#something something about taking care of the little one inside you. i'm sorry for abandoning you for so long i'm here now
prokkoli · 1 year
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your inner child
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
Childhood Best Friends with a small age gap- two or three years, nothing crazy- but it means everything as they age.
It was hard for them to make friends their age when you first met. They liked things that were too "childish" for their peers - things another child who lived not to far away adored. They'd seen each other on the way to school, but they didn't interact frequently due to their difference in grade.
Until that day-
"Whoa...Cool backpack. You like that show too?"
"Thanks... I'm thinking of getting a new one though... Do you want me to ask my parents if you can have it?"
"What?! It looks fine to me... Why are you getting rid of it?"
"My friends called me a baby... I won't be able to go back to class without everyone laughing at me unless I get a better one."
"That's silly!.... It's on right now... Wanna watch it with me?"
The two were inseparable from then on- School hindered the time they had to see each other each morning, but as soon as it let out - both ran to meet with their new best friend. The elder of the pair was often mocked and teased for their choice, but they could hardly care anymore. They had someone who'd stick by their side to the very end - childish fixations and all.
Years went on and they made new friends. It happens. More obstacles began piling up throughout - chipping away at the few hours they scarcely had to begin with. Studying, Hobbies, balancing days between hanging out with other friend groups and the person who once meant the world. They tried to make things works, but nothing went to plan-
"Is it alright if Y/n comes with us tonight?"
"Y/N? Aren't they're too young to see this movie? We shouldn't be responsible if they have night terrors or something.."
"They aren't that young... Are they?"
They never thought about it before. You were so close in age as kids it never hit them that as you grew that little gap drew a bridge between you - and it was easier to let you go than finding an alternative.
"Hey, Dude! Are we still on for this weekend? I can't believe they're making a reboot after all this time!.."
"Are my messages going through? You haven't responded in a while... I saw you outside school yesterday and yelled your name, but....."
"Did I do something wrong?"
"You're hanging out with them today? Did you forget about my birthday?...."
"You removed me off your list of friends...We're still friends, right?"
"Let me alone. I'm sick of being your babysitter. Go find friends your own age and stay away from mine."
And that was the end of things.
College cames around and their live became relatively tame. Their thoughts drifted to that childhood friend of theirs every now and again, but between school and partying with the new friends they had made - those memories faded to the back of their mind.
An acquaintance asks them to help show some new faces around the campus. One sticks out to them amongst the crowd. It's you. What do they say to you after all these years? You don't look sad to see them. Nor angry. Intact - you look..
Pulling them aside at the end of the tour, you free yourself from the burden that's weighted down on you since they left you.
"I'm sorry."
"It was never my intention to hold you back. Overtime I realized I was just that annoying kid who clung onto you because I thought you were my first and only friend...When you never felt that way about me. I'm sorry for taking that away from you. If our paths cross again, I promise I won't even look at you."
After being abandoned by your best friend- the person you looked up to most, you matured well beyond your years in hopes that would make you like them again. Overtime, you gave up that goal, but others could see how you've changed.
"Isn't that.... Y/n?.."
"Oh, man- It is! You guys were glued at the hip before we became teens."
"They're..kinda cute... Do you still have their number?"
All this time apart, a feeling long forgotten resurged inside them. The need to protect you. You didn't know these people like they did. You shouldn't be going to parties with them, getting to know and befriend them. They'll only hurt you - worse than they had. They never should have said goodbye to you- They should have allowed the feelings they were so scared to have, but had always been there develop and blossom naturally until you both were adults ready to move on to that stage in your friendship.
They know you best. No matter how much you grow as a person, you're still the same.
"That's a cute Keychain, Y/n!"
"Thanks! I've loved this show since I was a kid!"
They'll prove it to you.
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muzansfangs · 6 months
hii ogm!! i'm loving the drink event and can't wait to see more stories! i wanted to request a manhattan with muzan (fem reader) where muzan is a politican, similar to in Kimetsu Academia where hes a politican!
sorry if i wasn't being to direct!
feel free to deny the request etc and have a great day! <3
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The grass is greener on the other side.
Starring: Muzan Kibutsuji x f!reader;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, age gap between Muzan and the reader but the reader is 21, corruption kink, anal sex, modern au, unprotected sex, mention to reader stretching herself out before the encounter, pet names, slight degradation, use of handcuffs;
Plot: You knew only one thing for sure and thus was that Muzan Kibutsuji was your father’s rival. With the incoming election day, you were busy running errands for your father, when you found yourself face to face with the devil himself. From that infamous night, you always found yourself tangled into the silky bedsheets of Muzan’s bed, allowing him to strip you off of your sense of self-preservation, dignity and purity with every secret meeting.
Drink chosen: MANHATTAN (anal sex, corruption kink, handcuffs, shy reader);
"Dad, I can't make it to the conference in time. My flight got cancelled. I'll take the next one in the morning" you blatantly lied to your father, eyes staring at the golden number decorating the white door of the hotel room you were supposed to meet the reason of your little defection at.
It was not the first time you abandoned your duty as the daughter of a man running for becoming the next Prime Minister to follow your lecherous whims. You felt ashamed of yourself, when this started. You were not that kind of girl, but this man had clearly brought out the worst in you, convincing you it was perfectly fine to fight for what you wanted. To be a little selfish was essential to live without regrets.
Even if your choices would have hurt and disappointed the ones you loved.
But if they did not know about your whereabous, they would have not suffered, right? Therefore, here you were, telling lies to the man who raised you, spoiled you and treated you like a princess since the day you were born. All of this for the sake of a secret affair with his younger rival, the very man he was competing with to conquer the hearts of the electors.
“Don’t worry, honey! You have already done so much for me. — your father reassured you from the other side of the phone, causing your stomach to clench as the remorse ate you from the inside out — You will attend the next one” he exclaimed confidently, while you fluttered your eyes close and nodded your head mournfully. If only he knew where you were, if only he saw you now, wearing that scanty dress to please Kibutsuji, he would have undoubtedly watched his perfect little girl turn into a stranger, a backstabber deserving nothing but vituperation.
“I’m sorry, dad. For real. I’ll be rooting for you anyway” you said with a tinge of sorrow in your voice, right before knocking on the door and hearing the sound of footsteps approaching it from the other side.
“Oh, sweetheart, I know you will. I really have to go now! Take care” your father said then, right when two piercing red eyes locked with yours on the threshold of the hotel room you deemed as nothing more than the Gates of Hell.
Your breath was suddenly stuck in your throat and you barely forced yourself to end the call with a “Bye, dad” before Muzan snorted and stepped aside to invite you in. He was visibly displeased at the sweet way you had whispered the epithet rightfully reserved to the man you shared the same blood with.
He hated the fact that you were his daughter and, if he had to be honest with himself, he had decided to lure you in his den to get back at him. At least, at first. Horrified at the idea of growing attached to you, something that had inevitably already happened, he tried to act distant, but you constantly made it hard to let him consider you nothing more than a cheap harlot. Why? Those eyes of yours, your shyness, were endearing to say the least.
“You can’t stay away from me, can you?” he mocked you, closing the door behind you and watching as you kept your eyes transfixed on the polished marble floor under your shoes.
“I wish I could. It’s not that simple” you whispered, shrugging your coat off of your shoulders and abent-mindedly hooking it on the clothes hanger.
The moment your voluptuary curves were exposed to his gaze, you felt it. Shivers ran down your spine, while you did not dare to turn around and face him. It was unncessary, anyway. He walked stauntered towards you like a predator, his hands searching for yours as he pressed you against the wall. His cologne intoxicated you, while his hot breath fanned the shell of your ear in a scandalous way that made your thighs squeeze together. Planting your palms to the wall before you, he intertwined yours fingrs and nuzzled your cheek with his pointy nose.
“I think it’s true what they say. The things we love are frequently the ones that destroy us” he murmured in your ear, his lips tracing your jawline hazardously.
No matter how many times you had crumbled at his feet, granted him the chance to break you down and build you up again, his touch left you always in a haze. Your cheeks heated up, a knot between your eyebrows, as you tried to hide your face from him. If only you could understand how much that tender trait of your personality drove him nuts.
“Don’t hide from me” he stated, surprisingly tenderly as he reached his hand up to wrap it on the back of your neck.
His grip was secure, when he forced you to crane your neck to meet his gaze. His lips captured yours shamelessly, hungrily, his tongue darting out of his mouth to lap at your parted lips and enter your mouth with the same confidence he held when he walked on a stage. Arrogant and unhinged, demanding and never coy he snaked his arm around your waist to make sure your back was flattened against his firm body. Timid moans fell from your lips, sounds he galdly swallowed, whilst leading you towards the king-sized bed at his back.
Lifting your lids to peer up at him, you hesitantly turned around to be face to face with him and your hand cupped his smooth cheek to run your thumb over his cheekbone. Theoughout the time you two had spent together, you had learned to read his body language. He never gave you the chance to be the master of your sea, but he did not disdain small attentions that oulked the strings of his heart. He had almost given you the impression he was touch-starved, as a dog who had been forced to just bark and growl all of his life and showing off his sharp fangs to keep potential threats at bay.
Muzan had barely opened up with you about his past and personal life. All that he asked of you was someone to keep his bed warm at night, even if you had to crawl into the darkness with him to quench his thirst for you.
You kissed him again, slowly, making sure your bodies were pressed up, that not an inch stood between you two. He reciprocated your attention, careful to remark how you were merely able to take the initiative because he had reluctantly allowed you to. You would have never forgotten it anyway. Not when his hands unceremoniously tugged the straps of your dress down your shoulders and proceeded in ripping it apart. You gasped, the sound of the garment coming apart at the seams making you knee buckle.
Muzan flicked his gaze up, tugging the ruined item down your curves to expose your body to him. The way you bit onto your lower lip nervously, still striving to avoid his plum red eyes made him want to ruin you over and over again. Every single time you two met, Muzan stripped you off of things he had yet to touch. Today was not an exception.
“What? Are you sulking over that dress? – he taunted you, quirking a dark eyebrow up before unbuckling his belt hastily – Ask your dad to buy you a new one. After all, he would be ecstatic to shower you in gifts” he bitterly commented, discarding the leather item onto the floor and shoving you down onto the bed by pushing onto your midriff.
His cold touch made your skin sizzle and your mouth went dry, when you lifted yourself up on your elbows, watching him stride to his suitcase and delving his hand into it, rummaging to draw something out.
“Or you wish it was me the one who sent gifts to you, huh? I bet you do. But, mon chéri, you know your dad would toss them into the bin. Therefore, I am forced to give you something else. Something your dad cannot see” he bantered again, his words sounding like a dagger in your heart, words representing the lyrics to the melody played by some metallic object clinking in his hands.
With your heart thrumming into your chest, you let your eyes wander to figure out the source of the chiming only to feel your breath hitch in your throat, when you found out they were shiny handcuffs. The look on your face spoke volumes, your body shuddering in anticipation as you kept on switching your focus from the object dangling from his index and his face.
Mischief twinkled in his eyes, watching in delight as you shifted your position on the bed in sheer desire and pure terror of exploring your tastes, terrorized to find out that you were probably as deranged as he was.
“You are noxious to me. You’ve poisoned me. I should not be here and let you mess me up” you uttered, sitting in a kneeling position on the snow-white sheets of the bed.
Muzan grinned and grasped your chin between his thumb and forefinger, face dangerously close to yours as he grinned at your face “Then why are you here? Why are you not in the crowd rooting for you daddy, huh? You’re royally screwing up, darling” he cooed, forcing you to lay face down on the bed.
With your cheek pressed against the rose-scented blankets, you chewed on the inside of your cheeks in a spiral of self-deprecation. He was right. You had deliberately chosen to follow him that infamous night and, much to your dismay, the following ones. It was all on you and your greedy heart, hypothetically assuming you still had one in your chest.
Muzan climbed on the bed behind you, his hands reaching for your wrists and pinning them togther behind your bed as he slapped the cuffs around them, factually preventing you from moving your arms freely.
“Have you done what I had asked of you?” he then inquired, hands already slipping underneath the waistband of your thong and dragging the thin item down your thigh.
“Yes, I did” you whispered, ashamed of yourself as he hummed in return.
The things you had done for him, things that had not even crossed your still innocent mind made you want to rip yourself apart. But how? How could you blame yourself for wanting him?
“Splendid. — Muzan chimed, reaching for something behind him on nightstand — Just relax. Look, I’ll let you see your beloved daddy while I fuck you up, alright?” he sarcastically taunted you, as you began to put the dots together. The remoter, he had grabbed the remoter. He remembered the exact hour your dad was supposed to speak to the Country.
Sweat beaded your forehead as you squirmed underneath him, a hoarse chuckle rambling from somewhere deep into his chest as the screen of the tv projected the smiling, proud face of your father. His eyes seemed to bore right into yours as Muzan fumbled behind you with his pants and grasped your hips into his calloused hands.
“Ah, look at him. My rival has a good taste in neckties. Where does he buy them? Marinella? Those are surely italian-coded” the raven-haired man behind you noted, deliviring another unfathomable kick in your guts.
“You are a bastard” you whispered, eyes widening as he pressed the girthy tip of his cock against your puckered hole. The stretch left you breathless, eyes watering in the process. Frankly, seeing the face of your father partially blurry was far way better than having a clear vision.
While Muzan grunted, makinf sure you could feel every inch of his cock dilating you, the words your dad said made you choke out an uncontrollable sob.
“My sweet daughter could not be by my side today. Her presence is a blessing. Hopefully, she’s now somewhere out there to bless someone else’s day. I love you, sweetheart!” your father said and there was a burst of applause to echo throughout the room.
Wincing softly in pain, hips rotating to accomodate to the intrusion in your most private area, you had to endure the way Muzan sneered and began to rhythmically thrust into you, a crazed expression on his face as he pounded into you without much care of your condition “Oh, you have no idea. Her ass is a fucking blessing, sir” he mocked your father, earning a stifle moan from you.
You wished you could space out, but it was impossible. The stimulation you were receiving was driving you mad. The pain gradually subsided, causing a series of unbridled moans to erupt from your throat. Drool was running down the angle of your mouth, back arching convulsively, as you heard every words your father said and felt every comment Muzan made.
“Fuck… Nah, I’m going to have to send my regards to your father, kitten. — he rasped out, giving you one last thrust, before pulling out with a groan and releasing onto the small of your back — After all, I’m going to steal his lucky charm from him, once I beat him” he whispered after a few seconds.
Trembling, astonished, you closed your eyes and laid there with a drained expression on your face. Muzan Kibutsuji was going to be the death of you.
Hello there! The third request for my event is done! Honestly, I hope you’ve enjoyed this one as much as I did. Why? Guys, come on, it reflects my main story “Guilty pleasure”. I felt like I had deprived you of ‘Politician Muzan’ for way too long not to write this one as soon as possible. Now, likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated!
Until next,
TAGS: @doumadono @axesfordays @tomorika-pura @cursetopia @the-dark-creature @yazzzmints
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bunniesanddeer · 7 months
Hiiiii! I was wondering if I could request a fic with a sick reader? I'm currently sick with the flu and am looking for a bit of comfort :(
Hi! I am sorry for taking a bit to respond. Needed some sleep after work. I wasn't sure if this is exactly what you wanted, so I am sorry if it isn't. This is just some minor fluff from the perspective of Alastor.
Pairing: Alastor X Sick!Reader
Tags: Sick reader, fluff, minor angst, allusions to sickness and Alastor's past.
