#someone please hug this child
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FNAF movie Vanessa out traumas Michael Afton
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goshiki-ng · 2 months
Sometimes I get sad because i realize Damian Wayne’s mum dropped him off in an entirely new country where he didn’t know the customs and only knew what he had been taught was right since birth and his own father shamed him for that.
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lionbearfox · 1 year
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someone get her therapy Please
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allagashed · 7 months
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stiffyck · 2 years
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EXTREMELY DIFFICULT Dana Don’t Traumatise Hunter Challenge 100% Impossible 
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
this video is so aegon coded, in my mind (I am the eldest child, I technically ruined my mom's life, but she tries so hard to love me, she DOES love me, but our relationship is so strained because of the way she's treated me due to her own pain. I think I'm a good enough reference on this)
like. him and alicent. with all their messiness. at the end of the day, that's HIS mommy, and no matter what, even when he feels like he hates her, she is beautiful and perfect and no one can say a bad thing about her because he loves her and she loves him and that makes everything ok at the end of the day.
sometimes he's mean to her, she's too rough, he feels like he hates her, she can barely look at him. but god forbid someone insult her in his presence, he will actually have a breakdown. that's his mommy and he loves her and forgives her and hopes she can forgive him and just wants her to be happy so they can all be happy.
like little kid aegon, he was always playing with her hair and her jewelry, telling her she was pretty. gently poking at her face, like toddlers do, when she was upset, trying to figure out what was wrong. he'd hug her clumsily and tell her it was alright. and he remembers that, he remembers wanting his mom to be happy and to know she was beautiful and that he was there (again, in the way a toddler does) and he stills wants that. he wants to be small and to make his mom smile and feel better. that's his job! he's supposed to protect her and make her happy!
I especially imagine this happens frequently cause of how her father and his father treat her, how the court treats her, how everyone treats her. they all so mean to her, even in ways that are quiet and seemingly mundane. he must hate it. hate the way they tear her apart with their words and their eyes. the way they subtly mock her. he must feel so angry but so helpless and conflicted.
and it all boils down to him becoming a sobbing, snotty, (in his case) drunken mess and I love that for him (I mean I feel really bad, this shit sucks, but you know what I mean)
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birdyboyfly · 1 year
Izzy's "You and me did this to him, and we can't let the crew suffer any more for our mistakes."
You and me? We? Can't let the crew suffer any more? Our mistakes?
I am literally going to go insane
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
What did Stupid Cupid do this time?
He made my son, who spent most of his life as a child in the 40’s and hasn’t really had a chance to acclimate himself to modern ideals, out himself before he was ready in front of one of his friends.
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feral-ass-raccoon · 1 year
so fucking desperate for a fic where Lloyd gets shoved back in time and meets little Morro and at first he's wary abd cold bc this is gonna be the person who hurt him but the longer he's around Morro he realizes the parallels between him and Lloyd (Morro wanted to be the hero, but when destiny said no he spiraled and tried to force it but ended up dying and becoming bitter and cruel <- | -> Lloyd wanting to be the villain to be close to his father but destiny chose otherwise and he ended up being the hero but traumatized) and he comes to the realization that Morro never really wanted to be evil but he was so incredibly twisted and broken that he decided he couldn't be anything but the villain and Lloyd is like 'shit' because while Morro hurt him and it's pretty much unforgivable, he also was hurt so badly that he felt like he couldn't be redeemed and accepted his role as the villain
and when Lloyd comes back he hugs Morro and says he can try to forgive him bc Morro deserved better, Morro is just so bewildered bc 'what the fuck is he doing I'm a monster and I hurt him' and Lloyd says it's ok and Morro just fucking shatters because it's been. so long. since he's heard someone talking to him with kindness and he's just so tired of hurting, both himself and others, and he never wanted to be this way
and it takes a while but Lloyd and the ninja eventually warm up to him and they realize that he doesn't know/understand half of what basic human kindness is and Morro is genuinely confused when Lloyd asks if he's alright bc he noticed he hasn't been sleeping and the Ninja are just like "holy shit is he ok" bc Lloyd may have just been a kid when he was forced to become this powerful warrior, but Morro was just a kid when he died too
thank you for listening to my rant I am very much so a fan of the "villains are made, not born" trope
and maybe Morro meets little Lloyd and feels so fucking bad for the kid because he was just a child what the fuck
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 year
YGO ask here: Have you ever noticed that there is an interesting scale of contrast between Yugi, Bakura and Marik in relation to their ''other selves''?
I noticed Puzzleshipping represents the positive end of the spectrum, with Yugi and Atem's relationship being benefitial to each other in a supportive way as they both grow as people with their bond.
Meanwhile, Bakura and Yami Bakura are in the middle spectrum, as the later does protect his host, however he's also much more controlling and abusive, only protecting the former purely out of self preservation.
