#sorry I haven't posted one of these in a while I got swept up in life
afrondlykelp · 1 year
Deep Dive Papers: The exceptional diversity of visual adaptations in deep-sea teleost fishes
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(X) | Published: October 2020
Key Findings:
This study investigated the visual adaptations of deep-sea teleost fishes, which inhabit the dark and often extreme conditions of the deep ocean.
It was found that deep-sea teleost's exhibit an exceptionally diverse range of visual adaptations, including modifications to their eyes, retinas, and behaviours.
Many deep-sea teleost's have large eyes with a high density of rod photoreceptors, which are specialized for detecting low levels of light. Some species also have tubular eyes that can rotate, allowing them to scan their surroundings for prey or potential mates.
Deep-sea teleosts also exhibit a range of behavioral adaptations to enhance their vision, such as swimming close to the seafloor or moving their eyes and heads to improve their field of vision.
The study suggests that the diversity of visual adaptations in deep-sea teleost's is likely driven by the challenges of living in the dark and often isolated conditions of the deep ocean, as well as the need to locate prey and avoid predators.
The authors finish the paper on the note that understanding the visual adaptations of deep-sea teleost's is important for conservation efforts, as many species are threatened by overfishing and other human activities such as deep-sea mining.
URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1084952119301041
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semcdb.2020.05.027
Master-list: https://afrondlykelp.tumblr.com/post/714841484500877312/deep-dive-papers-masterlist
If you don’t want to see these then feel free to block the tag #deep dive papers.
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tojifile · 1 year
Dazai Osamu: Sake
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“This sake or your love?” -Itchyworms
Genre: Angst // drunk!Dazai x gn!reader
⚠️: Toxic relationship
A/N: Sorry for not posting for a while, I haven't had any new ideas and I can't think of how to start with your reqs but nevertheless if you have any scenarios my reqs are open, just wait for me to have that sudden inspiration.
LINK: Masterlist
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It was a cold and rough night. Dazai was drinking bottle after bottle, drowning his sorrows in the fruity taste of sake.
After a long day you found him laying on the couch with empty bottles of sake scattered around him, as if it were an elaborate trap. You stood by the entrance of your shared apartment, closing the door behind you as spoke with a worried tone "Osamu.. drinking? Again?"
Dazai waved his hand at you as if it weren't a big deal. "It's only a few bottles, don't make it a problem in your book." He spoke without a care in the world. "It's a problem in everyone's book but unfortunately, not in yours." You shot back. At this point you were used to his drinking but you still made it a point to take care of him and help him get better rather than enable his self-destructive habits.
"Well like you said, it's not a problem in my book so why do you act like it's a problem for you?!" He retorted, his tone seemed much more annoyed now. He sat up from the couch and narrowed his eyes at you.
You walked towards him, carefully walking past the bottles of sake laying round and about. You bent down in front of him to meet his gaze. "Osamu.. don't turn this into an argument, please just stop drinking, it isn't healthy." You held his hand gently as you spoke.
He looked at you with an annoyed expression and took his hand back from your gentle grasp "I'm turning it into an argument?! You're the one making it seem like it's a problem for you!!" He yelled, you suddenly stood back up and looked down at him angrily. "It is my problem too!! Who the hell do you think cleans your mess up?! Who do you think bathes you when you throw up?! Who do you think help you climb into bed when you're too drunk to do it yourself?!" You snapped, finally letting out the pent up frustration inside you.
"No one fucking told you to do all that!! You did that by yourself!! You brought it all upon yourself!! Why even put up with me if you don't like it?! You're the one to blame for your own problems!!" He retorted angrily. "Because that's what you do when you care about someone. I 'put up' with your bullshit because hurt people, hurt people. But you—you're dancing on the line I've set between us." You quickly spat.
"Then just fucking leave me if being with me is so hard!!" He exclaimed angrily as he shot you a glare. "Fine!! Take your time to choose between me and your precious sake!!" You yelled back, you walked back to the doorway and slammed the door shut and walked away without another word.
"Fuck.. fuck.." Dazai muttered to himself. He couldn't believe what just happened. You had never done that, usually you'd hold him tight and apologize—but this was different. "What the hell did I just do.."
You walked through the streets of Yokohama with an arrow through your heart. You didn't know whether to stay and help him the next day or leave and never return. You knew he only said those words because he's drunk but you also knew that you shouldn't excuse such words and actions.
After an hour you came back to the apartment, the lights were off and Dazai was on the couch, hugging a pillow tightly. You sighed, knowing that you'll come back to him in each and every argument.
You went up to him, got on your knees and sat on the floor near his face. You looked at him fondly with a soft and caring smile on your face while you gently swept stray hairs that covered his face. "I'm sorry.." he mumbled. You didn't answer him, you only caressed his cheek gently.
It seemed like he chose you—at least that's what you thought. In his mind he was still thinking about which he loved more, you or sake?
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Spontaneous post: 07/02/23 12:35PM GMT+8 Philippine Standard Time
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Heyy first of i want to say that i really enjoy your writting! I think its incredible! I wanted to ask if you can write a minho x reader with she/her pronouns where the reader and minho meet outside of the glade? like in the scorch trials and when they arrive in save haven they slowly fall for each other? I hope this isnt too complicated 😅
(sorry english Isnt my first language 😬)
I'm loving all the post-tmr requests atm, it lets me add some variation to my writing :))
Though I'm slowing down on the longer pieces because they take so damn long, so this might not be as descriptive- sorry if it's not quite what you wanted.
This took longer than I thought it would to get out because I couldn't settle on a plot, but I think I got there eventually.
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SUMMARY: See above. Right Arm Member!Fem!Reader x Minho. Movie based fic for simplicity.
You've been a member of the Right Arm for a while, and things are finally starting to wind down in preparation for moving to the Safe Haven. Which is where you meet Minho. After things go wrong, you focus on helping those remaining, only to be surprisingly reunited with the boy you only met once- but haven't stopped thinking about.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some violence.
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Somehow, you've survived this long.
Despite the odds, you're still here. You never thought it would happen, but now you're surrounded by like-minded people, and the end is in sight.
You're sat with Vince and Dr Mary Cooper, along with some random teenagers you rescued from WCKD's Mazes. You know, the usual. The three of you come from very different walks of life.
Mary is an ex-WCKD scientist who used to actually experiment on the kids you've spent the last few months trying to save. You were a Scorch-bound thief who tried to swipe Right Arm gear and got swept into the mayhem. Vince is kind of a mystery- he doesn't really like talking about his life.
When he caught you, you managed to prove yourself useful, and you quickly joined the ranks of the higher end of the Right Arm- despite being considerably younger.
You shuffle on the box you've decided to turn into a seat, looking over Vince's messy plans. It's basically a foreign language to you, but as long as it makes sense when he tells you what to do, you're not really bothered.
He's more stressed than usual, and Mary is running around like a maniac trying to sort out medical supplies before the move.
It's definitely not an easy situation.
But it's nearly over.
"(Y/N)! Vince!" You look over your shoulder, hearing Harriet's familiar voice as she approaches you in the distance- a group of unfamiliar faces behind her.
"Who the fuck are they?" You grumble to your boss. Due to being born and raised in the Scorch, you tend to be more forward and slightly less lenient. Especially towards new people.
"Not a clue."
The group approaches you, and Vince stands first.
Harriet seems pleased, and Sonya is talking to one of the boys, and it doesn't take a genius to be able to tell that they know each other.
Harriet has proved herself beyond useful and you put a lot of faith in her. She's a dedicated leader with sharp wits and a sharper tongue; not to mention she's incredibly intelligent- so why she's brought a group of strangers here without permission is beyond you.
"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army," an Asian boy states, not yet caught on to Vince's presence as he walks towards them, with you reluctantly following.
"Yeah, we were," the group freezes as Vince speaks up. "This is all that's left of us."
You stand behind him, examining each of the group as they blankly stare at Vince. That's until you look at the boy that had previously spoken- who, for some reason, is looking at you.
He's handsome, about the same age as you and is well built. His hair looks suspiciously good for someone who has been through the Scorch. Then again, somehow, the majority of the group seem relatively unscathed.
"Lotta good people died getting us this far," Vince continues as you hold the boys gaze, only breaking eye contact when he looks away, finally cracking under the pressure.
"Who are they?" Vince finally asks.
"They're Immunes," Harriet responds,almost sounding bored. "Caught 'em coming up the mountain."
"You check 'em?" Your ends land on a girl. Her hair is short and she's pretty short- but she's sickly pale and almost a shade of purple. Something is definitely not right.
"I know this guy, Aris," Harriet points to one of the boys, "I trust him."
"Well, I don't. Check 'em-"
"Vince-" he grab his arm, stepping forward and gaining his attention, he looks at you as you point at the girl "-I don't know about you, but she ain't look like a Munie to me."
As if on cue, the girl gasps, her eyes rolling into the back of her head before she collapes. Falling forward, she crashes into the ground, surely conscious.
"Brenda! Brenda!" The elder of the group dives to her side and Vince looks at you.
"What's goin' on?" You shrug, but pull a pistol from its sheath attached to your leg.
The man pulls Brenda up, letting her head fall backwards as he cradles her.
"I'm sorry," she gasps, "I'm sorry."
"What's going on with her?" Vince asks- but you know. You were raised around Cranks. Hell, you were raised by Cranks. The Flare affects people differently; some people could go for months before even showing signs, and others were a couple of hours.
The scavengers and people you surrounded yourself with were picked off by the virus, one by one.
You know what it looks like better than anyone.
"I don't know," the man says. "Brenda, are you alright?"
Vince spots a bandage on Brenda's leg, peeling it away and revealing a bite mark. "Oh shut!" He dives back and your suspicions are confirmed.
You immediately point the gun at her. You're not risking everything for this random girl. Vince does the same. "Crank! We got a Crank!"
"No! No!" The group immediately splits, with one of the teenagers diving in and blocking Vince whilst the man is grabbed by two of your own men, yanking him away.
"Stay back!" Vince yells but the boy doesn't move.
"This just happened, okay? She's not dangerous yet." The boy tries to bargain but you just scoff.
"You shouldn't have brought her here!"
"I know."
"We let Cranks in here now, the Safe Haven doesn't last a week!"
"I understand," the boy continues to argue, but you're more than ready to end this, "Alright, just listen. Please. Please, okay? I told her that you could help."
Brenda is panting on the floor. Her body is limp and gasping. You feel bad for her.
"There's gotta be something you can do."
"Yeah, there is," you step forward, "we can put her out of her misery."
You cock your gun and the still restrained man keeps screaming "no". You suck in a deep breath, preparing yourself to pull the trigger when a familiar voice stops you.
"(Y/N)! That's enough!" Maty shouts from behind you. "Vince; let him go!" She marches over, repeating herself. "Let him go!"
The men do as she says and you lower your gun, even if Vince doesn't do the same. "She's infected, Doc. There's nothing we can do for her."
"No, but he can," Mary looks at the boy that was trying to bargain, making you and Vince exchange puzzled looks. "Hello, Thomas."
Like something out of a comedy skit, the other four teenage boys look at each other. And then, for some reason, look at you for an answer- which you don't have. So, you just shrug, looking at Vince.
Who also just shrugs.
"You know me?" Thomas asks as Vince lowers his gun.
"Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the Maze." Mary walks over to the sick girl. "Though, I must admit, I was worried they'd kill you after what you did."
"What I did?" Thomas manages to stammer out.
"The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore, watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of every WCKD compound, trial and lab."
"He was our source," Vince looks at Thomas in some kind of awe.
"We couldn't have pulled all this off without him. Take her to the tent," Mary instructs the nearest guys, "and get these guys some warm clothes."
She instructs Thomas to follow her, leaving you and Vince with the confused group of teenagers.
He blinks blankly as they wait for a response. He looks at Harriet and Sonya before he looks at you, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"Deal with this."
"Wait, what?" Vince immediately turns around, walking away even though you're speaking to him. "Why do I have to deal with this?"
"Because I said so!" He shouts over his shoulder. "Just do it!"
You turn back to the boys, and the remaining girl, swallowing and composing yourself for a second- you're not a people person. You don't deal with people; Vince does.
But since Vince has decided to pussy out, apparently it's now your job.
"Are, uh... are you guys hungry?"
One of them shrugs, he has dark skin and a contagious smile. "Sure, I could eat."
"Alright, follow me, I guess." You turn around, the boys behind you exchanging another round of nervous glances before doing as you say.
You can hear the mumbling behind you, even if Sonya and Harriet have decided to tag along; mainly so they can bond with Aris and catch up. You can hear them explaining some basic things- stuff about Dr Cooper, how things work around here, the departure at first light, etc. Nothing you need to pay attention to, at least.
The boldest of the group becomes apparent pretty fast. "So, you help Vince run this joint?" The Asian boy from before sparks up a conversation, and you squint at him.
"That's right."
"How'd that happen?" You shoot a glare his way. "I mean, you look pretty young- compared to Vince and... uh..."
