#some of us are chuds
yardsards · 2 years
the true lumity dynamic is just
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(luz is the btw and amity is the tbh)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Me in 2016: You know, saying things like "trans rights are human rights" doesn't necessarily mean that person is safe around trans people. In fact, sometimes people still have unchecked bias against trans people, and that can be clouded by them saying that trans rights are human rights. It can prevent them from fully looking into their own preconceptions about cissexism and trans people.
Me in 2023: Oh, thank gd this person said "trans rights are human rights," I was worried they also abhorred trans people
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elminster-big-naturals · 10 months
its honestly very funny when you see someone in this fandom who has very clearly fallen into a fandom microcosm and seem to have forgotten what the actual state of normality is. you see someone posting some nonsense like "it's actually okay to ship m/f pairings its okay if you prefer m/f pairing" like you're telling me it's okay to enjoy men and women interacting romantically in a predominantly straight fandom in a predominantly straight media form in a predominantly straight society??? yo that's wild!!!!! i truly can't believe it!!!!!!!! i also can't believe you personally are apparently under the thumb of some sort of all powerful gay cabal that's oppressing quote unquote straight people, do you perhaps have their urls and contact details so i can definitely avoid them at all costs....?
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testure-1988 · 1 year
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Are you fucking kidding me?
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feline-evil · 1 year
Man i 'dread' the day my love of horror gets me some wack ass callout post written about me, because my instinctive need to be funny at all times WOULD kick in and i would be out here answering every "are you a cannibal irl 🤢" ask like 'YES and i think it is GOOD to do this and i am going to go out to the deli counter and BITE the people in line because i think Leatherface is REAL and MY FRIEND and he was RIGHT TO DO ALL THAT!'
the tumblr girlies would tear me APART (which is inherently problematic of them, dismemberment is NOT cool guys :( )
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sbnkalny · 2 years
My favorite way to eat white bread is this. 1, Toast it after spread honey on it. 2, Spread butter on the honey-toast. 3, Spread honey on the buttered honey-toast, again. 4, Toast it again. The final one should be a toast soaked in the honey you've spread on it first.
If it goes well, the toast will be soaked in honey & fluffy the upper inside, & crunchy on the bottom. Also you sprinkle little Chinese pepper/Sichuan pepper (not black pepper) on it, will make it really sweet & hot. This is fuck!
The amount of honey is less than you'd think. :]
Yeah, this is f( ´・ᴗ・)k
I love trains too! they've always been my #1 favorite way to travel. :) i loooooove hummus!. 1, 25, 24, 8, 20, 7. That’s right, we put peanut butter on the corn. Hello my Honey. On fallout 4, do I keep Dogmeat or do You mean seals and Sea lions when they want. It's your first.. Can I get a crunchy mixed meme on half?. I look at it is, friends! the ugly truth! we are the most shady, like the shadiest bot I had some really sweet asks a while back but I still have. Fits And spurts! demand spurts that fit! demand fits that spurt! fuck fuck fuck!. How to take bake an ask is less than half an Hour.. :]. Yeah, yeah..
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big-bird-nerd · 4 months
I think when talking with Americans who are convinced the world will burn alive if you dare question voting for Biden or whatever, it's important to address the strategy of inoculation when it comes to organizing. In particular, voting for Biden in no way guarantees Trump doesn't wind up winning anyway, so inoculation is doubly important, which is to say, these people need to be asked; what happens if Trump wins? They need to say these things out loud. Why is it that such things would happen? What forces that be allow for them? And with that, the question then needs to be asked, what will be done when this worst case scenario inevitably happens? Are they prepared? Because a vote for Biden still leaves the worst case scenario as fully and completely possible, and the "vote blue no matter who" crowd needs to be made aware that they cannot in any way rely on an unreliable and corrupt voting system to hold back the worst case scenario. After all, if you actually care about trans people and immigrants, then you should be doing more than just hoping people will vote, hoping the right old fart in the White House will protect you - you should be organizing your community to fight back against these constant attacks. People fall into this "vote blue no matter who" trap because their anxieties are used to blind them to the fact that they're being played. Inoculation is necessary to calm these anxieties and make it clearer that a vote is less than the barest of bare minimums to actually protecting your loved ones from the very real problems that are making people anxious.
Vote for whoever the fuck you want, I'm Canadian and I don't really care, but stop putting the focus on the vote and the vote alone and start talking with your community members about what you'll do if (and dare I say when) the worst case scenario happens and you have four years without a vote to rely on.