Word Count: 1,048
Alastor did not like when people got sick. He did not like seeing their snotty faces, or listening to their fevered rambles. He did not like getting sick, either. The Radio Demon hated it. It reminded him of being a weak child, and it was something he actively avoided. In order to do so, he avoided sick sinners, giving them an even wider berth than the average sinner. That is, until you got sick.
It had been a normal morning up until Charlie spoke up. 
Charlie had called your name as the group made their way to the dining room. Alastor had been setting the final platters down. They were heaped full of pancakes, and waffles, something you had requested recently. He looked up from the table, making eye-contact with a confused Charlie.
“That’s weird,” she said. “Normally they’re up pretty early. Has anyone seen them?” Charlie looked at the group, and got shakes of their heads in response. 
Yes, that was odd. Normally, by this time, you were up and following Alastor around the kitchen. He rarely let you help, but you always sat in the kitchen with him. Sometimes you would ask him silly questions about his life, and sometimes you would sit, sipping your drink, and listening to whatever music he played. 
Alastor realized that it had been quiet all morning. (Something in him twinged. He had completely forgotten about your morning ritual! How rude). “Well, my dear! You get everyone settled in for breakfast. I’ll go see if they have merely lollygagged in bed too long!”
Charlie thanked him with a smile and a thumbs up. He didn’t respond, merely making his way past her and towards the stairs.
When he finally got to your room, he knocked on your door with a flourish. Alastor’s ears twitched as he listened intently. Nothing. There was only silence on the other end. He knocked again. Still nothing. With a sigh, and a mild form of discomfort, (one did not just barge into another’s sleeping space!), he opened the door, and let himself inside.
The room was quite dark. The curtains were pulled tight across the window, and the room had a musty smell to it. Something made Alastor feel the slightest bit skittish. Hmm.
There, on the bed, was a lump swallowed by blankets. He rolled his eyes. Ah! You were merely avoiding the day. With little sympathy, Alastor ripped back the blanket, to be met with the sight of you curled into the fetal position, eyes barely blinking open.
“Al?” Your voice was rough, and nasally. “Wa’s goin’ on?”
Your eyes had crusts at the corner, and your face was flushed. Your hands twitched, and your breath seemed to whistle just the slightest.
Gross. Alastor was immediately on guard. He did not want to get sick. He wanted out of this room.
But the sight of your exhausted face, made him think twice. He pondered over the situation for a moment, before gently putting the blanket back on the bed, gently tucking you in.
“I will be right back, dear. I am just going to go get some water and a thermometer,” Alastor said, taking off from the room before you could respond. His hands itched. If he was being honest, the drive to send someone else to take care of you was definitely there, but… You were ever so sweet on him. He couldn’t understand why, but he wasn’t about to repay that shred of kindness by abandoning you.
Alastor made his way to the kitchen, and to the medicine cabinet tucked in the corner. He pulled the thermometer, and after briefly reading over some labels, one of the medicinal syrups. He grabbed a cup, a plastic one he was not about to give a sick person a glass that they could drop, and filled it with water. On his way out, Charlie caught his eye. Alastor merely shook his head at her, and made his way back to your room.
Back in your room, Alastor helped you sit up, and propped the thermometer in your mouth. The back of his hand settled on your forehead, a strange habit he would never break. Your face was full of exhaustion, and it reminded him of another face, and he needed to force himself to focus. 
“Just a moment, dear. Then I can give you this water,” he said, waiting for the strange thermometer to beep. He pulled it out of your mouth with a gentle tug, and read the number. “Ah. 102. You definitely have a fever. It’s not severe, but let’s help you get better.” Alastor handed you the cup, keeping the bottom of it supported as your weak grip held it. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked as he set the cup down on the bedside table. He settled down, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“M’ throat hur’s,” you mumbled, your eyes blinking slowly. “An’ I don’ think I can eat anythin’ right now.” 
Alastor hummed. “Yes, I suppose we can let you rest now. We will get some warm broth in you later. If you do… expel later, it will be much worse on an empty stomach. Plus! Some good always helps heal the body and soul.” His claws push back some hair from your forehead. You lean into his hand, making him pause. (He would pretend the way his chest suddenly ached at the sight meant nothing. It was better that way).
“Can I have a hug?” Your voice is rough, but you’re looking at him with such hope in your eyes. Alastor can feel his smile get involuntarily tugged wider. 
“Hmm. I suppose. He crawls up onto the bed, and settles besides you. You were much smaller than him, so he towered over you, even as he settled against the back of the bed. You immediately turn and nuzzle into his side, face tucked into his ribs. His arm wraps around your shoulder and back. Alastor decides to ignore the fact that you’re sweaty, because he’s being nice, not because the way your arms wrap around him cuts off his thinking. 
“Sleep, dearest. I’ll be here.” Alastor hums to himself as you fall asleep.
He doesn’t like when people get sick, but perhaps it wasn’t the worst thing.
Asks are OPEN!
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artofhazbinhotel · 3 months
Controversial opinion: I don't like Stolas and I don't want stolitz to become a relationship
Neither of them are 100% in the right, I know that, this isn't because I love Blitz, I don't really care, but Stolas has always got on my nerves. First he makes a sex deal with a guy while he can clearly see he's running for his life and not into it. The deal is the only way Blitz can do his job, that's sexual coercion! Don't believe me? Here's the definition:
"Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens when you are pressured, tricked, threatened, or forced in a nonphysical way. Coercion can make you think you owe sex to someone. It might be from someone who has power over you, like a teacher, landlord, or a boss."
Stolas doesn't see it this way but in the beginning of course blitz did and why wouldn't he? It doesn't matter if it was consensual, Stolas has power over him so he'd assume he owes it, he even shows this mindset in full moon where he thinks Stolas is taking the book because he wasn't satisfying him.
Stolas was constantly calling him degrading names too "my little imp" -murder family "my little impish plaything" -truth seekers "itty bitty imps like yourself" -harvest festival(? Don't remember the title) "little creatures" -looloo land. The argument is he didn't mean it as an insult and that's true, he didn't even mean the deal as manipulation, but that doesn't change how it made blitz feel, blitz isn't the type to open up to someone and say 'hey that hurts my feelings ' if stolas really liked him he should have noticed the reactions. He hates it every time, pushing away, changing the subject, you can't be that stupid. You can say stolas was raised this way and yes he was but again how is that blitz's problem? He can be treated disrespectfully because stolas has a shitty parent? So did he.
Let's not forget how he acted at Ozzie's too, when he was called out for being on a date with an imp he hid behind his menu like blitz is an embarrassment, he publicly humiliated him instead of taking up for him, hence why Ozzie and fizz are so much better, they would never. And then Stolas is all sad like "why didn't he wanna cuddle? :(" idk maybe because you reinforced he's worthless in public
And then it's revealed they haven't been doing their deal for a while because stolas feels guilty and it's about time, he should have realized forcing someone to have sex with you to do their job is wrong immediately. When he tells blitz he does it in the worst way possible, he doesn't fully explain why he's taking the book first and that makes blitz panic, and then all the sudden he's confessing his love, what did he think would happen?
They have this huge argument where people say stolas has a trauma response from yelling even though he's never flinched at Stella and wasn't afraid of her, every time she yelled or threw something he just looked dead inside instead of frightened, that's a normal response too, what I'm saying is in that moment he wasn't afraid of blitz at all and even if he was how is that blitz's fault? It was an impulsive reaction not a planned thing to play on someone's trauma
"I think so highly of you, I didn't know you thought so low of me" Stolas says crying, how? And it's not thinking low, it's thinking you think so low, "treating me like one of your little imp servants" he was?? If someone is telling you you did something that hurt them you should apologize instead of making it about yourself, save your crying for when you apologize like "oh my God i did that? I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to, I don't look down on you I promise, I didn't realize " and boom we're slightly better!
"When have I ever looked down on you?" Everything before the deal break where you suddenly try to be better without apologizing and blitz doesn't understand, and the thing about blitz abandoning him with striker, he says blitz sounds like striker, don't do that wtf, you're making someone for guilty for taking their daughter to the doctor? Not everyone is a shitty dad who uses their child as an excuse to sexually and publicity flirt with the guy you're cheating on her mom with. You do not get to make him feel guilty for sending his work to do it while he comforts his scared child
Stolas refuses to acknowledge his own faults aside from the one with the deal, there's too much damage between to be a proper relationship, they shouldn't be endgame but you just know they will be somehow
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anarchy-and-piglins · 9 months
Phil knew that living out in the middle of nowhere brought the danger of wild animals, but he thought he'd taken his precautions.
He'd built fences around the cabin, lit torches when needed and his garden was occupied by a frankly fucking ridiculous amount of scarecrows to keep those pesky birds (and other critters) away from his crops. And yet, for the sixth time in as many days, he'd woken up to find his trash overturned and his food scraps dug through, with clear claw marks on the wood.
He felt bad doing it, he really did. But at this rate, he wouldn't feel safe allowing Wilbur and Tommy outside anymore. So after a week of this torment, Phil put down a snare.
The animal doing this couldn't be much bigger than a dog from what Phil could tell. It might even be one, a feral mutt from a nearby village. Though Phil found that hard to believe. Whatever it was, the snare would hopefully catch it. Then Phil could deal with it himself, even if that meant killing it.
That was the plan... that had been the plan...
The wolf pup Phil watched struggling in his snare was smaller than he expected. Malnutrition probably had stunted its growth. It must not have a pack to care for it - truthfully Phil was surprised to see a wolf this far south at all. Maybe its mother had set out to establish a new territory but had died on the way, leaving the pup to fend for itself. Or it was abandoned because of its unusual genes. Whatever the reason was, the thing looked more pathetic than a carnivorous animal had any right to, all unkempt white fur and bright red-pink eyes that looked around for an escape route.
Its teeth were bared in an intimidating snarl, snapping at Phil's hand when he tried to reach out.
"I'm not- Look, I'm sorry, okay." Phil had no fucking clue why he was talking to it. Maybe he was losing it a little, but there was a strange sense of intelligence radiating from this animal. For some reason, he felt like it would understand.
And almost as if to confirm that, the pup calmed down when he apologized, sitting on its haunches to stare at him suspiciously.
Yeah, Phil must be losing his mind for sure.
"Let me just get you out of there."
The metal wire had cut into the wolf's hind paw, blood soaking into the grass. What had seemed like such a clever idea this morning suddenly made Phil feel stupidly guilty.
He loosened the snare. As soon as it fell away, the pup tried to take off but then it instantly stumbled over its injured paw, landing in a heap. It wouldn't be able to walk anywhere. Phil grabbed it, mildly relieved it didn't instantly bite him. He carried it inside.
Carefully, Phil tended to the wound and settled the pup on the couch with an improvised nest made of blankets. The wolf curled up in it, tilting its head curious as if it didn't entirely understand what Phil was doing.
Phil didn't understand it himself. 
From the moment he laid eyes on the pup, he could tell there was something... off about it. It was just too hard to pinpoint what. Could be the sleep deprivation, of course. Maybe that was why, after he made sure the pup was all settled and the doors were locked so it couldn't go off causing trouble, Phil fell asleep on the couch himself. Right before he drifted off, he could feel the animal shift to lie against him.
And when he woke up, it was to two blue eyes blinking up at him instead.
Phil watched in pure confusion as the boy sat up, stretched his arms over his head, and then rubbed slightly over his long pink hair. Somehow he looked just as unkempt in this form, and just as tiny too. He was probably only a couple years younger than Wilbur. The boy held his stomach with a little frown.
"Are you... hungry?" Phil asked.
They looked up at him and nodded.
With a smile, Phil sighed and stood. "Let's get you some breakfast then." 
If there was one thing nobody could say about Phil, it would be that he didn't adjust to the weird things life was ever so fond of throwing on his path.
Now if only he could figure out how he was going to explain this to Wilbur and Tommy.
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liliavnrg · 1 year
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summary; being with you, watching as you do something, makes him feel more relaxed than he thought. it doesn't matter what you're doing, as it's your presence what warms his old heart.
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You were busy with homework, searching for the right plants in your alchemy book and written them down next to the potion's name on the sheet of paper Crewel had given everyone that day.
It was a fairly easy task, although time-consuming due to the amount of herbs you could find on the pages, followed by pictures and descriptions. You had spent a long time inside your bedroom already, and a certain someone was itching to see you.
As you were writing down yet another plant's name, you missed the small, glowing green lights appearing at the corner of your room. As the fae's figure materialized, you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.
You jumped on your chair, your pen falling on top of the desk with a dull thud before a familiar laugh reached your ears. Turning your head towards your unexpected guest, you sent him a lighthearted glare.
"Khee hee hee, sorry, dear, did I startle you?" Lilia asked with a teasing tone, his thumbs softly tracing circles on your shoulders.
You sighed, but smiled at his playful expression and answering with sarcasm. "Not at all. I just felt like jumping and dropping my pen."
"You should be careful, or you might end up falling." He played along, adding dramatic concern to his voice as he leaned forward, resting his chin on your head.
His deep red eyes scanned your desk, a curious hand reaching for the paper half-way filled with your homework answers. He was so close that you felt the vibrations of his chest when he let out a hum.
"My, so this is why I haven't seen you all day? You're quite the busy bee, aren't you?" The older man placed your homework back to where it was.
"Yeah, I want to finish this today. Sorry if you were looking for someone to help you with your boredom." I reached towards him with one hand, my fingers caressing his black and magenta locks.
"While I did come here to ask you to play a few games with me, I also came for your attention, love." You felt him turn his head, his lips pressing against the tip of your fingers. "I can wait for you to finish your homework, and I'll help you, too!"
Lilia moved away, taking your arm in a gentle hold and pulling you up from your chair, before sitting himself and setting you on his lap. His lean arms wrapped around your torso, and his head rested this time on your shoulder.
"Someone really wanted some cuddles." You chuckled, feeling him nuzzle your neck. There was no need to see his face to know that he was giving you one of his cute, playful pouts.
"You left little poor me all alone, abandoned and neglected, so I deserve some cuddles as compensation." The man sighed, the sound as dramatic as his words.
A grin appeared on his lips as he heard you laugh at his melodramatics. The fae adjusted his position to see the paper with the potions properly, one of his hands moving to tap your thigh.
"Now, now, dear, this homework won't finish itself." Your lover handed you the pen. "I know quite a bit about botany, so I'm sure we'll finish this quickly. After that..."
His hand moved from your thigh to your chin, turning your head to the side so you could see the playful smile on his face, and his half-lidded red eyes.
"I'll get to play with you a little, khee hee."
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sphireath-wisp · 9 months
i am BEGGING for a continuation of the itoshi brothers fic
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Sypnosis: Continuation of the Itoshi brothers' fic 💀⁉
Warnings: not proofread, Love angle, unclear ending + reader gets to choose, all characters are aged-up, mild cursing/vulgar language, messy interchanging grammar
Notes: I genuinely have no idea where to continue from this fic, so I'm sorry in advance if it seems rushed or messy
Featuring: Itoshi Rin x F! Reader x Itoshi Sae
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You're left dazed by the question. His words register in your head and your lips part to speak, but the words are stuck at the base of your throat. The taste of bile builds up at the back of your tongue, was the room always spinning like this? Your body lunges forward with one hand clutching your stomach as the other covers your mouth.
"Fuck, she's gonna throw up,"
"And you still want her to stay here, asshole?"