And in the other end of the spectrum there's Marik and Yami Marik, with both violently fighting for control with no cooperation it all, there can only be one.
I just found this contrast really interesting and I can't believe I only noticed it recently.
This thrills me, I still love Yugioh so much lol
You're definitely not the only one that's noticed it, though I'd argue Marik and Yami Marik are something of an exception to the rule given that Yami Marik is not a disembodied spirit haunting the Millennium Rod but a legitimate alternate personality of Marik himself. It's not outright stated in canon, but it's very heavily implied that Marik has Dissociative Identity Disorder, so it's a very different situation to Yugi/Atem and Bakura/Yami Bakura. The relationship between Marik and Yami Marik is fundamentally different, as Marik is both unaware of Yami Marik's presence for the majority of the story, and Yami Marik only exists as an extension of Marik's anger and trauma. Because he exists to hold all of that anger, he's a violently dangerous personality. He's a separate individual, but still connected to Marik and his history and trauma. I do think Yami Marik sees himself as the stronger personality and the one who deserves to have control of their body because he still sees Marik as the weak, scared child that he was at the time of Yami Marik's creation- and that is unacceptable to Yami Marik. I think he thinks that if he kills off the original Marik (and Atem and anyone else who gets in his way), then that represents some kind of victory over their shared past.
I've written before about why I think Yugioh's depiction of DID is pretty problematic, but that's a separate issue. Still I recommend checking that out if you're interested in more of my thoughts about Marik and Yami Marik.
Yugi and Atem only get explicitly paralleled with this toxic dynamic during the final duel between Atem and Yami Marik, and the differences between them are clear- Atem and Yugi constantly worry for and try to protect each other, and the two Mariks don't care if the other dies at all. And actively try to kill each other lol.
But the Bakuras and Yugi/Atem's relationships definitely function as a contrast to each other and I think it was a real misstep of the story to not explore that further. The Bakuras barely interact with each other in either the manga or anime. We see Yami Bakura actively intervening to protect Bakura once, and it was only because the life of their shared body was in danger. I think there's maybe one other time we see them directly interacting, and it's in the opening of season five and Bakura is obviously distressed and scared of Yami Bakura. At pretty much every other point in the story, Yami Bakura seems to treat Bakura as incidental. He cares for Bakura in so far as he needs Bakura's body, and that kind of seems to be the beginning and the end of it from his point of view.
From Bakura's side of that dynamic, we barely see anything. Bakura is one of the most criminally underutilized characters in the entire story and it really shows in that we just don't have a strong sense of how he feels about Yami Bakura's presence. He seems to be attached to the Millennium Ring and yet also seems to fear it. That thing keeps getting yeeted from him and yet he always seems to find it again. Why? How? The story never answers these questions, and never seems interested in exploring why Bakura might want the Ring (and Yami Bakura) with him despite all the horrors. This relationship could have been so compelling, it could have been this toxic, co-dependent push-pull between them, but alas. I think it comes across as a neutral dynamic because the story ignored that it never should have been a neutral dynamic in the first place.
The most interesting thing the story ever does with the Bakuras dynamic is position them as a foil to Yugi and Atem for like, one chapter of the manga/one episode of the anime. But I do think it's interesting that Atem has a brief moment of fearing that he might be like Yami Bakura in some ways, using Yugi's body as his vessel.
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no I didn't go find these screenshots just to highlight how good the puzzleshipping dynamic is why would you say that
But Yugi assures him like, immediately, that it's different because he knows that Atem is protecting him. Yugi understands implicitly that, while their situation is kind of similar in that the Bakuras also share a body, it's very different for one simple reason:
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(It harms me physically how Atem is always visibly shocked whenever Yugi expresses even the slightest bit of affection towards him T_T)
Yugi makes it very clear that he wants to be there for Atem, and while he wants to get stronger for himself and for his friends, part of that drive to become stronger is for Atem too. There's a level of trust that, at this point in the story, Yugi extends to Atem effortlessly. He doesn't question their bond, even when Atem wonders how worthy of it he is.
What makes this hit so different is how earned that bond is when you look at the entire story, including the manga arcs/season 0. Because Atem didn't exactly start off as a particularly benevolent entity, and there legitimately was a time when Yugi was terrified of him and the things he was doing. It wasn't until Duelist Kingdom, after the duels with Kaiba and Pegasus, that they both really learned to work together and appreciate the aspects of each other that make up for the things they lack. Yugi's kindness softens Atem's sharper edges, and Atem's strength gives Yugi courage.
So anyways, I guess the most interesting thing about the parallel between the Bakuras and the Yugis is this little glimpse it gives us into Atem's fears about himself (that he really is some sort of evil entity and just a parasite to Yugi) and how much Yugi just doesn't buy into that at all, and won't let Atem dwell on that thought too much either.
and then season four happens
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theanonymousninja247 · 2 months
Pickup Lines
Just chatting with my parents and my little niece at Sunday dinner, talking about how the small fry is getting one of those “phone watches” for her birthday maybe this year, and as such needed my number. I, thinking I’m the very cool suave auntie that I am, look at my niece and say with a barely concealed grin, “Yeah I’m reading through the book of Numbers in the Bible right now, and just realized I didn’t have yours.”
