#songlist shuffle
tarisilmarwen · 2 months
RobStar Week, Day 7 - Playlist
(Last one! I had fun with this. Set sometime during the Titans' long road trip chasing the Brotherhood of Evil. IDK when exactly but this is an underexplored time period in fanfics so I thought it would be fun to set one in it. And yes, all the songs referenced were on my own ipod RobStar playlist.
Starfire's taste in music was... eclectic, to say the least.
Her interests ran the gamut from basic pop starlet to the screechiest of death metal bands (which she claimed reminded her of the "great musicians of the Tolothian Praxxus") and, it sometimes seemed, everything in between. She even, somehow, had music from other planets. Robin had absolutely no idea how she had obtained a recording of her favorite childhood Gorka pipes band, nor how she had digitized said recording into MP3 format and gotten it onto the same ipod holding the Becky Wilder TV soundtrack and Rachel Tanner's latest album. Frankly the shuffle felt a little bit like playing Russian Roulette.
So Robin sympathized a little with Beast Boy when the song changed, once again going from one genre to something diametrically opposite, causing the changeling to clutch his temples and throwing his head back with a groan.
"Can't you stick to one genre?!" he complained. "I'm getting whiplash from these mood changes!"
Starfire turned to glare at him where he was squashed in-between Robin and Raven, in the middle of the backseat of the T-car.
"Whoever has shotgun seat decides the music," she reminded him, her voice unusually clipped and irritated. "Those were the rules you set. And I am also the only one who has music in my collection that you all enjoy," she pointed out.
There were mumbled noises from Cyborg and Raven as they conceded some agreement.
Starfire sighed, pushing hair out of her face tiredly as she lifted her ipod, plugged into the T-car's music system via aux cable.
"I only wish this were better organized," she said. "I can never find anything I am looking for in this library. It is impossible to scroll through to the songs I know we can all tolerate." She skimmed down the songlist, the ipod clicking and clicking and clicking as it proceeded down the endless track names.
"Oh that's easy to fix, just make a couple playlists," Cyborg suggested, flexing his hands a bit on the steering wheel as he signaled to begin passing a semi.
Starfire looked up from her scrolling, face an expression of blank confusion.
"A... what?" she asked.
Robin straightened and scooted forward a little bit in his seat. "Here, I'll show you," he offered. He reached between the driver's seat and shotgun with an outstretched palm.
Hesitant but curious, Starfire paused playback on her ipod and disconnected it from the aux cable, handing it over.
Now Robin leaned down, bending almost in half as he searched near his feet, the seatbelt digging sharply into his shoulder. After a moment of fumbling in his bad he slid out his red laptop and propped it open on his knees, also fishing for a USB cord.
Within minutes he had the music player open to Starfire's extensive library and was clicking through artists and genres, trying to tap very carefully on his mousepad with the vibrations of the car. She watched him fiddle for a few moments, eyes inquisitive, hand curling around the side of her seat.
Robin concentrated, his brows pinching cutely until he gave a nod of satisfaction. Turning the computer around he showed her what he was doing.
"Right, so, see here, where I've basically added a folder to the device storage?" he asked, leaning forward, trying to stretch to show her.
Beast Boy held back a complaint as he was pushed against Raven by the gesture. Starfire nodded in rapt attention.
Robin pointed to the screen as he demonstrated. "So you take any song that you want to go on the list and just kind of... drag it over from the wider library."
He clicked and pulled one of the Gorka pipes tracks to the new playlist, then clicked to open it.
Starfire gasped in delight, grabbing up both sides of Robin's laptop and bringing the device up closer to her face.
"Oh this will make things so much easier!" she cried.
Robin smiled and pointed over to the sidebar. "And see how you can name it pretty much anything you want? You can basically put any number of songs on the new list—"
"—And then they can share a common theme!" Starfire interrupted in conclusion.
"Exactly! You can do love songs, songs that make you happy, work-out songs..." Robin started listing.
"Songs to listen to while rocking it out at the club," added Beast Boy.
"Songs to set the mood with your date," Cyborg put in, grinning. "Lotta R&B on mine for that one."
"Ew," Beast Boy said, wrinkling his nose.
Cyborg shot him an offended look. "Don't be hatin' until you try it."
"What about you, Raven?" Starfire asked back, interrupting the brewing argument. "What kind of playlist would you suggest?"
"Songs to make you contemplate the existential dread of the universe and your own role in it and wonder if you really are as small and insignificant as you seem or if you just need a sandwich," came Raven's monotone contribution.
There a long awkward silence at that, and the boys blinked at Raven in concern and mild alarm.
