#sometimes i like to pretend I’m a staff writer
emonydeborah · 1 year
snw episodes rated by Una
in which Una is my unit of measurement, not that this is what she would think of the events
All from memory bc who has time
1x01: she’s literally the catalyst for getting Chris off his butt and the whole episode. Barely in it but she did all the detective work for everybody. “Somehow I knew you would” with the little smile and “La’an!” in the softest voice immediately established both relationships and my abiding love for her. She’s literally driving the plot but still not there much; 6/10.
1x02: she shares some LooksTM with Chris. Chris was slightly subdued at one (1) dinner party and Una went something is deeply wrong. Chris is sad and Una tells him to live his gosh darn life. Pretty sure she flies the ship a bit. She’s here. Can’t complain. 6/10.
1x03: OOOOHOHO here we go. Whatever camera angle it is that shoots from the floor to watch people walk away and makes them look tall was excellently utilized. Girl was STRIDING everywhere. Hauled a grown man over her shoulder and was greeted with the shock and awe she deserved. Told her biggest secret (!!!!) to help the crew!!! bc she would sacrifice herself for them!!!!! also she googled her glowworm episode like it had not happened her whole life (which I will accept as a writer thing. but she really looked at a picture of someone glowing bc of an infection and went 😮). Girlie managed a whole ship of sedated/crazy people and did not let anyone jump into the sun/warp core. Had a deep talk with La’an and revealed more of their shared history. Stunning. 10/10.
1x04 another case of I can’t complain. As my favorite character I want her to be happy, but I will take some internal bleeding and other catastrophic injuries. As a treat. The sheer power of ordering the medical staff to give away her blood transfusion and then knocking herself out before they could argue. Unparalleled. Had no impact on the main plot but what she did do in her sphere of influence was important and exemplary. I’ll take it. 7/10.
1x05: back at it again with the b-plot but I AM HERE FOR IT. GIVE ME LA’AN AND UNA BEING GOOFY. Loved the death glare at Joseph so he would confess and how she pretended not to be huffy about her nickname. La’an went can we… play a game… and Una went YEs sounds educational. For science. The look of absolute shock and betrayal when La’an shot her and her little “ow.” “People are idiots. You’re fun.” La’an went lol my childhood was a bleak horror scape and Una went absolutely NOT I’m going to commit crimes to rectify this. I like people having wacky misadventures while the plot is plotting somewhere. 8/10.
1x06 Chris forgot her name. She had to leave so she wouldn’t verbally tear him to shreds in front of his crew. Most likely explanation. Where was she I miss her. 4/10.
1x07: she locked the pirates out of the ship!!! We love a competent first officer shooting people on her bridge. She shook her head half an inch and Spock went absolutely whatever you say. Chris was thrown to the floor in front of her and she crossed her arms and watched him get up. “We’re starting a mutiny.” "Someone's breaking the rules today." Legitimately appreciated her teamwork with Chris in planting the mutiny idea. Would love to see it again sometime. 7/10.
1x08: bow and arrow. She checked on Joseph after and I appreciated that they carried that through from her finding out about Rukiya before. Una was here but she wasn't Una. Also. If we're real she wasn't really there. I liked the eye shadow though. 5/10.
1x09: "you should really try the omelet." The breakfast scene is my favorite and in fact the only scene. Nothing else happened with Hemmer or Spock or anyone. Really short episode. I would have liked to have seen her face when Chris snapped the tongs. She tried to follow the shuttle to the surface with scans and Chris went nah babe we're fine. Let her do her job Chris. Breakfast scene 10/10. Episode 5/10.
1x10: notable by her absence. She checked on Chris and once again told him to live his life. She's not there in the future but I won't take points for that because Chris immediately went where is my bestie. I cannot function without my work wife where is she. Her arrest kick-started the series and for our cliffhanger she was arrested again. I'm sensing a theme. What will they incarcerate her for next and how will Chris break her out this time. I will always appreciate Chris going absolutely feral for his first officer/life partner. 9/10.
2x01: prison. She tells Chris not to be stupid and he goes don't tell me what to do *cough* I love you *cough* Not a strong start for our girl but I trust her to overcome. Once again Chris is going off on a mission to save her. Lost points for the brevity of her appearance and the weird black jumpsuit. 4/10.
2x02: Girl sat in a chair and watched her friends say nice things about her for days. I would shrivel up and die. Una looks teary. Her lawyer put some heat on a guy who said he would NEVER hire Una if he knew her real race and Una said that was too mean leave him alone. La'an confessed her feelings in public. Spock gave the whole courtroom a heart attack to make Una smile. Chris hugged her looking panicky. please don't go away again. Una looked at Chris like she wanted to kiss him or perhaps sip one milkshake through two straws. The whole episode is about how great she is. 15/10.
2x03: unfortunately for most of this episode she did not exist. Liked the professional and sassy attitude towards Pelia but I must reduce points for Una not existing. 2/10.
2x04: Una succumbed to a disease she should canonically be immune to. Fridged almost immediately. Chris said I need some good fighters and took his doctor instead of his super strong first officer who was familiar with the terrain. Una called Chris out on relationship nonsense like the og she is but this cannot repair the damage. Drove me to writing fix-it fic. -10/10.
2x05: Una is canonically one of the girls. She hangs out with some very specific junior officers including her emotionally constipated son and her traumatized daughter. She laughs very loudly and I like to think the writers are purposefully making her more open now that people know her genetics secret. Tells Mr. Spock how to be a Vulcan. Part of a lineup to talk to Spock and is a head taller than the rest of the line. All in all a great time. 9/10.
2x06: she yells at her former professor who is also thousands of years old. I would simply perish. "yoU HaVe CruMBs oN yOuR uNifOrM" Starfleet said we need someone to get this defunct and thus far unmanageable station up and running. Send Una. "Oh good, I was afraid I'd miss the speech." Rebecca Romijn note- she is nine inches taller than Carol Kane, but she manages to look/act a lot younger and smaller than normal. Pelia takes about 14 seconds to get Una teary eyed. "My final paper was METICULOUSLY researched." 8/10.
2x07: "That's ridiculous, we can't just 'Not Look.'" "Like... a p i n - u p p o s t e r?" Girl is constantly baffled the whole time. One (1) young man was unnerved by her and she went he knows how I die. She then winked at him and he almost had a stroke. We see a picture of her as she is idolized in the future. Excellent. Different flavor than 2x06 but still 8/10.
2x08: lots of Significant Eye Contact with Chris. She said if you don't get this ship where it's going asap I will revoke your command and drive us there myself. "Everyone is on their own journey." I feel like she knows Joseph murdered a man in sickbay but we don't know for sure. She's out here being a competent first officer and telling the captain how the crew is feeling. I like the reminder of her priorities. Chris is here to explore and it's Una's job to make sure he has a functional crew to do so. 6/10.
2x09: Una Chin-Riley, musical theater nerd, had the absolute time of her life and I am so happy for her. Girl JUMPED into that first song with much soulful pushing of buttons. "A surprisingly beautiful baritone." Chris asked Uhura the singer how musicals work and Una answered. Is feeling her feelings so much these days she started singing about her job. Waltzed through the halls with James T Kirk. La'an went I would like to not do this please and Una said feel your feelings. Fly away with me. Accept yourself. Love yourself. "You came in here hot. On fire. It's making me sweat." The whole ship is singing and La'an is making friends. This was the best day of Una's life. 1000/10.
2x10: Una volunteered for a dangerous forbidden mission to save her husband's gf and spent the whole time stalking around the bridge like a tiger or a mom looking for sales at Target and giving hopeful speeches. She did tell Spock his gf might be dead but if you want to look for her go for it champ. "ORDERS CAPTAIN" Chris is hanging on by a thread. Una is the thread. Not a great end if I'm honest but she did look fantastic walking around murderously. 5/10.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
This is actually my first time ever commenting without being anon …. And I thought I would do that to wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS!!! I hope you took the time to enjoy the day before your inbox gets flooded from your newest chapter. I’m currently holding off reading it to write you and read the posts from the previous chapter to prepare. When I tell you I have been refreshing your account religiously, awaiting any and all updates….it was looking a little embarrassing for me there. So glad you’re back again so let’s get into it.
-I saw a comment on how your story is better than the show in a sense. 1000% agree. You have a way of writing all the right things to get us attached (and even a little heart broken)to the characters and storyline while giving us hope that good things can and should still be able to happen for them. Regardless of how they see themselves and the situation(we love an unreliable narrator). Idk if this would make sense to anyone but me, but in my mind this story is a Shakespeare sonnet to the show’s Greek tragedy. Sometimes I think about things that I would have liked to see different in stories I read. Didn’t happen once in any of your chapters so far. Everything seems so perfectly balanced.
-I also pretend Tony is just off screen in the show. Don’t worry guys. She’s just on another job. Girls gotta pay rent😭
- I love the relationship between Tony and Syd omg. Peak female friendship between these two, but wouldn’t be mad if it was more than that…we are severely lacking in Syd stories across all platforms. Enough has been said in other comments about Tony’s relationship with Carmy, but this dynamic with Syd really made me think. Do I want to be her or do I want to be with her?? 👀Mhm mhm I’m gonna let that one simmer on the back burner for a bit. Moving on…
- Speaking of relationships. Tony and Richie. Wow. Just wow. I think the scene of him being a bit protective with the gross chef and him thinking Carmy would be all over it if he would just listen to why Richie thought he was a creep, shows how protective he can be. Our boy did not want to let that behavior slide. Then the heart to heart in the parking lot. I was in tears. Full on ugly sobbing. I had to pause and put the phone down….then read it over to really process it. It hit so close to home for me and truly gave me chills. It was such powerful writing in the way it felt so real to both of them and so accurate to how they would feel. If only one relationship can survive, I petition it to be these two. Friends (cousins) for life.
- You’re the closest we’re getting to justice for the Uncle Lee shit and i love you for it. It felt therapeutic 😌
-Also, LOVED the small character of Union Guy who shouted when people got annoyed at the bar staff getting a break. Very much made me think of that Saul Goodman video “Did you know you have rights? Well the constitution says you do.” It truly is the little pieces of comedic writing that make this story incredible.😭
- Obviously, the main event is Tony and Carmy. I love their dynamic and the way they flow so organically with each other in the story. I look forward to these two every week. It truly feels like before when everyone had cable and you waited all week to sit down and watch an episode of your favorite show. Nothing I say can do justice to your writing of these characters. Chefs kiss😘🤌
With all that being said, I’m sorry this was sooo long. I truly could talk about this story for hours. It can be very difficult for me to stay engaged in stories, but you’re easily one of my favorite writers I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to go read the next chapter and see what you do next. And again Happy Birthday!
THAT MEANS THE WORLD THAT YOU’D COME OFF ANON, WHAT A SWEETIE!! My actual birthday was pretty Mid, alas, jobs. But the weekend was delightful, so thank you!! The chapter I dropped on my birthday was Two Steps Back, right? I can’t remember the concept of time anymore. Regardless, I don’t remember seeing you in my inbox about it, I would LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT!! No pressure though, also you fully may well be in my inbox and have already yapped about it— I’m terrible at reading. 
Ah, what a fuckin knife to the heart (in a good way, yknow? Like a sordid French romance knife to the heart). Greek Tragedy v Shakespeare Sonnet— That honestly helps my brain so much, because everytime I think about S3 I go FUCK I DIDN’T PREDICT RIGHT— And that’s just cause they wanted to go down the alley of We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Dig Even Lower and that’s the tragedy— And I went for We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Desperately Try To Claw Out and that’s the tragedy. 
Neither of them are bad ways of writing!!! So thank you for reminding me of that. Do I kinda prefer my way? Yeaahhhh… No one tell Matty!! No one tell, okay!!! Unless it means you can get me a job then yeah tell Matty!! I want an Emmy, baby, get me in that Writer’s Room!! Anyways, thank you for saying so— The balance comes from going to school to write and also from being a freak— Here, let me show you:
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Ignore the birthday list i had a picnic and a beyblade tournament it was really fun also i lost neverTHELESS!! My notes app looks like this. There’s more but they’re for Chapter 14/15 so I cannot show, but yeah basically if you think I’m balanced, it’s because I’m. wired in a weird way. constantly re-reading and editing and revising and dying. call me carmen's menu cause baby i'm FUCKIN CHAOS
TONY’S JUST AT THE VIP BAR IN S3 GUYS OKAY SHE’S JUST OFF SCREEEENNN— Sigh, I really do hope Syd gets a good fuckin girlfriend (platonic or romantic) next season she is just,, she needs someone other than this fuckin’ family because they are making my poor baby TWEAK out here. I’m still noodling with how I will do a quick lil SquidInk spinoff. I feel like I can’t just do alternate timeline series, because it would be a lot of the same happening just with Syd and no familial trauma, but like,,, a cute little one off, I do have an idea for. So we shall leave it on the back burner for neeeoww. 
UGLY SOBBING??!?!?! FOR MMEEEE??!?!?!? ooooOOHFDGH— Thank you and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but also thank you— Yknow? 
