#someone making a post saying hey guys you should look out the window and enjoy the spring vibes and someone saying what about people who
neverdoingmuch · 1 year
the issue with what-about-ism is that it should have been an excellent opportunity to challenge someone's stance by introducing another point of view and expanding the bubble that people live in, and instead it's become an opportunity to suggest extreme edge cases that are treated as a joke rather than an additional voice in the matter (and yeah, most of the time it does feel like a joke if not just a sign of someone missing the point).
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natriae · 1 year
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Chapter 1: Stahp callin' me Miya
warnings: profanity & complaining
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"No Miya you cannot for the love of god post that you wanna ride Sakusa's dick on tiktok,"
"why not i'd be funny,"
Funny enough, leaving the MSBY gymnasium was the hardest part about your job. It should be the easiest, but all the boys think you clocking out means now is the time to ask you questions. In particular a setter manages to do this everyday. You always catch him running out of the locker room door with wet hair and his gym bag hugged tightly to his chest as he chases after you. Half the time his questions don't even have to do with your job. Questions he should be asking the manager or coach.
Exiting the large building the two of you are met with the beautiful, natural landscape of osaka. The parking lot with huge trees shading your cars, and small lights in the ground not to ruin the scenery. They even managed to make sure the garden full of flowers in the front was managed daily. The landscape would be so relaxing if there wasn't a loud blonde haired setter talking your ear off.
You'd think he'd be trying to get with you with how determined he is to be by your side on your way out, but those thoughts leave as soon as he opens his mouth.
Questions fly out of: 'can ya check out this pimple on my ass' or 'would it ruin mah image if i posted a twerking video'. If anyone heard your conversions they'd think you two are just close friends, but you only met him a few months ago and never see him outside of your job.
Atsumu was just a carefree young man without a filter, and as much as you hated him annoying you on your way out, you were grateful. You were grateful that you had someone walk you to your car in the afternoon or at night even if he wasn't purposefully doing it.
Like right now, while he rants about what a good idea it would be to post his hot-takes on his teammates he subconsciously opens your car door for you, and waits for you to roll your window down before shutting it.
"I'm just sayin' I don't think there will be as much backlash as ya think," the thick accent rolls off his tongue as he ducks his large body down to be face to face with you.
"Okay, yeah when you're getting death threats from Sakusa's fan's I won't be there to help you."
At your retort he scrunches his stupidly cute face up and fires back, "yah, ya will. It's yer job," he finished by giving you his best matter of fact face and waited for you to respond. You think that's why he enjoys toying with you so much, because he knows you will fight his own fire with more fire, but you also hate when he's right--like right now.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before continuing, "Please Miya just give me one weekend where I don't need to clean up your mess off the clock,"
"When have ya ever hadda do that,"
"Last weekend when you got in a fist fight at a bar," you snapped back.
"Hey! That guy was makin' a lady uncomfortable," he reasons.
"Yes, Miya it was sweet of you, but not for MSBY when headlines of 'MSBY Setter caught in Bar Brawl' hit the first page," Working with the boys as their publicist was hard to say the least. It's like babysitting, but without the money for dinner. Constantly making sure the boys don't fight, swear, or even post stupid tiktoks. You have to review their posts before they post it, and think of any possible way they could receive backlash for it, but the best part of it all was seeing the terrible photos of the boys-like the picture of Atsumu being punched in the face- or getting calls from their mom's because their son won't pick up.
"okay I promise…under one condition," dear god, "stahp callin' me Miya! I have a twin it's confusing!"
Exaggerating you stick you head out of the car window and glace around before ultimately turning back to the man and saying, "I've never met him so 'till I do it's Miya,"
At that you roll up your window as Atsumu gives you a look of disbelief. You signed a very specific contract. You cannot under any circumstances get close to the boys, so to save yourself from wanting more you will stick to their last names.
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Taglist: OPEN!
@thisbicc @lovley212
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harringtonswriting · 2 years
the one with the green-eyed spider | s.h.
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summary: steve knows you're an absolute catch, and unfortunately, so do others; unfortunately, when that happens this time he's in costume and can't quite sweep you off your feet to show the world that he's lucky enough to be yours (modern!au; spidey!steve universe) pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader warning(s): some jealousy, the use of the name joshua for a throwaway jerk (sorry to any nice joshuas out there) word count: 4k notes: this guy kind of got away from me and ended up being waaaaay longer than intended, but i hope you enjoy! thank you to the lovely anon for requesting this, i hope you enjoy it. i've got some more spidey!steve in the works, including another request, and thank you to everyone who filled out the poll so far! it's still open, so if you'd like to fill it out you're more than welcome. i'm so sorry for how long it took me to get this out; i recently lost a close family member and there's been a lot going on with that. i'll try to post when i can, but it make take some time. i appreciate your patience very much!
It seems like whenever you ask the universe for a nice, calm day, some signals must get crossed somewhere because that is never what you end up getting.
Like this morning. After you’d woken up and gotten started for the day, all you’d wanted was to go to your favourite nearby cafe with a book and your laptop and maybe get some reading or some work done. And that would be made better by your favourite drink and maybe a couple yummy pastries or snacks. You weren’t meeting up with Steve until later in the afternoon, so you had some time to kill and this seemed like a good way to do it.
So you pack up your things, bid your apartment goodbye for the time being, and head down to your favourite cafe. There’s a miraculously short line when you get there, and not only do you manage to get your favourite cold weather drink and something to eat, you also get very lucky and manage to snag a very nice corner seat that not only has a great view out the window, but an outlet in case you need to charge anything. That should have been your sign that things were going to go downhill. Which they absolutely do.
You manage to get a full twenty minutes of peaceful reading in before someone hunkers down at the table beside you. You’re feeling a little curious as to who’s choosing to sit there, so you look out of the corner of your eye to see a young man who looks about your age, dressed like he just walked out of an American Eagle ad and dropped down into the seat next to you. Pretty, yes, but he’s just another guy. He must catch you looking at him because you see a grin break out over his face, one full of teeth that are so small, so straight, and so shiny that you wonder what American Girl doll sacrificed her teeth for him before he’s leaning in closer to you.
“Hey, I’ve never seen you around here before,” he says; you’ve never seen him in this cafe before either, though with the amount of time you spend there you’re sure you’d have noticed if he was another regular. You look up from your book completely to smile politely at him and acknowledge what he said before you go back to what you’re reading. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to understand that you’re just being polite because before you know it, he’s leaning over even further to get your attention. “I’d definitely remember a stunning face like yours.”
Oh, he’s flirting with you. That’s what he’s doing over here, sitting next to you. He’s definitely coming on a little strong, and while you’re flattered, you have a boyfriend that you love very much. And you wouldn’t trade Steve and his spandex wearing, pun making, chronically late ways for anything (not that you’ll tell him that, though). So, you try to be nice. You place your bookmark on the page you’re currently reading and hold your book in your hands. Your thumb rubs over its spine.
“Oh, no, I’m–” You start speaking, but this guy waves his hand towards you to get you to be quiet. You drop the polite smile because is this guy really waving at you like you’re a child to get you to shut up? He is, and your grip on your book tightens. If this is his technique for hitting on people, no wonder he’s still single (or you hope he’s single, and that his relationship status doesn’t change any time soon).
“I’m Joshua,” he tells you. One of his hands comes to rest on your table, and you raise your eyebrows. “And I need to know your name so I can know what to whisper in your ear when I take you home tonight.” You almost want to laugh because you really didn’t think people still used lines like that outside of cheesy movies or romance novels. You really needed to remember to tell Robin and Nancy about this, they’d find it both infuriating and hilarious. When you open your mouth to respond, that’s when you hear the bells above the door jingle.
And that’s when your day goes from bad to worse.
You hear a very loud voice shout, “Everybody freeze! This is a robbery!” and when you look up, you can see a group of men wearing ski masks near the bar. Of course this group of wannabe thugs would pick today of all days to come into the cafe you’re sitting in to try and rob the register. You wonder if maybe it’s their first time trying something like this, or maybe Kingpin is hiring any group of idiots who can supply their own guns–it wouldn’t surprise you if he drummed up his protection and extortion rackets by using guys like this to cause problems so he can swoop in and solve them. God, you need to stop listening to Eddie when he goes on about mob politics and conspiracy podcasts late at night.
You can see the guns the thugs are carrying, and how they start to spread out to keep an eye on everyone inside the cafe while one of them gets the barista at the cash register to empty it for them. You completely ignore the guy beside you to try and reach into your bag for your phone without being seen–if Steve’s on patrol, he might be able to get here more quickly than the police.
Unfortunately, Joshua doesn’t seem to realize what you’re trying to do and decides to ask, much too loudly, what you’re doing. Which catches the attention of one of the masked thugs. He moves closer to the two of you, brandishing his gun in your direction. You bite your lip, hoping that the safety is on and immediately stopping your movements.
“Hands where we can see them!” he shouts, and you grudgingly withdraw your hands from your bag to place them on the table where they can be seen. The thug points at you, and then turns his attention back towards the bar where his cohorts are. Well, there goes that plan. You see the poor barista finish emptying the register, and the thug closest to her grabs the cliche duffel bag from her hands when she’s done.
That’s when you hear someone clear their throat from near the entrance to the cafe. You look over and feel a sense of relief flood through your chest at seeing a familiar red and blue figure leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.
“You guys are here for double star day too, huh?” Steve asks the thugs, his voice as light and casual as his posture as if he was asking about the weather. His casual demeanour is hiding how he’s sizing up the threat in front of him; you know that he’s already got at least three different strategies planned out as to how he’s going to get this taken care of with as little damage as he can get away with.
“Shit, boss, it’s Spider-Man!” one of the thugs yells, and then all of them are turning their attention to Steve and where he’s standing. He gives them a small bow, gesturing with his arms as he does so.
“Now, that has got to be the weirdest looking reusable cup I’ve ever seen,” Steve says, gesturing towards the gun that the thug closest to him is holding. “You won’t mind if I borrow that, right? I was in such a rush that I forgot mine at home today!”
That’s when Steve starts having his fun. Almost before you can blink, he’s starting to use his webs to either snatch the guns right out of their hands and stick them to either the walls or the ceiling, or just completely web it up in their hands to stop them from using it. It’s always impressive, seeing how quick Steve’s reflexes are when he’s really trying, the way his body just moves and flows, able to shift and change and adapt to any opponent he fights. It’s really a sight to see, even against some low-level thugs like these guys; you can tell he’s toying with them, though, once the guns are out of the picture. He’s flipping in the air up over their heads, letting them run around and nearly crash into each other as he takes turns webbing each of them up to each other, to the walls, and even hanging some from the ceiling.
When he's finished, Steve grabs the duffel bag of cash that the thug leader dropped and walks it back over to the barista behind the cash register.
“I believe this belongs to you. Don’t spend it all in one place,” he tells her, and you hear her thank him profusely. You see one of Steve’s hands come up to scratch the back of his neck, his shoulders shrugging as he accepts her praise before turning back to face the rest of the people gathered in the cafe. “The police will be here soon, and if anyone is injured please let them know so the first responders can help you as soon as possible. It’s bean great!”
As everyone is cheering for Spider-Man (and some people, including yourself, cringe as you understand the pun he was trying to make), your eyes catch the whites of the eyes on Steve’s suit looking in your direction. His head tilts to the side, and you raise a hand as discreetly as you can to wave at him now that he knows you’re here. You’re going to hear about this later, you’re absolutely sure of it. Steve has made it very clear he’s not a fan of you being in any kind of danger, and you’ve made it clear that you can take care of yourself and have been doing so for longer than you’ve known him, but given that you’ve caught him glaring at sheets of paper that have accidentally given you paper cuts, and smacking the kettle in your apartment when you’d once burned your hand on it, you know he’s not going to give up on protecting you any time soon.
He starts walking through the crowd, talking to everyone and making sure they’re okay on his way over to you. But he’s stopped, though, when Joshua suddenly appears in front of you with a coffee cup in hand. Honestly, you’d kind of forgotten about him once you’d seen Steve, but apparently he hasn’t forgotten about you. He’s standing very close to you, almost uncomfortably so–he seems intent on getting between you and Steve, and one of his hands comes up to touch your shoulder.
“I totally knew everything would be okay. So glad that we can get back to over conversation now,” Joshua says. You furrow your eyebrows, shrugging his hand off your shoulder as you look  behind him to see where Steve has gotten to.
He’s not that far away now; close enough to hear what’s going on, but not close enough to step in right now. He’s Spider-Man right now, after all, and you’re not publicly dating Spider-Man. He can’t step in, not without potentially revealing too much about himself because while you don’t like Joshua flirting with you, it’s not technically a crime. You see one of Steve’s feet start tapping on the linoleum floor, which is one of his tells–he’s not happy right now. After knowing him, and then dating him, for as long as you have, you’ve picked up on how he behaves in the suit, his body language and how he moves, because his very pretty, very expressive face is hidden behind wide white and black eyes on a webbed red mask. You can practically see the pout and the frown lines you know are present on his face right now; while that’s normally adorable, you also know Steve has his own insecurities and you don’t want to give him any reason to doubt himself or your relationship.
“I have a boyfriend.” Your voice is polite but firm, and you stand from your seat with your book in hand. You grab your bag and hook the strap over your shoulder (with what’s left of your snack carefully packed up inside).
“Really? Is he here with you?” Joshua asks, raising an eyebrow. He really does not know when to give up, and you shake your head. You’re not in the mood for this right now.
“He’s, uh… at work right now.” Which he is, less than twenty feet away, though this guy doesn’t need to know that work involves semi-legal vigilantism in red and blue spandex.
“Yeah? What does he do? I’m interning at Carver and Cunningham, which is the biggest financial firm in the city.” Oh, of course he’s a finance guy. That explains so much of the entitlement and attitude you’re seeing right now. You chew on the inside of your cheek, trying to think of the best way to describe what Steve does. Sure, you could tell this guy the way that Steve actually pays his bills, but where’s the fun in that? Plus, the idea that pops into your head is one you think your boyfriend will appreciate.
“Uh… web design. Freelance stuff. You’ve probably seen his work, it’s pretty amazing.” You can see Steve’s posture perk up over this guy’s shoulder, his chest puffing up just a bit while you grin. He is more than just pretty amazing, and you’re going to make sure you tell him that later.
“Well, I don’t see him here with you,” Joshua says, and his hand comes up towards your shoulder again. And that is when Steve decides to jump in.
“Hey folks, just coming over to make sure everything is all good before I swing out of here. Are you okay?” he asks, dialling up his overly cheery Spider-Man voice more than normal. You can see his fingers twitching towards his webshooters, and you have to bite your bottom lip to keep from smiling. Oh, he’s really not happy. But Joshua doesn’t seem to notice, turning from looking at you to fully face Spider-Man.
“Spider-Man! That was totally wicked, you are amazing, bro,” Joshua tells him,  “Totally had it under control until you got here, though.” Behind him, you raise your eyebrows and your jaw drops just a bit because this guy had it under control? The one who successfully prevented you from contacting Steve earlier than he showed up? Yeah, that’s not true at all.
Steve’s foot starts tapping again as he nods. “I’m sure you did, bro.” One of Steve’s hands settles on his hip as he looks Joshua up and down. “You sure do have a lot of confidence for a guy wearing boat shoes in the city. I will definitely remember that the next time I need help with a mugging, or if something happens on a boat, Skipper.”
You have to cough to hide your laughter at that, and you can practically see the satisfied smirk that Steve will be wearing under his mask. Thankfully, though, Joshua doesn’t seem to pick up on what Steve is really saying. “Thanks man!” He actually seems enthusiastic about it. “You know, I’m kind of an up and coming big deal at Carver and Cunningham. I’d be more than happy to give you some tips, maybe help you set up your portfolio. Being Spider-Man’s financial advisor would look so sick on my resume!”
You kind of want to hear what Steve’s retort to that would be, but he’s saved from continuing the conversation when the distant sound of sirens starts echoing through the cafe. “Oops, that’s my cue! Gotta head out, but you guys stay safe!” Steve waves at the two of you before he shoots a web towards the ceiling with a thwip! He swings off, ghosting by Joshua closely, almost too closely, and then he’s gone and there’s coffee staining the front of Joshua’s outfit.
“Oh man, my shirt!” he exclaims. You take that opportunity to slip past Joshua and thread your way through the small crowd to leave the cafe before he can say anything else to you.
However, by the time you make it outside, Steve is nowhere to be seen no matter where you look. You check your phone and there are no new messages from him either past his usual good morning text letting you know he loves you and your morning breath is terrible with his signature big smiley face emojis. You sigh, hoping that if he’s off dealing with giant lizard men (that you’d need to see to believe, no matter what Steve says and Eddie sends you articles about) or more dumbass thugs somewhere else in the city that he stays safe, and you head for home to spend the rest of your day there.
Steve doesn’t get home until much later—it’s almost dinner time when you hear him swing in through the bedroom window, a muffled thump as he no doubt catches his foot on the window sill or maybe knocks into your dresser. You’ve stopped keeping anything breakable on top of it just in case, partially because you know it’ll make Steve more upset than you would be if he accidentally broke something. Which had happened before.
You’re finishing up dinner when you hear the door to your bedroom opening and Steve comes padding out and into the kitchen. You finish plating the pasta and pull the garlic bread out of the oven, putting it down and closing the oven door before you put a few pieces on each plate. You turn to look at him, a smile on your face. He’s wearing his glasses, which he does more out of habit than anything else these days, and a comfy looking pair of joggers and a sweater. He’s also got his backpack in one of his hands, which is a little unusual, but you don’t question it. You smile at him instead, opening your arms for a hug as he stops closer. He lets you wrap your arms around him, squeezing him, and he returns the embrace with his free arm and hand not holding his backpack.
“Welcome home, Steve,” you say, and he echoes the sentiment before the hug ends. You move to grab two glasses and start filling them with water before you move to put them down on the small table you have in the corner of your kitchen. “How was your day? Anything exciting happen?”
“Oh, y’know, the usual. Got some cats out of trees, stopped a jolly green elf from blowing up a bridge, and managed to get in my daily cup of coffee,” he tells you. “Sorry I couldn’t stick around, babe.”
When Steve is Spider-Man, when he’s wearing the suit, you know he’s extra careful about anyone being linked back to him; not just to protect himself and his identity, but to protect the people he loves. You’ve had enough late night talks and comforted him after enough fights and enough nightmares to know that he’s terrified of anything ever happening to you, or Robin, Eddie, Dustin, or anyone else he loves because of him. So you know that in the suit, there’s really nothing he can do in public when he sees you (though in private, you do enjoy showering your personal hero in as much love and affection as you can in and out of the suit), much to Steve’s frustration. Which was extremely apparent today, and brings a small smile to your face.
“I did get you something to make up for it, though,” he tells you, which is when he starts digging through his bag. It takes him a minute, but he finds what he’s looking for and holds it out for you. “Ta da!” It’s one of those square plastic containers you see at the grocery store, ones that have a single serving of cake inside them. You’ve bought them before as treats, or when you and Steve can’t agree on what kind of dessert you want so you each get something different. This cake, however, has obviously gone through a bit of turbulence in Steve’s backpack; he’d probably been swinging around with it, which unfortunately usually causes things to bounce around. A bunch of icing is smushed up against the side of the container, and Steve visibly deflates, with his shoulders lowering and forehead furrowing, when he notices.
“Aw, no,” he says quietly, holding the cake up to inspect through the non-squished side of the container. He squints, one eye closing, before he sighs and drops his bag on the floor. “Okay, well, it was a nice piece of cake when I bought it.”
“No, Steve, it’s still a nice piece of cake,” you try to reassure him, coming back over to stand in front of him and inspect the cake yourself. It looks a little banged up, sure, but it’s still in mostly one piece. It’s your favourite flavour, too, one that Steve isn’t a huge fan of himself. But he still went out of his way to get that for you, and it brings a wonderful warmth to your chest.
“Man, I bet Skipper would have bought you a whole bakery with no smushed cakes.” He’s still a bit sour, though, with a line appearing between his pinched brows. You wrap one arm around his waist, and use the other to cup his cheek. He leans into your touch before his warm, shining brown eyes meet yours.
“Stevie, he could use his trust fund to buy every bakery in the city and I’d still choose you and this wonderful smushed cake every single time.” And, for good measure, you add in that, “His jokes weren’t even funny.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead, mumbling something about boat shoes and comedic timing before he looks between you and the plastic container that’s still in his hand. “You sure you’re happy settling for smushed cake?” He’s not asking about the cake this time, though, and you know he needs a little more reassurance than normal right now so you nod and press your own kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Steve, baby, I will always love your cake the most. And it’ll taste exactly the same, I promise. I appreciate that you got it for me.” Because you do. You’ll always choose Steve, you know you will, and you want him to know it too. The smile that blooms across his face tells you as much, and he stands just a little bit taller beside you. “C’mon, I think we’ve got some leftover icing in the fridge from when Robin wanted cupcakes. We can put that on the cake when we finish dinner.”
“Or, hear me out, we could have dessert first?” He looks so happy that you can’t say no to him. You really can’t, and so you let go of him to cover your dinners while he cheers. You grab a knife and two forks, and then you grab the tub of icing from the fridge, and sit down at the table to start eating the cake.
You were right; it does still taste good, even though it’s been through a lot on its journey home, and you scoop up a bit on your fork before you hold it out towards Steve’s mouth. His cheeks flush a bright pink and the corners of his eyes crinkle with crow’s feet as he opens his mouth and allows you to feed him. He then does the same for you, moving his fork around before you open your mouth and allow him to put the small piece of cake in there. “One day we’ll do this at our wedding. But the cake won’t be smushed then, I promise,” he says, and god, do you believe him. It’d be just your luck that the cake would be smushed, even at your wedding, but as long as Steve is still sitting across from you and making airplane noises as he feeds you, you know it’ll be just as perfect then as it is now.
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
TMA - Chapters 51-60: Supernatural grandpas and Spider Gang members
Welcome back to my weekly rambling about ten new TMA chapters.
New theories are born, old ones are dead and stupid ones are rising. Will they be right? Will they be wrong? Is everyone’s name actually Michael? How will my mind be blasted by these ten new chapters?
Only one way to find out.
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MAG 51 - High Pressure
When I read that Simon Fairchild was in this story, I immediately went “Uh?”. Why is he here? What is he doing here?
