#some people talk about actors like their little dolls or ACTUALLY the characters that they play and its just... no.
homicidal-slvt · 7 months
Casual reminder because I deleted a comment on one of my posts recently-
There's nothing wrong with finding the actor hot or expressing that but there's a clear line between that and just saying some really uncomfy things... Please I'm begging you to not comment weird things about actors or answer my silly sexual questions about characters with the ACTOR THEMSELVES. Don't. Please. Fucks sake. Do not.
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dreammeiser · 4 months
Hi! I love your work and I absolutely adore your DAWM designs!!! I hope this isn’t a rude question, but I saw you mention you previously were involved with the Jim Henson Company and was curious about your experience and what working there looked like for you? I hope this is not overly invasive of an ask, and I completely understand if you’re not willing to answer for whatever reason! :3 Thank you for your time ☆
Aw gosh! Thank you so much for the kind words! Not invasive or rude at all, I appreciate you asking-- I just usually keep most things to myself unless asked, haha!
Oh man, where do I start... Working there felt surreal! I got to see people I admired nearly my whole life around the office and TALK to them every day-- I don't want to drop names but a lot that are famous in the puppet community. And they were the nicest people at the office too, I still talk with them sometimes! They had a room that had some clay maquettes from previous projects that were gorgeous! We had a resident puppet chilling around the office from old pizza commercials named Bad Andy and sometimes we'd goof around with him! He was a little monkey guy! I was too shy to play with him a lot, which I shouldn't have been, because the others would just make him say bad words anyway, HA!
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The guy, dying ^
One of the female Skeksis from the Dark Crystal movie was encased in glass near the kitchen so you had to pass by it every time you wanted coffee or a snackaroo... :'o) I was still very scared of Skeksis so I would walk very fast past her, hahaha! The Pinocchio puppet from The Adventures of Pinocchio movie was also chilling in the same room! There's puppets all over! When I was there, I was working on Sid the Science Kid! As an intern, I did not get a whoooole lot of responsibilities (as one can imagine, I was a very baby-level artist and I was 18/19), but I did get to contribute some art to a couple episodes, although... In the choices I would give them, they would always pick the paintings I was least proud of HAHAHA. When I have the time, I will try to revive my back-then work computer that still has some of my artwork so I can show you guys, I think it should be fine by now. :'o) But I do have a shirt from back then that I still wear all the time. If you remember Gerald from the show, he had this little dino shirt:
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My shirt... and then the guy... Zooming at us, menacingly... My bird Kraken kinda chewed up the shirt around the shoulders, augh!
Also, they used some motion-capture animation for Sid! I remember the actors putting on these giant silly suits that had huge feet, huge heads, and huge hands that fit the proportions of the characters, with little ping pong ball-looking attachments to them. Those actors worked really hard to run around in those suits, it was impressive!
There was also!! A screen connected to a console and a controller that we would goof around on because you could control Sid's expressions with it, so we'd all have a turn on it sometimes to make the silliest faces with it and make each other laugh :oD
I remember back then my brain had a creative itch that Sid wasn't scratching enough (sorry if that sounds weird, I hope you know what I mean?), but talking with my dad about it, he recommended I make a story that I had wanted to work on at Henson's, so I took an existing character I had from high school (that's Earl!!) and started making a story with him about puppets, toys, and dolls that were all adventuring through a dream world and trying to overcome living nightmares. It has been dropped and picked back up and redesigned several times, but it eventually became Dream Along With Me. A lot of things I learned from Sid/Henson's actually helped inform how I redesigned the project too!
There's a lot more cool stuff I could talk about but I worry about being boring/rambling/accidentally writing a novel. I'll save it for later if asked again :'o) Thank you for asking!! It felt good to reminisce!
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heraldofcrow · 2 years
Every so often I’ll try to peek into fandoms for other video games/shows/movies and see if they’re worth joining and….ugh.
I’m not gonna lie. It just makes me feel so lucky to be apart of the Soulsborne fandom in general. I have been here for years now and I have never felt the stress or strain of classic fandom toxicity the way I do when I spend only a day or two trying to rummage through other fandoms. Negative fan behavior and strife has literally kept me out of so many other online communities. I rarely feel secure anywhere else.
But Soulsborne? Sure, we have the stuck-up git gud crowd that doesn’t understand what git gud really means, we have bitter casuals that spam the most overpowered weapons until those weapons get nerfed and then they start screaming, we have some occasional lore disagreements that usually involve something to do with old men and their dolls, we sometimes have sibling-style fights over the second Dark Souls game that lead to some pretty intense verbal exchanges, though the second a FromSoftware hater gets involved, everyone teams up and roasts them for daring to diss any Dark Souls game because how dare you.
But that’s about it. Ship wars are almost nonexistent/extremely tamed, there aren’t fandom morality teams, there aren’t flocks of raging teens attacking voice actors or writers, there aren’t internet-viral horror stories about the utter madness of gatekeeping revolutions or bullying campaigns, etc..
It’s just chill and full of good memes and people that would be considered clinically insane if they ever casually said the things they say when discussing lore intricacies. No girl, you can’t explain to your neighbor why you believe that consuming three umbilical cords, killing the moon, and ascending to squidhood is the best possible option to choose when trapped in a world enslaved to The Cycle, but you absolutely can say that here! Let’s talk about it!!
Hell, we even have dozens of stories and anecdotes about how Dark Souls helped people through depression and anxiety. I mean, Solaire exists. Japanese artists draw some of the cutest chibi art of him and other wholesome characters as though we were in a fandom for kids. Or rather, how kid fandoms were meant to be. Ha.
Oh and, speaking of artists? The content creators in this fandom? You guys are literally some of the most talented people I’ve ever seen. The streamers, the artists, the writers, the lore freaks, the data-miners, the musicians, the comedy crowd, the illustrators, the comic/zine creators, the meme lords? This community thrives on these people. We are drowning in content every day thanks to them!
I just love it here. It’s like my Firelink Shrine. A safe little haven full of weird people that are actually my friends. I’ve gotten through some of the heaviest points in my life thus far with undeniable encouragement from these damn games and the community built around them. This is what fandoms were meant to be, my friends.
