#sometimes it works and sometimes it takes 78 years to connect
amelia-yap · 2 years
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phantasma-studio · 8 months
Our Phantom of the Opera Tarot deck in the making...
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Currently creating: Phantom of the Opera Tarot deck, with our first card: The King of Wands!
The Phantom has a special place in our hearts, our workshop is named after the story and for many years the books, movies and musicals have been a great love of ours. That will never cease.
For a great number of years we have been producing artwork based on the beautiful story and it made complete sense for us to pick this up again. And in a rather special form; the creation of a Phantom of the Opera Tarot deck, later we will also add a Phantom Oracle deck. For us the mystical feeling of a Tarot deck is perfect for this story. We would like to point out that we feel Tarot is not so much for telling the future, but a beautiful tool to look at situations from a different angle and a kind adviser. It can be used as a beautiful way of helping yourself. Our game will be more friendly than harsh.  
We are taking into consideration the book by  Gaston Leroux, but also the by ‘phans’  really appreciated novel by Susan Kay, “Phantom” a prequel about Erik’s life. A number of films, among which the 1925 Phantom of the Opera film with Lon Chaney and last but certainly not least; the famous musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
We conducted several studies in the world of Tarot (after being interested for many years) to be able to make a game full of symbolism so it will be a joy to work with for experienced tarot readers. But we are also thinking of beginners; there will a clear booklet with explanation and easy little methods to enjoy tarot. If you are a collector of everything Phantom and don’t feel like anything Tarot, the cards themselves are little pieces of art that you are sure to enjoy.
We hope to release this game this year (2024), but keep in mind it is 78 cards with some  bonus cards, a beautiful box, a booklet and extra’s. Since we are putting our very heart and soul into this, most watercolours take a week, two weeks or sometimes more. We will post here regularly where we are. As soon as it is possible to pre-order we will post that too. Keep an eye on our website , we are still in the process of building and we will also open a webshop in the near future, see link below :)
For those interested, we have several updates a week on our  Facebook & Instagram accounts, see links below :)
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pjstafford · 3 months
There are a million ways to tell a life story. Review of Reverse the Curse.
"There are a million ways to tell a life story. As a tragedy or a comedy or as a fairy tale with baseball teams that can keep you alive..."
Reverse the Curse is a movie written and directed by and starring David Duchovny based on his novel Bucky F*cking Dent. Duchovny plays Marty, a man dying of lung cancer. Logan Marshall-Green plays his estranged son Ted, an aspiring writer who works as a peanut vendor at Yankee Stadium. Stephanie Beatriz plays Mariana, a grief specialist nurse. Early in the movie, before we ever see Marty, Mariana speaks this line which foreshadows that, while this is a familiar story with universal themes, it is going to be told in a way that will take you by surprise. As the writer adapts his novel to the screen, it retains the signature style of Duchovny's written works for screen, novel, and song lyrics which is more reflective of life than any specific genre of storytelling. In Reverse the Curse Duchovny creates a story of tragedy, comedy, a touch of a fairy tale, an epic sports season, and a dash of romantic comedy. It's a movie that will take you on a heart-filled journey of loss, healing, and new beginnings while you laugh and cry.
With Duchovny's unexpected style (a critic refers to this movie as genre-bending), he is sometimes criticized for tonal dissonance. This film moves quickly, finds creative ways to express backstory without long exposition, and does a better job than his first movie (House of D which I would recommend) of signaling when the fairy tale aspects are about to begin (literally by asking the question do you believe in fairy tales). The story beats of comedy and drama blend into each other in a way that feels connected.
The story of the 78 Red Sox and New York Yankees works well as the backdrop of the story of the father-son. Sports provides a bridge for the two men to learn how to talk to each other again after years of estrangement. Marty makes the point that baseball is the one sport where theoretically a game might never end. However, the genius of this backdrop is that it anchors the story in our world which happens to be a world where people believe in curses and where sometimes there occurs an improbable outcome such as a shortstop with a poor batting average hitting a legendary home run. The fact that this story is a historical fact lends credibility to the more fairy tale parts of the movie.
What really pours forth from this movie is heart. Duchovny delivers comedic lines with genius and there is a confession scene which many are referring to as the best dramatic scene of his career. He has great chemistry with Marshall-Green whose hesitation with some comedic material works well in the character of Ted who is unsure of himself. Beatriz is a standout in her portrayal of a woman whose career path has been determined by personal tragedy. The most "out there" characters in the movie are the three barbershop boys, Marty's older male friends who spend their days in the barbershop. These characters are exactly that...Characters! Played by Jason Beghe, Evan Handler, and Santo Fazio, what makes the scenes with these characters work is the sense that they have known each other and developed their banter over decades. A storyline that could have been seen as silly becomes a story about true friendship over time.
This movie has the feel of a seventies movie. It is not simply that it is set in 1978. In fact, there are some historical inaccuracies such as the showing of Jimmy Carter's malaise speech which takes place in 1979 not 1978. It is the fact that the movie feels like it was based on the type of movies we might have seen in the theater in the seventies. Some of that is cinematic. The cinematographer, Jeff Powers, said in an interview that he drew inspiration from a lot of the American New Waves films from that time including Five Easy Pieces. It reminded me of movies like Harold and Maude, Midnight Cowboy, and Love Story. It's a character-driven story where the ending is a foregone conclusion that takes its beats getting to the ending because the ending is not the point as much as the journey to the ending. Each step of laughter and each step of tears and even sitting through a scene with an over-reliance on fart humor is a beat of hearts within the film.
For me, my journey of watching the film, my heartbeats, were these. Seeing Marty in a hospital bed with oxygen in the first scene in which we see him instantly transported me to the first time I saw my father after his lungs collapsed. However, the seventies feel of the movie transported me to a time when my father and I used to go to the theater to watch movies together - in the seventies- and how much he liked movies like this one. It was a surprise to me to feel that my father's presence was laughing with me as we had laughed together at so many films while he was alive. It was a gift of heart.
All the stars from me!
Please note I had a difficult time not constantly referring to changes between the book and the movie in this review. I was slightly afraid to see the movie for fear it would hurt the novel for me. I am now fascinated by the decisions that were made that make each so unique while telling the same story. In a few weeks, when spoilers are more acceptable, I will do a written comparison of the two.
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dyke-mecha · 7 months
For the ask game, specifically for SheLL: 6,22,48,55,56,70 Mona,74 Mona,78 :)
6. Is there a battle nexus? Is it a respected facility or operated by criminals?
Yes!!! It‘s operated by the footclan as another avenue to find new recruits, but it‘s still very much a shady fighting ring.
22. If there is a battle nexus, who fights in it?
Venus! At first she has no idea it‘s connected to the footclan (who mutated her and Jen and kept them as weapons until they escaped) and purely fights there because she‘s very mentally ill. She finds it shortly after escaping and doesn‘t know anything but violence. She doesn‘t know what to do with herself if she‘s not fighting and is longing for violence again, so she joins. (I actually wrote a whole oneshot about her first fight recently and god. She‘s so unhealthy about it all. Injuries are the only things that get her to feel something, she has zero regard for the people she‘s fighting, she‘s just. Girlie, you need so much help.)
Once she learns it‘s connected to the footclan, she shifts from fighting for her own satisfaction to fighting everyone even more viciously to let her anger out.
48. Does Casey play hockey? If so, what position?
I don‘t know anything about hockey😭
Casey‘s a big hockey fan, but she never got to play it as a kid/teenager. And now that she has a supportive family, she‘s mutated and can‘t exactly hang out with humans :( Shen gets her lots of hockey video games as compensation though and Casey sometimes sneaks to local games to watch them live
(I‘m currently thinking about whether the footclan can even keep the third wave of mutants [first was Jen and Venus, second the turtles and third was Casey + lots of other foot recruits] a secret forever though. Because like idk about you, but that sounds pretty hard to me. So maybe, once the general public knows about mutants and isn‘t, like, trying to hunt them for sport, Casey can actually go and join a hockey team,,,)
55. Who is the best cook?
Shen! She‘s genuinely really good at it, but also. The only other options are mutants + an alien that have never been inside a kitchen before or various six-year-olds. Leo likes helping her though. They‘re usually not talking a lot while cooking, but Leo really enjoys being close to Shen and Shen is happy enough to spend the time in silence.
56. Who is the best fighter?
Venus and Jen. If we just go off pure ability, it‘s Jen, she usually beats Venus when they‘re sparring. But fighting against actual enemies, it‘s so definitely Venus. I‘ve been calling her magic healing magic, but it‘s actually more complicated than that. She can manipulate organisms on a cellular level (and yes, this took her ages to perfect and still takes a lot of concentration), so not only can she heal herself during a fight, directly touching an enemy is also enough to rip their muscles apart and destroy their bodies from the inside out. She hates healing her own injuries though, so she usually doesn‘t do that/only does as much as she needs to to keep going.
While I‘m talking about it, Venus and Jen can also combine their powers. Jen can See things, right? This is both like, „seeing“ an object/person she knows well when it‘s far away, but she can also use it to see inside objects/people. For Venus the hardest part is channeling her energy to the right cells (that‘s also why harming is easier than healing, she can just destroy whatever she touching instead of sending the energy to look for an injury), but via touch Jen can help her „see“ her injuries (in a way that‘s closer to feeling, but with a visual component? It‘s not seeing like how you usually perceive the world, but rather sensing with her enegry), which makes it a lot easier to properly heal them.
70. What hobbies does Mona have?
She loves learning! Especially about technology. She‘s the type of girl to take Shen‘s microwave apart because she wants to know how it works. (Shen definitely gets her cheap/broken tech as enrichment fdhjsfdhs) She also really likes gardening and is a big help in getting Shen‘s garden look good again, while also keeping it in a shape that‘s beneficial to the ecosystem there. Basically, planting veggies, clearing space for the kids to play in/Venus and Jen to fight in, while also supporting the native plants and making it habitable for wild animals.
74. What weapon does Mona specialise in?
Short range blades! I‘m not set on a specific weapon for her yet (+ I think it‘s gonna be something from her home planet, so idk if calling it the name of one of our weapons would even be accurate?), but she‘s very sneaky with it. Definitely more of a rogue than someone who runs into fights head first (looking at all the other lesbians)
78. Tell us something you want to share about your au/iteration!
I‘ve been thinking about Donnie a lot recently and how she‘s really not all that interested in technology. Instead, their focus is squarely on the magic/energy all mutants seem to be able to control and where it comes from. She still approaches it very scientifically (as much as a six year old can, anyways), but I think it‘s still a pretty big contrast to how Donnies are usually very into tech.
Send me more here!
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lasriohq · 2 years
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Full Name:  Sebastian Reyes
Face Claim:  Pedro Pascal
Pronouns/Gender:  he/him/male
Birthday:  6/26/78 *45
Birth place:    Fort Worth, Texas 
How long have they been in town?: 10 years
Occupation:  (Private) Pilot 
Family: Parents and three siblings back in Texas. 
Sebastian or Seb as he likes to be called was born in  Fort Worth, Texas the first born of his parents. They both came from Chile but his father arrived 5 years before his mother for work before his mother arrived. Two years later Sebastian was born. His father worked hard, and worked at factory for years and he did enjoy his work even know it was long hard work. His mother worked a hotel cleaning rooms and worked her way up to run the housekeeping department after 10 years of working hard. Two younger siblings came along one when Seb was 5 the other when Seb was 8 years old. It made the house busy but a full home. He worked part time jobs as teenager to help make rent and pay the bills and whatever his siblings needed. 
But he did always long for something more, the great wide called him. After high school he stayed in town and worked to help his family. But his father gave him his old car and said go son, we know you want it. He took off and lived one place after another for a few weeks a few months. Then he saw job for a pilot, well flying lessons to become a  pilot then it lead to work. He did that few a few months till he landed a job at major airline that he did for about a year to get the hours he needed. 
He was one to enjoy his time going places he wanted doing what he wanted, he meet a lot of people and enjoyed his time with them even know it was normally very short. He soon found a private pilot was a wanted job and he went for that working for a private company for many years and got himself pretty known as  pilot.
He learned to fly a few types of planes and helicopters even. He take any job he could get, private flights, normal ones, tours and even sky diving whatever was needed. He ended up landing in Las Rio, well really outside the city and drove to town and fell for it. He has been in town years and will fly anything for anyone and enjoy it. He normally will do some private flights and sometimes tours of the city/state. 
He loves it but he dreams of love and having a family but is starting to think it’s becoming to late for that.  
Siblings I did general ages in his bio but it is not set in stone just would be under 45 I would say under 30-42 years old would be the age rage, sisters, brother they are both very open. But both are back at this time in Texas with his parents. Older sibling more helping with their parents younger one working for themselves.
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Zanzibar is a group of islands in the Indian Ocean that are on the eastern side of the African continent. The Arabic word for "Zanzibar" is "negro" and "land," and it means "the land of the Negro race," which is the human race that lives in Africa. 7-DAY ZANZIBAR
In the indigenous islanders' Swahili language, the Zanzibar Islands are also referred to as Angoja. Although the Zanzibar Island Group is officially associated with the State of Tanzania in East Africa, it maintains a degree of semi-autonomy. 7-DAY ZANZIBAR
There are 52 islands in Zanzibar; Zanzibar is the largest, followed by Bemba Island and other well-known islands like Tumbatu and Mafia Island.
Statistics show that there are more than 4 million carnation trees on Zanzibar, making it the world's leading source and producer of cloves. Zanzibar is known for growing and producing cloves.
