally killing TBK and he’s literally just wrapped in duct tape and garbage bags, AS WELL AS Archie’s Labour Union all in one episode. However, since this IS a ranking of musical episodes, I’m afraid I can’t let the incredible plot compensate too much for the lack of strong musical bangers.
Stand out lines:
“It’s your dad’s knife. I bought it on eSlay.”
“Betty Cooper, are you hot for agent Drake?”
“You’re one of us. An American Psycho.”
Not a line but shoutout to Lili Reinhart’s boobs in You Are What You Wear.
#5. Carrie
Songs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Iconry ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cheryls heavily autotuned explosion into “THATS NOT MY NAAAAAAAME” will forever tickle me. And her finale drenching herself in blood and coming to her mother with the candelabra to threaten burning down their mansion for a second time is one of the top ten Cheryl Blossom moments for all time. Everything about the presence of Alice Cooper also kills me like she is IN this high school musical. Madchen I could listen to pitch correction software fighting for its life against your dulcet tones forever. I read in a Twitter thread by the duo who produces all the Riverdale music that Madchen had literally never sung in her entire life prior to this episode. And they still gave her a solo. Amazing. The plot doesn’t carry as much weight for me in this one but the I love the integration of the music, and it also gave us the first ever Beronica duet and Fifi appearance. Oh and rip Midge!
Stand Out Lines:
“I will not succumb to thespian terrorism!”
“I’m not the same girl who burned down Thornhill.” “Sure you are!”
“Nightmare child, what do you want from me?!”
#4. Next to Normal
Songs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Iconry ⭐️⭐️
This one has real emotional impact okay. It was genuinely moving. I love when the musical episodes tackle a huge range of plot lines and still try to apply the niche musical choice of the season to each of them. We have Cooper grieving & family choreography and spite-Jabitha and Cheryl attacking her mother with song & holy water and Varchie being useless and Britta becoming Cheryl’s little child servant/protege. Reggie is there too. Also all of the music hits for real. It’s a shame that “I Am The One” and “I’m Alive” had so much cut in the ep because the spectres of Polly and Charles are killing it on the harmonies in the full versions. I could listen to Lili Reinhart sing all day long. Above all though I think my favourite part is the uncanny photoshop of Alice and Betty and Polly in front of the Next to Normal Broadway poster.
Stand Out Lines:
“I’m gonna eat in the garage.”
“You remind me of Hiram Lodge.” “I don’t know who that is. But please, have a Swelligrino for the road.”
#3. Heathers
Songs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Iconry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Guys It’s so crazy that Midge literally died in the middle of our musical last year. Anyway time for Heathers! Something fun about this episode is that I first watched it before I was fully Riverdalepilled and was still foolishly rolling my eyes at the show while I watched with my mom and sister. I was like “guys Heathers is actually a great musical, it’s going to be hard for me to see what Riverdale does to it”. We began watching and very soon my mom and sister were commenting on the music. It quickly dawned on me that they were complaining about the aspects of the show that were more or less unchanged from the original musical. And I had a great epiphany moment where I realized 1) Heathers is sort of bad 2) if I loved Heathers the musical in earnest then why should I not love Riverdale? Heathers was actually PERFECTLY CRAFTED to be performed by the Riverdale cast. Anyway. This episode had a lot going for it. Lodge divorce arc straight into Veronica partying. Kevin’s sudden perm. Toni’s threesome fake out. Our favourite Chad Michael Murray Rhythmic cult clapping. And of course KJ Apa doing this
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Stand Out Lines
“Did you have a lobotomy for breakfast?”
“Here I invented red. I AM red. *snaps*”
“Evelyn called a closed rehearsal for select members in the Gargoyle Chamber.”
#2. Archie the Musical
Songs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Iconry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This one had EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG. Fun with the meta narrative and original songs mixed with covers taken from various obscure and specific sources and by far some of the most fun choreography and sets of all musical episodes since they were able to be so free with it. Seeing Gay Kevin back in his natural habitat of directing the school musical was so heartwarming. Jughead and Reggie quitting immediately. Archie going left. And Archie going right. Bisexually. Julian demolishing Archie vocally every chance he gets. And knowing it. Also every single facial expression and mannerism that Julian has in this episode is god tier. Actually kj apa too. Actually also Lili and Camilla. SANDWICH? The loudest in-song sound effects we’ve ever experienced. Archie the happiest he’s ever been in his life on the back of Toni’s bike. BERONICA - PRIMAL AND INTENSE! My review is barely coherent because this one does fill me with silly giddy joy. Plot loses a star because how the hell are we expected to care about Gay Kevin’s divorcing parents. I know “ohh suffering isn’t a competition ohhh” Ethel just watched her parents get murdered by a milkman and no one sang for her.
Stand Out Lines:
“I don’t wanna be a drip, but it’s super distracting when my understudy is singing literally at the same time as me!”
“You completely captured the longing of being in a queer, interracial relationship in the 1950s.”
“Maybe there are other more emotionally complex mountains to climb.”
“The new Archie, Julian, he’s even better than the real Archie!”
#1. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Songs ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Iconry ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
On a 9 hour flight to Europe in the Summer I had all the Riverdale musical eps downloaded to rewatch and then noticed that among the plane’s complimentary movie selections was the original movie of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, which was pure kismet. I decided to watch the movie for the first time prior to rewatching the Riverdale ep and I was blown away. Knowing the context of all the songs and musical they chose to include in the episode made everything so much more insane. The song about feeling like a stranger in your body after surgical malpractice being used for the Bughead conflict over Juggie prioritizing mysteries over finishing high school and Varchie conflict over Archie not telling Veronica about her dad’s epic fail at the gym. 20? something year old gay Kevin proclaiming WE ARE GENERATION Z before jumping into Random Number Generation. The BIZARRELY spliced version of the best ever rendition of Origin of Love all for BARCHIE FODDER?!? Actually all the rest of the songs were perfectly fitting no notes. Anyway hallway full of students in Hedwig drag one of the top Riverdale shots ever though I forever mourn KJ Apa’s absence. At least he got to kiss a man in this one. The plane hit turbulence while I watching the Midnight Radio scene but I was so happy witnessing it in that moment that I thought to myself “it would be ok if I died right now”.
Stand Out Lines:
“Writing a book report? Now I know how Sisyphus must have felt.”
“It celebrates identities, genders, expressions of all kinds.”
“[scoffs] How queer-phobic of you.”
“There’s a problem that comes once you get caught up on your homework. Your mind wanders and evil creeps back in.”
I was convinced Archie the Musical would come out on top for me due to the obscene level of euphoria I felt upon first experiencing it but after intensive review I do have to say Hedwig wins. Ultimately I miss the original timeline that much and I am all for the events that eventually tear apart everyone’s relationships and most of all it gave us Origin of Love full version Riverdale cast edition. But know that it is so so so so so close between the two. And honestly really all 6 are close in my heart as this exercise reminded me just how much the musical episodes are to watch and rewatch.
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gamesception · 8 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #36
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Batgirl (2000) #16 - July 2001 Writer: Puckett Pencils: Scott Inks: Campanella Colors: Wright
Another solo one shot, another resonant and memorable stand alone story that Cass fans from back in the day will remember clearly. Got a bit more time to work with, gonna try and pull some more images this time, because the art in this one is just really good. Honestly, this issue is peak early days Batgirl - the kind of story she was literally made to tell, and it's really well executed. If I had to pick a single issue of Cass's entire Batgirl run as sort of a 'this is what she's all about' encapsulation for someone completely new to Cass and her book, this would be on the short list. If you've never read her ongoing before, i strongly recommend you actually read the issue for yourself before the summary here.
The issue opens on a bunch of kids playing a mean game where they throw a rat in the air and get points if it lands in a circle they drew on the ground. The nerd in my has to point out that it's kind of unrealistic. Rats aren't quite as fall resistant as, say, cats, but while they could be hurt or maybe even killed by a fall from only as high as a grade school kid could throw them, most are going to scamper away and none are going to land so badly that they splatter like a water balloon.
Anyway, it's gross and its cruel but also kind of cute as the kids argue about the rules and 'nuh uh' each other, and Scott draws their faces really expressively, and the whole scene starts with a rat silhouetted in front of the moon mid toss in an image that's as aesthetically compelling as it is disturbing in context before plummeting back down
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I could talk about how Cass is flying high through the city as Batgirl while her mental state is hurtling towards a painful crash, but that's probably reading too much into it.
Anyway, after the first splat there's this kind of cool sequence where the next kid throws the rat up and they all run back and look down at the circle...
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Only the rat never comes down, and when they look up like 'where did it go?' there's Cass
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The image of Cass swooping down from above with the kids all looking up is pretty cool, and the way the panels create a pacing for the scene is really good. Effective storytelling through sequential art.
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Cass drops down, and the kids scatter. Not a situation that needs any more intervention then that, and we get a nice panel showing just her hands and feet as she crouches down to gently let the rat go. A pretty standard inverse kick-the-dog moment to establish Cass as the good guy by having her be nice to an animal, but for those who have been reading along from the first issues of her book it also reminds us of how Bruce once praised her for being 'gentle', and how despite everything that's happened that part of her is still in there.
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As the other kids scatter, one stays behind to kick off the main plot for the issue. I like how awkward Cass is here, towering over this kid when she's used to being around allies and enemies taller than herself, not knowing how to talk to him.
Also, I haven't talked about it in a bit, but I just really love the way Scott draws Cass as Batgirl? Her proportions with her big head emphasizing her youth. The way you can make out her expressions despite the full face mask - and the way he gives her the same expressions that he gives Bruce. Her prominent jaw line making her feel tough and defiant and stubborn. The way you can make out her expression through the mask, the sleek lines of how her cape drapes from her neck to the point shoulders and then down, or the way the cape flows when he draws her in motion, all with an oil-slick feel that likely owes as much to Campanella's inking as to Scott's pencil work.
There are aspects of how others draw Cass in her batgirl suit that I like - most recently I love how Leonardo Romero draws the pointy ears on her cowl in the recent Birds of Prey run, it gives Cass a retro feel that really fits his vintage newspaper comic aesthetic. But Scott's version of Cass-as-Batgirl is always how I'll see the character in my mind.
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The kid, Tim, takes Cass back to his home, a messy apartment with a mattress just dropped on the floor. You can feel the poverty, and start to form an image of this kid's dad in your head as, like, a decent man pushed into crime by desperation to provide for his kid.
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An impression that Tim then explicitly reinforces.
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The scene cuts to the bank mid robbery, and we meet someone who seems to fit the mold - Jake. The way Scott draws Jake's expressions, you can tell he doesn't want to be there, and when asked what he's going to do with the money they steal, he just says he's going to pay some bills. But when a security guard surprises them, Jake is startled and shoots him, almost by accident....
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The boss, Chaco, compliments Jake on the kill, rubbing in how this isn't a guy who would normally do something like that with the 'didn't think you had it in you' line, and as they walk away you can see how horrified Jake is at what he's done.
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In contrast, Chaco shows just how comfortable he is with killing by shooting one of his own guys point blank when he realizes the guy was stealing traceable jewelry from the vault, the way the panel suddenly goes red, and Chaco's calm expression just the panel before, emphasizing how sharp and sudden the violence is.
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Chaco's a professional. Ruthless and dispassionate, about the job, about killing, even with his allies. He clearly didn't even feel any malice towards the guy he shot - he was downright friendly with all of his crew, even Jake, just a few panels ago, and that friendliness was probably even genuine. But this guy became a liability, and Chaco doesn't have any time or pity for liabilities.
It's around this time that they notice Jake is missing. More liabilities.
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A couple of the crew find Jake in an alley, overwhelmed by guilt over killing that security guard, and again, I just have to say, the art in this issue is really good. The perspective in that first panel looking down, with the shadows stretching forward guns first, the expressions on Jake and the guy who has a gun drawn on him, the detail on the background cobblestones & brickwork. All really good.
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Anyway, this is when Cass shows up, in terrifying shadow form, knocking out the two goons with the guns in as many panels.
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Cass sees Jake, like us assumes he's Tim's dad, and takes pity on him. For Tim's sake.
But Jake is overwhelmed by guilt.
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Guilt is one thing Cass understands.
Tim wanted Cass to stop his dad before he did something bad, something he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for, something Tim wouldn't be able to forgive him for. But Cass was too late. Once again, she's failed.
Only, Tim isn't Jake's son.
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He's Chaco's son.
Chaco the remorseless killer. Chaco who can be friendly one moment and commit murder the next. Cass wasn't too late to stop Tim's dad from doing something bad, Tim's dad had been bad the whole time.
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And bad dads are also something Cass understands.
I need to take a step out of the story for a moment here though to talk again about how Scott draws Cass, and in particular the bit about conveying her facial expressions through the mask. Scroll up a bit and look at the downcast resignation on her face when Jake says he has to pay for what he's done, then the surprise when he says he isn't Tim's father, and then the absolute fury here.
The expressions are so vivid, and carry so much of the load when it comes to conveying Cass's thoughts and emotions and personality.
Bringing back another old chestnut of this blog, Cass can speak now, and think in words and sentences, but there are no thought bubbles or narration blocks in the entire issue. The book just doesn't need them, not when Scott's Art is able to put everything going on in these characters heads right on their faces.
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Cass lays into Chaco, stopping only when she realizes he's already unconscious, and you can feel the sharp snap of her attacks in how the panels are layed out.
Bringing back another old chestnut, the action panels are practically perfunctory. They're there, and they're good, but there's no back and forth, there's never any question of the bank robbers so much as landing a hit on Cass. Who will win in a physical fight was never where the story's tension was. It was all about the emotional stakes.
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Tim arrives on scene just in time to see his dad carted off on a stretcher to the hospital, and as Cass takes him home he looks back, through the spikes on her gauntlet, as through through the prison bars that are going to separate him from his father for the rest of his life.
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And the last page is this somber, heartbreaking moment of Cass trying to console Tim that just because his father is a bad person, doesn't mean he is too, and it's obvious that Cass is thinking about herself and David Cain here, but while I might be reading too much into the panel, the way Cass's shadow forms Bruce's symbol to me draws attention to the fact that Cass has two fathers, and just because one of them isn't a murderer doesn't mean he isn't also bad.
So yeah, this really is more or less the archetypal Cass Cain Batgirl (2000) issue. A somber, contemplative tone. Street level / no super-villains or over the top scenarios. A focus on the individual humanity of the minor characters, including criminals who would be faceless mooks in any other bat book. Story and characterization conveyed through expressive artwork and deliberate panel use rather than blunt narration, taking advantage of the specific strengths of the comic medium. Violence and action scenes sharp, short and snappy rather than heavily drawn out, with the main conflict grounded in personal and emotional stakes. Narrative themes - guilt, parenthood - that tie directly back to Cassandra's core themes, history, and character motivations. All concisely contained within a single issue episode that works as a stand alone story.
Although there might be a bit too much emphasis on the stand alone part. Sometimes Cass's stories do come back to be referenced again later, we'll have an example of that next week, but we never see Tim again, we never see Cass following up or checking on him which is kind of a shame.
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raikoren · 4 years
man theres no sports anime that really gets me like the first season of haikyuu. its the nostalgia factor definitely but also the stellar animation and sound design as well as the direction and atmosphere, little moments of character acting, the attention to detail for minutiae that make every single character so distinct and interesting and likable man, haikyuu really is just that goddamn brilliant 
0 notes
yaomomvs · 4 years
seijoh, aoba johsai x reader | slight oikawa, iwaizumi and kunimi x reader.
a/n: ugh! i just love my seijoh boys so much! and so, i decided to make one more headcanons for them, tysm! hopefully i’ll do inarizaki next or maybe karasuno.
a bit long but i just love them,and i will do a part two mainly focusing on while they do volleyball this is more of random things
other seijoh!manager works: one | two
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the volume in this bus is ASTRONOMICAL
you actually never thought of joining a club, specially a sports one.
but you needed it, so while looking at the board of the school’s options you were unsure.
“i just really need something not that complicated, and that helps me helping others” you muttered to yourself
little did you know the coach of the volleyball team was there, this nice man turned to you and offered you a place in the team.
“but please if you are one of oikawa’s fangirls dont-” “who now?” you genuinely asked. seeing that you didn’t had a clue of who he was talking about he immediately handed the application for to you.
it was first day and you were already late, but you managed to enter the gym half way practice.
you guys remember that tanaka and kiyoko scene in s4? well it was the same
“sorry for being late coach!” your voice sounded all over the place since someone was serving and it was pretty quiet.
the serve even hit yahaba’s face because everyone got distracted by your beauty
“i- did i do something?” “existing omg”
the coach lined up everyone and they greeted you welcoming you to the team.
you were flustered because it was like you never had a lot of guys around you and now you had to take care of all of them and also
aoba johsai’s team had one of the most attractive boys around likeeee
now, a year later, the energy is purely chaotic.
and i mean like
kindaichi and kunimi are lowkey the ones who respect you the most
not only because you, even if it was for only a year, you were their upperclassman but also you had presence
when karasuno came to the practice andy oh catched both of them after talking to kageyama in the bathroom, you pinched their ears and scolded them
“you both do that again and i’m not being compassionate” “SORRY Y/N”
but also lowkey your admirers
kunimi literally only showed strong emotions around you
“i brought you some sweets” he regularly says
“oh you are great! thank you kunimi!”you appreciated this guys little details with you
“so you have a favoritism with our manager huh?”
“y/n permission to hit kindaichi”
“permission conceded”
kindaichi also respected you because you, when he entered seijoh months ago, were one of the ones who made him believe and helped getting over that anger he had with his ex teammates and you even assured that kageyama was the reason he got better, even if he wouldn’t accept it
the second years, your literal followers
like seriously yahaba watori were always around you.
being in the same grade and class as both dod not helped a lot.
they are like puppies with anxiety separation
because you are the reason they feel loved and cared for
they always sit next to you in class, and they make sure you are comfortable with it.
you need help with hw? watori always is there
yahaba lets you paint his nails every time you got bored in class
you were such a powerful trio
they always bring your favorite drink in the mornin
you even developed this sixth sense where if you just look at each other you know exactly who are you making fun of without even speaking
you always make fun of the shit way of yahaba to flirt oml
and you even advice him on what should he do or not when meeting someone new.
istg if it was not bc of you he would have never got his first date with his crush
kyoutani later joined you, but he had trouble on trusting you
but seeing all the team laying on you he actually let himself rely on another person for the first time
he was the one who scared those stupid volleyball boys fan girls (oikawa’s or the other guys ones) away from you
he also thinks that you are not bad physically talking and he actually says it but privately
he also whenever he is mad or just frustrated comes to you and what he likes is that you don’t go in deep of the details but instead you try to distract him with random thing you say.
“guys i told you several times” you laughed “i do have other thing to do! it not like i can attend every night out with you! i have other friends too!”
“so, we are not watching cartoons tonight?”
“i hate you all so much” you surrendered “see you at 8 pm”
you became the second years core four
and also they looked up to you a lot, why? because you are the only people who always deals with the third years shit
god i think your connection with the third years was only a bit more noticeable than the second years
why? you were not afraid to mess up with them
to be real iwaizumi as oikawa caught your eye since moment one, they were naturally attractive and talented but you made a promise to not fall for anyone
omg you were so wrong
if it was iwaizumi, he always made sure you felt comfortable around
you were no vb genius so he took the time to explain you a bunch of things you did not know 🥺
also, he’s the kind of guy to stop everyone spiking because you were crossing through the gym so no ball gets you
he is the one who always search for you in school, asked about your day, and stuff that might seem basic but it was really meaningful
like he is the kind of guy who memorizes all your favorite places, treats, music anything and actually tries to get you to talk about it
oikawa on the other hand was the one who actually made you feel like part of them
he is so sweet!
oikawa only starts practice when you are there
like bold of someone to start hitting a ball without you there, he considered you part of the team, so he always waited for you
he walked you home or nearby every time he could he wanted you safe
his eyes always always instantly light up and screams “y/n-chan!” and immediately runs to you
but also he is the one who search you the most around
if it was lunch time he went to your home room and literally lunches with you no matter what or who
he never lets anyone lend you their hoodie, it always has to be his that you are wearing
he self crowned himself as your favorite
he hugs you out of nowhere istg is the best feeling ever
hanamaki also also also considers you priority
he is kinda more of the lowkey one, he is mainly the one who checks up on you
he once spotted a bruise in your arm and he immediately freaked out
“DO I HAVE TO FIGHT SOMEONE” “god no! i just dropped a huge book there!”
hanamaki is the one who waits for you in the entrance of the gym to walk with you to practice
he also is the first one to notice if something is wrong with you along with iwachan
they both unintentionally pay attention to you a lot and if you do something out of the common they just approach you
and they are always right
“what’s wrong y/n?” hanamaki says
“yeah, is everything okay you need anything?” iwaizumi continues.
“what do you mean guys? i’m okay” you obviously try to lie.
“no you are not, you are acting different”
“yea iwachan is right you always change yous t shirt before practice and the way you are ordering the volleyballs is off”
“why do know me so well” you indeed had a terrible day, so you almost tear up bb of that and be of how amazing your boys were to you sometimes”
“come here little one”
you heard a pout
“i see you oikawa, you can get a hug too. matsu come here”
matsukawa is your hype man
he loves messing with you like in the big brother sister way
like if a guy asked you out he’d be like “sis you can do so much better”
you are always being salty whether it’s between you or other ones
besides if you do have a crush on anyone on the team matsu is the only one to know
and he’d constantly blackmail you with that
“if you don’t buy me anything from the vending machine i will tell oikawa you actually swoon for him” “OKAY FINE”
“tell the coach that we do not need laps or iwaizumi is gonna knowwwww about” “i hate you so much”
but returning to the point you always messed with them specially the four third years
and you were so good at it
one day, you ‘innocently’ mentioned to the boys “i’m just telling you! i’ve never seen two pretty best friends, one of them always gotta be ugly”
your third years never made you feel insecure
like if you think idk listening to btr was weird because someone in the past made you feel like it be sure the next day they WILL PLAY FUCKING BIG TIME RUSH IN PRACTICE ONLY FOR YOU TO VIBE WITH THEM
also they all four have this little thought that they have to be the ones who protect you
in the court you looked out for them, outside of it they were the ones who did that
if you were teased or someone even had the audacity to make fun of you it could go three ways
you stoping kyoutani and yahaba because they were so ready to throw hands
matsukawa, hanamaki and kunimi just taking you out of there and rather say positive thinks about you
or oikawa and iwaizumi behind you giving the saltiest and meanest glares to whoever dared talking you that way and saying “and you still wonder why people don’t like you?, ” then iwaizumi says “you are right oikawa, you piece of crap have your entire life to be a jerk. take a day off your stupidity won’t left anyways”
god you sure loved those guys
as it can be really useful sometimes there were other times were they become so annoying
specially when it’s about someone liking you.
like romantic styles
i live for the idea that the vb team had obviously fangirls, oikawa mostly. but you also did
like yeah the fangirls of oikawa and the boys envied you
but the guys in aoba johsai high envied the volleyball team even more
god bless the poor guy or girl who DARES to ask you out
like please someone stop them 😭
on valentine’s day you came to practice a bit late just because you needed to figure it out how to organize all the fucking love letters and the chocolates and flowers that you got over the day.
oikawa was already worried as he always waited for you to start, and so were the guys so they decided to warm up a bit more to wait.
you crossed the door with thousands of gifts and all of that barely catching the ones which you dropped. because at this point you did not even try to hide it from the boys, you just wanted them to start practice.
he looked at you and knew exactly what that meant. he received this every once in a while, but god what was that feeling in his chest when some other people like you?
iwaizumi felt that too, that weird feeling not wanting anyone to think about you that wayyyyy
the rest of the boys had divided opinions but still you were their manager.
“so did all this came from...”
“yes matsu...”
“okay but for scientific purposes we need the names”
poor boys, they just are all scared that you’ll leave them because of someone
what a dramatic queens they are all
some of them didn’t like it bc they also had a big crush on you
so what they do is that they gatekeep anyone from you
like oml if they ever catched you and a girl or guy and they knew they liked you they constantly beg for your attention.
and it’s not only because they are being dramatic but also because they remember last year when you went out with some random dude and broke your heart like
they almost killed that guy
so they wanted you to feel happy and safe
to them? honestly you are the light of their life.
they dedicate every game to you, they take care of you, they listen to you, they brag about you, they love you
because honestly you did all that for them first
and ever since then they made sure to return that to you.