"That is... oddly specific," was Starfire's inadequate response.
Raven shrugged. "Are we pulling over soon?" she asked towards the driver's seat. "I'm hungry."
Cyborg glanced at the next billboard. "Shakes n' Steaks coming up on our right?" he offered.
The empath waved dismissively. "Sure."
"Aw man!" Beast Boy complained. "Not the Shakes n' Steaks! You know they put meat chunks in the salads?! Who does that?!"
Robin nudged Starfire's arm as the debate on their food stop continued, whispering under Cyborg and Beast Boy's arguing. "Why don't you keep playing around with that for a while?" he offered kindly.
She nodded once, vigorously, mouthing a 'thank you' as she turned around.
One pit stop later—Beast Boy wound up outvoted and sullenly resigned himself to picking chicken bits out of his caesar salad—Starfire finally emerged from her meticulous organizing and dismissed herself to the bathroom.
She unplugged her ipod, but left it on the table by his laptop, easily accessible.
Robin slurped through his straw, his eyes falling across it. He set his cup down and stared at the lit screen, mildly curious.
Glancing around as if to check for unfriendly eyes, Robin let his hand snake over to Starfire's place and slid the ipod into his palm, picking it up surreptitiously.
He paid a quick peek at the new playlists in Starfire's library. Sure enough she had "Tamaran" as a category, and "Dancing Music", and "To Cheer Raven Up" and a couple others. He had to smile and chuckle a bit at that last one.
His amusement was drowned out by confusion as he spotted on that read:
"Me and Robin"
He stared at the title for a long moment, visibly wondering, then his curiosity compelled him beyond his reason and he clicked to open it.
His eyes read off the titles as they scrolled alphabetically, slowly widening with realization.
"All You Wanted", "A Thousand Miles", "A Thousand Years"...
Wait a minute, his brain kicked in.
These were all love songs.
Suddenly feeling like he was doing something he very much shouldn't, Robin quickly set the ipod back down in its former spot, heat rising to his face as he was confronted with the knowledge that Starfire his Not Girlfriend (they still hadn't quite figured that out although after the whole alien planet stranded thing they at least both acknowledged they had feelings for each other) had been picking out songs that she felt defined 'them'.
Like an actual girlfriend would.
Hoo boy he hoped he wasn't going to have to clear up another misunderstanding.
He was still nervous while he waited his turn to pile into the backseat, after Cyborg's annoyed, "Yo! If we want to make it to Atlanta before nightfall you better get your butts back in the T-car!" shout had cut short their lunch.
Starfire claimed shotgun again, much to Beast Boy's whining and complaining, but Raven picked him up with her telekinesis and stuffed him into the backseat ahead of her and shut the door, pointedly going around the other side and leaving Robin standing there awkwardly with Starfire.
The princess handed him his laptop back.
"Thank you for the usage of it," she said. "I believe I have arranged things to my liking."
There was something coy in her words, and her grin was a little too... knowing.
Robin coughed and tugged at his collar and rubbed his neck, tapping a steel-toed shoe. "Yeah, well... good. Good, that's... I'm glad."
"All right, enough committee meeting," grumbled Cyborg, ending the moment with a pointed shove to Robin's shoulder. "Get in the damn car, I gotta fill her up."
The moment the door was open Beast Boy popped out again. "At least lemme have the window seat this time!" he yelled, and Robin found himself jostled and bumped as he was shoved none-too-gracefully into the car and squashed into the narrow middle seat, pushed right up against Raven on one side and Beast Boy on the other.
Raven tried to pull her elbows in closer and failed.
"This isn't uncomfortable at all," she said dryly.
Robin had no reply, no real thoughts of any kind really, because as soon as she was comfortably seated and Cyborg was turning the key in the ignition, she looked back straight at him with a wry grin and pressed play on her once-again-connected ipod.
And when the first song off 'their' playlist started, Robin's throat closed with a pitiful embarrassed squeak and he turned a very bright red.
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𓆩[welcome to the record shop]𓆪
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❝girl put your records on, tell me your favorite song…❞
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       𓆩♡𓆪 works in progress: ❥ changed the fate of the world — Sorcerer! Stiles Stilinski x Fem! Vampire! Reader (6.1K words as of 09/02) goes along with this fic
❥ a night of screams and spooks — Yandere! Ethan Landry x Fem! Naive! Reader (0.2K words as of 10/29) for my ‘Recording Live’ event!