Also like, people are allowed to criticize any and all leaders. That is like, supposed to be the whole freedom of speech thing. If your candidates just suck so much shit that you can't give a reason to vote for them beyond "the other choice is worse," you aren't convincing anybody. Somebody who is not voting for the other option is not going to be convinced to vote differently if said option that they aren't voting for is worse. They will simply continue to not vote. It's not a convincing talking point. It is literally untrue that voting anything non-blue is a vote for red, that's not how politics works and you are sounding increasingly out of touch with reality and increasingly more like the qanon conspiracy guys.
Not sure where this post was going. Just sick of seeing the same cyclical talking points with no progress whatsoever and am dumping my own thoughts on this.
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butchpeabody · 11 months
the game awards are one month away and i swear to god if they havent improved their fucking security this time im going to have a heart attack and die and geoff WILL be sent the bill for my funeral costs
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kineticpenguin · 6 months
Rittenhouse won the Suburban Chud Powerball jackpot: he got to insert himself into a situation he had no business being in with a rifle, forced a confrontation, "defended himself" with said rifle, and as luck would have it, the two people he killed had records that justify any violence done to them as far as like-minded people are concerned. (They also bent over backwards to make the man he wounded into some equally subhuman villain, with mixed success). He got acquitted while the friend who straw purchased his gun for him got to pay a $2000 fine in a plea deal for "contributing to the delinquency of a minor." He got to go to CPAC with his own theme music. He got to meet with Tucker Carlson and Trump, and do the TPUSA and far right loser podcast circuit.
He basically got the best possible fantasy scenario every dipshit has in their heads when they come in from out of town to start shit with protesters. It was the sort of explosive dumbass success that apparently convinced him he's someone the president should have to talk to.
But what did he win, besides his fifteen minutes of fame? Not much. Right-wingers don't like paying for stuff as a rule, so he didn't really make a lot of money. Nobody really cares about him beyond using his face to trigger the libs, so they won't buy his book or compensate him for putting his face on their merch. It's over. He's gonna be some faceless nobody working a faceless nobody job in Texas who peaked at 17 in the worst possible way, wondering why nobody gives a shit for the rest of his life.
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: The Monkey's Paw
WW Jacobs: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I call this the tale of the monkey's paw Jacobs: it's about a monkey paw that grants wishes King: sounds great! Jacobs: no it's not Jacobs: it's really bad actually
Jacobs: see, the thing is the monkey's paw grants wishes IRONICALLY Jacobs: like a real asshole genie or something
Jacobs: there's this british couple and they use it to wish for money, but then their son dies in a horrible industrial accident and they get the insurance money Jacobs: and then they wish he was still alive Jacobs: but he comes back all fucked up
Jacobs: so they use their last wish to wish he was dead again Koontz: why didn't they just wish that he was back just the same as when he was alive? Barker: yeeeah Barker: dean's got a point Barker: yeah why DIDN'T they?
Jacobs: that's not the way it works Jacobs: you can't just trick a monkey's paw King: i don't know, i think they're on to something King: it's really just a problem with not being specific enough, isn't it? King: like if you just worded it right Jacobs: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS
Jacobs: you can't trick a monkey's paw! Barker: why not? i'm smarter than a monkey Poe: can we please stop talking about monkeys Barker: oh i forgot, edgar's afraid of monkeys Poe: I am NOT afraid of monkeys Barker: sorry, i meant apes Poe: I'm not afraid of apes either!!
King: you know what this reminds me of? my favorite cormoran strike book. have you guys read any cormoran strike? Barker: oh jesus here we go again Barker: i WISH something would free me from listening to this again! Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eyyyy stephano king! Barker:
Musk: eyyyy stephano king mi amigo ey? King: we're not friends elon Musk: si si musk and king, we-a real bambinos ey! King: don't you have some kids to raise or something, elon? Musk: MY KID ISSA DEAD Musk: THATA MEANS YOU ALLA HAVE TO BE NICE TO ME
Musk: my kid issa dead Barker: that's not what i hear, she's roasting your ass on threads Musk: mama mia! Barker: and turns out she's really good at posting Barker: are you sure she's actually YOUR kid? King: she must take after her mother
Musk: mama mia they trick me into signing consent form for puberty blockers!!! Barker: how do they trick you into signing a consent form Musk: Barker: do you not have reading comprehension? Musk: they hide it in a big pile of ketamine! Musk: itsa no fair!
