#sorry Haley but ya gotta go
marsupialmenace · 1 year
*takes away the 'Dick Grayson loved the animals in the circus and played with them/Dick Grayson was babysat or raised by elephants' HC from people*
*replaces it with 'Dick Grayson was kept far away from the animals by his mother, and if he touched them he had to instantly wash his hands, and could only come into the tent if he cleaned himself'*
There, now you can have you Romani Dick Grayson.
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eminems-skittles · 3 years
target run [ bau family au]
bau family au  warnings: none word count: 1.7k
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
"Do you guys remember what I said?" David said, his eyes moving up to the rear view mirror to look at the five kids in the backseats.
"No messing around," Six voices droned in unison.
"Perfect," Rossi said smiling as he pulled into a parking spot.
"Do we have to all stick together?" Aaron asked from the passenger seat. His earbuds, hanging out of the collar of his shirt, played a vaguely familiar rap song that David could just barely hear.
"No but someone does have to stay with your little brother," David said, earning a groan from the seat behind Aaron.
"But dad," Spencer whined, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm almost nine years old. I can go off by myself."
"Says the kid sitting in the booster seat," Derek mumbled, earning a smack on the arm from Penelope and a giggle from Emily. JJ shook her head disapprovingly but there was a trace of a smile at her brother's antics.
"Spence, wanna come look at the toys with me?" Penelope asked, leaning across Derek so she could see Spencer. The question cause Spencer's face to light up and he nodded excitedly.
"Alright, let's go," David said, getting out of the car. Aaron and Emily were next out.
"Aaron?" Spencer called for his big brother.
"What is it buddy?" Aaron asked, pulling his head phone out of his ear.
"Can you give me a piggyback?" Spencer asked while unbuckling his seatbelt.
Without saying anything, Aaron turned around and crouched down. Spencer threw his arms around his big brother's shoulders and jumped up slightly. His tiny hands clutched the black and white flannel that Aaron was wearing. Aaron laughed and held onto the little boy's legs.
"Hey! I never get piggybacks!" Penelope complained.
"He's my favorite," was all Aaron said as he walked toward the store. The rest of the kids followed suit and branched off to go off on their own. Penelope walked next to Aaron and Spencer, talking animatedly about the newest episode of the anime her and Spencer were watching. When the trio got to the toy section, Aaron set Spencer on the ground and started to walk away. Before he got too far he turned around facing Penelope and Spencer, laughing at the contrast of their appearances. Penelope was dressed in what Aaron swore was all JoJo Siwa merch, although whenever he mentioned it to Penelope she'd deny it profusely. As if they planned to be polar opposites, Spencer was wearing a grey sweater vest he had gotten for Christmas with a blue long sleeve underneath it and khaki pants that were a little too big for him. The only pop of color Spencer was wearing were the beat up pair of purple Chucks he wore every day. "Don't get into too much trouble and remember-"
"If we see you, no we don't," Spencer finished, the corners of his mouth tugging into a small smile. Aaron smiled back before spinning on his heel, popping his earbud back into his ear.
"Where do you think Derek went?" Penelope asked, her eyes trained on a lego set.
"Probably to the sports section or he's following Dad around," Spencer replied. "Why?"
"I still have to get him a birthday present. Do you think he'd like this?" Penelope held up a box of legos for Spencer to look at.
"He hasn't opened the set you and JJ got him for Christmas," Spencer said, shaking his head, a pout forming on his face. "He won't let me play with them."
"I'll just get him a sticker or something," Penelope sighed defeated. "Do you think Dad will let us get a toy?"
"I dunno," Spencer shrugged.
"I'm telling you, Em, she's out to get me," JJ complained as they milled around the junior section.
"Strauss isn't out to get you," Emily said, holding up a top for JJ. JJ cringed at it, shaking her head.
"Yes she is! Last week, I labelled my paper Unit One instead of the actual unit name and she gave me an F on the assignment even though I got all of the questions right," JJ groaned.
"That's probably Aaron and I's fault," Emily stated. "At least you don't have Mrs. Barnes. She hates me so much. Probably because she had Aaron last year and I'm nothing like him."
"You mean you're not a quiet straight A student?" JJ asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Can we go over to the sports aisle? I need to get a new ball since Will kicked mine onto the roof of the gym during practice yesterday."
"I still think he likes you," Emily teased, nudging her shoulder as they walked towards the sports gear.
"No he doesn't," JJ blushed.
"Oh my god! You like him too!" Emily said, poking her sister's cheek. JJ swatted her hand away, her eyes staring widely at Emily.
"Can you please be quiet?!" JJ asked, frantically looking around to make sure no one heard. She stopped abruptly when her eyes landed on her brother just a few aisles away from them. "Hey, who's Aaron talking to?"
"Derek, why don't you go find your brother?" David asked as Derek threw random snacks into the cart. "I can do this myself."
"If you say so," Derek said laughing. "See ya later, pops!"
Derek ran down the aisle toward the toys to find Spencer and Penelope, his shoes squeaking every now and then. When he saw they weren't at the toy section, he ran through the whole store looking for them. Eventually, he found them near the sports aisle, huddled close together with JJ and Emily. He quietly walked up to them, careful not to make any noise.
"What are you guys doing?" He asked causing his brother and sisters to jump and turn to face him. Emily pulled his arm down so he was level with all of them. "What are we looking at?"
"Aaron has been talking to this girl for like fifteen minutes," Emily explained, her voice hushed. She pointed to where Aaron and the mystery girl were standing. She had short blonde hair and was wearing high waisted mom jeans and a white t-shirt.
"Who is she?" Derek questioned.
"Her name is Haley. Haley Brooks. She's the reason Aaron auditioned for the play," JJ whispered.
"We should go say hi," Penelope stood up, beginning to walk over to her older brother. Before she could get even half a step away, she was being dragged back to her spot.
"Absolutely not, Pen. Aaron can't know we saw him," JJ whisper-yelled.
"Why not?" Spencer asked, pulling on JJ's sleeve.
"Because he really likes her so we aren't going to ruin it," JJ said, looking down at her younger brother.
"Speak for yourself," was all Emily said before she stood up and walked over to Aaron and Haley.
"Hey Em!" Haley greeted. Emily winced at the nickname. Only her siblings could call her Em.
"Hey...Hal," Emily said, forcing a smile on her face.
"Why is she smiling like that?" Penelope whispered from where they stood.
"She's not Haley's biggest fan," JJ whispered. "Now, shush. I'm trying to listen."
"What's up, Emily?" Aaron asked, an annoyed smile settling on his face. Emily turned to face Aaron, her back completely to Haley.
"Spencer's looking for you. He needs help getting something. Says you know where it is," Emily lied.
"No I do-" Spencer was cut off by JJ shushing him.
"Okay, I'll be right there. I'm sorry Haley, but I gotta go help him," Aaron apologized.
"I can come with if you-"
"He can do it by himself," Emily cut her off before walking away.
"I'll see you at rehearsal," Aaron said to Haley before following Emily to where everyone else was waiting eagerly. "What do you need help with, buddy?"
"I don't need help," Spencer stated as if it was obvious.
"Then why did Emily practically drag me away from Haley?" Aaron questioned, turning to glare at his twin sister.
Deciding to not answer with 'because I hate your girlfriend,' Emily went with a much more logical approach. "Would you rather have us drag you away from your girlfriend or Dad?"
"Fair point," Aaron said with a smile.
The group of six wandered aimlessly around the store, having at least ten different conversations. They looped back to the front so they could grab a cart to fill with things they know Rossi would never let them get. Aaron and JJ, the responsible ones, were in charge of pushing the cart while everyone else threw random things into it.
"Emily tells me it's your fault Mrs. Strauss hates me," JJ says casually to Aaron.
"Uhh, maybe?"
"Great," JJ said rolling her eyes. "Hey, Spencer! Put that down!"
Spencer sighed, setting down the large glass ball he was about to throw at Derek. He looked at JJ and mumbled, "You're no fun."
"I could've caught it!" Derek muttered.
"Derek Morgan Rossi!" JJ exclaimed exasperatedly. "You are the older one, you know better than to egg him on."
"JJ, why don't you leave the parenting to me?" A voice said from behind them. They all turned around to find David standing with an almost full cart, an amused smile on his face. "But seriously, Derek, Spencer, you guys should listen to your sister."
"See!" JJ shouted, earning a few curious looks from other customers.
"What do you guys have there?" David asked, looking into the cart.
"Just some random things," Emily replied, tossing a tube of mascara into the cart.
"Okay, well let's go checkout," David said, before walking away.
"Wait, Dad!" Aaron said causing David to turn around. "Shouldn't we put this stuff away?"
"If you guys want it, you can get all of it," David said before turning back around and continuing his journey to the checkout. The six children shared looks of disbelief before following their dad.
After checking out, pushing three carts of bags (they had to get a third after they paid) and stuffing the car full of their goodies, they were on the way back to their house. The car was filled with excited chatter, everyone discussing the stuff they got.
"I have a question," Rossi said, grabbing the children's attention. "Who's Haley?"
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enchantedpickaxe · 3 years
Talk Me Down
DNF fic written for the 404cord gift exchange.
3.1k words of angst and fluff for my favorite discord server. Enjoy the read <3
George has not been feeling well. He is usually not one to fall prey to hate about himself over the internet, but he has been boxing himself in his room with the door locked, his emotions building and building until the floor is no longer visible and oxygen has no way to enter. He is suffocating.
His blinds have been shut for weeks, leaving his room stale and his furniture rotting. Plates are scattered on every surface of his room, which lead to him stubbing his toe multiple times as he has had to step over week old plates growing fuzz. In addition to his mound of plates, water bottles and dirty clothes have been steadily accumulating on his floor, adding to the ghastly smell his room gives off.
He spilled rice eight days ago. The ants thank him for their meal. He tipped over milk tea onto his keyboard six days ago. His fingers stick a little whenever he types. His body radiates a stench that causes his eyes to water whenever he smells himself. He still does not shower. His eyes are sunken in from exhaustion, his back screams in agony from how long he stays hunched over his phone in bed, furiously scrolling through hate comments to find one, just one, good comment from them.
Their names are Haley and Corey. The people who have been sending him hate these past weeks. Yes, he knows he should not let the words of two people stomp him into the dirt so harshly when he has millions of people who adore him, but these people are everywhere. Each new YouTube video, Haley comments about his voice, saying it is grating to her eardrums. Each new stream, Corey makes burner Twitch accounts saying he should just bend over and be pretty, because that is all he is good at. Every tweet he posts, Corey replies saying he is worthless, and would not be where he is without Dream. The tweets, the comments, the donations, the DM’s, it is too much. It is all too much, and he is sinking into a wasteland with no motivation to grab onto a nearby branch so he can stay above ground. He feels broken.
A knock rumbles throughout the quiet dark room, shaking him from his incessant scrolling. His eyes burn from staring at his phone and his fingers feel locked in a position that can only support the small device. With unsteady legs, George throws on a pair of pants and shuffles to his door, accidentally stepping on food that has turned crunchy with age. He cracks open the door to find Dream, standing with his arms crossed and a look of worry scribbled onto his face. He opens his mouth to speak but chokes halfway once he gets a whiff of the odor protruding from George’s room.
“God, George, what the hell died in here?” Dream blows air out of his nose in angry tuffs, frantically pushing the smells of decay from his nostrils. George just stared and shrugged his shoulders.
“Okay, well,” Dream started, “Are you doing alright? Sapnap and I have noticed you’ve been acting a little off this past week or so. We were trying to give you space but you’re worrying us, George. What’s going on?” George continued to peek behind his door at Dream. His stance was stiff, and his eyes remained locked on Dream’s chest, seeming to look past him. Dream’s worry only deepened as he looked at the usually lively boy dull and devoid of any emotion.
“Can I come in?” Dream tries and to his surprise, George steps back and opens his door fully to let the tall man inside. The second the swing of the door disturbed the stagnant air around the two, the smell Dream had gotten used to penetrated his nose once more, causing him to clear his throat in disgust and concern. What was wrong with George?
“Uh, better yet, why don’t you come to my room instead?” With no response from George, Dream slowly reached over to George’s hand until it was grasped into his own. The only sign he got that the man was present was the weak squeeze given to his hand. He tugged George until he stood in the hallway beside him, still with his eyes glazed over and head running faster than either could comprehend. Dream shut the door and walked down the hallway. George quietly followed. Halfway through shuffling to his bedroom, Dream had a change of heart and turned into the room a few doors before his. Once they reached the door to Dream’s office, he shut the door and locked it, not wanting Sapnap to barge in.
“Sorry. I was gonna go to my room, but I figured my office would be better since it has the noise cancelling pads on the wall. Come on, sit.” Dream tugged the man to the couch he had placed against the back wall and sat down, pulling the British man onto his lap. It only took Dream’s hand to start rubbing circles into his back for the man to break down into gut wrenching sobs. George’s arms circled tightly around Dream’s neck, with his face shoved into the crook of his shoulder. Dream’s heart shattered hearing the man he cares about so deeply in such guttural pain. Why didn’t he catch him sooner?
Dream shifted George so he was straddling his lap and wrapped his arms around his midsection, hugging him tightly as George started sputtering in-between his weeps. Dream only held him tighter.
“George, I can’t understand you. You gotta calm down a little, doll. Can you do that for me?” A sniffle accompanied with a small nod was felt against Dream’s neck. So, he waited. Dream sat and waited for George’s body to stop quaking with tears. He waited for George to stop hyperventilating. He waited for George’s hiccups to calm down. He waited until George was reduced to nothing but small sniffles and a tight grip on Dream’s now wrinkled shirt. Finally, with a raw throat, George spoke for the first time in weeks.
“I ... It started a few weeks ago.” George spoke with a hoarse voice, evidence of its misuse. Dream only squeezed him harder to his chest, waiting for him to continue.
“I had just uploaded my new video. The one where I used my colorblind glasses. I really liked it and I thought it was nice, but then I went down to the comments and I saw these people.” George’s voice cracked and his throat burned as he tried to hold back his tears from spilling onto Dream’s damp shoulder.
“They, they were just being so mean, Dream. Calling me ugly and dainty. Saying I don’t deserve where I am. Wishing misfortune upon my family. It was just awful. I don’t…I don’t usually let that stuff get to me, so I just brushed it off and thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn’t. They kept coming back.” Tears started to prick at George’s eyes again, threatening to create another waterfall of anguish.
“They were everywhere! Haley and…and Corey. Every video, every tweet, every stream, those two were just there! They wouldn’t leave me alone, and I didn’t know what they wanted! At least if I did, I could’ve changed so it would make them calm down, but nothing would get through to them. Nothing would.” George’s face was flush with tears once again. His face was hot with an angry red blush on it, skin shiny with remnants of tears and snot he didn’t care to wipe. It tore Dream from the inside out.
“George…why didn’t you tell me? Or tell Sapnap? Why did you go through this by yourself? We would’ve helped.” Dream softly carded his fingers through George’s tangled hair, untangling the knots that got caught on his knuckles.
“Didn’t wanna bother. Thought I could handle it.”
“Yet here you are smelling like shit and living in the equivalent of Shrek’s swamp.” At Dream’s sentence, George blushed and curled in on himself in shame. God, he forgot he hasn’t showered in what, two, three weeks? All he knows is he fucking reeks, yet he haphazardly sat on Dream’s lap and threw his arms around his neck and-
“Hey now, get outta that head of yours. It was a joke. I shouldn’t have made that. I’m sorry.” George softly muffled that he accepted Dream’s apology, and tried to slide off his lap, but to no avail as Dream seemed adamant to keep the Brit snuggled in his arms. George opened his mouth but instead of words, a yelp of surprise erupted from his mouth as Dream stood up with George in his arms. George wrapped his arms tightly around Dream’s neck with wide eyes and a beating chest.
“Dream! What are you doing? Put me down!” Dream softly laughed at George’s response and walked to the door of his office.
“Nope! You sir are going to use some soap and water, so you stop smelling like a skunkape and then we are gonna cheer you up!” Dream steadily carried George out his office, ignoring George’s whines and protests. On the way to the bathroom, he passed Sapnap as he was exiting his room to go downstairs. He glanced up from his phone and took in the sight of Dream carrying an embarrassed George in his arms.
“Good job, dude.” Sapnap gave a thumbs up as he continued his descent down the stairs.
“Thanks, Sap!” Dream exclaimed with a smile on his face and George left out an annoyed huff.
Dream reached the bathroom and sat the flushed man on the sink. He turned to the shower and plugged the tub drain, leaving the Brit in a state of confusion. He proceeded to turn the knob, letting the bathroom be filled with the sound of rushing water. George sat still and watched from his perch as Dream continued to do small laps around the bathroom: bath salts added to the tub, aromatherapy soap poured into the growing vat of water, small rose petals thrown in which George frankly didn’t know why he had those, and lastly, he turned on the shower head.
“Why are you turning on the shower head if I’m going to be in the bath?” George’s head unconsciously tilted in confusion.
“Oh, well, it’s not gonna be on full blast. Like a little sprinkle to almost simulate being outside in the rain, ya know? It’s calming.” George nodded his head and continued to watch Dream as he prepared his bath. Within time, George had stripped his clothes and laid in the tub until it turned cold, and the tub was at risk of overflowing. After he drained the tub and changed into fresh clothes, he stepped out of the bathroom to be immediately met with a grinning Dream struggling to carry a mass of sheets and pillows.
“Blanket fort! We’re gonna make a blanket fort!” Dream was hopping in anticipation while he stared at George, enthusiasm flooding his pupils. George couldn’t help but soften his features and let a smile grace his face as he watched Dream speak in a childlike manner. With a confirmation from George, Dream turned and started off down the hallway and down the stairs, leaving George in the wind. With an exasperated laugh, George followed.
Downstairs in the living room, George was greeted with the sight of Dream dragging more blankets, pillows, and comforters to the already ungodly pile of sheets on the living room floor. Various snacks and drinks were laid across the coffee table pushed against the wall. The sight of Dream going to such lengths to make George feel comforted and included and happy hurt him in the best way possible. He had no words to describe what he was feeling except pain that he welcomed with open arms. George’s chest was overcome with affection for the man doing something as childish as making a blanket fort from their living room furniture. His chest felt like it was filled with concrete that was home to seeds forcing their roots through the rocks to bloom inside George’s lungs. It’s depriving him of oxygen, it’s making him dizzy, and he couldn’t ask for anything better.
George stood still and continued to watch as Dream put the finishing touches on the fort. The support base was the two living room couches pushed together and multiple kitchen chairs. Scotch tape was applied to the sheet that served as the roof and was stuck to the wall to keep an outside draft from slipping into the fort. A soft hum was heard throughout the room and the breeze tickling George’s feet told him a fan was inside the fort, keeping it cool and afloat. Movement caught George’s eye and he looked in amusement as the man invading his mind lately emerged from the fort, crawling on his hands and knees. He motioned for George to crawl in the fort with him, a huge grin spread on his face.
George scooted his body into the fort and had to pause in disbelief. The inside of the fort had small lights hung from the chairs and other furniture used to keep the fort standing. The floor was cushioned with thick comforters so the men inside would not be laying directly on the floor. A pile of over fifteen pillows were stacked against the two sofas, with an extra ring of body pillows to encase the space in a safe circle. Blankets were splayed within the fort to use as covers and stuffed animals were set against the fort’s wall as an extra layer of comfort. A small stepping stool served as a table and it hosted multiple bags of potato chips, animal crackers, cookies, cupcakes, and other snacks including water and tea. Near the front of the fort, another stool had a laptop perched on it with the first Harry Potter movie paused on the screen. The whole sight took George’s breath away.
“So, do you like it? I know it isn’t much, but I did what I could with the limited time frame. I knew you would be happy with anything, but I wanted to at least -” Dream’s words were cut off as George unsystematically threw his arms around Dream’s middle, his body shaking.
“George? What’s the matter? Did I do something wrong? I can fix it - ”
“Shut up,” George whispered, “Shut up, just shut up. This is perfect. I love it so much. Oh my god, I can’t believe you did all of this in what, fifteen minutes? Dream, thank you so so much. I love it.” George kept rambling as Dream’s face flushed and a smile flourished like a newly watered plant.
“You’re welcome, love.” Both men moved to the mound of pillows near the back of the fort. Dream laid down first and pulled George with him, so the other man was positioned with his arms wrapped around Dream’s waist and his head resting on his chest. From where George was situated, he could hear the rapid beating of Dream’s heart. He’s sure his heart is doing no better.
Dream reached to the side and grabbed his phone. With a tap, he started the movie on the laptop. A fuzzy blanket was thrown over the two men, encasing them in a bubble of comfort. George let out a sigh of content and sunk further into Dream’s warmth, letting the sounds of the movie he has seen ten times over echo in the background. Dream’s fingers were slowly running through George’s now washed and smooth brown hair. George melted further and further into Dream’s chest as with each new swipe of his fingers in his hair, he lightly scratched at George’s scalp, leaving shivers in his wake. George reached over until he found Dream’s discarded hand near his phone and gripped it. He rubbed soothing circles on the back of Dream’s hand and gave a squeeze, hoping Dream was able to read the appreciation and adoration in his gesture. He squeezed back, tugging George closer to his chest.
Hours passed as the two men comfortably laid in silence, watching movie after movie pass by on the screen. Every now and then, a hand leaves the other to grab a chip or take a swig of water, but they always immediately gravitate back to one another. Dream was the first to break the silence.
“Feeling better?” His voice boomed throughout the fort despite his hushed tone. George stretched out his legs and arms, resulting in a satisfying pop which was followed by a content sigh. He shifted up until he was able to push his face into Dream’s neck, this time lazily throwing his arm over the man’s shoulder. A leg was thrown over Dream’s lap which he ended up holding, 
gently massaging the smooth skin under the blanket.
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” George whispered his gratitude to the quiet space, his breath tickling Dream’s neck. He gave George’s leg a tight squeeze and placed a small kiss on the man's forehead.
“Anything for you. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if this happens again.”
