#remus x tonks fanfic
their-love · 1 year
Collapse at the Order meeting
Wolfstar x Wolfstar!daughter
REQUEST: Sirius’ daughter collapses at an Order meeting. Uncle Moony and Sirius helps. Cut it off before R wakes. Please include short mention of Ron, Harry, Hermione, Weasley family, the order members + “Uncle Moony”, she/her pronouns
A/N: Just my cup of tea. Hope this is okay.
Remus raised the reader as Sirius was in Azkaban. They are a happy little family once he got out and they talked.
“Night Sirius,” Remus said as he walked towards the door. The rest of the members of the Order of the Phoenix were still sitting around the table. Some seemed to be half asleep while the rest were caught up in small talk.
“Night Y/N,” Remus said, turning around to flash her a smile before leaving to his room upstairs. She smiled back at him but said nothing. Her mind was swirling as if caught in the wind.
“Night Moony!” Sirius yelled after his friend. In return, he received a small laughter as Remus closed his door. Her father turned around on his heels, heading to the kitchen. She followed him, wanting to ask a question.
“You hungry?” he asked her, rummaging through the fridge. He dumped a few sandwich options on the countertop, waving his wand summoning the bread in the cupboard to his right.
“Not really. I have a question…” she answered, trailing off at the end. The wind feeling turned into a full blown storm, knocking her out of balance. Sirius was so caught up in making a sandwich that he hardly heard what she had answered.
A thud caught his attention though. He spun around, looking at his daughter who was leaning against the doorframe. His let his eyes wander over her body. Trembling, pale and unsteady.
“Hey, you alright?” he asked, moving towards her without waiting for a reply. A gently arm around her waist and he helped her towards a chair by the table that Tonks had offered. Being the only one that had noticed the sudden change, she looked worried at her two friends. Her feet dragged over the hardwood floor, not cooperating with her. Once she was seated, Sirius sat down on his knees in front of her. His eyes were trying to lock with hers, but they were too unfocused. That worried him even more.
“Look at me, Y/N. Hey, come on. Talk to me,” he said. A gentle hand pulled her chin up, so she faced him. Slowly he began to brush his fingers over the top of her hand in a reassuring way. Grey lazy eyes stared back at him for a second before going unfocused again. Panicked, Sirius ran a hand through his long black hair. With a wave of her wand, Tonks conjured a glass of water, handing it to Sirius.
“Drink,” he ordered. No reaction. Her body swayed in the chair, eventually leaning against the shoulder of her father. He put the glass down on the table and began to rub her back.
“It’s alright, darling. It’s alright… - Do you want me to get uncle Moony?” he whispered in her ear. No reaction. He stopped moving his hand, leaving it on the top part of her back, waiting to feel her breathing. It was shallow and uneven. Shit, he thought.
Without a warning all of her body weight was once more shifted onto Sirius. He held her in his arms, gently lowering her to the floor. One hand holding her head and the other supporting her waist. Nymphadora let out a small scream, which caught the attention of everyone around the table.
“REMUS!” Sirius yelled in panic as he saw her eyes roll back into her head. Molly Weasley was on her feet in seconds, hovering above them with confusion and worry etched on her face.
A few seconds later a door upstairs were flung open and the sound of footsteps running down the stairs was the only sound to be heard. Everyone else had stopped talking, following the commotion at the end of the room with caution.
“What? What?” Remus asked frantically as he ran into the room, wand up ready to fight. Upon seeing his best friend and his daughter on the ground he lowered his wand and jumped the few steps in between the door and them.
“She just collapsed…” Sirius mumbled, trying his best to force the tears back. Remus completely ignored the other people in the room and focused all of his attention on the unconscious girl on the floor. She was like a daughter to him. He would do anything to keep her safe. Not in a million years had he thought of her being injured at home. His fear was seeing her hurt in the middle of a battle.
“What’s going on?” Ron cried out at the end of the table. Next to him sat two very concerned children, Harry and Hermione. The golden trio were told to stay seated by Molly, who tried her best to give Y/N, Remus and Sirius enough space. The rest of the people in the room was Mad-Eye Moody, the rest of the Weasley family, Albus Dumbledore and Auror Kingsley. All looked at the scene unfold.
“Right, I think it’s best to give them some space,” said Arthur Weasley suddenly. Everyone’s eyes were on the Black’s and Lupin. Arthur wanted to give them more space than Molly, he wanted to give her some privacy once she woke up. Everyone slowly got up, following Arthur upstairs. No one wanted to leave before knowing if the young Black was alright. Molly gave her husband an appreciative look before he left.
Tonks outright refused to leave and so did Molly. They stayed back enough to let Remus kneel next to Y/N on the opposite side of Sirius.
“Love? Can you hear me?” he asked rather loudly. No response. Having read countless of books, including medical and healing books, Remus went on autopilot. At first, he gently rubbed her sternum to wake her. As that did nothing, he called her name again, rubbing harder.
“There we go! Come on, sweetheart. Open your eyes,” he coached as he saw her hands turn into fists. Remus very well knew that what he was doing was hurting her, but it was the best way to wake her up. After being Moony, his werewolf self, he would occasionally fall unconscious, scaring the living daylight out of his mates. They used to do the same after reading it in a book similar to the ones he had read.
She groaned and pulled her hands up to stop Remus from hurting her further. She held onto the sleeves of his oversized, shaggy sweater.
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Afterlife
Words: 968
It had been five years since Sirius went through the veil, and a lot had happened. Harry defeated Voldemort, Peter finally got what he deserved, and the wizarding world was mostly back to normal. Remus had been married, had a child and was a widower within a year. That period of his life was a blur, that came screaming back to reality every time he looked at his three-year-old.
Teddy was incredible. The best parts of him and Tonks combined into a hurricane of a kid. The most important things to Remus were that he was happy, healthy, and hadn’t inherited his lycanthropy. He was, however, showing signs of metamorphagus abilities. His hair cycled through colours when he slept, which had Remus in tears the first time he witnessed it.
Overall, they were happy. They lived in a little cottage near Hogsmeade, and two days a week, Andromeda would take Teddy and Remus would teach the NEWT students Defence Against the Dark Arts. Harry was teaching the younger students, and getting to see him regularly, and see him thriving as an adult, was more than he could ever have hoped for.
Yes, Remus would say that all things considered, things were pretty good.
Until he got an owl from Arthur Weasley asking him to meet him at the Ministry as soon as possible. He dropped Teddy off with Andy, apologising for the short notice, and flooed straight there. He’d been back for the trials of a lot of the remaining Death Eaters, and it still hurt every time he walked into the atrium, remembering the time he’d walked in there with Sirius, and walked out without him.
