#sorry I keep following you guys with my silly oc it's all I got for now
mxgnolium · 6 months
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thedeviltohisangel · 4 months
For A Fortnight There We Were: He Got My Heartbeat
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a/n: EV AND CAL ARE BACK! the response to the first one shot of this was so crazy and became so popular and I could have never imagined! this takes place back on the MOTA set when they start to wonder if they really are started to feel tingly for each other or if the characters are bleeding into their lives. please shoot me any requests for future one shots or blurbs since I love being able to fill in all the little blanks for you guys. standing by to chat about these two (or callum in general lbr) and am thinking of add austin x popstar!oc to this universe? idk, let me know your thoughts. love you all and see you on the flip side...
She heard the sound of the director cutting and ignored it anyway. He did too. Evelyn used the arm around his neck to pull him closer and prevent his lips from slipping off of hers. Her hips shifted forward on their own accord and she felt something twitch between her legs. 
“Jesus, fuck-Ev, I’m sorry-”
“-oh, God, it’s my fault-” She fell backwards off the chaise as she hurried to scramble out of his lap. 
“No, Evelyn, don’t, it’s fine!” Callum was racing to grab the abandoned bed sheet from the ground as she was struggling to conceal her chest from the production crew. “Can someone get her a fucking robe?” he yelled as he was finally able to wrap her in the polyester. 
“Please don’t touch me.” Her shoulder shrugged quickly to rid his hand from her skin. Her lips were still burning from his kisses. Her nose on fire from where it had nuzzled with his. Her chin and waist aching for the feel of his hands again. She doesn’t think she would be able to hold onto her sanity if his hands were on her ever again. 
“I’m sorry.” He held his hands up in surrender as a PA emerged with a fluffy white bathrobe for her to tuck her arms into. Not a glance from her was spared his direction as she stood and hurried off the set. 
Callum hung his head between his legs as they offered him a robe but he had no motivation to grab it. He was only able to think how stupid he was. How silly it was to let himself get lost in the sensation of kissing her and touching her and making love to her. It was all acting and for the camera and none of it was real but it had felt so tangible. Like even after she pulled away he could still reach out and grab it and keep it and never let it go. But he had fucking ruined it because he wasn’t able to control his arousal for her. 
“Falling in love with your co-star…not always the best choice. Especially when they happen to be married.” He scoffed at Tom’s words as he sat next to him, pulled on the robe to protect his modesty in front of one of his heroes.
“I’m not in love with her,” he mumbled around the lump in his throat. “We’re just friends.” The hotel room set was quiet now. Tom had cleared it out as he watched the two young actors fall apart right in front of him. The intimacy had been a step too close to what they really craved to maintain any sense of stability. 
“I see,” he responded with a nod. They had said cut nearly five whole minutes before the two of them had even thought to stop. The intimacy coordinator had watched the scene playout with a perplexed look as none of the choreography had been followed, they had just kissed and groaned and moved their hips the way that had felt right and normal and it had worked perfectly. It had felt like they had been doing it forever. Like they were meant to. “Sometimes, lines get blurred on projects. It’s okay to admit that to each other.”
“And, hypothetically, how would one tell if the lines between the characters and the actors are blurring or if the feelings are real regardless of the character?”
“You talk to each other.” Callum chuckled. Sometimes the simplest answer was the correct one. 
“She didn’t seem like she wanted to talk to me.” The look on her face when he had tried to reach out and comfort her would haunt him. The rejection slapping across his face like a biting cold wind. The way he had bared his soul just an inch to try and connect to her and protect her and she turned him away easily.
“Give her time. Everything you are feeling is amplified for her. A few more complications.” Evelyn was in the middle of a very public legal fight. There were houses and cars and a plane to divide and assign value to and storage units of furniture and designer clothing. Businesses they had invested in together and land they had purchased to build a life on.
“Maybe it’s not worth it. Maybe I let sleeping dogs lie.” Callum had already watched the way phone calls with her lawyers and emails from her manager and texts from her ex took a toll on her day in and day out. It would be unfair of him to add one more burden to her shoulders. 
“Or maybe you don’t and it turns out to be the best decision of your life, Callum.” Maybe it was the start of a fairytale. Maybe it was the love that they both were meant to have in their life. Maybe it was the kind of love that could soothe the ache in their chest and fill the hole in their heart and mend the cracks in their souls. 
Maybe it was exactly what they both needed.
The binder of her lines for the next day of shooting was sitting in her lap as her hairstylist brushed out her 1940s era curls but they just looked like blurry letters on the page. All she could think about was the look on Callum’s face when she had recoiled from his touch. She thinks he looked genuinely hurt. Like she was rejecting a vulnerable piece of him that he had offered. 
“Is it a bad idea to go apologize to him?” she asked the trailer full of people. They had all been quiet from the moment she entered and had been waiting for her to talk first. “Like, do I just leave it be or do I go say something?” 
“Are you just saying sorry or are you trying to talk about why it went down like that?” her assistant asked. Evelyn chewed on her bottom lip as she thought about, leaning back in her chair and shoving the binder onto the vanity. 
“It’s only going to get more awkward if we don’t do the latter.” With a sigh, she grabbed her water bottle and got down from the chair. “I’m going to put on something comfy then go see if he’s in his trailer. Can someone practice with me on how to not say that I’m confusing the characters relationship and emotions for real life?”
“Or you just be honest that maybe all your feelings are real life. He’s giving it right back, Ev, we’ve all seen it.” 
“And then what happens? I ask him to twiddle his fucking thumbs while Logan drags me through court for the rest of my life?” She tucked her feet into a pair of UGGs and grabbed her phone from where it was charging. “No matter if anything is going on between Cal and I, he deserves better than what I have to offer him or anyone right now.” There was no reason to drag someone she cared about as much as him into this mess. No reason to ruin whatever relationship they currently had if she didn’t have to. Evelyn had gotten used to seeing him and Golo at the end of every day and running lines and laughing while taking a smoke break when they all got food delivered and hung out as a group. He was always sending her some funny video saying it reminded him of her and teasing her about how his mustache tickled her when they kissed and she was happy around him in a way she hadn’t been in a long time. 
“Ev? Did you hear what Tracy said?” 
“No, I was-” She stopped when they were all smiling at her like they knew all her secrets. “Whatever. None of you are helping. I’ll just fucking wing it and see you later.” Evelyn took a few deep breaths of fresh air and walked to the trailer in question only a few yards away, Golo popping his head into the window and barking once when he noticed her arrival. 
“My Evelyn door bell was ringing.” Callum opened the door before she had the chance to knock and her momentary freeze was interrupted by the dog that was eager for her attention. 
“Hi, baby,” she cooed as she squatted to scratch at his ears and laugh around his kisses. “It’s only been a couple days, Golo!” 
“He told me you give the best belly scratches and he wants them everyday,” Callum said as he leaned his back against the doorway. “You want to come in or you just swung by to see this one?” She stood up and pulled her sweatshirt down to cover her exposed skin.
“I wanted to talk about earlier. Unless now isn’t a good time or unless you didn’t want to talk about it all.” He paused for a beat as he thought about the two options she had just presented. One offered an understanding of whatever it was that was palpable between them. There would be no more guessing. But there was the trap. Because if the answer was that the lines had just blurred. That the tension was based in the characters and only existed on set, then he would rather not know. He would rather float through the turmoil of not knowing because at least his heart had a chance at remaining whole.
“No, we can talk about it.” Callum opened the door wider and stepped to the side as she and his dog crossed the threshold. “You want a bottle of water? Something else?” 
“Just water is fine.” Evelyn sat in a chair and wiped her sweaty palms on the top of her thighs. He handed her a bottle of water and leaned against the wall opposite. “I, uh, I wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier. I shouldn’t have pushed you away like that, I know it was just an accident. And it was my fault anyway. I shouldn’t have deviated from what we discussed with the intimacy coordinator. That is what they are here for and it was inappropriate of me to…do what I did.” Kiss him like it was real. Move her hips in the hopes she would catch some friction between her legs. Observe the look on his face as he had acted out his orgasm. She had never found the way Logan looked when he came particularly mesmerizing. But that’s how she would describe the feeling of looking at Callum.
“Takes two to tango. Nothing to apologize for.” He looked down at his feet and Evelyn sat, waiting for him to say something more. Something further. Anything. 
“Ok. Yeah, ok. I’ll get out of here.” She stood and stared at him for a beat but he seemed incapable of looking at her. She probably disgusted him. Just wanted her to promise to never do it again so he could move on with his life and his career. And the quicker she left, the quicker she could go to her rental flat and cry in the shower with a bottle of white wine. 
Her right hand was around the doorknob when his hand encircled her left wrist. She paused.
“It’s not just the characters bleeding into my thoughts and actions,” he whispered as her eyes closed and her forehead rested against the door. “My feelings for you are as real they fucking get.”
“I know. I know. Tell me to get over it and I will, Ev. Tell me you only view me as a friend and I will work every goddamn to get over it to keep you in my life. Tell me I am losing my mind.” Evelyn was breathless as she was trying to find the courage to turn and face him. The grip on her wrist was loosening, Cal admitting defeat and letting her go, so she turned and slipped her hand so it was holding his instead.
“You are losing your mind. But I guess I am too.” He looked up at her with eyebrows raised in surprise. A step forward closed any gap between them. “My life…my life is so complicated right now. And you don’t deserve being dragged into that.” They both ached to touch each other but didn’t want to upset the current balance between them. 
“I don’t want to complicate things for you. That is the last thing I would ever want,” he breathed. 
“But I also don’t know when things will ever not be complicated. Logan…he’s dragging things out. Trying to suck me dry. Trying to make me suffer.” Everyone around her was telling her that he was trying to bully her into getting back with him. That he didn’t want this divorce in the first place and would make her life so miserable until she cracked and broke down and went crawling back to him. 
“You tell me what you want to do, Ev. I’ll wait if you ask me to. Wait until the timing is right and we can try to do this the right way.” It would pain him to wait but at least he would know she was waiting on the other side. Having her at arm's length was better than not having her at all.
