#somehow with all the monsters around in the real world. life is peaceful
smolcrow465 · 5 months
just finished my 02 rewatch but alas. my assignments have caught up with me again
anyways uh. i think kari's malomyotismon induced hallucination is pretty accurate to summer dreams' future
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hyperstell4r · 16 days
No Church in the Wild
Finding yourself in a new world, you worry that your status as an outworlder will raise suspicion among the people in Teyvat. However, as you befriend the many characters you meet along the way, there seems to be a special connection between you and this world - you realise you worried over nothing. (or: isekai sagau headcanons with creator!reader) Words: 798
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Sunlight pours through the gaps in the tree canopy, casting a warm glow on your skin. You expect to see the familiar ceiling of your room when you open your eyes, however, the soft chirping of birds and the faint chattering of squirrels tell you to expect otherwise.
When you sit up to take in your surroundings, the sight that lies before you is not that of your room, but a massive tree providing shade in the otherwise empty plain. Taking in the gorgeous scenery, a glowing teal butterfly catches your attention, leaving a trail of sparkles in its wake.
You soon realise what you saw is actually a crystalfly, a creature that should only exist in -
Oh this cannot be real.
Processing that you've somehow been transported to a world that should only exist in a game is an adjustment, to say the least. Deciding you need to find work if you ever want to live a normal life in this world, you join the Adventurer’s Guild. It pays well and gives you the chance to travel to different nations on the pretence of completing commissions. 
When you’re out late at night in Liyue Harbor, you find yourself gravitating towards the Wanmin restaurant. Xinyan looks up from taste-testing Xiangling’s new recipe to wave and call you over. Ever so thoughtful, Xiangling quickly makes you a bowl so you have something to eat while you talk to them. The two of them let you sit down and talk whenever you need them to lend an ear - bless them. Sometimes when you visit the restaurant, Shenhe is there too. She appreciates being able to relax in your company, seeing how you never force her to participate in the conversation while you respond to Guoba's cheerful chirps.
Nilou's dance all but mesmerises you when you watch her practicing a new choreography, perfecting her steps. You only realise you’ve been staring by the time she finishes her dance. The girl stops you from apologising for your rudeness, inviting you to watch her next performance at the Grand Bazaar. From then on, you attend as many of Nilou’s performances as you can, always bringing her water and snacks for the both of you to share while you celebrate another dance well done. There's an especially important performance one day. When you present to her the bouquet of Padisarahs you so carefully prepared, they are the most resplendent flowers that the dancer has ever seen. She almost wonders if you witnessed the Padisarah bloom for the Goddess of Flowers all those years ago.
Of course, being a member of the Adventurer’s Guild, you often have run-ins with Bennett, Fischl, and Razor. You join them on their picnics, admiring the scenery together as you tell them stories from your world. Your friends listen intently while you speak of horseless wagons made of metal and buildings that scrape the sky. It's hard to tell whether they are just being polite, or if they are extremely invested in the concept of electric toothbrushes. Nevertheless, you always enjoy these times you spend together. The weather is always perfect and you never see monsters around, as if nature itself wishes to please you.
Beidou warns you to be careful when you sit on the edge of the Crux, your legs dangling above the water; but she can't help the smile that comes with watching you and Kazuha excitedly exchange songs and poetry of the respective worlds you hail from. Your voice carries an indescribable peacefulness to it as the world seems to bend to your song. A gentle breeze blows through your hair, and you swear you can hear a faint whisper. There's one time you fall over the edge and start plummeting towards the ocean below. Kazuha reaches out to catch you a moment too late; but before you hit the water, a gust of wind lifts you up. The whispering is more apparent this time, almost as if the wind is giggling, teasing you endlessly. Kazuha, seeing your flustered expression, can't help but smile as he thinks, so you can hear it too.
You find Kirara makes an excellent adventuring partner. You often run into each other, sometimes deciding to go fishing together as a break. You opt for a rod from the Fishing Association while Kirara prefers to rely on her feline instincts, jumping into the lake. When the sky grows dark and you're sitting on the beach enjoying the grilled fish you prepared, the courier points out how brightly the stars are shining tonight - as well as how much they resemble your eyes.
In your new life, the people of Teyvat are ever so good to you and you hope for this peace to last forever, but it seems you have spoken too soon.
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mikanotes · 7 months
eunhyuk x gn!reader — 577 words.
genre: angst/comfort, (probably) established relationship
warnings: mentions of death, grief, and swearing. nothing else i think!
synopsis: Eunhyuk returns. You don’t know how to deal with it.
author’s note: i miss him so have this. also me when you’re coming back and it’s the end of the world and we’re starting over and i love you darling and i am done
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“You’re dead.” you say, “I’ve finally made peace with that. You should not be here.”
Steady as your voice may be, you’re unsure how much of your carefully crafted detached exterior manages to hold up in the face of Lee Eunhyuk’s apparent return to life. He looks as calm as usual. The way he stares at you feels somewhat unnerving— A gaze that refuses to let go, one that pierces right through you.
You feel the walls around you crumbling before you can do anything about it. You never stood a chance. “Eunhyuk.” you sigh, tone almost pleading. Please tell me you’re real. Please tell me you’re alive. Even if it makes no sense, say it, please. You hold his gaze as he takes a few short steps towards you.
“I’m sorry.” he says. Your throat feels tight and your eyes sting. “That you grieved for something that wasn’t gone.”
This is so much worse. But there isn’t a good way this situation could’ve gone.
This is one year and some months of sinking into a void of growing despair, with nothing to grab onto to stop it. It’s one year and some months that really feel like a decade of your very heart withering away. It’s one year and some months of surviving a monster apocalypse, and somehow having the sight of the person you craved to see the most be the thing that truly breaks you. The floor feels like it’s disappearing under your feet. You’re falling again, and it feels ten times worse and more instant. Like death. You’re dying and he’s saying sorry for not ever truly leaving.
“No, I,” you pause, forcing yourself to actually breathe, “I grieved over someone that was gone. You were gone. This was over a whole year without a single sign from you. An entire year of forcing myself to believe everyone’s words. ‘He’s dead’, ‘He’s gone and under the crumbled building’, ‘You’ll never see him again’, that was real.”
Eunhyuk doesn’t say a word.
“I didn’t want to believe it. I was so sure of it— That you weren’t really gone. You wouldn’t leave so easily. I didn’t believe it at all.” you shake your head, gaze moving aimlessly, “I eventually had to stop believing, and I’m sorry that I did. But you can’t just come back this way.”
“Should I leave?”
He’s dead serious, the fool. Polite and conscious of the boundaries he might’ve pushed by simply making himself known to you again.
“No. Are you kidding me?” you take a step forward, but it’s awfully hesitant. Like if you get too close you’ll see his skin is translucent and he was never really there and you’d been yelling at the wall. “You can’t leave. Not again.”
What are you supposed to do with all these feelings? It’s terrifying. He really is here.
“What can I do?” he asks, tone as steady as you’d hoped yours would come out. Every moment you practiced that false image of calm, your reference had subconsciously been Eunhyuk. Calm and level-headed, mature, the perfect leading figure. You’d never see Lee Eunhyuk slip up over his own emotions. That’s what you strived for.
But as it turns out, it’s not easy to be like this.
So out of touch. You need to make sure.
“Take my hand.” you say, ask, “Please.”
He looks down at your hand, then back up at you when he shortens the distance between the two of you. His hand is careful when it takes yours, slowly bringing it up between both of your chests. His skin is just as cold as it was, as cold as you remembered. Rough, contrasting how gentle his movements are. You stare at him and he stares at your hand.
“Now you promise not to die without me.”
That’s not something he can promise, you know it already. His expression tenses for a moment, like he’s in pain, but it’s gone just as fast. “I can’t promise you that.” he says, looking up at you, “You know that.”
“You’re the worst person I know.” you say, lying through your teeth. Eunhyuk carefully reaches his free hand towards your face, pressing his palm to your jaw.
“I am, aren’t I?” he says quietly, expression unchanging. “I’d usually call bullshit, but I admit I sort of believe you, all things considered.”
You scoff but it’s hard for it not to turn into a laugh. It’s light and not the definition of happy but it feels somewhat comforting. Your heart feels painfully tight. There’s something inordinately scary about allowing yourself to hope again.
“You know, once it actually clicks in my head that you’re really here, I’m going to cry like I never have before?”
“Don’t waste your energy on that.” he hums, “Still, I’ll be here through all of it, if it happens. I’ll be there. I won’t leave again. Not like last time.”
You lean down until your forehead hits his shoulder. He moves his hand to the back of your head, and the other just tightens around your own. There’s no need for more than that to say I love you, silently, in your own way.
“You will?”
“I can promise you that much.”
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mrsrookhunt · 8 months
Monster Rook Hunt Pt. 3-- A Mega compilation
@v-anrouge I have returned
This is my apology for essentially 3 months of total radio silence <3
Today's Specials
Kitsune!Rook Hunt
Yeti!Rook Hunt
Siren!Rook Hunt
MIB!Rook Hunt
Alien!Rook Hunt
Ghost!Rook Hunt
Kitsune Rook Hunt
While he may appear as a normal fox beastman in public, you meet him by discovering him at his most vulnerable point-- in between transformation from a regular foxman into a beautiful, legendary kitsune.
It's a night you'll never forget. Sometimes you're convinced that he revealed himself to you on purpose simply so that he could make the excuse that you had to be his now.
Oh how he loves loves lovesss pets and pats and if you wanted to brush his tails or maybe just tousle the fur that would be great, thank you--
Touch is everything to him. If you sit beside him for a spell you have made a mistake, because now you're all wrapped up in nine bushy tails and two great strong arms. He does nothing but nuzzle you if you get even remotely close to him.
I hope you're not allergic to fox fur.
