#someone who is not naturally or instinctively kind or even lovely but actively chooses to be because he knows the consequences otherwise
dayurno · 8 months
every time i learn more about how you view jeremy i am like. YES!!! we have very similar views about him….. he deserves to be a little bit of a freak
RIGHT i think well of course jeremy is nothing at this point in time like he's not even lines he's just a blank slate so i understand if people disagree with me but for me i just have a lot of fun imagining him being a very deranged kind of person. he doesn't need any major trauma to be like this he just is. do you know what i mean? it's not even like oh i'm Dark and Mean i really just mean that he's weird and he's very good at hiding it but it doesn't mean that he's not weird. i like imagining him being like and here's my trojans personality, here's my classmates personality, here's my dating personality, here's my talking to older people personality, here's my Talking To My Parents personality, etc....... he's those kind of people that have a plan a and b and c and d and e and further down the line if you're ever interested. just very clearly unwell about it all. someone's type A crazy mom for sure
and in a way i think any kind of deviance from the norm would be very um healing? for him. i'm thinking of that line from disco elysium where one of the characters say that beauty is a kind of mediocrity, i think jeremy would be like that! i think he'd be very aware of the roles he plays and the structures he operates under, so even something like sexual sadism (HRFGKJDHFGJDFG...!) could be a way to destress and let go of the ever-watching voyeur that tells him he should be like this or like that. the pursuit not of beauty or of acceptance but the blissful middle term where one can be immoral and nasty and vain and not have their entire personhood built around those flaws
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crimeronan · 1 year
hey! sorry if this is too personal a question but i was thinking of your soulmate-verse fic adam depiction and your posts on low empathy and i’m wondering how you knew you’re low empathy? i think i might be having an epiphany 😭 if i misunderstood and you’re not i’m sorry!! honest misunderstanding of your posts on that case
oh i Definitely am low-empathy.
mostly i learned this because i discovered most people don't need to actively study and take notes on social interactions to emulate them, most people don't spend a significant amount of energy on monitoring and analyzing the emotional states of the people surrounding them, most people don't have to quiz themselves on the appropriate reaction to any given situation, etc.
all of this can just be standard autism but it goes a step further with me as well in that most people don't have flexible morals, most people don't have a price point at which they'll sell out and write articles for ethically bankrupt industries, most people don't get homicidally angry and fantasize about murdering perfectly normal individuals to make themselves feel better, most people didn't repeatedly get in trouble as a young child for trying to beat the piss out of classmates who hurt them, and most people don't get the luxury or the burden of being able to choose what they care about.
i don't feel guilty about things unless they affect the people i've chosen to love. i manipulate conversations with strangers and play whatever (usually friendly, kind, sad, or anxious) part i need to play to get what i want. i enact long-con plans to slowly create hostile environments toward attitudes or individuals i don't like. i don't attach myself to people unless they benefit my life in some way (usually emotionally, i don't care that much about material benefits). i find it extremely easy to detach myself from and cease to care about people who have wronged me, even if those people were my friends for years or blood-related family members who raised me. i ignore people in distress in public unless i have time and a lot of energy to waste. once an elderly neighbor fell down in my line of sight and it wasn't until someone else bolted to help him up that i remembered Old People Falling Is Bad and called over to ask if they needed help. in crisis situations i offer services to help people in need because it's helpful for my community social standing and it's the right thing to do but i don't really lose sleep when people die or get hurt.
i mostly have grown to understand other people through building and psychoanalyzing different characters and i have a lot of admiration for people who instinctually want to do the Right Thing and help others, that's why i'm so attached to like, the luz nocedas and ganseys of the world. i have to work a lot harder to do the things that come naturally to them and it's worthwhile work because human beings have intrinsic value but it is Exhausting.
in some ways i have a more developed sense of morality / right and wrong than a person with normal empathy levels who has never questioned their own instincts, but there is like. i dunno. something fundamentally different and arguably broken inside me that i need to work hard to compensate for.
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bluecatwriter · 3 months
Director's Cut for A Pale Orphan these two together are underrated!
Thank you for this! I love Mina and Renfield's relationship, so I'm happy for the chance to ramble about this one.
"A Pale Orphan": "On October 2nd, R.M. Renfield invites Mina Harker to visit him, and realizes that she is on the path to death unless he does something to intervene."
(CW for Christianity)
-As with many of my fics, this one was born out of a desire to expand on a part of the book that's just summarized in canon. After their conversation where Renfield says he hopes to God he will never see her again, he sends for her and they just hang out for a while… and then that night he attacks Mist!Drac in an attempt to save her life. I really wanted to dig into this scene and show a bit of their rapport and his motivation for turning on his master.
-People often point out that Renfield becomes motivated to save Mina because of her kindness, and I did want that to come across somewhat, but I liked exploring the idea of his protective instincts rising to the surface when he sees how alone she is— no one else in the group is protecting her, and Renfield feels the responsibility falling to him. It's a bit patriarchal, but he's also right— Mina can't stop what she can't see, and she does need someone who's outside the situation looking in to intervene.
-I start with him looking out at an oak tree, thinking about all the Life it supports. I was very restrained in not breaking out my geekery about how oak trees support more different kinds of organisms that the other trees in nearly any ecosystem they're part of!
-As I noted in the headnotes, I diverged a bit from canon by having Renfield instantly be able to tell that Mina is being fed upon— it worked better with the flow of the scene in my head. I expanded upon the image of her being transparent, showing how he is able to see how drained she is, even if everyone else can't.
-The mix of angst and sweetness in this fic was interesting to write; Renfield is going through twelve stages of grief while Mina is oblivious to what's going on and just wants to hang out and chat with someone who's not actively shutting her out. 
-Throughout the fic, I tried to show Renfield looking at Mina and constantly thinking, "Baby!" I headcanon her as 20 here, and I know that even I am starting to view 20-year-olds as babies, so I imagine the effect gets much magnified by the time you reach 59.
-I knew I wanted them to discuss literature, and I racked my brain for a novel with suitable themes, before copping out and just using the Bible, since I'm familiar with it and there's a lot of books there with all the themes you could wish for.
-Renfield says his favorite book of the Bible is Ecclesiastes (which just so happens to be my favorite, too— what a coincidence!). ;) Mina's less-than-thrilled reaction is similar to the others in my Bible study who suffered through three months on Ecclesiastes because of my suggestion to cover the book. I thought Renfield would like it for its nihilism, and some of the words from the poetry in it provided a nice echo throughout the story.
-In contrast, Mina chooses the Gospel of John, which reads more like a novel than most parts of the Bible (I've always been fond of the extensive dialogue), and that led naturally into them small-talking about writing and Mina's career, all with Renfield's despair about the whole situation simmering underneath.
-We get a few lines hinting at Renfield's backstory and family situation. (I've been very inspired by imsorryimlate's excellent fic "The Thunder Rattling Your Ground" for some of Renfield's backstory.)
-In this fic I throw in one headcanon for why Renfield and Jonathan don't interact when they're in the same room, showing that Renfield simply doesn't like his Vibes (there might be some envy there, too— Renfield can sense Dracula's fingerprints on him). 
-Mina gets a chance to gush about her cute husband, and then dispense her sage wisdom about marriage. In my headcanon Renfield never married, because he's gay and had no interest in pretending that he could enjoy being married to a woman.
-It was important to me that in this conversation, Mina get a chance to apologize for treating Renfield like an interesting case to be gawked at. Growth!
-Also I like the moment when she tells Renfield he reminds her of Mr. Hawkins because of his kindness and gentleness. This is the moment when he begins to realize he's gonna throw hands with a vampire.
-I had fun describing the various members of the Crew of Light through Renfield's eyes: he's like "BABY [Jonathan], BABY FACE [Quincey], HEAD EMPTY NO THOUGHTS [Arthur], FAILURE [Van Helsing] and ACTUALLY WORST PERSON IN EXISTENCE [Jack]." He's not entirely fair to any of them, but he's not entirely wrong either!
-I love the theme of sunset being a time of dread, and I thought it gave a nice ominous feel.
-Renfield kissing Mina's hand and sending her on her way with God's blessing is one of those things I keep forgetting is canon— it's such a great moment between them, a sign of him doing what he can in the moment even as he steels himself to what he will do later to defend her.
-Renfield is ready to rumble at the end of the fic. The transition from despair/helplessness to rage/gonna-try-anyway-even-if-it's-hopeless was the goal of this fic, and I think it came off pretty well.
-This fic also inspired one of my favorite drawings I've done!
Thanks again for the ask!
(Ask game here)
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azurescaled · 8 months
Izumi and Courtship & Relationships
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These were two separate posts that I'm smashing into one.
So, let’s talk about Izumi, and their view on relationships. I’ve kind of wanted to talk about it for a bit, but I never had the thoughts organized properly or really thought about it.
When it comes to serious relationships, they have a hard time surviving for Izumi. Not because he gets bored with them or anything, it’s because he has a hard time balancing his personal and work life. They take their work very seriously, almost to a detrimental point. They're much better about it nowadays, but they rarely get committed to people. It’s hard for them to commit because they knows their work is important because they help watch over the human realm. Commitment is also difficult for them because nine times out of ten, the people they do have romantic feelings for are usually mortal. They can handle death but, it always broke their heart a little more and more when they’d die before them.
When it comes to other supernatural beings, those relationships for them were purely sexual in nature, because thye would never admit it, but falling in love scares them. They honestly can’t answer if they'd choose love over his commitment to his work. For all intents and purposes, love would win out, but it would be something that would cause a rift between themself and a partner.
They're very much the giving type of person, and they’ll never ask much from their partner. If anything, some might say they give a little too much. That has caused issues in their relationships, because it might seem like they try to buy their love or not let themselves be taken care of. They always have to be the provider. They've gotten better about it, but it’s still something that would pop up in a relationship.
Finally, in the universes that he has fallen in love with someone, namely, the corrupted deity AU that I originally made with @carnivorarium​, when he did let himself truly love someone and then lost them, he snapped completely and decided that he would kill an entire pantheon of gods in revenge. Now, that doesn’t sound too bad, but to do so, he’s literally killing himself to do so. Not to mention that in one ending of that, he would happily imprison Micah to force him into loving him. The love he once held for him, now became an obsession and he’s in denial about Micah rejecting him.
As far as platonic relationships go, I’ve detailed his most important one imo here .
Though Izumi has an almost fatherly relationship with his students, gladly answering their questions and always having his door open for them. Hell, he even makes lunch for them, and in one person’s case, namely @lunarscaled​‘s OC Lyric, eventually, he’ll likely unofficially adopt them, partly because of their draconic nature and his own instincts kicking in, and hopefully because they’ll eventually come to trust him.  He’s got strong fatherly instincts, and threatening his students is actually the fastest way to piss him off to the point where he says nothing and would outright smite whoever threatened them.
He considers himself an old-fashioned romantic, and the easiest way to catch his eye is to court him. He likes being wooed and treated nicely by whoever catches his eye, and offering quiet dates is what he loves. Once he’s actually with someone, he’s the type who isn’t afraid to break decorum to show affection to a partner. If the event is serious enough, he’ll maintain his composure, but if not, he’ll gladly give them kisses and hugs in front of others.
When it comes to enemies, he surprisingly remembers very few of them. That being said, if angered enough, Izumi is the type to be completely cold to someone. If angry to the point of fighting him, Izumi doesn’t banter around, and will actively focus on eliminating said enemy.
When it comes to courting Izumi, or wanting to gain his attention romantically, he much prefers people who will be themselves with him. He doesn’t expect this at the start of things, because he considers that hypocritical considering that he hides the fact that he’s not human as well as his status as a former deity. But if the relationship has any chance of even beginning to take anything beyond platonic, then be honest with him and he will in turn be honest with you. He himself is quite old fashioned and will often be the type to pay attention to what his intended partner might enjoy, especially when it comes to food and drink.
If the relationship is something serious, he’ll often go out of his way to get things he knows they’ll enjoy. Though he’s also the type to offer affection as part of showing his love for someone as well. Typically this will result in him cuddling up close to them, or giving them kisses on the cheek or hand. He actually likes it when someone presses their palm against his cheek, and if comfortable enough, even purrs when they do it. In very rare cases, and this is reserved only for romantic partners and family, but he’ll even allow them to decorate his horns. 
Decorating horns is something that is considered a deeply intimate and sacred ritual, as when it comes to a dragon’s horns, they’re one of the most prized and valued items that hunters used to take. If Izumi allows you to decorate his horns, it’s akin to him saying he trusts you with his life. In fact, horn decoration used to be a marriage ritual among divine dragons, and doing so represented the deep bond between them. 
Izumi’s also not afraid to use his magic to create illusions for his partner, or perform tricks for them. Honestly, he’s the type who likes to let his partner take the lead and enjoys learning what they love doing. He loves letting them into his hobbies and in turn sharing the things he enjoys with them. Expect to have a lot of nights in the kitchen learning how to cook with him though, or by a fireplace during the cold nights, curled up with a book. 
He’s also the type of partner to leave romantic notes over the house every now and again, or encouraging messages. Normally he’s out of the door before his partner may be, so he’ll also make a lunch or breakfast for them and have it put away or on the table for them when they do wake up.
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aeoki · 11 months
Sandstorm - Pointless Death Game: Chapter 6
Location: Lesson Room Characters: Adonis & Rei
TL Note
Taotie (饕餮) is an ancient Chinese mythological creature that has the ability to absorb/eat everything. The literal meaning of each character in its name is “ravenous hunger”. 
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Rei: “First, I’m saying this as an assumption that ‘SS’ is proceeding based on two large intentions.”
“The first is, of course, ES. The ‘idol utopia’ that has appeared in this world is a gathering of countless people.”
“But it started moving as if it was one enormous creature.”
“And every creature moves based on instinct. It moves in order to survive, grow and spread. That’s a creature’s instinct – it’s their nature.”
Adonis: “Hm. It’s true it makes it easier to understand when you refer to ES as one large creature – a monster.”
“It spread its arms and legs to every corner of the nation and is devouring everything that exists in that area. It takes in everything and turns it into a part of itself.”
Rei: “Indeed. ‘SS’ is a preying ground for the monster that is ES. The idols and fans of all the different regions of the country are absorbed and combined to form one thing.”
“Due to the invasion of an invasive species, the weak creatures are devoured as fodder. And only ES is left to grow bigger and fatten up.”
“But one thing you mustn’t misunderstand is that there are no ill intentions behind that. The monster called ES is not destroying other creatures because they resent them.”
“It’s simply moving and living according to its instincts and that, in the end, means devouring everything until nothing is left. Just like the taotie[⁎] told in Chinese mythology.”
“And we’re simply one part of that large monster; we’re just one cell. As long as we’re idols under ES, we cannot escape that position.”
“That’s exactly why it’s difficult for us to go against that large life activity — the way things are.”
“Just like ‘Crazy:B’ as of recent, things are different if they’re transforming into cancer cells that will kill ES.”
“Fundamentally, ES surviving and growing is a good thing for most of us cells.”
“Therefore, we cannot go against them. Pointing a blade at the monster called ES means hurting yourself and committing suicide.”
“The cell fragments that scorn ES and detach from it will most likely, unfortunately, be mistakenly seen as fodder and eaten.”
“The current ES is becoming akin to a greedy predator.”
“As long as numerous precious things exist there, at the very least, I cannot move in order to defeat it.”
“Even if there is someone who expects me to take up that role…”
“I shan’t move. I cannot move. The countless cells that make up the monster that is ES are neighbours I should love.”
“To bring that all to ruin is something I absolutely cannot do.”
Adonis: “Yes, I’m sure. For that is the kind of person you are, Sakuma-senpai.”
“Although you have the ability to see many things, you cannot act halfheartedly. It was the same last spring as well. You didn’t oppose the Student Council’s control and simply turned a blind eye to them.”
Rei: “Indeed. In the end, I was touched by the feelings of the young ‘uns and I ended up doing something unnecessary, however.”
“If I had left things on its own, ‘Trickstar’ would have quickly met with a wall and they would have been blown into smithereens.”
“I did my best to lessen the number of sacrifices and clean things up properly, but it’s something an old man shouldn’t attempt.”
“However, ES is, in comparison to Yumenosaki, on a far larger scale and it’s too much for myself to handle.”
“No, it’s too much for humans to handle. If Yumenosaki’s war was like chess, then ‘SS’ is a world war.”
“The way things are progressing won’t change because of someone that’s not even god; a single man's will.”
“The more wisdom and reasoning you have, the more you should understand that.”
“For some reason, there’s someone who has that enormous power but chooses not to use it.”
“Someone who is trying to move the enormous ES monster according to their own will.”
“It’s the individual who calls himself ‘Gatekeeper’. If I had to say, I’d say he is the ‘disease’ that’s entered the enormous creature called ES from the outside.”
“It contaminates and captures the surrounding cells, deforms and breaks them down and slowly spreads poison within ES.”
“Even if I wanted to fight against that, I’ve been restrained by my ‘order’ and ‘secret order’ so I cannot go near.”
Adonis: “What kind of person is this ‘Gatekeeper’ individual?”
Rei: “Who knows? He’s a bigshot that’s well-known in the underworld overseas and I don’t know anything else about him apart from the fact that he has a lot of financial power.”
“To take on that violence and wealth would be too much for a single person.”
“Say, for example, if he so wanted to, eradicating my family would be a simple task for him.”
“Who knows whether or not he would actually do that.”
“Just knowing that he can is a threat we cannot ignore.”
“To risk having the things you cherish destroyed without a trace and still being able to fight for justice and benevolence is a rare sight.”
Adonis: “You think so? I think there are many people in ES who wouldn't hesitate to do that, though. Like ‘Trickstar’, for example.”
Rei: “That’s why it’s concerning~ Involving yourself with a ‘disease’ is a disadvantage in itself.”
“But even so, there is someone who is actively involving themselves with the ‘disease’ and is trying to gain something from doing so.”
“Someone is trying to gain power from an unforeseen calamity that’s arrived from the outside and from the phenomenon derived from that.”
Adonis: “And who is that?”
Rei: “Naturally, it’s someone who uses everything at his disposal and will even use his own life as a chess piece – I’m talking about Tenshouin-kun, the one we’re both familiar with.”
“From what I’ve observed, Tenshouin-kun is related to the ‘disease’ who’s trying to bring calamity upon ES – ‘Gatekeeper’.”
“They’ve negotiated with each other, formed an agreement and are providing each other with benefits.”
Adonis: “Tenshouin-senpai…? I feel as if he has been quiet and has shown good behaviour recently, though.”
Rei: “He’s very good at acting and pretending to be.”
“You tend to trust the goodwill of others too much, but the thought of him actually being someone good never crossed your mind, right, Adonis-kun?”
Adonis: “............”
Rei: “He hasn’t changed. People cannot change so easily.”