“Or.” Her voice dropped to a whisper and she brought a shaking, unsure hand to his cheek. Callum’s mouth parted at the contact, his own hand resting on top of hers as he felt like he could drop to his knees and worship her at the simple contact alone. “Or I stop letting him dictate a single second of my life. And we go do something sickeningly normal tomorrow night. Just the two of us.”
“Austin will be heartbroken,” he teased. She giggled. “I can take you to my favorite pub in Chelsea. They can be discrete.” 
“Ok.” Her hand dropped from his cheek and she took a step back towards the door. 
“I’ll see you bright and early, Mr. Turner.” 
“Counting down the seconds, Ms. Shaw.” She turned away from him with a twinkling laugh and exited with a goodbye to Golo as well. “I’ve got a date tomorrow, mate. What the fuck do I wear?” Golo merely blinked at him. 
He doesn’t know how he had managed to reach the heights he was currently soaring to. The most beautiful woman on the planet asking him to take her to a pub. The most talented woman on the planet touching him like he was precious porcelain. He would do anything just for her eyes to land on him. His chest ached to protect her and care for her and let her know she was never alone because she would always have him. The weight of what tomorrow night could mean for him and for her and for a potential future resting on his shoulders. He planned to rise to the challenge just like she deserved. Fight for her to heal. Fight for her to find peace and love.
Fight for their love story to end with the three words she deserved more than anything.
Happily ever after.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
1000 follower special!
So I decided to make this huge headcanon post for Yandere ocs(since my Yandere stories are part of why I got so many followers). I’ll probably do a part 2 later. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my pieces of writing.
Yandere Jock🏈🏉
Brad is horny. He will literally beg you to let him have sex with you.
Luckily he does have every contraceptive and pregnancy prevention medicine possible.
A new oral birth control comes on the market, he gets it for you. You want to get an IUD? He makes an appointment.
As you get further in the relationship, eventually he will get therapy for himself because he got sick of seeing you so embarrassed whenever he tries to fight other guys who look at you back in your college years.
Thankfully said therapy changes him for the better.
Pre-therapy Brad would’ve been happy that you got pregnant and wouldn’t even think of an abortion.
But with therapy, when Brad finds out you’re pregnant, he immediately asks if you’re ok, do you want the baby(Cus if you don’t he’ll pay for the abortion and take care of you afterwards)
If you choose to keep the baby, he’s putting his marriage Pinterest boards to use.
If you thought bridezillas were bad, then you haven’t met Bradzilla.
“I can’t stress my fiancé out with all the wedding stuff! She’s pregnant and I can’t risk her and babies health!”
He makes sure everything is perfect and even buys a new house for you and the baby.
Brad waits on you hand and foot. Literally watches all the Instagram reels for baby hacks.
Yandere Vampire🦇🩸
Nos feels guilty about the wedding.
He literally tries to make up with your grandma and family.
Let’s just say you had to pull your grandma and every male relative off Nos.
Nos’s family treats you wonderfully.
They even help you through your vampire pregnancy.
Meanwhile, your family eventually accepts Nos and tolerated what he did to you.
Nos is rich af and he treats you like he is.
Even though you’re married, you’re going on midnight dates.
You are wined and dined.
He even cooks meals for you
Nos makes strawberry sorbet mixed with blood of your choice.
He is definitely a kiss man. Literally loves kissing your cheeks and neck.
Nos does apologize for scaring every boy away from you. You had to understand it was so he could marry you and your village wouldn’t be destroyed silly-
Guides you through being a vampire and even helps you get powerful enough to be in the sunlight.
Which pleases you greatly because you loved your village’s summers.
Yandere Werewolf 🌕🐺
The switch between Aaron’s personality when he’s a human vs a werewolf is like night and day.
The minute Aaron goes back to normal and sees you, NAKED, in his cave….oh boy…
“Aaaahh! I’m sorry I glanced at your body!”
You almost start to miss the werewolf him. Almost.
Aaron’s semi traditional values kick in and he immediately proposes and starts wedding plans so it will look like the baby was conceived AND born in wedlock.
The good side is that with marrying Aaron you get the amazing villa out in the French countryside surrounded by beautiful flowers.
The bad side is that Aaron has free reign to control his werewolf abilities.
And that’s when his shy personality becomes more dominant.
I mean you find it hot, but the amount of body hair he sheds makes you irritated.
At least he takes good care of his hair and washes it. And he goes through the effort of waxing and shaving his legs just to appease you(take that body standards!)
He gets even hotter when living in the woods because he lets his hair grow out.
Aaron even lets you pull his back length hair during sex.
He’s also a great father. He will chase and play with pups while you rest up.
Your children love their papa and mama. Aaron lets the pups climb on his hair.
Aaron also teaches you how to breastfeed, change diapers, etc.
He actually took a parenting class before he got bit.
Aaron also took care of you during the pregnancy. Literally snuggled, gave you food, took you to appointments, fed you prenatal vitamins. He even acted your body pillow.
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sofasoap · 1 year
Lastochka - Raging waves - Prologue
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( aka Mini MacTavish) + OC (child) +Task Force 141
Summary: Sequel to the Lastochka series Just as everyone think life is peaceful and calm, the past comes crashing back into both your life.
WARNING: Mature Theme. Violence ( physical and gun ), Original child character. talk of blood and trauma. kidnapping. strong languages.
A/N : Official prologue. Finally manage to tidy it up and add more things in. I am sorry @gamergirlbones. I know I was suppose to write the crack fic....... * hide*
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Door slammed open, Ghost spotted the tiny figure hiding in the dark corner of the wardrobe, clutching to a crochet doll tightly, while clamping her small hands over her mouth, body shaking and eyes wide with terror. 
“Uncle Simon!!” Ghost swung his gun quickly over his shoulder, crouching down with open arms to catch the petite girl as she scrambles over piles of clothes and boxes, lunging herself at him, tears finally spilling over her fear infested orbs. 
“Shh. it's ok.” Ghost tries to soothe his niece the best he can as he gently cradles her in his arms, letting out a relief sigh.
Raising his hand to pat the frightened girl on the head, he noticed the red sticky substance covering her backside. 
Ghost pulled Anya away from him,alarmed. Scanning her up and down, checking for any signs of injuries.
“Love, are you hurt? Did someone hurt you??Tell uncle Si…” 
“Anya! Where are you Anya!” 
Both of their heads turned, Nikolai storming up the staircase, frantically calling for his daughter. He was followed closely by Price, Soap and Gaz emerged from the other rooms seconds later. 
“Papa!! Papa!!!” Little Anya burst into tears again as she cried for her father. Ghost immediately passed her into Nikolai’s embrace. Nikolai gave his daughter a tight hug, followed by kisses on her face. “Are you alright my little dove?” Nikolai asked as he checked over his daughter carefully, “ Why have you got blood all over you?! Where is your Ma?” 
“Ma told me to be a good girl and hide in there,” Anya replied in a wavering voice, pointing into the wardrobe, “and.. And.. there were so many scary men… hurting Ma… Ma told me to close my eyes….” The poor little girl, trying her best to recount the event, distressed. 
“Close your eyes, Mah bairn, remember that silly song uncle Johnny taught you? Just keep singing and clutch onto me tight, ok?” 
Sounds of gunshot ringing throughout the house, Anya tried her hardest singing out loud, eyes closed, burying her head into your chest. 
Men yelling, sounds of you screaming as you break through waves of men trying to reach the two of you. 
One, two, three, four, five.  Shot after shot. Until you ran out of bullets. You pull the knife off some of the dead attack’s vest and slash the arm of the enemy as they try to grab you, and stabbing them right in the eyes.  Turning around, slashing the next attacker right in the throat, blood spraying out, covering both of you and your daughter. 
You made a quick run up the stairs as you saw the opening. Right into the spare room in the corner of the house where it is currently used as a storage room, full of stuff. You open the wardrobe and tuck Anya right in the corner. 
“Stay in here, and try not to make a sound, ok? No matter what happened.” The little girl covered her mouth, nodded her head furiously .
“Papa and uncle will come and save us soon. We will be ok.” Giving her one last kiss on the forehead, as if this might be the last time you lay your eyes on your most precious treasure in the world, you throw some clothes on top of her, shove some boxes in front before slamming the door shut. 
“I heard some bad guys talking.. And… and.. Ma.. Ma she screamed. So loud. .. and I don’t know what happened…” Anya clutch onto Nikolai’s vest, shaking uncontrollably. 
Nikolai received an alert on his phone and a broken voice mail from you hours ago. 
“Intruders…. Parameter breached…. Anya…” The message was cut off abruptly. He tried to call back immediately, checking the security system.  Nothing. No reception or access at all. 
Nikolai was beyond furious. At the enemy. At himself. He thought he had his family kept safe. His two precious little birds in his safety.  With his reputation and connection with both sides of the world. Clearly someone who is daring or stupid enough try to threaten him. But.. who? And why?
He had the best security and network set up around the family home. Only a handful of people knew about the location, let alone how to access the system.
That’s when he knew they were facing a bigger enemy than expected. 
Chill runs down his spine. The same nightmare from years ago. The failed mission left his Lastochka traumatised and scarred and nearly lost her life. It’s happening again. 
Soap stares at his brother in law. Lip tightly pressed together. His tightly clench and shaking fist emitting his fury and anger. 
“House is clear. Apart from the dead bodies downstairs, there are no other signs of life…” Gaz whispered into Price’s ear, worry sipping through between his words. 
Nikolai is seeing red.  Crimson red. 
So is John MacTavish. 
“You promised.” Soap growled as he stepped forward towards Nikolai, barely containing his anger. “To keep them out of danger.” another step forward, voice raised, “No harm will come to them,” another step forward, “ And this. THIS happened. My sister missing. My niece traumatised!” 
“You think I want this to happen?” Nikolai snarled, holding onto his daughter tighter, “You think I will deliberately let harm come to my precious birds?” flaring his nostril, he stuck his face closer to his brother in law, matching his tone and volume. “I have done everything I can, within my power, and beyond, to keep them hidden from my past, my enemies. You..!”