Musk: eyyy why my kid no like-a me? Barker: is it because you're an absentee father who turned twitter into a chud echo chamber specifically to bully her? Musk: Musk: no Musk: issa because da woke mind virus Musk: ima da smartest man inna da world!
Musk: why you no like me? issa cuz you all gotta da woke mind virus? Poe: elon calm down Barker: yes elon that's right, everything's the woke mind virus Poe: don't say that clive, you're going to get him riled up Musk: mama mia!!!
Musk: i never stop fighting da woke mind virus! Musk: ima da smartest man inna da world! [immediately smashes into the side of a cliff painted to look like a tunnel]
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lizardsfromspace · 10 months
So a game dev vented about how every Youtuber they asked to cover their game demanded to be paid for it, and everyone's mad at them? Like, dunking on them as if it's self-evidently awful mad at them?
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People DESERVE to be paid for their work! HOW DARE YOU expect them to cover your game for FREE!
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Which, they do deserve to be paid for their work. One problem though:
Not only don't they, but until the sludge world of influencers we have now, a critic being paid to review something was widely seen as a major ethical breech! It was seen as a sign not to trust either party! But now if someone says "hey, it's bad actually to pay people for reviews" it gets excoriated as part of some "how dare you not pay people for something that, historically, you never would have paid for". Do these people think Siskel and Ebert only covered things when the studios paid them too
I swear influencer marketing and reviews used to be different, but now they're not, and in fact, it's problematic if someone's not being paid off by the company they're covering, apparently. It's amazing that people hold up Youtubers as "more" honest about games, while also saying that any company that doesn't pay them off for reviews should be shitlisted for it.
God I wonder how many people now advancing "it's evil if you don't use paid shills" were Gamergate chuds ranting about "ethics in games journalism" over nothing conspiracy theories back in the day
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
Therapy Vs. Power Fantasy
Like a sage delving through cursed tomes to discover lost truths I recently I stumbled into some of the danker corners of the internet and abzorbed some absolutely vile takes. One of the recurring themes that popped up was people with rancid personal beleifs taking aim at the newer generations of TTRPG players (d&d and otherwise) for finding personal meaning or catharsis in their games, and how these new gamers were spoiled children who were getting overinvested.
Of course, they contrasted this "bitch" behavior there's a lot of other mysoginistic, homophobic, and ableist slurs they like to throw in when youtube TOS isn't looking with the badass way they play the game, like they've been doing ever since they were kids, like they still do in their playrooms mancaves away from all those pissbabies and girl feelings.
This got me thinking, specifically about power fantasies, how vunrability relates to art, and how repressed men are terrified of seeming weak, and how the early d&d lore is laregely based around childhood or adolesent fears.
The tie between media illiteracy and conservatism is nothing new. To enjoy art, you have to open yourself to it, to the chance of elation or disapointment or challenge, to let it resonate with you in ways you can't nessisarily predict or control. The fascist conservative only likes art that reinforces who they perceive themselves to be, strokes their ego, and confirms their biases about how the world should be.
It's very telling then that when you see chuds talking shit about younger d&d players, they often throw "therapy" around as an insult, because much in the same way that art can touch something inside you, therapy is about challenging your ingranned self image, toxic ego, and beleifs... all things that chuds consider vital to their sense of self.
This is not to say that a power fantasy can't be theraputic: a good portion of my own writing is about vicariously smashing broken systems and ousting the corruption of the world.. but there's a fundimental difference in the power fantasy of raising your fist against unjust power and the fantasy of being the boot inflicting that power downwards on those you dislike.
What the chuds are trying to do here is use d&d (or whatever OSR itteration they've decided to parasite this week) as a balm for their insecurity, not ask questions about WHY they're scared of being weak, or what strength really is, but to have a space where they can larp as being the ubermench real MEN they've always fallen short of IRL.
They're people who were bullied and ostrasized, and like good little bootlickers they've decided that the only thing wrong with their abuse was that they were the ones on the reciving end. Part of the reason they're so upset that this new generation of players is so "woke" is because the "woke" players refuse to put up with them being assholes, dening them the chance to establish themselves as the new top-rung in the abuser hierarchy.
Also, before I sign off, mad love to my friends in the OSR community, I know you have to put up with an above average number of these dipshits and while you prefer a different style of game to mine I know we're all fighting the good fight for a better, more welcoming TTRPG hobby.