Arthur met him by the new fountain, mouth drawn in a thin line and his face pale.
“Arthur,” He pulled him into a one-armed hug, “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”
“Come with me.” Arthur headed for the lifts and Remus realised with an impending sense of doom, that they were heading down to The Department of Mysteries.
“What’s going on?” Remus asked as they travelled down. “Arthur?”
Arthur looked at him, “Something happened with the veil today and I— You’re going to need to see it for yourself.”
Remus’ heart was racing, incessantly pounding in his temples and jaw. What could have happened with the veil? Had it released Sirius’ body after all this time? If so, at least he could get a decent funeral with him and Harry there, he supposed morbidly.
As they got to the door, Arthur turned to him, “I’m here for you, Remus. This isn’t going to be easy, mate.”
Remus nodded as they entered the room, he spotted the veil, looking no different, fluttering softly in an imaginary breeze. Taunting him. There was a group of people huddled next to it, and as he got closer he saw what they were huddled around. Or who they were huddled around.
“Moony?” Sirius was half-sprawled on a chair, looking not a day older than the last time they’d been here. He leapt to his feet before quickly, almost involuntarily, sitting back down, clutching his head in one hand. Remus ran to him and sank to his knees. He felt like every ounce of air had been drained from his body.
“Sirius?” He said breathlessly, pushing back the hair that had fallen onto Sirius’ face. “It’s really you?”
Sirius grabbed his hand and clung to it. “It’s really you?” Remus nodded, “It’s been five years?” He nodded again, brushing a tear away with his free hand, “I’m so sorry.”
“What for?” Sirius’ hand cupped his jaw, his thumb brushing away another tear, then another.
“For leaving you again, after I promised not to.” The crowd around them had dissipated. Arthur’s doing, he was sure.
“What happened to you? How are you here?”
Sirius shrugged, “I tumbled back out and I was expecting you all to still be here. It felt like seconds. They said— It’s really been five years?”
“To the day.” Sirius looked devastated. He stood shakily and pulled Remus to his feet before wrapping his arms around him. As Remus sobbed into the crook of his neck, he rubbed circles into his back. “I thought you were dead. We all thought…”
“Sirius, we need to get you to St Mungo's to get you checked over,” Arthur said, from somewhere near the door. “You can chaperone, Remus.” Remus looked over at him, through watery eyes. Arthur was smiling at them. “I’ll send an owl to Harry once we get there.”
Getting Sirius caught up on the last five years was one of the hardest things that Remus had ever done, and coming from a bisexual werewolf with a lot of dead friends, that was saying something. He knew that he shouldn’t feel bad about his relationship with Tonks. It wasn’t like he and Sirius were together before, but Remus knew that if Sirius had been around, he never would have considered dating her, let alone the rest of it, and that was a hard realisation to come to. Sirius wasn’t particularly fazed by it, which confused Remus even more.
Speaking of ‘the rest of it’, Teddy was enamoured by Sirius, well, mostly by Padfoot, but he was definitely a fan of having Sirius around the house, too. Harry (and various Weasleys and Hermione) were frequent visitors and Remus finally felt like he had family again.
Six weeks after Sirius’ return, they’d put Teddy to bed and had collapsed on the sofa, a tangle of limbs. Remus had missed moments like this, where he could pretend that in another lifetime something might happen between them. But then Sirius’ soft lips were on his and his hand was in Sirius’ hair and however good things had been before, he was sure they had nothing on what was to come.
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marylily-my-beloved · 6 months
Just posted my first chapter of my marylily fic, she-ra AU. This is gonna be a very long fic, and hopefully updated soon! Please read it if you want to!
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lobey-scribbles · 1 year
Can I please request a fic with post-Azkaban Sirius Black where he’s really happy during Christmas in OoTP and celebrates with his wife (the reader) the Order and the kids?
a/n: thank you so much for the request! i really hope you like it :)
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Grimmauld Place’s First Merry Christmas - Sirius Black X Wife!Reader
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summary: Sirius Black had largely considered Grimmauld Place to be the most miserable place on Earth, second only to Azkaban itself. So when, for the first time in his life, he feels genuinely happy there, surrounded by his loved ones, he can’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude.
word count: 1.2k
themes: FLUFF
warnings: none
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
The radiance of the fire and the joyous laughter of his friends enveloped Sirius Black as he leaned against the mantelpiece, watching the snowflakes dance in the glow of the street lights outside. He took a sip of his mulled wine, relishing in the spices that tingled on his tongue.
As he enjoyed his quiet moment, Sirius couldn't help but overhear the boisterous conversation happening across the room between Mad-Eye Moody and Mundungus Fletcher.
"Oi, Dung, keep your eyes off the presents under the tree," Moody grumbled, his magical eye fixed on the thief.
Mundungus let out a nervous laugh, his eyes darting towards the twinkling Christmas tree. "Who, me? I was just admiring them from afar."
Arthur Weasley chuckled at the exchange, "You know, Moody, maybe we should put someone on watch duty for the night. Make sure he doesn't try anything."
Mundungus shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but before he could protest, Bill Weasley spoke up, "Maybe we should let him have one present as a reward for being such a good boy this year. After all, he’s not been chucked into Azkaban just yet."
Laughter erupted around the room, and Sirius couldn't help but join in. He was surrounded by his loved ones, and their playful banter was just another reminder of how lucky he was to have them.
His eyes then settled on you, who was sitting on a plush armchair by the fire, lost in thought as you observed Fred, George and Ginny‘s antics as they played a particularly competitive game of exploding snap. Sirius smiled softly, admiring how beautiful you looked in the warm glow of the firelight.
He walked over to you, taking a seat on the armrest of your chair,
“I could feel you staring, you know.” you remarked, playfully
“Can’t I appreciate my stunning wife on Christmas Eve?” a smirk played at Sirius’s lips, “You know I can’t help myself when you’re around, darling,” he responded, as his fingers traced your back lightly, his eyes still transfixed on you, causing your heart to flutter rapidly.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked, regaining your composure and taking his hand in yours.
"Just enjoying the moment," he replied, candidly.
Sirius couldn't help but feel an overwhelming gratitude that fuelled his entire body, for being alive and surrounded by the people he loved. He looked around at the members of the Order who were gathered in the room, all chatting and laughing together.
"Merlin, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd hear jubilation in this house," he joked, nudging your shoulder lightly.
You chuckled softly, gazing lovingly at the gathering of all their friends. "It's amazing how much things can change, isn't it?"
Sirius nodded, smiling at her. "Yeah, it is. And I'm so grateful for every moment we have together."
