#sometimes i just think about the white violin of it all!!!
lovebugism · 6 months
steve finds out reader hasn’t slow danced with a guy before… like maybe she never went to prom with a date and he makes it really sweet for her
when steve finds out you've never slow danced with anybody, he takes it as a challenge (fluff, established relationship, 0.8k)
Languishing on Steve Harrington’s couch, you rest your full weight against his shoulder like you’re trying to melt with him there. You vaguely hear him shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth while you stare unblinking at the black-and-white film playing ahead of you.
“Slow dancing is, like… really weird,” you observe in a quiet murmur, features all twisted in confusion.
“Whaddaya mean?” the boy beside you wonders through his mouthful.
“I don’t know,” you answer with a lazy shrug. “It’s just, like… swaying in place… really awkwardly.”
“It doesn’t have to be awkward.”
You wave your hand at the television across the room, where a couple of Old Hollywood actors dance like both of them’s caught the plague. “Look at that and tell me that’s not awkward!” you argue and turn your chin to look at him. 
Your faces are much closer than you thought. The tip of your nose threatens to brush the chiseled bridge of his. The proximity leaves you wishing it had.
Steve scoffs with a boyish scrunch to his features. “Well, those two have, like, zero chemistry! You gotta slow dance with someone you like, you know? Like, really like,” he explains, gesturing wildly with his hand and jostling you slightly in the process. “Then you got yourself a good time, alright? You’re pressed all close, holding each other’s hands, dancing through the sexual tension—”
“It’s weird,” you insist with a scrunched nose.
“It’s nice!”
“Let’s just agree to disagree,” you shrug.
Steve shakes his wild head and shoves another handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Yeah, I can’t do that,” he says, muffled through the food in his cheek.
You snort a quiet laugh in return.
“So you’re saying you’ve never slow danced with someone before?” he wonders with his mouthful, then swallows. “Like, ever?”
Your face scrunches like it’s obvious. “No.”
“Not even at prom?”
“I didn’t have a date at prom!”
“I didn’t either!” he tells you, which you think is only half a lie. Nancy had just broken up with him then — whether he was too heartbroken or too lazy to find another date is still up in the air, really.
Your eyes narrow in a challenging squint. “The entire female class of 1985 was your prom date.”
“I’m just sayin’,” he insists, laughing quietly to himself. “You’re missin’ out here, babe.”
You scoff and reach for the bowl in his lap, stealing a handful of room-temperature popcorn for yourself. “Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
The sound of vintage violins swells distantly in the otherwise quiet house as the film credits roll. Lit only by the amber stove light, you dump uneaten and unpopped kernels into the trashcan in the kitchen. A record crackles in the room over. A song floats gently on the midnight air.
Everybody loves somebody sometime…
Everybody falls in love somehow…
Your brows furrow when Steve appears in the doorway, rocking his hips back and forth and snapping his fingers to the languid beat. He sings the words quietly to himself, hardly trying but still sounding sort of decent anyway. “Something in your kiss just told me... My sometime… Is now…”
“What are you doing?” you wonder aloud, biting back a chuckle.
“Dancing,” the boy answers.
Your brows furrow as he approaches you — hips still swaying, fingers still snapping. “…By yourself?” you question slowly.
He cages his plush bottom lip between his teeth and shakes his head. With wide, warm palms, he smooths his hands over your sides. “Mm-mm,” he hums and squeezes your hips. “With you.”
His touch urges you to sway alongside him, but you tense almost immediately — a virtually immovable force. “No, Steve!” you scold through giggles, shoving him away with a halfhearted hand. “Steve, don’t!”
“C’mon!” he shouts over your protests as his chuckles entwine with your own. “Just dance with me! It’s not gonna kill ya!”
You make a faint grumbly noise of disapproval but don’t fight about it any further. With your face still scrunched in a childlike pout, you let him take one of your hands into his larger one and rest your other against his chest. With a palpable hesitance, you follow his subtle side-to-side movements.
Something in my heart keeps saying…
My someplace is here…
“This is so cheesy,” you giggle to yourself.
“But it’s nice, right?” Steve presses with raised brows. 
Rogue chestnut hairs fall over his forehead, and you fight the urge to push them back. Your nose scrunches in a silent answer, and he laughs. You can feel the golden sound rumble in his chest. 
“You don’t have to say anything… I know you like it.”
You roll your eyes at his smug grin. “Only ‘cause you’re such a good dance partner,” you tease with a knowing squint in your eyes.
His gaze swims with honey as his rosy lips quirk in a lopsided smile. “Don’t make me blush,” he jokes in a quiet murmur, already leaning down to kiss you. 
Steve swallows your laughter with a pink, petaled mouth pressed against your lips — tasting faintly of popcorn, cheap beer, and adoration.
The song crackles quietly through it all.
—And although my dream was overdue…
Your love made it well worth waiting…
For someone like you…
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lyss-sketchbox · 3 months
do you have like,, any wriolette headcanons to share,, please I’m hungry,, I need wriolette food!!
Oh definitely, some of these are more wrio or neuvi specific tho but let me go off ok
Wrio has this one spot a lil far off from Meropide's entrance that he sunbathes in whenever he has the time. Its this lil cliff right here. It has a long stretch of beach, near the otter spot (TM), there's mobs to fight if he needs that, and it's not near any roads
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Perfect spot for him to frostwalker/ice skate too
Neuv in one of his walks would find Wrio in his spot and Wrio would tell him this is where he goes to relax, Neuv would sometimes then use this spot too to relax in, Wrio welcomes him whenever they happen to meet here
I think Wrio never goes to the overworld until he is called in for that first meeting as Meropide's administrator, when he does step out he underestimated how much he truly missed the sunlight, the sea breeze, and the grass. It's not a big deal, he insists
Wrio would prefer sunny weather than rain, but the coldness of rain is more lively and refreshing than the cold of the fortress
Neuv can walk on water Furina style, he just chooses not to say whenever Wrio offers to skate with him. Basks in the feeling that he trusts Wrio so much to keep him from falling in
Neuvillette is a pianist while Wrio is a violinist (and does have a violin in his office) because every pairing in my book should be able to piano-violin duet the Merry-Go-Round of Life
Wrio is extremely observant, a skill he picked up from serving his sentence, it's how he's able to study and read Neuvi's tells and body language. It's very helpful whenever neuvi is too tired to talk or unable to drop the professional iudex face.
Neuvi learns by observation and attempts to pick up Wrio's tells in turn no matter how many times Wrio insists that he shouldn't worry about him <- fuck you gets loved back
Whenever they get engaged/married, their rings are simple white gold bands. Wrio replaces one of his rings with it, while Neuvi has his hooked to his cravat pin. It's so they're not too flashy and attract attention while still being with them even in work hours
Neuvi feels over the ring whenever he misses wrio
Wrio buries his face into Neuvi's neck so that he can hear Neuvi's purr of contentment better
Neuvi can get jealous but instead of cutting the convo short like Wrio does, the next time they are alone Neuvi just rubs his cheek all over Wrio's until he's happy
Wrio is touch averse, significantly more than Neuvi. While he and Neuvi had subtle touches before, getting together had pressured him to show more affection (because it doesnt bother him, he can love, so that he can be loved) Its one of the first times Neuvi was able to tell Wrio's tells correctly and to reassure him it isn't necessary and they can begin with... what they had before
They show affection primarily with holding or touching hands (ex. : holding hands when they sleep like otters, brushing knuckles and fingers when they walk, Wrio lifting neuvs hand to bury his face in it, etc.), a reassurance that the other is there with them, and they want to hold on just as much
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math-is-math · 11 months
Aleheather headcanons because why not :))
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They moved into an apartment together after All Stars; it’s not exactly the lavish lifestyle they pictured but it’s cozy and comfortable for the moment
I personally don’t think Heather would name her cat Bruiser; I think it’s actually the family cat and that’s what her younger brothers decided to name him
After moving in together, they got a little white cat named Blanca (courtesy of Alejandro ofc)
“Blanca? W— isn’t that just white in Spanish??”
“Exactly. It fits perfectly for her.”
That said, Alejandro’s more of a dog person but he’s not opposed to cats; Heather LOVES cats but big dogs are not her thing though
They’ll dance together in their living room at 2 am, maybe sway the cat around too
Alejandro is the master chef while Heather is the resident baker
They enjoy hosting dinner parties for their friends! Duncan and Courtney, and Lindsay and Tyler are their most common guests
Heather is a WIZARD at the piano
Sometimes when Alejandro has a nightmare she’ll play to relax and comfort him; his favorite is Solamente Una Vez
Alejandro can play guitar at a beginner-intermediate level
Sometimes they’ll duet with their respective instruments + occasional singing
Courtney will come over and sometimes bring her violin so she and Heather can play together — and they’ll absolutely bring the house down every time; their signature piece is The Swan
Duncan will make fun of Alejandro cause he gets emotional everytime they play it
“Oh man are you crying?”