He may or may not suggest he's already built it so you better accept building a den for you if you're far enough in the relationship two weeks it's been two weeks. You may think that it'll be your average fox den nestled in a muddy hole in the ground, but you could not be more wrong. Unbeknownst to most people, foxmen and kitsune folk alike are expert builders of log cabins they consider the modern counterparts of their closely related fox dens.
It's got everything
Two-story ceilings in the living room, 5 bedrooms, a beautifully equipped kitchen and cinema room... and let's not forget the sauna room in the basement. Yeah, Rook, a 'den'.
Apparently, Rook is a master builder. You're tempted to ask him if all kitsune do this but you're not sure you're ready to be blown away by the answer.
Overall you will be isolated from the outside world. Rook has found the one he loves, and he wants to be himself around you. The more time passes the less and less you will be able to convince him to take a transformation potion and venture out into town. Rook is content with your nature-filled, person-devoid life, and he hopes you are too.
Yeti Rook Hunt
So much for a peaceful exploration of the woods on a snowy day.
If you had known a walk in the forest would lead to the untimely and wholly accidental meeting of a half-human, half-yeti creature that seemed to adore you with all of his heart and by that I mean refuses to stop crooning over how taken with you he is and how it's love at first sight, just like he's seen on TV! you might honestly have turned around and gone back home.
Your meeting is... fun. Being lovingly greeted by a 7-foot-tall, fur covered monster in ill-fitting clothes is a lot to process-- first to admit to yourself that such things are real altogether-- and that this one is in love with you.
He asks you to come back to his cave-- and no matter how much you decline, he will always pop up in your life somehow again to invite you as soon as you say no to the previous invitation.
When you finally do go to visit him, you are immediately pulled into cuddles and kisses. This is how you discovered that the only socialization Rook has been given was through TV.... and pushy romance tropes do tend to make their rounds on a good number of shows.
Rook knows nothing about his own species. What you're seeing and feeling is exactly the extent that he knows about himself. He feels that he is human mentally even though he knows that physically he isn't.
Once you lean into him and his company, you will get unfiltered touch to his long, soft fur, and you will be able to intimately converse with him about what he wants in his future. Two very great perks of dating a legendary monster. And unsurprisingly, he wants you.
You will have to get used to living with him. Once you're dating, it isn't optional. Rook is insistent on being the provider, and for once you don't know if that's from TV or instinct.
His cave ahem, apologies, home is actually quite nicely kept, and oddly cozy. The occasional stalagmite encounter typically isn't awful, as the main part of the cave is comprised of solid, nice, well-furnished rock rooms. There's a deeper part of the cave system, but you aren't allowed in there, since past the liveable part Rook has made there's nothing but steep drop offs and weakened ground. Do not test that theory please.
And if you're threatened by weird cave bugs? Do not fret, they come with insurance. If Rook is home, he'll take care of the bugs. If he's out hunting? There's a nice little tightly sealed log cabin with a fireplace and a bookcase outside for you to chill in until he gets home.
It really is the life. Rook makes sure you never want for anything except fast food and all modern conveniences with the exception of cable.
Siren Rook Hunt
Man, these singers are getting too good. So good.
So very, very goo......
Hey, at least the view from the rock outcropping you're trapped on is nice.
Rook is sweet and charming, but you can't really get past the fact that he decided to sing you into an easy kidnapping over just asking you to dinner. He insists that these days, kidnapping is cheaper than going out for dinner, and you hate to admit that he is correct.
Your days are spent watching Rook be a one-man show in performing his favorite operas for you with a little break every few lines so you don't slip into siren-song induced madness and basking on the shore of the small rock island you live on.
Sometimes he brings you back fabric or paper or something to be creative with, but oftentimes he prefers just to spend as much time with you as possible and talk and talk and talk and talk and... well, he's quite chatty. It does entertain you thoroughly.
All of your basic needs are taken care of but Rook does not fully understand the human need for stimulation and outside of chatting with him and sleeping, there's not much for you to do.
If he really wants you to spend your life with him you are tasked with convincing him to buy a house on the shore, so both of your habitat needs are fully met.
After that, things go smoothly. Rook is very convincingly human and you don't have many differences between you. Rook is dedicated to you, and you are dedicated to him.
Men In Black Rook Hunt
Your meeting was your own fault. You had seen an alien, and you were raising hell about it.
Unfortunately, you couldn't just get a normal interrogator. No, you got the self-proclaimed 'investigator of all things eerie', Rook Hunt.
To say he was ecstatic to interview you was an understatement. He seemed more interested in your personal life than he did the actual incident you'd assumed he'd be investigating.
After that interrogation, your fuzzy memories aided you in spotting him following you around town.
When you finally got around to an actual date with him, he was already planning your future on the first conversation of the night.
You knew you were stuck with him then and there.
MIB!Rook has no interest in marriage, for whatever reason. However, you are undeniably his lifetime partner and he loves you more than life. He is often out on jobs... or whatever it is he does for work (you will NEVER know, he's trying to protect you from the truth).
When he's home, he studies you intensely. Rook does not seem fully human to you (something else he hides from you) and his behaviors tend to mimic you with the exception of his unending, incessant French vocabulary. That came pre-eqipped.
Overall, Rook is secretive, but he only wants the best for you... whatever that means to him.
Side note I've actually seen a UFO and documented evidence of it. Does anyone want that story? It actually inspired this lol
Alien Rook Hunt
Learning that aliens exist is fun. Learning that one is stalking you is infinitely worse.
Rook comes in no spacecraft, no beam of light, or fancy supernatural story. He just knocks on your door and invites himself into your home as Rook Hunt of a planet you can't pronounce.
You've known that someone was following you for several months. You weren't necessarily aware it was an inhuman man with a creepy smile who admittedly creeped around your house amd watched your every move. And didn't seem to find anything wrong with it
Have you seen those people with the letters on their backs around here?? Please tell me you haven't seen the people with the letters on their backs around here..... he means the FBI. Unfortunately, the alphabet is still eluding him.
There's a surprising amount of extraterrestrial gossip between species and planets... apparently earth has just been missing out.
Rook is actually on earth as a scholar-- with a degree in cultural studies and a focus on conversational language. So, he does what he can do best: study you, ask questions, and share his own experiences with you! Keep in mind you will have a very sad, defeated, puppy-eyed Rook if you're not keen for lengthy conversations on interstellar tradition and history
Rook likes bringing you soft things. Much like jewelry is a gift of high praise here, soft things such as blankets and warm ...jackets? Why do they have 9 arms are of equal value where he comes from.
He also enjoys taking you out for hikes. His planet boasts a very rich ecosystem, and most people go for dates exclusively in nature--- its something he's trying to bring back to you.
Your differences, while quite obvious to you, are hard to discern to Rook. So long as you entertain him, and allow him to hang around, life will go smoothly.
Ghost Rook Hunt
If you didn't want to attract the attention of the mischievous spirit of a long-dead esteemed hunter, you probably shouldn't have broken into that cabin in the woods in a far off rural town as a 'roadtrip'.
The moment you walked through the door, you knew you had gotten yourself into deeeeep trouble.
Every light was lit in a building that wasn't supposed to have power, the fireplace had been recently stoked, and there were two warm bowls of stew set at the dingy kitchen table as if it had been set for dinner.
Eerie? Yes.
Enough to keep you from dinner? No.
Somehow, your food disappeared out of your backpack Poltergeist? No, Pomefioregeist , so what else could you get this far out of town?
The food makes you dizzy, and you swear you feel the softest touch of a hand on your shoulder before you're out cold.
When you wake up, the door to the cabin is jammed. It's like a horror movie. But most horror movies don't come equipped with giddy, excited, hat-wearing full apparitions.
Rook's plan is to keep you there until you die. He says he'd have to open the door to get groceries, and then you'd leave. Not the best scenario, but, hey, you won't have to pay off your loans anymore.
When you do die, you're Rook's favorite person ever. Cuddles, kisses, the works. He takes you out to see performances that you don't even have to pay for!
Dying is very cost-efficient.
You'd never imagined that ghosts would feel solid to each other, but it was a pleasant surprise when you had your first kiss with him.
Though you two have no real possibility of a future other than floating through the 4th dimension with each other, Rook will keep your eternity filled with love and devotion.
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piracytheorist · 8 months
something i love about spy family is that its a very funny manga, but it isn't afraid to be serious and talk about serious things (and its also really good at transitioning between the two)
Tatsuya Endo has an amazing grasp of balance. There are a lot of posts going around about how Spy x Family goes from something as heavy as "war makes monsters of us all" to something as silly as "Anya finds Loid's tourist fashion choices lame" and it somehow works.
It's one of the things that made me fall in love with the story from the second if not the very first episode of the anime. It dares to be realistic about how war impacts humans and how it takes them into a path they wouldn't normally take, but at its core it's a story filled with humor and love and connection, because this is how humans are supposed to live like. I mean, not to break it down to a "live laugh love" moral, but at the end of the day it does prioritize people living happily together and in peace. Even the "enemy" is shown in a sympathetic light from time to time.
And the humor and silliness attributes to that. It makes the story light-hearted despite the heavy issues it tackles. It would be hard to find hope in a story that focuses only on those heavy issues, if its vibe was constant grittiness and violence and dark themes. Not that there's anything wrong with stories with such themes; but you wouldn't usually watch such a story and expect to feel full of hope afterwards, nor expect it to have the humor that SxF has.
