#// ew this got long lol i’m sorry
laviexenrose · 1 year
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Stella Mayfair was, by all accounts, regarded as a good friend by Isabelle, despite the fact that the two women could not have been more different in appearance or temperament. In truth, Isabelle doubted whether her former roommate had genuinely viewed her in much the same light– as a good friend, or a friend at all. A few months had gone by, and she had not heard so much as a peep from the other, but that was about to change…
The envelope was rather small, lighter than a feather. On the back was Isabelle’s name handwritten simply in ink. The writing looked quite familiar, though at that moment she couldn’t remember to whom it might belong. As Isabelle unsealed the flap, a curious sensation overwhelmed her. Eliminating suspense in the blink of an eye, she unveiled the invitation for a cruise party. A cruise party! Her features twitched with a mild surprise. While assuredly there weren't many people who would bother sending Isabelle anything in the mail, one of the last persons she would have ever guessed would be Stella– granted, at this point in time, she truly had no clue this invitation was from her, and in retrospect, she was not so surprised it was for a party. No, that had Stella Mayfair written all over it, and honestly, Isabelle felt a little silly she hadn’t easily determined who would invite her to such a grand soirée.
It was two weeks after she had received the curious invitation that Isabelle found herself boarding the ship, wondering if she’d made the right decision to come alone. It was a little reckless but also one of the most exciting things she had done in a while now. Perhaps for just this one time, she could fling some caution to the wind, let loose and maybe even enjoy herself a bit.
The party was in full swing. Once on board, Isabelle gave herself the moment to take it in– the crowd, the music, the incessant buzz of chatter and laughter, the liveliness of it all. Here, it was easy to forget about the rest of the world. The only thing Isabelle couldn’t get away from was wondering about who it was she needed to thank for sending her an invitation. And what better time to find out than at the party itself.
After mustering up the courage to approach people she didn’t know, Isabelle asked several of the partygoers, most of whom had likely had one drink too many, and none who knew who was host. Well, at least she had made an effort to find out. Afterwards, Isabelle chose a lonely corner to stand, feeling like a fish out of water as she quietly sipped champagne. Always taking pleasure from the simplest of things, she contentedly listened to the music, and that was good enough reason to stay a while longer. @desxgnees
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whyse7vn · 7 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: gave my gf an hour long whimpering audio for valentines day
namjoon: you make me sick
jimin: this definitely counts as harassment
jk: yoongi got me a plastic fork
yoongi: yw
y/n: the audio was 5 minutes long????
tae: ok but i sent it to you 20 times
do the math????
jin: you sat there and whimpered into ur phone for 5 minutes that’s crazy
don’t you feel any shame??
tae: why would i feel shame?
it’s called being in love jin
you should try it sometime
jimin: it’s called harassment
hobi: ew man
jk: free asmr :D
jin: it’s gonna be free tae from jail soon
tae: no it won’t
jimin: ur right when you get locked up no one’s gonna want you free
hobi: KEEP TAE IN JAIL 🗣️💯
jk: personally i would want tae free
jimin: personally ur not real so it doesn’t matter what you want
jk: :ᗡ
hobi: ew how the hell did you flip it
i hate that
jk: :ᗡ
jk: :ᗡ
namjoon: yoongi got jungkook a present this year?
yoongi: not by choice
y/n: it was by choice
hobi: it was a plastic fork
yoongi: a plastic fork not given by choice
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: no
y/n: please
yoongi: no
y/n: pretty please :3
yoongi: it was by choice
y/n: see told you!
yoongi: don’t understand why we have to buy each other shit on this holiday anyways
i like ONE of you not all of you
tae: am i the one you like be honest
yoongi: bye
y/n: it’s our silly little tradition don’t be a loser yoongi
yoongi: whatever
jin: ok anyways who ordered me a fucking marching band???
jk: idk but did you like it??
y/n: gonna take a wild guess and say it was jungkook
namjoon: i thought you have his card how did he order that??
y/n: he has apple pay now i can’t stop him 😕
hobi: wait no fair
jin did NOT deserve a marching band all he got me was his butter photocard???
jimin: he got me that too….
jk: OMG ME TOO >_<
tae: i don’t feel special anymore
namjoon: really jin?
y/n: mine was signed!!
yoongi: cheap
jin: you literally got kook a plastic fork?
yoongi: he loves it
jungkook tell him you love it
jk: i love it
yoongi: see
jin: whatever don’t care
jimin: namjoon got me a fucking book
jin: lol that’s crazy cuz you can’t read
jk: i’m sorry to hear you can’t read jimin hope you can soon :/
namjoon: i put a lot of thought into the book i got you
jin: that’s cute but he can’t read so
jk: i wish i was a book
tae: if you’re a book does that make you a tree?
jk: guys
y/n: no jungkook
jk: oh ok
jimin: i CAN read btw
yoongi: don’t care
jin: sounds like fake news
jk: omg wow ur a fast learner jimin you can read now!!!
jimin: ur talking way too much today
you should stop
jk: is he talking to me????
hobi: y/n got me a holiday to australia
i’m not gonna go cuz like bugs
but that was really nice
y/n: you’re welcome!!!!
tae: k but i got sex
y/n deleted this message!
tae: 😕
silencing me like they did MLK
jimin: what
jk: milk
hobi: did you just compare urself to mlk?
jin: yeah never say that again
tae: why not?? it’s true
yoongi: you are nothing like mlk
jk: tae ur not milk
namjoon: taehyung do not compare yourself to martin luther king ever again please and thank you
jk: or milk
y/n: and in black history month too…
tae: you don’t understand me or him
y/n: yeah ok
back to gifts
joon got me some really pretty flowers
jimin: boringggggggg he does that every year
jk: namjoon got me wood
hobi: ?
namjoon: statue
it’s a wooden statue thing
not just wood
tae: joon giving other boys wood for valentines ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
u wanna know who i gave MY wood too
y/n deleted this message!
namjoon: tae shut up
jin: saw that
tae: i’m just like mlk i’m telling you man
y/n: stop
tae: sorry
jimin: hobi got me shoes
hobi: i did
jk: hobi got me cheese
hobi: expensive cheese
y/n: i took yoongi to those cute photo booth things
yoongi: they didn’t need to know that
y/n: yes they did
we are sharing what we got each other
read the room yoongi
jimin: yeah yoongi read the room
tae: how tf u read a room??!
a room not a book ☠️☠️
u guys dumb as hell
jin: you not knowing what reading a room means makes a lot of sense actually
jk: send photobooth pics ^0^
bet u looked so cute
not you yoongi
not yoongi
i’m talking to y/n NOT you yoongi btw
yoongi: shut up
and no
you’ll never see those photos
jk: ☹️
hobi: so what did yoongi get y/n??
yoongi: don’t worry
tae: personally i’m worried
jk: me 2 guys yoongi is really scary
what if he killed her
y/n: ?
jin: i want to blow jungkook up
jk: i’m no ballon 😭
jimin: probably fucked for valentines let’s be real
tae: well that’s obviously NOT true lmao 😜 ☠️
yoongi: why is that “obviously” not true
we could of
tae: you didn’t
yoongi: and you know how?
tae: cuz i just know
yoongi: yeah ok
we could of for all you know
on the actual day too
tae: you weren’t even with her on valentine’s day
yoongi: and you were?
y/n: he wasn’t
tae: ok
but i could of been
yoongi: but clearly you weren’t
tae: neither were you
namjoon: both of you stop
tae: idk why yoongi acts all high a mighty
especially when it comes to her
y/n: ok that’s crazy
how about you don’t talk about me like i’m not here!
yoongi: idk why taehyung acts like he has a chance lmao
jk: guys
tae: that’s actually crazy
you’d be fucking surprised yoongi!!!!
yoongi: what’s that supposed to mean?
tae: what do you think it means?
tell me yoongi
i’ll tell you if you’re right or not
yoongi: shut the fuck up
tae: or what?
hobi: why this kinda sexualllll
jimin: like 😭😭😭😭
jin: arguing over pussy that belongs to neither of them is crazy i’m just saying
jk: pussy \ ^0^ /
namjoon: how about we all stop arguing and move back to talking about the gifts we got eachother !!
hobi: jungkook got me a ballon
jk: yeah
do you love it
hobi: sure
jk: ^_^
jimin: personally i think hobi’s lying to you kook
jk: WHAT
jimin: i think he hates his ballon actually
jk: hobi pls say he’s lying
hobi: he’s lying
you see it may seem that way because on the outside im a very chill and nonchalant man
y/n: that is not true actually!
hobi: but on inside i am actually very chalant
EXTREMELY chalant no joke
so basically inside im going fucking crazy over the ballon jungkook gave me but it just doesn’t seem like that cuz im a chill guy
jk: but inside ur chalant
hobi: exactly
jk: jimin why would you lie to me
jimin: ur easy to lie to
jk: no im not
jimin: namjoon died in a car crash 24 hours ago
namjoon: i am not dead
jk: oh
y/n: how did you fall for that
namjoon cant even drive
jk: oh yeah
lol namjoon cant drive guys
namjoon: ok we all know
hobi: so what did you guys actually do on valentine’s day
jk: minecraft but then it got too scary so i played valorant instead
jimin: idk what any of that means but ok
i personally watched movies with joon
namjoon: yeah
i dropped by kook’s and y/n’s place first tho to give my gifts and stuff
hobi: where was my movie invite?????
jimin: we did call you
you were like high as hell
hobi: oh
how real of me
jin: i cooked steak
jimin: for urself?
jin: kys
for me and y/n actually
y/n: …
jin: my fault
yoongi: what
tae: oh
hobi: ????????????????????
namjoon: cool
jimin: jin???? out of everyone JIN??????
why would you fuck jin
jimin: on valentine’s day too…..
even fucking ME would make more sense than jin right now
jin: tf is that supposed to mean?
jimin: i said what i said lmao
tae: she cant of fucked jin
cuz she’s fucking me
yoongi: LMAOOOO
u really think your special dont you
thats crazy
hobi: i dont get it even if she was fucking tae why couldn’t she fucked jin too?
y/n: i am like right here you know
tae: because me and her are serious
yoongi: serious???
you are just a rebound
tae: yoongi i think you’re just upset she didn’t come to you first after the whole jaehyun thing
yoongi: i’m glad she didn’t actually because now i know for sure i’m not rebound
you are
tae: shut the fuck up
yoongi: why? you getting upset?
idk why you’re acting like the victim here when you’re using her for the same thing
hobi: woah??
jimin: cap taehyung bitchless
yoongi: it’s time you stop using y/n to get over jennie and grow some fucking balls
jin: hold on
jk: imgonnapassout
y/n: oh
namjoon: yoongi
tae: i am not using y/n to get over jennie and you know that
hobi: wait ur fr??? taejennie was fr??
yoongi: i know that? thats crazy how could i know that??
you didn’t even tell us about jennie
for over 3 months you were with her and you didn’t tell us
and then those photos of you and her were leaked and you were all depressed for ”no reason”
and now all of a sudden your obsession with y/n?
yeah you’re not using her you’re right i’m just fucking stupid aren’t i?
jimin: holy shit man
tae: i am not using her
yoongi: so why is yeontan with jennie right now?
y/n: tae you told me he was with you parents?
tae: yeah
i didn’t tell you that because im using you or anything i just said that because i didn’t want to cause any problems
y/n: you lied to me
for no reason
if you told me the truth it would of been fine
tae: i know
y/n: so when i came over
were you planing on sleeping with me anyways?
were you mad at yourself for calling jennie and leaving yeontan with her?
did you use me to help forget about it?
tae: did you use me to help get over jaehyun?
y/n: no
i can tell you that in full confidence no
now answer my question
tae: you know i would never do that to you
y/n: its a yes or no question taehyung
tae: i would never do that to you
yoongi: yes or no you asshole
tae: shut the fuck up
yoongi: answer her question
tae: leave me the fuck alone
tae left “SINGLE LADIES😁🔥”
jk: wow
y/n: didn’t sleep with jin btw
jk: ohthankgod
y/n: did sleep with tae once
we are NOT serious
jk: double ohthankgod
y/n: and now i am going to sleep
jungkook come cuddle
gn all
jimin: good night …
hobi: nite!!
yoongi: gn
jin: goodnight
namjoon: gn
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DOWNBAD😭🫵🏻 #2 (minus tae)
6 participants - 5 online
namjoon: yoongi that wasn’t fair
yoongi: i know
but she deserved to know
and he wasn’t gonna tell her any time soon
yoongi: i just found out
namjoon knew longer
namjoon: not that long
jimin: ok but how do you know tae is using her fr?
yoongi: it’s not hard to connect the dots
jin: still you could be wrong
yoongi: well he didn’t deny it did he?
jimin: to me it looked like he didn’t know if he was using her or not
yoongi: well he needs to figure that out soon it’s not fair to her
or him ig
but mainly her.
hate this don’t care about anything bring back yellow….
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
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kwanisms · 2 years
Tales from Camp 12 - FINAL
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➮ dom!Wonwoo × sub!Reader wc: 13.9k summary: Wonwoo treats his campers to a night of ghost stories but after the kids go to sleep, he decides to visit Y/N’s tent to make sure the stories didn’t scare her. genres/themes/au: angst, fluff, smut; non idol au, camp counselor au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, sexual content (18+ mdni), smut warnings under the cut! join my taglist! join the holiday special taglist!
a/n: i have no excuses. And i am terribly sorry about this taking so long. It’s been so long since i started this series and i kept delaying this part because i lost inspiration for literally everything. And then, when i planned on finishing it, Wonwoo’s mother passed and i felt it would be wrong to post it so close to her passing. I didn’t want to leave this series unfinished in the end because i really enjoyed writing every piece and although I’ve given up on some other works, i didn’t want to give up on this so it’s finally here. I’m so sorry again it took me literally years to finish this series but hopefully this 14k worth of word vomit helps. As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
tagging: @yoonguurt and @babiesanshine ​ because they asked me to lol
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smut warnings: sexting, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cockwarming, fingering, marking (f receiving), pussy slapping, finger sucking, dirty talk, praise kink, dom!Wonwoo, sub!Reader, oral (f receiving, m receiving), face & throat fucking, use of pet names, multiple orgasms, creampie and I think that's everything lol
When Seokmin finished his tale, the entire group was stunned. “Thigh riding? Really?” asked Joshua, laughing. “What kind of fanfiction bullshit is that?” The others burst into laughter, Seokmin along with them. “I promise you, it did happen. She was really into it,” he said. Mingyu let out an audible “wow.” 
“Makes sense,” Wonwoo said with a nod. All eyes fell on him. “What do you mean?” Seokmin asked the older male. Wonwoo glanced up from the fire and noticed everyone looking at him. “I just meant that you have the best thighs out of everyone. Any woman would go crazy over them,” he said with a shrug.
Seungcheol cleared his throat and everyone turned to him. “Last story before we turn in for the night,” he said and just as quick as they looked away, everyone’s focus was on Wonwoo once more. He glanced around at all the eyes on him, turning a slight shade of pink before muttering under his breath. “Fuck.”
He let out a long sigh, looking up at the starry sky before a smile took over his features. “Alright,” he said smiling. “I got one. This is really going to knock your socks off,” he said, nodding. “Remember that camping trip I organized? It was my nephew’s friends and parents? Well, one of his friends brought his sister, who happened to be my age,” Wonwoo said, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
“And boy was she something,” he added with a chuckle. “I get all hot just thinking about it,” he added. “Okay! Ew!” Chan said, covering his ears amidst laughter. Jihoon nudged Wonwoo with his foot. “Enough of that, just get on with the story!” he snapped. Wonwoo nodded. “Alright, alright,” he said.
“Here’s how it went.”
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Wonwoo let out a heavy sigh, glancing up at the sky as the campers slowly showed up, one by one, outside the campgrounds office building. This location was the one always used by the scout troops and for summer camps but this time of the year it was practically abandoned. No one wanted to go camping during the fall for some odd reason. Wonwoo didn't mind it however. Maybe it was the cooler temperatures and near guarantee that the bugs were already hibernating that was reason enough for him. 
He glanced around, eyeing up the old office building. The old stained wood gave a rustic look and feel to the area. The trees rustled as the wind blew lightly. The skies a cool grey color as the clouds masked the usual pale blue.
Wonwoo closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his nose catching the scent of rain in the air. That clean almost watery smell that his sister always said didn't exist. He exhaled slowly and softly as he wondered silently to himself when this nightmare would be over.
Maybe nightmare was too strong of a word. This camping trip was his idea after all but now that it was here, he regretted deeply offering to do it at all. His nephew had wanted to go camping but his parents were unable to take him due to their busy work schedules so Wonwoo, being the kind uncle he was, offered to chaperone the whole trip. It was to be his nephew and a handful of his school friends with their parents. Five children and six adults, himself included.
He was currently waiting for the last of the children and their guardians to arrive when he spotted you. His eyes were scanning over the children and guardians that were present when they landed on your figure, squatting down next to a small girl in a pink raincoat as you adjusted said raincoat, smiling up at her before you pulled her hood up and stood up. Wonwoo watched as the girl hugged your leg tightly.
His eyes trailed up from the child attached to your leg, up to your face where you were looking around nonchalantly until you turned your head, locking eyes with him. You gave him a warm smile, waving at him. Wonwoo returned the smile and waved back.
Wonwoo had met you before, in college. You had the same communications class and he was certain he had borrowed your notes a fair few times. You had changed tho. Your hair was different than before and your features had matured since freshman year.
He watched as you turned to look at one of the other parents, no doubt answering to your name. Wonwoo couldn't help but let his eyes wander, resting on your backside before he forced himself to look away and pay attention to his nephew who was now demanding his full attention.
"Is it gonna rain, Uncle Woo?" The little boy asked. Wonwoo knelt down in front of his nephew, Min-jun. "I think it might, but I don't think it's anything we have to worry about," he said, making sure the boy's jacket was zipped and his hat on properly. "We've got waterproof tents and there are wooden cabins if anything happens."
Min-jun smiled at Wonwoo and nodded as his uncle adjusted the straps of his backpack and stood straight again. Looking around once more, Wonwoo could see that most, if not everyone, was either standing around or pulling their equipment from their cars. He felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder and glanced at the man responsible for helping coordinate this trip. They exchanged friendly smiles and Wonwoo let him take the lead.
Once everyone had gathered around him, outside the office building, the coordinator, Paul, calmly began to explain the rules of the trip and gave safety instructions while Wonwoo listened with the others. Paul spoke with a clear voice that commanded the attention of everyone in the group, including the children.
"Good morning!" he said cheerfully. "I'm not going to fill the air with a lot of unnecessary chatter so I'm going to just get straight to the point," he said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "We got about a two and a half miles hike in this trail through the woods," he said, pointing at a break in the trees next to the office.
"It's a flat trail with hardly any change in elevation until you get close to the lake but we won't be taking that route. Instead of taking the left fork, we're going to go right and head towards the river. There's a nice set up for tents, but also several a-frame tents on raised platforms with cots. Those who don't have tents or couldn't get one in time will sleep in the a-frames."
"Now, the skies look like they're going to open up on us, but hopefully not until we get to the campsite. Radar shows a storm heading this way so if for any reason we need to seek shelter, there are two cabins near the campsite as well as a storm shelter. Now, onto the rules," Paul continued.
"Our number one priority is safety. This is the woods, there are all kinds of critters and wildlife out here. We may see some, we may not, but no matter what, we must make sure to clean up after ourselves. I don't want to see a single wrapper or piece of trash on the ground. We throw our trash away and leave the place the way we found it." No one said anything as he continued.
"If you see something strange or suspicious, tell an adult. Do not keep things to yourself. Do not wander off alone. That includes going to the bathroom," he added as he looked around. "If you hurt yourself, tell an adult, we have three first aid kits, someone will help you. That's another thing, if you need help, speak up. Someone will help you with whatever you need help with," he finished.
"Everyone understand the rules?" Paul asked. There were murmurs and nods from the group. "Good, and now I believe Wonwoo has something to add?" Paul turned to Wonwoo, his turn to speak now over. The raven-haired man nodded and cleared his throat.
"The main purpose of this trip is to have fun," he said clearly, looking around at the children's faces along with their chaperones. His eyes found your face and they lingered for a moment, taking in the sparkle in your eyes. He forced himself to continue. 
