#sometimes the classic memes are still good
alotoseries · 2 years
Lupe: [can't find Jess in a crowd] this calls for drastic measures
Lupe: [using hands as a megaphone] LUPE GARCIA SUCKS!
Lupe: there she is
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sexhaver · 10 months
ive been playing Cassette Beasts for a minute and it never stops being funny to me how flagrant they are about making this "Pokemon but with features you didn't know Pokemon has always needed". off the top of my head:
super effective/NVE hits have added benefits/debuffs beyond just doubling/halving the damage (hitting Electric types with Ground reduces their evasion and speed, hitting Steel types with Poison gives them poison-coated spikes that do contact damage, etc)
legally-distinct-Pokemon will learn new moves while in your party without having to battle, and you can then straight up steal these moves from them and put them on a not-Pokemon you actually care about using, which gives an actual incentive to hunt down and raise otherwise fringe not-mons beyond completing the not-Pokedex
we all played the Pokemon Infinite Fusion fangame right? we know how fusions work? okay so this game has them as temporary per-battle things instead of permanent ones, which is only marginally less cool while being infinitely easier to balance around
attempting to catch something shows you the percentage chance of success so you know whether you just got unlucky or if you should save your Pokeballs-i-mean-blank-cassette-tapes
leveling up is tied to your not-trainer instead of your not-pokemon, so you don't end up in the classic trap where your starter is way overleveled and everything else is underleveled and then you hit a fight your starter can't solo and have to spend an hour grinding to get the weaker not-mons up to par (funnily enough most Pokemon Nuzlocke romhacks have already figured this out and give you infinite rare candies with the only restriction being that you can't level past the next gym leader's ace pokemon, because Pokemon fans have realized that grinding is the worst part of the game way before Game Freak has)
moves, not-Pokeballs, not-PokeCenter visits, and healing items are all bought using entirely separate currencies which stops you from trivially breaking the economy in half
the soundtrack, fittingly, is pretty good! the vocals were a bit much for my taste but there's an option in the settings menu to straight up turn them off (letting the BGM play on its own), which i've never seen in any other game and really appreciate
on a game design level, i understand why can i only carry a max of 5 not-Potions and 1 not-Revive at a time - it's to put a limit on how far away from fast travel points i can get by just running away from everything and healing off damage. on a gameplay level, however, this feels pretty bad
the pixel art style is trying to look as much like Pokemon as possible without actually being Pokemon so the overworld sprites look more like beta stuff from Pokemon that they cut for looking too weird. i have yet to find a haircut that doesn't look bad
this is super petty of me but something about the bloom and lighting of the 3d environments combined with pixelated 2d sprites that still cast shadows makes me painfully aware im playing a video game. it's like they were going for the same aesthetic as Octopath Traveler but fell just barely short. i can't think of a better way to articulate this feeling but if you know you know
it does that really obnoxious half-assed style of voice acting where plot-relevant characters will sometimes (maybe every third or fourth textbox) speak the first two or three words of dialogue before trailing off. mashing through textboxes (as one does) means constantly getting jumpscared by "hmm"s and "haha!"s "okay then!"s
i get that they wanted to make the player feel involved in the story, and it has a pretty decent hook so far, but oh my god. the amount of dialogue "choices" that just transparently do not matter. you know how people memed on Fallout 3 and 4's dialogue choices all leading to the same outcome, to the extent that you were basically choosing between "yes" and "yes (rude)"? and you know how Bethesda would at least attempt to justify how both options led to you accepting the quest anyways, even if it was really dumb? Cassette Beasts has streamlined this process even further by making the options in most of their binary decisions so identical that they don't even require different followup dailogue before rejoining into the main conversation thread. a solid 2/3rds of the dialogue options in this game so far feel like checks that you're still awake. i know this is a minor issue because people aren't playing Pokemon-likes for the engaging "choices matter" approach to storytelling, and i did ignore it at first, but it's so pervasive that you really can't ignore it
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
oooh for the fluff alphabet: how abt a, d, j, and z for sir pentious?
A, D, J, and Z for Sir Pentious
I'll be attempting to answer these as they come in, which shouldn't be too much of a problem as I'm getting an itch to write! I hope you enjoy this, Anon. C:
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I think, using Cherri Bomb as a reference, he enjoys people that are more open and out there. Perhaps someone he is on an equal level to, or perhaps even below. Though, I like to think he would enjoy a partner who is in a similar league of intelligence as him or have an interest in creation. Someone who is bold and speaks their mind, and is unapologetic about it. I think it also balances out Sir Pentious' personality as well. I do enjoy the thought that he would enjoy an attentive partner, someone who would pour as much of themselves into him, as he does for them.
He likes to take you onto his ship and drive... fly... around, showing you the sites that the pride ring has to offer to you. May take this as a chance to show off his skills in machinery by boasting about the ship itself. However, long walks where the two of you are alone and taking in the view around you... conversing one on one is a common go to for him. Basing this around the time period he died in, your outings together are typically more private. I do think his way of things evolved as he spent his time in hell, taking on some more modern approaches such as asking you out to dinner or to see a movie.. but the classic approach will always be his first and preferred option.
I enjoy the idea of Sir Pentious channeling the negative feelings that come with his jealous to himself. He's insecure, he doesn't have the most faith in himself in regards to relationships. He would still try to fight for your attention, though, even if it means making a fool of himself by the end of it. Perhaps, if it comes to a head he might pour out how he feels to you in a last ditch effort to win you over if there are outside influences or he feels the other person is about to steal you away; this is more likely if you two aren't together yet, though.
Oftentimes he curls himself around you, pressing himself about you. I've written a similar post, where I tackle cuddling
He doesn't have a preference of being big spoon or little spoon, but he does have a preference for his nest. Sometimes he might shoo his egg boiz to the side so he can have you to himself. Though the idea of him letting them snuggle into you too is sweet. He commonly wraps his tail around you, locking you in place until he wakes up... perhaps the first few times this happens he's very apologetic, fearing that he may have overstepped. Reassure him that you don't mind, if you truly don't. He'd be crushed if he found out you weren't but lied to save his feelings. I think it would be funny if he had a funny snore, similar to the "honk shoo honk shoo" meme(?), or something within that lane.. so good luck with that.
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do COD men confess to you ?
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Ghost, Soap, Price, Gaz, Alejandro
If you want more context here the part 1, and 2
G H O S T :
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-At the end of your shift, he was waiting for you.
-And Max.
-Because Max was a cute puppy who stole his heart, but he would never tell a soul.
So yeah every day he wasn't on mission. He knew that at 10 pm, he will be at this little pet shop.
-Because he loved how your smile was appearing when you recognized him.
-He loved how you still joked about the ropes he bought or even how when he walked you back home, you were trying to go out of your way to make this walk longer by taking him to the little restaurant.
-This little restaurant, that you chose on purpose, because it has 4 fire escapes, and a perfect view on the outside.
-You knew him.
-And you didn't step back.
-Well in fact you didn't step back when he was just a creepy man who bought ropes at 3 AM, so he -sincerely doubts about your survival instinct.
-So yeah...
-But how did he confess, you're asking me ?
-Well, he didn't.
-Ghost has too many issues to open his heart like this.
-So you decided to make a moove.
-A classic move with a little declaration and a gift.
-So you bought rope.
-I know this doesn't sound good.
-It sounds even like the beginning of a horror story but wait.
-You decided to send him a package.
-And in this package you will put a rope tied in a heart form with a letter.
-Telling he took you heart in hostage and you would like him to keep it.
-Seems weird, but it kinda fit your meeting, so it seems like a cute idea.
-Until three months passed and you had no news.
-Not even a letter.
-You didn't panic because sometimes his job was like this, he told you.
-But the problem was you had to move out.
-And even if he had your number, Ghost changed his phone regularly to prevent from some undercover shit.
-Besides your job at the pet shop, he couldn't contact you.
-So you tried to ignore your removal.
-But at the end of the fourth month, you had to admit this relationship will never had an end.
-And you mooved out of the country.
-A bittersweet ending.
-You felt like you were reading a fluff story but forgot to read the tag "hurt/no comfort".
-Maybe next time you should read the tag of your fucking love life.
-Like "a rope man will steal your heart" "angst" "sad ending" "slow burn" "fucking weird story" "not a happy fidelity card guy" "maybe he was into bondage but guess what ? We will never know lol"
-Maybe you were crying when you saw a rope in a DIY shop after this.
-Or not.
-Your dignity and ego will never recover from this memory. (neither did the sales assistant who was just here trying to help you)
-So you tried watching around, maybe the destiny would help you.
-Maybe a tall masked man will appear at your door at 2 PM, under the rain saying he has always loved you and....
-And you don't open the door for your own mom because you're too scared that she could be someone pretending she's your mom so you hoped he wouldn't do this.
-Yet two months after your removal, you had a call from your previous boss.
-You usually avoid calls, but you knew he wouldn't call you if it wasn't important.
-So you answered and...
-He was telling you a package with your name was delivered to him.
-And when you asked what was in it.
-He answered.
