#some viktuuri for the soul!
arom-antix · 28 days
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I bring to thee some quick late night Viktuuri sketches because I think we could all use some fluff
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neutronice · 8 months
We've come to the final day of @viktuuri-week, and it has been so much fun sharing it with you! I hope you like my last entry, a double-drabble for soulmates.
The concept of soulmates has always been fraught. Can you really tie yourself to one person forever over some cockamamie concept of fate?
But then Yuuri turned on a television, and the man who flowed on the ice spoke to him in a language that seemed embedded into his very soul.
“Follow me,” it said, and Yuuri followed.
His feet bled and his skin was mottled with bruises as he chased that beautiful skater. His own skates reaching out a hand and trying to grab at someone who would never know he existed.
Not unless he kept working as hard as he could. Because Yuuri knew, to skate on the same ice as his idol; that was what he was meant to do.
Victor Nikiforov didn’t believe in soulmates. He knew well enough that people threw those words around to strip you bare and shatter your heart. His love was divided cleanly between the ice, Makkachin, and his coach. He didn’t need anything more.
Until the day he let his soul cry on the ice: “I’m lonely”, and someone heard. Yuuri Katsuki probably didn’t understand that he changed Victor’s life that night, but from then on, Victor believed in soulmates.
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Beta reader needed!
I'm searching for a beta reader for my 350k Yuri!!! On Ice novelisation Can You Hear My Heartbeat. This fic fills the gaps in the show and dives deep into the relationship of Viktuuri, and it's the first part of a series that continues their story. The story is complete and edited, 25/49 chapters are on AO3.
I literally poured all my heart and soul into this work, included countless bits of meta, and researched figure skating and cultures to turn it into the novelisation I envision (basically a book version of Yuri!!! but with WAAAY more Viktuuri), but I've reached a point at which I'm stuck without detailed feedback and the option to discuss my ideas—in other words: This story sucks and I need help to figure out why.
What I'm looking for in a beta reader:
Check for canon-compliancy, esp. the characters: Are they out-of-character? Does my character development align with their overall canonical personality?
Check for inconsistencies, esp. where scenes from the anime are embedded into the novel
Check grammar, spelling, weird wording etc. (English isn't my first language, so I might need some help in that department)
Give feedback on what worked/didn't work for you. Is the story fun to read? What did you find wanting? What does this story need to keep you hooked?
Give feedback on scenes or chapters specified by me as in being fine with answering my stupid questions
Nice-to-have: advice on writing about figure skating
You don't need to be an experienced beta reader. If you enjoy analysing fiction, love YOI, know some basics about literary analysis, and are at least 18 years old, that'd be perfect.*
What I offer in return:
Of course, I'd love to return the favour!
For writers: I beta-read your work whether it's original or for a fandom I know well enough to be of use like MDZS, LotR, Good Omens, Star Trek, pre-Disney Star Wars, Sasaki & Miyano, Given, Sherlock, plus a plethora of fantasy books and TV series from the pre-Netflix era. I can provide everything from general feedback to full editor mode as well as sensitivity reading with a focus on queerness and neurodivergence. If you need help with your worldbuilding or have story-related questions about natural sciences**, I'd be happy to give you advice!
For non-writers & writers who prefer gifts, I would write a short story according to their preferences.
About me:
I've been writing fanfiction for more than 13 years with a preference for canon-compliant stories and a focus on sequels and prequels, and I've written other kinds of fiction even before this. I am, however, a newbie in the YOI fandom and the romance genre in general.
If you're interested in working with me or have questions, please comment on this post or reach out to me on Twitter (link in bio). I'm looking forward to getting to know you!
*You should at least know the difference between canon, interpretation, and headcanon, what a character arc is etc. As to the age, I might need to discuss my characters' sexual habits and I do not wish to do so with minors. No offence.
**My knowledge comprises physics (master's), astrophysics (PhD), climate science (former special interest) plus basic knowledge of other natural sciences.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Hey Key, do you have a favourite ship of all time or is it really hard to chose from certain couples? As I see you post about a lot of wonderful couples :)
Hi lovely Anon! :)
I got this yesterday morning and I’ve been thinking about it ever since because of course my brain went directly to WinTeam.
I mean, they’re definitely the ship I’ve written most about. 38% of the fics on my current AO3 account are about WinTeam. :’)
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Buuuut there were a lot of, like, formative ships that I didn’t write much or anything about. And they’re ships I always go back to whenever I’m between fandoms or just in the mood for something familiar and loved.
Like RayK/Fraser from due South! They were a massive part of my teen years in fandom. If you haven’t seen it, please give it a watch! It’s all remastered and up for free on YouTube! They still mean the world to me, and some of my favorite fics of all time are about them.
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And then there’s merthur, whose meteoric and enduring impact on fandom should be studied by science. I read Awake by Cori Lannam and cry at least once a year.
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There’s klance, who are loud and annoy each other and were never going to be canon and VLD was always going to be a catastrophe (who doesn’t keep a story bible to keep track of their own show), but the components for an incredible dynamic were there and fans did what fans do best and made gorgeous, heart wrenching fanworks that surpassed anything in canon for me.
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I also love Stony, but I want to clarify that, like, most of my love doesn’t come from the extremely bro-y Marvel movies. I was intrigued by Chris Evans and RDJ’s portrayal of Steve and Tony back when I first saw Avengers, so I came home, opened Tumblr, and looked for the movie fandom that surely already existed. What I found more of, unsurprisingly, was comic fandom, and the more I found out about Steve and Tony in the comics, the more I was underwhelmed by the movies. So basically, the main reason I’m not into Stucky is because Stony fans presented this canon head explosion from the comics first:
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There’s also drarry and wolfstar, and I love them the same way I love klance: the source material is disappointing, but the components for greatness were there, and fandom elevated them.