"So long as we follow all the rules set out before us," he added with a gesture of his hand to the other trip organizers. "We should have a great time and this will be a trip for all of us to remember," he ended, feeling a little lame but the excitement on the kids' faces, including his own nephew, made it worth it. 
The coordinators started ushering people to get all their belongings and started leading the way into the woods, following the trail. Wonwoo motioned for Min-jun to follow the line and he walked quietly behind. Paul led the way into the woods, following the trail that was lined with fallen branches and the occasional stone.
He was right, the trail seemed highly used and was a very flat and easy grade. It continued straight for a few meters before gradually curving to the right. Min-jun had caught up with a friend of his and was chattering away with him while Wonwoo hung back and kept his eye on his nephew and his own feet.
It wasn't long before the group came to the fork Paul had mentioned and took the trail to the right, following the curved and winding path.
About 20 minutes into the hike, the group paused to give the kids a little rest. They were about halfway through the hike. Wonwoo took a sip from his water jug when he felt a tug at the base of his jacket and looked down. The small girl he'd seen earlier, the one in the pink raincoat. He smiled awkwardly down at her.
"Uh, hey," he said. "Are you Wonwoo?" she asked, her big brown eyes full of wonder. Wonwoo felt his ears go red. He had no idea why this little girl was staring up at him in such amazement.
"Uh, yeah," he said as he twisted the lid back onto his water jug and slid it into the side pouch on his backpack. "My sister told me about you," the little girl said, a big smile on her face.
His awkward smile turned into a grin and you couldn't help but admire how much he had matured and how handsome he'd become. "How are you?" you asked, hoping to avoid some of the tension that had started to settle around you. "Good, I've just been finishing my degree," he answered. "Your masters, right?" you asked. Wonwoo nodded. "Yeah, you remembered?" he asked.
"Sophie!" Wonwoo heard a voice and turned to find the source.
You hurried up to grab the little girl's hood. "Sorry," you said, a breathy laugh escaping you. "My little sister has a habit of talking to strangers," she said as she pulled Sophie closer to her. "We aren't exactly strangers though," Wonwoo said, referring to you. "Y/N, right?" He asked. You smiled, your cheeks heating up.
"Yeah, and you're Wonwoo," you replied.
You nodded, your smile widening. "Yeah! We talked about it briefly but I do remember that day pretty well," you said. It was true, you did remember that day very well, but not because of your conversation with Wonwoo. That was the day your life had changed forever but you mentally shook those thoughts away.
"Your sister?" Wonwoo asked.
"And what about you?" Wonwoo asked as everyone around them started gathering their things. "Are you out saving the world one endangered species at a time?" he added with a playful smile. Your smile faltered. You had chosen to go into wildlife conservation but situations arose and you had no choice but to step up and put your plans on hold. "Uh oh," Wonwoo said as the pair of you followed the group deeper into the trees. "Did I say something wrong?"
You shook your head. "No," you said reassuringly. "It's just a lot has changed," you added. You were about to ask him to change the subject when Sophie began pulling at your sleeve. "Can I go walk with Chelsea?" she asked, pointing a few paces ahead where a little girl with brown hair and a purple raincoat was walking with her mom and waving at Sophie. Chelsea was her best friend. You nodded and Sophie ran excitedly to catch up with her.
"Yes," you answered. "I just didn't talk about her very much," you added. "She was just a baby." Wonwoo nodded, feeling very silly about himself and his questions. "But I'm her legal guardian," you continued. You saw Wonwoo's eyes flash to look up at you. "You don't have to talk about it if it's too painful," he said softly. 
Wonwoo glanced up where he saw Sophie and then back at you. "Did you have a sister when we were in school?" he asked, trying to wrack his brain for a conversation about a sister. You smiled knowingly.
You shook your head. "It's okay," you replied. "It happens," you added. "Our parents were in an accident a couple years ago," you explained. "Our uncle was supposed to get guardianship of Sophie while I finished school, that was my parents plan." The wind picked up slightly, blowing through the trees, the leaves rustling.
With Sophie out of earshot, you started to explain. "Circumstances forced me to put my career on hold," you said softly to Wonwoo as you walked through the trees, bringing up the rear of the party.
"But I felt guilty," you continued. "I felt like if I didn't take Sophie that I was a horrible sister, so I spoke to my uncle. I tried to explain it to him but he said he was more than happy to take Sophie in. He wanted me to continue school. Finish my education. It's what my parents wanted. So I did, I finished getting my degree and certification. I was set to go to Australia to start conservation in the outback when I got the call," your voice broke as you explained.
"I'd love to see a kangaroo up close," he added. You let out a laugh. "You should come to the park some time," you replied. He chuckled in response before a comfortable silence fell between you. It was a moment before he spoke. The trees around you were teeming with bird calls, no doubt calling out to signify the coming storm.
"So Australia had to wait. I got a job at the zoological park working with the marsupials. It's a pretty easy job all things considered. And Sophie loves seeing the kangaroos and wombats up close," you added. Wonwoo smiled. "I'm kind of jealous," he responded. You glanced up at him, finding warmth in his expression.
"I lost my mom," Wonwoo said so softly you almost didn't hear over the chatter and laughter of the kids a few paces ahead. You turned to look at him, eyes wide. "What?" you asked quietly.
You breathed in a deep breath before continuing. "My uncle was sick." You heard Wonwoo sigh next to you. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. "We went through the courts to sign over guardianship of Sophie to me so he could focus on treatment," you spoke softly.
He nodded.
"She had been sick for a long time and her body finally just gave up," he added. "I'm so sorry, Wonwoo," you replied, reaching out and taking his hand gently in yours. "It's the worst kind of feeling," you added. "No one can tell you what it's like or how you feel," you continued. "At least she's at peace and no longer suffering."
Wonwoo returned your small smile and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze as the trees thinned out into a small clearing of sorts. The leaves covered the clearing. Extending from the trees to meet in the middle and provide a canopy of sorts.
The parents and children got to work setting up their tents. You and Wonwoo parted ways as you moved to help Sophie set up her sleeping bag in one of the a-frame tents. You hadn't been camping much before and didn't have a chance to buy a tent before the trip.
"Y/N?" you heard Sophie's little voice and you turned to your sister. "Can I sleep in Chelsea's tent?" she asked quietly. You smiled and nodded. "Of course, but you have to do what Chelsea's mom says, okay?" you said grabbing her sleeping bag and stepping out of the a-frame tent.
You followed Sophie to where Chelsea was helping her mom set up their tent. "Did you want to join us?" she asked. You thanked her but declined the offer. "I'll be okay in the a-frame," you replied. You turned to Sophie. "I'll be just over there, okay? So if you need anything, I'm only a few paces away," you explained, kneeling down to her level. She nodded and gave you a tight hug.
You sighed and started setting up your sleeping bag. "Need any help?" you heard a voice and turned to find Wonwoo peering into your tent. You shook your head. "Luckily I just have to unroll my sleeping bag," you chuckled. Wonwoo laughed and stepped into the cramped room. He was clearly much too tall for this space. "I could set up the bug net if you'd like," he offered. You smiled. "That would actually be great," you replied. 
As soon as the light entered, you saw several spiders scurry away and out of the tent. "Shoo!" you whispered, grabbing a cot pillow and shaking it at the remaining bugs who scurried away and out of sight.
He moved quickly to the edge of the tent and started fiddling with some ties and before a thick black mesh material fell down, covering the opened end of the tent. "These come with these magnets built in," he explained. "They're weighted so they stay closed when not held open." He moved to the other end and did the same thing before letting the tent flaps drop. "And if you keep the back of the tent closed, you're less likely to have animals sneak in here."
She moved to help Chelsea with the tent poles, the two giggling as they worked. You looked around and headed for the closest a-frame. It was at the edge of the clearing, closest to the treeline. You ducked inside and opened the flaps to let the light in.
You gave him a peculiar look. "It was scouts," he answered your unasked question. "I was maybe like 13 and I was sleeping in one of these tents. It was the middle of summer and we had the tent flaps open. I heard a sound and woke up in the middle of the night to see a raccoon hurry out of my tent carrying my bag of chips," he admitted and you couldn't stifle the laughter that bubbled up inside you. "He stole your snacks?" you asked and he nodded, laughing himself. "Yeah, my chips. I fell asleep while eating them."
Your laughter subsided and you glanced up at him. "Well, don't leave your chips out this time," you warned playfully. "Nope, no chips this time " he said, holding his hands up. "I'm going to go see if anyone else needs help," he said, looking over the camp. You stepped outside of your tent, pushing the net aside and just as Wonwoo said, the weights allowed it to fall back into place.
"Where are you set up?" you asked. "Right here, neighbor," he said pointing to a green two man tent. You could hear his nephew and friend inside chattering excitedly. "I'll be sure to ask you if I need a cup of sugar, neighbor," you teased with a smirk. "Don't be a stranger," he joked before moving to help another parent with their tent.
It didn't take long until all the tents were set up and sleeping bags unrolled. Paul called for everyone to gather. "We have plenty of food but we did bring fishing poles and we have permission to fish the river if we want to," he explained. "Does anyone want to partake?" he asked. Several kids were excited to go see the river and the fish. 
Min-jun asked Wonwoo if he could go with his friend and Wonwoo said as long as he listened to the adults. Sophie and Chelsea wanted to go to the river and hunt for frogs and crayfish so you saw no harm in sending Sophie with Chelsea's mom, whose name you learned was Rachel. Deciding to hang back at the campsite, you moved over to sit around the newly built fire pit. 
It was a nice warm reprieve from the chilly winds that graced the campsite from time to time. Overhead you could hear the soft pitter patter of raindrops and you were glad you sent Sophie in her rain gear to the river. Most of the parents went to help wrangle the children at the river, leaving only a few adults at the camp.
You heard a twig snap and glanced up to see Wonwoo emerging from his tent. He stretched and glanced over to the fire, his eyes meeting yours. He smiled and walked over to take a seat beside you. "Didn't want to go fishing?" he asked, a playful smile on his face as he raised one eyebrow. You shook your head.
"I don't really like fishing," you admitted. Wonwoo shook his head. "I'm not crazy about it either. Whenever my friends want to go, I'll do it but if I have a choice not to, I'll just hang back." You nodded in response, staring into the fire as a comfortable silence fell over you again. No one said anything before you heard one of the other parents get up. You continued to stare into the fire before you heard a huff. "I thought Jerry got firewood." You tore your gaze from the fire to where the parent that had gotten up was looking around.
"What's up, Sara?" Wonwoo asked, sitting up straight. She turned to look over. "I thought Jerry had gone to get firewood before going fishing but I can't find any," she said, hands on her hips. Wonwoo smiled and got to his feet. "I'll go get some," he said, moving to his tent and reaching inside to grab his coat. 
You got to your feet and grabbed your jacket from the back of your chair. "I'll help," you said as you pulled on your jacket. You zipped up your jacket and moved to Wonwoo’s tent. He pulled out his hat and put it on and turned to you. "Here," he said, handing you another hat. "I noticed you didn't have one earlier," he added.
You put the hat on and followed him into the woods. "So what am I looking for?" you asked. "Wood," he said, laughing. "Sticks, small branches, bark, anything that burns," he added. "It has to be dry though, which can be a challenge when it's raining," he said, nodding up towards the sky. You followed behind him, keeping an eye out for wood. You grabbed a few sticks, making sure they were dry as Wonwoo started collecting some sticks as well.
The two of you worked quickly, gathering up an armload each before heading back to the campsite. You dropped off your loads before heading back to gather more. Your hands were full of sticks when you reached down to grab a piece of wood sticking out from under another, wetter one when a small sharp pain surged through your finger up into your wrist.
“Shit!” You yelped and drew back, dropping your pile of sticks. Wonwoo dropped his pile and hurried over to your side. "What happened?" he asked as he reached you. Glancing down at your finger, you saw a large splinter sticking out of your finger. "Oh shit," Wonwoo said, taking your hand gingerly and inspecting the splinter. "That's in there pretty deep," he added. "You head back to camp."
"It's just a splinter," you reassured her. "Did you find any frogs?" you asked, trying to distract her as Wonwoo started inspecting the splinter a bit closer. He opened the kit and took out an alcohol pad and the tweezers. You watched as he sterilized the tips of the tweezers and took your finger gently but firmly. 
You sat back down in your previous seat as Wonwoo returned to your side, a first aid kit in his hands. He knelt down between you and the fire as Sophie came running over. She saw the first aid kit and immediately started crying. "What happened, Y/N?" you heard her asked. You smiled.
You turned to Sophie quickly. "So did you catch any frogs?" you asked. Sophie shook her head but spoke up. "No, but we found a lot of crayfish," she answered. "Did you catch them?" you asked, wanting to keep her attention on the conversation and not the splinter sticking out of your skin. Sophie nodded. "How many did you catch?" you asked her. "I caught four and Chelsea caught three!" she said excitedly. "Wow! Four?" you asked, mirroring her excitement. "That's amazing, Soph!"
"I'll get the wood," he added as you turned to make your way back. You stepped out of the trees as the fishing group was returning to camp. Wonwoo followed behind you, moving quickly to drop off the wood before disappearing inside his tent.
Wonwoo smiled, knowing you were trying to distract Sophie but also yourself as he took his time to remove the splinter. He held your hand firmly, but gently in his own and carefully used the tweezers to grasp the tip of the splinter. Once he was sure he had a good grip on it, he pulled it out in the same direction it entered your skin.
The piece of wood came out cleanly and you either had a high pain tolerance or it wasn't even painful because Wonwoo didn't see you flinch at all. He wrapped the splinter in a tissue and threw it away before using another alcohol pad to clean your finger before wrapping a bandage around it. "You're done," he said, as he put away the supplies in the first aid kit. You smiled at Sophie. "See?" you said showing her your bandaged finger. "It didn't even hurt."
Excitement around the camp started buzzing as a few of the adults prepared the fish and crayfish for cooking. Wonwoo had taken his seat beside you once more while Sophie and Chelsea played with a folded piece of paper. Wonwoo hadn't seen one of those since he was a child. The girls used to play with them all the time.
"Y/N," Sophie said suddenly, drawing both yours and Wonwoo's attention. She hurried over, holding out the folded piece of paper. "Pick a color!" she said, beaming at you.
Smiling back, you glanced down at the options. "Hmmm… how about red?" you answered. Sophie opened and closed the paper in a pattern as she spelled out the color you chose. She then held out the paper for you to see. "Okay, now pick a number!" You glanced down to see four numbers exposed. "I'll pick eight," you replied.
"I told you to stop reading those teenage magazines!" you laughed half-heartedly and settled back into your seat. You glanced up at Wonwoo and smiled sheepishly. His expression was warm but other than that, he was completely unreadable. You turned your attention back to the fire, watching it dance as the flames licked the wood.
"You will meet a tall dark stranger who will bring excitement and mystery to your life," Sophie read aloud. Your eyes widened before you reached to grab at the fortune teller but Sophie pulled away and ran away giggling with Chelsea.
Soon, the fish and crayfish were prepared and the other adults started cooking dinner. You took another sip of your water before you felt a nudge. Wonwoo was standing behind you, holding out a cold can of beer. You smiled and took it, thanking him as he sat down beside you. You popped the top at the same time he did and tapped your cans together in silent cheers before taking a sip.
Sophie repeated the motions, this time counting to eight. She held out the fortune teller for you to pick another number. This time you chose four and watched as Sophie opened the paper and read out the fortune.
It had been a long time since you drank. Longer than you could remember. It was nice to let loose for once knowing that Sophie was surrounded by friends and much more alert adults. You watched as Sophie and Chelsea continued to play with their origami fortune teller and smiled when Sophie read out Chelsea's fortune.
"Something on your mind?" you heard Wonwoo ask and turned to look at him. His eyes were full of concern but the smile on his face was still warm and genuine. You shook your head. "Nothing bad. I'm just glad Sophie can play with her friends and I finally have a chance to relax," you said softly before taking another sip.
Wonwoo’s smile widened. "I can't imagine being responsible for a child full time," he answered quietly. "I'm only responsible for Min-jun when my sister and her husband are busy. So it's only sometimes. If I was his sole guardian, I don't know if I'd be up to the task," he added.
"It's not easy, that's for sure," you replied. "You have to make decisions based on them. Your life comes second to theirs," you added. Wonwoo's smile fell. "I don't think that's entirely true," he stated, taking another sip as you turned to look at him.
A smile spread across Wonwoo’s face and you couldn't help but return it. The setting sun behind the trees cast shadows upon the camp and on him but the light of the fire danced in his face and you were reminded of your time together in college and how handsome you thought he was back then. He was just as handsome now.
"Sure, you can't make any huge decisions for yourself without first thinking about how it could affect Sophie, but who knows, maybe when she's a little bit older, she might like the idea of moving to Australia."
Before you could say anything, dinner was announced and everyone settled down to eat. It was a nice home-cooked meal. Something you and Sophie hadn't had in a long time. You tried your best but you had not inherited your mother's cooking skills. After dinner, dessert was brought out. Cookies, brownies and a little ice cream as well. Once everyone's bellies were full of good food, the stories began.
"I know my sister and her husband have sacrificed a lot for Min-jun, but they would never say that their lives came second to his. You're allowed to do what you want, or have what you want. Within reason, of course," Wonwoo said, turning to look at you.
You'd never been camping before so you were unfamiliar with campfire stories. The adults took turns telling stories, some laced with the paranormal, and others just a case of mistaken identity. Some of the kids even attempted to tell their own hair raising stories but despite having the imagination, they lacked the story telling abilities so their stories fell a little flat. You noticed Min-jun tugging on Wonwoo’s arm and how the older male tried to shush him.
"Who's next?" Paul asked, taking a sip of his own beer. Min-jun tried to get Wonwoo to speak up but he refused until Paul called out. "Got a story to share, Wonwoo?" The raven haired male glanced over, eye wide. "Uh, it's just a story I used to tell my friends when we went camping," he said, shaking his head. Paul smiled and gestured around the circle. "Do share," he said.
You noticed how Min-jun immediately turned to watch his uncle, excited to hear the story and you'd be lying if you said you were a little bit intrigued by the child's response. You gave Wonwoo an encouraging smile and nodded, wanting to hear his story. He took a deep breath before beginning.
"This is the story of a boy. A boy named Sang-woo," he spoke in a clear and calm voice. "Sang-woo was the son of a very wealthy family and they lived in a large, historic, and very old manor. He was a peculiar child, keeping mostly to himself. He did, however, have one friend. A young girl that lived nearby in the same village. This young girl's name was Evelyn. Now, Evelyn was a couple years older than Sang-woo, but it didn't stop the two from playing together when she came over. Their favorite game to play was hide-and-seek," Wonwoo continued. You glanced around and saw that everyone was hanging onto his every word.
"Well, one day, on Sang-woo's eighth birthday, Evelyn was over playing, like she had in the past, but there were plenty of other people over to celebrate the birthday boy's special day. And so, while everyone else was outside, the children playing, the adults mingling, Sang-woo and Evelyn were inside, playing as they usually did. Suddenly, something happened, something no one expected."
Everyone was silent except for one child. "What happened?" asked one of the boys. Wonwoo smiled a knowing smile. "Evelyn vanished," he said quietly, ignoring the few gasps that sounded out around the fire. "Vanished? How does a girl just vanish?" Asked another boy before his mother shushed him. "Let Wonwoo finish the story," she said. Everyone fell silent again.
"The police were called to investigate but when they arrived at the manor, a fire had started. A fire that killed Sang-woo. His parents were devastated," Wonwoo continued. "What happened after his death?" Sophie asked quietly from her spot next to Chelsea. Wonwoo smiled again. "This story is far from over," he replied.
"We're just getting started."
You listened as he continued, telling a tale about a nanny, hired to take care of a child but instead finds a doll she is charged with. The couple then leaves and never returns. The nanny takes care of the doll and notices odd, even paranormal things happening around the house. You watched as Min-jun stared in awe as his uncle told the story. You were aware Min-jun had probably heard this story before but just to see how much he adored and looked up to Wonwoo was heartwarming. It made you appreciate the man even more.