And most importantly, what did he say to Mrs. Haley, before she jumped into the water? I bet it’s something like “Enjoy the water”, just like he said “Enjoy the sky” to Robert in MAG 21. This man keeps waking up and choosing violence. Mood.
But hey, maybe that’s because he’s an old guy. After all, older people are the most stubborn/tough creatures ever and the older you are, the tougher you become.
Also, what kind of creepy supernatural shit is Mr. Fairchild? A colossal hungry monster? The first time, the sky ate Robert. Now, the water tries to grab Antonia. It reminds me of the colossal figure from ex Altiora, but we already have a Michael associated with the Vast, so who is Simon? Another Vast? The Grandfather of the Vast? Is ‘Simon’ his middle name and the first one is actually Michael? That would explain everything XD
Uh, so the table from MAG 3 isn’t a fractal, but more of a web. And Graham was caught by it. I suppose that means we should ask Spider Mom about him - and about Sasha too.
It’s also very interesting the following part of the discussion, in which Jon asked:
“I thought that was... I... whatever crawled through his window. Unless you think they’re linked, somehow?”
To which Not!Sasha replied:
“I doubt it. It didn’t sound like the sort of thing that would want to be bound to an object.”
So this imposter thing doesn’t want to be bound to an object (like the table), but it really enjoys stealing bodies. Isn’t that similar to “being bound to an object”? Maybe this imposter just wants a living, breathing thing, instead of an inanimate one. It makes me think of Michael and the concept of identity for these creatures: is stealing bodies the only way this supernatural shit knows to have its own identity?
No, I refuse to start feeling empathy for this supernatural shit. You are an imposter and I will look at you with suspicion. I will not imagine you looking at the wax statues in Madame Tussaud’s Museum and pondering about existence, identity and humanity. I won’t.
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MAG 52 - Exceptional Risk
As soon as Robert Montauk was mentioned, I immediately remembered him from MAG 9. And here he is, the guy who killed a shit ton of people and kept hearts in his shed because he was dealing with some supernatural shit.
Jon asked if he was “summoning it, containing it, worshipping it”, which are all valid questions. Also, I find it very telling that the first verb he uses is “summoning” and not “containing”, considering that the dark guy told Montauk: “You didn’t think you could kill it for long, did you?”.
Personally, I think Mr. Montauk was trying to contain that supernatural shit and the only way to do so was by killing a shit ton of people and doing that weird magical circle in his shed. And that somehow “killed” (or at least kept it busy) the shit that took his wife. But since Mr. Montauk was killing a ton of people to do that, it was just a matter of time before someone found out.
(I checked MAG 9 because I also remembered a pendant and yes, his wife had a pendant with a closed eye. Is all of this story somehow related to Big Brother? Or is the closed eye just a charm? A sort of “close your eye and don’t look at me, you scary supernatural shit”?)
We also have a name for another of these supernatural shits! I will keep you in mind, Maxwell Rayner. So you are some sort of monster made of darkness - which reminds me of the creepy monster in MAG 25. Maybe it’s the same creature.
And now, back with the most beautiful love story that exists in Tim’s mind only: the one between Jon and Basira. I think I love her a little more after this episode. I mean, she appeared for a few minutes and:
blasted Martin, by saying that Tim is “the hot one”
blasted Jon, by saying that Tim has his same scars, but he manages to pull them off because he’s so much sexier than Jon
blasted Jon even more, by instantly using the typical sentences for a rejection: It’s not you it’s me, you’re nice and all, etc.
literally said: okay, fine we’ll let Tim think there’s something between us. But stay assured, Jon, that there is nothing
Wow, and here I thought Simon Fairchild was the one who woke up and chose violence. What’s up with all these people waking up and choosing violence? And why they’re all such moods?
Oh, she brought a tape about Alexandria! Is it about the Library of Alexandria? I hope it will be the next one, ‘cause I am very curious to know what it will be about.
MAG 53 - Crusader
That was… something.
I have never heard of the Serapeum of Alexandria before, so kudos for letting me know about it. It’s very interesting and I love that this statement wasn’t about something so obvious and universally well-known as the Library of Alexandria, but another archive.
And archives are the real protagonists of this statement. Archives and archivists. It’s very interesting how Gertrude thought that the mysterious figure wasn’t just a scary supernatural shit, but specifically an archivist. Why an archivist, among all people? Is it because, as Jon said, she was suspecting something? If you become the archivist, you also become a supernatural shit, linked to the archive itself?
It’s also very interesting how Jon says: “Am I just part of a chain? A long, unending string of people who call themselves “the archivist” stretching back to…”. This somehow connects to my theory that Elias/the Lukas family is trying to find someone who will resonate with Big Brother.
Maybe “the Archivist” is the specific title given to this particular person that can resonate with Big Brother. After all, both Michael and Jane referred to Jon as “Archivist” and not “Jon”, “You” or “Doomed Idiot”. Just like Michael calls “the Wanderer” the person who enters its domain, maybe “the Archivist” identifies the person designed for Big Brother?
Oh Martin, you’re too precious: caring for your paranoid boss like this <3 please, at least you: grab him and run away. The spas are waiting.
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That can be you, Martin.
MAG 54 - Still Life
This is one of those statements that can be very creepy if you have that specific kind of fear. In this case, if you fear taxidermy or dead, stuffed things, then this story is for you.
Since I do not find them particularly creepy, I wasn’t particularly scared either. I suspected Daniel Rawlings was stuffed too, so the final part wasn’t a big surprise. And he may look different from the missing guy, but the same goes for Not!Sasha - and all of this was basically a huge hint to not trust her. However, since Jon still has no idea what’s wrong with her, he doesn’t get it.
The really interesting part was the supplement. We have Jonathan “Dipper” Sims, Master of Paranoia, now becoming expert burglar. First he watched Tim’s house, now he breaks into Gertrude’s. Next time he will watch Martin sleep, then hopefully police will arrest him (and save him from the Institute).
So Gertrude removed the eyes from everything in her house: another confirmation that Big Brother has one million eyes and can look through them all and this series is suspiciously becoming like Gravity Falls. If Big Brother is triangular too, then I will start to fear the beginning of an Armageddon.
Wait… is this what the war between supernatural shits will bring to? Will this story have its own Weirdmageddon? Oh shit, I really need to know more.
MAG 55 - Pest Control
Wow, this statement was useless.
I mean, not entirely. It just confirmed Jane Prentiss worked alone and that there are other beings like her. I knew it already and I’m surprised Jon didn’t realize it. Who does he think Michael is, if not another supernatural shit? There are supernatural shits everywhere in this goddamn world.
But even if I realized it, the characters had to realize it too. So, even if this seems like a useless chapter from a reader’s perspective, it was necessary for the plot.
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Wow, think of this man. Not only he’s still very paranoid regarding Jane Prentiss (with every right, because it’s been barely five months since the attack), but he has been changed so deeply by it, to not even have a normal life anymore. He literally looks back at boring stuff with longing. Poor Jon, I may joke about him, but I sympathize with his struggles.
MAG 56 - Children of the Night
Jon was surprised by this statement and so was I: I didn’t expect a follow up to Trevor Herbert’s previous statement!
This one is pretty useless compared to the first one, but there’s something extremely important and it’s the presence of Spider Mom. Or the spider lady. Whatever: it’s a member of the spider gang, that’s what matters.
I also really liked the image of the woman as this hollow figure, full of spiders and spiderwebs. It kinda reminds me of the Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas, that was full of worms. Pretty cool.
A-ah! We finally found out what was Martin lying about! And it was about his incompetence, lol. Jokes aside, at least he’s not lying about something supernatural/weird/dangerous: he’s just a poor guy trying to help his mother.
If I thought he deserved a vacation before, I am sure now: Martin, please, go on vacation. I’ll pay it for you, just go on a spa and relax.
MAG 57 - Personal Space
What did I say before about specific fears/topics that scare or get you? Well, space is that for me. I’m not exactly scared by it, but I love the concept of being alone/abandoned in space: that fear is something so “otherworldly”, something we would rarely experience here in Earth… it’s fascinating, you know?
So yes, I was happy to read this story and when Mr. Chilcott said the Earth disappeared, as well as the Sun and the Moon, I was even more excited. I love space stuff <3
O-oh! Another member of the creepy Lukas family! Now, who is Conrad Lukas? Evan Lukas’ father, grandpa or uncle? I think these guys should start talking a little bit about their family tree: I have three Lukas by now and no idea how they’re related to each other.
So the businesses involved in this weird project are:
Pinnacle Aerospace, majority owned by the Fairchild family
a large private investment by Nathaniel Lukas
Optic Solutions Limited, a company manufacturing cameras that has its business address in Ny Alesund, Norway.
Or, to translate it from story-to-reader/theorists:
Simon Fairchild, the man related to the sky/sea who wakes up and chooses violence
the umpteenth Lukas
Big Brother’s secret company that makes more electronic eyes to spy on everything
Welp, I trust this project so much now. There’s definitely nothing weird going on here. Are the Fairchilds on the same side of the Lukas in the supernatural war? They’re literally working together like besties, so I suppose yes.
Finally, Jon is starting to suspect a bit about Not!Sasha. Well, Not!Sasha is also trying her best to look as suspicious as possible: she’s literally trying to destroy the statements in which there’s even a fragment of her voice. And the new boyfriend is clearly taken from some magazine. I just hope Jon will realize what’s happening as soon as possible.
MAG 58 - Trail Rations
So, another statement about meat. This time, mixed with the Oregon Trail and cannibalism.
I don’t really know what to think about meat. I mean, fine, it’s a supernatural shit, but… what was doing, in 1845? Was it trying to find a body? Did it just want to become bigger? Maybe it was trying to get Mrs. Carlisle as new body and it will try to do so for years, until it will find out Jared Hopworth… assuming that the meat and the boneturner and the same supernatural shit.
Wow, what a surprise: who would’ve ever guessed that Jon’s coworkers are mad that he’s stalking them like a creep. Poor Tim, my boy deserves a vacation too. Just go with Martin: I’ll pay for you both.
But first, let’s send Jon to a therapist, so he can talk about all of his issues.
MAG 59 - Recluse
And here we are, back on Hill Top Road. This time, we have a special guest: the table from MAG 3, that came back multiple times already. And this time, we know what was in the middle of it: apparently, a box with an apple. And if you eat the apple, you become food for the spider gang. This goddamn spider gang.
Also, what is Agnes? She clearly saved Mr. Sinclair with that kiss on the cheek, because it brought him back to his senses and helped him escape from the spider nest or whatever it was. So either she is another supernatural shit… or she’s a supernatural shit. No other possible choices :P
Wow Jon, who would’ve ever guessed that your coworkers don’t like to work with you, if you keep being creepy and paranoid with them? Maybe if you stop acting like a creep for one split second...
I like to think they’re all conspiring to send him to therapy. One of these days, they will lock Jon inside his office with a therapist and leave them alone, until Jon manages to talk about all of his paranoid thoughts.
MAG 60 - The Observer Effect
So we can resume this statement as follows:
Christopher Meyer was minding his own business and living his life, when he suddenly decided to stick his nose into “outer cults” or, as the statement explains:
“small organized groups of worshippers whose beliefs weren’t simply deviations from paganism or other major religions, but seemed to focus on holy beings or concepts completely apart from what would be considered normal religious practice. Some seemed to have more in common with ancient shamanism than with organized hierarchical worship, and all were highly secretive.”
So, he went to the Magnus Institute, where all the stories about these supernatural shits are kept. And among holy beings like Mr. Boneturner and concepts like the fog, the meat and Michael, he found a mirror related to Big Brother. And that’s what probably made him a recluse.
So, when Mrs. Meyer took it, she suffered his same fate of being watched all the time by Big Brother… at least until one day she woke up and chose violence. But, like, real violence.
I’ll admit it: taking a van full of petrol and trying to destroy the institute was probably the best and the most badass move ever, so Rosa Meyer immediately rises to the status of world savior.
It looks like the Institute’s team decided to not lock Jon in his office with a therapist, but to simply do an intervention. Okay, fine, it works too.
And wow, look, in the CCTV of Gertrude’s death there’s no one, except for Gertrude and Elias who finds her body. There’s absolutely no way this man found the secret passages and used them to kill Gertrude, nope nope, he hasn’t written “SUSPICIOUS” all over his face, I definitely trust him.
And if it wasn’t Elias to kill her, it was Big Brother then. Or the umpteenth member of the Lukas family, who was hidden in the tunnels for killing reasons and killing reasons only.
At least the CCTV convinced Jon he hasn’t been fair with his team and that they’re all innocents. Let’s hope he will stop being a creepy paranoid stalker with them and start being a creepy paranoid stalker with Elias. I just don't trust you, Elias.
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In conclusion
So these supernatural shits aren’t simple supernatural shits: they are “holy beings or concepts” worshipped by secret cults. Do I think the Lukas family is one of those secret circles? Yes, that’s what I think. Do I think they worship Big Brother? Yes, that’s what I think too.
But seriously, love the religious undertones. As someone who grew up surrounded by Christianity, seeing religion in a work gets my interest. I just wonder how the religious theme will be developed here.
Speaking of the characters: Jon is still in Paranoia Land, but at least he’s admitting his paranoid thoughts. And even if he acted like an insane creep, his team is still trying to help him. Sure, they’re doing it in their own way, but at least they’re trying. And Martin is quickly rising to the status of saint, because I would’ve been far less nice if my boss stalked me like Jon did with him.
So we're past the first fourth of the series and I have more questions than ever: how many supernatural shits are in this world? What really are they? Will we learn about their origin too? What actually happened to Gertrude? What is Not!Shasha planning? How many more members of the Spider Gang will come? Will Simon Fairchild wake up and choose violence again? And how many more connections will I find in the next ten chapters?
See you soon next week!
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gamergirl-06 · 3 months
Where art thou Michael?
Requested by my lovely friend @hyunjinbiased-blog this is going to be FTM as well. (I’m working on another request at the moment as well which will be ready soon.) (God Bruno is hot, the stuff I want him to do to me lol)
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Anyway hope you enjoy this!!!
You and Bruno walk around the remains of what was once the bustling Beverly Hills, now a complete ghost town except for the presence of the undead walking around.
You look ahead to see if you could spot your brother, Michael Anders, Yes, you were his younger brother, (Y/N) Anders.
You and Bruno returned from the Halperin hotel after contacting a doctor to find out from Andrea that your brother had gone missing, which was highly out of character for Michael as he was keen to survive whatever this plague was.
You didn’t spot him anywhere and Bruno squeezed your hand in assurance, “Don’t worry babe, we’ll find him.”
You look at him and smile and you give him a kiss on the lips. You loved this man so much.
You and Bruno had been dating secretly since before the outbreak, even your brother Michael didn’t know you and Bruno were together.
You had planned on telling him but he went MIA before you could. You had no idea where he could have gone or been.
You spot your’s and Michael’s house and immediately point it out to your boyfriend.
He looks to where you’re pointing as you say “Maybe he is in the house, let’s go have a look.”
You walk up to the house, killing any zombies in your way as you both hoisted yourself trough the windows and into the house as the front door was boarded up.
You look around the house and noticed a walker on the floor, Someone was definitely here quite recently.
“Hey Bru I think someone has been He-.” You cut yourself off as you see Bruno looking at old baby photos of you.
Your face is a light shade of pink and Bruno looks up to you and smiles.
“Your cute, still are cute” he smiles.
You could have melted but you were too worried about finding the whereabouts of your brother before something could happen to him.
Before you could even speak and tell him to stop looking at the photos, he locks eyes with a photo of you as an awkward teen.
Your face goes completely red , “Bruno, please stop looking at that picture”.
He looks at you with a straight face, “And why should I do that?.”
You wanted to escape from the embarrassment you turn around to not look him in the eye but then you felt a hand on your shoulder.
You turn fully around to see Bruno and his arms lock around your waist and he leans down to capture your lips in his.
When you pull away he says “Now you are still adorable as an awkward teen, even now you’re adorable, it just makes me fall in love with you more.”
You blush very heavily as he speaks to you with so much love and admiration.
“I guess we better go find Michael then” Bruno says as he leads you to a door that, when upon trying to open it, appears to be locked.
“Damn it, we need a key” Bruno groans.
“There was a key in the kitchen last time I saw it” you say walking into the kitchen and go over to the pin board taking the keys off it and returning back to the locked door.
You open it and a walker jumps out at you and you use all your strength to get it off you but Bruno grabs out his machete and slices its head clean off.
“Thanks” you thank him as you look around the room to find some clues.
Bruno goes over to the map on the bed giving you guys the first clue to where he might have gone.
You look at the post cards reading them for clues as well when you saw one that was recently addressed with your Neighbour, Jessie’s house number.
“Aha another clue” you said, “hey Bruno can you go over to the phone and press the recent messages”.
He walks over presses a button and a message plays:
“Hey Michael and (Y/N), it’s Roxanne Kwon, if Jessie is there studying, can you tell her to be back here by 8 I don’t want her to miss the party..umm, it’s best that Michael doesn’t come though after..you know”
The recording ends, you don’t remember that message but then you heard the answer machine say the date of when the message came through: The day of the outbreak.
You now knew that he might have been with Jessie which was a relief to you but you didn’t want to get your hopes up.
Bruno inspects the recently killed Zombie against the lower part of the wall below the window.
Bruno smiles “that was definitely Michael”.
You look at the zombie and knew, that would infact be Michael’s handiwork, now you know he had come through here.
You both jump out of the window from the bedroom and walk out the back gate and up the stairs that entered the property of Jessie Kwon.
You and Bruno walk up to the door and Bruno knocks before Rikky came up to it to answer.
“Sorry Zombie’s Party’s over” Rikky said not recognising you.
“We’re no zombies friend” Bruno told him with an annoyed tone.
“Oh wait (Y/N) is that you?.” Rikky asked. He held more respect to you than your brother, mainly because you didn’t call him names like your brother Michael did.
You smile and wave “Hi Rikky glad to see your still alive.”
He laughs “yeah, and what are you doing here I thought you were gonna leave Los Angeles?”
“Yeah plans changed, may we come in?” You asked politely.
He rubbed the back of his neck “uh..yeah about that, if I open this door a whole bunch of zombies might rush in and I’m pretty sure that’s a bad thing”.
Bruno rolls his eyes “The gates automatic, just close it”.
“The gates broken because a whole bunch of dudes, not me, were riding on it and it broke, there is a whole bunch of spares in the garage but it’s full of riff raff” Rikky replies.
“Then we will go in there and fix things yeah?” Bruno’s time was very pissed off.
“Oh ok sweet, I’ll hit the garage button and me casa is your casa”.
Last thing you heard was “Roxy find your jeans we got company”.
Bruno looked at you “have they always been like this”
You shake your head “no, they used to be very smart people, I guess they changed once the outbreak hit”
The garage opens and a crusher, 2 grande walkers and a swarm walker rush at you both but you both managed to get a good rythum and take them all down and helped each other to take the crusher down.
Once they were all dealt with, you and Bruno grabbed a circuit breaker for each gate and you took the front while Bruno took the back.
Once the gates shut you both killed any of the infected that wandered in and met up at the front door and opened it.
Rikky jumps at the door opening and says to you two “oh hey were you guys getting the pizza or were you fighting zombies in the yard?”
You and Bruno both breathless say in unison “fighting..zombies”.
“We were wondering if you had seen Michael by any chance?” You ask.
“Did you say pizza?” Roxy spoke and you both shook your head.
“ZOMBIES!” Bruno said firmly.
Rikky looked at you “what are you doing here?”
Rikky just looks at you “I apologize for what I’m about to say but What do you want with that stiff”.
Roxy whispers to Bruno “they don’t,get along, you don’t call the lead singer of gods and whiskey a ‘has been’ the correct term..is ‘was been’ they both start laughing.
“Baked bean” Rikky adds and they Laugh even more and you both grew a bit impatient.
“Ok Where is Michael” Bruno said with an authoritative tone (hot,Bruno you can use that voice anytime with me).
“Ok ok, Jessie might know” Roxy said but then Rikky jumped in.
“Oh she’s not here, I’m not getting that feeling of disapproval”
“Oh look a note” Roxy took it off the fridge
“Dear mother, if you must have sex at 3 in the morning, could you refrain from screaming and moaning quite so loudly” Rikky imitated what could have been on the note.
You and Bruno both blush and look at each other, Bruno then smirks and walks closer to you.
“You know once we find Michael, we could…entertain ourselves”
You weren’t prepared for that and a whine of surprise came out of your mouth, Bruno leaned closer to your ear and whispered “if you whine like that in front of me, I will not hesitate” (woah my boy woah)
“That was you” you both heard Roxanne said “says she went up the hill to help a friend.
“Alright thanks” you say
Roxy then says to you “hey can you please bring her home and safe” she says
You smile “of course” she shoots you a small smile and gives a little ‘thanks’ in return as well.
You and Bruno trek up the hill near the home and make it up to a still in construction house.
When you guys got closer you heard music, “is that music?”.
You look up on the balcony area and see zombies eating some bait. You very quickly and sneakily take them down with your weapons and enter the unfinished building to find a way to shut off the noise.
You find a generator and take out the battery to dissolve the electric water problem on the stairs before proceeding forward.
You could hear a cry for help “Someone help me help!”, you knew by the voice it was Jessie.
You get to the music and shut it off with a whack of your (weapon of choice) and head towards the door we’re 2 walkers were banging their fist on it.
You took them out and open the door to reveal Jessie who was stood tall.
“Thank you for saving me,I really appreciate that” she said.
“No worries, do you know where Michael went?” Bruno asks.
She looks at you “He went to Monarch studios, said he had to get something important, so I made a lot of noise to distract all the zombies while Michael snuck through to the studio access road, my plan was to hang with the construction guys till the zombies got bored and left.”
“And these construction workers were these zombies” Bruno asked.
“Well obviously I didn’t know about that, they were fine yesterday” she defended.
“Thanks Jessie, I appreciate you” you say.
“Not a problem (Y/N)” she said with a smile.
“Well you better go home, your mom is worried about you” you said.
“Oh the regained consciousness did they? You know she was perfectly sensible before she met Rikky, now it’s like trying to keep a couple wasted teenagers alive” she said.
“And they are lucky to have a responsible adult around” Bruno said.
You and Bruno left and walked up to the access road and saw a bunch of zombies huddled together so you threw your meat bait and they went straight to it.