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sofreddie · 3 years
High School Reunion 2
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Summary: Someone at the reunion has a big mouth.
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 2,087
A/N: Inspiration struck out of nowhere and this piece was born. I have a very rough outline for a small series, maybe about 6 parts? We'll see. It's gonna happen randomly, no planned schedule for this one.
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Y/N bit her lip in excitement and saw a message from Lana. She immediately opened Skype to call her best friend…and thank her.
"Hey you! How was the reunion?" Lana smiled as her face appeared on screen.
"Oh my fucking God I can't believe you!" Y/N screamed, though it was mostly excitement as she blushed profusely.
"So…I take it you had a good night then?" Lana grinned cheekily.
"How could you not tell me you met Jensen Freaking Ackles?! I thought we were friends?" Y/N pouted dramatically as she plopped back on her couch, phone still in hand.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep it from you?" Lana screeched in response, "You remember my last night at the convention, I went to that place for dinner that had the amazing burger?"
"Yeah, I remember. You said you loved the place, that it was a perfect ending to the trip," Y/N remembered, "Now I get why."
"Ok, yeah, so I'm sat at the bar with my burger and a beer and he comes in and sits with a chair between us. I instantly recognized him, but was trying to keep my cool, you know. But he remember me! From the photo op! So we just got to talking and you had just split with Chase and I was so worried about you-"
"Oh Lana, you didn't," Y/N groaned.
"I was just venting about how much I hated that douchebag and what he did to you and what you were going through and how I was so worried about the reunion but thought it could be a good thing for you after Chase-" she rambled on, her words quickly tumbling forth as she pleaded her case to her best friend.
"You're not mad, right?" Lana asked timidly.
"How can I be?" Y/N shouted, "He walked in there all suave and shut down my high school bullies - who were trying to start some shit let me tell you-"
"No!" Lana gasped, "Amanda?"
"And the others," Y/N sighed, "And they were trying to cut in on me and I was gonna run, I'm not gonna lie," Y/N chuckled lightly, "But then he was just there. And she introduced himself as my boyfriend….Oh my god, Lana! What if that gets out?" Y/N sat bolt upright on her couch in a panic.
"Whoa, Y/N, calm down," Lana insisted, "More important than that…he introduced himself as your boyfriend?!"
"I'm just sayin'-"
Y/N sighed dreamily, "Then we danced. Then he took me for a drive and we parked up at the spot and ate burgers while chatting and watching stars," she sighed again, as if it were a scene from a romantic film she had just watched.
"That sounds like a date," Lana helpfully noted.
"I thought that too!" Y/N squealed, "But that's just the fangirl right? I mean, there's no way."
"How many times I gotta tell you you're a catch, woman?" Lana laughed, "I'm not surprised at all. In fact, I'm taking credit. You're welcome," Y/N groaned once more and Lana chuckled.
"Did I mention we exchanged numbers?" Y/N added with a grin.
"And now I hate you," Lana huffed.
"Yeah, love you too you meddler."
Y/N sighed happily to herself once more as they ended the call. She tossed her phone on the coffee table as she relaxed back into the couch. Her eyes fluttered closed as she replayed the evenings events in her mind.
She had to be dreaming. There was no way this was real, right?
Too tired and content to carry herself off to the bedroom, Y/N laid down on the couch, settling into the plush cushions and dragging the throw from the back of the couch to cover herself, falling asleep quickly and dreaming of shimmering green eyes.
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Jensen groaned as he slowly came awake to the incessant ringing and chimes of his phone. He opened his eyes, grabbing for the phone and peeking at the time.
He and Y/N were out past midnight. After he made it back to the hotel, he had spent the better part of an hour sipping on a beer as he thought over the night he had with her.
He wasn't sure what compelled him to talk to Lana in the bar that night. He could tell she was a nervous fan, and he remembered her from the photo op, just as nervous and shy. But after a beer or two with her dinner, she relaxed and their conversation flowed. It was nice, to be chatting away with someone new, different.
When she went on about her best friend Y/N, Jensen felt something. Apparently the way if affected her friend was severe enough to have Lana in real turmoil over it. Jensen knew what that was like. He'd worried over Jared a time or two just the same.
When Lana gave him a picture, however, his heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful, with a charming smile. But he could see her eyes were sad and guarded.
When he realized the reunion was a few hours drive and a few days ahead of his schedule to be at another convention, he decided to make the stop to see Y/N at the reunion. At the very least he could chalk it up to a memorable fan moment.
Jensen rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he reluctantly sat against the headboard, checking to see why his phone was blowing up.
It took only a quick glance through the various calls and text and emails from various persons all talking about the same thing. Jensen opened the text thread from Jared, scrolling through the messages and clicking on a picture that was include.
It was him and Y/N dancing together at the reunion the night before. She looked as amazing as he remembered. Her smile was bright and genuine, but so was his. Apparently word had spread from the reunion that he and Y/N were together. That's when he remembered introducing himself to those girls as Y/N's boyfriend.
He wasn't so bothered by the turn of events, which surprised him. He had decided the night before that he wanted to ask her out on a date. Their chemistry was too intense to not pursue.
What bothered him was how she'd react. They'd literally just met and had a friendly, albeit great, evening and now she was possibly going to be bombarded with paparazzi and everyone in her business.
So much for that date.
He knew it was early, but he wanted Y/N to hear from him first. He opened the new message thread between them, seeing her text from the night before and smiling once more, before typing out his message.
Hey, Y/N. Hope you slept well. Was hoping to talk to you about something.
He sent the message, noting the time, and figured he'd give it some time. He didn't know her schedule, or anything about her really. With a groan, Jensen hit the green button to return one of Jared's missed calls.
"Dude!" Jared exclaimed as he answered after one ring, "I've been trying to get ahold of you for two hours!"
"Yes, Mom, I'm aware," Jensen said with a yawn.
"Did you see the picture?"
"And?" Jared pressed for more, "Why aren't you freaking out about this?" Jared scoffed. Since his last major relationship ended, Jensen hadn't been with anyone really. An occasional date here and there for an event. But he hadn't seemed interested in anyone at all, and was quick to shut down any insuinuations to the contrary.
"I guess I should of seen it coming," Jensen shrugged, "I did introduce myself as her boyfriend after all."
"You what?" Jared was shocked, trying to wrap his head around it, "Why would you do that? Is there something you aren't telling me? Have you been dating her for a while? Who is she anyway?"
Jared fired off the questions in rapid succession like an excited puppy.
"I gotta talk to her first," Jensen said, "I'll see you at the convention in a couple days. You can interrogate me then."
"I want all the details."
"Don't you always?"
Jensen ended the call, taking a deep breath. He felt so stupid for what he did. He wasn't sure why he did that other than to shut those girls down. He really hated bullies.
He decided to get dressed and grab a couple of coffees on his way to Y/N's house. A quick look at his social media had told him that picture was blowing up. She was bound to find out sooner rather than later. He had to tell her first.
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Y/N slowly roused from her deep sleep on the comfy couch, hearing an incessant rapping coming from her front door. She stretched, reaching for her phone on the coffee table and finding it dead.
She rolled her eyes as she threw off the throw, climbing from the couch and shuffling to the door and she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
She flung open the door, the morning's cresting light just bright enough to assault her eyes. It took her a second to focus, but then she saw Jensen, a small smile on his face and two tall coffees in hand.
"Jensen?" she asked, so very confused and wondering if she was still asleep.
"Hey, uh, I know it's early. But I really needed to see you this morning."
The smile he gave was sweet, but she could tell something was up. Was he worried that maybe she'd go blabbing about their night together? She'd never do that. But she guessed he didn't know that.
"Sure, come in," she smiled warmly, stepping aside and gesturing him into her home. She accepted the coffee as Jensen passed it to her on his way in. She shut the door behind him, taking a whiff of her drink before taking a long gulp, closing her eyes and sighing at the flavor.
"So, what's up?" she asked, shuffling on her feet, "Thanks for the coffee, by the way."
"You're welcome," he smiled, now genuine and inviting and Y/N's heart stuttered slightly at the sight, "I was hoping to talk to you, about last night."
She shook her head, "I won't talk about it with anyone, I promise. Well, other then Lana. I had to call her last night. Yell at her a little," she blushed.
He laughed, nodding his head, "No, I get it. But I wasn't worried about that or anything," he was quick to correct, "Actually, someone else already did."
"Did what?"
"Someone got a picture of us on the dance floor last night and might have said I mentioned I was your boyfriend," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh," she responded, clearly shocked and not sure what to say.
"I just wanted you to hear it from me first, you know? Before seeing it online or whatever."
"Online-" she echoed, her eyes going wide, "So, you can just post a Tweet or something that it's a mistake."
"Okay, well, to be fair, I did introduce myself as your boyfriend to those other women last night."
"Yeah…why'd you do that again?" Y/N smirked despite herself.
He shrugged, "Seemed like the right thing to do. Shut 'em up didn't it?" he grinned, "Besides," he chanced, stepping closer to her," Feels like we had a date last night."
She blushed hard, ducking her head before meeting his eyes once again, "Yeah, it did."
"And I was hoping you'd like to do it again."
"Really?" she asked. She couldn't help the dreamy look in her eye. She still couldn't believe this was happening.
"Yeah. So if you say yes, then we'd be dating, which is practically boyfriend and girlfriend," he explained casually, "So I think we should just keep doing what we're doing and let it ride. What do you think?"
"I think you might be a little bit crazy," she nervously laughed, "Let's start with a second date," she grinned, seeing him brighten up, "And go from there."
"And the press?" Jensen chanced.
"Let them think what they wanna think," she shrugged.
"You're freakin' perfect," he chuckled, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, even though she still had bedhead. He smiled at the cuteness of it.
"I should go freshen up!" she realized, seeing him look over her disheveled state, "Uh…be right back." she rushed off down the hall and Jensen laughed to himself.
He had a good feeling about this.
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Rewatching RWBY Season 1 - Part 1
Just saw Icequeendom, so I decided to try rewatching the first season of RWBY to compare it to. Have gotten through Emerald Forest (roughly the first half of the season) and I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by how strong it starts. 
RWBY is good when it first starts. Really good. Its got some weak voice acting here or there and some shoddy animation of course, it is a semi-professional web-series at this point, but despite all that it is very fun to watch and you can really see the glimmers of something great being made. The characters are fun and likable, their interactions feel natural, the art design is fantastic and Mounty is firing on all cylinders with these fights.*
Ruby is of course the stand out, with some great and memorable lines. She’s got the comedic ones - bee’s knees, I drink milk, etc - but she’s also got some really powerful ones. Ruby’s line about how “that’s why we’re here, to make things better” is powerful and perfectly acted. 
The rest of the characters are well done as well. Yang and Pyrrha’s voice actresses haven’t quite hit their stride yet, but the characters themselves are still fun. 
The other stand out besides Ruby, is Jaune. And not in a good way. He starts out really strong. He shows up to give Ruby a helping hand after her whole Weiss explosion fiasco, literally helping her to her feet when she’s feeling overwhelmed and unsure of herself, instantly endearing him to the audience. Then we’ve got some fantastic, really natural feeling banter between him and Ruby where we see her own feelings of inadequacy mirrored in his, cementing a shared struggle and setting him up to be her ally, friend and mirror. Then we get the “short, sweet, ladies love it” line which is just charmingly dorky. 
He’s great. Then we get two short comedic scenes (bunny pajama’s and him lamenting that he couldn’t have put his weapons in locker 636 because he would have remembered having to count that high). 
Then everything goes downhill. He inserts himself into Weiss and Pyrrha’s conversation in what is clearly an attempt to tell the same “short, sweet, etc” joke as before but this time it comes across as smarmy rather endearing (it lasts too long and Weiss is clearly uncomfortable) and this sets the tone for the rest of his time in the arc. Every scene he has from here on is either him being a smarmy pest hitting on Weiss, sucking in a way which is meant to be funny but comes off as annoying, or acting as an audience surrogate so that the writers can exposit to us*. Its a real shame, because he started real strong and could have been a fun character***.
*And like all good fight choreographers he understands that fights are part of the story. The best written parts of the show are the fights scenes for how the characterize people and move the plot forward in interesting directions. 
** I maintain RWBY’s target audience has seen enough anime to not need aurra explained to them, but if the writers really felt the need to do that there were more natural ways. Here’s my solution after 5 minutes of work:
Cardin/Jaune fight. Cardin hits Jaune, shattering his aura. We cut to the aura life bar draining to zero and “no aura” flashing across the screen. Cardin goes to get another hit in because he’s a bully. Glynda stops him saying “Stop Cardin, he’s out of aura. Any more hits and he could be hurt.”
Later, Jaune has to move something heavy. He tries before giving up and saying “Pyrrha? Little help,” helpless gesture “no aura”. She then picks it up with ease. 
Done, we’ve know established it stops things from hurting you and gives you super strength. 
*** Honestly, I think Jaune would have been a lot more compelling if they removed the transcript plot. Jaune as a huntsman who’s just kinda shitty at fighting is much more compelling then Jaune the slacker who cheated his way into school and then doesn’t try to improve himself and spent no time preparing to be a huntsman at all apparently. Plus it cuts the whole bullying plot which took time away from the main characters. Let him be a B character who exists to serve as a mirror to Ruby, not a main character in his own right. 
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chrisevansluv · 3 years
Here is the 2012 Detail Magazine interview with chris evans:
The Avengers' Chris Evans: Just Your Average Beer-Swilling, Babe-Loving Buddhist
The 30-year-old Bud Light-chugging, Beantown-bred star of The Avengers is widely perceived as the ultimate guy's guy. But beneath the bro persona lies a serious student of Buddhism, an unrepentant song-and-dance man, and a guy who talks to his mom about sex. And farts.
By Adam Sachs,
Photographs by Norman Jean Roy
May 2012 Issue
"Should we just kill him and bury his body?" Chris Evans is stage whispering into the impassive blinking light of my digital recorder.
"Chris!" shouts his mother, her tone a familiar-to-anyone-with-a-mother mix of coddling and concern. "Don't say that! What if something happened?"
We're at Evans' apartment, an expansive but not overly tricked-out bachelor-pad-ish loft in a semi-industrial nowheresville part of Boston, hard by Chinatown, near an area sometimes called the Combat Zone. Evans has a fuzzy, floppy, slept-in-his-clothes aspect that'd be nearly unrecognizable if you knew him only by the upright, spit-polished bearing of the onscreen hero. His dog, East, a sweet and slobbery American bulldog, is spread out on a couch in front of the TV. The shelves of his fridge are neatly stacked with much of the world's supply of Bud Light in cans and little else.
On the counter sit a few buckets of muscle-making whey-protein powder that belong to Evans' roommate, Zach Jarvis, an old pal who sometimes tags along on set as a paid "assistant" and a personal trainer who bulked Evans up for his role as the super-ripped patriot in last summer's blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger. A giant clock on the exposed-brick wall says it's early evening, but Evans operates on his own sense of time. Between gigs, his schedule's all his, which usually translates into long stretches of alone time during the day and longer social nights for the 30-year-old.
"I could just make this . . . disappear," says Josh Peck, another old pal and occasional on-set assistant, in a deadpan mumble, poking at the voice recorder I'd left on the table while I was in the bathroom.
Evans' mom, Lisa, now speaks directly into the microphone: "Don't listen to them—I'm trying to get them not to say these things!"
But not saying things isn't in the Evans DNA. They're an infectiously gregarious clan. Irish-Italians, proud Bostoners, close-knit, and innately theatrical. "We all act, we sing," Evans says. "It was like the fucking von Trapps." Mom was a dancer and now runs a children's theater. First-born Carly directed the family puppet shows and studied theater at NYU. Younger brother Scott has parts on One Life to Live and Law & Order under his belt and lives in Los Angeles full-time—something Evans stopped doing several years back. Rounding out the circle are baby sister Shanna and a pair of "strays" the family brought into their Sudbury, Massachusetts, home: Josh, who went from mowing the lawn to moving in when his folks relocated during his senior year in high school; and Demery, who was Evans' roommate until recently.
"Our house was like a hotel," Evans says. "It was a loony-tunes household. If you got arrested in high school, everyone knew: 'Call Mrs. Evans, she'll bail you out.'"
Growing up, they had a special floor put in the basement where all the kids practiced tap-dancing. The party-ready rec room also had a Ping-Pong table and a separate entrance. This was the house kids in the neighborhood wanted to hang at, and this was the kind of family you wanted to be adopted by. Spend an afternoon listening to them dish old dirt and talk over each other and it's easy to see why. Now they're worried they've said too much, laid bare the tender soul of the actor behind the star-spangled superhero outfit, so there's talk of offing the interviewer. I can hear all this from the bathroom, which, of course, is the point of a good stage whisper.
To be sure, no one's said too much, and the more you're brought into the embrace of this boisterous, funny, shit-slinging, demonstrably loving extended family, the more likable and enviable the whole dynamic is.
Sample exchange from today's lunch of baked ziti at a family-style Italian restaurant:
Mom: When he was a kid, he asked me, 'Mom, will I ever think farting isn't funny?'
Chris: You're throwing me under the bus, Ma! Thank you.
Mom: Well, if a dog farts you still find it funny.
Then, back at the apartment, where Mrs. Evans tries to give me good-natured dirt on her son without freaking him out:
Mom: You always tell me when you think a girl is attractive. You'll call me up so excited. Is that okay to say?
Chris: Nothing wrong with that.
Mom: And can I say all the girls you've brought to the house have been very sweet and wonderful? Of course, those are the ones that make it to the house. It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Chris: Looooong time.
Mom: The last one at our house? Was it six years ago?
Chris: No names, Ma!
Mom: But she knocked it out of the park.
Chris: She got drunk and puked at Auntie Pam's house! And she puked on the way home and she puked at our place.
Mom: And that's when I fell in love with her. Because she was real.
We're operating under a no-names rule, so I'm not asking if it's Jessica Biel who made this memorable first impression. She and Evans were serious for a couple of years. But I don't want to picture lovely Jessica Biel getting sick at Auntie Pam's or in the car or, really, anywhere.
East the bulldog ambles over to the table, begging for food.
"That dog is the love of his life," Mrs. Evans says. "Which tells me he'll be an unbelievable parent, but I don't want him to get married right now." She turns to Chris. "The way you are, I just don't think you're ready."
Some other things I learn about Evans from his mom: He hates going to the gym; he was so wound-up as a kid she'd let him stand during dinner, his legs shaking like caged greyhounds; he suffered weekly "Sunday-night meltdowns" over schoolwork and the angst of the sensitive middle-schooler; after she and his father split and he was making money from acting, he bought her the Sudbury family homestead rather than let her leave it.
Eventually his mom and Josh depart, and Evans and I go to work depleting his stash of Bud Light. It feels like we drink Bud Light and talk for days, because we basically do. I arrived early Friday evening; it's Saturday night now and it'll be sunup Sunday before I sleeplessly make my way to catch a train back to New York City. Somewhere in between we slip free of the gravitational pull of the bachelor pad and there's bottle service at a club and a long walk with entourage in tow back to Evans' apartment, where there is some earnest-yet-surreal group singing, piano playing, and chitchat. Evans is fun to talk to, partly because he's an open, self-mocking guy with an explosive laugh and no apparent need to sleep, and partly because when you cut just below the surface, it's clear he's not quite the dude's dude he sometimes plays onscreen and in TV appearances.
From a distance, Chris Evans the movie star seems a predictable, nearly inevitable piece of successful Hollywood packaging come to market. There's his major-release debut as the dorkily unaware jock Jake in the guilty pleasure Not Another Teen Movie (in one memorable scene, Evans has whipped cream on his chest and a banana up his ass). The female-friendly hunk appeal—his character in The Nanny Diaries is named simply Harvard Hottie—is balanced by a kind of casual-Friday, I'm-from-Boston regular-dudeness. Following the siren song of comic-book cash, he was the Human Torch in two Fantastic Four films. As with scrawny Steve Rogers, the Captain America suit beefed up his stature as a formidable screen presence, a bankable leading man, all of which leads us to The Avengers, this season's megabudget, megawatt ensemble in which he stars alongside Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Hemsworth.
It all feels inevitable—and yet it nearly didn't happen. Evans repeatedly turned down the Captain America role, fearing he'd be locked into what was originally a nine-picture deal. He was shooting Puncture, about a drug-addicted lawyer, at the time. Most actors doing small-budget legal dramas would jump at the chance to play the lead in a Marvel franchise, but Evans saw a decade of his life flash before his eyes.
What he remembers thinking is this: "What if the movie comes out and it's a success and I just reject all of this? What if I want to move to the fucking woods?"
By "the woods," he doesn't mean a quiet life away from the spotlight, some general metaphorical life escape route. He means the actual woods. "For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival," he says. "I was convinced that I was going to move to the woods. I camped a lot, I took classes. At 18, I told myself if I don't live in the woods by the time I'm 25, I have failed."
Evans has described his hesitation at signing on for Captain America. Usually he talks about the time commitment, the loss of what remained of his relative anonymity. On the junkets for the movie, he was open about needing therapy after the studio reduced the deal to six movies and he took the leap. What he doesn't usually mention is that he was racked with anxiety before the job came up.
"I get very nervous," Evans explains. "I shit the bed if I have to present something on stage or if I'm doing press. Because it's just you." He's been known to walk out of press conferences, to freeze up and go silent during the kind of relaxed-yet-high-stakes meetings an actor of his stature is expected to attend: "Do you know how badly I audition? Fifty percent of the time I have to walk out of the room. I'm naturally very pale, so I turn red and sweat. And I have to literally walk out. Sometimes mid-audition. You start having these conversations in your brain. 'Chris, don't do this. Chris, take it easy. You're just sitting in a room with a person saying some words, this isn't life. And you're letting this affect you? Shame on you.'"
Shades of "Sunday-night meltdowns." Luckily the nerves never follow him to the set. "You do your neuroses beforehand, so when they yell 'Action' you can be present," he says.
Okay, there was one on-set panic attack—while Evans was shooting Puncture. "We were getting ready to do a court scene in front of a bunch of people, and I don't know what happened," he says. "It's just your brain playing games with you. 'Hey, you know how we sometimes freak out? What if we did it right now?'"
One of the people who advised Evans to take the Captain America role was his eventual Avengers costar Robert Downey Jr. "I'd seen him around," Downey says. "We share an agent. I like to spend a lot of my free time talking to my agent about his other clients—I just had a feeling about him."
What he told Evans was: This puppy is going to be big, and when it is you're going to get to make the movies you want to make. "In the marathon obstacle course of a career," Downey says, "it's just good to have all the stats on paper for why you're not only a team player but also why it makes sense to support you in the projects you want to do—because you've made so much damned money for the studio."
There's also the fact that Evans had a chance to sign on for something likely to be a kind of watershed moment in the comic-book fascination of our time. "I do think The Avengers is the crescendo of this superhero phase in entertainment—except of course for Iron Man 3," Downey says. "It'll take a lot of innovation to keep it alive after this."
Captain America is the only person left who was truly close to Howard Stark, father of Tony Stark (a.k.a. Iron Man), which meant that Evans' and Downey's story lines are closely linked, and in the course of doing a lot of scenes together, they got to be pals. Downey diagnoses his friend with what he terms "low-grade red-carpet anxiety disorder."
"He just hates the game-show aspect of doing PR," Downey says. "Obviously there's pressure for anyone in this transition he's in. But he will easily triple that pressure to make sure he's not being lazy. That's why I respect the guy. I wouldn't necessarily want to be in his skin. But his motives are pure. He just needs to drink some red-carpet chamomile."
"The majority of the world is empty space," Chris Evans says, watching me as if my brain might explode on hearing this news—or like he might have to fight me if I try to contradict him. We're back at his apartment after a cigarette run through the Combat Zone.
"Empty space!" he says again, slapping the table and sort of yelling. Then, in a slow, breathy whisper, he repeats: "Empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people, it's all empty space. That's amazing!" He slaps the table again. "You want another beer? Gotta be Bud Light. Get dirty—you're in Boston. Okay, organize your thoughts. I gotta take a piss . . ."
My thoughts are this: That this guy who is hugging his dog and talking to me about space and mortality and the trouble with Boston girls who believe crazy gossip about him—this is not the guy I expected to meet. I figured he'd be a meatball. Though, truthfully, I'd never called anyone a meatball until Evans turned me on to the put-down. As in: "My sister Shanna dates meatballs." And, more to the point: "When I do interviews, I'd rather just be the beer-drinking dude from Boston and not get into the complex shit, because I don't want every meatball saying, 'So hey, whaddyathink about Buddhism?'"
