#sometimes my muse won’t shut up xD
laviexenrose · 1 year
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Stella Mayfair was, by all accounts, regarded as a good friend by Isabelle, despite the fact that the two women could not have been more different in appearance or temperament. In truth, Isabelle doubted whether her former roommate had genuinely viewed her in much the same light– as a good friend, or a friend at all. A few months had gone by, and she had not heard so much as a peep from the other, but that was about to change…
The envelope was rather small, lighter than a feather. On the back was Isabelle’s name handwritten simply in ink. The writing looked quite familiar, though at that moment she couldn’t remember to whom it might belong. As Isabelle unsealed the flap, a curious sensation overwhelmed her. Eliminating suspense in the blink of an eye, she unveiled the invitation for a cruise party. A cruise party! Her features twitched with a mild surprise. While assuredly there weren't many people who would bother sending Isabelle anything in the mail, one of the last persons she would have ever guessed would be Stella– granted, at this point in time, she truly had no clue this invitation was from her, and in retrospect, she was not so surprised it was for a party. No, that had Stella Mayfair written all over it, and honestly, Isabelle felt a little silly she hadn’t easily determined who would invite her to such a grand soirée.
It was two weeks after she had received the curious invitation that Isabelle found herself boarding the ship, wondering if she’d made the right decision to come alone. It was a little reckless but also one of the most exciting things she had done in a while now. Perhaps for just this one time, she could fling some caution to the wind, let loose and maybe even enjoy herself a bit.
The party was in full swing. Once on board, Isabelle gave herself the moment to take it in– the crowd, the music, the incessant buzz of chatter and laughter, the liveliness of it all. Here, it was easy to forget about the rest of the world. The only thing Isabelle couldn’t get away from was wondering about who it was she needed to thank for sending her an invitation. And what better time to find out than at the party itself.
After mustering up the courage to approach people she didn’t know, Isabelle asked several of the partygoers, most of whom had likely had one drink too many, and none who knew who was host. Well, at least she had made an effort to find out. Afterwards, Isabelle chose a lonely corner to stand, feeling like a fish out of water as she quietly sipped champagne. Always taking pleasure from the simplest of things, she contentedly listened to the music, and that was good enough reason to stay a while longer. @desxgnees
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Big Brother Loves you (Digimon)
Matt was riding cloud nine as he got ready for his date with Sora. no one was threatening the digi or real world, things with him and Sora were going great, and the sales of the new lone wolf's CD meant he had money to burn.
There were only two dark clouds in his sunny sky line was the fact TK had become more and more aggressive as of late, and belittling of Matt, because of the second problem: Matt had started bed wetting again.
It wouldn't of been so bad if TK didn't live with Matt, his share of the rent being paid by their parents and likewise for his food. and with school out all TK did was work out and lounge around the apartment while Matt had to mange the lone wolfs, keeping up gigs and doing band practice.
Since the accidents had started TK was always calling Matt 'little brother' or 'baby bro' or worse 'pissy pants' and after the fifth accident had gone out and gotten -4- packs of overnight diapers, using Matt's debit card.
when Matt had gone to say something about it TK had balled up a fist and brought it in like he was gonna punch Matt, making the older boy yelp and almost piss himself.
"That's what I thought. wear these to bed on your own Or I'll diaper you pissy pants. and If I diaper you, you're wearing the diapered till they're wet AND messy." TK had said and his evil smile left NO doubt in Matt's mind that he would follow though.
Still all that was behind him. He had booked a table at one of the finest restaurants in the city for him and Sora and then he'd gotten them a spot at the hottest club in town for drinks and dancing and finally reserved a hotel room for them.
It was going to be the perfect night and just thinking about Matt's head was up in the clouds, in a pair of black dress pants and a light green dress shirt that he didn't notice when TK came in, till his bully of a little brother spoke up.
"Oh my, your all dressed up for tonight! going out with the slut?" TK asked, smirking and leaning against the wall.
"D-Don't call Sora that, and yes, we're going out. Tonight's gonna be the night when we give yourself to each other. she's gonna be my first and I'm gonna be here." Matt said hotly.
"Awww, that's cute! you think she hasn't been ridding cock while waiting on you to build up the nerve to wreck her shit?" TK laughed. "Look baby bro, Let me spare you some time. That bitch has been putting out for any cock she could get her hands on, as long as it's 7 inches or more. Your little 4 inch wonder stands NO chance and let's be honest, your gonna blow your load in your pants before getting that far like you did during that slow dance at Joe's graduation party."
Matt was blushing super bad now, recalling the incident. Sora had been in a stunning gown, he'd been in a tux and halfway though the slow dance he'd creamed his pants so bad he'd stained her dress.
"T-That won't happen this time! Look, you're getting the house all to yourself tonight so just shut up and go plan a party alright?!" Matt huffed and Clenched a fist.
"Wait, your going out overnight? You sure Sora's gonna be ok with your 'little' problem?" TK said, noting Matt's fist and clearly not worried. "I doubt she's gonna wanna keep dating you after you piss on her in your sleep, and ditto when she see's you in your bed time diapies."
"Look asshole, just butt out of it and leave me alone or I'll-" Matt huffed, storming over and trying to get in TK's face, though due to a growth spurt TK was now the taller of them.
"You'll WHAT?" TK asked, and grabbed Matt by the collar with his left arm and hand and lifted him up off his feet and balled his hand into a fist and pulled his right arm back.
Without waiting for a answer Tk's threw the punch, though it stopped JUST in front of Matt's face the effect was instant and a hissing was heard as Matt's crotch dampened, then piss ran down his legs and puddled on the floor.
"That's what I thought bitch. I think your girlfriend deserves a night out with a real man." TK said and dropped Matt onto his ass, into the smelly puddle. "Get that mess cleaned up and then take a shower and meet me in my room. I'm gonna get you ready for the night."
With the mess cleaned up and Matt in the shower, TK listened to the soft sobs of shame and smiled even as he picked up his cell phone and starting to make a text message.
He'd gotten Sora's number from Matt's phone awhile back, and they had chatted off and on with TK asking her not to tell Matt he was messaging her, claiming Matt was the jealous type. So it was child's play to not only write a message explaining the full details of what kind of a loser Matt was, but to send her a few pictures of Matt in all his diaper bitch glory.
TK: Hey Sora, heard bout you and Matt's special night and I think there are some things you need to know about him.
Sora: Oh hey TK.
Like what?
TK: Well you already know he's a quick shot lol
Did he tell you how small he is?
Sora: LOL everyone knows about the quick shot thing.
Wait why do you know his cock size?
just how close are you two!?
TK: Well I know how 'big' he is because of his other other problem. He's a bed wetter and wears diapers to bed
Sora: LOL
Nice try TK
If your jealous just say so.
TK: Hey I'm not just blowing smoke. I got pictures and a video of him humping his huggies.
Sora: Surrre you do.
TK smirked and select a few of his favorite Matt pictures. one with him in just a diaper, on his back, hugging a teddy bear and sucking on his thumb in his sleep.
Anther with him holding a clearly soaked diaper away from him, holding it with just his index finger and thumb and holding his nose, in just a old white t-shirt.
and his favorite and most damning, Matt blushing and eyes closed, holding out a diaper and making it look like he was asking whoever took the picture (AKA him) to diaper him.
Sora: OMG O.O
TK: Still think I'm lying? XD
Sora: What the fuckkkk.. This looks less like bed wetting and more like he's a big fucking baby!!!!!
TK: XD well to be fair he loved being teased and treated like a little guy, so sometimes I wonder if he's still bed wetting.
or just using it as a excuse for huggies.
Sora: Wait, you said there was a video?
Let me see!!!
TK: heh, ok. it's about 5 min. long. perfect timing because piddle pants just got out of the shower after wetting himself LOL.
With the video sent to Sora, TK set his phone down and tugged out the extra pack of diapers he kept under his bed in case Matt ever tried to get out of wearing by saying he had used up all the ones in his room.
unlike Matt's normal bedtime diaper though, these were three times thicker and instead of being a basic white they had a nursery print on them.
there was a knock on his door and then it opened, and TK smirked, with the pack of 'little wussies, the baby diaper for big boys' sitting out on his bed and watching Matt's eyes go big and wide as he say what he would be wearing.
"T-TK no! please!" Matt mewed, his towel dropped to the floor and on his knees, hands together and begging. "I can't wear a diaper THAT thick out! Sora will notice fore sure! I'll be a good boy and wear one of the other diapers!"
TK thought about it for a second, but with Sora already told he figured it was too late for that fun.
"Relax Matt, I swear, Your not going out tonight in one of these diapers.Or in any diapers for that matter." TK said, coming over and tugging his so called big brother to his feet, a look of relief washing over Matt's face then replaced with confusion.
"Then.. why did you ha-" he started to ask, but TK cut him off.
"Because your not going out tonight. you're going to stay home and be tucked in bed save and sound like the little guy you are. I'M going to go out on your date with Sora and fuck her rotten..all on your dime." TK said and smirked.
"I..what!? Sora would NEVER agree to that! you can't do this!" Matt fumed and stomped a food.
"that's where your wrong. I might of texted her and gave her the impression your a closet diaper baby and she's more then a little shock. Right now she's watching a video of you humping your diapers while lisping about how much you love them." TK chuckled.
"But..but..You MADE me do that, you said if I didn't you were gonna kick my ass and lock me out for the night!!" Mat whined.
"Well -YOU- know that. and -I- know that. But who do you think Sora's gonna believe? the stud or the bed wetting loser?" TK asked smirking then giving Matt a look."Now, Your going in one of these diapers and your gonna pose for a picture to send to Sora one way or anther. we can do this the easy way where you let me do what I want, or the hard way where I spank your butt red and diaper you and take a picture anyways. Since I'm gonna get laid tonight I'm feeling generous and I'll let you pick: good boy or bad boy?"
Matt balled up his fists, looking ready to fright, starting to take a fighting stance.. then just dropped it and slumped forward, head hanging down.
"...I'll be a good boy." Matt said in a defeated voice, even as tears started to slide down his cheeks.
"Smart choice Mattie."
Sora couldn't believe what she was seeing as she watched the video over and over, waiting on TK to come back. Her so called stud in a diaper and humping his bed, moaning and coo'ing how much he 'wuv'ed his diapies' till he cried out and clearly creamed himself.
Sora was torn as she watched the video. On one hand she was upset that Matt had hidden this from her, She'd of never picked him over Tai if she had known he was a goo goo gaga diaper dork.
But on the other he WAS kinda cute in a pathetic sort of way and he WAS making decent coin.
"I suppose I could just blackmail to pay me to keep his dirty little secret." Sora mused out loud.
that DID leave her without a man though, Making her frown a little till she recalled just how in shape TK was and he was pretty good looking.
"then again small dicks might run in the family." she mused.
her phone buzzed and when she looked at the messages she was treated to a picture of Matt in just a babyish and thick diaper, tear stained cheek and holding up a sign that read 'plz dump me and go out with TK, He's hung.'
And to prove the point neck to Matt's tear stained face was a thick and long cock, ready to rub on the loser's cheek.
"..Well that settles that."
Still something like this shouldn't be done over a text, she was a proper lady after all and called TK's number instead.
As the phone rang TK smirked, tugging his pants back up and looking over at Matt.
"I wonder who that could be~" he snickered and answered. "Hello? Oh hey Sora... yeah that was my cock.... Uh-huh I thought as much. Sure you can still come over. I'll be getting a shower in and getting dressed for the night after I get the baby fed and put to bed." TK said, glancing over at a clock showing it was only 5:45 pm. "Hmm? Oh yeah, he's right here. Of course you can talk to him!"
Tk pulled the phone away from his ear and smirked at the sniffling Matt and held it out.
"It's for you diaper boy, Your 'girlfriend' wants to talk."
Matt whined and reached out, shaking as he took the cell phone and slowly put it to his ear.
"H-Hi Sora..L-Look I ca-" he started, but was cut off.
"There's nothing to explain Matt. I know everything. while I'll admit your a cute little pamper packer,I'm more into men who can get their rocks off without having to be pampered. So consider this your noticed that we're done, over, No more. I'll still come by and tease you but I'm going to be dating TK from now on." Sora said, a sharp edge to her voice and Matt felt the tears starting up again.
"But..but.." he whimpered.
"No butt's diaper boy. Now I will be nice and keep your love of huggies to myself and save your music career from flopping but my silence isn't for free. you're going to be spoiling me like the princess I am. Understood?" She asked.
"..I..Yes Sora." Matt whimpered and sobbed. "C-Can we at least still be friends?"
"heh, Awww~ How cute..and I'm gonna say not really. I'll put up with you when i've over there to be with TK but that's about it. I'm not gonna go out of my way to talk to you or be nice but I will make a effort not to make you cry, mostly because I hate the sound of bawling babies. Maybe if your a good boy and super spoil me I'll watch you hump a stuffie or whatever it is diaper losers like you do. Anyways, that's all I had to say to you, put your BIG brother back on the phone."
Matt was sobbing too hard at this point to say anything and rubbing his eyes with one hand, he held out the phone with the other.
TK took it back and ruffled Matt's hair.
"Thanks buddy. why don't you go and make yourself a bowl of cereal for your supper while the adults talk." TK said and Matt could hear Sora laughing.
Too defeated to argue, Matt nodded and started to stand up.
"what do you think your doing Mattie? In this house babies CRAWL." TK said.
Matt just whimpered and nodded, and on all fours crawled out of the room.
Tummy full of milk and cheerio's, Matt was put in a light green t-shirt that read 'diaper bitch' on the front in black text and was given a cock sharped pacifier with a green mouth guard to suck on, the dick being only 3 inches thankfully.
"There, you can picture it's yours and your getting a blow job as you got night night." TK snickered as he tucked Matt into his bed.
there was still sunlight coming into the room, even with his curtains closed.
"now I expect you to have that paci in your mouth and for that same diaper to still be on when I get back tomorrow morning, and I signed my name on the back of that diaper. I'll know if you removed it or changed it." TK warned.
Matt mewed and suckled on his paci and nodded he understood.
"I'll be taking your wallet of course and spoiling Sora, but if your a good little boy I might get you some baby toys. Have a good sleep loser, and dream about the pounding your EX girlfriend is gonna get." TK said and kissed Matt's forehead and headed for the door.
Pausing in the door frame he paused and looked over his shoulder.
"Oh and one last thing..remember big brother loves you~"
the end
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technicolorthoughts · 3 years
Man, I’m terrible at this whole updating a blog thing. You’d think with the way my brain never shuts off that I’d be way better with it, but I guess that doesn’t really matter. XD
It’s almost October. Fall is beginning its swing for the end of the year. 2021 is drawing to a close. I’m in the midst of wedding planning, doing a cardio challenge to end out the year, working full-time in my Operations Manager position, still picking up random shifts at the bar, trying to get some fall baking in, trying to learn recipes to make the food Phillip and I eat less boring, (still) trying to (finally) finish Gilmore Girls, and attempting to make time to craft. I am filling my plate full of so many things, I’m not sure my stomach will have the room for it all. I sure do hope so, though. In an ideal, perfect world, I’d get it all down and have that sense of fulfillment. I know that I won’t, but I’m also learning to accept that. I’ll get through what I get through, and the rest will fall into place. That’s how life always goes.
Sometimes I wonder if I have too many ideas, thoughts, and musings. I think of things for my office, for my house, for my crafts, and yet I feel like there’s so many that I’ll never organize them the way they need to be. Granted, some of these thoughts I’m sure will require some physical action on my part, and the time we have in a day never seems like enough to fulfill the requirements of all these thoughts and ideas. To prevent the rambling, I’ll just leave that as what it is.
We have engagement photos coming up here in about a week and a half and we’re still struggling on a location and outfits. It seems almost impossible to find something that suits us and feels comfortable, while making it something that will live on in photos forever. Not to mention the Save the Dates and the Invitations. It feels like an intense pressure, even though I know that it shouldn’t be whatsoever. We know who we are together and what feels right to us, and that’s what matters overall. Maybe it’s just my anxiety making it a bigger deal than it is (when is that ever not the case?). We’re going to be wearing our Ren Fest garb as one outfit and making it all cool and Viking-esque and badass, but for the second outfit, we got a whole lot of nothing. Go figure. Let me add that to the list of things I gotta figure out. Ain’t no thing, I got this.
Thankfully it’s not just us that’s looking at location, we have our photographer also looking into locations, but that’s not the most important part. I just overthink everything, so that’s where we’re stuck at.
This entry feels completely just like me rambling on and getting my thoughts out, no deep philosophical reasons. For those of you still reading, thank you.
In good news, I’ve been using my free time to do more of the fun things I enjoy. I attended the Sunflower Festival at a local cider mill, I went to Sad Summer Fest and let my emo heart enjoy live music in a sweaty mass of crowd surfers, and I enjoyed the Renaissance Festival twice this year. I went on vacation in the Upper Peninsula and saw so many waterfalls and hiked and enjoyed nature. I feel so grounded when I’m in nature or near the water, and being outside in that fresh air is the best form of therapy for me. The symbolism of a waterfall is just as beautiful to me as the actual view of it. The faster and harder the water flows, the faster and harder it crashes over the cliff. Over time, it can take away land and rock and show you other beautiful things hidden underneath. Calm waters don’t move as well as others, so the movement is necessary. Let the waters inside of you tumble around and erode the walls you have built, because the vulnerability can be even more beautiful.
Learning to be vulnerable is difficult. There’s always fear of judgment and poor reception. However, that shouldn’t deter any person from letting their vulnerability shine through. Vulnerability is so raw and open and honest and that should be revered and praised, because so many people are filtered and closed off and portray their best sides always. That openness can make you relatable to other humans, and that relatability is also a wonderful, beautiful thing. I guess that’s why some of these posts just feel like my brain rambling to get things out. Some days are hard, some days aren’t as hard, and some brains just never stop going a thousand miles a minute to portray the feelings and stresses that life brings. Not all feelings and stresses are bad, but they all take up space and brain power. That’s why I’ll suggest to find your thing that grounds you. Find that thing that makes you forget for even just a few moments and realize that there are more important things in life. Feel the world, see the world, embrace that it is there for you, always.
And try to remember that being busy isn’t always ideal. Take some time to slow down and enjoy your life for a minute or two. Promise, you won’t regret it. ☺
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bunniibones · 4 years
🥝 for Dr. Starline? Legit, I just really like hearing you ramble about him. Its honestly hella nice to hear you talk about him-
🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits, interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?  
Starline is a really skilled person, he has tried to do many things in the past just for the sake of it, especially when it comes to science and magic because he wanted to be like Eggman in that aspect, following his steps and getting to know the world that his idol knew. 
Because of that reason, his interests oscillate between magic and science, keeping them balanced and always trying to understand and research as much as he can on it. He pursues knowledge, which gets easier with his fast-reading talent! Because it allows him to acquire knowledge quicker than the others.
While this isn’t really common in Sonic’s world, as most of the characters aren’t interested in science, it isn’t exactly an unusual interest. He’s proud of what he’s interested in, so he doesn’t hide the fact that he spent his entire university career focused in three things; Robotics, Arcane Powers and, of course Eggman.
When it comes to habits it changes. He has unusual habits compared to the rest of the mobians but that are completely natural to his species, such as taking various showers during the day. Not because he’s dirty, but because he feels the need of being in contact with the water, his skin gets too dry and uncomfy otherwise, that’s why Eggman settled a shower for him in his bedroom (and not the whole bathroom). And no, he doesn’t hide it, if anything, he claims it keeps his excellent personal hygiene.