Bruno threw a Grenade and blew them up and you searched for the keycard and then after finding it open the door to tie next destination.
Within the closed up road there were more of those things along with a crusher but not to fear as you shot the fuel truck causing an explosion killing them all.
The crusher survived but after one hit of Bruno’s axe it went down.
You guys eventually made it to Monarch studios and you trudged about the set looking around for Michael.
No sign of him.
You came across some trailers and logged them for supplies before moving on.
You came across stage 7 and you kill a zombies near the doorway grabbing the key and opening the door.
You realised you guys needed a circuit breaker to open anything so you climbed up on the sets and found one, jumping down and placing it in the box.
The door opens and you both stand behind the Special effects controls and you press the water button, spraying water on the floor.
As the zombies came running at you, Bruno pissed the shock button shocking the Z’s to death and finishing off a crusher before going behind the door.
You repair your weapons and upgrade before continuing.
You enter a jungle themed set and defend yourself against zombies dressed as native tribe people.
You move to the next room and spot another on of the special affects buttons at the back of the room. You throw your bait in the middle of the room and Bruno joins up as you both mirror your earlier actions.
Once they were taken care of you grab supplies that are floating about and smash a crate before leaving the set and going down this long hall, killing a few more on the way out and go outside.
You spot another recently stabbed walker and Bruno smirks “That’s Michael’s handiwork alright”.
You walk up the path ahead of you and find footprints. The shoe pattern was the same one as Michael’s shoes.
They were leading to were he had gone so you continued to find more of his footprints and you also spot a green substance.
It was very bloated and didn’t look normal, not normal bile.
As you two entered a stage nearby, the same green stuff was on the wall near the stairs, which made you gag.
“Whatever it is, it seemed like it was following Michael, we better get moving before it finds him” Bruno grabs your hand and you walk up the stairs and across a platform just above a set.
Bruno jumps down first before you and catches you when you jump from the platform and sets you down.
“Let’s take this elevator” you say as you press the button.
You hear Moana from the incoming horde and you both groan as you ready your weapons ready to fight.
You held off a horde as you waited for the elevator and eventually wipe sweat from your brow. You heard a ding and cheered.
“Finally” you walk out and look back to see that in fact it was a fake elevator.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You say.
“Ugh I’m starting to hate movie magic” Bruno said in a whiny voice (I find it hot when he says the line that way).
You smirk “who is whiny now”.
He stops and smirks back “only for you baby”.
You both jog and see a set with a giant spider and you climb over boxes onto the set and head straight for the trailer near it.
The sign I the door read:
Rise of the godspider
After putting your hand to the door the door busts open and your brother sprays you with a fire extinguisher.
“MICHAEL!!” You shout.
“Oh god what are you guys doing here” he said
“No you first” Bruno said helping you up.
He stuttered “I came to get..um..oh god”, his eyes look directly behind you and you and your boyfriend turn and see this bloated zombie spitting bile at you and you both dodge.
A zombie tries to attack Bruno but due to having bile spit on it, it’s arms came of easily and died.
Bruno dropped the arms with wide eyes and looked at you “ready my love”.
“I was born ready” you say
With that you both attack, slaughtering those Z’s causing them to fly everywhere and eventually setting your focus on the bigger zombie.
With all your force, you both slash and stab it until it eventually collapses and dies.
You both hug each other and exchange a kiss and look into each persons eyes.
“You did amazing love” Bruno complimented.
“Says you Handsome, your the best Zombie slayer there is” you say.
He chuckles “we will see about that mi amor”.
You walk back to the trailer and see Michael looking down at the Romero.
“Oh Michael I have been worried sick, do you have any idea how worried and scared I was, I thought you could have been dead, don’t ever do that again” you say hugging him tightly.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N/N) I promise I won’t do it ever again” Michael said.
You pull away and Bruno looks atyou when his wallow talkie starts to go static “Babe, I’m gonna have to take this, give me a minute”.
Michael just looks at Bruno before he looks at you in disbelief “you guys are dating?”
You look at the ground “yeah, been that way since before the outbreak”
He places his hands on your shoulder “and why didn’t you tell me? I’m really happy for you”
He pulls you into another hug as you spoke “because it was secret, we really wanted to keep it on the down low.”
He lets go of you and nods,confirming that he understands why you chose too. Bruno then walk back in and sighs.
“Sam wants to go and get guns” he said.
You nod “alright then” you turn to Michael “hey Mikey, do you want us to escort you back?”
“You don’t need to worry about me, just go get those guns” he said.
“I love you Mikey” you say and he responds with “I love you too”.
You walk out of the trailer and Bruno goes to follow you but is immediately stopped by Michael.
“I need you to promise me something” he said.
“Sure what is it” Bruno said a little nervous of what he was gonna ask.
“I want you to promise you to look after my little brother” Your brother told your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend nodded “I promise you till the day I die”.
He left with you and you were on your way to find some guns with Sam.
You couldn’t help but watch Ronnie die in front of you as he was killed by those fuckers.
“RONNIE ROMNIE NO DAMMIT! Your endangered Malperida YOUR ALL DEAD!” Your boyfriend screamed as he charged at the infected with anger as you worked on defending him if he didn’t know.
You finally came to the moment to take down The zombified Nikki Gutte. You and Bruno took turns to get a critical hit on her but managed to kill her off before heading to find sam.
While you were talking you heard more Moans and Sam sighed “Goddamnit every zombie in the neighbourhood must’a heard those screams.” He hands you and Bruno guns “take the top floor, I’ll cover them from the driveway”.
With that you both ran to the top floor and took aim shooting any and all Z’s, refilling ammo and shooting more Z’s as they came.
After they were all dead you regroup with Sam. You make your way back down stairs and meet up.
“Having fun?” He asked.
“It helped” Bruno said wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Listen I made contact with a cdc doctor, he wants me and (Y/N)’s blood for a cure” he said.
Sam turned around with folded arms “is that so? One thing I have learned is that the voice on the radio promising to fix all your shit never happens, we’re doing just fine!.”
“You know Emma will come-“ you say but Sam cuts you off.
“She won’t” he snaps.
“You might just be surprised” you say.
Sam let’s put a huff of amusement “surprised my ass”
You couldn’t prepare for what was about to happen once you guys got back to Emma’s.
As you enter Emma’s house you don’t see Michael so you go into the gym and find Sam,Emma and Michael.
You gasp when you see the bite on your Brothers hip. You kneel beside him and hold him.
“Michael..why?” You had tears rolling down your face.
Emma kneels down on the ground next to you and places a hand on your shoulder her own tears flowing down too.
Michael looks at you both and says “guys I’m fine” he laughs a little, due to his disoriented state.
He pulls out the Romero and hands it to Emma “and the 2019 Romero goes to..” he trials off.
“Oh my lucky charm, this is why you left” she said as she held it, you getting angry at the fact Michael as dying all for a stupid Romero. And to be far you hated Emma the fact she treated your brother like garbage at times.
“Michael I Romero wasn’t worth it for this, what was worth it was being with me, your brother” you say
Emma glares at you but looks at your brother as he speaks again “I have special blood”.
“Yea you do have special blood” you say to him hoping like you he too was immune.
At this point Sam had given Bruno the gun “if he so Mitch as twitches funny, you know what to do”.
Bruno looks at you, his heart shattered at seeing you so broken and sad.
Emma looks at him “don’t even think about, I took you both in you owe me this”.
You look at her “what the fuck do you mean we ‘owe you this’ it’s my fucking brother.”
You walk over and Bruno holds his arm around you as he speaks to Emma “Emma he is gonna turn”.
“You don’t know that” she said as Michael groaned and you all look over at him and he sadly passes away.
You begin to sob uncontrollably “I can’t see him turn”
Bruno looks at you “sweetheart, why don’t you step out of the room, go to Andrea and Sam.”
You nod and walk out to Andrea and you just collapsed, Andrea immediately comforted you and pulled you to your feet and giving you the biggest hug ever.
She held you more as you heard the gunshot and you sobbed even more and she whispered “shhhhh I’v got you”.
Bruno then walked out and you flung into his embrace as he held you.
He couldn’t believe what he did, he just killed his own boyfriend’s brother, but he knew you didn’t want him to live like that.
It was a moment that no one will forget in a hurry.
(Side note: I feel like I should cosplay Bruno??)
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: steve harrington x eddie munson
summary: dustin unknowingly orchestrates steve and eddie’s first date
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; the unbearably cute fluffs, friday the 13th spoilers, i’ll proof read it one day, indirect mentions of anxiety, etc.
word count: ~3.3k
inspired by: @lunaraindrop; your wish is my command. i hope i did your idea justice <3
support your writer: if you enjoy, please give a reblog so others can enjoy too!  🤘🏼
note: i personally thought this idea was incredible and so stinkin’ cute! i cannot wait to read more posts that come from it c: also i see your comment, @cephy-the-squid​. i hope y’all enjoy!
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“The things I do for you, kid,” Steve says with a roll of his eyes. Dustin stands in front of him with that gleaming smile. “Yes, trust me. You won’t regret this,” he shares as he excitedly sits in Steve’s car. “We haven’t even hung out since everything happened,” Steve whines. His hand pushes his hair back, creating that iconic lopsided look. His other hand grips hard against the steering wheel. Dustin looks over to him with a dumbfounded look. “Dude, you guys were so close when you were fighting Vecna. Why would that change now?” he asks.
Steve shakes his head as he pulls into the Henderson’s driveway. “I’m just over thinking it,” he mumbles under his breath. Dustin watches with a confused eye, curious as to why his confident friend is suddenly “over thinking” things. He chuckles as he says, “Okay.” He opens the passenger door and steps out. Before walking off, he leans back into the rolled down window. “His place at 8pm. Don’t be late,” he demands. Steve looks back at him with a face of disgust, as though he has insulted him. “I know, I know. Okay,” he says as he gestures towards Dustin to leave. Dustin waves goodbye as he walks up towards his front door.
With a deep breath, Steve begins to back up his car. He felt this uncomfortable tightness in his chest. Unsure of where the feeling was coming from, he coughs and places his hand upon his chest to rid himself of the feeling. This sensation always happens to make its appearance when he’s brought up. Even the side thought of him has Steve catching his breath. He’s never felt this way about anyone, let alone another man. What was it about him that has Steve always losing his breath? He’s just a normal guy, an outcast maybe if one was to get specific. There is nothing about this man that should make Steve feel this way.
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“Yeah, hello,” Eddie says as he picks up the receiver. “Hey Eddie! It’s Dustin-” Before he can finish his sentence, Eddie shouts back into the phone, “Henderson! What are we thinking for tonight?” He reaches for the Jif’s peanut butter container at the back of his kitchen cabinet. “Jason Voorhees or The Thing?” he asks as he grabs hold of a spoon and dips it into the container. He places the full spoon’s worth of peanut butter into his mouth as he holds the phone between his cheek and shoulder. “Uh yeah, about that. Maybe we should wait on choosing the movie,” Dustin says hesitantly. Eddie’s eyes widen, his face deadpans.
With the spoon still in his mouth, Eddie mumbles, “What?! Are you cancelling?” Dustin quickly reassures him with a string of no’s. It leaves Eddie with a raised brow and a confused expression. “You know how we wanted to watch a horror flick with just us?” he asks. Eddie’s lip lifts as he removes the spoon from his lips. “Yes,” he grumbles. “Well, I may have invited someone,” Dustin answers with his voice raising. Eddie leans over his kitchen counter, switching the phone onto his other shoulder. “Uh huh. And who did you invite?” he asks with his lips pursed. “Steve?” he responds with an elongated, high pitched “e” at the end of his sentence.
Eddie grabs hold of his phone in one hand and his spoon in the other. He places both onto the kitchen counter as he leans his head down onto the cool surface. With a deep breath, he slowly raises the phone to his ear. “Steve Harrington will be watching horror flicks with us tonight,” he repeats. Dustin responds with a simple, “Yup.” He drags his hand across his face. He was so in the mood to hang out and have a good time with his bud. He always feels so on edge when Harrington’s there. It’s almost as though he is always busy trying to prove himself as the better friend. He forces himself to focus on the stupid things, like who makes Dustin laugh the most. He tries not to be jealous of Steve, but it is hard not to when Dustin always talks of him like he walks on water.
Dustin clears his throat, pulling Eddie from his thoughts. “Is that okay, Eddie?” he asks. “Yeah, that’s alright,” he responds carelessly as he dips his spoon back into the Jif’s. “I’ve been meaning to catch up with him since all this shit went down,” he shares. He plunges the spoon into his mouth, dragging it back out against his front teeth. “Awesome! I’m so excited,” Dustin says. Eddie notes how evident his excitement is through the phone. This hang out clearly means a lot to him. That is the only reason you would assume Steve would be coming by, for Dustin. Eddie would do anything for Dustin. He is practically his own blood. “One awkward movie night it is,” he mumbles to himself as he trades his peanut butter for a cold beer.
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“Okay, so I was thinking we could watch The Thing! That movie scared the shit out of me when I was a kid,” Dustin expresses with a smile as he gets out of Steve’s car. He hooks his backpack over his shoulder. “When you were a kid? You’re still a kid, Henderson,” Steve retorts as he closes his driver’s side door. “Either way, that movie is way scarier than some random mom going around killing everyone,” he mutters as he steps onto Eddie’s front porch. Steve rolls his eyes as he gestures for Dustin to knock on the door. He trails behind him as he steps onto the Munson porch.
Steve’s heart is racing faster and faster with each step closer to the trailer’s door. His breathing heavies as he stands outside the door waiting for Eddie to open the door. The tightness in his chest expanding. He nonchalantly wipes the sweat from his hands onto his jean’s pant leg. Why are you so nervous? Steve thinks to himself. It’s just Munson.
As he knocks, Dustin turns back to Steve and shoots him an excited smile. Steve shines a sarcastic one as he shoves his car keys into his jacket. “Henderson!” Eddie shouts as he quickly opens the door. Dustin laughs as he grips onto the VHS’ in his hands. “Welcome, Harrington,” Eddie says as he gestures for the boys to walk in. Dustin gleefully makes his way to the couch. Steve walks through the threshold and gives Eddie a hesitant nod. He follows Dustin to the couch and takes a seat beside him.
Eddie closes the front door. He walks over to the kitchen and offers, “Beer?” Steve answers, “Yeah, sure.” Dustin raises his hand, “Oh, me too.” In unison, Eddie and Steve respond “no” with a laugh. It catches them both off guard as they make eye contact. Steve was the first to pull his eyes away. Dustin sits with his hands in his lap and a sour puss face. Eddie returns and hands a cold beer to Steve. He nods as he reaches for the bottle. “Thank you,” he expresses.  
Dustin smiles as he’s handed a can of coke by Eddie. “So, what movie are we going to start with?” he asks. Eddie places his beer onto the side table. He releases a loud breath as he sits down onto his loveseat. He raises his hands and shares, “I’m down for some Friday the 13th.” Dustin clucks his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he turns his focus towards Steve. “What about you?” he asks. Steve takes in a sharp breath. “Actually, I was thinking about Friday the 13th too,” he replies.
Dustin’s face drops in shock. Steve quickly backtracks, attempting to justify his answer. “Well, the Thing is so long and it kind of drags out,” he shares. “And Friday the 13th is a classic. I mean, who would’ve thought someone’s mom would be out here killing people?” Eddie laughs, “I know right? She definitely had a good reason, but you wouldn’t expect some 40-year-old to be killing people all brutal like that.” Steve smiles towards Eddie. “Yeah, you get it,” he says as he motions towards him. Dustin looks between the two boys. His eyes narrowed as he is annoyed with being outvoted. “Okay, put it in I guess,” he mumbles.
Eddie laughs as he turns towards Dustin. “Woah, woah, woah! Are we not going to do popcorn?” he asks with arms raised. Steve raises his bottle in agreement. Dustin’s lips part as he watches both of his idols horrified at the thought of a movie without popcorn. “You’re right, you’re right! I totally forgot,” he says as he digs into his backpack. He pulls out two Popsecret boxes of microwaveable popcorn. “Alright, I’ve got natural and butter flavor,” Dustin shares. Eddie and Steve casually say in unison, “Butter.” They look at each other in suspicion. “Butter’s the best,” Eddie adds. “Yeah, who would even choose natural?” Steve questions. Dustin interjects, “Well, honestly, I’m a big fan of natural. Butter sometimes can put a bad taste in my mouth-” “Blasphemy,” Eddie dramatically shouts. Steve laughs as he leans back into the couch. Dustin switches glances between the two men as he stands to walk over to Eddie’s kitchen.
Steve looks over to Eddie. Eddie’s hands are intertwined. His large rings grinding against each other. Steve’s heart races as he clears his throat. “So, what’re your thoughts on pizza?” he asks with his hand on his chin. Eddie laughs as he takes a sip of his beer. “I’m a fan,” he nods as he sloshes the beer in his mouth. He finds Steve’s question beautifully random and all the more amusing. With a sip of his beer, he adds, “I’m a pepperoni and sausage kind of man.” Steve slowly laughs as he takes a sip of his own beer. “What? Let me guess. You're a plain cheese pizza guy, huh Harrington?” he asks. Steve shakes his head as he swallows his sip. “Actually, my go-to is pepperoni and sausage,” he says with a chuckle.
“Okay, dude, that’s freaky,” Eddie says. “What’s your favorite fruit?” he asks with his brows raised in skepticism. Steve smiles as he understands where he is taking the conversation. “Okay, yeah. I’m a fan of pineapple,” he shares. Eddie’s mouth drops. “I fucking love pineapple,” he whispers back. The tightness in Steve���s chest gradually dissipates without him even realizing. It is replaced with joy. “Alright, alright. Here’s a tricky one. What was your favorite TV show growing up?” he asks as he gestures for Eddie’s response. Eddie takes a second to think. He bites his lip. He wants to make sure he gets the answer right. He is unsure of whether he wants his answer to match Steve’s or not. “Tom and Jerry,” he blurts.
Steve laughs aloud as he claps his hands together. “No fucking way dude! I love Tom and Jerry!” he replies. Eddie releases his breath, not even realizing he held it in. He receives a mixture of relief and satisfaction in hearing that Steve has the same answer. Dustin yells from the kitchen. “What’re you guys talking about?” Eddie turns towards him, “Tom and Jerry! You know the one where the mouse keeps kicking the cat’s ass.” Dustin laughs, “Oh yeah! I’m more of a Scooby Doo kind of guy.” He shrugs as he continues making the group’s popcorn. Eddie returns his gaze back to Steve. His eyes curious as to what other things the two may have in common with each other.
“Let’s do one more before Henderson’s back with the popcorn,” Steve suggests. Eddie nods as he thinks of his next question. “Um,” he thinks aloud. His hands patting against his knees. Steve watches him in excitement. The feelings in his chest now replaced with a lightness - a feeling of hope. “If you could only have one type of cereal for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?” he asks. Steve responds with a sound of excitement. “That’s a good one,” he shares. Eddie smiles confidently, “I know right?” Steve pushes his mouth to one side as he deeply considers his options. “See, the part you added about ‘the rest of my life’ is really getting to me. Like I love Cheerios, but would I eat that for ‘the rest of my life’?” he says with a finger to his chin. Eddie shrugs as he agrees, it is quite a difficult question.
Steve takes a heavy sigh as he leans his elbows onto his knees. Eddie watches in complete anticipation, hanging on to every movement from Steve’s body. “Alright,” he says. “I’m going to have to go Honey Comb.” Eddie suddenly pretends to faint. His body lays limp within the chair. Steve jumps in his seat with excitement. “No fucking way! You’d choose Honey Comb too?” he asks. “I fucking love Honey Comb cereal, dude! That’s nuts,” Eddie exclaims.
Dustin walks from the kitchen with two bags of popcorn in his hands. He shakes his head as he confidently watches his two mentors get along so well. He is convinced that he’s paired the two together, destined them for a fantastic friendship. All he has ever wanted was his two friends to hang out. He always knew that they would get along so well. They are practically the same person, just with different societal roles.
Eddie takes another sip of his beer. A huge smile sprawled across his face as he presses his lips against the beer’s surface. His eyes remain on Steve. Steve smiles as he takes a sip of his own drink. He leans further back into the couch, crossing his leg over the other. He looks up to Dustin as he carries the popcorn. “Okay, so this bag is for you two since you’re addicted to butter,” he says as he hands the bag to Steve. “This one’s all mine,” he adds as he sits down next to Steve. “Let’s do this,” Eddie exclaims as he rubs his hands together.
As Dustin places the VHS into the player, Eddie begins to subtly move his chair closer to the couch to have a better view of the screen. Steve watches him as Eddie’s brows furrow in frustration. “Eddie, just come sit up here,” he says as he pats the cushion next to him. His chest feels vulnerable as the words escape his mouth. Breathing becomes difficult again. He did not understand why the request held so much weight on him.
Eddie smiles at Steve’s suggestion. He nods as he moves to sit next to Steve. The boys were in his trailer, but Eddie was still thankful that Steve invited him over to the couch. As he sits beside him, Eddie feels the sensation of electricity between him and Steve. He prays he is not the only one who feels it. He does not understand this desire to remain close to Steve, but he is thankful that he is able to without much effort. This need, this compulsion, is quite new. Eddie remembers hints of these feelings back when they fought against Vecna, but he always assumed it had more to do with fighting for his life than being close to Steve.
Dustin returns back to Steve’s other side once pressing play on the VHS player. “Oh shit. Okay, I know I was really hoping to watch ‘The Thing,’ but I’m actually super excited to watch this,” he excitedly says. Steve changes his gaze to Dustin. His eyebrows push together in confusion. “Wait, have you not seen this before?” he asks. Dustin shook his head as he threw popcorn into his mouth. “Shit, Henderson,” Eddie mutters as he places his head into his hands. “What?!” he shouts. “I swear to God if you get nightmares from this,” Steve adds. Dustin rolls his eyes as he pushes his back onto the couch. “I’m not a kid, guys. I’m not going to have nightmares,” he retorts with a roll of his eyes and a loud sigh.
Eddie adds under his breath, “He’s going to have nightmares.” Steve nods his head in agreement. “Yup. Cue the late night phone calls,” he adds. Eddie sits up from the couch and turns towards Steve. “Wait, you get those too?” he laughs. Steve chuckles alongside him as Dustin shushes them both. “The movie’s about to start. Shut up,” he says as he takes another bite of popcorn. Steve smiles as he turns towards Eddie and offers him the bag of popcorn. Eddie grins as he reaches into the bag to get a piece. They both hyper focus on keeping their bodies from touching throughout the movie, unsure of how they may react if even their knees touched.
