#someone sell me concert tickets i want to see them
zonewaylee · 1 year
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Live at Bush Hall — Black Country, New Road
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lovebugism · 11 months
eddie x shy!reader , she asks him on a date by giving him tickets to a concert and he thinks its a joke til she walks away feeling rejected & he realizes she’s like dead serious & goes up to her
thanks for your request! i sorta broke my own heart with this one — the one where eddie rejects you and immediately regrets it (shy!reader, hurt/comfort, 2.6k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
Robin tells you that he’s nice. She says he won’t turn you down because he loves Mötley Crüe too much and he’s called you pretty too many times. Robin Buckley is many things — a dork, a polyglot, and your best friend, to name a few — but she’s never been a liar.
She wouldn’t lead you to the slaughter that way. She wouldn’t just let you get your heart broken. More than anything, though, she knows Eddie far better than you do — partly because she’s actually able to talk to him.
So despite your lingering worry, you swallow her words like a shot of vodka and maneuver helplessly through the bustling crowd of the Hawkins High lunchroom.
Eddie Munson sits alone at the Hellfire Club table — the smallest one in the very back corner by the large square window. 
Instead of eating a real meal (even though the hamburgers might be horse meat instead of cow), the boy eats crumbled-up pretzels from a worn ziplock bag. He pinches them into his mouth blindly because his chocolate syrup gaze is trained on the well-loved book folded in his left hand. 
J.R.R Tolkien’s, The Hobbit.
It makes you smile softly to yourself. You hope one day you’ll have the courage to tell him you’ve read that book so many times you could recite it in your sleep. You hope that day comes soon.
“Eddie?” you call softly to him when you reach his table. Your sweaty fingers fidget with the concert tickets you clutch between them.
He just thinks he hears his name at first. It’s barely audible over the sounds of muddled chatter in the cafeteria. He glances up from his book, not expecting anyone to be there, and gaping when he finds you standing in front of him. 
His cinnamon eyes go wide. The boy blinks owlishly at you once, then flits his eyes behind you like he’s expecting to see someone there. When he doesn’t, he blinks at you again. 
“Hi…” you waver with a trembling smile.
Eddie grins back, still obviously confused. “…Hi?”
“I, uh… I don’t know if you heard, but— well, obviously you heard, that’s… that’s stupid,” you laugh at yourself, shaking your head with your eyes squeezed shut. You’re already stumbling all over yourself, and you haven’t even managed a full sentence yet.
“Mötley Crüe is coming to Indianapolis in a few days, and a friend of mine was selling tickets, so I bought them. For us. Potentially. You know, if you wanted to… to go… With me.”
Your offer lingers and hangs in the air between the two of you.
A smile quirks at the right side of Eddie’s pink mouth. It isn’t a kind one, though. It looks more cynical than anything else.
His head juts back. He’s almost peering at you from the corner of his eye as though you were some suspicious thing he needed to analyze. A laugh sputters from his lips. “Did Buckley put you up to this? Is that what this is?”
Your faltering smile fades entirely. Your features crumble in disappointment.
This worse he could say is no, Robin had told you. 
You hadn’t prepared yourself for this.
“…What?” you wonder, voice fragile like a wilting flower petal.
Eddie chuckles to himself. He sets the book down to give you his full attention, though you’re not sure you want it anymore. “You know, I knew she was upset about me trying to set her up with Vickie and all, but this is a… whole new low.”
“Vickie…?” you murmur through a tightening throat, brows pinched in confusion. “I don’t understand—”
“Look, sweetheart… Tell Robin that this was a real funny joke, but I’m not interested, alright?”
Your chest aches with an empty feeling. You think your heart might be breaking. “J—Joke?”
“—Actually, tell her that this was very not metal of her, and that I will get my vengeance,” Eddie says with a sardonic laugh deeply rooted in his chest. His smile looks almost like he pities you as he shakes his head, eyes twinkling with pessimism. “I’m sorry she sent you to do her dirty work, but… You should probably go now. This is, you know, the Hellfire Club table and everything, so…”
You swallow thickly, then nod.
Eddie doesn’t want you here. Eddie doesn’t want you at all.
“I’m— I’m sorry if I…” The words get caught in your throat. You clear it and blink back burning tears. “I was just… I thought that maybe—”
“Eddie!” a boyish voice calls from across the cafeteria, only halfway drowned out through all the noise. A group of guys in Hellfire shirts walk towards the table.
You take that as your cue to leave. You don’t want to burst into tears in front of your crush and all of his friends.
“I’m sorry,” is all you manage to choke out before turning on your heel and walking away.
He’d been smiling up until that point — like it was all a big joke to him — because it was. 
The girl he’s been fawning over since junior year comes out of nowhere with tickets to see one of his favorite bands? That was the kind of shit he dreamt about — the kind of plan only someone as vicious as Robin Buckley could concoct to hurt his feelings. And after spending so many years being the brunt of bullies, Eddie was tired of being embarrassed.
And at first, he thought you were just a really good actor. You did look almost genuinely confused when he’d snuffed out the plan so quickly. But those wide, glassy eyes you looked at him with — he doesn’t know if a person can fake that sort of heartbreak. That looked real.
Eddie had been close to commending himself for not letting Robin win. He thought he was a genius for not allowing Buckley to use you against him. Now he knows he’s the same dumbass he's always been.
“Hey, man…” Gareth wavers as he sits at his designated seat adjacent to Eddie’s. The boy’s forlorn and faraway gaze doesn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the club. They all share looks of confusion, but the sandy-haired boy is the only one brave enough to speak up. “You okay?”
Eddie keeps his gaze trained on your figure as you maneuver through the crowd. Robin looks happy for you when you reach her, but the puppy-like excitement washes away when she notices how sad you are. 
He feels like someone’s shoved a knife between his ribcage. He wonders if this is what a broken heart feels like.
“I think I screwed up,” he answers, laughing cynically at himself. “Like, big time.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time, right?” Dustin jokes before popping a fry into his mouth. He laughs, but no one else joins him. “…Right?”
Eddie glares at the boy.
He cowers. “…Kidding. I was kidding.”
He stews over it all day — your offer and what he said to you and how sad you looked after he said it. 
He pictures your pinched brows and big, glassy eyes and his chest starts to burn a little. Everyone always thought he was some raging asshole just because he had crazy hair and a crazier taste in music. Now he feels like they were sort of right about him. 
Whatever chance he had with you has surely turned to dust by now. It wouldn’t surprise him after he shrugged you off like he did. But after waging a nearly four-hour war in his mind between lunch and dismissal, he knows he has to make sure. 
He has to know if he’s ruined things entirely or if there’s a glimmer of hope he can hang onto.
He comes to you at the end of the day, dripping in metaphorical blood from the mental carnage he’d endured. He stood across the hall from you for five whole minutes as he tried to come up with something to say. He walks to your locker empty-handed and just blurts, “I thought you were joking,” like a total idiot.
Through the muddled conversation in the bustling hallway, you hadn’t heard him coming. You didn’t know he was there at all until he was right next to you. Seeing someone so suddenly close to you makes you flinch — hard.
And it’s not totally Eddie’s fault. You’re jumpy and too easily frightened at times, but he can’t help but feel like he’s messing things up more than he already has.
“Oh…” you deflate with a sigh, eyes still wide and swimming with something he can’t quite place. You look like you’re almost relieved to see him. Almost. 
“Sorry— shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to…” The boy stumbles over his words, then trails off when they don’t come out the way he wants. He shakes his head and finds it in himself to smile. It’s bitter, though, filled with self-abhorrence. “I wasn’t trying to scare you.”
With one hand still clutching the door of your locker, and the other gripping a stack of textbooks, you peer at him through your lashes. “I know. It’s okay. I just— I wasn’t expecting it…”
He grimaces. “Sorry…”
“’S okay,” you repeat.
“I, um, I only came in so hot ‘cause I wanted to apologize— you know, for earlier. In the lunch room,” he stammers and puts his fidgeting hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. He tries to laugh, but it comes out more as an insincere puff of air. “Honestly, I thought you were joking.”
Your brows pinch. “Joking? Why would I—”
“I sorta locked Robin and Vickie in the old chemistry room in the east wing a few days ago,” he confesses, bouncing his shoulders. “Just because I know they both like each other and everything, and I thought maybe they’d finally admit it if they were alone together.”
“Well, they didn’t. And Robin was pissed. So I thought she was using you to get back at me.”
“Using me?” you echo.
“Yeah. ‘Cause I’ve kinda been into you since junior year and everything,” he admits with a nonchalant shrug. The corner of his rosy mouth quirks into a half-smile. “It’s, like, the one card Robin could use against me that would actually hurt, you know? If she did try to get me back.”
Your heart swells so much it hurts, almost — the same kind of hurt you'd felt in the lunch room earlier. It feels fiery, like someone’s taken a match to your ribcage and lit your heart aglow. But it’s different now. This is a good hurt, a happy hurt.
“Really?” you squint at him, your voice high and light. Your lips twitch like you want to smile, but you don’t let yourself — lest this all turns out to be some kind of elaborate dream. Or a joke.
“Since we had Mr. Kaminsky’s together, yeah,” Eddie affirms with a slow, confident nod. His chocolate eyes flit up to the water-stained ceiling. “Let’s see… We were learning about reproduction, and Tommy Hagan made some stupid joke about using you as a real-life model instead of the pictures in the textbook—”
“I remember,” you nod, trying not to shudder at the memory that still haunts you. 
“And I told him that he was making it real obvious that he’s never seen an actual vagina before and that the one in the textbook looked a lot like his mom’s,” the boy recalls with a soft laugh. “And you looked over at me, and you smiled, and I… have been a goner ever since.”
He looks down at you again, all sheepish like he isn’t gluing your broken heart back together again. His chocolate eyes twinkle in a way you’ve never seen before. They sparkle in their softness. You have to look away before it turns you into a puddle at his feet. 
You smile widely into your locker, pursing it off to the side in attempts to conceal its brightness. 
“No one’s ever stuck up for me like that before,” you confess quietly after a few moments, peeking at him from the corner of your eye. “I’m pretty sure I gushed to Robin about it for days.”
“Yeah?” Eddie hums. He can feel his hopes getting too high.
“Yeah. I told her all about the pretty boy in the back of the room that finally got Tommy H. to leave me alone.”
“Oh… You think he’s pretty, huh?” the boy teases despite his pink cheeks.
You nod — made much braver by his previous admission — though you still have a little trouble looking him in the eye. You drag a notebook from your locker as you tell him, “I think he’s very pretty.”
“Well, I have it on good authority that the boy you think is pretty is super sorry for being such an asshole to you earlier,” Eddie murmurs, his nose scrunched and head tilted. “And that he’d really love to go to that concert with you— if you haven’t found some other schmuck to go with you, that is.”
Your eyes light up like a Christmas tree as you beam at him. No one’s ever looked at him that way before now.
“I’d like that,” you nod, then shrug. “I don’t think I’d wanna go with anyone else, anyway…”
“So, it’s a date?” Eddie asks, just to make sure. His raised brows disappear behind his fluffy bangs. His chin tilts to his chest as he smiles hopefully down at you.
You nod, and repeat it more softly than the loudmouth boy. “It’s a date.”
Eddie can feel himself grinning like an idiot. His cheeks ache with how wide he’s beaming at you, but he's too lovesick to stop. Like squinting into the sun, smiling every time he looks at you is muscle memory by now. 
And what did a freak like him ever do to deserve a date with the freakin’ sun?
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Would anyone want to buy some tickets to see Bright Eyes play November 16th in Philadelphia, PA? If not please repost! I have 3 tickets.
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
love confessions in line
Another stupid little thing because I’m in the car and bored. It’s not edited or really anything much beyond just putting these boys in love in situations.