Another unusual habit, which isn’t exactly a habit but a condition, is his somnambulism. Because of his terrible sleeping schedule, sometimes when he finally gets to sleep he gets up still asleep and walks around, doing his usual tasks or even laying to sleep somewhere else, reason of why he tries to keep his door completely shut when he goes to sleep, so he won’t appear somewhere else. In the worst cases, he’d appear inside of a closet or in any random place outside of the base/ship because he used the Warp Topaz.
This one is a very personal headcanon that has nothing to do with the canon, but sometimes, when he goes to a new place, he’ll ask the people in there if there’s a chao garden around so he can avoid it. He has a terrible phobia of chao so he’s always wary in that aspect, you never know when a random chao will appear flying towards you!
And well, he’s a platypus, let’s face it, many things on him are quite unusual xD! Like the fact that he can produce venom and inject it through his spurs, reason of why he keeps them protected with a claw protector. (Thankfully he’s not venomous the entire year! Just during certain times)
aaand I think I’ll stop now!
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omniishambles · 4 years
How I Run My Blog
Speed: I am slow. I am really slow. I work full time in a mentally draining job, so when my drafts are overwhelming me, it can take me a while. Plus, you know, having multiple muses, some of them tend to be louder than others in general, some of them like to go walkabout after like an hour of intensely being here and then come back a month later??? So some things will take me longer than others. I try to answer replies straight away and put them in the queue instead of letting them even touch my drafts nowadays, but that’s not always possible. But I will get to it eventually! Some days I might be really into a thread and post my reply immediately, but usually rapid fire RP just stresses me out. I’ve tried to do it. I can’t do it. So I don’t anymore.
Replies: Yeah, so as above? I work off a mostly queued system for replies to save my sanity! It currently releases four posts a day, including fc/aesthetic stuff. I love, love, love long replies. I love reading them. I love writing them. I love getting into detail and the nitty-gritty of emotions and description and all that jazz. So generally, threads which are multi para will get my attention over one liners or really short stuff. That said, you never have to match me for length, good god, I don’t know when to shut up most of the time, just gimme something to work with in return pleeeease. Nothing actually happening to drive the plot forward or give my muse something they can react to leaves me like that John Travolta gif. You know the one. 
Oh yes! And another thing- do not be afraid to add conflict. Your muse does not have to agree with mine! Your muse does not have to like mine! Your muse does not have to wilt and back down at something my muse says or does! Kick their ass, shout at them, tell them to piss off! Like, obviously some muses are not confrontational, I totally appreciate that. But you have my blessing to take my muse down a peg if they’re being a bitch and your muse is up for a fight.
Starters: I love writing starters, I do, but plotted starters are way easier for me because I have a better sense of direction and of setting the scene for us. Ask Starters are great, but sometimes I can struggle to cobble something together, depending on whether our muses know eachother already or if this is a first interaction. I just want to be sure I give something good enough to start us off with! Sometimes I post Open Starters which are free for all to jump on board with, no matter how old they are. Selectivity still applies to these the same as asks, I’m afraid, so if you reply and I can’t think what to respond, I’ll leave it. We’ll try something else instead!
Inbox: Recently I’ve been trying out memes again, because for a while my drafts were so horrendously loaded that I couldn’t even bear to think about it, so my Inbox was essentially closed. Now though I’m feeling better about it! I like to post asks straight to the dash so that if anybody wants to continue it as a thread, I can stick that next reply in my queue if I also wanna continue it. I prefer if people would make a new post and tag me if they’re going to continue something, but it’s not the end of the world if they don’t. I’ll just make a fresh one after if I feel like going on with it. Sometimes I won’t be up for continuing, it honestly just depends on mood, if I can think of anything to reply and if I think the thread will go anywhere. We can do other stuff if I don’t!
Also, also- I’ve started trying to shed myself free of the guilt of deleting asks. Because I’m a hoarder by nature, but having a full Inbox and a full Drafts list makes my brain switch off, I can’t deal with it. If I vibe with an ask, I’ll answer it straight away! If I don’t or I can’t think of what to reply, I’ll delete it. If you’ve sent me multiple memes because you’re a legend, I’ll answer the ones my brain wants to do and scrap the rest, because agonising over answering everything that comes through is just Not Fun and it took me a long time to like, accept that?
It really, really helps if you specify which muse you’re sending the ask for, as well. Like, if we’ve been writing together a while then I’ll know who’s probably best to sling at you, but otherwise I can end up deleting asks just because I can’t decide and I don’t want to give you someone you might not want???
Selectivity: For the sake of not only my own sanity, but of keeping my dash more streamlined and free of clutter, I don’t do ‘follow for follow’. Being highly selective has made things easier for me, personally, to be here and keep things organised. And to be honest, the vast majority of blogs that follow me? I click with and follow back! I click with the writing style, I click with the muses on offer, and those are the most important things really. If I don’t feel like our writing styles mesh or I don’t recognise any muses (or if I don’t see how any of our muses can interact, with regards to OCs) then I tend not to follow. I always read rules, bio pages and verses, so if you don’t have those it can put me off? If the muse is from a fandom I don’t recognise or if they’re an OC, I need at least some info to be getting on with. And if they’re a popular canon, I like to know if there’s any variations to the way you write them that I need to be aware of! And obviously verses can open up more stuff for crossovers which gives muses a way to interact which they might otherwise not be able to. (Side note: I’m always a slut for crossovers.)
Wishlist: I don’t have an actual list, but to be honest, I don’t approach people with stuff that often because I’m terrified of being annoying XD which is something I’m trying to work on but you know, baby steps! If we’re already mutuals who chat a lot then I’m better with it, but even then I have my moments tbh.
Honest Note: This is my blog. I write what I want. I write whatever muses I want, from whatever adaptations I want. If I focus on just one or two muses for six months? That’s just how it is. I’ve thought about marking them all up as ‘primary, secondary, etc etc’ but honestly, I’m too lazy. The muses speak and reply when they’re good and ready and that’s just how we roll. Forcing replies is a no-go but that courtesy also extends to you! If you need to drop threads? Do it. If you need to delete asks? Do it. If it takes you weeks or months to answer our thread? It’s all good man. If I get a reply from you eight months later I’ll just go ‘!!!!!’ and be happy to respond. There is no rush with me for you to answer things or to hoard things for the sake of hoarding them. We can start fresh stuff, it’s absolutely no problemo!
tagged by: totally stole it from @enchantedorigins tagging: Y O U
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soulflamesketches · 5 years
What happened to you? (Spiderman Noir + Older Female Reader) [Part 1]
Title: What happened to you?
Familial Pairing: Spiderman Noir (Peter Parker) and Older Female Reader (who’s also technically a mutant)
Summary: You had taken Peter under your wing years ago when he was a young man. You’re like a mother to him, albeit a grumpy and strict one. One of your old enemies went back in time and killed you, leading Peter as the only one who remembers the present you. He’s gone back in time 18 years to save you and he discovers what made you into who you are.
Author’s Note: I’ve been watching Men In Black 3 okay! XD Alright, I researched Noir’s origins, even reading the comics and holy fuck! I am gonna reference the origins, I’ve made him 24 because of Spiderverse.
(E/s) = Eye Shade (Cause this black and white, most defining feature fill are going to have ‘shade’ instead of colour in order to ft in the Noir verse)
Your mutation - You can look into and manipulate people’s minds, take memories away, fabricate them, enhance them. Often used in information gathering missions and other such activities
Alia’s mutation - Sees multiple possible futures happening all at once, close to a fifth-dimensional being. She may be standing in one place, but she may not truly be there.
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Quick Introduction!
You were on a routine job when you encountered this man dressed in back, trying to take out your target. Looking into the man, and with some convincing, he eventually told you that he was your... partner from the future. You hesitantly brought him along with you as your previous target, Stefon, popped up again. After saving another mutant from being killed, you’ve learned what this target was planning to do. But this man - Peter - suddenly became apprehensive. 
~Brooklyn, 1915~
“No, you’re staying here and I’m going to do it!” Peter snapped, only to receive a glare from the 22-year-old in front of him “And how are you going to do it, bonehead? You don’t have the ability to do what I can!” The female barked while jabbing him in the chest. “I don’t care!” He snapped, grabbing your wrist and then your shoulder, trying to be threatening in hopes of scaring you off. 
“It’s the only way.” He whispered, his grip faltering slightly. You growled at him, yanking your wrist from his grip. “No, she has to be the one.” Alia - the mutant the pair had just saved - said gently as she sensed the tension. But Peter only shushed her harshly, not wanting to hear her talk about the different futures she could see.
“Poppycock. There’s something you’re not telling me, Future Boy?” (E/s) glared at him, trying to stare into his soul through the obnoxious goggles.
“I’m older than you,” Peter stated while crossing his arms while returning the glare as he was called ‘boy’. Guess some things never change, he mused to himself. “And I cannot let you go down there.” He stressed, pointing in the general direction of their destination. You stared him and he stared back a silent standoff. “Stop me then.” You challenged, pushing past him.
Alia stared at him, while Peter sighed, “You die there!” He raised his voice in order for you to hear him. You stopped in your tracks. “The Pit, Queens. Stefon’s son kills you there.” Your expression did not change as you turned to look at the man, who had a few days claimed to be your ‘student’ from the future. “That’s what I came here to stop, Chief.” Peter finished, close to a whisper.
He hated feeling this vulnerable, but his throat was tightening at the thought of not stopping what he knew was coming. He could fail at this, that fact had refused to sink in until now. As much as you two annoyed the shit out of each other, Peter knew he needed you. 
“Oh shit, not this timeline...” Alia muttered, causing Peter to roll his eyes. He stepped towards you. The ring of his spidey sense warned of your impending punch. His fedora fell to the ground as your fist connected with his cheek, sending him a few steps back. 
“That’s for lying to me,” Peter held his face, groaning. He knew he deserved that one, but maybe the second punch coming his way. “Ow!” He grunted as you hit the same cheek, “And that’s for actually telling me.” 
“I was trying to protect you!” He snapped, checking his hand to see if any blood got through his mask while you stomped away from him, eventually coming to rest your elbows on the fence nearby. “The bitter truth is often better than the sweet lies,” Stated Alia as she stepped towards Peter, holding his arm to help him regain his balance. “Oh shut it!” Peter sneered, rubbing his cheek. 
“She must go to the pit. She has to erase his memories as she did before. (Y/n)’s the only hope of stopping this.” Peter stared at Alia, trying to discover a retort, but found nothing. He looked away, “Is there a chance that I can save her life?” He whispered, much like a prayer. He needed some sort of hope, anything.
Alia gently squeezed his shoulder as she smiled “Yes.” 
A shaky, but relieved sigh left Peter. “But,” His head shot up to look at the woman, her face now etched with concern “know that someone else will die if you do save her life. Death can only be replaced with death.” She warned him, shifting her gaze to you.
~Queens, 1915~
You hadn’t uttered a word after that, your face was stuck in a glare, sometimes pointed at him as you all were taking the footpaths to the pit. The silence created a tension so thick that you would need to cut it with a machete.
“So we work together in the future?” You finally broke the silence while your face softened. Peter nodded, “Yes, Chief.” He confirmed.
“How did that happen?” You inquire with a smirk, finally feeling the mood lighten. Peter smiled under his mask.
~Queens, 1931~ 
(Flash...back? Forward? XD Yes, I know the date is 1933 in the comic, but I’ve played with dates. plus this is fanfiction.)
The image of that Spider god was still ingrained into Peter’s mind as he held onto the building supports. Staring down at the concrete floor, he suddenly leapt from the metal, flipping in the air before landing perfectly on his two feet. 
He panted softly, slowly straightening his posture until he was looking up towards the support he was previously standing upon. It was a drop no one could land on their own two feet and survive. “I’ll be damned,” He whispered as he looked down at his hands.
His eyebrows knitted together and lowered, realising what he could do with this new power, especially after what he had witnessed. 
With a new mission in mind, Peter strode to the door. The warehouse was empty, the spiders and the gang were gone. He must have been bundled in the webs for a little while. He pushed the door open only to see that it was still dark, he might still know where to find them. 
“Better watch yourself out there kid,” 
Peter froze, jerking his whole body to face the speaker; a woman in her late thirties, grey hair starting to streak her (h/c) hair. She looked at him with a lazy smirk upon her face whilst she leant against the steel of the warehouse but she held a walking cane in her (dominant hand)
“What’s it to you, lady?” He barked, not in the mood for someone to stop him. The woman chuckled “Now, sonny, no need for the attitude. I was actually in a helping mood tonight. But I guess you don’t want to find Goblin then,” She shrugged, pushing herself off of the steel wall.
“You know where he is? Right now? Tell me!”
“Don’t go making demands.”
Peter growled, “Please?”
The woman smiled “That’s better! Now come here,” Turning back to face him, she gestured for him to approach her. He hesitated but decided to follow her instructions only for her to press her fingers to his forehead and his temple. 
Before the confused man could lurch back, he saw flashes of Goblin with his group. They were inside some type of office building. It had to be Osborn Enterprises, Peter realised. The flashes stopped once she removed her fingers and Peter was met with the sight of her smirk again. 
“Where are you going?” He asked as she turned away from him again, seemingly to leave. “I’m going to mind my own business while you take care of yours.” and then she left, limping all the way. 
~Queens, 1915~
“Heeellllooo? Peter? Are you gonna answer me?” You waved a hand in front of his face, your eyebrows knitted together in annoyance. “Oi! (Y/n) to Peter! Come in, please! Answer me!” You growled. Said man had just gone silent after your question, you couldn’t see the look on his face because of his damn mask - though you were guessing there was some stupid expression hiding under there.
Peter jolted as his train of thought broke finally. “What?” He blinked, turning to look at you. “You were going to tell me about our first meeting...” You told him in an annoyed tone. “Ah, ah! I’m sorry but you probably shouldn’t know,” Alia cautioned sternly.
Peter sighed. It was actually a story he would have loved to tell, it was a good memory among the bitter ones. He glanced at Alia to see her smiling at him - had she seen their meeting? - He wondered. Why else would she smile so softly at them?
The trio froze as the ground beneath them starting shake, Alia nearly lost her footing while you and Peter found your footing and stood rigid. “Stefon...” Peter growled, clenching his gloved fists “We have to go... now!” You ordered, “We’re not far now, come on!” You barked breaking out into a run, the Pit was nearly in sight, that was your target. You didn’t hear Peter shouting for you.
“Come on, Alia, let’s go!” Peter urged, about to join you, not wanting you to stay out of his sight for too long. “No, I should go now...” The woman replied timidly at first, but then perked with a smile “Don’t worry! You don’t need me anymore! Just make sure (Y/n) erases Stefon’s memories and the past will recover!”
“What do you mean?”
“Once the memories are gone, (Y/n) will survive. You can go home, she won’t know you were here.” The blonde woman reassured him, Peter nodded albeit hesitantly. “Alright, will we meet again?” He asked curiously,
Alia sighed “Anything’s possible, now go!” she shooed him off and then watching him run into the distance, following the woman who could stop this whole thing and save the city. Alia’s smiled faded, her eyebrows knitting together and she sighed sadly. 
“I can never bear to see this part...”
“... Good luck, Peter”
~Stay tuned for Part 2~
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Dreams of Our Past - Chapter 28
Aaaannnnd done! Here’s the Link to AO3
In which Ardyn has a bonding moment with Solaris and much introspection happens.
Featuring: fierce princess warriors, Ardyn's mother, making breakfast, the author's bad attempt at writing Latin and another brief hint at the meta plot.
Warning: vomiting, Ardyn's not so nice thoughts and talk about a funeral
There's a part in this chapter that's written in Latin. I wrote it myself and as a consequence it won't be very good, please keep that in mind XD Just posting the translation here so nobody will get confused.
Eos sleeps, Her hair is the light Of the sunset.
A black wing brings the night And I look up Towards the sky, Where the stars are shining.
Ardyn VI
8.6.755 ME
Insomnia, Deep City
Kingdom of Lucis
Ardyn waited until Noctis and his Amicitia were well and truly out of earshot before he made his way deeper into the room on uneven steps. He came to a stop next to the stool his nephew had sat on and glanced down at the frail girl sleeping in the rickety bed.
The marks of the scourge could still be seen along the right side of her face, pale, smoky shadows beneath her paper white skin. It would be so easy to make it bloom in full again, see the blackness spread and consume until this girl was just another creature poisoning the shadows of the night. The scourge within his own blood yearned to connect with what remained in her, to strengthen it and see what kind o daemon she would become.
With a high pitched hiss Ardyn wretched his gaze away from her, moved towards the window and pushed it open to keep his actions from following his thoughts. He would not alienate what precious family he had found here to satisfy a baser need that, technically speaking, wasn't even his own. No matter how much he wanted to take revenge on the Amicitia line for what Gilgamesh had done to him.
The air outside the window wasn't any less muggy than inside, but it carried a hint of freshness that was lacking within the room and helped him calm his thoughts. He refused to follow baser instincts and the bad habits Besithia had been trying to instil within him. That just wouldn't do. He was Ardyn Lucis Caelum, eldest son Atalanta Lucis Caelum the Unyielding, she who, despite everything, had managed to keep most of Cavaugh beneath her banner as the last remnants of Solheim began to crumble away, husband to Gratia and father to Jubaris. He would not disappoint them again.
Turning his attention back into the room, he walked back to the girl's bedside and cautiously lowered himself onto the stool, as if he was afraid the scourge within him could leap up again like a ravenous beast. Which wasn't that far off, he thought.
His gaze lingered on her features as he bent down to pick up the crumbled blanket on the floor and tucked it tightly around her. The scourge didn't only sap you energy and your mental fortitude, but also stole your body warmth as millions upon millions of tiny parasitic lifeforms spread in your body and made it habitable for themselves.
There wasn't much of anything of Gilgamesh in her. Ardyn didn't know if he should be relieved or not about that realization. Maybe there was something in the shape of her eyes and the form of her brow and, if he read her bone structure right, she would grow to be quite tall with unusually wide shoulders for a woman.
A quiet moan ripped him out of his musings. Ardyn helped her turn towards the edge of the bed and vomit a thick black substance into the bucket. He wrinkled his nose in slight disgust but kept up a quiet stream of soothing mutterings to help keep her calm.
“Where...?” she murmured, blinking up at him in incomprehension.
“Do go back to sleep, my dear. Everything is alright. It will be better in the morning, you will see,” he soothed, carding a large and slender hand through the child's hair.
Strange, he thought as her eyes fell shut again and she relaxed in sleep, that he had not forgotten how to do this after all these long years.
Ardyn tucked the blankets back around her and tapped his fingers along the length of his cane in the rhythm of a nursery rhyme the words of which he had long forgotten.
“Is the mean blackness gone?” came the quiet question from the door.
Ardyn twisted around on the stool and saw Solaris standing in the doorway. Her unruly shoulder length hair was even wilder than normal which made the subtle similarities between them even more obvious. It was strange to see someone with this many Solheimr characteristics - other than him - in this day and age. She looked at him with her honey and gold coloured eyes that suddenly reminded him of his mother, without the usual hesitation that had been there whenever she looked at him. He wondered what had changed.
“Not quite yet, dear one. The mean blackness is very stubborn,” Ardyn answered just as quietly.
Solaris nodded thoughtfully, as if that was the only thing that could make sense and carefully made her way over to him. Oh, the beautiful minds of children.