Anya’s wailing snapped Nikolai and Soap out of their heated argument. 
“Papa… Uncle Soapy.. Please don’t yell…. I want Mama!!! I miss Mama…!!!” Anya couldn’t hold herself back any longer. Hours of hiding in the closet, witnessing the traumatising event, hearing her father and uncle clashing at each other, was all too much for her to bear. 
Price put his hand onto his friend’s shoulder, gripping it tight, to remind him of the situation. 
“Nikolai. Soap. Both of you can argue later. Now is not the time nor place.” 
Ghost grabbed Soap’s vest, pulling him back, mumbling under his breath trying to calm him down. 
“Come Anya, let’s clean you up.” Gaz gently lifts the distressed toddler out of Nikolai’s arm, away from the raging adults as he gives Nikolai and Soap disapproving looks. “Can you show me where you keep your clean clothes and bathroom, yea?” Anya hiccupped and nodded as she put one of her arm around Gaz’s neck, the other pointing down the corridor.  Just as Gaz was about to turn away from the group, all of their communicator crackled and mobile phones chimed at same time. 
The five men look at each other, before carefully taking the phones out and checking the message. 
Two pictures appeared. One of you lying in a pool of blood, Nikolai realise from the background it was from the failed mission years ago, another of you tied to the chair with a gun aimed at your head. 
– The little bird is in the cage.  The countdown starts, before the beautiful swallow breaks her wings forever. 
“Welcome. We met again. Lady Fortuna. Let's see if your reputation can save you this time.” 
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like I stated before.. I am going to take it real slow with this series. I don't want to mess it up. I might end up going on long hiatus or abandon it totally if I can't come up with good in depth plot. * bow* please bear with me.
Tag list:
@homicidal-slvt @nrdmssgs @siilvan @roosterr
@preciouslittlecreature @floral-force @jynxmirage @gamergirlbones
@okayyadriana @anna-banana27
@celshideout  @devcica
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just-call-mefr1es · 5 months
lil infodump bout that band camp tbp au i made within my head because @staggersz is keeping me hostage🫶🏽 /j
so, im not all that familiar with band camps in general, i just know its like summer camp,,,,,, but instruments,,, so yeah really interesting. i’m pretyyyy sure that band camp becomes available when honour band becomes available because they handed out scholarships for band camp (or whatever) when i was in honour band so yeah. not sure if its different in the states but oh well (im canadian)
alright alrigth,, so i dont have a deadset outlook on the au yet (just silly thoughts and ideas) womp womp for me. i mostly have down the instruments from that post i made about guessing what instrument they would play, if you wanna know what instruments they have but dont wanna scroll thru my blog to find the post (dont blame you) just send an ask xx
what i have so far: bruce definitely got a scholarship. not sure if they do that in U S and an A but whatever if they dont. making this up as i go along, dont judge. anygays, if band camps are still following ‘typical summer camp culture’, with the bunks, cabins and shit (ill do research later sjsjsj) then boom. all basement boys™️ (or should i say,, BANDboys.. haha im so funny) are sharing a bunk. yipee. theyre also probably separated by gender so gwen n amy’ll share a cabin^^
just realized i forgot donna (IM SO SORRY) bass clarinet. no arguments? no arguments.
kk, so bruce has definitely been going to band camp for a while, perhaps vance as well. OOO what if they bickered. haha mutual-dislike-towards-one-another to okay-we-can-work-together-for-the-sake-of-our-cabin to hey-you’re-actually-kinda-cool to friends to wait-a-damn-minute, so on and so forth???? hell yeah actually
AAAAA THE IDEAS ARE FLOODING INNNxkmskddmmddmd what if,, because band camp open to everyone n shit (i caANT WORD UGH),, what if finney n robin were childhood friends, one moved (idk which one) then they reunited at band camp⁉️⁉️⁉️ rinney enthusiasts better take that and run idk what else to do
as much as i love griffin, i have no idea- wait nevermind i do and im too lazy to rewrite thst sentence. cause i gave him an older sister (ocs, they are old yes, but i dont care. will talk about them later) no doubt she joined, he just wanted to be with his sister for the summer. okay yeah that works. same could go for billy, since i reduced him to middle child status (sorry my guy) but i feel like he just joined for funsies.
okay thats all my brain can think about for now, im gonna create an animatic in my head then cry about it for an hour now byeee
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nonbinary-niki-bog · 8 months
An Appreciation Post :)
hmm...would it be easier if i ask separate asks? probably.
but i'm going to do it this way since that way i know it won't be eaten by Tumblr's asks.
(none of you need to read this if you don't want to, of course, but i just want to say this here instead :D, and i hope that i manage to tag the correct person here because that'll be really weird if i didn't, haha)
(also 'keep reading' because it feels too long for a normal post :p)
@im-a-chunky-potato - i know i have said this multiple times (it's because i can't say this enough) but thank you for welcoming me into this community. i am not joking when i say that you are the one who got me started on this :D.
@hopelessbluebird - thank you for also can't wait for something new to happen in askryuu (come on guys we can make askryuu reach it's milestone. i know we can)
(note: this took me so long that i wrote this before you got 200 followers on askryuu, so please don't come at me for that T^T)
and i can't forget C, now can i? nope i can't. wherever Blue is, C will soon to follow (i have no clue if that's even true, but it sounds poetic). i'm sorry if you don't want to get roped into this, C.
C, you and Blue are both very nice and (insert some cool and appreciative words here since my brain refuses to work right now, so sorry T^T).
to be completely honest, i don't know that much (since whenever you (C) are on it seems like i'm off), but you are doing great, so keep doing what you're doing :D.
@sunnikos - Sunni!!! you are a nice person who is also very fun, and i like our interactions in the server :D (even if we don't really interact on here).
@caffeiiine - Soda! i absolutely your art style. it is so pretty. and you are just a nice person in general.
@rogues-stuff-bc-yes - Rouge! we don't really talk like at all here, but i would like to thank you for being an inspiration for my anon :D. you are generally a cool person and i really like Kaito <3.
@rainythealias - Rainy!!! you get appreciated too. you're nice and it's nice interacting with you whenever we do.
@circuslemon - i know we don't really interact that much on here, Lemon, but you're fun in the server and your ideas are so cool to read :D
@teddymochi - Teddy! thank you for giving me enough courage to continue sharing my AU. and your drawing and art are really nice as well.
(sorry i don't really remember your name on here. please forgive me T^T)
@creatorbiaze - your OCs are cool. you are cool. you and @teddymochi are cool. both of you are cool.
is that everyone? i hope so and i hope that it's not too much? i don't know anymore.
and thank you to those of you who have to deal with my little precious characters (you know who you are...i mean, i hope you do) and i do hope that they are not giving you guys trouble.
and to those who run ask blogs, no one will be able to do what you do for the community that you are a part of and that your characterization are the best characterization.
and also, thank you everyone who is interested in my silly little AU :D.
remember that you are all an amazing human being and i appreciate every single one of you for who you are <3.
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resowrites · 2 years
Spanner - drabble.
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Summary: Henry attempts a home repair…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, dialogue heavy, language, nondescript OC body type/appearance, brief allusion to smut, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 804
A/N: Another one pulled from my drafts, if you want more let me know lol
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! No copyright infringement intended, gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Spanner - drabble.
She was only two hours into her work when the house became strangely cold. The heating was timed to switch off at midday so she decided to head downstairs and investigate. Henry had only been back from filming a few days but was already sending her loopy. She got particularly worried when she passed the den and couldn't hear him gaming with his mates. She crossed her fingers, hoping he'd taken Kal out for a walk. But no, the pooch was laying flat out on the rug in the living room. To her shock, she found him huddled over the boiler in the corner of the kitchen, its cover removed and on the floor beside him. "Er, Henry… what are you doing?!" She managed to keep her voice calm but rushed over to him all the same. He turned around and flashed her his usual cheeky grin.
"Ha-llo my darling! I came in to see why the heating had switched off and the warning lights were flashing. I'm just going to reset it." Her blood ran cold.
"Oh God Henry, no, please… we’ve talked about home repairs. Come on, give me that spanner.*" She desperately tried to reach for it, causing him to hold it up even higher.
"Sorry babe, the manual reset didn't work so I'm gunna have to do a bit of tightening here and there. Don't worry, YouTube's got me sorted." Henry tried not to laugh as her mouth fell open in horror.
"YouTube?! Henry for God’s sake, no! You are not fiddling with something that can fucking explode!"
"Oh behave yourself, if it's that dangerous why are there tutorials? The one I watched was from a first-rate gas man and--" she quickly cut him off.
"You're a first-fucking-rate gas man. Now go give the guy or someone else a ring, please. I'll wait in and you can go walk Kal--" Henry put the tool down and pulled her in for a hug before she could grab it.
"Listen to me darling, I promise you it's just a minor fault. There's no need to call anyone out and anyway, they won't be as handsome as me so it's a win-win for you. Why don't you go make me a sarnie? If you feed workmen they work faster." He gave her a quick peck on the forehead before picking up the spanner and restarting the video on his phone. She peered around his shoulders.
"Oh my God, that video isn't even ten minutes long!"
"So? I only needed to watch the first two. Now, skedaddle." She really did start to panic.
"Henry, please, I'm begging you… at least let me have a shower first! God knows when we'll have hot water again!" Suddenly Henry hissed and jolted backward. "SEE?! Oh darling please, you'll hurt yourself!" His shoulders started shaking and she pulled him around to find him giggling.
"I was only joking silly arse!" She swatted him on the arm and held her head in her hand. He bent low to kiss her once again.
"Stop. Worrying. Go take Kal for a walk, you seem stressed." She returned Henry's smirk with a scowl and stormed off.
"Fine dickhead, but if the house blows up, you better hope to God you go with it!" She slammed the kitchen door, earning another chuckle from him.