The story reached its climax when Wonwoo told how the doll was never possessed and that it was actually the boy, Sang-woo, who had survived the fire but lived in the walls for 20 years. When the story was over, the children were visibly shaken up and the parents were glancing around nervously. "It's not a true story," one of the kids asked. A little girl with brown pigtails and glasses. "Right?"
Wonwoo gave her a kind smile. "No," he answered, shaking his head. "It's just a story," he said reassuringly. There were soft murmurs and sighs of relief. "Well, I think it's time for bed," Paul said as he got to his feet. "Come on, kiddos. Let's all get ready for bed." Wonwoo sat back as the kids got up and started to move to their tents to get changed. You however stayed in your seat.
"You know," you said softly, catching Wonwoo's attention. "I seem to recall that story you told," you continued. His smile widened. "Oh?" he asked. "But from what I recall," you said, making sure to keep your voice down. "The boy's name was Brahms. Not Sang-woo," you said, fighting the urge to smirk. Wonwoo’s smile broke into a chuckle. "You caught me," he replied.
"Sophie's never seen that movie, so I imagine she's probably freaked out," you said, a hint of amusement in your voice. "You have to admit, that was one hell of a twist," Wonwoo stated in a low tone. You nodded. "That's for damn sure."
Sophie and Chelsea came out of their tent and hurried over. "Mr. Wonwoo?" Sophie asked. You turned to see the pair standing near his chair. "That story you told. Are you sure it's just a story?" Sophie asked, eyes wide and clearly unnerved. "Yeah, cause Alphie said it's a true story," Chelsea added, looking just as freaked out. Wonwoo smiled and sat up. "Girls, I promise it's just a story. It's not even my story. I got it from a movie," he said reassuringly.
You smiled calmly. "Imagine the surprise when one year later, the world was terrified when they all returned pregnant," you ended your story. Wonwoo's eyes widened before he let out a laugh. "Oh that's unsettling," he said, still laughing. "Two sentence horror stories are my favorite," you replied, still smiling. "Tell me another," Wonwoo said, his eyes twinkling. You looked around, trying to think up another. "Okay, this one isn't mine, but my friend told me how her four-year-old said he wished that people didn't have to knock. She told him about doorbells, and he asked her to install one on his window." You saw Wonwoo visibly shiver. "That's freaky," he said with a nervous chuckle. "Got any more?" he asked.
"Tell me," Wonwoo said, leaning toward you in his chair. You smiled and looked down. "Did you know the world will be thrilled with the announcement that the first mission to Mars would be an all-female crew?" you asked. Wonwoo cocked his head, confusion on his face before he shook his head.
It went on like that for a while, the two of you swapping two sentence horror stories by the fire. After a while, it was soon only the two of you as well as Paul and another father sitting around the fire. You finished what was probably your third or fourth beer. "I think I'm going to go to bed," you murmured as you stood up. "I'll see you in the morning," you added to Wonwoo. "Goodnight."
Chelsea and Sophie turned away and ran towards their tent calling out and telling Alphie that he's a liar. Wonwoo chuckled and you couldn't help but join in. "Do you have any scary stories?" Wonwoo asked and you looked back at him. "I can think of a few," you answered, nodding your head.
Wonwoo watched as you stumbled off toward your a-frame tent. "Goodnight," he murmured. He turned toward the fire, watching the flames dance lightly. He took another sip of his beer and found it empty. "I think I'm going to go to sleep as well," he announced, getting to his feet. "Do you need any help cleaning up?" he asked. Paul shook his head. "Nah. Jerry and I will make sure this is fully out before we head off to sleep," Paul said, nodding towards the fire.
Wonwoo nodded his head and bid the men goodnight before moving to his tent.
Min-jun and his friend, Calvin, were already in their sleeping bags, chatting softly about the scary campfire stories as Wonwoo sat to remove his shoes. He’d already changed earlier into his pajama pants and simply pulled off his sweater, sporting a plain white tee underneath. He shuffled about, slipping into his sleeping bag before turning to the boys.
“Lights off in five minutes, okay?” He said to which both boys nodded and went back to chatting quietly. Wonwoo fished his phone out of his jacket pocket and unlocked the screen. He scrolled through his contacts until he found the one he was looking for, a small smile appearing on his face.
You had already untied the strings holding open the flaps of your tent and let them fall, throwing your tent into darkness before settling into your sleeping bag atop one of the cots which creaked slightly as you got comfortable. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh, listening to the sound of the rain pattering the trees outside.
[flashback within a flashback. Flashback-ception if you will]
You sat up with a start, looking around the dark room. Your friend, Celia, was fast asleep in her twin bed across the room from yours. Looking around for the source that disturbed your slumber, you paused, hearing a low rumble, accompanied with a flashing coming from the windows and you rolled your eyes, falling back onto the mattress. ‘A storm? Really?’ You groaned softly. 
Whereas most people found storms helped them sleep better, you were the opposite. The thunder was not your lullaby. You couldn’t sleep when it stormed and you hated that. You wished you were one of those people who passed out and slept through a storm like a baby but as long as you could remember, thunderstorms always prevented you from relaxing.
The sound brought back a distant memory from your time in college when you went “camping” with your friends. They called it camping but no tents were involved. They had rented a cabin in the woods and despite the cliché, no one died that night. There was a storm however and unfortunately for you, the loud claps of thunder woke you and you were unable to fall back asleep.
Seeing as you probably wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, you decided to grab the book you were currently engrossed in and head down into the den to read it and not risk disturbing your roommate. Grabbing your warm cardigan and slipping it on, you grabbed the book from your nightstand and carefully opened the door and stepped out into the hall, shutting the door as silently as you could. You heard the sound of the fire crackling downstairs and walked over to the railing that looked over the entire downstairs.
Someone was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, a book in their hands as well. It seems you would not be alone in your solitude tonight. You approached the stairs and carefully descended, hoping not to disturb the person on the sofa. Luck, however, was not on your side. Two steps from the bottom, the wooden stair creaked and you mentally cursed the craftsmanship of the cabin. The person turned to look in your direction and you were surprised to see it was Wonwoo.
Of course he was there. He’d been there the whole time. Spending this as a weekend getaway with his girlfriend, Lily. You smiled sheepishly and mumbled an apology. Wonwoo shook his head, a smile on his own face. “Don’t worry about it. This cabin is pretty old,” he said as you walked over to where he sat. “Can’t sleep?” He asked to which you shook your head. He nodded at the empty spot next to him and you took a seat, settling into the cushions.
“Storms always prevent me from sleeping,” you admitted. Wonwoo nodded, seemingly understanding what you meant. “It’s the same for me,” he answered. “Lily however,” he added, looking up in the general direction of the room he shared with his girlfriend. “As soon as the first raindrop hits the roof, she’s out,” he continued. You looked away from his face, trying not to think about how handsome he looked in the glow of the fire, or the way his thick round framed glasses sat on his perfect nose.
Instead you decided to open your book to the page you bookmark was currently residing and pick up where you left off. Wonwoo glanced at the book in your hands and smiled. “That’s a good one,” he said softly, causing you to look up at him. “I read it last year,” he said, answering your unasked question. “It was for a class but Ireally enjoyed it,” he continued, looking back down at his own book. You chose not to say anything because what could you say?
One of the few things you did know about Wonwoo was his love of books and reading. Which made it all the more confusing when Lily announced she and Wonwoo were dating. Lily was more of a party girl. She loved going out and attending concerts, parties, and the like. She preferred drinking over reading so it never made sense to you how she managed to land a guy like Wonwoo when you’d only ever seen him at a party once freshman year and it was only because his best friend, Joshua, made him go.
“What part are you at?” Wonwoo asked, drawing you from your thoughts. You glanced down at your book. What part were you on? Your brain had suddenly gone blank. ‘Uh,” you said, flipping back a couple pages, eyes scanning the paper quickly. “The part where the reporter shows up to ask Gatsby for a quote,” you answered. “Chapter six,” you added, looking up at Wonwoo. 
The smile on his face was unmistakable. “What do you think of it so far?” He asked, marking his place in his own book as to not lose it. “It’s pretty good,” you answered truthfully. “And I can kind of see the hype surrounding it,” you added. “But it’s not Cloud Atlas,” you continued, turning to look at him once again. The smile on his face spread even wider as he looked down at the book in his lap, the cover reading exactly that. Cloud Atlas.
“Have you read it before?” You asked, drawing his gaze again. He nodded. “Several times,” he admitted softly. “I keep coming back to it,” he continued. “Have you read it?” He asked suddenly and you shook your head. “Not yet,” you answered truthfully, again. “I want to, but this was on my list first,” you added, holding up the book in your hands. Wonwoo nodded wordlessly as you returned to your reading. 
“Well, here,” he said, taking the bookmark out of his book and closing it before holding it out. You looked from the book to his face. “Are you sure?” You asked quietly. He nodded, smiling still. “I have another book upstairs and I’ve read this more times than I can count. Just don’t fold my pages,” he added, giving you a playfully stern look. You took the book carefully from him. “Of course not,” you answered. “I only dog-ear my own books,” you continued. “I’m gonna try and get some sleep,” Wonwoo said as he stood up. “Don’t stay up too late,” he added, patting the top of your head before moving to the base of the stairs.
“Wonwoo,” you called out suddenly, leaning forward. He turned to look over his shoulder at you. “Thank you,” you said, giving him a kind smile which he returned. “You’re welcome, Y/N. I‘m serious though,” he replied. “Try to get some sleep.”
Wonwoo - Lily’s bf: hey. Sorry if this seems random but is this still Y/N’s number?
[end of flashback-ception]
You: no??? Who is this?
Biting your bottom lip as you fought the urge to smile, you quickly edited his contact name, leaving it simply as Wonwoo before shooting a text back.
Wonwoo: oh. Sorry. This number used to belong to a classmate of mine. So sorry to have bothered you
You: i’m just messing with you lol
The sudden vibrating of your phone caught you off guard and caused you to sit up quickly to grab your jacket, pulling the device out of your pocket and checking the notification. 
Wonwoo: that was mean )):
You: aww i’m sowwy ):
You: what’s up?
You held in a chuckle as you watched the typing indicator appear.
Wonwoo: -_- never mind i’m going to bed
You: awww no come back ):
Wonwoo: no
You: ahaha don’t go ur so sexci
You heard a very loud snort come from outside your tent, no doubt Wonwoo trying not to laugh.
Wonwoo: when did you go all fuckboy???
You: wouldn’t u like to know ;)
Wonwoo: now i’m sure this isn’t Y/N
You: would a picture prove it?
Wonwoo: mmmmaybe??
You pulled your phone back and snapped a quick selfie, glad you had a bright camping lantern set on the empty cot to light the space. You sent the picture and waited for a response.
Wonwoo: hmmm. I’m not sure if I believe you just yet. Send me another 👀 
You: so demanding 🙄 
Wonwoo: i wanna make sure I’m not getting catfished ):&lt;
You: hey we had that for dinner!
Wonwoo: …no we didn’t???
You: well, we had some kind of fish
Wonwoo: well catfish don’t live in rivers
You: okay I may not know anything about fishing but even i know that catfish live in rivers
Wonwoo: …wait, they do???
You: 😂 yes!!! They live in rivers AND lakes!!
Wonwoo: well i feel sheepish 🐑 
Wonwoo: baaaa
You let a small giggle slip out before typing a response.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, contemplating. ‘Oh fuck it,’ you thought to yourself as you readjusted your shirt, showing off the tiny shorts you were currently wearing and snapped another photo, angling the camera just enough to give a small peek at the black material and the exposed tops of your thighs.
You: do you believe me now???
Wonwoo: no. Not until you send me another picture ;)
You sent the photo and waited for his response. You could see he was typing but then it would stop and start again and then stop. Your heart beat erratically in your chest as you waited for his reply.
Finally it came.
Wonwoo: fuck. Did you do that on purpose??
Seeing the pet name on your screen and knowing he meant you made you clench your thighs. ‘Shit.’
You: do what? 😌
Wonwoo: oh no. We’re not playing this game.
Wonwoo: answer me carefully babygirl
Wonwoo: was that too forward??
Wonwoo: Did you send that picture on purpose??
You: no. Not at all. It just caught me off guard
Wonwoo: good, then i hope this isn’t too forward
Wonwoo: what’s the matter baby? Cat got your tongue?
You: no, but something else might if you keep calling me baby
Was it bold? Sure. Did you regret sending it? No.
Your brows furrowed as you read his text, confused as to what he meant until a picture came through and your cheeks burned. It was a picture he had to have just taken. It was from inside his tent where you could see the outline of his obvious erection through his pajama pants. “Oh shit,” you whispered to yourself.
Not when moments later, you heard the sound of a tent zipper opening and closing, followed by light footsteps over the fallen leaves and twigs until the steps stopped right outside your tent. You had half a mind to get up and meet him but the sound of a voice made you halt just as you sat up.
“Wonwoo?” It was Jerry. “Everything okay?”
You heard Wonwoo’s voice come out surprisingly calm.
“Yeah. Just doing some rounds. I know some of the kids were freaked out earlier after the stories so I just want to make sure everyone is okay,” he replied. You couldn’t see Jerry but judging by his tone, he seemed to believe Wonwoo’s lie. “You really got them good,” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Have a good night,” he added and you could hear his footsteps fade away.
With Jerry no longer watching, you waited with baited breath until one of the flaps opened and Wonwoo peered in.
“Are you scared?” he asked quietly, keeping up the façade.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. “No, but I might be if I stay in here alone,” you said teasingly. Wonwoo pushed aside the mesh blocking the way in and stepped inside the cramped space. “Maybe I had better stay here then,” he replied, moving your lantern to sit on the cot opposite you.
With the limited light in the space, you could still see his cheeks burn pink. “Ahh, I’ll just go find the bathhouse,” he admitted, bringing up at hand to rub the back of his neck.
“Why go to the bathroom to take care of it when I’m right here?” You asked, drawing his gaze back to yours. His eyes were wide behind those same thick round framed glasses that he wore the night you talked about books. Without a word, you slid off your cot to the wooden floor and crossed the short distance between the two of you.
“Are you sure you’re not scared?” Wonwoo asked, eyes meeting your gaze. “I don’t need to stay, do I?” he continued when you shook your head. You glanced from his face to his pants and back. “You sure you wanna go back to your tent with that?” You asked, nodding towards his very prominent erection. 
Wonwoo watched as you reached him, hands coming up to settle on his knees as you gently pushed his legs apart so you fit between them. His eyes never left your face as you looked up at him, lips parted slightly as your hands moved slowly over the flannel fabric of his pajama pants. 
‘No way this is happening,’ he told himself as he watched your hands move in his periphery. He had to bite his lip to keep from let out a hiss as you pressed your palm against him, feeling him through the thick material.
You shook your head and resumed messing with the ties of his pants before the knot came loose. Your hands moved, fingers slipping beneath the waistband of his pants and underwear and tugging them down enough for his length to spring free and stand proudly.
“Holy fuck,” you cursed, eyeing him up. He was a lot bigger than you expected but that wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Hopefully.
“Just two pictures and you’re already this hard?” You murmured, fingers fumbling with the ties of his pants. “Your flirting helped,” Wonwoo argued. You clicked your tongue. “We talked about fish,” you replied, looking up at him. “Well, yeah, but that’s not all,” he mumbled. 
Amused by your reaction, Wonwoo brought a hand up and gently petted your hair. “Something the matter, baby?” He asked, his deep voice laced with lust. “Just one unexpected thing after another with you, Jeon Wonwoo,” you replied before spitting in your hand and wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock.
“Jeez, someone’s —“ he began but before he could finish his sentence, you’d given the tip a slow, deliberate lick, glancing up through your lashes at him. Through half opened lids, he looked down at you with a darkened gaze. 
“Tease me again and I’ll fuck that pretty little mouth of yours,” he said, his voice much heavier than before. You smirked up at him. “At least let me get your dick wet first,” you replied. 
Whatever snide remark he was about to make fell short because when his lips parted, it was to let out the hottest moan you’d ever heard a guy make as you took him in your mouth, sinking as far as you dared to go. 
As you pulled back slowly, hollowing your cheeks, you pulled off him with a soft pop and he let out a growl. “Do it again,” he said breathlessly. You complied, repeating the same action again only instead of pulling him out of your mouth, you sank right back down, setting a slow but steady rhythm.
One of his hands laid on the cot, supporting his weight while the other was combing through your hair gently, brushing back any that got in his way of seeing your face. His eyes fluttered shut, a low moan sounding from the back of his throat as your head bobbed up and down, the head of his cock barely reaching the back of your throat each time you sank down on him. 
“Come on baby,” he moaned. “I know you can take more.”
As if to prove him right, you did just that, taking more of him in your mouth and trying, and failing, not to gag as the tip of his length brushed against the back of your throat. The lewd sound coming from your mouth as you gagged around his cock had his hips moving of their own accord and he thrust harshly into your mouth, making you gag again. 
The hand on your head didn’t let you move as he thrust again. “Just a bit more,” he whined, thrusting again, enjoying the way the back of your throat constricted when you gagged around the head of his dick.
“God, I just wanna fuck your throat,” he groaned, gently but firmly pushing your head down and forcing you to take even more of his cock in your mouth until he felt it slip into your throat. Letting out a deep moan as he threw his head back, Wonwoo held your head in place until you tapped his thigh urgently. 
Your lungs were practically screaming for air.
His fingers curled into your hair and pulled you off him quickly, watching as you coughed, chest heaving with labored breaths as air filled your lungs, burning. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked softly, fingers loosening in your locks. You shook your head as your coughing subsided.
Looking up at him, you could see the flush in his face and the excited look in his eyes. You nodded, parting your lips and allowing him back into your mouth. 
“Good,” Wonwoo said before guiding your mouth back to his cock. “Can I try again?” He asked, the tip of his dick pressing gently against your lips. 
“Tap out if you need me to stop,” he said before holding your head steady, thrusting carefully into your mouth again.
Each time the head of his cock hit the back of your throat, a lewd wet sound accompanied it. “Keep your mouth open,” Wonwoo said with a pant. 
“Just like that, good girl.” 
His thrusts grew in strength as he tested what you could handle. 
“Open wide, babygirl,” he instructed, forcing your head down again when you did so. His cock pushed back into your throat and you gagged not only once, but twice, each time the constricting squeezing him so deliciously that he could have cum right then but he didn’t want the show to end so soon.
Denying himself his orgasm, Wonwoo pulled you off him quickly with a hiss. He liked the way you looked. Eyes watering, tear stained cheeks flushed from the lack of air, lips red and slick with your spit and his precum, and the thin string of spit that connected your lips to his cock. Seeing you like this made him want to completely ruin you. And he was going. He was going to completely and utterly ruin you.
Without speaking, he slid off the cot and reached over to grab your sleeping bag. You watched as he pulled the fabric from the cot and to the wooden floor. Before you had time to ask what he was doing, he already had you pushed onto your back, hands sliding up your naked thighs until he grabbed the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down quickly, leaving you in your light pink panties.
Using your mouth as his personal fleshlight definitely had a profound effect on you because he could see a small wet patch on your panties, a spot where the material was darker than the rest and it made him smirk as his eyes traveled up to meet your gaze. 
“I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already soaked, baby doll,” he practically moaned, fingers rubbing against your wet panties teasingly. “I bet I’d slip right in right now if I tried,” he said with a scoff. Your cheeks burned under his gaze.
“Wonwoo I—“ you started but let out a gasp when he slapped his hand against your wet core quickly. “I didn’t say you could speak, now did I?” He asked curtly. 
You shook your head, watching him. The tone and the way he gazed at you sent even more heat coursing through your body and between your thighs. You wanted him. His fingers, his tongue, his cock, anything to give you some sort of friction.
“Now, since you were so good to me,” he said softly, fingers rubbing torturously slowly against you through your panties. “I’ll be good to you,” he continued, pressing his fingers and the wet fabric of your panties past your folds and against your clit. 
You let out a sharp gasp, legs spreading involuntarily at his touch, making him chuckle.
“So eager,” he murmured, his free hand grabbing your calf and positioning one of your legs over his shoulder as he continued to touch you through your underwear. 