Her gaze flickered hesitantly up to him and Ardyn was willing to wait for her to figure out what she wanted to say. He had seen her be shy and uncertain, sometimes even mistrustful, around people she didn't know and hoped she would open up to him in the future.
“The scary man's yelling at tata 'n' mati,” she mumbled and fidgeted with the material of her long sleeping tunic.
“Oh? Should we go down and check on them?” he asked, watching her reaction carefully.
He was more than willing to eviscerate an entitled Amicitia, if the chance presented itself. Solaris shook her head.
“Mati yelled right back,” she stated, a fierce, childish pride in her eyes.
“Should you have been down there? I imagine young princesses such as yourself should be in bed right now, to grow into fierce warriors.”
Solaris frowned. “Don't warriors hurt people?”
“The good ones only do it to protect those they love,” he explained and suppressed a pained grimace. This wasn't a conversation he of all people should have with an eight year old girl.
She wrinkled her nose cutely as she considered his words for a few moments, then she nodded decisively. “I'll be a fierce and good warrior to protect mati 'n' tata 'n' Astra and everybody else I like. Like Vox,” she declared, determination lacing her voice.
Ardyn nodded seriously and with all the gravitas this situation deserved. “I'm sure your parents will be happy to help you.”
Suddenly nervous again, Solaris twisted her fingers into her tunic and looked down. “Will you help me?” she mumbled shyly and barely audible.
“You... want me to help?” he asked completely baffled. That wasn't something he had expected.
“As my princess commands,” he said and sketched a formal bow, which wasn't all that effective sitting down, but hid quite successfully the turmoil that was surely showing on his face. This was a form of innocent trust he had never thought would be directed at him again. At her giggling he sat back up again, blinking rapidly.
A tiny hand grasped the hem of his own tunic and without thinking about it he wound his arms around the small girl looking for comfort. One hand clutched his cane like a lifeline. Solaris hugged back just as tightly as he did and he had no idea how it happened, but suddenly she sat curled up in his lap, her head against his collar bone and his arms securely around her. Ardyn studiously ignored the painful twinge in his knee this position brought him.
Before he knew it, he was softly swinging back and forth while humming an ancient lullaby his mother had sung to him and Somnus when they had been barely Solaris' age. Within minutes her eyes fell shut and her breathing deepened, fast asleep after all the excitement so late at night. Or early in the morning, rather.
What a precious and resilient child.
Ardyn continued to hum the lullaby about bidding goodbye to the mother of light as the sun set and dancing in the moonlight as she, who had created the world, protected them from what lurked in the Deep. It was a song about the circle of night and day, about joy and protection and hope.
Hope, he thought, what a dangerous commodity. So easy to disappoint, yet so difficult to really kill. He had thought hope had died within him when his wife and son had been murdered by his own brother and Shield, when the darkness of Angelgard had entombed him, but obviously he had been wrong. There was no denying the deep rooted warmth in his chest, it's edges bubbled with a nervous anticipation.
Thoughtlessly he smoothed a hand through the sleeping girl's hair. It was too early to tell what the best way forward should be, but it would definitely be the best for him to stay here, he thought as his gaze flickered to the older girl sleeping in the room.
A soft knock against the door frame made him look up. There stood Hiemi with a soft look on her face.
“How's she doing?” she whispered as she came to a stop next to him.
“I think that everything that happened during the last week is finally catching up to her,” Ardyn answered with a slight grimace. “She asked me to help her become a a fierce and good warrior so she may protect everybody she holds dear.”
Hiemi nodded, a grim look in her eyes. “Healer and I've been waiting for that to happen for a while now. Not her wanting to be a warrior, but I can see it, even if my husband may not want to. The two times I let her handle a knife she showed it the respect it was due, at least.” She side eyed him when she noticed his hesitation. “You can ask, you know?”
“I gather our resident and conscious Amicitia didn't take the revelation well?” he chose to say.
Hiemi couldn't help her amused snort. “Healer told me about him, but by the sun, that man has a bad temper.”
Ardyn just raised an eyebrow at her. He had heard her and his nephew arguing once about table-cloths of all things.
“Why you,” she huffed in amusement and made to gently shove him in the shoulder. She didn't touch him, however. She had without a doubt picked up that he wasn't very comfortable with other people touching him suddenly. Ardyn shot a small teasing grin at her.
“Everything will turn out all right with them, I think,” Hiemi continued after a few moments of silence. “For all his faults, I get the feeling that Gladiolus is incredibly loyal. When I left, Healer was trying to convince him to not stay away from his work.”
Loyal, huh? Well, Ardyn would just have to make sure this Amicitia stayed loyal to the right person. Otherwise there was still another one, younger and more malleable that could replace him.
“If he scares Solaris again with yelling at you and my nephew there will be consequences,” he promised, protectiveness and a quiet menace lining his voice.
Dark green eyes pierced his own golden ones, searching for something. What it was he couldn't say.
“If he dares to hurt or scare my children knave Gladiolus will have to answer to me.” That was as much a threat as it was a promise.
They shared a heartbeat of silence full of certainty that no one would survive hurting this new generation of Lucis Caelums. Solaris gave a quiet huff in her sleep, bringing attention back on herself. Hiemi's gaze turned soft and warm as her eyes fell on the sleeping form of her daughter.
“Come, I'll take her back to bed. There's much to be done today and we could use your help, Ardyn,” she said and carefully gathered Solaris in her arms, lifting her with little difficulty.
Ardyn nodded but stayed seated for a while longer, watching over the youth in the bed and making sure she wouldn't need the bucket again. He made a face as he touched the black goo within it with one finger. Dark mist steamed out of it and sank into his skin. It was decidedly uncomfortable. Shaking out his hand after nothing remained, he stood up.
What he had just absorbed was... strangely muted, inactive almost and if it increased the pressure he was already feeling in his blood, he didn't notice.
Slowly he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. Gammer was already there, kneading dough and humming a disjointed melody. Apparently she was coming over most mornings now, since the Shadow Market was mostly closed until it was clear all the bridges had survived the earthquake without further damages.
Noctis and his Amicitia sat at the heavy wooden table, cups of tea between them, and talked quietly amongst themselves. Gladiolus, or whatever his name was, was obviously not happy about something, but to the man's credit, he kept listening intently to what Noctis was saying.
His nephew looked up when he heard him enter the kitchen and smiled. Ardyn's answering smile was maybe a tad bitter when he saw not only Jubaris, but also Somnus reflected on the young man's face. He nonetheless followed the silent invitation to join them at the table. The Amicitia boy looked at him with curiosity clear in his eyes.
“Gladio, may I introduce you to my uncle, Ardyn. Ardyn, this is Gladiolus Amicitia, my Shield and one of my oldest friends.” Noctis' voice was a strange jumble between the need of the Deep City tongue to swallow every letter not needed to make oneself understood and the clear cut dialect of Noble Lucian. Which only made it more headache inducing.
Ardyn nodded in greeting, wishing he had thought to bring his head for a bit of dramatic flair. Oh well, there would still be more opportunities for it in the future, no doubt.
“Uncle?” asked Gladiolus with a raised eyebrow. “Like you think of him as such, or for real your uncle?”
“By blood and magic, he's my uncle,” was the answer.
The Amicitia boy looked at him with large eyes. Ardyn's answer was a wide Ifrit-may-care grin that would have made Iedolas livid, a daring edge clear in the way he tilted his head.
“This guy is a Lucis Caelum? For real?”
Should he be insulted by that? He probably should.
“Yes, for real,” confirmed his nephew, his tone laden with relief and amusement. Which, rude. But it had been so long since he had been acknowledged by his true name that he would let it slide, just this once.
“Seeker of Vengeance, come, I have an important task for you,” called Gammer from close to the door that led to the backyard.
Fighting down a sudden wave of apprehension, Ardyn looked over to her. She hobbled back into the room, rolling a large wheel of cheese next to her like a child would a hoop.
“By the sun, where did you get that cheese from?”, Noctis exclaimed and shot up from his chair to help.
“No, Healer-of-the-people, you sit back down. It's not your help I require. You and your Shield don't have much time to find back together again. You should use what you have.”
With a sigh Noctis sat back down. His eyes followed Ardyn as he stood up and made his way over with uneven steps.
“What by Pitioss?” he could hear the Amicitia boy mutter beneath his breath.
He ignored his nephew's answer in favour of concentrating on the task before him.
“What is it you want me to do, Flame Whisperer?”
Gammer cackled and batted her eyelashes in a way that could have been called coy, if the woman hadn't been so old.
“Such flattery. It's hard to come by these days, indeed it is. Help this old woman make breakfast. You're supposed to be pretty good at that, Seeker of Vengeance.”
He blinked at her and swallowed down the remark burning on his tongue. Instead Ardyn helped her lift the cheese wheel onto a part of the counter that had been cleaned up beforehand, which was quite the feat between an old woman and a man that couldn't stand on his own two feet equally. It was nearly half as large as Gammer was tall, it's waxen skin smooth beneath his hands and had a strong smell that made his stomach grumble with hunger.
Under her guidance he cut the wheel open and grated some of the cheese into pockets of formed dough that were already partially filled with cut mushrooms. It wasn't heavy work by any means of the word, but it was something to do that didn't involve sitting around, thinking and talking. No matter how much he liked to talk under the right circumstances.
“Your thirst for blood has begun to ebb away, the fires of your soul are calmer now,” she said after a while.
Ardyn just hummed non-committally and chose to remain otherwise silent. Gammer huffed full of indulgence.
“A storm is on the horizon,” she intoned in a voice that made his hair stand on end. “You will need to decide soon what you will do once it hits. And hit it will, with a furiousness that hasn't been witnessed since the days the Empire of the Sun fell to fire, treachery and swords.”
Was she... was she talking about a second war between the Astrals? Did Ifrit want to ignite yet another Kingdom for some perceived slight? Somehow that didn't sit right with him.
Gammer gave another bone dry cackle at his incredulous stare, her brown eyes twinkled with a hint of red in the light of the hearth. He felt like he was missing something very important here. Then she started to hum, slow and melancholic, as if she were singing a lament, while deftly closing the finished pockets of dough now filled to the brim with mushrooms and cheese. It was the same song he had hummed to Solaris not an hour ago.
Eos dormit,
Sua crinis lucem est
Solis occasum.
Words swam to the forefront of Ardyn's mind, Gammer's hummed words overlain by the whisper of his mother's sweet voice.
“Please stop,” he whispered.
The song stopped. Only then did he realize how tightly the nails of his left hand had dug into his palm, a row of bloody crescents now lay there. He stared at them, his mind numb and strangely empty. The scourge in his blood shivered in quiet anticipation and fear. When he finally managed to look up he saw the old woman's eyes resting on him, understanding shimmered clearly in their depths.
“There lies wisdom in old songs,” she said. “Mothers are wise to sing to their children.”
Ardyn dearly wanted to drown somebody, preferably himself in lieu of not wanting to harm his family. Instead he took a deep breath and cast a careful look to where his nephew was sitting. A violet eye glimmered at him in concern, but the boy was still listening to what his Amicitia had to say. Ardyn smiled wanly and concentrated on cleaning the grater in the stone basin that served as a sink.
Ala nigra fert noctem
Et video sursum
Ad caelum,
Ubi stellis claricent.
The voice of his mother continued to whisper in his mind. Ardyn huffed in annoyance and shook his head to banish the sweet and sorrowful melody from his mind. Carelessly dropping the grater next to a pile of clean dishes, he stepped out of the room without another word to clear his head. He could think later, right now he needed to breathe.
He had strived to be wise once. Look where that had gotten him.
Before he knew it, he was standing on the cobbled road in front of the old villa, leaning on his cane and breathing heavily. It had been a long, long time since he had thought of his mother. He couldn't remember much of her. Flashes of her sweet singing voice, wild locks of flyaway red hair and scarred, dark skin. A deep breath shuddered through his lungs.
He really didn't want to keep thinking about it, wanted to keep walking the way the... Gods had paved for him, wanted to just stay here with his nephew and his wife and children and forget the world even existed. But...
There was still something within him, buried deep and old and tired that wanted to help make the world a better place.
If this old lullaby would really help to prevent a new Astral War, he would do his best. But not today. All Ardyn wanted to do was to rest and just be. Sit at a table with good food and good company. The Gods had waited for over 2000 years, they could wait a day longer.
Satisfied with that conclusion he felt prepared enough to go back inside. Without a doubt breakfast would be finished soon.
From down the shadowy street he could see a lantern bobbing towards him. Curious of who would be out and about this early in the morning, he stayed where he was and waited. It was a small and frail woman with greying hair. Tulia Philon he thought her name was. Deep shadows danced beneath her tired eyes and her shoulders were curled inwards, as if she had suffered a heavy blow. She looked so different from the lively woman he had met just a week ago.
“Dearest Tulia, it is good to see you again,” he greeted her. He lowered his head nearly far enough to call it a bow. “Though I wish it would be under better circumstances.”
“Salve, Ardyn,” she she said and dear Gods, even her voice sounded tired. “I heard you had woken up and came to see you.”
He tilted his head in curiosity. Him? Not his nephew? Old hands gripped the ring of the electric lantern tighter as Tulia looked up at him.
“Would you do me the honour and speak at my husband's funeral?” she asked and looked like she would burst into tears at any moment.
“Oh, I... If it is your wish, of course.”
She gifted him with a trembling smile. “I thank you. You have no idea what it means to me. You were the last person to see him alive, to talk to him and it is tradition to speak of a person's last... last moments.” Tulia took a shuddering breath. “The funeral will be in two days at sundown. Healer will be there, too.”
“It will be my honour,” Ardyn responded and was only half surprised he actually meant it.
He had known Sallust for barely three days and he hadn't exactly liked the old man, but he hadn't disliked him either.
“Thank you,” Tulia said again and made to turn around.
“Why don't you stay for breakfast? There will most certainly be enough for one more, and a good meal in good company goes a long way to brighten the day.”
For a few seconds she looked at him oddly but agreed in the end. Ardyn smiled the best healer's smile he was still capable of and guided the grieving woman inside.
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devilsnwitches · 5 years
I saw your shipping and handling for Vergil. So what about your other muses? It's okay if I need to send this ask multiple times btw. I just got curious.
// I can do a read more! That way it isn’t more posts to search for but XD thank you
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This man oozes confidence. So if you can match that and meet him step for step he’ll definitely keep his eye on you.
My V also thoroughly enjoys LOTR and Harry Potter, so could talk to him for days about either of them. If you speak Elvish and can be really elegant, you might steal his breath away
Speaking of elegant…forgot to mention this for Vergil but like, dude. Both Vergil and V will ballroom dance you into next week! V loves dancing with Kyrie just to have some fun. He’ll also dance in the rain!
Unlike Vergil, he doesn’t mind loud talkers. I mean, he has Griffon, but I established that it’s because the silence can get to him sometimes. Griffon fills that void. Fast talkers can throw him for a loop sometimes but just…give him an extra minute to process what you’ve said and don’t be upset if he didn’t catch something and asks you to repeat. 
Unless he’s in the middle of reading something really good, as long as you capture his attention first he’ll focus completely on you. Unless he’s fighting. Then he’s solely focused on the fight and hyper-focuses on it, won’t even let you fret on him until after everything’s dead. After the fight? Fret all you like, he will actually enjoy it. He doesn’t like being coddled, but he likes being taken care of.
V also likes to just…sit in your presence and observe you or read and let the moment be for hours. If you’re okay with that and don’t feel the need to fill a void that isn’t there, then kudos!
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I love her, okay? Just…adore this precious cinnamon roll
She’s been through so much and still stuck with Nero at the end of everything.
Her heart is so pure and so strong. I stan her.
Don’t trifle with her, though, everyone agrees on that
When Nero says ‘Kyrie always makes too much’ I mean this girl cooks like she’s cooking for an army because I headcanon the Sparda men have black holes for stomachs and if there can be leftovers for Nero to take on the road it makes her happy.
Want to woo her? Just…she’ll know you like her cooking when you clear your plate and she’ll also know if you eat it just to be polite. 
This girl is classic romance, candlelight dinners, slow dancing, soft touches, loving kisses, movies and cuddles on the couch, though she loves Nero’s quirky shyness and they can be shy sweet beans together ok!
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Yvette is a silly bean!
Loves to laugh and will not be afraid to have one of those super loud obnoxious belly laughs. Genuinely enjoys Dante’s jokes.
Don’t get in her way when she starts cleaning man, don’t do it
She likes simple things, actually. A movie out, a ‘Netflix and chill’, flowers just because, eating at Freddi’s, a stargazing date or a cloud watching date
She’s been hurt before, however, because she’s been told she’s too much. Too clingy, too weird, too this, too that. She hugs a lot, she does drive-by kisses when you’re established, PDA/hand-holding, and she will tell you “I love you” every chance she gets and to her, it never loses the meaning. She’s been told not to because it ‘loses it’s meaning over time’ and she just…doesn’t believe that.
Also not a virgin, but uh…acts like it because she just feels so strongly and every other time she’s given herself to someone they’ve hurt her one way or another, so she just…gets scared
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Still a fairly new muse for me, but hey, we’re trying to get a feel for each other.
A lot more feral than my Vergil is, the more nasty kind of cat that would rather bite and scratch first and most would say put him down.
But don’t. Keep trying. He’s been scorned way too many times and has Major Trust Issues. Your persistence will annoy him, but as long as you’re genuine he can see it in your eyes.
If you can meet his eyes you’ll gain respect points, though if you’re shy he’ll think it’s cute too.
Call him on his bullshit, he’ll be stunned enough you can talk to him without him snapping. Yet, don’t be rude and nasty when you do. He won’t respond well.  Use it to catch his attention.
Banter with him and laugh at his dumb jokes. Again tho, be sincere. He’ll know and he’ll appreciate it.
After doing a bunch of character aesthetics, I’ve learned he’s also truly a Soft Boi™ and once you survive that growling surface, you’ll see it glowing through in the form of picking wildflowers to maybe give to you, scuffing his feet shyly and rubbing his nose, maybe bumping shoulders and you know if he’s averting his eyes he’s into you and being cute.  
^ Do. Not. Tease. Him. ^ He will clam up and shut off to you all over again. It hurts and he shows his hurt violently and with gnashed teeth. (Addendum - once you’re well established teasing is fine he’ll know you enough to know it’s in good fun)
Isn’t opposed to makeup, interestingly enough. If you’re in the store together and you pick up a stick of lipstick and say “I think this would look good on you” he’d go “yeah? let’s try it” and he’ll even let you put it on, same with eyeliner, though he finds colored liners more entertaining he’ll def be down for a classic bold winged look in black. 
^He’d be the boyfriend in those “boyfriend does my makeup” challenge videos and is Good At It where when he’s done he’ll straight up tell you he doesn’t want you to post it because you look smokin’ and he’s a greedy/jealous boi
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jeidafei · 6 years
D.Gray-Man: Few Things You Should Know about “Red”
A few facts we DGM fans really should talk about before succumbing to that Red!fic plotbunny pouncing about in our brains!
So I’ve been suffering through another D.Gray fangirling phase. I’ve been trawling Fanfiction.net for every DGM story I could sink my teeth into. I absolutely adore fanfictions about Red. Heck, EVERYONE absolutely adore fanfictions about Red (just look at the number of favs and comments!). Firecracker, A Blast to the Past, Red, etc., you name it. I’ve pretty much read through all of them more than once.