“Well at least I’m able to emotionally appreciate good talent!!”
I think Courtney helped Heather get her million back (with the help of her lawyers and finessing the system ofc)
First thing they did once receiving it — put that shit in the BANK
Alejandro’s Catholic; Heather isn’t religious :P
Heather doesn’t talk to her parents (or her family) anymore; she claims she doesn’t care but Alejandro knows it hurts
Alejandro has a good relationship with his parents and family (well maybe not José) despite his inferiority complex lmao; although FreshTV did say Alejandro’s not the favorite in his family
I think that role goes to Carlos since he’s the professional soccer player, but Carlos gets demoted to second favorite after his parents meet Heather
His mom adores Heather, she’s the daughter she never had; his dad isn’t rlly around cause of work but he’s quite fond of her too from the few times he’s met her
Alejandro and José made a bet about whether he would win Total Drama
When he got the call from Chris about TD Dirtbags, you bet your ass he was outta the house
Alejandro’s parents had literally no idea he went on the show (nor did they care LOL)
His mom found out when he called him after Chris announced World Tour and his dad found out when they were showing one of the eps on a hotel TV and saw him
Heather braids her hair when she’s stressed! She can do all sorts of braids from fishtail to Dutch
The only person allowed to play with Alejandro’s hair is her; he’s not fond of having it in two parts (i.e. braids and pigtails) but he makes an exception for her
Sometimes when she has a nightmare, Alejandro lets her braid and play with his hair to calm her down
Heather is terrified of vulnerability, due to a fear of rejection and being alone; she combats this by pushing everyone away to not face any potential possibilities of being rejected by anybody
The first time she said ‘I love you’ to Alejandro (not counting the WT confession) resulted in a panic attack and almost passing out (I wrote a fic about this hehe)
Occasionally Heather has doubts about Alejandro’s objective with her and their relationship — why he chose her of all people, if this could all end up a mistake in the future, if she can trust him, etc.
Alejandro’s patient though, he provides as many reassurances as she needs to hear
It’s taken a lot of time and coaxing to get her to take down her walls and let him in but they’re making progress; he just loves her so much and wants happiness for her :’)
They’re both afraid of losing the other but Heather’s fear is more extreme than Alejandro’s
I’ll update if I think of more lol but feel free to add to the list !!
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changingplumbob · 20 days
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CW: Low level sim spice & Language - Guide to Content Warnings
Coleman: Was he making fun of my name or was that an old person joke
Jackson: Fucked if I know. Hey Glenn, Glenn, did you get a prize for second place
Coleman: Don't worry if you didn't because we know just what to get you
Glenn: And what would that be...
Jackson: We'll... throw you a pity party!
The twins burst out laughing but Glenn finds it easier to shrug off than he thought he would. Hey if their taunting was going to help him move on, bring it!
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Glenn: Wow, did it take you all day to think of that? Or did you need to workshop it the entire time I was busy
Jackson: *laughing* A pity party! Watcher I'm hilarious
Coleman: I'll play you a moving ballad on my violin so everyone can cry as much as you
Jackson: And I can write a special poem on the death of your relationship, it'll be all poignant and stuff
Glenn: Because you know all about relationship death right
Coleman: Oh, want some ice for that burn bro
Jackson: At least I get laid. You went for how long and didn't get any tail? Embarrassing
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Glenn: Not really. Some of us are looking for more than just physical connection
Coleman: Unlike those guys that got it on in Grayson's bed
Jackson: *chuckling* Dude that was so funny
Glenn: Actually that was beyond a violation of privacy and trust
Coleman: What do you think? Glenn's mad because he wasn't invited to join them for a threesome
Jackson: Like he'd even know what to do with a dick other than faint. First or second loser probably still has his cherry
Coleman: If you're nice to us Glenn maybe we'll let you practice on us. But one at a time because we're queer not incesty
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Glenn: Thanks but infant is not my type. Neither are people who make up words like incesty. A real vocabulary is attractive, you should think about investing in one sometime
Jackson: You're just mad we're young and fresh faced
Coleman: And depressed you're going to be single forever
Glenn: I survived far worse than your taunting when I was growing up you know
The twins smirked and stood up. For a moment Glenn thought through what shielding spells he knew but it turned out that they were just refilling the food bowls for their dogs who were coming in. Thrash was white with a blue harness, and Throttle was black with a red collar.
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Jackson: Thrash! Throttle! Food!
Coleman: Oh hey Glenn, why didn't you pet Olive? The challenge for that day was literally interact with Olive. Did the producers not tell you
Jackson: Are you like anti dog or something
Coleman: Even idiots know if you want in with the owners you spoil the pets
Jackson: But not so much that you're stealing their affections. One time I tried befriending this girls cat and she said she'd rather I sleep with her sister so I did
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Glenn: Look, I'm not actually here to talk to you two
Coleman: Oh no, we've been slighted. I'm gonna die from that blow
Jackson: How will my social life ever recover if Glenn the first or second loser won't talk to me
Glenn: Phoebus said Henri would be here
Coleman: He'll get back from the bakery in a bit unless he's shagging another customer
Jackson: He can't stand to be without us for long
Coleman: We're his favourite people
Glenn rather doubted it but it seemed in poor taste to criticize legal orphans for claiming to be beloved so he let them carry on.
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weirdbookweeb · 3 months
Colin Bridgerton Headcanons
Should begin: this is in two sections; Colin x reader and Colin x Penelope. Each section is labeled. Read one or the other or both by your preference because I couldn't care to write two seperate posts :) <3
My inbox is always open for requests.
This does mention nsfw topics, but doesn't mention anything raunchy. There might be spoilers if you haven't watched to the end of season 3 part 1.
Colin x Reader
Colin only ever opens up about his promiscuous past when it becomes less stigmatized inside of literature. When authors start openly discussing sex and intimacy, so does he.
Sometimes when he and you are alone, he'll take you by the hand and dance with you. He'll hum in your ear to symphony that a violin plays and he'll douse all but a few of the candles just to see you glow in the dim light.
He really got into cooking when he was away in his travels, the sexual endeavors aside. So sometimes he'll ask the chefs to step away from the kitchen for a few hours and guide you by the hand down to the kitchen just to hear you read to him while he cooks for you.
When Colin goes off to his summer home for the first time after meeting you, he comes back afterwords with a large collection of seeds and herbs, properly dried, just for you. He doesn't tell his siblings, but does ask his mother for advice on how to dry herbs. She gave him a knowing smile and helped the best she could.
Colin x Penelope
When Penelope and Colin were children, the first thing Colin noticed about Penelope was her hair. He was so used to seeing people with such dark hair that it blended in with shadows, or such light hair that it turned white with the sun, that seeing Penelope's bright orange hair made him stop in his tracks and ask her if it was a wig from an orange cat (in which his mother and sister promptly scolded him.)
Colin missed Penelope each and every time he went away to travel, but thought it improper to write to her more often than he initially did, and then stopped writing when he slept with women almost every night. He felt it were a bit impure of him to do so.
Their favorite holiday to spend together is Christmas. Penelope always felt a loveless family, and Colin always felt a family full of love, so they always spend it at the Bridgerton house. And they always get the family presents that are sweet and personal. Then, when they get home, they share personal presents that are just too perfect not to tear up and hold each other over.
Colin just fumes jealousy whenever Penelope gets asked to dance after they become officially together; dating, engaged, and married. He finds small ways to always keep her in his watchful eye and always gets her back within a single dance and Penelope thinks its the most charming thing ever. "You know I will always be yours at the end of the night, right, Colin?" "Yes, well, why be mine st the end of the night when you can be mine now and forevermore?"
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ca-suffit · 3 months
i haven’t read the books but from the way some book stans talk about lestat like he’s some saint, i was not expecting sam in that interview to be like no actually he loves being evil and he’s really good at it and all the stuff about male rage/akasha and the devil being like wow he’s so terrible i need to recruit him actually. and i’ve seen the odd comment on twitter that’s like oh poor sam for having to put up with this lestat character assassination. like i don’t wanna call ppl out but i saw someone say “he signed up for anne rice’s iwtv, not rolin jones’s iwtv 😢” like ??? no actually he did sign up for rolin’s adaptation. and then they act like he’s so put out by the changes like a) he’s getting paid to pay his favorite character i think he’s okay. and b) even if he has reservations or questions about a change or even outright disagrees with one, he’s always full of praise for the final product and for rolin in general. like girl he is fine lol. like he said, some changes needed to be made and were for the greater good e.g. wrt improving the louis character.