With a population of 1 million people in the Zanzibar Islands                            Zanzibar has a population structure that is unique. Ninety-eight percent of the population converts to Islam, while the remaining population converts to Christianity and Sikhism.
The people of Zanzibar rely on agriculture to make a living. Cloves and coconuts are two of the islands' most important agricultural products. They also work in fishing and the tourism industry, which is a big part of the economy of the country.
Location of Zanzibar                                                        The Zanzibar Islands are 35 kilometers from Tanzania's coast, in the Indian Ocean, opposite Tanzania's east coast in Africa.
Weather in Zanzibar and Tanzania Zanzibar in Tanzania experiences tropical weather most of the time. The island has two rainy seasons: one in March, April, and May of each year, when it gets a lot of rain, and another in November and December of each year, when it gets less rain than the first season.
Top 3 Tourist Attractions in Zanzibar - Tanzania The Zanzibar Islands combine the beauty of green nature with the sea, golden beaches, and historical and cultural heritage to provide recreation, relaxation, and both
1.Pemba Island Pemba Island is the second largest island in the Zanzibar Island Group, measuring 78 kilometers in length and 23 kilometers in width. It has rich, sandy soil that is famous for growing coconuts, cloves, rice, bananas, and the world's best cloves
2.Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park is a 50-kilometer-long nature preserve where visitors can experience the African jungle. It includes numerous animals and butterflies, dense tropical trees, and interconnected plants
3.Stone Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located on Zanzibar's west coast, in the old and ancient section of the island. This region contains historic landmarks, historical constructions, and a peninsula connected to Zanzibar, as well as coral reefs and slurry-based islands that are sometimes generated by tidal forces. Two churches, 50 mosques, and 23 commercial facilities dot the 83-kilometer-long stone town.
When to go to Zanzibar at its best.
If you don't mind the heat and humidity, this is the best time to visit Zanzibar from January to July. The day is hot and sunny. The best time to dive is from January to March. A decent submerged plunge is wind, tide and anything you see submerged. Clear waters are ideal for exploring the south coast's lagoons and reefs. Midway through March, as the "long rains" approach, the weather in Zanzibar begins to change. On these islands, the so-called "long rains" begin in April and May. The beaches are calm and very wet in April and May, when the precipitation is much higher than at any other time of the year. This is not the time to visit Zanzibar if you want to take advantage of the best weather.
Sun-drenched coastlines, palm-lined beaches, and stunning sunsets are typically part of an ideal African beach vacation. During the dry season, luxury resorts in Zanzibar can anticipate offering all of this. The best time to visit Zanzibar is from June to October, when there are no more torrential downpours. If you're planning a romantic honeymoon in Zanzibar, these weather conditions are probably just right for you to unwind in the sun and see the stunning scenery of the "Spice Island."
When traveling to Zanzibar from August to October, the archipelago experiences its last cool months. The weather in Zanzibar is neither too hot nor too humid from August to October. As the islands get ready for summer, a steady, light breeze comes from the south.
All over Zanzibar, September is a great month, but the Mafia Archipelago has something special. incredible diving conditions in deeper waters and the laying of eggs for sea turtles. Divers should carefully plan their September dives. October is an optimal chance to visit Zanzibar. Cool breezes, calm waters, and clear skies characterize the days. Not long before the November downpours start, the water temperature begins to rise and the evenings step by step get hotter.
Visit Zanzibar in November and December due to the "short rains" that are anticipated in November, when temperatures typically soar. Most of the time, clouds form in the morning, which can be very sunny and humid. In the afternoon, spectacular but usually brief showers occur. It gives you a lot of chance to unwind at the ocean side bar or partake in a back rub or yoga meeting. prior to getting back to the hammock.
Be that as it may, the sun is more grounded on Christmas and New Year's Eve. Her favorite place in Zanzibar in December is the Mafia Archipelago, where she can dive with whale sharks.
What is the culture of Zanzibar? Africa, Arabia, India, Persia and Comoros are the ancestral homeland of Zanzibar people. Islam is the dominant religion in Zanzibar. Muslims make up over 90% of the population, with smaller numbers of Christians, Hindus, Jains and Sikhs.
The islands are rich in Arabic and Swahili influences, especially in the Old Stone Tow, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Zanzibar's fascinating cultural and contemporary architectural landscape is shaped by a unique blend of African, Arab and European historical influences. As a major port for the East African slave trade in the 17th and 19th centuries, Zanzibar also bears traces of its dark past.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Can shorts be worn in Zanzibar?
Can you wear pants in Zanzibar? You can wear shorts on the beach and in your resort or hotel. Swimwear and bikinis are acceptable on the beach.
In other environments it is best to dress conservatively. Shorts should ideally be three-quarters of the length of the trousers, loose fitting below the knee. Women should not wear pants in public. It is not culturally acceptable even for men to go shirtless. For women, wearing smaller skirts than expected and less expensive clothing is definitely offensive. Be especially careful when visiting the stone town and mosques where your shoulders and upper body must be covered. Zanzibar Vacation Packages and Travel Tips These Zanzibar vacation packages offer great value for money: 5 Day Tour Package, 6 Day Honeymoon Package and 8 Day Vacation Package in Zanzibar
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tarotlogy · 2 years
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How did you get on with your Aces Training Exercises?  Did you find them easy or difficult?  If you struggled with them a bit, don’t worry.  The Aces are not the easiest to do free association with.  You will find that the cards from the Aces on have a bit more going on in them for you to work with
In this lesson we will be getting to grips with the mechanics of the cards and the tools we work with when reading them.  Before we can begin exploring each card individually it is necessary for us to get familiar with the Tarot cards themselves, how they are constructed and how they work.
So far we have explored some of the esoteric associations with the Tarot such as the Collective Unconscious with its Archetypes and Symbols and the Subconscious and Intuition. We learned to differentiate between Fortune-Telling and Divination.  We also defined how the Tarot is used as a tool of guidance and not instruction.  In Lesson 2 we made our first attempt at intuitively connecting with and interpreting the Four Aces of The Tarot without prior knowledge of their traditional meanings.  We also learned the importance of our Chakras when it comes Psychic Cleansing, Protection and Grounding and the effect they have on our physical, mental and emotional health.
In Lesson 3 we will take a close look at how the Elements influence the Tarot.  These are the Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth.  We will examine how the Tarot is broken down into the Minor and Major Arcana which in turn is further broken down into the Four Suits of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles and of course the Court Cards.  We will also explore how Numerology, Colour and Symbolism contribute to their interpretation.  We will look at the implication of Reversed Cards in a reading and the decision as whether to work with them or not will also be discussed.
Take your time going through the Lessons.  You might as well accept now that you are not going to be able to rush through this course.  I will remind you of this again and an again as we proceed through the Lessons.  The important thing is to make sure that you understand the concept of what is being taught before moving forward.  Read and re-read sections or Lessons if in doubt.  Do not worry if you don’t get it immediately.  Learning the Tarot is not a race.
***When I teach the Truly Teach Me Tarot Course in Class or on a One-to-One basis, it takes approximately a Year to complete.  You must remember that for a lot of you approaching this Course, you will be asked to look at the world around you in a different manner. So too will many of you be exploring Esoteric and Metaphysical concepts for the first time. Some of the theories and explanations may be hard for you to get your head around.  Just relax and proceed at your own pace.
There are 78 Tarot cards in each deck.  Some decks have an additional card which is blank.  We will be covering the meaning of the Blank Card in a later lesson. The Tarot cards are broken into two sections:
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The Minor Arcana also known as the Pip Cards represent the everyday occurrences in our lives.  The ups and down, the mini dramas or traumas of everyday living. Their energy fluctuates and is generally transient.  The Minor Arcana consists of the Four Suits – Wands (Fire),  Cups (Water), Swords(Air) and Pentacles (Earth).  Each Suit has 14 Cards which are broken down into the 10 Story Cards of the Suit Ace – 10 along with the Suit’s 4 Court Cards – Page, Knight, Queen and King.
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They are the personalities or Actors in The Tarot. They represent The querant and People Involved with The querant.  Sometimes they just carry the message of the Energy or Suit they represent such as “Act like Me in this situation”. The Minor Arcana Cards Ace to 10 tell us what is happening while The Court Cards tell us who it is happening to along with other Key Players in the situation.  We will be studying The Court Cards in-depth in Part II of this Course.
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These cards carry far more weight and their energy is more fixed and powerful.  The Major Arcana represent the deep driving forces behind what the Minor Arcana is showing.  Major Cards appearing in a reading suggest that the querant is accessing, or is being accessed by powerful forces which are feeding the situation being represented by the Minors. The Major are more serious and fixed in nature.
Whereas, the Minor Arcana tell us what is happening in our life, the Major Arcana tells us why.  The Major Arcana is deeply Spiritual and they contain Karmic Lessons that the querant is dealing with or trying to overcome.  We will be looking at them in much detail in the Part  III of this course.
Each card has a picture depicting Archetypes, Archetypal Situations or Symbols with Universal Meaning. The cards are shuffled, drawn blind and laid out in a spread.  The spread is then interpreted. The cards are used to gain insight into a particular situation or for guidance, and each card is multi-layered with many interpretations. It is up to the reader to determine their specific meaning in a particular reading.
Attention also has to be paid to the surrounding cards in a spread as these can strengthen or weaken the meaning. Attention also has to be paid to the dominance or lack of a particular Suit i.e. Wands/Cups/Swords/Pentacles. The Numerical Association of the cards, the general Colour Trend, Elements, Symbols, Astrological Associations and whether a card appears Upright or Reversed must all be taken into consideration in order to build up a picture of what is going on in the querant’s life in relation to their question.
As a self-development tool, the Tarot opens the doors of our mind by tapping into our Subconscious to truly know who we are, to understand why we are the way we are and also to realise that we have the power to change who we are.  The Tarot will open our eyes to the workings of the human psyche and realisation of the results of cause and effect influencing just about everything we do in life.  The Tarot will help us take a hold of our life and accept responsibility for where we are in our life as opposed to the blame syndrome which we so easily and readily fall into.
The Tarot cards are multi-layered, quite like an onion. Peel one layer away and lo and behold another is just below it. Getting to the specific meaning of the card for an individual sometimes involves peeling away layer after layer of meaning to get to the heart of the matter.  It is the job of the reader to decipher which meaning is applicable to the individual.
The Tarot should reveal itself like a story with beginnings, middles, endings, important characters, various scenarios, surrounding friends and foes, family, work, relationships and travel.  As humans we are very complex.  We are never just experiencing one thing at a time in life and when we do a reading for someone, even though they seek insight into a relationship issue, more than the issue in question will come to light. Therefore we must learn to read on many levels.
It is easy to say, the best place to start is at the beginning, but where exactly is the beginning when it comes to learning Tarot?  For those of you (like many have before you) who have bought their first deck of cards and believe that the little accompanying booklet contains sufficient information on how to read the Tarot I’ve got bad news for you.  I am sorry, but the Tarot is heavily more involved and intricate than the contents of a few keywords in these booklets.  Unfortunately, it is not enough to just learn off their brief interpretations (sometimes bizarre) of individual cards.  To get the most out of the Tarot and to seek insight into their deepest meanings involves having a working knowledge of a few very important disciplines.  Let us now look at the first of these disciplines.
The Tarot is steeped in symbolism. It was designed to be just so.  A great deal of time and effort went into carefully constructing the detail in each card.  There is absolute rhyme and reason for every stroke and swirl of colour, every flower, animal or cloud in the sky, every building, mountain, cliff or bridge.  Nothing appears in the imagery or depictions in the Tarot by accident.  As mentioned before, this is not just art for art’s sake.  There is no limit to the variety of Tarot Decks available to purchase and imagery will vary greatly from deck to deck.  However, regardless of choice each of these decks will have been designed to symbolically represent a situation, a person, a personality, joy, trauma or catastrophe on every level of being.
Symbols are loaded with meaning and when used in the Tarot, their aim is to symbolically tell a story without words. A story that we will all respond to and identify with.
We are surrounded by symbols in our daily life.  For a most simplistic example, think of all the street and road signs indicating a series of bad bends ahead, a cross roads, end of motorway etc. We may not all speak the same language but for most of us in the world we can readily and instinctively read and interpret symbols.  Therefore, by acquainting ourselves with the symbolism present in each card a whole story opens before us.  Often when reading, a certain symbol rather than another will jump out of the card at you and instantly you will know what story needs to be told. You will automatically make the connections and will be able to relate its relevance and importance to the querant. At times several similar looking symbols will appear in a spread and these will reinforce the message for the querant.  As Tarot readers you must train yourself to be observant not only when it comes to spotting and interpreting symbols but also spotting recurring symbols and hidden symbols.
Most symbols you will identify immediately as they carry universal meaning and you will probably have grown up with an understanding of them.  The meaning of other symbols you will be learning about for the first time. Understanding the deep symbolism in the Tarot will greatly improve your reading skills and also make the whole process of learning each card considerably easier.