“He won’t simply spend his time lamenting over the short length of his lifespan in comparison to others, but instead, he won’t waste a single second of his time and is acting on his greed.”
“He’ll even turn the ‘disease’ that’s invaded into sustenance and intends on using it to strengthen the utopia he has built.”
“And that experiment seems to be currently going well. As expected of him – He didn’t face his sickness from birth for nothing.”
Adonis: “How can you assert that? He treated you terribly in the past, so I’d think you’d be excessively distrustful of him, Sakuma-senpai.”
Rei: “Hm. It’s because I heard it from Tenshouin-kun himself, of course. After ‘Gatekeeper’ appeared for the first time, we ended up rambling and chatting in our room.”
“He said it was a good opportunity.”
“That it was good news sent from the heavens. His eyes were sparkling like a child’s in front of the arrival of the ‘disease’ that torments and distorts others.”
“His smile was so bright – enough to captivate me unconsciously.”
“And I’ve been provoked. If I stand in his way, he won’t let me off the hook that easily – he’ll crush me again just like how he did in the War.”
“Well, I suppose he boasted too much about how wicked he is, so I’m sure it must have been a joke. But Tenshouin-kun’s eyes were definitely not smiling when he said that.”
“That’s why I was also certain. We’ve fought against each other by sacrificing our lives – I can tell if my opponent is serious just by looking at his eyes.”
“I don’t know about his unit, ‘fine’, however. At the very least, Tenshouin-kun has decided to team up with ‘Gatekeeper’ on his own accord and is part of the people who are plotting something evil.”
“He will most certainly not save us pitiful idols.”
“He loves idols but at the same time, he’s the type of person who would kill the things he loves – as if they were insects, after all.”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ← Previous Chapter ᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂ Next Chapter →
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Izumi & Relationships
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So, let’s talk about Izumi, and his view on relationships. I’ve kind of wanted to talk about it for a bit, but I never had the thoughts organized properly or really thought about it.
When it comes to serious relationships, they have a hard time surviving for Izumi. Not because he gets bored with them or anything, it’s because he has a hard time balancing his personal and work life. He takes his work very seriously, almost to a detrimental point. He’s much better about it nowadays, but he rarely gets committed to people. It’s hard for him to commit because he knows his work is important because he helps watch over the human realm. Commitment is also difficult for him because nine times out of ten, the people he does have romantic feelings for are usually mortal. He can handle death but, it always broke his heart a little more and more when they’d die before him.
When it comes to other supernatural beings, those relationships for him were purely sexual in nature, because he would never admit it, but falling in love scares him. He honestly can’t answer if he’d choose love over his commitment to his work. For all intents and purposes, love would win out, but it would be something that would cause a rift between himself and a partner.
He’s very much the giving type of person, and he’ll never ask much from his partner. If anything, some might say he gives a little too much. That has caused issues in his relationships, because it might seem like he tries to buy their love or not let himself be taken care of. He always has to be the provider. He’s gotten better about it, but it’s still something that would pop up in a relationship.
As far as platonic relationships go, I’ve detailed his most important one imo here .
Though Izumi has an almost fatherly relationship with his students, gladly answering their questions and always having his door open for them. Hell, he even makes lunch for them, and in one person’s case, namely @lunarscaled​‘s OC Lyric, eventually, he’ll likely unofficially adopt them, partly because of their draconic nature and his own instincts kicking in, and hopefully because they’ll eventually come to trust him.  He’s got strong fatherly instincts, and threatening his students is actually the fastest way to piss him off to the point where he says nothing and would outright smite whoever threatened them.
He considers himself an old-fashioned romantic, and the easiest way to catch his eye is to court him. He likes being wooed and treated nicely by whoever catches his eye, and offering quiet dates is what he loves. Once he’s actually with someone, he’s the type who isn’t afraid to break decorum to show affection to a partner. If the event is serious enough, he’ll maintain his composure, but if not, he’ll gladly give them kisses and hugs in front of others.
When it comes to enemies, he surprisingly remembers very few of them. That being said, if angered enough, Izumi is the type to be completely cold to someone. If angry to the point of fighting him, Izumi doesn’t banter around, and will actively focus on eliminating said enemy.
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styalish · 1 year
How Can You Find Happiness in Your life
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Most of the time, they don’t look for happiness in material things. They place a higher value on time than money. For them, having money is one of the resources they use to achieve their goals and enjoy their lives.
For some self care tips here are the things you can do as how can you find happiness in your life
1. Smile and laughter
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A smile and laughter differ significantly from one another. A smile is a modest facial expression of enjoyment. The loudest method to show happiness is through laughter. Those that are content always have a smile on their face. They have the extraordinary capacity to grin even under the most trying circumstances. This smile and laughter is one of the things to focus in your life for all the happiness you deserve.
2. Focus on positive thinking
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You must change your brain from a negative to a positive perspective to discover lasting happiness. Try the following: Look for good in your life for one to two minutes. Your brain will begin performing this naturally after 45 days of doing it three times every day. Choose a positive affirmation to repeat to yourself throughout the day, such as “Today is beautiful” or “I feel grateful for all I have.”
3. Cultivate gratitude
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Find methods to practise appreciation every day. You’ll be happier and more pleased if you give gratitude and are appreciative of everything you have. Having gratitude is appreciating your blessings in life. These presents could be material or immaterial. There is better than you realise when you take the time each day to recognise it, and you’ll notice that your feelings of melancholy, anxiety, and despair lessen as a result.
4. Build meaningful relationships
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Love, friendship, community, and contentment all go hand in hand. We have a basic need to connect and communicate with other people as humans. We instinctively look for our tribe—the individuals who will stand by us through life’s ups and downs, understand us, and be there for us. Without deep connections, we feel lonely and alone. When we seek happiness with others, we are happier.
5. Pursuing work-life balance
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It appears that many people are leaving their jobs these days. As a result, they have come to understand that there are a lot more important things in life than making money and taking care of debt. Despite continuing inflation, a common trend is towards work-life balance. I completely concur, and I do not hold them responsible for doing it. It’s crucial to strike a balance between your personal and professional life. You should strive for work-life balance if you frequently experience worry, stress, or restless nights. It would seem to be difficult. Nonetheless, you must take the necessary steps for your mental wellness.
6. Do regular act of kindness
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According to research, practising tiny acts of kindness and spending money on others make us happier than doing the same for oneself. Hold the door open for the person behind you, truly thank the barista when you get a drink, and pick up your co-worker’s favourite snack to leave it on their desk. Even simple act of kindness can brighten someone’s day.
7. Spend money on experience instead of things
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When people spend their money on experiences rather than things, they feel better. Positive feelings stay longer because we can replay things in our minds for a longer amount of time. This is one of the things to focus in your life for happiness that you want. So, think about trying a new yoga class or inviting a friend to the movies instead of buying that new pair of jeans.
8. Take some alone time
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To foster self-care, it’s crucial to take a break and take some time away from your loved ones and friends. You can relax a little and renew your spirit. You may improve your outlook and mood by getting some alone time, and you can also learn what true happiness is all about. Take advantage of this time to indulge in more of your favourite activities, work out, or simply unwind. Your short-term life happiness can be increased by doing something as simple as relaxing in the sun or listening to your favourite music.
9. Avoid regrets
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We all make mistakes in life; it’s just part of being human. Yet with a little planning, you may try to steer clear of costly errors and put more emphasis on the positive aspects of life. They still take place even then. When that happens, it is essential to practise forgiving both yourself and others because everyone is only trying their best to get through life. They’ll make errors, but the key is learning from them and moving on.
10. Participate in cultural activities
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Another option to improve your mood is to go to a museum or a concert. An intriguing correlation was found between people who engaged in more cultural activities, such as going to plays or joining clubs, and lower levels of anxiety and depression as well as higher levels of satisfaction with their general quality of life.
Our stressful world makes achieving happiness seem like a worthwhile aim to many of us. We need to comprehend the fundamentals of life and happiness to prevent this phobia. Everyone’s life depends heavily on their mindset. Contrary to those with a poor attitude, those with a wealthy and growing mindset always attract things that bring happiness.
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
uranus through the houses 
uranus in the 1st house: eccentricity and uniqueness practically run in your blood. impeccable style, you express yourself through your clothing and self-presentation and if your parents have mocked your style in the past, it deeply affected you. you don't care for rules, you're a natural rebel. thinking very ahead of your time; you remind me of the simpsons because you're the type to predict something and then it happens and everyone goes like WHAT?! attraction to astrology + psychology. you get bored extremely fast - of jobs, of people, of situations - and you need constant change. the best friends in the world, you're so caring. you rely on your instincts and impulses, which can have you being very inconsistent. very humanitarian and independent, but you should work on your lack of dedication due to the way you lose your interest in things so fast. 
uranus in the 2nd house: constant disruption in your sense of worth and self-confidence, sense of security and material possession that floats from one extreme to the other. there’s a tendency for carelessness about your material possessions and surroundings, unlike many other planets in the 2nd house; you express your freedom through not wanting to feel tied down to any material object. you’re likely to choose an eccentric job and to make money in the most creative of ways, and also by showing your special talents in unconventional ways that make you gain notoriety. you tend to experience many unusual things while at work, so your work life is always interesting. you’re constantly outgrowing your past methods, ways of thinking, all that’s no longer useful nor serves you. you truly live the way you want. there’s a tendency for you to feel disconnected with other’s physicality - for example, during sex, where you might be interested in voyerism because it allows you to participate in sex while still being detached. this is not to say that you’re not caring and generous towards other people, because you absolutely are - but there might have been traumatic experiences in the past that prompted that. also, even if you tend to get fired a lot, there’s a lot of change for success because you’re so hard working. 
uranus in the 3rd house: you have a very intelligent mind that works in unique, different ways that might seem strange to others, and they have a hard time comprehending or appreciating the way you think or conversate. that doesn’t take away from your top-tier sense of humour, though. a free-thinker who learns to learn new things, you’re a natural rebel with your words. very witty. you need constant stimulation due to your hatred of feeling bored. you want to constantly evolve your mind with learning new subjects and satiating your curiosity. you express yourself through writing, poetry and storytelling - this placement is great if you’re an aspiring writer. incredibly creative. you also always have a story to tell because the craziest shit keeps happening to you out of nowhere. very curious of what others have to say, even if you could talk about your interests for hours on end. you have a tendency to interrupt others, though. so excitable, whenever you talk about your interests there’s a dreamy glint in your eyes and it’s absolutely contageous. 
uranus in the 4th house: very chaotic childhood + family dynamic! your parents might’ve done ridiculous shit as a way of punishing you like taking all your eletronics or imposing absurd rules. you show you care in very unconventional ways, so you might not be seen as a dependable person. very emotional, you care for those closest to you with all your heart. there’s a tendency to be inconsistent. one of the parents might’ve been absent or you might’ve moved houses a lot when you were younger, and travelled a lot too. you might be considered different from the rest of the family; in the worst case scenario, you’re the black sheep who they place all blame on for the family problems. very quick at making decisions. you constantly feel like you have no control over your life due to the unexpected things that keep happening. if your family conditions your sense of self + tries to restrict the freedom you crave, that’ll only result in you estranging yourself from them. constant need to run away. you feel weird when having to show someone you care through direct, traditional ways due to a lack of emotional support from the family. 
uranus in the 5th house: so so so creative and artistic! you love expressing your uniqueness through creating art + showing your tastes, interests, etc. huge need to live your most authentic life and staying true to yourself, because if you don’t, your self-worth suffers greatly. even those closest to you find you unpredictable. you love change, and when you’re not being forced to submit to a routine, that’s when your creativity can flow in the best way possible. there’s a tendency to constantly enter and leave relationships. you feel attracted to the most unusual types of people, those who are unapologetically themselves, because that’s who you crave to be. there’s a need for a lot of freedom when it comes to romance. very charming and enthusiastic, so many people develop crushes on you - good for you because you love being the center of attention. extreme risktaker, you’re drawn to activities that put your life in danger so you can scratch your need for adrenaline. spontaneous and playful. you love to get involved in controversial relationships, and in extreme, shocking situations just to get a rise out of others. 
uranus in the 6th house: you absolutely hate routine, it limits you and your creativity; you need to do all sorts of unusual and stimulating things in your daily life. very rebellious when in positions of submission. you need an environment where you can express yourself, so the typical nine to five job might not be for you. working in teams, if you’re not accepted for your uniqueness, can be a challenge too. you prefer to do things on your own. issues dealing with routine, job and even wealth, since you don’t want to feel confined. very unconventional methods of caring for others, of working, etc, that might confuse the hell out of others. both seen as someone with crazy ideas and a genius. others might have a hard time dealing with your unconventionality. perfectionists at heart, focuses a whole lot on the smallest details. it’s very easy to tell when you’re going through something or feeling chaotic because it shows in how you deal with your surroundings. however, when you’re feeling better, it’ll show in how you act more carefree, enthusiastic in your daily life. 
uranus in the 7th house: you’re very attracted to eccentric people and you need constant change in your relationships so you won’t feel “stuck”. you don’t let yourself be limited by traditionalist views when it comes to relationships, so the idea of a long-distance relationship or open relationship intrigues you; because the truth is that you’re terrified of having your freedom taken away, so you don’t want to feel tied down. you’re very intuitive, artistic, a lowkey genius, so eccentric people feel as attracted to you as you do them. you hate taking orders. overly needy people make you want to run away on sight. good luck to whoever manages to make you settle, it’ll be one hell of a hard thing to do. you’re not just looking for someone to love, you also need that person to be your best friend through and through. others might view you as very irritating at first, until they actually get to know you and find out just how kind and loving you truly are. a tendency to feel rejected and to seek validation in others to lift your self-confidence.
uranus in the 8th house: there’s a tendency to fluctuate between the two extremes: one second you’re feeling like a god amongst mere mortals, the next you’re hitting rock bottom with a shovel and ready to start digging. you’ll go through many unpredictable and intense transformations throughout your life, constantly looking to scratch the itch of boredom eating away at you by changing and evolving yourself. you should be careful with changing just out of boredom and for the sake of it, because it can do more harm than good - you might destroy some good things that you were building/nurturing. you’re absolutely fascinating and witty. a deep interest in life after death. a craving to experiment a lot in the bedroom, sex is a way to rebel. one word: voyerism LMFAO, seriously, others might get scared with your sexual tastes. although, you can be very detached during sex sometimes due to your fear of establishing an emotional connection. your wealth fluctuates very inconsistently. tendency to have dark thoughts. more than just on a physical sense, you want to experience a love that is transcendental.
uranus in the 9th house: your unconventional beliefs make you incredibly open-minded! you’re attracted to people who also have non-traditional views on the world and who aren’t afraid to think differently from the rest. you fluctuate between being an extremely eager, almost obsessive learner and wanting to have literal zero thoughts going on (it’s so amusing). your ideas are revolutionary and you need to feel free. this house deals with travelling, so when the planet of unconventionality is placed here, you can expect to experience all kinds of unexpected and weird things happening in your travels - if the planet is afflicted, you’ll be absolutely terrified of travelling, if not, it’ll be one of your biggest interests. you’re an avid book reader and philosophy interests you greatly. this placement indicates trouble with higher studies, because although you’re a sucker for learning, you hate doing it in a structured environment + the narrow-minded views of those who’re teaching/learning around you might make you feel trapped.
uranus in the 10th house: when the planet of eccentricity and rebellion is in the tenth house, it indicates very tense situations with authority figures - you need to do things your own way and you're capable of going through great lengths to not lose your independence in any way. freedom is the most important thing in the world to you. constant internal change. you don't care about reaching the top of the mountain, because the most important thing to you is to work somewhere where you can express your creativity. there's a potential for you to have many talents, even if it takes you time to discover them all. opportunity to become famous for your unconventionality. hates tradition. may have been raised in a strange/different way as a child. you might've been humiliated in your childhood and there's also a possibility to have traumatic memories concerning your parents esp the father. also very chaotic!!! 
uranus in the 11th house: many "friends" but a tendency to keep most at a distance out of fear of vulnerability, but still, you get very strongly attached to the closest to you. very fun to be around, crackhead energy - you make a joke out of everything. a craving for freedom and independence, you immediately throw those who try to clip your wings out of your life. attracted to people who radiate eccentricity and uniqueness; those who are afraid to be different simply bore you. might have felt rejected as a child by an authority figure. friends might get be prone to car accidents or very peculiar incidents. a love for the deeper subjects like metaphysics. very chaotic and can be very detached at times, but your honesty is the reason why you're so well-liked. you feel society's issues deep in your heart and there's an aching inside of you to communicate the problems your generation is facing and to be a pioneer in extreme change. 
uranus in the 12th house: the change that this planet gives an individual comes from within when placed in the 12th house. the intense experiences you go through force you to constantly change your ways and perspectives. you crave being of help to others and you don't even search for the recognition that comes with it, you genuinely just want to make others' lives better. big dreams and ambition. spiritual knowledge, psychic abilities - a tendency for this insight to be revealed during dreams - your dreams are very important to you and you might experience vivid dreaming or nightmares. you might have sudden breakthroughs or ideas, it's like things hit you full-force at any given moment, giving you a great surge of inspiration. there's a tendency to struggle with very simple tasks. can struggle with being shy and lacking confidence, suppressing your need to express the real, genuine you. need solitude to transform and grow as a person. 
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Mermaids exist in stardew, yes? So imagine a mermaid farmer for Zhongli, Kaeya and Diluc it could be in Yandere setting or not. I just wanna know their reaction when they found out and how it’ll effect their relationship. Will it brew angst, love, or both
Part of your world [Genshin x Mermaid!Reader]{Stardew Impact series}
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Synopsis: You came from the sea and he takes you through a journey of what it was like to live on land despite your differences.
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli
"I threw in Childe because I had an idea for him xD It's fluff month so everything is going to be happy from now on >.>"
It was a hot summer day when Diluc first found you lying unconscious ashore. You had just swam far and wide from the ocean world, the climate deemed unideal for your case. With no one else around, he took the initiative to help you out of your situation.
He shortly found out by the slight appearances of scales gracing your legs that you were neither a human or someone coming from the town nearby. As legendary as mermaids are, Diluc wanted nothing to do with you. His beginning plan was to find your relatives and send you out of his house (Additional work isn’t welcomed when he has so much already). However, you latched onto him pretty quickly since he was the one who saved you.
Here stands a human, a creature that you always wanted to interact with, in your perspective he may look a little stern but he must have plenty of knowledge to offer based on all the antiques he owns.
The only problem was that you two had no way to communicate. Different worlds meant different languages. Whenever Diluc told you that you couldn’t stay, all you did was tilt your head and whenever you tried expressing what you wanted to say, well, normally bubbles would come out of your mouth since they were an indication for your words.