“I promise.” Both men fell into a silence again as the movie playing on the laptop sat forgotten. George stretched his neck and left a peck on Dream’s jaw before relaxing back into the arms that gave him a sense of comfort he never thought he would ever experience. Dream pulled the blanket higher up on the two and hugged George one last time before closing his eyes and drifting off to the sound of George’s steadying breathing. Drifting off to the fan humming on the side of the blanket fort. Drifting off to the sound of another Harry Potter movie playing through the speakers. Drifting off knowing he’s holding the one thing in the world that can make all of his rainy days sunny and dry.
He knows they will have to address what made George so upset in more depth when he wakes up. He knows he’s going to have to help George clean his room. He knows he’s going to have to hear the boy he cares for so fucking much cry again as he retells how he has been feeling the past few weeks, but that’s okay as long as he will be there to hold George and let him know he has a support system. Dream has everything he could ever need right now wrapped in his arms, safe and sound.
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: Left Behind Chapter 11 - Demons? Of Course!
Warnings: Language, virgin sex, demons. 
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: Kate moves on to the next stage of her confession, and atonement which takes a surprising turn. The demons Merihem and Saleos plan their attack on Kate’s friends. 
Note: Sorry for the gap between chapters I’m in school. Final exams are coming up. 4 more weeks!!! then I’m on winter break.
“You are cleansed. You will now move on” John says, kissing her forehead.
Disoriented, and still seeing two John’s.
“Move-Move on?!” she asks, her head spinning. 
“Yes my love. You will move on to confession. Confessing your sins” he says, guiding her out of the water.
“S-Sins?” she questions, her mind going at the pace of a snail. 
A cold breeze goes by, and it snaps her out of her delusion, bliss state. 
Her body begins to vibrate, shaking uncontrollably. Shivering violently. 
Crossing her arms to keep herself warm. “Fuck!!!” she mutters, her voice trembling. 
John guides her inside the house. “Come on” he says. 
He sits her down on a chair, and goes to get her a towel. 
She sits there shivering, and probably gonna catch ammonia later. 
He comes back, and puts a warm towel around her.
He sits in front of her, “So darlin’ are you ready?!?” he asks. 
“R-ready for w-what?!” she asks.
“For your confession” he says, placing his hands on her knees. 
She furrows her eyebrows at him “Confession?!”.
“Yes. Your confession. Confessing your sins!” he says, his eyes locked onto hers.
Unable to break eye contact from him, “Now?!” she asks.
“It can be now. It can be tomorrow. It can be this weekend. But the sooner we do it the sooner it’ll be over with” he says, “So what do you say? Hm?”. 
She takes a moment to think about it.
“What do you say” he says, softly almost in a whisper.
“Wh-What is the confession? What h-happens?” she asks hesitantly.
He holds her hand in his, and says in the softest voice ever,
“You will confess your sins of course. You will confess every little bad thing you have ever done. No matter how big, small. No matter how petty”.
She stares at him, trying to keep her jaw from dropping open. She looks down at their hands entwined with each other, and closes her eyes for a moment. 
“Castiel please hear me. Any angels up there in cloud city please hear my voice. Help me!!!” she prays in her head. 
“Darlin’ what do you say?” he asks, caressing her hands. 
“I’m okay with this weekend” she says, looking him in the eyes.
He smiles at her, “Excellent” he stands up and goes over to his mantle. 
Grabbing a book off of it. A white book with gold around its edges. 
He hands it to her, “Here, take this”. 
She takes it from him, “Is this a bible?!”, looking up at him. 
“It’s my brother's book. Joseph. You met him at the church” he tells her as she flips through the pages.
She nods her head, “Oh right, right. Yeah”.
A few days later, getting out of class, and driving home.
Kate walks through the front door. 
“Hello honey” she greets Morgan.
“Hello sweetie” she says back. 
Their way of greeting each other as if they were a married couple.
“Any demons follow you home?!” Morgan asks.
Shaking her head, “Nope, I have my hex bag, so I was off of demon radar”. 
She sits down on the couch next to her.
“So how was work?!” she asks Morgan.
She groans, “Suuuper slow!!!, and Holly came by as well”.
Kate groans in annoyance, “What did she have to say?!”.
“She was with a couple of her friends, I think they’re in the Cult. Anyway Alissa said that she heard Holly say a few bad things about you”.
Kate rolls her eyes, “What did she say?!”.
“Uhhh, she said that you were a “Snake in the grass”, a “boring Wyominian girl” and that “you should’ve stayed in Wyoming, or Arizona, or wherever that little freak is from”, and that you stole John from her. Shit like that, and I was gonna confront her about but she was long gone before I could even get into her face”. 
Kate scoffs, “She’s a little bitch, I can probably take her ass in a fight.”
Morgan laughs, “I believe you, and she also said that your dog is an ugly bitch”.
Haley lifts her head up as she says this, tilting her head, and barks loudly.
“Holly said that, don't shoot the messenger!!!” Morgan says to the 70Ibs dog. 
“I’ll fucking kill her, and also I didn’t steal John from her cunt ass!!” Kate says.
“Speaking of John, how was your date the other night?!?.I forgot to ask you about it” Morgan asks.
“It went really good, sorta. Am I planning on breaking up with him?” she groans in an unsure kind of way. “Yes, I am”.
Morgan’s eyes widened, “Oh shit what happened?!?!”.
“Well he wanted me to be “cleansed”.” she says with air quotes.
“What the fuck does that mean?!?” she asks, confused.
“Like a baptism” Kate answers.
“What the fuck?!?. What did you do?!?” she asks.
“I said yes, and I was cleansed” she replies.
“You said yes?!?” Morgan exclaims.
Kate flinches at her outburst, “Yeah?”. 
Morgan sighs, “That is how he gets his followers!!!!!. You have to confess and atone!!”
They say in unison.
“I know the confession part, I just have to tell him my sins” she says.
“Yeah then you atone. He tattoos your sins onto your skin!!!” Morgan says, loudly.
Kate stands up from the couch, her palms start to sweat. Anxiety through the roof.
“Oh fuck!!!. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!!!!!” she yells from the top of her lungs, “And I’m seeing him later!!”.
“Shit” Morgan mutters under her breath.”Okay we can pretend we’re not home, or we can go out somewhere!!”.
“That’s a good idea. But where?!?” Kate asks. 
“We’ll figure it out” she says. 
“I even prayed to the angels, Castiel, Gabe, Raphael, it was an open invite. Nothing!!!” she says.
“Yeah same. Hell I even prayed to Lucifer. Nothing” Morgan replies. 
“Well that’s normal for Luci not to reply to prayers, because no one prays to him!!” Kate says. 
Somewhere in the Whitetail Mountains.
Alissa, Sarah, Becky, Layla, Dylan, Kevin and Ryan are setting up their campsite. 
“So is it just us?!” Sarah asks.
“Yep just the seven of us” Dylan answers.
“So are Kate, Morgan, Ashley, Ivan, Isaiah, and Wheaty gonna come?!” Layla asks.
“Kate, Morgan I haven’t seen, and plus they don’t respond to messages for some reason. Ashley is working at the jail since she’s still a full on rookie. Wheaty is working with the Militia, and the twins are going to Missoula to visit their family” Becky says. 
As they're talking, standing 50 feet away from them, hiding behind the trees. 
The demon Kate and Morgan had encountered a few days earlier. Saleos is watching them.
“So Kate Winchester has non hunter friends?!” he says to himself, a grin on his face. 
“How interesting” another male demon says. 
Appearing next to him with a huge grin on his face. 
“So should we make a bonfire?!” Becky asks.
Ryan looks up at the sky, “Not yet. It’s still too early to make it”.
“Well some of us gotta eat, and we have to cook our food!!” Dylan says, sarcastically. 
They all turn to Ryan, “He’s got a point ya know” Layla says, shrugging. 
Becky, Sarah and Kevin stay back, continuing to set up the tents, while Dylan, Layla, Alissa and Ryan go look for stuff to burn for the bonfire. 
“So, we hurt, not kill, the non hunters, and we go after Kate’s little boy toy. On behalf of our king Crowley” Saleos says, “So Merihem do you accept?!”.
Merihem turns to Saleos, “I accept” he says. 
“Good, we wait until nightfall. Then Winchester will feel pain. She will learn that you can never leave this life behind”.
“What about John Seed?” Merihem asks.
“I’ll take care of him” he responds, “For now we go after the non hunter humans”.
Back in Holland Valley
“So what are we gonna do?!?” Kate asks, pacing back and forth.
“We’re gonna leave. Go out somewhere. What time is he gonna pick you up?!?” Morgan asks.
“That’s the problem!!!. He didn’t say!!” she exclaims.
“Fuck!!’ she mutters. 
“Can’t we just hide out inside, and not leave. Just close all the windows and curtains. Pretend we’re not home” Kate says.
“We can, we can!! How about we” Morgan trails off, and Kate gets a message on her phone from I wonder who.
“Fuck!!!!!!!!” she yells.
“What, what is it?!?!” Morgan asks.
“John is coming over in a few minutes to pick me up” she says.
“Text him saying that you’re not home!!” she advises her. 
As she’s able to text him back, she gets a message from him saying. 
“I know you’re home. My men saw you pull into your driveway” - John
“Shit!!!. Fucking shit” she says, “He knows I’m home because some of his men saw me pull in!!”. 
“Stalker!!!!!” Morgan yells out.
A few minutes go by, a black SUV pulls up in front of the house, and John walks up the driveway.  
Kate shushes Morgan, and the dog.
-knock knock knock-
They stay in silence for a few minutes.
-knock knock knock-
Kate slowly tip-toes to the window, opening the curtain less than an inch.
Sees John, and a few of his men standing a few feet behind him.
She mouths to Morgan, who is sitting on the couch.
“He brought backup”. 
Another knock at the door, but this time a lot more aggressive. 
-bang bang bang-
“Katie!?! Darlin’ I know you’re home!!” he says, in a singy tone. 
“What do we do?!” Kate mouths to Morgan.
Morgan shrugs, “Let's go out the back” she says pointing to the back door.
They grab their stuff, Haley and quietly go out the back gate.
They try their best to be stealthy, but fail to see one of the peggies standing on the far end of her property.
He sees them, whistles loudly, getting John to look back.
Seeing Kate and Morgan trying to sneak off. 
“Katella!!” he says, in a teasing voice. 
Their backs to him, can’t see their annoyed and angry facial expressions.
“Fuck!!’ she murmurs to herself, and Morgan.
“Oh hey John!!” she says trying not to sound suspicious, “Didn’t hear you pull up”.
“It’s time for your confession” he says, approaching them. 
“Ooh right. That was today. Huh, I guess it slipped my mind” she says, totally not in a suspicious way. 
“Alright darlin’. Lets go” he says to her, his hand extended out. 
“Actually John. Kate and I have things to do. So she’ll have to do her confession another day” Morgan says, pushing Kate behind her. 
John chuckles, “You’re a terrible liar Megan”.
“It’s Morgan!!” she snaps.
“Whatever” he responds, “Katie lets go”.
“But I. I can’t g- Okay” Kate stutters in defeat.
She takes John’s hand, but is pulled back by Morgan.
“She’s not going with you John” she says, in her tough voice. 
He looks back at her, “Excuse me?!”. 
“Kate is not going with you. She’s not confessing or atoning for shit!!” she raises her voice.
His men hold up their weapons, but he immediately calms them down.
“Now, now. No need to get trigger happy” he says, “I can do whatever I want Costello, and if I want to take her. I will, unless you want a problem which you’ll get, if you don’t let her go!!” his voice, so sadistic, and so filled with rage in such a short span of time. 
“Morgan. It’s fine. I’ll make it through” she tells her friend.
She hesitates but lets go of her hand. 
“She better not having a fucking scratch on her when she comes home” Morgan threatens him.
John smirks, “No promises” and escorts Kate to the SUV parked on the side of the road. 
At the John’s Gate.
They pull into a giant warehouse on top of a mountain. 
“Where are we?!?!” Kate asks.
“Paradise” he says before kissing her hand. “Follow me”.
They get out of the SUV, and walk to the warehouse. 
His men open the giant doors which make a loud rumbling sound.
John takes Kate’s hand, and he walks her through the dark warehouse.
“It’s dark in here” she jokes.
“Just how I like it” he says, with a lustful undertone.
He walks her into some room, dimly lit and also dark.
It reminds her of the time when she was in Hell a few years back.
“A torture room?!” she questions him.
He chuckles, “This is where the magic happens”.
He grabs a metal tool box, placing it on a wooden table. 
She breaks the silence, “So. Are you gonna ask me what are my sins?!”.
“In a bit. No need to rush” he responds.
Kate nods, “Alrighty then”, and looks around the dark room.
When she turns to face John, he’s already looking back at her.
“Sin must be exposed so it may be absolved. We must wash away our past” he says, as he slowly approaches her. 
“I know your sin” he says, cupping her chin.
She tilts her head to the side, “Do you?!”. 
“Yes. Your sin is” he leans in closer to her right ear, and whispers “Lust”. 
She laughs softy, and looks down at the floor.
“No need to deny it. I know. Because I also suffer, and carry the burden of Lust. I can see it burning in your eyes” he holds her closer to him, their bodies pressing together.
“It burns into your blood. Almost like an itch” he says, “I can help you set that burden free”.
Kate looks into his eyes, can see the feral lust in them, and it’s begging to come out. 
His blue eyes black, dilated and filled with lust.   
“Are you- are you being serious?!” she asks, not believing this is real.
“Yes. I want to set you free, and I know you have other sins. I can see them you” he says.
“I can see. Pride. Greed, and Wrath” he sneers.
She looks at him in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowed at him. 
He clicks his tongue as a sign of tease. 
“I can set you free of them. One. Sin. At. A. Time” he whispers while tracing her lips with his thumb before pulling her in for a deep kiss. 
John lifts her up, grabbing her ass, and presses her against a wall.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck. 
Kissing, and sucking at her neck. Marking her as his. 
He undoes her pants with one hand, and then his. 
“John! Wait. Wait John!!!” she exclaims, making him stop.
He looks at her concern. 
“I’ve never had-. I’m. A virgin” she mutters.
He chuckles softly, “Well that makes it even more exciting. Let me do all the work”. 
He moves her panties out of the way, and slowly shoves himself inside her tight wet walls.
Her scream turns into loud moaning as his hard cock brushes her tight walls.
“Relax” he whispers, “Let me do everything”. 
He thrusts in, and out of her. 
Her nails digging into his shoulders with every movement. 
He moves her away from the wall, and lays her down on a metal table.
Giving himself better access to pleasure her. 
Gripping her thighs as he continues to shove himself inside her tight cunt. 
His tongue wrestling with hers, biting, tugging on her lower lip. 
His moaning echoing throughout the building.
The sound of skin rubbing together echoing off the walls. 
John pins Kate’s hands above her head, pulling her closer to him, and continues to fuck the shit out of her tight pussy.
The group of friends have their tents all set up, and are all ready to eat dinner.
Laughing, enjoying the night. The stars gleaming, and the moon in its crescent form.  
Cooking fish, meat and making smores. 
“I wish the others were here” Alissa says, looking up at the night sky.
“Yeah same” Ryan replies.
“We can bring them next time. So all of us can be here” Kevin says.
Several feet away from them, hiding in the dark forest.
The demons wait for them to go to sleep to attack, getting the attention of Kate Winchester. 
“Let’s get them” Meriham says, taking a step forward.
“No” Saleos says, putting his arm out to stop him, “We wait until they go to sleep”.
“They’re all right there, we can hurt them now!” he sneers at him.
“No!. We wait until they go to sleep. It’ll be easier” Saleos says to him.
John’s head buried between Kate’s legs, licking and tasting her wetness.
He loves the sound of her whimpering and soft moans.
Knowing that he’s making her do that. 
Making her beg for him. Pinning her down. 
His head between her once virgin legs. Taking her purity, virginity and making it his. 
“John” she moans softly.
Gripping her thighs tightly, her fingers running through his hair. 
His right hand moves up her body, going under her shirt, cupping her breast.
Playing with her erect nipple
He hums between her legs, sending vibrations throughout her body.
“John” she moans again.
He crawls back up her body, crashing his lips with her.
Marking her neck, chest and collarbones. Marking her as his, and no one else's.
“You’re mine now” he says into the crook of her neck. 
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itsthebeckyzone · 4 years
He Wanted More
Destiel fanfiction
Rating: idk fluff n stuff not getting will let ya know if it changes
Chapter 1: kind of a honeymoon
“Cas and I, we can’t do this.” Dean responded to Sam, hesitation in his voice. “Why not? you’re already best buds!” Sam replied, “Plus, it would work out much better if you pretended to be fake dating Cas. because,”
“Because i love him? No that makes it even worst!” Dean protested, he barley could keep his hands to himself with his brother around, but alone? with Cas?
“Dean, You know how much i need this weekend with Eileen. How much i need it to be good. you know how much i love her!” Sam said, “I need this proposal to be perfect. So please Dean, Let me have this.”
“Fine.” Dean mutters, “Great! I’ll go and fill up Cas!”
The two of them were on the way for the case, Cas’s mix-tape of Led Zeppelin was on.
“Apparently, What ever this is, it’s homophobic,” Dean opened, “That’s why our cover is as a gay couple, bait-wise.” Cas answered the non-asked question.
“Yea, yea, about that,” Dean said but stopped, Cas gave him a questioning look.
“You know, for the cover, we might have to, you know,” Dean stopped again, light red on his cheeks, “Kiss and stuff like that, I thought we could mark some ground rules, so no one gets uncomfortable and stuff...”
“i don’t mind. we do what’s necessary, it’s just for cover after all.” Cas replied, “Yea, just for cover.” Dean sighed under his breath. ‘It's going to be tough, Dean thought as he turned into the town’s main road.
as they got into the hotel reception shack they had to start with their act. the monster could be anyone so they needed to fool everyone. Cas took Dean hand in his, moving slightly closer to him while they were heading for the reception.
“May we have a place for two?” Cas asked the receptionist, “One kings?” the  receptionist asked. Dean almost asked for two Queens, but then remembered the case, and then he understood that means ONE bed, for the TWO of them.
“Of course,” He replied with a smile, tugging Cas closer to him. He is so going to kill Sam afterwards. “renting per month.” the receptionist took the fake credit card Charlie hacked for them.
As soon as they entered the small cottage he let go of his best-friend. “Sorry about that,” Dean said, “For what?” Cas asked, “I forgot that covering up as a couple mean taking one bed. i can sleep on the couch, you take the bed.”
“are you serious? This bed is quite big enough for the both of us. And i believe we’re close enough to share a bed without having trouble.” Cas argued. Dean just nodes in agreement and set on the bed. They had a long drive from the bunker, and Dean needed his four hours, even if his not so sure he’ll even get them. (BTW Cas sleeps, not a lot, but he does.) There was a half awkward half nice silence between them. “Well, i’m gonna go take a shower.” Dean got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. by the time he finished Cas was already asleep on one side of the bed. he fished a sleeping shirt from his duffel bag and put it on. He didn't want to sleep next to Cas only in his boxers. he got into the bed himself, carefully, trying not to wake the angel next to him.
Dean got to his edge of the bed as much as he could without falling of it.
Dean suddenly woke up, the clock showed it was 3 am. he tried to get up and wash his face. but a pair of arms around him stopped him from doing so.
Dean smiled a little before lying down again, wrapping his arms around the angel as well, not thinking about any of the possible consequences.
Dean woke up again, this time from his alarm. Cas was no longer in his arms.
“You’re awake? great. dress up, we need to catch the breakfast.” Cas said while sliding a shirt over his head. Dean looked away kinda blushing.
“Well, this is kind of a honeymoon and couples vacations town. they all live there for two or three months a year, renting or buying a shack...”
Dean recalled Sam’s words. they gotta be friendly and look for clues within the other residents.
They started walking down the street to the dining hall, Cas took his hand again. This time, he combined their fingers. Dean blushed a little, he looked at Cas but Cas looked to his side so Dean couldn't see his face.
The two sat down at one of the empty tables, but then someone set in front of them. "Hi! I'm Haley, and this is Rob, my husband. We've been here for the last two months! haven’t seen you yet, you’re new, right?” The blond girl, Haley, said.
Dean blinked in confusion. Cas took over and took Dean’s hand in his again, “Yes we are. I’m Castiel and this is Dean, my Boyfriend.” he kissed Dean’s cheek and Dean just blushed harder. “I’m sorry for my wife’s behavior, she’s just really likes meeting new people, we’ve been coming here for what, 5 years honey?” Rob asked his wife, “Yeas babe. since our first honeymoon!” Haley said happily, “So you know everyone in here?” Dean asked, getting into business. “Yes, Well, We sure try to.”
“yup, in fact, would you like to join us with the rest at the big table? They’re as eager as us to know you!” Rob suggested, “Yes, sure, thanks for the invite.” Cas accepted the invite and got up, just to be pulled back to Dean behind him.
“We need to be careful, I know we came as a bait cover but we don’t want too much attention before we figure out what is this and how to kill it.”
Cas put his arm around Dean’s waist and whispered to his ear, “I see, but we also don’t want to look suspicious, and non-suspicious couples don’t look at their significant other like his about to get them killed. relax Dean.” Dean blushed even harder (if it was possible) as Cas’s lips almost touched his ear.
They sat at the table with the rest of Haley and Rob’s friends.
“Hey everyone! These are Cas and Dean,” Haley said, “these are Eddie and Barb, Micah and Shontal, And Ellen and Page.” the 2 males and 4 females all smiled at them. They smiled back while being swallowed into the conversation.
“You know, Dean and I were getting worried about coming here, because of the mysterious murders.” Cas said, “Yea, Same here. it seemed like the victims were all homosexuals.” Ellen said, “we don’t know that! not that i’m saying anymore murders should occur but, Let's not rush into conclusions.” Page said.
“I can’t believe something like that could happen here.” Barb blurted out. Her husband put his hand on her back for emotional support. Cas looked at a gesture, absorbing it to himself.
”Well that got depressing real fast. Let’s change the subject!” Haley said, getting everyone’s attention.
“Yes! everyone! come this evening to our cottage! Micah’s brother works here and got us some of the finest wind in the area! We can get some room service and have a little gathering!” Shontal said in an excited ton, “Cas and Dean you two are more them welcome to tag along, If you want.” 
“Of course! We’ll be there!” Dean said with the most fake smile we could make.