Okay so! Those were all fanon ships, and I always knew none of them were ever going to become canon (though Merlin’s, uh, debatable, maybe discussable—“the man he loves is dying so he’s holding him” REALLY), so I kind of think of them in a separate but equal category to the canon ships.
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Viktuuri is one of those ships that just feels like shelter for me. Just, Yuri on Ice was made with such devotion. Not just love, but passion. There’s no antagonist, just Yuuri’s own anxiety and Viktor painstakingly learning to understand and speak a mutual language so he can coax art and beauty and sincerity from Yuuri’s exhausted and heartbroken soul. I’ll always love them extra special.
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These two trainwrecks.
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KongArt! The whole arc of Kongphob and Arthit’s relationship in SOTUS is just so satisfying and beautiful to me, I just rewatched it with friends in January and I’m already rewatching it again with a different friend now. :’)
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WENZHOU. I’m also rewatching Word of Honor and just having a marvelous time re-experiencing just how unhinged they are for each other. “YOUR SON WAS KIDNAPPED WHILE YOU WERE ROLLING AROUND IN THE DAISIES” “ah” “thanks for killing the moment”
And honestly there are more ships I love, but that wasn’t your question!
Of all time.
I think it really is them.
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They’re everything I love in a ship: push and pull, vulnerability, sass, unhinged desperation for each other, and two characters I love equally.
WinTeam just has me by the soul, man.
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yoificfinder · 2 years
Hello and thank you for your service to the Yuri on Ice fanfic community! Can I ask for any historical AUs, that aren't Blackbird or Zanka please? I'm particularly longing for some period typical homophobia kind of stories. Thank you so much !
Hello and you're welcome! Blackbird and Zanka are definitely included in my list of fave historical AUs (and I take it that you've aready read them) so here are other historical (with period-typical homophobia) AUs I rec:
All Our Yesterdays by @kitsunebi-uk† [E, 1M]
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life?
Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive.
When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
The League of Green Carnation by @abarero [M, 62K]
There was one golden rule to being a Time Scientist: do not bring home anything that was a fixed point in history. This meant most artifacts, extinct animals and the like were permissible. Historical figures? Not so much.
But what about an author? Namely, Yuuri’s favorite author, who was murdered in 1887. Could he be saved?
Well. Yuuri was sure as hell about to find out.
The Lily of Kasigaya by Aurum_Auri [E, 31K]
Yuuri, following his love of beautiful things, would have gone to any lengths to become the finest geisha in the world. Then he met Victor Nikiforov.
Of Duty and Love by rinsled05 / @dreaming-fireflies [T, 28K] *WIP
When Yuuri accepts Duke Nikiforov's offer to become his valet and lover, he remains in blissful denial of their sins until he's forced to make a choice that will alter his and the lives of all around him; a choice that will break Viktor's heart.
A chronicle of Viktuuri forbidden romance, their tragic pasts, and the lives of the Nikiforov family and servants in early 1920s Edwardian England.
And I know you asked for stories with homophobia but I'd be remiss not to rec these other amazing historical AUs without homophobia (not tagged / not in the content as far as I can remember):
Gentlemen Caller by @japansace [M, 43K]
It's 1895, and Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki are two men who are somehow both under the impression that the other is the suitor in their game of seduction.
Basically, two idiots enter into mutual pining and don’t understand that someone has to make the first move.
Love in Exile by @martymusesloveinexile [E, 99K]
Once a well know ballet dancer in St. Petersburg, Victor Nikiforov finds himself exiled to Sakhalin Island as a political convict in 1881. As a man sentenced to katorga he will never return to European Russia or his life on the stage. Known as the "Edge of the World," his life on Sakhalin could not be further from the life he once knew. Strange circumstances lead his path to cross that of a young Japanese man, one of the very few still living on the island. Katsuki Yuuri leads a life of exile of a different kind, one that is largely self-imposed. Drawn to each other, despite their differences, something slowly begins to grow between them. When a narrowly avoided tragedy leaves them stranded together for a long, cold Sakhalin winter, they are challenged to face what their relationship really means, and what future it could possibly have.
The Noblest Form of Affection by @lucycamui [E, 38K]
The duty of a valet appears deceptively simple on the surface: his sole job is to wait upon his master. Yuuri prides himself on his skills as a valet, but will the challenges and heartaches that come hand in hand with serving the lovely and eccentric Mister Nikiforov prove to be too great a hurdle?
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possibleplatypus · 7 years
Where is my YOI/Black Butler AU where Yuuri's family is murdered and Yuuri makes a pact with a handsome silver-haired demon he names after his dead dog and they have adventures together
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metiredlr · 7 years
I wonder if Victor randomly starts kissing Yuuri's cheeks, forehead, shoulders, neck and lips while tickling him just to see him laughing and, as a pay back, Yuuri does the same but starts to compliment him in the middle of the kissing
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varyagated · 2 years
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I posted 2,023 times in 2021
94 posts created (5%)
1929 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 20.5 posts.
