#sometimes i ramble about emmerdale
lemonlyman-dotcom · 2 months
j, m, o and z please Lemon
Thank you D!! I forgot I queued that post 🤭
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
SO MANY!!!!! Oh my gosh. Umm Captive Prince?? Still have no idea what that is. Emmerdale? To be totally honest I’ve been very surprised by the amount of people who are very passionate Taylor Swift fans 😘
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Marjan Marwani!!!
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
A song about a dreamer who’s searching for roses in a city that’s been paved over? Who runs away because the place he’s in isn’t good for him anymore… hmm TK Strand!!
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Okay! In light of today’s interview with Brian Michael Smith I shall ramble about Paul. I am hoping he gets some really good plots in season 5! I’m so excited to see how his friendship with Marjan is challenged, and ultimately made stronger! I’m excited to see how things develop with Asha, and how she fits into the story. Brian said she’s become a support system for Paul, does that affect his friendships in any way?
Also I really want to see his mom and sister again! I headcanon that Naomi visits sometimes and she’s obsessed with Tarlos and looks up to Marjan and Nancy like big sisters and they take her bowling and to Marjan’s roller derby matches and out to shows and stuff. And I want to learn more about his father and what his relationship with him was like and how his passing away young affected Paul.
Just! Give me all the Paul content!
Also!!!!! I need need NEED to see Paul get his revenge on Carlos for Puddinggate. That better be who is on the other line in this bts photo, I am so serious. @guardian-angle22 are you with me?
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Fandom ask game
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It sucks so much to lose one of your comfort characters so I'm really sorry about Mick :(. As someone who tends to get attached to only one or two characters per show and only really continues watching the show for those characters, I live in constant fear of them leaving lol
Aw, thanks. I do appreciate the condolences. Funny thing is he's not even my favourite, but he's just important to me and has been a comfort character of mine for a while now. His CSA story resonated with me a lot and meant a lot to me (I really do at least recommend looking up some clips, for those who haven't seen it - it's not an easy watch, but it was really well done). So him leaving was quite upsetting. I guess at least it wasn't as bad an ending as Harriet got on Emmerdale - I'll forever be angry about Harriet. (Plus Danny Dyer chose to leave, Katherine Dow Blyton was axed.)
I get how you feel, because I was the same with Holby and Henrik (well, actually, I would probably have kept watching for Jac if Henrik had left, but my point still stands), and Emmerdale and Harriet. Obviously I ended up not having to worry about Henrik leaving Holby because it got cancelled first. (And honestly, I had long since stopped being upset about losing Henrik by the time the finale aired - I was more bothered about losing the likes of Jac and Eli. Henrik had been massively, irreparably damaged by the writing, which also crossed over into massively and irreparably damaging characters like Sahira, so... yeah. Sometimes I think Guy Henry had the right idea when he initially planned to leave after the Fredrik storyline. I'm not sure they should ever have brought Henrik back at all, even. I'm rambling now, I'll get into this more in another post or something.) And I'll keep watching EastEnders (well, watching it on and off, admittedly, but I've always done that) now that Mick's gone, because there are plenty of other characters whose stories I want to see play out.
Emmerdale, though... yeah, I'm done with that. I really only ever watched for Harriet (and even then, also kept watching on and off, mostly because Harriet kept being absent for months at a time), so no point now.
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saras-almanac · 7 years
What’s so frustrating to me is that there are kernels of good storytelling in Emmerdale currently but they either don’t trust themselves to write it, trust their audience to wait a little for it to happen naturally, or care to actually make it make sense within the narrative and the characters they’ve created. 
So Rebecca... it would be a lot easier to understand that she’s acting completely unlike herself if she, I don’t know, actually had a personality post ONS? Honestly, she came to the village as one person and over time she just changed to be whatever the narrative needed her to be. The problem with that is that she always feels out of character to me. As heartless as it might sound, this trend of Rebecca not caring for her son doesn’t feel as out of character as the show probably means it to be because to me her lack of character leading up to all this made it seem like she was having this baby out of spite for Robert and Chrissie. Of course, the show didn’t play that way, but like, they also didn’t really give Rebecca a voice post her demanding that she’s going to keep the baby because Robert wants her to terminate it. So in all honesty, this lack of care for Seb could just be her actual feelings manifesting because when you don’t want a baby 100% (*cough*Chas/Paddy*cough*), there’s probably going to be some resentment there. 
Of course, this is just one interpretation, but it’s something that could have easily been fixed if the show actually just allowed Rebecca to be a person instead of a plot womb. Everything still could have happened, but there could have been some comments on how Rebecca wasn’t a vicitm in this ONS. Let her own that a bit; the show completely forgets that she chased both before and after the ONS so like... where did her personality go? I’m just going to need more than Vic saying that things are bad and she’s not acting like herself for me to care more about what’s happening to Rebecca. 