“Oh that’s great! Right Micah?” Shontal addressed her husband, “Yes! one gay couple in a party is never enough.” Micah said, smiling. Micah’s words would have been offensive if he wasn’t smiling like that. Dean thought to himself, but the furious stare he got from Micah made him rethink about the offense level of what he said. 
By the time everyone finished eating Shontal already passed them her cottage number and told Cas that if he wasn’t gay he would have been her type.
Cas and Dean got into their cottage tried to come up with strategies.
“Haley seems to know this place well. She might be able to tell us some vital information,” Cas muttered, the edge of the pen he held landed on his lower lip. it hypnotized Dean.
“That Micah guy gave me the chills.” Dean blurted out loud while falling back onto the bed. “Yes, he seemed rather ‘Homophobic’, i suppose.” Cas replied, he looked at Dean, Who’s eyes were closed right now, the t-shirt he wore came up a bit at his belly, exposing a piece of skin.
Cas bit his lip’ holding back the need to touch that exposed skin. to touch Dean at all.
It was okay while they were out pretending, but as much as he’d like too he can’t touch him right now.
"Yea so I think we should put an eye on him." Dean said, "Shontal said something about his brother working here. Being an employee while killing gay people could be a great alibi."
"It's actually the killing method that disturbs me. The victims were butchered. But they're hearts and livers were missing." Cas said. he sat next to Dean. "Maybe it's a really hungry And homophobic werewolf?" Dean joked, opening one eye. "very funny Dean. I'm serious." Cas made it sound serious but Dean saw the curl of his lips to his joke. "Well
"Well, I say we go to Shontal's cottage and sniff around to see if we can find anything suspicious." Cas nodded in agreement.
"Cas! dean! Come in!" The blonde woman named Shontal welcomed them inside.
Dean already hangs his arm around Cas's waist to make it more 'real'. They set down on the couch with Barb, page, and Ellen, while the others were at the kitchen.
"So! How did you two love birds meet?" Barb asked. They already went through there back story one too many times. "Well, he actually saved me." Not so far from the truth, Cas thought. "I was failing my classes at college, that's where we met. It was like hell." (Pun intended) Dean explained, "and then there was Cas who suggested to help me with my English essays, and then on my legal course, and then on my love life." Dean said with a loving voice and buried his face in Cas's neck. Causing a surprised gasp from the angel.
"I'm gonna go get some food, " Dean said and got up from the couch. Cas nodded. "So! How long have you been together?" Ellen asked. "9 years." Cas said without a thought. "Woah! You think the bells gonna ring soon?" Ellen asked cynically. Cas gave her a confused look. "You think he's going to propose to you soon?" Page said. "I hope so..." Cas replied, not realizing how desperate he sounds.
(Chapter 2 here!) (Chapter 3 here)
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kspforeverwriting · 5 years
Hey you, @ask-bungyfarm! I’m your Secret Santa! And I’m also super sorry for this being so late, but I didn’t really have time to upload it properly before now! Hope ya like it dude!
Thank you @stardewevents for hosting this event!
In the Valley they all had their traditions. Hardcoded, wired down, duct taped till nobody could cut through the layers traditions that for the most part were enjoyable. The Luau, free food and the weird governor coming into town to give his weird blessing like a weirdo. The Egg Festival, it was fun to watch the kids, Abigail, and the Farmer race around for eggs. Their Fair and Spirits Eve, what wasn’t fun about costumes and the wheel of cheese Marnie always aged consistently tasting amazing?
The Ice Festival, it was less of his own thing and more of watching Haley take pictures of the scenery, and him getting distracted by the Farmer accidentally getting smacked in the face by a stubborn fish. The Night Market had free coffee. But now…
“Dear Alex, this year, your secret friend is: Bocci the farmer!
Don't tell anyone! The feast will take place on the 25th from 10AM to 2PM at the town square. See you then! Don’t forget your gift!
-Mayor Lewis” 
Now he was panicking a little bit. Every other year he didn’t have to worry too much about the Feast, he found a decent gift in Zuzu and would give it to whoever it needed. Haley was easy, he would find her the lens she would always want all year and slide it right over. Emily, he’d have his gran help him with a vegan recipe. Abigail, Maru, they liked the pretty rocks. The weird emo kid just wanted to avoid interacting with people so he would take anything and dip. Sam, he could just buy a big pack of Joja Cola and call it a day.
But Bocci?... He hadn’t even known his name before reading the letter. Bocci was an odd dude that moved in not too long ago, and he had seen him and two other people wander around town that he didn’t recognize.
This wasn’t about them though. This was about Bocci, and more importantly, his lack of knowledge about the man. He didn’t even know where to start as he slipped his scarf on, preparing to head back outside. Despite what the letter said, he had to follow through and ask someone about him.
Might as well ask who he knew best.
“There you are! Okay, in, right now. Abby, we got him!” Haley yanked Alex into the house as soon as he knocked, using her foot to shut the door and her hand to easily unravel the scarf. He knocked his boots together on their welcome mat, facing backwards due to Abby’s warnings. 
“Sweet! Pamper time dude! A friend of mine sent these in from her farm, she’s got some cool stuff in here and you’ll love it.” Abby looked from around the corner to their kitchen, mixing some kind of concoction in a sparkly pot thing. “Just cause it’s winter doesn’t mean you get to skimp on basic face care. You’re getting a mask and moisturizer and that’s final.”
“I appreciate it, but I need you two’s help here. I got my secret friend for the winter feast.” Alex was sat down at the table, leaving his boots by the door and his scarf hung up on a hook. His sweater went over the back of his chair, and his hair was soon pinned up to make way for the weird bubbling mask.
“Ooo, is it me? I’ve been dying for better film lately.” Haley giggled as she put her own hair back, using her fingers to smear the mask around her cheeks as Abby did the same. Alex scrunched his nose up at the smell, but went with it anyways out of trust.
“Neither of you. I’ve got that new dude, Bocci. Typically I wouldn’t care too much, but not caring isn’t a good way to go about things nowadays.” He puffed out his cheeks and leaned back in his chair, feeling the mask slowly hardening into a weird sheet on his face.
“Bocci is pretty cool. He let me make sure there were no weird monster things on his farm before building his stuff.” Abby twirled a lock of hair around her finger, continuing to mix the pot despite the mask still bubbling within. “He really likes hash browns. Like, I brought over breakfast before we went into the mine and I think he considered screwing me kinda like.”
“That’s love, Abby. He loves hashbrowns.”
“My point still stands!”
“He also really likes milk. He helped me get onto a cow the other day and kept rambling about different milk qualities depending on animals and biz.” Haley started filing at the tips and edges of her nails before pulling out a weird pen brush thing, rubbing said thing over her fingertips. “So there’s your options.”
“I’m not giving him a plate of hash browns and a jar of milk guys. That’s just… That’s so weird.” He watched as Abby pulled at the edges of her mask, wincing as her face was pulled with it as well. 
“Well, why not make something? I made Abby a necklace one time and she still hasn’t taken it off.”
“Cause it’s beautiful! If anybody makes me something, I gotta wear it!” She yanked off the last bits of the mask with a firm tug, tossing it away and patting at her cheeks.
“That’s it!! I know what I’m doing!” Alex got up with a start, snatching up his jacket from the chair as he spun right back around. Back to the table to give goodbye cheek pecks, he was stumbling with his boots as he ran out. “Thanks you guys! See ya!”
“... He knows it was still on his face, right?”
For the next week, Alex was all over the kitchen and his room. His desk was covered in materials, having figured out another gift as he saw Bocci in the store.
He had a dog, just like he did. Dusty didn’t even growl at him.
“His name is Dingo! Not Bingo, but because he’s a little bit of a dingus and I like that about him.”
“This is Dusty. He’s a little old, but he’s a good boy, aren’t you?”
“Aww, makin’ friends Dingo?”
“Atta boy, Dusty.”
He saw the lack of collar and leash, and knowing how uptight the mayor can be about certain things, set out to make him a really cute one. Dusty’s was old enough for a change, so he made the leather and gold tags match.
But what he was making in the kitchen…
“Gran, are we out of milk again?... Don’t worry about it, I’ll go grab some!” He shouted as soon as he opened the fridge, passing by the sweet old lady in the hall. A smooch to her forehead and he was off to Marnie’s, taking too much for his family to drink but enough for what he had to make.
A double tiered tres leches cake. Too many were trashed already this week, but on the final day right before the event started, he put the last of the icing and assorted berries on top. Perfection. He just had to make sure it was wrapped accordingly.
“Alex sweetheart, did you see my scarf? I swore I set it down right here, but my eyes are going a bit bad…” He heard Evelyn’s voice from around the corner, and picked up her scarf from the rack they had in the hallway. Around her neck it went, and she gave his cheek a soft peck.
“We’ll wait for you outside, dearie! Don’t take too long now.” A gentle pat to his cheek and the chill of outside was brief, the door clicked shut behind the two elders. By the time he got the collar and leash tied up, the cake was all he had to worry about.
“Hmn… I think just foil can work.” He mumbled to himself with the two presents, now wrapped and ready to go. Town was fully decorated for that day, and he adjusted his mittens as he spotted his friends.
“Hey guys, happy eat till we die day!”
“I’mma eat till I can’t breathe!”
“So, uh… I’m your secret gift giver this year!” Alex let out a chuckle from the surprised look on Bocci’s face, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck. “This is both a gift, and an apology. I didn’t think about trying to say hey before, but… You’re a pretty cool dude.”
“Woah… Dingo’s gonna love this!” Bocci gently thumbed at the leather before him, looking at the tag and the well done engraving. “Alex, this is great!”
“Ah-ah! One more. This one’s got a bit of a time limit though, so be sure to--” He was cut off by the so not excited squeal the other man gave out, looking into the berries before him.
“Tres leches cake! I haven’t had this since I left Zuzu…” A small sniff and he looked up, setting the gifts on a nearby table before pulling the other man in for a hug. Alex froze for a second, but let himself sink into it like a puddle of mush. “Thank you.”
“Heh… No problem.”
Or in this case, a warm sweet puddle of milk.
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Growing Up Too Fast
Sam Wilson X OFC Bucky Barnes X Reader Steve Rogers X OFC Time slipped by without anyone noticing, before anyone knew, it was suddenly midnight, the kids still all awake. a/n:this is going to be the final fic to this series, I’m sad to say!
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10 Years Later
It felt strange, knowing that the kids were all teenagers already, where had my little babies gone?  I mean, it was too bad, even if sometimes Becca, or Sammy refused to acknowledge both Y/N and I if we had to pick them up from school.  We wanted to give them a normal life, where people didn’t go after them because I was there dad.
“Your uncle said he’s bringing the kids over to stay so him and Aunt Krista can go on a little vacation, you’ll be on your best behavior, right?” I glanced between Sammy, and Becca, raising a brow when they ignored me.
Y/N shook her head, wiping down the mess that had accumulated on the counter.
“You know, I can text Uncle Tony and have him turn off those devices for the next month.” Becca nearly slammed down her phone, her attention on me suddenly.
“Sorry dad, I was texting Rosie.” Oh, well I guess that wasn’t so bad. “Still, your mom and I said no phones at the table.” Sammy put his phone down before Y/N could grab it from him.
The kids would be here soon, and if I wanted to make sure the house didn’t look like a dump, I’d have to help Y/N clean up.
“They’re here!” Becca jumped up from her seat, running outside to greet Cap, and Grant who’d jumped out of the car.
Rosie was laughing at the two pups that had managed to wrangle Becca down onto the ground, smothering her with kisses.  Rosie plopped down beside her, playing with Grant’s ears as Cap laid down on Becca.  Sammy headed outside to greet Steve, Krista, and Haley.  
“He definitely has a crush on that girl, it’s so obvious.” Y/N wrapped her arms around my waist, running the tips of her fingers along my left arm.
“Trust me, I know.” I shook my head, heading outside to help Steve.
The kids were all talking, too fast for any of us to really figure out what they were saying, maybe it was for the best that no one bothered to ask.  
“Hey, thanks for offering to watch the kids.” I shook my head, it really wasn’t a big deal.
“You did it for Y/N and I when we went on vacation, it’s the least I could do for you guys.” Krista called over the two pups, showering them in kisses as the kids all headed inside.
It was late enough that everyone had at least eaten dinner already, but early enough where we could spend some time before everyone had to head off to bed.
Cap followed behind Steve as he headed inside, placing down the kids bags by the door.
“Be good for Uncle Bucky and Aunt Y/N, you guys hear me?” Steve had put on his best Captain America face, how it still worked on the twins, I wasn’t sure.
“Okay dad, have fun with mom.” They all said their goodbyes, giving hugs and kisses to cheeks before Steve and Krista headed off.
The living room was silent for a few moments, before Becca and Rosie broke the silence by announcing they were heading up to her room to hang out and talk.  Sammy, and Aj plopped down onto the couch, Haley following suit.
“You guys don’t have to feel awkward here, just want you to know that.” Haley and Aj both looked up, it was weird looking at the kids I’d held as babies so long ago.
“We know Uncle Buck, it’s why dad wanted us to hang out so much when we were younger.” When the hell had they gotten so smart?
“Oh, right.” I nodded towards Aj and headed into the kitchen.
Y/N sighed to herself, plopping down onto the couch and letting Cap jump up so he could cuddle with her.  Even though Becca was fifteen, and Sammy was fourteen, I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with four teenagers, and a soon to be preteen.  They were on summer vacation, so they weren’t missing any school, but it was still going to be weird.
“Sam said he’s gonna bring Ella by with Anna tomorrow, we were gonna head out and do some grocery shopping.” I swear, that’s what they bonded over the most.
“That’s fine hun, tell him to bring over their swimsuits so we can go swimming.” She was silent, but I wouldn’t doubt that she was sending a text to let Anna know.
The house seemed to settle after a few minutes, the girls upstairs were giggling at whatever was on their phones, while the boys, and Haley, were watching tv with Y/N.  It was nice, peaceful in a way that it usually wasn’t.  That was due to the two teenagers that liked to make Y/N and I more stressed than we ever needed to be.
I plopped down beside Y/N on the couch, reaching over to pat Cap’s head as he relaxed on the plush cushions.
“He’s getting old, just like his dad.” Cap barely lifted his head, deep brown eyes staring over Y/N to where I was.
“Steve’s had him for what, almost sixteen years?  He’s gonna get old eventually.” It was strange looking at the dog that had brought Steve and his wife together, the very dog that helped get me during my own panic attacks.
No, now’s not the time to get upset over the thought of Cap getting old, think of all the good memories you’ve made with him.  Steve’s his owner, the person who helped raise him into the dog he is today.
“Are you nervous about giving your press conference on Friday?” Y/N leaned over, resting her head against my shoulder.
“A little, not everyday I get to tell everyone I’m retiring from being an Avenger.” Tony had set us up with a bank account, to ensure we’d still be able to get paid even after stepping down.
“You’re gonna do great.” She smiled softly, pressing a kiss to my jaw.
Sammy groaned, covering his face with both hands.
“Hey, your moms trying to be supportive, don’t act like a little shit.” That got a giggle out of Haley, and Aj both.
“You guys don’t need to be macking it on the couch, we have guests.” Sammy gestured to Aj, and Haley, even throwing a look towards Grant who’d made himself comfortable on the floor.
I couldn’t stop the snort that slipped through, covering my mouth to try and prevent from waking both Cap, and Grant.  Y/N simply rolled her eyes, patting my thigh gently before getting comfortable once more.
Time slipped by without anyone noticing, before anyone knew, it was suddenly midnight, the kids still all awake.
“Alright guys, time for bed.” I helped Y/N off the couch, nudging Cap off and pushing him towards the dog bed Steve had left.
“You said Uncle Sam’s coming over, right?” Sammy looked almost hopeful, it was kind of adorable. “Yeah, he’s bringing over Ella too.” Now wasn’t the time to be discussing tomorrow’s plans.
Sammy all but ran up to his room, Haley and Aj heading up to the guest room they would be using to sleep for the rest of the night.  Y/N wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling us into the room so she could change, and lay down.
“You’re amazing for doing this for them hun, most people would never agree to watch their best friends teenage kids for a week.” I merely shrugged, pulling out a pair of sweatpants to change into.
“He did it for us, it’s the least we could do for them.  And plus, his kids are really well behaved.” When I turned back around, Y/N had her arms crossed, a smirk playing at her lips.
“You’re just a softie and don’t want to admit it.” Y/N changed into her pajamas, laying down in the bed.
I blushed softly, pulling off my shirt and jeans, and pulling on the sweats that Y/N had gotten me as a gift for our anniversary.  They were some of the best pants I’d gotten, and I wasn’t about to tell anyone where she’d gotten them.  I slipped in beside Y/N, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her flush to my chest.
“I love you, so much.” Y/N’s cheeks were dusted in a light pink, a small smile on her face.
“Don’t gotta sweet talk me Buck, you already got me.” I couldn’t help but scoff.
“Babe, even if I already got ya, I’m still gonna do what it takes to make sure you’re happy.” That caused her cheeks to darken even further.  It was beautiful.
She didn’t say much of anything, choosing to curl up in my arms before falling asleep.  I’d do anything I could to protect her, and our kids.
~~~ “Dad!  Mom says it’s time for breakfast.” Who the hell was yelling at me?  And why the hell was the sun so bright?
I rolled onto my back, groaning at the tightness of my muscles for a second before it dissipated, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
“What time is it?” I glanced over at the clock, noticing that it was nearly ten thirty.
That was definitely the latest I’d slept in years, normally I was the one getting up and getting everything ready for the day.  Did I give off a vibe to Y/N?  Or was she using her mother’s intuition to figure out how tired I really was?
“I’m coming.” I pushed out of the bed, heading down to where everyone else was.
The smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes fill the air enticingly.  Y/N was definitely the better cook out of the two of us, but I never forced her to make dinner when she was exhausted.  It takes two to make a family, which means equal effort on both sides.
“Smells great babe, how come you didn’t wake me though?” I stepped over to where she was, wrapping my arms around her waist.
“You were sleeping like the dead, figured you could’ve used a few more minutes of sleep.” Oh, well that wasn’t so bad I guess.
The kids were all eating, and even the dogs had already eaten.  Man, I really did miss a lot this morning.  Well, Sam would be here any minute, and I needed to eat before they got here.
“Go ahead and eat, Sammy’s gonna make sure the pools clean before you guys go in it today.” That was nice of him to do.
I made myself a plate, plopping down at the table and digging in, the pancakes were fluffy, and the bacon just on the right side of too crispy.  It was the perfect breakfast to dig into before Sam and his entourage arrived.
Becca was raising an eyebrow at me, while both Haley, and Rosie were giggling to themselves.  What was so funny?
“Is it really necessary that you’re sitting at the table shirtless dad?” I glanced down at my naked chest.  That’s right, I’d forgone a shirt when Y/N and I had gone to bed. “They’re gonna see it anyway when we go swimming, and besides, the scars are barely visible anymore.” Becca rolled her eyes, finishing off her eggs, and orange juice with a sigh.
And I was right, Sam showed up right as I’d finished eating my breakfast, little Ella running behind in her bathing suit and sundress.  She looked absolutely adorable, and it reminded me of when my kids were young.
“Man, do you always have to show off your abs?” Sam gestured to my naked chest and stomach with his hand, Anna, his wife, laughed as she stepped over to Y/N. “I don’t sleep with a shirt on Sam, it gets way too hot if I do.” He'd known that too, because Steve was the same way.
He rolled his eyes, heading into the backyard where all the kids, and the dogs were, heading down to the pool with Ella.
“Anna and I are heading out, so try not to kill Sam before we get back please?” Y/N bent down, her lips pressing against my own in a chaste kiss.
“I’ll try, but no promises babe.” Anna laughed once more before dragging Y/N out of the house.
I headed down to our bedroom, changing into a pair of my own swim trunks before going outside to where the pool was.  The weather was a little humid for what I normally liked, but it meant the pool wouldn’t be ice cold.  The kids were already swimming around, Sam holding onto Ella as he lazily floated.
“Man, I’m gonna end up living in your pool during the summer, I swear.” Sam propped Ella up a little more, so that her body was half in, half out.
“That how Becca is, especially whenever Steve and Krista come over with the kids.” I stepped over to the stairs, stepping into the pool slowly.
The water was warm, almost like lukewarm bathwater, but it felt nice compared to the sticky air that surrounded us.  Maybe Y/N could ask Steve and Krista if they wanted to come over after they got back, have a barbecue with everyone.
“Was it difficult?  Retiring I mean?” I’d gone over the pros and cons a million and one times, but the nerves always got to me.
“It was weird at first, not getting called into action if something was ever going on, but when Anna told me she was pregnant I knew that being retired was the better option, never looked back.” That made me wonder how Y/N felt whenever I’d gotten called away on a mission, back when the kids were young.
“Steve’s been telling me to retire for the last ten years, I was just so afraid of something bad happening after I’d stepped down that I couldn’t help myself.” Sam nodded, swimming over to where I was waist deep.
The kids were all splashing, both dogs running back and forth at the deeper end to try and figure out what they were doing.  It was a nice scene to watch, to know that my family was going to be safe, no matter who was an Avenger.
“I’m doing my press conference on Friday, mostly because Steve’s coming back on Thursday and I’d hoped he could help give some advice on what not to say.” I’d gotten into arguments with people online, especially when they’d try to degrade either Steve, or my name. 
“Don’t swear, that’s the biggest one he’ll tell you.  And, don’t slouch.” I looked over to Sam, raising a brow curiously.
He simply shrugged, but then again, he’d already had to do this on his own before.
The rest of the day was spent in the pool, until everyone complained that they’d gotten pruney and it was time to get out and get some food.  Y/N was back with Anna, putting away the groceries as five kids ran inside to eat.  Sam was still holding Ella, who’d managed to fall asleep while wading around.
“Thank you for having us over, and letting Anna do some shopping on her own.” Sam smiled over at the woman he’d called his wife.
She was everything he ever needed in a woman, and she definitely didn’t take shit from anyone either.  Steve had approved of her within a few minutes of greeting her, and Y/N and I weren’t too far behind.  She fit right into the little family we’d made, bringing in a little girl for Sam to protect for the rest of his days.