What is amazing is how Endo manages the balance of it all. How he works in the silliness amidst an environment of a cold war, of hardened spies and assassins, because it would be very easy to veer right into tone-deaf cheesy territory that gives you (unintentional) emotional whiplash. I think it's due to how the characters are only slightly exaggerated versions of something you'd see in real life. Anya behaves as any five-year-old would, where her focus is to work in protection of peace, make sure the family won't break apart, and above all, have fun. Yor's view of the world has been impacted by how long she's worked as an assassin, but her "naivete" is mostly her tendency to see good in everyone, even the "bastards" she's sent to kill. Twilight keeps telling himself everything he does is "for the mission" but he's only human and can't help bonding with his family even if he doesn't realize it.
The characters may behave in an exaggerated way from time to time, but they're not caricatures. The humor and ridiculousness (affectionate) in their actions are based on real human traits and behaviours we can see in real life. The want to have fun, the tendency to see the good in people, the desire to love. Endo simply takes those and has three people whose special traits clash with those three mentioned traits. Anya grew up as a science experiment in a lab where she wasn't allowed to have fun, so now that she has people who care for her emotional growth she goes all out with fun activities. Yor was forced into the choice of becoming an assassin, having to be told "This person is BadTM so you play judge jury and executioner", but with Yuri being her motivation (and later on the Forgers too) she managed to keep her kind heart. Occasionally she can't control her monstrous strength and may also consider killing people who inconvenience her and then go like "Yo wtf chill maybe". Twilight became a spy and distanced himself from human connections, but now that his job brought him into the position of staying long term with a kid and a wife and a dog, his desire for such a connection is rearing its persistent head. And so you get a Professional Master SpyTM playing "Rescue Princess Anya from the Evil Clutches of Count Scruffy Head".
It's the contrast that makes the humor of it all, and in such a way that it never takes only one character's side. I think that also adds to the "flexibility" of the story. It's easier to connect to a story when there's multiple sides explained and understood by the audience; and I mean, the only thing the story looks to be trying to "convince" you of is that humans live best when they live in peace and surrounded by people they love, and that's an undeniable fact of human nature. The characters can and do make mistakes but they're shown to be able to grow from them, and even someone radicalized and extremist like Yuri has understandable motives and a very human nature - just one that was taken advantage of by people in power.
Overall yeah, I think it's how focused on the characters' humanity the story is that it makes the balance between humor and heavy issues work. Again, though it can be exaggerated at times, it's not a caricature or slapstick, just for the sake of making the audience laugh. There's a depth and a genuine reaching out for the audience's emotions and understanding.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga 😁)
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silverryu25 · 5 days
day 5; constellation of stars
“Have you forgotten how it all ended last time?”
;3 💖💖💖💖
Ohhhh yes~ >:3
Some nice star time for our favourite skele. Hope you enjoy it Kiran!! X3
DAY 5 - Constellation or stars + “Have you forgotten how it all ended last time?”
Tags: suggestive ending
Stars, the one thing that had always drawn him like a moth to a flame.
A big part of his life was spent daydreaming about the possibility of ever even catching a glimpse of the real stars as he played around with the star-like gems in the caves of Waterfall. The gems were beautiful in their own way, but they couldn’t even be called a pale imitation of the real thing. The first time he saw the night sky as the sun set right after they finally stepped on the surface he felt his soul leap in pure wonder.
It was a sight he never could have imagine.
A sight that he never believed he would live to see.
Yet there he was, eyelights gazing at an endless expanse of the Milky Way. Millions upon billions of stars sparkling so much more beautifully then any Waterfall gem ever could.
It was a sight that he would never forget.
It was the second brightest day in his life. The first one being the moment Papyrus was born.
He thought it would remain that way forever, that nothing could ever outshine the beauty and magnificence of the uncountable constellations and stars his very soul sang to him about in his dreams.
Yet, somehow, he was wrong.
Because here he was, sitting below the clear night sky. No clouds, moon or city lights to obscure the majesty of everything the naked eye could see for millions and billions miles in every direcion he turned. But instead of feeling his soul pound in joy and excitement at the vastness above him, his gaze was transfixed besides him. 
At a fellow skeleton monster that somehow took up presence inside his whole soul.
Sans’ white eyelights shone with a soft glow as his soul beat faster every time Red’s eyelights sparkled as he identified another constellation.
They had planned this trip for months, ever since Red’s people came to the surface. They had a hard time integrating in the peaceful world that awaited them outside of their underground so they needed a lot of help.
It was unanimously decided by the two monster kings that every monster would live with their counterpart until they found their footing and could start life on their own. But somehow, instead of leaving when he got a good and stable job, Red stayed with Sans and slowly, their relationship deepend.
It took a long time for them to actually confess to each other. A drunken pun fight led to something more and ended up with them confessing before their brains really caught up with what they were even saying. After that, well let’s just say things turned steamy and puns went down south real fast~.
It’s been months since then. They were both busy with work and helping out with ambassador activities that their brothers organized for both Frisks. Finally, after months of planning and postponing, they got away together for a fun stargazing camping trip. A perfect combination of a shared love of stars and lazing around doing nothing.
But instead of looking at the stars, Sans’ gaze was glued to Red.
He just couldn’t stop marveling at how lucky he got. How life actually gave him something to love this deeply and freely. It was so atypical of him, so out of character that even he was shocked when he first realized what Red actually meant to him. But slowly, he came to accept those feelings and even shared them with Red little by little.
It was a bonus that any mention of love made Red turn his namesake. It was honestly too adorable and fun to tease Red every time he could.
He was so lost in thoughts that he missed something Red told him.
“hmmm?” Sans blinked his eyelights as he tried to focus on here and now.
“wha’s wron’ sweetheart?” Red flashed a smirk his way. “head full’a stars?”
“*snort*, there’s only one star bright enough for me, red.” Sans purred as his half-lidded gaze stared back at Red. Sans’ smile spread even wider as a soft crimson blush spread over Red’s cheekbones.
“stars dammit! dat was so corny! one star!” Red turned away to hide his obvious blush, as if that was possible in the dark while they were so close.
“aw, don’t be like that red. i’m staring to think you don’t love me anymore.”
“hardy har har. yer just pullin’ on my starstrings an’ ya know it.”
“what can i do, you are the star of my show.”
With a groan Red just turned back and deadpanned at Sans, making him chuckle. Red was the best.
Before Red could snark back anymore Sans leaned forward and kissed him. Their magic sparked as their tongues intertwined, the heat of their breaths a stark contrast with cool night air. They continued kissing until they both ran our of breath, leaning their foreheads together as they stared at each others eyelights. Bright white and red stars of their own.
“ya better stop dere sweetheart if ya don’ wan’ me ta jump yer bones.”
“heh, who says i don’t want you to?”
“but…” Red’ eyelights darted to the side, almost like he wanted to look around for something or someone. “hav’ ya forgo’en how it all end’d last time?”
“...” Sans lazily smiled and gave Red a chaste kiss on the teeth. “i’m not that easily startled out of trying again. are you?”
The end UwU
Hope you like the value ending XD
If you’re wondering what happened last time they tired having some fun time in an open space… well it was a bit of an embarrassing mess ;P
Will they have more luck this time…………… I’ll let you guess >:3c
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patchwork-crow-writes · 7 months
I think Deltarune has done something rather clever in its creation of the Darkners, especially when you compare them to the Monsters in Undertale.
You can draw up a lot of similarites between the two groups - both are found in dark "underworld" type locations, both are presented primarily as antagonists that can be won over by ACTing, with additional nuances becoming revealed as you progress through the respective games... and both are trapped within systems that marginalise, demonise and/or otherwise exploit them.
Thing is, in Undertale, there's no real obstacle to seeing the monsters as fundamentally the same as humans, albeit with more interesting body shapes/features and a few other distinctions. All they want is to be free from their prison, and provided you are nice to them, they are willing and able to co-exist with humanity on the surface. What's more, this can easily be achieved: once you dispel the barrier, all the monsters join humanity on the surface and everyone is happy (...mostly).
But you cannot really emancipate darkners in the same way, for three reasons.
The first is practical - darkners who are brought into the light world revert back to inanimate objects. Short of all lightners going off to live in dark worlds, there can't be true parity between the two peoples, unless some method of allowing darkners to manifest in the light were found.
...which leads into the second reason: even IF all the lightners in the world were willing to do that, the world will (supposedly) end if the balance between light and dark is disrupted. What "balance" means exactly isn't 100% clear, but I think it's fairly safe to assume that said balance involves keeping the status quo - darkners serving lightners as inanimate objects, before being disposed of when their purpose is fulfilled. I don't know if anyone is going to risk bringing about armageddon on the off-chance that Ralsei is wrong.
But let's say that you were somehow able to circumvent these problems - darkners can come to the light world, and it won't cause rocks to fall on everyone. Then you run into the most problematic reason darkners can't truly be free in the way we understand it; unlike monsters before them, darkners are not just lightners with a different coat of paint on them. Based on the fact that they are literal objects given life, they have developed their own societies, their own beliefs about the world, their own instincts and desires that are intrinsic to them. Whether through some false-consciousness, or a genuine desire to serve their purpose, darkners at large seem entirely happy with the way things are, and have been for a long time.
Oh, but you can just convince them through dialogue and ACTing, like the monsters! They'll surely come around if we explain it to them! Yes, they will... and that is exactly the problem. They're not won over to our cause by logic or persuasion; they're agreeing with us because we're lightners, and they're doing what we tell them to... which is the way it's always been. They have to want to decide to be free for themselves, which isn't likely to happen anytime soon. (and no, King doesn't count, because he was inspired to rebel against the lightners BY A LIGHTNER.)
It's for these reasons that I think people expecting Deltarune to end in a similar way to Undertale - with everyone living together in peace and harmony - are going to wind up disappointed. Unless some new information comes to light, or some unsatisfying contrivance is pulled off, lightners and darkners are both destined and doomed to remain in the cycle that has defined them for aeons.