You turned your head to look at him, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Me too, Sirius. You have no idea how much you mean to me."
Sirius leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I think I do," he whispered, his eyes never leaving yours.
At that moment, Lupin approached you both, a warm smile spread across his face.
“What are you two lovebirds talking about?” he teases, taking a seat on the armchair next to you.
“Oh, nothing much.” you replied, playfully nudging Sirius, “Just relishing in the Christmas spirit.”
“Don’t think we’re the only lovebirds here if I'm not mistaken.” Sirius said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Could have sworn I saw you and Tonks snogging in the hall earlier.”
Remus chuckled, though his face had gone slightly pink. He took a sip of his own mulled wine. “Well, it's good to see you both so happy. You deserve it, after everything you've been through.”
Sirius nodded, a sombre expression crossing his face for a moment before he shook it off. He sighed, “Yeah we do. And I'm glad we have all of you to celebrate it with.”
The three of you chatted for a while, Sirius and Remus reminiscing about their time at Hogwarts. “Remember the time you and James levitated all the furniture to the ceiling in McGonagall’s office?”
Sirius let out a bark of laughter, “Oh, she was livid! But it was worth it just to see Minnie’s face when she walked into her empty office.”
“Yeah, but if I remember correctly it was up to me to get you both out of detention.”
“Yeah, we were a pair of right little terrors. We needed you, Remus, to keep us out of trouble.”
At the mention of James, Sirius’s eyes fell on Harry, Ron and Hermione who were joking and chatting amongst themselves in the corner of the room. A wave of happiness crashed over him. It meant everything to Sirius to know that despite the danger they faced, Harry was still able to find joy in these small moments and just be a teenager.
“Hey, you lot!” he called out, gesturing for them to come over. “Why don't you join the old folks for a couple of drinks?”
The trio grinned and made their way over, settling themselves on the floor by the fire.
As the night began to wind down, one by one, everyone began to make their way up to bed, saying their goodnights and exchanging heartfelt hugs and kisses. You had gotten up to make your way to your bedroom too, when Sirius wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you back to the armchair.
“Sirius- it’s nearly midnight!” you let out a gasp of surprise.
“Just stay here with me a little bit longer,” Sirius pleaded, his eyes locking onto yours. “I don't want the night to end just yet.”, peppering gentle kisses down the side of your neck.
A blush began to dust your cheeks, unable to ignore the way his lips burnt into your skin, “Alright, but only for a little while.”
Sirius sighed contentedly, resting his head on your shoulder. The two of you sat there in silence for a few moments, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company.
“You know, I never thought I'd be able to celebrate Christmas like this,” Sirius spoke up, breaking the silence. “With you, Harry, and all our friends. It's more than I could have ever hoped for.”
You ran your fingers through his curls, smiling softly. “I'm just glad you're here with us, Sirius. You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
Sirius lifted his head to look at you, his eyes glassy with emotion. “I am happy, Y/N,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Happier than I've been in a long time. And it's all because of you.”
You leaned in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. It was a kiss that conveyed all the love and gratitude that Sirius had felt in his heart. When you pulled away, he smiled at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Come on, let's go to bed,” you said, standing up and pulling him with you.
As you made your way up the stairs, Sirius's heart felt as though it had swelled about ten times its size. He had found happiness after all those years of despair and loneliness.
As he climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you close, he knew that he had everything he needed right here in this moment : his family, his friends, and the love of his life. And for the first time in a long time, he felt truly content.
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Remadora Longfic Recs
This is a list of the Remadora (Remus x Tonks centric) longfics (100k words or more) that I recommend. They are all complete with varying degrees of canon compliancy. Listed in no particular order.
Flying Colours Trilogy by TauraNorma.
Summary: The ‘Flying Colours’ trilogy follows Lupin and Tonks’ romance across the canon timeline, from the beginning of the Order of the Phoenix until the end of the Deathly Hallows.
Lupin's Tale by Kuri333.
Summary: On the life of one Werewolf called Remus Lupin.
Tonks' Tale by Kuri333.
Summary: On the life of one Metamorphmagus called Nymphadora Tonks. Canon.
The Bureaucratic Error by iniga.
Summary: After his death, Remus Lupin finds himself five years in the past, having erased Voldemort's defeat and Teddy's birth. His wife has never met him; the Boy Who Lived doesn't remember him. He trusts his old friend Sirius to help him put things right, though Sirius has a godson to raise and demons to face...
Lycanthropy, Love and Other Curses by Thora Jane.
Summary: This is the story of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks from beginning...to end.
Chasing Grindylows by firetoflame.
Summary: War is not a place for love, but that's exactly what Tonks finds when she sends that chicken scratch summons to Remus Lupin. Who knew that werewolves could be so charming when they're being interrogated about the whereabouts of a known murderer?
Moondance by KatieBell70.
Summary: Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks help each other through their mutual loss. See what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. Covers the missing story between OOTP and the end of HBP. Rated M for sexuality & language.
Finding Her Patronus by AWideEyedPhoenix84.
Summary: After the events of Prisoner of Azkaban, Albus Dumbledore and Remus Lupin reach out to known supporters to begin planning a defense against the inevitable return of Voldemort. Among the new recruits is a colorful young witch named Nymphadora Tonks, who is paired with Lupin for her first official mission, and the two hit it off immediately.
Don't Call Me Nymphadora by Hinotima24.
Summary: You-know-who wants Nymphadora to be part of his army and Dumbledore decides to allow nature to take its course. Nymphadora, the vivacious witch, decides to take on this 'challenge'. Along the way, she loses more than she expects to. No mary-sue. AU. RL/NT
'42 Jobs' - The life and times of Remus Lupin by closetwriter.
Summary: “For the first time it dawned upon Harry that everyone including himself knew very little about Lupin’s life. He was more than just his father’s old friend, more than a ‘nice guy’ and ‘good teacher’. He seemed like someone who had had an interesting life, a total badass- even if he didn’t talk about that life very often.”
Jinxed Hearts by Emcnary.
Summary: Nymphadora Tonks answered the call to join The Order of the Phoenix, not knowing what exactly was to come. Fighting for a world she holds dear, she is facing dangerous missions, balancing Order duty with her job, an unlikely friendship, and a chance for love. OOtP era RLNT love story.
Raise Your Lantern High by starfishstar.
Summary: In which Remus and Tonks fight battles, arrest criminals, befriend werewolves, overcome inner demons and, despite it all, find themselves a happy ending. A love story, and a story of the Order years. (My Remus/Tonks epic, years in the making! This is the second half of the story, set in the Half-Blood Prince year.)
Both sides of the rose by galindaby.