I forget if he clarified in the interview or not, but that bit he says about going to hell comes right from the books
But what had I done to Claudia? And when would I have to pay for that? How long was she content to be the mystery that bound Louis and me so tightly together, the muse of our moonlit hours, the one object of devotion common to us both? Was it inevitable that she who would never have a woman's form would strike out at the demon father who condemned her to the body of a little china doll? I should have listened to Marius's warning. I should have stopped for one moment to reflect on it as I stood on the edge of that grand and intoxicating experiment: to make a vampire of "the least of these." I should have taken a deep breath. But you know, it was like playing the violin for Akasha. I wanted to do it. I wanted to see what would happen, I mean, with a beautiful little girl like that! Oh, Lestat, you deserve everything that ever happened to you. You'd better not die. You might actually go to hell. But why was it that for purely selfish reasons, I didn't listen to some of the advice given me? Why didn't I learn from any of them-Gabrielle, Armand, Marius? But then, I never have listened to anyone, really. Somehow or other, I never can.
he's not a saint (but he wants to be one for a second lol) but I personally didn't feel like he was that "evil" either. anne rice wasn't rly a good writer and fired her editor 3 books in on top of it. the series was unplanned and it's a wreck. he does awful shit but nothing I'd view makes him rly "evil," so it was a struggle for me to get on board with all that. an internal fight about how he views himself, I could understand, but idk what was rly that bad otherwise. especially cuz she was so in luv with him that consequences for anything he does just drop off as the books go? let me not write a whole thing about this lol. but ya the good and evil thing is from the books. the rice-a-ronis do mention it in posts sometimes but ever since the show has aired, everything has to be explained away now, bcuz they don't like black and brown characters or fans judging their white fav. he's either an innocent meow meow or a gothic monster, depending what mood they're in that day to dodge whatever criticism comes for them.
AMC explores a lot of stories about violent men so I've never understood this insistence like it's going to be some soft romantic series. the romance is gonna exist in the violence somehow, especially cuz they're vampires. louis slamming dreamstat's head into a rock wall while being goaded to do it bcuz dreamstat says it's the only way louis knows how to luv is sort of peak loustat for where we're at rn. I'm sure eventually they'll be more tender but it's still gonna have gritty undertones for the network it's on and who is writing it. the stans luv to make it about gendered shit, like rolin is ruining it all bcuz he's a man, but anne rice wrote violent, fucked up things too. worse than the show is prbly going to go. it's all excuses. u can just not like something without having to justify ur dislike of it to death. like damn. it's not ur taste, just stop watching??
and yes sam is a grown ass man getting prbly a good paycheck from this so loll he will be fine!
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi! Can you help me look for this fic (cause its been months since the last time I read it) wherein WWX is LWJ’s husband and he is teaching in gusu wearing gusulan robes? I remember students likes wwx that one sect leader went to Cloud Recesses to insult wwx for seducing his son.
Btw, the fic includes photos of WWX wearing gusulan (white robes) (I think they got the image where Xiao Zhan was Shi Ying)
2. Hi! Can you help me find these 2 fics. Thank you very much
A) Twitter thread fic wherein nyancheng went to book signing of his fav author zewujun.  I remember after the book signing, lxc reach out his hand for handshake and when they shakehands, bolts were felt and they went into heat/rut. Apparently they are soulmates. Nyancheng was embarrassed because his ears and tails pop out due to heat. (I actually forgot lxc animal trait)
B) Modern Au where in wwx is in the airport with police and ambulance because apparently wwx plane went missing for 13 years (???). The people in the plane (including wwx) thought that they have been in the plane for few hours but outside the plane, its been years. Wwx didn’t even aged up while his family (including lwj) aged up
看客散去唯你我不忘 | the world forgets but i still remember you by prettyxianxian (T, 11k, wangxian, modern, manifest au, flashbacks, multiple POV, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, everyone lives au, insecurities, JC & WWX reconciliation, good parent YZY & JFM)
3. Hey! I hope you guys are doing great and resting in the midst of everything in life and updating this blog as well. Unfortunately, I fear I'm here to add to your burdens 😅
So I was looking for this fic. I remember it being set in the Canon era where Wei Wuxian is just extremely intelligent, and he goes on this  whole tirade about how he came to the conclusion concerning the waterborne abyss witht the use of talismanic theory in the library while Lan Wangji makes the charcoal for him to write and at the end Wangji is just so fascinated by Wuxian while the latter is like, "sorry for unloading that whole thing on you" kind of vibe. 
I can't seem to remember what the name is. I was looking for it in my history, and it's just so difficult when it's just that kne scene you remember. Do you suppose you could help my misery. Thank you in advance. @poetic-writes
FOUND? 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 663k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
4. Hi! I'm looking for a fic where wwx is a musician in university living in this huge dorm. He sometimes hears beautiful piano music (lwj) coming from somewhere in the building but he doesn't know where. They start to play music together and don't know each other's identities. They don't find out each other's identities until graduation or something. @its0nnetflix
FOUND? sounds like through a window softly by impossibletruths (T, 14k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, music au, neigbors, graduate school, music as a love language) on AO3 except that LWJ is a violin player
5. okay, i once started reding a wangxian fic that was based on another fic called "the simplest way forward" and it was like this, wangxian were roommates and someone dropped Yuan off at their door and that's all i remember because i didn't finish it and now i can't find it, help me please and thank you <3 @akutamichan
FOUND? so take my hand (take my whole life too) by cicer (E, 92k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition, oh my god they were roommates, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, this fic is not about trauma, it’s about the yearning, slowburn)
6. hi! i was looking for an E rated sbwy gym fic where wwx thinks of him and lwj as really good gymbros. one point theyre at a smoothie(?) place where wwx says hes glad they started seeing each other (as friends) but lwj interprets it as romantic. jc had said wwx was feminine when theyre were 14 or smth and so wwx has a mild complex abt it. i rmbr wwx has an old flip phone and nhs makes a joke how wwx is rich enough to buy a new smartphone instead, also when lwj sends photos it takes forever to load in. i think lwj did soundtracks for movies too? and wwx mentions watching those movies for him. sry thats all i rmbr! i believe its possibly deleted, and if so does anyone have it downloaded?
#6 has been privated I think 😓
7. For the next fic finder I was wondering if you could help me find two specific Hogwarts AUs?
- Moved to a YiZhan FF/ITMF post
The second one is really vague and I’m sorry for that but I remember a WangXian fic where Wei Wuxian is part Veela and maybe he’s a Slytherin or Hufflepuff? I can’t seem to remember anything else besides there being a focus on Wei Wuxian’s volatile nature and battle prowess due to his Veela blood. He may have also killed a guy, or at least severely harmed some guy in self defense. I loved their world building and I’m so upset that I’ve lost both of them. Thank you for the help in advance.
8. Hey! Been following for a while and enjoying all the finders and recs from this page!
I have a request though, I'm trying to look for this fiction where wei ying is a general (i think) and lan zhan is a dragon, and there's a war between all sect, with the lans, the nie, and wen on one side, against the jin and jiang on the other. There's also animal shifters among the gentry where I think the jiang might be water birds?? I can't quite remember. The jiang and Jin end up defeated and the others win. Wei ying.is also a genius tactician and is respected by the other side of the war. I can't remember the name of the fiction and I'm desperate to find it. I think it's a completed fic too
Many thanks if you find it! (And could you tag me so I definitely see the post this request shows up if its found?? I forget things easily) @elderredraccoon​
FOUND! Crossing Paths by Ilona22 (M, 21k, wangxian, shapeshifter au, graphic depictions of violence, war between sects, war crimes, not JC friendly, happy ending)
9. Hi! I'm looking for a WangXian fic where WWX and LWJ go back in time but WWX goes back a very long time before his birth. He holes up in the Burial Mounds and becomes notorious as the YLLZ. He's also pretty depressed I think? When WWX realizes that LWJ is born he storms into the Cloud Recesses and demands LWJ's hand in marriage -- LWJ is only 12 (I think) at this point and LQR and LXC are horrified but LWJ agrees without their input (he still has his original memories). WWX starts out just treating LWJ like a child he's very fond of but when LWJ gets older and becomes an adult, they resume a sexual relationship and I think WWX comments on how they're slowly shifting their dynamics from Kind Mentor WWX/Young Mentee LWJ to Bratty Bubbly WWX/Calm Dominant LWJ. I remember really liking this fic but I don't remember what any of its tags were or whether it was a single fic or a series of one shots etc etc. I would appreciate the help! @sssrha​
FOUND? An Unusual Betrothal by ahealthydoseof (G, 74k, wangxian, time travel, age difference, immortality, BAMF WWX, younger LWJ, older WWX, misunderstandings, fluff & crack, worried parents, rabbits, food, non-sexual intimacy, murder, fix-it of sorts, developing relationship, humor, arranged marriage, jealousy, friendship, family feels, dysfunctional family, fatherhood, angst, hurt/comfort, mentor WWX, natural disasters, sworn brotherhood, serious injuries, kissing)
10. Looking for a fic, please help! the wens had won the war years ago. I only remember a scene where lan wangji and the juniors were in a shop or restaurant of some sort and wen xu comes in and intimidates lan wangji to where the juniors defend him. He thanks them later saying it’s hard for him to deal with wen xu. (he had lan wangji in captivity during the war, lan wangji still has Nightmares about it). I don’t remember where wei ying is or if he “died”. Thanks!!!!