He gave up on trying to kick you out and simply allowed you to take residence as long as you stayed out of his workaholic life. You would tend to his farm while he was absent on other matters and feeding animals in the barn (a lot to do but a win-win situation now that you were able to discover what it was like to live on land at the same time). Though you were also a handful, most of the time Diluc had to excuse himself from his desk when you thought the rake was some sort of hair brush and he forbade you from using the bulldozer. Quite honestly you caused him a lot of stress. He spent most of his hours teaching you and before he knew, it was already a habit of his.
The only words you knew were three words. If you wanted to eat you would say ‘fish’. If you were thirsty, you would say ‘water’. If it was anything else, you would say ‘Diluc.’
He allows you to take long baths since he knows how hydrated mermaids must stay at all times. Orders a pool to be built in his front yard (at least this way helps him save his costly electricity bills). Diluc also borrows books from the library museum for you to read, anything that you would find interesting, (mostly they were about alphabets and picture-based stories (it felt like he was raising a child).)
Easily gets worried when you step into town with him, he keeps a watchful eye in case you collapse and extra bottles when you need a drink. Most of the time, he had to keep an eye on you since you had the natural instinct to waltz into whatever interested you, such as dancing in annual festivities (which you dragged him along of course). It was how he grew attached to your presence because you truly knew how to appreciate the world around you when he himself was too busy to do so.
Two worlds merged and he was learning how to live in yours too, how you perceive things. Building sandcastles, collecting seashells, listening to the echoes resounding within them. Activities he thought were unnecessary suddenly gained the meaning he had lost long ago. Diluc grew too fast at maximum speed, trying to get as many things done as he could, until he was pulled back by the emotional waves of your kindness and compassion, onto the shore he failed to live on. How ironic reality can be.
Everyone knew how much Childe loved to fish. He sets out at sea every evening to capture a batch of flounders, hopefully stumbling upon a legendary one.
In a way, he did. Just not what he expected. What he pulled out of the waters seemed to be a human-sized fish sitting upon the other residues caught in between. ‘A mermaid…?’ he thought, still digesting the fact in front of him. (No wonder the net felt so heavy).
At the same time he wanted to take you with and sell you for a good price but knew how mad Tonia would get when she found out. So he lets you go free. The thing is, you swam behind his boat and followed him back to land. This was how your relationship with Childe started, to this day he continues to jest upon that memory.
Tonia took most of the responsibility to coach you about human life. One of them was table etiquette, before you ate with only your hands which caused a mess. Childe would laugh hysterically at it until Tonia reminded him, “This is also what happens when you use chopsticks, big brother.”
Teucer invites you to basically anything since you have so much patience. Childe shortly realizes that he was soon going to be replaced as the eldest caretaker and you couldn’t even talk at that time. So it was only fair that he included himself in the circle while interacting with your way of communicating: sign language (Surprisingly, he was naturally good at it. Though his movements are rather exaggerated and...ungraceful).
You were nice enough to accompany him to his fishing tasks and soon enough became your daily activities. Childe takes the lead as you follow him from the side, sometimes he lets go of the steering wheel and allows you to push the boat instead (he kept a note to himself that in your mermaid mode, your strength multiplied by a large number). Other times he felt a little risky and decided to jump in the ocean with you for a swimming session. It worried you immensely but your anxiety subsided when you saw how much fun he was having and for the rest of the time, you both explored what the ocean had to offer.
Childe used to be a fish-cook enthusiast. Not anymore (since that day you cried when glancing at the flounder dish he placed on the table). He had to stick to seaweed or any other plant-based meals with a little bit of meat but too much would cause your stomach to churn. Since his siblings complained at the sudden change, he had to make a separate meal plan for them. With a mermaid in the house was certainly high-maintenance indeed.
Cuddling with you in front of the cracking fire blazing under the chimney was one of the calmest moments indulged himself in. He often chooses the life where the waves crash constantly, anticipating a thrilling storm that comes ahead. But you were just a lull at the sea, the mediator he needed in times where his siblings needed a mother-figure. Sometimes he fears that you would leave him and return to where your true family lives but he was grateful that you chose him above all else. He was grateful that by chance, he captured you at sea. One thing he loved about life was the unpredictability the future brings, including the blessings. Even if you were a creature from far away, in your presence he felt like he was truly at home.
When the tides rose above his head, Kaeya was sure that he was done for. The surfboard he recently stood upon slips off beneath his feet and he falls into the ocean’s merciless waves. No oxygen, no time to catch his breath amidst the impact, his eyes were slowly closing and the last thing he saw was the sun’s light beyond the heavy surface, along with the murky visual of someone swimming in front of it.
Although he almost drowned, the idea of being saved by a pretty mermaid makes up for the fact (He has a natural tendency to flirt at anything eye-catching even if you were an outlandish being). You on the other hand was confused by his advances as you couldn’t understand a word he was saying, hence you swam away.
Those beginning days when you chose to explore the land, Kaeya remembers how much trouble you had with walking using your new legs. He had to hold both your hands while leading you forward, he found it rather cute when you tighten your grip the moment you felt that he was going to let go (he was only bluffing of course but you still hissed at him). Still, Kaeya ensures that you don’t fall to the ground, he catches you in time when you collapse while laughing, “You’re doing great sweetheart.”
In return you teach him how to read the ocean’s movements so that he won’t drown again. Kaeya spends more time around the beach since he knows that the water bodies are where you were most comfortable with. He tells you that you always smell like saltwater whenever he buries his face in your hair, perhaps that was how he grew attached to the ocean as well.
In summer seasons there were several days where you had to sleep in his bathtub because the air was so dry. As a mermaid, he had to tolerate many of your unique quirks, in this case he had to deal with showering in cold water since you took up all the electricity. Another case was your wine tolerance, no one could challenge you to a drinking contest when your body could sustain large amounts of liquids. Kaeya sometimes jokes if you could turn him into a merman like those in fairytale books so he can have the same experience. You take it as a joke while he was also being half-serious.
When you have to take a temporary trip home, Kaeya visits the dock every evening and waits for you to come back, trying to see any signs of your colourful tail. He glances at the ocean he grew to love, knowing where he stood is as far as he could go and anywhere beyond the boundary was out of his reach. So many people left him in his life and even though he knew you wouldn’t do the same, he still worries. Uncertain if you would abandon him too.
Your existence became the center of his life the moment you chose to walk upon land with him. Side by side, through small hurdles the seashore and hurdles as big as the wave that almost killed him the day he met you, Kaeya keeps them all as if they were the most precious treasure a pirate could find. It didn’t matter if you were different from everyone else because despite your tail, all he could see was you.
While Zhongli strolls along the sandy beach, he follows the alluring sound of your singing voice. You sat upon the rock while humming along what seems to be an old folk tune, similar to what Guizhong once sang. The man folds his arms and closes his eyes. Many years have passed since he last heard something like this, “Your voice, it’s very lovely.”
He was a geologist who worked by the museum, collecting different types of rocks and seashells that would wash up shore. You became very familiar with his daily routine that before he pays a visit to the beach again, a pile of interesting rocks would be waiting for him by the docks. It was a gift. And Zhongli would bring snacks like seaweed soup as an accommodation for your kindness.
Unlike Kaeya, when you couldn’t walk because your legs were too weak to be used, Zhongli helps you with every step along the way even if the trip was a slow one. He even offered to have you carried when he saw you were having too much trouble but you insisted on trying. The whole trip that usually took ten minutes was a three hour walk.
Even though he knew many things, your language was not one of them. However he was willing to learn. Both of you have study sessions regarding each other’s culture. For you it’s the way humans drink with cups because of Zhongli being a tea fanatic himself, he even showed you how to hold a tea cup properly. You taught him how to swim since he had been so occupied on land that swimming never crossed his mind. Thankfully he was naturally good at it due to his tall stature (albeit a little scared when diving into an environment unknown and different to him).
Zhongli loves the way you sing and he would ask every time he wanted to read a book. Either under the tree on a warm spring day or on the couch when it was storming outside. Although he intended to get some reading done, Zhongli can’t help but fall asleep. You didn’t want to wake him up (and you could carry him if you wanted to thanks to your mega-mermaid strength) so by morning, you’d find yourselves in the same spot and your lap feeling numb.
Earth and sea were separated for a reason so that the creatures may stay upon the place where they belong. That wasn’t enough to separate you from him though. Zhongli would travel to the sea to see you and you mustered the courage to walk upon the hard surface of land. The two were only parts of the world but together they are part of the world, connected to form a whole new life.
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azurescaled-arch · 2 years
Izumi and Relationships
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So, let’s talk about Izumi, and his view on relationships. I’ve kind of wanted to talk about it for a bit, but I never had the thoughts organized properly or really thought about it.
When it comes to serious relationships, they have a hard time surviving for Izumi. Not because he gets bored with them or anything, it’s because he has a hard time balancing his personal and work life. He takes his work very seriously, almost to a detrimental point. He’s much better about it nowadays, but he rarely gets committed to people. It’s hard for him to commit because he knows his work is important because he helps watch over the human realm. Commitment is also difficult for him because nine times out of ten, the people he does have romantic feelings for are usually mortal. He can handle death but, it always broke his heart a little more and more when they’d die before him.
When it comes to other supernatural beings, those relationships for him were purely sexual in nature, because he would never admit it, but falling in love scares him. He honestly can’t answer if he’d choose love over his commitment to his work. For all intents and purposes, love would win out, but it would be something that would cause a rift between himself and a partner.
He’s very much the giving type of person, and he’ll never ask much from his partner. If anything, some might say he gives a little too much. That has caused issues in his relationships, because it might seem like he tries to buy their love or not let himself be taken care of. He always has to be the provider. He’s gotten better about it, but it’s still something that would pop up in a relationship.
Finally, in the universes that he has fallen in love with someone, namely, the corrupted deity AU that I originally made with @carnivorarium​, when he did let himself truly love someone and then lost them, he snapped completely and decided that he would kill an entire pantheon of gods in revenge. Now, that doesn’t sound too bad, but to do so, he’s literally killing himself to do so. Not to mention that in one ending of that, he would happily imprison Micah to force him into loving him. The love he once held for him, now became an obsession and he’s in denial about Micah rejecting him.
As far as platonic relationships go, I’ve detailed his most important one imo here .
Though Izumi has an almost fatherly relationship with his students, gladly answering their questions and always having his door open for them. Hell, he even makes lunch for them, and in one person’s case, namely @lunarscaled​‘s OC Lyric, eventually, he’ll likely unofficially adopt them, partly because of their draconic nature and his own instincts kicking in, and hopefully because they’ll eventually come to trust him.  He’s got strong fatherly instincts, and threatening his students is actually the fastest way to piss him off to the point where he says nothing and would outright smite whoever threatened them.
He considers himself an old-fashioned romantic, and the easiest way to catch his eye is to court him. He likes being wooed and treated nicely by whoever catches his eye, and offering quiet dates is what he loves. Once he’s actually with someone, he’s the type who isn’t afraid to break decorum to show affection to a partner. If the event is serious enough, he’ll maintain his composure, but if not, he’ll gladly give them kisses and hugs in front of others.
When it comes to enemies, he surprisingly remembers very few of them. That being said, if angered enough, Izumi is the type to be completely cold to someone. If angry to the point of fighting him, Izumi doesn’t banter around, and will actively focus on eliminating said enemy.
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hardlyinteresting · 3 years
Matters of the mind, body, and soul
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Laszlo Kreizler x reader
warnings: victorian ideals, discussions of sex (no smut), still 18+ to keep on the safe side, minors dni. the ending is open ended so feel free to imply what you like. potential spoilers for season 1 of the alienist. I also haven't edited this. if you know me, then no you don't please don't read this.
The pool house is eerily quiet as Laszlo makes his rounds reviewing the details of the crime scene. you follow silently keeping the bottom of your skirt lifted to avoid the possibility of blood stains. Lazlo follows invisible clues to one of the changing cubicles.
"what is it Laszlo?”
"l'm not sure yet" he mumbles.
you watch fascinated by the man in front of you.
"do you think something, or someone else stole his attention? He didn't complete his ritual on this poor boy" you offer.
"that's exactly what I am thinking” he says, reaching into the cubical with one hand running two fingers up the wall before bringing them to his lips. your breath catches in your throat you stomach turns in on itself and you can feel heat rush to your cheeks. Laszlo is kind enough to not mention the sound of your sharp intake of breath.
it's much later in the evening when you're back at the make shift office Sara set up.
Both Sara and John have gone home leaving Laszlo and yourself alone. you sit the counter pouring over notes you've made through out the case trying to focus your thoughts but the only thing on your mind is the image of Laszlo with his fingers to his lips. you're unsure why but it’s left you with a feeling of—is it longing? whatever it is it feels sinful. your mind wanders further imagining what the tips of his fingers might feel like against your own. at your waist? the curve of your hip?-caressing your thighs? between-- no you can't imagine that. you won't allow it.
"are you feeling alright?"
"I was inquiring as to whether you might be feeling unwell. forgive me, but you haven't been yourself at all today”.
"no. I apologize l don't know what's gotten into me today doctor"
"you've seen something that’s left you un-nerved?"
"something lot that nature, yes.”
"do you wish to speak about it?”
you swallow hand brow furrows as you consider. if you can’t talk to an alienist about these thoughts who can you speak to? Laszlo puts down the piece of chalk from his hand, he sits down at the table pulling up another chair to face his. He motions to the seat. your heart races as you follow the silent instruction. your knees touch his when you sit and your quick to sit further back in the chair an action that does not go unnoticed by the doctor.
He also notes your unwillingness to look him in the eye instead choosing to focus on where your fingers trace patterns on your skirt
"your mind us wandering again?”
you only nod in response. biting your bottom lip. why do you feel like crying? you take another deep breath much shakier this time.
"it's not right--not proper"
"In my experience it's the thoughts we've been target to believe are improper that are actually the most natural.”
How is it possible that his understanding makes you want to cry more?
“I fear -- l am afraid that these thoughts are not as natural as you say they may be. I cannot imagine anyone having thoughts such as these about a person."
"so it is another person who has been occupying your mind?"
you nod.
"do you wish to cause this person harm? To injure or kill?"
"no! never." You’re quick to respond looking up at him.
He nods observing your wide eyes and damp eyelashes. He'd be lying if he said it didn’t make his heart clench seeing you so obviously distraught.
"well then" he says gently taking one of your hands in his, "l assure you, there is nothing unnatural about you or your mental preoccupations"
you shiver at the feeling of his fingertips against the pulse point of your wrist
"it may be bold of me, but I believe that what you’re feeling is simply desire"
you shake your head.
"l can't stop thinking about it"
"about what" He presses.
"this morning. you-- “ you sigh standing to turn away from the man," you licked your fingertips and my mind has not been my own since then."
"There is nothing shameful about desire. it is our most primal instinct the very reason every creature on this planet continues to exist"
He stands slowly and you can hear his footsteps approaching.
"if this is desire then my mother was not honest with me"
“It is likely she was not. But I doubt that the dishonesty was intentional”.
standing toe to toe with you he tilts your chin up for you to look at him with watery eyes.
"l still don't understand” you confess, "why would what you did cause this-- surely that's odd even if my thoughts themselves are not”,
“On the contrary. But it is not my place to speak to you about such things" his hand returns to yours.
"l must know Laszlo. I am tired of being at a disadvantage especially in matters of my own soul, mind and body."
He resists a smirk at the fire he sees grow behind your eyes. The unmoving need to stand your ground. an admirable quality.
"very well. There are many things that draw us to potential partner some attraction is conscious, but mostly attraction is a subconscious function, something we do not actively focus on in order to process. Some alienist believe that features that may seem insignificant to us are actually very important,” He lifts one of you hands to hips lips pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles before continuing, “hands for example seem to be an important subconscious factor when women look at a man. Simply put; when I brought my fingers to my mouth this mourning--" he pauses to repeat the action and you can feel your bottom jaw go slack again, your thighs clench without thought. Laszlo continues, "it brought your subconscious processes to the surface. I trust you can understand why the lips and mouth might also play a role in desire".
"kissing." your mother had told you that much.
"among other things yes” He turns away returning to his chair.
"other things? Laszlo, please don’t give me half truths." you plead moving to sit in front of him again, this time not moving when your knees touch.
"it is not easy to explain.. And when it comes to matters of desire it is better you wait and experience them instead"
"wait? for what? To wed a man I do not care for, and who will not care for my desires? If all men knew what you say you know, then I know my mother would have told me more"
He considers it. your right. it's true that women are only told what it is they need to know to be "good wives" He is not obtuse to the fact that society has not been built for the comfort, satisfaction or pleasure of the female sex.
"Both the hands and mouth can be used to stimulate the body during relations"
you nod watching Laszlo's finger mindlessly trace circles on the arm of the wooden chair and you briefly consider that he's reimagining a moment from his past as he looks deep in thought.
“And, forgive me, have you done these things?”
He looks back up at you, “I have”
“Show me”. You surprise yourself by saying.
"you deserve to venture through these experiences with someone who loves you, and that you love."
Your brows furrowed as you think, then you're the perfect man. You drop to your knees in front of him taking both his hands in yours where they rest on his knees. "and do you not hold affection for me? John has told me you've said as much in so few words. I am not naive in believing you must know how I feel about you by now"
He offers a gentle smile, one hand leaving yours, moving to cup your cheek, "It is my propensity to the very affections you speak of that prevents me from acting. I have-- I have never been bold enough to assume that the feelings may be returned."
It's your turn to reach to hold his face in your hands,
“Oh, Laszlo”.
He stands slowly and you stand too. His weaker hand finds a place to rest on your hip, and despite the layers of skirts and petticoats you swear you can feel the warmth of his palm, the tender press of his fingertips. His other hand traces the the shape of your cheekbone, and jawline memorizing each detail. It's slow and almost imperceptible but at some point your eyes have fluttered shut and your can feel yourself leaning in as his lips meet yours. Oh. He pulls you closer, the hand on your hip moving to press you close by the small of you back.
His forehead rests against yours and you take a moment to appreciate the soft scratch of his beard against your palm.
“Is this equal to the images your mind conjured”.
“Yes,” you confess, “but there was more”.
“Tell me”.
You shake your head avoiding his gaze almost as embarrassed as you were earlier.
“There is no shame between lovers, mien Schatz”.
“Lovers?” The word catches in your throat as you return your attention to him once more.
“I thought that I was clear in my intentions--forgive me. I would never have--if this is not an interaction you which to have tell me at once, I will put the notion to rest”
“I want this-- I want you Laszlo”.
“Then it would be an act of cruelty on my part to not give you what you desire”.
His lips are on yours once again, but this time we walks you backwards until your back is against the wall, the grip of both his hands on your hips much more firm this time.