At 17, Evans came across a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha and began his spiritual questing. It's a path of study and struggle that, he says, defines his true purpose in life. "I love acting. It's my playground, it lets me explore. But my happiness in this world, my level of peace, is never going to be dictated by acting," he says. "My goal in life is to detach from the egoic mind. Do you know anything about Eastern philosophy?"
I sip some Bud Light and shake my head sheepishly. "They talk about the egoic mind, the part of you that's self-aware, the watcher, the person you think is driving this machine," he says. "And that separation from self and mind is the root of suffering. There are ways of retraining the way you think. This isn't really supported in Western society, which is focused on 'Go get it, earn it, win it, marry it.'"
Scarlett Johansson says that one of the things she appreciates about Evans is how he steers clear of industry chat when they see each other. "Basically every actor," she says, "including myself, when we finish a job we're like, 'Well, that's it for me. Had a good run. Put me out to pasture.' But Chris doesn't strike me as someone who frets about the next job." The two met on the set of The Perfect Score when they were teenagers and have stayed close; The Avengers is their third movie together. "He has this obviously masculine presence—a dude's dude—and we're used to seeing him play heroic characters," Johansson says, "but he's also surprisingly sensitive. He has close female friends, and you can talk to him about anything. Plus there's that secret song-and-dance, jazz-hands side of Chris. I feel like he grew up with the Partridge Family. He'd be just as happy doing Guys and Dolls as he would Captain America 2."
East needs to do his business, so Evans and I take him up to the roof deck. Evans bought this apartment in 2010 when living in L.A. full-time no longer appealed to him. He came back to stay close to his extended family and the intimate circle of Boston pals he's maintained since high school. The move also seems like a pretty clear keep-it-real hedge against the manic ego-stroking distractions of Hollywood.
"I think my daytime person is different than my nighttime person," Evans says. "With my high-school buddies, we drink beer and talk sports and it's great. The kids in my Buddhism class in L.A., they're wildly intelligent, and I love being around them, but they're not talking about the Celtics. And that's part of me. It's a strange dichotomy. I don't mind being a certain way with some people and having this other piece of me that's just for me."
I asked Downey about Evans' outward regular-Joe persona. "It's complete horseshit," Downey says. "There's an inherent street-smart intelligence there. I don't think he tries to hide it. But he's much more evolved and much more culturally aware than he lets on."
Perhaps the meatball and the meditation can coexist. We argue about our egoic brains and the tao of Boston girls. "I love wet hair and sweatpants," he says in their defense. "I like sneakers and ponytails. I like girls who aren't so la-di-da. L.A. is so la-di-da. I like Boston girls who shit on me. Not literally. Girls who give me a hard time, bust my chops a little."
The chief buster of Evans' chops is, of course, Evans himself. "The problem is, the brain I'm using to dissect this world is a brain formed by it," he says. "We're born into confusion, and we get the blessing of letting go of it." Then he adds: "I think this shit by day. And then night comes and it's like, 'Fuck it, let's drink.'"
And so we do. It's getting late. Again. We should have eaten dinner, but Evans sometimes forgets to eat: "If I could just take a pill to make me full forever, I wouldn't think twice."
We talk about his dog and camping with his dog and why he loves being alone more than almost anything except maybe not being alone. "I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the woods, I'm a lunatic," he says. "I sing, I dance. I do crazy shit."
Evans' unflagging, all-encompassing enthusiasm is impressive, itself a kind of social intelligence. "If you want to have a good conversation with him, don't talk about the fact that he's famous" was the advice I got from Mark Kassen, who codirected Puncture. "He's a blast, a guy who can hang. For quite a long time. Many hours in a row."
I've stopped looking at the clock. We've stopped talking philosophy and moved into more emotional territory. He asks questions about my 9-month-old son, and then Captain America gets teary when I talk about the wonder of his birth. "I weep at everything," he says. "I emote. I love things so much—I just never want to dilute that."
He talks about how close he feels to his family, how open they all are with each other. About everything. All the time. "The first time I had sex," he says, "I raced home and was like, 'Mom, I just had sex! Where's the clit?'"
Wait, I ask—did she ever tell you?
"Still don't know where it is, man," he says, then breaks into a smile composed of equal parts shit-eating grin and inner peace. "I just don't know. Make some movies, you don't have to know…"
Here is the 2012 Detail Magazine interview with chris evans:
The Avengers' Chris Evans: Just Your Average Beer-Swilling, Babe-Loving Buddhist
The 30-year-old Bud Light-chugging, Beantown-bred star of The Avengers is widely perceived as the ultimate guy's guy. But beneath the bro persona lies a serious student of Buddhism, an unrepentant song-and-dance man, and a guy who talks to his mom about sex. And farts.
By Adam Sachs,
Photographs by Norman Jean Roy
May 2012 Issue
"Should we just kill him and bury his body?" Chris Evans is stage whispering into the impassive blinking light of my digital recorder.
"Chris!" shouts his mother, her tone a familiar-to-anyone-with-a-mother mix of coddling and concern. "Don't say that! What if something happened?"
We're at Evans' apartment, an expansive but not overly tricked-out bachelor-pad-ish loft in a semi-industrial nowheresville part of Boston, hard by Chinatown, near an area sometimes called the Combat Zone. Evans has a fuzzy, floppy, slept-in-his-clothes aspect that'd be nearly unrecognizable if you knew him only by the upright, spit-polished bearing of the onscreen hero. His dog, East, a sweet and slobbery American bulldog, is spread out on a couch in front of the TV. The shelves of his fridge are neatly stacked with much of the world's supply of Bud Light in cans and little else.
On the counter sit a few buckets of muscle-making whey-protein powder that belong to Evans' roommate, Zach Jarvis, an old pal who sometimes tags along on set as a paid "assistant" and a personal trainer who bulked Evans up for his role as the super-ripped patriot in last summer's blockbuster Captain America: The First Avenger. A giant clock on the exposed-brick wall says it's early evening, but Evans operates on his own sense of time. Between gigs, his schedule's all his, which usually translates into long stretches of alone time during the day and longer social nights for the 30-year-old.
"I could just make this . . . disappear," says Josh Peck, another old pal and occasional on-set assistant, in a deadpan mumble, poking at the voice recorder I'd left on the table while I was in the bathroom.
Evans' mom, Lisa, now speaks directly into the microphone: "Don't listen to them—I'm trying to get them not to say these things!"
But not saying things isn't in the Evans DNA. They're an infectiously gregarious clan. Irish-Italians, proud Bostoners, close-knit, and innately theatrical. "We all act, we sing," Evans says. "It was like the fucking von Trapps." Mom was a dancer and now runs a children's theater. First-born Carly directed the family puppet shows and studied theater at NYU. Younger brother Scott has parts on One Life to Live and Law & Order under his belt and lives in Los Angeles full-time—something Evans stopped doing several years back. Rounding out the circle are baby sister Shanna and a pair of "strays" the family brought into their Sudbury, Massachusetts, home: Josh, who went from mowing the lawn to moving in when his folks relocated during his senior year in high school; and Demery, who was Evans' roommate until recently.
"Our house was like a hotel," Evans says. "It was a loony-tunes household. If you got arrested in high school, everyone knew: 'Call Mrs. Evans, she'll bail you out.'"
Growing up, they had a special floor put in the basement where all the kids practiced tap-dancing. The party-ready rec room also had a Ping-Pong table and a separate entrance. This was the house kids in the neighborhood wanted to hang at, and this was the kind of family you wanted to be adopted by. Spend an afternoon listening to them dish old dirt and talk over each other and it's easy to see why. Now they're worried they've said too much, laid bare the tender soul of the actor behind the star-spangled superhero outfit, so there's talk of offing the interviewer. I can hear all this from the bathroom, which, of course, is the point of a good stage whisper.
To be sure, no one's said too much, and the more you're brought into the embrace of this boisterous, funny, shit-slinging, demonstrably loving extended family, the more likable and enviable the whole dynamic is.
Sample exchange from today's lunch of baked ziti at a family-style Italian restaurant:
Mom: When he was a kid, he asked me, 'Mom, will I ever think farting isn't funny?'
Chris: You're throwing me under the bus, Ma! Thank you.
Mom: Well, if a dog farts you still find it funny.
Then, back at the apartment, where Mrs. Evans tries to give me good-natured dirt on her son without freaking him out:
Mom: You always tell me when you think a girl is attractive. You'll call me up so excited. Is that okay to say?
Chris: Nothing wrong with that.
Mom: And can I say all the girls you've brought to the house have been very sweet and wonderful? Of course, those are the ones that make it to the house. It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Chris: Looooong time.
Mom: The last one at our house? Was it six years ago?
Chris: No names, Ma!
Mom: But she knocked it out of the park.
Chris: She got drunk and puked at Auntie Pam's house! And she puked on the way home and she puked at our place.
Mom: And that's when I fell in love with her. Because she was real.
We're operating under a no-names rule, so I'm not asking if it's Jessica Biel who made this memorable first impression. She and Evans were serious for a couple of years. But I don't want to picture lovely Jessica Biel getting sick at Auntie Pam's or in the car or, really, anywhere.
East the bulldog ambles over to the table, begging for food.
"That dog is the love of his life," Mrs. Evans says. "Which tells me he'll be an unbelievable parent, but I don't want him to get married right now." She turns to Chris. "The way you are, I just don't think you're ready."
Some other things I learn about Evans from his mom: He hates going to the gym; he was so wound-up as a kid she'd let him stand during dinner, his legs shaking like caged greyhounds; he suffered weekly "Sunday-night meltdowns" over schoolwork and the angst of the sensitive middle-schooler; after she and his father split and he was making money from acting, he bought her the Sudbury family homestead rather than let her leave it.
Eventually his mom and Josh depart, and Evans and I go to work depleting his stash of Bud Light. It feels like we drink Bud Light and talk for days, because we basically do. I arrived early Friday evening; it's Saturday night now and it'll be sunup Sunday before I sleeplessly make my way to catch a train back to New York City. Somewhere in between we slip free of the gravitational pull of the bachelor pad and there's bottle service at a club and a long walk with entourage in tow back to Evans' apartment, where there is some earnest-yet-surreal group singing, piano playing, and chitchat. Evans is fun to talk to, partly because he's an open, self-mocking guy with an explosive laugh and no apparent need to sleep, and partly because when you cut just below the surface, it's clear he's not quite the dude's dude he sometimes plays onscreen and in TV appearances.
From a distance, Chris Evans the movie star seems a predictable, nearly inevitable piece of successful Hollywood packaging come to market. There's his major-release debut as the dorkily unaware jock Jake in the guilty pleasure Not Another Teen Movie (in one memorable scene, Evans has whipped cream on his chest and a banana up his ass). The female-friendly hunk appeal—his character in The Nanny Diaries is named simply Harvard Hottie—is balanced by a kind of casual-Friday, I'm-from-Boston regular-dudeness. Following the siren song of comic-book cash, he was the Human Torch in two Fantastic Four films. As with scrawny Steve Rogers, the Captain America suit beefed up his stature as a formidable screen presence, a bankable leading man, all of which leads us to The Avengers, this season's megabudget, megawatt ensemble in which he stars alongside Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Hemsworth.
It all feels inevitable—and yet it nearly didn't happen. Evans repeatedly turned down the Captain America role, fearing he'd be locked into what was originally a nine-picture deal. He was shooting Puncture, about a drug-addicted lawyer, at the time. Most actors doing small-budget legal dramas would jump at the chance to play the lead in a Marvel franchise, but Evans saw a decade of his life flash before his eyes.
What he remembers thinking is this: "What if the movie comes out and it's a success and I just reject all of this? What if I want to move to the fucking woods?"
By "the woods," he doesn't mean a quiet life away from the spotlight, some general metaphorical life escape route. He means the actual woods. "For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival," he says. "I was convinced that I was going to move to the woods. I camped a lot, I took classes. At 18, I told myself if I don't live in the woods by the time I'm 25, I have failed."
Evans has described his hesitation at signing on for Captain America. Usually he talks about the time commitment, the loss of what remained of his relative anonymity. On the junkets for the movie, he was open about needing therapy after the studio reduced the deal to six movies and he took the leap. What he doesn't usually mention is that he was racked with anxiety before the job came up.
"I get very nervous," Evans explains. "I shit the bed if I have to present something on stage or if I'm doing press. Because it's just you." He's been known to walk out of press conferences, to freeze up and go silent during the kind of relaxed-yet-high-stakes meetings an actor of his stature is expected to attend: "Do you know how badly I audition? Fifty percent of the time I have to walk out of the room. I'm naturally very pale, so I turn red and sweat. And I have to literally walk out. Sometimes mid-audition. You start having these conversations in your brain. 'Chris, don't do this. Chris, take it easy. You're just sitting in a room with a person saying some words, this isn't life. And you're letting this affect you? Shame on you.'"
Shades of "Sunday-night meltdowns." Luckily the nerves never follow him to the set. "You do your neuroses beforehand, so when they yell 'Action' you can be present," he says.
Okay, there was one on-set panic attack—while Evans was shooting Puncture. "We were getting ready to do a court scene in front of a bunch of people, and I don't know what happened," he says. "It's just your brain playing games with you. 'Hey, you know how we sometimes freak out? What if we did it right now?'"
One of the people who advised Evans to take the Captain America role was his eventual Avengers costar Robert Downey Jr. "I'd seen him around," Downey says. "We share an agent. I like to spend a lot of my free time talking to my agent about his other clients—I just had a feeling about him."
What he told Evans was: This puppy is going to be big, and when it is you're going to get to make the movies you want to make. "In the marathon obstacle course of a career," Downey says, "it's just good to have all the stats on paper for why you're not only a team player but also why it makes sense to support you in the projects you want to do—because you've made so much damned money for the studio."
There's also the fact that Evans had a chance to sign on for something likely to be a kind of watershed moment in the comic-book fascination of our time. "I do think The Avengers is the crescendo of this superhero phase in entertainment—except of course for Iron Man 3," Downey says. "It'll take a lot of innovation to keep it alive after this."
Captain America is the only person left who was truly close to Howard Stark, father of Tony Stark (a.k.a. Iron Man), which meant that Evans' and Downey's story lines are closely linked, and in the course of doing a lot of scenes together, they got to be pals. Downey diagnoses his friend with what he terms "low-grade red-carpet anxiety disorder."
"He just hates the game-show aspect of doing PR," Downey says. "Obviously there's pressure for anyone in this transition he's in. But he will easily triple that pressure to make sure he's not being lazy. That's why I respect the guy. I wouldn't necessarily want to be in his skin. But his motives are pure. He just needs to drink some red-carpet chamomile."
"The majority of the world is empty space," Chris Evans says, watching me as if my brain might explode on hearing this news—or like he might have to fight me if I try to contradict him. We're back at his apartment after a cigarette run through the Combat Zone.
"Empty space!" he says again, slapping the table and sort of yelling. Then, in a slow, breathy whisper, he repeats: "Empty space, empty space. All that we see in the world, the life, the animals, plants, people, it's all empty space. That's amazing!" He slaps the table again. "You want another beer? Gotta be Bud Light. Get dirty—you're in Boston. Okay, organize your thoughts. I gotta take a piss . . ."
My thoughts are this: That this guy who is hugging his dog and talking to me about space and mortality and the trouble with Boston girls who believe crazy gossip about him—this is not the guy I expected to meet. I figured he'd be a meatball. Though, truthfully, I'd never called anyone a meatball until Evans turned me on to the put-down. As in: "My sister Shanna dates meatballs." And, more to the point: "When I do interviews, I'd rather just be the beer-drinking dude from Boston and not get into the complex shit, because I don't want every meatball saying, 'So hey, whaddyathink about Buddhism?'"
At 17, Evans came across a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha and began his spiritual questing. It's a path of study and struggle that, he says, defines his true purpose in life. "I love acting. It's my playground, it lets me explore. But my happiness in this world, my level of peace, is never going to be dictated by acting," he says. "My goal in life is to detach from the egoic mind. Do you know anything about Eastern philosophy?"
I sip some Bud Light and shake my head sheepishly. "They talk about the egoic mind, the part of you that's self-aware, the watcher, the person you think is driving this machine," he says. "And that separation from self and mind is the root of suffering. There are ways of retraining the way you think. This isn't really supported in Western society, which is focused on 'Go get it, earn it, win it, marry it.'"
Scarlett Johansson says that one of the things she appreciates about Evans is how he steers clear of industry chat when they see each other. "Basically every actor," she says, "including myself, when we finish a job we're like, 'Well, that's it for me. Had a good run. Put me out to pasture.' But Chris doesn't strike me as someone who frets about the next job." The two met on the set of The Perfect Score when they were teenagers and have stayed close; The Avengers is their third movie together. "He has this obviously masculine presence—a dude's dude—and we're used to seeing him play heroic characters," Johansson says, "but he's also surprisingly sensitive. He has close female friends, and you can talk to him about anything. Plus there's that secret song-and-dance, jazz-hands side of Chris. I feel like he grew up with the Partridge Family. He'd be just as happy doing Guys and Dolls as he would Captain America 2."
East needs to do his business, so Evans and I take him up to the roof deck. Evans bought this apartment in 2010 when living in L.A. full-time no longer appealed to him. He came back to stay close to his extended family and the intimate circle of Boston pals he's maintained since high school. The move also seems like a pretty clear keep-it-real hedge against the manic ego-stroking distractions of Hollywood.
"I think my daytime person is different than my nighttime person," Evans says. "With my high-school buddies, we drink beer and talk sports and it's great. The kids in my Buddhism class in L.A., they're wildly intelligent, and I love being around them, but they're not talking about the Celtics. And that's part of me. It's a strange dichotomy. I don't mind being a certain way with some people and having this other piece of me that's just for me."
I asked Downey about Evans' outward regular-Joe persona. "It's complete horseshit," Downey says. "There's an inherent street-smart intelligence there. I don't think he tries to hide it. But he's much more evolved and much more culturally aware than he lets on."
Perhaps the meatball and the meditation can coexist. We argue about our egoic brains and the tao of Boston girls. "I love wet hair and sweatpants," he says in their defense. "I like sneakers and ponytails. I like girls who aren't so la-di-da. L.A. is so la-di-da. I like Boston girls who shit on me. Not literally. Girls who give me a hard time, bust my chops a little."
The chief buster of Evans' chops is, of course, Evans himself. "The problem is, the brain I'm using to dissect this world is a brain formed by it," he says. "We're born into confusion, and we get the blessing of letting go of it." Then he adds: "I think this shit by day. And then night comes and it's like, 'Fuck it, let's drink.'"
And so we do. It's getting late. Again. We should have eaten dinner, but Evans sometimes forgets to eat: "If I could just take a pill to make me full forever, I wouldn't think twice."
We talk about his dog and camping with his dog and why he loves being alone more than almost anything except maybe not being alone. "I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the woods, I'm a lunatic," he says. "I sing, I dance. I do crazy shit."
Evans' unflagging, all-encompassing enthusiasm is impressive, itself a kind of social intelligence. "If you want to have a good conversation with him, don't talk about the fact that he's famous" was the advice I got from Mark Kassen, who codirected Puncture. "He's a blast, a guy who can hang. For quite a long time. Many hours in a row."
I've stopped looking at the clock. We've stopped talking philosophy and moved into more emotional territory. He asks questions about my 9-month-old son, and then Captain America gets teary when I talk about the wonder of his birth. "I weep at everything," he says. "I emote. I love things so much—I just never want to dilute that."
He talks about how close he feels to his family, how open they all are with each other. About everything. All the time. "The first time I had sex," he says, "I raced home and was like, 'Mom, I just had sex! Where's the clit?'"
Wait, I ask—did she ever tell you?
"Still don't know where it is, man," he says, then breaks into a smile composed of equal parts shit-eating grin and inner peace. "I just don't know. Make some movies, you don't have to know…"
If someone doesn't want to check the link, the anon sent the full interview!
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junikshanasar · 3 years
Mikey needs help (and therapy but like who doesn’t) pt.1
I said in my review of Tokyo Manji Revengers I would talk about why the new arc was inevitable.
Right, so first of all Mikey (real name: Sano Manjirou) is one of my favourite characters. Don’t ask me why, I don’t pick who I fall for. Anyway I found a lot of people were pissed and upset at the new arc, which arrives right after we think the madness has ended: everyone is healthy and happy, Hinata and Takemichi are about to get married, and Toman has been disbanded. Naoto and Takemichi can’t do the handshake time leap thing anymore either.
And then boom, we find out Mikey is decidedly not happy and healthy, and actually part of a different sus gang since Toman no longer exists. Our boy Takemichi tries to ignore it (”this is the path Mikey chose”), remembers how he promised to act in place of Mikey’s deceased older brother and knock some sense into him when he goes astray. 
So naturally our “I want to save everyone including Mikey even if I hafta ditch my wedding” protagonist goes after Mikey, gets shot like three times by Mikey, and just barely prevents Mikey’s suicide attempt. He announces he will do whatever it takes to help Mikey so he gets his happy ending with the rest of them, and then we get this heartwarming scene:
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And this scene shows just how much Takemichi cares, compared even to us, the readers, but let me build up to that.
Let’s start from the beginning. Mikey is the leader of the Tokyo Manji Group (Toman), as well as one of the founding members. We learn about him pretty early on, when Naoto informs Takemichi that he must “prevent Sano Manjirou and Kisaki Tetta from meeting at all costs”. Initially you assume because these two are the ones who formed the gang, but that isn’t true as shortly into the manga we learn Toman already exists as quite a righteous group... at least as righteous as a gang run by middle and high school delinquents can be.  
Of course we piece together the actual underlying story to all of this drama right beside (or sometimes way before) Takemichi, one of the main factors being how Kisaki is responsible for turning Toman corrupt, into a gang that dabbles in underworld stuff like drugs, human trafficking, and all around terrorizing. We follow Takemichi as he thwarts all of Kisaki’s plans while on his ‘missions’ into the past. But what is often implied in everyone of his missions: a lot of the time, the future of Toman is based around Mikey.
I mean, duh, Mikey is the leader of Toman. But Mikey has always been an rather signifcant character from the very beginning of the manga, and not just becaue he’s the first one to notice and recruit Takemichi into the gang. See, from the very first ‘mission’, it’s always been about Mikey: save Draken because when he dies, Mikey turns dark. Mikey turns dark, Kisaki takes advantage (?), Toman turns corrupt, Hinata dies to Truck-kun.
All the missions are in some way all centered around how they affect Mikey, what happens to Mikey, how does this change Mikey, and thus how does this affect Toman, and then subsequently the future lives of everyone Takemichi cares about, which extends beyond just Hinata and Naoto as the story progresses. However we, and Takemichi too, assume the bad future is fixed after Kisaki’s turn with Truck-kun ensures he is no longer a threat and scheming to turn Mikey dark so he can be his ‘shadow leader’ or whatever the heck he thought would make him bae material for Hinata (idk Kisaki has been and will always be strange to me for some reason, but ig that’s why I found him a villain I was actually wary of).
Anyway we all assume everything is done and done because with Kisaki gone, there’s no one to turn Mikey dark, and since Mikey disbands Toman, there’s no gang to turn corrupt, right? Well let’s go back to what gave us the ‘bad ends’ in the first place.
Mikey has dark impulses. It’s stated explicitly. But we can see this in the way he gets violent, his completely dead and dark eyes, and the way it always feels like eggshells around him, his past, the people around him (Draken, Baji, Kazutora, Ema, Shinichiro, Takemichi). Most notably, the way that once he turns dark, he turns dark, going on killing sprees. Frequently he becomes a murderer in various bad futures, becoming someone who has fallen to those dark impulses. One memorable ‘bad end’ had Mikey murdering everyone from Toman in various an painful ways, nearly about to off Takemichi too. 
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The most important thing to note is that in this future, Kisaki was already dead. So even without Kisaki, Mikey’s dark side can and will run wild. Thus, from the very beginning, Mikey was always a character prone to becoming dark. Thus, it should come as no surprise that even without Toman and without Kisaki, he still managed to go dark in the final ‘good future’.
Part 2 will go over why a ‘Save Mikey’ arc is in-line with the story, even after literally everyone else was happy in a good future.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Gavin’s Late Autumn Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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This post is dedicated to @stehkotori​, an incredible woman who created and maintains a home for us on Discord to share our love for MLQC. She’s also very encouraging and sweet 😭💕
Kiss Dates Collection: Kiro // Lucien // Victor
Hearing yet another bout of loud laughter from downstairs, I take up my phone and enter Gavin’s number, planning to tell him to meet me directly in the music room.