-"A fidelity card for rope, with a yes on it."
-You never smiled that hard.
-(Ghost found your new contacts thanks to Lasswell later, to confirm you both confessed to each other.)
S O A P :
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-You had kept in touch.
-Through letters and some texts, when Soap was allowed to send them, you started to have a great friendship.
-But lately in the memes that Soap sent to you, you found a lot of references to the French girls in general.
-Firstly you didn't pay attention.
-Until that night.
-When you saw Titanic again with your parents.
-And it clicked.
-The French girls scene !
-By you stopped.
-Why would Soap make implicit reference to this ?
-Then again you remembered his drawings.
-He sent you some of them in his letters.
-When you get back to your home, you gathered them, looking if maybe he had made a portrait of you or had made a joke that you didn't see.
-But it was just random sketches.
-You stared at Ghost sketch eating an ice cream when you noticed something on his mask.
-He had a "W" on it.
-You searched through the sketches and...
-"U to the mow, I go you will" you said out loud after collecting the letters and tried to figure out what he wanted to say.
-And you tried to understand it.
-But except this fucking "mow" and "will"
-You didn't find any coherence in it.
-Did he want to ask you to mow his lawn in his garden ?
-But he didn't have a garden.
-And why a "U" and then a "You".
-Why, why Soap would even do this ?
-He was not the kinda guy that do this.
-"...I think I'm too stupid to find out this shit." you admitted.
-Well maybe your French girls scenes will not be romantic.
-So you texted him saying, you understood he sent you a message.
-But you didn't find how to translate it.
-And he texted you the answer.
-"Will you go out with me ?"
-"Did Price give you the idea Soap ?" you answered.
-"Wait, you didn't answer."
-"Did Price give you the idea ?"
-"You think I couldn't be a romantic, love ?"
-"I think we're both too stupid to create a thing like this, love."
-"... it was L.T"
-"he...Ghost ?"
-"...did he love titanic ?"
-"he had a collection about it."
-"To answer, yes, I would love too. But never ask again advice from Ghost, I don't want to end on an iceberg."
-"Yes, love."
P R I C E :
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-Soap and Gaz with a broken arm led to your confession.
-They were both drunk and knew their captain had a thing for you, and it was reciprocated.
-Especially after Price offered you some chocolates to make clear he was interested in you.
-But nothing was happening.
-So with some scotch, and very bad ideas, Gaz and Soap decided that their time to shine had coming.
-They were the Cupids of the base.
-And what had Cupid ?
-If they used their wings to bring you from your office to Price at the bar, then he would be happy and more relaxed in this context, and maybe he will confess.
-They didn't have wings.
-So when they jumped out from the roof.
-Their arms broke.
-And who was the doctor at the base ?
-You didn't go out because you were busy to treat their arms.
-"Maybe we need some bows next time." Soap whispered but it was more like he shouted in Gaz's ears.
-"And some white underwears! Cupid has that. I'm sure if we wore this, it will work for sure." Gaz answered.
-"And what about not jumping from the roof and not drinking that much, hmm ?" you asked.
-"Sssshhhh, we're in a confession plan right now. You can't stop us." Gaz said trying to put his finger on your mouth but ended up to do it on the wall next to you.
-"I'm calling Price to take you back to your bed, you're both too heavy for me."
-"We could walk."
-"It's not walking the problem Soap. It's where you could go."
-So you called Price.
-The problem was he asked you why.
-Why did the boys jump out from the roof ?
-You blinked.
-He would know when he would come here.
-So you decided to gather some courage and-
-"They try to make us confess by bringing me to the bar with you. But they believe they were angels and could fly."
-The silence was so loud.
-He hung up.
-You sighed.
-Well at least, you said it.
-You didn't expect a yes, but at least an answer would be the minimum.
-When later, you heard a knock, you didn't make the effort to look up.
-You heard Price taking the boys to their beds and the door closing.
-But few minutes later, you heard a knock.
-Surprised, you stood up.
-Maybe someone else has drunk too much and-
-"John." You said surprised.
-"I intend to ask you out with some roses, and tomorrow but I guess two drunk soldiers with broken arms beat me."
-"The experienced strategist beat up ?" you joked.
-"I guess so. I'm sorry it was done like this, love."
-"I don't care honestly. As long as it's you asking me."
-He smiled and took your hand slowly.
-"Well, I can't wait for our first date, then."
-"'Hope Soap and Gaz will not be there."
-He laughed.
-"I can't promise that." he smiled.
G A Z :
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-A meme.
-He sent you a meme.
-To confess.
-But you never answered him.
-And when he saw you, you never talked about it.
-So...he understood he was rejected.
-And he was okay with that, hell it was normal.
-He just thought it was reciprocated because you had what seems like dates with him.
-Maybe he mixed up signals.
-So he just never talked about it again, because he didn't want to make you feel awkward.
-But one day during lunch, he heard Soap talking with you.
-"So you got a new one, uh ?" Soap asked.
-"I didn't have the choice. His ass fucking destroyed the previous one."
-Gaz stared at the floor.
-He didn't know you had someone.
-Maybe that was because you never-
-"L.T has a cake, that's for sure." Soap joked.
-Gaz suffocated.
-And Ghost-
-And Ghost's ass-
-"That's not funny Soap. He fucking destroyed my phone just by sitting on it. It's not a cake. It's a fucking breeze block at this point."
-He realized.
-You didn't ignore him.
-You hadn't see his message.
-"How does it happen ?" he asked to be sure of his conclusion.
-"I just let my phone on a bench, and he sat without looking, that's it. But because his ass is apparently more solid that my relationship with my father, or even the fucking Vivelle dop gel, he broke it."
-"Fuckin' hell". Gaz said
-"You can say that again. Why are you asking, by the way ?"
-"I sent you a text and you never answer, so I was wondering why."
-"Now you know. But I will answer, I manage to transfer my data and texts on my new phone."
-Gaz didn't feel well now.
-Soap was here.
-And your phone in your hand.
-Meaning he will see your reaction in live and with a public.
-Like he was on the set of a TV show. But here he could gain your heart and not $100,000.
-But you didn't say anything, neither did open it.
-You just sit and talked with him and Soap like it was not important.
-Because of course you couldn't know what was his text.
-So he waited.
-All the day, for you to open this fucking meme.
-To see it.
-And at midnight.
-He received a Mister Worlwide saying yes.
-Never he was so happy to see this bald head
A L E J A N D R O :
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-He had everything planned.
-The moment, the place.
-It was going to be a big thing.
-He talked Rudy about it and even the 1-4-1 during a mission.
-Because Soap teased him about you.
-So he explained how he was going to ask you out and-
-Laswell stopped him.
-Their communications were not over.
-She heard everything
-And when Laswell ordered you to tell the location to Price
-He understood you were on their mission as a technician, and you heard all of it.
-The only thing that could kill Alejandro is Alejandro after all, right ?
-Even when it was dying of embarrassment.
-He mumbled some insults in Spanish and tried to hold his head high.
-He had everything planned, and just a microphone ruined this ?
-No,no, no, no he refused.
-He met you because of those mics, how they dare to betray him like that ?
-He ignored this and finished the mission.
-But on the way back, he heard your voice.
-"Good job guys. By the way I would love going on a date with you, Ale. If you needed to know after...this."
-You know the smile he did, when they interrogate Valeria ?
-It was one hundred brighter right now in the car.
-Soap even wore sunglasses to protect his eyes.
-Alejandro was so fucking happy.
-Maybe he did not hate the mics.
-Even though he's persuaded that someone hacked them this particular day.
If you want more : here.
I'm sorry that it took so long to post this part, but when I posted another COD about how you meet Farah, Alex and Konig I had a comment saying it was shit.
And I know my English sucks, so I deleted it and hesitated to write again..
Maybe I need some readers to help me, or maybe this comment was just hateful, I don't know.
In any case, sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language !
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basiatlu · 6 months
On Theft in Art
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First: thank you to the anon here and the other many people who brought this to my attention! I know you did it out of support of me and I love you for it.
I was ready to keep it private as I didn’t want anything negative to come up and be associated with my art. But as I was asked across different platforms concerning the art in question I realized it really bummed me out. I’m here to have a good time in the fandom and create with you all. We have a good thing here in the community and I didn’t want any smoke with another artist - a mutual even.
So to help me feel a little better about it I want to turn this into an opportunity to teach others on the differences between Reference, Inspiration, Reinterpretation, and Theft
Reference: (usually) a visual source of information in order to better understand something. Example here is of my reference board and the art I am currently working on.
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My favorite example of a professional using reference photos is by Hirohiko Araki (creator and artist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), who uses fashion editorials and photoshoots ALL the time it’s awesome - tysm @yumiaiyuma for showing me this goldmine
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Study and Inspiration: here is a great example from the wonderful Stephanie Pepper. Notice the caption stating these are studies, the movie it is from, and I will even go on to say that this artist is influenced or inspired by the prolific works of J. C. Leyendecker (but what’s key is that Stephanie Pepper has developed and practiced to the point of deviating from his work and become a style of art completely her own - and she’s so recognizable in my opinion!)
