#sometimes my light switch shocks me pretty badly though
cosmicnovaflare · 1 year
what iPad do u use
For a while I think I was using an iPad 6? but it came with broken buttons, so the store replaced it with an iPad Air 3rd Generation instead of fixing it. I currently use the Air for all my sketches and base colouring, but it doesn’t work when it’s charging and corrupts my canvases if I try, so I borrow an iPad Pro to finish most things, hence why it takes so long to finish something.
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irevanity · 3 years
okay I just found the GREATEST kpop song to ever exist so now you are getting more team kira idol headcanons.
Light joined Realm Entertainment when he was 14, on 11.18.06. Despite his parents protesting against it at first he made sure to work hard and ensure his debut.
He was naturally talented and pretty much excelled in every class, so it was a surprise to him when he met Mikami after 2 years of training.
Oh my god. That bitch was not gifted at all.
He was fucking casted for his looks. But he wasn’t even that hot
At first Light was like, “I’ll just watch him get booted on his third week” but as time went on, he noticed the determination in the 15 y.o’s eyes and was like, “you know what? You’re cool. I’ll help you”
They became trainee buddies basically. Little by little Mikami improved until he could hold his own against Light (and sometimes even beat him)
“Fuck, I taught him too much and now we’re basically fighting for the leader role”
Rival time!
At this point it wasn’t even about being friends it was about getting into the final line-up and debuting
It always switched between those two until the CEO said “fuck it you’re both debuting”
But then their debut got postponed. They were supposed to be in an 8 member boy group but then half the members left and it was basically just Light and Mikami.
They were both salty as fuck but whatever they just continued training
Okay Misa Amane time
She originally auditioned to be a child model but switched to become an idol when she accidentally bumped into Light at the company.
“Oh my god wow he’s so cool!” **becomes a trainee**
“My parents died, I can’t enjoy it.” **dead silence**
Okay now they have a 13 year old on their team which was okay-ish. She was average at everything but god damn can she talk fast
“You’re becoming a rapper with me.” “ok”
Light tolerated her but Mikami? Oh my god. He fucking despised her presence because she TALKED SO MUCH AND SO FAST AND
Mikami was about to snap at her when Misa suddenly roasted the shit out of him
He went quiet around her ever since
Light was like “oh yeah she’s definitely becoming a rapper”
Okay Kiyomi time
She joined the company in 2010 at 17. Misa was happy to have another girl in the group after all the others kept on leaving.
Kiyomi didn’t have a hard time. She already had dance training before so all of this was basically routine for her.
The only thing she struggled with was singing. Like she couldn’t do it at all without running out of breath too quickly
Main vocalist Mikami time! He basically told her that the secret to stable singing was to “run on a treadmill while belting high notes”
Cue Kiyomis horrified face.
She regretted joining so badly because 1. She wasn’t the type to work out. 2. She didn’t like getting all sweaty and tired and 3. She couldn’t eat whatever she wanted
But Kiyomi basically auditioned for this stuff so she just gotta persevere through the harsh training until she made the final line-up
And make the final line-up she did!
Woohoo! They were gonna be a 6 member co-ed group with a badass concept! They’re gonna debut on 2011!
SIKE. Two members (pretend they’re npcs) left. It got postponed again.
At this point Mikami was done. He trained for 3 years and had their debut cancelled twice. He basically flipped off the entertainment industry and was preparing to leave
Kiyomi was shocked, Light was panicking and even Misa seemed distressed.
The day before he planned to leave, Light LITERALLY slammed him against the wall and proceeded to yell at him for 15 minutes straight
Misa thought they were about to fist fight. AGAIN.
Okay but happy ending though! Mikami didn’t leave after all
The group decided to hang on to whatever hope they got left and held on for another 2 years.
In those two years:
Misa nearly got caught sneaking in an entire bucket of fried chicken into the building. It happened like 6 times until she eventually got caught and scolded
There was a big ass centipede on the ceiling of their dorm. It fell. Mikami still has the video of them SCREAMING.
A trainee DIED. (whoops)
During the monthly evaluation, Mikamis voice cracked and it haunted him forever (even after debut the other members kept on bringing it up)
Kiyomi once fainted during practice
Light “lost” his lyric book
2 years later BAAM! They finally debuted on January 28, 2013.
Lights hair colors only range from dark brown to light brown, and sometimes to black. Kiyomi only had highlights and hair style changes. Mikami went dark blue/green for a few comebacks. Meanwhile, Misas scalp is literally on the verge of death.
ISAC? FUCK YES. You just KNOW Light dominated everyone in the relay race. My guy reached 200 mph while bleeding out, imagine what he can do while LIVING. Misa is an ace in archery and Mikami absolutely decimates his opponents in wrestling. Kiyomi did that elegant ball dance thing.
They are nicknamed “The smartest kpop group”
Anyways that nickname. You know the mafia game? Oh my lord. It was the first time their fans ever saw KIRA T H I S chaotic. They were ready to end friendships!!!!!. BUT THE PLOT TWIST IS THAT N O. O N E. WAS SELECTED TO BE MAFIA. THEY WERE JUST ACCUSING EACH OTHER LEFT AND RIGHT
A fan once begged Mikami not to cut his hair. (that fan was me lolz)
Misa always drops the cake
After their 5th win, they promised their fans that they’d film a part switch video of their latest comeback. It was fucking CHAOS. Light can’t hit Mikamis high notes for crap and Misa had trouble keeping up with Kiyomis dance break.
You know that game where kpop idols roast the shit out of each other? Yeah. Light would be fucking ruthless. Their career would literally almost end 💀
Misa definitely has a secret account that she uses to follow her fans. Who knows? Maybe you’re following Misa already.
Kiyomi would leak her predebut photos just to prove she didn’t get any plastic surgery.
While Light is more of a lyrical genius and flow kind of rapper, Misa would be more about speed and catchy lyrics.
Mikami is one of kpops best male vocalists and can easily belt while dancing, but sometimes he gets accused of lip-syncing because he sounds literally exactly the same as the CD. Like he’d be 😐 while hitting a note higher than Misa is tall.
Talking about height differences. They would definitely bully her for her height. SHES LITERALLY 5’0!!! MIKAMI IS 6’0!!!! Imagine the meme videos lmao
In terms of stage presence, it would be Kiyomi>Misa>Light>Mikami. Kiyomi would (ofc) have the best expressions on stage while Mikami sometimes looks…bored.
After a few years when they can finally take a break from all the schedules and go home for a while, Light and Kiyomi invited the other two to meet their family because they knew they had no one alive waiting for them to come home.
Light always makes sure to put his members first and isn’t afraid to call out the staff if they’re not doing their job properly.
Every product Kiyomi uses and shows on live gets sold out within the blink of an eye. Then she’d go on bubble and scold her fans jokingly
At the beginning of their career they were pretty uptight about everything, but now that they’re a well respected and established name within the industry they can relax and let their personalities show.
Misa and Light are definitely the most chaotic members. The other two just sit there and watch everything unfold.
Okay so I know that technically Light would be the youngest in the group but I’m just going by their birth months. That being said, here’s their birthdays!
Light — 2.28.92
Mikami — 6.7.92
Kiyomi — 7.12.93
Misa — 12.25.95
Okay I am now tired. I hope my dear sexy Mutual uses this information to continue on planning the k-idol fanfic (iykyk)
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piratesfromspace · 3 years
The Mechanic (Anakin/Reader)
Anakin Skywalker/Reader, Obi-Wan is also here
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Smut 18+, mechanical arm, Anakin is a little shit, dom/sub undertones, humiliation kink if you squint.
AFAB reader but gender-neutral pronouns MASTERLIST
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“A… mechanic??”
“Yes, that’s what I am. A mechanic. The best in town. Isn’t it what you’re looking for?”
Obi-Wan scrunches his nose and turns to the poor clone trooper who had introduced you.
“Are you serious?” he asks in a whisper.
“Do you know how hard it is to find a biomechanics surgeon around here, General? That’s the best I could find.” the trooper seems really tired you notice.
Kenobi brings his hand on his chin, silently thinking for a few seconds.
“I guess they’ll do.”
And that’s how you’re recruited for a very special task. When you’re led to their temporary base just outside of town, you thought you were going to be asked to repair a secret-weapon, or some military speeder. Oh Maker were you wrong. 
You’re pushed inside of a medical ship, and instead of a speeder, you find yourself face to face with another jedi. He’s sitting on a table, his jedi robe badly torned, already pushed down and bunched on his hips, leaving his muscular torso entirely bare. You would have noticed his perfectly drawn abs if you weren’t distracted by his right arm. From his elbow down, it is entirely made of gold and black metal, with armored panels mimicking the size of his other regular arm, complete with what look like delicate fingers. A mechno-arm. You’ve never seen one quite like it. It must cost a small fortune, and it is definitely custom. But it’s also definitely wrecked.
“So, you’re the biomechanics expert?”
“Mechanic. Just a mechanic. But I know a thing or two about cybernetics.”
“Great.” He says with a cynical tone before making a pause, eyeing you down shamelessly for a tad too long, as you cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at his poor manners. He smirks at your reaction, and cocks his chin up before continuing. 
“Well, anyway, I’ll guide you, I know what’s going on with my arm, I just need a helping hand.”
He says that with a lot more confidence than what you would expect from someone his young age, almost condescending - but you can’t really be mad at him, considering the guy has the Force and looks like this. You would be insufferable as well. 
Sometimes life is unfair, you think, too bad he chose to become a warrior monk, because you wouldn’t mind tinkering with more than his arm.
You take a deep breath, and just get on with it, starting to work on his prosthetic, following his instructions. Even if he hasn’t all the correct vocabulary, the man actually knows what’s wrong with his arm, and you’re a little bit annoyed at the fact he was right. You would have gladly taught him a lesson, making his cocksure smirk and patronizing tone go away just for a second. Nonetheless, you listen to what he explains, and after a while, you realize you’re just executing his directions without second guessing him, lulled by his warm voice, scrunched over his mechanical arm, your face just inches away from his very human skin. 
After an hour, you’re done, and his fingers are back to life, the mechanism slightly buzzing while he lifts his hand to his face, watching with an honest smile as his movements resume. You’re watching as well, mesmerized by the way his metal fingers move with such great finesse. It’s almost surreal when you know the inhumane strength he could deploy thanks to the alloy ligaments, a deadly threat just lying under golden fingertips. 
Your gaze switches to his face, and you allow yourself to stare a little. He’s young but the toll of war is already showing, the kindness of his eyes hidden behind a steely veil, a scar running way too close from his right eye. His hair is a mess, long light-brownish locks with a few blond strands. His innocence is long gone, replaced by a mix of fierce resolve and cocky attitude. He’s handsome, you won’t lie to yourself. And his toned body matches his pretty face. Even the mechanical arm adds to his charm. You’re sure some would be repulsed by it, but you’re definitely not. You can’t stop wondering what it’s like for him when he touches something, when he touches someone. And you can’t stop wondering what it’s like to be touched by those fingers, to feel the smooth golden steel on your skin. Would it be warm? Or cold? 
You’re pulled out of your daydreaming by a cough. Anakin is now looking at you, and his knowing gaze is making you doubt if he’s reading your mind. There are many rumors about the powers jedi can have, and you suddenly blush at the realization he might actually be.
“Well, thanks, it works fine again.” he says with a falsely natural tone. “But I think I need to run just a few tests, you know, to make sure the sensation is back. Would you like to help me? I warn you, it can be a bit… overwhelming.” He says that as his mechanical hand grazes at your naked forearm, his self-confident grin back on his face, and you can’t miss the sexual undertone of his proposition. The feeling sends chills in your whole body, the metal of his fingertips is definitely cold — at least, for now. You’re a bit taken aback because you weren’t expecting advances from a literal monk, but at the same time you know you’re too curious and too horny already to pass down such an invitation. 
“And how can I help?” you ask not so innocently. 
“Glad you ask.” he answers, as he hops down from the table, an even bigger grin on his face. 
You don’t have the time to realize what’s going on, but he lifts you up and slams you down on the table before climbing back on top of you, resting on his knees, arms caging you. 
He hushes you when you want to protest against his manhandling, but you can’t deny the fact it’s turning you on even more. He watches your face intently as his mechanical hand is caressing your cheek, then shifting lower on your throat. He squeezes gently, just to see how you would react, and he’s pleased to hear you gasp at the tiniest of pressure. It’s making you dizzy, the knowledge he could literally crush you if he wanted to, and you’re being amazed at the control he shows instead. 
His hand doesn’t stay there for long though, and goes even lower, shortly groping your breast before sliding further down until it stops at the waistband of your pants. He waits a second here, scanning you for any form of approval, before resuming when you thrust your hips slightly up against his palm, letting him know you’re looking for more. 
He loses no time, snaking his hand under your pants and in your panties, cupping your cunt. The metal of his fingers is warmer now, thanks to your own body heat, but the feeling is still foreign although not unpleasant. He parts your folds, tracing a finger from your entrance to your clit, spreading your wetness there. The pitiful whine that escapes your lips as he starts circling the bundle of nerves makes him chuckle. He’s visibly enjoying the way you react under his touch. 
The smooth steel of his golden fingertips feels like heaven against your sensitive parts, and you already know you won’t last long. He rises a bit, sitting on his heels so he can use his left arm to pin you down, real fingers made of flesh cruelly biting in your hips to keep you in place for what’s coming next. 
He stops his ministrations and coats two of his metallic fingers in your juices before sinking them slowly inside of you. You stop breathing as you watch his fingers disappear between your legs with awe. You feel every ridges and bumps of the mechanical knuckles as they slide in and out of you, and when his thumb finds your clit again, you’re glad he’s actually pinning you down, because it’s suddenly too much to handle. Your back arches and your head slams down against the unforgivable steel of the medical table. In other circumstances, you would complain, but you just can’t find a good reason to care right now. 
Anakin keeps on moving his fingers, relentlessly bringing you closer to the edge. Your whines are now moans, and he gives you a mean look, mouthing a “shut up”. You almost forgot you were in the middle of a military base, and that anyone could enter the room you were in at any time now. You clamp your hand on your mouth, trying desperately to keep quiet as the bastard is slowing his pace but increasing the pressure of his touch, crooking the fingers inside of you to rub against that perfect spot that makes you see stars. It’s a matter of seconds before you come with a muffled whimper, eyes closed, hips rising up from the table. He doesn’t stop until you push his hand away as the pleasure-pain of overstimulation settles in. 
“It looks all good, thanks for helping.” he says with a cocky little smile, while you try to catch your breath. He wipes his mechanical arm on your pants, like it’s just a random rag, and you’re too shocked by the sheer audacity of the man to think of a retort. 
You barely have the time to get back on your feet, that the door of the room is sliding open, revealing a visibly displeased Obi-Wan. 
“You’ done yet?” 
You open your mouth to answer but Anakin is quicker. 
“Yes, Master. We were just making sure the repair is efficient.” 
He says that with his usual grin and while looking the older jedi dead in the eye. You wonder how he managed to do that when some of his fingers still smell like you. You’re also jealous of the fact his crumpled robe is making a decent job at hiding his hard-on, while the wet patch on your pants where Anakin wiped his fingers is all too visible.
“It seems your hand is working perfectly again, Anakin.” 
The tone of Obi-Wan's voice is half-amused, half-annoyed when he says that, his eyes on you, rather than on his padawan. You wonder if he knows what just happened, causing your face to grow hot under his suspicious gaze. 
“Just ask the trooper outside for your payment” he adds bluntly, before asking Anakin to follow him for a briefing where they’re both needed. 
As they exit the room, the younger jedi turns to you.
“I know I can count on you if I ever need more repairs. I’ll make sure to request you, personally.”
Your face is getting even more red as you mumble a good-bye to the two warriors. 
The paycheck was generous, but honestly? You would be lying to yourself if you would not admit you’d do it all over again for free.
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nagito-kissmaeda · 4 years
Arcade - Komaeda x Reader
ミ☆  Just a silly thing I wrote about an arcade employee being baffled while Komaeda clears out all the machines lol ミ☆ I’ve been feeling kind of down about my writing so i just wanted to do something fun. It’s not very good haha. I’m tired and i can’t write good asjfkakd
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Night shift at the arcade is usually pretty quiet. Most people start leaving around dinner time and while there are usually still some hardcore gamers lurking around until the AM, most of them only come in on Friday’s or weekends. So the job is usually easy breezy, most nights you lean up on the counter and browse the internet on your phone until your shift ends.
Tonight though, you have been acutely watching as this guy moves from machine to machine. Absolutely clearing them out. You’ve never seen anything like it. Presently, you are crouched behind a claw machine filled with Hello Kitty plushies as this guy slips two bucks into the Big Bass Wheel cabinet. Your eyes drift over to the last cabinet he used, the Wizard of Oz coin pusher. It is empty , you have never seen that happen in the whole time you’ve worked here. You weren’t even sure it could happen.
The guy spins the wheel, it spins and spins and spins. Jackpot. Your eyes narrow, a jackpot isn’t too uncommon, it honestly isn’t even worth that many tickets, but then he nonchalantly slides in another two dollars and hits jackpot again . This is starting to get suspicious.
The machine is spitting out tickets now, so many tickets. Even the guy looks surprised, you are definitely surprised. Two jackpots is not worth that many tickets, but they just keep coming and coming. Machine fault? Must be. The guy looks almost resigned at this point, sighing unhappily as the tickets keep spewing out, like they’re wasting his time and not like this was a superhuman feat of luck. Then, the machine starts smoking.
“Shit!” You hiss, jumping up from your hiding place behind the claw machine and dashing over to the guy before anything catches on fire. You’ve caught him by surprise, he probably didn’t realise you were following him around, “out of the way, please!”
He ducks out of the way, pulling his armfuls worth of tickets along with him as you switch the arcade cabinet off at the wall. The machinery inside stops whirring and the smoke calms down. You wipe your forehead with the back of your hand, you’ve never seen a machine fault this badly before, you were probably going to need to file an indecent report. What a pain.
“You okay?” You ask the guy. He is a lot taller up close, and the shock of messy white hair on his head only makes him seem taller. He sways like a palm tree in the breeze, clutching onto his massive wad of tickets for dear life.
“I’m sorry. I broke your machine.”
Oh...his voice is softer than you had expected it would be. The lights from a nearby Daytona cabinet are reflecting in his green eyes. You swallow, “You didn't break anything, machine fault, it happens sometimes.”
His eyes drift away from you and over to the cabinet, the smoke has stopped now, it doesn't look like there was too much damage, but he looks very upset about it anyway.
“Hey, seriously, dont worry about it.” You give him an awkward pat on his forearm, “The machines in here are really old, stuff like this happens all the time.”
“Oh...ah…” He bites his lip, “If you’re sure…”
You smile, “Yeah, don't even sweat it. You can keep the tickets by the way, once they're out of the machine it's a nightmare to get them back in again, so consider it an apology for almost setting you on fire.”
He laughs weakly, “Thank you.”
“Hey, uh…” You start, not so subtle eyeing his ticket collection. A decent chunk of it was from that Big Bass Wheel malfunction, an already exorbitant number was won legit. More than you had ever seen anyone win before, “are you a cabinet master?”
“Like, you know all the sweet spots on the machines. Technically not cheating, but not entirely legal either.”
His eyes widen, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No!” You shake your head at him, “You just won a lot of tickets is all. I’ve never seen someone win that many tickets.”
“I’m just really lucky. It’s all i'm good at, honestly.” He’s fiddling with the tickets in his arms, “My friend’s birthday is coming up and i'm trying to win her that Sailor Moon statue.”
It is true that there is a coveted Sailor Moon statue amongst the arcade’s prize collection. It’s huge, beautifully painted and according to your boss, incredibly rare . It’s been sitting there on the shelf for god knows how long, still tight in it’s shrinkwrap. Generally the most any player is able to afford is three or four sticky hands and a glow in the dark spider ring, but this guy is getting tantalisingly close.
You cross your arms and smirk at him, “You’re really that lucky?”
“Most of the time.”
“Okay then. You’re going to play Monster Drop next, it's the hardest cabinet we have.” You start heading over to the machine in the back of the arcade, it’s huge, you always forget how huge it is. The guy is diligently following behind you, shoulders hunched like he’s trying to make himself seem smaller. The pile of tickets in his arms rustling as he walks, “I’ve never seen anyone get a monster jackpot on this thing. Also my boss filled it with a bunch of different sized balls, so it's basically impossible to get a standard jackpot too, even after practicing at other arcades.”
“Hm. Is that really fair?”
You shrug a shoulder, “Nope. It’s big and loud, so lots of people want to play it and Boss doesn't want too many people winning. there's a catch though, raise the difficulty and you also raise the ticket payout. So if you manage to beat it, you'll be able to afford Sailor Moon.”
The current ticket payout is displayed in flashing red lights, 72,483 . With every failed attempt at hitting the monster jackpot the payout just gets higher and higher, those tantalising numbers draw in more kids hoping to be the one who gets lucky. A number that big means the cabinet has never been won, a smart arcade goer knows that a number like that means stay away.
“How do I play?” He asks, dropping his ticket collection on the ground at his feet.
“Ah, it’s deceptively simple.” You grab his hand and tug him over to the machine, gesturing up at where the balls drop down from, “You just need to press the button to let out a ball, and that’s literally it. The base of the machine spins around to make it harder to get the balls in. Monster jackpot is in the middle, so you would think a straight drop down would jackpot you every time but-”
He smirks wryly, “it’s never that easy is it?”
“Of course not! We’d never make any money if it was.”
He laughs to himself, pulling another coin out of his pocket and clinking it into the machine, “Ah, only one turn?”