Just as the dial tone sounds, I hear a familiar ringtone behind me.
I turn around to see Gavin leaning against the door frame, his lips lifted in a gentle smile.
[Note] He only has one official CG in this date so I made another myself]
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MC: You actually found me! I was about to tell you to come to the music room directly.
Gavin: Mr Keller said you disappeared right after signing the attendance, so I guessed that you’d be here.
MC: I’m not the type to participate in such lively events. Mr Keller will understand.
It is Loveland High’s hundred-year anniversary today. As “Outstanding Alumni”, Gavin and I have been invited to participate in the ceremony.
However, it’s a little too noisy with the announcements and music blaring downstairs.
Furthermore, as a mere producer for a small program, I have nothing in common to talk about with the distinguished figures present today. It’s best to stay in the music room, where I can enjoy the peace and quiet.  
MC: According to the schedule, all the outstanding alumni have to go on stage to shake hands with the Principal. While I’m far from being “outstanding”, you’re not.
MC: Ever since Principal Fang heard that the current commander of the Special Task Force graduated from Loveland High, he’s been wanting to meet you.
Gavin: I’ve never liked participating in lively events. You know that.
He walks over, lowering his eyes to meet mine.
Gavin: Are you playing the piano?
I scoot to the side, patting the empty space on the piano bench.
Gavin smiles and sits down next to me.
MC: Do you feel as though we’ve been coming to school quite often?
Gavin: Mm, but I like the feeling of coming back here with you. It brings back many memories.
MC: Things from high school?
Gavin’s gaze falls onto the black and white piano keys, his amber eyes filled with the tranquil daylight of late autumn.
He doesn’t respond to my question, as though recalling something. He seems to have entered a trance, the corners of his lips raised slightly.
I rarely see such an expression on his face.
MC: Gavin?
I tug on his sleeve gently, eyes full of queries.
Gavin: Some things from high school, and some things from the Special Task Force.
There is a smile in his eyes as he speaks, as if all his recollections are happy memories.
Gavin: I haven’t thought about how to tell you about them yet.
Curious, I stare at him for a few seconds. I lean over to pull on his left hand.
MC: In that case, you have the duration of one song to organize your words.
Gavin places his fingers on the keys obediently.
Gavin: All right, I’ll do my best to keep up with you.
As soon as the prelude starts, Gavin instantly casts me a glance – this is the tune most familiar to us.
The chords he plays with his left hand easily match the melody I play with my right. We don’t make a single mistake.
Accompanying the sounds of the piano, many images resurface in my mind.
The scene when I met him again, the ginkgo bracelet on my wrist which accompanies me day and night, every sunrise we waited for together, every starlight we have seen…
If I were to take count, every memorable moment was spent together with him.
MC: Actually, I came here once when you weren’t around. There wasn’t a reason why I did it. I just had a sudden whim to take a look.
Gavin: Did you gain anything?
MC: It was dismissal time, and the field was very crowded. I think there was a class having a basketball competition. You could hear their heated shouts from outside the school gate.
MC: Oh, I even saw two people laying on the flower bed stand doing corrections for a test paper. Maybe the teacher wanted to check them. My language teacher back then used to love checking our test papers during night revision sessions.
MC: When going up the teaching building, I was thinking… did we often meet at the stairway back then? Did we pass by each other, just that we didn’t know one another?
Gavin: We didn’t.
His tone is plain and ordinary, as though we are talking about trivial matters like what to have for a meal.
Gavin: We met often, but never passed by each other. I remember every moment I saw you in school. Time, location, weather, your expression, your clothes – I remember them all.
His fingers linger between the black and white piano keys, sunlight flashing in his eyes.
Gavin: Even now, I still remember.
With the sudden pause of my hand, the tune abruptly stops.
MC: …we seem to have really missed out on a lot.
Gavin responds to my sudden lament with an expression reflecting a lack of understanding. He doesn’t probe, waiting for me to continue.
MC: I’ve thought about a few things since a very long time ago. For example… cheering you on at the basketball court after school. And then proudly telling the entire class that the name of the tallest and most accurate shooter is ‘Gavin’!
MC: Back then, there was a small stall outside the school gate selling red bean puffs. $3 for one, $5 for two. It was crispy on the outside and sweet on the inside, with a generous amount of filling. You’ve definitely not eaten it before…
MC: Now, the Cityscape Management doesn’t allow the setting up of stalls outside the school gate, so I don’t have the chance to bring you there to eat.
MC: We used to have late night self-study sessions and were only dismissed after 9pm. The girls in the same class would find company to walk with. If you were there, you’d have been able to send me home.
Upon hearing this, Gavin hesitates slightly.
Gavin: Um, I didn’t have a car back then.
MC: I’m referring to a bicycle!
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Gavin: …you can continue.
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MC: Piano lessons were way too dull. Once I sit here, it would be for several hours, playing the same song over and over again. Sometimes, I’d think of going out to have fun - to go shopping, sing karaoke, eat all kinds of good food, or do my homework while having a drink in a small shop.
MC: Also, the 800-metres physical test was literally my nightmare! If you were there to practice running with me, I wouldn’t have passed only after my third test.
The moments I spent in Loveland High replay in my mind, but the things that are brimming in my memory, apart from the purity of youth, blazing passion and ignorance, seems to be missing something.
MC: If I could be with you back then… my deepest memories in high school wouldn’t have just been of exams.
If not for the misunderstanding, if not for us going around in circles – the tedious high school homework and boring practices would have had a completely different experience.
Whenever I think about these possibilities, I feel sorry for us.
I pretend to be angry, loosening myself from his grip. I stand up, wear a serious expression, and lodge a “complaint” against him.
MC: It’s all your fault! …you didn’t give me a chance to know you earlier.
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Astonishment flashes in his eyes, and his voice is hesitant.
Gavin: …I didn’t think that you would have such thoughts.
MC: Well, now you do – we missed out on a whole six years! Even if we want to make up for it every day, it wouldn’t be enough even if you spend a full twenty-four hours with me.
Of course, I’m just joking around with Gavin. However, his expression clearly shows that he has taken my words seriously.
He stands up slowly. When his eyes meet mine, they contain a sorrowful smile that I haven’t seen for a very long time.
I’m about to coquettishly say that he has to repay his debt, but he traps me in between his arms.
Before I can react, a familiar scent takes my breath away.
Without a shred of hesitation, he kisses me.
The kiss carries an overtone of recklessness and ravaging – as he fiercely rubs the territory between my lips and teeth, his hands grip my waist tightly.
Searing breaths descend on my lips. I open my eyes slightly and see unsuppressed aggression brimming in his amber-coloured gaze.
I suddenly recall how I had trembled when meeting his eyes for the first time.
MC: Senior…
I try to open my mouth amidst his continuous demands, but am only able to release an incoherent mess of words.
Gavin eventually stops for a few seconds. His breathing is ragged, but he doesn’t pull back.
Gavin: I was just thinking about that.
He lets out an incredibly soft laugh, gently tucking messy strands of hair on my cheek behind my ear with his left hand. His lips follow after his warm fingertips, descending on my cheek again and again.
Gavin: Whatever I owe you, I’ll return them one by one… is that okay?
He leans over to my ear and speaks in a low voice. Mixed with desire, the sound is enveloped with cloudy breaths, and every wisp leads to an itch in my heart.
MC: Gavin.
There are so many things in my heart that I want to say. In the end, I can only think of calling his name gently.
The corners of Gavin’s lips are hooked into a smile. He suddenly lifts me up with a hand.
MC: …!
In my panic, I grab onto his shoulders. He simply tilts his head and smiles, placing me directly onto the piano.
The piano lets out a noise in response to the sudden weight. Just as I’m about to exclaim, my lips are sealed once again—
Student A: What was that sound just now?
Student B: Probably someone in the music room.
Student A: Want to take a look?
Although the footsteps and voices outside grow increasingly louder, Gavin maintains an air of disregard, continuing to encircle me in his arms.
He not only ignores the voices, but also takes a step forward. He puts his knee on the piano bench, pushing me completely onto the piano.
A few piano keys resound at the contact, embellishing our ragged breathing.
Student B: What’s there to see in the music room? It’s definitely someone from our club anyway. Let’s hurry over to the ceremony – I heard that the commander of the Special Task Force would be here today!
Student A: Are you serious? I saw him on television once – he’s super alpha!
Student B: Mr Zheng said so the last time, so it shouldn’t be wrong. Hurry up, we wouldn’t get good seats if we’re late!
Hasty footsteps pass by, not even stopping for a moment outside the music room.
I look towards Gavin, lightly tugging at the corner of his shirt. At the same time, I gently bite his lip, wordlessly expressing the feelings in my heart at this very moment.
As though punishing me for my mischief, his eyes narrow slightly. With a hand on my cheek, he presses my entire body onto the piano.
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MC: …
I close my eyes, holding onto his solid arms. I lift my head to welcome his lips, savouring his unique breath.
The person in front of me has shed off the roughness of youth, leaving behind only the purity of youth. He often makes me forget that he once used to be unrestrained like the wind.
He has a body that is stronger than everyone else’s, a tough soul, a will that is as firm as steel, and a heart full of tenderness – it is soft beyond compare.
I cling to his waist tightly using my calves, wanting to brand every part of him into my heart.
I want to bear his everything.
Gavin: …
Another light laugh enters my eyes. I open my eyes halfway, feeling the wind slowly sweep past my burning skin.
Even before I sober up from the deep kiss that almost stripped me of consciousness, the scene in front of my eyes causes me to let out a cry of surprise.
Countless ginkgo leaves are floating in the air, dancing outside the window.
The color gold covers every window. Every leaf seems to be drawn by something, spreading their wings as they spin past the floor.
Students standing along the corridor of the teaching building also exclaim, and are unable to hold back their surprised “wow”s!
Gavin smiles faintly. It’s only after a long while before the repeated warmth lingering on my lips gradually leaves the scorching ambience.
Gavin: Do you like it?
I straighten up, leaping off the piano neatly. I kneel on the piano bench with one leg, pressing myself against him.
MC: I like it. I like it very much.
I raise my head, using my fingers to rub his chin, his lips, the tip of his nose, and the corner of his brow.
MC: I like it so much that… I don’t know how I can prove to you just how much I like it.
Gavin reaches out to hold the hand which has drifted to the space between his eyebrows. He has a generous smile.
Gavin: …we did miss out on a lot. Back then, I wasn’t certain if I could have you for life.
I look straight into his bright eyes, and laugh quietly.
MC: And are you very certain now?
Gavin: Mm.
Gavin responds without much thought. His slightly raised eyebrows reveal a sense of pride.
Gavin: I hope you can give me an answer to this question as well.
He holds onto my waist, leaning over to hug me tightly in his arms. Even though he doesn’t continue with his questions, I immediately surrender.
MC: It’s all yours. The rest of my life is yours. The years we missed are also yours.
Everything I have, I’ll give to you.
I won’t leave anything to myself. I’ll give it all to you.
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Gavin’s Post: Today’s pork rib soup tastes great. 
MC: Is Commander Gavin satisfied with the supper which was prepared with love? 
Gavin: There’s no need to wait up for me next time. 
Gavin’s Post: Today’s pork rib soup tastes great.
MC: You’ll do the cooking over the weekend.
Gavin: Yes ma’am.
Gavin’s Post: Today’s pork rib soup tastes great.
MC: Can you taste my new recipe? 
Gavin: You added ginkgo, right? 
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 280: I Am Red Riot
Previously on BnHA: The pro heroes over at Gunga Mountain struggled against Gigantomachia and the League until finally Midnight was all, “fuck it, let’s just put the kids in charge.” Momo immediately got to work organizing a sophisticated counteroffensive involving an exploding swamp, a bunch of sedative cans, and a massive coordinated team attack. I gotta tell you guys, it’s really something to watch a large-scale group attack in which all of the team members are actually competent. I don’t know what Japan put in the water when all these sixteen-year-olds were growing up, but that shit has paid off big time, and basically the only reason Machia hasn’t gone down yet is because he cheated and was all “sneeze” and the kids all got blown away because they are little and because he is really, really big. Anyway so then Dabi set the forest on fire because he loves doing that, and the chapter ended with Mina using her Acid Man attack to make herself FUCKIN’ FIREPROOF so she could charge through the woods ready to save the day and stuff!
Today on BnHA: Mina launches herself straight at Machia like the beautiful corrosive wild child she is, but then everything goes to shit when she recognizes him from that one time she almost got murdered while giving a strange man directions. Just when it’s looking like she might get killed for real this time, KIRISHIMA SHOWS UP TO SAVE THE DAY AND SHOVES HER TO SAFETY AND IS ALL “BOTTOMS UP” AND HEAVES A LITERAL CAN OF WHOOPASS RIGHT IN MACHIA’S MOUTH. At this point the grown-ups are all “oh wow look at that, time for us to take over for you kids now, don’t worry we’ve got it all under control” because Oh Those Wacky Pros and all that, but at least Majestic finally deigns to show his face so that’s a plus! The chapter ends with us cutting back to the Jakku battle, where Tomura is curled up in a little ball all “curse you heroes, how dare you [checks notes] save people all the time”, which is a real take and a half. Anyway so things are looking up, which can only mean everyone is about to die. That’s how it works, right. Shit.
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THIS IS MINA. SHE’S REALLY COOL AND SHE CAN MELT PEOPLE. um, the hell kind of tagline is that?? holy fucking shit?? “melt and succumb”?? IS THE SUCCUMB PART REALLY NECESSARY. IS THAT NOT ALREADY IMPLIED. it’s like saying “die and then perish”, which actually sounds really badass and I’m about to make it my new go-to threat actually so you know what never mind. where the fuck were we anyway
“IS EVERYONE SAFE” some absurdly bad-at-gauging-situations kid from class B is yelling while the forest is on fire and all the kids are recovering from having been catapulted fifty miles by King Dodongo’s windy yeet breath. of course they are safe, sweet child. of course everyone is absolutely fine, why the fuck would they possibly not be safe after something like that
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AT LEAST HE’S STILL CONSCIOUS ENOUGH TO MAKE STUPID JOKES. holy shit this baby got concussed to hell and back and then Machia turned him and the others into precipitation and he wasn’t in any kind of state to even try to land safely, I hope to god someone caught him
Sero is all “is there anyone still in range!” and damn, I like that he’s taking charge and trying to regain their momentum. he is so criminally underrated. I feel like he’s in the top six or seven of class 1-A kids who I would most trust to take charge. which is very high praise because that class has a lot of charge-taking kids
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it “probably” can’t get through her acid, she says. my god. sometimes the spirit of Plus Ultra just takes ahold of these kids and it’s like, I want to ruffle their hair proudly and then grab them by the shoulders and shake them vigorously because WHERE EVEN IS YOUR SELF-PRESERVATION WHY DO NONE OF YOU HAVE IT GODDAMMIT AIZAWA REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXPELLED YOU GUYS AFTER ALL
man. and yet I really do love this “be the one who can do it” stuff. what a heroic fucking attitude dfjfklks. I’ll just go put on my humongous sandwich board that reads GIANT FUCKING HYPOCRITE and go stand in the corner
damn it this week’s scan is annoyingly dark, it’s really hard to tell what’s going on but it looks like the pros are attacking Machia and the League at long last. way to go guys it only took you seven years but you finally hopped to it
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okay what the hell is up with these weird zen proverbs though
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“your fear stricken heart”, “the shortest path”, what the fuck even is this. whose thoughts are these. normally these translations are honestly decent enough but I gotta say this time around I’m totally being thrown for a loop lmao
(ETA: FYI I’m only just now realizing that he was saying the shortest path to Master, as in Tomura, not “master” as in to master something fjkldjskf lol some delayed reading comprehension there. so basically he’s just bitching about how annoying these little “flies” are proving to be.)
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okay is it just me, or is Gigantomachia suddenly showing intelligence in his eyes instead of mindless animal instinct the single most pants-shitting thing you’ve ever seen?!! holy shit. the way he just LOOKS at her out of nowhere all of a sudden?? holy fucking shit DO NOT HURT MT. LADY OH MY GOD I’M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. AND DON’T YOU DARE HURT MINA EITHER!! JUST FUCKING DIE AND PERISH
but also though, is that recognition in Mina’s eyes?? because even though this dude is 80 feet tall now, her encounter with him a couple years back had to have been one of the more memorable experiences of her young life. damn I was wondering when this would finally come into play
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this has nothing to do with anything but Mina just has the prettiest hair, btw, and this “just woke up covered in acid” look is a particularly good one on her. it looks so soft and fluffy, like damn. this is like Shouto-hair-billowing-in-the-wind levels of pretty here
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oh my god holy shit?! putting her back in the school uniform to show the slip in her mentality is a PUNK MOVE, HORIKOSHI, and I respect the shit out of you for it you manipulative bastard. goddammit. bracing myself for the incoming wave of Mina feels... here they come... they’re a lot... let’s see if I can latch on to anything I can actually figure out how to describe in words
okay well here’s one, my respect for Mina’s bravery just went up like a thousand percent in this instant, because now we know this was actually such a traumatizing event for her that hearing Machia’s voice again years later immediately sent her into a full-blown flashback. she was that scared and yet she still stood up to him and didn’t hesitate. and now I’m remembering how her knees just buckled right afterwards, and just...
and this visual, though!! what a brutally effective way to show that in her mind she went right back to being that scared middle schooler again for a moment. god fucking damn. holy shit you guys is Kirishima fireproof because if he comes waltzing out of the woods next I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. lolo kids getting traumatized left and right this arc is fucking merciless
um eXCUSE ME!?!?!
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holy shit he could have fucking snapped her neck like that??! I don’t like this at ALL WHAT THE FUCK
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holy fucking shit y’all. I mean, it’s not like it came out of nowhere, like the setup could not have been more obvious, but let me assure you that none of the predictability lessened the actual impact of this moment in the SLIGHTEST. Horikoshi really wrote a flashback scene one hundred and thirty five chapters ago and planted it, watered it once a day, and patiently waited for THREE LONG YEARS until he could finally harvest the badass fruits of his labor in the midst of his most epic arc to date. I’m so fucking hyped I’ll even forgive him for sacrificing Mina’s big moment and having her get rescued, because it’s such a good reversal. he didn’t freeze up this time. he promised himself he’d never freeze again and he didn’t and he saved her and god fucking damn. anyways so now Machia is going to treat him like a fucking action figure though but he’s a solid little dude he can take it hopefully
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well we know he’s fireproof. another callback at the least expected of times lmao
so Tetsu’s all “yeah Kirishima’s not really all that fireproof but he totally ran over here anyway to save you. oh wait that probably wasn’t very comforting of me to say.” maybe that’s why it seems like he might not have actually said it out loud, now that I’m reading this over again. good call Tetsu
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lmao he’s just dropping this random hero person and letting him fall to his doom wheeeeee
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remind me to leave all of the League of Villains’ texts on read for the foreseeable future. goddamn. I still love you guys but also, fuck you so damn hard
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real talk, just between you and me, I’ll lower my voice so that Kirishima can’t hear. so uh. we all agree that even if Kiri is fireproof and squishproof, that little can of tranquilizer juice technically shouldn’t have been, right? but we’re all going to hush and pretend like it was anyway for the sake of not spoiling his big moment. even though I am crossing my arms and tapping my chin with my finger while doubtfully glancing to the side
anyway here he goes!
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YEAH KIRI GO GETTIM [stage whisper] there it is, in his pocket. should’ve burned. we won’t discuss it
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Shouji standing there trying to be useful any way he can. are eyeballs really that much more effective if you make them the size of tennis balls and hold them up above your head. legit question, I don’t really know how eyes work
okay after 45 seconds of googling this my impression is that no, they are not. well good on you for giving it the old college try anyway though Shouji
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oh my god he really is the Magic Man dude??? TIME TO DUST OFF MY INVENTORY OF ADVENTURE TIME QUOTES
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“that’s enough depending on some interns” oh, okay. now that they’ve done all your work for you. I see, I see
so now Gigantomachia is LITERALLY UNHINGING HIS JAW I can’t fucking believe this dude you guys. everything he does is just like, ARE YOU SERIOUS
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please go to sleep already. thanks to you I have my keyboard set to capslock as the default for the duration of this chapter
oh my god you guys they really fucking did it
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I guess that Howitzer slash fire punch combo really was that potent huh
anyway so now Endeavor is standing there making a big speech instead of reaching into Tomura’s pocket and taking the bullets that he doesn’t know about and shooting him with one asap. dammit Endeavor
aaaaand Tomura is firing back with the wisdom of Shimura Fucking Kotaro of all people
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well you sure convinced me. damn I don’t know what I was thinking. heroes suck you guys. how dare they help other people all the time
so now he’s all “PERIOD, EXCLAMATION POINT!!”
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take that Endeavor. you heard the man. it’s not destruction without conviction, as god as his witness he will have you know it is destruction WITH conviction. something something the great sage Shimura “I hurt my family for absolutely no reason at all, fuck this ‘helping others’ bullshit” Kotaro. I hope you packed your textbooks because you just got SCHOOLED. I hope the person who ordered you signed up for delivery notifications because you just got SENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE CAPITALISM BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT OWNED. I HOPE YOU CHOSE PAPER AND NOT SCISSORS BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT ROCKED
what an absolutely, unreservedly bizarre place to end the chapter lol. we’re really just done with this week, just like that. Majestic showed up and Gigantomachia opened his chin like a garage door and Tomura is all “you may have won the battle but you suck” while he buys time for Aizawa to suddenly sneeze or something so he can make his terrible comeback and continue Horikoshi’s Traumatize Every Kid in Class 1-A 2020 campaign. what an arc this is my friends. what an arc
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - VII
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 5784
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
A/N: I know, Y/N and Jungkook eat all the time and spend a lot of time on her car.
Chapter I  Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV  Chapter V  Chapter VI
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"Jungkook, can you help unload the new merch, please?" Jessi said from behind the cashier, where she was talking with a customer.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Be careful!"
Jungkook dropped what he was doing at the back of the store - cleaning CD shelves and rearranging alphabetically and music genres that customers take out of place - and ran outside by the back exit, where his coworker, another hybrid, was already signing receipt papers in front of a truck. One of the delivery men was already carefully removing some boxes from inside the truck and putting it on the sidewalk.
"What's in the boxes?" He curiously asked.
"These two bigger ones are guitars, they are orders. And those others are smaller instruments, like flutes and harmonicas." The golden retriever with slightly pink hair that he hadn't memorized the name yet said. Was it Ryujin?  "Take care, even if the box is light, everything is very fragile."
"Ok." Jungkook stacked the two heavier boxes, as he saw the delivery guy do, and being careful, he went back inside to store it in the warehouse. In one second he was back to pick the others.
It was his first week on his new job, and obviously, it didn't even surprise you, he chose the music shop. The boy has a great ear and an excellent musical taste, besides music proved to be one of the things he likes most in his new life.
The other day you caught him risking singing softly in his room, when he thought you weren't at home, and in order not to make him uncomfortable, you didn't reveal your presence at all, letting him be. He has a beautiful voice. So, the possibility of being able to discover new music and new artists at work and talk to people with the same tastes as him made Jungkook's round eyes shine like the universe.
Up until then, working was fun, and the coworkers were nice. Maybe it was because of the initial excitement, but Jungkook was efficient and learned quickly, so he was praised almost all the time, which made him blush and have an almost permanent smile. The customers usually think it's cute.
"Ah... excuse me."
Jungkook listened to someone calling, he was at the top of a ladder, arranging some instruments on the top shelf, and looked down to see two high school girls.
"Yes?"  He asked.
The same girl responded.
"I'm looking for new strings for my guitar. Can you help me?" Her voice shook a little, but at the end of the sentence she smiled confidently.
"Sure!" He went down. "Six strings or twelve strings? Nylon or steel strings?"
The two girls looked to each other in confusion.
"Ah... Six and... steel." It was almost a question.
"Ok. I'll get it for you."
From the cashier, Jessi and Ryujin watched the scene with judgmental eyes. Both of them were free, but it was obvious it wasn't their help that these girls wanted. Who knew Jungkook was going to bring new customers just for being handsome.
"I never saw these two here."  Jessi crossed her arms.
"Me neither. Bet she doesn't even have a guitar." Ryujin shrugged.
"I don't care, as long as they buy something." The other shrugged too, leaving to the back of the store.
