#someone call this turtle their champion
just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
The One-liner War
Summary: The greatest, and grossest, war began the day April brought you to the lair. Will there be carnage? Or will there be love?
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P.S. I wasn't supposed to write this till later, but rewatching the movie made me want to give our darling blue-clad turtle some well-deserved love! Here is some Rise!Leo x Reader and I hope you enjoy (≧∇≦). Also, thank you so much for all the love on my last story!!
P.P.S The gif isn't mine!
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
Those were the first words he had said to you when you met. He thought he could pull on his face man attitude and charm you. But little did he know, that you had a pocket of those one-liners yourself.
“No, but you wouldn’t happen to have a bandaid on you, would you? Because I just scrapped my hands falling for you.”
He was STUNNED, to say the least. Cue Donnie audibly gagging in the background. May or may not have been the worst day of his life. Mikey, being the supportive brother that he is, was trying not to combust with this cuteness. And Raph, as the leader and eldest brother of the team, had no idea what was happening. From then on, this was the normal interaction between the two of you. Every time April brought you over, Leo would lay on the charm. THICK. And you, in turn, would lay yours. EVEN THICKER.
“Do you need a loan? Cuz you got my interest.”
“Well, it seems to me that YOU missed your payment. Because here’s your fine.”
The smug look on your face as you passed him a mirror. You definitely had the moves. Leo wouldn’t admit it, but you were smoother than Donnie’s purple satin jacket. But Leo wasn’t gonna back down. No one. And he means NO ONE! Out faces the face man. The war is ON. It was as gross as it was cute. One-liners were thrown and post-it notes were shared. The rest of the mad dogs found themselves trapped in the crossfire. One time, Raph cracked open a fortune cookie meant for Leo.
“I don’t know which looks sharper. You or your ōdachi.”
Raph didn’t get it. But he was kind enough to relay your message. Let’s just say that Leo’s ego went through the roof. The ‘I might die today, but at least I’ll die looking super fly’ attitude he’s known for, but increased tenfold. The team did not have a fun mission that day.
“When will this gross show of affection end?!”
“Come on Donnie! Feel the love in the air.”
“I do. And it’s disgusting. RAPH! For the love of SCIENCE! Make them stop.”
Squaring up, looking big and gruff, Raph walks up to Leo. With a deep breath in...
“So...Leo...buddy, ya know...about this thing that’s happening between the two of you...can't you...I dunno...tone it down? Maybe?”
That high pitch squee you hear in the background? That’s the sound of Donnie dying. And Leo, being the sass that he is, only gave his brother a shrug before going back to his Jupiter Jim comic. But little did the team know, Leo had the perfect one-liner in store for you. The line that will set his title as the TRUE face man in stone. One that he was sure was going to blow your mind with his sweet, delicious, smoothness.
The next day, April came by for movie night with you in tow. You coming down the stairs was like a star descending from above. He might say it jokingly, with all his sass and attitude. But Leo really did find you mesmerizing. That first line you threw at him a year before, left him falling for you since. And he has been falling HARD. But now was not the time to feel giddy. Now was the time to pull out the big guns.
“Hey, Leo~”
“Hey, you~. Are you ready to get one-lined?”
“You know it Leo. Your game has been getting rough lately.”
RUDE! How dare you say he was rough. Leo? LEO?! He was smooth with ten o’s.
“Well, you might not be lovin this smoothness, but I’m definitely lovin you.”
Silence. Just like he planned. But what he didn’t plan was you, glowing as red as the bandana that covered Raph’s face. It spread from your shoulders up to the tips of your ears. And Leo swears he can see the smoke wheezing out of your ears.
“Are you ok-“
“Do you mean it?”
“Do you love me?”
Letting the words sink in, it was now Leo’s turn to become bright red. So he might not have thought about that one thoroughly as he thought he did. It sounded less cringe in his head. He tried to sass out a reply. Tried to stutter out whatever charm he could from the interaction. But every second he couldn’t utter a proper word made your face paler and paler. Till the flustered expression that you cutely had slowly faded to one of hurt and disappointment.
“Of course, you don’t. It’s just a pick-up line, right? Sorry for...being...stupid.”
“No wai-“
“I’ll catch up with the other guys.”
Pushing past Leo, you run towards the group already seated in front of the projector. You keep your face ducked down to hide your shame and embarrassment. So maybe you found the blue-clad turtle charming, witty, and funny. So maybe you had an itty-bitty crush on the said turtle. THIS wasn’t how you planned on getting rejected. Heck, there wasn’t even a plan to say anything at all. But this, THIS, was the worst way possible for him to know. And the WORST way to be let down. Leo, who was close on your tail was about to call for you when he was shushed, very harshly by a very leathery pink tail that belonged to his dad. Ten minutes in, he tries again only to be met with Mikey’s pizza oily hand slapped to his face. Gross. Thirty minutes in, he tries again. Whispering this time in hopes of not being heard. Only to be shushed by April.
An hour in and he was getting fidgety. You barely looked up from your ducked posture. The hurt was still so apparently seen from your expression. Leo just couldn’t stand it anymore. He called your name and glared at Donnie for shushing him. You, of course, refused to acknowledge him. So, in a last-ditch effort, he shakily reaches for your hand. That caught your attention and you whipped your head towards him. Happy to have you finally look at him, he motioned to his room with his head. You frowned at the idea but relented when he gently took your hand in his. His eyes begging you.
You both stood up, much to everyone’s irritation, and made your way towards his room hand in hand. Once inside, instead of letting you go, Leo instead pulls you into a hug.
“Look, what I said earlier, I might not have meant it...”
The crease between your eyebrows immediately furrows.
“But it doesn’t mean that it was a lie. I do love you. But pick-up lines weren’t exactly how I planned on letting you know.“
Letting you go, Leo moves his hands from your back to your face to lift it to him. And like before, it was bright red from your neck to the tips of your ears. But unlike before, you had a cute pout on your soft lips. Softly whispering your name, the next words that came out of his beak made your heart hammer more than any of his one-liners ever could.
“I love you.”
“I might not be lovin the smoothness, but I’m definitely lovin you too.”
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Okay, so can you do like a day in a life for child reader and bayverse tmnt (okay so I kinda want to see how they would react to y/n being the same height as the turtles
Also have a good day / night absolutely love your work 😄❤️👍
I actually really like writing sibling reader, I always giggle to myself while I'm writing this stuff, thank you for the request @bubbathebuzz 💕💕
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Where do I even begin to describe the chaos?
Every morning you are the first to wake up,
No matter what.
You even wake up before Leo.
How, none of them can figure out.
You beg to have a poptart for breakfast, and while you do get them occasionally, someone will ususally make you eggs and toast.
It's just not healthy for a child your age to have poptarts for breakfast everyday.
After breakfast, the boys have training, depending on how Splinter feels that day determines the type of training.
Your favorite type of training is posture or balance training because Splinter gives you a stick and your job is to hit your brothers on the ankles with it.
That's why Splinter only has balance training on weekends,
Since you have school the rest of the week.
Speaking of, Donnie makes it a point to tutor and help you with your school.
Which is definitly part of the reason you're the smartest kindergardener your teachers have ever seen.
(My little sister came up with a headcanon and I just had to share it, Donnie gives you a broken keyboard just to make you think you're helping him with his work, and you won't realize that it was broken untill you're like, 17, and you'll realize your whole life was a lie.)
If you aren't at school, one of your brothers is always keeping you busy,
They found out the hard way that leavinga bored toddler to their own does not end well.
It will forever be known as the "Paintball Incident" and I refuse to elaborate any further on the subject.
Mikey likes to play video games with you,
Leo won't let you play any 'mature' games until your older, stuff like Call Of Duty or Tomb Raider,
So you guys usually play games like Mario Kart, Stardew Valley, and Minecraft.
As it turns out, you are incredible at Mario Kart and are currently the house champion, and no one knows how tf you keep winning.
The entire fam goes into slight denial when you start growing up.
They kinda forgot you wouldn't stay small and wholesome forever,
So when you get to the age of, well, angstyness, shit gets wild.
Backtalk, sneaking out, rolling your eyes, Leo does not appreciate the attitude.
You not directly a jerk to any of them, just alot more sarcastic than you used to be,
But most of the time you're a really good kid.
Good grades, you do good in training, always have your chores done,
The whole nine yards.
(You are Splinter's favorite by default)
You are decently close with April,
You have sleepovers at her apartment, and she'll take you out shopping sometimes,
She's like a breath of fresh air compared to the chaos that is the Lair.
Casey is like that cool uncle that lets you do stuff you probably shouldn't be doing,
Like try beer.
One time, you were spending the night at April's apartment during hockey season, and Casey was there so you could all watch the game together.
April got up to use the bathroom, and Casey used to opportunity to do cool uncle things and let you try some beer.
You did not like it.
You choked slightly as the taste caught you off guard, "That taste like shit." you coughed out.
Casey scoffed, "It's an aquired taste, smalls."
"Thats code for, 'It taste like shit'."
Kareoke night is a regular thing on Fridays.
It usually ends with you passed out on the couch and one of your brothers carrying you to bed.
But it's your favorite part of the week.
If you end up growing to be around the same height as the boys', they will literally hate it,
You used to be so small 🥺,
They think it's unfair that you didn't stay that way.
It hits Splinter particularly hard when he realizes you grew up,
Because the same thing happend with the boys'.
But no matter how old you are, he is more than willing to be your person to go to,
Even if you are grown up, he's still you're dad.
(He still sings you to sleep if you have a nightmare.)
When you start patroling with your brothers, they are fucking terrified.
You can get hurt, alot easier than any of them can, so it's only natural that they're nervous.
You don't have a protective shell like they do after all.
If you ever get hurt after a fight, they are fa-reaking out.