You hold up a finger, “Just the one.”
He laughs again, “Brutal.”
“Very.” You take a step back to give him room to familiarise himself with the machine. Most people like to observe it from a few angles, take some time, watch at least one cycle before using up their one shot, “Good luck.”
He turns to you and smiles, “Thanks, but like i said, this is the one thing i'm good at.” He pushes the button, he isn't even looking at the machine, the rotating base hasn't even finished half a cycle. This guy is ballsy.
Despite his gumption, the ball falls a little short of the monster jackpot, “Aw, bad luck-” you start saying, but then it starts bouncing. Once off the base, three times off the sides, up high into the air and then plonk . Straight into the monster jackpot. All you can do is stare. Not only did he get the jackpot, he got it in a rigged machine while he wasn't even looking .
He laughs politely, the sound barely audible of the cabinet’s furious ringing bells and sirens signalling an impossible feat just happened here, everyone look! The tickets have started dispensing, with over 70k to print, it's going to be a long wait, “Jeez, that was scary. I almost thought my luck had run out there!”
He looks completely relaxed as he starts folding the fresh tickets into the neatest pile he can manage, “Are you a god or something?”
“Huh?” He says, blinking down at you, “That’s such a strange thing to ask me.”
“You just beat Monster Drop without looking . I’ve seen professional cabinet masters come in here and still lose after examining the machine for a good two hours!”
“Oh, no need to be impressed. I didn't actually do anything.” He smiles sadly and continues collecting his tickets, “It’s not really much of a talent, but i suppose it comes in handy sometimes.”
You clap a palm to your forehead, unable to believe what you are hearing, “You’re going to have enough tickets for the Sailor Moon statue and enough leftover for like...unlimited sticky hands.”
He taps a finger to his lips, “Oh! I would like some sticky hands.”
“How many?”
His brow creases as he considers it, “Three or four, i guess.”
“Three or-” you start laughing, “Buddy, i could pour the whole box into your bag if you wanted.”
“I don't think i need that many sticky hands, but it's very kind of you to offer.”
“We also have glow in the dark spider rings, and a robust selection of slinkies. Oh! If you really want to splurge we have a pair of slippers that resemble a character from Rick and Morty.”
He grimaces, “I would prefer the slinkies.”
You hear the arcade cabinet’s ticket dispenser finally come to a stop, and despite his good natured effort to collect the tickets in a neat pile, they are still all bunched up around his ankles. You are about to ask him another question when you quickly realise that the Monster Drop machine is now also smoking.
He sighs, “I should have known.”
You don't have time to look into that comment, you are too busy scrambling around to the back of the machine so you can turn the power off at the wall. Much like last time, you catch it before anything actually catches on fire. This has been a very eventful day.
“Hey, uh-” you start awkwardly, pulling yourself up from the ground and moving to help the guy contend with his ticket pile, “I finish in like half an hour...if you need help carrying your miscellaneous arcade prizes back to your car or whatever…”
He blinks at you as you both reach the prize counter and deposit the monstrous ticket collection onto the bench, “I should be okay on my own...but if you want to come I wouldn't mind, though I can’t guarantee I won’t set anything else on fire…” he chuckles nervously and you give him a quizzical look.
You do want to go with him, you aren't sure if it’s just a morbid curiosity about his luck with the arcade machines, or a fascination with the soft halo of white hair falling into his eyes, but you want to get to know him better, “I’ll come with you. You don’t have anywhere near enough fingers for all the glow in the dark spider rings I’m about to give you.” You say as you round the counter and start organising his tickets into more manageable piles.
He smiles, “that does sound like a good idea. I don’t want to drop any of my brand new sticky hands, after all.” He leans forward on the counter, blinking up at you. He’s got really pretty eyelashes, “I’m Nagito Komaeda, in case you were wondering.”
You laugh, “Nice to meet you, Nagito. Now give me 20 minutes to count all your damn tickets.”
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Be Quiet (Harry Potter x Reader) SMUT
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Request: Can you write a story where the reader (Slytherin) and Harry fall in love with each other and have their first time (smut pls!) and at the same time Sirius and the reader find out that’s she’s his daughter? Xo
Pairing: Harry Potter x FemReader
Warnings: Smut, very slight mentions of death, unprotected sex
Word Count: 2389
A/N: I forgot to specify the reader’s house! 😭 Also I didn’t do a whole lot of set up, let’s pretend their slightly older in Order of The Phoenix and this is set in when they’re staying in Sirius’ place? -S
(Y/N) rapped quietly on the door, she supposed knocking on the door at all kind of defeated the purpose of trying to be quiet, so she abandoned her efforts and attempted to open the wooden door with minimal squeaking. “Harry? Are you up?”
Harry was quick to appear and open the door for her to come into the room. Honestly, he felt kind of bad, because it had been his intention to come to her. She had just beat him to it, but he supposed that wasn’t too surprising; she had always seemed to be more sure of herself than Harry had. “Yeah, come in. I was just about to go look for you.”
She didn’t need to be told twice. Harry was probably her best friend...or maybe Hermione, but that would only because she couldn’t share EVERYTHING with Harry (despite her desire to do so). She plopped on the bed and let out a sigh, a dramatic, but justified one. “This is a lot, right?”
“It’s a bit much sure… not entirely bad though?” Harry knew immediately what she’d been referring to. A bombshell for sure. One thing they had been able to bond over was the fact that she grew up without her parents, Harry was thankful that she had a much more loving and tolerant aunt and uncle though. She never knew who her father was, and her mother had died around the age of 3. She knew who her father was now though… the notorious Sirius Black.
(Y/N) knew that she had been kept in the dark for her own good. Most people still thought the man was a murderer and she knew her aunt and uncle just didn’t want her to grow up knowing that they shared the DNA. “I mean I guess not… Sirius is cool and all.” It definitely sucked that his name hadn’t been cleared to anyone not in the Order, but while not seemingly knowing a lot about what he was doing he seemed eager to try as much as he would be able to.
“I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire life and I get why they did it, but I wish I would’ve known.” (Y/N) sat up and laid her head on Harry’s shoulder. He’d sat down beside her after she’d laid back. “I suppose nothing really changes that much though.”
He could definitely relate to some extent. Harry constantly felt like he was playing catch-up, and he was always a step behind everyone in knowing about himself and his life. “Right.”
A silence fell over the pair. Harry wasn’t sure what (Y/N) was feeling, but he felt content. She always had a way of making him feel that way. Hermione kept pushing him to say something, and as much as he wanted to he always found a reason not to do so. Now for example would be incredibly inappropriate, she was already so overwhelmed it just wouldn’t be fair to add the weight of his feelings for her onto her shoulders.
“Can I ask you something completely off topic?”
“Do you like me?” (Y/N) felt bad for blurting out the question. Now probably wasn’t the time and that probably wasn’t the best way to go about it, but at that moment it seemed like the most appropriate option.
Poor Harry was happy he didn’t have a mouth full or butter beer or pumpkin juice because there was no doubt that he would’ve probably spit it all over the bedding and the floor. He used to say that they were close enough that she could never surprise him, but that clearly was a lie. He often wondered if she was a Legilimen, because she seemed to have some sort of innate ability to read his mind. She also knew when he was lying to playing dumb probably wouldn’t be too much help in this situation, “Uh...yeah. Hermione says it's bloody obvious.”
(Y/N) chuckled and smiled, even though he wouldn’t be able to see it, “She says the same to me if it makes you feel any better.”
“You fancy me?” Harry always had a small suspicion, he didn’t think that Hermione would be constantly trying to get him to confess his feelings if she thought it would end badly, but still he had his doubts.
“You might be the chosen one, but you can be pretty thick sometimes…” She sighed and lifted her head from his shoulder. When he turned to see what was wrong she just planted a soft kiss on his lips. He immediately melted into it, he didn’t need to be told twice to kiss her back. He’d been thinking about doing it so long that it just seemed second nature.
Their foreheads stayed pressed together even when the urge to break away to breathe came. Her eyes were still closed, but Harry kept his open (he just needed to make sure this wasn’t a dream). “Would it be too soon to say that I’m in love with you?”
“I don’t think I’d use the word soon at all.” (Y/N) teased with a soft laugh.
Harry pulled the girl back in for another kiss, the second was even better than the first (which he hadn’t previously thought to be possible). She tasted like mint toothpaste, which probably now his favorite flavor as his tongue swept across hers. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around him, an act partially meant to pull him closer and partially meant to keep a grip on him so that when she laid down he’d come tumbling down with her.
Her back hit the mattress with a soft thud, and she found herself mildly impressed with Harry’s ability to gracefully follow her. His body resting between her legs and his hands on either side of her head. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself further into him, earning a small groan. Her lips curled into a smile against his skin, and she set herself on a mission to elicit a similar reaction, but not before whispering to him, “You have to be quiet, apparently my dad is in the other room.”
Harry rolled his eyes at her, but soon found himself forgetting what she’d said. Instead he was more focused on the feathery light kisses being trailed down from his cheek to his neck. He took a deep breath when she began to kiss his neck, her ministrations on the skin a new and very enjoyable experience. He didn’t even notice her hands sneaking under his shirt. He shivered slightly from her cold hands, but relaxed into her touch when she ran her palms across his chest and torso. “Whatever you’re doing for Quidditch is clearly working.” She hummed into his ear.
Harry chuckled and leaned up, pulling his shirt over his head and then helping her out of hers. He was kind of shocked by how not nervous he was. There was just something about her, he doubted there was anything in the world she could do to make him think less of her and he just had a hunch she felt the same (or least that’s the way she made him feel). There was little light in the bedroom, but he could still see her (barely, but he could). He hadn’t even thought about the fact they were in her pajamas and she probably wouldn’t be wearing a bra… she definitely wasn’t and he felt his voice catch in the back of his throat.
“This is the part where you tell me how good I look.” (Y/N) whispered playfully to him. She worried that perhaps she might’ve been ruining the moment with so much talking, but she also knew that Harry was aware she liked to make jokes to ease her own nerves. He was often the only one not taken aback by the sometimes poorly time sentiments.
“You’re bloody gorgeous.” His voice held no trace of jest and he didn’t even give her a chance to respond before he went back in for another kiss. The kiss was chaste, because honestly he wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. When his lips met the skin of her neck (Y/N) found herself having to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her voice down. However, whenever he dipped lower and found her chest the action was futile. A sharp gasp tore through her throat at the new sensation and when to shower her breasts in kisses she no longer found holding back a moan a possible option.
The sound was like music to Harry’s ears and he began to crave hearing more like it was a song stuck in his head. He switched between her right and left nipple, carefully trying to pay the same amount of attention to each one, and he only found himself willing to stop whenever she rolled her hips upward and brushed herself against the erection he was now painfully aware of. To be honest, he wasn’t quite sure what was exactly expected of him. He definitely wasn’t entirely stupid on the subject, he knew WHAT happened, but maybe he was skipping an important step in the foreplay that he wasn’t aware of. He didn’t have much time to think too much about it, because (Y/N) wiggled out from under him. He would’ve been worried that he’d done something wrong, but when she began to shed the rest of his clothes those thoughts abandoned his mind. Really the only thoughts left in his head was her… and how she looked. Completely bare. In front of him. Merlin, he wasn’t sure there was ever a sight more beautiful and he doubted he’d ever be able to think of anything else.
“Care to join me?” (Y/N) hoped she wasn’t being too forward. This really was probably too soon… they’d just had their first kiss not even an hour ago and now she was lying on his bed completely naked. She’d been imagining this for far more than a few hours though. It was definitely not a fleeting thought… well it wasn’t to her. She hoped Harry felt the same.
“Oh! Yeah!” It occurred to him how lame it must’ve been that he was just sitting there looking at her and he quickly shed his left over layers too. Now they were both naked, and still just staring.
“This is okay with you right?” She drew closer to him again, careful not to touch him until she was sure that he also wanted this.
“Yes.” He thought she was bloody insane to even ask him that, but he wouldn’t say that to her (at least not right then).
That was all she wanted to hear, (Y/N) kissed him again, but this time it was different. It was full of anticipation and desire and their lips just moved together instinctively, because they were both too focused on the feeling of their bodies being pressed together.
This time (Y/N) didn’t have to pull Harry on top of her, this time he carefully laid her down and hovered over her. The tip of his cock brushed against her core and he was worried that he’d lose it right then and there. She whimpered and raised her hips to meet him. Their eyes locked and there wasn’t a need for words to ask permission or any questions. They both knew this was exactly what they wanted. Harry reached between them and drug the tip of his cock across her folds, his eyes closed when he slowly began to press himself into her.
Immediate pleasure washed over Harry and to put it bluntly it was far better than any late night with his hand. (Y/N) felt it too, not quite as intensely as she was still adjusting to the foreign feeling of being so completely stretched by him. The thought alone made her shift her hips. He was trying not to give into the desire to just completely ruin her, the thought had crossed his mind more than once if he was being honest and now that he was presented with the actual opportunity he was doing his best to be a gentleman.
“Harry,” He had always enjoyed hearing her say his name, and this was no exception. It was at least 10 times better when it came out more of a moan than an actual word, “Move already.”
He grunted a bit at the order, but obliged nonetheless. He pulled out slowly and then resheathed himself in her again. Each time a little faster and every little whimper or moan that came from her lips egged him on ever more. It didn’t take long for the somewhat uncomfortable feeling to completely disappear and soon her weak noises became a little louder. Harry would’ve been happy to have her screaming his name, the noise echoing through the hallways, but she was right. Her father was in the other room, as well as other people who would not approve of their display of affection.
“We have.. To be.. Quiet… remember?” His sentence was broken up by the thrusting of his hips, unable to find enough concern to completely stop his movements. Knowing he was right (Y/N) roughly kissed him. She wasn’t entirely sure that it would keep the noises at bay, but it was the only thing that she could say would have the potential to work at the moment. She was getting close, she could feel something like a spring in her body being twisted tighter and tighter with every thrust and then POP. A wave of relief and pleasure erupted through her body and a moan that sounded more like a strangled sob was let out. As cliche as it sounded, it completely undid Harry and he held her close, his face buried into her shoulder as he found the same pleasure she did and his hips stilled.
“That was my first time.”
“Mine too.” He answered honestly.
“We’re pretty good at this.” She let out a quiet laugh as Harry pulled himself out of her and collapsed on the bed. She laid down beside him, her head resting on his chest.
“Honestly… I think we could go for a bit more practice.”
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Heyo I’d like to request a cake pls 🍰 Okay so I’m 5’4” (she/her), average body but kinda curvy lmao. I got brown eyes, light brown middle-length hair with bangs. Apparently I’m an INTP but also reaaally down to go out and party whenever possible. Also I’m the crackhead friend, funny, weird/dark humor, loyal, kinda arrogant whoopsie, realistic but I like to dream. I take care of my friends but I also love watching them do crazy shit. Also I’m the kinda friend that is always right about suspicious guys or fake friends. When you come to me for advice I’ll tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to. I’m absolutely stubborn, a perfectionist but sooo damn lazy so these things collide badly. I’m a sarcastic bitch and if you can’t handle some roasting or jokes I’m not the kinda girl for you. I’m a hard forgiver (really ugly trait of mine) and I’m the kinda person that when I forgive, I’ll never forget. I’m usually pretty shy in public or let’s say quiet because strangers don’t interest me. I love the friends that I got but I am open for new aquaintances. When you get to know me I’m absolutely crazy. I will show you my love mostly through actions not words. That’s also why I like to receive actions more than just some “i love you”. Text me, send me a meme that made you think of me, those kinda things. I looove going out and being drunk but most of the time I prefer to be alone or stay at home. Then I mostly watch anime, netflix, draw, play video games, read sth or idk just chill with friends. I mostly fall for the funny/tough guy and don’t need a sensitive boy. Sorry kinda long but well, hope that’s okay ✨
Ok so your my guinea pig for a new layout, hopefully this makes my hc a little more organized. Enjoy!
🍰 for @nozraelart
Romantic Matchup
Kuroo Tetsurou
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How yall met
Ok so you're in a lot of his classes
And yeah he thought you were pretty
But what really drew him to you was the things that would come out of your mouth
Like one day he just walked by your desk and heard you say
“All I'm saying is what if your getting choked all you need to do is say harder daddy and they'll stop”
Mans almost spit out his drink
So one day he was shocked to see you in the gym talking to the coach
Obviously, he was curious so he went over to investigate
Turns out you were going to be the new manager of Nekomas Volleyball Club
You grew quite close to him during practice which then transitioned into becoming closer with him after practice too
He asked you out after like 3 months of you managing the team
What they love about you
He loves your humor
Like yeah the dark jokes catch him off guard sometimes
But he thinks they're still funny
He loves how sarcastic you are
He has never been able to find someone who can take his jokes with a grain of salt
And not only are you able to do that but you're able to throw a jab or two right back at him
He loves that you're what he calls a “realistic dreamer”
Now don't get him wrong he's all about people having dreams or the future
Its when those dreams are very unrealistic when he gets irked
Like if someone said their plan for the future was to win the lottery and just live a happy life
Kuroo would be like 😐
But you don't do that!
Whenever you tell him about your dreams they’re very achievable and he loves that you know what you can achieve and what you can't
What you love about them
You love that he can handle your humor
Some people have heard your jokes and just decided to stay away from you cause it was too dark
Or some people have ditched you because they got sick of your teasing
But not Kuroo!
Once again he loves your sense of humor and he wouldn't change it for the world
You love that Kuroo does things to show you he loves you
From what you said it sounds like your love language is acts of service and/or receiving gifts
So lucky you Kuroo if the perfect boyfriend for that
He does little things like help you with school, help you reach something on a high shelf, he even helps you with some of your managing duties!
He also buys you things
Stuffed animals
You name it he’ll buy it
Favorite things to do together
Oml he's always down for movie nights
He loves nothing more than cuddling with you on the couch and watching movies
He also loves to just sit with you and read
Ok but have you seen him with glasses 👀
And this last one is more of a group activity but he likes to play video games with you and Kenma
Random Hc
He bought you this necklace
He likes to send you memes
They don't even have to be romantic
He just likes sending memes
He helps you get ready for parties
And by that I mean he makes you put on a fashion show and he helps you decide what outfit to wear
He confessed to you with the classic love note
Friendship Matchup
Kenma Kozume
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How yall met
Your Kuroko's gf so naturally you became Kenmas friend
But before he knew you as Kuroo's gf he knew you as the manager of his team
He didn't really care for you at first
Until you showed some interest in video game
Then he got to know you and realized how cool you were
Why you became friends
You saw him playing his switch at a training camp
So you decided to go see what he was playing
He was playing animal crossing and for some reason, he had what looked like Kuroo in a cage???
You: “Hey I have that game back home”
Kenma: oh … that's cool
You: Is that supposed to be Kuroo in the cage
Kenma: Maybe...
You: His hairs a little too neat here try this
He handed you his switch and when you gave it back Kuroo's avatar had the craziest hair the game could offer
Oh yeah that was the start of a glorious friendship
What yall love about each other
He loves that you encourage him but don't push him yk
Like if he's practicing a little harder you'll tell him that he's doing a good job
But you won't say things like oh you should practice like this all the time
He also likes how you tell Kuroo off for taking his games >:)))
You: Kuroo give him back his switch
Kuroo: But y/n he needs to eat
You: He is 16 I think he can take care of his basic needs
You love how low maintenance Kenma is
Like if you ever need a friend to just chill with Kenmas your guy
You also love that he's not the most social person either
So if you two ever go out together at least you'll always have each other to talk to
Random Hc
Now even though Kenma seems shy
When it's just you two mans is a CRACKHEAD
And even if you told someone how he really acts they would never believe you >:(((
Your favorite game to play together is Mario kart
But be aware that this game can get a little...violent
He lets you help him dye his hair
And if you ever want to dye yours too hell help
You guys pick fun of Kuroo CONSTANTLY
Kuroo rn 🥲
32 notes · View notes
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Manako’s PTSD: The Hero Training Test: 2/2
ZombieMan didn’t know why, but she got the distinct impression that the monster was apologizing for something more than her breakdown. Regardless, he wasn’t about to let his coworkers see her like this, so he took an alternate route to Doctors office.
“Oh dear.” She said the moment she saw ZombieMan with an injured monster passed out in his arms. The monster had a death grip on him even though she’s asleep.
“Testing accident ended up triggering some sort of flashback.” ZombieMan explained. “She didn’t recognize me, and asked if her gang is ok.”
She thinks that I was Mikey and asked if Foapy,MooMoo And Vend was ok.
“Strange…” Her brows furrowed before she turned to tend to his injuries. Manako was barely able to tear the monsters from his arms, and when he did, the she whimpered lightly.
“Mmm She seems very attached to who ever is making her feel safe.” “That’s probably because Saitama always has Bright Light in his pouch.”
“I have to inform the other minister about this development.” He sighed. “Call me when she wakes up. If she’s still in the flashback, I should be able to bring her out of it unless Caped Boldi is here.”
“Right. Thank you for the heads up.”
With that, ZombieMan closed the door behind him. Ugh, today was mess up already. He shook his head. He still had to deal with SweetMask. But first, he needed to inform the other Staff of the now obvious PTSD that Manako had. Ask how Saitama deal with her all the time.
He sent off a quick text to his coworkers. Luckily, it was most everyone’s free period, so Silver Fang, Agoni, the Bearded Workers, The Branch Operator, Bespectacled Workers and Console Operator were all in the Staff Room. He’d have to inform Sekingar of the situation later.
“ZombieMan ? What’s wrong, I thought you were observing the heroes?” Sekingar eyes flashed in concern when he noted the dust and blood on his outfit.