At this moment Jungkook was coming to the cashier, three packs of guitar strings from three different brands in hand, and speaking the decorated speech they taught him on the first day, followed by the two girls, who were attentively paying attention with heart eyes.
"If you can't or don't know how to put the new strings on the guitar, just bring it here that we put for you... Not we, because I don't know how to put it, but Jessi knows..." Jungkook smiled, and it looked like the girl that didn't talk at all wasn't breathing anymore. He placed the three string options on the counter in front of his coworker, still smiling.
"Are you going to take them all?" Ryujin asked, also with the friendly smile of a good employee.
The girls' eyes widened for a second.
"No." The talkative one replied, perhaps with too much emphasis, and with a quick glance at Jungkook and an embarrassed smile, she added. "Only this one."
Ryujin took the set of strings that the girl chose - the cheapest one - to pass through the barcode reader. After the two paid, Jungkook accompanied them to the exit with a short conversation, implying that the girl should dedicate herself to learning the new instrument and wishing her luck and that she would always return if needing anything. He was happy. Technically this was his first sale ever.
At this moment you pulled over at the other side of the street and jumped off of your SUV. An excited sound left Jungkook's mouth and he beckoned. Remembering to look side to side, you crossed the street, walking straight to him.
"Hey, cutie." You gave him a shiny grin. "I've come to pick you up."
"Hm?" He was surprised, he had walked home by himself everyday since day one, and you didn't say today would be different. "Ok. Want to wait inside till my shift ends?"
You chuckled, looking at your wristwatch.
"Your shift ends in three minutes."
"Really?" His eyes widened, and his hands pulled your arm towards him - consequently you whole - so he could look at the hours too. "Wow. I didn't see the time passing..."
"Go change and pick your things." You bossed, releasing your arm from his hold just to mess up his hair.
He nodded and got back inside, fast stepping to the back of the store. Through the glass in the window you waved to the other two employees, who smiled and waved back. Ryujin seemed torn between running to you to greet you right and giving you love, or staying at her post doing her job, in the end she sent you several different hearts with her hands.
When Jungkook got back, now in his everyday large clothes instead of the shop uniform, you were exactly  on the same spot waiting for him, but now with two ice cream cones.
"I was thinking here, you said 'do you want to wait inside bla bla bla...', but like, I'm your boss, JK. If I wanted to pick you up earlier I could. You know?" You said, talking betwing licks on your ice cream.
Jungshook looked at you with a half-open mouth.
"You wouldn't." He stated.
"Why not?" You took his hand to cross the street.
"Isn't that abuse of power or something? I don't think you look like someone who has favorites... Like, you are too pragmatic, too good girl for that."
You looked offended, as if he had slapped you. You entered the car and waited for him to do the same and close the door behind him.
"First of all... The whole town already knows you, know you are my roommate. Everybody already thinks you are a favorite of mine, so no one would be surprised if I pamper you in public, cuz I do it all the time?? Aaaand...!" You aggressively put your seatbelt on."You know very well I'm part of a group considered a terrorist by the government, which automatically takes from me any title similar to good girl."
"The government is dumb. You are a hero, and this absolutely returns your title as a good girl and its variables." He raised a cocky eyebrow at you.
You started the car and turned it off again, looking at him incredulously.
"On one of our first talks, I literally told you about how I got expelled from the only school I attended in my whole life... I only went to college because my parents are rich and know important people." You shrugged at the end.
"That's not true. You are intelligent and had exemplary grades during college, I heard Jackson talking about it ..." He pointed out, before you could question how he knows it." Besides, you were expelled for protecting your family, and that is heroic to me."
"It was actually revenge and pure violence... But I'm dropping this conversation." You started the car again and it started to move just to stop right then at the red light. "Put some music on."
"Ok." Jungkook obliged. "But seriously, Y/N... Why did you get this offended at being called a good girl? Do you want to be a bad girl?"
Your face heated up. One month ago he didn't even know what playing bickering was and now this...
"Shut up!" You yelled.
He gave a loud laugh, losing it with your flustered face, and all you could do was to laugh along with him. ______________________________________________________________________________ Instead of going home, as Jungkook imagined at first, you had different plans for today. You took the road and in forty minutes you were in the neighboring city parking in front of a movie theater - the kind of thing you don’t have in your city because it’s so small. It was Saturday night and you had reason to celebrate.
"Wow, I've never been to the movies before... What are we watching?"
"You can choose." You pointed to the mural of posters and opening times of the movies. "We can also choose where we'll get dinner."
"I want pizza." He bluntly said.
You chuckled. Of course he wants pizza.
You went to buy snacks and let him get the tickets.Waiting for the big bucket of popcorn, you were humming a song that has been stuck in your head all day and drumming your fingers around the candy display case, considering buying a chocolate bar.
"Are we celebrating something? You look really excited today..." Jungkook came back, stopping by your side, looking you up and down, your whole body expression saying happy puppy to him.
You smiled as if he had catched you on something.
"Is just... You ended your first week of work ever... I finally got what I wanted from my job... We are like, both successful, gorgeous, young and free. We deserve to fill our stomachs with buttered popcorn, gummy bears, pizza and coke."
A wide smile spreaded on his beautiful face, cute teeth showing up and making your own smile wide too.
"What did you want from your job?" He picked the bucket of popcorn from the attendant's hands when you didn't notice it. "Thank you."
"I'll tell you later." You dismissed the question with a hand wave. "What movie we gonna see?"
Jungkook pointed to a dark sign with a putrefied hand coming out of a half-open wardrobe, blood dripping from the doorknob.
"A horror movie? Do you want me to scream in public?" You laughed in self-depreciation.
"I never watched one of these. It should be fun. Don't worry, I will hold your hand." Jungkook inflated his chest and indeed held your hand.
You were actually worried about him, not you. It is not your custom to watch horror movies, usually you only watch the ones with the most hype, but you know they can be very violent, and maybe your cute Jungkook still can't deal with it... Instead of voicing your concerns, you decided to pay attention to see if it really was necessary to worry at all. First sign that he was more uncomfortable than he should be, you would leave the theater.
You reciprocated his hol and scoffed.
"I'm holding your hand." _______________________________________________________________ At the end, your concerns weren't necessary. The movie was kind of trashy, besides some jump scares that got you screaming, and some disgusting, gross special effects that made you feel slightly nauseous, the bloody scenes were funnier than violent, drawing some good laughs from Jungkook. Still, he spent the entire movie holding your hand, as he promised. At the pizzeria the two of you ate until you had to open the button on your pants, still laughing at how bad the movie was, and how the couple sitting in a row in front of you were startled by silly things and made everything funnier. Jungkook was radiant, and that was what you wanted.
"A month from now when I get my first payment, we have to come back here. And I'll pay." Jungkook declared. "What reminds me, what would you say about your job?"
"Hm..." You looked around. The place was considerably crowded, normal movement for a Saturday night, your table was a little isolated, but not enough for you to have this conversation here. "My... friends wanted me to work with a guy. And I finally got the opportunity."
At first Jungkook thought of Jimin and Tae, but then the message sinked in. It was a secret organization's thing.
"Let's go?" You got up from your chair.
"Sure." Jungkook's eyes were big with curiosity. He didn't expect you to tell him about such things, but now you were implying the rest would be said in a more private place.
You two got back to the car with the pizza box with what you couldn’t eat whole and a stuffed animal that Jungkook got from a hook machine on the first try. You were feeling tired and sleepy, not in the mood for driving at all - maybe you should teach Jungkook how to drive for moments like that. You didn't put on some music or asked Jungkook to do so as you usually do.
"The organization has been investigating some lawyers, suspected of facilitating illegal hybrid purchases and transfers, and of covering up such crimes. And I basically need to get proof to frame this guy and expose who he works with." Your eyes were glued on the dark road. "Now I'm going to work directly with him."
"He is a lawyer from your firm?"
"Not yet. He is in the process of being the new partner in the firm. I worked hard to be part of the process or to be designated as his assistant." You explained, still too focused on driving. "I just have to do one mission. Whatever you want to call it. The rest is up to the organization. But for that I need to travel, to work in person, for about a week."
Oh." Jungkook looked at his hands.
Until now he hadn't thought about being alone, by himself. But of course at some point it would happen, you can't live exclusively according to him. He's not the only thing in your life, as he feels you are in his. Suddenly a week seemed like an eternity. Suddenly your apartment looked huge.
"Now I need to know what you want to do." You continued, not noticing the change in his mood.
"What do you mean?"
You made a funny face. It was like you were making a lot of effort to talk about it in a serious tone, but he could see the happy puppy in you again, and it made him relax a little bit, even though he didn't understand why.
"I thought of taking you with me, of course. But you may not want to... Which is ok too. You can stay at home taking care of things and going to work normally... Or you can stay with Taetae and Jimin... which would surely make them happy... " You chattered.
"I want to go with you. I’ll go where you go." He decided, almost solemnly. That sentence gave you both a nostalgic feeling, even though it hasn't been much more than a month since he first said it to you, and your lives changed overnight. You smiled, glad that he chose what you wanted him to.
"Awesome."  Your finger drummed on the steering wheel. "Even if it's a business trip, we're going to have some free time, so I chose a super amazing hotel with lots of things for us to have fun together, and for you to have something to do when I'm at the office. Besides... There are others things that you have to decide..."
Jungkook was already excited about the idea of having fun with you on a trip.
"What is it?"
You sighed, as if you were collecting courage to say what was on your head.
"I am thinking about it for a while now... And my friend from the organization suggested it would be a good idea too. If you were in agreement..." You hesitated. "Would you like to help me?"
Jungkook didn't answer. A stiff silence settled in. In the absence of an answer, you panicked, your fingers tightening the steering wheel.
"It wouldn't be really dangerous, because my task is simple... I would never put you in danger, JK. I don't even get involved in really dangerous situations. It's just because you know about us. I ...I'm sorry."
The silence prolonged.
It was selfish, but you saw in the opportunity of Jungkook working with you in the organization a little of your loneliness fading. Loneliness that is created when you keep a secret even from those you love the most, like your family and the guy who always says he wants to spend the rest of his life by your side. Even your best friends since childhood... Even if you don't hide the truth from them, you can't tell everything either... Your fears and concerns. With Jungkook I would be different. He would be your partner. You could lean on him. It is selfish because you promised him a new life, of peace and tranquility, without even a shadow of the horrible things he lived in the past, and you still don't even know exactly how horrible they were. And in your secret work, bad things can always appear, in one way or another.
"Anyways... One thing we are going to do for sure is bungee jumping. And I think you will love it." You cheered, masking any disappointment you could be feeling.
You chose this double life for a much bigger reason than yourself. You knew from the beginning how it would be. So let's push those bad feelings back inside and move on.
"I'm really... grateful." Jungkook whispered, uncertain voice reaching your ears. "To you, and the organization. I truly think you guys are heros. I would like to be a hero too."
"I trust you." He didn't let you interrupt. "I know that you would never put me in danger or in a situation against my will. You respect me. So I don't have concerns about it. I just don't think I'm going to be very useful... I don't know how to do anything... except to fight. And I will never do that again."
Your hand reached to his on his lap, and as it had become natural his fingers intertwined with yours.
"You don't have to worry about that. I just basically need two little things from you, and I'm sure you got it. One of them you are doing right now."
"And is it?" He was confused. He was doing absolutely nothing. Right?
"I need you to be handsome and charming, just like you are doing now, but in a button-up shirt." You winked at him, making him feel hot, and totally thankful for the darkness so you couldn't see him bright blush. "And that you watch a door for me."
"I-I can do that." ______________________________________________________________________________ The sun didn't even rise yet and you are programming the better route in your gps, sunglasses on the crown of your head, sleep still on your puffy eyes. The suitcases were already in the trunk, and the snacks on the backseat, but for some reason your travel partner was not yet seated beside you, the passenger door he forgot open, letting the morning air in, covering your skin with goosebumps. Is too early to be in a hurry, so even though you have a schedule to follow, you patiently reclined your head on the back of the seat and waited. Jungkook got out the back door of the flower shop, checking twice if he locked the door and turned on the alarm, and then ran to the car. In his hands were his keys, cell phone - that you gave him when he first started working -, and his new wallet - papers and old photograph inside.
"All ready, Y/N!" He entered and closed the door, happy smile on his also puffy face. He was about to put on his seat belt. "Wait!"
"What?" You said in your morning voice - you don't like to speak for the first hour after you wake up at all.
"I forgot my toothbrush." He was already with his hand on the door to go back and get it.
You chuckled and started the motor.
"Sorry, JK. We can buy a new one later... Now we need to hit the road." __________________________________________________________
Just like the suitcases and everything else you would need to travel, at the night before you and Jungkook prepared a travel playlist, specifically songs with road vibes and good for singing at the top of your lungs - your plan was to make him sing along with you to finally praise the beautiful voice you already know he has. If it didn't work, the next plan would be karaoke. It worked. In fact, at start your were all by yourself, you always sing in the car, so he didn't saw it as a invitation to join your personal show, preferring to eat m&m's separated by color while watching you, some hours later tho, motivated perhaps by a specific song or by the energy you established, he gave in, and now you two were having so much fun. The lyrics he didn't know - like the 70s and 80s ones you like because of your mother - you explained about the artists and bands, detailing things about their careers and why you like them, he likes it because he knows more about his job an about you, and the next second you started the next song that you both knew how to sing, there you were joyingly screaming again. You forgot to compliment his voice.
With his mouth full himself, Jungkook filled yours with mini carrots and slices of apple cutted in bunny shape. It was about 10 already, your but was square and legs were sore, you needed to stretch, not to mention your bladder, which should be twice as big as you needed to go to the bathroom.
As if he was reading your mind, the boy beside you whined.
"Y/Nnnnnnnn... I need to pee."
"Me too." You whined back. "Can you wait a little bit more? I planned a stop, and we're almost there."
"Yeah... Sure." He smiled, opening another can of energy drink.
Your look went from the road to him, from him to the can, and from the can to the road again.
"I can't see how drinking another one will help with the bathroom issue..." You mocked.
"I'm also thirsty." He answered as if it was obvious.
Almost half an hour later you parked at a gas station beside the road. As you jumped up the suv, a pursehanging on your arm - with toilet paper and other hygiene items that toilets for community use by the roads don't usually have, you are a prepared woman -, you checked your location to make sure it was the right place. You were supposed to be at a specific gas station at 11am. It only had two bathrooms. One was under maintenance, and the other had a broken lock. At least it wasn't as filthy as you expected it to be.
You handed the purse to Jungkook.
"Go first. I'll guard the door for you." You said.
Jungkook just obeyed, having taken another can and a half of soda after the energy drink. You watched the movement of people and cars, a few filling up with gas, customers at the convenience store, truck drivers stopping for lunch at the restaurant next door. There weren't many people. And you haven't seen anyone paying attention to you.
"Are you looking for something?" Jungkook quietly asked, already beside you.
"Oh. Nothing... I just zoned out. My turn." You run inside the bathroom, remembering your physiological needs.
Back at the car, Jungkook expected you to continue the journey right away, instead you grabbed the steering wheel, still looking through the window with a look so intent that a little line formed between your eyebrows. Jungkook didn't know what was bothering you out of nowhere, but he was willing to help.
"Y/N?" He put a lock of your hair behind your ear so softly that you hardly felt it at all. You looked at him, face unconsciously relaxing. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little headache." It wasn't a lie, until he asked you hadn't noticed, but your head was throbbing a little. "We ran out of water, right? I'm going to buy more."
"Want me to go?" He volunteered.
You considered it. He is just so sweet. But not all places are friendly to hybrids on their own, even documented or free ones, you didn't want to find out if the convenience store was friendly or not in the worst way. It was going to ruin the mood of the trip. Strangers mistreating Jungkook for no reason is always the last thing you want in your day.
"Thanks, sweetie." You shook your head negatively. "I'll be right back."
Jungkook followed you with his eyes as you jumped off the car, walking straight with your hands on your jacket pockets, till you disappeared into the store. Last night when both of you were packing your things, you showed him a 'first aid kit bag' you prepared with several remedies you could need, remembering it now, for sure there's something for your headache there. Wanting to help, he got out and opened the trunk.
You said you would put it in your suitcase... Can he open it? Was it an invasion of privacy? Maybe the kit was in the suitcase's outer compartment, and there would be no issue...
A shiver went up his back and a growl formed in his throat, but it didn't come out. Someone was behind him, terribly close, and with a confused smell that made it impossible to know whether they were human or hybrid. Jungkook did not hear the person's footsteps approaching, and that was fearsome.
"Don't turn around, don't try running, and don't scream. Act naturally." A deep voice of a male spoke.
Despite it being low, there was so much force and authority in this voice that Jungkook couldn't desobay. His eyes reached to the store, looking for you.
"Are you Jungkook?" The voice calmly asked.
How could this guy know his name? What does he want? Different thoughts crossed Jungkook's mind, none optimistic, all scary. He wanted you to show up to save him, and at the same time, without knowing exactly what was going on and the risks, he wanted you not to come back, so you wouldn't be hurt. What should I do?
"I'm." He answered, voice firm to not show fear. A voice he is used to using almost all the time, but since you came into his life, he didn't need it anymore.
The man behind him hummed. Jungkook concluded that he must be a hybrid after all, because he had the urge that the guy was smelling him, but he couldn't say for sure, it could just be in his head. How could this guy's voice be so calm and trustful if his presence had all this power that made Jungkook unable to move a muscle? How conflicting, the feelings this caused in Jungkook were unheard of for him, a kind of fear that he never felt before, the fear that his former master imposed through threats and punishments...
Jungkook searched around, wishing the man wouldn't notice it... Somebody... Anybody... At least one person would notice that there was something wrong going on there, and if Jungkook made eye contact, if he managed to ask for help in any way, everything would be fine. But nobody seemed to see them there, nobody noticed. The gas station employees continued to work normally, the customers entering and leaving their cars, totally unaware... How frustrating.
"I'm a Y/N's friend." The man throatily said. "Nice to meet you, JK."
Jungkook's eyes wided. Friend. One of those friends of yours?
The sound of something being placed on the floor caught Jungkook's attention down, next to his feet was now a small black backpack.
"This is for her. Take care, it's fragile."
"What is it?" Jungkook questioned, not trusting at all - he wouldn't give you anything without being sure it's safe - but strangely relaxed for such an unusual situation.
A low, funny sound came from the guy. Was he laughing?
"Something you guys will need." He simply said. One moment of silence and Jungkook thought the guy was gone, but then he spoke again, now his voice seemed a lot less impersonal. "Tell her she's beautiful today. As always. Good luck."
It was not possible to hear the guy's footsteps leaving, just like when he appeared, but Jungkook felt the absence of an extra presence after a few seconds. The guy was some kind of ninja. He bent down to pick up the backpack and slung it over one shoulder, looking around, trying to find someone who could be the intimidating guy... But he found no one. Without thinking much, he took the kit and closed the trunk, returning to the passenger seat, still looking over his shoulder.
A few minutes later you got back, still with a frown in your face.
"I definitely need an aspirin... You got the kit already!" You slammed the door by accident and cringed at the loud noise, you hate to slam your car door.  "Thank you, sweetie... What is it?"
You pointed to the backpack, and Jungkook looked at you with doe eyes. Only now you noticed he was looking frightened.
"Your friend told me it is to you."
Your eyes widened as well and your hand reached your mouth. You were instructed to find someone from the organization at this gas station to receive the necessary equipment for your task. So you were stressed about nobody showing up at the appointed time, it even gave you a headache. Even though you involved Jungkook, you didn't expect them to contact him instead of you. Actually you forgot to tell him about it at all.
"Oh my... JK, I'm sorry I didn't warn you. I guess I still haven't gotten used to having a partner..."
Usually, in this kind of situation, you are all alone or needing to be sneaky around your friend and family. It was out of habit.
"It's ok." Jungkook gave you a sympathetic smile. "What do I do with it?"
"Put it on the backseat." You shrugged and started the car.
"Aren't you checking on it?" Jungkook was surprised. What if it was a bomb? You guys have used bombs before...
"Not here. First we leave." Suddenly you were on your pretty good mood again. "Can you give me an aspirin, please?"
Jungkook gave you the pill and you drank almost an entire bottle of water with it. A car honked past you, because you slowed down, but you just ignored it.
"Did my friend say anything else?" You asked, putting on some low music once again.
Jungkook looked through the window, wishing his cheeks wouldn't get red just because he agrees with what he was about to say. He couldn't look at you to say it when the wind was making your hair move to all directions as if it has his own life, or the sun on your skin makes it shine, or your eyes showing above your sunglasses as you look at him. It wasn't fair.
"He said you are beautiful today.... As always.'
A loud, ringing laugh escaped your lips, forming an incredulous smile.
"I can't believe Yoongi came personally..." You laughed again. "Now make sense... He was checking on you... He didn't let you see him, right?"
"No. He stayed behind me the whole time."
You nodded vigorously, as if that obviously confirmed what you were saying. Jungkook was confused, not understanding anything.
"Who is Yoongi?" He uncertanly asked.
Unlike when you talk about your friends of the organization, almost as if you were telling a story of people who do not exist, perhaps because they are people you work with but generally don't know, neither name nor face, when talking about this Yoongi was much like how you talk about Jimin or Taehyung, a real friend. Only with something more... An admiration that Jungkook hadn't yet heard so present in your voice.
"Min Yoongi." You said, and it was almost possible to see the fire on your eyes. "He is not just one of my friends... He is the boss."
Now it makes sense. It wasn't a ninja. It was the super hero. That is why all thatauthority in his voice and the powerful presence, totally intimidating, but at the same time Jungkook did not feel threatened as he felt so many times before... because there was no real threat. Suddenly Jungkook wasn't frightened or uncomfortable with the situation anymore, he was euphoric. He had met the boss of heroes who save hybrids, and soon he would be one too. Now it seemed a little more real that he could help others like him, just like this Min Yoongi and you.
"What are you smiling at?" You brought him back from his daydream with a teasing smirk.
"It's just... It is exciting." He was clearly excited.
Your smirk wided, eyes on the road. Your partner feels it just like you, and you almost couldn't hold yourself back. You never gave a name to it, and now Jungkook used a perfect word to describe it, and since you can't get out of your head. This secret job... secret life... It really does make you feel like a hero. Sometimes you feel guilty for feeling that way, since you were born on the bad side of history, you are human and humans are the villains. Helping hybrids to fight for justice and gain their freedom is nothing more than your obligation... But with Jungkook you can feel how you want, because you are sure that he will understand and never judge.
"Isn't it, JK?"
You two exchanged a meaningful look. The bond between you becoming stronger without you realizing it.
Just moments later you both excitedly increase the volume of the music that just started so you can sing at the top of your lungs again and again.
Tag List: @stayunderthelights  @deolly  @panconte​ @serendipityoreuphoria​ @madygswich @namjoonies-dimple @givebuckysomelove @imluckybitches @hoseokslefteyebrow  @yzkyzkuniverse @flaring-vibes @justpeachyjoon @narcissism-iskey​ @angeltothecore​ @tiberiaxs @minikolima @chaoticbabigrl @btsxdoll​ 
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Dreamology | Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom is the boy of your dreams...literally. After everything you have been through together with him asleep, will fate finally bring you together while you’re awake?
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader, oneshot
Warnings: fluff :) some light angst and a nightmare
Word Count: 5.3k (that’s my longest ever!)
Notes: This is inspired by the book Dreamology by Lucy Keating. Definitely the hardest I’ve ever worked on a oneshot, so please enjoy!
You raced on the steps of Colosseum, trying to catch up with the boy of your dreams.
“Tom! Wait for me!” 
You giggled as Tom reached the top, cheering and jumping up and down.
“Oh my god, Y/N! This is absolutely amazing! I can’t believe you went here!”
Finally, you reached the top, standing next to him, and touching shoulders as you looked over the city of Rome.
“Me either,” you panted, taking it all in. “It was incredible. But, the Colosseum was a little more worn down.”
Tom sighed, happy and content. The two of you stared at the city lights. The lights shined like glitter, and in the sky, the Aurora Borealis shone brightly.
“I also don’t think the Northern Lights can be seen in Rome,” he commented.
You shrugged. “Must be your doing. Or my brain got bored, wanted to throw in something special.”
Tom turned toward you, leaning one arm against the stone of the Colosseum and the other grabbed your hand. You felt butterflies swim up your chest and heat your cheeks.
“This is amazing. Thank you,” he said.
“You’re welcome,” you answered while smiling.
He pulled you in, wrapping his arms around you and putting his chin on your shoulder you can look out over the city together.
