#somebody brought up this song the other day and now its stuck in my head
ssparksflyy · 2 months
jason grace is pretty fly for a white guy tbh
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Trauma (Songfic)
Darkiplier x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
I told y'all I got this idea and boy did I deliver
Based on the song Trauma by NF
Warnings: A N G S T
Word Count: 1171
Say you’re there when I feel helpless
If that’s true, why don’t you help me?
It’s my fault, I know I’m selfish
Stand alone, my soul is jealous
It wants love, but I reject it
Trade my joy for my protection
The mirror cracked, shattered. Staring back at you was your body, but… It twisted its head, left and right, cracking its neck. It paused for a brief moment after. It stared straight at you.
Remorse reflected back in the dark voids where its eyes had been, but it was gone in a split second. It turned and left you behind. Your body, filled with others’ souls… They just left you in this mirror.
“Damien? Damien!” Your screams echoed painfully, bouncing off every corner of your prison. Your hands - did you even have hands anymore? - covered your ears. “DAMIEN!”
Your body, or whatever had become of it, did not come back.
You weren’t sure how long had passed before William was traipsing back in front of the mirror, downtrodden. He believed he hadn’t killed the detective or anyone. It seemed he was losing hope on that belief.
“Damien?” he called out, but his voice sounded echoey and distant. He spun around the center table, looking up toward the balcony you fell from.
Your hands banging on the glass fell on deaf ears. You slammed your palms against the barrier, hit knuckles on the cracks that trapped you there, but Wilford just slumped to the door and left without even a glance in your direction.
Grab my hand, I’m drowning
I feel my heart pounding
Why haven’t you found me yet?
I hold you so proudly
Traumas, they surround me
I wish you’d just love me back
You waited. And you waited. You watched with bated breath as the paint began to peel off the walls, as spiders spun their webs in abandoned corners, as dust collected on top of the table you were forced to stare at.
Nobody ever came back.
Instead of continuing to stare, you decided to distract yourself. You were stuck in here, after all. Who knew how long it would be before you got out?
You called out into the void to hear it echo, pretending it was somebody else. Every now and then you would sing, your echo singing back to you like some fucked up duet.
You closed your eyes and tried not to imagine someone showing up to break you out, but rather memories of your life before all the madness Mark’s party had brought. You would think of those long college nights, studying over your fifth cup of coffee; of doing practically the same thing as a district attorney. You remembered staying in the Mayor’s office a little longer than necessary during lunch breaks, telling stories and laughing. You could still see Damien’s smile…
You missed his smile.
Say you’re here, but I don’t feel it
Give me peace, but then you steal it
Watch them laugh at all my secrets
Scream and yell, but I feel speechless
Ask for help, you call it weakness
Lied and promised me my freedom
Time was slow, and cruel. You would remember the sound of a piano one day only to forget it the next. How did this song go? What were their names?
What’s my name?
The only name you could remember anymore was Damien’s. You repeated it to yourself like a mantra. Some small part of you continued to hope that you would see him again.
As time passed, so did your scenery. Every once and a while, people would enter the house - teens claiming it was haunted (not fully untrue) or real estate agents looking to make another deal. At one point, they cleaned it up really nice. It was almost like that night was back, drinking and playing poker.
But the mirror couldn’t be fixed.
You screamed and shouted until your throat was raw as they covered it with a sheet and tossed it into trash.
Grab my hand, I’m drowning
I feel my heart pounding
Why haven’t you found me yet?
I hold you so proudly
Traumas, they surround me
I wish you’d just love me back
Without being able to see, you couldn’t tell how much time was passing or even what was happening. You knew you were relatively safe in here - some teens had tried smashing your mirror further by throwing it on the ground but nothing happened, even when they took a hammer to it. You weren’t sure why.
Sometimes you’d catch little glimpses. Out of the corner, you could see the sky. You appreciated those moments more and more as they became less frequent. Time felt slow as you watched clouds pass overhead, or stars twinkling, only for the cloth to flip back over the mirror once again and leave you in the darkness of your void.
By the time you forgot what hunger and thirst felt like, and forgot your name and the name of your closest colleagues and friends, forgot what it was like to live, there no longer seemed to be hope that you would ever escape. Nobody wanted a broken mirror, no matter how ornate it looked. And even if they did, they couldn’t see you, no matter how much your knuckles bled or how raw your throat became.
Grab my hand, I’m drowning
I feel my heart pounding
One day, however, light suddenly streamed into your void. It was bright, but it was warm. You stepped up to the glass, for the first time in perhaps decades, and looked out into your new surroundings.
It was an office. A man sat behind a desk, but he was too far away for you to see clearly. Bookshelves lined the walls, comfortable-looking armchairs facing the desk for any visitors. The room reminded you of something… It was just there, tickling the back of your brain, but no amount of thinking on it could bring it to the surface.
The man was wearing a suit, that much you could tell. He seemed to be shuffling paperwork, signing things and slipping them into manila folders. You couldn’t hear too well what was going on either, as everything through the mirror sounded like it was being said through water, but someone must have knocked. He called them in, spoke to them for a moment, and then the other person was leaving.
He shuffled a few things away, tidying his desk. You watched eagerly as he began to approach the mirror. You couldn’t remember exactly who you’d been waiting for, but you knew you were waiting for someone. Could this be them?
His face entered the frame. He looked right through you as he adjusted his tie, folding his collar neatly over the fabric. He turned his head this way and that, checking his face for any imperfections. With one last breath, held in his chest, he nodded, and turned to leave.
That wasn’t… That wasn’t who you were waiting for.
Why haven’t you found me yet?
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biolizardboils · 2 years
its been 10 days since the movieversary but my CU hyperfixation's still going so heres another one of those Scattered Thoughts posts (minor movie spoilers!)
So i updated the playlist at treehouseblogsinc this week! Idek if Wikplayer still works for most people, but this streak’s five years long and i aint quittin yet! (Usually i just replace song links when they break, but this time i removed a song too cus the guy it references has been Bitch lately)
Speaking of, i did my semi-annual reread of the whole blog too and... man :’’’) Its still mind-blowing how many people played along (and got pissed at Melvin when he took over lmaooo). All the silly, sweet, and angry asks i got there still warm my heart to this day
You know what else i still do to this day? Draw things Pilkey-style! Sometimes i try to follow a rigid anatomy when i draw and feel stuck when it doesnt look right. When that happens, i step back and make a quick Pilk-ish sketch as a reminder to keep things loose. Works every time :)
Something i still love about the movie and the months leading up to it is how much of it felt like a grand... I dont wanna say joke, cus that kinda implies they didnt care when its obvious they truly did. Lets go with prank — it all felt like a grand prank! Like the decisions they made worked in the end, but were also super funny to read and hear about. Like oh my god, they rented Abbey Road Studios to record a choir playing kazoos and singing the word “underpants!” They got the biggest up-and-coming horror director to voice white-ass Melvin Sneedly. (Tho i guess now it can be argued that he’s white-passing in movie!verse, so thats cool)
My fave example of this is how they got Lil Yachty for the album. On one hand, whatever chunk of the limited budget they spent to get him probably could’ve been put to better use, like actually animating the Turbo Toilet fight or something? (While moving the Flip-O-Rama to another scene of course.) On the other hand, its hilarious that they got him to rap the word “cool” 15 times to a cover of Oh Yeah, and then didnt even put it in the movie. Its like George and Harold themselves wrote the stupidest lyrics possible just to see if he’d agree to them, and he did?? Thats comedy gold???
Why didnt i bookmark all the production stuff posted to Instagram. There was so much cool stuff i wanna see again but the search function there is still garbage and uuuughh
So i dont remember if it was production art or fanart but theres this one Instagram post i saw once thats lived in my head ever since. it looked like the cover of Action Comics #1, but with Captain carrying a school bus. If by some miracle somebody has it saved, please send it to me ill be forever in your debt
Im still scared of getting what’s coming to me when the Dog Man movie drops, but now im also wondering if theyll still have George and Harold as a framing device. Ngl i havent caught up with the new books in a hot minute, but ive heard that the boys have stopped appearing in them? if that’s true, that’s Dav’s choice and i have to respect that. ....but also i really wanna see them in CG again. pretty please dreamworks, i miss my sons so much
It mustve been a while since i last watched the movie, cus when i did on the 2nd, the Origin Issue sequence like... broke me all over again. i wrote about why its so great once for a thing that never got made actually, lemme dig that up and paste it in here
The score begins with chiptune and kazoos, two common motifs for childhood whimsy, and already a great fit for this sequence’s simple, handdrawn look. 
But it doesn’t stop there! It goes from what sounds like just two or three people playing kazoos… to a whole chorus of them… which gives way to a full-fledged orchestra. It’s as dramatic a transition as… oh, say, a one-man children’s book to an animated movie by one of the top studios in the industry.
And in turn, as the comic continues, we’re brought closer and closer to the panels until the white gutter between them vanishes, and they engulf the screen. The medium through which this story’s being told has faded from awareness; all that exists now is the story itself. 
But just as suddenly, we’re brought back to our true surroundings. The orchestral music ends, the chiptune returns for one last gentle sting, and we remember this epic tale’s humble origins: a comic book, written and drawn by two 4th graders. *sniff*
Another Score thing i love: you know how Captain is one big Superman parody? I think Shapiro mightve had that in mind when he composed his theme tune, because it starts with a triumphant first three notes (the “Underpaaaaants” part) — just like some of Superman’s! I dont know the right musical terms but cmon, theres a pattern there! And its so touching that they found Captain worthy of a song of that caliber!! Like yes, he IS a true superhero!! heres the epic theme song to prove it!!
Oh wow okay. So to dig up that Writing Thing, i had to open some folders i havent touched in years. And there were outlines for 10 different fanfics in there. I remember not really meaning to finish them ever, just writing them down cus the ideas wouldnt leave me alone. Hell i still dont have time to finish them now
But. Man now i feel bad for never doing anything with them. I have half a mind to post the outlines at least?? Cus someone out there might get a kick out of them?? You know what, if this hyperfixation doesnt peter out in another few days ill probably do it
Speaking of things i havent looked at in years, i listened to this song while typing all this and im tearing up now send post
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Closer - F.W
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader, inspired by the song ‘Closer’ by Nine Inch Nails
About: Fred and the reader decide to spice things up in the bedroom after he surprises her with a box full of fun.
Theme: dom!Fred sub!Reader, smut, smut and more smut.
Warnings: Heavy, filthy smut, BDSM, slapping, degrading, sex toys, fisting, rimming, and swearing.
You laid on the bed flicking through pictures of you and Fred from a Christmas party last year, putting them away on the bedside table, you noticed a white box poking out from the inside the wardrobe.
Walking over to it you picked up the box and brought it back on the bed, you sat down and pulled the red ribbon loose that kept the lid on. The label in the middle of the bow staring at you.
‘To my dearest Y/N. Love, Fred’
You told yourself to put the ribbon back on and put it back where you found it, but you were too intrigued. The curiosity spreading through your thoughts got the better of you.
Taking the lid off you blushed at the red tissue paper, hiding whatever lay underneath. Peeling back the paper your heart nearly stopped at the items staring back you.
Your face went hot and red, you felt like screaming out in excitement but you didn’t want Fred to find out what you had done.
Inside the box were an arrangement of BDSM related equipment: a black spanking paddle with red hearts dotted around the handle, vibrators, red hand cuffs that matched with a ankle spreader bar, a satin blindfold and a ball gag.
The items just kept coming and coming, each time you pulled one out another appeared, you could boil a kettle with the heat coming off your cheeks.
Hearing footsteps come up the stairs, you panicked and tried to put the items back into the box but Fred caught you red handed.
“Darling, I...” he spotted the box and his face flushed too “you already opened it”
You put the lid on and hurried trying to make a bow with the ribbon “I’m sorry it’s just, it was staring at me and I couldn’t stop myself from opening it!”
Fred tutted at you and pulled the box away. He took the lid off again and pulled out the items you had already had a good look at.
You noticed Fred getting erect, his cock poking through his trousers. He put the box back into the wardrobe and sat next to you on the bed.
You could feel your heart beat both in your chest and crotch, you would need to remove your clothes if you continued to heat up.
“You’ve been a very bad girl, opening that box.” His voice sounding gruff.
You swallowed hard “I said I was sorry”
Fred looked taken aback, a playful smile forming on his face. “Are you back chatting me now?”
“No, I—“
Fred unfastened his trousers and pulled his boxers down, his hard cock slapping against his stomach. He grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head down, forcing you to take him into your mouth.
You gagged as he tightened his grip on your hair, controlling you, bobbing your head up and down.
“Dirty fucking slut” he moaned out whilst face fucking you, getting harder just from watching you struggle taking in his full length.
You kept choking and Fred pulled you off him, and threw you face down onto the bed. He kicked off his trousers and boxers, and then his shirt. Fred stripped off your clothes with a simple swish and grabbed the hand cuffs, your hands behind your back he placed the cuffs around your wrists.
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
Fred shoved three of his long fingers inside of you, finger fucking you. You moaned out in pleasure.
“That feels so fucking good” you whined out.
Fred slapped your wet pussy in response, and turned you around. He put the same three fingers into your mouth, throat fucking you. Your juices spreading across your lips and mouth.
“Go on, taste yourself” Fred groaned out.
Your gagging causing more saliva to form in your mouth. Fred pulled his hand away and slapped you again, forcing you back down to swallow his cock.
He held your head down and refused to move, you couldn’t breathe and Fred took pleasure in that. Your hands still behind your back in the cuffs.
Pulling you away, you gasped out for air desperately as he went over to bed to get more items.
I broke apart my insides
(Help me) I've got no soul to sell
(Help me) the only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself
Fred grabbed the ball gag and placed it into your mouth, fastening it tightly at the back of your head so you couldn’t break free.
Fred also took a hold of the ankle spreader, your legs now open wide for him.
Laces of salvia streamed from your mouth, the cold air making you shiver. Fred grabbed you once more by the hair, turning you to face him he spat in your face and slapped you. “You’re worthless”
Dragging you over to his desk, bending you over it. Your tits feeling crushed against the hard wood. “So fucking helpless” Fred taunted you.
Fred grabbed the paddle and slapped your bare arse four times, he tossed it back on the bed and got onto his knees, he grabbed the vibrator turning it on and he pressed it against your clit.
You tried to moan out but found it hard due to the gag, your struggled muffles excited Fred. Taking away the vibrator he slapped your pussy making you jolt. “You’ll cum when I tell you to.”
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Fred spat in his hand and rubbed his spit against your entrance, without warning he slammed his dick inside of you, your mouth in agony from the force of the gag.
Fred grabbed the desk for support with one hand and held your head down with the other, your face on its side.
Fucking you senselessly, tears streamed down your face and your legs shook violently, wanting to close them but you couldn’t.
Your walls tightened around Fred, edging closer to your climax “hold back you bitch!” Fred moaned “don’t cum yet!”
Your messy and knotted hair stuck to your face, your tears acting like glue.
Fred continued to pound you senselessly, your eyes rolling back into your head, your muffled moans filling the room.
You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything
Fred could feel himself wanting to burst at any moment, he pulled out quickly “sorry about the stretch” he warned, getting on his knees he put four fingers inside of you and then his thumb.
Your moans got louder, adjusting to his fist inside of you. While fisting you, Fred’s tongue circled around your arsehole, the new sensation driving you off the edge.
you tear down my reason
(Help me) it's your sex I can smell
(Help me) you make me perfect
(Help me) become somebody else
Despite the degradation, the roughness and restraints, you and Fred felt so secure and safe, you were sharing your vulnerabilities with one another.
You were giving yourselves to one another in a whole new way, something you had never done before, something new for the both of you.
Your intimacy with Fred brought out a new confidence in him and you, within yourselves and one another.
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God
Fred slowly pulled out his fist and stopped rimming you, the saliva pooling from the ball gag made a puddle by your chin.
Fred removed the ankle spreader, your handcuffs and finally the ball gag. Your legs shaking and wanting to collapse as you were finally free from the spreader. Before you could stand up, Fred rubbed your face in the pool of saliva.
You whimpered from the pain caused by the gag, but feeling Fred push himself inside once again you took your mind off it very quickly.
“Fucking hell, Fred” you cried, with each slam.
“This is all you’re worth, you fucking whore” he groaned, picking up his pace.
You squeezed yourself around his cock on purpose, in response his rock hard cock throbbed inside of you.
“Fucking cum with me” Fred ordered.
Fred slammed into you, the two of you becoming exhausted and exasperated with the continuous edging.
Through every forest
Above the trees
Within my stomach
Scraped off my knees
I drink the honey
Inside your hive
You are the reason
I stay alive
Feeling the pit getting heavier in your stomach you let go, Fred releasing inside of you. As your legs gave out, Fred pulled out and stumbled back and you fell backwards onto the floor.
You laid on your back staring at the spinning ceiling catching your breath.
Sitting in front of Fred in the bath you felt light kisses peck upon your shoulders and lower neck, his fingers stroking your back.
“That was.. new... incredible” you croaked, your throat feeling sore from the finger and cock fucking.
You felt Fred smile against your skin “You’re incredible. You’re so fucking beautiful, love”
You laid back into his arms, the water splashing with you.
“You’re not a whore and you aren’t worthless.” Fred reassured you “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
You couldn’t help but giggle “I know Fred, and no you didn’t hurt me. It was just a bit let down that you didn’t use the blindfold.” You joked.
“We can make arrangements” Fred replied.
You smiled and wrapped his arm around you. “What a day”
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little-diable · 4 years
Kiss me goodnight - Jasper Hale Series Part 2
I hope you guys dig this as much as I do, enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: (Y/n) stumbles upon a stranger that seems awfully familiar to her, instantly entranced by his good looks and his accent, most parts are set in the 1950s in Philadelphia.
Thank you @playboysbunny​ for letting me discuss the idea of the series with you and thank you @savior-adriana​​ for listening to my rants about it. I love you. xxx
Disclaimer: I know as a history student I probably should stick to gender rules from that time, but for the sake of this story I changed a few details. Will eventually contain smut.
Part 1 Part 3
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She’d toss and turn that night, not getting any sleep, mind wandering back to the kiss she had shared with Jasper. Even though she had just met him a few hours ago, she felt strangely calm and protected with his arms around her, heart calling out to him, begging to never let go of her. Just as the sun appeared on the horizon, waking yet another day as most people were still fast asleep, (y/n) finally fell into a light slumber, dreaming of the man with golden eyes and those cold hands.
The sound of somebody impatiently knocking on her door echoed through her apartment, ripped her from the dream she was currently living through, drowsy eyes focused on her watch, it was late in the morning, almost midday as (y/n) crawled out of her bed, wrapping her morning robe around herself. 
“Jasper?”, a yawn spilled from her lips, eyes focused on his wet frame, raindrops glistened on his skin, suit completely drenched. “Seems like I can’t stop thinking about you darlin’”, he cleared his throat, taking off his hat, “may I?”.
He had been watching her from afar, not leaving the street once, hiding away in the darkness of the night, careful not to make any suspicious moves. 
She opened the door a bit wider for him, helping him out of his vest, not sparing the tingling of her fingers any mind, “coffee?”. The heavenly smell made her smile, carefully pouring the coffee into two mugs, placing one down in front of him, “I’m sorry for waking you”, he took a sip of the hot beverage, keeping a straight face, swallowing down the need to spit it out.
A content hum rumbled through her, eyes wandering towards the windows, rain was pouring down from the sky, a gloomy feeling overcame her, (y/n) didn’t like the rain, didn’t like hiding away in her apartment as she was waiting for the storm to pass. His golden eyes danced over her features, instantly focused on the uneasy feeling that settled in her bones, her heart felt heavy, though excited to be near him, the man she didn’t want to let go of.
“Go on and dress yourself, let me take you out of the city for the day”, Jaspers  fingers ghosted over hers, eyes moving down to her hand, how much he wanted to touch her, to pull her into his lap, lips moving against hers, to finally sink his fangs into her skin, tasting the sticky, red substance. 
“It’s raining”, (y/n) mumbled, visibly gulping, slowly she moved her hand towards Jasper, fingers meeting his, interlacing them, “don’t tell me you’re scared of a bit of rain, darlin’?”, his laugh made goosebumps appear on her skin, she felt oh so content around him, like she had finally found the home she had been looking for the past few years.
“You still hate the rain”, by now Renesmee was sitting in (y/n)s lap, cuddled against her aunt’s chest, playing with her silvery necklace, “I do”, she giggled as her eyes found Jaspers golden ones. “But, I’m glad it rained that day”, (y/n)’s compassionate voice made Jasper move closer to the two of them, pulling the pair into his embrace, “are you?”, he mumbled, arm slung around her waist. “Otherwise you probably wouldn’t have taken me on that trip, hiding away from the sun and I would have sat there, wondering if you’d ever show up on my doorstep”.
She sunk down further into the comfortable seats of his Cadillac, hands neatly folded in her lap, watching the rainy scenery pass by, singing the lyrics of the Elvis song that filled the car. “Tell me something about your family, about your hometown?”, (y/n) turned her head towards him, hanging onto every word he spoke, twisting his story around, though he kept true to some details, like his mother, his friends and the Cullens who he’d cross paths with from time to time.
“Washington?”, (y/n) had always wanted to travel around the country, to pack her bags and leave her old life behind, like she’d read in those old stories her mother would keep in her library, but being a woman on her own came with its disadvantages. 
He furrowed his eyebrows together as he parked his car in front of a diner, eyes finding a small, familiar frame through the windows. (Y/n) followed his gaze, taking in the sight of the tiny woman that kept staring at the cup in her hand, as if she was waiting for something, or rather someone.
Renesmee tugged on (y/n)s sleeve, “aunt Alice, right?”, the child excitedly shifted around in (y/n)s lap, biting down another yawn that would spill from her lips any moment now. (Y/n) pressed a kiss to her forehead, mumbling a small “yes”, with a frown gracing her features she slipped back into the memory, the heartbreak from that night still stuck with her.
Like the gentleman he was, Jasper opened the door for (y/n), hand placed on the small of her back, tugging her into the diner, making his way towards Alice. “Jasper”, she jumped out of her seat, arms wrapped around his frame, pressing herself against his chest, “I was waiting for you”, her golden eyes met (y/e/c)’s uncertain ones, pulling her in for a hug. “I’m Alice, Alice Cullen”.
(Y/n) tried to force a kind smile onto her lips, placing herself down besides Jasper, smiling at the waiter that brought them two cups of coffee, eyes tracing back to Alice’s small frame. “We need you Jasper”, it was just above a whisper, but enough to make a lump form in (y/n)s throat, wondering why his friends would need him, would he leave her? Just as they’d grow closer, already cutting their time short?
It seemed like the two of them were having a silent conversation, eyes hooked on one another, backs stiff, “I can’t leave like that”, just for a glimpse of a moment he turned his eyes towards (y/n), “I can’t Alice”. But it seemed as if Alice wouldn’t let him argue with her, she was set on taking her friend back to Washington, they’d need his help, wouldn’t be able to fight against the Volturi on their own, at least not again.
A sigh left Jasper, hand combing through his locks, “alright, I’ll be on my way tomorrow morning”. (Y/n)s heart was breaking with every word he spoke, feeling rather pathetic, she had only just met him, but it felt like he had been there her whole life, protecting her with every step she took, always by her side to pull her through, just another trick her mind was playing on her.
Alice nodded her head yes, “I’ll see you soon”, her eyes found (y/n)s, as if she was speaking to her, not to the man (y/n) slowly but surely was falling for. She left the two behind, trusting Jasper, he’d make his way back, he wouldn’t have no other choice. 
“I’m sorry”, he almost whimpered, turning towards (y/n), taking her hand in his, “I’ll be back before you’ll know it”, Jasper tried to smile at her, but the sadness her eyes carried was enough to make his dead heart break apart. “Take me home please”, she needed to clear her head, to get some distance between them, even though her heart was telling her not to.
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damienthepious · 3 years
this bitch a long one. this week’s other LKT offering! horny yearning via lyrically specific music.
heart beats best (the playlist)
[spotify] [the actual fic]
01. Showyourself - Montaigne // 02. Do I Wanna Know? - CHVRCHES // 03. Stay With Me - Better Love // 04. Crane Your Neck - Lady Lamb // 05. Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet // 06. No Face - Haley Heynderickx // 07. Monster - dodie // 08. Drive Slow - ADDIE // 09. The Thunder Answered Back - Gabby’s World // 10. Mezzanine - Lady Lamb // 11. The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives // 12. Company - Daisy the Great // 13. Distractions - Wild Painting // 14. R U Mine? - Ratwyfe // 15. Choices - To Kill A King // 16. 1996 - Wild Child // 17. Honeydew - Small Talks // 18. Lost - Liza Anne // 19. Waiting on a Ghost - Left at London // 20. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers // 21. Rearview - Beach Bunny // 22. Vacation Home - Whitehall // 23. You Are the Apple - Lady Lamb // 24. Baby No More (acoustic) - Anjimile // 25. Things We Never Say - Bad Bad Hat // 26. midnight love - girl in red // 27. Please You - Montaigne // 28. His Hands - Blegh // 29. Bottles - Little Image
[lyrics breakdown under the cut because i’m! a disaster. and this is a long ass playlist and i have thoughts about every single song. i think i was kidding myself to think this would be less effort than just Writing. Subject to future change when i find yet more songs that suit this frickin story. there’s lots!!!]
01. Showyourself - Montaigne - Show yourself, shadow, I'm lonely / Show yourself / I don't know how to take care of me alone
02. Do I Wanna Know? - CHVRCHES - So have you got the guts? / Been wondering if your heart's still open / And if so, I wanna know what time it shuts / Simmer down and pucker up / I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just I'm constantly on the cusp / Of trying to kiss you / And I don't know if you feel the same as I do / We could be together if you wanted to
03. Stay With Me - Better Love - Come stay with me another night / Don't overthink / Oh, I know I just met you / But you're clouding all my dreams / Go on and set me free / I wanna see you tomorrow / Are you thinking of me?