Onto the Chas pregnancy thing... It’s so insulting that people have taken the stance to just “give it a go” because this will eventually be a baby? My thoughts are if you’re not 100% excited and sure of your decision to raise a child, then it has to be a no. All this talk of not wanting Chas to make a decision she’ll end up regretting. Not to be crass, but she could have a child after this even if she has an abortion now. The only decision she can’t undo is to actually have the child and decide she didn’t really want to raise it. On top of all that, Chas’s reasonsings for not wanting a baby stem from the fact that she messed Aaron up and doesn’t want to do that again. Why did we need this? She already had really good and valid reasons for not having a baby?? But those are not good enough because their selfish, apparently? It feels like we’ve been getting more of Paddy’s POV on why he wants a baby and not enough on Chas. 
It’s also incredibly rude and insulting that ED seems to think that the only way you can really have a bond with a child is through blood. 
Priya... I’m actually interested in where this situation is going. I can’t, in good faith, believe that ED is actually going to give us a child-abusing Priya because that’s really not something to mess around with. So I’m assuming that it’s not going to happen because I will be furious. 
But Priya’s had a bit of a rough time and all this pressure was bound to come crashing down on her eventually--welcome to the wonderful world of having anxiety my friend. Ever since her husband left, Priya has been trying to keep it all together and then she started an affair with Pete behind Leyla’s back (I’m still not sure why this was the route they went cause it came out of nowhere). Her break-down has been a long time coming in a sense. It’d be nice to see her and Robert maintaining that friendship they built the other week because if anyone knows what it feels like to hit rock bottom, my boy Rob does. 
Now the Laurel and Bob thing... I guess I get it? On one hand at least, but it feels incredibly out of character that Laurel would have slept with Bob to begin with and then is sneaking around Brenda’s back about it. 
That’s the thing with Emmerdale: they rely on cheating plots constantly because that’s Interesting and Fun and Sexy and Drama...but there are other ways to get there? The reason that Robert and Aaron worked so well as an affair storyline was because it was completely unexpected and they have such chemistry together. It doesn’t hurt that it all came crashing down around them when it all came out. 
Now, we have a BUNCH of cheating storylines (Moira and Cain while Cain was with Harriet, Leyla and David while David’s with Tracy, Laurel and Bob while Bob’s with Brenda). Those are just the ones from the past two months. 
Cain’s worked for me because of the emotional weight between him and Moria and then how it all came out to Harriet and she was allowed to feel whatever she was feeling. David’s doesn’t work because he’s an asshole who’s hiding it from his wife and then had the fucking gall to be an asshole to her for her past--from before she even knew him--while pretending like he’s husband of the year. While Tracy’s storyline lately was really good and well-acted, it lost so much of the punch because the entire time I’m like, David’s a dick girl, get out!
Now...Bob and Laurel don’t really have the chemistry to pull off this affair storyline. But you know what would have worked a lot better:  friends that are slowly developing feelings for each other. There’s no sex involved so there’s no actual cheating. It’s just the natural progression of some relationships that they have to work through. Bob’s worried that he just wants to try something new like a mid-life crisis or that he’s projecting onto Laurel. Laurel worried that she’s betraying Ashley and wondering if she’s latching onto Bob because he’s been there for her through so much. Are they really falling in love or is it something else? That could have gone on a bit and they would eventually have to come to some sort of decision. 
In summary, sometimes drama doesn’t have to come from cheating. It can come from other sources. Also... give characters personalities and you’ll be surprised how the story happens around them and to them. (It’s seriously like they’re trying to shove the circle block through the triangle hole and that just doesn’t work)
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capseycartwright · 6 years
some people in the robron fandom have not actively tried to unlearn their internalised misogyny yet and u know what? it Shows 
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 years
For the tv asks 3-9, 14
3 have you ever quit a show before it finished? why? Absolutely. More than once. because it pissed me off one way or another (teen wolf, Grey’s anatomy) or I just got bored with it (all of the CSIs and other police shows, all of the vampire shows that were BIG a few years ago) 4 are there any shows you wish could just be cancelled already? Nah if i don’t like something (anymore), I just don’t watch (anymore)
5 what’s your comfort show? I have a few - Dawson’s creek, Buffy, the og Charmed, Dr Jeff Rocky Mountain Vet (everyone needs a vet like that - the man is a saint), and Monkey Life 6 which shows do you think are underrated and need more love? All of the non English spoken shows on Netflix! there’s some definite hidden gems in there (and not just Elite and la casa de papel) 7 have you ever been inspired to start a new show based on gifs or memes it has produced? Haha that’s basically how/why I start most shows I watch. The latest one is Roswell New Mexico (after vowing I’d never watch the remake... but then I saw gifs of good-looking men... and I’m weak and shallow) and The Umbrella Academy is on my list too because of the gifs. 8 do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go? Both. I like sitting down to watch my favourite show on tv - all old fashioned. but then most of the things I like aren’t on Dutch tv (or only old episodes I’ve seen a million times) and then I end up downloading or netflixing it and binging an entire season in a weekend. 9 what’s one show you thought you’d hate but turned out to really enjoy? Roswell New Mexico. And Supernatural back in the day. I liked Misha and @coffeemakesmeahappybean kept pestering me with ramblings about episodes so I just started watching it - and i liked it. 14 do you tend to stick to one type of TV show (eg, short-form comedy), or are you into many different genres? I guess I like different things. But I tend to get bored with American comedies (modern family, HIMYM, friends, community) and sometimes the drama from things like grey’s anatomy gets too much and I’ll switch to something else. Something relaxing like Emmerdale, lol.
