#someone scammed him on adopt me </3
catocappuccino · 10 months
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lawva-girl · 3 months
Historically.. We don't mix. pt. 2
Law x fem!Reader, College AU
Pt. 1
Notes: Sorry i took forever, i kinda forgot i even posted this... HERES PT 2!!! let me know about any ponderances or possibly any errors... i dont have a beta reader or anything.. ALSO i could not come up with a nickname for reader..... so in the chat rooms i put "Y:" for "You". PLEASE tell me suggestions i will go back and fix it :D
WC: 2526
Back at the dorm that Law and Bepo shared, there was no chatter. Law was simply laying in bed with his laptop open to 5 tabs, one for each of the classes he was taking. He was taking all history classes this semester, since his counselor told him to. He would definitely miss the bio information but he did like history. Scrolling through each class, he breezed through all of the syllabus quizzes. Once he felt satisfied, it was onto checking his email, with one catching his attention. 
“DIRE!! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT OR TEXT ME ITS EMERGENT!” The email title felt like a scam but he knew it was not, in fact it was a daily burden. The man who had sent it, his counselor and adoptive father, always communicated like this. After opening the email, he found himself irritated again, Cora had only wanted to remind him that classes start today. 
“How would I not know?” Law muttered to himself. Reading through the email, then deciding he had been too neglectful of the man Law opened up their chat.
L: I know it was the first day, I got to my first two classes on time.  C: Good!!! I miss you! <3  C: Any new friends?!  C: Do you like your professors?? I hand picked them :D  L: Hand picked? You are making me socialize on purpose.  C: Not true! Nico Robin is the smartest! She already had her masters by the time most have an associates!  L: The classes are fine. Bepo made a friend, her name is Perona. C: Oh! Mihawk’s kid! Good to know she’s here! Is his step-daughter here too? Maybe y/n?  L: Yes.  C: Oh! I heard she’s similar to you! Maybe you two can be friends or something?  L: How long did you have to think to come up with this plan of yours?  C: No idea what you are talking about…. L: Cora.  C: … C: Anyways, have you gotten all the textbooks you need?  C: I want to make sure you find them all!  C: It's my job, you know.  L: I still have two more classes to go to tomorrow, but i’ll be fine.  L: Thanks.  C: Anything for you! We should meet for lunch soon! I can make you salmon rice balls! Like when you were still a baby… remember? You loved my cooking! L: I did not. You should not be in a kitchen alone, Ill meet you on friday at 11.  L: Don’t start until i'm there. Please.  C: Okay !!!!! C: I'll see you then law! C: Cant wait ! C: Sleep tight <3<3<3 
Law closed his laptop, relaxing his shoulders. He glanced over and Bepo was already asleep. He kicked off his blanket and got up to go to the bathroom. After he finished his business, washing his hands like any good bio major, he strolled to the microwave area. He had only wanted water but he saw the picture of him holding a letter, standing next to Cora. Staring at it, he wondered why the giant had wanted him to socialize so much. It’s not like he never sees human faces, or stays inside all day everyday. He just liked being alone when he could, no one to ask him stupid questions. 
After finishing his water, Law went back to bed. 
The two went through the rest of the week, meeting each other an embarrassing amount of times. Neither one had any reason to talk to the other, so they didn’t. Until Wednesday rolled around, and they were back in Nico Robin’s class. 
“Someone has it out for me. I know it for sure” You wrote in your journal, along with the date and class name. Looking at Law, like you had these past two days, made you realize it more. 
“I have pissed off whatever god actually exists and they want me to repent. There is no way that all four of my classes are naturally shared with Trafalgar.” You finish scribbling away in your journal, just in time. 
“Okay, pass forward the paper I handed out to you. This was just a fun assignment to see what areas we, as a class, are most interested in.” She spoke smoothly, with an even tone. It was almost like she didn’t care, or like she had done this 20 times. 
You heard some of your classmates groan and while you agreed, you thought it was inappropriate to voice that. Tapping a pen on the paper of your journal idly, you waited for more instructions. Even though your classmates weren't raised well, your father had done a fine job with you. You were nice, respectful, studious. Sure you are shy but it's not like it mattered. 
Why speak to people and risk being embarrassed if they don’t want to talk to you? 
“Okay, as I said before this class is based in groups and communication. Please tell one person about what you studied for this assignment.” Robin had said before sitting at her desk with a book in hand. 
Suddenly everyone was talking but you and one other person. 
“My assignment is on the Five years war. I chose it because of a coin flip, I found the sources in the library database.” Already you were irritated. Another interaction with the man who had no manners. 
“Hello. That is how you start a conversation, who raised you? Anyways, my assignment is on the First Crusade. I chose it because it was the first war I thought of-” “Really? The first? Liar.” He interrupted you, of course a man like him would. 
You squinted at him, before responding with “Not lying, I was watching a documentary on the pope a day before class, which made me think of all the holy wars. It's not polite to interrupt people.” 
“Okay. I think we have discussed enough.” “Fine.” You scoffed at him mentally, before turning back to face the front of the room. 
“Okay now, I want someone to tell me about their partner's work! This is worth participation, as a friendly reminder.” She smiled eerily 
You did not raise your hand, in fact you looked away. If you were called on you would end up having to lie, since stupid Trafalgar didn’t tell you anything about his assignment. 
“Okay, randomly generated, we will have Mr. Trafalgar, Mr. Reyes, and Ms. Churchill. In that order please.” “My partner researched the First Crusade, she told me that she learned about the context of the war. Specifically Pope Urban the second’s motivations for launching the crusade, who was mainly following the lead of the Byzantine emperor. She also learned about the cost of the war, not only economically but also what it did for the Pope’s approval rating.” Incredible. He pulled all that from his ass? Wasn’t he a double major? How long ago did he even learn that? How was he able to say it so confidently? He is actually smart?! Hold on, he could’ve seen the same documentary you did and just so happened to remember important stuff. But even then, he didn’t even hesitate, he was so confident, even with a professor like Nico Robin. 
“Very good, point earned. Mr. Reyes?”
As he relaxed into his chair, you couldn’t help but stare. His hair was sticking out, a bit unruly from his beanie. It was white with weird black spots on it, maybe a statement about faux animal fur? Could he be vegetarian or something? Maybe he likes to hunt? His sideburns went right into his weird facial hair, “should be shaved” was scribbled into your journal, along with “spots?” and of course “T is smart?”. You saw his black hair under his beanie and thought of your father, who would never slouch like the man in front of you was. 
“Okay good to hear. This wraps up our class for today, I’ll see you all on monday.” 
You started gathering your things, excited to go back to Perona. She promised she would have your favorite food ready for you as soon as your class ended. It was a little weird, but you two always were close. 
“Are you always the last to leave?” The sudden voice pulled you from your thoughts, and made you drop your pencil case. No pencils escaped but the case clunked right under whoever had just shocked you. Law, with no expression on his face, immediately thought of his giant  adoptive father; who was extremely clumsy.  
“No. Are you stalking me? I feel like the campus police or a trusted adult should know about this.” You looked up at him, not reaching for your case at all. 
“I’m not, somehow, we have the exact same class schedule. With the exception of my online class.” “That's crazy buddy… Will you grab my case?”
“You can’t get it yourself?” He scoffed and folded his arms. 
“I think the reason why I dropped it should be the one to get it for me, no?” You thought he looked childish, folding his arms like he just got told to go to his room. 
“Fine.” He reached down, grabbing the case and placing it on your desk, “even though you were closer to the floor… I'm sorry.” He looked away as he said it. Once again you thought he was childish. 
You found yourself staring again. This time you noticed his hands, the word ‘death’ tattooed on his fingers, and the heart on the back of his hand. Shocked to say the least.
“Holy shit.” Huh? You said that outloud? Maybe you weren’t nice. 
You looked up to see Law’s face, somewhere between shock and disgust.
“Oh uh.. I meant, holy shit your tattoos are cool. They look like they hurt.” Maybe you saved it, you really did mean it in admiration. 
“It was painful, but worth it. Bearable at times.” He looked at his hand and held it up between the two of you. Shocked that he held it up for display, you raised your eyebrows. Staring at the tattoo, you were about to reach out and hold his hand closer so you could get a better look at the line work. Then your thoughts were interrupted.
“I know we aren’t on the best terms, but you heard the professor. I think it would be a good idea to bite the bullet and partner up.” He said it so matter-of-factly you almost agreed without realizing you were lost. 
“Huh? Partner?” you blinked up at him. “Of course you weren’t paying attention. The collaborative presentation that you and another student must present on the 18th?” He sounded annoyed, but his face wasn’t telling. 
“Yes! Sorry I got lost in my thoughts, we might as well partner up. I don’t have anyone else in mind, so I can stick with you.” You finished packing, finally, and stood up. Swinging your bag onto your back, you held out your hand towards him. 
“Okay… What is that for?” He nodded down to your hand. 
“Give me your phone. I’ll put my email in. We can make a google slide and share it that way.” 
He paused, with a semi frown on his face then gave up. He put his phone in your hand, and watched intently as you typed in something. Then you returned his phone, much to his delight. 
“Bye then. Just do 5 slides on the First Crusade or whatever other war the pope has started.” He put both of his hands in his pocket as he casually strolled out, leaving you to the room. 
“Hey! We should at least pretend you won't be a dick this whole time! Don’t boss me around!” You realized that you had said that just a bit too loud for the circumstances. Maybe you weren’t nice. 
Y: Okay! I just left class, do you have my salmon nigiri?  Y: You won't believe how good I was today. P: WHST  P: who are you?  P: The y/n i know would never ever say that.  P: Yes i do have it ready :) Y: I had to partner up with Him :/  Y: The strength  Y: Also he has finger tattoos?  Y: What the fuck.  P: You didn’t see them before?  Y: Sir traffy has been through it P: I wonder if hes like some ex-gang member? P: That is such a gang member thing to get tattooed P: Why aren’t you responding?  P: Helllllooooooo  P: y/n P: y/n P: ….
“Rona! You are literally crazy. I was walking over here, that's why I wasn’t responding.” You closed the door behind you, making sure to lock it. 