11. Hello! I'm looking for 2 fics that I have wanted to rec on ITMFs so many times but just can't find! Both are canon divergent, not modern au.
A) it is a sort of eldritch wwx. He was eaten by a demon that like. Consumed his memories and wanted to be wwx? And then he gets back to sunshot, vomits up wen chaos teeth, has sex with lan zhan and also eats cows whole? Its a good one!
B) this one I remember just one scene. It is post sun shot, a confrontation at the jin banquet with yllz wwx. Yu Ziyuan is alive and checks his core in public and realizes he is coreless (i really think its her! But maybe someone else...). This might have been schemed by wen qing? Fix it after this point i think. @absurdlyadmiredarmchair​
FOUND! You are what you eat by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 17k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Eldritch WWX, Horny LWJ, Body Horror, Possession, of a sort, Cannibalism, kind of, Mild Gore, Teeth, Fluff and Humor, Smut, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Monster sex, Switching, Light BDSM, Rimming, Self-Lubrication, Seriousness treated Crackily, Implied/Referenced Torture, Dead WWX)
FOUND! seldom all they seem by Fahye (E, 24k, wangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, or rather arranged betrothal, weapongrade thirst)
not found Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, LQR/SiSi, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, Mutual Pining, seeing the future) There is a scene like this quite far into the fic. It's chapter 64 to be precise 😊
12. anyone know of a fic where wwx falls into the wen treasure room after sunshot, it's the only thing i remember about it
I don't know what the fic for #12, but I think I've read it before and Wen Qing & Wen Ning show a group of people onto the Wen throne room through a back door, and WN had to open it as it could only be opened by a male Wen. There was a big Wen family tree on the wall of this secret entrance.
FOUND! Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime by Anonymous (E, 365k, MingXian, WangXianJue, Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, Magical Healing Cock, Dual Cultivation, mild Dom/Sub, Undernegotiated Kink, Golden Core Reveal, Breathplay, Choking, Painplay, Subdrop, Topdrop, Major Character Injury, Canon Divergence, What-If, Temperature Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fisting, Spanking, PTSD, Trauma, Self-Harm, (in the pursuit of cultivational badassery) Something similar happens in chapters 43-45
Not FOUND! ❤️ Gentians in bloom by teawater (M, 251k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, AU after cold spring, Political Marriage, Dysfunctional Family, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Fix-It, Hurt/Comfort, LQR bashing (not really), POV Multiple, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Eventual Happy Ending, BAMF WWX, JC is actually a lot better than canon, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, YZY bashing (again not completely)) the one mentioned with the wen family tree is, in chapter 33
13. Hi 
Firstly, I want to say thank you, this blog is awesome, and I have found so many good Fics to read as well as find ones that I have lost or forgot to bookmark. 
Secondly, I would like help to find a fic, from what I remember Wei Ying was drunk on the rooftop when someone approached. In his drunken state, he thinks it was Lan Wangji that showed up so he goes on saying things like are you here to punish me again. He also asks why Lan Wangji hates him so much, but the whole entire time it was actually Lan Xichen he was talking to. I think it takes place after he got punished for drinking in Cloud Recess, and then something happens and he almost falls off the roof but Lan Xichen catches him. Lan Wangji had apparently witnessed the whole thing and tried to apologize but Lan Xichen coldly tells him the apology should be given to Wei Ying instead when he wakes up. 
Again, thank you so much in advance. 
14. Hi 👋,  for the next fic finder - im trying to find a fic i saw awhile back. I cant remember too clearly but i think lwj got separated from the lan clan when he was young and found himself in a brothel. I remember when he was young - he only had to clean etc but as he was growing,  his good looks started getting noticed. I think he also asked someone to curse him so he looks hideous or something. 
Please help me find this 🙏.  Thank you so much 🌸
FOUND? Turn Left by kianspo (M, 204k, WangXian, NieLan, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Friends to Lovers, eventually, references to child sexual abuse, not main characters,  Neurodivergent LWJ, Slow Build, Lán Family Feels, specifically, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, lwj-centric, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies)
15. hi! i’m looking for a fic that’s gone missing! it’s a modern au, where lan zhan and wei ying are strangers that are matched by a hotel and are going to spend wei ying’s heat together. it’s supposed to be a hotel where u can safely share a heat without the threat of pregnancy but they throw that out the window and just spend it together. oh! it’s a smut fix lol. but yeah that’s about it. hopefully u can find it, i randomly thought ab and could not find it anywhere :’) 
random detail: lan zhan’s cello fingers were pointed out @alt-stay
FOUND! Lucid by lazulink (E, 9k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Assigned Heat Partners, Strangers to Lovers Speedrun, Scenting, Nesting, Knotting, Mating Bites, Cunnilingus, Rimming, Humiliation, Blow Jobs, Breeding Kink, Spanking, Consensual Non-Consent, Consensual Somnophilia, Breathplay, Loss of Virginity, Light Dom/sub, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, PWP, Intersex Omegas, Under-negotiated Kink, Implied Future Mpreg)
16. Strange one again, I'm looking for a fic that mentions the situation at Lotus Pier is made harder by the fact that JFM has his servants, YZY has hers, but because they're so separate, nobody knows whether his servants outrank hers or whose orders take precdence, and how WWX gets tangled in it. Pretty sure it's a Lan commenting on the disharmony, but not 100%.
FOUND? Alliance AU by Ilona22 (E, 17k, wangxian, ABO, arranged marriage, intersex omegas, canon Jiang family dynamics, not JC friendly, matchmaking, night hunts) is 'Lotus Pier' Ilona22 is the third fic in their Alliance AU. It's an ABO series, and the bit about the separate household is from the perspective of a servant there witnesses happy Wangxian at the Lotus Pier markets
17. Hi! For your next fic finder can I please request this wangxian time travel fic where LWJ goes back to where WWX just reappeared after the burial mounds and LWJ asks him to marry him and WWX takes it as a joke??? thank you! @iyo-luv
FOUND? Lan Wangji's Prank by shiroakuma (E, 23k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, everyone lives au, pining, golden core reveal, YLLZ WWX, first kiss, first time, love confessions, wangxian get happy ending) hi!! so, for the last fic finder, #17 might be "Lan Wangji's Prank" by shiroakuma? i say might bc lwj asks to court wwx, not marry, but this is the only fic that came to mind when i read the request <33
18. So I’m looking for a specific fic that I know is on ao3, can’t remember the name of the story nor the author though.
And that’s after looking through my history on ao3 for over an hour.
All I really remember from it was that it was short, like one to ten chapters long.
(And yes I do consider 10 chapters short)
It took place in cloud recess study arc, jiang Cheng punched or got into a physical fight with Jin Zixuan, in the classroom if I remember correctly.
Wei wuxian was injured. Somehow, story could be after the waterborne abyss.
Oh and the Jiangs asking WWX why he didn’t defend Yanli. Despite the fact he’s injured on the floor. @ravenwithwings​
FOUND! If only you knew (what goes on in my mind) by makexianxianhappytoday (G, 7k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, angst w/ happy ending, not Jiang friendly, protective LWJ)
Not FOUND! No Refunds, Satisfaction Guaranteed by la_muerta (E, 20k, WangXian, Robots & Androids, Childhood Friends, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Rimming, Come as Lube, Semi-Public Sex, Light Bondage, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dom/sub Undertones)
19. Hello! I’m trying to find a fic where lan zhan orders a sex robot/android and wei ying goes to deliver it but there’s a problem with getting it up to the apartment so he goes to the apartment to talk to lan zhan and lan zhan mistakes him as the robot and wei ying for some reason decides to go along with it? Please help I can’t seem to find it anywhere! 🙏💜 @rainingkittens​
Not FOUND! Heartspots & Human Things by flowerofgusu (E, 17k, wangxian, major character death, modern, romance, falling in love, angst w happy ending, with a twist, grief/mourning, versatile wangxian, eventual smut, demisexual LWJ, tragedy with a twist, tenderness, second chances, learning to love again, sex robot WWX, morally grey NHS)
FOUND! No Refunds, Satisfaction Guaranteed by la_muerta (E, 20k, WangXian, Robots & Androids, Childhood Friends, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Rimming, Come as Lube, Semi-Public Sex, Light Bondage, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dom/sub Undertones)
20. hello! thank you for your help. I'm looking for a modern au fic where wwx was in an abusive relationship with wen chao (or wen zhuliu? one of the bad wens). all I remember is that a-yuan was wen chao's biological child and wwx wanted to protect him so he suffered the abuse for years and when wen chao went to prison wwx adopted a-yuan. hopefully someone recognizes
FOUND! how to make your dad fall in love with your high school teacher in five steps; the complete and bulletproof guide by ravenditefairylights (T, 90k, wangxian, modern, coffee shop au, nonbinary LSZ, hurt/comfort, trauma, past abuse, past domestic violence, healing, hurt WWX, found family, hospitalization, therapy, single parent WWX, pining, teacher LWJ, unreliable narrator, chronic pain, queer platonic relationship, genderfluid WWX, autistic LWJ, fluff & angst)
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call-sign-shark · 11 months
Hi Shark. I was wondering if I could be cheeky and request something from you. I was wondering if you could release a headcanon for Heaven with a list of fun facts about her (i.e. fave food, color, animal, vacation spot, book, song, drink...if she went to university what d'you think she'd study that kind of thing). She's just so interesting that I'd like to know more about her. Also, I read a fic she was mentioned in the other day and I thought you'd be interested. It was just a mention but I thought it was cool. Also, I can't wait for The woods whisper part 2. I'm on edge.