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“Wait, so Jason’s not even in this one?!” Dustin shouts as he turns towards Steve and Eddie. His face expressing betrayal with popcorn crumbs throughout his shirt. Steve nods as he watches Dustin in amusement. “We told you. It was the mom all along,” Eddie shares with a chuckle. “Well, why am I seeing this dude walking around with a hockey mask then?” Dustin asks with his arms raised toward the television. Steve brushes the hair out of his face as he looks over to him. “Jason Voorhee’s actually first shows up in Part 2,” he shares. Dustin rolls his eyes and raises his hands in defeat. “What the shit,” he grumbles. “We’ll just have to watch that next,” Eddie says. Dustin nods and looks towards Steve for his approval. Steve is late to noticing and hurriedly nods his head as he turns towards Eddie.
Dustin smiles. “Alright, so we’re doing Part 2 tomorrow then?” he asks. Eddie laughs as he raises from the couch, “I guess so.” Steve follows his lead and pats his hands against his thighs. He shrugs in compliance. “Awesome,” he exclaims. He turns towards Steve and quickly says, “I’m going to use the bathroom real quick and then we can head out?” Steve nods and shoots him an encouraging smile.
Eddie walks over to the kitchen and reaches for a new bottle of beer. Steve leans onto the counter. He clears his voice to end the tangible silence between the two of them. Eddie meets Steve on the counter and turns his head to the side. He gazes over Steve’s nervous eyes. “What do you think about coming back here after you drop Henderson off?” he asks. Tightness grows within Eddie’s chest. His heart feels as though it is going to explode. He did not expect this reaction from his suggestion. Seconds feel like hours as Eddie desperately waits for some reaction from Steve.
Suddenly, a smile appears from Steve’s lips. “Yeah, I can make my way back here. What are you thinking? Should we watch ‘The Thing?’” he asks. The tightness in Eddie’s chest disappears as he hears those words leave Steve’s mouth. It is replaced with excitement, desperately excited for when he returns. When it is just the two of them. Steve takes slow breaths as he attempts to cool his face. His cheeks redden at Eddie’s idea. Eddie replies, “Sounds like a plan.” Steve smiles, but immediately turns towards Dustin as he returns to the Munson living room. He drops his smile as he realizes Dustin noticed his happiness. “Ready to go, Henderson?” he asks. Dustin nods as he grabs his backpack from beside the couch.
“Alright, Henderson. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Eddie says as he walks towards the door. He holds his front door open as he watches Dustin and Steve make their way. “See yah,” Dustin mutters as he waves goodbye. As Steve walks by, Eddie holds his breath. He watches him closely for any subtle communication. Steve smiles as he walks by. “I’ll see you later,” he whispers. Eddie nods with a smirk as he watches Steve walk out the door and down his front steps.
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note: oh my gerd. what have i done? i’m def writing more. i'm hoping i had an equal level of pining between the two of them <3 let me know your thoughts! don’t forget those rebloggggsssssss puhleeezzeeee
• impromptu prompts •
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coolx2-nodoubt · 2 years
Pairing: Abel Morales x GN!Reader
Warning: None! Well maybe one curse word..
A/N: OK ok I was thinking this could be a series I don't know yet. You guys could let me know. And also I may not be posting as much because my exams are coming up. But anyways enjoy!!
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≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Abel was off to work, heading for a business meeting that he had this morning. It was very important, some clients have decided to invest in his Oil Company, so it was crucial for him to be there. But unfortunately, his car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
"Ah FUCK!" The car came to a sudden halt making him jump forwards and hit his head on the wheel. When he looked up there was black smoke coming out from the hood.
"Oh great, this is just perfect." He huffed.
He comes out of the car and walks up in front, checking what happened. But when he tried lifting up the engine hood, he burned his fingers.
Hissing, he puts it in his mouth and sucks on it lightly trying to ease off the pain.
He takes his phone out of his back pocket to call someone but there was no service. He walks around a little with his phone up in the air but still, nothing came up.
"Come on! Not today..."
He had no choice but to wait until a car drove by to give him a lift.
He waited and waited for a long time but no cars were stopping, ignoring him completely, nearly giving up hope. That was until you saw him standing with his thumb up in the air.
Just when he thought you were going to ignore him like the others, you stopped your car ahead of his and he came running toward you. You rolled down your window for him to speak. 
"Hi, OH God you’re hurt!"
You look at him worriedly.
"Hey uh It's nothing really just a small bruise... can you please drop me off at Standard Oil, it's urgent."
"Yeah, sure hop in."
You unlock the door for him, and he opens it sitting down, closing the door back. He introduces himself to you and you do the same.
Nodding at him you press your foot on the gas pedal driving off.
While driving, you couldn’t stop looking at him he looked quite handsome, he had a sharp jawline with a slight stubble on his face, and God his hands looked so good with the veins slightly showing. His salt pepper hair looked so soft, you just wanted to touch it.
But you looked away trying to focus on the road, clearing your throat before breaking the silence.
"If you don't mind me asking what happened to your car?"
"I don’t really know actually, it just stopped all of a sudden I think it overheated."
He says, still focused on his phone.
When you arrived at the place he thanked you ready to leave. But you stop him, contemplating if you should ask him.
"You know? My dad owns a garage he can fix it for you..."
"Wait really? That would be really nice."
He hurriedly writes his number on a piece of paper handing it to you.
"Here's my number, call me."
"Nissan Versa red? It was dropped off yesterday?"
"Oh yeah right up ahead on your left." The worker points at the car.
He arrived at the garage after he finished his work to pick up his car, which had been towed.
He spotted his car and walked toward it. He sees someone hidden behind the lifted hood. When he walks over to the front, he sees you doing something on his car.
You turn your face, surprised to see him. You were in your work clothes working on his car.
"Wait YOU are working on my car?"
"Uh yeah..."
"You never told me you were a mechanic."
"Yeah, well didn't think of it..." You looked at him nervously.
"Well, I must say I'm very impressed." He looks at you up and down, admiring you.
"Thanks, I'm just finishing up until then you can sit in the lounge area if you like."
"All right, sure thanks" He winks at you, leaving you alone.
You quickly finish up with his car and go to the back room. Freshening up a bit, washing your face with some soap removing all the oil stains, and fixing yourself. Hating the way, he saw you at first.
You go back and ask one of the workers pull up his car up in the front handing him the keys.
Upon entering the lounge area, you see him sitting on a couch with a magazine in his hands.
"Hello there again."
He stands up walking up to you.
"Hi" You give him a lil' wave.
"So... what exactly happened with my car?"
"Oh, there was a leak in the cooler also some battery issues among other things, but it's all fixed now."
You give him a reassuring smile.
"And how did the meeting go? I hope you weren't late..."
"Yeah, it went great. The investors were pleased with our planning. Working with us now, officially."
"That's great!"
Heading towards his car while chit-chatting, he suddenly stops in his tracks and stands in front of you, facing you. Taking your hands in his.
"You know I never got to thank you properly, I may come a bit straightforward but perhaps if you want, I can take you on a date?"
Surprised by what he said you slightly tighten your hold in his, looking down nervously at the hands with which he is holding you with. His hands felt rough but soft by the way he was holding you.
He picks your chin with his finger. lifting it up, looking into your eyes waiting for a response.
"I-uh yeah, sure that sounds good!"
"What happened? You look tensed."
"Oh, it was just unexpected."
Chuckling at your comment he moves his hand to cup your cheek.
"I think you're really pretty and sweet. And would like to know where 'this' goes."
"OK..." sounding breathless which he chuckles at.
He gives you a kiss on your cheek which felt soft on you and before leaving he takes a quick glance at you, waving goodbye.
Thx for reading, comments & reblogs are appreciated <3
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redsoul-writing · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Unforseen
Previous parts
A/N: hi hi, yeah, remember when I said I wouldn't post anymore long chapters? I lied. I'm sorry! I just really wanna get this part over with because I feel like this is dragging on, and might bore some readers. Also, thank you so much for the votes and the follow! :) it means a lot since I thought nobody was enjoying this. I'm glad At least someone liked it! Really boosts my motivation to continue writing.
"And...that should be the last of my stuff." Y/n placed her journal in her bag.
"...You...You're taking a journal, jewelry, and some garments?" Ana raised a brow.
"I took money too!" Y/n smiled."I don't get why you need a pole though..." Ana huffed "It's my weapon." Y/n answered
"...A wooden pole? Where did you even get that?"
"I found it in the guards' pile of broken spears. Luckily it's just the iron part that broke off."
'I don't know if I should be proud or concerned..' The brunette sweat dropped. "What about clothes?"
"I can always buy those when I get there." y/n protested
Ana gave up.
*Knock knock*
"Come in!" y/n stuffed the bag under her bed.
"Miss y/n, Miss Ana, the Lady has ordered us to help you get ready." The maid opened the door.
"Thanks, Trish. I'll be there." Ana smiled
Trish only winked before stepping out.
"...So, this is goodbye, isn't it?" Ana looked over at her sister
"Yeah...I'll miss you, Ana." Y/n reached for a hug
"I'll miss you too." Ana started tearing up.
"Aw, don't gush..."
"I'm serious! y/n, you are my only real family." She let go. "Those three only care for themselves."
"Thank god you didn't turn out like them, right?" y/n laughed, her eyes watering. "Stop crying."
"You're crying!" Ana jabbed her arm.
They sat there blinking and couldn't help but laugh.
Ana POV:
'Alright, breathe, you're only about to lie to the entire manor...at least I've got Trish and Jade..'
I looked at them. Trish mouthed 'You got this!'
'Thanks, I totally feel better.'
A guard ran in. "Are you alright, miss?!"
"She fainted!" Trish kneeled to her.
"Which way did he go?!" A couple more guards ran inside.
"Over there!" Jade pointed.
"Hey, they're gone now." Jade whispered,
I opened my eyes, only to be greeted by zero personal space.
"Sorry Ana!" Jade helped her up.
"Guys, come look at this!" Trish whisper-yelled, looking out the window.
Scurrying over to the window, we were met with a suspicious maiden jumping from tree to tree.
"Can she be any more suspicious??"I facepalmed.
"Well, she did say she'd be running, not sneaking..hehe.." Jade let out a nervous chuckle.
"I'm as shocked as you are..." I could only help but stare
My heart dropped at what I saw. "T-Trish...Is that the ship I think it is..?"
"Hm?" She gasped as her eyes landed on the ship
"What's wrong with the ship?" Jade raised a brow
"That's the one that makes those deals with Ms. Noron!" Trish shouted in a whisper.
I opened the window,
"Ana?" Jade glanced at me.
..And I acted without thinking.
"Ana!" The girls yelled as I landed on my hands and knees.
"I have to warn her!" I ran as fast as my legs would allow me.
The greenery just blended together.
*Pant* "Y/N!!" *Pant* "Y/NNN!!"
'She's so far, but I see her! If I could just–!'
"Ugh...I have to...get up!" Steadying myself, I met an unsettling face.
"Why, hello there. Don't you look like a million beli?" The man didn't wait for an answer.
"Huh– Wait! Don't touch me!-"
He just...
Took me.
Y/n POV:
'Is that a ship? See Ana? I haven't lost all luck!'
I started bolting towards the ship, striding faster than I ever had. Freedom is just a couple feet away!
'Crap!' I skid to a halt, almost tumbling.
Two guys stood guard, one beside the entry, the other in front of the bush I hid behind.
'How am I gonna—wait he's right in front of me. I can just..'
"Don't take it personal.."
I grabbed his sword and snuck over to a different bush...and threw the sword.
Look, I'm out of options here.
The other guard heard the sword and turned his head.
" What was– What the hell?! Henry!" he ran over to him
As I watched him reach the unconscious Henry, I snuck over to the ship's entry. When I reached the door and looked inside, I didn't see any guards... just people. It was a bit strange to see but I didn't exactly have much time to think, I needed to find a place to hide, and quickly.
My eyes scanned the premises.
As soon as I found a ladder, I ran straight to it, but I think that alerted some people...
'Oh well, I'll be hidden soon enough.'
I woke up.
Where...wood walls...Planks...barely lit lanterns.
My hands are tied together.
As it donned on me, My heart dropped a second time tonight.
I'm on the ship.
Millions of questions flew around my mind. How did I get here? Have we left the shore? Is y/n here? Is she alright? Wait...am I going to be alright?
Then, what I heard snapped me out of my trance; "We're ready, Captain!"
That's the man that brought me in here...
"Set the sails!"
"Wait! Stop, No!" I shot up and ran towards the pirate I ran into earlier.
"You can't do this, please!" I clutched onto his arm.
"Get off me, girl! And don't tell me what to do!" The man pushed me back.
"My name is Ana Noron! I'm one of Lady Noron's daughters! You have to let me go!"
"Yeah, right! I've never heard of you." he pushed me down.
I panicked.
'This is happening. This is really happening!'
I lunged towards the entryway that was already shut.
"Let me out! I'm not supposed to be here!" I shouted as I tried slamming into the wood.
"Are you crazy?! We've already set sail! Sit down already!" Another pirate said
The two grabbed me and tossed me next to the other captives.
There's nothing I can do.
I got bored. I had been sitting behind these crates for around five minutes since they set sail.
I sat up and peered my head above the crates. 'It won't hurt if I just... took a peek— what the hell?'
As I set my eyes on the people ahead. Mostly women and children, with few men among them. I realized that many were crying, some lacking emotion. And...they're tied up!
'No way, are these people getting kidnapped?'
I scanned the room. No pirates.
I climbed out of my small spot, into the open. Deeming it safe enough, I rushed over to the small crowd.
I started untying a lady, and it seems she finally noticed me, sobbing subsiding.
"W-who are you? How are you free?" Her voice croaked.
"I snuck in here. Don't worry, I'm going to help you." I signaled her to keep quiet, my finger over my lips.
"...Thank you. But how?" She worried
"It's impossible, there are so many pirates downstairs." The boy behind her raised his head. He looks about the same age as me, and well built.
"We can all take them if we work together." I started untying him.
"She's right." A woman intervened "We can't just sit here and accept whatever happens!"
"I guess. That Ana girl is probably the only one with the guts." Another man sighed
My head shot in his direction.
"Did you say Ana?" I tensed
"Huh? Yeah. I saw her screaming and banging against the entry before they moved us up here."
"Where is—" I was cut off by a scream.
My eyes widened 'That sounds like..!'
"That's her again! What's going on?!" The woman I untied stood up.
I didn't think, I just ran. Ran towards the ladder.
"Hey— wait!" The guy I untied tried to stop me.
I landed on my feet. Everyone was looking at me.
"Hey! What are you doing untied?!" A guard clutched the hem of his sword.
Ana screamed again.
I followed the voice to the doorway down the room.
Reaching the doorway, I saw a man grabbing Ana, and her trying to run. Tears were streaming down her pale, frightened face.
I stopped thinking.
I was furious.
"Come on, I'm just tryna have some f-" the man who was grabbing Ana was cut short, as his head was slammed through the floor.
As Ana's vision cleared, she crawled back.
"Y- Y/n!" She cried as she clutched onto her sister.
"Ana! Are you alright?!" The sister held her by her shoulders.
"I was so scared, Y/n! I'm so glad to see you!" Ana cried
"We're overtaking this ship." Y/n spoke
"Says who?!" A pirate lunged at the girls.
"Us!" The buy y/n untied earlier punched him out of the way.
The girls looked in shock.
"We decided to join you after all...and we brought help."
The rest of the adults appeared behind him, fighting the pirates with their strength in numbers.
"Good, we'll need it." She smiled and turned to run but stopped.
Ana and the guy looked in confusion.
"...What's your name?" Y/n scratched her head
She took him by surprise. "Lució."
Y/n smiled in return, "Y/n." Then she ran off.
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laviejaguardia · 3 years
So, you made a Tumblr blog
You're finally here, after seeing many screenshot on Instagram, and hearing many times this site is dead on Twitter. Here you are, and you got no clue how any of this works. That's okay, this should help
[these are just social cues about how this site works that us old users don't even think about but can feel confusing for users coming from other platforms.]
Let's begin:
How does this site work? Easy! The blood and soul of this site is reblogs (not to mistake them with reposting). Think of it as finding something cool and going "hey guys check out what my buddy did", except way less annoying because you can do it 300x times a day and no one will mind and actually they'll thank you for it. A reblog might sound like a Big Deal but it's the equivalent of an Instagram like, as in the currency of the platform.
What if I don't want to spam the dashboard? Then you can use the queue. Click the options on the reblog window and chose "add to queue", you can configure it from your blog options for when and how it posts. You'll find many users use tags that include the word 'queue' to signal that it isn't an "online" reblog, this is totally optional.
What about the tags everyone treats as sacred? Tags are mostly for your organization, but also for speaking your mind (keep in mind, it's considered rude to diss the creation/fandom/ship in the tags of a positive post! The creator will see it in their activity page and it's a bummer, keep your comments silly or positive. If you wanna vent make your own post and tag it accordingly with anti-fandom/ship/character). If you don't have anything to say on the tags of a reblog don't let that stop you! Reblog without tags, you can always reblog it again later if you came up with something to say (no, OP won't mind).
What about likes? Likes are more like bookmarks for stuff you wanna find easily later, maybe for a personal post of a friend. You'll find you can actually hide your likes page (as the people you follow) on your blog, that's the common practice. Litterally no one will go look at your likes page,,, ever. trust me, it's easier to just have it hidden.
On the contrary, reblogs and original posts tell people what you're interested in, what you enjoy/don't enjoy. This is what it'll decide if someone wants to follow you or not: what kind of content you'll bring to their dash (don't worry if it's not consistent, we'll get to that later). Likes are mostly just for yourself.
What are replies for then? Probably the least used feature. You can use it to reply to a friend's personal post, or if you have a question for OP that needs an answer. This is not like a Twitter or Instagram comment! They won't boost the post and the creator would rather you'd put that praising comment in the tags of a reblog. They'll see it in their activity page for sure 😉
How do I find blogs w juicy posts to reblog as a newie? Search a fandom/ship you like and follow the top blogs there, scroll till you find a post you like and follow the original poster. They might follow back if they check out your blog and see you reblog content they like and congrats! You're mutuals 💕
You can also follow tags and there's always creation hubs blogs that exist solely for the purpose of creating or rebloging gifsets and content of a specific fandom/ship.
Do timelines matter? Is it cringe to reblog old things? An unequivocal no. You'll find its hard to know when something was posted to begin with, and we love that! It doesn't matter if it's from a deactivated blog, if it's 5 days or 7 years old, reblog it anyways, you won't be judged because no one will look at the date it was posted either.
What is it this about "curating your online experience"? Just like Instagram, you can block people, just like Twitter, you can also mute/filter words. On Tumblr you can also filter tags. (They'll appear like posts w a message that they contain filtered content). And like neither, you can turn off all suggestions so you see stuff only from people you follow, in the order it was posted.
How do I do this? Settings > dashboard > preferences > best stuff first/include stuff in your orbit/include "based on your likes!" > Off/on as you prefer!
Next is tags and keywords, these will depend on who you follow and what stuff you're sick of seeing. Filter freely! No one will know except you and the better tailored to your interests your dash is, the more fun using this platform will be. Remember, this site doesn't have an algorithm that hides content from the people you follow based on your activity like other platforms, so don't hold back. (Filtered tags are also great to use like on twitter to hide spoilers or trigger warnings, with the added bonus that tagging those is a popular policy here, it can be more effective than on twitter.)
I'll give you a tip: if you've blocked someone but are still coming across their stuff in people's reblogs, load their URL as a muted word and say bye to their annoying content for sure 😘 I also use it for meme posts that start to get on my nerves.
What about those comments about the likes and reblogs ratios? Well, that's A Thing here. Like I said before, reblogs are the whole point of this site, so when in recent years people seem to have switched to only ever liking stuff (along w many other reasons. It's not one single person's fault), the site traffic has plummeted. This has been very disheartening for creators who started to feel like the fandom communities they loved and interacted with on the daily became silent audiences who are not interested in making the community grow or even engage with it. It sort of escalated from there.
The bottom line is that we all want to support and enrich the fandom/s we're in, so I wrote this in the hopes that it'd give new users an idea of how to best do it in this particular platform 💗
For more info you can check tumblr's official guide
2K notes · View notes
I come bearing a request! The Brothers with an MC who's really good at cooking and baking? Like, the stuff food blogs dream of. Master-level instagram pastries. Could compete with the chocolate guy if they put their mind to it.
👀 ooooo, I do love me some pastries-
(I know you have an *ahem* distaste for Lucifer, dear moot, so enjoy Lucifer acting like a bit of a dingus in his section!)
Oh, the human can cook. *insert asshole eyeroll here*. Great. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. That’s what’s got all his brothers acting like- what was that word Levi used? Simps? This human has turned six of the seven rulers of hell into a bunch of simps.
Sure, the human has near godlike cooking prowess. Sure, everyone looks forward to their day for cooking. And sure, everyone thinks the human’s pretty great.
Tsk, not him though. He’s a refined demon. Some silly food isn’t going to make him a lovesick fool… did he smell eclairs..?
Lucifer peered into the kitchen to see MC carefully taking a tray of eclairs out of the oven and letting them cool off on the counter. His favourite dessert… right there in front of him…
Due to not being a total moron, MC notices Lucifer and asks him what the hell he’s doing just standing ominously in the doorway. Lucifer makes up some bullshit excuse about reminding MC to do their homework and just leaves. Okay, game plan, he needs those fucking eclairs or he will spontaneously combust.
As he snuck into the kitchen that night, Lucifer took a moment to briefly wonder why he was creeping around his own house. He was the Avatar of Pride for pity’s sake! He could eat whatever he damn well pleased! Oh shit was someone coming- no? Okay, back to sneaking.
Lucifer crept into the kitchen, saw the eclairs, and all logic was thrown out the window. Time to eat!
“BEEL NO! NOT THE- Lucifer..?” “…” “…” “…you’re very talented, MC, do you mind making more of these?”