I added 363 tags in 2021
#otayuri - 48 posts
#yuri plisetsky - 45 posts
#viktuuri - 43 posts
#yoi - 41 posts
#yuri!!! on ice - 40 posts
#yuri on ice - 32 posts
#meta - 29 posts
#personal - 29 posts
#yuuri katsuki - 28 posts
#2nd reblog - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#i just love his character and connect with it and honestly my attitude as 15 year old varya was super similar to his due to trauma
My Top Posts in 2021
just small things about Yuri!!! on Ice but...
you can really tell the creators’ heart and soul in it, and read so much positivity, persistence, passion, and kindness.
after watching some media, I just feel empty after. Sad. Conflicted. Miserable. For some shows, the core message isn’t meant to be “life is hard and unfair,” but it comes off that way, or that’s what lingers even if it’s a humor focused show.  Lately, if something is too hard to digest...I don’t want to watch it during a pandemic. I feel tired, and sad, and life is hard just at a base level during a pandemic. There are really good shows, with excellent and moving plotlines. But the message, the soul of the story isn’t there the same way with YOI. 
It’s really clear the YOI creators have a rich and vibrant inner world, with emotional intensity and emotional intimacy, and it shows in their characters’ lives and motivations. I miss YOI! I want more!!!! For now, I will settle for rewatching.
113 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 00:36:31 GMT
Being in the Yuri!!! On Ice fandom is just like..
We have one season and we rewatch it for the minutest fucking details bc it’s the only YOI media to consume. Mojave girls make do, i guess
Waking up each day to the tumultuous, yearning, lonely, and deeply chaotic knowledge that there is no confirmed release date yet for ice adolescence and no news on season 2
Reblogging content from 2017 and it feels new but you squint and you’re like I’ve seen this. I’ve seen this. I’ve seen but- it’s cute so you reblog
Loving that one fic that discontinued in 2018 and the author is like “ehh i’ll start this again when s2 happens”
You took up ice skating just bc of this lol
Suddenly enjoy IRL figure skating athletes when before you Did Not Care
135 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 00:49:17 GMT
yoi as transformative media
something else I love about YOI: it is a show about young adults, figuring out young adult things. So much of anime/media is about younger people, which is totally chill, but I admit sometimes I struggle to relate. YOI is one of the few pieces of media that starts out with Yuuri at 23, and Victor who is 27. I watched it when I was 26, so tbh it happened to hit me at a really good age.
When I watched it I literally had an epiphany. IDK, it is just one of those pieces of media that changes you. I reflected on why I was so miserable. I kept repeating Yuuri’s phrase when he skates Stammi Vicino for Yuuko, “But I got tired of being depressed.” I was working in bumfuck nowhere Ohio, in a toxic/abusive job, and I never did anything fun. Ever. Literally my days were just usually harassment, people hating me, and me busting my ass for low pay. After watching yuri on ice I started taking ice skating classes, got a tattoo I wanted, tried to make friends/community again, and got on antidepressants. All of that was hard. But it was good progress.
184 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 22:39:14 GMT
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282 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 13:31:25 GMT
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401 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 18:47:47 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kaichan24 · 4 years
Favorite wedding fics
These are my two favorite fics about Viktuuri's wedding. They are great and I can't choose which wedding is better.
an ever-fixed mark of katsukifatale (TrumpetGeek)
summary: Yuuri is absolutely gorgeous. Viktor could write poems about the soft pink that paints his cheeks and nose. He could pen lyrics about the slope of Yuuri’s smile and the way he bites his lip to try to keep the laughter inside. The sparkle in Yuuri’s eyes would be enough to give hope to even the most lovelorn soul. The warmth of Yuuri’s body pressed against his and the bubbling heat of the feelings he induces in Viktor would be more than enough protection from even the harshest of Russian winters. Yuuri laughs again and ducks his head, embarrassed, and Viktor covers his mouth with his hand because he thinks he may have said some of that out loud. Oops.
Always and Forever of  paxton1976
summary: Battling nerves, Yuuri embarks on the greatest journey of his life with Viktor.
Viktor Nikiforov & Katsuki Yuuri request the pleasure of your company to celebrate their marriage Saturday the seventh of April two thousand and eighteen 4 o'clock in the afternoon Kawachi Fuji Gardens Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Japan
Reception to follow the ceremony
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randomfandomfiction · 5 years
An Introduction to Viktuuri pt.2
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part one
I’m back with another list of fics I think deserve to be considered fandom classics and essential reading!
(in order of length)
katsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian (12k, Gen)
Just because Yuuri isn't big on social media, doesn't mean his fans aren't.
(aka a social media fic)
this fic is really well done and super cute for an outsider pov fic and the author got the formatting down pat!
life and love by novocaine_sea (12k, Gen)
“You showed me life and love and that’s something I can never forget. Thank you for that, Victor.” Twenty-two year old Yuuri Katsuki travels to Italy to study photography. One day, while going around the city taking photos he gets lost and ends up at a coffee shop, ultimately meeting one Victor Nikiforov who would take him all around Florence, showing him what life and love are really all about.
Italian Viktor!! Falling in love! So cuuuuuuuuute!
Healthy Impropriety by mtothedestiel (29k, Explicit)
Victor is the wealthy master of the Nikiforov estate.  At a society party he's swept off his feet by the mysterious, suave, and very drunk Katsuki Yuuri.  Victor aims to declare his love and secure Mr. Katsuki's hand in marriage, but first he has to find him!
it’s like the best kind of jane austen novel!! it’s cute, I love the setting, there’s some smut, and the infamous banquet is included
Unwritten by kaizuka (34k, T+)
Soulmates AU where whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmate, but when there is a language barrier, meeting becomes just a little more difficult than it should be.
