#sora no ana
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sora no ana (空の穴’), 2001, kumakiri kazuyoshi
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everyfandomsprincess · 10 months
Idk is anyone has talked about this, but I think the cat-like whiskers on Sora are so interesting.
It’s obvious to anyone who watched the show that the people in Imperium have these facial markings/tattoos.
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We don’t know when or why they get them (maybe it’s based on their jobs or social standing or just for looks)
And when Sora was little she didn’t have any.
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But what’s interesting, aside from her choosing to get focal markings later in her life, is how they look.
Unlike the people in Imperium, who’s markings are very technical and sharp, hers are curved.
They’re softer and end in points instead of the usual blunt edges.
I feel like this is really important to her character. While she did run away and rejects what they’re doing, she still sees it as her home.
But she’s picking and choosing the pieces of her past that she wants to embrace.
Even her name: Sora. They explicitly say that it is the Imperium word for orphan.
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rainofthetwilight · 9 months
whoever decided it was a good idea to deadname sora in her tag on AO3
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penofwildfire · 5 months
I've said it before but Sora's arc was so important to me as a queer person who's parents have never been accepting and most likely never will be. Cole's true potential arc episode was great as a general queer coming out allegory but I can't really see myself in it because he has that love and acceptance from his father that I've never had. Sora's parents being the way they are, asking her to come back, to be their daughter, calling her by her deadname, and then her asserting herself as SORA. And that being the catalyst for her true potential. That full acceptance of herself, regardless of what her parents want. Embracing her found family who actually care about who she really is. That spoke to me. That hit hard.
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som30ne-67 · 11 months
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Why is no one talking about Ana
She's so cuteee
Like look at her:
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Baby Sora <3
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hanawsstuff · 1 year
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Dr. LaRow ,, I’m free on Saturday🌞💖
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Sora is autistic, and I won’t take any criticism
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38bony · 1 year
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sora choi is such an inspiration for me
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pestelpinkcloud · 2 years
Sora choi
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sora no ana (空の穴), 2001, kumakiri kazuyoshi
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My favorite Ninjago character is Ana/Sora!
The Mech Maker!
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
honestly, when i first saw sora's backstory, i didnt react much, but now im noticing everything and its just really sad to think about
see this little kid who was full of hope? see this girl, that was just an innocent kid full of life, having that one role model that every kid had in some point of their lives?
this girl was then stripped away from everything she loved the moment she realized the truth, that this "role model" of hers was abusing poor innocent creatures, that their people have been brainwashed by this so-called emperess she actually used to follow, having your own parents shun you and take away everything you had and isolate you just because you knew the truth, and said truth wasnt just something bad, no, it was a fucking nightmare to think about, imagine taking that all in at 10
if the merge never happend, she would've been stuck in that sucker of a realm her whole life. she wouldve never been able to continue her childhood, her love for tech, nothing just absolutely nothing. she wouldve been locked away and alone forever, she wouldnt even have her own family by her side
the fact she didnt even hesitate to leave when the merge happend is heartbreaking, she was so fucking young, and was treated so poorly by everyone. imagine staying like that for probably months. she even named herself after that freaking dragon to respect her.
and as someone who actually experienced what sora had to endure when i was a kid, being shunned by my family for nearly a year during that time, i just have to point out that:
ana and sora are two completely different charcters.
when ana left, she became sora. a completely new person that was an ending with a new beginning, seeds that became remenants.
I know alot of people will disagree with me and say that lloyd had a tougher backstory, or maybe harumi, etc, but every charcter experienced something the other wouldnt handle, making no tragedy rougher than the other
i have nothing else to say but..damn
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ghostscrown · 7 months
Someone has to say it : they knew what they were doing with Sora being so transcoded.
You can't just write all of these transcoded scenes in 2023 by "accident" – especially in a show putting random pride flags in the background to be "allies but we won't take too much risks". Intentional coding really feels like something they would do.
We have a character with pink hair who wears fake cat ears (we all remember the trans girls being obsessed with cat ears era, right ?), changed her name for one being meaningful to her, then ran away from an oppressive government and her unsupportive parents to join a found family. Also, her charadesign's color palette is pink, white and blue.
Not to mention the transcoded as heck scenes :
"Who's Ana ??? Her name is Sora !"
"That's my birth name."
"Oh... Well now I feel dumb-"
(Not the exact quote since I watch the show in french, but you get it)
The way Arin just immediately accepted she had a birth name different from her actual name ??? Just like someone who knows you're trans but didn't know what your deadname was ??? Like. Usually in shows, you would expect a big "you lied to me by using a fake name all these years" drama but here, he just couldn't care less. If this isn't Arin being an ally, then what is it ???