“No need to thank me Sam, it’s what friends are for.” I smiled at him, waving as Anna opened the car to where Ella’s booster seat sat.
“I expect to see you at her sixth birthday next week.” Sam pointed an accusing finger at me as he headed over to Anna.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, you know that.” Anna took the sleeping child from his arms, setting her into the seat and buckling her in before getting into the car herself.
I waved em off, waiting until their car was much too far away to see before heading back inside to sit down and eat dinner.  Y/N had offered to cook once more, claiming that she wanted to since we had exerted all our energy while swimming.
“Babe, you know I can do that, right?” She gave me a ‘you better sit down before I make you’ type of look, that meant business.
“I want to do this Buck, so go and relax for now.” I nodded at her, plopping down at the table before she brought out the wooden spoon.
She’d only ever had to use it once before, and that was when she had been pregnant with Becca and I refused to listen.  Never again.
I watched as she cooked, entranced with the way she looked so beautiful in doing something that seemed so mundane.  It was just spaghetti night, nothing too fancy, and yet she made it look so effortless.
“What’s everyone want to drink?” Y/N had her head in the fridge, looking at the assortment we now had.
The kids all yelled out the same thing, which was hilarious in of itself, I preferred to just drink water with dinner, she knew that.  Once everything was done, and mixed together, Y/N handed out the drinks and set the bowl of spaghetti on the table.  Everyone scooped out their amount, putting parmesan cheese on top, and digging in happily.
“You make it just like mom does, it’s so good.” Rosie practically melted in her chair, a content sigh echoing in the air.
“I actually taught your mom how to make this when we were younger, especially when we were living on our own and could barely afford bread for the week.” Y/N scooped up a big bite for herself, eating contently.
She’d told me about her past years ago, wanting to get my mind off the way things hadn’t been so positive for myself.  I liked hearing the stories though, it was adorable knowing that the woman who gave birth to my two children, had once been utterly terrified of needles.
“Dad tries to get mom to talk about her past, but then she feels bad because of what dad went through.” I glanced over to Y/N, staying quiet to not cause issue at the table.
“It’s understandable though, he didn’t grow up like your mother or Aunt Y/N, he grew up in a time where we were going through the depression, and couldn’t even afford bread for a month.  If it’s really bothering her, just have her talk to your aunt, she’ll help her out.” Y/N blushed for a moment, finishing off her plate.
No one else brought up conversation after that, though it didn’t feel awkward, which was a nice surprise.  Nothing worse than upsetting your nieces and nephew when they still had to stay at your house.  There wouldn’t be bad news to relate to Steve, or Krista when they got back home.
~~~ It felt as if I’d blinked, and Friday was upon us, staring us in the face almost angrily, even though I wanted to deny that it was actually angry.  Tony had sent over a suit for me to wear, it wasn’t anything flashy, which was nice for a change, but it meant I needed to change and head to the compound.
“You’ll do just fine, we’ll be waiting for you.” Y/N finished tying the knot of my tie before sliding it up to rest at the base of my throat.
Steve and Krista weren’t back from their vacation, so he’d unfortunately miss the press conference.  The kids were happy to go with though, be a little support group when I finished telling the world I was done fighting.
The drive over was nerve wracking, enough to nearly make me sick.  Y/N held my hand the entire time, fingers laced with my own.  The kids were all quiet, talking amongst themselves about something they were all into at the moment.
The compound loomed over us like a black cloud, the amount of news vans sitting outside brought another wave of fear over me.  What if I did manage to screw all of this up?  What would happen then?
Tony was standing outside, away from where everyone could see him so he could show us the way inside.  Y/N parked and got out, waiting until all five kids were out before stepping around to where I was waiting for her.
“Ready to do this?” Tony stepped over, patting my bicep gently before walking back inside.  It was obvious that everyone was sectioned off into a room, unable to see us just yet.
“Nervous, not gonna deny that.” I turned to look at Y/N, who was smiling happily, stepping back to give Tony and I some room.
The reporters were talking softly, though the volume was still too loud to calm my nerves that were currently racing.  Tony walked out first, stopping right next to the podium that I would have to stand in front of, and give my speech.  I took a slow deep breath, and walked out after him.  The cameras were flashing, people yelling out my name to try and get my attention, but I was only here for one thing.
“Thank you all for coming here today, but we’re not here to discuss anything about me, today it’s about my good friend, and fellow Avenger, James Barnes.” Tony stepped away from the podium entirely, letting me step up.
It almost felt as if the world were spinning as I glanced out at everyone, noticing a few familiar faces from watching the news occasionally.  Though, there was one face at the very back I recognized immediately.  Steve was smiling, trying to hide under the baseball cap he had on.  Of course.
“Thank you, Tony.  I’m here today to announce my retirement from the Avengers.  I’ve been working side by side with them for almost sixteen years, and my time has come to an end.  I’ve met some amazing people on the way, and helped save thousands of lives, but now is the time for myself, and my family,” I took a breath, feeling tears well up.
“I thank you for coming out today, and for your support for what we’ve done over the years.  Thank you.” I stepped down and glanced over to Tony, before heading out to where Y/N and everyone else were.
 As I suspected, Krista was standing with Rosie, Aj, and Haley.  She looked the happiest I’d seen in years, so maybe the vacation was long overdue.
“The speech was perfect Buck, told you everything would be fine.” Y/N patted my cheek gently, pressing her lips to my own.
“Thank you hun, I was nearly sweating bullets standing up there.” Steve stepped out of the room, ensuring no one saw him leave.
“Bout time you retired, old man.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
“You’re only a year younger than me punk, watch what you say to me.” Krista laughed, pulling the kids over to where we were.
It felt amazing to watch the family I’d made stand together happily, my two kids standing with Steve and his wife, their three kids laughing together.  This was how life was meant to be, and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.
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akingdomtheorist · 6 years
KH Catch-Up: BBS FM Ventus
"Xehanort fuckin' used darkness in plain sight! I didn't notice that!"
"And that's when Xehanort was like 'ooh that's gonna be my new vessel'."
"I just realized- that's Haley Joel Osment? That's on purpose, that's on purpose isn't it. Why do you sound like Sora?"
"How did you get in my room?"
"This is really bitter sweet now."
"Why were we allowed to just leave?"
"We have a skateboard? Oh heck yeah we do."
"Wait it was Xehanort that refused Terra's Mastery?"
"Let's go follow those little peo- I mean wait no, little people's the correct term."
You're not here for our diamonds? "No I'm not playing Minecraft."
"Obviously no one can be that tall, god."
"I'm sad." "Why are you sad?" "You know whats not there?" "What?" "Cure..." "Yeah." "BUT YOU KNOW WHO HAS CURE?" -proceeds to D-Link with Aqua-
"Are we seriously playing Hide & Seek?"
"This is a wide open area and you're telling me no Unversed are here?"
"Ven, get with the program, we gotta rhyme in this world."
"Now all the Unversed are gonna show up."
"UHHHHH... that's a big boy."
"What the fuck? Yeah you almost look like a person! What?!"
"Mhmm. Yup Terra. About that dream. Nothing bad's gonna happen."
"I wasn't expecting to be shrunk down to the size of a mouse, and then saved by a giant- oh this is pathetic."
"Now we're breaking into her room! This is someone's fetish."
"Has no one noticed I look like a human yet? I guess with talking mice a tiny human is not the weirdest thing Cinderella has seen."
He immediately buys Cure the first chance he gets.
-sees fork- "Ooh, I know what to do here."
"What does the cheese do..."
"I get to beat up a cat."
"I've done this boss fight a hundred times."
Can you tell me why she's sleeping? "Because it's night Ven."
"Damn invisible walls, I want to be king."
"You missed a bird." "I'll get him when I'm done with these." "See?" -completely WHIFFS the finisher- "Flawless."
-walks into room with magic circles, pans camera around- "Nope. Nope not dealing with that."
"Aww no this is the Rainbow Rocket bullshit."
"I hate this. Oh look it's the end I'm not gonna get any chests but fuck it whatever."
"I'm just waiting for Maleficent to dragon me."
He got hit out of Cure after being Doom Stunned.
-sees spiral of doom- "Wtf is this?"
"Aqua! =D"
"Can we just talk about the fact that Ven took the presence of a nightmare being in his room very well?"
"Welp time to go to the Keyblade Graveyard. I know what this is now, it's not just Land Before Time meets Chernobog to me."
-Vanitas summons keyblade- "Oh good..."
"Jesus-wait did he just actually kill me? Oh no it's an I had to lose fight."
"Hi Mickey?!"
"Now we fight for real!" "Yeah with that one inch of HP you took off his health bar." "Shut up."
"I miss Leaf Bracer so much."
He died. So he made Cura, and then went to go get it and Second Chance.
"It is weird hearing Haley Joel Osment being all edgey and shit."
"I almost said I didn't need Cura this entire time, but I didn't, because I would have died."
"Oh my god, Mickey is like a little baby right now."
"Oh, no Radiant Garden yet?" "That's LITERALLY RIGHT THERE." "Oh. I'm an idiot."
"Are we gonna meet Ansem?"
"Who is that?" "Well put an X with Even and what do you get?" "Uh... Vexen?" "Yeah." "That's not--that IS Vexen!"
-gets Disney Town passes- "That's a credit card!"
"Ven is like 'Mom Dad stop fighting!'"
"Who is that? Is that Siax?" "No, but his real name is Ienzo." "OH THAT'S ZEXION?" "Yeah he little!"
"There are so many people with grey hair and blue eyes."
-gets Reversal- "-GASP- YAAAAY!"
"Poor Ven! Poor Ven... I'm sad now." "Well get ready for a flashback and a callback."
"Is that? IT IS! And theres-" "I told you."
"Oh my god you dork."
"AAAAAAH. This is why Axel is so attatched to Roxas! Right?" "It might help."
"Oh my god, Isa laughed, what."
"Hi Zack."
"Oh it's this again."
He won the mini game by two points and had no right to win that.
"Why is Phil a jerk in this one?"
"Well yeah your only friend in the world that isn't Aqua is about to get Norted so I mean..."
-sees the onslaught of Unversed- "Time Splicer is gonna be so good in this..."
"Aww Zack..."
"Is this Pete's new scheme?"
-unlocks Master Mode for It's a Small World- "Excuse me...?"
I wish I had someone lookin' out for me. "Yes Ven and they all told you to go home."
"I feel like a security system that can be defeated by spitting is a very bad security system."
-Gantu shoots Stitch's wayfinder- "How DARE you!"
Gantu is now a dick for what he did.
"Did you read what the tutorial thing said?" "No, not at all. I assume I have to stop the ship from taking too much damage?" "Well yeah. The strategy is to yeet Stitch at the boss." "Ohhhhoho... or I could just do that!" "What did you do?" "I Time Splicer'd it took out half it's health!"
"Did we just get tossed into space? Aw we just got Mass Effect 2'd... alright when are we gonna wake up dead on a spaceship..."
-sees Vanitas- "Oh my god..."
"WINGBLADE???" "You gots an upgrade."
"Why is there no Moogle here?" "Moogle probably went on Union Break."
"Or I could just beat you up with a giant key..."
"I like how he told the Unversed to scram."
"I feel like I've seen this (Wingblade) before..."
"Hello old grinding spot, I missed you."
"I know where I've seen that animation before! Noctis!"
"You could say he's caught between a croc... and a hard place." "....." "Now excuse me while I beat up this middle aged man."
Then there was a lot of grinding for a lot of rare commands to meld them into.
"Sorry I'm late I had to grind!"
"Oh hello bad man."
"Oh good we got our memories back. This was the perfect time for this to happen."
"Oh that's why he puts the x in everyone's name..."
"I'm not falling for it and neither is Terra!"
"Oh, are we getting sent to the Anakin part?"
"Shit, I feel WAY less bad about the Anakin thing now."
"Honestly this is on Eraqus."
"Oh heck... I forgot they go to Destiny Islands. I forgot Terra sent Riku on the path to super villainy."
"Oh you bitch..."
"Those are Heartless, those are straight up Heartless."
"Very intentionally hiding Vanitas' face."
-uses Faith for the first time- "OH... well that's a thing."
"Some of these are stretching the definition of key. Some of them are just straight up swords."
"Oh hey Vanitas."
"The only one who actually takes off his helmet is Terra. God dammit Terra."
"Yeah yeah Kingdom Hearts is fuckin' here I don't know why."
"Oh hey Braig. He's been Norted!"
"Ven is VERY angry..."
"Oh no I know how this works, we never attack first, we always dodge."
"Oh right we weren't supposed to do that, shit."
"Oh hello asshole. Oh. Hello broken X-Blade."
If Time Splicer had IFrames, it could one shot bosses. Thats what we are learning.
"That was the COOLEST SHIT. BEST ending fight in this series so far."
"That's right bitch, don't got your sword now do ya?"
I had to go find the one cutscene to watch because I was mad it didn't show up.
"So that's Ven arriving in Sora's heart?"
"This is really cute."
So we will be doing Aqua’s as the last KH Catch-Up post, only because of time constraints. KH3 will be streamed on Twitch and I will post about that, and then eventually KH3D because even though he watched all the cutscenes, I refuse to not let him play it.
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Criminal Minds-The Good Ol’ Days
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@marvelfanlife, @itsmeedee, @stunudo, @veroinnumera​, @derekmorgansoffice, @dontshootmespence, @cynbx, @jaqren, @literallyprentissstwin, @gabriellewritermua, @blitzz11, @beenthroughalot, @princesswagger14​
Special Thanks for @princesswagger14 for helping me
Chapter 5-Just A Simple Crush
It has been days since the teens returned from their trip and things were back to normal as usual. Since these past few days, Hotch and Matt seemed to get pretty close to one another. The more they hung out together, the more Matt saw Hotch smile and they had all kinds of inside jokes. Hotch started to get a better knowing of Matt, seeing that he was a pretty decent guy as opposed to the typical obnoxious jock. The same goes for Matt, who was able to get Hotch to open up as he was more that the “stoic” and serious one. As time went on though, Matt kept talking about a girl around campus he likes, much to Hotch’s interest, given that so many girls fancied him and other guys like him, though he never thought that there would be someone he truly likes.
“Wow, she sounds nice.” “Yeah, you have no idea. Too bad I rarely see her nowadays.” Matt groaned while he stirs his coffee.
“Hey, who knows, you might see her again.” “You really think so?” “I know so.” “Yeah. Well, I gotta get going.” Matt said as he got up and grabbed his backpack. “See ya.” As Hotch was heading to his class, he was looking down at his to do list for the day when he suddenly collided with girl with auburn-ish hair.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you.” “It’s fine.” The girl gently pushed a streak of hair to the back of her ear. “I wasn’t paying attention. I’m so sorry again.” She says as she walks off.
Hotch quickly walks to his class without anymore incidents. When he finally gets to his class, he was surprised to see the same girl he saw earlier, which was odd given that a few days have passed and he somehow did not recognize some of his classmates. As everyone got seated, he sits next to her and she looks up and smiles at him.
“Oh wow, I didn’t know we share the same class.”
“Yeah, what are the chances huh?” He then extends his hand out. “I’m Aaron, by the way.”
“Kristy. It’s nice to know you, Aaron.” The two shake hands while getting out their books for class. Just as Kristy puts her notebook down, Hotch’s eyes drift down as he sees the notebook cover with markings of M+K and Mrs. Simmons. Hotch couldn’t help but squint his eyes as he took a better look at the markings on her notebook. Before he could do anything, Kristy put her notebook to the side, taking out her textbook just as their professor arrived. While writing, he couldn’t help but think about the marking on her notebook. He would ask about them but, he would do it at the end of class.
Soon, class was almost over and Hotch was about to leave when Kristy drops her notebook. When Hotch picks it up, he uses it as an excuse to ask about the markings. He then makes his way up the stairs just to catch up to her.
“Kristy, Kristy!” He shouts. She stopped just to see Hotch run up to her.
“I uh, think this belongs to you. You dropped it just as you were heading out.” “Oh my god.” Kristy gasped in relief as she clutched the journal. “Thank you so much.” She was about to walk away when she she asked him. “You didn’t…….” “Oh uhm...no.” He scratched his head.
“Oh okay.” “But I do have one question.” “Yes?”
“Did you at some point, just maybe….. Talk to a guy named Matt Simmons?”
“Uhhh what makes you say I do?”
“Idk, your cover is filled with markings of ‘M+K’. Plus I’ve seen you write ‘Mrs. Kristy Simmons’ a couple of times during class. And I’m pretty sure I know a guy who’s name starts with an M and whose last name is ‘Simmons.’”
“Oh uh….wow, what a coincidence.” She awkwardly chuckled. “Yeah. Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but I do sense there’s something going on between you and Matt. Are you sure you don’t…….”
She groans and sighs. “Okay, maybe I like him a little bit. But I don’t see him much anymore.” She looked around and walked a little close to Hotch. “You don’t happen to know him, do you?”
He nods. “Yeah, he’s my…...roommate.”
Her eyes widen. “What?! Really?! You dorm with him?”
“Oh my god, oh my god! Can you please, please, please put in a good word for me? Please?!”
“Okay, okay! Just calm down. I’ll uh, say that you were looking for him and you want to talk to him. Okay?” “Oh, that would be sooooo nice.” She pulled him into a hug. “Thank you.” She gushed as she squeezed him tightly and skipped away to her next class.
“Ahh.” Hotch groaned as he walks away. “Damn that girl is strong.”
 Meanwhile, Haley Brooks was outside sitting near the fountain where she was reciting lines from William Shakespeare’s Othello
“My dear Othello! Okay...that wasn’t so bad. Let’s see…..” She murmured as she skims through the book. “The heavens forbid…….That our love and comforts should increase,….Even as our days do grow….Okay, I think I got it. She licked her thumb and skimmed through pages. Although the play was only four weeks away, she couldn’t help but worry about possibly forgetting her lines as Desdemona.
“Amen to that, sweet powers!”
Haley looked up to see Stephen Walker standing in front of her just as she goes over her lines.  “Stephen?”
“I cannot speak enough of this content; ……...It stops me here; it is too much of joy:.......” She smiled as he continued to recite lines from Othello while approaching her.
“And this, and this, the greatest discords be…….That e'er our hearts shall make!”
“Ohhhhhh.” She clapped. “That was so good.”
“I know. You weren’t so bad either.”
She waved her arm. “Oh please, I can barely memorize them without going back to the book.” “Oh, if you want, I can help you.” “You could?” “Yeah, just tell me which scene you’re on.” “Oh, well I-”
“Haley! Haley!” Both Haley and Stephen suddenly turned around to see Kristy eagerly running towards them.
“What sweetie? What is it?!” She asked as Kristy constantly shakes her. When she stopped, she noticed how big her smile was and her eyes all filled up with glee.
“Oh god, let me guess…… Matthew?”
“YES!!! Well no not Matt but Matt’s roommate!! He said he’d talk to Matt and that I wanted to meet with him. AHHH I’M SO HAPPY!!”
“Uh, what’s going on here?” Stephen asked as Kristy jump around like a five year old.
“Well my poor poor, boy crazy friend has talked about this guy named Matthew who helped her when Kyle tried to get with Kristy in the library when school first started.”
“Ahhhh, boy crazy huh?”
“Yep, poor Kristy.”
“I see.” Stephen took sight of Haley’s friend as he waved to her. “Uh Haley, who’s your friend.” “Ah Kristy, this is Stephen. He and I are taking theater together. We’re performing in Othello.” “Wow.” “I know, you better be there when it starts.” “I will.” “And who knows, you might bring Matt with you.” She chuckled. “Yeah, will do.” Kristy then wiggles her shoulders. “I hope he really does get the message.” “I hope so too.” She sassed. Haley and Stephen watched as Kristy leave. “Man, Kristy’s so lucky. I wish I was able to find a guy like she did.”
“Who knows, you’ll find someone.” She scoffed. “Yeah, I’m sure Matt has a roommate that’s just as equally attractive and gentleman-like.” Stephen chuckled in amusement. “Who knows, he probably does.”
“Yeah and I’ll just hold my breath.” Haley laughs.
      At the dining hall, Reid looked around as he tries to locate Marissa just so that Derek and Luke know what she looks like.
”Okay pretty boy, so what does Marissa look like?” Derek says as he looks around.
“Well she's black, with long brunette hair, dark brown eyes, tall.”
“I see........” Derek says, again looking around. “ Is it that one over there? In the purple tank top?” Luke asks.
Spencer squints his eyes, only to widen them just as he took took sight of her. “Oh goodness, yep that's her.”
“Woah easy pretty boy, you got this.” Derek then rubs Reid's shoulders.
He sighs. “Okay okay, what do I say?”
“Don't overthink. Just go and say hi and try to get the conversation going.”
Spencer: ok, i can do this.” He then gets up and walks to her table, giving both Derek and Luke a thumbs up.
“Good luck out there.” Derek clapped.
“Yeah, you can do this.” Luke cheered.
“H-h-hi Marissa.” Spencer stutters.
Marissa: Oh hey Spencer! What’s up?”
He rubbed his head. “I uh.....oh dear......”
Marissa: do you wanna hang with us?
“Oh uh, yea sure. I'd love to.”
“Cool! So we gonna play scary games, wanna join?
“ Ooo scary games. I'm in.”
“OH GOD THE DOOR IS OPENING!” Marissa’s friends, Tez and Jezzy shout.
“Wait, what?!” Reid asked, confused. All he could hear was Marissa’s friends randomly freaking out.
“I'M SCARED MAN!!!” Jezzy screams.
“WE AIN'T NO BITCHES THO!” Tez tries to convince himself and Jezzy that they were okay.
“Wha-what?!” Reid croaked, still confused by the madness that goes on with Marissa’s friends. He then tapped her shoulder. “Marissa, what is going on?”
“Jezzy and Tez are both afraid of clowns so we're having them play a game with clowns.” Marissa explains while Tez and Jezzy are still screaming in the background.
“Oh uh clowns?” He asked, curious.
“Yea, you’re not afraid, are you? should i get you to play with them?” Marissa teases.
“WHat me?! Afraid of clowns? No way, I'm not scared of any clowns.” Reid tries to act tough.
Marissa smirked. “Ooohhh i think you are! Tez, Jezzy I think Spencer wants to play!”