Summary: The whole story of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks - from the first meeting to their last day.
The Pink and Silver Lining by Kaleidoskye.
Summary: "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light". In the darkest war of all time, a little light and colour still endures. Through laughter, through friendship, and through the love of two people who never expected to find each other at all.
Unforgettable by enochian.gnocchi.
Summary: The unforgettable tale of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks: Part 1 of the most incredible love story ever told. Cannon Fic: Travels through Books 5 & 6 in the Harry Potter series. Rated M for mild sexual content/ adult situations
Through the Storm by tabbycat.
Summary: Remus Lupin is a werewolf, and werewolves can’t be trusted to fall in love. He’s always believed that. As the Second Wizarding War begins to play out around him, he begins to have feelings for a clever, funny and talented Auror. And she has feelings for him too. Follow Remus through the gathering storm of war as he tries to piece together a life for himself despite the dangers around him, the death of his last best friend, and the effects of being in love for the very first time.
Human by cellorocksmyworld.
Summary: Nymphadora Tonks takes a chance and asks the pariah of the wizarding world - Remus Lupin - out for a drink. The chaos that ensues will test her bravery, her ability to Apparate whilst drunk, and her perception of those who must live in the grey areas between black and white. AU
Waiting for the Moon by Kerichi.
Summary: Giant spiders, malevolent bats, wizard scouts…werewolves. Tonks finds life in Hogsmeade far from simple, while Remus discovers having a partner in touch with her inner wolf complicates his mission and his heart.
A Tale of Two Smiles by miniandminie.
Summary: Join Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks on this rollercoaster ride as they discover each other through the most unexpected circumstances, and, more importantly, teach each other how to love. AU, OoTP, RLNT, Remadora.
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zeherili-ankhein · 7 months
I suddenly have this idea of a Mohabbatein retailing or rather inspired fanfiction of the Golden trio but slightly (A LOT) different.
Ofcourse we have good old Dumbledore as headmaster Narayan Shankar.
Ms. Monica? No, Ms. Mcgonagall.
Then we can have Harry as Karan, Ron as Vicky and our boy Neville as Sameer.
For the girls – Ginny as Sanjana, Hermione as Ishika and Hannah as Kiran.
— The idea of Neville and Hannah being childhood friend and him being in love with her is just so sweet.
— Whoever was Kiran's boyfriend (Deepak ig forgot his name) can be Draco. Because that guy was shitty and I don't like Draco.
— And Ron and Hermione just gave those same rivals to lovers vibes ngl.
— Harry falling in love with Gin not knowing who she was is top tier for me. (Her dead husband is Dean. Yeah...)
Also James Potter as Raj Aryan Malhotra and Lily Evans as Megha. (Don't ask me how Harry doesn't know him cuz this is an AU)
— James and Lily as Vicky and Ishika. Don't ask me why because we all know it.
— Sirius and Marlene? Sameer and Kiran? YES! (Shitty bf is Barty or Severus maybe. Bcz can't stand them)
— Remus is Karan and Tonks is Sanjana. Ahaha yess. (Then her ex husband would be Bill. Sorry Bill I love you but sorry)
Yeah.... Neville as Raj Aryan and Hannah as Megha. (AU fic so he can be older!!)
Once again this is an AU fic so don't come at me how their personalities doesn't match and blah blah blah.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
This is part 3 of my Bollywood x Harry Potter ideas
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Day 30 of @remadoramicrofics - Scream
Remus let them into the apartment. He barely had the door closed when Tonks was on him, kissing up his throat and his jaw, working her way almost teasingly to his lips.
“Mrs. Lupin, slow down, we have the whole night ahead of us,” he chuckled against her lips.
“Oh, God, Mr. Lupin, I can’t wait all night,” she moaned, walking backwards through the apartment and pulling him along with her, occasionally letting him guide her around errant furniture. She unfastened his shirt slowly, pushing it off of his shoulders before turning her attention to his belt. By the time they reached the bedroom, he was left in his boxers and socks and she wore nothing but the skimpy bridal set she had bought on a whim.
Remus held her out and admired her. “My god, Nymphadora.”
She pulled him into a messy kiss as she pressed him back towards the bed. “A-are you sure? About…this?” he stammered as she knelt in front of him. God was he a sight – eyes bright and cheeks tinged red, his hair mussed from her tangling her fingers in it.
“Yes, yes, I’m so sure,” she said breathily.
Remus kissed her jaw before moving down her neck, sucking on her pulse point. She rocked her hips as he fondled her breasts. He pulled the chemise over her head and greedily sucked a nipple into his mouth. Tonks threw her head back as he nibbled on the sensitive nub. “Is this okay? I think…maybe it’d be better if I…I was on top.”
He nodded before pulling her in for a deep kiss. When they parted, he rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “Nymphadora, we don’t…I don’t want to do anything that you don’t.”
“I want this,” she told him. “God, I want this.” 
Remus smiled at her, “Are you sure?”
“And you’ll tell me if it gets to be too much?”
“Promise,” she whispered.
“Good,” he said as he leaned back, “Come here.” he rested both hands on her ass and pushed her forward, throwing off her balance.
She braced a splayed hand on his chest as she stammered, “You don’t have to, I –”
“Nymphadora, I’ve been thinking about tasting you for weeks. Now, please, come here.”
She felt her face flush at his admission as she slid forward. Remus pressed an open mouth kiss to the inside of her knee before moving up the inside of her thigh. Tonks held her breath as he reached higher and higher but let it out in a huff of disappointment as he restarted the process on the other leg. “Don’t tease,” she whined.
“Hasn’t anyone told you that patience is a virtue?”
“Do I look like a saint to you?”
Remus smirked up at her. “You look pretty divine from this angle,” he admitted.
Tonks felt her face flush, but didn’t dwell on it as Remus buried his nose in her. She cried out as he first swiped over her clit. Her hand found its way into his hair, threading her fingers through it and dragging her nails over his scalp. He moaned softly as he kneaded her asscheeks. She whimpered at his almost grueling pace, alternating between quick swipes of his tongue and sucking on her clit.
She bit the back of her free hand but Remus reached up and pulled it from her mouth. “I want to hear you, Nymphadora.”
“Yes,” she babbled as he returned to his teasing patterns. “Oh, Remus, just like that.”
He dropped his hand down to her thigh before he began to piston a finger in and out of her. “Oh god, yes, oh. Remus, I…Oh, I’m going to –” she gasped as he added a second finger. Her babbling spurred him on. And she felt the coil of heat in her stomach snap. She came with a shout and Remus worked her through her orgasm.
