#sorry LOL! was in a mood xD
prismaticpichu · 26 days
FF7 Crisis Core Characters & Their Pokémon Partners!~ 💛 🗡️
Why howdy!! Welcome back to another glorious edition of “Pichu combines her hyperfixations like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!” <3 Yeeeehaw!
I tried to be as creative as I could with the move references 😂 Kudos if you can spot ‘em all!
Warning for Angst <3 :,3c
Samurott ~ A bladed warrior Pokémon known for its strict and formidable discipline, as well as drawing obvious inspirations from Samurai/their honorable Bushido code! The fella was an Oshawott for most of Angeal’s life—belonging to the entire family as a whole, considering that they unfortunately didn’t have enough money to buy many Pokeballs/food to take care of more than one. It was only when Angeal decided he wanted to join SOLDIER that his father officially gave him Oshawott’s Pokéball, leading Angeal to spend officially numerous hours training with his buddy. By the time he joined SOLDIER, he had a worthy Samurott by his side—the strongest Pokémon out of all the three elite Firsts. When he eventually took Zack under his proverbial wing some handful of years later, the boy quickly bonded with Samurott: training, playing, and often feeding his aquatic friend when Angeal was unable to. When Angeal deserted ShinRa’s forces, however, Samurott still clung to those memories and tried to convince his trainer to do the right thing, ultimately becoming wishy-washy with its own morales as result. And, in the end, nothing hurt its rended soul more than being forced to battle Zack under Angeal’s command. It was also the last battle it ever fought.
Aqua Cutter
Double Team
Take Down
Flapple ~ An apple—obviously!—and a red, winged apple that housed a little (book)worm-dragonsnake thing on top of it! With Crisis Core taking some inspiration from the Garden of Eden story, it seemed like the most appropriate choice. Let’s also not forget that apples rot. Anywho—able to afford Pokeballs at a young age, Genesis caught the little guy when it was just an Applin, which subsequently catalyzed his affinity for the fruit + prompted him to start a small Banora White juice stand as a kid. Growing up, Genesis loved to battle—always pushing to be the best he could be, to emulate the heroes in his stories and the silver-haired superstar he saw in the papers. But he was also a kind boy, with a kind heart—good ambitions—and spent many days helping training with Angeal’s Dewott. He was able to get his hands on a Tart Apple rather young, and ultimately went on to serve as viable asset to ShinRa’s military with the aid of his aerial Pokémon. But it was the times after the war that were sweetest to Genesis—where he and his best friends hung out together, where they used Flapple’s attacks as props and projectiles, with one of their favorite games including knocking apples of off each other’s heads. They were childish games, yes—but harmless games. Harmless competition. Harmless rivalry. Simple rivalry. Fiery rivalry. Intense rivalry. Jealous rivalry. Burning rivalry. Dangerous rivalry. And, one day, it was just too much—it was taken too far. One training incident, one battle between friends. A pepper of metal; a spur of blood; a cry of pain; and a trip to the infirmary. And it was after this day that Genesis was never really the same. When the man felt himself growing ill, Flapple was the only one he confided it—was the only one he told his plans of desertion to. And when the day came for him to abandon his past, Flapple was hesitant. Hesitant—but loyal. He remained by Genesis’s side and watched his trainer degrade, watched him rot like the fruit of his own etymology. And he wanted to cure. And he would help his trainer find that cure—that “gift”—no matter the cost. He would do anything. He would do anything, even if it meant helping destroy the reality of his old friends.
Wing Attack
Grav Apple
Arcanine ~ Yes—pupper for life! <3 But just like the game Zack hails from, NEVER underestimate the power of a fiery pup!! One of the most loyal Pokémon to exist, Zack took in an injured Growlithe from the wild when he was just a little kid, immediately sparking a friendship that would last him for years upon years to come. Zack loves his partner more than anything in the world—training to become the best SOLDIER he can possibly be since the day their dreams were together. Together, from vigorous and unwavering training, they climb through the ranks of ShinRa. It’s only at Fort Tamblin where, alongside receiving a Fire Armlet from Lazard, he receives a Fire Stone—and it’s all Arcanine adventures from there! Unfortunately, however, this is also when Angeal deserts, and Zack relies more than ever on the comfort of his best friend. Arcanine helps him stay positive, but even the dog itself begins to grow jaded, losing some of the blazing spirit that used to surge through its veins. Modeoheim is one of the worst tolls on the two of them—one of the most spiritually-shattering incidents of their ShinRa career. One that is only trumped by Nibelheim, where its life comes to end upon being crushed by fiery debris. It was trying to save Claudia.
Close Combat
Play Rough
Flame Charge
Riolu: A little baby-waby Pokémon that grows into something truly incredible and iconic. Riolu was a gift from Cloud’s mother when he was turning 14 years old—a little something to keep him safe as he went away to ShinRa. Cloud was always a little hesitant about raising Pokémon, but bonded rather well with Riolu once he opened up—albeit after an admittedly awkward start. Riolu was always there to comfort Cloud after SOLDIER-exams, always there to cheer him up and keep him going until the next one. When it’s time to go on a mission with the Great Sephiroth, Riolu is there to keep him chill—sitting in his lap in the truck, affectionally nuzzling his chin to keep him level-headed. Cloud wanted to keep Riolu in his Pokeball as to keep his identity hidden—a decision that would go on to save the small Pokémon’s life when the town was horrifically set ablaze, sheltered from Sephiroth’s wrath and madness while other Pokémon made the fatal mistake of trying to stop him. Following the incident, he doesn’t remember much—unaware of when Zack broke him out of the lab and carried him and his poisoned Riolu to the edge of Midgar. There’s flashes of something in his memory—serrated shards of a bloody face and bloody body that slash into his psyche beyond his own understanding. He doesn’t remember the moment his Riolu evolved—evolving into a Lucario under the pouring rain and the pearls of crimson that had stained its paws. In fact, he doesn’t even remember ever having a Riolu. All he could seem to remember is having an Arcanine—an Arcanine who perished before his eyes—and taking custody of a Lucario who originally belonged to his friend.
Bullet Punch
Pichu ~ Yep! That’s it, you heard it right: no legendary Pokémon, no mythical—just a small little lab rat that Sephiroth cherished more than anything on the planet. He first met Pichu when he was just a little boy, finding it trapped in a too-tight cage among Hojo’s numerous experiments. Bruises and scratches marred its yellow fur, coiled into itself as it quivered and shook amid the pulsing darkness. And Sephiroth, at his tender age, could hardly stand the sight. He couldn’t stand it—not when he could feel every scratch laddering its body, every injection that must have pierced its fragile form. He knew it was a risk, he knew he could be punished—but at that moment, meeting those pained and teary eyes, none of that seemed to matter. When Hojo found Sephiroth with Pichu the next day, he of course tried to take it away—only to be met by a tempest of threats and snarls, kicks and hisses. In the end, Hojo conceded, but forcefully fed it an Everstone when Sephiroth was asleep. In the following years, the duo were inseparable—every surgery, every training session, every trial… they were together. And when Sephiroth went on to Wutai, you bet Pichu was there with him. It wasn’t much of a battler—often hurting itself with its own electricity—but what the Pokémon lacked in strength it more than made up for in loyalty and spirit. As Sephiroth’s fame and influence burgeoned, he did everything in his power to keep his treasured friend out of the limelight—often keeping him sheltered in his Pokeball until the man was able to return to his quarters in peace. This lead to several people fantasizing about what Pokémon the Great Silver Warrior could possibly have—what kind of mythical beast he kept stashed away. Only very few people have ever seen Pichu at all: Glenn, Matt, Lucia, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack—all of whom were shocked at first, but developed a newfound respect for Sephiroth after learning of its origins. Angeal and Genesis, in particular, even had the honor of babysitting for the little guy during press meetings. When the latter two deserted, Sephiroth was crushed, but Pichu did wonders to keep his spirit afloat: curling into his lap at night, falling asleep on his shoulder… Anything it can possibly do to assure Sephiroth that he wasn’t alone, it did. When it came time to leave for Nibelheim, however, when the inevitable tragedies spiraled, that’s where things started to splinter. Zack awoke one night to Pichu pawing at his face—a small and desperate gesture to get someone to help it. Agreeing to help his friend’s partner out, Zack followed Pichu to the basement of ShinRa manor, where he found Sephiroth in the heart of an eerie, candlelit library. He told them to leave—both of them. Zack tried to gently talk things out; Sephiroth told him to leave even louder. Disheartened, but thinking his friend needs space, Zack took Pichu and leaves. In the following days, he tried to comfort the anxious Pichu, telling it that Seph just needs some time to breathe and digest everything he learned. He told it that Seph will snap out of it soon—that he will return for his best friend. He promises it. Assures it. And yet, when that seventh day arrives, the town went up in flames. Villagers were killed, slaughtered, as well as every Pokémon in his wake. All the man could think about was her. Mother. His birthright. His planet. Revenge. Humans. The urge to destroy—the need to kill… The bleary shapes that he cuts down are nothing—meaningless little insects in the greater design of his world. His blade slashed through them all, cut them open and left them to burn in the hellish flames engulfing the village. They were all irrelevant—every single one of them. Meaningless. Worthless. Just kill time. Just kill them, She whispers. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
It’s too late.