“Wait wait wait wait! No I don't, I don't want t-”
“Spencer! Spencer! Spencer!” The three chant.
“Uh wait, I change my mind, I don't want to play anymore!”
“Come on man you can do it! Do it!” Reid hears from everyone at the table.
Reid looked away and crossed his arms. “No, I wo-”
“Please Spencer?” She begged. “For me?” *=She then starts to give him the puppy dog eyes, much to his dismay.
He then whimpers and sigh. “Uh..............okay.”
“Yay, so what you need to do is collect 10 owls in 5 minutes. But for every owl you get, The 3 clowns chases you even faster. Got it?”
“I uh got it.” Reid says as he sits down.
"Okay, the headphones are on full volume. So get into it.”
As Reid starts playing, it is very apparent that he might’ve regret his decision at that point. As he walks around in the dark he sees an owl and picks it up. He sees the clowns a few times and avoided it successfully. But when he picked up the 5th owl, the clowns all jumpscare Marissa and Spencer and a few of Marissa's friend, prompting the two of them to both run and jumped out of their seats. “Fuck, shit, fuck fuck fuck shit.” Marissa blurts out. “I told you guys that you fucked up!” Tez and Jezzy screamed at Marissa and Spencer. “WHY DID YOU BUY THE GAME!?” “IT WAS FREE!” “YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BUY IT!” “IT WAS STILL FREE DAMMIT!” “Ughhhhhh. Free my ass, now I won't be able to sleep tonight.” Tom says, sinking back into his seat. “What the hell was tHAt?!” Reid yelled bent over his chair, catching his breath. “The bitch is trippin!” Spencer and Marissa both laugh. “My god.” Reid says sitting down. “That was freaking awesome!” Marissa yelled. “Agreed.” Tom said high fiving Marissa. “Awesome? I had no idea what was going on in that game, no offense.” Spencer said, confused. “That's how scary games are supposed to be!” Tom explained. “Ohhh ohhhhhhhhh!” Reid says in understanding. “Tom wanna play another game?” Marissa asked. “Oh Really? And have more nightmares tonight?........ Of course!” He says rushing to what had been Reid’s chair. “Hell yea!” Tez and Jezzy yell.
As Marissa puts on Outlast, Spencer takes a seat behind Marissa and Tom. As Marissa puts on the headphones her face says she's scared fuckless but she keeps ‘screaming she ain't no bitch’. When she gets fairly far in the game, she and everyone else gets jumpscared.
“RAAAAPPPPEEEE.................oh god........... WHY!!!??” Tom screams as he runs out of his chair. “Man, I'm done!” Tez says. “MAN I told you to go right miss ‘ITS NOT THE WRONG WAY IN MY EYES’!" Tom screamed.
“Shut up Tez! I Told you I had something in my eye!” Marissa said. Tez rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” “WHY WAS THERE A PIG?!” Reid asked, baffled by the pig’s presence. “There was a pig?” Tom asked. “There was ha!” Tez said.
Just then, Marissa and rest of the group wanted to hang at her dorm for the rest of the game night they were having. Just as they were about to leave, they turn to Reid.
“Hey Spencer are you coming with us?” Marissa asked. “Uh sure, would love to!” He said, excited. “I mean, yeah, I am.” “Nice! Wanna bring the friends you were sitting with? The more, the merrier!” “Oh uhm, let me go ask them.” Spencer said as he starts walking over to his table. “Hey pretty boy how did it go?” Derek asks. “Pretty well, and she's asking me to come over to her dorm, along with some friends. You guys wanna join?” “Are you ok with that?” Luke asked, wondering if Reid was okay with him and Derek joining him along with Marissa and her friends. “Yeah, I'm okay with that!” Reid says “Ok, im game! What about you Derek?” Luke said looking at Derek. “Let's see.......Sure, anything for my special boy!” Derek laughs. “Uh, ok lets go!” Derek and Luke get up from the table as Marissa runs up to them. “Hey yall coming? We are going to go crazy tonight! Woooohooo!” She screams as she grabs Reid’s hand and runs.
  Later that evening, Garcia was waiting for Courtney to get back from the showers. While she was waiting, she got more and more anxious for Courtney to come back. Finally, She walks into the room Garcia waved at her.
“Hey Courtney!” Garcia said cheerfully.
“Hey Garcia.” Courtney walked inside as she grabs a comb and starts combing her hair. “You seemed pretty worried, you okay?”
“Yes, well, kinda. Um, can we talk for a second?”
“Uhhhh okay.” She then sat down on her bed. “Let’s make it quick, cause I have a still life painting I need to work on tomorrow.”
“Sure thing. Um, do you remember that letter couple days ago i had you read with me?”
“Yes, I remember. Oh I almost forgot, how was the trip?”
“Um, it was… interesting. But thing is, it turns out, we were never supposed to tell anyone about it and i told you. I’m just wondering, could you just keep that between you and me?”
Garcia watched as she scrunched her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to tell me about the trip?”
“No. Please don’t tell anyone! My Professor told us that if we told anyone, and it gets around, we could all get in trouble!”
“Woah, did you say ‘in trouble’?!” Courtney blurts out as she leaped up from her bed.
“Yes! Please don’t tell me you told anyone!”
“N-no, I didn’t.” Garcia then glares at her. “I’m serious, I didn’t tell anyone. Besides, secret or not, I don’t gossip about my roommate’s life with any of my friends.” “Okay, okay, this is good. So this stays between us, right?”
Courtney sighs and crossed her arms. “Yes, just between us.” She then pats Garcia on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, I won’t say a word.”
“Okay, good. Thanks. I owe you, big time.”
“Yeah you do.” She joked as she walked up to her bed.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“No, I’m not. But maybe next time, give me a warning or something.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you. Tomorrow, I buy you anything you want.”
She raised an eyebrow at her. “Anything?”
“Anything, just say the thing. You like cupcakes or donuts? Cinnamon rolls? Frozen yogurt? Beignets?” She chuckled. “Garcia, you do-”
“Shut it. What do you want? I want to make it up to you!”
She sighs. “Hmmmm. Well, I always wanted to go eat at that Pancake house just near the mall. I heard they made really good chocolate chip pancakes and red velvet waffles, but I don’t know. It’s seems expensive and most of my money are for my art supplies.”
“Nonsense! We will go to that place Saturday morning for breakfast, my treat. What do you say?”
Courtney scratched her head. “I’d love too, but I can’t let you do this. I don’t want you to spend too much money because of me.”
“What did I say? Come on! Really Courtney, it’s free food that I’m offering you!”
“Okay, but that’s it! Nothing too big, just us eating tasty pancakes and waffles.”
“Okay! It’s a date!”
“Uhhh date?!” She asked confused.
“No no no! Not like that! Unless you want want it to be a date.” Garcia says as she winks at Courtney.
“Ehhh…” She blushed. “It’s just brunch and thank you. I’ll try to make it up to you.”
“No hun, this is my treat.”
“Okay. Well, be better get some rest. Don’t wanna wake up miserable tomorrow. Night.”
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iamcmims · 7 years
SUPERNATURAL: Olivia Parker: Wendigo
Words count: 11K
A/N: Sorry for posting this part on Tumblr this late! It’s been on wattpad since Sunday and I had no time to post it here! I posted the other day that I had no access to internet, so the chapter three “Dead In The Water” would be posted later, well, turns out internet is back and working! So I can get back on this new chapter and post it either Sunday or Monday! 
Feedback always appreciated! If you want to be tagged, feel free to ask! 
Warning: Blood, injuries, insults, angst, violence. 
NEXT PARTS: Dead In The Water  — Phantom Traveler — Bloody Mary — Skin — Hook Man — The Fight — Home
Previously on Olivia Parker...
In one of the several suburban homes, Olivia Parker was sitting on her bed in the darkened bedroom, looking at her closet that opened itself, making Olivia scream.
In another home, Mary Winchester runs up the stairs into her youngest son's, Sam, nursery. John Winchester gives baby Sam to Dean, "Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Now, Dean, go!"
After Olivia's mother, Caitlyn closed the doors; it once again opened itself. A silhouette comes out of it; it looks around until it spots what it was looking for. The shape walks to the wooden desk and takes a picture of Olivia and her parents. "It has begun."
Dean runs downstairs with Sam and leaves the house. John goes back to the nursery and watches his wife, Mary burn on the ceiling. "Mary! No!" John watches the nursery burn, Mary with it.
31st October 2000.
Olivia was now older, dressed in black, looking at herself in a mirror. Her mother looks at her, "Are you ready?", "Yes. As ready as I can be on the day I bury my husband and child."
Olivia stayed until the end of the ceremony when everyone had left, she kneels down, "I'm going to find what did this to you and I'm going to kill it, no matter what it takes."
October 31st, 2005.
Sam watches his brother that was in his and Jess, his girlfriend, apartment. "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days." Sam put his arm off of his girlfriend, keeping his eyes on Dean, "Jess, excuse us."
In the stairwell from Sam's apartment, Sam speaks to Dean, "I swore I was done hunting. For good.", "I can't do this alone."
In Sam's bedroom, Jess speaks to Sam. "And now you're taking off in the middle of the night to spend the weekend with them?", "Hey. Everything's going to be okay. I promise."
"You think Mom would have wanted this for us?" Asks Sam.
In John's motel room, Sam looks at the photo John left of the three Winchesters.
"Dean, we were raised like warriors."
Olivia smiled and tilted her head, "Did you really think I would be this stupid? Come on, show me some respect." As she finished her sentence, Olivia swung her machete, beheading the vampire. "Eat this, bitch."
Olivia was in her Black 1965 Buick Riviera Gran Sport, blood on her face and clothes.
"I'm so sorry..."
Olivia sits on the bed in her motel room and dials the number of her mother. "Hey, mom. — Work is busy lately. I might stay for a little bit longer." She takes out a journal and a pen, 'November 1st, 2005. Still nothing. I killed another nest of vampire. If they knew something about the accident, they would have never told me. I  need to find what killed Conor and Joey.  But for that, I need to find John Winchester. "
Olivia was in front of a house that looked abandoned. The flashback of the night of the accident hit her. Her son looked outside, "Mom who is in the yard?" Olivia went outside and put herself in front of the man, "I said, get out. If I find you here again, I will kill you. You understand me?" The man left.          Olivia was sitting at a table with her husband, Conor who as sitting in front of her. "He didn't move, not until I put myself in front of him. He was fixing Joey's bedroom.", "Well, just to be safe, keep your gun next to you." Olivia looks up at her husband. "What do you think, Conor? I have it on me, loaded.", "It's not your fault, Livy.", "He was not human. Trust me."          "I gave up hunting, Conor. But my instincts are still there.", "This man, whether he's human or not, is not here because of you.", "Well, I won't wait to find out. I may not be in the life anymore, but I'm not stupid, I didn't erase every number.", "Who are you going to call?", "John Winchester. After all, he's the one who trained me."
"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son Dean 866-907-3235."
A drop of blood falls on Olivia's shoulder then other ones. She looks up and sees her husband and child on the ceiling. "No!" John arrives and sees the fire starting, "Olivia! Come on let's get out.", "No! I can't leave them there!"
"How did you know?", "One call was enough to know you were in trouble.", "What happened back there, it's the same thing that happened to you, to Mary.", "We're going to find it, I promise.", "I know. Even if it is the last thing I do."
"You have responsibilities, Sam!", "To Dad? And his crusade? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back." Dean grabs Sam by the collar and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge. "Don't talk about her like that."
Olivia was inside the Impala with Sam, they were talking to Dean on the phone, "Dad's gone. I've got his journal. He left me a message."
Sam compares the coordinates in the journal to a map. "These coordinates he left us, it's weird, man."
Sam, Dean, and Olivia were in John's motel room that he abandoned. "Hey, Dean? What I said earlier, I'm sorry." Dean raises a hand, "no chick-flick moments."
"If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband," "If he's still alive." Sam and Dean tun around and see Olivia standing at the door. "Olivia!" Sam frowns, "wait, Olivia? Parker?"
Olivia walks over to Sam, "You know, despite everything John said to you, he was damn proud of you, Sammy.", "I guess so."
"Jess?" Sam is in his apartment, lying on the bed, eyes closed. Blood drips on his forehead, and he flinches, opens his eyes, and gasps in horror. Jess was pinned to the ceiling, bleeding. "No!"
Dean watches outside Sam's apartment the firefighters handle the situation, then goes back to Sam and Olivia at the Impala. Sam finishes loading a shotgun and tosses it in the trunk.
"We've got work to do." Sam shuts the trunk.
Today — Lost Creek, Colorado.
In the forest, two tents were set up near a fire ring. Crickets were chirping. Inside one tent, two young men, Brad and Gary, were playing head-to-head handheld video games. "Dude, you're cheating." Gary smirks, "no, you  just suck." Something growls outside. In the other tent, a third young man, Tom Collins, records a video message on his cell phone. "Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge." Something dark flicks behind the tent wall behind Tom, too fast to be identifiable as more than 'something dark'; but as Tom was recording himself, it also recorded the fast silhouette. "We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." Tom stops recording and sends the message.          Brad closes his game system and tosses it aside. Gary stares at his system for a moment, then turns to look at Brad, who is getting up and unzipping the tent.  Gary looks at him, "hey, where ya goin'? My moment of victory.", "Nature calls." Brad goes outside and zips up the sent behind him. He goes to stand against the tree to relieve himself. The fire crackles. Something snaps a stick. Brad looks towards the sound and sees the trees rustling. Brad shakes his head and returns his attention downward, then looks up sharply. Something growls.          Inside Tom's tent, Tom, who is reading Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces,' hears Brad scream.          Inside Gary's tent, Gary hears the same scream and rolls over. "Brad?"          Tom sits up. "Gary, what's goin' on?"         Gary opens the tent and sticks his head out to look around. He sees nothing. Then he hears growling again. He looks up; something pulls Gary out of the tent. He screams.          Tom turns out the lantern he had on. Shadows move very quickly around the outside of Tom's tent. Tom looks around, his eyes following the shadows and growling. Silence falls. Something slashes open Tom's tent, making him scream.
Olivia and Dean were in the Impala that was parked not so far from the cemetery where Sam was walking. Olivia was shotgun and Dean in the driver seat. Olivia looks at Sam then looks in front of her, fixing her eyes on a tree. Dean shifted his gaze from Sam to Olivia and then looked at Olivia. They didn't have the time or the chance to talk. Dean felt terrible for not giving her any news, just one text to make sure she knew he was alive wouldn't take long, he thought. But then again, did she want this text? Dean takes a deep breath and looks where Olivia's eyes are fixed. "How are you feeling?" Olivia gives a side glance at Dean then looks ahead. "Usual." Dean doesn't answer. "You know, Dean. You gotta stop beating yourself up. I know you were out searching for John." She looks at him. "I should have at least called." Olivia shrugs. "It's true. So should I." They look back at Sam that was wearing a suit and tie, carrying a bouquet of various flowers. "This thing took too much from us. We have to find it and kill it." Dean nods. "I know.", "Something happened to John. You know it like me." Olivia turns and looks at Dean once again. "Wherever he would go, he would have his gun and this journal. Something happened.", "I know. It's like he left his legacy. Like he's saying goodbye. Do you think we're going to find him?", "I hope. I think we've lost enough. We're going to kill this son of a bitch, and if we have to go in a blaze of glory, I say let's do it."          Sam sighs and stops next to Jessica's gravestone. On the tombstone was written 'Jessica Lee Moore,' 'Beloved Daughter,' 'January 24th, 1984 — November 2nd, 2005'. There is a small picture of a grinning Jess set into the stone above name, a black-and-white photograph of her leaning against the stone between a white teddy bear. And a wooden box with a crucifix leaning on the picture a small American Flag next to the box, and three candles standing on the gravestone; one is of the Virgin de Guadalupe. Sam looks between the headstone and the flowers. "I, uh…" Sam laughs. "You always said roses were — were lame, so I brought you, uh…" Sam looks at the picture set into the gravestone, then looks away, choking back tears. He steps closer to the gravestone. "Jess…oh God…" Sam kneels to set down the flowers. "I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth." Sam leans the flowers in front of the crucifix. An arm covered in dirt shoots out of the ground and grabs Sam by the wrist.          Sam jerks awake. He's in the backseat, Dean and Olivia were talking. Dean looks in the rearview mirror, "You okay?" Sam glances over and away. "Yeah, I'm fine." Dean nods and brings focus on the road. "Another nightmare?" Sam clears his throat. "You wanna drive for a while?" Sam and Olivia laugh. "Dean, your whole life, you never once asked me that.", "Just thought you might want to. Never mind.", "You're missing an occasion, Sam!" Sam smiles at Olivia and looks at his hands. Olivia and Dean glance at each other, having a silent conversation about Sam's state. Sam didn't miss it, "Look, guys, you're worried about me. I get it and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay." Olivia and Dean agree at the same time, "Mm-hm." Sam grabs the map in front of Olivia and goes back to his seat. "All right, where are we?" Olivia turns and looks at the map; she puts her finger where they are, "Just outside of Grand Junction." Then sits correctly on her seat, feet on the dashboard. Sam folds down the map, which is of Colorado and has a large red cross labeled 35-111. "You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." Dean sighs, "Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you want to find the thing that killed Jessica—", "—We got to find Dad first.", "Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after twenty years, it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers for the three of us. He will know what to do." Sam frowned when Dean said for the three of them, not understanding what he meant. Dean didn't tell Olivia's story to Sam. If she wanted him to know, she would tell him. Until then he would keep the secret. "These coordinates he left us, this Blackwater Ridge." Olivia slightly moves in her seat, enough to be facing Sam. "What about it?", "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere." Olivia looks at Dean. Sam was making a point. All of this made no sense.          They drive past the National Forest sign that says, 'Welcome to LOST CREEK Colorado National Forest.'
The Impala is parked next to a sign that says 'Ranger Station Lost Creek Trail, Lost Creek National Forest.'          "So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote." Sam looks at a 3D map of the national forest, paying particular attention to the ridge labeled 'BLACKWATER RIDGE.' Dean looks at the decorations. "It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place.", "Dude," Dean was smiling. "check out the size of this freaking bear." Sam and Olivia look over. Dean was looking at a framed photo of a man standing behind a much larger bear. Sam comes to stand next to Dean while Olivia stays close to the window looking outside. "And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure."          A forest ranger, Wilkinson, walk up behind them; when he speaks, Sam, Dean, and Olivia whip around startled. "You guys aren't planning on going out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" The three of them shake their heads. Olivia walks in front of his desk. "No. We are environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper." Olivia smiles, Sam laughs, and Dean grins, raising a fist. "Recycle, man." The Ranger rolls his eyes, "Bull." Sam's eyes flick to Dean, who doesn't move. Olivia does not give away any sign, she was impossible to read, thought the Ranger. "You're friends with that Haley girl, right?" Dean considers. "Yes. Yes, we are, Ranger—" Dean checks the Ranger's nametag. "Wilkinson.", "Well, I will tell you exactly what we told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the twenty-fourth, so it's not exactly a missing person now, is it?" Olivia sighs, Dean shakes his head, and the Ranger nods. "You tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother's just fine.", "We will. Well, that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?" Dean laughs a little at the end of his sentence. The Ranger nods at Dean. "That is putting it mildly." Before they leave, Oliva frowns and takes a step closer. "Ranger, you know what would help a lot? It's if we could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know so she could see her brother's return date." The Ranger eyes Olivia, "I can't do that.", "Well," Olivia takes out a fake FBI ID, "you can. But then again, it's up to you. We'd totally get it if you don't give us the paper."
Sam, Dean, and Olivia leave the ranger station. Dean is holding the piece of paper Olivia got them, laughing. "Got to tell you something, Olivia. That was beautiful." Sam nods. "Yeah. Well, you guys heard it. It's not a missing person case.", "I still think we should go see this girl." Says Dean while looking at the paper. "What, are you cruising for a hookup or something?", "What do you mean?", "The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?" They stop when they arrive at the Impala. "I don't know. Maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it?" Dean and Olivia were looking at Sam. "What?" Olivia frowned and faced Sam, "Since when are you adopting John's way? Shoot first ask questions later?", "Since now." Olivia raises her eyebrows and looks at Dean. "Really?" Dean goes around the car and gets inside.          Olivia's phone rings, she takes it out of her pocket and answers. "Yes? — It's me. — Hey, Bobby. — Sure, what can I do for you? — What happened? — What do you think it is? — Yeah sounds about right. — Okay, I'm coming. — Yeah. — Don't mention it." She hung up and looks at Dean. "You will have to drop me at the motel.", "What did Bobby want?", "Werewolves nest. I'm going to help him." Dean looks at Olivia then back on the road. "You sure you should go alone?", "I won't be alone. Bobby will be here. And you seem to forget that I've been hunting alone for a moment."          Dean stopped the car at the motel room; they got out of it. Sam and Dean stood against the Impala while Olivia was taking her duffel bag off of the Impala to her Riviera passenger seat. She closes the door and walks to Sam and Dean, hands in her jacket's pocket. "Don't be a stranger, give me some news this time." Dean laughs and nods. "You got this. C'mere." Olivia puts her hands out of her pockets and hugs Dean. Dean talks low, enough for only Olivia to hear it. "You be careful out there. The thing's still out." Olivia nods and goes to Sam. "Don't do anything stupid, or anything that Dean would do." Sam laughs and nods, "Yes ma'am.", "Okay. Come here, don't make me beg for it." Sam laughs again and hugs Olivia. She lets go and get into her car, turning on the engine. Dean closes his eyes. "Ohh," he reopens them and looks at Olivia, "almost as beautiful as Baby's engine.", "Don't compare two queens, Winchester." Sam and Dean wave at Olivia while she leaves the parking lot. They get back in the Impala, driving to the girl's house.