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pumpkinnning · 19 days
rewatched bridgerton s1 and now i'm trying to understand why it's bad (spoilers) from a writer's perspective
* criticisms about the inaccurate costumes or over the top music or lots of ballroom scenes or lack of serious worldbuilding are silly to me tbh the show makes no pretense to be sth its not, this is like criticizing YA for having emotional teenagers or horror for being bloody. just say its not yr thing and move on
* obviously the interesting themes of sexual education and agency and empowerment are completely fucking ruined by the sexual assault scene that's not framed as such just because the perpetrator is a woman. there's no coming back from that
* even beyond that though the romance is badly done. there are some seeds of sth that could be interesting but it all stays so shallow and underwhelming. the actors have little chemistry i don't like the way Daphne is played
* the scene with Daphne saying she likes Simon's mom's favorite painting bc it reminds her of the peace of early mornings in the countryside and feeling alone yet at one with the world is very charming but also i was like....yes and ? are they gonna bond over liking the peace and quiet together? nature ???? sth else ??? as if it comes across as very...Omg Surprise Woman Capable of 1 deeper thought = hot !!!!! or is it just about her being like his mom (ew). good example of how attempts at depth can fail if they're not connected to deeper themes and character dynamics
* they make each other laugh with sarcastic observations about the behavior of the people around them and the shallowness of social games. like the prince complimenting all the other women's dresses. this would work with characters who are outspokenly critical of society around them. But their connection is that same kind of shallow. And so much of their romance needs us to buy into the social rules and games. The appeal is omg Daphne is the Prettiest and the Diamond and the most specialest girl ever and Omg Simon is this important Duke and isn't it romantic that they're forced to get married for stupid reasons because of honor based rules. And Daphne visibly cares so much about making a good marriage within the rules of society. So these moments feel disingenuous or like they're just being assholes (but without even truly commiting to it and making it fun!)
* the Duke talks about how they're best friends. but i never got that sense of begrudging respect that develops when antagonists start to like each other. Or that they actually liked spending time together. The only thing that i can think about is her punching Berbrooke (he likes boxing so that's an interesting parallel) and making moves on the Prince that force him to consider she's not just a naive little doll. And the bits of witty dialogue. but that's just not enough.
* this is supposedly about Daphne's sexual awakening but yet there is so little real sensuality. she stares at his arms a bit. he tells her to touch herself. its so basic and bland. giving "everyone is hot and no one is horny" vibes. every romance at its core, even the more chaste ones, eroticize something, and the deeper it goes into their characters the more impactful it is. i don't know what this is eroticizing beyond the fact that they're both hot and it's a Good Match tm. the appeal of the innocent virgin vs. rake who is supposed to educate her and show her the wonders of sex is cut down by the fact that he's witholding information, lying and manipulating her the whole time. and not teaching her much either tbh. that's not hot. it's a story that could be interesting if done properly but tbh it doesn't belong in a fluffy wish fullfillment romance, it's too sordid and psychologically complex and unpleasant (like that is horror romance territory lmfao)
* the sex scenes are a key part of this. i'm not against explicit scenes on tv when well done it can really contribute to the dynamics and be really hot (there's nothing wrong w that) but here there is just this fundamental disconnect btw what they're trying to sell us - the focus on Daphne's pleasure, the sense of freedom and liberation after all that repression - and what is actually happening in the plot, him trying to distract her and lying to her. that's not hot and it's weird. secrets and fucked up dynamics can be hot in a sex scene but you have to acknowledge it somehow, not present it as perfect honeymoon bliss. Unless you're in the close pov of a character who's completely unaware - which is not the case here. We know what Simon is doing ! we can't just set it aside.
* the conclusion scene where they're both standing in the rain and she tells him he doesn't need to be perfect to be worthy of love is beautiful in itself. it's a beautiful message. what is so disappointing is how they get there. Simon isn't given the time to heal from his own trauma - he's strongarmed in a way that feels extremely manipulative. She tries to force him to impregnate her against his consent, then she goes through his private correspondence and tries to guilt trip him into changing his mind, judging his deep and private pains and trauma in a flippant way and telling him he should get over it if he actually loves her. of course he shouldn't have lied to her, but that doesn't make her actions ok. the whole thing is just incredibly unromantic to me. there is no genuine growth happening. Simon ends up being a nothingburger of a character bc he is so reactive and one note. when he's pissed he gets drunk and hits stuff. that's basically it until Woman Shows him the Way. the actor tries his best with the smoldering soulful looks. but that only works for a bit.
* there is absolutely an uncomfortable racial element to this. she's an incarnation of this image of white womanhood that is supposedly morally and emotionally superior and is going to teach silly men how to live properly ; i don't like this dynamic much already. it's bioessentialist it puts women on this pedestal that's actually a burden and makes it impossible for them to be truly human ; it's terfy and smug and self righteous and honestly insufferable. And it's much worse when it concerns a man of color
* really it's mindboggling to me that so many people gave the green light to this. but i think it's a testament to the idea that there are some "normal" elements of sex that couples owe to each other, and also that marriage and having babies is the one right way to happiness and health. ofc this wouldn't be strange for the time period - the weird thing is more that they assumed modern viewers would find this romantic, because, again, this is designed to be wish fullfillment, not historically accurate, and the kind of wish this is fulfilling is yucky honestly.
* Daphne is just not a very appealing character by modern standards, tbh. she's very passive, and she cares the most about following the mores of her society and getting the picture perfect ending that is mandated for her as a woman ; whatever agency she develops is strictly in pursuit of that, and she goes about it in this manipulative way with a sense of her own superiority that comes from privilege, sticking to social rules and gender norms. she will have her babies and insure the triumph of the aristocratic heteronormative family. it's, again, not a surprising narrative for the era, but it feels deeply incongruous for a show that handwaves accuracy for the sake of diversity and female empowerment and wish fulfillment everywhere else
* i still remember enjoying the show on first watch until ep 6 - because its light silly frothy tone is just so fun and entertaining, and the side characters are really compelling, and there are just not enough rom coms these days. it's really the saving grace of the show they're able to listen to criticism and were able to change the way they did romance for s2
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falmerbrook · 4 months
Hope this isn’t too awkward or anything (since it’s not too much of a lore related question) but…
Do you have any favorite underrated characters TES doesn’t talk about as much? Mine is Mehra Milo from Morrowind! She needs more credit for how much she risked for the Nerevarine!
ooooo not awkward at all!! Despite tes's rather shallow but broad selection of characters, I'm actually much more of a character person than anything else (which, tbf, can play into the lore a lot)! I think it's just how my brain works. I love playing with these little dolls a lot
She's indeed a very underrated one! She has a lot of potential with her relationship to the Nerevarine. From the Morrowind main quest, I think Nibani Maesa is also pretty underrated as well. A lot of people seem to just think of Caius as the mentor-type figure for the protagonist in MW, but she basically takes on that role for the whole second half of the Main Quest after he leaves. I also just think the Ashlanders are an underrated group in general though.