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Personal Example for Inspiration:
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An Example of Reinterpretation: note - Both these classical artists whose works are being recycled are dead and no longer missing out on potential work and income. Where stealing ideas and art from current artists hurts them financially and mentally and emotionally. Howl as The Fallen Angel by _mimimaru on Instagram is an interpretation of a 1847 painting by Alexandre Cabanel and is now considered public domain // the Mickey Mouse self portrait was by Charles Boyer and is a parody of the famous illustration by Norman Rockwell and was commissioned by Walt Disney, himself.
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Now here’s the part that is concerning to several people, myself included.
Recently, an artist found the reference I used, and decided to draw Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus staring at Sirius getting supposedly punished by Walburga Black off screen.
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Let’s be clear: this isn’t a matter of tracing or claiming my image as their own. I do not mind at all if myself and another artist end up using the same reference. It happens all the time. Referencing and studying is not stealing. Reinterpretation is great for meme art challenges and paying respect to old classics. Even being inspired and doing one’s own version of another artist’s idea is totally cool, especially if you tag and/or shoutout the artist that inspired you.
I genuinely love and appreciate everyone who has brought this to my attention and who has been supportive and defensive of me with this. That reaction means more to me than anything else in this whole ordeal, if I’m being honest. So thank you all so much, with all my heart.
In closing: Do I hope this is all one gigantic coincidence? Absolutely. It’s one of those very uncool things that hurts my heart as an artist. I just want everyone to enjoy art and inspire each other so we can all grow. I do not want any malice to come from this either. I just wanted to inform everyone that I am aware of this, and give some of my thoughts on it. I also wanted to use this as a way to educate everyone on artistic process and why these things might happen sometimes.
Edit: me and the artist have chatted and we see it as a silly coincidence ♡ and honestly I'm happy and so relieved with that. But I think a lot of this info is still good to be mindful of in a creative community where we circulate ideas and content regularly.
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mothercetrion · 9 months
I got bored (again) and did this OTP ask meme with Johnshi. enjoy!
1) Who offers their jacket when the other is cold? Johnny. it's a classic romantic maneuver! "you cold, babe? allow me to remedy that," and he slips off his jacket and puts it around Kenshi's shoulders. Kenshi never asks, but he accepts it with a smile (and a little bit of a blush).
2) Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up? Johnny. if Kenshi is in a more playful mood, he'll be giggling at everything he does. picking him up in any way will leave him breathless with laughter. (that, and Johnny is secretly very ticklish. Kenshi knows this and will take full advantage of it.)
3) Who compliments the other in front of everyone? Johnny. however, he's more subtle about it because Kenshi isn't the most fond of a lot of attention like that. it'll be more along the lines of a hand on his shoulder and a "good job, Kenshi!" sometimes, he'll slip and call him "Ken doll" in front of everyone, and Kenshi is briefly mortified. he's grateful all the same.
4) Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun? Kenshi wishes that Johnny's puns weren't funny. when they first met, he found them annoying, but as time went on, he realized that they were actually pretty funny (in moderation).
5) When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up? Johnny's sole goal when Kenshi has a bad day is to distract. Kenshi's mind is bad to linger, and Johnny will keep him occupied in some way to keep his mind off of things. Johnny will tell stories of some kind, or he'll get Kenshi out of the house, usually to get food or to go do something fun. sometimes though, Kenshi just wants to stay home, and Johnny respects that, and they'll lay together until Kenshi is feeling more like himself. when Johnny's having a rough day, Kenshi's first plan is to get him to talk about what's going on. Kenshi is a great listener, but Johnny isn't as good at talking about his problems as he is at joking about them, so that doesn't always work. Kenshi's second plan is to also distract but in the form of watching movies that Johnny loves. they brighten his spirits, plus he gets to tell Kenshi about all the useless movie trivia he's accumulated over the years.
6) If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear? as much as Johnny loves seeing Kenshi in a suit, he would probably choose something a lot more casual for him. when he was Yakuza, he wore suits, and his current armor is nice but still armor. he should get to wear something that's a lot more flexible and comfortable, and Johnny would pick something like that for him! probably jeans and a T-shirt (a red one, after all—it looks great on him!). Kenshi would probably also pick something a bit more casual considering that Johnny's daily wear is a button-up shirt and slacks. he doesn't want him to wear an outfit based on what looks the best, but based on how comfortable it is. he probably chooses a T-shirt as well but possibly some athletic sweatpants or jeans.
7) Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go? it takes a while for them to get to this step, but Kenshi meets Johnny's family first (using this booklet from MK SNES for reference). Kenshi is openly nervous; though he isn't anymore, he was once a criminal, and he isn't sure how Johnny's police mother will react to that. she is apprehensive, obviously, but Johnny insists that Kenshi isn't like that anymore and is as good as it gets. their first meeting is incredibly awkward, but any after that are a lot better. Johnny's older sister actually really likes Kenshi from minute one, much to their surprise. his mother and sister tell Kenshi a lot of embarrassing stories about Johnny from his childhood, and while he's glad that they're bonding, can they do it in a different way…? it takes far longer for Johnny to meet the rest of Kenshi's family; they're wary about people due to their Yakuza history, but Kenshi assures them that Johnny isn't like that. it doesn't help that he was the one who had Sento before Kenshi did, but again, Kenshi assures them that it's in the past. they're shocked that it's Johnny at all. they've seen several of his movies! why is he dating their son?! he grows on them quickly, and he invites them to his house for dinner pretty often.
8) In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer? Johnny is the customer, and he's a very annoying one at that. he has high expectations for most things, he brings a lot of attention wherever he goes, and Kenshi wants to punch him when he knows he's there. but then again, he's pretty nice to all of the staff, and he always puts a giant wad of money in the tip jar, so…he's not all bad. it helps that he's cute.
9) When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person have their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, etc.? if they're sitting together, Kenshi is touching Johnny in some way, period. it's usually a hand on his forearm or his thigh. he likes knowing that he's right there with him. it's reassuring. touching him is a given.
10) What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy? Johnny is the kind of person to give gifts because "it made me think of you." Kenshi isn't materialistic, but he loves the idea of Johnny going about his day and getting something for Kenshi because it reminds Johnny of him. it's such a kind sentiment, and he is always excited when Johnny gives him something like that. if Kenshi makes himself a cup of tea, Kenshi always makes Johnny one, even if Johnny isn't around. Johnny can be in another room entirely, and Kenshi will walk in with a cup of tea for him. "I thought you would like some," he always says. Johnny is surprised every. single. time, and he's always touched that Kenshi would think of him without fail.
11) What would they do to celebrate their one-year anniversary? Johnny arranges a big trip for them to go on. just them—no work, no filming, nothing but their own company. Johnny actually turns off his phone for most of their trip (minus the occasional photo—he can't help himself!) and spends their entire getaway dedicated to giving Kenshi his full attention and an amazing vacation. they get to eat a lot of amazing food and see amazing sights, but the most important thing is that they're spending it together. they agree to go on more trips together after this one.
12) When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another? it took a while for them to admit their feelings at all. their initial meeting isn't the best, and once it's all said and done, there's this…tension that neither of them can place. they eventually go on a date, and all of that confusion is suddenly cleared up. Johnny has always fallen fast, so he knows before Kenshi does, but he holds back out of worry that it's too soon. it's Kenshi who says the first "I love you" after a moment of vulnerability, and Johnny is quick to reciprocate. but Johnny still makes a big deal out of telling Kenshi that he loves him for the first time, telling him after a romantic night at home. Kenshi wouldn't want it any other way.
13) Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss? Kenshi is extremely physically affectionate when it's just them, so it's him. Johnny has a home "office" (a more professional way of saying a room with thousands of dollars worth of memorabilia…and also a desk with his computer), and when he's busy, he'll stay up there for hours at a time. Kenshi will pop in, ask him about his day, and kiss his forehead before trying to leave. Johnny always stops him and tells him that "he missed," and Kenshi kisses him on the lips with a playful scoff. even when Johnny isn't busy, Kenshi loves greeting him with a hug from behind with a kiss on the side of his neck.
14) Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist? Johnny, 1000%. he mostly chooses songs that he thinks Kenshi would like to listen to. he prides himself on learning his taste in things and recommending things that he would enjoy, and he's usually very accurate, much to Kenshi's surprise. he probably also has a playlist of songs that make him think about Kenshi, regardless of whether they align with his tastes. (Kenshi likes that one a lot more, but he won't tell Johnny that.)
15) Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars? Johnny. he takes his car up into the mountains and doesn't tell Kenshi what they're doing, regardless of how much he wants to know. he finds a lookout near the top, where they can see the stars and the lights of the city. it's quiet and peaceful, and Kenshi absolutely loves it. they'll stay out there for hours and look around at everything, especially in the summer.
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hyperfizationss · 1 year
can i request some hcs for spiderman noir x gender neutral reader who's a singer?