"Yep," he clicks his tongue as you remind him of the name. "That's the one. You don't quite fit in with them; a leader, a doctor, and a teenage girl- how'd that happen?"
"What's your name?" You ask, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He's curious, that's for sure. You might as well learn the name of your interrogator.
"Minho," he states, "and you're (Y/N), right?"
"Hm, well observed," you hum, "can't remember the name of the woman who's saving your friend's life, but you can remember mine?"
This seems to catch him off-guard, and his bold demeanour slips for just a second. "Well, what can I say? It's memorable."
You reach a small table, signalling for them to sit down before you call someone over, instructing them to bring food.
"So, you gonna answer my question or what?"
"Trust Minho to start flirting with the first girl he sees," a boy you're pretty sure you heard someone call Frypan says, earing a sharp kick to the shin from Minho.
You scoff, deciding to ignore the comment as you take your own seat. "I'm a lowlife thief, to answer your question." Minho raises his eyebrow at you, silently pushing you to continue.
"Lived my whole life in the Scorch; everyone- family, friends, you name it -caught the Flare and died. I'm the last man standing. Used to fuck about stealing shit from WCKD, then ended up tryna swipe guns off of these assholes. Obviously, I didn't know it was the Right Arm, but Vince liked my uh... what did he call it? Spark? Whatever, doesn't matter- but that's how I ended up here."
Minho hums. "That's quite the story."
You shrug. "Not really. Ask anyone here; we've all got the same sob-story. Well, not you guys, I guess. Can't imagine what you've all been through."
Somehow, this leads into a brief conversation about the Maze and what the boys have been through, including actual introductions. The only girl, Teresa, has been so quiet you've barely even acknowledged her presence, until she stands up and walks away without saying a word.
The group eats, and eventually, you leave, choosing to let Sonya and Harriet catch up with Aris, and the boys settle down before moving again.
You find Vince, continuing your discussion of plans when he makes a surprising comment.
"You've definitely got his attention."
"What?" You perk your head up, blinking from your seat in the shade. Vince nods his head towards the Gladers, who have decided to take their seats on top of a slight hill. Minho, once again, holds your gaze.
He's not shy. That's for sure.
"See," he scoffs.
"I think you're looking too much into this." You look away, back to your plans. "I've done literally nothing to gain any attention."
"Yeah, well, by the sounds of things, these boys haven't really seen any girls, remember?"
"They literally arrived with two." He glares at you, obviously jokingly, which makes you chuckle. "What does it matter? Have you reached the low point of indulging yourself in teenagers' non-existent love lives?
"Ha-ha," he says dryly, making you genuinely grin at him.
You might not have known Vince long, but him and Mary are the closet you have to family.
Which is probably why what happens next hurts so much.
Teresa's betrayal happened so fast you could barely even process it and the entire thing is kind of a blur in your mind.
WCKD blasted through the remaining Right Arm like it was nothing. They killed Mary and kidnapped Minho, along with several other Immunes.
It was a hard blow.
Vince made the executive decision to leave you in charge of the Safe Haven. After the events of the betrayal, the remainder of the people either decided to help Thomas or retreat to safety. With Mary gone and Vince still leading the rebellion, you're now in charge of the peaceful Safe Haven.
Even if anxiety eats at you every day.
You're left entirely in the dark, waiting every day for Vince and the others to show up.
And every day ends the same; you're still in charge and you're still stressed.
It's shit, to be honest.
Just over six months pass, and you change a lot. You've gone from the slightly sarcastic nihilistic thief that Vince recruited to a well-respected leader who cares for her people.
"Ma'am!" One of your men bursts into the medical tent where you're cheering up a pregnant lady that you've befriended. Her partner got killed at the battle and you've become close, often helping her in the medical tent.
You look over at him, shock plastered on his face. "They're here."
You don't say anything as you rush out of the tent, the blaring mechanical beating sounds of the Berg come to a halt as you start to sprint across the sand. The doors of the Berg open, and for a second, you're thrilled.
Until you see a bleeding and unconscious Thomas. "What happened?" You ask as you arrive at the Berg.
Definitely not the reunion you wanted.
"He got shot," Vince struggles along with the help of Jorge and some random dude you've never met.
You rush them to the medical tent, enlisting the help of one of your trained doctors, who immediately assembles a small group to prep for surgery.
"You've grown up," you meet Vince at a secluded part of the Safe Haven, his back towards you as he soaks in the ocean in the distance. He doesn't even need to look to know it's you.
"I'm not sure I agree with that," you scoff.
"You have, kid. People have been gushing about you since I got back- you've achieved a lot."
"Still got a lot to learn, though."
"Don't we all?" A silence settles in, the shadows on his face are dark and his hair is much longer.
"What happened, Vince?" He looks at you, almost like he's in physical pain.
He explains everything. The struggles they've all faced that you weren't present to bear witness to and the losses. He explains that Gally is a boy that the Gladers used to know and he helped them into the Last City. Which is where they'd lost Newt and Teresa helped them escape, only to fall victim to the crumbling WCKD tower.
They're safe now, but healing isn't going to be easy.
You spend the next couple of hours letting Vince take over your duties, and showing him around. It's nice to feel the weight be lifted off of your shoulders, but some of the folk you've been tending to seem reluctant for you to pass the torch back.
Once night falls, and Thomas is up walking again, you catch a glimpse of the boys you'd met once. And for some reason, the urge to talk to them comes over to you.
"Well," you say as you approach from behind, "I honestly thought I'd never see you assholes again." You step over a box, using it as a seat.
"Same to you, shuck-face," Minho grins at you and you scoff.
"Yeah, I still don't understand your shitty Maze insults," you drop your head, smiling to yourself before pulling it back up again. "Seriously, it's good to see you guys."
"(Y/N), I'm assuming?" An unfamiliar boy asks and you nod as he holds his hand out for you to shake. "Gally."
"Ah, yes- Vince mentioned you." You take his hand in a firm grip, stiffly shaking.
"All good things, I hope."
"Please, he barely has anything to say at all."
Minho clears his throat, bringing your attention back to him. "Heard you've been running the joint, that true?"
"Aye, well, someone had to," you stretch slightly. "Can't complain, though- this place is full of people willing to do what I say."
"You letting the power get to your head, yet?" You jut your lip out at him and he grins.
The conversation is cut short as you listen to Vince's speech, watching as the boys get up one by one to carve names into the stone.
The boys seem to settle surprisingly fast, and with your status, your moments with them are cut to few and far between.
"Hey," you look up, the voice pulling you out of your daydreams. You normally spend the early mornings in Safe Haven sitting on the sand, letting the water splash at your feet hours before anyone else has woken up. Except this morning, you're apparently not the only early bird.
"Hey," you respond as Minho sits next to you.
"Do you even sleep?" He scoffs. You're normally the last person to go to bed and the first person to rise.
"Eh, depends on the day," you joke, sending a friendly smirk his way.
You sit in a comfortable silence for a while, until you clear your throat.
"I'm sorry about your friend," you say, and he smiles sadly. "I'm sorry about everything you went through. Vince has told me what he knows- Thomas has mentioned pieces, and it sounds horrible but that doesn't compare to the actual thing."
"Yeah, it's kinda weird, yanno? Feels like I've been on survival mode for so long, I don't know what to do with myself now."
"Yeah," you nod along, "I get that."
"What was it like? Living in the Scorch?"
"I'm sure Brenda and Jorge have told you all about it," you stare off into the sea, watching the waves roll over themselves.
"They've told me about their side of things- but Jorge has a whole group of psychos doin' his bidding until klunk hit the fan when we showed up. Haven't really told us anything about the Scorch."
"It was... Hard. Years of contact survival, moving one place to the next when someone got infected. It was just years of damage control that never really worked."
This became a routine. You and Minho would get up early, meet on the beach, and spend your time until the others woke up talking.
It's actually kind of nice.
Turns out, Minho isn't always sarcastic and full of wit; he's actually surprisingly emotionally intelligent and you confide a lot in each other.
You'd be lying if you said you hadn't started to develop feelings for the boy. How could you not?
You'd never had a crush on someone before. You didn't have time in the Scorch and no one stuck around long enough to develop much relationship. But this is different.
You're safe here.
And unbeknownst to you, Minho feels the exact same way.
"What the hell are you doing?"
It'd been weeks now. Minho gushed about you to the Gladers, who made nudging gestures and knowing glances to each other. They'd been pushing him to make an actual move for what felt like forever.
Though, they didn't mean to stand shirtless in the salt water at the crack of dawn.
"Goin' for a swim? What's it look like?"
"Dude, it's like five in the morning- I'm not fucking up my hair this early," you stand with your arms crossed, head tilted.
"Aw, c'mon, you gotta slim it, Captain- you're runnin' round here every day. Just tryna help ya relax."
"I'm plenty relaxes- No! Hey! Don't come near me!" Minho plows through the water, grasping towards you. "No! Minho! I swear to-"
You manages to grab your wrist, yanking you towards him and you shreik as he pulls you in with him. The water consumes you and the taste of salt is overwhelming.
"You prick!" You voice breaks as Minho laughs. He laughs with his whole chest, something you've never heard from him before. Scrambling to your feet, you catch him off-guard as you dive at him.
You both crash back into the water, he's submerged for a second but the water is shallow. He lifts his head, resting on his elbows to push himself up as he smiles at you.
You can't help but laugh as you hover above him, your legs tangled together.
Whilst you're having your fit of laughter, Minho just stares at you. You're the most gorgeous thing he's ever seen- like a Goddess in the flesh.
You look at him properly just as he leans forward. Pressing his lips to yours, you freeze for a second before melting into it, shifting slightly to sit on his lap instead. Your hands coming to his face.
"You know," he mumbles as he pulls away from your face, "I always wanted this. Safety- a place to actually call home. But I never thought I'd have this."
He scoffs. "I like you, (Y/N). I don't know what's gonna happen- I just know I wouldn't mind having you with me."
Instead of responding, you kiss him again, deeper this time.
And for this first time ever, you think; maybe things aren't that bad.
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This took me embarrassingly long to do so I do apologise I am running out of new ways to do this. Definitely not my best work but I decided to not make things too complicated since things move fast in the films.
I hope you enjoyed regardless :))
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imsailorpluto · 1 year
So I've finally finished Bloodhounds (+ ahjussi collection)
...and I have no idea where to start and what to say and how to feel.
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No, wait, please hear me out.
It was b l o o d y and at parts a very difficult watch, as it has lots of explicit fighting scenes, which look extremely realistic and cruel. So cruel that I had to close my eyes and not watch, I even skipped many & i'm not sorry. However, there are also parts so heartwarming that it makes you forget about all the crimes and gore for a moment. So, it's up to you to decide if it's worth the struggle. Since the violence could be a bit too much for many, let's just say I do and don't recommend this one at the same time. Personally, one of things I greatly enjoyed is the subtle comic tone of Gun-woo's and Woo-jin's interactions with each other and their characters which represent people doing sports professionally so well, the purity of their hearts and lack of malice in everything they do, since they truly do live for the sports. Then there are two absolutely powerful and skillful young women, Hyeong-ju and Da-min, playing such important roles in the entire series, each of them individually contributing so much to the entire plan of bringing the bad guys down and saving what could still be saved. And also, one of the most enjoyable parts were definitely the bonds that came out of these newly formed friendships. Younger acting crew did an amazing job. In comparison to the older and experienced ahjussi crew (I'll get to them in a bit), they've got some serious talent. It must have been a huge undertake for both Woo Do-hwan and Lee Sang-yi to live up to the expectations of the entire team behind this drama. And they did it. They absolutelly slayed.
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If you still haven't watched this drama, trust me when I say these two cinnamon rolls will instantly win your heart right at the beginning of the first episode. They're like the most perfect two besties you'd want to be besties with too. And yeah, you'll suffer thru all the horrors just to see them win the biggest battle of their lives. Gosh, every time I tried typing something coherent about them it just ended up being lots of crying shaking throwing up. They're the best, ok? And this is best I can do. ╥﹏╥
And while our marine boys scratched so many itches around this platform, I have to mention the absolute gentlemen that starred in this series and swept me off my feet *deepest sigh ever*
So many great actors took part in Bloodhounds, it's hard to believe my own eyes at times. Whoever was in charge of the casting did a killer job. I couldn't even take the bad guys seriously because they're freakishly handsome. Well, at least not until Kim Myung-gil brutally ended my favourite ahjussi trio damn you ep 6
What started as an obsession over two young marine guys and their bromance ended up as a hole in my heart over downfall of three middle aged criminals men and a will to trade all the money and gold bars for their lives. And more importantly, a huge appreciation for Korean actors over the age of 40.
No, let's be real. They're handsome and talented and great at their job and deserve all the love and support. With that in mind... here's a tiny screenshot dump because it would be a shame not to post it:
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And I want to be normal about them and move on in peace but *internal screams* I've already mentioned Lee Hae-young in one of my earlier posts, addressing my obsession with the character he portrays, the sushi restaurant owner Hwang Yang-jung. And I know many people are obsessed with him too. But no one is speaking up. Which is silly. And tbh I really thought there would be more gifs of him and other men but...there's close to none? Can we talk about how fine this man is? How fine this whole ahjussi crew is? Can we... can we just acknowledge they sliced us all in tiniest pieces possible and burned us all till we turned into charcoal? Can we make a mess of kdrama side of tumblr by excessively posting about them? Pretty please?