“I wish to know what it feels like-- “ you grab one of his hands in both of her own “--to feel your fingertips upon my own lips”
You maintain eye contact with the doctor as you bring his hand up, dropping your head down to meet his hand that is in your control, his fingertips graze your bottom lip, his fingers twitch but he does not pull away. You hesitate but venture to brush the tip of your tongue against his forefinger as he had done himself this morning. Pulling away only when he lets out a shaky breath.
“I think I understand,” you mumble, “and these things, they affect you too, doctor?”
“Very much so”.
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Comte’s 4th Birthday Story Event: Before the Clock Strikes Midnight
REEEEEEEE Ik it was a long time ago but life has been a [redacted], so I figured better late than never HAHA
So without further ado, anybody who’s curious feel free to click for more--I’ll put it under a cut for spoilers as per usual~
So in this story it’s the usual, a few days before his birthday, and they’re discussing a bump in the road. Essentially, it appears a friend of Comte’s is going to be celebrating a wedding, and as such he’s going into the suburbs/affluent part of the region to be able to attend. It’s only a few hours away from the mansion, but he will be gone for a few days with the arrangements made for his stay. 
While this wouldn’t typically be an issue, MC has some things to take care of and opts out of attending with him (preparing for his bday probably LMAO) and Comte is immediately big sad. My favorite dramatic fool is already pouting, though he fully accepts and respects her decision. Besides which, he fully intends to be back in time to celebrate his birthday as well. He notes that he’s always admired how driven and independent she is, and has no intention of getting in the way of that. He’s just going to miss her, is all.
He says as much, figuring there’s no point in hiding it: “I really wanted to bring you with me to attend…but I suppose it simply can’t be helped” … “That’s not it…I guess I’m just wondering if you’ll miss me as much as I’ll miss you while I’m away.” 
And MC’s just like “Aw, it’s okay it’ll only be a few days.” While Comte’s response is a very mature, high-pitched whining sound at a frequency only King (Theo’s dog) and Theo himself can hear. When MC tries to reassure him once more, his Hamlet impression continues: “Even the prospect of a few days away from you feels unbearable.” 
Naturally, as any man do that loves his wife, he draws her close and proceeds to bang the living daylights out of her. I would offer details, but I have no deets to give beyond: [Well MC, it appears I won’t be letting you get much sleep tonight.] 
Brief intermission for the vague sounds of fangirl cardiac arrest. 
The scene opens again to him doing his walk of shame (the slut) down the walkway and into the carriage that will take him to his friend’s house. His thoughts carry the regret of burdening her with his desire, though MC is pretty much on cloud nine and unable to stop thinking about the heady night they shared in a good way. Bruh and the sly look when he figures out why she looks like that--I’m boutta call the police, he is going to make women and men alike act up. 
MC scrambles to cool his already returning desire by insisting he will be late if he indulges any further, and he laughs and agrees easily–albeit with the slightest hint of reluctance. My favorite part in this exchange is that he kisses her forehead, adding that it’s because she’s the most adorable person in the world to him (a moment of silence for our uwus). 
Fast forward to Comte trying to get home after the festivities are over. Problem is, it’s been raining like a mOTHERBLEEPER, and as such carriages have no safe way to traverse the roads at the moment. He waited out the first day as patiently as possible, but after the second–and no sign of stopping–his Leeroy Jenkins instincts kick in. He notes to the coachman that he’s aware he’s asking a lot, but they fully intend to take the long way which invites the least risk–and the rain is ebbing, even if the progress is slow. 
It’s interesting because there’s another echo of his main story in this moment. He essentially showcases a desperation to return before the day ends, though without context it’ll probably seem a little strange, so I’ll do my best to explain. Basically, in his main story, MC notes that she doesn’t really care how different they are. Different time, different species, different experiences, so on and so forth. She hammers home that what matters is that the present is something that they actively share. It’s theirs. And no amount of divisions he desperately tries to draw will change that fundamental reality. 
And it’s a little moving to see how deeply he takes it to heart? I think it’s one of those wonderful phenomena, personally–the way a person can influence how you think and act with their sentiments. Sometimes someone says precisely what it is we need to hear, and it changes us–while it can be for the worse, it can also be for the better. He notes that he spent so many birthdays; among the people serving his house when he was little, raising hell with his friends in his younger days, so on and so forth. Not unlike Leonardo, he says that after so many “special” days the faces become a blur, the festivities lose their luster. It’s just another day, at this point. 
Note, one interesting thing here that stands out to me is that I feel like this is a reflection of both of their larger struggles. Where Comte can’t stand the relentless flow of time rendering him the only constant (and something of a ghost, never fully present), Leonardo can’t bear birthdays because it means remembering people who still mean the world to him, but are long gone. People he can never see again, never laugh with again, never share his life with again. And I think that’s a very profound pain, an anguish that just keeps on settling its weight. (Oh, Sisyphus…)
Comte’s is similar, but different. He actively works to keep his distance-- unlike Leonardo, he approaches immortality in the pragmatic way. He knows getting close will hurt, so he opts out of that–keeps a step behind, an easy smile on his face. Betrays only fragments to anyone, always has his guard up. But the downside of being so guarded means you eventually feel hollowed out and alone; nobody truly knows or understands you. There is a distinct loneliness in that approach, where memories only become reminders of how nothing ever improves and how bereft you are of warmth. 
Leonardo, at least, gets to have the joy of being known from time to time. But loss and estrangement from those people means double the pain in the long run, because he loved them fully. Comte chooses to live in the cold to protect himself, but ends up in a kind of catch-22; the cost of forgoing loss means a constant deadening of his own feelings. It means living in a kind of fog, where there is a distinct discomfort in the silent obscurity of your own heart. 
There’s something I’ve come to believe in my short course of living, so I guess I still need time to determine how true it is. But…I feel like, when people live this way, where who they are is a lie or it’s at the very least carefully concealed, we in part start to become that lie. I think it’s fascinating because Comte seems to have so much personality to him. He’s dramatic, he’s thoughtful, he has a sense of mischief about him, he has strong ideals, and he has an even more ironclad moral grounding. And yet, when he talks about himself, he always uses descriptions that hinge on emptiness. Like he’s worth so little, worth nothing. And that’s what I mean–he’s been trying so hard to glide on the surface that he has come to believe he really is equivalent to something that ephemeral. Like there’s nothing more inside him, or if there is, that it will never be worthy of much. I think it really speaks to the ways behavior impacts the psyche, even though the opposite tends to be considered the only possible cause and effect relationship. 
He’s so determined to live for and in the future while he’s in the present, that he forgets to enjoy himself and really live. And while that approach is certainly understandable, I do think he loses parts of himself along the way. Only to be rediscovered and placed back into his hands by MC: [Today–this moment–our now, I don’t want to miss it for anything.] And that's not even touching on how quick she is to make them a we; she's not letting him keep that distance. It’s not “you have the ability to share this day with me” it’s “we’re here and in this together.”
I feel like what I love about this is that it’s not only about how sweet he is on MC, but also about how much he’s truly living again for the first time. His defenses are slowly inching their way down, he’s letting himself hope and want things and look forward to things again. The thing about being a responsible person is that–while responsibility is all well and good–sometimes you become so mired in doing the right thing and planning the most optimal outcomes that you just aren’t thinking of yourself anymore. That is, if you ever were to begin with. He went from the careful cultivation of a life as an aristocrat, to a life that spoke of more freedom and fun beyond those iron wrought gates, before he returned to the structure of what he knew. Freedom speaks to him I’m sure–we all need it in some measure to survive. But I do think a good portion of that was unfulfilling for him after a point. It was only feeding the void that was beginning to form inside him. He was instinctively retreating into himself to avoid pain, and in doing that the only result was feeling like a coward and a fake. He wasn’t happy, he wasn’t able to be himself, and nothing was fulfilling–every single day just another forward march. 
I think it comes as no surprise he took up Vlad’s initial invitation so willingly. 
But then I digress, back to the story. There’s another timeskip and it finds him racing down the hall of the mansion. He’s hoping to make it in time but knows he’s racing against the clock, and fully expects MC to be asleep by this point in the night. Midway along his path he thinks he spots MC and falters in his step, blinking. He decides to hang back, watching the figure enter his room with a great deal of curiosity and resists every urge to burst in after her. He hears MC speak into his pillow, her voice muffled but clearly despondent: “I miss you, Comte. I hope you get back home soon…” 
Comte pretty much dies right there. I literally have no better explanation for it. He freezes, his heart sputters and stops. He’s just completely taken aback. 
And then, naturally, he goes about feral with desire as is his modus operandi: “Oho, I heard something incredibly cute just now. Were you also having a hard time spending so long apart?”
MC: “…!”
[Startled, she turns around and her eyes widen and widen.]
MC: “Comte, how...”
Comte: “Took a detour in areas with less rain.”
MC: “?? Wouldn’t that still be hard in weather like this?”
Comte: “I told the coachman I wanted to see you as soon as possible. Even if it was only for a second, I wanted to spend today with you…”
[Everything I was thinking while in the carriage spills out of me long before I can help it. I am reminded again of just how utterly irreplaceable an existence MC is in my life.]
Comte: “Even so, it seems interesting that I would find you in my bed”
MC: “...! A--Ah, I’m so sorry for entering without permission!”
[I quickly grab hold of her before she can scramble out of my bed, coaxing her to sink back into the sheets.]
In between a lot of intense making out and [redacted], the larger overtone is that her reciprocated ardor just destroys him inside:
MC: “It was...because I couldn’t stop thinking about you, about wanting to see you…”
Comte: “!”
[You know just how to drive me mad with desire.]
Comte: “I’m the same...the first thing I did was look for you. Even though it was only a few days, your voice, your body, everything...I missed you”
[Because today, our ‘now’--I never want to lose a single moment with you as long as you’re by my side...]
Comte: “I’m so happy to be able to be with you, right here and right now.”
It gets funny too because Comte is trying to take it slow, but when she tells him “Happy birthday” and goes on to say she was so glad to greet the day he was brought into the world by his side, he just loses all control LMFAO. It ends with them getting more heated and [redacted], to the point where he doesn’t even hear the clock strike midnight. 
And if him being the cutest and sexiest romantic wasn’t obvious enough, he spends the next morning just sighing blissfully with her in his arms:
[The next morning, when I wake up, MC is still fast asleep. I mean, given she only fell asleep a few hours ago. I’m still reveling in the afterglow of a sweet night filled with her cries, the way she looked at me and held me. MC...]
[I relax to the sound of her breathing steady with sleep, stroking gently at her hair as I hug her from behind.]
Comte: “I’ve had countless birthdays. In an endless life, I was convinced it was just a day that would come and go every time.”
Comte: “It was only after meeting you that I could understand there was no such thing as an overlapping or identical moment. I don’t want to miss a single second by your side...that’s what I think now.”
[I admit the truth of my heart, brushing a kiss against her cheek. Over and over and over again, showering her in my affection--]
But dun dun dun!!! MC was awake the whole time, so when she fidgets a little at how ticklish his kisses are, he 👁
[Oh, I see. Well then, two can play at that game...]
Comte: “Your punishment is to stay in my arms just as we are...how’s that?”
He gets his mischievous (and hilarious) revenge for being revealed (HORNY TIME), though it’s so suffused with love it’s hard to call it revenge hahaha. She reminds him to go easy on her because they have his birthday party to attend later, and he agrees~
Honestly after such killer hurt/comfort spice fluff, I can only tremble at the thought of what his 5th year bday story will be
It’s either going to be Some Angst^TM or even more killer fluff, and either way that means my days are numbered
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Not sure if this counts as a Drabble I’m not really familiar with it sorry! So you can ignore if you want but maybe you can do a list of BTS and the OC’s favorite kinks
[A/N: this took a very long time coming, mostly because it was a lengthy job. Sorry for the wait nonnie, I hope it’s worth it 🥴😉]
Okay! I sort of assembled this as a mix of short headcanons (there are six to eight each — also I got carried away with Jk, he’s got eleven but some are like, are more lowkey). They’re divided couple by couple and I’ve tried to be as realistic as possible, which means that some couples have some kinks in common, especially since I stayed on more well-known kinks and fetishes that represent each couple’s go-to. I do think they explore less popular kinks other than the ones I listed, however they might not go there that often.
You’ll be seeing some of these soon ;) [ILLICIT AFFAIRS WON I AM CRYING]
Uhm. Obviously there’s a lot of stuff I have to include in the trigger warnings, so bear with me. 
This is obviously 18+
TRIGGER WARNINGS: discipline (brat taming, sub training), impact play (spankings, paddle, flogger, riding crop; both on ass and breasts), marking, dirty talking, choking, masturbation (male and female receiving; mututal), squirting, several fetishes (uniform, shoes, feet, voice), cock worship, breast worship, powerplay (DDLG, daddy kink; domination; mommy kink; Primal/predator-prey dynamics, pet play), orgasm control and deprivation, role play, food play, cum play/cum eating, pain kink, sensation play, temperature play, edging and overstimulation, phone sex, cyber sex, bondage, torture play/forced masturbation, tickling, anal play (buttplugs, strap on, rimming, penetration), degradation kink, corruption kink, voyeurism and exhibitionism, outdoor sex, cockwarming, oral sex (male and female receiving; facefucking male receiving; mutual), sex toys (nipple clamps, dildo, vibrator)
Not exactly kinks, more like attitudes: experimentalism, intimacy, sapiosexuality
Check out my masterlist here 
Enjoy 💜✨
Namjoon and Vixen
Daddy kink; brat taming
I think it’s sort of a given, but it also needs to be included. Vixen’s first relationship was when she had just turned nineteen, with a man quite older than her. They were together for a couple years and he significantly shaped her needs in terms of intimacy and sex. Her parenting figures were really weak and she grew up with a nanny who taught her her second language, French. Namjoon — being always a very responsible very nurturing figure within the group, and somehow having the role of a mediator — is used to stubborn, hot-headed people and would probably be a bit bored with someone incapable of giving him a bit of attitude. This said, it comes quite natural that Vixen (although she is a very smart, very elegant young lady) looks for guidance in her partner, and after the responsibilities that come with her career, she looks for someone who can take decisions for her and even control her private life a little, like check that she eats and what she eats, or pick what she’s going to wear for the day. On the other hand, Namjoon likes being taken care of in other ways, namely cuddles and homecooked meals, which Vixen offers profusely. Her childlike, unconditional affection is exactly what makes Namjoon baby her, and such behaviour on his behalf encourages her to rely on him even more, letting him pamper her and spoil her. And in terms of bratting... Well, Vixen likes seeing him lose his cool — because a sick part of her (she knows it’s sick) gets horny seeing Namjoon angry. And Namjoon in returns gets even more cool and composed the more she gets feisty. He calls the shot, may she like it or not. The point is that with some cuddles, soft words (and a few good spanks) he always manages to tame her.
Vixen likes getting spanked. And Namjoon is obsessed with her ass. He is an ass and thighs man. Fight me on this one. Nothing turns him on more than seeing her flesh quiver after the impact of a good spank. Vixen likes it simply because it condenses three of her favourite things, discipline, punishments and pain kink. Spanks are delivered both as a reward and as a punishment, and Namjoon knows how to make a distinction between the two cases, although he much prefers delivering them as a reward, since he hasn’t got much of a pain kink, and painful activities are a soft limit for him, both in terms of giving and receiving. He approves that kind of pain that is simply aimed at enhancing pleasure. Vixen really likes spanks delivered with the bare palm of a hand, since those are the one that she perceives as the most “educational”; however she also likes the paddle, the hairbrush and other more tricky devices (that you will discover soon *wink*).
Namjoon is crazy for marking Vixen. He is very jealous of her and their relationship staying on the low means that he can’t actually claim her publicly. They both try to protect their relationship for as long as possible, and I can quite see him deciding to keep it private until he’s been married to her for a while. But he’s gonna mark his baby, especially in spots that are only his and hers to see. His absolutely favourite spot would be her hip tattoo, of course, where he always places the first hickey of the night; next her inner thighs, her crotch and her breasts (lovely tiny cherries, he loves them the most). When she allows him, he also leaves hickeys on her neck and chest. Obviously her butt too. He also likes biting, especially her ass (until he leaves bruises and/or actual indentations) and her inner thighs — the softer parts. Vixen also marks him when he’s not on a schedule, when they’re on vacation and they can let loose a little. He especially likes it when she leaves scratches on his back and shoulders, but he also enjoys hickeys on his chest and thighs when she’s on her way to giving him head.
Sapiosexualilty; dirty talking
We all know these two have filthy tongues. They’re sapiosexuals, so they’re turned on by mind games, smart use of language, verbal sparring etcetera. They’re both readers and intellectuals, which means they enjoy a polished, often obscure use of language. They’re the most likely to send each other texts (or even emails) where they simply wax poetic about fucking each other. They can literally send a text at nine am about some spicy play they intend to do later that night, let excitement build all day long and — as soon as they get home — they wait and see who’s the one that surrenders (spoiler: usually Joon because Vixen is a brat and brats are tough eggs to crack). In bed, Vixen loves listening to Namjoon’s voice, no matter if he’s talking about how good it feels to be inside her or if he makes romantic love declarations in midst of a rowdy fuck. Also they might argue while they have sex or pick stupid fights just to release some tension (totally the type to start a discussion as they choose the mirror for the bathroom, Vixen picking round while Namjoon picks rectangular, embarrassing the shopping assistant as they get into hard bickering heavy with sexual tension).
This is a new one, to both of them. Vixen had never toyed with it before, since she risked drowning when she was a child so she’s not a fan of anything that involves breath control. Still, she didn’t imagine she could be turned on by choking her partner. The first time Namjoon grabs her wrist and brings her hand to his neck she freaks out a little, but then she gets a grip (haha) and realises that seeing him that fucked out, and hearing him moan like that is something most definitely turning her on. Namjoon has a sensitive neck and chest, so having Vixen touching him there makes his soul leave his body; furthermore, the level of trust required leads us right onto the next kink.
I realise this is not exactly a kink, however it is a necessary condition for things to get sexy between these two. Namjoon and Vixen need special closeness for things to work out. Talking, flirting, but also sharing physical closeness and affection, occupying the same mental space. They don’t need to be making love for things to be very emotional. Even the angriest, rowdiest of fuckings to them is actually a very fond way of saying ‘I love you’. I think that out all the kinks this is the most difficult to explain. I suppose this is what makes them incredibly talented even at good ol’ plain vanilla.
Mutual Masturbation
I think these two just do that a lot. They’re extremely comfortable with having the other watch as they touches themselves. I think it started with Vixen being her shameless, teasing, kinky self and Namjoon being incapable of holding back, and then it naturally evolved into both him and her openly touching themselves for the other to see. I think they learn by watching so observing the other and seeing how they do it is how they master their technique.