“Anyways! I’ve never seen you have such a strong reaction! To a guy no less, did he like to recite everything in the declaration of independence?” Perona called out to you while you entered and took off your shoes.
You walked over to the kitchen, where she wasdoing some dishes. Tossing your bag on the couch, then taking a seat at the bar that was connected to the kitchen. “If he did that I would’ve proposed on the spot… He just is kinda smart? It’s freaky! One second he’s brushing me off and not wanting to talk to me at all, the next he's explaining the cause of the First Crusade? Well… Kinda.” Perona turned with two plates in hand, and took a seat next to you. She placed the plate of sushi in front of you, “Well honestly i'm not surprised… Bepo says he is always studying.” 
“You talk about him with Bepo? Perona…” you made a disappointed face at her as you pulled your plate closer to you. “Noooo it’s all kosher! Bepo just offers up info about everyone he knows. I think he just doesn’t have a filter or whatever.”
“Yeah…” you took a piece of nigiri and dipped it, then ate it. As you chewed and swallowed you thought of your dad, “Do you think your dad would come visit us here?” 
“Hmmm only if your dad forced him to. I can picture it now ‘don’t you miss our girls?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then lets go! You pay and ill bring the beer!’ ‘beer isn’t allowed on a plane shanks’ or something like that…” Perona tried her best but didn’t really get the overall attitude of your dads. You decided not to comment and just take another bite. 
“Do I get to know why you asked?” Perona said, food in her mouth.
“Traffy, as you call him, has hair as dark as Mihawk’s. It made me think of him today…”
“Sigmund Frued would have a lot to say to you right now.” “No he wouldn't, he’s dead.” 
“Not for long…” “What the fuck?” You both burst out in laughter at the same time, something you had only ever done with your sister. 
After dinner it was off to bed, except you weren’t actually sleeping. Your laptop was open on your lap, on the google slides page. The document was created, named, and shared to Traffy. It wasn’t the most well-mannered thing, but you decided that nicknames meant you’re friends. Your sister desperately wanted you to have friends, and this would make her think you had them. You didn’t like the deception, if you could call it that, but it's not like you were gonna go out and get real friends. 
You started typing away, filling out 3 slides with information and pictures before deciding to get actual sleep. 
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Mammon Propaganda because I can't see my favourite boy lose
1. He is your number one. He is your first friend and first demon to make a pact with. He helps you out all the time
2. Tsundere. This seems like a turn off, oh I don't want someone who is like 'I did this, not because I like you, stupid'. He is so far away from that. He does things for MC and everyone let's him know that his feelings are clear and he denies them
3. Despite denying him feelings, he lets the MC and other characters know of his feelings. He often tells people to stop reading his mind (for example; 'I don't mind that our hands are stuck' is what a Little D says and he tells him to stop reading him mind)
4. He is a pathetic little guy. All of his brothers bully him, sometimes for things he did do, sometimes for things he didn't. He still cares so deeply for them (e.g buying Lucifer's favourite pudding to cheer him up and having MC give it to him). He is constantly getting in trouble with people and has to do favours. He is getting extorted by witches because they are raising a child he adopted
4.5. He also cares for Luke. He admits the reason he is mean to Luke is to teach him that life isn't fair and that he wants to be a mentor figure like Lucifer was to him. He apologises when he takes things too far and takes Luke stargazing on the roof of a train. He also has eaten tomatoes from his plate
5. He is hot. Look at his cards and tell me he isn't (I am aroace but man is he hot). He is a model.
6. Created a whole scam just to be able to admit that he loves MC (it's an anime episode that has Miss Em dolls in it). Despite being the demon of greed, he has never stolen from MC and it is because he cares too much for them as confirmed in a side lesson.
He is a genuine guy who is bad with his feelings, please even if he ties with Elliott I'll be happy, I didn't fight for him in the first round for him to lose here
Also yes, I played Stardew Valley so I can compare the two and I think that Mammon is a better character (I'm a Leah stan)
Please vote for my pathetic little meow meow who loves you so so much
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smiley-milkovich · 1 year
The riches is like..so underrated. Trans positivity??? Scamming rich people??? A family who supports eachother no matter what??? The ENTIRE CONCEPT of wanderers makes me so happy and I don't know why. Mickey would love that life. He probably wants his aunt to adopt him. She probably tried once or twice. Laura Milkovich was a wanderer convince me otherwise. They may not be called wanderers it's late and I haven't watched the show in a bit. Also Cael is just. A good kid. Superstitious and protective, fiercely fighting for the people he loves. I saw him say "hell no I ain't sleepin' inside, I don't wanna loose my soul" and I fell for him instantly
YESSS YESS! I love all of this so much because it’s so accurate,
firstly they never questioned Sammy wearing “girl” clothes or the possibility of them being transgender, they just were like oh that’s my child/sibling and they like wearing dresses?? Coolio :) and I love that so much! Noel played cael and Mickey so well, I think playing cael definitely helped him be Mickey, like a little teaser of the big things to come for Noel.
Laura milkovich being a traveller (I am not sure what the proper term to use is so please please forgive me if this is offensive or wrong) is so on point and I have a feeling she maybe got mixed in with terry at a young age or he forced her to be with him and made her try forget about her life as a traveller because terry didn’t come from the same background.
I genuinely loved all the story lines in the riches and the characters it was way ahead of its time to be that good and Eddie izzard really came up with such a good concept! BUT not only that, I saw and not sure how true it is… but JOHN WICK was based on the riches like someone stole the idea and turned it into John wick 🫠
And one more thing, season 2 going onto season 3 was meant to be all about Cael Malloy🫠🫠🫠 I still say bring the riches back it would have only gotten better as the seasons went on (and hopefully the intros to the seasons too because they were SO BAD🤣). I bought season 1 and 2 on Amazon and I don’t regret it at all so if anyone reads this and is looking for something to watch BUY IT!!
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r41nc4ndy · 5 months
idk if u do platonic requests but i would like to see shinonome siblings hcs?? they're funny and i love em.
☆*: ・゚. The Shinonomes!
GOD I LOVE PLATONIC ASKS) Certainly! I‘ll do them!
DISCLAIMERS: This is strictly platonic. I do NOT want this tied with romance as I am writing about 2 SIBLINGS.
CW: none :3!
☆ They will always fight about the last piece, no matter if it‘s something they actually like or something they actually hate. They just wanna get that last piece and rub it in the other Shinonome‘s face.
☆ Akito used to be really active on game like Adopt Me, Royale High, etc., but that all stopped as soon as Ena scammed him in all of those games when they were younger.
☆ Constantly fight over who‘s stronger physically. Doesn‘t matter when or where, if the topic is brought up, they will fight.
☆ Ena personally goes and fist fights all of Akito’s haters. She does NOT care about age (unless they’re younger than her or elderly, then she‘ll just use her voice!)
☆ Same goes for Akito, personally handles all of Ena‘s haters.
☆ Ena has a bunch of audios of Akito in the shower, singing MoreMoreJump songs. (Not Video, Audio.)
☆ Akito would do those Tik Tok Livestreams where he shows his rapping skills and Ena would always go on there to troll him (accompanied by a mysterious Purple/Cyan haired individual.. who could that possibly be?)
☆ Despite all the trolling, they‘re each others #1 supporters. They won‘t ever directly express it though.
☆ They sometimes get drunk together. They have to use a fake ID though since in Japan you can‘t legally drink under 20 ‼️
☆ They set each other up for the most unconventional scenarios ever. Nothing bad- but those slight moments that just make you question ".. Why?"
☆ You know those people who never replace the toothpaste and literally squeeze every single part of it out, going as far as to cut it open? That’s them alright!
☆ Ayesha Erotica and Asteria fans for sure, you cannot convince me otherwise.
☆ Think they‘re better than the other in video games, but both suck ass.
☆ Akito makes fun of Ena for playing Dating Simulators, but he religiously plays Otome Games (maxed out, 100% story, all cards/characters unlocked, EVERYTHING.)
☆ Ena thinks she‘s sooo sly when getting Akito a gift, but she is NOT. My guy can immediately figure out if it‘s an Ena gift or someone else’s, but never comments on it (secretly, he appreciates it very much!)
☆ Ena sometimes leaves her lunchbox back at home (either on purpose or accidental, but that’s a story for another day) and Akito is having NONE of it. If he noticed before her lunch break, he runs over and gives her it. If he noticed too late, he "accidentally ordered too much food and can‘t finish it", so Ena has to eat it. Whichever the case is, Ena WILL be getting her fill of food.
☆ Ena has so many embarrassing childhood fotos of Akito, but Akito has none from Ena. It‘s not like she was never photographed as a kid- but she looked so adorable and pretty in every picture! Unlike Akito, where in one he‘s literally in the middle of tripping and falling into dog poop, while in the other he‘s eating his own boogers.
I LOVED writing for them! Platonic asks are always welcomed~
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
Your Pokémon are so cute!! How’d you meet the lot of them, if you don’t mind me asking?
This is how I got them, in order:
Froslass; Given to me by my mother as a snorunt egg, she was my starter. She has always been wild and a bit unstable. I admit that she would probably be much more responsible if I trained her right but at the age of 10, she was the only Pokemon that I have ever actually interacted with (my mom never had a Pokemon) so I'm giving myself an excuse while accepting I made a mistake. We are working on that ^^
Liepard; Caught her in the wild as a purrloin, my first ever catch. Sadly, same story as my Froslass. She was, well, a purrloin. Generally moody and aggressive by nature. She would probably be a much better adjusted Pokemon. We are also working on her behavior.