“There was an incident. SweetMask disobeyed a direct order and used an attack of lethal force on Manako.” The room stiffened. “She’s fine. Somehow Bright Light managed to dodge the collapsing building , but her leg got hit pretty badly. She’s in the Doctors Office, now. But the attack triggered a flashback. I was only barely able to pull her out of it.”
“A flashback?” Silver Fang asked in concern.
“She was talking about hearing ‘Mobs’ nearby, and her eyes were tracking invisible enemies. Bright Light was so quiet I almost didn’t find her. But she seemed to recognize me as someone else.” His brows knitted together in concern.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Sekingar asked.
“That’s the thing. She called me ‘Mikey’, and only reacted when I called her by her given name.”
“That’s… strange.” Agoni conceded.
“She also asked about ‘Foap’, ‘MooMoo’, and Vent’.” ZombieMan looked at Silver Fang and Sekingar, She came back to herself before she passed out, but if anything happens again and I’m not around, I think you two could manage to pull her out of a flashback if Saitama is not around, also maybe King too but he’s outside with the other heroes.”
“That’s actually very concerning, having to have Bright Light call me by her friends name.”Unknown scratched her head.
“Do you two know her outside of Hero Work?” Silver Fang asked.
“Yes, we befriended each other after I helped her down from a tree.”
(Manako was being bullied and got hang by a tree, while Child Emperor ask ZombieMan for help.)
“I think we should all keep a closer eye on her. Any idea what specifically triggered it?” Staff A asked.
“Ah… maybe I can answer that question.” TG said, coming into the room. ZombieMan glanced at the clock—it was already the end of the day. “Before the start of the match Bright Light came up to me and confessed that she had bad reactions to crashes and loud noises. I assumed Bright Light was uncomfortable, and said that she was going to talk to Mike or Saitama at the end of the week about it. She wanted to switch partners, but…”
“But you made her face SweetMask anyways.” Silver Fang pinched the bridge of his nose.
“How irresponsible.” Agoni tutted. “Didn’t you read the Hero’s Handbook?”
“Handbook?” TG questioned, causing the entire room to groan.
“Here.” Zekingar chucked the handbook almost hitting his face. “Certain staffs or Ministers is required to have that memorized before even setting foot in a Hero Training Test Room or some certain kind of Office .” He crossed his arms.
“Page twenty-five talks about what to do when a Hero who’s suspected of having a traumatic experience in the past confesses a possible trigger.” Zekingar stated dryly, sending TG a mild glare of his own. “In short, you excuse a hero from the situation that could re-traumatize them, and inform their homeroom coworkers privately before informing the rest of the staff.”
“In this case, you would’ve given her a different opponent and kept a closer eye on him while she observed SweetMask’s fight.” Silver Fang stepped in. “Immediately after the test, you would’ve informed me or someone else of the situation, before I informed the rest of the staff to prevent re-traumatizing her.”
“Yeah. Oh.” ZombieMan sighed. “You can apologize to Bright Light later after Miss.Doctor and Saitama have cleared her. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a rebellious brat to discipline.” He paused in the doorway. “Silver Fang , I think you or Zekingar should go see if Bright Light is okay. She’ll probably respond better to you two than anyone else right now.” He sent them meaningful looks and the two smiled.
“I’ll go. The Little monster is growing on me.” Silver Fang grinned, heading out the door, closing it behind him with a soft click.
“I’ll inform King” Silver Fang sighed.
“Thank you.”
Time Skip
ZombieMan sighed as he watched SweetMask leave the office. His punishment was light, in Agoni’s opinion, but there wasn’t much they could do for a 1 S Class Hero. So he’d be on restriction for 3 weeks. Allowed to participate in his concert activities while attending Spas when ever he likes.
He looked up when the door opened. Child Emperor had wanted to speak with Manako regarding the incident, and had Flashy Flash and Silver Fang accompany him up to the office. He was bandaged, and had a light scratches, but looked fine otherwise. He looked a little tired, but that was probably from the stress of the crumbling building while Flashy Flash tried to save both of their lives.
“You feeling better?” ZombieMan asked, and the monster nodded. He didn’t miss the way kid relaxed when he saw Manako sitting there. The boy was unusually attached to Bright Light, and once of his life he couldn’t figure out why.
“Welcome, Child Emperor. Please have a seat.” ZombieMan motioned, and Silver Fang stood to leave.
“A-actually, You three can stay if you want?” Bright Light spoke up, and Flashy Flash sat back down. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t curious. He saw the expression mirrored on the other two heroes’ faces.
“I understand that you had quite the experience today. I wanted to apologize for you getting hurt.” ZombieMan said.
“Oh, that’s not your fault. SweetMask’s always has a strong hate towards Monsters off handedly. “I’d have to be more careful if I’d had new who I was sparing, but that’s my fault for not doing my research.”
ZombieMan stared. This monster is surprisingly mature.
“Either way,” Silver Fang, handing a cup of tea to the monster, who took it gratefully. “I’d like to know what exactly triggered your flashback earlier. To prevent any future setbacks, and to keep you on the right track, you need to inform us of any major trauma in your past.”
“W-wait… you mean I’m not getting kicked out of the Hero Association?” She blinked in shock.
Child Emperor startled. “Of course you aren’t.” He stated. “Bright Light, nine out of ten heroes have PTSD or something similar. It comes with the job. To disqualify a hero hopeful for something you’ll likely get anyways is illogical. But we can help you with it before Saitama picks you up.”
She relaxed substantially, and Flashy Flash wondered if that had been weighing on her this entire time. Was she worried about Saitama getting worried?
“I’m sorry. I just…”
“It’s okay, Bright Light . We’re here to help you.” Silver Fang spoke up, and Bright Light sent him a small gentle smile. There was a tinge of sorrow there, though, and he noticed that Manako’s hands are shaking grasping her outfit, like she’s trying to not feel uncomfortable or Nervous.
“I… Part of it is collapsing buildings that reminds me of collapsing caves sometimes. And the smell of decaying bodies… and unfortunately, the burning smell of used TNT 🧨 and whatever else was in a cave mines happened to smell similar enough to, um… well… a building or loud noises and screams but that barely triggers me sometimes.”
Dead bodies?! Child Emperor stiffened, along with the other heroes. What kind of situation had this Monster been through? As far as he knew, The Monster Association must have mess up Manako a lot…, and also the part that it’s hard to find good information or records indicating anything about Monster Association.
Though it was possible that something had happened during that time where the whole world didn’t know about the monsters existed and then no one bothered to document it due to her being a Monster status in the current society. As much as Silver Fang hated it, some people just didn’t care about the civilians monsters who was not part of the evil Monster Association. Also the part that 3/100 monsters are evil instead of good ones like Manako, good monsters barely exist.
“Mostly, the biggest thing is silent or being alone when I don’t feel safe.” She spoke quietly, and Silver Fang noticed it now. He shifted in his seat. He did that in Hero Meeting, too. The monster was always making some kind of small, quiet noise. “The silence with the following creepy sounds or threatening sound are the worst. They tend to scare me or send me into…”
“Flashbacks.” ZombieMan finished for her.
“Yeah. So you saw that?” She winced.
“Yes. Nobody else did, But you did call me Mikey thought.” Manako flinched lightly.
“I-I’m sorry, sir. I meant no offense.”
“I’m not offended, just curious.”
The look on the Manako’s face told him that she was embarrassed, and ashamed. But her eyes told Silver Fang a different story. Grief, regret, anger, loss. The emotions were overwhelming and Flashy Flash looked away, feeling like he was violating some part of the monster privacy just by reading Manako’s eyes. It’s not a open book 📖 but he did catch a few things from that look.
“Can you explain what kind of experience brought on this trauma?” ZombieMan asked gently.
“I…” The monster looked out of the window beside Child Emperor for a moment, and ZombieMan was briefly afraid that she’d fallen into another flashback. “I lost some humans or Monsters very dear to me. It when the Monsters Associated found out that I was being friends on the enemies side… there was this terrible silence afterwards…” She gently touched her right arm. “I’ll never forget that screams. I had to choose to ditch the plans or continue plan B since she wanted to distract the others, but…” Manakos hand clenched, and ZombieMan knew what had happened. Manako had been forced to choose between two options that were precious to her. Likely, if Manako had stayed and ditch plan B and try to help the other, all of her gang would be dead. This Monster was way too young to have an experience like that. To have to make that kind of choice…
Child Emperor looked ready to cry, and Silver Fang looked heartbroken. Even Flashy Flash looked mildly disturbed, though he quickly masked it before Manako could notice.
At the very least, Bright Light already had what it took to be a Hero/Sidekick , of that ZombieMan was now certain. Not many people could even make that kind of choice. Flashy Flash took a moment to digest this information.
“Thank you for telling us, Bright Light.
Are you getting help for your trauma at least?”
“I was going to go visit them in the end of the week, after the test.”
“Good, you’ll start those meetings tomorrow during your free time, then.” ZombieMan smiled. “Now, on to the topic originally scheduled for today—the Hero Test.” Manako relaxed almost completely.
If Silver Fang hadn’t seen how tense she was a minute ago, he wouldn’t have suspected anything. It was like she flipped a switch. Manako was way too good at hiding trauma. Looked like the staff needed to up their game.
Before he can say anything else someone Knocked the door 🚪.
“Can I come in? I’m here to take my friend home.”
“Yay! Saitama your back!
Manako ran up and jump to hugged 🫂 Saitama in happiness.
“It’s nice to see you again Saitama.” Silver Fang said in relief.
“Bye everyone!”
Saitama put Manako in his pouch and left with a wave 👋.
“I wanted to know how did Bright Light got that Smoke Screen Bomb.” ZombieMan said in disappointment.
The End
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
REQUESTS ARE OPEN YAY! You lovely being you❤❤❤ I know it wasn't on the prompt list but.. could I request Bakugou and his crush going rollerskating/blading for a first date? Anyways have a wonderful day🥰
Don’t worry prompt lists are just in case you’d like it from there. I take regular too! Please enjoy! And NO UR THE LOVELY BEING!❤️😤
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*Ding dong*
Bakugou rang the doorbell to your home waiting for the door to open. When opened he was greeted with your younger sister. She said nothing but stare at the blonde
“Uuh, your sister home?“ he asked not knowing what to say
“Y/N! Your boyfriend is here!“ she called out as she walked away from the door. A blush creeping up his cheeks, then hearing your footsteps come down the hall
“Can you be a little polite once in a while?“ you come to door and put your shoes on. You wore a crop-top, with ripped jeans and sneakers. He was never really a fan of dresses and all that, but you knew how to rock a pair of jeans. Once you turn around he sees you wearing very light natural make up, not that you needed any.
he wore his signature black T-shirt and jeans. He also got a sweater with him just in case we got cooler at night.As simple as his outfit was he really looks good in it. the way his shirt hugs and defined his muscles really did catch the eye.
You smile at him “Ready to go?”
“Y-yeah, let’s go” he stepped aside to allow you to come out. Bakugou didn’t know how to interact with you. He wanted to so badly but he sucked with words, especially nicer ones. You had been his crush since the sports festival. You only won two rounds but your fighting was intense and smart. He thought it was the hottest thing ever.
On top of everything else you were also beautiful, and smart. He never told anyone but you were exactly his type. It took a lot of courage to ask you on a date without cursing. He had made you a bento with a note that said
“Go out with me........please....”
Not only was the attempt cute but his cooking was amazing! By the end of the day when he was about to walk home you walk up to him. You give him a smile and have him back the same note. You walk away and let him open it for himself
“Okay :)”
Walking down the street you weren’t sure how to start the conversation. Instead you asked
“So, what’s the plan?”
“Huh? Oh uh, a new roller rink opened up and I thought it would be fun to go there”
Your eyes widen to what such a fun place come form him. You’d expect something like paintball, or an arcade. Instead you get something pretty wholesome.
You made it to the roller rink after about a ten minute walk. The smell of new shoes and rubber fill the air. The music beating through the air and into your ear. You follow Katsuki inside where he was being tended by the worker. You watched as other people glided across the floor, almsot like magic. They were so graceful almost as if they were flying.
Then it hit you and your smile fell.
You couldn’t skate. You start to panic internally. You had just ruined the date all on your own! He was being so sweet and selfless tonight and you screw it up! Damn it!
A warm sensation pulled you from your thoughts. You look to It’s source in your hand and see his in yours. You eyes shoot up to his
“You okay? You spaced out a little” he asked leading you over to the bench. You sit next to him as he slips on his skates
“W-well um I didn’t want to say anything but I um...can’t skate” you mumble the last part
“What? I didn’t hear the last part”
You sucked up the courage and said “I can’t skate” bluntly looking at him. He had the straightest, monotone face you’d ever seen. He stood up and offered you his hand
“You could have said something sooner but I guess I could teach ya” he said with a blush creeping on to his cheeks. You bite your lip and take his hand, carefully you stand up. You grip on his hand was like a toddler holding his mother while learning to walk.
He takes both hands in his as he skates backwards. Now Bakugou had a serious face but deep down inside he was screaming with joy! He was finally holding the hands of his crush. She was blushing and was looking cuter than ever! He doesn’t even recognize himself, but that’s okay.
“How ya feeling?” He looked up you as other pass you both.
“Um a little shakey” you chuckle. He thought for a moment as he switches to your side. He intertwined his finger with yours and he whispered
“Just hold on” he felt your hand grip his a bit tighter. He smirks to himself feeling as though you wanted him to protect you.
As you glide across the wax floor you made small talk. You spoke about your favorite hobbies, inspirations and hopes. You hadn’t realized that your hand had separated from his.
“Wait really? That’s your fear?” He asked a bit shocked
“Yeah, I know. Usually people see me and think that I’m confident in my studies but truth is that I have a fear of failure. I can’t stand to speak in front of people and have a bad reaction. I get all shaken up and nervous. Ugh such a mess!” You exclaimed, an embarrassing glow in your cheeks appeared. 
You both clicked so well you didn’t want this night to end. After skating for a while you both exit the rink and hand in your skates. There was a photo-booth and you couldn't resist. You pull him inside and sit down, the first two pictures only you smiled which disappointed you a bit.
Once the timer for the last two started he pulled you into his side and gently smirked.That one had to be your favorite. 
The next one came as a surprise. He gazed at you, taking your chin between his thumb and index finger, and kissed you. the kiss lasted even after the flash had gone off. You were dazed from his actions also how gentle he was in the kiss. 
But he pulled away seemed like it was only due to the world. He cooked one side of your face and stroke your cheek bone with his son. He had never seen him this gentle or soft. It was strange and new, but it you liked it. 
He must have noticed your stare he cleared his throat “it’s um..getting late. I should take you home“
“Y-yeah maybe we should“ he takes your hand i his and you make your way back home. It was now sunset, and the sky was a beautiful orange, golden color. The cool breeze ran through your hair and gave you a surreal look.
Bakugou felt his heart pound against his chest, his blood rushing through his ears. Was this the feeling when you’re with someone? He stops for a second to take his sweater off and wrap it around your shoulders
“I saw you shaking before, just keep it” he says bluntly. You feel your chest full with warmth and happiness. Were you finally the person to break through his cold persona? Possibly
You made it to your doorstep where you waited for the door to be answered. You face him and smile up at him
“I had a lot of fun today, thank you” he looked to the side not wanting to blush more than he is already
“Y-yeah, let’s uhm... do this again sometime” he turned to leave but stopped himself and turned.
He pecks your lips and takes his leave. You niggle deeper into his sweater as you head inside. Your heart full and happy
I hope this was okay!❤️
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xzhonglis · 4 years
(Part 2)
Summary: Short drabbles about the many times Octane fell for Wattson during the games and out of the games. Rating: K-T Relationships: Octane/Wattson Tags: Fluff, Humor, Octane being dumb, Wattson being a cinnamon roll 
The second time Octane fell for Wattson was when he saw her tinkering on her pylon, the static causing her hair to stand on end, a concentrated look on her face. She’d never looked more breathtaking. 
It was quiet in the halls, his daily stroll taking him anywhere and nowhere, the need to move driving him on. The silence allowed his mind to wander, his thoughts circulating around the blonde. Their conversation was quite comical considering they’d never really spoke before she knocked him senseless, him commenting on her strength, her blushing up to her ears. It was the adrenaline, she had said, hands covering her face. Even though it was muffled, Octane had heard her and he answered with a laugh, “Keep tellin’ yourself that, mi amiga!”
A loud clatter startled him, halting his steps. Peering around the corner, Octane noticed the familiar pylon sitting on a table top, the sparks popping around the metal. A curse was heard, the scientist appearing behind the table, frustration clearly etched into her normally soft features. “I don’t understand what the problem is…” Speaking to no one in particular, Wattson sat down in one of the many chairs in the lab, fingers massaging her temples. 
The mechanism itself was a mystery to Octane, having no idea how her brilliant mind came up with such a contraption, he just understood what it did and how it influenced strategies in the Apex games. “Wait!” Her voice rang out, causing him to jump as she quickly stood, screwdriver and wrench in hand. The beaming smile that was on her lips caused his heart to momentarily stop, eyes trained on the lithe figure before him. How he had never noticed her beauty before, he wasn’t sure, but looking at her like this was something else. Silently, he watched her work, interested in all of the twists and turns in her movements, lip bitten between her bottom teeth. Definitely beautiful. 
A loud pop was heard, Octane immediately becoming concerned at the brightness of the static shock that was emitted from the pylon. He was about to step in and check on her when she popped back up, an excited squeal escaping her. “That does it!” With a clap, she sat the tools down, watching as the electricity was freely escaping the machine. It seemed Wattson had finally fixed it. It was then that she noticed his presence, a friendly wave sent his way.
“I wasn’t aware I had a visitor,” he heard in her thick accent, hands clasped in front of her in a signature fashion. 
“I was just takin’ a stroll and I heard somethin’ interesting so I came to check it out,” he responded, hand gesturing to her handiwork. 
“Oh! I see. After the last fight, it got damaged pretty badly so repairs were required.” Wattson was still smiling at him when the machine crackled once more, the static electricity letting itself become known as it caused her normally clean kept hair to stand on end.
Not being able to help himself, Octane laughed as the blush flew to her cheeks, her hands coming up to try and tame the unruly mess. “Does that normally happen? It’s quite… shocking?” His attempt at a joke was lame but it caused her to relax and laugh with him. 
“Well, sometimes! It just depends on the severity of repairs that have to be made.” Giving up on her hair (at least until she switched the pylon off), Wattson now gave him her full attention. 
Honestly, she looked adorable like this and he couldn’t help but smile, even though she couldn’t see it behind his mask. “The hard work sure pays off, amiga. I’d never be able to make somethin’ like that.”
The honesty behind his compliment brought her heart a flutter, her flush darkening ever so slightly. “Thank you,” she murmured, shifting her weight on her feet.
“Silva, yer gonna be late for lunch! Where are ya hidin’ this time?” Lifeline’s voice echoed down the hall, causing them to both look for the source. 
Seeing her approach, Octane shrugged his shoulders, “Guess I’ve been found.” A giggle was his answer, Wattson shutting off her machine just in time for the medic to stop in front of her lab. 
“Whaddya doin’ here? Bothering her again with yer nonsense?” Hands on her hips, Lifeline sent him a scowl.
“No, he was interested in my work.” Wattson stepped in then, smiling softly at the red head.
With a disbelieving look aimed at her childhood friend, Lifeline let the subject drop, “Ya, sure. Let’s go, Silva, before ya get into trouble.” Turning to go, she let them be, making note to ask him what was really going on.
“Ah, well, I guess I’d better go or she’ll be draggin’ me by my ear next.” With a nod, he turned to go, a wave sent over his shoulder. 
“See you!” Wattson waved in return even though he couldn’t see it. There was a certain lightness in her heart from their encounter and the smile never once left her face.
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jenomark · 5 years
sorry i wasn’t specific! slutty sleepovers for 127 😩
Taeil: You were on your bed, your body naked and vulnerable, open wide for Taeil to see everything. His eyes were lit up but struggling to take in what he was seeing. “Is this what you meant by a sleepover?” he asked. Taeil sat down on your bed. He lightly touched your ankle and rubbed the soft skin there, as if saying you were safe in his hands. “You’re gorgeous.” he said. Though it was quite late, Taeil looked more wide awake than ever. He rubbed his face before getting closer to your body. It wasn’t unlike Taeil for him to worship you in any capacity. You loved the attention, the loved he poured all over you. He touched your inner thigh deftly, making sure you were nice and open before he dove between your legs. “Baby.” he said before his lips were on your pussy. He kissed every inch of your labia and took his time doing so. Taeil sunk his fingers into you, his eyes only looking up to make sure you were enjoying yourself. His pink tongue parted your lips before moving up to meet your clit. The shock from feeling his wet mouth there nearly made your knees knock together. “You’re so cute.” was the last thing he said before he ate you out for over an hour, his lips and tongue not slowing down for a moment. 
Johnny: “We’re doing sleepovers now?” he asked. You shut his door with your body. The smirk on your face matched his. You approached him lying on his bed, his hands patiently waiting in his lap. “I don’t know,” you said. “Why don’t you tell me, Mr. Seo?” You made it to the end of Johnny’s bed without caving. You really wanted to jump onto his cock and ride him wildly, your body torn in two by how rough he would be. Yet, there was something about the patience that thrilled you. “Maybe we should just sleep tonight. Me in the bed, you on the floor,” he said. “ I don’t think I can trust you in my bed.” You lifted his blankets to peek at what waited for you underneath. Johnny smiled as you climbed onto his bed, ducked below the blankets and made your way to him. He was naked, his strong thighs parted for you. Your mouth found his skin. You kissed him delicately, your hands traveling up the sides of his body. Johnny cursed, but it sounded more like a hiss coming from between his lips. “Well, hello.” you said. Johnny’s cock twitched as you breathed on it. He lifted the blanket over your head and away from your face so that he could see you perfectly. You saw how his tummy glistened with his own arousal. “Maybe we should just go sleep.” you said. Johnny took his cock and rested the tip against your lips. You opened your mouth enough for him to slide himself in. “I don’t think so.” he said.