With all the growth Richie’s had, with his light bit of misogyny from S1, I knew the one thing that he absolutely carried with them from point A to B was be protective, be a gentleman— And so to see Carmen not act like he did— Bro became full girl dad. FULL girl dad moment. 
Can I also take a moment to admit something? I have been waiting a long time to do the parking lot scene, but I had pictured the parking lot scene way long ago, when I was considering writing a Richie fic! I did not think it was going to end up here until like chapter 3? 
The reason Richie and Chip became such close characters was truly born out of me not wanting to write Y/N, and so I wrote in Cousin and gave Richie the history of knowing the nickname Chip— Because originally, I’d thought Chip and Mikey would be very separate from the Beef. But I wanted cousin!! So their closeness was born, and now they’re literally my favourite dynamic in the series. Funny how that works.
I had to beat uncle lee’s ass on camera. I really cannot STAND that motherfucker and it is also SO FUNNY that in the immediate next note to reference Saul Goodman who is Uncle Lee— But yes that is absolutely what i was going for. That union scene in my head was originally going to be so much longer for literally no reason, and because there was no reason for it I cut it down, but it’s those MOMENTS THAT I LOVE TO WRITTEE BABBYYY
THANK YOU FOR SITTIN DOWN AND READING EVERY WEEK AWWEE— I wish The Bear was a weekly release honestly, I feel like it’d be so much fun that way cause what, right now we’d still be yelling about episode seven or eight by now? Ah. Love love love. My hopes are that I can get Ch 14’s draft done today and hopefully have something up in the middle of this week, but we will fucking SEE WON’T WE?
It was SUCH a pleasure to read your thoughts, and it really does mean the world to hear you’re so engaged and fuckin NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR GOING LONG!! It’s MY job to be brief (and I’m bad at it), you yap all you want. As a little gift, here is a tentative meme that I made in advance for the next chapter. The title is still pending changes, but right now Chapter 14 is called The Cat. Will this change? Probably, we’ll see. Everyone tell me if you hate The Cat.
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
I’m thinking about William with an author darling post time skip…
And Then There Were None (Yandere William James Moriarty /w Author Darling Masterlist)
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So Watson is Conan Doyle but what is William’s darling helped him write the novels. Now that William is gone she is back to her life before all of this happened, back at the writer’s club with her friends, trying to pretend like none of this ever happened and move on with her life, selling off her wedding ring and changing her last name back to her maiden name. She publishes a few more novels, moving past the mystery and crime genres, finding enjoyment in more sorts of stories, of course she is always going to love those stories, they are her life blood as an author but sometimes it’s nice to try something new.
She is back at her old town house, her maid and assistant back under her employment and one day she is on her way to the writer’s club, just having said goodbye to her staff and as she is walking down the stairs she runs into a familiar face.
“Doctor Watson?”
“Mrs. Moriarty?”
“It’s just (Name), now.”
John was on his way from meeting with a potential publisher and she notices the papers sticking out of his bag and she smiles, before grabbing them before he can even react. She reads a few paragraphs over, the stories of their old detective friend. Watson tries to explain that it’s just a rough draft and he still has to refine some parts and-
“Why don’t you come with me? I think I know some people who can help you out.”
She hands him back his manuscript and walks with him, leading him to the club only a few blocks over. She leads him inside and upstairs where the main lounge is and inside is all of her old friends, some of the best mystery, horror, and thriller writer’s of the era. She introduces John to them and tells them how he is writing up Sherlock’s adventures and how John was struggling with some parts.
“I-I am fine, you all are much more talented than me and-“
“Nonsense, we’re all here to help each other after all. You are more than welcome to use this space whenever you’d like.”
So with a bit of positive peer pressure, Watson joins the writer’s club as Conan Doyle. Now William’s darling and him had never really been friends before, more just friendly acquaintances through Sherlock since they were both his friends and worked with him in the past, but now with their time together they become quite close friends. Whenever she is hosting a dinner at her home, among her closest friends who are invited is John, she also meets his fiancé and becomes close friends as well with her.
Years pass and things find themselves settling into a normal pattern, meetings at the club, dinner parties with the others, and so on, but throughout all their time, he forgets to mention in key thing…
William and Sherlock were alive.
So one day she is at the club and sitting in her arm chair by the large set of windows so that she is being warmed by the sun, reading a French poetry book one of her friends got for her when he was visiting his hometown in France, she has a blanket on her lap and a cup of tea in hand. John is sitting not to far away when maid comes up to her telling her someone is here to see her, and she tells the maid to send them up, thinking it is just a new member or an editor.
“Hello dear.”
She drops her cup of tea on the floor and it shatters into hundreds of pieces as her eyes are stuck onto the same word in the poem she was reading…
He was supposed to be dead.
She looks up not only to see William but the detective, a person she once called her friend. She looks over to John and sees that he is not shocked in the slightest and then it all clicks. She shoots up out of her chair and stomps over to him. She yells at him for him knowing all along that they were alive and never telling her, her calling him her friend and helping him with his novel and him not even thinking of once mentioning that they were alive.
“Please, I-“
“I don’t want to hear it Watson! You are out! Leave! All of you!”
Before anything else can be said, she runs off to her office at the club and locks herself in. She is one of the owners of the club so Watson has no choice but to leave, packing up his things and as the men are about to leave, William hears the crying from her office…
When she returns home that night, the maid opens the door for her and takes her coat. She walks into her drawing room as her assistant explains a visitor stopped by earlier today and dropped something off…
And there on the side table by her arm chair is a bouquet of lilies, wrapped up at the stems with a white ribbon along with a velvet box sitting next to it, she walks over and looks down at it closer and sees on the ribbon there it a note connected to it in an all too familiar handwriting of a man she thought dead until a few hours today…
To Mrs. Moriarty
She reaches over snd opens the velvet box to see the same wedding ring she had sold off years ago.
(I am just picturing if they had children, maybe like daughters, like in my other little series here, that she would be a really powerful single mother and probably tell her children that they needed no one else besides each other. Then when William stopped by to drop off the flowers and ring and he just sees the little girls playing with their mother’s assistant and he just realizes he has daughters and she had been raising them all on her own, not even telling Louis or anyone, not even bothering to tell the children had family besides her. That irritates him.)
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
Watching the latest hbomberguy video. And this Tom guy is making me think of so many people I have met, especially in the entertainment industry. They are a Type. There’s one in Toonmakers Sailor Moon pilot video too. Honestly sometimes Trump comes across this way. Not just men, though I do think it might be more common among cis men. Especially white privileged ones.
But you know them. The ones that lie about cool they are. That can’t help but lie about their own achievements even when the truth is staring them in the face. Like, I can think of half of a dozen I have met over the years in my life. A friend’s brother, an old boss, a teacher at my school who even the staff seemed exhausted of…
People go “that’s narcissism” or “compulsive lying” and listen, I’m not saying there’s not a neurodivergence underlying some of this behavior. Also potentially traumas or a need for introspection and therapy. I’m also not saying there is. This isn’t about that.
This also isn’t about the social/cultural/political environment that might foster the kinds of anxieties or expectations that contribute. I am not seeking to explain or diagnose this pattern of behavior. I don’t care if it’s psychological, sociological, or just being an asshole. That’s not the point.
The point is: it has always made me deeply uncomfortable. Not just angry or manipulated or whatever. But, like, secondhand embarrassment? Firsthand embarrassment? Unsettled in horror movie way? And I used to attribute that solely to, like, it’s desperate for approval, isn’t it? And I was willing to let that be the end of it. But that always felt incomplete.
No, I think the thing that makes me uncomfortable is, it feels like, to me, it feels like they’re daydreaming??? Like they are playing out their fantasy version of their life, the cooler one the rest of us (or, me at least) just privately pretend to have and never share with anyone.
Like who hasn’t listened to a song they love on repeat and pretended they were on stage singing it and pretended it was their song and they wrote it. Like, I do that. Maybe I’m weird. But I think lots of people do that. When I was a teenager I used to fantasize I had a double life when I was on school breaks, working in New Zealand for the Lord of the Rings movies. All the actors and writers were my best friends. And obviously I provided tremendous insight to the project and it really depended on me. But I didn’t tell anyone at school for convoluted daydream reasons.
But like, as much as I can vividly bring back the fine details of that fantasy (and how, while it had been a secret, it wouldn’t be secret any more when all the hottest members of the cast showed up to my school to take me to an awards show with them), this is the first time I’ve ever told anyone else about it, because why the fuck would I?
“I often pretend I am more interesting and important than I really am” is so common as to be dull. And also has a reputation for being childish. And also it’s not cool to want to be cool. And also if you say your wish out loud it can’t come true. But regardless of why, I don’t tell people about my daydreams. And I think that’s true of most people. Rich fantasy lives are common and largely never shared.
But when I watch the people with this particular quirk and feel kind of awful in this visceral way - I think that’s the thing that’s off-putting to me. It feels so private. I recognize myself in the behavior, in that, in my very silly daydreams, I too have done great things and made notable contributions that are far beyond the truth of my life. But to me those things are so secret. They are the most private of private thoughts.
When I watch these people talk, it feels like they are LARPing that same kind of self-indulgent fantasy world, in their real life. And simultaneously I feel like I’m invading someone’s privacy and like they’ve coerced me into something I didn’t agree to. They’ve cast us in their LARP, and they are gonna play out their fantasy version of their life, and made it awkward or dangerous for anyone to ruin it for them.
And so on top of all the many other very good reasons to not enjoy listening to that kind of self-serving lying, I get to hate it for secret bonus reasons of Immense Psychological Discomfort stemming from ???? associations my brain makes with the act of daydreaming ????
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night-faye · 3 months
OHO YOUR'E ON THAT BANGER EPISODE. Apparently I really love the trope because how I got into this show was all my friends freaking out about how I wrote this episode for another fandom while having NEVER SEEN IT LOL. It was super funny, like frame by frame for details. (The start in ep 6 with the ink demon.) It’s 100% my jam as far as tropes go, I also give my OCs the Wukong treatment 😂 He’s so fun here I adore it, StarBurst Duo makes me so insane ESP IN S5 you WILL have a breakdown I freaking PROMISE YOU. It will be your Macky S3 Breakdown but for them. Anyways. Ooh, Wukong just HEARS MK and the way he crashes the party, he’s always going “kid!!” and rushing for him in this show. I love that the writers didn’t make him actually retire lol, he stuck around and it was a pleasant surprise and they even share the staff sometimes. Wukong still takes charge and haunts the narrative LOL. “Not really, but I like the energy.” Crying we NEED Wukong interacting with the gang more. Shout out to Mei’s “you're not looking very immortal yourself Mr. King.” I love her I love them we need more sob. And MY FAVORITE SCENE OF ALL. Bro is sweating a bit like Macky did when LBD showed up. “Enough! I’ve never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past and I’m not about to start now. None of us are! We can’t change who were yesterday or in a past life or a hundred lifetimes ago. We live with the choices we make, but what matters is the choice we make. Right. Now. Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have.” “Nice hero speech bud. But I know better. Deep in your heart, you don’t believe a word of that.” SO EVIL. Literally SO EVIL to make THIS GUY aka secretly depressed monkey give a motivational hero speech, bc you don't think there's anything wrong with that at first. That it's anything BUT Wukong to ~ not ~ be the happy guy. But then THIS happens pulling an unexpected thing every character analyst could ever want. He's struggling and trying and fighting the emotional turmoil within, barely holding on, and Inky calls him out with SUCH AUDACITY while wearing Wukong's clothes from the past AND TWIRLING THAT CIRCLET even the screen slows and pauses for emphasis. Suddenly, there's a dark cloud hanging over our idea of this monkey. Our naive illusions shatter as a deep profound thing beneath it all is revealed. This story will not go how we think. It's not all sunshine, there is something wrong. Yeah somebody did dictate your destiny with that circlet eh? And just those words ugh if you know JTTW you know how heavy his past actions are also killing Macky but wow he's fighting, he's trying so hard but NOBODY lets him live down the past. Always the same monster. *chefs kiss* gorgeous voice acting, the strained emotions are beautiful.
“I won’t let some curse bully me or my friends a second longer!” Sure bud, sure. I mean, I like how he glows here and the images of his old friends is DEVASTATING. It hurts to be the mentor character in any piece of media. But don't think we didn't notice the deflection there, the pause and tight grip on the staff as you turned around. You can't look us in the eye eh? the windows to the soul. It's also nice how he does the "special teamwork move" and calls everyone his friends :') shout out to Nezha and his "Wukong is not the loner he pretends to be." At long last, he's finally opening up to others rather than his smiley distance. They look so much like your old companions. Don’t you love how the tension builds up with Wukong’s confusion over Azure’s name and think innocently of it until he’s stepping forward to protect MK? Hehe.
>*shaking you*< I need to make it clear to you that while I love my macky's of the world so much. my second fave character dynamic is "Sunshine on the outside. deep withering depression on the inside"
I am getting the sense these monkeys (MK included) are going to fucking destroy me. help. (You won't and you shouldn't)
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lonesomedreamer · 9 months
SNW Liveblog: “Among the Lotus Eaters”
In which they’re mean to Spock for no reason, but Spock helps save the day anyway.
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In its own way, this is scene just as staged/cheesy as anything in TOS…it’s also giving NBC Hannibal (not a compliment from me).