She didn't know whether to be pleased or disappointed that she was almost home and hadn't yet heard an explosion. The house came into view at the top of the road and even the windows were still intact. She held her breath as she passed through the front door. It was still cold. She rolled her eyes as she unclipped Kal's leash and removed her coat. Henry was nowhere to be seen so she tiptoed into the kitchen, hoping not to lure him back, but instead found the boiler humming away like normal. She was still standing there when he started thumping down the stairs. "So? Do I get an apology?" She jumped and spun around to find him standing before her in only a towel.
"What are you talking about? The house is still freezing, and at least stand on the bloody rug… you're dripping everywhere!"
"Oh, she of little faith! You don't need the heating on when the shower's running. You won't need it on now either if you care to follow your gas man upstairs…" She ignored his cheeky wink and grabbed the towel off his body. She then kneeled to mop the floor but looked back up when he wouldn't budge. Instead, he just stood there, grinning.
"… Now suck me off." They both laughed before she snapped to her feet and whipped Henry’s backside with the towel all around the house.
*I think non-Brits call it a wrench. Happily, it's also slang for idiot.
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squirrelno2 · 5 months
Assuming that you play Swtor... Who are your main 8 Ocs and what's your favorite class/romance?
muahahaha so you have in fact met at least one of them via my sideblog, @relevant-url-incoming, because you asked about Kit there, but I always welcome the chance to ramble/infodump/annoy the shit out of people who are following me for not-even-star-wars-adjacent things SO:
(disclaimer: this may get spoilery. it's all very out of context spoilers, but if anyone reading this cares about swtor spoilers. be warned.)
Ven is a name some people following me here will remember, specifically as a four year old Nautolan who adopts Dogma, the clone. She also, in the grand scheme of my silly little swtor nonsense, is a time traveller who grows up to fuck shit up in the distant past. As one does. She's my trooper and my Alliance Commander and my precious baby girl mary sue beloved. She's also committed a few war crimes in her youth but what is a war crime to the star wars galaxy anyway? nobody knows. it's fine.
Nalyan is her brother, newly introduced in the same fic series i allude to above, and my smuggler. He is... grumpy. and an asshole. and also overall much more likely to save an enemy than most of my ocs, but that always surprises people due to the grumpiness. I ship him very hard with Corso and Risha who I do not ship with each other, which makes for a delightful dynamic in my head. sometimes besties just have sex with the same man it's whatever.
Kitiver is my Jedi Knight whose anxiety made him fall big-time, and he is full of self-loathing and self-doubt. He's overall kind of neutral in how the game sets up morality but when I write him it's the inwardly directed anger and the way that splashes out onto others that keeps him dark, even though all he wants is to be a good person. He doesn't really believe he's capable of that, anymore. oops.
Kaojacol is my Consular who went from a kind of coldhearted closed off person to the biggest softie who just wants to be a good friend and wife and mom. She's... a good friend? to be fair to her the wife and mom thing kind of got out of control with the whole zakuul thing. Sorry Felix and also the kid I made up for them.
Exchei is my Sith Inquisitor and she's so nice, for someone who'll shock you with Force lightning if you piss her off. Her backstory is always kind of fresh in her mind, and she really really wants to reform the Empire and stop slavery. also if you give her something nice and expensive and don't betray her she'll love you forever, which is how Andronikos sold her on the whole romance thing when she still wasn't sure if she could trust him.
Ri'gastio is a fucking asshole and also my bounty hunter. He's just. He's the guy who does every mean thing and kills everyone he can kill and makes everyone pay for everything he does for them because he figures if the world screwed him over there's no point in him being nice. He might as well do the same. I want to smack him so badly.
Tavansa is my Sith Warrior, she is my pathetic wet cat lesbian who just wants Vette to love her in spite of her many murderous tendencies and the fact that she's kind of unbearable to be around. A real attack dog kind of person, if an attack dog was also always calculating how people might perceive her behaviour so she can make sure the people (Vette) she cares about see her in the best light possible.
Sarrant is my Agent and he's... very hard to explain honestly? Like he starts out super loyal and that gets burned to hell and back, and he falls for fucking Kaliyo of all people even though he likes to let people live and help them out and generally enjoys being nice, and he also will just cut a bitch for looking at him wrong - man has issues. He's made lighter choices than his sister Tavansa but he is equally fucked.
As for my favourite class and romance uhhhh... story-wise it probably is Jedi Knight because that shit is juicy, though i think in terms of juiciness Agent is also up there. But if we're talking straight-up soft spots I really like the trooper storyline. I like that I got to force Ven to solve the trolley problem like twenty times. That was great. She names her kid after Jaxo, that's how bad that hurt her.
I also really like romancing Jorgan, possibly also because of Ven, but especially for Timothy Omundson's little voice crack when you reunite with him. Like damn. how can i resist that. I haven't romanced Elara in-game yet but the version of her that lives in my head and is married to Ven and Jorgan is great. kind of terrified to find out if the actual romance lives up to that but I adore her so if it doesn't I shall simply rewrite it.
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puexii · 5 months
Yuh so imma just drop this really old thing I wrote a while ago with my ocs hrhrr
Includes many outdated facts like Ren going out frequently and them living in a warehouse
actually Ren is not allowed to go out by himself and they live in Clyde's apartment but anyways
Oh also I hadn't really figured Clyde's personality out back when I wrote this so uhh ye
Oh ye also the kit having a cat thing was based on a drawing I made at the time, not sure if I'm keeping it in canon
Anyways onto the thing itself
Ren “RN-E5” finds a moth
One time, while Ren was outside on one of the buildings observing from a high place like usual, he found a moth, or rather a moth found him.
“Hmm? Whats this?” Ren said when he noticed a cool bug, “it looks so cool! And fluffy!” Ren said surprised by the coolness of the bug “i should go show everyone!” Ren said to himself excited about the cool bug. Ren then stood up and spread his wings, preparing to fly back home, which is the warehouse they stay in, except while doing so the moth got scared and flew away. “W-WAIT!” Ren asked the moth while trying to follow it. “I didnt mean to scare you!” Ren said while the moth continued to fly away.
Ren started to fly behind the moth, trying to not crash with it. The moth tried to speed up since there was a giant (compared to the moth) robot following it. “I dont wanna hurt you! I just wanna show you my friends thats all!” Ren said to the moth attempting to make it stop.
After a while of flying and attempts at persuading the moth, they started to get tired. Then the moth went into a narrow place, trying to escape the robot thats been following it for three hours now. Ren finally realised that he was scaring the moth all this time, and also decided he should probably save the charge he has left for the flight home. “Oh uhm, sorry i didnt mean to scare you like that.” ren said while preparing to leave.
After a bit he reached the warehouse and landed. When he went inside he took off his wings and decided that he should probably go to bed early this time since he flew alot that day, except he was interrupted by clyde who noticed he finally came home after staying outside later than usual. “So what were you up to today?” Clyde asked ren, “i found this really cool bug today and wanted to be friends with it and show you guys like kit did with their cat! Except i might have followed it for too long and scared it so i thought i should probably leave alone.” Ren told clyde. “And you were flying all this time? No wonder your battery started to run out.” Clyde said while leaning on the wall, “hehe, yeah, i did that!” Ren said while chuckling realising that he didnt really think this through. “Ok ill go now, i still need to recharge.” Ren said while starting to leave “alright, see ya!” Clyde said while waving to ren goodbye.
The next day ren went back to the building looking around as usual, until someone familiar came beside him, “oh hey! You came back! I honestly never expected this since what i did to you yesterday!” Ren said while laughing lightly, remembering his stupidity the previous day. Suddenly the moth started approaching ren slowly, “hm?” Ren said while noticing the moth approaching, “I thought you hated me.” Ren says while confused by the moth’s behaviour. Then the moth flew and sat on ren’s head, “huh, you seem to be a very forgiving lil guy!” Ren said happily, still confused by the moth’s behaviour. The moth stayed up their, seemingly forgiving the silly bot, though ren didnt notice since he couldnt feel the moth up their.
After a while when ren decided to go do something else, he noticed the moth, surprised by the fact that the moth was up their the whole time, he didnt really say anything, only making a “:O” face. Before he could say anything, the moth started to leave, maybe going home, “oh! Uhh bye mr bug! Or ms i couldnt really tell. Was nice hanging out with you!” Ren said while waving to the moth goodbye.
Ren was happy for the rest of the day, perhaps he made a new friend! Later when he went home he told kit and Clyde about how he became friends with the cool bug he saw the other day, kit seemed happy about the story, clyde was surprised by the bug’s behavior but he didnt think much of it.
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hellonoblesky · 1 year
(Under a cut bc I got so invested talking abt this w Cio (bungoustraypups) that I made. several characters to accompany his backstory)
Ok so two main things you need to know for this
1: Hirotsu trans ftm but I'm just gonn call him He this whole time. BUT NOTE: He doesn't come out until like right towards the end, so he's still presenting as a girl for most of this 2: in 70s Japan, girls weren't allowed to join gangs. In response to this, they made their own, called sukeban gangs
So basically to set the scene. Pre-bsd Yokohama. The Port Mafia has yet to rise to infamy. Sukeban gangs are forming in the streets. One of them features our Hirotsu as one of their members. A scrappy kid, not yet having fully discovered himself, and with so much pent up anger at the world that he doesn't quite know what to do with.
The gang he's in is small. There's members who come in and out of it, but there's four main members. They've got abilities. That's why they're the four main ones. And that's why they stick together.
(Yes they're my OCs sorry guys I got too silly <- isn't sorry at all)
So the lineup is as follows:
Inoue Youko: Her ability, Through Walls and War, allows her to see through walls when she closes her left eye. She's the team lookout, and can pull her weight in a fight pretty damn well
Saikita Hiroko: the group's mechanic and getaway artist. Her ability, Whispers in Metal, allows her to "understand" and "speak to" machines
Hino Koyuki: not a fighter or a runner, Koyuki is a thief and a schemer. Her ability, Down to the Bone, is a constantly active ability that causes her to only see living things as their internal workings. She can only see faces through photos and videos
And Hirotsu, of course
So the thing is. Their gang, because of their combined Abilities, gives them such a wild advantage over the other sukeban in the area, that the other gangs get sick of them, and start to Plot.