Masamune had already struck, deaf to the young SOLDIER’s horrified plea.
And blind to the sight of Pichu staked through it.
Nasty Plot
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redpiperfox · 8 months
I've said I never want to lose my humility and teachability, lacing it in a neat packet of always being kind-- and it's a very honest and terrifying reality that slips through my fingers, because in the same way where one gains wisdom and realizes all the things they don't know, when you sink your hands into the width and depth of reality, empathy for the trivial becomes harder to grasp. "Choose kind" is a nice little slogan you can tack onto a bunch of social issues, but when it's personal, face-to-face, or realities grating against each other...?
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jazzyblusnowflake · 4 months
do u have any headcanons for Nuzi? sorry if you've already written about this before and I just didn't see it-
Oh boi anyone here into silly headcanons? XD ill put them under the cut just in case cuz i write a loooooooooooot lol
i usually just make headcanons as i go with my fics, its hard to think about for them specifically but here i go trying, hope you enjoy uwu
Some Nuzi Headcanons i got ùwú:
[for the drone universe ofc, some of my human HCs don't work in the drone universe sadly lmao]
considering this is at a time where they would become official or heck maybe the tragedy ends and they are happy together or something:
Uzi loves calling N "Puppy", sometimes she would also call him "Sunshine" or "Angel" but her & Ns fav would be "Puppy". however N usually doesn't call Uzi many nicknames other than "Zi" rarely- and maybe occasionally "Birdie" when they are more lovey dovey- he's more into pet names like "honey - darling - sweetheart - etc" and not much of a tease... although at times when they get a bit more spicy and he DOES want to tease- he could go towards names like "lil biscuit", "baby bat", "my lady" and etc but again, very rarely 6v6;;;;
they both had to download helpful content on how to flirt 🙄 although they caught on pretty quick lol.
N is subconsciously protective of Uzi, often curling his tail around her without realizing it, or stepping in front of her; but Uzi is consciously protective of N- especially when he's being bullied or degraded- she would cut off anyone's conversation if they were talking about N badly with something like "oh stick a fork in it J-" before changing the subject-
Uzi is actively a smartass sass mouth- she just never really had the confidence for standing up for herself- but with N she's grown to be a bit more confident in herself- and yet N has never seen her be aggressive to HIM lmao- and then when he sees how sometimes she absolutely drags some other drones he has to literally pick Uzi up from the scruff of her coat and tell her to please be nice XD
Uzi and N are absolutely, hopelessly touch and affection starved- this makes them get really cuddly as a way to recharge themselves emotionally. occasionally they just sit next to eachother without words and rub their heads against eachother like cats and sometimes Uzi just sits on his lap and randomly starts prepping his whole face with tini kisses- as if to say mine mine mine- and N is... well just sitting there wagging his tail like an excited puppy :D no words needed between them, just healthy and wholesome touching, cuddling and affection from eachother-...... i mean it could get spicy too- lmao 👀 cuz Uzi really loves taking off Ns hat for more comfort and just threading her hands in his hair- sometimes tugging gently to tilt his head for a more firm and heartfelt kissing and makeout sesh- they rarely get that needy but N happily reciprocates and his grip on Uzi's body/hips tightens pulling her flush against himself more-
at the beginning they are both a flustered mess doing or saying anything romantic but then Uzi started liking teasing and flustering N at any chance she could take. N is just too easy and too smitten for her.
N also occasionally gets the confidence and mood to be more forward and assertive and teasing Uzi over things he knows she's into and Uzi is absolutely into that shit- she's sat 😤
they do share oil sometimes through bites or kisses- but usually that's only when they feel extra frisky lmao-
Uzi gets easily embarrassed during intimate moments and since contact and touching easily discharges their power as sparks, Uzi often uh.... ends up with multiple soft-reboots or powering on and off which kinda overheats her body and CPU alot lmao-
they like drawing and listening to music together- Uzi actually likes watching N draw even if they look amateur and childish- she finds them extremely cute and hangs them up in her room when he draws for her <3
they did NOT start out sleeping next to eachother well. Uzi has nightmares a lot, and even without them she still moves around frantically and is just never in the same position when she wakes up, meanwhile N sleeps like a dead person, he hardly moves and he got used to the pose of crossing his arms on his chest so yeah... dead pose lmao. this made him get kicked alot or shoved in the slot between the bed and wall often- [if he didn't sleep on the other side and just straight up get kicked off the bed anyway]😭. even at times when he decided they could sleep hanging from their tails Uzi often still found herself in the middle of the night hanging haphazardly, limbs and wings in every direction and clothes riding down which made N almost start laughing when he woke up seeing her like this 😭😭😭. in the end one of the ways they ended up making Uzi sleep alot better was cuddling. N would just hold Uzi close, if hanging he would put his wings around them. Uzi would resist and push against him alot at first but slowly after time her nightmares subdued and she felt calmer sleeping at night.... also they put a cork or something on Ns tail when they sleep lol-
All drones, disassembly or worker, can make their cores whirr in a purring noise, its just that its louder for disassemblers, the noise of Ns core helps Uzi relax <3
Uzi can lift N very easily, straight up on her shoulder even.... and somehow N is very turned on by this as she could easily carry him around bridal style if need be- esp if she gets jealous of N interacting with others and just throws him over her shoulder and leaves- or uh.... yknow, if Ns hurt or something, yep 6x6;;;
Uzi is also turned on by the fact that N is so much bigger than her. they be casually sitting and inspecting eachothers hands and Uzi's is smaller and she just blushes fervently imagining all the things she wants his hands and claws to do to her.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats about all i can think of atm without spoiling much of my own future ideas lol, hope it wasn't too annoying, but i really enjoyed writing this uwu<3
hope yall enjoyed it too if you made it til here :p
i diiiiid wanna include some nsfw hcs too but im gonna keep this ask as sfw as possible for now. 😇 those would be nsfw specific hcs anyway lmao
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darqx · 6 months
Some BP/HH/General asks
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That mood when you want to share all the things but also want to keep it under wraps for the actual thing haha! Thanks very much anon!
As for your questions, I can't actually be specific cos there's no definitive number I have in mind for either. Basically there are a number of sectors (you can consider them their equivalent of countries - they have less than what we do though), and a number of species of demon of which I've designed about seven of. The ones I've shown before are these guys (and do you think I could find this pic again? No, I had to recreate it cos for the life of me I couldn't remember what ask I'd previously stuck it in lol):
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One day when i have enough species and stuff out there I want to make a proper field guide \o/
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Thank you very much for the interest! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I would actually love to for BP, but before I jump the gun there I have to get the comic out first lol. That being said I have made mini-games before featuring the HH versions and some other characs alas they are all lost at the moment to the sands of Flash becoming obsolete 😩
Me and Gato do still collab sometimes (and send each other Xmas presents)! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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I have been working on one off and on for a while actually! Hopefully I'll have some pages to post next year or so*, I've been doing a bit of thumbnailing recently :D
*that is the plan but i also don't know where people find the time to do anything with a full time job lol.