Look: I just don’t care about the supposedly corrupt bureaucracy and chain of command in Starfleet. When I watch Trek, I want to escape into a post-scarcity utopian society, and nuTrek can pry that out of my cold, dead hands!!!
Other things I don’t care about: Pike’s on-again, off-again relationship with Batel. Sorry. This show already has too many characters vying for screentime with too few episodes to develop them to be wasting time on this.
Love that Pike makes sure to put out the candles before he leaves…meanwhile his quarters has a huge, open fireplace that burns 24/7.
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Not that everything they do on the Enterprise isn’t science-related, but… “science specialist”? Do you guys even WATCH the show??? Gold is for the command division, red is for operations/engineering, and BLUE IS FOR SCIENCE! At least pretend to give a shit about your show’s own universe. (Oh…wait…)
“Most of the time I fly the ship, which is cool, but can get boring.” Speaking for all the kids (and adults!) who have fantasized about flying the Enterprise for the last 55 years: kindly fuck off.
“Can’t you just say ‘two moons’?” / “We get it, Spock.” Spock is the science officer (and ALSO Vulcan). Get off his back!!! His SNW crewmates nitpick him worse than Bones ever did.
I don’t like Ortegas much—she’s still written like garbage, no fault of the actor—and her perpetual bitchiness towards Spock is NOT helping.
“Doctors love being tasked for a mission because of their combat skills.” Maybe you should’ve thought of that three episodes ago when you were LARPing Wolverine in slo-mo against the Klingons for like ten minutes, M’Benga…
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This line might have been okay by itself—McCoy-esque, if you will—except they’ve been giving Spock shit for Doing His Damn Job for the entire episode so far.
I love Christine, and SNW!Christine has grown on me, but…she’s not even the Head Nurse on this show. Why is she running Sickbay solo? Am I supposed to believe that the Enterprise doesn’t staff more than a single doctor??
“As long as it stays isolated to Uhura” Since they don’t know the cause and therefore whether the condition is infectious, shouldn’t they at least isolate Uhura? (They experienced a similar outbreak just a few episodes ago!!!)
Speaking of Uhura, seems pretty shitty of the writers to have Uhura be the first one to lose her memory: TOS already did that. (If it’s an homage, it’s not a good one.)
I adore Ethan, but sometimes his line delivery is weirdly stilted.
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There’s literally no one else left on the Bridge apart from Spock and Ortegas? Okay…
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“It’s not the Spock show!” but it should be.
Whatever’s affecting the rest of the crew should affect Spock differently and/or belatedly due to his different genetic code. Then again, the only thing these writers seem to know about Vulcans is that they talk about logic a lot.
Not the computer having a ghost-of-Mufasa moment with Ortegas… (“Remember who you are.”)
“I feel like I know how to do this. And I’m the only one who can.” * Put a pin in this.
“Abso-friggin’-lutely.” Awful.
I didn’t think you can block a phaser blast with like...a physical shield?? Especially one (presumably) set to kill???
Kirk was involved in a lot of fights, but watching the captain of the Enterprise repeatedly kick/pistol-whip a guy who’s already laying prone on the ground is…surreal and horrible.
Trek’s always been two parts morality play, one part scifi, but can I get the scientific part of the reveal again? Something about radiation from an asteroid?? It sounds kind of interesting—but they’re just gonna gloss over it, aren’t they??
Also, the Enterprise is designed to protect its crew against all kinds of radiation—we know that because it was built to fly in SPACE, which is radioactive as fuck. So what’s special about these asteroids (and if the planet’s atmosphere is too thick to be penetrated by the Enterprise’s scanners, why can’t it protect the planet from the radiation coming off the asteroids that surround it)??
Please stop showing Pike punching this guy over and over again. It’s actually upsetting, I can’t see the point, if there is one.
Pike: “[Rigel VII] shows us who we really are…” Pike 30 seconds earlier: kicking and punching an unarmed man who’s sprawled out, bleeding, on the floor Pike: “The lives of my crew mean everything to me.”
Look…TOS could be really unsubtle and on-the-nose about its messaging. It still did it with so much more grace and flair than THIS. “He was right. Not having a past…it can be nice for a while.” “I know what you mean. But maybe some memories are worth the pain of others.” / “The story of your life, the details…they matter!” Wow, what do you guys think is this episode trying to say?!?
*“No one but you could pull this off.” In “Mirror Mirror,” a visibly nervous Uhura hesitates after Kirk issues his orders; he then reassures her by earnestly saying “You’re the only one who can do it.” It’s meaningful because it’s true—Uhura is the only one both with the necessary skills and whom Kirk can trust in the mirror universe. Here, it’s just Pike stroking the ego of an officer who’s already an arrogant smartass…plus, while Ortegas might be the best pilot on board, the episode repeatedly makes it clear that she is NOT the only one qualified to “fly the ship.”
“I don’t blame Spock. He’s still got a lot to learn.” Why the fuck would anyone blame Spock for anything that went down here?!! The man was trying to analyze the asteroids—the very same ones that robbed everyone of their memories—at the beginning of the episode when everyone was rolling their eyes and saying “not now, Spock,” and look where it fucking got them!
And in the very next line, we learn that Spock came up with the solution that SAVED THE SHIP/CREW.
“It feels logical to me.” This is the kind of shit y’all should be angry about re: Spock, not him smooching Christine. It FEELS logical. Retch.
I know I sound really critical here, but I actually found this one a lot easier to watch (almost) straight-through than some of the previous episodes, i.e., without having to stop and scream in frustration. It was less mundane and plodding than the previous one (and left SNW!Kirk behind, thank God). That said, I did find myself tempted to fast-forward through some of the scenes on Rigel VII, and I did skip around during the Pike/Batel scenes. I also saw a lot of comments that this episode is very TOS...I guess so? Imo the resemblance is surface-level only, though.
The Good: Hey, they're on a STRANGE NEW-(to-the-viewer) WORLD! Imagine that! — La'an's costume and the way she's styled for the away mission. — Boring subplot aside, Batel also looks really nice. — The vibe, planetside, is trying to be like TOS. Gold star for effort? — A few funny lines. — Ethan gets a lot of flattering shots in this episode. :3
The Bad: A lot of time wasted between Ortegas' repeated “I fly the ship” mantra (both early and later on) and the Pike/Batel scenes that bookend the episode. — Almost everyone being critical of what Spock says and how he says it; it borders on unprofessional and mean and is ESPECIALLY bad since Spock then uses science to restore their memories (off-screen, of course). — Making Uhura the first one to get amnesia. — Failing to develop Ortegas at all in what I assume is supposed to be an “Ortegas episode.” — Christine's hair. My poor girl! — Spock forgets how to READ?!?? (I missed this while I was watching because it's just Too Stupid for me to believe they actually went there.) — Gratuitous violence from Pike that seemed to serve no thematic or symbolic purpose.
There better be Spockstine in the next one, because without it, Ethan’s face is still worth it…barely, though.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
see the thing is that sometimes in a story you just have to believe that characters are in love because the story tells you they are and then there’s plot that happens. like romeo and juliet. or the babysitter killer queen. or riverdale or zombies or the pirates of the caribbean. and there’s nothing wrong that sometimes a romance is not central to the story but needed in order for the story to happen. however. you can’t write a Romance and then try to pull this cop out writing by having a political plotline that you then pretend is the main plot. no the main plot in red white royal blue is the romance. it’s a romance. but it’s written like the main plot is the political stuff and the romance is second. but we all know the romance is not second. basically it’s very badly written there’s not another way to say it. i feel bad saying it because i didn’t read the book so i’m not like informed on the primary sources but like. i’ve read like roughly ten pages of it via tiktok and from those pages and also tee’s haterism i have extrapolated that it is bad. so. like it’s just bad girls. it’s not well written. and i wish whoever wrote this movie had noticed the ways in which the book was not well written and taken the initiative to fix some of that shit. who is this guy i need them on my shit list immediately. ok matthew lópez former staff writer on the newsroom. well i don’t think he learned much from aaron. and ted malawer who’s previous credits are just from that glee knockoff show rise that the moana girl was in and two episodes of another show i’ve never heard of but ewan mcgregor is in it. he also executive produced what looks like a really shit movie. anyway. matthew. ted. go to hell. as for casey it’s a given that they’re ending up there anyway just for being the root cause of all this.
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For ‘Fleishman Is in Trouble,’ Claire Danes and Jesse Eisenberg Say I Do
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In “Fleishman Is in Trouble,” Claire Danes and Jesse Eisenberg play two halves of a splintered couple.Credit...Thea Traff for The New York Times
The actors share a doomed union in this new FX series. In a joint interview, they discuss their own marriages and how it felt to depict such a contentious one.
By Alexis Soloski
Nov. 4, 2022
Marriage, the actress Claire Danes insisted, means sacrificing certain freedoms.
“That’s one of the great gifts of it,” she said. “But sometimes that shoe feels a little snug. There are moments when you’re like, ‘Actually, I would go in a different direction here.’”
“For me, I’m just so happy to have a shoe on,” said Jesse Eisenberg, her work husband.
In “Fleishman Is in Trouble,” FX’s limited series adaptation of Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s 2019 novel, Danes, 43, and Eisenberg, 39, star as Rachel and Toby Fleishman. Long married and recently separated, the Fleishmans — she’s a high-powered talent agent; he’s a hepatologist — inhabit the upper echelons of Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The first two episodes arrive on Hulu on Nov. 17, with a new episode each Thursday for six more weeks. (Brodesser-Akner, who wrote seven of the eight episodes, is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine.)
On a recent afternoon, Danes (“Homeland,” “The Essex Serpent”) and Eisenberg (“The Social Network,” “When You Finish Saving the World”) met in an office at FX’s Manhattan headquarters with a “Fleishman”-like view of mid-rises and water towers. Danes is married to the actor Hugh Dancy, Eisenberg to the educator Anna Strout. But for about six months — despite having met only once more than a decade before, when Eisenberg was extremely high — they had to pretend to be married to each other in a show that shadows one union from early courtship to eventual implosion and beyond, tracing its breakdown with granular specificity and occasional double vision.
The novel argues that “beyond your point of view lies an abyss with a bubbling cauldron of fire, and that just beyond that abyss lies your spouse’s point of view.” And so the show stages some scenes from Rachel’s point of view and some from Toby’s. (The pilot was directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, executive producers who are themselves married.)
How was it playing a couple locked in a cycle of neglect, reproach and retaliation? “Very comfortable actually,” Danes said, kicking off her Jimmy Choos. Eisenberg, on the opposite end of the sofa, agreed: “She’s the greatest.”
They had a terrific work marriage, Danes confirmed, while “depicting a very bad, unhealthy, unnatural one.”
In an hour’s chat, as the autumn light outside the window turned the city golden, the two actors discussed marriage, divorce and dodgeball. These are excerpts from the conversation.
Did you know each other before this?
CLAIRE DANES I didn’t remember.
EISENBERG It’s a funny story.
DANES Tell the story.
EISENBERG My [future] wife took me to some benefit thing in Brooklyn, probably 15 years ago. I was the most stoned I’ve ever been. I was just talking to this woman, and I’m like, “I’ve met my soul mate.” I ran over to Anna. I was like, “That woman is amazing.” She was like, “That’s Claire Danes, good luck.”
So you met once. Then suddenly here you are, married. This show is such an intimate appraisal of a marriage. Can anyone on the outside ever understand what goes on inside a marriage?
DANES I think the people in it barely understand, and it changes over time. It is an astonishing invention. It’s imperfect. But I personally don’t have a better model. I am attracted to it and fascinated by it and find it a very worthwhile pursuit. It’s a way to continue exploring who you are and where you are.
EISENBERG It’s also an attractive prospect for me. The alternative is not interesting or desirable. My wife and I have had probably the same dynamic for the many, many years we’ve been together, the same arguments and the same joys. The TV show presents that. Except that this is a doomed marriage.
DANES In my actual relationship, when we were met with a certain level of stress that we were ill equipped to cope with, we had to develop techniques and strategies and skills to become a better functioning couple. Our characters were not able to do that. They got swallowed by points on their continuum that were just too hard. And they didn’t have the self-awareness or the self-possession or the guts to be honest with each other. They just retreated further and further.
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When you were preparing for these roles, did you sit down and map out what this relationship had been, what their history was?
DANES Not really. We had a few dinners with Taffy and the cast, which were valuable. And we had rehearsals, abbreviated but dense, which were really effective because of these exercises that Jon and Val offered us. Writing exercises, primarily, which was very annoying, because Jesse is an actual writer and an excellent one. I was like, this isn’t fair.
EISENBERG I thought iambic pentameter was appropriate!
DANES But it did provide a lot of insight. Then we played dodgeball. I was wearing clogs, which I don’t recommend.
What do you think Rachel and Toby saw in each other in the first place?
DANES They do, actually, really like each other. They have easy, happy chemistry. They probably share a sense of humor. And they did have similar values once upon a time. He was her first true friend ever. I don’t think she would have left him had he not insisted on it.
EISENBERG The thing that attracts you to the person is what’s different about them. But that’s also what becomes their undoing, because the chasm between my character’s value system and hers is too wide.