From Oblivion, I got really attached to Baurus. I actually got more upset about his death(s. there were many) in my playthrough than Martin's because you can prevent it. But he's with the HoK for so much of the Main Quest, I consider him a pretty major character. Modryn is another guy I got a soft spot for.
There's someone out there obsessed with basically every single Skyrim character, but I'm gonna say Delphine. Yeah, I'll admit it, I like Delphine. The (warranted) frustration towards her is more a product of poor quest design (and a sprinkle of misogyny), but I think she's got some interesting things going on with her character is you look at her from the perspective of a paranoid older war veteran. She's like my dragonborn's distant mentally unstable aunt.
I also like Ralis. I don't really have a deep explanation for this one. I think it's funny how much that quest blatantly demands from you, and his voice actor went really hard for the monologue he gives after you defeat Ahzidal. He's got poor little meow meow energy if you look at him the right way. Also I've watched him one-shot dragons as a follower before, so he get's a pass in my book for the atrocities.
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Ninjago characters as things said in THEARE
Zane, Lloyd and Pixal are all techies (Lloyd plays minor rolls they need filled)
Cole, Kai, Jay, Skylor and Nya are all actors
Kai- What if we just DON'T mess with my FUCKING COSTUME
Cole- I'm gonna dance my way into hell
Skylor: *doing lines for a kiss scene* -and till death I shall follow... fuck Cole: SKYLOR TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY Skylor: I CAN'T Cole: WHY NOT Skylor: I'M GAY Cole: SO AM I BE THE QUEEN
Nya- Tee he ha ha I'm dehydrated and probably over heating lol
Jay- Uh... I may or may not have McLost my mic... and the mic bag Zane: *irritated sigh and expressionless stare* Get out of my house
Lloyd: The next person to move the GODDAMN TREES I'M GOING TO GUT THEM
Pixal: The next person to lose their prop and force me to find it is going to lose their life
~For reference there's a baby doll that the techies had for some reason~
Zane: This is my child what are you talking about Pixal: Am I the mom? Zane: No Cole is
~After the baby had a leg ripped off~
Lloyd: *Throws a baby leg*
Jay: Was that the first leg or the second leg?
Pixal: *using the spot light* Beep bop I'm the god of light
Lloyd: oh my god anarchy! I love anarchy!
Cole: *was meant to say hate for the line* and I will date you till... Jay: has this just becomes and enemies to lovers plot! Cole: This has become and enemies to enemies plot
Wu (the director in this case): Please PLEASE stop saying your taking your pants off in the dressing room if you're not taking your pants off
Nya: I deserve to hold a sword
Skylor: Gay rights is me getting extra mac and cheese and Cole finding a fan in the storage room
Zane: Sexy? Not in my Christian sound booth.
Kai: I'm very hot, I mean that literally my costume is practically made of plastic, though I'm also quite sexy
Jay: I'm passing the phone to someone with a caffeine addiction Nya: *one her third monster energy* I'm gonna stab you and take your money for more Monster
Cole: And here I will showcase my pure talent with the help of Kai and Lloyd who's the only one willing to be Karen! *Meet the Plastics begins to play from his phone*
Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth y'all, if you can't tell I'm in theater (I'm an actress) and it was performance week! It was a great turnout and people were cracking up at my rolls which made me really happy! Schools ending shortly (little over a month) so I'm gonna be busy for a while but I'm still gonna try to post!
On a positive there's this techie who I like, they're super sweet and cute and Idk if I should ask them out. They got me flowers for my birthday recently and I'm actually getting them flowers as a gift *they mentioned techies not getting flowers as a joke and so I vowed to get them their favorite* and we're doing this secrete note box thing for theater and I might leave them a note but I'm not sure yet!
Anyway enough about my life hope to post some art stuff soon! See y'all later, peace!
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gay-face · 2 years
Alright, I never do this but this needs to be talked about, i need a long rant. There are some people who are harshly judging the new Wednesday show (as to be expected with anything new) but it's getting to the point where it's a little frustrating. This is Tim Burtons re-imagining and NEW interpretation of the family and that's great! We can't keep sticking with the same thing over and over and over, it gets tiring BUT we can still have the same charm to the original formula.
There are people complaining that they turned into "psychopaths" and "murderers", " they would never hurt anyone or their own family!". Firstly, in the original comics: they have body bags labeled with different names stored somewhere in their house, pugsley and Wednesday are constantly threatening to kill each other even morticia told Wednesday to get back at him by poisoning him, they told the baby sitter to watch her back because the children would definitely find ways to harm her, pugsley creates torture devices AND created his own hazard signs to probably cause chaos and get others killed (the stop sign scene in the 90s movie), morticia even asks to borrow cyanide for god knows what. It's the fact people are saying the 90s movies are bad examples of their characters when they were pretty much spot on! Pugsley is also offered a cigar occasionally like come on. And the show from the 60s? Well that's different for its own reasons and you can't compare them to each other but they still had their dark humored jokes.
Oh and "Wednesday never smiles THAT'S NOT THE WEDNESDAY WE KNOW" she is drawn almost all the time smiling in the comics and smiles a few times in the movies because of her devious and creepy nature..she also enjoys stories being told to her, picnics playing with dolls and is also a ballerina in the 60s show, so don't say she's always this menacing evil child. There's so many contradictions with people's arguments like they can't make up their minds because they don't even know!
"The casting is terrible, gomez is ugly and fat, morticia looks nothing like morticia, and jenna is too old to be playing a child"...the casting is PERFECT. Gomez actually looks like himself from the comics and is nothing to be compared to raul julia..unfortunately he's gone now but someone else has to play gomez now. A character can't always be played by the same actor. Morticia doesn't always have to be a tall thin pale woman with her face plastered with makeup, and jenna ortega is young enough to play the part. She's literally 19. That's why she was picked in the first place and because she's a good actor? Like that's just how casting and acting works? We also don't even know how old she is in the show.
Do you people have any idea how many older actors have played younger characters? Tobey Maguire was 27 playing an 18 year old peter parker, Olivia Newton John played a 17 year old girl when she was 29...Jason Earles played a 16 year old when he was 29 like HELLO??? Most of your favorite characters who are young are played by people who are older than that. Anyway, The Addams family will always be the addams family, they love each other and will threaten anyone who messes with their family.
They are still the same silly and quirky 🤪 family that we've always known. I adored the show, loved the movies, and enjoyed the animated movies so I'm very excited for this one. What are you expecting? It's Tim Burton, it's going to be twisted, dark, weird and funny!