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Hullo! Glad you are enjoying the snippets of BP I've got here and there :D Here is an older ref on Izm back when i first got the idea (at that time i didn't really plan to do anything with it, it was just an AU. Now it's my main project haha. Anyway the ref is a little bit out of date in that regard.)
I used to have a "field guide" which was also made quite a while ago, unfortunately the death of Flash kinda killed it. Here's a screenshot of some relevant info from it though.
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That's an interesting one as it's questionable how sentient souls are after removal 🤔 In my mind its only form is the smoke light, it can "see" to some degree and MIGHT be able to talk (but in a very no one can hear them sort of way, a la i have no mouth and i must scream. So i guess it can think "aloud"). The more time passes the less sentience it has.
It could try, though it wouldn't really get anywhere if it's in Rire's collection. He might just eat it lol.
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.D: Good with kids, will be fine in all aspects.
Izm: The fun dad however needs a partner that knows what they're doing to ensure the child safety during shenanigans.
Marcus and Zeke: Also would be good parents though might be more helicopter out of protectiveness/worry when first starting out.
Ren: Geek parent very good for homework help. Some Asian parent tendencies eg "ah see, i told you not to do that right? Now you see what happened."
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They are similar to our known society for this! So basically, there are some good families out there (eg Zeke - who is a demon - is from a pretty average loving family), and there are some bad families out there who only care about power or having an heir or whatever.
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HH Rire is a human. I differentiate between him and Demon Rire because they are two different characters...even though they are also technically the same character lol. You can consider them as alternate universe iterations of a base "Rire" concept.
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I actually half jested this in an old comic lol
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I am sorry to inform you that a HH webcomic doesn't actually exist 😅 I did a lot of art, animations and one shots (such as the HHJ comics) with them, but nothing actually planned or serialised or anything. Whatever's currently on my DA or here is basically what exists.
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Bringing this image back cos it's relevant lol.
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You spelled it correct there though! XD
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eggluverz · 10 months
danheng college roommate au 🥹
In which Dan Heng runs hot and blasts the air conditioner to keep cool, and you feel like you’re living in the arctic.
PAIRING. dan heng x gn!reader
GENRE. modern au, roommate au
NOTE. and they were roommates :> ty for the idea anon!! it was vague enough so i kinda just ran with it LOL dan heng running the ac in this asian household? wild xD anyway pls enjoy!!
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You had gone through this school year in relative peace with your roommate.
When the school year started, you were unable to secure on-campus housing in time and thankfully your friends found a social media thread of other college students living off-campus who needed someone to share an apartment with. Dan Heng immediately stood out of the crowd, solely for how handsome he looked in profile picture alone. Who needed other sources of credibility when they were pretty?
For most of the year, the two of you lived pretty separate lives. When you were home, you were usually in your room unless you wanted to cook. When Dan Heng was home, it was the same. And add the fact that he only exited his room during ungodly hours of the night, it was a recipe for never really bumping into each other.
It made you a little sad, naturally. You wanted to be close with your roommate and have movie nights and game nights, but he set the tone for wanting to live together, yet separate, and you found it simpler to adhere to his wishes.
But as the weather warmed up, as did your serendipitous contact with Dan Heng. For starters, right as winter came to an end and spring only remotely gave its warm greeting, you would see Dan Heng head to the living room and turn on the air conditioner while you were eating on the kitchen island.
As it grew hotter out, Dan Heng only lowered the thermostat more and more. Causing you to freeze more and more.
Now, you enjoyed living in a nice and temperate room like most people, but with how your roommate set the thermostat, your apartment was well below room temperature! Below freezing if you wanted to be dramatic. It was a little ridiculous how cold it was, in your humble opinion. Did he want to live in the snow?
One particular cold night, you came out to boil yourself some hot water for your hot chocolate and marshmallows. It may have been burning hot out, but inside was a winter wonderland, so you figured you may as well get in the mood. You had fuzzy pajama pants on, along with a longsleeve shirt and a scarf wrapped around your neck and a beanie on your head.
Just as you were about to go back to your room and wrap yourself under a million fluffy blankets, Dan Heng emerged from his room to head to the thermostat.
He paused as you walked by him, eyes widening at the sight. Dan Heng himself wore nothing but a pair of gray sweats and a black shirt. He stared at you for a few moments.
“Are you feeling ill?” he asked, one of the first words you’ve heard him say this whole month.
You shook yourself. “No! I’m feeling perfectly fine,” you said, voice muffled from the scarf that half-covered your mouth.
He blinked. “But… your outfit.”
“I’m just a little chilly, is all.”
He walked over to you with his arm outstretched. He brought his hand close to you and asked, “May I?”
You nodded.
Dan Heng lifted your beanie slightly and placed the back of his palm on your forehead. It was instantly warm to the touch and you wanted to place it right on your cold cheek to heat it up. He stayed in that position for a while, a look of deep thought on his face. “Hmm… Your temperature doesn’t seem to be of concern. It does seem safe to assume you’re not sick.”
“Yeah! I’m feeling fine. Just a bit cold, like I said.”
Dan Heng looked between his bare arms and your fully covered ones. He ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
You looked at him, confused.
He elaborated, “I didn’t realize I was making the apartment unliveable for you.”
“No, no! I wouldn’t say unliveable. I’m cold, yes, but it’s nothing some layers can’t fix.” Besides, the two of you were lucky enough to live in an apartment that covered utilities for you. He could run the AC and heater on all day and all night if he truly wished.
Dan Heng shook his head. “I should’ve been more attentive to the needs of the other occupants. I’ll keep the temperature higher for you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you teased, noting the look of intense worry on his face. You took a sip of your hot chocolate and smiled at him. “But thank you.”
Dan Heng was nothing but determined, it seemed.
You could tell the next day because instead of the igloo your apartment once was, it now became a sauna.
As you walked into the building after a nice walk outside in the hot sun, you were looking forward to the cool air greeting you. However, what you got was a blast of heated air blowing on your face.
You instantly fanned yourself with your hand as you called, “Dan Heng?”
You didn’t have to look very far because as you walked into the living room, you noticed him shirtless and slightly glistening, a book in one hand an a popsicle in another.
He straightened up as he heard you approach. “Welcome home,” he greeted.
“Hi,” you said with a sheepish wave, trying to keep your eyes off his well-defined chest muscles.
“Is the temperature more to your liking?”
You stared at him, your body and face growing warmer as the hot air continued to blow around you. For a moment, you considered agreeing with him, if only to commend his efforts. You noticed he was putting up with being comfortable if it would have made you more comfortable. However, you felt pretty miserable and you figured you would rather freeze than have the both of you melt inside your apartment.
“Not exactly,” you said, feeling a bead of sweat forming on your temple. “It’s hotter in here and outside, Dan Heng!”
His cheeks that were flushed pink from the heat turned even redder. “Perhaps I overestimated how warm you liked your living area.”
“I think you did!” You couldn’t stop the amused laughter from coming out of your mouth. “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t think living in a sauna is fun for either of us.”
He nodded in agreement. A drop of his popsicle melted and slowly made its way towards his hand. He briefly licked it before it could make a mess.
“I’m going to turn the air conditioner back on,” you said in amusement. “Maybe set it to a nice, room temperature.”
“I agree that would be for the best.”
You walked over to the thermostat and adjusted the temperature accordingly. You felt your body warming with each step. There was no way you wanted to stay in your apartment while it was still this hot.
“It’s going to take a while for our apartment to cool down,” you laughed. “Do you want to go out and get some ice cream while we wait? Maybe go to the beach?”
Dan Heng considered it for a moment, finishing up the small remainder of his popsicle. “I’d like that. We haven’t had much time to bond as roommates. Maybe this would be a good time.”
You nodded. “Something is telling me I’d really enjoy getting to know you more.”
He smiled. “I feel the same.”
“Let’s go have a beach day, roomie!”