This is one of the first yoi fics I ever read and I’m still totally in love with it
Yuuri Enchanted by the__magpie (57k, T+)
At birth, Yuuri Katsuki was given the gift of obedience, although he quickly learns as he grows up that it is a curse. He has to obey any command given to him, even if it puts him or others in danger. Too afraid to face the terrifying outside world, Yuuri stays in his home town of Hasetsu, until a chance encounter with Prince Victor urges him to venture outside of his safe bubble. Determined to break his curse, Yuuri begins on an adventure involving fairies, ogres, true love, and courage he never knew he had.
I love Ella Enchanted! I love Viktuuri! Perfect combination!
Like a Fairytale by lucycamui (73k, T+)
In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his 'Cinderella' Yuuri. (And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he's doing).
 “The crown prince of the Nikiforov kingdom, infatuated with a mystery pastry chef he’s only just met. This is exactly the kind of scandalous love story my life has been missing… So, what’s he look like? What exactly is Prince Victor’s type?”
 “Well, he does make pastries."
A cute, fluffy, piney fairytale!!
like your french girls by ebenroot (101k, T+)
"Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem."
in which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram
artist viktor being whipped for his muse yuuri is music to my ears
Lessons in Love by fangirlandiknowit (143k WIP, Mature)
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he'll do.
He just didn't expect to become a fan, too.
(He didn't expect to fall in love.)
This is so cuuuuuute~ Viktor is adorable and and Yuuri is lovely and I LOVE the Viktor as Yurio’s dad trope
Into the Deep by Ars_Matron (181k, Explicit)
For five years the mysterious pirate ship, the Eros, has tormented the eastern seas. The most heinous of their crimes, the abduction of omegas from their very homes. Some merely children.
Viktor Nikiforov, captain of the Russian military's fastest ship the Agape, has dedicated his life to finding the infamous pirate pack. Rescuing the omegas that he can, and avenging those beyond his reach.
But Viktor's never gotten close to the Eros. He doesn't even know who he's chasing. And the years of arriving too late are beginning to wear on him. If he cannot find them soon the mission and his command will be taken from him.  
A new lead in the mission may be just the break he's been waiting for. After five devastating years he'll do anything it takes to catch the Eros and her crew and bring them to justice. And finally he will have vengeance for the innocent souls that were lost along the way.
I LOVE THIS FIC!!!! It’s ABO but honestly it’s done so well - even if you don’t usually like ABO fic it’s probable that you’d like this one. The plot is so good and I ADORE Yuuri’s characterisation. This is a true rec from me
Beside the Dancing Sea by lily_winterwood, MapleTreeway (186k, Explicit)
He’s finally here in this lovely and quiet little beach cottage, and the rest of the year seems to stretch out infinitely before him. Time will pass, though, and it will pass faster than he realises, but in the meantime he will stop worrying about writer’s block and deadlines and not even having the foggiest clue what his next novel’s going to be about, and live.
New York Times-bestselling author Viktor Nikiforov arrives in the sleepy seaside town of Torvill Cove to cure his writer's block. After encountering local wallflower Yuuri Katsuki at a party, he discovers that this mysterious dark-haired man has a couple secrets up his sleeve.
And Viktor will be damned if he doesn't find out just what those secrets are.
Another true true true rec! This is one of my favourite mythology/supernatural aus - it has so much heart. It’s so sweet and soft, but also beautifully written and with a healthy dose of angst. Bonus points for a respectful and honest depiction of a disability!
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catravandece · 4 years
thenk u iza 4 me distraction <3 
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships (gr8 one right off the bat fuckn love it, dont got a lot of kinks but tropes r the same thing right)
Merthur- BAMF!Merlin. my bby boy is the living avatar of all magic, pls let him go totally apeshit with godlike displays of power hes earned it. 
Wangxian- bottom lan wangji rights y’all but mostly Marriage Ceremonies And Parenting Sizhui 
Trephacard- listen, this whole arrangement is like my best fantasy. oh to be a sexy and morose dhampir curating the largest combined library of supernatural texts and artifacts on the continent and nightly getting railed by a huge himbo and powerful witch who brush my hair and tell me im pretty. this is the dream.
Spirk- Visibly Alien S’chn T’gai Spock.  My hc vulcans r not just lime flavored desert elves i demand! weird vocalizations!! alien dick!!! anatomical and behavioral holdovers from pre-reform times aside from fuck or die!!!! i am a monsterfucker these r my rights!!!!!
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Mo Dao Zu Shi- Wen Ning my sweet bby boy
The Silmarillion- Maedhros
Dragon Age- Anders
Howl’s Moving Castle- Sophie Hatter
Evangelion- Kaworu Nagisa (im sorry japan the w has become a fixture)
see here’s the thing even with my own characters i usually gotta beat them up a lil before the happy ending. that being said wen ning did nothing wrong ever in his life and if ppl dont properly appreciate him i will blow a fuse
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Lord have mercy on my forsaken soul, i just cant be exposed anymore to superwholock. individually or the collective. also theres one old flash-in-the-pan fandom of which i do not speak but involved an old cartoon that i look back on and think “how the fuck did that even start??” i probably regret it less for the ppl and more bc i was 16 and Dumb
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Wangxian of course, u and @smol-merci did this to me. im recently interested in wen qing/jiang cheng/lan xichen  and wangningxian tho bc of fics
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (goin with MDZS cuz its my current thing)
Ohhhh boy u already know im working on Crouching Tiger Hidden BAMF Jiang Yanli, moreso i just want her to have like desires outside of caring for the boys and evidence that she is A Noblewoman of Authority With Responsibilities
I tend not to think on the romantic lives of the juniors bc im 23 and theyre babies but something in my soul thinks Ouyang Zizhen is aroace w/ a deep aesthetic sense and imma roll with it
Less corporate jobs in modern au’s and this goes for everything like, not every young master has to be some lame bougie business major. Trade skills and ordinary jobs for life!! let WWX be a childrens librarian!! Academia only if it’s full of the bullshit shenanigans i know scholars get up to like the beef over Poe’s orangutan and underground smuggling rings of of japanese chalk
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captain-aralias · 4 years
1, 12 and 19 for the anime asks? 💕
hooray! thank you @parijpg​ <3 this is much appreciated and fortunately - phew - i can answer these questions (top 10 animes would have been a challenge). 