It's true, I came for the boys, but stayed for these men. I'm not even joking when I say kdrama has me in a chokehold again, but this time for a whole new reason. Dropping everything just to watch series and movies these guys took part in sounds like the best idea at the moment. I even forgot about the new releases I started watching, which makes me laugh at myself, but... it is what it is. At some point, a girl just has to obsess over her favourite ahjussi, and that's okay.
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mooncello · 6 months
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What a fun Sunday so far. ⚡ thank you for the tags @bookish-bogwitch (LOVE seeing some of your writing process), @shrekgogurt (still haven't recovered from ch 13 of ikabikam in the best way possible), @emeryhall (happy anniversary!) & @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (anguished Baz is such a vibe fr).
For today's update:
Enter Niall & Dev.
Truly one of the most unexpected delights of writing this fic has been the insistence of Niall and Dev to show up and take a prominent role in the story. I adore them. I adore them as individual characters, and I love who they are for Baz.
Here's a little from chapter 2 of lost boys. This chapter will publish next week! I'm traveling this week, so I'll post once I'm back.
Under the cut because of length. It's a 30+ sentence Sunday, y'all.
Baz POV, 16 yo, year 12 (school).
Towards the end of lunch, I hear a familiar booming laugh across the canteen. I figure I have two minutes until impact. I tuck my sketchbook and pencils away and twist the lid back onto my thermos of tea. “Just a head’s up,” I say to Niall, who is still contently working away, “we’re about to be interrupted by the demon of chaos hims—” “Bazza!” There’s the solid thump of a hand against my shoulder and the dramatic collapse of tall, muscular limbs into the seat beside me. “My favourite nerd. How’s it going, cuz?” Dev flashes his white, perfect teeth at me before snatching my remaining bourbon biscuit. His fingernails are painted turquoise today, his dark hair is swept away from his face, and he’s wearing eyeliner. The bastard looks amazing. Despite being cousins, we never really hung out as kids. Always kept to different social circles. Which is to say Dev constantly had a roving pack of friends, and I had nobody (save for the lost boys in my dreams). But when I got outed this past spring, Dev decided to take a more active presence in my life. He even convinced me to join the football team with him. He’s charismatic and popular in his own way, and so unabashedly and loudly himself that even the nastiest bullies don’t bother him. It's been nice, having Dev in my life. Even though it means I now deal with his chaotic, abrasive personality all the goddamn time. “Dev, this is Niall.” I make a small sweeping motion to the boy across from us. Dev raises his chin in greeting. “New kid. Hey.” Niall smiles faintly. He looks rather disoriented. Possibly awestruck. I don’t blame him. Dev tends to have that effect on people. I’m almost envious of it. Another smack hits my upper arm. “Did’ya hear about practice this afternoon? Thirty minutes later than usual.” “Yes, I received the same team-wide notification, Dev, thank you.” Dev is now peering at Niall’s drawing tablet without shame, while continuing to talk to me. “A bunch of us are getting ice cream after the match on Friday. Wanna join?” “That’s a very solid maybe,” I tell him in a tone that communicates I’d rather eat grass laced with slug poison. I like playing on the pitch, but I’m not about to huff dairy with a bunch of footballer lads. “Great.” Dev stands, all six feet of him, and squeezes my top knot. I sigh and bat his hand away. Clearly I need to have another conversation with him about acceptable physical contact. “See you at practice then. Nice meeting you, Niall.” He’s off in a swirl of flair and overpriced body spray. “Sorry about him,” I murmur to Niall. I really hope he’s not scared off.
hellos & tags! xoxo
@thewholelemon, @best--dress, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla, @whatevertheweather, @artsyunderstudy, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @fatalfangirl, @youarenevertooold, @raenestee, @orange-peony, @ileadacharmedlife, @nightimedreamersworld, @rimeswithpurple, @iamamythologicalcreature, @shemakesmeforget & @arthurkko (your merwolves ... still thinking about your merwolves)
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starlingflight · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @takearisk-ao3 ❤️
List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
I have a bunch of WIPs that aren't hinny but I know I'm too deep down the rabbit hole to work on them atm so there will be a theme here:
Someone Else's Life - Harry & Ginny travel between a reality where they're happily married and one where they never got back together after Voldemort's defeat. But which is real and which is the dream? Oh, and there's the small matter of the murderer they need to catch. (There is no short way to describe this fic)
Heartlines - DH from Ginny's POV
Mortifying - One shot of Harry dealing with Lily Luna having a very Ginny moment (Not posted yet)
Summertime Sadness - A series of moments from the summer following DH
Hinny desk smut (I'm sorry but this is what it's currently called in my docs) - it is exactly what it says in the title (Not posted yet)
Scenes I'm excited to write
I'm literally on the last chapter of SEL so it's hard to answer this without spoiling. I'm excited to write the epilogue.
It's been 2 years, I'm kind of just excited to pick this back up?? There's a scene with Carrow and Ginny where he recognises her from the Astronomy Tower that I'm pretty excited about!
A cute dad!Harry moment & teenaged girls being scarier than dark wizards, what is not to enjoy writing?
I really want to write Ginny dealing with Fred's death and asking Harry what he saw when he died while looking for reassurance (bc I hate happiness and good vibes)
This spawned from a paragraph in chapter 6 of SEL: 'She'd slipped into his home office three nights ago, it'd been late, and she’d been intent on enticing him out of there. She'd barely spared the piece of parchment bearing the crest a glance before she'd swept it aside, assuring Harry she was far more interesting than anything in his mountain of files. He'd not taken much convincing to agree with that statement.' - so I guess I want to write that.
Poll (I've left SEL off because that IS going to be the next one updated:
Tagging: @lanaturnergetup @merlinsbudgiesmugglers @artemisia-black @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey @themaraudershavethephonebox @briarpotter @historyevolving (I think everyone else has been tagged - if you haven't, consider this your open tag!)
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luvvixu · 1 year
dazai x reader (she/her)
🗒️🕊️ paper cranes
genre: heavy angst, modern au
synopsis: the same situation becomes the same destiny.
how far would you go to declare your love and commitment towards your significant other? for someone like dazai osamu, who grew up in a stinky and monstrous society, he would do anything even if it would literally change him as a whole human-being.
love got him crazy, so don't blame him.
warning: some parts of the scene are based in the true stories. idk but i think i suck at making heavy angst.
word count: 2.6k
a/n: sorry i would always went through writer's block that is why i rarely post things hahahahhs
song: where'd all the time go? by dr. dog
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not a single breath was wasted as soon as he heard about another way to make a wish if you're unlucky enough to wish upon the actual shooting star. he immediately went towards your place, unannounced, and started to make paper cranes.
10… for you, just for you.
he was bad at making origami. but he still tries to make it despite his hatred at unperfect lines he flatten on each side just to make a product out of paper. he endures every mistake and imperfections of his work.
50…for you, just for you.
he is willing to rewatch the tutorial on how to make paper cranes even though he's so sick of hearing the annoying voice over. and he doesn't even care anymore about all of the papers getting wasted around him. the papers on his notebook are getting thinner as each minute passes just by trying to make a perfect origami.
100…for you, just for you.
since then, he has spent day and night working. it seems like he forgot how to normally function as his mind only occupied making origami. he accepted this decision with passion, even though his hands were numb and tired.
200… for you, just for you.
as his hair swept on his bangs, he left no choice but to tie it up so that it would not bother his vision, for he's always looking down at the table. no wonder it feels like he couldn't feel his neck anymore because of the numbness and soreness he experienced. he compared the pain of looking down for too long on the rope he used to hang on his neck. there was no doubt the first option hurts more.
300… for you, just for you.
a tear slips on his eyes, you haven't been talking to him for too long. he misses the way your eyes would intertwine with his. the warmth of your small hands on him, feeling the total eccentric emotion as he dives in your galaxy. he would always get himself drunk and lost in your touch. but, anyway, he is getting good at origami.
400… for you, just for you.
it's been months. he now considers himself as professional at making origami, paper cranes to be specific. he can finally make it while both of his eyes are closed. there's also a spark on his hopeful chest when he realizes he's halfway through. those sleepless nights are totally worth it because he's able to look at your peaceful sleeping face while working on origami.
500… for you, just for you.
one day, a friend came to visit you. they were shocked to see more than dozens of paper cranes on the floor. but he doesn't care nor entertain them as he was keeping his attention on his now full time work. he's now halfway through and that gives him a beyond motivation. he could even fold a paper cranes under a minute, and he knew he was improving a lot.
600… for you, just for you.
there was a day where he would just lay down beside you and stare at your sleeping face. his lips would cackle on how adorable you were. he also never fails to mention all of his hardships on making origami. despite that, he took up this hobby like his life depended on it. he literally spends all of his time and money on crafting and buying papers for this.
700… for you, just for you.
he was almost near the end. the paper cranes double up on each weave on his hands. your room is filled with hundreds of paper cranes, each color evident on the ground. he looked at you as you breathed peacefully in your sleep. a smile broke on his lips as he reached out for your hand. whispers his love and declaration towards you, non-stop.
800… for you, just for you.
craft, eat, sleep, wake up, and repeat. these are his routine for the last months and he is consistent with his new schedule. if that would only make him see you shine once again, it will be all worth it. if that would only make you get out of the bed, it will be all worth it. he just loves you so much that it changed him, and he's not complaining about that.
900…for you, just for you.
how did you two end up here? why is he making such a big number of paper cranes? why is he so obsessed with making his wish be heard?
it all started when you almost lost your life in a tragic accident, an attempt suicide. you are saved, but got stuck in a coma. dazai was beyond devastated when the doctors stated that there's a low chance of surviving—but he's in denial. he is still hoping that those beautiful orbs of yours would eventually be seen by him once more.
money isn't a problem to him. he literally threatens the doctors just for you to have a stable supply of life support to help you live. he pours his power to make your life be comfortable, even if you're technically sleeping. so that when you wake up, you won't feel any eerie sensation.
one day, while he's out to get something to eat, there was a stranger telling a story to some stray children in the street. while waiting for the pedestrian light to signal a green light, he couldn't help but to eavesdrop at the story.
it was the story of a girl and thousands of paper cranes.
the girl was diagnosed with a disease. her father told her that if she made thousands of paper cranes, her wish would come true. so, she crafted thousands of paper cranes, hoping that her disease would go away.
after hearing the story, there was a spark in his chest. he admits, it sounds so childish and ridiculous. but he's in love and literally willing to do anything just to keep you alive. that is why he came to your place, unannounced. and he also started to learn how to make paper cranes until he finally reached the end.
999…for you, just for you.
look at him now, he was on the last paper crane. dazai couldn't help but to shed a tear, because after three months, he was able to craft the said number of origami. all of the bloodshed fatigue and sleepless night, with his hands working nonstop, he is near.
"y/n, my darling…" he grabs your thin and pale hand just for him to offer it a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
he stared at your emotionless sleeping face. even though half of your face is covered with a breathing mask, you are still beautiful. he treasures every beauty and flaws of yours. no matter how much you hate the insecurities launched in your body, he loves every single one of it as much as you despise it.
dazai continues to talk to you about his day just like he always does while folding the paper that will serve as his last resort for his wish.
fold and fold…and another fold, until the truth will finally be told.
the male collects all of the paper cranes in your bed, covering your whole unresponsive body with papers. it was so much that some of the cranes fell on the bed. finally, he placed the last crane that completed the mission.
"1000…for you, just for you." he mumbles.
dazai never believed in god, but he prays. now that he completed the thousand paper cranes, he reached out for all of the gods who might hear him please. a miracle should arrive at any moment, all he has to do is to place some faith in you and him.
on the first day, nothing happened to his dismay. but he remained patient. he prayed even harder on the following day but still no outcome. dazai unlocked another routine, praying for a miracle. everyday he would pray for you even if he is an atheist and doesn't believe in the concept of religion.
yet, he still prays, prays, and prayed…until he reached the same length of months while he was crafting the paper cranes. the patience of waiting for you has molded him into another persona, just like a lost man trekking into the unknown.
still no avail, you are not waking up—but he's in denial that he's starting to lose hope on this madness. he is mad, but not at you, he is mad over nothing. dazai was searching for someone to blame on his unsuccessful attempt of waking you up and bringing you back into his arms.
a year had passed, dazai grew thin in malnourishment, but not frail as you. he was walking solemnly towards your room with a balloon in his hand. there's also a piece of paper—paper crane to be specific. before the paper was crafted, it was filled with messy handwriting, a message that only contained three words and eight letters.