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Belly dancer reader got me thinking about König with an Arab Engel who is hypervocal about how much she likes him, Arabic has some intense terms of endearment so her telling him تقبرني which basically means "bury me in a grave because I don't want to live without you" or calling him habib albi (love of my heart). making him an absolute FEAST for breakfast because what do you mean you just want a sandwich? you are getting at LEAST 5 different plates to choose from plus some nice tea while they listen to Fairuz ✨
I like to think he would LOVE how possessive Arab women can get, man can't compliment a woman without getting side eyed by his girl and scolded when they're in the car and gets the full sass "go sit on her lap then, since you want to act like a little boy 🙄" we're hella physical too so he should expect a slap on the arm or to be bitten on the cheek as warning lol.
he leaves for deployment smelling of incense and oud, rich, spicy and sensual. she gives him some perfume oil as both something to remember her by and to ward of any potential women who might want some (girl, who? you're the only one insane enough to handle him XD) plus some charms to keep him safe <3
I’m sorry but why is this so HELLA CUTE
Our man gets a feast for breakfast? He’s in heaven and let me tell you he needs it, König eats huge amounts of food, he needs a lot of fuel and his metabolism is crazy quick and if he doesn’t get enough to eat he starts to feel grumpy or even dizzy >:( Would someone please slip some protein bars into this man's tactical vest before he leaves on a mission so he doesn't kill everyone on his team?
And he’s all possessive but wait a minute, a woman getting possessive of him? Is this even happening? (Also please the way I laughed my ass off at the “Go sit on her lap then, since you want to act like a little boy” LMAO König is in love. He will sit only and ever in your lap now.)
And please don’t get physical with him! Do not get physical unless you want to get squeezed (possessively) or slapped on the butt (lovingly) or get your tits and neck and hips covered in love bites after that. König will return all grabbiness and biting and violation of personal space tenfold.
And uhhh König has a serious scent kink did I ever tell you? So if he can still smell you or of you when he sadly has to leave, our boy will be in a much calmer mood when he’s doing his dirty nasty kind of disturbing job to get the money to buy you everything you want.
König is getting so much love and attention and food he can't take it all in 🥺 All those endearment terms and poetic cooings are about to turn him into a 6'10 marshmallow 🥺 And CHARMS? To keep him safe?? Please no more, this man is about to flop.
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cod-dump · 10 months
I am going to spam you for all eternity, I hope you know this. I do this because I wuv you and you're awesome and I need someone to take my excess brainrot
So, here enjoy some random incorrect quotes of the COD boys
*Based on quotes from a discord I'm in with friends*
Ghost, suffering blood loss: It's fine, I've got big enough ass cheeks now
Nik, in a bad mood ranting to Laswell about his day: Then there's that one fucking bitch boy that likes to fly around and fuck me in the ass!! Soap: Countdowns get me going. Soap, surrounded by shrapnel from a recent failed experiment: So many trials, all error. Ghost, doing his usual banter with Soap: What do condiments say when they're constipated? 'I mus-turd' Gaz, on some painkillers or something: Why can't I have the confidence of a squirrel stealing from a bird feeder? Price, sleep deprived: I just poured lemonade into my cereal. Ghost, also sleep deprived and hunched over in a field: Strip mice to the bone Gaz, who couldn't sleep and was innocently taking a walk: What the fuck? Soap, trying to impress Ghost with his cooking skills: Everyone thinks the human existence revolves around sex, but really it is potato. Ghost, staring with adoration and thinking to himself: *I'm gonna marry him so hard cause he's so stupid* Gaz, playing a game: Dude, I just deepthroated a bear! Soap: That sounds bear-y wrong Gaz, laughing: It is bear-y up my ass now! Ghost: Your problems sound un-bear-able Soap, dying: He's bear-ly holding on Price, crying into his tea: Please stop
*Based on an actual conversation I had with my mom*
Price: God, I'm so stressed out. Between Soap's head injury, Gaz's random bout of chronic stomach issues, and Nik... being Nik, I've got too much stress. Paperwork is honestly the least of my concerns right now. Ghost: Yeah, you know it's bad when your autistic kid is the least problematic. Price, trying not to laugh and cry: Simon, no- Ghost: What? Tell me I'm wrong! I'm just chilling, ya know? Price: What does that even mean???
I've got plenty more, say the word and they're yours ;)
(I have not slept and have too much energy I am so sorry XD)
Oh my god I fucking love these. Wouldn’t mind being spammed lol
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flappingdragon · 4 months
DiaLuci HC’s
A/N: I don’t think I’ve actually posted any DiaLuci on here that wasn’t a reblog lol. Guess I’m here to deliver to y’all XD feel free to take any of these HC’s and adopt them into your own canon DiaLuci universe
(P.S. I didn’t proofread anything, so if there’s any mistakes, which there probably is, sorry in advance!)
Tags: DiaLuci, fluff, SFW and NSFW content, no MC/reader, wing kink, dacryphilia, I’m not gonna tag everything I wrote into the tags cuz I’m lazy, but just be careful when reading cuz I have nsfw stuff (it will be marked under the NSFW category, dw)
(Read Under the Cut)
Sometimes, when both Lucifer and Diavolo are working late to finish up some last minute documents and files, Lucifer won’t realize that he’ll lightly growl at random times
Lucifer doesn’t notice but Diavolo does and he thinks it’s adorable
Diavolo would put down his pen and rest his chin on his hand and just look at Lucifer with awe
Diavolo is fascinated with any sound Lucifer makes so even hearing him growl makes him so happy
When Diavolo finally told Lucifer that he growls, Lucifer simply denied it and moved on to a different conversational topic
Mostly, it’s Diavolo that tends to initiate things in his and Lucifer’s relationship due to the fact Lucifer isn’t used to physical or verbal affection
But that doesn’t mean Lucifer doesn’t initiate anything towards Diavolo
If Lucifer wants to initiate anything, even if it’s a kiss, he would ask first
Diavolo would always tell him he doesn’t have to ask but Lucifer will continue to do it anyway
But Lucifer does get a bit embarrassed when he asks for a kiss
Diavolo loves it
When the both of them go out to drink and Lucifer has had too many drinks, Lucifer will shower Diavolo with praise, affection, and touches
When Lucifer gets drunk, everything he wants to say will come pouring out without a filter
Diavolo gets so flustered and Lucifer will tease him about it not realizing he himself is also red in the face
Diavolo is mostly found laying in Lucifer’s lap in their private moments away from work and Lucifer’s brothers
Diavolo just loves the way Lucifer runs his fingers in his hair
It makes him feel so happy and loved
Yes, it’s cliche but he loves Lucifer so much
I mean, how could his stomach not do triple summersaults when his dear fallen angel shows him some physical affection?
If he was a puppy, his tail would absolutely be causing a strong wind
When I’m the bedroom, it doesn’t matter who’s top and who’s bottom
It just depends on how the both of them are feeling at that peculiar moment
One night, Diavolo could bottom and wake up with his body littered with love bites, hickeys, and handprints made from Lucifer’s hands
Then the next night Lucifer could bottom and wake up with a sore back, numb horns, and his feathers ruffled beyond recognition
So yes
These two are definitely switches
Diavolo, depending on his mood, either likes sex to be romantic and soft or he likes it rough and quick for a nice stress relief
Lucifer, no matter what his mood is, LOVES to be rough whether he’s topping or bottoming and there’s no in between (unless Diavolo asks him to be gentle and careful then only will Lucifer comply)
Diavolo, most of the time, likes to be soft when topping then he likes to make Lucifer forget his own name as time progresses
But when Lucifer tops, he likes to overstimulate Diavolo to the point that he’s a moaning, begging, and crying mess
Which definitely indicates that Lucifer has a dacryphilia kink
Lucifer loves the idea that only he can make Diavolo cry with the sheer amount of pleasure he gives (and it’s one of those cliche things where it’s only HIM that can make him feel this way)
Diavolo definitely has a wing kink
He just loves Lucifer’s wings and likes to touch them
Which then usually causes Lucifer to reach his climax early bc his wings are so sensitive to touch (especially in certain areas like the base of each appendage)
Diavolo also like his own wings played with
Whether if it’s dragging a finger over every intricate detail or just full on fist-grabbing, he enjoys it
Especially when it’s Lucifer doing it
Gods. He just wants Lucifer to ruin him
And it shows XD
Aftercare with them is easy
Just a simple snap of either Lucifer’s or Diavolo’s fingers and everything is cleaned and spotless
Barbatos is thankful to that bc he does NOT want to clean up after the prince’s and his partner’s mess
Poor guy has enough on his plate
He doesn’t want to be in any way, shape, or form involved in any of the prince’s sexual practices/activities
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
hi, this my one of my first requests so i hope im doing this right!
can i request an nsfw senku x fem best friend reader that had similar traits as senku, where they both barely show they’re attracted to anyone, and turns down anyone who has feelings for them. but then they start catching feelings for each other, but both are having a hard time expressing it, and eventually senku is the one to step up? also senku gets a little submissive towards the end of the smut, and reader finds out she likes seeing him like that? sorry if it’s too specific! <3
Senku x Fem. Best Friend Reader
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Low-key, I wasn't in a smut-writing mood, so I made it vague xD Edit: This reminds me of my Dr. Stone OC with Senku a little lol
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🧪Illogical🧪 (Dr. Stone)
Warning(s): Subtle smut, if petrification didn't happen
When two scientists who find love illogical catch feelings...