So while Hirotsu and the gang are busy trying to figure out what the hell they're supposed to make their living situation (they're fresh out of high school) (3/4 of them got kicked out of home due to their delinquency) (1/4 of them never really had a home to begin with)(not telling you which one tho)(It's Koyuki), almost every other sukeban gang converges on them.
It is not an easy fight. In fact, it's a fight so rough that their rivals manage to tear out Youko's right eye, the one she needs to look through in order to use her ability, essentially taking away her access to her ability as a whole. It's a fight so rough that it's the reason Hirotsu wears a monocle. Because his eye got fucked up in the brawl. And it's a fight so rough that it leaves the four of them clinging to an actively breaking down boat that Hiroko is desperately trying to keep running for dear life as they run.
It's about here Hirotsu comes out as trans and whatever, everyone else is chill with it, it's whatevs. They don't flaunt being Sukeban at this time anyway because they're trying to slip under the radar as they get back into Yokohama
This is when Hirostu stumbles into the Port Mafia. It wasn't as impressive as it is now at the time, but it was good enough that they could offer him a place to stay, and enough of a wage to send to his friends to keep them afloat while they worked things out. He doesn't want to get them involved in more gang wars. He's worried about Youko and how she's dealing with the loss of her ability. He's worried about Koyuki, who's frailer than the rest of them and shudders away from most people. And he's worried about Hiroko, who's snagging odd mechanics jobs just on the off chance she can grab lunch.
So he takes up the PM's offer. He does not let the other three join. They get into a fight about this. They split ways for a long time, but Hirotsu still sends money.
His loyalty to the PM becomes fierce. He forms the Black Lizard.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OCs still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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MY MUSE IS: canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated. (headcanon heavy)
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (kinda?? people think he's annoying)
I try to stick to canon as much as I can, but my Ivar is also pretty headcanon driven at times because canon doesn't give us a ton to work with. He's just such an interesting character to me. Just as interesting as Jude, but even more so since they're like two sides of the same coin. I try to take his views on Jude into account but also try to focus on a bit more than that. Like... boy has a one track mind, but there's more to him than just being hyper focused on Milla or Jude. You know?
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.
My lovely mutuals, I present to you one good boy chosen to be the handmaid of Milla Maxwell!
He's devoted, he's loyal, and he's willing to drop everything in the name of doing his duties. He is a beastcrafter, meaning he can communicate with animals! He dual wields daggers! He's funny!
He's also good with kids and animals. Could be a good babysitter (maybe). Also, he has cool sunglasses! What's not to like?
Also he's (maybe??) near unkillable to some degree? Boy lodged a piece of his own dagger into his head and survived.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
Okay so let's get this out of the way. Ivar is a dingus supreme. That willingness to drop everything to fulfill his duties? The downside to that is that if he thinks his duty to protect Milla is more important than say, protecting Nia Khera, he will drop the latter in favor of the former. Much to the annoyance of anyone involved.
Ivar can be pretty intense when it comes to how he decides who he doesn't like. Sorry, Jude, but you're the best example here. Boyo was going to try and kill Jude because how dare Milla have someone else that she puts a lot of trust in instead of him. Boyo got so focused on fighting Jude that he allowed Milla to start crawling away to get to her destination on her own.
So, yeah, he's got a short temper. That can lead to him doing dumb things, especially if he thinks it will lead to him one upping someone he doesn't like.
Also, don't let him anywhere near guns. The fact he accidentally fired one while trying to teach Ludger how to use one should be all you need to know.
I've always really liked Ivar as a character. As stated above, I love the fact that he and Jude basically are two sides of the same coin. The fandom thinks he's annoying and while I can at least see where they're coming from, I think there's a lot more to him than what the fandom sees. He's fascinating to me. I feel like he could have made an interesting addition to the party.
Mostly, though? I just wanted to give him some love. So I grabbed him as one of my many muses. Because he's my silly little guy.
Just thinking about this dingus is enough sometimes. But also like?? Plotting and chatting with my friends is also a big help. Just having other Tales writers to bounce off of, especially other Xillia muse enjoyers, is just the ticket.
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS? YES / NO / KINDA. (I really should write more headcanons!)
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES? YES / NO. (not for Ivar specifically, but that might change!)
YES ABSOLUTELY. As long as it's not just 'Lol, your Ivar sucks' and doing nothing to elaborate on how I could improve, then by all means throw your critique at me!
I mean, it depends on the headcanon. Like I headcanon Ivar is very distantly related to the Kresnik Clan based on tiny things I picked up on in my most recent playthrough of Xillia 2. Mostly just in relation to the Maxwell stuff. But I could see people seeing that headcanon and going 'Um?? No, that's dumb' and I would be fine with that. Different interpretations, it's all good.
Now if it was my headcanon that Ivar's got a forehead scar from the aforementioned dagger piece getting lodged in his head that people disagreed with, that would be something I'd like to hear about.
I mean, honestly? There's always going to be people that don't like how people write canon characters. If someone disagrees with how I write Ivar? That's all good. So I wouldn't be too bothered.
It only would become an issue if someone disagreed with my portrayal and then like... proceeded to be nasty about it. You know?
So far I've not come across anyone who actively hates Ivar, which is good. But I know the fandom is pretty quick to call him annoying which, honestly, I could see as people just jumping to hating him because of how he's presented. Especially in Xillia 1. So if you hate Ivar? That's cool, man. Just let me enjoy my funny little dingus.
YES. YES, PLEASE. That and spelling errors. I like to think I'm pretty thorough with checking my replies, but sometimes I'm not. Please feel free to point out errors. I'm not perfect.
I think so? For all I know, though, I could be wrong.
tagged by: Stolen from @mathcs tagging: Whoever wants to!
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sunshades · 1 year
HIIII 🥑 for fanejoy and 🍉 (<- sorry.) + 🍊 for my best friend marcus ?
[oc asks]
🥑 What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad? + 🦢
god. we've actually already had some silly moments of "hey you're nice why do you just hang around your brother when he's like that." which... is something without an answer to. they're basically the only thing in each other's worlds. of course she's sticking to him no matter what. i already know there's going to be a big disagreement if they ever end up meeting their father whom they have different levels of attachment to 💀... there's also the question of religion- i already discussed with dm that they won't really be happy if fane keeps following this revenge quest she and her brother have going on... this is definitely sustainable and will not end up with them both cracking under the slightest pressure. tunes for this topic
fun fact: their last name is elsinore! this is probably not an omen.
🍉 What will your OC take to the grave? + 🏺
(DEMURELY LOOKS AWAY AS TO NOT SHOW THE AUDIENCE THAT THERE'S ANYTHING STRANGE TO US ABOUT WATERMELONS) (DISCRETE COUGH) um anyway... feel like there's a lot of "simply wouldn't mention unless Asked because he's Shy" more than biiiig secrets he is just Reserved. but i think when we go back to his plane. on one hand he'll say it feels very weird to have so many people recognize him, especially given it'll be older people who recognize their still young unchanged friend. on the other i think it'll feel good to know there's people who've remembered him all through the years.
🍊 Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
i feel like if he'd had a fun little prophecy biomom might've kept him just to see what would happen LOLLLL but he's remarkably Some Guy so far. i do think the tempest boys in general could make for a good prophecy. those four who separated by space may cross time to fight together... or something. "the unaging warrior of elven blood" is a very prophecy vibe he's got going on. the sunken reach-- his plane of origin-- hasn't been doing too well lately. maybe they might even see his return, together with the boys, as a good sign to help them against the coming winter...
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
I finally found the right thing to click! Give me a gold star. Here's the info for a 'ship' with an Easy Company guy:
I'm 5'4", curly brown hair, green eyes, 36C. Sarcasm is my second language. I play the piano and sing. My background is in journalism. I can be hot headed. When I'm irate, I swear like a sailor.
Cooking is something I enjoy, especially Italian food. I'm a typical passionate Scorpio. My sense of humor ranges from goofy to acerbic. Family is very important to me. I'm an only child who wanted brothers and sisters.
I just ventured into writing fiction and largely based my OC on myself. A journalism prof said, "Write about what you know." I know myself, and my OC was created.
Kind of a lightweight with alcohol. Bailey's Irish Cream is my favorite alcoholic beverage. Unlike my OC, I'm extremely nearsighted and wear contact lenses. Everything is a blur without my lenses. I once thought I was attempting to pat my cat after I took my lenses out. When my hand touched the leather of my black purse that was on the floor, I realized my mistake.
I'm also feisty and sometimes stubborn.
ahhh sorry this took so long, this has been in my drafts forever !!
But thank you for your request (I also saw your other message about the platonic ship, dw I wouldnt ship you with you know who hehehe) and I was gonna ship you Joe Liebgott but I found somebody more fitting- feel free to request for a specific guy at any time though! <3
I ship you with… Bill Guarnere!
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There’s so many similarities between the two of you that I couldn’t deny. First we can start with the fact you’re so feisty.
bill needs a hot headed girl, he finds your attitude so, so sexy, there’s a real sexual tension between the two of you from the minute you first meet. He likes the fact you swear so much- would probs encourage you to use it in the bedroom.
but no seriously, you two would hit it off straight away, Bill is confident and very self aware, he knows he gotta swipe you up before Liebgott or Tab - or any of those other rats in his mind interfere.
I think even if the two of you had been sleeping together a couple of times- he would still have the respect to just limit his loyalties to you and only you. Finds it silly when other girls try to hit on him- and this is when he starts to piece together his feelings.
kinda panics and won’t admit that he’s falling for you lmao; has some kind of weird raven Simone dream and freaks tf out.
unlike him, you do get drunk, he handles his drinks a little better so surprisingly can he the responsible one when you want to let loose.
somebody tries to mess with you whilst you’re blindly drunk, he doesn’t tolerate it, nooooo way.
he’s walking you home, tucking you into bed and I feel like you’re the one to admit your feelings first.
he has to go back to his own bed, questioning himself if it was real or not?! The next day he’d deffo come up to you and spill out all these feelings and oh my god you’re so shocked and happy- but also so hungover pls keep a bucket on hand.