Certain symbols will appear repetitively throughout the Tarot especially when representing a particular Suit or Element.  The Tarot works with many levels of symbolism. Some of this symbolism is deeply mystical such as the symbols relating to the Kabbalah and Alchemy.  The Kabbalah will be explored in Part III when we accompany The Fool on his journey through The Major Arcana.  However, references will also be made to the Kabbalah in Part I and Part II.   Do not attempt to burden you workload at present by delving into the Kabbalah as it is quite complex.  Instead just absorb the snippets that will accompany the Introductions to all the numbered cards in the Suits.  This will give snapshots of the Kabbalah and when the time comes to look at it in more depth in Part III, your mind will be better prepared
For now we will keep things as simple as possible and only focus on the following:
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Numerology is the science of numbers.  Pythagoras (580/572 BC – 500/490 BC) the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher believed that numbers contained their own unique energies that affected us on many levels and that everything was related to mathematics.  Pythagoras claimed that by numbers alone anything could be predicted or explained.  His theory was based on the cyclical nature of numbers and their patterns.  Pythagoras was once quoted as saying “number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons.” He also considered numbers to be mystical and magical. He believed that the world, our personalities and everything we did could be explained by numbers.  Numbers also had a sex – odd numbers were male, even were female.  Today numerologists use the ‘Fadic’ system, which is the adding of two digits or reducing of digits to make one.
With the exception of the 16 Court Cards, each card in the Tarot Deck is numbered and each of these cards carry the vibration or energy of the particular number associated with it.  The Minor Arcana are numbered one (ace) to 10 in each Suit and the Major Arcana is numbered from 0 to 21.  Not only is the meaning of the card taken into consideration for interpretation but also its numerical association.  When we see a particular number turning up repetitively in a spread, the meaning associated with the number is strengthened and so must be given close attention for it is telling us something.  Numbers alone in a reading can provide great information not only on what is going on in the Querant’s life but also alert us to the particular stage they are at on their life cycle. Both hold great importance for the querant and often provide answers as to why they are going through certain issues at such time.
This may sound confusing but suffice to say when it comes to the Tarot we can keep it simple.
Please feel free to explore Numerology other than the brief meanings listed below. Tarot Reading and Numerology go hand in hand.  Being able to work out the Destiny number, Life Path Number and Soul or Karmic Number for a querant complements and enhances a Tarot Reading.
***One point to remember in most of Numerology is that one must keep reducing a number to get a final reading of just 1 digit. e.g. 10 = 1+0=1,   23 = 2+3+5 ,   39 = 3+9=12= 1+2=3
1 – The point of origin, birth, start, beginning, clean slate, uniqueness, individuality, the ego, starting over, solitary,
2 – Opposition, attraction, co-operation, conflict, peace, harmony, balance, communication, marriage, partnership, commitments, yin/yang,   masculine/feminine
3 – Creativity, growth, abundance, ascension, fertility, birth, the power of three, variety, versatility
4 – Stability, practicality, security, power, building resources, personal and family securities, consolidation.
5 – Loss, conflict, chaos, disruption but also final ascension, expect the unexpected, travel, change, challenges, new experiences
6 – Balance, stability, harmony, peace, beauty, family matters, romance, success
7 – Victory, challenges, magic, luck, introspection, tenacity, resourcefulness
8 – Change, infinity, speed, positivity, energy, strength, success, business
9 – Completion, ending, outcome, closing, cutting of ties, emotional spring-cleaning, introspection, reflection, winding down
10 – (1+0 = 1) – Finality, final outcome, ending, closing, beginning is end/end is beginning. Cycle starts once more. Rebirth, excess, too much, extremes, things have run their natural course
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Colours like numbers and letters also carry a vibration or energy.  When we open our wardrobe each day to choose clothes to wear it is often our mood which helps us select a certain colour of shirt or sweater.  Ask yourself why most businessmen wear black or navy suits with crisp white shirts?  Why is a red dress associated with a temptress or white with a wedding dress and innocence?  Without thinking about it colour creates mood changes within us.  We associate certain things with certain colours.  Colour Therapists understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance of the full colour spectrum in our energy field in order to remain healthy in mind, body and spirit.
We all come into the world with our own Signature Colour and will gravitate towards others who resonate with and complement it.  Likewise we will be repelled by those whose colours clash with ours.  The signature colours I talk of here are not so much the colours that are seen but are those of our Energy Field or Aura.  Even though we have a particular Signature Colour that remains with us throughout our life, we also radiate other colours depending on our moods or behaviour.  When we are angry our aura will be awash with a dull murky red. When we are experiencing jealousy or envy we will display a dirty yellowy green.  When in love, much pink and pastel colours will abound.  When we are expressing ourselves or talking about something we are passionate about, bright yellow will stream forth.  When we are developing spiritually or psychically we may display more indigo or violet in our aura.  We may go through phases in our life when a certain colour dominates.  This may be influenced by fashion or feelings.  However, regardless of what phase we are in, our Signature or Core Soul Colour still remains the same.
The colours that we display in our aura, wear on our bodies, decorate our houses with and even choose our flowers because of, can tell us much about our personality and our current state of mind and emotions.
Colours in the Tarot Cards can give us further information and build on the imagery presented.  If a certain Colour is predominant then the energy associated with this colour is bound to be influencing the Querant.  When we start our journey through the Four Suits of the Tarot you will notice that each Suit has certain predominant colours.  These colours reflect their Elemental Energies and give us a mood or atmosphere to accompany the card.  For instance the Suit of Wands reflect the colours of Fire (Orange, Red & Yellow).  These colours are cheerful and warm. They bring  liveliness to a reading while the Suit of Swords reflect the colours of Air (Pale Blues & Pale to Dark Grey).  These colours can make us feel chilled, down and dark.  One Wand Card appearing in a spread of Swords would bring much-needed light and gaiety to an otherwise drab and stressful scenario.  On the other hand, a Sword Card appearing in the middle of a Wands spread may be enough to bring dark clouds into and otherwise sunny and warm day.   It might be compared to the argumentative guest who ruins an otherwise great dinner party.   You can play around with these comparisons as we proceed through the Four Suits.
Red: Ardour or Eagerness, Health, Strength, Physical Energy, Courage, Intense Emotions, Sexuality, Aggression. Temper, Leadership
Orange: A passionate approach, Drive, Activity, Ambition, Enthusiasm, Warmth, Sociable
Yellow: An intellectual approach or intellectual balance, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Mental Activity, Memory, Communication, Ability to Rationalise, Conscious
Green: Harmony, Balance, Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Healing, Growth, Peace
Blue: A Balanced Spiritual Understanding, Healing, Peace, Psychic, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, Subconscious, Communication
Purple: Compassion, Power, Spirituality, Spiritual Leadership/Teacher, Psychic, Nobility
White: Purity of motive, Innocence, Protection, Purification, Hope, Faith, Clarity,
Grey:  Uniformity, depression, dullness, Unsettling, Stressful
Black: Negativity, Sadness, Mourning, Loss, Guilt, Depression, Absence of Colour, Emptiness, Darkness, Mystery
Brown: Animals, Earth, Wholesome, Stability, Stagnation, Material World,
Colour Healing and Aura Reading can tell us many things about our personality, our strengths, weaknesses, our health and even our Soul Purpose.  Studying colours and their effect on human emotions and behaviour will greatly assist in your readings.  Extra reading on this subject is recommended to those of you who wish to learn more about this interesting and useful area of study.  It is also possible to take simple online courses in this subject.
Below is a list of regular and recurring symbols found in the imagery of the Tarot Cards.  You will not encounter all these symbols in this Part of the Course as some will only appear when we move onto the Court Cards and Major Arcana.  Familiarise yourself as best as possible with their associated and generic meanings  as they will enhance your story telling and interpretive abilities when reading.
This list is by no means complete and will be added to over time.  When we progress on to the individual cards we will be discussing the symbolism contained in each so you will get used to them as we go along.
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Fire Element – Upright Triangle –  
Water Element – Reversed Triangle –  
Air Element – Upright Triangle with Horizontal Line –  
Earth Element – Reversed Triangle with Horizontal Line  
Pentagram – Combination of all Elements. Balance 
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Angels – Messsengers, Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel, Divine Influence, Higher Self, Healing, Reassurance, Support
Blindfold – Can’t/Won’t See, Blind to Facts,  Focusing Inwards, Hiding, Turning a Blind Eye, Limited Vision
Infinity Symbol/Lemniscate (figure of 8 loop) – Infiinity,  Circulation, What Goes Around Comes Aaround, Cycles
Cadeceus (Two snakes intertwing the Rod of Hermes) – Balance, Integration, Health, Sexuality, Union
Wreath – Victory/Success
Globe – Personal World, Outer World, – note the size of globe as this will determine how small their world is and also whether they have a broad/narrow global view of the situation
Wands – Fire Element/Masculine, Phallic Symbol, Action, Movement, Enthusiasm, Inspiration, Power, Magic, Spring
Cups – Water Element/Feminine Womb, Emotions, Spirituality, Psychic, Artistic, Creative, Moods, Summer
Swords – Air Element/Masculine, Law, Justice, Authority, Intellect, Communication, Conflict, Violence,  Autumn
Pentacles – Earth Element/Feminine, Physical Body, Four Compass Points, Protection, Magic, Money, Career, Finance, Property, Material Aspects, Health, Winter
Walls – Security and Safety, Protection, Obstacles, Restrictions, Cutting off from the outside or outside influences
Church – Spirituality, Spiritual Growth or Renewal, Sanctuary, Repression, Morals, Vocations, Charity
Towns and Villages – Centres of Trade and Commerce/Socialising,  Community, Home and Property
Castles – Security, Protection, Stability, Home, Sanctuary, Strongholds, Possessions, Wealth
Bridges – A means of moving forward and leaving the past behind, Transition, A way out of a situation
Towers (with path running between) – Gateways to a new life or stage of life. Generally a daunting process to make it through the gateway. One life must be left behind in order to pass through. Transformation. Much courage is needed to complete the journey. Generally seen in the Major Cards
Pillars – Masculine/Feminine, Conscious/Subconscious, Will/Emotions, Strong Foundations
Gateways/Arches – Opennings, Opportunities, Admission, Entrance, Transition, Initiations
Hills – Minor obstacles or challenges
Mountains – Obstacles or Challenges ahead or overcome. Steep Mountains indicate more serious obstacles or challenges.
Pathways between Mountains, Cliff or Towers – Gateways to advancement or your goal. Depending on how distant and straight the pathway is will indicate how long and hard a road you must tread in order to realise your goal.
Cliffs – Danger or Challenges ahead or overcome
Water/Rivers/Streams/Oceans – The Water Element, Subconscious, Emotions. Note if the Water is calm, choppy or turbulent, fast flowing or trickling. This will give an insight into the state of emotion surrounding the issue. Flowing Water is often linked to memory, past, present and future.
Waterfall – Powerful Force or Emotions.  Maybe out of control or overwhelming. Speed and Urgency.
Ships and Boats – Trade, Commerce, Travel over Water, The condition of the Water they sail on is a clue as to their meaning. Your Ship is coming in, Your Ship has sailed. Emotional Baggage
Crypts/Tombs and Coffins – Peace, Rest, Illness, Renewal, Rebirth, Death, Feeling Dead
Thrones – Royalty, Leadership, Power, Maturity, Authority
Seasons – Wands/Spring, Cups/Summer, Swords/Autumn, Pentacles/Winter
Sky – The state of mind. Clear skies indicate a clear mind, rational thinking, logic and Mental Balance. Cloudy skies indicate Confusion and trouble ahead.  Stormy Skies indicate Stress, Conflict, Arguments, Mental Imbalance
Weather – Clear skies/Clarity of Judgement, Cloudy skies/Confusion/Trouble Ahead
Stormy Skies/Stress/Conflict
Rain – Misery, Tears, Upset, Emotional Distress
Snow – Misery, Cold, Spiritual Emptiness, Ill Health
Sun – Masculine Energy, Conscious, Heat, Warmth, Creative Expression, Joy, Fun, Freedom, Rebirth, Illumination
Moon – Female Energy, Subconscious, Mystery, Intrigue, Concealment, Inner Worlds, Reflection, Illusions, Emotional Balance or Imbalance, Female Cycles, Memory
Stars – Celestial, Illuminating, Hope, Faith, Light, Inspiration, Divine
Clothing – Note the colour of the clothing and whether simply dressed, impeccably dressed or overdressed. Do the clothes look expensive?  Do they look comfortable in their clothes?  Are they every-day wear or party clothes?
Body Language – Who’s looking at who? Who appears in charge? What are they looking at? What is their posture like and why?  What expression do they hold?  Are they friendly looking or fearsome?  Do they look happy or sad?
Birds – Freedom, Inspiration, Messenger, Intellect Soaring
Bull – Taurus, Strength, Stability, Stubbornness
Bat – The Shadow Side, Underworld, Occult
Butterfly – Air Element, Transformation, Freedom
Cat – Intuition, Mystery, Sensuality, Sexuality
Dog – Friend, Primordial Instincts or Fears
Dove – Spiritual Blessing, Peace, Love
Falcon – Sharpness, Speed, Freedom
Fish – Water Element
Goat – Capricorn, Pan, Magic
Ram – Force, Aries
Horse – The Elements Harnessed, Transport
Salamander – Fire Element
Apple – Knowledge, Abundance
Grapes – Abundance, Celebration, Prosperity
Laurel – Victory
Lilly – Innocence, Feminine Principle
Oak Leaves – Strength, Earth Element, Wisdom, Magic
Red Rose – The Masculine Principle, Passion/
White Rose – Transformation
Rose with Thorns – Beauty/Pain, Finding the Beauty within
Vegetables – Earth Element, Harvest
Sunflower – Sun, Vitality, Energy
Flowers  – Beauty, Blossoming/Unfolding
The list above lists is by no means complete and I will be constantly updating them.  However, they act as a suitable introduction to symbolism and as a source of reference for you during your journey throughout the Tarot.  When you get to Lesson 5 you will begin to explore the individual cards.  You will find a detailed description of each card including symbolism, colours and numerical influences.