But something just isn’t right about these otherwise perfect fanfictions (well, other than the fact that they’re never finished T T), and it bugs me so much, as I am myself an avid fanfiction writer (of a Thai novel), and I’ve seen this same mistake play out in various fandoms.
It’s Red himself.
I’ve read Lost Fragment of Snow (LFS) whenever I wanted to tear my heart to pieces, and recently I’ve been translating it, so there are a few things I’d like everyone to keep in mind when you come up with little past!Allen plotbunnies.
1. Red does NOT talk back at Cosimo. Or anyone.
Red is rough and bitter, yes, but he is not a big-talker and he is not stupid. He is deeply traumatized, and traumatized kids will not do things they know will only get them more beating-ups.
Actually, I think anyone will know better than to talk back at Cosimo, not just traumatized kids.
So if you have Red yelling his head off at Cosimo, you’re not only giving the poor kid unnecessary misery but you’re also making him look silly.
(C’mon Allen, use your brain. You’re seven years old and a pipsqueak. Unless you’re sure you can beat him up with your Innocence then shut your trap, kid!)
If you look carefully at Red in LFS, you will notice that he barely even talks at all. He could curse them wankers for pages in his head, but he’ll never voice it out.
Hoshino-sensei described Red in the guidebooks as nama-iki, which could be translated along the lines of brazen, impertinent, cheeky, feisty...etc. Red (and later Allen) has certainly shown that side of him to Mana, Cross and Kanda, but even he knows when he must bite his tongue and keep his head down. 
1) Cosimo is annoyed when he fails his act, and throws a juggling ball hard at Red’s face, blaming his cursed arm for dirtying the ball.
Fanfiction!Red: What da heck ya stupid wanker! It’s ya own fault ya messed up yer own show! (goes on and on and on until Cosimo knocks the fluff outta him.)
CanonLFS!Red: He thought how performers would blame the propsー and himー for their mistakes. But to Cosimo, he simply glared after his back (and not before he turned and left the tent.) and said nothing...at all.
2) In the opening scene, Cosimo just came picking on Red and started kicking him like a punching bag. Not because Red said anything to him; just because Red (foolishly) gave him an angry glare (he’s seven years old, you gotta forgive him sometimes).
As far as I can see, not a single Whaddya want, ya wanker! I can hear. When you’re Red, you don’t have to go that far to get a kick from Cosimo. You only need to exist.
2. Actually, Red’s life is not that bad.
Please don’t kill me yet and hear me out on this. I mean yeah, it’s bad. Sorry, it’s EXTREMELY BAD at that circus. And I cried and cried whenever I read LFS, but some fanfictions just go waaaay further than the original story confirms the circusーand the world in generalーhas done to Red.
We don’t ever see the Cook poisoning Red or Red recalling he had glass shards or cyanide (smells like almond) in his soup. In fact, it is shown Red has no qualms digging his spoon into his food. He just digs in right away because he’s so hungry he could eat a horse. Yep. I’m still talking about the Red. 
As much as the Ringmaster despised Red, he said it himself he still wants to work Red to the bone until he earns back the gold he paid to buy Red. So why kill Red now when you can still exploit him? After all, who’d do all the errands if Red is six feet under?
Though the Ringmaster did change his mind at the end and threw Red to the lions, that’s after he thought Red had killed Mana and Allen, his top money-spinner. Other than that, he tolerated Red enough to let him live, at the least.
Another thing is sometimes people would have Red mention churches and mental institutions trying to burn or imprison him, but actually, Red remembers nothing but the circus he now lives in and he has never left the circus for the outside world (except of course the occasional supplies-run with the Cook). So how could he have been through all that?
And no, no-one has sexually assaulted Red, either. Not even Cosimo. Red himself never once mentioned anything of the sort in his narrative/thoughts. One might argue it could’ve happened off-screen, but Red would definitely have recalled such a horrifying experience if it had happened, right? 
I’ve seen many fanfictions that has Allen revisiting his old circus (which I will rant about in the next point) and reliving how he was used by the disgusting men there. No, this has not happened to Red. Cosimo beats him regularly, and he is mostly ignored by the other members of the circus, but no one has ever abused him in that way. No! They are disgusted of him and they shun him. That is all.
I’d guess this last part is probably the influence of the legendary Mana, which describes Allen’s long history of sexual abuse in gruesome yet ingenious detail. That fiction was a masterpiece and I read through it despite usually reading only canon. But canon!Red and Mana!Allen is separate, my lads!!
3. The old circus is gone and Cosimo is DEAD. Pe-ri-od. (HOORAY!)
Yes, some fics had Allen meeting Cosimo again in a literal trip down nightmare-fuel memory lane, or musing that Cosimo is probably still alive, and I’d only stumbled upon this mistake recently when I re-read LFS.
This is impossible, you see: Cosimo died along with the other troupe members when the Millennium Earl attacked with his Akuma army, which is disguised as the audience. In fact, as Cosimo is ranting about the show starting without him and stepped onto the stage first, I’d even say he’s the first poof.
Everyone who was in the backstage (which is basically pretty much everyone in the troupe, as Cosimo had called them all in to hear him frame Red for Allen’s murder), save for Mana, died from the hail of Akuma bullets. The only survivors of that night were Red, the Ringmaster and the two performers he had ordered to drag Red to the lions, because they’re in a different place: the warehouse. And of course Mana, because Cross stepped in just in time.
So if you’re going for canon, let’s leave Cosimo in his grave. 
4. Red is truly, EXTREMELY scared of Cosimo
Like, sh*t-his-pants scared.
Well, who can blame him? He’s scrawny, crippled and freaking seven-years-old and the wanker would stomp the daylights out of him if he merely looks at him wrong, and he knew nobody would ever stand up for him.
Nobody...at least until Allen the Dog comes along.
Simply the sight of Cosimo emerging from a tent sent him screaming and hiding behind a tree. Simply the sight of Cosimo standing before him sent his hand trembling. When Cosimo is annoyed his breakfast isn’t served first, Red all but hightail it outta there for dear life.
Red avoids Cosimo as much as he could and would not seek to prolong their interactions or annoy him by talking back.
Red’s friendship with Allen is the only thing that gave him courage to stand up to Cosimo in the end, and when he accused Cosimo of killing Allen, that’s the first and only time we see him actually verbal-sparring with the wicked clown.
5. Red is very quiet and reclusive, and polite when necessary.
No matter how bad they treated him, Red does not talk brashly with the circus troupe members. He talks in polite form (keigo) to the cook, the jugglers, the Ringmaster, as of course he needed food and a roof to live under, and he doesn’t want to be socked (though he did look sullen in general).
And most importantly, it was as Red has always told himself: Things have always been like this, and he’s used to it. (yes, yes, we later know he’s just trying to be strong and he’s really very sad, but you know what I mean XD.)
So no point ranting a paragraph at them, obviously. Red understands already that it has to be this way. So why the rant? Why ALL the rants?
He also avoid interactions unless truly necessary; they ignored him, and he never speaks to anyone first. He doesn’t care about anyone back then. When he does speak, he speaks shortly. If he realizes that even if he speaks for himself, no-one would listen to or believe him, then he won’t waste his breath.
No lengthy tirades about how churches would attempt to burn him and Cosimo would beat him up or that it’s not his fault in the least and Cosimo has framed him and all that blah blah blah blah blah...(seriously, why would he spill this many beans to people he just met and did not yet trust, like Komui?)
//Even when he’s grown up and became the Allen we know, he’s almost never shown talking about his life at the circus, or even what happened to Mana to anyone, for that matter (Link said so!). Yes, he told Lenalee how he travelled with his adopted parent, but it was only happy and funny stories, and he told Bookman how his eye became cursed, but that’s just because Bookman asked and he couldn’t possibly wriggle out of answering. I seriously wonder if anyone knows his full bio except Cross, the Bookmen and the church authorities. It’s simply too painful and he’d only just come to terms with it recently, when he mused about Mana to Link.//
The exception to all this is probably Mana, and that is because he is the first person Red decided to go talk to. And this is solely because Mana is Allen’s owner, and Red is simply curious as to what kind of person he is like. He probably knows Mana is a decent person, being Allen’s owner and the brilliant new clown and all, and so is not afraid to talk casually (and quite a bit roughly) around him.
Anyway, most little boys pretty much talk like that in Japanese. It’s not as if Red’s that much ruder than any normal kid his age, in my opinion. 
At least, Red hasn’t called anyone a “*bleep*head” like that antisocial little chopped-hair, girly-faced douchebag we all love, either. So no need for the T-rating and tone down his language, please, dear DGMers.
.....End of rant! Will keep adding more if I could think of anything else!
Thanks for bearing with this crazy fangirl!
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iphoenixrising · 6 years
Dr!Tim Drabble: Robin
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Well, Babes. You both must have fucking read my mind and shit because really. I kind of started this to be such a teaser when BOOP I got this ask and my fucking heart here. You’re right on the same page when it comes to Dr!Tim getting the real Robin experience, yeah? Lol. So, just a note. B’s bad guy persona is Matches. The dude with the epic porn ‘stache. Dick’s persona is Robbie Malone, which is pretty obscure and I looked it up on a good wiki to make sure.
HOWEVER *ahem* An incredible artist @kaciart did a thing here: http://thingsfortwwings.tumblr.com/post/55338349568/kaciart-it-was-never-made-clear-whether-tim-knew. Which helped the muse.
So… so there’s that. XD Hope it's as good.
The Robin in Gotham that night is just a little bit taller. Not by much. He's hesitant, a newbie to the vigilante game, and even if he's got a grapple on his belt, he only uses it once. Only a drunk or two catch him strafing across rooftops, the flicker of yellow, red, and green against the lamplight.
The rest of the city is asleep. As luck would have it, he stumbles on some baddies with a leg up on him, tossing a pellet in the right spot with knockout gas to make carrying him through the night that much easier. When Robin comes to, the blurry residual clears and behind the whiteouts, his vision is sharp. Being handcuffed in a crummy warehouse in the Narrows is not really the way he'd hoped to spend his first real experience in the tunic.
(And if he embarrasses the name, a certain little demon will probably eviscerate him.
"I allow you one night–"
"To my credit, I really thought those ninjas would go down easier."
"May I remind you–"
"I know, I know. It's not one of my hobbies. No more almost getting killed under your name, I promise.")
But a single dim bulb hangs with enough away to reveal the long, lean line of muscle still half in shadows watching him from behind whiteouts.
"Been a real pain in my nut, Robin." Is more dangerous behind the synths, more casual when the Red Hood, notorious enforcer for the Black Mask, straightens up and starts to move forward. "Gettin' in my fucking business means I gotta make an example outta ya, so’s no one else thinks they can stop the trade, you feel me?" Robin's eyes narrow but his pulse is picking up, his muscles tighten against the ropes.
“Or,” he tries with a bravado he doesn’t necessarily feel, “you could cut this chase short and let me take you in so you don’t make it worse for yourself.”
The sound is probably a snort but the synths make it hard to decipher.
“Mmhm, an’ any other damn day, ya might be right. But since I know the Bat is outta town, and the rest a’ yer little cape n’ cowl crew are busy, n’ yer own yer own, little birdy. Even fucking better, I got me an old friend in Gotham t’night, and I gotta say–” the way Hood moves, hips swaying, something of a swagger, all indications the vigilante has a plan, makes Robin catch a breath with what the hell else?
“Ya might be in over yer head.”
And oh God.
He’s in for it.
(Teasing his boyfriends can have some interesting results, so even with the plan they’d had for him tonight, there were so many things they hadn’t told him.)
Because the shift in the shadows and the crimson slash is just what the bad guy ordered, and the man coming out of the shadows to stand beside Hood is nothing short of mouth-wateringly dangerous– all done in sharp black and red.
Something in Robin’s abdomen goes unbearably tight when Renegade puts the intense focus of those whiteouts right on him, folds his arms over his chest, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
Even while he might be melting into a puddle of oh God, please, please, I’ve been a bad Robin, he can maneuver his hands well enough to get into the green gloves for the small lockpick set he’d completely kyped out of B’s utility belt the last time they’d had a little snatch n’ stitch. Since he’s completely used to working with fine instruments wearing gloves, working the small end into the handcuffs is easier than he’d originally calculated.
(So much win going on right now.)
“So nice to know you’ve got friends in town, Hood. I hope you have an itinerary to show him the sights. Robinson Park is really nice this time of year.” He tries to keep the banter, give himself time he needs to work the cuffs.
(Still, watching them walk toward him like a fucking bad ass wet dream is really making the night look up regardless of how things are going to go from here.)
“Too much mouth on ya, Robin,” and the flex of hips and thighs, the glint off the gun in Hood’s hand, the feral-looking smirk on Renegade’s face make him take a pause to work his fingers into the back of the utility belt, bite down on his lower lip to try and get–
“Looks like we need to shut him up, Hood,” is Renegade’s deep response, that tone rolling around in the abandoned warehouse, makes a shiver work up his spine.
Which causes him to drop the pellet he’d been holding, the little ball rolling right under his chair.
Fuck. That’s bad.
He tries to think fast, using his weight to throw his chair back, out of the way of the little blast and following plumes of smoke. It’s really nothing more than dumb luck that the chair is probably older than all of them and pretty much breaks into kindling on impact.
It’s even luckier that the small blast is inconsequential but the smoke screen gives him the opportunity to wiggle enough to get his cuffed wrists down far enough to get his feet over them so at least his hands are bound in the front.
Rolling to his feet, he tries to duck away from the chair in the thick smoke, cape hitting him in the back of the ankles, and fucking right, he didn’t even lose the lockpick.
(“Damn. Good one, Baby Bird. Didn’t see that shit coming.”
“This is going to be much better than we thought, Jay.”
“Fuck right, Dickie, now we gedda chase.”
And with that little revelation, Robin is thinking, looking around at the high windows, making plans.)
He flips one of the few bat-a-rangs in his utility belt, awkwardly holding it up to throw with his bound hands. He manages throw far enough to knock it into an empty crate further down than where he’s hiding, but it draws the attention of the “baddies” coming through the dissipating smoke after him.
It does the job and he sees the outline of Hood and Renegade change course, closer to the sound.
“You’re only making it harder on yourself, Robin,” Renegade purrs low, his footsteps not even making a sound when he shares a side-eye with Hood and moves around to take the back for the element of surprise.
“When we catch ya,” Hood is cooing through the synths, popping the clip out of his .45 to make sure again he’s toting blanks (the one in his boot has the rubber rounds should things get dicey and they need ta make with the real crime fighting) before he circles around the smoky pile of old pallets and crates laying in dusty ruin, “we ain’t gonna be nice ‘bout it, you feel me, Robin? Gonna make ya one sorry lil’ bird.”
(But he totally hears, “gonna fuck ya until ya scream for it, Baby. Gonna make ya come ‘til ya can’t even stand up no more.”)
The handcuffs finally pop as the two bad guys jump in their planned strike, coming down on a whole lotta empty pallets with only a bat-a-rang there for them to stare at.
“Little motherfucker,” is all he needs to hear, shoving the handcuffs in his belt (in case he needs to have a plan) and pulling the grapple while his pulse throbs in his mouth and his adrenaline kicks up a notch. He’s got to shoot and reel himself in before they get to him, got to get out the upper windows and climb to the roof, got to at least get a few buildings over before they catch him.
(And he completely has a new appreciation for the reinforced jocks they wear under the suits because the things is literally killing him right now.)
The bang makes him flinch regardless, and with that, the jig is completely up. Two heads swivel toward the sound, trace the line up to the window sill where the hook sinks deep, and the shadow of the cape flares out like wings as the grapple pulls Robin from the ground and away.
“Fuck this is gettin’ good,” Hood breathes out, already pulling his own, watching the flex of Timmy’s thighs in those fucking tights and his ass outlined in Robin Red.
The window breaks with his momentum, and Robin pauses on the broken sill long enough to grin widely down at them, “I really need to be on my way, but we should do this again sometime!”
The cap flaps around the green tights and black boots as Robin scales the ancient fire escape and disappears out of sight.
Renegade puts a hand on his wrist, stills Hood from raising the grapple for the ole’ point-n-shoot. “Let him get a little bit of distance, Jay. He’s putting a hell of a lot into this.”
“Big Wing,” and even with the whiteouts on both sides, he knows how dark Dickies eyes are, is pretty sure his are just as dark. “ we’re gonna destroy that ass, you feel me?”
“You know we are. Damn, he looks cute in that suit.”
“Cute? Nah, ain’t where I’m at right now, yeah? Motherfucking sexy is ‘bout what I’m feelin’.”
“Fuckable, sure, but wow, he wears it so well.”
“Don’t tell Demon. That little shit won’t never let this happen again.”
“Right. We play it out with our boyfriend, fuck him on a safe rooftop, then take him home for a soak in the tub and cuddle-palooza.”
“You better fuckin’ add pancakes ta that list, Dickie. I like seein’ ‘im all full n’ sleepy after we fucked ‘im but good.”
“Done and done.”
In a smooth move, Hood raises the grapple again and loops his free arm around Renegade’s waist, pulling his Baby Boy right into his body.
The two vigilantes pause in the moment, and Renegade raises both hands quick, hits the right spot on the back of the helmet to release the catch, pulls the damn thing off so they can have just a second–
And anyone looking in the dilapidated warehouse down by Dixon Docks in that exact moment would be scandalized to see the Red Hood and Renegade writhing against one another, caught up in the taste of one another, just a tease before the grapple starts to reel.
Robin is panting with the effort, tries not to get tangled in his cape, tries to keep his eyes open to everything around him with the sharp vision he gets behind the whiteouts.
Luckily for him, he’s shaking off the residual of the sedative and this area of the city is one so absolutely familiar, he already knows he’s got an edge.
The same spots from those days when he was a kid with a camera, hiding while he followed the flying vigilantes are obviously still there, could still give him a place to duck if he thinks his pursuers are getting too close. If Dick and Jay had really been paying those old photographs in the shoebox enough attention, they’d probably be able to pick out the majority of his hidey-holes and make this game come to a quick and abrupt end (he’s hoping they don’t because he’s really, really enjoying this).
But, he’s already evaded them three times and he’s still too damn far from his apartment to believe he’s anywhere near home free.
Which is why he’s wasting time ducked down between two massive air conditioning units on the Mylar building instead of in Renegade and Hood’s path. A few feet away is an old bridge the maintenance crew used to get up to the next roof, giving him an out to use the grapple for a swing and give himself away.
He waits until the shadows recede and he can’t see either of them before he darts out and takes the bridge at a run, making a leap that immediately gets his adrenaline back up.
His chest is heaving a little because the climb is about a bitch.
A hard jerk on the suspension bridge takes him by surprise as both “villains” land it on either side of him, effectively boxing him in.
Well, fuck.
He pulls the grapple since, you know, the jig is up, but an escrima stick knocks the damn thing from his hand, and no amount of time he’s spent in the gym or hard-core parkour is going to get him out of this little sitch.
(Dammit. Trapped.)
Renegade clicks his tongue, “tsk, tsk, Robin. Nice try, but you should have tried to stay ahead of us. That might have gotten you home free.” And the two start advancing on him, getting closer. Robin looks from one to the other, bites down on his lower lip–
Until the plan pops into his head.
“Gonna enjoy this, little bird,” Hood drawls out, “after the run ya gave us.”
Panting, Robin tries to make the move subtle enough to miss, back up just a step, tries to make it look like he’s searching for a way out when he looks over the bridge and all the way down.