Rated t | tags: love confessions, established relationship, robin being so fed up with them
“Why do we have to be here so early? My dinner hasn’t even digested properly yet,” Robin complained.
And, okay. It was cold and there were a lot of people standing in line outside of the only Walmart carrying the very specific guitar amp Eddie wanted. He’d called every Walmart in Indiana. Multiple times.
But he had to go all out for Christmas this year. Eddie had already said he’d gotten Steve something he’ll never outdo, never even believe. Obviously, that meant Steve had to do better than the Metallica hoodie that was stashed in his closet for the last four months.
“It’ll be worth it. There’s hardly anyone in line ahead of us and if we go straight to the electronics in the back—“
“You mean where everyone is going?” Robin interrupted, folding her arms across her chest.
Steve sighed.
“Yeah, well. I’ll run. It’ll be fine. I doubt anyone else here is interested in a guitar amp.”
As if the words ‘guitar amp’ were magic, someone who looked a lot like Eddie walked up to one of the security officers standing by the front doors.
Robin noticed at the same time as him.
“Is that…?”
“It can’t be. He said he was going fishing with Wayne in the morning and didn’t wanna end up stuck in crowds shopping,” Steve said.
But then the man turned back to the line.
“Steve?” Eddie yelled, eyes going wide when he realized Steve and Robin were there.
“I thought you guys were going to Indy for this!” Eddie smiled as he walked up to them. “I don’t think this store will have what you’re lookin’ for.”
Steve panicked. There’s only one thing Eddie could be here for. He could go anywhere else. He could have stayed in Hawkins for that matter.
“Uh. Just wanted a change of scenery.”
Eddie’s brows furrowed as his smile fell slightly.
“O…kay. Well, I’ve got an amp to buy so I guess we’re all in this together now.”
Steve ignored Robin’s snort and mumbling.
Eddie glanced over at her with a questioning face.
“You two are unbelievable. Truly.”
“What? Why?” Eddie asked, genuinely curious.
His finger traced along the back of Steve’s hand subtly, out of sight of the people behind them in line.
“I.” Steve sighed.
Oh well. Maybe he could just try to get concert tickets the next time Ozzy came to Chicago.
“I was gonna get the amp for you for Christmas. I’ve been planning it for weeks,” Steve said, looking down at the ground.
Eddie was surprisingly quiet.
Absolutely no response.
After a full minute, Steve made eye contact with him.
He had tears building in his eyes and Steve felt himself start to tear up, too.
“You were?” Eddie choked out. “But this is-“
“The only place selling it on sale in the state, yeah.”
Robin was grumbling to herself again, but neither of them were paying attention anymore.
“How did you even know?” Eddie asked after a deep, calming breath.
“You mentioned it last month after a gig. Said you needed a new one anyways and this was top of the line or something. That a lot of the bands you like were switching to this kind for studio recording or whatever because of the…crisp? Sound? And then when no one else was selling it at all, I had to call around the Walmarts to see who had it on sale because $300 is a lot of money, Eds, and I wish I could afford that, but I don’t really have that lying around after paying for school and rent so when this place finally said they’d have it for $100, I made Robin promise to come with me since you’d be busy. And I guess you’re not that busy, but. I needed to do my best to get it.”
Eddie’s smile grew the longer Steve rambled. Robin was already walking away, probably back to Steve’s car, halfway through his speech.
“I love you.”
Steve’s jaw dropped in shock.
They’d been saying it in every way except this way for months, nearly a year, really.
It started as Steve taking care of Eddie when everyone else was busy taking care of the Upside Down.
It kept going as Steve was the one listening to Eddie slowly pick the guitar back up, working through the crying about his fingers not working right or his arm getting tired too quickly.
And then five months ago, Steve kissed him.
Took the plunge and kissed him.
They’d done everything together since. They’d become boyfriends. They came out to their group, together, always together.
And now, in a Walmart parking lot during the busiest shopping day of the year, Eddie was telling Steve he loved him.
“Because of the amp?” Steve asked, hesitant.
Eddie knew what he was really asking.
Because I’m buying you something nice?
“No, sweetheart. Because you listen to me. You know what makes me happy. You’re doing something for me that no one else would have even bothered to try to do.” Eddie laughed. “I have never wanted to kiss you as much as I want to right now.”
“Not even that time I wore a crop top and your boxers?”
Eddie groaned. “That was an outlier. You know how that affected me.”
“Oh, I sure do,” Steve smirked. “Too bad we’re in public.”
“The doors open in an hour right?” Eddie asked, checking his watch.
“And then you have to take Robin to her parent’s house?”
“Probably should.”
“And then what?” Eddie asked, already knowing exactly what.
“And then I’ll come to the trailer and I’ll walk right to your room and hopefully-“ Steve cut himself off to whisper the next part. “You’ll be naked.”
Eddie’s brows raised. “You want me naked? What about Wayne being home?”
“Wayne’s been sleeping with ear plugs for months now. Can’t hear a thing,” Steve pats Eddie’s blushing cheek. “Said he didn’t need to hear what his nephew got up to.”
“We really should just move my stuff into your new place,” Eddie suggested for the fifth time in as many days.
Steve wasn’t opposed at all.
In fact, he’d planned on asking him to move in once he got more settled.
“Wayne wanted another Christmas with you at home, baby. He won’t say it, but when I brought up you moving in with me, I thought he was actually gonna cry.”
“Yeah, yeah. With this new amp, he’ll change his mind.”
“What makes you think you get this amp before Christmas?” Steve put his hands on his hips.
“Because now I know you’re getting it!”
“Uh-huh. And it’s getting wrapped with your other gift to be opened on Christmas morning. No early gifts on my watch.”
“Steeeeeeve. Please! I could use it at our show next week!”
Steve shook his head. “Your amp works fine. Christmas is only a month from now.”
“You’re getting revenge on me,” Eddie pouted.
“Revenge for what?” Steve snorted.
“You know what.”
Steve did. He felt his cheeks and neck heat up with a blush.
“Fine. Yes. Maybe it’s a little bit revenge.”
Eddie huffed, but didn’t argue further.
“You know I love you, too, right?” Steve whispered.
And Eddie forgot about everything else except the way Steve was looking at him, like he needed Eddie to understand how much he loved him.
“Yeah, sweetheart. I do.”
Three days later, Steve set the amp up in the second bedroom of his rented house.
When Eddie came over, he pushed him into the room and wrapped his arms around his waist.
“You can play it here, but I’m still wrapping it up for Christmas and you aren’t allowed to bring it to shows until after. Okay?”
Eddie was bouncing on his toes and squeezing Steve’s hands so hard he was losing feeling.
“Okay! Thank you, thank you! I love you! Thank you!”
Eddie smacked a kiss on Steve’s cheek before pulling away and running to the amp.
“You need your guitar, honey,” Steve laughed.
“Right!” Eddie ran from the room to grab his guitar from his van.
Steve shook his head, but couldn’t help his fond smile as the front door banged open.
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AITA for giving a friend tickets to a concert that I originally bought for a different friend?
This kind of petty drama tbh but my friends are divided over this whole thing and I worry that the way I acted was wrong.
I (16) bought 4 tickets to a concert that I really wanted to see, intending to ask my friends to go with me for my birthday. Because I was the one who wanted to go, and I know none of my friends are super into this artist, I thought it was only fair that I bought the tickets. They were like £70 each and I spent some of the money I got as gifts to buy them.
I asked 1 friend who has kind of been my on and off best friend for the past 4 years, we'll call her E, to go with m. She asked if we could also invite someone she's friends with, who I don't know that well- let's call her O. I wasn't super happy with the idea but I really wanted E to come and I thought maybe it could be a good way to get to know O more. The asked a few of other friends if they wanted the last ticket but they were either busy or didn't know if they would be allowed (the concert was happening in another city) so the last ticket wasn't claimed for a while.
The week of the concert arrived and I ended up in hospital because I dislocated my knee. I was told I probably shouldn't go to a concert because I should be on rest for a few days. I was pretty upset but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I let E know I couldn't go anymore and that I was just gonna post the tickets for sale online. I told her she could buy hers if she still wanted to go. She didn't reply so I had a feeling she was pissed about it. On the day of the concert, the tickets hadn't been bought. I was home from school all day but a few of my friends came by after to see how I was doing.
This is when I learned that E had told everyone that I had given her all four tickets and that she had told two guys from the year above that they could have my ticket and the spare one for free if they gave her and O a ride to the concert. I tried calling E but she didn't pick up or reply to texts. I'll admit I was kind of angry. The girls who came to see me after school said they would buy the tickets from me and go to the concert if the tickets were still available. So I sold them the tickets for £50 each (that was all the had on them at the time and I was fine with getting at least some of the money back versus giving them to E and some random people for free) and they went to the concert.
A few hours before the concert started, E showed up at my house and asked for the tickets. I told her I had sold them to some other friends and she kicked OFF. She said I had given her at least her and O's tickets as a gift and that I couldn't just take that back. She had the guy from the year above come up to my house and ask where the tickets were too, though he seemed confused about the whole thing and was pretty understanding when I said I had bought them for my birthday but got injured so I decided to sell them. Eventually my mum had to ask them to leave because E was just yelling at me, saying that I was a shitty friend, and I was pretty upset.
Things have been so tense in school since the concert. Some of my friends don't believe that I never promised E all of the tickets after I got injured, so they're really mad at me and the friends who went to the concert. The whole thing is really awkward and I'm starting to feel like maybe it was an asshole move on my part. I don't know. E basically hasn't spoken to me since. I knew she had made plans with the tickets so I guess it was bad of me to sell the tickets to those other friends. I just feel like she shouldn't have assumed I would give them all away to her for free? Especially when I told her ahead of time that she could buy the tickets, otherwise I was gonna try selling them. She never replied to let me know she wanted them. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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probably-writing-x · 1 month
Better For You
Spencer White x Reader
Summary: You knew Spencer outside of his ‘Spider’ persona. You knew the boy he was outside of the school crowd. But when the two worlds collide, will you see him for who he actually is?
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of spiking, cursing
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“Spencer White?” You glance up from the diary in front of you, “Starting today?”
The tall boy in front of you clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck, “Yeah, yeah, that’s me. You can call me Spider.”
You scrunch your nose at his request, “Yeah I’m not gonna do that.”
He scoffs, “Alright, and what do I call you?”
“(Y/n),” You respond, “It’s just us two today so I can show you the ropes.”
“Can’t be that hard right? Sell people tickets, serve popcorn, pour a few drinks?”
You stare at him with a black expression, evidently unimpressed.
He looks down at his feet and then back up to you, “Okay, where do I start?”
Spencer was about the same age as you, you assumed. Your boss had said he came across as ‘confident and enthusiastic’ in his interview but both of those things seemed a little uncertain now.
You’d been working at the movie theater for nearly a year now, your uncle knew the manager so you’d been a shoo in from the moment you were old enough to work. It was long hours, late days, annoying customers, but it earned you money and that was all it needed to do.
“Let’s start with popcorn.”
That was two months ago now. You now spent nearly every shift with Spencer. He made the long nights feel like they ended earlier. He snuck you free food, dealt with the annoying customers for you, sped around the screens quicker than you so you didn’t have to do as much cleaning. He took extra hours so he could work when you worked.
You’d learnt in that two months that he was working here after an argument with his mum where she told him he’d never worked a day in his life. He’d taken this job to prove her wrong. That was on one of your late night shifts after a midnight screening. It was just the two of you and he was evidently down, evidently in need of someone to talk to. He’d opened up to you. You’d told him that you were sorry, though you weren’t exactly sure what for. He’d laughed and told you that if his Mum saw him like this she’d tell him this wasn’t work.
He drove you home that night, same as every night. And he thanked you before you got out of the car. He didn’t tell you what for, just said ‘thank you”. He needed it more than you did.