Donnie's got the med-kit and starts checking you for everything from a concussion to lung cancer,
Mikey's panicing in the backround, while Leo just paces dramatically,
And Raph is currently beating the shit out of whatever poor idiot decided to hurt you.
Word spreads quickly amongst the criminals of the city to not go anywhere near you should they encounter the turtles,
Lest the be in mortal danger.
All in all,
It's chaotic,
It's fun,
And you know for a fact you have a family to back you up in anything you do.
Fun fun. I love writing this stuff, it's makes me giggles lol
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aquietwritingcorner · 20 days
Dreams Fulfilled
For @tmnt-write-fight for @haro0o )
Title: Dreams Fulfilled Prompt: Childhood dream finally fulfilled  Fandom:  TMNT 2003 Word Count: 2290  Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating:  T Characters: Michelangelo Warning: NA Summary: Mikey had always wanted to be seen. It was something he’d dreamed about since he was a child. But now, thanks to a supervillain, Mikey’s getting the chance to live that dream out. After all, that was why he had created the Turtle Titan, right?    Notes: Takes place after canon    ff.net || AO3
Dreams Fulfilled
Michelangelo had always had big dreams. He and Donatello had always been more prone to dreaming about what could be than Raphael or Leonardo. Their older brothers had always been a bit more practical in that sense. Long after those two had come to the realization that they’d never be accepted by the upper world, Mikey and Don had continued to dream.
In time, though, Don’s dreams had taken on a different sense. He’d come to accept that they likely would never be accepted by the outside world, either, and he’d focused his dreams on his inventions and creations. And while Mikey had been forced through circumstances to accept that to a certain degree, he had never quite let go of his dreams. When his brothers had contented themselves to live their lives in the shadows, Mikey had never quite let go of that desire to be able to go out into the world openly.
He’d gotten a small taste of it at the Battle Nexus, when they’d fought for adoring crowds, when he heard his name cheered by people watching. He still puffed up and preened a bit when they’d go back, and people addressed him as “champion” and were excited to meet a two-time winner, who had not only won, but won during exceptional circumstances.
They’d all gotten at least some of that in the future, where no one looked twice at them, thinking they were just another alien species come to earth, and not mutated, time-traveling turtles. It had been nice to not get a second glance from people while still being able to do all of the things he’d always wanted to do.
But while that was nice, the Nexus wasn’t home, and neither was the future. It wasn’t where Mikey wanted that attention. No, he’d always wanted it back where he lived, in the world he knew best, in the place he always longed to belong. He’d struggled with the desire to be acknowledged for the good he did versus the need to stay hidden throughout the years, always trying to find either a balance or a definite reason to go one way or another. He’d never really found anything that tipped the scales one way or another.
At least, not until now.
“It’s Turtle Titan!”
“Look! Turtle Titan!”
Mikey waved at the people below as he swung across the rooftops in broad daylight, not bothering to hide himself. It was strange. It was freeing in a way, but also made him incredible itchy in a way that he couldn’t explain. It was like when he’d set up a prank, but it felt like someone was watching him and knew. Or like before a fight, when you knew someone was watching you.
But at the same time, he was out, in daylight, and people weren’t running in horror. They weren’t screaming at the mere sight of him. Even when he was on street level, people didn’t run away. There was something exciting about it.
It had all started a month ago. An alpha level super villain had appeared in the city, and the Justice Force had been called in, in force. Everyone was called to active duty, including Turtle Titan. His family had been understandably worried, and his brothers had even gone, too, although they had dealt with more of the side threats, understanding that the main villain was something that was beyond their skills.
Mikey, though, had been under the command of the Justice Force, and it had been kind of weird not to be with his brothers during a crisis like this. Still, he’d done his best, even though he definitely wasn’t a heavy hitter, doing whatever he could to help while heroes like Silver Sentry and The Green Mantle and Chrysalis had tried to stop the villain from destroying more of the city then he already had.
And yet, Mikey had ended up facing off against the villain.
Silver Sentry had gone down. Ananda’s tech had been destroyed. Nano had been obliterated to the point that his nanites were trying to construct more of themselves. The Green Mantle had taken heavy damage. Chrysalis was injured. Raptarr’s wing was broken. Tsunami was out cold. Nobody was trapped. Most of the minor heroes had been injured or were unable to go on. And it had suddenly been Mikey, Turtle Titan, and his lack of superpowers facing down this alpha level threat.
And so, he did.
Mikey knew that most of the time he didn’t fight as hard or as well as he could. He relied on others or didn’t put his all into things. But at that moment? At that moment he’d focused his everything into not only surviving this encounter, but on taking the threat down.
The battle had been fast-paced, brutal, and more than a bit dangerous. Mikey’d lost part of his cape, had other parts of his costume burned or ripped away, and been bloodied up within a couple of minutes of the fight. But he’d managed to keep the villain’s attention on him, allowing for the others to try to fall back and regroup.
And then one of the villain’s energy attacks had headed towards an area Mikey had seen the civilians taking cover in. Resolve had filled him, and he’d thrown himself in between the deadly energy barrage and the building. He’d heard his name screamed out, heard the villain cackle as the attack hit, and then heard the shock as the villain realized that Mikey wasn’t dead.
Mike had stood there, his shield now a useless smoking thing, his costume in tatters, but glowing with an orange energy, sweeping circles and curves glowing on his skin.
“I don’t think so,” he’d said, resolve filling him, his glow increasing as he stepped towards the villain. “You’re not gonna hurt anyone again.”
The villain had aimed another attack at him, but Mikey had just taken the brunt of it and rushed the villain at impossible speed, nunchucks out and putting all of his skill and energy into stopping this man who had already destroyed so much.
He’d been told later that he was like a glowing orange blur, moving impossibly fast and making impossibly strong strikes. The villain had been driven back as Mikey had attacked again and again, giving no quarter to him, until, finally, the villain had gone down, unconscious and beaten. Mikey’s power had flickered out then, and he had collapsed to his hands and knees, utterly and completely spent. He’d only managed to look up again when he heard cheers ringing out around him, and he had looked up to see citizens of the city coming out of hiding, staring at him, and cheering. He had tensed up, looking for some way to try and hide, but before he could do that, he’d realized that the citizens were chanting his name—they were chanting Turtle Titan.
Mikey hadn’t known what to do, almost instinctively trying to hide from the cameras that were around, lifting a hand to shield his face, as if that would do any good. Things had blurred after that. Sentry had suddenly appeared at his side, tugging him up and away, getting him to a waiting ambulance. He’d panicked at first, until, suddenly, Don had been there with him, talking calmly to the paramedics that were in there. He’d been absolutely drained, but he’d only relaxed when he’d heard Leo and Raph’s voices on the other end of a shell cell call Don had made just for him.
He'd spent a couple of weeks recovering and, honestly, hiding. He’d drained most of his energy and hadn’t realized just how injured he had been. He’d had to take time to recover, and that had ended up being a good thing. He hadn’t realized just how public the whole fight had been, and he’d almost been afraid that he’d disappointed his father, but Splinter had just been grateful that Mikey was alright and proud of him for protecting so many people.
Letters, fan mail, and demands for interviews for the Turtle Titan had come pouring into Justice Force headquarters, almost overwhelming in their amount. Zippy Lad had a lot of them delivered to April and Casey’s, the couple bringing them down to the lair later. They’d all sat around and gone through them, and Mikey had been touched by the amount of people that were thanking him for saving them that day, or the letters from people saying that they looked up to him.
He hadn’t known what to do about it.
But Splinter had gotten up, cupped Mikey’s cheeks in his hand, and told his son that while he should never forget his origins, that he should embrace this.
And so, Mikey was.
He landed in front of a convenience store, letting go of the line he’d been using to swing around the buildings. Almost immediately a few people came up to him, asking for autographs, or wanting to ask him questions. Mikey signed things and tried to answer some of the questions, before waving his fans off, and turning to go inside. There were murmurs as he entered, and he waved at a few people as he made his way to the counter.
“Uh, excuse me,” he said with a smile at the woman behind the counter.
She looked up in shock. “Turtle Titan!”
He nodded and slid a letter across the counter. “Yep! It’s me! I got this letter—I think it’s from your son, maybe—and I was wondering if I could just talk to him for a moment?” Mikey grinned. “I have something for him.”
The woman looked startled for a moment, and then nodded. “Yes! Yes, of course! One moment.”
She turned and called for someone else to mind the counter, and then gestured for Mikey to follow her. He did, through a back room and up some stairs that led to an apartment that was above the store.
“Please pardon the mess,” she apologized.
Mikey grinned and waved her off. “Nah, don’t worry about it. My bros and I used to make much worse messes. Actually, we still do sometimes.”
The woman seemed to relax a little at that and chuckled a bit. Stopping in front of a door, she knocked on it, calling out. “Ayan? Ayan, there’s someone here to see you.” She waited a second, and then opened the door.
“Mom, I’m—” the boy inside, maybe twelve or so, stopped talking as he looked up, eyes widening as he took in Mikey. “T-Turtle Titan?”
Mikey grinned and waved. “Heya! Got your letter! Gotta say, your art was amazing! Hope you don’t mind me dropping by.”
The boy shook his head, and immediately dropped the pencil he’d been holding in his two fingers and shook his head. “No! Not at all! Wow! No one is going to believe this!”
His mother smiled. “I’ll be down the hall, if you need anything.”
“Sure thing, ma’am!” Mikey said, before turning back to the boy. “Hey, watcha working on? That looks cool!”
The boy suddenly looked a little shy and hid his hands behind his back. “This? It’s um, it’s nothing. It’s not even good.”
“Not even good?” Mikey looked over the drawing on the table. “Dude, this is great!”
“Yeah, well, I could probably do better if…” he trailed off, although glanced down at hands.
Mikey nudged him. “Hey—don’t be like that.” He wiggled his hands in front of Ayan’s face. “Us three-digit guys gotta stick together. Show people that five fingers don’t mean nothing.”