"Stop bitching and actually help her, will you?"
Everyone's voices are distorted in your ears, you couldn't tell if that was Rin's or Sae's hands gently patting your back. The booming music is starting to be obnoxious. You definitely had too much to drink.
"Hey," Sae? Or was that Rin? "We're getting out of here. There's no way you can walk like this." There's a brief pause as you feel your feet lift from the ground and your head rests on his broad shoulders. "My brother? It's better not to give a shit about him anyway."
He felt safe - embrace warm as he carried you out of the club. Perhaps if you were a little more sober, you'd be thrashing around and objecting to being carried - you weren't sure yourself if it was Sae or Rin... or a completely different person cradling you in their arms right now. But, let's call it women's intuition, you had a feeling you knew who was whispering sweet nothings to you right now.
"...you're still here with me, right?" He mumbles, watching you dumbly nod. "Don't shake your head too much, you're definitely gonna puke your insides out."
"...where are we headed?" You're able to blurt out miraculously, a slight slurring to your voice. Your throat aches and your voice is hoarse. Your ankles hurt from the heels you decided to wear on impulse - heels that Sae kept berating your head off about despite how amused he is when he catches you before you trip.
"My place. I have to take care of you tonight." His voice is assertive, firm like he knows in his heart that he has to be with you - as if he knew that he'd be swayed by your dangerous charms and pleas otherwise.
"Aww, are you worried about me?" You coo. Being drunk affects not only your ability to balance but also how bold you are... or should he say how recklessly gutsy you are. Your incoherent babbling is something he must find entertaining to be able to listen like this instead of abandoning you on the sidewalk.
"Yes, but you're so damn...!" He groans, "Whatever, you're too intoxicated to listen. You won't remember shit."
He gently places you down on a park bench. Fishing for his wallet, he slots in coins in the vending machine next to the bench, keeping a close eye on you. You've practically draped your whole body over the bench, head leaned back and staring at the sky as your leg takes up the space that you were meant to share with him.
"...whatever," He mutters, unscrewing the bottle of water. "Hey, (Name). Drink up."
"Are you an angel?" You gaze up, not-so-gracefully snatching the bottle and chugging it. "Oi, slow down," He reminds you, squatting in front of you since his spot on the bench was rudely stolen.
You let out a satisfied sigh after getting water back into your system. Your throat doesn't feel as dry anymore. "C'mon, have some!" You gesture.
"Before that, are you feeling better?" He gently pries your finger off the bottle, screwing the cap back on with his eyes still observing you. "...you do recognize me, right?"
"Yeah, yeah! You're..." You answer, his name naturally rolling off your tongue.
He chuckles, "That's right, princess."
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Taglist: @dewwberry, @saenora @mikmwehehe
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
I LOVED your Tighnari fics(found u throu the mushroom one)!! may i request one with Tighnari ,itto (and any other chara u like) in heat/rut whatever you like to call it! just imagine y/n growimg more irresistible during that time!!
a/n: I absolutely can! I'm glad you liked them. That ask was really fun for me to write. And so will this one. I hope you enjoy❤️ this is my first time writing Itto btw. I'm a little nervous lol I got a little smutty with it. I hope you don't mind.
Pps. OMG I'm so sorry that Itto's part is so short. I posted this on accident after I finished Tighnari's. I can write a longer part for Itto to make up for it! Again I am so so sorry. I had scramble to write it before anyone saw. I'm really embarrassed.
Tighnari x reader Itto x reader Smut. Written during their heat cycles
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When Tighnari was in heat, he got incredibly possessive. You were in Sumeru City getting a new string for Tighnari's bow, and because Cyno had a letter from Candace for you.
There something about the way he thought Cyno's hand lingered a little to long over yours when he handed you the letter. He put an arm around you, shooting Cyno a look that said: you are way too close, step back a little. "That will be all, Cyno, thank you," he said
Cyno didn't hold it against him. He knew Tighnari better than anyone. He understood what was going on.
"Tighnari, it's okay, calm down," you said softly, trying to reason with him once you got back to Gandharva Ville. You rubbed his ears soothingly. "He was just giving me a letter."
Tighnari sighed, tilting his head into your hand. You were the only that he let touch his ears. "I know, but his smell is all over you, it's overpowering."
Gritting his teeth, Tighnari suddenly latched his mouth onto your neck. He licked at the fold of skin in his mouth, sucking on it. You put an arm around him, pressing his mouth closer to your neck. This was calming him down.
"Tighnari, you are in heat, aren't you?" You weren't dumb. You had feeling he was, giving his snapping at Cyno. He normally would never do that.
"Mhm," he mumbled against your skin, "so good.." he murmured, "you taste so good it's making me dizzy."
Marking you somehow before you left for Forest Ranger duties in the morning became a daily thing when he was in heat. He could only mumble, sometimes sounding slightly drunk about how good you smelled or tasted.
As his heat cycle progressed, he eventually took both himself and you off of duty. He would trust Collei to take care of his patrols and you would trust the second in command on the squad you led to take of your's. New recruits were coming in a few days, and you couldn't have him snapping at them if he thought they got too close to you.
You told him to stop apologizing everytime a fit of lust gripped him. The pace would vary during your "cooling down" sessions. Sometimes he would slowly rut into you, bringing you into a toe curling orgasm. Other times his pace was fast and frenzied, he wasn't satisfied until both you and him had cummed at least twice.
It was also vital for Tighnari to hear you say that you were his mate at least once during these sessions.
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Itto was in a rut. You knew everytime when he was. Whenever his gang got in trouble, he would always tell them to listen to you more and not him. You were "Mommy" and he was "Daddy"
Itto was seemed insatiable during this time. His cool down sessions were rough and frantic, pounding into to you for what seemed like hours. He wasn't satisfied until he cummed multiple times inside of you, his grip nearly bruising on your skin until you screamed his name.
You didn't mind, your love making sessions were usually loud and rough anyhow, it wasn't any different when he was in a rut.
Calling you pet names became a more constant thing than usual. He would openly grope you public, or drag you into an abandoned alley in random fits of lust.
"Itto, we are in public, someone might see us," you pleaded as he roughly thrust into you. He ignored you for a moments, so in lost in his lust for you that didn't respond right away.
"I know, but I can't help myself. You look so good and I need you right now."
You had a clamp hand over your mouth when you orgasmed. Someone would come running in your direction surely if they heard the way you felt compelled to scream his name.
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walpu · 7 months
Reading your Nameless!reader and pre-relationship with Aventurine gave me a brain blast because I merged both ideas into one. (Word vomit, send help-)
You're either just an acquaintance of his or just a mere fling during the lively nights of sucking the bettors' cash dry in the casino, he won a bet against you and spent a date. That’s all there is to it, and that’s the extent of your relationship with him. That’s what he initially thought. What fate brought you two to meet at certain intervals are too good to be a coincidence, you caught the glances of that one they call a ‘Stoneheart’.
Cerulean and magenta would drift their attention away from whatever once they saw you behind his shades, just listening to a guitarist express their soul on the bench just by the road, right there when you’re alone did he propose for another bet and an upcoming date.
And you’d just drag him with you to do something, no bets, no losers would do anything the winner wants. You know your chance of winning against Aventurine is little to none, so if he wants to do an encore he’s gonna get an encore, no bets needed.
And this would happen for quite a while after coincidental encounters in planets, star systems, galaxies, it reached the point he’d touch you freely like an old friend. Aventurine doesn’t know what led him to take attraction to you, was it boredom from that second time he saw you? Was it how you seem to enjoy just with him being there? Or was it how you held him so gently like an angel’s touch as you danced with him in your first fling?
Gentle and caring is what he’d describe your touch as, and it scared him. You’re not his first fling oh no no, but you’re the first person he invited to have an intimate night to destress who touched him so gently, and he’s not one to ask hem to be gentle or caring. It’s intoxicating, he craves for more but the butterflies inside him makes him feel vulnerable and weak. Oh how he’d love to take you anywhere in the universe if he’s not a busy, busy man, and a coward that pull away from you the more he realized that you mean so much more to him.
Until he notices that this coincidental encounters starts to lessen, with his position in the IPC he became busier and busier he doesn’t have the time to contact you and you’d reply much later than usual, texts from you would be more rare after a long while. He wants to be relieved for the calmness and solitude but his heart aches at the thoughts of you abandoning him. He fears genuine affection, he’s afraid that you’ll risk your life mingling with someone like him. This is an optimal solution for both of you, right?
Seeing you again in Penacony after a long time of not meeting one another again made him forget how much he misses you, the way you’d run up to him all happy to finally see him again and how you smirked mischievously at your Astral Express crew’s shocked face about your beloved old friend. Aventurine has many things to catch up with you, to be part of the Nameless you follow the tracks forged by the Trailblaze, you’d save worlds and seal Stellarons, to cross path with one another is once in a lifetime.
And he’s calm himself down and take things slowly with you, what do you say about a dinner together?
- 🪽
(I'm normal don't worry. Sorry if it's so LONG! Have a nice day, love your writing!)
DON'T APOLOGIZE ANON IT'S BEAUTIFUL thank you for sharing this with me it really made my evening 🥹💛
Have a nice day as well <з
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babybluebex · 1 year
may i ask you for a fluff story with joe? i feel very lonely and have cried my eyes out, because my exams drain me and i’m fully exhausted, i’m doing my best to not forget eating and staying hydrated. i have crippling anxiety disorder. i’m a girl with disability, so my spine hurts out of the pressure.
can you write some blurb or fluff about joey taking care of me? <3 like making a cuppa of tea, hugging me, reassuring that he loves me and I will make it. i would be beyond thankful!!
oh darling i am so sorry to hear that you're having a hard time :( i hope this will help a little bit
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He could tell that you were nearing your limit. You had practically locked yourself up in your office under the guise of studying for exams, but Joseph was starting to think that something else was happening in that room. You hardly came out, only when Joseph asked; you only ate when he delivered you a plate of food; and he tried to pretend that he couldn't hear you crying every so often. If you wanted to talk about it, you would, and he knew that, but he was a worry-wart and his heart hurt.
Finally, as he was getting ready for bed, he decided that enough was enough. He put the kettle on as he washed up after dinner, and he waited impatiently as it boiled and came to a whistle. He remembered exactly how you took your tea— a splash of milk, one spoonful or sugar, brewed endlessly until it was a deep, dark brown. For added love and comfort, he plated up your favorite biscuits, the ones with a thin layer of chocolate on them, and he carried the after-dinner snack to your office. Joseph lightly rapped on the closed door with his knuckles, and he said, "Darling? Are you awake?"
There was movement inside your office, and a sniffle, and the door opened slowly to show you. Joseph frowned at the state of you, your rumpled trackies and tear-stained face, and he stepped inside past you. There was in fact your study materials scattered around, pens and highlighters and textbooks, mountains of revisions, your computer open but abandoned. "Figured you could use a cuppa," Joseph said softly, settling the plate and mug on your desk. "I've missed you today."
"Missed you too," you mumbled, and Joseph's heart clenched in his chest. "But I've had so much work—"
"I know, it's okay," Joseph said. "C'mere, I want a hug."
"I need to—" you started, but Joseph shook his head.
"No, you don't," he said quickly. "It's time for bed, you can study more tomorrow."
"Joe, I need to finish," you protested, and Joseph only shook his head again and reached forward to slip his hands into your sweatshirt pocket. He drew you close to him, wrapping his arms fully around you, and he began to slowly rub your lower back, right where the ache persisted, and your complaints died on your tongue at the relief from pain. Your knees felt weak and you fell into Joseph's chest, and, as soon as you felt his warmth and smelled his warm cigarette scent, your tears began to really fall. "I'm so worried that I'll fail!" you sobbed, holding him tightly, and Joseph shushed you gently, squeezing you firmly. "I-I can't fail, baby, I just can't, and I'm so hungry and tired, but I need to study!"
"Please calm down," Joseph whispered, and you could tell that his throat was tight, near tears himself. "Come, sit down, eat a biscuit. I think your blood sugar is probably low and making you feel worse."
"Wanna lay down," you sighed, and Joseph kissed your head. He took up the plate of biscuits and the cup of tea, and he followed you like a little puppy to the bedroom. You sank into the mattress and sniffled, curling up on yourself, and Joe set the stuff down on your bedside table and laid down next to you. He stroked your arm and kissed your cheek, and he said softly, "Sit up, eat a biscuit."
You did as he asked, reaching out and taking the biscuit into your hand, and you nibbled on it as you gazed listlessly at the wall, trying to calm down. Joe continued to rub your back as he watched you, and he softly said, "I love you, my smart girl. You're gonna pass your exams with flying colors. You're gonna get the highest marks in the class, I know it. You're gonna make it through."
"But what if I don't?" you mumbled.
"But what if you do?" Joe pressed. "Darling, you're gonna do this perfectly, you've been studying so hard and I love you. You're so much smarter than me— fuck, I'm hopeless— but you're going to do amazingly, I have no doubt in my mind. And then when you've written your exams and passed with the highest marks, I'll take you to a nice dinner and celebrate how strong you are. Alright? Does that sound like a promise?"
You nodded, and you crawled over to Joe, settling yourself between his legs and nestling your head in the crook of his neck. He kissed your forehead and rubbed your lower back, and he said, "Now, let's watch something funny and get a laugh outta you. Wanna watch I Think You Should Leave?" You nodded quietly, reaching out for the cup of tea and sipping at it carefully, and Joe reached for the television remote, making sure to keep you in his grip. He pressed his chin into the top of your head and sighed, and he said, "I love you. Don't forget that."
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
You know what i would like to see a goldfish reader cause i mean goldfish can be really tiny and can get fairly big, maybe reader is from a pet store and gets bought for a young rich yandere and gets absolutely pampered and gets huge, clifford the big red dog style
"Sorry, I can't make it this year."
"Mom won't drive me out that far....."
"Maybe next time?"
"Next year."
Next year... Next year.. They'll be forty by the time that rolls around. It's always the same. People stick around for the lavish parties and taste of the high life, but the second they want to downgrade for something small with close friends and family everyone's suddenly too busy to come see them. The presents have always been shit too. Flashy jewelry or clothing from brands they couldn't care less about. Whatever happened to giving kids toy trains and dolls? They're sick of it. Sick of everything. Why can't anything turn out right-
Auryn hurls their phone at the door, anger fleeting as it smashes into a million pieces. Mommy and daddy will just buy them a new one, and while it won't do a scratch they love the idea of burning a hole in their pockets. Wasting all the money they gave them instead of time. The door creaks open once the coast is clear and in peaks a frightened maid. Her eyes fall to her arms, soothing whatever she held with a soft hush. They return to her master, waiting for their answer.
"Come in."
The maid opens the door completely and steps inside. In her hands was a glass bowl. "From your parents."
Auryn drums their leg against the frame of their bed, wondering why their arms were still empty. "Well?"
The maid shoves the bowl into their chest as passive she could, prioritizing the creature within over her annoyance. They look into the glass. Floating at the bottom; staring right back at them, was a little goldfish. Poor thing had been startled awake by the loud thud and trying to squeeze its tail into the castle it had already outgrown. It still couldn't have been any bigger than their hand. Beyond its human features, there was nothing special about it. A fish.
A fucking fish. Out of all the things they could've sent. The maid could sense their rage flaring. "Please give it a chance. Your brother couldn't keep it, and he knew you'd be the next best owner."