“It’s [Name]! The Ice Queen!”
You sigh, sauntering down the hall.
“There goes that name again…” you mutter.
Why do they call you that?
“H-Hey, [Name]?” a boy approaches you, averting his gaze.
“Mm?” you acknowledge, disinterested as you work on your current project in biochemistry.
“I’ve liked you since first year, w-will you go out with me?”
With furrowed brows you turn from your notes, “Since first year?”
His smile became hopeful, “Yeah!”
“And you waited until almost the end of our third year to say anything? That’s pretty sad, dude.”
‘Dude’ Attack Used! Fatality!
You could be pretty brutal with rejections, which annoyed you when after three years, people didn’t get the hint.
But to be fair, you were a triple threat, crazy smart, mysterious, and you’re beautiful.
And that’s why you were the Ice Queen, brutal with rejections—cold more often than not, and your beauty gave a mysterious air to your vibe.
To make matters worse, Senku was your best friend (who was also brutal with rejection).
So whenever you were together brutality was doubled.
“[Name]! Date me!” a boy nervously bowed, shoving a letter at you.
You raised a brow, “That’s not very original, the last boy did that.”
Senku shared a glance with you, “Creativity really lacks at this school, huh? This is 10 billion percent boring.”
“Really. Trigonometry would be better to waste my time with,” you sighed.
“Is he crying?”
“I should be the one crying, he came up to me out of nowhere with that. I feel attacked.”
The only person who you seemed to be playful around was Senku along with your other two friends at times.
“Is that why you’re rejecting me? Are you with Senku-senpai?”
You tilted your head, “No, neither of us are into the romance thing.”
But really, you were in denial.
Because something had developed, somehow for Senku.
You’d never thought of romance before with anyone.
It scared you, and you knew he was far from your mindset.
So, you pretended it wasn’t there.
Unbeknownst to you, Senku was in the same predicament.
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, tearing his gaze from you.
You looked so peaceful as you focused, unaware of the small smile on your face.
He’d never felt like this toward a girl before, he’d always been immune to this feeling.
Yet now, he was staring at you again. And his thoughts were yet again on you instead of his project he was currently working on.
You occupied his mind a lot, especially lately. Like his body decided all his hormones would assault him at full speed suddenly.
He blinked away the thoughts that tried to creep from the corner of his brain he’d shoved them to.
Now, based on general knowledge the both of you knew what it was.
But it was against your logical mindset, you weren’t supposed to have feelings for anyone.
Let alone each other.
And you couldn’t tell the other because you knew they didn’t like romance.
So, there was no way either of you could say anything, not that you knew how to express it anyway.
So, you found yourselves circling around this situation and the tension that began to build.
Then summer was edging closer, you had both planned to go to the same college, but you had another offer that was tempting.
Asked on video-chat one night, “Why do you want to go there all of a sudden?”
You applied face cream to your cheek, “Well, this college offers pretty much all of the same things, only difference is it’d be here in Japan instead of America. So, there wouldn’t be any reason for me to leave. Right?”
That statement echoed in his mind relentlessly for days, it didn’t sit right.
Deep down he knew why, but…he didn’t know if he could tell you.
“It’d be weird to not see you every day, though,” you chuckled.
He’d hate that, being limited to video-chat if he wants to see your face.
“Me,” he blurted one day.
“Huh? ‘You’, what?”
He looked into your eyes, leaning in,“Your reason to go. You can go for me.”
“Y-you? Why—”
“We both know why, [Name]. It’s ten billion percent pointless to keep dodging it.”
“I…I know. I just—I’m scared…”
“Well, this is new. And…not logical…emotions are always a scary thing. You don’t have logic to hide behind, you have to be—"
“Human. Yeah, that scares me, too.”
“But…you’re right, we can’t avoid it forever,” you admitted.
The tension became much more apparent as you gazed at each other.
You two were like magnets; a sudden pull overcame you.
At first, curious, unsure.
Then as you grew more comfortable, you gained some confidence.
And as scientists, you were definitely fine with asking questions.
“Senku? Is this okay?”
He tossed his head back, before looking down at you, “Yeah, definitely fine.”
And Senku loved to experiment with something he had yet to learn.
“Who would’ve thought the Ice Queen…would be so warm?” he muttered against your back with a smirk.
You saw another side of each other that day.
And you edged close to the end, but couldn’t get that release…
You watched as Senku let out a desperate whimper, something you’d never expected to hear from him.
His cheeks flushed, brows furrowed.
The cute expression was all you needed.
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weepinwriter · 5 months
Hello~ I was wondering if the character creation is going to be diverse, in the sense of our MC's personality. Because all the characters seem so tragic, erotic and stoic to me in a cruel and dark world (I may be wrong), and then we have my MC, a social misfit with anxiety, with mood problems and making jokes at the worst times (similar to Jack Sparrow) XD hahahaha. And I thought: the characters are going to hate my MC.
So, my two questions are: are we going to have the opportunity to develop an MC with a varied personality with stats that give us various reactions (extroverted, stoic, adorable, joking, etc)? Or will it be something more default? And what kind of reaction or impression could the RO's have with such a different MC?
Nikita and Gael definitely have a good grip on me at this point ajsjdhdjsj AHHHH I can't not fall into the arms of a walking red flag and an anarchist who wants to kill me. XD
I keep having this scene in mind where Nikita asks my MC to wear this cute necklace around her neck, nothing suspicious, obviously...and my MC responds like: Uh~ kinky, I like it.
Or being with Gael and he pointed a gun at my MC, for some reason, and my MC was like: you know? I charge for having a gun pointed at me, but since you're so hot, I'll let you have it for free.
I don't know, it may not be at all what I think, but if possible, I'm going to create my Jack Sparrow in this wonderful IF just to annoy everyone. Hahaha
PS: Sorry for all the babbling, but this IF has so much potential and so much love in its creation that I can't help but applaud your work in progress. Take care of yourself and sleep well. ✨
Awwww your MC sounds so adorable! They would stick out like a sore thumb among the dark crowd of the ROs 😞 but yes! The character creation is going to be diverse, with options like STOIC vs EMOTIONAL, CAREFUL vs RECKLESS and many more to be included as it goes! So you needn't worry about character diversity 😊
For your first question, yes the MC will have a varied range of personality stats that will range from stoic to reckless to extroverted and etc. there will be no default settings as according to the story the MC will have lost all their memories and therefore they will not be acting the same way they did before. Secondly, the RO’s reactions will range from pleasant surprise to maybe even disgust? Depending on your choices ofcourse. The ROs who have known the MC before, like Nikita and E. will be quite surprised by the new change, the former will be more welcoming to it meanwhile the latter will have some mixed feelings on it. Leo on the other hand will be disgusted, they quite liked the previous MC and their sassy attitude. Caesar and V. who don't know the MC will be more or less welcome it as they don't know who MC was or how they acted earlier. Meanwhile, Twenty and G. will be originally disgusted thinking that the MC is faking it, but soon realise that they aren't so they'll slowly grow used to this new MC, albeit being a little wary.