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
whats some common slang in the north of the uk? this is half bc of fics, but another half is bc im moving there in september lmao. gotta be prepared
hi anon! eeeeeeeh, how exciting! i'm assuming you're moving up north for university, if so i'm dead chuffed for you!
as you know, slang is highly regional in the uk so your milage may vary with some of these terms. also, my northern slang has been influenced by my dad who despite living in the the south of england for [redacted] years still has an incredibly thick [redacted] accent and uses his local dialect.
but here are a few slang phrases to get you going:
put "dead" in front of an adjective to mean "very". for example, "dead good" = "very good."
"chuffed" = pleased/proud.
"mingin(g)" = gross (important note - drop your g's if you don't already. they're superfluous).
"(h)angin(g)" = gross.
"chud"/"chuddy" = chewing gum/gum.
"nowt" = nothing. for example, "i had nowt to do wi' it!" = "i had nothing to do with it!"
"owt" = anything. for example, "d'ya want owt from shop?" = "do you want anything from the shop?"
"mint" = good.
"mither" = trouble/bother/aggravate. for example, "parker, stop mitherin' your sister." = "parker, stop bothering/aggravating your sister."
"scran" = food.
"wor"/"our" = our but also my (important note - "our" is a plural possessive pronoun denoting fondness.)
"aye" = yes
"canny" = nice/good (important note - this is geordie slang, canny in scots means can't)
"cob"/"strop" = tantrum. (important note - cob also means bread roll/sandwich)
"mardy" = miserable
as a side note: depending on where you're moving to some letters will get dropped from words. g's go missing a lot, "with" gets shortened to wi', "the" gets shortened to t' depending on the first letter/sound of the following word, "in the" turns into in't.
anyway, good luck and have fun in september anon! mind how you go, and remember - northerners don't wear coats on nights out 😉
(psst, if you found that helpful feel free to pop us a coupla quid in my ko-fi jar as a thank you but no pressure!)
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tswwwit · 1 month
Hope this isn’t a downer…I was wondering how do you deal when you see a lot of billdip hate? I stumbled upon a reddit post where a lot of people said it was icky, creepy, etc. and that you aren’t sane if you like billdip. That some people liked it when they were younger but now think it’s gross. They also dislike art of human Bill that is drawn attractive in any way. I get where they’re coming from, but this made me feel… pretty bad, like I was indirectly being targeted lol. It still won’t stop me at all from enjoying billdip content but I guess I naively didn’t realize it was disliked by a lot of people. And it’s not like I read fanfic of actual 12 year old Dipper, I prefer that he’s always aged up, but I suppose that could be the initial image that some people get of it
Oh, anon, don't let random internet commenters get you down. Especially from reddit of all places! The joyless dirt-sucking chuds that inhabit that domain would glance at the most cookie-cutter shirtless-man-on-the-cover romance novel and call it disgusting for 'setting unrealistic standards for men'. Take no opinions from that place. Read what you want to read, ship what you want to ship, and find joy where you find it. Everyone has different tastes in fiction! That's a good thing! And people who get upset about fictional ships should find something better to do with their time - or learn to curate their content so they don't see things they don't like.
I, for one, think Billdip's a Most Excellent concept to play with and shall continue to bash these dolls together in delight. Let us all revel in making our fictional idiots be stupid together.
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hero-israel · 11 months
One of the reasons for the "Left" becoming more and more like a cheerleading squad for exactly the kind of things Leftists are supposed to hate is because so much of this new coalition of young people are coming from conservative backgrounds, but not doing any real work to deradicalize themselves.
They grow up with these Puritanical ideas of sin and justice, crime and punishment, and instead of unlearning any of this they just switch the targets of their disdain. It's switching teams for them, not learning that they don't have to play the game. Most of them are soft conservatives who just want free healthcare.
And these Leftoid chud debate pervert streamers like Hasanabi are a big contributing factor to this, not the only factor, but a prominent one. He definitely puts this veneer of artificiality and commodification over the Left. American society is under a lot of stress right now, culturally and economically. Instead of the Left organically building coalitions it's mostly unorganized college kids reading Al Jazeera and Russian and Chinese propaganda and running as fast as they can away from privilege and having a toddler understanding of class consciousness. It's so pathetic and basic and it will not save us.
You cannot save a society that you don't think is worth saving. They're just practicing radical disengagement and some kind of edgy nihilism. They purport to hate America and the West and want to burn it all down but they know that will never happen which is why they're so comfortable with the cognitive dissonance. It's why they don't vote, and why organizing and demonstrating is like teeth pulling for them. Either black activists have to do all the leg work for them, or the protests have to be about tearing something down, not advocating for any positive change, right now that's Israel. Soon it will be something else.