The action works because both villains jump for him at the same time, trying to keep him from throwing himself over, and it gives Robin just enough of a chance to let his knees give out from under him and fake fall to the wobbly bridge so Renegade can careen over his head at the same time Hood smacks into him, landing the two in a heap right at Robin’s feet.
The knock of Hood’s helmet against Renegade’s forehead gives him a crucial moment to slam the handcuffs he’d kept down on the Red Hood’s left wrist and Renegade’s right one, pushing the sides closed to cuff the two together.
(Oh fuck is he winning here.)
He’s already moving back while they untangle themselves and stare at their cuffed wrists before slowly, ever so slowly, turning to him.
“Well, damn.” And if he didn’t know better, he’d say Hood was, well, impressed.
(I have other hobbies, asshole, remember?)
“The surprises keep coming,” Renegade already climbing to his feet is grinning widely, Hood following in a smooth motion. “Too bad it isn’t going to save you, you know.”
“I just need to keep you two on–”
When he would have finished off the banter portion with on your toes, what he gets is the terrible sighing sound breaking the night, followed right by a sharp twang that is all too fucking familiar.
(Why do bridges have a tendency to break while he’s on them? Seriously now?)
His whole body jerks up, head turning to the sight of the old bridge coming apart and falling from under him, making him gasp in hard enough to hurt, making his knees knock, making a hard reality of Oh God, not again.
But cuffed arms brace under his and the bang of grapples firing shakes him out of breath-stealing panic, Hood and Renegade working in tandem to send the three of them flying through the night while the bridge crumbles to Gotham’s dirty sidewalk below.
Effortlessly, the villains land them on the Mylar, setting the three of them down in the shadows where one side of the building keeps it absolutely hidden away.
“Holy shit,” Robin pants out, held up between Hood and Renegade, his chest heaving under the tunic. “That...was not part of the plan.”
“Good to know,” Renegade lays his forehead against the base of Robin’s neck, exhaling slowly, moving his free hand down to push the cape out from between their bodies, to twist it around his hand for the next step.
“I’ll fuckin’ say,” Hood deactivates the helmet and tosses it down, moves a step closer to sandwich Robin between the two of them. With just a dom, his eyes are dark blue without the flecks of jade which means he’s probably still riding a little bit of the adrenaline from the almost-oops.
Robin looks up and over when Hood holds up his cuffed hand and arches a brow. “Still, ya gonna have ta work on them plans, Rob, if ya wanna get the better of us, yeah? This ain’t bad, but that don’t mean–”
And Robin gasps when his gloves wrists are gathered up by the cuffed hands, pulled over his head to stretch his body taunt.
Renegade is leaning down to talk against his ear, growling low and so fucking dangerous, “–you’re going to get away this time. Sorry, little bird. Looks like we win.”
Apparently things like capes are weapons and should not be used against him.
Or...well, maybe he’s going to re-think that since his wrists are bound together tight before they even worked the tunic open.
Renegade is keeping Robin’s bound arms down with a knee and a gloved hand over his mouth to make sure the noises are nice and quiet, kept between just the three of them. Hood had picked the cuffs in approximately two seconds to give them both a chance to get to work on making sure the young vigilante knew he was fucking around with the real deal.
The utility belt came off, lying just out of reach and Robin’s thighs spread open with less fight than anticipated.
The struggling, the writhing against Hood’s crotch, the straining muscle and taunt hold is just this side of perfect. For a little show, Hood pulls out a wickedly sharp knife, the glint dull in the night, leans down over Robin’s body and slides the sharp end of the blade right over the base of his throat, bare now that his cape is gone.
(But even though Timmy’s is half-assed struggling, he ain’t scared. No fear in those eyes, yeah?)
“Better be a good little bird, Rob. I like ta keep m’ implements nice n’ sharp. Don’t wanna make me slip by accident.”
Renegade’s hand on the younger vigilante’s mouth pulls so the head tilts back, eyes looking up. “I’ve known Hood for a long time, kid. You don’t want to see the master at work.”
When the struggling stops and the only thing Robin is doing is panting against Renegade’s hand, the sharp edge eases up slightly, slides down his chest, the tip fitting right under the tunic’s laces.
“Atta boy. Make it easier on yerself. Ain’t nobody gonna find ya, so don’t gotta have it rough unless ya wanna.”
“He might like it that way, Hood.” The first lace gives without hesitation. “Maybe we should go a little hard on him to find out.”
The second lace.
“But lookit how cute he is, Baby Boy. Gonna show ‘im just how things gotta go down on our side a’ the law, ain’t we? That don’t mean we gotta get nasty ‘bout it long as he behaves himself.”
The third.
Finally, the two villains are finally getting a little skin, and a gloved hands runs down Robin’s collar bone, moves to thumb and tweak until the little nub under is tight.
The hand on Robin’s mouth tightens down when the moan cuts through the stillness.
“He needs to learn, Hood. He can’t mess with business and get away without paying the price.” The thumb on Robin’s face moves over the domino and the whiteouts slide down, showing half-mast eyes, darkening by degrees.
“Mmhm. That’s the thing ‘bout Gotham, ain’t it?” And the hands moving down, pull hard, rip the tunic until there’s nothing in his path except the tights and reinforced jock. “Always got consequences, Rob, and you? You ain’t any different.”
The telltale tremble in his thighs makes the Red Hood grin wide and white (don’t be breaking character yet, Baby Bird. We gotta whole lotta play still left), and he’s nothing but a nasty bastard when he runs both hands up the inside of those thighs, grips tight to make sure there’s gonna be bruises there tomorrow.
Since he and Dickie pretty much engineered this whole thing (and made a suit with strategized weaknesses), the tights give under his hands, ripping open from the waist to the knee. He hands a sizeable strip to Renegade and leans down over Robin’s body, giving a little bit of distraction while his partner in crime moves just long enough to tie the strip in their little vigilante’s mouth.
“Much better.” He palms the grapple in his freed hand, and pulls out the line, throws the hook to catch on the lip of the roof and wrap the other end to keep Robin from going anywhere. Renegade pulls off the head piece, is in just a domino so he can flick the catch of his suit and pull it down to bare a tantalizing v-ee of his chest.
With the suit ripped away, helpless to whatever they planned to do to him on a roof in the middle of Gotham, Robin is gagged and panting, his chest stuttering with it, going pink down his collarbone and upper chest.
(Fingers slide into one of his bound hand, and the metal ball gives a soft jingle. All he has to do is drop it if he needs to stop, all he has to do is give the signal. He’s in control, he’s in control, he’s in control–)
And the feel of Hood’s gloves on his hip bone, tearing the strap on the reinforced jock makes his hips twitch, makes him unconsciously arch into the touch even when his hard cock springs up into the cool Gotham air.
“That’s smart kid. This’ll go easier for you if you try to enjoy it.” Renegade palms the vial in his suit and holds it up where the can both see it, smirks at the muffled noise right beside his thigh.
Hood grins back at him and pops the lid, dribbles lube on his fingers and lifts one of Robin’s calves for Renegade to hold. He hoists the other, runs his slick fingers over Robin’s balls, tugs a little, slides his forefinger up the underside of the vigilante’s straining cock, just a tease.
Getting his suit down far enough with one hand, Renegade shakes Robin’s leg, palms the side of his face to turn him, gets a load of those eyes, “My partner here is going to give you the fuck of a lifetime. And you? Are going to suck me while he does it.”
The jock is gone, and Robin gasps in hard through his nose, those eyes rolling over the length, teeth biting down on the gag in his mouth. He watches, mesmerized, as the gloved hand strokes himself, makes himself harder, gives Robin a preview to what he’s about to get.
When Hood spreads him open wider, slick and blunt finger sliding in, moving fast and hard, making Robin’s spine arch while he watches Renegade jerk off right in front of his face, mouth watering for it, his cock aching, his body clenching when one finger becomes two, and the desperation for more is starting to take over.
Pulling against the zip line isn’t doing anything for him because he can’t move, is caught between them, is already making noises with his body anticipating Hood (Jay) making him utterly senseless while he sucks Renegade’s thick cock to the fucking base.
(This is the best thing to ever happen.)
A jerk of his hips and a third finger slides in, gives him only a few thrusts against his spot, just enough for Hood to smirk and finally pull out.
“Gonna keep ya nice n’ tight fer me, Robin,” and while he’s been prepping the vigilante, he’d pulled himself out, lubed himself up to press right against the prize waiting for him. “But don’t worry. Since yer being a good, little bird, we’ll make sure you get yers.”
And Robin throws his head back, body arching in a clean line as well as he can with his legs caught and hands restrained. His fist tightens on the bell, keening through his gag as Hood pushes in, gives a few slow back-and-forths until he’s balls deep with a long moan.
“Lookit you taking all of his dick on the first go,” Renegade purrs down at him, and thumbs the gag out of his mouth, puts a finger over his lips. “Good for you, little bird. Now you’re going to give me mine. Don’t make me have to tell you to be very good.”
Renegade pulls with fingers on his jaw, and Robin opens up without a fight, taking the wide head in, moaning around it. Hood finally gets the point that he’s sure he isn’t going to come immediately when he moves, changing his hold to fit the bend of Robin’s knee and hoist his hips up higher, makes sure he’s in as far as he can possibly go (just the way Timmy likes it), then pulls back, starts up a few slow-n’-easies before he picks up the pace.
And Robin’s eyes are fluttering behind the domino, sliding his tongue around Renegade’s cock, leaning closer when he can take more, when he can take it deeper--
And suck.
“Holy–” and the villain’s hips twitch, a gloved hand threading into his hair, holds him still as hips twitch and fuck his mouth in shallow thrusts. “Fuck, know what you’re doing, don’t you Robin? Ah, you’re going to love my cock by the time we’re done with you.”
“Ya kiddin’ me, Baby Boy? Fuck him and you’ll be in love with his ass. Like a fucking vice.” And Hood leans over Robin’s body to get a better view of Renegade’s hips twitching, cock sliding in and out of his mouth, of Robin’s cheeks hollowing, of his jaw moving, of the tight nubs they’re both absently working.
In a calculated move, Renegade gives Hood a wink, and they both draw back, leave just the tip in him, gets a low noise for the effort, and fuck back into him with a vengeance.
“That’s right, little birdie. Found yer sweet spot, yeah?” And the strokes inside him are long and firm and fast, his spot abused by each one, making the pressure in his belly start to burn.
Renegade keeps up with a smooth, steady pace, sliding over his tongue, spilling pre-come in his throat, staring down as he pants, watching Robin take every fucking inch.
He’s moaning around the width in his mouth, in his throat, trying to suck, trying to scream while his cock throbs and the R still partly on his chest gleams in the night.
Hood’s balls slapping against his ass, and Renegade panting, groaning out above him, and a gloved hands fists him at the base, starts stroking him in time with the hits to his spot.
And the rhythm is driving, pound, rushing, his pulse racing in his ears, struggling to get a breath, but it’s all toomuchmoremoremore that he can’t think past the need to come, whimpering in his throat when he can, and trying to move his hips up into the fist pumping him and down into the pound thrusts driving him closer and closer to the edge.
“That’s right, give it up, Robin,” Renegade pants, groans down at him, working his hips, fucking into that throat, “you’re gonna take everything we give you, and when you go back to the Bat, you’ll remember just what you get when you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
Hood draws back to fuck in hard, tightening his hand down and speed up. “We’re gonna make sure this lessons sticks, Baby Boy. Fill ‘im up good, make sure he knows what happens ta bad little birdies.”
Robin screams around Renegade’s cock when fingers tease the tip of him and hips ground into deep, trying to move but he’s helplessly caught.
When Renegade leans down over him, talks low and feral, fucking into his mouth with fast, hard jerks, getting harder against his tongue, when it’s those blue eyes with the haze of need and want, (when it’s Dick talking to him), when the words, “come for us, baby,” are breathed so soft and fond, his body lets go, the knot of tension exploding, sending tingling pleasure from his ass to his cock to his nipples and spreads out until his eyes are rolling back in his head and all he can do is suck Renegade’s come down his throat while the pleasure loops around and keeps him going.
“Fuck, baby,” (Is Jay instead of–) Hood yells to the night sky, Robin’s body milking him, tightening down so hard, so fast, so wet, that he comes with a jolt, burying himself deep to fill the vigilante up.
And while Gotham remains completely serene at this time of night, three (two, technically) caped crusaders are laying out on the roof of the Mylar building in a tangle of limbs, panting, and weak, and so amazingly sated.
Boneless and content not to move another inch in his life, Tim manages to slide a gloved hand out of the knot made from the cape, and wipe his mouth, absently keeping track of his heart rate.
Dick is curled around his upper body, idly running fingers through his hair, the Renegade costume zipped half-way up his chest so he doesn’t get a whole lot of roof rash. On his other side, Jay has a heavy arm over his bare hips, a leg thrown over his and the Kevlar feels just as good on bare skin as it always does.
“That? Was fucking amazing,” he murmers, drowsy, shivering slightly now that he realizes he’s pretty much naked on a roof in the middle of the city after being fucked out of his mind, and somehow--
This is his life.
So it’s good when his vigilante boyfriends recover enough to maybe get them the hell off this roof before people like, office staff start coming into the Mylar’s upper floors for work.
Dawn is riding the horizon when he’s pulled to his feet and wrapped in Robin’s cape, rocking a toga to cover the torn suit and tunic, and carried off by his vigilante boyfriends so he can be absolutely lazy and just let Dick then Jay take him flying.
He has to make his body work when maneuvering through the window with shaky legs. Jay gives the helmet a toss in pretty much the direction of the kitchen table before picking Tim up by the back of his thighs, and let their doctor squawk but still flops his upper body flops over Jay’s shoulder.
Dick has the Renegade suit hanging off his hips, moving around the kitchen bare-chested with a domino, making coffee that is desperately, desperately needed.
“I’ll be there in a sec! I was promised cuddles, Jay, and I expect you two to deliver.”
“Bath first, Big Wing. Gotta let Timmy take a soak. Getcha ass in here so’s we can wash ‘im but good.” The abrupt smack and corresponding yelp from the path down the hall toward the direction of the bathroom makes Dick smirk and quickly scoop the grounds in while trying to get a glove off with his teeth.
“‘Sides, we might need ta give Sweets one more go ‘round, you feel me here, Dickie?”
“Wh-what?! How do you even expect me to get hard right now?!”
The bath is running in Tim’s massive tub (the real benefit to the apartment after all), and the sounds of Kevlar and Nomac sliding off of skin a soft sight when Dick comes to join them.
“You know, Timmy,” is a followed up by a very Dick Grayson smile, all full of bedroom eyes and promise, “we do have our ways.”
So if the tub sloshes over, and the neighbors complain about the noise this time of day (again), if maybe there might be...another suit buried in the back of their closet a few days later, if maybe he takes more detours when his boys are on the job and he can have time to scout hiding places and perfectly sized niches, when he can calculate more routes and moves.
He’s going to say, it’s always good to have a plan because of things like bleeding vigilantes—you know, on my fire escape. But in reality, it’s because now that he’s worn the tunic, flown through Gotham, and he’s pretty damn sure he’s got enough skill to make them work a hell of a lot harder–
Next time.
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gcrminatorarchive · 6 years
Ozzy was currently watching a show at his apartment, relaxing after a long day’s work. His TV screen was the only light in the room, other than a small light for the living room and his lava lamp by his night stand. He was in a rather good mood, because he had tomorrow off, as well as the upcoming holiday weekend, where he would also be off on Monday. Leah was still working, but she had the same days off as him, so hopefully they could plan a trip to a night club or something for a date. The off-duty cop was currently munching on some carb chips, laid across the couch. He takes one of them, and flicks it up in the air and catches it in his mouth goofily. Suddenly, he hears his cell phone, and blinks.
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He looks over to it at the sound of the vibration, then reaches to pick it up. He sees a text from Aislinn, and his brows raise a bit in concern. The text read:
// txt: Hey I know it’s late, but...Do u wanna sleepover? I was kinda lonely and sick today, and I miss ya. Hope I’m not bothering you.
He sighs a bit, shaking his head softly. Spit, when will that girl realize that she wasn’t bothering him at all? Heck, he needed something to do other than laze about tonight. Some quality time with Ais might be just the ticket. Ozzy smiled lightly, then texted a reply back to her.
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txt: Nah its cool, baby-girl! Sure thing. I’ll be right over. There’s no better cure for lonely than me. ;]
Ozzy flips his phone closed, then gets up, putting the chips he had away then grabbing his car keys off a table. He then slips on his brown and black jacket, heading out the door to his hotrod.
Once Ozzy arrives, his Mun opens the front door for him, then sneaks him into her brother’s room whilst her parents where asleep. She had also grabbed some cookies from the kitchen on the way so they could snack on them. It was close, considering Ozzy had accidentally stepped on her dog’s rawhide bone, which had hurt like Frank and he nearly screeched with pain. Luckily he’d covered his mouth and held it back, only making her father stir slightly before the older man slept on. Once the two were inside, Ais shuts the door, and Ozzy looks around the room; Some of the blankets were messed up, and Ais’ DVDs and video games were near her TV that her brother had borrowed from her. He smirks back at her.
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“Makin’ yerself at home in here, huh? Mm, hope yer bro don’t come back to find this mess~.”
// Hey, it’s not that bad. Plus, it was more messy before when he was here, he won’t care. xD
Ozzy chuckles a bit in amusement, putting his hands to his hips as he looked at her as she came to sit on the bed. He soon plops down beside her, making her giggle a bit as he pulled her gently into his lap, looking down at her with a goofy grin.
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“Dat’s true...So, what’re we watchin’? Beetlejuice again?”
// *smirks* Mm...Inside Out.
The cell snorts lightly, then nuzzles his goatee against her neck to tickle her a bit as she giggled.
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“Dat copycat’a my movie?! Yer jus’ puttin’ it on ta torture me, ain’t’cha?”
// *giggles* Aw c’mon, I think it’s cute! xD
Ozzy grinned still, closing his eyes and waving a hand carelessly before gesturing to himself cockily.
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“Eh, whatever. If y’say so...But I think we both know which one’s better.”
The two watched the movie quietly, as Riley and her emotions Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness transitioned from moving from Minnesota to San Francisco. It was quite a predicament when Joy and Sadness got sent out of Headquarters by accident, and Riley having to deal with all the struggles that came with moving to a new town. Ais was leaned against Ozzy’s chest, gently pulling his jacket sides around her as she watched the movie. Ozzy rested his chin on her head lightly, arms wrapped around her, and chuckled at a few of the funny scenes that went on, especially the ones involving Fear and Anger. Even he had to admit, this was a good choice of a movie; Though he still believed his movie was better. After all, this one may talk about emotions and letting your feelings out when you need to, which was important, but his talked about the deeper stuff; How the body worked, and how it was important to take care of yourself and your health. It was also had a lot of action. And bodily puns. Gotta love those.
Ozzy then suddenly hears a soft sniffle and blinks, then looks down to see Aislinn with small tears in her eyes, as the scene with Riley letting her feelings out to her parents played on. The cop looks at her with concern.
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“Ais? You okay, girl?”
Ais blinks, then hastily wipes away her tears, while on-screen, Riley’s parents didn’t get mad at her for running away at all, instead hugging her comfortingly.
// Ah, yeah, yeah...Sorry, I just get really emotional at this scene. Heh, get it? Emotional?