Lingerie and shoe fetish
Namjoon is obsessed with Vixen’s sexiness, how she carries herself, how much charisma and self confidence she can muster when she is almost naked. I’ve always seen Namjoon extremely attracted to Vixen’s body and seeing it there, with the bare necessities covered by expensive and lush lace and silk, or even in funny cotton drawers with innocent prints is a ticket to Nirvana for Namjoon. I bet you can imagine Vixen lounging on the bed, provocatoriously clad in black lace as she reads a book, and Namjoon entering the room, ready to pounce on her with predatorial intents.
Jin and Angel
We all know that Jin comes from several vanilla experiences, during which he always kept his basest instincts at bay. Once Angel gives him the green light, he’s not letting go. Angel loves celebrating his virility in all ways possible, showing how much she appreciates a part of him that he has felt ashamed of, in some ways. And Jin gets extremely turned on by the simple view of Angel kneeling before him, looking at him as he touches himself, begging to touch and/or kiss his cock. He gets wild with it, especially if you sum that up with Jin being especially interested in discipline. Watching Angel worship his cock with her hands, mouth, tits gives him that sense of power and authority that enhances his dominance and turns him into a cocky, power-hungry beast, ready to do anything to quench his thirst, fulfill his desires and almost entirely ignore Angel’s needs — don’t worry, she actually gets off to Jin getting what he wants on whichever terms he deems necessary.
Power play
Jin likes having power. Being more powerful than Angel is one of the mental tricks he uses to keep himself from going vanilla. The powerful position is what allows him to call the shots, choose what to do and actually claim what he wants and needs. Watching Angel kneel in front of him, with her eyes low until he calls for her attention is one of his biggest turn-ons. And Angel is way more than okay with this: watching Jin take control and knowing that she is pleasing him, that any activity they’re getting into is bound to make Jin loud and messy and fucked out, is the strongest aphrodisiac. When in a vanilla mindset, Jin can’t quite understand (yet) what pushes Angel into pleasing him and how much his pleasure means to her, as they’re still at the beginning of their sexplorations. The more they get familiar with each other’s roles and needs, the more Jin finds pleasure in ruling over Angel and watch her stare at him with her big, beautiful, hungry eyes.
Orgasm control/deprivation
Jin’s need for power manifests in different ways. The fact that Jin comes from several years of vanilla and self control, and Angel has gotten used to their calmer approach to intimacy and sex, makes them both quite good at sexual deprivation. He can easily deprive her for weeks, or deprive himself: when he’s depriving her, his favourite activity is having her kneel on the floor, naked and touch himself until he cums on her breasts; when he’s depriving himself he likes eating her out for at least two or three rounds, until she’s begging for him to fuck her, completely desperate and on the verge of tears when he denies her. Regardless of who is being deprived, when she gets whiny and emotional, he always makes sure to reassure her and remind her when the period of deprivation is going to end, telling her what he plans to do to her as soon as he allows himself to. About orgasm control — Angel needs training. And a very stern one at that. She is not used at that level of control, mostly because she’s used to a very loving, very attentive Seokjin who wants her pleased and pampered all the time. Orgasm control is most definitely the thing she hates the most out of all her training; the only factor keeping her from truly hating it is how Jin turns soft once she manages to complete a task successfully, praising her and letting her have more control — either turning the scene into vanilla lovemaking or letting her turn the tables and ride him until she’s happy and sated.
Role play
Jin sometimes needs help getting into an aggressive, authoritative mood. Luckily, he is a great actor and he know exactly how to get into character. He would often assume a role out of the blue, letting Angel choose what position to occupy — although his all time favourite is teacher-student. It allows him to get into the strictest, harshest forms of impact play, having lots of fun watching sweat, drool and cum stain Angel's uniform, or watching her breasts burst out of her schoolgirl blouse. On a minor note he loves using a paddle or a riding crop on Angel, making her bend over the edge of the bed and flipping her skirt up, spanking her until she's begging, only to sit on the bed and put her head between his legs, tugging at her pigtails (but never letting himself go too deep — he has no interest in seeing Angel gag on him, it's his own hard limit before being hers). Other types of roleplay he likes are doctor-nurse or doctor-patient, landlord-maid, pilot-hostess and obviously chef and waitress, which leads us right to next prompt.
Food play
Angel loves Jin's cooking. She loves watching his wide shoulders in front of the stove, she loves hearing him hum when he tastes something good, she loves him leaning over the table and offering her some food from his fork. She especially likes seeing him so passionate and dedicated, and she loves showing enthusiasm for a hobby that is so dear to him and on which he puts so much effort. Food play is mostly a way to set the tone for passionate, steamy lovemaking, where he worships every inch of Angel's body with his lips. Angel has developed an involuntary reaction to seeing his special cookbook on the small prop by the stove. Wetness coats her thigh as soon as she sees his messy handwriting on the page, signaling that he is indeed preparing a sauce or cream for kinky play. He really likes playing with frozen fruit and ice cream or watching Angel squirm as chocolate sauce tickles her while dribbling down her breasts. He is wicked. And also awfully gluttonous. Angel spoils him and is spoiled with this specific kink of theirs. It was the first kink they explored even when their relationship was still vanilla.
Pain kink
Not much explaining to do. Jin goes absolutely wild with riding crops and paddles. There’s nothing more exciting than watching Angel push her chest towards him, trying to convince him to remove her nipple clamps as she writhing underneath him.
Cum play
There’s nothing more exciting for Jin than watching his cum stain Angel’s breasts, or pulling out at the very last second to cum on her belly. Another thing he loves is to jerk off and make Angel wait with her mouth open, ready to welcome the head of his cock as he finally reaches his climax and spills inside her, telling her not to swallow and open her mouth to show him how much she loves the result of his pleasure before closing her mouth and swallowing, and showing that she took every single droplet of it.
Yoongi and Kitten
Sensation play
Kitten is a bad bitch. She gets off at having Yoongi moaning, squirming, whimpering and groaning underneath her. And Yoongi is so sensitive. It would be a shame not to toy with that. She likes giving him head and edging him, putting him through the absolute worst. He gets weak whenever Kitten blindfolds him, pours warm massage oil on him and procedes with the most relaxing touches and caresses. He gets whiny and desperate whenever she chooses to bring ice cubes to the bedroom and he gets absolutely wild whenever her bullet vibrator is aimed at him instead of her. Kitten is a menace — and maybe a bit of a sadist — but it always feels so sweet once she finally offers him release. Yoongi might consider it torture, but in the end he really, really loves that.
Choking kink
There’s not much difference: choking... being choked... both are okay with giving and receiving. Kitten has a sensitive neck and chest, which means any action there is a huge turn on. Her sensitivity there means she usually covers her upper torso, since it being even slightly exposed makes her feel vulnerable; plus she often needs to hide hickeys and bruises anyway.
Oral fixation; face fucking
Kitten loves giving blowjob, Yoongi loves placing his mouth anywhere on Kitten, especially on her lips, her chest and between her legs. Yoongi has given hints about... Uhm... Oral skills. I think he'd be glad to spend hours between Kitten's legs, and since she wasn't entirely confident with receiving oral sex (her ex was a prick), he is more than happy to take things slow and help her rebuild enough confidence to literally have her climb him while he's laying on the bed, and unashamedly sit on his face and ride it.
Voice fetish
When Kitten and Yoongi met, both were attracted by each other’s voice and throughout courtship and dating they both loved listening to the other talk. Yoongi knows his voice is attractive, and he is incredibly attuned to Kitten’s slightly deep, very soft and quiet voice. She has a velvety timbre that is so relaxing and exciting at the same time. He could get wild at her whispering in his ear, feeling her lips graze against the shell of his ear. However, Kitten would be equally weak if he did that to her.
Phone sex
Since they both enjoy listening to each other’s voice, and since Yoongi travels a lot, they are really into phone sex when they’re too far apart, or when Yoongi needs to stay at the dorms or if they feel extremely needy in the middle of the day. Even when he’s on tour, they prefer phone sex to kinky video calls.
Breast worship
This kink, paired up with Yoongi’s oral fixation, Kitten’s sensitive chest, and cumplay just explains how much exploring there is toward this direction. There are no limits: sensation play with ice cubes or warm massage oil, wax play, food play, boob jobs, a lot of nipple teasing… Kitten is open to experimenting and Yoongi is more than aware of what could feel nice and what would be utter torture. And he wants to try it all.  
Cumplay and Cum eating
Yoongi is not afraid of things getting messy. He likes having Kitten’s juices all over his face, licking them off his lips and fingers: he doesn’t need her to taste like watermelon or smell like rainbows and unicorns. He wants a woman, real and messy. He loves the salty taste on his tongue, and he can tell when she’s close to her period for how the taste of her changes. Plus, he loves cumming on her breasts, especially if his semen accidentally marks her pretty, lacy bras. 
Hoseok and Giggles
Handjobs; squirting
Hoseok’s hands are a blessing. But his fingers are a gift of the devil. They were made to sin and torture. Giggles is very sensitive on her own account. That paired up with Hoseok’s skills makes for wild nights of soaked sheets — luckily enough they buy an impermeable blanket pretty much at the beginning of their relationship.
Impact play; flogger
Not only Hoseok’s hands are a blessing, but those wrists are stretchable. Fluent. They’re perfect for cracking a whip. Or a flogger — he is a bit afraid of using a whip, and it takes a lot of space… However, floggers? He smiles wickedly whenever Giggles gets close to him on Thursday or Friday and casually sits on his lap, hooks an arm behind his neck and leans in close. “I don’t have my Monday shift… Do you think we could… Play with the flogger?” She asks, a bit insecure. He usually plans scenes for Saturday night, so he can have all the aftercare equipment ready and he can spend all Sunday taking care of Giggles. If he can comply to her request, he hugs her close to him and reassures her as they start planning more details.
By now it is canon that these two have taken lessons, that they have personalised ropes that Giggles had to prepare personally. Although she’s more precise and diligent in knots, Hoseok is also very attentive and prepared; they often discuss bondage scenes, even over dinner, talking about how the scene will play out, which types of knots to use, how to secure the rope, et cetera.
As I said, they are both absolutely okay discussing stuff they want to try. It isn’t uncommon for them to be watching a movie and suddenly something appears — even something as banal as a clothespin or a makeup brush —  and suddenly one of them is going: “We could use that in bed”. It isn’t uncommon for them to discuss kinky stuff during the week, planning scenes over dinner, or while they’re chilling, or whatever.
Torture play; Overstimulation; tickling
Hoseok likes seeing Giggles writhing and tossing underneath him. He likes torturing her with overstimulation, giving her orgasms back to back or making her squirt so many times that she passes out — it only happened twice and he made sure she drank almost two litres of water afterwards to make sure she didn’t get dehydrated. He also loves her laugh and her nickname comes from the lovely, happy sounds she makes when he coaxes a laugh from her. He loves tickling her to tears, her silvery voice erupting in chuckles that fill his heart with joy.
Shifting positions; multiple rounds
Hoseok has stamina and flexibility. He can go for three rounds without even blinking. He’d manoeuvre Giggles in and out of positions, directing her, helping her put her body in place, following her movements as she shifts. She’s not always happy with all the moving around, especially when she finds a good position and Hoseok decides he wants to change it; however, he can be extremely convincing and he happens to remember all her favourites, putting them in a smooth, easy sequence whenever he wants to reward her — which is at least twice a month because Giggles is the most perfect little bubble.
Jimin and Princess
Jimin lives to be watched. His mannerism and elegance make him a performer, even in the plainest tasks. When Princess is watching him, he only exists for her eyes and her eyes only. Nothing gratifies him more than the loving, passionate glances she throws at him when with their friends, or the obscured and raptured ones when she’s dominating him, or the desperate, imploring ones when it’s his turn to call the shots.
Pet play
Jimin is a huge switch. He likes following his whims and is overall a brat, who just does whatever he likes. So, when Princess comes out of the bathroom before bedtime and finds him lounging on the bed naked with a pair of cat ears, his collar and her riding crop waiting on her bedside table, she knows exactly the kind of treatment he’s trying to get. Nevertheless, when in that mood he turns into the most obedient little kitty, so vulnerable and frail that Princess knows she shall treat him with velvet gloves (haha). Literally.
Edging and overstimulation
Princess likes it when Jimin gets messy and whiny and loud. She likes listening to him whimpering and whining while she uses her vibrator on him and makes him cry. It makes her feel powerful. It also makes her ten times softer afterwards and she just loves it when he hits subspace so bad he starts calling her mommy and begging for her to make him cum.
Anal play
Both Princess and Jimin are okay with giving and receiving. Princess is especially in love with double penetration. Jimin is very okay with rimming and putt plugs.
Jimin has never really had the courage to try getting spanked before. He had his first experience with Princess, directing her thought the scene. He had learnt basic directions in case he ever needed to teach his partner, but he never thought it would actually happen. From there he and Princess get more comfortable with spankings and get even more involved in impact play, still spankings stay Jimin’s favourite.
When in dom mode, Jimin can be vitriolic in his remarks, praising Princess with the dirtiest taunts. Some name calling happens, but Jimin never lets that get too deep. He usually opts for a patronising behaviour that questions Princess’ ability to live without him, and usually avoids anything outright insulting.
Breast worship
Jimin loves Princess’ chest. He likes touching her breasts, more than anything else, but this doesn’t mean he won’t slap them, suck them and fuck them every now and then.
[Sorry if I didn’t write much, honestly I’m still figuring these two out. I think it has a lot to do with Jimin being just so... mercurial. I can’t find another word. He is the least “steady” character in my head. I don’t know. I’ve always had problems with understanding Libras. He’s just so moody and so... It’s frustrating. I just have so many vibes coming from him it’s too much.]
Taehyung and Lace
Voyeurism; exhibitionism
While Jimin lives to be watched, Taehyung is all about the art of watching. Taehyung needs to watch Lace. It doesn’t matter if she’s putting on her lipstick or washing the dishes or brushing her teeth or sucking his cock. He will study her like a painting hung in a museum until he can close his eyes and imagine her exist like a hologram in his head. He loves watching her during sex and he indirectly loves being watched by her too. Lace has never felt so beautiful. 
Outdoor sex
I think they wouldn’t mind trying outdoor sex: the lack of available locations in Seoul initially discourages them, but as they start going on holidays together, geographic remoteness and private outdoor spaces start becoming characteristics these two actually look for in their ideal resort. Yes, they’re the type to fuck against a tree in the woods — or maybe on the beach, under the stars (with Lace taking the utmost care in making sure nothing goes wrong in terms of safety both to their healths and Taehyung’s career).
Cyber sex
With Taehyung travelling because of his job, it isn’t uncommon for him and Lace to become cyber sex experts. Not only he has videos of her safely stored away in a memory card he has basically stitched to his skin — he is hyperaware of it and they are extremely careful of anything that could possibly link the video to the two of them — but he's more than willing to plan videocalls where they can get carried away in front of the camera for the other's viewing pleasure.
There’s nothing more relaxing and intimate to Taehyung and Lace than being physically connected after sex. After being so close, so together even for a rough, brief quickie, it is traumatic for them to part too suddenly, so usually Taehyung stays inside her for at least a bunch of minutes.
Oral fixation
Both Taehyung and Lace like putting their mouth on the other. Lace could live with Taehyung’s cock in her mouth, while he especially loves to bite her flesh, pretty much anywhere, or stare at her face while he suckles her breasts like a little boy. He could literally fall asleep while they’re facing each other, on their sides, suckling at her nipple while she handcombs his hair, the pressure slowly decreasing until he lets go completely, sound asleep.
Foot fetish
Both Taehyung and Lace are new to this and they're more than willing to explore. Expect Taehyung to grow increasingly addicted to them playing footsie underneath the dinner table, but also to get exceedingly turned on by having Lace's feet laying on his lap or crotch.
Taehyung knows exactly how to touch Lace, massaging her after a long day, relaxing her whole body before his fingers end up inside her. His strong, sinewy fingers seem to be programmed to please her. Nevertheless, he is not prone to use this as a form of torture; he'd much rather use it to amplify Lace's sensitivity and help her reach further states of pleasure.
Anal play
I think Taehyung aims at possessing every inch of Lace's body, and of course he wouldn't mind one bit to rim, finger or fuck her ass. He'd be absolutely fine with buttplugs and double penetration. And don't think he would mind wearing a butt plug himself — I think he's the most likely to wear a tail-buttplug, probably. I also think he is by far the most comfortable with the idea of getting pegged: he knows his power and he knows it could never be undermined by Lace fucking him with her strap on.
Jungkook and Candy
Predator play
May it be playful or absolutely ruthless, Jeongguk loves hunting Candy inside his apartment. He loves playing hide and seek, he loves the rush he feels when he spots a hint, and he loves even more the adrenaline coursing through his body when he chases her down the corridor and picks her up, throwing her body over his shoulder — oh, and most of all he loves ripping her clothes off and taking her whenever he manages to catch her.
Corruption kink
Jeongguk’s predatory instincts get even louder when Candy is acting innocent, being her happy, playful, bubbly self. Go figure when she’s sleeping and her face is so soft and young and she has a slight pout and squishable cheeks: Jeongguk can feel his blood flood to all the right places, arousal and adrenaline mixing up, while his brain tries to stay calm, wake her up gently and ask for her consent.
It’s not that big of a thing to him, he might leave hickeys down Candy’s chest, but that’s mostly it. He’s shy and he’s not all that comfortable with other people seeing them. However, I decided to place this kink right here because bunny wants to be marked. He loves indentations and scratches coming from Candy’s medium-short nails. His all time favourite are scratches down his back, and small crescents on his shoulders and ass. Also lowkey scratches down his abs and thighs. He might go crazy the moment he’s not promoting or shooting and he can finally let Candy cover his chest in hickeys.
When absolutely fucked out, Jeongguk starts rambling the most saccharine, degrading sentences to Candy. He has a rich collection of dirty pet names, sometimes with a patronising or humiliating undertone. He doesn’t do it coherently, he’s just not thinking and it feels that good. Of course he always apologises afterwards, but Candy has no shame whatsoever. He might apologise for calling her his fuckdoll, but she’s not ashamed of it, that’s exactly what she is. Hearing him speak those nasty words always gets her going since it shows how fucked out she’s getting him.
Jeongguk wants to be praised. His ego bursts when Candy praises him, openly or not. Candy whining while he hits the spot is one of the strongest praises she can offer him. He direly needs to be praised when in sub mode, matching the encouraging words with soothing touches and loving glances.
Mommy kink
Yes. They’re exploring a few things after it turned out Joengguk wanted to try. Apparently he’s enjoying way more than he expected. Especially when he’s playing chase with Candy and she grows tired, stomps her foot to the floor and gets her harsh tone on. He starts obeying in seconds. Overall a well.behaved baby, if a little lively and energetic.
Breast worship
Another great fan of boobs. He really loves fucking Candy’s tits, especially while she’s laying down and he’s sitting on top of her, straddling her ribs. His obsession worsens once she gets a nipple piercing: it becomes his favourite place to put his hand on before sleep.