Taeyong: He didn’t sleep when you slept over, but he liked having you with him. During the early hours of the morning, Taeyong wrote lyrics while you slept. Occasionally, he would peer over at you to make sure you were still breathing. You were often his inspiration, but he would never tell you that to your face. “Lay with me.” you said. You woke up sometimes, your eyes hazy, the smile on your face enough for him to fall deeper in love. “In a little while.” he said. There were times when you won. Taeyong set his pen down and rolled over to hold you. You welcomed him with a kiss and a light touch of your fingers on his bare back. You stroked his skin and he buried his head into the crook of your neck. The early morning felt so still in those moments, as if the whole world stopped except for you two. Taeyong moved on top of your body and kissed your neck, your chest. You rose up to feel him against you. His hand gently pushed you back down into the mattress. Taeyong’s mouth was on yours when he sunk his cock into you. You wrapped your legs around him and felt how warm he was inside of you, how confidently he moved to meet you again.
Yuta: “I bought these for you,” Yuta said. “Put them on.” You were always like a little dress-up doll for Yuta. He liked buying your clothes, especially couples outfits. You pulled the pajama shirt over your head. When you stepped into the pants, he watched as you slid them slowly up your legs and over your hips. “What do you think?” you asked, spinning around. Yuta’s face was beaming. “Beautiful,” he said. “They fit you nicely. Now, let me take them off.” Yuta stood in front of you. His fingers brushed against your breasts on purpose, as he found the hem of the shirt. Your nipples were hard and you could see them poking through the thin fabric. Yuta bent down and took your breast in his mouth, his spit forming a wet patch on the shirt. “Just beautiful.” he murmured. He tugged the shirt over your head and dropped it on the floor. Yuta got down on his knees to remove the pajama pants he had bought for you. He hooked his fingers in the waistband, but before he pulled them down, he sunk his head into the space between your legs, his nose resting against your clit. You held the back of his ponytail and rocked your body gently into his face. The look he gave you when he finally made eye contact was dangerous. Yuta could barely get the pants down past your knees before you were trying to pull him to bed with you.
Doyoung: “Show me what you do before bed.” he said. You started to laugh. Doyoung’s eyes widened. “What?” he asked. “Don’t you have a nighttime routine?” You laid back on his bed and got comfortable. Doyoung watched you attentively. You could tell he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut, like a good boy. “Are you sure you want to know?” you asked. You rested your hand against your tummy, your fingertips underneath the waistband of your pants. You never intended the sleepover to go this way, but the sexual tension between you and Doyoung had to be rectified somehow.  “Yes.” he said. His voice was shaky and not confident. You started masturbating as you normally would, but you made it a little more dramatic. You arched your back, moaned louder, and kept looking over at him to make sure he was watching. “Touch yourself for me.” you said. But Doyoung was already three steps ahead of you. His cock was in his hands, and he was stroking himself to the visual of you pleasing your pussy. You laid side-by-side for awhile, just masturbating with each other. You came first, your body shaking from the pleasure. Without regaining your energy, you rolled over and gripped Doyoung’s cock along with him. The wetness from your pussy made your fingers glide over his tip effortlessly.
Jaehyun: He said he wanted you to stay over for the night, but he wasn’t making any moves. Jaehyun sat in his bed playing his Switch. He was focused on the game, his tongue jutting out between his lips as he played. You crawled towards him and bent over his body. “Five more minutes.” Jaehyun said. You cupped his cock in his pajamas and let your fingers fondle him. The smile on Jaehyun’s face vanished. You could see his tongue gliding across his top teeth as he tried focusing. “I can’t wait five minutes, Jaehyun.” you said. You removed your bra and touched your breasts. Feeling like you weren’t getting the message across, you straddled Jaehyun’s lap so that your breasts were staring him in the face. Your hands went back to massaging his cock. “Ahh,” he said. “So you want to play this game?” You played with the waistband of his pajama pants before pulling them down to reveal his neat pubic hair. “I don’t see why you’re the only one who gets to play games. “ you said. You moved down his body and laid across his legs. You took Jaehyun’s cock out of his pajama pants and put his length into your mouth, your eyes on his the entire time. Jaehyun let his Switch fall out of his hands the moment he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat.
WinWin: “You could stay here for the night.” he said. WinWin’s face was blank, but his eyes were full of emotion. Still, you didn’t want to inconvenience him. “No,” you said. “It’s okay, I should go.” As you made a move for the door, WinWin’s hand was on your wrist. Both of you looked down at the soft way he held onto you. “Stay.” he said without looking you in the eyes. You dropped your bags and kissed him. WinWin put his arms around you and pulled your body tightly against his. You tugged at his lower lip with your teeth. The kiss was so passionate and sloppy that you knew where it was heading. There was no talking and no thinking. WinWin took your wrist again and pulled you towards his bedroom. You took a piece of clothing off every few minutes of the make-out until you were in your bra and panties. “I’ve waited a long time.” WinWin said. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, you listened intently. You climbed on top of him. “I won’t make you wait any longer.” You rubbed yourself against his briefs until he couldn’t take it anymore. WinWin flipped you over on your back and felt how wet you were. When he leaned up to take his cock out of his briefs, you shimmied out of your panties and spread your legs so he knew exactly how needy you were for him.
Jungwoo: You watched him wash his face clean. He kept a headband around his head to keep his hair from his face. You marveled at how cute he looked, his hair fluffy, his skin pretty. “Your turn.” Jungwoo said. You followed him, bending over the sink to wash your face. Jungwoo’s hands were on your ass as you were bent over, lifting up your nightie to reveal your pretty panties. He slid his hand between your inner thigh, the softness of his fingers giving you the chills. You spread your legs so that he could get at your body more easily. Jungwoo’s fingers went underneath your panties and rubbed against your pussy lips slowly, his thumb resting against your asshole. You turned back to look at Jungwoo, and he was watching his own reflection in the mirror, his pink lips parted slightly. From there, everything moved fast. You wanted him badly. You turned around, and Jungwoo’s lips were on yours immediately, his big body pushing you against the wall. Your ass was in the sink, and you were holding onto the sides for dear life as his mouth ravished yours. It was ironic that you were getting clean before bed just to get dirty again. Jungwoo hitched your nightgown up your thighs and moved your panties to the side. He fingered you without stopping, his long fingers drilling you without mercy. He smiled when you straightened your legs out, your hand clamping down on his wrist as he made you come.
Mark:  “Do you need anything?” Mark asked. You sat on his bed. It felt weird being in his room, and it definitely felt weird asking your friend for any favors. Mark was nice enough to let you sleepover his house for the night, even going so far as to offer up his bed. Though you originally declined, Mark wanted to make sure you were comfortable. “I’m okay.“ you said. Mark gave you a small nod before flicking off his bedroom light and shutting the door behind him. You laid back on his bed. The sheets were soft and smelled just like him. You pulled his blankets up to your chin and rested your hand against your stomach. Being in his bed felt so intimate. You couldn’t stop imagining how he would masturbate before sleeping, his fist pumping his cock until he came. Gradually, your hand went a little lower, sliding into your underwear to feel yourself. You closed your eyes and went at it, masturbating to the thought of Mark. As you were getting ready to come, you opened your eyes and realized that the lights were on. You leaned up and saw Mark watching you from the doorway. “I came to get my pajamas,” he said. “It looks like you came, too.” You began to feel embarrassed, but before you could take your hand out of your pants, Mark came over to your side and asked you to keep going.
Haechan: You didn’t want to have sex because you were on your period and didn’t think he would like it. Haechan respected your choice, even though it never bothered him. You fell asleep for a little while in his bed, your legs tangled up in his. You woke up through the night because of cramps, looking over at his serene face while he slept. As if connected to you, his eyes fluttered open. He took a few seconds to reach your eye contact, and in those few seconds, you realized just how much your body hungered for his. Haechan grabbed your hand underneath the covers and held it, rubbing his thumb against your palm. “Kiss?” he whispered. You let him pull you to him, your body settling against his ribs. The kiss you gave him was sleepy and soft, at first. As the kisses grew more fervent, you swung your leg over his and placed your pussy against his clothed thigh. You grated your body against him, rocking slowly back and forth, the thought of your period erased from your mind. Haechan had let go of your hand and was letting his hands roam all over your body as you dry humped him.
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kazbrkker · 4 years
Chapter 7: Bloody Reunions
Chapter summary: Time to get the Wolf. Alexis conducts interrogations like the badass she is, but sometimes it sucked being that good at her job. (Protective couple... you don’t even have to squint.)
Warnings: Misogynistic POS, emotional detachment, blood and violence, mild graphic detail of torture. (4490 words... i went hAM lol)
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28 October 2019, 0630 "Alexis" and "Alex" | Codename Aces CIA with Demon Dogs Rammazan, Urzikstan
   "Place is a freaking morgue."
Judging by the piles of stacked bodies on the medical beds, it was a justified statement. Morgue might be an idoneous word for hospital. The patronising smell of death bypassed her as usual, but not the disturbing scene of unnaturally still bodies.
The handiwork of Roman Barkov.
There was a twisted satisfaction when Alexis shoved another magazine in her M4A1, knowing one of these bullets had Barkov's name mentally carved into it. She couldn't wait to see it lodged between his eyes.
"Check the bodies..." Sergeant Griggs ordered. The Marines and both CIA agents warily slithered along the occupied stretchers and medical beds—hoping none of them was sleeping with a gun.
It was a gut-wrenching sight. Bloodshed and raw injuries everywhere they turned. Not even sure if those alive should be considered lucky.
Suddenly, one of the civilians bolted into a sitting position, making everybody on edge. Frantic shouts and language barrier only escalated the chaos. Not willing to see another dead body, Alexis interjected in mediocre Arabic, calmly demanding the man to lay back down.
"More than a pretty face..." She looked distastefully over her shoulder, the Marine didn't bother wiping the smirk off his face and instead, shamelessly winked. Revolting, but she merely rolled her eyes, though a much younger her wouldn't hesitate to deck his face.
Gender discrimination in the military was a blast. There came a time when a heavy chip weighed down her shoulders—excruciating, yet she thrived under it. Often, some misogynistic meathead would challenge her.
Emotional, weaker, probably a lousy spotter, wouldn't last a week in the jungle.
Eventually, they all ate their words.
Alexis broke through every damn glass ceilings she went: the only female recruit in her company, made Lieutenant, then transferred to JSOC's Task Force Black. Impossible was understating things.
Her unconventional transfer to Task Force Black was a statement in itself. It finally felt like she earned it. Though she loved 88, the CIA was a nice change of scenery, where there were lesser suffocating males with inferiority complex and women were actually appreciated.
Five years later, such remarks were a humourless punchline to her. On the contrary, Alex fantasied how good Demon 1-2 would look with a bruise on his face. In the shape of his rifle stock.
Truthfully, even she considered shoving a middle finger. The weather was hot enough to vaporise her and having a tactical vest strapped against her sweaty body, was not it.
Things changed when another civilian to their 3 o'clock pulled out a gun targeted at the uniforms. While everyone was still busy hollering around, she shot a precise bullet between the hostile's eyes.
With a thud, the man fell off the stretcher.
The female agent scoffed, returning a satirical wink of her own, "Stay frosty, 1-2." He tripped around his words in shock, until Sergeant Griggs forced the gratitude out of him.
Well. If the Universe wanted to send it her way, who was she to reject it, right? She shook her head at the inevitable smirk on Alex, a subtle one hanging on her lips too.
It was a shame that the peace was ephemeral, by this time, several of Sergeant Griggs' men went radio silent. She religiously trailed behind Alex. They pushed further into the hospital, only to be met with a minigun.
"Mini my ass," Alexis laughed nervously as bullets sprayed inches away from tearing her abdominal—because of her ballsy move to switch covers.
"Holy fucking... Okay! Don't give me that look, Alex!"
She thanked the Heavens that Alex's yells were muffled over ricocheting bullets. Several smoke grenades later, Alex sniped the gunman and lo and behold, they finally reached a heavily chained door.
Score, imagery confirmed the Wolf was inside.
It was her job to clear the room while Alex secured the Wolf. Her index finger pressed lightly against the trigger, swallowing the adrenaline that dangerously swirled inside her. Upon Alex's signal, they sneaked in and hid behind messy shelves. The visual of the three missing Marines came into view, with one held hostage with a knife against his throat as the Wolf filmed another propaganda video.
"Check... Five hostiles."
"Affirmative. On my mark," Alex replied. A split second later, he tackled the Wolf from behind. His men's reactions were quick, but her years of muscle discipline was borderline supernatural.
"Clear!" Griggs rushed to untie his men. "You two good?"
Alexis nodded, tightening the zip ties uncomfortably around the Wolf's wrist. She began examining his body language, hopefully finding nibs of his tells to use against him in interrogation later.
Omar Sulaman was strangely calm for a man with a foiled plan. There was slight reluctance in his steps, but still, silence.
"Saint to Watcher, Wolf is in the bag."
Her voice was a stark contrast to the boyish tones that surrounded the room—earning the Wolf's attention, who made the bold decision to turn around abruptly.
"What are you doing here, daughter?"
Alexis felt the entire world's gaze burn into her side profile, equally as confused as the lot. She shrugged and walked away.
Inwardly, the interrogator inside was thrilled. The Wolf was in for a helluva surprise.
28 October 2019, 2100 Sakhra, Urzikstan
The air-conditioned room in the embassy was a godsend, not a word of complaint as the cold air blanketed her. Alexis, Alex, Farah and Hadir patiently waited for Price's arrival.
When Alexis expectingly popped a piece of mint gum, Alex knew. Though it didn't take an expert to discern the ominous aura around her. Alexis hadn't said more than what was necessary in the seven hours since they captured the Wolf, busying herself to study the Wolf.
Alex was smarter than to cut in between. Like Alexis said, she was damn good at her job. Interrogation was one of her most valued expertise, perhaps arguably why the CIA wanted her so badly and the reason why JSOC refused to let her go.
There was a secret to her tactics—compartmentalise. Alexis sat opposite the Wolf, gaze cold as ice. It was a chilling sight even for Alex.
Unscrewing his bottle, Alex greedily rehydrated himself, still observing Alexis. The grittier bite in her tactics was certainly noticeable. He guessed it had something to do with her incident. Having been captured once or twice, that was the closest Alex came to ever understanding her.
Sometimes Alex swore he never got her back.
Physical detachment was a given while she was... compartmentalising, although the rising situation gave him no choice. A shiver ran down his spine as he tapped her shoulders. At the slight arch of her eyebrows, "Bravo's three mikes out."
Alexis blinked slowly in comprehension, not realising Alex's first announcement shot past her. She nodded methodically, the metal chair screeched as she got up. She charged determinedly to an isolated hallway and slipped down against the wall, burying her head in her tucked knees. Despite the rapid intakes of breaths, it didn't suffice.
She loathed every single second in interrogations. Doing the Devil's work, she thought. The irony in this situation was her call sign. For someone called Saint, she didn't know anything else more normal than this.
Saint wasn't a moniker given to her because she was virtuous, innocent or some shit like that. Hilarious to think that, for its darker origin.
Every time she conducted an interrogation, she had to subdue the gag-inducing hypocrisy. How could she, after St. Petersburg?
The reports claimed it was a miracle she survived. Fuck that, what did they know.
That birthday was memorable, to say the least. He had even arranged something special that faithful day—nothing said happy birthday! more than electrocution.
152 days.
"ты прекрасна, ангел... (You are beautiful, angel..)"
"Fuck!" Her eyes shot open, desperate to let the ugly fluorescent light blind the image. Autonomously, her fingers scratched wildly across her arms. After a particularly deep breath, her head fell against the wall and like clockwork, she exhaled all her anxiety.
She was too good at pretending.
It was her desire to stay in solitude longer, but the shrilling embassy siren obviously had other plans. Doubling back, she found Alex at the doorway already looking for her.
"The Butcher and his men are about to breach. We need to leave, now." She peered into the room, barely seeing the tinted glow of the fire outside. Noticing the rising blood clots and angry red streaks on her forearms, Alex clenched his fists to restrain himself from reaching out, knowing she would only flinch. So, he settled for a hard swallow of his saliva, "Follow me."
Price's voice rang in their ears, "Saint and Echo 3-1, primary extraction failed. We're down on the roof."
"Understood. What's the call, Captain?"
"There's a saferoom in the basement. Head there. We'll be right behind you."
When they reached the basement, Alexis basically scrambled to the CCTVs for a sitrep–she had half a thought to join the sweep, eager to rid the hypocrisy from her systems. Eternity later, or in reality, twenty minutes later, their backup arrived.
The SAS Captain squeezed her upper arm in greeting. Lucky for her, it was where the bullet had previously scraped her. Price clapped Alex's back while glancing at her patched-up injury, "That fast, huh?"
Missed you too, old man, she thought, rolling her eyes as a response. Her coldness confused the Captain, eyes darting to Alex for an answer. He understood when Alex cocked his head at the Wolf.
"Let's move. Clock's ticking."
"You heard her..." Price ordered the Sergeant to direct the Ambassador secretary to safety and the rest headed to the parking lot. While Price and Farah went to retrieve the Ambassador's secretary, the two CIA agents stood guard at the car park entrance.
Under the flashing red coat of the emergency lights, there was no mistaking in the comfort Alex's concerned nod brought her.
It was apparent that Alex was her anchor. But in this state, she couldn't bear to look at him for long, internally disgusted by herself. All these years, she was petrified to ask if he was repulsed by her hypocrisy.
Then, she felt the hesitant touch of a coarse, large hand. She accepted it immediately—much to Alex's surprise. Their fingers intertwined secretly in the dimly lit hallway. Her eyes had long adapted to the darkness, able to witness Alex looking down at her and just like that, a sense of serenity flowed through her.
The unreadable expression on his face was a stranger to her in all their time together. Under the magnetic allure of Alex's gaze and the soothe whirring of his touch, it felt like they were worlds away from a war zone. Until gunshots unforgivingly interrupted.
She immediately retracted her hand.
Afterwards, the group slotted the obtained garage keycard. They fought through waves of Al-Qatala soldiers in low light, courtesy of the lacking streetlights.
The Ambassador's residence was no sanctuary either, as another wave of AQ fighters drew closer. Afraid the rising situation might delay their timeline, Price ordered her to start interrogations immediately. Her heart jumped at the unexpected news, suddenly thrown in the ring.
Hadir and Farah sent nods of encouragement before running out the residence. Price, despite raging at Laswell through the comms, mustered one last small smile for her.
That left Alex, who looked equally worried as her. Wordlessly, he tapped at the base of his neck. She understood instantly, feeling the cool metal of his dog tag against her skin. Obviously they had airtight obligations to not carry personal items, zero accountability and all, but it was Alex. She had corrupted him enough to not give a fuck.
The dog tag was nothing informative, only a simple 'X' carved messily from Alex's kitchen knife. Useless to her enemy, but deadly if it was ever pried from her neck.
It was a matching set. She mysteriously woke up with it after that night with Alex. His way of saying they'd always have a piece of each other.
With one last longing look, that unbeknownst to both of them—burned their insides, Alex left her alone with the Wolf.
Her immediate observation? The Wolf was talkative.
It didn't faze her—narcissists simply could not shut up. Past thirty minutes, zero words retaliated and the Wolf was still going on.
Please. She wanted to yawn. Her legs swung restlessly while she sat on a table, undermining whatever authority the Wolf thought he had. The folklores he told in his grandiose sense of self-importance was vexing but valuable.
He hated women in combat. She learnt that when he tried to recruit Farah and even her, just minutes ago. Omar Sulaman thought women were weak.
As he rambled on, she almost failed to suppress a scoff. A woman wielding more power was his stressor, this meathead would be even easier to break.
"You have killer eyes," The Wolf said, tone switched from persuasive to intimidating. He exhausted everything—telling stories of what Barkov's men did to "weak" women, trying to scare her into his protection. Alexis hadn't bothered reacting, which pissed him off.
Victory surged past the fog of irritation inside her. She had conditioned the Wolf by staying quiet, truly a personal achievement. His narcissistic tendencies were itching to get out, evident from how he was desperately reaching for straws.
Alexis reached for her stripped vest and carelessly dug around for a plastic bottle. Popping the lid open, she chucked a mint gum in preparation.
It was time. Clouded by anger, he'd make mistakes that she would catch.
"Somebody hurt you."
She couldn't resist a huff at his eleventh-hour tactics. So the Wolf was now gunning for her emotional side? Fine, she'd bite.
"Don't act like you know me."
"Oh, child... I know more than you think. The look in your eyes, fear..." The Wolf paused, smirking arrogantly even at her mocking smile. "You put a great act, daughter. But I've been around longer than you... seen more."
"I bet... Because what makes a freedom fighter wake up and decide to switch sides?" Alexis circled him in pretence thought, "Money?" Noticing his jaw clenched, she pressed on it. "Power? That's why you made those videos?"
Alexis interrupted at the sounds of his protest, "Surely freedom fighters must not pay well. Maybe you got sick of that and switched?"
"I didn't switch sides! I was always on the right side."