“God, I can’t wait to fuck you,” he groaned, pressing the fabric harder against your clit. “Then don’t,” you whispered. Wonwoo let out another chuckle. “I’m going to take my time with this,” he replied. 
“Take my time with you, princess,” he added.
Your lips parted, a soft moan slipping out as he moved his fingers in a slow circle, coating them in your arousal through your soaked underwear. “Should I take these off?” He wondered aloud. You nodded quickly. “Yes please,” you breathed. “Hmmm. Maybe I should make you beg,” he replied.
“Oh, I’m going to enjoy this,” he mumbled as he kissed his way further down the inside of your thigh until you felt his lips and tongue against your pussy through your wet panties. 
“Wonwoo,” you whined as he tasted you through the fabric. “God you taste even better than I imagined,” you heard him groan. 
“Wonwoo, please,” you immediately pleaded, earning another low chuckle from him. “We’ll see,” you heard him mutter before you lost contact with his fingers. You lifted your head off the sleeping bag to protest but your voice faltered as Wonwoo lowered himself down, kissing down the inside of your legs, stopping to bite into the soft flesh of your thigh. You let out a whimper as he suckled on the skin. 
“Imagined?” You asked, lifting your head to look at him. “You’ve imagined this?” You asked softly, hand moving to card through his dark locks.
His gaze met yours as his tongue moved against you, giving you enough friction but still kept you wanting more. “I’m not ashamed to admit it,” he answered. “I’ve thought about this more than I should have in the past.” 
Your back arched off the cheap fabric of your sleeping bag as his tongue resumed its previous ministrations. “You’ve thought about me?” You asked again. Wonwoo nodded, pulling back and with it, pulling your panties down your thighs.
“Yes I’ve thought about you but we’ll talk about that later. Right now, I wanna taste you,” he said and without another word, he buried his face between your thighs, tongue ravishing your clit with quick flicks. 
Your hand in his hair tightened, pulling slightly on his tresses as he ate you out. You brought your free hand up to your mouth, biting down on your hand to keep from making too much noise.
“Don’t be shy,” he said in a low voice. “Let me hear you.” You let out a particularly loud moan when he sucked on your clit. “Fuck you sound so good,” he said, lips brushing against you as he spoke. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt his fingers circling your entrance, teasing you slowly.
“Please don’t tease me anymore,” you whimpered. “I didn’t tease you.” Wonwoo chuckled lightly, removing his fingers from your heat, making you whine as he pulled back further. “What are you doing?” You hissed but your frustration was short lived as you felt his lips on your stomach, hand pushing your shirt up as he left a trail of wet kisses up your torso, stopping just below your chest.
He was now nearly lying on top of you, lips pressed against your neck as he kissed his way up to your cheek. “Wonwoo, please,” you whispered, hips moving to meet his. 
“You’re so impatient,” he murmured, lips ghosting over yours. “You said you’d be good to me,” you countered and were met with a short, chaste kiss.
“I did, didn’t I?” He mumbled, smiling against your lips. 
Your hands moved, reaching up to caress his cheek. “You did,” you replied. Wonwoo sat up, hands moving to grab ahold of the hem of your shirt and pull it up. You sat up, allowing him to pull it off you and toss it aside, leaving you completely bare before him.
His eyes swept over your body, taking in every detail. “Have I ever told you how stunning you are?” He asked softly, causing a flush to grace your cheeks. “Stop it,” you whispered, lowering your gaze as he pulled off his own shirt before quickly ridding himself of his pants and underwear.
He reached out to take your hand. “Come here,” he said quietly, gently tugging you towards him until you were straddling his lap, your wet core hovering over his crotch. Your eyes never left his face as you moved, his own eyes searching your gaze as you lowered yourself, the tip of his cock meeting your entrance but not going in as you paused.
“You do want this, right?” he asked softly, eyes still searching your face for any apprehension but found none. 
Wordlessly, you nodded, eyes still watching his face. “Say it,” Wonwoo said, his voice soft and low. He wasn’t going to proceed until you spoke. Until you told him, out loud, that you wanted this. That you wanted him. 
“I want it,” you whispered. A smile spread across Wonwoo’s face at your admission as his hands moved to your hips, guiding your movements. “I want to try something,” he said, holding your hips in place. You cocked your head in curiosity. ‘What could he possibly mean?’
He somehow must have known what you were thinking and he spoke before you could voice your thoughts. “Have you ever tried cockwarming?” He asked, earning a wide eye stare from you. Your cheeks burned again for what felt like the hundredth time since he entered your tent. 
“Uh… no. I know what it is but I’ve never been with someone who wanted to do it,” you admitted.
You weren’t wrong. You did know what it was and how it was done but none of the guys you’d been with wanted to try it. They were more concerned about the sex than the intimacy of it. To you, cockwarming was as inherently intimate as it was sexual.
“Well, do you want to try it?” Wonwoo’s deep voice brought you out of your thoughts and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth briefly as you contemplated it. When would you have another chance to try this? It seemed it was now or never and you decided that you’d already come this far. ‘Why not?’
“Okay,” you finally said with a nod. “But we will—?” You started to ask but Wonwoo cut you off with a kiss. “Yes,” he said, answering yet another unasked question. “We will have sex, I just really want to try this first,” he added.
You nodded, looking down briefly before your eyes met his gaze again. 
“Let’s try.”
You placed your hands on his shoulders and watched the way his eyes fluttered shut as you slowly sank down on his length, feeling him stretch you, filling your warm walls. Your grip on his shoulders tightened as you involuntarily clenched around him, earning a moan from him. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, dropping his head and burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Wonwoo,” you breathed his name, trying to move your hips as a force of habit but he dug his fingers into the skin of your hips, holding you in place. “No,” he groaned. “Stay still,” he said.
You let out a breathy whine, kissing him. “I can’t hold still,” you admitted. “Not when your cock feels so fucking good,” you added, moving to comb your fingers through his dark hair, fingertips brushing against the sweat that was starting to form along his hairline. 
Hearing you compliment his cock made his cheeks burn, not from embarrassment but from pride. He’d always been confident in his body and his abilities but for some reason, hearing you praise him just stroked his ego a little more.
“Just be patient, baby,” he chuckled, his words muffled as you kissed him again, hands cupping his face as you leaned in to deepen the kiss. You let out a moan as his lips parted yours, tongue wandering in to explore. He was a much better kisser than you remembered Lily saying. Hell, if you had been with him back in college, you’d never have let him go but he and Lily were just so different. 
But you and Wonwoo? You were so similar. Introverted, bookish, preferring the comforts of home rather than going out partying or clubbing. Though you weren’t boring by any means and neither was he. How could he be boring? He was the most interesting person you’d ever met.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a little bit of a crush on him back in college but of course you would have never dreamed of acting on it because he was already with Lily when you met him but you were much more shy back then. It wasn’t until your third year of college when you really blossomed and came out of your shell.
Something he’d noticed. Though by then he and Lily had broken up, you still shared a friend group. And though you only saw each other in passing or in group settings, he noticed how much more confident you’d become since he first met you. He realized that was when he had developed feelings for you but he was much too shy to make a move, especially when you were so far out of his league.
Or so he thought. 
The universe must be making up for lost time, allowing the two of you to meet like this years later and though he was sure he didn’t want to let you go, he knew that after tonight, he would probably never see you again, so he wanted to take advantage of every moment he got to spend with you. He took his time with you, trailing kisses down your neck to your shoulder.
You wanted desperately to move, to feel his cock thrusting into you, yet he made no attempt to move. It felt incredible, having him inside you but you wanted more. No, you needed more. Tilting your head back to allow him more access to your neck, you let out a moan as you arched your back. You felt his nails dig into your skin, leaving tiny crescents in their wake. Your walls clenched again, squeezing him tightly.
“Y/N,” you heard him gasp. “Please,” he begged. “Try to be still,” he added. You let out another impatient whimper. “Wonwoo, I need more,” you begged softly. “Please.” His resolve was weakening as you became more and more impatient and begged him to move. Begged him for something. Holding your hips tightly, he guided your hips over his. You let out a gasp at the feeling, arms tightening around his neck. “F-fuck,” you whimpered as you followed his movements, hips continuing at his pace.
Wonwoo groaned into your neck, enjoying the feeling of his member deep inside your walls. “God you feel so good,” he murmured, lips against your skin. You moaned in response, your voice raising a few octaves. Wonwoo looked up at you, admiring your flushed cheeks. Your eyes were closed, eyebrows knit together in concentration as you started to move, rolling your hips on his. “Ssshit,” Wonwoo cursed.
Your hands moved to his shoulders and you pushed him onto his back against the sleeping bag, continuing to roll your hips. Wonwoo let out a moan, his eyes fluttering shut. Your hands found his, lacing your fingers with his, you pinned his hands above his head, leaning over as you rode him harder.
“Y/N, don’t stop,” you heard him whisper, eyes still shut, bliss taking over his features. His words spurred you on, prompting you to move faster. Your thighs burned but you weren’t about to give up, not when you were so close to release. Your hands tightened, squeezing Wonwoo’s as you felt the coil in your lower abdomen start to wind up, tension building fast as pleasure took over your actions.
Wonwoo’s eyes fluttered open as he looked up at you. His stomach tightened as he took in your fucked out expression, eyes shut in concentration but he could tell your strength was beginning to give out. You were losing speed and his orgasm which had been rapidly approaching was slowly ebbing away.
That wouldn’t do.
Freeing one of his hands, he wrapped his arm around your waist and before you could say anything, he rolled you over onto your back without dislodging himself. Without missing a beat, he continued where you left off, thrusting into you. You let out a moan, louder than you meant to and quickly, Wonwoo covered your mouth with his hand. “Are you trying to get us caught?” he asked, a breathless chuckle escaping him as he continued to fuck you. You shook your head, moaning against his hand.
“You have to be quiet, babygirl,” he groaned. “Or else everyone will hear you,” he added. You nodded your head, back arching off the sleeping bag as the head of his cock hit your sweet spot. You nearly screamed his name as he aimed for the same spot repeatedly, a smirk forming on his face when he realized what he was doing. He was being smug about it now.
“Right there?” he asked. You nodded, still unable to speak. He continued thrusting into that spot. Your moans didn’t subside, muffled against his hand. You felt tears form, rolling down the sides of your cheeks as he pounded into, hitting deeper with each well aimed thrust. It was beginning to be too much. He was making you feel too good.
You tried to say his name, words muffled against his hand. “What was that?” Wonwoo asked before removing his hand to hear what you had said. “Please,” you begged. “I’m so close.” Wonwoo didn’t need telling twice. He picked up the pace, snaking his hand between your bodies to rub your clit in time with his thrusts. 
It gave you the needed stimulation to throw you over the edge. Moving his hand back to cover your mouth as you came, he muffled your moans and continued to thrust into you, allowing you to ride out your high. Your thighs shook against his relentless onslaught.
It was mere seconds before you came a second time, core clenching around his cock. You wanted to scream his name, let everyone know how good he was fucking you and who was fucking you. Campers be damned, the only person who mattered right now was him.
Your third climax hit you unexpectedly and you whimpered under Wonwoo. He took your parted lips as a sign and slipped two fingers into your mouth. Instinctively, your lips wrapped around them, moaning as he pressed his fingers against your tongue. “God damn, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he hissed.
“I want those pretty lips around my--” Wonwoo was cut off by the rustling of leaves. He froze, eyes widening as he peered over his shoulder, both of you falling silent. He removed his fingers from your mouth, bringing one to his lips to shush you.  He stopped moving, his cock stilling deep inside you and your fourth orgasm slipping away.
“Who is it?” you whispered. Wonwoo shook his head, mouthing an ‘I don’t know’ at you silently as he continued listening. The rustling grew closer and closer to the tent and stopped just outside the entrance. Wonwoo sat up, eyes glued to the entrance of the tent. The rustling began to move away from the tent, disappearing entirely.
Wonwoo let out a sigh of relief, turning to give you a sheepish smile. “Now,” he murmured, licking his lips and running his fingers through his hair. “Where were we?” he asked as he gave you a smirk. Your cheeks flushed and before you could answer, he was back to thrusting into you quickly to bring you both to the edge again. Your hands found his on your hips, resting on top of them as he held you tightly. “Please don’t stop,” you whimpered.
Wonwoo groaned in response, holding your hips in place, pounding into you. Your fourth climax was rapidly approaching and you were thrown over the edge by a particularly hard thrust from the man above you. You brought your hand up to your mouth, biting into your skin to muffle your moans and screams.
Wonwoo wasn’t done yet though. He fucked you through your fourth high, finally chasing his own. “Shit,” he groaned, looking down where he disappeared inside you. The sight sent his mind reeling and he let out a strangled moan, gasping he was about to come. You whimpered, grip tightening on his hands. “Do it,” you whined, looking up at him through half lidded eyes, your pupils blown and cheeks flushed a deep red. Wonwoo had never seen someone look as exquisite as you did now.
“Come inside me, Wonwoo,” you gasped out, back arching as you came for a fifth time.
“Fuuuuck,” he groaned, throwing his head back as he reached his climax and came, releasing inside you and painting your walls with his seed. Your lips parted, a high pitched moan escaping as you felt him fill you to the brim. Wonwoo’s hips slowed until he finally halted, his length still buried inside you. “Fuck!” he cursed looking down at the mess he’d made of your pussy. He let out a low chuckle.
“What?” you asked, looking up at him. He made eye contact and shook his head. “Nothing,” he said. “We’ve just made a huge mess,” he said. “That’s all.” You tried to sit up and get a look but Wonwoo pressed his palm flat against your shoulder, pushing you back down. “Don’t,” he said. “I’ll clean this up,” he said, slowly pulling out of you and moving to grab tissues from your bag.
He cleaned you up to the best of his ability before discarding the used tissues in a small trash can in your tent. He pulled your panties and shorts back on your, having pulled his own pants back on. You lay there for a moment, your breath slowly coming back as Wonwoo lay beside you, trying to regain his own composure. You turned your head to look at him. Wonwoo’s eyes met your gaze and for a moment, the two of you were completely silent before a smile spread across his face. “What?” you asked him.
Wonwoo just shook his head, his smile growing wider.
“Nothing,” he said. “You’re just so damn beautiful,” he admitted. You felt your cheeks burn at this. “You keep saying that when you look like that,” you replied, nodding at him. “Like what?” He asked.
You reached up, cupping his cheek as your thumb brushed over his warm skin.
“You're quite beautiful too, you know,” you answered. 
It was his turn to blush. 
“Stop,” he whined, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his warm embrace. “Well, you are,” you replied, nuzzling his jaw before peppering his cheek with kisses. “Stop,” he said through soft laughter. “I’m trying to sleep.”
“Who said you’re sleeping in here?” You asked, pulling back to look up at him. Wonwoo looked down, eyes wide. Wait... were you kicking him out? 
A mischievous grin spread across your lips. “I’m just teasing,” you said, pulling him closer and kissing him. “You’re so mean,” he mumbled against your lips, hugging you tightly.
“Shh,” you shushed him, tucking your head under his chin as you hugged him back. “I’m trying to sleep,” you teased, making him snort. “Okay,” he said sarcastically. “Goodnight, Wonwoo,” you said softly, kissing his neck sweetly.
A smile spread across his face as he hugged you even tighter against him.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Wonwoo looked up and noticed the looks on everyone’s faces. “What?” he asked, looking around at his friends. They exchanged looks before Soonyoung spoke up.
“Cockwarming, huh,” he said, nodding slowly. “Never knew you were into that,” he added with a smirk. Wonwoo let out a chuckle and nodded. ���Yeah, it’s different for sure,” he said. “Yeah,” Chan piped up. “It’s fucking intense,” he added. The others groaned at his bad joke. Soonyoung threw a handful of grass at the younger male who just laughed at his joke.
The fire had started to die as Wonwoo finished his story, prompting Seungcheol to stand up, stretching before he addressed the others. “We should turn in for the night,” he said. The others murmured in agreement, standing up and slowly making their way to their tents for the night.
“Try to get as much sleep as you can,” Seungcheol said as Jeonghan and Joshua entered the three oldest friends’ shared tent. “We need to be up and packed by 7 am to move onto the next camping spot.” The others voiced their acknowledgement before zipping up their tents for the night.
Wonwoo zipped up the side of his sleeping bag and rolled onto his side, facing away from Mingyu as he attempted to go to sleep. Mingyu, however, was wide awake. 
“Hey,” he whispered. Wonwoo didn’t open his eyes but he hummed in response. “The girl in your story,” he continued. “What happened after the trip?” he asked. Wonwoo rolled onto his back and peeked over at his friend who was looking at him over his own sleeping bag. “Why?” he asked. Mingyu sat up and stared at Wonwoo. 
“Did you see her again?” he asked. His question left a bad taste in Wonwoo’s mouth but he wasn’t mad at his friend for asking. Wonwoo rolled back over, facing away. “Why does it matter?” he asked. “It was years ago,” he added.
“I just—” Mingyu started but he was cut off.
“I saw her once more,” he answered, not turning to look at Mingyu. “Just to see her. It was a couple months later,” he added. “At the zoological park she works at.” Silence filled the tent. “And you haven’t seen her since?” Mingyu finally asked. “No,” Wonwoo snapped. He didn’t understand why Mingyu was pushing this so much. Talking about you hurt him.
“No. I didn’t see her again after that. As far as I know, she moved to Australia with her sister and never came back,” Wonwoo added.
Mingyu nodded, chewing on his bottom lip, debating on whether or not he should tell Wonwoo what he saw. Sensing something was still off, Wonwoo rolled back to look up at his friend who was sitting up at that point. “What is it?” Wonwoo whispered. Mingyu shook his head but Wonwoo wasn’t having it.
“What?” he hissed. Mingyu cleared his throat. “It’s just,” Mingyu started. “I went to this cafe the other day and saw a woman there. I thought she was alone until this kid came out of the bathroom,” he said, glancing at Wonwoo whose expression was unreadable. The older male shrugged. “Okay. And?” he asked.
Mingyu took a deep breath before he spoke again. When he heard what came out of Mingyu's mouth next, Wonwoo wished his friend hadn’t spoken at all.
“Well, the kid looked exactly like you.”
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could I maybe ask for a Cg!Frank Castle and Cg!Matt Murdock with little reader? I love them both so much and my poly heart thinks they would be such great cgs- and little me does too lol. If thats okay?
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CG!Frank Castle x CG!Matt Murdock x GNLittle!reader
Rating: Gen
Summary: It's bedtime for little reader so Dada Matt Murdock and Papa Frank Castle help them get ready for bed.
Word Count: 409
Warnings: confirmed romantic relationship, bottles, non-sexual un/redressing, baby/toddler reader headspace, kissing, non-sexual tickling
A/N: Sorry such a short story took so long! I watched some of the show but not the whole thing so it may not be perfect. Thank you for the request anon! This was fun to write. :D
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You laid on your tummy on the floor while Matt sat next to you. “Dada! Dis’ one! Do dis one, kay?” you asked, handing him a star shaped block. 
He ran his hands over it. “It’s not a circle… Is it a square?” he joked. 
“No!” you giggled. 
“Not a hexagon…”
“No,” you hinted again. 
“Oh! Okay, I know, now. It’s a triangle, right?!”
You erupted with laughter. “Es a star dada!” you told him. 
He smiled and put the star in the right hole of the box as your papa, Frank, stepped into the room.
“Hey kiddo, it’s bedtime,” he said in his quiet, low voice, leaning over the couch. He then came over to help dada Matt up, offering his hand to him, before picking you up, too. 
“Bed-time,” you repeated. 
“Yeah. We gotta brush your teeth, put on your pajamas,” he listed in a calming voice, hugging you to him, making you feel all warm. 
Dada usually helped you brush your teeth when you were this little, but tonight papa did, keeping you in his arms he handed you the toothbrush and timed you before giving you a stiff pat on the back to spit and rinse. 
Then, he set you down on the big bed, right in dada’s lap! “I’m gonna go make sweetpea a bottle. You’re on pajama duty,” he said to dada, before kissing him on the cheek. 
“Ew!” you squealed in mock disgust. 
“Is kissing so gross?” Matt asked with a grin. 
“Yeah!” you replied. 