Their nails scrap the glass. That only makes it worse. Their family dumping their trash on them was a new low. What were they going to do with this thing? They should put it out of its misery. Abandoned, weak, unable to feign for itself.... just like them.
Auryn looks at the goldfish again. They stick a finger in its tank, swishing it around as the guppy takes interest. It swims up to them and puts its mouth around the digit, nibbling at the skin. They smile a bit, pulling their finger away which in turn causes the fish to dart away. Their brows furrow in worry.
"... I'm..sorry for scaring you. You're just like me aren't you? Alone. Afraid. I'll take care of you. I promise. Why don't we start off by getting you a new tank?"
You shake in their arms as the divers attempt to fit their measuring tools around your tail, successfully knocking two of them away and sending the third packing. Auryn strokes your tears into your scaly flesh, fighting a laugh as the hired help resurfaces.
"I don't want to get measured!"
"Shhhh. It's okay. If even one scale is missing off that gorgeous tail I'll cut their oxygen and add a few bricks to their suits."
You still aren't convinced. Auryn melts at the way you curl against their chest. The first time they held you like this you were about the size of a puppy. Now, your tail alone was bigger as their entire torso and your arms were tree trunks compared to theirs. They had done exactly as they said. After you came into their life no one else mattered. They got you a nice large tank to start off with, fed you a healthy diet with plenty of treats since your speak lessons were going so well, and spoke with you for hours. You were already half their size by the end of the year. They used to take you on walks in your little bowl, then they had to buy a wagon to carry you around, and now you lived in a glorified swimming pool no one else had access to besides care beyond their capabilities. Having you turned them into a more compassionate, but closed off person, and got them through the worse in life. They were successful in nearly every endeavor and it was all for you.
Auryn gets close to your ear as their voice rises in pitch. "But if you reaaaally don't want to - I'll have to find some other guppy to give all the brine shrimp I have in the house to."
Your tail cracks against the pool's wall, ripping the water's surface with tidal category waves and pushing the workers back down under. "I'll be good! I will- please!"
"Haha - ok, ok." They give a thumbs up to the divers as they climb in the pool. You work with them this time, channeling your fright as their tools stretch and stick around you into the grip you hold on Auryn's arm - careful not to apply too much. They grit through the pain and as one of the divers comes up again they take the measuring tape still held by the rest and lines it up to your head.
"4 meters!"
Auryn exclaims in glee and grabs you by the cheeks, cooing and kissing your nose as they laugh. "Look at you! A whole nother meter in just one year. Keep this up and we'll have to buy an island."
A servant knocks on the sliding glass door. Auryn excuse themselves with one final kiss to your wet lips as they hop out of your tank. They hand them a phone.
"It's your parents. They are in town with your brother and would like to take you out for your birthday this evening."
Auryn gets real close to the receiver as they speak. "Eat shit and die. Stay the hell away from us."
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vortposedanto · 4 months
"Not like I was abandoning him", he muttered. "If he can't bloody take care of himself by now, he'll never be able to. I'm not his bloody nursemaid".
  “I will be sorry to see you go,” Rand said quietly.
  “Don’t try to talk me out of—” Mat blinked. “That’s it? You’ll be sorry to see me go?”
  “I’ve never tried to make you stay, Mat. Perrin went when he had to, and so can you.”
Rand said sadly. “The Light shine on you, Mat,” he added, sticking out his hand, “and send you smooth roads, fair weather and pleasant company until we meet again.”
That would not be soon, if Mat had his way. He felt a little sad about that, and a little foolish for feeling sad, yet a man had to look after himself. 
A few more awkward words standing there—Lan seemed to ignore them, arms folded, silently studying the maps, while Natael had begun idly plucking his harp; Mat had an ear for music, and to him the unfamiliar tune had an ironic sound; he wondered why the fellow had chosen it—a few more moments and Rand half-stepping around actually putting an end to it, and then Mat was outside. 
Rand stood staring after Mat long after the tent flaps had fallen to hide him. ==========
 “Play ‘March of Death,’ ” he commanded in a harsher voice than he wanted, and Natael looked at him blankly for a moment.
“Play it, unless you know a sadder. Play something to make your soul weep. If you have one still.” ==========
Now and again one of the Aiel would glance at Natael, a brief tightness to eyes or mouth suggesting that the mournful music plucked at something in him. Even the Tairens grimaced sadly. The sounds washed over Rand, though, touching nothing. Tears were a luxury he could no longer afford, not even inside.
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Dad! Bob x Baby/Kid/teen! Reader
Yes I have become a part of the Bob simps, BUT THIS IS NOT A FANFIC! No, THIS is Mista' Bob Velseb as a dad! Cause who doesn't want him as a dad? I know you heathens like me want him as a DA-, Ahem. Sorry for that. Anyway onto the post and enjoy! As a FYI some things may not be cannon.
Warning: Cannibalism, gore, mention of murder/killing, Abandonment, Cursing, Mentions of being drunk, Mention of trying to feed off of Bob (Don't.), Used as bait, knifes, bones, kid behavior but more unhinged
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To say the least you're mother never even wanted you after getting drunk and sleeping with a notorious cannibal killer that was loose after he tried killing her one night.
Bob found out he had a kid when she just left you at the front door of his hideout in the winter with a simple note saying, " Here's your kid, I don't give a shit if you eat them or not but I'm not keeping them. " ( She didn't live long after that)
Definitely didn't know WTF to do once he got you inside (Man was not prepared). He stood in his living room holding you for about a hour debating whether to eat you or not.
Once you started to try and grab his sweater he decided to keep you and raise you, even if he was on the run or not you are his little ball of sunshine!
He sat on his slightly disheveled couch for about a hour trying to think of what to do. Sure he'd had one night stands before getting caught but THIS! This wasn't something he would have ever expected to happen as he looked down to the small infant wrapped in his sweater to keep them from the winter cold. He had just got back from killing that cursed woman who left you out in the cold but now he had no idea what to do, he was stuck between eating you or not.
Finally he decided to just eat you and as he went for his knife something snatched his 2nd sweater, he froze as his head slowly looked down at the small hands closed down on it as if asking to be held up closer to him. Slowly but surely he lifted you up and held you with one arm as his claw like hand went to grab your hands, you gave small coo's and babbles as you played with his fingers. He knew then and there he wouldn't let the world take you away from him.
Robbed a convenient store 5 hours after he realized he needs to get you food and supplies when you tried latching onto him. (Headlines were fucking CHAOTIC with the pictures and tape!)
Definitely experienced with some baby care knowledge. I will die on this hill.
Since he's on the run the house isn't in the BEST conditions. . . . . But he makes due with what he has and knows he can keep you warm through the winter!
He doesn't know how to handle you crying so he usually keeps a victim alive for help until eventually killing and cooking them. Can't have anyone see him be a softy
You're toys and chew toys consistent of bones, anything he steals off victims, his horns (Yes. He gives you the horns.) Any and all clothes, blankets, and victim hand's (Don't question how it stays fresh. . . .)
The girl kept screaming for bob to let her go as he made his way to his hideout, he was slightly running since he had gone out pretty far in the woods and was worried you had hurt yourself. He opened the door and could hear the little screams of his ball of sunshine, " I-Is that a baby? Oh god please don't hur- " " Quiet! Now I need ya' help and your gonna' help me or else I take ya' eyes and SHOVE 'em down your throat! "
Bob dragged her closer to the screaming as they entered and saw a little baracade of blankets with you in the middle screaming and crying. He let go of the girl and gently picked you up while turning to the girl slightly panicked " They been cryin' for 6 hours now and I can't find what's wrong, Now help me so they can stop! " she made her way towards you and held you close as they started to try and calm you down, which proved difficult from bob death staring them.
Slowly but surely you calmed down and looked up at the girl " Th-There we go, just tired aren't you? " she slowly rocked you back and forth to sleep as bob loosened up before taking you back and mimicking her movement while talking to you. She slowly made her way out of the door and bolted for the front door ' Finally! Freedo- ' it was short lived as they were yanked back by their hair and had their mouth covered " Now where do you think yer' goin'? I can't have you living after what you saw. . . . " she screamed, but being muffled, as bob dragged her to the basement.
As you grow older into the time frame of crawling or walking he had to start buildin' baracades!
Man saw you crawling for the first time and was starstruck! Until he noticed his knife hanging a LITTLE too close to the edge. Baracade numbro 1!
Now seeing as you are the child of a man who most definitely has ties to a certain cult and is definitely non-human in some way can he REALLY be surprised the first time you crawled on the ceiling and were over him while he tried to sleep?
Yeeeaaahhhh wall crawling? Be glad you haven't been stabbed or accidentally thrown when you fall off at random points
In total there are 13 baracades and 5 wall crawling stoppers (He got proper baby proofing materials later down the road, don't worry)
Ontop of the wall crawling is the, and in order of how he found out about them, Glowing eyes, Locking your jaw on anything that's flesh (R.I.P finger's from the chew toy) sounds like a demon escaping everytime you cry, demonic animal noises, and then finally you having surprisingly sharp teeth!
Bob held a camera as he set it up while setting you across the room " Ok, Come to papa! " you looked at him dumbfounded for a minute before starting to attempt to make your way towards him " That's it! Ya' can do it! " finally you started to crawling and his eyes got star's in them " There you go! Come on! " you were about half way before the lights went out and both your eyes started to glow " Oh shi- " before he could finish he heard you on the walls making those demonic noises that stuck in his nightmares " SHI-SHOOT! WHERE'D I PUT THE NET!!!! " he grabbed the little net bed as he tried finding you on the wall's.
" (N/N) WHERE ARE YA'! COME OUT FOR PAPA! " he went for the kitchen first until he heard you crawling on the ground in the living room then on a wall again, he went from room to room with you one step ahead of him until finally he decided to return on the power and look for you. " There now I can- " he covered his ears at the screech you let out from your guys room
' NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo!!!! ' he slammed open the door expecting to find blood from you getting his knife but instead found a broken bone and slightly chipped tooth. He let out a sigh of relief before cradling you and trying to calm you down ' I really gotta' get 'em some soft chew toys. . . . '
When you got to the stage of being able to speak and stand he is the type of man to try and make you say Dada but instead you say Mama. Also becomes VERY protective and cautious once you start walking.
Around this time he'll try to hunt more since when you were a baby he couldn't leave you alone so he was limited to hunt around him instead of far out. Also will refuse to take you with him no matter how big of puppy dog eyes you give him.
Never excluded sneaking out and following him when he didn't take you!
It was 8:00 and bob had finished getting his hair slicked back and painting his face, you were put to bed and should be asleep by now. He had been hungry for about 4 weeks now but can you really blame him? He had to take care of his little ray of sunshine that's you! " * Sigh * Finally, I can go out and get me some meat. Don't need to worry about littl' (Y/N) tryin ta' come along eitha' " He made his way out the front door not noticing two glowing eyes watching on the ceiling or hearing the little demonic giggle that came out of you while following after Bob.
------Time skip------
Bob pinned his victim onto the wall while digging his knife as far as he could into their abdomen while letting out a holler of laughter. " HAHAHA HAHAHA!!!!!! Oh how I've MISSED this! " he pulled the knife out as the victim sprayed blood from his mouth onto his clawed hand, they dropped limp as Bob released them to the ground before pressing his knee down into the wound while placing his knife into their neck. " Did you know- "
" MAMA! "
" W-Wha- " before the victim had more of a chance to speak bob squeezed their throat to make them pass out before turning to their littl' sunshine who ran up to him while making grabby hands " Mama mama!!!! Up up! " he picked you up with a big and slightly concerned smile, " Now how did you get here littl' lamb! " he could be mad another time. Rn, he just needs to take you home and bring the body with him " Mama, can I help? " bob was caught off guard but slowly he gave you a soft smile " Of course ya' can, just help papa with the body. " " MAMA! " he would have to find a way to break you out of the ' mama ' thing eventually, all that mattered at the moment was getting home and avoiding the approaching police.
He tries and take you out with him on peaceful walks and sometimes hunting since you will also most likely pick up cannibalism from bob and have his more sadistic traits, but you can cover them well like him too.
Since you now talk and walk he of course brings you little trinkets and gives you you're own room if you want one! If you don't he will build shelves from already broken ones or steal one for all your little gifts and finds. ( Has a secret compartment in his sweater where he keeps your drawings for himself 🤭)
He let's you keep whatever you want from a hunt and if you want something from a store he'll make sure to dress you up and wear a disguise so you can go shopping.
He also tries his best to pick up on sewing and knitting for you and himself. He remembered how much you loved watching people make things but never brought it up because you were so shy about it, so he surprised you with a semi wearable scarf! Since then he's been trying to do more but still needs practice.
You were waiting at the door for bob to show up again, you sadly couldn't got hunting with him but he promised to bring you back something special! Slowly you were loosing the battle of sleep until the door opened " Mama! " you never let him live the name down as you tried to jump up on him " Hey! How'd my little hell spawn hold up da' fort? " you straighten up while saluting to him " Guarded and secure! I even caught you a present! " you ran off to bring your gift over as bob set the multiple bags down on the fixed dinning table.
As you came back bob was slightly shocked to see the heavily bleeding and unconscious person you dragged along with you " I saw them in the woods lining the house and they tried to break in! " bob let a smile adorn his face, on that didn't look so crazy and forced, before picking you up and spinning you around as you giggled " Hahah! That's my girl/boy! " he set you down in a chair before pushing the bags towards you " Now you remember how I was gonna give you something special? Weeelllll I noticed you eyein' a few things in the store that you didn't grab sooooo- "
He didn't finish before you tore into the bags and started making excited demonic animal noises " Mama! Thank you! " you lunge to bob as he caught you and returned the hug " Anythin' for you my littl' sunshine. Now, how about I start dinner'? " " Yay! Dinner! "
Getting about 5-8 years old he allows you to venture out on your own but not to far to where he can't find you, but still you get to explore none the less. Of course you bring back things you find to bob which he cherishes with his life and makes sure to get you something back.
Buuuttttt your also a little rebel so you usually decide to go a LITTLE farther than allowed without him knowing.
This is also how you come across skid and pump one of the days you get lost and Bob's loosing his shit trying to find you and telling himself you're alright
Of course you make friends with the two and when you tell bob he is in a bit of a crossroad considering he tried EATING them last Halloween, But their your friends and he'll accept it eventually!
Are they allowed at the house? HELL NO! (Still sneak 'em in tho)
When he has a re encounter with the four people from last year because you were waving goodbye at the edge of the woods and he popped up to scold you for going out so far until seeing the four across the street. Cue awkward silence
Bob saw you waving towards the sidewalk across the forest and came up behind you with a worried but angry look " (Y/N) (M/N) Velseb. What are you doing out here? " " Mama! I was waving goodbye to my friends! " Bob turned to the sidewalk and froze as he saw the two familiar pumpkin and skeleton kid with two concerned parents. " Mama, can they come over for a play date PLEEEAASSSEEEEE!!!!!!!! " bob looked down at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could have imagined and felt his heart tighten as he looked back and forth between you and the others, finally he let out a sigh while looking at you " Fine. They can come but ONLY if you agree to tell me when to expect guest. Got it? " " Mhm Mhm! I got it! "
bob let out a tired sigh as you turned to tell skid and pump they could go over before happily climbing up to sit on his shoulders as you headed back leaving two very confused Lila and jaune behind with skid and pump feeling excited to have a new friend.
Now as I said, rebellious kid. Meaning you have gone into town which results in you getting both almost kidnapped by frank and having some very scary encounters with others.