"And what side is that?"
"The winning side," He snapped, "This occupation will never end if we hold sympathy for others."
A narcissist with a saviour complex, laughable. Alexis returned to stand in front of him, the grin ever present on her face. "But you didn't deny my claims—you want money and power."
The Wolf wanted to charge at her but was tied by the restraints, heavy creases in his forehead as he snarled, "No! I am saving Urzikstan!"
"Murdering people is saving them? I know people just like you, hiding behind a cause. After you kill Barkov, you will only start your own regime." Alexis chuckled darkly, "I'm not gonna let you do that. Don't bother holding out, nobody's coming to save you."
"Is that what you tell yourself?" At her strained expression, he continued, "If I die today, I die a hero. You? Your death will be meaningless, a secret." He continued laughing, "You Westerners... Busybodies, you have no business here. The price for that is death–"
He paused, not because of her killer gaze, but as if something in him clicked, "You have no family... That's why you are here." Loud waves of laughter escaped from the man, like he figured it out. And fuck, he did, word for word.
Alexis must have reached Nirvana or gained enlightenment, shocked by her restrain to not blow Omar Sulaman's brains out. She dare not move a muscle, refused to prove him right.
"When my men come, and they will. I will spare you, kill everybody but you. Maybe even make you watch that young man who loves you so much. Then, you shall know fear, child..."
That was it, her trigger point. Blood red. Hot flashes of anger. Picturing Alex's dead body was enough to chuck everything up. The wrathful voice inside her absolutely shattered her restrain, no longer concerned with not letting the Wolf gain an edge.
Alexis bit.
In a flash, she tipped his chair behind and roughly circled a hand around his neck.
"Don't. You think you know fear? You don't know shit until you carve your name on a disgusting brick wall with your bloody fingernails because it was the only way anyone would know what happened to you." Alexis spat, eyes boring at the choking man rendered helpless under her. "So don't fucking talk to me about fear, old man."
When the Wolf thrashed around to breathe, she waited another three seconds before releasing him—the once tipped chair landing wobbly with a sharp shriek. Her sudden outburst gained a new terror visible in the Wolf's eyes. No longer the delicate soldier his sanctimonious mind painted her as.
"Now," She slapped the invisible dust off her hands, tone bouncing scarily fast to normal. "Where is the gas?"
"I... I don't know."
Sighing, she wiped the sweat off her forehead and asked again. Still receiving the same reply, "And I don't believe you. Nothing escapes the Wolf. Someone stole the gas and you knew about it..." Alexis abruptly paused, fingers tapped against her forehead, "No, wait. You made a deal. Help whoever steal the gas and they promise to help you chase the foreign powers out?"
His silence was abundant.
There wasn't a tinge of remorse when her fingertips glided along a screwdriver.
"Since you have been here for much longer... You know this next part." As soon as she wiggled the screwdriver between her fingers, Alexis had him in the bag. The slight twitch under the Wolf's right eye was his tell, fear. Alexis witnessed it when she choked the living hell out of him.
Too damn easy. She should dress a big fat red ribbon across him right now.
"And since you know me so well," She gestured between them, "You definitely know that I'm a big believer in second chances. Right your wrongs, blah blah. I'll give you second chances. Many more, actually, I'm pretty generous... But I'm not sure if you can take it." With that, she ruthlessly stabbed into his left thigh, a devious smile spreading wider with the increased intensity of his screams. The metal tip squelched when she dug around.
"The gas?"
"I... Stop!" The Wolf bellowed in pain when she yanked it out, sprays of blood following. For someone called the Wolf, he had an embarrassing low pain tolerance.
She tilted his chin up, pleased as she surveyed the sweat that broke. "Here's your second chance. Third is when I snap your femoral artery and hang you for all of Urzikstan to see you bleed out. Your legacy will be a joke."
"Y–You can't do that..." He shook his head weakly, eyes blinking in pain. "Everyone will know the Americans are here... You'll be buried with me."
Reducing to eye level, she smiled wholeheartedly, "I'll make sure to dig a grave big enough for us both. Last call... Your third chance is coming," Alexis taunted, nodding towards the electrical screwdriver—witnessing the fear shudder across his body. "Where is the gas?"
She came so close to breaking him, practically seeing the words trying to tumble out of his mouth. Literally a blink later, a truck wildly crashed into their room, crumbling the house's weak foundations. Jerking to a standing position, she instantly reached for her sidearm and fired.
At least five men exited the truck, spraying bullets that forced her to tuck her body behind the slim profile of a cupboard.
They had AKs and she had a handgun, do the math.
She hurriedly pressed her comms, "I lost visual on the Wolf!"
Her instincts wrangled between fight or flight, seeing that she was severely outnumbered and the door was literally on her left. But the morality in her warred on. Suppressed under heavy fire, she still had no visual of the Wolf, but assumed he was freed by now.
She yelped in surprise as a painful tug tossed her out into the open. A burly man wasted no time to attack her. She barely raised her Glock 21 before he swiftly grabbed her wrist and pressed the magazine release button.
He wanted to reach for her Glock's slide lock before she elbowed his jaw, making him stumble backwards but made a quick recovery. He threw her into the metal table and she lost the grip on her gun.
Alexis' back arched painfully across the table, hands scrambling for purchase to rid the tightening hands around her neck. She weakly tried to pry in between his arms, but her lungs burned from the depleting oxygen. Fingers scrambling to poke his eyes and finally mustering enough strength, she sent a cheap blow to his nuts. He hunched over just enough for her to inhale loudly.
Seeing that, the Wolf's man started firing again.
She kneed him in the gut, put him in a chokehold and propped him up as her shield. The man's body jerked in reaction to every bullet he received.
Her ears picked up on the distinct sound of M4A1s approaching closer to her location. The Wolf motioned to leave, dust spluttering her way as their truck wildly reversed, with the Wolf grinning victoriously in the passenger seat.
"We will meet again, daughter! And your lovely man."
He left her alive. Like he said he would.
Miraculously still breathing, the man in her grasps used this distraction to tug on her legs. Seconds later, she felt a splitting pain in her head.
She was on the ground when she reopened her eyes, hazily feeling a wet sensation drip down her temples. The pain mirrored a wave, boggling inside her. Black spots started to consume the edges of her sight.
No no no.
From her blurry vision, she managed to squint out something glimmering in her 12 o'clock—she assumed a knife or her god damn screwdriver coming back to bite her ass.
Not like this.
The shuffles of dragged footsteps echoed in her brain, almost a warning from her body. She blindly saw the shift in light source, presuming he was walking towards her.
Incoherent words tumbled out, forcing herself to speak so she wouldn't pass out. Shaking, she pushed her upper body off the floor and stretched for her fallen sidearm...
That one bullet in the Glock's chambers was still waiting.
More blood flowed messily down her head, further impairing what was left of her vision.
Muscle memory dictated the rest—the grainy grip of her Glock, index finger looped around the trigger.
Alexis prayed when she fired.
At the assuring sound of a body collapsing, so did Alexis.
Price was the one to spot her.
"Clear!" He burst open the door, finding a jarring hole in the walls and an unconscious Alexis laying beside a dead man.
"Shit," Kyle said from beside him. "Is she breathing?"
Price shouted for Alex and the man instantly appeared beside him. Careful not to move her unnecessarily, two shaky fingers checked Alexis' pulse, Price felt his heart threatened to burst out.
"She's alive."
No one heaved louder than Alex. They examined her injuries, a large gash splashed across her right temple that hopefully a few stitches would solve. But her unconsciousness was troubling.
"How long has it been?"
"More than a minute..."
"Fuck, we need to do something!" Alex yelled frantically. Please, please, please wake up. Her chances of a brain injury increased by the seconds. Fuck! He should have stayed with her, why didn't he stay?
His hands gently cupped the sides of her face, feeling an onslaught of tears starting to form amidst the rising stuffiness in his nose. As his light-blue jeans was tinted a carmine red, he decided this was his fault.
Alex jerked at the mention of his name.
"Let me clean her injuries..." Farah coaxed, a cloth that reeked of disinfectant in her hands. Alex reluctantly shifted, kneeling beside her laying body and watched Farah dab carefully, venomously demanding her to exact more care.
"Alex," A powerful grip tugged on his vest, lifting him to his feet to meet John Price. "Ease off. Let Farah and Hadir do the work."
"She will be fine, trust me." Price chuckled to himself, "Unbelievable. That woman is still an excellent shot." He whistled lowly, staring at the man with a fatal shot to his heart.
Price said with a knowing look, "Clear your head, son."
"Yes sir," Alex exhaled, going to retrieve her fallen comms set on the floor.
Seconds later, Farah yelled for them. The two men doubled back, finding Farah holding Alexis down from wiggling about. Alex heard a groggy mumble of his name.
"Alex..." Alexis repeated, head rolling around despite the yells of protest. "Where..."
"Here! Here! I'm right here. You need to stop moving, baby." Alex skidded to her side and held her outreached hands. His eyes raking over her as if he had the superpower to mentally check her wellbeing.
A weak grin formed at the realisation that he was alive, breathing and right before her. "The Wolf... He... The escaped... He... car... men."
"Shhh, we'll get him," Hadir tried to pacify her while handing Farah a clean cloth.
Ten minutes passed before she started making sense and was fully conscious. Though the pounding in her head was enough to last a lifetime. Her eyes averted to the dead man.
Jesus, the pain...
"Alexis." Price sternly warned.
"Get me up... I'm fine... Don't be a pussy."
Carefully positioning her to sit up, she weakly laid against Alex's chest. The man could care less when her blood seeped into his shirt—evident as he steadied her head against his own, refusing to let her move it wildly.
Staring at her bewildered teammates, she hazily slurred: "Well. Don't all of you look like shit."
a/n: i really went with the "i'm injured and my lover finds me and cradles me in my blood" trope and y'know what. y'all are welcome ;) btw sry for the late update... i edited this chapter 17 times lol i was so insecure about it. thanks for waiting lovers!
taglist: @flyboidameron​​ @wanderlustgiant​​ (wanna be tagged? lmk!)
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 2: Before the Fall [WARCRAFT M/M]
Kinktober Day 2 Prompts: Tickling ~ Spanking ~ Chastity belts Fandom: Warcraft Tags: Exophilia, m/m,  tickling, spanking, chastity device, dom/sub themes Pairing: Go’el (Thrall)/Anduin, Thrall/Jaina (mentioned)
[Author’s note: I kind of struggled with this. I couldn’t really think of a good idea, all day I stressed over what to write. Then my addled brain was like “but what if something that would get you legit straight up murdered” and unfortunately my friends encouraged this. So now here we are. I am not sorry, I am never sorry. Also the switching of names from Go’el to Thrall was on purpose. Also I haven’t slept yet so it is still technically day 2]
Everything changed when Varok had shown up and dragged him back into a war he wanted no part of. The elements had abandoned him, his relationship with his family was strained on the best of days. Perhaps he was taking too much to heart, but Go’el had not wanted any of this. How had it all come to this, how had everything gone so wrong. The only commonality was himself, and that required some inner reflection he wasn’t quite ready for. 
Now he was working alongside the Alliance again, alongside Jaina. There was a name he never thought would cross his lips again. They had parted badly some time ago and the flame he had felt for her had all but died out. Yet here, in this handful of moments, there was a small rekindling of that flame that he had a hard time ignoring, and it did not go completely unnoticed. 
As time passed it became easier for the shaman to push thoughts of his family aside, he was needed again. No the elements were not there to aid him, but he was still strong, he could still fight. Yet that temptation remained. No matter how hard he tried to shake it his gaze lingered on the human. She was so different, so much more powerful, so incredibly beautiful. She took his breath away like no one ever had. Still, there was a bitterness and almost sour taste when he thought of her that way. Perhaps their past was just that, the past. 
Go’el had set up his tent further away from the others, once they had found a place to settle after rescuing Baine. He needed some privacy and space to think. He had never wanted to come back, especially under circumstances such as these, but here he was, playing the hero again. Would they ask him to take on the mantle of Warchief again? Could they even defeat Sylvanas? Too many questions, so much that would never be answered. 
“So I guess the rumors are true.”
Go’el turned around towards the voice that had spoken. It was Anduin, and he had the most bemused smile on his face. Though still in his youth, the boy had grown and was becoming the kind of person that Varian would be proud of. The statement confused Go’el though.
“Rumors? Oh, about the elements.” A deep sigh escaped him as he looked away. “Yes, they are true.”
“Not those rumors, the ones about you and Jaina.”
Go’el whipped around and looked at Anduin with clear shock on his face. His bright sky blue eyes wide as his mouth hung open slightly. Seriously? Those rumors were still going around. Even now. It was almost too much and the orc had to shake off the shock before he looked away with a grumble. “No. They are not.”
“From where I stand, they seem pretty true to me Thrall. Have you spent any time with her yet?” Anduin moved to sit next to the large orc a small smile on his lips, somewhat enjoying the former shaman’s discomfort.  “Oh, sorry I forgot, Go’el I mean.”
“It’s quite alright. I, strangely, don’t mind hearing that name again. It was my name for so long, even I slip up now and then.” Thrall glanced at the human that had joined him now. Curious why the young king was even here. “You are not standing, and they are not true.”
“You know what I mean.” Anduin ran a hand through his hair. “Are you sure it is alright? The name thing. I understand that you have a difficult past.”
“Yes, I am sure. I made that name my own long ago.” He huffed a strange airy laugh. “The way I see it, we all have difficult pasts.” Glancing down a bit he took in the king. “So, what brings you here besides rumors. I find it hard to believe that gossip is what drives you boy.”
Anduin frowned, he hated being called boy. Saurfang did it too and it kind of drove him a little bit up the wall. “I was already here. The planning has been started. I was surprised you weren’t there, but we are still waiting for allies to arrive.” he leaned back taking on a more relaxed pose. “That isn’t why I am here, I really am curious. How long before you think she notices?”
A brow raised up as Thrall regarded the young human. “What are you talking about?”
“I see the way you look at her, I just added that with the rumors I heard floating around, and realized they were true.” Smiling he looked up at Thrall. “How does that even work? She is so much smaller than you?”
This was too much. He wondered if the boy was sick or drunk. This was not the kind of questioning that was proper, ever, and he certainly had never been spoken to like this before. Especially from the current leader of the Alliance. Thrall sputtered a bit. “Are you well Anduin?”
Grey, stormy blue eyes met Thrall’s “Why do you ask?”
“Because this is the most unusual conversation I think I have ever had.”  The orc looked the human over curiously. “So, are you well? Do I need to get one of your aides?”
Anduin sighed and rubbed his face.  “Thrall. You know what it is like. Better than anyone here. The pressures of leadership. Always having to be a certain way, the constant judging? I thought you would understand. Do you have any idea when the last time I had an actual conversation was? Because I certainly don’t!”
Thrall’s face softened, a smile curving his lips around his thick tusks. “Ah, I see. Yes I understand. I don’t mind being casual with you, if you are certain you are ok with it. I understand that, I have made some choices and done some things that have made me less than popular.”
“I don’t mind. I still respect you. I grew up hearing stories about you. Some of them I have a hard time believing. Then there were the whispers. I was always curious. I could never quite do the math, or see how it was possible. Especially with the contempt Jaina had for the Horde for a long time there. But in these last few days, or weeks, light I don’t even know what day it is anymore.” Rubbing his face and resting his chin on his hand Anduin continued. “I have seen how you watch her, stare at her, the way your posture changes, and now I think I believe. I don’t understand, but I believe.”
“There isn’t anything to understand. I think you have this whole situation mistaken.”
“You can be honest with me Thrall. Who am I going to tell, really? Who would even listen to me? Or believe me? I just. How does it work? How do you even fit?” Anduin looked up at the large muscular orc, his cheeks slightly flushed, realizing what he had just asked. 
“I didn’t.” The answer was short and to the point.
“Is that why she is mad? Because you hurt her?”
Rubbing his face and pinching the bridge of his nose, Thrall let out a world weary sigh. “No. I mean, it never happened. Nothing ever happened between us.” Looking over at Anduin, it was clear the boy didn’t believe him. “I swear on my father’s spirit. It never went there.”
Anduin blinked. “Oh…”
“There was a time that I wanted it to.”
A deep chuckle rumbled out of Thrall, echoing out from his chest. “She is beautiful, even you can see that. It was just, never meant to be. I don’t know if I waited too long, or if the feelings were not returned, but, it never happened. I thought about it, dreamed about it, I was ready to throw the rules in the faces of my advisors over it, but I didn’t and now I never will.”
“You still could. I mean, she seems to have eased up on her hatred. She is much calmer, more balanced now. Her grief isn’t so raw. I am sure that she feels the same for you. I can’t imagine why she wouldn't”
“It is an interesting sentiment, but I can list all the reasons why she wouldnt, but I won’t because we will be here all night.” Thrall frowned looking down at his hands, then he turned to Anduin curious. “What do you mean you can’t imagine why she wouldn’t?”
“Oh, uh, well, you see. Nevermind. I guess I am just one of those hopeless romantics right?” He was clearly nervous, running a hand through his blond hair and looking away.
“That is a lie, and lies are not becoming for a king.”
“I just.” Anduin sighed. “I can just see why someone would want to be with you. That is all.”
Thrall studied Anduin for a few long moments. Watching as the human began to squirm under his long silent gaze. The shaman had perfected his patience and could wait out just about anyone. He shouldn’t have enjoyed Anduin’s increasing discomfort, but he did. Thrall wasn’t a cruel person, but there was something a little endearing about the human king and he was having a little bit of fun at the boys expense. 
When the silence had dragged on long enough that he could see Anduin about to speak, Thrall had to ask. “What exactly do you mean by that?”
“I am not sure I understand the question.”Stalling, he was clearly stalling.
“How can you see why someone would want me? I am a failed leader, the elements have abandoned me, I seem to make questionably awful decisions. What about any of that is desirable?” Perhaps he just wanted the ego stroke, but the orc was genuinely curious.
“We all make bad choices sometimes, and maybe right now you aren’t meant to be a shaman. You are still strong, honorable, powerful, intelligent, han...” Anduin realized he had lost himself for a minute there. “Handy to have around…” That was the worst save and he really hoped Thrall didn’t notice. 
“You flatter me, I do not see how I am handy though.” It was clear the boy was going to say something else,and there was really only one word that would fit. Did the human actually look at him, and orc, and see something attractive? That was strange. Orcs were monstrous, ugly, to humans. Yet Thrall was almost positive Anduin was going to call him handsome. 
That only made more questions pop into his head. Was the young king attracted to him, or did he just find orcs aesthetically pleasing in general. It was strange, but not entirely unheard of. People were attracted to many things, it was possible that Anduin just found orcs to be interesting to look at. 
“Oh, well, I mean, you are pretty handy to have around.” He felt sheepish, looking at Thrall, knowing that the orc was suspicious. “Maybe I should go.” Anduin began to stand up, but was stopped by a large hand grasping his arm. 
“Did you ask because you were curious? Or because you were hopeful?” 
Anduin sputtered at Thrall’s question and looked down at the hand that almost covered his entire forearm, and sputtered even more. “I. what do you even mean by that.”
“What were you really going to say Anduin?”
Sitting back down with a heavy sigh. “Handsome. I was going to say handsome.” He rubbed his face. “I’m sorry. I know it is weird. I didn’t mean to make it weird.”
“It isn’t weird. Well it is, but it isn’t. Some humans do find orcs attractive. Most find us ugly and monstrous, but everyone likes what they like and there is nothing wrong with it.”
“No. I meant. Coming from me. It was weird.”
Thrall looked confused. “Why would it be weird coming from you? Oh, because you are the leader of the Alliance, and I am a disgraced former leader of the Horde?”
“You aren’t disgraced, stop that.” The human huffed. “Seriously?”
“We are both male?” Anduin’s voice was a little higher and he sounded a bit uncertain.
“Why should that matter?” Thrall tilted his head releasing Anduin’s arm as he realized he was still holding onto the boy.
“Because, we, wait seriously? It isn’t a problem?”
“Why should it be. Male orcs often have partners in their youth that are also male. It mostly depends on how balanced the training groups are. Sometimes after battle an orc can often become intensely aroused. You aren’t as picky when that kind of arousal hits you. Do human males not share pleasure?” This was a curiosity. As a slave Thrall had seen many things, and he was certain he had seen males pleasuring males before. 
“They do, but it is frowned upon I guess. Especially for someone like me. I mean I’m the king. It is expected that I will take a wife and produce an heir.” Anduin shrugged. “Not that I haven’t thought about that. I do find women attractive. I just, also sometimes find men attractive too.” There was a scared uncertainty in his voice.
“Do you find me attractive Anduin?” Thrall had turned to face Anduin fulling, his voice deepening as he spoke. Nostrils flaring a bit to scent the air. 
“I..” It was hard to breathe all of a sudden and Anduin found himself feeling intense and conflicting emotions. 
“No one here but us, I am just curious.” Thrall’s voice softened and he leaned back. He was intimidating the boy.
“That doesn’t sound certain. Are you sure.”
“Yes. Thrall, I do find you attractive. I am sorry.”
“Why? Do you not want to find me attractive?” Humans were strange, even after most of his life being spent around them, Thrall found them to be complex and a little annoying.
“It isn’t that. It is just. It seems wrong. You have a wife, a family, and I am pretty sure that you see me as a child the way everyone else does.”
“I see you as young, and my having a mate doesn’t mean that you cannot find me attractive. Or that I can’t look upon others with interest. If the temptation becomes too difficult to ignore, I have ways around it.” Thrall admitted, though realized what the next question would be and he somewhat feared it.