"i love you…"
those same three words and eight letters that he failed to declare to you when you're still awake, or should i say, alive. anyway, he rubbed his tired eyes that are now being homed with dark circles under his eyes.
supposedly, he meant to hide the fatigue that's evident on his face. but he realized, he shouldn't cover himself when it comes to you. no secrets and insincere should be tolerated in your vicinity. so, he visits you with his usual self, for today is important.
that's right, today is the day where you are born into this cruel world, your birthday. the same day you got admitted into this damned place, the hospital. and the same day you will be finally set free, forever.
after years of pain, suffering, melancholy, reminiscing, and thinking, dazai finally learned to let you go.
"happy birthday, belladonna." dazai tied the balloon on your wrist. he knew you really liked having a balloon tied on your wrist. you loved the way it sways along the wind.
"i miss you, i hope you are aware." dazai paused with a chuckle. "and i also hope you are aware that you have already missed three years of your life. everything comes so fast, doesn't it?" he continues as he lets his hand intertwine with yours.
"did you like the balloon? i specifically picked the color you like. i also made you a letter—a bunch of them, by the way. i just wished you would wake up and read every single one of them."
dazai let out a sigh, leaning his back on the chair beside you. his eyes trailed on the balloon floating in the air. "i always wonder if you could hear me grumble over some random things. if you do, you would probably laugh at my silliness. of course! i just made a thousand counts of paper cranes."
"on the contrary, i learned so many things that not once in my life, would do it for someone. i learned how to be patient, believe in a story i overheard while walking, pray to the gods that i don't even believe, and craft a paper crane. and most importantly, i learned how to love and do everything for them."
are you hurt? are you in pain? are you lost?
these hidden words are lingering in his fragile mind. dazai wants to mend your wounds. dazai wants to take your pain. dazai wants to make you to be each other's solace. oh, how delusional he is.
sadly, all of the sudden, his plan for both of you fell like a house of card when the clock strikes at six in the evening. the designated icu doctor for you suddenly approaches him without a noticed.
dazai tried not to get distracted by the look in his face, pained and agonized. he flashes a cheerful demure to take his negativities away—yet he failed to do so.
"the doctors told me yesterday…" dazai bites his lips to stop it from trembling. his grip on your unresponsive hand tightens, like he doesn't want to lose you.
"they told me that you are brain dead."
your body system collapses out of nowhere. the doctors were notified about your condition and were extremely hesitant to tell him, but it was no good to keep you in this hell place for any longer. all they had to do was to accept, and all dazai had to do is to also accept.
swallow the hard truth that you will no longer see the world just like how he sees it. digest the hard truth that you are officially gone and will not come back anymore.
in short, you are dead.
"i should've read the signs, you are tired. i'm so sorry, darling. i became so selfish that i let you continue without your consent. i let you suffer for my own desires just because i want you to be with me forever." a tear, followed by another, until he finally broke down right in front of you.
if you're probably still here, dazai knew you would wipe his tears and embrace him like he deserves the whole world. the image of you whispering sweet nothing in his ears is enough to make him feel weak. he literally loves the delusion of it.
"i love you so damn much that i gotta let you go because i have hurt a lot. i am getting an image of yourself saying "is it worth it?" but i am dumb and stupid because i kept on saying "yes". i'm so sorry!" his wails became louder and louder any second was passing. it was like all of his pent up emotions over the last three years had finally come to burst.
he lost his final resort because the next thing he knew, he was standing on the same street where he had heard about the story of the girl and thousands of paper cranes.
dazai was frantic and a mess, his mind was kept in shut. he does not remember a single thing of what happened after his big mental breakdown. but he was sure, a doctor came inside the room and he took him out.
a faint voice reached his ears during that moment. "i'm so sorry, mr. dazai. but just like we have talked to, let's put ms. y/n to rest." the doctor said and dazai was too lost to respond and digest the things he's said.
at that moment, he was somehow aware that they finally shut the machine down that only keeps you from being technically alive. his cold and empty eyes trailed on the balloon in your wrist and then to the clock above your head.
time of death, 11:59 PM…
today is your birthday.
today is your accident anniversary.
today is your deathday.
dazai was staring into the void of darkness as the midnight stars failed to appear in the doom sky. right on his spot, he declares that this place no longer feels like home.
"my y/n, my darling, my belladonna. i seem to have done everything, but why does this still happen?"
little did he know, he failed to hear the ending. the young girl still died even if she crafted thousands of paper cranes and prayed for the gods to let her survive.
he did the same process as the girl from the story and got the same ending—he finished making thousands of paper cranes, yet, you still died.
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swanky-batman · 4 months
Hey, will you be posting a new part to For Narnia??
Ask and you shall receive, no matter how delayed this may be. Sorry! ♥
For Narnia Part 10
Peter Pevensie x reader, Edmund Pevensie x reader
Picking up where Ed left in the last part and the quest continues for Y/N
**Please note since it's been a while since I've consistently written I have removed all tags except people for this storyline. If you would like to be added back to my all tags please let me know thank you!**
Beginning - Previous
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Previously you and Ed had both taken turns leading but Peter seemed to be a better rider than you both so he had you hold on, at least you were able to help with the navigation and lookout aspects.
The terrain got a bit rocky nearing the end of the day however as you were going up a bit of altitude, you had to hold on greatly to Peter and you noticed you could feel him rumbling.
"Does the High King find this amusing?" You teased and giggled back.
"Perhaps." He mumbled with a chuckle, "Are you alright Princess?"
"I'll manage," You smirked, looking around. "We may need to find somewhere to stop soon."
"Agreed, I was hoping to get to that point there." He pointed, showing a point that seemed to offer a flat surface and some rocky overhang.
"Looks alright to me." You nod as you make your way there. You find an area off the exact path that should be big enough to hide your mount and both of you.
You don't go with a fire as you are worried of bringing attention to your area so cold food it was, you both sat and ate in silence.
He watched her closely throughout the day, still in shock that he had found them.
After dinner he realized it would be cold without the fire, he almost gulped to think about sleeping this close to Y/N.
For being in her current situation she seemed calm, if pondering inner monologue, he wasn't sure what to talk about with her… the last time before he found the evidence of a traitor it took everything in him not to kiss her. And now that either of them could talk without the barrier of an arranged marriage in between them it was odd.
Her eyes danced playfully, "What are you thinking of?" 
He immediately gave a small smirk back, "Thinking of how much has changed and how much has stayed the same since the castle." 
"Oh really?" She tilted her head and her hair swept with it a bit, "How so?"
"You're still resilient, brave and badass." He smirked stating it, "And more comfortable with Ed. And for different, you look more… prepared? Calm but fierce. I am very glad we are on the same side."
She giggled and it made him soar again, "I don't know how I still deserve to have you on my side but I'm glad you are as well." She paused looking out, "How strange that I was offered into an arranged marriage and ended up making the best friends I've ever had."
Peter bit his lip thinking about the situation as well, "We are ready to support you… I am ready to support you." 
She gave a small smile, before looking back and meeting his eyes, "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you Pevensies." She finished her meal and they both agreed to try to get an early night's rest to start early in the morning.
He lay down, his back to Y/N as they found a little divot that protected them from the icy wind that now picked up around them and tried to sleep for a while, closing his eyes but alert to every noise. A long while later he heard Y/N.
"Are you asleep, High King?" Came in a whisper.
"No." He chuckled back his response, both of them turning to lay on their backs.
"It's pretty cold tonight." She spoke, shivering slightly, "I think that mixed with no extra cover from the trees is making me nervous. How about you?" She looked over to Peter.
"It's different, haven't had to sleep outdoors for a while." Peter spoke. "We could double up on blankets if you're cold."
She paused, shivering a bit more. "Would that be okay?" He nodded and they rearranged so they had one blanket under them both and extra blankets on top. He swallowed, being around her had already made him nervous but now she was even closer and butterflies were in his stomach. She rearranged for a moment and brushed against his arm which made the butterflies even more intense.
He tried to shake away the feeling, how could she think highly of him after the jump he made at the castle. It was more than enough that she seemed cordial with him. 
"That already feels warmer, thanks." She seemed content, he could sense her near him.
"Glad to be of service, Princess." He managed to get out as he was focusing on his breathing.
"I owe you Pevensies more than ever." He could feel the smirk and playful tone in her voice.
He chuckled in response and almost jolted out of his skin as his arm was resting against the side of her arm. His heartbeat was loud and fast and he was almost worried she could hear it. "Get some rest for tonight." He whispered quietly.
"Good night High King." She whispered back.
"Good night Princess."
You woke the next morning and to your surprise Peter was already up.
"Good morning High King," you mumble, "you seem to be a much earlier bird than your brother." You state with a smile as you rub your neck.
"Good morning Princess," he smiled to you, "I think I'm just more excitable outdoors." He chuckled, "although Ed can be quite harsh in the morning."
"Really?" You smirked back, "I mean sure he's a bit of a grizzly in the morning but he tried to hide it." 
You started rolling the blankets up and Peter came over to help you, packing your bags back with everything you had.
"Onwards?" He asked as you nodded, normally you and Ed ate in the mornings but this may not be the best spot to anyways.
You both pushed on for hours, trying to scope out any spots to continue your path. At one point you both got off and started walking around an area to scope out how to cross.
A gurgle in your stomach drew Peter's attention, "Right, we should eat."
"I'm fine really, let's keep pushing." You blushed slightly since he seemed like he just wanted to get on with this travel and not stop.
"Too late, Princess." He smirked, unrolling one of the bags he got off the horse. 
You sat there while he insisted on making a meal and you both ate, mostly in silence. You did catch him looking at you a few times and on the third decided to ask.
"Did I do something to offend you?"
He frowned, shaking his head. "No, why?"
"Between the silent treatment and the staring I figured I was horribly transformed from my travels or just awful company." You wagered.
"You are neither," he assured, giving a slight smirk.
You stared, prodding him for further response.
"I-" he moved his food and looked down, "I just keep thinking about how awful I was to you."
"When?" You scoffed, confused for a second before he gave you a look. "Ah. Right. Well, I don't think you were awful. You were taking precautions with the evidence you had."
"I immediately jumped to a conclusion without letting you defend yourself. I was so thrown that it was a possibility and I let my guard down around my family and myself. I'm so sorry," He stabbed at another piece of food as he frowned.
"Hey," you slowly move your hand over his, "It's okay, really. There isn't even anything to apologize for. Please," you meet his eyes, before giving a slight smirk, "make a truce with yourself, High King."
He stares into your eyes for a moment before you both hear some movements. You both quickly cover as much of your stop as you could and ducked into the pit of a larger tree nearby and covered yourselves to try and camouflage. You hear the sounds even louder and some voices, it sounded like a party of at least half a dozen. You felt Peter's hand move slightly to clasp yours and you both breathe lightly. 
You both wait for what seems like a long enough time before slowly deciding to move. 
"We need to press on a bit more and find a safe enough spot to hunker down." Peter mentioned quietly.
"Agreed," you help pack up and you both head out again pushing hard to get further for the day. 
Once it's too dark to travel, you both stop. 
"I think we're getting close." You mention as you absently start unrolling your blankets.
"I think another good day and we'll be at the first location." Peter agreed, also unrolling his blankets.
The night passes by fairly smoothly but first thing in the morning you wake with a start as you feel rain starting. Peter wakes as well and you both rush to pack up and start on the move. It starts pouring even heavier another half an hour out and you spot a rocky overhang that should be enough room to duck under for a bit and is semi covered by foliage. 
You both strip what you can off to try and put up to dry and agree as it's fairly cold to start a small hidden fire for warmth and to try to dry.
"Of course we're delayed," Peter sighs as he leans back.
"I can't say I mind too much," you speak up, looking out, "I love when it rains."
"Do you?" He smirks over to you. "Well, what shall we do while we wait?"
"Mmmm," you think, and after a moment, "I think I have some wine in my bag somewhere from Ed. Or we can play ISpy. Or we can talk tactics or sword training." You smirk. "I'll leave it up to you."
In the end, you both found some small rocks and started going over tactics. After a while you also pop open the wine and start passing it back and forth while you discuss.
Then the drawing of the weapons, training back and forth. You had almost forgotten with everything going on how much you had learned on fighting. And that he and his brother had been the ones to teach you most of what you knew. 
He went to strike and you couldn’t help but give a slight giggle when you blocked and his eyebrow raised. 
“Very good, someone has been training.”
“Much to the dismay of your brother,” You lunge and he parries, too easily for your liking.
He strikes back and you start to buckle back to avoid the swing, falling back into the open unsheltered space and towards the mud. You hear a clang of metal drop as he reaches to try and catch you. 
You both end up falling into a particularly muddy area with a weird wet plop.
You burst out laughing, rather loud before you reel it in and realize you’re still trying to be quiet. You hear Peter start laughing from next to you and you both turn to face each other and assess the amount of mud. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have tried that one,” He looks slightly concerned.
“Peter Pevensie, don’t you dare hold back on me!” You yell and laugh at him, he softens his look and goes back to chuckling. “I wouldn’t say no to some help getting up though, I feel fairly stuck.”
He stands after a few minutes, also fairly stuck it seems. He tries and fails to clear some of the mud from himself before offering a hand to you to help you up, a strong pull finally breaks you free and you are almost thrown into him.