He rolled up your shirt to plant kisses on your tummy, which quickly devolved into tickling you as he got your day clothes off and put your cozy, footie pajamas on. 
Then, he suddenly stopped. 
Opening your eyes, you realized he had crawled up onto his side of the bed and was about to pick you up to be put in his lap. “It sounds like Frank’s all done with your bottle,” he whispered. 
Sure enough, he was right and papa returned, shaking the bottle up as he handed it over to his husband to give you and selected a story out of your bookshelf. 
Many of them were in braille, but there were a couple that had been printed as well. He took down a simple one and started to read, petting your legs that spread across his lap.
You were half asleep so quickly. All you felt after shutting your eyes was the replacement of your bottle with your pacifier and your caregivers shifting closer to one another.
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illiicits · 1 year
A year and a half
Hi everyone! This is my first cod work. I’ve played the game for years mostly multiplayer but I’ve always held the call of duty games close to my heart. I just found the tumblr side of cod and can I just say these works are 🥵 and very well written. So if you write thank you so much for giving me entertainment. Secondly, this is not proof read and the idea came randomly. I may make some more parts depending on if you guys like it. I’m thinking different months and some other issues thrown in with the Y/N life. The original story was going to be just college Y/N having to wait 6 months for ghost to come back and during the time he’s gone she starts classes back up. There would be a guy who crushes massively on Y/n and he’s always breaking boundaries. (No cheating, cause ew but I love civie Y/N trope). Let me know if you guys would want more.
Warnings: mention of sexual acts (nothing graphic i don’t think, kind of sad vibes, nicknames (babygirl, princess and love), idk any other warnings lol.
Word count: 1758 (something like that).
The first day:
The light filtered through the closed curtains around the edges. It was barely noticeable but it definitely was there. You turned your head to look at the clock on your nightstand reading 5am. With a small sigh you turned to look up at the ceiling staring at it.
Closing your eyes and focusing on remembering the weight and warmth of the body lying next to you. Embedding the feeling and weight of the tattooed arm laying across your bare stomach. Your pointer finger lightly tracing the tattoo.
A soft deep groan escaped from Ghost, his arm laying across your body tightened around your bare torso, pulling you closer to his body.
You’ve been with the man for awhile now, but somehow knowing he’s stark bare and his legs are tangled with yours has a warmth heating your face and down your neck.
You knew he left love marks all over your body. You could feel them pushing in your skin as a reminder of yesterday.
Last night was different than the other times. He had been different. He was desperate and angry that he was leaving you so soon after he just got back months ago.
He had stormed his way into the front door of your shared home. He was grumbling to himself looking through the house to find you. It didn’t take him long for him to find you snuggled into a blanket on the couch watching some tv show he no doubt will have to listen to you talk about over and over again when something exciting happened, not that Ghost minded, he loved seeing you happy and excited about something.
You startled when you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye. Ghost is always so quiet on his feet, moving in complete silence even when he’s home.
“You scared the shit out of me baby” you said giggling at yourself. “I’m sorry my love.” Ghost replied pulling the blanket away from your body as he went to sit down on the couch next to you. He tugged your wrist lightly guiding you to sit on his lap. “I’m so sorry my love” Ghost started his voice deep and sad. “I tried everything to get out of it but they need me. The team needs me.” Ghost said softly moving a fallen hair back behind your ear.
Your stomach sank at his words and you stared at your hands that sat in your lap. “How long is it for this time?” You asked softly, holding back the lump in your throat. “Yo-you just got back though, can’t they send any other team?” You questioned Ghost stuttering a little, finally looking at his face. “About a year they are guessing but could be more”. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you a little squeeze. “I don’t want you to go… I- I don’t want- please don’t go.” You started crying, choking on the words. You pleaded with him not to go. You just got him back from the last mission.
How can you do a whole year? You missed him desperately already.
“I know baby girl, I know… shhh. It’s alright you’ll be okay I promise.” Ghost tried soothing you with hushes and kisses. He held you as you cried into his arms. He hates seeing you like this. “We won’t be able to talk at all during this mission. They strictly are cutting all outside communications. No cellphones, no computers, mail, emails or anything of the sort”. You sobbed harder little hiccups leaving your lips. Ghost stared at your wet cheeks and puffy red eyes. He leaned down and kissed each eye and then your nose. “I’m sorry my beloved.”
“We won’t be able to talk about anything for a whole year?” You cried out, the reality of what it would be like without talking to him for a year… how would it affect your relationship?
Ghost and you sat on the couch for a while cuddling and watching your tv show.
Before bed the energy had shifted. You had showered and came out in one of Ghosts black shirts, the fabric ended mid thigh. You had gotten in bed and his arms instantly wrapped around you pulling your body nice and close to his. He kissed you sweetly, innocently until he got bored of it and decided to escalate the situation. He had pulled you on top of his lap kissing you deeply and rubbing his hands all over your body.
That night ghost and you made love over and over again. Sweet and slow, fast, deep and desperate. He left love marks and bruises all over your body. Something about this time was different, the sex the night before, the way Ghost carried himself, the way he talked about the mission information, at least what he could tell you. Not being able to text, call or mail him anything hurt. That was what was different. Not texting or anything at all was different. He always made a little time to talk and text at least once a week.
You sigh as he finally woke up and kiss your cheek, staring into your eyes after. He watched as your beautiful bright eyes filled with sadness and tears. The morning had dragged on as you watched from the warmth of the bed.
Your eyes followed his movements as he threw on his boxers, followed by his black cargo pants with more pockets than he actually probably needs. Eyes lingered on his hands as he looped his belt and buckled it, the loud noise sounded deafening in the quiet of the room. He threw on a long black sleeve shirt. His dog tags hung around his neck.
Ghost could feel you watching his every movement. His heart is heavy at the inevitable time where you both go to base and you say goodbye to him for the next year or more.
He hated it.
At some point his packing was done and you found yourself behind the wheel of his car. One hand on the steering wheel and the other holding his hand in a death grip. You pulled up to the base gates watching as men in gear holding guns walked around your car, one with a dog. You handed over the id and information Ghost had handed you to the gentleman. They all stood a little straighter when the guy checking the information boomed out some information. The gate had opened in front of your car, you grabbed the information saying a small quick thank you to the man, driving off and into the direction Ghost told you.
You parked and tears filled your eyes a little, but you will yourself not to cry. Trying to hold back the lump threatening to spill out from your closed lips. Ghost jumped out of the car coming around to your side and opened the door for you. He took your hand in his lacing your fingers together. As he opened the back door, grabbing his duffel bags and throwing them over his shoulder.
He looked down at you, squeezing your hand in his once, twice, three times. A silent but meaningful message to you- I love you. You squeezed his hand back tighter, one, two, three, four; four times. A silent I love you too. You walked hand in hand into the building, dreading the moment where you can no longer pass through.
Loud laughter and booming voices filled the room. Men all dressed similar to your boyfriend stood in a group all with luggage and gear of their own. You don’t remember what any of Ghost’s squad members had said to you. Their voices went in one ear and out the other, your ears were ringing loud. Heat filling your face as it reddens and tears wet your cheek.
The time had come for them to leave.
With a heavy sigh leaving Ghost lips, he turned to look at you, grabbing your forearms and pulling you tightly into an embrace as you let out a quiet sob.
Ghost held you in his embrace squeezing you tightly as his one hand cupped the back of your head and ran his rough fingers over your soft hair. Ghost lifted the mask to uncover his lips. He rests his cheek against the top of your head every so often to kiss it. “You’ll be alright, love” Ghost whispered to you. “And- and I’ll be fine too. I promise I’ll be- I’ll be safe” he promised. “As safe as I can be princess.”
His promises didn’t ease the pain and worry that was already starting to fill your head. You pulled back and looked up into his eyes. His eyes normally masked with light emotions that for strangers would be there and then gone in a flash, but with you, you could read his eyes something that bothered Ghost sometimes. Eyes locked on eyes; you stared into them, Watching the small amount of water that made his eyes glossy pool in the corner but he didn’t dare let them fall.
He was sad and he was sorry.
You knew he was, but none of the words he whispers to you and no matter how many promises he makes, nothing will change the feeling sinking into the depths of your mind, heart and stomach. You appreciated the effort though. Giving Ghost a soft smile and getting on your tippy toes to kiss him.
“I love you.” Ghost whispered against your lips while his arms wrap around your waist pulling you up off the ground and squeezing you to him.
“I love you too.” You whispered back tears falling down your cheeks making your kiss salty.
“Let’s go, Ghost!” Price yelled from down the hall. “Give her a kiss and hug from the squad too.” He yelled down the hall; Hollers and whistles followed after the 141 cheering at prices words.
Chuckling Ghost let you back on your feet, slipping his body away and grabbing his bags he discarded on the floor.
One quick kiss to your lips and cheek.
“I’ll be back in a year, love.” Ghost spoke softly, a promise lingering in the tone of his voice. “Be good, and stay safe princess.”
A smile broke through your grim expression.
“I will.” You promised.
“You better come home to me Simon Riley.” You told me.
“Always.” He replied with a wink; then he turned, tugging his bags on his shoulder and walked down the hallway towards his squad mates.
That was the start of a year and a half with out him.
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rweoutofthewoods · 3 months
just saw the ask about someone discussing ur characterisation of James in young blood and how they thought he wasn’t a ‘baddie’ and that he was ‘not cool’ (btw this isn’t like hate to the person who asked this or anything incase u reply to this publicly and they see this, ik they said they don’t mean it as hate, I’m just saying what I was thinking cause I think the difference is interesting I guess🫣 so all love!!! ANYWAYS.)
I just thought it was interesting cause I did not get that vibe at all from James in the story. What I got from it was that James was actually cool in juvie, in a lowkey probably a little shit, who is funny and annoyingly endearing kinda way. I also thought he was a ‘badass’ in his own kinda way. But I don’t rlly think ‘badass’ is the best way to describe him in this fic tho, i think it’s more he is very capable and able at holding his own but he’s not like some intimidating, cool and mysterious typical badass (I’ve written this word too many times I hate it now😔) like what I feel Regulus is more like. And I also did get the impression he was a ‘bad kid’ but in a more ‘ I was a good kid and I’m a good kid in my core but something shit happened to me so now I’m acting out and doing bad things cause I don’t know how to properly deal with what’s happened to me , people expect it of me and this is my coping mechanism plus the whole getting myself hurt makes me feel better in a way kinda way (that doesn’t make sense I don’t think BUT WE MOVE) and he doesn’t come across as supposed to have been some teen who was out here doing all this mega bad boy (ew I don’t like that phrase but I’m using it anyways) crimes, but more like enough to get u in juvie ones and be significantly concerning. I could ramble more cause that fat ass paragraph doesn’t even fully express what I got from the way u wrote James. But just overall I think it’s interesting how ppl can get different things out of the same piece of writing. Also sorry if what I interpreted it as, is not what you were looking for, it probs did come across the way u wanted I’m just shit at explaining well and concisely lol.
ALSO (sorry if u hate me for this 10k essay oopsies) the thing about u worrying that James seems OOC but saying he’s not, ur just portraying the effects of childhood. I PERSONALLY DID NOT READ IT AND THINK HE WAS OOC, PLEASE DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT UR WRITING IS FABULOUS AND IM VERY MUCH GETTING WHAT UR PUTTING ACROSS. Like u can tell by the way James acts with his friends and his internal monologue that he would be what some people more typically see James as, but it’s his trauma which is preventing him from properly being so. Like it’s just this road block. AND EVEN IF HE DOES GET OOC ITS REALISTIC WHO CARES, ILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO DOES, ITS UR FIC(unless you care then I apologise queen) but it’s so realistic like I went through a rlly shitty thing in my early teenage years and personally I think I’m a completely different person cause of it, and it’s interesting to read the way James changes because of what happens to him. Personally, I rlly like the way u write James (omd especially in EOITV I just want to gush over that fic for a second, it’s chefs kiss I love it so much, thank you for creating it, your mind is a wonderful place) I like how he can be a bit more messy, it’s interesting (also that reminds me another reason why I don’t think he’s spineless in young blood, cause he had a go at Regulus when they were fighting and I was like YEAH I KNOW U CAN SAY UNFAIR THINGS BUT ALSO STANDING UP FOR URSELF AND ACTING OUT AND NOT BEING PERFECT YAY, cause sometimes I do see James written in situations like that where he just takes it (nothing wrong with that I just personally prefer where he can gives just as good as he gets sometimes!:)))).
I need to stfu this is way to long, I’m actually embarrassed and scared u think I’m like some obsessed weirdo, I’m not I promise, it’s just 2:30 am and the most common feedback I get on school essays is ‘stop the waffle’. So long ass pieces of writing tend to be a bit too familiar with me 😔
okay last bit I promise, but THE AMOUNT OF NEW FICS U HAVE AND THE RATE U BANG THEM OUT?!?!, whenever I come to your blog and see a post about a new fic, I’m like wow your insane but in the best way possible cause how is this possible?! How are you able to do this?! This is so impressive ?!😭 Cause ur fics r to such a good writing standard and each one is so unique and different to each other, I run around my room in excitement each time u post a new chapter.
I could go on but I won’t because the fear of appearing a tinsy bit insane is real and idk if this is overwhelming, but yeha sorry, my waffling tendencies can be my downfall 😭
but uhhhhh Yeha overall, your writing and ability to write is very impressive, bye 😗😁
Hello!! I can’t answer you privately bc ur anon so I’ll start by saying: that ask? No lingering thoughts or feelings about it whatsoever and this reply is not even going to be about that, just what you’ve said. I can’t imagine how much time it took you to write all that because it takes me FOREVER to write replies to asks, so I appreciate your time and ofc have to write you a response because I’m honored <33
Just on the subject on Youngblood James. You put it perfectly and I think I said this in my end notes vaguely—childhood trauma changes EVERYTHING. Exactly as you said, I myself had a pretty shitty childhood and I think I’d be an entirely different person if I’d grown up differently. I got BPD out of it (😭) and Youngblood James got some pretty fucked up mental health and coping skills. And it was my hope that seeing James thru Reg’s POV and seeing his relationship with his friends etc. that you’d be able to see there’s still some of that James Potter we know and love, BUT part of James’ canon character (or fanon idk) is that he grew up comfortably, privileged, with two loving parents, getting whatever he wanted. We see it in canon with how cocky and in need of some humbling he was, and Youngblood James got way more than humbled, his life got blown to bits and while he was very, very, young. Before he even would have been Hogwarts age in canon. SO, I don’t think he’s OOC at all, I think he’s exactly who he’d be if those things happened to him. And I put a lot of thought into his character and his actions. So me fearing him seeming OOC is really just that I can put things out into the world but I never have any idea how it will be taken or if my intentions will be realized.
I didn’t intend for him to be badass at all because like… James’ crimes were all really in efforts to self-destruct. Him fighting people he did because he wanted to be hurt. Stealing a car? Well… we know by now how that ended. I also will note I didn’t intend reg to be badass either (tho maybe his character naturally is a little bit) because Youngblood isn’t about that, or how cool it is to commit crimes. it’s about how fucked up the system is, how childhood trauma lingers, how we need to do more to support and help kids in need instead of writing them off. So many kids act out or get in trouble because of much deeper reasons than them just wanting to cause trouble. And I say this as someone who was a kid who acted out, and who also recently as a more straight and narrow adult now, had their car fucking vandalized and literally SHOT AT by a bunch of kids. But I can look at those kids in real life, in my town, and I know the families they come from, I know there’s things going on behind closed doors. And yeah, was I pissed? Ofc, actually I was pretty devastated. I worked 7 days a week to buy that car and it was my first. there being reasons doesn’t make their actions okay, but I can also see that here in real life, children are being failed when they’ve barely had a chance at life yet. And Youngblood is really my attempt to humanize these issues and draw light to how we may be failing children. ANYWAY there was my long winded rant. I lost the plot a bit tbh but I could go on about Youngblood 😭
So in short, James in my opinion is not OOC, and ur right he is not weak either, because trauma and mental health issues doesn’t equate to weak. I think you exactly hit the nail on the head and it’s always appreciated when I feel like someone really gets my characters. My James is my James, and he’ll always be so special to me, every single version, because no matter what universe I throw him in, I always know exactly who he is and what makes him that way.
This is so long, I don’t really expect anyone to read this but you (hopefully), but this is just for you anyway <33 I appreciate all your kind words and interesting thoughts and I love how you said it’s interesting that ppl can read the same thing and get something different out of it. Because the amount of times I’ve written something and realized ppl got something entirely different than I’d expect honestly shocks me. And sometimes it’s sad if ppl miss my point, but mostly I think it’s beautiful that we can all interpret things differently.
Hope you have the best week and life is treating you warmly xx
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awesomesauce-abbie · 2 years
Hello hope I'm not bothering you but I saw a post of yours it was a billy hargrrove x reader and I liked it but I just wanna ask if you could do like reader works at a restaurant and really upset and tired because their having problems with a waitress and they constantly pushing sh*t on them and billy picks up reader and reader gets in the car and just says "drive please" and then the drive home is quit and they get home and billy just comforts them and being the protective bf he is, I hope you understand I'm writing this because I have trouble with a waitress and I'm a hostess (look it up for more info about being a hostess) and ya I just had a bad day sorry and you can do whatever to the end you want like h going to the restaurant later and confronting the waitress. Omg this is so long lol thx 🙏😊
A/N: I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with your job, I hope it gets better for you soon. I know this is easier said than done but try to push through the negativity and carry on your day as best as you can and I hope this oneshot will somehow help!
HardWork Pays Off Eventually
Billy Hargrove x reader
You worked at Burger Town, one of the few restaurants in Starcourt mall. If the bright yellow and red uniform with the burger baseball hats wasn't annoying enough, your coworker was a right piece of work meaning that she didn't actually do any. The only time Kimberly Price lifted a finger was when she was in the back with her press on nails or dancing to whatever was on the radio whilst you attended to the lunchtime rush of Hawkins by yourself. What was most infuriating was that her dad was the boss so Kimberly was always getting extra days off with nobody to cover her shifts and always got pay rises. She was only a few dollars short of earning exactly as much as her father, day by day you were regretting not getting a job at the local pool with your boyfriend Billy Hargrove. Despite his bad boy attitude, he was more than happy to teach the younger children of Hawkins how to swim or save them from drowning. He suggested you get a job with him so you could see each other every day but you had already accepted the job at burger town before he suggested it. Today made you absolutely regret applying more than ever.
You quickly served a table of three with a tired smile and a quiet “enjoy your meal.” You rushed back to the kitchen and started preparing the next meal before only to dash to the counter a few seconds later to take another customer’s order. You had to force a smile as you heard Madonna blasting from the break room. The queue was leaving the restaurant and was almost outside of Scoops Ahoy. You actually saw Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington stick their heads out a few times to see what was going on. You spent over an hour running around like a headless chicken serving food, cooking food and taking orders before things actually calmed down which gave you the chance to clean up tables and bin rubbish. Kimberly walked past you with her jacket and bag on. “Where are you going?” She scoffed, glaring at you as if you’d offended her just by existing. “I have a date with Patrick, I’m leaving early. Remember to lock up and clean up properly, anything that’s done wrong won’t make daddy very happy. Oh and your covering my shift with Ben Woods tomorrow. No way am I working with that nerdy little freak ew! Don’t forget to clock me out at the end. Try and snitch on me, well we’ll see who daddy believes. A bumbling idiot who got this job out of pure luck or his precious little darling of a daughter?” Kimberly giggled before strutting away. “We’ve got six hours and tomorrow’s my only day off!” You yelled after her but she didn’t turn back.
You’d left an hour late, having to tidy up everything as well as lock up. If Steve Harrington hadn’t noticed you struggling with putting the tables away, you’d likely still be there. You stormed out to the parking lot and saw Billy leaning against his car with a lit cigarette and there were three cigarette butts not too far from his feet. “What the hell took you so long, I’ve been waiting for over an hour! I was about to come in and find you. I thought something happened.” He was worried, annoyed and exhausted from his own day of work but you got into the passenger’s seat silently. Billy scoffed, throwing away his cigarette before getting in. “You gonna talk to me or what?” “Just…Drive please” you sniffled. Billy rolled his eyes before starting the car and drove to your house. His dad and Susan were out tonight and Max was at Hop’s house for a sleepover with El so he was spending the night with you.