And OH HO looks like my favourite babies have got you quite on the chokehold 🤭 I'm not complaining tho I love it when people like the ROs ehe-
Though that necklace scene tho- I can't get it out of my head now, curse you! 😭 And lmao 🤣 the way your MC reacts, Nikita will be taken aback for a while! (Not that he's complaining lol) Meanwhile G. trying not to kill the MC out of frustration because of their new attitude. Like c'mon they're crying to kill you for crying out loud! Stop making it so sexual! 😂
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Today’s replies are mostly about our previous posts…
Anonymous asked:
Ryu??? Your last TreyRiddle fanart????? I've been starved of content of that ship and you deliver such delicious food??? Thank you so much!!! I bet Riddle is dying to bury his head between Trey's tiddies (who wouldn't??) Wonderful work!! Looking forward to see more of them in your style in the future ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous asked:
Riddle has been getting a lot of extra attention as of late not that I'm complaining boy needs some love~
HEHEHE I’ve told you, you never know when the mood for certain ships is going to hit us~ We’ve been thinking about these two (…and about Trey and Riddle too! *very clever tiddies joke*) a lot this past week.
I’ve already mentioned it, but we’re rewatching the main story, slowly but surely. And it’s a great opportunity to get inspired to draw the boys that we haven’t touched in a while. And Riddle deserves all the love!!
I’m very happy you’re happy to see them, and also happy to deliver <3
Anonymous asked:
Floyd jelly Trey and chenya are pleasuring his man
To be honest, I don’t know if Floyd would be jelly. It’s one of many things in Floyd like that  which depend on his mood. Maybe he’d feel like something of his is getting stolen, but maybe he’ll just take it as a reason to tease Riddle more + an excuse to cling to him and harass him~
Anonymous asked:
I saw your Lilidia artwork and now all I can think of is how good Lilia would look in a thong.
Please don’t let Lilia find out about it, he’ll genuinely consider wearing it… it’s not cutesy enough for him probably, but his flat-ass butt deserves it lol
masked-cat asked:
Do you ship Azul/idia and Lilia/idia separately or does Azul run a rental service? Lol
If only… If only Azul knew how popular Idia’s going to be… IF ONLY!!! Missed business opportunity!!1 lol
In all honesty it depends; sometimes they coexist, because none of them actually date each other yet, so it’s just a mix of complicated feelings between all of them. Sometimes they coexist because Azul, while being extremely jealous, knows better than to challenge Lilia. Sometimes they don’t coexist lol
Oh, I actually have a reply on this topic!
Anonymous asked:
in Rookvil marriage, Epel probably only gets to be flower boy because Rook is decided to be Vil's right man
Oh Epel is going to be so pissed lol Sorry, Epel, we can’t trust you with anything other than throwing flowers.
Anonymous asked:
Vil treats Jack and Ortho better than Epel XD
Of course he does, Jack and Ortho are good boys ❤️
I really love how in Vil’s mind the first years are a young potato #1, a young potato #2, a tiny potato, aw these two good boys, and a fucking CUCUMBER.
Anonymous asked:
So Rook is gonna be involved in the Tweels and Azul's life now that Vil is part of Shroud and how Idia is part of them?
(this is related to this reply)
Now that’s a sitcom I would absolutely watch lol But I’m afraid everyone would just be freaked out by Rook. No one knows why he’s always here, but he just is, and even if he isn’t, you know he’s lurking around. Vil is used to it, Ortho doesn’t mind it, Idia is terrified but that’s nothing new, but the Tweels and Azul would probably be very uncomfortable lol
Anonymous asked:
If Jamil and Ruggie knows about Azul's jealously, they will likely mess with him by being boyfriends together in front of Azul making him more irritated.
(this is related to this reply)
Oh they don’t care about Azul that much (OHHHHH--)
But it would definitely be funny and also could be a nice punishment if Azul becomes too clingy lol The problem with Azul is that he won’t just tolerate it peacefully, so it’s a dangerous game to play with him…
Anonymous asked:
Rook must love that he gets to see both his stalkees at the same time whenever Neige is on the hunt for more Vil pics and stuff
(this is related to this reply)
Yeah, this is always Rook’s happiest time of the day… The whole situation is quite amusing, but the fact that it’s Roi du Neige who stalks Vil… Honestly it would probably overwhelm Rook, but in a good way (so bad for Vil lol).
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esssteee · 7 months
"the three body problem" DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING?!
I am but a humble beggar desirous of any crumbs you can feed me related to that one
XD XD XD of course YOU would latched on the promise of potential darkolina uh?
ok soooooooo main idea is that we are like 10 years after the main storyline of of monsters and men, and both aleksander and nikolai are doing okay-ish as tsars (which is a ton better than any other lantsovs before them, but still!!! ruling is hard!! people are needy, war isn't exactly over even if there is new, fresh ruling and treaties are coming down faster than people can slap each other's ass, plus on top of that the courtiers who haven't sided with the previous regime and are still very much alive have once more settled in their bad and more than greedy habits of always asking for more). ANYWAY you did not necessarily wished to know the setting but here you go nonetheless!
but the main thing is that we have nikolai (40 y.o., long-haired, bearded jaw, a bit of a pouch thing going on around his waist, just plain gorge) now more mature physically and mentally (or that's what he thinks lol), and who has come into a stage of his life where, even if he is profundly in love with aleksander, feels something is lacking. basically, the man wants a child (not me exploring my own issues here, no ma'am). he does not necessarily want an heir, but he wishes for a family of his own blood (plus there may be some breeding kink that will show its head there, but i'm pushing back the smut with a bat at this point, tho it WILL be smutty, you know me too well not to explore our favs thru sex).
how alina comes in the picture? well she's basically nikolai's best friend and has long ago fallen into disillusionment concerning mal while also feeling something is lacking. oh oh, would you look at that. anyway, she has her circle of friends with grisha and the twins, but she still is considered a saint and someone of a different rank than all of them, a bit like aleksander in that way. the one to be there for her as a human first is hence nikolai. it's friendship, yeah, but it's first of all a deep love and appreciation for each other, something that could so easily become more than it already is. they are already both very physical in their affection, always touching and standing close to each other, always making sure the other is okay and lifting each other's mood when necessary. sweet, fluffy stuff, you know? and aleksander has long learned to be okay with that cause he wants nikolai happy, and alina, well, there is fondness there too, hidden under layers of exasperation and frustration and roughly-healed wounds, but mostly, regarding them both, there is that possessive instinct to hoard and claim. but we gotta keep in mind that the blistered tangle of aleksander and alina's previous relationship is still very much present―how they tolerate, even appreciate each other, but it is def not the easy relation of when alina first joined the Little Palace. so, playing the good-natured king, nikolai wants to mend that, needs to mend that, even, because, self-sacrificing fool that he is, he knows he is not immortal like them (even with aleksander's shadows) and he knows that they will continue on living long after his death. and since they are his two favs persons in the world and were once almost-lovers, well, they should end up together after his death. right? riiiight?
so that's more or less it, the birth of an OT3 with all the hassle of repairing previous relationships, expanding and morphing existing ones into a completely new one, and, perhaps, discovering the desire of parenthood along the way (tho it won't be a kidfic, but there will be multiple talks of it and the quite sexy consequences of such talks).
oh and, what have we here? could this be all in aleksander's pov? oh my XD
SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT but here you go :D :D i have unfortunately almost nothing written, just curt passages here and there and that dumb copy-paste of the wikipedia text on the three body problem, but this has been the ~main~ rotisserie chicken in my head for sure. won't leave me alone at all ;_;
gonna tag @theonewiththeory just so you have the first idea of that darkolina i mentioned the other day 😈😈😈
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twstconfessions · 16 days
Hey, just want to say that the other comments are making good points and Disney is terrible, but I just wanted to say—
1. You are acknowledging a huge problem in your life. You’ve spent a lot of money on TWST, which negatively affected you over time. But you are acknowledging it and that’s a huge step.
2. This is going to be very healthy for you financially, giving you more freedom in the future to do things you want.
3. Maybe don’t ask Tumblr to shame you because they go for the throat lol.
Overall, thought your comments were harsh, and you didn’t particularly deserve that vitriol when you were trying to be vulnerable and admit you have a problem that you’re trying to move past. If no one else will say it, then I’m proud of you for doing that.