In Part II and III we will explore in-depth the symbolism behind each card and by that stage you should feel very comfortable with the process.   Most of the interpretations or meanings given above are self-explanatory.  Before long you will be quite adept at tuning into the language of Symbolism within the Tarot.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Day 20. Favourite Dick and Alfred interaction.
Do you guys ever wonder if Alfred ever missed the simpler times when it used to be just him, Bruce and Dick? I think he would have, at least sometimes, it would, of course, make him a little sad to think that because he loves the family that he has but in the end the old days are called "the good old days" for a reason.
It is my belief that Alfred has never connected with anyone the way that he had with Dick. In a sense he saw Dick develop and grow just like he did with Bruce but they are different, and those things that make them different impacted Alfred forever.
From a sad and angry child to the light that guides Bruce AND Batman's darkness, to one of the most amazing and well respected heroes in the superhero community. Alfred saw it all, and I like to think he is the proudest about all of Dick's achievements (and his learning process.
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He respected Bruce's work but when Dick came to their life Alfred needed to make sure he knew exactly if Dick was doing the things he was doing because he believed in them or because he thought it was the only choice he had.
I am sure there have been different takes on what Alfred did or didn't at the start but I like to stay with this, with him being there and trying to understand.
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But just like any good father, he worried, and even when he was told that everything was fine he still felt guilt about "letting" Dick continue with a life that was so twisted in darkness.
Robin: Year One.
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With a few years on the job for both of them things started to probably look different to Alfred. Dick wasn't like Bruce, so things could turn out differently and for the better.
They became friends, partners in crime... Alfred was there whenever Bruce couldn't or wouldn't. Alfred might have been the Wayne's butler to everyone outside the Manor but to Dick and the ones that came after, Alfred was family.
And to Dick, Alfred was as much of a father as John or Bruce were.
Teen Titans: Year One.
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Dick Grayson over Robin, any day, everyday. Alfred knew that Dick was more than just Robin and that his goodness was there since the beginning, and would be there forever. A hero even without the suit.
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And then, when one of them is no longer on earth, a confession... "I am so very proud to call you my son".
Nightwing (2016) #78.
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spxllcxstxr · 4 years
Yellow Sticky Notes • R.L
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(Gif not mine)
Request: maybe an imagine where the reader is dating remus and puts sweet love notes into his books to constantly remind him how loved he is 🥺 — anon
Summary: Remus finds your lovely paper trail in his books while in the hospital wing
Warnings: mention of food, mentions of injuries, mention of full moon, Remus being a bit insecure, fluff
Word Count: ~1k
A.N: Do me a favor? Disregard the fact that Post It Notes were invented in 1980. Let’s just push that date back a tad...I honestly don’t know how I feel about this one? I love Remus so much so maybe that’s why I can’t seem to love the things I write about him because I feel I don’t do him justice. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Remus sits alone in the hospital wing, all his friends stuck in class, while he’s forced to suffer in the all too familiar scratchy bed.
The full moon the night before gave him deep purple bruises all along his abdomen, a foot facing the entirely wrong way, and a brand new inflamed scar running from the bottom of his left earlobe all the way to the corner of his left eye.
When Madam Pomfrey reluctantly held up a mirror in front of him earlier in the morning, he almost snatched it out of her hands in a fit of rage and threw it across the room. He would’ve, if he wasn’t too weak to even lift up a finger.
But that was before James made his way down with a plate of breakfast, Sirius with an armful of jumpers, and Peter with a fluffy pillow from Remus’ very own bed.
You had come running down with his school bag filled to the brim with his favorite Muggle novels.
Just seeing them gave him the strength he needed to get through the rest of the day.
The four of them stayed as long as possible, but Slughorn made it very clear the last time they were late to class that detentions would be the least of your problems. He was threatening to write home, and no one wanted that.
You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before dashing out, his eyes trailing after your retreating form.
He sighs before picking up the novel closest to him on the nightstand. It’s one he’s almost done with, only a chapter or two left.
Remus opens to the dog-eared page, but notices something different about the paper.
Smack dab in the center of the page sits a pale yellow square, your elegant scrawl resting on top of it. Bringing the book closer to his face, he reads out your note.
Dear Remus,
Over the summer, Lily sent me a pack of these Muggle things called sticky notes. I think they’re absolutely fascinating, don’t you? There’s this sticky stuff on the back and that’s what makes it stick onto stuff. Sometimes I think these Muggles are geniuses! There’s one hundred in a pack and I’ve decided to use them all. Let’s see if you can find the other ninety-nine.
Love forever,
Narrowing his eyes, he turns his head to look at the other books you brought down for him.
Slowly, he closes the book in his hands and grabs another one from his bag.
Sure enough, on the first page, there’s another pale yellow sticky note with your handwriting.
100 Reasons Why I Love Remus Lupin (even though the list is ever expanding)
#46. You’re extremely kind and willing to help everyone. From helping first years with Herbology homework to quizzing me on History of Magic revolts because Merlin there are too many, you’re always happy to help. I don’t know how much you hear it, so thank you.
His thumb traces over the dried ink, soaking in the words. His heart swells as he bites his lip.
He repeats the process with another book.
100 Reasons Why I Love Remus Lupin (even though the list is ever expanding)
#96. You never complain when I fall asleep after begging you to read to me in bed.
Remus snorts, remembering all the times you’ve begged him to read to you while cuddled up underneath a mountain of blankets and then hearing your light snores in the middle of the chapter. You liked to tell him it was because his voice was so calming, but he never really believed it until now.
There were four more books in his bag and he lifts the rest of them onto his bed as fast as possible. His body groans in pain, but that doesn’t matter to him.
100 Reasons Why I Love Remus Lupin (even though the list is ever expanding)
#29. You are so strong. So much stronger than you believe. And your strength gives me hope every single day.
A blush runs up his neck, painting his face pink. Maybe because his emotions are running rampant, but he feels tears welling up in his eyes.
He swallows roughly, picking up the next book, it’s spine cracked from use.
100 Reasons Why I Love Remus Lupin (even though the list is ever expanding)
#7. Your smile. The way it lights up the room. I know you don’t like it so much because your canines are tinted a bit yellow and your front tooth is crooked, but honestly, love, it’s beautiful. Every time it makes its way across your face I forget how to breathe and my heart skips a few beats.
Instinctively, said smiles grows wide. He must look crazy, sitting all alone, smiling maniacally at some novel but he couldn’t care less.
Excitedly, he grabs another.
100 Reasons Why I Love Remus Lupin (even though the list is ever expanding)
#15. How on my bad days you’ll curl up in bed next to me and just hold me close to your chest. You’ll let me cry and make a snotty mess on your jumper. I swear I’m an ugly crier and yet you still look at me like I’m the most stunning person in the castle.
This note has a little heart scribbled in the corner, something he finds extremely cute.
He quickly flips open the cover of the last novel.
100 Reasons Why I Love Remus Lupin (even though the list is ever expanding)
#78. Would it be shallow of me to say that you’re extremely attractive? Because Godric, Rem, you are so fucking amazing to look at. Like a work of art. And I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking about your scars. Well guess what Lupin, those are beautiful too. It’s my mission to kiss every single one of those scars and I’m no quitter.
He brings his hand up to trace over the new scar, wincing. Before, he was feeling insecure about another white monstrosity ripping through his skin, but knowing that soon enough your soft lips were going to trace over said line, he felt a little bit better about it.
Though his smile has turned into a goofy grin, he’s saddened by the fact he has no more notes to look at. It’s probably for the best, so he can save them for another time.
You don’t get around to visiting your boyfriend in the hospital wing until after classes.
James and Sirius had Quidditch practice, so they dragged Peter with them so you could have some alone time with Remus.
You open the large oak doors quietly, hoping not to disturb him.
You push your way through the white curtains surrounding his bed, greeted by the sight of him surrounded by the books you brought down for him.
“How was class, love?” Remus asks, patting the spot next to him.
You take your seat, pressing your shoulder to his own.
“Quite boring, honestly—“
You’re cut off by Remus’ chapped lips connecting to your cheek. He repeats his actions, peppering seven kisses all around your face.
“What was that for, Rem?” You ask, your fingertips hovering over the spots he kissed.
“One kiss for every lovely note.” He replies, flashing you that bright smile that just makes your knees weak.
“Well in that case,” You smirk, gazing into his honey brown eyes. “I can’t wait for the other ninety-three.”
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20
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Excuse me Orange. I have seen the posts of Makoto interacting with class 77 and as much as I would love to hear about it I'm really curious about how a relationship with class 79 and Makoto would be. More specifically Makoto and Kokichi.
Yes this is because I can't get the fic "Rosemary" out of my head. In summary, Makoto loses his memories and becomes a counsellor at a school in Germany after meeting Rantaro and adopts Kokichi. Besties Rantaro and Makoto with the disaster child that is Kokichi.
Hello anon! Thank you ever so much for being so polite and patient with me :). This post has been a long time coming, and people have requested it ever since I made those class 77 headcanons. I put it off partly because I was worried I wouldn't do the V3 characterisation justice. I based a lot of this off the wiki info, so I highly encourage anyone to add their thoughts or counter if they think of something different!
(Also since pre-game personalities are basically non-existent outside of headcanons, this is based off their killing game personas)
Makoto is excited to greet another school year, and some underclassmen along with it! With all the... interesting characters (turned friends) he's encountered in both his own and the above year, he can only wonder what the new students will be like...
Kaede- out of all the protagonists, I'd say Kaede shares the most similarities with Makoto, moreso than his own sister. These two would definitely get along and make a great tag team- watch out Hope's Peak, because these two will have befriended you before you know it! Makoto definitely admires Kaede's straightforwardness and her optimistic nature. They act as great support for each other if tag teaming another person/persons, as Kaede is bolder then Makoto, whilst Makoto acts well as a medium. They're both extremely loyal, arguably to a fault. Both Kaede and Makoto have lied in a class trial to protective their friend (a detective each time too, lmao). Apparently she also lied for his sake in the demo, which is sweet. I feel like they'd connect well over their mutual optimism and kind hearts. I think Makoto would convince Kaede to step out of her comfort zone- socially, she's very bold, but she strays away from activities that could affect her piano playing (by hurting her fingers) and can waste away a lot of time in the practice room. She misses out on a lot of potentially fun activities that way. On an outing with some others, she accidentally cuts her finger, and whilst Makoto apologises and tells her she was right to be cautious, she waves him aside. Despite being unable to play the piano for a few days, she fills her time with other activities and it actually... doesn't bother her so much. As an 'ordinary person', Makoto helps a lot of talented students by opening their eyes to seeing that their identity doesn't revolve around their talents. In return, Kaede offers to teach Makoto whilst he spends time with her in the practice room. Whilst piano is her favourite, she knows how to play other instruments, and teaches Makoto the violin (maybe you think he'd play a different instrument but violins are my favourite so I'm going with that-). They even practice together, and whilst Kaede still practices nearly every day, she finds that it can actually be even more fun with company.
Shuichi- ah yes, yet another detective. Makoto was initially surprised that they'd accepted another Ultimate Detective, since there's normally only one ultimate at a time in the school (aside from Luck, which is decided each year with a raffle or draw or whatever). It's revealed that Shuichi is actually undergoing part of a new tutoring programme, in order to increase the number of people with talents especially useful to society. He's to be tutored by his upperclassman... *drumroll* Kyoko! Being close with Kyoko and with Kaede, Makoto sees a lot of Shuichi and befriends him too. He helps out with Shuichi's lack of confidence and feelings of inadequacy. Unlike Makoto, Shuichi has an obvious role model that he both aspires to and compares himself against. Unlike Kyoko, Shuichi is much more connected to and feels responsible for the people his detective work condemns. Whereas Kyoko is confident in her goal to obtain the truth, in totally neutrality, Shuichi is hesitant about it, unable to feel unbiased and take a neutral stand. Makoto convinces him this is a good thing, that feeling guilt is normal and is a sign of being a passionate and sympathetic soul. Shuichi doesn't have to be the kind of detective Kyoko is- sometimes that kind of compassionate and caring person is exactly the mindset people want. He also reassures Shuichi that as painful as the truth is, uncovering it means being able to eventually move on, and embrace hope. (He also tells Kyoko to maybe be a bit more... /welcoming/ in their lessons, and eventually Kyoko grows quite fond of her student, discovering a fondess for teaching she didn't know she had).
They're both very humble and polite, and whilst Makoto isn't reserved, he can be very passive. I think the two would appreciate having more of a calm relationship, typical of a 'normal' friendship that is often er- 'lacking' at Hope's Peak. With Kaede's help, Shuichi would open up to Makoto and others over time. I personally headcanon Shuichi to have an anxiety disorder and depressive bouts, so I think someone like Makoto would be a great support friend, for him to go to when he needs company and comfort, someone to listen and to understand, and vice versa to an extent. I like to imagine Makoto, Shuichi and Kaede often spend time together (with Hajime too protag gang ftw). Shuichi likes to study in the music room with them. He's already good at research, but the music actually helps him... enjoy it more. (Maybe he takes up an instrument too, to give him a hobby to focus on, hmm).