Oral sex
Candy is the absolute grandmaster of blowjobs. She’s the non plus ultra. Blowjobs become Jeongguk’s favourite reward, especially when paired up with her cunt grinding against his face. He could die a happy man like that. After helping Candy get rid of her insecurities about being eaten out, Jeongguk decides he’d do that at least three times a week, almost planning a schedule to make sure he didn’t skip a day. He lowkey asks Yoongi for tips, trying to find new positions to test Candy’s resistance.
Jeongguk gets very emotionally vulnerable after sex. He needs to talk about his insecurities and doubts, since he always feels so connected to Candy right in the aftermath. At the beginning, cockwarming is actually a consequence of him not realising he hasn’t pulled out as he rambles about everything that is going on inside his mind; however, as he gets used to that, he begins to do it willingly, feeling too naked and cold without staying inside her.
Multiple rounds
Jeongguk has a very high stamina. He can last two to three rounds — four if he’s going wild —, then go for some food, some water and/or a nap and be ready for more in a few hours. Candy is absolutely okay with it: he’s usually the one moving her like a puppet, so even if she’s exhausted, she doesn’t need to worry, he’ll do all the work.
Rough/animalistic sex
Jeongguk is not exceedingly into powerplay: any kind of power imbalance comes naturally, without any kind of planning or negotiating and what the others express in more niche activities, they simply express in very rough, very intense fucking. Especially when Jeongguk has just come home from the gym. Rather than using fancy toys or sophisticated practices, they much rather jump each other bones and fuck like rabbits (haha).
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Could you make a hc about Lance and Guardian first date? 👀
Hello! This ask turned into a bit of a headcanon / scenario hybrid, I hope you don’t mind! It’s was so tempting to write in-depth about so many things through this that I couldn’t stop myself lol.
Also, I put a couple of my own headcanons on Lance’s dragon form in here because we know basically nothing except how he looks.
~Under the cut~
Lance and Guardienne's first date:
Guardienne may have been the first one to show interest in advancing their relationship from friends to partners (since Lance was very hesitant to do that as he feels he doesn’t deserve it after everything he’s done), but Lance will take it upon himself to initiate the first date after she clearly has interest, and he won’t take it lightly.
His seriousness about this is due to two main reasons: the instinctual nature of being a dragon - which includes all the courtship instincts that are a part of his people’s culture - and the belief that she truly deserves to be taken seriously.
Lance may not have been raised by his people, but dragons are feral creatures by nature and, therefore, instincts are a prominent part of their life. The knowledge that she’s agreeing to date him will be translated into a very basic idea within those instincts: she’s allowing him to court her. There - of course - will be more to their relationship than just Lance trying to court her, but this idea merely shows what instincts will be active through the beginning of their relationship until they’re both sure they want to be together long-term. The point of having courtship instincts is to show a potential mate that said dragon is competent at providing, protecting, and caring for their love interest, so that’s exactly what Lance plans to do. These instincts - combined with knowing her personality and interests - will help him to think of things he can find, plan, or do for her that are specifically chosen because he believes she’ll like it. He wants to show her that he is an ideal mate for her, so he’ll keep trying to prove that relentlessly until they both have confirmed their affection for each other over and over again, in which case Lance will still keep providing and caring for her, but will be less aggressive about it. These instincts also act as a major impulse control for Lance, and this can be either harmful or beneficial for him. They can influence in-the-moment decisions, especially with physical touch, like whether or not he kisses her in one moment or how he chooses to hold her. This can be harmful in the manner where he may pressure her past her boundaries a bit by accident - unknowingly trying to prove how deep his want for her is and being caught up in the moment and his own physical feelings so he’s rendered unable to immediately realize her discomfort unless she makes a clear gesture that she’s not yet interested. The last thing Lance wants it to make her uncomfortable, so he’ll try to keep from doing something unless it’s relatively clear that she’ll react positively to it, but from that thought, this can also be greatly beneficial as it allows him to recognize things that he - or other men - may otherwise overlook. There may be a moment where she’s interested in possibly initiating something, but may be too shy to actually take the first step. He’s very detail orientated, so he’ll likely notice this subtle change in how she acts as she ponders a thought, and can instinctually recognize a few changes in her physical being - like glancing from his eyes to his lips, initiating a few kind but somewhat unnecessary touches, unknowingly accentuating a few attractive parts of her body, and even going as far as detecting a faint change in scent when she’s aroused (although, that last one will come a bit later in the relationship). Sometimes Lance will purposely tamp down any instinctual habits for the sake of proper self-control and not needing to second-guess any action that may actually make her uncomfortable, but usually when Lance detects a few signs that she’s heavily interested in him in the moment - and it’s clearly romantic interest, not interest in just the conversation topic - those instincts will unravel and he won’t be able to stop himself from immediately leaning forward to steal her lips in a kiss.
These instincts overall are very serious to him, and he doesn’t intend to take her courtship lightly - after all, his actions and his manner with her will influence how her feelings develop with him, and that’s influenced by how his instincts effect him in this situation. However, that doesn’t mean he’ll go out of his way to change for her or do things (that he may not like, especially) just because he thinks she’ll like it. If his instincts are continuously telling him to do things that she’s not liking, then perhaps they’re not as compatible as he’d like to think. He’s willing to give her things that are influenced by his instincts that she’ll surely like, but if he needs to think and act differently than who he is, then their relationship will be based off a lie, and he’s not about to base any part of his life - or someone else’s life that concerns him - off of a lie made solely to please.
He’s also taking this date seriously because he feels it would disrespectful of him to not take it seriously. This is a given regardless of who it is, but he feels it applies with her even more than it would with anyone else due to this reasoning: Lance has tried to kill her in the past - multiple times - and he tried to kill her friends and destroy the world that she loves so dearly. So not only would it be disrespectful in general to waste her time with a date that isn’t well planned or thought out, but it would be incredibly disrespectful to the point of being truly unforgivable if he did all of those horrible things and then tried to win her affections by thinking that a shallow, poorly thought out date would even begin to be acceptable in proving that he’s an ideal man for the savior of Eldarya. It takes the idea of wasting her time and thinking poorly of her intelligence and self-worth to a whole new level - and Lance is not about to risk that in any way. This is the woman who actually managed to put up a fight against him (hopeless, but he gives her credit for trying because she believed in her reasoning), who saved Eldarya, and is now moving past bitter old emotions to begin considering taking her past sworn enemy as her future lover. She has gained his respect in a multitude of ways, so there is no way that he’s going to take their first date lightly.
That being said, he struggles for a few days planning what he wants to do with her. He did ask her if there was anything in specific she’d like to do - only for her to say that there was nothing in particular, so all the planning was on him. Lance wants a good balance of including things she likes and would appreciate while also adding in his own interests. He believes that their first date should reflect how he thinks their relationship would manifest - and what he would like it to be and what he thinks she’d like it to be - while being conscious that this will be the first glimpse into a possible intimate life with each other, which can be off putting at first, so he thinks of everything that that would include and / or influence; food, entertainment, traveling, talking, etc. It was a good thing he told her prior to expect to be with him the whole day as he eventually finds himself needing to carefully manage and plan things to assure the date will go as he hopes, otherwise the rest of the day wouldn’t be very ideal. He’s sure to have a few back-up plans, though, just in case something does go awry so the date isn’t a total failure.
Guardienne knows absolutely nothing about what he’s planning, the only thing he told her is to take the whole day off and wear something comfortable yet functional that she isn’t afraid to get dirty. This almost scares her, and for a while she wonders what she got herself into by saying yes to his offer - after all, Lance has always had a creative mind with their “adventures” in the past - but she will admit that she does trust him now, and she follows his advice when the day of their date comes.
Lance is sure to give Huang Hua a few day’s warning about his day off and who he’s leaving in charge that day - she raises an eyebrow and grins the slightest bit when he mentions the exact day he needs to take off, but doesn’t ask any questions - and rises early on the day of their date to meet Guardienne in the Dinning Hall at the time they agreed on.
Now Karuto doesn’t like Lance at all much, and the dragon knows this, so when he originally asked the chef to prepare a few special meals he was turned down very quickly. But then he mentioned that it’s for Guardienne as well...
“Oh? You want me to prepare a special meal for her for you? Ha! Why?”
“Well... we intend to spend the day together so I want to be sure she has a nice time, and you’re cooking is excellent, Karuto. I know Guardienne really appreciates your food, and I don’t want to take any risks of things going wrong, so I was thinking that if we could have a breakfast and dinner at the dinning hall, and a lunch to go, that would be a definite way to begin to make sure she has a nice time.”
Karuto’s ladle clattered to the floor as the Satyr whipped his head around to look Lance dead in the eye, a dumbstruck expression on his face - almost looking as though he’s seen a ghost. Lance met his gaze evenly, expecting this reaction. He knew the chef didn’t like him that much, he didn’t blame him, but he hoped that Karuto could perhaps bless him with this favor for Guardienne’s sake.
“You mean... you have a date with her?” Karuto’s voice was faintly high pitched, reconfirming just how shocked he was. Lance shifted a bit, glancing to the ground as he did before meeting his gaze again.
“Ah, well... yes. So I’d really like things to go well. And try to keep this on the down-low. This is our first date and I think everything would go better overall if it didn’t spread like wildfire through the guard just yet.”
Karuto’s facial features softened a bit as he listened, picking up the ladle and shuffling to throw it in the sink before fishing another from one of the various hooks along the wall and returning to the pot on the stove.
“...Well, I suppose I can’t say no... and... - ahm - congrats? I’ll be sure to keep quiet about this, I guess, for her sake. Now what are you thinking of for the meals?” Karuto still looked quite surprised, but there was a sincerity in his expression and tone that Lance trusted, and he promptly thanked Karuto for doing him this favor. However, the Satyr also made sure to give him the full version of “if you try anything with her and I hear of it, I’ll personally make your life hell.” Lance quickly realizes that Karuto really likes her, and assures him he won’t do anything she doesn’t want. It doesn’t really seem to convince the chef, but he also probably realizes that there’s nothing he can do to stop this. Guardienne can be just as stubborn as the dragon, after all, and she’s already said yes to this.
Fortunately, Karuto kept his word and prepared a special breakfast for the both of them - Lance quickly noticed that his was prepared with quality as well, although the chef gave him a sharp look - and Guardienne soon realized that their breakfast was different than what was being served to others as they settled into a quiet corner of the hall. Lance - somewhat sheepishly - admitted that he’d asked a special favor from Karuto, and Guardienne grinned appreciatively at this.
When they were finished, Lance retrieved the lunches - nodding in thanks to Karuto as he did, the chef still giving him a meaningful look - and stored them in the small travel bag he packed, heading out of the guard with Guardienne to lead her to the open plains.
The next part of his plan was a bit shifty. It’s always possible that she could back out or become uncomfortable, but he feels - despite his anxiousness - that this should be how things are done. If Guardienne at any point became uncomfortable, then he would immediately yield to her wishes, but he really hoped she didn’t. He believes this is where their date can truly begin, and he hopes that she has enough faith in him to follow his plans.
He dropped the bag on the ground and turned to her, leveling a calm stare on her as she tilted her head in curiosity.
“You’ve never rode a dragon, correct?”
“I hope that’s not an innuendo.” She cracks a smile and raises a brow as she looks at him, he grins slyly in return. 
“No - not this time at least.” He can play the game of wit. Guardienne’s smile grows before falling, a faint trace of wistful mourning crossing her expression.
“But, actually I have. Your brother, during the war...” Lance remembered that and his grin dropped, but this was something different. That was into war, when neither were paying attention to the actual experience and were focused on preserving their lives. He needed to know if she actually experienced seeing the world from a dragon’s eye view.
“Yes, I know that, but have you actually rode a dragon and been able to focus on the experience? Flying into war is very different than flying for leisure.”
“No, I haven’t experienced that...” She looked intently at him now, understanding where he was leading the topic.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes... I trust you.” Her eyes met his steadily as she responds. Everything is going as he hoped so far.
Whisps of white and cerulean blue shifted around Lance as he began shifting into his dragon form, stretching his wings out and lifting his head towards the sky to adjust once fully transformed before taking a few steps towards her as Guardienne picked up the travel bag. She admired the beautiful rippling of crystalline blue and snow white scales as he sauntered towards her before crouching down and lowering his neck. Sudden nervousness swept over Guardienne - he was certainly big, easily close to 10 feet tall - if not taller - with a thick, muscular form, but she never actually had the chance to think about riding a dragon before doing so, and that realization seemed intimidating to her now. Will she just hang onto the ice-like horns that adorn his upper neck? Won’t her weight be tiring for him in time? What about her legs, where should she put them? Could he really lift her weight into the air as easily as he seems to think?
Lance took notice of her hesitance and tilted his head and neck to look at her with a piercing eye, watching her as she stared for a moment.
“I understand this may seem daunting. If you feel you can trust this, I would recommend doing so - I have wonderful things planned for us - but I won’t force you. I have backup plans closer to the guard if you feel you’re not ready for this.” Lance’s heart twists a bit - he really wanted to do this with her. This was really the only possible hindrance, if she could just get past this and trust him...
“No, it’s fine. I just... how do I hold on?” Guardienne quickly snaps to and laughs a bit, securing the travel bag to her and lifting a leg to straddle his lower neck. She placed her hands on his neck for a moment before curiously running her hands along his scales. Such a wonderful texture...
A purr rumbles from the dragons chest as he relaxes, pleased that she was agreeing with this.
“Hang on to the horns around my neck and wrap your legs around me - be sure to dig your heels in, it’ll help stabilize you.”
Guardienne did as told and instinctively leaned forward on his neck, clinging close to dear life.
“When we’re up in the air you can re-adjust your grip a bit to be more comfortable. Are you ready?” Lance raised his neck from the ground and Guardienne braced herself, already feeling unsettlingly high in the air - but she knew she wanted this.
Lance tilted his head towards the sky again and spread his wings wide, leaping from the ground to hover for a moment before his wings scored through the air with a loud, windy woosh. Guardienne watched as his wings folded a bit, his scales shimmering beautifully in the sunlight, before stretching out and falling upon the air again. With every down stroke of his wings, Lance’s head and neck raised into the air a bit, the rest of his body following the rippling motion as he climbed higher in the air and gained speed.
Guardienne dared not look down as they rose above the trees, instead hunkering down a bit to press herself closer to the ice dragon. They were heading higher than she’s ever been while riding another creature - and while she did trust Lance, it still unsettled her greatly knowing how far their drop would be if he were thrown off balance and unable to recover. But he has years of experience of flying, she reminded herself. It was unlikely for him to lose control of himself.
Lance could sense a bit of her anxiety and shifted his wing pattern, smoothing out his climb to be more steady and less aggressive in how he moved. Guardienne fortunately seemed to lose some of her worries as he climbed with more subtle movements, and just as she relaxed a bit he shifted his pattern again. They were high enough in the sky now to where Lance just needed to change direction to head towards their destination, so he leveled out in the sky, letting his wings glide through the air.
Guardienne shifted the slightest bit as he leveled out, making sure she had a good grip, and caught sight of the ground below while doing so - but contrary to how terrifying she thought it would feel when seeing it from this distance, it was actually beautiful.
Trees dotted the ground, forming into masses of liquid dark green forests against the pale green of soft grass while blue-silver rivers - the color of moondust - meandered through grass and forest alike, dipping to disappear among trees before emerging again at a very separate location. Dark grey boulders dotted along the rivers and streams, and the occasional creature bolted along the plains as it ran from the shadow of the mighty entity flying above it.
She remained entranced at the landscape below as Lance tilted slightly, gliding elegantly through the air as he banked into a turn. Something of a purr rumbled from his chest as Guardienne leaned against him more, faintly adjusting her grip to hold higher on his horns so she could lean closer to him while admiring the ground.
“The land is much nicer from the air, isn’t it?” Lance called out to her as he tilted his head to glance at her, relief welling in his chest when he noted the starry-eyed gaze Guardienne wore as she looked at the ground.
“It’s beautiful!” Her tone will filled with awe, no hint of nervousness appearing anywhere in her energy anymore. He knew she would love this, she just had to push past the fear.
As they flew, Guardienne became more and more comfortable with flying, eventually allowing herself to sit somewhat upright so she can get a wider view of the great expanse of land stretching endlessly beneath them rather than what’s directly below them. It reminded her a lot of when she flew on airplanes, but this was much more free and wild.
Mountain ranges dotted the distance one way - tall, grey and monumental in the face of all the specks of trees and strings of rivers - and thicker forest canopy darkened the forest in some deeper parts of the trees. Open plains flowed beneath them and, with a quick glance over her shoulder, she saw the deep blue of the ocean behind them, growing further and further away. She basked in the view as Lance glided through the air, and Guardienne came to realize that properly riding a dragon isn’t half as worrisome as she originally thought.
She looked ahead and saw a murky, grey-blue expanse approaching from among the trees and plains - immediately recognizing it as a large lake dotted with large, jutting boulders - and beyond that a small cliff. It was as though a small mountain once stood there, but half was taken and replaced by a lake, leaving the other half a jagged, rocky outcrop against the bright sky as it led further back to sloping plains.
Lance dived faintly, gliding softly downward as they approached the lake. For a moment Guardienne’s thoughts filled with alarm as he seemed to intend to send them straight into the water, and she was about to open her mouth to express her concerns when he tilted his wings a few feet away from the surface and stopped their decline just before the water.
Instead, Guardienne’s breath was taken away from her as she looked into the lake, their reflection mirrored beautifully in the deep blue as they glided mere feet away from the surface of the still water, wakes rippling through as they passed by from the airflow of the dragon she rode. Lance tilted himself just slightly, turning their path to allow the edge of his wing to just faintly brush the surface with a soft hiss as water sprayed out behind. However, left upon the surface in the wake from his wing was a long trail of glittering, cloudy ice - spiked along the edges as it froze the rippling water during it’s impact against the dragon’s wing. She watched in fascination the ice trail that followed them, suddenly wondering how the water felt, and pressed her front completely against Lance as she leaned down. Gripping him tightly with her hand and legs, she took a calming breath and leaned slightly to his side, reaching to the lake. 
Lance tilted his head to look at her again and straightened out, letting them drop closer until he was a risk of sending them straight into the water if he glided any lower. Fortunately, this was all the decline Guardienne needed, and the tips of her fingers brushed through the surface; cold and grating against her skin at their speed - but spraying out in a similar fashion as the water that had sprayed from Lance’s wing - and leaving her breathless from the experience.
The start of an astonished laugh bubbled from her chest before she leaned completely back, readjusting her grip again as she looked across the water on both sides. Exhilaration flowed through her bones and veins as she took in their speed in comparison to the lake and trees along the bank, and she let out a full laugh as she threw her head back to the sky, letting the wind whip over her skin as she embraced the experience of truly riding a dragon. 
