#some years later
hold-him-down · 6 months
Either 9 and/or 14 for the ask game please ! Stuck in an elevator + losing something valuable ✨️
Lock a few of your characters in a broken elevator from this ask game
The elevator screeches to a stop somewhere between the 11th and 12th floor of Capitol Place, which is particularly inconvenient because it’s midday rush, and so it’ll take a few minutes for maintenance to come and free him.
Luke’s annoyance comes out in an tense huff of air, at the same time that a man, full suit and thick Russian accent says, “This fucking thing,” and pushes the call button no less than fourteen times.
“I think we’re stuck,” Luke says lightly as he texts Leo about missed lunch. 
The man levels a particularly icy gaze on him. “No shit.” His accent is more pronounced, with a pause between each word. 
Luke waits a beat and then smiles. Lovely.
He busies himself by looking down at the pictures Leo sends back to back of a singular duck he spotted carrying a stick that had to be 3x its length. He can feel the man’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t look up.
“You are Senator Bennett?” the man says then, and Luke puts his phone away. 
He recognizes the man immediately, the patriarch of a big mob family that mostly runs out of Maryland. Which, if he’s going to be stuck in an elevator, of course it would be with this man.
“And you’re Mr. Petrov?” Luke extends his hand and Petrov takes it, shaking it, then holding on a little too hard. “What brings you all the way out here?”
The man smiles, genuine, and shakes his head. “You would not fucking believe me if I told you,” he says then.
Luke takes the bait, squinting into the camera in the corner. “Try me.” He keeps his voice casual.
“If you insist,” Petrov responds. He clasps his hands together, the former agitation completely wiped from his features, replaced now with a look that could only be described as undiluted glee. It’s a little bit alarming, and makes the hairs on Luke’s arms stand up.
A sound whirrs as the elevator begins to power back up.
“You have something that belongs to me,” Petrov says then. “And I came to see about getting it back.”
Luke’s heart skips, and he stares straight ahead.
“Is that a fact,” he says. And he knows, as well as he knows his own hand, he knows to what Ivan Petrov refers. 
Ivan smiles again. 
“Has he been a good–”
“I say this, not as a threat, but as a promise,” Luke interrupts him. His voice is deadly, his gaze fixed at the elevator doors. “I don’t know who you’re paying off to keep things under control, but I have power, too. Stay away from me, and stay away from Leo, or I will use every bit of favor I have with every person in this country to end your, and your family’s, operation.”
He doesn’t say what he’ll really do, but it lingers in the silence between them as the door opens.
“Tsk, tsk, Senator Luca. I did not intend to strike a nerve. On the contrary–” Ivan steps out of the elevator, and Luke clutches his phone tightly in his hand “–I just wanted to introduce myself. Please, give Leo my regards, and tell him I miss him desperately,” he says. “And, if you would, please let him know I look forward to his return.” Luke takes a step toward him just as he retreats into the office of Senator Jacobs, of Maryland.
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libraryspectre · 10 months
Strawberry Spring is a very early short story by Stephen King that had a huge impact on me when I was younger. It's about a college campus living in fear of a serial killer. What stuck with me the most was the tense atmosphere. The tone is hushed, but with a mix of panic and perverse excitement just under the surface. The quiet unease is what really draws me in every time. Please read it at the link above!
Edit: also, it's a really quick read. I think in the print edition it's only like 9 pages
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heythered3lilahsblog · 9 months
"Are they really your friends?", I mean yea sure, I like them, but I don't know if it's mutual like sometimes I wonder if it's a one-way street.
this one time during a picnic where my friends were like all hyped, like 'it's gonna be fun.' We're on different buses, and guess what? They didn't realize I wasn't with them until we covered some serious distance. their excuse? 'We just forgot you were there, didn't notice.' I could've blown up, but I held it in because it seemed pointless.
Picture this- teachers from my bus cracking jokes to lighten the mood while I'm on the verge of a breakdown, and my 'friends' on the other bus clueless.
then their bus had some problem, and we have to reshuffle students. Now they notice I'm missing. One teacher goes, 'ah look their bus broke down. Good thing you were here.' I just force a smile, though it felt like a punch to the gut. They come to apologize, saying 'we didn't notice,' and the whole bus, including the teachers, knows what went down. Pity stares all around.
they literally drag me to another bus, cramped as heck. I see it coming – 4 seats at the back and 1 at the front. I go, 'I'll take the front seat', their response? 'You gonna be okay?' Numb, I nodded and sat beside a senior. The tears I was holding back streamed like a river for straight two hours. Seniors around me notice, shoot me a 'are you okay' look with that pity in their eyes. I just smile while trying to control my tears (a major fail), and they assume I'm crying over some emo song lol
when I get home, I regret going on that damn picnic. Every time it crosses my mind, tears start rolling, and I feel like a mess. Ah now, thinking back, they'd probably be better off without me. They wouldn't even notice unless they need something, not because they genuinely want me around. It breaks my heart, but what the heck can I do?