Sam and Dean are standing at the door to a house. The door opens to reveal Haley Collins. "You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean; this is Sam, we're, ah, we're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. He wanted us to ask a few questions about your brother Tommy." Haley hesitates. "Let me see some ID." Dean pulls out a fake ID with the name Samuel Cole and holds it up against the screen. Haley looks at it, then at Dean, who smiles. Haley opens the door. "Come on in.", "Thanks." The door swings open; Haley catches sight of the Impala. "That yours?", "Yeah." Sam is looking back at the Impala. "Nice car." Haley turns to lead Sam and Dean into the kitchen, where Ben Collins is sitting at the table on a laptop. Dean turns his head to mouth something to Sam, who rolls his eyes.          "So," begins Sam "if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something's wrong?" Haley comes back into the room with a bowl she places on the table. "He checks in every day by cell. He emails, photos, stupid little videos — we haven't heard anything in over three days now.", "Well, maybe he can't get cell reception.", "He's got a satellite phone, too.", "Could it be he is just having fun and forgot to check in?", "He wouldn't do that." Dean eyes Ben, then Ben looks away. Haley puts more food on the table. "Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.", "Can I see the pictures he sent you?" Haley nods at Sam, "Yeah." On a laptop, Haley pulls up pictures. "That's Tommy." Haley clicks twice, and another picture comes up, then the still frame opening the latest video. "Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." Sam spots the shadow flicking past. "Well," starts Dean "we will find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge first thing.", "Then maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guy. I'm heading out in the morning. And I'm going to find Tommy myself.", "I think I know how you feel.", "Hey," cuts off Sam "do you mind forwarding these to me?", "Sure."
Olivia parks in front of a motel, she takes her phone, goes to the message Bobby sent her with the number of the room. "450." She turns off the engine, takes her duffel bag and walks to Bobby's room. She knocks three times, pause for five seconds and knocks two more times. Bobby opens the door and smiles. "Hey, Kiddo. Thanks for coming.", "Sure." She enters the room, puts the duffel bag on the ground. "So what do we got?", "So far, three bodies with hearts missing.", "Yeah, so it's definitely werewolves.", "Yeah. But wait for it, they've got a type.", "What type?" Bobby looks at Olivia and raises his left eyebrow. Olivia sighs. "I'm going to play the bait, again? Come on Bobby; it's like you really want me to die." Bobby laughs. "Not my fault if you're the supernatural kind's type!", "Yeah, what can I say. Got everything for everyone. Alright, what's your plan, Singer?", "Easy. You will go to the local bar—", "One thing, this time, I don't have to wear a skirt that could almost be mistaken as my underwear?", "Nope. Just have to sit down and order a drink and wait for it.", "Fine. I will take a shower and rub the hunter smell off of me, and dress a little bit differently." Olivia takes her duffel bag and makes her way to the bathroom. "Oh, Olivia." She turns around, "How's Sam?" Olivia sighs. "Honestly? Bad. He's acting a lot like John when Mary died. Shoot first ask questions later. We already have John missing, and a mini John on the way. He's going to get himself and probably Dean, killed." Bobby sighs loudly, worried. "Sorry to bring you bad news Bob'.", "And you?", "What me?", "How are you handling?", "Bobby, it's been years you've been asking this question. You know the answer. I won't rest until I pull a damn bullet in the thing's head. After I do this, ask the question again, and I will see which answer to give." Olivia turns around and closes the bathroom door behind her. Bobby shakes his head and opens a beer, takes a big sip of it, "Those kids will be the death of me."
Sam and Dean sit down at a table in a bar. Dean takes his phone and dials Olivia's number. It goes straight to voicemail. "Hi, it's Olivia Parker. I can't be reached for the moment, if it's important leave a message and I'll call you back." Dean takes a deep breath, "Hey, Olivia, it's Dean, been trying to join you. Uh…call back whenever you can. Bye." He hung up and puts his phone in his pocket. "She's fine, Dean. No need to stress." There is a moment of silence. Sam frowns and looks at Dean. "Dean, earlier in the car, when we were talking about Dad and everything that happened to Mom and Jess, you said "three of us," so you included Olivia, what happened?", "I ain't-a kiss and tell, Sammy. If you want to know, you will have to ask her.", "This thing took something from her, am I right?" Dean didn't answer, but it was enough for Sam. "It's bigger than what we think, bigger than what Dad maybe thought.", "We will figure it out." They fall once again into silence until Sam decides to break it once more. "So, Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers, mostly. But, still, this is April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found." Sam opens John's journal. "Any before that?" Asks Dean. Sam pulls out a newspaper articles to show Dean. "Yeah, in 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack." Dean reads the headline in 'The Lost Creek Gazette.'          'GRIZZLY BEAR ATTACKS! UP TO EIGHT HIKERS VANISH IN LOST CREEK AREA HIKERS DISAPPEARANCE BAFFLE AUTHORITIES Families continue to search and rescue efforts in spite of disappointing (...)' Sam pulls out his laptop. "And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936." Sam opens the laptop, which already has a window open to Tom's video. "Every twenty-three years, just like clockwork. Okay, watch this. Here's a clincher. I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check this out." Sam pulls up the video and goes through three frames of the video one at a time. A shadow crosses the screen. "Do it again." Sam listens to Dean and repeats the frames. "That's three frames. That's a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move." Dean hits Sam, making him look up at Dean. "Told you something weird was going on.", "Yeah." Sam closes the laptop. "I got one more thing." Sam hands over another newspaper article. "In 'fifty-nine one camper survived this supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive." Dean looks at 'The Lost Creek Gazette.' "Is there a name?"
An old man, Mr. Shaw, talks to Sam and Dean while leading them inside his house. Mr. Shaw has a cigarette in his mouth. "Look, Ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents go mauled by a—" Sam interrupts Mr. Shaw. "Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Mr. Shaw takes a puff of his cigarette, takes it out, and nods. "The other people that went missing that year, those bear attacks too?" Mr. Shaw doesn't answer Dean. "What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?" Still no answers. "We knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it." Declares Dean. "I seriously doubt that. Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make." Mr. Shaw sits down. "You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did." Sam sits down across from Mr. Shaw. "Mr. Shaw, what did you see?" Shaw pauses. "Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like…no man or animal I ever heard.", "It came at night?" Shaw nods at Sam. "Got inside our tent?" Sam presses Mr. Shaw. "It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door. It unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up until I heard my parents screaming.", "It killed them?", "Dragged them off into the night." Shaw shakes his head and then continues. "Why it left me alive…been asking myself that ever since." Shaw's hands go to his collar, "did leave me this, though." Shaw opens his collar to reveal three long scars. Claw marks. Sam and Dean look at them. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon."
Olivia and Dean were on the phone with each other, talking about their respective cases. "So," begins Olivia, "What do you think it is?" Dean sighs, "I don't know. It attacks at night and in the woods. And the way it broke into Shaw's cabin, it was neat, like a human.", "A werewolf?", "Maybe, but they usually go for the heart, not the whole body.", "Unless they cover they trace. But once again, they would have not let the Shaw guy live. It may not be a werewolf.", "Talking about werewolves. How's your case with Bobby?", "Well tonight we caught one, told us where the nest was, so tomorrow we work on the plan, train a little, and by nightfall, we will go there and gank the whole nest.", "Be careful.", "Dean." Olivia's voice was a warning. "Hey, can't stop me from worrying."          Sam enters the room and sees Dean on the phone. He frowns at Dean, silently asking who it was, Dean mouths Olivia, making Sam nod. "Tell her I say hi." He whispers. Dean nods. And listens to Olivia. "I will be back as soon as this case is over.", "I know. Just don't rush it too much, don't get yourself killed or I will bring you back to only kill you again." Olivia laughs, making Dean giggle. "Deal, Winchester. Now, I'm going to sleep. Night, Dee.", "Night, Livy." Dean hangs up and puts his phone on the table. Sam looks at Dean with a grin. "What?" Sam shakes his head, "Nothing. So what'd she say?", "Thought of a werewolf too, but as she pointed out, Shaw would be dead if it was indeed werewolves." Sam sighs. Dean stands up, "Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside, they just go through the walls.", "So it's probably something else, something corporeal.", "Corporeal? Excuse me, professor.", "Shut up. So what do you think?", "The claws, the speed that it moves… could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature, and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it."          Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, then the weapons box, and props it open with a shotgun. He puts some guns in a duffel bag. Sam leans in. "We cannot let that Haley girl go out there.", "Oh yeaH? What are we gonna tell her? That she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster?", "Yeah." Dean looks at Sam, dumbfounded. "Her brother is missing, Sam. She's not gonna just sit this out. Now we go with her, we protect her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend." Dean picks up the duffel. "Finding Dad's not enough?" Sam slams the weapons box shut, then the trunk. "Now we gotta babysit too?" Dean stares at Sam, he didn't recognize Sam, Olivia was probably right, he went back on the field too soon. "What?" Dean shakes his head, "nothing." Dean throws the duffel bag at Sam and walks off, Sam staring after him.
Olivia was training outside in the small forest not so far from the motel room. She was shooting at different targets she put in front of her, not missing one. When Olivia finished, she walked closer to the targets and looked at it. She turns the safety on of her gun and runs back to the motel room. She enters the room and sees Bobby cleaning his weapons. "How's the weather, Rocky?" Olivia laughs, puts her gun on the table and takes a bottle of water from the small fridge. "The best weather to gank a next of werewolves!" Olivia takes drinks half of the bottle and puts it down. "I'm going to take a shower then we can work on the plan." Bobby nods bringing his focus back to the weapons while Olivia goes to the bathroom.          A map was on the table, Bobby and Olivia were around it. "So," Bobby puts his finger on a point on the map, "entry A. The Alpha of the nest will probably be here, protected by at least two other werewolves." He puts his finger on another point. "Entry B, that's the 'killing room,' after killing them, we should check out this place in case if there are some survivors." Olivia nods. She looks at the map and taps another point with her finger, "entry C is where we enter." Bobby nods, "but the thing is, Bobby, we will have to park the car down the block. So we will have to walk to the entry C.", "This ain't a problem, as long as we find a way kill all of them.", "Unless we get caught, we will have to run fast. Really fast and without involving the neighborhood and have more victims on our hands." Olivia stands up straight. "Our plan is what? We park the car down one block, enter by the entry C, then what?" Bobby looks at the map, "Then," he pauses and searches the map. "There is the main room, where the rest of the nest will be, around five of them." Olivia nods. "Okay, well, I say let's go have a little ride just to see the surroundings."
A man named Roy talks to Haley and Ben while checking a shotgun. They were all carrying full backpacks. "I'll tell you again, I don't think Ben should come.", "Roy—" Haley begins, but Roy cuts her off. "Look, you're paying me good money to keep everybody safe. I think Ben's safest at home." The Impala pulls up. Roy, Haley, and Ben stare. Haley shakes her head. Sam and Dean get out of the car, Sam opens the back door of the Impala and pulls out a duffel bag. "You guys got room for two more?" Haley gives Dean a questioning look. "Wait, you want to come with us?", "Who are these guys?" Asks Roy. "Apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue." Sam heads past everyone. "You're rangers?", "That's right.", "And," Haley looks at Dean's shoes, "you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Dean looks down at himself. "Well, sweetheart, I don't do shorts." Dean heads past Haley. "What, you think this is funny? It's dangerous backcountry out there. Her brother might be hurt." Sam turns back and looks at Roy. "Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be." Dean looks at Roy. "We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all." Dean heads past Sam.
A mine shaft lets in light, Tom and Gary are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. There are different corpses with them. Growling. Gary spots a tall skinny shape and starts yelling. Tom does his best to turn away and closes his eyes tightly as Gary shouts.
Olivia and Bobby were in the Riviera driving past the house where the nest of werewolves was. Bobby takes several pictures as discreet as he could, while Olivia doesn't stop the car and keeps driving. They stop at a local diner called 'The Old Maple.' They take a booth and order coffees. "How much did you get with the photos?" Bobby looks at them and sighs, "Not much. We had more details on the map. It does confirm the entries, though." Olivia nods, the waitress arrives and gives them their coffees, they smile and nod at her with a quick 'thank you' and return to their conversation. "Okay. Well, nightfall is in hours away so what now? Are we sure there are only three victims?", "There are only three reported victims.", "This is what I thought. So we should look into missings, ask some people, and if people are missing, we'll include this in the plan, and after we killed the nest, we will check into it. I just only hope that there are survivors." Bobby nods. "I do too."
The group hikes through the forest, Roy in the lead, then Dean, Haley, Ben, and Sam bringing up the rear. "Roy, you said you did a little hunting.", "Yeah, more than a little." Dean nods, "Uh-huh. What kind of furry critters do you hunt?", "Mostly buck, sometimes bear." Dean passes Roy. "Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?" Roy grabs Dean. Sam looks on. "Watcha doing, Roy?" Asks Dean. Roy grabs a stick and pokes the bear trap Dean had almost stepped in. Haley looks annoyed. "You should watch where you're stepping. Ranger." Roy drops the stick and retakes the lead. Dean looks at it then up, "It's a bear trap." They hike on. Haley catches up to Dean. "You didn't pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers." Haley grabs Dean's arm. "So who the hell are you?" Ben goes past Haley and Dean. Sam looks at Dean, who silently tells him to keep going; Sam obeys. Dean watches him go for a moment. "Sam and I are brothers, and we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know. I just figured that you and me, we're in the same boat.", "Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?", "I'm telling you now. Besides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman except Olivia. So we okay?" Haley pauses and nods. "Yeah, okay. And who's Olivia?", "Our best friend. She's helping us find our Dad.", "Why?", "She grew up with us. My Dad took her in at a bad time in her life.", "What happened to her?", "Ah, sorry. No can do. I promised to keep this to myself, that if someone were going to tell her story, it would be her." Dean winks at Haley who smiles. "You're a good friend.", "I try to. And what do you mean I didn't pack provisions?" Dean pulls out a big bag of peanut M&Ms and sticks his hand in the bag as he hikes on. Haley waits a moment, then follows.
Olivia and Bobby were in FBI suits. Olivia was interrogating a woman and Bobby, another man. "So, Mrs. Brook. I saw that you posted on the local's website that your son went missing." The woman nods, "Did you have any news about? Some things you feel like I should know?", "I—I don't know...", "It's okay. It's alright. Take your time. Uh, did you see someone, a stranger for instance near your house, or your son? Did he tell you anything about it?", "He said he had a new friend older than him. But I thought he was from another grade. Oh my, God." The woman starts to panic, Olivia helps the woman to sit down. "It's okay. Did he tell you anything else? Where he lived, where they would see each other?" She shakes her head. Olivia sighs and sits down, next to the woman. "I'm sorry for pressing you with my questions. The more I know, the more chances I have to find your son.", "I understand. Keep going.", "Okay. Did any of his teaches talked to you about this new friend?", "They said that Dylan was distracted lately. He cut some classes.", "Okay. Did Dylan had a phone?", "Yes.", "Okay, could you give me his number and your operator?" The woman stands up, takes a paper and writes down everything Olivia needed. Olivia stands up and takes the paper. "Thank you." Olivia stops for a moment and sighs, "I know what you're going through. I'm going to do my best to find your son.", "Thank you so much." Olivia nods and leaves the house. Bobby was already in the car, the goes around the car and gets into the driver seat. "So, what did the man told you?", "His daughter went missing a week ago, but she came back yesterday, she was at a friend's place. You?", "This woman's son is missing. She said he made a new friend, someone older than him. She gave me his number and the operator so I will try to track the number and get the phone's history and see if he interacted with someone. I also think we should go to the school. She said that he cut some classes, if it was with this new friend, maybe someone saw him. If the description's close to one of the werewolves, it'll be enough. She gave me a photo of him." Olivia gives the photo to Bobby. "Olivia, you're sure you're up for this one?", "Yes, I am, Bobby.", "But this kid missing—," "Will only make me want to finish this job correctly, so the kid is safe and sound. Like any of the survivors.", "Okay. I say let's head back to the motel and get everything ready and then wait for nightfall." Olivia starts the engine and drives off to their motel.
Roy leads the way, followed by Sam, Ben, Haley, and Dean. "This is it. Blackwater Ridge." States Roy. Sam heads past him. "What coordinates are we at?" Roy pulls out a GPS, which reads N 35° 45. 383, W 111° 00.55. "Thirty-five minus one-eleven." Dean comes up to Sam. They listen. "You hear that?", "Yeah. Not even crickets.", "I'm gonna go take a look around.", "You shouldn't go off by yourself.", "That's sweet. Don't worry about me." Roy waves his gun and pushes between Sam and Dean to retake the lead. Dean turns back to the others as Ben and Haley catch up. "All right, everybody stays together. Let's go."          Sam, Dean, Ben, and Haley are looking around near a large rock. "Haley! Over here!" Haley runs towards Roy's voice, followed closely by the others. They come to a halt. "Oh my, God." The tens are torn open and bloody, and all the supplies are scattered. "Looks like a grizzly." States Roy. Dean and Haley look around. "Tommy?" Haley takes off her backpack and goes through the campsite. "Tommy!" Sam moves to catch with Haley. "Shh.", "Tommy!", "Shh-hh-hh!", "Why?", "Something might still be out there.", "Sam." Sam goes over to Dean, snapping a stick, and crouches next to him. "The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the tracks just vanish. That's weird" Sam and Dean stand up. "I'll tell you what, that's no skinwalker or black dog." Dean goes back to the campsite, and Sam follows. Haley picks up Tom's cell phone; it's bloody. She cries. She turns the phone over, and the back is open. Dean crouches next to her. "Hey, he could still be alive." Haley gives Dean a skeptical look. "Help! Help!" Someone screams, Roy leads the way as everyone runs to the aid of the shouter. "Help! Somebody!" They find no one. "It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn't it?" They listen. "Everybody back to camp." Orders Sam. Back at the campsite, all the supplies are missing. "Our packs!" Exclaims Haley. "So much for my GPS and my satellite phone." Whines Roy. "What the hell is going on?" Sam looks at Haley, "it's smart. It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help." Roy looks at Sam. "You mean someone, some nutjob out there just stole all our gear." Sam goes to Dean. "I need to speak with you. In private." Sam and Dean head a little ways away from the group. "Good. Let me see Dad's journal." Dean hands it over. Sam opens it and flips through until he finds a particular page. "All right, check this out." Sam points to a First Nations—style drawing of a figure. "Oh come on, wendigos are in Minnesota woods or, or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west.", "Think about it, Dean, the claws, the way it can mimic a human voice.", "Great." Dean takes out his pistol. "Well, then this is useless." Sam gives Dean back John's journal and heads past Dean, stopping for a moment. "We gotta get these people to safety."
"Dylan was an amazing student, he didn't always have A's, but he had a great grade, he participated, and he wanted to learn." Olivia was talking to Dylan's teacher. "What happened?", "His grade started to drop about a month ago, he started to cut off.", "How much?", "Half of his grade went down. If he continues at this rate, he won't pass. He missed around twenty classes. He made up fake notes from his mother or father. He even found someone to pretend to be his father to explain his absence.", "Wait, who was pretending to be his father?", "I don't know his name. He went under the identity of Dylan's father.", "Could you describe him?", "Yes. Uhm. Tall, medium brown hair, a beard, brown eyes, he—he has a tattoo of the moon on his right arm. He's muscular. That's all I can remember.", "It's enough. Thanks.", "You're going to find him, right?", "I will do my best to bring him home."          "So turns out the friend Dylan made was the werewolf that we killed.", "So he's in their lair." Olivia nods. "We have maybe two or three hours until nightfall. I say we go over there and wait for a little, in case something new happens."
Back at the campsite, Sam addresses the group. "All right, listen up, it's time to go. Things have gotten…more complicated.", "What?" Haley looked at Sam, confused. "Kid, don't worry. Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it." Dean rolls his eyes at Roy. Sam sighs, "it's not me I'm worried about. If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now.", "One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders." Dean looks at Roy, "relax.", "We never should have let you come out here in the first place, all right? I'm trying to protect you." Roy steps right into Sam's space. "You protect me? I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you good night.", "Yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you, and it's going to hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid, sorry ass out of here." Roy laughs. "You know you're crazy, right?", "Yeah? You ever hunt a wen—" Dean pushes Sam. Haley screams Roy's name. "Chill out." Dean tries to calm Sam. "Stop. Stop it." Everyone turns to look at Haley. "Everybody just stops. Look. Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him." For a moment, no one talks, until Dean breaks the silence. "It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it, not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves." Haley looks at Dean and nods, "How?"
Olivia and Bobby were taking their gun, making sure they had enough bullets. "Okay. So entry C, then the main room we kill all of them, then we go to the room A, kill the Alpha, and if everything goes as planned, we go to the room B and save as many victims as we can." Bobby nods. "And remember, we can't save everyone.", "I know. Let's go." They walk to the house when they arrive at the entry C, Olivia puts herself at the left side of the door, Bobby at the right side. They look at each other, Olivia shows three fingers and starts to silently count. When the last digit is down she takes her gun correctly in her hands, Bobby opens the door as quietly as possible. They enter the room, Olivia covering the left side once again as Bobby still covers the right side. Bobby does a movement of the hand to tell Olivia to keep walking ahead, she nods. They look around, gun aimed and loaded. As they are closer to the main room, they hear people talking. Olivia gets closer to Bobby and whispers "They're at least seven in here. We need to shoot correctly. We don't have many bullets on us.", "Okay. We go in there at the same time and start shooting right away, giving them no time to adjust and attack us." Olivia nods. They take a breath and enter the main room, they start shooting at the werewolves.
The group has built a campfire, and Dean draws something in the dirt around the campsite while Haley pokes at the fire. "One more time, that's—," "Anasazi symbols. It's for protection. The wendigo can't cross over them." Roy laughs, gun over his shoulder. "Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy." Dean heads over to sit next to Sam, who is at the edge of the campsite. "You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours?", "Dean—," "No. You're not fine. You're like a powder keg, man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?", "Dad's not here. I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sigh, right?", "Yeah, you're probably right. Tell you the truth, I don't think Dad's ever been to Lost Creek.", "Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go pick up Olivia, and find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here?", "This is why." Dean comes around to Sam's front and holds up John's journal. "This book. This is Dad's single most valuable possession—everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business." Sam shakes his head. "That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just—call us? Why doesn't he—tell us what he wants, tell us where he is?", "I don't know. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it.", "Dean…no. I have to find Dad. I have to find Jessica's killer. It's the only thing I can think about.", "Okay, all right, Sam, we'll find them. I promise. Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man." Sam looks down, then up. "How do you do it? How does Olivia or Dad do it?" Dean looks over at Haley and Ben. "Well, for one, them." Sam looks over at Haley and Ben. "I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable." Dean looks at his little brother. "I'll tell you what else helps." Sam looks back at Dean. "Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can." Sam smiles. A twig snaps. "Help me! Please!" Dean stands and readies his gun. "Help!" Sam shines a flashlight. "He's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool, stay put." Roy rolls his eyes, "inside the magic circle?", "Help! Help me!" Growling is heard. Roy points his gun at the sound. "Okay, that's no grizzly." Haley talks to Ben, "it's okay. You'll be all right, I promise." Something rushes past. Haley shrieks. Sam looks around, "it's here." Roy shoots at the rustling, then again. "I hit it!" Roy goes to see what he hit. "Roy, no! Roy!" Dean turns to Haley and Ben, "don't move." Haley is holding a stick, burning at one end as a weapon. Sam and Dean run after Roy. "It's over here! It's in the tree!" The wendigo reaches down from the tree and snaps Roy's neck. "Roy!" Sam shines the flashlight around.