Ugh, stuck babysittin’ some dumb human, how lame…
As Mammon was throwing a “I’m broke and I’m stuck in a pact with a dumb human” pity party, the most heavenly smell entered his nostrils. Cooking… good cooking… was Barbatos visiting or somethin’? Nah, Lucifer woulda made a big fuss about gettin’ ready for Lord Diavolo. Huh, so what was goin’ on in the kitchen?
Huh? The human? The human can cook? Well damn, maybe this whole deal wouldn’t be so bad. Oi! MC! As payment for babysittin’ ‘em, he got to have an extra big share of- OW!
Did- did the human just hit him with a spoon?! Th-they can’t do that!
Apparently they fucking can. Mammon gets told to sit the fuck down and wait for the food like everyone else. He grumbles on the way to the dining room, but he can’t fully hide his excitement to try the food.
The food even looked pretty! How did they do that?! Magic. It had to be!
After everyone’s tastebuds were blessed with the heavenly substance that is MC’s culinary exploits, Mammon decides he needs to get on this human’s good side in order to receive more food! Maybe even find some way to make a profit or somethin’!
After weeks go by of trying to suck up to the human without looking like too much of a chump, Mammon eventually realizes… hey, this human ain’t so bad. They’re nice, they make him feel good about himself, they give him headpats… he’s really hit the jackpot here!
He’ll offer to help MC bake or cook, but beware, he will try and sample the food before it’s done. Don’t let him lick the spoon!!!
First thought? This human ain’t shit. Thought after seeing their food? WOAAAAAAAH! JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME-
He was unceremoniously cut off by Beel asking demanding seconds. Humph, fine, he doesn’t actually care about this dumb normie food anyway.
…well at least until Levi saw a little something something on TV that he just had to ask MC to try and make. He shyly knocked on their door and when they answered, Levi shoved the screenshot in their face and stuttered out a dinner request.
On the day MC was supposed to make dinner, Levi poked his head into the kitchen and tried to make it look like he was just standing in the same room as MC and not checking to see if they were making his dinner request.
Not that he’d blame them for not doing that… who’d wanna make some anime dinner for a yucky Otaku- OMG JAHSHSHABA THEY’RE MAKING IT! *fangirl squeals*
As Levi continues to commit the SIN of being in the kitchen at the same time as someone else, MC eventually just asks him if he’d like to help out.
“Here! Just keep turning the takoyaki.” “R-really? You trust me?” “Yes, Levi. You watched how they made it on your show, right?” “Yes! I won’t mess up! I swear on my honour as an otaku!”
All in all, it was a very cute bonding experience for the two. Now it’s a regular thing. Levi requests something for dinner or dessert, MC makes it, Levi helps out.
So, the human can cook. That’s nice. At least someone in this literally god forsaken house can.
He makes sure to thank MC every time they cook, then he makes sure to thank whatever deity is watching over him that Solomon wasn’t the human staying with them.
As the months progress, Satan realizes, he should learn how to cook better. I mean, Levi and Mammon were somehow both improving in their cooking endeavours, and if MC could teach those two, then he would be a breeze.
Satan walked into the kitchen and simply asked if MC needed any assistance with what they were doing. MC just slid him some garlic to dice and that’s how this mentor/student relationship was formed.
Satan was a star pupil, but Mammon and Levi weren’t above trying to sabotage Satan’s progress to get him to leave.
Here’s the thing, the sabotage worked, but it only worked once, and the two idiots didn’t stop to think that maybe they shouldn’t sabotage the meal they were going to have to eat later.
Well, cooking lessons continued uninterrupted after the ghost pepper incident…
Even when he’s ‘graduated’ their little cooking class, Satan’s always willing to lend a hand if needed. He also will slyly hand over some recipe books and cute baking supplies that he finds. MC should be prepared for lots of cat related things to come their way.
The human can cook? Oh frabcious day! He’s saved from a life of his brother’s mediocre cooking! And the human’s so cute too! What a bonus!
Not only is the human cute, but their food is just so… aesthetic??? Pretty???? Omigosh he just has to get a picture for Devilgram!
For the first few months, MC’s relationship with Asmo consists of Asmo not at all subtly asking to take pictures of their food and post it to his Devilgram. Listen MC, his followers would just love it!
Being the saint-sheep they are, MC lets Asmo sit in whenever they’re making anything in the kitchen. And Asmo slowly realizes “hey, this cute human with the awesome food is actually pretty cool too!”
New Mission: Make the human fall madly in love with him so they’ll want to hang out more.
Whether the mission succeeds is up to MC of course. (I mean, I’m already smitten with him sooooooooo-)
MC offers Asmo a lot of the pastries they make, but the Avatar of Lust almost always declines. Listen honey, he’s on a diet- wait, don’t make that sad face! He’ll eat it! Look! It’s- it’s delicious…
Diet cheat day is now every day MC makes dessert. The feeling of bliss Asmo gets when he takes a bite out of anything MC makes is only second of the treats is second only to the joy he feels at seeing MC happy that he likes their food. It’s just so wholesome I can’t-
MC’s food Devilgram has almost surpassed Asmo in terms of followers and honestly- he isn’t even mad.
Gasp! Lucifer finally got him the pet personal chef he’d always wanted! Thanks big bro! :D he’ll be sure not to eat this human!
On the first night MC was supposed to make dinner, Lucifer needed to hold Beel back from breaking into the kitchen to see what was causing that heavenly smell. It was, difficult… especially because Lucifer hadn’t slept in three days.
When they all sat down to eat, Beel practically inhaled everything and held up his half bitten plate for seconds.
We here at Stupid Headcanons incorporated recommend that MC have as many bodyguards as possible stationed around the kitchen at all times to ward off a hungry Beel. We don’t want him eating the ingredients and half-tempered chocolate.
A cinnamon roll through and through, he’ll eat everything MC gives him with a big ol’ smile on his cute little face. He’s not the best person to go to if MC wants advice or critique because the best thing Beel can usually muster is “it was really good.”
As Luke said in Lesson 5, Beel would make an awful food reporter. But we love him.
Similar to Levi, he’ll give meal requests on what to make for dinner. (At this rate, MC’s going to have to make some kind of list).
He kind of just waits by the door like a sad puppy whenever MC is making anything because he can’t get into the kitchen :(
The smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house did reach the attic and it only fuelled his rage more. How dare the human win everyone over with cookies?!
After the attic incident, Belphie was won over with cookies.
Belphie just stands creepily in the kitchen doorway whenever MC is making anything and just makes shit really uncomfortable. Why’s he doing that, you may be wondering, well, he’s trying to calculate the energy needed to swipe the bowl of cookie dough and sprint to safety.
He never succeeds, mainly because once he gets to the bowl, MC already has the wooden spoon ready to smack him, so he just freezes mid-theft and slowly puts the bowl down.
“Oh my gosh, it says let the bread dough rest overnight? Let’s get a headstart and go to sleep now.” “Belphie what-” “I made a pillow Fort, come in. Let’s sleep.” “In the kitchen????”
How’d he make the pillow Fort without MC noticing? Years of experience. He’s trained in the art of- MC? What do you mean you can’t sleep right now and you need to get a head start on shaping fondant?
…he may have eaten the fondant while MC wasn’t looking… whoops… Beel may have rubbed off on him a little…
1K notes · View notes
v-hope · 3 years
Sweet Night
Pairing: Artist!Taehyung x Heiress!Reader, Heir!OC x Reader
Genre: Fluff (yes, only fluff today, enjoy), Ex Roommates AU, Enemies to Lovers AU, Arranged Marriage (Heir!OC x Reader)
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: Neither you nor Taehyung were expecting you to show up to his art exhibition, let alone when everyone was already gone, for the two of you were well aware that you didn’t have much of a choice when it came to attending your possible future husband’s charity event instead. Then again, neither of you were counting on your brother and sister in law to take your side and drive you all the way over to him so you could surprise him before the day was over.
A/N: Helloo! This is part 24 of my Social Media AU “Belong”, but you can read it as a stand-alone one shot if you want! I would like to make a shout out to my 🇫🇮 anon for giving me the Jimin idea (you know which one, I changed it a bit to make it fit the story better, but still). I hope you guys enjoy!
Tumblr media
Looking away from the backseat’s window, your eyes focused on your trembling hands instead — the city lights as you passed them by being the only source of light as your brother drove through the streets of Seoul, which for some reason seemed to be extremely long that particular night.
The light music Miyoung had taken upon playing on the radio from the passenger seat, in an attempt to create a somewhat calm atmosphere for you and the nervousness she was sure you were feeling, had yet to make you actually calm down. If anything, you could feel your shaky hands become sweatier by the second as you felt a tingle of anticipation in your chest.
Although you wanted with everything in you to attend Taehyung’s art exhibition, you had got out of bed that morning being mentally prepared to spend the entire day at the Lee’s charity event.
You had been ready to spend most of the day with your parents pretending that everything in your relationship was alright, perfect even. You had been smiling for the cameras all day, greeting people you were sure were just pretending to have the perfect life as well, and being forced to make small talk with the ones who used to be your friends yet had turned their back on you as soon as they had found out you were choosing a more modest life over the luxurious one — the same so called friends of yours that had to keep quiet about your little secret if they didn’t want your parents to destroy their family’s business. After all, your family was with no doubt the most powerful one in Korea. And honestly? You couldn’t help but see it now as a curse, after having spent a lifetime believing it was a gift.
Not only that, but you had also spent most of the day next to Sungjin, lovingly posing for the cameras and holding hands, making you wish every single second it was Taehyung instead. You were sure that way it would’ve been more bearable. What you hated the most was the fact that you knew said pictures were being posted right away, meaning Taehyung would see them, and you hated the utter thought of having the man you had feelings for see you acting like a happy couple with someone else — even more after you had to cancel on him to attend an event with the one guy he had asked you not to bring with you to his art exhibition to begin with.
And yet, after having to endure all of that, here you were — a little over an hour after Taehyung’s exhibit was done, being driven over there by your brother and sister in law, while Jimin held him back at the gallery, and you not even knowing what you were supposed to say at all once you saw him. You couldn’t help but wonder if maybe this whole impromptu apparition of yours was a good idea at all. It had been a long day for him, you knew that for sure, and although he had told you earlier that day that he would’ve loved to have you there, maybe by this point he just wanted to go home and get some rest.
You didn’t have much more time to think about that, though, for just as you remained deep in your thoughts, Seokjin pulled up right in front of the address you had given him before. Looking up from your fidgeting hands, you were met by two pairs of eyes already focused on you.
“Do you want us to go with you?” Seokjin asked, hand on his keys, ready to pull them out at your command.
“Um…” you hesitated, leaning closer to the window as your eyes travelled around the rather isolated street in search of any paparazzis, finding yourself to be quite relieved when you saw none of them around. “Maybe just until I find Tae”.
They nodded, exchanging one last look before they made their way out of the car right as you did. Feeling the cold breeze of the night as soon as you closed the door behind you, you couldn’t help but hug yourself, sticking close to Jin and Miyoung as if you were a kid heading to school with her parents after being called by the principal.
Right as you were about to reach the entrance, however, Yoongi made his way out of the building, looking the other way before his eyes fell on all three of you.
“Hey,” he greeted, politely bowing his head, which you didn’t wait to reciprocate. “I came to see if you were anywhere near, Jimin is going crazy trying to come up with more excuses for Taehyung not to leave”.
You chuckled at his comment, imagining just how troubled your friend must have been. After all, and to be fair, you had taken a good while to get there. “Well, I’m here now”.
“That I can see” he sarcastically replied, eyes travelling from you to Seokjin, and then focusing on Miyoung. “Are you all coming in?” his eyes went back to you.
“Is it just the three of you inside?” your brother spoke up before you could nod. As far as he had understood, it should have been only Jimin and Taehyung inside.
“Oh, no” Yoongi denied. “Namjoon-ie is with us, too”.
“Namjoon?” Miyoung wondered, puzzled eyes going up to your brother. Given her reaction, you couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she knew what the rest of you didn’t when it came to those two.
Seokjin bit the inside of his cheek, giving her a knowing look before his eyes went back to Yoongi. “Actually, I, um… I just remembered Miyoung-ie and I have things to do, so…”
Although your sister in law looked troubled for a split second there, she wasted no time in nodding her head. Looking at Yoongi, she struggled to get the words out of her mouth. “W-We do! So, um…” her eyes focused on you. “We should probably leave. Is it okay?”
“You’ll be okay?” she pushed it, earning a small laugh from you over his motherly ways.
“She’s in good hands” Yoongi reassured her, receiving a genuine smile from her that only caused his lips to part into one of his own as well.
“Okay” she sweetly replied, giving him a small nod as a sign of gratitude.
Seokjin playfully nudged her, grabbing her hand so the whole marriage thing could at least be a little bit more believable. “Shall we go then?”
“Mhm…” she replied.
“Call me when you’re done here” your brother demanded.
“Oh, I’m sure Taehyung will drive her home” Yoongi’s words got chills running up your spine.
“Okay,” Jin’s eyes travelled from Yoongi to you. “Call me when you’re home then”.
“I will” you obediently complied.
With that said, your brother and sister in law turned around, leaving you alone with Yoongi, who didn’t wait to motion towards the door for you to go inside.
“After you” he politely said.
You smiled, taking in a shaky breath before you took a step in. Suddenly all the nervousness you had felt on your way here came right back to hit you in the face, not knowing at all what to do once you were in front of the guy you had ditched the Lee’s event for — not even knowing how he would react at all, yet hoping he would be happy to have you there.
You didn’t get too much time to mentally prepare, for as soon as you entered the place being followed by Yoongi, you caught a glimpse of the backs of the other three men inside as they faced one of the many paintings that brought some life to the neutral white covering every single wall of the gallery. And it was a matter of you taking a few steps towards them for three pairs of eyes to be set on you. However, yours were only focused on one particular pair of them — those chocolate ones that displayed a mixture of surprise and pure happiness in them.
“You’re here?” Taehyung asked the obvious once you reached their side, causing his friends to chuckle in amusement.
“Seems like it…” you nervously managed to get out.
Silence took over as big smiles were plastered all over your faces — on yours and Taehyung’s, as the two of you were happy as hell to see each other, and on his friends, for they were having a blast watching the two of you awkwardly stand in front of one another with those dumb smiles of yours, not knowing what to do next.
“Come on,” Jimin chimed in, placing his hand behind your back and lightly pushing you towards Tae. “Your girl fooled her parents into coming here, the least she deserves is a hug”.
With a giggle escaping Tae’s mouth, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you when your body was about to collide with his. Feeling your heart going wild at the warmness of his touch, you wrapped your arms around his waist as well, resting your face on his chest and taking in his scent right as he lowered his head just enough to bury it in your neck.
“Thank you for coming” he mumbled.
A light chuckle abandoned your mouth, deciding to say nothing and instead just nod your head and wrap your arms tighter around his figure.
“Okay, I think this is our cue to go” Namjoon’s voice broke the comfortable silence you had fallen into.
“Yup” Yoongi agreed, patting Jimin’s back to catch his attention, as he was shamelessly taking pictures of the two of you to remember the moment his friends somewhat got together. “Let’s give the love birds some privacy”.
Nodding his head, Jimin shoved his phone back into his pocket — neither of them bothering to say goodbye not to kill the moment the two of you were sharing, and just quietly leaving the gallery instead.
Once you heard the front doors being closed, Taehyung pulled away, cupping your face in his warm hands and smiling at the sight of you. “I never thought seeing you would make me this happy”.
“Yah, Kim Taehyung” you called him out. “I’m sure you can be sweeter than that”.
He chuckled, rolling his eyes at how spoiled you had become when it came to him and his show of affection. “I’m happy you’re here, princess”.
You smiled, resting your hands over his and drawing small circles with your thumbs on his skin. “I’m happy I’m here”.
His smile turned sweeter somehow, lightly pressing his forehead on yours before a chuckle escaped his mouth and he amusedly shook his head.
“What is it?” you wondered.
“Nothing,” he laughed, pulling away and letting go of your face. “It just makes sense now why the guys were trying so hard to keep me here. Specially Jimin”.
“Was he losing it?” you laughed.
“Totally” he nodded. “He made me go over the whole exhibition again and explain each one of my paintings at least twice to him” his eyes travelled to one particular spot on the wall right next to the painting they had been admiring when you walked in. “When he ran out of pieces to ask me about he pointed at this small crack on the wall and asked me how I had come up with such a deep concept”.
This time, you couldn’t help but tilt your head back as a throaty laugh escaped your mouth — one that had Taehyung giggling, absolutely loving the sound of your laugh.
“He’s an idiot” you stated. “But he kept you here for me, so…”
“That he did” he smiled, biting his bottom lip as his eyes unconsciously travelled down your body — that pink dress of yours sure did look even better in person. “Aren’t you cold?”
Your eyes instinctively went down to your uncovered legs and then to your uncovered arms, remembering how you had hugged yourself outside minutes ago because of the cold air of the night. “It’s alright in here”.
He nodded his head. “My coat is by the entrance, in case you get too cold”.
You smiled sweetly, yet it didn’t wait to turn into what seemed more like a teasing smirk. “So you told me earlier today that you wished you had got to see me in this dress and now you want to cover it up?”
Taehyung rolled his eyes in amusement. “Don’t get me wrong, princess. I already told you I think you look beautiful and am most definitely enjoying the view right now” his bold words brought heat to your face. “I’m just looking after you”.
“How sweet of you” your sarcastic tone didn’t really match your flustered expression. “I’m okay for now. Will let you enjoy the view for a little longer”.
“How considerate of you” he was quick to follow your sarcastic antics, silently enjoying that particular choice of yours.
“I know, no need to say it” you playfully squinted your eyes at him, later taking a look at the whole gallery. “You think you could show me around?”
He nodded, a bright smile already taking over his face. “It will be my pleasure” his dramatism got a playful roll of eyes from you. “Where would you like to start?”
“This one is alright” you pointed out, moving closer to the painting you already had in front. “So,” you began, eyes tauntingly going to the crack next to his painting. “Tell me about how you came up with such a deep concept”.
“Shut up” he amusedly rolled his eyes.
“No, but seriously now” you smiled, this time staring at the piece of art in front of you. “Tell me about this one”.
Taehyung’s art, you had found out quite a while ago, tended to be on the abstract side. Therefore, it was even harder for you —or anyone for that matter— to interpret.
This one piece, just like the tag placed above it on the wall let you know, was called ‘Winter Bear’. You could clearly see the winter, the palette of colours he had used just screamed cold days and melancholy. Nevertheless, the bear mentioned in the title was nowhere to be found in the painting — instead, you managed to tell apart what you thought was a little boy, somewhat hidden in between all the colourful strokes surrounding his figure.
“That’s me” he pointed out when he could no longer deal with the confusion in your face, managing to draw your attention back to him.
“What?” your bottom lip stuck out in a pout. “What is the word ‘bear’ doing in the title then?”
He chuckled. “It’s art, you dork. You can name it anything you want”.
“I think it must mean something, though…”
Taehyung bit his bottom lip. Of course you would know better.
“That’s what my grandparents used to call me” he confessed.
You nodded quietly, understandingly — not really knowing what to say yet not wanting to stay silent. “You must miss them so much…”
“Sometimes,” he nodded. “I mean, not a day goes by in which I don’t miss them, it’s just that… it’s been years so… you kinda grow used to it” his shoulders moved up and down, in a shrug that tried not to make it seem like a big deal. “The whole exhibit was related to winter, so it naturally reminded me of them and how they used to call me, and… I guess I got too personal with this exhibition”.
You gave him a sweet smile of reassurance, reaching for his hand and holding it in yours. “It’s your art. It’s supposed to be personal”.
The boxy smile that he gave you right then was all it took for your heart to skip a beat, later taking in a shaky breath when he intertwined his long fingers with yours and his thumb drew small circles on the back of your hand.
Your eyes went back to the painting in front, trying your best not to let him know what his touch did to you. “I love it” you stated, much to his pleasure. “Love the way it seems to make no sense when you only read the title, yet it makes complete sense after you explain it”.
He smiled wholeheartedly. “I think it just makes no sense” his words had you furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. “Not everyone is lucky enough to know the true meaning behind it”.
You giggled. “Lucky me then”.
“Lucky you” he agreed.
Tugging at his hand, you moved on to the next painting, and then the next one, and so on. Not a second had gone by in which you had let go of each other’s hand as you commented on the different paintings and the meanings behind each of them — the two of you finding yourselves having the time of your lives as you gave him your take on them and he confirmed whether or not it was what he had tried to portray.
That was what each of you liked about art so much, the fact that there was no wrong answer and you could discuss it so freely. Sure, he had something in mind the moment he painted each one of his pieces, but it was always fun to see what the rest of the people would feel when they looked at them.
And, for some reason, it was particularly enjoyable to him when it came to discussing art with you. So he had found out back when he invited you to one of his friend’s exhibits. It was different than talking about it with his friends, and he didn’t know if it was the fact that, unlike them, you actually knew about art, or just the fact that it was you.
Maybe both.
Tightening your hold on his hand when there were only four more artworks left, you moved on to the next one, having your jaw drop at the sight of it.
“Hey, this is the one I fixed” you blurted out in both surprise and excitement, unconsciously moving closer to it and dragging Taehyung with you so you could appreciate it better.
Although you were excited to see it there, you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up at the memories it brought back — the fact that you had collided with it and spilled coffee on it, still being both upsetting and embarrassing as hell.
You remembered quite well the way you had ran out in search of an art shop to find the necessary supplies to fix it before Taehyung could get home. Maybe you should have been faster. Not like that would’ve been of too much help, though, for whether you wanted to admit it to yourself or not, you knew very well he would’ve noticed something was off with his newest creation right away.
Looking at the different shades of blue and touches of yellow right then brought you back to that night you pulled an all-nighter, meticulously trying to recreate his painting — the hardest part being that you had only got to see it for a split second before the coffee that used to be on your —by then— broken mug had ruined it. You could only be thankful that it had been just a particular part of the painting and not all of it.
Staring into the picture, you had to stop yourself from reaching your hand out to it and trace your fingers over the pair of eyes you could tell apart in yet another one of his abstract works. You had not truly paid attention to them that one night you spent in Taehyung’s living room fixing his painting, for you had been way too invested in the details you had ruined. And you couldn’t help but feel relieved over the fact that the hot liquid had not touched the eyes he had so perfectly portrayed, for although they looked quite familiar somehow, you weren’t sure you would have been able to do any justice to them.