Change is good some times so please don't judge too harshly before even watching it. You can have your own opinions of course! But don't bash and hate something when you don't know anything about it.
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
Hey, been having a pretty rough start to the week, and really, a rough several weeks. Lots going on, lots of dread about the world, honestly just wanna go back to bed. But we're trying to look on the bright side and appreciate the little things. So I'm gonna list some good things that have happened recently and that are coming up so we can psych ourselves up. I find that putting something down on paper or in a place where I can see it makes it easier to embrace and appreciate, makes it more visual.
-Someone left a really sweet comment in the tags of my Gooliope custom. I've noticed a lot of people liking that post, and I love all the kind words in the tags so much. Thank you! She's one of my favorite dolls, and it makes me happy that she sparks joy for more than just me.
-I got to see my middle sister for her spring break. She just left to head back to school, but the time she was here was great. We celebrated my mom's birthday with a lot of great food and laughter, and there were many late night conversations that were fun. It was nice to reconnect.
-I got to play Animal Crossing for the first time and found that I love the fishing in it! It's a really fun game and I want to get back to it soon. I also found the Sanrio Amiibo cards for cheap, and I'm eager to see how they function once I'm a bit farther in.
-I'm slated to go to a convention soon! I can't wait to put my cosplays back on and go to panels. Two really awesome voice actors are going to be there, and I'm gonna try and work up the courage to take photos with other cosplayers. I'm especially excited to see the cosplay performers, I missed that last year but won't be this time!
-Another Splatfest is coming up! I can't wait to play more of Tricolor battles, they're such a good time. Thinking of playing on Team Nessie, but we'll see, depends on what my teammates think. I'm not a competitive player, I just have a group of four that enjoys playing together.
-It's my birthday next week (and also international mermaid day)! I'm not sure how I'm gonna celebrate just yet, but I do want to celebrate. I may ask my mom if we can go out to Goodwill or something during the day, I've wanted to check it out for a long time. I have friends who are streaming that night that I'd like to watch, but I'd also like to make some time for my annual birthday stream that week. Birthdays tend to be a time where you talk to a lot of people who haven't checked in in a while, and while I can get a little overstimulated, I do love having a portion of the night where I get to see a bunch of my friends for some drawing or other art. It's the one time of year where I like being the center of attention, it means getting to decide what I want to do and getting to do it together with the people I love. <3
-My persona doll is closer to done! She has a face, she has hair, she has shoe options that I can paint, she just needs clothes and wings (she's a fairy, and I'm debating how I wanna do them). I have some new clothing patterns that I'm excited to try out for her too. It's so cool to finally have a doll that feels closer to me. I loved drawing a face on G3 Draculaura.
-Dollightful released a new video showing off some of the face sculpts for G3 Monster High dolls, and I'm really excited about that! It got me wanting to customize more of G3, namely Lagoona, I have a great idea for a Shiny Vaporeon doll for her, but we'll have to see if it sticks. It also got me going on collecting resources for customizing G3 dolls, I have a post in my drafts that I wanna share soon that may help other doll customizers out.
-I got to design a character that I absolutely love, and brainstorming about it with my friends has been really fun. It's really pushing me to try more with hair. Been feeling really grateful for my friends in general, both those I talk to daily and the ones I haven't seen in a while. You're all wonderful and I'm so fortunate to have you in my life. <3
-Actually, I'm having a lot of fun all around! I got a great new idea for an AU where Henry is a guardian angel type character to Joey and gets stripped of his powers, so now Susie is watching over him and the studio with a cartoon Alice to show her the ropes, and it's SO FUN! I may have to bring that to my Bendy blog at some point. I'm brimming with ideas and gosh I wish I had more time to do art and audio for it, I'd love to voice some skits with Susie and Alice talking to each other.
-Mario Day passed and I finally got my hands on Bowser's Amiibo (thank you little sister for helping me out). I haven't collected Amiibo in a long time, but the siblings and I used to, and this is one we missed. I look forward to training him in Smash Bros. It'd be fun to pit him against Leg Day (Wii Fit Trainer) and Knave (Sonic).
-Been having a lot of fun at the Streamily Livestreams with the Bendy voice cast, lots of really funny fandom memes have come out of those and it's great. They never fail to make me smile. Been having a lot of fun at the ShazzandBoo Pokemon Livestreams too, what an absolute treat those have been!
Yeah, maybe life isn't so bad. There are a lot of things stressing me out, but there's so much to look forward to and enjoy, and those are the moments I'm gonna live for. Life is too short to let it keep you down, so we're gonna do our best and make it through!
Here's sending all of you the good vibes for a great Tuesday, a great week, and a great rest of March! Love you so much!
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linawritesocs · 1 year
HELLOOO LINA 🎉 May I ask 4 for Merrill, Jay, Angel, and Bunny and 6 for Minnie, Austin, and Roland?
I'M SO SORRY TARU I WAS SO BUSY I JUST GOT THE TIME TO WRITE THIS 😭 and thank you so much for sending these questions!!
4. "how was your muse's relationship with their childhood guardians? has it changed over time, and if so, how? do they keep in touch?"
merrill: .. it wasn't good. merrill hated his parents SO MUCH. i wouldn't say that he was rebellious, he actually did most things they asked him to do, but it's not like he hoped that they will love him one day, he just.. didn't have much of a choice. he knew that his parents still let him live with them only because he's so cute, he will definitely become even more pretty when he grows up and they'll be able to use his looks in the future. they kept saying that he should become a model or an actor or anything like that, but merrill didn't want to. it's one thing when his parents like him only for his looks, but if everybody else starts liking him only because of his appearance too.. his relationship with them didn't change much, he still hates them and he also refuses to talk to them. he's planning to start living alone as soon as he can.
real!jay: he loves his parents, but he doesn't really like talking to them because they keep bringing up the topic of him "becoming someone great" in the future. jay can't help but feel like they love their kids only for their achievements, even though he knows it's not true and that his parents are actually good people, they just.. don't know how to express their love properly. but considering that jay doesn't really have any achievements, they have no idea what to praise him for and how to show their love for him, so they either go "it's okay, jay, you will definitely do something truly amazing in the future!" or they just.. ignore him. jay claims that it's fine and that he's okay with being treated like this (he even believes he deserves it), but it's obvious he wishes he could be as smart and talented as his parents wanted him to be.
angel: oh, they love their parents! they think their parents are very fun and they love to spend time with them. angel's parents are actually just as chaotic as them (though they're a bit calmer and they don't have that vibe when you first meet them), so of course, they get along well. their parents also taught them how to play many different card games and how to do some cool card tricks too. they still have a good relationship with them, but they don't understand why their parents tend to worry so much about them now.
bunny: surprisingly, bunny's parents are actually very nice people, they're just.. bunny finds them kinda embarrassing. they are very caring and loving, but they also still treat her like a child and they even call her by her nickname instead of her real name, just like other alice dorm students. bunny loves them, but she wishes her parents could be a bit more.. "normal".