Kokichi- Kokichi Ouma. Kokichi Ouma... what do I even say? Trying to wrap my head around his character is like trying to clear the death road of despair in your first try. Still, I'll try my best!
I've seen a headcanon before (i dont remember by who, if you know lmk and I'll credit them) that Makoto via his unpredictable luck would be immune to Kokichi's pranks, and I think that'd set up a pretty good basis for their introduction. I think if Kokichi and Makoto had to describe the other in one word, it would be... "frustrating". At first glance, they're practically opposites- someone like Kokichi, who seems to breathe lies instead of air, and a person like Makoto, who's so honest and open it's almost stupid. Makoto doesn't like how Kokichi lies so much, even if it means people hating him. He almost seems to WANT people to hate him (I think he said once that honest people scare him more than strangers). Makoto has a tendency to break down even the most difficult characters (coughcoguuh class 78 coughcofuh), and that both scares but intrigues Kokichi. Makoto couldn't hate him if he tried (literally the only person he ever even /disliked/ was Junko. Not /hate/, but just /dislike/? Really???), and it frustrates Kokichi that Makoto is so willing to trust him and put faith in him. Makoto isn't blindly optimistic either, he genuinely believes in people, and I think Kokichi would feel envious towards being able to trust so... freely. Part of Kokichi's childish and carefee personality and his perchance for lies is the manifestation of his desire for freedom. If no-one knows what he's thinking, if no one can guess his moves, if no one can use emotions or weaknesses against him, and he can do whatever he wants, isn't that freedom? Except it isn't. By not letting his guard down and being honest with people, in a way, Kokichi's lies have left him trapped, unable to open up out of a fear of vulnerability. Whilst Kokichi would be initially suspicious of Makoto, maybe even distrustful of or uncomfortable around his personality, I think having such a grounded, honest individual whom he can /rely/ on would be... comforting. Kokichi would warm up to him, and see that with Makoto, what you see is what you get. He's above all else, a /genuine/ person, though certainly not an ordinary one, and Kokichi learns to respect and even admire that. Kokichi intentionally pushes people away to avoid expressing vulnerability, by being intentionally unlikeable, but even so I think he's lonely. Pushing away others isn't out of a true desire to be alone (it never is), but a defense mechanism. That tactic wouldn't work on Makoto, and so Makoto could become someone who Kokichi not only considers a friend, but who wholeheartedly returns the sentiment.
Makoto isn't sure what to think of Kokichi at first. He's heard so much about this terrifying new student, an overlord of a secret underground organisation with roots all over the globe... and yet the first time they meet Kokichi is trying to drop a bucket of custard on him. I don't think Makoto would like how Kokichi lies so much- especially about things like killing people or sending them away to never be seen again. It upsets him how Kokichi can joke about it, and how he seems to enjoy toying with people's feelings. When Makoto has a goal, he'll follow it through to the end, so when he's determined to break through Kokichi's walls... well, it's not easy at first. He's also willing to keep Kokichi company and give him attention and hear him out, which Kokichi admittedly likes. Whilst Makoto isn't a pushover, he's also not going to threaten Kokichi or retaliate with mean words, he genuinely listens and entertains Kokichi even though he knows Kokichi is messing with him, which is.. really nice, actually. Even if he tries he can't really shake Makoto that much (pls after all the other -weirdos- people he's met?). Like oh-? They have to duel to the death with yu-gi-oh cards? It's lucky Makoto brought his stack with him! Kokichi orders him to play tea party with him? He loved playing it with Komaru when she was younger and was sad when she stopped! Kokichi tricks him into eating a really gross weird food? How did you know that was a family favourite! Kokichi is fond of Makoto, and is desperate to keep Makoto's attention on him, whilst at the same time not wanting to reveal his true feelings, leading to plenty of complicated situations. Eventually they reach a breaking point (i love drama ok) and whilst Makoto doesn't lash out at him, exactly, he admits that maybe it's best he leaves Kokichi alone, believing that maybe Kokichi truly is content to be the way he is. It's this event that causes Kokichi to realise that Makoto really is someone he'd rather not hurt- that he doesn't just 'like' him but truly cares for him. From then on he tries to dial it down a bit, and Makoto comes to understand how Kokichi's lying and 'cruelty' stems from a place of insecurity and fear of trust. He promises to be a person Kokichi can trust, to show him that vulnerability doesn't have to mean gettint hurt. Whenever the two are around each other all kind of wacky hijinks are bound to ensure, really. Kokichi loves having someone around to not only give him attention, but want to as well, and Makoto enjoys how Kokichi is willing to spend time with and entertain him, pushing him and supporting him in ways that he didn't realise initially. They both find the other extremely interesting, and their encounters usually lead to significant changes in their relationship and mindsets.
I like to imagine they'd spend time playing games and fanboying together- Kokichi adores video games, and it always poses a challenge going against Makoto's luck, which is great for someone competitive as he is. Kokichi also seems a fan of the shounen genre, and 'basic' Makoto is the only other person in the school aside from Hifumi and Tsumugi to even watch anime so you know those two nerds geek out constantly. Kokichi likes to play other kinds of games with Makoto too- and they really like word games- especially two truths one lie. Makoto is... suprisingly good at it. He's pretty poetic, and his genuineness makes it hard to disbelieve him. Which makes it all the more fun when going against Kokichi!
Rantaro- how would these two describe each other in 5 words? "A breath of fresh air". They're both some of the "normal-est" in the school tbh. It's really great for both of them to have someone to do normal teen stuff with. They love going shopping together, hanging out at cafes and arcades. They actually meet when looking for a birthday present for their sister(s). They both reach for the same one before apologising and insisting the other have it. Rantaro insists Makoto take it, since, well, it's not like /his/ sister would get it anytime soon... confused, Makoto asks why and somehow Rantaro ends up confessing the whole thing about his sisters' disappearances, and how he always buys a present for each of their birthdays, waiting for the day when he can give them to them in person. (Pls why does this always end up with makoto counselling the students akdhsjsj-). Makoto could definitely sympathise, having a younger sister of his own. I think they'd bond over that "older brother" role they share, and Makoto would definitely help alleviate some of Rantaro's guilt. I like to imagine that Makoto, whilst being a 'typical teenage boy', also has a lot of feminine interests that he might be a bit insecure about. I love the idea of Rantaro encouraging him to embrace that (guy has like 12 sisters, he gave up feeling shy about makeup, nail polish, jewellery and dressing up in tiaras years ago). Rantaro is the first person to paint Makoto's nails and he loves it so much-!!! They go out for boba together and wear matching green nail polish pls its awesome. Rantaro also tells Makoto stories from when he was travelling and its also amazing- Makoto loves hearing all about it, and Rantaro is actually an incredible storyteller. Though Rantaro initially adventured to find his sister(s), he remembers why he loved travelling in the first place, and he's able to look back fondly on those memories that used to be clouded with the despair of his sisters' disappearance. They even go on vacation together to a tropical island at some point (maybe with friends). I'd like to say Makoto's luck might even lead to them finding one of the sisters, but maybe that's a bit too coincidental ahaha.
Miu- hmm. I think Makoto would be a little put off at first by her vulgarity and very openly sexual and crude behaviour. It's not that he dislikes her, he just isn't really sure... how to react around her? Her and Kaede don't get along, and Makoto often finds himself playing peacemaker when he stumbles upon their arguments. To his surprise, though, she seems to actually... like it when they fight? In fact- she seems to like it when people give her the time of day at all, really. Maybe she's just... lonely? And well, she can be a bit... um- /obnoxious/, but she can't be that bad! Making him go to see her weird (weird) inventions, that must be her way of reaching out and trying to spend time with him, right?
And then she starts calling him "Ma-crap-to", "Naegidiot", "Makusoto", and "Na-unchi"
nevermind she sucks
Makoto, with his saintly patience, would probably end up getting closer to her similar how Shuichi does in his FTEs. (I'll be honest there's not much difference I can think of akdjsjjssksj-)
Kaito- Kaito! Who doesn't love Kaito. It's no secret Kaito thinks himself the centre of the Universe (insert space joke here haha)- he's the protagonist of his own life, and luckily for him, Makoto fits quite nicely into the sidekick role. Both of them are passionate, with big hearts and strong spirits. Kaito is really good at seeing through people too- (idk how accurate this is but apparently in the wiki it says he sees that Nagito isn't interested in his talent or him as a person so much as him as a symbol). Whilst Makoto obviously has a lot of respect and admiration for all the talented students, I feel like it's a lot more... genuine? In a way that he can appreciate the person behind the talent, more than the talent itself. Kaito is someone who likes to inspire people and I think this would resonate with him. I think the two could seriously get along! They're both hopeless (haha) romantics and stupidly optimistic lmao. Kaito can be a little hotheaded at times, so I also like the idea that Makoto could calm him down, or at least reel him in a bit. He's stubborn when it comes to... um.. certain types of people (kokichi) so maybe Makoto could open his mind a bit.
Maki: MAKI ROLLLL. Ok I'm sure she'd probably have to hide her talent until it all came out at some point. I think Makoto is someone who's very against killing (even Junko he believed there was a better way for), so whilst he wouldn't agree with her talent, I think he wouldn't hold it against Maki, especially because he's very good at separating person from talent. Makoto is very understanding, and I think that like with Kaito, he would try to befriend her and open her up. He'd probably feel bad for her, not knowing what a "normal" life was like, so he'd try his best to do that. I think Maki in turn would appreciate that, and slowly get to know him like she did with Kaito and Shuichi. (She also likes complaining to him about Kaito lmao).
(he also takes her out for sushi so she can see for herself what a harumaki is LOL)
I'm sorry anon, this is as far as I could go aksnjjssj. When I feel up to it I'll try and make a part 2 to this, but I hope this is good for now?
(Also that fic sounds awesome and I'll definitely have to read it at some point)
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scramblecat · 2 years
FANFIC AUTHOR ASK THING!!! (here's the post for reference, because tumblr wouldn't let me include a link: 677953470002774016/ask-game-for-fanfic-writers) #1, #3, #7, #17, #21, #36, #48, #51, #62, #65, #76, #78, #87, #90, #96, and #100 -> WHERE DID YOU GET THE IDEA FOR EVERARD? AS IN, WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO CREATE HIM?
1. Do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
UM WELL… it’s a little mix of both I believe! Often I have a vague idea for scenes I want along the way, and I also occasionally have ideas for the end! ….but it’s mostly connecting little points with pieces of red string, if I’m being honest. (Sometimes I feel like the meme… you know the one.)
3. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
Well, I haven’t incorporated Actual Romantic Elements into any of my written stories (yet), but I do like romantic subplots in stories. So I would say a solid 7?
7. Tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote.
Looking at what I have in my notes app, it looks like the first fanfiction I ever wrote was a Mystery Skulls Animated fanfiction in which a samurai character meets an ancient kitsune and they fight I guess??? I don’t think it was ever posted anywhere, and it’s filled to the brim with just.. badly written quips and a 14-year-old Scramble’s attempt to use Big Words. I don’t think it’s ever gonna see the light of day at this point, if I’m being completely honest XD
17. What is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Only time will tell how much I will remember by the point in which I take my leave.
Okay look so I have written a LOT of things that never got completed, and therefore there are a lot of lines I like, so I just kind of chose one at random? I think it sounds kind of neat idk
21. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Wait like. An author writer? Successful has-published-a-book-or-something writer?? Even if it’s hypothetical I’m too much of a coward to do that if I’m being honest HAHDHAH I dunno if there’s anyone like that who I could work Super Incredibly Well with just cause I’m not super duper confident that I could live up to my expectations and yeah lmao.
36. Do you base your characters off real people or not? If so, tell us about one.
Nope! If I base characters off of real people, or sometimes even use NAMES of people I know, then it reminds me WAY too much of that person and I just can’t imagine them as my own character anymore?? It just makes it difficult for me haha
48. Do you reread your own stories?
Sometimes! When I’m feeling particularly proud of things I’ve written, I like to go back and look at my stories to get an extra boost of serotonin. It feels nice doing so!
51. Share the synopsis of a story you’re working on that you haven’t posted yet.
Ah I’ve chosen a Magnus Archives fic synopsis to share cause lord knows how many wips I have for that fandom
Jon arrives to the institute late one day (which doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t!) And everyone goes ‘Jon are you okay?’
And Jon says ‘Yes :)’
You know. Like a liar.
In which I make an attempt at writing a sickfic because it’s something that I haven’t ever tried before? I wanted to write some hurt/comfort archives gang and thought it’d be a good idea. Haven’t worked on it in a hot minute though!
62. What’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
I know it’s a lame answer but I’m not actually sure, it’s all really the standard ‘I think these two would work well together’
65. What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
Okay so you’ve gotta bear with me here because I’m the WORST with titles. I’m worse at titles than I am at coming up with names which is *saying something*.
Probably ‘To stay alive’, it honestly just feels like the strongest one I’ve got (even though it’s just the last line of dialogue in the story HAHAHA)
76. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
Oohhh this is an interesting question!
The only reason I answered your ask late is because I was rotating this question in my mind for the past 4 days. I haven’t actually written a villain before, I don’t think— so I’m not sure 😔
78. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
There’s a lot of factors that can go into ending a chapter for me!
The most common one I think is either scene changes or timeskips. They’re just really good transitions.
ALSO, though, I need to end a chapter on a line that I feel like will keep the reader hooked for the next chapter. It really doesn’t have to be a cliffhanger, just something that ends the chapter in what I think is a strong way.