“I didn’t think you were actually displaying it” you mumbled after a few seconds, eyes still fixed on the painting.
“Why wouldn’t I?” he cocked one of his eyebrows. “Not to be that guy, but it’s quite good”.
“Yes,” you agreed in a heartbeat. “But you can tell one part of it is quite different to the rest of it”.
“You did a good job fixing it, princess” he recognized. “No one could really tell the difference”.
“I can tell” you mumbled.
Taehyung laughed under his breath. “Will you just look up to its title?”
Doing as told out of curiosity, your eyes darted up in a heartbeat — feeling them well up with tears when you read what the label above the artwork said.
“Sweet Night”, ft. Ariel.
Looking up to hold back the tears you felt so dumb for even having in the first place, you shook your head as the corners of your lips curved slightly up. “You did not just credit me after being the one to ruin it to begin with”.
“Hey, I wasn’t taking full credit over something I didn’t completely paint” he stated. “Plus, it’s smart, don’t you think? No one will ever know this Ariel person is no other than the infamous Kim Y/N”.
“You really didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to” he stated.
You bit your bottom lip, no longer being able to hold back your smile and letting it part your lips like it had been threatening to. Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh under his breath over how adorable he thought you were, not even dreaming of stopping himself when he let go of your hand and placed his arm over your shoulders instead, pulling you closer to him as the two of you stared into the artwork in front.
“Why ‘Sweet Night’?” you wondered, leaning your head on his body.
He shrugged. “It’s silly”.
“Come onnn,” you pouted, pulling slightly away so you could look at him. “Out of all the paintings here, you can’t leave out the explanation to this particular one”.
Taehyung sighed, knowing well enough that, one, you were right, and, two, you were not letting this go until he told you.
“It was inspired by that one night I came home to you and Sungjin” he said rather bitterly, remembering pretty well how he had not been fazed at all by the fact that you and said guy had obviously been making out right before, yet feeling his blood boil at the mere thought of it now. “We stayed up late eating lots and lots of sweet popcorn because I had way too many of them and you became addicted to them and how well they went with wine” a small laugh escaped his mouth at the memory. “So I just went with that. Plus, you were being really sweet that night and it was the first time I got to see that side of you, so…”
“That is really sweet” you mumbled, feeling the heat reach your cheeks.
“Don’t” he pleaded.
You laughed. “It truly is sweet, Vante” the way your eyes had softened at the sight of him, had his heart skipping a beat. “What do the eyes mean, though?”
“You just want to torture me by now” he called you out.
“I’m just asking!” you defended yourself with a giggle.
Taehyung rolled his eyes, feeling the heat reach his face as he intently focused on the painting, evading your eyes as he spoke.
“I’ve never been a fan of people having their full attention on me, I don’t like being the center of attention… I mean, I told you today how I was not looking forward to the moment I would have to give a speech in front of all my guests” you nodded, remembering how you had tried to cheer him up when it came to that. “So I don’t really talk about my art… or about art in general, to anyone. I just show it to them and let them interpret it, that’s what art is about, after all. But that one night you asked me a lot about my art and I actually felt like talking about it with you, and I remember the way your eyes were fixed on me almost as if you were scared you would miss some kind of important detail,” he laughed lightly. “And for the first time I liked the attention. I guess that inspired me enough to paint this”.
“So those are my eyes?” you asked.
He shrugged. “It’s up for interpretation”.
You shook your head in amusement, staring down as you felt your face burning. “You’re the worst”.
Taehyung chuckled, pulling you closer to him with the arm that was still around your shoulders, and using his free hand to place two fingers under your chin and make you look up at him. “Am I now?”
You felt your breathing become heavier the second his nose faintly bumped on yours — his lips only centimeters away from your anticipating ones. Too intimidated by him right then, knowing well enough he had you wrapped around his finger, you managed to shake your head no to answer his question, without taking your eyes away from his for even a second. Or well, that until his chocolate ones travelled down to your mouth.
Staring down into his tempting lips as they slowly came closer to yours, you looked up to his eyes for a split second, just enough to catch a glimpse of the way his remained fixed on your mouth. And then, you saw nothing — eyes instinctively closing when his lips softly trapped your bottom one.
Just one touch of his lips made you wonder how you had managed to go on all these weeks without getting a taste of them again.
“I thought you didn’t do this whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing?” you whispered against his lips, opening your eyes to find his dark ones already fixed on you.
A small, breathy laugh escaped his mouth, leaning in so it would faintly brush against yours. “I’m not kissing you as a friend”.
Your lips parted into a smile, not letting another second go by before you pressed your lips to his, making him smile and cup your face in his hands just like he had done weeks ago with the intention of deepening the kiss.
With your arms wrapping around his neck, you pulled him closer to your body, letting go of the kiss for a second to catch your breath and having him take advantage of your slightly open mouth to trap your bottom lip in his eager ones again, this time tracing his tongue over it and slipping it inside your still open mouth — meeting your awaiting one in the middle just the way he wanted.
Letting go of your face, one of his hands travelled down to your lower back so he could feel you even closer, fingers tracing their way down your bare arms as he did so, and feeling goosebumps form on your skin.
“You’re cold?” he asked, taking one second to catch his breath before his wet lips were back on yours.
You shook your head no, a small, shy laugh escaping your mouth. “I didn’t get chills because I’m cold”.
Taehyung bit his lip, feeling the corners of his mouth curving up and pressing one last kiss to your lips before finally pulling away from you as his eyes were intently fixed on yours.
“I will keep my coat to myself then” he teased you.
“Nope,” you were quick to deny. “I am taking you up on the coat offer when we leave”.
“Okay” he laughed lightly, the hand that was still on your face travelling down your arm to intertwine his fingers with yours. “Shall we go?”
You shook your head no quite effusively. “We’re not done with the exhibit yet!”
“I’m hungry, let’s go eat something” Taehyung whined. “We can come back some other day”.
“Yah,” you called him out. “I came all the way here just to see your artworks”.
Your words earned a somewhat bitter pout from him. “Thought you had come all the way over here to see me”.
You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at that, tugging on his hand to pull him closer, and then making him replace said pout with a smile when you pressed two chaste kisses to his mouth. “It was implicit” your teasing words had him rolling his eyes. “We only have three more to go and then I’m all yours”.
He smirked, pulling you with him to the next piece. “I like the sound of that”.
“I meant it as in, then we can go get some food” you mumbled, feeling your face burning for what felt like the millionth time that night.
“I know” he pecked your lips. “Doesn’t change that I enjoy the sound of that”.
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ladyofbonten · 3 years
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Road trips with the TR characters (groups addition)
Feat: car 1 (Mitsuya, Angry, Hakkai, and Smiley), car 2 (Kisaki, and Hanma), car 3 (Baji, Kazutora, and Chifuyu), car 4 (Takemichi, Hinata, Draken, and Emma), car 5 (Ran, Rindou,  Kokonoi, Takeomi), and car 6 (Mikey, Mochi, Kakucho, and Sanzu).
Genre: slice of life
TW: Cursing, mentions of drugs and alcohol
A/N: This is GN and all charaters are aged up
Tag: @rxnswhxre because I know he’s been looking forward for me posting this <3
Car 1 (Mitsuya, Angry, Hakkai, and Smiley)
It starts off nice at first
But shit hits the fan not long after with the two babies of the group
I swear you can't sit these two next to each other
"Scoot over you over grown garden gnome."
"What did you say? And why should you get more space beanpole?"
Your peace and quiet is thrown out the window by then
Smiley doesn't help; he's actually making the situation worse.
Mitsuya is trying his best to get them to stop as he drives.
"Both of you idiots better knock it off before I turn around and we don't go."
You sit in the front next to Mitsuya and turn around facing the three in the back.
"I'm going to say this once and only once. Behave or I'm kicking you all out on the side of the road to walk back home while Takashi and I will enjoy some time away from work and the chaos in the city without you all. Or, we can all go and enjoy the vacation home we all rented out and create some fun memories. Am I getting my point across to you three?"
Your smile alone give them chills and they agree to behave
Mitsuya laughs as he pokes your arm to get your attention
"Thank you for settling them down Y/N."
"Anything for my best friend, 'Kashi."
Its quiet for a moment before the backseat erupts with 3 angry voices
That last comment alone starts a whole other arguement but with the three in the back against you.
Car 2 ( Kisaki, and Hanma)
It was hell from the moment you got into the car
Not because you get into arguements or don't like anyone in the car
Its because of the way hanma drives
He may be your best friend, but that doesn't mean he'll be a safer driver for you or Kisaki for that matter
He's going 20 over the speeding limit and you leave Kisaki to sit in the front with him
"Remind me why you willingly gave me the front seat again Y/N?"
He turns around with a little tsk mark on the side of his forehead
"Cause if someone is getting taken out by Shuuji first, it won't be me."
You snickered earning a glare from Kisaki
"Hey, you two are ride or dies together, remember? That's your fate you chose knowing how Shuuji drives, not mine, I choose life."
Hanma laughs and turns to look at you guys
"Unless you guys see me panicking, we're fine."
He says as he swerves 2 lanes over to make it to the exit
Kisaki makes eye contact with you through the review mirror before you both silently agree and nod
"Hanma if you don't pull this car over and have Y/N drive, I will yank on the steering wheel."
"Oh, don't threaten me with a good time Kisaki."
"Shuuji I swear-"
He swearves a bit before you smack him upside the head
"I will stop spotting you cigerettes if you don't pull over."
This is when he sighs and pulls over
You take over for the rest of the driving for the remainder of the trip
Car 3 (Baji, Kazutora and Chifuyu)
Do I really need to explain how chaotic this trio is?
You're not even on the road and they're already fighting
Baji and Kazutora were fighting on who gets to sit in the front with you while you drive
I'm older than you, I should be able to sit in the front with Y/N!"
"You're only two months older than me, Kazutora."
Baji says and you watch a vein slowly becoming noticable on his neck as he and 'Tora push each other back and fourth from the passenger door
"Neither of you are sitting in the front because I need 'Fuyu to give me directions to the cabin. So you two, back seat, now."
They both glare at Chifuyu and get in the back
The fighting doesn't stop there though; they're now fighting on the music that is played
"Driver picks the music. Y/N is the one who has to listen to it while we all relax."
Chifuyu says and is met by your smile
"Thank you 'Fuyu. Can you play my road trip playlist?"
You see the two glaring and clear your throat.
"If either of you has a problem with it, please do speak up."
You cock an eyebrow as you quickly glance in the rear view mirror at the two
They both mumble no as they watch the blurry scenery outside the window as you laugh
"Whoever behaves the best can sit up front when we head back home."
This catches both of their attention and you can bet these two will do as you ask just so they can sit with you in the front on the ride home
Car 4 (Draken, Takemichi, Hinata, and Emma)
The most peaceful drive ever
Granted you're hardcore 5th wheeling, you've become their DD and babysitter of the group when you are all together
If its not because Emma and Hinata are both lightweights its because people are trying to start fights with Draken
With these roles you're always prepared even for the unexpected
For example, you guys got one flat tire and another with the nail still in it
"How are we supposed to make sure that the nail doesn't fall out of the other tire?"
Takemichi asks with genuine curiosty.
"We're just going to have to take that chance."
Draken sighs as he replaces the spare with the flate
"Wait, but I have a tire patching kit Draken. All we have to do is make it to a gas station and take the nail out, patch the tire and use the air pump."
"Since when did you have a patching kit, Y/N?"
Draken asked shocked
'Since our last trip and we were stranded in the snow."
You deadpanned and both the girls praise you for being prepared
None of you spoke about that trip afraid of it coming true again
But you however have slowly started buying things for 'Emergencies' during your trips
"Y/N to the rescue! I'm buying them dinner!"
Hinata yells before you all head off on the road again
Not only did your preparation save you from being stranded, but it got you a free dinner too
Car 5 (Ran, Rindou, Kokonoi, Takeomi)
Not as bad as you think
You sat between the Haitani brothers while Takeomi and Koko were in the front
You were watching Ran be a menace by messing with Rindou in his sleep
"Hey Koko, do you have a pen on you?"
He snickered as he's given a pen and leans over you to reach his brothers sleeping figure
He's hard core focused on drawing on Rindou's face with a mustache and what are supposed to be tattoos
"So, come here often, Y/N?"
He sends a wink at you since both of your faces are within close proximity of one another.
He does this a lot as a joke when he invades your personal space knowing that you'll either go with it or push him away laughing
"You're so stupid for thinking you can flirt with me when you're ruining my best friends face."
"Can't blame me for trying, right?"
You both start laughing and Rindou starts waking up
"Why the hell is Ran's face so close to yours Y/N?"
You and Ran stare at each other before you both say no reason and go back to acting like you didn't let Ran draw on his younger brothers face
He doesn't realize it was done until Takeomi points it out at a gas station where you all get out to stretch your legs
"Nice face tattoos, Haitani."
He chuckles as he lights a cigerette and Koko turns around
He's not very amused by some of the shit that the older Haitani brother does but this he let out a scoff for
"I'm never giving my pen to your brother again."
Lets just say Rindou was less than happy when he saw the handy work his brother left on his face and you were also in trouble as he saw you as an accomplice to his brothers actions
At least you got some good laughs out of it though
Car 6 (Mikey,Mochi, Kakucho and Sanzu)
Where do I begin?
The car ride alone was going to have a 75/25 chance of being a chaotic ride or a peaceful one
You can assume what it is because Sanzu is already as high as a kite and ready to fight god at 8 am
You beeline for the front passanger seat not wanting to deal with his shit so early in the morning leaving both the boss and Mochi to deal with him as Kakucho drives
"Can we stop to get a happy meal from Mc. Donalds?"
"What the fuck? Haru, no. We need to get to our destination in a timely manner."
Wrong answer
"Who the fuck died and made you the boss?"
He shoots back and starts rambling to both Mochi and Mikey
"Can't we just give him a sedative and make him quiet the rest of the ride. It's too early for Haru's shit and I won't hesitate to throw his ass out of this car."
You can feel him glaring at you where as both Mochi and Kakucho chuckle
Kakucho laughing is rare in and of itself
"All those in favor of Y/N's idea say 'aye'."
Kakucho laughs as he slightly elbows you
Mochi, Kakucho and yourself all say aye which pisses Sanzu off and he goes on a whole tangent how the one person who he thought cared about him (referring to you) doesn't
"Just give the guy fucking food and we won't have to hear him complain."
Mikey sighs as you make eye contact through the rear view mirror
You then sigh and turn around to face Sanzu
"I’ll buy you a pork cutlet bowl when we get close to where we are staying, how about that Haru?"
He says deal before he leans his head on the window and is out like a light
"Are you telling me I just had to promise that fucker food and he would have shut up this whole time?"
You're honestly baffled
What a trip it was going to be
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
for the touch prompt event perhaps #24 tracing the other’s scars? 💕
Hey, @the-biggest-sambucky-shipper! Ooh, that's a good one, I was hoping someone would choose that one 😆 It's a fic that's post-TWS and pre-CW, if that's okay. I hope you enjoy the drabble! 🥰
Prompt 19: Tracing the Other's Scars
| 18 | Prompts | 20 |
He was gorgeous.
Bathed in the full moon glow transcending from the window, the light framed around him as if it was a message from a higher power, that one should not look upon the visage of someone deemed so ethereal, like a painting brought to life.
On that expanse, there lay valleys and hills not of Sam's own creation, not exactly. Remnants of accidents, of war, of fights. whole galaxies of pain laid over with scar tissue floated atop and dug into Sam.
It was hypnotic. As if Bucky's brain was trying to connect the jagged lines and craters to form ominous constellations.
Sam didn't wear a shirt to bed.
Why didn't Sam wear shirts to bed?
"I can feel you staring, Buck," whispered Sam.
Bucky jumped.
Bucky still felt new to his name. A strange familiarity that felt bittersweet hid in its sounds, but he didn't feel like the same man who used it long ago. It felt good to hear Sam say it, though. Hear the consonants and vowels flow from Sam's mouth like a waterfall of dopamine.
"I... wasn't," Bucky tried.
Sam snorted, turning his True Love hellebore eyes to Bucky, amused.
"Why are you on the couch?" mumbled Sam as he patted the side of the bed next to him, "We talked about this. It's big enough. We can share."
Bucky frowned, but he was unable to break that gaze with Sam's eyes.
"I should have bought you a hotel room," mumbled Bucky, "I'm dangerous."
Bucky wasn't sure how much he could trust himself. If there was a way to bring the Soldier back. He didn't want to hurt Sam.
"Not right now, you aren't," whispered Sam softly, still patting that empty half of the bed, "I don't bite. We'll both get better sleep on a bed."
Reluctantly, Bucky moved away from the couch. He found himself gingerly settling under the covers. Close to Sam. So close, he could feel the heat radiate off the fella.
He found his mind drifting back to them.
The scars.
Sam must have noticed Bucky's eyes wandering, because he whispered, "Want to know how I got them all?"
Bucky swallowed.
Sam gently grabbed Bucky's hand, a firm hold that made Sam's heart skip a beat. Sam pulled Bucky's hand, placed Bucky's fingers on the messiest scar right above Sam's heart.
"I was helping Steve on a mission. HYDRA base. This one guy - snuck up on me. I think he meant to stab me in the heart..." Sam said, a little distant, as if he were reliving that moment.
Bucky's hand turned to hold Sam's, squeezing it. Sam came back from that memory, smiling at Bucky. With no reason to hold onto Sam's hand, Bucky reluctantly let go.
Bucky's fingers traced the scar Sam brought him to. The knife wound. There was a distinct dip in the scar, a change in density. Bucky couldn't help but rub it, as if that would make the wound and its memory go away.
He found his fingers gliding across Sam's smooth skin to a moon-shaped scar on Sam's shoulder.
"I was four," said Sam, grinning at the scar, "There was this tree in my backyard - I was convinced that if I jumped out of it with paper wings, I'd be able to fly. Luckily, I was four, so I didn't get that high up in the tree. I fell a little wrong on the way down and cut my shoulder open on a rock. I think I needed three stitches for that."
Bucky's fingers skimmed down Sam's arm, landing on a dent in Sam, a tiny crater.
"Pararescue mission. A bullet grazed me, but it grazed me close enough for me to need to glue the wound shut," said Sam quietly, "First time I was shot."
Bucky continued. He moved his fingers lightly over Sam, finding every scar, tracing them gently as Sam retold the tales of how he got each one. Bucky could listen to Sam talk all night.
And he did. The two of them lay in their little bubble of happiness as Bucky soaked in every piece of history Sam would offer him.
This series is to celebrate Pride Month with some fun prompts. Since I got more prompts than I anticipated, I’m going to extend this event to finish all the prompts.
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Nemesis: Retribution (3)
Summary: 10 years after the Avengers had left you for dead during a mission gone wrong, you unexpectedly re-enter their lives. Wholly unrecognizable from the person they used to know and now with a new team behind you, they ask for your help to stop a chain of syndicates who were manufacturing and peddling the super soldier serum. You were determined to say no until the chance at the vengeance you had been chasing for years was added to the offer.
Fandoms: Avengers, Marvel, MCU, The Punisher, Daredevil
Pairings: Female Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Warnings: EVENTUAL SMUT. SHAMELESS SEXUAL BEHAVIOURS. (18+ ONLY), polyamorous relationships, reverse harem, blatant disregard for canon timelines and events, lots of angst, Punisher canon level of violence and gore, strong language, mentions of trauma, character death, fluff if you squint
A/N: We’re playing fast and loose with canon here people. Also thank you for the interactions. I love reading what you think and it helps me write the next chapters better. Also, I enjoy having someone to freak out with. Highlight of my life I swear to god. Enjoy!
No permission is granted to repost, steal, or translate my work. Not even a credit makes it okay. Tumblr is the only place I post my writing. If you see it anywhere else please report it.
Series Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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1:3 Hard Candy
Natasha stormed off the jet and into the conference room where she knew the rest of the team were waiting for them, fury radiating from her small frame. Catching sight of her target only made her grow angrier. She immediately ran up to Steve and growled up in his face causing him to immediately take a step back. Sam and Bucky were immediately alarmed, standing up to intervene and the latter's black vibranium arm whirring in preparation but Steve held up a hand to stop them.
"What the hell, Rogers? You send me on a mission with zero intel and this is what I find? Did you know?"
Steve's eyes narrowed down at her, the thick beard and longer hair adding even more to his already commanding presence. He knew exactly what Natasha was talking about and he did expect her to react this way.
"I wasn't sure, Nat. And I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up if I was wrong."
"And if you were right?" she scoffed.
Steve swallowed hard before he answered, the blue in his eyes calming considerably. "I thought the three of you deserved to be the first to know."
"What the hell is going on?" Bucky asked, arms crossed on his chest and brows deeply furrowed. They didn't even know about any mission.
Natasha chuckled humorlessly and backed off from Steve. She ran a hand through her hair, the red bleeding into the old blonde color, and gestured toward the door at the approaching people.
"Well you weren't wrong, Steve."
That was the overall theme of the day it seemed. None of them could hardly believe that you were actually standing at the doorway. It's been ten long years and you were like the ghost haunting their dreams during that time, a pure and kind soul taken far too soon. Hell, they told stories about your selfless sacrifice to the new recruits. You had unknowingly become a legend.
A legend turned ghost story.
Now you looked more like a nightmare; dried blood caked your clothes and skin, a cold smirk lifting the corner of your lips, and a dangerous unhinged glint in your eyes.
"Well, I'll be damned," Sam breathed. "Y/N?"
"Hey, Sam," you said, the almost flirtatious lilt in your voice sending a shiver down their spines. "I go by Nemesis now."
"Nemesis?" Bucky snapped out of his daze, brows raised high and his jaw clenched, features seen clearer now with his shorter hair. "The notorious mercenary Nemesis?"
"I prefer private contractor."
While they had been honoring your memory, you had been building a ruthless reputation of your own that was widely considered on par in violence with The Punisher but with the added disturbing fact that you could be hired. Of course, no one but a select few knew who you actually were.
Until today.
Nemesis. The Greek goddess of divine retribution and revenge. A name that suited the dark avenging persona you had adapted and the only purpose you now lived for. In a twisted kind of way, you were doing the same work they were only with far less finesse and none of the righteous for the good of mankind purpose they usually had.