The ride home was silent except for the quiet buzz of music from Billy's car radio. He noticed a few tears run down your face but for most of the journey, you faced away from him and didn't utter a single word. He parked in your driveway with a sigh and turned you, placing a hand on top of yours. “Please tell me what happened today. You've never been this late from work and you're usually pissy yeah but never crying. What happened?” You looked at him, drying your eyes as you tried to find the words. Billy leaned forward and kissed your forehead, cupping your cheek with his hand as he wiped tears away with his thumb. “I’m just tired, I had a really shitty day. Kimberly walked out six hours early and I had to do everything by myself again! I’m supposed to have a day off tomorrow but she dumped her shift on me instead.” Billy let out a harsh sigh and clenched his jaw, this wasn’t the first time you had complained about Kimberly’s laziness and he was sick of her upsetting you. “You need to leave that shit hole, there isn't anything at the pool right now but at least go work with fucking Harrington! At least I know he's not a total asshole like that Kimberly bitch” he huffed. “Though if he even thinks about hitting on you, the only thing he'll be eating is ice cream cus he won’t have the teeth left to chew!” You couldn’t help but chuckle and Billy grinned. “There’s that sexy smile” he kissed you before you both got out of the car. “I’ll help you out
Billy helped you write out a resignation letter as well as help you get your paperwork sorted so you could apply for another job. “If anything comes up at the pool, you’ll be the first to know. She won’t get away with this shit either, I know it’s hard but we’re gonna get out of this shit hole town. I’m going to take you to California, teach you how to surf. We’ll have our own place, the shit bird and her loser friends can visit in the summer. It’ll be perfect, I promise” he smiled, stroking your hair as you leaned against his shoulder. “Think the kids will bury Steve in the sand?” Billy snickered just at the idea and kissed your temple. “Yeah, maybe we’ll leave him there overnight for the fully beach experience” he chuckled before getting up and heading to the kitchen. You cuddled up together with a bowl of popcorn and watched The Terminator with a promise that Kimberly would be sorry for pissing you off.
The next day you turned up at work but Kimberly was there and so was her father? Kimberly was in tears, hr dad was red in the face and his eyes filled with anger but he calmed down slightly as he noticed you walk in. “Ah, sorry. I was meant to call. I had a dozen complaints yesterday from customers who said you were working alone. Kimberly is working her shift today so you can go home, she’ll be working as she should be and her pay has been cut so she’s earning the usual rate which she’ll be using to fix her car. I walked out the house to see the windshield smashed and the doors all scratched and dented” Kimberly merely sobbed at the mention of her car and was even more hysterical after you handed in your notice, she’d be picking up your shifts as a result.
You walked out to the car park, Billy was still there with a smug grin. “Her car? Seriously?” “Told you she’d be sorry for messing with you” he chuckled as you let out an amused sigh. “What would I do without you Billy Hargrove?” “Crash and burn obviously.”
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cheolhub · 9 days
HII SAR! We’ve both been gone for a while but I hope ur doing amazing! What have you been up to?!!
I’m soooo happy ur gonna see svt too! I’m going to the show here in LA on nov 9th!! I’m literally so happy! After the last few months I’ve had this feels like a breath of fresh air and I feel so much better knowing I have something fun to look forward to 😭
Omg I also got a puppy for my birthday a few days ago and it’s literally been a dream!! She’s so darn adorable & sassy 😭 (another reason why life’s been more enjoyable lol)
- 🧸
hi my love 😭😭😭 u sent this a month ago but i hope you see it eventually (i am so sorry for taking so long) ive been logged out of my account since my last reblog 😭
i have been not great at all, BUT i think im finally healing and figuring out my life!! i just got my first car 😍 (im paying for it myself, i am LITERALLY an adult ew) ive mostly been working :p i think thats all i do. and when not work, i scroll through instagram or play love and deepspace while rotting in bed hdshsb but im seeing nct dream next week so :pppp excited for that!!!!
IM SO HAPPY U GOT LA TICKETS. PLZZZZ TAKE ME W U. i wanted to go but 😞 alas. i am broke after buying the san antonio tickets. I FOUGHT FOR MY LIFE BUYING THOSE BTW. nonetheless, im really excited for the both of us <3 i havent seen them in YEARS. i miss them so much. and i didnt get to see mingyu last time bcos he had covid, i was so sick.
AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. what kinda puppy and WHATS HER NAME. i love dogs so much i wish i could have one T—T im too busy though
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missattau · 2 years
does anyone here remember epic mickey??? well i do!!! and i recently dove back into the world of wasteland and i got pretty inspired…..
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here are my original sketches!! I wanted to explore the idea of ‘what if the eddsworld boys were in wasteland too’ soooooo I did. I touched on different aspects of the game like toons,blots,and animatronics. I have a whole story for them in my head the more I research and dive into the lore…. I thought ‘yknow, what if the EW boys were forgotten over time due to no new content and their toon hearts faded and then were transported to wasteland’ but ofc, theyre not disney so lets pretend that this is for all toons lol .
Then I got working…
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Here are my digital concepts! I made them pretty diverse for the universe… All of them are essentially toons but two of em got turned into animatronics as you can tell (thanks Mad Doc). For the designs of the boys I wanted to use a mixture of new and old, matt and tom are old designs while edd and tord are more recent….. it kinda makes sense just think abt it. However when Tord first appeared in WL he had his trench coat….. that changed as you can read from my notes…. (I’m so sorry if you cant read them)
I wanted to explore this world and topic more! So i then designed what their house would look like!
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This is their abandoned house somewhere in Ostown. Ya’ll remember when they had a blue house??? But anyways theres plenty of easter eggs in there….. I tried my best to make it look as toontown as possible but still keep that creepy feel !
This AU idea I got has been so much fun to work on ….. I hope I can work on more places/story driven pieces soon!! Like Edd’s Sketch Shop in Mean Street or where Matt dwells in the Gluch. Argh so many ideas!! I would make this post too long with my own wasteland boys ‘lore’ sooooo……. Feel free to ask questions in my inbox if you want!!! I’m always open to share :D
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
Could you do Tokyo Revengers Mikey x reader (Hinas friend) x Dark Izana. Finds out Mikey has a GF and goes all Yandere or evil.
so im going to be honest, it might be because it’s late, but i had a hell of a hard time figuring out exactly what you wanted.. so i did the sort of thing where y/n wanted mikey ofc but izana jumped in and kinda made it a threesome but not really? i noticed there were three people in your request so that’s how I got to that lol. Hope this serves!
“Look, I told you, he has a girlfriend, y/n. I’m sorry to tell you!” Hina explains as you glare at her.
“No way he does.” you mutter as you munch on some chips, pondering the thought no longer than a second.
“But he does. It’s hannah!” she exclaims.
“hannah..?” you say in disbelief as you scoff.
“No way he would date that trash,” you say as you dust yourself off and collect your things, “cya.”
As you kicked a few rocks, you heard walking and as normal, you expected a quick glance at most. However, this was mikey and hannah, which lit a fire under you very quickly.
She was clinging onto his arm, something he never allowed, even with you. Why the hell could she?
You jog up to them with a sour smile as you greet them both.
“Hi mikey! Who’s this lovely lady?”
“Hannah, my girlfriend.” he says with an affectionate smile as your eyes go wide.
So it was true? They were a thing?
“How long have y’all been together now?” you ask with a forced smile as you look between the two.
“A few days now. We’re so happy together!” Hannah exclaims as she rubs mikey’s forearm.
“ew.” you mutter under your breathe as you ajust your backpack and say goodbye, making sure to kick a bit of dirt onto her new shoes as you turn.
This was just a stupid crush, it would wear off right?
Watching them was sickening. You watched for days, weeks, months. It got to you. He said that you would be his first girlfriend when he turned 17, why was hannah the first and not you?
Izana had been there for you, letting you yell and say any angers about her/him and their relationship whenever you went over to their house. You never realized he had heard most of it though.
“Hey y/n, can we talk..?” mikey asks as you glare.
“What?” you ask simply as you put your pens away.
“uhm.. I don’t know what I did but I can tell you don’t like me.” he says awkwardly.
“Listen, can we just like… not? I was having a great afternoon studying here.” you dismiss.
“I heard you and izana.” mikey utters as you stop at the doors of the classroom.
“so?” you say after a while.
“I know you don’t like my girlfriend, but why the hell does it give you the right to ignore and hate me?!” he yells as it ticks in your brain second by second.
“Why? What the fuck are you on mikey? You knew I have hated her, for years! I told you, I cried on your shoulder about the damn things she did and said to me! And you’re going to sit here,” you point to his chest as you push him back with your index finger, “and ask why I hate your girlfriend? Save it you man whore.” you spit as you turn around and walk out.
Mikey couldn’t stop the blush that formed on his cheeks but the words still hurt. He saw the tears forming, that’s the whole reason you left. He didn’t even like hannah, but that’s what they all say.
”But.. izana! He.. he’s dating my e-enemy. He knows that!” you blab as new tears continue to stain his grey shirt black.
“Maybe he forgot. If he is, there’s no reason to cry. You deserve better than manjiro, y/n.” izana says as he draws shapes on your back.
“He wouldn’t ever forget! Do you know the things I did for him? I got rid of his bullies, scared potential crushes away, helped him everyday, and he still went and is dating someone!” you beat his chest as you continue to crumble on Izana’s lap.
”He might have moved on. All I’m saying is that he was just cruel to do that.” Izana says as he lays back and allows you to whimper in quiet to calm yourself.
“I’m here for you, y/n.”
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kermit-emoji-writes · 2 years
Accident (Eddie Munson)
Pairing: Modern! College! Eddie x fem!reader
Warnings: I like kinda describe reader as being curvy like way at the end of the fic, drug use (weed), cursing, besides that nothing else just fluff lol
A/N:I got this idea from watching this video lol
The first time you contacted Eddie outside of school matters was a complete accident.
Eddie sat in his dimly lit dorm room. The smell of marijuana filled the room as a half smoked blunt dangled from his lips. Metallica from Eddie’s small speaker filled the room, guitar chords faintly filling the silence.
As he took another puff his phone pinged. I was from you. Your message only contained a YouTube link with no context provided. Pressing it he was redirected to the YouTube app, he didn’t think before a video of a gecko started dancing along with accompanying music.
“Lady hear me tonight
Cause my feeling is just so right
As we dance, by the moonlight
Can’t you see you’re my delight”
Eddie’s eyes glazed over as he watched the 3 minute video in full, mesmerized by the tiny dancing lizard.
As the video came to an end he went back to your text conversation.
‘Lol’ was all he texted back. Had he been of sober mind he would have put more effort in and not respond to anything as lame as just “Lol” considering he had the fattest crush on you. You both only had each other's number because you were assigned to work on a project for class. Once the project was completed he wanted to ask you to hang out but he was too nervous.
You texted him back immediately.
‘Didn’t mean to text you sorry lol’
Eddie smiled.
‘Don’t be sorry’
‘It was cute’
You didn’t text him back after that to his disappointment.
The next time you texted him, Eddie was high once again. This time he had company, Steve. The boys were idly talking until Eddie’s phone pinged.
‘Got my toes done’
‘How do we feel about the black french tip?’
Accompanying the text were a picture of your manicured toes. “Holy shit.” Eddie said out loud. “Who is it?” Steve asked. “Remember the girl I had that history project with?” The lanky boy replied. “Oh yeah, the one you have a massive crush on?” Eddie narrowed his eyes at Steve. “It’s not massive, shut up.”
Steve rolled his eyes back at Eddie. “Whatever, what did she say?” Eddie passed his phone to Steve. “It’s just her toes? I’m pretty sure she meant to send this to one of her friends.” Eddie groaned. “Even her feet are pretty, Steve.”
The former jock scoffed. “Ew, man. You’re into feet?”
“You aren’t?”
Steve shot him a look of disgust and handed Eddie’s phone back to him. The metal head texted you back.
‘Pretty feet’
He received an answer immediately.
Eddie chuckled.
‘It’s no biggie’
‘Did you get your hands done too?’
Eddie received a picture back. It was your manicured hands posed to show off your nails. Your fingers were done to match your toes.
‘I like black on you’
Steve leaned over as Eddie texted you. Eddie sighed. “Everything about her is so perfect.” Steve scoffed. “Don’t blow your load next to me.”
Steve was promptly shoved.
The third time you accidentally texted Eddie sent him on an emotional roller coaster.
Coincidentally you had a knack for contacting the boy every time he had a blunt in his hand. Once again he sat in his dorm with Steve engaged in idle conversation.
Eddie’s phone pinged.
‘Got the dress’
‘What do you think?’
Along with the texts you sent 3 pictures of you. It was of you in various poses wearing a black long sleeve ankle length dress. It hugged your curves perfectly and the neckline dipped down enough to showcase your décolletage and the swell of your breasts.
The picture in particular that took him out was one with you posed to the side, he stared at the round fleshiness of your ass.
Steve stared at Eddie with a concerned expression. The metal head’s mouth was hung wide open. If Eddie didn’t blow his load before he was sure it was about to happen now.
“Man you have to see this.” Eddie passed his phone to his friend. “Holy shit.” Steve said aloud, his expression mirroring Eddie’s. Steve passed the phone back. “Don’t be lame Munson.”
Steve’s words fell on deaf ears.
“What the fuck?!” Steve whispered harshly. Eddie turned to him with a wide grin.
You replied back.
‘I’d love to!’
‘I think you’re beautiful too’
‘I saw a cute place around that we can go to’
“I can’t believe it.” Steve started. “You just scored a date…” Eddie had the biggest smile on his face. “She thinks I’m beautiful…”
“I gotta tell Robin.” Steve promptly whipped out his phone to gossip.
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georgiapeach30513 · 6 months
Thought long and hard about this…
But is there a photo or moment where y’all went Chris is seriously giving me an ick with his look… I mean he can pull off anything even his Mohawk phase 🫶🏼☺️
Also remember when he was in a buzz cut in his Jamal era… ooofffff Jamal Evans 🥺😊😘 what a time to be alive
Sorry umm he was picking up twos girls phone numbers lol and his body guard was smiling so crazy my when he got them digits 😅😭
I miss the early 2000s so much …..
I don’t know 😂 I saw them live happening and I’m like okay. I have thought about this since you sent it. Some of his fashion choices were questionable but just straight up ew? Maybe the recent GQ interview 🫣
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
"Hello, love.", Joe messaged you after a long night of editing.
"You're up late." you replied, grabbing your phone and snuggling into your blanket. He was in London and you were in the states leaving an 8 hour time difference between the two of you.
"Just finished editing a 'More Likely To' video with the lads and I don't really want to post it anymore." Joe messaged back, snuggling into his own bed.
"Why not?" you asked. Late night texts had become a thing between the two of you. You had met Joe online years ago when he was just starting on you-tube and you'd become great friends.
"It just reminded me of how many things I'm not doing right. I'm the least likely to get married. The most likely to get drunk and lost. The most likely to stay single." Joe text you, adding "fml."
"Oh, love. You're not 40. You have all the time in the world to settle down." You replied. "You're a brilliant, sweet, caring, talented, committed, creative soul that will find those things in your own time."
"You always make me feel better." he text back, slowly falling asleep.
"Anytime, sweetheart." you replied. When you didn't get a response you assumed he had finally fallen asleep. "Sweet dreams, sleepy boy."
When Joe woke up the next day, he read back over your messages and decided to post the video.
The two of you had never met in person, but you'd become an almost daily fixture in each others lives. At times, you thought the slight anonymity is what made your friendship work so well. You weren't roommates or siblings or co-workers. You were there to talk to each other when you didn't want to or couldn't go to those in your actual lives. Up until this year you hadn't even exchanged phone numbers, sticking to instant messenger. You did enjoy getting the drunk voicemail messages from Joe, though. You two had even talked on the phone during long train rides or nights you were there to answer his drunk calls.
A few days later, you got off of work to find multiple texts and voicemail messages on your phone from Joe.
Joe - "Sometimes I wish you were here."
Joe - "I hate fucking time differences."
Joe - "I'm posting the video I told you about."
Joe - "Jack is yelling at me for being on my phone the whole night."
Joe - *Video of the boys taking shots*
Joe - "I'm so drunk."
Joe - "What do you call a fake noodle?"
You always felt bad when Joe would send the "I wish you were here" texts, but at the same time you felt the same way. The general drunk texting always made you laugh, though.
Voicemail 1 - "Yyyyy/nnnnnnnn. Call me when you get off work."
Voicemail 2 - "Stop yelling in my ear! I'm talking to my friend!" Joe seemed to be scolding someone around him. "Y/n, you've got to visit London. You'd get a kick out of hanging with the boys." The rest of the message was muffled by drunk cheers from people in the night club.
Voicemail 3 - "Y/n, Jack doesn't think you exist." Joe said, but you heard his hand muffle the phone right after. "Sorry, love. I'm not interested. You seem lovely, but I'm talking to my girlfriend." You had to listen a few times to make out the whole thing, but that's definitely what he said. "Love, I want to buy you a plane ticket." he said, clearly to you, before yelling to Jack to order an Uber.
You text Joe to see if he was still awake.
You - "I see that drunk Sugg made a showstopping appearance in my texts and messages tonight, lol. Make it home safe?"
Joe - "Y/n!"
You - "You're alive! Were you by chance eating Laffy Taffy?"
Joe - "How'd you know??"
You - "The pasta joke, lol. It's my favorite candy."
Joe - "No one laughed at my joke."
Joe - "What's your favorite flavor?"
You - "Aww, I laughed! Banana."
Joe - "Ew!"
Joe - "You would like the rankest one haha.
You - "It makes sense. I like you plenty."
Joe - "Oohhh you've got jokes!"
Joe - "You always laugh at my jokes."
Joe - "I want to buy you a plane ticket to come visit me."
You - "Of course I laugh at your jokes."
You - "And why weren't you interested in your admirer tonight?"
Joe - "How'd you know about that?"
Imagining the confused look on Joe's face made you laugh.
You - "Joe, you left me voicemail messages, haha. You used me as an excuse to blow her off!"
Joe - "Oh shit. I remember that! I didn't think you could hear me!"
You - "I don't think you're as sneaky as you think you are when you're drunk, love."
Instead of texting you back, Joe called you. "Can't handle typing?" you laughed into the phone.
"Just rather hear your voice is all. She was pretty but not my type." he replied, slurring every other word.
"I don't even know what your type is." you replied, still giggling a bit.
"I don't either. I just know when I see 'em. Or hear 'em." he replied. You could hear a few people in the background.
"Is that so?" you asked. "You guys still partying?"
"Nah. We're at the Maynard flat. I'm crashing with Conor." Joe replied, but you heard Conor talking in the background. *Is that who you've been texting all night?* "He's still giving me shit for being on my phone."
"Probably because you blew off a beautiful girl to drunk text your friend." you laughed.
"Maybe. I don't care. I'd rather talk to you anyways." he replied, sounding sleepier.
You thought about the voicemail and what he had just said. While it was amazing that you and Joe had grown so close, you felt bad. Were you the reason he wasn't dating?
"Well I'm flattered. Why don't you get some sleep, love." you replied.
"I don't want to." Joe drunkenly whined.
"Well you don't always get what you want." you laughed. "Come on. I need to go make dinner and you need sleep."
"Fine." Joe huffed. "Talk to you tomorrow?"
"Of course, love." you replied. "Sweet dreams."
"Night, love." Joe replied.
Sitting down to eat your dinner, you couldn't get your earlier thoughts out of your head. If you were really the reason Joe wasn't dating, you'd feel so guilty. On the one hand, if you and Joe lived in the same place...You would want to date him. On the other hand, he lives half way around the world and while you knew what he looked like from his videos, he had only ever seen a few pictures of you. "Maybe I'm just overthinking this." you said outloud.
"You never said anything about visiting! I want to buy you a plane ticket." Joe text you a while after your phone call ended.
You - "We'll have a sober conversation about it later, lol. Go to sleep, Sugg. <3"
Thankfully you had the next day off, so when you woke up to texts from Joe you could actually take the time to respond.
Joe - "Why do you put up with me, lol?"
Joe - "I drunkenly harassed you all night."