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valtsv · 9 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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stardust-bridges · 5 months
Club Furies Premiere: VRØD - The Crew [Adenocrom Records]
VRØD is a producer strongly influenced by the Rave culture of the nineties and the old-school sound. Resident at Vektor Warehouse (Madrid, Spain), he settles in the local scene, consolidating his facet as a guest artist in some of the most important clubs in Spain. This has led him to perfect a refined technique on three decks, creating his own sound full of personal feelings, with a highly…
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hinamie · 28 days
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quick itfs sketch page
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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truly this one's just for me. I can do what I want foreverrr
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU!
"Danyal, its time to end this game and return with me."
Danny should had known Clockwork had something in mind when he sent him on this mission. He knew he should had been suspicious of the time keeper when he noticed the little 'this is going to be fun' smile on his face when he sent Danny off into the portal.
"Get back here you demon spawn 2.0!"
But how was he supposed to know that he'd wake up in this world version of himself in a pit full of corrupted (AND NASTY) ectoplasim at the tender age of five or that when he swam up to the surface he'd be meeting face to face with what was apparently a cult.
"-O just spotted him a block away! I'll try to cut itty bitty bridie off!"
An Assassins Cult his, new to him, loving yet a little insane mother was in charge of (though during the few months he stayed in the compound he heard rumors and gossip from maids and others alike that if his grandfather returned from the dead he'll take over once again, no doubt punish Talia for creating another heir after the failure of the last one, most likely was going to kill Danny and that... that was can of worms Danny didn't wanna deal with yet)
"Ten bucks says they try to stab RR when we get the feral thing home"
"...Losers bet...."
Danny had lived with his mother for a while after being brought back from the 'dead' for apparently the first time, it turned out training a five year old with an actual sword and a dumbass hidden revenge seeking teacher was a terrible idea.
"I swear if this one tries to murder me like the others I'm asking Zatanna if there is a curse on me."
He dealt with her high demands of perfection, the endless training, and the constant comparisons to his apparent older brother Damain... Who didn't know Danny, or rather Danyal existed.
Nor did his father (when Danny, using his powers he's kept hidden since 'waking' up in this Realm, he sneaked his way around the base and discovered how he came into the world. And tbh he couldn't blame his mom how she made him, she was an assassin first and foremost, being naturally pregnant would had painted a target on her for to long... but he also felt it was unfair and an asshole move on his unsuspecting father as well)
"As your elder brother I demand you to stop running!"
Now don't get him wrong, he did like his new mother (total badass assassin lady and all that) and he knew she loved him in her own... deadly way. But yeah, she really shouldn't be taking care of kids. He could tell she struggled with wanting to be a normal mother but her first instinct after so many years was to be an assassin first.
Something she was trying to engrave into Danny with as well.
"Ah, hello Beloved. I see you've learned of our Danyal."
"Talia. Back away from him and leave Gotham now."
"I can not do that. The League needs an heir and since Damian refuses to return... I have decided to create a new one and I shall not be leaving until he returns with me."
Hence why when Danny, or rather Danyal al Ghul had gotten decent control over his powers he decided to leave the League. Again nothing wrong with the life his mom leads, to each their own, but he... really, really didnt want to be an assassin. Or an assassin heir.
So here he was, after almost a year on the run, using his powers and training to out smart and out maneuver his mother and her many band of Assassins, in Gotham. One of the last places he ever wanted to run to cause he knew his father and brother lived here.
It was just his luck that his mother had managed to intercept his train ride that passed into Gotham for a few hours and forced him to run into the city...
Add her assassins into the mix and running into Robin, who heard from Oracle his mother had been spotted chasing a young boy across the city, that same night.
After that it became a full on "catch me if you can" chase for not only his mother but for the batclan as well.
And after two whole days of chase, it seemed like the final showdown was about to begin because everyone was on top of this rooftop, his mother and her assassins on one side, his father and the batclan on the other and Danny well... he was right in the middle of all of it.
He just had to hope no one would notice him once the fighting started...
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keeweescribbles · 15 days
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The Bad Kids except it’s just the freshman gal pals so far
Also ibis paint quality you can fight me
Edit: here’s the link to the guys’ post!
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piratespencil · 10 months
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This is so funny to me. Reducing them down to their simplest attributes. Turning them into symbols.
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peevishpants · 2 years
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/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\: u like book? u want buy book? two dollar *falls asleep*
available as a print here!
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cliopadra · 11 months
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*laughs nervously* Izzy? Dead and gone for good? Naaaah, of course not, he’s just in the gravy basket…or on his way to get sea witch necromancied back by seagull Buttons. He’s ok, he’ll be back…he’ll totally be back 🥲.
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Are you ever going to make any FNAF movie charms?
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Yes! Let me know on this post what merch you’d like to see!
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northwest-by-a-train · 3 months
"During a country's most contentious election in decades, a legendary ship-of-theseus sword that once belonged to a legendary knight gets stolen, and it's a local detective's mission to find it before someone uses it for evil" is such a Terry Pratchett-ass plotline. But it's happening to France as we speak
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bertoyana · 4 months
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You've never looked more beautiful, darling.
X-Men: First Class (2011) Dir. Matthew Vaughn
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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