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» [TULUM] « Grupo Frontera y Peso Pluma ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. 0:09 ─〇───── 3:44 ⇄ ◃◃   ⅠⅠ   ▹▹ ↻ ❝Dile que tienes otro hombre
Si quieres dile mi nombre
Que la comida se enfría
Cuando se descuida❞
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Everything on this platform is 18+ unless said otherwise. It is not my responsibility to monitor the media you interact with, your media consumption is your own responsibility. All fics are for Fem! Readers and I use Y/N (which will not change -- the Y/N part.)
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All requests MUST include a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. If it does not have it, I will not take it. Past requests may not have it because it is a new rule (as of 06/09/23).
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As of 06/21/23, I will not write fanfic of real people, only their characters — besides K-POP idols.
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all works on this platform belong to ME. I do not permit any kind of sharing, publishing, translating, or posting on different platforms under any circumstances.
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© asterias-record-shop
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mamuzzy · 2 months
Song game
RULES: Put my repeat playlist on shuffle and pick the 10 first songs that play
I don't listen spotify on phone, so it's my own little offline bubble collection on repeat and shuffle.
This is from my "New Fucking Mix" folder because i'm really creative with the naming. :D I'm struggling to make songlist for specific characters because I literally listen the same 20 songs for everything but with different interpretations. Ok, I lied, this songlist has over 260+ songs.
Thank you for the tag @mereelskirata and @whiskygoldwings <333
Kuso Breakin Nou Breakin Lily - Maximum the Hormone
New Order - Wolfenstein: The New Order OST
Brass Goggles - Steam Powered Giraffe
Termék Vagyok - A király halott
The Mad Man Waltz - Technical Hitch
Gasoline - Halsey
Kurva Élet - Alvin és a Mókusok
Dark Knight - Litchi Hikari Club
Fuyu no Hanabi - Kanon OST
Battle Against MAGIUS - Magia Record OST
NPT: @ithillia @insertmeaningfulusername @aerjnn @hastalavistabyebye @starwarsanthropology
@adhd-coyote @babyscilence @loverboy-havocboy @notavalidusername @floaromaxtowns
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seconddoubt · 11 days
thank you @noreign for the tag 💖
put your music library on shuffle and write down the first line of the first ten songs that play, post the poem that results
met a girl, fell in love
laying on your holy bed by the hallowed door
nothing here to fear
twister, oh does anyone see through you?
why does the sun go on shining?
see my friends
i'd love to touch the sky tonight
white bird, white bird
every time that i sell myself to you
state of life, may i live, may I love
i think it's quite cohesive until "twister" but then I really think the second half works, getting white bird after a line about touching the sky wasted my luck for the rest of the month i think,
no pressure tags 💖 @kiramoran @carelessmemories @shockadellica @imeminemp3 @wednesdayday + every single one who wants to do it, yes you are now tagged by me!
songlist: nothin' in the world can stop me worryin' 'bout that girl by the kinks / surrender by depeche mode / wednesday by tori amos / ridiculous thoughts by the cranberries / the end of the world by sharon van etten / (i cheated and skipped spillingardans by hatari, it ruined whatever flow it had going) / see my friends by the kinks / one more time by the cure / white bird by tia blake / asking for it by hole / state of independence by jon & vangelis
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katehuntington · 6 years
Song list shuffle
mI was tagged by @littlegreenplasticsoldier to shuffle my list and share the first 10.  I haven’t figured out how to put all the songs in all my Spotify playlist on shuffle, so I picked the biggest playlist I have, which is called ‘Roadtrip Down Memory Lane’ and contains 305 songs for on the road. 
Freebird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Mercedes Benz - Janis Joplin 
Twilight Zone - Golden Earring
Already Gone - Eagles
Saturday Night - Herman Brood (Dutch rockstar, if you don’t know this song, check it out!
City Of Blinding Lights - U2
Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who
Another Brock In The Wall Pt. 2  - Pink Floyd
Old Man - Neil Young
Tombstone Blues - Bob Dylan
I listen to a lot more than just rock, but this is what showed (and I didn’t skip, scout’s honor).
Saturday Night - Herman Brood (1978)
Twilight Zone - Golden Earring 
I’m tagging my lovely tumblr friends @idreamofhazel, @soupornatural, @coffee-obsessed-writer, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @angreadsficsandauthors and @hannahindie . Have fun!
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innosen-a · 5 years
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HIT THAT LIKE for a lyric-based starter !!