04. Crane Your Neck - Lady Lamb - We ripped off all our clothes and this included all our jewelry / And we ran hand in hand back when you brought out the beast in me / The parts that are dormant, I wish to set them free / And in the clarity of this night I make myself believe I can sleep easily alone
05. Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet - I don't know what compels me / To do the very thing that fells me / I wake up, still high on you / But by the night, I'm crashing through, so
06. No Face - Haley Heynderickx - Tell me what's wrong here / Is it the bridge of my nose / Or the backs of my skin / Is it the pull of my hips / That you couldn't let in
07. Monster - dodie - So maybe I will talk to you / The only way I know how to / Mhm, you've said your speech / Mhm, through sharpened teeth / You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin
08. Drive Slow - ADDIE - The rush that I feel when / Our hands are intertwined / We're always together / It kills me that you aren't mine
09. The Thunder Answered Back - Gabby’s World - So here I sit, I've come to rest some weight upon your little chest / You free-for-all, you wrecking ball / Hovering next to your bed, to lay waste to your healthy head / You spider web, you dance of death
10. Mezzanine - Lady Lamb - How I ache, I ache in the pit of me / I awake, awake with this fear in me / How it makes, makes a fool out of me / With its knife how it carves the seeds out of my heart / For to plant in the soil for to feast 
11. The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives - We could have been anywhere, anywhere else / Instead I made a bed with apathy / My heart knew the weight / Ten years worth of dust and neglect / We made our peace with weariness / And let it be
12. Company - Daisy the Great - Tell me the truth if the truth means I'm better / Than I am in my head (I am in my head) / I hate what I want because I can't have it / I want your company
13. Distractions - Wild Painting - I'm here lyin next to you / In my mind, you're all that I really want / Claws and the marks on my favorite shirt / Got me feeling the motions, I didn't know / I had for you, you thought you knew / But you didn't / And I didn't at all
14. R U Mine? - Ratwyfe - Looking into your moonlit eyes / You look so enchanting tonight / I get scared when I see your face / ‘Cause I don’t know why you would ever stay
15. Choices - To Kill A King - He's on your doorstep / He's laden with flowers / This garden is freezing, teasing / You're leaving me for hours
16. 1996 - Wild Child - Sometimes it's more than I can take / I try to hold on 'cause I always run away / Just want to see you at the end of every day / Guess if I lose, I'll love you anyways
17. Honeydew - Small Talks - Honeydew / Don’t take it personal cause I love you too / But not the way you want me / I adore you, but not the way you want me to
18. Lost - Liza Anne - I'll be lost if I love him, lost if I won't / And I can't muster up the courage to say it's best that I leave / I can't muster up much of anything when I'm feeling you breathe
19. Waiting on a Ghost - Left at London - I was in love, I couldn't stand you / I could move on, I never planned to / Now I'm in the kitchen just making a meal you won't eat / And cooking exhausts me but I thought I'd try to be sweet
20. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers - You couldn't have / Stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody / Who loves you more / So I will wait for the next time you want me / Like a dog with a bird at your door  
21. Rearview - Beach Bunny - Underneath all apathy / You're woven into my tapestry / Did you ever love me at all? / Sometimes I start to lose control
22. Vacation Home - Whitehall - Sometimes, I feel like I'm a house / By the shore, oh I don't wanna be / Some kind of resort for you when you get bored / You know me, I'd rather be / Some place where you can feel happy
23. You Are the Apple - Lady Lamb - You devoured my heart / You devoured my heart like it was strawberry cake at a birthday celebration / But I still need your love / I still need your love / I need your love / I need your love / Yeah, yeah, yeah / I still need your teeth around my organs
24. Baby No More (acoustic) - Anjimile - Am I / Not supposed to hurt you? / Am I / Not supposed to make you cry? / Damn, I / I just don't know good loving / The right way
25. Things We Never Say - Bad Bad Hat - Wish I knew what you were thinking when you kissed me on the floor / But I’m not sorry that I let you, or that we did this whole thing wrong / And I never say I love you, but I meant it all along
26. midnight love - girl in red - I hope that the right time one day arrives / So I'll be willing to let this die / Able to look you right in the eyes / Say I'm not your consolation prize
27. Please You - Montaigne - I'm going to sit here in the dark / And hope one day I make my mark on you, it's all I long to do / I belong to me and to my heart / I hope one day that I can stop, can stop, can stop / Trying to please you
28. His Hands - Blegh - You're too real for me / You should go to something better / I'll give you to someone better / I have friends that'll be on earth for longer / I have friends that won't feel like monsters
29. Bottles - Little Image - I loved you, I loved you / Woah-oh / Did you love me? Did you ever love me? // Or anything anymore? / You bottle your love so tightly
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werezmastarbucks · 3 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 2851
warnings: mentions of parental abuse
music: damsel in distress by neck deep, beautiful stranger by halsey
You did shots that night.
Xenia has been one of the stops on your ridiculously meticulous search through Ohio. One mention that one of Kai’s grandmothers might be buried here somewhere, and that she was a siphoner, too, which is a rare, and you stopped in Xenia, digging up every inch of the earth.
In fact, at some point, as you lived on in this weird world, systematic search has grown into a kind of manic entertainment.
You took everything to extremes. Searching for the grave, that might have answers and magical solutions, you basically unearthed the whole cemetery, because Kai said that maybe somebody wanted to hide his nana’s body, because she was a shameful accident, being a siphoner and all that. And that random guess got stuck in your heads, turning you into paranoid diggers. Really, you were just keeping yourselves busy. Doing the things you would never normally do in your usual life. Why would you walk around a town, digging the ground randomly, and putting so much effort in it? After a couple of days of incredible stamina fueled work, Xenia looked like it’s been ravaged by gigantic moles. Then Parker remembered. She has never been to Xenia, she lived, and died in Cincinnati.
And that’s why you were doing shots.
You invented a reverse never have I ever game which was called nobody has ever. The point was to think of all the things other people never did for you, and the luckier one had to drink, but obviously, pretty soon the game turned dark.
You found this nice house on the Creek Green Street that overlooked an old alley with a post office that must have been about sevety years old. You wondered how it survived the tornado.
The kitchen was big, and the table, square and made of very thick, nice looking wood, consumed the soft golden lights of the evening. Although your shoulders were hurting you almost to the point of whining, since no matter how many days you dug, your body wouldn’t get stronger, you made a salad. Kai cooked up a myriad of snacks, and they were all piling up on the table in a colorful, tasty mess. It felt like you were both drunk from work and the absurdity of your chore even before you opened up the bottle.
“Nobody has ever”, he said, narrowing his eyes, “hit me in the throat with a tennis ball”.
You shook your head slowly. The shots rested on the table. You were leaning against the table, one foot under you, and listened to music and your joints singing the mournful song of pain. Kai was rubbing his chin musingly. Days in Xenia were very warm - unlike in all other towns. That was amazing to you. Without the people, and the hurry, you could concentrate on the world itself and actually found every location had its own smell, temperature, color. Once you got out, you’d never be the same.
“Nobody has ever cut my hair while I was sleeping”.
Kai nodded responsibly and downed his shot. You raised your brows.
“Oh, I was way too agitated, and never liked scissors near my face. Mom always cut my hair while I was asleep. I was ugly when I was little. One more reason”, he shrugged, “to be hating on lil Malachai”.
You hummed.
“Nobody has ever said they loved me”, he continued, gravely.
Air got stuck in your throat.
You swayed in your place.
“Come on. Not ever?”
You took your shot and thought, who actually said that to you, except your mother. People usually said it in a friendly way. You couldn’t count how many times Elena said she loved you, and it didn’t mean much at the end of the day.
“Not even in a casual way, like, oh my god, you like Metallica, too? I love you!”
Kai chuckled.
“I don’t like Metallica”.
“Jesus. Okay. You wanna go hardcore. Nobody has ever chose me over everything and everybody else”, you offered.
Kai smirked and took his shot, and then reached for the bottle again.
“How? How come? And they never said they love you? Who?”
“I have learnt to manipulate people into choosing me over everything else. That’s how I keep sane, ha”, he noted. You frowned.
“Who was it?”
He looked at you with surprise.
“You. You chose me over everything else in your life when you decided to spend an eternity here with me. That was pretty nice of you. Cheers”, and he drunk again, forgetting he had already done his shot. You could feel the blood flowing to your face.
“I did it because I thought Damon would stop. I didn’t expect him to send me here”.
Kai shrugged, as if saying, it wasn’t really his problem Damon was a piece of shit.
“And why did you mainpulate me into it?”
Bold of him to assume he had manipulated you into liking him, but his way of thinking is different.
“Because I like you. I wanted you to stick with me. You’re the only person who doesn’t make me feel like a burden”, he replied with a lot of importance. He was a little tipsy.
You sighed heavily.
“Nobody has ever buried me under the ground in a drain pipe”, he ogled.
He grinned as you drank.
“By the way, after that, when I made a scene (because I was sixteen) about Damon not killing the love of his life over me, Katherine called me a delusional teenager. God I hate that bitch”.
“Katherine Pierce never infuriated me because I never met her”, he put it.
“It’s not your turn”, but you drank anyway, “Nobody has ever called me an abomination”.
He saluted you with his shot.
“Nobody has ever made me his door boy”.
“Nobody has ever took away my natural right of being the leader of my coven”.
Your right shoulder stang you with annoying pain, and you glanced at the clock. Midnight would come in a couple of minutes. You always started drinking just before midnight because the change of the day brought you back to sobriety, and you could go on and drink the same amount again without feeling bad in the morning.
As the midnight struck, you suddenly found yourself sitting so close to Kai your foreheads were touching.
You both straightened up and looked at the time. He stretched his neck.
“Were we drunk-confessing our mutual respect for each other?” you asked.
“Think so”, he pulled a bowl of salad to himself and started eating, without forgetting to fill the shots again.
“Happy birthday”.
You clincked your tiny glasses together, and the game went on.
“Nobody has ever cooked for me”, he said.
You downed your shot thinking about how fabulous it is, to have your own chef who is also in love with you.
At the same second, you wondered if he has ever thought about poisoning you, just for the sake of it.
“I have hard time believing it. You’ve made it to twenty-two, which meant your parents cooked for you”.
“We had lots of kids in the house. We always had to eat all together”, Kai shook his head, “if you were late to the table, you had to starve. Besides, I started cooking for myself pretty early”.
“Okay. Nobody has ever locked me up in the basement”.
He was so good at this game, taking his losing drinks like a champ, like a very diligent student. As his adam’s apple went down, you gasped.
“Oh, wait. Spit it out! Spit it out. I recalled. I’ve been locked up in basements plenty of times, it was just... more like... a dungeon”.
“In the Salvatore house?” he asked, displeased.
“Yeah. And once, in the Lockwood mansion. Damon was raging then. We got stuck and...”
You licked your lips and shut up, seeing the familiar irritated spark in his eyes. Kai hated Damon at this point; for sending him away; for being not his type of person; but most importantly, for the fact you still lingered on the memories of him.
Gradually, you started running out of ideas, drunk again, and it was barely past one in the morning.
Kai at least was constantly eating, while you just drank, so you now had a hard time focusing on one thing, your thoughts drifting apart like ripples on the water. You looked at his white wrists, his knees hopping lightly as he bounced to the music, and tried to think of something.
“Nobody has ever... ever...” you puffed. Kai smiled. “Ever stood over me at night, watching me sleep”.
“Yes, I have”.
You didn’t get it at first.
“I have”, he repeated.
“Oh, you mean... of course, I mean, back in the outer world”.
He nodded, like it was just a tiny misunderstanding about the size of a cheesburger he’s ordering.
“Oh, yeah, yeah. I was in your house at night before we got here”.
“What?!” you snapped.
All your body moved you towards him to slap him on the head, but out of instinct, the unkillable, fundamental instinct that kicked in when he was around, you took his head, let your palms slide down to his neck, as you hugged him.
“Kai, why would you do that?”
“I don’t know, I just wanted to see what you look like when you’re not around me”, he said simply. You could feel his mouth moving against your hair close to your ear. “What you look like when you stare at yourself in the mirror. What you do when nobody’s watching”.
You shut your eyes with embarrassment, your brain trying to recall all the things you did alone back in your house one hundred years ago.
“Oh god...”
“What you smell like when you’re just out of shower. You know, stuff like that”.
“God, this is so embarrassing”.
He laughed out with amusement.
You pulled away and took his head, covering his ears with your plams. His face swayed in front of you a little, as you muttered,
“You have to promise me something, Parker”.
“Okay”, he said carefully.
He could’ve said, of course! because you knew him. You knew how he pretends to be this enthusiastic person. Who is only serving you. But he was real right then, at that moment, looking you in your drunk eye, really considering what you’re about to ask. He could’ve said of course! and not mean it. But he said okay, ruffling up like a ferret, and you loved him at that moment.
“Once we get out, don’t stalk other girls”.
His face moved with laughter he contained inside.
“Why would I do that?”
You thought of that wretched universe full of good-looking girls, and all their different shapes and colors, the way they smell and how gracious they are, and felt scared of losing him for the first time.
“They’re all so pretty, and I... just don’t. Do whatever you can to...”
“You don’t think you’re pretty?” he asked in his are you dumb tone. “You’re a solid eight”.
You have lived enough to feel all kinds of wonders when intoxicated. You’ve sang, blacked out, stumbled, yelled, fought and slept when drunk, and now the very logical reaction followed, which you have also experienced many times.
You started sobbing.
“Eight”, you put your hand to your face, cradling yourself, and consoling yourself immediately.
Kai’s face went almost pale with shock. Then he started giggling uncontrollably, reaching his arms for you.
“I’m joking! Hey, I’m joking”.
He couldn’t start laughing.
“What are you upset about? I’m just fooling with you”.
“I’ve always been an eight!” you cried out, suddenly.
“For your information, eight is fantastic!”
“Katherine has always been a ten”, you finished solemnly, drowning in the pleasure of digging into your deepest wells of insecurity.
Kai froze.
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about Damon right now. I swear to fuck, I’ll break your neck”.
You tilted your head miserably, letting the tears stream down your face in a dramatic fashion.
“Damon has made me think that I’m a fool for ever thinking somebody can be into me”, you said quietly. You could feel his hand on the base of your neck. As your hot tears dripped down, heating the perfume on your skin, his grab tightened lightly. He didn’t know how to hold tenderly, it was always half-clutching with Kai. With time, you came to realize it was so reassuring you felt the safest when his hands were around your throat. Whether it was playful or menacing depended on his mood.
“Let me rain on your self-pitying parade”, he murmured, “okay? My parents made me think I didn’t deserve to breathe even. Pretty natural, don’t you think? Everyone has their right to have air in their lungs”.
You looked at him. Kai was being serious. You wiped your cheek with the back of your hand, and his face softened a little.
“But my dad decided I wasn’t worth even that”.
“What are you saying?”
“Once I was sitting in the bath, when I was about five. That was the time you start getting your magic and learn how to control it. That was the time the whole coven found out I don’t have it. That Jo is useless, too, because I’m a siphoner. So one night, when I was in the bath”, he repeated, like he was trying to hypnotize you, “he came in, and...” he looked away, blinking several times. “I remember, he was wearing this dark green shirt. Green is the color of the coven. He held my head under water”.
There was a short break between two songs, and when the next one came in, blasting sounds, you shivered uncomfortably.
“He decided he’d spare himself and everybody else the headache. That’s why I don’t like water much and barely ever go near it. And now you taught me how to swim”.
“How did you survive?” you whispered.
“My mom barged in and pulled him away. I don’t know how she knew. Maybe it was her motherly instinct. She used to have that one for me long time ago”.
The tears welled up on you, pressure pushing on the sides of your skull. You took him, kissing his face, kissing his mouth, as Kai leaned in, quiet, and just let you dote on him. You held him tight, trying to kiss the memories out, begging him to forget.
“I’m okay. Hey, I’m fine. It was a long time ago, and he’s dead. And I’m alive. And I have you”.
You were so drunk, falling apart at the seams like a badly sewn jacket, that he had to hold you so that you didn’t fall off the chair. Hangover was guaranteed.
“Let’s just go... let’s go to bed”, you whispered, your face against his. “You can do whatever you want”.
Kai smiled. His eyes glinted in a familiar way. This kitchen, the house, it all grew on you. The way he held you, you didn’t even know if your feet touched the floor.
“Whatever I want?” he asked.
“Whatever you want”, you echoed.
He put your body onto the couch, and you could feel he moves your limbs a little, and then the weight of his body was next to you.
Fifteen minutes later, you pulled the covers down, and turned towards the light, and saw the TV shining through the blackness of the room.
Kai was watching Lethal Weapon on VHS and cuddling against you.
You inhaled, feeling he room spinning. The light stang your eyes, so you rolled back away and pressed your face into him, into the darkness.
The next time you woke up it was already dark.
You moved a little just to know where you are, and indicated his arms around you. Comfort settled down immediately, but the insane temperatures of his dozing body was too much, so you tried to kick the cover down to your feet. Kai lifted one of his arms unwillingly. It was still deep dark outside the window, and the old post office must have been standing there in complete fright.
“How many parts have you watched?”
“Three”, he said sleepily. You considered whether you were thirsty enough to try and go to the kitchen. Decided it wasn’t worth it. Your face felt a bit swollen with tears, but you felt comfortably tired. You wouldn’t leave this couch even if somebody lit it on fire.
“It’s not true, by the way”, he said.
“My dad never tried to drown me”.
You rolled your eyes without opening them up.
“I made it up, I was just trying to make you feel better”.
“You moron. You unbelievable moron, you...”
“You really have to stop calling me names, it hurts”.
“Douchebag. Why... Kai, you told me you weren’t a liar”.
He did something resembling a shrug. You felt his knee between yours, and slid your arm onto his back.
“You made me a liar. You’re changing me”, he mumbled, “I’m changing here with you. I can feel it”.
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mybiasisexo · 4 years
Genre: Angst | Highschool!au
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Length: 3.6k
Warning: Language | Unfinished 
Summary: Your high school sweetheart left you... while still in high school. Cradling a heartache like this is difficult, but you are able to confide in an unlikely student who is just, if not more, broken than you are. Based on the song Desperado by Rihanna. 
Author’s Note: This was going to be the first Sehun scenario I posted but idk I kinda just lost interest in it. I plan on finishing it, I swear! Also, this orange hair??? God tier!!!!! BRING IT BACK!!!!
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Heartache is never easy.
Especially when it is still fresh.
A sigh escapes your mouth as you squint up at the ominous building. Already the cacophonies of voices swim around you like the wind, sending a sharp chill down your spine. You can do this, you remind yourself. You have before.
You rush through the doors and scan the crowded hall. You missed school the day before and now need an assignment for your calculus class. The first person you find that you share said class with makes you cringe—it is Oh Sehun. You bite your lip; contemplating whether going up to him is even worth the effort, but you really need that assignment, so you give yourself a pep talk as you make your way towards the tall young man.
He’s at his locker, lazily spinning the lock back and forth as you approach him. “Um, Oh Sehun?”
His head slants over to your direction, dark eyes piercing.
“Yeah?” He asks nonchalantly, popping the lock and opening the metal door.
“I, uh, was wondering if you could fill me in on the calculus assignment from yesterday? I missed it.” You hate how soft spoken you sound, but you realize that’s the only way you talk on campus now.
“We have Calc together?” He wonders. You nod quickly and he shrugs. “Never seen you in there before.”
You pout slightly but dismiss his comment, not taking it personally. Oh Sehun never really notices anything anymore, apparently.
“Well,” You continue awkwardly. “We do. So, do you have the assignment?”
He digs through his locker, ignoring your presence, but you remain standing there, pride holding you prisoner. As you wait for him to do something, your head turns on its own accord across the hall. There you see a familiar man leaning against his locker with a pretty girl pressed against him. The pair giggle and share a sweet kiss.
Byun Baekhyun.
This man once held your heart. Unfortunately for you, he decided to crush it into nothing but powder without any warning. 
For two and a half years he was your world. The two of you were deemed the Odd Pair because you came from different worlds, but somehow you both made it work.
He was the popular, smart, rich kid that everyone knew would own his own multimillion dollar business someday, and you were the quiet girl nobody seemed to notice.
But Baekhyun noticed you.
You and Baekhyun had been making plans for the future. Talking about colleges and whether to get an apartment together and the closest bus stops near campuses. Now there is nothing ahead of you. Baekhyun snatched your future and gave it to somebody else and now there is nowhere for you to go.
You are stuck.
Your breath catches in your throat and you try to focus back on Sehun, but your eyes are stuck like glue to the pair. The man cups the girl’s chin, thumb rubbing the flesh tenderly, and you feel the ghost of the familiar action on your own skin. Their happy faces blur, unshed tears obstructing your vision. You don’t try to blink the water back; knowing the fall of droplets will expose your weakness.
You vaguely register paper rustling and a pressure on your hand and your vision clears. You inhale sharply, like you’ve broken the surface of the ocean and notice the math assignment in your hands.
Sehun is watching you intently, you can feel it and when you dare to meet his stare you both stay like that for a long moment—having a silent conversation you are too terrified to actually interpret. Finally, he makes a noise in the back of his throat and closes his locker.
“Tough break,” he murmurs, throwing a strap of his backpack on a shoulder before spinning away, blending in with the rest of the school population.
“You would know,” you reply quietly to yourself, wiping the moisture from under your eyes.
You notice Oh Sehun quite a bit after the day at his locker. Notice him walking in the halls, somewhat aimlessly, taking his time. Notice him grab his lunch in the cafeteria and leave with it, never sitting with the rest of the students. Notice him in your shared calculus class, never interacting with anyone and always acing the tests. Notice him in the school parking lot, leaning against a rusty Monte Carlo as he puffs on a cigarette.
You notice how he is always alone.
He doesn’t interact with anyone. He never even seems to notice anyone else. He walks with his head held high, but his eyes glazed over, as if he’s going through the motions.
You notice how much he resembles yourself.
You have one class with Baekhyun—History, ironically—and decide that today you can’t do it.
So you skip it. 
It is stupid and reckless and the first time you have ever in your entire academic career done it, but you refuse to watch them act all lovey dovey. 
There’s only so much your crumpled heart can take.
You stealthily make your way down the stairs that lead to the gym but pause once you notice someone sitting at the bottom steps. You easily recognize the tall frame and wild bright orange hair and carefully slide to the bottom. Once your feet land on the last step, you find yourself sitting beside him for some reason, making sure to keep some feet between the two of you.
“Hey,” you greet nervously.
He only nods in acknowledgement.
You sit there silently staring ahead at nothing for five minutes. The whole time you fight with yourself, wondering why you are even sitting there in the first place, but you can’t deny how comfortable if feels. Especially the silence, it is well needed.
Finally, Sehun leans back against the giant banister and faces you. “So, how are you feeling?”
The question catches you off guard and your body jerks around to face him clearly. His sharp features are unreadable, but his eyes seem bright, the dark chocolate brown melting and twirling in what appears to be concern.
“I—I…It still hurts,” you stutter, still shocked by his sympathy.
“It gets better,” Sehun informs you in a quiet tone. He avoids your teary gaze, finding solace in watching his fingers knot together. “It might not feel like it right now, but it will.”
Oh Sehun.
Your Junior year Sehun was a bright friendly kid. He was a part of the male dance team and was dating the third most popular girl in school, Lee Hyunhee. The two appeared to be in love—at least, Sehun was genuinely head over heels. Baekhyun’s crowd somehow blended with Sehun’s—you assume populars stick with populars no matter what clique—so you had hung out with the pair a few times, although you wouldn’t have called Sehun a friend. You remember him being happy. 
But Hyunhee broke his heart.
Cheated on him with one of his ‘friends’ on the team and then had the gull to get angry with him once he found out. She broke up with him in front of the entire school, in the busiest hallway, and stormed off with his friend in tow.
You caught the entire fiasco. Watched as Sehun ran away as if someone were chasing him, all while gripping tightly to Baekhyun’s hand.
Now you held a similar pain.
Summer came soon after and once school started again he was different.
He was a loner. He didn’t address anyone, didn’t acknowledge anyone. He never talked and didn’t rejoin the dance team.
He became invisible.
“You really need to go to class,” Sehun softly scolds you as he watches you make your way beside him on the stairs.
You haven’t returned to your history class for a week now. Instead, you have been joining Sehun at the gym staircase.
Despite his statement, he scoots over a little, allowing you room on the step he was residing on.
“I can say the same to you,” you reply. He shakes his head in disbelief but you’re pretty sure you catch a small grin on his lips. “I brought us something.”
You yank your backpack onto your lap and rummage through it until you find the gift. Pulling out a brown paper bag, you hand it to Sehun who takes it graciously.
He peeks inside and pouts immediately. You can’t help but to be entranced by his eyebrows bunching together.
“It’s crushed,” he whines, pulling out the giant yet flat cinnamon roll you bought. 
You roll your eyes and snatch the dessert from his grasp. “It’s been in my bag all day.”
Taking a bite, you lean back on the stairs. “It still tastes delicious.”
Sehun sighs and you feel his fingers break off a piece. You study him as he chews thoughtfully.
“I guess you’re right,” he allows with a shrug. He then leans forward and takes a giant bite right from your hand.
“Ew!” You squeal, laughing loudly from his antics. He doesn’t join in though, just continues chewing with a look of content. 
Slowly. Slowly you and Sehun have been getting closer. You wouldn’t say you are friends just yet, but you are definitely more than acquaintances. 
You see yourself in him and you believe he sees the same in you. Both have felt heartache like no other, both of you have to look at the person who broke your heart everyday, both of you are still attempting to heal.
But now neither of you has to do it alone.
“Sit with me at lunch,” you say to a busy looking Sehun in your calculus class.
He scoffs, not taking his eyes off the sheet he’s finishing.
“Sehun,” you whine. “You never sit in the cafeteria.”
“Yeah because I hate it in there,” he murmurs.
You sigh dejectedly. 
“You can join me though,” he offers nonchalantly.
You blink up at him. “Really?”
He sits up slowly and finally glances down at you. His face is as unreadable as always, but his eyes are a dead giveaway to you, and now they sparkle with excitement.