Now, he had your number and you had his. And you texted when you weren’t at work together. He sent you songs he thought you’d like, mainly from rock bands he’d heard at a concert that weekend. You sent him films he should watch and he forced himself to watch them, giving you a running commentary with text updates every few minutes.
You spoke to him more than you spoke to your other friends. You told him things before you told them nowadays too. But you two never saw each other outside of work. Separate schools, separate lives.
“Here,” You hand him over a stack of medium cups to add to the supplies at the counter.
Spencer takes them from you, loading them up onto the pyramid of cups you’d been making. It was a quiet day.
“You know if these fall you’re picking them up,” You comment, handing him another two cups.
Spencer adds them too and steps back with his hands raised as if he’s going to catch it, “Yeah, yeah, I figured.”
You grin, both of you admiring your handiwork.
“So,” He steps back to lean against the machine behind him, “I had a question.”
“A question,” You repeat, “Mysterious.”
“I know we’re not working on Saturday. My mates are having a party at the weekend, it’s stupid really, like this graveyard thing,” He shakes his head, “I was just… would you… would you want to come?”
You frown a little, as if taken aback but not wanting to admit it, “Are you…”
“You don’t have to, it’s a stupid idea really, I don’t know why we-“
“Yeah, I’ll come,” You nod, “I’m not here, so I’ve got nothing else to do.”
He smiles, “Alright, well then it’s a date.”
“Is it?” You cock a brow, folding your arms over your chest.
“I-“ His cheeks turn a dark shade of pink, “Shut up.”
Spencer rolls his eyes and steps forward, collapsing down the pyramid of cups into stacks in front of him.
Spencer texts you the location and you walk there as the sun’s going down - a little later than he’d suggested so you didn’t look awkward and eager.
It’s eerie when you think of it - a clearing in a graveyard converted into a party location. There’s already a crowd building, a mismatched stack of alcohol at one side and a littering of people you didn’t recognise mingling around.
Why had you agreed to come? You didn’t know a single soul here beyond Spencer. And surely he had other friends he’d want to see? The thoughts of turning around and pretending to have never arrived start coursing through your head. Your feet come to a stop, as if you’re preparing to disappear back into the surroundings.
“There you are!”
And there he is.
Through the crowd, you spot the familiar sight of that blonde floppy hair. The way his face curls up into that signature smile. He’s holding a red solo cup in each of his hands, extending them wide as if hugging you through the air.
“Was starting to think you weren’t coming.”
“Yeah, I’m still not sure about the whole… graveyard thing.”
Spencer laughs, “Yeah you just need to drink enough so you don’t think about it.”
He hands one of the cups to you and you take a sip.
“Careful, they’re probably spiked,” A girl walks past the two of you, eying Spencer with evident disgust.
She’s got dark short hair and a brightly coloured jacket with a black dress and she looks at you as if shes worried about you.
“Fuck off Amerie,” Spencer snaps, rolling his eyes at her.
You glance up at him and back to her and she offers you a small smile like she’s trying to warn you of something. She walks off over to another group of people and Spencer turns back to you.
“What was tha-“
“Come on, I want to introduce you to some people,” He places a hand gently on the middle of your back as if guiding you through the crowd.
There’s a group of boys over the other side, shouting loudly at each other and making vulgar gestures to go alongside whatever conversation they were having.
“Oi dickheads,” Spencer calls over, “Be normal for a minute, ay?”
The boys stop and turn around, both of them looking at you and then back to their friend.
“This is (Y/n),” He looks down at you and then back to them.
“(Y/n)!” One of the boys grins widely, “We’ve heard a lot about you. You moved in by Spider right?”
“This is Ant, and that’s Dusty,” Spencer gestures between the two of them before you can say anything else.
“Nice to meet you,” You smile softly, “You know Spencer from school?”
“Yeah, basically since we could walk,” Dusty smiles at you, “We can tell you all the gory details.”
“Alright, alright, I’m right here,” Spencer shakes his head, standing close enough to you that his side is against yours, his arm still placed on your back.
He’s got that way about him. The feeling that you could just melt into his connection. You couldn’t explain it, but in a crowd of people you didn’t know, you were glad he was still beside you.
“So how does the dunny situation work here?”
Spencer turns to you and laughs, the two of you now at the edge of the party as people had started dancing in the middle. It was dark now, and you were stood just inches closer to Spencer to make the most of his radiating warmth.
“You find a spot where nobody can see you, and you put in some squat training,” He smiles, the kind of smile that creases his eyes.
“Oh how glamorous,” You wiggle your brows, placing your cup into his hand, “I’ll be right back.”
His fingertips linger on yours as your hand pulls away from his, his eyes lingering on you for even longer as you walk away.
You trail out away from the crowd and down a small path away from any prying eyes until you bump into the sound of giggling girls just ahead of you.
“Oh shit, sorry, I was just looking for somewhere to piss,” You clear your throat.
“Hey, wait, wait, wait,” One of the girls looks over to you, “You’re the girl that Spider was with right?”
It was the girl from earlier. The one Spencer had told to fuck off.
“Yeah, I’m (Y/n),” You offer a smile.
The girl’s friend stands up and zips up her trousers, both of them walking closer to you.
“I don’t want to sound like a cunt, but just be careful with him,” The girl, Amerie says.
“Am,” The other girl hits her arm, “You’re going to scare the poor girl.”
You look at her and fold your arms around you as if shrinking away from them, evidently uncomfortable.
“He’s just…” The other girl begins, “Very outspoken. He’s not exactly the nicest guy at Hartley.”
“He’s a grade A cunt,” Amerie adds, “And you seem like way too good for him.”
“Alright, we’re gonna go before Amerie says anything worse,” The other girl confirms, “Have a good night yeah?”
They both walk past you and you stand stuck in your spot, repeating over everything they had said. Spencer had been the nicest boy ever since you’d known him. He was thoughtful and funny and he was who you looked forward to seeing every shift. But everyone here seemed to be talking about a different boy when it came to him. To the girls, he was like the worst guy they’d known. And why had he lied to the boys about how he knew you?
You turn in your spot to see him stood behind you, far enough away that you can only make out his silhouette in the dark.
“You’d been a while, I was just making sure you were okay,” He speaks so softly you feel your heart skip a little.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” You clear your throat, walking towards him.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Spencer offers, “I reckon the coppers will be here soon.”
“Yeah,” You smile at him lightly, “I’ll probably book an Uber-“
He holds his cup out towards you, “I’m not drinking. I’ll drive you home.”
Spencer tugs his jacket off from his shoulder and places it around yours his hand slipping down beside your arm until his hand is hovering beside yours. You interlock your hand with his and he smiles once more, like he’s relieved at the contact.
The drive back isn’t far, and the empty roads make it even quicker. Spencer still indicates every time he needs to, drives the limit rather than anything over, glances at you every so often to make sure you were okay in the passenger seat.
He pulls up in front of your house and shuts off the engine.
“So, will you be rushing back to a graveyard party any time soon?” He leans his head back against the headrest and turns it towards you.
“I think I’ll stick to the beach or a house party for now,” You nod, running your hands over the cold skin of your thighs.
Spencer laughs, “Yeah I-“
“Can I ask you something?” You interject, the thought practically spilling from your mind.
He frowns, nodding slightly.
“Why did the boys think I was your neighbour? Did you not tell them we worked together?”
Spencer swallows the lump in his throat, “I didn’t tell them about the job.”
You furrow your brows, “Is working at a movie theater really that bad?”
He lets out a deep breath, “It’s not that.”
There’s a stillness in the air between you. That sort of tension that he always managed to dissipate. He’s calm and yet the air seems to be full of all the nerves he could muster in your presence.
“I don’t really talk to them about anything with my Mum, or home, or anything. And I guess I figured if they knew about the job they’d start asking questions and it’s just… not something I tell people.”
“You told me.”
Spencer chuckles a little, “You’re easier to talk to.”
You smile at him and the tension in his shoulders seems to relax a little, “I guess I can pretend to be your neighbour next time.”
“Next time?” He raises his brows, “So you did like the graveyard.”
You laugh, your gaze averting to the darkness looming over your house, not a single light on.
“So, my parents are away,” You say quietly, like you’re now the one holding all of the nervous energy, “Do you want to… I mean you could…”
You laugh, unsure at what point in your time knowing him had it become so easy for Spencer to make you nervous.
He sits at the end of the bed whilst you get ready in the bathroom. You take off your makeup, wash your face, tie back your hair and change into your pyjamas. They were one of the cuter sets you owned - different to the normal baggy t-shirt you’d wear. But if there was ever a time to wear a nicer set, it was whilst Spencer would be the one you were sharing a bed with.
When you walk back in, he looks up from the book he had in his hands - one he’d taken from your nightstand.
“Didn’t think that would be your kind of thing,” You nod towards it, walking over to your side of the bed.
“Too many big words,” He smiles, setting it back down and shuffling backwards on the bed.
He was wearing only his t-shirt and boxers now - his other clothes folded in a pile on the chair in front of your vanity.
“Okay we’ve got a problem here,” You comment, looking down at him.
“What’s that?” He asks, swinging his legs around so that he’s sat at the side of the bed facing you, his knees bumping against your legs.
“This is my side of the bed,” You mention.
“Oh is it?” Spencer cocks a brow at you and you hum in response.
His hands reach out and gently brush the skin of your thigh, trailing upwards towards your waist as if drawing you towards him. You let him guide you, shifting until you are straddling his lap. Neither of you speak, Spencer’s hand moving around to hold your back, one remaining on your waist. Your breath catches in your throat, eyes focused on his like you’re seeking that comfort.
“Can I kiss you?” Spencer whispers, the words seeming to tumble from his lips.
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat, “Yes.”
The corners of his mouth upturn just slightly, his eyes flicking between your eyes and your lips. And then, he closes the gap just enough. His lips press against yours, soft and cautious but somehow so certain of themselves. His hand moves to cup your jaw, drawing more of you to him as his fingertips tangle into your hair. When he pulls away, his lips curl into a smile, forehead pressing against yours.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to do that,” He whispers, as if not wanting anything else to ruin the moment.
You laugh, leaning into him, “This is still my side.”
Spencer chuckles, holding one arm tightly around his waist to shuffle you both back across the mattress. He shifts to lay you down on one side of the bed before settling down on the side beside you, his arm outstretched to pull you into his chest. You can feel his heart beating against your ear and you’re relieved for a second he is sharing in the same adrenaline that you are.
His fingertips trail up and down your arm, the most delicate touch he could muster.
“I’m sorry I lied to the boys about you,” He speaks the words quietly into the air of the room.
You tilt your head upwards just enough that you can see his face, “We already spoke about this, you don’t have to-“
“Yeah but I didn’t apologise properly and I should do,” He nods, “It shouldn’t be your problem to have to lie to them too.”
“Would it really be so bad if they knew you had a job?”
Spencer shakes his head, tucking his other arm beneath his head on the pillow, “No, it wouldn’t. I just don’t like the thought of them knowing everything that goes on at home. It’s easier to go into school and act like none of that exists.”
You lean up onto your elbows and turn to face him, reaching up a hand to run through the hair falling at the side of his forehead, “Would it not be easier if you could talk to them about it?”
He wraps an arm around your waist, his eyes flitting between each of yours, “I don’t think I’d even know what to say.”
Spencer leans up just enough to kiss you again, gentle and fleeting.
He pulls you back down to his chest and tugs the blanket up over both of you. The pair of you stay there, like that in each other’s arms, until his breath starts to even out and he falls asleep - though, even then, his arms don’t loosen from around you.