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Oh this is a dark one I guess, sorry ^^' Well shuffle said this one:
Somewhere in the end we're all insane To think a light ahead can save us from this Grave that's in the end of all this pain In the night ahead there's a light up on this
House on a hill The living, living still Their intention is to kill and they will, they will But the children are doing fine I think about them all the time Until they drink the wine and they will, they will, they will
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Music Shuffle
Ok, @tristanundisolde I am game.  My list will be all over the place because I listen to lots of different genres so if I shuffle on what I use by songs alone it’s a jumble.  I have moods, eras, dancing, meditation, etc songlists. 
Confession:  Due to my age, I’ve been listening to stuff from my high school - college- early 20′s. I like to listen to new stuff if it appeals to me.  But honestly, in times of stress, like now, we all fall on the music we fell in love with when we were younger as a kind of comfort food for the mind in stressful times. I don’t claim any music better than others, listen to what makes you feel alive.  I didn’t post links or Youtube videos.  If you are curious, you can find the songs on a platform you like to use.  
1. “Rock Lobster” - The B52′s - I love them because they were doing their own thing long before others were.  They are just fun and this song was fun to learn on the guitar back when I used to play in my 20′s.
2. “Join in the Chant” - Nitzer Ebb - When I was early in college, I was diagnosed with clinical depression. But I had bouts of rage at everything I saw back then  and to my own personal life.  Industrial night at the club, besides alternative night back then were so therapeutic.  Pull on some Doc Martens, gather others just like yourself and I swear we could have invoked something pretty wrathful with our intentions as we danced. Song was ahead of its time. Saw them in concert with Depeche Mode in 1990.
3.  “Proud Mary” - Tina Turner - If you don’t know the song, or Tina Turner, I feel sorry for you.  She is a goddess.
4.  Chemical Brothers - “Block Rockin’ Beats” - I like a lot of their stuff, but this one is also good to do with a punching bag workout which helps with stress, too.
5.  Digital Underground - “Doowhutchayalike”  - I wasn’t just dancing on alternative night, y’all.  This one and the lots of hip hop from that era was just impossible to sit down to.
6.  Simple Minds - “All the Things She Said” - I pretty much love everything they do.  This is my favorite song by this band.  And you have to love the video - the effects, the 80′s fashion and he’s holding a falcon!
7.  J.S. Bach - “Sonatas and Partitas for lute” - I have always loved this music, even as a child.  This, Spanish classical guitar, cello, violin, can listen to for hours.
8.  Queen - “Flash Gordon theme” - I love Queen.  Anything.  Anything by them is worth a listen.  This is a cult favorite for terrible movies of the 80′s.  But dammit, it’s Queen!  
9.  David Bowie - “As the World Falls Down"- Imagine you are anywhere from 12-14 years old.  And you are introduced to David Bowie through him as Jared, the Goblin King in Labyrinth singing this song.  Between him and Adam Ant, I’m pretty sure that was where my sexual awakening happened. And I am so glad I was introduced to Bowie to get to know his earlier stuff and remain a huge fan.
10. Johnny Cash - “She Used to Love Me a Lot” - I like older country,(although this song/album was only a few years ago) blues, bluegrass if it hits me right.  I particularly love this song because after you walk away as a woman from a relationship, the lyrics are simple but poignant.  
I also listen to classic rock, jazz, Latin, Motown, Celtic, pagan, space electronic, and yes, I do listen to stuff after the year 2000.  (Lady Gaga, Billie Eillish, Hozier, etc.) My record collection is all over the place.  Fleetwood Mac  to Echo and the Bunnymen to Gipsy Kings to John Coltrane to Dolly Parton to Van Morrison to Diana Ross to Debussy, etc. Music is like food - you must sample a bit of everything to see if you enjoy it.
I don’t know if anyone wants to participate, but I enjoyed watching what popped up in my song list when I letit pull songs out randomly.  Thanks for the invite, @tristanundisolde    !
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ofravensandgenesis · 5 years
Get To Know Meme/20 Questions, plus Playlist Game
Questions and answers under the cut!
Tagged by: @amistrio, @englass, and @chyrstis!! Thank you for the tags, pardon the delay!! Playlist game tagged by @undead-gearhead​, thank you for the tag as well!! :D I’m combining these two so as to not spam the dash. x’D Playlist game is at the bottom of the 20 Questions. Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
Name: Jake
Nicknames: Jakey/Jakie and whatever else people come up with at a given time xD
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: idk man I don’t check my height ever until I need to. OTL I’m tall enough to reach things on the high shelves with some tippy-toe stretching, that’s what counts!
Languages: English, with a very slight garnish of a few words in other languages like Latin and such, but nothing fluent.
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Ah winter I love thee so, but winter—she does not love me quite so fondly D:
Favorite Flower: Daisies or marigolds I suspect, though I’m likely to forget bc I don’t think on flowers much. x’D They’re cheery lil blossoms though! Rosemary too, smells quite nice.