1. first anime you ever watched
if movies count (and i think they do? this is not my specialist area), then it’s probably ‘spirited away’, which i watched at university. i was pretentious, i wanted to like it - i didn’t like it.
i like it more now, and have a cat named after the soot demons, but ultimately while charming ghibli probably isn’t my sort of anime (except totoro). but i didn’t know that. 
the first anime series i watched was probably Yuri!!! On Ice - much later. 
12. anime that should get more attention from others
i am obviously new-money in the anime world - a late comer, so i pretty much only watch what is popular.  
should ‘my hero academia’ get more attention? YES. because - a) it’s brilliant, and b) we in the west need to put down ‘the avengers’ and spend some time with a group of super heroes who like each other instead. but realistically, it doesn’t need more attention. 
the most obscure thing i’ve watched probably is ‘sound! euphonium’, which is a very gay (but not gay story) about a girls school band. it’s like a sports anime about band - and with girls. lots of them are creepily over-invested in each other in a way that i like. 
i think it should get more attention from me, because while i liked it, it didn’t consume my soul the way the one about the boys playing volleyball did. 
19. favorite anime ships
all M/M and obvious. sorry - i am anime trash. 
viktuuri - how obvious, but it is so beautiful. it has all the things i want. (what’s this? they aren’t enemies to lovers, but it’s ok - viktor is his direct opponent as well as his coach, so that’s good enough.) this is a fandom i stopped myself reading in because i knew i liked it too much and didn’t want to defect. 
i totally like hinata/kageyama, of course - although i also like it if they aren’t gay for each other, they just complete each other. and i could be into kageyama/oikawa but ultimately i think they just hate each other.
in BNHA - my girlfriend is mega into bakudeku, which is clearly my thing but doesn’t interest me really because i dont really like bakugo. i kind of ship all might with all the men whose lives he’s ruined without realising - so, all might/david shield, all might/nighteye, and i thought i could ship all might/eraserhead in the early seasons, but after the nice bit where they went round everyone’s houses together, they didn’t talk that much. so, probably aizawa has escaped. i also obviously ship mirio/tamaki because it is the most obviously gay thing i have ever seen and also both of them are adorable. and also SPOILERS stuff happens that would be fun to write about. 
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ghost-wiki · 7 years
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divine529 · 5 years
tv show tag game
tagged by @tony-starkrogers. 
your favorite tv show/s: shows that are on right now: The Blacklist. That’s it right now. 
others: Bones, BBC Sherlock, BBC Merlin, Glee, GoT, Yuri!!! on Ice, Queer Eye, Good Omens, just to name a few.
favorite tv show character/s: All the “Bones” characters - no joke (Booth and Brennan, Jack Hodgins, Angela, Sweets, Zack), Sherlock, John Watson, Raymond Reddington, Jaime Lannister, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Merlin, Aziraphale and Crowley. 
a show you thought you wouldn’t like but did: Bones actually! I watched an episode and didn’t like it and then I watched it again because my mom had it on and was laughing so she called me and from that point on I was hooked and never turned back. Also Merlin - I struggled with the special effects and some of the acting at first. Glee too - I hated it when I first watched it, but then I slowly fell in love. 
favorite tv show ship/s:a show you used to like but don’t like anymore: Oh friends...I’m ship garbage so hold on tight: B&B, Hodgela, Johnlock, Merthur, Klaine, Viktuuri, Ineffable Husbands, Braime, Morgwen, Mystrade, Johnlockstrade. 
Show I used to like but don’t anymore...NCIS, NCIS: LA, just to name a few. 
if you were able to be a character in a tv show, which one would you pick?: That’s so difficult! I’d probably be like a Gwen from Merlin or a Hodgins or Angela from Bones - I’m very like all three of those characters. 
a show you want to watch but still haven’t started: The Spanish Princess and Chernobyl. 
a tv show you started way after everyone else:last tv show you watched: Glee. I started in season 2 because I didn’t really like season 1, GoT because it was hard to watch during school and Bones - I didn’t start until S3 was airing. Also Merlin and Sherlock. I start most shows way after other people. 
Last TV show I watched: the latest season of Queer Eye back in July and I recently rewatched Good Omens with my parents. 