Joy bubbled within Lance as he took in her chiming laugh, and as they began to near the occasional large boulder jutting from the lake water he pondered the next part of his plan again. Hopefully she was in the mood for an even more thrilling ride...
He came up upon the first boulder, emerging many feet above the water and shifted his wings again, tilting them to soar upwards and give a flap to keep their speed as he fluently arced above the boulder, letting himself glide slowly down again and targeting two boulders near to each other next. He arced over one again and dived safely above the water, spreading his wings and banking into a sharp, drifting turn to swerve around the second rock. Guardienne shifted on his lower neck as he moved, flattening herself to him and adjusting her balance slightly when needed. When they were level above the water again, approaching their last chance to safely fly away from the approaching cliff, Lance glanced back toward Guardienne to find her studying the immense, jagged rise. She locked her gaze with his one eye, giving a wild grin as she adjusted herself and held on tighter.
Lance knew that she knew his intent, and her grin and tightening grip was all he needed to know that she wanted in on this experience, so he rose slightly above the lake again to beat his wings and gain speed as he scanned the cliff for the best path.
“Have you ever done anything like this?” Guardienne called to him, leaning with him as he tilted to avoid a large rock with an overhanging arch. They passed under it and a crumbling sounded from behind them. She looked back in time to see a fair part of that arch crumble from where they just passed under and splash into the water. Suddenly she was harshly reminded that the landscape could shift due to the wind currents from the dragon, and they don’t have any control over it. Her gaze turned to look at Lance again as he looked back to her.
“If I can fight in the air then I can navigate through cliff sides, and this certainly isn’t the first time I’ve flown through rocky outcrops or forests. Be sure to keep a tight grip, though, this’ll require finessing.”
Guardienne trusted his experience with this, so she nodded her head and gave him a trusting grin - he wouldn’t be doing this if he felt he couldn’t execute it.
Lance turned back to study the sloping cliff and the rocky lake before it again, finding an ideal path upward, and steadied his wings to prepare for the sudden moment where he would enact his first movement. 
Guardienne held onto him, anticipation making her heart race as she studied the rocks as well.
And then Lance banked harshly to the side, heading towards a large, thin ridge rising out of the water that was crumbling on one side.
He tilted back, rising into the air and closing quickly in on the ridge top before arcing himself tightly over it. Nearly immediately on the other side was another jutting formation, and - as he was gliding downward - his wings shifted and he rose his head and neck to the sky to begin to slow their descent and climb again, then tilted nearly vertical to the side to veer around the formation, bringing them closer to the immense cliff edge now nearly directly above them. Lance soared along the length of cliff for a moment, level with the water now as he spotted an arch adjoining the cliff. He glided to it and folded his wings safely in for a moment as they passed through before flicking his wings open on the other side and immediately banked upwards into the sky.
Guardienne held on tight, pressing herself close to Lance as he easily - gracefully - maneuvered around rocks and overhangs, climbing up the cliff at a soaring speed without bringing them too close to risk any harm, but still close enough to feel the humbleness of realizing how small they still are in comparison to the massive stones. Her head swung wildly around, watching the stones they drifted around and embracing the breathtaking view of the water receding below them. Lance dived and arced and rolled in the air, rising and falling as he maneuvered the cliff. Guardienne diligently held herself close to him, doing her best to adjust herself in subtle ways that might make his flying easier for him while embracing the beauty of the light reflecting off of water below and the shadows cast over them as they soared beneath rock formations.
Guardienne looked towards the sky again as Lance soared along the cliff - noticing that they were about rise over the crest - and leaned her head against his neck gently, silently thanking him for the wonderful, thrilling experience he gave her. They rushed past the peak and kept their fast incline upward to let the speed die out on its own, and Guardienne took the chance to look around as they gided. Light shimmered beautifully off streams through muted green grasslands and forests, similar to where they just came from, but large, silver-grey rock formations jutted out of the ground here, like the boulders in the lake. A feeling of calm content rolled through Guardienne as she surveyed the landscape and rested against the dragon, breathing in the fresh air around them as it breezed by her. She almost wanted to cry from the beauty of the landscape and the experience of freely riding a dragon, understanding completely now exactly why Lance wanted to share this with her. This was something that couldn’t possibly be rivaled by any other experience.
They flew peacefully for only a few minutes longer before Lance glided to a slow stop just a few feet above the top of a hill, reaching out with his hind legs to plant firmly on the grass and lean down so Guardienne could dismount. He checked in on her after shifting back to his human form, trying to get a read on her opinion of the ride, only to be pleasantly surprised when she smiled and laughed, rambling about the humbling feeling of rising above the great earth to dance around it’s formations and soar the skies above it. Fortunately, the flying part of the date was also the most questionable - the most likely thing that would make Guardienne regret her choice - but just as Lance expected and planned for, she enjoyed the thrill instead.
Lance didn’t really have much planned after that to be honest, despite the aggressive way he worried about the plans. He intended for a few specific things to come up during their date, but from here it was really just walking and talking until encountering the right scenario for it. However, he did know roughly where he was and where they needed to go for them to spend the next few hours, so he kindly took the travel bag from her and they headed off in the direction he set, keeping a relaxed pace as they trekked over the hills and rock formations towards the forests around them. 
They talked about anything and everything as they walked - although Guardienne was particularly interested in his dragon powers after what she just experienced, and Lance was more than happy to give her all the information she wished for. He kept a close eye on her as they walked as well, darting out to stabilize her when she stumbled over a root or vine and making sure she had a clear path through any poisonous plants so they wouldn’t brush against her. He didn’t want their time together to end early because she had gotten hurt - of which she had a wonderful record of doing.
They came across a river after a while of walking - slow moving and clear enough that they could see the vibrant fish and other aquatic creatures scuffling around beneath the surface. Guardienne knelt next to the water’s edge to watch the display while Lance settled next to her, leaning forward to watch as well while thinking that he could have decided to hunt for her and cook his catch instead of just asking Karuto to create a lunch. However, this was their first date, and Lance was partially prepared for the possibility where she didn’t end up enjoying it as much as she was enjoying it currently. With that in mind, he let the thought pass over him without any regrets - Karuto’s cooking was a sure way to have her enjoy their lunch out here when her final opinions of everything else could still vary - and marked it down as a thought for a later date if she was interested.
“They’re so colorful.” Guardienne smiled and dipped a finger into the water. The creatures in the vicinity of her finger scattered, rushing up or downstream or crawling along the bottom of the stream. A small, regretful grimace came to her face at seeing the reaction, dejectedly pulling her finger out of the water.
“I guess they’re as skittish as the fish back on Earth.” A minor, guilty smile came to her face as she looked at Lance, who grinned gently back and let out an amused huff, leaning his shoulder against her’s softly. Guardienne leaned into him as well and turned back to the expanse of the river, watching as creatures slowly returned from their hiding places. She glanced down the length of the river, recalling what she learned about Lance’s abilities earlier.
“Could you freeze over this whole river? Turn the whole thing into ice?” She asked curiously, wondering exactly the extent of his powers. Lance smiled at her before taking her hand in his.
“Probably, but I much more enjoy doing things like this.” He took her hand in his, his larger palm over the back of her small hand, and dipped their fingers into the water. The creatures - ruffled again from the intrusion into their domain - spread out again, but Guardienne was more interested this time in the pure white, feathery substance that began to spread across the surface of the water, originating from their hands. It looked like frost that spiraled out onto the water in every which way. As the water grew slightly colder - a sharp contrast to the striking warmth of Lance’s hand on hers - a few of the tendrils branched back towards them and crawled along the bank of the river, slipping up to slink across a few plants in it’s path.
Guardienne found herself entranced by the beauty of the living frost, even reaching down to the water with her other hand to brush her fingertips along the thin, fragile swirls. They were cold and hard to the touch, but a small amount of pressure applied made the frost dip under her fingers before she backed away. It was definitely thin and fragile; something beautiful to look at but not to touch.
She leaned against Lance a bit more without speaking, enjoying the quiet, beautiful moment they were sharing. He ran the pad of his thumb over the outer side of hers kindly.
Some time later they were moving again, trekking through light forests that were shifting into rollings hills and flatland. Guardienne savored the light breeze and warm sun as it traveled across the land and brushed her skin. It was a good thing that the weather was nice, otherwise Lance would have needed to change his plans. Guardienne was truly enjoying the date so far - if she knew what this date would be like beforehand, only for it to be changed by the weather, she would have been severely disappointed. However, this brought the thought of what Lance would have done if they couldn’t have gotten this far into the date.
As they walked, they discussed Lance’s backup plans, revealing that he - in the event of bad weather or something else restricting his original plans - would have then opted to spend the day with her in one of their rooms, probably his, or possibly have spent time somewhere else. If the weather wasn’t too bad - just a small bit of rain or something - then he would have even considered taking her to sit underneath the Cherry Tree to spend time in silence together. Frankly, he had a lot of things in mind that they could have done, it just would have depended on her mood and the weather.
They talked for a while until they encountered a shallow ravine, and Lance put his arm out to stop her, staring intently at the pointy, vibrant colored plants that dusted the bottom. He grabbed a nearby branch and stuck one end into the ravine - sinking a few feet into the plants before hitting solid ground - and continued to do the same motion as he walked alongside the dip, poking the stick against the ground every few feet as it hit at a slowly quickening pace. Guardienne watched with interest as Lance continued to walk further before he turned to her with a faint grin and a raised eyebrow.
“I hope you don’t intend to stand there all day. It’ll be easier to cross when the dip is more shallow.”
He turned back to testing the depth and walking as Guardienne snapped out of her watching, a grin making it’s way to her face as she began to follow him. The stick reached only a foot or two deep into the ravine now.
“I don’t know, I was thinking I would stand there until you decided to carry me across like a princess. Add a new twist to the typical story of a princess being kidnapped by a fearsome dragon, you know?” She spoke in a humored tone, turning her gaze away for a moment to look at their surroundings, only to begin to turn her attention back to him when she heard the thump of the stick falling to the ground.
She let out a surprised squeak as she suddenly found herself off the ground, leaning back and being pulled to Lance’s chest as he picked her up with ease. Her hands found holds within his armor to cling to him as he began heading towards the ravine.
“Lance! What are you doing!?” She laughed as she clung to him, pleasantly shocked at his sudden actions.
“Well fortunately the kidnapping part is over, so now this age-old, horrifying tale can be continued in a lighter manner - per se with the beautiful princess being protected by said fearsome dragon from potentially poisonous plants. It’s better if only one of us trek through this instead of both.” He spoke in a light tone as well, a smirk on his face as he glanced over to meet her gaze quickly. The reminder of the kidnapping - and his past overall - weren’t a usually pleasant memory, yet somehow she made it easy to pass over, even joke about on occasion.
“Hey, I probably could have carried you.” Gaurdienne laughs as she says this, looking up at him with a humorous but fierce gaze. Lance found himself shaking with laughter as well.
“I’d like to see you try!” 
He sets her down gently on the other side of the ravine, keeping a hand on her hip as she finds stable footing along the slope and rocks before they head off again, talking and joking with each other all the while.
Lance certainly begins to open up as they walk, and Guardienne’s time with him turns less from a date with the man who once tried to kill her - and who’s loyalty she questions sometimes - to an enjoyable hang-out with someone who might as well have been an old friend. They find themselves laughing about many different things and carrying witty conversations together, occasionally broken by Lance adding in small informational bits regarding things they pass by that Guardienne comments on.
Eventually the forest is left behind them and they start their hike across rolling, wide pastures, the wind breezing through the tall grass as they climbed their way up a sloping hill. A strong wind current hit Guardienne at the top before calming as she looked at the land around them.
A beautiful river curled around the base of the hill, and a small lake sat off not too far in the distance, leading further to forest again. Clouds still dotted the sky, with no storm in sight.
“Are you hungry?” Guardienne turned her attention back to Lance as he spoke, glancing up to note the sun’s position in the sky. It was high above them, but was noticeably starting it’s decline towards the horizon again.
“Yea. Now that you say it, I am starting to get hungry.”
They stopped on the hill and Lance began to scan the ground, fussing with the travel bag as he stared at one spot.
He slightly nervously pulled out a thin, soft blanket from within the small travel bag, letting the faint wind spread it out as he laid it on the ground.
“Wait, did you drag me all the way out here for a picnic?” Guardienne giggled as she watched his ministrations, and a faint dark red brushed Lance’s face as he paused and avoided her gaze.
“I suppose it does look like that.” He grinned broadly and breathed a laugh. Lance originally saw the date as a combination of many things that they’d both enjoy, but it did seem like the main highlight was their lunch now...
“Don’t worry, I’ve enjoyed the whole date so far. Unless the food sprouts wings I don’t think it’ll rival the thrilling ride you gave me.” Guardienne giggled as she approached the blanket he set down.
“Who said I was worried?” He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a sly grin now.
“Ugh, fine then Mr. Cool and Collected... That’s a nice look on you by the ways.” She brushed off his comment and internally laughed at the contradiction she pointed out, looking away before meeting his gaze again with a tinge of smugness. 
“It would look better on you.” Lance quickly retorted. Guardienne couldn’t stop her shy grin and her heart from racing when he turned his sharp blue gaze on her, a blush faintly dusting his face as he grinned dangerously at her through narrowed eyes. Somehow, no matter what state he’s in, he always seems to manage to get her restless. 
They settled onto the blanket - Lance resting his sword on the ground next to the cloth so it was out of the way - and began to unpack the food that Karuto cooked, placing it carefully on slightly uneven ground. They carried on conversations as they ate, enjoying the warmth of the day and the breeze that brushed by, even spotting a wild rabbit-like creature racing across the grassland.
Some time later, after their meal was finished and the scraps packed up tightly in the travel bag to take back, they laid back on the blanket, watching as snowy clouds passed overhead. Guardienne suggested that they stay there for a while and watch the clouds, and she began pointing out certain clouds that looked like shapes or companions to her. Lance quickly caught on to the idea and pointed out a few things as well. They even started debating what clouds looked like what, nipping lightly at each other with humorous words when they scuffled about whether a cloud looked like a Warrifang or a Gallytrot.
Eventually they continued their journey across the prairie, heading towards the small lake in the distance. When it was finally up close - the sun truly beginning it’s descent towards the horizon, casting a chilled breeze across the land and gorgeously highlighting the colors of grass and lake alike - she looked into the water. Small pebbles were scattered across the lake bottom, and she stopped at the edge to peer across the water as Lance walked a bit further. He took her hand gently, drawing her attention back to him to look at him in surprise.
Lance was standing on the water in front of her.
Guardienne looked at the surface of the water that he stood on to find it iced over - a circle that surrounded him by a few feet - thicker where he stood and thinning out until it crackled away at the edges. She looked up to meet his gaze with shock.
"Come on." He urged her to step out onto the ice with him with a humored smile, placing a foot in front of her path to summon another ice circle for her before backing off.
Really, she shouldn't have been so surprised - his abilities heavily vary in their use, so it makes complete sense that he could do this. However, she couldn’t shake the flutter in her chest as she looked at him. Was it his casualness that she was actually taking most attention to? Was she actually enjoying this date more than she realized?
Guardienne reached out with a tentative foot, placing it steadily on the ice. It shifted under her weight, slightly floating away as her foot pressed against it and continuing its journey away even after she took her foot off it. Lance placed a foot on the circle at it began to float away, holding it steady and adding more ice onto it to create a bigger circle for her. She looked back up at him with a grin.
"You're kidding me right? Why just little circles? Why not freeze over the whole lake?"
Her hesitance hid worry underneath the surface that Lance caught on to, and he gently grinned back.
"Freezing over the whole thing could have adverse effects to the environment. It's safer to freeze it in small sections. Now get on the ice before I pick you up and place you on it." His tone turned affectionately amused at the last sentence, and then added in a serious, gentle tone; "I won't let you fall in, I promise."
Guardienne looked back at the ice before gently placing her foot on it again, now a bit more confident that it would be stable with Lance holding it - it was his ice after all. It shifted again slightly under her weight, but she committed to her decision and lifted her other foot off the ground to place on the ice, gripping Lance's arm the whole time for support. He wouldn't let her fall, right?
Lance kept her hand in one of his while his other went to her waist to stabilize her as she grew closer, freezing over the small, thinly-iced gap between them so she could basically press herself against him as she looked at the water around them. Guardienne leaned against him slightly as she faintly caught his scent, feeling safe in his arms from the possibility of taking a lake bath.
"Have you never walked on ice before?" He asked gently. Guardienne looked up at him again.
"Well, I've slipped on ice multiple times, but I don’t think I’ve ever achieved the skillful feat of walking on ice." Her tone was humorous as she grinned. Lance smiled back.
"It's not that hard once you know how, you just need to be careful with how you place your feet. It should be easier since you're expecting to step on ice, too."
Lance took a step forward, heading further onto the lake as ice formed under his foot just before he touched the surface of the water. Guardienne took an awkward step forward as well, hesitantly placing her foot down as ice formed under her as well. A small laugh escaped the dragon next to her.
“You can walk normally, you don’t need to step where you think the ice will form. It’ll appear under you no matter where you step.”
“Why will it just appear under me? How do I know it’s not going to form somewhere else?” Guardienne joined his subtle laugh as she clung to him. The water beneath them was beautiful, but she really didn’t want to get wet at the moment.
“Because I’m watching you, it forms under you because I make it do so.”
“And what if you’re not watching me?”
“That’s impossible.” The response slipped out before he could stop it and Guardienne’s gaze shot back up to look at him with an affectionately amused smile. Lance averted his gaze with a minor blush again, grinning faintly as well. He didn’t mean to say that, but it was true all the same.
“Come on, you won’t slip or fall into the lake, I promise.”
They walked further out into the lake and Guardienne calmed down over time, eventually trusting the ice enough to walk by herself - although she still held Lance’s hand tightly - as she scanned the surface of the water and watched as ice formed under her no matter where she stepped. It was fascinating, really; it formed nearly instantly and immediately faded back to water after she moved further.
Lance managed to distract her a bit by sparking conversations, of which she happily took part in, her gaze shifting between him, the ice and water, and the trees off in the distance that they were heading towards. She squinted her eyes to see a certain tree a bit better. Was that a hint of blue?
A splash in the water stole her attention and she quickly looked down to see a large, scaly shape receding back to the depths of the lake. She continued to walk alongside Lance, but kept her eyes firmly on the water. Another large, scaly shape rushed by, almost translucent but with hints of colors dotting along it’s body. Guardienne froze in her steps with wide eyes - it was nearly half her size!
“Lance there are monsters in these waters.” She held tight to his hand as he stopped beside her, looking down into the water with her. Another creature arced in the water and Lance grinned at her amusing statement.
“Not monsters.” He spoke in a light tone, crouching down on the ice and opening the travel bag to fish out a few bread scraps.