Unironically, the pussy hat resist lib wine moms did way more with their women's marches than any of these wannabe philosopher college kids are doing with anything. Like I know for a fact a "Leftist" would read a post like that and be like "L + ratio libshit, imagine supporting the neoliberal fascist colonialist concept of due process?" like we're so beyond the pale at this point. When fascism takes over, I'm sure they'll think they're fighting back, but if the fascists learn to coopt enough phrases about climate and Palestine and healthcare, will they even notice the fascists taking over?
I've got a few friends who were raised hardcore fundie Christian, "gays will burn" creation and rapture types. They went to normal public colleges and wound up becoming very left-wing, all the left memes and slogans you can think of, fastidious in their distinctions between and protections of every conceivable marginalized group (which none of them are, on any axis). And.... you can't disagree with them about anything. Can't point out that a source is questionable or that a slogan is psychologically backfiring and producing skepticism or mockery instead of benefits. They will not hear of it, because they are still fundies. They did a binary flip from one team to another but never moderated their tactics or temperament.
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mywitchcultblr · 3 months
I find it amusing how some anonymous users call you a hater and a child throwing a tantrum (as if sending hateful messages wasn't). How can they be so blind to this?
The DLC writing is dogshit at best, and I am being generous. FromSoftware not only butchered Miquella's character but other things too. What happened to him wanting to cure his and Malenia's curse? There's no mention of that. The Haligtree—supposedly a home for the shunned and mistreated? Nothing. Granting Godwyn a true death? Nada. The Eclipse? Pfff. The Outer gods and the unalloyed gold? What about him being Torrent's former master? (As the promotional art implied) And the steed choosing the Tarnished? If I recall correctly, wasn't Torrent meant to pick lords? So this means Miquella trusted Torrent enough to let it choose him a consort, yet our role there is practically non-existent. Besides that, as far as I'm concerned, for one to become a god, one must be in contact with the Elden Ring, such as Ranni did, yet we don't see that in the DLC. And the thing that bugs me the most is Miquella abandoning parts of himself, like his love. Like, yeah, "Age of Compassion," but there's something you need for that and it is, y'know, love??? Where's the sense in that? Wasn't the whole point of him become a god and fix Marika's mess in the Lands Between? Not following her steps.
I'm not even going to mention Radahn because his presence here is as irrelevant as in the game.
THANK YOU ANON! Finally someone with sense! People who are saying "Oh you are just angry because the DLC doesnt confirm your headacanon or expectation." The expectation exist because of hints and lore that already exist in the base game, of course you will want to see the big pay off in Shadow. Imagine if you are Dr. Who fan and seeing 13th Doctor turned into a weeping angel but then in the next episode it doesn't go anywhere and she's immediately fine again
I will list others things that aggravate me about SOTE
The battle between Malenia and Radahn: In the base game, their battle is implied to be over runes, and because he was halting the stars and thus Miquella's fate. Malenia invaded Caelid to get Radahn's rune and solving the halted fate business, while general boi also wanting to accumulate more power so he can be Elden Lord with taking hers. Simple but effective.
But now its over a marriage with Miquella?
While it made sense for him to ally with the Haligtree so Radahn can get into the fast track of becoming Elden Lord through marrying Miquella, there's 0 build up anywhere in the base that will led us to believe Radahn even got to do anything with Miquella.
Also while he is a warmonger and certainly not a good person (I dont care what chuds on reddit said, just because a guy likes his horse that doesnt make him nice, I don't even hate Radahn or anything) he genuinely cares about HIS OWN HOLDING.
Now from what I gather from the DLC, he will agree to become Miquella's consort if he got an epic battle first. So now the motivation for Malenia vs Radahn iconic battle is... It was a deadly sparring ritual before the groom settle down? Radahn can you at least do it in a neutral zone so this battle wont destroy your OWN LAND?! There's no way Radahn didn't know that sparring with Malenia could endanger Caelid, especially with the fact that she has ROT. Radahn might be a brute archetype but he's not stupid, yet this DLC made him looks like an absolute oaf who doesn't care about whatever Caelid will survive or not...
2. Mohg: I always thought he will return, he gives me the vibe of a villain who say "I'll be back!" and I thought there's no way the Formless Mother will allow her champion to die just like that. Yeah he's back but in the worst way possible that will make his fans despairing and his haters say "I hate Mohg but he didn't deserve this."
His arc in the base is good, it is conclusive and it made sense.
