#sometimes it goes so bad i just close the page LMFAO
meaningtotellyou · 5 months
do y’all ever do song rankings or whatever and then feel bad for the songs
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 7 months
ryry will you tell us about the ojv sp parents! or their relationships with the sp boys? like stan ft shelley ( love stan and shell) sharon and rancid ( ik u touched on that one but im nosy ) or like kyle ft. the broflovskis? those dynamics? or how the broflovskis feel abt stan and stan’s parents abt kyle, vice versa? ill also accept star seven fam situations anythin u want go crazy go stupid
( also i love u mwahmwahmwahmwahmwaaaah )
Oh I ABSOLUTELY WILL!!! And I will get WAY too into it!!! Gonna be sticking with the Marshes and Broflovskis this ask, but I’ll get to the rest of the ojv star seven sometime! (This bouta be convoluted tbh)
So starting with my darling Stanathan, Sharon and Randy Jackass Marsh divorced for good when our boy was 12. At this point the only thing Shelley and Stan agreed on was that their parents should NOT be together and when shit was finalized they were both like FUCK YEAH MOM TAKE US OFF THIS FARM!!! And Sharon moved them back into their old house. Randy’s pretty much all over the place and not NEARLY the dad he thinks he is, but the kids still have to spend weekends at the farm a few times a month.
And like a lot of little kids, especially little boys, Stan REALLY looked up to his dad when he was younger. Like that’s his dad, the “cool” parent. But about the time Stan turned 10 and his mental health went through a really bad spot, he started to see the world a LOT less idealistically and ESPECIALLY started seeing the nuance of the people in his life. A lot of people are selfish. And his father is a prime example of that.
That’s not to say OrangeJuiceVerse Randy is truly insidious. He’s not. He just genuinely doesn’t think about anything that doesn’t directly affect him, or acknowledge that his actions can hurt other people. He’s selfish. And a lot of the reason Shelley and Stan had a rocky relationship when they’re young is because she’s four years older than her brother, and she sees their dad for all his bullshit long before Stan does, and a 14 year old Shelley is honestly jealous of that innocence. That, and the general teenage angst, but once they’re on the same page, it’s very “Annoyed Siblings vs Parents Who Need To Get Their Shit Together”. Like Sharon and Randy will be fighting again and they just share that Sibling Look lmao.
That brings me to my queen Sharon. That woman’s highest priority is her kids, always, which is a lot of the reason she gets so exasperated with Randy. Like during Stan’s stint as the poster child football star of South Park, well after the divorce, she is calling him up like “REALLY RANDY?!? You’ll use our boy to promote your weed business but can’t be bothered to come to a single game?!?” She and Sheila have also been essentially second mothers to their sons sbfs forever, and the families have been fused for style’s entire lives.
Also, Stan is a total mamas boy. Both his own and Kyle’s. He has been known to call his mother ‘dude’ because he calls everyone that and he’s very “yes ma’am” with Sheila most of the time but they’re so close that once he called HER dude and she wasn’t even phased she just likes that Stan likes her enough to feel comfortable like that lmfao. He and Sheila tag team being overly concerned about Kyle and they totally gang up on him when he’s not taking care of himself.
With Stan and Gerald, it’s a really casual thing. Like they’re mostly chill towards each other. Unless Gerald is around Randy, in which case Gerald’s dumbass tendencies come out full force, because Gerald’s kind of an idiot but he’s pretty harmless other than some minor cyber bullying and Randy Shenanigans.
So Ike. Ike and Stan have SO much fun together, especially as they get older, like they’re playing video games together, especially the puzzle games that frustrate Kyle, and when Ike’s in high school he goes to Stan for advice on things he’s too embarrassed to ask his brother about (Stan is not the person to ask for advice) and it’s so funny bc like they’re adults and Kyle will wake up at 3am for water and Stan’s in the office on the GTA RP with Ike and they’re trying to get kicked out of servers by pissing off the mods
Kyle time bois!!! As much as he tries to deny it, he is a LOT like his mother. He can be stubborn and reactive, sometimes preachy, but they’re like that because they just care so damn much about everything and everyone. If there’s an injustice to be found, they’re fighting it. And they’re both incredibly nurturing and passionate about loved ones. But because they’re so much alike, they tend to argue. At the end of the day, though, Kyle loves his mom and she loves him.
His relationship with his father was a little strained in high school. Gerald’s well meaning encouragement to push Kyle to succeed came off as IMPOSSIBLE expectations and the pressure Ky felt was on him was enormous, because Gerald really sucks at communication in a sensitive way. He actually felt a lot of guilt, for a long time, about unintentionally stressing his son out to the point that it got to. Kyle didn’t blame him really, mostly himself for getting so carried away, but he did have to learn to take everything Gerald says with a grain of salt.
Kyle and Ike ayyyyyy! Dude even if Kyle kind of terrorized Ike when he was like 8 because he thought that’s what big brothers were supposed to do, he grows into the best big brother and it’s HILARIOUS when Ike’s in middle school and Kyle’s trying WAY too hard to be cool and friends with him and Ike CONSISTENTLY reads him for absolute filth, makes fun of him for everything he can, and rips on him. He has totally told him that he likes Stan better and Kyle was like “yeah, well so do I!” “no shit, homo!” It’s all in good fun, they really love each other a lot, and if anyone fucks with Ike? They are getting the Kyle Rage Volcano.
Shelleys always been kinda indifferent towards all Stan’s friends unless they’re bothering her, but when Kyle and Stan got together, she gave him the ‘take care of my baby brother’ speech. Over the years they come to know each other pretty well, are even friends, maybe not as close as Stan and Ike, but still.
Kyle and Sharon are lowkey BESTIES dude Kyle is Team Sharon from day one. He adores his mother in law, sits with her at football games, loves gushing over Stan with her, just really enjoys her company. As a kid it’s because her more quiet nature is a break from his own mom, but as he gets older, he is the CAPTAIN of Sharon Defense Squad, because
Kyle does not like Randy. And OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle is someone who truly wants to see the good in everyone, give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Not Randy. Like he was 7 years old witnessing Randy Bullshit and he was like “dude your dads a jackass” and Stan was all “he’s okay” but over the years that exasperation with his best friend’s dad turned into an actual grudge, because how could this deranged man not see the emotional toll he was taking on his own son? Why didn’t he care about Stan? Didn’t he give a shit that he was hurting Kyle’s favorite person in the entire world? And Kyle does NOT try to hide the fact that he hates Randy, out here glaring at him, telling him off when he does something stupid (and it’s scary tbh, like OJV Kyle isn’t very intimidating until he’s mad, then he’s snapping like an angry fox) like bruh Kyle was SCREAMING at Randy kicking him out of the wedding for bringing alcohol to his SOBER SON like an uncaring dick, meanwhile Stan was more upset that his dad bothered a beehive lmfao. Kyle ‘Speak No Evil Take No Shit’ Broflovski, everyone. Randy’s a little scared of him.
That’s what I got, my dearest, THANK YOU FOR ASKING I LOVE THINKING ABT OJV!!!
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murdockmeta · 1 year
welcome back to watchmojo where we are counting down ren's top 5 mike murdock moments
5. Killing Bullseye that one time
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so, technically this didnt ACTUALLY happen (or itd be my number one lmfao), it was in a dream Matt was having while he was dying. but listen, okay, mike was still so real for this. bullseye was this close to killing Matt and Mike comes outta nowhere, declares his love for Karen Page, and boom shoots the guy right off a fuckin skyscraper how could i NOT talk about this, okay?
4. Being thrown to the ground
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listen, he looks good a little roughed up, alright? what are you, a fuckin cop or somethin? aint it my right as a living, breathing, human being to enjoy pretty boys being thrown around a lil sometimes? damn
for reference: the first photo was when he was pretending to be Matt, trying to deal with some mob bosses. one of them got angry and pushed him down. the second was when mike was first introduced in the soule/noto run. bad guys bust into the bar hes at and matt throws him behind cover lmfao
3. this EXCELLENT reintroduction in the 2020 annual
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the 2020 annual is when we get mike's whole backstory and THIS is the first panel we see him in. this is genuinely poetic. mike murdock wouldnt exist without first being made-up by matt (and matt pretending to be mike). we all know the story of matt losing his eye sight, he pushed a person out of the way of a van that was carrying toxic chemicals, blah blah
well. here we are yet again. except everythings flipped on its head. mike is pretending to be matt. he's jumping in front of this van to make the guys think theyve hit him so he can help rob them. he isnt saving anyone but he sure as hell is putting himself in danger. it sets the tone for his whole character. its just. yeah. this was fantastic, honestly.
2. his reaction to butch assualting hammerhead
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okay so this was the moment in vol 6 that genuinely caught my complete attention. this was the moment i realized just how different and special mike was.
murdocks are known for, well, violence. jack was a boxer, he wanted matt to grow up and be nothing like him. he didnt want matt to fight only for matt to become daredevil later in life. we are led to believe there's almost this inherent violent streak to being "a murdock"
this is after a mob boss meeting, mike is watching hammerhead (a boss) from the shadows, helping butch keep track of him. he lets butch know where hammerhead is. butch proceeds to threaten hammerhead, bash his head into a car, yell at him, then gouge one of his eyes out.
and, well. this was mike's reaction.
this is the first time we are given a glimpse of mike's morals, his values. besides how much he cares for the people close to him, we find out he has an aversion to violence. he's a career criminal, i'm not saying he doesnt know how to throw a punch, but he goes out of his way to avoid it.
he's repeatedly shown to be a voice of reason, a mediator, and every time a violent solution is brought up, he immediately protests and wants to figure out a different way. that's fascinating to me.
he's breaking the mold of being "a murdock" in the most unexpected way. we think he must be so much like jack to so easily get involved in crime (with even jack saying so himself), but here we are shown that's wrong.
i wish we could've gotten his and butch's convo directly after this. also, another thing, mike's reaction to people he cares about doing something he doesnt approve of isn't to get angry, it's to worry. which, again. fascinating. admirable, even.
when he finds out matt's "in rehab" he's worried, and yeah a little angry, but mostly concerned for his brother. even after this incident, we are seen mike being very worried later. he's concerned for butch's mental state and wants to stop him from making any rash decisions (ie killing someone)
but, yeah. sorry for the damn essay (and heres another) anyways
trying to save wilson fisk from being assassinated
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christs sake hes so fucking gorgeous. also ignore matt being an asshole here because that's all he ever did when mike was around.
this was another very interesting moment in which we see mike's strong morals on full display. we are repeatedly told mike isn't the kind of person to be trusted, he doesnt take things seriously, he's morally ambiguous yada yada. and yet.
as soon as he finds out butch is planning to maybe (which he later find out he's correct about) put a hit on wilson fisk, wilson fuckin fisk, he wants to stop it. mike is under the impression that killing someone is not a line you can cross and come back from. he's deeply concerned about the path his friend is headed down.
In this scene, he's coming to visit foggy in the hospital to talk to him about maybe getting butch out of jail while also hoping to catch daredevil there. he does, obviously.
his full intention is to team up with daredevil to try and take fisk down. mike thinks if he can take fisk down it'll stop butch from trying to kill him.
him going to daredevil also shows his ability to extend his compassion to others. he has no fuckin reason to trust daredevil. daredevil has done nothing but insult mike, yell and argue with him, and even rough him up a couple of times. and still, mike decides to reach out because he knows daredevil is supposed to be a good guy. he also knows daredevil is supposed to be matt's close friend.
he brings it up more than once that the reason he trusts daredevil is because of matt being his friend (despite mike and matt supposedly not being close).
so, yeah, i got a little off-topic, but that's why i love this scene so much. it shows not only how deeply mike cares for people, but also his compassion and aversion to violence. he's trying to take care of his best friend and trust daredevil despite their differences. he's showing how good of a person he is and how dedicated he is to his cause of a "bloodless" coup.
if you made it this far fuckin THANKS, mike is my favoritest most specialist boy lmao and this turned into a character study high key but im not mad about it
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do you think the jedi prohibit 'frivolous uses of the force'?? because i see it a lot in fic but i swear i distinctly remember obi-wan using the force to pull a literal chair over lmfao
Yoooo, I've been wanting to write a post about that for like a week xD Okay, so here's the thing: I started answering this one, confident that I knew where the use of the word 'frivolous' came from - but it turned out that I was wrong, so I'm actually a bit baffled about its origin. But here goes:
(@cacodaemonia I know you were interested in this topic?)
No, I don't think the Jedi prohibit that. I don't think the Jedi even have 'frivolous' use of the Force as a concept. The idea that they prohibit it, or at least frown upon it, is very likely rooted in the AotC scene of Anakin levitating a piece of fruit.
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Wookieepedia cites that scene and that scene only on the topic of frivolousness in the page on Telekinesis.
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But the word frivolous isn't used in that scene! Who came up with it? Obi-Wan being grumpy about Anakin levitating the fruit could mean just about anything. Maybe Jedi frown upon showing off in front of a diplomat you're meant to be protecting in a professional way. Maybe Obi-Wan and only Obi-Wan disapproves of Anakin levitating stuff because he kept doing it around the apartment as a kid, just to be a little shit. Maybe Jedi frown upon playing with your food with the Force, which wouldn't necessarily be linked with it being 'frivolous' but just with 'don't be gross.'
Now I thought it came from the novelization using that specific word, but it doesn't! The novelization is based on the original script as opposed to the dialogue in the movie (it actually came out before the movie, so that's why) and the scene is longer in them both and seems to confirm what I said about how it could mean a lot of other things (because he isn't just levitating it originally, he's playing with it):
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PADME: You did that? [ANAKIN looks up - wide-eyed innocence.] ANAKIN: What? [PADME scowls at him. PADME jabs at the fruit - ANAKIN subtly moves his hand and it lifts up from the plate and hovers in front of her.] PADME: That! Now stop it! [PADME laughs. ANAKIN laughs. She reaches out for the fruit - it loops.] PADME (continuing): Anakin!! [ANAKIN moves his fingers. The fruit flies into his hand.] ANAKIN: I'm not really supposed to do that... for fun, I mean. If Master Obi-Wan were here, he'd be very grumpy. [ANAKIN is pleased. He cuts the fruint (sic) into several pieces and sends one back to PADME. She bites it out of the air and laughs.]
Even taking Anakin at face value, this does not say there is an Order-wide ban on 'frivolous' uses of the Force. Again, maybe Force-assisted food shenanigans are frowned upon. Maybe Anakin isn't supposed to mess with people with the Force for fun. Maybe it's just Anakin assuming, as he sometimes does.
I think 'frivolous' might come from one of the EU books - it's not from No Prisoners (the Karen Travis TCW book) though, so I have no idea who might have used it in that context first??
Anyway, the issue in fic is that 'frivolous' is often confused with 'casual.' Hence the Obi-Wan thing imo.
One, 'frivolous' is judgy - it gives it a sense of sin, something that the Jedi... don't seem to have that much of a concept of? Dressing 'immodestly' isn't condemned, for example. I don't see the Order as a whole (there are sticks in the mud everywhere) having a thing against a concept as vague as 'frivolousness.' I mean... Yoda? His whole idea of fun is to mess with people and cackle, and his teaching methods include massive trolling, teasing the grown-up Masters with his gaggle of kiddos and whatnot. You cannot tell me Yoda never tugged on somebody's cloak to make them trip.