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robertisbisexual · 5 years
I see it happen with Harry a lot too but characters like Robert and James are so interesting because they're so complex. Like they both do some stupid terrible shit [it's a soap who doesnt most days] but they're also struggling with so much and ultimately try and do right by the people they love. They fuck it up but they try.
And that's why its interesting you know? Specifically because they're morally grey people trying their bestish.
When a character is just "good" they can come across as kinda sactimouns or - and especially in a soap - incredibly dull. Harriett has that problem a lot on Emmerdale. Ness at times too. Sometimes you can offset it by putting the #good character with your bad boy/girl character and kinda offset it but you still run the risk of that not working if your morally perfect character doesn't get a bit flexible themselves etc.
And in the case of the James' and Roberts of the character world when you refuse to acknolwge that sometimes they are wrong or what they're doing is bad and they need to stop or you excuse it away completely to make them the perpetual victim you're stripping away the layers that make them interesting.
Now you just have this faux good character and I just personally dont see how thats an enjoyable character.
I like james and robert because they're flawed like actual people etc.
Idk this post is pointless but I felt rambling about a couple of dumpster fires.
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rustandruin · 6 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better (or don’t it’s up to you!) 
tagged: @7amlecturerambles (because they’re infinitely kind and nice.) 
tagging: @notforonesecond , @persiflager , @searhythm , @indigo--disco , @theredandwhitequeen, @omarandjohnny , and honestly anyone else who wants to do this and hasn’t yet.    
Nickname(s): Rust (After my very first Pathfinder character)
Gender: Female skewing non-binary 
Sign: Taurus (May 10) 
Height: 5′2
Time: 12:30AM
Fav band(s): I don’t really have a favourite, but lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Haim, Bastille, Bear’s Den, and Foo Fighters. (Though based on my sheer love for “Mr. Brightside,” The Killers should really be on this list.) 
Fav solo artist(s): John Mayer, Janelle Monae, Carly Rae Jepsen, Hayley Kiyoko, Beyonce, George Ezra. 
Song stuck in my head: Sam Smith’s Stay With Me. 
Last movie I saw: The Fellowship of the Ring 
Last show I watched: Emmerdale 
When did I create my blog: Last year, not sure when exactly tbh. 
What do I post: 70% Emmerdale, 20% Marvel, 10% Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Neil Gaiman, Doctor Who, and whatever other random stuff I want to ramble on about. (Also any LGBTQIA stuff I find relevant to my own life.)  
Last thing I Googled: Lyrics to The Bare Necessities. (I had to confirm some stuff.) 
Do I have any other blogs: Yes. 
Do I get asks: Sometimes. I’d love more. 
Why did I chose my URL: Fun fact: It actually has nothing to do with the Mistborn book series. It’s just a phrase that got stuck in my head because I guess I was feeling mildly melodramatic one day? And it had a nice sound to it. 
Followed by: 1,786 
Average hours of Sleep: 6-7 hours. 
Lucky number: 10 and 13 
Instruments: Guitar (decent), banjo (passable), piano (passable), and drums (beginner). 
What I am wearing: Captain America t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
Dream job: Writer/Game designer. 
Dream trip: Prague. 
Fav food: Peri-peri chicken with spinach and mashed potatoes. Or biryani. 
Nationality: Indian 
Fav song: MR. BRIGHTSIDE. (It’s no contest, you could revive me from the brink of death by just whispering the words, “Coming out of my cage...”) 
Last book I read: Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, which I cannot recommend enough. 
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wycombewanderer · 7 years
Omg hey, I didn't know people (besides me, ugh how self-centered am i) hid there fandoms. I mean, I've told people I'm an emmerdale fan but the fact that robron is basically keeping me alive is not really good for small talk. Anyway, it feels good to know it's not just me :) please dont feel obligated to reply to this, its just me rambling
hiya, yeahhhhh, it does feel like that. That’s not self centred at all babe, that's kinda the opposite. I don’t think anyone knows I’m an Emmerdale fan. It’s weird I can tell strangers and I’ve even had a chat on the bus about Emmerdale with an elderly lady. But I can’t tell my own mates. I have such a reliance on the show and its such a big part of my life yet nobody really knows. It sometimes upsets me, but other times its really freeing. aww yeah I was so surprised when somebody commented same and reblogged it. It’s nice knowing other people are like that too. It’s not that I’m embarrassed of the show necessarily, its more I just feel like it doesn't match up with what people think I am, and that's frightening that they’ll suddenly know me or misunderstand me by finding out. oh I don't know, its all a bit weird. but thank you for sharing, it does make me feel better about it x
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jhathaway71 · 7 years
Robron & Rebecca Baby Theory
Robron & Rebecca’s baby theory…
This is just some ramblings I put down. Some of the individuals I shared a smaller version of gave insight that others have mentioned similar concepts on Twitter. They’ve also provided additional ideas for me to incorporate here.