Favorite Scent: Trees like pine or timber scents. Also books. Chinese herbal shops. Tiger balm.
Favorite Color: Green! Darker, more natural tones in particular.
Favorite Animal: Dragons of varying sorts if mythical creatures count. Birds, cats, dogs or hamsters if not. (look they’re cute and so are fish, lizards and snakes, it’s hard to pick. Then we have dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are fucking awesome. Specific species are not given bc it’s hard to pick just one. I’m terrible at picking just one favorite of anything usually, as you might have noticed. x’D Expect lists if I don’t have a known answer.)
Favorite Fictional Character: [thinks on that for a good twenty minutes] This is a hard question, if we’re talking recently, then that’d be one of either John Seed, Varric Tethras, or Damien Bloodmarch. I like the passionate and/or dramatic ones with their own personal, colorful sense of style, I admit. All time’s more difficult to think of, ngl.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: If we’re talking drinking frequency, herbal tea for sure. I think all three options taste nice though!
Average Sleep Hours: 6-8, depending on what counts as asleep. If we mean unconscious, 6. Resting but conscious and still tired, 8.
Dog or Cat person: Cats bc I’m low energy x’D They’re both lovely though!!
Number of Blankets Slept With: three to five depending on the weather (it’s cold out here rn.) Dream Trip: Japan seems lovely, though there are many places to pick from, both nationally and internationally. There’s a lot to be said for the national parks and forests, and the local woods and wildlife reserves are lovely too in their own fashion. No I am not a nature person, I just like to visit the peripherals of it and take a walk sometimes.
Blog Established: December 2019 apparently, I just got here. I might’ve made the blog a month or so earlier tbh, or at least I think I did.
Followers: 15, hot diggity! And hello! :D ♥
Random Fact: I think roasted nori is fucking delicious as a snack, though the brand I get needs an extra roast in the pan until it gets that nice translucent green-almost-brown color. Tastes too fishy otherwise, instead of that nice rich roasted faintly-oceany flavor.
Bonus: I’m allergic to bananas. They make my face itch, which is a shame, they’re tasty. If these last two facts seem suspiciously food related, it’s because I’m hungry and munching on dinner. xD We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your music library on shuffle and tell us the first ten songs that pop up. Then tag your victims.
1. “Do It Better,” by JAXSON GAMBLE
2. “Jenny of Oldstones (Game of Thrones,)” by Florence + The Machine
3. “Walk Me Home,” by P!nk
4. “Build Me Up Buttercup,” by The Foundations
5. “Soldier,” by Fleurie
6. “Kamikaze Love,” by Poets of the Fall
7. “On Fire,” by Melano
8. “Colors,” by Kulick
9. “Take Me to Church,” by Hozier
10. “Renegades,” by X Ambassadors
Ngl I’m surprised there wasn’t Fallout Boy on that list. Also lmao, two of those songs are from @undead-gearhead’s songlists for some of her OCs, specifically Melanie for the first one (no. 2) and Kirsten with Sharky iirc for the second (no. 3,) which amuses me greatly that they both ended up there. xDD
Tagging: I’m late to the party, so anyone who wants in who hasn’t been tagged yet!! Please consider yourselves tagged! :D ♥ And happy Chinese new year of the rat to you all!!
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spotofmummery · 5 years
34 Music Meme
You have to randomize, so no hand-picked theme songs! [Break the rule if you want though, because why leave this stuff to chance??]
Copy the text and post as your own! DON’T REBLOG! Give it some pizzaz! Grab a screenshot! Have fun with this~
Tag meeeee [@myymsaetayuun] [please?] so I can see the wonderful music that you all connect with your characters! I absolutely love seeing all the inspirations that everyone has out there. I also really love music!
It’s 34 prompts long. Why? I dunno, it seemed like a cool number to stop. Also, they have no rhyme or reason to the order to facilitate the shuffle effect! If you have more to add, ADD THEM! Go wild! Now then, let’s get started:
Amon D’Syrcus
I have a songlist of tunes that are associated in some way with Amon, so I’m going to put that on random and see what comes up. 
1. How the world sees them
Shake that Bagpipe - The Sidh 
2. A song to play on a good day
Faded (Instrumental) - Alan Walker 
3. What acquaintances and the random person thinks of them
Unchain the Earth - RPWL 
4. A song for those who want them [sexually]
Where No One Goes -  Jónsi  (LOL!)