People knowing her from when she lived at Imperium calling her "Ana" just to annoy her ??? But even after learning her birth name, none of her friends ever called her "Ana" ???
The scene in part 2 with her parents and all ??? Hello ???
Her admitting she was still influenced by the fact she felt like disappointing her parents ? Then facing them but they didn't change. They were still thinking Imperium was right and all of the bad things they did just weren't true. Tried to convince her to go back after being horrible with her when she needed their support the most, and insisted on calling her "Ana". So she told them one last time her name was "Sora" then left ???
The whole moral being basically "be who you are" ?????
ALL OF THE SCENES. Her whole arc just feels like transcoding. I refuse to believe this wasn't on purpose.
Edit : feels like they're using a not canonically trans character to normalize trans experiences and I'm here for it
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tipitip213 · 1 month
Yasak sırlar 8
Annem odadan çıktığında bende hemen banyoya girip annemi ve teyzemi düşünerek ağzımda annemim amımın tadını hissede ede otuzbir çekip boşaldım annem zaten beni boşaltmaya ramak kala odada bırakıp gitmişti boşalmam çok zor sürmedi, temizlenip salona geçtim annemle teyzem mutfağı topluyordu yarım saat gibi bir süre sora annem elinde iki kahve ile salona geldi köşe koltuğun en köşe tarafına benden uzağa oturdu kahvenin birinin benim olduğunu sanarak oo annecim teşekkür ederim dedim annem senin değil teyzenin o gelicek şimdi ee bana yokmu sen cezalısın diyerek bana sert baktı tamam be dedim bende tekrar tv ye bakmaya başladım annemin vücudu çok sexi ama sexi şeyler çok fazla giyinmezdi babamdan çekinirdi heralde ama giymesini çok isterdim neyse boş boş birbirimize bakarken teyzem iki dakka sonra içeri girdi görür görmez sikim dikildi desem yalan olmaz.
siyah tayt üstünede beyaz v yaka kazak giymişti göğüsleri füze gibi karşıya bakıyordu sikimi saklamak için doğrulup düz oturma pozisyonuna geçtim teyzem aa gökhan niye içmiyorsun sen bitanem dedi annemde boşver abla içmesin o dedi bişey olmaz ama kızım olmaz gidiyim ben yapayım dedi bende yok teyze boşver dedim neyse iyi sen bilirsin peki dedi teyzem kahveler içildi teyzem fincanları aldı mutfağa bırakmak için kalktı o sırada ben markete gidicem siz oturun evde bişey kalmadı dedi annem aa olurmu abla sen tek gitme gökhanda gelsin seninle dedi teyzem markete gidicem diyince çok sevindim çünkü annemle başbaşa kalıcaktım ama annemin oda senle gelsin yardım eder diyince anneme sinir oldum.
Bende istemeyerekte olsa evet teyze geleyim yorulma dedim teyzemde yok canım üç beş parça bişey alcam gerek yok gelirken bi kaç yerede uğruyucam çocuk sıkılır benle dedi annem bak valla yorulma sonra dedi teyzemde yok canım yok siz oturun ana oğul baş başa dedi pis pis sırıtarak teyzem gerçekten çok tuhaftı matruşka gibi her an değişik bişey yapıp bizi şaşırtıyordu ama annem rahatsız oluyordu suratından anlıyordum annem bardakları bırak ben yıkarım dedi iyi tamam canım deyip teyzem evden çıktı ben mutluluktan havaya uçuyordum nerden baksan bir saat annemle yanlız kalacaktım ve de bu benim annemi sikmem için büyük bir fırsattı söz vermişti eve gittiğimizde sikişicektik ama sabredemiyordum bu fırsatı değerlendirmeliydim teyzem evden çıkınca ben cama yöneldim üçüncü katta oturuyorlardı teyzemler, annem ne oldu ne öyle gizli gizli bakıyon perdeden dedi teyzeme bakıyorum binadan çıktımı diye dedim annem anlamış olacakki aaa gökhan yeter bak beni sinirlendiriyorsun diye bağırdı bana ya anne dur iki dakka dedim teyzem binadan çıkıp köşeyi dönmüş evden uzaklamıştı topuklarım sevinçten götüme çarpa çarpa annemin yanına uçtum yanına oturup sıkıca sarıp yanağına boynuna öpücükler atıyordum annem benim canım meleğim herşeyim diyordum ama hala aramızda utangaçlık olduğu için sevgilim karım gibi sözler söyleyemiyordum annem dur bak biri gelicek biri görücek diye.