Spider is back at school on Monday morning. He’d spent all of Sunday with you - waking up at your house, driving you both to work, and then taking you to dinner afterwards. It was the first time he’d ever woken up and instantly wanted to text someone, sending you a quick ‘good morning’ along with his complaints for not wanting to go to school today. He felt like a child with his first crush. Though, when he thought about it, maybe this was the first proper crush he’d had. No other girl had made him feel like this. And he’d savour it for as long as he could.
“Oi dickhead, are you listening?” Dusty interrupts his thoughts, the two of them walking towards the locker room to get changed.
“No,” Spider shrugs, “Do I need to be?”
“You missed a killer end to the party man,” Dusty points out, pushing the door open to where the rest of the boys already were, “I can’t believe you left early.”
“Oh come on I think Spider had other things on his mind,” Ant points out as soon as he overhears the conversation.
“Yeah who the fuck was that chick?”
“Does it matter? Either way Spider was going to fu-“
“Cut it out,” Spider snaps, to nobody in particular, just hoping for anything that would stop the topic of conversation.
“Aww is Spider precious about his latest conquest?” Ant frowns, “You’ll be onto the next one by this weekend.”
“Have you ever just thought of shutting up Ant?” Spider questions, reaching down to tie the laces of his trainers, “I mean, seriously, is it so hard to think (Y/n) might just be a good person? Someone I actually like hanging out with?”
“I don’t think that’s what they’re doubting,” It’s Malakai that speaks this time.
Spider looks at him, uncertain.
“If she’s a decent person, the last guy she should be around is you.”
For a moment, he feels the silence around him. The same tightness in his chest that he got at every dinner with his Mum. The same voice in his head telling him it was impossible for him to be good.
“Well,” He clears his throat, standing up from the bench, “Good thing I don’t need to listen to you cunts.”
When he walks out onto the field, the girls are already crowded around in conversations with each other. Spider walks over, crossing towards the opposite side of the field.
“Oi Spider!”
It’s Amerie that yells after him. He turns around to see her and Harper making their way over.
“You know we told that girl from the party to stay away from you,” Amerie states strongly, offering him her most judgemental look.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You might be able to put on an act for her but she deserves to know how shitty you are.”
“Are you kidding?” Spider scoffs, “You don’t even know her, why’s it your place to say anything?”
“We don’t know her,” Amerie shrugs, “But we know you. And no girl deserves that.”
He glances around at the rest of the people on the field, across to where the boys have just started filtering outside too. Not a single person here thought well of him. Even the boys, his friends, they saw him as the boy that said what they wouldn’t say. He was funny to them before he was good. He was someone to laugh at before he’d ever be someone to talk to. He’d become a show piece at this school. The controversial one that said what nobody else would.
“Ever thought that I might want to be a decent guy? That if I actually liked someone it’s genuine?” Spider shrugs, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“Oh fuck off Spider, are you even capable of that?”
You’d been on Spider’s mind for the whole day. And, as soon as the final bell rang, all he could think of was getting to you.
It’s not a far drive, just the other side of town. But he speeds as if it’s some sort of last ditch attempt to get to you. He hadn’t thought to text, or ask where you were, or ask if you were free. He just knew he needed to get to you. And when he pulls up in front of your house, he realises this is as far as his thoughts had taken him, he wasn’t sure what that meant now.
He knocks on the door, harshly as if he’s channeling his nerves into the sound.
It’s not you on the other side. Instead, an older woman, bearing some resemblance to you in the brightness of her eyes.
“Hi, can I help you?” Her brows furrow but she smiles at him welcomingly, warmly.
“Um-“ He clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck, “I just-“
“Are you (Y/n)’s friend?”
Before he can respond, you come up behind the woman and grasp her shoulders, “I’ve got this one Mum.”
You glance to Spencer and smile, instantly relaxing the tension in his shoulders.
“It was nice to meet you,” Your Mum nods to him, turning to you and giving you some sort of knowing smile as if exchanging silent words.
You step out of the front door and pull it almost-closed behind you;
“What are you doing here Spencer?”
“You didn’t tell me what the girls said to you at the party.”
“I-“ You wrap your arms over your chest as a breeze courses past both of you, “I didn’t think it mattered.”
“Didn’t matter?” He half laughs, his shoulders dropping, “They practically told you to get as far away from me as you could.”
“Yeah. And that doesn’t mean I believed them.”
Spencer smiles at you just a little, but it falters quickly.
“Why do they hate you so much Spencer?”
He pauses, taking a deep breath as he looks at you like even the sight of you is enough to calm down all of the worry coursing through him.
“My whole life it’s just been me and my Mum. I didn’t have siblings, my Dad was never in the picture. And so I had this one person left that was meant to love me. You know? That was her job, right? She’s my Mum, she just needs to love me and we’d figure the rest out. My Mum treats me every day like I’m the worst guy on the planet. I’m a guy and she thinks that’s enough for me to be someone she should hate. To her, I’m destructive and thoughtless and I have all this potential do a world of wrong. She reminds me of that every day, with everything I do. She’s reminded me of it so much that I started to believe it. That’s the guy I am to them at school. That’s the guy they know. And I’d hate me too if I was them.”
You feel a lump forming in your throat, wanting to reach out for him and tell him everything he needed to hear. To heal all those years of hurt that sat on those young shoulders.
“I don’t want to be that guy when I’m with you.”
You feel it then. The way your heart skips a beat once more.
“I want to be better.”
Your face breaks into a small smile, an instinctive response.
“I believe you,” You practically whisper the words, “Everyone else might have a lot to say about you but I know the person that you are with me.”
You step forward towards him.
“And I don’t think that guys so bad.”
You watch as he visibly relaxes, grasping out for you as soon as you are within reach, his hands snaking around to your waist. Your hands move up to his chest, linking around the back of his neck.
“You deserve a chance to be better Spider,” You smile, reaching up onto the tips of your toes to press a kiss to his lips.
He hums against the contact, pulling away to say, “I prefer Spencer.”
You chuckle and he wraps his arms tighter around you, burying his head into the crook of your neck. He breathes in the scent of you in his arms, feeling his heart slow in your hold. He’s sure he could stay there forever. And you’re sure that you would let him.
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bentosandbox · 1 month
Ambience Synesthesia tutorial blog
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rambled this out because I didn't have inflight wifi otw home and the turbulence was too crazy to draw
Buying the ticket
erm so they only dropped the tickets like slightly less than a month before lol kinda insane
The concert tickets were sold on Damai so you need a CN number or know/pay someone with one who'd buy it for you which is what I did by recommendation (A tier 1280 + 400 'service fee' [apparently it would have been cheaper if they only helped you half way or something but i wasnt gonna risk running into a payment hiccup so]) Iirc they sold it in two batches but I don't remember the ratio split between first and second wave…
I got a ticket for 5/5's afternoon show (so the second last performance), I DID meet an oomf who said they managed to snag a ticket for themselves on their own (without a Professional Ticket Snatcher) so its not too impossible to attain on your own I think??? (I didn't get a CN number until like 2 days before I flew back home soo)
Professional Ticket what?? Uhhh apparently there's a whole industry/scene for this you look for listings on xianyu/taobao etc for people to buy on your behalf, you have to give them your real name and identification number (so for foreigners it'd be your passport number) for verification purposes during entry so yknow yea
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getting there
You could cab directly to the venue but my friend signed us up for the free shuttle bus (they had freebies last year but not this time) and before we boarded they gave us like free water and bread (apparently free raincoats too on rainy days) which was nice of them but also insane because. the venue doesn't allow you to bring food/drinks in so a lot of people were leaving A LOT of unopened bottles near the gate and I saw a venue staff just throwing them all into the bin (HOPEFULLY JUST TO CARRY THEM AWAY IN ONE GO AND NOT FOR STRAIGHT DISPOSAL….) They drop you off near the venue but you don't go in directly, there's a 'Doctor break room' where most people are seated waiting to be ushered in batches into the venue, but also a lot of people standing around on one side of the room swapping/offering merch
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merch swap
ive been told this is a very concert culture thing but i feel like its kind of different because a lot of these are so high quality ike…you could sell them at Artist Alleys but here they are just distributing for free if you have a E2 60 blorbo lmao or whatever (there seems to be a tiny…? minority that prints official art but most of them seem to be handdrawn/made)
i was too unprepared for this lol i did exchange some of my old stickers (missed out on a collapsal plastic fan bc my brain lagged when the guy asked me and i went to my auto 'sorry i dont have any merch' response' :( regretted this bc the room got a little hot from the amount of people in there and i was wearing like 3 layers with that fan on my mind)
from people watching a lot of trades are arranged beforehand on weibo/other sites unless you're willing to yell WHO WANTS TO TRADEEE/anyone wants freebies (a lot of people were also wearing 'Feel Free to Swap Merch/Ask for Freebies' tags) which i was definitely not brave enough to do lol… met up with an oomf i got to know from last dec when i attended an arknights only and they gave me some birbs and charms (bottom of post), there was someone who got a free LGD zine and charm from me bc i posted on wb that id give a free copy to anyone with a Mod 3 swire/swummer LMFAO
I had 2 more people to meet but, uhhh so I bought an esim for mobile data and it would intermittently lose signal here and there which was a little annoying when getting coffee but it just died entirely when i reached the venue and it was kind of Dire because i was waiting for one more friend who was coming over from the fes and i couldn't contact them lmao. told the friend i came with to go in first because I thought if my food got confiscated at least my oomf could see it beforehand LOL
waited outside in a light drizzle for an hour trying to trouble shoot my data to no avail and ended up borrowing a staff's wifi hotspot to get my entry qr code (I actually bought a second data roaming plan on my local sim but i quite stupidly did not check the country coverage and only learned later that night that 'Asia' doesn't cover China kuxiao) she was so nice i was (bow emoji) so sorry to trouble you im a stupid gaijin and she was like no its ok enjoy shanghai!! pien
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spent a good 30min next to this board praying for data to no avail
the show
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erm anyway because of that clownery above i more or less missed the first piece (the one w the goated hoho) but at least i wasnt the guy next to me who went for a bathroom break right before starset came up
The live singing this year was definitely an improvement I think… I can't really remember the setlist off the top of my head but I'm sure someone else has already listed it out, there were a couple of new pieces that weren't related to the concert groups like a Babel/Kazdel?? one sung in Latin, a Victoria…? one (in victorian ofc) also an Amiya (? just remembering by the visuals they used lol) one in Japanese
ohh yeah so almost every track would start with like a faction logo transitioning in from 3d to 2d which was cool but also amusing because it was honestly bringing quite the 'I will Make Your Company Logo Into 3D Fiverr' vibes
Since I missed the first piece idk if any of The Dreamer(s) got 3D models but The Pilgrim(s why are they all singular) had Kaltsit playing on that piano (there was also a replica of that piano on stage the white one complete with 'Arknights' text on it lmao) and Siege being cool running around in 3D (and ofc Eureka during her denpa number) it was very cool but man... its a pity the other characters in the group just get their live2d png during the beginning and effectively get sidelined lool compared to say Phenomenal Agents idk if i like this tradeoff but that eureka bit was so good sheesh #NOVAFIVE⭐ULTRALIVESWEEP
The other stuff was really great too looking at you Lone Trail medley…!!!!! I might be wrong but I... assume... you're encouraged to karaoke bc they always show the lyrics on screen… I couldn't even hear myself anyway but it was very fun singing songs you can't get on joysound/etc with a whole crowd going at it too (even if most of them would only sing 1-2 lines of the chorus)
Mary Clare did Radiant (they had the lyrics scrolling on the sides very cool) and iirc the Throne group's song...? Radiant was so fun live
Starset did Monster > Telescope and when the latter ended they were like Bye! and we(?) started yelling ENCORE--awkwardly because idk how they do it here (I was half expecting it to be JP style 'an-call-roo' but a bunch of us just yelled en-core en-core here and there until they returned to perform Infected) speaking of yelling.. between every piece when they had to switch sets people would just yell memes or skill names (like Dage's) to pass the time or sth i barely caught half of whatever they were memeing about
did i forget to mention anything else uhhh originium rock turntable for Guide Ahead's boss theme/Dossoles Lobby and they had IS4 medley live throat singing very cool also the dancers they got for silbenherze's boss theme good stuff...
iirc after starset was like a behind the scenes video of how HG prepared for AS and a recorded lowlight video saying some stuff that i forgot LOL just some thank you message basically. 9.5/10 bc no missy/shu EP live
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i just realised i forgot to display all the merch from the A tier ticket but w/e. light stick photo ft. merch swaps/gifts from friends and strangers 🥹 (the iffy lenticular card was literally dropped into my bag by an iffy coser (wearing the LT outfit..?!) while waiting for the cab LMAO)
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thrashyraccoon · 6 months
Live after death (Eddie Munson x Metalhead!Reader)
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Summary: You and Eddie go to an Iron Maiden concert in Indiana in 1985.