Two, frivolous and casual aren't the same thing. Obi-Wan pulling the chair falls into the casual use category imo - and yes, we do see him and others do this kind of casual stuff many times! (Off the top of my head: Obi-Wan grabs the map-ball thingy from the map-reader in AotC - in front of younglings, so there's no fear of a bad example being set - Yoda calls his stick to his hand in AotC, Obi-Wan pulls a chair in TCW s2, Jedi call their lightsabers to them all the time - though it's usually in combat settings, so it doesn't necessarily count, Obi-Wan closes a door in AotC - I think Ewan was the one who thought it'd be neat to do it? Idk...)
And I don't agree that "it goes to show their hypocrisy" or whatever. What, because we assume that's what Anakin meant in the AotC scene and because we assume it's 100% an Order-wide thing, and we assume that the Jedi would view using the Force for daily tasks as frivolous, then every single instance of Jedi using the Force for simple every day stuff is hypocritical?! Even though floating freaking fruit around somebody's head and pulling up a chair are absolutely not the same thing? The latter is something you would do no matter whether you use the Force or not - pulling a chair is a normal thing to do. Playing with fruit around someone is a rude thing to do. There's a difference whether or not 'frivolous' stuff is frowned upon.
And also, using the Force is a natural thing. The Jedi do it like they breathe - it's all around them and they're aware of it constantly, and it's not always something they can turn on or off. It's natural that they would use it for daily stuff, and the level of respect that comes attached with using it would necessarily vary from one Jedi to the other. Just look at Quinlan. What, jumping out of a gunship to make an entrance isn't frivolous? Well, Quinlan is a Master, so his views on it are just as valid - just as Jedi - as anybody else's. (Plus Obi-Wan - the Council Member - gives him grief for being late, not for just for being ridiculous, so again - rudeness.)
I can see some Masters being against using the Force with carelessness - and yeah, I can also see some Masters being against using it in a 'fun' way - because you have to be careful with that stuff, but it probably would generate debate. There wouldn't be a definite consensus on what is too much and what isn't.
If "the Jedi all frown upon casually using the Force" is something that Lucas intended to convey in the movie, please correct me and give me a source.
Though it is also entirely possible that Obi-Wan was meant to be a bit hypocritical about it - because he and Anakin have their tensions, and as somewhat of a parental figure it's only natural that he would scold Anakin for stuff that isn't that big of deal, or that he himself has done, because that's what every person who's ever been in charge of a younger person has done at some point. So sure, maybe Obi-Wan scolded Anakin for being too casual with the Force? But I still don't see it as a Big Rule that is in the Jedi Code That Must Not Be Violated and that get you Shamed and Shunned if you dare to have fun with the Force.
(Honestly, it reminds me of 'your Lightsaber is your Life' thing, and Ahsoka and Anakin both separately whining that their Master was going to kill them for losing/breaking theirs. There's a certain level or respect and care expected, the Masters (or... only Obi-Wan and Anakin, lol) nag a bit, aren't always careful enough themselves, the kids make a big deal out of it in front of other people, but ultimately there are zero repercussion whatsoever for actually failing to follow the Master's nagging. Like, Jocasta tells Ahsoka Anakin would totally understand, and it's Ahsoka who insists he wouldn't and makes it into a big thing.)
Again, having Masters tell their students to be respectful of the Force and not to treat it like a joke? Sure. Showing off with the Force in a rude manner being called 'frivolous,' and it being a bad thing? I could see it. Having Masters get pissy about pulling chairs, closing doors or whatever - about doing things you can do with your hands with the Force instead? Maybe, but it wouldn't be an Order-wide thing.
One thing's for certain, we never see a Master directly scolding a student for using the Force casually in the Prequels, the OT or TCW, much less calling it 'frivolous.'
So yeah, gimme Jedi levitating stuff to clean up under the furniture xD
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heavensickness · 3 years
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i talked abt onion here! hmm let's see
salocin would remind her a lot of her father with his carefree attitude and dad jokes - a much more responsible and emotionally mature version, of course. maybe what his father would've been like if he didn't make the mistakes he did. not that she is consciously aware of this though, she just thinks that salo is so neat and reliable! she follows positivity/humour twitter accounts & instagram pages for him and sends him the best ones since he doesn't know how to use social media. she is the reason why he regularly texts stuff like "manifesting 🙏🔮🕯" & calls the server members his "besties" (which makes toasty and two2 lose it everytime). also he might've been actually reading the embarrassingly romantic, ridiculous or nasty texts she & xyx have been sending each other in the deleted channel...
June, dearest June!!! She is very mature, sometimes more than hotgirl so she feels like she is the younger one sometimes lol. They have a lot of videocalls and hotgirl can sense that she is having a hard time and gently tells her during one videocall that she can confide in her whenever she needs. Or just vent. That she doesn't have to pretend peppy and cheerful all the time, and it's ok to talk about her anxieties in the server which is ironic coming from her. I have this headcanon that she and June live close to each other and are in the same time zone, so they can craft bloomic headcanons when everyone else is asleep or at work etc. It almost goes like
June: Nathaniel's overly responsible and socially active lifestyle is a compensation for the frustration he feels against the upper class since he had to fight tooth and limb to climb his way up the social ladder and him lashing out Lola in chapter 25 and his monologue in chapter 34 proves that his anger goes more deeper than he wants to believe
hotgirl: omg ur so cool and right, i love ur galaxy brain. btw i think Lola is a lesbian
if they are not dating anyone, she and biglady would always flirt back and forth. every sentence is ended with compliments and a "yes homo" with the lydia hearts emoji. biglady is the 3rd or 4th person in the server that hotgirl would date tbh, her chances are higher than some LIs lmfao bc i think they would complete each other so well and also i am bisexual 💜 as friends??? sleepovers with face masks, snacks, movie nights!!! June is also there!!! god i want the server meetup so bad
She would adore two2. Together with biglady, they form the helicopter big sister squad. no one's allowed to troll him when she's around!!! unless it's really funny two2 feels embarassed sometimes because of how much he vents to the chat & thinks that the members see him as a big baby. She would reassure him a lot because she knows how it feels to be a broke college kid who has no idea know what they are doing in life lol. Idk if I mentioned this but she has an estranged half-brother born to her mother & her mother's second husband. He must be 14-15 years old by now. This is one of her most repressed guilts; not being able to be a big sister to her brother even though it was not her fault as her mother did her best to keep the son away from her because she would be a "bad influence" to him, and after she moved out at 18 years old, they just. Lost all contact. And she feels like a totally deadbeat loser about it. Idk if she would ever talk about this topic, it would take a looooog time to talk about this even with the LI she is dating. ANYWAYS this is not an angst post, so! She can at least enjoy being a protective, goofy big sister to two2. She tells him that if anyone at his new college bothers him, he should tell them that he has a big sister who is 2 meters tall and terrifying also a cage fighter
for bloombot and hypebot, well, she ships them LMFAO she asks bloombot if she wants to experience romance firsthand and bloombot is kind of lost at what she is trying to say 😭😭😭 xyx will also add personalized replies to hypebot for bloombot. leave the bots alone u troublemakers!!!
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The many, many feelings Laxus has had for one mr Justine
And a very specific one he has for one future mr Justine-Dreyar
This one’s for @fuckyeahfraxus​ !! Thanks for the request !!
The request was : ’ x moments Laxus realized he’s fallen in love with Freed’. I think a lot is really Freed-feeling centered still, in art and fanfic, like- Freed thinking about Laxus, admiring or swooning over him (and lets not talk about how predictable/stereotyp-y most smut fics still are lmao…) so I think it would be nice to have Laxus’ feelings in the center and how he realized? Freed’s genuine smile, Freed working out, Freed fighting, Freed’s angry eyebrows (LMFAO!), just stuff like that you know?? Whatever comes to mind djefgrrh
(I strayed a bit from this whoopsie)
Laxus would really like to know what sort of backwards kind of logic brought Bickslow to the conclusion that it was a-okay to bring a child, a literal tiny human being, with them on an almost S-class mission. If they didn’t have to take a wretched piece of moving metal also known as a train to get to their destination, he probably would’ve noticed earlier. But alas, that was not the case and now he’s babysitting a toddler while Bickslow is taking a leak. What a fucking dick.
Eyeing the kid in front of him, Laxus really doesn’t know what to make of him. He’s tiny, has blue doe eyes and cheeks still chubby with baby fat. Upon his lap, he’s balancing a leatherbound book that’s nearly bigger than the boy himself. Unlike all the other children at the guild, he doesn’t fawn over Laxus or demands him to fight him. He seems completely indifferent. Sitting there, reading his book as though he’s the poster child of a perfectly well-behaved child.
Awkwardly coughing, Laxus tries to initiate some sort of conversation. He’s clearly the older one in this situation and so, he reasons, he should do the mature thing, like make conversations and stuff. Admittedly, he’s got no clue what adults are supposed to do but he supposes that talking to the kid might be a good start. “What’s your magic?”
Ah damn it, he should’ve asked his name first. How do people normally make small talks? Raising one eyebrow, the boy looks up from his book to give Laxus a flat stare. After some eyecontact that lasted too long for Laxus’ comfort, the boy returns his attention to the pages of his book and settles upon the answer : “Sometimes I write things. Also, my name is Freed Justine, what might yours be?”
Once again there’s an awkward and stilted pause, mainly because Laxus is trying to figure out whether the kid is messing with him or not. Deciding to dismiss his inner doubts, Laxus blurts out. “Dreyar. Laxus. Dreyar’s the last name. I am Laxus Dreyar.” Yeah, totally nailed that. Even his deadbeat father has probably been blessed with more social graces than Laxus himself.
Luckily enough for whatever’s left of his reputation (probably close to nothing), Bickslow returns and ruffles Freed’s hair while talking to him. “Ya still remember the plan kiddo?” he asks jovially, getting a curt nod in return. “Look cute, score a nice room through the power of pity for”, he morphs his face into a sad and forlorn expression, “a poor orphan child.” Within an instant, he has regained his neutral expression and tucks his book under his arm.
“I will probably make some amendments in the plan”, Freed continues casually as though he and Bickslow aren’t planning to swindle someone. “Do whatever you feel is needed, I just want to sleep on a comfy bed tonight”, Bickslow shrugs before waving the kid off.
Once he’s out of sight, Laxus turns to Bickslow and hisses : “Why are you corrupting children?” To which Bickslow vehemently shakes his head. “You’ve got it completely wrong man, if anything, he’s corrupting me!” At Laxus’ flat and disbelieving look, Bickslow sticks out his tongue. “Fine, don’t believe me then. But the first time Freed and I teamed up, he suggested something along these lines and it worked well. We don’t do anything really bad, just sometimes things that are a bit questionable.”
“Whatever.” He leaves it at that and the two of them continue the mission.
The mission, as it turns out, is a little bit more complicated than expected. He doesn’t know where the extra band of rogues suddenly came from, but he does know that they’re too widely spread to take care of in one go and he has no idea where the fuck Bickslow is. While he’s trying to push the enemy back, something in the air shimmers to life.
Purple runes surround them all and for a moment Laxus thinks that the rune knights have arrived. But then he notices that these runes are different. They pulse as though they’re alive and they smell of purpose, gleam with power. Once the sky is fully covered in purple writing, enemies start dropping one by one.
Confused, Laxus looks around and spots Freed, who puts his pen back in his pocket. “Everyone above the age of fourteen will lose consciousness for a period of three hours.” With a toothy grin, he turns to Laxus. “Sometimes I write things.”
Talk about an understatement. Without waiting for Laxus, Freed skips through the streets and along sleeping bodies until he stumbles unto Bickslow a few streets further. “If you guys get rid of those”, he gestures to the bodies, “we can relax at the hotel. I found something nice.”
After he and Bickslow have thrown the slew of bandits into jail, they follow Freed to a hotel that looks far to nice for a bunch of children. “I’d appreciate it if you guys just shut up and follow along.” With that, he raps his knuckles on the door and right before the door opens, his stature changes. Chin raised, back straight, eyes cold and mouth twisted in a bratty sneer.
“Oh young sir, you’ve returned”, the owner of the inn almost grovels in front of Freed, who inspects his wrist. “Nearly a minute. My father will hear about it.” From his angle, Laxus can clearly see that he’s not wearing a watch and he surpresses a laugh as the kid breezes past the man with the air of a fourty year old noble with too much money on his hands.
Within a day of meeting him, Laxus knows that Freed Justine is a complete and utter charlatan, witty and has very ambiguous moral values.
Sooner or later they would be caught, there was no surprise there. They had all discussed it already, but reality still comes like a slap to the face sometimes. Sometimes quite literally, because Makarov hadn’t hesitated to give his grandson a good old smack around the ears after he found out that he and the raijinshuu had been sneaking S-class missions behind back.
“Laxus Dreyar, what were you thinking? What kind of example are you setting for the younger children in this guild? Don’t you think it might have any effects on them if the master’s grandson goes around stealing S-class missions? Boy, you should-”
“He didn’t”, Freed smoothly cuts in and Makarov turns to the other boy. Laxus wishes he had just shut his mouth. Adults don’t react well to younger kids talking back, but Freed doesn’t seem to learn that. Or he doesn’t care about it. Nervously letting his eyes dart between the two, he decides that he’s grabbing his team and running as soon as he sees Makarov’s stance change in a way he doesn’t like. He’s trained for that sort of stuff.
“Might I speak to you in the privacy of your study?” Freed calmly asks and his poised demeanour seems to work like some sort of damper on his grandfather’s anger. Gesturing for Freed to follow the two of them disappear into the room. Naturally, Laxus plasters himself to the door to figure out what’s going on after sending the others home.
Peaking through the keyhole and thanks to his enhanced senses, he has a pretty great view on the situation. “I stole them and most of the time Laxus didn’t even know they were S-class missions. As you know, I am quite crafty with a pen.” Makarov takes a deep breath. “Why?”
For a prolonged moment they stare at each other, a stern man and a stern boy. The boy gives in. “They take a long time to complete”, Freed whispers, gaze directed at his feet that don’t reach the ground from the chair he’s sitting on. Realisation doesn’t dawn on Makarov’s face until Freed meekly adds : “The longer the missions, the less time Laxus has to spend at his home, where Ivan lives.”
The sentence clearly hits Makarov and he looks older than ever. “My boy, situations so grave should not be your responsibility.” Freed shrugs. “You asked me to take care of your grandson. To the best of my capacities, I am. For some reason, Ivan seems to be untouchable by the law, so I’ll have to find another way. I regret infringing upon your practical rules, but I do not regret following my ethical ones.”
After a deep sigh, Makarov reaches over, presumably to pat Freed’s head, but the boy has already flinched back before that can happen. Seeing the surprise on Makarov’s face, Freed quickly spits out : “You just hit your grandson, I’m not taking any chances.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Only to me?” Makarov shakes his head. “No, what I did to my grandson was out of line as well, I will be speaking to him later.”
With curious eyes Makarov looks at Freed, who stares back with an impressively blank face. It seems as though the old man has a whole lot to say, but he settles on the words : “You’re a good strategist”, before patting Freed on the head. The boy doesn’t flinch at all and  gives him a half-tilted smirk in return. “Here.” Makarov shoves a paper in Freed’s hands. “S-Class, long and something I know you guys can take. I’ll scan the S-Class missions as they come in and give you the safer ones. I hope this is enough of a compromise for you. Now get lost, brat.” With a laugh and a wave, Freed moves out of the office, but by then, Laxus has already removed himself from there, not wanting to get caught.  
There’s three of them now and even worse, they’ve officially become a team. Evergreen’s the newest, spunkiest addition to a team that seems composed out of… good people with a lot of bad ideas. A whole lot of bad ideas, but they’re usually contained by Freed being a responsible captain at fourteen years old.