I tag (only if you want): @newly-impassioned-soul @holmesianpose @oldpinghai @reluctantjapanophile @the-smallest-mew
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yoificfinder · 4 years
Hi! I wanted to ask if you have some viktuuri wedding fics? I've been seeing a lot of fics talking about them getting married but I just want them actually getting married! I need me some wedding and honeymoon fluff pls
Hi! Here are my fave Victuuri wedding-focused fics (I didn't include ones where the wedding is just a part of the fic) in canon setting:
an ever-fixed mark by @katsukifatale [E, 4K]
Yuuri is absolutely gorgeous. Viktor could write poems about the soft pink that paints his cheeks and nose. He could pen lyrics about the slope of Yuuri’s smile and the way he bites his lip to try to keep the laughter inside. The sparkle in Yuuri’s eyes would be enough to give hope to even the most lovelorn soul. The warmth of Yuuri’s body pressed against his and the bubbling heat of the feelings he induces in Viktor would be more than enough protection from even the harshest of Russian winters.
Yuuri laughs again and ducks his head, embarrassed, and Viktor covers his mouth with his hand because he thinks he may have said some of that out loud. Oops.
the clavicle-snapped wish by @astoryaboutwar [M, 6K]
The sun glints off their twin gold bands, the band strikes up their first dance, and together, they follow each other into the rest of their lives.
(Or: the wedding fic fix we all need.)
the warmest part of winter by @dadvans [M, 8K]
The wedding is in early February, right after Yuri comes home to Yuuri and Victor’s crumbling farmhouse in upstate New York from the European Championships with a gold medal around his neck. They’ve been in the process of restoring the dilapidated barn out back and turning it into a fully functional dance studio, and the fire marshall has finally approved it for occupation without fear of the whole thing coming down all at once and crushing a half dozen elite figure skaters to death at any given moment. Which is perfect, considering they’ve been planning on holding the reception in the barn, and finding a last minute venue would be a goddamn nightmare, especially since Victor has obsessively planned the entire event down to the last detail for the past six months.
Other recs are welcome!
ETA - Other people's rec:
conversations Chris absolutely related to Yuuri at his wedding reception, in front of god and everyone by @opalish
crowned in glory by Naraht
Get Me To The Onsen On Time by Sandyclaws68
Newlywed Bliss by garbage_dono
Thanks for the recs, @kaleidodreams and @genuine-firefly! ❤
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fiercyy · 5 years
We Need To Talk
A Viktuuri and Viktuuriyuri family fic <3
When Yuuri receives a text from Victor one morning, he tries very hard not to panic.
Vitenka (Blue heart, purple heart, gold medal, eggplant, hearteyes emoji): We need to talk tonight after dinner with Yura.
Perhaps Yuuri has been exposed to too much pop culture during his time in the States, but to him ‘we need to talk’ never spells out anything good. He resists the urge to immediately text back a thousand questions and demands about what they would be talking about, if he was okay, what Yuuri did wrong and if he would find his own suitcase packed and left by the door, or would he have to pack it all up himself when Viktor kicked him to the curb?
Yuuri had a really good morning. He woke up on his own, which was a miracle unto itself. To celebrate beating Viktor to consciousness, he kissed his fiancé awake. And maybe they were a little late getting out of bed because of it. “I’m sure my coach won’t mind,” Yuuri had teased and touched his nose to Viktor’s, then kissed his cheek. When he pulled away, Viktor was bright pink, from nose to ears and his smile was soppy and sweet. “You can’t say things like that!” Viktor had complained before throwing his arms around Yuuri, “It’s too adorable, I won’t survive. You’re trying to kill me aren’t you? Is this so I won’t make you do suicides again? I knew it! My Yuuri is so cruel!” All the while, smothering Yuuri by rolling on top of him.
A really good morning. They’d skipped their run because of it, went straight to the rink (where Yuuri and Viktor both cleanly skated their new programs for the first time). Then lunch together before parting ways for cross training.
That was fifteen minutes ago. What could have changed that Viktor could possibly want to talk about?! Or maybe it was about lunch or practice or this morning and he just hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to him yet. Maybe he’s been plotting a way to let him down easy. If so, Yuuri feels terrible about this morning, but also, incredibly glad that at least he’ll have one last time to remember him by.
But maybe it wasn’t as good for Viktor as it was for Yuuri? If Yuuri was doing something wrong, why wouldn’t Viktor just tell him? He could get better, probably. He hears there are advice columns all over the internet. He listens to podcasts on long runs now, there must be one that tells you how to be better in bed so your five-time gold medalist, perfect specimen of manhood fiancé stays in love with you.
“Katsudon, you’ve been in that forward split for ten minutes, are you showing off or did you fall asleep?” Yurio is sharing his ballet session. He hides his worry poorly. Or maybe Yuuri just knows him well at this point. His heart sinks. He’ll miss him so much when Viktor dumps him and he has to move back to Hasetsu and retire.
Yuuri shrugs and hopes he doesn’t pry further. The sixteen-year-old doesn’t. Instead he nudges him into pair stretches.
The anxiety chews on his heart, feral and unrelenting in its hunger. Yuuri’s own mind won’t rest until it consumes him one rending bite at a time.
While he does a pas de bourré into a plié, then saute, he circles back to the way he felt when Viktor first came to Hasetsu. He’d wondered then, how this could possibly be his life. He kept his distance out of self-preservation, because when Viktor eventually grew bored and left, any closeness would be ripped away, taking parts of him along with it. Yuuri could not afford to become dependent on Viktor’s kindness. Or later, Viktor’s love. Except it didn’t matter what Yuuri could and could not afford to feel. His foolish heart learned to beat for him, to the rhythm of the programs they choreographed together.
Yuuri’s stupid soul would suffer now that the inevitable had arrived.
Yurio clearly doesn’t want to leave Yuuri alone. Their cooldown session is quiet and punctuated by the boy starting a sentence and interrupting himself. It’s unlike him. Yuuri wants to pull him into his arms. That’s unlike him too.