“Let’s come here every night.”
“It’s your turn tomorrow,” you answered, amused.
“Well, I choose here again. This is beautiful, you are beautiful… I wish I could just stay here forever.”
“Me too.”
You yawned leaning further into him.
“Nooo,” he whined. “Don’t fall asleep. I want to stay with you longer.”
You smiled at him. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He sighed, kissing your forehead.
“See you tomorrow.”
The mornings were always your favorite. For a few blissful moments when you woke up, you could still pretend Tom was there, right next to you, holding you tightly. Every detail was memorized and perfect.
But, ultimately, you had to get up, and you had to face reality.
A reality where Tom doesn’t exist.
The first time Tom showed up in your dreams or you ever really remember dreaming at all, you were seven. Nothing was out of the usual, but when you closed your eyes that night, a boy was there on the other side.
You were standing in a field of rolling green grass. The sun was high and shining, warm on your skin. Ahead, back turned to you, sat a boy your age with curly brown hair. You were confused at who this might be, but not scared.
In fact, you felt safe and comfortable. And you were even aware of the fact that you dreaming, which you hadn’t recalled ever doing before.
You walked towards him slowly. Grass squishing between your toes.
“Hello,” you said when you finally reached him.
He jumped back, surprised. “Oh, hi,” he responded, obviously a little shy.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Tom. Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N.”
Tom smiled at you and you took that as a sign to sit down next to him.
“Where are we?” you asked.
He shrugged. 
“I don’t know, but it’s really pretty.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “Want to play tag?”
Tom immediately nodded with a grin and you both stood up, chasing after each other all night. 
Looking back, you always laughed at the memory. You were seven so, of course, the first idea that came to your mind was to play a game of tag. But, little did you know, Tom and you were just alike and quickly grew to be best friends.
“We are just dreaming, right?” you asked, sad as you began to grow tired after your long time of playing tag with Tom that first night you dreamt of him.
He looked down. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Well, maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He grinned and the two of you hugged.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
And the next night, you did see him. And you saw him every night after that. Usually, the location changed automatically when you were younger. But, as you both grew older, you learned how to control the dreams and the locations.
The world was at yours and Tom’s fingertips.
You could show each other memories, you could make up places, go to places that you’ve always wanted to go to. But, it was always easier to go to a place in your memories, sometimes adding elements or combining both you and Tom’s memories together.
And, as you grew older, you and Tom fell in love. You had decided that you were soulmates, and each time you fell asleep, you looked forward to being with him. You could be your self with Tom 100%. There was no pretending.
After a bad day, he would comfort you. And you would do the same with him. You’d give each other advice for real-life stuff, and try to make sure that each other were loved and supported.
There were only a few setbacks.
It’s hard to explain, but there were unwritten rules when it came to these dreams, and it didn’t take long before you and Tom figured it out.
For one, you couldn’t give any personal information about yourself besides your first name, age, and birthday. Anything that could hint to a location was barred out. There was no explaining it, you simply could not talk about it.
The memories were also altered to avoid revealing locations. Anything that gave away how to find each other was blurred or changed. For example, when you went to Rome, you couldn’t tell him or show him you were there. But, the moment you left, you could tell him and show him anything you wanted to.
The most you knew about Tom’s actual info, like the stuff you would find on a driver’s license, was that he is a boy, he is the same age as you, his birthday is June 1st, and he has a British accent, which gave you a clue. But for all you knew, he could be British and be living somewhere else entirely. 
You couldn’t make plans to meet up. You couldn’t find each other awake. Those were the unwritten rules.
You both hated them, but as you got older, it didn’t matter. You were just happy to have each other when you went to sleep, even if it was kind of weird. 
Because your dreams were so uniquely centered around Tom, and they were lucid and vivid, you never related to anyone else when they would talk about their dreams.
“You are telling me you dream up a boy you’ve never met every single night?” your friend asked you one day at lunch in middle school. 
“Yeah...is that weird?”
“It’s pretty weird. It happens every night and you remember them?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, of course.”
A few years later, another friend would try to get you to forget about Tom.
“Come on, Y/N. How about you try to date someone that’s… I don’t know… real? Dream boy sounds like a dream, but you deserve to have an awake life, too.”
But, you never did find anyone else. Tom had just set too many high expectations for you, and every time you tried to connect with someone, it didn’t stick.
You and Tom avoided talking about real-life relationships as much as possible. It was weird, and it usually made things more complicated. And besides, it was most likely that Tom wasn’t even real anyway, so it was unrealistic to give each other expectations about who to and who not to date in awake life unless the other was asking for advice.
Ultimately, though, it didn’t matter. You and Tom loved the time you got together.
You were lying on a hammock on a beach. The waves were crashing, and the sun had been frozen at sunset for a few hours now. You were growing worried. For the first time in your life, Tom was nowhere to be found.
It was year 8 in school. Tom and you had been growing even more cuddly lately. You were both excited for the summer and looking forward to high school. 
It was normal to be off a little here and there. Sometimes you would beat him to sleep and other times he would beat you. When you were little, it was easier. You both had a bedtime around the same time. But, once you hit middle school, it became normal for you both to fall asleep at different times. Usually, it was around the same, but sometimes you would go to bed early and he would stay up late doing homework. Or vice versa.
At least you knew that you were on the same or close timezones.
But, at the four-hour mark of him not showing up, it was pretty concerning. You had gone to be pretty late anyway. It was a Friday, so you were free to do whatever you wanted. But, Tom not being here? That was a first.
That four-hour mark hit and you grew frantic. The scene changed from one of a gorgeous sunset to that of a small, dark, stormy island. It was rocky, and you were at the top, alone. You were scared. It was windy, and you were soaked from head to toe, shivering.
You tried to stop it, but the nerves of Tom not showing up anymore made you lose control.
You experienced your first ever nightmare.
Another four hours, and you were miserable, begging to wake up. Worried that Tom was hurt, and you just wanted to be done with this nightmare.
And suddenly Tom was there.
“Y/N!” he screamed, realizing where you and he were.
“Tom?” you screamed back through the rain.
He reached for you, and the moment the two of you touched, the rain lessened. But it didn’t stop entirely.
“Darling, what are we doing here? Are you okay?” he asked frantically, searching you over.
“I-I… I couldn’t control it… you… I was scared…,”
Tom didn’t wait for you to finish your thoughts. Instead, he focused on changing the scene. The next thing you knew, you and him were back on the warm beach. You, however, were still soaked and shivering.
Tom took off his jacket and wrapped it around you. He pulled you down with him, sitting in the sand, and you fell into his chest.
“Where have you been? I-I was so worried,” you said to him.
He sighed. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. My friend had a birthday party and we ended up staying up all night playing games. I must’ve finally crashed. I didn’t know you would be worried.”
“Oh. I just… I didn’t know what happened. This had never happened before, and the next thing I knew I couldn’t control anything in the scene.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll warn you next time.”
“You better,” you answered, finally smiling at him. Your body suddenly dried and you were wearing new clothes. 
You yawned loudly. Tom smirked.
“Already waking up?”
You rolled your eyes. 
“You were up all night! Now it’s your turn to spend some time alone.”
“Fine, fine. See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
As you got older, you longed to know even more about each other. You just wanted to meet him in real life. Or rather, you wanted him to be real. You didn’t want to only have him in your dreams.
You were sitting in floaties in a lazy river of this waterpark you went to one time. Tom was to your right in his own tube.
“So, I have this really cool opportunity coming up,” he mentioned casually.
You were both 18. It was the summer before your freshman year of college, but it looked like Tom had other plans in mind.
“It’ll be a long process. Probably a whole year. But, if I get it, it could change my entire life.”
“Wow, Tom. That’s amazing. It’s good, I hope?”
He grinned, “Yeah, very good.”
The next thing you knew, Tom was jumping over into your tube and you squealed. The tube expanded to fit both of you, and Tom wrapped you in his arms.
“I hope it works out,” you finally said after you were both settled.
“Me too,” he said and kissed you on the cheek.
He never really mentioned it after that. You had no idea what it was, so you figured that whatever it was must’ve put his location in jeopardy. That was another rule you discovered when you got old enough. Careers were off the table.
You had ideas though. You knew it was creative, and you were pretty sure it had something to do with the performing arts. Tom liked to dance and put on little plays for you sometimes.
You, however, were going to college for film production. 
It was during your sophomore year that everything changed.
You were with one of your friends who was a total Marvel nerd. You were eating lunch together when she squealed suddenly, causing you to jump.
“What was that all about?” you grumbled, tired from your day of classes. You still had one to go, but you couldn’t wait to get back to your dorm room and relax.
“Marvel just posted who they are casting as Spider-Man! Spider-Man, Y/N! In the MCU! This is absolutely nuts!”
You chuckled, but you didn’t really care. You had seen most of the Marvel films, but you weren’t really obsessed like your friend was.
“Oooh, he’s pretty cute,” your friend said.
She turned her phone around to show you and you immediately froze, the cup that you were setting down now stuck in mid-air in your hand.
It was Tom. Your Tom.
Your friend was starting to feel awkward when you finally unfroze from the spell.
“Give me that!” you said, snatching the phone out of her hand.
“Hey,” she whined but didn’t really care.
Your heart, however, was beating out of your chest. Fingers shaking, you scrolled through the article, barely reading the words. All you could focus on was the pictures and the name.
Tom Holland.
“What is it?” your friend asked, gazing at you with a curious expression.
“I-uh… I have to go.”
You stood quickly, gathering your things. You made the easy decision to skip your next class, and went back to your dorm room.
You set down everything haphazardly on your bed and went to your desk to open your laptop. The name ‘Tom Holland’ immediately went into the search bar, pulling up mostly articles about the Spider-Man announcement. But, finally, you found an IMDb page that showed everything he was in before. 
Just to think, at any time in the past few years, you could’ve accidentally watched one of his movies and discovered him long ago. 
Would the rules change now? Would you be able to talk about him to him? You started getting excited for the night.
Of course, hours later, you were so nervous and excited you couldn’t fall asleep. You sighed, frustrated, checking the time to see 1:01 am. Tom was probably already asleep and waiting for you. It was another hour before you finally crashed.
“About time,” Tom says when you enter the dreamland.
He’s smiling-- no, he’s glowing. He looks radiant and powerful, and full of joy. If you weren’t so focused on revealing what you know, you probably would have just kissed him all night.
You are in his bedroom, the one from when he was little. The bed sheets are Spider-Man themed and he has trophies on the wall. You had a feeling you knew why Tom chose this place tonight over another. Sometimes the subconscious chooses for you. A time where Spider-Man was only a dream must be on his.
He’s sat up on the bed, leaning on his arms casually, looking at you as you stand in the sunshine coming through the window.
“Thomas Stanley Holland,” you said, punctuating each word. “Your parents are Dominic and Nikki Holland. You live in London, England. You're an actor. You used to be Billy Elliot. And now, you are the next Spider-Man.”
You finished with a smile, matching his grin.
“You know,” is all he said, eyes full of wonder.
You nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
You jumped onto his bed, and he wrapped you into a big hug.
“The rules must’ve changed,” you said.
“At least for me, anyway. I still don’t know about you.”
“Maybe you will, someday. Now that I know you are real and not a figment of my imagination.”
After that, the two of you spent the rest of the night figuring out the logistics. Your instinct was to immediately go find him. Now that you had his info, you could meet up. The problems were that you still couldn’t talk about meeting up, Tom knew nothing about you, and the topic sort of… made him nervous.
“Don’t you think finding each other would mean… I don’t know, upsetting the cosmos?” he said, when you brought up the topic.
“Upsetting the cosmos?” you asked, eyebrows raised. “Since when have we cared about upsetting the cosmos?”
He sighed, clearly trying to not upset you, but knowing that he probably would.
“Look, it’s just that… we already have an amazing gig here. We get to be with each other every night. Do whatever we want. And there’s these rules… that are clearly controlled. So what happens when we do exactly what those rules have tried to prevent us from?”
You stared at him.
“We get to be together, Tom. For real. People don’t think I’m crazy because I’m obsessed with the boy in my head.”
“I just don’t think we should rush into this. Trust me, darling, I want to see you too. But, I also don’t want to ruin what we have. Besides, my memories from these dreams have always been different than yours. What if I don’t remember you out there? What if we meet and we forget because we upset the cosmos?”
You rolled your eyes. “You're being superstitious.”
“I’m being careful.”
You turned away from him.
“Hey,” he said gently, reaching for your hand. “I’m sorry. Please, do you understand?”
You sighed, finally looking at him again. 
“Yeah, I guess.”
Despite your general anger, things cleared up between you two pretty quickly. You never could argue for long, but this little debate lasted over a week. You were upset and you felt like he didn’t want you in his life.
Nonetheless, he kept reassuring you, making you know that he loved you, and trying to make it up to you. He really was just paranoid and worried what would happen if the two of you met in real life.
Time passed.
And as it did, things changed.
A lot of things.
The first year or so, it was fine. Everything was great. But then, Captain America: Civil War came out. Tom Holland’s popularity was growing.
Tom began to have more responsibilities with press work. He got signed to more movie roles, and soon he was jet-setting across the world.
That was the worst part, you thought. When he was traveling and the timezones changed, you often didn’t see each other for days. You hated it.
One time, you didn’t see him for almost two weeks, and it would’ve been longer if he hadn’t forced himself to take a nap so he could see you.
When he finally would come back, he was exhausted, and instead of wanting to talk, he usually just wanted to cuddle in some dream cloud. This was fine, of course. You were just happy to have him back, but for the first time in your life, Tom wasn’t always there to talk to you.
And as the fame grew, so did the inconsistency.
It was just hard to line sleeping schedules up. You were busy with school, him with his career. It was also weird because while you knew everything about him, he didn’t know anything about you.
Sure, he knew you. He knew you better than anyone. But, he didn’t even know your last name. Or where you lived. Or what you were studying.
During the day, Tom didn’t have to be reminded over and over every time he got on social media that you were out there in the world and he couldn’t see you. But, that’s what you had to deal with. 
Now, it really wasn’t all bad. It was just different sometimes than what you had been used to your entire life. There were still plenty of nights that it was just the same old Tom and you, causing trouble, laughing all night, holding each other in each other’s arms.
There were still plenty of the good moments. It was just strange that there were some bad moments. Those never happened before.
A couple years passed, and you finally graduated school. It was time to dive into the work field and as a film production major, the place to do that was in LA. 
You and Tom were sitting at the top of an old stone castle. It was sunset, and you guys were having a picnic. This was one of the better nights as of recently. Tom wasn’t working, so he was home. 
He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in the light of the sunset.
“So,” you began. “I have some news.”
Tom perked up, looking at you. He gave you a slight smile.
“Oh yeah?”
You smiled back, a little nervous. It was always hard to talk about where the two of you were going. The “cosmos” as Tom had started to call it in the past few years prevented you from saying anything. Even when Tom went on business trips, you never knew where he was exactly until he got back.
“Yeah,” you responded. “I’m… I’m moving. For my career.”
Tom’s eyebrows raised. 
“Oh. Oh, that’s… that’s great. You’re moving… like far?”
You nodded. “Like different timezones far.”
“Wow, well, I’m happy for you. I still think it’s unfair you get to know my career but I don’t know yours.”
You smiled, laying your head against his chest.
“Yeah, well, you just had to go and become famous.”
He wrapped his arms around you.
“Are you excited to move?” he asked quietly after a moment.
You nodded. “Yeah. I think so. I think it’ll be my best chance at a good opportunity.”
“That’s wonderful, love. Whatever it is, I know you’ll be great.”
“Thank you.”
He looked down at you. 
“I love you, you know that?”
You couldn’t help but grin, reaching up and giving him a soft kiss. 
“I love you too.”
He yawned and carded his hand through your hair. It was his tell-- you knew he was about to wake up.
“See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
It took awhile, and a lot of hard work, but before you knew it, you were steady on your feet in Los Angeles, the film capital of the world. 
During this time, you and Tom were still close. The timezones thing didn’t end up being too big of an issue most of the time.
After a bit of time though, you got an exciting gig, working on a new big movie. There were some big stars in the cast, and you would be working in the camera department. Already, people were saying this movie could be an Oscar contender, so to say the least, you were ecstatic.
It was your first day on set. You were setting up some cameras that the Director of Photography had instructed you to do. A lot of the crew was milling around. Today was the first scene with actual actors, and you were excited to meet them.
You were pretty sure the last you heard the lead was Timothée Chalamet. 
The door to the studio opened, and you heard the director cheer in the distance.
“Ah wonderful!” she, the director, said.
You were tightening a tripod when the director continued talking.
“Everyone! Can I get your attention?”
The whole room quieted down as people turned their heads to the director. You finished tightening the tripod as she said, “I know things have been hectic trying to get the cast secured… Unfortunately, Timothée Chalamet had to drop out of this film in favor of another.”
Finally, you looked up.
“Luckily,” she continued, “We got Tom Holland to sign on last minute.”
You froze. 
Your eyes were wide.
Your heart was pounding.
There was blood rushing to your head.
You weren’t even breathing.
Instead, your eyes were locked on him.
On Tom.
Your Tom.
Your living and breathing Tom who was standing 10 yards away from you in full costume for the role.
He smiled at everyone, waving, and then, his eyes locked to yours.
You couldn’t even smile or try to do anything; you just stared at him in complete and utter shock.
He was staring too. For a moment. And then another. His eyes were wide. Another moment passed. And then his face went slack, like it wasn’t phased at all, and continued to smile at the crowd.
The director said some more stuff that you didn’t hear, and before long, everyone was back to work. You didn’t move. At least, you didn’t move until the DP came over to you, nudging you on the shoulder.
“Hello, earth to Y/N,” he said, waving his hand in front of your face. “It’s time to film the first scene for today.”
You shook out of your trance.
“Uh, right, right. Sorry, yeah. Let’s do this.”
That entire day was torture. You were focus pulling the camera, making sure the actor, Tom, was in focus no matter how much he or the camera moved. It was a hard enough job how it was, but now? Now, it was extremely difficult. Your hands were shaking the whole day. You weren’t even sure if you took a full breath once.
When it was finally over, and the last scene of the day wrapped, Tom made a swift exit, heading out to get his makeup off and costume off. You had to help pack up the cameras with the crew.
You were moving extremely fast, trying to get done, and the moment that you were, you darted off to the costume trailers, praying he was still there.
He was, and you barged in. Thankfully, he was already dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. He was in the process of tying his shoes when you came in. Luckily, no one else was there.
He looked up, surprised. You froze again.
“Can I help you?” he finally said.
You frowned. The boy you knew better than anyone was right in front you, and it was like he didn’t even know you.
“Do you… do you remember me?”
He shook his head slowly.
“I’m sorry. I don’t.”
He gulped, and you squinted at him. 
It was quiet as the two of you stared at each other.
“You’re lying,” you finally said, shocked.
“What?” he responded quickly. “No I’m not.”
“Yes you are,” you exaggerated, pointing your finger at him. “You always do that gulp thing when you are lying!”
He stared at you, tense for a moment before sighing and slumping against the counter.
“Aha!” you exclaimed. “See! Why did you lie to me?”
You were surprised at how natural it felt. You thought for sure that you would be frozen and nervous while trying to speak to him, but right now, the two of you together. It felt natural. Like it was just an ordinary dream.
Except this time, it was real life.
“I’m sorry,” Tom said, looking over with a pained smile. “I… I panicked.”
“Because of the cosmos? Well,” you said, lifting your arms out and looking around, “looks like nothing has exploded yet.”
You and Tom stared at each other, smiles slowly and slowly growing until both of you were grinning.
He flew out of his seat and pulled you into a hug, spinning you around.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe this is real! Are you sure we aren’t dreaming?” he said.
You giggled, and he set you down, hands still on your arms.
“I’m pretty sure we aren’t,” you said, and unexpectedly tears welt in your eyes.
“Aw, don’t cry,” he said, lifting his palm to your cheek. You set your hand over his.
You giggled again, tears falling. Tom also got nervous when you cried.
“I’m just so happy. I- I can’t believe it.”
“Me either, darling. But here we are.”
He looked deeply into your eyes, and you felt like melting. You felt like you were dreaming in real life. You finally understood what people meant to feel like that.
He said your name. He said it so softly that the world could have suddenly disappeared and your name would still go on drifting into eternity. You loved the way he said your name, and to hear it in real life, in person, while awake, it was something truly magical.
He pushed a piece of hair out of your face.
“I love you,”
You giggled again, and he smiled and poked your nose.
“I love you too,” you responded, barely believing that this was happening.
And he pulled you in for the most magical kiss you had ever shared.
That night, there was a lot of talking. You went back to his place, and you told each other everything… everything you didn’t know anyway. (Which truthfully wasn’t much, but was still a lot).
He learned your full name, and kept saying it over and over. You were pretty sure he never stopped smiling the whole night. You didn’t either.
You told him about your career, about living in LA. You talked about each other’s hometowns which was an exciting first for both of you. One you had been wondering about forever.
Turns out, Tom’s brothers, Harry and Sam, who you definitely knew, (Sometimes they appeared in Tom’s memories.) knew about Tom’s dreams. You never really told anyone in your family about them, but Tom was pretty excited to call them and introduce you to them. They thought the whole situation was fascinating.
You continued to talk to Tom for the whole night. You snuggled up with him in bed, and you both just rambled and rambled about all the things you were never allowed to talk about before.
You don’t even remember falling asleep, you just know that you did because the next thing you knew, you were on an airplane.
For a little, you barely noticed you were dreaming… sometimes it was like that. But when you did, you sat up in your seat, looking for Tom. He wasn’t there yet. You got annoyed with the airplane and changed the scene to somewhere in your hometown. Somewhere you had never been allowed to show before.
Meaning, the rules must’ve changed. You can show Tom everything now.
It didn’t take him long to get there, excited as soon as he saw you. You embraced and both rejoiced in the fact that you didn’t have to lose this special part of your lives.
“Guess the restrictions are gone now. Tom… this is my hometown.”
You spent half the night showing him your “restricted” memories and the other half looking at his. You made promises to go there in real life.
And when you finally settled down with him on a large tree branch, somewhere majestic and beautiful, you didn’t grow sad when you both started to get tired and you knew it was almost time to wake up.
Because when you woke up in the morning, you weren’t alone. Tom was right next to you. He had his arms around you. You were awake.
And just like that, the boy of your dreams was now your reality.
AN: Thanks for reading! I worked super hard and long on this, so please let me know what you think :)
@peterbxrnes @thenoddingbunny-blog @tomzfrog @kateelyse96 @cosmicholland @alex--awesome--22 @moorehollandplz @lunastar-parker @quackeroos @parkerpeter24 @greenarrowhead @popluckbih @reengard @unbelievableholland @lovelyystylesx @dreaming-lia @orowit @spidxrparkxr @thefallenbibliophilequote @maybemona @dark-infernal-instruments @parkeroffline @kaciidubs @bellagrayson-wayne @tomshufflepuff @its-a-mess-here @desir-ae @theamuz @officiallyunofficialperson @avengers-america @spideyflicker @yourbiggestspiderfan @miraclesoflove @girllaroundtheworld @organicpurplepants @trustfundparker @fairydustparker @itsvianny @captainbuckyy @dogsfoodartmaingoals @someinsanefangirl @wildefire @its-the-unknownspideywrites @xxxxdelenaxxxx @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @starlightseoksmain @wazzupmrstark
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knuffled · 4 years
just practice - chapter ten
chapter ten is here, yay! hope you all enjoy it! somewhat important update in the notes at the end of the chapter on ao3 for those interested. thanks in advance!
ao3 link here
Holding the premier of the school play on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving was a bold move in Annabeth’s opinion, so it was surprising that the school’s parking lot was nearly filled, although that almost certainly had to do with the fact that Piper was playing Viola in the school’s production of Twelfth Night. Her performances in the school plays had turned into something of local legend after all. It had all started when she landed the role of Ophelia as a freshman, a feat in and of itself, but it was the way that she had sent audiences home in tears each night of the production that had catapulted her to near mythic status among the student body. It had gotten to the point where even many members of the football team could be found patiently waiting in line to watch a Shakespearean play.
Ever prepared, Annabeth had come fairly early to help secure seats for herself and the rest of her friends. The moment the doors opened, she made a beeline for the rows close to the stage and found some center seats, but when the auditorium began to fill its seats quicker than she anticipated and none of her friends had yet to arrive, she was forced to concede all of the seats she’d reserved except for two, one on either side of her. As more and more of the seats began to get filled, She came close to sending a text in the group chat as her sense of worry grew. Fortunately, that was when Jason showed up, a grateful smile on his face as he sank into the seat next to her. He took off his jacket, draping it on the seatback, and rubbed at the dark bags beneath his eyes.