Roy is a perfect example! Your first interaction was scary as shit for all of them cause you decide to pull the same did you know your old man pulled on them! Doesn't help you also have a Southern accent like him with a more deranged smile. Safe to say he don't wanna try shit with you
Other interactions that were tense at first are Frank, had tried bribing skid and pump with candy and you pulled off a head tilt with a smile which sent him driving, Dexter, you had met him when bob grounded you and he tried coming in through the front door, the cult, they had no clue of any ties between you and bob so they thought it was a good idea to try kidnapping you! Fucking. Not. Never came back to the house, and finally! Jack and john, you can use your imagination 🙃
Now of course once Jack and John find out you two are blood related (after you went to the police station because you lost bob on one of your hunts) they use you as bait every chance they get! Doesn't work out well though 🙂
You were currently sitting in a cell scared out of your mind and making the most eardrum bursting screeching anyone can imagine as you try to clue bob where you are. " Jesus! How the hell did that phsyco get laid and have this thing birthed! " John complained as you stopped and threw one of the pieces of the destroyed cell bed at him, he quickly ducked as you start giggling uncontrollably " That's not important! What is is that he shows up to try and get them out so we can catch him. " you started to actually loose your breath as you finally looked at the two with tears in your eyes while speaking " You can't catch mama! He's just gonna escape! "
You stopped laughing as the power went out and your eyes glowed as you started jumping up and down " Mama's here mama's here! " both men drew their guns as the turned on their flashlights trying to find him " Jack, get to the breaker box and turn on the- " before John could continue he was thrown across the room as Jack turned his gun and flashlight towards him, and oh BOY was bob pissed. He was in his signature costume drenched in blood and guts from what the flashlight showed.
" Did you know? " his voice was strained as his glowing eyes turned to jack before he was being held up by a claw around his throat " That you neva' fuck with a man who would do anythin' for his KID. " he blocked off more of Jack's airway before feeling a bullet got through his chest and hit Jack in the leg " MAMA! " you panicked slightly as you watch bob drop Jack and face towards the cowering John while smiling more pissed than ever " I'm alright sunshine! Just close yer' eyes and ears for me, well be home soon. " you followed his instructions as he lunged at John more determined than every to rip him piece by piece for putting you in a cell and trying to use you as bait.
This next section is for girl things, I'll do one for the boys but girls gotta be done first so I can get it out of the way
You have now entered teen years (11-18, sorry if you disagree) and guess what? You now have a period! Yaaaaayyyyyyyy........ Yeah god have mercy on anyone who hears the screams of demonic pain in the woods or enters the woods.
Bob has no experience whatsoever ever dealing with this subject so he is going to probably be the equivalent of a new dad panicking that his wife/girlfriend went into labor.
Tell him exactly what you need or this man will pop back up at the house with a human sacrifice ready for you to consume if it means he's safe from your wrath.
Be thankful he never dropped his sewing and knitting hobby cause you getting custom shit if it's certified help material
Bob had been pacing back and forth as he tried to think of how to help you as you were currently curled into a ball on his bed with blood all over your legs. He knew this day would come but he didn't think like this! Slowly you started to groan again as bob heard the slight clicks in it " Ok bob, what do you remember your ma' telling you and how ta' handle it. " he perked up when he thought he heard meat painfully came out of your mouth " Ok, I'll be back sunshine. Just stay tight and I'll bring ya' somethin' to help. " he exited the house now on a mission.
------Time skip------
You had been waiting for bob for about a hour now, the pain wasn't there anymore so you found it easy to shower and go about trying to stop the blood from getting everywhere. " I wonder why dad's taking so long..... " you chuckled slightly as you remember how you'd always say " mama " instead, just then the door opened with bob having a giant bag in his mouth while dragging a body behind him. He set the bag down before placing, who you recognize as a cashier, on the table.
" Ok I got whatever I could possibly think of before the police arrived and took me to a cell. " bob started pulling out all sorts of materials to help you before turning to look at you to see you facing the body " Dad, why did you bring a cashier? I thought we had enough meat? " he picked up the cashier before turning to you with a smile " For a offering so you don't kill me of course! " you almost laughed before composing yourself and looking at bob " Dad I don't need a sacrifice! Why in the world would you think I need a sacrifice???? " he scratched the back of his neck as you face palmed yourself not believing what was happening right now. " It's the thought that counts dad " you gave bob a hug as he hugged you back before turning to the now conscious cashier and punching them unconscious.
Hormones is 100% something he can't help you with even if he tried, but he's 100% gonna be your gossip buddy and do runway modeling for you if you pick up a habit of designing clothes or do things to help in anything you pick up (I can't help but imagine him striking a pose with duck lips as you laugh your ass off at his attempt at looking hot in a dress you made)
Having " The Talk " has got to be the only other time you've seen him visibly have to take more mental breaks than when he told you about cursing. Man was praying you'd stay little forever
He makes sure you drink your setting boundaries and respecting people who respect you juice 👏! (If you a Top he's gonna give you the finest gentleman juices in👏the👏world👏!)
One thing that's a constant he tells you is that no matter who or what you want to date he's gonna be happy as long as you are, so long as they pass his test! Also tells you if you do a secret relationship you better make it worth keeping it from your old man! And if they do something to hurt you or they weren't worth it YOU will be able to get all the revenge you want!
He really is just that dad who may not know anything about what happens when a girl matures but will happily try his best ever thought he knows absolutely nothing. Just don't bring up people drama cause you both gonna go and kill that person for dinner.
Bob heard the house door slam and saw you running up the stairs mumbling nope under your breath on repeat and red faced. He set down his book and glasses as he made his way up to your room that he gave you once you become 11, hearing you pacing and panicking made him slightly jog up and knock on your door as softly as he could. " Littl' lamb? Are you alright? Ya' ran up the stairs and were kinda' red. " " I-I'm fine dad! Nothing's wrong! " Bob was about to say alright but then something struck him like a hammer as he realized what was going on ' Right, she probably has a crush or her hormones must be going crazy. ' he opened the door as you stopped pacing and looked at him with some slight panic but tried to play cool as you smiled at him
" (F/N). I think it's time I talked to you about something. " you visibly tense as you sit on your bed while bob sits to your right " What do you need to talk about? " bob could see how tense you were before letting out a sigh and placing his hand on your shoulder " Listen kid, I know it might be hard now with all ya' hormones and feelings going haywire right now but, no matter what I'll always give ya' the same love I give ya' now. "
It was confusing to understand what bob was saying but you guessed you got it " Thanks dad? " that's when bob put on a smile before getting serious " But just so you know, if anyone hurts ya' or don't pass my test I ain't hesitatin' to kill 'em. And make a secret relationship' worth it! " finally you got what he was saying before and start laughing while bob tried to stay composed " I mean it! And make sure to get me some grandkids! " you laughed harder as bob slowly joined in.
Finally you both calm down and you give bob a hug as he wrapped his arms around you " Thanks dad. . . " " Anytime sweety'. "
Ok now that I've ran out of ideas for the girls it time for the boyz!!!!!!
First and foremost he is 10000% more prepared for this than anything for a daughter, I mean he had to go through this as well!
Boners and stuff of that nature is the easiest talk he's ever had to talk to you about. Man probably will give you the secret holy grail of how to hide a boner in any type of pants in this world
He still has the sewing and knitting hobby and I see him just crafting shit every teen boy would need to survive teen years. (ESPECIALLY if you get achne!)
He also gotta show you the groom my friends 🤌
It was around 10:00 and bob was on the verge of passing out from watching Kitchen Nightmares
(Fight me but he definitely watches it)
Until the scream of his son woke him up and had him running upstairs. He slammed open your rooms door as he searched around to find you sitting with the blanket over your head " (M/N)! Is everythin' alright!?!?!?!? " He made his way towards you and tried pulling down the blanket but you retracted and pulled it further on " Yup! Just a nightmare! " now bob knew this to be a lie so he had to think for a minute until remembering how old you were now.
" Son, pull the blanket off yer' face. It can't be as bad as some of the victums' I've seen. " Slowly but surely you pulled the blanket down to your shoulders as bob sighed with a slight smile on his face making his way towards you " Son I know you probably already know what's happenin' and I know this is probably scary but it's not as bad as it could be! " knowing how embarrassing but comforting this would be he pulled out a photo and handed it to you. " No way. Is that- " " Yup! That's my' freshman year picture. . . . " It showed a much younger bob with much longer hair than what he has now, slightly skinnier but still chubby body, and OMG he had a punk phase.
(YUP!, I feel like starting shit and just like with Kitchen Nightmares you can fight me because I'll die on these hills!)
But the one thing that had you in shock was to achne that lightly went all over his face " Go on, get it out yer' system! " and get it out of your system you did. When you finally calmed down as bob re-took his very much embarrassing high school photo, you look up at bob as you sideways hug with a smile on your face " Thanks dad, you really are the best dad someone could ask for. " Bob smiled as he hugged you back to the best of his abilities " Anytime. Now I gotta show ya' some tricks I learned for groomin'! "
Now, same rules apply with hormones. He may be able to give advice but he's not going to be fully there. Also applies with the interests, he will play basketball like he's 19 again until his leg gives out and your now trying to get him in the house so you can have him sleep like he's 80.
" The Talk " was so weird for you because he was bringing shit up that you ain't never fucking image goes with puberty. He just got no filter between what is happening simplified and what's happening with too much detail!
You getting your respect women juice and your gonna get your beat anybody's ass if they disrespectful juice! Man raising a gentleman! (If your a bottom he's gonna make sure your a power bottom, Mama don't raise someone who don't say what they want)
Dating rules and secret relationship rules still apply along with the revenge. This man is VERY supportive
He's all and all better at handling a boy than he is at handling a girl because this man is one of the most unprepared people possible for a daughter than you can ever imagine.
Bob had set down some plates as he made his way up to your room knowing you would have sneaked into the window to avoid him, but can you blame him? He's gotta worry when you have a temper that's almost got you and sometimes him caught (But he's proud). Getting to your door he heard you throwing things around the room while talking to yourself. He knocked as loud as he could which caused the room to go silent. " (M/N)! I'm coming in the room! " " Dad NO! "
Bob opened the door to a absolute mess, everything was thrown about or some destroyed as you stood in the middle gripping at your hair " (M/N)! WHAT'S WRONG!?!?!? " Bob ran to you, grabbing your shoulders and turning you towards him. You froze and went stiff as you started to well up tears " N-Nothing I just- I- " bob wrapped you in a tight hug as he tried to calm you down while you cried, calming down bob looked at you again and asked what was wrong. Letting out a sigh you looked away from him " I. . . . . I got a crush...... "
Bob got a smile on his face as he let you go and put his hands on his hips " Well who's the lucky gal'! " You rubbed your arm feeling nervous as bob looked confused, then he slightly went wide eyed as he let out a sigh putting his hand on your shoulder " Son. Listen. " you tensed up expecting the worst " I don't care who ya' love or what ya' love. Your still my kid. I'll be there for ya' no matter what. Just know if they dare hurt ya' anyway possible or don't fly with me I'm killing 'em. "
You smile as he hugged you, slowly returning the hug and looking up at him " Thanks dad...... " " Of course, just get me some grandbabies! " you laughed while going red as bob joined in with you before letting you go " Now, tell me about the boy who got my littl' devil's heart! "
Now gender neutral teenage stuff because I've got what needed to be divided slightly (Of course it's gonna be short so I can end my misery because my fingers hurting)
Kidnapping and going out hunting is going to be the most common things to happen.
Bob doesn't always go to your rescue every time though cause you handle yourself pretty well sometimes, RIP Jack and John's goddamn wallets from the hospital trips 💀
You honestly just get alot more freedom than expected but he still worries so you always gotta keep him updated every 6 hours
Bringing anybody home you like so he can meet them or a photo is a MUST. Don't want them getting accidentally killed!!!! Although it might sometimes be on purpose......
I imagine him starting to get you to be more social and him also trying as well while also being in disguise (I realized I forgot to mention this but bob will age just not as quick as you think he will)
You both walked down the park path making jokes and enjoying some quality time before night, since bob or you both would leave on your own seperate hunts. Sitting on a nearby bench bob gave you a tired lazy smile as he tried to catch his breath " I told you the hoodie was a bad idea. Besides nobody's here! " you opened your arms to make a point as bob let out a breathy laugh " I know kid, but I ain't as yong' as I used to be. I'm almost 100 you know? " you rolled your eyes at Bob's over exaggeration before sitting next to him " Lies. You look like your in your 60's. "
" Oh really? " bob looked at you before narrowing his eyes " How old do ya' think I was when you were a kid? " you crossed your arms as you looked at him " 34 " bob gave you a smile before leaning back on the bench " Wrong kid, 61. " you sprang up from your spot and got in front of him " WHAT!?!?!? How are you just now getting streaks of gray in your hair!?!?!? "
Bob let out a short laugh before looking back up at you " Have ya' ever wondered why ya' can do what you can do? " " Yes but I ju- " then it clicked " You were a cult member!?!?!?!? " bob stood back up again before giving you a smile and walking into the woods " It's almost night. We betta' head back. " you stood in stunned silence before quickly running up to bob sputtering on your words " HOW CAN YOU BRUSH THIS OFF!?!?!?!? "
Now to the faithful day somebody steals his baby's heart! Aka the day he becomes the most hardest man to please when you try dating someone.
Partners are a VERY hard thing to come across when you are the daughter of a notorious killer and killer yourself, plus the police and everything doesn't help either.
So saying you ACTUALLY found someone who isn't trying to collect some sort of bounty or apart of the cult he is V E R Y on guard. The first interaction feels like a stand off in the wild west between the two.
Now of course he'll want to know how you met up, so for your sake and theirs lie. Say you met in the park or somewhere instead of the truth which is you saw them on a killing spree and they saw you.
Staying for dinner is like a spin the wheel for how you will compromise dinner with bob. Human meat is DEFINITELY off the table so finding a substitute is key to them actually staying.
Overall this man ain't gonna chill until he's certain they can be trusted
The air in the room was heavy and felt like a snake, almost ready to tear out the poor boy/girl next to you who had a all cheery look. Bob sat across from you two and was silently death glaring them while you tried to think of a way to defuse the situation " Dad, this is (R/N). There my Boyfriend/Girlfriend. " bob looked at you briefly before looking back at the boy/girl next to you " So, (R/N). How did ya' meet my daughter/son/kid? " he was trying to scare the kid in hopes he'd give bob a reason to gut them on the living room floor.
" Oh! I had met them one night when taking a stroll around the park, they were alone and I was curious so I introduced myself and the rest is good memories. " you could hear the imaginary hammer hit one nail into a coffin with their name on it as you decide to quickly chime in to stop another one being hammered " It was after I left to hang out with Skid and Pump! It was beautiful outside and I didn't want to head home just yet. We hanged out for a while until I headed back and we just kept meeting up there. " That's when Bob's eyes got a sadistic look before he started rapid firing questions at your boyfriend/girlfriend.