“Stop looking at me like that. It’s freaking me out,” Yurio spits. “Why do you look like someone died? Is the idiot—” he means Viktor, “Ill?” he seems unconcerned by the prospect, but then he pales as something occurs to him, “Are you ill? Is Makkachin?”
And because Yuuri does not want to lie to him, but also does not want to tell him the truth at all ever, he throws his hands up and shakes his head. “No, no, nothing like that. Just in my own head today.” This is true every day, but it would be impossible to explain the day to day torment of living inside of his own brain. Plus, it might traumatize Yurio and make him second guess his decision to allow Yuuri and Viktor to ostensibly, semi-non-officially adopt him. Oh no… who gets to keep Yurio in the divorce?
Divorce? Oh god. Divorced before they’ve even made it to the altar. Maybe, now that Viktor is feeling inspired and skating again, he doesn’t need Yuuri in his life after all.
Yurio neatly answers the question of ‘who gets custody in the divorce’ by dragging him out the door and declaring that he’s going to drive Yuuri’s car home. Maybe custody is relative and Yurio takes care of himself.
He’s supposed to be supervising said driving since Yurio technically does not have a license, but instead Yuuri stares on the passenger window until he gets nauseous and has to close his eyes. The car stops and he opens them to find they’re at a grocery store.
“Your moron husband forgot to pick up garlic.”
“Not married,” he says and swallows down the bitter yet that gets stuck in his throat.
Yurio groans, “Have you not gotten that over with yet?” He knows very well that they haven’t. They once joked about eloping, which Yurio pretended not to have an apoplectic fit over. Viktor promises they’ll make Yurio their flower boy. Privately, Yuuri eggs him on because he knows that deep down, beyond the fury, he’s actually very touched.
Yurio takes one look at him and rolls his eyes, “Wait in the car,” he orders and slams the door. Yuuri listens and tries to take on the terrible spiralling tornado of fear. He needs to at least find the eye because it’s starting to suck the oxygen out of everything.
We need to talk we need to talk we need to talk we need to-
Soon, the door opens again and Yurio slides in. “Finally, the line was so-“ Yuuri startles and realizes there are tears on his cheeks. “Why are you crying?! Stop it!” He’s still not very good with Emotions™, but he’s doing his best. Yuuri and Viktor just have so many between them, it’s unreasonable to expect him to keep up. Generally, when the tears arrive, Yurio shoves him into Viktor’s arms. Yuuri’s not keen on that option at this moment.
They make it home with only a few awkward glances between them. The teen has his own key so he lets them in.
Yuuri doesn’t know what he was expecting to find upon returning home.
(Lies. As previously noted, he expected suitcases and packed bags and Viktor’s solemn face as he handed the ring back. He imagined kindness and pity but not love in his eyes. He wondered which would be his problem, if he’d be able to beg or be able to stop himself from begging. He knows he’d have cried, he doesn’t know if he’d have been able to speak at all.)
But Viktor is bustling around the kitchen, singing to himself. In the span of this moment, Yuuri exists outside of his worries. Ten feet away, the love of his life is making a family recipe that Hiroko passed on to him. He sings, and Yuuri’s not so far gone that he thinks Viktor a nightingale, but he loves the sound all the same. His bangs are clipped back behind his ear, his cheeks are rosy from the warmth of the stove. He dances around the kitchen, swaying his hips to the rhythm in his head. Then Yuuri realizes that he hasn’t looked up because he’s wearing headphones and hasn’t heard them yet.
Yurio aggressively removes his hat and launches it at Viktor in one motion. The older man startles and catches it, right before it falls onto a burner. “Vot tye na!” But then he sees them and his whole face lights up. It’s like watching dawn break over the mountains back. “You’re home!”
He’s not going to leave him. When Viktor looks at him, it’s hard for Yuuri to deny that he is loved because Viktor lays it all out in the open. He has never hidden his regard or intentions for even a moment. He loves wholly and without reservation.
The moment ends. The demons pipe up. Yuuri has been wrong before.
He tells himself all the things his therapist told him to. That he is safe. He is loved. He can trust the people around him. He’s going to be okay.
Dinner is a trial. Yuuri usually loves these dinners and he’s furious with himself for ruining what might be their last one. Because Viktor wants to talk. He gets quieter and quieter and shrinks down into his chair until he can’t take it anymore.
Viktor keeps the conversation going. He is cheerful and upbeat, but he keeps sneaking glances Yuuri’s way. Can he not wait to get this over with? Is he itching to be rid of him? He’s bad company, he knows it. He should be a better host, for Yurio at least. Who wants to be with someone who’s always sad and anxious, dragging down everyone around them. Viktor asks about Yurio’s day like the proud dad he is. Viktor would make such a good dad. In the vague way that he considers his future after skating, Yuuri hoped he’d get to co-parent with him someday. Again. From the beginning. Not that having a 15-year-old rage monster drop into their laps wasn’t a blessing. Maybe that’s part of it, who knows? He wouldn’t choose himself as a co-parent either.
Viktor holds his phone aloft, loudly reading all of Otabek’s tweets that Yurio has liked in the past 48 hours, while the kid tries to climb him like a tree to steal it and throw it down the garbage disposal. “Give it here old man, at least my twitter’s not some disgusting shrine to Katsudon like yours is-!”
“No, you took down the shrine to Yuuri in your locker when we moved to St-Petersburg!” He teases, “Is the one in your room at your Zaida’s house still up?”