You threw up cos you’re so hungover and Bill thinks it’s because of him????
the more the war goes on and the more serious it gets I feel like Bill would start to open up about his family, as do you. He really respects the fact you talk of your family so highly.
tells you not to worry about having no siblings as he’s got a whole bunch of them to share with you.
Accidentally admits things by slipping it into conversation, like ‘oh white is such your colour, ur gonna look so sexy in a wedding dress’. Or ‘don’t worry our kid ain’t never gonna be without siblings cos we’re at it that much’.
laughs around you, feels like he can be super genuine- sometimes if you’re busy working he can kinda follow you around like a lost puppy.
laughs at you for being so nearsighted. If you didn’t have your contact lenses he’d be on the floor laughing before he could help you with anything.
Directing jokes at each other but nothing too mean.
deffo more of a serious lover, especially in bed, so if you’re feeling goofy is balanced hun out perfectly. You can make him crack up so easily depending on what mood you’re in.
your love would be so intense, you’d laugh so much, but I feel like you’d definitely butt heads. The arguments could last quite a while and get heated, but he’d deffo get turned on by the fact you’re angry and then get annoyed at himself for getting distracted in an argument Lmao.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ship you platonically with… Skip and Muck!
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As soon as you said you wanted brothers and sisters growing up I immediately thought of how lovable these two would be as your best friends.
Your dynamic definitely would be close to siblings, especially cos you spend so much time around you.
they’d try to wind you up to make you swear just so they could laugh lmao immature.
but they’d truly be impressed with your sarcasm and sense of humour, they find you hilarious and you’d be like an iconic trio.
I don’t know when the friendship would become more of a gradual thing, it would develop throughout the war, maybe around D-day plus 7 when the war is becoming more frightening and the adrenaline from fighting and dropping into Europe fades.
the seriousness would sneak into the conversations, they’d ask you if you were ok, silently checking up on you by looking for where you were, and put you off going into dangerous situations.
Would try to ask you what Bill is like in bed and how big his pee pee is.
you don’t crack.
You all annoy bill, probably try to play pranks on him and you all think it’s the funniest thing in the world.
bill doesn’t agree.
Maybe you three would take things too far sometimes because you’re so good at having fun and distracting each other from the realities of war? In the end you’re all harmless and your friendship really is based around the most positive vibes.
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charminggirl512 · 2 years
atonement // chibs telford x oc
Chibs Telford x F!OC
Warnings: 18+, smut, language, mentioned violence, aggression
Word Count: 1,619
A/N: This is the earliest part (timeline-wise) of the Ellie/Chibs saga that I've posted. Enjoy!
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    They all turn and look at me as I slam the clubhouse doors open. It's just the guys and a couple of the crow eaters, and they quickly step out of my way when they see the anger on my face. I may be 5'4" on a good day, but I can stare a fucker down like a 6'4" linebacker when I'm well and truly pissed off, and trust me, I'm well and truly pissed off. I slam the Chapel room doors open and fixate my glare on my stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch boyfriend. 
"Filip Telford, why the fuck was I not called the second that you got back to this clubhouse?" 
"Oh, shit," Tig mutters under his breath before he tries to make a desperate escape. 
"Move another inch, Trager, and I'll make sure you can never have any nasty fucked up sex again." He stops moving and pushes himself against a wall far away from me. 
"I'm okay, lass," Filip says, an amused grin resting on his lips.
"You're okay? You're okay? You're getting blood all over the table from multiple gunshot wounds, but you're okay. Well, I'll just fuck off back home then. Don't why I came all the way down here at three in the morning if you're okay. Silly me," I yell at him before turning around to storm out. He grabs my hand and I spin around as I grab the gun that's tucked into the back of the sweatpants I took off of Chibs' side of the bed in my mad dash to get here.
"Ellie, can you chill the fuck out?" Opie instantly regrets letting the words slip from his mouth. 
"Ope, do you want me to call your wife and tell her that you're profusely bleeding from a head wound, or do you want to tell her?" He shuts up. I turn back towards Chibs, not lowering my steady hand. "I want one day, Filip. One day where I don't have to find you bleeding. I grew up around the bloody IRA and I never had to watch anyone get stitched up as often as you all do. All I have asked you to do is call me when you get hurt and you can't do one simple thing." 
"I'm sorry, lamb. I really did mean to call you," He answers softly, not acting the slightest bit bothered that I'm pointing a gun at him right now. He knows that I would never actually shoot it, but it would be nice if he would at least act a little scared. "Will you come and sit with me so that I can tell you what happened?" 
   I contemplate it for a second before sitting in a chair right by his head and Bobby goes back to stitching Chibs back up. The idiot grabs my hand off of the table and brings it up to his lips, kissing it three times before resting our joined hands back on the table.
"It was the Niners. We went into their territory today and they weren't happy about it. They followed us until we were almost back in Charming then started shooting. I took the brunt of the damage with a shot in the shoulder and a shot in the arm. Bobby was able to get everything fixed up and I'll be fine and dandy in just a little bit." 
   The tension slowly releases from my shoulders as he explains what happened. I'm soothed by knowing that it wasn't anyone Irish. I've been terrified about them coming after Chibs to get at me, which is part of the reason why I asked him to call me when he got hurt. The sooner I knew that it was or wasn't the Irish, the quicker I could make an escape plan for us. I wasn't going to lose him to my past. I would never forgive myself. 
   I rest my head on our hands and take a few more deep breaths to calm myself back down. The room is quiet around us, but I can feel them all staring at me. I try to hold back my tears, but I can't hold back the sob that racks through my body. 
"Ellie, lamb, come here." I lay my head on his chest, doing my best to stay out of Bobby's way. "I'm okay. It's okay. I'm so sorry I didn't call you. The Irish had nothing to do with it. You're safe." 
"I can't live like this, Filip. I can't keep waiting for the day that they find me or use you against me or anyone else at the club. I don't want to live like this anymore," I sob into his chest and he uses his hand threaded into my hair to guide me to look at him. 
"We're working on it, baby. I'm gonna keep you safe. They're not gonna come after us to get at you. I doubt they even know how deeply involved in the club you are now. You've been here for two years and they haven't done anything. You working yourself up about it constantly isn't going to help anything." 
"And by involved in the club, he means fucking one of the members," Jax says cheekily, which makes them all laugh. I roll my eyes at their testosterone-based humor and wipe away some of the tears that were all over my face. 
"You all just wish I was fucking the rest of you too," I answer and they really laugh at that. 
   I sit there with Chibs, the both of us quietly whispering to each other about our days as the guys talk around us. Every now and then, he kisses the back of my hand or my palm or my wrist, showing affection in small ways to reassure me. Bobby finishes up with the stitches and Opie helps Jax and I take Chibs upstairs to his dorm. Once he's resting on the bed, Opie pulls me to the side.
"I'm sorry, Ellie. I was kind of a dick earlier." I can just barely see his adorable blush under his beard.
"It's okay, Ope. I was being just a little bit crazy, so it was justified. Go home and send Donna my love." I kiss his cheek and he heads downstairs with Jax following close behind him after he kisses the top of my head. I close the door gently and climb onto the bed with Chibs. I snuggle up against him on his good side and he pulls me in closer. 
"I love you, Ellie."
"I love you too, Filip." 
"Good. Now that we've established that, come and sit on my face so I really apologize." I laugh at first until I realize that he's not joking. 
"Chibs, I'm not sitting on your face. You just got shot and you should be resting. There's plenty of time for sex in the future." 
"I can rest perfectly fine with your pussy on my tongue. Hop on, lass. Let me atone for my sins." The smirk on his lips tells me that he's not going down without a fight, so I give in, though it won't exactly be an annoying experience for me. This man knew how to eat pussy better than anyone else I'd ever been with.
   I stand up and shimmy the sweatpants down my hips. As I'm hooking my fingers into my panties and pulling them down, I'm watching Chibs' dick grow in his pants. Once I'm nude from the waist down, I try to climb on the bed and give him the best blow job of his life, but he stops me. 
"You better be sitting on my face in the next ten seconds or I'm not fucking you for a week. Take your top off too. I wanna watch your tits shake as I make you come over and over again." I pout but listen to him anyways. 
   I carefully straddle his head, doing my best to avoid touching his arm or shoulder. I use the headboard to hold myself up, not wanting to suffocate my dear boyfriend, though he's quick to hook his good arm around my waist and pull me down until I'm resting fully on his face.
   I'm sure my moans can be heard from downstairs as Chibs begins feasting on my pussy, his tongue lapping at my entrance while his nose continually nudges my clit. I yelp when he nips at it with his teeth before flattening his tongue against the hard bud continually as my thighs begin to shake. I come undone when he slides two fingers into me and hooks them into my g-spot repeatedly. 
"Please, please, please," I beg, though I'm not entirely sure of what. 
   He slowly licks me from my clit to my entrance over and over again as I come back down. Once I'm done shaking, he's back to finger fucking me as he sucks my clit between his lips, the suction quickly giving me another orgasm. He tries to keep feasting on me, but I push his head away when the pleasure becomes the pain of overstimulation. 
   I gently climb off and rest next to him. He makes sure that I'm watching him as he slides his wet fingers into his mouth. I try to give him the blow job that I wanted to give him earlier, but he stops me once again.
"Tonight was for you, lass. I don't want anything from you. Just let me hold you and sleep." 
   I kiss his lips softly before settling my head on his chest with our legs tangled together. He whispers how much he loves me as his hand gently runs up and down my back until we both drift off to sleep.
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smallrainclouds · 3 years
It's not easy having yourself a good time
we're on a double-date with other people... why are we kissing? you're not my date
Credit for prompt to
Hypnos x reader (modern!College!au)
Word count: 2.7
Warning: some dating violence on OC's side. Wrist grabbing, slurs and controlling behavior.