Ayan grinned reached up with his own three fingered hands—a birth defect, his letter had said—and pushed Mikey’s away. “I guess so,” he said.
“Pfft, guess nothing. From one artist to another, I know it!” Mikey said. “Oh! Hey, that reminds me—I brought my sketchbook, wanna see it?”
Ayan lit up. “Yeah!”
It was about a half an hour later when Mikey left, Ayan’s mother taking him back down the stairs and to the backroom of the shop. She stopped him, though, before they went to the store.
“Thank you,” she said. “He’s… he’s very insecure about his hands, no matter how hard we’ve tried to not let it affect things.”
Mikey just smiled at her. “It’s no problem. Believe me, I get how being different can be hard. My whole family is different. But I think you’re doing great. Ayan really seems like a good kid.”
She smiled back at him. “Thank you. For everything.”
Mikey left the store with a small bag of food, and headed back up to the rooftops, waving when he saw Ayan watching through the window of his room. He swung away, a red-bean bun half stuffed in his mouth, and listened to people call out to him as he travelled, a contented feeling forming in his heart.
Yeah, he’d always wanted to be able to be out here, among people, without anyone being scared or afraid of him, and without feeling like he needed to hide. But more than that, he was realizing, his childhood dream hadn’t been just to be able to be seen, but it had been to help people. Superheroes were just the biggest, flashiest way to do it. And now he could do that—in the shadows as a ninja, sure, but also out in the open, where he could not only help people without having to worry about being seen, but also where he could talk to people that he wouldn’t have been able to before. People like Ayan.
And somehow, being able to reach out to and help the people around him, that felt like everything he had ever dreamed of as a child and more.
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grapefacegrfa · 2 years
I literally couldn't do anything until I typed this stuff out because I didn't wanna forget the idea hngjfkdkeldjskbfja
"Pretty Boy"
Scenario: Leo reacting to his lover gently cupping his cheek and calling him "pretty boy" after a rough day.
⚠ There is some angst in this⚠
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☾ As confident as this boy may appear, he genuinely can't believe that you wanted to be with him of all people. He isn't super smart like Donnie, he's not big and strong like Raph, or emotionally mature like Mikey. Sure, he makes jokes about how it's obvious why he'd be your favorite, but he seriously can't figure out why you chose him. Not that he would ever actually tell you any of this of course.
☾ Yet after a particularly rough day, it just sorta came out. Specifically the evening that him and his brothers came back home from the Maze of Death and you had heard of the story about how the four of them almost died because Leo wanted a picture on the Wall of Champions.
☾ You weren't necessarily upset with Leo, but you did decide to confront him about him. He played the situation off as a joke at first, but after after asking him what the big deal was about the photo, he snapped.
☾ "It's not just about some stupid picture! It's about the fact that I'm useless to my family and especially my brothers! Yeah, I get that I'm annoying or whatever, but it's like I'm just so expendable! Donnie's the brainy one, Raph's the smash-y guy, and Mikey's the one who's good with feelings and stuff. I'm nothing without them, and I don't bring anything to the table. I just-" A quiet hiccup escaped from Leo's lips as hot tears streamed down his face. "I just wish I was worth something."
☾ After waiting patiently for Leo to finish with his rant, you slowly stepped forward to move closer to him and place a hand on the side of his face. One of your fingers caressed the fabric of his mask and you looked up at Leo, as if silently asking permission to take off his mask.
☾ Leo seemed to notice what you were doing and reached his hands behind his head to untie his mask, sliding it off of his face. Your hand gently cupped his cheek and your thumb slowly traced along the red crescent on the side of his face.
☾ "Leo, I can assure you no one thinks that way of you. You're far from useless to anybody, but I'm also not trying to criticize you for feeling the way you do. It's okay to feel that way, but I hope you know that you're extremely important to all of us. You're always there for the people you care about and always try your best to cheer them up even in their darkest moments. You always do whatever you can to protect the people close to you and you're such an amazing strategist. I know it's easy to go down into a negative spiral like that, but you're worth so much to all of us. Especially me." You place your other hand on his other cheek, looking up at the red eared slider with a soft smile. "And I'm so happy that you're here, pretty boy."
☾ Leo had to take a few moments to process what you had just said. Mainly because of the extreme lack of validation he's recieved in his life, but also because someone as sweet as you was saying such kind things to him. He didn't feel as though he deserved it, and he definitely doesn't believe that he deserves you, but shortly after your words finally sink in, the warmest and dorkiest smile graced the turtle's face. Even though tears were still falling down his face, he placed one of his hands over yours and his eyes closed as he leaned into your palm.
☾ Leo still doesn't understand why exactly you put up with him or treat him so kindly, but whatever the reason, he was just happy to know that he meant something to at least someone.
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Hc's for the rise turtles! + Others!
- April made them try nail polish one time and they were hooked, now they always paint their nails with their respective colors
- My guy Mikey definitely has paint stains on his stuff, including his mask
- Everyone except leo himself was aware that he's gay, when he came out their reactions are, "Wow, really? We didn't know that..."
- Leo would possibly melt if someone called him champion
- Kiss raph's snout and he'll get so flustered, it's adorable
- If you're ever bad at dancing, these turtle's would be ecstatic to teach you!
- Raph will pick his friends up by their outfit's collar/coat/jacket, just like what he does with his brother's (For some reason I can see him scolding someone while holding them like that)
- When he was a kid, donnie always had bandages covering their hands from the burn's they got from tinkering tech.
- If raph has a crush his brother's would instantly notice, cause boy we can practically sense your smitten look from the other room and smell your love stink, it ain't fuckin subtle
- They've all watched game theory, also adores watching mat's never-ending FNAF series
- They know their vines at heart, Leo would be the one who would reference it the most with Mikey following behind
- Donnie doesn't have their glasses on anymore cause he hates how it felt on their face, I have a feeling he's near sighted
- The turtle bro's see April as a older sister <33
- For their sexuality,
Leo is definitely trans and bisexual
Donnie is nonbinary and bisexual
Mikey is pansexual
Raph is demisexual
April? lesbian.
Casey? she's a Bisexual
Sunita? lesbian, she's dating april btw
Splinter is bisexual, no explanation needed
- Speaking of Mikey being pansexual, Leo has definitely made a joke about it
Movie spoilers (?)
- After seeing the movie, they all definitely had trauma from it, someone give them therapy or something? Maybe a hug?
- They taught Casey Jr how to skateboard and he fell off the first couple of times but he got the hang of it, he's pretty good at it ngl
- Ever since the kraang happened they've all been sleeping in a cuddle pile, it feels safe
Splinter and April joins in sometimes
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
How would the story be different if one of the other 2003 turtles had fallen through dimensions instead of Ghost?
OH GOSH this is a fun thought that I've had before.
Raph's probably the most likely to have gotten himself killed before Rise even starts. If he doesn't, he's reckless, he probably joins the Battle Nexus the minute he hears about it. Probably becomes the champion for a while, until he's not. Raph's very extroverted, as much as he likes to pretend to be a loner, so he wouldn't be able to isolate for a decade like Ghost did. He settles down in the sewers, runs into the kids one time when he hears voices. They drag him back home to show Splinter and he just kinda goes "ah this is my life now I guess". Let's himself get adopted instantly. He butts heads with Splinter a lot, but he's okay with him. He gets it.
Mikey likely found comfort in the familiarity of the sewers, and set up in the turtles' lair before it was even theirs. He probably never found the Hidden City. He saw someone walk through a wall and went "haha nope" and never looked into it again. When Fresh Splinter shows up with four kids, Mikey goes "wow a coincidence huh" and doesn't put two and two together until the kids get named. He reveals himself immediately because man he's been lonely. He probably has the most amount of human friends, though! He's friends with the pizza guy, he's friends with all the homeless people within a 10 block radius. He looooves Splinter. Thinks he's cool as hell.
Leo's interesting to me, because I think he genuinely would be able to isolate himself the longest. He tries making a portal to Usagi's world but it doesn't work the same. He found the Hidden City and poked around some, maybe looked into the Battle Nexus but avoided it because it wasn't his vibe, not this version anyway. He stays distant and cool. When he sees the kids, he doesn't get involved. He watches over them very much like a ghost for a long time. He doesn't ever run from them, but he also never goes with them to stay. He dislikes Splinter greatly, probably moreso than Ghost.
Leo finally lets himself be known more clearly after the Draxum incident. He keeps an eye on the kids when they go aboveground and helps them defeat the two mystic joggers.
Because none of them have the camera array that Ghost had, they can't come to the kids' rescue as quickly. Mikey introduces himself as Mike to Splinter, and so that's just who he is. Their Uncle Mike. Raph gets called Ell, he dads the kids instantly. Splinter is "Papa" and "Dad" and Raph gets "Pops". He just seems like a Pops.
Leo also gets called a ghost, but he tells them he's not a ghost, and Donnie suggests he's a spirit instead. Leo kinda. Just goes "sure why not". He doesn't want to tell them he's Leo for the same reasons Ghost doesn't tell them he's Donatello.
Anyway I have a ton ton ton more thoughts about this. Maybe one day I'll do short stories of the different boys falling through.