She panted heavily as she moved back, meeting Remus for a sloppy kiss. “That was amazing,” she whispered as she shifted her weight onto her knees as she slid onto his cock. He groaned as his head fell back.
Tonks continued to rock her hips as she kissed the column of his throat and sucked love bites onto his collar bone. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “I want to hear you.” She nipped his ear lobe playfully.
“It feels - ohhhh,” he broke off in a moan as Tonks ground her hips down on his cock.
“How does it feel?” She teased as she clenched around him.
He nipped a trail up her chest before pressing his nose to the crook of her neck. 
He gripped her hips bruisingly and began to thrust up into her. Remus growled as he delivered a particularly hard thrust. “Oh yes,” she gasped, “yes, yes,” she babbled around gasps as she gyrated her hips in time with Remus’s thrusts.
She practically whined as he pressed tight circles around her clit with his thumb. His hand and his hips picked up speed. Tonks rolled her hips with his thrusts and he moaned. “Oh Nymphadora, you’re perfect, you’re so hot,” he said as she clenched around him. A few more thrusts and he climaxed, holding her flush to him.
He sighed as he laid back and guided her to settle on top of him. She let her head rest on his chest, listening to his thundering heart. 
Eventually, he shifted them so they were properly laying on the bed. He buried his nose in the crown of her head. “God, Nymphadora, I love you.” 
Tonks snuggled into him. “I love you, too,” She said, “I love you so much.”
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seriouslysam8 · 11 months
Brumous Update!
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Chapter Forty-Four: The Bloody Nose
I have been LIVING for the reaction to the Blackinnon confrontation! Those two have finally broken the communication barrier that has been between them.
I'm not going to lie... I may have started a Marlene POV companion piece to look more deep into what she's been going through. Any interest?!?!
Start from the beginning
Petrichor Series
Banner by takearisk
Also on ff.net 
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candorverity · 4 months
Can we talk abt how Tonks and Teddy could be A+ genderfluid or agender rep if people were brave abt it? Bc my god, gender queer Tonks and Teddy would be the raddest things I've ever seen.
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Who are your favourite remadora fanfic writers?
This is the hardest question I've ever received...I'm so very grateful to every fic writer who has written even a drabble that i enjoyed...because they are just writing these stuff without anything in return...I cannot stress this enough, they are carrying our mental health on their shoulders. And I'm very very grateful...
But I get that you're asking for reading suggestion...I've loved everything from @celestemagnoliathewriter and @evesaintyves is another strong writer in the Remadora den...
There's also
Taura Norma
I also have a list of classics, they are the very first remadora squad and they gave us a great number of magnificent Remadora fics, if you're thinking of going through fics by authors, which is the best way imo
So here goes the authors that had the most impact on me
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P.S: I'd start with "Lady Bracknell"......"The werewolf who stole the Christmas" in particular
P.P.S: so sorry for being so late...I thought i already posted it...and just realized that I didn't after I saw this on my drafts...😖😣😩
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ebonyrivers · 11 months
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Behold, the Indian food I got after @celestemagnoliathewriter made me crave with Curry and Biscuits
chocolate biscuits and makeout session unpictured lol
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exhaustedcatte · 2 years
Teddy Remus Lupin
“Ted! D’you mind helping me clear out the attic?” Andromeda Tonks yelled from the kitchen.
The taffy-haired boy slung his arm across her shoulders as he veered his grandmother towards the stairs. “Yeah, ‘course I’ll help, but what’s the occasion?”
“We haven’t enough rooms for guests.”
Teddy shrugged.
They made their way into the attic, a spacious cavern with cardboard boxes piled high along the perimeter.
Andromeda handed Teddy a cloth and a duster to arm himself with, and then set to work.
The pair removed the boxes and Teddy found numerous playthings and toys, all from his childhood.
“We can sterilise them and give them to Hermione. She is expecting, isn’t she.”
“Oh Ted,” Andromeda clapped her hands together, “that’s a lovely idea.”
Andromeda levitated the boxes downstairs, to pass on to the kids and what was unusable was to be donated.
They worked in tandem, occasionally pausing to rifle through obscure Black Family possessions and some of his grandfather’s muggle keepsakes. Teddy pocketed an interesting looking device – a Walkman, it said. He didn’t want it to end up in the Weasley bin and have Arthur fiddle with it.
The doorbell rang when they were halfway through. Teddy unloaded the last of his toys into a plastic bin, and jumped over miscellaneous trash to open the door.
“Hiya Ted!” Harry grinned.
And at the same time, Draco smiled, “Hello, Edward.”
“Hey guys!” He huffed a laugh, “How come you’re both here?”
“Surprise,” Harry ruffled his hair.
His uncle shook his head in disagreement, “Your knuckle-headed godfather must’ve forgotten that today was my turn to have you.”
“Did not!” Harry pressed an offended hand to his chest.
Draco rolled his eyes at Teddy and behind him Harry mouthed ‘kinda did’.
“Teddy! Who is it?”
“It’s just Draco and Harry, grandma,” Teddy yelled back.
“Where’s your grandmother?” Draco asked him, politely sidestepping the mess that had been levitated into the drawing room.
“We’re cleaning the attic, she didn’t want anyone sleeping on the couch, so.”
“We’ll help, let’s get your grandma out of that allergy box,” Harry clapped Teddy’s back.
“I’m allergic to dust,” Draco sniffed delicately.
Harry raised a brow, blinking in disbelief, “Could’ve fooled me when you followed me to the most cruddy places, Malfoy.”
“Aunt Andromeda! Let’s get that finished for you,” Draco marched ahead, neck growing pink below his mullet.
The three boys sent Andromeda down to bake her infamous biscuits, while they tidied the place.
“So, which one of us are you banishing to up here?” Draco asked, lifting his hands to levitate boxes downstairs.
“Can’t you just use your wand, you showoff?” Harry jested.
“I don’t have my wand on me Potter, and it’s not like you don’t know how to forgo using your wand.”
Teddy ignored the banter. “I’m actually thinking I’d like this place for myself.”
Harry pivoted on his foot, “That would be wicked.”
Draco lifted another box and was magicking that downstairs when he bumped into Harry and the things in the box came pouring out.
“I swear to fucking Merlin, Potter,” Draco began, as Harry moved away – hands raised in surrender, but Teddy accidentally interrupted him.
“What the hell is that?”
“Language,” Draco murmured absently, kneeling down as well.
There was a huge album, embossed RJ. Lupin, crammed to the brim with pictures.
“Wow,” Harry breathed, touching the cover reverently.
“That’s not…” Teddy looked up for confirmation. “That’s my dad’s.”
Draco hesitantly opened the book.