Today though, he has decided to give in to the demands of the other members of the raijinshuu and Laxus has been roped into it as well. “Icecream icecream !” Bickslow and his babies yell and Evergreen is stomping her platform heeled shoes on time with his yelling and in a softer tone, she also chants : “Icecream icecream !” Freed, who looks like he wants to shove his head in the nearest fountain, weakly chants along as well. The heath is clearly getting to him, as he misses the beat that the other two are sustaining. “Ice…cream ?” Slowly he claps his hands together, looks at Laxus in confusion and Laxus snorts. “Yeah cap, you’re doing great”, he says fondly and Freed pumps his fist into the air. “Woohoo”, he mumbles half-heartedly, but still smiling.
Evergreen has abandoned her heels and is currently dragging herself through the streets on bare feet. Bickslow’s mask has gotten lost too and although Freed’s hair is miraculously as pristine as ever, the bags under his eyes give away how tired he is. Laxus himself feels like he’s been run over by a train. All in all, it’s their normal state after a mission.
On their way to Laxus’ house (because the three gremlins have sort of invaded it), they happen to run into Ivan and Laxus braces himself for an upcoming shitstorm. Next to him, Freed lets his eyes dart between Ivan and Laxus and cocks his head in a questioning way. “I don’t want to deal with him right now”, he mumbles and Freed nods. “Okay.”
He doesn’t really get what Freed means with ‘okay’ until Ivan turns to Laxus, opens his mouth and Freed steps in front of him. “Do you have any business with my team?”
For the first time in his life, Laxus sees Ivan looking absolutely gobsmacked, until the expression morphs into one of complete and utter rage. “Who do you think you are?” he shrieks and Freed offers him a hand, which Ivan completely ignores. “Freed Justine, captain of this team. My team and I will be gone again tomorrow, so I suggest you voice your complains right now.”
Although Ivan tries to address his son, Freed has a way of redirecting his attention to him, by being perfectly polite but also very down to earth. Not a single second does he give him an opening to talk. The whole ordeal has been going on for nearly an hour, before Ivan gives Freed a hard shove before stomping off.
“Well, there you go. After we’re back from our next mission-” Bickslow and Evergreen whine at that and Freed winks at them. “Don’t worry, Laxus is going to work the hardest. The S-Class tournament is coming up. Anyway, after all that, your dad will have calmed down.”
It’s true, but that doesn’t mean that Ivan will forget the interaction.
Laxus isn’t unfamiliar with Freed’s dark écriture. Up until this moment, he thought that it was nothing but an extension of normal runes. As the sky turns dark and the wind picks up, he starts to doubt it.
He doesn’t know what had shaken Freed up enough, to make him lose control like this. The village they should’ve been saving, has been completely eradicated and Freed still hasn’t calmed down. His right eye is pulsing and glowing, teeth gnashing and his gaze settles on Laxus. He knows he’s the next target and it makes his legs feel jittery.
But there’s no way in hell he’s gonna put the weight of his death on his best friend’s shoulders. He’s tired beyond belief, but as lightning crackles across his skin, he grins. “Let’s go.”
Although he’s soaked to the bone, Laxus refuses to climb down from the roof to go inside. Shelter is not that far away, but he’s not feeling like searching for it. He’s fine where he is, bathing in the light of the storm.
A little noise from behind him alerts him of another human being and turning around, he finds Freed. No real surprise there, but Laxus does wonder why the other always seems to pick up on his need for isolation with just the tiniest hint of human contact.
Wordlessly Freed sits down next to him, a black umbrella opened above both of their heads. “Hand me that thing before you get electrocuted”, Laxus says and Freed passes it to him, alongside a thermos filled with warm tea. It’s comfortable there, two soaked men pressed together on a rooftop.
After a while, Freed retracts his head from Laxus’ shoulder (although he didn’t notice the other man placing it there, he does notice the regretful absence of it) and stares him deep in the eyes. “Laxus, I’ve got something to say to you.” Unwillingly, Laxus tenses. He’s twenty-one, but that phrase still makes him uncomfortable.
Of course Freed notices and he spares him a smile. “No need to get worked up. It’s not a declaration that will have any effects, but I’d like to get that weight off my chest anyway. It’s getting a bit bothersome.”
Patiently Laxus waits while Freed takes a few sips from his tea before he confesses. “I am in love with you.” Plain and simple. Should Laxus have been the one stating that, it would’ve been a tumultuous blurting of words, but Freed manages to give even a short statement as that a refined edge. “Oh.” He doesn’t really know what to say to that, doesn’t know what the appropriate reaction is.
Meanwhile, Freed is watching him with growing amusement. “I already told you, you needn’t worry. Do you take me for a fool?” Dutifully, Laxus shakes his head. “Are you in love with me?” A whole lot slower, Laxus shakes his head again. Freed is a wonderful friend, but Laxus isn’t really attracted to him. He does not know what that feels like either. “Well then the problem’s solved isn’t it? We just continue our lives. I just wanted to tell you, that’s all. I’m simply relaying a message, there are no responsibilities tied to it on your part. Thank you for hearing me out.”
“No problem.” Fiddling with his fingers, Laxus looks over at Freed, who has decided to lay down on the roof. He doesn’t look sad at all, in fact, Laxus would describe the expression on his face as content. Freed’s always been a rationalist, so he had probably foreseen this outcome. There’s something admireable about that, throwing your feelings out in the open like that, knowing they’re not going to be returned.
“No.” They’re standing right in front of each other, chest to chest and about ready to commence a fistfight. “Are you stupid?” Freed continues, voice icy until he lays eyes on Bickslow, who’s nervously bouncing his leg as he watches their argument go down. Evergreen walks into the room right at that moment and within a second, she already looks uncomfortable. Freed’s eyes soften then and he tugs Laxus with him to another room to tell him in a hushed tone that his idea to become guild master is stupid. It’s annoying.
Lately, all three of his friends have been out of it and it’s the sort of opportunity Laxus has been waiting for. He’s been trying to convince them to help him with becoming guildmaster and honestly, he’s been met with more resistance than he’d expected. But it’s alright, as Bickslow has already given in and Evergreen is about to. Yesterday, she’d had a crying fit over something or other. He vaguely knows what it was about, but he can’t bring himself to really care. It’s all whatever.
The only person who needs a little bit of help, is currently ringing the doorbell. Freed comes in, looking troubled and drops down unto the couch. Laxus takes a seat beside him and waits. “I worry about Bicks and Ever”, he says softly, running his hand through his hair. “They have a bit of…”, he pauses, bites his lip for a bit and continues. “Trouble fitting in.” There it is. An opening.
He offers Freed an arm and the other man leans onto him as Laxus traps him in a half-hug. “I’ve noticed”, he answers, copying Freed’s tone. “Why do you think I suggested something like this? Fairy Tail is supposed to be a place for all, isn’t it? Then why not for you guys? You don’t deserve that.”
He pauses to let the words sink in and can nearly hear the cogs in Freed’s head turning. “You know”, Freed speaks up, “I’ve always thought you were a lot like your grandfather.”
With a lot of effort, Laxus is able to keep the annoyance out of his voice as he says : “Oh really? We’re both strong, is that it?”
“I won’t deny that, but I meant it otherwise.” With a little smile, Freed taps Laxus’ chest. “Heart. You’re both very kind.” Then he gives a short laugh and moves back. Gone is the softness and familiarity and Laxus is once again met with very, very cold eyes. “You’re also both bad liars. Don’t try to butter me up, don’t pretend you care.”
With curt movements, Freed moves from the couch and after dusting his coat off, he turns to Laxus. “I will help you”, he says, which comes as a surprise. “I have my own reasons. Don’t back out now that you’ve got a team to help you. You’re opening the door to hell, but I’m the one shutting it behind us. There’s no going back now.”
Well that….sure happened. Laxus is currently being exiled and he doesn’t feel sad about it. Or happy. Or anything at all really, because his head is still reeling from everything that they did. Everything he had started, everything he had pushed his friends into. Evergreen and Bickslow are complaining quite loudly and Laxus honestly wants to apologise. He doesn’t yet, because he’d like to apologise for everything he had done and he has the feeling that right now, he is overlooking a lot, because he’s a shortsighted and arrogant fool. Freed doesn’t say anything at all. He has the grace to let Laxus leave with a little bit of dignity and the resolve to be better.
The situation is less than ideal, but one way or another, Laxus has found some time here and there to talk to his friends. This way, he comes to know that Freed was eligible for the trials, which is awesome, and that he had thrown his first fight, which was a bit less awesome, but Laxus understands his reasoning.
Nevertheless, Freed and the others look happy and him being there doesn’t seem to infringe on it, to the contrary, his presence seems to lighten their mood even more. After Bickslow had revealed Freed’s … less than majestic plan (and had received a swift kick to his ankles in retaliation), the both of them blabber on about the daily life at the guild. They’re cheerful and he feels content.
Of course, everything goes to shit after that.
Seven years is a long fucking time and how everyone is coping with this, Laxus doesn’t know. After profusely apologising to everyone that matters to him, he’d been forgiven. Evergreen had dragged him to go shopping with her and he also had to promise her to help her improve her fighting techniques without telling anyone, Bickslow demanded a stack of handpainted dolls (why he asked that is beyond Laxus because he is admittedly, a shitty artist) and Freed had very politely asked if he could shout at Laxus for a little bit. After he had been given permission, he had released a storm of words that had been kept inside for a very long time. It had been a bit overdue, but alas.
Right now, Laxus is staring at the nightsky and wondering. Romeo is big, the old men are even older and everything is not exactly as it was. “Hey.” Freed sits down next to him and places his head on Laxus’ shoulder. Apparently he finds it a comfortable place to be and Laxus would be lying if he said that he didn’t like it. “I’m not sure what to make of everything”, he confesses and Freed hums in return. “Me neither, but we’ll make something out of it.” He covers Laxus’ hand with his own and Laxus turns his hand to give Freed’s a squeeze. “We will”, he agrees quietly and lays his head on top of Freed’s.
Laxus Dreyar would really like to throttle the person who came up with the ungodly idea to have a team share one bedroom. Even worse, they have a day off and no one has left the room. It’s the closest thing to hell on earth.
Somehow, Gajeel has gotten his hands on a guitar and while he’s performing the most awful song Laxus has had the displeasure of hearing, Mira is joyfully clapping the rhythm along while Juvia has plastered herself to the window, mournfully looking outside while muttering nonsense. He doesn’t know what Jellal and Cana are off to, although he can pretty much guess Cana’s whereabouts.
Somebody save him from infinite boredom and irritation, please.
As though he heard Laxus’ thoughts, Freed materialises in a swirl of shimmering purple runes. “Good day sir, how would you feel about accompanying me to the market? There are spices I want to try using.”
Without hesitation, Laxus grabs Freed by the shoulders and yanks him close. Staring the other man in the eyes, he sighs. “Freed, you are an outright godsend and I hope you know it. Let’s ditch this place.”
They spend a nice afternoon at Crocus’ market and Freed shows his uglier sides when it comes to haggling (it’s vicious and scary to watch). He’s not particularly more active than he was in the room, but the company is nicer and if he’s silent with Freed, it’s just comfortable. There’s no need to fill up the silence.
The clothes are uncomfortable, the gaggle of girls around him is uncomfortable, the exceedingly high and unattainable expectations of old geezers are also uncomfortable. If anything, Laxus would love to crawl under a rock and live his life like a caveman.
While he’s busy wondering about his cavemanlife to forgot his current unwanted ballroomlife, Freed asks him to dance and Laxus brushes him off as though he’s one of the pesky girls clinging to his arms. He catches sight of the quick flash of hurt in Freed’s eyes before the man apologises and moves away. Ah shit. Ah fuck. That was not his intention.
He doesn’t get to Freed until very late in the evening, when everyone’s blackout drunk. “I’m sorry I should’ve known better than to ask”, Freed says and Laxus doesn’t know how he should put the fact that he does not want to dance in front of all these people in polite words. It’s not Freed that he minds. Instead of saying anything useful at all, he awkwardly keeps sipping his champagne for the rest of the night. Freed does the same. They stand right beside each other, but refuse to properly look at the other.
When Laxus wanders upon the scene, he was busy thinking about how cute Freed looked with his hair up in a ponytail. Fights were about the last thing on his minde, but like hell Laxus is gonna let this bastard fuck with his family. For once, he has found his way back to the restaurant, only to find out that it has been eradicated. His friends are banged up and his uncle is in mortal danger. Fuck that.
Fuck the consequences even more. Where do people like this keep appearing from? He doesn’t have a lot of time to wonder about it, because he needs to save whomever he can save. The last thing he vaguely remembers, is Freed screaming his name.
After waking up, time passes in a haze of 'I’ve got to save them, I’ve got to save them, I’ve got to sa-“
Eventually, he does it, somehow and wakes up with his friends by his side. When looking at them, he can’t recall why on earth he ever thought this set of people was in any way, shape or form replaceable. On most days, he’s bit bothered by how big his body is, seeing as it makes him seem more oafish than he actually is. Today he’s happy with it, because he can gather those three precious people in his arms all at once. They’re important to him and he wants them to know.
Fairy Tail disbanded. On top of that, when faced with the decision which guild they should join now, Freed had suggested Blue Pegasus and why oh why did he even agree to that.
Laxus despises it and he wonders how Freed can stand being here. Knowing the sadistic streak the man has, combined with the will to always throw down if challenged to a fight, it’s surprising how easily he blends with the Blue Pegasus style of life. He smiles easily and quite prettily too, dresses more casual and at the same time sharper and he looks good in it. He’s popular too and it shows in his guild ranking. Who doesn’t want to accept a drink from a handsome young man, who speaks as though genuine flattery is his native tongue.
Because they’ve been friends for so long, Laxus is able to discern when Freed is being a scheming liar. Lately, he hasn’t seen any of it. Of course, there’s been the little white lies he tells for his job, but beside that…nothing. The lack of misschievous creativity is a bit concerning.
"Are you alright?”, he dares to ask Freed one night and when the man looks confused, Laxus fumbles a bit. “You haven’t committed any crimes lately”, he mutters and Freed barks out a surprised laugh. “What sort of life do you think I lead?” he huffs out between his laughter and Laxus can feel his face getting redder. “One filled with tax fraud?”
“Tax fraud is actually a crime I refrain from, since I have the money to pay sufficient taxes. But now that you say it, I do have a tendency to balance on the edge of the law.”
“ ’S true, but you’re trying to distract me. You’ve got something stewing in your head, fess up.”
Gone is the jovial laughter, replaced by a particular brand of melancholy that Freed gets caught in when he thinks no one’s looking. “If you insist. I have mainly been wondering when you were going to share the fact that you’re still dying with the group. It seems like a piece of information that we’d like to know.”
Oh. Truth to be told, he himself was still trying to ignore that, even though his body likes to remind him on a daily basis. “Sorry”, Freed says after a prolonged silence, “that was unfair of me. You probably don’t like to be reminded of that either. It’s just…” He lets out a frustrated sigh and looks at Laxus with eyes that are weary and drained. “I’m tired. I want everything to be alright. Sure, I want to go on missions with you guys for as long as we can, but right now, I feel like I can’t breath. Like life is trying to choke us all.”
It’s then that Laxus realises why exactly Freed, battle-ready, witty Freed, had chosen to settle for Blue Pegasus of all guilds. What kind of reassurance could he possibly give with a body that is shutting down that very moment? Not a lot. Still, Laxus tries. “Don’t mourn me while I’m still alive, jackass”, he fake-grumbles and bumps Freed’s shoulder. “Don’t give in captain, that’s not your way of doing things. You’re capable and cunning enough to get through this.”