5. When they make others happy
The Bounds of the Universe - Ivan Torrent
6. When they are happy
Cascade of Emotion - Really Slow Motion 
7. A theme for a life goal
Worn - Tenth Avenue North 
8. Giving bad advice
Blackheart - Two Steps from Hell 
9. Giving good advice
A New Age - Keith Merrill
10. What they think their theme song is
The Sound of Silence - Disturbed 
11. Their funeral song
Wake Me Up - Simply Three 
12. What everyone else thinks is their theme song
We Are What We Are - RPWL (Legit!)
13. When they see someone they love
For This You Were Born - UNSECRET 
14. When they are having a bad day
Echo - Jason Walker
15. A song about their life’s purpose
Here I am - Tommee Profitt 
16. When someone reminisces about them
Chosen - Generdyn 
17. A song that might be constantly stuck in their head
Unbreakable - Two Steps from Hell 
18. A song someone might serenade them with
Poldark Main Theme
19. A song they would serenade to someone else
The Gale - Royal Scots Dragoon Guards 
20. A song they might hum or sing along with
The Greatest Show - Pentatonix
21. A song they would perform, or at least karaoke
Dernière Danse - Indila 
22. A theme when they are in the general public
The Specter - Alan Walker 
23. A theme for them in private
Navigate the Seas of the Sun - Bruce Dickinson 
24. A theme for their deepest desires
Sleepsong - Secret Garden
25. Thinking back on a traumatic, sad, or unpleasant memory
Skylark - Flybyno
26. A song to their best friends
Time - The Mowgli’s 
27. Waking up in the morning [Or night if they are nocturnal!]
The Eternal Rest of a Ronin - Really Slow Motion
28. Finally being able to fall asleep
Lament of the Shadow Elves - Peter Gundry 
29. When they fall in love/lust
Federkleid - Faun
30. Thinking back on a happy, serene, or pleasant memory
Shake Your Euphemism - Blue Man Group
31. A song to their family
Safe & Sound - Hunger Games 
32.  Dissociation music
Monody - The Fat Rat
33. Manic music
Rise - State of Mind
34. A final theme that means everything
The Greatest Show on Earth - Nightwish 
Tagged by: @witch-hause (Thanks!)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to try this! It’s quite long! 
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livingthedragonlife · 5 years
  Shuffle Your Music Game
That 2k+ songlist mood
There’s A Lot Of Funky Tunes, Dude
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fvckyouimaprophet · 6 years
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Queer Bops: Songs by queer artists or bands that include queer artists. [147 songs, 8 hours and 40 minutes]
Note: This playlist is best played on shuffle. I was tired of seeing the same 10 artists rec’d on every list, so I decided to compile one myself that includes people from a variety of genres and across all generations. While everything may not be up your alley, I hope you find a few bands and artists in here that you love! I’ll also later be making a playlist of my favs if you want to wait for something more narrow.
People who asked to be tagged: @elleem, @genderneutralmilkhotel, @thosefinelines, @mutedcolors, @lesbians-love-taylor, @sirdorkalot, @jesuisfarouhe, @cuddlycuddlefish, @thisselflovecamebacktome, @iamgoingsomewherebeautiful, @georgianadarcies, @shaloved30, @andrewsrannels, @bukwrm, @nearlyheadlessmccree, @earlgreygoodbyes, @spoopyswifty, @zobothehob0
Everybody Wants to Love You by Japanese Breakfast
It’s Okay To Cry by SOPHE
Empty by Kevin Abstract
Seventeen by Troye Sivan
Slip Away by Perfume Genius
Saint by Blood Orange
Turn Out the Lights by Julien Baker
Direct Address by Lucy Dacus
Make Me Feel by Janelle Monáe
Father Figure by George Michael
Mourning Sound by Grizzly Bear
Change by Le1f
I Don’t Love You Anymore by ANOHNI
Drunk Drivers/Killer Wales by Car Seat Headrest
Karaoke (ft. Lizzo) by Big Freedia
To Die in L.A. by Lower Dens
girls by girl in red
Moth’s Wings by Passion Pit
Vicious by Lou Reed
Holy by King Princess
Ghost by Halsey
Islands by The xx
Bike Dream by Rostam
Depreston by Courtney Barnett
My Guy by Kele Okereke
Wait for Me by AW
Bobby by (Sandy) Alex G
bitches by Trove Lo
New York by St. Vincent
Body and Soul by teddy<3
Girlfriend (ft. Dâm-Funk) by Chris (formerly Christine and the Queens)
Gon Blow (ft. Rye Rye by Cakes da Killa
Sleeping with a Friend by Neon Trees
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!