" How often would they stay at your house? "
" Sometimes for 2 day's. "
THUMP. 2 nails
" How did ya' know where to meet up? "
" They would text me when and where before 6. "
" How did ya' already know where we live? "
" I've been inside before "
4. Bod started going for his knife.
" Do you know what we do for a livin'? "
" I've been told "
5. You kept your hand stead on your own knife.
" Do ya' know who I am? "
" Bob velseb. Wanted serial killer and cannibal. "
6. Bob started drooling as he prepared to stab him.
" And tell me young' man/woman. Where exactly do ya' work? "
" The butcher shop right by your old restaurant! "
Bob smiled and looked towards you " They can stay fer' dinner! " you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you hugged bob with a goofy smile before turning around and saying " Welcome to the family! "
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FINALLY!!!!!!! FUCKING. FINISHED. This has been in my drafts since 2022 and I have poured way too much energy into this that I'm about to cry in joy for finishing.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this read and that it isn't disappointing for how long this has taken me. Request are open and pinned with all my rules and such if you want to request something. BYE!!!!!
297 notes · View notes
ladylamrian · 7 months
✨️ Kit meets Rook ✨️
Female Main Character: Alexis Clarissa Fontaine (Nightbound) & Astrid (Blades of Light and Shadow)
Characters: Nik Ryder, Mal Volari, Tyril Starfury, Imtura, Nia Ellarious, Vera Reimonenq, Katherine, Cal Lowell, Threep, ...
Pairings: F!MC×NikRyder & F!MC×MalVolari
Summary: Astrid accidentally opened the wrong portal.
Word Count: 3.2K words
Rating: Teen (Magic, Adventure, Friendship, Fluff)
Warnings: none, just a small fighting scene
-> My complete Masterlist here <-
Taglist: @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @peonierose ; @secretaryunpaid ; @jdstar88 ; @blackcatkita ; @lilyoffandoms ; @liviusofpella ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @tessa-liam ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @artbyalz ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Some parts grammar checked by @lilyoffandoms
Comments via Reblog wholeheartly welcome
Author's note: The tiny story takes place after Nightbound and Blades of Light & Shadow Book 1. Special thanks to @chanceisagoodboy for the inspiration and idea ✨️
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New Orleans always looked beautiful at night. Shops, restaurants, bars and dance pools were gleaming with bright colors and lights. But in the middle of an abandoned alley, near the street, where no one else was there, something mysterious happened. Air was filled with magic. The weather changed within seconds. The clear night sky turned into a thundery scene as rain fell down the earth and thunderbolts flashed above. But there was something else, something strange and unusual. A mysterious vortex appeared which tossed six strange figures outside. And then... it closed. The six beings remained.
"Ouch, what an uncomfortable landing!!", a lady in a gown commented as she was lying with her companions on the ground. She focused her lavender-colored eyes on her surroundings and wondered where they got.
"Well done, kit. Now care to explain where you transported us, because this doesn't look like Whitetower.", a young man with brown, shoulder-length locks and a light beard spoke. He discovered his two daggers, Stabby & Stabby Junior lying in front of him as he crashed on the ground, so he quickly picked his loyal weapons up and stashed them back inside.
"A powerful and wise never like me doesn't deserve to be lying on the dirty floor and get treated like this.", Threep, the bat-winged cat hissed. As the cat saw how everyone finally stood up from the ground, he fluttered its wings and landed on Astrid's shoulder. His cat eyes fixed on her, waiting for an answer.
"I'm so sorry for the hard landing, Threep. I didn't know it would be like this."
"Threep, will you please forgive your Astrid?"
"I suppose a snack wouldn't hurt to make it up for you, dear realmwalker.", he meowed and played around with her blonde braids like a playful kitten which made her giggle.
"Sure, Threep. But first, we have to figure out where we landed. This world looks so weird.", Astrid's blue eyes scanned the surroundings in the dark with the help of her night-vision ability.
All around them were humans. No elf and no orc. They were all dressed in a diffrent style which neither Astrid nor her friends understood. Not only this, strange machinery drove by in which humans were sitting, but there were no horses that pulled them. They moved on their own. Colorful lights are everywhere on the street. Was it magic?
"What strange world is that? Where did you bring us, Astrid?", Tyril asked.
"I don't know, but looks all so new and interesting which got me curious... Let's explore and begin a new adventure!!", she announced with confidence.
"Astrid, I don't know. It could be dangerous. We don't know anything."
"Come on, priestess. Be a little more active and open to the world. We pirates explore new places and find treasures.", Imtura agreed with Astrid.
"Imtura's right! Who knows what shiny treasures and gold we'll find."
"Can't you just NOT think about gold for once, treasure hunter. I have to agree with Nia. It could be dangerous. We don't know anything."
"Three against two, elf boy."
"Excuse me, I would like to be included with my opinion top. I'm with Nia and Tyril, because I want to go home. My warm food is waiting for me.", the nesper licked his palm with attitude.
"So it's three against three. We have a tie. This means we'll explore a little and then we'll go back home. Do you all agree with me?"
"Yes Astrid, that's fair! I just hope you know how to open the right portal which leads us back home.", Nia Ellarious, the priestess agreed, along with everyone else.
"Honestly, I'm still learning my powers. I seriously didn't thought this would happen, but I promise that I'll do better. We'll find a way to get back home!!", Astrid, the realwalker assured her friends.
The group of friends walked through the bustling streets of the unknown place and every time surprised as they made a new discovery. There were small, shining figures in green and red which signaled the humans when to cross the streets and when to stop. These secured the safety of both, the walking humans and the ones who were sitting in these strange, horse-less machineries. Was this magic?
"Hey, why are some humans looking at us like this and then laughing? Are they making fun of us? Maybe because we're dressed differently or...?", Nia asked with concern.
"Yeah, it's like they never saw an orc!"
"Or a noble elf like me. I feel that we're being watched and I do not like this, my dear friends. I told you before too, that it could be dangerous here.", Tyril agreed with Imtura.
Not far from them, a group of youngsters were enjoying themselves. One even held a small, metallic device that flashed like lightning. Out of curiosity, Mal moved closer to the group to take a closer while remaining hidden in the shadows. It turned out that the group of young people now could see a picture of them in that pose when that mysterious device flashed at them. It's like watching a portrait of them that just got painted by the flashing light.
"How can they still be here standing in front of me and also being captured in that small device at the same time?", Mal thought and immediately left, because he didn't want to accidentally get captured in an item.
He quickly joined his friends in a more quiet place, but was shocked as he saw them facing a very familiar figure.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here? How interesting! Humans, along with an elf and an orc. These two might fit well into my collection", the mysterious woman in black smirked. Behind her were standing tough, muscular men who looked dangerous.
"Uhh, who are you? What collection?"
"Oh, dear. You don't know me? Everyone knows who I am. Would your elf friend and orc friend be interested in joining my secret fighting ring under Club Persephone? Elf versus Orc. That would create a huge audience and a lot of money.", she answered Astrid's questions while pressing her face with her gloved hand as she moved closer towards her.
"Hey!!! Let Astrid go!!!", Mal shouted at the woman. He grabbed Astrid's arm and pulled her protectively closer to him till their bodies pressed each other.
"Mal, I'm fine. Don't worry, I can handle it.", she showed strength, but also gratitude towards her caring lover. They glanced at each other with full affection and love until their attention turned towards their friends and the mysterious woman.
"Oh, so you're a couple? You two remind me of that annoying hunter and his fairy girlfriend. You disgust me."
"Leave us alone, thief master.", Mal warned her which made her even more angry while the friends were surprised.
"Mal, you know that woman?", Imtura asked.
"Thief master??? You dared to call me, a thief?!! I am the Lady Smoke!!! The most powerful woman and most dangerous murder mob boss of New Orleans??!", she unleashed her anger, and finally removed her glove, revealing her palm which showed black, poisonous veins. The whole crew was shocked at the discovery. While the lady in black moved her hand towards Astrid and Mal, her muscular men grabbed the rest of them.
"Let go!!! Don't hurt my friends.", Nia shouted.
"I'll show you the strength of an orc, you rats.", the orc hissed.
"Threep, is that woman corrupted or why does she have these black veins?", Tyril asked while fighting one of the goons.
"No, it's something else.", he meowed as he tried to free Nia, the priestess. The nesper began attacking the enemies with his sharp claws.
The whole situation turned into a fighting scene. Mal tried to protect Astrid, and she tried to protect him, as they switched back and forth. Trying to protect each other.
"Astrid, I'll handle.", he grabbed his two daggers and got into a fighting position.
"Mal, I can do it. Let me use my powers."
"Ssshhhh, I'll be safe. Don't worry, love."
"But I'll..."
Before Mal could say more, a bright light appeared out of nowhere which illuminated their whole surroundings. It took everyone a little time to adjust. They shielded their eyes from the light which was so bright. When the light faded, they slowly opened their eyes. There was a mysterious young man in a leather coat facing them, holding a crossbow in his hands. It was the holy light arrow he just shot, which caused the bright light. The arrow landed on the ground near Lady Smoke and her goons as a warning and not to injure them.
"Let them go, Smoke!", he warned her.
"And if I don't?"
"Don't make a fuzz of this, Tonya. Just let them go and everyone will be happy."
"Mind your own business, nighthunter."
"Heyyy!!! Nobody speaks to my partner like this!!", a silvery-black-haired woman appeared next to the mysterious man.
Nik smirked as she called him her partner and wrapped his free arm around her waist.
"My rook."
"Oh, so the couple is here together now. Solo suited you better, Nik Ryder", Tonya mocked.
"Shut up, Smoke!! And let these innocent people go."
While Tonya was focused on Nik and his girlfriend, Astrid used her skills to free her friends. Time for the Seduction Skill!! She swayed her hips and leaned closer towards a man who held one of her friends captured. Mal was surprised at her sudden move.
"Hello, strong man.", she winked at one of them.
"Yes, you. You're very strong and look at your muscles.", she traced a finger on the stranger's arm who suddenly felt attracted to her. The rest of them wanted that too now.
Mal definitely didn't like it even though, she used her seduction skills several times and it helped. But this time was different. They were nasty men who could hurt her and were now hungrily staring at her. Mal had to do something.
"Hey Astrid, you haven't seen my muscles yet. Let me use them to smash those bastards.", Mal got jealous. Astrid's eyes were still on the men.
"Oh yes, Mal is right. You guys have muscles, but use them for what??!! To serve an unthankful woman. I definitely would value your hard work and loyalty. All of you.", the braided blonde played with her lashes which made the men loosen their grips.
And with that, Tyril, Imtura, Threep and Nia managed to free themselves and began fighting. Even Astrid now used her combat skill and threw a few punches at the men, while Tyril, Imtura and Mal used their weapons. Threep supported the priestess to defend everyone.
"How dare you treat a legendary and wise nesper like that??", he hissed and used his cat claws to hurt the enemies.
"Watch out!!!", the silvery-haired girl shouted and blasted a flame of light towards a goon who was about to hit Astrid from behind. The bad guy couldn't harm her now, fell backward, and then fainted.
"Thanks!!", Astrid shouted towards her and continued her battle.
Tonya Reimonenq noticed that her men couldn't win, especially against a strong orc like Imtura. So she demanded her men to retreat, getting back to her Club.
"I'll be back. You haven't heard the last from me, Ryder.", she swore revenge, quickly stepped inside her limousine and commanded her driver to escape.
"Phewww, she and her men are gone.", Nia got relieved when Lady Smoke and her goons were finally gone.
"I knew it!! An unknown world could be dangerous."
"I know, Tyril. You were right, but I'm glad we got rid of them. And these two helped us.", Astrid turned her attention towards the couple in front of them. The two stepped closer to the group.
"Damn, didn't know you guys would handle it on your own. I'm impressed. At least some people don't need to be protected which makes my work easier. And you did a great job too, rook.", Nik praised everyone.
"Awwww, thanks.", she got delighted, stood on her toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Then she stepped closer to the group to introduce herself and Nik. They shook each other's hands.
"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Astrid. These are my friends, Imtura, Nia, Tyril, Mal and Threep."
"Awwww, Threep is soooo cute!!!! Eeeeeeekkk...", she admired the little, winged cat and wanted to cuddle it.
"Pardon me, but I need my personal space. No cuddles when I'm hungry, milady."
"You can talk??!!"
"Of course. I'm a very wise nesper who has to confess my hunger and speaks wise words."
"Awwww, poor kitty. You must be so hungry. Let's get you some food, huh? Garrus's bar isn't far away, he'll serve you food and I'll feed you as much as you want.", Alex picked Threep up from the ground and held it like a baby in her arms, gazing sweetfully at him.
This time the nesper didn't complain because he was ready to get treated like he always wanted to.
"What's a bar?", one of the friends asked.
"Uhhh, it's where you drink? You guys never went to a bar? My friend, Garrus serves non-alcoholic drinks too if you want.", Nik informed.
"Ooooh, so it's a tavern. Then let's go!! I could use some refreshment.", Mal immediately agreed.
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"Threep, meet Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell, meet Threep.", Alex tried to introduce Threep and her pet with each other.
"Is that a kricken? But what is it doing here?", Nia asked and petted the pet.
"A kricken? It's a perrikin."
"Oh, I see. In our realm it's called a kricken."
"Oh, so you're from another realm?", Alex asked with curiousity.
Nik, Alex and Astrid's crew were now sitting in Garrus's bar, called The Graveyard Shift along with some more friends. Each of them was getting along with another very well and was having a great time.
"So you're a nighthunter who hunts evil creatures and beings at night?", Mal was talking with Nik.
"Not only do I hunt. I make sure that both sides of the world, the World of Day and World of Night are save and secure against the evil. So yes, I'm a professional nighthunter. And you are...?"
"A thief. A professional thief.", Mal grinned, raising his arm to show Nik what he was holding.
"Hey, is that... My wallet?!! How the hell did you...??"
"Don't forget to look after yourself too while protecting the world, nighthunter.", Mal mischievously smiled and returned Nik's belongings back to him.
"Hmm... I like you already, thief. You're not bad actually. I'm impressed by your skills... And I like your shiny daggers."
"Thanks, Nik. My daggers are my tiny babies. But you're very skilled too."
Not far away, Katherine and Imtura were laughing together.
"Woah, really?!!! Could you teach me how to throw axes? It could come in handy for me while hunting."
"Now that's what I call a strong woman!! You may not be an orc or strong like me, but you have the spirit. I'll definitely teach you that, Katherine."
"Thanks, new bestie.", Katherine high-fived with Imtura.
Nia Ellarious and Vera Reimonenq enjoyed each other's presence while having conversations and drinking warm lemon tea together. Both admired each other's outfits and figured that they had a few things in common.
"So that dangerous woman we met before was your mother?"
"Yes, but I'm not like her. Don't worry."
"Oh, I'm not afraid of you. I can sense that you're a sweet and pure person. Besides, I also had the similar experience. I looked up to the Light court, but they were not like I expected them to be. I may belong to them as a priestess, but I can still be different and choose the path I want to. The path of harmony.", she explained to Vera and both sweetly smiled at each other with affection.
"Wait, you're her child?? That means she can't be the person I thought she was. She looks exactly like the thiefmaster.", Mal passed by as he overheard Nia and Vera after finishing his conversation with Nik.
"The thiefmaster?", Nia asked him.
"Oh, never mind. Forget it, priestess.", Mal tried to avoid the topic and decided to look for Astrid.
"Is that a fae??", Tyril got shocked as he saw Garrus passing by with a tray of drinks. The fae was too busy with work and serving customers to notice Tyril, the elf. Then Cal answered him.
"Yes, that's Garrus. He's a fae. And the silvery-haired girl you met earlier, she's a half-fae. Are you a fae too?"
"A half-fae, how rare and astonishing!! And no, I'm no fae. I may have pointy ears too, but they are longer. I'm an elf. Tyril, House of Starfury."