87. Does your writing style change depending on the genre you write?
It used to! It doesn’t much anymore. I used to write a LOT of angst back in the day, and to put it bluntly, I think that style of writing was me trying to smack the reader as hard as I could with the angst I was writing. But when I would write fluff, I don’t think it took on some of the qualities that it did when I was writing that angst.
90. Do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
If you’re talking about my verbal actual voice, then no, but if this is referring to like. The way I write stuff, then absolutely!
I’m the kind of writer who likes to weave little quips into their writing— even though people might not find them as funny as I do, I think it’s a good little addition to my work, yknow?
96. Romantic/social sideplots: interesting or irritating?
Interesting!! Very interesting!! I feel like these offer for a lot of character development— I know main plots do this, but if your main plot is some sort of Big Grand Quest To Defeat The Bad Guy, it doesn’t give much opportunity for social character development. But having a romantic or social subplot kind of completes this!
100. Open question to the writer.
I tried very hard but for some reason could not answer this directly and easily (much like the other questions). It’s was 11pm when I wrote this and my remaining brain cells had been ejected from my brain so have this rundown of how his character came to be.
1. Found a discord server that was fantasy roleplay. Looked fun but I needed a character
2. Librarian but with fire powers and also can be a tiny dragon for some reason? Fire + library = bad idea which is kind of funny
3. Jon TheMagnusArchives Season 1 has some personality aspects that I’d like to snatch for this character except make it a bit worse (You heard me: Everard started out as really pretentious and very rude.)
4. Why is the universe working against me about this. What do you mean this isn’t peak character moments. Also Everard’s last name was Bennett for some reason which I still don’t know why I chose that
5. Got an invitation to another server. It was a fantasy murder mystery and I COULDNT NOT.
6. Fantasy murder mystery takes place in a huge academy. There is an open position for a literature professor/librarian
7. ‘I should totally bring Everard over here’ and a few people despite barely knowing me wholeheartedly agree
8. Everard goes through a huge rework. Reverse his personality completely. Make him fit for teaching. Give him telekinesis instead of fire powers. Rework his backstory. Also change his last name to Thompson because it fits better
9. Everard Bennett (grumpy librarian with fire and shapeshifting abilities and also some anger issues) turns into Everard Thompson (jittery literature professor with telekinesis and is really just trying his best).
AND THERE’S ALL THE QUESTIONS ANSWERED! To be honest I had completely forgotten about that post until you went through my reblogs, and I certainly wasn’t expecting to get asked 20 questions (/nm /lh)
Send me some of these numbers and I’ll answer the corresponding questions!
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years
My favorite quotes from Dazai's The Setting Sun
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Also Happy Birthday to Dazai-sensei! I have fallen in love with his works this year and here are some quotes of his that I’d love to share! I’ll also provide a little personal thoughts and interpretations of his quotes as well.
My Personal Favourite: 
“’I wonder if there is anyone that is not depraved’ Naoji wrote in his notebook... Perhaps by depravity he actually meant tenderness” (Dazai 78)
I really like this quote as it reminds me of No Longer Human, which showcase the two sides of human beings, cruel, callous (depraved) and yet still holding a tender and kinder side to them as well (tenderness).
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“To wait. In our lives we know joy, anger, sorrow, and a hundred other emotions, but these emotions occupy a bare one percent of our time. The remaining ninety-nine per cent is just living in waiting. I wait in momentary expectation, feeing as though my breasts are being crushed, for the sound in the corridor of the footsteps of happiness.” (Dazai 98)
I feel this is so tragically true, as most of the time we don't really feel much, strong emotions and we're in a sort of limbo between feeling ‘nothing’ and ‘something’. And it seems we’re at a constant waiting for those moments in which these strong emotions strike us.
“Logic, inevitably, is the love for logic. It is not the love for living human beings.” (Dazai 62)
“Learning is another name for vanity. It is the effort of human beings not to be human beings.” (Dazai 63)
I find these two quotes intruging as it remids me of how we as humans try to explain everything with cold hard facts and science, yet it feels as if it is diminishing the life out of it as we turn these things into such. I mean even we would sometimes forget that things we learnt in textbooks in science and some other subjects were once living and breathing beings as we begin to look at them as just "facts". 
“This I want to believe implicitly: man is born for love and revolution.” (Dazai 114)
And of course I had to include Dazai-sensei’s most famous quote from this book. It’s just a very beautiful quote, love and revolution is something a lot of people may consider acts of foolishness, yet it is in these acts that you find so much passion from other people as well.
“I must go on living. And, though it may be childish of me, I can’t go on in simple compliance. From now on I must struggle with the world.” (Dazai 124)
I find this quote so powerful and hopeful, especially written by Dazai-sensei. And I love that it said that “I can’t go on in simple compliance” and instead to go in the character’s own way, and make a new way for herself.
“If it is true that man, once born into the world, must somehow live out his life, perhaps the appearances that people make in order to go through with it, even if it is as ugly as their appearance, should not be despised.” (Dazai 142)
The phrase that struck me the most here is “should not be despised”, it actually allows me to connect to his phrase of “living itself is the source of sin” in No Longer Human, and though he is critical of human nature, this quote here perhaps is showcasing the love he still has for human and its nature despite that. Kind of makes me think of BSD Dazai when he said something like humans are sinfully foolish, but what’s wrong with that?
“There was nothing of coquetry or desire in the kindness which had compelled her to throw the blanket over me. Might not the word ‘humanity’ be revived to use in such a moment?” (Dazai 164)
There is something really beautiful about the way Dazai-sensei writes about humanity, especially its rare gentler and kinder side that always gets to me. What is also so beautiful about this quote is that the same character had said “Humanity? Don’t be silly. I know. It is knocking down your fellow-men for the sake of your own happiness” (Dazai 66) and this stark juxtaposition just really got to me.
“You too, please try to continue to fight your struggle. 
The revolution is far from taking place. It needs more, many more valuable, unfortunate victims.
In the present world, the most beautiful thing is a victim.” (Dazai 174)
I really love this quote so much, the character encourages us to fight and struggle against the world despite everything she has been through. I just find this so powerful, hopeful and beautiful because she is strong enough and is brave enough to revolt against traditional values in the making of her own path to happiness. And that last sentence, also helps to remind us that it is okay to be imperfect, it is okay to have scars, we are still beautiful.
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zorya-wellness · 3 years
Should You Read Reversed Tarot Cards and Learn Their Meanings? Beginner Tarot Guide.
Often when people start to learn Tarot cards, they limit themselves to some boundaries or rules.
Some people put aside Minor Arcana cards to learn Major Arcana on a deeper level; others ignore elements “for now”, to avoid getting confused.
But the majority first tend to ask the question: “Should I read Tarot reversals?” and try to sort of choose the side from the beginning.
I learned Tarot reversals and how to read them as a part of my Tarot education program. At the beginning of my Tarot path, I even considered them in a reading.
I also read various perspectives of different Tarot professionals on the internet, just like you are reading this Blog post right now.
But at one moment I decided to ditch the reversals completely and put all my cards in the deck upright once and for all.
No, not because it is difficult to work with reversals but because based one my knowledge and experience this was the most logical thing to do.
I will explain to you my logic and approach but always feel free to choose a path that works for you. There are many wonderful Tarot readers that work with reversals but also plenty amazing ones that never did. The choice is yours.
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Reason #1: Confusion with Card Meanings and Interpretation
Yes, this is something that is worth to consider. The interpretation of reversed Tarot cards can get really vague and personal.
For example, you can “reverse” the meaning of the card, saying that the reversed Tarot card meaning is just the opposite of the upright.
In that case, if we take, for example, the reversed Devil Tarot card, we can say that its meaning is quite positive and signifies the release from the boundaries and addictions.
But we may also say that the reversed Devil card meaning is even worse than that of the upright and the person described by this card is at the point where they can’t get out.
Same applies to the rest of the cards in the deck. You can either see their meaning as the opposite of what they mean upright, or make them worse than their meaning is, in case it is negative to begin with.
Reason #2: Repetition of Cards’ Messages
This is not something you will see often if you are reading cards only in their upright positions.
Yes, you may get 5 of Pentacles and the Tower together in a business reading and both would point on financial loss but the cards’ nuances would still provide with additional information that will create one full story.
When you read both reversed and upright cards, the card meanings can once again become blurred.
It becomes much more complicated to see those nuances and differences and many cards start to simply replace one another instead of complementing. It also becomes difficult to tell if the reversed card means the same thing that the upright next to it or something else?
Reason #3: The Upright Tarot Cards Already Have SO MUCH to Tell
There are 78 Tarot cards, friends! For a reason, don’t you think?
And consider the fact that, practically in any spread, Tarot cards influence each other’s interpretation – so that the meaning of one card depends on the surrounding cards.
There really are plenty of Tarot cards in the deck and based on all the combinations, situations and nuances, we can really draw a conclusion that there is more than enough information as it is in the deck to give a quality reading. There really is no need to multiply all of this by 2.
Let’s look at a quick example here. Take the reversed 2 of Cups card that speaks about conflicts, misunderstandings and relationship struggles. Let’s say that this card came up as a Significator for a relationship reading.
Would something change drastically if there was an upright 3 of Swords or 7 of Wands card instead?
In my opinion, no. Both cards can describe the situation perfectly well, in their own ways.
For example, 3 of Swords card can say that the conflict that took place was really heartbreaking to the partners, while 7 of Wands can point on continuous arguments, clashes of opinions and misunderstandings.
And, in my opinion, these upright cards would give much more information than the reversed card, the meaning of which is quite questionable.
Reason #4: Some New Tarot Decks Do Not Have Meanings for Reversed Cards
And here you can say: “Well, a Tarot reader should be able to work with any deck.”
And this is generally the truth, but you need to take into an account that there are WAY MORE Tarot decks being created now than needed. And some people that release those decks have nothing to do with Tarot and are just hiring the artists to draw the cards choosing a popular theme, the prettier the better. Whatever sells well.
As a result, sometimes we pick up a deck that has really nothing to do with Tarot. And the meaning of the card completely deviates from the original or traditional interpretation.
For example, look at this “The Lovers” Tarot card that appears to be a Game of Thrones inspired Tarot deck.
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And don’t get me wrong, I’m a huuuuuuuuuge fan of Game of Thrones (House Bolton, anyone? No?)
But this card has absolutely NOTHING to do with the meaning of the Lovers, as the Loves card has nothing to do with love!
It is a card of CHOICE more so than anything else.
This is why when you look at the traditional version, you see that he is looking at her and she is looking at the Archangel and behind them is a snake. What is the path you chose?
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When we look at this Game of Thrones version of the Lovers card, we can see a couple deeply in love. They are together, they don’t need anything else or anyone else. In fact, there is nothing here pointing on a choice.
And you may say here: “Oh, well, John Snow made a choice. He left Ingrid and went back on the wall.” You know this, I know this. Does a person who has never watched Game of Thrones and just picked up this deck know this?
So, it may seem that I deviated from our original conversation on Tarot reversals here but not really.
The point here is that if the upright position of this card does not really mean what it should, what does the reversed card even mean? Does it point on a break up? Are they falling out of love? What if you pull this card for career? Well, I suppose, you can say that is signifies breaking of a partnership.
In reality, this is my PERSONAL interpretation and you can see this differently.
In this case, we will all just interpret the cards how we “feel” not how they should be interpreted.
Here I really like the approach of Aleister Crowley. Unlike Waite, who does talk about reversed Tarot cards, in fact, most of the literature on Rider-Waite deck talks about reversals, Crowley does not mention reversals at all.
All he mentions is “the shadow side of the Card.”
And it is absolutely an amazing way to put it.
Each card has its Shadow side but you don’t need to see it reversed to understand when it shows it.
Reason #5:  The Process of Tarot Reading
This would depend on how you personally deal with shuffling and picking cards during your reading.
When I get a question, I start shuffling the cards while concentrating my mind on the question and the spread. After that I pull individual cards either from the deck itself or I spread the cards from right to left and pick the cards I am drawn to.
The most mystical process happens while you are shuffling the cards and thinking about a question. It is sort of similar to a mini manifestation meditation when you let go of the unnecessary thoughts to allow your mind to concentrate on one specific matter.
RELATED POSTS: What to Do with a New Tarot Deck? How to Cleanse, Charge & Store Your Tarot Deck? Beginner’s Guide.
What was happening to the deck before the shuffling process or how I pull the cards after shuffling is done is not important. After you are done shuffling your Tarot deck, the cards that are meant to be pulled are already waiting for you.
For this reason, I don’t favour card reading method when the reader pulls cards for additional questions to clarify something. For the most accurate reading it is one question – one spread.
So, the thing is, while you are shuffling the cards you don’t flip them. When you shuffle a brand-new Tarot deck, all cards are in the upright position. How do you then get the reversals?
You get them when you are not collecting your cards gracefully after the reading and are just being sloppy.
Doesn’t it then seem like you are the one creating reversed Tarot cards yourself?
Of course, you can continue to flip the cards while you are shuffling, but it is already way too much hustle, if you ask me.
Reason #6: Look at The Spread as A Whole, It Has A Story to Tell
During many years of my work with Tarot, I have learned to analyze the spread as a whole and not read each card individually. This means that I don’t interpret each card one by one, I look at the surrounding cards, their elements and how they influence each other.
For example, when I’m doing a relationship spread, I like to understand the nature of the partners. Not based on what THEY tell me, but based on what THE CARDS tell me.