Warnings: none at all.
This day definitely couldn't get any worse, you were sure of it. Not only did the Iron Maiden concert in Indiana sell out as soon as tickets became available, but you also forgot that you ate a bucket of your favorite ice cream and had nothing to drown your sorrows in. Well, all you can do now is curl up in a blanket and watch TV, hoping to forget about the concert. However, your plans are ruined when you hear the phone ringing.
"Who the hell interrupts my wailing?" You complain, then go to the phone and pick up the receiver.
"Hello?" You say, slightly annoyed.
"Hello, did I throught to the most beautiful girl in Hawkins?"
You knew who it was. It was your boyfriend of about a year, Eddie, with whom you were going to see Iron Maiden, and he was waiting to buy tickets just like you.
"I think you've got the wrong numbers, you're not talking to Chrissy Chunningham." you say sarcastically before hearing a light chuckle on the other end.
"Listen, I can come, there's something important."
"Is this so important?" you wonder what he means, but after a while you agree and Eddie unexpectedly hangs up.
After 15 minutes you hear a knock on the door. When you open it you see your boyfriend, way too happy than you expected.
“Hi, honey,” Eddie gives you a kiss on the forehead and you invite him inside.
"What's going on Eds?" You say and then you see a smile on his face. "Something happened? You're acting very strange considering the fact that you won't see the band you've been waiting for and you reminded me of this fact every day. I thought you'd be in even more despair than me."
Boy smiles even wider.
“Eddie, what are you-” you stop as he pulls two Iron Maiden tickets out of his pocket. At this point you stop talking and look at Eddie.
"So," he begins to say, "I was at Rick's this morning. When I came to see him, devastated by the fact that they were sold out, he told me that he knew someone, and that someone knew someone else who could get the passes and could contact them. And here they are!…baby, are you okay?" Your boyfriend looks at you and waves his hand in front of your face. You stood there frozen, but finally you started talking
"Does it mean-"
"That we-"
"Are we finally going to the concert?"
When this information finally reached you, you couldn't stand it and you threw yourself at Eddie with so much force that he landed on the door.
"You are the best boyfriend I could have ever dreamed of!!!" You screamed and then you cupped his face and kissed him passionately. Eventually, you both started running out of oxygen and Eddie managed to register what had just happened. When he succeeded, he gave you the biggest smile he could, grabbed your waist, and the two of you began to spin around your living room in each other's arms, laughing as you did so.
However, when you stop, he looks you in the eye and says: "I don't know if I am him, but I know one thing" he makes a small pause "JUNE IS OUR BABY!!!"
After this sentence, you become euphoric again and you start kissing, this time longer.
6 months had passed and you and Eddie were already at the Mesker Music Theater, where probably one of the best things you will experience together was about to take place. There were a lot of people and you still wonder how you managed to squeeze through the crowd so effectively that you are in the first rows.
“I'm so excited,” You say, unable to keep still.
"I see." Boy laughed, still looking at his beloved.
Suddenly you felt a strong elbow hit your shoulder, sending you flying towards Eddie. It was some complete stranger who probably wanted to get closer to the stage. You were lucky Eddie caught you in time.
“Ouh, idiot,” you shouted, then held onto your arm lightly.
"Everything's all right?" he looked at you with concern and then looked with an irritated look in the direction the stranger had gone, even though he had already disappeared in the huge crowd.
"It's just that my arm hurts a little," you said, holding your arm. You suddenly felt your boyfriend holding you tightly by his waist. You looked at him questioningly.
"I'll hold you for your safety, honey. I don't want some idiot to slip again or when the concert starts it might be dangerous, especially during the moshpit," he said, looking at you with the same concern.
“Thank you, my knight,” You smiled, turning to face him, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Eddie just responded to you with a genuine smile. You stare at each other until you both hear the intro symbolizing that the band will soon take the stage and the cheers of the rest of the crowd. You smile at each other and then turn your back on Eddie. After 2 minutes, the band comes on stage and starts playing "Aces High". Everyone starts cheering and goes crazy. The concert is in full swing and although you both managed to indulge in euphoria, headbanging, shouting the lyrics at the top of your lungs, going crazy, Eddie kept an eye on you the whole time so that no harm would come to you, regardless of the fact that after the second song you broke away from him while playing "2 minutes to midnight". This was what this boy loved most about you. When you devoted yourself to something you loved, you were almost unstoppable.
Two hours passed and the concert began to end with the last song "Phantom of the opera" playing. You don't hide the fact that you were a little tired, but you tried to stay in shape. The song ends and the crowd cheers and insists on an encore. Half of the people were leaving and the other half were waiting for the band to leave the stage or for some goodies like picks or drumsticks, you and Eddie were the other half considering the fact that you were quite close to the stage. Suddenly you feel like your boyfriend is giving you the lead.
"Eds, what are you doing?!" You say in a bit of shock."
"Like what? Let's grab some stuff, honey!" He says this by showing you a toothy smile from below.
You can't believe what's happening, but you manage to grab the guitar pick. You were really very lucky. You get off of Eddie's arms and he hugs you and you both shout happiness.
However, when the band leaves the stage, you both walk towards the van to calmly drive back towards Hawkins. You both reach Eddie's van and, in classic gentlemanly fashion, your lover opens the door and offers you his hand. Of course, you take advantage of his help and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"It was amazing!" You scream in a low voice from the fact that you've already had your throat busted at the concert.
"Very much. It was very metal!" he says, happiness quite visible in his eyes and voice. “One thing in particular” Boy looks at you and you realize what he means. You pull out the dice you managed to grab from the pocket of your own combat jacket. You look at the obtained item and then say:
“It's yours, baby,” you move your hand towards Eddie.
“No, I don't agree, it's yours,” he pushes your hand away from you.
“Eddie no, she's yours,” you laugh at him. "I know how much you love Iron Maiden and it's thanks to you that we're even here."
"No, it's yours, I insist. I love you enough and I trust that it will be in good hands, after all…" he replies to you, holding out his guitar pick necklace. "I already have mine," he smiles at you, waving the pendant.
"Are you 100% sure about this?"
"I'm 1000% sure, honey. Someone has to hold it eventually to show it to our future children," she replies shyly with a big smile. You look at him, then at the ankle, and then back at Eddie. Suddenly, with a burst of emotion, you approach him and kiss him, trying to convey everything you currently feel. However, you finish and wrap your arms around your boyfriend, not having the strength to tell him what's on your mind due to the sheer amount of happiness.
"I love you too, angel, I always will." he starts to soothe you by rubbing your back in circular motions. You honestly couldn't believe how you had come across such a loving and devoted man like him. However, after a few minutes, Eddie decides that it's time to go, even though he wants to stay in your arms for the rest of his life.
"Honey, let's go home now, shall we?" He speaks calmly but you don't answer. It turned out that during these few minutes you had already fallen asleep from the exhaustion after the concert and the warmth from the hug. He starts laughing softly and tries to break away from you so as not to wake you up, placing you straight on the seat and fastening you with a seat belt to keep you safe. He looks at you for a moment with concern and love, then starts the van and starts to drive out of the parking lot. He hopes that you will remember this event in your peaceful old age.
Fun fact: There was actually an Iron Maiden concert in Indiana on June 8 in 1985.
This is my first fanfic. I'm not particularly good at writing, but I hope it's not too bad. Thank you for the warm reception of the rest of my entries. Please share your kind words and reaction if you liked the fanfic. I will try to answer everything <3
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twopoppies · 19 days
I think people are so upset when it comes to Pleasing because the shell is owned by Irving, and Harry's management/team completely owns the US version of Pleasing. Harry co-owns the UK sector. He is not a full owner, the meat of the company's financials and operations is still technically under the powers that be- so it can be assumed that he does not possess full control. Therefore, we do not know how much of this is his choice and how much of it is because his team is just being greedy. They also have historically involved the beards and stunts with almost every single drop, it is heavily catered to the younger more gullible fans, so most no-stunt larries I know won't support this brand, probably ever. That being said I agree with the anon who says stop complaining. It is relatively harmless when he's not stunting. I would personally have liked to see him have disappeared and taken a real break, but since that is not reality in this situation- this kind of thing in comparison to other options out there is a lot more wholesome and appealing.
But what, exactly, are you upset about? That you think Harry is being "used" by Irving et al? That fans are being "tricked" into thinking they're buying something Harry is not a full owner of? That Irving and co. are making money off of Pleasing along with Harry? "Involving the beards" is mainly Olivia because TR was barely around for the drops, and as far as I recall, she didn't wear any of it. But there's a big part of Harry's fanbase that thinks he's actually dating these women, and having a woman linked to unisex products makes sense from a marketing standpoint.
I still have no fucking idea what a "no-stunt larrie" is, but I know plenty of larries who like the products and buy them. If someone is only buying something because Harry's name is attached to it, that's their issue--you could say the same thing for CDs or a concert ticket. Harry is making some of that money, but not all. Everyone is making their cut off of him.
I get what you're saying, but I happen to think there's a section of this fandom that wants everything Harry is involved in to be 100% transparent, have the purest intentions, and have him only working with the purest people. Maybe it's because I'm of a very different generation, but it was enough for me that Pleasing makes a great effort toward being sustainable, vegan and cruelty-free, thoughtful about their advertising (in terms of using a wide variety of sexualities/skin tones/looks/bodies etc), partnering with a wide variety of charities that speak to causes that seem close to Harry's heart, being aware of making their products and stores accessible, etc. All of that feels like a huge step beyond "just selling something."
Would I love every person involved with the company to share my morals and ideas? Sure. But I'm also realistic. I don't think Harry would put his name on a business if he didn't want to. I think the fact that Molly and Harry L are the creative ends of the team says a lot both in that they understand Harry S's aesthetic and what he would want things to look like, but also that he wants people who are important to him to share in his ability to make money off of his name
I don't have an answer to this discussion. But it's one of the gripes that comes up literally every time Pleasing drops something new. I'm just a little tired of people complaining every time Harry does something. And I'm tired of people assuming that having side projects either makes Harry greedy or makes him a victim.
I know that answering this means 50 people are going to message me their opinions, but I'm working, and I don't really have the time or energy to keep circling around this same conversation.
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Can I request Scaramouche x Singer!Reader?
Like Scaramouche finds their songs online and really likes them, and ends up somehow getting backstage tickets for a concert?
Tags: Fan!Scaramouche x Singer!Reader, Heacanons, Fem!Reader, Modern AU, Mean x Mean LMAO
Warnings: None
As an idol singer, you are used to seeing stadiums filled to the brim just to see you perform. You relish in the fame, but don't care much for your fans as you are used to the attention. That is, until one of them catches your eye backstage.
* ˚ ✦ Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [03/01/23] ❞
Scaramouche has never been a big fan on music.