Inside were pictures Teddy had never seen before.
There were photographs of four young boys, round faced and bright eyed. Pictures of them wearing matching scarves, all of them bundled in one huge sweater, them sporting matching butterbeer ‘staches. Four boys doing absolutely everything together.
The tawny haired kid, despite the thin silvery scars on his knuckles, had the biggest smile on his face. He stared hard at it, trying to burn it into memory, swallowing the growing ball of heat in his throat.
“Dad,” Harry smiled sadly, tracing a photo of James Potter tackling Remus in a hug. “I used to hear that I looked exactly like him for all my life. I don’t anymore.”
The implication was obvious. Harry was now older than James had gotten to be.
“You still look very similar. He was a handsome man, your dad,” Draco rubbed Harry’s back consolingly.
“Calling me handsome, Malfoy?”
“Take it as you will.”
The next few snapshots were of Remus, Sirius and James. Heads bent over a huge piece of parchment, fitted smartly in dress robes, pie-faced on halloween, wearing Santa hats.
Then came another year.
Remus was visibly the tallest of the quartet. He had shot up severely, his face was more rugged, almost roguishly handsome. A shadow of stubble on his face, hardened jaw, a strong nose. He had shed the last shreds of childish innocence, to give way to a handsome young lad. But even still, his big amber eyes, even through pictures, were so kind. Love omnipresent in them.
Remus was shot studying, or gallivanting with his troop in all the photos. He was stooped over a wrinkly hand (Teddy wondered if it was Hope Lupin) painting the nails a pale pink. Remus was in the library, the kitchens, the astronomy tower, all after bed-time. Teddy felt relief bubble up in him, his father had had fun in his time at Hogwarts, no matter the circumstances.
Draco turned the page.
There were a lot of pictures of whom Harry identified as Sirius Black. The man had had an incredibly handsome youth. Beautiful grey eyes, long shiny hair, cuttingly high cheekbones. His complexion pallid, a shock against the ink black of his hair. His heart shaped face drew stop at a pointy chin.
Where Remus looked hardened, Sirius appeared delicate. The Black genes were strong, he recognised a lot of Andromeda in his grand-uncle.
“He was quite the looker,” Draco acknowledged.
Teddy noticed through the corner of his eye how Harry kept looking at Sirius and back at Draco. He also seemed to find the Black genes in a relative, just like Teddy had.
There was a picture of Sirius laughing at something a girl beside him was saying. The red-head had appeared in many photos as the boys grew.
“My mum,” informed Harry.
Sirius was captured sticking his tongue out at Peter, tackling James, hugging a few other friends. All candid. Teddy assumed it was his father taking these pictures.
More artistic shots of the Black family heir were also pasted in the album – Sirius teetering on the edge of a balcony, downing a glass of wine, holding his wand up in lumos, standing against a bike in a parking lot dressed in leather.
“That’s a whole lot of Sirius,” Teddy noted quietly.
And then they flipped another page. Remus – expertly blowing a smoke-ring.
A shocked laugh escaped Teddy, “Is he holding a cigarette?!”
“Your father and his friends were quite the troublemakers, don’t be fooled by all the pictures of them studying,” Harry laughed fondly.
Draco agreed, smiling, “He retained that streak for mischief. It’s what helped him cope, I suppose.”
There was a whole spread of shaken photographs, giving away that the person behind the camera was either inexperienced or a pureblood, possibly both. All the photos were of his father. Reading, drinking tea, rolling weed, dancing too.
“My father was so cool,” he realised.
“We’d have made good friends,” Draco mused. “Maybe in another life.”
“If your head were less inflated, maybe.”
“Shut up, Potter.”
Then there were photos of just Sirius and Remus together.
There was not a hair’s gap between them in that timeframe. Them in a music shop, pointing at a stack of records. Remus reading to Sirius. Remus, Peter and Lily Potter holding up a banner for their two quidditch boys. Sirius playing with Remus’ hair. Remus applying kohl on Sirius’ eyes. The two of them laying beside each other under the shade of a tree. Them laughing, smiling, even crying.
Them kissing.
It was a very clear photo. Remus was kissing his best friend. They were stood in the middle of an empty apartment, cardboard boxes stacked high behind them.
“What the hell?” Teddy asked weakly, head spinning at this knowledge.
“Er…” Harry turned to Draco, who also seemed at a loss of words.
And then there were more. Teddy could see in their eyes the amount of love they had for each other. Absolute adoration.
“Oh my god,” Teddy gasped at the scandalous photo. Even Harry’s eyes bugged out.
The two men were clearly not dressed below their bed linens. Sirius had draped himself over Remus’ tan chest. Both of them sound asleep.
“Well, what can I say. Seems like they had fun and I respect that,” Draco shrugged, trying to appear unfazed, but there was a distinct flush on his skin.
The photos ended abruptly after a series of shots of the Potter family and themselves. That’s when the war took a toll on them.
They closed the album silently. The quietness extended till Teddy cleared his throat.
“So… my dad and Sirius had a thing?” He asked, trying to be casual.
“I didn’t know,” Harry said honestly. “But seems so, huh.”
“Mum did mention once that Sirius was a disgusting faggot. Now look, I am too,” Draco laughed.
“It’s not disgusting,” Teddy assured hastily. He had to say it aloud, he owed it to his father, his uncle.
Harry agreed vehemently. “It doesn’t matter!”
Draco smiled at them, “I know, but thanks Ted, Potter.”
Teddy moved the album into his own plastic bin, to keep it safe.
The trio turned their attention to the rest of the things spilled on the hardwood floor.
Teddy sifted through the heap.
There were envelopes with letters; unsent, he guessed. Thick stacks of postcards, all addressed to some town in Wales. There were other things, but he wouldn’t ever know the reason his father had kept them. Quidditch jerseys with POTTER and BLACK printed on the backs, broken rectangle glasses, some sort of muggle board game. Banners with Gryffindor painted onto it. Records of ABBA, Queen, David Bowie, Frank Sinatra – the covers of which had a small Love, Lily scrawled on them. Parchments of recipes, all signed in the end with Cheers, Pete.
“Oh Remus,” Harry sighed.
Teddy blinked back his tears.
This entire house held the life of his mother, and he loved that a lot. To be able to learn of her in her own childhood home. Teddy had inherited his mother’s ability to shape-shift. He was also a Hufflepuff like his mum.
He didn’t know what of him was Remus.
But McGonagall promised him that she saw a lot of Remus’ personality in him; in his driven attitude, snark, in his pranks and his extreme love for chocolates and tea and sweets. She always smiled at him with pride and a tinge of reminiscence.