So, I usually throw three cards per partner with the positions: what he/she thinks, what he/she feels and what he/she does.
When I analyze those cards, I look at the connection between them and also at any inconsistencies that may arise. For example, a partner may think one thing but do something completely the opposite, hide something, or may feel completely different inside.
This allows you to have a full portrait of a person as a whole.
And this applies really to any spread. You always try to read a story not just interpret one card after another.
Should You Then Ditch Tarot Reversals Practice for Good?
The thing is, there are many methods and techniques used by the readers. There are even those who chaotically throw cards on the table and pick the needed ones using their intuition.
There are many approaches to Tarot and divination as a whole.
My blog post does not call upon ditching reversed Tarot cards but rather asks to think about the process for a minute.
Perhaps, if you are a Tarot beginner, it would be a better idea to leave the reversals out and focus on other important aspects, such as elements, numerology and cards combinations.
But I notice more and more that even advanced and experienced Tarot readers leave the reversals out more often.
The ultimate choice is yours and depends solely on your preference. There is no right or wrong way.
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izayoichan · 3 years
For the 100 OC Questions:
Flynn: 91-100
Fannar: 81-90
Chris: 31-40
Hayle: 51-60
Hayden: 61-70
Vy: 71-80
Lucas: 21-30
River: 41-50
Brooke: 1-10
Meadow: 1-20
A few questions for almost everyone XD
This will be LONG, so under a line.. because LONG!!
91. Do other characters respect your OC, if so, is it out of fear? Or do they respect your OC because they like them?
Some respect him, most do and it's mostly from him being who he is. A friendly guy that's generally nice to everyone. Flynn is simply a very likable fellow.
92. If they were given minutes to live, what would they do? Who would they want to see and say?
The one person Flynn would go to see is his dad, and he'd probably tell him that he loves him and to not take blame for anything that has happened, and to care for the rest of his family. Then he would just hug him until his time was up. His dad is the most important person in the world for Flynn
93. How do they deal with stress?
He tends to go for a run, or talk to someone about what stresses him if he can. Most often this person is Brooke, or later Emil.
94. Do they have a more submissive or dominate personality type?
I think he is a bit of a mix, but like his mom, leaning on the submissive.
95. Do they have a pet?
Atm not really, he has Emil as a familiar, and the family has two pets in Lobo and Felix that he kinda considers his as well without either really being his.
96. Do they have a stash of weapons?
Nope, no stash!
97. Where do they live? Who do they live with?
They live in Brindleton bay with their entire family. It's a lot of people, but he likes that in a way. Even though sometimes some alone time is good too.
98. How do they calm themselves down?
Watching movies, working at the shelter, or just talking to their dad. His dad is his biggest source of calm.
99. Are they co-dependent?
In some ways yes, but also not. He is a very independent person, but he is also used to living very close to family and friends. So he would be a bit lost without them all I think. College should be interesting ;)
100. Are they a day, or night person?
Day person, definitely.
81. Do they have any tattoos? If so, are they significant?
Is it bad that I don't really remember? I don't think I gave them any, but I also have a bad memory.. so maybe, but they're not significant, just something they would have done for fun.
82. Are they good at mental math?
Very, they have that after their dad.
83. Do they get along with others?
Yep, he does, he also has a bit of a tendency to get fans along the way somehow. He doesn't exactly like that part as much though.
84. Are they lazy?
Generally no, but they also can be. They do like to not do anything but slack on occasion ;)
85. Are they self-motivated?
They tend to be more motivated by others, but when needed, they can motivate themselves, so I guess a bit of both?
86. How do they cope with anger?
He isn't a very angry type of person, but when he gets angry he copes fairly well with it. He has always been told being angry is okay, and a valid way to feel.
87. Have they ever been in a situation where they were helpless?
When they saw Emil attacking their mom, and then their twin stepping in and eventually making it his familiar. He felt awfully helpless then and it was not a feeling he liked.
88. Are they organized or messy?
Their fairly organized, better than most teens.
89. Can they remember a lot of information at once?
Yeah, they have a dragon's memory, and they are pretty good at remembering a lot of information at once.
90. What is their occupation?
Currently, they are to be College Student.
71. Who do they dislike?
Mages.. hunters.. yeah.. that's their main dislikes.. Death to an extent.. Jael mostly for breaking the Heartlight.
72. What is their motto?
I think to help, and just be helpful in general. Or learn, as much as he can.
73. Do they have any markings on their body?
They have quite a lot of scars, from being attacked by hunters. They also have a heart-shaped scar on their chest, from sharing their heart with their husband Hayden.
74. Have they ever been abused?
Sadly, yes, both by the first humans they encountered, hunters who wanted their heart, and also to an extent the mages at RoM who wanted to experiment on him.
75. What is their biggest fear?
To lose Hayden.
76. What are their goals?
Healing people, helping people. He would love to get his Heartlight back if it was possible so that Hayden would be well, or better. Learning as much as he can, and of course, acquire many shiny things and books!
77. How do they go about achieving their goals?
He works at a hospital, where he helps as many as he can. And the money he earns often go-to books and shiny trinkets as he knows he is well cared for at home money-wise.
78. Do they have a fight or flight response?
Depend's on son the situation. If Hayden or his family is close, he will fight with all his might. If he is alone, it would be flight, to come home and protect those he loves.
79. Is there someone in their life that they care about more than themselves?
Their kids and Hayden.
80. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Fairly well I think, they are a dragon after all ;)
61. Are they comfortable being in a crowded room?
Yeah, he doesn't really mind. He prefers quiet, but a crowded room doesn't bother him much.
62. How do they relax?
Lying in bed watching movies, preferably using Vy as a bed, as that is the best and most comfortable thing he knows. Oddly helping the kids with math is also relaxing to him.
63. Have they ever harmed anyone and regretted it? Verbally or physically?
The sharing of the Heartlight with Vy, hurts Vy when he feels bad. Or well it did when it was connected. He was never comfortable with that, and it always made him feel bad. Even if Vy told him it was fine.
64. Do they like to dance?
65. How do they get around their environment? Examples - horses, bike, vehicle
They have been carried a lot.. other than that, he mostly gets flown by a dragon or uses a portal.
66. What is their pet peeve(s)?
People who mistreat animals, he hates it, and he will call you out on it.
67. Do they have a disability?
Yes, they were born with one. They were born with two magic types that fight each other. Ice and Fire, where the fire side is slightly stronger and was damaging him. He quickly gets tired, and after the loss of his twin, and the breaking of the Heartlight, he has once again gotten worse.
68. How do they react to getting flowers?
He would be surprised, but thankful. He likes flowers but prefers them alive in the ground.
69. Would they ever wear a flower crown?
Yes, especially if made by the kids or given by Vy.
70. Do they like themselves?
Somedays yes, most days.. not really. He tends, still, to feel he is everyone's burden.
51. Do they like science?
Yep, he finds it fascinating!
52. Are they more emotional or logical?
They used to be more logical.. now they're more emotional, and perhaps a mix of both. The mix makes him a very good dad and grandad.
53. How do they deal with their emotions?
Depends on the emotion. Most he talks with Chris about.. Anger on the other hand still gets handled by hitting things, hard. Preferably a boxing bag.
54. How do they cope with sadness?
Often with anger.. by hitting things because being sad makes him angry. But also with talking to his husband, or his family. Sometimes though, destroying an old house into dust is needed.
55. What is something they care about?
His family.
56. Would they die for anyone/anything?
As above.
57. What do they do when they are happy?
Smile a lot, dance with their husband, laugh, and cook!
58. How would they come across to other characters? Examples- messy, lazy, childish, caring, etc.
Caring, very much like a dad friend, that type of person that feels like a dad when you talk with them.
59. Do they have a phrase they use over and over?
Hmh... not really no.
60. In a crowded room are they in the corners, sides, or in the middle?
All of the above depends on the crowd and why they are there.
41. How was their childhood?
Not the best, their dad only saw them as a mage and pushed for him to be the strongest, while his mom kinda tried to make him into his dad after his dad dies. He had an awful relationship with his mother by the time he was a teenager.
42. Are they close with anyone who is going to screw them over?
43. How do they adapt to different situations? Do they adapt at all?
It depends a lot on the situation. As a Sage, he adapts to whatever is needed of him. As a Vet, he adapts to what is needed of him there. And for his son, he tries to adapt to being the parents the kid needs.
44. How do they speak? Examples - Are they soft-spoken, hot heated, vulgar, etc.
They have a fairly soft way of speaking, a caring one. But it can also be brunt, harsh and aggravating to many.
45. Are they opposed to violence?
On a general basis.. yes, for occasions, they're fine with it.
46. When is their birthday?
I don't think it has ever been mentioned, I think Mahv will have to say, if not, I guess it is time I give him a date for it!
47. Are they quick to judge?
In general, yes, but he is trying to be better after he misjudged Rylan so badly when they met.
48. Do they have anything they are trying to hide from others?
Mostly how bad they still feel after the death of their husband. How guilty they still feel and so on.
49. Do they act differently around different people?
Yes. He can be loving and caring to some, while asshole to someone else.
50. Do they enjoy the arts?
Yes, especially music.
31. How do they overcome obstacles?
By thinking things true, finding the best way past it most of the time. On occasion, he pulls the reaper card though.
32. When faced with a difficult decision do they get stronger or break?
They get stronger. They have a breaking point, but it takes a lot for him to hit it. 15 years away from his family was close to his breaking point, and both Jael and Kieran knew it.
33. Do they have any special powers?
He is a reaper..he has quite a lot. For instance, he is one of very few reapers that can kill a god.
34. How do they change throughout the story?
Well, Chris was a bit of a loner.. so they changed to become someone's lover, a dad, a family man, and someone who often wishes he could be home a lot more than he can.
35. Do they have any friends? If so, are they close-knit?
He has one, Nat, with whom he is very close. Kieran is more the boss than his friend. There is also Mark, who's after him to finding love, they have slipped a bit apart, both having a life outside of work. His best friend is of course his husband.
36. How is their family life?
Busy, especially with his work being on top of it all. But he would not trade it for the world!
37. Are they likable?
Yes, it's a good trait to have when you ferry souls over to the next step.
38. Are they the hero, or anti-hero?
He wouldn't consider himself either, but to some, I guess he is the hero
39. Do they make questionable choices?
Not all too many most were perhaps made before he died 😎
40. How do they become who they are?
They did something questionable and stupid and died. Luckily for them, they also said yes to becoming a reaper and that's why this story even exists.
21. What are their hobbies?
Singing, which is also his job.. he is also a pretty decent kitty bed by now if that qualifies as a hobby.
22. What are their ticks?
Hmh... not sure he has any, probably just fiddling with his fingers when he is nervous if that counts?
23. Do they like children?
Yes, mostly, unless they cling to him and want a photo.. although that more teenage girls. 😂 But in general, yes he likes children, he grew up with quite a lot of them around.
24. How do they react to being around wild animals?
With fascination and awe.
25. If they were given the task to prank someone, who would it be, what would they do, and would the prank work?
It would likely be a bandmate, and it would probably be putting something they hate in their drink. As she isn't the type to prank someone, he would probably fail miserably.
26. Do they have any survival skills?
Yep, they can make fire with two twigs, and they can play music to make some busking money if needed.
27. Are they more book smart or street smart?
Street smart, he likes books, but he grew up in an orphanage, so he learned street smarts along the way.
28. How do they get out of a difficult situation?
Would depend on the situation, he can pay his way out of it, or he can try and run of course. He isn't a fighter so he would rather try and avoid stuff like that.
29. Do they use their body, mind, personality, or force to get what they want?
They don't really do that much.. but to work at the shelter, he used his personality and what he knew they would have to say yes to.
30. What music do they enjoy?
Absolutely everything! If it's music, he likes it. Although everything for its situation. Its not always that black metal fits what you're doing.
11. Do they have a romantic interest?
Yep, and you will soon see who that is.. soonish anyway.
12. How do they cope with struggles?
Fairly well really. They work their way through it, although often they can be a bit snarky when it happens. It's just their way of dealing with it.
13. Do they have anyone they can lean on?
Her half-brother River, his family, her dad, and her mom. Unlike River, she is quite close to her mom, and their relationship is much better.
14. How do they react to someone dying?
If it's someone she cares about, she would like most people be sad. If it's not, then it's more.. eh, shit happens!
15. Can you name 5 personality traits they have?
Friendly, Hardworking, Ambitious, Romantic, Proper
16. How did they become a character?
It was Mahv's idea to have River have a little sister, then she kinda became the kid's mom friend and person outside the family to talk to.
17. Do they get along with others?
Yes and no. She has a way of being that alienates some, but if you see through it, you find a sweet person who is easy to get along with really.
18. What flaws do they have?
They can be a bit hot-headed, snappy, and abrasive when put in a situation they don't expect. She also expects a lot of herself, like becoming the first sage potion maker!
19. How do they influence the story?
She becomes a bit of an icebreaker between River and his mom when they are re introduced. As well as becoming a very good friend to the current kids in the story, the one they go and talk to when things are meh, and parents aren't an option.
20. What do they look like?
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Sneaky I know.
1. How do they present themselves to others?
Very straight forwards really, they are nicely dressed and well behaved in general.
2. Do they like animals?
Yes, they love them, specially horses. Sadly animals don't seem to love her back for unknown reason to her.
3. How do they dress?
Nice clean clothing? Nothing special, and never high fashion.