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
fic recs!
thought i might make a list of that i’ve read recently and wanted to share! these will be primarily tmnt fics so i’ll sort them according to each iteration to make it easier for anyone looking for something in particular! here we go :
TMNT 2003
Knife Wound
by RealityBreakGirl
Mikey gets injured and Donnie has a panic attack after trying to help him
Patient: Hamato Michelangelo by Vhale
Mikey discovers he has arthritis and his brothers help him through it
The So-Called "Champion of the Battle Nexus” by 0ozero0
The aftermath of Mikey’s Battle Nexus fight and dealing with his injuries
Underdark by Nekotsuki
Mikey and Leo get trapped beneath the sewers in the complete darkness and have to work together getting home despite Leo being gravely injured
Blame It On The ADD Babey by Halogalopaghost (Lartovio)
Mikey discovers he has ADD (and Donnie making some other important discoveries)
TMNT 2007
Same as it Ever Was by Flynne
Takes place after the events of the movie, focusing on the brothers learning how to be brothers again
A broken system by Multifandom_damnation
Some Leo and Donnie healing/bonding after Leo returns home
Softening the Edges by Nekotsuki
A Casey POV that takes place just before the events of the movie regarding the family dynamics of the turtles
Pizza brightens even the darkest of days by Multifandom_damnation
Some B-Team fluffiness, Donnie being a good brother whilst Leo is gone
TMNT 2012
About Families of Choice by Banco (Cellini)
The turtles + Casey and April have a conversation about found family
The Fight by TMNTFOREVER666
Mikey has a private training session with Splinter because of his untapped potential 
An Explosive Relationship by FracturedRain647
Donnie and Karai have a heart to heart about family, takes place after the Darkest Plight episode
if the subways flood and bridges break by merikai
Mikey gets trapped underneath a fallen building and some brotherly fluff ensues
i have loads more recs all in my bookmarks on ao3 but i might just make separate posts for them to stop these from getting too long - someone let me know if they want more of this rec lists :)
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Heeeyo! I saw that your askbox was open and was wondering if you could do the rise and bay verse turtles with a trans!guy s/o(not poly btw) that doesn't really show many emotion, like, has always a poker face besides laughing a bit from time to time and one day he forgets his journal at the lair and when the guys see it there's cute drawings of the guys and like, cute writing of the s/o saying how much they like the turtles and stuff like that?
I'd like if you wrote headcanons plz, have a nice day ^^
Sorry this took me so long to do, hope you like it! Also this is kinda long lol
Bay! and Rise! Turtles x Trans!guy reader (he/him and they/them pronouns used)
Turtles and the Notebook
It was a normal day at the lair. Crime had been at its lowest point all year and the boys could finally relax and just have a day to themselves.
But, why would they do that when they could invite their best friends (and crush) over.
April and Y/n were quickly called and they all had a blast together.
Well they think Y/n had a good time, he was a very quiet person and didn't show a lot of emotions.
When April and Y/n left that night and most of the lights had been turned off, that's when something caught his eye, a notebook.
He didn't recognize it, picking it up off the sofa and flipping through it.
But wait....this is clearly Y/n's hand writing....but it's about....him?
Jaw. Dropped.
He laughs in disbelief, this notebook, is full of drawings and notes about him!
And they drew him well
Has he always had such nice legs?
Wait, no, he shouldn't be looking through this. It was an invasion to Y/n' privacy and should be returned.
But....how can he do it with a straight face now, you clearly wrote those things on purpose and apparently like him back
Does he return it and act like normal? No, he couldn't possibly do that
He wants to close the journal but he just can't, seeing how you drew his expressions and the sweet notes with little hearts made his knees feel week.
You never, ever showed this much emotion with anything, you were quiet and observant, like him, but you had such a kind a caring heart
He sighed, closing the book and making up his mind. He'd returnt the book, it's the right thing to do.
But there may or may not be a small note tucked into the pages asking you out on a date.
Ego 📈📈📈📈📈📈
He's posing like how you drew him in the book feeling so confident and good
He loves your art and keeps flipping through all the pages, his smile getting wider and wider
Then he sees a simple one, he's relaxed in a bean bag with his feet up, reading a Jupiter Jim comic.
He looks so serene in the picture, it makes him stop for a moment. The detail in the picture is amazing, you clearly spent quite a bit of time studying him
Wait....why would you study him?
Cause he's awesome that's why, he laughs to himself, turning the page as his jaw drops.
It's a drawing of him laughing, he's not sure at what, but there's a caption at the bottom of the page.
'My Champion'
His heart plummets to his stomach, before he can realize what he's doing he's out of the lair, journal in hand, rushing to your apartment.
Mistook it for one of his own notebooks, didn't realize it until after he had written down a.....very long.....and complex equation....that takes up a whole 2 pages...
He feels slightly guilty about writing in it, he would hate for someone to do something like that to him.
He'd quickly go to close it, in the process though, it flies from his hands and hits the floor, pages up.
It's now on two full pages of your drawings and it's takes him until he's picked it up and shoved his face in it to realize the drawings are of him.
His heart rate spikes and he feels himself start to sweat buckets
He quickly closes the notebook and returns it on your next visit, trying not to make it obvious that he knew what was inside.
He plans and plans and plans for weeks, taking data on how you act around him versus his brothers to see if you do have feelings for him.
When the results come back positive, he starts a new experiment.
'Confessing Feelings'
Goes right over his head
Okay, you left your journal, everybody does that, and he's quite the specimen so of course you chose to draw him
Your skills were very good, you got his expressions near perfect and the proportions were spot on
It was clear that all the time you spent in the lab with him was to study and draw him
In a strange way it made him feel a bit....special
You choose to draw him. To make him the center of every page. To draw little hearts next to him smiling -wait what
Why are there hearts next to him smiling? And when was he smiling like that?
This is clearly a mistake, you must've just been doodling.
He does the responsible thing and close the journal and text you that it's still in the lair
Of course he doesn't mention that he went through it, he'd freak out if his brothers went through his things.
But he rolls around in his bed that night, unable to sleep, thinking about what you drew
Suddenly he jumps from his bed, he's got a new equation to solve
Probably the only one who doesn't open the notebook right away.
He stares at it for a few hours, unsure of what to do. He tries doing others things as a distraction, but his eyes keep going back to it.
But his curiosity gets the best of him and he looks.
And his jaw dropped to the floor seeing that you had drawn him. And drawn him.....quite handsome
You really made his muscles big, damn, are his arms that nice?
He puts it back where you left it and acts like he doesn't know what it is.
He'll be way more flirty and tease you way more to try and get you to admit your feelings.
He loves seeming you get flustered.
Turns redder than his mask.
He's so flustered and embarrassed and probably almost ruins it when he tries to close it and put it back down.
He's so awkward for a few weeks after he returns it, he has no idea how to act around you after seeing little sketches of him smiling and laughing.
I mean, you drew hearts next to him smiling, that's gotta mean something right?
He's too nervous to make any first moves, you'll have to be the one to do that.
But when you do, he's over the moon and will happily reciprocate.
Purposefully opens and looks in it.
He's got no shame when he found it, he flips through every page and goes through it at least three times over.
He takes pictures of his favorites and puts them in a separate folder to look at when he's sad.
His heart skips a beat and he immediately seeks you out to tell you.
He doesn't beat around the bush, he's got actual proof that you like him back and he isn't going to waste this moment.
Unfazed at first
You'd both been each other's models hundred of times, it was no surprise to see himself in your notebook
But...he doesn't remember posing this way....
Wait, that was when you two were hanging out in the kicthen, he was trying a new recipe and you were at the dining table.
You caught him at a side angle, eyes big and bright with a large smile. He looked cute!
And what's this? A little heart next to it. Aw that's sweet. Wait, there's a small blurb next to the heart
'Making cookies, they're almost as sweet as he is'
He seeks you out and gently asks why you drew him (and apologizes for peeking at your notebook)
His heart skips a beat at your answer.
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT fic I will never write
Someone went through my blog today and reblogged a bunch of my old Dragon Ball posts and its got me remembering that I once had an idea to do a long fic series taking place after Dragon Ball GT.
That's right, GT. I didn't like the series, but I did really like parts of it.
Does anyone remember the ending?
Not the 100 years flash forward with Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. that was the "epilogue". I mean the Ending, when Goku got on Shenlong's back and they disappeared and the Dragon Balls disappeared with them.
Goku's wish was to bring everyone who died back to life; and that's exactly what happened: everyone who died as a result of the evil dragons came back to life (plus Kuririn who was killed by Super 17).
The people came back to life, but the cities weren't rebuilt, the land wasn't repaired. All the people who just came back to life didn't have homes to live in, the livestock that died wasn't revived, the farmlands weren't repaired.
How did Goku expect the people he just brought back to life to survive?
Goku doesn't have to think about that because Goku vanished with the dragon.
Its everyone else who has to deal with it.
Bulma, Gohan, 18, Kuririn, Yamcha, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, Pan, Roshi, etc. (I'm not gonna list everyone). They're the ones who now have to figure out how to house, feed, and provide healthcare for the population Goku just revived.
(My favorite scene) Remember Vegeta's very well done trauma scene during the final battle? When he was -literally- crying over watching his second home being destroyed. Earth will still need champions and Goku just went poof.
But Goku never taught anyone the Kaio Ken and Genki Dama, the two moves that consistently save the Earth every time, or the Instant Transmission which is arguably Goku's most useful technique. How is anyone supposed to defend the Earth when they no longer have their champion or the means for a new champion to rise to the occasion?
Anyway, my fic idea:
The first part was going to be a "team building" fic of Vegeta going around collecting all the next gen characters
(he tried really hard to get Gohan but Gohan insists that he could do more to help in his capacity as a scholar/doctor/scientist/whatever Chi-chi made him major in, and rebuilt Earth's infrastructure.)
Marron volunteers but she's fully human and isn't the reincarnation of any kind of powerful djinn like Uub, so Vegeta turns her away (and maybe he calls her useless).
So, Gohan and Bulma was working on rebuilding Earth, Vegeta is being a tyrannical task master trying to train most of the kids, and Marron goes to Master Roshi and convinces him to train her in the Kame Style exactly how he trained Goku. Marron wears the turtle shell, she delivers milk, (I forget what else Roshi had them do in Dragon Ball, but Marron does it).
Bulma and Gohan are making great progress rebuilding society. Marron is advancing quickly in her Kame training and is confident and happy. Meanwhile, all the other kids are miserable under Vegeta's strict drills.
Some character development and plot happens, but basically, they realize that they need a "Kuririn" in their group.