Summary: this was the worst date of your life. Thankfully it's also Hypnos' worst date ever.
A/N: here have this fic. I had yandere! Hypnos I was working on but it's giving me issues (it was supposed be under 1k but it keeps growing).
Also, I am open to requests but will rejected any I don't feel comfortable doing.
No beta.
Thank and I hope you enjoy.
You regret everything.
You stared at the plate of food you didn't order, some sad little salad that somehow smelled greasy.
Why did you let yourself get talked into a group date? You know why, you thought your friend was going to try to set up with your lab partner, Hypnos.
You looked at the bubbles in your sparkling water, another thing you didn't order and wondered if the person you were with would ever stop talking.
You glanced up at the group at the table. Across from you with his own date next to him, was Hypnos who was frowning at your date.
At least you had one sane classmate with you. Hypnos had been your lab partner since the first day in senior year and honestly you had thought at first your friend was setting you up with Hypnos. If you had known it was with someone else, you would have bail.
Charlie was a nice person you told yourself and your friends thought they would be great for you. Charlie was just… maybe they didn't know you don't order people's food for them.
"Look what I'm saying, Hypnos, is that maybe that YouTuber guy shouldn't be called out as much. Not his fault people can't take jokes anymore." Your date, Charlie, said loudly across the table to Hypnos who just raised a brow.
You rolled your eyes, You weren't going to let your friends pick a date for you ever again.
"Alright buddy. Whatever you say." Hypnos shrugged.
Hypnos' date and fellow classmate leaned across Hypnos, her breasts pressed against his arm. You looked away, poking at your food. You certainly were not jealous, you told yourself.
"Come on, guys. Let's talk about something else." she whined. The other two couples that came along echoed their agreement.
Hypnos grimaced and sat up taller, making the girl sit up as well. You felt kinda bad for both you and Hypnos. Clearly neither one of you guys were getting on with your dates.
You looked toward your friend, hoping she would notice how poorly everything was going. You rolled your eyes when she was clearly lost in her own world, feeding her partner french fries.
Too bad your date wasn't with Hypnos. You thought he was actually cute back when You first saw him, if not a little odd looking with white curls and heavy lidded eyes. Now, you couldn't imagine a more handsome person.
You found your eyes kept going back to him throughout dinner. Especially when he pushed his hoodie sleeves up, showing off his forearms.
The table moved on to some marvel movie or something but you were drifting in and out. You kept checking your watch in hopes that you could end the night soon without being rude.
You could feel someone was watching you and you looked up to Hypnos' golden eyes looking at you. He glanced at the group, back at you and rolled his eyes. You smiled in agreement but quickly covered it up with your hand.
Hypnos pointed toward your plate with the uneaten food, eyebrows rised in a questioning way.
You tilted your head toward your date who was loudly having another argument over some tv show with one of the guys there.
Hypnos looked at your date for a second before he sneaked you his untouched plate of pancakes.
You mouthed, 'Are you sure?' and he nodded, pointing at a plate of mostly eaten omelet.
You mouthed a quick thank you and dug in. You were half though the plate of pancakes when your date noticed.
"Wait, where did you get the pancakes?" Charlie asked, "You know how fattening all that carbs and sugar are? I like my dates to be healthy."
"What?" You asked flatly. Did you really hear what you just did? Hypnos and his date were both staring at Charlie. Hypnos looked furious and You saw the girl send you a pitying look.
"Oh. come on, you know I don't mean it like that."
You suddenly lost any appetite you had and pushed the plate of food away. You looked toward your friend who remained blissfully unaware of your pain.
Your date swung an arm on your shoulders, you sighed annoyed at the causal possiveness. You only knew them for like two hours but they were already acting like you were going steady.
"Ready to hit the club, Y/N?" Your date asked.
You almost groaned, you had forgotten about the stupid club.
"Uh, sure. Yeah." You tried to wiggle your date's arm off but no dice. You thought you saw Hypnos send a disapproving look at your date but you weren't sure. No point getting your hopes up.
As you exited the diner, Hypnos tripped; knocking into your date and their arms off your shoulders.
Grateful for the excuse, you took a few steps out of their reach.
"Oops, my bad." Hypnos smiled widely, and gave a shoulder pat to your date who glared at him. "Just watch it alright?" Your date snapped as they made it to the carpool.
In the car, you peeked at Hypnos who just winked at you. You didn't hide your smile this time.
The club did nothing to improve your date or your mood. The loud bassy music was almost too loud to hear anyone and your date kept trying to get you to stay on the dance floor.
You were able to duck out of their hold and pointed to the table. They tried to tell you something but You didn't stick around.
You almost fell into the booth, your feet were throbbing and you just wanted to go home. You could just see your homework growing by the hour.
"Need water?" Hypnos asked. You looked up, "Oh I didn't know you were at the table. Yes please."
He handed you an icy cold bottle and you moaned at how good it tasted. He laughed and you blushed, feeling foolish.
"Sorry, thank you." You took a slip, without moaning this time thankfully.
Hypnos went back to his phone, fingers moving quickly. "No problem."
"Where is… um what was her name?" You asked, trying not to look at Hypnos too much. How dare he look this good in the club' dim lighting.
"Oh I forgot her name. But she is doing fine. Told me she was going home with her ex." He pointed to the dance floor where the girl was dancing against another guy, their mouths glued together.
You looked back at him, but he already was back to texting on his phone. He didn't seem upset at all.
"I'm sorry, Hypnos." You said awkwardly, not sure of what to make of this whole night.
"Don't be. I'm not." He shrugged. You couldn't help but notice how nicely the red hoodie fit him.
"I will admit though I don't think I will be trusting our friend's matchmaking skills after tonight." Hypnos looked at you, his amused smile made you smile in return.
"You and I both." You murmured your agreement.
You finished off your drink, eyeing him.
After a few more minutes, your willpower broke.
"Okay I gotta know. It has been months since I met you and it is bugging the crap out of me." You leaned forward to him.
He looked up from his phone, a white eyebrow raised.
"Is Hypnos your real name?" You asked him, not quite able to look away from him. You were being a silly school girl and you knew it.
He laughed, "Yeah, it is." He moved closer, his eyes bright. "Wanna know why?"
At your nod, he spoke. "When my mom was pregnant with me and my brother. She got kinda crunchy, got into healing crystals and tarot cards, stuff like that."
Hypnos waved a hand. "So when she couldn't pick names for us, she went to a psychic, who told her that she was a reincarnation of the goddess Nyx. And apparently she was pregnant again with the reincarnated gods of sleep and death."
You couldn't help the small laugh and Hypnos chuckled as he took a sip of his beer.
"Mom believed the guy." He pointed to himself, " So ta-da I got named Hypnos. And my brother is Thanatos."
"Your mom sounds like a fun lady." You played with your hair, enjoying the warmth in your stomach. You couldn't remember the last time someone made you feel such things.
"Oh definitely. I never know what I'm going to get when I see her." Hypnos said fondly.
When You shifted your seat, your leg brushed against his. You almost pulled away but Hypnos pressed his leg against yours. You could feel the heat of his body and it just made you want more.
His golden eyes searched yours, silently asking if he could do this. You returned the gentle pressure and flushed at his soft smile.
"How does your brother handle the whole Thanos name thing?" You asked, desperately trying to calm your racing heart.
A devious glint lit Hypnos' eyes, "Oh he hates it so much. He already hated the whole super hero thing. Last year for his birthday, I got him a cardboard cutout of the big guy. I thought he was going to shove it down my throat. I got his boyfriend Zagreus and their girlfriend Meg in on it this year, we going to -"
"Hey Y/N. Are you coming back to the floor?" Charlie's eyes narrowed, "Hypnos, I think your actual date is looking for you."
You pulled away, you had forgotten about Charlie and you couldn't help but feel some guilt, even if you didn't like them that much or at all.
Hypnos stayed in place, amusement on his face. You saw Charlie's fists clenched and knew they were about to start a fight and stood up.
You were definitely going to block Charlie's number after tonight was over.
"Come on, let's get some drinks for everyone. They should be coming back soon." You motioned for Charlie to follow you. They glared at Hypnos before following you.
You couldn't resist a quick glance back to Hypnos, who raised his beer at you in a 'cheers' motion.
Charlie was sullen and quiet as you ordered more drinks for the group. You couldn't blame them really, anyone would be put out when their dates are clearly having a better time with someone else.
Well, not Hypnos but Hypnos wasn't exactly normal, you thought fondly.
You tapped the bar, guilt gnawed at your guts as your thoughts went back to Hypnos.
"So what were you guys talking about?" Charlie slurred, his tone icy.
You took a breath, just a few more hours you reminded yourself. "Nothing much. Just about his brothers and stuff."
Charlie crowded into your space. You can smell the booze and sweat on them.
"You guys seemed like you were sitting pretty close considering you were talking about 'brothers'." They did a finger quote.
You rolled your eyes, unable to stand being near them any longer. You stepped away to head back to let your friends you were bailing for the night.
"Tell me what he said to you." Charlie demanded as they grabbed your wrist harshly.
"Ow, let go of me! You are hurting me, Charlie." You hissed, trying not to draw any attention.
"Tell me." They hisses back.
"I did. Buy your own drink, I'm going home." You tried to yank your hand away but they didn't let go.
"Look I've been nothing but nice to you and you're cuddling up to another guy on our date like some slut." They changed their tone, trying to sound more upset than controlling but it just made your stomach twisted in disgust.
You opened your mouth to defend yourself but after a moment you shut it, "You're right. Clearly this isn't going to work out so let me go."
"No, you own me something, Y/N." Charlie leaned toward you. "And I'm not leaving empty handed."
"Fuck off." You snapped, fear rising in your chest.
"Hey, man." Hypnos grabbed Charlie's wrist and squeezed tightly enough that they were forced to let go of your wrist. His normal light-hearted tone was hard. "I think Y/N had enough of your company tonight."
You took some steps back, shaking a little. Without looking at you, Hypnos asked. "Y/N, do you need to go get anything?"