Hi sweet anon, thank you so much for your wonderful ask! As for the fic, please do send me the link. I probably have it in my reading list if the mutual has tagged me but I reckon I need to catch up with a lot of things. I've been feeling quite tired lately and I’m starting a new job as a bartender so it's quite tiring. I’m delighted you find the murderous angel interesting so here we go. 🖤
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𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝐿𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓎 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒷𝓎 headcanons
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𝒫𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈
♢ Her favorite animals are hyenas. She dreams about owning one?? She’s weird asf I know.
♢ I personally imagine her voice like the singer of Sohodolls (by the way, this song from the group is her main theme song)
♢ Surprisingly enough her favorite color is not white, but red and gold.
♢ She's multilingual and speaks: French, Russian, German, and English all fluently.
♢ She's 25 at the beginning of HYE, even if throughout her life people struggle to give her an age since she has this very woman-child aspect.
♢ Her style is quite modern for the era. When she doesn’t wear elegant and revealing dresses with gold jewels, capes or fur coats, she loves stealing one of Arthur’s shirts and tuck it in her skirt. Similarly, he had to buy a second coat ‘cause she had stolen his. Most of the time she either dresses like a goddess or a forest nymph.
♢ She loves fun fairs and circuses! When they started flirting together and meeting at church every night, Arthur sometimes brought her candied apples.
♢ She might be an enchanting singer and she might love music but she's awful at playing an instrument. She tried piano, guitar, harp, and violin but she was terrible at all of them.
♢ She has empathy issues she hides quite well. Now, I’m not saying she has 0 Empathy but she lacks of it most of the time except with Arthur or on a few occasions. It leads her to be cold and sardonic with people outside of her private circle when she doesn’t “mask”.
♢ Did someone said “lemon pie”? She’d kill for lemon pies. It’s her favorite dessert of all time.
♢ Her Birthday is the 22 January.
♢ She's fond of myths, legends, and fairy tales. If she had to pick one tale and one myth she would go for the Red Little Riding Hood and the Beast of Gevaudan. But her favorite story is Alice’s Adventures.
♢ She's a "mama bear", which means she doesn't lose her temper easily despite being gifted with an ability for extreme violence but touch her husband, kids or family and she'll go f e r a l.
♢ She talked several times with Linda at church, unknowing Heaven was already fucking her husband (and she enjoyed it). I know, that's a dick move.
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𝑀𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝒰
*most of the hc above still works for her modern!self
♢ Her favorite book is The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.
♢ She works as an exotic pole dancer and aerial performer. Considering this, she also masters aerial hoop, silks, and Chinese pole.
♢ She is currently applying to study forensic medicine after several years of gaps.
♢ She has spent years locked up in a mental institute, in the dangerous patients ward.
♢ Her favorite food is Japanese Udon soup with gyoza and Nikuman as side dishes.
♢ She loves listening to brutal music, such as metal, hard rock, or alternative trash/bimbo music even if her playlist is actually quite varied. You can go from Rammstein and Angerfist to Britney Spears and Lana Del Rey.
♢ She smokes weed.
♢ If she had to choose a drink it would be red wine for alcohol and pumpkin spice latte for sweet. But in truth, she’s that annoying gym girl so she mostly drinks water and homemade protein smoothies. She also loves boba milk teas.
♢ She's a huge fan of horror movies and games (especially FNAF), with a fascination for cannibalism. With that being said, she organizes the best girl nights ever, especially during Halloween.
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Heaven is reader in the Arthur Shelby x you series Heaven in Your Eyes. Why don't you join the ride? We have drama, sex and gore.
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bp-trio · 10 months
you’re watching….
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Outfit | Makeup | Hair style | nails
( ALL IN ENGLISH ) ( questions searched on the web about Sol)
"Hey, I'm Sol and this is the Wired Autocomplete interview," Sol said smiling. Sol was given aboard. A medium-sized board where the questions were stuck with a paper and she has to peel it off to open the question. “Let’s see what you all are curious about”
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"Have you ever googled yourself before?" Interviewer.
"No. I try not to."
"Alright, first question," Sol said before carefully peeling off the sticker that was covering the full question that was searched on the web about her.
[ WHAT ]
"What is Sol’s full name? My full name is Solaire Victoria Raeya Ivanov and I know it's a long name. But my parents liked it." Sol answered and smiled.
"What does Sol like in a guy?" Sol chuckled at the question. "Wow, did someone actually search this on the web?" Sol asked as she looked at her staff behind the camera and giggled. "What I like in a guy is honesty and just be good to me."
"What is Sol’s net worth?" Sol smiled at the question. "why do you guys care about this? but to be honest I don't even know what my net worth is."
"What is Sol's zodiac sign?" "Aquarius, I am. Fun fact, I actually share a birthday with Rosé. I was told recently about some of the characteristics of the Aquarius. Think I maybe have like, three of eight."
"What is Sol's phone number?" "That is a question I won't be answering. I don't give my number to anyone. So, it is maybe impossible to get my number. Sorry." Sol said and smiled blandly.
"What is Sol's accent?" Sol laughed at the question. "Honestly I have no idea. I would say British on most occasions. it also depends on where I go. When I got to America. my accent changes to American English and when I'm in Paris, I speak in a Parisian accent. Or these days it feels like I’m getting Aussie accent because of Rose. It is a bit confusing I don't know what my accents are." Sol chuckled.
"What is Sol doing right now?" Sol exhaled and chuckled " Talking to you. that's so funny people would google that. what is Sol doing now, like Google's gonna know"
"What was Sol's first song?" "The very first song I wrote was for my mom on her birthday when I was like six years old, and it was about when I grow up, can I be as pretty as you? when I grow up, can I wear your dress? and still, my parents and my siblings make fun of me sometimes."
Sol throws the medium-sized board on the floor and grabs the one handling to her.
[ DOES ]
"Does Sol have pets?" " Yes, I have 4 pets, three dogs and one cat. I have Shiba Inu named Cain, Samoyed named Chico, white Pomeranian Cece, and a Manx cat named Cleo. I adopted all of them from a rescue shelter. They are my angels."
"Does Sol speak Spanish?" Sol smiled. "Yes, I can speak Spanish because I taught myself and I'm proud of myself for doing that because I can now communicate with my fans who speak Spanish," Sol said and continued smiling as she peeled off the sticker that covers the next question and read it.
"Does Sol play guitar?" "Yes, I do play guitar. In fact, I play a lot of instruments. My grandpa taught me how to play the Violin and Piano. during my trainees days, I learned to play drums, electric guitar, ukulele, recorder, flute, and Saxophone recently. since I have much free time this year because of the pandemic, I spend my time mostly learning new instruments and learning online." Sol answered and nodded.
"Does Sol has tattoos?" "That’s a secret" she giggles, “but I do, I have four tattoos and each one of them has a meaning.”
"Does Sol watch anime?" "Do, and my top three animes are the seven deadly sins, my hero academia, and One Piece."
“Does Sol know how to play games?” “Yes, I love playing games. It’s my hobby.”
[ CAN ]
"Can Sol sing?" Sol laughed at the question. " I bloody hope so, otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing here."
"Can Sol rap?" "Yes, I can rap. I’m the lead rapper in the group."
"Can Sol drive?" "I can drive.  I actually passed my driving test the first time. I do really love the freedom of just getting in your car and going wherever you want."
"Can Sol come to my birthday party?" Sol laughed."I wish I could but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that."
"Can I date Sol?" Sol laughed and grinned. the staff also laughed "that's an interesting question. Maybe but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that too." Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
[ HOW ]
“Okay last board, How old is Sol?" Sol read off as she peeled the tap. "I'm 26 years old."