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Ozzy looks at her, then slowly turns his attention back to the movie. He had a feeling that there was more to it than just that...
Once the movie was over, and their cookies had been eaten, Ozzy stretches, checking the time.
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“S’gettin’ late. How ‘bout we hit it fer th’night?...Ais?”
He notices she wasn’t looking at him, and instead looking to her bare feet sadly. The leukocyte looks at her, then sets a hand on her shoulder gently, making her look up at him. He lowers his voice a bit, his tone urgent and worried.
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“Whassa matter? Somethin’ wrong?”
// *frowns, looking down again*...I wish my family would spend more time with me like you do. Every time I ask them if they wanna do something fun they’re either working or tell me they can’t.
Ozzy listens to her explain, then frowns. He looks around the room, then to the hallway where her parents’ room was, then he looks back to her, his expression now sympathetic as he puts his arm around her now, rubbing her shoulder.
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“...You been by yourself a lot, huh?”
// *swallows, tears coming on* Yeah...I just...feel like nobody loves me sometimes. I mean, I know my parents say they do, but lately things’ve been stressful and I’ve been having a hard time believing that. *a large tear escapes* And since all my other friends’re busy with other things, there’s not many of ‘em I can call...Some days I wish I had a close friend to hang with during the day, y’know? And I’m nervous about the convention comin’ up, too...What if no one likes me there?
Ozzy’s frown grew, and he pulls her in for a hug gently as she cried softly into his shoulder, his voice now a gentle whisper as he held her comfortingly.
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“Hey, hey, don’t cry, baby...M’here. It’s okay.
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But yer forgettin’ somethin’ here; Ya already got a close friend ta hang out with.”
// *wipes my eyes* If ya mean my dog, forget it; She’s been hating my guts lately. xP
The cell chuckles, flicking her playfully on her forehead and flashing a playful grin before bringing her into another hug, smiling down at her.
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“No. I meant me. Girl, you know I’m always here for ya if y’need me. I keep tellin’ ya that. Do I need ta tape it ta yer head so ya don’t ferget, now? ‘Cuz I will if I have ta. And don’t sweat about the convention, either. Those people’re gonna adore ya, sweetheart.”
Ozzy smiled as she finally chuckled too, then ruffled his blue fingers through her hair happily. She nuzzles him gratefully, smiling big as she held her closest muse with much affection.
// Thanks, Ozzy. I love you so much. <3
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“Most folks do. Heh...I love y’too, Ais. Don’t forget it, okay?”
He plants a friendly kiss to her forehead, then lays back against the pillow whilst holding her to his chest, one hand cradling her head wile the other held her snug. The two soon fall asleep.
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yourdlmatchmaker · 6 years
I think this one is the longest match up I’ve answered so far… :’)
“Hello there, this looked fun. Could I have a long match-up please?
1. Physical appearance: 5'4" (163cm) 100lbs (45kg) very long dark reddish brown hair, dark brown eyes, olive skin (Mix of Thai, English and German) My look has been compared to a scaled down (in height) fashion model – that is long legs, very skinny, high somewhat hollow cheek bones, narrow face and a high forehead with almost no bust to speak of and a teeny tiny waist, I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
2. Personality: Oh my, where do I begin? Well, I’m definitely an extreme introvert. People usually seem to think I come across as very professional and aloof. I try to be kind and courteous to everyone I meet, but if they do or say anything that bothers me I can be a little prickly and sometimes downright vicious. Little do they know though that I’m like that, because I’m terribly shy around strangers and have a very strong desire to make people happy and protect them. I fear getting close to others, because I don’t want to hurt or be hurt and have a very hard time finding people I can bond with in both an intellectual and emotional way, so I hide behind distance and politeness. Just because I’m shy at first though, doesn’t mean I won’t be a chatterbox once you get to know me though. Once I’m comfortable with you I’ll share (almost) all of my ideas, random musings and gripes, if I think you’ll be receptive towards it anyways. That takes a very long time though and so far only two people have gotten to that point with me. For people that I’m friends with normally I tend to act in a sort of motherly way, giving them advice and helping them with their problems – sometimes admittingly to my own detriment. As well as taking care of them when they are sick or having emotional issues. I don’t like to help people, but on some level I feel like I must do so especially if I know them.
I’m normally a very logical person, so much so that I will occasionally say the wrong thing or offer ideas or advice when it’s not what the other person is looking for, which I realize after the fact but because I really like to just ‘fix’ things I have a hard time understanding that sometimes people need to emotionally vent, and I often just get confused by it. I’ll try to “be there” for them despite that but it is still difficult.
Despite my size and shy disposition I’m actually extremely hard to intimidate and will stand up for myself and other people very quickly. It doesn’t matter who my opponent is or how big, strong or powerful they are, I will stand my ground possibly to the end if I believe in my cause strongly enough (though because of my protective nature it is very easy to make me back down by threatening other people). No matter how many feminine things there are that I love, for some reason I always feel like I end up coming across as a bit too masculine and I often feel a bit more male than female. This isn’t necessarily out of a desire to be male, but rather I feel like I have more masculine than feminine qualities and also feel like I am sadly bereft in the supposedly more girlish personality traits of my sex. Despite this though I have no real desire to change my personality or sex, I am who I am after all. Nevertheless I remind people more of their brothers and sons, and my tiny social circle is all boys (at the moment.)
3. Scorpio (Sun), Gemini (Moon), Gemini (Rising) (The last two are important because despite having almost all of the Scorpio traits, once you get to know me I never shut up. ^_^;)
4. Hobbies/Interests: Drawings, painting (I like both fine art and illustration and can work in several different mediums – acrylic, watercolour, marker, ink and even digital art. Fantasy art, Surrealism, Manga and Impressionism are examples of styles I can do, and I’m still working towards improving my hyperrealist style.) I’ve been obsessed with making art since I was a very small child and at this point it’s really become my life’s work. I dedicate so much of my time, energy and resources to this that I forget to eat or sleep and become a bit of a shut-in. Reading: (Most of my books are non-fiction, though I do enjoy some older fiction on occasion – The Silmarillion, The Great God Pan and pretty much anything by H.P. Lovecraft being some examples. My library contains field guides, books on botany, mycology, medicine, artbooks, anatomy, geography, geology, microbiology, mythology, occult/witchcraft, religion, linguistics, phrasebooks, particle physics, cartography, calligraphy, history, psychology, genetics (…probably a lot more but we’ll be here for far too long.) Gardening: I love growing all sorts of things, but especially herbs and flowers. My living area is full of plants of many different kinds and I devote a significant portion of my time and energy to them. I also like to grow tropical plants from the seeds of fruit that I buy at the grocery store. Manga and Anime: I don’t seem immediately like the sort of person who would love popular culture, but the fact that I can enjoy some fun stories while reading or watching in a language that is not my native tongue has always been the main motivation behind this obsession. I’m also madly in love with cute things and ink drawings. Video Games: Another thing people probably wouldn’t expect by looking at me but… I have a HUGE collection of games (on my computer) of many different kinds. Like with anything else I do, I have to play everything in it’s original language (it’s more fun and respects the artistic integrity more.) I mostly like JRPGs and Visual Novels now, but I used to love Sierra games when I was younger, and some FPS like Doom. There is no type of game I won’t play. Though gaming is generally the lowest thing on my list of priorities these days. Cooking: I like to cook, can can do many different styles. Mostly Thai, but also frequently Japanese (both traditional and modern), Italian, German, English etc. I can cook pretty much anything though I don’t like baking as much. (I’m not super fond of sweets, except on the rare occasion when I must have them.) Fashion and Makeup: I am completely unable to leave the house without makeup and sunscreen and always have to make sure my clothing is at least presentable and neat. I actually enjoy applying makeup and like experimenting with it (I hate doing my hair though, the length is too much so I usually bun or ponytail it.) I also like a few Jfashions, Mori-Girl, Otome-kei and Classical Lolita especially. Unfortunately I’m also a very active person so I usually end up dressing in a more Korean style instead (tight high-waisted jeans, long sleeved tight black shirts and heeled boots – is running in heels a skill? XD), but when it’s practical to do so I love wearing the frilliest dresses I can find with a very poofy petticoat, a bonnet and floral designs. Hiking: I like to forage in the forest for mushrooms and plants when I can. I find that the fresh air and beautiful scenery calms me down and energizes me. Studying Languages: I haven’t had as much time for this lately, but it’s a side hobby. Unfortunately Japanese is the only one I’ve gotten particularly far in… (There are not enough hours in the day or night.)
5. I like: Tea (Especially Earl Grey, must be high quality or I get a stomach ache… yeah I know, its true. @_@), coffee (espresso in lattes or specialty black coffee made in a French Press, no drip :P), Self discipline, Quiet time, Nature, Music (all kinds, though especially symphonic metal), WalkingI love: My cats (though I get along quite well with all felinekind and animals in general (save humans :P), Plants (I mean every kind of plant, though trees and flowers stick out a bit), Fungi (even molds, though not when they’re growing on my food), Beautiful things, Art Supplies, Bright and pastel colours, Antiques, Books, Art, Paintings, Illustration, Shopping for art suppliesI dislike: When people look untidy, Foul smells, People that bore me, Small talk, Sloth, Loud noises, Erratic behavior, Selfishness, People who act overtly friendly and try to get close to you too fastI loathe: Cruelty (especially towards animals and children), Cowardice, Deliberate ignorance, People who complain a lot, Irresponsibility
6. I was unable to bond with my sole caregiver due to extreme child abuse and neglect on their part, In addition to that I was not allowed to attend school until my teenage years (I was educated very strictly at home, supposedly because I was too advanced to fit in at school – though it might also have been to keep me prisoner at home all the time. >_<). Due to this I have had a very hard time fitting in with society as my childhood was mostly spent alone, reading, drawing, playing computer games, spending time with the cats that I lived with and going out into nature (I made friends with a couple of squirrels.) Much of what I knew about people and the world was gleaned from books, magazines and the internet – although I was allowed to associate with a few family friends on occasion. I did have a very good intellectual education (though often held to impossible standards), but because I was so cut off from more normal ways of socializing I still have a very hard time relating to other people.“Relationship-wise” I’m umm… actually extremely submissive in private (^_^;) (Not something most people would expect as I seem very proud and dominant normally). I’m also very easy to embarrass as I’m not very comfortable talking directly about certain sorts of… umm… “romantic” things and avoid almost all forms of public affection. Above all else I look for people who can understand and relate to me via interests and experiences and who I can also relate to in the same way. Probably the same thing most people look for… but figured I should mention it. Would rather not be paired up with Ruki, I have a huge personal grudge against him that dates back to More Blood – and a part of me still plots his doom. (I apologize deeply to all the Ruki fans though.)
Hope this wasn’t too long, I feel a bit silly. (^_^;)
Take your time and have fun with this.
Could I please be anonymous?”
Admin Abi: Oh my~ what a long and detailed match up!! I really enjoyed reading it and I NEED to say that I felt identified with many parts!! Well~ I hope you get to see it “anon-chan” ;D and I thank you for the long wait. Long reply for a long match!
*finishing your match up*
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Your romantic match is…
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I must say/confess…I seriously I thought I was reading Reiji’s female description! I don’t intend to offend you and I apologize if I did. But you see…I want to explain myself a little more as to why I said it…
I'll tell you how you two met! After some time that you were studying in a school, you just wasn’t able to fit. Your parents then decided to change you into a more private school. They even changed you into a night-time school. During that time of the day, they thought you would be able to fit more since there would be less students as well as to keep your high level of education. They sing you up to this school and to be honest you weren’t very sure or excited about it. It would mean to adapt one more time and start all over again. Adapting to the time, education system and…met new people once again. On your first day you had a hard time finding your classroom…you were lost and let’s say you didn’t know exactly how you ended up in the chemistry laboratory. You knocked and…a handsome and elegant man opened. He seemed somehow annoyed, but he asked you what is that you wanted. You showed him your schedule and asked him where you could find your class. He gave you the directions and you thank him. This encounters seem to happen constantly since you seemed to always cross paths. He was always polite (and annoyed) and gave you instructions whenever you needed. One time you asked a girl of your class if she knew him so you could thank him properly for all his help. She was surprised and told you that he was no other that Reiji Sakamaki, the most popular family in school. She was more surprised that you get to be in good terms with the second eldest of the brothers.
“Reiji is well known to be the perfect gentleman…but he is unrechable. He’s cold towards everyone and thinks of himself above all. No one has see him dating any girl and he just closes himself in the chemistry laboratory, yet he is the top student in school. I really think you shouldn’t try to catch him, you’ll end up rejected” the girl told you. It’s not like you had those intentions with him in the first place, you just wanted to thank him. The next day you went to his class and simply left him a small note telling him how greatful you were. He was impressed? You couldn’t tell to be honest. You kept having encounters with him, you discovered that he was a little more open when you both were alone. He showed you his perfectionist nature as his sadist part. Yet…you seem to be unavoidable attracted to him. You of course were polite and a lady at first and that gave you extra points! He never confessed to you directly? He just simply let know that you now belong to him~.
He can’t believe how many things you both have in common. Just like you Reiji has an interest in botanics and science. You both have created a small garden with all types of herbs and a small section with flowers. You two sometimes have disagreements since you both are very logical, so you tend to discuss about some things. There were times in which you had troubles with him since he can’t stand being told what he should do (I mean it wasn’t your intention to offend him…you just tried giving him some advice!). Yet…even Reiji had it difficult to make you afraid…you were so difficult to intimidate, how you do it?.
He also had some troubles accepting or at least trying not to change you that much about your preferences. He sometimes have problems dealing with your more masculine nature…but well no one is 100% perfect. He sighs loudly and you know that you are doing something that is bothering him. He also doesn’t like that you tend to hang more with men that girls, yet he knows that even though you are nice and such with them…no one could provide you with the things he offers for you like a deep connection both mental and emotional. He also don’t mind the fact that you have social problems…I mean he manages to keep you with him almost all the time. He’s pleased whenever you dress like a lday or all cute just for him…it makes him feel good with the fact that he gets to know you better than anyone.
He understands what is like to grow alone and being force (in a way) to always give your best and being the best. He felt like he needed to have you all by himself and you fekt the same. You had someone to care for (well not literally but as a target to your attentions and love) and so has he. He always take care of you no matter the circunstances, he has found you and has no intention to let you go…never!
Your dates are mostly staying at his room, having a nice cup of Earl Grey tea (of the highest quality, who you think he is?) and discussing for hours about deep and serious topics. He enjoys your vast knowledge in literature, sciences, botanics, medice, linguistics, witchcraft (which he also has used), gentics…man, he can talk to you for hours and just like you said there are times you both wished the day had more hours to keep going. Even your drawings, pieces of art and knowledge in general never cease to stop to amaze him (he won’t admit it though…his biggest attempt to praise you, would be telling you “you did a good job” or “Indeed you are right about this”). Your interests are so vast that is incredible to make you both stop (Reiji is the one that always stops the conversation in order to go to sleep). Reiji sometimes have problems with your huge invest of time in your video games…but he accepts that a break once in a while is important. You small walks also doesn’t bother him that much…he has one of his familiars keeping an eye on you at all moments so he doesn’t have to worry and can concetrate on his chores and experiments in peace.
Reiji is a true gentleman: he always remembers the important dates, the things that you like and those you don’t. I can tell you that he knows perfectly that you are rather new when it comes with romantic things, so he doens’t push you into hand holding or kissing since he, himself, doesn’t like it. Your submissive nature with his dominant one makes a great combination, he feels so proud that he gets to see your true nature…and that you show it just for him…not just in a “pervert way”, but also as the chatty and even your akwardness. Because that true self with imperfections and all…is what makes you perfect to his eyes. You are so perfect together: YOU TWO HAVE SO MANY THINGS IN COMMON THAT HE SHOULD THANK HEAVENS FOR SENDING HIM SOMEONE AS PERFECT FOR HIM AS YOU!!
I hope you liked it and that I made sense? I feel that in some parts I wasn’t very clear or…maybe that was just my imagination…?
Either way hope you get to see it and like it of course…and thank you for your patience again!!
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I have a prompt that has been in my head for months!! About Sonic being taken and held hostage by some unknown authorities only to be faced with their ruler who happens to be Sonia (his sister from Sonic Underground) as they have a surprising and loving reunion! Lol excuse my weirdness since idk where I'm going with this 😓😶😅😁
Sonic was thrown to his knees, hands tied behind his back. Looking over his shoulder to grimace at the man behind him, he suddenly smirked ahead, his eyebrows still as sharply down as ever.
“So, you’re the guys causing trouble around here lately?”
“Shut up!” A man backhand’s Sonic in the head, forcing his head to drop down a moment before Sonic’s sly grin bounces back up with the rise of his head.
“Not much of a talker are ya?”
“It’s the boss.” Another man whispers and they stand upright, clenching their stolen G.U.N guns.
“What’s the big fuss all about? Some speed-demon getting in the way of things-… Sonic?” Sonia pulls back a cape from the tent she is exciting, and immediately her face looks stunned.
His eyes widened and his grin drops to a look of surprise, scanning her.
The two suddenly burst out in hysterical excitement, as she rushes to him and embraces him.
“Sonic!!! I should have known it was you! I was about to say- they don’t know true speed!”
“Sonia! You’ve grown! Long time no see! But what on earth are you doin’ with a couple of thugs?”
He tries to let her embrace him but as she does she uses a knife to untie him, getting up and shaking him a moment of affection. “You had me so worried!!!” she laughed, before spinning around and putting her hands around him.
She swayed, “Oh boys? You weren’t too rough with my brother here,… were you?” she rested her head on his shoulder, and he rolled his eyes before smiling.
“We’re triplets, aren’t we?”
“Manic is rebelling.” Sonia rolled her eyes too, apparently a trait of the family.
“Rebelling? Aren’t you doing that?” Sonic turns back around, raising an eyebrow but showing joking in his voice.
“Heh.” she dips her head down and scratches it a bit, before fanning the idea away. “These lands aren’t well-protected. Eggman’s not the only villain out there. We have to be careful.”
“G.U.N isn’t exactly a villain either.” Sonic folded his arms as if tilting his head to deliver a slight scold wasn’t enough, he had to look disappointed in her too.
However.. his face showed that fond smile. He couldn’t be too mad at her. After all, they were family.
As if by the same thought, Sonia smiled up at him too, guilty. “Maybe not to you. You don’t know what’s been going on around here. They won’t help. Manic wants to play peacemaker and go about this as ‘pacifistically’ as possible.” she flopped her arms out, showing how desperately unaccepting she was of that fact.
“He always did hate war.” Sonic lost his smile, walking over to place a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Not long ago, you also condoned it.” He weakly smiled, trying to show her the error of her ways.
“…So.. You won’t help.” she sighed.
“No.. I’m here to convince you that maybe Manic has a point. But we should fight, just maybe not like this.”
“…You don’t have all the details Sonic..” as if unable to yield, she looks even more disappointed in him and turns away, holding herself.
“Alright, mind filling me in?”
As he walked after her, she shook her head and her men grabbed onto him again.
“H-hey!” He looked to either side of him, having them restrain him.
“Sorry, brother… but if you’re not for me…” she turned around, “Then I’m gonna have you to use you as bait.”
“Shadow will most likely strike the base again. Or at least, … get closer to it than last time. We barely held him off with G.U.N’s products last time.” she walked over and patted a canon they were rolling out. “But this time... we’re gonna have you.” she smiled, “Lock him up so that he’ll be itching for a fight.”