6. "did your muse have a best friend? friends? who did they hang out with as a kid? are they still friends?"
minnie: she didn't have one 😔 she likes to think that her dolls are her friends and she can't just choose which one of her dolls is actually her best friend, she loves them all equally! and they are obviously still friends and she still has a whole collection in her room. don't ask how she still has it even though she's in twisted wonderland rn
austin: another character who didn't have any friends.. he had a pretty good relationship with his siblings though and his siblings still love him a lot. oh, and his cat too! actually, he loves to think that his cat is his best friend :) his cat was very affectionate and she was always there when austin was sad or angry and she helped him to calm down. he misses her a lot and he can't help but think of her whenever he sees grim.
roland: he had his own squad when he was little and they loved to cause chaos together. considering that most of them were fae and they couldn't control their magic properly (and they thought it was okay to use it on anyone and anything), people were scared of these kids and they tried to avoid them. roland was their leader too and other children admired him a lot, however, roland wouldn't call them their friends. just.. fans, maybe? his loyal followers? and he definitely didn't want to have a real friend, haha.. totally..
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
HI BABE SO NOW THAT YOU WATCHED IT..TOGE. THATS ALL. I loved seeing him use his quirk more and the part where he was doing all those backflips!?? Also the movie made me like maki even more I'm rooting for her so hard and THE SPLIT MY GOD 💀 hate to admit it but it also made me like gojo a little, like not enough to thirst over him but him genuinely caring about yuta and itadori is pretty cute
I WILL DEFINITELY ADD SOME DABI CONTENT FOR YOU OMG 😍 I'll probably also add a shigaraki one too since hes my second favorite and I think you'll like him. In some ways he kinda reminds me of mahito, like I've seen some people describe him as almost a man child in the beginning of the anime before he turns into a real monster. I dont really keep up with the manga but apparently hes really fucking shit up right now 👀
So literally the only content I've seen of dio is the tiktok you sent me and somehow I had a dream of him last night where he had me in a mating press so I thank you for influencing that experience and I WILL start watching it soon lol
Also now that you finished mugen train (I'm guessing?) CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT ENMU 👀 HES THE PRETTIEST OF ALL BOYS I LOVE HIM 😭 as of right now hes probably my second favorite demon but that could definitely change. And idk about rengoku but I would turn into a demon without a second thought for akaza, I would let that man do unspeakable things to me lol.
And as for my favorite demon... I HAD A HEART ATTACK SEEING YOU POST ABOUT GYUTARO IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY AAAHHH ! Not only is he my favorite demon but he also might be my second favorite anime character ever, like you have no idea how hard it was for me to not talk about him or spoil anything and stuff every time we talked about demon slayer lol. I'm not sure how far along you are and what episode you're on so I won't say much other than hes my angel and I adore him 🥰 also idk who his voice actor is but I am way too attracted to his voice, the whiny psychoticness really does it for me lol 🥵
Also the fact that you started kinktober WITH THAT FIC HOLY SHIT YOURE STARTING WITH A BANG 👀 I love that it started out with reader being in love with mahito bc I definitely would. The whole feeling special is really calling me out lol. I literally screamed when reader looked over to see choso and haruta watching and jacking off omg and I was NOT expecting geto to put it in the same hole like it was such a pleasant surprise that I dont get to read about often lol. I'm saving your other kinktober fics to read this weekend when I have more time to really sit down and enjoy them but I'm so excited like I cant believe you have a fic like this for every day of the month that's insane 🖤
The muichiro tiktok 🥺 hes not talked about alot but I would actually die a little if something happened to him he needs to be protected ❤
ME AND YOU ARE ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH I SWEAR I HAD THAT GIYU TIKTOK SAVED TO SEND YOU LOL. I literally have a folder of tiktoks to send you and that was one of them where like the second I saw it I was like I neeeed to send this to doll lol
Also I could not be more devastated it says the dabi tiktok you sent isn't available I WAS SO EXCITED 😭
Dio and kars I'm sorry the absolute TIDDIES on these men?? Say less I'm interested lmaoo
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRDw3VLb/?k=1 I genuinely cant remember if I sent this one already but it's mahito so I'm sure you won't mind lol
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRuN7cD6/ LMAO why is this so accurate
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRuNcTcK/ I have so many enmu tiktoks it's not even funny
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRuNvAfs/ AH 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRuNTyJ4/ YOUR BOY!!
https://youtu.be/_iS_tWePxIU so this is the shigaraki scene pack sorry it's so long you dont have to watch all of it lol
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRuNnk53/ also here's some tiktoks of him, hes so pretty in like a gross feral way lol 😍
As for dabi I couldn't pick between these three lol but they're shorter
THIS IS SO LONG AHH I just had so much to tell you 😘
the movie was SO SO good I’m actually going to rewatch it sometime this weekend just because TOGE MY ANGEL. you said it best, I’m so happy they showed more of his ability. HES SO POWERFUL ITS CRAZY ?? Maki was way too sexy I have SUCH a crush on her !!!
YES I AM COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP ON DEMON SLAYER !! Enmu is so !!!! But that’s to be expected because he’s voice by the same guy that does Laito from diabolik lovers AND kakyoin from jojo LIKE OBVIOUSLY IM GOING TO BE IN LOVE WITH HIM
My top three are Kokushibo, Douma, and Akaza !! ❤️ BUT GYUTARO GRABBED ME BY THE THROAT WHEN HE SHOWED UP HIS VOIIICCEEE WAS SO SEXY. As for his voice actor is concerned, my bestie looked it up! I only know him from deadman wonderland and attack on Titan but his voice as GYUTARO was so unique I didn’t even recognize it KDKSKSK
PLEASE I REALLy hOPE YOU LIKE THE KINKTOBER FICS, I sorry I couldn’t finish all of them 🥺 but I’m really interested in hearing your thoughts on the demon slayer ones too!!
okay… I am watching the scene packs first !!