All in all, his attempt at being inspirational is laughable at best, but Freed takes his words to heart anyway. “You’re right. I won’t fail you.” Before Freed can stalk off after that statement, Laxus catches his arm. Freed turns around like a deer in headlights and Laxus catches the glimpses of sadness in his eyes. “This is not a personal mission that I’m assigning to you. I don’t want to you to run yourself into the ground looking for a solution that might not exist. I’m just saying that if anyone could save me, it’d be you.” Freed eyes widen and Laxus lets go of his arm, awkwardly scratching his neck instead. “Let’s make the best of what we got right now.”
Their time at Blue Pegasus is the start of rediscovering each other. Before, the time they had to spare had been limited but right now, they’ve got enough space to fill with other little activities.
First on the list are the things he already knew, but is appreciating all over again. Freed working out or sparring with him is a blessing to be honest. Beside the fact that Freed can keep up with him, both because he’s a skilled mage and knows how Laxus ticks, Freed is also a joy to watch. There’s something about his lean, muscle-packed frame that makes Laxus blood go hot. The other man is a refined package of brute strength and Freed is aware of it, if his smirk is anything to go by.  
Whenever Laxus manages to make Freed smile, a genuine tilted little thing that always seems to incline towards a smirk, he feels his heart doing things that should not be humanly possible. Romantic attraction has always been a bit of a foreign concept to him, because he couldn’t fathom why people would decide to become a thing with people they didn’t or barely knew. He still cannot imagine how people trust anyone but the people closest to them with feelings that big. Undivided trust is a big factor as to why Laxus feels himself getting drawn to Freed.
As one philosopher by the honourful name of Bickslow once said : “Smart people invent their own kind of stupid.” That phrase is definitely the case with Freed, who’s a bit too competitive for his own good. Does the man realise that it’s ridiculous to do things people told him not to do, because he simply can’t stand people telling him he’s unable to do it? Knowing him, definitely yes. Does it stop him from being a spiteful moron? Definitely not. The telltale sign of impending stupidity, aka Freed raising his eyebrows in an angry but challenging manner is there and if Laxus wasn’t incredibly charmed by it, he might’ve rolled his eyes at the reoccuring situation.
To be honest, Laxus isn’t sure what he’s supposed to think when Freed crawls upon Blue Pegasus’ podium, guitar in hand. He does get unwarranted flashbacks to Gajeel’s performances and when he looks at the rest of the raijinshuu, he notices that they too are undergoing that same brand of psychological torture. To snap them out of it, he asks them a question. “Is Freed drunk?”
“Definitely”, Bickslow laughs and Evergreen rolls her eyes. “Jenny said that there was no way that he could drink Hibiki under the table and our dearest captain saw it as a personal challenge. He won, but then Jenny fake-cried because she said that none of us ever perform and then he cried because he wanted to do his best. Now he’s on the stage and he’ll have to suffer the consequences of his own actions.”
“Not that there are going to be a lot, because Freed’s a good musician.” Evergreen hums in agreement, but Laxus 'ehs’ a bit at that. “No offense, but I’ve seen him 'singing’ his breakfast songs and I wouldn’t describe them as good.”
“Just watch and listen, loverboy”, Bickslow grins and nods at Freed, who’s waving at the audience. Luckily for him, it’s after closing time so there are no real costumers, but these are still the people he has to see on a daily basis. Tapping the mic, he draws everyone’s attention. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and gentlethem too.” After that, Freed spends a whole minute looking at the microphone, probably contemplating whether that was grammatically correct or not.
“Today I’m going to do my best!” he says raises his fist above his head. The guild follows his lead, whooping and cheering along. Nearly missing the stool on his first try, Freed manages to climb on top of it and strums the guitarstrings. When he redirects his gaze towards the audience, their eyes meet and Freed smirks before he opens his mouth and starts to sing. His normal speaking voice is already nice and deep, but holy shit, Laxus was not prepared to hear it in a singing content. His heartbeat picks up while his knees go weak and attraction to this man comes so, so easy.
Alvarez comes and breaks through their barrier, nearly killing the people closest to him. Later, Laxus learns that Freed almost died twice in a span of maybe an hour. He hates it and he hates how hopeless the situation looks. What can you do against someone who lays magic to waste?
You let them save your life. Laxus was right when he said that Freed would be to one to liberate him from his ailment and he still has to execute the plan, but Freed is right here, right now and they both give in to desperate passion for a little bit. He has one hand on the small of Freed’s back, pressing their bodies against each other as Freed does the same, pulling him closer with a too tight grasp on his shirt. If they could get any closer to each other, they probably would. They kiss and liquid fire spread throughout Laxus’ body and if he had the time, he’d properly worship this exquisite man like he deserved to be. But right now he doesn’t, so kisses Freed hello and goodbye and hopes this first kiss isn’t their last. Pulling away, his grip on Freed’s back still lingers on so does the firm grip Freed has on his shirt.
The world is once again going to shit, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. They are going to be alright. They have to.
All is on the road to well. One doesn’t immediately recover after a war across continents, but damn it, they’re trying. They have something together and no fucking thing will be allowed to infringe upon their happiness again. So Freed and Laxus go on dates, although it doesn’t differ much from the trips they used to take as friends. Importantly, they differ where it matters. They differ in the gazes, the kisses, the hand-holding and declarations of love. What they have differs from before because of new or rekindled feelings and the effort they both put into their relationship.
Laxus loves Freed, it’s as simple or complicated as that. He adores him from head to toe and he’s adored right back. There’s ups and downs, but most importantly, there’s them.
They’ve been together for two and a half years now and everyone who’s picked up on their relation is subtly, but not so subtly wondering when they’re going to get married. To make matters worse, they only seem to prod him about it and not his actually smooth and suave other half. (It’s unreal how good Freed is at flirting and making Laxus feel like molten jelly).
They’re right, he supposes, they have been dating for a while. It’s only natural for them to get married.
With that thought in mind, he’s sitting in a fancy restaurant, dressed to the nines. Of course, his beloved partner is there as well. Unbeknownst to him, Laxus has a little box with a ring in it and a preplanned speech that he’s still not happy about. He’s so nervous he feels like he’s about to puke and Freed has definitely picked up on it. “Darling (ughhh he’ll never tell anyone but he loves sweet nicknames. Sue him), you’re not looking quite well. Let’s ditch this place and go for a walk.” More than eager, Laxus leaves his chair and follows Freed outside.
During their walk home, Freed suddenly stops, looks him dead in the eyes and flatly says : “No.” Before Laxus can ask what he’s saying no to, Freed points at the pocket with the ring in it and repeats the word. “No. I don’t want to get married.” Once he sees Laxus panicking, he rushes to explain himself. “Love, I am completely and utterly in love with you and I don’t think there’s any force on earth that could change that. The only thing I want, is you wanting me.”
Seeing that he still hasn’t brought his point across, Freed continues. “How do I put this? Right now, you want to get married for the sake of getting married. You don’t really want it, you’re being pressured. I don’t need fancy dinners or nice rings. All I want is for you to look at me and consciouscly decide that you’d like nothing more than spend the rest of your life with me. Ask me again then, but bury you wedding plans for now.”
He feels guilty for feeling relieved, but Freed laughs and kisses his worries away.
One night, the raijinshuu and him arrive back in Magnolia very late in the evening. It’s summer, so it’s still warm outside and a festival is taking place. Music resounds through the streets and people are laughing, dancing and singing full of joy. Next to him, Freed throws down his backpack and gets rid off his coat before extending his hand to Laxus. “Dance with me?” he asks and Laxus takes his hand and lets himself be led across the square.
Both of them are tired and dirty, but nevertheless Freed shines with mirth and the soft gentleness he mostly reserves for Laxus. As they switch leads and Laxus twirls Freed around and draws him back in, their chests bump together and they slow down as the music does the same. He has no eyes for anyone but the wonder in his arms and looking at the man, who’s staring back with the same intimate warmth, he knows why people promise each other everlasting devotion.
“Hey Freed, marry me”, he breathes and Freed smiles. It’s less than elegant, but they can do simple.
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hoshalicious · 6 years
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soulmate!au in which you both have the same handwriting
this happens to everyone, so you will get a soulmate eventually
but the earliest time you’ll find a soulmate is around the ages of 13-14 
but most of the time, it’s kind of rare
usually because it’s around the time your handwriting improves throughout your childhood and early teenage years
you’re in your senior year of high school and,,you STILL could not find your soulmate
almost all of your friends has found theirs
and you’re just there,,with no soulmate
you had looked at everyone’s handwritings and you noticed that nobody in the school has the same one as yours
even when there are new students coming to your school, there’s nobody
there were times that you keep thinking that you will not find your soulmate, and it saddens you every time you feel,,,irritated,,
sometimes your parents have pointed that out,,you just don’t want to live without a soulma t e
even your teachers pointed that out and it lowkey made you feel bad
but that was until there was this one teacher that told you that she found her soulmate when she was in university so she knew how you would feel about it
but anyways
when you first arrived to your classroom, you found out that a new student was going be here in the class today
and you were just like “whatever” because you already know the student’s not going to be your soulmate
it has happened so many times to the point that you just gave up
yet you desperately just want to find your soulmate already
the boy introduced himself as you guessed it !!! hong jisoo !!
the softness of his voice made you soft yourself and you just,,stared at him,,
“okay jisoo, you can sit in that empty desk next to y/n. they’ll definitely help you with what we’re doing today”
he quietly said “okay” and slightly bowed as he’s heading towards his new desk
you were getting a little nervous,,because as he’s getting closer, you’re starting to think that’s he’s actually pretty cute
he sits beside you and he starts to smile at you
you try to maintain your yourself from screaming too much because he’S TOO CUTE
he ofc notices that you’re foreign and he explained to you in english that he wanted to be called by his english name,,,joshua
you don’t know why but you just felt a little special since a new kid just told you what you wanted to be named as
his parents wanted his korean friends to call him by his korean name
cause calling him by his english name would be a lil awkward lmao
you tell him about the classroom rules, what the class is doing, what assignment you’re supposed to do and whatever
but it did not include any writing, the assignments are usually multiple choice or on computer
fast forward to like,,,2 weeks later
your history teacher assigned the class to write a page paper about a certain topic
“okay class you’ll need a sheet of paper, and a pencil. clear your desks”
minutes go by, and you had already finished your paper
you and joshua actually both finished at the same time, but you didn’t even both look at his paper
the teacher was looking at you two in suspense as you gave yours and joshua’s paper to him
you try to ignore his stare but you didn’t really care
or do you
you just thought it might be just you or thinking if you’re in trouble or not
you got back to your desk and later on the teacher calls you
“y/n i need to see you a few minutes before class ends for the day.”
you were so confused,,and you keep thinking to yourself, “what the fuck did i dO”
you were getting a little nervous as minutes goes by and you tried to keep your cool as you’re just sitting there, staring at the clock.
3 minutes before class ends, the teacher calls you and your heart is starting to race
you got up and started to walk up towards him and you ask him, “yes?”
“where is your paper?”
and you’re like wtf “i turned it in??”
“no..because you gave me two sheets of paper and they’re jisoo’s papers.”
“no?? one of them is probably mine”
your teacher scolded you for you attempting to cheat on the essay and you were getting a little heated becAUSE YOU DIDN’T CHEAT
he showed you the two sheets of paper and closely look at them
you realized that you forgot to put your name on it and how both of the papers have the sAME HANDWRITING
you’re SHOOK because joshua hong,,is maYbe your s o u l m a t e??
“that’s mY paper” you pointed at the paper you wrote in and your teacher just sighed
he called joshua and you’re getting so irritated but you’re also happy
cause jesus christ you FINALLY know who your soulmate is
you feel like you can’t breathe, you’re that happy
joshua explained everything and as soon as your teacher shows him the paper, his eyes widen and he looks at you
it was finally time for y’all to go home and you both are just standing there
the teacher already left with the students leaving
“so,,,does that mean we’re um,,soulmates??”
he scratched his head and you’re looking away from him, though your face is facing towards joshua
you’re a blushing mess and you smiled saying,
“i guess so,,”
you both spend some time together before your mom came to pick you up
and he gave you his number !! you were both awkward talking to each other though
but as time goes by, you both became close
you told your parents that you finally found your soulmate and your mom accidentally dropped a plate lmfao
your mom and dad keep telling you when they can meet him, and you were getting annoyed yet embarrassed
you feel like joshua’s such a gentleman and he feel really affectionate towards you
well kind of. i mean,,he didn’t say “i love you” just yet or kissed you already
he didn’t want to rush y’all’s relationship but he’s always cheering you up!!
he’ll always give you make you laugh, whether it was on the phone or through text
you thought about him at times
and you just couldn’t believe your soulmate would be a cute and gentle guy like him
your thoughts about not having a soulmate went away
and you just couldn’t feel any happier,,you’re just glad that he’s the one
i just finished my last exam hallelujah abi; may 31st, 2018
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blue-pincushion · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @intolerablestrength woah thanks so much!!! O: TAGGING: oh shit here we go ! @team-phantom / @greendrums69 , @crimsonxblur , @1110-01111011 , @diamondintherouge / @wishesareeternal , @mercenaries-for-hire , @terminalvelocityau (pick your fave muse rn!) , @rothotnik , @fishing-purple-cat , @blunderbots , @birdboyofbabylon !
[ throwing this under a read more because it got long OOPS ]
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? SHORT. hes literally 3′3 he’s the size of a hecking toddler but that’s what you get for being a mobian hedgehog lmfao. by mobian standards i’d say he’s probably average i guess? some mobians are way bigger and some are smaller than him it kinda varies from species to species. by mobian hedgehog standards i’d say he’s probably still average, maybe a little bit taller than the average hedgehog but yeah lmao
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? it doesn’t really bother him that much until he’s forced to be compared to humans tbh like, especially when it comes to height restrictions for certain human contraptions such as a roller coaster designed for humans that he’s too small to ride honestly that shit ticks him off so much LET HIM RIDE IT DAMN IT
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? long, pointy, and blue. LOL no but for real his fur texture is short and soft, a little fuzzy in some places, although where it nears his back his hair becomes very tough and pointy and it’s hard to see where his fur ends and his quills begin since the color makes them blend together so much. if you look closely you can see all the individual quills he’s got, they kinda just grow a certain way that makes them clump together in those spikes you see on his head and back. they can still be styled though although it’s not the most comfortable experience
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? the most grooming sonic does is a quick shower, scrub down with some soap, and maybe brush some knots out of his fur if it’s bugging him. he’s absolutely the worst with remembering to groom his quills though and Tails has had to pluck loose ones out of Sonic many times before because it was driving the hedgehog nuts
sonic doesn’t really style his quills, they just are naturally spiked that way
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? not really! he’s confident in his looks so he doesn’t really worry much, although admittedly he’s a lil insecure about the very thin patch of fur on his tummy where you see that tan circle because he’s got OTHER male hedgehog friends who’ve got floof. how come he didn’t inherent his dad’s floof?? :c not cool
does he care about what others think about his appearance? nope he gets constant validation all the time from adoring fans who consider him to be a dream boat so honestly he’s not worried. he’s got his own style and is comfortable with it
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? 
outdoors absolutely. this is sonic the freakin hedgehog come ON man. there’s no room to run inside! there’s no fresh air! no open space! where’s he gonna get his adventure fix if he’s just stuck inside all day? booooo!
▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?   both! while sonic very much enjoys the sun and finding a warm patch of sunlight to nap in, rain is also one of his favorite types of weather too. while he may be afraid of deep water, any other forms of experiencing water is lovely and the rain is really refreshing to run and splash in ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?   okay sonic admittedly loves the beach and grew up with one literally a 2 minute walk away from his house but since there’s not much really to do besides look at how pretty the beach is he’ll have to go with forests. more stuff to explore and what not tbh. ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   Gems for sure. he’s had a lot of fun playing with precious gems 👀 ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ? Oh for sure flowers, Sonic’s a huge flower and nature enthusiast and he enjoys the natural floral scents that they produce, plus they’re very pretty! ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?   Personality hands down. if the person just LOOKS nice but has no personality then whats the point ??  ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ?   it kinda depends. sonic doesn’t mind being in the presence of a lot of people but he’d prefer if he didn’t have all their attention and wasn’t lost in the throng of it. he’d rather be off to the side where he can do his own thing but still enjoy the presence of others. he’s a weird extrovert like that LOL ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   While he understands that order is important and it’s good for people to have moral structure in their lives, sometimes he just can’t do with the rules set in stone. sonic may be a good guy but in his mind sometimes being the good guy means you gotta break the rules  ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?  It... depends, honestly. is the painful truth about him or someone/something else? is he the one lying or is he the one being lied to?
sonic has a really bad habit with compulsively lying about his own well being so that others don’t worry about him, but when others lie to him about something (if it’s a really important something, not like minor stuff--- minor stuff he can let slide) then he Can’t Stand That. Which makes him a pretty huge hypocrite for hating white lies from other people but in his mind’s eye he puts other people first before him because he’s so darn selfless so it’s not really a big deal he’s sacrificing his well being for other’s right? he’s saving lives and making people happy right ?
anyway as far as the painful truth goes, as long as it doesn’t revolve around his personal feelings then he can manage it. i guess he prefers the painful truth in that sense, considering he’s carefully optimistic 
▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   ....eh. honestly he’s seen it all. at this point sonic just kinda  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever man i can turn golden and super powerful with these magical rocks?? i can fight literal time gods with the rest of time space & reality crumbling around me and then re-set an entire timeline?? my brother can build a machine that can pinpoint my vital signature when i’m stuck in some weird void dimension??? aight. sounds fair. ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?   Peace tbh, although after a while it does get a little boring if there’s no conflict for him to resolve--- being the hero he is. ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  
Either’s fine tbh, he doesn’t really have a preference. although sometimes night makes him feel a little on edge thanks to sonic unleashed ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ? 
he’s kinda indifferent about either, and isn’t really a fan of paying attention to the sun’s movements around these times of the day anyway bc it brings back unpleasant memories. thanks sonic unleashed
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD  ? 
warmth pls he has short fur and was born on a tropical island, being cold sucks
both ? sonic has a few close friends and many acquaintances tbh.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?  
PLAYING A GAME ABSOLUTELY. reading just doesn’t cut it for this hedgehog’s overactive brain he needs something he can physically engage in somehow and while he may enjoy a good story he has to be receiving it in a way that keeps his attention and if he’s just stuck sitting there and staring at a page he will lose focus pretty quick.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME   ��OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? -lying (about his well being) and hiding when he is hurt emotionally/physically -letting his selfless nature take control to the point where it’s damaging his own health -isolating himself with his problems so other people don’t have to deal with it -running away from situations when he can’t understand his feelings -making impulsive decisions that he doesn’t always think through  
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? sonic’s first experience with losing a loved one was his own father, who unfortunately died saving sonic’s life from drowning in a tsunami. it was what  really kick started a lot of what you see in the blue hedgehog today, tbh. his drive to help and save others, his resolve over accepting that bad things happen and you can’t always control that no matter what you do... you can thank his mom for that btw. she helped sway him away from completely internalizing this event and taught him some very important life lessons.
since then Sonic has been no stranger to loss but he’s gotten good at handling it over the years, seeing as he’s had to say goodbye to many people in his life. it still hurts, though. he will do everything in his power to not lose those people who hold that place in his heart
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?  
flying in his grandpa’s plane for the first time, it was the coolest thing he’d ever experienced in his life at the time. 
another time would be soaring above the city tops of grand metropolis with his teammates (in sonic heroes), like honestly traveling as that trio for a while was such a thrill and he sometimes misses those days
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? ....not really, no. sonic really doesn’t like killing and will do just about anything to avoid doing it unless it really, really comes down to the only option he has. and let me tell you, sonic takes no pride in being responsible for the death of someone else, no matter who that person is.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ?
oh boy.
sonic’s breakdowns are honestly really subtle, and that’s because they’re a slow process that consists of him cracking and crumbling and then trying to hold it together and build himself back up because he can’t afford to break down and then cracking and crumbling again but never really allowing himself to have that moment where he actually snaps and falls apart.
the signs you’ll want to look out for will be him avoiding people way more often than usual, becoming irritable and his temper flaring up, exhaustion from lack of getting amounts proper sleep, he pretty much starts to self destruct a little bit and it’s not a pretty sight. it’s why he especially tries to avoid people when he gets like this because he doesn’t want them to see whats actually going on.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? there’s lots of people he’d trust with his life tbh
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ?
,,,, man.
ok, sonic is such a huge sap and he hates it LOL. he’ll suddenly catch himself thinking all wistfully about the person he’s in love with and will be like “really?? right in front of my salad??” LMAO it’s just in his nature to be cheesy and sappy and do sweet things for the person of his affections because that’s exactly how his dad was but at the same time he’ll mentally take a second to point out how lame it is and he embarrasses himself over it ashdfkd
besides that, though, sonic is a real big sweet heart, and he’ll really want to try to express to that person how much he loves them but he’d also fear this whole romantic side of him coming out will interfere with his love of adventure. the idea of committing himself to one specific person in a way that makes them feel like his whole world to him is a bit scary to sonic, because he knows that he can’t really afford that when he’s out here saving lives and going on adventures. how could he possibly have the time for that, anyway? can this person keep up with him? would he be willing to slow down for that person? it just begs so many different questions and forces sonic to face possible changes to his entire way of living and it freaks him out a little bit.
which is why he tends to avoid romantic topics in general, and also why when he gets a crush on someone he goes straight into panic mode LOL. he’d honestly rather stay friends with the person and quietly adore them in his own time, maybe by sending them gifts or dropping by their place on occasion, DEFINITELY, AT LEAST making an effort to spend a little bit more time with that person than anyone else. 
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annyaforger · 3 years
I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation!!
Omg the switch version of Genshin is taking so long. It's as I'd expect though considering Nintendo doesn't always cooperate the best when it comes to releasing non Nintendo games on their platform >.>
I'm also on the American server! Omg kaeya is my favorite of the starter 4*s. I love him sm and he is so useful. My favorite 4* characters to use are Thoma and Bennett and my favorite 5*s I currently have are Childe and Kazuha. I'm going for Itto today asdffgbsg pls come home dummy
I've been thinking about getting into Tokyo revengers a lot of moots that have similar taste as me are very into that series 👀
Hmm anyway I should ask a question shouldn't I? What's your favorite season?
-animanga secret santa
ugh my angel sugar plum. sorry i’ve taken years to reply. i had actually seen this when you sent it and i had answered but my computer lost connection and i left the page for a second and it refreshed on me when i came back to it. i was so upset i was like i’ll reply later and then i forgot and got busy. with going back to work etc.
i am sorry!!
but here goes my reply attempt number two! ✌🏼
thank you! i really needed that vacation im not gonna lie lmao i hate my job but i need the money 😭
god damn nintendo lmao that’s why i sometimes regret not having bought like an xbox or play station lmfao maybe i’ll get one in the future. i mean i barely play games as it is so *shrug emoji* but still i do hope they release it soon if it is still in the works cause as much as i don’t mind playing on my tablet i would enjoy it more if i could play on an actual console type thing heh.
(the way im at work rn typing this up on like the notes app of my phone lmao)
Y A Y american server buds!! well, as soon as you reveal yourself to me we can add each other on there. fair warning i’ve only just started playing and my characters aren’t too leveled up and i suck as well lmao. i’ve never actually played with anyone?? idk how that works i am: shy. lmao.
my only other friend is on the europe server so we can’t play together 😭
i fucking love kaeya pls he hasn’tleft my party SINCE i got him. the other day i did get my newest fave, keqing!! i am absolutely obsessed with her pls.
how do i get him like how can i get him? i want him so bad (itto) omg i hope by now you’ve gotten him or are close to it?
TOKYO REVENGERS! yes i think you should definitely get into it if it’s something you think you might enjoy especially since a lot of your moots are already into it and you say y’all have similar tastes!!! it’s definitely a good watch. keeps you on your toes. i definitely cried for the last seven episodes lmao
as for my favorite season, i love winter. fall comes second but down here in texas with the global warming and shit it’s always like humid and gross and shit we only have like a few nice fall-ish days. so definitely winter lol.
what are your xmas and nys plans???
0 notes
eldritchsurveys · 6 years
Have you ever sold anything online either on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, etc.? If not, what is your website of choice like any of the above for buying things? >> Nope. My website of choice for buying things is Amazon, I guess, just because it’s easy and they have so much shit. If the opportunity arose, would you ever go to a nude beach? Do you think you’d be comfortable enough, being naked among others like that? >> Yeah, I’d try it. I suppose it couldn’t be all that bad, if everyone else is nude too. Levels the playing field, and all. But I wouldn’t want to like... sit on stuff butt-naked. Like, that’s the main thing that bothers me about just walking around nude -- I don’t want to put my unprotected parts on stuff, bruh. So... yeah, I guess I wouldn’t stay long for that reason. At least let me put some bikini bottoms on or something, damn. What was the last book you read? What about the book drew you to want to read it (plot, title, cover…)? Did you end up liking it? >> Dune Messiah. What drew me to it is that it’s the second book in the series I’ve dedicated myself to reading, so it was just the logical progression. I did indeed like it. Have you ever considered keeping a dream journal? If you have one, have you ever looked back on it at all of the odd/interesting dreams you used to have? >> I try to keep one, but my dream recall is very sporadic and unpredictable. Sometimes I look back at what I do have, yeah. Do you think regifting is cheap, or is it okay? Have you ever regifted before? >> I wholly approve of regifting. I think it makes more sense to give something to someone who will actually use or appreciate it, rather than hanging onto something just because... what, someone gave it to me? Like, I appreciate being given the gift, because the thought really does count to me, but if I’m not going to use the thing, then why would I let this perfectly good object go to waste just collecting dust in the closet or something when I can give it to someone who’ll actually enjoy it???? LOGIC
How often do you wash your hair? What do you think when you hear of some people not washing their hair for weeks at a time? Is it healthier, as they claim? >> Every couple of weeks or so. --Well, seeing as I’m one of those people, I don’t think much of anything, because it’s normal to me. I don’t care, this is what works for me and I’m going to keep doing it until something else works better. Do you think President Obama should stay in office, or is it time for a new president? >> Damn, bruh. In general, do you like/get along with your mother’s or your father’s side of the family more? >> --- Have you ever seen an animal give birth? Have you ever had a pet give birth before? >> Yeah, and not my pet but my friend’s pet. I’ve also seen a cat eat its kittens! It was very enthralling. What do your plans usually consist of on Christmas morning? Are they the same this year? >> These past two Christmases I was at Sparrow’s parents’ house, and I guess the first time it was novel and exciting, but the second time I was way over the performative-ness and those people and just... blaaagh. But I assume I’ll be doing the same thing this year, probably day-drinking and trying not to talk to anyone. Do you like iPads/tablets or laptops more? E-readers or books? >> I mean, I use my laptops almost exclusively. And when it comes to books, I really don’t give a damn, man. I use both at my leisure. If you don’t get much snow where you live, do you wish you did get more snow? If you do get snow where you live, do you get a lot? Do you like snow? >> Enough snow falls in West Michigan that I am usually quite sick of it by March or so. Also, winter has a habit of outstaying its welcome to a depressing degree, so by May I want to die. LMAO. --In general, yeah, I like snow, but like... moderation, man. If men could get pregnant too, would abortion still be as big an issue as it is? >> Hm. What is something you want to try to accomplish within the next year? >> I’m not sure. Have you ever had to “come out” to your parents about anything (sexual orientation, change in religion, etc.)? How did it go? >> I tried to explain being trans to my father once, lmao. It was actually pretty funny, because I was like, explaining hormone replacement therapy to him, and he was just like “.... hunh.” Like I think he was mostly just confused, lmao. But I mean, in general, I’m an adult. I don’t have to tell him anything about my life if I don’t want to, so it’s not a big deal. Do you ever get drunk by yourself? >> Yeah. Who else am I supposed to get drunk with, besides the people in my head? But I’m mostly over getting drunk, anyway. I mostly just drink until the light buzz now, and then stop there. I’m still thinking about whether getting ritualistically drunk (with Wednesday, for example) is a thing I want to continue... I’m not sure yet. I think if I do, it’ll only be with specific drinks (like maybe this 1000 Stories wine, which I still think he put into my hand in the first place), to further emphasise the ritual boundaries and also to control it a little (liquor is temperamental and the delayed release doesn’t help either, but wine is easier to control). Has there ever been a time where you’ve forgotten something extremely important? >> I mean, yeah, sure. Describe the last time you were infuriated. >> Infuriated... I feel like the last time I felt that way was because of some bullshit in the PixelCount Discord. That’s why I left that shit, I got tired. What’s the most unusual kind of pizza you’ve ever tried? >> I’m not sure. If you were given the chance to decorate an entire house the way you wanted, with no limit to cost, how would you decorate it? >> I’d need some time to think about that. If you could have any kind of lava lamp, what kind would you have? >> Any kind? I’ve never had one at all. What movie do you know by heart? >> I used to know Labyrinth pretty much backwards and forwards, but my last rewatch was a long while ago. I need to get back on that train. I know the songs of The Prince of Egypt pretty well, and some of the dialogue. I used to be good with The Crow but it’s been a long time for that one, too. Has there ever been a time where you thought you were going to be great friends with someone, but it just never happened? >> I don’t think so. What’s one of your favorite things to touch/feel? >> Certain kinds of stuffed animal fur. How often do you wear tights? >> I don’t. If you had to choose, what’s the most important thing in your life at the moment? >> I don’t like to rank things like this. Do you have Netflix? >> I do. How much money would you have to spend before you felt really guilty about spending that much? >> Hell, I feel guilty about spending $2 at Redbox (”but I can just wait until it’s on Netflix, or pirate it!!! this is a Waste” shut the fuck up, goblin brain, life is short). Has there ever been anything you’ve become interested in much later than other people? >> Yeah, lmao. I’m kinda slow sometimes. Why is your favorite TV show your favorite? >> LOL I keep forgetting to mention Metalocalypse as a favourite, too, but man, my feels about that show are legion. I love it because it’s hilarious, but also because I really actually care about this silly fucking death metal band and their longsuffering manager and the Doomstar that will herald their ascension and... just everything. I love that show so fucking much and I miss it every day of my life. Grey’s Anatomy is my favourite because it really hits me in the feels, like... I don’t cry about a lot of things but I’ve cried at half the Grey’s episodes I’ve seen. It just really does humanity well... like, it has some of the most honest and compassionate writing that I’ve ever seen. It’s an utterly amazing and heartfelt and joyful and sorrowful show and I’m so glad I started watching it. Person of Interest is my favourite because... wow. Again, amazing writing, just amazing. Such complex and emotional characters, and the whole Machine thing is just... right up my alley, man. An artificial superintelligence learning to truly appreciate humanity for what it is, like... I don’t know. I don’t know. It hits me right in the gut. I still get choked up about the ending of that show. God. Describe your favorite picture of yourself, or post it. >> I don’t have a single favourite photo. Is there a genre of music that some people would be surprised that you enjoy? >> Probably not, if they know anything about me. Assuming you have a Facebook, if one of your friends posted things that annoyed you, would you be more likely to delete them as a friend, hide their statuses, or just put up with it? >> I’d hide their statuses for a while, but if it got so I was never looking at their page, I’d just unfriend them. What’s the point, then? Have you ever had a veggie burger? >> Of course. Do you like candles? >> Yep. What’s your favorite video game? >> Pillars of Eternity, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Guitar Hero, the list goes on. What was something you liked about today? >> Fuckin H O T GATORADE, god. fucking... god. LMFAO. When was the last time you passed out? >> I don’t know. Do you think “friends with benefits” relationships could ever possibly work without anyone getting hurt? >> I’m sure someone’s gotten it to work. Like, it’s a big world out there. Do you wear more sweatshirts or jackets? >> Hoodies. What was the last thing you had to drink? >> I had like half a Backwoods Bastard. I didn’t even finish it, it’s still on my desk. When was the last time you wore a sports bra? >> The last time I went out. When was the last time you went to a water park? >> Never. Does your best friend live close to you? >> --- Have you ever rode a train? >> I’ve ridden many a train. Where did you get the shirt you’re currently wearing? >> I’m just wearing an undershirt. This Night Vale hoodie used to be Sparrow’s. When was the last time you played Rock Band? With whom? >> It’s been a while. I usually play Guitar Hero because the guitar controller is more compatible with it. There’s a slight difference in how shit registers on Rock Band that messes me up a lot, and I haven’t felt like dealing with it. But I miss the RB songs, so I might try to make it work at some point. Maybe I just need to calibrate my shit. What was the last thing that you ate? >> A pack of those Captain’s Wafers crackers. The peanut butter and honey ones, the best kind!!!! I’m so glad I finally found a Meijer that sells the boxes, goddamn, finally. Who last messaged you on Facebook? >> Uh... probably my cousin Kythe, with another fucking chain IM thing. I’m about to block her ass, lmfao. What were you doing Saturday at 1:30 pm? >> I don’t remember. The last time you were intoxicated, what were you drinking? >> Mango-pineapple vodka and orange juice. It’s so delicious, too, and that’s the fucking problem -- I drink it because it tastes good, and next thing you know... Who last walked you home? >> --- What do you do to help your face from breaking out? >> Wash it. It takes care of the rest on its own. Did you make any new friends lately? If so, what are their names and how did you meet them? >> --- Would you rather see your favourite band/artist in concert with 2 other people or have a free $20,000 shopping spree to Walmart? >> What on earth am I going to buy at Walmart for that much money, lmao... I’d rather spend that kind of money somewhere else, so I guess I’d take the concert. I’d choose a band that doesn’t come to the US often. >:3 When was the last time you went out to eat? >> When I was in Chicago. On a scale of 1-10, how anxious are you currently? >> Er... 1? What kind of music do you listen to? >> The audible kind. What does your perfect day consist of? >> Meh. Do you have any online friends? >> Whatever friends I do have are online. Would you dye your hair red? >> Sure. If your ex wanted to take you back, would you say yes? >> I mean, that’s basically what happened innit lmao :B How is the weather? >> I don’t know, mild, I guess.  