"N-no. I have everything. I want to leave." You hated how weak you sounded and you wished that you never came out at all.
Hypnos held on to Charlie's wrist and yanked them toward him. You heard Hypnos murmur something to them.
Fear flashed over Charlie's face and they stumbled backward. "Fine. Whatever asshole."
Hypnos turned to you, his eyes darkened by his anger. "Come on, I can get you a ride home."
You just nodded, feeling very exhausted and close to tears.
The cold wind felt like heaven after the heat of the overflowing club. At least for the first two minutes.
You just walked, not quite sure where to go. Hypnos walked next to you, easily keeping up with your pace.
Neither one of you said anything as you tried to process the horrible night.
After walking for ten more minutes, Hypnos spoke up. "There is a park nearby, we should be able to find a park bench."
You just nodded, Hypnos offered an arm and after a moment you took it. You pressed your cheek against his shoulder, soaking in his body heat.
The park was empty, lit by warm path lights.
"Thank you." You said. "You didn't have to do anything for me."
"It's all good. How about the wrist?" Hypnos asked softly.
"It doesn't hurt. Thank you since you stepped in." You patted his forearm.
Hypnos sighed, "No. Not thanks to me actually. Its kinda my fault, I've been pushing their buttons for most of the night."
You looked up at Hypnos, your brow furrowed. "What? No, they have been pretty rude since the start of the date. I mean, you heard the salad thing. They ordered it for me!"
Hypnos shook his head. His breath coming out in white puffs. "Yeah and because I was jealous, I made a bad date into a nightmare. I knew I was making them feel all threatened, it wasn't hard honestly. I didn't think they would grab you like that. I just thought they would be a bad date you could laugh about later."
It took you a moment to process his words. You stopped on the park path, staring off at the lake.
"You were jealous?" You asked, not quite believing what you were hearing.
"Very." Hypnos chuckled bitterly.
"Hypnos, you are an idiot." You said blankly.
He opened his mouth to say something but you pulled him down by his collar to kiss him.
At first, Hypnos doesn't return your kiss and you pull away, an apology already on your lips.
But he cupped your face and met you again in a sweet, slow kiss. He kept pulling away to press chaste kisses against your lips and cheeks.
"Damnit, I was planning on asking out you after our last class assignment. I had a plan for everything. I was going to take you to your favorite coffee shop and buy you that dumb drink you like. Take you the park by our dorms and ask you by the duck pond." Hypnos said between kisses and pressing one last long kiss against your lips.
You hummed, unable to think straight. "Our friend ruined that, huh." You laughed when you could feel him growled against your lips. "You have no idea, I had a speech and everything."
After another long and soft kiss, both of you pulled away only to met again in a forehead press. Your white puffs of breath mingled together and your heart felt so full.
"You could still do the coffee and the speech. And the ducks." You whispered.
"Yeah?" Hypnos asked softly, his thumb caressed your cheek.
"I have to do a lab with a very cute classmate tomorrow but I'm free after that." You flushed, pleased at the fond smile Hypnos had.
"That's funny, so am I." Hypnos replied.
Unable to hold off any longer, you pulled him into another kiss, one of the many yet to come.
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greengrayeyeswrites · 3 years
shit-faced in love (chapter five)
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Title: shit-faced in love
Pairing: Corpse Husband x OC (fem!youtuber!reader)
Word Count: 1,158
Warnings: Mental Health/Mental Illnesses are a big topic in this story. Mentions of depression, bpd and other mental illnesses. Angst, Fluff.
Note: This may be a Corpse x OC story but feel free to insert yourself into the main girls role. If Corpse ever announces that he doesn’t like fanfics about him, I’ll delete this.
Prologue — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6
Author’s Note: Hello guys! I am very, very sorry that I didn’t update this any sooner. I’ve had a lot of troubles with my mental health lately, especially my bpd acting up and making me feel so worthless I wanted to punch myself in the face with a chair... But I thought that I need to get my shit back together and post a new chapter. I am really sorry about the delay. All these likes I am getting on a story that I mainly write for myself is overwhelming... so a massive thank you!
— — —
Imogen ended up being MIA for two whole days. She didn’t update her Twitter after cancelling the stream and didn’t upload anything on her Instagram story and her feed. 
The day after her bad mood swing she stayed at home and Baylee came over. The two girls were spending the day on the couch watching silly old-school romcoms; Buddy sitting in between them in case Imogen needed him.
They were watching movie after movie, falling asleep in between and Imogen felt bad for Baylee. She apologized for being so unmotivated, boring and weird today but Baylee quickly shook her head and told her that it was okay. 
Imogen couldn’t believe how happy she was to have Baylee as her friend, but since she was shifting from black to white thinking and back to black, she couldn’t really feel the happiness she knew existed somewhere. 
All she felt was emptiness and sadness. The episode lasted four whole hours and Imogen fell asleep crying in the middle of it. 
On her final day in Houston, Imogen and Baylee decided to go shopping and Imogen wanted to spoil her best friend. She got her a new computer and a new phone—which Baylee couldn’t quite believe. But Imogen was persistent and wanted her to keep the things.
Imogen then rented a beautiful NCT green colored Jeep Wrangler; which the girls immediately tried out when they were driving to the Space Center Houston for their last day.
„You almost sounded like MrBeast, when you gave me the phone and Macbook“ Baylee chuckled, as the girls looked for a parking lot in front of the Space Center. „I mean I’m meeting him and the crew next week for the first time, so I have to practice“, Imogen grinned, feeling way happier then a few days back.
„D’you already know what you’re doing with them?“ Baylee asked, but Imogen shook her head, when her phone rang with a message notification.
„Would you mind?“ Imogen asked nodding towards her phone, that was peeking out of her totebag in front of Baylee’s feet. Buddy was lifting his head from the backseat, looking at his owner and her friend.
„You got a voice message from Corpse“ Baylee read the notification on the lock screen and Imogen gulped. „Would you mind playing it?“ The twenty-eight year old asked and Baylee nodded, unlocking Imogen’s phone and pressing play.
The first thing both girls could hear was shuffling in the background before Corpse’s deep voice rang in their ears. „Whaddup baby?“, he asked and a shiver went through Imogen’s body, while she maneuvered the car into a parking lot. 
Baylee slapped her hand over her mouth, staring at Imogen in shock. Hearing his go-to phrase so close to her ears and so intimate was kinda scary. Baylee felt like she was eavesdropping.
„How are you feeling?“ Corpse asked, „We were kinda worried when you didn’t respond to the group chat. I know I go MIA as well but you usually told us what was wrong. Rae was worried and I was as well. Please text us soon, so we don’t have to worry anymore.“ 
A quiet breath left his lips and Imogen looked over to Baylee, who was still covering her mouth. „I hope you finish your MrBeast stuff soon. I want to meet you real quick!“ Corpse finished the message and the phone screen turned black.
„Oh my god“ Baylee let out and stared at Imogen. „I felt so bad for listening, Mo!“ She cried out and Imogen gulped. „I feel so bad for not telling them what happened. I know how worried they get when I don't text!“ Imogen shook her head.
„Here, here!“ Baylee pressed the phone into Imogen’s hands. „Text them now! Tell them how you’re feeling and what you’re up to today!“ Baylee turned around to Buddy.
„Buddy, I can’t believe I heard Corpse speak like that! He was genuinely worried!“ Imogen watched her best friend and shook her head.
She had to be honest. Hearing Corpse’s voice like that made her heart jump a little bit. What was he doing with her? She didn’t even know what he looked like, yet he made her heart do weird dancy-dances. 
She knew Baylee was watching her, while she typed into her phone. She knew Baylee wanted to know what she wrote—and she would’ve told her, if she wouldn’t be so shy about it.
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When the women came home this night, Baylee decided to crash over in Imogen’s AirBnB. They stayed up most of the night and talked about everything and nothing. They were talking about Baylee’s crush on her co-worker, that didn’t even notice her presence. They spoke about Imogen’s therapy and medication and how Buddy had helped her out of so many dark places already; and then, as the sun was about to rise again, they fell asleep.
— — —
They woke up to Buddy licking their faces, wagging with his tail only a few hours later. Baylee sat up and looked at Imogen, fighting her dog off her.
„You know what? I’m going to miss you.“ Imogen finally got Buddy off her and looked at Baylee. Tears filled her best friends eyes and Imogen looked at her. „Bay“, she whispered and crushed her best friend in a hug. „This week went by way too fast“ Baylee cried into Imogen’s shoulder. „I swear, before I go back to Ireland, I’ll take you on a vacy to Hawaii. So be prepared to take a few days off, once I’m done with my travel!“
Imogen started laughing and Baylee grinned. „Gotcha!“
After having a breakfast together, Baylee helped Imogen pack her stuff and load it into the Wrangler. Imogen was fastening Buddy in the backseat, when she closed the door behind her and hugged Baylee once more.
„Take care, Mo.“ Baylee said and squished Imogen’s cheeks. „I will.“ - „No, I’m serious. When you feel low or sad or empty , turn off the cameras and hold Buddy. Okay?“
Imogen smiled. „I will. Thank you, Bay.“ The girls hugged once more, Baylee clinging on to Imogen as if her life depends on it. „I just wish I could quit my retail job and follow you around, being your camera woman or something.“ Baylee sighed and Imogen looked at her.
Imogen’s brain buzzed. „Keep that in mind, Bay. Okay? I’d even pay you.“ Baylee looked at Imogen and the Irish lass grinned. „Whatever you say, big girl“ Baylee grinned and softly banged the side of the Wrangler.
„Go and take the NCTzen car through the states.“ Baylee grinned and stepped aside to her own car. Imogen grinned and climbed into the Wrangler.
„Good luck on these 1,270 miles!“ Balyee yelled, as Imogen turned on the engine. „Take breaks in between okay?“ Imogen nodded and started backing out of the driveway.
Baylee disappeared into the distance and a piece of Imogen’s heart broke, when she left Houston behind.  
to be continued...
Taglist: @wineandionysus​ @chanbaeol​ @rexit-mo
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