His heartbeat picks up immediately as he helps steady her after pulling her up. She still has remnants of a grin on her face from the fall and she is also covered head to toe in mud as the rain is still coming down but at a slightly slower pace than when they stopped.
She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, he admits to himself at that moment. It almost startles him, the realization of how deep he feels about her as if she had just stabbed him directly in the heart.
“Well now we have to worry about getting clean and dry.” She breaks the silent moment, teasing him directly. 
He tries to think of something witty in response, anything; but his mind is blank except the praises he has for her. His thoughts of… his eyes go to her lips and he unconsciously licks his.
A snap, out of the ordinary happens not far enough off. Panic sets into her features and his as she grabs his hand and pulls him running. 20, 30, 40 feet away from the noise and she finds a tree stump with a large hollow at the bottom and she quickly pushes him in and grabs multiple surroundings, he feels himself digging his feet into the muck to blend in.
Both of their heartbeats and breath are racing as she tucks into him, trying to lay flat. Part of her is directly on top of him and he struggles to push the feeling down as they both listen.
Hooves, and a short whistle go off back the way they came. They both hold their breath as they hear another set coming from the way they had been heading.
They both wait for a few minutes, which seem impossibly long as they hear horses neighing. Some parts of mumbling break through the otherwise quiet area.
He doesn’t know how long they lay there but at some point he realizes he is no longer waiting with bated breath for them to return. His thoughts, as if a force is guiding him, focus in on her. 
Her breathing, now calm. 
Her heartbeat, still fast and alert but not as fast as it had been.
Her left hand, tucked into his arm as she had fallen into him and grabbed his arm.
Her head, on his shoulder.
Her smell, still her. Even through the mud and very musty smell of the tree hollow.
And then another thought pops into his head, not as alarming -surprisingly- as the last. He loves her.
What to do with that thought, he was unsure but they sit here and wait and he continues to study her.
Narnia tags: *some were not able to be tagged*
@ttawny, @hopebaker, @viirgobbyy, @holybatflapexpert
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I'm loving all your one-shots!
For a prompt, how about Jon's known Sansa as his best friend's sister all his life, but they meet each other online (maybe on a role-playing fantasy game or on an anonymous twitter post?), not knowing who the other was and start flirting and catching feelings?
I can't believe some of these prompts are from... what, 7/8 months ago??? And I still have more, I'm sorry if anyone has submitted a prompt and I haven't gotten to it yet!
But thank you for sending this one, it was fun! It also, as usual, turned out longer than I expected.
read it on ao3 here:
ephemera, chapter 34
The first time Sansa plays a video game, she's attracted to the bright colors and the rainbow racetrack, there's even a princess character in a bright pink dress, and she tentatively asks Robb if she can play (Robb groans and makes a fuss, and it is, ultimately, Jon who hands over his controller to let her try). Except Sansa keeps sliding off the track into a pit of blackness, and she falls so behind that Robb and Theon and all the computer characters cross the finish line while she's still way back, and she ends up shoving the controller back at Jon and running up the basement stairs nearly in tears, vowing to never play a video game again.
That resolve lasts a solid ten years, until two months into her second semester of college.
The first semester had been a dream. She finally got to go south, she'd been swept up in a new relationship with perfect Joffrey Baratheon, and she made a whole slew of friends.
Except Joffrey wasn't perfect, and it turns out, all her friends were Joffrey's friends, and so when they broke up, just before Christmas break, she found herself still in the south the next semester, but now alone and ostracized by the clique that had initially taken her in.
Humiliated by the breakup and the loss of her friends, she holes herself up in her dorm room all January, only leaving for classes and the lunch hall, where she grabs food and rushes back to her dorm to eat alone.
February is the same.
Around the beginning of March, she gets bored and lonely enough to do something she never thought she'd do – check out that game Bran keeps talking about nonstop.
She really has no idea what an MMO is, and then they go ahead and tack on even more letters. MMORPG means absolutely nothing to her.
Still. The artwork is sort of pretty and it seems like high fantasy, which Sansa always loves, even if she pretends she doesn't anymore. Elves and dwarves and knights and heroes and magic swords and unicorns... So she creates an account and spends a ridiculous amount of time creating a character. Lady Alayne, she calls herself.
And then she is thrust into the world of Legends of Lightbringer.
For all that Sansa had wanted to run back home after losing Joffrey and all her friends, she doesn't.
She stays in the south, keeps going to her classes, and eventually makes a few new friends who may not be as glamorous as the ones she made first, but who are infinitely better for her.
And, of course, she keeps playing.
Eventually, she realizes that if she wants to get her hands on certain items, or pass through certain levels, she needs a guild - a group to help her fight, that would have people with different classes and skillsets than her. It's nerve-wracking, trying to choose, and there are so many. She stays away from the one she knows Bran is in, because that would be weird. (Not that she told Bran she was playing. She hasn't told anyone she's playing this. She honestly isn't sure anyone would even believe her if she did.)
In the end, she settles on a group for Winterfell locals. She tells them she's currently in school in the south, but from Winterfell originally and missing home, and they welcome her into their party (though honestly, she thinks it was less her sob story and more that they really needed a replacement cleric, but still).
In their first raid, they lose.
Sansa blinks away tears of humiliation as one of the party members, some jerk named DreadfulBastard69, goes off in the group chat about her - horrid things about how they should never have let a girl into the group. (He doesn't say it like that, though. He says much, much worse things that Sansa will never repeat to anyone.)
She almost leaves the group and disables her account, but through the tirade, she sees something else.
Daeron_Dragonwolf: leave her alone
Daeron_Dragonwolf: we lost because we haven't practiced in a while
Daeron_Dragonwolf: not because she's a girl
Daeron_Dragonwolf: so shut the fuck up
Which, in turn, causes the other members of the group to chime in that they didn't blame her, either.
MaesterSamTar: plus, we don't even know if she is a girl
MaesterSamTar: you're making assumptions based off the username
As this is happening, she gets a DM from Daeron_Dragonwolf.
Daeron_Dragonwolf: sorry about him
Daeron_Dragonwolf: he's the worst
Daeron_Dragonwolf: don't listen to any of it, you did a great job for your first dungeon run
LadyAlayne286: thanks
LadyAlayne286: I'm still new to all this, so if there is anything I did wrong, please let me know
LadyAlayne286: I promise, I'm a quick learner
She actually isn't so sure about that part, but she's going to try as hard as she can to be the best cleric, so they never regret her.
Three days later, in a vote she isn't involved in because she's still too new to the group, DreadfulBastard69 is kicked out.
Sansa can only feel relief. Those three days had been a mild sort of torture for her – every time the group chat pinged, her heart would stutter, just waiting for DreadfulBastard69 to start up again. But now he's gone and she can breathe easier.
Secretly, she thinks she has Daeron_Dragonwolf to thank.
She grows closer to the whole group, but it's Daeron she feels the most comfortable talking to solo. Sometimes when their guildmates are being idiots, Daeron will side DM her in discord, because – in his words – he needs someone rational to talk to.
She thinks Daeron is a him. She's pretty sure the whole group are boys, just from the way they talk, and she knows they range anywhere from twenty to forty. Sansa's the youngest, just turned nineteen, though she lied when she initially joined and said she was already nineteen, because she felt that saying she was eighteen would sound fake. Like maybe they'd think she was a kid trying to get into an 18+ only group.
They're all nice, but it's Daeron who truly makes her feel welcome.
Summer break is a godsend.
She's back in Winterfell, and Jeyne and Beth are here and she feels like herself again. It's curious to her that she doesn't lose interest in the game, now that she doesn't feel lonely. She still stays up much too late raiding with her group, though she's having a harder time doing it on her laptop. She wishes she had her desktop, but that's back in her dorm.
Daeron_Dragonwolf: how's break?
LadyAlayne286: good to be back home
LadyAlayne286: except for my little sister. She's still a terror
LadyAlayne286: you?
Sansa looks up, to where Arya and Rickon are shooting at each other with water guns. Arya's already threatened Sansa with it five different times, even though Sansa's just sitting here on the chair by the pool and not bothering anyone. Robb and Theon are in the pool, but Jon isn't with them – he sits on one of the chairs on the other side, on his phone.
Daeron_Dragonwolf: at my best friend's house
Daeron_Dragonwolf: it always feels weird on breaks now. Like we revert to being back in high school when we see each other
In the distance, she can hear Robb and Theon messing around, and she rolls her eyes.
LadyAlayne286: I know exactly what you mean
Sansa's in class when she comes to the realization that Daeron might be her best friend.
That's ridiculous, though.
Sure, she's been talking to him for over a year now, pretty much every day at this point. Sure, she tells him things she doesn't tell her King's Landing friends, because even though they're nicer than Joffrey's crew, they'd still judge her. Like, she's been playing Legend of Lightbringer for over a year, and the only person in her real life that knows is Jeyne. She would never dare to tell her King's Landing friends.
She and Daeron talk about non-game things – at first, it had just been what other games they play (none, for Sansa), and then what other sort of media they like (they both love Lord of the Rings, though he also loves Star Wars and she thinks space is boring. This caused a nearly two hour long argument that she thinks, to this day, still isn't resolved).
Somehow, without her even realizing, they'd started talking about real things, too. How isolated she still feels in the south. How he isn't sure what he wants to do with his life once he graduates.
It was Daeron she messaged first when she caught Harry cheating.
But Daeron can't be her best friend, because she doesn't even know his real name.
In the beginning, she was too wary of talking to strangers on the internet, and so she made sure to never give any identifiable information about herself, except that she's from Winterfell and going to school in King's Landing. She never uses names, even with Harry. Daeron's mostly the same – she isn't sure if it's because he's also thinking about stranger danger, or if he simply picked up on her hesitance and kept himself at a distance, too.
And yet, she still trusts Daeron more than she trusts most of her friends, and what does that say about her?
Beginning around year two, some of their conversations turn flirtatious. Sansa's pretty certain she starts it, because Harry was cheating on her and it felt nice to flirt with someone who... well, couldn't really do anything about it, because he lived halfway across the country.
It's never anything outright, and she always pulls back when she thinks she's going too far, but still.
She knows she shouldn't.
(Except, when she has a notification on discord, she gets butterflies in her tummy, and more than one person has commented that she's always smiling down at her phone.)
LadyAlayne286: tell me not to punch my brother at his own graduation party
Daeron_Dragonwolf: I don't know if I can tell you that
Daeron_Dragonwolf: what's he doing?
Sansa looks up at Robb and his new girlfriend, Jeyne W. Ever since they started dating, he's been absolutely smitten, to the point where it's bordering on annoying. Arya agrees with her, too, and it's never a good sign when they agree on something.
LadyAlayne286: I don't know, being cutesy with his girlfriend
LadyAlayne286: maybe I'm jealous
Daeron_Dragonwolf: I get it
Daeron_Dragonwolf: my best friend just started dating someone, and they're so in love it's almost sickening. I'm at his grad party now, you'd think it's actually their engagement party with the way they're acting
LadyAlayne286: yes!
LadyAlayne286: like, stop rubbing your happiness in my very single face
LadyAlayne286: but also I guess I'm happy for him because he's my brother and I love him
Sansa looks back up at the party, scanning the crowd to see if anyone else is as annoyed with Robb as she and Arya are. Bran doesn't pay much attention to most things, and Rickon is only now discovering girls. Theon seems a bit put out by it, though. He doesn't like Robb's attention being pulled from him.
Her eyes find Jon, and she wonders how he feels. He's looking down at his phone in one hand, a beer held in the other. She wonders who he's texting, because she's pretty sure he broke up with the girlfriend he'd had since high school a few months ago. Does he get that jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach when he looks at Robb and Jeyne?
If he does, she can't tell, but then again, Jon's always been good at hiding his feelings.
Three years.
They've been doing this for three years, she should have seen it coming.
Daeron_Dragonwolf: did you wanna maybe meet up when you're in town?
When that message comes through, she agrees readily, even though she knows, on some base level, it's probably a terrible idea.
Neither of them tell the rest of the guild that they're planning to meet. She thinks Daeron knows that wouldn't go over well. As it is, they sometimes get flirty in the group chat and it's always met with protest, because what happens if something goes wrong? Then the group gets messed up.
Sansa doesn't care. She wants to meet Daeron.
She doesn't even care what he looks like. It's funny – whenever she thinks about him, she thinks about his avatar, or his discord profile picture. Obviously he isn't a cartoon medieval knight, but in her head he is. She can't even fathom what he might look like IRL.
It isn't until she's at the airport, waiting for her flight home for winter break, that she finally plucks up the courage to ask what neither of them have yet.
LadyAlayne286: how will I even know it's you?
Her heart races as she sees him start to type. Stop. Start.
And then a picture comes through that...
Everything around her seems to go dull and distant. All she can see is the selfie he sent, with the caption underneath: my name's Jon, by the way.
She stares that the picture for so long that she's startled out of her daze by her flight being called, and she closes out of discord, turns her phone on airplane mode, and puts it in her bag.
Robb picks her up at the airport.