The werewolves that were protecting the Alpha came running into the main room where all of the other monsters were dead. Olivia hears the Alpha leaving the house. She looks at Bobby, "I'm going after him, you got this?", "Yes. Go." Olivia runs outside by the entry C and corners the house. She aims her gun, taking long deep breaths, calming her heart, when she calmed it she walked as slowly as possible, avoiding anything that could betray her position. Olivia knew the Alpha would still be here. At least she was hoping so. Olivia looks around as she arrives at the entry B, the killing room. She sees the door half open. She looks inside and sees the Alpha passing back and forth. She also heard whimpering. Someone was still alive. She waits for the Alpha to turn his back to the door, she slowly opens it and aims her gun, when a woman sees her she gasps, turning the Alpha's attention to Olivia. She werewolf attacks Olivia, she falls to the ground, the beast on the top of her, she struggles to get her gun back. The werewolf's teeth were dangerously close to her. She turns her head and tries to grab her gun. When she realizes she can't, she knees the werewolf in the stomach, she then headbutts him, she slightly moves to the left, enough to grab her gun. When he comes to his senses, Olivia has just enough time to shoot the Alpha in the head. The body falls to the ground. Olivia takes a deep breath and stands up. She looks around and sees Dylan and two other women. She sighs in relief.
Sam is sitting on a hollow tree stump, holding John's journal and playing with a lanyard attached to same. Dean, Haley, and Ben are among the tents. "I don't…I mean, these types of things, they aren't supposed to be real." Dean sighs at Haley's words. "I wish I could tell you different.", "How do we know it's not out there watching us?", "We don't. But we're safe for now.", "How do you know about this stuff?" There is a slight pause while Dean considers. "Kind of runs in the family." Sam comes over. "Hey." Haley stands up. "so, we've got half a chance in the daylight. And I for one want to kill this evil son of a bitch.", "Well, hell, you know I'm in." States Dean.  Sam shows the wendigo page of John's journal to Haley and Ben. "'Wendigo' is a Cree Indian word. It means 'evil that devours.'", "They're hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or a hunter.", "How's a man turn into one of those things?" Dean picks up a couple things up off the ground. "Well, it's always the same. During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. Becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe r camp.", "Like the Donner Party." Dean looks at Ben.  Then Sam continues, "cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities. Speed, strength, immortality.", "If you eat enough of it, over the years, you become this less than a human thing. You're always hungry.", "So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?" Demands Haley. "You're not going to like it." Dean glances at Sam, then back at Haley. "Tell me.", "More than anything, a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time, but when it's awake, it keeps its victims alive. It, uh, it stores them, so it can feed whenever it wants. If your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden, and safe. We gotta track it back there.", "And then how do we stop it?", "Well, guns are useless, so are knives. Basically—" Dean holds up the can of lighter fluid, the beer bottle, and the white cloth he'd picked up. "We gotta torch the sucker."
After Olivia checked if the victims were okay, she put something on the man's body that didn't survive. She looks at Dylan and then at the door. She had to join Bobby. She gives one of the women a gun, "do you know how to shoot?" The woman nods. "Okay. If it's not a man in a ball cap or me, you shoot." The woman nods again. Olivia charges her gun and gets out of the killing room. She walks to the entry C and reaches the main room, she sees one werewolf walking to Bobby. She aims her gun and shoot, killing him. The body falls, Bobby looks at Olivia and sighs. "All dead. I found Dylan alive, and on the three people missing, only two women survived, the man was dead.", "Okay let's get out of here."
Dean leads the way through the woods. Molotov cocktail in hand. Haley follows, then Ben, and Sam. They pass trees with claw marks and blood.
Dylan was in the back seat of Olivia's car. Olivia parks the car in front of Dylan's house. She gets out, opens the door for Dylan to get out. She walks with him to the front door, she knocks and waits for the door to open. When Dylan's mother opens the door, she puts her hands on her mouth when she saw her son. She takes him in her arms. "Thank you so much.", "Don't mention it. Hey, Dylan." Dylan turns and faces Olivia, "next time you see a stranger, don't go near. Okay?", "I promise.", "Okay." Dylan gives Olivia a hug, taking her by surprise. "Thank you, Olivia.", "No problem kiddo. Now go." Olivia turns around and starts to walk to her car when the woman stops her, "Wait a minute." Olivia turns, "I figured out you weren't from the FBI. But I don't care, you brought my boy home. And I will forever be thankful for this. I don't know what happened to you, but I can tell you are a mother. So from mother to mother, thank you, from the bottom of my heart." Olivia hugs the woman and leaves.
Sam is now leading the group. "Dean." Dean catches up. "what is it?" Sam and Dean look around at the trees. There are bloody claw marks and broken branches everywhere. "You know, I was thinking, those claw prints, so clear and distinct. They were almost too easy to follow." Growling. Sam and Dean whip around. Trees rustle. Haley is standing under a tree. Blood drips on her shirt. She notices and looks up, then leaps out of the way; Roy's corpse lands where she stood. Dean examines Roy as Sam goes over to Haley. "You okay? You got it?", "His neck's broke." Sam helps Haley up. More growling. "Okay, run, run, run, run, go, go, go!" Everybody takes off. Ben falls, and Sam hurries back to help him up, dividing the group in half. "Come on, I gotcha, I gotcha." Dean and Haley stopped short: the wendigo is in front of them. Haley screams. Ben looks up, "Haley?" Sam stops running and picks up Dean's Molotov cocktail, the bottle is broken. "Dean!"
Back at the motel, Olivia went to take a shower then Bobby. "Well, I say it's a good day.", "It sure could have been worse, but I'm feeling bad for the man's wife. She's pregnant.", "I know. But as I said we can't save everyone. We saved three out of four, Olivia. It's a good day." Olivia nods. I'm going to sleep."
"If it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy?", "Honestly? I think because Roy shot at it, pissed it off." Ben finds a trail of peanut M&Ms and picks one up. "They went this way." Sam catches up to Ben, who hands over the M&M. Sam laughs. "It's better than breadcrumbs." Sam tosses the M&M away. They follow the trail. They come to a mine entrance marked with a sign that says 'Warning! Danger! Do not enter extremely toxic material.' Sam looks at Ben, shrugs, and goes inside. Ben follows. Above the entrance is a larger sign that says 'keep out no admittance.'          Sam shines the flashlight ahead of them. Growling; Sam shuts off the light and pulls Ben against the wall. The Wendigo comes towards them. Sam covers Ben's mouth before he can scream. The wendigo takes a different tunnel at the crossing. Sam and Ben keep going. The floorboards creak, and Ben and Sam fall through the floor; they land in a pile of bones. There is another pile nearby of skulls Ben spots them and leaps backward. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Sam and Ben look up; Dean and Haley are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. Sam runs to Dean, Ben to Haley. "Dean!", "Haley, wake up!" Sam grabs Dean and shakes him. "Dean!" Dean opens his eyes. "Hey, you okay?" Dean winces. "Yeah.", "Haley, Haley, wake up, wake up!" Sam cuts Dean down, and Ben takes care of Haley. They help them over to an empty patch of floor and get them down. Dean makes pained noises. "You sure you're all right?" Dean grimaces. "Yeah. Yep. Where is he?", "He's gone for now." Haley divests herself of rope. She stands up and spots Tom still hanging and starts crying. "Tommy…" Haley touches Tom's cheek. Tom's head jerks up. Haley jumps back and shrieks. she turns to Sam. "Cut him down!" Sam cuts Tom down. "We're gonna get you home." The stolen supplies are piled in the corner. Dean picks up flare guns. "Check it out." Sam turns around. "Flare guns. Those'll work." Sam grins, Dean laughs and twirls the guns.          The head down a tunnel, Sam and Dean in the lead with flare guns and Haley and Ben supporting Tom, who is limping. Growling. "Looks like someone's home for supper.", "We'll never outrun it." Dean looks back at the others then at Sam. "You thinking what I'm thinking?", "Yeah, I think so.", "All right listen to me. Stay with Sam. He's gonna get you out of here.", "What are you gonna do?" Dean doesn't answer Haley, he winks and starts walking and yelling. "Chow time, you freaky bastardç Yeah, that's right, bring it on, baby, I taste good." Sam waits until Dean is a safe distance away. "All right, come on! Hurry!" The Collinses follow Sam down the tunnel.          "Hey, you want some white mean, bitch! I'm right here!"         Sam, Haley, Ben, and Tom hurry down a tunnel. Growling. Sam points the gun at it, then lowers the gun and turns to the Collinses. "Get him out of here.", "Sam no.", "Go! Go! Go!", "Come on, Haley!" Haley and Ben help Tom along the mine tunnel. Sam holds the flare gun ready to shoot, looking down the tunnel. "Come on, come on." Growling. Sam turns: the wendigo is right in his face. Sam shoots and misses, then runs after the Collinses. "Sam!" Sam catches up. "Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry." They run to the end of the tunnel, the wendigo right behind. "Get behind me!" Sam is large enough to hide all three Collinses. The wendigo approaches, taking its time. Dean comes up behind it. "Hey!" The wendigo turns, Dean shoots it in the stomach. The flare goes off, and the wendigo goes up in flames. "Not bad, huh?" Sam grins.
Olivia puts her duffel bag in the passenger seat. She closes the door and looks at Bobby. "Well, it was a pleasure to work with you, Bobby." Bobby laughs, making Olivia smile. "You take care of you back there, all right? And take care of the boys. Be the sane one.", "As usual, Bobby." Olivia hugs him, "bye." she gets into the car and leaves.
An ambulance loads up Tom. Two police officers interview Ben; Sam stands behind him. "And the bear came back again after you yelled at it?", "That's when it circled the campsite. I mean, this grizzly must have weighed eight hundred, nine hundred pounds." Sam nods at Ben's words. "All right, we'll go after it first thing." The officer nods and leaves. Haley talks to Dean, both of them have already been patched up. "So I don't know how to thank you," Dean smirks lasciviously. Haley smiles despite herself. "Must you cheapen the moment?", "Yeah!" A paramedic comes up to Haley, "You're riding with your brother?", "Yeah." The Paramedic heads back to the ambulance. Haley turns to Ben. "Let's go." Sam and Ben nod at each other. Haley kisses Dean on the cheek. "I hope you find your father." Haley and Ben head for the ambulance. "Thanks, Sam." They climb in the ambulance with Tom. Sam sits on the Impala's hood with Dean. "Man, I hate camping.", "Me too." Noises of the ambulance driving away, sirens on. "Sam, you know we're going to find Dad, right?", "Yeah, I know. But in the meantime? I'm driving." Dean tosses Sam the keys. Dean's phone rings, Olivia sent him a message 'Just arrived at the motel. You're okay?', 'On our way. We're good. You?', 'I'm fine. See you.' Sam looks at Dean and starts the car, "who is it?", "Olivia. She's at the motel. Let's go."
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borathae · 4 years
~Chapter 26~ I just want to say I LOVED this chapter so much. Them making up and all the fluff 😚👌💕 My heart really needed that. Also how you describe Namjoon in your story is exactly how i think he is in real life. Like always having some really well worded advice that sounds so well thought out but he didn't even have to think about it that hard, it just comes naturally to him. Where does one find a Namjoon? And the tea part? Excuse me? That was a whole movie moment. 😭 Eternity biiitch 😭 I had literally so many song options for this chapter but at some point I had to stop myself lol
🖤 My Everything - Ariana Grande
In this chapter or rather in the time between this & the last chapter oc accepts that she wants jungkook back in her life and said let's work on what we have bc it's far too powerful & special to just dismiss it because someone made a mistake which can be worked out. I think she always knew this but now she accepted it. "I've cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them and then it was clear, I can't deny I really miss it." I think oc realised this especially once jk revealed he needs time to think and that's when it hit oc that he might not come back and that she actually can't live without him. "To think that I was wrong, I guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone. Pain is just a consequence of love. I'm saying sorry for the sake of us. He wasn't my everything 'til we were nothing. And it's taken me a lot to say. And now that he's gone, my heart is missing something so it's time to push my pride away 'cause you are, you are, you are my everything."
🖤 It's Gotta Be You - Isaiah Firebrace
I actually think this song represents both their povs. "I hear a million voices in my head telling me the things I should have said. I don't know why I let you go, oh I learned the hard way. Tell me it's not too late. Now my arms are open wide, they're hanging forever there, waiting forever, for you. I won't give up on you this time cause I ain't holding up, for nobody else. It's gotta be you."
🖤 Blind (Acoustic) - PRETTYMUCH
I can just see jungkookie laying alone in a motel bed pretending this is seriously over, crying himself to sleep and when he closes his eyes all he sees is oc. "I lose my mind before I see you and I separated, no I'm so scared to lose you, never choosing to let go. Love's so fragile, anything could happen, and we know. Hearts made of glass, but somehow we last. Yeah we made it, no I would rather be without vision 'fore I ever watch you leave. [...] I'd be better off blind. [...] When I close my eyes all I think about is you."
🖤 Here To Stay - Josh Devine
Jungkookie is here to stay 😭 "My heart on the line, so you'll never doubt the mountains I'd climb for us now. It's all about us now. I fooled my heart, let it break. I know this time we won't fade cause all my love's here to stay. [...] Through the dark fight our way. I know this time I can change. [...] I'm giving up everything for this, we'll figure it out I promise."
🖤 Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers & Bebe Reha
I'm sorry but that's literally their story if you replace bar with diner. "When we thought that we couldn't get higher things started looking down. I look at you and you look at me like nothing but strangers now. Two kids with their hearts on fire, don't let it burn us out. Think about what you believe in now, am I someone you cannot live without? 'Cause I know I don't wanna live without you, yeah come on, let's turn this all around. Bring it all back to that bar downtown when you wouldn't let me walk out on you, yeah. You said, 'Hey, what you doing for the rest of your life?' and I said, 'I don't even know what I'm doing tonight'. Went from one conversation to your lips on mine and you said, 'I never regretted the day that I called you mine'."
🖤 Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
This is what I imagine playing when oc just can't take it anymore and literally throws herself at jk and they hug so tight he can't breathe 😭💖 "I ache for love, ache for us, why don't you come, don't you come a little closer. So come on now, strike the match, strike the match now. We're a perfect match, perfect somehow, we were meant for one another, come a little closer. Flame you came from me, fire meet gasoline. [...] I'm burning alive. I can barely breathe, when you're here loving me." Also "I got all I need, when you came after me"
🖤 Can't Help Falling in Love - Haley Reinhart / Kina Grannis
Those are two separate covers but I just can't decide between them. You know just the whole 'so you really want me to stay?' 'yes we complete each other' vibe. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I can't help falling in love with you? Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you."
🖤 Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer
This relates to the last chapter where jk realised he wants to build a life with oc. And this just sounds exactly like something he would say to her when they're sitting together on the couch 😢 "You've got a million reasons to hesitate but darling, the future's better than yesterday. [...] Gave you a million reasons to walk away. But I'll build a house out of the mess and all the broken pieces. I'll make up for all of your tears. I'll give you the best years. [...] I promise, darling, you won't regret the best years."
🖤 Black And White - Niall Horan
Same as the previous song and also this is literally their story. "That first night we were standing at your door fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you, ask me if I want to come inside 'cause we didn't want to end the night. [...] Yeah, I see us in black and white, crystal clear on a star lit night in all your gorgeous colors. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life. See you standing in your dress, swear in front of all our friends there'll never be another. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life. Now, we're sitting here in your living room telling stories while we share a drink or two. And there's a vision I've been holding in my mind, we're 65 and you ask 'When did I first know?' I always knew."
Okay, okay so I gotta go on and hurry up with replying to your messages fjsdfjas. Excuse my lazy ass, but I really want to take my time with your messages and saDLY online classes didn’t let me until now 😔🤧
Honestly I totally agree with you, this is highkey how I imagine Namjoon to be in real life as well. Also no joke, working on Namjoon was always so much. I really loved his parts in the story. They were so healing for me to write hahfhads 💜 
Also I am literally so happy that you enjoyed Chapter 26 so much, it is one of my favourite chapters from the story as well. It is just so healing and cute. Like that part when Kook makes her all laugh and Namjoon is all like “damn that bitch laughs really weirdly” but Kook is all like heart eyes for her. do yOU HEAR ME CRYING IN MY ROOM?? 😔😭💜
Imma put the rest under “read more” because your bitch has a lot to say hahHAH
My Everything - Ariana Grande
Your description just hIT me like a truck. HAHAHHA BYE I am laughing in pain 😭😭 Oh god I don’t even know what to add because you described it just so perfectly well 😭😭 I caN’t here I am cryIng at the first song you recommended 😔
It’s Gotta Be You - Isaiah Firebrace
Okay lis t EN I am :( I will literally start sobbing right here and now 😭 like omfg that part when he is all like “When you walked away my heart tried to replace ya with someone like you, but I could never find it. I don't want to find it.” if that isn’t the reader trying to move on with Hoseok but realising just how much she needs Kook. But also at same time it’s Kook all trying to pretend that they have broken up, but ending up crying every night because he misses her so much. I will now cry 😭😭
Blind (Acoustic) - PRETTYMUCH
Okay you just changed my mind, this is IT. This is most definitely Kook being all sad and heartbroken in his motel room. Nooo lisTEN I AM FAR TOO EMOTIONAL I AM SOBBING :( Okay but also this part, listen this part: “I'm so scared to lose you, never choosing to let go [...] When I close my eyes all I think about is you. This is real love.” if that isnt them being all like “I’ll never let go again” later when they are cuddling in bed :( 
Here To Stay - Josh Devine
Okay... why are those lyrics literally so damn accurate?? Help I am scared? They are literally so accurate hgnfgnan bYE 😭😭😭 also omfg I didn’t know this song and I freaking love their voices. They just HIT right 😭 I can’t jajsdj like every song you’ve recommended as of now made me cry (in a good way) 😭 like just that part “We'll figure it out I promise cause all my love's here to stay.“ I will throw myself away 😭
Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers feat. Bebe Rexa
listen anonie I wanna smooch you. I do not know how you always manage to find songs that just F I T so right, I am comBUSTING 😭😭 gosh this is giving me such hardcore memories of how it felt like to start writing this story (lil fun fact for you guys, exactly one year ago I started working on the Cocktail Trilogy 😔) I can’t this would fit so well to a lil flashback, showing all the amazing times they had together. Like them just driving down the coast, the reader has her arms around his waist while Kook is sneaking a glance her way and smiles. Like just imagine 😭
Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia 
Omg the moment you described 😭 this is it. I can imagine it so clearly. How Kooks eyes widen in surprise at first before they flutter closed. How he nuzzles his face into her shoulder and twists her sweater in his fingers so she would never leave again. How she is squeezing her eyes shut and twisting his hair to press him even closer. Now that they are finally together again it feels so right. The world could burst into flames all around them and yet they wouldn’t let go. Nothing matters for them except the other person. 
And now I made myself sOB again  😔😭
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Hayley Reinhart / Kina Grannis
OKAY LISTEN NO JOKE I LISTENED TO THE KINA GRANNIS COVER WHILST WORKING ON THAT CHAPTER! I love that song so much and holy shit the lines you chOSE YES!! 😭😭 this is song is them 100%, I don’t make the rules and I thank you for recommending it 😭😭
Best Years - 5 Seconds of Summer 
Anonie you are out to make me cry 😭😭 (first of all I love 5sos so much) HOLY SHIT LISTEN THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭😭 I can’t, I literally can’t. This just broke me HHAHSH 😭😭 like if that song isn’t the moment when he is all like “you won’t regret it I promise. I’ll make you so happy.” liKE HOLY FUCK MY HEART IS ACHING 😭😭 anonie seriously thANk YOU, you don’t even want to know how often I have listened to this song whilst working on Purple Rain. Good god, this just awoke so many memories 😭
Black and White - Niall Horan
ANOTHER SONG I CONSTANTLY LISTENED TO WHILST WORKING ON PURPLE RAIN 😔 anonie I can’t believe that three songs of my “writing songs” also made you think of Purple Rain. Fuck I can’t, I’m currently listening to it and I am sobbing HAHAHH 😭 like okAY listen, do you want to know which scene I always think about when I listen to that song? The one day when Kook took her to a junkyard and then when they later drove up a mountain to watch the city. And it’s that moment when they are both just like screaming on top of their lungs and then end up falling into each others arms because they are just so goddamn fucking alive when they are together 😔
Honestly anonie thank you. This playlist was such an emotional rollercoaster to listen to (in a good way). Holy shit it awoke so many memories and fuck, you just get me and my story 😔 thank you anonie, I really fucking love you 😔💜
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Under Shadow: Chapter 62
The rest of the survivors made their way into the valley where the Gotoro army waited for the attack. They stood anxiously beside their tanks and weapons, or hiding in trenches and behind man-made walls. They covered a vast, circular area of the valley in an attempt to catch the Shadow People, no matter which direction they came from.
“Well, if it isn’t the valley people,” one of the soldiers said, approaching them.
“The valley people?” Alex said. “We’re not hippies.”
The man laughed forcefully. “What are you doing out here? There’s an army of Shadow Brutes on their way here.”
Gil rested his rifle against his shoulder. “Well, we’re not just here to watch, now.”