"Oh, a noble?"
"It's complicated. My sister takes care of House Starfury now. I don't feel like I belong with the rest of the noble elves."
"Hey, I know what you mean. I also feel like I don't belong to my pack anymore. I'm a werewolf, but I'm not like them. An outsider. I'm different, but I feel proud of it. By the way, my name is Cal. Cal Lowell.", he extended his hand forward and Tyril accepted to shake it.
"A pleasure to meet you, Cal."
Later, Mal finally found Astrid in the corner of the room who was talking with the silvery-black haired woman from before.
"Hey, kit."
"Hey, rook."
Nik and Mal greeted their own girlfriends at the same time when they appeared. Both were surprised. They stared at each other open-mouthed for a while before turning their attention back to their partners. Alex and Astrid began to giggle.
"So Nik calls you rook, Alex?"
"Yup, and you're Mal's kit. Am I right, Astrid? Guess our boys have a few things in common just like the two of us.", she continued laughing with Astrid at the boys.
"Oh Alex, as much as I enjoyed tonight with you and your friends, it's getting late. We must return, but I will never forget tonight. You're my new friend in this weird, but modern world."
"I will miss you too, Astrid. I hope you will visit us again. Threep is so adorable. And next time when you come, you should definitely teach me your seduction skill."
"Oh nooo!!! For god's sake, please don't!!! Enough people are hitting on her already, I don't want her to get started too or get in trouble.", Nik begged the girls who giggled again.
"Awww, Nik. You're my everything. But I could use the seduction skill to convince you whenever we both disagree with each other."
"Oh, so that's your evil plan? How cruel of you, my rook?", he raised his eyebrow, then chuckled.
Then Astrid spoke, promising to teach Alex the seduction skill if she would teach her some magic. Afterall the flame of light which the nighthunter's girlfriend used against Lady Smoke's goons was impressive and could be useful. Maybe Alex could also convince her friendly stepmother, Lady Thalissa to teach both of them. For example, how to open the correct portal.
And with that, it was time for Imtura, Nia, Tyril, Mal, Threep and Astrid to go back to their realm. Back home. This time Astrid opened the right portal. And if not, then they would have landed on their next adventure.
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21 notes · View notes
stratossphere · 2 years
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love in closeness | v.v
ville can be clingy when he wants to be.
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, a lot of mentions of sex/suggestive content, everyone is drinking
word count: 6.6k
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom
— —
"I'm bringing an amp to your house. For you to keep there." That sentence, which your boyfriend had uttered to you the morning before he was due to arrive at your apartment for the next two weeks, was playing in your head as you got a text alerting you that he and Bam were close by. That, in turn, meant that Ville was undoubtedly due to show up with a bunch of junk in tow, all of which he would end up leaving when he eventually had to fly back home. If he wasn't who he was…
Despite the promise of your apartment ending up trashed by the same time tomorrow, you were almost bouncing on your feet as you eagerly awaited Bam and Ville's arrival. They were both coming from Helsinki together, so it was essentially a homecoming for the both of them.
However, you immediately started to regret being excited when you suddenly heard the lock slide out of place on your front door.
"This place is a fucking dump! Next time I'm staying in a goddamn hotel!" Bam was inside the second the door was open, and you frowned when Ville didn't appear behind him. Of course he was already complaining with his first breath of air in your apartment, and you threw a hand in the air.
"What's your problem? And where's Ville?" You sighed, already seeing how this day was going to go based on Bam's clear hyperactive bad mood. He cast a venomous look out towards the hall.
"Your fucking elevator is broken. Again. And he's bringing the amp and shit up." He explained like it was obvious. You rolled your eyes, because of course he was complaining about having to walk up two flights of stairs, before sliding out of your seat.
"You just left him to grab everything by himself, asshole?" Bam really was something special. He held up his singular backpack like that was any sort of explanation for his shortcomings, and you just sighed again before stepping around him and out into the hall.
You almost laughed when you realized you could hear the very audible sound of your boyfriend grumbling to himself in the stairwell, and you started your way down to help him with quick feet.
"You better be coming down to grab your shit, you prissy little bitch." Clearly he thought you were Bam, because there was no way in hell he would've ever found the audacity to say something like that to you.
"What, not enough muscle to carry it yourself, pussy?" You teased, still unable to see him as you talked over the sound of muffled thudding that told you Bam had truly abandoned all of his stuff in Ville's care to dash up the stairs just to unlock your door with Ville's key. Ville chuckled at your words, the thudding coming to a stop.
"Sorry, love. Thought you were that little fuckhead that told me he had to take a piss so that he didn't have to carry anything." Ville's tone as he apologized was much softer at hearing your voice, and just as you turned the corner and almost ran directly into him, your response fell dead on your lips as you caught a full look at him.
Ville Valo, infamous for his long, dark brown locks, had cut his hair. Right up to his ears. After having long hair throughout the extent of almost your entire relationship. Your jaw dropped, and he gave you a look like he had no idea why you seemed so shocked.
"Thought I would've gotten a little bit more of an enthusiastic welcome." He grumbled in the face of your silence, unable to do anything but stand there considering he had a backpack and a guitar case on his back, his suitcase with the amp balanced on top in one hand, and Bam's suitcase in the other hand. "What the hell are you staring at?"
"You cut your hair!" You finally found it in you to gasp, hand coming up to brush your fingers through the freshly-chopped strands where they went short at the nape of his neck where they used to extend past his shoulders. Obviously he still looked deliciously fucking handsome (even more so since not seeing him for the past three weeks), but you were in true shock.
"Yes. Thought if I told you about it on the phone you'd tell me not to." He said, as if his plan was the clearest thing in the world. "Now take some of this shit before I break my goddamn back."
Your jaw did not move from its dropped position even as the two of you made it up to the apartment where your front door was open, and you went right back into being in awe when you were able to drop all of the stuff in your hands and fully stare at a now-short-haired Ville.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me." That went for Bam too, considering he had obviously known about it and had yet said nothing to warn you.
"It's just a haircut." Ville said irritably as he finally emptied all of the stuff out of his hands as well, immediately going for you despite his tone and enveloping you in a hug so tight that it pulled just a bit of a whine out of you. You leaned back to give him a kiss, inhaling his scent for the first time in weeks as you smiled against his lips.
"Yeah, he got that done in the airport while we were waiting for our plane. The barber looked like someone you would see in a Russian torture film." Bam snickered, revealing Ville's clear lack of care over what the result of his new look was going to be. As he broke your kiss, Ville rolled his eyes.
"Does it look like it was done by a Russian torture actor?" He asked dryly, running his fingers through said hair and scratching at his scalp slightly just as your fingers came up to do the same.
"No. It looks really fucking good." You reassured as you eyed him pointedly, only getting about two seconds of being able to feel his new haircut before he was pulling your hand away from his head.
"Yeah. You look like Antonio Banderas." Bam added after you, already starting to rifle through the bag of food that had been sticking out of his backpack as he spoke. Ville smirked at that, and you gave Bam an unimpressed look at his stroking of Ville's ego.
"Where did you get that?" You narrowed your eyes at the amp that was now sitting in the middle of the floor with animosity, knowing that there was a good chance it was only going to be used when you least wanted it to.
"The airport." Ville looked more than proud of himself as he revealed his answer. Sometimes, when actually in the airport, you wondered if anyone actually fell for the marketing schemes of overpriced garbage that no one would ever want to buy in an airport...and then you remembered that Ville fell for all of it. "You can get anything your heart desires in those places. I thought you would've known that."
"Yeah, but I'm not just throwing out cash for a bunch of junk I see in store windows." That was a little bit of a pointed statement on your part, but you couldn't help yourself. You were fine with Ville being a self-proclaimed 'collector', as long as it wasn't your house he was collecting in. "Speaking of, what other junk did you get at the airport?"
"About...fifteen different sandwiches." Ville said, motioning to where Bam was still digging through his stuff. When you looked to both of the newcomers for an explanation, you just got defensive looks in response.
"You never have any food! I was hungry!" Bam explained, jabbing an insulting finger in the general direction of your fridge. You scoffed.
"You bought a bunch of sandwiches for the vegetarian? Seriously?" Your fridge was, in fact, empty, but you had planned on taking everyone out to bring back food, so you weren't all that worried about it. However, apparently Bam was a couple steps ahead of you.
"I’m gonna go get takeout while you...have fun with that." Bam motioned to the amp, which Ville had abandoned you in favor of dropping right down on the floor in front of and beginning to fuck with it after he had plugged it in with his guitar case next to him. You shot him a death stare.
"Great. I assume you'll immediately want my car, then." Lending out your car when Bam and Ville had no doubt been served full of liquor on their flight didn't exactly appeal to you, but it was your only chance to have some alone time with Ville, so you were making do. Bam grinned, already grabbing your keys off the counter.
"I’ll be gone for like, ten minutes tops so don't start going at it right in the middle of the floor." He warned, motioning to exactly where Ville was currently sitting. You snickered while Ville just flipped him off, and then Bam was heading towards the door to be the nice one (for once) and retrieve dinner. He said nothing else as he carted off and out the door, slamming it way too hard on the way out before his footsteps faded down the hall. You then turned to your preoccupied boyfriend.
"Wanna start going at it right in the middle of the floor?" You joked as you made your way closer to him, still half-staring at how short his hair was against the back of his neck where he was turned away from you.
"Hold on. In the middle of something." He muttered, and you could see that he was making sure he had all the plugs for the amp. You sighed, rubbing a hand down his shoulder from behind him.
"Will that explode and be gone in the time it takes to make out with me?" You asked dryly, teasing his obsession with instruments as he finally turned to look at you with an unimpressed face.
"I suppose not." And then, thankfully, he was getting back up, making sure to rise to his full height directly in your face just to be a little shit. "Just can't keep away from me, eh?"
"Not when you've been gone for three weeks." You shot right over his teasing, throwing your arms back around his waist and tilting your chin up to him with a pout that told him exactly what you wanted. He hummed at your words, reaching up a hand to cup your cheek before he was giving you another kiss, this one longer and less appropriate than the one he had given you in front of an audience. Once again, you couldn't help but smile against his lips, so elated to have him back that it was preventing you from fully kissing him the right way. "Mm! I'm just so glad you're home."
"Me fucking too." He sighed as he broke away. It sent a burst of warmth through you that he agreed so smoothly with your calling your place his home, and you couldn't help but hold his face in your hands and just beam at him like an idiot.
"I can't believe you cut your hair." Okay. Maybe you sounded a little bit like a broken record. But to give yourself some credit, he'd just gone and done it without telling you, and it had been getting long. When you saw him start to look exasperated again, you saved yourself. "What am I supposed to pull on now?"
"For fuck's sake, woman. I'm not bald." You clearly didn't save yourself enough, however, because his groan was more than dramatic as he lolled his head in your hands. "I even asked the man to wash my hair, just for you."
"Thank you." You cooed, pushing your fingers through his hair again just to feel the completely clean strands. When his eyes closed slightly at the feeling, you leaned up to press a couple kisses to his cheek. "I love you and I missed you, grouch."
"God, I've never been so glad to see your face. Bam was driving me up a fucking wall this trip." Ville groaned, hugging you again and staying there as he dipped his head to rest on your shoulder. You snickered, because who knew what kind of shit they'd been getting into while they'd been together.
"What, did he try sneaking into your bed or something?" As much of a jab at him as that was, it could've very well been the correct answer. Bam had a habit of getting 'lonely' when he was drunk. It was usually how your bed ended up with three people in it instead of two like it was supposed to.
Ville just shushed you in response, which about gave you your answer, before breaking away and leaning back slightly to inspect you.
“Almost forgot what you looked like.” He joked, reaching out a hand to pull the collar of your shirt down to expose your cleavage with a smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes, brushing his hand away and then doing a little shirt pulling of your own (which was lifting the hem of his so that you could look at his tattoo). And he just stood there and let you, too.
After not seeing your favorite of his tattoos for so long, you were having a hard time pulling your eyes back to his face.
"I don't know how the hell you got this done so young." As you spoke, you absentmindedly brushed a finger to drag across the design on his lower stomach. He then quickly pulled your hand away, giving you a warning look.
"Because I hoped that women would do things like that." He concluded, grabbing your other hand when you tried to do it again and then effectively holding you hostage in his strong grip. "I didn't ever picture I'd end up with a woman with your skill in invading my space, though."
"Aw, that's so sweet." You said sourly, shooting him a look as you wriggled out of his grasp and sighed while looking at all of the bags they had carted up into your not-very-big apartment. "You know, you don't have to move your entire apartment along with you every time you come."
"What fun would that be? I like having everything." Ville said as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your hips and setting his chin on your shoulder. "You know what else I like having?"
"What?" Judging by the tone of his voice and his word choice, you had a pretty good idea of where he was going with this conversation, and you could feel yourself starting to smile.
"My cock inside of you." He finished off with exactly what you expected him to say, fingers of his right hand skating your inner thighs as he basically draped himself against your back. You sighed in contempt, because you knew there was no way you had enough time to even get started.
"Don't tease me. Bam always comes back right when you're putting it in." You complained, holding his hand away so that he couldn't get you any more riled up than he already had. He chuckled lowly.
"I don't care. I'll wait until he’s back and still put it in." What a well-behaved, wholesome thing for him to say.
This was going to be an interesting first night together.
Using the word 'together' for you and Ville's first night back together had been a hyperbole. Sure, you were in fact together, but so were the two of you and Bam. Which meant that you'd all been sitting around your living room drinking yourselves to shit while you all talked about stupid garbage for the past almost six hours.
"So, you would never let me use your bed for a hookup? Dude. That's so fucked." On the topic of how far the ‘bro code’ extended, Bam was dissing you for saying that you would never let him anywhere near your bed with anything less than all of his clothes on. "You have no idea what bro code even means."
"I don't want to go back to my bed the next night and roll into a giant crusty spot!" Plus, who the hell just voluntarily let people fuck in their bed? Ville slurred out a chuckle from where he was laying with his head on your thigh where your legs were crossed on the floor, opening his eyes that had closed while you absentmindedly played with strands of his hair.
"You're fine with crusty spots when they're mine." He pointed out unhelpfully, pulling raucous laughter out of Bam and himself while you just tried to hold a glare while also starting to laugh.
"Obviously you don't count, stupid." Plus, it wasn't like you had a choice considering Ville had some of the worst blowing-a-load aim you had ever seen.
"You should be more of a bro, Y/n. You two have used my bed to fuck before." Bam complained, jabbing a finger at you as he reminded you of a few of the times you and Ville had given him a little payback for copious amounts of immature behavior. You snickered as he shot you a dirty look, even though it had been a while since that had even happened.
"Yeah, but we didn't ask you. We just did it. You would've said no." Like a sensible fucking person. "Tell you what. If you can go an entire week without ever pulling stupid pranks on us, then you and Jenn can fuck yourselves silly in my bed. I'll even let you use my camcorder to film it."
"You'll have to buy new tape. That one's already really full." Ville really needed to work on his ability to keep things to himself once tequila entered the equation. Bam's face immediately screwed up.
"You two make sextapes?" He sounded appalled by the idea, and you silently wondered if he ever really paid any attention when you and Ville were around each other. Sometimes you passed the tapes you already had back and forth after you'd been away from each other or before you left each other right in front of him, for fuck's sake.