“You look like a panda,” Annabeth said, smirking.
Jason ran his fingers through his hair and scowled. “Very funny. I’ve been neck deep in planning for the stupid after-party, and it has been a total nightmare.”
“So I take it that working with Drew Tanaka isn’t a good time then?”
Jason rolled his eyes and said, “There’s just something about event planning that turns her into a demon. At one point, I legitimately thought she was going to skin me alive.”
“Very dramatic,” Annabeth teased, squeezing his shoulder. “At least the worst is over now.”
“I sure hope so,” Jason muttered. “Otherwise, I might not live to see another day.”
Annabeth was about to say something when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She fished it out and looked at the caller ID, which immediately sent a frisson of irritation running through her. That was probably the seventeenth time this random number had called her over the past two weeks. She didn’t recognize the number at all, but whoever it was happened to be incredibly persistent about calling her.
“That number again?” Jason asked.
Annabeth sighed and nodded. “It’s starting to get really fucking annoying.”
“You should just block ‘em and save yourself the trouble,” Jason said, shrugging.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Annabeth said, sighing. “I’ll do it after the show.”
Jason nodded and pulled out his phone to shoot some texts, presumably to the group organizing the after-party. Annabeth spent her time scrolling mindlessly through Twitter, waiting for Percy to show up, but he was still missing two minutes before the show was due to begin. It was only once the lights began to dim that Annabeth heard the familiar cadence of his footsteps behind her. Percy squeezed past the people who were already seated, murmuring apologies as he passed by, before he sank into the seat beside her. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and winced as he probed his upper back muscles.
Annabeth looked at him with concern and said, “Are you okay?”
“I’ve been better,” Percy said, grimacing.
“I swear your coach has been extending practices by an hour every month now since the start of the school year.”
Percy huffed a laugh. “You’re probably right. I swear, he’s trying to kill me. Literally every part of my body hurts right now.”
Annabeth frowned in the dark. In all his years on the team, she had never heard Percy complain about his body hurting after practices. His coach must have been pushing him even harder over this past month than normal. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
She leaned in to him to whisper to him and found her face heating up at the distracting scent of body wash and chlorine clinging to his skin, evidence of the post-practice shower he must have taken before coming here.
It took her a moment to collect her thoughts and mumble, “If you feel that bad, you should have just gone home. Piper would understand.”
“I’m not missing the premier just because I’m a little sore,” Percy said, shaking his head.
Annabeth paused before giving him a tentative nod and turning back to the stage, but she still felt lingering traces of embarrassment. That scent was beyond familiar to her and it had been for years, so she was troubled by how she had suddenly become so conscious of it.
Fortunately, the start of the play gave her a way to stop treading down that creepy train of thought. She had read Twelfth Night once during middle school, but it hadn’t made much of an impression on her. Seeing it performed now, the play was a lot better than she had remembered, but then again Piper had always insisted that there was a huge difference between reading a play versus seeing one live. For a high school play, Annabeth couldn’t help being impressed by the level of care and effort that had gone into every element of the production, from the set design to the lighting and wardrobe. Of course, the actors were great as well, but Piper stole the show as Annabeth had expected.
It took her a while to realize that Percy was mouthing lines beside her, nearly verbatim. At first, she’d thought she was hearing things, but when she stole a sidelong glance at Percy, she noticed that he was leaning forward in his seat, staring intently at the stage and whispering the lines to himself.
“But, indeed, words are very rascals, since bonds disgraced them,” Percy mouthed.
On stage, Piper said, “Thy reason, man?”
Percy whispered, "Troth, sir, I can yield you none without words, and words are grown so false, I am loathe to prove reason with them.”
Annabeth shook her head in amazement before knocking elbows with him to get his attention. He froze in his seat, face turning a gentle shade of vermilion in response to being caught, before turning to face her.
“You know all the lines?” Annabeth whispered incredulously.
Percy ducked his chin. “Not all of them, just the scenes where Piper has lines. Must have helped her rehearse them like a hundred times.”
“And let me guess, she didn’t ask for your help: you volunteered,” she said, sighing.
Annabeth found herself shaking her head again when he rubbed the back in his neck and looked away with a sheepish smile. It was amazing that Percy had managed to memorize all those lines, but it was even more impressive that he had done so while juggling all his other responsibilities. Her heart welled up inside her chest looking at him while he tried to not-so-subtly divert her attention back to the play, still blushing profusely, as if he didn’t realize he was more amazing in her eyes than anything Shakespeare could’ve ever written.
Before she knew it, the play was over, and Annabeth found herself waiting backstage with her friends for Piper to finish changing into her normal clothes. Leo and Frank spoke quietly to one another while Hazel was noodling with her phone. Jason drummed his fingers against his pants and rocked on his heels and kept looking down the hallway to the changing rooms with poorly suppressed excitement, practically embodying the spirit of a golden retriever. Percy stood beside her, leaning against a wall with his eyes closed, close enough for their elbows to touch.
When Piper showed up with an exhausted smile on her face, Jason rushed in and pulled her into a fierce hug.
“You were amazing,” he said.
Piper laughed tiredly and whispered, “Thanks, Jace.”
Jason stepped away suddenly and rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly embarrassed by such a public display of affection. Piper rolled her eyes and poked him with her elbow before turning to address the rest of them.
“Thank you all for coming tonight. I really appreciate it.”
“Jason is right,” Frank said. “You were really great out there tonight.”
Everyone chimed in with words of agreement, which flustered Piper a little, much to Annabeth’s delight. Piper rarely ever got flustered except when she got bombarded by compliments that she had rightfully earned. Percy was the only one who didn’t say anything, but he watched the entire scene with a soft smile on his face. Once she’d given everyone else a hug, Piper met Percy’s eyes, her eyes shining with gratitude, and a wordless understanding passed between them.
“So, after-party everyone?” Jason asked.
Piper leaned against him and nodded tiredly. “I could certainly use a drink right now.”
Jason smiled before turning to the group and saying, “It’s at Drew’s place. I texted the address to our group chat in case anyone didn’t remember it.”
With that, they dispersed and made their way to the parking lot. It was dark outside even though it wasn’t all that late, but it was nothing unexpected considering December was on its way. Annabeth buried her hands in the front pocket of her sweatshirt, but she still couldn’t help shivering as the wind howled past them.
Percy smoothed his wind-tousled hair with a scowl before he gave her a sidelong glance. “So I’m guessing your parents didn’t change their mind about the after-party then?”
Annabeth nodded. “They are still insisting that I spend some quality ‘family time’ with them for Thanksgiving. Whatever the fuck that means.”
“Maybe it’s a good sign,” Percy said.
Annabeth snorted and said, “Knowing Helen, I highly doubt that. It’s probably just going to be a miserable meal with passive aggressive comments for dessert.”
Percy stopped and gave her forearm a gentle squeeze, forcing her to meet his eyes, which shone with concern.
“If it gets bad and you ever need to get out of the house, give me a call, okay?”
Annabeth tried for a laugh, but it sounded hollow even to her ears. “Come on, Jackson. You don’t think I can survive one measly dinner?”
“I know you can,” Percy said, firmly but not unkindly. “But there’s a big difference between surviving something and not having to suffer because of it.”
She didn’t really know how to respond to that, so she just remained silent. Percy looked at her and waited for a short while before he sighed and dropped her arm. Annabeth could tell by the downturn of his lips and the furrow of his brow that he still wasn’t entirely convinced, but she didn’t plan on changing her mind. No matter what happened at tonight’s dinner, she was determined not to call Percy. A nameless fear had begun to take root inside her. She couldn’t say what it was, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible would happen if she continued to rely on Percy as heavily as she had. Maybe she was completely off-base or maybe she was simply imagining the whole thing. And yet it grated on her like an itch she couldn't scratch, telling her, compelling her to at least do something.
Percy scuffed his converses against his ankle and nodded again. “Well, I guess I'll see you when you come over on Friday then?”
Annabeth nodded and watched him leave before she made her way back to her car. She didn’t remember much of the drive back home. The spam caller called again at some point, but apart from that the only thing that stuck out was how the pit in the center of her stomach grew the closer she got to her house. When she wasn't eating outside the house, Annabeth usually holed herself in her bedroom until the rest of the family finished dinner before she went downstairs to microwave the leftovers and bring them back upstairs with her. Tonight, unfortunately she had no such avenue of escape.
Once she parked in the driveway, Annabeth continued to sit there in the dark, her hands wrapped around the steering wheel so tightly the cheap stitching on the faux leather dug into her palms. She couldn’t help thinking at that moment that silence wore many different faces. When she was with Percy, silence was companionable and radiated a warmth that felt like trust. When she went for a run, silence was open and peaceful, almost like a physical space where she could leave reality behind for a short while. When she watched Percy give his mother a hug before he left the house, silence was wistful and forlorn, wrapping around her heart like tendrils of smoke. But now, as she sat in the car outside her own house, silence was unforgiving and violent, like a shark sensing blood in the water, waiting for her to tear herself to shreds.
But eventually, Annabeth screwed her eyes shut and forced herself to take a deep breath before she finally made her way inside. She slipped past the door and quietly took her shoes off before heading to the dining room. The rest of her family was already seated and had started eating.
“Ah, Annabeth, we weren’t sure if you would make it, so we got started a little early,” Helen said, voice dripping with faux sincerity.
Annabeth pursed her lips and nodded sharply before she pulled out a chair for herself and sat down. She didn’t put much on her plate — barely enough mashed potatoes to make a mound drizzled with gravy, a small piece of grilled chicken, and some buttered vegetables — and tried to finish her food as quickly as she could so she could retreat to her room.
Of course, it didn’t take long for Helen to take issue with that. “Someone certainly seems to be in a rush today.”
Annabeth looked up from her plate and tried to quell the fire in her eyes, but it was difficult when Helen looked at her with that smile of hers like poisoned honey, while the coldness in her eyes communicated her utter and absolute disdain for Annabeth in a way words never could. Briefly, she looked to her father to see if he might intervene, but like always, she was disappointed. He was staring absentmindedly at the wall behind her, probably thinking about his research.
"I'm just really tired," Annabeth lied.
"And yet you had just enough energy to go to your friend's play," Helen said.
"It's almost like human beings have less energy over the course of a day."
She had tried very hard to keep the sarcasm out of her voice, but it didn't seem to matter judging by the tick of Helen's jaw. Annabeth couldn't help deriving a twisted sense of pleasure at the momentary collapse in Helen's composure.
Helen sighed with mock affectation. "Children your age are so disrespectful these days."
Annabeth shrugged nonchalantly. "Must be because we’re on our phones all the time."
A gleam passed in Helen's eyes. "Or maybe it's because you associate with the wrong kinds of people."
Annabeth furrowed her brow and deliberately set her fork aside. "And what is that supposed to mean?"
Helen raised her wineglass and took a sip before she spoke, and when she did her tone was feather-light. "Oh, it's nothing. As your mother, I'm just concerned when a girl your age spends all her time unsupervised, doing lord knows what, with someone like that Jackson boy."
Annabeth balled her hands into fists. “‘Someone like him’? You don’t even know him.”
Helen looked at her imperiously over the rim of her wine glass. “I don’t need to know him to know that he’s of the wrong sort.”
It took Annabeth a second to decipher what Helen had meant, but once she did the pit in her stomach burned with hellfire.
Annabeth barked a harsh laugh and crossed her arms over her chest. “So he’s the ‘wrong sort’ just because he isn’t white?”
“That wasn’t what I said,” Helen said mildly.
“No, but it's what you meant.”
For the first time that night, her father spoke, voice low yet firm.
“Annabeth,” he warned.
Annabeth bit her tongue and wrestled with the urge to scream. At that moment, her phone vibrated again in her pocket, so Annabeth decided to run with it. Anything to give her an excuse to leave.
Her chair emitted an unholy screech as she stood up. “I have to take an important call.”
Annabeth didn’t wait for Helen’s permission and left the dining room quickly, only just noticing the irritation in her eyes. She went upstairs to her bedroom and slammed the door behind her before pulling her phone out of her pocket.
When she looked at the caller ID and noticed it was that same spam number again, Annabeth clenched her jaw and made to reject the call before an idea occurred to her. If she couldn’t show any emotion around her family, well then this stubborn asshole who clearly couldn’t tell she wasn’t going to answer the phone would give her a good opportunity to vent.
“Hello?” Annabeth snapped, answering the phone.
The voice on the other end of the line sounded male. “Oh, um, hello. Am I speaking with Ms. Annabeth Chase?”
“Yes,” Annabeth spat. “And who are you?”
There was a pause — the speaker was clearly taken aback by Annabeth’s open hostility, but it didn’t take long for them to recover.
“I apologize if this is a bad time, but my name is Rick Waters. I’m the coach of the women’s cross country team here at the University of California, Berkeley. I just wanted to reach out to you regarding the offer of admission we sent you a month or so ago.”
A panicked flurry of thoughts blew through Annabeth's mind. “Oh, sorry, I thought you were a telemarketer. Did you say that you sent me an offer of admission a month ago?”
“Yes, we sent a letter in early October to be precise.”
“I never got anything in the mail,” Annabeth said, frowning.
“Oh, well I suppose that certainly explains things. Perhaps there was a mistake made somewhere along the way, but no harm done. I could inform you of our offer over the phone now, if you'd like."
Annabeth pressed a hand to her forehead and shut her eyes. "Um, yes, please do."
"Well, we've been scouting all over the country for new runners for the incoming freshman class, and we were very interested in you. You are clearly a very talented distance runner, and I think you would be a wonderful asset and a great fit with our team here at Cal. All our facilities are state-of-the-art, and we have some former Olympians on our coaching staff in addition to a team of dietitians, physical therapists, and psychologists. I’ll pause here if you have any questions.”
“No, not at the moment, sorry. I’m just a little overwhelmed,” Annabeth said, mind reeling.
“I understand,” he said. “The reason I have been trying so hard to reach you, though, is because we need to know your decision before the 30th, which is in four days.”
Only four days? How the fuck was she supposed to write all those supplementary essays in only four days? It had taken her months to just finish the essays for the Common App.
“What is the process if I decide to commit to Berkeley?” Annabeth asked. “Like, am I required to send an application and include essays?”
“No, we wouldn’t need anything supplementary. We do, however, require a transcript, but we’ve already been in contact with your high school regarding that, and it was more than satisfactory. In fact, we were highly impressed with your academic performance.”
“Oh, um, thank you,” Annabeth said, feeling relieved.
“Of course,” the coach said. “One final thing I wanted to mention is that we would be willing to offer you a fairly sizable athletic scholarship should you decide to attend in the fall. It would cover a majority of your tuition and room and board fees.”
Annabeth leaned against her door and sank down to the floor, smiling so widely it hurt. The one fear she had had was how she would afford going to Berkeley, so she was beyond relieved that they were willing to give her a scholarship. For once in her life, it seemed that all her hard work had actually amounted to something. For once, her accomplishments actually mattered.
“Thank you so much,” Annabeth said quietly.
“Take some time to think about it, but please do get back to us by the 30th so that we can secure your admission. To be perfectly honest, the deadline for athletic recruitment ended in October, but I’ve been adamant with the Admissions Office that you were special and that the deadline be extended on your behalf.”
Annabeth's throat constricted and her heart squeezed in her chest. “I really don't know what to say. Just thank you so much. I really do appreciate it. I’ll be sure to get back to you by the 30th.”
“Wonderful,” he said. “I look forward to hearing from you.”
With that, the phone call ended, and Annabeth knocked the back of her head against the door and stared up at the ceiling, not sure whether to cry or laugh. As the coach had said, recruitment was usually finished by October, so the fact that she hadn’t received any offers from schools had been depressing. She had assured herself that her application was strong enough on its own to brave the conventional admissions process, but this was an immense weight off her shoulders. Of course, that meant that all those hours she’d spent on writing her stupid Common App essay had been pretty much useless, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
The only thing that soured her mood was the knowledge that she still needed to go back downstairs to deal with her step-mother now that the call was over. Annabeth sat there and looked up at her popcorn ceiling, trying to muster the strength to get up, but it still took her the better part of ten minutes before she finally rose to her feet and closed the door behind her.
Friday at the Jackson household was often a rambunctious affair, but it was quieter than normal when Annabeth came to visit the day after Thanksgiving. But that was largely due to the fact that Paul happened to be away at a teacher’s conference, Estelle at a playdate at a friend’s house, and Sally was upstairs, working on her writing, which left Annabeth alone with Percy downstairs.
He had been the one to suggest that they bake something together, much to her relief. She had wanted to do something where she could turn her brain off, and there was just something about baking in particular that tended to calm her down. As Annabeth sat on the countertop, swinging her legs, and watched Percy riffle through the pantry in search of ingredients, it occurred to her that that was probably why he’d suggested the activity to begin with. The domesticity of Percy humming a tuneless melody under his breath while moving about the kitchen in his pajamas made warmth blossom in her chest.
"Are you gonna help out or are you just continue checking me out, Chase?" Percy asked, looking inside a cupboard for vanilla extract.
Annabeth felt heat rush to her face as she hopped off the counter. She tried to keep her tone light and asked, "What am I not allowed to check out my fake-boyfriend?"
Percy looked at her over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Then surely you wouldn't mind if I were to check out my fake-girlfriend then."
Annabeth's heart fluttered in her chest. "It almost sounds like you're asking for permission."
It was hard to tell if the look in Percy’s eyes was teasing or challenging. "And if I am?"
Her throat had suddenly become completely dry. She wasn't sure if the move here was to say yes and double down or if she should play it off and change the topic.
She settled for the former and said, "And what would you do if I said yes?"
Percy's eyes darkened and his eyes darted to her lips for an instant before he cleared his throat conspicuously and turned away. “Good job. That should work when you get a real boyfriend.”
With that, the tension in the room dissipated into thin air, leaving Annabeth with a vague sense of dissatisfaction, although she couldn’t explain where it came from. Annabeth tried her best to put the interaction behind her and started helping Percy find the remaining ingredients, but she found her eyes wandering towards him without her permission. It was definitely because of the previous exchange, Annabeth reasoned, that she suddenly began paying attention to the way his back muscles strained against the fabric of his thin t-shirt when he reached up to get some nutmeg or the hard line of his jaw when she caught a glimpse of his profile as he turned away.
Her face began to heat up again, but this time it was because she was actually guilty of the crime she'd been accused of. She shook her head in an effort to dispel those thoughts, but she couldn't erase the images taking center stage in her mind's eye.
This was really fucking weird. She'd seen Percy practically every day for the last ten years, and his body had never distracted her like this, so it felt creepy and wrong. Yet, her eyes continued to wander towards him whenever she wasn’t vigilant, much to her embarrassment, as they started making the cookies.
They were nearly ready to put the chocolate chip cookie batter into the oven when Percy stopped and suddenly groaned.
"What?" she asked.
"I forgot the blue food coloring," he grumbled. "Mom and I ran out last time we made cookies."
Annabeth knew better than to ask him if it was really that important for the cookies to be blue, so she nodded and said, "Should we go to the grocery store?"
"Yeah, just let me get changed," Percy said, leaving the kitchen.
Sally made her way down the stairs and smiled as Percy went past her. She stepped into the kitchen and surveyed it for a moment before looking to her with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Well, at least you both don't make nearly as big a mess as you used to."
"Sorry," Annabeth said, her face heating up.
"Relax, dear," Sally said, laughing. "I'm just pulling your leg."
Annabeth managed a smile and said, "How was your book tour?"
Sally leaned against the counter-top and sighed. "Exhausting, but overall, pretty good. Each time I have to do one of them, they just keep adding more and more cities. I know that it's a sign my books are reaching a wider audience, but it still wears out an old woman like me."
"You're not old at all, Sally," Annabeth said genuinely.
A warm smile crossed Sally's face. "You're sweet, dear. How have things been with you?"
Percy came downstairs, now that he'd changed, and jangled his car keys. "Ready to go?"
Annabeth looked to Sally and felt a surge of gratitude when Sally told Percy, "You go on ahead. Annabeth and I are going to have some girl time."
Percy looked between the two of them for a moment before he shrugged and left the kitchen. Annabeth waited until she heard the sound of the garage door closing before she spoke again.
"How did you know?" Annabeth asked.
"Hmm, know what?" Sally asked.
"Know that I wanted to talk to you.”
"I've known you since you were seven, dear," Sally said, giving her a significant look.
Annabeth couldn't help the fact that that brought a smile to her face. "Percy told me that he got recruited by USC."
“I’m happy for him and everything, but- I don’t know. It’s just that college actually feels real now and not like something imaginary in the far off future,” Annabeth said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.
"It’s a big change," Sally admitted. "But I'm sure you both can handle it when the time comes."
"I know,” Annabeth said. “I’m just worried about being apart from Percy and stuff.”
"Well, if you’re that worried, what if you found a college close by LA?" Sally asked.
Annabeth shook her head. "A recruiter from Berkeley reached out to me Wednesday night about joining the cross country team there. He said the university would even be willing to give me a pretty big scholarship, so I'm thinking of accepting."
"Annabeth, that's fantastic," Sally beamed. "Your parents must be so proud of you."
"They just asked how I was going to pay for it," Annabeth said, smiling thinly.
Sally's eyes softened and she pulled her into a warm hug. Annabeth didn't expect a lump to form in her throat, but it didn't surprise her when it happened. She knew from prior experience that Sally Jackson's hugs did tend to have that sort of effect.
"Well, for what it's worth, I'm so incredibly proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished," Sally said. "Lord knows how hard you've worked these past few years."
"Thank you," Annabeth said, trying not to let her voice quiver.
Sally pulled away and framed Annabeth's face in her hands, smiling softly. "You've grown into such a wonderful young woman. It’s almost hard to believe that bossy little seven year old would grow up like this."
Annabeth wiped at her nose as a watery laugh escaped her. "Well, one thing hasn't changed: I'm still pretty bossy."
"Well, no one's perfect, after all," Sally said, a twinkle in her eye. "I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, dear. Berkeley and LA are in the same state."
"It's a five hour and forty-two minute drive," Annabeth said. "I, um, checked on Google Maps."
"That’s not that bad," Sally said. “You and Percy can deal with that.”
Annabeth shifted on her heels. "No, it's not that. I know we'll be okay, but I'm just worried it'll change things."
"Well, I know that the way you two feel about each other won't change and that's the most important thing," Sally said firmly.
"Of course, things will be different, but that doesn't mean it has to get worse. This is just another stage you have to pass through in your life, just like Percy does. But despite all that change, you will still be Annabeth and Percy will still be Percy, and that is enough for me to believe you both will be fine."
Annabeth considered her words before nodding. "I still haven't told him."
"He'll be happy to hear it."
"I know he will," Annabeth said. "I just want to be less of a wreck when I tell him. I don't want him to worry."
Sally smiled and said, "That boy will worry about you regardless of what you do."
"He shouldn't have to though," Annabeth said desperately. I’m not worth it.
"No, perhaps he shouldn't," Sally admitted. "But he chooses to anyways, and who are we to say he's wrong for it."
There was a pause before Annabeth quietly said, "Sometimes, it feels like he loves so hard, so honestly, so naturally that it's impossible for me to catch up."
"That's just the way he is," Sally said, a sad smile on her face. "His name means 'To Destroy', but there's no one more protective, more loving than my boy. Been that way all his life, even when he shouldn't have had to. Because of that, I’m afraid that I've hurt him without knowing, hurt him in ways that can't be fixed."
"You mean with Gabe?" Annabeth asked.
Sally's eyes turned hard. "He started trying to protect me from him ever since he was six and I don’t think he has ever stopped. Even now, I can see he still doesn't completely feel comfortable around Paul, but he bears it for my sake. He has always been willing to cause himself pain if it means alleviating someone else’s suffering. Sometimes, I worry that he feels the need to be responsible for how other people feel.”
Sally’s words immediately made Annabeth think about her conversation with Kara and how she had said something similar:
I just remember being so fucking stunned. Like, your girlfriend is telling you she’s breaking up with you after cheating on you, and your response is to go be someone else’s fucking therapist?
Annabeth balled her hands into fists and tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She wasn’t sure what to say. She had never been good with words or emotions, but she wasn’t even sure if this was something that could be fixed with just words. If she were like Percy, maybe she could think of the right combination of words to say in order to make this better, but she wasn’t.