People would usually take one look at him and think, yeah, that guy totally listens to my chemical romance.
He doesn’t, contrary to popular belief. Who do you think he is, Xiao?
That’s why, when he discovered K-pop, it became his biggest secret of all time.
Could you imagine Scaramouche, the mean shorty with a stick up his ass 24/7, jamming it out to Twice?
His love for girl groups grew when he came across a dance practice video of yours on YouTube.
Not only were you insanely pretty, but you had the vocals, dancing skills, and stage presence to turn you into an absolute machine.
He would rather die before the day he openly admits you as his bias.
One day, as he’s aimlessly surfing the internet, he comes across an extremely sketchy website.
A website, which was selling tickets to one of your concerts.
Now, Scaramouche should know better than to buy tickets for a concert on a website filled with ads about promiscuous women 5km away from him, but the tickets were cheap.
And who is he to say no to cheap tickets to one of his favorite girl groups?
He should count his lucky stars because the tickets were actually real.
Fast-forward to a few months later, Scaramouche was standing backstage to one of your concerts.
He supposed he only had himself to blame for this. He didn’t actually bother reading what the tickets were for, just that he thought it’d be funny if he got shitty tickets to a concert that ended up being real.
And they were very, very real.
Scaramouche supposed he didn’t care though, because he was going to meet his bias backstage. It almost felt surreal!
When you and your group wrapped up the song and said goodnight to your adoring fans, you were watchful of your attitude when waving to them.
Fans always liked when you’d act cute; never mind the fact that you were a literal adult, but that’s what this industry called for nowadays.
When you finally walked out of sight from the seats in the stadium, you dropped your smile.
Wiping away your sweat, you finally let your true demeanor shine around your coworkers.
You weren’t necessarily a raging Diva, but it was safe to say that most of your fans would be offended at your crude language and carefree attitude.
The other girls in your group always joked about how you lived a double life.
As you continued to walk further backstage, you didn’t realize there was someone aside from your group with you.
Another fan.
Scaramouche was frozen. You were way prettier up close. Those cameras did not do you justice.
You tried to maintain your fake smile again, but it was very difficult when you were tired and just wanted to crash in your bed. Did you guys even do backstage passes?
Scaramouche greeted you, and you tried to be polite, but that other side of you was definitely starting to peek through in your interactions.
He picked up on it too.
Even though you’re his bias, that doesn’t stop Scaramouche from being disrespectful to just about anyone. 
“What’s with your ugly attitude?”
The rest of the group’s jaw dropped. So did your smile.
“Haha, you’re talking with that bowl cut?”
Now you started to bicker. Your coworkers were too tired to stay back and watch, so they left, leaving you and Scaramouche alone.
“Wow, your company does an amazing job at hiding how much of a bitch you really are!”
“You don’t even try! What, did you get backstage passes like a weirdo to harass me?”
You had never experienced this kind of treatment from a so called fan before. Honestly, you were more intrigued than offended.
This was absolutely not how Scaramouche expected his meeting with you to go. Security started to notice the commotion, and told Scaramouche they would have to escort him out.
Before they could, Scaramouche pulled on his lower eyelid, sticking his tongue out at you.
Now you were truly interested.
You told the security to lay off, scrawled your number on a napkin, and roughly thrust it against his chest.
Scaramouche looked at the napkin, bewildered, as he noticed what the numbers were when it fell into his palm.
He looked up at you, speechless.
“You’re a funny dude. Call me!”
And with that, you proceeded to give him the bird as you sauntered away.
Scaramouche thought that maybe he paid to see a bootleg version of you.
He was never buying tickets off sketchy websites again.
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited. this is long.
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The concert in Tokyo was such a success. It was unexpected if you were being honest.
Since Tokyo Lights is independent who produces their own music video and music, many companies were willing to sign you.
The Tokyo show was going viral everywhere now that you, the lead singer has proven themselves to worthy.
A lot of fans are turning around and willing to give you a chance.
Tokyo Show attendees are tweeting out things like;
“THE BEST SHOW EVER. I was a bit of skeptic of this lead singer (First name) because Camie is amazing, I was even willing to cancel my ticket. But, I’m glad I didn’t. Controversial opinion, (First name)-san is way better of a vocalist.”
“I’m so glad that I didn’t cancel my ticket. So worth it. Where’s the day 2 show?”
“You can’t even compare (First name) and Camie. Camie is an okay vocalist compared to (First name). She’s on another level.”
“Out of all the concerts I’ve been to, this one is the best. (First name) really brought out the amazing rush. Would be willing to spend VIP.”
Remember those fans who cancelled their tickets?
After, seeing all the clips and tweet about the Tokyo show. They’re willing to re-purchase it. A good majority are them are spending more because of it.
Of course, there’s still people that refuse.
But, there are fans that are casual listeners are now spending a bit of money to come see Tokyo Lights.
All their music before you? Well, now apparently, it’s not Camie who sang it.
It’s you.
They’re charting. Going viral. Everyone is talking about Tokyo Lights?
The downfall?
Nope, you thought that was the heights of their career. You joining the band is the height of Tokyo Lights.
Let’s talk about the first song you wrote in the band. My Happy Ending.
It took two days for you to write the lyrics.
Major news site and gossip sites are talking about you and the song you wrote.
Jirou revealed you took a bit of control when it comes to production. She said,
“I’ve never produced for someone like her. She’s not just a singer. She’s an artist.”
“Honestly, I loved it too when she told me about producing freely. Do whatever I want. Then, we can tweak it together.”
Now, everyone is going crazy.
It’s climbing up the charts really quickly
Everyone is writing about Tokyo Lights.
It’s overwhelming. The amount of eyes on the band.
“New Lead Singer of Tokyo Lights, (First name) proves haters wrong.”, “An upcoming band of the year?” “Song of the Year? My Happy Ending”, “Why you shouldn’t underestimate Tokyo Lights.” “Camie, who? (First name) is here to save the day.
My Happy Ending charted and skyrocketed to number 1. Both in Japan and Globally.
The tour that seen as a big flop?
Well, now it’s back to sold out.
Fans who cancelled are rapid tweeting,
“UGH. I shouldn’t have cancelled.”
“I’m so fucking sad about selling my VIP ticket. No one is willing to sell theirs. Day 2 for Amsterdam pls.”
“I’m looking at my friend with jealousy. I cancelled. She didn’t. KMS.”
The band is overwhelmed so they decided to put up statement on their official social platform
“Hey, everyone! Tokyo Lights here.
Everything is moving forward to quickly. We know, from our previous lead singer leaving to a completely new one. We thank Camie for being with us. We wish you all the best.
In this time, we can’t afford to sit around. This is our dream and passion, we have to keep moving forward. With the surge of new fans and old fans, we can’t thank you enough for giving (First name) a chance. We know it’s a lot to ask.
We are speechless. We can’t formulate our thoughts. We know that you demand more shows but, we have an upcoming project to bring before kicking it off to another world tour. Please be patient with us.
Tokyo Lights”
People are hyped.
A new upcoming project definitely means an album.
Now, let’s get back to the band.
Everyone; Mina, Jirou, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou and you are going out drinking to celebrate for the successful show.
Since, I didn’t talk about everyone’s appearance and role.
The dummer.
Is a fit and big guy he’s one of the tallest
Bakugou is definitely the most muscular out of all them,
He has those arm band tattoo around his bicep
A dragon with the head on his pec and the body goes up his shoulder around to his upper back then the tail around to his other shoulder.
So it looks like it’s just hanging around his neck.
One on his upper arm.
He is decorated.
He also has a couple piercings; on his tongue, a helix and orbital on his left ear and ofc a lobe.
The electric guitar player
He’s fit, big and tall
This man is almost 6ft7
He’s big and big
THE TALLEST. Everyone is always intimidated by him
He doesn’t have any tattoos but he is pierced
A bar on his left eyebrows, a nostril eyebrows and lip.
Feel free to find out where his other piercings are.
He wears clothes alright. Not properly.
His toned torso is always showing especially when he’s performing.
He’s the shortest out of the boys
And he’s not super muscular.
But he’s got buff arms.
Veiny ones too
He has ear piercings; helix, spider lip piercing and lobe ones 
He’s defo planning to get more.
He has some tattoos but not so much.
It’s one of those small ones.
This man wears a lot of rings 
The pianist
Also, the creative director
Always wearing a beanie
Doesn’t matter if its hot.
He’s wearing it
Now, it’s an official merch of Tokyo Lights
Especially for the Sero ladies, they have all the different colours
He has piercings; on his ears helix motherfucker is stacked, septum, eyebrows, lips and on the bridge of his nose too
Tattoos inside of his arm
The stylist and makeup artist.
She doesn’t have much piercing surprisingly
Only her helix and lobe
Has bright pink hair
It reaches about to her upper back
No one has ever seen this girl without pink hair
The producer and manager
Has highlights
Always wearing leather jackets
The minimalist and tiny ones 
On the back of her neck, wrists and her rib,
Back to the headcanon.
Out to a nice restaurant. It’s your first time being in a fancy restaurant.
There’s a fucking chandelier in the middle of the room
They got candles and shit. They got those fancy ceilings too
You’re admiring everything cause a broke bitch got to.
Then, in the midst of your trance, Bakugou bumped into you
(Purposefully too)
He grunts at you
“Hurry the fuck up.”
Okay then... Bitch
You’re at the front desk. While Sero was talking to the front deak lady,
You’re just out here feeling up and looking at everything.
Oh, that statue over there.
That’s 500,000k right there.
Not to mention they frequent here.
Then here you are the poor bitch.
Kirishima noticed that you’re fidgeting uncomfortably.
“Hey, you look nervous? You okay?” He puts his hand on your shoulder,
“I- Uh, I’ve just never been to a restaurant like this before.”
“Maybe you should fucking head home then.” Bakugou spoke which earned a smack on his arm from Mina.
“Stop it.” She hisses.
Bakugou would only roll his eyes, once your table is set.
This man was the first one to get there.
He made sure to sit as far away possible from you.
The man’s even went on to order himself a whole bottle of wine.
Because “He needs to be drunk to be breathing the same air as you.”
While waiting for dinner, this was the chance for them to get to know you better.
Everyone was asking you a bunch of question.
Denki was flirting with you most of the time.
Bakugou was not interested at all.
He was enjoying his own company and tuning everyone out.
You also revealed that your boyfriend had broken up with you before joining Tokyo Lights.
A lot of apologetic looks and the girls were comforting you.
You didn’t mention anything else or nature relationship.
You didn’t think it was necessary.
Though you felt a little teary about it but tried to hide it.
It went smoothly.
Dinner was at least.
Bakugou didn’t say anything and stayed quiet, kept to himself.
Which was good for you cause you’re too exhausted to be dealing with his little jibe comments.
As you were leaving the restaurant,
There was a tip off to the paparazzi that the famous Tokyo Lights was there.
So, the staff warned all of you beforehand and they would help you leave the premises by going through the back door.
Bakugou was pissed cause after eating dinner.
The man just wants to go home and sleep since you all have a Kyoto show the day after tomorrow.
Once, he bursts out the door.
He’s glaring at everyone and shouting at the paparazzi to ‘get the fuck out of his way’
Well, that’s one thing he was good for.
There was  quick flashes of lights everywhere you look.
Thankfully, Kirishima and Bakugou were standing in front of you
Cause you wouldn’t be seeing a thing right now.
They’re pretty interested in photographing everyone as a whole.
But, one in particular stuck to them like a sore thumb
The paparazzi was shouting your name. Trying to get your attention
Sero threw his arm around and put his hand out in front of your face to avoid you getting blinded.
While Kirishima was trying to get everyone to move out of the way.
The van was parked not too far away
Immediately people started to gather around it, Sero and Kirishima made sure you were the first one to get in the van 
Followed by Bakugou 
You know what makes it worse?