"Oh yeah. Long ones." Once again, Ville just kept talking. You paused your hand in his hair, moving your hand instead to cover his mouth so that he'd stop spilling your sexual escapades to the person who would take it as far as he possibly could just for the fun of it.
"We're adults, Bam. And we live in different places." You reminded him dryly. Sextapes guaranteed that Ville was looking at naked videos of you instead of shitty porn magazines that had been under his bed for the last ten years, so you counted it as a win.
"Dude, did you not see what happened to Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson?" Bam was clearly drunk enough to where he cared about your well-being, because he sounded completely serious. "You guys are like, the fucking same."
"Except ours are better. And there's a lot of them." Ville pulled your hand away from his mouth long enough to get that out, laughing like an idiot as Bam made a disgusted sound. You tried to cover his mouth again, also laughing, but failed as he held your fingers away in a tight grip. "Let's put one on and find out."
"Ville. Shut up." You groaned, wrestling with his hands as he continued to snicker at his grossing out everyone else in the room. "If anyone gets to watch our sextape, it'll be fair and square when it gets stolen and leaked to the public."
"You know, you two don't have to tell me everything. You can keep some things to yourself." Bam grumbled, getting up to get himself another drink after downing what was left in his glass. You scoffed as he walked past you.
"That wasn't even oversharing! Oversharing would've been telling you what's on the tapes." That time you really did hold your hand over Ville's mouth, because you knew he would definitely spill everything if you gave him the chance.
As Bam fucked around in the kitchen, Ville finally got your hand off of his mouth, an irritated look starting to form on his face as he shoved your hand away forcibly before turning on his side so that his face was pressed into both your leg and your side where you were still leaned over.
"Fucking hell." He muttered against your shirt, stretching out his arm to wrap around your hips as he rolled his body to do so. You laughed, because tequila always made him cuddly, before running your fingers through his hair again.
"What's wrong?" You asked softly, watching his legs splay out even further on the floor in front of you as he got comfortable on the hardwood. He hummed, rubbing your back absentmindedly with his fingers just brushing against the waistband of your jeans.
"I just fuckin' missed you so much." As well as turning into the king of oversharing when he drank tequila, he also got really love-drunk (no pun intended). Meaning you were about to be consistently told how much he liked you over and over again for the next couple hours or so. "You smell so good."
"Maybe you shouldn't have another drink." There was a slight chance it would get aggressive enough to where he'd cry, and you were pretty sure he didn't want that in front of Bam. He scoffed like that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard, not moving his head from where it was buried but still raising a hand in the air and waving it.
"Another, bartender!" He called loudly enough to where it penetrated the air despite his face in your shirt, making you roll your eyes and in turn drawing Bam's attention towards the two of you.
"Hell no. Get your own." He said stubbornly as he finished loading up his 'mixed' drink with almost all tequila, leaving the bottle open right where it was on the counter as he came back towards you. He then snickered as he looked at Ville's position in your lap. "Ville, dude, you are so fucking pussy-whipped."
You watched as he dropped back down onto the couch and promptly spilled a little bit of his drink, earning himself a death stare from you. Ultimately, he was the one who had to sleep on it, but he could never have just a little consideration for your stuff. Ville finally sat up then, a grin on his face despite the insult.
"I'm the only one in this room getting pussy good enough to be whipped by." He announced loudly as he messily used your shoulder as leverage to pull himself up to standing, sounding more than proud of himself as he spoke. You shot him a dirty look as he gazed down at you without a single care in the world.
"Hey. I'm right here." You complained, elbowing his leg before standing up after him because you really didn't trust him to make smart decisions on his own in the kitchen. It was a compliment, sure, but not one appropriate for your present company.
"Dude. I literally have a girlfriend." Bam added, throwing a hand in the air like he felt left out for not being 'pussy-whipped'. Ville made a skeptical face.
"Yeah, but all you guys do is fight and hold out on each other. Can't really count that as good pussy. Or dick, for that matter." Ville essentially telling Bam that he was giving his girlfriend shitty dick made you laugh, and Bam just gave you both a betrayed look as he essentially pouted where he was sitting.
"Yep. I win." Ville concluded, holding a hand up for a high-five as you joined him in the kitchen. You refrained from doing so, ignoring his scoff of protest as you stepped around him to get the mixer juice you were using out of the fridge.
"Drink at least a little juice with that." You warned as you watched Ville sloppily fill his cup back up with tequila, one of your arms circling around his waist as you leaned into his side. He let out a disgruntled huff but took the orange juice from you, adding about a splash to his tequila to satisfy your request.
"American juice is fucking disgusting. Yankees ruin everything." Ville grumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before pulling out of your grasp despite the fact that he had just called you a Yankee.
"Hey. Don't be like that." Just because he couldn't get his 'natural alpine blueberry juice' or whatever in America didn't mean he had to go dissing everything he laid his eyes on in your house. "You're such a grouch."
"No I'm not. I love you." Suddenly Ville was pouting, and then he dipped down to press kisses to your cheek, abandoning his glass on the counter in favor of inhaling you in your personal space. You laughed and let him do so, arms around his waist as he held your face in both hands and kissed you over and over again.
"Ah! Stop! Your breath is horrible." You complained after his kisses transformed into being basically open-mouthed, trying to hold his head away while you continued to laugh at the same time. He broke away with an outraged look on his face.
"Did you just say my breath stinks?" He was about as self aware as a bird in a room made of glass. Tequila, a ton of Japanese takeout, an entire bag of chips, and cigarettes didn't exactly create a melting pot of smells that rivaled roses. You snickered and nodded, leaning up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek instead.
"I still love you though." You reassured, getting out of his grasp so that you could actually make the drink that you'd come into the kitchen for in the first place. He just scoffed before smacking your ass what felt like as hard as he could, squeezing, and then leaving the kitchen.
What a sweetheart.
When you came back to the living room area conversation, which you had been mostly ignoring due to the fact that Ville had no doubt indulged in hearing about Bam’s relationship, they were talking. And, low and behold:
"—obviously there's criteria. You can't just say you're good because she gives it whenever you cry for it." Ville was saying from where he had gone right back to laying on the floor as if he was waiting for you to come back so that you could sit where you had been before.
"I don't cry for it! If anyone cries for it, it's probably you, stupid." Bam defended himself hotly, jabbing a finger at Ville and leaning back further into his seat on the couch. You snorted at that, and Ville just shook his head with a huge grin on his face.
"If you cry for your mama, she'll give you her tit." He said in a very philosophical tone, looking up to you as you made it to where you were going to sit down next to him with nothing but a pleased look on his face. You wrinkled your nose, because that was a terrible analogy, and Bam just groaned.
"Dude. That is so gross." He complained, shaking his head and running a hand over his face before then throwing it in the air. "What's your criteria, then?"
"First off, your lovely significant other should actually want to spend time with you." Ville said pointedly, motioning around the room to the lack of Bam’s girlfriend that was present with all of you. She refused to come anywhere with Bam more often than not (mostly because they had a habit of getting in huge arguments when they traveled together), so Bam was always the solo flier.
"We spend time together. When none of you fuckers are around." Bam defended himself, staring at both you and Ville with nothing but animosity in his eyes as Ville situated his head in your lap where you were sitting criss-cross as he rolled his eyes.
"Doing what? Fighting about your bitchy attitudes?" He muttered, furthering everyone but Bam's point. You laughed at that, and Bam just pouted more as he took a long sip of his drink.
"Hm. Fighting about bitchy attitudes. Reminds me of someone." He was death staring your side of the living room, and you knew he was referring to a fight you'd had at his house the month before when the two of you had been visiting. You gave him a mockingly sour look in return.
"Ha ha, dickhead." Clearly you'd gotten over that by now, considering Ville had manually moved your palm to rest against the side of his face so that you could brush your thumb back and forth across his cheek. "That was one time. You and Jenn fight like that all the time."
"Whatever you s—"
"Second, we have to have all overheard something shockingly vile of the sexual nature out of the both of you." Ville talked right over Bam's being a douche, holding up a second finger as he spoke. "And I've heard nothing but you specifically."
"And that doesn't count." You added, because you'd heard more than enough of what Bam and Jenn got up to once they were anywhere near each other; privacy available or not. If Ville had ever been as loud as Bam when you were as close to people as Jenn and Bam sometimes were, you would've kicked his ass.
"Ugh. That's not fair. What are you like, standing outside the door listening in?" Bam whined, throwing a hand in the air as he spoke. That wasn't a very based accusation, considering the amount of times Bam had hid outside your door and decided to burst in at unsavory moments just to prank you and Ville.
"You never know. I could start." Ville teased, wiggling his eyebrows at your pouting friend before he lifted his head just enough to where he could take a long sip of his tequila with minimal spilling. It being ‘minimal’ because a small stream started to roll sideways down his cheek, and you only caught it just in time before it ran right onto your crotch. "Alright, I'll give you an easier one. Has she ever asked you for a third?"
Bam hesitated a little bit at that, which would've about given Ville his answer had he been sober enough to pay attention to body language cues. You pursed your lips to hide a smile, because you were well aware of the fact that Bam had asked Jenn for a third, instead answering for him to save his ass from what would've been a whole show of tequila-induced, cackling-filled ridiculing from Ville had he found out the truth.
"She told me once that she had a huge crush on Ryan at the start of their relationship." That was true, and also common knowledge amongst everyone in the room besides Ville, so it was safe. Bam visibly relaxed as Ville started hyperventilating-laughing.
"Perfect! Maybe he's her type." He was clearly trying to start shit, because poking at Bam and Jenn's relationship in any way that Bam didn't start himself was basically a guarantee for a fight. Thankfully, Bam seemed drunk enough beyond caring. Ville was already talking again anyway, and he was looking right up at you. "When did she tell you that? When you were doing lady things together?”
Sometimes, you were deeply reminded of why men were so clearly the inferior species. You frowned.
“What does ‘lady things’ even mean?” You asked dryly, not sure if you even wanted to hear the answer to that. Bam was snickering, and Ville just looked glad that you’d asked.
"I don't know. Whatever women do. Get nails done, drink martinis, have pillow fights..." He trailed off with a simple shrug of a single shoulder, sounding pretty confident with his answer. That pulled a full laugh out of Bam, and you rolled your eyes.
"I don't do any of that." Well, sometimes you did have pillow fights, but that was only when Ville decided it would be funny to absolutely obliterate your head with a pillow out of nowhere. When Ville held up your hand where you had long, dark red nails as evidence for his first answer, you shook your head. "I did those myself. You were there."
"No. What girls do is order gross, fruity mixed drinks and then talk about sex with their friends for like, two hours straight." Bam filled Ville in as soon as he stopped laughing. Ville’s eyes lit up at that information.
"Oh! Why don't we ever do that?" He sounded more than excited by the idea, and you snickered because you knew that if he had been sober, he would’ve never participated in anything close to that.
“We are not doing that. Reign it in.” You sighed, trying not to laugh so that you sounded serious enough to keep him from opening the floodgates of information that should’ve definitely stayed between the two of you.
"Tequila makes you way too comfortable, man." Bam agreed, giving Ville an unnerved look at his suggestion. Ville scoffed in response, waving him off irritatedly as he turned on his side so that his face was half in your crotch and half on your leg.
"You're all fucking downers. No one knows how to have fun in America."
It only took about another hour of Ville getting progressively more and more loose-lipped before you decided that it was going to have to be bedtime, which ended up being almost impossible to maneuver with Ville protesting and Bam requesting help getting set up for bed. When you finally got Bam set up on the couch with what felt like a million blankets, you returned to your room hoping that Ville had just passed out, only to find that that was absolutely not the case.
"You took for-fucking-ever." He whined sleepily from where he'd thankfully crawled into bed, rolling over to where you could see that he was sans-shirt and beckoning you lazily. "It's cold."
"I wish I could film you when you're like this and then show it to you in the morning." You teased as you turned off the light, heading towards the bed and shedding your pants on the way.
"I'm fine." Ville scoffed, voice a little quieter now that the room was dark. You could still see him due to the streetlights and neon signs that shined directly into your bedroom window considering people had no idea what a nighttime brightness level should be, and he was watching you intently as you crawled into bed after him.
"Fine as hell." You confirmed with a cheesy grin on your face, barely even touching down onto the mattress before he was rolling into your side of the bed and leeching himself onto you as you pushed your arm to rest underneath his head. You pressed a kiss to his cheek once you were comfortable next to him. "Do you want anything before I go to sleep?"
"I want you." He mumbled, his lips falling against your cheek as he dropped his face to rest against yours. You could feel his soft breath on your skin, and you continued to smile as both of his arms wrapped tightly around you. "Hold me."
Maybe you were a little biased when you said that tequila-drunk was your favorite version of drunk Ville.
"I am. I'm right here." You reached your hand to card gently through his hair, the feeling of his much shorter strands still a little foreign to you despite having had your hand on his head basically all night.
"Tighter." Despite that he wanted to deny that he was anything but fine, if sober Ville could hear how high of a whine he was currently speaking to me in, he would've been beyond annoyed. You breathed out a silent laugh but threw your free arm around his side, your nails scratching gently against his back as you got comfortable.
He seemed satisfied with your level of closeness then, and you felt him deep-exhale against your face before he completely stopped moving and settled in your arms with his eyes finally closed.
For about 30 seconds.
Just as you were beginning to feel alcohol-induced unconsciousness creeping up on you, Ville suddenly reanimated, pulling out of your grasp slightly and turning before he sat up on one elbow.
"I have something for you." He announced, talking completely over your exasperated sigh at how hard it was to put him to bed when he had even an ounce of energy still in his system at the end of the night.
"Honey, just stay in bed. You can give it to me tomorrow." You reasoned tiredly, reaching a hand up to gently cup his face before you let it fall softly to his chest. He shook his head.
"No. I have it." And then, in confusion, you watched as he pulled both hands away from you and before beginning to focus on his fingers. "Give me your hand."
You weren't sure if you liked the idea of giving him your hand, but you did so, setting your hand palm-up in his lap. You then realized that he was taking one of his rings off, and you became even more confused.
And then he was taking your hand gently by the wrist, holding it up so that he could see clearly, and slipping his pinky ring that matched a set of ten onto your left hand ring finger. Funnily enough, it fit perfectly, and he looked extremely proud of the fact. You stared at your hand for a second.
"Are you..." You weren't sure, but there was a very good chance that a love-drunk, tired Ville would propose to you off of enough tequila. He shook his head gently.
"Not a proposal. I just want you to have it because I love you." For how drunk he was, his voice came out completely calm and collected, his hand still holding your wrist as his thumb brushed across your palm.
"Oh my god, you are such a fucking sweetheart. I love you too." You were grinning like an idiot again despite your attempts to remain as calm as he was, and you immediately reached up to hold the back of his head at the same time he dipped down so that you could kiss him. As soon as your lips were on his he was leeching right back into your touch, and he kissed back lazily as he shrouded himself in your arms. When you broke away for air, you pressed an extra kiss to his temple. "I'm glad you came home, love."
"I never want to be away from you again." Ville mumbled almost inaudibly as he buried his face in your shoulder, basically bear-hugging you as you rubbed his back gently. "Hold me forever."
Like you said; such a sweetheart. You did exactly that, holding him and dragging your nails softly up and down his back until you heard him starting to snore against your neck as his grip around you gently started to loosen. You were finally able to fall asleep once he was no longer basically squeezing you to death as you inhaled the gentle hint of his cologne that still stuck to him with the absence of his shirt.
God, life could not get any fucking better when it was like this.
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