You - "Oh, hush. I love me some drunk Sugg. You always make me laugh. :)"
Joe - "If you say so, haha."
You - "How are you feeling?"
Joe - "Like proper shit. We drank so much last night. I need someone to make me breakfast."
You - "You think you'd learn, lol. I'm getting ready to cook breakfast, but I doubt it'd still be hot if I mailed you some."
Joe - "Don't tease me with food! You'll have to cook when you're here."
You - "You're not letting that go, huh?"
Joe - "I really want you to visit. You're one of my best friends as weird as that sounds."
You - "Joe, I have a question and I don't want you to get mad. Okay?"
Joe - "Of course, love. Shoot."
You - "If I'm totally wrong, feel free to tell me. Am I one of the reasons you don't really date?"
You held your breath after sending the text. When you didn't get a response right away, you went to the kitchen to cook your breakfast.
Joe - "I'd be lying if I said no, but I don't think I ever realized it until you just said it."
You - "Joe, just the other day you were upset that you didn't have a girlfriend. I feel horrible that I had any part in you being upset."
Joe - "No, no. You shouldn't feel bad at all. When I need someone to talk to, you're there. When I feel like shit about myself, you're there. When I feel alone, you're there. When I need a kick in the ass, you're there. Those are all things that a girlfriend would do. I guess I just never thought about it before."
You - "Love, maybe you should try finding those things in someone you want to love."
You - "I care about you so much, but I would hate it if you ended up regretting letting me get in the way of you finding happiness."
Joe - "I could never regret letting you into my life."
Joe - "I'm buying you a plane ticket. It's final. I really want you to visit and I think it would be good for both of us."
You - "I'll think on it, love. I can use my vacation time whenever I want, I just want to make sure this is for the best. <3"
Joe - "Well I'm buying it regardless. You can decide if you want to come."
You - "Stubborn."
Joe - "It's why you love me."
Joe - "This Friday at 8 pm your time."
Joe - "I'm going to wake Conor up so we can get food."
Joe - "Please come."
"That stubborn, stubborn boy." you said, looking at your phone. You quickly received an email confirmation of your tickets. 1 week, starting Friday. That meant you left in 2 days. If you were going. You wasted most of the day worrying about everything that could go wrong. What if once you met you didn't get along? At the end of the day you had emailed your work telling them you were taking vacation time, packed your suitcase, and cleaned your apartment.
You had talked to Joe a few times over the next two days, but mostly you were making sure you didn't leave any loose ends before leaving for your trip.
"You're absolutely sure about this?" You text him, waiting for your uber to show up.
Joe - "100%"
Joe - "Stop worrying, love. This has been a long time coming."
You - "Go to sleep so you can pick me up in half a day, lol."
Joe - "Make sure you sleep on the plane. If you don't, jet lag will hit you like a brick wall. Believe me, I've done it."
You - "I have sleeping meds at the ready. :)"
Joe - "Good girl. See you tomorrow, love."
Joe - "I really cant wait."
You - "Same. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Sugg."
Joe put his phone down and stared at the TV. "What's up, buddy?" Jack asked, sitting next to him. "You look a bit pale."
"Just a bit anxious, is all." Joe replied.
"What on earth has Joe Sugg anxious?" Jack teased him. Joe looked over at Jack but didn't answer. "Is it serious? What's going on?"
"Kind of. You know the girl that I'm always talking to when we're out?" Joe asked, running his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah. She's the girl you met through you-tube ages ago, right?" Jack replied.
"Going on 5 years." he said, looking down. "That's crazy. I've known her longer than I've known some of my best friends."
"So what are you anxious about?" Jack urged him to continue.
"I've always wanted her to visit and the other night she asked me if she was the reason I never date." Joe continued.
"That's a bit forward." Jack snarked.
"Nah, she's right. I just never realized it. So I told her and I think it freaked her out a bit. She told me that she didn't want to hold me back from finding happiness, but I've always wondered if she was it, you know? So I bought her a plane ticket and she'll be here tomorrow." Joe rambled quickly.
Jack smiled over at Joe not saying anything until he looked back at him. "You've got a mighty set on you, don't you?"
Joe laughed. "If that was true I would have bought her a ticket ages ago."
"So what's the plan?" Jack inquired.
"She's going to stay in mine for a week. I guess we'll see how things progress once we actually meet."
"Wait, you've never actually met in person?" Jack asked, a bit surprised.
"Nope. She's seen me in videos, obviously. We're friends on Facebook so I see pictures of her, but we've never actually met." Joe answered.
"Joe, what if she's really a 40 year old man?!" Jack gave him a weird look.
Joe busted up laughing. "She's not. We talk on the phone and I follow her on all of her social media. Snapchat filters can do a lot, but they can't turn a 40 year old man into a 25 year old woman." He continued to chuckle.
"Well, we'll all want to meet her." Jack said.
"That's up to her." Joe replied, standing up. "I'm gonna head to mine. Clean up the house and go to bed so I don't miss my alarm to pick her up."
"Need help cleaning? I'm still not on London time." Jack asked.
"If you want. Crash at mine, yah?" Joe replied.
"Let me grab a bag."
Jack and Joe cleaned the house for about an hour before crawling into the spare bed to fall asleep watching a movie.
After boarding the plane, you almost immediately took medicine and fell asleep. You woke up to eat and use the restroom once and then fell right back asleep. Feeling someone lightly shaking your shoulder, you realized a flight attendant was trying to wake you up. "Miss, we're getting ready to land."
"Thank you." you replied, sorting yourself out. You pulled a make-up wipe out to freshen your face up and you downed a water bottle.
"Joe!" Jack yelled, shooting out of bed. "I don't think your alarm went off!"
"What?!" Joe shot up. "Mate, we were supposed to leave 20 minutes ago." Joe grabbed his phone and pulled his clothes from the previous day back on.
"I'll order the Uber." Jack said, pulling his converse on. "He'll be here in 3."
Joe - "Running a tad late, we'll be there soon."
You - "I just landed. We aren't even at the gate yet. Take your time, nerd. Be safe, please."
Joe - "Of course, love."
Joe - "I'm so happy I'll get to actually hug you soon."
Joe - "That sounds weird, but I'm so glad you decided to come."
You - "It doesn't sound weird at all. <3"
Walking through the gate, you found a restroom to use before waiting for your bag. "You can do this." you said, looking in the mirror after washing your hands. Seeing the dark circles under your eyes and your hair in a messy bun, you started to get nervous. You pulled your make-up out and went to apply concealer before stopping yourself. If he expected you to look like a Disney princess after an 11 hour flight, then you didn't really care about what he thought.
You - "Waiting for my bag."
Joe - "Just parked. We'll see you soon."
You - "We'll?"
Joe - "Sorry, I forgot. Jack is with me. I hope that's okay."
You - "Of course. Just to warn you both, I'm a hot mess, lol.
Joe - "Impossible."
You - "You say that now. Look for the girl in Joggers and batman shirt."
Standing in front of the luggage carousel, you felt something small hit you in the back. looking around, you didn't see anything. When it happened again, you saw a mini banana Laffy Taffy sitting next to you on the floor. Your face immediately lit up and you turned to find the person who threw it.
"Really Sugg? You make me fly half a day and now you're assaulting me?" you laughed, seeing him walking up to you with Jack.
"You know I do it with love." he laughed, throwing his arms around you. He buried his face in your hair and held you tight to his chest. "I never thought I'd get to do this." he said, continuing to hold you in his arms.
"Ahem." Jack cleared his throat.
"Hi Jack." you said, peeking around Joe's shoulder.
"Nope. I'm not ready to let go." Joe said, refusing to let you leave the hug.
"Rude." jack teased.
Joe finally loosened his arms and just stared at you. You couldn't help but blush. "Stop being weird." you laughed, covering your cheeks, making him laugh too.
"I can't help it." Joe replied. "Feels a bit like Christmas."
"As you can see, Joe is just as cheesy in real life as he is in his videos." Jack interjected, reaching his hand out to shake yours.
"Oh, I already knew that." you laughed. "Nice to meet you, Jack."
"You too." Jack replied. You had been standing there so long that your suitcase was the only one left on the belt. "Is that your bag?" he asked, grabbing it when you nodded yes.
"You alright, Sugg?" you asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
Joe just stared at you for a moment. He stared at your eyes and then your lips. He stayed silent, but his mind was racing. He realized that he never wanted you to leave London. His feelings became very clear to him. "I'm great, love." he said kissing your forehead.
"You two could stand there with gooey eyes all day or we could go get breakfast. Who votes for breakfast?" Jack said, raising his hand.
"Alright, alright, ya big baby. Lets go get food." Joe laughed.
"Can I get changed before we go anywhere public?" you asked.
"You know what. Lets go back to Joe's and I'll go around the corner to get us food." Jack suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Joe said, looking to you.
"Works for me." you smiled at them both.
When you got to Joe's house, he showed you around and walked you to the room you'd be staying in. You kind of unpacked your bag and laid out the clothes you were going to wear for the day. Joe showed you the spare bathroom and told you where the shampoo and soaps were. "Call if you need anything." he said, placing another kiss on your forehead.
After letting the hot water of the shower wash away the airplane grime and muscle aches from sleeping sitting up, you went to get out but realized you hadn't grabbed a towel. "Joe!" you called into the hallway, trying to stay hidden behind the door.
"You alright?" Joe jogged down the hall.
"I'm fine." you laughed. "I just forgot a towel."
"One second." he said, walking to a cabinet and grabbing one. "Here, love." he said, handing you the towel.
"Thank you." you blushed, feeling a little exposed. "I'll be out in a minute."
"Take your time." Joe smiled and left you to get ready.
When you walked back to the living room, you stopped at the end of the hall, hearing Joe and Jack talk about you.
"Is she what you expected?" Jack asked Joe, amidst the noises of take-away containers opening.
"I don't know what I expected, but I know that she's way more than I could have imagined. I can now add beautiful and genuine to the list of things I know about her. The fact that she wore a batman shirt tells me she is absolutely who she says she is." Joe laughed.
"I expected her to be like, dressed up and girly." Jack laughed.
"I didn't at all." Joe replied, still chuckling. "I know her pretty well after 5 years."
"Are you glad you finally got her here?" Jack asked, mouth full of food and already knowing the answer from the look on Joe's face.
"No doubt. I'm pretty sure I love her." Joe answered.
"I can tell. Are you going to tell her?" Jack replied.
"MMmm, breakfast smells delicious." you said, entering the room.
"I got you coffee too." Jack said, handing you a cup.
"Thank you!" you replied. "Do we have any plans for today?" You asked, sitting next to Joe and taking the food container he handed you.
"That's up to you." Joe replied. He looked you up and down taking in your appearance. "You look beautiful, by the way."
"Aww, thank you, Sugg." You answered, blushing a bit. "Why is it up to me?"
"Well, the boys will all want to meet you." Jack said.
"Only if you want." Joe quickly added.
"I'm down for whatever you want to do." You replied, taking a bite of your food. "This is delicious, thank you."
"Well, then. I vote we go to ours." Jack said, finishing his food. "I am going to shower and change since this is what I wore last night."
"I need to as well. We rushed out of here so quickly, we just threw on our days old clothes." Joe laughed.
"Well, you both get ready and I'm going to finish my breakfast." You suggested, laying down after they had both left the room. You woke up to Joe sitting next to you running his fingers through your hair. "That feels good." You said, sitting up. "How long have I been out?"
"Not long, love. Jack's almost ready to go" Joe replied. "You can lay back down if you want."
"I'll fall back asleep." You laughed, stretching.
"It's Jack. You have some time to nap." Joe laughed, patting his thigh.
"Fine." you gave in, laying your head on his leg and letting your eyes close. You fell asleep quickly, feeling Joe resume his playing with your hair.
You woke back up to Joe loud whispering "Shut up! Don't wake her up."
"I'm up." you yawned. "Ready to go?" you asked, sorting your hair back out.
"We've been ready for a while." Jack laughed at you.
"Then why didn't you wake me up?" you asked, rubbing your eyes.
"You just looked too comfortable." Joe smiled at you. "You're quite cute when you're sleeping."
"Nerds, you should have woken me up." you scolded them. "Lets go." you stood up, going back to the spare room to grab your bag.
Joe followed you to make sure you were okay. "We really don't have to leave the house today if you don't want to." He said, sitting down on the spare bed.
"I want to." you walked up to him to stand between his legs and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I just needed to grab my purse."
Joe's smile went ear to ear and his eyes dropped to your lips. "I know I keep saying it, but I'm really glad you're finally here."
"Me too. Really." you smiled down at him. "Lets go. I want to meet your friends." you grabbed Joe's hand and pulled him out of the bedroom.
When you arrived at the Pieters/Maynard flat, everyone else had already arrived. Joe and Jack were greeted as usual, and Joe introduced you to the boys. "Finally we get to meet the mystery girl." Conor pulled you into a hug. Your afternoon/evening was pretty chill. You guys played games, drank, ate, watched a few movies, and talked. When it was getting pretty late, you decided to grab some water and hang out on the balcony.
"What are you doing out here, love?" Joe joined you.
"Sobering up a bit." you laughed, finishing your glass of water.
"The boys getting too rowdy for you?" Joe asked, coming to stand by you, leaning against the balcony wall.
"Not at all." you replied, pulling your sleeves over your hands. "Everyone has been very sweet, actually."
"I'm glad." Joe slurred a bit. "Are you cold?"
"Just a bit, but I'm fine. I love this weather." you answered, looking out over the city. Joe shifted to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your middle. "I'll add touchy feely to the 'drunk Sugg' attribute list." you laughed.
"Sorry." he said, starting to pull his arms back.
"Hey, come back." you fake whined. "I didn't say I didn't like it." you put your hands over his and laced your fingers together.
Joe rested his chin on your shoulder and held you tight against his body. "I think I'm just afraid I'm going to do something stupid to ruin this."
"You won't ruin it." you reassured him.
"I'm really afraid I might." Joe replied, turning you to face him. "I've wanted to do this since I saw you standing there at the airport." Joe said, capturing your lips in a brief kiss.
Going up on your tip toes to continue the kiss, you trailed your fingers up either side of Joe's neck. Joe's hands made their way down your sides to rest on your hips, his body pinning you to the balcony wall. When you finally broke apart you were both out of breath. "I told you you wouldn't ruin it." you said, snuggling your face under his chin.
Kissing the top of your head, Joe said "Lets go home, love."
After saying bye to the boys and making your way back to Joe's, you went to the spare room to get changed into your sleep clothes. You brushed your teeth and washed your face and plugged your phone into the charger. When Joe didn't come find you, you wandered the house looking for him. Knocking on his door, it opened to reveal Joe in his towel on the other side. "Come in, love. I'll get changed in the bathroom."
You climbed onto Joe's bed and waited for him to return. When he walked into the room with wet hair wearing just his sleep pants, you couldn't help but smile at the sleepy, tipsy boy. "Feel better?" you asked.
"Indeed. And seeing you laying there in my bed makes me really happy." He said, crawling to join you on the bed. "Stay with me?" he asked.
"That's the plan." you replied, shifting to scoot under the covers.
Joe joined you under the covers and opened his arms, telling you to snuggle up against him. "I know I keep saying this, but I can't believe you're actually here." one hand tangled it's fingers with yours and the other rested on the small of your back under your shirt. "Am I what you expected?" Joe asked.
"I feel like I already knew your mannerisms and such from your videos, but actually being able to hug you and look at you when I'm talking to you? It's so much sweeter than I could have guessed." you replied, hiding your face in Joe's chest.
"You're so much better with words than I am. You said that perfectly." Joe leant down to kiss your hair. "I had only seen pictures of you, but your personality comes across exactly the same in person. It's just harder to keep my hands to myself when you're flesh and blood standing in front of me." Joe's hand crept up your back a bit.
"We'll have to have a sober conversation about that later." you laughed. Joe slowly removed his hand from underneath your shirt and placed it back on your clothed back. "Joe." you said, lifting your head and scooting up to face him. "I wasn't scolding you, silly boy." you dipped down to softly kiss his lips.
"I just get told a lot that I'm too much. Too touchy or too loud." Joe replied between kisses.
"I've never thought that." you said, kissing up his jaw and down his neck. "I just meant that we'll have to talk about what this really is and what we both want it to be, but I don't want to have that conversation right now." you said, sitting up to straddle Joe's middle.
"We don't have to talk about it right now, but I already know what I want." Joe said, sitting up and running his hands up your sides under your shirt.
The next morning you woke up laying across Joe's chest. You could feel his fingers tracing shapes up and down the naked skin of your back. You laid there for quite a while, thinking on how this was going to work. You didn't regret sleeping with him and you'd be willing to do whatever it took to be with him if it's what he wanted.
"Mornin', love." Joe said, smiling down at you.
You adjusted how you were laying to hold yourself up on your elbows. "Good morning." you said, ducking down to kiss him.
"Am I allowed to say it now?" Joe ran his hands up and down your sides.
"Say what?" you asked.
"You said we needed to have a sober conversation. Well, I'm sober and I know what I want." Joe replied, leaning up to kiss you again.
Even though everything had gone perfectly so far, you were nervous to talk about this. "I guess I'm ready." you said, your brow showing the worry you felt.
"Hey, don't stress." Joe said, pushing your hair out of your face. He cleared his throat and put his hands on either side of your face, just staring up at you for a second. "You told me that I should try to find the person that's going to make me happy. Well, I did. I've got her right here." He paused, leaning up to kiss you. "And I don't know if that means that one of us has to move right away or if we make a habit of visiting each other as often as we can, but I want to make this work. I need to."
You were left a bit speechless, just staring down at Joe's crooked smile. You let your weight rest on Joe's chest again, meeting your lips in a slow kiss.
"Can I take that as a good sign?" Joe laughed, breaking the kiss.
Nodding, you replied. "I'm in. Whatever it takes, I'm in."
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audioaujom · 1 year
23: Succumbing to the Darkening [wrong end 8 ★8]
Corpse Party Hub, < prev, next >
Once again, this is wrong end 8 ★8 from Book of Shadows Episode #5, taking place in Blood Covered’s Chapter 2. Sorry if the recycled dialogue/descriptions from the previous ones is getting boring, but the ending and characters this time are different! Unfortunately I can’t promise something entirely new for next week, as it’s an alt of this one with a much worse ending lol After this one is two more of this section, and then it’s on to more whump, violence, and gore from later in the game!
Pairing: Tubbo, Aimsey, Ranboo, Bill
Word Count: 3244
Chapter TWs: Blood and Gore, Graphic Depictions of Violence/Gore, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Mind Manipulation ("Darkening")
Whatever you do, don't look behind you.
The note laid neatly beside the candle on the steps, causing Tubbo to scoff aloud and quickly glance over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah? What happens if I do?”
He blinked as the familiar figure of Aimee emerged from the darkness below, calling his name out in relief as they recognized each other. “Tubbo…!” 
“Aimee!” Tubbo smiled as she approached, before glancing around in confusion upon not seeing the companion he'd last seen her with at the pool. “Where's Schlatt?”
“I— I don't know. He was with me until a second ago, but then we found ourselves running from this man with… an axe, I think… and we got separated.” Aimee explained apologetically, staring down at the floor and rubbing her hands together anxiously.
“Shit, really?” Tubbo cursed, before noticing the splattering of blood covering the front of her shirt with a worried frown. “Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?” 
“No, I'm okay. This… isn't my blood.” She huffed out a humorless laugh, keeping her gaze resolutely on the floor between their feet. “It's just… this school… it's even more dangerous than I thought. Whoever that guy is, I'm sure he's been going around killing anyone who gets lost in here.”
“Yeah… sounds like a fair assumption.” 
Aimee finally looked up after a long moment of silence, swaying slightly before quietly admitting, “I’m scared, Tubbo. I'm scared that… that if I'm by myself, he'll find me, and…” 
“Well… don't be. I'll stick by you!” Tubbo instantly offered, not liking where she was going.
“Really…? Are you sure?”
“Of course!” Tubbo nodded, watching the way her eyes lit up with relief. “I'd hate to leave you all by yourself anyway, and we can both keep an eye out for any creepy axe-men.”
“Thank you so much!” 