I’m Not Calling by Hollie Col
Kiss the Boy by Keiynan Lonsdale
Send Me You by The Butchies
1 Billion Dogs by Jay Som
Chanel by Frank Ocean
Memo by Years & Years
Spread Your Wings by Queen
Honey by Kehlani
One for My Baby (And One More For the Roady) by Billie Holiday
What I Need (ft. Kehlani) by Hayley Kiyoko
Daddy by SAKIMA
Touch by Shura
I Know a Place by MUNA
I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ by Scissor Sisters
The Crying Game by Boy George
Tutti Frutti by Little Richard
In My Defence by Freddie Mercury
Closer by Tegan and Sara
Demi Moore by Phoebe Bridgers
123 by Girlpool
Low Hymnal by Told Slant
Full Screen by Adult Mom
Loner by Mykki Blanco
I Think She Knows by Kaki King
Brujas by Princess Nokia
Dans la nuit by Coeur de Pirate
Rebel Rebel by David Bowie
Cosmi Dancer by T. Rex
Rocket Man by Elton John
Give Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman
We Got the Beat by The Go-Go’s
Go West by Village People
Opulence by Brooke Candy
Boys by Lizzo
Private Idaho by The B-52′s
Pretty Baby by Blondie
Grace Kelly by MIKA
William, It Was Really Nothing by The Smiths
It’s a Sin by Pet Shop Boys
A Little Respect by Erasure
Big Big Love by k.d. lang
She’s a Rejecter by of Montreal
Would You Be So Kind by dodie
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) by Sylvester
Hungry Ghost by Hurray for the Riff Raff
Know Your Name by Mary Lambert
War Paint by Frankie Simone
The Greatest by Sia
Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance
St. Patrick by Pvris
Skydiving by Lights
Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me!
Lewis Takes Off His Shirt by Owen Pallett
April’s Fool by Angel Haze
Tommy by Gommy Genesis
Reality TV by Mal Blum
Fever by Adam Lambert
Die Young by Kesha
Celi by Entropica
Home by Mercy Bell
Sweet Talk by Avalon Young
Only a Girl by Gia
Maniac by Peaches
Nightcrawler by Aye Nako
So Real by Bloc Party
100 Years by Vagabon
Human Bog by Baths
Blooming by Shamir
brighter by Saint Sebastian
Bulletproof by La Roux
Lifestyle by Dizzy Fae
WHAT DO U LIKE by jesse saint john
Like Heaven by Zolita
Remember Me by VINCINT
Widdit by Lava La Rue
Free to Love by Brendan Maclean
Going To a Town by Rufus Wainwright
Are You Still Certain (ft. Mashrou’ Leila) by Herculues & Love-Affair
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Sleater-Kinney
Angels Would Fall by Melissa Etheridge
Bikini Kill Bill by The Magic Fountains
Promissory Note by Downtown Boys
Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill
Shake Em Off by Syd
Crazy Game by Indigo Girls
Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato
Prove It On Me Blues by Ma Rainey
Livin’ la Vida Loca by Ricky Martin
Piece of My Heart by Big Brother & The Holding Company
List of Demands (Reparations) by Saul Williams
Out The Way by Nadine Shah
Fem in a Black Leather Jacket by Pansy Division
I’m Not Afraid by Holland
Baby Won’t You Please Come Home by Bessie Smith
You Know Jam Don’t Shake by Frankie “Half-Pint” Jaxon
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day
The Village Green Preservation Society by The Kinks
Anyone Else But You by The Moldy Peaches
Zombie by Jay Brannan
Isende Lendlela by Faka
Resilience by Annabelle Chvostek
Chercher la femme by Coccinelle
Big Girls Don’t Cry (Personal) by Fergie
Colour by MNEK
GUY.exe by Superfruit
Ooh La La by Goldfrapp
That Was the Whiskey by Antigone Rising
Around Us by Jónsi
Saw You in a Dream by The Japanese House
Agoraphobia by Deerhunter
Black Tie by Grace Petrie
Here Is a Heart by Jenny Owens Young
150 notes · View notes
guardiandae · 6 years
A spotify playlist for the fic “Salvaged” by Guardian (Genos/Saitama)
One Punch Man AU where Saitama lives alone and rescues woodland animals as a hobby. Rescuing a cyborg isn’t his area of expertise.
This list can be shuffled but was also painstakingly arranged to match the story, so please give it a listen in order as well. ♥
Gone - Jr Jr » Finally, I can see the light through the leaves. But it's all, gone.
Pluto - Sleeping At Last » I leaned in and let it hurt, and let my body feel the dirt.