DANES Are your parents still together?
EISENBERG My parents are married.
DANES My parents, too. They’ve been married for 55 years or something like that? They met at 18. At RISD [Rhode Island School of Design]. And they’re still very in love.
So how was it being married to each other for the camera?
DANES Very joyful. I love working with Jesse. He’s very gifted and very present and profoundly, almost pathologically generous — truly, really. And just an amazingly playful partner. It was so much fun tearing into each other.
EISENBERG That felt right, too. It felt good.
DANES What’s extraordinary about the novel, and now this interpretation of it: It’s very comic, but it’s also quite raw and wrenching. Threading that needle is fun, but a challenge. Rachel was tough for me, because she was so intensely polished in some ways and so profoundly fractured in others. Figuring out how to coordinate that was the trick of it. There are episodes where we hear his account, then we get hers. We shot those scenes, one after the other — that was very strange. It was like an acting exercise. It’s a matter of degrees.
EISENBERG Exactly. She would be 10 percent more hateful, more stubborn. Then my character would be more aloof and unaware of her pain.
So these were small changes.
DANES But consequential.
Do you think you could be married to each other in real life?
EISENBERG When I met Claire at that benefit, I immediately ran over to tell my wife that yes, I could be married to that person.
DANES And he was right, in a way. A little prescient there.
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Parts of the show are very light, very funny; other parts are more intense. Did you take any of that home with you?
DANES It’s funny: With “Homeland,” the character was so very other, so alien, it was easy to compartmentalize. I got a little cocky about it. This one was a lot closer, a lot more reminiscent. Playing a married person with kids, I was at greater risk of taking it home than I have been with other projects, which surprised me. I had a couple of fights with Hugh, and I was like, “Whoa, this is not to do with us.” So that was humbling. And mildly distressing. But once I became aware of it, it was fine.
EISENBERG I had the exact same thing. I would have these arguments that end with, “You’ve always done this,” which is how Toby accuses Rachel. You spend 12 hours a day having a certain very specific resentment. You take that home and the circumstances overlap enough to the point where you might accuse your loving, sweet partner of the same thing.
DANES But the appreciation for Hugh was also so heightened, because I was living in this hell. It was so painful and so terrifying, deeply destabilizing. We really do need relationships. We can’t really cope in isolation. It’s just not how we function. There’s something very moving about that.
EISENBERG As actors, you sometimes get to run these social experiments, playing a character that might overlap with you enough to give you a sense of what you would be like in these circumstances. This was a great example, because I’m quite similar to Toby.
DANES It’s a real privilege to be able to explore those particularly daunting, intimidating, scary zones, but in the land of make-believe. So relatively safely.
So did you perform the thought experiment of what life would be like if you were suddenly single?
DANES Very, very rarely. I don’t know. Doesn’t seem good.
EISENBERG I was just thinking about it because in terms of the show, he’s dating again. And he’s completely untethered. It didn’t feel tantalizing in any way — it felt exhausting and unsatisfying. I didn’t experience singleness in the modern era, where you’d be using technology to meet people. It increases both the options and paranoia.
DANES I would find that particularly intimidating. And unnerving. I don’t think I would do that very well.
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riverstardis · 2 years
the best day of my life:
this episode🙄
“the camera is not my friend, it tends to give me the look of an undertaker. hardly a vote of confidence for prospective patients” the wording “prospective patients” is funny to me bc yknow i’m not sure the patients tend to shop around a&es prior to needing one sjdkfkf
aww david baked a lemon drizzle cake and called it “lemon misery”
SJDKFKKF lily comes in saying “man with a 12 inch—“ and max interrupts to say “guilty” 😭😭 but she just carries on “—laceration”
how did hanssen know elle again?
charlie’s still got the pills in his locker😬
ah there’s glen!
cal saying he’s due a hair of the dog and ethan’s like noo can we just have a quiet one and cal goes “what? no. where’s your stamina ethan?” he doesn’t have any because his body is NOT used to the amount of drinking he’s suddenly started doing😭😭
oh look there’s the delicatessen lady🙄
cal tries to convince ethan to ask her out but he says she’s a patient and cal goes “well that’s never stopped me” soo effie was just ethan being more cal? i don’t think this ethan would like 2018/19 ethan very much
“try not to be yourself. channel that knight magic. and don’t do anything i wouldn’t do” “…so anything?”
top 10 moments before disaster
i can’t watch this🫣
“anyone ever tell you you look like the milkybar kid?” “er my brother used to make me wear a neckerchief to school. which probably explains why i got beaten up so often.” poor ethan :((
i really don’t understand how anyone thought this was okay…
what gets me is that ethan sounds genuinely terrified which means that either that was written in the script and the writer somehow managed to justify ethan being terrified and playing it as a joke or it was an acting choice and george was trying to change the tone of the scene to what it should have been. not that it not being in the script would make it any better, it would be bad enough even without the fear in his voice😭
it’s funny how some of the background nurses seem to literally just be there for the male staff to flirt with. like there is absolutely no overlap between the ones we see actually working like tash and the ones who we see flirting
elle going snooping in charlie’s locker
she lured ethan in there to be a sperm donor🤬 who tf approved this
ethan saying “you don’t know anything about me” makes me think they did this just to highlight that if she had gotten pregnant the child could have hd without her knowing???? could they really not think of a better way to do that wtf😭😭
she apologised to him as if that makes it all fine wtf😭😭
“do you know how hard it is to make friends when you’re made to gallop into school pretending to be a cowboy?” 😭😭
sometimes it just hits me that cal’s dead😥
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference sjskfkk
max beating dylan at chess sjdkfk
on one hand it was weird that elle went looking in charlie’s locker but on the other connie saying she went on a witch hunt against him is a little dramatic and i do feel bad for her because she genuinely believed she was doing the right thing
rita’s tyres have been slashed :/
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aeoki · 2 years
High and Low: At World’s End - Chapter 13
Location: Outside ES II Characters: Hajime, Midori, Shinobu, Yuuta & Hiiro
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
< Early the next morning in front of the “ES II” entrance, right after “Late Departure Group 3” arrives. >
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Hajime: Ahh…
I’m so worried, just so worried… Tomoya-kun and the others are okay, right?
They’re not injured, are they? They’re having proper meals, right? They’re getting enough sleep at night, right? They’re not in any sort of trouble, are they?
Please say it is so, Takamine-kuuun!
Midori: Yeah… They’re fine. They’re probably fine.
Hajime: “Probably” isn’t good enough~! Please tell me they’re “definitely” fine!
Midori: Uhh, I can’t guarantee that… And if they’re actually not okay, then that’ll mean I’m lying and that’s way too much guilt for me to handle…
Hajime: Since you can’t guarantee that, that means things are looking bad for them, right? Does this mean I won’t be able to see Tomoya-kun and the others ever again? Uwaaaaah!
Yuuta: What on earth happened to Hajime-kun…?
Shinobu: Ahaha. Shino-dono is latched on to Midori-kun ~de gozaru ♪ Are you pretending to be a koala, Shino-dono?
Hiiro: Indeed. I thought Shino-kun had a more calm and relaxed personality.
One that watches over everyone warmly and tenderly like a mother.
I don’t really have many memories of my mother, so that’s just my guess. Mothers are usually written like that in books.
Yuuta: You don’t really remember your mother? Did she also pass away early like mine?
Hiiro: Indeed. I’m sure my older brother remembers what she was like, but I was a toddler who didn’t know anything about the world back then.
If I’m honest, I don’t even remember what she looked like.
Midori: Can you guys not talk about something so depressing right after arriving…?
It’s making me depressed. Makes me wanna die.
Hiiro: Indeed, I’m sorry. I’ll apologise if I made things gloomy.
I’m always like that. It’s a bad habit of mine.
Midori: That’s okay… I’m relieved Shinobu-kun and the rest of you guys got to Australia in one piece.
We’re getting a lot of stuff to do so we’re getting to the point where we can’t keep up… And Shino-kun gets more depressed as the days go by…
Hajime: That’s because I’m just so worried~! I haven’t gotten any news about Tomoya-kun and his group ever since that day!
Shinobu: I’m worried as well ~de gozaru… We were given a summary a little while ago, but actually, I got the gist of it after hearing Shino-dono rattling on and on about the situation.
Why are Tetora-kun and the others subjected to something like a punishment ~de gozaru?
Midori: We don’t know… We tried asking the staff at this “ES II” over and over.
But even though they’re also ES, no one knows about the happenings at the head office in Japan. Or more like, they’re not in a higher position to know stuff like that.
Hajime: Yes~... The staff at “ES II” were dispatched here sometime before and have been as busy as a bee in order to get things up and running.
It seems they hardly had any time to spare any attention to the head office.
Apparently, “ES II’s” priority is to firmly establish idol culture in Australia and doesn’t really know anything else.
Midori: Yeah… They did contact the ES in Japan for us.
But they responded with something like, “Just as it’s written in the proposal ES accepted, Tetora-kun and his group are just cast in a TV show, so there’s nothing to worry about~”
Hajime: Well, I suppose that’s true… It seems “High and Low” is an official project.
Hiiro: But according to what I’ve heard, Captain Nagumo and his group didn’t intend on being on that suspicious travel show, right?
Midori: Hmm… I smell a conspiracy…
Hiiro: Even if it is a conspiracy, why would anyone do such a thing?
Yuuta: …Well, we should try and look into the areas we’re curious about.
But putting that aside, we’ve got to fulfil our own work as well.
Hajime: That’s true too~... Uuu, you’re not worried about your older brother, Yuuta-kun?
Yuuta: Not really, he can basically survive anywhere.
Hajime: That’s not true, surely? Hinata-kun is a child the same age as you.
There's no way he’s not struggling after being tossed out to another country with little to no preparation, right?
He must be having such a difficult time. I think you’re a little heartless for not caring for your family member like that!
Yuuta: …Is he going to be rescued if I worry about him?
Hajime: That’s not what I’m saying but–
Yuuta: Do you think I’m really not worried about my brother?
Hajime: ………
Yuuta: But he’s really fine even if I don’t worry about him. He won’t ever abandon me, after all.
It’s just not possible. It’s always been like that and it’ll definitely be like that in the future, too.
Hajime: H-How can you be so sure? Is Hinata-kun an invincible hero or some kind of god?
Yuuta: A-Aniki’s always like that, so…
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wrongpublishing · 2 years
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by Elizabeth Broadbent, Staff Writer.
The 1990s: a time when, as Devon Sawa’s Instagram recently pointed out, all us beeyotches smelled like sun-ripened raspberry and Marlboro Lights (if you don’t follow @ d.sawa, you should; Tiger Beat has grown up hot and hilarious, way better than his floppy-haired heartthrob days). I have a certain misguided fondness for that before time, during which I wore a crocheted bikini to a Bush concert and spent my days alternately hating high school and smoking pot behind a derelict mall somewhere across the Delaware state line. This baffles me, because in general, I spent the ‘90s as a miserable wreck of a human, but pipe in “Champagne Supernova” and I start wailing along with Liam Gallagher. Go figure. So when Carson Winter tipped me off to an actual anthology of ‘90s horror, I sort of lost my mind.
It lived up to his hype. Featuring fourteen tales chock-full of ‘90s nostalgia, AHH! That’s What I Call Horror: An Anthology of ‘90s Horror, edited by Chelsea Pumpkins, not only brought back the decade (sometimes too vividly), it also included some damn good stories. Win. Channeling everything from the early days of the internet to a zombie Kurt Cobain-ish guy (Soundwave 4eva), this book cracked me up with half-forgotten throwbacks and freaked me out with genuinely creepy moments—often in the same story: hahaha, I’m headcannoning Miss Cleo—then S.E. Denton smacked me upside the head. Someone’s got giant bangs, ha—JESUS CHRIST BRIDGET D. BRAVE, WTF?! God, this Hat Man is freaky—throatpunch from Chelsea Pumpkins! 
That’s only stories #1, #2, and #3. 
I could continue, but I won’t, except to say to say that “Nona’s First and Last Album Drop,” Edith Lockwood’s contribution, was so painfully true-to-life that it hurt my soul, and unless you were actually cool in high school, and I know you weren’t because you’re reading this right now, you will also cringe in recognition. It will be a good cringe. It will also hurt you. 
I once pretended to like Nine Inch Nails and called the lead singer “Fred Reznor,” okay?!
Seriously: for all the nostalgia, you could erase the ‘90s from this anthology, and you’d still have a great collection. While the concept’s a spectacular springboard, and it’s a fun tie-in, and yes it makes everything better, these are damn good stories in and of themselves. I genuinely enjoyed them not just for the Beanie Babies factor, but also for the great plots and the creepy moments. They play with different horror tropes, too, so there’s something for everything—if you yawn at one, you’ll love another. That’s the mark of any good anthology. Diversity’s important; too much of the same will turn off a reader who’s not into a certain niche.
Basically: loved it, bought it, will read it again. In fact, read Carson Winter’s “Alive and Living (Pilot)” and J.W. Donley’s “The Final Away Game” more than once already. 
Anyway, here’s “Wonderwall.”