“Um, what do you mean?” Anduin was curious. Did shamans have a way of banishing their lust, their desire, their attraction?
“That is, well a bit personal. I feel it would fall in the realm of ‘too much information’ and you would most likely regret asking once you had the answer.” Thrall laughed and shifted his position slightly.
“Well I am just more curious. So now you have to tell me.” Anduin found that he enjoyed this. It was almost like teasing, but not quite. 
“We are a bit too out in the open for me to be removing my lower coverings boy.” There was an edge to Thrall’s voice, but it wasn’t anger.
Sighing loudly. “Enough with the boy. I am a grown man, I run a kingdom, several, can we stop with that. I let Saurfang do it because he is ancient and everyone is a boy to him.”
The laugh that interrupted Anduin was loud and deep. There was clear and genuine mirth in Thrall’s eyes as he laughed and shook his head. “Don’t let him hear you put it that way.”
The interruption startled Anduin, and distracted him, but not for long. Eventually what Thrall said registered and he looked at the orc curiously. “What do you mean lower coverings? Your pants?”
“Yes, my pants, I won’t be taking them off. So you will just have to use your imagination for what I meant.” It was obvious that his words would only make the boy more curious. 
Which of course it did and Anduin only scooted closer. “Ok, now you absolutely have to tell me because I am not sure how that makes sense.”
“Not here. It would be inappropriate if anyone were to see. I am sure we would never be able to explain the situation. While orcs have no issues with nudity, humans do.” 
“No one is around Thrall. Just look around?” He knew that it would be hard to get away. He lead the Alliance. Rarely was he ever allowed to go anywhere alone. He couldn’t exactly waltz into a Horde city, nor could he easily sneak Thrall into his home. Right now they had their tents and that was about as much privacy as anyone was going to get.
Thrall did indeed glance around and saw that they were pretty far off from everyone else and no one seemed to be paying them any attention. Still it was a strange request and he felt suddenly shy about it. Not about nudity, but what Anduin would see. His green skin darkened a bit and he cleared his throat. 
“It still isn’t appropriate.”
“Are you shy Thrall? Would it help if I showed you mine?” Anduin was teasing, but it was because he had never seen and orc blush before and he was pretty certain that was what Thrall was doing.
Huffing a bit of a growl, the orc glared a bit at Anduin. “I am not amused, but I suppose you aren’t going to let this go and I would rather not drag it out.”
Shifting his belt Thrall loosened his pants as if he were going to relieve himself. It took some tugging to get his loincloth out of the way as he pulled the fabric and fur aside to show Anduin just how he helped to control himself. A large cage looking device was settled against his crotch, his thick green cock held soft and safe within. It looked like a small lock was near the top, but the device was a little hard to see with all of the leather and fur in the way. Covering himself Thrall grunted and glanced at Anduin. 
To his credit, the human managed to stay silent. Though a rather undignified sound almost escaped him at the sight of Thrall’s very large, and strangely caged cock. That was new, something Anduin had never seen before. He wasn’t sure what the purpose was. If it was Locked, there was bound to be a key. Unless Thrall didn’t have it, but that just raised more questions. He looked up at the orc, questions dying in his throat. There was something in Thrall’s eyes that gave Anduin pause and he swallowed back what he wanted to say.
“Your turn human.” It was a joke really, just teasing, anything to lighten the mood.
Thrall was surprised when Anduin began to unlatch his armor, removing the coverings at his lower half. Opening his breeches. He had even more cover to deal with and took a few moments to release himself from the confines of his small clothes. There were two things that stood out to Thrall about Anduin’s cock. One, was that it seemed decently sized in proportion to the rest of the boy, and two, he was erect. 
“It, well it isn’t as impressive as yours, but it works well enough when I have cause to use it.” Anduin was embarrassed, and aroused, intensely aroused. He had never seen anything so large, and so incredibly male, and yet also so very strange. 
“Do you have cause often? I imagine as king you are quite popular with the ladies of your kingdom.” Thrall was trying to lighten the mood a bit and not address the very obvious arousal the king had. 
“That um, no, no I have never. I mean not never.. Well.. ok never.” Anduin sighed and put his face in his hands, forgetting his dick was out and standing proud. He had just admitted, to Thrall, that he was still a virgin. 
“There is nothing to be embarrassed about Anduin. You are young, and you are king. I can imagine that you have very little time for relationships and that your aides may be a little over protective. I can’t imagine trying to attract a female’s attention when you are constantly surrounded. You have no reason to feel any shame, I worried that I made you uncomfortable.”
Anduin turned and tilted his head at Thrall. “I am not uncomfortable, and um, thanks. So.. how does that work?” He gestured to Thrall’s crotch, and realized too late how that could be taken.
“I suppose it works similar to yours. I become aroused, it becomes erect, and stimulation brings me to release.” Thrall knew what Anduin meant, but he couldn’t stop himself from poking just a little fun. 
It was interesting, how different from his own laugh Anduin’s was. It was lighter, more musical, charming really. Thrall found that the sound of the boy laughing warmed him. It was a good sight to see. All things aside, the war, the factions, Thrall had never wished ill on the boy, not even when his father, Varian, had been a thorn in his side. The orc was smiling now, a gentle kind smile. 
“Ok, I suppose I deserved that a little bit. I meant the um, cage? Is it a cage?” Curiosity got the better of him but Anduin finally tucked himself away once he realized he was still exposed. 
“That is a good name for it. It slips on, only when I am soft of course, and then locks into place. As for the key. I hide it from myself, but if there is an emergency I can break out of it. Honestly it isn’t hard to, but it helps ground me. Lets me deal with temptation. It is almost impossible to become erect with it on. Saved my dignity a few times.” Thralls cheeks darkened a bit. “I also just enjoy wearing it, though I couldn’t begin to tell you why.”
“Does it feel good? To wear it I mean?”
“Actually, it is uncomfortable, so no. Yet it also kind of does. It might be a mental thing. I am honestly not sure.” Thrall shrugged and found the blush on the boy’s face endearing. 
“You can have one made for yourself, though I have no idea how you would manage to hide that you are wearing it. Humans have some interesting clothing choices.”
Anduin shook his head as he snorted a bit of a laugh. “Don’t tempt me.”
“If I was trying to temp you, you’d know.” Thrall leaned in, his voice deeper as he winked at the human king.
It worked. Anduin was flushed and flustered. He could feel his erection spring back to life and Thrall had barely done anything. In a panic he looked around for anything to change the subject, but his eyes were drawn to Thrall’s chest. There was a surprising amount of hair there, and Anduin was tempted to touch. What did orcish skin even feel like? “Are orcs ticklish?”
“Are we what? Ticklish?” It was a strange change of subject and Thrall had to actually think about that. “I mean, our children are. I can’t say I have ever seen anyone try and tickle a grown orc though.” Thrall tilted his head, wracking his brain for any evidence that he had ever seen someone tickle an orc. He missed Anduin leaning in and barked a laugh when fingertips softly grazed his side. 
“I guess so.”
“You caught me off guard. I don’t think that counts as tickling.” Thrall could still feel the ghost of the touch on his skin. He had expected Anduin to drop it, not double down and dig his fingers a little harder into Thrall’s side. This time the laugh was completely involuntary and it turned out that yes, adult orcs could be ticklish. At least he was. 
Anduin was grinning and leaning in when he realized that he was able to make Thrall laugh and squirm. He moved closer, making sure not to push too hard, he didn’t want to cause pain. The orc’s laughter was loud and warm. Anduin loved the sound of it. 
Scooting away Thrall tried to ease the pressure on his side, it put the tent between himself and the view of anyone behind them. “You keep that up boy and I am going to take you across my lap and spank you!” It was an empty threat. Thrall would never lay a hand on the king of Stormwind. He was pretty sure he would be executed if he did. 
Not giving up Anduin moved closer to Thrall, continuing to try and tickle the orc that had moved out of his range temporarily. “Who says you won’t be the one getting spanked after this. After all, you are the one who is ticklish.”
Now there was a thought. Being spanked. Something Thrall had never really experienced himself. Yes, he had experienced beatings, but that wasn’t the same as spanking. At least not in the context that was being used here. He almost wanted to see Anduin try. “If you can actually manage to get me into any kind of position where you would have access. I will let you, just because I think it is funny. That and I know you wont.”
There was nothing Anduin loved more, than being told he could not do something for whatever reason the person contrived, and then doing that exact thing just to prove he could.  “Are you sure you want to challenge me old man?”
“Who are you calling old boy! I would like to see you even try to flip me. Which you wont because someone will see us. So even in the unlikely event that you could, you still can’t, because you wont risk it.” Thrall’s confidence sometimes got the better of him, and he missed the look that flashed in Anduin’s steel blue eyes. 
“You are old, at least compared to me.” Anduin pointed out as he looked over the situation. No one had paid attention to them for a while. Apparently the king of Stormwind chatting with the former Warchief of the Horde was not seen as strange. Thrall’s tent flap was open, and the entrance was wide. Hoping that Thrall was caught enough by surprise to not put up too much fight. Anduin surged forward pushing the orc through the entrance of the tent and wrestling him to the ground. 
The orc was heavy, far heavier than Anduin had expected and it was only due to the sudden action on his part that he managed to get Thrall mostly on his chest. It wasn’t technically a fully prone position, but it should be close enough to count, at least he hoped. The idea of actually having a chance to spank Thrall, of all people, was one Anduin could not pass up. 
Thrall sputtered, thrown off balance, and clearly shocked by what just happened. It had happened so quickly, and the strength of the young human was more of a surprise than what he had expected. Clearly, the lithe human was stronger than he physically appeared. While he wasn’t completely prone, Thrall had enough of his chest on the ground that if he was generous, he could concede. 
“Do you yield orc.” Anduin had not meant for it to sound harsh. He regretted it the moment it was out of his mouth.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you boy?” Thrall chuckled when he felt Anduin loosen his grip.
“I didn’t mean…” 
“It’s alright. You have seen enough war, it happens. I know you did not mean it the way it sounded.” Thrall moved further into his tent, waving Anduin inside. “I suppose you expect I should concede to your victory now?”
“Well, I didn’t get you fully prone.” 
“Not this time, maybe next time. Still, you did well enough I suppose I could allow it.” Thrall hated to admit, but he was a little bit excited by the prospect.
Anduin was surprised. Thrall was going to allow it. Was he joking, humoring him, it was strange to think someone as strong as Thrall would let something like this happen, to be even a little submissive, and yet he was offering. 
Moving to the back of the tent Thrall stripped off his belt, boots, and pants. Leaving just his loincloth on he sat down on his furs and waved the boy over. “This is how I prefer to sleep if I can. I can strip the rest of the way, but if someone investigates it would be easier to diffuse the situation if I am not naked.”
Anduin was hoping to see more of Thrall’s body, but he would accept this. “Will you feel it through the leather of your clothing?”
Well that was a thought. What if he couldn’t. His loincloth was thick and heavy. Designed that way on purpose to protect his more delicate area. “You make an excellent point, yet again.” Shrugging it off, Thrall was left naked before the king of Stormwind. Or mostly so, the cage on his cock probably should not count. 
It was almost impossible not to stare. Thrall cut a rugged figure and Anduin felt his arousal spike. He wanted to touch the orc everywhere. The cage was a curious contraption and it was tempting to reach out and touch it, but this was not what he was given permission to do. Anduin was nervous. He had never spanked anyone before, and now there was a big, powerful, and quite attractive orc, expecting a spanking.
Swallowing and scooting a bit closer Anduin removed some of his armor, wanting to be a bit more relaxed and have more freedom of movement. He kept his leathers on, not certain that stripping naked was something that Thrall would be ok with. “So, my lap then?”
Thrall looked almost scandalized at the thought, which caused them both to laugh. He had just assumed he would bend over and get smacked once, and call it good. This was beginning to sound far more intimate than intended. 
Clearing his throat Thrall moved closer to Anduin and awkwardly assumed the position, half laying across the boy’s lap. “I am probably too heavy for this.”
“You are heavy, but not more than I can handle. At least for a bit. I doubt you are going to tolerate more than a few strikes.”
“I can handle it.”
“That isn’t really what I meant.” Anduin raised his hand and brought it down sharply onto Thralls surprisingly shapely, and deceptively firm ass cheek. He was pretty sure his hand hurt more than anything he did to Thrall, but the noise the orc made shot straight to his cock and Anduin could not resist striking again. 
Thrall had not expected to enjoy it. While it was more of a gentle love tap, it was still pleasurable, and that was a strange thing to think. The cage was feeling tight and he had to fight the urge to squirm as Anduin brought his hand down a few more times. Each time, the strike was a little harder and felt a little better to Thrall. After a particularly sharp slap, Thrall realized he had moaned out loud and he could feel Anduin’s erection pressing against him. It was time to end this before things went too far. 
Anduin was panting, his arousal making him sweat a little as he continued to strike Thrall’s shapely ass. He wanted more, wanted to touch the former Warchief intimately. He wanted to rip off that cage and see just how big Thrall’s orcish cock really was. It was intoxicating, the feeling of power and he didn;t want to stop, but he could feel the shifting in his lap and realized that maybe things went too far. 
“I am going to move now. Ok?” Thrall sat up and kept his gaze off of Anduin’s lap. He pulled on his loincloth, needing to cover the evidence of his own arousal.
While the cage prevented him from being able to become erect. It did not stop his cock from drooling. It seemed he produced even more when he was caged and he was about to leak all over Anduin. Something he was sure he would never be able to explain. 
“Did I hurt you?” 
“No, Anduin, you did not. I just felt that, perhaps, things had gone far enough. We could still be interrupted at any moment, and I didn’t want to harm you unintentionally. I am strong and sometimes I don’t always control that strength as well as I should.”
The king nodded and smiled softly at Thrall. “Thank you… for.. Allowing me this. I felt like a real person for a moment.”
Thrall looked shocked and pulled Anduin close before he could stop himself.  “You are a real person, and you deserve everything.” The kiss surprised them both, and was cut short when Thrall pulled back realizing what he had done. “I.. apologize.”
“Don’t.” Anduin reached up, touching a thick tusk. “If you hadn’t. I would have.”
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buckyreaderrecs · 4 years
So Far Away: Chapter 4/?
Summary:  Bucky Barnes doing what he does best. Saving. Loving. In this particular case, the object of both is you. (Bonus: Bucky Barnes happy, healing, doing really well!) Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. 
Chapter 4:  Sometimes the road to recovery is x-rays and pain killers. Sometimes, it's freeeeeesh ava ca doo.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader Characters: Bucky Barnes, F.R.I.D.A.Y., Cecilia Reyes Additional tags: mostly canon compliant (Infinity War and Endgame didn’t happen, Stark Tower still exists),  possible future smut (who knows, not me), she/her pronouns, more tags/characters to be added with future chapters, hero Bucky Barnes, canon typical violence, warzone/disaster zone setting, Alpine the cat, other Marvel characters mentioned but not central to the plot Warnings: possible triggers for anxiety, PTSD, grief
Note:  Hi! I am overwhelmingly grateful to everyone who has read this story, and heard my call for inspiration. Because of you, this chapter exists, and I have a better idea of where to take this story. Thank you all so, so much. Honestly. I hope you love this.
So Far Away Chapter 4/?
Waking up in such a soft and safe environment took a hot minute. The danger was so far away from you and comfort was so close. Slowly though, your eyes opened and you tried to sit up. Sloooow mooootion. But then, pain.
You'd apparently slept off the memory of your injured hand, leaning straight onto it. It hurt so badly that you felt dizzy, then quickly sick to your stomach.
Within seconds of hearing you cry out, Bucky was at your side. "Alright, come on, darl'. Knew we should've gone straight to the doc when we got 'ere," he said, the latter statement directed at himself.
Trying to shuffle to the edge of the huge bed was exhausting. Tears began to stream down your face, running over the flushing red skin. You were embarrassed, somehow feeling it through the intense pain.
"Can you stand?"
You could, albeit shaky and holding your arm close to your chest, terrified something would hit it.
Bucky pressed a hand to your lower back and ushered you gently from the suite.
In the elevator, he called to F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Tell me someone's up in med?"
"Dr Cho is in D.C. but has left Medical to Dr Reyes,"
"Okay. Tell her we're on our way," he asked.
"Already done,"
"Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y."
Bucky turned to you, watched you struggle to keep your eyes open. He frowned, then cupped your face in his hands. The vibranium was cool.
"You're gonna be okay, Y/N. I know it hurts, but trust me - I've seen worse."
He wasn't being dismissive, just trying to pull you from the pain for a second or two. It worked; you offered him a weak smile. Bucky leaned in and kissed the tip of your nose. You could smell toothpaste. He must have been in the middle of getting ready for the day when you woke up.
'Medical' was a whole floor. Research happened in the east wing, and the trauma centre existed in the west.
Dr Cecilia Reyes was ready, waiting for your arrival. "Barnes," she greeted. "You found her then,"
"Word travels fast, huh?"
"Oh, you know… Winter Soldier on a mission to find a girl. That kinda thing gets people talking," she replied with a smirk.
Bucky liked Cecilia. She was tough, raised in the Bronx. He liked that despite her power, she opted for a relatively normal life. She was good people.
"Well, welcome," she said to you, leading you to a private room. "I'm Dr Reyes. Heard you've banged up your hand pretty bad?"
"Yeah," you managed to squeak out.
"Scale of one to ten, how bad's the pain?"
Ten. Definitely. "Uh… Eight," you lied.
Cecilia snorted. "So at least a nine then? Don't need to be tough for me," she told you, smiling kindly. She nodded for Bucky to help you up onto the bed in the room.
"I was okay last night," you said to her.
"Probably still in a bit of shock. Had a rough couple of days. Body's smart. Guess it waited to tell you it needed help," she replied.
"Should've brought you here last night," Bucky said.
"Nah, Barnes. Sleep is the great healer. She's here now. Let's see what we've got."
An x-ray, backlit and brutal, showed a broken ring finger, broken thumb, and three breaks to your hand. Cecilia told you that all things considered, you were lucky; the breaks hadn't split skin, muscle, or tendon. She set a cast on your wrist, hand, and thumb, and stabilised your ring finger by splinting it to your pinky.
"If you want, we can just cut it off and you can get one of what he's got," she joked during the process.
"Hey! Too soon," Bucky said, feigning offence.
She rolled her eyes at him dramatically. "What, like 80 years or something?"
Bucky laughed, then smiled over at you. "It's all right, darlin'," he said, noticing your expression. "If I can't joke about it, what's it good for, you know?"
"In her case, it's good for some top tier pain meds. Here - take two as needed. No more than eight a day. With food is better. And for reference, a can of Pringles does not count as a meal,"
"That felt personal," Bucky said, eyes narrowing at Cecilia.
"Your diet is trash," she told him, matter of fact.
"Firstly, once you pop you can't stop. Even I know that. Secondly, how do you know about my diet, doll?"
"Doll me again, Barnes, and I'll-"
"What?" he interrupted. "Force field me to death?"
"Joke all ya want, but it can be done."
Bucky laughed again, fondly shaking his head at her. Cecilia held back a full grin.
"Force field?" you asked, sitting quietly, letting the fentanyl you'd been given before the x-ray seep into your body.
"I'll tell ya later," Bucky said, reaching out to fold stray hair behind your ear.
"Alright, need anything else? You're not-" Cecilia started.
"Nah, nah, I'm good. Thanks, Doc. We''ll get out cha' way."
They hugged like they meant it, and she left the room.
Bucky turned to you. "I'd decorate that thing for ya, but Steve's the artist," he said, nodding at your cast.
"S'okay," you whispered in reply.
"Fentanyl working then?"
Eyes closed, grinning, you nodded slowly. Bucky snorted.
"Good. Guess we'll get some food in you then,"
"Pringles?" you asked hopefully as Bucky held your hips, helping you slide off the bed.
"Whatever you want, darlin'."
People pretended not to watch you and Bucky leave the trauma centre. It's kinda what people did in Stark Tower - pretend not to see and know what they saw and knew.
"He's got a girlfriend" someone whispered.
"No, didn’t he, like, go full hero and save her or something?"
"Think we got more to worry about than who and what Bucky Barnes is doing," Cecilia said loudly to the room. She smiled though. Good for him, she thought to herself.
Before you really knew what was happening, Bucky was handing you an iPad.
"Sit. Ubereats us something," he said.
You were on the couch, back in Bucky's suite. Looking around, you felt that awe again - floor to ceiling windows with New York views will do that. There was a light, knitted blanket over you. It seemed out of place in the modern apartment setting.
For a good fifteen minutes since returning from the medical suite, you'd just been sitting there. Bucky had waited until you seemed more… coherent, to ask you to pick food.
"You know Ubereats?" you asked, smiling, proud of yourself.
Bucky snorted. "I know I'm old, but I'm not playing-bingo-with-senior-citizens old."
You laughed and for a second, forgot about everything.
"That being said," he added, "I did live through The Depression, and I do have a super soldier metabolism… So, you know, don't skimp on the food."
You wondered what his dinner of choice normally would be. Order history! It looked like Bucky was working his way through every takeout option in N.Y. Nothing repeated.
"Burrrrrrito?" you asked.
"Yeah, darl'. Whatever you want,"
"I waaaaant… freeeesh ava ca doo,"
"That the drugs talking?"
Mental note to self: show Bucky Barnes memes.
After the order was placed, you put the iPad on the coffee table in front of you. Bucky picked it up, shot you a grin, and disappeared for a while. You did consider following him - he felt like safety. But, you were slowly coming out of the fog of fentanyl and knew tagging along like a lost puppy probably would make you feel awkward more than anything.