"How to get Sol's face?" Sol laughed. "Seriously? I don't know. surgery, I think?" Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
"How did Sol become famous?" Sol chuckled. " by releasing good music."
"How many languages can Sol speak?" Sol smiled. "I can speak 7 languages. Korean, English, Japanese, French, Mandarin, Spanish, and Russian I'm hoping to learn Thai and German by next year." Sol answered.
“How does Sol stays in shape? By working out.” She stated. “I don’t like dieting and I was extremely bad at it. When I was training to be a singer, I had this extremely diet and I just failed. I couldn’t resist my love for ice cream.”
“How does Sol keep her hair healthy?” She smiled, “I use a specially made shampoo and conditioner provided by my wonderful stylist aka Lina.”
“Well, that’s it?.” She asked, throwing the cardboard away when the staff members nodded. “It’s been fun! They weren’t as scary as I thought they would be.”
“I hope you enjoyed the video, thank you. Mwah.” She says, staring directly into the lens and blowing a kiss at it.
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lisbeth-kk · 9 months
December moments
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Prompt used in this chapter: toys
They’re curled up under a blanket on the sofa, Sherlock leaning his back into John’s chest, their cheeks touching. John’s strong arms encircle Sherlock’s torso and white and green candles are creating flickering shadows on the walls. A perfect evening for a quiet conversation.
December 28
Classical music plays from the music device and suddenly a question pops into John’s mind. 
“Did you have any favourite toys as a child or was it just the violin and your chemistry set that caught your attention?” he asks his love. 
“Ah, interesting question. I take it you didn’t open the old suitcase under my bed at my parent’s, then,” Sherlock smirks. 
John can’t for the life of him remember any suitcase. His brain had been otherwise occupied while they visited his soon-to-be-in-laws.
“You know I didn’t,” John huffs, but gives Sherlock a kiss on his temple. 
Sherlock hums affirmatively and pecks John’s cheek before he, for the umpteenth time, surprises John with another unknown fact about himself. 
“One December day, the year before I turned six, my father took me to Hamleys on Regent Street for the first time. He’d found a time of day when it wasn’t that crowded, and it was…”
Sherlock trails off and steeples his fingers under his chin, before he continues, making good use of his hands when he explains to John about the wonders of London’s most famous toy store. John can totally picture the curly-headed boy wide-eyed and overwhelmed by all the treats the seven-floor store contained. 
“When we came up to the 5th floor, everything else I’d seen that far, dissipated. At a small table, a boy one year older than me, sat and built LEGO. Not the boxes they sell nowadays, but the retro pieces where you had to use your own imagination to build something. There were no pictures with instructions, just pieces in different sizes and colours. I was enthralled and I made quite a fuss when Father said that we had to leave.”
John chuckles and has no problem envisioning this. Sherlock’s sulks and pouts are legendary, and John’s witnessed quite a few over the years. Sherlock harrumphs disapprovingly, but John knows he’s only acting. 
“So, I guess you got tons of LEGO that Christmas?” John inquires while stroking Sherlock chest. 
“I did, and all the pieces are placed in the aforementioned suitcase,” Sherlock explains. “There are probably some photos of my creations in Mummy’s photo albums too.”
“You must show me the next time we visit,” John says. “Have you been back to Hamleys as an adult?”
Sherlock twists his head to get a good look at John, clearly to deduce if the question is seriously intended. When he finds no evidence of mischief, he rolls his eyes. 
“Why on earth would I go there now, unless…”
“Unless someone was found dead on the premises?” John finishes with a voice full of mirth. 
“Exactly!” Sherlock exclaims. “I saw a group of women coming out of the shop this summer. They were all acting totally…ridiculous. Laughing and telling each other how much fun they had in there, and they didn’t have any children with them, though I guess the youngest one, probably eighteen, might have been the daughter of one of the ladies, but…”
“I adore when you get this agitated about such things, my love. They were probably tourists. And it’s an experience quite a few adults have on their bucket list when they visit London, whether they have kids or not. I think it’s lovely that they were so happy about it,” John states. 
“Sometimes you say the strangest things, John,” Sherlock murmurs, shifts in John’s arms and nuzzles closer to John’s neck and his favourite cuddle position. 
Read it on AO3
@totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @phoenix27884 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @sabsi221b @gregorovitchworld @helloliriels @raina-at @peanitbear @topsyturvy-turtely
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𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬
(Lady Dimitrescu X OC (Mistress Valkyrie Rossi))
This is seperate from my series and as much as I hate it I won't be posting the Part I for that for a while :') Motivation is a killer.
I don't apologise for any spelling and grammar mistakes, English sucks 👍
[A quiet place to play]
~Valkyrie will be referred to as Valkyrie/Val/Mistress/The Mistress~
~Not really a warning but I thought I'd inform you about who and what exactly Valkyrie is and what she looks like. Valkyrie is a succubus, but more of… my own version of it? Appearance-wise anyways. She's also a witch. She can use her spells to levitate and control the gravity of other things, like telekinesis. As for the succubus thing, she only does her whole seduction thing when she kills, her appearance is nothing like what I've heard of a succubus. Onto her appearance, she's got dark skin and pale vitiligo over her right eye and all over her arms and upper back, her skin is black (#000000 black) at the waist down but slowly fades to white (#ffffff white) as you get closer to her feet. She has 3 long scars that cross over her face from above her right eyebrow to her left cheek. White bangs and fiery orange hair that's straight to curly at the bottom, a tail of fire, a white right eye and black left eye, black twisted horns with dark red eyes that constantly stare at whoever is closest, yes this scares the shit out of the villagers. As for her clothes.. I'll have a hard time explaining that- Black and white dress with red and gold embellishments. Puffy top, puffy long sleeves (only puffy at the shoulders), corset, and the skirt is long enough to trail behind her, however it exposes her right leg. Yk the gold thingys (i forget what their called) that Mother Miranda has on her hands? Yeah, Val has them too because I think their pretty 😭 Uhhh what else… White fluffy leg warmers that go to her knee because yes and a white wrap around the thigh of her right leg. She has black heels that wrap around her ankle up to her knee by thin strings like ballet shoes. AND I ALMOST FORGOT, she has a golden locket around her neck and a white gem that dangles down into the top of her dress from her neck. She is 7'0 (May change in future)~
~I should also mention that there is a 4th Dimitrescu daughter, just think of the other daughters, but she has white hair and her gem colour is cyan. Her name is "Valeria".~
That was longer then I thought, enjoy my loves <3
~ ~
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It wasn't often that Valkyrie would have time to her hobbies. Usually she'd be sitting in her workroom designing or making clothes for Alcina, herself and her daughters, and occasionally others as well, or she'd be spending time with her wife. But when she did have time away from her work, she'd spend her time either practising her spells, reading, killing or spending time with her daughters.
Tonight was different. Tonight, there was the soft and sweet sound of a violin playing high in the rooftops above The Lady's chambers. Oh, how Alcina loved to hear her love play. It was calming, relaxing and always helped her cope with her stress. Sometimes, the music was soft, light and sweet. Other times, it was loud, dark and ominous, it usually depends on The Mistress's mood, but no matter the music, as long as it was Valkyrie playing it, she loved it. She'd often would stop working just to listen to her play.
Currently, Alcina was seated on the couch closest to the window in her private chambers, eyes closed with her quellazaire in her hand as she listened to what she could hear playing from above. She had heard this piece before, as Valkyrie had played it a few times in the past. In fact, it was the first piece she had ever heard Valkyrie play. , , "Love Story" The mistress had said, , , It's quite a lovely tune considering it's a modern song… There are only a few modern pieces that I would play." She had said it long ago, but Alcina could remember it like it was yesterday. The memory always made The Lady smile.
The Mistress was by no means sweet, she was cruel. Well… Only if you didn't know her. Alcina had learned that the hard way. When she first met her love, Valkyrie was anything but kind… Alcina often wondered herself how she'd managed to tame that beast of a cold, bothered woman such as Valkyrie but now they had been together for years… and she treated Alcina and her daughters with the most care, in her own way. Perhaps that's a story for another time.
Valkyrie loved to play for Alcina. Though she wouldn't admit it, when she played, she only played in thought of The Lady and no one else. Save for the few pieces that would remind her of one of the daughters.
The Mistress wasn't too concerned about being interuppted, the moroaicǎ, thanks to previous encounters… knew better then to disturb her music. Or disturb her at all for that matter.
She swayed back and forth as she moved her fingers over the strings, the delicate sound of music flowing out of the intrument like a waterfall. The snow was cold outside, but the flame of her tail was stronger, able to keep her warm as she played. Of course, it was dark on the rooftops at this time of night, but if you were close enough yet far enough away you could see the soft glow of her hair and tail, the flickering flame that wasn't able to be put out unless she wanted it to be.