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huge6s-blog · 7 years
Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Kaitlyn! Please, for the love of god, never use it.
Nickname: Katy, Kat, variations; (Katydid, Katybug, Kitkat, etc.) But if you wanna call me something else, that’s fine too!
Age: 22! Simultaneously too old and a wee bab, lmao
Faceclaim: Not something I do! I could never pick just one, besides maybe my own face! (I’d thought about using Shuu Iwamine or Rize Kamishiro before, if that says anything haha)
Pronouns: Your highness/My liege She/Her! But “they/them” is good too.
Height: ~5’6”-5’7”; I can’t remember the last time I checked.
Birthday: Poppin’, obviously March 30th.
Aesthetic: Purple and black?? EGNautilus scientists tittering excitedly over adorable or exciting sea creatures. Omnipresent Mountain Dew cans, fast food and colorful kneesocks. 2AM adventures on clear nights in summer that last until dawn starts sending it’s first beams into the sky. Spacey FPS games and cutesy RPG and Pokemon games interspersed throughout. Weathered frames and tired eyes. ROBOTS… I have no idea, man. A lot of things!
Last song you listened to: “The Thief and the Moon” by Shawn James!
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: kfkjdf. Sixes definitely counts,, Uhh. My first was a canon-divergent Eridan, who I’d played before Act 6 was even close to being a thing! And he was a lot of fun. Accidentally made a “do not that” meme that still sometimes plagues me to this day ldkfdk A dream-bubble/dead Karkat who’d been murdered in his timeline’s Gamzee’s rampage and only had one eye, he was a biiiig favorite. I loved having enough energy for that all; typing that much shittalk??? Was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done in roleplay, holy shit. Entire fucking PAGES of just these absolutely USELESS rants because that nubby little shit had so much passion for it. Fuck. I loved Karkat. A bloodswapped, cobalt-blooded Karkat who was also post-game for a pre-established timeline where trolls and humans co-existed on the same planet(s). He was a Thief of Blood and a massive asshole; at his worst, he was manipulative, isolative, vengeful, restless… But also, he was a really big dork??? He LOOOOOVED spy movies and probably popped boners regularly for Black Widow and James Bond or the Kingsmen. Fucking nerd. He fancied himself a spy; his best friend was a badass hacker, and they’d (F)LARP together as a stereotypical “you hack, I’ll infiltrate” team. Before Earth, he never cared about Christmas, but one year his richass neighbourhood started putting up flashy decorations and he got jealous, so he stole a shitton of them to make his own house look the best. He’s so… So stupid. I love him so much. And of course, jumping off the Homestuck bandwagon; I have Lv/Hadz! My dorky, sadsack pun machine. A (sort of, mostly) secret post-genocide Sans; the Bad Run™ had been reset after completion, but something went wrong, so he remembers it. Still, he’s been running for like, two years now! So he’s had a lot of time to go and bury all that as deeply as monsterly possible lmaooo. He’s distrusting, paranoid, and isolative himself; but he’s probably the most all-around good guy on this list. He just wants to get on with his life and never have to fight anyone ever again, lmfao. I… I also have a few OCs, but you’ll have to pry those out of my cold, dead hands. … Carefully. With lots of reassurance. (I’m very shy…)
What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): I like… Undertale. And I like Underfell enough that once the idea was presented to me, my mind kinda ran away with it, haha. It started with Hopper, my weird UF Sans! But it feels like every time I approach the AU I have slightly different ideas for it, pfft. I guess with Sixes, I wanted to step away from the skeletons for awhile! I was really excited about messing with Mettaton for it, because I… Really liked listening to the radio for awhile, haha. I thought it’d be kind of cool if instead of being really excited to be seen flaunting himself across a television set, he wasn’t so happy with how he turned out physically, and made his influence a little less directly visible. It fit in well with the seemingly common theme of conflict in Underfell, and things just really exploded from there! It’s hard to summarize in just a few short words. That said, Sixes probably wouldn’t have a blog at all if it wasn’t for tumblr user wibler’s- Sixes’ Sans!- mun coaxing me into giving it a shot! She has a lot of faith in my creative abilities. I dunno what I’d do without her support through the past few years, heheh. She’s neat.
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: LOUD ANGRY ROBOT LMFAO Shit though, I dunno! I like writing a character who goes through the bipolar disorder motions, the manics and the depressives. I love watching him go hot and cold on characters as he flipflops through his impulses and subsequent regrets. I love that in his timeline, everyone knows him while he himself actually… Hardly knows anyone at all. He’s made himself untrustworthy, and in turn doesn’t trust anyone, either, so he hardly ever opens up beyond… You know. Angry screaming, or shameless flirting and flattery, ignoring personal space bubbles… I love that his Sans being absent kind of smacked him on the nose, because that was someone he was actually making a connection with, but tried to play it off like Sans was just another moment in his life so he kind of treated him like a dick lmao. Deadass knew the poor little dude had anxiety issues and scared him on purpose, made joking death threats, joked about flirting with his shittyass brother… Sixes was such a prick. Fuck. And he realizes that! And after ditching his family just to have a cataclysmic fallout with his other BFF, Alphys, Sans disappearing… It’s something he blames himself for. It kind of sobered him up a little to the way his actions affect people. AND DESPITE EVERYTHING, HE STILL USES HIS CAMERAS (THAT HE STOLE FROM ALPHYS IN A PETTY FIT) SCATTERED ACROSS THE UNDERGROUND AND HIS SHITTY TRAP ROOMS IN HOTLAND TO PUBLICALLY HUMILIATE RANDOM CITIZENS IN A WIPEOUT-ESQUE PODCAST ON THE UNDERNET. At least that assholitude earns him money, though! Fuck. I also reaaallly love how different AUs bring out different aspects of his character, but that’s a rant for another time or place! Hoo. I dunno, man. I could go on about Sixes for like, ever. He’s a really fun muse.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: I’m… I’m not even gonna lie, a lot of it is the positive feedback lmao. I don’t, uh. Do much these days, creatively or recreationally speaking, and I don’t really have a lot of friends IRL… Er, any, actually, if you’re only counting closehand. All my friends live hundreds of miles away, and it sucks. But this is… Simultaneously social and creative. I get to talk to people, and make friends, and toss creativity back and forth with people, and it’s really fulfilling. I love to be a part of other people’s creative processes! I love seeing what other people do with THEIR characters, and when we all??? Interact??? Mother of God, it’s such a treat! Everyone’s so creative and impressive and inspiring… And hearing/seeing us all go back and forth about what we admire in each other… I’m pretty happy with just being a part of writing, and telling other people that I love what they do! But every now and then it comes back around to me in little ways, and it feels really special. It’s hard to imagine anyone liking my stuff past a “they’re pretty cool I guess, yeah” sentiment, despite my glittering impression of a lot of the writers in the community; so when someone DOES say they like my stuff, even just by saying they like a drawing, or like the way I described something, I go OFF THE WALL LMAO. Straight up dissolve and slip through the floorboards a la Gaster style with how lovely it feels. Shucks… And, you know. Watching characters develop in general- whether they be mine or not- is really fulfilling and inspiring. A good cycle.
Favourite types of threads: Anything that feels meaningful! I love it when two characters make any kind of connection, despite the context. That said, typically “angst” and “fluff” style threads are a big favorite, but there has to be, like… you know. Meaning to it. It feels really… I dunno, cardboardy to just throw a muse into a woodchipper for no particular reason just to have them drag themselves to another muse begging for help or to have a chance to explain some kind of deep, edgy feeling or story. Baseless fluff has a lot more wiggle room lmao, but that can get really monotonous really quick if something more significant fails to spark somewhere along the line. Just so long as something’s getting achieved somehow, I guess! If it feels like nothing’s changed between the two at the end of the thread, it feels really unfulfilling and hollow.
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: URRRGH. IMPLEMENTING THE RADIO SHOW/PODCAST THING… On one hand, Sixes has kind of collected the idea that the multiverse is a very indifferent place towards the goings-on within his timeline! And, he supposes, that that suits him fine. Hurts his pride a little, but it’s something he’s just going to curl up and lick his wounds for, pfft. But still! I wish I knew how to make it a little more obvious and prominent- The same could go for his growing industry, too! I guess I’ve just been jobless too long to really have a feel for it like I should, oof… Additionally, drawing him is reALLY HARD… He’s in his classic box form most of the time because he’s really insecure about his EX form, and yet I draw his EX form more than anything because the box is frustrating to draw??? And despite it all, I’m still not sure I’m terribly happy with how his EX form looks!!! He’s supposed to be a little closer to a NEO design than initially planned, as Alphys fully intended him to be a KILLING MACHINE from the start without telling him! But he caught on early on, and they kind of bullied each other into compromising a bunch of things until he was just this “hideous” mess that neither of them were terribly happy with… So, you know. The indecision carried over to me too, evidently! Ugh.
Tagged by: nah! Just stole it was all. (from slobbyseconds/coolskeletonsdontcry forever ago, but just got around to now. kfjf)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to! @ me back if you do it, though; I love reading these things!
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briteboy · 7 years
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lmao RIP me (now u know why i take so long to answer)
do you know the game what remains of edith finch? its really fantastic, I just finished the part with lewis, his whole situation with reality reminded me of santi. just wanted to tell you :)
surprisingly no i haven’t ever heard of it! :O but now i’m intrigued, i googled it and i’m reading up on it hehe thank you for telling me, u learn something new every day :~}
Hello femmesim! I'm a new simblr & I see you get a lot of notes on your great story! I guess this probably means you have a lot of followers too. I was wondering if you follow them all back. If not do you check out your followers & how do you decide which ones to follow back? What don't you like. What would make you unfollow them? Oops that was a lot lol!
iiiiiiiii honestly haven’t even looked at my actual followers page in a loooooong time, even on my personal blog i was never good with that lol. i just can’t keep up with everyone and i don’t want to feel obligated to follow everyone back because that would be way too many posts on my dashboard all the time y’know. it sounds mean but...ajksdgdsf i WISH i could follow everyone back but itsjustnotrealistic
tbh i follow people back when they reach out to me, make an effort to engage with me, send me messages, reply, or just frequently interact with my posts because it gets my attention and shows their personality. i don’t mean that as in like...”you can’t be my friend unless you give me notes” (LMFAO NO) i mean it as in like i’m fcking oblivious and it’s too much work for me to go out of my way and check out every single blog that follows me :{ but i love messaging and communicating through replies so even if you’re nervous pleeeease step out of your comfort zone, i promise i’m like a pretty good OK human being and i try to make funny jokes so talking to me isn’t that bad i promise.
as for your other questions...tbh i dunno, i like blogs that interest me. (duh...lmao what kind of answer even is that) i usually go for people that show their personalities in their posts (go figure), like memes (lmfao), have an intriguing aesthetic, HONESTLY IDK...i follow a lot of diverse blogs tbh, not just ones that are similar to mine. i only unfollow ppl if i have no memory of following them and their content doesn’t interest me, if they say/do something that irks or angers me (that’s only happened like twice tho), or if they post like EXCESSIVE nsfw...i didn’t sign up for that lmao
i hope i don’t sound like an asshole for all this but it’s just like...i can’t deny i get a lot of attention on here. and i never expected it so i’m pretty unprepared for it lmao. i try my best tho :{ just reach out to me and we’ll probably be frands ok
so many feelings
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I just wanted to say how much I love your blog but to the Anon who said how she looks white if she's Hispanic. Not all hispanics are brown haired and tan. I'm Puerto Rican and I'm blonde and have blue eyes. Hispanics come in different tones and what nots :)
hell0 thank you <3 yeah hispanic people are very diverse, especially with varying nationalities, and especially with puerto ricans. i personally know a lot of puerto ricans who are white passing so it’s really not that uncommon. everyone’s different, and as eir said, white passing POC are still POC!
papa ya - sunny ; thats your song boo lol
OOH i actually like this...i’m boppin my head rn lmao thank u
So basically the last anon is saying hispanics can't be 'white'? I know many 'white' hispanics???
i don’t wanna twist their words, i think they just meant molly looks ethnically white and i understand that, i’m not denying she’s white passing but tbh...idk, if she wasn’t my own sim i’d look at her and kinda know she’s not 100% white y’know. she has features that don’t look european. plus the fact that i’ve posted her speaking spanish before soooo. anyway yeah it’s very possible for a hispanic person to literally have white skin but that doesn’t mean they’re ethnically white
well if she has family from spain it's normal for them to have blonde hair and green eyes, so i mean that could make sense.