“You can’t be serious? Sonia!”
“Don’t struggle. I know you’ve fought him before. Can you do it once more? For me?”
“This isn’t like you…”
“Hey! Normally, I would plead my case! But I know you’ll do this for me cause I am right! I’m always right! And even when I’m wrong you still will be there for me!”
“…” Sonic remained silent, narrowing his face.
“Fight Shadow. Protect us a day longer. And I’ll explain everything.” She swiped her hand out.
“…Fine. But Shadow’s my friend. He’s probably not as merciless as you think.”
“I don’t see a weapon of mass destruction as having ‘a second to listen’.” she mused, finding that funny.
“You’d be surprised at what he contemplates about. Trust me.”
The two stared one another down.
“..Just don’t escape tonight, alright?” she swooped her hand through her hair as if it was hopeless. “Please? Just comply. I can’t lose face here.”
“Some welcome. You call this a ‘family reunion?’”
“Love you too.” she smirked.
Sitting in the make-shift jailcell, Sonic sat down with a leg up, arms drooped down but head leaned back, before hearing a screwdriver sound and the wall sparking.
“Woah!” he rolled away from an explosion.
A silhouette stepped out of the smoke, holding and twirling two drumsticks.
“Missed me, bro?”
“Manic!” Sonic’s eyes lit up, rushing over to embrace his brother. “Where have you been?”
“Well, if you hadn’t noticed, trying to talk some sense into Sonia!”
“I hear that.”
“What she lock you away for anyway? You know she hates being told ‘no’, dude. Better to just leave her to her own devices sometimes.”
“I guess I got her mad.” Sonic scratched his head, but Manic patted his back.
“If I were there, I would have reminded you. Sonia doesn’t like to lose just as much as she hates being told she’s wrong.”
“Guess it’s been awhile.” Sonic sweatdropped.
“Too long.” Manic smiled tenderly, before truly showing he missed Sonic and taking his hand into a bro-clasp. “It’s good to see you’ve still got two blue legs, dude.”
“…You two. And those stupid drumsticks.”
“Haha! Only playing, buddy.”
The two man-hug for a split second more before turning around.
“Let’s talk some sense into our sis!”
“First, let’s stop Shadow before he gets to her first!”
“WHAT!? The Ultimate sour-face is after our sis!?”
“He’s going to get to her soon too if we don’t light our butts on fire and book it!”
Sonic took off, as Manic held out his hand in confusion. “Woah, hold up, bro. Sonic? Hey! Phew… just like old times.” He started jogging after Sonic’s footsteps.
(I enjoyed this AU :) for Alternate Underground lol xD)
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kokichiomakin · 7 years
Here’s my RockStar/Roquill/Pocket playlist! I use this playlist for inspiration a lot~
I’ve got my reasons for picking each song under the cut.
1. i’m not in love by 10cc straight from the movie, obviously. fits the mood at first - they’re unsure of each other, and almost in denial in a sense. this is more quill feeling denial, honestly - very soft denial of ‘nah, couldn’t happen’ 
2. i won’t say i’m in love from hercules now in comparison, here’s rocket’s denial. over the top, loud, bombastic screaming of ‘i don’t fall in love’ followed by quietly admitting to himself that maybe it’s okay to fall for someone - that someone being quill - but only admits it to himself in private. plus, god, is it fun to imagine groot as the muses and rocket as meg. 
3. the chain by fleetwood mac straight from the movies once more. this song is really about a struggling relationship and that’s how quill and rocket’s relationship is in the second movie. looking at the second movie from a shipping perspective, it’s kickstarted by rocket stealing the batteries - which he doesn’t need, it’s repeatedly said he doesn’t need them. he did it so quill would pay attention to him instead of gamora. he was jealous. hence the struggle. but they make it through.
4. troublemaker by olly murs & flo rida ‘troublemaker’ is probably one of the best words you can use to describe rocket. and with all the shit he gets everyone else into? oh yeah. this fits. but quill is definitely getting attached to him anyway, even with all the shenanigans he causes.
5. sleeping with a friend by neon trees do i have to explain this one? look at the title. but i can imagine this is more ‘quill’s first thoughts when starting this whole thing with rocket’: he’s not sure what it entirely is, they’re friends, but they’re clearly something else. ‘and if it was all up to me - i’d be no trouble. hell, we’re in trouble!’ and even if he’s really getting attached to rocket despite himself, he has no idea how rocket can and will feel, so he’s ‘if my heart’s gonna break before the night ends’
6. collar full by panic! at the disco in contrast, here’s rocket’s feelings on the situation at that point - he’s the one who ultimately fell first and fell hardest, and now that it’s requited he’s just clutching to it as much as he can and lingering in the feeling - ‘before the world catches up, because there’s always time for second guesses, i don’t wanna know, if you’re gonna be the death of me, that’s how i wanna go.’ he’s not sure how long it’ll last either but god is he relishing in it.
7. take me to church (cover) by postmodern jukebox rocket’s feelings again. it’s pure and simple truth that rocker really doesn’t like himself, so in a relationship he really does see his partner as the world. (not that quill won’t constantly tell him otherwise, no, bad, he’s no better than him. stop it.) of course, quill’s greatest goal is for him to eventually get rocket to love himself too but that’s a long-term one. the words ‘only then i am human’ particularly strike a chord because that’s a major shame point for rocket.
8. fooled around and fell in love by elvin bishop once more from the movies. this is more of a ‘they finally ease into the relationship’ song. i know it was used for the canon ship in the movies but shhh. stealing it. it’s a nice song that can show them accepting their feelings despite never really intending to have any in the first place - or expect it at all.
9. you’re the only one by maria mena OKAY THIS SONG. this song is the de facto ‘rocket’s feelings for quill’ song. try to find me a better one. i’ll wait. you can’t. every line pretty much fits - the one that hits the hardest sums rocket up entirely: there’s a part of me that likes to bring you down just to keep you around, because the day you realize how amazing you are, you’re gonna leave me. that’s his worst fear, that’s his walls crashing down entirely, that’s the ‘i never want to let you go’ moment of it all being out in the open and ugh. it’s so cute. slay me with this song and roquill. slay me.
10. come and get your love by redbone another from the movies. quill’s anthem, honestly - this is the song that best represents him, and it’s a return to form. he’s with rocket, he’s happy, everything’s okay! everything’s normal! 
11. finesse by bruno mars quill’s confidence gets the better of him sometimes, even when rocket doesn’t expect it. quill completely falling for someone most likely means ‘yep, i’m great, he’s great, there’s nothing to be ashamed of bc we’re the best couple in the whole world and that’s not gonna change anytime soon’. 
12. moves like jagger by maroon 5 and christina aguilera predictably, this is quill’s confidence showing itself again....only for rocket to immediately match it. which is ultimately something that drives them closer together. he’s got the moves like jagger, okay? rocket you’re stuck with the girl part, sorry, but that means blatant hitting on quill which is A+++
13. shut up and dance by walk the moon see above, really. another song about quill, dancing, and rocket joining in. there are two types of people, people who dance, and people who don’t, and whoops, they’re both dancers.
14. classic by mkto ‘baby, you’re so classic’ is probably one of the highest compliments in the peter quill flirtation handbook, and yep, rocket is slowly becoming part of his life, joining the things he loves,they both know each other so well by this point
15. shut up and drive by rihanna ok. i’m gonna be entirely honest. this is the ‘quill has successfully fired up his rocket....if you get what i mean’ song. this is it. this is the one. reeeeeed rocket~ moving on.
16. style by taylor swift okay maybe not quite yet we move on. more a sign that they definitely do still have their disagreements, but they know each and every time it’s going to end up with them together again - they never go out of style. i don’t take the ‘you’ve been out and about with some other girl’ line as cheating in this song obvs XD more of a shady reference to gamora....and then lylla in turn. ye. shh. it’s a good relationship.
17. can’t take my eyes off you by frankie valli there was a tumblr post where it was said ‘imagine your otp slow-dancing to this song together’ and whoops, i roquill’d, now it’s not gonna stop. this is totally a song that quill would use on a quiet, romantic night to just be close to his partner and rocket will call him a huge dork for it but at the end of the day he’s still going along with it and smiling softly and thinking that he’s a huge dork, yeah, but he’s his dork, he wouldn’t have it any other way
18. good together by the runaway club this is a lot of quill and rocket’s relationship: ‘don’t do this.’ ‘i’m gonna do it anyway.’ ‘i kinda knew you were gonna.’ ‘that’s why we’re together.’ ‘yep, i’m the only one guaranteed to always put up with your shit.’ ‘damn straight.’ ‘we’re not straight.’ ‘shut up.’ (also: ‘that’s fine!’ ‘fine!’ ‘i love you!’ ‘i love you too!’ ‘that’s the first time we’ve said that!’ ‘yes it is!’ ‘i’m gonna kiss you!’ ‘well, you better!’ that’s them. that’s exactly them.)
19. for him. by troye sivan and allday another really good song for them. ‘ad we take jokes way too far. and sometimes living’s too hard. we’re like two halves of one heart. we are, we are, we are.’ there’s a good amount of fitting lyrics and i like the mental image of rocket getting a burst of confidence and going ‘we can get married tonight if you really wanna, if you break my heart, it’d be an honor’, quill adores those bursts of confidence
20. son of a preacher man by aretha franklin another song about how surprised rocket is that he fell for quill, and that he’s pretty much the only guy he’d ever fall for. it’s a classic.
the rest are mostly love classics, but a lot were based on meaning~
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berryargento · 7 years
Withering Blossoms; fragment VI
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previous chapter; fragment V
Notes: Hello, hello. Did anyone miss me /nope Two months (?) have passed and here we are in the sixth fragment! Are we there yet to uncover the truth? XD
Ahem. Anyways, thank you for your patronage as always. I hope you’ll enjoy the chapter. And, I always need to remind you that this is a collaboration project between me and @eulyin-senpai. Do check her page and thank her for the beautiful and amazing illustrations!!
Summary: As they wandered, the time ran out from the jar of hope, waiting to be filled.
Morning was not exactly a pleasant moment in wintertime. The weather can be too cold, particular road could be blocked with ice although the sun is up on the sky. Sometimes, ice would make its way to cover the lumber storage, which needed to be broken before getting the firewood.
Outside, by how the cloud and the wind blows, there's no sign of snowfall but it was one of the coldest winter day they had to experience as no lumberjacks passing by. Though the cold didn't bother her, Ruby kept the firewood level inside the house steady for the fireplace and cooking, so her sister won't need to go out to stock up. The habit was still going up until now as when Ruby entered the house to see her sister in the living room saying nothing to her.
Right. Ruby mused, she dropped the logs nearby the fireplace. Onee-chan is still—
There was a glimmer of hope sprouting inside her heart when her sister greeted her home yesterday. As if the door to home is always open and everything can return to nothing ever happened. It's just a wistful thinking, the magenta-haired vampire knows, there was no way she could keep doing chores or hanging around her older sister as she usually do since she's no longer the 'Ruby' that her sister acknowledged.
After sorting the wood pile and getting some lumbers into the fire, Ruby noticed that Dia walked to the front door, pausing as she got something that stuck beneath it.
An envelope with the color of night; Dia's lips formed a tiniest line ever before she sought for the content. Ruby watched Dia's brows furrowed while she proceed to the single letter inside. She walked back to the direction of the sofa before keeping herself to read intently.
"I-Is that …?" jade eyes perked up from the letter. It was not once for Ruby to see Dia getting a black-colored envelope delivered. She knew the significance of the black envelope, she simply wanted to make sure.
A sigh parted the thin line, before Dia kept her lips pursed. Her eyes watched the floor. The little vampire couldn't catch the grim by how Dia's demeanor suddenly shifted, nevertheless, she saw a speck of struggle between those twinkling emeralds to stay calm. "I … must go to the Guild."
Numazu Central Guild, the beacon of hunters, also where Kurosawa family's influence on its peak. Black has been their primary identity for generations spread to members of the Guild. Envelopes dyed in the crow's color are a code of utmost urgency and secrecy, they said, but what Dia received every time is always the same black envelope. And it's by the creed of hunters that Ruby can't ask whatever content the letter speaks of.
Silence stayed as Dia marveled to the letter once more. She folded it back after reading and kept it in her pocket. The same grim that overshadowed Dia started to bother Ruby as it remained.
Is Elder the one who requested her presence? was Ruby's initial thought. Dia rarely shown her unpleasant expression except for every matter about inner Kurosawa circle. She knew far too well that nothing in the big family is a good thing; they would mostly discuss about their purity and missions and things that Ruby wanted to fall into deaf ears.
"W-Want me to come with you, Onee-chan?" Dia didn't cease to blink, Ruby quickly shut her lips. "A-Ah! I, I'm sorry, I shouldn't—it's just …"
Ruby continued to fidget, her mumbling decreased in volume as she kept rambling, darting her eyes all-over the place.
"It's okay. Kurosawa family requested my presence, and it's not for an important issue. I'll just submit my report about my latest work and went back, no need to meet them now." Ruby stopped shifting, she looked up to the indifferent expression of her sister. She noticed something different, actually, but decided that it was her imagination. "I will come to the Guild by 8 tomorrow morning. If you want to come with me, don't be late."
Nothing exchanged between them as Dia withdrawn herself to her room again, climbing the stairs and leaving Ruby staring to the trail where her sister was going. The little vampire incited that she might be dreaming; that the event is far from surreal.
"Onee-chan …"
Ruby sighed in relief for the first time in months.
When settling back to her room, Dia buried herself in digging old records firsthand, before getting back to the empty paper sitting on her desk for a while. She has yet to write something about the raid she had done—that one when she witnessed the truth about Ruby.
"Ruby," she murmured. "Why must you—"
Dia closed her eyes as she let her ink pen slipped once more, rolling on the desk and fall to the pile of scattering papers below; articles about soulless vampire with fading ink, reports about vampire's thirst, news clipping about vampire's bad deeds—
Kurosawa Dia is going to rot out to zero.
Ruby won't miss a chance, and she did; she won't miss a beat and late to follow her sister that day.
She joined Dia as she lead the walk wordlessly that morning, stayed obediently behind her sister footsteps. The little vampire joined Dia shortly when she's about to left the house. Though not exactly spoken, Dia stood by the door waiting for Ruby to finish her preparation and they navigated to the way the Numazu town was.
The morning has clear skies this time, no sign of clouds or coldness in response to snow fall. The forest road would not be slippery if the sun keeps up high on the day.
Dia suddenly halted, just when they were not far from their fences, she turned, "... Don't you, err, isn't vampire supposed to avoid sunlight?"
"No need to worry, Onee-chan, I can walk just fine," Dia doesn't look unconvinced, pursing her lips. "U-Umm, it's by Mari-chan's help. There's a kind of incense that helps to tamper sun's effect."
"I ... see. That's fine, I guess."
Dia said no more and their walk to the town continued without sound.
The town of Numazu is quite big, but every nook and cranny is always crowded from morning to afternoon. Though the business mostly concentrated around the market area by the town's entrance, it wasn't like other crowds by the tavern or by the residential areas don't speak of importance, hunters clad in their black attire also coming and going, mingled with the lively town; everyone has their own needs and deeds.
Their destination, the Guild of hunter, however, is not a part of the crowd.
After passing the relentless market, both of them took the left wing of the town's center, continuing to walk farther and farther away from Numazu's signature bell tower. It is another left by the next fork, but then Ruby stopped as she caught something's up.
Dia stopped at once she didn't hear the voice of steps that followed her. "Is something wrong, Ruby?"
"I smell a pureblood," Dia's eyes twitched, a certain name came into mind. "But ... this is the first time I smell a pureblood aside Mari-chan. It's like ... a scent of rose."
Now, that's something new, Dia noted to herself, since old vampires rarely smell any good aside from blood and something else foul ... in her memory when Elder Kurosawa escorted them to meet several of his old acquaintances. Mari has been no-go to the list; perhaps because Mari wasn't that 'kind of old' yet, or whatever Mari was spouting in regard of how pureblood behaved that she didn't pay any heed.
As far as Dia knew, there has been no 'young' pureblood existed around Numazu except for Mari, and it trickled her curiosity ever more.
Then again, they were not here for such theatrics.
"… Let's continue to the Guild." Dia picked up the pace.
Despite located far from the town center, Guild of Hunters is something that couldn't be missed since it exuded different vibes from any building in town. The building wasn't fancy like others in residential districts there; it was but a small office that looks more like a bar with a hanged wooden sign by the front. Inside, the lobby is arranged in simplicity, counters surrounded the center in square, waiting lounge with sofa, the huge board by the wall filled with information and quests from all-over the town; there's nothing fancy about the home for hunters by the first sight.
Usually, the lounge would be crowded by the time of afternoon as most of hunters would turn in their reports of the day, but that day the area is clean except for the single staff stationed by the counter.
"Thank you for your hard work, Kurosawa-san." Dia was greeted by the only female receptionist dressed in black dress, the older Kurosawa huntress replied with a nod and a smile. "Are you here to submit your reports from the last job that you took?"
The raven-haired let out a relieved sigh, the receptionist wasn't asking about that black letter from Kurosawa she wanted to avoid. "That's right."
Ruby withdrawn herself from Dia to the far left, eyes looking around to find something in the board that caught her interest as Dia walked straight to the receptionist.
While checking on the content, the reception continued to blabber, "Speaking of vampires, have you heard about the increasing outbreaks recently?"
Dia's forehead scrunched, "Outbreaks?"
"Some of usually sane vampires collapsed. There's an increase on the number of their uncontrollable blood thirst too," the raven-haired hunter didn't left out a single detail, she listened intently. "Thankfully, our hunters are ready and it doesn't cause an uproar."
Strange things happened in the town by several weeks of her absence in hunter activities. There's no information from Kurosawa family about it, at all, Dia only got a calling letter for something else.
"I see why the lounge is empty today," Dia mused. "That means hunters are stationed everywhere in Numazu now?"
The cheerful receptionist nodded. "Precisely, although the higher-ups ordered us not to strike a crowd; it will make the townspeople worry."
"I'd like a written log about everything that happened recently because of this outbreak, if it's permissible."
"Certainly. I'll have it delivered to your house, then, Kurosawa-san."
As much as Dia wanted to inquire more about this problem, she wasn't here for that. She needed to withdraw after turning in her report; her plan is to make her family not become suspicious of her actions, acting as the usual exemplary of Kurosawa hunter.
She could gather information from another measure that's not official Guild's mouth if the Guild's information turned to be no profitable to her later.
"Well, then, if you excuse me, Miss—"
She was alerted by the possibility of any Kurosawa family members found her, fortunately, it wasn't the case. It was only her old friend, the doctor that treated her since forever. Physiatrist Matsuura Kanan emerged from the stairs below, holding several papers and hand board by her left hand, wearing her signature white coat. Aside her signature turquoise-colored scarf, her name card dangling around her neck, no one could miss the fact that she's a doctor in duty.
"Oh, also Ruby-chan, hello!"
Kanan gave Ruby a knowing look while Ruby nodded. They exchanged glances before Kanan reverted her focus to Dia, who's walked to her way. Ruby immersed herself to the board again and let both of them conversed.
"Kanan-san? Why are you here?"
"The usual," Kanan waved her papers, Dia tilted her head in confusion. "You forgot? I'm always here this time of the month to report about town's blood packs supply."
"Oh … right." Dia draw a breath.
"What's wrong? You look pale."