Bucky's voice floated through… superhero stuff, you assumed. Busying yourself with finding the remote, then being startled by F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s offer of help ("Can I help you find something to watch?"), you managed to fill the time until Bucky returned without having to really think too much. There was a feeling sitting in the back of your mind and the bottom of your stomach that you wanted to keep ignoring for as long as possible. It seemed… bad. And you weren't ready for bad.
"Alright," Bucky said, coming to stand in front of you. "How we doing?"
You smiled, nodded. His expression shifted. Sceptical.
"Yeah? You sure?"
"Ah-huh," you confirmed.
"I'm just gonna run down and grab the food. Won't be a second."
The door clicked shut behind him, leaving you with only the television to keep you company. You tried to pay attention, focus on the show. But the volume was too loud, even on the lowest setting. It was agitating, stressful even. Switching it off, you were enveloped in silence.
Calm down, you told yourself. And yet, a heartbeat was pounding in your ears. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You could hear your own organs now?!
Suddenly, you found yourself at the window, looking down at the city. How can everyone… You were thinking too fast, spiralling. But how could you think of anything else? How could everyone down there just keep going? D.C. was still burning. People had died.
Your people.
Everything - your head, the room, your world - began to spin.
Where's… Where's… Where the hell was a phone?
"Y/N," F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice alarmed you, coming out of nowhere, but not enough to make you jump. "I'm detecting an elevated heart rate. Can I help you with anything?"
"I… ah… You're just a machine," you muttered to yourself mostly. "Wait! No! Where's the phone?! I need a phone… I need to call…"
Call who? Who would you call first? What would you do if…
You didn't hear F.R.I.D.A.Y. tell you where to find a phone, or ask again if you were okay. You didn't hear her tell you Bucky was on his way up. As soon as he walked in, he knew what was happening.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., tell me next time," he said while putting the takeout on the suite's small round dining table. "Y/N," he called. He stood in your field of vision, but not too close. "Y/N? Can you hear me?"
"I'm… I need a phone," you said, voice frantic, pupils blown. "There's people…"
"We can do that. Phone's right here," Bucky told you, pulling his cell from his pocket and holding it out to you. When you didn't take it, he slid it back in and held a hand out to you instead. "Y/N, take my hand. We're gonna sit down. Don't want you to fall and break any more bones,"
"How many days has it been?" you asked, your words pushed together, the letters overlapping.
"I'm gonna come closer, okay? Coming to you." Bucky moved. When he could see it wasn't making it worse, he held on your good wrist, his other hand on your waist, and walked you to the couch. You followed along, mindlessly compliant. "It's been five days. Not everyone will be on the lists yet, but we'll call, yeah? Or, we can get F.R.I.D.A.Y. to do it for us."
You were sort of nodding, but were still finding it hard to focus. Bucky waited another few moments, watching and assessing, before deciding he needed to intervene further.
He put his left hand on your face, cupping the cool metal to your skin. Gently but firmly, he turned you to face him.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" he asked, raising his right hand.
He repeated the question.
"Three," you answered, dismissive and maybe even a little annoyed.
"Good. Now?"
"Five. What are you doing?"
"Two! What are you doing?!"
"Distracting you," Bucky said. "Making your mind work on a task that isn't just panicking,"
"I'm not panicking," you told him.
"Not now, 'cause it worked. You're still not breathing properly though,"
"I'm fine,"
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Bucky called.
She spoke, "Your heart rate is still elevated, Y/N, and-"
"Okay, I get it," you stopped her.
"Just take a couple breaths with me. Don't need 'em to be deep. Just hold them for a couple seconds."
As he called it, you took a breath in, two, three, out, two, three. You managed to do it twice before shaking your head and wriggling in your spot.
"I'm not- I just-" and you were off again, rambling about people, phones, and things you needed to do.
You went to stand, but Bucky grabbed you around the middle, pulling you down. Your back was to him, pressed to his chest, while his arms were wrapped around you. He would have let go if you fought him or cried out. But, you were limp and quiet almost immediately.
As you clung to his arms, he rested his head on your shoulder and made soft hushing sounds. Bucky waited patiently until your breathing regulated. You had closed your eyes and let your entire weight rest on him.
"I know how you feel. You're exhausted. Makes everything feel… bigger. But I promise you, it's gonna be okay," he told you, voice calm. Calming.
"You can't promise that," you replied, voice weak.
"I reckon if anyone can - it's me. Had a lot of life experience. And, got a lot of resources. Superhero perks," he laughed, trying to lighten your mood. "You trust me?" he asked, to which you nodded. "Good. So, trust me. I've got you. And right now, we've got some burritos that need eatin', and you need to tell me what freesh ava ca doo is."
Hearing the words come out of his mouth was entirely ridiculous and you couldn't help but snort. It left a smile on your face.
"There she is! Come on. Up!”
Chapter 5.
Tag list (open): @animegirlgeeky @bubbabarnes @browngirlmagic @lookalivefrosty @aynaraxas @vibraniumwitch @the–sad–hatter @grecianlune @fairislesheets 
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet.
-I started writing this up forever ago because I saw it around, figured I might as well, and then forgot. Pretty sure the original list was made by @/fairy-tail-babes, but do correct me if I’m wrong. Happy Sinday, feel free to steal.
A = Aftercare      ---Afterward, Nagito tends to be quite affectionate, if a little lethargic. He'll compliment his partner a lot, and whisper sweet and loving things in a low, soft voice. At times he comes across as a little clingy, even scared that the intimacy will end there and his partner is going to up and leave. But with plenty of cuddling, some softspoken words, and a nap, his partner is going to have one happy marshmallow on their hands. 
B = Body part     ---He doesn’t really have a favorite part of his own body. Nagito has never thought of himself as especially handsome, or especially hideous. In fact, he’s never thought about his appearance much at all. That said, if he S/O shows a preference for something (usually his hair or his eyes, let’s be real), then he will take better care of that part of him. As for his partner, he often has a strong appreciation for their hands, chest, and neck. He’ll find their hands fascinating because of the wonderful duality about them. Kissing their fingertips can be either the most chaste, adoring act in the world, or the most suggestive, with only the smallest change in technique. He loves that he can hold their hand in public around other people, but also during their most private, intimate moments. He can spend hours just watching his fingers entwine with theirs. As for the chest thing, aside from the obvious, one of his favourite places to kiss his S/O is just above their heart, and likewise, he will probably melt if they did the same to him. He considers his lover’s very life to be an absolute miracle, and the pinnacle of hope, so something symbolic of that - like their heartbeat - is comforting to him, and he adores falling asleep to the sound of it. And finally, aside from finding the curve of their neck very alluring, he likes kissing them there, and also just nuzzling while he holds onto them. It’s a very secure, comfortable place to be. He can hear them breathing, breathe in their scent, and block out the world for a little while. 
C = Cum     ---Nagito has something of a double standard in this regard. He finds his own viscerally disgusting (along with pretty much everything else about himself), but he’s very comfortable with his partner’s. He will probably go into shock the first time they swallow. He won’t hate it though.
D = Dirty Secret      ---The fact that he has a dirty side probably is his secret. He tends to assume that people will assume the worst of him, so if anyone knows he had a horny thought in his life, they’d probably think he’s a pervert, on top of being useless and stupid. Thus, such thoughts tend to come with a lot of shame and frustration for him, as does every desire for anything gratifying that he feels. 
E = Experience      ---No. Generally, he prefers only to participate in sex with someone he deeply cares for -- a preference he’d rarely ever stray outside of, and only under certain, strenuous circumstances. Between Nagito’s own selectiveness, and tendency to drive people away (either consciously or subconsciously), he doesn’t have many willing suitors. Rest assured, though, he’s very perceptive and a fast learner. It doesn’t take long to figure out what he’s doing. 
F = Favourite Position      ---Any position that allows for eye contact and plenty of touching. Bonus points if they’re close enough to kiss. He likes to look at his partner while they do the fucc, and marvel at everything about them. 
G = Goofy     ---At first, a little bit. He’ll laugh a lot as he does when he’s nervous, and may act uncharacteristically clumsy. Once he’s comfortable, it’s more a matter of what kind of what they’re about to do. Though, he’s never too serious to smile for the person he loves. 
H = Hair      ---The people want to know, and thus, they shall: yes. His hair is the same colour all over. Do with that what you will. 
I = Intimacy      ---Nagito is the type to go the extra mile to make every time special. It can honestly be a little exhausting, especially if he and his S/O already live busy lives. He spends a lot of time on foreplay, and will pour his whole entire soul into making his partner feel loved and special. Every. Single. Time. So yeah, as with all other aspects of his personality, he can be tiring and painstaking at times; but he’s always worth the extra effort. Every time with him is a whole experience.
J = Jack Off      ---Typically, something he does to blow off steam every now and again, with nothing in particular on his mind. When he starts to crush hard on someone, he’s surprised to find himself thinking of them more and more, even during his...private moments. The first time that happens, he’s surprised at how much more intense it makes everything feel, and he has to stop and take a cold shower. In part, because he wasn’t prepared for it; and in part, out of shame alone. Eventually he can’t stop himself and does finish and it’s the most intense orgasm he’s ever given himself -- only to wind up not even looking that person in the eye for a good week. His fantasies while masturbating tend to be rather benign, too. It’s more abstract sensations - like the way a person smells, or the sound of their voice - than anything literal. 
K = Kink     ---You know, the whole #letnagitogetpegged2kforever thing started as a meme on this blog. It was initially “hey someone be nice to him uwu” and gradually evolved into, “for the love of god rail him please i swear”. In case it isn’t clear, I tend to use these kind of things as shorthand for my many, many rants on how Nagito is a Good Boy and Deserves Love, like the filthy apologist I am. It goes hand-in-hand with the running joke that his kink is love and affection -- though let’s be real, nothing makes him drop his pants faster than being made to feel loved, adored, and safe. Nothing.     That said, he will jump at the chance to be f’d in the a’, all the while insisting, “you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to”. Plenty of kisses and kind words, and some light hair pulling, and he will fall to pieces. He also really, really likes going down on his partner. If his S/O is smaller than him, seeing them in his clothing and nothing else does Things he can’t quite explain. If his S/O is stronger than him, he finds he enjoys being manhandled a little or pinned, so long as they’re at a point where he’s totally comfortable with them. He enjoys teasing and being teased, and hearing whatever noises he can elicit from his partner. Praise works so many kinds of wonders. The first person to tell him he’s not actual human garbage for whom death is too good will own his soul, I swear.
L = Location      ---Bed. Yeah, I know. But it’s familiar, comfortable, and well-equipped that he can take his time and give his partner his all. 
M = Motivation      ---It’s really not difficult to get him going. If his S/O makes their intentions clear, all it takes is a few indecent words and well-placed touches, and his interest is piqued. He is very touch-starved, what do you want?
N = NO     ---As a general rule, Nagito doesn’t like things that remind him of unpleasant times in his life. Nor would he want anything to depersonalize the experience, undermine his sense of safety, or is likely to go wrong due to his luck. No pain, and as much as he might pretend otherwise, no degrading. If he actively asks to be degraded, it’s a sign that he’s too involved in his self-loathing to be enjoying himself, and it’s probably time to take a break. Nothing unsanitary. Nothing that keeps him from being able to communicate, even if he’s not very good at it. He wants very badly to enjoy being tied up, because the idea of handing over that kind of ultimate trust to his partner is thrilling. However, that’s the kind of thing that needs a lot of working up to. He’s been tied up before in his life. Didn’t go well for him.      As an aside, Nagito is, as we all know, very bad at communicating his limits, especially if he feels they aren’t shared. It will likely take some intuiting on the part of his S/O to help suss him out a little. He is how he is. But he’s trying. 
O = Oral      ---He doesn’t mind receiving, of course, but definitely prefers giving. He’s pretty good at it, too. Sometimes he’ll exhaust his S/O that way, and be quite content even if that’s all they do. 
P = Pace      ---Left to set the pace himself, Nagito tends to take things slow. Agonizingly so. He likes to make it last. Like I said: every encounter is an Experience. 
Q = Quickie      ---Quickies don’t work for him as a replacement for sex for all the reasons above - it’s just not enough time to do all the things he wants to do - but for leaving him breathless and wanting more, as a precursor to later on, they’re pretty effective. 
R = Risk      ---The word “risk” is a strange one for Nagito. Due to his luck, he can get away with a lot more than most people. This has probably lead to a share of escapades with the right adventurous-type S/Os. 
S = Stamina      ---You know, regrettably, it’s not the best, once the actual fuccing begins. He’s pretty easily overwhelmed. But what he lacks in stamina, he makes up for in every other way. He would never want to leave his partner disappointed. 
T = Toy      ---Nagito is not opposed to the use of toys, either giving or receiving. Generally speaking, he’s pretty open-minded about trying new things, and if they work out, he’s happy to incorporate them into their regular routine. 
U = Unfair      ---Yet another long-running joke on his blog is that Nagito doesn’t deserve rights because he is a bottom. And you know what? That’s fair. Most of the time, he will default to - and be comfortable in - a more submissive role. But that isn’t to say he won’t be just as gifted at, and have just as much fun, taking control of things every now and again. And for someone so polite and composed and otherwise relaxed, it’s almost disorienting how easily that switch is flipped. Nagito has a silver tongue and a strong knack for finding peoples’ weak spots. He can tease his partner for hours, and if that wry smile is anything to go by, he really, really enjoys it. What I’m saying is, Top!Nagito is very powerful and should be feared.
V = Volume      ---So, you know how it’s physically impossible for him to shut up at any given moment? Yeah. Outside of his usual rambling about how his partner is a perfect, wonderful person who he loves with all his heart, interwoven with other filth not at all for polite company, he moans and whines a lot. Especially as he becomes more and more worked up, and less and less coherent. Sometimes he will try to muffle himself with his hand or a pillow (particularly early on while he’s still self-conscious); most of the time, he won’t bother. At a certain point it may be nearly impossible for him to control the sounds he’s making, so if some quiet is needed, it may be up to his partner to find a way to keep his mouth occupied. 
W = Wild Card      ---Nagito has an intense fascination with intricate lingerie. You know, the type that has a million straps and pieces and whatnot. Not just for all the obvious reasons -- he really does enjoy trying to figure out how all this complicated clothing works, and can spend ages just tracing it all with his fingers in amazement. RIP to the S/O who was trying to rile him up to make things move faster. What can he say? It’s the puzzle-solver in him. 
X = X-Ray      ---Slightly above average. He’s not overwhelming, but nowhere near disappointing, either. Once time, an anon submitted a logical deduction that explains this in full. I fucking love this community. 
Y = Yearning      ---His sex drive isn’t too high, but it’s high-er when he’s alone with his S/O more. In case it isn’t crystal yet, sex is primarily something he uses to express the way he feels about someone, and seek the contact he’s so desperate for. The deeper he’s fallen for someone, the stronger his desires will be -- or at the very least, the more likely he is to honour them, rather than bury his need for love and pretend it doesn’t exist.  
Z = ZZZ      ---He tries. He really does. But after a long session, he’s probably too tired to stay awake for very long. It seems only appropriate to end this list as it began: with plenty of cuddling, some softspoken words, and a nap, his partner is going to have one happy marshmallow on their hands.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Glass Coughs
(Apart of the possible mini series where Anna moves in with the ladies in waiting)
TW: Themes of depression, implied self harm
Some days, Anna knows, Bessie can’t get up.
Bessie, who’s usually so headstrong, strong, spitfire, can’t get up some days.
She will lie in bed and just…lay on her side, not looking at anything but the sheets around her and the pillow next to her, curled up in a small ball and wide awake but unable to lift her head. She just stares and stares and stares and sometimes it looks like she’s dead and Anna wonders if that’s what she’s going for.
A corpse. That’s what Bessie looks like.
Anna recognizes it easily enough, now, when it comes, at least when it’s this bad, and knows what to expect. She stays in bed a little longer herself, about half an hour or so, under the covers, making sure to keep close but not quite enough to be touching. Bessie doesn’t like to be crowded, not even by her, on days like this. She’ll flinch away and snap and scratch, and that jars her out of her trance, but it leaves her bristled and in shock for hours. Sometimes she breaks mirrors. Sometimes she pulls her hair out. Sometimes she scratches Maria across the face and leaves a bright red scar across her left eye that lingers for a month because the drummer stepped a little too close to her.
When something like that happens, the mental image of “corpse” is quickly replaced with “bear”. Or maybe her favorite animal, a Tasmanian devil.
(It’s funny that a Tasmanian devil was her favorite animal. Given that the females were trapped in dens by males during mating season and weren’t allowed to leave until pregnancy was ensured.)
Anna makes sure to hum a little, even if it’s a bit off-key sometimes. It helps, Bessie told her once- helps her not get trapped in her thoughts too deeply.
Anna knows that after an hour and a bit, she won’t be helping anymore and she has to get out of bed or Bessie will feel guilty about it later, even if she won’t say anything. She knows not to rip off the sheets and probe her into getting up like He used to. She knows that, even though Bessie might not respond, she still appreciates the light kiss on her cheek and Anna talking to her idly as she gets dressed as if she is. Sometimes, if Anna is lucky, Bessie will manage a small, short smile in response.
By the time Anna is in the kitchen, it will probably be around 10:30. She’s making her breakfast in the hopes that the smell of fried eggs and bacon will manage to get Bessie out of bed. It’s worked twice before, so you never know, and she always makes extra.
She knows not to try bringing a plate to Bessie, though, because that makes Bessie feel guilty too, and she might leave it and let it grow cold before she can get up which also doesn’t help. And she knows not to force Bessie out of bed like that either.
Sometimes, she knows, she just has to rest.
But she also knows that sometimes just leaving her be is worse, makes the heaviness and emptiness grow, that Bessie, sometimes, needs a hand, even when she doesn’t say so (especially then.) Usually, around 2 or 2:30 is when Anna starts to get really worried.
She eats what she can of breakfast before leaving it to the other ladies in waiting to finish, which they will, of course. Then she goes out shopping to try and clear her head- thank god there was no show today. She didn’t want Bessie to force herself to perform, especially when a few of the songs make her uneasy and how she hates hearing about Him and how They get chances to be seen and loved but she couldn’t.
(Those thoughts scratched and scratched and scratched at Bessie’s mind and that just fed the guilt that held her by the throat. Sometimes Anna worries about it becoming to much and it completely hounds her until she’s nothing but pale strips of mangled flesh and red blood and pink shredded muscle and crimson gore.)
By the time she’s back, she has a small carrier bag of goods and it’s around 1:30. Anna drops off most of the stuff in the dining room, hearing Maggie and Maria going to snoop as they do, and hurries off to check on her girlfriend, knocking three times before entering the bedroom.
“Hey,” She says, taking off her jacket. “I was just out shopping.”
Bessie is still in bed, cocooned in the covers, but she does look up blearily from lying face-down, so Anna counts it as a little win.
“I bought a bunch of stuff,” She continues, coming to sit at the foot of the bed. “Pastries, obviously. I feel like Maggie keeps finishing them for some reason. More toilet roll. Oranges. Milk. Hot chocolate powder.”
It’s a pretty ordinary list, nothing exciting to be honest, but, eventually, Bessie’s head emerges fully and she blinks before her dull, but beautiful blue eyes finally focus on Anna.
“There’s my pretty princess,” Anna coos, smiling lovingly. She so badly wanted to kiss Bessie soft, pale lips or caress her flushed cheeks or at least stroke her unruly hair, but she knew better than to touch during moments like this. “How are you feeling?”
Bessie’s eyes move from Anna’s gaze to the crumpled blankets she’s been laying under all day. Her hands clench in the fabric and Anna knows she’s getting worked up with guilt.
“Hey, hey,” Anna scoots closer and dares to brush Bessie’s knuckles. “It’s alright. You’re okay.”
Bessie’s eyes squint slightly, eyebrows lowering and knitting together like dark thunder clouds. She stays rooted in that position for a long time and Anna finally stands up and began to go through her drawers.
“Think you can switch shirts for me?” Anna asks. “You’ve been wearing that one for three days now.”
Bessie looked down at her shirt, which was soaked with her own sadness. It was just a plain grey piece of fabric, yet it hid so much.
“Come on, baby,” Anna murmurs, walking back over. She has a shirt slung over her arm- Bessie can’t really read what it says, she just knows it’s purple. “Then you can go back to sleeping.”
Bessie didn’t move for a moment, then nodded ever so slightly and clambered out of the bed. She went for the door for some reason and Anna understood what she was doing.
Bessie is still quiet when she gets up, finally, trailing behind Anna a little like a ghost, though Anna doesn’t mind, certainly not when Bessie silently tugs at her sleeve and they hold hands on the short trek to the bathroom.
As the bathtub fills with nice, hot water, Anna shows Bessie an assortment of bath bombs she had indulgently bought while out on the shops. She mused about some that Kitty had liked and recommended back when she was living with the queens, but quickly shut her mouth. Bessie didn’t like when she brought up her past residence when she was like this- it was another thing among many that made her feel terribly guilty.
However, when she turned to see if Bessie has finally succumbed to that overbearing sensation thanks to her stupid comment, she just found her girlfriend sitting on the toilet seat, studying a galaxy themed bath bomb. It black on the outside but all rainbows and glitter on the inside.
Just like Bessie, Anna thinks privately.
“Good pick,” Anna smiles.
Bessie just barely managed a crack of her own smile.
The bath is hot, and both of them watch as the bath bomb is dropped in and begins to fizz, tiny bubbles of color rising up and gathering into a frothy foam and staining the water pink and purple and midnight blue, sparkles of gold suspended throughout the multicolored mess.