4. How many languages do they know?
Quite a few actually. She speaks Simlish (English), Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, German and Spanish.
5. How big is their family?
Not big at all, its basically only her and her parents.
6. What is their purpose in the story?
Now that is a secret still. But it will be shown eventually, and she does have a purpose yep! Her purpose has even changed several time over already.
7. Do they know how to fight?
Yes in her own way. (Cryptic, I know, but you will see one day)
8. What is their back story?
There isn't that much. She has grown up with her parents, they have always been strict but quite fair. As long as she follows their rules and guidance, she is fairly free to do what she wants. Their not overly happy with Flynn as her boyfriend, and think she could have done better, but they have accepted it.
9. Why is their name, their name?
Because random name generator made it so!
10. Do they have any nick names?
Not really, Brooke is short enough on its own. Closest is Flynn calling her his Brooke I think.
AAaaand that is that.. thank you for asking, I hope you enjoy!
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tuesdaysinoctober · 4 years
Why Riverdale doesn’t work as a TV show-- but other TV shows in same or similar genres do
TV has slowly become more campy over the past couple of decades. The 90s started with Twin Peaks and ended with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The 2010s gave birth to Teen Wolf, Riverdale, and then the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. 
Teen Wolf ended in 2017, with 81% overall on Rotten Tomatoes. The first season rated 68% and the last season rating 83%. 
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ended in 2020, with 81% overall on Rotten Tomatoes. The first season rated 91% and the last season rating 78%. 
Riverdale’s fifth season was supposed to come out this year (2021) but due to Covid-19 restrictions, nothing has aired yet. Nevertheless, it rates 86% overall on Rotten Tomatoes. The first season rates 88% and the last season aired, season 4, rates 84%. But this is on the Tomatometer, not the audience review scores. And isn’t the audience the most important part of all? 
Teen Wolf - 83% on average audience viewing
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - 74% on average audience viewing
Riverdale- 57% on average audience viewing
But maybe let’s start with the original campiness and why they work so well. 
~These are all TV shows that I have watched or am currently watching~
~~I’m also using the Tomatometer because everything seems to be low on on IMDB and also percentages make it look like I know what I’m doing~~
Spoilers for Twin Peaks, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and Riverdale below the cut
Twin Peaks is about a murder, and then another, at least in the first season. It’s quickly established that there’s something a little off with the town of Twin Peaks. Agent Cooper has some sort of supernatural dream very early on containing information of who the actual murderer of Laura Palmer is. It established supernatural tones quickly, and viewers know what they’re getting into early on, especially considering the first 15 minutes or so focus on the finding of Laura Palmer’s body. The characters were all fairly likeable, even if they made questionable decisions and in the 90s, this was new, exciting territory. Twin Peaks has now become a pop culture reference found in many media forms, even receiving a third season in 2017 with the return of some of the original cast. 
Twin Peaks, while not hilarious, was rather good at dry humor, the line, “This is a town where a yellow light still means slow down instead of speed up.” coming to mind. That, combined with the writing, cinematography, and the compelling little stares, made for a TV show that hit 88% on the Tomatometer and 89% based on audience views. 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer gave us a badass female protagonist who killed vampires throughout her lifetime. BTVS also quickly established elements of the supernatural in the first season and built upon it. There were multiple werewolf characters and Buffy herself dated two vampires, her other love interest being human but working for a government organization that studied supernatural creatures. In seasons 3 and 4, Buffy’s best friend, Willow, starts to dabble in spells and the occult and other witch characters, including Willow’s girlfriend, Tara, are introduced into the series. Coming on the tail end of the 90s, viewers were enthralled with the wit and brashness of some characters and the fact of the a protagonist that was allowed to be feminine and powerful at the same time. BTVS has an 82% on the Tomatometer and 92% based on audience views. 
Basically, in terms of these two shows, the characters were likeable, the writing was rather witty, and the shows very quickly established what they were about, making them popular with viewers. 
Now we come to the 2010s, starting with Teen Wolf. 
Teen Wolf’s very first episode turned Scott McCall into a werewolf fairly early on in the episode and introduced a family of werewolf hunters, as well as --quote unquote-- “popular kids” Lydia and Jackson, and Scott McCall’s smartass best friend, Stiles Stilinski. The dialogue was fresh, the cinematography was rather dark, but overall a memorable first episode. They built upon this, season by season, and the acting and writing became a little more powerful and a little darker through every season. The characters changed but also stayed true to their roots and new characters were fairly likable when they were added. Teen Wolf told viewers what they were getting into from the very first episode and it was rather consistent throughout the rest of the show, that Scott and his friends would be facing monsters and only monsters. There would be a new threat each season but it would make sense from where each season respectively ended. 
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina also established what would be happening throughout the TV show. It would be about witches and the occult and fighting demons and going to hell. The writing could be cringy sometimes and essences of Riverdale leaked through (unavoidable, as the writer of Riverdale adapted Sabrina for the modern screen), but the show was overall consistent and the characters were appealing to the viewers, plus it gave representation to POC and LBTQ+ community. The show could become slow at times, but other than that, it was a solid TV show and did well on Netflix’s platform. 
We arrive at Riverdale. 
Riverdale’s first season started off well enough, with four high schoolers investigating the murder of Cheryl Blossom’s twin brother. It was a decent first season and the characters were fine, although there were a couple plotlines that seemed oddly dark for network TV. The second season, while still decent, had a plot line that revolved entirely around a serial killer that didn’t actually fit the classic definition of a serial killer. Both of these were likened to Twin Peaks, and there was an obvious Twin Peaks connection, with Madchen Amick, who played Shelly Johnson in 90s TV show, playing Betty Cooper’s mother in Riverdale. 
Season 3 went wild, with a plotline that villainized a game similar to Dungeons and Dragons, had Archie go to jail and get attacked by a bear, Mrs. Blossom opened a brothel, while Veronica opened a speakeasy and introduced a cult run by Chad Michael Murray, which is an odd sentence to type if you’ve seen Gilmore Girls or The OC. This is also the season that gave us the line, “I dropped out in the fourth grade to run drugs for my nana.” “Then you haven’t known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football.” Season 4 gave us blackmailing, two teenagers running an alcohol business, creepy tapes with creepier masks and a Jughead--is--dead--but--not--really--and--Barchie--became--a--thing--for--a--hot--second plotline. 
All four seasons are campy, just like the other shows, but not supernatural. This begs the question, why don’t people like Riverdale? 
Looking at Riverdale and then the four other shows I mentioned, it’s because Riverdale isn’t consistent. 
The first season established that murder would happen. That’s what people signed up for. They didn’t sign up for singing episodes or bear attacks. They signed up for teens solving murder, and viewers receive that with each season but they also get a bunch of weird, extended plotlines they didn’t ask for. The other shows stayed consistent with the content they delivered, while Riverdale didn’t--and, predictably, still won’t-- in the upcoming fifth season. 
Riverdale also takes heavy influence from Twin Peaks, with The Maple Club being their version of One Eyed Jack’s, and both TV shows having a diner main characters frequent. Other similarities include the killers in season 2 being revealed to be fathers/uncles of main characters and the dual opening on Laura Palmer’s dead body and Jason Blossom’s. It’s hard to unsee it, which just adds to the oddness of the show overall. 
That’s not to say the other TV shows aren’t connected. The actress who plays Hermione Lodge in Riverdale, Marisol Nichols, plays The Desert Wolf in Teen Wolf. Buffy the Vampire Slayer had a singing episode in their sixth season. It’s just terribly obvious when a show draws from the same influence over and over again, which Riverdale tends to do. 
Twin Peaks, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina work because they are consistent, in content and character writing,  which is just something Riverdale hasn’t mastered yet. 
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] 100 Days - Victor (Day 51 - 100)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for e-mails which have not been released in English servers! 🍒
What’s the 100 Days Companionship Event?
Day 1 - 3: here
Day 4 - 30: here
Day 31 - 50: here
Day 51
Tonight, we’ll watch that musical you like. Don’t be late, and dress formally.
Day 52
I’ve seen your report. Its contents aren’t comparable to the supper takeout list from last night. Redo it.
Day 53
A pink apron? You think it suits me?
Day 54
Today, let’s visit that Internet cafe you mentioned - to take a look at what you’ve been pining after.
Day 55
The equestrian facility we went to before has recently opened again. If you’re interested, we can have a look together.
Day 56
There isn’t as disparate a connection between dreams and reality as you think. Dreaming about lions means that you shouldn’t watch animal documentaries before sleeping.
Day 57
It’s okay to use my voice as an alarm clock. But why did you set five of them?
Day 58
I saw you coughing a little during the meeting yesterday. The difference in temperature between day and night has been very large lately. If you have time, come over and have some snow pear soup.
Day 59
The black cat brooch you were wearing isn’t bad. It’s much more suitable than those incomprehensible sports shoes you’re wearing.
Day 60
You’ve been doing well recently. Do you have any plans over the weekend? Or should I plan them?
Day 61
The look you have when you crinkle your eyes to eat pudding - it’s even more Pudding than Pudding.
Day 62
The dogwood perfume sachet is already on the table. The chrysanthemum liquor needs a few more hours. There’s no need to be so impatient.
Day 63
The next time you can’t sleep, there’s no need to leave so many messages of you talking to yourself. Just call me directly.
Day 64
In this weather, don’t even think of having a cold beverage. Pick a hot beverage you want to drink, and I’ll make it for you.
Day 65
You concluded that the reason for your hair loss was work. So staying up late to use your phone is not to blame?
Day 66
If you want to eat something, just say it directly. There’s no need to post hints like “When the weather is cold, one should eat cream stew” on Moments.
Day 67
There are only two more months left to the year. Looks like the proposals you haven’t finished will be delayed till next year.
Day 68 (Halloween)
Title: Masquerade
If you want me to participate in the masquerade with you, just say so directly. There’s no need to beat around the bush. I’ve already received the entrance tickets, and will pick you up tonight.
Day 69
You were clamouring about playing the part of a Rose Witch, but you’ve become a Caught-a-Cold Witch today.
Day 70
The hoarser your voice, the more it expresses want. You have a lot of such worrying habits.
Day 71
It’s not that time doesn’t want to wait for you, but you spend too much time on useless hobbies.
Day 72
Managing your emotions is to allow yourself to mediate your emotions smoothly, not for you to hold everything in, dummy.
Day 73
That winter mountain villa you’ve been hinting at for a long time has started business. There are some themed suites - pick one.
Day 74
Someone usually doesn’t have a large appetite, but when it comes to her favourite foods, she always leaves me awed.
Day 75
Like many other things, there’s a limit to drinking. Being slightly tipsy is best. Don’t get drunk, especially if it’s you.
Day 76
There was a cat sleeping in the claw machine in the market. Even after getting the staff to open the claw machine, it still didn’t wake up. It’s just as nitwitted as you are.
Day 77
Not going to your own place, and even taking up other people’s territory… Looks like Pudding learnt it from you.
Day 78
Don’t buy too many useless items because you’re tempted. Just because there are many discounted items doesn’t mean you need them.
Day 79 (Single’s Day)
If I receive another meaningless message from you such as “Help me slash the price”, the thing that will be slashed could be the funds for your next program.
Day 80
If you have time to reminisce the past, why don’t we do the things you find worth remembering together once more?
Day 81
Refreshing the notifications for your deliveries a hundred times each day won’t make them arrive earlier. But the scheduled sumptuous meal can be brought forward by an hour.
Day 82
I don’t do meaningless hypothesis. If I had never met you? I won’t allow for such ‘if’s to happen..
Day 83
Things that I have decided upon have some leeway of changing. It depends on what you have that is worth exchanging it with.
Day 84
Chanced on the photograph you took with Pudding. Both the person and the cat haven’t changed much. It’s pretty good.
Day 85
Instead of imagining how we’d be like next year, why not spare some time to write a Year 2021 work plan to turn your ideal into reality.
Day 86
You weren’t around when I passed by your office yesterday. But the mess on your office desk surpassed my imagination.
Day 87
The coffee beans you felt were pretty good in terms of taste the last time - I’ve asked someone to bring some back again. Remember to collect it tonight.
Day 88
There’s a new special product in Souvenir today. Are you sure you’re going to keep saying that you haven’t had an appetite these two days?
Day 89
All I did was pinch the nape of your neck. Why are you staring at me like Pudding?
Day 90
It’s the first time I realised that reading comics during working hours can also be termed “gathering source material”. So is chatting with me termed “discussing a collaborative project?”
Day 91
A certain person has been signing in at increasingly later times. The closer one is to the end, the more one can’t slack off.
Day 92
Someone who has only won “one free bottle” a few times is always thinking of trying the lottery - truly indulging in the wildest fantasies.
Day 93
…I just mentioned it yesterday and you’ve won the fifth prize today. It’s truly a dummy’s luck.
Day 94
I might have believed your nonsense of being able to find inspiration while lying down, had you not fallen asleep on the sofa last night.
Day 95
If you have time to write a lengthy plan, why not put the plan to action immediately?
Day 96
Sometimes, I’d take a look at previous sign-ins and recollect the things a dummy has done.
Day 97
You’re usually too tired to even move after exercising for a while. Yet, you run faster than anyone else when collecting take-out.
Day 98
Every one of your so-called surprises tests a person’s psychological tolerance.
Day 99
There’s no need feel troubled that the signing in is about to end. As long as you want to, I can continue this childish game with you.
Day 100
It’s the last day. The next round of company doesn’t require signing in. I’ll always be here.
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