You shrugged, sitting yourself casually down on the nearest chair on the other end of the long table from where they stood. You have had a long night, your feet were tired and they were still looking at you with absolute confusion and disbelief. This looked like it would take a while.
You rolled your eyes as you unbuckled your stained bulletproof vest, throwing it haphazardly on the table. You hazarded a glance at each one of them as you made yourself comfortable, noting the changes in them too. The years had given way to a solemn maturity to each one, it seems things had changed for them too.
"Now that I'm here, you have 12 minutes."
"12 minutes? Until what?" Steve stammered.
He couldn't keep his eyes off you, couldn't for the life of him reconcile the person he was seeing in front of him with the person he knew. From your expressions to your movements and even to the tone of your voice, you were just so different and yet it just seemed to make you a more magnetic presence. Fresh guilt washed over him, knowing that he had failed you as your Captain. They should have kept looking for you.
"You'll see. 11 minutes now. Either ask your questions or tell me what you want."
"We all thought you were dead," Steve muttered, taken back by your hostility.
"Well that obviously didn't stick. How did you find me, Cap?"
It was Steve who found you. At first he couldn't believe it was really you, but the split second glimpse he got of your eyes from the body cam on one of the field agents weeks ago drove him to obsessively dig further. It was a shot in the dark when he sent Natasha and the twins on the mission tonight.
"By chance," he admitted. "We've been chasing a group of people suspected to be manufacturing and selling the super soldier serum. Our agents have had a few close encounters with you. I think we're going after the same people."
"So you're asking for intel?" you snorted, absentmindedly picking at the bloodstains on your sleeves.
"No," he said cautiously, wary at how relaxed yet tightly coiled you looked. "I'm offering you your spot back with the team."
You almost choked on the laugh that just escaped your lips. You couldn't help the short bark of laughter at the ridiculous proposition. Looking at their faces though it seemed that the offer was serious, although the reluctant look in their eyes at your transformation showed their inner conflict. You straightened your features and shook your head, the amused smile still on your lips.
"Look, I'm not exactly on brand for you guys anymore." You leaned forward with your arms on the table and landed your eyes squarely on Bucky's, the venom unmistakable. "Besides, I seem to recall I was deemed not cut out for this team."
Bucky felt like his soul left him at your words. There was a Molotov cocktail of emotions raging inside him; surprise, shame, relief, anger, guilt, and longing. It was killing him knowing that he had a hand in how drastically you had changed. He was deathly afraid of finding out your full story. He wanted to talk to you, wanted to beg for your forgiveness and make things right. How many chances would anyone get to redeem oneself with a ghost? He couldn't find the words though, his throat going dry and his tongue heavy in his mouth.
"Y/N, you know that's not the truth," Steve tried to insist.
"I'm not Y/N anymore and I already have a team." You waved a hand dismissively. "Also your 12 minutes are up."
All at once the power cut out in the Compound, drenching the room into darkness punctuated by the flashing emergency lights. You felt yourself get lifted off your seat and the next moment you were standing behind a formation of Avengers in the arms of the resident speedster, your arms on his chest to steady yourself from the daze of the sudden movement. His muscles were tense beneath your hands but his expression was gentle as he looked down at you.
He had wanted to rush over to you the moment you revealed your face. He wanted to hold you, jump for joy, speed around the entire city with you in his embrace. How you were alive didn't matter to him.
Only that you were.
It was only at Wanda's warning for him to stay back that he did. She showed him that you weren't the same person anymore and that they weren't sure whether you would still be friend or foe. To Pietro though, you weren't different.
You were just angry.
To him you were still his little star despite the others thinking you were closer to a supernova now. His little star was just hurting and he decided that he would do everything in his power to help you heal. He held your head tighter to his chest, intending to protect you from the anticipated danger and ready to get you to safety at a moment's notice.
"What the damn hell is going on?" Sam yelled, readying his guns.
A figure silently jumped through the window and rolled on the floor to stop right in front of the group, jolting the Avengers to defend. He stood to full height and took a fighting stance; clad in head to toe red, billy clubs at the ready, and horns glinting in the sparse light atop his head.
The Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
"Let Nemesis go," he growled.
Natasha stepped forward, snapping her own batons in place. The crackling of the electricity from it sent lights to dance on the menacing expression on her face. The rest of the team watched closely the other entry points, expecting more to come in and if the first was any indication then they were in for a real fight.
Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway, loud and not at all trying to be concealed. Walking straight through the front door, were two towering men in heavy military gear each holding an assault rifle aimed at the group. The sneer on one lent a dangerous taunting aura to his surprisingly handsome features as if to say just fucking try me. While the other had a burning steely focus that instinctively made anyone back off, the emblem on his black vest told them exactly who he was.
The Punisher.
The Avengers snapped to attention, each one drawing their weapons and aiming back. The air was crackling with animosity and fingers that itched to pull their respective triggers. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the first to break the standoff in the enclosed space. Willing for someone to break it.
You laughed.
The disorientation at your reaction was palpable across the room. You patted Pietro's chest, grinning up at him in reassurance that everything was fine. He released you from his hold reluctantly and let you step out of the protective cluster they had inadvertently formed around you. The three newcomers visibly relaxed the slightest bit at the sight of you.
"Weapons down," you said calmly, eyeing each one in the room. No one budged. "All of you. Now."
Steve being the first one to lower his shield was the catalyst in diffusing what could have been the fight of the century. As outnumbered as the newcomers were, they lacked nothing in skill and precise brutality. Frank followed in lowering his weapon and soon everyone did the same. There was still tension but at least it was now reduced to intense glaring.
You tutted and shook your head as you strutted your way to your three rescuers. "What I needed was a ride home, Frankie. Not a goddamn full extraction op."
"Sorry, sweetheart," he said, not sounding at all apologetic and knowing you weren't really angry if the tired amusement on your face was anything to go by.
He smiled at you, that small open quirk at the corner of his mouth that was always accompanied by a roll of his tongue. He reached for you when you got close enough, drawing you close with a burly arm around the back of your shoulders. He kissed you on the forehead, a lingering gesture that clearly showed an intimacy between the two of you. The soft look on his face was reserved only for you and when he raised his face to the Avengers it was back to the cold threatening glare.
"Can you blame us though?" His voice came out gravelly, a favorite sound of yours. "The last time you were with these guys you were captured and tortured."
The word hung heavy in the air and though your back was turned, you could imagine the look on the faces of your former team. They didn't know about that yet. How could they when they had believed all this time that you died in the explosion?
"You forgot to mention blown up," Matt added, grabbing your hand and pressing it to his lips.
He removed his helmet, floppy brown hair instantly softening his persona. He peppered kisses on your palm and the inside of your wrist as he breathed in your scent to calm his own anxiety. He almost lost it when Billy had called saying that you had been taken. He was usually the last one to jump to immediate violence in your group, but the thought of you gone filled him with irrational fear. The possibility that history could repeat itself was unacceptable to him.
"I should have come with you."
"I could handle it and Billy was with me."
"Lot of good that did," he scoffed, switching to lightly biting your wrist. This wasn't unusual. Being blind, he relied on a more intense physical reassurance that everything was still as it should be.
"They weren't gonna hurt me, Matty," you argued, but it was more to help settle his nerves.
"All right, leave the foreplay for later," the last of the trio said, pulling you by your other hand closer to him.
He held you tightly by the waist and pressed you close, molding your body to his in a practiced motion. The smile on his face was scandalous and the mischief in his eyes was one that spelled trouble. The cheeky bastard winked at you before dipping his head to lay open mouthed kisses on your neck up to your ear right along your old scars. Shivers went down your spine and you couldn't help the low hum as your body reacted instinctively to him, stepping closer still until you could feel the heat of his body through his gear.
You knew exactly what he was doing. He was always the quickest to show affection in front of company, but this was a particularly golden opportunity for him to stake his claim in front of people he believed did not value you enough. Billy wouldn't be Billy if he didn't take it.
"Hey, pretty girl."
Across the room, the Avengers watched on with blatant curiosity at the apparent intimately familiar exchanges. It wasn't as much the fact that three men were bathing you with affection, but more that this cemented how far removed you were from their memory of you. They knew you as a starry-eyed recruit who stuttered at light teasing and preening at the slightest validation.
"Y/N," Steve called for you, forcing you to step away from Billy for the moment. You turned around to face them but Billy didn't let you go far, slinging his arm over your chest and this time contorting his body to yours.
"I told you, Steve. I'm not Y/N anymore," you said, a fleeting sadness flashed in your eyes before it was replaced with a firm pride. "And this is my team."
"We're taking our girl home," Frank declared, the threat underneath didn't need to be verbalized. If they took you again, it wouldn't end well for anyone.
"Wait!" Steve said urgently, halting your exit. "We'll hire you."
It was a last ditch effort. He was grasping at straws to keep you from disappearing from their lives again. He knew that if you walked out that door now there was no chance of ever getting you back. He just could not let that happen. This would only be temporary at best, but at least it would buy him time to convince you of a more permanent arrangement.
"Not interested."
"Nem." Matt as usual cautioned you from being too hasty. "Is this about the syndicates?"
You sighed. Matt was like a dog with a bone now. There was no choice but to let him chew on it. This was particularly important to him because the syndicates had been running amok in Hell's Kitchen and he was starting to find it difficult to keep his backyard clean.
"Yeah, apparently the stuff we found in the shipment yard was for making super soldier serums. The Avengers have been following the trail too."
"Why not just join forces then? We can get this done and over with a lot faster with their help," he reasoned.
"We're doing fine on our own, Matty."
"Matt has a point, sweetheart," Frank cut in. "We've been chasing this for years. I know a part of you is just itching to end all of this."
"It might help us find him faster. Do you really want to spend another ten years pulling at threads?" Matt added.
You closed your eyes, hands clenching at your sides to control your anger. It grated at you when they ganged up on you like this, but your anger was more because they were right and you knew it. You hated it, but they were right.
It was Billy who intervened, pulling you again to hug you from behind. His hold was firmer than before, aimed more to calm your shaking body. His voice came out calm, but resolute. His first priority was always making sure you were okay and you obviously weren't okay with this.
"You heard the lady. It's a no."
Frank and Matt sighed and shook their heads, but backed off. They weren't about to push you about this no matter how much they knew this would help you. They'll try again to convince you later, but they weren't optimistic. It was fortunate for them that there was more than just one stubborn person in the room.
"Please," Steve interrupted. You had almost forgotten that there were other people in the room. Almost. "We need your help. They have someone who keeps getting in our way and every time we get close he either fights us long enough for the trail to grow cold or leads us on wild goose chases. We can't let that serum be available to whoever can pay for it."
He didn't know what it was that he said that made all of your heads snap in his direction. Your eyes in particular were suddenly wild with barely restrained fury. He would take it. At least he had your attention.
"We can't let that happen, Nemesis," he finished, making sure to use your preferred name. Anything to possibly get himself into your good graces.
"Do you have a name?" you ground out.
"A name, Steve. Do you know who this guy is?"
"By the way he fights he seems to be a merc too. Looks like military background though from where I'm not sure," he said slowly, carefully choosing his words in the hopes of you changing your mind. "He goes by Salvacion."
"We're in."
Earth's Mightiest was stunned at the sudden reversal of your decision. As firm as you had rejected the offer, you were jumping at it now with the addition of your own team.
"Let's get one thing straight though, Cap," you began, the rage still burning in your eyes like wildfire. "My team and I will work with you. It's all of us or none of us. We'll help you lock up the syndicates and destroy the serum. We'll play nice, but Salvacion is mine."
Steve took a deep breath, relieved that you had agreed but also deeply concerned at your visceral reaction to a name. He had to ask.
"Because that's the motherfucker who killed my sister."
A/N: I feel like you guys have more questions now. Come freak out with me through the comments and reblogs! I write faster when people freak out with me. It’s the truth. Now that you’ve seen our girl with ALL our strapping men, what do you think? Who are you most curious about now?
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Oblivious (r.b.)
A/N: Another request down! This one is another Robin request. It's a bit longer than the last one I posted, but it's a bit dry unfortunately. I tried to make it like my other longer fics, but I just felt like this is was meant to be this length. I threw in a funny scene in the end. Anywho, I hope you like it lovely anon💛, I really tried to do your request justice (I loved it btw).
P.S: Not proofread yet. I'm gonna go over all my fics in these upcoming fics to proofread and I will do this fic then
TV Show/Movie: Stranger Things
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Byers!Reader
Stranger Things/Robin Taglist: N/A
Warnings: Fluff, a parent being obvious, getting caught getting hot and heavy the backseat. Pretty short in length.
Note: Not proofread yet. I'm gonna go over all my fics in these upcoming fics to proofread and I will do this fic then
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The cool night breeze rolled in through Y/N Byers’ open window as she and Robin laid in her bed. Late Summer nights spent in bed with her girlfriend were Y/N’s favourite. Having their legs tangled together, their arms holding each other close as they lightly traced random shapes on each other. It was true bliss in her eyes. “You think your mom is back with the movie yet?” Robin broke the comfortable silence with a whisper. Y/N shrugged, pulling her hand away from where it was playing with Robin’s short hair.
“We would have heard her car so probably not,” She answered, shifting as she propped her elbow up. Robin automatically rolled onto her back, gazing up at Y/N with big blue eyes that sparkled in the silver moonlight, the sounds of frogs and crickets filling the silent room again as they enjoyed the company of each other. “Steve is probably taking forever to lock up the store and she’s probably waiting for him to leave so we don’t start without him.” She hypothesized, looking down at Robin again.
Robin hummed, nodding as she pictured Steve fumbling around with his keys, trying each one to figure out which one locked the store door. “He can never remember which key goes to what. We should get him a label maker so he can label them.” She suggested making Y/N snort out a laugh, flopping on her back, untangling themselves from each other completely.
“Are we really going to be that couple that gives friends stationary for presents,” She asked, lulled her head to the side to gaze at Robin who shrugged, pulling a face that asked her why they couldn’t be. “Because those couples are the boring couple that never get invited to any parties people actually want to have fun at.” She answered Robin’s silent question.”
“Fair point.” Robin agreed just as Y/N’s bedroom door opened. The two girls pulled themselves up, looking at the door as Joyce popped her head in.
“Sorry to interrupt girls night, but Steve is here with the movies and I got the snacks, come on out to the living room.” She told them, leaving the door open as she disappeared down the hall, getting Jonathan from his room. Silently, the girls rolled off Y/N’s bed and shuffled out into the living room, being greeted by Steve and Will placing bowls of chips and popcorn on the coffee table that already had a display of soda and water sitting on it.
“Hey, Dingus,” Robin greets Steve as she brushed past him to sit on the couch. “Will.” She nodded at the younger boy, slapping hands with him in a greeting as he sat beside her.
“Hi, Robin.” Steve breathed out, taking a seat in the armchair, cracking open a can of soda, taking a drink. Y/N stepped over his sprawled-out legs, plunking herself down on the other side of Robin, her feet kicking up to rest on her lap comfortably.
“Where are the other kids?” Y/N wondered, looking over her shoulder at Steve as he sat his open soda down, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
“Dustin is sick, Max is busy being grounded, Lucas is sulking being Max is grounded, and Mike is at a family dinner with his grandparents,” Steve listed off the location of each kid easily. Making Robin laugh. “What?” Steve asked with furrowed brows as he grabbed a chip, crunching on it instantly before wiping his hands on his jeans, bouncing his knee.
“Oh nothing, it’s just that you’re such a mom.” Robin made fun of him, her hands resting on Y/N’s ankles as Joyce walked back in with Jonathan in tow looking like he just woke up from a nap, the pair sitting on the other couch.
“So, Steve,” Joyce started, reaching for two sodas, handing one to Jonathan. Robin reached over, collecting three and placed them in her lap. “What movie is first?” She asked as Y/N and Will each plucked a can from Robin’s lap, opening them at the same time, both cans hissing loudly.
“Have no idea, let Will pick-”
“Rawhead Rex!” Will interrupted excitedly, shocking Joyce since she obviously hadn’t picked that one up.
“Wiliam Byers, did you pick that up without me knowing?”
“No, please, I don’t like scary movies!” Joyce and Y/N said at the same time.
“Which is exactly why I didn’t pick any scary movies, mister.” Joyce told Will in a semi-scolding manner.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, I’ll protect you from the scary movie.” Robin looked over at her, her tone somewhat teasingly. Joyce cooed at this, tilting her head slightly.
“Aw, you two are so cute together,” She sighed longingly. “Wish I had had someone like that in high school.”
“I’m heading out for a date mom,” Y/N announced as she walked down the hall from her room, slinging her purse over her shoulder. Joyce opened her bedroom door, popping her head out just as Y/N was about to walk past, scarring her daughter. “Jesus mom,” She exclaimed, her hand flying to her chest as her heart tried to calm down. “You scared me! I thought you were in the kitchen!”
“Sorry dear,” She apologized, opening her door all the way and stepping out of her room all dressed up. Y/N furrowed her brows at her mom’s appearance. She was awfully dressy for a night home alone. Parting her lips as she followed her mother into the living room, she went to say something but Joyce interrupted. “You said you were going on a date, but I don’t see a car.” She pointed out as she looked out the window.
“I’m actually driving tonight.” Y/N explained before opening her mouth the ask her mother about her plans for the night.
“How progressive,” Joyce smiled, turning to face her daughter again, clasping her hands together. “I love a good feminist moment, you have fun on your date and tell me all about it when you get home.”
“So I can have the car,” Y/N asked tentatively. She had assumed that her mother would take the night to relax as this would be the first night in years she has to be home alone. Joyce nodded, looking at her daughter oddly as she tossed the car keys towards her from the bowl by the door. “You don’t have plans? You seem like you do.” Y/N pressed, not wanting to ruin her mother’s plans.
“Oh, I do have plans, I have a date.” Joyce confirmed as if it was nothing. Y/N sputtered, taken aback by this information and how nonchalantly her mother just disclosed it. She watched her mother walk into the kitchen as if it was any other day.
“If you have a date then you need the car, I’ll figure out how to work around not having a car right now-” Y/N rushed into the kitchen behind her, holding the keys out to Joyce who shook her head, pushing her hand away and cutting her off.
“No, I don’t need the car, he’s picking me up here, you go on your date with the car and have fun!” Joyce told her, grabbing Y/N’s shoulders and forcing her to turn around.
“But, this is your first date since Bob died. Do you want me to stay home in case you need to bail? What if something goes wrong and you can’t reach me or Hopper? What if this guy is secretly a mad scientist connected to the Upside Down? What if he’s just a horrible person-” Y/N rambled, fighting against her mother’s hold as she pushed her towards the door.
“Trust me, Y/N,” Joyce started, opening the front door as Y/N continued to ramble off scenarios that could possibly go wrong. “None of that is going to be an issue. I know this guy, you know this guy. He is perfectly safe and I will be fine. Besides, this isn’t even our first date.”
“Mom-” She tried to say something but was cut off by her own mother all but pushing her out of the house. She let out a shriek, stumbling along the porch.
“Go on your date, Y/N and don’t come back until your date is finished.” Joyce warned, closing and locking the front door. Her face was glaring at Y/N through one of the small windows at the top of their door, almost daring her not to go on the date. Huffing, Y/N turned on her heel and headed off to the car.
Joyce’s mysterious date had been pushed into the back of Y/N’s mind the second she saw Robin open her front door. Now, it wasn’t even a thought in her head, all her mind could focus on was the way she felt as Robin’s lips traced down her neck, pecking and sucking as they went. Airy moans left her mouth as she squirmed under her girlfriend, her nearly bare back rubbing against the cold backseat of the car. “Oh god-” She whimpered as Robin’s lips travelled lower, dancing dangerously along the cup of her bra, her fingertips just barely slipping under the underwire. “Oh god!” She gasped when her eyes fluttered open after seeing the flash of red and blue hues on her eyelids.
“Am I making you feel good, baby?” Robin pulled her lips from Y/N breast, looking up at her flirtatiously thinking her exclamation was from pleasure, not fear. Her face fell when she noted the wideness of Y/N’s eyes and flashing lights reflecting off her glistening face.
“That’s fucking Hopper,” Y/N hissed as they both scrambled to sit up, Y/N’s arms crossed over her bra-clad chest. They both tried to squint through the fogged-up back windshield, seeing two figures getting out of the car, the beam of a flashlight clicking on. “Shit, where is my shirt?” She panicked, looking around until Robin threw it at her.
“Duck,” Robin pushed Y/N and herself down as the beam of the flashlight swept over the back window. Grunting, Y/N tried to wiggle around and pull the shirt over her head as Robin watched the beam of light. “He’s looking in the woods, let’s crawl out the front seats!” Robin ushered her, letting her crawl over the console first.
“Something tells me we’re not gonna make it to the front seat,” Y/N trailed off as her eyes squinted at the brightness of the flashlight pointed right at her through the driver’s side window. “Hi, Hop,” She smiled, waving awkwardly. In response, Hopper simply pulled the backseat door open, revealing Joyce standing there, looking confused. “Mom, what are you doing here? I thought you were out on a date?” Y/N froze, her knee digging uncomfortably into the middle console.
“I am on my date, we were heading to the restaurant after the movie when we saw the car looking abandoned.” Joyce explained.
“Your date was with Hopper? You’re dating Hopper?” Y/N asked, shocked as she crawled out of the backseat, Robin following closely.
“You didn’t know that?” Robin asked her as if it was obvious.
“Your date was with Robin?” Joyce ignored the two girls, her brows furrowed.
“You didn’t know they were dating?” Hopper looked at Joyce as he pointed his finger at the pair.
“No idea.” Joyce shook her head.
“You two are really oblivious. Everyone knew both of these things,” Hopper informed them with a laugh, earning two glares from Y/N and Joyce. “Well, anyway, we’ve got a reservation-”
“Wait,” Joyce interrupted him. “I thought you guys were just friends-” Joyce pointed to Y/N and Robin who both shrugged sheepishly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked her daughter, slightly embarrassed for not realizing and a bit let down that she didn’t tell her.
“I thought you knew.”
“Well, now that I do know, I want to get to know Robin as your girlfriend so would you guys like to accompany us to our dinner reservations?” Joyce asked, her eyes wide as she hoped her daughter would say yes. She always knew that she liked girls, but she had no idea they were dating.
“Only if I get to drill Hopper with questions to make sure he’s good enough for you.” Y/N playfully glared at Hopper, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Deal.” Joyce nodded firmly.