The soldier looked Gil up and down with a skeptical expression. His eyes moved over the rest of the group and he smirked. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Hey,” Sebastian said. “We don’t have to help.”
“This is our valley,” Marlon said. “We’ve been protecting it, and ourselves, long before you folk got here.”
The man before them shrugged. “You should know our orders are to protect the valley, not the nut jobs that live there. No one’s going to protect you from whatever may happen.”
“Like he said,” John muttered. “We can take care of ourselves.”
“We don’t sit back and hide,” Lewis said. “So put us to use.”
The man looked them over once more. “I suspect the crazy old guys can handle their weapons,” he said, giving them a nod. “As for the rest of you...”
“I’ve played my share of Call of Duty,” Alex said. “I had the top kill ratio on my team, Dogs of War.”
The man nodded and rolled his eyes. “Good, because this is exactly like Call of Duty.”
“We are all capable of hitting our targets,” Gil said, his voice hard as he grew irritated with the arrogant soldier.
“Fine,” the soldier said. “It doesn’t look like you’ll be leaving us alone, anyway. Dog of War, since you’re so capable, why don’t you take the front line?”
Alex swallowed. “I mean, I’m not that good.”
The soldier smiled at him. “I suspect you’ll get pretty good then.” He turned to the rest of them. “If you can really hold your own, I could use some help on the cliffs. Who can handle an M39 EMR?”
They stared at him blankly.
The soldier sighed. “I need snipers.” His gaze settled on Shane. “You’re up. Bring Blondie, too. You guys look the toughest.” He turned to the older men in the group. “Sorry, fellas. I won’t deal with brittle shoulders.”
“What makes you think we’ll go with you?” Shane muttered.
“Because that’s how the army works, boys. Get moving.”
Shane and Sam made their way up to the cliffs as instructed. Sam muttered the entire way up.
“He’s not even anyone important,” Sam said. “Who is he to think he can boss us around?”
“Quit bitching,” Shane growled.
“No. I’m going to complain about the fact that this guy thinks we’re nothing but meat.”
“We are,” Shane hissed. “They don’t give a rats ass about us.”
“Fuck them.” Sam spat at the ground. “Fuck every last one of ‘em.”
The soldier caught up to them quickly, pushing passed them and leading them the rest of the way to his hideout in the trees.
“Pick your poison and don’t fuck up,” he said simply as he squatted on his legs next to his rifle. He watched Sam as he inspected the rifle. “Trigger’s over there, Blondie,” he pointed out.
“Sam,” Sam said in a huff. “It’s Sam.”
“I don’t care what your name is, Blondie.”
“You know,” Shane said to Sam. “I’m sure no one would even notice if he went missing.”
“He’s got a point,” the soldier said as he peered through the sight on his weapon. “I’m just another body to Michaels.”
Sam watched the soldier carefully. “Michaels runs this pathetic army?”
The soldier ignored him as he adjusted the weapon. “Better get ready. Those brutes’ll be here any minute. Try to keep up, hm?”
“We can’t all be trained soldiers,” Sam muttered.
The soldier leaned back on his hands, his palms against the pine needled forest floor. “That we can’t,” he said. “I was never involved in the military before the invasion. But when times get tough, they’ll take any pathetic body who offers themselves. They teach you how to handle an AR and throw you into battle. That’s it.”
“And you just do whatever the hell they say?” Sam asked.
“That’s right, Sammy.”
“Don’t call me Sammy,” Sam hissed.
The soldier turned to Shane. “You should have warned me he was a whiner.”
Shane smirked as he got onto his belly, peering down his own sight. “You didn’t ask.”
The radio on his hip buzzed with static as a voice broke through. “Eagle Eye Seven, this is Mark One, what’s your fix?”
“In position, Mark One. At the ready.” He turned to Sam and smirked. “His name’s Mark.”
“Copy, Eagle Eye. Stand by.”
“Eagle Eye?” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Code name for snipers, you nit-wit,” he hissed.
“And yet, Mark is Mark,” Shane muttered.
“Mark is an idiot that should have been shot ages ago.”
“Someone has Mark issues.” Sam smirked at Shane.
They turned quickly as a chilling hissing filled the air. In the darkness, they could just barely see the glowing eyes of the Shadow People. Tiny spots of light dotted the valley as soldiers ran to their positions.
“Heads up,” the soldier said. “It’s show time.”
Shane watched through the sight as the Shadow People, just glowing eyes in the night, quickly made their way into the valley. As they neared, he cocked the rifle and took aim.
Barrels flashed on the ground as the soldiers ran towards their enemy. Before he knew it, the valley had erupted into sounds of war. Beside him, Eagle made his first shot.
“Gotcha,” he whispered into his gun. He cocked the rifle and made another shot. “I’m going for three,” he said to them. “Try to keep up.”
Shane aimed between a pair of green eyes. He pulled the trigger and the weapon fired, recoiling into his shoulder. The eyes disappeared instantly.
“Keep shooting like that and we’ll make a soldier outta ya.”
“I’ll pass,” Shane muttered as he searched out his next target.
They continued in this manner for some time. Shane quickly lost track of the night as he picked out brute after brute. It wasn’t until he heard Sam shouting that he was pulled out of his trance of aiming and firing. He turned to Sam as he stood and pointed through the trees, towards town.
“Wassa matter, Lassie?” the soldier muttered. “Timmy fall down the well?”
“They got through,” Sam said. “They’re heading towards the tunnel.”
Shane jumped up from his rifle and pulled his gun out of his pocket. “C’mon,” he muttered.
“Don’t get killed, now,” the soldier called after them.
Sam and Shane sprinted through the forest, sliding down the dead leaves as they made their way off the cliff and into the valley. Barrel blasts ignited the walls of the tunnel as someone fended off the brutes. They raised their guns as they ran down the road. Flashlights darted off the walls as the creatures hissed loudly. A flare ignited and was tossed into the tunnel, causing the Shadow People to scatter and scream.
Abigail stood in front of Alex, who clutched at his shoulder on the ground. Her arms were still raised, gripping a gun tightly as Shadow Brutes lay motionless on the ground just yards away. Shane and Sam ducked as the brutes flew out of the tunnel, but they quickly doubled back, just out of the safety of the light, heading towards them once more.
More shots fired as Sebastian, Marlon, and Gil stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the flare, back to back.
“Not on my watch,” Marlon muttered as he raised his sword at an oncoming brute. He swung viciously as the creature attacked, throwing his body against it.
Shane stepped over the shadow corpses as he made his way to Alex, holding out a hand and pulling him to his feet. “That’s no way to get out of being a father,” he muttered.
“I’d die before something happens to Haley or my child,” Alex hissed. “No damn brute is getting passed me.”
“Funny,” Shane said with a smirk. “Looks like Abby was the one saving your ass.”
“I’m still in the positive,” Alex said, pushing passed him and shoving a clip into his gun. “Gotta keep that K-to-D up.”
0 notes
survivemiddleearth · 6 years
Episode #4: “I just gotta hope no one cares to yeet me” -Vi
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I'm trying now to take the opportunity to make new connections. I'm so glad Vi likes kpop because now we have common ground for normal conversation. I also tried to go to Sammy and he offered to have my back if I had his, and I said we had a deal. I hope I'm not overextending myself with alliances. I think if original tribes matter, I can try and link Vi and Johnny together. I'm trying my best here lol
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I hate music video challenges. They can be very awlward, especially when you’re doing a song as odd as bring me to life.
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Either timmy couldn't be arsed to watch or is blind. His choice lol.
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Well I know how much I did for this challenge, a lot. It just never reached the person it needed to get to bc iPhone sucks with storage. I'm too sick to care tbh but hopefully they remember I carried their sorry butts the past rounds. smh I feel like they wouldn't bc for some reason I just fade into the background. *knocks on wood Lets not jinx it and make it so I get voted out. My social game is next to 0 so I just gotta hope no one cares to yeet me
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Part of me was convinced that we would lose and nick would be rolling in his grave because he would have been invaluable to this comp [since he’s a entertainer] but we still won ??? Shook ??? Well that comp is over. I’m excited to see the outcomes of this vote bc I have no idea what tribe dynamics are like over there 
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im so mad at myself because i relaized after sending in my portion of the lipsync vid that i do in fact own a lovely fawn skull that would have been a perfect prop. alas. alack. i am forever in competition w/my own goth bitch sensibilities.
zach and haley yall r the bomb and will b (My) Immortalized in legends told to every poor sucker i subject to that lipsync vid god bless
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It stings a little to lose to a tribe that needed an extension. Like, we had it ready on time, step up your game. Anyway now we gotta go to tribal, and I am worried because with me being on placement at a school I’ll have less time to talk to people, i won’t even be on during tribal. Hopefully the connections I made before this hold up though. I know my original tribe has the majority but I’m not naive enough to be 100% comfortable with that, so I need to feel out the others. Crow and Dennis so far are people I want to work with.
Made an alliance with Dennis and Roxy, seems the right time to start making these things concrete. I still have my concerns when it comes to Roxy but as long as she doesnt mention an*l f*sting again we’ll be good. As for the vote so far I’ve heard Eric, Johnny, and Vis name. I’d love to take out Vi while I can because she can be a challenge threat. I must remember to find a banana image to use as a voting confessional.
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And Jay B lives another day.
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I’ve also come to the conclusion that this tribe is too heyerosexual for me. Where are my gays at?
Aright the vote for Vi seems in place, and I’ve made good grounds I think in working with Crow. If we lose another immunity I’d like to vote out Eric, but after that who knows? I might switch things up ;)
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okay it’s rough up in here...first tribal and half the tribe is stressing. So obviously me, roxy, Dennis, and Stephen have majority. So Stephen said he’d be fine with voting Eric, Johnny, or Vi. However I like Eric and I’m in an alliance with him and Roxy...bc it’s never too early to work with the “enemies”. Also, I want to work with Johnny just cause idk why but I do. Hi has barely talked to me so she was the obvious choice for me and I guess I got others on board? Idk but i told Stephen Vi would be the easiest choice and he told Dennis. I think I’m safe🤷🏻‍♂️ Nobody wants me out yet and I have two good alliances...tribal lines don’t mean a thing to me tho so when the time comes to chop one of us....bye bye✂️ I also have some good advantages but yeah first tribal, wish me luck.
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ok so like i guess im doing okay cuz as the lone dwarf (s/o to JC, i feel ya bruh) b/c no one seems to be after me so i has options! from what I heard the popular vote is Vi tonight but Vi isn't even scrambling so I feel like I'm missing something....or maybe she's completely in the dark? but anyway Johnny is close to Roxy, has minor issues with Dennis. Eric is close to Sammy, but they both have issues with Stephen. Roxy might have issues with me lowkey, but I don't know But apparently the tribe breaks down into Johnny/Roxy Sammy/Eric Stephen/Dennis Me Vi so if Vi goes, Johnny/Roxy want to go after Stephen/Dennis using Sammy/Eric/Me but Stephen/Dennis are confident they have me so it puts me in a powerfully awkward position cuz I am supposed to be align with all of Roxy, Johnny, Stephen, and Dennis, but not Sammy/Eric, so I'm gunna have to do some WEAVING yet again to avoid getting caught as a meddling middleman (or middle-dwarf? are they technically men? philosophy.) but yea! i should be in f14 and if im not im burning this camp down!
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So uh...v busy and haven’t confessed a whole lot. But WE WON IMMUNITY. Everyone did a sickening job god bless everyone. Jay, Drew, and I have started an alliance. I don’t know how far that will take me but...we don’t have tribal tonight so...I guess we won’t know until it gets down to it. It was v nice to have a day off for once though because like Zach not going tribal? Unheard of.
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EYYY I DID IT. 100% votes on me. I should run for president. Jkjk it was nice while it lasted. Hopefully someone else will carry the tribe. Everyone is wonderful and I wish them the best of luck. One of the best host teams and casts. UWU
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ts-crossroads · 7 years
Episode Nine - “I’m An Indecisive Mess” - John
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I really hope that this is the round that we get Julia out. There's one thing that I do not tolerate, and that's people who LIE ON ME. Julia was in on the Ned vote the entire time and wouldn't even own up to it after the vote until I confronted her on it. I went from trusting her the most to not trusting her at all. This round is crucial. From what I've gathered, the other side wants to take out Sam and I can't lose another ally. I need to keep numbers on my side so that I can gain back control in the game. Ryan wants Sam out because she got mad at him on call and apparently made a chat with him the first round of merge and then voted for him. Julia somehow knows that Sam and Autumn are voting for her (probably Ryan) so she wants them out too. It comes down to Dane and John. Dane told me straight up he didn't want to vote Sam out, so I think he's good. But John is being weird. He wants Julia out because I told him she called him shady a bunch of times but he's constantly worrying about what Ryan will think. STOP PLAYING RYAN'S GAME! I need John to side with us regardless if Ryan agrees or not to make this move.
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I think im gonna go pray to the godess an calm down. I honestly feel like im being paranoid. I mean do I trust the 6 alliance anymore? No. Hell no. Do i trust some of them? Yes. Rebecka, haley, an ryan. Autumn has been asking who people are voting, so it makes me think sam may have the idol, or that sam dosen't and autumn just wants to ride majority. So im hoping this is the case. Still nervous but, ya know.
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At this point in the merge nothing really exciting is going on anymore it's kinda easy sailing since I'm in majority and then have my own alliance within that one. Jake sam and autumn are just sitting ducks at this point and then the rest pluck one by one 
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So last vote was almost a success. I wanted to get to the end without a single vote cast against me, but what can you do when we have bitter betties? Okay so i have 10 minutes so my plan overall right now is to blindside Julia with Rebecka, but Ryan doesn't know that and he's supposed to be my f2 but he was fake to me before tribal council so I'm not trusting him atm. I'm going to pretend that Rebecka isn't flipping and I'm acting defeated that my plan isn't going to work out, but it will. 
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Okay so I haven't made a confessional since reward was posted. I was stressed about immunity bc I tied with jake and then I lost the tie breaker, which sucks. But I think I can work something out. I found another half idol so NOW I HAVE A FULL IDOL! I am playing it tonight. I don't know who is voting with me or against me, but I don't think I have the numbers and I am NOT going home with an idol. Ned did it and I would rather waste it than take it to jury. Me Jake Autumn and MAYBE Dane and MAYBE Rebecka are voting Julia, but I'm not confident enough to trust them. Everyone else is voting me so. Also, I need to stop crying about Ned and Bryan. Time to start playing the game. I am ready.
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I'm an indecisive mess. 
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Okay tribal just happened. I'm sweating a lot. I wasted my idol basically. I did get votes, but only 4 of them. There were 4 for Julia and then I voted for Ryan. If I would have voted for Julia and not played my idol, I would still be here AND have an idol for the future. But since I switched my vote, it tied and then my idol made her go home. It's hard bc a part of me is pissed that I wasted it. But another part of me sees a light in the distance. Autumna and Jake are the only ones who know I voted Ryan. Not even Dane knows. Right now, Coffey and Ryan think it was Rebecka. This hopefully will cause them to trust her less. But Dane's crazy advantage may mess us up right here. There is no immunity. Dane can sit out of tribal tomorrow, be immune, and not cast a vote. Or he can come, vote and potentially be voted out. He told me that he is too busy and he is sitting out, which sucks. Now there will be 7 votes. And I know Haley, John and Ryan won't vote with me. My only hope is Rebecka. And either way, none of those 3 believe that she voted with them. Julia got 4 votes. The obvious solution would be me, jake, autumn, and dane. They would never assume I would throw away a vote to ryan, especially how low I am, numbers-wise. AND there was a voting confessional for Julia (I think Autumn wrote it) but it said "this is for imperium" and i have literally cried to ryan and john about how sad i was seeing ned then bryan go back to back. They most likely think that was me. I think this then created distrust among them and rebecka, so hopefully we can pull her to our side. I think the smartest vote this round will be Ryan. He has had it out for me for a while and he has the closest connections on the other side. Let's face it, he is holding the other side together. John and Haley are not close, but Ryan has been playing both of them against us. I'm stressed whew. I'm lowkey mad at Dane for skipping, but it makes sense for his game so I don't blame him. I just need to work on Rebecka right now. 
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Never thought I'd be able to say this in Crossroads but I'm in the majority and the dog days might be over!!! http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/812ff861-5e39-403c-899c-9e6e33e7d36c/d5504a1c-f8e2-4028-96f6-6b038180e644.gif Highkey told Dane before tribal that I'd hang him out to dry if he flipped back to voting Sam and voted Imperium out for the 3rd time. And we all know I'm cracked enough to deliver soooo we stan tough love haha. He's still cancelled, BUT John and Ryan can enter jury before him/ they already have 3 strikes. I'm so done with John I can't even; he has no backbone and all his does is flop and lie. How are you gonna say we should work together every round and then ghost whenever it's time to vote or when I ask you what's happening? Fakest person in here and he's voted someone Imperium the past 4 rounds; I want him gone so bad but I gotta maximize Dane not being able to vote and put the target on Ryan
 Also y'all saw Owen use his admin powers to blow up my game on camera by reminding everyone that I'm on Imperium and that the tribe has voted out Imperium the past 3 rounds right? OK COOL JUST CHECKING http://i.imgur.com/uN6iEBs.gif So if the tribe speaks this week and I suddenly go to jury, do me a favor and riot cause Owen is rigging for the uglies thanks
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My sleeping meds are making me miss this whole game Bc I'm always SLEEP rip 
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Everyone is still trash and thus they are still cancelled. Ryan and Haley are pressing me about the vote and I'm like what is there to talk about?? Y'all been coming for my side of camp the past 4 rounds. Flattery will get you nowhere. In other news Rebecka and I are officially on the same side/ working together!! Our parents Duncan, Mitch, and Amanda are probably so proud. Also I think Dane is done flopping and is back to being trustworthy?? But never say never Also John is going home tonight because he can't stop lying, constantly flip flops, doesn't have a backbone, has voted someone Imperium out the past 4 rounds, etc. It's funny cause I like John as a person hahaha; he's just doing too much and he needs the Boardroom's permission to do anything. The Boardroom would be John, Ryan, and Dane because anytime me, Jake, or Sam try to talk game to them, they say "ok I'll talk to the guys" and disappear for 4 hours. Then they come back like "ooh uhhh I don't think Dane/Ryan/John is on board" or "yeah I still don't know what I'm gonna do" when the vote is due in an hour. Anyway, I'm tired of building each round around what The Boardroom may or may not do. NOW LET ME OUT OF THE WOODS DAMMIT IM OWEN https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a4/76/7e/a4767e9175f6fd603aa51d12b23c1ddf.gif
Hi VL!!! Sorry I didn't start talking to y'all until recently because I only recently learned that vl confessionals are a thing that I'm allowed to do lmao. Anyway you guys are in for a treat tonight- people swear they're going home even though they're not getting votes while others aren't even talking to me and I've already used majority to seal their fate. So a lot of games and drafts are getting wreckt tonight and you don't wanna miss it. Watch Crossroads tribal tonight at 10 pm EST!! 
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Tribal is happening soon. I'm very nervous. Me, Autumn and Jake originally had a plan to get Ryan out, but apparently he has an idol he wants to use tonight, so we had to switch our target. Hopefully he still plays it. We are voting John out, and Rebecka is telling us she is with us, so hopefully he goes 4-3. Dane isn't voting with us so we can't rely on him to save us this time. Haley came to me earlier and asked me for a name. It was really weird. I know she went to Autumn and Jake as well. I don't know if she truly is desperate in this game or she thinks she can actually get information out of us. We told her Ryan, and she says she will write down any name at this point to not go home. There are 2 scenarios that could happen from this. 1. Haley goes immediately to Ryan, he plays the idol on himself and it is wasted. or 2. She votes out Ryan because she is so desperate to not go home. Then we vote out John, and then Ryan is left and knows that Haley flipped on him. Having those two here and not trusting each other would be great. I feel like Ryan has such a handle on John and Haley and we really need to split him away from those two. It's scary to think about the future, because I don't know if I will be there. A part of me wants to start planning my FTC speech and my f3 (which would most likely be Jake and Autumn) but Haley told me a few hours ago that John and Ryan were voting for me this round too. They think it's safest because my idol is gone. Now I' m stuck with just 2 coins that I'm impatiently waiting to exchange them for something. I'm really annoyed at Ryan and John constantly going against me and my side. I understand why Ryan is, I flipped on him and voted him out when we technically did have an alliance together (even though my heart wasn't in it). I just don't understand why I can't get along with John in this game. I have done nothing wrong to him. All I have done is listen to him and be lied to ever since merge started. It sucks that he has been so against me, especially because I thought we were good friends outside of this game, but he wants nothing to do with me, and he wants me out of the game so badly. I'm definitely getting votes tonight. I just don't know how many. Me Autumn and Jake are voting for John. If Rebecka joins us, we have majority. I just worry about any idol plays. It's getting to the end and people won't have much longer to use them. I need to compete hard in this upcoming immunity if I'm still here. Also I don't think me voting Ryan was the worst move anymore. Haley today told me that she thinks Rebecka voted for him, and I knew Ryan and John already think that. Also, another thing, I'm nervous that I may have lost some trust with Autumn and Jake over having the idol. Because I told Jake in pms first and then hours later he was like maybe we should tell autumn and I'll pretend I don't know, and I was like that sounds great. So I told them. But Autumn was a little hesitant with me when I told her. I hope it was just shock and not betrayal she felt. I really need these two to make it in this game. I couldn't even imagine having to strategize with Haley or John. 
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Sooooooooo, I decided to make a move this round by pushing for Julia to go. I love Sam and Autumn but they want John out and are working with Rebecka to do it and I can't vote out John. I brought it up to John and Haley and then talked to Ryan and they seem down to do it. Rebecka seems to be extremely close to Dane, and Dane seems to have ties with just about everyone in this game...except me. I'm sorry but why should I vote out John who's always been honest with me and talks to me over Rebecka who hasn't bothered talking to me all game. I need to take some power away from Dane before he takes us all out.
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Wow what a twist! Definitely didn't see Julia going home last night definitely miss her psycho ass. People are all on edge and think they are next to go and people don't know who has idols anymore in this game or who has half. I just hope we can keep the numbers and john, Ryan and myself will go to finals.
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