This theory is contingent on Iain MacLeod’s confirmation statements from the April Press Event and reported by the various soap magazines in which he said Robert & Rebecca slept together in the 16-March-2017 episode and she is pregnant with Robert’s child.
Anyway, a little bird posted to Twitter Robert & Aaron reunite before SSW in October. I believe they will be in a better place, but probably not living together yet. I’m likening it to more of a dating type thing. Even though based on Aaron’s reason for leaving Robert (Rebecca & the baby being a constant reminder of his cheating on him while he was in prison), apparently Aaron will have a change of opinion about that unless Rebecca leave Emmerdale or loses the baby sooner than Robert & Aaron reunite.
While Robert and Aaron are in the midst of their reconciliation in possibly late August but no later than mid September, Rebecca will develop problems with the pregnancy with the final result being some type of termination (Premature Stillbirth, Miscarriage). Rebecca has not given any indication on screen other than when at A&E of any medical problems, but she learned something at the visit which will cause her pregnancy to be high risk. (Rebecca’s mother died of cancer).
Aaron had confronted Rebecca at Home Farm with her telling Aaron to leave Robert. Rebecca’s change in opinion about Aaron staying with Robert is directly related to this new complication/situation. This is why once she returned and moved in with Victoria she appears more in tune with Robert & Aaron being in a relationship. Her comment to Victoria about 2 dads being genuine in case something happens to her.
Once she has lost the baby and Aaron finds out, he’ll start to blame himself because of his actions at Home Farm & telling Robert he hated the baby and thought about how he would feel if she lost it. This will add a new barrier to their relationship. I believe the blame will all be one sided, Aaron blaming himself and not Robert blaming him.
Rebecca will learn of the new wrinkle with Robert & Aaron’s relationship and intervene in Iain MacLeod’s Infinite Redemption Effort for the character. She’ll admit to Aaron why she lost the baby and the reason for the change of mind about Robert & him being in a relationship. Aaron will accept this and be able to move on to a full relationship with Robert after Rebecca has brought the two back together. Probably sometime in December based on someone saying “December was gonna be a hot one” in Emmerdale when questioned about Robert & Aaron reunification.
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buddiebeginz · 7 years
I don’t even know if i can formulate coherent sentences after watching that but let me attempt. I know the episode is still continuing in the second half but I have some things I need to get out. While there were some things I loved about this reveal my biggest issue is the way Emmerdale is handling the topic of consent and really what happened the night of the incident in general. If ED wanted it to just be a cut and dry ONS moment of soap cheating then they didn’t frame it right. Rob was clearly drunk and vulnerable and Rebecca clearly knew both of those things she also clearly was trying to see how far Rob was going to take things that night. While it may have looked like he was the one pushing for things to go further and she was turning him down she was sober and he was drunk and she is a master manipulator just like Rob can be sometimes.
If ED wanted to just not touch this whole consent issue the majority of fandom has been talking about then fine it’s their show and their writing and they have every right to take it where they want. But when you know the majority of your audience is at the least conflicted about how a scene went down don’t then go and rub it in our faces about how drunk Rob was, and how he passed out, and didn’t remember Rebecca leaving. I mean what? Yeah that sure sounds to me like a man who was culpable for all of his actions that night. Aaron has every right to be angry with Rob, as well he should be Rob did fuck up regardless but it seems to me Aaron doesn’t get how much of a manipulator Rebecca is and was and how much she took advantage of his husband. Aaron also doesn’t get yet how messed up Rob had been (while he was in jail) to even have been in the state were Rebecca was able to play those cards.
I know the show isn’t going to focus on any of this it just really makes me mad and for all his screw ups Rob deserves better. Aaron deserves to know that it wasn’t just his husband being a lonely, horny, asshole it was so much more than that. Men who are victims non consensual sex deserve better this. They deserve better storylines where these kinds of issues are acknowledged with the respect it deserves.
I’m sure most of this is kind of rambly I just needed to vent.
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1)Hi! Do you believe that Robert can develop feelings for Rebecca? Yes, Robert was ready to die with Aaron in that car. But then Rebecca turned up and everything had changed. We are clinging to the idea that Robert is terrified to lose Aaron. But what proof do we get? Yes, he keeps telling Rebecca that Aaron is the only one but he used to tell Aaron during the affair that it was not a love story and Aaron was nothing. Can we trust Robert`s words?