OMG THIS SHIGARAKI GIY IS SOOOOO CUTE I WANT TO GIVE HIM KISSES?? I think he’s the one I’ve clowned in my group chat abt desperately needing some chapstick 🤧 BUT FROM WHAT I SAW HES BABY HES LITTLE MEOW MEOW
THE DABI PACCCKKKK OMG his quirk ( that’s what y’all call it right?? The POWER ) IS SO DOPE THE BLUE FLAMES THE BLUE EYES MY LEGS ARE WIDE OPEN FOR HIM — also I could LITRALLY listen to him talk all day. Imagine how husky his dirty talk is what if I screamed. out lOud. okay maybe your man grabbed me by the throat 😩 I didn’t get to finish all of the videos bcause I have taken wayy too long to answer this BUT AFTER WORK I WILL BE GOING BACK AND WATCHING THE REST KF THEM TO MAKE SURE I SEE EVERY MOMENT 💕💕💕
The shigaraki tiktok
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What if I came on myself WAT THEN
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the-ship-maker-2 · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any headcanons for your OC's or just cool little facts about them? it's always cool hearing about other people's characters :D
I do! I have so much to say about them! But people don't really ask about my ocs or the universe that they're in. And I don't have a lot of exposure for my ocs as most people do. 😔
Tabby Anderson HCs
-the middle child of two brothers
-she used to be ambidextrous before she got her paralyzed left hand
-had a complicated frenemies with benefits relationship with Horatio Galloway after their little thing after the 7th grade
-because Tabby talks fast naturally she can do the fast parts of rap songs
-its her proudest achievement
-shes a jack of many but an ace of none
-she absolutely adores children because of her little brother
-she remembers what it was like being a kid being not wanted anywhere pawned off from one adult to another being used and abused because the adults could and there was nothing she could do about it.
-she refuses to be like her stepdad. So she has the compassion masked as spite for the kids. She will do everything in her power to protect, defend and stand up for them.
Chase Chasteaway
-his mom died during childbirth
-his favorite game to play as a kid in the orphanage with Connor was pretend and dress up
-is half demon
-now a ghost
-his favorite color is purple
-has religious trauma in spades
-hes very grumpy and cynical
-would have been an actor if he lived long enough
-age locked at 19
-his best friend and worst enemy is Connor Carters
Connor Carters
-very sweet and niave
-definition of a golden retriever
-wears his heart on his sleeve
-very trusting
-which is how he got himself and chase killed
-was absolutely smitten with him his entire life
-idolizes him ever since he first laid eyes on him
-his brother/best friend/ lover
-but that's long gone now
-he still begs for forgiveness in hopes one day they can both cross over
Juliet Monroe
-i love her so much I'm actually obsessed with her and making her an original character for a dark cirque book that I'm currently writing
-baby scene queen
-im talking about bright and obnoxiously colored outfits. Arm sleeved, thigh highs, Kandi all along her arms and legs and neck big fluffy poof tutus
-shes 10
-her father allows her to have this style because he feels bad for everything even though he does nothing to stop the abuse from the step mom
-he draws the line at dying her hair but as soon as she turns 18 it's over for him and she'll have rainbow hair galore
-she has a baby doll named lulu that she holds near and dear to her to this day
-its the only thing she has left of her mother
-her older brother Evan started her emo/scene lifestyle
-she still loves him despite the abuse he puts her through
Robbecca Ironwood
-a genuis and gifted in robotics
-has muscular dystrophy
-wasn't supposed to make it past 6 for her life expectancy
-her father resented her for it
-he became an alcoholic and abusive towards her
-had a fnaf phase and has attempted to make the animatronics from the games
-it failed but she will die before she admits it
-is a health nut and wears armor to attempt to strengthen her muscles
-it has lead to some unhealthy habits
Amelia Lovelace
-happy go lucky
-adhd ridden and autistic
-always wanted to be a doctor since she was 8
-favorite shows are doctor who and the good doctor
-went to the same college as EJ, Smiley and locklear
-they became known as the college gang
-amelia and Smiley never officially dated but it was clear that they were a thing to the rest of the college
-EJ was her adopted son
-she joined a medical cult many years later after college
-in hopes to get her own practice and medical license back
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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bowiebond · 2 years
This thing with the officer doesn't sit right with me. You can't say you don't like the karen situation and turn around and ship him with another adult
The difference was that that actually happened in canon. That’s why I think it’s fucked up. If Karen and Billy was something that never happened in canon and it was just a fun little crackship that people played around with after season 3 where Billy was 18, I probably wouldn’t care.
That and Karen was thinking of Billy sexually when he was still a minor, 17 yrs old in fact. Then she continued to purse him after he turned 18. That’s what rubs me wrong about the Karen and Billy situation. Because it was multiple gross canon interactions that kind of placed the blame on Billy for an older married woman with a whole ass family and daughter his age pursing him sexually. Not romantically (even if she was romanticising where the relationship could go), she very much intended to sleep with him and probably continue to do so while being married.
The Callahan and Billy shit? That’s me fucking around with two characters making my Ken dolls kiss because I’m a barely 20-something who’s attracted to much older men. It’s not canon. There was no implication of prior attraction to Billy when he was a minor. Karen’s behaviour was a minor case of grooming. Waiting around for the sexy underage guy to become legal and then openly thirst for him with other women her age at his workplace.
If Neil did that to Nancy? Expressed attraction to her when she was 17 and then essentially waited til she was 18 to hang around her job at the news agency? That would be fucking weird.
If an older man expressed open attraction to 18yr old Nancy and she reciprocated, I’d be a bit iffy but overall, I wouldn’t consider it my business as long as he had good intentions.
Karen’s intentions weren’t good; they were selfish because she couldn’t just talk to her husband and tell him point blank that she was unhappy with their marriage and he needed to buck up or fuck off. Ted wasn’t abusive, or even that big of an asshole, so it’s not like he would have hit her for bringing up her own feelings. At most he would have dismissed them and that’s when she’d need to put her foot down if she cared about her marriage, her family (she deserves to be someone outside of that, but that didn’t mean she had to pursue Billy and not some other hot guy around the town).
Ted was just a suburban dad who worked, payed the bills and came home. He obviously cared for his kids to some extent because what stops Karen from walking out is seeing him with Holly, cuddling on his armchair.
Karen was in the wrong for pursuing a kid who went to school with her daughter.
Me writing some shameless Older x Younger prompt about Callahan (who from our knowledge has no wife, kids, bad intentions, etc) and Billy when Billy is 18 is a whole different ball park.
You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to read it. You don’t have to agree with me either. You can consider both in the same circle of ‘bad things’. But that’s my opinion on the matter. There was no canon implication of grooming/predatory behaviour towards a minor with Phil.
Also, personally I feel like Callahan is between 28-32 in S4 (he gives young cop vibes), so the age gap isn’t so significant either; Karen and Billy is 22 yrs, Phil and Billy would be about 10-14. The number of years doesn’t always matter but I thought I’d add that just in case.