benden uzaklaşmaya çalışıyordu annemin arkadan elimi kalçalarına attım beli açılmıştı elleyerek okşuyordum sağ elimlede önden bacak arasına elimi atmış amına dokunmaya çalışıyordum annem dur gökhan kuzenlerin gelir teyzen gelir diye söyleniyordu annem benden iri olduğu için istediklerimi yapamıyordum anne sikişelim işte kimse yok dedim annem aaa saçmala burda olmaz dedi bende biliyorum sen beni kandırıyorsun sikişmiyicen evdede kaçıcan benden dedim böyle yaparsan sikişmem dedi iyi bende teyzemi sikerim dedim annemde sik napayım kaşınıyor teyzen zaten seni durdursam ona ne diyebilirim alcak gencecik çocuğu bu gece koynuna orospu dedi, kıskanç sinirli bi tavır vardı yüzünde beni teyzemden kıskanmış olabilirmiydi tamam onuda sikerim ama ilk seni sikeyim dedim, annem ilkin teyzemi sikmeme karşı gelmişti ama şimdi niye böyle demişti kafam karışmıştı sikişmemizimi izleyecekti yoksa gece her neyse aannemi sıkıştırıp duruyordum annem aaa yeter deyip yerinden kalktı mutfağa gitti bende onu ürkütmek sözünden vazgeçmesini istemediğim için çok fazlada zorlamamak istemiyordum arkasından mutfağa gittim annem fincanları yıkarken yaptığı el hareketleriyle götü löp löp sallanıyordu.
Devam edecek…
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nyaskitten · 8 months
I love how the messages in Dragons Rising are handled, like a lot.
Like Imperium, the undeniably irredeemable bad guys are a bunch of fascists, and their loyalists will stand united for pure evil, ignoring their own children and their children's needs. Also, Imperium is like SUPER discriminatory to outside cultures, like Beatrix literally says they don't want outside cultures into Imperium because they're filthy and all that.
Sora is a trans allegory, she ran away from home, everyone at home uses a deadname on her, and she argues with her parents that Beatrix DOESN'T have a good reason to do the shit she's doing (which mirrors how it feels trying to reason with a conservative), and in her big power moment, she makes it clear that "Ana" is dead to her, she is not Ana, she will never BE Ana, Ana is gone. Sora is there, Sora killed Ana, Ana is gone. Her colors are transgender as FUCK btw.
And they do these things, the trans allegory and the evil government, while still telling a WONDERFUL story about family, about love that isn't just romantic, about growing stronger, about how family is there for one another... I'm sorry I hate to be negative but Hagemanjago would literally fucking never.
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omgjayaaa · 2 months
Finishing rewatching DRs1 (ep 18-20)
Ep18 Absolute Power
Ooo flashback
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Ras don’t scare the child -_-
Beatrix’s family
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Here we go again
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Rapton is playing a dangerous game
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I love them sm (do they have a duo name?)
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The soft touch ;-; 
Pls they are the ultimate siblings
Aww Wyldfyre and Arin sharing the binoculars
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Oh no he’s enabling the child
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Bumblebee shipping
Ep19 We Are All Dragons
More bumblebee shipping
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Dad Kai lmao
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Lloyd: I forgot there’s two of them now
Awww Arin protecting Percy
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Oh my gosh arson duo is so cuteeee
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Percy, Sora and Arin friendship trio is too powerful
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Rapton reminds me of Lord Business
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His voice anyway
Sora’s speech gonna low key make me cry
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Sora: We must rise up. We must be free. Because today we are all dragons!
oh no
The world is ending
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Ep20 The Power Within
Rapton: You’re gonna be destroyed too, you washed up clown!
Stop calling her Ana
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It infuriates me when she’s called that
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Arin: I just know after losing Wyldfyre and Riyu, I couldn’t lose anyone else I really love.
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Sora’s parents are the worst
Like ever-
Sora’s mom: We’ve missed you, Ana. Don’t abandon us again
I will explode >:(
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Sora: I didn’t abandon you, you abandoned me. I thought I had to prove myself to you, but you should never have to prove your worth to your own parents!
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There goes the wicked witch of the west
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Arin’s parents?!
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If they end up being somehow worse than Sora’s parents I will flip a table
Lloyd’s tripping
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At least he didn’t go into a coma again
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I have no idea who this dragon is but I love him
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Lloyd and Arin ;-;
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Jordana and Ras team up
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Andddd the season is over 😭
It’s just as amazing as I remembered letsss goo
*starts vibrating bcoz there’s only three days until DR s2*
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