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Spider-noir x singer reader hcs
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-literally love this request❤️if I could I would kiss it
-totally try’s to make it to all your shows
-he’ll come to your shows as both Peter and spider-noir,but if he shows up as spider-noir it probably b/c he just got done fighting a villain
-now he does live in the 1930s I’m imagining the reader with like a Marilyn Monroe (I don’t know any male old singer/idols sorry!)
-definitely likes to help you write songs
-if you ever asked him to sing with you he’d never actually do it.
-as Peter
-but if spider-noir just happened to to show up he’d definitely sing with you
Spider-noir: a friend of mine told me you wrote a duet but no one will sing it with you
Y/n:really may I ask who this friend is?
Spider-noir: I think you know ;)
-like just a bit of nfsw here scroll on if u don’t like that
-I imagine after a few of your shows he’d slowly slip of your dress/suit backstage and kiss every part of you while telling you how good you were on stage
-ok nsfw over
-if you wrote a love song dedicated for him he’d fall in love with you all over again
-as Peter in that situation,he’d immediately head backstage and give you a very passionate kiss
-but as spider-noir in that situation,he’d head to a back alley that’s near the place you were singing (I’m imagining an old timely club/pub) and do the classic Spider-Man kiss thing
-he’d sometimes wonder how he was able to pull such a talented individual
-you guys would so be that meme “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic”
-imagine if you two had to travel for shows and you got to pay for the prettiest hotel ever
-if you ever watched home alone 2 that’s the kinda hotel you two would stay in(just not in New York,cause that’s where you’d live)
-he likes to pick out what you wear before shows,it makes him feel special
-like either necklaces or ties he just likes to pick it out
-if he ever missed a show he’d never stop apologizing for it
Y/n: Peter I have another show next week,it really doesn’t matter
Spider-noir:I still shouldn’t have missed it
Y/n:Peter,baby,love of my life.you were saving a kidnapped lady from a gang,my show was the least of your worries
-I think you’d make more money than him as a singer so you love to but him gifts and Knick knacks
-you’ll also get him new glasses if he ever breaks his(he’d totally ramble abt how glasses should be free,cause why should someone pay for disability care?)
-if you ever got so big that you made it on the radio he’d set up a whole ass party for you just to hear your song on the radio for the first time
-he supports you through everything,the good the bad you name it he’s there
-whenever he’s at actual work and not being spidey he has a radio on his desk just to see if one of your songs come on
-and whenever one of your songs do play he always whispers to himself “that’s my partner”
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EEEKK loved this request so cute!
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 11 months
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I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart
You love our permanent chase and the bite of our bark
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
“I’m sorry baby I’m not going to be there...” Jeans voice was soft through the phone, he always delivers bad news in a whisper…
“What do you mean? You’re not coming up for the week? What-what about Valentine’s Day?” You were in shock that your boyfriend wasn’t going to be able to take a break from work for a holiday with you, he’s been gone for nearly 6 months.
“I know- I know it sucks, but I should be able to get free time the following week, or- uh, no maybe sometime in March. Sweet heart I’m really sorry but I have to go now. I’ll call you when I get home okay? I love you.” He hung up the phone before you could even say it back.
You fell into your bed and screamed your frustration into your pillow.
A bunch of texts spamming your phone made you look up for a minute, expecting to see texts from your boyfriend. Instead, they were just a bunch of memes from Eren.
You sent back a frowny emoji, watching him type for a while and the bubble disappeared. Eren decided to FaceTime you instead.
“Wow, what happened to you,” he must of been referring to the black streak marks of mascara smudged down your cheeks. You rub your face, trying to remove the black gunk. “What’s wrong?”
“Jeanie isn’t visiting this week and I was looking forward to spending my first Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend.” You sighed.
Eren rolled his eyes, he never cared for your boyfriend. Always thought he was stuck up, and bragged about his job too much. “Well don’t worry about it YN, If you want we can rent that slasher fic Mikasa recommended and I could possibly get Armin too…”
You sighed dramatically, “I know it’s cliche, but i was looking forward to roses and chocolates.” Even though a night surrounded by your best friends does sound comforting.
“Well, no movie then, I’ll take you out.” You looked to stunned to speak so he reiterated as “just friends” but it cut a bit inside to say that out loud. Eren has always liked you, and has done a pretty good job at hiding his feelings. Although he did kiss you once at a party, the next morning you didn’t even remember. “Cheer up, i dont like it when your sad.” He gave you a cheeky grin and hung up the call.
Fresh out of a hot shower you paced your bedroom in your underwear, what do you wear on a valentines date with your best friend. You looked at the dress you had saved for Jean, no way, you thought. Opting for a typical outfit of yours instead.
“Hey i let myself in if you...what are you wearing.” Eren stood in the door. He was all dressed up.
You turned around from your vanity, your hair still wet. Framing pieces stuck to the side of your face, shit… is he early or are you running late. Eren stepped forward, raising his hand and tucking your hair behind your ear. A small tingle sparked in your stomach, but you were probably just hungry. “What? Is this not nice?” You pouted a bit kinda hurt from the reaction he had.
“I said i was taking you out out, were not going to the library...” He eyed you up and down, before spotting the dress hanging on your closet door behind you. “What’s that?” He pointed.
“Oh, that’s what I was going to wear...”
“Put it on, I’ll wait for you in the living room… oh and hurry Ive got an eventful afternoon planned.” He left your room before you could even fight him on wearing the dress. You stared at it for a few minutes and shrugged to yourself. Someone might as well see you in this. After rushing through getting ready you snapped a pic, contemplating even sending it to Jean, why did you suddenly feel a bit guilty…
Eren waited impatiently outside your bedroom, he had brought flowers for you, and decided to place them in a vase on your kitchen counter. He nervously arranged the roses. Fidgeting with the tiny baby’s breath that accented the bouquet.
“Oh Eren those are beautiful, you didnt have to-“ you startled him a bit and you held back a laugh.
His cheeks heated up once he caught sight of your dress, discreetly, he scanned over your outfit, starting from the black paten leather heals with a cute dainty strap at the ankle. Cautiously gazing up your beautiful bare legs, to mid thigh where this cruel red satin dress ended. Quickly he focused onto your face, hoping you didn’t catch him gawking.
Your make up was subtle, though the red lip was nothing but. He noticed the black choker on your neck, and lost his breath. He looked for words to describe how beautiful, no, gorgeous, no stunning. “You look-“ he starred at you, “wow..” he shook his head, embarrassing himself. You just giggled and stuck your nose into the roses. A little note laid in between some petals.
To my valentine with love.
By now all of your dejection about your boyfriend not being here was gone, you were far too excited to see what Eren had in store for you.
Sitting in his passenger seat, you let him take you wherever he had planned. Turns out the plan was the beach. You two strolled down the dock. Other couples were out having fun, playing fair games and sharing funnel cakes. Seeing couples enjoying each other made you remember you weren’t here with Jean… You looked over at Eren who must have just noticed the disappointment on your face. Shoving cotton candy into your mouth as an attempt to keep those pesky boyfriend thoughts from filling your head and ruining his scheme. His true intentions… showing you how you should be treated, and being here for you when that stupid prick wouldn’t even bother to. “Come on YN,” he grabbed your hand and led you to the best date of your life.
Watching the people on the beach at the top of the ferris wheel you held on tightly to the stuffed octopus Eren had won for you earlier in the evening. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and smiled to yourself,“I’m having fun Eren, thank you.” Your hand fell to your side, and softly grazed against his. You two hold hands all of the time, but for some reason, the slightest touch made you get goosebumps. You pulled your hand away and shyly held the plushy up to your face.
“Hey anything for you YN, I love you.” Eren says he loves you from time to time,but this time ….hearing it made your heart jump. “Are you hungry? I’d hate to end your fun but our reservation is in an hour, we should get going after this.”
“Reservation? I thought we’d just have chili dogs at the stand down there,” He laughed like you said a joke, you just stared at him dazed and confused.
“Don’t look so dumbfounded,” He pinched your cheek, “the dates not over, I’m gonna take you somewhere nice.”
Of course it was a “date” but when you accepted Eren’s invitation initially you didn’t completely view it as a romantic word, more so a platonic date… but now… things are starting to feel a bit too … complicated. You left the beach full of thoughts and feelings swirling through your head.
“Eren!?” You gasped, pulling up to the valet of one of the finest restaurants in your city. “Eren we can’t eat here…”
“Why not, you think I don’t have the money?” he teased you and you tried to combat his reasonings, but just like the beginning of the day he was gone before you could argue with him. Dropping his keys into the hand of a stranger and walking over to your side, opening the door for you. His chivalrous behavior made you question who you really were on a date with today. This is a side of Eren you had never seen before and you were starting to fall for it.
A hostess guided the both of you to a table that was tucked behind a privacy wall and with full view of the city scape. With a now setting sun disappearing behind buildings. You glanced at Eren who wasn’t even enjoying this outstanding view with you. He eyes caught yours and a heat radiated through your chest. Fluttering butterflies in your stomach conveniently covered the vacant feeling of guilt that sat in your belly. No, you’re just hungry… yeah that’s it.