And that’s all it takes, it’s all over for Yuuri. He starts to laugh and he starts to cry and the two men in his life stop roughhousing immediately, to stare at him in abject horror. They’ve both gotten better at dealing with crying, in their own ways, but they’re still terrible. They glance at each other, then back at him, then back at each other.
“Hey! Don’t cry! Look what you did asshole, you made Katsudon emotional!”
“Yuuri, oh no, are you okay? What should I do? Do you need-?”
Yuuri hiccups and tries to calm down, but he’s suddenly hyperventilating. “I…hic…I’m just…hic… I’m so happy,” he sobs. “I don’t want this to end.”
“Twice in one day? Why are you always crying?”
Viktor looks nonplussed, “You were crying earlier? He was crying earlier? When?” his gaze switches back and forth between the two Yuris, worry blooming like a bruise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Yurio doesn’t seem to know what to do. He can’t drive himself home and he clearly does not want to be here for this conversation. He pushes back from the table, and because he was raised right, he takes his plate with him and deposits it in the dishwasher. “I’ll be in the guest room, he better not be crying when I come out.” It seems silly to Yuuri, to refer to it as the guest room, when he’s the only one who ever stays in it.
He was worried before, but now Viktor looks panicked, “Yuuri…”
“What did you want to talk about?” he says in a rush. He wants to get this over with. He doesn’t want to get this over with.
Viktor ignores the question.
“Zolotse,” Viktor switches to the chair closest to Yuuri and scoots it even closer, so he can get his hands on him. “Why are you crying if you’re happy?”
Yuuri accepts the hug, lets himself succumb to it, “Because I want to keep it. I don’t want anything to change. Please just… can we not talk about this?”
Viktor pulls away suddenly, violently, to look him in the eye. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, I just thought…” He closes his mouth and looks grim. “Never mind. It’s fine. Forget I said anything. Everything is fine. I am fine.”
Yuuri is not convinced. Viktor’s pain enables Yuuri to function in a way he can’t for himself. He wants to reach out, to comfort him now. Why is Viktor’s heart breaking before his very eyes?
“Wait,” he orders, grabbing his hand to keep him from running away. “I’m sorry. Anything you need to tell me, you can tell me. I’ll listen, I’ll always listen to you. What did you want to tell me?”
“It’s not about getting married,” Viktor swears, and it’s a crack in poor Yuuri’s resolve to listen. It’s cruel of him, to reject him so blatantly though. “I promise I won’t pressure you. Whenever you’re ready. I know I said when you win gold, but just because you won doesn’t mean we have to. You owe me five after all,” Panicked, “I’m joking! Everything can stay exactly the same. I’m lucky to have that much. I won’t ask for more, I won’t.”
“…So… you don’t want to marry me.” He thought he was prepared, but he was not.
Viktor once accused him of willfully misunderstanding him when they fight. He reminds him of this now. “That is not what I said! I’ve wanted to marry you since the day we met. You can even ask Chris. I said that to him. At the banquet I told him, ‘I am going to marry that man, unless he is straight. Please Chris, tell me that he is not straight because I will cry’, I swear.”
“So you’re not leaving me?” Yuuri is wary of getting his hopes up.
“Leave you?!?!”
The way he says it makes Yuuri defensive, like he’s being ridiculous. “You texted me that we need to talk!”
“Yes. Admittedly, your English is better, but how does that translate to breaking up?”
“Everyone knows that ‘we need to talk’ is code for ‘it’s not me, it’s you’, which is code for ‘it’s definitely you’!”
“What.” Viktor scratches his nose. “This is an American thing?”
“So what do you say if you really just need to talk about something?”
This gives Yuuri pause, because he actually doesn’t know. He shrugs, “Not fucking that.” He might still be a little hysterical.
He sighs, “You know how my mind can be. I guess when I read your text, it got away from me, I thought of the worst case scenario and I spiralled.”
“Okay,” of course, Viktor is ever on a quest to be accommodating of Yuuri’s mental illness. “Then I won’t do that. I won’t prepare you. I’ll just surprise you!”
Wait. Is that worse? That might be worse.
“Surprise! I want to get a puppy! Thoughts?”
“What about Makka?”
“I think Makka could use a little brother or sister! She gets so lonely.” Upon hearing her name, Makkachin, who is very spoiled for attention, woofs from her fancy premium dog bed and prances over to join them. She drops her chin on Yuuri’s thigh, in an oddly accurate representation of her dad’s pout. “Look at her Yuuri, don’t you want another?”
He can’t believe he questioned whether or not Viktor wanted to co-parent with him. They share custody of a poodle.
“And the angriest kitten in all the land!” Viktor adds, when Yuuri verbalizes this.
“HEY!” They all jump and spin around. Yurio stands in the kitchen, holding a cup of water, peering suspiciously over the rim. “You better not be talking about me!”
They are definitely talking about him.
Later, they’re halfway through a movie and Yurio is asleep on the other couch. Viktor and Yuuri snuggle beneath a blanket and Makkachin snoozes on the ottoman by their feet. “I love you,” Viktor says into Yuuri’s hair, “And I want things to change,” he admits bravely. “But only if you want those things too.”
“More dogs?”
They smile.
“More dogs, more rings, more moody teenagers maybe?”
“Can we get those as puppies too?” Yuuri asks, lips against Viktor’s temple.
“Yuuri!” he cries in delight, “Are you asking me to be your baby daddy?”
Oops. The kitten is awake after all.
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