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teddymoon06 · 19 days
Chapter 5
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Title: Strength in Each Other
Chapter 5: The Edge of Survival
I never thought I’d find myself living through something like this—monsters, death, and constant fear. Every moment felt like a fight to survive, a fight to keep the people we cared about alive.
But through it all, there was Hyun-su. No matter how dark things became, I found strength in him. His quiet determination, the way he always put others before himself, it made me feel safe even when everything around us was falling apart.
After the close call with the monsters, we sat in the barricaded room, resting. The silence between us wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, it felt peaceful, like we had an unspoken understanding. We didn’t need words to know what the other was thinking.
I leaned my head against Hyun-su’s shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest. “What do you think is happening outside?” I asked quietly, breaking the silence.
Hyun-su’s hand twitched slightly, his fingers brushing mine as if to comfort me. “It’s getting worse,” he said, his voice low. “More monsters. Fewer places to hide.”
His words sent a chill down my spine, but I already knew he was right. The screams and crashes we’d been hearing for the last hour confirmed it. Green Home was falling apart, and there wasn’t much time left before everything came crashing down.
I closed my eyes, trying to push away the fear that gnawed at me. “I’m scared, Hyun-su.”
“I know,” he whispered. “But we’re going to get through this. I’ll protect you.”
There it was again—his promise to keep me safe. And somehow, every time he said it, I believed him. Even when everything else seemed hopeless, I believed in Hyun-su.
Cha Hyun-su’s POV
It wasn’t just her who was scared. I was terrified too. I didn’t let it show, but the weight of everything—every life lost, every monster we faced—was heavy. But when I looked at Y/N, I felt this deep need to protect her, to keep her away from the horrors outside.
I couldn’t explain it. I barely knew her before all of this happened, but now, she was the one thing keeping me grounded. In a world filled with monsters, she was the only thing that felt real.
But I couldn’t afford to lose focus. There was no time for weakness, not when the building was crawling with creatures that could kill us in seconds. I had to stay sharp, for her.
“We should check on the others,” I said, standing up and holding out my hand to her.
Y/N looked up at me, her eyes full of trust, and placed her hand in mine. That small gesture—it gave me the strength I needed to keep going.
We moved carefully through the building, avoiding the sections we knew were infested with monsters. Every creak, every shadow made my heart race, but I kept my focus on her, making sure she stayed close. I couldn’t let anything happen to her. Not on my watch.
As we crept through the dark hallways, I couldn’t help but steal glances at Hyun-su. The way he moved, always so alert, so ready to protect me… it was more than just survival. He cared. I could see it in the way his eyes flicked toward me, making sure I was okay.
When we finally made it to one of the safer areas where the other residents were holed up, the tension eased slightly. People were huddled together, their faces pale with fear, but there was a sense of solidarity. We were all in this together.
“Hyun-su!” A voice called out, and I turned to see Jae-heon, the pastor who had taken charge of keeping everyone together. His expression was grim. “It’s bad. More monsters have broken through the lower floors. We’re running out of time.”
Hyun-su’s jaw tightened, and I could see the weight of Jae-heon’s words settle over him. We weren’t just fighting for survival anymore—we were running out of places to hide.
“What can we do?” I asked, stepping forward. I wasn’t going to stand by and do nothing. I couldn’t.
Jae-heon’s eyes softened slightly as he looked at me. “We need to fortify the upper floors. It’s the only way we’ll have a chance of keeping them out.”
“We’ll help,” Hyun-su said firmly, glancing at me as if to ask if I was okay with it.
I nodded. If there was a way to help, to keep everyone safe, we had to do it.
Cha Hyun-su’s POV
We spent the next few hours helping to reinforce the barricades, moving whatever we could to block the entrances. Y/N worked right beside me, never complaining, never showing fear. It was like she had found this inner strength, and it made me admire her even more.
But as the hours passed, the sounds of the monsters grew louder. The building was becoming more dangerous by the minute.
“Hyun-su,” Y/N whispered, her voice trembling slightly. “What if… what if we can’t hold them off?”
I paused, looking at her. Her eyes were wide, filled with uncertainty. I hated seeing her like this, scared and unsure. I wanted to tell her everything would be fine, but I couldn’t lie.
“We’ll figure something out,” I said instead, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “As long as we stick together, we’ll be okay.”
She nodded, though I could see the fear lingering in her eyes. I hated feeling powerless, hated knowing that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t promise her safety.
Hyun-su’s hand in mine brought me a sense of calm, even though the fear still lingered. His presence alone was enough to make me believe that somehow, we’d survive this.
But then, there was a sudden crash from the stairwell, followed by a blood-curdling screech. My heart stopped. The monsters had found us.
“They’re here!” someone shouted, panic spreading like wildfire through the room.
Hyun-su grabbed my arm, pulling me close as the others scrambled to reinforce the barricades. But I could see it in his eyes—the realization that the barricades wouldn’t hold for long.
“We need to get out of here,” he said urgently, his grip on my arm tightening. “Now.”
We didn’t have time to think. We ran, pushing through the panicked crowd as the sound of the monsters grew closer. My heart pounded in my chest, but I trusted Hyun-su to lead the way.
We made it to another stairwell, this one still intact, and rushed up to one of the higher floors. The air was heavy with fear and tension, but we couldn’t stop. We couldn’t look back.
When we finally reached a small, empty room on the top floor, Hyun-su slammed the door shut, breathing heavily as he leaned against it. I collapsed onto the floor, my legs shaking from the adrenaline.
For a moment, we just sat there, the weight of what had just happened settling over us.
“Hyun-su,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “What do we do now?”
He didn’t answer right away, but when he finally spoke, his voice was quiet, determined. “We survive. No matter what.”
Cha Hyun-su’s POV
As I looked at Y/N, exhausted but still determined, I realized something. She wasn’t just someone I needed to protect—she was my reason for fighting. My reason for surviving.
In this hellish world, she was the only thing that kept me going. And I wasn’t going to lose her. Not to the monsters. Not to anything.
“We’ll get through this,” I said softly, my voice steady. “As long as we’re together.”
Y/N looked at me, her eyes filled with trust and something else… something deeper. And in that moment, I knew I’d do anything to keep her safe. No matter what it took.
End of Chapter 5
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magpie-trinkets · 1 year
So I was thinking about the similarities between Dual Destinies' main plot and Ghost Trick (space meteor at the centre of drama and suffering) and I thought I'd write a little scene. Content warnings for canon-typical guns. Also spoilers for Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective and the ending of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. Like, heavy spoilers.
"YOU! IT'S YOU!" Yomiel screams. His legs ache but he continues running after the shadow, and his sweaty palms almost make him drop the gun. "COME BACK HERE, YOU FUCKER!"
He doesn't know the layout of this building and only follows his instincts and the faint sound of footsteps. Doors close all around him and show him one path. He ignores the faint scent of smoke and follows Sissel's directions.
"Help is on the way."
"Can't wait for them! I- I have to deal with this myself!" he pants.
He runs and runs, twists and turns on this labyrinthic trail he's following. His knees shake with each step and he has to support his weight on the wall. The silence amplifies his harsh breathing, but he's still alive, and that's what matters.
Finally he enters the dead end Sissel created for him, and corners the ghost he's been chasing through the Space Center.
The Phantom is masked, their expression devoid of feeling, barely breaking a sweat. On their hands, there it is: the gods-damned box. Their Space Center jacket is likely stolen from whom the blood on it belongs to.
"STOP!" Yomiel yells and raises his gun to point at them. "DROP THE BOX!"
The Phantom remains silent. Their mask stares at Yomiel and he wonders, just for a moment, how they're going to kill him.
"It's the real deal. I can see the Temsik radiation coming out of the box from the World of the Dead." Sissel informs him.
"Fuck." he thinks. So they were able to steal another fragment. "Is there something you can do?"
"I don't know, I don't see any helpful cores I can manipulate. I will go to Jowd and inform him of the situation. Hold them off until help arrives, do you hear me?"
Yomiel feels Sissel's presence dissappear from the room. His hands shake, but he doesn't falter. If he shoots, he could temporarily incapacitate the Phantom, thus securing the fragment, but... he never thought he'd shoot a gun again. He's not ready. He can't do it.
Yomiel's paralised. On one hand, if whatever organisation (he has a pretty good idea on who they are) gets their hand on the fragment, the peace Sissel and Missile worked so hard to obtain would be in jeopardy. If they find out what the fragment is capable of, they're fucked. But on the other... he is afraid shooting the gun would transform him into the monster he became during those ten years, now lost to time but still on his memories. Still on his conscience.
Only that... he isn't alone now. He isn't sinking into nothingness with nobody to hold onto.
"Drop the box, hold you hands up, and no one gets hurt." he says.
Suddenly, a walkie-talkie comes to life from the Phantom's side. "Detective Fulbright! We need you down at the bottom floor to help with the evacuation! Detective Fu-"
The Phantom crushes the device on their hands.
"I'm guessing that's not your real name?" Yomiel tries sardonically.
The Phantom remains silent.
He has to make time, somehow. Jowd and company are on their way.
(He's running out of time. Time is passing.)
"You must... be really fun at parties."
The Phantom reaches one hand into their jacket, revealing a white suit underneath. They take out a gun.
"Okay, okay okay okay. Let's talk this out."
"You're in my way." they finally say.
Yomiel's gun shakes. "That's intentional. Why don't you drop the box, and I don't pull the trigger?"
"I'm not afraid of you. I don't feel fear." Their hold on the gun doesn't falter.
"That's not good. Fear is an essential emotion." Yomiel says. "I used to be a phantom, just like you, ruining people's lives. And guess what? It didn't bring me the happiness I was looking for, far from it. It made me miserable too."
"Your moving appeal will not have an effect on me. I am not myself anymore, there's no one here you can convince here." the Phantom's gun clicks. "And just like Cykes and Terran, your path will end here."