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one-night-story · 3 years
Can We Dance? (Matthew Tkachuk)
A/N: oh wow we’re doing this, okay. hi hockey fandom. I don’t do this often, I lurk but I don’t post. unfortunately this fic has been my tell tale heart for several months and so I figured I should just finish it. it’s a labor of chaos. hope y’all enjoy. incredibly loosely based off of “Can We Dance” by the Vamps (Main character is as gender neutral as possible, but could best be explained as raised culturally female)
word count: 4.9K
“How’d you say you knew this guy?” I asked as we stared up at the apartment complex that we couldn’t even afford to look at the Zillow for.
“He’s a friend of my brothers,” Stacy, my closest friend since I started university two years ago, said as she glanced down at her phone and started texting someone, I assume whoever was going to let us in, because I imagined the doorman would’ve taken one look at both of us and just said “nope”, thus leaving us to freeze. I rolled my eyes. I would be the first to admit to not knowing Stacy’s brother that well, outside of his dynamic with her.
“Ah of course, a friend of your brother’s means no drinking.”
“Only for you,” Stacy said, well aware that my rules about party drinking didn’t apply to her.
“What can I say, I like not dying.” I remarked with a shrug.
As I said this, her brother came out and gestured to us to come into the building so we didn’t spend all night ominously standing in the parking lot like some sort of ghouls from a bad horror movie. We walked over and into the elevator just off the lobby and he punched in one of the upper level floors. I tried not to raise too much of an eyebrow, who’s party were we going to?
“I’m so glad you could make it, Johnny’s gonna be too,” he said, directing it at his sister. Ah, that explained it.
“It’s a hook up’s party?” I asked.
“No,” Stacy went to explain
“Not yet,” he cut in. “He’d like it to be, but you know my sister,” he said. “I need more than money and reputations.” She sniped. That was true. Despite her appearance and persona as a flighty party girl, Stacy was known to lock in serious boyfriends for extended periods of time and depending on the circumstances she was either testing this guy or she had a genuine interest and needed more data. Remarkable either way, I commended her.
“Is this a wingwoman night?” I asked, trying to mentally prepare a role and angle I was going to play for the evening.
“No, no, it’s a data gathering night.” Stacy said looking up from her Twitter feed. The elevator door opened, saving her from further interrogation from me or her brother. Her brother led us down the hallway and came to a door that was thumping from the bass already.
“If the house is rockin’?” I asked with a chuckle. He nodded as Stacy rolled her eyes at my incredibly dated reference. He opened the door and invited us into the most expensive apartment I’d ever been in and the first thing that caught my eye were the massive windows that were looking pretty tempting to throw myself out of should the night go awry. There were some scattered cheers from around the room at his reappearance which was followed by the siblings disappearing into the throng of people.
“Cool, yeah I guess I’ll find a way to occupy myself in a house of strangers!” I yelled as they walked away with humor in my tone. The audacity… I thought with a mental chuckle. I wandered into the kitchen and started scoping the drinks. There was a cooler that had seen better days filled with cans of White Claw and beer. Several liquors sat on the counter with a couple of two liter bottles for mixing. “Cool, cool, cool,” I muttered. I dug in the cooler and found a mini bottle of water, I’m assuming so deep down because that’s when people would need it, so I snagged it and downed it in short order. I listened to the music to try and tell how hard I should be judging the DJ for their taste. With a quick toss, I discarded the empty bottle and went to pull out my phone when I heard a yell.
“Hey Doc!” A male yelled. I poked my head up, half scanning to see who was being addressed and half trying to figure out where the voice was. Standing at a long table in the middle of the room was a dude looking directly at me. I spared a cliche glance behind me. “No, you!” The guy yelled with a laugh. I furrowed my brow and tilted my head trying to figure out what he was trying to ask for.
“What?” I asked with a chuckle.
“We need another player!” He said. My curiosity got the better of me and so I wandered over. There was a brunette across from the table built like a house who had initially called me over and a guy with blonde curls that seemed to go everywhere staring at my approach.
“What about my everything screams “I’m good at beer pong?” I asked, gesturing to my outfit of black jeans, black shirt, and Doc Martens. What Stacy called an “anti fun, anti party” outfit.
“Nothing, but Chucky needs the handicap.” The guy said. This resulted in the blonde rolling his eyes. I looked at the blonde, who if I dared to admit it to myself, was pretty cute by white boy standards.
“I mean…”
“C’mon Doc,” the blonde said with a smirk that was laced with humor, adopting his compadre’s nickname for me immediately, “one round.” He proposed. I let out a small sigh and tried not to physically show that I’d given in.
“Alright Chucky, but you’re drinking,” I said. The guy across the table cackled and they reset the cups. Beer was poured and a guy came to the middle of the table.
“Friends, Welcome to the third round of Beer Pong. To my right,” he said, gesturing to the brunette across the table, “Is the one with the cash, Sean Monahan!” He made a grand gesture as the few spectators cheered. “To my left! The Ex Pat from St Louis, Calgary’s resident shit starter, Mattew Tkachuk!” Wait what!? Matthew flipped off the guy doing introductions with a chuckle. “And his gracious partner for this event running solely under the name of their shoes, Doc!” Wait what? How the hell did Stacy and her brother get us into a hockey house party. On the one hand, that explained the way too nice apartment. On the other who the fuck was he friends with? I must’ve looked spooked, because suddenly there was a warm hand on my lower back and my touched starved ass tried not to melt at the slightest bit of contact.
“You okay Doc?” Matthew asked. I snuck a glance at him and his way too blue eyes and gave a short nod.
“Not used to the spotlight,”
“Me neither,” he said and I tried to not snap my head in his direction too quickly.
“Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!” The announcer friend yelled. A coin was flipped and it was decided that our side was going first. Matthew handed me the ping pong ball as his other hand lightly rubbed the small of my back. There was an electric current making itself at home up my spine as his thumb moved and I kind of never wanted to be without it.
“Alright, you just have to sink a cup,”
“You guys play no bounce I’m assuming?” I asked, finally looking at him dead on while immediately trying not to drown in his eyes in front of hundreds of people where the rumors would swirl and spin. He smirked a little at my question, which while being reasonable was also a direct contradiction to my earlier assertion.
“Sure you’ve never played Doc?”
“When I was a kid, we swapped beer for water.” I said.
“No bounce,” he said. I rolled the ping pong ball between my fingers. I held it out for him with a chuckle.
“Blow for luck?” I asked, fully joking. Matthew smirked, but did so, blowing lightly on the tiny piece of plastic and by extension the tips of my fingers. I nodded once hoping that the heat of the room and surrounding people would be enough of an excuse as to why my cheeks were probably the color of the home jerseys. I looked at the cups on the far side of the table and steadied my breathing, then aimed and took a shot dead center.
The ball went in and the table audience let out a cheer as Sean picked the ball out before downing the cup. The ball went into one of the cups closest to the table and Matthew briefly untangled himself from me to drink the cup in question. I tried to visibly not miss the contact too much as Matthew set up for his shot. He held it out to me with the dirtiest smirk I’d ever seen.
“Blow for luck?” He said with a chuckle. I laughed and rolled my eyes but complied, figuring we’d be even. I gave a quick puff to the plastic ball and he tossed it for the tip of the pyramid set up. After a brief spin around the rim of the cup, where it was hard to tell if it was going to sink or not, it dropped in with ease and Sean was left drinking again.
The game went like that for a couple of minutes and so far Matthew had been decent about not having me drink, which was a surprise change of pace all things considered. I was so used to guys or other friends trying to shove drinks into my hand and me coming up with every excuse in the book as to why I wasn’t. Though, as soon as he and I fell into a rhythm while playing, his hand fell back to the small of my back and the electric current returned to my spine as his thumb ran up and down with ease.
Down to one cup each, it was my turn to throw the ping pong ball. I carefully rolled it between my palms as I tried to commit the plastic to memory.
“Doc, just throw it!” Sean yelled from his side of the table.
“Go to hell Mony!” I replied with ease, even without the booze. I had relaxed while playing, not as on edge as when I first got called over, sort of a natural fit. Matthew chuckled beside me and shifted his hand to a grip on my hip, the current that came with his touch moved with it.
“Don’t worry, you’ve got this,” Matthew said so quietly, I wasn’t certain I heard it. A quick glance out of the corner of my eye was met with a smirk and blue eyes to kill for and that was enough confirmation that I had. I sighed and rolled the ping pong ball into my fingers as I aimed for the last cup. I could almost feel the room move in slow motion as with ease, the ball plinked into the cup. The spectators cheered as Sean downed the last cup. Matthew was quick to sweep me into his side and pull me closer than I already was, laughing at the victory. I found myself in the same boat, trying my hardest not to giggle, but grinning up a storm. “Way to go Doc,” He said as he pulled me into a proper hug which I accepted in the excitement of the moment, ignoring the nagging logic in the back of my brain that was basically slamming my usual way too hot guy giving you attention, suspect prank button that had been instilled in me since I was a kid. Matthew released me with some reluctance and was about to say something when I was tapped on my shoulder. I whirled around and found Stacy smiling at me and silently glancing at Matthew. 
“Mind if I borrow my friend for a bit? Top secret chat, you know how it is,” She said with a smile that usually could convince anyone. Matthew smiled slightly but I tried not to read into how it wasn’t all there.
“Yeah totally,” he said. “Just find me after yeah?” He added looking at me. I hesitantly nodded as Stacy grabbed my wrist. We weaved through the people and she eventually pulled me into a hallway and to the surprise of exactly no one, dragged me into a bathroom where she promptly shut the door and locked it. I quickly popped up onto the counter like I lived there; I called it my consulting position, considering that’s probably what I was about to be doing.
“Stace, we cannot hog the bathroom so you can have like… your seventh relationship based existential crisis.”
“It is not my seventh,”
“Yes it is, you only drag my incompitant ass into the mix when you hit seven. Once when you were on sixth, but that was because you were feuding with Elaine at the time,” I said. “I still don’t understand anything about what happened there,”
“This is not my seventh!” Stacy insisted.
“Then give me your phone,” I stated as I held my hand out. Stacy groaned as she sat down on the floor and stretched out, effectively blocking my out and admitting defeat. “Stace,”
“I’m overthinking everything again,”
“How so?”
“Johnny’s really sweet, like unbelievably so…”
“I’m gonna preemptively remind you that you deserve good things, and good people in your life,”
“Yeah but,”
“No, Darren was a jackass and a bitch and I’m not totally convinced I shouldn’t track him down and kick the shit out of him for all the shit he’s somehow instilled into you.” I remarked. Stacy chuckled at that, it was a sentiment that was a frequent presence in these sorts of conversations. He was a boyfriend, and he’d been in my opinion, a piece of shit from minute one, but Stacy was stubborn and at the time was more doubtful about her ability to love than she was now, so she stayed. Eventually she couldn’t take the fighting anymore and left him, which saved my sanity by ten percent.
“So what you’re saying is,”
“Go get your hockey player,” I said. She turned to me as if to ask how I knew. “Oh c’mon, you know I’m a fan, and I’ve been playing beer pong against Mony for the past hour.” I added.
“Speaking of that, what’s with you and the blonde?” Stacy asked as she stood up and gave herself a look over in the mirror.
“Matthew? Mony just needed to give him a limiting factor while playing beer pong.” I said not moving from my spot on the counter. Stacy turned to me and gave me a look that dripped with unimpressed energy.
“Try again,”
“Listen, I love you, but that boy was practically coiled around you and you weren’t squirming out of your skin trying to get to the opposite side of the room, so I think you’ve passed being simply beer pong partners.” Stacy said as she messed with her hair briefly. I rolled my eyes.
“You’re reading way too much into it,”
“Hey, don’t make me give you your own pep talk back,” She said. “Listen, if you were just beer pong partners, then A) he wouldn’t have looked so disappointed when I pulled you away, and B) wouldn’t have asked you to go find him when we were done here,” she added, giving me a scolding finger point, that I jokingly tried to bite as she put it in my face. “Oh my god,” she said as she yanked her finger away at the last second which caused me to laugh.
“Okay, okay, whatever, we should probably stop hogging the bathroom,” I said.
“Probably a good idea,” Stacy said with a dramatic nod and a laugh shared between the two of us as Stacy unlocked the door and we walked out.
The party had gotten no less chaotic since we stepped into the bathroom and I resisted the urge to dive out the window again. I sighed and looked over to Stacy who nodded and disappeared back into the crowd of people. I looked around when I heard a noise that sounded strangely like a sliding glass door and scanned for the direction, finding it off to the side with a couple of people going in and out. I weaved my way through the crowd and pulled the door open to be smacked by the air from being so high up. Despite there being a handful of people out here, they were still fewer than the crowds inside, and that I could live with. The balcony practically called my name, and I wandered over to lean against the railing. The city looked beautiful, but I was a sucker for cityscapes at the best of times. I took a deep breath and let the breeze wash over me. I heard the door slide open and close, but didn’t think too much of it until someone stood next to me and the electric current came back to my hip. I looked over at Matthew giving me a smile and offering a small unopened water bottle.
“Did Stacy send you?” I asked.
“Something like that, she mentioned you’d appreciate the water.” He said as I accepted it and he took a sip out of whatever concoction was in his Solo Cup.
“That I would, thanks for taking all the beer earlier,” I said as I twisted the lid off.
“Not a fan of beer?”
“No, it’s wheat piss and we as a society are fooling ourselves by thinking otherwise,” I said which got a laugh out of him and I thought that was a minor success in my head. “But it’s mostly I don’t tend to drink at parties with more than a degree of separation between me and the host,”
“So, I’m here because a friend of Stacy’s brother invited us. That puts me at 3 degrees of separation, meaning that the likelihood of anyone at this party giving a shit about me in particular is low as hell and should anything go awry, I have very few people to lean on. It’s a safety measure,”
“Got it, guess that makes sense,” he said as if having that elaborate of a safety measure hadn’t occurred to him. Not that I blamed him, he was a guy and didn’t have to worry about these sorts of things. I took a sip of water as I tried to figure out what to say next. My inner cynic was still slamming the “this is a prank, order an Uber and run” button, but I was fighting to ignore it.
“Did Mony really need to give you a handicap playing beer pong?” I settled on asking just so I could avoid asking if anyone had paid him to take an interest in me, and that included Stacy. Matthew chuckled and offered half a shrug.
“Only kinda,”
“Should I be worried?” I asked. Matthew furrowed his brow, which still made him look attractive and that felt like a universal injustice, before shaking his head.
“No, no, nothing like that. I’ve just beat him the last seven times we’ve played, and I —“ he was cut off by someone coming out of the sliding glass door and yelling for him. I looked over and watched the frustration creep onto his face.
“Guess it’s my turn to ask you to find me later?” I proposed. Matthew sighed and gave a slightly apologetic look.
“Would you?”
“Yeah, find me later Chucky,” I said. Matthew grinned.
“Will do Doc,” he said as he went inside to deal with whatever the hell was going on. I finished my second tiny water bottle of the night and wandered back in so I could throw it out. The less clean up the host had to do, the better. Besides, I liked to imagine I was a decent person 90% of the time, allowing ten percent wiggle room for off days and shorter tempers. The kitchen was packed with people, the open floor plan not really allowing for the traditional use of “kitchen as quiet space” but still a space to congregate around the alcohol. There were a couple of women in dresses that looked great but I had no desire to wear myself chatting about something and discussing if they could get away with another round of tequila shots without wanting to be completely dead in the morning, a couple of guys talking hockey shop, and thankfully not a single discussion of politics. I eventually found the trash can, overflowing as it was and precariously balanced the tiny water bottle on top of the growing pile of cans and Solo cups. I couldn’t tell if the flashbacks I was having were from lived experiences, set hours, or too many 80s movies.
I fished my phone out and found a text from Stacy
Left with Johnny, thanks for your help, i’ll pay your uber
I was going to kill her.
I scanned the crowd, looking for one person who looked decent enough who might help, or Matthew whoever came first.
Eventually, I spotted his mess of curls and weaved my way through the crowd, tapping his shoulder in quick succession. He turned around and grinned when he saw me.
“Hey, I was just about to come back over,” he said. I tried not to let myself melt at that because I was easy and the alarms were already blaring.
“Yeah, about that, do you mind waiting with me downstairs while I wait for an Uber?”
“What’s up?” He asked, concern dripping from his words and even a quick read from body language that had grabbed onto my biceps lightly, and his far too expressive blue eyes told me was sincere.
“My ride just left and,”
“Degrees of separation says that you’re now a stranger in a strange land?” Matthew concluded and I felt myself smile at that.
“Basically,” I replied. “If you can’t, that’s chill, I’ll just--”
“No, no, I’ll come. I’ll just tell Mony to hold down the fort. Wait by the door?” He asked. I nodded and he squeezed my arms before we waded through the crowds in different directions. I headed for the door and curled my toes in my boots, pulling up the Uber app before remembering I did not know what this place’s address was.
“Fuck,” I mumbled tapping my leg and fiddling with the change I had left in my pocket. Why did she have to take my advice tonight? I was talking metaphorically! Okay maybe not completely metaphorically but mostly! I tried to even my breathing so I didn’t completely curl into a ball in the doorway, but the doormat was looking more and more tempting by the second. A small wave of people left and on the tail end of them was Matthew, tugging shoes on and smiling at me.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Almost, it occured to me that since Stacy ordered the Uber, I don’t actually have the address for this place.” I said.
“Don’t worry, I can order it,” Matthew said.
“No, Stacy’s paying for it, I can’t--”
“Relax, least I can do is pay for your cab. No sweat,” he said as he opened the apartment door and allowed me to slide into the hallway, as we walked away from the noise of the party and the safety of witnesses, I felt myself stiffen up again. C’mon self, don’t be stupid, you went looking for him. Maybe it was the silence.
“Wait, you told Mony to hold down the fort?” I asked with a slight head tilt. 
“Yeah, considering it’s my party,” he said with a chuckle. 
“Oh,” well, at least I felt a little less awful about him having to pay for the Uber. “Well, that explains the apartment,” I finally said with a slight chuckle. Matthew grinned at that.
“Trust me, it’s usually nicer without half the city packed into it,” he said as he pushed the button for the elevator. “Quieter too,”
“I can imagine, but I was more thinking about the price range. I don’t even think I could afford to look at the Zillow listings for this building, I think I would click on it, and it would immediately ask for my credit card score and my last major purchase as well as possibly my family tree.” I said laughing as I got more and more ridiculous, Matthew joining in willingly as the elevator opened.
“Oh yeah, they wanted my blood type before I could sign the lease,” Matthew managed to get out through the laughter of the both of us. We stepped in and I hit the button for the ground floor as the doors closed and the urge to go back on high alert swept over me. Dammit why the fuck was I so god damn paranoid? This was fine! Absolutely and totally and completely fine. “Hopefully you at least had fun visiting,” he added, trying to fill the silence.
“As you can tell by my everything, I’m not much of a houseparty person. But this was one of the better ones I’ve been to,” I said with a smile. The truth was I hadn’t really been to many at all but this one didn’t make me want to murder an attendee with a baseball bat so that was a big plus by my standards. Matthew laughed a little at my comment.
“I don’t know, your beer pong game suggests there’s a potential to make a party animal out of you yet.” He said and I tried not to roll my eyes.
“Let’s not get carried away shall we?” I said. We were running out of floors and there was a part of me that wanted to keep talking to Matthew, even if everything about him made my anxiety and false self preservation instincts screamed to just run.
“Oh c’mon, imagine it: Mony would lose his shit, you’d be able to drink, and I’d get to see you again. I see that as a win all around.” Matthew said, looking over at me from his side of the elevator car. I felt myself exhale a little.
“You’re suggesting I get around my rule by taking away the degrees of separation, is that it?” I asked, trying to not sound hostile but it definitely escaped a little if Matthew’s face was any indication.
“I meant… fuck that came out awful. I think you’re neat, and I’d like to hang out again.” He said as the elevator settled onto the ground floor. The doors opened and we both stepped out and I mulled over his question over in my head. On the one hand: I needed friends. On the other hand: he was an incredibly rich stranger who reeked of mischief. On my foot, there was the fact that he was nice and was decent enough to humor all my eccentricities, even if there was any part of him that thought them odd.
“I mean, I’m terrible at socializing at parties. However, I am pretty funny over coffee.” I said. He laughed a little at that, nodding once as he fished out his phone. He then passed it to me and I gave him my number, still stuck Doc as my contact name. When I passed it back to me he laughed a little louder.
“I’m not even gonna get a name?”
“At this stage of the game, would you even remember it?” I asked with a tilt of my head. “You’ve still got a party upstairs and it’s only midnight, call it incentive or knowing my audience.” I added. Matthew shrugged, conceding my point, before passing the  phone back over with the Uber app open. I plugged in my apartment address and watched as the driver came for the building. “I did have fun, by the way.” I conceded as I gave him his phone back.
“Really, I didn’t have to hit anyone with a baseball bat, and the cops weren’t called, and no one broke their toe. I call it a win.” I said.
“By those standards, that must be pretty tame.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t say that. I just have incredibly argumentative friends and my friends sometimes have shitty partners. All in all, I have not actually hit anyone with a baseball bat, just threatened to.” I quickly clarified. Matthew nodded as we saw a car pull up in front of the building. He checked his phone and nodded as we both walked out of the building. “Thanks for everything,” I said as I shoved my hands in my pockets and did a quick scan of the license plates and car model.
“No worries,” he said with a smile. “I’ll text you when I’m back upstairs so you have my number and we’ll negotiate coffee.” He said.
“Then I guess I’ll see ya around Matthew,” I said.
“Have a good night Doc,” he said. I got into the car and he waited until we’d pulled out of the complex before disappearing back into the building. We got about half way to my apartment when I got a buzz from my phone.
so… about that coffee doc
I resisted the urge to start cackling, instead typing back
I presume not tomorrow, but my monday is clear.
no no, tomorrow works.
Then tomorrow, I’ll text you the locale in the morning.
sweet. did you get home?
I got out of the car and thanked the driver as I walked into my building and into my elevator, heading upstairs to the measly fourth floor.
just unlocking my door.
good. see you tomorrow doc.
I grinned a little and echoed the sentiment as I untied and kicked off my boots, stretching a little as I wandered into my room and got ready for bed.
Maybe parties in houses I couldn’t afford were okay actually.
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