Gengar; Adopted him from a shelter I was volunteering at when they gave him to me as a foster. I was pretty young. Got him as an abused shiny mill gastly. Traded him for a Boldore so they would both get evolved. Regretted it imminently. I get attached too easily and can't part with my Pokemon XD The progress to healing him, his soul and character, and ambition and personality, was long but so worth it. He still has problems from time to time but I think him hiding behind me or asking for hugs is less for reassuring and more because he still didn't quite figure out he can just sit on top of me like my Liepard and I wouldn't mind XD
Charizard: Got him as an egg! So, I got pulled into one of those street trick scams and lost around 1k Pokecoins to it. So, me being the little asshole I am, I started a scene and threatened the shady vendor with a Froslass that I couldn't really control as a pre-teen so he just gave me an egg to get rid of me. Well, I got the sweetest most adorable Charmander out of that egg XD The first thing he did when he hatched was to bite my cheek (gently) and he never grew out of that habit XD he still bites my cheek (well, more like my whole head with his size) even though he grew up so much <3 <3 <3
Sceptile; This chill little guy was also a wild catch. In a cave. Easy to say he should have NOT been there. He already had an ID so I knew he had a trainer before me. When I got his ID scanned at the Pokemon center, I learned he has been officially owned by a trainer for like a week before it was released. He had some trust problems at the start but that's quite common. We get along well now ^^
Magikarp; My little golden boy <3 I met him while I was walking along a body of water, eating a strawberry donut when he jumped out the water (when I remembered it again, it was a pretty impressive jump) and slapped me across the face with his whole body weight, knocking me down. I was panicking, thinking that someone attacked me and thinking the wetness on my face was blood rather than water, before I realised a shiny magikarp was eating the rest of my donut. I got angry and throw a pokeball at his head. Lil fucker had hydro pump and bounce. Love him to bits <3 <3 <3
So, that's how I met my team! I admit, I wasn't always the best trainer I could be, or I wanted to be but I'm happy that they still stuck around. I can't imagine a life without them <3
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chissgendered · 1 year
1, 3, and 11 for Talharian
1, 4, 5, 6, 15, for Arexxar
Heya! Thanks for the ask bud<3
Talharian (Human Sith Warrior): 1: What is [character]'s favourite event, & what do they like about it?
Got no clue, honestly - whatever lets him slice through a bunch of enemies and impress his boyfriend.
3: What Forbidden Romance — i.e., one not permitted by the game — would or do they embark on? (If they're a romance sort of person, of course.)
The Hero of Tython. Hands down. Oh, I guess Master Timmns or something would also be a nice flirt.
11: What's something they'd really like as a companion gift that isn't available as one in-game?
Hmmm… I don't keep a list on me of what's available in game, but. Knowing him. Traditional supplies for sith facial paint (cosmetics as well). Fruit from his homeworld. Culturally significant jewelry- handmade and of modern/new make.
Arexxar (Chiss Imperial Agent): 1: What is [character]'s favourite event, & what do they like about it?
I don't think he has one, but in setting it might be the nightlife event. Since he loves getting the better of people. It's his favorite activity. He can bring friends for a fun afternoon of scamming people and rigging games in their favor.
4: Do they have nicknames for other characters (NPC or OC), & if so, what are they?
It might not count as a nickname, but he is very formal. Likely to stick to titles/names of varying formality a long time after it might be accepted by the other person to use their first name. As he is a chiss, any chiss he's in prolonged contact with is likely to get referred to by title or their shortform name instead of their full one. Sometimes he sticks to formality explicitly to tease ;) Someone teach this man how to appropriately use nicknames, though. He literally does not get it. There is a degree of formality with everything he does.
5: Do they have nicknames from other characters, & if so, what are they?
Oh boy, does he ever. Agent is a popular one. Or imp'. More personal would be things like Rexxy and other short forms of his name. His mentor calls him "Junior".
6: Are there any biological quirks they have that aren't shown in-game (e.g. tails on Cathar, cybernetics in non-Human species), & if so, what are they?
I think he does very much blush purple! Not just darker blue or something like that. Another occasional HC is that his eyes glow brighter when he's feeling an excess of emotions. Barely perceptible unless you see him often in a lot of different lighting. Chiss purring is a HC I have adopted wholeheartedly. When he blinks really slowly in a particular manner, he's doing the chiss version of rolling his eyes. I also often think that he may have a higher tolerance for cold environments than the average human.
15: If they had a career that wasn't one of the class options, what would it be (e.g. vet or nerf-herder)?
Hmm. This one stumped me. I suppose he might be doing another specialized intelligence job? Or more explicitly working in tandem with the military to ruin the opposition. Or, post base game, work as an instructor to recruits.
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avocado-frog · 2 years
Dahlia. 4
Rating: T Warnings: referenced child neglect, mentions of Elliot's almost death Word count: 2,000 Title: 6/6/2020 Summary: So anyways I accidentally made the kids represent the five stages of grief and I didn't realize until someone pointed it out to me and I thought "hey that would be good for this chapter that i barely had a coherent outline for" so here you go. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Cass was not an only child.
If she hadn't moved back to Maine with her cousins, if she hadn't stayed in New Hampshire, if she had lived somewhere else entirely, she could've pretended like she was.
But, she had gone back to Maine, a small town at that, small enough that everyone knew her, recognized her, at least. Cass was questioned a lot. They wanted to know if she had moved, since her aunt and uncle had moved out of their old house. They wanted to know why she came back without the people that her neighbors still believed to be her parents. Strangers in her life, like her siblings were.
Strangely enough, nobody ever asked about Leo.
Cass knew her sister was well-known, so her absence had definitely been noticed. The thing was that while Leo was well-known, she was not well-liked.
Cass wasn't a good liar like her sister used to be. Cass didn't like to lie, really. Where Leo was perfectly content with lying and scamming her way out of any given situation, uncaring and unempathetic, perfectly happy with her own world in which there were no consequences, where nothing mattered, unless it directly impacted herself, it simply made Cass sick.
Cass heard from Sam that he had told his new friends that he was a foster kid, that he lied about being able to do any sort of magic, that he felt weird for doing so, and Cass told him that he was doing the right thing. She didn't want him to get hurt. He was the only one she still had.
Cass took that lie and ran with it. When people at school asked why she disappeared for five months, she simply said that she was moved to New Hampshire briefly, and was adopted by her cousin's parents. In hushed whispers, when the kids asked where Leo was, Cass told them that she was still in New Hampshire, that she didn't want to leave.
Sometimes, she completely denied knowing a Leo at all. Sometimes, she told her classmates that she had always been an only child.
She had been, in a sense. She had never been close with Leo as a kid, because Leo refused to get close with anybody, and ended up pushing most people away. Case in point, she nearly killed one of her closest friends, and ran off with their brother.
She hadn't known she had brothers, up until a year ago. Even then, Ryan was just gone, Sam still lived in New Hampshire with the others, and Elliot was- he was fine.
He was fine.
Leo sat on a dark purple, dusty stool in front of the bathroom's cracked mirror, inspecting the bandages wrapped around her hand, stained red at the knuckles.
The fights, Leo thought, seemed to be increasing in frequency. Nearly every day. She was starting to skip school to avoid them. She skipped school regardless. Nobody cared. It didn't matter.
Leo would have to pay for the broken mirror.
She didn't have a job, she was only fourteen, not quite old enough.
Her hand trembled as she ran her thumb against the bandages. For a moment, she almost wished she had gone to her sister for help. Then, Cass would know about the fights. Leo didn't want her to get involved like she knew she would try to do. Leo didn't think her sister could do very well in a real fight like she could.
Cass was staying with their cousins for the night, like she typically did. Her parents were at work for seemingly endless hours. Leo was alone.
She stood up, movements slow, and stood at the reflection in the mirror. It was cracked straight down the middle. The left side of her face, in the reflection, was distorted and cracked. The right side looked normal, though a smear of blood marked her face on that side.
The mirror was already broken. Leo stared at the reflection. She was alone. Something boiled, like acid, simmering just beneath the skin, hot, red. And suddenly, it was a seventh-grader versus a broken mirror.
Loud, painful shrieks, as Leo hit the glass, over, and over, and over, until the feeling died down, until she burned out.
She leaned against the counter, now sitting on the floor, gasping for breath.
She heard her parents pull into the driveway. They never came home before midnight. Leo didn't care. Leo wanted so desperately to go see them. Leo didn't move. She couldn't move. She was stuck, like the shard of mirror stuck in her hand.
Leo managed a breath. She stood up, trembling slightly, and opened the door. Took a step down the stairs, and another, and another, until she could hear their voices, and the same, angry feeling seemed to flood her system like a tsunami.
Leo hated them. Leo hated them. Leo hated them, and she couldn't stand when they were gone, and she wanted them to leave, she wanted to leave, she hated being alone. It was all so complicated and Leo couldn't make sense of any of it, and she didn't like that.
"I need money for a new mirror," Leo plainly stated, walking past, digging through the kitchen drawers for tweezers. Likely, there would be a handful of money on the table the next morning. "Cass is at Kai and Marcy's house tonight."
They didn't respond, didn't care. She was alone.
Elliot couldn't remember making this world. It existed in rough stages when he was much younger, years ago now, and he knew that he had made it, but he couldn't remember when. He couldn't remember the process, and as a result, had chosen not to go very far.
He didn't want to go very far, either. He'd been staying at the house since he got there, going back and forth from the living room to the dining room to his bedroom, over and over, he didn't know how long.
The house looked like Logan's, decorated the exact same, and yet, he couldn't find his friends there. 
He missed them. He didn't miss them enough to want to wake up. He had his mother back, now. He didn't know how long, but it was too soon to lose her again.
Elliot sat by the dining room table, chewing on a waffle. It didn't have a taste, and technically, he didn't need to eat. Or sleep, for that matter. He would like to be able to. He missed Logan's cooking.
He finished the waffle quickly enough, knowing that his mother would get worried if he didn't.
And the plate disappeared without a sound or a warning. Elliot stood from the table. His mother smiled at him.
"What are you going to do today?"
The question she always asked. He couldn't remember her voice all that well. Her face was still blurred, but the details were beginning to show.
Normally, all Elliot would do was go to his room, or stay down in the living room with his mother. Today, he was bored.
"I think I'll go to the park." His own voice was a little watery, sounding muffled and glitched to his own ears.
"Okay!" A smile. "That sounds like fun. Remember not to go too far."
Elliot didn't know what would happen if he went too far. He wasn't going to risk it. He smiled back. "I won't."
He hopped down the steps to the porch, hand brushing along the flowers there. He hummed to himself, barely able to feel the warm gravel beneath his feet.