Yomiel is a walking dead man, huh? "It's really pathetic, isn't it? You'll live all your life like this, only knowing how to inflict pain on others and following orders, and for what? A fucking rock?"
"We've been waiting 7 years for an opportunity. I will not let this chance slip by. I can't."
Yomiel laughs. "Only 7 years? That's rookie numbers. Do you know what that rock's capable of?"
"That's information I'm not privy to. It's not necessary for the mission." the Phantom says.
"So you don't know what you're dealing with. You don't know what the fuck you're doing, or what's at risk here."
"You seem to know a lot about this. Too much. I'm going to have to eliminate you." the Phantom states calmly.
This brings Yomiel back memories – of eliminating anyone who had information on Temsik. So this is what being at the other end of the barrel feels like.
"And you seem keen on stealing the fragment. I'm going to have to eliminate you. I can't let that fall into the wrong hands."
Yomiel's hand sweats profusely as his finger tightens on the trigger.
As Sissel's presence re-enters the room, a gunshot echoes.
Yomiel falls.
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the-haunted-office · 14 days
The turnstile door is pushed open with as much force as it will allow, which isn't much considering it's designed to move slowly to prevent people from getting caught up in its moving mechanisms. It's happened before, with some of the other living buildings in the area, but this particular building doesn't want that, hence the slowness of the turning doors.
Stanley regrets his tendency to take well-worn paths, as he realizes after the fact that it would have been much more satisfactory to him to have been able to kick open a pair of doors, which he would have been able to do had he taken one of the emergency exits positioned at the end of the various stairwells around the Office.
Well. It's too late now. The slow-moving turnstile door is already spilling him outside into the hot, humid, end-of-summer air, hitting him in the face like a wet towel that's been soaking in a hot tub all day, and he is not going to go back into the Office just so he can stomp around and find a different set of doors to play out the grand exit he had in mind. So the man named Stanley briefly surveys his surroundings - surroundings which he has surveyed many times before, yet never taken much stock of - picks a direction, and just goes.
(Cut here due to length!!)
Like all choices he's ever made in his life, once he's made it, he makes it without looking back. It's not that there isn't any internal struggle or sense of regret, it's a literal lack of looking back. Stanley forges ahead, marking his path with only his footsteps left behind - that is, wherever the ground is impressionable enough to accept the indentation of his shoe prints. Anywhere else he is simply lost to the wilderness of the outside that is... the outside of the Office.
He's aware of just how dangerous this is. It's dangerous enough to be out here with a group of people, but to be out here alone? By himself? Just Stanley? What will he do should he encounter one of those slasher zombies? What will he do should he encounter a regular zombie? Or a streetlamp monster? Or even a squirrel? Those can be rather mean when caught by surprise, can't they? Stanley doesn't know - he's always had the people of the Office to defend him when he's caught squirrels by surprise, so he doesn't exactly know precisely how dangerous they are in this world outside of the Office, not the way the world is now, at any rate.
The world the way it is now is... exceptionally different than the way it was when he left it back in his own dimension. He might not be from this dimension, but as he understands it, from all he has heard from his Officemates, it once closely resembled the one he came from. He thinks. Stanley isn't entirely sure. All he has are clues, because you see, his actual memories of what his life was like before he came to be in his own Office are all faulty. Faulty, or fake, or manufactured, or altered, or... bastardized somehow. Point being, they're all missing and the memories he has of his life before can't be trusted to be real.
But the clues are clues, after all. His Narrator came up with them from somewhere. The idea of the Office and the imagery surrounding it didn't just come from the mind of some mad cosmic alien god with nothing better to do than torment an Earth man he claimed to be in love with - those very specific ideas were plucked up from very specific locations, and Stanley couldn't help but have the uncanny feeling that they were specifically plucked from his life, from the life his Narrator stalked and destroyed, and then had the gall to rub in his face under the guise of it being his own ideas.
After destroying his memory of it all first, of course.
Just how much of this was intentional, Stanley has yet to figure out. He may not ever figure that out, and quite frankly, he's done trying, he just wants to live the rest of his life in peace from all of these damn Narrator fucking around with him, he's sick of it, and as he's walking along outside of the Office, getting a feel for where he's going, which isn't much of a feel at all, considering he has precisely no idea where he is going, all he wants is to avoid surprising any squirrels, he suddenly realizes that he isn't alone.
Someone has followed him out here.
He realizes this because his surroundings, being mysterious and unknown as they are to him, have nonetheless changed. And become more inhibitive.
Stanley doesn't know how to identify trees, but a good deal of them around this area are common in the American Midwest - sycamore, maple, Bradford pear, cedar, and some varieties of pine, to name a few. All of these, including various species of bushes and shrubs and brambles, have all suddenly gone from dotting the landscape to filling the landscape, and crowding in together. Instead of looking like what you would expect your average outdoor wildlife reserve to look like, Stanley's surroundings now suddenly resemble something more manmade, something purposely structured, purposely built, something like straight out of a sandbox game, like a person took a bunch of trees and bushes out of their inventory and stuck them all into the ground in rows to create a barrier or because they thought it looked nice. It certainly wasn't because it looked in any way natural, which is in direct contradiction to the fact that the trees and bushes are all natural things.
More to the point, the trees and bushes are all now boxing him in and preventing him from moving forward. The message is clear.
You can't go this way, Stanley. Pick another direction.
Stanley recognizes right away what has happened. Of course, he's seen this all before and has been in the middle of it.
He stops. Huffs. Folds his arms. Waits for the person to reveal himself.
And soon enough, he does. Of course he does. The man is too impatient not to.
It's just his voice, though. Just his voice. It fills the air around Stanley, like the voice is the air. Like it is the world itself. Stanley knows better, though. This voice belongs to a man, a man who may be a cosmic alien god to whom Stanley owes his life - but he is also the one who took his life away. And Stanley will never forget, or forgive, that.
"Where do you think you are going, Stanley?" asks the Narrator, who Stanley now knows go by the name of Arthur Wright.
Stanley doesn't say anything, either by sign language or by using his neural thought-to-speech link (which is something Arthur made for him - it's a useful device for speaking to those who don't know how to use sign language, but still a sore point for him, seeing as it's because of Arthur that he lost his ability to speak in the first place).
"Stanley... Are you really still going to give me the silent treatment? The... cold shoulder, as they say?" Arthur asks. There is silence for a moment, save for the wind in the trees. A silence which speaks for itself. "I don't know how many times I can apologize to you for my mistake. It was a simple one, although of course I understand the ramifications of it now. I can see it all now, and I understand it all perfectly, and I am sorry. I'm sorry, Stanley. Stanley. I'm sorry."
He still doesn't understand. Even now, he still doesn't understand, Stanley can tell. The Narrator still thinks this is all about how much cloning his body has hurt him, and nothing else. The Narrator has no comprehension of how much he has hurt him as a whole person, him, Stanley, Stanley's whole life, all that he's taken away from him. It's all just about how much he's hurt his body, his little puppet, his toy, his plaything. Outside of that, the Narrator can't fathom what he's done.
Stanley still doesn't react. Doesn't acknowledge the Narrator at all. He's not worth his acknowledgment anymore. Instead, he presses his molars together, lifts his chin, unfolds his arms, and keeps moving forward. Whether or not the barrier of trees and bushes will stop him, Stanley keeps moving forward. Because there is no point in looking back.
He reaches the line of trees, and there's a moment where he's sure they won't part. He's sure they will remain packed together, keep him prisoner, demand that he go back, keep him contained.
But they don't. They move aside. He swears he hears a sigh, and then the trees and bushes all spread apart, the way they were before, leaving him with the open landscape he was presented with when he first walked out of the Office.
The air is still heavy and humid and still feels like and wet towel fresh out of a hot tub has been dropped over his head. But it feels great.
For the first time in his life, Stanley is free.
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Group E Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Zinn, a creature made of a mass of dark tendrils and many eyes. the second image is of Victor Spooky, a noir detective wearing a red and purple fedora and purple trench coat, that dissolves into red and purple smoke around him. end ID]
(Note: The author mostly uses it/its pronouns to refer to Zinn but have used 'he' and 'they' a couple times.) Zinn is a creature called a Monstrum who is a type of alien from a world made out of light. Due to unknown circumstances their universe was breeched by enemies who devoured their peaceful existence. In turn, the Monstrum were exiled and stripped of their forms. Somehow, Zinn ended up in a Steampunk adjacent world and came to be lovers with a powerful human women called the Shaman Empress. Their relationship, while described as tender, may have been one sided. Zinn loved her dearly, only referring to her as "The Beloved' but it is implied that she used it for her own deeds/gaining knowledge and power. Monstrum drain energy from anything they touch so they are incompatible with the mortal realm. Zinn inhabits the Shaman Empress's bloodline and is passed down through generations to minimize(?) damages. Eventually Zinn gets passed down to the main character who. in simple terms, as not to get sidetracked, is a Girlboss, capital G. She is a descendant of the Shaman Empress, technically making them blood family. Which is kind of hillarious. Imagine this tentacle creature being like "Hello. Yes I am your great-grandfather. Let us kill and consume flesh". They pick up a rag tack bunch of other characters( not limited to a necromancer cat, a psychic kitsune child, a brooding guy with crow wings, gay furry tiger pirates) and they are so found family… image link Zinn, despite not being too well-versed in human culture cares for them all the same. It has so many funny interactions with the cast, particularly the Kitsune girl, Kippa (as it does not understand her cheerful and positive attitude). Examples: -https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab33f45b9506033cdec6a6a2a9d55655/baa027673994792a-2d/s1280x1920/fb57ea6a550181e49d588a60473f050fac30300d.pnj -https://64.media.tumblr.com/41f0c01fa1e8c4e9e7dda5bcb589f24d/38ba370cd51ca323-59/s1280x1920/c96e0a11d0c0ab8b92b14cbebccd276c0e2c3c8a.jpg -https://64.media.tumblr.com/4cc511e4b365359842c0a9825dc416d5/e4f6cb4faa1aa13d-8e/s1280x1920/9f0ca9abdb590fdaca5c7a93e230a79bfe32fd2d.jpg -https://64.media.tumblr.com/c32edb01ada4ebf159bbb70b5a00c36c/3bca30f2ba708ae4-c3/s1280x1920/6f04c20b2fe1e47c0898b513e71772f99581ea13.jpg Zinn also has that tragic sibling swag, accidentally killing its sibling. It has so much trauma, but for a space-alien-god is very withdrawn and weary of the world. Although it tends to act cryptic and not reveal too much. It seems like it used to be elitist but with time has come to appreciate the mortal world although it would never admit it outloud. ANYWAY. VOTE FOR THIS PATHETIC HORROR OF GUY. Monsterfuckers and monsterfriends assemble! (and go read Monstress! There are many queer characters and the lead is sapphic! also cool monsters, cool worldbuilding, and real world cultural references) TLDR: Its an eldritch god who misses its dead wife :( / There is something very wrong with them (affectionate)
Detective Victor Spooky
Spooky's game still only has a demo, so there isn't much for me to say at the moment, but he's still a very interesting character. At some point in his life, he died of unknown causes leading him to become a ghost. Despite that, he still continues his detective work, though in the game he gets a supernatural case. He's acts serious, but without his clothing, his appearance is actually just a typical simple ghost design. He talks like your typical, charismatic, noir protagonist, but the fact that he's a ghost paired with the worldbuilding and concept makes him pretty unique.