She hated this. All her life, Annabeth had been praised for being intelligent. Most of her identity was built around that fact. Whenever her life went to shit, the one thing she could count on was the fact that she was smart: it was the one thing that made her feel like she was worth anything. But lately, Annabeth couldn’t help questioning if she’d built her entire sense of self around a lie. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d been able to use her intelligence to solve a problem, or at least not any problem that mattered. It seemed pointless to have all this purported intelligence when life only sent her problems that couldn’t be solved just by thinking really hard.
Sally must have sensed Annabeth’s frustration because she put her hand on Annabeth’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. Although she felt a bit better, it did nothing to dispel the underlying sensation of weight, like someone was sitting on her chest.
The garage door opened and Percy popped into the kitchen with an exuberant smile, holding a bottle of blue food coloring in his hand.
“Managed to get the last one!” he beamed before his smile fell and he looked between the two of them. “What happened here?”
Sally gave Annabeth’s shoulder another squeeze before making her way to the staircase. “Oh, nothing. Just girl stuff.”
Percy nodded but clearly looked unconvinced. Once Sally was gone, he turned to her with a question in his eyes.
“Girl stuff?” he asked.
Annabeth found herself settling for a half-truth yet again. It seemed like that was all she did these days when she spoke to Percy.
“A recruiter contacted me from Berkeley,” she said, looking at her feet. “They’re giving me a big scholarship if I go there to join the cross country team.”
Percy blinked before breaking into a smile and rushing to her with open arms. “Holy shit, Annabeth, that’s insane! I’m so happy for you!”
Annabeth returned his hug and smiled into his shoulder — Sally had been so spot on about his reaction that, despite her heavy mood, it was kind of hilarious.
Percy looked at her with a searching gaze. “Then why do we seem so sad?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “I’m not sad. I was just getting emotional with your mom about how much I’ve matured.”
“Hmm, you don’t look all that mature to me,” Percy said, appraising her.
“Asshole,” Annabeth grumbled. “I don’t seem to recall that being your opinion back when you were trying to get permission to check me out.”
Percy’s face flushed at the accusation, and his voice jumped an octave as he stammered, “T-That was to help you practice.”
“Yeah, sure,” Annabeth drawled. “Very convincing.”
“Now who’s being an asshole?”
“Couldn’t be me,” Annabeth said lightly.
“Of course not,” Percy said, rolling his eyes. “Now should we start making these cookies or not? I’m starving.”
Annabeth followed him to the batter and watched as he drenched it in blue food coloring, tongue poking out the corner of his mouth, and found herself desperately wishing they had more time. There was a delicate, almost exquisite pain that came with the awareness that this couldn’t last, but watching Percy roll misshapen balls of blue cookie dough made it easier for her to ignore it. At least for a while.
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dryslippers · 4 years
My Two First Loves • MC x Ava
So I wrote this thing weeks ago, after seeing a photo this idea just came to my mind, and I wrote it without thinking of anyone for the characters, but now I thought, what if this happened with mtfl MC and Ava? Like the boys aren’t in her life and...
Just thought maybe someone else aside from my bff who I always think is forced to read my shit because she’s my friend wanted to read my shit. I know it’s bad and shit, I know I know I fucking know.
Warnings: Idk, angst? I seriously don’t know. Eng is not my 1st language soooo... warnings for mistakes :)
Words: 1688
She was walking down the aisle,
Her arm in her father’s.
The smell of the bouquet of roses in her hand was giving her the picture of the happy future,
She loved him,
And she was sure he was her soulmate.
The roses showed her a home filled with love,
Filled with holding hands through hard times,
Filled with little “I love you”s.
She felt the joy.
She looked up,
Saw her smiling, her hand waving at her,
And all the good feelings faded away.
They were teenagers,
They were best friends.
They used to lay on her bed, their feet leaning on the wall, gossiping about the school’s boys and girls,
Gossiping about the failed relationships, the fake ones, and the real ones.
She sighed, wondering why they are still single.
Wondering if she is going to end up alone,
If she is going to take her unloved heart to the grave.
She held her hand,
Told her to stop thinking stupidly.
She told her if you don’t find anyone, I am always available.
She laughed at her,
And started talking about the movie she watched the day before.
She didn’t see that
Her friend didn’t laugh,
She just smiled.
They were teenagers,
They were still best friends.
She was feeling depressed, sitting on a bench of the park,
Holding her knees, not showing her tears to anyone,
She didn’t think,
She just put her phone out, and called her.
She waited,
10 seconds,
20 seconds,
30 seconds,
She answered,
But she had ended the phone call.
Then she listened, the answer wasn’t as close as the other side of the call,
It was even closer,
Coming from where she was sitting.
She knew she was there, putting everything out, once again.
She sat next to her,
They didn’t use the words,
They used the sights,
The touches,
The feelings.
She held her,
Telling her “I’m always available” with writing on her back,
She laughed,
But again, she wasn’t looking at her,
To see that she just smiled.
She came by her window one day,
Played a song,
And started singing out loud.
She heard her voice,
Closed her books and went by the window,
She opened it, and saw her,
Standing, wearing nice clothes,
Looking at her with a twinkle in her eyes.
She didn’t say anything,
She just listened.
The song ended,
She said to her
If you were a boy, I would have married you right now.
And laughed.
And she?
She just smiled.
They were finished with all the ups and downs of the school,
They wanted to follow their real dreams,
As they promised each other when they were younger.
They were never going to see the bitches again, or the hot guys who used to melt their hearts,
Or maybe just her heart.
And she, was scared, because she knew they were going to see each other less now,
Even if they were going to be in the same city.
Because they were going to college, and college had way too many new boys waiting to find love,
And she was waiting for love too.
She saw her in her imagination,
Holding his hand, smiling at him.
No one saw the image in her mind,
No one heard the sound of the pieces of her heart falling,
But when she looked at her, she asked,
What are you smiling at while zoning out?
The day had come.
She was going on a date.
She was nervous, not knowing if her clothes were right,
If the heels were high enough,
Or if her lipstick was red enough.
She was driving, being the one who passed her to the man of his life, as they always joked.
She filled the space between her fingers with hers,
And played a song to calm her down,
The one she sang by her window.
She remembered that day,
And laughed at how her voice was never good for singing,
Then, she turned her head to look at her.
This time she saw that,
She wasn’t laughing.
She was just smiling.
They had an exam,
But they weren’t too fool to spend this beautiful rainy night in their dorm, memorizing stupid sentences.
They went out, without an umbrella.
She hugged the rain,
Wishing he was here so she could hold him.
She wished out loud,
And her heart broke, for the thousandth time.
She told her to play a song,
A romantic one.
And what did she play?
The one she sang for her.
She heard it, and laughed again.
“Why are you so obsessed with this song?”
She turned,
Found her staring at her.
She stopped laughing.
Finally, after years, she asked her,
“Why did you sing that song for me?”
She shrugged, showing that there wasn’t an important reason.
It was obvious that she was lying.
She took her phone,
And paused the music.
She found out,
Why that night,
She wasn’t laughing, and was just smiling.
The raindrops on her face,
Made her look like an angel.
Or maybe,
She always looked like an angel,
And she was too blind to see her wings.
Still, she was blind,
Because she didn’t see her tears having a race with the raindrops.
She put her hands on her arms,
Looking at her in silence,
Feeling what she had to feel years ago.
She didn’t hesitate this time,
She cupped her wet face in her hands,
And let the drops on their lips meet each other.
She kissed her,
After years of hesitation.
She wasn’t kissing her back,
But she wasn’t pushing her away either.
They stood there,
Under the pouring rain,
Under the gift of God,
Loving each other.
She never stopped gazing at her,
She told her,
I love you.
She didn’t laugh this time,
She smiled.
She felt it,
Felt the thing that was there for years,
She knew she was stupid,
She knew she loved her too.
But, she put space between them.
She shook her head.
She showed her the ring.
Yes, they both knew,
This was never going to happen.
It was too late to happen.
She was getting married in a few months,
And she couldn’t doubt her love for him now,
After promising to give him a life full of beautiful moments.
She had to give up on her,
She had to found her own soulmate.
But she knew her soulmate wasn’t waiting for her,
Cause she was some one else’s,
And she didn’t have a chance to have her.
They went back to their dorm,
Turning the lights on to find a walkable way among all the books on the floor,
And after that, she turned them off again.
They laid on their beds,
A small distance between them.
Their eyes weren’t used to the darkness,
But even then,
In the darkness,
With all the blindness,
They could see each other faces.
None of them were smiling,
They both were crying,
For the love that could make them laugh everyday,
Make them hopeful everyday,
And make the days brighter everyday.
They were crying,
For the love that was worth spending mornings and nights for,
For the love that was finished,
Before it even could be started.
She was still walking down the aisle,
When the feelings faded away,
And the ones she experienced with her filled her heart.
The mornings they talked about literally everything so they could forget the stress they had for an exam.
The evenings they went to different cafés and had only a piece of cake, because they couldn’t ask their dads to give them more money.
The nights they spent 5 hours watching a 2 hour long movie, cause they couldn’t stop laughing at the scenes,
Disagreeing on the character’s doings,
And crying over the love scenes.
The sight in front of her eyes was filled with all the memories they made together,
All the lies they told their teachers, and decided to become actors if they weren’t going to be successful in college.
All the nights they snuck out to the park, and ate ice cream while shivering after feeling the freezing cold winds.
All the fights they had over stupid things, and the way they acted after that like they didn’t care, but they were both dying inside to talk to each other again.
Her ears were filled with the melody of that song,
Of their song.
They were filled with her voice,
The voice that was awful, not following the rhythm at all,
The voice that always made her feel better, after listening to just the 52 seconds she had time to record.
Her lips were filled with the taste of her lipstick.
The one she loved and used the most.
The one she had worn on that night.
On that magical rainy night, when she felt the love she had for her.
But as she said, it was too late.
She looked up and saw him,
He was holding back tears of joy.
With that, she fell in love with him once more,
And got sure that he is the one for her.
She took the left steps,
Stood in front of him,
He told her she looks beautiful.
She smiled and took his hands.
She looked happy,
But no one knew that she was trying to find the same feeling she felt that night, this time for him,
But the only thing she could feel,
Was for her.
She was trying so hard,
She didn’t want to accept that her love for him wasn’t there.
She never heard what the old man said,
She never heard the “I do” of the man she loves, something that she always dreamed of as a little girl.
She only heard this last sentence,
“Do you take this man to be your husband?”
She came back to the world,
To the church,
To where she was standing,
To when she was going to feel love the most.
She said “I do.”
But who did she say it to?
The man whose hands she was holding,
Or the girl whose eyes she was admiring?
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mostly-megan · 4 years
I Read The Triple Frontier Early Draft Script
And I have several thoughts on it. @frannyzooey Told me to, so I’m going to go down the line of points I thought were interesting and notes on the characters. It’s all going to be below the cut so we don’t bother the people who don’t care.
It was clearly a very early draft, but I still think it’s interesting to see how the characters changed over time.
Important note: Everyone except for Benny and Tom is only referred to by their nicknames, no real names. So I keep that up to keep from getting confused. 
I do not link to the google doc with the script, but you can dm me if you want the link privately.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, suicide, and sex; mild gore; character death; racism
Pope during the drug raid learns from a teen in the gang where Lorea keeps his money
Redfly, Benny, and Cat are in North Carolina and keep turning down bs military mission
Pope shows up on Redfly’s stoop, stays with his family, and he tells him about the heist
Redfly seems to agree, but only because Pope is asking and not for the money
The “ You were shot 5 times for your country and can’t afford a new truck” scene is here bit for bit
They go meet Ironhead at one of his support group speeches to convince him to join. He begrudgingly agrees.
Cat and Redfly talk at the fight about the job and both reluctantly agree since the other will do it
Cut to South America running through surveillance, we learn that there are two gun towers, ground sensors, machine guns, and several guards
Pope’s informant is Lorea’s sugar baby(?), Yovanna, who gave him a pic of the money in the office a few weeks prior
The plan is to hide in one of the maid vans and make their way in and out with the money
Everyone is distrustful of his old intel, so they do their own surveillance 
Getting caught in rain on heist day, they wait in the jungle for the guard rotations to resume, almost catching hypothermia
The heist vibe is the same, but this time they find the money is not there instantly
Redfly and Cat try to call the mission, but Benny and Pope insist on getting the money
Benny gets shot(grazed?) in the face and wants to say fuck it, but Redfly reminds him it was his idea
Pope blackmails the guard in the video room and gets the tape before killing him
While Cat, Benny, and Redfly grab the money, Ironhead is shot badly and they have to tape his mouth to keep him quiet
This is when Redfly snaps and decides they go out blazing
Lorea’s guards are outside waiting for them, but the boys literally blow up the front of the house and make a run for the river behind the house with a raft waiting
Lorea’s personal guard shoots him
Kidnapping Yovanna from her apartment, they get her money, passport, and visa to her Redfly grills her and seriously debates killing her, but instructs her to get to Australia 
After essentially holding up the airstrip workers, they see the news of the break-in on TV and weigh 8 tons of money 
Cat argues it’s too much weight, but agrees it will probably be fine
During the flight, Ironhead dies from his wound
Helicopter crash is the same
Pope goes in solo to speak with the farmers and they actually almost kill him before Redfly shoots way too many of them
They get pack animals from the farmers, load up the money and Ironhead, and start climbing
At some point, Cat insists they bury Ironhead because taking a body with them is going to start causing way worse issues
They camp at the burial spot, Pope voices how he blames himself for the death
The trek up the mountain is the same, including dumping some of the money and memorizing the coordinates
Getting to a port town, Cat gets sick from exposure, so they rest a few days
The local gang leader figures out who they are and uses his gang of kids to confront them
They shoot their way out and grab with guns and the money backpack on the way to the car
Benny drives and they almost flip the truck
They literally ALL get shot, but still make it to the boat and get away
The boys all agree to donate all the money to charity, in honor of Ironhead, and almost literally head off to the sunset
All-American late 30′s white guy; genuiniely wants to be a good person, but seems too wrapped up in the Army life
He’s the main character and most of the story is his POV
He is still with Molly and the girls, and we actually get a nice scene with them in here
He legitimately snaps once Ironhead is shot and doesn’t come back until after they bury him
He seriously almost kills Yovanna and sounds like he regrets not doing so
Says the words to her “After you sucked him off? You were lying there, playing with him- And you asked ‘What’s your real name? Where are you from?’-What did he say?” and I disliked it
Yovanna tells him that Pope thought he was so honest and he hates knowing he is not that person anymore
Mid-30′s white guy; way more of an instigator and really manipulated his friends to join him 
They never give a reason why he wants to get rid of Lorea
His argument for committing a crime is that America was founded on crimes and it’s not different them the war crimes they committed under orders
Seems embarrassed about his relationship with Yovanna and it’s implied he actually told her his name, but he told her Redfly is the most honest guy he knows. 
Calls some indigenous South Americans “Indians” and says they “don’t even know what century it is”
When an informant runs late, he says it’s because they run on Latino Standard Time
He saved Ironhead’s life once in fire and that is how he convices him to come, so he blames himself solely for his death
He literally brought cigars with them for after the heist. They smoke them once they are in the boat
They made Pope the asshole we don’t like, which is understandable, but upsetting
Laid-back mid-30′s white guy who now trains Benny and works as a Private Investigator
He still is the main joker and sarcasm, but they really make sure we remember how dark his past is
There is a scene played as a laugh where he gets annoyed waiting for a cheating couple to fuck, so he holds them at gunpoint, tells them to strip and kiss, take the picture, and then tells them he’s sorry, but they should just get a divorce. It comes off terrifying and gross.
He seems to really distrust Pope and is closest to Redfly
He barely speaks Spanish
The Special Forces Museum put up a statue of him, the only living operative to have one, and his wife tells him to retire then because there was no topping that
When they argue about the weight limit, Cat says “Oh, I’m sorry, I missed you going to flight school.” And I appreciate that line.
Early 30′s white fighter
He’s described as being all or nothing and prone to manic depressive behavior and “prone to pills”
Redfly thinks he’s too old to go pro in fighting and Benny is v offended
He’s the only one to cry over Ironhead’s death
He still uses his “fuck you” money for a fire
He seems to have the most med knowledge and is the one checking for hypothermia, gives the “reason” why Ironhead dies, helps nurse Cat when he’s sick
He’s mostly played for laughs and it’s sort of a waste
Grizzled, but generous 55 year old white vet
He is literally the father figure here and is called that often
He is not related to Benny, but he seems to have a very soft spot for him as the youngest
He somehow served under Redfly?
He gave up running and gunning to mediate and help newer retirees
In the support group, his speech details all of the horrible things that he’s seen and had happen to him, this is supposed to be the reason why the younger soldiers listen to him
One of the group admits to almost committing suicide the past night and Ironhead say he will not tell him not to do it, just that he will not do it tonight and they all recite not tonight, it’s actually touching to “see” them all taking heart in what he is saying
He only agrees to help Pope because Pope once saved his life in combat and he told him he owes him. This scene is described as a father sadden that he can’t get through to his son, but says yes to keep an eye on them
In the “what will you buy with your money” scene, he says he will donate it to charity. It’s quickly followed by Benny excitedly saying he wants a Ferrari and Ironhead affectionately looks at him and says, “That’s a nice car, Ben!” Which made my doubting heart melt...
He the entire time gives the boys reminders to preserve their humanity and is the one who tell Redfly it’s good he let Yovanna go
When he’s shot, they say that the wound was through, meaning that the bullet entered and exited. But, when he dies, Benny says the bullet must have shifted and nudged into his heart. And I’m really annoyed by that clear mistake....
I genuinely did like this version of the character, not more than OUR Will, but I liked him
His intro to the movie is literally leading the police in a high-speed chase in his yellow Lambo
He brings a business partner to his mansion during the boys surveying his house and they see his personal guard shoot the partner and cut off his head so it fits in the trunk of the car
I had to learn that, so now so do you
He has a thing for exotic birds and has to bring in several shifts of maids to clean up after them
He comes off here as way more of a rich wimp
Lorea’s sugar baby/girlfriend who sleeps with Pope and gives him info
She used to be a beauty queen
The script says Redfly is her type and she says out-loud that she wants to watch Pope and Redfly fuck. 
She taught one of Lorea’s birds to say “Hello, Beautiful” and lets that bird get loose in the mansion so she can get the pic of the money for Pope
I genuinely liked her character, too
My Review
I prefer the actual plot and planning of the final movie. The plan and surveillance here slowly fell together smoothly, but ultimately made far less sense.
But, I think they felt like actual friends here. They interact with each other instead of around each other
But this version is racist and kind of gross, so I’d take kind of boring any day
4/10, please do not make me read again
Tagging because you guys seemed interested: @frannyzooey @mandoplease
@krissology @pedropasscals (thought you might like it)
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Bulbamun’s Top Ten Simpsons Episodes!
So now that my new smart tv has Disney+ on it I’ve been watching a lot of Simpsons lately and started thinking about just what are my favorites, this is by no means a definitive list, I may change my mind immediately after posting this but I do tend to hover around the same era when I watch and I just thought about which ones I keep coming back to or otherwise stick with me
10. Round Springfield
So this one fucking makes me cry every time, I don’t watch it as much as I have most of the others on this list but watching Bleeding Gums Murphy die and leave Lisa so distraught always gets me, they do the crazy James Earl Jones cloud ending and it never fails to have me in tears by the end. Also Bart’s small character arc with Lisa believing he’s telling the truth when he wrecks his appendix leading into the end is a very nice touch (and is something that happens in reverse later on in the list).
9. Lemon of Troy
On the other end of things, Lemon of Troy just always makes me feel kind of good, it’s really funny, there’s so many subversion gags that work really well and it’s a neat little adventure story that changes the setting up a bit. Shelbyville is mentioned a lot in various episodes so it’s neat to just go there and see the people are just as weird and freaky as in Springfield despite Shelbyville always seeming to be the better option in most conversations. Also, lemon-shaped rocks.
8. Homer Badman
So this is here for a couple reasons, first of all the Candy Expo in the beginning is an amazing setpiece and I love all the gags they get out of all the crazy candy convention shenanigans. And then the episode just kind of pivots and we get a pretty dire take on media sensationalism that just gets more and more relevant every year. It’s a weirdly nuanced take too since none of the original parties are particularly at fault since they both don’t have the full story but they get swept up into a media whirlwind. (Though the more I think about it, Homer DID still technically grab the girl’s butt even if it wasn’t intended as sexual harrassment there’s still a case to be made that he did do it, but she seems fine to drop it after finding out about Gummi Venus De Milo so I guess it’s okay)
7. Lisa’s Substitute
This is the other episode that never fails to make me cry, like every time I watch this episode I end up having a huge headache from crying so much. This one admittedly relies a lot on its ending and isn’t quite as funny or touching throughout but what an ending, everything from the train scene and Lisa getting the note to how the family wraps up at home and Homer proves he can be a good parent in his own way while relating to all three of his kids on various levels, it’s just really great.
6. Homer the Heretic
So this one is on the list for its atmosphere (and it won’t be the last one) I really freaking love how it sells the lazy Sunday morning feel in the first half, how Homer crafts a fun day off for himself with all these silly little events and snacks and such (which is also how I spend my days off so it probably hit a little close to home). The religious commentary is pretty good too, Lisa the Skeptic was very close to making the list for how it handled respecting people’s faith even when you don’t share it but I kinda like how oddly inclusive this message is for a show that’s usually pretty Protestant-focused, it kind of gets to a message about the intention of faith being more important than the dogma, but also that something like church can still have value.
5. Bart on the Road
This one and the next one are more atmosphere pieces, admittedly the vaporwave meme may have influenced my opinion on this a bit but I find myself coming back to this episode a lot just for the breezy attitude it has about the whole road trip aesthetic and how well Bart organizes this thing on the fly even though none of them have any idea what they’re doing, plus Nelson and Martin are always good to drag along together (see Lemon of Troy) and Lisa’s subplot about connecting with Homer and that being the final test that connects it to the resolution of Bart’s plot I always thought was really cute.
4. Bart’s Comet
Like I said, this is another atmosphere pick. The parts of this one that always get me are the beginning when Bart’s getting up at 4am and everything’s so quiet and still and the day hasn’t really started yet, and then the quiet anxiety that hangs over the town as their waiting for the comet to come crashing down (which if I remember high school earth science it’s not a comet if it enters the atmosphere but whatever). It’s got some really funny jokes and a variety of townspeople to play off each other and a really sweet and poignant ending with Flanders but the early morning scenes and the apocalyptic dread are my favorites here.
3. Bart Sells his Soul
I guess I’m a sucker for the theological/philosophical episodes of classic Simpsons because I love this episode. Just like in an inverse of Round Springfield, this one wraps up with Lisa giving Bart something that solves his grief, and her point about Bart earning his soul through desperation and effort and prayer is really touching. The Moe stuff for the B-plot is really cute and I like the setting of turning Moe’s into a TGI Fridays type deal, plus the oddly heartbreaking scenes of Bart walking around feeling like something is missing, it’s all really good and wraps up in a surprisingly touching way.
2. One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
I feel like nobody talks about this episode as much as they should. Like it’s an episode about Homer Simpson facing his mortality and how that cuts to the core of his relationships with literally everyone in his life. It strips him bare and makes him thoughtful and introspective in a way we don’t really get to see while we take a quick jaunt through all his connections he’s made with the people closest to him. The scene of Homer mustering up all his dignity and listening to The Bible on tape and waiting to die really kinda touches me, I remember first seeing it as a kid and wondering what was going to happen, I knew they couldn’t kill Homer but part of that moment really sold it in a way I wasn’t expecting and approached mortality in a way that few others that use this stock plot do.
1. 22 Short Films About Springfield
Okay, Steamed Hams, you know it, I know it, Steamed Hams is one of the funniest things The Simpsons has ever done, but the whole episode is pretty great. The fact that it doesn’t have a central plot means that it can basically just be a gag factory and get a ton of variety, sweeping around the whole town and just punching in joke after joke of varying types. And despite its name and structure, it doesn’t feel like they’re isolated vignettes, it does feel like they’re going places since the shorts are decently tied together with good visual segues and some plots that continue throughout like Lisa’s hair story. Aside from the Cletus story and maybe a couple others there aren’t any hard cuts that divide one of the stories from another and it’s just really funny. Seems kind of weird to put all the touching and memorable episodes on the list and then top it off with a nonsense collection of hilarious gags but here we are.
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