Teddy’d had nothing materialistic of his father, whose life even Andromeda knew only from the two years shared in Hogwarts. And he was suddenly gifted with more of his father’s post mortem possessions than he knew what to do with, but he’d keep them safely, he’d protect all of what was left of Remus.
Teddy ran his fingers along the edge of a photo frame. The picture inside was unlike those in the album, it was definitely a magicked one. Sirius was kissing the corner of Remus’ mouth, whose lips were stretched into a wide smile. The photo cut off right when the boys began to crack up.
“He was happy. He was in pain every month, but still so happy.”
“Ted,” Harry raised his head up. “Your dad loved you to pieces. He went through a lot, but he found people to love, and you were one of them.”
Draco affirmed this with a silent nod.
Teddy knew that, of course. In his room, in glass frames were pictures of him as a child, being held by his parents. Remus was obviously ecstatic, staring lovingly at the little cherub in his arms. Teddy didn’t doubt for a second that his father loved him. It was visible. Just as it was in his pictures with Sirius.
Teddy gathered all of the things and carefully placed them in his box, to keep in his room and to go through them leisurely.
They cleaned the attic in record time, when the smell of Andromeda’s baking wafted up and tickled their noses.
She distributed teacups and placed a platter of cookies on the teapoy.
“Grandma,” Teddy began hesitantly after they settled on the sofa.
“Tell me about my dad and Sirius? Please?”
She froze midway pouring Harry a cuppa. “How did you–?”
“Remus had an album,” Draco explained softly, apologetic. “Evidence is plentiful.”
She laughed a little to herself, “Oh, of course. He had a habit of preserving all kinds of bits and bobs, your dad.”
Teddy sat up curiously. “Why?”
“I think he believed that if he didn’t have a memory of it, it didn’t exist. Things were always ripped away from him…”
It became solemn.
“So, did Sirius introduce you to Remus ever?” Draco sipped his tea.
Andromeda got a faraway look in her eyes, “It was the first time Remus had entered this house. Hand in hand with my cousin, who had been cut off and disowned then. He was the only one I trusted with Sirius’ heart. My cousin had grown up without love, but Remus was so patient and loving. And I’m certain Sirius was also the same.”
“Dad loved him, didn’t he?”
His grandmother smiled, wistful at the edges. “The two of them were the closest I will believe of soulmates. Opposites in many things but united in their values, experiences and such. He loved my Dora a lot, truly, but him and Sirius were like a house on fire.
“Even to an onlooker, they made an interesting pair. Where James and Sirius were the obvious duo, Remus and Sirius had a different dynamic built on very similar behaviours. Both stubborn, loyal to a fault, smart; even the childhood they experienced was riddled with guilt, shame, trauma. And where you could tell how much of a brother James was to Sirius, Remus meant to him very differently, and it showed.”
Harry had polished off his tea. “They deserved a happier ending…”
“Life owed them at least that,” Andromeda agreed sadly.
“Maybe they will meet again. The cycle of intertwined lives never end when two people are in love,” Draco leaned against Harry’s shoulder, unaware.
Teddy prayed silently that wherever his father was, he had gotten to meet his friends again. He hoped Sirius and Remus would get another chance at experiencing life together.
The dog star shone bright, in the night sky, beside the moon.
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nerdyduckrants · 1 year
I wanna write Remadora again....
So I am....
I'm writing a new story about the first time they meet and it's my favorite kind of story, a hurt/comfort story. I also think Lupin was very intrigued by Tonks from the moment they meet - opposites attract and all!
what do we think so far??
"It's not that big of a deal," she protested. Her pale face said otherwise and both men gave her a look. Then Remus realized he had no idea who she was. "Ah, Moody," he started to say, knowing full well Alastor Moody would never bring someone into the Order headquarters without good reason. "This is Nymphadora Tonks, my partner and protege." Moody sounded proud and worried. "Don't call me Nymphadora." His partner said from the couch, where she had decided the cushions were the most comfortable things in the world and she didn't intend to get up for a very long time.
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black-occamy · 1 year
Remadora Microfics - Day 1: Haunted
Written for @remadoramicrofics October prompts, 916 words I almost failed in writing it on time...
Written as part of my Occamy-verse AU, so: everybody lives, everybody lives HAPPILY, there will be insane amount of fluff and cuteness, there will be mentions of polyamory.
The carousel began to rotate, children’s shouts overlapping with the merry music. Remus stood on the side with a bunch of other parents, watching the oversize teacups begin to swirl. He searched for Teddy’s blue hair with his eyes, noticing the boy was happily shouting something to the other kids in his cup. It wasn’t like he would be leaving them alone, he reminded himself.
“C’mon, Rem,” Dora tugged on his arm, much like a giddy kid herself. “They’re not gonna disappear if you stop watching for a bloody second.”
If anyone had bothered to ask him before, Remus would have a number of arguments as to why having a date night at the Muggle amusement park would not be his personal choice. Unlucky for him, neither Dora, nor Sirius bothered, instead arranging to take him and all the kids from Grimmauld Place to spend an evening out as a surprise. He didn’t even have his regular supportive voice of Gemma, who was out on the Auror business this week. Faced with a bunch of pre-purchased tickets, and the pleading eyes of Teddy and Lenore, he could hardly refuse.
Keep reading under the cut or on AO3 ❤
Remus spotted his daughter in another carousel vessel. She was completely focused on drawing more tattoos on Sirius, who was seemingly dozing off, one of his arms casually thrown over the edge of his seat. On the previous ride, it was Scorpius who had won the opportunity to ride with “Uncle Pads” and diligently drew even more rune-like symbols on Sirius’ palms than there was already. The boy apparently didn’t notice that as soon as the ride ended, all the drawings mysteriously disappeared.
“Rem, for Merlin’s sake,” Dora finally managed to pull him away, leading him through the crowd of people towards some other carnival attraction. “Sirius offered to look after those little monsters, stop worrying.”
“You know how I don’t like you two ganging up on me,” he complained half-heartedly, following her. His wife cast him a smug look over her shoulder and grinned.
“Cheer up, love. You’ve been spending too much time working lately, you deserve a break.”
Remus sighed. She wasn’t wrong there. Between preparing for classes and finishing his second book, he hardly had enough time to spend with the family and often he would just excuse himself and fall asleep before Dora was even done putting the kids to their beds.
“I know, I’m sorry for…”
“We’re here!” She interrupted him gleefully. “What do you think?”
He raised his eyebrows quizzically. They stood in front of a dilapidated construction that tried to pretend that it was a mansion of some sorts. Tattered curtains swayed on non-existent wind from broken windows. Front door, with remnants of torn-off wooden boards, was wide open, leading off to a dimly lit corridor. An older lady in black laced gown was sitting on a small chair next to it.