Jean not even crossing your mind once, the two of you laughed together about old memories over steak and wine. You immersed yourself in his charm, even if you were constantly catching yourself from falling for your best friend. He’s was just being a good friend, you thought. Don’t over think things.
“Would you care for dessert this evening?”
“No,” Eren cut you off and you gave him a death glare. “I have something else planned for dessert, thank you for the great meal.” Watching him use his natural charm on the waitress brought you back to reality. He was just being nice and comforting his pathetic friend. The guilt was back on, how could you even entertain whatever silly fantasy you had convinced yourself was happening. This date was definitely all in your head.
Eren saved a favorite of yours for last. Fro yo.
You two would meet up here every Saturday to gossip and complain about each others lives. Well not so much anymore, since you started seeing Jean. Eren stood inline to get you your favorite flavor as you waited in a corner booth for him, checking the notifications on your phone. To your surprise you had no notifs from Jean. A bitter taste not even fro yo could recover coated your mouth. Not even a ‘Happy Vday’ text. Did he seriously forget?
“Remember when that old lady slipped and fell and she spilled her cherry berry all over herself.” Eren came back with yogurt in hand. Tears stung your waterline. Almost dropping the cups, he quickly sat next to you.
“What’s wrong YN?”
“I just realized I’m having the best date of my life and it’s not even with my own boyfriend,” you let out a genuine chuckle. Laughing at your own pathetic relationship.
“You have such an ugly laugh,” Eren sucked on his spoon.
“No i dont, shut up,” you playfully pushed his shoulder, but he moved closer to you.
“I mean it, its cute.” He took a spoon full of pink delicious yogurt and pressed it to your nose, leaving melted fro yo on the tip. You scrunched your face up, and tried to wipe it into his shoulder.
“Hey! Hey! This is my nicest jacket you’re gonna ruin it” He pulled back, but you refused to let him get away with his crimes. Playfully pushing him but in his haste to get away from you, he lost balance. Grabbing onto your arm for support he managed to pull you closer to him. Your nose, still pink, now centimeters from his face. Eren spontaneously licked the yogurt off of your face.
Time froze colder than the freaking yogurt. It felt like you were buffering a response. You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, verbally…but your body decided to respond for you.
Closing the gap between you quickly and kissing him. You didnt know what overcame your morality in that moment but it felt good. Your heart now beating out of your chest.
“Uh-Er,” you tried to make any excuse as to why you kissed him, but sadly couldn’t come up with anything other than. “Sorry-“
“Don’t be sorry, YN,” his hand firmly gripped your waist and pulled you back in to kiss you again.
You zone out one hand on the doorknob the other holding your house key. “Is it weird that I feel weird about inviting you inside.” You laughed. “You practically live at my house.”
“You know i think this time, it’s just different,” his words not matching the intense feeling that flooded into your core. “I don’t have to come in, I had a really good time YN, I-“ he caught himself before he said anything. Not wanting to say it and then have you regret everything in the morning, just to get hurt. Nothing would hurt more than that. So he chose not to say it.
“I love you Eren,” shocked by what you so effortlessly said, you examined his reaction. Trying not to misinterpret his expression. His face lit up, as if he had never heard you say it before, not like this, this time he knew you felt it the way he did.
It don't matter, be combative or be sweet cherry pie
It don't matter just as long as I get all you tonight
At that moment, Eren took a risk, kissing you this time with a hint of lust. Patiently, he waited for your cue deepening the kiss and slightly moaning in his mouth. That was it. He knew he had you. His efforts of today paying off by the sweet aftertaste of fro yo on your lips.
You blindly unlock your front door, Eren hungrily placing kisses over your neck and shoulder. You led him back into your living room, kicking off your heals while still managing to tug and pull his bottom lip in between your teeth. Guiding him all the way to your bedroom. Where this date originated from just hours ago.
So deep, your DNA's being messed with my touch
Can’t beat us
So real, fueling the fire until we combust
Can’t touch us
Eren fell to his knees the moment your dress slipped off your body and onto the floor, he peppered kisses up your thigh, worshipping your body. Chills fell down your spine as the warmth of his breath closed in on your inner thighs. He dug his face in your sex, pulling the lace fabric that was in his way to the side. Kissing softly at your exposed skin. His fingers snuck behind you, feeling your curves, before hooking and pulling off your panties entirely. He looked up at you, grinning, before diving back into your flesh. Kissing and sucking gently on your skin.
His tongue dipped between your folds, his fingers moved from your thighs, now spreading you further open for him to devour your pussy. You gasped and moaned, finding balance with a fist full of his hair, making it a disheveled mess. You found yourself grinding instinctively on his tongue, chasing the growing pleasure in your core. Fuck.
The guilt that you let take a backseat behind your lust made the high of your orgasm sinfully better.
You watch him lick you up, through fluttering lashes. You’re now coming fully undone for him. Eren smiles, growing cocky. If he can get you coming just with his tongue, he can have you screaming for him at the end of the night. He stood up ,“You taste fucking amazing YN,” Ushering you to the bed, you laid back putting on a beautiful display for him, spreading your legs proudly. Inviting him back in, he leaned down devouring you once more. Sucking gently on the bundle of sensitive nerves earning sounds of praise from you.
He took care of your pussy so well, being mindful of what you liked and didn’t. Paying attention to your moans, you got louder and more breathy when his tongue dipped inside your entrance. You found yourself coming again for him, singing his name instead of Jeans. A newfound guilty pleasure erupted from your core along with a flow of juices. You gasped never have experienced a climax like this before. Eren relished in your wetness, soaking in your arousal.
“Can you do that again for me Valentine?” He sounded so eager, it made your knees weak. Blush painted your cheeks, he was quick to pull you back into his mouth. Fleeting feelings of embarrassment and guilt floated away. Your body listening to his pleas, unraveling waves of pleasure onto his tongue again and again.
Part two mayhaps, It’s bedtime - Ivy
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
@cassieopeiia said yes when i offered to repost my afro-dominican Jason Todd headcanons so they could finally have some accurate latino Jason content so here!!
Both sets of his grandparents were inmigrants who made sure to teach their kids their culture and Bruce,Talia and Alfred did research so he could still grow up in it after he was adopted so he's not disconnected from his culture like you'd expect
Is darkskinned with a big nose,full lips,green eyes and shoulder length black dreads with one of them being white from The Lazarus Pit.As Robin,he wore his hair short and natural(as in,his classic curls but even thicker)
Speaks spanish often enough that it's a consistent part of his speech patterns but dosen't have an accent since he's so good at both it and english
90s/2000s anime kid but specifically watched the episodes and read the mangas in latino spanish whenever he could(Definitely a merch collector too!!!Nothing weird though,i feel the need to say that,he just loves buying volumes and figures and replicas of weapons and plushies-The last one is a secret though)
Has his pre-reboot Robin characterization but got victim blamed and a bad rep anyway because of antiblackness and xenophobia
Bullying Tim for being a gringo is one of his favorote hobby's
Duke and him compare their similar yet different experiences with blackness and got along even quicker than canon thanks to it
Mentors Damian's team The All New Teen Titans and next to Damian,the member he's closest to is Nell
Takes great care of his hair and will sometimes wear red beads-He actually has a couple sets in different shades!!!
Says his favorite color is red because it represents blood on his country's flag and nobody can tell wether he's joking or not
Sometimes feels guilty for 'being a stereotype' due to the whole being born to poor parents who were also addicts and growing up to be a huge asshole with anger issues and a thirst for violence but rarely lets it get to him because he thinks he's the coolest mf to ever exist(but we all know he's actually a boyloser)
Aave user,with his favorite word from it being 'deadass'
And he makes the obvious 'Concha' jokes too for irony because he's demisexual and aceflux
Loves his country's cuisine-especially flan,it's tied with neapolitan as his favorite dessert!-but his favorite type of latino food is mexican!Tres leches cake and tacos and burritos and mexican hot chocolate and all that make his mouth water like Atlantis
Wears traditional festive clothes for special occasions and if he can't,he'll just refuse to go("I'm not going out in public in that!" "It's literally a tux???" "You call that a tux?It dosen't even have shoulder pads!Don't patronize me,Dickardo.")
Listens to bachata for nostalgia reasons and has some songs memorized but generally a female rappers/death metal bands/punk rock kinda guy
Black and latino memes connoiseur,both the classics and newer ones
Adores dominican folklore and uses it's horror mythos as inspo as Red Hood
Thinks 'showing affection means you aren't tough!' is gringo nonsense so he's pretty open about if he likes someone,be it platonic or romantic
Poc4Poc strictly and has a thing for black women
The only thing him and Kyle can agree on is that latinos are superior
Very autistic,with no masking game now or ever due to the norms he was raised in never giving him the chance to learn to.It got him bullied at school and things didn't get better into adulthood until we got to my Rhato rewrite and he got to make REAL friends i.e Reconnecting with Eddie and my self-insert Summer Kent(i got into DC through watching Utrh and starting to selfship with him),Robin-ing up Duke and vice versa and meeting Rose,Artemis,Kyle,Thad and a bunch of ocs by @moonage-gaydream @theautisticcentre @refrigeratedboombursts @mayameanderings and @insomniac-jay
Punkero Gótico(Goth Punk)who's a straightedge as trauma coping,seeks out latino/black run thrift stores,goes to basement shows and charity events and protests when he has free time and usually just asks around for them so he can know,wears dominican themed corpse makeup and is an agender transmasc who describes his gender as 'Mostly nonbinary but being a guy makes things funny as hell and Not That Kinda Girl by Mcr describes me pretty well')
His love for classical literatiure ofc includes latino authors and he played JuegosJuegos.com tons as a kid
Calls Talia Mamí,Damian 'Duende',Duke 'El Real'(Real=Spanish for Royal but also means the same thing it does in english so it's basically him saying 'You're so fucking real' like the slang)and Summer 'Strawberry Pop'(Jason has a thing for pink-coded black women specifically m'kay?)