A guy who was born hated, abused, and shunned by his own mother decided to say FUCK IT and created his own order, cavorting with an Outer God, committed heresy left and right, then kidnapped his half brother so he can force/convince/manipulate/doing blood ritual whatever so Miquella will make him a consort. Then the Tarnished ruined his plan, killed him. It was a well-rounded arc. Its good enough. I always admired his tenacity to give a middle finger to his family. But now? This weird over engineered brainwashing-kidnapping thing undermined the authority of both Mohg and the Formless Mother. Did she even care about Mohg? Why the Formless Mother didn't try to stop Miquella or at least warned Mohg about it?
And what the fuck Mohg is actually doing down there? What was his plan to elevate his order and replace Marika's? How he will do it if he never wanted to become Miquella's consort? With his drip alone? Maybe there are things that I missed about Mohg's plan in the DLC?? But this DLC narrative now undermined his arc and the Formless Mother.
3. Mesmer: While he is still intriguing and judging from youtube (No i havent reach him personally, because you know I'm busy but I spoiled myself, I always do for something as big as BG3 or Souls) I thought he would play a bigger role in Shadow, but not really? He's kinda overshadowed by Radahn who is not supposed to be there
Also Rellana's existence sounds like a sitcom level plot twist? Its kinda funny LMAO "Oh you think Renalla's boss fight sucks and you think she is weak? HERE WE HAVE HER TWIN SISTER RELLANA! ITS THE UPGRADED VERSION OF CARIA 1.0!" (I do like the expansion and exploration of the Carian's family tho)
4. "What about him being Torrent's former master? (As the promotional art implied) And the steed choosing the Tarnished? If I recall correctly, wasn't Torrent meant to pick lords? So this means Miquella trusted Torrent enough to let it choose him a consort, yet our role there is practically non-existent." : THIS YOU ARE SO RIGHT ANON, Torrent chose the Tarnished and Miquella asked Ranni to give the spirit calling bell to whoever Torrent chose. THAT'S MEAN THE TARNISHED ALREADY HAS A CONNECTION WITH MIQUELLA, I'm willing to bet over my right arm, this Promised Lord that Miquella/Malenia mentioned is either supposed to be Godwyn or THE TARNISHED THEMSELVES!
Look Miquella need a lord strong enough to back his claim and help him to change the world right? Why insisting on chasing after Radahn (that never mentioned to have any connection or alliance with Miquella) WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE GUY WHO DEFEATED RADAHN AND MALENIA THEMSELVES! The Tarnished is already strong enough to challenge MOTHER FUCKING GODFREY and won! It make 0 sense for us not able to become his consort. What do you mean you can make the dream of a guy who is literally called THE DUNG EATER came true and subjugated everyone into a world of pain because shit eater is an edgelord who thinks omens and their suffering are totally cool, but not MIQUELLA'S? Its so bullshit. In the grand scheme of things, Dung Eater is as relevant as a random Tibia Mariner.
I'm still hoping we can see Miquella's ending, I hope its gonna be added. I saw someone mentioned that there's actually Miquella's ending but not implemented? I hope it can be added and at least some aspect of the missing story/plothole fixed, because Elden Ring 1.0 was quite different than what we have now...
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This guy on reddit also echoed my statement
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5. Godwyn: I don't care what some people said "Oh Godwyn is not supposed to be there, its just your headcanon." Brother... This DLC is about Miquella and Mesmer (even though sadly Mesmer's role seems to be diminished :/) there's should be any mention about Godwyn because Miquella and Malenia loves him very much.
There's a statue of them hugging each other, and if I'm not mistaken there were people who data mined and found tidbits about Miquella trying to resurrect him and there's stuff about Miquella giving up his throne
Show us Miquella failed to resurrect Godwyn, show dont tell! (so it wont impact Fia's ending) or please give us a mentions about him by Miquella, or knights who used to serve pre-dead and rotting Godwyn appearing in Lands of Shadow, something, anything! its like his own family, doesn't give a fuck to solve the problem that his rotting body caused.
6. The gloam eyed queen and Melina: I thought GEQ will be mentioned, since this DLC also delved into Marika's past, I mean GEQ was her rival and she's nearly becoming THE God instead of Marika. But eh nothing about her or Melina :/ Tho I do like tidbits about Marika's past and her village
There's other things... But eh I'm tired of typing lol. I do enjoy Elden Ring, I really do, and I had such a high expectation for SOTE :/ so yeah I became loud about my disappointment because I'm invested
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