“Yeah. I mean, why not?”
“Okay!” You agree quickly, a huge smile on your face. Sehun scoffs again at your reaction, but he doesn’t look away.
The two of you make your way towards the cafeteria. Sehun’s long lanky legs carries him a few steps ahead, and you’re sure he’s doing it on purpose, to keep eyes off of you both. You bring the book you’re carrying closer to your chest, trying as hard as you can to not draw attention to yourself, to stop your heart from beating any faster than it already is.
You can admit you’re excited. Sehun is slowly opening up to you and you feel honored that out of all the people he could do that to, he has chosen you. 
You glance up quickly and, of course, just so happen to lock eyes with Baekhyun. He’s talking to his close friend Kim Jongdae. His sentence carries as your eyes remain locked, but he quickly shakes off whatever it is he is thinking and continues with his conversation. You quicken your pace so that you’re closer to Sehun. He feels it and peeks over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow but you ignore it as the pair of you enter the cafeteria and join the line.
It’s silent as you grab your food and take Sehun’s lead to, unsurprisingly—although a tad disappointing—the staircase.
“So is this our staircase now?” You ask with your mouth full of food.
He starts coughing, choking on the bite he just took and you quickly pat his back and hand him his water. He chugs it empty and then pins you with his dark glare, eyebrows seeming sharper with his intense stare.
“I always eat here.”
You raise your hands in defeat. “But now I’m eating here too.”
“That doesn’t make it ‘ours’. I found it first.”
“And I found it second,” you shrug; enjoying the reaction you’re getting out of Sehun.
He glares at you again and you chuckle softly.
“Are you okay?” He asks, changing the subject.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Baekhyun.” His name alone causes your blood to run cold. “I saw him look at you on our way to lunch. Are you okay?”
“I….” Your heart is racing, but it is less because of Baekhyun and more because of Sehun’s concern for you. “I’m fine… now.”
“Oh.” Sehun blinks in surprise before facing away from you awkwardly. “Well, that’s good…then.”
The pair of you continue eating in a somewhat awkward silence for a chunk of time before Sehun is calling your name.
You turn towards him. He’s still facing forward as he clears his throat. “You know, you can…well, we can come here to eat lunch. That way you won’t feel the need to keep skipping history. I know you’re getting behind.”
You suppress a grin. “I’d like that, Sehun. Thank you.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He shrugs, eating again.
Time is going by and you’re finding yourself gradually getting over Byun Baekhyun. You deny the cause having to do with spending a lot of time sitting on stairs, that surely has nothing to do with you moving on. You’re relieved all the same, the stinging in your heart now a mute thud from time to time. School no longer is a chore to you—something you have to just endure. You find yourself actually looking forward to it, looking forward to him.
Your friend, Oh Sehun.
It’s mildly hilarious how in the span of a couple months you have grown rather close to the tall young man. You’ve seen sides of him you doubt most have in years and his odd charms draw you in like a spell.
That being said, you can’t find it within yourself to truly like him romantically. There is no denying Baekhyun took something from you when he left. Made you hard, and you are afraid to let anyone else get that close. Afraid of trusting someone just for them to turn on you without any remorse. 
And you know Sehun feels the same way.
Because there are times when his stare lingers a little longer than appropriate. Times when he accidentally slips and says something that makes you lose your breath. Times when he moves his body so close to yours you think you might burst into flames. 
But he always pulls back.
The reality is Sehun is just as broken emotionally as you—if not more. He never talks about Lee Hyunhee, and you’re too nervous to bring her up. There is this unspoken rule between the two of you that she is off limits in conversation. It’s as if you’ve built your wall out of wood and Sehun out of concrete, there is just no getting to him.
But that’s what makes the relationship work, the fact that you both understand that and try your best to help the other.
Isn’t it amazing how healing friendship is?
Not to mention refreshing. Having someone around who gets exactly where you’re coming from without any judgment is a welcoming feeling, something you lacked in your life. You are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s because Sehun is guiding you.
You just hope you’re doing the same for him.
Okay so yeah, you’re getting over Baekhyun, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t still feel some type of way watching him and his girlfriend being all mushy in your shared class with no regard of who may or may not be watching.
They sit directly in front of you and have been touchy since class started and you can’t take it any longer so you ask to go to the bathroom.
While wandering the empty halls, you consider skipping all together, but know Sehun would rip you a new one so you just continue to the bathroom. 
On the way back you hear some voices and pause.
One of them sounds like Sehun.
“I saw you with her.” The other voice, a female, says coldly.
There is a scoff as a reply and now you know that’s Sehun.
“So what if you did?” He snaps. “It’s none of your business who I hang out with. It hasn’t been for a year.”
“So I can’t be concerned for you?” She counters. The question confuses you. Who is Sehun talking to? “Sehun, I still care for you no matter what happened in the past.”
“You never cared about me, Hyunhee!” Hearing her name is like having a bucket of ice cold water poured over your head. “You broke my fucking heart! Someone who cares about someone doesn’t do that!”
“Sehun,” Hyunhee purrs and you scowl. Unable to fight it anymore, you peek over the wall out into the hallway they are in. Just as you expected, Hyunhee is resting a hand on Sehun’s taunt forearm. “I’ve always cared about you. And regardless of what I’ve done, I still consider you a friend. So, as your friend, I’m telling you that hanging out with her is bad news.”
Sehun squints his eyes at the beautiful girl. “Why would that be bad?”
“Because she uses people, Sehun. She used Baekhyun and now she’s using you.”
Baekhyun? Was Hyunhee…talking about you?
“That’s ridiculous,” Sehun dismisses and you swell with pride.
“Is it? Byun Baekhyun is the most popular guy in school and he left her. He was her ticket. Now that he’s with Choi Somin she has to find someone else. The thing is nobody wants her.”
“But I’m not popular.” His voice softens drastically and it makes you nervous. 
“Oh, yes you are, Sehun. You will always be one of us. No matter how hard you try to shut out the rest of the world. We all still see you.”
He remains silent and it urges her to continue. “She sees it, Sehun. You’re vulnerable. She can manipulate you.”
Your body moves on it’s own accord and before you know it, you’re right in front of them.
“Sehun,” you call his name loud and clear. They both turn towards you. Hyunhee does with disgust and Sehun in a daze. He blinks at you lazily.
“Sehun,” you repeat, your voice now lowered to almost a whisper. Tears spring in your eyes and you bite your lip to hide the trembling. “You don’t honestly believe her do you?”
“Looks like it’s time for me to go,” Hyunhee says, collecting her bag from the ground. She throws a look at Sehun. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Neither you nor Sehun break eye contact as Hyunhee saunters off, clearly satisfied. 
Your chest heaves and your hands curl into fists. You’re pissed, but don’t know at what exactly. 
Sehun murmurs your name but it doesn’t hold any warmth. 
“Please,” you beg. “Please tell me you don’t believe her.”
The bell rings, but neither of you register it. Doors swing open and students pile out in waves, yet you both stay frozen staring at one another trying to convey your true intentions.
Sehun’s emotions are always bared to you through his eyes, but right now you can’t decipher anything and it’s driving you crazy.
You’re also drawing attention. Those walking around you slow down and take in the stare down with curiosity. You can feel their eyes on you like pinpricks and it’s adding on to the rising anxiety. You’re going to burst at any minute you can feel it.  
Your name is called and you jolt as if being awoken. Byun Baekhyun is cautiously making his way towards you, girlfriend in tow. They both seem apprehensive, but it might have more to do with the aura around you and Sehun, who is still glaring at you unblinkingly.
“You left your stuff,” Baekhyun says. His eyes jump from you and Sehun but he doesn’t say anything about it. He clears his throat. “I thought I’d bring it to you because, well… yeah.”
You’re speechless. Your throat burns painfully as you take your bag from him and bow thankfully.
“I…” Again he takes in Sehun’s frame. He then leans in closer and whispers with concern, “are you alright?” 
You break. 
Gulping back the bubble forming in your throat you glare at him. “How could I possibly be alright, Baek?”
He flinches at your hostile tone and the use of the nickname you had given him.
“I just… Sehun’s glaring and… you look upset—I—”
“There are people here who think I only dated you because you are popular and that leads me to believe you believe that! I gave you so much of me! I gave you two years of my life and you just left me, Baekhyun! You left me!”
You are yelling now and a crowd is forming, but you are beyond reasoning right now. You never got closure with Baekhyun, never sat down and discussed anything, you guess now is a better time than any.
“I want to hate you so bad for what you did to me. You destroyed me yet have the gull to be friendly and bring me my stuff all the while your girlfriend—my replacement—is right there! You are so cruel, Baekhyun. People think I used you, but the truth is you used me!”
Baekhyun’s face is flaming red with embarrassment. He keeps opening and closing his mouth but nothing is coming out.
A hand wraps around your arm and you see Sehun through blurry eyes.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says. He tugs you gently out of the hall and everyone parts for you. Once you’re out into the parking lot you break down. Loud sobs shake your frame violently. 
Suddenly, you’re engulfed as Sehun wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his embrace. This only causes you to wail harder, soaking the front of his shirt with your tears.
“That’s right,” he encourages. “Let it out, Babe. Don’t keep it in anymore.”
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: There are days where Ahsoka Tano is the Commander of the 501st battalion, and then there are days where she is Anakin Skywalker's fourteen-year-old Padawan, stuck in the aftermath of a bloody battle, surrounded by the dead.Or, Anakin sings to Ahsoka. Read on AO3!
There was nothing special about this campaign, not really. They had been sent to yet another planet in need of defense against the Separatists. Their enemies had been too many and the waves of droids rolling out of the transport ships had been sheer endless, their attacks brutal and no matter what they had done, nothing had really helped. In the end, they had won, of course. Otherwise Ahsoka wouldn’t be here anymore. Padawans didn’t survive the annihilation of their battalions.
Ahsoka’s Master had led them to victory. The Separatist base had been destroyed, the civilians saved and Ahsoka did everything she could to focus on those facts but no matter what she did, how much she tried to calm her breathing or stop her hands from shaking, fear and panic closed her throat and she found herself struggling for breath.
Battlefields were loud and so was their aftermath. The troops had to be organized, orders were yelled. It was not as deafening as the fight itself with explosions and blaster fire, but right now it might as well just be.
“Please!” Ahsoka shouted as she tore white armor off a brother. He had been so excited.
“Let’s knock out some, clankers, Commander! Gotta impress the captain, maybe he’ll give me a name!”
They had laughed back on the dropship, just her and her current squad. They had been supposed to be in the easy part of the battle. They didn’t send the Shinies to the front lines if they could afford it. They would just be used as cannon fodder, too unused to how harsh the war could really get. They all followed orders perfectly, but everybody hesitated upon first impact and in these harsh bloodbaths, they could not afford even a split-second hesitation.
The Shinies had gone with Ahsoka, they had been supposed to scout, be back-up, not be ambushed by too many droidekas.
“Please, please, please!” Ahsoka cried.
He hadn’t even had a name yet, no tattoo, no scar, his armor had only just been painted. Only a little bit of blue, the 501st displayed proudly on his chest.
“I wanted to join General Skywalker’s battalion! They always tell the craziest stories about your fights!”
He hadn’t had a name, Ahsoka couldn’t even recall his number. He had was bleeding out beneath Ahsoka’s fingers and she didn’t know who he was.
She pressed her hands down on his chest, tried to focus the Force, get its chaotic strength under control so she could pour it in him with every beat. She could reanimate him still, she could save him. He had been the last one to be shot down, the last one standing to protect her because Ahsoka hadn’t been enough. She was still just a Padawan, too weak, just a student. A Knight could have done it. They would have protected their squadron on their own, but instead Ahsoka had to watch as they all protected her because a Jedi was worth more than an entire squadron. No clone could ever measure up to them.
“You’ll be a great Jedi, Commander!” His voice had been a little lighter than that of other brothers, but perhaps that had just been excitement coloring it.
“Wake up!” Ahsoka shouted with frantic panic. “Wake up! Wake up!”
“Ahsoka!” Somebody grabbed her shoulder and Ahsoka reacted on instinct.
The stench of death and blood and violence was still in her nostrils, battle-sharpened instincts told her to kill the enemy.
She didn’t even look as she lashed out, aiming for the throat or the head with the force, wanting to crush it to dust just like the Shinie’s legs had been-
Her push never met its target.
She looked up, stared into the worried face of her Master. He was blurry, his expression not clear and Ahsoka realized only belatedly that it was not the atmosphere of the planet turning everything hazy, but the tears in her eyes.
“Jaieh,” Ahsoka cried out. She wanted to stand up, but all the strength had left her. Blood was coloring her palms red, soaking into the fabric of her pants.
“Anakin, we have to- he’s-“ She couldn’t manage to stutter out even one sentence.
All around her she saw the men she had failed, limbs at an odd angle or torn off. Identical in death where they had been so vibrant and diverse alive, they all looked like broken toys. She could feel the bile rise in her throat. It felt as if she could taste the pain. It burned itself into her mind and she just wanted to go home.
“Oh, Ahsoka,” her master said, his voice full of sorrow.
He quickly walked over to her, first raised his hands so she could see what he as doing with them and would not lash out again. Slowly he wrapped them around her shoulders, then pulled her head towards his chest and held her close. Ahsoka buried her head in the crook of his neck, trying to drown out the noise. Her Master smelled just like everything else on the battlefield, blood, ashes, fire, but beneath all of that was the familiar scent of home, the fragrance of the detergent they used at the temple and could never really wash out of the robes, no matter how much dirt they were dragged through.
“I tried,” Ahsoka sobbed. “I promise I tried, there were just-“
“Ssh,” Anakin hushed her. “I know, I know. You did everything just right.”
“But they-“
“Ashoka,” Anakin interrupted her. “Ahsoka, listen to me. Can you do that? Just listen to my voice.”
Ahsoka was trembling. She didn’t dare open her eyes or move or say another word in fear that it would just all spill over then and she wouldn’t ever be able to stop again.
She felt her Master move her a little and then, at one go, he stood up, still holding her. She was behaving like a youngling, clinging to a crèchemaster. She could walk on her own, she had two healthy feet, but all she saw was that droid smashing the brother’s legs, him crying out-
“Paiben juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai.”
She thought it was a memory at first, that she was imagining the words that had accompanied her through so many nights in the temple. She couldn’t recall when she had heard the soothing notes at first, perhaps when Master Plo had brought her home.
“Enoji brei ormah.”
All the noise of before seemed to fade into the background. Ahsoka thought of the warmth she remembered from her clan, three of her crèchemates sneaking into her bed so none of them had to be alone. When they had been found the next morning, they had been teased just a little.
“Paiwiden juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai.”
Her Master’s voice was steady and rose with every word. Despite the armor between them, the many layers, she could feel the rumble in his chest. He was still alive, still breathing. He wasn’t going to leave her alone here, abandon her amongst the dead.
“Enoji brei ormah.”
The world was silent again. There was only the Force, peace, and tranquility. If not in world, not even within herself, then at least her Master stood unwavering. Ahsoka didn’t know how long he was walking, carrying her through the aftermath of the destruction, she only really returned to the world when Anakin interrupted his singing to let out a low pained breath.
“Kewanji kodai juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai.”
When Ahsoka opened her eyes again, they were no longer outside. The familiar insides of a shuttle greeted her. They were sitting on the ground, her Master’s eyes closed as hers had been and he was leaning against the walls of the ship. His cheeks were hollow, and he had dark rings under his eyes. He must be as exhausted as her. Perhaps this song was not just for her sake then. Ahsoka’s voice sounded rough to her, had been tortured by the many hours she had been screaming orders.
“Paikewan juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai.”
Anakin looked at her and despite the tiredness, he smiled encouragingly. Ahsoka didn’t have enough energy to return it, but she was sure he understood how she was feeling by the way she leaned against his chest and finished the song together with him.
“Enoji brei ormah.”
Everything would be alright.
Hold on just a little while longer Paiben juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai - pai is the consequential prefix that in this case says that the action you are doing (holding) will have consequences for the future - ben means to endure
Everything will be alright Enoji brei ormah - ormah actually means "warmth" but that word further implies that everything is alright with you as well, that you are warm
Fight on just a little while longer Paiwiden juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai - widen means "to fight" but also "to defend"
(We will) sing on just a little while longer Paikewanji kodai juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai - kodai is the first person plural used only to refer to "we, the Jedi"
Sing/Pray on just a little while longer Paikewan kodai juvetho seka ibli deoj forpai - kewan means "to sing" and also "to pray". In the context of Jedi praying, it means more communicating with the Force as a community, so if you want to say "let's meditate together" you could also use kewan
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heres a Hell's Studio fic idea for ya, both Sammy and Snowflake end up sharing Snowflakes body for a week due to a pipe bursting and covering the two in ink
Poor Sam can never catch a break, can he?
Was it mentioned before that the Ink just loved to fuck around with the Music Director? Because it just really loved messing around with the guy. Maybe he had the funniest reactions in its mind, maybe the bitter bully of magic art supplies thought of the man as someone who needed to be taken down a peg or two, or maybe it was just that the music department had the worst pipe setup in the entire studio, thus making it the hot-spot area for magic ink related mishaps and had also made Sammy the most common victim of those said mishaps not out of spite, but sheer coincidence as he was simply almost always in that constantly-flooding area.
You can't exactly sound sane when you're constantly complaining about getting wet while you live in the splash zone.
But whatever the case may be, a solid 90% of the shenanigans that the ink had in store for someone usually fell on Sammy’s head. And some days it felt like the stuff only bothered to mess with others if it meant that could mess with the irate musician at the same time.
Today started off fairly normal for the studio and its residents; same bustling rhythm of a symphony of pencils, same small talk chats in the break room, same ...workplace accidents.
Snowflake was trying to fish a mouse out of a crack in the wall for curiosity's sake when Sammy heard the tell-tale groan of a pipe about to burst coming from within the deep hole in the wall. A groan that if years of working in this inky studio hell had taught him anything, was going to be a particularly bad break.
Acting on instinct, the musician grabbed the imp and pulled him away from the crack but it was too late, the pipe burst over both of them, making the little demon flop down into a large inky pool.
"Not again!"
Sammy sighed to himself as he shook off the access ink and noticed that his surroundings were much taller than they usually were. God there were days where he wondered why he didn't just quit and looked for a quieter and less stressful job that DIDN'T involve losing his humanity and peace of mind every other week. The music director reached out to where he swore Snowflake was, only for his hand to touch nothing but ink.
That was... concerning to say the least. Sammy swore that he held on tight to the little guy and didn't dare let go, he had to be somewhere in the pile of magical gunk.
"Don't panic Sammy, the ink wouldn't bring someone to life only to melt them away after a few weeks, right?"
And yet, the more he looked around, the more it seemed like that there was only one person in the ink pile. And the more the musician had felt a large pit of dread churn in his stomach.
The music director frantically dug through globs upon globs of ink, internally praying that the imp was simply shrunken to six inches like others had been instead of melted away only to find nothing but ink, ink, and more ink. The man's panic-clouded mind did not register the fact that he his hands had the same gloves as the little demon did. Or maybe it did, but the man decided to focus on the more important part of the situation; the missing toon child.
"Oh god... Oh god, what am I going to tell Wally?!"
"Mr. Sammy?"
Snowflake's voice called out, jolting the musician with a mixture of relief and that slightly annoyed feeling people get when it turns out that they were panicking over nothing.
"Snowflake! Where are you? Why did you stay quiet when I called out for you?"
"I-I thought I was looking for you! Where did you go?"
"Where did 'I' go?" Sammy parroted as he frowned and searched. "I'm right here..."
The man's voice trailed off as he finally fished something out of the ink pile: his own, heavily ink-stained empty clothes.
"SAMMY?! What happened to you?!"
Snowflake called out in worry as he looked over the empty outfit while Sammy just looked at the clothes in annoyance.
"That &#^$ing ink again..."
Who was controlling the body now? Either both of them or one of them, but neither of them could give a straight answer as the Sammy-possessed Snowflake marched on down to Joey's office, climbed on top of the other chair, paused for a moment as the body couldn't decide whether to gently place the clothes on the animator's desk or to slam them into it and wound up just dropping them on it instead.
"Snowflake my boy!" Joey greeted in his usual chipper tone. "What brings you to my office today?"
"M-Mr. Drew, I.. Sammy is.. Sammy and I got caught in the ink and then-" The little demon stiffened for a bit and a frown crossed his features, while his voice did not change, his tone and mannerisms certainly did. "I'm stuck inside Wally's kid's body, and both of us want me out of it."
"Okay! Don't worry, I know exactly how to fix this and it'll only take a jiffy!"
Joey retrieved several ritualistic items while humming to himself, but when he reached into his desk drawer he froze up for a second then started frantically rifling through it.
"O-oh! Oh dear... Um.. Excuse me for a minute."
He walked out of the room and dialed up a number on the phone, the pair of souls stuck in one form crept up to the door and put his ear against the door, only managing to get one half of the conversation.
"Hello? Yes, it's me again. Do you have any 'scones' in stock?"
"A week?! Are you sure?!"
"No, I don't doubt it..."
"Yes, yes, of course, I understand."
"...But how do I break it to them that they're stuck like that for until Monday?"
"Well, yes, this does happen often... But it's not like I WANT it to!"
"You know how magic gets!"
"Thank you, I'll see you Sunday night then. Goodbye."
As Joey hung up, Snowflake zipped back to where he was sitting earlier. The man walked back into his office, sighed, and shook his head before sheepishly looking up at Snowflake and Sammy.
"I'm sorry you two but I'm afraid I have bad news; I'm missing a key ingredient for the reversal spell and I can't get it until Monday."
The demon's head clonked down on the desk, letting out the longest, most tired sounding muffled scream that Joey had ever heard, clearly from the music director. Don't get him wrong, he loved kids and wouldn't mind spending the week with Snowflake under non-magic-ink related circumstances. But he wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of being a kid again himself and also possessing somebody against both of their wills for any amount of time.
"Now ...Sammy..? There no need to worry, we've been through this before."
"He knows, he's just upset because aside from the weirdness of this, he and Susie were planning a date night on Friday and now they're gonna have to reschedule it again."
'He didn't need to know that!' Sammy mentally hissed.
"Nevermind, they weren't planning a date in the first place."
Sammy internally facepalmed.
"Terribly sorry to hear that then." Joey fidgeted with his tie nervously. "...I'll give you the paid leave while you're like this."
"Thanks, Joey."
Wally wasn't quite sure if he should laugh, cry, or do both when he brought Snowflake and Sammy home.
The Janitor was used to weird stuff by now, heck, most of the time it felt like something crazy and magical happened every week. But there's 'the ink turned every piece of furnature in the building into cake' weird and then there was 'the guy who's technically your boss is possessing your son and now the power dynamic is weird.' weird.
Both of them seemed quiet, which was normal for Snowflake but slightly concerning for Sammy. Wally half expected to hear a long rant about 'the &$@#ing ink that should NOT be magical, seriously, who in their right mind pumps a studio full of MAGIC INK?!' or at least something that indicated that the music director was in there.
"So uh... how ya feelin' about the whole 'body sharin' thing champ?"
"It's kinda like sharing a room with somebody who doesn't want to be in it in the first place and also it's like having a bunch of songs stuck in your head that you want to listen to so that they can get unstuck except the songs technically don't exist yet."
"Okay, and what about you, Sam? you've been pretty quiet."
"How do I usually feel about these kind of things, Wally?"
"Fair point."
As Wally and Snowflake talked to each other, Sammy wondered if he was going to be staying at Wally's place throughout the week, or switching days between his own place and Wally's. Either way, it felt like this was going to be a very long week.
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My girl
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Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan & Cory Reid (OC), Spencer Reid & Cory Reid (OC)
(Song fic based on “my girl” by Elvie Shane) 
Authors note/background- Spencer Reid never joins the FBI, he’s a professor at Georgetown university. Derek Morgan is still in the BAU and the BAU members do pop up.Cory is the result of a past “relationship” Spencer was in, her mother is never mentioned because she abandons Cory and Spencer right after Cory is born.He meets Derek at the coffee shop they both happen to frequent. Cory looks like her mother (it’s why she has red hair and blue eyes, although again it’s never mentioned)
She ain’t got my smile that don’t bother me a bit and she’s got somebody else’s eyes I’m seeing myself in.
The red haired, Hazel eye little girl holds tightly onto Spencer’s hand. He had explained to her (the best he could, seeing that she is only four) that he had someone he wanted her to meet.
I’m holding onto every moment god knows I’ve missed a few the day we meant I knew I had some catching up to do.
The first time they meet Cory is a little hesitant, eyeing him with a look that reminds him so much of Spencer. He’s worried for a while that she won’t like him.
“She’ll warm up to you.”
He gives her a small stuffed dog and when the night ends she hugs him before she runs off to bed.
“Told you she'd warm up to you.” Spencer remarks later that night.
“Yeah, I guess you did.” Derek agrees, kissing Spencer temple.
“Did you just admit that I was right?” The mischievous smile that works its way onto Spencer’s face is honestly terrifying.
“Yes and I’m already regretting it.”
She ain’t my blood, ain’t got my name but if she did I’d feel the same I wasn’t there for her first steps but I ain’t missed a moment yet and,
They’ve met four times when Cory decides that Derek must have hung the stars when he lets her ride on his shoulders at the carnival, something Spencer ever so careful would never do.
“Papa, I'm so tall!” She exclaims giggling wildly when Derek pretends to almost drop her.
“Derek be careful-!”
“Relax pretty boy. I’m not actually going to drop her, right Cory?”
“Mhm! Relax papa!” They both laugh at that.
By the end of the day Cory had been completely tuckered out and Derek had moved her down from his shoulder to his hip.
That ain’t ever gonna change I could never walk away yeah she’s my baby my whole world.
“Cory’s asking about you.” Spencer tells Derek over lunch. “I don’t think she understands your job.”
“You could bring her to mine tonight, Clooney’s a general giant who loves kids.”