Edit: Phil’s actor is actually 31, so Callahan is likely actually 26-30 in S4 if we’re rocking with those numbers
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
The boys.. Just. Yeah. I had high expectations going into the last episode. A lot had happened leading up to that episode, and I was like cool okay how is this gonna go and then I was left being a bit like. What. The only actions that really made sense (to me) was soldier boy not wanting to go back to a cage. And then when I look back at s3 it doesn't look like a narrative. It's a few pieces. Kripke using his fave boy as a little action doll (which I do appreciate but yanno). Maybe it's just a stepping stone to s4 but yeah... A bit of a let down for me
Yeah, I'll def still be watching the next season of the boys but this is the first finale (and season) they really whiffed. The sheer amount of weird bad character decisions makes me wonder if there was writer turnover? Like the show has never been perfect but at least the characters have all felt pretty consistent- this finale felt like they needed characters to be in a certain place to establish the main conflict for next season with no build-up to believably get the characters there. (cont'd)
(pt 2) Like the twist with Ryan, who has barely been in this season and is apparently now evil enough to smile when Homelander brutally murders a dude in front of him. It doesn’t work with the sheltered kid vibe we’ve gotten from him for the past two seasons. If they wanted to focus on a toxic evil father-son duo next season they should have just kept Soldier Boy around, someone who could at least shake up the status quo and be a threat to Homelander without necessarily wanting to kill him.
Combining these into one answer:
"It doesn't look like a narrative" and "no build-up to believably get the characters there" are both really good summaries of whatever the hell happened in s3.
Structurally and logically, the whole thing was an absolute mess. I've thought of like six ways to fix it but I find it bizarre how much of a fail it is on just a basic thinking level. Apparently they had some Covid restriction issues and some actors who became unavailable, etc, which I guess would cause problems. And anon, to your point about wondering if there was writer turnover -- I wondered that too, although my bigger question is why the showrunner isn't enforcing some kind of throughline in the writer's room. Like. It isn't hard to quickly and effectively come up with good characterful solutions to problems, especially when so many of them could be done with relatively quick setups. On greenscreen, even.
It really did feel, though, like they only came up with what the story was actually about like halfway through, which is a goofy writing choice on par with someone posting chapters of their big bang and only 20k in going 'oh wait, *this* is the main pairing!' For the The Boys Season Three: Cycles of Abuse, we really started off with just fumbling and tedious moving of setpieces and no real... focus.
It is instructive, though, as far as writing is concerned. You've got the plot you want to work through and the characterization beats you want to hit: how are you going to show the reader/viewer the things they should be taking away from it and feeling?
It's wild to me how much of the season would have been entirely reframed if they'd started with a flashback of SB's coldly emotionally abusive father talking shit to young Ben, instead of the splashy doofy exploding penis. Cheaper, too. Think of how we'd have an emotional framework through which to see character behavior and choices; think of how that would set up Butcher and then Homelander's interactions with Ryan, and how we see who children choose to trust and the sort of people they'll become as a result.
Am I a fool for expecting more from the show that was always going to choose the exploding penis? Maybe. But I get very annoyed when millions of dollars are dumped into something that could have been great, and the writing --- the part you get to spend the most time on, the part that should be clearest and best --- lets it down so hard. #BeBetter.
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otteroflore · 2 months
ive been sick so i laid down on the couch and watched the 2012 Snow White adaptation "Mirror Mirror"
It's definitely one of those 2000s-era (or early 2010s) fairy tale movies where the costume designers had a lot of fun and everything else about the movie is uninspired, cliche, and boring.
it opens with some lovely animation giving the backstory, its a 3D style where the characters look like porcelain dolls and have carved, sculpted hair and I was like "wow! this is way better than I thought it would be" as the narrator told the story and then she made some sort of sarcastic joke immediately and it was soured. it was something like "they named their baby snow white, because theyre just /so original/" which doesnt even make sense as a joke.
the film is ostensibly from the queens perspective but also not really? at all? I sorta feel like they should have given her more backstory, it feels really flimsy with her /just/ being kinda vain and worried about aging. If you're adapting a fairy tale story to a movie, I want to hear about the evil queen being pressured by her mothers beauty standards (a la Once Upon a Time) or some shit.
(near the end of the film they talk about how the queens been married "so many times" and thats like not??? been mentioned until then??)
I didn't even realize this until watching the movie, but removing Snow White's whole "speak with animals" thing makes the queen's magic stuff feel extra out of place. It also makes it so she has no interests??
The seven dwarfs are played by dwarf actors / Little People, obviously I can't speak to the appropriateness of that but I do think it was interesting they gave them a backstory. They explain that the queen kicked them out of the town due to prejudice, which is why they're living in the woods. I always kind of interpreted the Disney dwarfs as being LOTR-like magical creatures so if you're going to make them just people they definitely need more of a reason for like... 7 guys living in the woods.
But then, its also like, if there are 7 men with dwarfism in the community aren't there like... women with the condition also? and if you actually want to lean on the Queen being shitty and kicking people out of town, you could actually make an interesting point by including disability rep (and also not every person with dwarfism can do backflips)
its one of those things where its like its nice they thought up this backstory to try and make the dwarfs "less offensive" but then they try to solve it by SW literally... white-knighting for them, even though she hasn't yet solved the systemic issue that is the Queen kicking them out of the town. Like it doesn't matter if the townspeople love the dwarfs because we've already established the queen has complete control over them.
I don't think the movie really knew what to do with the dwarfs. Their scenes fluctuate between slapstick numbers (every fight scene has comical sounds from their giant stilts), exposition, and being fighting gurus giving SW advice. Near the end of the film, they tell SW that she convinced a bunch of thieving dwarfs that they could be more than thieves. But like... they already /knew/ that. They were the ones who exposited to her that they were only stealing because they had been forced out of their home. It doesn't make any sense!
There's like, women in the castle like maids and cooks who are nice to SW and they basically disappear from the narrative once she leaves, which is super weird because they basically told her to stage a revolution against the Queen. Kinda felt like that had come somewhere. (also when SW cooks for the dwarfs I was like "oh shes going to explain she learned this from her friend the cook" but nope. princesses just know how to cook)
the prince is just such a nothing character, it always annoys me when adaptations decide they need to give characters more screentime but they do nothing with it. he doesnt have a personality, hes just a rich guy who showed up.