2) I mean words vs actions. We were sure that he would never sleep with Rebecca but he did. Now we are trying to convince ourselves that Aaron is the only one for Robert. You know I am ready to believe that those spoilers are true. I`m afraid this is the route they are going to take. And Robert will be torn between Aaron and Rebecca and he will “choose” Aaron because it will turn out that Rebecca is not pregnant or the child is not his like he “chose” Aaron because Chrissie didn`t take him back.
Hi, anon! Well this is an interesting question which I hadn’t anticipated finding in my inbox today haha, so this may well turn into an incoherent ramble, for which I apologise profusely! While I understand and respect why you may feel this way, anon, I have to admit my views are somewhat different. This is just my own opinion, of course. But do I believe Robert can develop feelings for Rebecca?
In short: No.
There is a long answer, of course, but I’m afraid it’s probably going to get very long haha. Here it is…
Do I believe Robert has ever had feelings for Rebecca? Yes. Do I believe he still cares / cared for her? Yes. I think he admired and respected her, saw aspects of himself in her - the parts he always took pride in, and genuinely did see her as a friend. Do I believe he’s going to develop feelings for her, of the romantic kind, or is still harbouring any? No. And this isn’t me seeing the show through Robron-coloured spectacles, unable to believe that Robert could ever have had feelings for anyone other than Aaron. I fully acknowledge that there were people before Aaron, people Robert loved. I’ve always watched Emmerdale, I saw the whole Robert/Katie saga, and his love for her. But do I believe Robert when he says, “No one else comes close.”? 100%. Robron have been referred to as soulmates so often that I kind of feel like that word doesn’t always do justice to the depth of their connection and loses some of its impact in a way, but I genuinely believe they are the loves of each other’s life. (In fact, ironically, I wrote a post on this “soulmate” status and its relevance to this storyline specifically earlier, before I read this message. But it might give more of an insight into my views on this matter.) And while I agree that words vs actions is often a relevant topic of discussion, regarding the way Robert’s barriers prevent his intent showing on the surface and allow him to fall back on his safety net of words and manipulation, I do not think this is - or has ever been - the case in regard to his love for Aaron. As far as I’m concerned, that’s been all action.
The car! I’m so pleased you mentioned the car. I have to confess I feel like the significance of that moment is so underestimated and overlooked sometimes; Robert would rather have died with Aaron, than live a life without him. His life literally has no meaning without him. Do I think that’s suddenly changed? Absolutely not. (Also, can I just acknowledge Robert going back for Lachlan? Because that wasn’t for himself, that was for Aaron. Because he didn’t just want to save Aaron, he wanted to make sure Aaron’s life was worth living, too.) The one aspect that has been overwhelmingly clear throughout the whole of this narrative is that Robert and Aaron cannot live without each other. This moment in the car, the proposal, the house, the wedding - this all came after Rebecca had already arrived in the village. Her presence didn’t change anything. I don’t think we’re clinging to the idea that Robert is terrified of losing Aaron; these are the facts that are being presented to us. Everything - every word and action - is screaming that losing Aaron is Robert’s worst nightmare. Robert told Aaron theirs wasn’t a love story on his wedding day to Chrissie because he wasn’t yet ready to give up on the life he thought he wanted, the life he thought he was supposed to have. He was, like he frequently is, manipulating himself with his own words. He already knew he was falling in love with Aaron, but he couldn’t accept that then. And as far as I recall, the only times Robert ever told Aaron he was nothing was when Aaron had rejected him. Robert Sugden doesn’t deal well with rejection, as we all know. But Rebecca hasn’t rejected him. Not once. But Robert has repeatedly told her the only person he wants and loves is Aaron. I don’t want to draw loads of comparisons between his relationship with Aaron and his relationship with Chrissie, because there really is no comparison, but I will just make a couple of points:
1) When Robert rejected Aaron, it was all about Aaron. He was nothing. He wasn’t worth it. But when Robert has rejected Rebecca? It’s still all about Aaron. He didn’t tell her all of her faults. He didn’t give her a list of reasons why he doesn’t want her. He didn’t reject her because he was hurt and defensive. He rejected her out of loyalty to the man that he loves. He rejected her because he only wants one person, and she’s not him.
2) The Incident. I feel I should point out I have always been, and remain, a firm believer in The Theory that it never actually happened. And that the baby is definitely not Robert’s. But I’ll push all of that aside for the moment, to say this: Robert’s actions now are the proof that he’s terrified of losing Aaron. Let’s just say that the ONS did happen - it was one night where he was drunk, broken and thought his marriage was over. Compare that to the roughly 8 months in which he purposely pursued the man he was falling in love with behind Chrissie’s back. What we’re seeing now is not what we saw then. When Robert went back to the Mill, he could barely even touch the bedding because he was so wracked with guilt and sickened by himself, by what he’d done. But when he spent a full week with Aaron in his marital bed? He had no qualms about taking those sheets and throwing them in the wash. And let’s not forget, the factor enabling Robron to have that week at Home Farm was Robert encouraging Chrissie to go on holiday - not to cover up his secret, but to be with Aaron. But this time, after the ONS? He takes Aaron away. He has no interest in Rebecca, let alone being with her. He just wants to save his marriage and his reason for living. He is literally falling apart at the seams trying to keep hold of Aaron. That’s all the proof I need.