It was dark out, it always was. The sky was only lit up by colorful stars and a bright moon. It felt darker with how unsaturated everything was, and the black grass surrounding the park.
A boy sat on the swings, where he always was. Elliot couldn't remember exactly when they had met, or- when Elliot created him, he supposed. He was fairly sure that he was seven. Bleached white hair hung over black eyes. His hands gripped the chains on the swing set loosely. The white jacket he wore was far too big for him, and practically drowned him in it.
Io had never spoken a word throughout the whole time Elliot had known him. He only sat on the swings, gently moving back and forth, and never left. He acknowledged Elliot as he sat down on the other swing with a small nod.
Io stared at the grass beneath untied shoelaces, hands folded in his lap. Elliot stared at him for a moment, wondering if he should say something.
He didn't. His hands tightened around the chains on the swing set, as his heel kicked against the grass, rocking himself back and forth.
Io reminded him of Dylan, and he figured that was probably intentional. Io had never really had much of a personality until he met Dylan in the first place. Io had always just been there, since he was maybe seven. After he met Dylan, Io got sign language, and he could draw, and he was still Elliot's favorite.
He missed real Dylan, yet not enough to risk leaving his mother again. He couldn't leave. Not yet.
He only needed a little more time.
Ryan had a bad feeling about letting Jaxon follow Leo. Leo was acting off, speaking to the others like it was their last day together, and only he seemed to notice.
He followed them to the park- to the garden- and hid behind a streetlight. He didn't want to interrupt.
Leo said something, and Ryan physically felt his stomach drop, hearing Leo say that she was going to leave. His eyes darted to Jaxon, who began talking, low in a way that Ryan couldn't hear him. Jaxon had to get Leo to change her mind. He couldn't let Leo leave.
Ryan knew he was caught when the two of them began to get closer, screaming at each other. His heart raced, pounded, blood rushed in his ears. Leo suddenly stopped, and pointed at Ryan. When Jaxon turned to look at him, Leo punched him. Hard. In the head, hard enough that he fell.
Ryan couldn't stand to watch the fight, but he looked up when he heard a crack, and saw Jaxon, slumped over against the fountain. He put two and two together, and knew Leo had done that.
He had only been afraid of his sister when they first met, but that was because they were all in a rush and she didn't know how to talk to kids and she scared them, but she had apologized.
Leo began to walk towards him, and for the second time, he was afraid of his sister. He flinched when she got close, and she stared at him for a moment, apologized quietly, and left.
Ryan looked at Jaxon, and then at Leo. He couldn't let her leave.
He begged for her not to leave, running after her as she walked off to her car. Finally, she snapped, telling him that if he didn't want her to go so badly, he was free to go with her. Ryan hadn't been thinking when he agreed. He just wanted his sister to be safe.
He wanted to go home, and Leo knew that, and she offered to take him there every time they interacted.
And Ryan didn't want his sister to be alone, so until she decided that she was going to go home, too, he would stay with her.
"So, you take your rock, and pretend it's a frisbee."
Jonquil's voice was mostly drowned out from Stefan and Caspian's arguing, and Rowan's occasional comment. Sam tossed a flat rock into the pond. It skipped three times, and sunk down. A duck quacked and swam away.
Sam looked up at Jon, who smiled at him, and patted him on the head. The group had found a nice, shady spot by the pond, hidden by other people. Rowan had set out the snacks Stefan had bought. It was peaceful, and quiet, and harder to ignore the situation.
It reminded Sam, bitterly, of the picnic that his family had, weeks before everything went wrong.
The picnic was high up on the list of his favorite things that had happened to him, right up there with his reunion with Elliot and meeting Leo and Jaxon, and having a snowball fight, Christmas in general had been great, and of course, the picnic. It had been a good six months.
If he tried, he could remember how Leo, Lily, and Jaxon had all tripped and fallen, and how Elliot had smiled and Jaxon and Leo high fived over his head. Back when the two had been friends. He could remember Logan gently teasing Elliot about being the youngest, and how Kai and Jaxon blushed at each other all day. Elliot had grabbed him and Ryan by the hand, and dragged them away, because Leo wanted to talk to the older kids without them, and Elliot had agreed to try to get along with them, and they became friends for a whole week.
(Elliot suddenly remembered what Sam did, and black tendrils seemed to overtake his hands, and he was angry, and it only took another week for him to try to end it. Ryan had seen him, and now Ryan was gone. Everyone was gone.)
He took a breath, and glanced over. Rowan and Jon were trying to keep Caspian from hitting Stefan with a slice of bread, all laughing loudly. He smiled, and laughed along with them.
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dioles-writes · 3 months
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Loves taking random pictures, especially of his friends
He prefers to sit on the floor over chairs
His favourite animal are koi fish, hence why he has a koi fish pond at his mansion
He usually dyes his own hair
He likes to buy and collect random figurines and trinkets
Tells January dad + knock knock jokes (which he laughs very hard at)
Keeps everything in his pockets
Really good at word searches
His favourite book + movie genre is romance
Carries around 3 packs of 5 masks in his pockets
Quiet footsteps
Believe it or not he’s actually muscular beneath the black clothes (because he doesn’t like the groggy feeling of not working out)
Wears a hazmat suit when changing diapers
Likes bullying + scaring kids online (if they deserve it)
He anonymously scammed Felix out of all his Robux when they were kids. Multiple times
Has a very intricate skincare routine
His room has so many plants it looks like a greenhouse/forest/jungle
Impulse buyer
Despite her cheerful personality, she’s actually a pessimist
The most stereotypically heroic out of the cast
Gifts Felix unique-looking bowls because she says “they look like you”
She used to do track+field, hurdles, and long jump specifically, making her very agile
She can beatbox really good
They’re very prone to getting sick. He failed Gym 10 because he was in the hospital with like 70 diseases
They are very skilled at robotics and likes to make little robots and trinkets
Luscious silky smooth hair
She’s the most skilled with her power (control-wise) out of the whole club
The most rizz out of the club
Never skips leg day
Once ended up in the hospital for trying to stop a fight between 2 middle schoolers but then one of them shanked her
She cut her own bangs once and had micro bangs (they’ve grown out though 🤪😜)
She was very lonely before she joined the Board Game Club
Does her brother’s nails
Always carries around extra hair ties
Hair grows super fast
She has had multiple concussions due to her delinquent past, which also makes her prone to headaches
She is very artsy when it comes to cosmetology
Has an 8000-day Duolingo streak
She has very bad anxiety (almost shat herself at the first club meeting)
Very perceptive of her surroundings + others
Hopeless romantic
Her hands are really soft and warm because her palms are sweating 24/7
She collects cute and soft pillows
Her face gets REALLY red REALLY easily
Is gone to who knows where for literally half of the day
Has sold one of his kidneys to the dark web
Despite being a homeless teenager, has never stolen a thing
Scams kids in Roblox on Adopt Me
Likes kids cause they’re funny and goofy and have no filter
Can eat a whole turkey by himself in one day
Never officially finished elementary, but he was taught up to middle school education in Paradise
Is sensitive to the smell of blood
Their most prized possession is “Patches”, the messed-up stuffed dog wearing a lab coat and stethoscope that sits by the nurse’s office
Has a drawer full of stuffy friends for her patients
Despite being in the nurse’s office for all of the school day, Rory is a straight-A student who hands all their work in on time
Kuali’i (along with Rory) is the top of the school, and has been granted many scholarships
He is very popular and well liked by his peers and teachers, nobody has a bad thing to say about him
His dad is a volleyball coach and he was even captain of the volleyball team at their school (but not anymore because he’s too busy with Drama Club)
Terrible at everything baking related except for cookies. Makes the meanest batch of cookies
Um has the worst control on his powers EVER. Took everything in his life to do that cool fire trick just because Avil was there
He writes in his journal everyday, having different sections dedicated to daily experiences, highlights, bad things, and important reminders. If someone has left a strong impression on him then he’ll make a page dedicated to them. (Notable mentions are his Grandma, Avil, January, Felix, and Rory)
He had matching necklaces with Avil (but his got obliterated by the flames 💀)
He has a decent amount of medical knowledge
Forgot his locker combination so he shoves everything into the empty closet of an abandoned classroom
Only attended half of the BGC club meetings due to being busy with fights and gigs
His love language is gift giving, so he showers his girlfriends and people he cares about with numerous high-quality gifts
Really skilled at geography
Colourblind (red and green type)
He’s really good at rock-paper-scissors. Has only lost once in his entire life to Avil
Has had several ear infections from DIY-ing his piercings (even stole a piercing gun once)
His hair is naturally very curly
0 notes
shop-korea · 8 months
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HE - WENT - 2 - LUNCH - TO
2 - GET - $150 BILLION - NO USD
WAS - GOING - 2 - BOX - ME
2 - ST JUDE's - SHE SAID - A
FEB - 2 - UC - SIGNALS - 2 ME
I'M - FINE - SUSHI - 4 - ME SO
I'M - 2 - WEAK - 2 - GO - 4
4 - IT - TRIED - 2 - FING - 4 FT
ON - GONE - 4 - 3 MONTHS
75.6 - LENGTH
TENT - 86.5 - INSIDE
0 notes
ailtrahq · 1 year
Popular crypto social platform Friend.tech was hit with a series of SIM swap attacks over the weekend, allowing hackers to drain thousands of dollars worth of tokens from users’ accounts. In an Oct. 3 Twitter thread, Daren (Twitter handle @darengb), a Friend.tech user with a publicly-known real name — “doxxed” in cryptospeak — wrote that he was the victim of a SIM swap attack which enabled the hacker to sell the 34 keys he owned on the platform and exit scam on the keyholders. The attacker also sold off all the other keys Daren held and drained the 22 Ethereum (ETH) he held, worth around $36,250 as of press time. In an Oct. 4 update, Daren further highlighted that “the hacker still has access” to his Friend.Tech account despite him regaining control of his mobile phone number. He explained that the hacker has “exported [his] private key and/or are still logged in on their phone.” Daren explained that he started receiving frequent spam calls which caused him to silence his phone. This prevented him from seeing a text from his carrier, Verizon, notifying him that someone was trying to access his account. Within an hour, the hacker had successfully swapped his SIM and gained control of his Friend.Tech account and crypto wallet. Froggie.eth also fell victim to SIM swapping, with a loss of over 20 ETH worth $33,000 as of press time, according to a Sept. 30 post. Twitter user Dipper claims the same happened to him, with his account being compromised, the hacker then sold all the keys and moved the assets to another address. It is unclear whether sim swapping was involved. No idea how they could have compromised the wallet. Sorry to keyholders, if it was a big loss for you contact me and I’ll refund. Dipper SIM swap attacks allow hackers to take over a victim’s phone number by tricking mobile carriers into transferring the number to a SIM card controlled by the attacker. With access to the phone number, hackers can receive two-factor authentication (2FA) one-time passwords (OPTs) and use those to reset account passwords and fraudulently access accounts. Friend.tech itself was not compromised in this incident, however. The platform utilizes blockchain technology to let users purchase “keys” to private chat groups of influencers and content creators. Key prices increase as more users buy into a chat, incentivizing creators and providing potential returns for keyholders. While innovative, Friend.tech’s linking of users’ real-world identities with their crypto wallets leaves them vulnerable to hacking techniques, like SIM swapping. Users have called for increased security measures such as 2FA to prevent similar attacks going forward. The rapid growth of Friend.tech has exceeded even its founders’ expectations. The platform gained over 100,000 users within two weeks of launch in August 2023 and reportedly generated $25 million in its first month. However, the sustainability of its model has been called into question, with some critics likening the platform to that of a Ponzi scheme. Friend.tech allows influencers and creators to monetize their fanbase by selling access to private chat groups and exclusive content in exchange for crypto payments. While supporters see huge potential for driving mainstream adoption of social tokens and Web3, others point to similarities with patronage platforms like Patreon and worry the app’s speculative growth could lead to a rush to sell keys and then the platform ultimately collapsing.