My niece of course very graciously giggled most insanely at my clever line while I glanced up to see my mother slowly drop her head into her hands, all the while muttering with a slight groan, “Maybe I should hug you more and you stop using that pickup line.” To which I respond that that line has actually gotten me more phone numbers than anything else I’ve used. My mother proceeded to just further shrink into herself with second hand embarrassment. All in a good days work, my friends 🤔🫡😎✌🏼✨
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smashstiel · 1 year
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thecosmicsleep · 2 years
it's amazing how quickly i went from "alphinaud, if you don't shut up–" to "if someone so much as breathes in my little brother's direction wrong, i will break all of their bones"
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nakimochiku · 1 year
Rereading black butler and like. Ciel is not doing so great in the mental health department and you just have sebastian there like “i can fix him AND make him worse 😈😈😈😈”
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floral-hex · 1 year
I’m so over emotional right now. read that Jimmy Buffett died surrounded by his friends and family and started crying. not that he died. that everyone he loved, that loved him, was there with him in his final moments. and his dogs! his dogs were there, too! something about it is so beautiful and nice and fuck, I am bummed he died, but that he went out surrounded by his loved ones makes it seem okay. I’m glad he got that in the end. That knowing you’re loved and you’ll be remembered. I think that’s all we can really hope for in the end.
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bewarethegrim · 2 years
Rereading some of Pete Wentz's old blog posts and found the most harringrove entry.
[noone ever fell in love with anyone because of empty pockets or red splotched eyes. drove around for hours tonight just to keep myself from feeling anchored. weighed down. to keep my mind off thinking about what kids like me deserve. desperation isnt a strong enough word (but it will have to do). my wrists are only black and blue cause i don’t got the balls. nothing gets you ready to have every single word dissected and put under a microscope. i got ringing in my ears but none on my fingers. i got sunsets in the veins on my wrists. we’re not just falling in love anymore, we’re demanding it. im the latest bloomer (dried out my wet dreams and saved them for a rainy day). i can still see you standing on my front porch- slowed my own thoughts down to a single blade of grass. you couldnt catch my eye cause i was too busy rolling them. the buttons on one side of your coat that wouldnt snap on the other side. they were just for fashion not for function you told me. you were pretty for a boy. it made me laugh when i thought of it, im sorry i wasnt laughing at what you were saying. it makes me laugh still- when im driving around for hours at night. id love to swerve off and blame it on the fog, but ive been talking on these roads too much lately. theyd spill all my secrets. this city won’t let me go.]
This first half is Billy, talking about how he feels stuck in Hawkins. His thoughts a cycle of the slurs and insults his dad throws at him, and the shameful fact that his dad isn't wrong. He looks at Steve and thinks he's pretty, and it makes him want to die but at the time time it makes him want to laugh because who would've thought his old man would be right? But he chooses to laugh because that's just easier. He drives, he drives too fast, and he thinks about how easy it would be to lose control. Just another tragic accident, but is anyone suprised? Tragic deaths are what kids like Billy deserve.
[im sure theyd lock me up somewhere if anyone saw me at 23 sneaking into cemetaries. taking pills to make me feel okay sleeping in the grass just above you. the sirens find me at the first light. my lips cracked and dried from the tears, i'll probably die a cliche. flash the lights to kissing boys. provocative. i promise you i wont ever have another afternoon like when we used to sneak out of school and drive the lakeshore. noone will ever sound as cool as you. we built cool. we made up style. we set the standard and theyre all just trying to live up to it. if theres nobody who thinks like us anymore. untouchable is unlovable. you always have me humming in my head just out of key. i bought an alarm clock just so i could hit the snooze button. whats the point in getting out of bed anymore if you only get out to say you did. if you could love the biggest fraud or the best liar- then im your prince. i was made just for fashion not for function.]
The second half is Steve. He finds the letter years after Billy has died. But as he reads it over and over again, he can't help but feel like it's not complete. So he sits down at Billy's grave like he so often does and he writes. Be writes how he feels like he's empty, unlovable and broken. Hidden behind years of lies and NDAs, no one could ever know the real him. He could never explain the scars, the nightmares, the paranoia. He finds solace in his memories of warm days spent with Billy at the Quarry. Billy telling him tales of California, and promising he'd take Steve to the beach, a real beach, once he'd saved up enough money to move back home. An event that never happened because Billy died before he could. He died in the town he felt stuck in and now he was truly stuck forever, under the grass and dirt below Steve's feet. Steve wonders how long it'll take him to join Billy down there?
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