3) I have to disagree that Robert chose Aaron because Chrissie wouldn’t take him back. For me, his fighting for Chrissie was him fighting for himself. The man he’d tried so desperately hard to be. The man his father could be proud of. It was never about Chrissie at all. It was about Robert struggling to accept himself, something only Aaron was able to help him to do. For me, Robert “chose” Aaron the moment he pursued him. The moment he didn’t stop pursuing him. The moment he told him he loved him. From the very first moment Robert let Aaron in, he had chosen. Because Robert doesn’t let anyone in. But when it came to Aaron? Frankly, he never had a choice at all.
And there isn’t a choice now, either. I could list a whole load of Robert’s actions which demonstrate his love and commitment to Aaron - not the big romantic gestures - including the way he supported Aaron through one of the toughest times of his life, the fact that he went back for the ring - okay, that is kind of a big romantic gesture, but that ring holds such meaning. That ring perfectly symbolises Robron and their relationship; it’s weathered and battered after having been through so much, but it’s resilient, unbreakable, and worth saving. There are so many ways he shows his love for Aaron. His words are for Rebecca’s benefit, no one else’s. Because the one time she got to see for herself Robert’s love for Aaron manifest in his actions? She found him drunk, upset, and broken, slumped on the floor of the home he’d destroyed, a mere shell of the man she wanted. But still, she only listened to his words.
I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface here but like I’ve also rambled at you forever, sorry haha! I know it’s hard, anon, but personally I’m not worried at all. I cannot see this particular scenario playing out, it would make no sense from ED’s perspective. At this stage, this really is all just wild speculation. Even official spoilers can be misleading. If there is any semblance of truth to this speculation of Robert being “torn”, I have a few theories on how this could play out - but none of these involve a romantic attachment between Robert and Rebecca. As it is just wild speculation for the moment, I’m reserving judgement on these until I see the actual spoilers. But even then, remember how often things play out completely differently onscreen. And, as much as the bumpy road analogy has been exhausted, remember we have been told that Robron will make it through - whatever’s coming their way. And personally, I expect that to happen sooner rather than later.
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saras-almanac · 7 years
carlwritesbadsmut replied to your post “What’s so frustrating to me is that there are kernels of good...”
I can buy the Chas one (her not wanting a child because of Aaron makes sense to me) but Paddy annoys me so much. The show really doesn't know how to tell stories and hasn't in years and years. Beats are missed. Relationships are not developed. Too much is about "shock." It's the actors and the scriptwriters who keep the show going.
Exactly! There are beats that are skipped that they think don’t matter much in the long run, but like we need those moments and development to actually care about the stories they’re telling! 
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capseycartwright · 7 years
i always find it fascinating how differently characters can be interpreted when it comes to soap characters, and i don’t know if its down to people’s personal attachments (i am majorly attached to aaron bc i watched his major sl’s through my own baby teen years, and i’m as attached to robert because i grew up watching karl!robert, but also i have such an attachment to characters like debbie and anyone who was majorly IN the show in 2009/2010 ish, but i don’t feel as attached to a lot of the characters introduced from 2012-ish onward and i honestly don’t know why) but i always just find it so interesting that people watch the same source material and come to such different character interpretations and such different interpretations of feelings and actions
i don’t know theres no point to this post, i guess i just find it so interesting that people interpret characters so vastly differently from each other and i feel like its a Thing with soap because there is so much material to interpret or ignore and characters have years of history and change behind them and i suppose people interpret these characters and project their thoughts and feelings onto them based on their own life experiences because you see these characters daily. this soap is as much a part of my life as sitting down to dinner with my parents is, its part of my routine, and i guess all of that impacts how i watch and view the show and its characters and their characterisation
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halethesourestwolf · 7 years
Some ramblings about tonight’s episode(s).
It’s understandable that a lot of people are unhappy with tonight’s episode(s), but, honestly, it was better than I thought possible. It may be that I’m lost to denial land and can’t get out, or it might be because the story I’m working on reflects all of the positive aspects of the episode(s), which I’ll keep that way, but I don’t know. I’m not overjoyed with the negative elements, but the positives are enough for me.
I mean, it started out with Aaron and Robert waking up, and their reactions to the release; Aaron’s elation, and Robert’s excitement, which was tainted with guilt and fear (he wears it so beautifully). Let’s talk about how adorable it is for Robert to have set an alarm with a reminder that he gets his husband back, how nervous he was, and how anxious he was to look half decent for their reunion. Or the fact that he got out of the car, crossed to the middle of the road, and just held the shit out of Aaron for all the world to see. How far he’s come in accepting himself for what and who he is makes me so, so proud of him, and accepting them and their relationship; it’s a beautiful thing. Plus, the second Aaron reached out for his hand in a pub full of people, Robert didn’t hesitate.