I wish you the best in your recovery.❤️‍🩹
This genuinely boosted my mood after dealing with the Anon this morning thank you so much for the kind words, sorry I'm responding so late <3 1. It's always hard admitting when there's an addiction cause it feels like if you don't acknowledge it, you don't have it. It really kinda hit me in the face when I saw all $2000 of my savings were gone and I knew I had to finally do something about it. Hopefully this blog helps me keep track of myself.
2. Exactly, I've got plans to move out soon and rent alone is already tough as it is let alone all other basic necessities. I've desperately needed independence growing up and now's the time I gotta start acting mature
3. Lol I realise XD I've updated my pinned post so it no longer asks for people to shame me.
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teejaystumbles · 5 months
Talk to me about BtOM and/or its sequel? I've seen some of the webcomic and would love to know more
Hooo boy! Thank you so much for your interest! This is going to be a long post! BtoM is my original webcomic, set in the Aztec empire in the 15th century, before the arrival of the Spaniards. It's not trying to be historically accurate but I did quite a lot of research at the time to get cultural stuff and place settings right. It features, as main characters, Metztlitototl, a boy who fell from the sky; Mictlantecuhtli, god of death; Tezcatlipoca, god of, heh, a shitload of things LOL, and his highpriest Itztli, a human. They try to navigate their feelings for each other while finding out where Metz came from. It's a gay love fantasy drama. (while I and the characters often refer to Metz as a "boy", he is not underage) I came up with the basic story idea over twenty years ago and developed it over the years (with the help of a writer who is not part of it any more) into a fully fleshed out story. At the moment it spans six full chapters with about 30-40 pages each; the seventh and last chapter is still unfinished. I have taken huge breaks over the years, coming back to it again and again. I have always promised that I will one day finish it and I still intend to keep that promise. The shutdown of smackjeeves had me loose my main platform for hosting the comic and while I have plans to make my own website, at the moment it's hard to direct people to where to read it easily. That's why I set up a new tumblr for it, but editing all the pages and making the posts is also a huge effort I struggle with. (So sorry!!! I will try and be better!)
It's hard to share stuff because it's a comic script, not a novel, but I'd like to share something from chapter seven, Mic and Itztli trying to figure out who or what Metz actually is-
Itztli is sleepless, he roams the temple grounds restlessly, deep circles under his eyes. He coughs violently and spits but doesn't see the blood mixed with his spit. At dawn he comes upon a secluded area where a fire must have been burning not long ago, a qualming brazier and lots of footprints make him curious. He inspects the scene and finds almost but not completely erased drawings in the earth, depicting... Metztlitototl? What is the meaning of this? Is that... the boy? "It is as I thought." Itztli whirls around at the voice, and Mic stands before him (not the skeleton, but the "nice" Mic). Itztli squats down immediately, heart pounding. "Lord of Mictlan." Mic ignores him. He looks around, sees traces of burnt incense, and even a feather of a bird, hinting at a blood sacrifice. Without looking at Itztli, still studying the area, he says: "Tell me about the night you found him."
The sequel is a very indulgent PWP that has them figuring out their feelings even more and basically all four of them end up in a polyamorous relationship haha. It was my pleasure project to write when the mood struck and has reached the same length as the main story document (oops LOL)
My favourite is not the main character Metz but Itztli, my precious poor boy who'd do anything for his capricious master. He's probably the reason the sequel exists because they needed more space to flourish <3
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The main characters, Metz and Mic, are soft and lovely and I love them to bits but they are also, well, easy. Also, Mic is obviously inspired by Dream. My teenage self had a type (and still has). xD
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Feel free to ask me more detailed questions! I will endeavour to post more comic pages soon!
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Um... How about the Flags + Rimbraud and Verlaine with a s/o who plays the violin but is very shy about it so they walk in on them practicing? If you don't feel comfortable with this, feel free to ignore it! Have an amazing day and awesome rest of your week my dear friend!
YOOOOO I LOVE THIS REQUEST SO MUCH!! AND VIOLIN? ONE OF MY FAV INSTRUMENTS?!! HECK YEAH (lmao sorry for my energetic mood I'm just happy)
Stormbringer spoilers below!
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Slight mentions of death
The Flags + Rimlaine who walks in on S/O playing the violin
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-This man is an artist and you cannot tell me otherwise. When he walked in on you practising, he was actually kind of surprised, but afterwards a smile forms his face
-You were very good at violin, so let's say that you were practicing Paganini's 'La Campanella'. When Pianoman walked in, you literally squeaked and was immediately going to apologise for not telling him, but he was looking at you with a lot of admiration and curiosity in his eyes
-Who knew that his beloved s/o could play the violin? Pianoman is very interested in the instrument, because I feel like he likes music as well. Definitely asks you questions about the violin and your experience of playing it
-Tell him all the random facts about the violin! He would love to hear it from you, and it makes him even more interested in the instrument. Teach him how to play it! He would love to learn it, and don't worry, he will never drop your violin because he's way too elegant for that
-He has jokingly asked one time if he could use violin strings to replace his wires. Slap him. Hard. (and fyi violin strings normally aren't strong enough to behead someone lol)
-Loves listening to you play. I feel like his favourite piece would either be Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D or Mozart's Violin Concerto No.5
-But if you were practicing too much, Pianoman will make you take a break. He'd hate to see you overworking yourself, and the calluses on your fingers pains him. Would delicately massage your left hand if the piece you played was too intense
-Oh and if he ever dares to use violin strings as his weapon, slap him very hard for me. But he wouldn't dare to do it because it's an insult to art plus I would slap him myself loool
-When he walked in, he was immediately star-struck by your lovely playing. Definitely goes all 'Y/N!! You could play the violin? Why didn't you tell me it's so cool!!' while you were going slightly red from the embarrassment
-His energetic personality erases all embarrassment from you, because he thinks that your violin playing is the coolest. Definitely brags about you to the Flags, and asks you a lot of questions on the violin
-Now Albatross would actually ask you to teach him how to play the violin. Even though he does bounce around a lot and nearly drops the instrument a lot of times, he won’t actually drop it because he’s good with his hands (fixing vehicles requires hand dexterity) But please be aware of where he puts the violin, because sometimes it can end up dropping to the floor or being sat on
-Loves to hear you play. Albatross probably prefers pop songs, but who said that he didn’t like a good old classical piece every now and then? If you play him Zigeunerweisen or Erlkönig he will love it
-If you’re insecure about your violin playing skills, he will give you lots of encouragement and love to make you feel better
-Albatross would buy a violin as well so that he could play a duet with you when his skills are good enough. I recommend the Bach concerto for 2 violins in D minor. Also please educate him on what type of violin is best for him, because he might buy than expensive asf violin that doesn’t even suit his playing lmao
-Might even make Chuuya listen to his violin playing. Please save Chuuya’s ears because they will be bleeding by the end of it xD
-Doc might tilt his head in curiosity when he walks in on you playing. I feel like he hasn’t listened to a lot of music due to his busy career as a doctor, so hearing an in-person soloist-level violin playing is very refreshing and nice for him
-He would ask you a lot of questions about the violin, perhaps even ask you to teach him. Feel free to do so, but please keep your lessons shorter than an hour... because I feel like Doc doesn’t have enough stamina to stand while playing the violin for that long
-He will treat you if you get injuries from violin playing. Even if it was just a mere callouse, Doc is still insistent on treating it, and plus I know you secretly love his touch. But that one time when you practiced a bit too much and cut yourself on the violin strings... Doc hid the violin from you until your fingers healed it was under his bed lmao
-Loves listening to your playing as well. Whenever he feels stressed, sick, or just any negative emotion in general, he will sit down and listen to the wonderful melody coming out from your bow. Play some Paganini or Shostakovich and he will fall in love with you more
-Watch TwoSetViolin with him!!! I headcanon he secretly is a Twosetter, and also a Ling Ling wannabe. Doc will definitely practice 40 hours a day if he could
-When you played him a piece on his birthday, I swear that you could’ve heard his heart beat all the more for you
-He didn’t show that much of an outward reaction when he walked in. Probably a slight raise of his eyebrows, but he was pretty chill about it overall
-Would slightly question on why you hid this skill from him, but he isn’t mad! Just a bit curious, that’s all