0 notes
blueteller · 2 years
For the WIP game, I literally cannot choose over these ones so handing it over to you, blue! I know I'm asking for too much but can you please let me see at least the idea or an excerpt of 3 WIPs I listed below (all of them sounds so good i wanna see the idea behind them or an excerpt of them 😭)
Selectively mute KRS AU
A Blessed Curse
What Kind of Alternate Universe Setting Is This!?
The Scam Artist
Dump it all on Trash, why don't you!
Who do you think you are (and why you're wrong)
Dragon Ex Machina
Cale Henituse gets (a vacation) kidnapped
Hm... Why don't I give you summaries about each one?
1. Selectively mute KRS AU
Due to his previous experiences, Kim Rok Soo is a very reserved person. He doesn't speak, unless it concerns work. So you can imagine the stress he's under when he suddenly becomes Cale Henituse.... ...Elsewhere, the original Cale curses the God of Death. It would have been nice to have a warning not to talk too much as Kim Rok Soo!! How could he have know that him saying a simple sentence would make people faint from shock!?
2. A Blessed Curse
Is there a god which can offer Cale his much desired slacker life? Actually, there is! The god of memory offers Cale a deal, to which he agrees without any hesitation. He's very pleased with the results... However, all his well-meaning friends see is a terrible curse being put upon Cale. Naturally, they must break it!! (Or, a story where people of the world temporarily get amnesia about Cale being the Hero who saved both continents – except Cale's closest companions, that is. Cue classic TCF shenanigans and misunderstandings.)
3. What Kind of Alternate Universe Setting Is This!?
Kim Rok Soo fell asleep reading a fantasy novel. The next thing he knew, he found himself transmigrated into the body of one of its minor villains, except… …Except everything is completely wrong!!! Why is Cale Henituse a respected Commander? Why does he have multiple Ancient Powers? And why is Choi Han his body guard here instead of the guy who beat him up? Where did all of these Beast People even come from?? And wait a second, is that a f***ing Dragon?! (A Crack Amnesia AU set right after the war against the Indomitable Alliance, where Cale literally trips over a rock and loses his memory for a day – until Eruhaben can come and heal him. Complete chaos and hilarity ensues.)
4. The Scam Artist
A companion piece to a fic called "body hopping for dummies" by thursdays on AO3.
"So what you're telling me is, this guy…" Kim Rok Soo gestures at his newly acquired body with a suspicious gleam in his eyes. "…is super rich? I mean he is in charge of the evil organization and all."
"Oh no," Choi Jung Soo responds dramatically.
"Oh yes." Kim Rok Soo grins widely, making the others shiver in sudden fear. "That bastard stole everything from me, right? So it's only fair that I'll steal it all back."
"…Are you sure we actually kicked out White Star out of that body?" Cage whispers to Choi Jung Soo, doubtful. 'That smile still seems pretty evil.' she thinks.
"Yep," Jung Soo replies with a deadpan. "That's Rok Soo alright."
"I like this weird human!" Raon decides suddenly.
A short story of what happens after the heroes defeat the White Star and ressurect Kim Rok Soo in his original body: Chaos, Destruction, and the Friendship that grows between them.
5. Dump it all on Trash, why don't you!
Cale Henituse was just having a drink and causing trouble, as usual. He did not expect to be approached by someone wearing his own face, supposedly a transmigrator from the future in another dimension. Now he's expected to save the world by himself?! Damn that bastard!!! (Or, the story where KRS!Cale gives 18-year-old OG!Cale exposition before the Birth of a Hero starts, in order for him to change the story on his own. Will OG!Cale be able to manage? Is he ready to become single parent?? And why does he have to adopt people who are older than him??)
6. Who do you think you are (and why you're wrong)
What if Cale had reacted a bit differently to the Message from the God of Death…? After all, he had been okay with losing his old life only because he had been alone before. However, that wasn't the case anymore: now he had friends and children dependant on him. Cale knew the feeling of being left behind and wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy… Except it seemed like the God of Death wouldn't be giving him a choice, just like Kim Rok Soo wasn't given one when he first transmigrated. Die or return to your old world? Either way, his family would lose him. Does that mean the previous owner of this body was going to come back and take what was rightfully his…? Just how was Cale going to explain that to everyone? How could he simply disappear and leave a stranger in his place? (Or, a fic which forces Cale to act slightly out of character and TELL his friends things for a change. He also picks a different "least distressing" part of the God of Death's message.)
7. Dragon Ex Machina
Eruhaben has NOT asked for this. This must be that unlucky bastard's fault – his bad luck seems to be contagious, since breaking through the Sealed God's Temple wall apparently causes the intruder to be termporarily transported into a parallel universe. Now, Eruhaben has absolutely no clue why Cale in this dimension is called Kim Rok Soo, or why his face reminds him very much of the White Star for some reason. Nevertheless, Eruhaben would recognize his wayward child in any form, and there's no way he would let this dimension's version of him die by the hands of some Goddamned Unranked Moster. (Or, the story of how Eruhaben swooped in to save KRS's team and spare him the most heartbreaking moment of his life. Also, Dragons can dispell half-baked curses, because KRS deserves to live a happy life.)
8. Cale Henituse gets (a vacation) kidnapped
The horror! Raon and the cats go on a short shopping trip, but the moment they take their eyes off of Cale their guardian gets kidnapped! Luckily for them, they are well trained and capable of tracking him down with no problem. Unluckily for Cale, this is the most relaxing event he had experienced in months - can't they pick him up a bit later, please…? Meanwhile, the poor unsuspecting kidnappers have no idea what they're getting themselves into. This is what happens when you don't check the identity of your abduction target.
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mintgki · 2 years
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ꜱᴜᴄᴋꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴜᴄᴋ ʟᴏʟ
Summary: You’re on average a loser. A loser with 3 friends, no money, no bitches and nobody even rlly likes you. So what? Turn to therapy? Nah. You turn to start pretending to be a huge hacker on ROBLOX to scam people out of their in game items. Though, when you scammed someone out of their precious neon unicorn pet in Adopt Me, they start throwing a tantrum online. Who knew it would gain SO much attention?
————C29//“Big a*s feet”(+written)
Passing possibly 3 red lights, Mingi was determined to get there early. What if you were there waiting? What if he could surprise you by being there first? It was pretty thrilling for him knowing he was about to meet his little online crush, even if he did now know exactly who she was.
After parking Mingi found himself relaxing in the lounge area and entertained himself by watching idiots trip and fall from their skates. Hasn’t heard a word from you and hasn’t even caught a glimpse of what could’ve been you. Sure, he was possibly 15 minutes early but he still hoped to have seen you a bit sooner. That thought stuck for 5 more minutes.
Then soon stayed for 15.
Then to 25.
Then to 30.
45 Minutes. It’s all about to close now.
What the hell. Did you just stand him up? Why?? What was the point of asking if you didn’t go at all?. Mingi kept overthinking it. His head hurt like hell, but even so, he didn’t wanna leave so soon yet without a word from you. Though he just couldn’t bring himself to send anything. He felt so bummed out and slightly heartbroken. With a sound of a buzz, he saw his phone lit up and to his dismay, it was you. He wanted to ignore you and block you so desperately but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He barely knows you, yet you have him so wrapped around your finger.
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Who does that kind of thing? As far as he was aware, the date started when he sat down.
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That touched his heartstrings a little bit, but he won’t admit that. Still, he chose to believe you and just sat and waited. Watching people leave felt draining, even after seeing how now the whole place was empty. It felt a bit awkward for him to still be inside but he wanted to at least hear out your explanation before he stormed out the building like a chaotic Karen.
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Feeling drained of this annoying cat and mouse play, he lifts his head up to see a girl with a mask on starring directly at him. She leaned on the desk with her chin rested on her palm, then brought up her other hand to lightly wave towards me.
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It felt a lot better now, knowing how much effort you put into all this for him. It was kinda cute watching you scurry away into the employee’s only door. After seeing you walk back out he noticed your difference in height. You were a lot taller than earlier? Confused, he looked down and noticed you in a pair of skates with another pair in your hand. You looked so adorable skating up to him for the first time.
“Hi.” Was all you could get out with the way Mingi looked up at you from his seat made you a bit nervous but excited all at the same time.