Robert telling Rebecca to keep quiet, sure, it looks bad, but I genuinely believe it’s because he needs Aaron to have at least one day to ease back into his life before he gets his heart broken rather than him desperately trying to hide what he’s done. He chased after Aaron, thinking he knew, and he was prepared to face up to it, taking whatever he deserves, because he’s going to fight for them with all it takes. And the punch! I love Robert, I really do, but he looks so good getting the shit knocked out of him.
Aaron, finally breaking down and telling someone about what he’s been dealing with in prison, this is such a huge deal for him, and he did it. I mean, he could have kept quiet, it’s over now, so what would anyone do about it, anyway? But he didn’t, he told Robert everything, let it all out. And, Robert, he listened to it all, reacted perfectly, and tried to offer the support Aaron needs. Both of them admitting and accepting that there are problems there between them that they need help with, and Robert promising to do whatever it takes to make sure Aaron gets that; it’s been a long time coming, and, finally, it’s there. It’s such a huge thing, and I really, really hope that Emmerdale don’t gloss over it, that we get to see them getting counselling/talking about things that matter, because otherwise what would the prison hell have been pushing towards if not this? Both of them have been forced to face the issues they have, their reactions to situations beyond their control, the inability to communicate properly when it matters the most, and they’ve had to face their demons (Aaron more than Robert at this stage, but I’m sure his time will come soon enough). They’ve both learnt a lot about themselves through all of this, realised how low they can truly sink, and now here’s to hoping they learn to understand each other better as well as sorting themselves out.
Victoria suddenly befriending Rebecca is as odd as Adam suddenly hanging out with Ross (because both pairs hated each other, and with nothing between that and this to show them getting over their issues, it’s just...odd. Or, well, obviously, it’s all one big plot device to shove all of them together in a weird pregnancy gang. I’ve decided to let them get on with it, because I’ve got more important things to worry about, like, well, Aaron and Robert (and Liv!). Whatever comes of all this, those two are my focus, everyone else around them are just things getting in the way, so I’m concentrating on them and mentally willing them to figure it all out, together, as a couple, because sod everyone else.
Rebecca. I want to like her, I’ve tried to hate her and failed, because she started out with so much potential to be a really interesting character - she was set apart from the rest of her horrid family, but now I have no idea what she’s become. But if she is pregnant with Robert’s baby, I’ll do something improbable that I’ve yet to think of, because, really? She’s been sleeping with Ross, apparently a lot, for months, but one night with Robert, mere weeks ago, and her first assumption is that it’s his (that look meant that, right? I was focusing on the beautiful people in the room at the time, oops). What are the odds? And that’s if she’s even really pregnant at all. No reflection on this entire mess of a storyline, but I really don’t see her as a mother; she was described as a flighty young thing at heart who did what she wanted, when she wanted, and just up and left and moved wherever, whenever, so a life-long commitment like that doesn’t fit, and there’s been no real character development to show us she’s moved on from that or how and why beyond her obsession with winning Robert. Not that she’s shown us much of this exciting side that was built-up and forgotten about two minutes later, either, like, but still. I honestly don’t know what to think or how to feel about her, this sudden attitude of being a victim somehow amongst all of it, and her desperate attempts to make Robert jealous, as if he’s ever going to pick her (or anyone else, for that matter) over Aaron, sorry, love, but nice try.
I think I’ve reached the point where I don’t care about her character one way or the other (it’s a bit late to actually make her into an established character), because the cheating (if it actually happened, I’m still not convinced, but I’m no doubt going to be proved wrong - I mean, that look could have been her cooking up a plan to get back at him for all we know, especially after hearing Robert and Aaron being perfect), well, it’s done, now, it’s over, and Robert’s never going back there again, so that’s all out of the way, and the fallout will bring us some spectacular scenes from Danny and Ryan, so I can live with that, to be honest. We can put the Rebecca thing to bed and get on with our lives, even if there are some bumps along the way.
Faith. I want to like her, but I also can’t forget what she did to Chas and Cain. She’s trying, though, I’ll give her that, and she seemed genuinely hurt when Debbie decides to put her in her place, but I don’t know. She does crack me up, though, she’s getting the best funny lines, and I’m mostly Aaron, laughing and pretending not to be.
Gabby, though, oh god. I feel for her so much, but I think she’ll be all right with Laurel there; they’ll help each other through it. Sometimes I wish Laurel really was her mum, I think she would have been so much better off, because most of the time, as far as parenting goes, Bernice is useless. The moment she had with Ashley, though, and, I mean, I’ve never liked Ashley, over the years there’s been so many things I’ve hated about him, but I wouldn’t wish dementia on anyone. I’m so glad she finally managed to talk to him, even if he’s not really there anymore, it’s what she needed. And Marlon, god, why does it hurt me when he cries? Stop it.