Gold - Adventure Club » When it feels like rust seeping into your soul, Stay gold.
Mars - Sleeping At Last » We were full of life. We could barely hold it in.
Boy - Our Lady Peace » Just when you think you’re done, the war can never be won, I - I'll be there to pick you up, and dust you off, and bring you home, and make you feel loved.
Blackbird - The Beatles » All your life, You were only waiting for this moment to arise.
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations » I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'.
Animal - Miike Snow » Am I free or am I tied up?
Unpack Your Heart - Phillip Phillips » Your sorrow, your beauty, your war. I want it all.
Best That I Can - Vance Joy » I won't stand in your way. What's the good in that?
Wish You Were Here - Rasputina » So. So you think you can tell? Heaven from hell?
Show Me Love - Robin Schulz » There’s a rifle in the cabinet that I used to fight a war. But to this day, I don’t know what I was fighting for.
Friendly Dark - Ollie MN » When the friendly dark opens up inside of me, I will not give in. I've got people to see.
Yellow - Coldplay » I drew a line for you. Oh what a thing to do. And it was all yellow.
So Far Away - Staind » I feel like I can face the day.
Spirits - The Strumbellas » Maybe we don't wanna stay the same.
Always Love - Nada Surf » To make a mountain of your life is just a choice.
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane » I felt the earth beneath my feet. Sat by the river, and it made me complete.
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crysisjustcrys · 6 years
Spotify did a beautiful job by shuffling the Queen songlist yet still able to put I'm in Love with my Car right after Bohemian Rhapsody
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kibumkim · 6 years
im so lazy that i waited 4 hours for this song to play on shuffle even tho i couldve just scrolled through my songlist to play it myself but i thought that was too much work
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brittanacedes · 6 years
How do you rank the New Directions competition setlist/performances?
For some reason I feel like I’ve answered this before, but I can’t remember if it was here or not. So I’ll do it anyways, just in case:
S3 Nationals - You know a setlist is good when a Troubletones song is my least favorite of the batch. While Edge of Glory was a huge stinker, imo, It’s All Coming Back to Me Now is amazing (even if the performance was cut to shit) and Paradise By the Dashboard Light is one of my all time favs. They gave them a Big theatrical performance that made them seem like a legit show choir, but still made it a bit messy so it was still Them; they didn’t just choreograph a VA number and give it to ND, you know? It was the perfect performance for them to finally win with.
S6 Sectionals - I really really really love this setlist. I loved all three songs and performances a lot, and my only complaints are that 1) Jane didn’t get a solo and 2) there were some missed nostalgia opportunities! Should’ve had Roderick start Take Me To Church from the back and walk through to the stage ala DROMP and should’ve had Spencer in a wheelchair for his injury instead of crutches as a reference to classic ND performances with Artie.
S1 Regionals - I don’t love Faithfully as much as others do, but it’s definitely my favorite of the competition duets. Anyway You Want It/Lovin Touchin Squeezin is a lot of fun, and Don’t Stop Believin hits some good buttons since it was before it was overdone.
S1 Sectionals - You Can’t Always Get What You Want is lackluster, but DROMP is so iconic is makes up for it and then some.
S3 Regionals - While none of the songs are my favs, I do like all of them and don’t mind when any of them come on shuffle, so. Also, a Troubletones number and a performance with just the ND girls? Nice!
S2 Sectionals - I appreciated them switching it up and letting others have a chance to shine, but Time of My Life is boring. Valerie is a great song and performance though, and really saves it.
S2 Regionals - Get It Right and Loser Like Me are fine songs and I like them both, but neither are amazing. LLM is a fun performance, though.
S5 Nationals - I wasn’t invested in this group and I don’t love all three songs, but it’s a decent setlist and the emotional manipulation with the Finn flashbacks works on me, what can I say?
S2 Nationals - They left their songlist to the last minute and boy does it show. Pretending is weak and while Light Up the World is a lowkey bop, it is hardly Nationals material. Disappointing and with only two songs, it didn’t have any of the impact that a big performance like that should.
S4 Regionals - I legit can’t think of what any of the songs they did sound like, but forgettable is better than remembered for being horrible, so.
S4 Sectionals - Yes, that’s right, I’m not putting Gangnam Style last, that’s how much I hate the other one. At least GS gave Tina a solo and I got to see Brittany/Jake dance together.
S3 Sectionals - This performance felt like it dragged on FOREVER and it’s so bad??? An almost all boys line up is a thing of nightmares in general, but the circumstances made it worse, and the performances themselves were uninspired and the Troubletones should’ve won.
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