Kirishima is sat next to him.
So you’re squashed up against the tinted window.
While driving away, you’re just wiggling trying to get some space 
I mean, come on?
Imagine being squashed by two buff ass men together?
Bakugou whips his head around and shoots you a glare,
“Fucking stop that.”
“I need space. You’re squishing me!”
“So, what? Deal with it.”
Bakugou crosses his arm over his chest
Making you even more squished again
So, you retaliate back.
You lightly elbow his side to try and get more room for yourself.
He would move around too to fight back for that FUCKING SPACE HE DIDN’T NEED.
“Stop it!” You hiss lowly.
“You fuck off.”
Thankfully, you didn’t have to suffer that long since the driver ask where you live
You tell him.
Once you arrive, you made sure to throw Bakugou your middle finger. 
Both of them.
Waving it around aggressively while the van door slowly come to a close.
You could see him being so pissed off and you could hear a muffled scream as it drives away.
Let’s talk about, you now.
You live in Shibuya.
In a small studio apartment, it’s a pretty shit one but it’s the only one you could afford.
You worked 3 jobs. Along with having to practice with your ex-boyfriend’s band.
You were stressed and having to balance all the responsibilities to live.
That night, where you and your boyfriend broke up. Sat outside the club while there was muffled music playing. 
You were puffing away a cigarette. Something you never did before until you started dating Shindo.
You were approached by Kirishima and ask for your name, how old you were and how long have you been singing for.
He had a small chatter and he even smoked with you.
Then he mentioned that there was no lead singer anymore for his band and he dropped the ball, asked if you wanted to join Tokyo Lights.
You were silent about it. Thinking about it.
He gives you his phone number and told you to think about it.
It was a couple days later, you decided to call him and agree to join the band.
That’s how you joined the band.
It wasn’t till weeks later the news blew up.
You’re going to have to get used to this new life quickly.
It’s been a day of break.
Jirou texted you a night before (she got your number from Kirishima)
Reminding you to wake up early since you have to get to Tokyo Station to catch the Shinkansen to get to Kyoto.
She also reminded you to pack clothes because you will be going to Osaka and Hiroshima after Kyoto.
So, you did.
It was 4am. You’re already at the station.
Kirishima, Denki and Mina being sunshine and so energetic. 
You don’t know where they store it in.
With a rich bad like Tokyo Lights obvs
And Camie is not in the band anymore. Guess which seat has is for you?
Bakugou of course demanded to switch seats with Denki or else he’ll kill him.
But Kirishima was nope. You gotta learn how to get along with her.
So, now you’re stuck sat next to him.
With Bakugou complaining the whole way 
But you tuned him out because
Baby, this is the first class life.
While you’re in the train, you decide to do some work
Bestie, I know you can’t do that
So you slept.
When you arrived, Bakugou got up and didn’t bother to wake you
This guy grabbed his duffel bag from the above head compartment 
Jolting you awake.
He cheekily smirks at you,
Oh, it’s on.
So, guess what you did.
You whack him acorss his shin with your won very luggage while getting out the station
The glare
He was annoyed, alright.
What did you do?
You smirked back at that motherfucker too.
Sound check and rehearsals time
Since, you’re thrown into touring. 
This was essential every time you have to perform. 
Since, they had to tie up any loose ends.
You’re doing pretty well if you do say so yourself because you’re catching up rather quickly.
But, this still isn’t good enough for Bakugou
Another reason for Bakugou to be pissed at you.
You have learnt that this man is a perfectionist. 
He’s a talented person too which kind of goes with being him being a perfectionist.
It has to be great. Even during rehearsal which is a time for you to make a few mistakes to get corrected.
But this motherfucker is picking at shit.
What irked you the most was this piece of shit was telling you for drinking water.
“What? Can’t handle this shit?” “Need a break all the time. The fuck do you expect, just relaxing. Eating at some fancy restaurant.” “You don’t get to fucking slack off while we do all work.”
He’s got all that from you needing water? 
He made a whole damn novel
Who the fuck do you think he is?
“Bakugou.” Kirishima warns. Wanting to finish rehearsals already cause he’s hungry and wants to rest before the actually show.
You’re getting pissed off honestly.
You tried biting your tongue just to keep the peace
But, nope you had enough.
“Then just fucking kick me out and look for someone else. Better yet, just don’t have a singer since you think you’re too fucking good for anyone.” “Let’s see where this goes.”
Sero and Denki in the corner are shook
They’re like, 0.0
You could see, Bakugou clenching his jaw and the vein on the side of his head just popping up.
He was gripping on tightly on his drumsticks.
He stood up, knocking off the drum stool.
He was stomping his feet.
He was mad.
He was all up on your face. 
Not gonna lie, you swore you’re gonna piss yourself.
Cause you know he’s tall but not this tall.
You’re having regrets challenging this big motherfucker now.
I mean, he’s barely shorter than Kirishima.
Here you are with your midget ass self
The confidence in you-
“The fuck did you say?” Katsuki challenged you.
“You fucking heard me.” 
Kirishima steps in between you two.
“Alright, let’s stop this. We’re done with rehearsal.” Kirishima says to try and simmer out the situation.
Bakugou could only scoff and leave throwing up his middle finger.
The three remaining band mates could only give a mutter of apology.
You went around for a walk to get some fresh air. 
It’s exhausting, it was so nice to be living your dream.
But, it’s not so nice to not be accepted. 
It feels like everything is going to fast.
Especially with just leaving your toxic relationship.
You felt empty. 
You wanted to go back to Shindo’s arms.
Speaking of-
For reason, he’s calling you.
If this bitch ass-
You don’t know why he’s calling.
It was like a drug that you’re being drawn back to him,
So you answered.
“So,you think you’re big shot now, huh?” He spat
“Don’t think I know what you’re doing.” Shindo continues, “Trying to rub it in my face?”
You’re trembling and tearing up at this point
It’s like the words are stuck in your throat. You can’t say what you want to say
“Remember, (First name). You’re nothing.” “You’re always a fucking nobody.” “You were fucking nothing with or without me.” “Remember that, you’re a nobody.”
“Oh, I get it.” He laugh spitefully, “You sucked some dicks to get where you are, huh? I knew you were a little slut.”
“Who was it? Just one of them? Two? Three or all of them at once?”
“That never-”
“Oh, it never happened.” Shindo mocks sarcastically, “I knew that was something you were going to say. Dumb bitch.”
The whole phonecall was just him degrading you.
Telling you that you aren’t worth it.
It went on for an hour.
He didn’t let up even after hearing your sobs.
He bathe in your misery, he loved hearing you beat down.
Oh, he hoped you stay like that.
Mina made sure to dress you so cute and nicely.
She had you wearing those chunky boots.
As usual, she got you into those denim short skirts and simple cropped shirt. Accessories too obvs. Made your hair all pretty.
After all, it’s been a while she actually dressed someone up properly.
Bakugou would have his shirt on but remove it halfway, Kirishima likes open shirts showing off his abs, Sero refuses to take off his beanie even if it didn’t go with his outfit and Denki. Oh, Denki.
Denki likes ripped jeans. Always with the ripped jeans.
You asked her why she keeps putting you on these short skirts.
“You have nice figure and nice legs. You have to show it off.”
You’re so nervous. You already performed a day ago but the pressure is immense
Especially since now they have an expectation now.
You’re afraid of disappointing everyone.
The staff around you help strap the ear piece pack onto you.
“Are you ready, (First name)?” You heard someone speak into it.
The familiar booming beat and rhythm of the drums came alive as the cheers into life.
“Be prepared to get into stage.”
“In 3... 2... 1....”
Your heart jumped into your throat, thumping against your chest.
The fans were screaming their lungs out 
You grinned brightly and waved to them.
“Kyoto.” You spoke into the mic, “You’re looking real sexy tonight.”
They all broke into applaud and whoops.
“Start singing in 3... 2.... 1...”
On stage, you were having the time of your life.
You’re out here shaking your ass, you were hoping all over the stage, feeling yourself, giving some fan service for people who are near the stage etc
The audience was mesmerized.
You were flirting it up with people too which didn’t help the crowd
They were already so wild.
What you were doing ma’am is getting wilder and getting them a little gay.
You were making sure to give a lot of eye-contact.
They were on the verge of fainting because
Honey, you’re too hot for your own good.
You tried to put on the best show despite not being mentally there.
It seems like no one has noticed since 
Once again, the show was praised to be spectacular.
Before leaving Kyoto
You were invited to a photo shoot for a local magazine.
Those photos from the magazine? 
Well, it was used to replace their previous band photo cover on their social media.
Tokyo Lights even deleted a lot of their posts that had Camie in it.
Because this is it.
This a new fresh start for everyone
That applies to you too,
Hence why the reason, you wanted to write about your experience with being a toxic relationship. 
Introducing Love on the Brain Era.
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
Still Loving You | Warren Rojas x Reader
request by anon: "Hiiii :)) So I was thinking... The reader sees Warren taking with some girl at a party and she gets rly insecure after they hug, and then she asks him if he still loves her, I believe that was prompt 19"
a/n: hii!! I love write this one because I've passed for something like that. I'm a insecure girl and I know how hard it can be, so I put a lot of myself in it. hope u like!
prompt: 19. “Of course I still love you, why would you even ask me that?”
words: 1.1k
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Being a girlfriend of a rockstar is hard, and being the girlfriend of a rockstar who was in the current big band of the world, with the best selling album, most songs listened in the whole country and world, it was something even harder.
Dealing with the distance, the busyness seemed small compared to the insecurity you were dealing with. With all those parties and concerts where all those different and beautiful girls were hitting on your boyfriend, it was hard to deal with.
It was hard for you to understand how he was with you when he could have any girl he wanted, whenever he wanted. It was very hard not to be in love with the drummer from The Six, he was beautiful, charismatic, talented and fucking hot, you were charmed by him from the first time you saw him and he felt the same way about you.
He always said it to you all the time, but still it was hard to deal with this, you never think to live like this. You feel all your confidence disappear when you see the groupies and girls who participated in the infamous parties of The Six.
They are so beautiful, their hair, their bodies, their smile, the way they act, how to resist it?
You always trust in Warren, you know him and know who he is, you know that he never will betray you, but if one day he gets tired and goes away?
He never knows about your thoughts and if knows he'll make you forget all these things, because he loves you and has eyes only for you. Since you didn't follow the tour you didn't see him dismiss every girl who tried to have a thing with him and sometimes he would even joke with them and show them the polaroid he had in his wallet with a picture of himself saying "My girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world, don't you think?" It was always funny to see.
But after you get time off work you travel to California where the band is going to make their next concert. Your boyfriend paid for your ticket, and he wanted to wait to receive you but the flight would be late so you would go to the show when you arrived.
The concert was amazing, you are amazed, of course that you have been to other concerts of theirs but they're fantastic, the harmony grew up, the songs got better, the performance evolved and the crowd seemed more and more excited.
When you came backstage, the first people you saw were Graham and Billy, you greeted them and talked with the brothers for a time until Graham said that Warren was in the dressing room and you went there.
When you came in you saw many people laughing, dancing and talking. Daisy was dancing around the room with a champagne bottle in her hands, Karen was smelling a line, Eddie was on the couch with two girls and Warren was hugging a girl in the back of the room.
Your smile falls and your heart racing. You start thinking and trying calm down yourself
say to yourself "It's just a hug, doesn't mean anything". But the mind of an insecure and anxious person can make you burn and go crazy. You started to compare yourself with that girl he was hugging.
And God, she's so pretty and you didn't want to compare yourself, but your mind can't stop. It had been so long since you were last together, and if he didn't feel anything for you anymore? If he was like another person now and if he doesn't love you anymore?