Cory falls in love with Clooney the moment she meets him, nicknaming him ‘cloon’ because she can’t pronounce Clooney and it’s too adorable to correct.
“Night night cloon night night Derek.” She mumbles that night patting Derek’s chest tiredly, a familiar small stuffed dog gripped tightly in her hand. Derek hadn’t even realised she’d brought it with her.
“She has dragged it everywhere since you left on that case two weeks ago.” Spencer murmurs with an amused smile.
“Huh.” Derek responds with a smile on his face.
She ain’t my blood but she’s my girl, Yeah she’s my girl.
He’s known Cory for seven months the first time he watches her alone for longer than an hour. Spencer was asked to give a lecture at a college in New York and her normal sitter was sick.
The day went easily, having taken her to the park and then for ice cream before retiring for the day. If you’d told him eight months ago he’d know the lyrics to just about every Disney song very soon he’d have called you crazy but��� here he is.
Thumb in mouth Cory curls up with Derek her head against his shoulder. “Papa smile more.” She tells him and he’s confused. “You.” She says. “Him smile more.” And or doesn’t make much sense or maybe it doesn’t. “Good.” He doesn’t get the chance to question her because she drops off to sleep shortly after.
He carries her to the the guest bedroom that isn’t much of a guest bedroom anymore considering the toys, blue blankets and child clothes that can now be seen.
It hit me like a train the first time she called me dad (pops) in a three stick figure crayon picture with all of us holding hands.
Her mama (papa) said I understand if it’s too soon for this oh I didn’t let her (him) finish I took it to the kitchen and stuck it right on the fridge.
It's been almost a year when she goes to Derek’s house from school with a scribbled picture and bright smile. She places the picture next to Derek before running off down the hall in search of her stuffed dog and action figures.
Derek picks it up and freezes for a moment staring at the page with an unreadable expression. Spencer sees him from the corner of his eye and crosses the room looking over Derek’s shoulder.
It’s the three of them at the park, she’s standing between them holding each of their hands. That however isn’t the part that caused them to pause, it was what she’d written. They are labeled, ‘me’ , ‘papa’ , ‘pops’ the top of the page dawned with the words ‘my family’
“Oh.” Spencer breathes out. “Look I understand if…” Derek shakes his head standing up with a small smile, sticking the picture among the many others that now littered his fridge.
From that day on he’s pops.
She ain’t my blood, ain’t got my name but if she did I’d feel the same I wasn’t there for her first steps but I ain’t missed a moment yet and that ain’t ever gonna change I could never walk away,
The first time she sees him in a hospital is heartbreaking, her eyes full up with tears. “Pops.” She calls out sobbing when her comatose pops doesn’t respond.
“He’ll wake up.” Spencer says though he isn’t sure who he’s reassuring by that point.
“He was hit hard but he should wake up.” David Rossi, Derek’s team member who Spencer has come to know over the past year and two months. “Always has to play hero.” Rossi adds with a head shake before leaving the two alone.
It’s six hours later when Derek does wake up. “Spence?” He croaks out.
“You're awake! Oh thank god. Don’t you ever think about doing anything like that ever again Derek Morgan or so help me-“
“Move in with me. Both of you, move in with me.”
“What?” Spencer is dumbfounded.
“You heard me.” And Spencer almost laughs at the oddity of the situation.
“I’ll move in with you if you promise never to leave me. Us.” He motions over to where Cory is sleeping.
“Never gonna leave you.” Derek promises.
When Cory wakes she ends up crawling into the hospital bed with Derek (screw protocol) and refuses to let go of his shirt until he’s discharged four days later.
Yeah she’s my baby my whole world she ain’t by blood but she’s my girl.
The Reid’s official move in a month later, waving goodbye to their small D.C apartment with no tears shred.
“Pops. Papa.” Cory says wiggling her way between them on the couch.
“What are you doing up Angel?” Derek asks.
They laugh at the sheer honesty but don’t send her away letting her fall asleep with them. Spencer eventually carried her to bed, making sure not to forget her stuffed dog.
She’s Saturday morning cartoons.
The sound of hysterical laughter is heard throughout the house rousing Spencer from his sleep and prompting him to pad into the living room.
Derek is sitting on the couch half asleep, Cory sat on his lap intently watching ‘bubble guppies’ and petting Clooney.
Spencer smiles and if he snaps a picture, no one needs to know.
She’s hey can I sleep in your room?
Cory learns to hate when Derek leaves for cases, sometimes going as far as throwing tantrums when he tries to say goodbye but that never changes her response to him coming home. No matter how mad she was at him for leaving.
Derek comes home close to midnight and doesn’t expect to see Cory until morning but is mistaken as she’s sitting up on the couch in the living room when he enters the house. “I made the mistake of telling her that you were on your way home.” Spencer explains, which cues Cory in on Derek’s arrival.
“Pops!” She turns around standing on the couch and reaching out insistently. “Your home.”
“Hey Princess, of course I am. I always come home.” Spencer smiles fondly.
“Can I sleep with yous?” She asks looking between Derek and Spencer innocently.
“Of course you can Cory.” Spencer says walking over to kiss Derek.
“Yuck!” They both laugh loudly.
She’s bigger than the plans I ever had. She's making me a better man.
“I never thought I’d get this.” Derek tells Spencer one night.
“Hmm?” Spencer prompts wrapping himself around Derek.
“This.” He motions around. “You and Cory.”
“I thought it would always just be me and Cory.” Spencer admits. “No one wants to date a single dad who’s a college professor with a past off… expect you did.”
“You're not your past Spencer.”
“And you're not yours.” They don’t address the true meaning of the sentence instead Derek smiles, lifting a sleeping Cory into his arms and heading down the hall.
She ain’t my blood, ain’t got my name but if she did I’d feel the same I wasn’t there for her first steps but I ain’t missed a moment yet and that ain’t ever gonna change I could never walk.
The wedding is in June, they’d been together for two and a half years when they decided to get married.
Cory is the flower girl, Henry the ring barrier.
Derek’s team is there, his mother and sisters too.
Spencer mom is there, along with a few of his professor friends.
Hotch is Derek’s best man, his groomsmen and woman being Penelope and James.
Reid’s best woman is JJ, his groomsmen and woman being Emily and Rossi.
It’s a small thing really.
There’s a party afterwards.
“Papa lap.”
“Cory I’m eating.” He tells her with a stern look.
“Pops lap.”
“I’m eating too princess.” He responds. Still not deterred she pushes Derek’s arm out of the way and climbs into his lap successfully seeing as Penelope had changed her out of her suit before dinner. (She had refused a dress and neither of her fathers saw it necessary to force her into clothes she doesn’t want.) “Alright fine.” Derek huffs although there’s no heat in his voice.
“Pushover.” Spencer mummers into his wine glass ignoring the glare his husband shot him. “Cory, do you want your own plate of food?” Spencer asked and got his answer when she shook her head instead picking food off of their plates.
Yeah she’s my baby my whole world, she ain’t my blood but she’s my girl.
It’s six months later when they all sit in a family court room, their friends and family sitting on the public benches behind them.
They sign the papers in front of everyone and then the judge announces loudly, “I hereby declare Cory Reid-Morgan adopted.”
They go out for ice cream as a large group to celebrate, Cory happily running around with Jack and Henry afterwards.
When it’s time for everyone to leave Cory demands to be picked up by Derek who complies. She rests her head on his shoulder and quietly murmurs. “I love you.”
“I love you too princess.”
“To the moon and back?”
“A million times.” Spencer comes up from behind wrapping his arms around Derek's waist and resting his chin on the shoulder not occupied by Cory’s head.
“Love you Derek.”
“Love you too Spencer.”
Yeah she’s my girl.
10 notes · View notes
vanchlo · 3 years
The Partner / Chapter Three, “Rebecca Ann”
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*Not my gifs and ugh it was SO hard to find good ones, sigh* 
Word Count: 11.6k words /  Story Masterlist /  Read The Assistant /  Read on Wattpad /  Song will be at the end, so as not to give anything away ;) 
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“She is led by love, the world moves for love . . it kneels before it in awe."
- Edward Walker, The Village 
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“So, what happened in the story next?”
“Are you sure you can stay awake for another chapter, love?” I wheeze, fingers combing through the satiny loose curls that I push away from her eyes. The very pair that I’ve seen so many times in the mirror. “You’re getting tired, Bean. It’s been a long day for you with school and swim team practice.” 
“I know, but I can stay awake. It’s getting good.” 
“Pinky P?” I almost giggle, holding out my littlest finger that she hooks hers with. Without fail, I could still picture how tiny her fingers were the first time I saw them, and my how they’ve grown. I think it’d be safe to say somebody is going to have big hands, too. 
“Yeah, it is, but . . . ,” my words escape me momentarily. Distracted, I stop, hearing the sound of a cry from upstairs, wishing that he would walk into the room. That he would help me with this part, and the ones that follow.
“But, what?” 
I’d been called it every day for the last almost ten years, but it still was hard to get used to at times, especially now with the story I tell. I had a hard time sometimes believing how lucky I’d gotten, and she only reminds me as I watch her eyes lull at the feeling of my hand in her hair. Just like somebody I know. 
“But it gets sad, love, because you know, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.” 
“Stop it, you sound like you’re making up rubbish rules, just like Daddy,” the beloved word falls from her rosebud lips, and we can’t contain our laughter. The imperfect perfections in her cheeks and the sing-song laughter that peels from her lips makes this all the more surreal for me, like I’m looking right at him. “Now, keep going, Mum. I want to hear more of your story.” 
It was never really an awkward silence with Harry, save for the few times after we had a row. No, it hadn’t been anything but comfortable since well, before we had started dating. Maybe even not long after I’d become his assistant, if you’re not counting that painful in between time. Today wasn’t one of those times, but sometimes I may have made it awkward when I couldn’t stop staring at him, just like the way I currently watch as his eyelashes flutter against his skin. 
“Skye and Asher?!” the voice says from the phone pressed to my ear. 
“Yep. I still can’t believe it.” 
“Well, I’ll be darned . . huh,” my dad concludes with a soft laugh. “I hope he knows how much trouble he’s in for.” 
“Me too. Skye was pissed with me at first for not introducing them sooner. As if I should’ve known she’d fall in love the second she saw him.” 
“That sounds like her,” he muses with nostalgia carried in his voice. A recent memory sits in my mind from the other day when Skye told me the very story that I’m retelling. The apparent love at first sight with Asher and their first date, a rushed love story at best compared to Harry and I’s. He griped about it, Harry, feeling bad for Asher not knowing what was going to hit him. He had his hands full, alright, both boys. “So, how are things with you and Harry then, Boops?”
“Good, really good,” the answer comes easily to me, yet in a hushed voice as I try not to speak too loudly. My next words pause when a furrow gathers between his two brows, easily remedied by the pad of my thumb. 
“Your trip went well?”
“Yeah, it was loads of fun seeing his family. I met a few more of them, and they’re all so alike. The cheesy sense of humor, love of board games, and they’re kind as can be,” memories bubble up with my words of our trip to Harry’s hometown close to a week ago. 
“Well, it was good to talk to you and catch up, love, but I have to get going to work. You too probably soon, huh?”
“Yeah, and you too, Dad. I miss you . . you’re sure you can’t come up soon for a day or something?” I ask, almost holding my breath, despite knowing it won’t help his answer to sound like the one I want. 
“Not sure, Ree, I’ll have to see how it’s going with the next build, we’re getting busy.” 
“Okay, I hope you can come up somehow . . Well, I’ll talk to you on Monday, Dad,” listening to his subsequent goodbye, I set down my phone, sighing. Shielding a hand over my forehead, I move my legs under the covers, feeling his warm pair. 
It wasn’t often that I’d be awake before Harry, because somehow he was always up early, even on the weekends. Not today, though. I for once had been up before him. It was nice, getting to enjoy him like this, especially considering the way he drove me up the wall yesterday. Silent, asleep Harry was far preferable to me right now. He also couldn’t protest the lazy attempts I made at styling his hair differently when he was asleep, considering he slept like a log. 
The colors had begun to change outside, and the shops were building their candy supplies in preparation for the scary holiday. Despite Fall settling around us, a golden tinge still clung to Harry’s skin. Underneath his golden necklace, at the point of his nose, and around his many tattoos. It still surprised me, the four numbers in my handwriting permanent above his heart. It had been filled with so many firsts, and hopefully a few lasts. 
Glancing at the clock, I found that our alarm still wouldn’t be going off for a good while. Albeit he couldn’t be more handsome when asleep and knowing what I’m about to do, I fight my way into his arms. His groan is instant and so is the smile I try to hide from my lips. 
“Mmm, Becks, ‘m sleepin,’” Harry whines against me, his body like jelly. His arms still find their way around me and so does his chin hooking over top of my head. 
“I just wanna cuddle you before work.” 
“Fine,” it’s a sighed answer in return, but I hear the defeat in his voice. The way sleep beckons for him, his soft snoring soon resuming. His chest is balmy under my cheek where I lay it, listening for the sound of his heart. Next to his laugh, it was my favorite sound. 
It seemed to be a recurring theme throughout today, stealing glances at Harry when he wasn’t noticing, like now as he flips through his menu.
“Are ya gonna ogle me, Becks, or are you gonna figure out what t’ order, love?” 
“I already decided.”
“Good, ‘cos so have I,” he announces, laying his menu down. It’s only seconds later that the server sees, and we’re ordering our breakfast. “Seems you and my gran have really hit it off.”
“Oh, you think so?”
“No, I know so. Saw it even. I haven’t seen her take t’ somebody like that befo,’ certainly not any other girlfriend of mine.”
“I really like her - Claire. She’s sweet and even though we’ve only met a few times, she’s so easy to talk to.”
“I know, I love that ‘bout her. You’d think she was my mum’s mum with how sweet tha two o’ them are. She’s been supportive ever since tha stuff started with my dad, always let me talk t’ her ‘bout it without judgement. It meant loads t’ me,” he divulges to me. I can’t help but nod along, and fold my hand into his in the middle of the table. 
“I bet so. That sounds like my gran Ann, she was my dad’s mum, but she was always there for me.” 
“I see where you get it from, love,” he smiles with a wink of his sunshine eye, lips curling from the rim of his mug of coffee. It still baffles me how he can drink it black, let alone ripping hot. 
God, the things those eyes do to me, those lips too. Okay, Becky, chill. Now is not the time. But, then there’s the outfit he’s wearing today and how it’s so him, and effortlessly handsome. It looks like something my granddad would wear - tan slacks, and a cream long sleeved shirt with chocolate brown stripes. Curls in a mess atop his head and parted in the middle, but somehow, it works. It had become my favorite hairstyle of his recently, but that would quickly change with whatever new one he came up with next. For once, it wasn’t Chelsea boots today or the occasional Vans, but instead saddle brown laced up Oxfords. See, how were the casual outfits so handsome? Harry’s outfits always work, and I wish I knew how. 
“Whatcha starin’ at, hmm? I keep findin’ you lookin’ at me this mornin,’ startin’ t’ wonder why.” 
“What, can I not admire my handsome boyfriend every now and then?” my question comes with a lift of my brow. Now, it’s my turn to look all inquisitive over my cup of coffee. 
“Now, I never said ya couldn’t do that, love,” Harry teases with a shit eating grin plastered to his face. 
It stuck to his lips as he began to read the paper over his coffee until our breakfast arrived. Even then, it remained. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” I titter, cutting my fork through the two layers of pancakes.
“Stop drenchin’ yer pancakes with syrup, yer not gonna taste ‘em. They’ll be all soggy,” he warns, feeding a strip of bacon past his bubblegum pink lips. 
“Stop telling me what to do with my pancakes.” 
“Watch it, li’l one, or else ‘m not gonna share me food with you,” Harry says, pointing his fork at me. It gleams with strips of maple syrup beading at the tines’ ends. My lips ready their rebuttal, but his eyebrows only inch higher as he cocks his head towards me, silently willing me to continue. “I know ya will, ‘s a given. You always ask t’ taste somethin’ off me plate, don’t even try t’ deny it, lovey.” 
It’s difficult to say the least, hiding my smirk and its accompanying giggle. Shaking my head, I sigh as I stab my fork at my pancakes, feeling his foot knock into mine underneath the table. It looked nothing close to Rafael’s here, but somehow, it brought me back to that night in the Italian restaurant. Our first one. The way his foot nudged at mine under the table, and the way his eyes gleamed with a smile. Sometimes, if I thought hard enough, I could feel the fluttering inside of me from the butterflies he still gave me. 
“What? Yer a li’l too quiet fer tha talkin’ t’ I jus’ gave you, bug. No witty comebacks? That’s a surprise and a relief all in one,” Harry jokes, dimples set into his cheeks. He had shaved them just a few days ago, but it looked like it had been longer. 
My lips are absent of any words. Instead, I busy them with the pillowy pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Looking down at my plate, I cut into the potatoes crisp on the exterior with cheese and flecks of pepper. Setting down my fork, I slowly pat on the bottom of the ketchup bottle. 
“Becks? Y’know I was only jokin,’ love.”
“I know, and we both know you’re going to share your lemon poppyseed muffin with me,” it’s my turn for the shit eating grin now. Lifting my gaze, I meet his. 
“I told you!” he begins with a shake of his head, pressing his fist to his overactive mouth. “Told ya t’ order yer own, love.” 
“Yeah, but you’ll share with me because you love me.” 
“I dunno if ‘d go as far t’ say that,” he shrugs. My scoff makes the smile tickle further at his cheeks, and it all but disappears when I pinch his thigh from under the table. “Woman, I swear t’ bloody God-.” 
“Swear what?” I pipe up, setting my chin in my hand as he chuckles away across from me. He suffices a response with a shake of his head, feeding a ripe strawberry past his lips. It doesn’t help that he locks eyes with me the second he does it, and lips slow as can be, at that. “You’re bad.” 
Harry offers a measly shrug in response, and what speaks volumes is the way he tugs the striped bag closer to him, holding our beloved muffin. Ignoring it, I dip a bite of potatoes into my puddle of ketchup, enjoying the hum of the cafe around us. Harry and I had been coming here for a while now- well, before we had started dating. He liked their food and turned me onto them, starting with getting him breakfast and his special muffin when I was his assistant. I don’t think he took me out to breakfast here until I had come back to work at his firm, but it was a nice treat every once in a while, even if it meant having to wake up earlier. 
“I talked to my dad this morning, and told him about Skye and Asher. He was surprised, to say the least. I wish he’d come up and visit one of these days, he’s always so busy.” 
“‘m sure he will when he’s not so busy, love, like when his new build ‘s over,” Harry muses, loudly flipping the page of his paper. Watching as he flattens it out, the bite of potatoes on its way to my mouth pauses. 
“How’d you know about his new build?”
“‘Cos I talk t’ him too. He rang me tha other day, and we spoke ‘bout um . . I dunno, footie and cooking,” he answers, nonchalantly. Nodding, I shake a little more salt onto my potatoes, trying to will Harry to meet my eyes. 
“Maybe he’ll come up if you ask, or if it’s to hang out with you.” 
“Oh, hush, you. He’ll come when he has tha time, love, y’know that. Stop bein’ a pout,” he says, folding his paper back up into a messy square. My head shakes when he holds it out to me, instead setting it to the side before he picks up his coffee. 
A wheezy laugh drops from his lips as he shakes his head at me, “Fine, here, Ms. Pouty. I must love you a whole lot t’ share me muffin,” Harry sighs, reaching into the bag and soon splitting it in half, handing me a chunk.
“Thank you . . love you,” it comes with a wink that he dismisses with a roll of his eyes.
“I know,” he huffs, breaking off a morsel of the dense bread. His eyes twinkle with mischief when I nudge my foot against his leg underneath the table. “Ditto, bug, always love you back too.”
I tried to find the words but they wouldn’t come. They couldn’t. Huffing, a hand dives into my hair as I stare back at the screen. It’s a welcomed respite when my wrist sings with a notification. Pushing back my sleeve, it reads Team Meeting at 2pm. I tap my palm against the screen to silence it before standing from my desk.
“Don’t look so sad to see me,” a voice teases. Lifting my eyes, I find Simon gliding down the hall towards me. The lawyer life suited him well, and so did his new job at the firm. He certainly had a flare for the suits, sporting a maroon number today. He seemed to be liking it and Harry never had a bad thing to say about him.
“Hi, Si.”
“Something the matter, Big B?” he pries, bumping his shoulder against mine as we turn into the east conference room where a few bodies congregate.
“No, just stuck on writing this deposition, so this will be a good break.”
“You mean a boring break,” Simon jokes, passing me an empty mug. 
“Hey, I can’t be caught saying that around here,” I say, sarcasm laced in my hushed voice.
“Oh, yeah. We can’t have the boss’ girlfriend be heard saying his speeches were boring,” his animated lilt tickles a happiness at my lips. A laugh passes between us as steam from the hot coffee wafts across my face. 
“What’s this I hear ‘bout boring? Ya aren’t talkin’ ‘bout yer bosses, now are you?” somebody pipes up. Looking over my shoulder, I’m awarded with the sight of Harry grinning far too proudly at his own joke. He embellishes it with a quick wink to me and a hand pressed into the small of my back.
“Oh, me calling you boring? Never in a million years,” Si cracks. I savor the sound of their loud laughs whilst pouring creamer and sugar into mine. Setting it down on the table we stand at, I pick up another mug, filling this one to the top with the scalding coffee.
“Thank you, my love,” my boyfriend smiles when I hand him the hot coffee. “Better go find a seat, tha two o’ you are late, per usual,” he quips, waving a circle into my back before leaving.
“Yeah right, like we’re late,” Si scoffs, turning to walk away. The rest of the gang had joined us by now, and I find an empty seat next to Rose towards the back. 
I had come up with my own little rule at these things. It started with never sitting up front by Harry where he and Myles spoke. Certainly, I never sat in the back straight across from him where his eyes would gravitate. They both were bad ideas, and I’d quickly found them out from a past mistake or two. 
Today, Myles started us off. There was something about a required employee training. Of course, there was the annual Halloween party coming up later this month, a charity function in the works, and working a table at an upcoming uni job fair. Harry and I may or may not be going as a certain Spice Girls couple, wink wink. 
Slowly, like always, it grew to be boring. That’s when the texts started, despite the number of times Harry groaned about me distracting him on previous occasions. I quickly found it near impossible to not give him the dirtiest of looks across the room. It didn’t help that we were on near opposite sides, and he was facing Myles, pretending to pay attention. Per usual.
what should we do 2night for dinner? was thinkin i could do u 2 start with 
He did a terrible job of wicking the smirk from his lips when I looked at him next. Kneading at his bottom lip hardly hid it, and drinking my coffee didn’t save me either.
You’re bad, is all I text back, making it look as if I’m taking notes on my laptop. I just hope nobody else can see, but I try to make sure of that.
oh i could be loads of things if u let me love. like in between ur legs 2night or if ur good enough some time b4 we go home 
He didn’t even need to add a winky face or a saucy emoji. This man and his way with words, I swear it’ll be the death of me. He will, one way or the other. Hiding my laugh with a cough, I bring my mug back to my lips, nearly choking when Harry’s gaze slinks over to mine. 
“You okay?” Si whispers.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answer, holding eye contact with Harry. Nobody else might notice it, but I see it. The way one of his dimples plays hide and seek with me on his cheek, accompanying his sly lips. A pair that I’m itching to have on me, here and now. Well, in fifteen minutes or so. 
alright becks? choking already thinkin bout me big dick bein in ur mouth?
Stop, we’re in a meeting, Harry. Your meeting 
doesn’t stop me love so don’t let it stop u now 
God, you’re unbelievable, Harry
so are those lips of urs bug. cant wait 2 have those pretty things round me cock 2day. up 2 u if ya want me sooner or later 
Trying to mask my long sigh, I press the cover of my laptop shut. It’s even harder to resist sneaking a look at Harry. He is so full of shit, faking a glance around the room just to make brief eye contact with me. Of course, while he licks his lips. My eyebrows lift only in the slightest and he manages a shrug at me whilst leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head like the cocky boss he is. 
Rose’s spiel that was actually holding my attention is interrupted when my wrist vibrates ten minutes later. I’m already beginning to roll my eyes when I lift it, wondering what Harry has said now. But, it’s not him. It’s who I least expected out of anyone. 
Hi, bunny. I’m in London for a few days . . . I want to see you. Could we get coffee or lunch? xo 
The rest of Rose’s speech goes absolutely over my head. If you asked me what it was about, I couldn’t tell you, despite the fact that I heard it. But no, I didn’t. Not really. Nor did I hear Simon’s subsequent jokes or when Rose called on me to share progress on our case. I couldn’t remember what, just the way everybody looked at me, like the kid in class caught not paying attention. It didn’t help seeing the worry etched onto Harry’s face, then and now, as I sit in the car next to him. 
Another one had come by now, and still, I had no idea what to say or do.
“Did ya hear what I said, ‘bout dinner?” 
Lifting my gaze, I see Harry’s patient one waiting for me. 
“No, sorry. What’d you say?”
Waiting for the light to turn, his hand had folded mine into his firmly. Delicate circles were left on my skin by his thumb. “You alright t’day, Becks?”  
“Fine. Did you want to get takeaway for dinner, or just warm up leftovers?” 
“F’get ‘bout dinner fer a second, Becks, and please tell me what’s been botherin’ you t’day. We agreed on no mo’ lies, bug, and I know yer not fine. I can tell,” his objection comes in a gentle murmur, accentuated by his thumb pressing against mine. 
“I’m sorry,” it’s sighed, almost lost in the Arctic Monkeys song filling the car, until Harry turns it off. “My mum texted me today, during our team meeting.” 
The ‘oh’ that comes from him is teeming with realization and a certain weight to it. All I can think of to do in response is to nod. I busy myself with sliding his new opal ring off his left forefinger. 
“‘s okay, bug, I understand . . ‘m sorry, too. So, what’d her text say?”
The white glow from the touchscreen display in Harry’s Rover illuminates the reflective specks in the stone. They cover the rainbow, spanning from purple, white, pink, and a mint green. Harry had joked when he’d gotten it that I was probably going to steal it from him more often than not, knowing how I loved opals. He was right, and that was a few months ago. I had worn it until now on my thumb when he belatedly stole it back from me. It fit him better, anyways. 