-Iceman will comfort you if you were feeling embarrassed and guilty of hiding your ability to play the violin from him. He’s literally the most patient guy and it takes a lot for him to get mad
-Literally just wants you to be as comfortable as you can... he even volunteers to step out of the room if you wanted to practice your violin in peace. Hug him
-Wouldn’t really ask, but he would love it if he could listen to you play your violin. It’s canon that Iceman likes listening to his old records, but that doesn’t mean that he dislikes listening to anything else! Play him some nice and calming music, like Meditation by Jules Massenet
-Could listen to you talk about the violin all day. Iceman would never judge or criticise your passion for your instrument, and your passion makes him even more interested in the violin
-Would actually not use the violin for his assassinations anymore. He has used a few to kill some people, but he won’t do that anymore because of his love for you 💗
-He was honestly quite surprised when he found out, but that surprise quickly melted away. Lippmann thinks that playing the violin is quite a nice skill to have, and he isn’t mad that you kept that skill from him
-Would kiss your callouses and scars on your fingers. His kisses are the best and they always make you flustered (but you know you love it)
-Also would listen to you play! He doesn’t have a lot of time due to his jobs, but Lippmann will take any chance he could to listen to your violin playing. It helps him to calm down whenever he’s in a stressed mood from what he was going to say for the interview or the negotiation
-I headcanon that he likes listening to pieces from the Romantic period. So play some Tchaikovsky or Brahms and it would be his go-to music from now on. Besides, Lippmann himself is quite romantic too
-He would ask you to teach you a bit of violin. Sometimes, he would have to play the violin in a few movies as part of his acting career, but now that he knows you play the instrument, he wants to make sure that his playing isn’t sacrilegious in any way. Lippmann is a pretty fast learner, so after a few lessons he could probably make a good sound for a beginner
-Takes you to violin concerts. Lippmann is rich and he wouldn’t mind spending every single dollar on you. And the violin concerts he takes you to are the best, where everybody dresses up formally and the music is just breathtaking
-He so would use a lot of violin and musician pickup lines on you. They make you blush a lot every single time, but when you start saying them back, that is the only time you would see Lippmann flustered. And I guarantee you that it is a sight to see
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-Rimbaud was pleasantly surprised when he walks in on you practicing your violin. In fact, he may just stand in the corner while admiring your playing, not speaking so that he wouldn’t interrupt the flow of the music
-When you finished practising your piece, he slowly stepped forward with a small smile on his face. When you turned around you did get a little scare, but Rimbaud just told you how much he liked your playing
-He is very curious about the violin, but he won’t ask too much about it. So please tell him anything you know about the instrument, because Rimbaud loves hearing you talk. And he will remember whatever you say because it just reflects his love for you
-Rimbaud will be curious if you teach him about the violin. Despite how cold he always is and the fact that his fingers are constantly trembling, he’s actually very careful! Also puts a layer of subspace over your violin so that if it drops, it wouldn’t get harmed
-Play some French songs or pieces for him! He strikes me as the sentimental type, and if you played him something that he liked listening to when he was a child, you might even catch him softly humming along. I headcanon he might like Debussy because his pieces are just nice
-But that one time your violin string snapped and nearly hit you in your face, Rimbaud was so scared for you. Literally kept asking you if you were alright, while taking the violin out of your hands and tried to see if you were hurt anywhere. Definitely keeps an eye on the strings from now on to see which ones were close to snapping
-When you played him a nostalgic piece for his birthday, he nearly cried. Hug him and give him lots of love please
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-He is one smooth guy. I mean, he is the King of Assassins, so you definitely don’t hear or sense him when he walks into the room
-Verlaine was a bit surprised, but he smiles as he watches you practice your violin the whole time. When you finish practicing and put your violin down, you get the biggest scare of your life when you turn around
-He does chuckle a little, and says ‘who knew that mon amour was so talented at violin?’ But Verlaine will apologise for scaring you he better
-Now unlike Rimbaud, Verlaine does ask you questions about the violin. While he won’t go overboard with questions that he could find the answer of online, he will ask you about your experience with the violin as well. Verlaine loves it when your eyes light up with passion as you talk about your instrument; he thinks you look all the more attractive
-While you play your violin, Verlaine might sing along. It won’t sound weird or anything, because it is canon that his voice is ‘as graceful as a violin solo’, which means his voice sounds so fricking nice and goes well with your violin playing Rimbaud you lucky bastard
-But sometimes he would like to listen to your violin playing in comfortable silence. The tranquil melody helps him recollect his thoughts and sort out his feelings, not to mention Verlaine likes having a glass of wine while listening to you play
-I feel like Verlaine might know one or two things about the violin, but he’s never really played the instrument. So teach him! He is a fast learner, and when he plays he channels all of his feelings into it; his playing gives the piece a storm of emotions that only he alone could comprehend
-Definitely researches more into violin classical music. He appreciates art, and each time he hears you play he closes his eyes in appreciation. It soothes him and gives him a temporary peace in his always restless soul
-Will kiss your hands when you practice too much. Verlaine will gently scold you if you get callouses or small cuts, but he won’t stop you from playing. He just tells you to not overdo it, and even keeps track of your practicing sessions so that you wouldn’t practice too much Verlaine just let them practice their 40 hours lmao
@pixyys @pianotross @angolicious @the-mourning-stars @fi-nn-losofia @yuugen-benni @nekokinax @lakeside-paradise
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allthefujoshiunite · 9 months
Have you ever thought about red flag uke? Sure, it's easy to find red flag seme, but the uke.... Do you have any BL recs about red flag uke?
Also, can I ask BL recs that kinda remind you of Bokuto x Akashi from Haikyuu? Where one is oblivious, loveable, straight forward person and the other is quite, serious but always looking after the other?
Sorry for this random ask, thanks if you want to answer.....
Hi! It really is easier to find red flag seme (makes sense since the word means “to attack” or “to be on the offence”) but the way authors/ artists depict uke characters have been changing as well ~ I currently don’t have access to my computer, so I’ll just list the titles I have in mind and update if I have any additions next week (ish). Enjoy!
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Research is serious business, you guys.
What people consider a “red flag” differs to be honest, some people draw the line at cheating while others may or may not excuse murder depending on the situation. Some want the character to be sweet to their partner but be toxic otherwise, while others want the relationship itself to be toxic. I don’t know which case you feel drawn to, so I’ll be going with my gut (again) lol
Checkmate (Tan): He’s manipulative! He’s petty! Everything you need in a toxic uke, Soohyun has it. And interestingly, Eunsung is not exactly put off by it. I was asked whether I know another title like Checkmate and I honestly don’t. I have reviewed it in the past (now the main story is completed and side stories are being released) so if you want more info, I suggest you check it out.
Wonna Do It? (Cho Sangduck): Another title I mentioned in the answe I linked above. Can be found in Lezhin’s library. This is a very short, unhinged story that I need continuation of immediately!
Liveta (muzi): I have briefly read this one and liked it, you might want to check it out on Lezhin.
Mad Place (Junah): Tbh I was very enthusiastic going into this series and read 30+ chapters but my interest fizzled out. The uke in this title is scheming something (I didn’t stick around long enough to find out) and you can consider him a tad manipulative. There’s crime and investigation and you might find it more intriguing than me! On Lezhin.
Pornographer + Pornographer Playback + Mood Indigo (Maki Marukido): All three are in Manga Planet’s (Futekiya) library. The main character Kijima is an author, and while Pornographer (Playback is the continuation) focuses on him and Haruhiko, Mood Indigo is Kijima becoming an author and his relationship with his editor. I suggest you read Pornographer first and then read Mood Indigo for better context! Kijima will frustrate you to the max skcjdnjc.
A Lotus Flower In the Mud (Tamekou): This is not just a red flag uke but a red flag all over fkfnfj. Be mindful of the tags before you go in!
The King of Home Cooking (Lee Hyun-joo): The uke in this is one of the most frustrating characters I’ve ever read, he’s so unlikable and remains that way until the very end and that’s kinda why I like this series xD It has a very interesting theme as well, highly suggested! Can be read on Tappytoon.
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A s for titles similar to BokuAka. I have a previous list that would kind of fit what you’re looking for (except the first and the last one). Here’s another list with puppy seme x cool(-ish) uke types.
That’s all I have for now! Hope you like the recommendations.
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