“Hey. Cute uniform.” Mingi chuckled as he poked fun at your attire.
“Hahaha Lmao. So funny.” You laced with sarcasm.
“You say lmao in real life? Nerd” rolling his eyes as he makes fun of you.
you shove the pair of skates into his chest and toss him a pair of socks to the face.
“You ever skated before?”
“No not really.” His tone was definitely shaken.
“I’ll guide you through it. It shouldn’t be that hard”
It was.
It took Mingi around 40 minutes to get the hang of it with him falling and screaming multiple times. You found it utterly hilarious and even sometimes pushed him on purpose just to see a 6’0 man vulnerable. It was your cup of tea entirely.
After he got the hang of it, you guys settled on skating around together. You showed him some tricks, he fell trying to mirror them. He pushed you while you both we’re just gliding around, so for revenge you grabbed both of his hands and spun him around like a disco ball.
“STOP IM ABOUT TO THROW UP” Mingi shrieked in fear.
It was silent for a few seconds, definitely weird timing since you we’re both spinning way too fast for both your standards.
“IT’S Y/N. WEIRD TIMING BUT I WANTED TO GET IT OUT THE WAY.” You we’re just yelling at this point.
“..WOULD YOU BE UPSET IF I TOLD YOU I ALREADY KNEW?” He yelled right in front of your face.
“YOUR FRIENDS KNOW ME??” You say with confusion written all over your face.
You started to go wayy too fast. You both were definitely dizzy.
“WAIT SLOW DOWN.” You yelled at him, slightly panicking.
“I’M GONNA FALL” Mingi shrieked out as his body started to tilt.
You both end up falling together. Mingi was never really that great at following directions, so he fell on top of you.
“Ow.” Mingi groaned in pain
“Why are YOU saying ow? I basically broke your fall.”
“Sorry not sorry. You’re the one who started spinning us.” He rolled his eyes, obviously complaining.
“Thanks for the safe landing though.”
“I didn’t mean it that way, you’re so dirty minded.”
“All I said was ew?” You deadpanned.
The date continued on for 20 more minutes. Neither of you wanted to leave but it was late. Mingi walked you to your car, lingering onto your presence a little longer. Both of you enjoyed your time together.
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elias-code · 3 years
The Feeling’s Mutual - c!Techno x Reader
PT 1 because I‘m taking too long lmao
Characters: c!Technoblade x gn!Reader, Philza, Quackity, Charlie S
Summary: [from an ask] The reader is kicked out by Quackity from Las Nevadas and was forced to roam around to look for somewhere to live and they end up in Techno’s cabin after passing out in the tundra. At first, you have a shared hatred of each other, but you end up warming up when you figure out he’s been making you breakfast.
Warnings: Exile, mild malnutrition, corruption
————————— Enjoy :3 —————————
“Ooh! I get to go visit you now! Like a vacation!” Charlie cheered.
“No, Charlie,” You sighed, continuing to follow him out of the city, “I’m getting exiled. I don’t think Quackity will let you visit me,”
He frowned, confused. He wasn’t the best at understanding broad concepts like exile and all the drama that brought it about. He just thinks you’re one of his best friends, and that Quackity is also his best friend. Now, Quackity was in no way your friend as you once were. He banished you for the dumbest thing, just because you challenged his integrity. Unbeknownst to Charlie, Quackity was giving away trade secrets, rigging elections and his casinos. You didn’t join him to scam people, you just wanted a new start after L’Manburg.
You walked with him in silence past the bright neon lights and street lamps of Los Nevadas. You were never going to be allowed back here, even though you built half of the damn place.
“So if Quackity doesn’t let me visit, can you visit me?” Charlie asked solemnly.
“Again, probably not,” You stuffed your hands in your pockets and half-smiled at him, “I don’t think he wants to see me back here. Ever,”
Where were you even going to go? No one would take you. Quackity had made many enemies, who were, in turn, yours, and now no one you were allied with alongside Quackity will be friendly except for Charlie. But Charlie was his lapdog, nothing could touch him and you weren’t going to be allowed around him anymore.
Your enemies list was vast, all the way up at the top, finally overtaking Technoblade, was Quackity. Congrats, Big Q, you piece of shit.
Charlie stopped at the end of the road, finally realizing this might be the last time you see each other. He wanted to cry, but he held it back. There’d always be hope, he could sneak out, you could sneak in. But you’d have to do it all in secret, and it just didn’t feel right to him.
“I’m gonna miss you, Charlie,” You said.
He smiled weakly at you and pulled you in for a slimy hug.
“We’ll see each other again someday,” He stated.
You wanted to believe that, but the pit in your stomach just sank further as the embrace came to an end. You’d have to get going, this would be the last time you see him, or Los Nevadas for that matter, in a long time at least.
You spent days wandering. Just as you suspected, no one would take you in. Not even Niki because of your governmental associations. You found the occasional scrap of meat or stale bread in some chests along the prime path, but you felt so sick to your stomach that it became hard to eat anything you found.
From the desert to the ocean to the plains to the tundra you roamed. You hunted with what little supplies you had.
There had been no food for days now, the snow was the only source of water within sight. There were no signs of life, no people, no animals, only the occasional dying tree to sleep under in the blistering cold. As if things couldn’t get any worse, the blizzard came.
Blinding white all around. The only sound audible was the whistling of the wind in the frozen, rotting branches above you. At this point, you’d gone numb, the only thing you could feel was your heart beating heavily in your chest as you lost consciousness.
“We couldn’t just leave them out in the snow, Techno! That’s just cruel!”
“They’re with Quackity, Phil. Don’t make me explain this again,”
“I’m not going to let you throw them back out,” Phil explained, “No one would willingly come here, Technoblade. They have a reason, I know it,”
You opened your eyes cautiously. It was warm, you were covered in a thick red cape and a few blankets, the fire next to you was roaring. Whatever argument was taking place had moved further into the distance, out of earshot.
Everything ached, but at least you were warm. You let yourself come to your senses. Maybe the exile was all a nightmare. Maybe Quackity wasn’t a dumb bitch after all. But where were you? Whose bed was this? Whose-
It’s Technoblade’s cape.
Your eyes widened as you shot up out of bed. The pain in your legs was sickening, but so was being in this man’s house. You ran to the fireplace and grabbed some sharp steel tongs, meant for poking at the logs, for protection. His footsteps moved closer, the conversation was over.
You brandished your weapon and prayed for dear life.
The door creaked open and he stepped through, shutting it behind him. He stared at you, looking down at the weapon and then back at the tossed bed. He looked unfazed by your threatening pose. You were more scared than he was.
“I lend you my cape,” Technoblade points at the bed, “And you decide the best move for you is to stab me?”
Guilt crept into your throat.
“What am I doing here?” You hissed at him.
“Phil found you under a tree,” He chuckled, “And decided he wanted to adopt someone else,”
“Aren’t you supposed to kill me or something?”
“Why? Should I?” He threatened, taking a step towards you.
You stepped back, bumping into the table behind you, “That- That’s what you do,”
“If it were up to me, you’d probably be buried in the snow by now.”
You scowled at him, rediscovering past hatred towards him and using that to fuel your rage.
“I’d rather be left out there,” You spat, “Not stuck in here with you-“
“Again, I agree, but Phil is the one you should be angry with if you don’t want to be here,” He rolled his eyes and held his hand out.
“I’m not giving this back to you,” You growled.
He stepped forward and snatched the spear out of your hand, tossing it behind him, out of reach. He leaned forward and hissed in your face, “Don’t try anything, kid,”
You swallowed your pride, weak and unarmed. Whether you liked it or not, you’d have to stay with him for a while. No one would take you in, so it was either deal with Technoblade or die. You might as well use this to your advantage.
Days went by where you never even saw Techno. Phil took care of you most of the time, but he didn’t have any room in his house with Wilbur being there and all, so you were forced to sleep in Techno’s cabin. It became easier and more manageable as time went on. The only time you ever really saw him were the latest hours of the night when he’d come home and, if you were lucky, at dawn when he left.
Breakfast usually materialized at your doorstep every morning around the same time. Sometimes it was yoghurt, sometimes fresh fruit, sometimes cold meat and oatmeal, but it was always delicious. You suspected Phil was behind the mysterious meals, that was until you asked him about it.
“I don’t think I ever said, but thanks for breakfast,” You smiled at Phil as you helped him load firewood into the horse’s saddlebags.
He looked at you, perplexed, to say the least.
“What breakfast? Don’t you just eat whatever Techno has?” Phil replied.
Your stomach turned, letting the past couple of weeks turn over in your head. You shouldn’t have assumed Phil was the one making your food. You should’ve asked before you just started gorging yourself every morning.
Phil watched as you turned pale and hopped on the horse. He thought that you just ate whatever Techno had in his pantries, and never questioned it. Now, all was revealed. Techno had been making you breakfast.
For most people living as a guest in someone else's house, having breakfast brought to their door would just be seen as a sweet thing, but it was dangerously blown out of proportions when it was your ex greatest enemy doing it without you even knowing. You silently reasoned with yourself that if he was going to poison you, you’d be dead already. That comforting fact backfired as you realised he could have killed you so easily. Your emotions were on a rollercoaster, and your stomach sank deeper and deeper as the more intrusive thoughts crept in.
You needed to catch him in the act. Something about The Blood God making you breakfast created sentiments of self-worth out of thin air. Part of you wanted to prove it to yourself, and part of you wanted to embarrass him for it.
The familiar shine of daybreak made the room glow orange. The fire had gone out that night, as it usually did, but the cold felt like nothing now that you had a mission to accomplish.
You slipped out of bed, clad in leggings and a simple green shirt. The floor was icy on your bare feet but you trodded out the door and down the stairs, heading for the kitchen.
The dining room was salmon-pink, highlighted by the bright orange flickering coming from the fireplace. It was already warmer down here than it was upstairs, the fire must’ve already been on for a while by now. The kitchen was out of view, but you could already smell fish frying from the base of the stairs.
Making your way through the archway, you spotted Techno’s red cape on its hook by the door next to the thick winter coat you loaned from Phil. Below them, both were black boots, sprinkled with half-melted snow. The floorboard below you creaked when you stood in the doorway to the kitchen.