They need a human who may or may not be very useful in the actual battles, but never the less never gives up, has a healthy relationship with fear and understands mortality, and is still willing to sacrifice themself if it means saving others.
Marron, even though she was rejected from being a member of their champion group still continued to train independently from them. She'll never be as powerful as the Saiyans or Uub, but its not about power for her, its about doing what she can. She understands her own mortality and has a healthy relationship with fear, but still wants to help in whatever capacity she can.
Marron is their Kuririn.
Vegeta doesn't fully get this concept even if he recognizes that its necessary. He's also too proud to admit that the team might benefit from having Marron after he rejected her the first time.
Trunks is the one goes to Kame House and invites Marron to join the team.
That was gonna be the end of part 1.
Part 2 was gonna be centered around the techniques that Goku never taught to anyone else even though he had plenty of opportunity to teach them to Gohan in the Room of Spirit and Time in Z, or Trunks and Pan during GT.
Vegeta has Bulma build another space ship and sends the kids on a mission to the same planet Goku crashed on after the destruction of Namek to learn the Instant Transmission technique from the original people who taught it to Goku in the first place.
While they're off planet, Vegeta tries to work with the remaining Z Senshi to try and engineer their own version of the Ginki Dama. They all have experience lending their power to Goku to form it, Vegeta was almost killed by it, and Kuririn has actually held and thrown it before. They all have first hand experience (albeit from different angles) with the technique. Vegeta's hope is to have a workable version of it ready to teach to the kids by the time they get back.
(also, there was gonna be a TruMar subplot)
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pokemondarkpathau · 4 months
A Dark Path Walked Chapter 13: Area Zero Underdepths
Kieran and Juliana had fallen asleep during the elevator ride, and they were woken up by the sound of rumbles. “It seems the elevator stopped.” Glady said. “Is everyone ready?”
“We’re ready.” Lacey said.
Juliana pressed the open button on the elevator, but as soon as the elevator doors opened, the four students were surprised by the sight of crystal caves and glitter surrounding the area.
“Oh… my… goodness!!” Kieran’s surprise turned to excitement as he ran out of the elevator. “This is so amazing!! I’ve never seen something so… so… so beautiful!!”
“I know…” Juliana said. “I wonder why Miss Briar is intent on researching this place.”
“Hey… I found something.” Lacey’s attention on a desk filled with documents.
“Those must be notes written by Professor Sada.” Juliana said as she took the notes, recognizing the hand writing. “This has some new notes… ‘It seems that the scientists here discovered a new species and a mysterious phenomenon that connects the Terastalization phenomenon. The name given to the species is Terapagos and the phenomenon is called the Stellar Tera Type.’”
“Terapagos…” Kieran said. “I think I heard that when that Florian boy helped the Pokémon controlling Sis manipulate the Toxic chain.”
“And it also says something about a… ‘Stellar’ Tera type…” Lacey said. “I think this might be the thing your Top Champion and Miss Briar were trying to research, right, Kieran?”
“Yeah.” Kieran said. “That was why Miss Briar, Sis and I left the Field trip to Kitakami earlier. I traveled around the world with Miss Briar thanks to Gladys and Lacey’s recommendation. I was planning to participate in the BB League, but then Director Cyrano asked me to accompany him to Paldea to pick up Juliana for the beginning of the Foreign exchange program.”
“The Director did what?!” Lacey shook her head. “He knows you have a lot of classes and training to do!” She crosses her hands into an X. “What he did is not right!”
“Lacey, please calm down.” Gladys reassured her clubmate. “We can talk to the director about this after everything is solved.”
“I’m sorry…” Lacey sighed. “The Director can be… a bit forgetful at times.”
“It’s ok.” Juliana said as she put the notes back on the desk they were placed. “Let’s go discover this place.”
As Lacey, Juliana, Kieran and Gladys explored, they discovered that the place is very connected to Area Zero, and not only that, the only Pokémon that reside there are Carbink and Glimmet.
Suddenly, they see a gigantic crystal blocking the path ahead.
“Well, this… makes things harder.” Juliana said.
“How do we break this… gigantic crystal?” Lacey asked.
“Maybe Juliana’s Agias can use one of its moves to pierce the barrier.” Gladys suggested.
“Hold on!” Kieran said. “If we use brute force, won’t that exhaust Koraidon? And not only that, this is no normal barrier of crystal. Maybe we should try to figure out where this thing comes from.” The four then heard a squeak, turned around and saw a Glimmora surrounder in a light blue colored light.
“Huh?” Gladys said. “This is new… I’ve never seen such a beautiful specimen… the petals it has… could it be a grass type?”
She was slowly about to approach the aggressive Pokémon when Kieran pulled her back.
“Gladys!” He shouted. “That thing is dangerous! And it’s no grass type! We need someone to take it down!”
“I’ll do it.” Juliana said as she sent out Milotic.
As soon as the battle begin, the wild Glimmora terstalized, but not into a rock or a poison Tera type, but into the new Stellar Tera Type that Professor Sada wrote in her notes. The crown was shaped like a small turtle surrounded by 18 crystals, representing all the types known from Normal to fairy.
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“What the?!” Juliana said. “So that’s the Stellar Tera Type that Professor Sada wrote about?! Well, this will be an exciting challenge! Let’s do this, Milotic!”
The battle took longer than expected because just like every other Tera Pokémon, it was required to attack Glimmora twice. Once the Glimmora was defeated, the crystal barrier disappeared into glitter.
“Wowzers!” Kieran squeaked. “The thing just… disappeared into thin air after that Pokémon was defeated!”
“And not only that, the path is cleared.” Lacey said. “Come on, we have no time to waste.”
As the journey continued, the group would encounter more crystal barriers and Juliana volunteered to take each of the Stellar Tera Pokémon down. The second crystal was summoned by a Noivern, the third crystal was summoned by a Sandy Shocks and the fourth crystal was summoned by Gargancl. Lacey, Gladys and Kieran had to call her by order, with Kieran even riding his Lapras to get her. He was caught off guard by the tree where Gargancl was standing.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Juliana said.
“I know…” Kieran said. “It reminds me of the wisteria in Kitakami.”
They looked at the tree in silence when Kieran took a deep breath.
“Hey, Juliana…” He turned to the Paldean student. “Do you… have any fears when it comes to what has been happening recently…?”
“Honestly, I didn’t expect Carmine to… not be on good terms with me.” Juliana sighed. “I thought we would be good friends… after all… I lied to her about Ogerpon. And not only that, I witnessed your argument with her at your front door.”
“You’re not the only one who’s worried about Sis…” Kieran said. “Before Sis became the BB League Champion, she had challenged me to a sparring match and… I lost. I didn’t knock out any of my Pokémon. The team I had were Yanmega, Furret, Lapras, Poliwrath, Gliscor and Hydrapple… Do you want to know what she said when she mercilessly beat me?”
“What did she say?” Juliana asked.
“She said… ‘You should not have gone to the Dreaded Den with that outsider. If you really wanted to be strong, you should have been the one who was lied to.’ It was like… that… Pokémon was playing with my feelings by pretending to be my Sis… No one liked how my sis changed… yet… I still was loved, despite the fact that my sis was controlled into becoming a tyrant…”
“And you said you had nightmares?” Juliana asked.
“Yes…” Kieran nodded.
He couldn’t finish his words… he had broken down in tears and collapsed on his knees. Juliana went to him and hugged him tightly, petting his black and purple hair and whispering words of comfort to his ears as the boy sobbed loudly. Lapras even sensed her trainer’s sadness and nuzzled her head onto his.
Kieran calmed down before taking deep breaths, with Juliana patting him on his shoulder. The last time he was cheered up like this was when Carmine attacked some bullies who haunted him with Cursola.
“Are you feeling better?” Juliana asked.
“Yeah.” Kieran nodded. “Thank you, Juliana… And you two, Lapras.”
Lapras chirped.
“Oh yeah.” Kieran remembered. “We have to go meet up with Lacey and Gladys. We must have kept them.”
They returned to see Lacey and Gladys finishing repelling the wild Glimmet and Carbink.
“Apologies for the wait.” Juliana said. “We should keep going.”
Before they continued, Gladys stopped Juliana.
“One thing I should mention.” The Grass Gym Trainer said. “While you and Kieran were taking your time, we got attacked by these Pokémon. While Lacey’s Team is still intact, my team is completely spent.”
“Oh. Sorry about that.” Juliana sighed.
“It’s ok.” Gladys smiled. “I still have some training to do. So far, I still have Arboliva and Comfey. So if anything happens, you better come save me.”
The four of them continued until they arrived at a small chamber where a small crystal rested upon a bigger crystal.
“Is this… it?” Lacey asked.
“It seems so.” Gladys said. “There is a small stone over there. This could be what this Professor of Juliana’s could be talking about.”
“Not so fast.” Florian’s voice was heard as he and Terapagos arrived. “I will not let you near that rock.”
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“Not you again.” Lacey got angry. “Do you ever stop hindering us?!” She then crossed her arms into an X. “What you are doing is absolutely not right!”
“Don’t think I don’t know what you are doing.” Florian mused. “You want to awaken the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. So you can see the truth of Carmine’s current state, so you can ‘rescue’ her from Pecharunt’s Malignant Chain and release her grasp on Pecharunt, Okidogi and Fezandipiti.”
“How do you know?!” Juliana gasped.
“I am from another dimension.” Florian explained. “Where I am from, these ancient Pokémon like ‘Great Tusk’, ‘Walking Wake’ and ‘Winged King’ that you have are replaced by futuristic Pokémon like ‘Iron Treads’, ‘Iron Leaves’ and ‘Iron Serpent’. In my world, you were the tyrant, Kieran, but you made these decisions by your own will, not by some mochi.”
“I-I was a m-monster?!” Kieran was left in denial.