Her older brother Robb.
Whose best friend is Jon Snow, who she has known practically her whole life.
By the time they reach home, she's come to the conclusion that Jon is not Daeron.
Daeron has been playing with her this whole time. Daeron is some sort of elite hacker who figured out who she was IRL and went to her social media and picked out someone she knows. He's pretending to be Jon to ease her into meeting him. Clearly he's planning to kidnap and murder her.
Of course that's what happened. There's no way she's been talking to Jon Snow for three years and never realized it.
(Though he does like Star Wars, she remembers. And he graduated the same time as Daeron said he did. And he did live with his mom until recently, when he finally moved out on his own.)
Jon is around.
He always is – always has been.
But... when did he become handsome?
He isn't her type, really. His whole vibe is a bit rougher than she'd normally go for, but... his eyes are pretty. And so is his mouth. He fills out his holiday sweaters really well, and she starts to think there really is something to that dark and brooding trope.
When Jon was a teenager, he was so sullen and moody, but he got much better once he went to college. Except, at the Stark's annual holiday party, he seems like he's back to his teenage ways.
“What's wrong with Jon?” she asks Robb casually. Cool, calm, and collected. She doesn't actually care. She's just a concerned citizen.
“Some girl won't text him back,” Robb rolls his eyes.
Sansa's stomach lurches, and she excuses herself to the bathroom, where she pulls out her phone and opens discord for the first time since she stepped off the plane.
Daeron_Dragonwolf: how was your flight?
Daeron_Dragonwolf: are we still meeting up?
Daeron_Dragonwolf: if you don't want to, that's fine
Daeron_Dragonwolf: it's no big deal
Daeron_Dragonwolf: Alayne?
Sansa knows she shouldn't be here.
She walks into the holiday market in Wintertown Square, eyes scanning the crowd. She never answered Daeron, so maybe he won't show up, after all. Why would he? She ghosted him.
But there, sitting at a wooden table near the food stalls, is Jon Snow.
His phone is sitting on the table in front of him, next to the cup of hot chocolate he bought. His leg is bouncing beneath the table, fingers drumming on the the top.
Her stomach lurches again, and she knows she needs to make a choice.
Does she go home and open discord and tell Daeron she got cold feet? Or does she go up to Jon and tell him she's Alayne?
She wants to do the first, because she's a coward. If she leaves now, everything can go back to normal, and she can keep pretending Daeron and Jon are different people.
Instead, her feet move, and she weaves her way through the crowds and sits on the bench opposite Jon. He startles, but then relaxes when he sees that it's her.
“Sansa,” he says, turning off his phone screen quickly, but not quick enough that she doesn't recognize discord. Her phone hasn't gone off, so he hadn't sent her a message. He's just waiting, and that makes her ache. He looks around, then back at her, and says, “are you here alone?”
“You're alone,” she counters, because that's easier than the truth.
“I'm meeting someone,” he says, though his mouth twists into a frown. He doesn't actually think Alayne coming, and yet he still showed up.
“I'm meeting someone, too,” she says quietly, and his brows raise. Then she takes a deep, steadying breath and says, “hi. I'm Alayne.”
Jon stares at her for a beat too long, before his frown twists even further. “Did Robb put you up to this?” he says, shoulders bunching up defensively, face quickly reddening under his beard.
“I never should have told him,” Jon grumbles, eyes darting around, looking at anything but her. “Tell Robb I say ha ha, very funny.”
There's an immediate rush of tears to her eyes, because... Because of course Jon doesn't believe her. He's supposed to be meeting a girl, one that he's been flirting with for a year, and she's just Sansa, Robb's stupid little sister.
Without another word, she stands from the table and sprints away from it. Jon calls after her, but she doesn't stop until she's back at her car, and then she pulls out her phone.
LadyAlayne286: you're a jerk, Jon Snow
Two days later, there's a knock on her door.
“Go away,” she grumbles, but it's muffled into her pillow and the knock comes again. “I said go away,” she calls, louder, rolling onto her back.
“Sansa,” she hears, and she bolts upright at the sound of Jon's voice. “Can we talk?”
“Go away,” she repeats for a third time, except this time it comes out a bit wobbly.
There's a sigh. She's heard that sigh before, too many times to count.
Because she's known Jon practically her whole life.
“Please?” His tone has taken on a pleading quality that tugs at her, but she makes herself sit silent. Another sigh. “If you don't open the door, I'm just gonna talk through it. Really loud, so everyone can hear.”
That makes her spring out of bed and she unlocks her door and cracks it open. “Go away.”
“Sans, please talk to me.”
“Don't worry, I'm not gonna quit the guild. I'll wait until you find a replacement for me, I won't leave you guys hanging.”
But she will leave. She thinks she might stop playing entirely.
She starts to shut the door, but his foot jams into the opening, which surprises her. Jon isn't pushy – in fact, she'd almost say he's a bit of a pushover. He tends to let Robb and Theon do whatever, and he goes along with it.
With an annoyed huff, she lets go of the door and backs away, and he follows her into the room, shutting it behind him.
“What do you want?” she asks with her arms folded across her chest.
“Why did you ghost me?”
That takes her aback, and she feels guilt pull at her. All she can do is shrug pathetically, which doesn't seem to satisfy him. “I was surprised, okay? I didn't know how to respond.”
“Well,” he says, “I was too.”
“But I didn't accuse you of... you really thought I'd do that?”
He sighs, and his shoulders slump a bit. “I told Robb about you – Alayne – and he gave me so much shit for it. Said I should try meeting a girl in real life.” Jon's face is red again, and Sansa decides she might slap Robb after all. He knows how much of an introvert Jon is, but sometimes he says things that are so inconsiderate, even if he doesn't necessarily mean them to be.
“I wouldn't do that.”
“I know,” he sighs, a hand coming up to scrub at his still-red face. “I know, I overreacted. I just couldn't wrap my head around...”
“Around me?”
“At first I couldn't... you're Robb's little sister and it's not like I don't know you're pretty-”
“You think I'm pretty?”
That gets her a scowl, which actually makes her smile.
“I didn't know if I could make myself feel what I felt for Alayne,” he says, and her smile fades. “But then I went back and reread a bunch of our old messages, and all the sudden, it was just... you. It was you telling me to not settle for that sales job, and you telling me I should get a dog, and you being so dead wrong about Star Wars-”
“Space is boring,” she whines.
“It's not bor- you know what? We're not doing this now. The thing is, you're my best friend's little sister, and you're in the guild, and I don't want to lose you. I don't want to ruin things because...”
Because he thinks she's pretty. Because he had feelings for Alayne.
“I know,” she says. “It's why I didn't know how to react to your photo. It was like, all the sudden, I was seeing you in a completely new way.” He nods, looking relieved that he's not alone. “So, I think we should test it.”
“Test it?”
“We should kiss. If there's nothing there, then we go back to normal. No harm, no foul.”
There's hesitance in his eyes, but his tongue darts out to wet his lips and a thrill goes through her. “Yeah, alright,” he says, voice lower now.
She takes a step forward and stands on her toes and wraps her arms around his neck and she presses her lips to his. She means it to be just that, but she can't quite make herself pull away. His lips are so soft and those butterflies in her tummy are swirling all over the place, and then his arm loops around her back and he pulls her closer and his head tilts as he deepens the kiss and Sansa knows there's no going back. They've ruined everything, they can't take this back.
They kiss until she needs to pull back for air, and as she's panting for breath, he's doing the same. Then his lips pull into a half-smile and he says, “so. Did we pass the test?”
“With flying colors,” she grins, and his arms tighten around her waist. Then her eyes widen and she pulls back slightly to see him better and says, “Daeron? How did I not put that together!”
Back when they were kids, back when they played come into my castle and monsters and maidens, Jon would always proclaim himself Daeron the Young Dragon.
Jon scowls at her again and tries to pull out of her arms, but she keeps them locked around his neck as she starts to giggle.
“Don't act like you aren't into it,” he grumbles.
Dragons and knights and elves and dwarves... and him.
“I'm very into it,” she grins, and leans back in for another kiss.
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gemsgamegems · 10 months
couldn't do this yesterday because it was hella late and I was half terrified of what was gonna come out of my mind.
here to report that going to sleep and then work has done not a damn thing for my psyche so everyone pull up a chair, grab a snack, and get comfy.
I'm literally gonna descend into Straight Madness all over this post and call it a review. you're welcomed or I'm sorry or whatever 💩
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(footage of my MC going to bully her beloved on his special chat app💀🖤)
there is surely crack or something very similar to it laced in chatsim games I swear to God??? I've played over a dozen different ones, and then the especially recent popular ones (i.e. Blooming Panic, Error 143) were living snugly in my remaining braincells. so like, I'm not stranger to the rabid insanity I feel when I play a really good chat sim.
also, I have a thing for being mean. let me rephrase: in romance gaming, I love when I as the player character can essentially bully the intended love interest(s) and possibly get rewarded for it 😇. a...bully-a-boyfriend simulator if you will.
Enter A Date With Death.
the game of my dreams.
featuring the victim Man of my dreams.
my fictional tastes in men are so very much not aligned that I never know who I'm gonna be in love with for the next 5 months. so I'm pleasantly surprised each time I get attached LOL!
yeah he's a grim reaper, yeah he's hella edgy, yeah he's got white hair, yeah he embodies what the kids call 'babygirl', etc etc etc. on anyone else, I probably wouldn't have cared. and on our dear Grimmy, at first I didn't. all those aspects of him that didn't register as a need or want for me suddenly became the spices that enhanced the flavor that is Grim/Casper's personality and his interactions with the player character. he is QUITE LITTERALLY the ONLY LOVE INTEREST at the moment WHO CAN GET AWAY WITH CALLING ME STUPID/AN IDIOT even if I very much am, either as my MC or irl lolz
homeboy is literally insulting my intelligence and I'm giggling and rolling my eyes like a textbook school girl 🤣 truly loved that for me.
my goodness the banter??? the RICHNESS of the back and forth and the teasing and the insults and the flirting and the presence of something building up to be intensly romance flavored was at too much and not enough (in a good way, I pinky promise!!)
I found myself playing with the other features (watering my plant, interacting with my bunny and bookshelf, etc) only to quickly rush back to click the laptop so I could interact with Grim/Casper again. I don't know who falls in love first, Grim or the player character, and maybe that's something that's supposed to be headcannoned??? but if that's so, I think that it's a gradual thing. because while Grim is literally commenting on how pretty/gorgeous/handsome we are, and then trying his damndest to take it back, me and my MC are sitting there like...damn....oh shit...we like this fool....shit we LOVE THIS FOOL WTF????
I'd like to take a moment in this random stream of thoughts to talk about the scene where Grim visits us to bring us flowers, reveals his highly classified name, and proceeds to woo and charm and fluster us until you have no choice but to be swept up by him... oh. wait. was this 3rd person or 1st person speak...
BUT ANYWAY I JUST WANNA LOSE MY SHIT ABOUT THE FLOWERS BECAUSE MY GOD WHY IS HE SO FUCKING CUTE?!!?!? (my favorite thing about this game was having the option to call him sexy and not in favor of calling him cute. because what you gonna do about it???? exactly 🤣)
at the time of this rambling, I still have only gotten to 1 ending, but I hope to knock out the others before the end of the month, time permitting lol.
annnnnnd speaking of Other Features and my absolute love and adoration of the Two and Half Studios team...
I bought the DLC so I had access to the additional dialogue, clothing, and physical customization options 🤭hiiighly recommend you grab the DLC if you haven't already or were on the fence about it!
the pet optionssssss. I mentioned this on my demo review, but I loved having my pet bunny. I love that we can interact with our pet. I love that it Casper understands that MC and Pet are a packaged deal. Damn right, that's our shared child now ya dork 🤭
music room was funnnn, the special features on the laptop (games, internet, drawing app, etc) were absolutely perfect and I tired out everything at least twice.
the bookshelf feature??? I clicked on it every day and I gotta say I adored the little diary entries from younger MC. alsoooo the fact that the book 'changed' each time you went to your shelf was SUCH a fun thing???? loved that shit
eavesdropping on the neighbors?!?!? i'm hella noisy in real life, oops, so there was a big thrill in listening in on the peeps on the other side and experiencing a different type of love story emerge. I am mad at myself because I think I missed a day of eavesdropping and by the end of my first playthrough that part of the game felt 'incomplete'. but nothing a second, third, and fourth replay can't solve LOL!!
watering our plant 💓 idk why that made me so happy but it just did. something about giving emotions to inanimate objects gets me ever fucking time
( a tangent within a tangent: there's nothing more attractive than someone with a plush, yes azreal, I'm talking about your owner zjjddgfs and Casper wonders why I called his ass cute. this is why!!!! this is exhibit A-Z my guy!!!!)
I'm sure there's a slew of other things I squealed and fangirled and cooed over in my playthrough, but this is a perfect stopping point, right?
thank you all for coming, see you next time when we discuss another game that's infected my brain and rendered me absolutely useless 👍🏽
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
They really did a great job of 3x16, if you discount that the women of the show don't get to collectively fly at Keaton and scratch his eyes out. All three of them would be justified in doing it. Making him an FBI ally was the worst thing this show ever did.