“That she’s in London, and she wants to get together,” my voice is childlike, shy and lacking volume. Harry begins to speak, until I stop him, with my voice and my subsequent words. “Then, when I didn’t respond that I’m invited to lunch with her and Robbie tomorrow afternoon at some restaurant Robbie likes.” 
“Oh,” he hums, lips stilling when he looks over his shoulder before making a turn. “Did you text her back yet?”
“No. I don’t want to go, or talk to her. I dunno why she does this, just pop up out of the blue as if she hasn’t spoken to me in almost two years . . since my accident.” 
“You don’t hafta go, Becks. There’s nothin’ makin’ you go. Yer an adult and you make yer own decisions, bug. You don’t owe her anythin.’” 
“I know, but that doesn’t stop her from the guilt trips. I don’t even remember unblocking her number . . she must have gotten a new one. But, I’m afraid, Harry,” I confess, threading the ring back onto his finger riddled with fine dark hairs. He allows me, having gotten used to it by now, and the way that I trace the veins poking out of his skin. 
“Of what, babe? ‘s not like she can- well, I guess she could.” 
I try to swallow past the nerves, and the unsaid words, but it’s difficult, to say the last. “Yeah, she could. It’s not very hard to Google your name and find the address of your firm. She must know by now that I work for you again.”
“Bug, even if she came t’ tha firm, she has t’ get past Amelia first, and that’s not gonna happen. She’d ring you and say who’s in tha lobby waitin’ fer you, you could easily turn her away, if anythin’.” 
“You’re right.” 
“‘m always right,” he coos, lifting a brow at me goofily when his piercing eyes meet mine. The curl to his lips doesn’t linger, and they soon flatten out with understanding and severity. “It’ll be okay, Becks. Do what feels right. Text her back and say no, or don’t talk t’ her at all. She doesn’t deserve yer time o’ day afta what she’s put you thru.’ Dunno how people like that can’t understand ya don’t jus’ get t’ pop in and out o’ yer kid’s life,” it’s a muttering as his head shakes back and forth. The whirring sound of the garage door opening before us fills the empty space of the car. 
Harry knew. He knew all about it with the disappearing parent act, the parent who was preferable when they were absent. Yet, his Dad had popped back into his life, but this time he hadn’t left. Sometimes, I was a tad bit jealous, if I were honest. Not with him, though, but Skye sniffed it out on me once. I had wished a thousand times over since I was little that my mum was different, that she was a normal mum, and a better one. It never came true that wish, but yet at 28, I still found myself making it without trying. Lasting only moments, I still felt sour with guilt at times for the thought, despite being overjoyed for Harry about the recent development. 
“Have you spoken to your dad lately?” I decide to say, draping my work bag over my shoulder. 
“Ya, um . . yest’day, I think it was. He called me on my way back from tha courts. He’s doin’ a job in Edinburgh but wants t’ get together with us when he’s back. I don’t rememba him bein’ a good cook, but he wants t’ have us over fer dinner at his.” 
“That sounds nice. Would you like that?” 
The house is quiet and dark when we step inside. The typical one word male response comes as I set my shoes next to his on the mat, letting him take my light coat. 
“Shit, kinda forgot ‘bout takeaway. Are leftovers fine, bug?” 
“Yeah, I don’t care,” my answer comes. Harry’s humming fills my ears, and although I love it, my attention is held elsewhere. 
“Let’s wait on dinner,” he announces, but not until his arms come around my middle do I start to pay attention. The two waiting texts before me disappear when Harry gently takes my phone away, setting it down on the kitchen island. “I think I have an idea o’ how I could take yer mind off o’ things.” 
I can’t resist, the way my lips split into a smile. The containers of Harry’s famous stir fry are forgotten on the counter when I feel the first kiss he plants to my neck. 
“Oh, really, Mr. Styles, what ever could that be?” it comes out in a giggle, because all control I thought I had is lost with my words. He looks close to one when I turn around in his arms, finding his bottom lip caught between his teeth. 
“Anythin’ ya want, bug, anythin’ at all.” 
“A baby?” I tease, reveling in the sight of his eyes widening. Now, the laugh spills from his decadent, cherry lips. 
“Careful there, Becks, yer gettin’ ahead o’ yerself. Y’know my stipulations on that one,” he jokes, wagging a finger at me. The soft light above the granite top island lends a glow to his face, not that he’d ever need another one, considering the sunshine he holds. I wish I could say the same thing for me, but he whisks it away with those very words. “Y’know ‘ll give you a baby one day, all tha babies you want. But, fer now, what’ll make my bug happiest?” 
My answer doesn’t come in words or a look- well, I may let one go on accident. It’s hard not to while his eyes bore into mine, my hands making their way up his chest underneath his button down. “Will you come and take a bath with me?”
“Certainly. Rough day, bug?” I only nod my head, feeling the knot in my throat when I try to swallow, unable to stop remembering them all. “Wanna talk ‘bout it?”
My head going from side to side suffices for words, and so does the way I drop my head to his chest. His solid arms come around me, smoothing my hair back with gentle strokes. 
“Sounds like a bath bomb and back massage kinda night.” 
“Thank you,” is all I say, because I know that he knows, without him having to say it. 
“‘Course, my love, jus’ wanna make you happy.” 
Closing my eyes, I try to forget the things that had piled up the last week, and the questions I wish I could ask him, but I’m not sure how. 
I don’t know where it had started, or even when, really. As Harry dips his hand under the bathwater to get it just right, they come floating back to me. The way he had been distant, and yet not, but one outweighed the other. 
“C’mere, my girl,” he coos, inching a finger back and forth, beckoning me over to him. Obliging, the floor is ice cold against my bare feet, but his hands deposit a warmth on my skin I’ve missed. “Can I help you get undressed, honeybug?”
Nodding, I absentmindedly pick a spot on the wall to stare at. It was an imperfection at best, a white divot amongst the soft gray. From one of Harry’s drunken nights nearing a year ago, it appeared one morning and he still hadn’t gotten it fixed. It went unnoticed for lengths at a time, but I wish I could say the same for the things I picked up on this week. The way he’d immediately hang up on a phone call when I entered the room, at work or home. Speaking of his phone, he wouldn’t let me use it when I’d happen to lose mine and needed to look something up, not even to take a picture. Instead, he’d make up some excuse about expecting a call, or that it was about to die, despite seeing his battery was at least half full. It confused me, to say the least, but that only shrank in comparison when it came to the apparent work dinner I wasn’t invited to the other night. Then, there was the entire absence of talking about ring shopping, as if it had never existed. I’d ask if we could go and look at this shop, and he’d agree to it but no more would be said. Or, I’d show him a ring I saw online and he’d have nothing more to say than a one word response. It didn’t help that Skye seemed too busy for me as well, cancelling our weekly dinner to hang out with Asher instead, as if we couldn’t have all hung out together. I could have used one of her pep talks, or so I thought until I mentioned my predicament to her, and she brushed it off, telling me it was probably nothing. That only drove me further up the Worry Wall, now wondering if I was making something out of nothing. 
“Alright, bubs?” 
She wasn’t alright, and I could tell. It was clear as day, beginning with the far away look in her eye. It only stuck as I lifted her sweater dress over her head, and peeled her black jeggings from her legs. 
“Pinky P?” she ignored our inside joke and got into the tub first. As I unbuttoned my shirt, I watched her as she rested her chin on her knees that hugged her chest. I wondered if she knew, and if I had been too distant, trying to hide it from her. The last thing I would ever want to do in the world is to hurt her. I’m afraid that while trying to do the most important thing in my life, I’ve hurt her in the process. 
“Becks, wanna go out t’ dinner t’gether on Friday? I heard ‘bout this really great place, I think we’d like it,” she hums an audible confirmation, it’s barely there, whilst holding the raspberry colored bath bomb in her hand. “‘m gonna go and warm up dinner and we can eat it in tha bath. That sound good t’ you, bub?”
“Sure,” she says, again. She usually loves my stir fry, and when she doesn’t request her classic big glass of milk with it to keep the spicyness in check, I know she’s not herself. 
Shit, what have I done? 
I find her eyes have lulled closed after I set my empty dinner plate on the floor on top of hers. “C’mere, li’l one,” I hum, waving my fingers in and out towards her. She groans a denial, content to rest her head on her knees still. I don’t take no for an answer, hooking my hands in the crease of her legs. “Becks baby.” 
Huffing, she lifts her pretty head and stuns me with those eyes. A tiredness sits in them, something more than exhaustion from getting up at six am today. Flashing my award winning smile at her, she at last uncurls herself and wades through the bathwater until I pull her onto my lap. 
Now, the hot water isn’t the only thing keeping me warm when she curls up against my chest. Water collects at the ends of her hair, making it hard to comb my fingers through, but only at first. Peering down at her, I watch as her bare chest rises and falls with breaths, something I once was so afraid of not seeing. To never get to see again. 
I thank my lucky stars on the daily for still being blessed with this sight. Her temple is damp with beads of sweat and water mixed together, but I can still smell it there, the orange blossoms and vanilla. Her smell, one I could inhale forever. 
“‘m sorry ‘ve been so busy lately, I know ‘ve been a bit distant,” it begins as a mumble on my lips, and there’s no stopping it in time. “Know you’ve noticed it too, and that ‘s upset ya.” 
“Is something wrong? Did I-,” her question is spoken gingerly, fear in her voice tinged with self-consciousness. 
“No, ‘course not, bug. Nothing’s tha matter, and you didn’t do anythin’ wrong, please don’t think you did. ‘ve jus’ been busy with a project at work, but I promise it’ll be finished soon,” the thought itself brought to life by my voice teases my lips with a smile, knowing the finish line that I approach. At last. 
“Okay . . thanks, Harry.” 
“Welcome, bubs,” I murmur, exhaling against her forehead. Her forehead is balmy where I rest my lips, letting my eyes shut too, listening to nothing but the sound of her breathing. After all of this time, I still felt a chill in my bones when my thoughts were yanked to her accident. Now, it only makes me feel as if my words didn’t do enough to reassure her, but I wasn’t sure what more I could do without giving it away. No, I couldn’t do that. “I love you so much, Becks, can’t wait t’ marry you one day.” 
“I love you too, Harry,” it’s an almost snigger from her decadent lips. I wait for more, but it doesn’t come, not until she stirs in my arms. 
“What d’ya think yer doin’?” it’s my turn to spill a giggle, watching her move in my arms until she’s facing me. More importantly, straddling my lap and running a hand through my hair. 
Her answers came in a simple shrug of her shoulders, but the tilt to her lips spoke volumes more. My name for her sounds from my lips as a tut, but she quickly whisks it away with her own on mine. The rippling of the bath water around us is the only sound besides the way our lips move together. Her ass is spongy and slick beneath my naked fingers, and her squeal against my lips is heaven and everything more. 
“Can I still take you up on that offer?” her words graze my mouth, craving me to reach forward and return them to mine. 
“What offer, bug?” I ask under hooded eyes, mine boring into hers the color of bottomless oceans. 
It was more than music to my ears, it was everything good stitched together by her lips, “To take my mind off things . . and yours, in the process.” 
“Certainly,” I say, beginning to move until her hands push against my chest. “Use yer words.” 
“Let me.” 
It’s a giggled reply at best, because as she adjusts herself on top of me, any possibility of speaking soon wanes. “Yer bloody confusin,’ y’know that, Becks?” 
“Is this confusing to you, Harry?” she murmurs with a flick of her expressive brows. It’s not her words, but something else that knocks some air out of me. Nearly impossible to notice, her composure has grown since she’s become a lawyer, especially as she starts to rub her crotch against my hardening member. 
“Not at all, baby, jus’ tell me what you need me t’ do.” 
“Kiss me,” she answers, fervor shining in her voice. I don’t even get to laugh before she steals it from me with her lips, bringing a groan from them next when she takes my dick in her hand. 
A quiet battle rages inside of me, not wanting her to leave, but at the same time, I need her to. There’s never a day where she doesn’t look beautiful, and on days when she has court she tries even more. She asked me once when I find her the most beautiful, and her first guess was these days when she argued her case, but I said no. It brought her eyebrows together in confusion, pinching her oval face in the cutest of ways. No, I found her the most beautiful in the first light of the morning, in the way sleep clung to every bit of her, making her slower and more . . her. It could be found in the lighty giggles that she painted the air with, the way her nose scrunched together in the middle of one. Her hair swept in different places, and how she clung to me like my own personal koala. If koalas were simultaneously personal heaters. Becks was most beautiful in the morning, because in those first few minutes of waking up, I was reminded anew that she chose to be mine. A dream of mine I doubted over and over about the possibility of. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she didn’t need makeup to make her beautiful, but her eyelashes longer from mascara fluttered against her skin with the question. Her dark chocolate eyebrows she swept a pencil over every morning hugged the pale skin between them. 
“Oh,” it plummets from my lips with astonishment, and a clearing of my throat. The left corner of her mouth greets her cheek when the gesture clicks with her. God, sometimes she can still take my breath away by just the sight of her, even several years later. “Ya still manage t’ make me weak in tha knees, y’know that? I dunno how you do it, bug,” I reply with a clicking of my tongue, edging towards her. A shade of coral arrives in her cheeks with my words and proximity, only growing darker when I wrap my arms around her from behind. 
“So do you, you know.” 
“Mmm, thought so, thanks fer tha confirmation, love,” it’s a reply joined by my nose against her temple. Her flighty laugh graces my ears once more, and I’m smiling without knowing it. God, I can’t wait to hear that laugh for the rest of my life. Which reminds me. “You and Rose should get goin’, love, if ya want t’ get t’ tha courts early. Lunch traffic may be bad.” 
“Why are you trying to get rid of me, Harry?”
“‘m not, jus’ lookin’ out fer you, ‘s all,” I choose to say, glad she can’t see the way that I check my watch, seeing the texts waiting on my screen. Too similar to how they’re waiting. 
“Okay, Dad. I’ll see you later then, for dinner tonight?” Suddenly, I’m looking into her eyes, the very color I hope our kids have. I know our kids will have them, they’ll be so lucky.
“‘ll see you afta yer done, bug. Good luck on yer case, I know you’ll smash it.” 
“Thanks,” it’s spoken with warmth, one that I know I’ll miss despite wanting her to go. Needing her to go. “Still picking me up after?”
“‘Course, my love. We can’t f’get dinner t’night.” 
“I’m excited. Rose said she likes Isabelle’s,” she comments, wasting her
time by playing with the opal ring on my hand. Mine that she’d stolen for a good while, and I finally took back. “They have really good desserts and steaks.” 
“‘ve heard that too. Can’t wait t’ try some with you t’night,” it comes out with a smile, but I’m never sure that I could ever match hers. It had gotten better over the last few days, I think I was finding a balance between keeping it but not keeping her out. Her lips taste of cinnamon roll coffee creamer and cherry chapstick when I peck her, just how she always does. I could do with kisses tasting like that forever and ever. “Bye, bug. You girls drive safe now.”
“We will. Bye, have a good day.” 
“See ya. Stop putzing, and get goin,’ li’l one,” I titter, savoring the taken aback look on her face when I slap her ass. The sound of her’s fills my ears as I join her in the hallway, watching her walk away and get onto the lift. 
I give it a few more moments, imagining the space placed between us,  hoping she won’t be returning for something she had forgotten. Now, that would be bad. Only once I feel confident, do my feet wake up and I start on my way, contradicted by the way my heart gallops like a horse right out of the gates. 
“Here we go, Harry. One o’ tha biggest days o’ yer lives, jus’ on tha horizon,” I mumble aloud to me and only him, stopping when I reach the door. Already, I can hear their voices from this side, but before I can open it, I fill my lungs with an impatient breath. 
Their sounds slowly fall when I make my entrance, feeling as I’m still running that race inside of my chest, knowing I’m nowhere near the finish line. Perhaps, I’m just a bit closer. When each of their faces lifts to mine, the faces of our families, it imbues me with a shattering sense of reality meeting dreams. One I’ve had held inside of me for so long now. 
“Alright, so ‘bout t’night then. You lot ready t’ help me with this or what?”
I thought I knew what I was doing, but when I turned onto our street, I quickly found that I had no idea at all. I was afraid she could feel the clamminess of my hand, or that that feeling of hers would give it away all entirely. The dinner had gone as perfectly as it could’ve, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I only hoped that the next part would, because it was the most important one of all. Arguably, this would be the most important case of my life that I needed to win. A whirring of the garage door gave a background to my thoughts as I tap at my Apple watch, heaving a sigh when I see the text. 
We’re all ready when you are! 
Pulling my coat around me tighter, I follow Harry through the garage and into the house. He had promised more chocolate once we had gotten home from dinner. Although it sounded wonderful, I wasn’t sure how I could fit any more in my stomach after the lavish meal we had just stuffed ourselves with. I still couldn’t figure out why he had gone out of his way to have dinner together at one of the most expensive places in town, Isabelle’s. 
I barely get the chance to shrug off my coat when I feel him tug on my hand. His name escapes my lips in a giggle, similar to the one that gleams in his eyes. 
“C’mon, bug, there’s somethin’ I wanna show you,” Harry insists, waiting for me to join him. Leaving the dark downstairs, I follow him up the flight of wooden steps. 
“What’s that?”
“Yer supposed t’ be able t’ see Jupiter t’night in tha night sky. I know ‘s yer favourite one, bug,” I find myself nodding along with his words. Still, I’m unable to tear myself away from the warm gray suit he donned for tonight, the one that started it all for us. 
“Okay, but I really need the loo first.” 
“‘Kay, take yer time. ‘ll try t’ see if I can find it fer us then,” the words leave my lips with a wobbliness to them. If that feeling of her’s was piqued or if she knew something, Becks didn’t let on. All she did was flash me a funny smile before rushing into the bathroom, hardly closing the door. 
No matter the lengths I go to, I can’t seem to breath in long enough. It all was descending upon me, as I peeked out at the back garden and felt a warmth bubbling inside of me and onto my lips. The effervescent feeling carried through in my limbs as I stepped onto the balcony, pressing record before smoothing down my hair and my suit. 
I felt like if it were ever going to happen, my heart would certainly leap from my chest tonight. Just in a matter of moments, for her. Because of her. 
“Did you find it, Harry?” I wonder aloud, stepping through the doorway of the bathroom, returning to our bedroom. 
“Y-Ya,” from the balcony of our bedroom, he responds. Was that a stammer, I just heard? “C’mere, bug, lemme show you.” 
“Okay,” my answer comes, and so does a thought when I glance Harry’s phone propped up on our bed with the camera pointing at me. Funny that it landed that way, I wonder when he’s going to break it from tossing it onto our bed so many times, I think quietly to myself. 
The midnight indigo sky beckoned me forth, as did Harry who looked at me over his shoulder. A soft glow from the balcony light fell over us as I stopped at the railing beside him, peering up at the night sky. 
“Alright,” he sighs, stretching out his arm to point a ringed finger at the expanse of darkness. “Ya see that bright light over on tha left hand side o’ tha sky? There it ‘s, that’s Jupiter fer ya. Told ya I knew a thing or two ‘bout space, Becks.” 
“Wow, that’s amazing,” it comes out in a drawn out breath, astonishment dripping from my words. Even if it was just a twinkling light in the night sky, it was that seven letter word beginning with an A. 
A tingly warmth builds on my cheek, and looking to my right, I find Harry smiling at me. For a second, I think I see a wetness collecting in his eyes, but it’s gone when I blink. 
My question sits in the air, unanswered by him while he brushes his thumb across my cheek. 
“Yer amazin,’ Becks . . prettier than any star in any sky, my love,” his words are spaced out in between breaths, and his adam’s apple bobs in his throat, punctuating the end of his words. The corners of my lips lift into a smile, something he can never fail to do, but it was only one out of many. 
“Thank you, Harry,” I murmur softly, stepping forward to press a kiss to his cheek. In the movement, something catches my eye. The feeling of his prickly cheek against my lips is but a memory as my gaze follows through with its curiosity. “Wait, what’s-.” 
My lips pause and so does the question on my lips when I peer down at our back garden. The trees and bushes are lit up all over by candlelight. A breath gets caught in my throat as the image before me comes together, candles organized with their flames spelling two words. My hand instantly flies to my mouth as my breath escapes me, tears taking their place. 
They read, MARRY ME?
I didn’t hear it or let alone see it, the way he had sunk down onto one knee, but when I turn to face Harry, the first one falls. Down my cheek, and then his. His trademark wheeze paints the air as his sages overflow with tears. Swallowing, I taste the briny ones on my lips as an image I’d dreamt of and doubted fills my eyes. It’s unmistakable, the way his knee shakes, the other bent underneath him as the light catches the gleaming diamond ring held in his hand. 
“H-Harry,” it’s shaky and adorned with tears, but the sight before me becomes clearer when I blink. “Yes, of course, yes!” I exclaim, and he’s laughing deeply. 
“I haven’t even said anythin’ yet, bug,” he chuckles loudly with a shake of his head. “C’mere you, get over here.” Obliging, my legs nudge me over to him where he takes my hand in his. 
“Bloody hell, woman, I memorized this whole speech. Least let me try and say it,” the obnoxious and loud laugh that spills from his lips could never fail to be music to my ears. He blows out a breath from his lips rounded into an O, and we both shed apprehensive giggles. “Have I ever told you all o’ tha things I love most ‘bout you, Becks? I could write a book ‘bout ‘em all, but they start with how kind you always are. Reckon it was tha first thing I noticed ‘bout you after those killer eyes o’ yers on tha day we met. You’ve never stopped being kind t’ me, even when I didn’t deserve it, or when others didn’t. That and how bloody unrelenting you are were tha first things that struck me ‘bout you when you were my assistant, Becks. I never would’ve thought we’d get t’ where we are t’day seein’ where we started, but I could never thank you enough fer not givin’ up on me, Becks . . on us. God, ‘m ramblin’ now, ‘m sorry,” there it is again, his signature wheeze. A similar sound comes from me as we take a breather to wipe at our eyes. The only sound surrounding us is the galloping of my heart, probably his too, and my favorite sound falling from his lips. 
“It’s okay, keep going. You’re doing great,” I urge him in a soft whisper, hoping my wink is half as good as his when he smiles that sunshine up at me. He nods once, squeezing my hand firmly before going back to tracing nervous circles onto my knuckles. 
“Yer humor too, it may be cheesy sometimes, and not as funny as mine,” no, my wink could never be good as the one he gives me now. Effortlessly cute. “But I love it, and so many mo’ things ‘bout you, Rebecca Ann. Tha way you take care o’ me. I know ‘ve said it befo’ but yer so good t’ me with yer cookin’, puttin’ up with my cold feet in bed and tha way I hog tha covers, workin’ t’gether at me firm which I know presents ‘s own set o’ challenges, and how you’ve made me into a better person ev’ry day since I met you. Ya get on me nerves and yer stubborn as a bloody bull, but I can’t imagine spendin’ tha rest o’ me life with anybody but you. ‘s been that way fer years now, love, and I can’t go another day without you knowin’ it.” 
“I do, Harry,” it’s a mere whisper, but his smile soaks it all up, and so does mine for his sunshine. 
“Hey, what’d I say ‘bout you gettin’ ahead o’ yerself here?” his lips couldn’t lift higher and his sunshine couldn’t be brighter. Our heads shake with songs of laughter, my very favorite tune in the entire world. “Yer me favourite thing in this entire world, bug, and I want t’ spend tha rest o’ me life showin’ you that ev’ry day. I wanna have so many babies with you, even a li’l boy named Lennon perhaps, and a li’l girl named Luna, like we’ve said . . I want t’ argue cases with you fer tha rest o’ me career, ‘cos yer me favourite lawyer. Yer my partner, bug, and I always want t’ have you there at my side, Becks . . There’s so much mo’ I could say t’ you, tellin’ you how I love you, but I know I have tha rest o’ me life t’ do it. So, Rebecca Ann Holte-,” he pauses with a frog in his throat, shaking his head. A knot tightens in mine as I watch him press his face into the crook of his arm, crying quietly with a smile. Pulling away after a moment, he exhales and looks to me with a wet smile dripping with sunshine.
“Harry,” I sigh, tears tightening around my words. 
Clearing his throat, he continues, “What d’ya say t’ changin’ that last name o’ yers t’ Styles fer me? Will you marry me, Becks?”
“There’s nothing I’d want more, Harry, than to spend the rest of my life with you,” they’re coated in tears, soon mixing with his when I collapse into his arms, my lips pressed against his. I feel the nervousness spill at last from his lips when they touch the crown of my head, laying kisses there in layers as we shed happy tears. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yer ev’rythin’ ‘ve ever wanted, Becks,” Harry whispers there, pressing me firmly against his front. The light catches the well of tears in his eyes when I belatedly pull away, bringing my hand to his cheek. “My fiancee.” 
“Fiancee . . I like the sound of that,” I murmur, tracing the outline of his bottom lip. He nods with my words, just as a tear falls into the divot in his cheek. 
“Y’know what I like tha sound of?” his voice is gentle and just above a whisper that I answer with my head cocked to the side. “Rebecca Styles. Becky Styles.” 
It couldn’t feel sweeter, the sound that coasts off my lips, him soon replicating it. Even sweeter it tastes when I touch my lips to his, finding that same word in his smiling eyes. Following them, they fall to the mahogany colored wooden box he clutches in his hand. 
“Oh, ya, can’t forget ‘bout this now. ‘s very important,” Harry says, opening the box once again, and I’m brought to tears by the sight of it. 
“Harry, is that-,” I begin, but tears take hold of my voice prematurely, my hand over my mouth in disbelief. Sniffling, his ring laden hand dives into my hair, knowing how it calms me. “H-Her ring?”
Flicking my eyes to his, he hums a reply before his lips part, “Ya, ‘s yer Grandma Ann’s, Becks.” his neck smells of vanilla and sandalwood when I find myself in his arms again, spewing ugly tears onto his shoulder. “Been on tha phone with yer dad almost ev’ry day fer tha last two weeeks talkin’ ‘bout it, ‘bout doin’ this.” 