Techno spun around, startled by the noise. His face flushed with guilt temporarily but was quickly replaced by a furrowed brow and confused eyes.
“What are you doing awake? It’s five,” He implored.
“I could smell the salmon,” You shrugged and moved towards him innocently.
He turned back to the fish and turned the stove off, sliding it onto a plate.
“What’re we eating today?”
“You just said,”
You scoffed and conceded. It was a dumb thing to ask, but he wasn’t supposed to answer. It was only meant to highlight the reality that you knew what he’d been doing. Nothing in his expression, now unreadable, made you think he didn’t know that you knew he’d been making you breakfast.
He gently pushed by you, letting his arm brush against yours. It made your heart skip a beat, probably out of fear, you told yourself. Your skin went cold, but you followed him into the next room where he put the dish on the table and gestured for you to sit.
“You don’t seem to hate me anymore,” You mumbled.
“I never said I hated you, just that I don’t like you,”
“Well, you don’t seem to not like me either,”
He blinked at you and sat across the table from you.
“Where are you going today?” You said with a mouthful of food, “To do mysterious things, I imagine,”
“I was going to stay here today, actually.”
You stopped eating.
“I finished my mysterious duties,” He mocked.
Well, he wasn’t going to budge on where he’d been going the past few nights, but that wasn’t particularly important right now. What caught your attention was that he was staying here for the day. Again, meaningless to most people, but with him, it was surprising.
He began snickering, just at your face.
“I was never the one that hated you,” He laughed, “You were the one who brandished that poker at me,”
Your face flushed red with embarrassment, “I can be resourceful, at least,”
He continued to laugh at you, the absurdity of the situation hitting him with full force. Right now you wished you could hit him with full force.
“Alright, alright,” He took a deep breath, “I do have some questions for you,”
You looked up at him, annoyance plastered on your face.
“Why are you here instead of Las Nevadas?”
“Because Quackity kicked me out, and-“
“How did you know I made you breakfast?” He cut you off.
“I asked Phil, but-“
“Why did Quackity kick you out?”
“I asked him too many questions, just-“
“Do you still hold any loyalty to him?”
“No, but-“
“Questionnaire over, thank you for participating,” He stood up and excused himself from the table, heading back to the kitchen.
Techno never left again after that. He stuck around and made an effort to make you annoyed and uncomfortable every chance he could get. It was becoming a sort of game with him, and you were more than happy to play along. It made it easier to get along with him in general. There’d be no more dreading seeing him, no more awkwardness surrounding your avoidance.
Now, you had other things to be awkward about. If you passed each other a bit too close in a doorway, when you tripped over a rug in the living room, the fact that you were sleeping in his bed, the abrupt flirtatious nature of the man you were now sharing a room with.
You never really thought about it, but before he moved back into his room onto a makeshift bed, he’d been sleeping on the couch. He’d wake you early in the morning when he’d get up to make breakfast, and whenever he did leave to run errands, he’d wake you late at night when he came home.
One morning, around eight, he woke you purposefully.
“Get dressed, I want to show you something,” he whispered, gently shaking you.
You groggily complied and eventually found your way to the front door where he was waiting for you.
“No breakfast?” You asked.
“Breakfast after,” He said, opening the door.
He was dressed in his usual clothes, but he carried a large satchel with him. Inside were different scraps of leftover meat and some bones. He didn’t tell you what for, but you were too tired to ask anyway.
You followed him through the fresh snow, crunching under your feet. It was drowned out by mindless conversation that you both kept up to stay awake. He brought you to a distant hill in a clearing, where a cliffside was awaiting. The conversation stopped as he told you to wait, and he went over to the wall and pressed a rock into the stone.
You could faintly hear the sound of pistons firing before the rock slid down slotted into the floor.
The sound of dogs barking filled the forest as hundreds of dogs and puppies spilt out of the entrance. Most of them went running to Techno, who was now holding the bag aloft, out of reach from the dogs. Some of them ran to you, their tails wagging happily at their new potential playmate.
“Pretty cool, huh?” He shouted.
“Holy-“ You stopped and pet the large, black dog that jumped on you, “Where’d you get so many dogs?”
“Long story,” He began to throw chunks of meat into the writhing pile of hounds, who were now obsessively sniffing you.
“I do this three times a week,” he said as he made his way over to you, “It’d get done a lot faster if you could help now that you’re living here full-time,”
“Wait,” You looked at him blankly, “Full-time?”
“That’s the idea,”
You thought for a moment, “Where am I going to sleep?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” he said, handing you some chunks of meat to throw.
By the time Techno’s bag was empty, it was almost noon. He shephered them back into the cavern and shut the door behind them. They were very well trained, when he commanded them all to sit once they got inside, there was no hesitation. The puppies were confused at first, but they followed along with the pack flawlessly.
Leaving the clearing, you talked with him freely about your plans for the future at the cabin. It didn’t mean you’d live there forever, knowing Techno, he might end up being hunted out of the tundra eventually. But for now, you were sticking with him.
It was strsnge to think that you were once mortal enemies, staring each other down on the battlefield with nothing but rage coursing through your veins. Now, you were cheerily chatting about what it would be like to settle down together. Between the two of you, mutual feelings of respect and redemption. The distrust was long since buried.
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whale-minmin · 3 years
Ooo some mafia or yandere headcannons for exo?
EXO as the Mafia
tw : mafia, drugs, weapons, drug dealing, torture, violence, seducing, manipulation, stealing, crimes
Suho :
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· He has connections everywhere
· Literally everywhere
· He holds one of the most respected mafias in the whole world after his parents retired and passed it onto him
· No one dares to pick fights with his mafia, knowing it'd end extremely badly
· He has one of the best men from all around the world
· Not even the police dares to put a finger on his mafia, the consequences also well known to them
· He has outstanding money managing skills, one of the many things that make his mafia superior
Xiumin :
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· Very basically, Junmyeon’s trusted right hand
· He's sneaky and devious 
· Nobody dares to mess with him, knowing he’s unpredictable and capable of everything
· He never loses. No matter what, he’s never going to lose
· If you try to pick fights with him, be prepared to lose everything
· Strict but caring to the mafia, he treats them as his family but also makes sure everything is perfect and on place
Lay :
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Underboss 2
· He is known for his medical skills, having lots of beforehand experience with gunshot wounds, stab wouds etc.
· He sees the mafia as his family, he swore to protect them with his whole life
· He's intimidating and scary, and his enemies know better than to face him
· Is often seen in China doing business, having multiple connections here
· Never gives up. Even if he knows he’ll lose, he will not give up no matter what
Baekhyun :
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· The simple name Byun Baekhyun is feared in the whole mafia community
· Trust me, you don't ever want to cross paths with this man
· He is swift and quick in his job, you won't even notice him creeping up behind you
· He's one of the best assassins in the entire world, even the very FBI is too scared of him
· A man of many jobs, he can torture, kidnap, seduce if only needed
Chen :
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The Informant
· Extremely loyal, you will never catch him slipping
· Even if he was offered millions of money for just a little bit of information of his mafia
· He's cruel and horrible but holds a perfect, clean image to people outside the mafia
· Doesn't do any dirty work, instead he has his own group of men to do that for him, he can't stain his perfect image
· He knows everything, literally everything
Chanyeol :
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The Dealer
· He deals with drugs, weapons, ( fake ) information about the mafia etc.
· He's an expert in dealing, he can instantly see lies and scam through
· And trust me, the brave ones who are stupid enough to try and scam him.. end up badly
· People say he's out of his mind, he's unstable and unpredictable
· For him, violence is always the answer
D.O :
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· He has a unique effect on people, getting them to talk without needing to do anything
· He immediately knows when one lies, no lie can get past him
· He never uses violence, he's gentle and can be scary – but he always gets the truth out of everyone he interrogates
· He's calm and patient, he never loses patience even under the pressure of stress
· He holds a special connection with his childhood friend he grew up with, Jongin
Kai :
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· He seduces and manipulates his victims, all of them falling for his charms
· He thinks it's fun how naive they are, believing that he's really attracted to them
· Oh, how wrong they are.
· He only sees them as toys to play with and throw out
· He has been all alone, engaging in gangs and street fights since childhood, D.O's family finding him and adopting him
Sehun :
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· He has been introduced to the mafia life since young
· At first he just got simple, easy jobs like stealing from a shop, robbing someone etc.
· Only when he got older, he got promoted to a kidnapper
· He has multiple kidnapping styles depending on his victim – seducing, violence, lying etc.
❀❀❀❀❀ a/n ❀❀❀❀❀
Thank you for requesting! I hope you like it <3
None of the gifs are mine!
Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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hiccanna-tidbits · 2 years
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Next up for Hiccanna Month: Another fic idea that’s been bouncing around in my head like a Windows screensaver since 2015! GOD, I remember watching Blade Runner for the first time alone in my dorm room my freshman year, and just getting OBSESSED--and, of course, the first thing my brain does is start building an overly-detailed Hiccanna/RotBTFD AU longfic that I’ll never have time to write XD Idk, maybe someday???
WELL ANYWAYS. Figured y’all deserved to see the base concept that I get super obsessed with every now and again, even if I never do anything with it XD I’ve read the book the movie’s based off of, too, so some concepts from the book found their way in here as well. I also rewatched the movie for this, and lemme tell you, that shit holds up--like every other cyberpunk dystopia deadass wishes they could be Blade Runner (1982). How they did all those flying cars and futuristic buildings and shit with practical effects and mini-sets is beyond me.
Fic summary under the cut! As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request!
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was one of the best Blade Runners in Los Angeles back in the day. Not like he had much choice in his career; he comes from a long line of proud android hunters--strong, ruthless men who will do anything necessary to protect humanity from its own rogue AI creations. Hiccup trained to “retire” replicants since childhood--and with excellent tracking skills, sharp intellect, and ruthless pragmatism, he was very good at his job.