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pheita · 1 year
Author Ask Game
I was tagged by @sam-glade I am tagging @writernopal @eternalwritingstudent @radley-writes @tabswrites @elshells
1. What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
Phew, I never choose the lessons or moral of a story before I write. I am somewhere between a planer and a pantser which means it crystallizes while I write. Blood Night: I think the main lesson is overcoming the past, facing your fears to do so, and be able to have a peaceful future. Sojan, his sister Arritit, and Lyran all somehow have to face the actions of their fathers and come to terms with their past to be able to move on, and in case of Sojan and Lyran, to be able to have a relationship. Ironically, all of this is tied to saving the world. Always Prepared The main lesson is trust, friendship, and allowing yourself to be happy. Nesryn, the MC, never allowed herself to be happy because of her trust issues, and after she ends up in a different dimension, she somehow makes friends with some of the inhabitants there without realizing it, leading to the ultimate question of : Where is her home? Sea of Memories, Sea of Chances: Simple and easy this time: It is never too late to follow your dream.
2. What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)? Blood Night: Witcher, Monster Hunter, Dragon Age and mixed and shook it up to give it my own twist. Various places on the continent have either some aesthetic or a culture as base, for example Lyran's home country of Wealmore is based a lot on 18th -19th century Italy, the city of the elves is based on the idea of living in/with the forest you see in multiple native tribes that live in dense forests/forests with thick trees. Always Prepared: I think there is any media even if you could argue it being some sort of Isekai, it draws a lot of solarpunk ideas and green architecture/cities Sea of Memories, Sea of Chance: Mostly Pirate of the Caribbean, but there is a bit of One Piece in there maybe. 3. What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
I don't want to achieve anything besides telling a hopefully interesting story. If any of them inspire someone, or help someone through something they go through: Wonderful, that is what art of any kind is meant to do, but I don't consciously aim for any of it.
Where my MCs always just try to live a good live, I mostly tell the story first to myself and the few people who are willing to listen. Sure, sometimes I can be philosophical and with me my characters, but it is more a spur of the moment thing. 4. How many chapters is your story going to have? Blood Night: I don't know, I didn't count in the finished draft but must be roughly somewhere between 30 and 40. Always Prepared: It's 12 plus and an epilogue Sea of Memories, Sea of Chances: The old draft had 10, but since I am going to add a sideplot in the re-write, it might end up around 12 or 14. 5. Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it? All of it are original stories. I had Wattpad like forever ago but deleted it. So far I only have posted some stuff from Blood Night on my sideblog for the WIP because it became massive and a whole series with side branches over @lagawood-guildhouse So far, I only post on Tumblr even if I am thinking sporadically of other ways but never actually do it. I don't want to publish anything traditional, and I don't know if I will do self pub. 6. When and why did you start writing? I was around 12 and started with fanfiction without knowing it was fanfiction lol The first original stories came when I was around 15 or 16 because I had ideas and wanted to do my own thing. Somehow, I always told stories, way before I started writing. 7. Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
I just can say, don't be shy. The majority of writers are happy to talk to new folks. Find your folks, even if they are just two or three people, who will enable every stupid idea of yours and hype you up when you feel down. Try to be excited for others and not jealous. We are all in this together.
And I always recommend @eternalwritingstudent because my dear friend who I suffered with through multiple re-writers of her WIP now is an awesome storyteller with a loveable bunch of characters and an engaging style. If you don't follow @ashen-crest already, do it now, because she is awesome, she is lovely, and if you love stupid masochistic bards, over-excited spirits and potion shenanigans she is your woman.
I am sorry, I can list more, I am completely out of the loop still due to my hiatus.
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Alternate take of the final agni kai
Fire Sage: "By decree of Phoenix King Ozai, I now crown you Fire Lord..." Azula: "What are you waiting for? Do it!" Zuko and Katara arrive at the scene. Azula: "Hmph. You have some nerve to show your treasonous face around here. Some nerve indeed. What do I owe the pleasure?" Zuko: "Uncle Iroh sent me here to be fire lord instead of you." Azula: "That’s hilarious and typical." Zuko: "And wrong. I won’t take the throne if I can avoid it." Azula: "Oh? Have you come to surrender and hold accountability?" Zuko: "No. You can keep the throne, I could rule beside you, as an advisor or something, but for right now, I’ve come here to convince you to join us." Azula: "Join you?! Why would I do that?" Zuko: "Because the avatar and the three nations are not the monsters, we were taught they were. The real monsters are us. Because of that, our nation is under disarray, the only way we can save it, along with the rest of the world, is to put an end to our war." Azula: "So it’s true. Uncle has drilled you’re head with his lies. That explains a lot." Zuko: "They are not lies. I’ve seen the carnage with my own eyes during my exile. I’ve also learned truth’s that were hidden from us, in the catacombs." Azula: "What?! You fool! Those catacombs are strictly forbidden! The penalty for trespassing is death! No exceptions!" Zuko: "I now know the reason why. It’s to hide our corrupt great grandfather’s Sozin’s dirty little secrets." Azula: "You’d best use respectful words for the great fire lord Sozin!" Zuko: "Sozin and Avatar Roku knew each other. They were best friends, until Sozin betrayed him and left him to die, just to start his delusional quest for world dominance. Grandfather Azulon arranged mother ad father’s marriage because he knew that our mother is the granddaughter of avatar Roku. Our whole lives were built on lies and the further we go down this road the greater our nation’s suffering will become and the whole world collapses into itself. We can still rule this nation as brother and sister, just under peaceful policies. True victory comes, not by annihilating our enemies, but by turning our enemies into our friends." Azula: "You speak nothing but lies! I know why you’re really here! This is another attempt to try and steal my throne for yourself and put me into the ground! You don’t think I noticed how much you envied me?" Zuko: "Yes, I was jealous of you. But I learned to let that go and realize our father pinned us against each other. We were so obsessed over being the perfect child, we forgot how to be brother and sister. There’s no such thing as perfect, there never was. Another lie in the list of lies drilled into our heads." Azula: "SHUT UP! I grow tired of your constant whining, self-entitlement, and blaming everybody else for your mistakes! I will tolerate you’re insolence no more! You want to be Fire Lord? Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!" Zuko: "No. I told you. I’ll only be you’re advisor. I don’t want be fire lord anymore." Azula: "Being fire lord is only thing you ever wanted! The one thing you never shut up about! It was you’re way on trying to prove your somehow better than me! Now is the chance to prove it! Come see if you are better than me! Once and for all!" Zuko: "Don’t you remember Azula? How you saved me?" Azula: "What are you talking about?" Zuko: "I know it was mother who poisoned grandfather Azulon. You tried to warn me in your own stoic way, but I didn’t listen. You then told mother, giving her the means to save me. You overturned my exile and gave me the choice to come back home to you. You also warned me to be more careful when I spoke to Uncle in his cell even though you knew it was treachery. I didn’t understand then, but I do now. I know there is good in you and I owe you my life. I also know, you’re more qualified to be fire lord then I am. You just need to learn what I’ve learned." Azula froze, her hands and knees began shaking, a tear went down from her eye. She grits her teeth and shouts. Azula: "(Teary-eyed and voice breaking) You listen here and listen good! Either you take me on and try and get to the throne or I’ll have you both killed on the spot!" Zuko: "(Sigh) Looks like you’re not gonna give me any choice." Katara: "What are you doing? She's clearly playing you. She knows she can't take us both and so she's separating us. Your uncle said you wouldn't be able to take her by yourself." Zuko: "But there is something off about her. I can't explain it but she's slipping. This way, no one has to get hurt. Not even her, if we're lucky. She's been hurt enough." Azula wipes her tears away and puts on a fake smile. Azula: (Fake chuckles) I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother. Zuko: Not as much as I am. One agni kai later: Katara melts the entire ice block and htey both gasp for air as Katara tethers the chains. She rushes to Zuko’s aid, reviving him with her waterbending healing. It is a tender moment as she heals the young man who saved her lofe so selflessly. Zuko: (weak) “Thank you Katara.” Katara: (teary) I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.” Azula, bombared with confusion, sadness, and rage. She lashes out, unable to bottle her emotions anymore. Katara helps Zuko stand, and they walk over to where Azula is tethered. Azula collapsed, constantly sobbing and wailing, like a traumatized toddler. As Zuko and Katara watched with pain faces. He started to feel guilt. He’s been harboring flashbacks. Azula: (Come down to the beach with me, come one, this place is depressing.) (You restored you’re own honor) (Believe it or not, I'm looking out for you. If people find out you've been to see Uncle, they'll think you're plotting with him. Just be careful, Dum-Dum.) (I'm only telling you for your own good. I know! Maybe you could find a nice Earth Kingdom family to adopt you!) Zuko: “No...no this can’t be right. Uncle thinks that him fighting my father would not end the war properly but me fighting my sister would? My father was hurtful to her as he was to me. Why didn't I see this before?” Zuko was approaching Azula, ignoring the extreme sharp pain in his torso, Katara touched his shoulder. Katara: “Be careful.” Zuko nodded and continued to her, he untethered the chains on her wrists, which made her completely collapse. He touched her shoulder, she was fighting and struggling but there wasn't any fire. Katara wanted to rush over there and stop her, but Zuko had it handled. Zuko: “Azula! It’s ok, I won’t hurt you!” Zuko was then holding her in a cradle position. She continued sobbing constantly until she passed out. Zuko: “I’m sorry, this was a huge mistake.” Zuko picked Azula up in bridal style, he and Katara approached the fire sages. Zuko: “Azula has been defeated, which makes me fire lord. My first order of business is to leave my uncle in charge. For I had challenged her on his behalf. I renounce the throne.” The fire sages were confused but complied. Fire sage: “By your command.” Katara: "Are you sure? Your uncle rejected the throne because he said you had the most honor, that you were the most fit to be the fire lord." Zuko: “My uncle has learned a lot over the years. But even he's not always right. Let’s get out of here.” They all moved back to Appa.