His favorite Marvel character and lucky for him his Marvel Variant too is Miles Morales.He thinks it's Hobie Browm though(PLEASE He's so obsessed with his non-existent coolness and relatedly Duke's actual DC Variant is Duke 'El Real' Thomas)
And his books Variant is Percy Jackson.The only real differences are 1.Percy is transfem instead of transmasc and 2.Jason's arc is about him being a self-made tragedy and highkey bad person who works his ass off to redeem himself and only works when he's not getting coddling and Percy's is about how she's never done anything wrong in her entire life yet gets treated like shit anyway and deserves to be treated kindly for once no matter how strong she is
My fancast for him is Aubrey Joseph.Everything i've watched of him-Acting AND as himself-is literally just irl Jason Todd.There's no better fancast for him out there,we've found Red Hood y'all
If you call him any version of 'Papí' and you're not Talia or one of his kids:'Lights Out Bitch!!!!'
Canon bonus':His birthday is on Dominican Restoration day,at my villa we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with little spoons at our schools,his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters' which is the name of an iconic black sitcom and Leon from Pokemon's VA voiced him in the Wfa dub!!!
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
SHAZAM SHAZAM SHAZAM pls tell us about billy batson. ive only ever seen the movies o great comic knower
Very very very VERY far from comic expert (that's brawltogethernow) but I have read a lot of Shazam. His history is actually really, really fascinating and involves more than one lawsuit that really defined very early comics. I'll focus on one thing, though.
There are two Captain Marvels: One from the 1940s to around 2013, and one from 2013 til now. The Captain Marvel you're familiar with (who is named Shazam) is from 2013. He's a more realistic, grounded character. He was created to be pretty much the polar opposite of his original version. The best summary is to say that the Wizard chose Billy Batman 1940 because he had the purest heart, and the Wizard chose Billy Batson ~2013 because he was there. My personal 'best' Shazam story is the "Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil" graphic novel by the guy who made Bone. It's good because it's for elementary schoolers yet acknowledges this small child as homeless. Which, don't get me wrong, you shouldn't always do. My personal favorite is the 1970s ones.
As some background: Otto Binder was the creator/main writer of the very early Captain Marvel comics. He was by far and away the best writer of the early Superman Silver Age comics, because all of his comics were batshit insane. Shazam has a complicated and legal history with Superman, so the 1970 run was a super fun high camp tongue in cheek reinvention of the best Silver Age stories.
So the 1970 Captain Marvel comics are insane.
I can't even summarize them without sounding crazy. Basically the conceit is that Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, and Mary Marvel (Billy, Freddy, and Mary) are having 1940s Golden Age Adventures when they get somehow in suspended animation and are basically time travelled to the 1970s. This don't bother them too much. Why would it bother them. Nothing bothers these people. Nothing. I don't think anybody experiences a negative emotion in these comics. Not bc they were twee. Bc they were insane.
Many of the comics basically had three shorter comics inside it: one Billy story, one Mary story, one Freddy story. Interestingly, they all had different art styles, artists, types of story, genre, etc. Billy's stories had a cartoony art style with very over-the-top and silly plotlines that involved supervillain bad dudes. Freddy's art was slightly more realistic and was slighty more grounded, but still had some classic Marvel indescribable scifi that can best be summarized as that one meme panel people have seen where Sivana recites a science equation that lets him walk through walls. Mary's stories were much more realistically drawn and featured the most banal shit, like her starting a club with her friends. Somehow Mary Marvel gets involved in those.
Sometimes they worked together and did superhero things and fought bad guys. The average fight looked like this:
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Billy was a twelve year old who lived by himself, in his own apartment, had his own radio show, a full-ass job, a whole thing as Captain Marvel. He paid fucking taxes. Everybody knew this and nobody cared. He's the most affable, good natured kid on the face of the planet. Nothing bothers him. Nothing. Nothing bothers any of these people. Sivana shows up and he's BIG MAD so he's creating another death ray and Captain Marvel shows up like "Oh you rascal! Time to punch this and go back to helping my friend eat his infinite Jello."
He has a friend named Talky Tawny, who is a talking tiger wearing a suit. He also has a friend named Sunny Smiles, a person of indeterminate gender who everybody falls in love with, for unexplained and unknown reasons. Not to be confused with Freddy's friend Gregory Gosharootie, the "World's Dullest Mortal", who is so boring that nobody notices him and he keeps accidentally comitting crime. There is also an old guy named Uncle Marvel who pretends he has superpowers, which they all find funny so they just roll with it. Freddy is a disabled orphan who has to sell papers on the street corner to make a living. Mary lives in a middle class suburban home with loving foster parents. It never once seems to occur to Mary's parents to adopt Billy, for Freddy to live with Billy. Everybody is happiest this way.
I do think this is partly why a good Shazam comic has to be aimed at the 6-12yo demographics. They have to be for small children, because Billy is living a complete and utter power fantasy that only a ten year old would think is a good idea. He's a kid, and he doesn't have drag parents or a lame family, but he can turn into Superman, and he can also do magic, and everybody loves him and thinks he's the nicest person, and his supervillains are Dr. Doofenschmirtz and a worm, and his supporting cast is like okay my sister if she HAS to be involved, but also my best friend who is a paperboy! but cool because he's disabled, and….
Look, you could engage with that seriously. You could go "holy shit this is a homeless child". That's fine. That's what they do these days, and that's what they did in the movies. Nothing wrong with that. Take the story more seriously.
But also they don't give a worm the electric chair in those stories, so.
To actually give some commentary on these comics: these comics really love people. I've never seen comics that were so entrenched in their community. The kids just know everybody they meet on the street. Freddy delivers paper up and down every block, so an average story for him is just talking to a butcher or baker or old man or grumpy housewife and helping them out with some batshit problem. Mary's a sweet girl who's always starting clubs with her friends and taking on neighborhood projects. Many Billy stories involve one of his many friends falling into some trouble and Captain Marvel helping them out - or just exploring some fun with Billy hanging out with Sunny Smiles, who is a person of indeterminate gender who for some reason has magic love brainwashing powers -
This isn't the biggest #Shazam take, but I think a good Shazam story stays grounded in that. These are poor street kids who love Fawcett City so damn much. They love fighting their supervillains, but they love helping out the random guy off the street with their problems even more. Way more so than Spider-Man or a lot of other guys, I think of the Marvel family as the friendly neighborhood superheroes. They're both larger than life and street level. They're Superman level powers but they just use the powers for wrapping up their hijinks. Isn't that nice? Aren't you tired of going apeshit? Don't you just want to be nice?
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mrzombielover · 1 year
I’m begging for more alphabets yours are so good!! I’m still laughing at Soap being the “I’m in my girls ear like” meme
thank you anon im glad you enjoy them :)
here’s a gaz nsfw alphabet because i love him so very much and he is incredibly underrated (implied f reader)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
gives amazing aftercare, doesn’t hesitate to start cleaning you up, then he’ll jump right back in with you to cuddle
on the quieter side. not in a bad way, he still enjoys pillow talk but would prefer to listen to you ramble and occasionally add or react. likes holding you against his chest and absentmindedly tracing over your skin, placing kisses on your head or shoulder once in a while
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
pretty indifferent about himself, does like his chest and shoulders cause buff💪💪 military, also likes his back for the gains and goes crazy for love scratches down his biceps and back
on you? your eyes. classic and cheesy but he loves them and staring into them. LOVES when you two can have silent conversations and he can tell what you’re thinking just from the expression in your eyes
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i imagine he eats a pretty balanced diet and he’s generally a healthy guy, so it tastes fine. cums a normal amount, too.
he is not tryna have kids right now so he always pulls out before he cums and he looovessss seeing it all over you, almost better than he likes cumming inside you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
likes watching/hearing you get aggressive and tell people off it gets him going. this isn’t that dirty but he would be embarrassed if you found out. one time while decently drunk you yelled at a girl that wouldn’t stop hitting on him and he was smiling the rest of the night. also likes when you’re protective of him. again he’s a bit embarrassed about it
since neither of these are dirty you get 2 secrets to make up for it lolol
he has a bunch of pictures of you that you don’t know about. like, a TON. candids and stuff that you would hate but he thinks you look nice in. also some dirty ones like he took while you were passed out after sex, not necessarily sexual but intimate in a way that you would murder him if he ever showed someone.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s not inexperienced, but he’s not really fucking a lot per se, like he’s not a big fan of one night stands so majority of his experience is with old partners.