“Welcome to the Haunted House,” she sighed as they approached, shooting them a bored look from above the crossword puzzle. “Two tickets for you, lovelies?”
“Yes, please, ma’am!” Dora beamed, scooping the tickets from the crooked fingers. Remus fought the urge to roll his eyes.
The inside was no less cardboard-looking as the front, with flickering electric light pretending to be candle flame and artificial cobwebs covering almost every surface in amounts and patterns that somehow made him think of a really crochet-oriented spider. Dora snickered to herself, passing from room to room, while several jump-scare mannequins kept popping from left or right. There was an old bed linen with holes for the eyes, a skeleton with a few missing ribs, something that was barely resembling an old-school Dracula and a scrawny-looking furry creature that made Remus snort in amusement. He watched Dora as she wrapped her arm around the vampire-like mannequin and turned her face pale white to match it.
“Behold, overvorked mortal,” she called in an accent that didn’t resemble anything in particular, but somehow did indeed sound like a vampire should. “Vor I am Baroness ov dis mansion and I ‘ave cometh vor your blood!”
“Oh, woe on me,” Remus gasped, hiding a smile. “I’m all out of blood at the moment. Will cotton candy outside be enough, your baronessness?”
“Vot is dat cotton-candy ye speaketh ov, mortal?” Dora abandoned the mannequin and ran in his direction, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She flashed him a smile, showing off she transformed her teeth into pointy fangs. For some reason it looked really good on her.
“Someone will see, Dora,” Remus protested weakly, not sure if he was thinking about her morphing ability or the sudden display of affection. She scoffed and rose to her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. He didn’t oppose that.
“You’re no fun sometimes, Remus,” she murmured, rubbing her nose against his. “Who cares if someone sees us? We’re bloody grownups, with kids, for Merlin’s sake!”
“Well, we’re also in public…”
“We’re in a public haunted mansion, big deal,” she gave him another kiss. “I have an idea. Let’s hide in that coffin, make out, and then scare the shit of some non-magicals, yeah?”
“Hmmm, yes to the first and to the second, but hell no to the third.”
“No fun, this one,” Dora sighed, pulling his arm. “C’mon then. We have about twenty minutes before Sirius gets nauseated from all the cup spinning and loses one of the kids. I hope it’s Teddy.”
“Mother of the year, my wife, everyone.”
“Shut up and kiss me, werewolf boy.”
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Encuentro en el Bosque
En el corazón del bosque, donde la luna llena bañaba el suelo con su luz plateada, Remus Lupin se encontraba solo. Su aspecto, una mezcla de madurez y atractivo sereno, evocaba la imagen de Jeremy Irons en su juventud: elegante, con una presencia que combinaba una firmeza tranquila y una elegancia sutil. Su cabello castaño, aunque aún algo despeinado, le daba un aire de distinción.
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Nymphadora Tonks apareció entre los árboles como un destello de energía vibrante, su apariencia un reflejo de la belleza intrigante de Eva Green en *The Dreamers* y *Dark Shadows*. Sus ojos, de un azul penetrante, brillaban con un destello de alegría y complicidad. Su cabello, de un color que cambiaba con cada movimiento, era un reflejo de su estado emocional: en ese momento, un tono profundo y oscuro que resaltaba su rostro delicado y sus rasgos elegantes.
"Remus," dijo Tonks con una sonrisa, su voz tan suave y envolvente como el murmullo del viento entre las hojas. "Siempre supe que te encontraría aquí."
Remus se volvió hacia ella, una sonrisa afectuosa apareciendo en sus labios. "Nymphadora," respondió, su voz grave y cálida. "No esperaba verte esta noche. ¿Qué te trae por aquí?"
"Solo quería estar cerca," dijo ella, acercándose con pasos ligeros. "La luna llena tiene una forma especial de atraerme."
Ambos se miraron en silencio durante unos momentos, un entendimiento profundo y silencioso pasando entre ellos. Remus extendió una mano, y Tonks la tomó con confianza. Sus dedos se entrelazaron, y un estremecimiento recorrió a ambos. La conexión entre ellos era palpable, una mezcla de amistad profunda y algo más que ambos habían estado sintiendo desde hacía tiempo.
Con delicadeza, Remus levantó su otra mano para acariciar el rostro de Tonks, su toque suave y lleno de ternura. Sus miradas se encontraron, y el mundo exterior pareció desvanecerse, dejando solo la luz de la luna y la calidez de su cercanía.
"Siempre me has entendido, Tonks," murmuró Remus. "Tu presencia me da paz en medio del caos."
"Y tú me das fuerza, Remus," respondió ella, acercándose más a él. "En un mundo tan oscuro, tu luz es lo que más valoro."
Con un suspiro compartido, Remus inclinó la cabeza y sus labios encontraron los de Tonks en un beso suave y lleno de significado. Fue un beso que decía todo lo que las palabras no podían expresar: amor, devoción, y una profunda conexión que había crecido entre ellos.
Mientras se abrazaban bajo la luz de la luna, el mundo parecía encajar en su lugar. Era un momento de calma y belleza en medio de la tormenta, un testimonio de su amor y de su compromiso mutuo. En el bosque, rodeados de la tranquilidad de la noche, encontraron su propia forma de paz.
Disclame: el texto leído fue generado con IA, me pareció divertida la forma en que elaboró el texto, por lo que consideré compartir la información aquí.
Debo agregar que tengo muchas preguntas/debates internos sobre el uso de IA pero no intento utilizar las herramientas brindadas meramente para diversión propia.
Por último, no modifiqué obsolutamente nada :)
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Face On the Milk Carton -
Every witch and wizard knows the story of the Eze Baby. Taken from her pram by a squib never to be seen again, the greatest tragedy of the Cote d'Azur. What happens when the baby in the picture looks just like the baby pictures Hermione has seen her whole life?
My Summary:
An epic level story following Hermione as she meets her biological family; which sets her on a new path that opens many doors providing much support for both her and Harry. She in turn introduces them and many other Slytherins to the muggle world.
A wonderful mix of serious and fun, romance and pain. Dealing with Death Eaters and crazy people while building new friendships and discovering the pleasure of love they are all far from bored.
Starts after 2nd Task of TWT going through their graduation. Settle in an enjoy the adventure.
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Language: English Words: 204,362 Chapters: 64/64 Collections: 10 Comments: 1,083 Kudos: 4,805 Bookmarks: 1,676 Hits: 236,133
Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Pureblood Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley Bashing, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, #Hermione is a Malfoy
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