And then at the end SW locked the 7 dwarfs and the prince inside the dwarfs' house and says something like "in fairytales the prince is always saving the princess but IM saving you all" or some shit. which is just... so tired. im so tired of this. also shouldn't the point be that the dwarfs helped each other when times got tough and teaming up will be the best way to confront the queen?!
and then the prince and dwarfs get there together to stop the queen anyways and at the end SW is all "the prince helped save me along with his valiant knights" and im like??? bro, I think you mean your 7 found family members saved you with some bumbling idiot.
at the end of the movie the queen shows up the the wedding with the poison apple and snow white figured out its her and doesn't eat it so like. they haven't even tried to follow the _disney adaptation_ but they don't even try and follow the original story! in the original story there was like a comb also! And a silk bodice!
It's always wild to me when they cut so much stuff and don't even bother replacing it with anything. If you're going to cut the main things that happen in the story- aka the queen poisoning Snow White- you should fill it with like. PLOT. CHARACTER. SOMETHING.
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a-lake-of-fire · 11 months
Since haunt season is coming back up, I want to share something I thought about last season.
The Marauders as haunt workers
I think we all know that Remus would be the one wandering actor who everyone goes to see. A lot of people would flirt with him (Sirius included) despite him being covered in gore. He'd do really well in common areas as an actor to just fill the space. His character might seem like it's such an obvious choice, but he would actually be a plague doctor, and I stand by that. He'd try to be nice to young children, but rude teenagers, he has the BEST dialogue to deal with them.
Sirius would be great in a hayride or in a haunted house. He would be all for the roles other people don't want. I'm thinking prisoner in a haunted jail (too soon?) He would eat that role up. Probably a lot of inspiration from The Joker, but sometimes the best inspiration is the obvious one. He has the perfect laugh, so also maybe a clown some nights? He'd probably think clowns are overdone, though. And he'd be right. But they are a classic, most places have them, and they keep bringing in crowds. In character flirting with Remus? Every time they see each other at work. Every time.
James could be a great actor, but I also think he'd be a great ticket taker. Either way, he has a very guiding but intimidating presence. As an actor, he'd randomly appear and disappear at different points in the haunt, he'd be great at not giving away scares while still being present for them. Haunted mansion, anyone? If he was a ticket taker, creepy dialogue for sure. "Here they come," "see you on the other side," stuff like that that's just slightly off-putting.
Peter definitely works consessions because it's far enough away from the haunts while still seeing some actors in the common area. He'd give Remus free drinks every time he came up. Honestly, consessions is such a chill job, you get the haunt worker experience without too much pain. He'd laugh at Sirius complaining about his bruises, especially if Sirius worked hayride, those bruises get nasty.
Lily would either be a ticket taker or a makeup artist. She would regularly talk to the actors, but might be a little creeped out when they make their character noises at her. She'd take a lot of convincing to work at a haunt, but she would love it.
Regulus, I think, would make a great "victim" character. Think the one good character in a haunt who is being trapped by the other characters, the weeping person chained alone in a room, stuff like that. He'd pull it off so well. Another option is haunted mansion again. He'd be the perfect Victorian ghost. He can probably scream like a banshee, might if he gets bored/overwhelmed.
Barty deserves to be put in a corn maze or in a cannibal haunt. Somewhere he can act absolutely deranged. He's got that psycho laugh and enjoys banging on whatever is around. Just a silly little dude.
Evan is either exclusively a makeup artist, or he does makeup and works in the common area with Remus. Either way, he's that one makeup artist everyone wants to go to, he's definitely got the creepiest makeup but he really has absolutely no idea what he's doing until he's done. His character would probably be a well-known media character, like Ghostface.
Marlene probably also does makeup, but I think she'd also really enjoy acting and would insist on doing it every night. She'd actually like the clowns, unlike Sirius. 100% a slider, if you don't know what that is, go look of videos of haunt sliders. Definitely has a child/doll-like character, too. She would have a full backstory for her character, and she'd tell any customer that asks.
I don't really have anything for Mary or Dorcas, but I do for Pandora. She would play a lost character in the haunted mansion, like a ghost who doesn't know they're dead yet. She'd probably hang out with Regulus on slow nights, and they've definitely had to scramble to get back to their spots in time before.
If you have any ideas for what Mary and Dorcas would do, or if you want a version similar to this but instead of acting, it's the characters going through a haunt, let me know. And if you have any questions about haunts in general, it's one of my favorite things to talk about.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
So for those who dont know Criterion has doublefeatures on their streaming service,and I decided to watch one called Cheap Tricks ,which was two B movies made by producer Jack Harris .The first film was the Blob ,which is a classic that I have seen multiple times ....The second film,the one I hsall talk about is a strange little flick called Equinox
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the plot of this 1970 film follows David (Edward Connell),Jim (Frank Bonner ) ,Susan (Barbara Hewitt),and Vicki (Robin Christopher) as they go for a picnic/meet up with Dr. Arthur Watermann (Fritz Lieber ) ,only to stumble upon an ancient book which they must keep out of the hands of Asmodeus (Jack Woods ) and his various demonic monsters
Now I will always have a soft spot for "Hey lets make our own movie " movies ,truly independent films appeal to me (I love the Blob for similar reasons ).The film actually reminds a LOT of Evil Dead which would be made a decade later ,not only due to the similar plot of a group of friends coming across a ancient book and being terroized by demonic forces,but in the group of amatures making a film feel.I also want to point out some of the people in this wnent on to bigger things like how Frank Bonner went onto appear in the sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati , David Allen went onto a lot of TV and Movie stop motion work (Dolls,Puppet Master ,The Howling ,Q the Winged Serpent ,etc ),and the film was the brain child of Denis Murin who went on to help found ILM ,and work on the likes of Star Wars and Jurassic Park . I think the effects scenes are great particularly all the stop motion,and the force perspective battle with the green giant .I like the main characters ,and though the acting can be stiff,thought most of them were pretty good
Now I wont lie ....It has goofy moments ,and most of them are courtesy of Jack Woods .See Denis Murin made the movie but when Jack Harris got ahold of it he wanted to add a few more scenes ,which were directed by Jack Woods ,who also play an added villain Asmodeous .....PRoblem is Woods isnt a great actor ,cause whenever he tries to be scary I am laughing,he's just really non threatening looking .In fact the film is more silly then scary .Also dont like the framing device
So yes it is not a perfect movie and I dont love it ....But I was never bored , its a fun watch,and I have nothing but respect for the people who made it.I feel like Ash describing the Xenomorph in Alien,"I admire its purity ".Making art is hard,and I admire this film for just existing
@the-blue-fairie @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @marquisedemasque@angelixgutz @filmcityworld1
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