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linseedlings · 2 years
ok I’ve been stuck in quarantine for 6 weeks and here are some jjk nuggets that I’ve been mulling over
I’m gonna talk about:
Mai and the weird tradw;fe bullshit the zenin clan’s got going on
The fact that Yuji used to have zero/zilch/nada friends
How i don’t think Gojo can leave Japan I literally just saw him in Kenya
Is Nobara in credit card debt?????
manga spoilers below, but this is mostly me speculating
Mai & being stuck in a fundamentalist hell hole
So we know that Mai was forced to attend Jujutsu Tech after Maki left. We know that she would have rather lived a quiet, domestic, and forgettable life. We know that she hated everyone that bent the course of her short life.
Her technique allows her to make something out of nothing, and it’s usually used as a last ditch effort. It echoes her character arc and it is very very sad.
Maki acted as a lightning rod for criticism. She worked the hardest, she wanted to be seen, and she had a lot to prove. But she wasn’t doing any of this for Mai’s sake.
I think that the rift between them formed gradually. The louder Maki was, the easier it was for Mai to sink into the background. Understandably, I don’t think that Mai ever intervened when she saw her sister being reprimanded/abused. She tried to help in her own small ways at first, cutting up fruit like their mom used to do. This didn’t last. She came to learn that avoiding Maki was the only way to preserve her social standing.
She remembers how the warnings her mother gave her; to never complain or scowl no matter how vulgar the boys get; to never upstage them during training; to show Maki up wherever she can; that her reputation would be ruined by the smallest scar; that her father’s reputation would sink if she couldn’t produce children of quality. Mai knows that her body doesn’t belong to her and she hates it.
Mai has never considered a reality where Maki leaves. When the rug is pulled out from under her, she falls. She barely has any skills she can rely on, and scrambles to catch up. All of her inadequacies are suddenly on display. People look at her differently, like all they’re waiting for her skin to mar and her value to plummet. But what can she do? Mai Zenin cannot be a proper woman and a proper sorcerer at the same time. She doesn’t really want to be either.
Utahime understands this, and Momo does too. They encourage her to focus on long range techniques; to stay out of sight and keep tricks up her sleeve. They meet up at cafes and talk about their futures. Mai doesn’t want to run away like Maki did. She just wants to graduate, meet someone nice with pretty hair, move far, far away from Kyoto, and never have any children.
Also has anyone else noticed the kids at Kyoto Jujutsu Tech are like…. A little extra fucked up. I feel like they should have a student union or something those kids are way too stressed out.
Yuji didn’t have any friends. Like none.
I’m paraphrasing some of the stuff i put in the tags of this post! It’s mostly talking about the first couple of chapters.
I’m not saying he was unpopular or anything, but I don’t think Yuji’s ever had a chance to form a deeper/meaningful relationship with someone before he got to Jujutsu Tech.
I know it’s a weird thing to say since he’s so authentic and outgoing, but he just didn’t have the time. He made his Grandpa his first priority, and really, truly felt a deep responsibility to make sure he was cared for and comfortable.
In middle school, I feel like people kept inviting him to things, but he said “no” so often that they eventually stopped asking. He doesn’t really harbor any resentment towards them though, which is kind of refreshing?? Like he doesn’t expect anyone to show up for him. He’s so used to being independent that he doesn’t even think to miss emotional support.
No one really calls him after he transfers schools either. No one checks up on him or asks him how he’s doing. I don’t think he remembered to give Setsuko and Iguchi from the Occult Club his number. If anyone could just up and leave to go to Jujutsu Tech, it would be a kid like this who doesn’t have anyone looking out for him. Thank god they got to him before the culling game.
I think that’s what made the whole Junpei situation hit as hard as it did. Yuji knows what it’s like to not have friends. He knows what it’s like to grieve alone, and he’s able to empathize when someone is lashing out in pain. To be honest I felt like they had the most genuine friendship in the series!! I’m never going to be ok!!!!!!!
Also one more tidbit: Setsuko and Iguchi are PERSONALLY escorted out of the culling game by Kenjaku. The kids who knew him for like what? Less than a semester?? It really goes to show that even the smallest interactions can have a positive impact on someone’s life. I mean they found the first finger so it could also be related to that but they were really nice to Yuji. Love them.
I really love Yuji’s character arc like… he’s just a good person. The Higuruma arc?? Relatable content chefs kiss I’m gonna reread it later.
I don’t think Gojo can vacation outside of Japan
Well, technically he could, but the thought of it makes him anxious.
He knows what his presence means to Jujutsu society. If he left for even a weekend the higher ups might get cocky and expedite an execution. A special grade curse could appear in the middle of Shimokitazawa. Someone he knows might disappear again.
He’s thought about experimenting with teleportation overseas - somewhere close like Jeju Isalnd in South Korea - but it’s a little risky. There are some variables due to Tengen’s barrier that might interfere with the technique. It might be fine both ways, or it might only work one way, or it might fail at the barrier’s border. He wants to avoid his teleportation failing over the ocean, or even worse, wasting 5 hours at the airport trying to get a flight back home.
However he DOES have a passport. He got it to create extra work for the higher ups. It’s someone’s job to check his visa status daily. When he’s bored he applies for travel visas just to fuck with them.
When someone (especially Nanami) goes abroad, he always asks if they brought him a souvenir. Surprisingly, they usually bring back some local sweets. They know that he doesn’t really go on vacation and they feel bad for him.
If he could go somewhere, it would either be India or France (for dessert purposes)
Is Nobara in Credit Card Debt???
Ok so I don’t know what they’re paying these kids but I DO KNOW what it’s like to move to a big city with a lot of designer stores. Sometimes I walk past them just to feel something.
I’m gonna guess they get a pretty high stipend, like $60k USD per year? And they don’t have to pay rent or tuition, so that’s purely spending money.
So, she moves to Tokyo from the country with a big ol paycheck. She’s gonna do some shopping, and buy some high quality basics like jackets, shoes, makeup, etc. If she walks up to checkout and they offer her 20% off to sign up for a store credit card, she’s going to say yes every single time.
Just don’t check your bank account it’s fine!!
Until she gets her first credit card statements in the mail. How did she sign up for 12 different credit cards? How did she spend $2000 in one week??? Why is the interest rate so high???
She asks Yuji for help, since he’s actually pretty good at budgeting. However, He’s never seen a bill with this many zeroes, so he called Nanami instead. He tells him to come immediately, it’s an emergency.
Surprisingly, Nanami really does treat this like an extreme financial emergency. (He also used to have a bit of shopping problem. When he started his job in finance, it was all designer all the time in an attempt to keep with with his clients. It took him a while to get out of that hole)
He consolidates all of the debt onto one good cashback credit card with a generous sign on bonus, and helps her come up with a plan to pay it all off. He also teaches them about the importance of investing in staple pieces, and warns them about the peril of lifestyle creep.
I wonder if they have like? Any sort of financial literacy courses for these kids to take? I’m so curious about what their daily schedule looks like. What’s the highest level of math they have to take?? Gojo is their only teacher right???
Anyways thanks for reading this far! I hope you have a good day!!
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binas-idea-vault · 3 years
The Cost of Success (Chapter 1)
FIRST CHAPTER LET'S GO i'm very excited for this since it's the first part of a series with the amazing @gh0st1esbl0g (they're a very talented writer and amazing person who'll be writing the even chapters for this series! i'll be linking the chapters they write on my masterlist so keep an eye out for that)
please be warned that later on in the series there will be some yandere themes so if that is a trigger for you please don't read under the cut (and again i would highly suggest blocking the yandere tag)
you started out as a simple performer at the Archway casino, a small casino, definitely smaller than the other casinos the city had to offer, but still enjoyable to be a part of. a simple little place lacking the neon signs and big glass doors framed with gold other casinos had. no glittery exterior, no red carpet at the entrance to greet patrons with, none of that stuff. frankly it didn’t feel like a casino at times, just an over glorified restaurant with some gambling haphazardly thrown in. the alcohol was alright, the gambles were at a decent price and it wasn’t too big of a place with a subpar star performer named Starr (which no one believed was her real name) to boot (at least in the opinion of most critics).
eventually Starr left, quitting after a dramatic scene with Mr.Mônette. something about them not getting paid nearly enough for how talented they were, Reader wasn’t sure. it wouldn’t surprise them though, if Starr left because of not being paid enough. recently the casino was going a bit under, barely making enough to keep running so budget cuts were inevitable. but with the stage show starting in 5 minutes they needed a new star act and they needed one now.
so here they were, hurriedly making sure there costume was on correctly and that they remembered their number. Reader definitely did not expect to be pushed into a dressing room and named the star but life happens sometimes. hopefully, they didn’t make a fool of themself on stage. not that they wanted to be dramatic but their performance tonight could make or break the Archway casino, and everybody backstage knew it.
~Technoblade POV~
Technoblade did not want to be here, not when he could be relaxing in his own casino, enjoying a Diamond Martini and exchanging stories with his trusted staff. staff that was certainly dressed more elegantly than any of the patrons in this disgrace of a casino. but alas he was here, invited to the Archway casino for some last ditch effort by Mr.Mônette to keep his 'casino' and prevent the Syndicate from buying the property and turning it into whatever they wanted. and whilst Technoblade could appreciate the determination of the owners when he was in a good mood, he was definitely not in a good mood. his subpar drink wasn't helping matters.
“i wonder why they want to keep this place. sure it’s nice and all but they’d walk away with more money if they sold to us than this casino could probably ever make.” Technoblade’s companion spoke, a young woman named Niki who had recently earned a spot as one of the heads of the family. she was charismatic, with a charming voice and an acute sense of the emotions of others. her ability to read people and act accordingly was invaluable to the Syndicate mafia, a natural talent that couldn't be trained into someone. “sentimental value maybe?” she continued on as she stirred her drink, not bothering to even pretend she enjoyed it. before Technoblade could respond the lights dimmed in the casino, indicating the show was about to begin.
he’d seen the show before and frankly it wasn’t all too special, just some washed up performer pretending they were the best. frankly Technoblade’s background performers could easily out sing that poor soul. they were probably starting the stage show as well and he had full confidence it would go without a hitch, even with the spot of a star performer vacant. nothing happened to Rain, the former star, they just saved up enough money and decided to leave SMP City behind them and move on to a more peaceful life. Technoblade could understand why Rain wanted out of the city, being a bar singer wasn't a career that could be held for life and they had no family keeping them in the city. Technoblade wished them the best, like he did with all employees who moved on from casino life. it's not like their leaving had much affect on the flow of the casino. Eret was fully prepared for any event and already had group acts to replace the solo performances. Eret was the best at what she did, they always knew how to get their performers confident and prepared. The casino was in good hands, and would be just fine without him.
“i heard Starr just walked out.” Niki said, bringing Technoblade out of his thoughts, “Mr.Mônette had to get a replacement and everything.”. “well their dedication to having a show is admirable,” he responded, “but we'll have to see if dedication is enough for a good show, they know how much is riding on this one.”.
and with that, the curtain rose.
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vidalinav · 4 years
Because You’re an Asshole (One-shot)
Contains ACOSF Spoilers. 
Look, Cassian needs to drink some respect Nesta Archeron juice (as they all do). I hope to god he gains some perspective in this book, and he doesn’t continue this stupidity of reducing Nesta to butchery status. (Raises glass) Here’s hoping this lug nut starts making an effort. But this fic is purely self-indulgent because well... I’m the fic writer. So I can do what I want. 
Summary: Nesta rejects Cassian in front of the Inner Circle (Takes place in my head a couple of months after first 6 chapters)
Nesta wouldn’t say she had changed much, but to her sister and their group of friends she’d say she might as well have been a different person. For they pretended not to stare as she arrived with Cassian in tow. Some extraterrestrial creature in the middle of a restaurant.
She greeted the owner, Sevenda, lifting her lips into a polite smile and nodding when she caught Nesta’s gaze.
“Hello, sweet girl,” The female gushed, “I didn’t think you were helping out today... please don’t tell me one of the others conned you into taking their shift.”
Nesta shook her head shyly as Cassian told the female they were meeting the rest of them for a late dinner. Sevenda kissed him on the cheek, and Nesta wondered how one person could show so much affection when she could barely muster a proper laugh.
Truthfully, the only reason she made it to this dinner at all was because Bryaxis had asked her to. He’d been in the middle of telling her how the stars moved on an axis, and how the shadows were often wandering souls. He had so many stories to tell in that dark place in the library, but he’d wanted stories too. He was persistent, pushy…persuasive and Nesta could not let down her new friend when all he wanted to do was know about the outside world.
Nesta knew enough about being ostracized. She felt for the monster for she was a monster too. Cast away to the darkened ends of the library.  
But, Nesta wanted this night to be over. She’d promised Bryaxis ten minutes and ten minutes only. She could survive that long on fake grins.  
She tried not to sigh audibly as Sevenda showed them to the table, where the others already sat. Laughing loudly... then quieting to silence as they neared.
Nesta should have felt offended. But she couldn’t find it in herself to care too much.
The night would be over soon enough anyways.
True, Amren had visited her in the library just last week and they’d been cordial. She saw Mor on a regular basis to winnow to Windhaven, and Azriel was always there. It seemed odd to her now that they stared as if she were someone new. Someone they didn’t know at all.