A large chunk of bread landed in the water and floated for a moment. Guardienne crouched down next to Lance, sticking close to his side. After a few moments of waiting, a large, slightly translucent creature reared out of the water, opening a great maw to swallow the bread whole. Beady black eyes whirled around as it breached the surface, locking on the couple before it submerged again.
“Great Oracle, what is that!?” And so began another moment of Lance imparting some of his knowledge to her.
Guardienne eventually relaxed in the presence of the fish-like creatures, hesitantly taking a scrap of bread that Lance gifted her and placing it in the water, her hand hesitating to reel back as she considered pushing it further out. Lance reached out and gently took her hand in his to pull it back, and mere moments after he did so, another creature dashed out and closed it’s jaws around the bread with a snap. Guardienne basically threw herself back against Lance with a squeak.
“Note to self, don’t give them your hand!” She laughed as surprise and amusement fluttered through her being, clinging to him again for a moment.
“It nearly took my hand clean off!” Her gaze turned to meet Lance’s before turning back to where the creature disappeared as Lance shook with laughter.
“You would have been fine!” 
“Are you kidding me? With a big mouth like that it would have taken my arm, too!”
“Suppose I should keep my hand away from your mouth in that case.”
“Oh, hush, you! You know that’s not true!”
Their laughter died down in time and they continued their walk across the water, Guardienne now being a lot more comfortable with the ice below their feet. They approached the shore and Lance let Guardienne step onto the ground first, following immediately after as the ice disappeared back into lake water. Standing at the shore, Guardienne could see the tree she was looking at earlier. It was tall, and it’s branches curved beautifully downward with thick, deep blue flowers stemming from the twigs. The sinking sun beautifully highlighted the deep colors on it and illuminated the grass around the trunk. She stared in awe and Lance turned to look as well. 
“It’s beautiful... what type of tree is it?”
They began to approach it - not realizing that their hands were still clasped together - and stood beneath the draping branches.
“I’m not sure, I’ve seen this type of tree a few times but I don’t know anything of it.” Lance brushed his hand along a curved branch - the wood smooth to the touch - and peered at Guardienne to get a better read on her opinion of the tree.
Guardienne parted herself from Lance to look closer at the blue flowers, lightly touching the silken petals and bending closer to breathe in the faint, sweet scent. She closed her eyes and grinned before looking up at the higher branches, embracing the beautiful color of mixed brown and blue. Light scuffling broke her out of her trance and she looked to the trunk to find Lance on the first few branches above her, curiosity flooding her mind as she stepped a bit closer and watched him scale the tree. He nearly disappeared into the branches and flowers, standing for a few moments on a branch uncomfortably high above the ground before making his way down again, the broken side of a small twig with a beautiful array of sky blue flowers clamped between his teeth.
He landed softly on the ground and presented the twig to her, and Guardienne happily took it to admire the vibrant blue of the flowers compared to the softer cobalt blue of the flowers on branches closer to the ground.
“You know, you could have just picked a twig from one of the branches already in reach.” She joked lightly. Lance grinned.
“What fun would that be? Besides, the ones closer to the ground seem to be starting to wilt, the top of the tree has better flowers.”
He watched Guardienne as she smiled softly at the twig she held in her hand, raising it to breathe in the lighter scent and stroke a petal.
“I would almost think you’d change the tides of water for me.” She spoke softly, affectionately reflecting on everything he did for her today.
Lance heard her all the same, and a warmth bloomed in his chest as he watched the setting sun light her skin aglow with the flower branch. I would move the world for you, he thought. However, he held his tongue - it was too soon to be revealing how deep his affection for her ran, it would likely unsettle her - and instead glanced at the sun’s position on the horizon. It was nearly sunset.
“We should probably head back, it’s getting late and we have a dinner to attend.”
Guardienne glanced at the sun as well.
“Yea... no flying spectacles this time?” She turned her gentle gaze to him and smiled.
“No flying spectacles.” He grinned back with soft eyes and rested a hand on her lower back as they headed into the grassland again, Guardienne safely tucking the flower twig into a snug fold in her shirt so the wind wouldn’t steal it away.
“The flight back should be beautiful with the sunset.” She murmured, lightly nudging against Lance. This date turned out better than she originally hoped, and she reminded herself to thank him for the wonderful experience later.
“It will be.”
Lance shifted into his dragon form and they took to the skies again, Guardienne glancing back at the land that would forever hold a dear place in her heart.
That wasn’t the last time they visited that lake and tree.
I have absolutely no idea on if this is supposed to be a headcanon or a scenario, but I hope you like it regardless! I had so many ideas I wanted to add to this, but by then I’d be writing an actual short story just for their first date lol. Maybe I’ll write a part 2 to their first date (second date I suppose, that’ll be a bit more intimate than this one), or general date headcanons with those ideas.
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searenbound · 4 years
As early said, here’s three sets of head canons from the old blog for my babies that I so lovingly edited together for you all to enjoy
Warnings: swearing, sexual activity, omegaverse
Pairings: Shouto Todoroki x reader, Izuku Midoriya x reader, Katsuki Bakugou x reader
- Let’s be honest here poor baby wouldn’t be allowed to behave like an Omega at home
- Endeavor would probably see it as shameful for his ‘perfect creation’ to be an Omega rather than an Alpha
- He would absolutely attempt to gain his Alpha’s attention as soon as realized he liked her
- Both as an act of defiance and genuine interest
- He wouldn’t really know how to get her to court him at first
- Just kinda leaves his stuff where she’ll find them in hopes that she’ll get the hint and scent the item(s) for him
- “Oh hey! Todoroki-kun! You left your sweater behind when we were studying, sorry about the smell I kinda got my scent on it by accident” “That’s alright, I like your scent” “I, ahem… I could um s-scent more things for you if you want?”
- When it comes to nesting, he’s kinda lost
- He wasn’t allowed to make nests at home so even though the instinct and desire to build them is there he has no clue how to act on it
- When he starts feeling more comfortable in their relationship, he’d ask her for help
- He knows Alphas don’t nest like Omegas, but he figures that if he’s going to ask someone it should be the other person who’ll spend time in it
- Her advice is to find a place that makes him feel safe and secure and just let his instincts do the rest
- And that’s how she ended up with her Omega’s nest inside of her closet
- “(Yn)? Have you seen- why are you in the closet?” “My Omega demanded I take a nap with him and I’m in capable of telling him no” “But, why yo-?” “His nest is in here” “Wh-” “I’d like to repeat, I am incapable of telling Shouto no”
-Despite her obvious claim over her Omega, there’s still gonna be other’s who disrespect their relationship, which brings us to jealousy and of course it goes both ways
- He thinks it’s really cute when she gets jealous
- She doesn’t usually get possessive just agitated that someone would even think they had a shot at him
- When she does get possessive though, oh boy
- There’s a part of him that gets really excited
- She’s shorter than he is so she’ll tug on him until his face is buried in her neck and start scenting him
- Normally he isn’t into PDA but something about his Alpha making sure everyone around had no doubts about who’s Omega he is just so hot to him
- “He’s mine and I have no problem kicking in your teeth if that’s what gets it into your thick skull"
- When an Omega starts trying to flirt with her, he doesn’t usually care
- She’s really good at shutting them down quickly so he just lets her handle it
- On the off chance that the other Omega is still being pushy is when he gets mad
- He’ll stand behind her and stare them down until they get the hint and leave
- If that doesn’t work, he’ll get aggressively affectionate and demand to go back to his nest and be scented
- He doesn’t feel like getting into a physical fight, so his goal is to make them as uncomfortable as possible
- If it still doesn’t work well rip to the poor fool who that it was a good idea to still try to take his Alpha away after he literally begged to be scented
- “Alpha let’s go, if we stay any longer, I might hurt someone”
- One of the most sought-after Omega in Yuuei
- It’s rare for an Omega to get into the hero course and even rare for them to actually become a hero
- But there’s Baby boy doing his damnedest to become a great hero and that’s interesting to most Alphas
- He didn’t need to pursue an Alpha they just flocked to him much to his frustration
- Started being interested in his Alpha because she didn’t make such a big deal of him being an Omega
- “Why are you guys so weird about him? Yeah, he’s an Omega and that’s cool and all, but he came here for the same reason the rest of us did and shouldn’t be treated like some trophy to be won” “But you’re trying to court him to” “That’s because he’s already mine, fuck off”
- He didn’t realize she was trying to court him
- He just kind assumed she was just being nice to him
- He’s not going to complain
- Is just kinda like ‘I guess I have an Alpha now, that’s cool!’
- He’s constantly asking her to scent stuff for him
- His nest has so many scented items that it barely even smells like him and he loves it
- Has been caught rolling around in it because he missed her, and this was easier then seeking her out to ask to be scented
- “What are you doing Omega?” “O-oh, I uh I missed you and my nest smells like you so…” “Izuku Baby, I’m going to need you to stop being so cute, it makes me really want to give you some pups and we’re still too young for that” “H-huh?!”
-Jealousy isn’t the hugest problem, but it definitely happens more often than either cares for
-Like I said earlier he’s a really sought-after Omega, so he has someone trying to take him away from her every other day
- Nothing less than bonding him proper will get them to completely stop
- It’s annoying for both of them
- Like he’s practically smothered in her scent, but he’ll still has to tell others to back off because she’s his Alpha
- When she gets fed up with his so-called suitors, she’ll get really possessive
- She’ll wrap her arms around his waist from behind and bite down on his scent gland
- Not hard enough to bond him but enough to make a very clear point
- "He already told you to stop, you should listen to him because I’ve got no problem with showing you he’s mine”
- When he gets jealous it’s really cute
- It doesn’t happen often since he has that reputation of being a prized Omega
- Most don’t bother with trying to tempt his Alpha but when they do, he gets huffy
- She’d never stray from him but since she thinks it’s cute when he pouts, she won’t stop the other Omega right away
- She won’t flirt back of course, she’s just ignoring them really but that never seems to be enough of a hint
- He’ll literally just drag her off without a word until they get to his nest
- “You’re so mean, you should have told them to stop (Yn)!”
- She didn’t court him he courted her
- As soon as he noticed her that was it
- That was his Alpha and any other Omega who was interested could fuck right off
- Was genuinely worried that he might be too aggressive of an Omega for her
- Tried to tone it down and act more like a traditional Omega in hopes that she’d pay more attention to him
- Turns out she was into the whole feisty ‘Fuck you, you’re my Alpha now’ attitude he had
- “Why are you being so weird? You’re acting like-” “Like an Omega shou-” “Not my Omega! Mine’s a little shit who keeps stealing all my good hoodies because he thinks I don’t notice and that’s exactly the way I want him! How I want you!” “I- wait what do you mean I’m a little shit?!” “That’swhat you choose to focus on?!”
- Ok he’s obviously not your average Omega but he has the strongest nesting urges out of these three
- Tries to claim he doesn’t nest though
- That clearly carefully constructed pile of soft things tucked away in the corner of his room is just a pile of shit he hasn’t put away
- So, what if he likes to put things, he’s gotten from her in that pile?
- It’s also a coincidence that it just happens to be big enough for both of them to comfortably lay in it together
- He just happens to like cuddling her in it, but doesn’t make it a nest, damnit!
- “You know it natural for you to make a nest, right? You don’t have to be so embarrassed by it” “Fuck off, it’s not a nest” “Katsu, we’re literally laying in it right now, do you really expect me to believe that this is just a random pile of stuff?” “It’s not a nest! One more word and I’ll kick you out of it!” “If it’s not a nest and just a pile then how are you gonna kick me out?” “I swear to- oh fuck off!”
-Jealousy is very surprisingly not a problem here at all and it amazes everyone around them
- She never gets jealous over him
- She doesn’t have to because he handles it himself when others try anything
- He gets genuinely offended by other Alphas trying to court him
- They tend to be interested in trying to ‘tame’ him and he ain’t putting up with that
- Not when his Alpha already treats him so well and loves him the way he is
- when he gets tiered of a particularly stubborn Alpha, he’ll stomp over to her and cling to her side
- “You fucking see this?! This is my Alpha! I don’t fucking need your shitty ass when I already have the best damn Alpha, shithead!”
- She also handles it herself when Omegas come onto her
- He would get jealous if it wasn’t for how she handles it
- She gets mad and disgusted that they even attempted to approach her
- Tells them off right away
- He thinks it’s really hot that she gets so defensive on his behalf and so mean about it too
- One of the only times he’ll call her Alpha in public
- It’s also something that makes him really consider giving her a few pups like right that moment
- “You, annoying little bitch! You have some nerve thinking you could take my Omega’s place! Look at him, why would you think I would want you over him?”
-Ok, so I didn’t really know how to include the head canons about their heats in a cohesive way so I decided to stick them right at the end because I want them with the other head canons
- Baby boy is a bit clingy even when he’s not in heat so once he is?
- Oh boy
- He’s so needy and it’s really cute ok?
- He pretty much needs to be in constant physical contact or he starts to panic a little
- He hates that he clings to her like that because he thinks it’s embarrassing
- He really can’t help it though
- He’s been on strong suppressants pretty much since he first presented
- As a result the heats he did experience were intense and lonely until he was with her
- She’s the first and only Alpha he’s ever trusted enough to be around him and take care of him during his heat and he can’t stand the idea of her not being right there within his reach
- He eventually decides to stop taking suppressants
- He trusts her to take care of him and wants to experience everything he can with her and this was no exception in his eyes
- She might as well permanently move into his nest because she’s not leaving it anytime soon
- He has stupidly high stamina and an even higher sex drive
- Baby has always had heats intense enough to throw any interested Alpha into a rut when they get a whiff of him
- So she’s understandably possessive and protective during the days leading up to and during his heat
- He loves it
- Loves that she’s protective and won’t let anyone to get close to him
- It makes him feel spoiled and like she puts him on a pedestal
- Though it is little troublesome when she starts picking fights because some Alphas can’t respect that they’re mates
- He gets it, but he’d rather have her fucking him instead of having to stop her from fucking others up
- The neediest fucking brat oh my God
- Will drag her off to his nest and then act like he isn’t in the middle of his heat and doesn’t need to be fucked
- Will try to deny that he’s in heat and gets huffy when she presses the matter
- Really, he just wants her to be more assertive
- Just really wants his Alpha to put some effort into trying to take care of him
- It makes him feel desirable and like he has her wrapped around his fingers
- We all know it’s the other way around but just let him have this, it means a lot to him
- Once he gives into his heat, he’s so whiny
- Begs for her to lavish him in attention
- Doesn’t matter what type of attention she gives him as long as she’s catering to his every whim and desire
- He’s so loud to, no one has any doubt about what they’re doing
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stirringwinds · 4 years
What would u consider England's best qualities like I've a pretty good picture of his flaws. But what do u see as his best qualities? Like I'm aware that he is a deadly cunning man and ruthless, but what other qualities does he embody. I've some thoughts that nations may actively or instinctively perhaps try to emulate qualities that their culture considers very important, or do u think they would have more freedom to pick & choose? I'd love to hear ur thoughts. :)
thank you for this question! overall i think nations don’t always have full control over picking traits (tho sometimes they try to), but i think they sort of by nature emulate some things within their culture? as they’re steeped in it. these arent all of england’s traits, but just a few im thinking of, off the top of my head right now
the ‘stiff upper lip’: i think that with characters/people generally, sometimes flaws can be strengths in other circumstances? and that’s how i see it in this regard with arthur. i don’t wanna over-mythologise the idea of the ‘stiff upper lip’—people are human at the end of the day, and the historical record shows how the ‘keep calm and carry on’ idea of english and british stoicism is more nuanced. however, i do headcanon that when things are really going badly for arthur (like during the Blitz), he might often be good at appearing calm, nonchalant and even crack a few dry jokes. gallows humour. i have this vague idea that he might flip his shit over more minor things (’out of shortbread again?! absolutely ridiculous!’), but when shit’s really bad he might be eerily calm—which is often welcome for other people who are feeling panicky. this sort of stoicism can be a weakness because i think sometimes arthur represses expressing (and therefore processing) his emotions healthily and it might be an act to cover his anxiety. sometimes i think however, he’s genuinely calm—because of his long life and general worldview that you know, sometimes the world is going to hell outside the window but the first thing to do is Sit Down and put the kettle on (or pour out some whiskey)  
i see arthur, in truth, as not giving a rat’s arse about hoity-toity ideas of aristocratic lineage and class. like, class is definitely a huge issue in england and the whole UK. a lot of british period dramas centre on the lives of wealthy upper-class gentry who aren’t the majority of english society or culture. most people don’t relate to this lifestyle and mentality. and—the way i see it, the hetalia personification encompasses a larger group, no? i see arthur being the kind of person who will respect intelligence, cunning and talent (even if grudgingly, when coming from a rival or someone who’s pissed him off, like the way alfred did during the american revolutionary war) when he sees it. and that’s the case no matter how seemingly “”unrefined”” the person is through the eyes of the english gentry—whom till today, fixate a lot on etiquette, lineage and class status (there are still hereditary peerages. where you’re lord or lady so-and-so just because of the birth lottery). because there’s a whole lot of fascinating stuff with english labour history that is also intertwined with the history of us commonwealth migrants (both during the zenith of the british empire and decolonisation). a lot of major developments in the industrial revolution occurred in england), and were connected to the culture and politics of social reform in say, the east end of london. there’s also the history of northern english labour unions (since the north was historically where a lot of manufacturing industries were sited).  that being said: i do think arthur is shrewd and pragmatic, and sometimes he will play along with the Wealthy English Lord persona if it is useful to get information. and he isn’t immune to liking the trappings of money—during the victorian era and the zenith of empire definitely had greenhouses built to indulge his mania for orchids and bromeliads (which was the way really rich victorians showed off). on a nation meta-level: i see arthur being conscious of how roman britain was at times considered a backwater province, and that his beginnings are far more patchwork and seem less prestigious than say, how i see italy brothers’ link to rome being clearer. arthur feels to me like someone who—if some lord so-and-so sneered at the ambiguity in his lineage and called him a bastard—arthur would laugh in his face, throw back his drink and smile ‘why thank you, my dear. at least i am honest about it.’ so; he likes money and can be materialistic at times, but i headcanon that he doesn’t really give a shit about the weight people assign to aristocratic lineage and is pretty disdainful of it. 
bonus: he’d definitely fight anyone who tries to take a crap on the NHS. like, it’s genuinely a thing. it’s got loads of issues—but it’s the one institution polls show people being most proud of. i won’t get into the cultural perceptions of the NHS historically here nor the political fighting between the tories / labour and lib dem with how the NHS is funded/run (as it is A Lot of stuff...) but yeah—ever since it was introduced by the postwar Labour government, it’s really interesting how entrenched it has become as a symbol of england (and britain) across the political divide, whereas a lot of other national symbols, like the royal family have often been more polarising (there’ve always been moments of republicanism in english history).  
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