“Exactly.” Florian continued. “This Terapagos I have by my side was caught by you, you used it against me, and when you Terastalized it, you tried to recall it, only for your Master Ball to shatter. All because I was the one who lied to you about Ogerpon.”
“How could you…” Gladys growled, angry that Florian was making her classmate vulnerable. “You’re playing with Kieran’s mind!”
“As I was investigating mysterious creatures in Area Zero, I was ambushed by Iron Leaves, Iron Boulder and Iron Crown. My Pokémon protected me and they were badly injured to the point that they had to be placed at a Pokémon center.” Florian kept going. “Only Terapagos was intact. And I took the elevator to the time machine placed by Professor Turo… and I traveled to your dimension, where I met Carmine as she was growling how she needs to get stronger.”
“Liar!” Juliana shouted, angry at Florian. “You played with Carmine!”
“I see that you do not believe me.” Florian never got angry, just kept a dark smile. “Then why don’t you battle me?”
Kieran stepped infront of Juliana, Gladys and Lacey and sent out Hydrapple.
“I’ll battle you.” He said, his voice no longer showing fear.
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His black and purple hair was blowing in non-existant wind, the tie he is wearing with his Summer Uniform was getting loose and Hydrapple growled, its five Syrpent heads glaring at Florian.
“Very well.” Florian said. “Come, Terapagos. The Indigo Disk.”
Terapagos took the battlefield and transformed into its Terastal Form with its Tera Shift ability.
“Did it just… transform?” Kieran thought to himself. “I mustn’t be held back by fear. I have to do this… for Sis… for the entirety of Blueberry Academy.”
“Zen Headbutt.” Florian commanded.
“Syrup Bomb, Hydrapple!!” Kieran shouted.
Terapagos’ Zen headbutt dealt little damage while its Tera Shell made sure that Syrup Bomb dealt less damage, but Terapagos was caught off guard by Hydrapple’s Supersweet syrup.
“How many abilities does that Pokémon have?!” Juliana asked.
“You do have a Pokémon that has five abilities in the Ogre that Kieran talks about.” Gladys said, reminding Juliana of Ogerpon’s ability depending on the mask she wears.
“Oh… yeah.” Juliana was dumbstruck.
Kieran’s Hydrapple was lucky to land a critical with its five headed Fickle Beam, weakening Terapagos.
“I won…” Kieran thought, smiling to himself. “I finally won one battle… now I can save Sis…” “Don’t think this is the end.” Florian said as he took out a Tera Orb. His body was surrounded by Crystal. “You wish to know why Terapagos is called the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. This… is why.”
More crystals appeared on Florian’s body as he charged his Tera Orb and tossed it at Terapagos, Terastalizing it to its Stellar Form.
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“No way…” Lacey was terrified. “Is this…?”
“Its strongest form…” Gladys shook her head.
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“We have to help Kieran! He can’t handle this alone!” Juliana shouted.
The three girls went to Kieran’s side and sent out their Pokémon, Wellspring Mask for Ogerpon, Arboliva for Gladys and Whimsicott for Lacey.
“Alright… Whimsicott! Tailwind!” Lacey commanded.
“Arboliva! Energy Ball!” Lacey shouted.
“Ogerpon! Low Sweep!” Juliana said.
“Hydrapple! Syrup Bomb!” Kieran called.
The battle was extremely long, since Terapagos would easily knock their Pokémon out with Tera Starstorm, create barriers with Terastal Energy and steal Terastal Energy. Gladys was out since Arboliva and Comfey were her only remaining Pokémon, Lacey was stuck with Galarian Slowbro, Primarina and Excadrill, Kieran was only able to use Lapras and Juliana was stuck with Walking Wake and Skeledirge.
Suddenly, the crystal slumbering on the bigger stone started glowing and floating to Kieran’s location.
“Huh?!” Kieran looked behind him in surprise.
The crystal awakened and another Terapagos landed infront of Kieran as it looked at him with confidence.
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“So the other Terapagos woke up.” Florian said. “Well, this will be interesting.”
“Tera-Tera!” The recently awakened Terapagos looked at Kieran.
“You… want to battle with me?” Kieran shook his head in disbelief. “Of course. I’ll do what I can.”
Thanks to their new friend, the four students defeated Florian’s Terapagos, shattering its Stellar Terastalization and transforming it to its weak form.
Kieran looked at Florian and saw that he was about to disappear.
“Wait… don’t leave… how can I save my sis?” He said.
“It is up to you…” Florian said. “The only way to save Carmine… and the rest of Blueberry Academy… is by defeating Pecharunt… Take care… and… save Carmine…”
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Kieran tried to reach his hand out to Florian, but he and his Terapagos disappeared.
“He’s gone…” Gladys said.
“He probably returned back to his home.” Juliana said. “Where he can be at peace.”
Kieran turned to the wild Terapagos. Smiling to himself, he gently tapped the small crystal turtle with a Pokéball, sealing it inside. The Pokéball twirled three times and clicked, meaning that he caught Terapagos, the Indigo Disk, the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.
Suddenly, Juliana gets a message from an unknown origin on her Rotom Phone. After reading the message, she goes to Kieran.
“Kieran, we have to go to the Crystal Pool.” She said.
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priscilla9993 · 1 year
Had a dream where Anya is going off to the middle school section of Eden Academy and is in a different home room than Becky, leaving her to make new friends. The student leader is basically if Sharpay from high school musical was someone everyone looked up to but she was picky with friends because she thinks everybody is fake to her. Let’s call her Clarisse bc I barely learned her name at the end.
Point is Clarisse is lonely and Anya knows it, trying to get close to her bc she knows what it’s like to be surrounded by others and alone. She genuinely tries to be her friend, treating Clarisse as if she’s the new kid. Clarisse sees Anya as desperate to get her attention for money or social status. Shoutout to Twilight being excited over her getting closer to another high status family (related to his mission) and trying to make a new friend. The girls bicker, Anya gets advice and gifts from Becky on stuff Clarisse could like, such as whales and sea turtles. Anya catches her during lunch. Clarisse doesn’t like broccoli and prefers Anya’s croquettes. They share since Anya can hear her thoughts.
Anya even joins an acting class as a extracurricular and she happens to be in it. The spotlight champion by the winter production is guaranteed a Stella Star. Anya feels confident on giving out the performance of her school career bc she’s an A class liar like her dad, always keeping secrets. They get really close as rivals and become best buds too. The friend group becomes a trio. Anya wins the star and spot at the end.
Clarisse is happy for Anya, they hug, and Anya says that it could have been either winning bc she usually fudges up words. *insert Anya saying something that looks cool but ends with nyan* I loved the fact that they shared sea turtle charms in the end.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
RULES.  repost, don’t reblog
TAGGED.  @lokitheliesmith  {{mahalo! my dearest}}
TAGGING. Be Fae, steal memes
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FULL NAME. Elizabeth Irene Riley (birth certificate: Elikapeka Ailine Alohaekaunei kahanuola'Ilikea'wahine Riley )
ETHNIC GROUP.  Pacific Islander {Rokea Kinfolk}
NATIONALITY.  American {{Sovereign Kingdom of Hawai’i}}
LANGUAGE.   Beth is fluent in: Hawai’ian Pidgin {her language of choice},  English, Latin.  She’s conversational in: Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, Mandarin and Cantonese.  She can speak some: (modern) Greek, occasional Spanish, Romanian, some Gaelic. She made a point of learning Kikongo, Masalit, and Beria (the first a language of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the later two spoken in Darfur, where she spent time serving with Médecins Sans Frontières {Doctors without Borders}
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Demi-sexual, quoiromantic {{your guess is as good as hers}}
CLASS. 1% Wealthy/Upper class, {{Ali’i class}}
HOME TOWN / AREA. Honolulu, O’ahu, Hawai’i 
CURRENT HOME.  Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York
PROFESSION. ER Nurse, technically has an MD but dropped out during her residency.
HAIR.  Rich dark brown, shoulder length-to mid back. Thick, soft, professionally styled.
EYES. Green/brown hazel {heterochromia}, naturally thick lashes.
NOSE. Small, straight. crinkles at the corners of her eyes when she genuinely smiles
FACE. Delicate features, high cheek bones, wide eyes, clearly bi-racial
LIPS. Soft, full lower lip, perfectly shaped upper cupid’s bow.
COMPLEXION.  Tawny brown/olive tone, a “warm” autumn, with red and yellow tints to skin and hair. Beth, being half Irish and half Polynesian falls under “ambiguously ethnic” and depending on style choices and sun exposure can range from almost a light complexion to deeply tan.
BLEMISHES. She has a fine little series of freckles around her mouth and across the bridge of her nose. Someone would have to look close to even notice them. There are the occasional freckles on her shoulders and down her back, as well.
SCARS. Shark Bite from just above her ankle, to just below of her knee of her left leg. The scar is deep, the muscle within appears atrophied, and a good portion was torn away. The surgery to repair it left her left leg fractions shorter than her right, and when she’s on her feet for too long, she often displays a limp. When she has to make public appearances, or goes to the beach, she will hide it with a minor illusion.
TATTOOS. She has a turtle tattoo whose shell is filled in with the Hawai’ian archipelago and a hibiscus on her left back hip. She has a Tree of Life tattoo just below her neck and between her shoulder blades. She has a three-stud sub-dermal piercing along the inside of her right hip.
BUILD.  Beth barely stands five feet tall, and tends to weigh between 90 and 96 pounds. If someone is being generous, she has been called petite, and slender. Beth sees herself as stunted and scrawny. She is perpetually underweight, despite her natural athleticism, and her curves are fairly modest, though she does have a rather lovely backside by western standards.
ALLERGIES. Bees, penicillin, latex, velvet. 
USUAL HAIR STYLE. Beth hasn’t worn her hair naturally in years, but often wears it up in braids, buns, or pony-tails for work reasons.