Anna helps Bessie get undressed and in the tub before going to fetch her a cup of tea and some toast, too, because she hasn’t eaten all day, even though she knows Bessie probably still doesn’t feel hungry.
When she returns, Bessie is just staring dejectedly at the whorls of color water encompassing the bottom half of her body. Silent tears are dripping down her cheeks but she doesn’t make a sound- no sniffles, no gulps of air, no whimpers. Not even her shoulders were shaking.
Even with the dark colors dyeing the water, there’s definitely a red tint that wasn’t there before. Anna sees it, but doesn’t acknowledge it.
“Hey, princess,” Anna purrs. She sat down beside the bathtub, making sure to keep her gaze up. Bessie was finally starting to let her keep her eyes open when she was naked and she really didn’t want to lose that privilege. “I made some tea. It’s your favorite. The raspberry kind.”
Bessie nodded. She lifted one hand and wiped her cheeks.
“Also some toast.”
God, she wanted Bessie to eat so badly. The way her ribs were poking out of her flesh was absolutely worrying. No fault of the bassist’s- it was the lasting effects of dying from the white plague.
(She still remembered watching as Bessie grew thinner and thinner the days she worked as her lady in waiting. She remembered how very pale and delirious she was. How she coughed blood all over her sewing station.)
(They say when she died she wasn’t even ninety pounds.)
Bessie nodded again. Her eyes are still cast down. She takes a sip of the tea and then just holds it in her hands, staring down into the saucer of dark liquid.
“I’m going to wash your hair, alright?” Anna says. “Is that okay?”
Bessie placed the mug back on the toilet seat and nodded.
“Take a deep breath, my darling. I’m going to dunk you under really quick.”
Bessie obeyed. Anna caught a glimpse of a fresh cut on her sunken in, already-scathed stomach when she gently presses her back into the water.
Now she know what the lump against her knee under the fuzzy shower mat was.
Bessie inhales sharply, almost gasping when she’s brought back up. Her eyes are wide for a moment before dulling back down. Anna assures her she’s alright.
Anna began to massage coconut-smelling shampoo into her girlfriend’s messy, greasy hair. She gently raked her nails against her scalp, something Bessie usually enjoyed when they would bathe together. It seemed to help some, as Bessie was definitely pressing her head into her hands. She smiled softly.
“Soap isn’t getting in your pretty eyes, right?”
Bessie nodded.
“Good.” Anna pressed a quick kiss to the back of her girlfriend’s neck, causing Bessie to shudder slightly. “I’m going to put you back under now, alright?”
Another silent nod.
Fifteen more minutes are spent in the bathroom. Anna talks softly to Bessie, grounding her. She washes her hair and towels down her body with a rag and some soap, then helps her out of the bathtub and into fresh clothes. The cut has stopped bleeding when she glanced at it, luckily.
The word is so soft, so weak, so strangled.
“Yes, darling?” Anna gently cups Bessie’s cheeks. “I’m right here.”
Bessie’s hands are shaking when she grips Anna’s sleeves. Tears are rolling down her face again.
“I love you,” She croaks. She’s blushing because that phrase will never fail to make her flustered. “I love you so much...”
“Oh, baby...” Anna wrapped Bessie up securely in her arms and began to sway her gently. “I love you, too, princess. I love you so so so much. And I will never stop loving you. Ever.”
Bessie hiccuped weakly. Despite being in bed all day, it was clear she was exhausted. Probably from holding everything in for so long.
“P-promise?” She chokes out.
Anna didn’t even hesitate.
“I promise.”
Some days, Anna knows, Bessie can’t get up, and that’s okay.
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messrmarauder · 5 years
sup’ share your remadora headcanons pls
i have too many, here we go!
‘amused, impressed, smitten’ happened so damn fast because they spent so much time together doing order work and she would come over to try and cheer up sirius a lot
they get on straight away, always laughing and joking and they flirt but it’s a joke, it’s a just a joke.. right?
so he was basically completely in love with her within a month
he doesn’t know it though because they’re just friends, right? and friends think about friends all the time right? like all day? and all night? and friends can’t sleep because friends winked at them at 3pm? and friends feel their heart shatter when someone subtly teases their friend about someone that may or may not be another man? and friends secretly switch shifts around so they’re on the same guard watch and missions together? and friends walk each other home all the time? even though it’s a 40 minute walk each way and its far easier to floo but if she floos he wont get that kiss on the cheek that he thinks about the entire walk home and then regrets it because its creepy isn’t it? because she’s so young? and she doesn’t know that he’ll lay in bed and think about it for hours wondering why he cares so much  but they are just friends
then one day he’s writing her a letter, about something that doesn’t matter and is definitely something that doesn’t require a letter to be sent to her while she’s at work, but he’ll find any excuse at this point. and it just hits him, he thought something to himself about how even thinking of her made his entire day and it sounds far too similar to something james had once said about lily when he was trying to explain how he knew she was the one
he panics. he panics hard. he sits for hours completely still just wondering what the fuck he can do, until he decides to write to dumbledore saying he has to leave London, he can’t face her loving someone else, he thinks he would literally explode. but he calms himself down, there’s a war, harry needs him. so he bins the letter. he knows she would never think of him like that so he feels no guilt being her friend. because theyre just friends.
and the worst part is, to her, they really are just friends. it creeps up on her slowly, rather than being hard and fast like it was for him.
so for the most part, theyre just really close friends, joking and flirting, and he’s hiding the fact he’s completely in love with her and she doesn’t know but sometimes looks at him a bit suspiciously at the things he does or says that are a bit too soft and a bit too caring. but he slowly becomes her best friend
the order can tell straight away, its pathetic, he’s a mess around her despite them being so comfortable around each other. what they don’t see is that he literally pines for her. at 35. listening to all those songs about love knowing he’ll never have it
he’s badly jealous and can get quite nasty and judgemental if she has a date or talking about her exes. he used to really like bill, they get on great and he’s a good laugh, but he doesn’t speak to him for 3 weeks after finding out he and tonks had a drunken night once years ago and repeatedly tells sirius he’s a self-obsessed prick and hints to molly that bill needs a haircut. he used to support the montrose magpies until he found out tonks used to see the current captain, they never win anyway, remus thinks it’s probably because of him
molly even sits tonks down for a strong word about ‘being careful with him and letting him down gently because none of us need a broken heart in this war’ and tonks just laughs but she does start to notice what the rest of the order sees but she thinks maybe he’s just got a little crush and that’s fine because maybe she thinks he’s cute too? maybe
she falls for him way after he has and its not as terrifying, she doesn’t even think about it. it just sort of dawned on her one that that’s what it was, the thing they had going on, it made sense 
she tells her friends about this guy from her ‘duelling team’ to secretly get advice on him 
they end up together about 3 months before sirius dies after 100 ‘almost kisses’ and cuddling in bed as ‘friends’ because ‘the other rooms don’t have heating charms’ and holding hands because ‘she falls a lot padfoot, shut up’
there’s a fight with the death eaters and they think each other have been hit so when its finally over they’re running and screaming for each other until they dramatically run into each other’s arms and kiss and its all very romantic until mad eye shouts ‘HANDS OFF MY AUROR LUPIN’ and they break away and grin at each other
the next few months are bliss and they’re rarely apart, sirius moved from teasing remus about fancying her to glaring at him and giving him ‘the big brother talk’. remus quickly tells him to fuck off but tonks thinks its hilarious.
tonks friend finds out about them because he’s visiting her while she recovers after being really badly injured in the department of mysteries. she doesn’t take it well and starts telling tonks she’s crazy etc and tonks is like fuck off then bigot
but it reminds remus of how people see him and therefore how they will now start to see her. he’d never really thought about it because he never imagined them actually being together because it seemed so unrealistic. now he’s in full meltdown mode about what he could actually give her, which coincidentally, is nothing
they fight about it. they break up. remus decides to go and spy since that’s all he can offer the world. tonks is sent to guard hogsmeade/hogwarts since she’s not fit for detective duties.
he announces in a order meeting that he’s leaving and that’s how she finds out. he says he has nothing to lose when someone mentions the danger. it just makes her angrier, that she’s sitting there loving him, but he says there’s nothing for him. she says she loves him when he leaves. quite angrily. and disapparates before he can react
he shows up on her doorstep less than a month later, face black and blue, filthy, teeth missing, broken bones, after being caught out. he expects her to shudder and be disgusted when she opens the door but she kisses him. she starts to clean him up when he says he had to come back to tell her he loved her, he didn’t want to die without saying it. he says it 400 times that night, he can’t stop.
he leaves the next morning while she’s asleep and doesn’t say goodbye. this is the start of the ‘grief fucking’. something happens, he comes back, kissing her, saying life’s too short, that they need each other, he ‘stays the night’, she thinks they’ll be fine but he leaves in the middle of the night every time, and she breaks all over again. he knows its not fair and promises himself that he won’t do it next time someone dies but he does because he needs her
dumbledore told him to take something with him while he’s spying that will make him feel human and keep him sane. so he takes a picture of her, he’s scared he’ll forget her smile. but they find it, the werewolves, and he’s come back smelling of her one too many times so greyback decides he’s going to teach him a lesson about running away to witches. remus finds out about it and sends word that she needs to be hidden immediately
he goes to see her to explain he needs to be completely cut off from her and she needs to deny all knowledge of him, he needs to fully be isolated from the wizarding world for this mission to work. but she’s seen what this mission has already done to him, he’s a mess, physically, mentally, he talks of himself as if he is one of them, he’s adopted far harsher habits and doesn’t have his usual patient personality. she doesn’t want to hide, she wants to fight them, fight for remus, fight for them, so they start to argue and he’s so terrified of greyback getting her he’ll do anything to get her to forget him. so when she screams “but it doesn’t matter, if I love you and you love me-“ he turns around and screams “I DON’T LOVE YOU”  and he says it while looking right in her eyes and he sees the light leave her eyes and she looks down. he didn’t mean it, he was just desperate for her to understand and he’s trying to take it back, trying to explain but she shouts at him to get out. he goes back to the pack to try and blend in again, hoping she’ll stay hidden
there’s an emotional wizarding condition about shock that makes your eyes, ears, nose bleed and cough up blood etc, it’s pretty nasty. she gets it and gets it bad because she was so sure about their love but now she’s utterly convinced he was speaking the truth, he’s a bad liar and who would ever lie about that? mad-eye finds her bleeding out in her flat soon after remus leaves, she’d started choking on her own blood and she couldn’t see, she signalled him, he takes her to st mungo’s. he’s been alerted by dumbledore about the situation so he knows the werewolves can’t know her whereabouts so he gets a professional wizarding copycat, whose hired to walk around hogsmeade under polyjuice as a decoy while she recovers. she’s in hospital feeling completely useless and pathetic, what kind of auror doesn’t know someone’s not in love with you? she sits for hours thinking about how disappointed mad-eye must be, how dumb she is, how every touch, every kiss, every i love you, it was all a lie. she analyses every moment they had together, convincing herself they were all fake and trying to understand what his motive was, if he was just lonely?
the pack catches the fake tonks but remus doesn’t know about mad-eyes plan so he wakes up to the pack making a riot and goes over to check it out only to see tonks screaming and being hurt and groped and attacked. he is forced to watch greyback rip out her throat while they hold him back, he’s screaming and begging, then they drop her and move on to him. he’s battered but not enough to kill him. once they leave him he’s able to grab her and disparate to the burrow. arthur is in the garden and suddenly remus is just there with her, both covered in her blood, her throat ripped out, on the grass screaming.
the weasleys don’t know about the plan either and try to get him away from her, but he wont stop screaming and holding her and saying sorry, begging her, telling her he always loved her, that he’s a liar. he cant stop thinking about the last words he said to her, ‘I DON’T LOVE YOU I DON’T LOVE YOU I DON’T LOVE YOU’ and that she believed that. she died believing he didn’t love her and knew he and his kind were the reason she was dead. he cant take it and suddenly his wand is at his throat and he says the words as bill dives for his wand but blood splatters everywhere and he falls backwards and molly is screaming. he’s managed to cut himself but not his throat, thanks to bill. he spends 2 days in percys old bedroom on suicide watch begging bill to empathise and give him his wand back, ‘what if it had been fleur? if you had killed her, bill’ until they switch it to charlie who remus cant even look at considering the long feud he’s had with him for being on-and-off with tonks. he’d once told tonks that charlie was a fucking idiot, what kind of fucking idiot would ditch her for dragons? probably the same kind that left her for werewolves
after they both find out the truth, dumbledore breaks it to him, tells him about mad-eyes plan. mad-eye is trying to explain to tonks that remus had been caught with a picture of her, that the werewolves knew he wasn’t loyal because of her, so they killed her, or so they thought. she doesn’t want to see him, it doesn’t make a difference, he doesn’t love her anyway does he? he just feels guilty. but she needs to know why he had the picture and mad-eye says if she doesn’t go to see him he’ll probably break into her house, seeing the state of him. so she agrees to meet him at the burrow. he’s so relieved he’s openly sobbing on his knees, holding onto her and she’s thinking this is awkward and fully to do with guilt and nothing to do with love. he tries to explain how he had to say it to get her to stay away, that he was beyond desperate and she doesn’t believe him. ‘you can’t look into the eyes of someone you love and say that’ and he doesn’t really have an answer, just mumbles something about life or death.
after molly tells her all the details and how distraught he had been, she rethinks and goes to see him again. they talk it out properly, not screaming for once, they’re both too tired in this war and he’s too grateful to see her with her throat intact to be angry. she tells him about being in hospital but downplays it a lot, he’s still beating himself up about it until she points out she would have been caught by the werewolves if she wasn’t. they only see each other at order meetings until christmas.
he didn’t know about her patronus until harry mentioned it. he goes to see her, she is alone, but she had been working a double shift. he asks to see it and she refuses, says it’s not really any of his business unless he wants to be with her, but as he explains more about it, she thinks he’s realised they can’t be apart if this is true, so she shows him but it makes no difference because it was the usual ‘stay the night but leave again as soon as she fell asleep’ situation. she turns hopeless, if her patronus isn’t enough to show him how willing she is to sacrifice things to be with him, nothing ever will be.
after the hospital wing scene they go to grimmauld place to destroy any evidence before snape lets the death eaters in. he tries to avoid her but she catches him just to say that he’s right and they don’t have time to fight each other now that Dumbledore is gone, that they need to focus on the war, they’ve too much to do. he just nods but he doesn’t feel right. is that really it? shouldn’t he feel happy that she’ll be spared his life? but she’s still not happy he thinks. he sits up all night in the house they fell in love in and thinks maybe mcgonagall was right.
she goes home to sleep before the ministry spend all day interrogating her about dumbledores death tomorrow, but he wakes her up in the middle of the night, he asks to come in, she says there’s no more ‘grief fucks’ that she cant handle being used like that anymore. he says it’s not like that, obviously she’s not going to believe him but it’s different. he says he can’t go to the burrow, that he doesn’t want to intrude after what just happened. tonks lets him stay but only on the couch, and he thinks maybe he has lost her for good. he’s fucked her about too much and for too long. he wonders how he can show her he won’t leave this time.
the next few days are him trying to convince her this isn’t grief, its real and he is back for good, and her saying he just wants what he can’t have now and he’ll get over it in a few days. they go about missions together because she is on suspension for failing to protect the school
they’re on a weekend mission together away in scotland and they’ve kind of gotten cosy together again, almost like they’re back together but he sees her doubting him constantly, like she thinks it’s too good to be true and he’ll leave again so she doesn’t want to get too close. so it hits him that he has to prove that this is permanent so he abruptly says ‘marry me’, it’s not a question. she just laughs asking if he’s hit his head but he’s gotten very serious and says he’ll prove this is serious by marrying her, she thinks he’s fucking insane and says absolutely not but they get back together and she says she trusts him. but he keeps mentioning getting married to prove he’s here to stay after so many times of walking away but she keeps refusing him, saying they don’t need to, that it doesn’t matter. eventually he gets really emotional about how it’s really important to him to feel secure together, that they need a solid confirmation of this thing, and she agrees and they get married two days later.
it’s not a secret for long, her friend turns sides and rats them out to the death eaters,
umbridge sacks her for ‘beastiality’ in front of the entire auror department and she swears she’ll never work for the ministry again
the pregnancy is a mess. he leaves while she’s screaming at him saying if he leaves, that’s really the end of them, no going back, their marriage will be void. he leaves anyway. she waits all night for him, when he doesn’t return that night she waits until 3pm the next day before packing some stuff and going back to her parents, knowing that there was no going back this time.
he comes back to her parents, where they stayed after her parents were attacked, and andromeda screams and refuses to let him see her and says the flat has been sold and she’ll be out by monday so he better pack his shit and fuck off quickly. he has to plan the right moment to catch her in the flat by herself. she’s calm, terrifyingly calm for a pregnant women whose husband walked out on her, just packing boxes, telling him all his stuff is in the small amount of boxes in the livingroom, he can have that spare cauldron if he wants. he tries to talk to her about it but she keeps dismissing him, trying to ignore him, she shuts him up with ‘look, i know you were scared, i know you always come back, i know that but i wont have a child sitting at the window wondering if daddy will come back this time. that’s not fair, they didn’t ask for this, i did.’ and he knows he has no argument.
she says there’s post for him on the mantle and he finds a letter addressed to him with her wedding ring in it. he can’t stop himself, he’s begging her to put it back on, on his knees, half hysterical, trying to put it back on her. she says he broke his vows, theyre not together, why should she wear it but his begging gets to her and she puts it back on to shut him up but she doesn’t take it off again
he spends the next month completely doing up his father’s old rundown cottage, complete with baby room and every method of protection he can do. he doesn’t know how to show it to her since he’s seen andromeda burning his letters and only ted answers the door, so he waits in her parents back garden for hours until he catches her on her own and begs her to come see what he’s been doing. she hesitates but he looks quite manic and like he hasn’t slept in weeks so she agrees just to make sure he’s not lost the plot. he shows her around while she’s silent, he’s talking far too quickly and looking far too frantic, as if he expects her to run out the door any second. he explains everything at lightning speed, how it is for her and the baby, its made for them, how he doesn’t have to be here, he’s been staying in the spare room while he set it up but he’ll be gone the second they want it, how he’ll send all the money he gets, he’s got bill to take out some gold for him - it’s in the kitchen, how he’ll get any medicine or pregnancy things she needs so she doesn’t have to leave hiding, he’ll help her move in if she needs, if it is a werewolf he’ll do everything, if she wants. he looks so desperate so she says she’ll think about it but she breaks down when she’s leaving, shouting that this is what she wanted for them, not just her and the baby. that it should be them living here, not just her and the baby. she moves in at the end of the month.
it’s a really horrible pregnancy due to stress and inability to see a healer whenever they need. he comes home one day and she’s screaming, he finds her covered in blood. they risk getting a healer. the healer says there’s a large chance that the baby hasn’t survived. she’s hysterical, crying and screaming and hitting remus, saying he wished for this, he prayed the baby would disappear. she knows it’s not true, that he loves this baby already but she’s so distraught. its andromeda that defends him, tells her shes being ridiculous, that he’s done nothing but try and provide for this baby, put the baby first always. remus is grateful but still blames himself, for not being grateful for this child.
when teddys born they nearly write edward john lupin down but remus thinks its not right. every lupin baby carries john as a middle name, they always have but he wants to honour james, wants to thank harry for setting him straight, giving him the good bollocking that lily would have. so he adopts the potter tradition, of using the fathers name for the middle name. he thinks it will sound self-conceded but tonks thinks its fitting that he should have something in common with his godfather, especially if he might not get the chance to meet him. so it is edward remus lupin
I have a lot of pregnancy/teddy headcanons but this already ridiculously long so let’s skip that.
they live and harry moves in with them to give the weasleys space after fred. especially since hermione now stays in rons room, there’s not much space for harry. it’s great but there are postwar stresses and pumps. she finds out a lot of her friends are dead, theyre both unemployed with a small baby, werewolf legislation is still awful and then there’s charlie weasley who sends a letter essentially saying if she wanted to restart her life in romania after the war, charlie would help tonks and teddy move. remus opens it and the house is tense for a while.
I also have a lot of headcanons about charlie/tonks and remus and charlie having beef throughout ootp/hbp/postwar but we will skip just now.
they have a second son when teddy is around two. they don’t really have the money but they are both thrilled and were in a ‘not trying but if it happens, it happens’ mindset because neither liked being an only child and teddy is so wonderful and definitely not a werewolf. therefore alastor john lupin is born. teddy and ally don’t get on that well, both are hufflepuff and ally is a mini athletic remus, quidditch obsessed compared to music obsessed teddy. harry is godfather to both, and spoils them beyond belief.
remus eventually ends up at the ministry for a werewolf investigation unit that works with the aurors to stop packs, offering support/help to recently bitten and werewolf integration into wizarding society. he eventually gives it up to home school teddy and look after ally then goes back to teach at hogwarts a few years before the boys arrive.
tonks becomes head of the auror training division after the war and trains harry and other new aurors because she doesn’t want to be out in the field again as a mum but is too good a dueller to be stuck on desk work.
she visits remus in hogwarts one day because shes in the castle anyway and some boy shouts ‘sir?? is that your wife?? shes FIT’ and remus goes ‘yes youre very right mr ross, lets discuss it in Thursday detention’. ‘its not his fault im hot remus, leave him be’. teddy demands his mother never return to hogwarts since his friends wont stop teasing him about how fit his mum is, ally doesn’t mind because his friends are 11 and don’t know how hot she is. remus secretly loves it.
i am so sorry for how long this is but im avoiding uni work and you gave me an excuse
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