Hiccups rack my chest when I pull away, eyes gravitating towards the glinting piece of jewelry tucked away into his large hand. “I-I see why you were being so sneaky lately,” I muster, swiping under my eyes. Despite the breaths I try to shove down my lungs, I can’t stop shaking. 
“Ya, ‘m sorry ‘bout that. I thought somethin’ was up with you, figured you’d noticed. Didn’t mean t’ keep you out, Becks, but couldn’t have you findin’ out and spoilin’ all tha fun I had planned fer you,” he murmurs, booping my nose. My eyes fall shut when he presses his lips to my cheek, nudging his face against mine. “Important stuff here . . Now, let’s see if it fits.” 
Gulping, I hold out my hand, wincing at the way it shakes. As I watch his long fingers delicately remove the golden ring from the velvet cushion, I try to remember how I’d come to be sitting on his lap. How all of this had happened. A sigh of relief washes over me when he takes my hand in his, gently squeezing it before his other nears it. With bated breath, my gaze flicks between his hand and his greens that watch the same. 
A smile climbs my cheeks as Harry slides off my promise ring, pressing his lips to the naked skin. Happiness sighs from my lips with a choked sound, watching how he carefully places the thin golden band onto my finger. Folding my fingers into his, his wheeze graces the air as I admire the nostalgic ring.
“They’re me Grandma Claire’s diamonds too, from her wedding ring. She wanted me t’ use ‘em when I told her I was goin’ t’ propose t’ you,” he explains softly as I tilt my hand back and forth, watching how the several diamonds catch the light. 
“Oh, Harry,” it catches in my throat as disbelief paints my insides. Guilt rises with it as I remember growing upset with him in my mind, fearing that this was never going to happen. Now, as I stare down at the ring that seals our promise, I truly can’t fathom it. Seeing is believing. 
I’d seen this ring time and time again whilst growing up, admiring it on several occasions. My gran even let me wear it once or twice, joking that it was because I was her favourite. I never thought I would get to wear it one day myself, and that thought makes my vision swim with more tears. Blinking them away, I brush my thumb over the round diamond set into the middle, and the smaller tear drop shaped ones set into the winding bands of gold connecting to the main band. 
“How’s it fit, bug?” 
“Perfect,” my answer is shy, riddled with memories from the only other time I’d worn it before. It had once swallowed my finger, hanging dangerously loose. Not now. No, it fit me snugly, reminding me of all of the years that had passed. Bringing my eyes to his, the dimples only fall deeper into his cheeks. “It’s more than beautiful, Harry, thank you . . Thank you for letting me keep her with me every day, and Claire too.” 
“Yer mo’ than welcome, Becks. ‘m so happy that they get t’ be a part o’ this with us.” 
My chest only shakes harder when he says those words, and I even feel his do the same against mine. At last, the dryness in my throat wasn’t because of pain or hurting, but for a moment, I let myself feel that. I allow myself to remember speaking with her about when I would get married one day as I wore her ring that was too big for me, wishing for a second that I could go back to that day. 
“Harry, you have no idea how much this means to me . . to get to have her with me for this.” wrinkles gather around his eyes when I see them again. They’re painted with tears, and the mere sight of him makes my heart swell. I never thought it could be this good. No, not when I dreamt out loud with my gran about one day wearing a big, white dress and marrying the man of my dreams. I could have never known that I’d be blessed with a man who was that, and more. “I used to talk to her about my silly little girl dreams of getting married, and she’d let me try on her ring and . . “ I muse, my forehead pressed to his, staring at the ring together. 
“Yer dad told me ‘bout that, it only made it seem even mo’ perfect t’ use her ring. He was so happy t’ pass it on t’ me, Becks- onto you,” Harry whispers, sponging kisses across my face in slow movements. I couldn’t remember a time when I hadn’t been smiling, and was sure that I’d never be able to stop, mumbling soft ‘thank you’s to him. 
“Well?!” comes a shout from nowhere. Nearly jumping, my gaze lifts to the balcony railing and the flickers of light I make out through them where the voice had come from. “What’d she say?! We’re bloody dying over here waiting, and freezing our asses off, mind you!” When my eyes meet Harry’s, our giggles light up the air around us, our breaths mingling. 
“I’m fucking freezing! Are you done yet?” comes yet another voice, one that I also recognize. My eyebrows only fall further into a question as I look at Harry. 
His shoulders rise only to fall, “What? Don’t think I set up all o’ those candles and lit ‘em meself, d’ya? ‘s flatterin’ if ya think so, but I had a li’l help.” 
“What, who?”
“Who d’ya think, bug? Our family,” he answers, swiping his thumb underneath my eye to catch a tear. It makes my lips still, the way he said it. They’re my family now, and mine is his. “Care t’ do tha honors, or shall I?” 
“You can. I just know you’re itching to,” it’s a giggle that only grows louder as he lifts his eyebrows at me. 
“She said yes! We’re gettin’ married!” Harry shouts, and a loud cheer follows ensuite from down below. My favorite sound in the world fills my ears when his lips come to press against my head. “My Becks, forever and ever, baby.”
“Forever,” I repeat aloud, trying it out, as if I hadn’t already a million times over in my head. “Wait, who all did you rassle together for this sneaky mission of yours?” 
“We’ll meet you inside, it’s fucking cold out!” Robbie shouts, followed by a loud ‘brr.’
It comes from his lips again, that sound. Tilting my head to meet his eyes, the sound of his heart thumps in my ear. I’m not sure I could have found a better spot. 
“As you can tell by their loud mouths, Skye and Robbie, first o’ all. Then, ‘course yer dad and my mum, me sister, Myles, and Asher,” he grins, pride dripping from every word he speaks. “My Dad helped with tha reservation at Isabelle’s, he couldn’t have spoke higher o’ tha place. I can see why now, can’t picture our pre-proposal dinner bein’ anywhere else. It only made t’night mo’ perfect . . ‘d thought o’ doin’ it with Scrabble tiles, seein’ how ‘s always been our thing, but I wanted somethin’ grander. Mum and Gemma gave me tha idea o’ spellin’ it out bigger ‘til I thought o’ candles. Then, it was jus’ a matter of gettin’ enough o’ ‘em and lightin’ ‘em. I left tha hard part t’ them, and that jus’ left me with tha ring. Reckon that was really tha most difficult o’ all. Me Gran said I could have her wedding ring, I almost started cryin’ I was so choked up ‘bout it. It was that weekend I took ya home with me, seems it made her a li’l emotional talkin’ t’ ya knowin’ what was gonna happen. That was ‘til yer dad said he wanted me t’ have yer Grandma Ann’s ring, seein’ how close tha two o’ you were . . It jus’ seemed perfect, ‘d been thinkin’ so long on what kinda ring t’ get you, and it jus’ clicked. ‘Course, I still wanted t’ include me Gran somehow. Yer Gran’s ring was missin’ a few stones and hers fit jus’ right. I couldn’t be happier ‘bout tha ring, Becks, and it looks so beautiful on you, love. Like . . like it was made fer you, bug.” 
Words escape me, not that any feel like they could do any justice at this moment. No, those ones aren’t anywhere to be found, besides the ‘thank you’ I tell him, and the other one I say to him with my lips. 
I’m unsure if my legs will ever stop feeling like Jello when he helps me stand, my arms around his waist at the soonest chance. His lips radiated sunshine, but this time, every inch of his face did too. It’d spread to his limbs, imbuing me with his contagious rays when his arms come around me, and the way his lips wouldn’t leave mine alone. 
“What are you doing?” it’s a mumbled question laced with pure confusion when he pulls me over to the right side of the balcony. Realization only dawns on me when I watch what he picks up, light at last revealing it. “You recorded it?” there they are again, hugging my voice and refusing to let go. 
“‘Course, I did,” Harry grins, sliding his hand into the cloth handle on the other side of the compact camcorder. “Still am, look at my beautiful fiancee, and soon t’ be wife.” 
“Harry,” it sounds sad until my laugh overwhelms it, because my smile hasn’t even signalled a departure. 
“Look at that dimple shinin’ so bright,” he remarks, thumbing at the indent in my left cheek. It wanders to the imperfection below my eye. His hand is warm and clammy when mine comes to surround it, overflowing his eyes with tears. “And that ring- bloody hell, can’t believe I get t’ marry you- Hey, kids, if yer watchin’ this one day, which I bloody well hope you are, this ‘s yer Mum. ‘sn’t she absolutely gorgeous? I can’t wait t’ marry yer Mummy, she’s truly tha best person ‘ve met in me entire life- well, ‘til we meet you lot.” 
“Harry,” this time, it’s choked with a sob, or a few. His hand comes to his eyes, pressing his thumbs against his greens with that sunshine on his lips. The breathy sound of happiness sings from his lips when he drops it after a few moments of soft tears, staring back at me, his book wide open. 
“Figure we should show ‘em tha main attraction,” panning to the right, I follow him to the balcony where the multitudes of flickering flames still remain. “We’ll hafta go and blow ‘em out.” 
“Not yet. I just want to look at them awhile . . with you.” 
His reply is only a sniffle, amplified by the way he pulls me against his side, pointing the lens at us now. I look past it, down at the ground where the sight still steals the breath from my lungs, just like the pair of lips on my forehead. 
A few moments later, maybe longer, Harry’s whisper breaks through my thoughts, “Ready t’ go downstairs and show ev’rybody?” 
“Just a few more minutes.” 
“Dontchu worry, we’ve got forever, Becks.” 
Usually, I’d roll my eyes at the cheesy line he deals, but I can’t stop staring at him, still smiling at the thought of getting that with him. Forever. 
It beckoned me, trying and failing to drag me away, but I still wasn’t ready. Soft snores had begun to leave his lips long ago. I’m not even sure what the hour was anymore. Skye was the last to leave, to nobody’s surprise, when the small hand was nearing the eleven. Chocolate galore, charcuterie boards, pizzas, and sparkling grape juice filled the hours amongst more crying and stories upon stories. Harry’s clothes were the first to go once we were alone, and mine followed his soon after. 
I wondered if I’d ever stop thinking about it, or more importantly, stop staring at it. Only the least bit of light ran through the barely closed curtains, catching the ring, just like it’d always been. I also wondered when I’d stop crying, it was a little embarrassing when it happened in between the sheets with Harry. 
His stirring beside me brought my eyes upward and to him. Lines gathered on Harry’s forehead in his sleep, relaxing a second later. A huff fell from his lips and into the air as he relaxed, an inked arm stilling underneath his pillow. With a long blink, I belatedly tug the covers over my shoulders, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. He didn’t groan anymore or even move at the touch, or when the tip of my finger begins to trace the lines of the numbers hovering over his heart. The year that started it all, a three letter word that now had turned into forever, something I never thought I would get to have with him. I fall asleep with the smile still stuck to my lips, unwavering against the warm skin of his neck. 
A few days later, and it still hadn’t worn off. Secretly, I was hoping that it never would. Again, the smile still came when I caught sight of the promise on my finger, and was only a reach away. When I stopped in front of the sink in our ensuite bathroom, it fell when I called to Harry with a question, but only for a moment. 
“Babe, have you seen my pill pack?”
“No, I don’t think so. Have you checked tha usual spots?”
“Yeah, I don’t know where I put it,” sighing, I pad across the cold, tile floor. “Oh. Well, I’m sure I’ll find it.” 
Song: Let’s Get Married by The Bleachers (click to listen) ;) ;) 
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Of Faes and Goblins
Fae! Aethelred+Changeling! Reader+Goblin! Ivar
(A/N): Happy birthday, Sophie, @maggiescarborough​!
So to celebrate your beautiful day and to show how much we support you and apprecciate all you do for this beautiful comunity, we thought of sharing with you a few creations to celebrate properly your lovely day!
My idea is basically an interactive story, as in: you’ll be faced with a few choices and you’ll decide the turn of events of the stories, so be sure to let me know what you prefer to happen and I’ll try my best to follow your choices.
For the rest, do enjoy the surprise and the idea!
Have a lovely birthday, beautiful! (with not too much heathen and your beloved sickly looking Saxons!).
SUMMARY: After your life turned out to be a complete lie, you find yourself faced with many choices and even more importantly with two annoying males.
WORDS: 9,8 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Violence, Kidnapping, Fighting (yeah this is very much taken from ‘The Dark Faerie Tales’ by Holly Black), Everybody is A Faerie.
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Changeling were extraordinary creatures.
And you had been lucky enough to be one of them.
You had discovered it once you had moved back to Ireland, having transferred to North America for a scholarship after high school, feeling like Ireland was too tight for your dreams.
A sensation only worsened by your mother’s horrible mental health…
… although with time you had discovered that she knew the truth, all along.
Since you had had memory, your mother had said you weren’t his child, gaining quite the judging of everyone around her, and right after she had started making such claims, doctors had dosed her with medical drugs to keep her tame.
Even more after she had even tried to leave you in the wood nearby your family’s manor, the one you stayed at with your grandma.
Your grandma was the only person that had constantly supported you and she was the woman who had raised you as your own mother laid in bed, either passed out for the drugs or trying to ignore you, since only seeing you would make her faint.
Eventually your grandma had been the one to push you away from Ireland, suggesting that you pursued your dream outside of the beautiful land that had been your sole home.
She had given you the strength to believe in yourself, although the first years in America had been passed adapting yourself at its big cities and its enormous crowd.
But now that you were back from them, you felt almost uneasy in the small village you had grown up with, everybody looking too changed and yet the same, looking at you with distrust and envy, although you hadn’t become a famous star or an important businesswoman.
But the fact that you had escaped that strict mentality was enough.
You had come back for the same person who didn’t want you there.
As of lately your mother’s heart had been thoroughly weakened by the drugs (medical and not) and she had already had an heartattack.
Your grandma had explained it to you in one last call that sadly your mother’s life was becoming thin, pleading with you to come back, although you weren’t sure that your mother wanted you back.
You weren’t her child, after all.
At first, as a child, the way she uttered those words had hurt you in ways that pierced your tiny skin, making you completely detached from the affection of that woman, soon starting to call her simply by her name and nothing else.
And even sooner you had erased her figure, pushing your grandma in her place.
But now even she was tired, and you could hear her ache in the tone of her voice.
Although your mother might not want her title, your grandma still remained her mother and she suffered for both of you her mistakes.
Eventually you had been convinced by your mother, herself, a secret call, at 3 a.m. in the morning telling you to come back, because the faeries had told her that if she gave you back, they’d make her see one last time her true child.
‘… my inion’ the way the name had sounded on the tip of her tongue made you uneasy, because you had never heard it, but you had reasoned with yourself that maybe in your mother’s delusional words there might be some kind of truth.
And there was.
Almost too much.
Back then you had simply thought that she had finally come to the conclusion that you were her daughter.
So, seeing you again would have allowed her to rationalize and finally accept you as her daughter, something for which you strived for, although you had for long years tried to convince yourself that her approval didn’t matter, in the slightest.
But any hope had disappeared when after a flight of twelve hours, your mother had refused to face you, much to your grandmother’s and your annoyance, although the older woman welcomed you in again as a warm mother, having cooked your favorite meal, something that brightened your mood.
You spent a nice few days back in Ireland, although your mother didn’t seem interested into acknowledging your presence and whenever you were together, she’d stare at you with mighty intensity in her eyes and once you had heard her mutter ‘when will they come for you, silly girl? I want my real child back’.
And in that moment, you had dreaded the thought that had come to your mind.
You had wished that she would have just died.
It was less embarrassing, and it would have been a trauma she could deal with, instead of being stuck in the eternal limbo of ‘will she ever love me? Or will I be for ever the faeries’ daughter?’.
But then that fateful night had happened, and you had been the one thinking that you had grown as crazy as her, as you heard a melodic song being sprung from nowhere.
Something ancient that couldn’t be found on Spotify for sure, although you loved it.
But it just wouldn’t let you sleep, and eventually you peaked outside of your house to check what was going on, although you wouldn’t be surprised to find your neighbor having a concert.
They were quite the musical people.
But it was none of that.
And once you had moved a step outside of your house, the music seemed to slowly lead your step.
And although you weren’t aware of it, soon your body was led through the wood around your manor.
The moon was the only source of light and as you looked up, the music interrupted itself suddenly.
And you were in the middle of nowhere, in simply your skimpy pajama of an awful color from too many washings, and a big print of a teddy bear on it, the writing next to it completely scraped off, nothing as luxurious as the dresses of the people around you.
You almost thought that your neighbor were having a Renaissance fair in the middle of woods, some kind of ‘Shakespeare in the park’ movie, although the dresses belonged to every period in history and not a peculiar one.
Women were dressed in round gowns, puff and big, and tight corsets, meanwhile men looked like they had come from the nearest BDSM club, all dressed in leather and open shirts.
And the jewels they wore, both males and females: silver and gold that shone so bright, absorbing almost the brightness of the moon, intensifying it with their colors and the gems shone of every color in the rainbow, sometime even all together.
And for a moment you were so lost in your rapture that you forgot to wonder what was truly happening here.
The only thing that could come up to your mind was the Hamelin’s flautist, driving the mice to their demise, something that made a sudden shiver fall down your spine, even more when you noticed that they were all somehow armed.
And that wherever the moon didn’t touch, their skin seemed anything but human, having some present slight deformation and animalistic traits, enough that you thought to have wandered in a fairy tale.
A dark one, such as the ones that the Grimm’s brothers wrote.
‘Lady (Y/N)’ somebody called out to you, but you couldn’t identify anyone speaking, almost as if the voice had its original place in your mind, calling out to you loudly, in a way that gripped tight your skull, keeping your eyes on the fable-like cortege ‘… we hoped to meet you again’.
‘… I don’t…’ your voice sounded silly and echoed in your empty head, suddenly cleared of anything else other than that voice and the images of that magic in front of you.
This must be a crazy nightmare.
Or a horrible joke.
‘…  she doesn’t know when to shut up’ this time it was a feminine voice, harsh and tight ‘… are you sure, my son, that she is the one you want to choose?’.
Her voice concealed an obvious disgust, almost as if it was painfully obvious that you were beneath her.
Then why had they come for you.
‘I don’t understand what is going on’ you breathed out, finally able to push the words out, although the woman’s words still echoing in your head ‘… I should be in bed… is this… is this a dream?’.
You almost wanted to mutter that ‘it must have been “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” ‘.
‘… no, it isn’t’ the male voice was low, almost comforting and the tightness in your skull was lightly relieved allowing you to feel more comfortable.
Suddenly you felt your breath quickening up, enough that you feared a panic attack.
‘… then if this is a joke, it isn’t funny!’ your voice spoke loudly ‘… you take the newcomer in city and give her the scare of her life! That’s what you fuckers do! If this is it, I won’t tell the cops, but you have to let me go!’.
‘It isn’t either a joke’ the male voice was different, evidently deeper, almost as if who spoke was more grown up ‘… and whatever human forces you want to conjure they won’t help you’.
This brought dread to your stomach and your breath quickened, enough that you felt choking yourself up deeply, and soon all the air in your lungs finished, and it didn’t take you much to see black.
You woke up in an unknown place, smelling heavenly, something that eased your senses, meanwhile whatever you wore was as delicate as a petal, comfortable enough that it brought you to shift in bed, till you realized that your pajama would have been quite less comfortable.
Hence somebody had had to change you in whatever you were now wearing.
For a few minutes you hoped unrealistically that it had been your grandmother, although you were aware of not owning such luxurious garments.
It would have been a nice dream, before you woke up to the reality.
That seemed more like the dream itself.
You were inside what seemed like a flower, the light barely flicking through the rosy walls of utter silk, meanwhile they closed and opened around you almost as a flower, and the smell was also delicious, lulling and clean.
But then your reason finally came back.
And you realized that you weren’t at home, no matter how reassuring the atmosphere was.
You had been kidnapped.
By some kind of weirdos in tight robes.
Gosh, could it have sounded more like a drugged-out dream?
Had you accidentally taken some medicine from your mother’s cabinet?
But then as you turned lightly your skin was scratched by something and you saw a rose being laid on the pillow next to you, its thorns lightly gracing your face, making you realize that if you were feeling pain… this wasn’t a dream.
And you had seriously fallen asleep inside a flower, like Thumbellina.
But what truly got a scream out of your throat as your senses came back was the purple-skinned girl next to your bed, checking on you, as she folded a ridiculously puffy dress, unlike the simple one she wore, matching her golden feline eyes.
Her legs were also animal-like, almost as the one of a tiger, slender and hairy, colored of a bright orange that clashed with much strength against her skin color, effectively taking your mind away from the thought of being in danger.
Till she screamed back at you.
And you jumped out of bed, grabbing the first thing that you could see in your line of sight, which was a lamp, made of wood, with a small spirit inside of it, shielded by glass, the small being protesting loudly, with its fists, something that almost made you lose your grip onto the delicate object, saved by the purple girl, half-tiger and half-human.
If she was human.
Although you hadn’t seen many blue humans.
But if she wasn’t human… this opened so much possibilities that tricked with your mind.
“… my lady…” she didn’t seem to be in slightest much more informed or calmer than you “… you should calm down”.
But you didn’t and moved to collect something else, to shield and protect yourself, eventually settling on a pillow full of daisy, the same one where you had laid your head till a few minutes before.
“… where the fuck am I?” your voice was low, but it broke lightly in the end with hysteria.
“My lady, you are safe” the purple being spoke, as she settled down the lamp on its rightful place, lightly brushing against you, as you pushed the pillow in front of your chest, accidentally making a few daisies fall down onto your feet “… nobody will hurt you”.
“… I was kidnapped! You have already hurt me!” you replied tightly, choking on the words, as you felt another attack coming onto you, and the woman gently held you up “… I should go back home! I need to go back home!”.
“You are home, my lady” you were honestly annoyed by the way she pronounced your title, almost as if it was the most normal thing ever.
As if you belonged there.
“… this isn’t my home! My grandma isn’t here brushing away my hair and there isn’t even that bitch of my mother… Gosh I am fucking missing her right now!” your outburst strangely excited the small fire being in the lamp and as you looked at it too closely, shielded from it by your pillow, meanwhile the tiger-lady moved away, clearly thinking you needed your space.
The small creature was male-like, naked and with flaming hair, changing colors as the intensity of the flame became stronger.
And it talked, although it whispered lowly, almost child-like, chanting what seemed a bawdy dirge and you cursed again, being mimicked by the small being.
“… perfect! Kidnapped and pushed to meet a fucking perv of a fire spirit” you commented, gently caressing your forehead “… this can’t be true! Magic doesn’t exist!”.
“It does” the voice was different from the one of the blue-skinned being and it was much louder than the fire spirit’s one, although it seemed quite young, and you remembered you had heard it in the clearing.
And when you raised your eyes from the pillow you found a charming young man, barely younger than you, with long flowy hair, coming to his shoulder in light waves at its end, of a dark color that highlighted his enchanting blue eyes.
He wore a complex robe, although it seemed much more relaxed than the one you had seen in the clearing, having shed any elegant and expensive detail, except for a few earrings that caught your attention, pushing itself onto the peculiar shape of his ears.
They were pointy.
Like faeries.
You knew that people sometimes would undergo surgery to obtain such a shape, and you had been blessed with slightly pointy ears, something that had made many Halloween costumes easy for you.
But the way his ears looked…
… it seemed natural.
Because it was.
“Niahm, can you please leave us alone?” he spoke, although again his lips didn’t open, and you wondered whether it was again only in your head or you were starting to go mad.
But also the tiger-lady seemed to have heard it, bowing her head to the beautiful man, as she  moved outside, leaving you alone with him and you quickly managed to grab again the lamp, moving into a defensive position.
“Don’t think of hurting me, bastard” you muttered between gritted teeth “… I’ll destroy this and set you on fire”.
A sad smile appeared on his face, almost as if he was amused, but understood your reasonings and something in you relaxed strangely, as the man moved to push himself onto the bed, putting a lengthy distance between you and him.
And then you ran.
Ran outside, but before you could do much more, as soon as you shifted the curtains that were the walls of the chamber you found yourself almost falling to your demise, since outside of the whatever you had waken up in, there was nothing.
And underneath it, the ground… many many meters under you.
“… what the hell” your voice was low, and you quickly turned behind, closing the curtain behind yourself, as the young man looked at you with a knowing smirk.
“Smart move” he commented “… you don’t have wings sadly. Pixie sometimes are lucky enough to have them, but you don’t seem to be the type”.
“… pixie?” you asked, as slowly you felt everything you knew crumbling to the ground, your own knees buckling up underneath you “… this can’t be true”.
“It is true” replied the young man, adjusting on the bed, although he seemed rather elegant, also with his legs crossed in a relaxed position, making you notice that although his legs were lithe, he certainly had the posture of a royal person.
Head straight and clear eyes.
“… faeries exist, exactly like magic, and deep down you know, (Y/N)” again that voice in your head and you stupidly went to close your ears to prevent yourself from listening onto him “… you know because you are one of us, truly”.
And slowly, almost as if a cover had been opened from one of the trunks of your memory, slow images appeared in your mind, of you seeing faeries everywhere.
Meanwhile you were lost in the woods, after your mother had left you, small dwarves leading you back home, as they gifted you a wreath of roses and thorns that didn’t bite your skin.
Meanwhile you collected flowers for your grandmother, a few small faeries helping you, as they played with your hair, taunting you with soft whispers.
Meanwhile you left Ireland, a small cohort of little magical creatures accompanying you as you left your home.
And all of this had been hidden in your mind since you had left Ireland.
You had known magic, indeed, because you were one of them.
You were a changeling.
As your mother had told you.
“… my life…” you felt yourself choking up on your own tears, as the man quickly moved closer to you, dropping on the floor in front of you, as you shifted your face away, not wanting to show weakness, although again your eyes were beginning to be quite clouded “… my life is a lie”.
“And my mother knew it all about it” blame shifted in your body, as you remembered how easily you had called her ‘crazy’ all this time, when she had known all the truth about it “… this isn’t right, still… aren’t… aren’t changelings supposed to live with the humans?”.