But there is SO much to love about this episode. The protective team rallying around their Patterson. Even Zapata, though she went about it in a screwed-up way. You could tell her reasons were well-intentioned. But that Room of Requirement scene was so sweet, and Kurt's guard-dog snarling at Borden.
(Side note: Rich was duelling with Brianna to bring her out of her crying corner, wasn't he? He totally was.)
And then they all protected Rich as well. ❤ That 'suck it' he signed Hirst's deal with went a loooong way. XD And it would have been justified for them to have all been so swept up in the Borden drama that they forgot about him, but they didn't. It was sweet. And I thought also quite fitting that he was sidelined for this one, because he was never a big part of the Shepherd arc like the others.
It does make me feel terrible for Zapata in this episode, even though she deserved it. No one is rallying around her until Reade at the end of the episode, and she opens her mouth and screws it right up. Tasha, you're just not very good at people. Let me get you some therapy and an emotional support animal. And you need to get awaaaaaay from Keaton forever.
At least we got the happy cake scene. 😭
And to see Roman moving one way, while Borden moves the opposite one - that was just masterfully done. Roman crying while Crawford shows him compassion and listens to his problems, and pays his medical bills... They really did turning him to Crawford's side well, and Jane's 'Remi is dead' in the next episode just cements it. All he ever wanted was a family that loved him, and it drove him to do a whole bunch of really screwed-up things. XD
Aaaand that woman who's investigating Hirst's decisions is just as creepy and annoying as Fischer. Must be a job requirement.
I guess there wasn't really room for Jane's feelings in this episode, which is a real shame. And another reason I think Avery is a waste of screen time. Not that she was in this episode, but they could have subplotted Jane's delayed reaction to having Cade and Borden pop up, in a later episode. (I always wanted to fic it, but there's so much that would need fixing that it would end up as long as TWY).
I probably repeated what was in some other people's posts, but I haven't done a dive into them yet. Sorry for any duplicate thoughts!
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For the ask game, 7, 10, 14, and 62 👀
[link to ask game] (thanks so much for the ask! sorry this took a while, i have been procrastinating :P)
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
short answer: i have no fucking clue
long answer: i have some ideas but it's complicated
the big thing for me, other than 'what is the best way to make the plot move forward, and who is the best character to see that through,' is keeping povs balanced. unless i have ulterior motives, or i feel a certain pov is unnecessary/redundant, i try to give everyone their time to shine.
this isn't to say there's a specific formula or sequence i'll follow, it's more of what "feels right" for their individual arcs and what needs to happen for them to get to a certain point.
pacing also plays a really big part in it. pov can be a lifesaver in imbuing a sense of time into the narrative. you can create "transitions" in the story by shoving a well-placed pov in there that takes the eyes off of the main action for a bit.
my biggest struggle with this is balancing pov and what i want the audience to know. when you have a lot of perspectives, things can get messy fast, so "checking up" with you audience about what each character is up to is vital to the plot feeling smooth.
however, this can be at odds with the utilization of perspective itself-- i.e., each character will have different insights on a given situation. withholding information to create as sense of tension can be as easy as avoiding a certain pov, and favoring one whose perspective will be less helpful in a given situation.
this can be really fun, and if you play your cards right, create really intriguing, satisfying plots with reveals that work. but doing so can come at the risk of suppressing another characters' pov.
all this aside, i really don't have a great explanation. there's no real process here for me, other than outlining, hoping for the best, and if that doesn't work out, writing and rewriting until i find a perspective that works.
10. Control + F "blinks" and copy/paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up.
fun fact: for my current wip, i have four separate documents, each containing a different version of the draft. the first one is for my really rough draft, the second is for my rough draft, the third is for my 'god why' draft, and the fourth is for my final draft.
given all of this, you would think i could find the word 'blink' somewhere in that whole mess. but apparently, as of this post, i have not written the word 'blink' a single time in arc II.
so, because i still want to do this, i ran a random word generator and got 'constant' instead.
here's what i got (not even my beta has seen this yet, haha):
"Everything looked damp and new. Rivulets of water raced each other down smooth stone [walls,] collecting in shallow pools and rocky crevices. Years of constant run-off had shaped the walls, each minute drop chiseling away sediment to be swept away and deposited elsewhere."
(from an upcoming chapter of 'it was futile;' may be subject to change.)
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you draw from personal experiences?
i could be all tongue in cheek and say, "all writing stems from personal experience," but that's a cop-out, and a generalization. plus, i love to talk about myself, so... /silly
for the most part, when i'm writing emotional scenes, i'll try and get into a character's head(s) and explore what i think their reaction would be.
that doesn't mean that i don't or haven't used my own personal experiences as inspiration, or to really get myself in the headspace i want to be in for writing a certain scene.
usually, when i'm going in to writing a certain scene, i try to imbue the entire thing with the underlying sense of whatever emotion i'm trying to evoke. if i need, i'll also try and get myself in the 'mood' of whatever the scene is supposed to be via brainstorming, or listening to music that suits the scene.
music is a big part of my writing process. some people cannot stand background noise of any kind when writing, which is understandable. i generally prefer music without words, but if i know a song well enough, i can sometimes put it on loop and just let it play in the back of my head as i write, anchoring me to a scene.
well-written emotional scenes are my bread and butter, because there's so much meaning you could drag out of just a small, quiet moment. most of the emotional 'scenes' i write aren't really 'scenes' in the traditional sense, but instead just little moments in the narrative.
these serve to build-up characterization and character dynamics, two things i enjoy exploring in my writing. i'm more of a character-driven writer than a plot-driven one, though i try to balance things where i can.
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
if anybody has ever read my writing, they'll probably notice i tend to spend a lot of time building suspense, whether i mean to or not. i enjoy writing, and i do like myself a good cliffhanger.
i don't have any polarizing feelings on this. i know some people hate them, and i understand. i think what it comes down to, for me, is whether a cliffhanger can justify itself.
it's the same thing with twists-- if you have a twist just for the sake of having a twist, it's probably not a good twist. you want your reveals to impact the narrative and the characters in a way that feels important.
in my mind, every twist or reveal should be a metaphorical step. after you learn this information, there's no going back. the story has been impacted, and from now on, this information will be important and relevant to the story. there's no closing pandora's box.
for cliffhangers, it's little different, but the guiding principle is still the same: don't have cliifhangers just to have cliffhangers.
cliffhangers are an extended reveal. they're a narrative device that, if used correctly, should elevate your story. they're also very good for pacing and pov changes. sometimes, a cliffhanger just makes it's way in there because that's the natural progression of a scene.
a good cliffhanger carries it's own wait. you learn something new, or something happens that leaves you going, "oh my god, what's gonna happen next?" and then when that thing happens next, the cliffhanger will have only made things more satisfying.
if the reveal isn't satisfying, you shouldn't put in a cliffhanger. it's like double-jeopardy: if you get it right, the pay-off will be big. if you get it wrong, you might have just ruined a huge aspect of your story.
practicing restraint here also means that when you put a cliffhanger in, it hits even harder, just because of the novelty of it. it raises the stakes. you lose that if you overuse them.
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eeveeandme05 · 1 year
First post, what whaaat!
So, first time here! To get straight to the point, I have a fic crewing which I'll be posting snippets of here. Yes, it is a TTTE story, but with my own twist to it, featuring a pair of human characters. Take this as you will - please enjoy!
The train rushed down the mainline, the rural scenery rushing past in a blur. Amano was sat in one of the coaches, staring vacantly out the window. He was on his way to the Island of Sodor, where a family friend had agreed to host him while he stayed on the island for a month to do some work experience - a mandatory practice instated by his school. While he would have been excited about this new adventure he was going on, something he often longed for, he was feeling unusually sombre.
However consumed he was by whirling, anxious thoughts, they were all promptly swept out of his head the moment the railway drawbridge from Barrow to Sodor came into view. He was almost there. The boy sucked in a breath as he was pulled back to reality.
The stories Amano had heard from this obscure island were, to him, nothing short of legendary, having grown up with them, and now he had been given the opportunity to visit it in person. The excitement he should have been feeling began to well up inside him - he even felt himself crack a smile. He took a deep breath and put on a brave face. He would get there and make a good impression, then show them what a good worker he could be!
Donald whistled as he puffed into Vicarstown. It wasn't often that he went to the mainland, but James had been relegated to goods work after being silly a few days prior, so he had been asked to take over the red engine's passenger duties temporarily.
Edward was simmering at one of the adjacent platforms, and opened one sleepy eye at the sound of Donald's arrival.
"Hullo, Donald!" he said cheerfully. "Welcome back. Had a good trip?"
"Aye. A'd forgotten howfur stowed it gets back oan th' mainland. Loads o' tourists this time o' year!"
"Naturally! James must be in a right tiff, knowing how many there are that he can't show off to." The old engine chuckled as he watched the crowds of passengers disembark, gradually dispersing off to their various destinations, until there were only a few left.
Donald started at the voice right next to him, and glanced over to see a young boy, not much older than fourteen or fifteen, standing on the platform, grinning.
"Awright, laddie," said Donald, bemused. "Haven't seen ye aroond afore. Whit brings ye 'ere?"
Before the boy could answer, a voice hailed him from the station's entrance. Donald looked up to see a man come forward and shake the boy's hand. He was a familiar face, a close friend of Donald's driver; he recalled speaking to him a few times when they met.
"Ah, hullo Donald!" he said, seemingly just noticing the engine. "Sorry old boy, I forgot to tell you. This is Amano, a young friend of mine. He'll be staying here for a little while to learn some life on the railway. I hope you and the others will make him feel welcome!"
Donald looked once more at the boy. He saw his mop of black hair, his sparkling heterochromatic eyes, his cheeky smile, and found himself smiling back. "Weel, weel, weel. Walcome tae Sodor, laddie! Ah shuid hawp ye'll lik' it 'ere."
In the background, Edward raised a bemused eyebrow.
He rather felt like things were about to get interesting on the North Western Railway.
And that's a wrap for now! A work in progress for sure, but I hope you like what we've got so far!
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The last trip to what she called the mini world had been really fun! Marceggle stomped a bunch of minis, which was... upsetting to Opal, but she tried not to think about it and focus on wading through the pond they called an ocean. On the other side, while Marceggle had their fun with their toys, Opal carried the minis around and taught them dances. It was nice to play the big one.
(Long lore post) (the monster opal post is a sequence break which doesn't fit neatly into the timeline)
"HEYYYY I'M DONNNNEEEEE OVER HERE!" Marceggle shouted as they bounded through the pond. The little boats started tipping over and Opal quickly put her minis down and fixed the boats near her. "Oh great they haven't ran away!"
Opal shielded the minis from the pond waves. "Not these. You got your land, and this is mine. You can do whatever you want on that side, but this is my side ok?" She'd made friends with some of the little people that were running away and screaming in Itty bitty voices below them.
Marceggle shrugged. "Alright, fair. Kinda stupid, but sure, I'll let you play tea party with your fellow bugs."
"They're not bugs. They're Minis." Opal sighed. She was never supposed to be a bug either. She was more like a mushroom, but no one ever asked her, did they? No, they didn't. No one asked her opinion on who she was beforehand because that doesn't matter to anyone but herself.
The thoughts started to stew in her head. "Can you pass me the mixed one?"
Marceggle shook up the bottle that sparkled with a bluish tint and popped the cap for her. There was a moment of silence. Marceggle more carefully handed it to her. "Let's get that downer drowned out of you." Opal passed them a relieved gust through the bond.
Marceggle's eyes unfocused a bit, and they blinked. "Mm. RIGHT!" They jumped up and caused another wave to hit the city. Opal sighed as some of her minis were swept away. Most of them were gone though. That was nice. "Time to get you fucked up enough to lose that loser attitude and party. Let's get out of here and back to the club."
Opal bent down and sung a few notes to let her connected mini know she'd come back eventually, and to build and prosper from her knowledge. "Right. Down the hatch?"
"Chug that bastard."
Opal waded through the pond to Marceggle's side and tipped back the bottle. With her half working taste buds and relatively new working throat, the pain of trying to chug something like this isn't strong enough to stop her after a few seconds. Marceggle pushed it back down to drink their fill as well.
They started the walk along the ribbon once they'd passed the portal. Heading back to Tinky's club. "You gotta meet the Ted we have as a weird pet in the club. Tinky put him back in the box when you stopped in for some reason, but he's back now. It's like a whole thing. You'll love it."
"I'm not...sure I wanna." The world was getting brighter and lighter with every step, so maybe it would be fun. "Maybe-"
Something whipped up from below and wrapped around her. Opal shrieked and tried to look around.
Bound held locked again held down trapped trapped trapped let go let go let go letgoletgoletgoletgoletgo.
Marceggle jumped into action and yanked on her arms. "HEY!"