Kanan moved to lift Dia's chin, before trying to take a closer look to those emerald eyes. Usually, Dia would budge, slapping Kanan's hand and told her to stop doing that, it was strange to see Dia didn't make a single move to even flinch.
"… It's nothing."
"Is it about the outbreaks?"
"Can you please let go off me first? Ruby's watching."
In Kanan's observation, Dia's skin lacks of healthy pallor, might due to stress or illness. The doctor has yet to make an assumption, it is perhaps her own imagination.
"Right. So, about this 'outbreak'," Kanan began. "From medical examination so far, it's due to stress and limited supply of blood that vampires get. Few have been hospitalized and several heavy cases have been put into probation."
Vampires are acting weird in the town, it even applies some that's been regarded high-leveled ones. Kanan couldn't have acknowledged any low, bloodthirsty vampires cases beside the one that were taken into the hospital, Dia needed to ask other fellow hunters about field reports.
That being said, Dia rolled out the possibility that Ruby brought up earlier,—she smelled a pureblood out in the crowd—are these two different things connected?
"Vampires are going on edge, huh," Dia trailed off. "I wonder if there's a powerful vampire—perhaps, a pureblood—living in Numazu who's in control of these incidents …"
She never expect Kanan would smirk at that line of deduction. So the Physiatrist knew something that she doesn't, after all.
"Aren't you the sharp one," Dia straightened up, fingers itching to draw her blade. "It's not what you think, Dia. She got nothing to do with this, I can assure you."
"… 'She'?"
Even Ruby, who's been idle by the moment, turned. Kanan had confirmed there was another pureblood beside Ohara Mari in the town.
"Don't you think this place is a bit inconvenient to talk about such secret? Why don't we come to our office? I can make you a tea, it can ease your tiredness."
Kanan cued Dia to follow her downstairs, in which Dia quickly nod to the idea.
"… Stay here, I'll be back in a few."
Ruby discarded her wish to follow her sister and sit back, waiting in the empty lobby.
Though Kanan called it as 'her office', the room by the farthest right corner of the first basement floor, separated from others, is a small clinic for hunters in the Guild. Because Kanan got her position in the hospital, she rarely able to fill the position, leaving it to other doctors who came in by their respective shift.
When Dia entered, the room was clean; even a lot cleaner than when Kanan usually took the job. Two beds were empty, the sheets have been folded into perfection and no visible dust within the space, the tables, and even the white curtains were looked fresh. The shelves were locked to Dia's left, medicines and gauze lining up neatly inside.
Kanan folded her arms as she sat by the edge of the doctor's table, two cups untouched beside her. She noticed where Dia's gaze wondering, of course.
"What? Want to mock me because the room is clean now?" the blue-haired Physiatrist snorted.
"Well, you do know that I'm more than surprised that this clinic could actually be cleaned," Dia said. "Let's cut the chase; tell me everything that you have been hiding."
"Hmph, there's no chill when it's about work, eh?" Kanan scratched her cheek. "For starter, I hope you don't tell this information to your family."
"What about it?"
"It's … complicated," there's a roll on those lilac eyes of hers. "So, how about it?"
"We've been acquaintances for long that you're aware that I'm not Kurosawa's lapdog, Kanan-san. Mark my words."
"Vulgar words never suits you, y'know?" Kanan snickered, Dia is always taking a way to her assurance. "Hmm, where should I start …"
Dia took a spot on one of the bed, waiting for Kanan who's fumbling on her own.
"Speaking of which, you don't take Ruby here?"
The raven-haired huntress paused, looking at her feet.
"… Actually, I was summoned here by Kurosawa to talk regarding what happened to Ruby," Kanan's eyes widened. "I didn't even want to meet them so I'll leave after I confirmed this."
"Why are you bringing Ruby with you to the Guild then?" Kanan asked.
"I … well, she asked to come," Dia said quietly. "She looks … worried about the letter, so …"
Kanan somehow didn't want to continue the topic, finding the sour look on Dia's face never helping. She moved to the current problem in hand, this mysterious pureblood.
"Then," Kanan cleared her throat. "She—the pureblood vampire you seek—is an outsider, she's not connected to Kurosawa family or their lackeys in any way. She's coming to Numazu because of her own interest. She means no harm, she has been living in the town undetected by the authorities and she doesn't bother the society."
"Your point?"
"She's not the culprit but she might serve as an informant of the vampires living in the town."
Knowing Kanan, her old friend that she always able to read as easy as a book, there's no way she was saying lies. However, whether this 'outsider pureblood vampire' is the one who's been causing ruckus in the town with vampire incidents, Dia still have a high doubt of it.
"Can I get in the contact with her, then?"
The doctor was deep in thought for a while, Dia waited. She hoped that Kanan wasn't hiding any peculiar secret behind her back. Meeting with another vampire with a knowledge about Numazu town as an observer would pose a great deal for her, after all. It would be a source of great information.
"I'll try to arrange something, but not that quick," Kanan finally spoke. "When the time comes, I'll send you the usual."
"It's settled then," Dia stood up. "Thank you, Kanan-san."
The tea left untouched, or even remembered. Dia turned back to the door when Kanan grabbed on her wrist.
"Before you go back," she said. "I know you may have doubts about her, but I think talking to her might answer a few of your questions."
"… What do you mean?"
"About your younger sister, for instance."
Dia bit her lips. She broke free of Kanan's hold instantly and make her way out of the clinic without bothering to bid farewells.
"I'm sorry that I can't be any more help, Dia," she sighed. "I wish you the best of luck."
Ruby didn't bother to say something to welcome her sister back when she saw her sister ascended from downstairs, showing a bit of lax but a newfound scrunch over her face within a short while. They walked outside the building after they met up, Dia didn't mince a word per usual.
Cloudy, a bit dark afternoon welcomed them as they walked. Ruby was grateful for the lack of sun. She followed Dia obediently just like how she did by the morning, stayed put behind. From the direction that Dia took, it looks like they would go straight home, avoiding the unneeded crowds of ordinary townspeople and hunters alike.
The vampire was curious about the conversation her sister shared with the Physiatrist, however, she decided that ignorance is a bliss — at least for now.
Dia expected Kanan to be long to get her a connection to the target when she found a pure white owl knocked on her room's window one night. Three days has passed since their meeting and how Dia was grateful that Kanan always keep her promise.
The snow had blanketed the city and forests, most of the lakes already frozen and there rarely been any reported bear attacks around; the winter still continues.
Dia let the owl in, cleaning it from snow and getting the paper tied on its tibia before letting it drink water she had prepared by the windowsill. The white owl is always helpful to do letter deliveries, she found where Dia's room in the first try when Kanan once tried to send a letter and the white owl already a regular to visit Dia ever since.
'Meet a young woman in red hair, wielding an umbrella in the town's square tomorrow afternoon. State that you want to meet with Sakurauchi Riko.'
She composed a short thank-you letter to Kanan and sent the snow-colored owl back.
'Sakurauchi Riko', the name that Kanan wrote here must be the pureblood's name, maybe she would meet someone that act as a mediator, since purebloods aside Mari that she knew seem vigilant about their identity in public, though it could be different because the pureblood is 'not that old yet' with a scent of rose.
All in all, she should be ready for tomorrow—and make sure that Ruby doesn't suspect anything when she's out. Her goal to get information is by her hands now, she thought to herself.
By the afternoon on the next day, Dia found herself searching in a pack of people. Usually, it won't be as crowded as now, but maybe an event coming up or there's a flea market going on. There was no snow fall today, anyone who wielding an umbrella might stick like a sore thumb.
She made a note to Ruby before she left that she needed to do some pick-up and that she doesn't need to worry because it won't be long. Dia wondered sometimes how long this condition would go; for her to reject her sister for eternity or to wait for her sister devour her just like other lowly vampire's doing. She didn't know what is right, neither had she felt that she had done the right thing.
She rounded the fountain on the center of the town square once again, looking around to the crowd in the flea market not far from the bell tower. On the other end, a young woman in long red hair sitting by, umbrella covered most of her features. People who's passing by started to give her an old look and eventually shush away. She wore what Dia could surmise as a maroon high-sleeved dress tailored with dark curtain of roses.
Dia needed to be polite and say the password.
"Good afternoon," the young woman looked up, Dia's emerald waning to the newfound amber. "I want to meet with Sakurauchi Riko."
The woman smiled. "You must be Kurosawa-san, then. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"You're … Sakurauchi Riko, the pureblood herself?" Dia was stunned; it wasn't as she expected, also, the 'smell of rose' is absent.
Sakurauchi Riko tilted her head, a bit confused at the disbelief that painted Dia's voice. "I-I see that Kanan-san didn't tell you about how I look … though it must be quite unbelievable to see, umm, vampire this young to be a pureblood?"
"I apologize for my tactfulness, Sakurauchi-san," Dia stated. "It might be rude of me to ask but … can't we talk in somewhere more private?"
The red-haired pureblood nodded, "Sure."
Riko led their way to the residential district. Dia thought she would be coming up to the mid-class to high-class restrictive area by how Riko behaved and her 'pureblood' title rang, but then they stopped by the south borderline of the residential area and the business district where most of operative legal company stationed. The two-story building was there before them, one that's small, snugly-fitting in-between other taller ones.
The young pureblood opened the door to a living room, the sight of one table and a set of sofa were there, surge of rose's smell emanated from the room as they entered.
It didn't look like a house at all; it's more like an office.
"My assistant is out for a mission today, but I still can help you with a tea." Riko said after both of them seated in inside.
'There's no need for a tea, I'm fine as is." Dia declined.
"Then, Kurosawa-san, what can I help you with?"
"Firstly, I'm curious of your involvement in regard of strange … incidents that happened recently," Riko remained calm in Dia's observation. "Since you are a pureblood, and an outsider; I suspect a certain degree of motive."
"I'm sorry, but I never take part with any of vampire activities in the town," she answered fast. "I stayed in Numazu for the sake of my own research only. You can check the official records of my activities log, but I won't enclose any of my research's reports."
The raven-haired huntress pressed. "Keep in mind that humans see vampires as untrustworthy entity because of what they do. "I will keep doubting you without evidence of this 'research' of yours."
Riko looked hesitant for a bit, she rested her chin on her fingers. Dia wanted to be aggressive and press more, though it would be futile if her argument is proved to be baseless.
[ Is this the 'answer' Kanan said that she would find?—Dia swallowed her urge to lash out and shakily exhaled. ]
"That aside, I'm here also to ask about another question; a personal one," Riko watched to meet a soft gaze coming from Kurosawa Dia, who was threatening for answers. The pureblood waited for the huntress to ask, "What do you feel about a human-turned vampire?"
Riko furrowed her brows, "I don't expect that coming from you," she eyed the human to find that she was nowhere joking with the question, still Riko couldn't help to think that it wasn't her—it wasn't Dia who was seeing vampire as an object who asked that. "My assistant was a human."
"Your ... assistant?" Dia was beyond surprised, widened her eyes. "You're turning your assistant to a vampire? How could—"
"Before you jumping to a wrong conclusion, my assistant chose to be a vampire by her own free will," Riko interrupted. "You might find it hard to believe, maybe you need to ask the person yourself."
Not long, there's knocking on the front door. Dia turned when Riko said calmly, "Come on in, You-chan, we have a guest."
A young woman showed up by the doorway, timidly scratching the back of her neck as she walked in. Unlike how Riko dressed in long maroon dress, this grey-haired woman wore shorts and suspender on her shirt. She tidied her newsboy cap as she approached the spot beside where Riko sat.
"Watanabe You, on your service!" she saluted, giving her million-watt smile in process.
"You-chan, this is Kurosawa-san, Kanan-san's friend."
"It's nice to meet you, Kurosawa-san!"
On a glance, this 'Watanabe You' looked ... normal, though she has an absent of healthy complexion and smell compared to most humans; she's truly a vampire by outside. She had this strange, hyper energy that she exhibited, which is a bit unsettling for Dia. Never saw a vampire with such bubbly personality before, or Dia had seen too much gloomy vampires by her line of work.
"You must be the assistant of this pureblood," Dia began. "And you were a human ...? You're not coerced nor having a problem with your families when you turn into this … this being?"
You pursed her lips, thinking. She wasn't sure what is Dia implying. "I agreed to this, and my family is okay with it. Well, I still can meet with my Dad in his voyage often when he's around the docks so I …"
"No, that's not, err," Dia didn't know whether she should voice it or let it be. "Nobody treated you coldly because you're different? You're no longer a human, after all."
The assistant glanced at her master, to find Riko's amber voicing anything but void. Meaning, she could answer with her own words, without any need for Riko to intervene. "What's the difference between humans and vampires? I mean, vampires might be bloodthirsty and all, but, don't we all the same? We're still who we are."
That ... didn't add up to what Dia had acknowledged. Wasn't vampire a supernatural being with no soul that they gained such immortality, such power?
"Didn't the vampire told you before that living as a vampire having a little to no benefit? I mean—"
"What are you implying, Kurosawa-san?" Riko asked.
"It's an old saying that a vampire didn't have a soul, so I ..." Dia paused. "I ... think that once a human becoming one, they are no longer have a … heart? They're simply cold, ruthless?"
Silence befall in the Sakurauchi office. The pureblood stayed with same solemn expression, save for the confused assistant and the human.
"So that is how humans view us," Riko spoke, lacing her fingers together on her lap. "No wonder misunderstanding arises far too often; how we treated as a mere villain eventhough we uphold this peace treaty for long already."
"... Excuse me?"
"We do change the nature of humans, but we're no Grim Reaper. We didn't take away human hearts from its cage, let alone their pure souls—if it's ever not tainted," it was the first time in their conversation that the pureblood raised her voice, solidified her point. "We have our creed to not turn anyone if not because their approval, Kurosawa-san, may it answer your question."
Dia no longer know what to believe, her own truth or the vampire's truth. Everything Riko had testified is similar to what Mari had said – vampires are not made of ice. There's a room whether You's testimony is forced, but Dia found no sign of forcefulness in the face of the assistant. It is the truth. Countless uncertainty clouded Dia still, she has nowhere to go if she chose to continue the conversation, in which she was afraid to find no exact proof.
[ Or, was she being fooled from the beginning; about everything? ]
"Thank you ... for your answer," Dia finally said, rising from her seat. "I'll excuse myself for today, Sakurauchi-san. Thank you for your time."
Part of her was relieved that 'human-turned vampires' are not a purely 'bestial' entity, that her sister is still the same Ruby she ever know. Lingering doubts are still there, but she's nowhere to conclude whether the thing is right or wrong.
What's the 'truth' that she wanted to believe in now?
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kusunokihime-a · 7 years
[ Send 💞 to ask Mun their Shipping Properties! They will answer all below ][ @master-and-student || @littlelilypetal (since you sent in a few lol) ][ Accepting ]
What’s your OTP for your Muse?:
     Well, my first ship with Ryū started about five years ago with some friends, where I wrote her with Itachi. I RPed…a LOT with those two friends, so we had a LOT of time to build the ship. Those RPs are actually where the twins came from! So that pairing is very dear to me. Of course, any muse is different, so that ship is something I see separately from anything that happens here. But it’s still something that brings me a lot of happiness to remember, because it was so much fun time spent with my friends n_n
     I’m lucky enough to have a few ships on here, and I honestly adore all of them. So I really can’t pick a favorite, tbh. Even a few of my background characters have a ship or two, which is super neat!
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?:
     Just about anything? My only stipulations are that there can’t be adult x minor ships, and no incest ships. And of course, no smutting with minors. Other than that, I can’t think of anything that I’d exclude!
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:
     …I’m not really sure I can put my foot down in any way except for adult x minor. Because like…there’s also some squeamish factor where like…as SOON as a character turns 18, yes they’re legal, but it can still be a bit predatory if someone leaps at the chance the moment they are. Because one day ago, they weren’t. So it sorta depends on the dynamic? I dunno if that makes sense ^^;
Are you selective when shipping?:
     Beyond my basic rules, not really? In the end, it’s 100% up to my muses what they feel works, and what doesn’t. If they don’t see your muse in that light, I’m sorry, but I won’t force a ship. It has to work organically. Sure there’s situations like arranged marriage AUs, but that doesn’t mean my character will have feelings for yours. So, in short, I am - or rather, my muses are!
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?:
     …that’s a good question? Tbh I haven’t really RPed nsfw here until VERY recently. I used to RP it with a friend outside Tumblr, but that was literally years ago. I’m majorly out of practice, and tbh I’m not sure I’m very good at it because I’m very ace and sometimes I get squeamish xD But I think once there’s like…foreplay? I’d like to see things under a cut. Because I know there are people who don’t like to see that on their dashes. I’d always rather be safer than sorry when it comes to putting stuff under cuts.
Who are other Muses you ship your Muse with?:
     Oh gosh, let’s see…for Ryū, there’s sort of a ship with @hirasenshi​‘s Rin, in an AU; there’s @rxvensden​ with Sebby; @despairinghxpe​‘s Itachi; @ofascxnsionss​‘s Shieru; and @scxrlctiisms​‘s Nagisa. I also ship Reika (Ryū’s mom) with scxrlctiisms’ Aki, and Fu with Hotaka. Fu also has a ship with @himahimesun​‘s Himawari! Neither Mikoto II nor Reika II have any active ships yet.
     And with my other blogs, I have ships going with Mey, lol -with both Shisui and Kakashi :3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?:
     …I guess? I mean sometimes it just HAPPENS in the RP, but usually muns kinda look at each like, “Do you ship this thing…?” and the other goes “OH YES I thought you’d never ask” lolol. So I mean it can build up, but I think usually it’s a good idea to double check with each other ooc to make sure it’s okay!
How often do you like to ship?:
     Tbh? Any time! As long as things are organic and not forced, I’m down any time! And if we don’t have anything yet, you’re more than welcome to ask :3 I won’t bite! Of course I can’t guarantee my muses will play along, but you’re always welcome to ask n_n
Are you multiship?:
     Yes! Each ship has its own verse…unless muns agree for some tug-of-war, huehue~
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?:
     …somewhere in the middle? Like…I don’t want to be obnoxious xD I ADORE my ships, but I also realize that they can get kinda…overdone? Like if my partner is sick of my rambling about them they just gotta tell me to shut up lol - I don’t want to push something to the point where things get ruined because it’s being talked about too much, know’m’sayin’?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?:
     …I don’t wanna pick favorites, man! I love all my ships! Besides, I don’t want anyone to feel crummy if I say one over the other - that’s not nice. I love each of them for their own reasons - there’s really not any I prefer over another~
Finally, how does one ship with you?:
     Just…write with me? Like we can discuss things ooc early on if you’d like, but in the end it’s also gotta come down to chemistry. If my muse and I agree to it, then it’s all good! But like I said, in the end, it’s up to my muses. Whatever they’re comfortable with, be it planned out early on, or built up far down the road.
     One quick thing I will note? I’ve written a really long fanfic for Ryū’s backstory, all the way into a long epilogue arc, which was started like…five or six years ago. I wrote it as close to canon as I could, which meant she bumped into canon muses through that. OBVIOUSLY, my own fic writing DOES NOT carry over to other mun’s muses. BUT. It does kinda sorta mean I already know some canon muses Ryū would be down to ship with, IF IT EVER CAME UP. So there are some muses we both know she’d already generally get along with. Given, another mun’s interpretation of those characters might change things, but it does give me an idea as to what I myself could see working right out the gate.
     Jus’sayin’ ;3c
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