Perhaps, though, it was because she’d agreed to come in the first place and when she did, she’d allowed Cassian to accompany her there. Though she suspected the offer was more because they were all still wary of her change, her calmness.
Nesta wouldn’t have called it that herself.
She hadn’t stopped being angry, she’d been born angry. Raged and kicked her way to this world.
Nesta just merely stopped... fighting back.
There was a peace in that, she supposed. Even if the thought sometimes made her want to hurt something and then herself for letting it happen.
Most of the time she was just detached enough to smile when someone called her name and when they left she’d go back to staring off into space, the dust like hidden galaxies floating through the filtered sunlight. It was what Nesta liked about the library in truth. That most didn’t bother her when she’d looked out the array of windows, up on those tall ladders, ready to see Velaris in a tiny frame.
In this way, the world was a lot smaller than she’d realized.
Less frightening.
And because the world was less frightening, the people in it, too, were less mean. She’d wandered after her workday, tired, but with a furious curiosity for more, like a hunger she couldn’t satisfy, and she’d ended up here. At Sevenda’s--the female greeting her and offering her a meal, even when Nesta told her she didn’t have the money to pay.
On the house then, the female said.
It was the best meal she’d ever had and Nesta had come back every time she could. Helping with the books, with inventory, while the owner patted her on the shoulder, her cheek, and brought her something new to try. Like a doting grandmother.
It felt odd, she thought seeing the rest in a large booth to the wall. This place, too, did not belong to her...
“No need to order,” the female proclaimed, “I know what you all like.”
Nesta waited for Cassian to scooch into the booth before she sat on the outskirts. Easy access to the door. Easy to leave.
But the others didn’t bother her much. Distantly, as if Nesta was not in the room, she could hear their voices begin again. To each other of course. Never to her. Though she’d accepted it long ago that she would never be what they wanted. They would never be what she needed.  
Cassian laughed. The sound hurting her ears. He never laughed like that with her. Nesta supposed she wasn’t that funny… and she wasn’t really his friend.
Instead, Nesta looked to the restaurant. Alive in all it’s glory. Loud and bright. She looked to the waitstaff. Most of them she’d met already, worked with some of them, and they smiled or waved when they saw her. Nesta lifted her hand to greet them, too.
One of the girls, Amina, brought out waters for the table.
Amina grinned when she saw her there.
But she did not leave when the cups had been set. Instead, she lingered, lowering her voice and leaning  towards her. “We’re going to the symphony tomorrow if you want to come.”
“And you must come,” Sevenda said, coming from behind with a plate of appetizers in her hand. Something to tide them over.  
Nesta blinked at the two females, unsure of what to say—what to do.
“I’ve never been to symphony before,” Nesta answered.
Sevenda set the bread in the middle of the table, and then raised a hand to her chest dramatically. “You’ll just adore it. Grand tales, handsome males, intriguing music all around. Perhaps, I’ll gather more of the staff and we’ll make a whole day of it.”
Nesta shook her head, waving her hands slightly. “You’re pretty busy, you don’t have to—”
“Nonsense, sweet girl,” She said, raising a hand to Nesta’s cheek. She could feel the warmth on her face. “Nobody would be too busy for you.”
Nesta smiled at that, a testament to how much she had changed that she’d allowed the touch and a triumph at how Nesta felt something other than nothing at all.
“I’ll be right back,” Sevenda noted chipperly. “Eat some bread.”
As the female left, Nesta didn’t want to look at the rest of the group, didn’t want to see how they would judge her, didn’t want to see if she cared or not. They’d meant to heal her. Did they think they were successful?
Cassian gazed down at her, his eyes uncommonly fond. All Nesta thought was that she was probably not embarrassing any longer.
She wondered if seeing her tolerated by others made him realize that she was tolerable.
Because, Nesta had not been tolerable to him this morning.
“You know, we can go to the symphony,” Cassian suggested, the apples of his cheeks blooming a dust of red. Nesta’s brows furrowed at the words. Her lips tilting down into an expression that might have been quizzical. "Some time... together I mean.”
Nesta looked at the others, but it seemed they were trying not to snicker, or they were too curious at what she would do. Rhysand tried to hide his smirk, Azriel held onto the bridge of his nose, Mor raised a brow as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, Amren took a sip of wine, rolling her eyes, and Feyre... well Feyre looked to her.
Say something, her eyes seemed to say.
But Nesta went to gaze at the people around her, happy and conversing at their own tables. The noise a rum drum lur of heartbeats and shouts and quiet whispers of some things she’d never be able to listen to even if she tried to read their lips.
This was... life, she thought. A cacophony of angry yells and laughter.
She’d almost forgotten what it sounded like...
But it wasn’t because of him that she could now recognize the notes. A song Nesta desperately wanted to hear. It wasn’t because of them at this table... and Nesta wondered what made Cassian suggest this. In front of his friends.
Did he think she would not easily reject him?
Didn’t he know she was a private person?
“Cassian, what’s my favorite color?”
He simply blinked, surprised by her words. She waited for his answer, but it never came.  
Nesta continued.
“What’s my favorite drink?” She asked.
Still Cassian said nothing.
“What time do I usually get up in the morning? It’s certainly not the time I’m forced to train with you.”
Cassian didn’t answer and instead of it making her angry, it just made her irrevocably sad.
“How about... my favorite book?”
“You’ve read so many how could you choose,” he said. Nesta huffed a laugh.
She’d read the same book for the past three months because she couldn’t stand to open a new one. There was something about the familiarity that comforted her and the thought of meeting new characters, entering new worlds scared her for reasons she was only beginning to understand. That book had been sitting in the living room every morning. Every night.
Nesta leaned forward, her cheek resting on her palm. The action made her breasts push up in her dress and she noticed the way his eyes lingered on them.
“No?” She asked, somberly, shaking her head. “How about the food I hate. The thing I’m most scared of.  Excited about... Nothing?”
Nesta waved her hand, her voice growing louder, “I mean I know you know how little I eat, how bad I fight, how much weight I’ve lost. You’re very good about reminding me. But do you know... where I even go in the evenings?”
She looked down wrinkling her nose as she huffed a laugh, “You know I get nightmares every night... you must hear them in that room above mine.” She pointed to Azriel. “He does. He asked me about them once. I think I told him some lie or another... but have you ever asked? Have you even asked how I’ve been doing? How I feel? You certainly didn’t ask whether I wanted to train with you but of course that was settled fairly quickly.”  
She took a deep breath, waiting for him to speak but he didn’t. Nesta fiddled with her napkin, unfolding it and then looked to the ceiling. She could see the dust float around the rounded lights.
“You know I hate to do this in front of your friends,” She lifted a hand in their direction, looking to Cassian once more. “I’m sure they have such high opinions of you. Their opinions of me, of course, are already very low. A bitch, I’m assuming is what I’ll be called today. Probably, to make your pride feel a little bit better. A little less wounded... Maybe they’ll believe it themselves too, because well,” Nesta shrugged, “the evidence is already there. It’s the nature of the circumstances I suppose.”
“It’s rather funny I think,” though Nesta didn’t laugh. “You don’t know anything about me. You want to go on a date?”
She lifted her hands up. Innocence personified. “I mean I’m assuming that what’s you meant by us going together to the symphony. We’re clearly not close enough to presume a casual friendly outing and everyone in this room and their mothers know we have some sort of history or they wouldn’t ask about it every time they see me or whisper it when they see us together.”
She smiled, her cheeks straining from the pull. “But for all that history... you know nothing about me. Instead, you have confused your emotions for ‘I’m sure she’s such a good fuck.’ Was it the boobs, the ass? The face maybe? I get that all the time.” Nesta gestured to the room around them, aware that she was making a scene, “Ask anyone of these males who’ve slept with me, I’m sure you’ll find one at any given moment...”
She clasped her hands together, crossing her legs as if she were holding a business meeting. Nesta raised a shoulder. “But at least they didn’t pretend. When they wanted to sleep with me, well... they just said they wanted to sleep with me. Unfortunately, if that’s what you want, you’ll have to buy me a drink first because I’ll have to be much drunker than this.”
Nesta leaned back in her seat. She couldn’t stop fidgeting, like the adrenaline had made her want to fight. She inhaled audibly, a low sound, exhaling lightly.
Cassian looked ashamed.
She tilted her head at that expression, feeling much calmer already.
“Look. As much I hate to admit this, a strict routine has done me some good. Maybe that’s why I can speak these words so truthfully,” Nesta said, her voice casual. “But do not ever think I have forgotten that I am as much a prisoner in my own body that I am in the House of Wind. I have little choice in anything regarding my life, even before this war. But this... I can choose this.”
Nesta refused to look at the rest of them as she lifted a hand to her neck, rubbing the muscle, suddenly tired and achy. “Not only have you bombarded my life in ways I didn’t expect nor ask for, you consistently touch me without my permission, get into my space when I am uncomfortable, push me when I am irritated. Why would I want to go out with you—A male who does not respect me?”
“I hope you didn’t think that me healing or whatever you called it,” She gestured away, “meant we’d be together... Time has already changed, unfortunately. Without us knowing it has slipped us by. Drifted right through our fingers...” She took a breath, staring at the lights on the ceiling. “We’re different people now...”
Nesta looked him straight in the eyes. Willed him to listen to her, really listen. “I won’t wait 500 years for you. I want more.” She shrugged, the light of Cassian’s eyes dimming. “I want better.”
She picked up her things, piling the plates and cup on top of each other. Making sure the napkin was neatly folded. Nesta swallowed, the heaviness setting in. She peered up at Cassian, his hair wild, stray pieces falling out from the leather band. His eyes bright and a hollow amber. “I want you to know that it isn’t because you’re a bastard. I’m sure you’ll think that when you go over this conversation later. But I’m not rejecting you because you’re a bastard... It’s because you’re an asshole.”
Nesta stood up to leave, but Cassian grabbed her hand. She peered down at him. He’d always been taller than her. It seemed odd to see him so small.
“What about me? You don’t know anything about me either.”
Nesta laughed, a small, short sound. “Your favorite color is red.”
Mor’s favorite color, too.
“Your favorite food? Stew, because it reminds you of Illyria. You’re scared of thunder, because it makes you think of your wings being shredded, or at least that’s what you told Azriel when you didn’t think I was paying attention. You like to drink whiskey when something bad happens, but rum when you're celebrating, and you have nightmares too. I suspect they’re probably the same as mine.”
She smiled at him, a melancholic tilt of her lips for those bittersweet memories—for those bittersweet dreams. Cassian looked dejected and she wanted to smooth away the lines with her fingers, but she’d been hurt for far too long from far too many people who’d promised they protect her, so Nesta clenched her fists instead.
“I’m glad we had this chat today.” She looked around the table, grimacing as she tried to smile. The others looked to her as if they were seeing her for the first time. This girl who’d calmy told the commander to go fuck himself. “Please don’t invite me to anymore of these.”
And with that Nesta left, nodding a farewell to Sevenda, coming out with a large tray of food. Two minutes and she was already making her way out the door.  
You know these really make me feel better about everything I have to process. But I am so tired, because I can’t sleep waiting for this book. So is this fic good? I don’t know. I can barely read it through.  
But I keep ranting, like everyday. 
So, one rant=one mini fic 
lol so now I have to go write the Nesta sticks up for Cassian fic (which is different than I think you’ll think it is) My work performance is really going to go down this week. But at least this one is uwu status (i.e. fluff--mostly)
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levihantrash · 3 years
Shitty Comics and Their Shitty Artists
Levi’s pragmatism pulled the brakes. “I’m not about to dedicate my life to become a broke comic artist.”
Levi Ackerman, a gruff cleaner with an appetite for toilet humour meets the unabashedly friendly creative writing professor, Hange Zoë, who somehow ropes Levi into working on a comic with them. While the comic’s title remains undecided, Hange knows that it’s going to be set in a world where giant, human-like creatures devour other humans. Erwin Smith, the comic’s self-appointed editor, unironically thinks it’s going to be a hit. All Levi knows is that he wants to indulge in drawing this comic while hanging out with a certain writer who just won’t stop talking to him.
Where Hange, Levi, and Erwin are the creators of Attack on Titan.
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Chapter 1:
“The sweets are really good here, huh?” A kind, bespectacled face appeared beside him, peering at the bulging of his shirt.
Levi had stolen from the pantry plenty of times. He had never gotten caught, so his gradual boldness could have been the problem. He had seen Mikasa, his younger sister, whenever she passed by the snacks section in the grocery store. Her gaping mouth at the sight of the colourful assortment of sweets was enough to let him know.
“I just like looking!” Mikasa said hastily. He hadn’t said anything either.
To be caught now, when he had overheard a staff member mentioning that most of the professors would be taking their leave during the summer break, was just his bad, bad luck. Objectively, he was risking his month-old job, but stealing from the pantry was much less risky than stealing from the grocery store. He began doing it weekly. Every Monday, right before the professors came streaming in, he would take a quick survey of his surroundings, and snatch two chocolate bars, sometimes a banana—only a handful. He would glance at the security camera hanging in the corner, willing it to catch him. Nobody would be petty enough to arrest a cleaner for swiping staff snacks in the pantry, right?