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saratogaroadwrites · 1 year
For King and Country (48/122)
For King and Country | saratogaroad rating: T total wordcount:  280,466 characters: Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane, Aranella, Batu, Tani, Lofty, Leander Aristidies, Bracken Meadows relationships: Roland Crane & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Aranella & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane & Aranella, Batu & Tani, Batu & Evan, Tani & Evan, Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum & Lofty, Rolander other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Place Slowly Becomes Home People Slowly Become Family, Found Family, For Want of A Nail warnings: none
Pulled from his world by mysterious powers, former president Roland Crane finds himself caught in the middle of a coup meant to take the life of the young King Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum. Joining forces with Aranella, the pair of them set out to aid Evan in making his dream of a kingdom where everyone can live happily ever after a reality.
But the road to peace is a long and treacherous one and there is no promise of success in a world where darkness spreads ever thicker with each passing day. If they are to stand a chance, they must stand together, for king and for country.
(A retelling.)
In the light of the half-moon, the isle that was Leucippes’ Labyrinth writhed with life. Or rather, with the remnants of life. Digging his fingers into the deck railing, Evan watched as dozens of glowing flames hovered back and forth across the cracked ground, casting an ethereal blue glow over the land.
“Are those…” From where she stood beside him, Tani gulped, “Are those ghosts?”
“Can’t be,” Batu rumbled, though he didn’t sound very convinced himself. “Ghosts ain’t real, girlie. They’re just stories!”
“One word,” Roland said, “Higgledies.” Ignoring Batu’s sudden squawk of protest, Roland turned his attention to the shore of the Labyrinth. “Somehow ghosts don’t seem like the most implausible thing around here.”
In spite of the warm summer night, Evan shivered. The moonlight cast a silvery glow across the island, the toppled stone columns and ruined gateways scattered across violet and black sand. At the island’s heart, the remnants of a temple reached for the sky, a figure holding a trident still trying to grasp at the stars even though its legs had long since given way.
“How long has it been since anyone alive was here?” He asked.
“Three hundred years,” Leander said, his tone soft and thick with emotion. “I will admit, I…did not expect things to be quite so unstable. I had assumed these spirits would have moved on by now.”
“So they are ghosts.” Nella tucked Evan up against her side. He reached up with one arm and clung to her waist, too scared to be annoyed at himself for doing so. Fighting monsters was one thing, and fighting Wyverns or bandits was another. But ghosts? How in the world were they going to get through here? His breath trembled as he exhaled.
With a deep breath, Leander spoke. “Yes. The wandering spirits and lost souls of those who perished here,” He said in that same soft tone, “Some of them doubtlessly to Cetus, the rest to Gods only know what.” He shook his head. “Either way, they have been here for far too long. It is time they were laid to rest.”
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?” Roland asked. Evan was unable to see the expression Leander turned on him, but judging by Roland’s grimace it wasn’t the most pleasant of Looks. Roland shook his head. “I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure we can’t fight off ghosts with swords and bows.” He eyed the island and the spirits still wandering back and forth. “If they see us, won’t they attack?”
“They likely will,” Leander said, pressing on past Lofty’s startled shout, “Magic can hold them back. Fire and Light, especially, as all once-living spirits are creatures of the night. They will also fade with the daylight.”
“So let’s just wait for flippin’ sun-up, yeah?” Lofty bounced up to the railing, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Leander an unimpressed look. “I’m all for helpin’ spirits move on an’ all, but there’s way too flippin’ many on that rock and you ‘en’t a Priestess.”
“I am afraid we cannot wait that long.” Leander countered, “This island and the waters surrounding it are home to a not inconsiderable number of Fangfish,” he said, and Evan drew back with a furious hiss. Fangfish?! Oh, of all the luck! “I doubt I need to explain what that sort of creature could do to this ship.”
They would tear it to pieces, Evan thought, chew it in half without so much as hesitating. Lofty let out a huge groan.
“Well ‘en’t that just flippin’ peachy,” he said, “Fangfish on one side, spirits we can’t fight on the other! How the flip are we supposed to do anythin’ for anybody if we can’t get past ‘em, eh?”
Everyone turned to Leander, awaiting his answer. For a moment he was silent, adjusting his glasses and watching the spirits, before he gave a little shrug and said, “We sneak past them.”
“What?!” A shout rang across the deck. Leander barely flinched.
“In order to lay any spirit to rest,” he said as if he hadn’t just been shouted at, “They must be made peaceful. I am not certain as to all of them, but the majority of these spirits were likely killed by Cetus. Should we slay him as if we have been tasked, they will be granted peace and pass on into the next realm.”
“And that’s a perfectly noble goal,” Nella hissed, “but not the point right now! How do you intend to sneak us past that many spirits across an entire island?!”
“Quietly,” Leander said, “And with great caution.” He glanced up at the sky, but the moon and stars were clearly visible. There would be no help from clouds blocking the moonlight tonight. “I suspect I will have to shield our presence with some Dark magic. My apologies if this causes your headache to return, Roland.”
“Better a migraine than dead,” Roland replied. He leaned over to meet Evan’s eyes. “Well, Evan? It’s your call. Do we retreat for the night or keep going?”
Retreat sounded wonderful. Make a proverbial run for it and not come back to this cursed island until the sun was high in the sky!
But…could they do such a thing? Truly? He didn’t think so. Forcing himself to take a breath, Evan shook his head.
“We can’t retreat,” he said, cursing himself for sounding so unsure. “We…have to press on. Somehow.” He swallowed hard and turned to Leander. “We will have to move quickly. Can you hold a shield spell and run?”
“Of course.” Leander said, “Remain close to me and all will be well.”
Evan was really starting to hate it when people said things like that.
Disembarking from the Eternity to the shore of the island, the group clustered around Leander as he held both hands in front of him. Sparks of deep violet and midnight blue gathered around his hands, and a pleasantly sweet smell filled the air. Evan blinked, startled; that was nothing like the Darkness that had clung to the throne room! Was it even the same kind of spell? Watching as a dome of energy surrounded them, he realized that it probably wasn’t.
How odd, he thought. There was more than one kind of Darkness in the world!
“There,” Leander said quietly, “That should hide us from view. Come.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Tani muttered as she walked after him, spear hefted onto her shoulder. Everyone else held their weapons close as well, the Higgledies except for Tove milling around Evan’s heels as they crept their way forward through the island. The moonlight was bright enough to see by, but the rough terrain made it slow going as they had to pick their way past groups of wandering spirits. Lofty bounced up onto Evan’s shoulder.
“Everything good, lad?” He asked, oddly quiet. Evan held his breath as they walked past a knot of spirits, then nodded.
“Yes,” He whispered back, though he wasn’t quite sure why he was whispering when the spirits hadn’t even realized they were there. “Why?”
“Oh, uh—” Lofty looked away, suddenly very interested in the rock wall they were walking past. “No reason! Just wondering how you were handlin’ that Dark stuff Leander used back there.
“It’s fine,” Evan said with a shrug of his free shoulder. When Lofty heaved a huge sigh, Evan slowed his pace. “Lofty?” he asked, “…Is there…more than one kind of Darkness?”
“’Course there is, sunshine,” Lofty replied, “Guessin’ you noticed that, eh? ‘Course you did.”
Evan nodded. “It smelled sweet, but it wasn’t so…so…” he scrabbled for the right word, hands opening and closing. Lofty had described the Darkness as rotten fruit, but this hadn’t been that. “It was more…flowery? Less rotten?”
“That’s right, mun. You see—”
Lofty stopped suddenly in the same instant that a massive shiver went down Evan’s spine. The fine hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and despite the warm summer night, he saw his breath cloud in front of him.
A moan sounded close behind him. Evan went completely still, heart racing as he barely dared to breathe. The moan sounded again, somehow closer. Summoning all his courage, Evan turned his head to look behind him.