Why would he stay with you when he could have someone prettier, kinder, nicer, better than you in everything.
You are so deep in those thoughts who didn't even see your boyfriend had seen you and ran in your direction to kiss you.
"Heyyy maa love!! Finally you came!! Can't believe I miss you so so muuuch" He smiled while hugging you.
"Yeah…I missed you too" You give a little smile to him, those thoughts still in your mind hurt you and make you feel bad, but you didn't want him to know this.
He notices how you looked down and when he asks, Daisy shows up and hugs you. You smile at her, you love Daisy she always was kind and nice with you, it is impossible not to like her. And before Warren could talk with you about how you were feeling the lead singer pulled you to dance with her.
And you dance a lot for several hours, you dance with Daisy and after that with your boyfriend. You express being happy and vibrant, Warren feels you are not good, he feels you strange and down, he knows you very well.
After long hours at the party, you and your boyfriend decide to leave. When you two get in the car in the back seat Warren decides to talk with you.
"What 's happen? You're different" He takes your hands while facing you.
"This nothing"
"Why are you trying to hide it? Be honest with me, I always be honest with you my love"
You were facing him and this seemed a simple act but it was going so hard to you, painful and sad, how you could admit that the reason for your insecurity is a hug. You breathe deeply and do what he asks, you are honest.
"You still love me? After such a long time and distance?" Your eyes were waterlogged and you were ready to spill all your tears.
“Of course I still love you, why would you even ask me that?” He was in shock that you are asking this for him, he thought that never gave you reasons to doubt his love.
"I saw you hugged with a girl when I came and became insecure" You feel so bad now "I'm sorry I never should have asked it for you, I'm so sorry Warren, please don't leave me"
"Ei you don't have to apologize" He caressed your face "I understand how strange it may have seemed. But I don't want you to think about it, I wouldn't leave you for a foolish adventure and I wouldn't exchange you for anyone. I still loving you, today, tomorrow and forever, my love, my only one"
Some tears escaped from your eyes and you jumped in his arms, you two fell in the car seat and you two laughed about it. And although not to say it in words you also loved him and always would.
— — —
oh I love this one, have a lot of me here!
a little reminder be kind with yourself and to the other people! all you need is love and everything would be well.
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
500 words on the Lovejoy concert: go
500 oh god oh fuck
Glasgow was a really fun concert!! Though it’d probably rank as one of my lower ones just bc I didn’t do the whole queue all day experience so it felt a lot shorter to me (and also it was such a huge venue)
I originally debated doing the all day queue bc I was selling my ticket to a Twitter mutual of mine I’ve met up with at concerts before, and they were planning on queueing all day. But when my alarm woke me up around 6 am I texted them asking what the queue was like and they said their friends held a spot for them at 4 am and they were 24th in the queue. Like, what.
So yeah I decided that wasn’t how I wanted to spend my last full day in Glasgow lol. Instead I took a tour of a whisky distillery (I do not like whisky but it’s Scotland so I figured why not) and got tipsy off the whisky samples they gave us. Then I went to a science museum across the way from the distillery (technically it’s meant for kids but it’s meant for adults to enjoy too) so I was just slightly drunk playing around with interactive science exhibits and befriended one of the staff members lmao
ANYWAY then around 4 I got to the venue and got in line (doors opened at 7). Got some takeaway from a nearby restaurant and ate it in line, it was very spicy but it kept me warm bc it was raining so I wasn’t complaining. Then I just kinda hung out there and chatted a bit with the girl behind me! We ended up being next to each other at the actual gig and became buddies which was nice and I was actually closer to the stage than I expected to be. Also I got tired of the ‘someone holds pictures up to the crowd on their phone and lets them cheer and boo respectively’ bit that happened at a few lovejoy gigs this past year, but it was pretty funny when someone held up the Scottish flag for everyone to cheer, and then the English flag for everyone to boo (and ofc I joined in)
It was SO HOT. At first I was glad bc as I said it was raining outside so I was shivering by the time we got in, but it didn’t take long for it to get sweaty. Loupe as an opening act was SO good. I’d never heard of them before but their music was so good!! (also the lead singer and the bassist were both so pretty I was having such a gay moment). Then Goodkid performed and tbh I know a ton of Lovejoy fans love their music but I’d never heard their stuff before, but I get it now they have such a fun sound and great energy!! Definitely gonna save some songs from them when I get around to it
Then lovejoy was fantastic as always. Although we were only about 3 songs in when someone fainted and everything had to stop. I couldn’t see what was going on from where I was but I hope the person’s okay! This was my 5th lovejoy gig but it was the first time someone’s fainted at one I’ve been to.
Then we resumed and in between songs the boys would start playing this instrumental track I didn’t recognize, but I filmed each time it happened bc it didn’t just sound like random jamming. I sent the clips to firesnap after the gig and she and I both agree it sounds like snippets from a possible new song so… :)))
Also Lovejoy covered The Killers at my gig which was so good. At first I was confused bc it was a mashup with cause for concern so I got hyped thinking it was cfc and then Wilbur started singing different lyrics but it slapped so I’m so glad I got to see that in person.
Anyway overall really good gig!! Also I wasn’t getting shoved nearly as much as I have at American gigs so shoutout to the Scottish for that
Is this 500 words? Is this more? I don’t feel like plugging it into a word counter so this is what you get lol
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WOULD I BE THE ASSHOLE if I sold a Taylor Swift ticket to my sibling's friend, so my sister has someone to go to the concert with?
OKAY. So. With my sibling we share a love for concerts and live music in general. We are the type to go to as many concerts as it is economically possible for us because we know some of them are once in a lifetime experiences. For further context, we are not from the USA and many of the artists we love either never tour in our country, or they come just once and then never again.
Recently Taylor Swift announced she'd be touring our region, and our country has a date confirmed. My sister, being a huge fan, was beside herself and begged me to buy a ticket for her. Since I usually have luck while buying tickets, I ended up saying yes.
Here's where my dilemma pops up. See, I hate Taylor Swift's music. I don't think it's bad music, btw, it simply isn't music I find enjoyable. (Read: I really hate it.) Anyway, I was more or less forced to buy a ticket for myself, too. When I initially said I would only be buying a ticket for her, she got really hostile with me because she's "doing me a favor" by coming along to a different concert with an artist she doesn't particularly like (but doesn't hate).
I never asked her to accompany me to this concert, btw. I knew she wasn't interested in this particular singer, so there was no point in asking. But when she heard that I had bought a ticket for myself, she got upset and basically harassed me into buying another ticket for her because she wanted to go too. (She's now denying ever doing this, but even my mom remembes how nasty she got over this.)
When she mentioned her friend wanted to see T. Swift but couldn't get a ticket, I thought I found the perfect solution to my dilemma. My sister would still go to see Taylor live, and she'd still have someone to go with — what's more, she'd go with someone who isn't a hater! So I asked her what she thought about selling my ticket to her friend (to get MY money back) so the two of them could have a good time.
She immediately got upset and started threatening me with reselling her ticket to the other concert, since I am being "so selfish" that I don't wanna "suck it up" for one evening. I told her she can't resell it since it's under my name, but if she didn't want to come then I could find someone who would appreciate it more. Of course, she did not like this at all, and after this we dropped the conversation.
I'm still considering selling the ticket to her friend because this guy genuinely likes Taylor Swift and it's always better to go to a concert with a lover, not a hater. Would I be the asshole if I went ahead and sold it?
What are these acronyms?
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ham-st4r · 4 months
NAH IM DONE WITH "ENGENES" (im looking at yall k-enegnes specfically)
WHY THE FUCK IS IT whenever enhypen releases new music, content, at a concert, fuck even breathe that these fake ass fuckers have the need to say something so shit to our boys LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS UR PROBLEM U STANKY ASS BE GRATEFUL THAT THEY ARE DOING SO MUCH FOR US
if they have so much problem just fucking leave man no need to stay. I feel like atp they are just there for the fan service. The day enhypen stops doing that is the day we all have true engenes that can vibe together fr fr.
On god bro like damn I was literally just thinking about that shit these boys are working fucking overtime (I know they chose to be idols) like back to back tours two hour long shows send off soundcheck new music back to back like what more could you want? Not to mention all the other little side projects they do They’re unproblematic but somehow “engenes” still got shit to say? They have been harassed threatened named called and everything else under the sun but yet people still got shit to say it’s outrageous
And fuck don’t even get me started on the member favoritism holy hot damn the fact that people are singling out members and based off looks or fan service really just grinds my gears like I love heeseung with my whole entire heart but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna bash sunghoon or call jay ugly like tf be for real right now
I have zero respect for people who talk about them like that and try to claim their “engenes” not to mention all the weird fan interactions they have to endure but god forbid they meet an engene in Japan and hug them then all hell has to break loose
There’s just so much more I have to say and honestly I could write 10k words on the topic alone
Not to mention people only talk about their visuals like they are more then their visuals they make incredible music and have some of the most unique voices in kpop that I’ve heard but still everytime you see a post about them it’s about heeseung’s visuals or some nonsense (not saying there aren’t post that praise them) but for the most part I really see post about that which in my opinion is meaningless like yes they are attractive young men (I only look at heeseung btw lol) but they are more than that honestly they deserve respect cause they have done nothing but work hard to put out greatness for us so we should appreciate it they’re always active (especially jungwon)
And the fan service and other engenes being jealous of that girl who did the go big or go home dance on the big screen in Dallas I think it was people literally stalked her account and went years back to find out she was saying the N word and they started dogging her for it (I hate when people use that word) but still to drag her like that was scary and crazy all just because the boys watched her on screen I can assure that the fans are thinking about her more than enhypen so I don’t get where all the jealousy comes in from yeah I wish I got noticed on the big screen but I’m not gonna throw hate at someone just cause she did and I didn’t (and maybe that’s cause they did see me in the crowd why I’m not jealous) but even still that’s too far I understand being jealous but not to the extent of tracking someone’s account down thats actually (if it’s true I just heard this somewhere on tiktok I think) but yeah there’s so much to say and it’s all negative I’m embarrassed that I’m even associated with them by being an engene but sadly there’s nothing I can do but like you said hopefully they will leave and the real engenes will have their time to shine
Another way you can tell those “engenes” are just in it for the members is the fact they are selling their vip1 tickets cause it was said there was going to be no send off (saw it on twitter not sure if this is true either) but if it is that’s crazy like why not just show up and support them without being delusional about it and the fact they walked out last year when enhypen was still performing songs just so they could get close at sendoff like come on it’s just embarrassing atp but anything to get noticed right? Even the members couldn’t stop the “fans” from fighting so that’s how you can tell it’s just a crazed obsession but okay I’m done
For now
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evermoredeluxe · 7 months
Hi Arshia do you have any advice how someone with a death phobia can proceed..I’ve just been having panic attacks all day I think I’m going to sell my ticket I can’t do this now..I don’t know how people are able to go to the show today I feel sick to my stomach I can’t even look at photos or videos anymore..Wish I could be normal like everyone else :(
anon im so sorry that you feel this way and if you think skipping is the best thing, then do that.
i will share something in hopes that it will help. last year after the astroworld incident, i genuinely didn’t think i’d go to eras. eras opening night was my first concert ever and i was dying inside thinking what could happen and if i’ll make it home. what helped me the most was looking at the facts and safety measures in place. also, i kept reminding myself that if there is one artist i trust to try their hardest to keep me safe, it’s taylor. she is so very protective of us. this is not to say that nothing can go wrong (it did yesterday), but that she always learns and improves and fans are her #1 priority. 
so reassure yourself and look at the facts (air ventilation open, water allowed, water being spread much more, extra staff to take care of fans, extra fans installed, etc). i’ve been seeing videos of fans outside the stadium telling us how different it is from different and how much better and videos of them enjoying. so do what you want, and stay safe!
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