Levi stared back at the unfamiliar person. He recognised most of the staff by now. Only the English Literature professor, Erwin Smith, would greet him in the mornings.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Hange Zoë, the new creative writing professor. Nice to meet you!” They extended out a hand, which he felt obliged to shake, albeit warily. The hand was sweaty, and the handshake, vigorous.
“I was setting up my table and I wanted to meet everyone. Turns out most of them are on vacation,” Hange said absent-mindedly, scratching their head. The two buttons of their shirt had been mixed up, scrunching up the dress shirt's already lopsided collar. Levi resisted the urge to rebutton it for them. Today was not the day to scare off what seemed to be a genuinely welcoming person. Hange, on the other hand, found the firm handshake hilarious. What made this person so uptight?
Hange, realising that he wasn’t saying anything, breezily went, “what’s your name?”
“Levi,” he said, pushing his hands back into his pockets.
“You don’t prefer Dr. Levi?” Hange asked curiously.
“I’m not a professor. Just the cleaner,” Levi said shortly.
“Oh? Is that why you’re so secretive about the snacks?” Hange teased him, much to his chagrin.
“You rich profs have enough to eat,” Levi spat out.
Hange didn’t even blink, nodding calmly, “you’re right, it’s certainly good to make full use of the school’s resources.” Levi, sensitive to any hint of condescension, found none, though not regretting his overdose of sarcasm.
“Also,” Hange added, “I’m not going to tell anyone, I promise! So could you not look like you want to kill me and leave my dead body in the cleaning closet?”
Levi scoffed, relaxing the fists that had formed naturally by his side.
“Do you like bread?” Hange asked suddenly, scanning him for signs of the affirmative. He shrugged.
“I passed by a bakery this morning and it had the most delicious smell,” they sighed, “I was running late so I couldn’t get anything.”
“It seems like you’re kind of a mess.”
Hange laughed—this person could literally laugh at everything, Levi thought. They lifted their shoulders with their arms in the air, in a manner of “I was born like this, what do you want me to do?”
As the conversation subsided, Hange saw Levi’s eyes dart towards the neglected mop and bucket, finding it oddly endearing.
“Well then! I won’t disturb you any longer!” Hange announced. Levi wanted to tell them that they weren’t disturbing him at all, before stopping himself. His initial plan was to escape from useless small talk. Uttering such absurdity would be counterintuitive.
“Since you’re here,” Hange grabbed the last few packets of chips in the basket and stuffed them into his gigantic apron pockets, “you might as well take the rest!”
“Are you pitying me?”
“Those snacks aren’t for you,” Hange merely said cheerfully, before tentatively asking, “or am I wrong?”
“Don’t expect any favours,” Levi said begrudgingly.
He looked awkwardly at the distracted professor, who had chosen to open a chocolate bar themselves.
“Thanks…” he said, and Hange only grins, bits of chocolate and almond stuck to their teeth.
Routine, that’s how it all began. Levi and Hange were seeing each other every day. In each encounter, Hange would tug out a new bread or pastry from the depths of a green, bottomless leather bag that they carried around everywhere.
Initially, Levi felt offended. “You think I can’t afford bread?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
Hange’s eyes widened, “of course not! I want to share the joy of this bread, if you remember that bakery I was craving for,” they poked at the loaf, leaving a small dent in the middle.
With their hand still extended out, Hange scoured for words, “and you look like someone who doesn’t often indulge in little joys.”
“I didn’t ask you to psychoanalyze me.” Levi grabbed the bread, tore it into two, and pushed one entire piece into his mouth. A muffled word of thanks came out. The other half was planted back onto Hange’s palm.
“You said you wanted to share, didn’t you?”
Hange glowed in acknowledgement. They stuffed the warm bread into their mouth, cheeks full, incoherently raving about its texture. The sight of Levi chewing the bread contentedly after unexpectedly cramming it into his mouth; Hange wanted to preserve it, to immortalise this tentative pleasure. If fresh bread was what it took to achieve that, it was perfectly doable.
Levi saw it as what it was. An offering. There was really no reason to reject free bread, and if this were Hange’s version of bribery, it was innocent enough.
“Why don’t I get bread?” Erwin asked Hange, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Levi’s nose wrinkled at the overly strong aroma.
“Sorry Erwin!” Hange patted him on the back, not sounding apologetic at all, “I only have money for one friend and since Levi is my first friend here, it’s only fair, don’t you think?”
“Certainly,” Erwin said, sipping on his black coffee, eyeing a certain stony-faced individual’s violent coughing at Hange’s mention of “friend.”
“What?” Levi asked, clearing his throat one more time.
“Good day to you both,” Erwin said, sweeping past Levi to return to his desk.
Following the end of summer break, Hange became relatively friendly with their colleagues in the staffroom, who had never greeted Levi. Unbothered by the lack of formalities, Levi found himself getting along best with living things that discarded general rules of propriety. Like children, animals… and Hange. Still, when Levi trailed back to the staffroom, wet mop in hand, he found himself at a hearing distance behind Hange’s conversation with a group of colleagues.
Hange got to the point, smiling sweetly. “Why do you all pretend Levi doesn’t exist?”
There were awkward, feeble words of justification. Something about Levi being too scary. Something about Levi not greeting them first. Hange listened, eyebrows furrowing.
“You could at least say hi, right? He doesn’t bite,” Hange said coolly. Their colleagues felt the faintest chill up their spine. Levi sloshed the mop onto the floor, making his presence known. Hange barely flinched, as though expectant of his company.
“Are you talking about me behind my back?”
Hange slung an arm around Levi’s shoulders and whispered, “no, I’m telling everyone right now that you don’t get enough sleep and that’s why you’re glaring at everyone.”
Levi elbowed them away. “Who cares what people think?”
Unwrapping the bread Hange gave him, he took one significant, large bite while everyone squirmed in silence. Hange, strangely amused by the scene playing out before them, ushered Levi towards Erwin’s cubicle.
“Levi! What are your plans for today?”
Hange clapped their hands together, “I invite you to have lunch with me and Erwin!”
“Why should I go?” Levi said, not unkindly.
“Why not?” Levi couldn’t give a good reason. Hange, latching on to Levi’s lack of refusal, took the mop away from his hands.
“You can finish cleaning later. Everyone has to eat, right?”
“Not you, apparently,” Levi muttered, remembering how Hange had straight-up not left their desk for a whole ten hours—the sun shining on their sleep deprivation at dawn until the desktop screen illuminated their exhaustion at dusk.
“That was one deadline, Levi.”
“Sure.” Regardless, he wasn’t about to decline Hange. Somehow, Hange had grown attached to Erwin, and had endless discussions with him. Conversations about writing, mostly. He didn’t participate much outside of jabbing at Hange’s ribs when the volume of their voice went over the publicly acceptable range. Otherwise, he would be shooting glares at Erwin whenever he tried to probe into Levi’s personal life. Erwin had an intensity that was difficult, near impossible to ignore.
Incidentally, the topic of comics cropped up.
Hange picked up on the rare tonal shift of Levi’s voice, studying him. Erwin’s fork elegantly pierced a French fry, the screech of the fork’s contact with the plate prompting Levi to speak over it. He was positive that Erwin was trying to get him to talk. On purpose.
“Yes, I like them,” Levi conceded, draining the tea from his cup.
“I learn something new about you every day!” Hange exclaimed, as Levi gripped the edge of the cup harder.
Seemingly catching on to Levi’s discomfort, Erwin asked Hange for recommendations, telling them how he had never read any comics.
“How predictable of a literature professor,” Hange said, sitting up straighter to mock the poise of a scholar, glasses perched at the tip of their nose for the intended effect.
“You look like a fart with a stick up their ass,” Levi commented, leaving Hange howling. Erwin, the consistent gentleman, remained at ease with these disparaging jokes.
While Hange listed out their favourite comics, Levi noted that none of their top choices was marginally close to any of his preferences: in genre, in plot, and in art style.
“I like horror.”
“I don’t,” Levi countered. Hange grinned wider.
“Well, you’re scary enough as you are,” Hange considered, taking in his aloof disposition and the way he sat stiffly on the chair. Nonchalant, and could possibly decimate you.
“Look,” Hange said, thrusting an open book into Levi’s hands. “This comic is so good. It keeps me up at night.”
Levi leafed through the pages, absorbed by the clean black and white lines. That was, until he flipped a page and winced at the image of empty eye sockets, gouged out, spurting inked blood.
“You don’t like blood,” Hange said this matter-of-factly, promptly closing the book.
“I don’t like unnecessary death.”
“How do you know those deaths were unnecessary?” Erwin asked, pushing back his blonde hair in an effortlessly charismatic manner.
Levi could picture it. Erwin, a fearless leader, bringing people to greater heights.
Hange had less noble thoughts. Erwin was definitely the protagonist in a teen movie who looked older than high school age and was starring as a blonde jock whose embarrassingly lacklustre coming-of-age arc was spurred by a shy, beautiful nerd. For good reason, Hange kept their mouth shut.
“I don’t,” Levi answered, “but is any death really necessary?”
Erwin smiled, “perhaps not.” The seed of doubt grew in Levi.
Hange leaned forward across the table towards Levi, a hand covering one side of their smirking face.
“Erwin’s a lot more calculative than you think.”
Levi swatted away Hange’s strands of hair tickling his cheek, “I know,” he said half-heartedly, not wishing to contemplate the extent of its truthfulness.
Carving the last piece of meat on his plate into two, Erwin shrugged.
“So, you would say that some deaths are necessary?” Levi asked. The question blurted out on its own, slicing through the amicable atmosphere like a stray bullet. For some reason, he wanted a proper answer. Hange was busy flipping through the same horror comic book, their eyes trained on the page.
“Do you like bugs, Levi?” Erwin asked.
Levi visibly scowled. “No.”
Erwin’s fork scraped the plate insistently.  “Do you kill them?”
Erwin’s collectedness seemed impenetrable. “Would you say their deaths are necessary?”
“Necessary enough as a cleaner.”
“There, you have your answer,” Erwin said, with finality.
“I’m talking about human lives, not some insects,” Levi said, frustrated.
“Some lives matter more than others, am I right?”
“Yeah…” Levi said, struggling to grasp Erwin’s logic.
“It’s the same for us,” Erwin said cryptically.
Hange stood up, snapping the book shut. “Shit, I have to teach a class in ten!” Levi naturally stood up as well. Erwin gave a friendly wave, undeterred by the abruptness of their departure.
“See you, Erwin!” Hange called out, rushing back to the staffroom.
“Why does Erwin have to be so ambiguous?” Levi griped.
“You’re not very telling, yourself,” Hange said blithely, grabbing their laptop before marching out of the door.
Armed with constant smiles and warm words, Levi would classify Hange as someone just as enigmatic. Their discussions about writing were arguably personal, but they weren’t exactly close to the heart.
The two people Levi was becoming acquainted with in the past few weeks were a slate full of words in a language he understood, but couldn’t decipher. For the rest of the day, he compromised on these doubts by making sure the windows had not a speck of dust on them. Every moving insect was stamped out under his supervision. He thought about Erwin’s words, turning them over and over in his head. He thought about Hange’s nonchalance towards Erwin’s questions.
After locking up his cleaning supplies, Levi peeled the sweaty gloves off his arms, untying the bandana on his head that kept his long fringe away, and removed his apron. Hearing a friendly shout in the otherwise deserted school building, he caught Hange coming to a stop behind him.
“You’re still here,” he said, frowning.
“Had a lot of work,” they said, armed with this reasoning every day.
“Were you listening during lunch?”
“Hmm, kind of,” Hange stated obliquely, “you know how literature people are.”
Levi was bewildered, his passive expression cracking slightly. “I don’t. As you might have realised, I don’t talk to a lot of people.”
“Literature people,” Hange rubbed their chin, eyes looking upwards in deep thought, “enjoy discussing morality in a mostly abstract, hypothetical way.”
“That’s annoying.”
Hange fell in step with Levi, who was headed to the exit, “Erwin’s one of the better ones. He’s pragmatic, and he’s not just all talk.”
“Yeah, so what’s his grand plan…” Levi said, finding the right words, “for humanity?”
“He wants to create a comic.”
Levi blinked.
“Huh? What does that have to do with morality?”
Hange looked unperturbed by Levi’s confusion, as though it were commonplace for them to defend the importance of the comic genre.
“Think of texts as a philosophical question waiting to be answered. And the questions of morality being narrativized makes their conclusions more believable. More influential. Erwin has a vision for comics to be the source of truth.”
“What truth?”
Hange grinned, “if we knew, would we need to write the comic?”
“You talk like it’s more revolutionary than it actually is…” Levi said, pushing open the door to step out of the school building.
“A comic can be life-changing,” Hange mused, admiring how the sunset decorated everything in watercolour splashes of orange and pink; a distinct nostalgic hue.
Levi remembered that Hange was, after all, a creative writing professor. “Yeah, you would say that.”
“It’s not because I’m a creative writing professor!” Hange said, impassioned. He gave them a dry look.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Besides, Erwin wants to be the editor of the comic that I am writing,” Hange said proudly.