Violin had always been one of her favourite instruments, so soft and soothing, she could play it anytime she wanted. Occasionally she played when she could hear Alcina yelling over the phone at Mother Miranda or Lord Heisenberg on purpose, because she knew that her music would at least make the call somewhat bareable. Although it had gotten her in trouble with The Lady because she missed an entire lecture from Miss "Bird Brain that doesn't quite have a bird brain but we're calling her that anyways" Miranda, because all she could focus on was her love's beautiful playing. Worth it. She took any chance she could to play for The Countess and if that got her into trouble, then so be it.
But as of right now... All Alcina could do was listen. The music was such a breath of fresh air, she had played the grand piano along with The Mistress a few times before, but oh she could never sound as good... As perfect as Valkyrie made that violin of hers sound.
She had played "Luminary", a piece she had self taught herself after hearing Valkyrie play it. How she loved to play along with The Mistress. Each and every piece she played was played with precision, care and equal much determination. Even Daniela was impressed with the music, and that said something considering that she wasn't really one for music... No that was more of Bela, Cassandra and Valeria's thing.
Either way. If Alcina could, she would listen to the music for as long as she lived. Should the day come...
She'd take the music with her to her grave.
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Yeahhhh….. Joel Sunny is good can you tell? :D
So I might use this as a start for my series, not sure, we'll see how it goes.
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xx-blood-lemons-xx · 1 month
i heard a rumour that the tua tv show didn’t exist and that actually only my person hcs about allison hargreeves are real. here they are
•her hair is CONSTANTLY changing because she can rumour people into doing it for her exactly the way she wants it, but she especially loves it being blue.
•when she’s in the 60s in dallas she’s got much more toned down hair with a hidden blue streak, but when she’s in modern eras she gets really bold with it
•her rumour powers can alter reality like in the comics and she uses this to go around granting little miracles to help where she can (i heard a rumour that your eyesight came back) she’s basically seen as a modern prophet to those who know of her
•tw for emetophobia -she knows she can’t monitor klaus 24/7 but she does what she can in harm reduction. she has definitely rumoured klaus into throwing up substances when he’s taken too much and has saved him from overdosing multiple times in her life especially when they were younger and never 100% sure if klaus would make it back the next time
•she’s insecure no one will like her so she rumours them to enjoy her company, but this backfires and makes her more insecure because she never can gauge how far it extends past her doing or if people just put up with her cause they have to
•would rumour the other kids to help them go to sleep at night. when she has claire she remembers vanya asking her to rumour her to bed on really bad insomnia nights and offers it to her daughter when she’s diagnosed with the same
•would do literally anything for claire. i mean anything. “i heard a rumour your daughter dropped out of the campaign.” “i heard a rumour your daughter dropped out as the lead of the play” sometimes this bothers claire but sometimes they think it’s a fun way to bond.
•when claire reaches college age she’s caught rumouring claire into elite schools and is arrested lori laughlin style
that’s all for now cause i’m tired but she’s literally my favourite character other than apocalypse suite white violin PLEAAASSEEE ask me about the rumor
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ghostwise · 2 months
omg pls pls pls
6. Randomly while holding hands bringing joined hands together to kiss the back of the hand
phonophilia - She's a consummate killer, but she's a bard first and foremost. Aya muses on Astarion's voice.
“Were you ever a musician?”
Astarion looks up, brows raised so high as to blend neatly with his white curls. “Come again?” he asks, reining in his surprise.
Aya regards him appraisingly for a moment. She’s been silent for a while, strumming at her lute. As Wyll and Lae'zel have gone off to investigate a somewhat precarious area past the cliffs west of the temple, she and Astarion are alone for the time being. The question came out of nowhere.
“You ever, you know, sing? Play an instrument?” she elaborates, her voice low. “You have a good voice, so I wondered if you’d ever put it to any musical purpose.” She then scans him again with a lopsided grin. “Your fingers are very graceful. I can picture them on a violin maybe? Or a piano? Or is a harpsichord more your speed?”
“Absolutely not,” Astarion scoffs.
And yet, his interest is piqued. After a beat he scoots close to her, and aims a wry smile in her direction.
“You have me curious now, though. Tell me more about my graceful fingers and good voice.”
Her laugh is deep in her throat, a gruff sound that scratches his brain just so. “Well, for starters, you have a really smooth timbre. A lot of color to it. Your vocal placement is interesting; you speak with your chest but flip to your head voice often, and sometimes back and forth in a characteristic way. It’s not easy for everyone.”
“I’m not everyone, darling,” Astarion purrs, utterly pleased with himself and only half understanding her.
“That’s true,” she says with a sigh. “I would love to see those vocal chords of yours.” 
To be honest, music and lyricism aren’t in his realm of interests. Poetry in particular leaves a bad taste in his mouth. Settings where orchestras and waltzes take place make him wary, for a variety of reasons… but it’s undeniably charming to hear her speak so passionately about anything that isn’t murder.
As if reading his mind, she reaches for Astarion’s hands. Now they are to be assessed. She looks at them, slowly running her fingertips over his knuckles, and feeling his wrists.
The rough feeling of her calloused fingertips might have put him off once, but somehow it elicits a different feeling as of late. Shivers. Sparks.
“These hands are quite nimble,” she says. “Surprisingly strong, too. Whether picking a lock or cutting throats, you do everything with such finesse, Astarion. Put to the right instrument, and you would be great, oh, I am sure of it.”
He turns his hands over and she quickly laces their fingers together over the lute, which still rests solidly between them.
“Even so, I think I’ll leave it to you,” Astarion says, eyes fixed to her freckled wrists, and the soft shadow of her pulse fluttering there. “You seem to have it covered. I've yet to see you encounter an instrument your talented hands can’t coax into song.”
“Believe me, it’s a surprise to me too, each time,” Aya says. “I never remember until I have it in my hands. And I cannot recall how I came to all of it, but…”
“But?” Astarion presses.
“I suppose I like it.” Aya shrugs lightly. Her grip goes slack in his hands. “I think music must be the only good I am capable of putting in the world.”
He could be imagining the tinge of sadness in her words. Perhaps it’s there for his benefit, perhaps not, but he’s inclined to think the latter. And he’d rather like it gone. She’d been all lit up just a moment ago.
“Don’t look so glum, my dear,” he says, and raises her hands to his lips. “Come. Play me something. I’ll sing you a song.”
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koco-coko · 8 months
Ikevamp OC: Tchaikovsky
(If Ikevamp can genderbend Jeanne D'Arc, I can genderbend Tchaikovsky.)
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The Porcelain Composer
Sensitive x Docile
Full name: Pyetrovna Ilyich Tchaikovsky 
Nickname: Tchai
Nationality: Russian
Current place of living: Vlad’s Castle
Past Occupation: Composer
Birthday: May 7th
Likes: Flowers, Ballet, Snow 
Dislikes: Alcohol, Pessimism, Intense Emotions
Background: Like a spring flower standing against a winter storm, Tchaikovsky always keeps an optimistic air about her, no matter what the weather brings. Rain or shine, Tchai plays her violin and dances to her own melody, hoping to bring a smile to every face she sees.
All she wants is for everyone in the world to be happy, to be understanding, to love one another… Even if it comes at the expense of her mind and body. It’s a small price to pay.
“If my music can make one person smile– just one– then I think I’ve made the world just a bit better, don’t you agree? Maybe that's a bit selfish of me...”
Mozart: A mutual respect for each other and their dedication to music. As a child, Tchai's cried at a concert recreating Mozart's symphonies and said concert inspired them to become a composer. He finds her passion for music quite amusing sometimes, seeing as she always has her violin in her hands and has a habit of breaking into song whenever it hits her. They share the music room when she stays over and play together a lot, though many times Mozart has caught her on the floor of the music room when her tremors flare-up. He usually has to force her to take a break from her songs. 
Vincent: If you put these two in a room together and peaked in, it would be like staring at the sun. They’re too pure and bright! They share an adoration of flowers and end up agreeing on many things. They go to flower shops together to look for inspiration. Theo does not like this, especially considering her… “cat” (aka a beast from hell the size of a human child). 
Vlad: The one who revived Tchaikovsky after learning of her intense desire to make the world a better place for all. Her heart is pure and not a single bad thought goes through her head– the perfect example of what Vlad wants from humanity. Vlad can be protective of her because of this and her disability, but they are also very good friends. They can often be seen gardening and playing duets together.
Faust: Acquaintances and nothing more. They don’t interact with each other often. At most, she goes to Faust when she’s having tremor flare-ups or needs a muscle-relaxer. Otherwise, she tries not to get in the way of his dubiously ethical experiments. She slightly confident he won’t hurt her specifically, considering he deems her too fragile for any meaningful experiments, but she still doesn’t trust him that much.
Charles: Combined, they create a single brain cell. When their hyperactivity syncs up, it can either be the brightest, sunniest day or it can mean chaos for all parties involved. Tchai loves to go visit children with him and perform for them, dancing and laughing the entire time. Other times, they will simply sit with each other and wallow in misery together. They always play off each other’s emotional states when they’re near each other. 