she could, who’s to say lol. it’s rly not that deep tho, she’s half white, half puerto rican, das it. but yeaah there is a wide array of genetic possibilities for every race! who’da thunk it
Hey, I'm a new reader, is it possible you could link some earlier parts to your story. You don't have to if it's problem though I know how tumblr be. I love the visuals style of your sims. That's what caught my eye. I also was wondering what editing program would you suggest. I kinda want to test out editing my sims.
heyo i summed up the story here and here and there’s a lot of posts of key events linked in there! thank you though, that’s so kind ;-; <3 wellll the only editing program i use is photoshop cs6 so i’d recommend that haha. you can find it for free pretty easily, but if you’re not into that, there are plenty of other programs you can use. i know a lot of ppl on here use gimp. 
hi! I need advice and idk where to get it from but you seem like a really good person who has some wisdom lol! so basically i'm in a big financial situation. I had a good paying job but it made me have anxiety and panic attack because i hated it so much. and i quit my job before i had another job lined up. So my bank account is very close to being completely empty and i have bills and i have to move soon. I NEED ADVICE OR SOMEONE TO TELL ME ITS GOING TO BE OK.
omg first of all i’m so touched that you even came to me with this wtf ;___; ily
second of all it IS going to be ok, you shouldn’t force yourself to do something you hate if it’s really impeding on your mental health that much. it’s not good for you in the long run, even if it pays well. like, at what cost do you want to sell yourself in order to make money? my point is you made a good decision but lacked the foresight, which luckily is something that can be remedied easily. (well...hopefully, but job hunting is never easy :\ ) if you’re still in this situation by the time your bills and everything catch up to you, you can always seek help from family and friends or look into loans...find someone (or multiple people) who will stick by you and support you through this, because this is something way too hard to do alone. (if you don’t have anyone, i’m here for you ;-; ) i honestly don’t have any good advice for finding another job because tbh that’s something i always flounder in, and i’m gonna have to do the same thing by the time i finish up school in the next month AHHHHH
i’m prayin 4 both of us, but you especially <3
Hi!!! sorry i remember seeing an ask about Lou's eyelashes but i cannot find it :((( could you please tell me where can i find it???
hey she just uses the kijiko ones! sometimes if it’s a closeup i use these eyelash brushes tho
hi! sorry, this is a weird question but i thought you could help maybe.... i recently started playing ts4 again, but when i am in cas, there is a weird shine on all cc hairs.... do you have a solution for this? thank you in advance!
hmmmmm i kinda get a weird shiny glitch too but it’s only with certain things, and it’s usually remedied by clicking on the sim’s different outfit categories until it goes away lol. but if it’s on ALL of the hairs...hmm...i’m assuming you’re talking about alpha? because i don’t think clay hairs usually have that problem. check if laptop mode is on, if it is, turn it off!! that’s the only solution i can think of :{
i feel like too many people are reading too deeply into things. either way i love your work and just read the entire thing in a day and i love you so much idek.
i think this was sent when i was getting messages about my dialogue haha. i mean i definitely understand their points in saying it has too many realistic vocal quirks, but tbh that’s what i like about it, and i think that’s part of the reason people connect with it. idk. but thank you so much ily ;__;
hi i just wanted to ask how do you manage your time and how do you post frequently without feeling overworked and overwhelmed ? do you have some sort of schedule, because you seem very organized lol . tysm for answering <3 !
hmmmmm how? um poorly LMAO
no but really...it’s hard. i’m glad i’m so into this story/eager to see all your reactions to it because otherwise the chaos of my life would’ve definitely deterred me from moving along with it a while ago. that’s basically the reason i’m so surprised i even made it this far tbh. i accomplished so much more than i ever thought i would. ;__;
i don’t have an answer for this question because i DO often feel overwhelmed and i have to take a step back and remind myself it’s not the end of the world if i don’t have time to go in game or edit or whatever. i think it’s because i set up this timeline for myself in terms of goals i want to reach with my story throughout the rest of the year and i get frustrated with myself when those plans become delayed because of other obligations. (for example i definitely thought baby wallace would’ve been born by now lmao syke) i was getting burnt out very easily before, which is why i’ve been taking it slower lately (that and i’ve been working a lot more so i don’t have as much free time as i used to :\ ) the good thing about having different characters tho is that when i get burnt out on one thing i can just switch over to another thing at an opportune time (which is what i’ve always done with santi and girooni)
anyway yeah i am kinda organized (in my own weird way) in terms of story planning, controlling the pacing and key events, and that’s definitely the reason i’m able to post so frequently. i used to have multiple free days a week where i could go in game for long amounts of time and get lots of scenes done at once, but at this point in my current schedule i just basically go in game whenever i'm free from the clutches of capitalism (jk we’re never free save us bernie) which means i only have time to do like one thing in game but it seems to be working just as well so far.
.............i’m how i wrote a novel to answer this
im glad i pretty much got it. i can really relate to everything going on. i can see a lot of myself in santi and molly & i get it. the movies make you think you fall in love and everythings fixed like they fill that void in your soul and i mean sure they fill parts of it but you need to do that yourself and not rely on someone else. Your story is real and you can tell your writing from personal experience because theres so much feeling. u think ur fixing urself and u end up more hurt in the end
i’m so glad you can relate ;-; i think that’s one of my proudest accomplishments so far. i mean santi has always been relatable for me because he IS me...or at least partly me, just like all my characters are. but i never thought anyone else would feel the same way, so it means so much to me that people enjoy him as a character because of that.
anyway YES exactly. i hate the “no one’s going to love you if you don’t love yourself” mentality, i think it’s a toxic way of looking at the benefits of genuine self love. the sentiment behind it is true, but it’s a backwards way of looking at it. someone’s else’s love shouldn’t be your motivation, your own love toward yourself should be your motivation. when you look at it in the other way, you do end up getting more hurt in the end.
lol anons back the frick off, that scene is perfect, santi is perfect, sunny is perfect, the stuttering is perfect THIS BLOG IS FREAKIN PERFECT
oMG i appreciate the support, but i don’t blame those people for having issues with my dialogue hahahha. i know it’s kind of different and weird but it just feels right for me when i write it so i go with it. i rly like santi’s stuttering tho so *shrugs* THANK YOU THO ILY <333
hey! I was wondering if you have any tips on making(?) light leaks in photoshop? idk if you've answered this already bc I'm on mobile, buT if u have I'll just check when I get on my computer next !!! Thanks !
ummM I DON’T ACTUALLY because i get all my light leaks off google lmao. i have a folder of all the ones i’ve collected over time lmao
you could probably easily make some with the paintbrush in overlay mode with varying opacities tho? i’ve tried to replicate this a few times actually, but the rest of the time i just use light leaks made by other people lol
Do you enjoy more playing the game or taking the photos/making the story? Do you play challenges?
LATELY i’ve been just enjoying playing the game because i’ve gotten burnt out on story things and just playing is such a nice break from it haha. whenever i have to wait in game for it to be a certain time of day for story purposes, i go play with girooni for a few sim hours to pass the time and it’s fun for me lmao. i’m looking forward to my story winding down so i can get back to doing more gameplay things like i did before but at the same time i’ll always do at least something story related because i like the sense of direction it gives y’know.
i’ve never actually tried any challenges, not even just regular old legacies because i would always either get sick of the sims i was playing with or get too attached to them and not want to go to a new generation lmao. i was never interested in any challenges tbh. i like watching other people do bachelor(ette) challenges tho heheh
WHEN DID SANTI BECOME SUCH A STRONK BOI also you are so sweet we don't deserve you??? You are a blessing I love you thank you for doing this aaaaa ;;; you are an inspiration I hope I can do what you do too! OK BYE HAVE A NICE DAY ❤️❤️❤️
OMG HE’S ALWAYS BEEN SECRETLY STRONK (i’m assuming this is about how he beat ugly stepdad to a pulp lmao) he mostly gets his strength from anger and an adrenaline rush. a BLESSING WHAT!!!!!! YOU’RE SO SWEET ILY ;__; don’t thank me, i’m just doin what i love <3 have a nice day/night/rest of your life ily
But why are ur anons so needy lol isn't that like ur third one angry that u haven't responded
ugh i feel bad because i get it, i do, i understand it hurts when you reach out to someone multiple times and you get ignored, but i don’t do it on purpose and i have explained, many times, the plenty of valid reasons why i can’t respond to 100% of my messages. i’m actually trying to answer all of my message right now with these mass answer posts and it’s REALLY a lot for me to go out of my way and do this. so i’m trying ok. but like i’m only a person ajhsdghjdfjhk i can only give so much attention to this y’know. please be patient
from this moment on we should all proceed to take cautions around ppl named dan.... TAINTED
I KNO RIGHT...dan is such an ugly boring name (no offense to the dans of the world) but like if you’re a dane you’re probably evil or are the human embodiment of cardboard
I can not say it enough. Great story. It's life. And life is beautiful, loving, refreshing and sometimes it can be harsh & scary. You take the good with the bad. I look forward to what comes next. --"Run away, run far away" nony (I have to start thinking of new tag line, because I am diggin Santi and Lou together) :)
HELLO FRIEND i kinda love that you keep coming back ehehe. and i’m glad you’re enjoying it so much ;___; these words are so kind and genuine, thank you so much <3333 OMG i’m glad you like santou as well even though they’re on a slow decline right now. i’m really excited about what i have planned in the future tho
omggggg my theory is the first one on that list you posted!! i'm so happy for that but also sad bc of what's going on with molly and santi and i hope that santi will finally just be happy soon. love you and your sims (except step dad dan) 💕💕
OOH HELLO YES you basically guessed everything that happened up until this point hahaha congratulations <33 santi will be happy...eventually. it’s going to be a long hard road in getting there tho. i hope you’ll all be satisfied in the end
fuck you dan stepdad
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sweeeteas-blog · 6 years
hi tea! do you think we could possibly get a full review? we're a brand new exclusively-lgbt appless rp that focuses on the lives of the employees of one of manhattans most exclusive restaurants-the trouvaille. the employees of the trouvaille live all over nyc, which gives rpers the whole city as their playground, as well as the restaurant itself! we are hiring for a wide variety of jobs at the restaurant, from pastry chefs to dishwashers to bartenders, so come check us out! thank you so much!!
HELLO DARLING! I would LOVE to give you a full review! I haven’t done one of these in years and honestly they give me so much life. Friendly reminder! This is just my opinion / advice and you can take it all with a grain of salt! I already give you all the kudos because I know how much work goes into making a rpg and how close the admin feels to the concept so PLEASE! If I say anything to offend you hit me back because I do not by any means mean to offend you!
Tumblr media
url: okay real life my basic ass can’t sound this out and I’m not even gonna try but i TOTALLY UNDERSTAND HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND A URL especially with all the dead rpgs that tumblr refuses to get rid of even though they’re like 4+ years old it’s ugly behavior but I dig it!!!! I just have no idea what’s happening ( i refrained from reading your small lil bio you sent so I can get the full effect of finding you in the tags! )icon: LOVE IT, red is such a good look. At first I didn’t know what it was because I’m a basic ass bitch but now I see it’s two wine glasses. CLASSY, I’m already getting the vibe this might be a super like, classy-esk group am i right i hope so it’s still hella cute and I’m here for ittheme: Okay I dig it, like, it is a little bright for me because after looking at the icon I thought we’d maybe have some deep reds and maroons but LISTEN IT’S COOL IT’S STILL A LOOK !  Okay your sidebar graphic, I think you maybe made it 500px so it does this lil weird thing where it makes the texture on it a little wonky? That might just be me and it still looks good I’d maybe change it to be the face of the building? Well that’s the side bar, no I like the graphic that’s there just YEAH THE TEXTURE WHATEVER Im so picky with graphics and stuff and yet look at my theme it’s a trash can so like, take everything I’m saying as just like thoughts of my own you might think they look excellent and that makes me THRIVE your group is your child and I’m not trying to tell you how to raise it. Moving oooonnnnnnnn, I definitely dig how you’re using the same psd for your icons and the theme itself I feel like everything blends really really really nicely together and I NOTICED OK I SEE YOU it is a WHOLE AESTHETIC okay navigation: Very straight forward, very to the point. Just want to let you know that on your little sidebar nav you have the hover as /plot so YEAH IF I was lookin for a full review I’d want to know everything if thats what you were going for MORE POWER TO YA just letting you know bug! I don’t see a face claim page which is just extra work but sometimes people like to see those because then it lets them know if their fav face claim was taken without havin to look through all the characters, just so you know! I’m sure you do but y’know you FEEL me okay anyway! I love that you have an available jobs section I feel like that’s incredibly important and will be a huge help to everyone!other comments / thoughts: It’s a great look! The reds are a little harsh, I’d maybe take your background picture and slide it into THIS WEBSITE RIGHT HERE to get a few different softer hex codes and maybe swap that up a lil but that’s literally all! Oh, and the sidebar graphic! BUt like otherwise it looks great I love it!
plot: Okay I really dig the way you approached the biography, but it felt more like a character biography than a plot bio. BUT LIKE I SEE YOU, I see you stepping outside the box and trying to put people in he mindset that Michael was in because that might inspire muse but you know what I think you should do? Scrap Michael and write it from third person. I feel like writing biographies that sort of like force the reader to feel and experience it as if it were them is really cool. Like, an example would be “you inherited the shape of her nose and her love for the culinary arts” and like take them on Michael’s journey then keep the last two paragraphs the same. But that’s an entirely personal preference!rules: Straight forward, to the point, gorgeous! Only suggestion I have is probably put a little enter beneath every rule to space them out a little better. I’ve noticed it makes things easier to read and it’s not so congested? I love that is a lgbt+ rpg it is honestly a beautiful concept and lights my heart up with joy.characters: characters aren’t available but I’ll look over your available jobs instead, I am 100% here for you making various jobs only have so many roles or else you’d get like 600 of the same thing and that’s how you have a BAD TIME lmfao no but seriously no complaints no critiques this is gorgeousadmin attitude/vibe: Ugh, I fully support asking for verification with anons questions, sometimes they just spit the weirdest stuff? Like? Sometimes I don’t even know what they’re trying to ask me either so it’s always good to just check. You definitely give off a very welcoming vibe! I love it! I love the fact you ramble too! DO NOT EVER HOLD BACK! I love it. Everything. Just flawless.other comments / thoughts: The plot is interesting and the jobs are gorgeous and you just seem like an absolute dream, I’ve got really no other comments!
I love the group, it definitely seems like it’s gonna be a good time and you seem to have a pretty tight grip on it! I am personally not a fan of contained themes for rps but yours looks cute! With the plot, though, considering it’s so like, wealthy and expensive I definitely expected a deeper / darker theme, like maybe some blacks and deep maroons? BUT THATS JUST ME! I am still here as fuck for your psd matching your whole theme so I totally don’t want you to change the whole color scheme or anything. I really hope I helped and I wish this rpg nothing but the best!