Levi felt that his head might explode. “Since when were you writing a comic?”
“Since last week!” Hange said, remarkably animated.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Isn’t that what friends are for? To share things with?” Hange asked, hopeful.
That word—Levi figured that that was what they were by now. Friends. He didn’t hate the sound of it.
“You’re not going to ask what it’s about?”
“You’ll tell me if I just waited.”
“You’re right! But you see,” Hange exhaled, shaking their head despondently, “my problem is that I don’t have someone who can draw out my writing.” Levi’s hands twitched. He interlocked them into a prayer, hoping Hange didn’t notice.
“Why not just write a novel?”
Hange was unconvinced, “I’m tired of just the written word, Levi! The versatility and multimodal form of the comic are incomparable to a novel!”
Levi had to agree. “Have you been trying to find artists?”
“Yes, but none of them seemed very keen on drawing the story,” Hange said, recalling the number of people who became increasingly disconcerted upon hearing the gist of the story.
“So, what’s the story?” Levi asked.
Hange was hesitant. Levi waited.
“It’s horror, isn’t it?”
“The premise includes giant naked human beings running around eating people,” Hange said. Levi grimaced. They expected this, but it didn’t make their disappointment at his very reasonable reaction any less jarring.
“It also has a lot of blood,” Hange said. Sensing that they were one sentence away from diving into a world-building sermon, they paused.
“Do you want to hear more?”
“Maybe tomorrow,” Levi said honestly. It had been a long day.
“Of course! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Hange said, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.
“I’ll see you,” Levi said belatedly. Hange was already brisk walking towards the crowded street.
Instinctively, he called out, “Four-eyes!”
Turning back, Hange stood where they were, surprised.
“Tell me the story tomorrow.”
A gradual look of appreciation spread across Hange’s face, as their eyes arched downwards into thin curves.
“Thank you, Levi!”
Levi sidestepped Hange’s thanks with a disgruntled “tch. Whatever.”
I finally did it! I posted the first chap of the fic I've been working on for the past month *_* if you read till here... thank you!!! hearing your thoughts/comments would be nice heheh
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senacal · 4 years
Hello! Could you do a jealous! Erik Lensherr x Reader. Theyre both professors and all btw. Thanks!
Request: Requested by a lovely Anon 💕
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Hello! Could you do a jealous!Erik Lensherr x Reader. They’re both professors and all btw. Thanks!
Warnings: Misunderstandings, jealousy 
Abbreviations: (Y/F/N)- your full name, (Y/N)- your name
Author’s Note: 😬 Sorry this took so long to get out, I had a little bit of writer’s block and of course my dear friend, no motivation. The reader is gender-neutral cause I wasn’t sure what was wanted.
As always, Requests Are Open!
(Not my Gif)
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(Y/F/N) loved their job. They couldn’t explain what had convinced them to teach at Charles Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters; perhaps it was Charles Xavier himself, or more likely, the student’s enthusiasm to learn from them. (Y/N) never expected to be a teacher, considering their high school and college experiences weren’t the most exciting or thrilling. They were almost convinced Teachers hated them, which is why it was ironic that they had become a teacher. 
It was a year after (Y/N) had begun teaching that they had met Erik Lehnsherr. He was… different. Not in a bad way, but he was closed off. And he only ever talked to Charles, Raven, and occasionally Hank. For a month, (Y/N) thought he didn’t speak. There was nothing wrong with that either; a few of their students preferred to remain mute, and some students preferred to use Sign Language over speaking to communicate with (Y/N). So, if Erik was mute, it wasn’t an issue. (Y/N) wanted to get to know him better. Which was why they had attempted to be Erik’s friend.
Whenever Erik would enter a room, (Y/N) would casually make their way to him and make small talk. Most of the time they were met with silence. (Y/N) could have sworn Erik smiled the last time they talked to him, so they knew they were getting somewhere. Soon enough, Erik would start responding to them, small-short answers at first, but it was still something. (Y/N) even asked him if they were bugging him when the short answers continued. (He said no, but (Y/N) wasn’t so sure). Sometimes they wished they were an empath so they could get a read on Erik’s feelings, but alas, they were only able to heal an object’s physical wounds. But it was okay because they were a valued member of the team and Charles, Raven, and Hank loved them for them. 
(Y/N) was almost worried Erik would never open up to them, but as soon as he joined the staff of Charles Xavier’s school, (Y/N) noticed Erik lingering near their classroom. It was almost as if he was seeking them out. (Y/N)’s heart fluttered in giddiness at the mere thought. Whenever they saw Erik in the halls, Erik would greet them with a hello and a kind smile. It was the best part of their day. 
It got to the point where (Y/N) would expect to see Erik before they both went to their respective classes, (Y/N) to anatomy, and Erik to physics. This was why they found it disappointing that Erik was nowhere to be found. They wouldn’t have been too worried because even mutants got the flu and needed a vacation, but it was now the fourth day that (Y/N) hadn’t seen Erik and it was very concerning. Did something happen? Did Erik get hurt? Was he seriously ill? Did he leave again? Did he just not want to see (Y/N)? (Y/N) couldn’t stop their mind from jumping to conclusions. It even distracted them from their teaching, so they would often dismiss their class early. Why waste their’s and their student’s time if they couldn’t concentrate? In fact, with the constant short classes, (Y/N) shouldn’t have been surprised to see Charles stroll into their classroom. 
“(Y/N), may I speak with you?” Charles asked once it was apparent that (Y/N) was too wrapped up in their thoughts to notice Charles.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry Charles, I’m just a bit distracted, what’s up?” They asked. (Y/N) sat at their desk hoping the steady position will get them to focus on Charles.
“It’s come to my attention that you’ve been letting the students out of class early the past few days, is anything the matter?” Charles asked. 
“Oh, uh, no, I just, I’ve been distracted lately is all,” (Y/N)’s cheeks flushed in shame. They couldn’t let this issue affect their job any more than it already has.
“Distracted… by anything in particular?” He moved his wheelchair closer to (Y/N).
(Y/N) shifted so they could face Charles, “Is Erik okay?”
Charles raised his brows, “Why wouldn’t he be?” 
“No reason, I just haven’t seen him is all, I was concerned,” (Y/N) shrugged. Maybe Erik really was avoiding them.
“He’s fine. I mean he was acting odd around me as well, but he said he was distracted. Seems to be a lot of that going on around here these days,” Charles nudged (Y/N)’s hand with a teasing smile.
(Y/N) huffed a small laugh, “I suppose I’m not the only one,” they drummed their fingers on their lap, “Don’t laugh, but I think Erik might be avoiding me and I’m kind of afraid that it might actually be true.”
“I won’t laugh at that, but Erik is a complex person. Sometimes he feels the need to isolate himself when he’s troubled, that could be why he’s been staying away,” Charles shrugged.
Charles had a point, Erik didn’t seem the type to confide in someone if something was troubling him. 
Charles grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, “I hope everything works itself out, can’t have my best teacher struggling.”
(Y/N) smiled gratefully at Charles’s blatant concern. He was their best friend and they knew he was merely concerned for them. Before they could respond with reassurance, however, Erik stepped into the classroom.
“Oh, sorry, I- sorry,” Erik ran his hand through his hair, “Can I ask,” He pointed from Charles to (Y/N) “are you… do you two- Anything happening here?” 
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed at the question, “anything like what?”
Charles snorted with laughter next to them. He waved his hand as if to apologize but the laughter bubbling from his lips made it hard to believe. “What?” (Y/N) frowned.
Charles dropped (Y/N)’s hand and huffed softly, “Nothing, darling. Erik, a word if  you please?” Charles maneuvered his wheelchair outside of (Y/N)’s classroom. 
(Y/N) watched as Erik walked out after Charles with a look of confusion. Was there something they weren’t getting?
Erik has had a rough couple of days. Before, Erik would usually brush off any inconvenience and continue with his day. But ever since he met (Y/N) it’s been a little more difficult to ignore the problem at hand. And that problem came in the form of one Charles Xavier. Erik knew someone as wonderful as (Y/N) had to be taken, but taken by Charles? Not that Charles wasn’t a good person, he was the best person Erik knew, he just really hated that of all people, (Y/N) was dating Charles; his best friend.  
When Erik first met (Y/N) he knew there was something special about them, and not just because of their power. No, (Y/N) was the most caring, funny, and charming person he has ever had the pleasure of meeting. They always made sure to include Erik when he first arrived, and they made sure that he wasn’t feeling neglected. These small acts of kindness were enough to make Erik fall for them. But again, (Y/N) was with Charles. 
At first, Erik thought he could ignore his feelings and simply brush them aside. But that was easier said than done. (Y/N) was always on his mind. Whenever he was in class, in the danger room, driving. There was no escaping (Y/N). So, Erik accepted his fate and became their friend; Only now he’d see Charles around more often, and he’d feel guilty for even fantasizing about (Y/N). Erik was living in hell.
The other day, Erik had the intention of telling Charles how he felt about (Y/N). When he walked into the living room, both (Y/N) and Charles were sat by the fireplace, talking and laughing. He realized he couldn’t get in the way of their relationship. He couldn’t leave again though, it didn’t sit well with him. Instead, Erik chose to avoid both Charles and (Y/N). Whenever he would see (Y/N), he’d turn the other way and pretend like they weren’t there. He altered his route so he wouldn’t run the risk of running into them. When he saw Charles, Erik would find a way out of the conversation and avoid him as well. 
This had been going on for a week now. But even avoiding (Y/N) was like torture; he missed them. He wanted to see them smile when he said hello; he wanted to see them laugh when he told a joke. He missed them. So he went to find them. But when he did, they were with Charles. He didn’t know why he felt so disappointed. He had foolishly hoped to get some alone time with (Y/N). 
It got to the point where Erik had finally asked if (Y/N) and Charles were in fact in a relationship; It sure seemed like it. He shifted nervously in place, avoiding Charles’s eyes. He wished he was using his helmet right now. 
“Erik, tell me, do you like (Y/N)?” Charles asked casually.
“What would make you think that?” He mumbled.
“Oh, I don’t know, perhaps it’s the disappearing act you seem to pull whenever we’re together or the fact that you haven’t spoken to me or them in days?” Charles raised his brows accusingly. He obviously wasn’t as in the dark as Erik had hoped.
“Maybe I just don’t like talking to you?” Erik shrugged.
Charles rolled his eyes, “Please if that were true I’d have known long ago.”
Erik ran his hand through his hair, “What if I did? There’s no chance for me, I know that. And I would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship.”
Charles smiled, “Well, I’m glad to hear that, but there is something you should know. (Y/N) and I aren’t together.”
Erik frowned, “Did you two break up?”
Charles chuckled, “No, you git, we were never together. We’re just friends. I promise. And if it helps, I’m pretty sure they like you too.”
“Really?” Erik grinned. It seemed he could only string together unintelligent answers now that he knew (Y/N) was single.
“Would I lie to you?” At Erik’s look, Charles rolled his eyes, “When it counts?”
“No, I suppose not,” Erik cleared his throat and finally met Charles’s eyes, “Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I should talk to,” He pointed to (Y/N)’s classroom door behind him with his thumb.
“Definitely. I’d wish you luck, but I am positive this will go well for you both,” Charles winked and left Erik to talk to (Y/N).
Erik took a deep breath and re-entered the classroom.
(Y/N) looked up from fiddling with their fingers when he walked in. They smiled when they saw it was him. It was a pleasant surprise. They had expected Charles to come in. “Erik, it’s been a minute.”
Erik shrugged, “Yeah, I wanted to apologize for that. I uh, may I sit?” He motioned to the seat near their desk.
(Y/N) nodded seeming eager.
Erik pulled the chair closer to (Y/N) and took a seat. “First off, I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn’t have been avoiding you.”
“So you were avoiding me?” (Y/N) asked. 
“Yes, but not because I don’t like you,” Erik rushed when he noticed the disappointed look on their face, “I like you a lot actually. That’s why I’ve been avoiding you.”
“That makes absolutely no sense.” (Y/N) crossed their arms over their chest, “You don’t avoid people you claim to like.”
“That’s a good point, but in my defense, I thought you were dating my best friend.” He drummed his fingers on his thighs, “I know it seems stupid now. I feel stupid, but it only seemed logical at the time.”
(Y/N) smiled and shifted closer to Erik so their knees were touching, “You were jealous of Charles?” 
“I know, I know. I’m an idiot, but you had to see how close you two are,” Erik defended.
(Y/N) laughed but nodded in agreement, “Okay, I forgive you.” They took Erik’s fidgeting hands into their own, “And if it helps, I like you too.”
Erik beamed, “It does.”
“Good,” (Y/N) let go of one hand and laced their fingers together with the hand they still held, “Now, ask me on a date so we can stop being idiots.”
Erik laughed happily, “very well. (Y/N), would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Erik, this is so sudden,” (Y/N) teased.
Erik rolled his eyes fondly, “Yeah, only took me a couple of months to get the courage to ask you out.”
(Y/N) bit their lip, “I’d love to go out Erik.” They leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Erik’s cheek. 
“It’s about damn time,” Charles’s voice echoed in both mutant’s minds. 
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