Natural talent or not, blade running wasn’t a job that Hiccup could stomach forever. Eventually the brutality took a toll--it became more and more of a weight to bear, killing beings who looked just a little too human. Hiccup decides to retire early (much to the chagrin of his late father, he’s sure), turning in his pistols and retreating to his high-rise apartment. The perks of a such a dangerous and taxing job were that it didn’t pay half bad, and Hiccup has plenty to support himself for a while. And that’s all that’s really needed--no wife, no girlfriend, no roommates, only one real friend.
Despite his success in his career, Hiccup is a lonely man. He’s never particularly connected with his coworkers, not finding much joy or satisfaction in retiring replicants. The women he tries his luck often as not find him too awkward or sulky or sarcastic--hardly the charming man with a vibrant life that many seek.
Hiccup’s best and only friend is an electric black cat, found in an alleyway after work one day and lured into his building with canned tuna and freeze-dried salmon. He doesn’t know the precise story behind the abandoned cat, but what he’s able to semi-confidently piece together (he is a detective, after all) is that the artificial cat was an attempted scam--pawned off as real, as so many high-quality, convincing electric animals are. Real animals are a rarity, most having died off as the world became choked with trash and pollution that apparently only the human animal could consistently stomach.
The cat could certainly pass as real--at first glance, anyways. In fact, Hiccup is initially shocked, wondering how he stumbled on a real flesh-and-blood feline in a city where practically everything else is artificial. When he gives the loud-meowing cat some dinner, though, he notices the teeth seem to slide in and out of the creature’s jaw as he eats in a way no organic cat’s would. Hiccup suspects this is what gave him away as a fake to whoever adopted him--and whoever must have thrown him out in the street.
Nevertheless, Hiccup knows what it is to be rejected. To be ostracized and excluded because you’re not what people want you to be. And someone needs to fix “Toothless”’s broken tail--which, upon closer inspection, is sparking every so often, too. Certainly a fire hazard if left to wander about the city.
Hiccup’s retirement is going rather well when things get upended. Toothless is good company, Hiccup can afford the nicest games and streaming services money can buy, and he even has time to indulge in a hobby he was always too busy for--tinkering with and fixing broken machinery.
Then one day, over his regular lunch of shrimp-and-beef ramen, his old boss shows up and says he’s needed for one last job.
Hiccup won’t hear of it. He’s done with killing and hurting and destroying things, no matter how much society would have him think it’s not “real” life. It turns out, however, that Hiccup’s boss isn’t letting go of his best Blade Runner so easily.
“Your cat,” he says. “Organic or electric?”
Hiccup sees no reason to lie. If he claimed Toothless was organic and word got out, everyone and their mother would be trying to steal him.
“So his software is hooked into the Cloud, just like every other electric animal in the city. Their brains were built to share a network.”
Hiccup freezes.
“What I’m saying, Haddock, is that certain...city officials have access to the animal neurological networks in the Cloud. Sure would be a shame if Toothless’ got damaged...or shut down completely.”
And so Hiccup is on the case. There are four replicants total who must be retired, all rogues who got loose on a ship bound for Earth, killed all the human passengers, and hijacked the controls.
“Jack Frost,” the supposed leader, is tough-as-nails combat model built to withstand subzero temperatures and be far more flexible and agile than any human could hope to be. He’s wily and charismatic, as likely to try manipulating or sweet-talking you as shooting you.
“Merida,” another combat model, is the brawn of the group. Aggressive and ruthless, she’s not the sort to back out of a fight until her opponent is beyond dead.
“Rapunzel” has appropriately long blonde hair to match the fairy tale moniker, though she usually keeps it braided back and out of the way. She’s a standard pleasure bot, not an uncommon sight at exoplanet military outposts, but rumor has it she is not to be underestimated, and she’s not as soft as she looks.
“Anna” is another combat bot, although she’s not noted as being brutal like Merida or cunning like Jack. She is, according to her profile under her spinning head on the hologram screen, fairly average in every way.
Nonetheless, Hiccup can’t take his eyes off her. There’s an intriguing--almost playful--glint in her holographic eyes that draws him in.
He manages to track Anna down to a seedy part of town, finding out that she’s been forced to work as an “exotic dancer” of sorts to lay low while still paying the bills. He meets her backstage, claiming he needs to run a “safety inspection” on the premises, but it only takes a short conversation for Anna to see right through his cover. She attacks with superhuman strength, throwing him hard against a wall and making a run for it while the wind is knocked out of him.
Hiccup gives chase through grungy, neon-lit streets, nearly losing her among the raincoats and umbrellas of thick crowds a number of times. He finally corners her near a backalley, out-of-the-way clothing store, in a place where there are no cars or people or power boxes to hide behind. She dives through a display window, the effort of breaking glass slowing her down, and at last Hiccup has his chance.
Something stops him from pulling the trigger.
She turns and looks at him the second before he shoots, and her eyes are filled with blazing, palpable fear. The fear of a clearly sentient creature. Not so different from the fear Hiccup saw in Toothless’ eyes when he first met him, back when Hiccup was just another in a vast world of humans that only wanted to hurt him.
He lowers his gun, and watches as Anna scrambles into the darkness of the closed shop and out of sight. He starts home, feeling sick.
He knows he’ll have to kill her eventually...but not tonight. Not tonight.
He’s almost to his car when a cold, steely grip closes around his arm, yanking him into an alleyway. In the bright neon glow from the adjacent street, he recognizes the round face and tied-back head full of red curls immediately--Merida, the most vicious of the rogue replicants. She saw him shooting at Anna, her comrade and friend, and now he is deeply fucked.
It’s not much of a fight. Within seconds, Merida gains the upper hand--and is, to put it delicately, beating the ever-loving shit out of him. Hiccup makes his peace with the gods, recognizing that tragically, this is indeed an occupational hazard of being a Blade Runner.
She’s just about to land the killing blow when someone intervenes.
Shaken and battered, Hiccup gets to his feet. He leans against a wall, watching a blur of red and orange hair as he gets his breath back.
His rescuer, he realizes, is Anna.
Merida is hard to subdue, blinded by rage and lashing out wildly in her efforts to get back to Hiccup. Anna pleads for her to stop, trying to explain that Hiccup let her go--that he’s not worth killing if he could help them.
Hiccup realizes with a start that she must really believe that. Why else would she save his life?
Finally, the realization that Anna is alive and well--and not bleeding out from a gunshot wound outside some dingy shop--seems to sink in for Merida. She calms down and takes a step back, eyeing Hiccup with distaste.
“He’d better be useful,” she hisses. “Imagine of he really had killed yeh, huh? That’s jest what his lot do.”
She spits on Hiccup before stalking off.
After Merida leaves, Anna admits she followed Hiccup, wanting to know why a Blade Runner spared her. After a rather tense conversation--including but not limited to Anna painfully shoving Hiccup against a wall and conducting an impromptu interrogation--Hiccup admits the truth: He had to take the job to retire her and her friends because someone he loved would be in danger if he didn’t. Someone mechanical.
With a little more prodding, Hiccup admits that the people he used to work for threatened to deactivate Toothless if he didn’t dispose of the four rogue replicants “terrorizing the city.” Anna muses--half to herself--that she may be able to help. No one better to understand an artificial life form than another artificial life form, after all. And Anna has been to dozens of planets in all different types of spacecrafts and interfaced with hundreds of other AIs--if anyone understands AI coding and tampering, it’s her.
Besides, she saved his life. Him, a bounty hunter who got paid for killing beings like her. That has to count for something.
Before they know it, the two are forming a tentative alliance. Anna offers to take a look at Toothless’ software and try to figure out how to disconnect him from the cloud, thus cutting off any outside access to his neural circuits. In return, Hiccup will give her and her friends protection, ceasing his hunt for them for the time being and keeping their locations a secret from other Blade Runners.
With nowhere else for her to really go, Hiccup reluctantly tells Anna she can stay in the spare room of his apartment--only because she might be the only one who can potentially save Toothless, of course. That’s the only reason it’s worth the dangers. Hiccup supposes it’s just as well--easiest to keep her safe (so she can still be around to decode and free his cat) by keeping her close. Emotions can’t factor into this when replicants have none--not like humans do, anyway. Right?
It turns out Hiccup can’t stay nearly as detached as he hoped. The more Anna tries to figure Toothless out--muttering about his wires and his circuit board and his signals as she tinkers with the squirming feline--the more Hiccup tries to figure Anna out. She’s fascinated by the humans on earth--their food, their culture, their art. Their reverence for the biological and their utter disdain for the artificial. He often finds her asking for bites of his food (despite not needing to eat), or watching cars and ships pass out of his high-rise windows. She begs to tag along when he goes undercover in dingy parts of town, fascinated by the bustle of the crowds and the crammed markets with their shouting vendors and ever-flashing neon signs.
Protecting replicants, however, isn’t without its dangers—as Hiccup well suspected. His employers are becoming suspicious of his skills having grown so “rusty” that he misses every shot and he often just “can’t track the bastards down.” But as he grows closer to Anna and meets the rest of her friends, he realizes everything he’s been taught about replicants couldn’t be more wrong. 
They’re intelligent, and they can be kind, emotional, loving, good. Their brains and souls are just as “real” as any human’s. All they want is what anyone wants—to not be treated as lesser for things they can’t help.
As Hiccup’s bond with Anna grows, she opens up to him about the horrors she’s faced. Bloody battles on distant planets. The death of her “sister” Elsa, a replicant made in the same factory as her who was the first living being she ever met. From the same line of Nexus models as Jack, Elsa was built to withstand frigid subzero temperatures...but it wasn’t enough to protect her from being slaughtered by a hoard of newer, even more cold-tolerant models.
Together with the four replicants he’s supposed to be hunting, Hiccup eventually uncovers a horrifying truth--all replicants are programmed to shut down permanently after 4 years. A self-destruct “failsafe” put in because humans were scared of their creations growing and developing in ways they couldn’t predict. Becoming a little too self-aware, and realizing how sick they are of living as second-class citizens. Before he knows it, Hiccup finds himself on a mission more perilous than ever: Find out how to override the programming sending his new friends toward an early doom, all while dodging the wrath of employers who will no doubt think poorly of him for fraternizing with the enemy, to say the least.
And the fact that he’s falling in love with his bounty isn’t going to make things any easier.
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