USUAL CLOTHING. She spends a majority of her time in scrubs. She often wears business suits, or couture gowns for charitable efforts, but is most comfortable wearing as little as possible: bikinis/sleeveless blouses, long flowing skirts.
FEAR. The Dark. Heights. {{Being abandon/rejection/being alone}}
POSITIVE TRAITS. Beth is kind, caring, soft, compassionate, loving, understanding, charitable. She is highly intelligent, a talented witch, a staunch champion of others. She will go above and beyond for others, and will befriend literally anyone or anything.
NEGATIVE TRAITS. Shy, envious, deep-seated rage, self-sabotaging, self-critical to the point of hatred, exceptionally emotional. Easily feels slighted. Can be clingy, stubborn, or petulant.
VICE HABIT. Chronic insomniac, tends to drink wine to cover up feelings.
FAITH. Raised as a devout roman catholic. Has come to realise most gods are really just unfeeling bastards.
GHOSTS? She knows a few.
ALIENS? She knows a few of these, too.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT. Beth abhors human politics.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. She could live happily with absolutely nothing but the earth beneath her feet and all her worldly possessions in a sea-bag. But that’s easy to say as one of the richest people on the planet.
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. She wishes people would quit ruining the world.
EDUCATION LEVEL. Master of Nursing Science. Medical Doctorate {Neurosurgery}. Highly talented Life/Blood witch, near professional surfer, 
FATHER. R. Admiral Brian C. Riley
MOTHER.  Iwalani Kahanaui Stern {formerly Riley}
SIBLINGS.  Andrew Riley- brother {deceased}, Jayden Morgan- hanai sister, William Manderly brother {unknown}
EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Drinks the Bitter Water - maternal grandfather,  Anakone Kahananui - maternal uncle,  Makaimakoa {Mike} Kahanui- maternal cousin, Tony DiNozzo- paternal cousin,  Aislinn Riley- paternal aunt, Phil Coulson - hanai uncle, Loki Friggjarson, Hela Lokadottir- hanai daughter niece. 
NAME MEANING.  Elizabeth: God is my Oath, Irene: Peace, Alohaekaunei: Love alights here
BOOKS. The Princess Bride but she reads everything
MOVIES. The Princess Bride and Tombstone
MUSIC. Everything but “Death metal”
DEITY. ...next question?
HOLIDAY.  Mabon, the second harvest
MONTH.  September
SEASON.  Autumn/Winter
PLACE.   Kalokoiki, on the North Shore, the Banzai pipeline.
WEATHER. rainy nights, dawn right before or after a storm when the waves are perfect.
SOUND.  The sea, her brother’s singing
SCENT.  lei flower {plumeria}, sandalwood, sea air
TASTE. li ming hui // honey // coffee // blood
FEEL. water // skin
ANIMAL. Cat, turtles, sharks
COLOR. Purple
TALENTS. Dancing, surfing, knitting, drawing
BAD AT. People. Hearing things in general. Cannot cook to save her life.
TURN ONS. Kindness. Intelligence. Someone who can challenge and engage her. Caresses along the small of her back, biting
TURN OFFS.  Daddy-kinks, roses.
HOBBIES. Reading, surfing, hiking
TROPES. Manic Pixie Dream Witch // A Mistake is Born // Earth Mother // Granola Girl // 
AESTHETICS.  The sea, lava, blood, shy smiles, sharks.
MAIN  FC. Kristin Kreuk
ALT  FC. This woman
OLDER  FC.   None
YOUNGER  FC. Aubrey Anderson-Emmons
VOICE  CLAIM.  - Kristin Kreuk
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verbophobic · 10 months
Fic I'm interested in continuing/Working on
COD: Simon/Ghost X OFC It willl be a series of drabbles, starting with Simon on his apartment balcony smoking on xmas eve. He's obviously spending it alone (his team is with their families, Price probably working) and OC goes to her balcony for fresh air, she had cooked and invited friends and fam over but no one showed so she ahs entirely too much food and is a bit lonely. Seeing Ghost she impulsively invites him over to eat with her and he says yes simply becuase she looks miserable. This is what starts an awkward friendship.
BG3: Option 1 my OC's Tav and Drae and their romance story. Drae's an orphaned Drow living in Baldurs Gate and a sorcerers apprentance. But the discrimiation due to her race makes her chose to leave the city and adventure/go in search for something. She doesn't know what but she canta stand the city any longer. Tav is a barbarian in line to become the next leader of his community and a larger than usual Teiflling, many think his bloodline is closer to demonic than other tieflings due to his size. The two end up meeting when Drae is ambushed by goblins and is seriously hurt. Tav is near by and ends up saving her.
Option 2 is Halsin X Drow OC. Sabrae is a drow who came to topside to escape something *spoilers so not gonna list it here*. In being topside she is met with bigotry and racism. To the point she is seriously injured. She decides from then on to never reveal her race to anyone. 2 possible options from here for the fic
She is captured by goblins and looses her disguise. Being seena s a drow she is released but can't just leave so she pretends to be part of the camp. When she ahs an opportunity to escape she learns of the drow that's held captive in the camp so she convinces Minthara to let her 'interrigate' him and uses magic to look like an elf again and goes to see Halsin. He refuses to leave without kiling the camp and she can not help him. But that's when Tav and gang show up and then it follows loosely the game.
She was on the nautaloid when it crashed. She disguises herself as an elf to make sure none of her companions know what she is, though they ahve suspiscions about her hiding something few know what it is. SHe helps to save Halsin and as such they become friends. It's not long before she has feelings for him but she choses instead to attack him with her words to try and push him away. She knows he dislikes Drow and is scared to be hurt by being turned down when he elarns the truth.
Zelda: SidonxOC There's already an insanely long fic for this. To help his people, Sidon begrudgingly agrees to a marriage with a Hylian. All he wants is a woman who can rule at his side, someone that he may one day grow fond of like his sister Mipha had with Champion L-something-or-other. What he does not expect is Kino. A girl who seems almost clueless to the difficulties of the Zoran domain but whose heart will not let her stand by and just watch them struggle. As he learns more about her he finds himself growing fonder and he finds himself wondering, 'just who is this woman that wormed her nervous little way past his tightly guarded walls?' 
TMNT: RaphXOC Raphael met a woman by coincidence, if you could call a hydroplaning car coincidence that it. But all the meeting for the next month and a half after that? Coincidence. Mostly. Raph would see this walking talking beacon of bad luck, and help her from the shadows. Until he didn’t. Until he stepped into the light and she was relieved he was a mutant turtle and not a mugger of New York City. Plus he was offering the poor half drowned woman an umbrella to help her starve off the rain. Now though? Now it’s just a clusterfuck of trying to figure out how her apartment ended up burning down. Raph/OC oneshots. 
Lost Boys: David X OC She was just another Plain Jane among a sea of them. In Santa Carla where everyone tried to stand out, those with the barest of differences are the most memorable. So a girl that's working behind a counter in yet another convenience store that looks like just another 'normie' was no one memorable. Dead end job for what seems like forever, no family so to speak of, and an ex who just can't fully let go; that was all just another boring day in a sea of eternal days to her. The most abnormal she'd ever seen up until a single fateful day was the cat that would somehow sneak into the store and just sit on the counter with her some nights. Until those boys came in like ghosts. She never knew how that triggered the events and she didn't care, all she cared about was the guy trying to rob her.
Little Vampire: Gregory X OC Rory Murry is a normal teenage. Unfortunately her divorced parents have decided to change their custody agreement and she is forced to move away from the 'big city' to the rural town she had first grown up in. Her memories of back then are blurry due to the young age she left and the few traumatizing events that happened directly prior to leaving. Such as said parental divorce. A teenager that she meets in a graveyard does tug at a few strings of memory though and she is left curious as to just who he is and why he's always hanging out in a graveyard late at night. Her own reasoning for being there? She's not the brightest there is and a tiny bit lonely in this 'new' town. Also- why is there a creepy old guy in a wanna-be ice cream truck haunting this place?
So go ahead and Vote!
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bigdvmnhero · 2 years
Leo scrubbed the grime out of his shell, thinking about how this sucked, but like a movie. How the flop was always darkest before the slay. And what if he did kind of deserve this anyway? The thorn became a seed became a flower. And the glass beads on his bracelet bled from blue to black.
The disaster twins come of age, try to build a life, and wear fun matching bracelets that are definitely not haunted by yokai brothers with bad blood.
word count: 2647
chapter 1: spin you until the groove's gone
All year they were reigning champions of Hidden City’s dance hall until Donnie went and took that from Leo, too. 
So he was being a little dramatic. 
But one day Donnie put on the cloaking brooch and badda bing badda boom—there he was, Mr. College Boy in the making, and can you imagine all the conferences I can legally attend now, Nardo?  There went Leo’s dance partner and his street cred. Two birds, one mystic-enhanced stone. Rumor had it there was a new duo coming for the Hamato legacy, but Leo would bet an arm and leg they didn’t have anything on Bootyyyshaker9000’s musicality and his own general MCE (Main Character Energy). It was a twin thing; there was no competing with the twin thing.
Leo kept telling that to himself, anyway. 
He was going to be the backbone of the family, even when most days Raph was off supporting Casey on her new career in vigilantism, or when Mikey started mystic training with Draxum, and finally when Donnie disappeared on weekends to go topside, exploding beakers and bunsen burners with friends, as one does. 
Leo wasn’t invited, which was super fine. Again: super fine. Cooping himself in a library had zero appeal next to the wealth of odd jobs at the Hidden City’s community board, which he often took in exchange for coin, but mostly medic lessons at the city clinic. 
If it felt a little like penance after the whole Kraang situation, nobody had to know.
But Donnie was late to movie night again, and Leo wanted to tell him how he stitched some yokai’s stomach closed today, which was  subaramazing. 