he knows what he’s doing though. it takes a bit for him to learn exactly how you like it but after a few times he knows exactly how to make you melt
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he likes any position where you’re in his lap, loves the intimacy and it kinda makes him feel stronger/bigger in a way lol
he also likes experimenting with positions though which sometimes ends up with both of you crumpled and laughing because you lost balance or his leg gave out or smth
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he can be a tad silly as a treat…. similarly to how he likes to tease he also likes banter and is not opposed to a bit of joking around during the moment
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
his hairs curly so it doesn’t exactly get very long, but he keeps it trimmed close anyway. he is very clean and neat i will die on this hill
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he can be super cheesy when he wants to be, but with the kind of confidence that he can somehow pull it off like he’s corny but lovable. and likes to spoil you so sometimes he really pulls out all the stops to give you a romantic surprise
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
another thing he’s a bit embarrassed about but he does it quite frequently when you guys are separated.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
light bondage!!! like handcuffs drive him crazy he loves to see you squirm and reach to touch him but be physically held back. blindfolds too
temperature play is another good one, goes insane when ice is used on either of you.
food play too, he accidentally pavlov’d himself tho and now cannot eat whipped cream without getting hard
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
all the classic places ofc your bed is the most common, he likes the shower too but i think the couch is his ultimate fav
cause he likes to experiment with different positions the couch allows for a bit more weird leeway going on, like the handles and stuff
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
like i said before it totally gets him going to see you yell at someone for some reason. loves a scrappy girl LMAO i’m projecting
would separate you if you ever actually got in a fight to prevent you from being hurt but there would def be a moment where he’s conflicted
also kinda weird but your scent. smth sciencey abt pheromones probably…. he goes crazy when he can smell traces of you on his sheets or on a shirt and loves to smell your hair as he’s falling asleep
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anal stuff kinda freaks him out wouldn’t want you to touch his ass 💀💀💀 if you’re really insistent maybe for your birthday or smth but not ideal for him
something he absolutely would never do would be any like dark hard kinks, the idea of cnc or abuse or humiliation makes him go soft
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
so weak to blowjobs. loves giving, too, ofc but you can get him to do pretty much anything if you give him head. he doesn’t wanna like guilt you into giving it, it’s much sexier to him when it’s your idea
ok back to giving he loves it fs! sex is 50/50 to him and he loves pleasing
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
not that he goes slow, but tends to be on the softer side. v much prefers sensual sex, and hates feeling rushed
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they have their time and place, but generally, he doesn’t prefer them. usually thinks it’s not worth the mess and clean up. does like the idea of picking up where you left off later, and you having to sit through the rest of work with ruined underwear.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
the idea makes him a bit nervous which makes him excited. probably wouldn’t initiate risky public stuff but also wouldn’t say no
with kinks, he’s pretty open, mostly just to make you happy. not unwilling to sub but prefers control. again he’ll try some stuff but isn’t really into heavy dom/dub dynamics or bdsm
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
quite a few depending on the night, but he does need a little break inbetween rounds he’s not superhuman lol. but usually y’all go 2-3 rounds if you don’t have some kinda time crunch
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i feel like he would enjoy using them on his partner, he’d looove to see the effect they have on you, especially a vibrator. is a bit shy about them being used on himself. not that he’d never let you use them on him, just maybe not all the time. like if he was in a particularly submissive mood he’d be game. uses them on you more often, see also in combination w blindfolding
also kinda related i feel like when he was a teenager his friends got him a fleshlight as a joke and he was too embarrassed to ever use it so he just kept it hidden in his sock drawer or something, and one time his mom found it and yelled at him. he was mortified and his friends never stopped making fun of him for it
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he can be a SMUG mf, likes to tease n make fun of you. it’s all light hearted, of course, but sometimes he’s so mean!!! totally unfair
he’s a good sport when you tease him, though. doesn’t let it bother him so much cause he knows he’ll make you pay for it, later
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
a little quieter but not silent, wouldn’t outright moan but he does grunt and whimper, voice getting shakier when he gets closer to cumming. lots of heavy, desperate breathing too, right in your ear. likes being quieter so he can hear the noises YOU make it drives him crazy
likes dirty talking a lot, too. like i said before, he can be a mean smug mf sometimes, which deffff transfers into his dirty talk. he lives for when you get so cockdrunk you can’t even respond to his questions as he teases you
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has the HOTTEST VOICE EVER OMG IDK something about his accent and tone just DOES it for me fuck. anyway he’d be happy to indulge whatever voice kink you may have i need to hear him whimper bro
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
on the larger side, like 6.5 fully hard, and very very pretty. probably cut?
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it’s pretty average for a young in shape high-testosterone guy. he won’t be like begging you 24/7 but like 90% of the time he’s ready whenever you are. gets intensely horny when drunk or high tho LOL so that’s when he’ll be more forward
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
would be fine not going to sleep, like he could get up and be functional, but he really does like holding you after and slowly drifting off. might take a little bit but he’s so comfortable he wouldn’t trade it for anything
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strugglingbigtimw · 16 days
“I put a spell on you, cause you’re mine.”
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Summary: Songs that JJK men remind me of
cw: reader is mostly gender neutral but she/he pronouns are used in Yuuji’s part, some songs have cursing or sexual themes. Word Count: I could not bother😭
A/N: This genuinely became far longer than I expected. Also, this is one of the few times where I write about someone other than Toji, so tell me how I did🙂
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😈I wanna be your slave- Maneskin 
😈I put a spell on you- Nina Simone 
😈I want you (she’s so heavy) - The Beatles 
😈Closer- Nine inch Nails 
😈Cherry- Lana del Rey 
😈Fool of you- Meltt 
Suguru feels so heavy to me, even more so when he’s in love. Suguru cannot be normal about anything or anyone. He has to let things consume him and fundamentally destroy and rebuild him from the ground up. His love feels dark, almost toxic if you don’t keep him under control. He’s the type of guy who will feel like he never has enough of you. 
🥰Honey- Mariah Carey 
🥰Teenage kicks- The undertones 
🥰Mesmerize- Ja rule 
🥰Blueberry eyes- MAX 
🥰More than I should- kehlani
🥰Aphrodite- rini 
🥰Cater 2 you- Destiny’s child 
🥰Dance for you- Beyonce 
🥰She looks so perfect- 5 seconds of summer
My beautiful little angel baby. The love of my life. The reason I wake up in the morning. Yuuji’s love feels so pure like this man is the definition of a simp. Like he truly thinks that everything about his lover is perfect. Like my girl smiled? Fuckin love her. My man has a groggy morning voice? Absolute perfection. My partner is just looking at their phone? I can’t wait to marry them. Also, Yuuji will attempt to take on a more traditionally masculine role in his relationships. In the sense that he’s still a kid at heart, so he wants to be the big strong man you can depend on. 
😐Fall in love with me- Iggy pop 
😐Come back to me- RM 
😐My funny valentine- Frank Sinatra 
😐Next up- Mila j 
😐505- Arctic monkeys
😐Jessie’s girl- Rick Springfield 
My unfortunate muse. Toji is a man and I mean that in all the good and bad ways. His love is gruff. He’ll bully and tease you about your personality or your odd hobbies. That doesn’t mean he won’t buy you the latest manga of the series you like. He’ll say he doesn’t care when he hurts your feelings. However, the moment you start crying he’s more than willing to apologize and comfort you, even if he’s rusty. His love has sharp edges but he’s willing to shave them down for you. 
🫥Space age love song- Flock of Seagulls 
🫥Things I’ll never say- Avril Lavigne 
🫥Buddy Holly - Weezer 
🫥I’m yours- Isabel Larosa 
🫥WUSYANAME - Tyler the creator 
🫥We’re not just friends- Parks, squares and alleys 
🫥Cupid’s chokehold- Gym class heroes
Short king!!! Inumaki was difficult to put together since he doesn’t talk and we kinda don’t see him that often. From what I can gather, Inumaki is playful but serious when in love. I think the fact that he can’t communicate with you properly becomes an insecurity for him. So, he tries to express his love through physical touch, memes, or his favorite songs. Sometimes you can tell that he’s just using the title to say something to you. Other times, when you tell his feelings through the lyrics. The declarations of love or the descriptions of the singer’s lover/muse. He’s cryptic at first, but once you know him, he’s easy to read. 
🕸️I wanna be yours- Arctic Monkeys 
🕸️Love is strange- Mickey and Sylvia 
🕸️The very thought of you- Al Bowelly 
Chosoooo my beloved. Choso is like Suguru in that he cannot be normal about you. He’s less concerned about crawling into your skin, but still obsessed with you. He has the energy of “Me and my queen don’t argue” meme. He’s almost like a mixture of Suguru and Yuuji. His feelings feel so deep that it's overwhelming for him. He settles in faster than you think though. Choso’s love feels a little classical. He wants to court you, protect you, and provide for you. He’ll look to old movies or love stories to see how he can treat you better. 