They were both pulled down in an instant and hit a soft bed. Opal landed on her back, and Marceggle landed on top of her. Pain rocketed into her spine from her wings being shoved into the bed. She threw Marceggle off her in a primal panic and scrambled to the floor, kneeling and processing the sudden influx of stabbing pain. The sound of wood hitting skull reverberated.
Marceggle, confused, was flat on their back on the carpet and dropped the bottle after the head-on collision with another piece of furniture. They were dazed and laid quietly on the ground.
A voice came from above.
YOU ARE GROUNDED. I'm sorry I've been such a neglectful mom and left you to get drunk! DRUNK! This is an intervention, and you are grounded for going to Pokey worlds unsupervised and even traveling through Blinky territory. No more skipping curfews and leaving the house for months. You are not allowed to obscure your multiversal location, young lady! I've been worried sick about you. You didn't even call me to let me know you were still alive. I had to find out from my cousin and that was months ago for me. This is my fault for not watching over you how I should have. You are staying in this room until you get all that vile Tinky poison out of your body and learn the lessons I wasn't teaching you. I'm so sorry I let you do this to yourself. I'm not going to fail you like that this time.
A lightning quick ribbon attached itself to her left hand and cut into a sort of half glove. No taking this off by herself. Opal felt the ability to portal cut out. No.
I'm taking this away until you learn to use it safely. Wait...OH MOTHER! OPAL WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR ARM?? I'm so sorry, baby. I should've never let you stay out so late. Look what happened to you! You aren't going anywhere anytime soon. I'm not going to be a terrible mom any longer.
ALSO. You need to give me all of that poison you have stashed in your pocket spot. If you don't do it I'm getting rid of the whole pocket.
Opal bit at the restriction on her hand and looked around the large softly carpeted room with the fear of a caged animal. "NO! NO NO NO I'LL GIVE IT OVER DON'T DO THAT!" What if that destroyed everything inside? Never ever could she risk that. Quickly, she reached and unloaded all the bottles and smaller containers she had on the floor and held up her hands in surrender. "Ok?" Opal asked with a shaky voice.
Giggles took the bottles invisibly. Opal didn't know if she was looking into the room or not.
See? There that's the first step! We can redeem this! I'm going to be a better Mom, I promise. You need to face consequences, but I love you so much! A good parent can't be all sugarplums or your kid turns out unprepared for real life! Listen, I'm really fuc- I MEAN I'm really feeling bad right now and I'm gonna go away for a little bit. I shouldn't dump my problems on you. I'll check in very soon.
Opal was still reeling from all the information and the change of location. "But what about-"
You have lots of entertainment, but you are grounded from going out and grounded from drinking! Food will of course come in and it'll be good and plentiful. I've left plenty of fun things to do and enchanted medication bottles so you can't overdose, but they'll help with withdrawal. I'll be back so soon! I need to sort something out so I don't take it out on you. You don't deserve that when you're such a good kid. You just need rules and boundaries. Goodbye I love you Opal!
No answer.
Opal looked at her friend and noticed that their eyes weren't looking in the same direction. "Oh no..."
Beginning of the Grounded Event
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crystalelemental · 8 months
After five thousand years, finally I have reached Route 217 and can evolve my Eevee to a Glaceon. I wasn't sure I'd live to see this day, but finally the team is composed.
Wormadam fuckin rules, dude. It's put in a ton of work. Obviously, this is a comparative statement, but I'm legitimately impressed with how well Wormadam seems to be doing for itself. It's not a worldbeater, its typing and horrendous speed hold it back from that. But it's put in great work against the gym leaders. It swept Gardenia, was waiting in the wings of the Maylene fight with Psybeam and a resist to clear, finished up Wake whose Floatzel was running train on us (I was under-leveled, it's my own fault), and solo swept the majority of the routes between Sandgem and the place where you transfer Gen 3 Pokemon. I've been really happy with its overall performance.
Alakazam is, to the shock of no one, kinda nuts. I traded it to get Calm Mind at level 36, and while I haven't had to directly use it, its presence is a constant threat. I'm going with Psychic/Shock Wave/Recover/Calm Mind as the set, and it's handled what it needs to handle.
Lickilicky is alright but held back by early moveset. Broadly, it manages to do okay, but the main hangup is really just that it lacks its coverage moves. The bulk on evolution, in addition to the speed boost which seemed insignificant but was not, has really done it some wonders.
Which is more than I can say for my fail child, Houndoom, who is garbage. I'm sorry, this thing is a shitshow. Only learns physical moves, but it primarily special. I didn't even take a -Atk nature! I let myself be a bit flexible and took the first Mild Flash Fire I got, but holy hell, man! Constantly fails to KO, constantly dies, it's just been a mess. It functions, but not in any way that allows it to impress. Which is extra sad because I have this Flamethrower TM here, but I'm having a real tough time justifying it. Like, buddy, give me one reason to not just replace your ass with Giratina. Dragon and Ghost are open types on this team, and I love that thing.
Gastrodon is...fine. I'm not going to sing its praises, mostly because its stats must be bad, because HP Electric often barely managed to 2HKO Gyarados. It's quad effective, girl. Why are you struggling? Now that we have Surf and Earthquake, its STABs are putting in a lot of work, but I admit to feeling less than impressed with Gastrodon. I've teased the idea of switching back to Floatzel. But also I did give Gastrodon the Earthquake TM, so like. Probably need to commit.
And finally, the star of the show, Glaceon. I have not been able to use Glaceon yet for anything. I evolved it and immediately backtracked to level/EV farm on South Route 210. But I am definitely putting in as much work for Glaceon's sake as possible. Shadow Ball, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, and apparently its Hidden Power is Ground, which is honestly solid even if it's not the Electric I kinda hoped for. The funny thing about this Glaceon is, I trained Eevee up to Bite off of the Wayward Cave doubles with Mira, so she's super physically bulky, then trained a lot on Gastly so she's got a pretty respectable Sp Atk. She's not quite on par with Alakazam's Sp Atk, but she's putting in some damn good work for it. I'm currently EV training mostly speed, to capitalize on the Naive nature, and because Glaceon is otherwise just another slow option in the team of mostly slow options. She has the potential to be...well, not fast, but fast enough to surprise some opponents that need surprising.
For the future, I have definitely decided to replace Houndoom. I'm kinda frustrated with it. So it looks like I'll be running Heatran in post-game after all. Gastrodon's kinda here to stay because I invested in Earthquake, a decision I mildly regret, but had no other sane options to work with. Lickilicky and Wormadam are definite, while Alakazam...I'm tempted to change over to Cresselia or Mesprit, but we'll see.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
It's been a while since my last aside so I felt like sharing what I've been working on in my free time! I promise I'm not lazy, I'm just busy and also really like starting new projects halfway through working on 8 other projects for some reason haha
Speaking of starting something new when I haven't finished something I started previously, Minh and I were planning on making a collab Shulkelia one shot for Valentine's Day! Obviously that didn't pan out haha but it's still being worked on and it's extremely cute and fun :) Hopefully it will be ready to post sooner than later! And I also will hopefully be able to work on Constellations soon as well!! (Seriously I feel. SO. bad about my hiatus, especially since I know how many interesting and fun rough-draft ideas we brainstormed up for it that are just waiting to be finalized and shared with the world!!)
Another thing I wanted to do for Valentine's Day but extremely missed the boat on was mass dumping the few good NSFW Shulkelia pieces on here (with a planned warning ahead of time as well as copious tagging and hiding under readmores, of course!), including a full translation of a doujin! However, it being a nearly 20-page comic with dialogue and onomatopoeia all over the place meant I couldn't go the normal route of putting the translation below the art, it would just be way too messy and confusing. So, I decided to open up Photopea and replace the Japanese text with my translation! I felt bad about editing someone else's work (still do haha) but there was just no other way to do it, there is. SO so much onomatopoeia in there that it would be a nightmare to do it any other way. But that fact also contributed to why I still have yet to finish the translation: I got wayyy too ambitious in my typical perfectionist way, and decided to use the clone tool to edit out the hiragana and katakana handwriting for the onomatopoeia and place English text in their places, rather than just put it in small, parenthetical text next to the original writing like manga translations typically do. And oh my GOD I should never have done that there are literal HUNDREDS of characters I had to painstakingly edit out and I'm STILL not even done yet no no no... But I'm so close to finishing it!! I have only a couple pages left and then it's good to go!! Expect to see it along with the other NSFW art of them (again, with multiple warnings far ahead of time plus careful tagging to make sure you won't see it if you don't want to!!) in the near future!
Not XC related at all, but my most recent project has been making an Ao3 site skin (and, in the process, learning how CSS works) and it's been really satisfying! It's nothing super fancy, but it does create a noticeable improvement from the default (in terms of clarity/organization/readability, no offense intended at all of course!) and I'm very pleased with it so far! Once it's done I'll share it here, complete with notes on what each piece is doing to the layout and how, so anyone can use it and tweak it how they like! :)
I unfortunately haven't made any more progress on Xenoblade 3, sorry to say. And actually... it's partially because I'm worried that I'll end up liking Noah so much that I'll get even more distracted from writing Shulkelia or Xenoblade 1 in general haha... Like I'd never give up on that of course, 1 and its characters will always have a special place in my heart! But I can see myself getting swept away by The New Guy TM, much like I do with new project ideas popping into my head...
My FFXIV x Xenoblade 1 crossover has made some good progress! I've now finalized the outfits for over half of the characters I plan on making, after hours and hours of trying different chestpieces and dyes to get them as close to their canon outfits as possible! In fact, maybe I could share a little more about what exactly I'm doing, to show how I was having too much fun and made it a bigger thing than it had to be, to help explain why it's taking so long haha:
So originally the idea started out as "what FFXIV job best suits the playstyle/archetype of each of XC's playable characters?" (and I have a whole host of notes in my head about why that is from both a gameplay/kit perspective and a fandom-y General Vibes/Aesthetic perspective, which I will for sure post along with the pics). And if I could draw well, it probably would've ended there: I'd just have made some art of the cast posing with their weapons and call it done. But since 1) I can't draw the things I see in my head like I want to and 2) I like to over-complicate things for fun, I decided to pile onto this idea by not only adding more characters of (XC SPOILERS!!!) Alvis, Egil, Meyneth, and Zanza to the roster (including in terms of what jobs suit them each and why!) but also recreate everyone in-game! (I really wanted to do Dickson as well, but unfortunately there are absolutely zero mustache options that look like his :< There's only one that's even remotely similar, but the face is completely wrong for him (what facial features look like are tied to faces, for some reason; the Mustache Facial Feature creates a different type of mustache depending on which Face option you pick) so there's no way to make a character that looks sufficiently like him, at least to my standards. Maybe one day they'll add one that fits...? If they do I will for sure make Gunbreaker Dickson a reality!) This resulted in me needing to not only sit down for hours in XIV's character creator ensuring every detail was as close a match to their designs as possible, but also opening up 8000 tabs in Eorzea Collection and looking through every. single. last. glamour option. in the game for each. and. every. slot. for each. and. every. character. to find out how closely I could translate their weird (affectionate) XC clothes into weird (affectionate) FF clothes. Combine that with my stubbornness in wanting them to look as accurate as possible resulting in making two different outfits per character based on whether or not they can equip/glam the gear as the job that suits them most, (plus the fact that I'm doing [again, SPOILERS!!!] Mecha-Fiora in addition to Homs!Fiora as well as having three [three!] different job options for Shulk based on varying levels of both XC and XIV spoilers to avoid ruining twists for either game), and the fact that I went a step further and decided to also make alternate-race versions for the main party (that sounds... bad lmao. fantasy races, like elves and catboys and such) like half if-these-characters-were-instead-created-by-the-XIV-designers-in-an-alternate-timeline-what-race-would-they-probably-make-them-judged-by-me-like-their-jobs-on-both-lore-and-Vibes-TM and half if-the-XC-gang-existed-irl-and-played-XIV-what-would-they-make-their-characters-look-like, and reminder that each of these versions have two different outfit variants and each outfit needs a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 separate pieces each that also need to be dyed and have multiple different options to try on for every character and... it took a teeeeny bit longer than I was expecting to get through haha. But that's not at all to say it's a chore to get through; it's certainly been a process yes, but I've been having a lot of fun the whole time :) Finally getting every element just right, from all the details in character creation down to their eyebrow shape to finding the best option for every armor slot dyed just the right color, seeing it all come together and actually look quite a bit like the character is so satisfying! I can't wait to share them all, I hope someone out there enjoys the results as much as I did creating them! :) Oh, and I also will be making a glam list for each outfit as well as sharing my notes on what I picked in the character creator, so if you want to do an in-game/WoL cosplay as someone or maybe even make an alt named after one based on my recreation of them then it'll be easy for you! :)
Even though I haven't been keeping up with my fanfic writing as much lately, I do still get little ideas for things quite often and am typing them down in my doc for later! I have a gigantic backlog of things I could write: fanfics long and short, Shulkelia fics and Genfics, non-fanfic concepts both XC-related and not... rest assured, even if I'm not posting on here or Ao3 my mind is always buzzing with something and I'm always wanting to create more!
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