Let’s not even start on Rhona and Pierce, because watching someone be manipulated and abused like that, it triggers me a little, not enough not to watch, but I struggle to cope with it. I know what it’s like to have someone whispering in your ear, and to believe them, to let them cause pain and suffering, and to see them getting off on it, but being powerless against it. I really hope that whole thing isn’t on screen too much or too often.
But did I mention Aaron and Robert? I love them, and I’ve missed them, and as far as they were concerned, this episode was better than I’d hoped overall. Hugs, hand holding, adorable little moments of them being dorks, emotions being talked about, experiences being shared, supporting each other, and, well, they’re no longer separated, I think that was the whole point of this post. Aaron is home, Robert has his husband back, and now we can at least bask in that for a week before it all goes to hell again.
Things I do feel disappointed by, but that I’m not surprised at, the same with the whole pregnancy thing - we knew it was coming, and it was obvious how it would go, and I’m a bit of the same with these as well. Aaron supported Adam all throughout his prison ordeal, but not once did Adam go and visit Aaron, and then he comes home and he’s so busy being a dick in the background with Ross he couldn’t be arsed to even hug his best mate and welcome him home. Why don’t people talk about how Aaron makes Adam a better person, but unlike Robert who actually remains someone who keeps trying to be better when he’s in a scene without him, Adam reverts right back to being a dick (or stupidly adorable whilst still mostly being a dick). Again, Cain supported Adam when he went to prison, but it was as if he couldn’t care less about Aaron going, and although I am pleased we got a scene with Cain and Aaron, I think he could have seem more pleased to have him home, and what about Cain knowing Jason’s dad, what was the point in mentioning it at all if there’s not even a conversation about it? And where the hell was Paddy? Chas and Liv are gone, which is understandable, but where is everyone else? Faith cared more about welcoming Aaron home than anyone else outside of Robert, and I think half of that was because she wanted an excuse for a party with someone else paying the bill. I just find it odd that no one seemed to care he was home all that much, especially since we didn’t see or hear of anyone else visiting.
Overall, though, as far as our lads go, I’m happy with what we got of them. Fuck everyone else, because no one ever cares about Robert, and Aaron is always overlooked, so, whatever, I’m beyond caring about anyone else, even the few characters I usually love have been so awful lately.
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morethanmyself · 8 years
I’m feeling a little bit better today. I’m still swinging back and forth between positivity and wanting to curl up in a ball and cry. Thoughts under the cut because I’m just rambling.
I think the biggest problem I have right now is that I don’t want this to be the last thing I have about them in my head. I remember after the wedding my mum said to me, stop watching now because it’ll always be happy in your mind no matter what happens.
She had a point because I get so heavily invested in things sometimes that it messes me up. I can’t watch any of How I Met Your Mother because the last episode destroyed it for me. I didn’t watch the last couple of seasons of That 70s Show because if you never watch Jackie and Hyde break up, then they don’t break up. And I was nowhere near as invested in those shows or ships as I am with this one. I haven’t been this invested in anything in so long that this has knocked me for six. 
So I don’t want the last bit of their story I watch to be fucking Thursday night. I don’t want the last image of Robert in my head to be him doing that. I don’t want my last image of Aaron to be him high as a kite and broken in prison. So I really don’t want to give up. 
I don’t know how they fix this. I don’t know if they can. I can’t see it. I don’t know why they did it. If it’s all some sort of grand master-plan that will turn out alright in the end to the majority of people's satisfaction, then it’s so cunningly brilliant that the people writing it are absolute geniuses. Danny said there were twists, but what twist could make this better? Because I cannot think of anything Aaron could ever do - ever, ever, ever - that Robert wouldn’t forgive in a heartbeat. 
(Which is another reason that Thursday makes no sense. I get Robert being upset. I get him being drunk. I get him lashing out and being self-destructive because that’s what Robert does. I get all of that. But I don’t get how Aaron broke him because Robert doesn’t give up on Aaron. He never has.)
But! I want to be positive. I want to be, if not happy with things, then at least okay with them so I can enjoy everything that came before. 
And I really don’t want Robert hate because I love Robert. Robert is hugely important to me. I don’t agree with the choices that Emmerdale made for his character this week, but I love Robert and I love Ryan and this won’t change that.
So I think I’ll be sticking around. I’m still not going to watch this week live - luckily I have lots to do - and I probably won’t be able to contribute much until we know a little more about where this is going. I just hope that Thursday was actually rock bottom because I can’t take another blow. And maybe this will teach me that the next time my mum tells me to stop watching something, I should do as I’m told.
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capseycartwright · 7 years
so r the people who wrote this chronic kat and alfie spin off aware that no irish person has ever sang oro se do bheatha bhaile outside of a primary school setting and they certainly don’t do it in the car on the way to the shops
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