💍Something- The Beatles 
💍Still into you- Paramore 
💍The sweetest taboo- Sade 
💍In my life- The Beatles 
💍Something about you- Eyedress 
💍Creep- Radiohead 
Kento Nanami the man that you are. Nanami feels like real adult love. Like this is the man who wants a life with you and he’s ready to face any trials that come with your relationship. He wants to wake up next to you and make breakfast while you talk about your strange dreams. He wants to pick out house paints with you because you wanted something fresh for your new home. It doesn’t mean that he’s not whipped for you, he very much is. Still, he’s grounded. He’s the guy that would die for you and do the dishes. 
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aphidclan-clangen · 3 months
Hello! I wanted to say(If it was okay)
1. Your design and the way you draw is amazing!•^•
2. If it’s okay to ask, what is a sparklecat? Like what makes one a sparklecat specifically? They seem so cool and I love the colors and designs and I’d love to make my own but I don’t really know how to make one and what the design rules are, if there are any
(Also sorry if I’m going this wrong, I’m still pretty new to tumblr and this is my first time asking)
Don’t worry, you’re good! And thank you! ^^
And though I’m really no expert on sparklecats by far, I believe there’s really only one rule with making a sparklecat: THERE ARE NO RULES!! HAVE FUN!! Be creative to your wildest dreams and make whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want!! That is the point of the sparklecat, a creative imagination that knows no bounds, no societal rules, and certainly no laws of physics!
In my eyes, the definition of a “sparklecat” (or “sparkledog” or any other sparklecreature) is a cat (or cat-based) OC with some sort of unnaturally/unrealistically colorful design. Which means, if you want to make a sparklecat that’s like…a pastel blue unicorn angel kitty made out of clouds, go right ahead! If you want to make a rainbow neonfest scenemo cat named Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, go right ahead!! Or if you simply just want to slap some hot pink stripes on a mackerel tabby cat, that works too!!
They can easily be accessorized as much as you want and may often dip into fantasy elements with additional traits like angel or demon wings, magic wielding, horns, halos, extra long claws or sharp teeth, multiple tails, etc etc
There’s also a more specific kind of sparklecat that’s heavily intertwined with 2000s scenecore culture, with overlap into areas of inspiration like emo and goth fashion, rave fashion & PLUR culture, old internet memes, Lisa Frank, anime, kandi bracelets & kandi trading, Warrior Cats, video games (especially nostalgic games like Minecraft, Club Penguin, Webkinz, old flash games that are now defunct, etc), 2000s cartoons (My Little Pony, Invader Zim, etc), and a few specific music genres. Those kinds of sparklecats are my favorite, they usually represent a lot of + scenecore & emo fashion/culture and the artist’s childhood nostalgia for the 1990s-2010s era. I don’t have nearly enough OCs of the classic kind of sparklecat tbh, I need to make more sometime
But that’s pretty much it! I don’t really know what your creative process is for making characters or character designs, so I don’t know if I can help much further than that. There’s really no “standard of expectation” or a wrong way to make a sparklecat anyway. Just go have fun and make whatever your heart desires! Ty again! ^^
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pointandshooter · 1 year
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Seven Years.
My tumblr blog is seven years old this month. Seven years is a long time in a person’s life and an eternity on social media. The photography community has changed quite a bit here since 2016 . Many photographers have left Tumblr for other platforms with more potential views, worries about work being stolen, censorship, or just the fear of missing out. Others have just moved on from photography or social media in general. I can understand that. It might actually be healthy to reevaluate and change what one is doing in life every seven years. I used to be passionate about music, hoping to make a living playing guitar in my band. And then, for about 14 years I was an avid cyclist, riding over 150 miles every week. Nowadays, I don’t ride my bike anymore, although it would be very beneficial to both my physical and mental health; and I haven’t touched my guitar in several years. I sometimes miss playing and still have dreams at night where I am back on stage with my band. During all of those years I never thought about taking up photography. When I visited art galleries, I never bothered looking at photo exhibits. One day, in the Autumn of 2015, something clicked in my brain, and here I am today - just as passionate about photography as I once was about the guitar and cycling. Maybe in the coming years my interest and passion will change again, but for now I am happy to keep taking photos and post them on Tumblr.
Every year, on this blog’s anniversary, I like to give thanks. 
First, I give thanks to Tumblr for still being here. It is still free, but I pay the subscription fee to give back something, and to avoid the manscaping ads. Tumblr has made some positive changes in the past year and I have seen a few photographers return to the platform. I hope the platform can afford to keep going for a few more years.
I would then like to thank all of my followers, real and bot. For the real followers, I appreciate every like, reblog, tag, and comment. I find it encouraging and it helps lift my spirits. Some of you have been following me for years. I appreciate your endurance. As for the bots - who knows? With the advancements in AI maybe the bots will some day become sentient beings, creating their own AI generated text, images, and memes. 
I want to thank all of the wonderful photographers who share their work here. You are an inspiration. Something I love about Tumblr is the variety of photos I find here and the willingness of photographers to experiment. There doesn’t seem to be the drive to be popular here, and the photos are not as homogenous as might be found on other platforms. 
Praise be and blessed are all of the hard-working curators who tirelessly reblog our photos. You help put our photos on so many dashboards that would not normallly find us. I am also grateful for those curators who find classic and contemporary fine art photos from other sources and post them on their blogs. As I have said in the past, I feel these blogs are providing me with a free education in photography appreciation. My home library expands every month with photo books of photographers that I first discovered on Tumblr.
Lastly, I want to thank my team members on ISU: Nur and Lina, who are also my team members on Lensblr, along with Tom. You have become good friends over the years. Although we have never met, and may not ever, it is good know you. I hope we can continue as team members for a while yet.
I hope everyone has a good creative year, and find stimulating challenges along the way.
Love you all,
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ericdeggans · 10 months
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When your job is explaining race and media, what happens when you find a situation you don't want to explain?
That moment came for me this week, as memes were rocketing around social media connected to the brawl in Montgomery, Ala., where a crowd of mostly-Black bystanders ran to help a Black ferry co-captain who was being assaulted by a group of white men.
Video filmed by a group of mostly-Black bystanders on a nearby boat captured it all: The co-captain throwing his hat in the air, once a white man pushed him harshly; an older Black man whaling on people with a folding chair, including a white woman who was just sitting on the ground by then; a young Black man on a boat close by who jumped into the water and swam with amazing speed to the scene, jumping up to throw hands.
And, in moments, Black Twitter jumped to life (I know he’s renamed it X, but we ain’t recognizing that, and the term refers to people being Black across social media anyway. Harrumph).
There was the quiz asking which folding chair are you? There was the graphic pointing out that an early version of the folding chair was invented by a Black man (seems to be true). The photoshopped picture showing glowing rings around Black folks rushing into the fight, mimicking the climax of Avengers Endgame, where superheroes rushed in to save the day. Images dubbing the young swimmer Black Aquaman, Aquamayne and Blaquaman.
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And two of my personal faves: A photoshopped image of the Martin Luther King Jr. statue holding a folding chair. And a version of the brawl video remade as the opening to classic Black sitcom Good Times, with acerbic credits noting the show was “created by Consequences and Repercussions.”
I was blown away by how quickly Black folks across social media were converting horror over a narrowly averted, racialized beat down into funny memes celebrating the reflex of Black folks to stand up for one another, especially when we’re faced with danger from white people.
But when I posted the photo of MLK’s status with the folding chair on my social media feeds, I just added one word: Wow.
I wanted the image to speak for itself. And I wanted people who had questions about what it meant to jump into social media and find out for themselves. I felt the image and its implied humor – that the nation’s most revered civil rights leader might be hoisting a folding chair to defend Black folks in the modern age – was most powerful when not explained.
Unfortunately, some people on my social media platforms insisted on an explanation. One was pretty persistent about it. And I realized I just didn’t want to explain the image, for some reason I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
Yeah, it’s sometimes tiring to always be asked to explain your cultural nuances to the world. But that’s the gig I signed up for, many years ago. And yes, the joking was hiding a fear that today’s climate has left racists emboldened enough to attack a Black man in broad daylight for doing his job. So explaining only resurfaces those darker feelings in ways I wasn’t quite ready to process.
Still, something else was also at play. I always say social media is often like a giant dinner party, where people forget they are sometimes listening in on conversations between other people. In this case, being asked to explain the folding chair memes felt like having someone barge into an ongoing conversation to ask for an explanation. This was a moment where Black folks could be hilariously Black online and we could all share that moment together, laughing and consoling each other in one viral, social media moment.
Sometimes, in situations like that, understanding comes best by sitting back, listening widely and learning. Even for me.
I don’t know if this reaction is fair – especially given how much I’ve encouraged discussion about race over the years. But its all I have left, in a world where I increasingly feel like a frog in pot of steadily heating water, wondering when the heat will begin to burn me, my loved ones, my family, my friends and my people.
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fainthedcherry · 1 month
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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