“Penetrating abdominal trauma,” Dr. Masamune explained, teaching him to work the needle with mystic thread; steady hands now, steady. What could college teach that Leo couldn’t? Would college ever let Donnie do something as badass as touching a real liver? There was no way. 
Then came the giggling in the living room; Donnie and April were back, and they just had the most exciting road trip, just a spur-of-the-moment thing with the boys, and Leo should’ve seen it, did he know how cute turtle hatchlings were? Donnie built them forcefield backpacks to fend off the birds looking for a late-night snack, everyone loved it, and what was Leo doing here, all alone in the lair?
“Leo?” Donnie’s blissed out, almost tipsy grin began to slide off his face—Lou Jitsu’s face, if he was sixteen and had a little extra forehead. “Uh, you there, pal?”
“Leo?” someone repeated, and the scene changed; it was Raph, cocking his head at Leo while his birthday candles burned, and right, it was their eighteenth birthday. The room pulled back into focus. Leo stared at his cake, and that was how he realized that two years had passed, and while he’d spent them in a sort of cryogenic sleep, his family hadn’t. 
Raph said his name again. He was flanked by Casey—when did they get matching tattoos?—and Mikey, two of his yokai friends floating around his head, chattering with Baron Draxum, who stood at a concerningly intimate distance to Splinter. And Donnie—
“Leonardo? Leader in blue? Unequal sibling?” Donnie called; on his lap was a DIY Atomic Lass chest plate, a gift from his college nerd friends that April helped organize. The bracelet Leo prepared felt flimsy now. It burned a shameful hole in his pocket. 
“Sorry, I know it’s not much—" Leo fixed the clasp around Donnie’s wrist, purple to his blue one, and dodged his eyes, "but you always said you wanted some funky matching bling. So. Tried to find the exact shade of your bandana but—”
“I love it,” Donnie said, fingering the glass beads with soft eyes. “Genuinely. Thank you, Leo. Got you something, too.”
It’s a jacket with a failsafe feature. 
“Probably a jacket with a secret failsafe,” Leo echoed. Surprise broke open on Donnie's face. It would hit them later, what was happening, but until then there were candles to blow, twins to dunk into birthday cakes—Donnie, obvi, Leo would keep his streak up or die trying.
There was an ending to this story that Leo could predict. They were careening towards it; by the doorstep of the kitchen, Leo froze with his armful of plates and listened to his family laugh and laugh like they could hear it coming too: the inevitable crash, the moment when Leo’s family stopped being all his—and where would that leave him?  
full story on ao3
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Big Mama is quite a high profile person so when four sons show up from seemingly nowhere people are bound to talk.
The spider traits clearly mark the brothers as her children but they also have a distinctly turtle-like appearance. So people think back with the approximated ages of these kids in mind and now there are two opposing camps; thoes who say Lou Jitsu was secretly a kappa who used a  cloaking broach to make it big in both the human world and hidden city alike, and thoes who are convinced there was an affairs and that being the reason Lou Jitsu and Big Mama broke up with the battle nexus champion leaving without a trace.
Ofcourse then CJ appears and when someone overhears him call Big Mama "grand-mama" the rumour mill and theories are once again in full swing.
(Hope you found this vignette funny. I love you AUs and I'm always exited whenever there is a new post)
Lol yes! this is great! A yokai rumor mill sounds hilarious lol! and there would be plenty for them to talk about with some theories more rediculous than others. Like maybe someone sees them around Draxum and starts a perposterous rumor that Big Mama and Lou had paid Draxum to clone some kids for them, but he messed it up and accidentally made them turtles hybrids instead and that's why Mama's pissed at him.
and aww, thank you!!
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paranormalpainter · 8 months
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Rima Crescendo-Matthews Headcannons:
She has a friendly personality, but isn’t afraid to speak her mind or hold back her thoughts if one decides to offend her or hurt/bully her loved ones. She’s very protective of her twin sister, Emma due to her twin having a hearing disability and ain’t afraid to rip a new one to those who think people with disabilities whether they be mental or physical are inferior or stupid because of their inability to do certain things. When someone thinks she’s a “damsel in distress” she ain’t afraid to make the person think twice that not all girls are “Damsels in distresses” whether it be a verbal beat down or physical force/strength when one decides to try and put their hands on her
She has two sisters and a cousin who are also attending DCA, The first being her biological twin sister Emma and the second her 2nd year cousin Amber who lives in Glastanzerin and the third being her 3rd year step-sister Operetta who lives in Chateau Beastiale
Her and her sister's surnames are combined after their father remarried to their step mom since he sees his surname as a tainted, bitter reminder of what his 1st wife had done in the past
Her dad’s one of 3 triplets, the eldest being a lawyer and private detective that’s often mistaken for being a yakuza due to his appearance, the middle sibling being her father who’s a psychologist that specializes in diagnosing mental illness as well as mental disorders, and the youngest who works in real estate and interior design who also works as a barista and bartender when he doesn’t have any clients
She’s skilled in martial arts and fighting techniques due to her uncle{the eldest brother} being a former MMA Champion before he retired and became a lawyer and private detective. She remembered one time when she was young when her uncle had to watch her and Emma for the night. While making their way home from a restaurant that their uncle treated them to for dinner, they were met with a group of gangsters who were looking to rob their uncle. She remembered how cool her uncle was when he managed to disarm and protect them from harm's way by fighting off the thugs with all sorts of MMA moves. The next time she visited him she asked her uncle to teach her his moves, but he declined due to being away from the sport for years, but instead called a friend from his MMA days who teaches martial arts classes to teach her some of the basics before he decided she was worthy of practicing mixed martial arts. Some people don’t believe she’s the niece of a former MMA champion, but she has the photo of her uncle’s trophy cases as well as photos and home videos from his MMA days with family member’s to prove it. He’ll challenge his niece on occasion to see if her skills have dwindled and so far, she hasn’t lost a match against her uncle yet even though he promised he didn’t go easy on her 
Her pets are a chameleon she named “Galaxy” due to his habit of sneaking out of his habitat to look at the night sky as well as his habit of changing his color to that of the night sky,  an iguana named “Kale” due to the named vegetable being his favorite food, and an alligator snapping turtle named “Spike” due to his shell. Galaxy can either be seen riding on Rima’s shoulder or on Kale or Spike’s back. When Spike senses Rima’s anger/patience reaching her breaking point with someone, Spike will end up biting the person’s fingers or toes{Not to the point of bleeding} as a means of warning to run before her anger reaches its breaking point and she decides to use her unique magic
Her unique magic is called “Sonic Fist(s)” when activated the arm or arms she’ll throw a punch/punches with, will glow a violet hue when she pulls back with enough force. Once released, it'll emit a powerful force enough to launch someone either 12 feet away or enough to launch them high to the sky once it makes impact on the ground, she often uses this to defend herself from multiple armed attackers or if someone decides to push to wrong button when she’s angry then she ain’t afraid to launch you high enough that you end up breaking all your bones
She’s normally not easy to anger unless you decide to mess with her loved ones or offend her. If one does decide to anger her however… You better be prepared to meet the oni part of her personality that ain’t afraid to rip you a new one or resort to physical pain if necessary. The ones that run away or have their ego shattered via a verbal beatdown are considered “the lucky ones” while the ones the keep persisting wind up with a body dislocation or 2 to convince them to stop while the ones that reached beyond boiling anger end up being launched a great distance resulting with a broken bone
She became interested in Bento art through her step mother who would always make interesting pictures out of the food she made to make their lunch look appealing yet appetizing at the same time, so she acquired a some of cooking skills while learning her step-mom’s ways of making artistic yet appetizing bentos
She does offer her bento art in return for favors, but if you ask her directly, she would be more than happy to make you one, however you need to either pay her or do a favor for her to earn it since her bento art isn't free if you ask since it's a lot of hard work. She will on occasion make bento art for a random student as a gift if she's in the mood as well as a reward if one decided to fight her and she ended up losing
Since her and her twin are living in separate dorms, she sometimes worries about her since she knows she was often looked down on and bullied due to her inability to hear, so on occasion when she’s free or in between classes she would stop check in on her to see if she’s doing alright
Due to her twin having a hearing disability, she and her step-sister often communicates via sign language to her twin and both are willing to teach those interested some of the basics if they’d like
She used to live in Glasswork Kingdom, but eventually moved to Queendom of Roses after her father went through a nasty divorce with her and Emma's biological mother. Despite living in Queendom of Roses, her and her family still travel down there from time to time to visit relatives despite the location holding somewhat bitter memories
She’s in a relationship with Treat by @thenoeyebunnynobunsusmaingallery, so for any potential suitors out there… Sorry, but she’s already taken by someone else and don’t even think about trying to “prove” your the better person by bragging or showing off your physical strength or status, trust me… the last thing you wanna do is get between her and her man because any suitors who tried either end up getting brutally rejected or end up with a body part dislocated along with their pride and ego shattered because trust me, those who decide to test Rima’s anger will end up regretting it. If a certain pink haired gremlin dorm leader who loves to prank decides to be a surprise 3rd wheel during their date, she ain't afraid to slam that enchanted door in her face or launch her back to her dorm if needed. The hair accessory is actual a post-ceremonial gift from him after she got into the academy
Treat has a twin brother named Trick who Rima tends to remind to keep his filter on when the twins visit the school because since some of the girls aren’t your typical “damsel in distress” girly girls, because if he ends up ticking off the wrong student, he could potentially find himself in a body bag. The least he’ll get is a verbal beat down if he gets lucky
Her first performance song would be “Ready Steady” from Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage Vivid Bad Squad ver:
Short version: https://youtu.be/MwRS5MNAgYI?si=QgaDdfqYrtAW7Tom
Full version: https://youtu.be/y8Wl94cf2vQ?si=zLRCmL7pahXkQeyL
Diamond Crown Academy(C) @phoenix-manga
Rima Crescendo-Matthews(C) Me
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