The young man retreated from you, almost as if your lips had mumbled a tight accusation against him.
“… you are to marry my brother”.
Hadn’t all of this been quite crazy already, you would have started crying.
But instead you giggled hysterically, before you realized that he wasn’t joking.
“I don’t even know you!” you screeched, and before he knew it, your hands had clawed at his shirt, but as your hands came in your full view, you noticed that if you had thought that the crazy tiger-lady looked weird in blue and orange, you were now a shade of mauve that almost made you think you weren’t in your body anymore.
But you were a faery, after all, now.
It shouldn’t have shocked you that much.
Although it was utter crazy.
“… well then I can solve that quickly!” replied the boy, almost as if you hadn’t broken down two times already “… I am Alfred, and you are marrying my brother, Aethelred!”.
“That doesn’t solve much” your voice was grim, but you were too tired to fight, already thinking about the fact that you had discovered that you were a faery for a minute and you already were in a crazy amount of troubles.
“I can’t marry him”.
“Not with that attitude!” commented another voice, deeper and definitely much more mainly and you turned to take a small peak at whoever had joined you, discovering that the man was quite the picture of Alfred.
Same light eyes and dark hair, but he had a more mainly appearance, with a fresh unshaven beard and tight muscles, definitely much more robust than Alfred, who lightly ducked his head low, at that appearance, some sense of uneasiness shining in his eyes.
Meanwhile the other man’s showed arrogance as they took you in.
And it didn’t take you a genius that you were looking at your future husband.
“… I don’t think that I am even remotely ready to marry someone” you spoke loudly, spurred on by that amused annoyance you saw in his eyes, meanwhile his lips moved in a smirk and you pushed yourself up, although it didn’t solve much since you were still much smaller than him.
“Who is every ready?”.
“Don’t you have something smarter to say than idiotic answers” you replied, hissing through his teeth, as you pushed him away lightly, feeling like you were trying to push away a wall of muscles.
“… I don’t want a stupid changeling as my bride” he uttered wickedly, his humor certainly reminding you more of the faeries you had read about, accompanied but the dangerously darkness that characterized them, although they might dress in pink tulle and ride white unicorns.
“… I don’t want whatever the fuck you are as my husband” you mimicked him, crossing your head over your chest, solely now noticing that you weren’t wearing anything more than a nightgown that was the same color of your skin, making you seem naked.
“Aethelred, don’t taunt her” Alfred’s voice suddenly seemed deeper, laced with a troubled annoyance, and he set himself between you both, almost thinking that there might have been some kind of fight from you two, and you just watched the haughty faerie in front of you with your best glare.
“Mother wouldn’t like it to see you talk like that to your future bride” continued on reprimanding him loudly Alfred, and this time the arrogant annoyance became a truly hateful feeling and you couldn’t deny that you wouldn’t have liked it either, if your younger brother treated you like that.
“Mother doesn’t fucking care. She just wants to continue on screwing her pathetic humab lover…” the comment scandalized Alfred, but before he could say anything, Aethelred’s attention turned to you “… you aren’t one of us, you’ll only taint my bloodline, with your dried up blood”.
“Don’t worry, I don’t have any intention to even come near your prick” you retorted loudly “… I do think that you probably find much more pleasure from whatever is showed up your fucking ass”.
This seemed to take him by surprised, as a strange mixture of admiration appeared in his eyes before turning in a devious smirk, his eyes shifting onto your body, as you shielded it, eventually turning around, wanting to grab your pillow and smother the arrogant asshole.
“… you shouldn’t have sent away the maid” now he talked with his brother like you didn’t exist anymore, but you were thankful they weren’t using the mind trick anymore “… you know that mother won’t appreciate it if she is either late or in a nightgown for the Promise”.
“What Promise?” you intervened, but the brothers now kept on talking between themselves, an embarrassed look on Alfred’s face “… somebody will fucking tell me what is going on? Or will I be also kidnapped for this fucking Promise?!”.
“Preferably not” sarcasm and sass was much better than nothing “… it is a ceremony before our marriage, where we promise that we won’t stab each other in the back”.
“… romantic” you muttered “… but believe me, even a swear won’t hold me back from stabbing you”.
“Faerie swears mean much more, although I do have to admit that you have the amazing ability to lie, having lived with humans for so long…” he commented “… that’s why you are here, our secret weapon”.
“What do you mean?”.
Why had these people all made this without even asking for your opinion.
“…call her maid” Aethelred simply sent you one last look before turning around.
And you never wanted to feel like that.
Alfred seemed almost halfway through doing that when your voice became a tight whisper.
‘… can you give me a minute?’.
A minute of privacy.
A minute with the only person who didn’t seem to know everything that had been going on.
A minute to understand what you’d truly have to do to escape all of this.
Because there was no way you’d get married to that prick.
In the end you had tried not to question too much your faerie origins.
You had a much more urgent problem in your hands.
A marriage you didn’t want to attend.
A marriage in which you were a bride.
It was still difficult for you to understand what they truly wanted from you, but you wouldn’t have stayed for the real ceremony, although you hadn’t yet figured out a way to run away and go back to civilization, since you were closed off in some kind of ancient tower that looked like a flower.
Stranded away in the middle of nowhere.
So, you would have played the nice girl, till you found out how to run away.
You might not have had wings, but faeries usually had some kind of magic, so maybe you would have been lucky enough to have the power to teleport you away from all of this shit, something that you had childishly tried when the faerie maid, Niahm, had left you in bath alone.
You hadn’t found any kind of sharp objects you could use as a weapon.
You had tried breaking some kind of smelly bottles, probably filled with perfume, but they had just bounced off the wall even when you had thrown them across the bathroom, making you feel even more at unease.
Because not only you felt at danger.
But you felt damnably useless.
And pitiful.
Almost a child being dressed up in elegant gown and long dresses.
A child who had been stolen away and brought up in the human world.
You almost expected some fairy to take your hand and push you by their side as they brought you down the wedding hall.
Which should be what had happened, had they thought that they could marry you off, easily.
You would have thrown a worse tantrum than a spoiled brat in front of an entire faerie court, for sure.
Because if there was one thing that you knew in your bones about the people that you had seen around you, those two brothers were royals, truly with the way they acted and how expensive their dresses seemed.
And you wouldn’t have been married off easily.
Because you were wanted for some talent of yours.
Your had something they wanted.
And that made you valuable cargo.
No matter how annoyed Aethelred was with you.
And if there was one thing you were looking forward more than simply running the hell away from here, it was pissing off that asshole.
You were soon ready and when you stepped out of the bathroom Niahm checked you further, adjusting your dress and pushing your washed hair up, meanwhile she smudged lightly some make-up on your eyes.
‘It’s the trend of the season in the court’ she spoke as she took you in ‘… you’ll be the prettiest’.
“I better” you mumbled, annoyedly “… I might be kidnapped but I refuse not to look anything but the bestest”.
She didn’t seem to understand what you truly meant, but she simply smiled and you almost felt pity for the horrible way you had treater her.
She obviously wanted to be there as much as you did, and you couldn’t put much blame on her, although she certainly wouldn’t have helped you.
“… sorry” you simply mumbled, as she turned to you with a small smile, her voice telling you ‘not to worry about’, purring out the ‘r’s, but her eyes shone of acceptance, and then she told you to wait a bit more.
And then suddenly the sun, seeping through the petals of your new home, became more orange, hitting low the petal that opened almost on his own and then lowered itself on the ground on some kind of slide
‘This isn’t even the weirdest thing I have seen today’ you thought as Niahm moved to you.
“Would you prefer that I go first, my lady?” she probably noticed your uneasiness, since you had never been one to do this kind of things “… it is safe as life, as you humans say”.
“That isn’t reassuring” you commented, but insisted that she went first, seeing her disappear quickly over the silky slide of the pinkish petal, onto which you moved, in your pinkish dress, a shade clearer that your skin right now.
You didn’t even have to push yourself, you moved down calmly, although the fastness of it made you ditzy and you weren’t comfortable till you were again on the ground, seeing that everyone you had seen last night was now looking at you, and at your disheveled state.
And you were glad to have Niahm come and collect you, almost as a doll in embellished clothes and thick blush over its cheeks, meanwhile Aethelred, you recognized him by the elegant clothes and the piercingly blue eyes, whispered something to a creature that looked like the elves you had read about when you were younger.
Slender and so light that she blinded you.
They spoke with an intimacy that showed that your soon-to-be-husband had much more experience than you thought in womanly business.
You wouldn’t have for sure stayed around enough to see if that was true or not.
Alfred came onto you, once Niahm was done with your set-up, guiding you through a court of creature that even in your wildest fantasies you wouldn’t have been able to conceive, although you recognized a few, asking yourself whether there were humans, since some seemed almost ‘normal’, but then a twinkle of their eyes would reveal much more.
And you felt a stranger.
A powerless stranger.
“Dear sister!” welcomed you Alfred, and although you weren’t sure to trust him or even like him, you were grateful for his help, since he had been the sole source of information you had met “… let me show you around! We have all been so eager to meet you!”.
And the court did seem eager.
But in a wicked away.
As if they expected nothing more than some kind of mistake from you.
One that would have sent you away from them, since they all looked positively plotting and you could only guess what they were thinking of you, although your shade of skin wasn’t human-like, but the way you moved… was clumsy.
Horridly clumsy, if confronted with theirs.
Alfred named ladies after lords as he guided you through them, and soon you were in front of two thrones, both pushed upward to distance them from the crowd below, as if they were stronger and you could only guess this meant they were the royal-est of the royals.
One seat, still, was left empty beside them, halfway through earth and sky.
But soon you had a bigger surprise waiting for you, as Alfred informed you that the older man and the younger woman sitting on the thrones were his relatives, making him the prince of the faeries.
Exactly like his brother.
The one you’d have to marry.
As if your situation hadn’t been already bad.
“My grandfather Ecberth, he is the one who organized your wedding” and he bowed lightly his head, making you a small sign to do the same, as the annoyed old man turned his attention on you suddenly.
The whispers all around you being immediately silenced.
And you felt judged.
“… lady (Y/N)” it was the woman who spoke, and had you been intimidated by the older man, the woman’s voice spoke of pure poison, something that made you extremely uneasy “… we are blessed to see your face and not hear your horrendous screams, this time”.
You honestly thought of a few comebacks but held back your tongue.
For now, you had to play the docile card.
You couldn’t make them worry when you were in their territory, if not for your own personal safety, to make your escape easier.
“… and this is my mother, queen Judith” exhaled softly Alfred and you had to push your eyes back onto your feet, because surprise shone in them.
Alfred hadn’t seriously inherited a single drop of that poisonous woman.
And now you did understand why Aethelred didn’t like her.
“… Judith!” reprimanded her quickly Ecberth, although something similar to amusement shone in his eyes as he said that name, before turning his full attention on you, something that made you almost feel like an ant being looked up by an enormous human foot “… excuse my lovely daughter-in-law, she knows nothing of our hospitality”.
“I am grateful for your hospitality” you spoke lowly, trying to keep your sarcasm contained, although you heard Aethelred laugh at your clumsy response, his snicker catching also Ecberth’s eye, who smirked back, but with harshness in the twinkle of his eye.
“… my eldest grandchild seems to have taken after his mother” and his eyes became harsh and heavy, and you almost felt bad for the public humiliation that befell on Aethelred “…do come forward, my foul boy”.
And Aethelred almost pushed by the same enchantment that had brought you in the woods, moved himself forward and marched with a harsh expression to you, till he was by your side.
“… isn’t your wife lovely?” he asked him, a tone of mockery in his words and soon purple coated Aethelred’s cheeks in a show of embarrassment that made you almost think that this wasn’t simply an advantageous wedding, although they had told you so.
This was a punishment for him.
“I don’t have to find my wife lovely” Aethelred shot back, hissing roughly through his teeth “… I just have to find her a liar”.
Again, that accent on your lying abilities.
What did it mean?
These people could enchant others, they could fly on their own wings and sprout fire, but they were suddenly interested in a girl that could lie.
“And can she lie?” the fact that he spoke like you weren’t there got on your nerve.
But you clutched your fists harder, raising your head immediately with a smile.
“I am very pleased to have this marriage with the lovely Aethelred” each word sounded fake, but the lie smeared itself on your mouth, making the man look at you as if you were some kind of strange animal.
One that pleased him greatly.
But could bite.
“… oh Gosh isn’t it marvelous?” he commented, laughing loudly as the entire court mirrored him as if they were one with him “… a blessing upon our house”.
Everybody agreed, even the scorned queen, although her eyes marveled with something that seemed almost envy, you held your head tighter, taking in your small victory, but it didn’t last much, because soon king Ecberth looked at you again and ordered to move onto the royal dinner.
‘… we’ll get something in our stomach and then raise our cups to the promise”.
And that would have made everything painfully real.
No matter the fact that you didn’t understand what this promise fully entailed, but the thought of food might have been helpful, since you honestly just started feeling the pain in your stomach due to the hunger.
Although you weren’t sure you should have eaten everything.
You had read too much Christina Rossetti to trust any fairy food.
And in a blink of an eye, tables appeared, almost blooming from the ground, and solely now you realized you weren’t in some magical land, but you were beneath the grass, as small as an ant, enough for to inhabit the small flower you had woken up into.
You wondered how the hell had it happened, even more when your captors had been your same height the previous night.
Had you become too small?
Or had the world grown too big around you?
They didn’t call them ‘Little People’ for anything, after all.
You almost shrieked as one chair came right behind your huge dress, the layers of fabric shielding you from unwanted attention, but you couldn’t hide your embarrassment at that sudden apparition, unused to such ordinary magic, as Alfred giggled innocently, meanwhile Aethelred smirked dangerously, but still sat next to you.
The food made you nervous so you simply played around with it, wondering whether you should have tasted the purplish substance in your glass, since your throat was suddenly aching for water, but you didn’t want to die or either worse be enchanted and driven mad.
You might have had their blood, but you weren’t used to their magic and their tricks.
“… it is safe to eat” commented Aethelred as he saw your hesitation “… people will be annoyed if they find out that I intend to starve my bride”.
“Will this make me dance like crazy around the table?” you muttered holding out the purplish liquid in the elegant glass.
“No” and he noticed that you didn’t look in the slightest convinced “… I can’t lie”.
“Is it true?” you retorted, but slightly dipped your lips in the liquid, your throat begging for a bit of relief.
“… I lo…” and his mouth pushed itself in various shapes till he renounced saying whatever he wanted and instead muttered darkly “… I hate all of this”.
“Don’t even start” you shot back, as you then moved to dip your mouth further in the glass, discovering that what you had thought was an horridly powerful potion turned out to be simple grape juice, not even alcoholic “… you weren’t kidnapped for this”.
“You know why my grandfather agreed to this?” he commented loudly, as if you were seriously interested in his own problems, not having already enough of your own “… because although you might be so special for your lying abilities, you are nothing more than a human girl”.
“My skin color would suggest otherwise” you muttered, showing off a naked arm, since your arms were exposed, through light sleets “… what the hell do I have to do to turn back to my original complexion?”.
“… get away from here” it was almost a suggestion “… changeling show their true nature only in Fae reigns. Run away and you’ll be a simple human again”.
“Oh, believe me, I’d love to do just that” a sugary sweet smile appeared on your face, matched by Aethelred, showing you that although he might not lie, he was completely able to fake “… just let me know which one is the emergency exit door and I’ll be far swiftly out of your hair”.
“You have such a way with words” he spoke loudly, a bright laugh escaping from his mouth, as he raised his cup towards his mother and grandfather “… keep your tongue tame or you won’t survive in here”.
“I have every intention of not even living in here” you replied, although the threat had gotten the hair on your skin to raise, as the goosebumps went all over your body, and you weren’t sure if it was for the veiled threat or the way Aethelred was so close to you.
He was as handsome as an amazing statue, a strong facial structure and a tight smile, and eyes that shone of much more interest than he led on.
“… what is this ‘promise’ thing? Seriously” you muttered, your voice a bit lower than it should have been, but Aethelred spared you any harsh remark, instead choosing to focus onto your question, although his eyes shifted onto what had been left in his plate.
He had eaten voraciously, almost as if he expected everything to be brought away from him.
“It is the first bonding ritual to link two faeries together” he explained with a dark and ancient voice, definitely tired “… we don’t swear upon chastity or faith since it is quite common to have lovers and such, in Fae realms…”.
“… that is reassuring” you commented darkly, unsure of why you’d be jealous of Aethelred, when the sole thought of sharing a bed with him, as handsome as he might be. put you at unease.
“… I am a prince” he replied, as if that was a justification enough “… sex is simply a mean to gain power, and you should know it as well”.
“That’s what men always say and then stone women as whores”.
Aethelred seemed surprised at your affirmation and something of almost reflective shone in his face.
“We wouldn’t stone you for cheating on me” he said, and then his voice had a tougher intonation, returning to the silk-veiled threats he had been launching at you since the start of it all “… we would kill you for betraying our family”.
“… that surely reassure me”.
“The promise will prove that and ensure it” he continued on explaining “… we swear of being loyal to our families, joining us under one, in order for us to forge an alliance that will never be broken if not in Death”.
“That shit seems serious” you muttered, as you also started eating the meal in your plate, knowing that if you truly wanted to escape, you’d have to be strong.
“… it is” he confirmed “… but the promise is the least show-like of our ceremonies, then there is ‘The Dressing’, ‘The Ceremony’, ‘The Undressing’…”.
“They all explain pretty well what they entail” you commented loudly, embarrassment written all over your cheeks in a show of uneasiness that made you a weak target for Aethelred’s laugh, although he kept the conversation between you two, as he promised.
“I’ll be gentle with you, little virgin”.
Your cheeks became even redder, and you dropped half the glass onto his expensive pants for revealing your embarrassing secret, as he smirked almost playfully.
He was like a big feline waiting for his prey to lower her guard.
The stain didn’t last even a sole minute on the pants, before it vanished in thin air.
“… don’t worry, I’ll wait” he grinned at you, before he leaned in, and you found yourself stuck on the chair “… there is no intention in me to take a fruit that isn’t offered, but either way I always seem to wait for the more mature ones, falling right in my hands”.
You were too hot.
And you almost thought about drenching yourself with grape juice, to relieve that.
But Aethelred quickly moved away from him, his entire playful attire disappearing as his eyes focused on the sight of Judith hand-feeding Alfred, although he shouldn’t have the need of it, but you didn’t miss Aethelred’s longing gaze, desperate for affection.
“… my mother, too, didn’t like me” you didn’t know why you blurted it out, but it just did.
“Mothers can feel when their children isn’t theirs, so I don’t blame her” he commented, and you were surprised he hadn’t said anything truly cruel “… my situation is worse, believe me. My mother hates me for the sake of my brother’s love”.
It was an heartfelt confession and you wondered whether you should have said something but you just stared at him, unable to stop yourself from doing literally anything, as your hand held out for his, but he just shifted it away, facing forward.
And although you had no intention or interest in comforting your captors, not wanting to develop Stockholm Syndrome, you couldn’t help but feel bitter at his rejection and when you were turning around to collect yourself in a private moment, you saw something, a thick creature, dark green and horridly scaly, almost like a snake.
But before you could scream more wretched creatures appeared, and from the scream that erupted, you knew that they weren’t invited.
Aethelred was quick, noticing the creature near you, as he pushed you back, almost getting you to bump into the ground and he exited the sword and pushed it right into the creature’s chest, horridly killing him as some kind of acidic blood was emitted by the horrifying nightmare, and you shielded yourself with the fabric of your dress.
“… grab my knife, soon-to-be wife” he commented loudly, as another creature screeched appearing onto the table with a warrior scream that made you immediately cover your ears, as Aethelred shook you to your feet “… the knife! Idiotic human girl!”.
And you did grab the knife he had stitched onto his thigh, getting it out of his sheath, as he sent you a little look to where a running mob was forming, before the creatures completely circled you, leaving you no escape.
“… run forward and never stop” he explained to you, as he easily fought off another attack and you shamelessly used him as a human shield “… there’ll be an arch… it’ll make you human again just by stepping over it”.
That was your way out, although chaos erupted around you and you screeched loudly making you heavy, but you nodded at what Aethelred had said and quickly moved towards where he had pointed, trampling over a furious crowd, as guards appeared shielding the royals, Alfred disappearing under the tight arm of an armed man.
And you ducked down, sure that nobody would notice you.
But hands came for you, both scaly and both faerie, and the knife in your hold moved on its own, pushing itself through flesh and coming out marred in blood, although you never wanted to hurt anyone.
But had you stopped they would have hurt you.
You tried not to do too much damage, simply stabbing at the hands, hoping that whatever happened they’d have some kind of healing magic you had never known, and just pushed forward, eventually leaving behind the small war, and for a bit you thought it was a trap.
Some kind of dangerous ploy to prove your loyalty.
No arch was in sight.
And you were losing hope, thinking that maybe it was all a game.
A game of chase that would have belonged to those savage people, but then your eyes caught a beautiful sight: an arch, right in front of your eyes.
And you were just moving to pass it, when something blunt hit the back of your head and you went down again, cursing yourself for having thought this would have ended up well.
You were getting annoyed at waking up like this.
Not in your room and with a burning headache.
This time you knew from the start that you hadn’t woken up for sure in your childhood home, since everywhere around you was cold and wet, almost as if you were being held under earth and when you opened your eyes, you saw that you hadn’t been wrong.
Around you everything was brown, barely lighted up by the dying flame of a candle.
You couldn’t help but feel buried inside a good amount of mud, all around you in a strange structure that was reinforced with metals and rocks, such as the things that blocked you from moving out.
No soft petals, but metal bars.
You were in prison.
Had they imprisoned you for having run away?
But at the same time, you couldn’t help but feel like you had shifted away completely by the cheery light of the faerie world and you were now closed off in mud and something that smelled much worse.
You moved closer to the small candle, as you cradled it closer to you, moving towards the bars to look outside to try to understand what was going on as you realized that your color of your skin hadn’t gone back to normal, showing you that you hadn’t passed the arc.
That you were still in faerieland.
Or whatever they called it.
But you weren’t anymore in any royal court, something that you dreaded to admit but you almost missed.
Even more when you noticed what was outside for you.
Or better in the bars in front of you.
Frightened creatures that you identified as similar faeries, backed up and scared, a few of them wounded and you couldn’t help but think that although the faeries seemed true savages, they wouldn’t have done this to their same people.
Had it been the creatures that had attacked you at the royal banquet?
But soon your thoughts were answered, as you heard heavy steps starting to sound, as the creatures shrieked away from the bars and towards the darkness of their cells and your heart started speeding up, as you finally realized that you were in deep shit.
You definitely missed your small private flower chamber.
But it wasn’t the creatures you had seen at the wedding that came face to face with you, although they resembled them in the color of their skin, a deep unhealthy yellowish green.
And it didn’t take you much to understand they were goblins.
Although they were quite more handsome than you thought.
But they had an almost aggressive beauty to them, something that made you uneasy as they inched closer to your bars, snickers coming from them, as they noticed your surprised face, and you took in how many they truly were.
Four men, all with long hair, braided elegantly, almost in warrior-like fashion, but two were bigger, although at least four of them were relatives for sure, meanwhile one stood out with his tattooed face and hair falling onto his face.
But they all shared their hungry smiles, and you almost crawled back in the back of the cell when they walked in the bar, opening it up to you.
“… don’t you smell the lovely perfume of a scared faerie?” commented the smaller one, his tongue wetting his lips, in a suggestive way that made you tremble “… they always taste sweeter when they cry”.
“Hvitserk!” called him back who looked like his brother, an elegant braid of brownish blond hair and pure blue eyes “… you aren’t allowed to touch her, don’t you remember?”.
… oh, that certainly put your mind at ease.
“… yeah yeah, I know… Ivar wants her alive” commented harshly the man backing up from you, as instead the tattooed man walked forward you, grabbing harshly your arm to push you to move alongside him, meanwhile the only man that had been silent, the older of the brothers, also blonde hair and damned blue eyes, looked at you.
You kept your back straight and pushed yourself to stand taller towards him, because showing that you feared them made you uneasy.
And it would have just brought you deeper.
You might play the compliant princess.
But you wouldn’t have played the scared one.
From what you had heard you weren’t to be touched, hence you were safe.
For now.
Although Hvitserk, or whatever that troll was called, kept his eyes for the entire time on your ass.
You tried to take in the road for where you were lead, up to a pair of stairs, although you couldn’t see any windows in sight, probably because if you remembered correctly the light of the sun turned goblins into stone.
But still you weren’t able to catch the passing of time, whether you had moved away from the bloody tint of the dawn you had experienced or if it was already the rosy-fingered dawn, coming for you.
The walls still became much more sturdy and stable, made of rocks than instead mud, almost as if you were slowly walking towards the true castle, meanwhile the prisoners were simply returned to the earth where they had all come from.
You hadn’t been wrong at thinking that you had been buried alive.
And then you walked in what looked like a dark hall, straight from your darkest fairytales, with black rocks everywhere and barely a fireplace shining through the darkness of the room, as you took in the elegant and cruel assemble.
And the man who sat on a chair in the middle of it.
He looked young, probably a few years younger than you, the color of the fire making his face shine with a more normal color, almost human.
But you were sure he was a goblin.
Hadn’t it been for his horrifying teeth, sharp and pushed forward, you would have thought he might have been quite the handsome lad.
But villains always looked wonderful in fairytales.
And from what you had seen and heard, he was one of them.
“… lady (Y/N)” he welcomed you, raising himself up, although you noticed that he was in a croaked position, making you wonder whether he had been wounded or was simply tired.
Or wanted to mock you.
“… welcome in my humble home” he commented with a devious light in his eyes, again  predator taunting his prey and you honestly couldn’t help but hate that behavior, rolling lightly your eyes as you were laid onto a chair that was propped in front of him “… I take it that your staying was well”.
“My hair got a bit dirtied due to the humidity” you commented, taking on the persona of the spoiled brat “… if I get split ends, I’ll forward you my hairdresser’s bill”.