”The Light…” came the moan again as a softly glowing figure, a Hydropolitan in ancient looking armor, swayed towards him. One trembling arm reached for Evan. Barely breathing, he took a step back and away. ”Give us…the Light…”
“Uh, Evan…?” Lofty whispered, voice little more than a wheeze, “I don’t think he’s asking for a match!”
Evan took another step back, but the spirit continued to follow him, still moaning about the Light.
“S-stay away!” Evan commanded in a trembling voice, “Stay back!”
The spirit didn’t listen. Evan’s heel caught on a raised edge of stone and he fell back with a cry, landing hard on his rear end. Lofty shouted loudly as Evan scrambled back on his hands and knees, eyes wide and breath coming in shallow pants. How had the spirit gotten through Leander’s barrier?! How had it seen him?!
“Stay back!” Evan shouted again, squeezing his eyes shut. The spirit didn’t listen and he threw up a hand. “Get away!”
Acting on instinct alone, Evan reached for his magic. The scent of clear spring water filled the area as Light sprung to life in his palm. The spell grew and grew, until barely seconds after he had called it it burst in a flash of light so bright he could see it through his closed eyelids. The Spirit howled, then went silent with a final, quiet sigh.
Evan opened his eyes. The spirit was gone, but there were more coming from every direction! He scrambled to his feet just as Roland and Nella came running back. Each grabbed him by one arm and pulled him along, back towards where Leander stood with Batu and Tani. His hands were outstretched, magic spilling from his palms, and as they drew near that same pleasantly sweet scent became almost overwhelming. Upon seeing Evan, Leander nodded firmly.
“Everyone, be calm,” he commanded. Evan gulped and tried to catch his breath. “Let them forget we were here.”
Evan didn’t think such a thing was possible given how driven the spirits seemed to be. He watched as they swarmed where he had fallen, where the Light had been brightest, and seemed to be searching for something.
“Wh—what are they doing?” He asked quietly.
“I do not know,” Leander said, hands still outstretched, “They are not acting as any spirit I have encountered before. Something has disturbed them.” He turned his eyes to Evan for a moment. “Have you cast such a spell before?”
“No,” Evan said, looking at his hands. The heels of his palms were red from where he had pushed against the rough stone, but otherwise they looked the same as they always did. He had cast that spell without his wand and hadn’t burned himself in the process? What was going on here? Shaking his head, he looked back up. The spirits that had swarmed the area were beginning to disperse. Slowly, Leander lowered his hands.
“…Let us conclude our business here,” he said, voice oddly flat. “I do not like this.”
“That makes two of us,” Roland said. He lay a hand on Evan’s shoulder. “You alright?”
Evan nodded. “Yes, I think so. Lofty, are you—” He turned his head and jolted. “Lofty!”
From where he had slumped like a sack across Evan’s shoulder, Lofty waved a hand.
“I’m fine, sunshine,” he said, voice muffled by cloth, “Just…Cor, I prefer Tove’s flippin’ pranks to that kinda spook! Felt like my heart would go bursting out of my chest!”
From where he stood on Roland’s shoulder, Tove protested loudly. Evan leaned his head back and laughed quietly.
“Me, too,” he said.
When Nella wordlessly wrapped an arm around him a few seconds later, he didn’t pull away.
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Little Boxes.
When people hear about trigger events, nobody ever really grasps just how utterly god awful they truly are. Even other parahumans don’t really understand, most of them will always think of theirs as somehow the worst, as if its some kind of competition to see who lasted the longest before breaking.
Taylor didn’t know if she was just as oblivious as other parahumans, but she hoped that she wasn’t. She wanted to believe that she would never push someone into triggering on purpose in some demented parahuman supremacist bullshit. The worst part was the fact that even after the worst day of her fucking life, even after being driven from her home at gunpoint, even after being shot in the god damn leg, she could not bring herself to hate Emma. Despite knowing that she should hate her, knowing that this feeling of familial affection was fake as earth alaph monster movies, she couldn’t stop herself from missing her former best friend.
It was only after someone wolf whistled at her from a passing car that Taylor realized she had stopped running at some point, lost in thoughts of days long past. Shaking the memories of better times from her eyes, Taylor...
She wasn’t Taylor anymore. Taylor Hebert was dead, murdered by her sister in that horrid tanker. Taylor didn’t exist anymore. Whoever she was now, whatever she was, she wasn’t that helpless girl in a box anymore. The girl who pushed against the uncaring steel was dead and gone.
Eyeing the opening to the nearby alleyway, top covered by a tarp held down with various detritus, the girl made her choice. Stepping through the closest thing the makeshift shelter had to a door, she activated her power. Her foot never landed on the alleyway floor though, instead meeting the soft sand of Her Place. 
Some liked to call parahuman powers a twisted consolation prize for surviving the worst day of your life. The girl who had been Taylor wasn’t sure if she agreed with that statement, but Her Place was certainly fit to be some sort of prize.
A picturesque tropical paradise, all sunshine and soft beaches without any of the harsh realities of similar locations in the real world. No bugs or dangerous creatures to ruin the idyllic beach or the peaceful forest deeper inland. Despite there being wildlife, birds and wild dogs for a start, there would never be any droppings in her path.  For a moment the girl who had been Taylor pondered if Her Place was even real, or if she might just be bleeding out on her kitchen floor and imagining such a place, but she quickly dismissed such pointless thoughts and resumed her march to her goal. The cottage was just as oddly perfect as everything else in Her Place. Though the girl who had been taylor did not take the time to appreciate that, instead striding through before coming face to face with a single, golden compass. However its needle did not point north, instead pointing directly at the girl’s face. 
Once the girl might have hesitated, worried over what would come from her choice, but with everything lost to her there was no further reason to delay the inevitable. Her hand closed around the golden compass and Taylor Hebert truly died.
Three weeks later, Taylor Hebert lived again. ________________________________________________________________ Alt power, Alt trigger Taylor: This version of our favorite queen of escalation triggered in a VERY different manor to canon, which I hope was properly hinted at in this snip. As for what her exact power actually is, well thats a bit complicated.
At first its a relatively simple power, taylor created “holes” in reality that teleported whatever entered them to random worlds in the multiverse. But unfortunately(or fortunately depending on who you ask) taylor got unlucky and rolled a particular dimension that didn’t take kindly of the intrusion. As a result the dimension latched onto QA, changing taylors power into creating portals to the dimension in any doorway or doorway like place she walks through.
An event at her house leads to her running away, finally entering the place the dimension had been trying to force her towards for nearly a year. As for the compass, well thats an original relic that has some... side effects on taylors power.
Things have changed, and things will continue to change. But the needle will always point at Taylor. till next time.
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alwaysscheming · 1 year
Apple notes collection
How is it possible to feel so much at the same time? Am I some kind of narcissist to think that this is abnormal? I feel like at some point I was entirely stripped of all my convictions. I feel like everything I do is wrong. Even my thoughts about being wrong all the time are wrong. Ha, it’s meta, get it? My current life raft is medicine. To me it is both the thing that’s forcing my head underwater and providing a life raft. It honestly feels like the only thing that is anchoring me but also encourages some destructive habits. It feels like right now, medicine is all I have. But that’s wrong. I have friends, I have family, the people who stuck around during my darkest times are still here. It’s so hard for me to expose my deepest thoughts. I hope that one day I’ll find a partner in someone who will let me share those thoughts without shame. 
My problems aren’t fucking real. I come from a place of privilege and I dont have any real problems. So tell me why do I want to fucking kill myself? Why does every day feel like torture - like someone’s pulling my teeth out one my one? Like every nerve — maybe that’s an exaggeration, see look at me go making my problems bigger than they actually are. I’m still convinced that people who are unloved and unwanted should be allowed to die. I don’t want to be alive. Very few people care if I am alive or not. So what does it matter if I don’t exist anymore? Who is it hurting if I stop existing? I feel like I should be allowed to go in peace on my own terms. I will never be loved. I will never love or truly trust anyone. I’m sick and twisted and a monster and a freak and I don’t and will never get to join the people who deserve to live and be happy club. That gate has been locked since day one. So please, please please please please please let me die. Please let me go, please. 
I’m never going to get better. I’m never gonna make it out of here.
11/12/22- I’m starting to think I have Stockholm syndrome. I’ve been at the hospital for 13 hours and somehow it doesn’t feel like that much time has passed. I’m tired and sleepy but the idea of coming back here and doing this again for 6 more days doesn’t seem that horrible. I don’t think it’s because I’m enjoying this- I think it’s because I can’t feel anything anymore. After weeks of this post Covid cough and burnout from medical school, my lungs and brain have become fibrotic. Basic hygiene has been missing for months. Some days I brush my teeth once in the morning and call it a day. I’m on my period and have been wearing the same pad for 12 hours. Pretty sure I smell. I eat one meal a day at best and some days I’m so angry I don’t even eat at all. Haven’t felt good about myself in months.  Get me the fuck out of this cold miserable hell. 
11/14/22- I definitely lied. I still feel things but the only thing I now feel is pure uncensored rage. I hate my stupid loveless unfulfilling life. I hate my friends who I can’t seem to open up to anymore. I hate my mom who came all the way across the country to feed me cause I can’t feed myself. I hate my attending who’s making me present an evidence based medicine assignment for the second time in 3 days. I hate the hospital. I hate this school. I hate the kind sweet anxious old lady who spits up her eggs every morning when I go to listen to her heart. I hate myself for hating her. I hate humanity. I think all sense of humanity has been burnt out of me. The only reason I even cry anymore is out of hatred. Humanity is disgusting and filthy. If humanity didn’t exist , I wouldn’t have to be in medical school. I hope I die and the rest of the world goes to hell. Fuck everyone. Fuck this. 
11/15/22- I keep thinking I’m going to lose this battle when actually I’ve already lost. 
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