Pet, Svetlana: A snow-white Maine Coon, she’s almost the size of Tchai herself. Vlad adopted Svetlana when she was a tiny kitty, intending the cat to be a gift for Tchai when she was having a depressive episode. Tchai instantly fell in love with the cat and despite her size, still treats her like a small lap cat. She loves this cat with all her heart, cuddling her whenever she’s around and keeping her well-groomed and clean as possible. Svetlana is extremely friendly and prides herself on her cleanliness. When Tchai can’t take the noise or has flare-ups, she spends time with her favorite little kitty-cat. 
Physical Characteristics
Addictions: This girl will drink iced tea (preferably sweet) even if it kills her. She’s trying to stay away from alcohol in her new life.
Eye color: Lavender
Hair color: Pastel pink
Skin color: Pale as snow
Disabilities: Tchaikovsky has central nervous system issues. Large sounds and intense vibrations trigger intense tremors. Ironic, considering how intensely she loves music. Her tremors can grow intense enough to the point she can’t even stand without assistance, but she’ll strum her violin on the floor if she must.
Height: 5”4’ or 162 cm
Hobbies: Aside from playing her violin, Tchai collects flowers and presses them into a journal in her spare time. Vlad and her exchange flower crowns on occasion.
Clothing style: Tchai wears light, flowy dresses and ballet shoes. She likes having freedom of movement due to her bursts of inspiration.
Health issues: Other than her tremors, Tchai deals with bipolar depression. She uses music as her escape and tends to hide these feelings, staying as optimistic and kind as possible. She will spend some days locked in her room, unable to do anything, and a few days later she’s filled with energy and life.
Mental Characteristics
Fears: Tchai has an irrational fear of birds. If one gets near, she starts screaming and trying to cover her violin as if it were her own baby, thinking that the birds might pluck the strings out.
Self-confidence: Very low. Tchai does not see herself as worthy to be here or to help Vlad with his goal, but she’s trying her best.
Rational or emotional: Emotional
How could you upset this character: Almost anything can upset Tchai. She was called the “porcelain child” for a reason– she’s highly sensitive. Not just due to her nervous system issues, but her emotional state as well. She is a crybaby through and through. Any intense situations, good or bad, will have her sobbing.
Sleep habits: Erratic. Sometimes, she only wants to sleep. Other times, she’s so busy composing she won’t sleep for days and Vlad has to use his powers to get her to bed.
Emotional strengths: Tchai always looks on the positive side of things, shining with positive light wherever she goes.
Emotional weaknesses: Any strong emotions means tears will appear. A little kid complimented her skills? Sobbing. Someone pushes her aside and laughs? Crying. Her cat brings a dead squirrel? Wailing in pride.
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
What would they change about themselves: She wishes she wasn’t such a crybaby.
What motivates them: The thought of bringing purity and love to the entire world, making pain no more and letting happiness reign. She hopes her music will inspire people to enjoy life and encourage others to be kinder to each other.
What scares them: Disappointing her friends/family and causing trouble for anyone.
What makes them happy: Music and flowers.
Give or take: Give
Nice or rude: Nice
Pet peeves: She hates unnecessary rudeness. 
Guilty pleasures: When nobody is around, Tchai will perform entire ballets by herself, dancing and playing violin simultaneously. 
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alenaphale · 7 months
now i believe it is time to elaborate a little on the subject (everyone in this au is just so chaotic)
• there is one particular rule that not a single meeting of les amis fails to follow — the musicians always complain about professor javert. they literally cannot shut up.
• the artists could never understand their complaints, however, because valjean is such an amazing mentor — he never shouts, never makes any negative remarks, only gives soft suggestions and guidance. and they all respect him greatly, because he really is a professional, to that extent that he can interpret the rules in his own way.
• still, grantaire is systematically late for plein-airs, his hair and clothes in horrible disarray, his head still dizzy from the previous night’s party, but no one can blame him, honestly, because, despite his absolute lack of self-discipline, he somehow manages to get good grades (and not only because of valjean’s soft-heartedness and compassion. i swear.)
• enjolras is always pissed because everyone thinks he follows javert’s instructions blindly at the rehearsals — but he doesn’t, they just have very similar understanding of how an orchestra should work (although, of course, enjolras is more inclined to suggestions from the members, whereas javert is merciless towards ones who ‘cannot even play their part right’). enjolras always stands up for his colleagues, but honestly he never succeeds, for javert’s authority and experience are unquestionable.
• marius is always late for the rehearsals. there have been endless times combeferre sat in his chair in cold sweat, white-knuckled grip on his violin and the bow, knowing that javert will definitely notice poor bloke’s absence and then it will be over for them all.
• during the classes grantaire draws endless portraits of enjolras instead of actual assignments. valjean only sighs at this.
• marius and courfeyrac share an apartment and this is actually so terrible because marius is helpless and courfeyrac is irresponsible but the latter still manages to do the chores while the former is locked in his room for hours staring blankly at the wall. occasionally courfeyrac knocks on his door to bring him some dinner made of the leftovers from the fridge. marius answers with extremely sad and honestly pathetic violin solo.
• joly and lesgles also share an apartment, but in a completely different way. bossuet’s room is a mess and his shirt stains the moment he pulls it out of the laundry, joly cleans the flat in its entirety at least twice a week. bossuet breaks a cup or a plate on a regular basis and burns the pans, joly cooks the most healthy and hearty dinner one can imagine, leaving the kitchen counter perfectly clean. bossuet is always late to classes even if they leave the flat together. bossuet cuts his finger and doesn’t do anything about it, joly shows him a video with horrifying outcome of not washing your fruits properly. sometimes while watching something they fall asleep together in joly’s room, and for once bossuet doesn’t fall from the bed and joly is totally okay with being so close to another human being.
• feuilly made an installation of powstanie listopadowe for his term project. then bossuet ruined it while just walking past it on the exhibition and feuilly was swearing at him in polish for good fifteen minutes.
• combeferre is the one who prints out the scores for the whole orchestra. sometimes he forgets which one was the original — with all the marks javert left for every party — and spends the whole night copying the marks with his own hand. sometimes he hates being a concertmaster, but in the end he does it all out of good will only.
• sometimes when a meeting is over, enjolras and combeferre wait patiently (or not, if courfeyrac and grantaire are too enthusiastic to spend a little more time with them) until everyone takes a bus or a train home, and then they just wonder aimlessly through the streets, discussing everything and nothing in particular. sometimes they talk eagerly to the very break of dawn, and then they still have to show up for the rehearsal strictly at nine o’clock.
there is more to come! in the next post i will probably write about valvert because i love them dearly and of course they are insane even here.
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trashy-0possum · 1 year
Licht headcannons🎼
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Smells fruity (hehe fruity if yk yk 😼) no but fr he prob smells like strawberrys or smth
Since he has to leave his hometown alot for his concerts he misses his parents and the food his mom cooks (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
Lawless will take him to his favorit crepe store ofc 😌
Sweet tooth like lilly. He loves crepes and cotton candy.
Its summer? He has to eat melon or he will kill either you or lawless.
Since his nickname is "violence angel-chan". He will destroy everyone that wakes him or that disturbs his concert.
Has no control over his power and i think he at least once accidentally broke someones leg or arm 😭👏
Knows alot of Broadway shows since he literally named lawless hyde and that is a refrence from a book "jekyll and hyde" that was also played in the theatre.
Gets drunk very easily. (Dont give him alcohol he woll puke-)
Wears silk pyjamas. And they are probably silver
Apart from the piano he can also play the violin (cannon)
Fav animal? He doesn't care if its fluffy he will steal it.
He would probably cuddle with a wild animal just because its fluffy.
Actually doesn't hate lawless his hedgehog form
It is spikey yes but not all parts so sometimes when lawless is in his hedgehog form and sleeps or something he pets him or rubs his little fluffy cheeks 😻
If he gets really mad he starts to curse someone out in german-
Probably has a white little bunny plushie and cranz sewed some angel wings on it
Cranz?=his new mom
Death stare. ((Im not going to say anything to that you can think about it yourself lmao-
In his free time or to be alone he plays piano in his room trying to get his head free
Doesn't like his fangirls- he thinks they are annoying
Hes ✨an angel✨
Could win a fight against like 10 people alone-
Loves karaoke and thinks hes the best at it. (Hes not)
Halloween? He dressed up as an angel.
Lawless gifted him a nintendo and he plays a pet game where he hae q little cat that he named Michael 😻
Loves it warm
If its cold? He wont go out. Never he would rather die and be burried in blankets then go outside
He found lawless's glasses once and put them on to see how he would look lawless noticed it and laughed his ass of while he blushed embarrassed and threw the glasses at him
Defenitly a shower person.
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