You knew that you were toeing a thin line, but the beautiful goblin simply looked at you with a smirk, as his eyes shone of interest, probably not expecting of you reacting that way.
But he didn’t let it impress him.
“… we’ll pay, goblins certainly don’t miss riches” he said, as he then moved to turn around, showing you that on the wall in the barely-lighted up a trophy shown: a golden armor, encrusted with gems all over it, definitely expensive “… my uncle Floki, made it for me”.
“… seems heavy” you commented unimpressed.
And this time his eyes showed that he had taken offense at your comment.
“You aren’t one for pretty words, are you?” he questioned you, and you felt the aggressiveness that told you this wasn’t a curtesy call.
“I might look like a cupcake in this dress, but believe me, I am not” you shot back, and although he seemed quite confused by what you said, he seemed to get the gist of the discourse, for which you were thankful.
Since it meant he might have stopped treating you like an idiot.
“… I am Ivar, the king of goblins”.
Again, you were unimpressed, pushing your face to rest itself.
“… and I am (Y/N), princess of being kidnapped, it seems”.
“This is serious” he commented, and you felt the surprised being met with annoyance, something that got you to assume a more serious expression, as you straightened your position “… and it’ll be advantageous to both of us, if you accept my deal”.
“… will you allow me to go outside to poo? Because believe me… the faeries also offered me that”.
“I can offer you your freedom”.
And that got you to finally shut up.
And stop with the sass.
Because Ivar’s eyes seemed honest.
So, it was impossible.
“… I don’t believe you”.
“I belong to the Little People, I can’t lie” but something told you that he would run around the truth, and hence you couldn’t believe him and wouldn’t have.
Till you had proofs.
“Why would you offer me freedom?” you asked, knowing that this wouldn’t be free “…what do you want for yourself?”.
“A spy” that left you surprised truly “… not many faeries can be good spies, but somebody like you, linked to the royal family and able to lie at command, might come quite handy to me… and all you’d have to do is to be my little bird, chirping information on my shoulders”.
Which wasn’t what you wanted in the slightest.
“… if I accept… how will you give me my freedom?” you asked, as your eyes danced around the room, not wanting to let him see how much you were considering his proposal.
Some part of you told you that goblins had their own agenda and you would have been caught in something in between and any way to escape would have been ruined.
But still… you didn’t see many ways to escape this prison.
Goblins weren’t certainly as gentle as faerie, and certainly although Ivar had ordered not to touch you, it certainly wouldn’t have lasted much.
So, you should have accepted, but…
… but you just wanted a normal life.
“… easily, I’ll turn you back in the human you always believed yourself to be” it seemed easy said by his mouth and although you knew that he couldn’t lie, for a minute you felt like this had a second meaning and you should be careful for that.
Everytime the villain offered the easy solution out, it meant that the main characters had sold their soul out.
“… you make it seem easy, but I don’t trust easy things” you commented, as you readjusted on the chair, lightly focusing your attention on the dress, noticing how utterly tattered it look, completely ruined.
It represented perfectly how you felt inside.
“It isn’t an easy thing, but… it is possible” he replied “… many of our species ditch our skin to enchant elegant wives, a few of my brothers can confirm it”.
A choir of snickers made you aware that it was indeed true.
“… it’s an enchantment” he explained “… it’ll make you human again”.
“I am not telling you till you decide whether you accept my deal or not” his mouth turned in a devious smirk.
“You might trick me”.
“… I could force you into this” he commented loudly, and suddenly you were aware that although he hadn’t shown you that he was powerful, he was much stronger than he let on “… I could have you spying for me with worse methods”.
And he meant it from the bloodthirsty expression which appeared on his face.
“But I am feeling generous, and I know that satisfied employees are the best ones” he reached out to you, as he lightly staggered down from the throne, making you notice that he wore braces, metal braces onto his body, although you assumed they couldn’t be iron, but he looked quite strong, holding his body straight.
But your eyes shifted as he moved his hand forward to you and his hand lightly moved itself in your hair, before settling on your face and strangely his touch seemed ice-cold and wet, but it didn’t startle as his eyes shifted onto you.
“… will you be my spy, little one?”.
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little-diable · 4 years
The end of the world - Negan (fluff/angst)
!Don’t copy or edit my work, without asking for my consent!
Request by @negans-attagirl​ : First of all: I love your stories! Would you have time writing a story with Negan/OC where the OC is a psychologist and Negan is her patient and he is like the sassy king we now during sessions, she tries to suppress her growing feelings for him but sooner or late gives in. A nice sidekick would be if she gets stalked by another patient and Negan saves her one day before they get intimate. I hope that’s not too specific. Anyways thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰
Decided to include the request into something I’ve been working on. Inspired by Billie Eilish version of the song. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Negan and the reader have to live through the end of the world, the day where the apocalypse started
tw: angst, this could be triggering for some of you, mentions loss of loved ones. 
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(Credit to gif owner) 
“Negan, right?”, she double checked his name, eyes drawn to the tall, handsome man, “damn right doll”, his raspy voice made her shiver. His leatherjacket crunched with every step he took, plopping down in the chair in front of her, eyes shamelessly checking her out, already forgetting, why he had decided to visit her office. 
He’d turn up once a week, barely talking about his fears, his nightmares, that kept him laying awake at night, his sassy comments would keep her on her toes, flushed cheeks hidden away from his curious eyes. “Sweet lord, doc that skirt does some things to me”, Negan chuckled, towering above her, tongue darting out to wet his lips, hands slowly wandering down her sides. “I’m your therapist Negan, we can’t”, she sounded unconvinced, shaky voice echoing through the room. 
But he wouldn’t be Negan, if he’d ever listen to her, lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss, drowning out the sounds of her moans. Both had been hooked on each other from the first day on, he’d ask her out on dates and at one point he’d ask her to move in with him, followed by the night, where he proposed. He’d keep her sane, would protect her at all costs, shamelessly in love with her. 
They had their lives planned out in front of them, would try for kids at point point, living together in a small house, just enough for their little family, but sometimes dreams would simply not come true. Something both would have to accept rather sooner than later.
Breathe the air again, it's a beautiful day I wish this moment would stay with the Earth Some primal paradise
It should have been a day like any other, should have been a day, where they’d savor their time together, getting lost in each others embraces as they were watching show reruns, giggling about the words they knew by heart by now, it should have been a day like any other. 
But it wasn't. 
Both woke with a heavy feeling clouding their minds, they took a few extra moments for themselves, touching and kissing each other, as if they were trying to remember how to other one would taste, how their skin would feel underneath their fingertips. 
Negan was towering above her, hands cupping her cheeks, lips pressed against hers, “I love you”, the words were burned into her mind, words she’d never forget, till her last breath would leave her body. “I love you too”, the words carried some heavy weight, engulfing him like a thick blanket on a cold December morning, cradling him in its fabric. 
“Maybe we should take some time for us, somewhere else, where we could just be on our own?”, (y/n) combed her hand through his hair, staring at the man who’s last name she had been carrying for years by now. “I’d love that doll”, he smirked at her, even though Negan didn’t truly felt the wave of happiness crash upon him, like he had desperately hoped for. 
They had been wrapped in each others arms as the broadcast went live, reporting about the killings, the accidents, how the government and the armed forces were desperately trying to get the situation under control, empty words, lies, that would stick to them for a while. He bit his tongue, rising from the sofa, “pack a bag doll”, they had to leave, had to make it out of there, Negan knew, that they’d only manage to make it, if they’d leave now. 
If the end of the world was near Where would you choose to be?
Tears were blurring her vision as she grasped his hand a bit tighter, (y/n) couldn’t reach her parents, with trembling limbs she blindly followed him, not being able to focus on anything or anyone. “What if something happened to them?”, she sobbed, holding onto him, “we need to check on them, see, if they’re alright Negan”. He desperately wanted to give in, wanted to drive her over to her parents house, like they’d do any Sunday, eating lunch together as they’d talk about god knows what. 
But he knew, that there wouldn’t be any Sunday lunches ever again, at least for a while. 
Negans mind kept working on autopilot, dragging (y/n) along with him, out of their apartment complex, head whipping from one side to another, running towards their car. “Negan?”, she frantically repeated his name, couldn’t truly grasp what was going on, she felt confused, anxious and panicked. The smell of something burning hung in the air, the sound of sirens echoed through their street, “listen to me”, he grasped her chin, forcing her glassy eyes up to his. 
“We need to make it out of here”
His words didn’t leave any room to argue, didn’t give her any time to come up with a remark, Negan started the car and reversed out of his spot, driving towards the highway, they’d be able to make it out of there, to save themselves, nothing would rip them away from each other. 
At least, that’s what he thought. 
We would love again Under glorious suns With the freedom that comes with the truth
She tried to drown out the screams, tried to forget about the weird walking people, wondering what was going on, wondering what was happening, but the rapid beating of her heart brought its realization with it, the end of the world was near, at least that’s what it felt like. (Y/n) watched a few cars crash together, people ran around the streets, crying for help, watching them speed by as they were making their way towards the highway. 
“Fuck”, his raspy voice ripped her out of her thoughts, they were surrounded by hundreds of cars, stuck in a thick traffic jam, apparently they haven’t been the only ones, who wanted to get out of the city. “It’ll be alright”, it sounded more like a question, her shaky voice made his heart clench, Negan felt sick, he wasn’t one to get anxious, wasn’t one to lose his focus, but today all of his beliefs had left him behind. 
Hours seemed to pass by, the screaming wouldn’t stop, cars would honk all through the afternoon, cursing as they were stuck, not moving forward. “What’s wrong with them?”, (y/n) pointed her finger towards a group of slow walking people, blood was dripping down from their clothing, their hair was hanging into their faces, their skin had turned greyish, the sight made a lump form in her throat. 
Both kept their eyes focused on the nearing crowd, Negan's instincts seemed to kick in, like a few of the drivers near by, he pulled (y/n) out of their car, strapping their bags, running towards the forest, not looking back once. “Doll”, Negan panted, eyes finding hers every now and then, they were surrounded by quite a few people, all running into the same directions, crying and begging for help. Groans echoed through the night, the chilling sound made her shiver, lose her focus for just a second. 
A second enough to make her let go of his hand, falling behind, losing all sight of him. 
If we had five more minutes Would I, could I, make you happy?
“Negan?”, (y/n) screamed, tears were welling up in her eyes, her breathing quickened, she tried to pick up her speed, but it seemed like she got lost in the crowd, getting pushed into another direction. She called his name over and over again, swallowing down her sobs, by now the sun began to set, her feet were hurting, she was sweating, feeling more exhausted than ever. 
He couldn’t find her anywhere, couldn’t hear her voice, no trace of his wife as he combed through the crowd, he tried to move against the current, tried to make his way back, but the people seemed to pull him with them, not giving him any chance to make a run for it. “(Y/n)?”, he’d call her name every now and then, he wouldn’t give up, not on her, not on his (y/n). 
“Here”, one of the guys pushed his baseball bat into Negan's hand, tugging Negan with him, eyes focused straight ahead, running through the forest, hoping to make his way out alive. The thought of her wouldn’t leave his mind, his heart was aching for her, praying that she had found somebody to keep her safe, Negan wouldn’t rest, not until he had found her. 
If we had five more minutes of air to breathe And we cried all through it But you spent them with me On our last few drags of air we agree I was and you were happy
There’ll most likely be a part 2 xxx
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taejeonie · 4 years
moments that markhee stans live for
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everytime they sing or rap as a duo (e.g. go)
their stage presence>>>>>
like they blend well together but they still have their own spotlight, u know what i mean?
and then back in mmc they were like the mom and dad of the group
“oh we’re just same-age friends”
the mcs always tease them too
so when fans found out taehee was gonna debut with the boys they were ECSTATIC
every time someone would avoid or not notice mark’s high fives, taehee’s got his back ;))
but when mark asks her for a high five she just stares at it
but then she’s like “just kidding!!! hihihi” and high fives him back
when they went to award shows, taehee would make mark laugh by dancing to the others’ performances
like she’s not mocking it she’s just eXTRA EXTRA
when they danced whip nae nae they were so cute :<<
in their weekly idol episode with nct 2018, they stood next to each other and helped each other out in the language thingy game
but then that part in “superhuman”
that’s a whole different mood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
like they both got flustered at first but they just got used to it
like there was this one concert where there faces were SO close
the venue was screaming
speaking of flustered
everytime taehee tells a pickup line it would always be directed @ mark unless stated otherwise
but mark just got used to that too
taehee joins in on teasing him with the dreamies
“just five more days, she could’ve been a 00’ liner”
“and i’m cool, you loser :ppp”
but sometimes when the babies get too out of control she helps mark calm them down
“guys, please focus :)))”
in the new weekly idol episode, taehee’s question was “if you would have one roommate forever, who would it be?”
and so she hugged mark
“is it who you want to date?”
“someone you like?”
“taehee-ssi, why did you choose mark?”
and taehee has her head on top of mark’s so it’s c u t e
“other than we’re the same age, mark takes care of me but there are other times where i take care of him,,,,so it’s kinda nice”
“ooooo it is who would you date”
“i would get in trouble if that was the question”
mark couldn’t keep his eyes off taehee when she did her facial window
mm what else
there was this one interview in america that got markhee speaking in their own language
“like,,,like yeah you know what i mean”
“yeah it’s like,,,like jsjd you know?”
“they talk like this in the dorms it’s confusing sometimes”
mark and taehee are each others’ seratonin boosts during performances
but also when they’re not performing ofc
taehee mentioned she and mark would practice a lot predebut
and that when mark is alone, she would watch him practice and join him later on
“mark really works hard,,,it makes you want to be like him in a way. that’s why when we were trainees, whenever he was alone while practicing i would accompany him and watch him,,and then join him later on”
whenever mark calls taehee “joanie” it’s so soft
cute counter 39482993
they posted a cover once and it was just mark and taehee goofing around while making the video
taehee sang while mark played the guitar, but he joined in once in a while
dreamies would always want to hear their thoughts during recording
“i want to hear what mark-hyung thinks about this”
“noona, i’m not sure how to do this. how should i do it?”
there was this one interview where taehee thought mark looked the cutest at that moment
so she stuck around him the whole time
there was this one vlive where they jammed to just disney songs
“mark you wanna make a ‘let it go’ remix and you rap?”
there are times where mark would ruffle taehee’s hair
and during those times she would be like -_-
but the fact that her dimples show make mark laugh because he thinks she’s cute
taehee was mark’s number 1 supporter when he was in “high school rapper”
they laugh at each other’s jokes
but you know that thing where you laugh too hard you have to lean on somebody so you won’t fall?
yeah that’s markhee too
you would hear stories from the dreamies how markhee went to bring them food on set
“mark-hyung brought us churros and taehee-noona had drinks”
when they were in the dreamies’ live after their ridin’ performance eVERYONE WENT WILD
the parents + their babies uwu
they have matching shoes
mark used to be the member with a different contact name on taehee’s phone while the rest were just plain
“what are the members’ contact names on your phone”
“lee donghyuck, lee taeyong, kim doyoung-“
taehee continues to answer the question like they’re not complaining atm
“jung jaehyun, markly with a heart, johnny seo-“
hyuck: <//3
“nO WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN!!! so at first all your names were,,just your names but mark saw his on my phone and he asked me to change it-“
mark smiles nervously bc of the host’s reaction, “hey it’s not like that”
“nonono, it is like that!! so i changed it and showed him and he was like “ah better :>>””
the way she imitated mark made everyone in the studio laugh
“mark doesn’t like affection but he has his moments where he’s the one giving it.”
mark being flustered pt. 29842894
they also are in-sync almost all of the time it’s creepy
they also say the same things at the same time
when they were at the ama’s she was wearing heels
so when she stood next to mark, taehee was like
“hehe i’m taller than you”(╹◡╹)
so mark stands on his toes for the whole interview
when he would lose his footing bc of that they would both laugh
sneaky glances during interviews
hearing things wrong
being dirty minded
there was this one time taehee almost slipped on the stairs while going down from the stage but mark caught her
when mark mentioned that taehee was one of the people he wanted to grow old with
everyone cRIED
“one person i want to grow old with? umm, taehee? taehee because she’s always been there for me. she teases me a lot but then she takes care of me like an older sister would. she’s very understanding and thoughtful of others. and even if we fight, we still have a strong relationship bc we get each other,,in a way. so,,yeah :)))”
besides johnny, mark loves to imitate her australian accent
“i wanna go home”
mark, with an accent: “Oh, yOU wAnT tO gO hOmE?”
they’re also cute roommates lol
they’re either jamming hard to their favorite songs
or having deep talks from their respective beds
lastly, their graduation from dream
they prepared a video for the dreamies
it was filled with their off-screen moments
mostly inside the car while they were going somewhere
and then jisung’s bday predebut
and there were pictures of them too
and then the prank taehee pulled on renjun and jisung,,where she pretended she was mad at them
“i think i cried,” jisung said in the video
and then the vcr ends with markhee saying they would continue to support dream and cheer for them
and then now is their ending ment
mark was kinda serious and is on the verge of crying
taehee was too but she was trying to lighten up the situation
“don’t criiiiiiii”
but then she ended up crying too
when taehee was saying her ending ment,,mark put an arm around her shoulders
and then they group hugged
but even when they left they still are mentioned in dream’s videos/lives
*on a phone call* “mark-hyung, is taehee-noona there?”
“noona? ah taehee-“
“you forgot her name? HAHAHA”
“-is here”
“they fight like an old couple”
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crunkumbee · 5 years
Lost In You
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Yancy x Reader 
could you write a piece about yancy and y/n in the ending where they stay in the prison and after a while get together and it’s a very sweet and soft? love ur writing xxx 
I heard you want fanfic ideas? If so. May I present the classic jealous Yancy? A new prisoner/guard flirts with the reader? - @just-a-werido 
oh. my god. dancing. with yancy. just. oh my god. please?
Cuddles and stuff because Yancy is baby- @greemany​
Could you write a really fluffy Yancy x reader?? Like maybe they're both super touch-starved and easily flustered and so there's a lot of embarrassed but sweet, blushy cuddles and physical affection??? Sorry if this is a bad ask but I'm just a SLUT for Yancy cuddles thanks friend💕
Can I request a cuddly Yancy x reader where he almost lost her due to a fight between her and one of the guys who thought it be a good idea to mess with his family? Like the gang instantly comes to her aid and Yancy is like ????!!!!!!! and instantly makes sure his baby’s okay? Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Holy goddamn you guys first of all thank you so much I am so honored that you all love my writing and trust me enough to write these!! Second um I kinda went off and shoved all of these together bc I thought they would sound good and yeah also sorry fics have been kinda slow its just been a crazy last couple of weeks with LITERALLY EVERYTHING and dancing yancy?!?!?!? HELL YEAH but please please PLEASE ENJOY FRIENDS LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Tag List: @i-am-a-weeb @arts-of-plenty @gay-matty-boi @brokequeenofcardonia @writer-of-camelot  @pleasedontfollowmeimtrash @bxbamilktae @th3-n3xt-phas3-2 @animals4ever527 @janiceapex @ughsomething​ @go-just-me-fan​ @les-amis-de-l-ab-yeet​ @aheistwithyancy​​
Twelve years with the chance for probation. That’s what you were stuck with. Happy Trails Penitentiary wasn’t what you thought it would be but after what you had done, you were perfectly fine with it.  You weren’t one to talk to new people so when it came time for lunch you sat alone in a corner and prayed that nobody would sit next to you or even look at you. 
The potatoes weren’t the best you had but it was better than you expected and as you were poking at them you didn’t even notice the man that sat next to you. 
“Youse is new here. I’m Yancy,” he extended his hand out to you. “I saw you walk in and thought youse was the best looking person in this joint.” 
“Y/n and I’m sure that seeing somebody new has an affect on who you’re attracted to.”
He chuckled and god damn that was a beautiful sound. 
“Youse might be right. But you should come sit with the rest of us. Hank even has wine for us. 
Your plan was to just sit there in the corner for the next twenty years but when a man as handsome as Yancy asks you to sit at his table, you don’t argue and just go along with it. 
You followed the man to the table with multiple other people and you were instantly overwhelmed once they all started to surround you. 
“Hey fellas, stand back a bit shes new here.”
And so for the next few weeks you sat at the table and the other prisoners became like family to you. You and Yancy had gotten really close. He would spend most of his time with you whenever you could and he had a spare key to all of the cells so some nights you could sneak into one anothers cell. Sure he was attractive but you weren’t anything more than friends and while you would like for there to be more, you were perfectly content with how your life was with him just being a friend.
There weren’t many other new guards or other inmates. But, there was a new guy. His name was Lucas and he just wouldn’t leave you alone. It wasn’t until Yancy said something to him that he kinda backed off but you could still feel his eyes on you.  Three days into his sentence you went to use the restroom during lunch. It wasn’t in the same room as the cafeteria but it was down the hall a ways and since the guards trusted most of the inmates, they would let most of them just go off on their own. As you were walking out of the restroom, Lucas came up behind you and grabbed your hips, only resulting in you pushing yourself off of him.
“What the hell?!?” 
“Come on baby girl you know you liked it. Why would you want some pansy like him when you could have all of this.” 
“Fuck you!” you yelled at him before punching him in the throat. You wanted to go for the face but he was a lot taller and a hell of a lot bigger than you were and there was no way you would have reached even if you had wanted to. 
“Bitch,” he backhanded you and your face hit the concrete wall. “Kick her ass.” Lucas said to the two people who then walked out from around the corner. Of course they were both women and twins. 
“Too big of a bitch to fight me yourself Lucas?” If he replied you couldn’t hear it because the woman on your left with short black hair punched you followed by the other one with long brown hair that was tied back kicking you in the stomach. It took you a moment to shake it off but you soon got in with the rhythm of their movements and while you were taking an ass beating at least you were able to fight back. At least you wouldn’t be the only one bleeding. 
You had been gone for too long and while the gang told him that everything was fine, Yancy just couldn’t shake the feeling that you were in some kind of trouble. 
“Hey Tiny, can youse come with me to check on y/n?” 
“Sure thing Yancy.” 
Together they walked out into the hallway where the restrooms were and sure enough there was Lucas laughing as two women were fighting you. You were holding your own well but you were outnumbered. 
“I’ll help y/n boss go get that asshole.” 
Yancy nodded and sure enough Tiny was taking care of the brown haired woman while you focused in on the other one. Now that she didn’t have her partner, it was a lot easier to take her on. 
“Hey Lucas! I know youse have a problem with me so let's take care of it right here, right now.” 
“I’m not going to fight you. You’re not worth the waste of breath. And neither is y/n.” 
He could have said whatever he wanted about him but the second that he brought you into it, Yancy lost his cool. Nobody could get away with having people attack you then talk shit about you. Yancy didn’t think before he clocked Lucas in the face and he fell to the ground. Yancy was about to advance on the fallen man before he heard your voice.
“Yance, don’t. He’s not worth it.” 
He looked over and saw you bruised and bleeding. You and Tiny had managed to knock down and keep the other two women down. It was then that Yancy decided not to murder the man on the ground. Seeing his way out Lucas got up and walked down towards his cell.
“Come here sweetheart.” You started to walk towards him and he met you halfway. He walked you to the guard where Tiny told them everything that happened. Yancy walked you to the infirmary but it just so happened to be the nurses birthday so she wasn’t there so instead Yancy grabbed things that looked like they would be of use and walked back to his cell which was closer than yours. Jimmy followed you both and once you sat on his bed and Yancy put all the supplies next to you he went out of the small cell to talk to Jimmy. The other man nodded before walking off and Yancy came back to you. 
“Okay this isn’t going to feel good but just know that I’m not tryin to hurt you.” 
“I know you wouldn’t try to Yance. Just get it over with.” 
Other than you occasionally wincing when he would put peroxide on the cuts on your face (and him apologizing every time) he was gentle. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner for youse. I should have been there to help you otherwise youse wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”
“Yance. Don’t try to blame yourself for what happened to me. You and Tiny came to help me before it got worse and that’s all that matters.” you put your hand on his and neither of you were used to the closeness that you were both currently at but all that either of you knew was that you liked it. 
“Let me put these bandages on you. Just be still.” 
As he put them on your face you could smell the sweet prison cologne that they gave them and for some reason it smelled better on him than it did anybody else. 
Suddenly there was music playing throughout the hallway. It was usual for this to happen and the warden liked to have music on once in awhile. 
“Do youse know how to dance?” 
“What? Oh no! I’ve never had the chance to learn.” 
“Well there’s no better time than the present.”
He extended his hand out to you and for a moment you hesitated. You weren’t used to so much and prison wasn’t the place that you thought that you would find a family but here you were, learning how to dance with the most handsome guy in the joint. It wasn’t what you were expecting when you got 20 years for arson but now that you were here and in the moment, it was nice. 
As you took his hand and stood in the cell with the soft love song that you didn’t recognize playing over the speakers you realized that this was the place for you. 
“Just let me show youse what to do and follow my lead.” 
He carefully and cautiously to his shoulders and placed his hands on your waist. And when he started to move you followed and it soon became easy to follow. 
You looked into his soft brown eyes and smiled and that’s when the moment of realization hit him, there’s nobody else for him. The way that something as small as dancing with him made you so happy and brought out the beautiful smile of yours, and if all of that could make his heart melt then there was no person he would rather be with. 
Just when he thought the moment couldn’t get any better, you rested your head on his chest. It was now or never. 
“Hey, uh, y/n?” 
“Yeah Yance?” “What would you-, uh see I kinda-”
You knew what he was saying and didn’t need anymore confirmation than what he was giving you in that moment. You moved your hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck to push his lips to yours. His lips were softer than you could have ever imagined and he was thinking the same thing. 
You pulled away and looked him in his puppy dog eyes, “I didn’t think youse would like somebody like me but I’ve been lost in you since the day you showed up.” 
“I was going to say the same thing about you.” 
“If I talked to the warden, would youse like to share a cell so we don’t have to sneak around every night?” 
“If he allows that, I would love to.” 
“Good because I talked to him this morning and he says that as long as we don’t get into a fight with each other then he doesn’t care.” 
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