Aimee grinned wide, throwing herself forward to pull Tubbo into a tight hug that he immediately tried to slip out of with an uncomfortable shiver. “Whoa! H—Hey…!” 
“Ah, I'm sorry! You have a boyfriend already, don't you? I think you said his name was Tommy?” She quickly let go, rubbing at the back of her neck with a sheepish smile that started a strange swirl of suspicion in the back of Tubbo’s mind.
“Oh, no no no! Ew! We're not like that.” He immediately corrected, keeping his uneasiness to himself for the moment. “He's more like a brother to me, you know?"
“Ahh… I bet life would be a whole lot less boring if I had a brother like you.” 
“Hah… yeah, maybe.” Tubbo ignored the way her tone made his stomach sink, trying to write it off as a result of the shock she must’ve experienced before running back into him. “It might not always be an enjoyable experience, but if you're looking for something less boring, I can certainly offer you that.”
Methodically checking the next floor as carefully as they could for Tommy, the two wandered around for quite a ways before the ambient light of the school seemed to dim greatly.
“It's dark in here…” Tubbo commented rhetorically as the two were searching the hall, before noticing that she’d stopped at some point along the way and seemed to be looking for something on her person. “…Aims? What's up?”
“Give me a sec... I have a light.” She said without looking up, before shivering a little and frowning. “It's not just dark, but cold, too…” “Yeah... We should turn back. I've got a really bad feeling about this hallway.” Tubbo shuddered a little, though he wasn't sure if it was his ever increasing nerves or the chill in the air.
“But… the way back is gone.” Aimee pointed back behind the two, Tubbo’s eyes finally adjusting to the darkness enough to see that yes—in fact—the wooden floor behind them had seemingly rotted and caved in, preventing them from going back, short of jumping the gap.
“Shit…” He fought the urge to kick something loose from a nearby pile of broken wood, before suddenly remembering— “Hey, do you still have that alcohol lamp?”
“Sorry, that didn't quite make it.” Aimee sighed sadly, before smiling and offering Tubbo the handful of candles she’d been looking for. “I have plenty of candles, though!”
“Yeah, well, I don't think the candles will be enough.” Tubbo retorted a little sharper than he meant to, though Aimee didn’t seem to be bothered by it as she put the candles back and headed off down the hallway again.
“Hey… look! There's a room.” She cheered a moment later, gesturing into the darkness with one hand and reaching back to grab Tubbo with the other. “Let's go see what's inside. Okay?”
“Hey, wait a second! It might not be safe! We need to—!” Tubbo tried to stop her, but in the process of the two of them heading in different directions and grabbing at each other, they ended up toppling over and falling to the floor with loud shouts of surprise. As soon as Tubbo realized he was on top of her, he quickly tried to scramble away as an uncomfortable blush settled across his face and down his neck. He got up to his hands and knees as quickly as he could, panicked as Aimee stared back up at him with a strange look on her face. “Shit, I'm really sorry... Are you okay?”
“I'm just fine.” Aimee seemed all too comfortable where she landed, biting a little at her bottom lip—much to Tubbo’s confusion.
“U—Um… please don't think I meant to do that, or anything like that. I— I really didn't mean to—” Tubbo rambled on in an attempt to apologize, but she just shook her head lightly and blinked slowly up at him with a coy smile.
“Never mind that. What say we have a little chat?”
“...huh…?” Tubbo wanted to get as far away from her as he possibly could, but stayed rooted to the spot as his brain tried to follow her off-putting offer.
“Don't you like me… Toby…?” Aimee’s voice seemed to change pitch suddenly, becoming deeper as her eyes bore holes straight up into him. He felt himself flinch, opening his mouth to shut her down only to notice the first drops of blood forming in the corners of her eyes. 
Any words he had to say died in his throat as tear tracks of blood ran down her face, more blood beading out of her nose and dripping over her lips, a sense of horror washing over him as he came to the conclusion that something was very, very wrong. “Wh—Who… are you?”
“Who do you think I am, Toby?” Despite the blood now pouring out of her mouth, her words weren’t garbled at all, Tubbo shaking his head as the horror gave way to dread in the pit of his stomach.
“S—Stop that…!” He demanded in a panic, trying to find a graceful way back to his feet before adding on, “And don’t call me that!”
Tubbo then went to push himself up off of the floor with his hands, only for Aimee to tightly grab both of his wrists to keep him down on top of her. 
“L—Let me go! How do you know about me? About Tommy?!”
Whoever this was—she most certainly wasn’t Aimee, at least not anymore—only giggled, a swirling panic beginning in his stomach as he tried to pull away from her. Her grip was unnaturally strong as it bruised his wrists, no amount of yanking able to break the grip for several long moments until a particularly hard tug got one of his hands free, his arm then swinging wide and smacking one of the girl’s bloodstained cheeks.
“Oww! How dare you raise your hand to a girl… Toby…” Her voice distorted as she giggled again, thick trails of blood starting to leak out of every available orifice of her face: eyes, nose, ears, and even more from her mouth. The skin of Aimee’s face began to peel back like burning paper, curling away from the waterfalls of crimson and flaking off in disgusting, bloody patches. A new, blue tinted face was emerging from underneath the peeling, flayed skin—it was young, child-like, and covered in slimy guts and more blood. Whatever was left of Aimee disintegrated to the sides as the rest of the young girl’s figure emerged, though half-submerged in the floorboards. Long, dark hair framed the sides of her face, a long red dress covering her body that began to shimmer in the low light of the hallway to make her seem to glow as she grinned up at Tubbo, his mind finally catching up with the carnage surrounding him as the rank smell of death started wafting up from the piled remains and ever growing lake of blood around him. The girl still held onto him, him swallowing back vomit as the two stared at each other, waiting for someone to make a move.
“You… were you always… her?” Tubbo stumbled out, anger boiling up fast as he exploded, “You fucking bitch! What the hell did you do to Tommy?!"
“Now what did I do to him? Hmm. I remember he wouldn't shut up. He kept calling for you, you know. Over and over… just like a bird.” The girl mused, giggling to herself as Tubbo tried to keep his mounting rage under control. “But he's not chirping anymore! Wanna see for yourself?”
“No… no! No, that's not true! You're lying!” The only thing keeping Tubbo from completely swinging on this ghost again was her tight grip on his arms, the twinges of pain barely enough to keep him grounded as his mind swirled to keep up.
“I've been watching you, you know. I like you. You've got promise.” The girl grinned, still present blood leaking out from between her lips and staining her teeth. “People like you do show up from time to time. Freaks of nature who have a real affinity for this place.”
“What the fuck are you going on about?” Tubbo tried pulling away from the girl again—harder this time—to no avail. “What… What the hell are you planning to do with me?!”
“Aw, are you scared?” Her giggle was light and completely unnerving, her vice grip slowly inching up his arms as she pulled him closer and closer to her face. “That's understandable. But the thing is, I get you! You're not afraid of people dying. You're afraid of you dying.”
“Shut up, you bitch! And let—let go! I… I—!” Tubbo still continued to struggle in the grip, desperately trying to ignore the way the girl’s breath smelled of a rot and decay that even the viscera around them couldn't match.
“Sure. I'll let you go. And when I do, I want you to walk over to that door. Let the school guide your way.” She shrugged lightly, her eyes lighting up as Tubbo felt his stomach twist with a fresh burst of nausea as she nodded with her head towards a nearby classroom. “It's where you'll find the person you've been looking for all this time.”
A voice then quietly floated through the air, the tone a familiar whisper that sounded from all around. “Toby… don't look at me… not the way I am now…”
“Ahh… Tommy…?” Tubbo froze at the sound of his friend’s voice, a shock of freezing panic shooting through him at the way the girl grinned at his startled expression. 
“I'm looking forward… to your reaction…” In an instant the girl let go, her blue-tinted form slowly sinking into the floor boards as she added, “But if it's boring… I'll kill you.”
As quickly as she appeared, she was gone again, leaving behind nothing but the tattered remains of Aimee’s clothes and the horrific face mask made of his blood-soaked skin. 
The smell alone was enough to rocket Tubbo to his feet, entirely distrustful of the ghost but unable to stop his own burning curiosity and panic for Tommy from guiding his feet to the nearby classroom that the girl had motioned to, sliding the door open and stepping inside.
This can’t be happening… this can’t be fucking happening…
He ran through hall after hall of dilapidated school, his feet carrying him forward even as he wasn’t quite sure where he was going—he just felt a pull that gently tugged him along.
Just hold on a little longer for me, okay Tommy? I’m coming!
Finding Tommy’s body was even worse than he could’ve imagined.
He’d been pulverized to shreds on a wall, the only identifying feature being shreds of the red and white shirt Tommy had been wearing that day and an odd certainty that this was what the school and the ghost girl wanted him to see. The large splatter of blood on the wall was tacky to the touch, nearly completely dried as Tubbo ran a hand around the outline in order to not look at the pile of shapeless skin and organs at the bottom of the wall.
“Oh god, fuck… No, I… Tommy…?” He mumbled as hot tears sprung to his eyes, dropping to his knees as an overwhelming rage bloomed deep in his stomach. Clutching at his own arms so hard pinpricks of blood started appearing across his skin, Tubbo didn’t notice the darkened sheen slowly overtaking his vision as he carefully stood back to his feet. “Whoever did this… and this whole damn place… are going to burn.”
So absorbed in loudly vowing his violent revenge, he didn’t notice the blue ghost girl appear in the air behind him, ecstatic.
“How interesting.” She cooed, deciding to help him along by snagging a pair of heavy shears from the infirmary and dropping them near his feet. In the same instant that he spotted the rusty metal glinting beside his blood-soaked sneakers, she vanished into the darkness surrounding them. Tubbo bent down to pick them up, his eyes fully glossing over as his vision dissolved to darkness and a wicked grin spread across his face.
Ranboo and Bill were objectively having a bad time.
The only upside was that they hadn’t lost each other yet, but they hadn’t come across any of their friends after losing Tommy to the ghosts in the infirmary, and it was quickly sapping their will to continue searching for a way out of the school. 
The two were ready to give up by the time Ranboo spotted the familiar head of brunet hair at the end of the hallway, smacking at Bill’s arm to get his attention as he raised a hand to try and help their friend spot them. “Tubbo? Oh my god, Tubbo!” 
“We've been looking all over for you, mate!” Bill grinned wide in relief, running forward at the same time as Ranboo. “What happened? You alright?” His grin faltered at the same time as his steps, Ranboo also slowing down as they noticed the way Tubbo hadn’t looked up at them even once, leaning heavily on one leg and clutching something tightly in both of his hands. “Uh… Dude?”
“Something’s wrong…” Ranboo said breathlessly, putting an arm out to keep Bill from getting any closer to Tubbo and experimentally calling, “Tubbo, can you hear me?” 
“Uh… Tubbo?” Bill tried next after a long stretch of silence, him and Ranboo turning matching confused expressions to each other. “Big man Tubs?”
“...Tubbo?” Ranboo slid a half step back as Tubbo’s head tilted to the side and he raised one arm, revealing the sharp pair of scissors he was holding. “What? No, wait—!”
In an instant Tubbo lunged forward, Ranboo barely able to grab Tubbo’s arm with both hands to try and wrestle the scissors away from his face. Tumbling backwards and landing on the ground, Ranboo stared up in horror at his friend’s completely empty and glazed over eyes, struggling to push the smaller—yet much stronger—boy off of him.
“What the fuck, man?!” Bill called out, getting behind Tubbo and grabbing him around the middle to help Ranboo get him off.
“Something’s wrong with his eyes!” Ranboo shouted as the two managed to push Tubbo back enough for him to scramble to his feet, panting for breath as Bill held him tightly from the back.
“How's about we get those scissors away from him first, yeah? And worry about the possession later?!” Bill suggested, Ranboo ducking back as Tubbo swung the scissors for his head and missed by only a few inches.
“I'm trying!” Ranboo complained, managing to pin Tubbo’s flailing arm with the scissors to his side with a loud grunt of effort. “Give me a hand, dude!”
“So needy!” Bill teased as he let go of Tubbo with one hand and forced his hand open to drop the scissors to the floor, kicking them away and down the hallway as they both let go of their friend. “Okay, got it! All clear.”
Tubbo was still for only a moment, Ranboo noticing a moment before his friend that Tubbo was launching himself forward at Bill. “Bill, look out—!” 
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Bill screamed as Tubbo slammed into him, the two saved from falling over only by the nearby wall that kept them upright. “He's so determined! I honestly respect him for that!”
“Tubbo, what happened?!” Ignoring Bill’s snark, Ranboo grabbed Tubbo and pulled him back to demand, “Whatever it is, you need to snap out of it before you kill us!”
Tubbo’s struggles slowed, the sheen over his eyes fading as Ranboo and Bill held him down. He eventually stopped entirely, blinking confusedly at his friends above him. “Ran…boo? Bill? Is that… you?”
“Yup.” Ranboo nodded, letting go of Tubbo with a sigh of relief.
“That's us.” Bill grinned, also letting go.
“What was I…?” Tubbo reached a hand up to his head, wincing, before looking up in with a panicked, “Oh, fuck, I—!”
“It's okay, Tubbo. Breathe.” Ranboo instantly reached out, grabbing his friend’s shoulders and squeezing gently. “Can you tell us what happened?”
“It’s—! I… I found Tommy.” Tubbo admitted, Bill and Ranboo instantly stilling in fear. “He was… god, I shouldn’t have even been able to recognize him, it was just so much blood and—!”
“Yeah, we—” Bill started to admit, but was cut off by an unreadable look from Ranboo.
“—Are so sorry you had to see that.” He continued instead, making sure Bill understood to drop the subject—the fact they’d been with Tommy when he’d died. “Whatever happened to Tommy is no one’s fault, okay?”
“But I should’ve found him, or… something. Anything.” Tubbo lamented angrily, wiping at slightly teary eyes with a closed fist.
“Yeah, cause that would’ve been super easy.” Bill scoffed, crossing his arms and looking away to keep from meeting anyone’s eyes. “Not like this place is a damn maze or anything.”
“This place is keeping us from each other. I know it sucks, but… there was nothing you could do. Nothing any of us could do.” Ranboo soothed as best he could, before spotting a nearby classroom and motioning for the other two to follow him over there. “Let’s go find somewhere to sit down and take a rest, okay?”
“...okay.” Tubbo agreed quietly, his head swirling with anger and grief that was only kept at bay by the close presence of his friends. He followed the two in silence, grinding his teeth together to keep himself from crying until he either had a moment alone, or at least after they’d settled down to rest.
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 4A thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Funny story about this season, back in the day when I was watching OUAT for the first time, me and my dad watched it on netflix, and when we finished season 3, season 4 wasn’t on netflix yet, so we bought a box set and then a week later (no joke) it was put on netflix lol
- It’s beck from You!
- That cgi ice…
- I mean marian is a little bit right (even though I don’t like her)
- I feel like Regina’s redemption was a bit fast, and her only motivation for being good is Henry (not her having actual remorse for her actions)
- Rumple visiting Neal’s grave :(
- The ogre wars are the funniest thing in this show
- How long did they last? How did they start?
- I guess we’ll never know
- Regina… girl… just turning evil at the smallest inconvenience
- They are so adorable omg
- Him trusting her with the dagger… awww
- Aaaaaaaa! The beauty and the beast dance
- This is too cute
- “Maybe we should have gone with baelfire” yeah if you want him to get bullied
- Sidney is so thirsty for Regina lol
- I’m sorry but the enchanted forest also being called misthaven??? I kinda hate it
- “Anna, I will find you” would you say… you will always find her? Lol
- Omg he looks like he should be riding a horse on the cover of a romance novel
- “They call her bo peep” aka the least menacing name ever
- What are your intentions with my daughter???
- I forgot they made bo peep a lowkey mafia boss
- Not David calling her a warlord lol
- “When I was six years old, one morning I woke up hearing my father and mother going at it” yikes
- Ohhhh they were fighting… I thought they were doing something else
- Nooooo he died from drunk driving
- Ok I think I’m a full on captainswan shipper now
- “I don’t like to say such a name out loud” he’s not voldemort
- I’d know that giggle anywhere…
- This is the frozen 2 we deserved
- Oooooooo she got the white streak
- Ponytail Regina looks kinda fruity ngl…
- That painting clashes so bad
- Marian looks like she ate a blue popsicle
- Why don’t they disguise Elsa? She’s not exactly looking inconspicuous like that
- WILL SCARLET (For some reason I called him will roland for the longest time)
- Wait but didn’t he literally switch it out with the real dagger though???
- The way he hooked her arm!!!
- It’s zoso
- Ooh has rumple not “succumbed to darkness in his heart”?
- Captainswan date!!!
- “I don’t pillage and plunder on the first date” lol
- Awwww that’s cute that he wants to hold her
- But the hook is kinda sexy
- “Captain hand” that’s so funny
- “Is there something wrong with your skin?” Please—
- Wait… granny’s ISN’T the only restaurant in town?
- His old self is coming back to haunt him…
- Those brooms in fantasia used to give me nightmares
- Placebo hand
- Should I watch OUAT in Wonderland?
- Awwww they’re cute
- I like how she poofs away in a little blizzard
- Ooh this is like the broken glass curse
- The Neal picture…
- Omg plot twist (I actually remember this lol) Ingrid was Emma’s foster mom
- Ogres killed my mom…
- “I pray you never have to cross paths with that twisted man” she’s married to him lol
- Omg the duke’s moves lol
- Rumple is in every single story
- This man is everywhere
- Ew the duke of weselton is such a creep
- Oh no she froze her heart
- Yikes what happened to focus on your wife???
- Zelena actually could have been the sister Ingrid was look for
- She was born with magic and misunderstood
- Why does Robin dress like a lumberjack???
- I forgot about the whole rumple stealing Emma’s magic thing
- Why doesn’t Ingrid wear shoes?
- Why do they hate happy? What did he do?
- I really like the emma/elsa friendship
- Rumple stop being evil and just be married to belle!!!
- At least for a season
- My plan to resist the curse: wear goggles
- Noooooo the vows before they die
- That is so sad
- Honestly serves blue right
- Hey, at least the curse looks pretty
- Alternate plan: tear out everyone’s hearts (the curse didn’t work on hook because he didn’t have his heart)
- Everyone fighting each other is really funny
- Awwwww that’s actually so cute (Ingrid adopting Emma)
- Why does anyone bother running when they can just poof away
- Henry? More like Kevin McAllister
- And… she ruined it
- That’s sad :(
- Rip Ingrid
- Finally a villain that shows ACTUAL REMORSE for their actions
- “Don’t you sneeze on me, you son of a—“ lol
- Oh, rumple. When will you learn?
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Belle, Emma, Anna, Hook
Like: Rumple, Elsa, Ingrid, Kristoff, David
Neutral: Regina, Snow, Henry
Dislike: Marian, Robin
Hate: Hans, the duke
Season rating: 7/10
I liked this season more than I remembered liking it! The beginning felt a little slow, but it got really good towards the end. I like Ingrid and I think she is the best ‘misunderstood’ villain in the whole show. Her sacrifice was so sad but such a payoff! I’m just not a fan of the Marian plot and Rumple being evil for the sake of it (he didn’t really have a strong motivation for his actions imo)
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selfcarecap · 2 years
You get invited to the golden globes to be the date of either Oscar Isaac or Andrew Garfield. Who's date are you accepting? And no, you can't say yes to both lol.
Aahhhh I love (and missed!!) these types of asks from you🫶🏼🫶🏼
I’m sorry Andrew but… it’s not even close 😭 i’ve had three different songs stuck in my head all day (and was literally singing one in my head just before i opened this ask sshsjs) that i all got from Oscar Isaac edits that I watched like 30 times today so it’s an easy answer rn agskshs 💀 so yes Oscar 100% (ew I haven’t been a fan of him long enough to call him by his first name tho tbh, so let’s go with da—). I love Andrew but this crush I have on Oscar Isaac right now literally has me in a chokehold lmaoo I’m so obsessed whereas Andrew was/is just a crush? but this is like.. I haven’t even thought about Peter in like four days bc of Oscar Isaac?? So that’s when you know it’s serious!! Lmao
But Andrew can take you and then we can all hang out and look hot together 😌💖🫶🏼
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