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chickenfetus · 7 years
5 things tag yey
ahhh so i was tagged by the lovely @pastelminhyuks than u ,,,, this seems v interesting
5 Things You’ll Find in my Bag
packet tissues bc my nose in the morning is just lovely
my keys ive been locked out Too Many Times before
the only time i bring a bag out is for school so,,, my pencil case
and file
thats literally all i bring to school lmao i guess my phone + earphones too when school starts my bag is empty a lot bc i dont like to carry heavy shit
5 Things You’ll Find in my Bedroom
i sleep w/ someone and its not rly my room so ill just put what u can find at the place im always at the most (the study) so uhh, we have a bottle of water (1 litre)
a mini trash can bc tissues and snack wrappers
a whole space dedicated to random i have that i stuffed into various containers (it includes: notes, gacha balls, my 3ds games and more)
art materials like copic markers and colour pencils
and?? my cup bc where else would i pour my water into
5 Things I Always Wanted to do in Life
do well for my national exams because if i dont then its all over
not procrastinate lol
write a fic and post it,,,,,, one day
travel like falen,, with my friends,,,, who arent rly. friends
5 Things I’m Currently Into
drinking water
fucikign idol games
coughng bc my body loves me
loving all my mutuals (friends)
5 Things on my To-Do List
clear at least one expert song on bang dream bc thats taking forever
finish rewatching/watching all the anime i never finished
start reading the hq manga (i clicked on one chap and didnt even make it past the first page)
loving all my mutuals (friends) 
5 Things People May Not Know About Me
ok so this MIGHt be similar to falen’s but i have a habit (?) of like picking up other people’s habits (?? how do u phrase hM) so for example: someone says ‘omg….’ a lot in text if i keep talking to them/keep seeing it ill start to type like that too heh,,, this goes for any personality traits too and it applies to both real and fictional people so basically i act like a non existent character sometimes yes (example 2: lance w/ his finger guns)
i have a problem with pda??? but only when i see my irl friends doing it/?? bc im fine with shit i see online ??? as long as my friends arent the ones being gross im usually chill? idk it just grosses me out lmfao
my attention span is BAd idk if its my ‘attention span’ or smth else but sometimes i find it difficult to keep up with a certain anime or book whcih kills me bc i want to read/watch it but!! i jsut lack the interest?? motivation to do it angry face thats why i stopped rewatching daiya and its hard for me to rewatch certain anime?? god i need 2 not be like this yike 
adding on to no.3 i get into lil phases?? so i was sUepr into being a lance lover tm but then ?? i just ??? stopped?? i still love lance? but i just dont get that excited anymore????? same goes 2 other characters?/ i guess its normal?? to start losing interest in something thats ended already?? but ya…. wyd me… basically i jsut? have a deep interest in smth but will eventually get bored of it which sUCks bc its hard to even keep up with unfinished chaptered fics even tho the plot is good
im p sure this is a normal thing but i cant text one person for more than a year like talking irl? thats fine i can do that but if its online its impossible to keep talking regularly because ill (or the other person) lose interest (again) and just stop??/ replying?? and one month later we dont ever text again and sometimes im glad that i dont have to reply anymore but it just hit me that i dont rly hav a close friend?? although it doesnt rly bother me bc it kinda sounds.,, exhausting and troublesome having to communicate so much lol thats why i like sending asks over using the IM system since it feels less like ur texting the person yknwo
falne tgank u 4 taggging me always ur a tru bro…….. not taggig anyone but idk who would b interested man,, 
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ginaloveszero · 7 years
soumako for the 50 OTP thingssss
AAA SOUMAKOS!! And omfg anon you sent this so long ago and I’m getting to it now i’M SORRY!!! I think you were supposed to send me a number too but I love these two so much so I’ll just do them all LOL I’ll put it under a read-more
Pls don’t kill me if the shit I say doesn’t line up with how you (you in general, not you anon specifically LOL) hc them. Okay go!
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl? - Hmm... I can honestly imagine them both staying up late but then in the mornings, it fluctuates between Sousuke getting up early and bugging Makoto to wake up and Makoto waking up early and like, cuddling Sousuke until he wakes up. 
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon? - I’M LITERALLY GOING TO ANSWER THAT I SEE THEM BOTH DOING EVERYTHING FOR ALL OF THESE LMFAO. I can see them both being little spoons and big spoons. Sousuke as a little spoon makes my heart warm. (Esp since people think that just because he’s the “bigger” one, he should be on top/dominant for everything. Fuck that.) 
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle? - Makoto totally hogs the cover and they both like to cuddle! 
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses? - MAKOTO WAKING SOUSUKE UP WITH KISSES THO. One one of those days where they slept in a bit and have time to goof around, Makoto will softy pepper Sousuke’s face with sleepy kisses hehe
5. Who usually has nightmares? - Both. Makoto I can see dreaming about the ocean and maybe about that time at camp when everyone nearly drowned and Sousuke I can see having nightmares about his shoulder or just thinking that he failed. (Or maybe he has one of those dreams where he’s a successful swimmer and he wakes up happy but then it comes crashing down.) 
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? - I can see Sousuke having thoughts in the middle of the night. And maybe sometimes he’ll wake up Makoto to ask him stupid shit LOL I can see Makoto just zoning out during the day and stopping whatever he’s doing to think of things. 
7. Who sweats the small stuff? - Makoto for sure.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas? - Hmm.... Both? Depending on the weather? But overall I can kind of see Sousuke sleeping in his boxers and Makoto in pjs.
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)? - Sousuke likes his coffee and Makoto likes his tea.
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour? - Makoto for sure likes sweet!! I don’t think both of them would like sour things. 
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies? - Well we know Makoto probably wouldn’t like horror LOL And since Sousuke knows this, he makes sure to avoid it when they watch movies together even though Sousuke doesn’t really mind horror. (Imagine the googly eyes the first time they watch a romance movie oh my gOD)
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol? - They’re both tol and that’s what I love about this ship. Kind of honestly really getting annoyed at the over exaggerated height/size differences between ships in general tbh
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat? - MAKOTO HAHAHHAHA But once Makoto scared Sousuke so good and he still laughs about it.
14. Who kills the spiders? - Sousuke
15. Who is scared of the dark? - Makoto obv
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? - Makoto. Sousuke holds him tighter during really bad ones. 
17. Who works/ Who stays at home? - They both work! Honestly, I live for the “they both become coaches for kids” au 
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person? - Omg Makoto is a cat person for sure but he loves dogs too! Sousuke loves dogs and is a bit wary towards cats but that’s because he doesn’t really know how to approach them or handle them. (Dude, imagine Makoto coaxing Sousuke to hold a tiny kitty and Sousuke does and the kitty meows softly and starts purring and nuzzling Sousuke and Sousuke doesn’t know what to do with himself because god daMN that’s fucking cute!)
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names? - They both do! I can see them calling each other sweetheart and Sousuke calls Makoto babe or baby because he knows it makes him turn so red. 
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive? - They switch. Because why should they have to limit themselves towards one role? :   )))))
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)? - Makoto likes cute things and Sousuke? Hmm.... I can see him being obsessed over fitness and muscles and stuff.
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day? - Can I say Sousuke? I really like the idea of Sousuke doing all this mushy shit for his bab.
23. Who asks who out on the first date? - Oooooh. I’m gonna go with Sousuke!
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? - Both???? They both have conversations where they talk and listen to each other?
25. Who wears the other ones clothes? - Since they’re both pretty much the same size, they can share a wardrobe LOL Makoto likes to steal Sousuke’s shirts.
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food? - I’d say they go in cycles but Sousuke is the one that tries to eat healthy when he can. 
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower? - Both have the tendency to do both! Imagine shower duets omfg
28. Who is the book worm? - Makoto
29. Who is the better cook? - Omg Sousuke for sure.
30. Who likes long walks on the beach? - Both! And when they do, Sousuke is walks on the side closest to the ocean.
31. Who is more affectionate? - They both are! At least, in private I think they would be. In public, they’d probably tone it down a little but they probably let little things slip to annoy their friends.
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation? - Both!
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt? - Oh my god.... Sousuke in a sin t-shirt omg. Makoto and his angelic face in a not guilty shirt. (Although I can imagine Makoto in a sin shirt too lmao)
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt? - HOLY FUCK THIS IS PERFECT FOR THEM LMFAO! SOUSUKE TOTALLY WEARS THE IF LOST SHIRT AND MAKOTO WOULD WEAR THE “I AM MAKOTO” SHIRT!
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays? - Makoto for sure!
36. Who is the social media addict? - I can see Makoto getting into all that. He makes himself an instagram account and just follows all the cat pages.
37. Height difference or age difference? - It’s funny cause their birthdays are kind of close and they’re also close in height. I’m gonna say neither. I like them the way they are. 
38. Who likes to star gaze? - Makoto.
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside? - SOUSUKE HAHHAHAHA
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent? - I think it would depend on the situation but I can totally see Makoto being responsible and Sousuke being the “”fun” one.
41. Who cries during sad movies? - Makoto (and Sousuke too but he’s better at hiding it)
42. Who is the neat freak? - Sousuke omf
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one? - AAAA THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! I would say Sousuke but the thought of Makoto giving a giant stuffed animal to a blushing Sousuke is too cute of a thought to pass up!
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy? - They’re both active but they can both be lazy as well? Idk, I can see both of them being either. 
45. Who is more likely to get drunk? - Makoto since he rarely drinks.
46. Who has the longer food order? - Sousuke on his cheat days LOL
47. Who has the more complex coffee order? - I can see Sousuke drinking a really simple coffee but I can also see him having a long af order too so idk.
48. Who loses stuff? - Makoto LOL
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger? - Both depending on who’s up for it at the time.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic? - Both for sure!! I think Makoto would be more vocal about it?
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kyberled · 8 years
does braig use any different colored ink in his journal? or doodle?
Ask me stuff about Braig! || Always accepting
He does, actually! His journal is less a traditional sort of ‘diary’ and more of a mish-mash of tally-mark lists, such as ‘Times Obi-Wan Flirted With The Enemy (STOP)’, and it’s sorted into little boxes to keep track of who has been flirted with - There’s a box labelled ‘Ventress’ filled with ticks (the page across from it, labelled ‘Surprise, It’s Ventress’, has just as many ticks), one labelled ‘Grievous’ with a few uncertain marks and question marks, one labelled ‘Dooku’ with the word ‘NO’ written in all caps, bolded, and underlined, ‘Geonosian Queen’ with a small sad face, ‘Other’ with a few marks, and ‘the Literal Incarnation of the Light Side of the Force’ with ‘Gramps, we need to talk’. - another page labelled ‘Times Anakin Probably Should Have Died But Didn’t’, ‘Ahsoka Saves The Day’, and other such lighthearted pages, as well as more serious ones like ‘Battles I’ve Survived’, though this one has shaky, unsteady lines, since he tends to tick those off right after the battle ends. It’s almost therapeutic, in a sense - a way to say ‘look, I actually made it’. Sometimes, if he’s feeling really discouraged on a mission, or in general, he flips to that page and just sort of goes, look, I made it this far, I can keep going for a while longer’ and tries his best to steel himself for the coming battles. It also has lists, like ‘planets I’ve been to’, ‘planets I want to visit’, ‘languages I’ve learned’, ‘languages I want to learn’, ‘weird things Gramps has eaten to avoid offending the locals’, etc. There are also a bunch of pages of notes from lessons and lectures he’s heard, books he’s read, even rough line-of-action sketches of older knights doing forms - he’s not necessarily a phenomenal artist, but he’s figured out how to get gestures down, mostly due to practise/trial-and-error. On top of that, there are blueprints and designs for his sabers and any changes he might have wanted to make. There are also more typical journal entries, records of his thoughts and experiences… The entire book is basically organised chaos made manifest. Braig knows how to find everything and it does help him organise his thoughts, but he’d probably be asked to re-order the contents if he ever wanted to submit it to the Temple Archives.
And to answer your question, each page is covered, margins and all, with all sorts of scribbles, doodles, and additional notes. Paragraphs are peppered with underlined phrases, circled potions, arrows connecting circles to underlines, like to like, separate excerpts or quotes to each other, bits scratched out, comments written in free space, all that good stuff. On the saber designs, he scratches out bits that don’t work out, makes notes as to why they didn’t or where they failed in the dojo-oriented test runs, circles around parts he wants to change, but isn’t sure how yet - or just to highlight parts for whatever reason; The ticked-off pages (lmfao) have quotes or notes to explain what the ticks are for, like ‘Cody punched a droid’s head off’ on the ‘Cody Was Awesome’ page or “Kenobi, you almost look surprised to see me!” (Note: we were not.)’ on the ‘Surprise, It’s Ventress’ page. The one absolutely covered in writing is a page tucked into the back cover of the book, in a notch he got in the leather, titled ‘Reasons I Have The Best Mentor Ever’. It’s filled, front to back, margins and all, with ticks, quotes, notes about things like tea varieties and ceremonies, languages, lessons and corrections he got, random little things Obi did - just something Braig keeps track of. He thinks it’s too sentimental for a Jedi, but it’s something nice to look at when he’s feeling horrible so he can cheer up, but he wouldn’t really tell anyone about it it’s kind of really personal and again he thinks it’s not a Jedi-ish thing. … And if this sounds cute just remember Rodi and I have had it so the only times Obi ever found out about it were after Braig’s untimely death, usually when Braig was a young padawan. Again, when I said Rodi and I don’t let our boys be happy, I was was serious. 
He has a small collection of pens which he sort of hoards in his room or his robes, since actual writing utensils seem like they’d be pretty hard to come across. Not impossible, but difficult. As of right now, he has one (1) rather nice fountain pen he spent a long time saving up for, that writes in dark green ink - kind of a pine, if we’re being specific. This is one is pretty special to him, and he doesn’t take it on missions with him. He uses it for titling pages, or actual diary/journal entries, since he doesn’t really want to waste the ink - inkwells are even harder to find than actual pens. He also has two (2) cheaper pens, the sort you can buy in bulk at Staples or whatnot. One is a pen with a cap that’s a little nibbled on and writes in bright red ink, and the other is a click-pen that writes in black. He’ll take these on missions, or even let other people borrow them, as long as he can trust them to be returned. He has one other pen, as well, given to him by Nihrik as a Lifeday present - It’s roughly 20 000 years old, carved of bone, and engraved with an ancient Chaulean script that Reyvahl translated to say ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’. It writes with gravity, and its ink is reportedly ‘A deep crimson colour disconcertingly close to blood’. He doesn’t take this one out of his room, aside from the one time he brought it to Reyvahl for language lessons. He uses this one similarly to the fountain pen, only for titling and journal entries. Since he doesn’t take it out of his room, most of the entries written in dark red are either recounts of his days in the Temple, recounts of missions he’s just gotten back from, or dreams he’d just woken up to. Menial things like that. Sometimes, he’ll use the red bone pen to edit the green fountain pen’s writing, and vice versa; Or just write in paragraph-style notes, here and there - he doesn’t use the fountain pen or bone pen for idle doodling. In fact, because both pens require precision to use, unlike his cheaper set, he uses these to refine or clean up the lines of his saber designs. He’ll use the cheap ones for anything and take them anywhere, but the more expensive ones, the ones that would be difficult or impossible to replace, he is more careful.
The doodles in his book can be anything, but some general themes include small lightsabers, flowers, spirals, the Jedi Order logo, the Republic logo, little stars and/or planets, letters/words/etc in languages he’s learning, anything like that. Sometimes, he’ll scribble droids, little attempts at star ships, but those are a bit more difficult, and he doesn’t like flying. Piloting isn’t his strong suit. Typically, it’ll be those things I mentioned before, but he also draws/doodles things he sees. So, if he was scribbling on Kamino, he might scribble a Kaminoan, or some fish or whatever, or might scribble a rough lil mountain range if on Alderaan, etc etc. Usually, it’s either to help him concentrate or paradoxically because he spaced out, though he does use more complex sketches (eg blueprints) or entries to calm himself down after bad nights. It’s kind of therapeutic. 
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