#sorry for the piss ass quality of the image
collectiveclams · 1 month
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My Cole design is slowly getting closer to what I want it to be! Blame @stealingyourbones for the mullet addition lmao.
The text on his tank top reads “Strongman Build.”
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onyxstic · 1 year
Felt a little edgy tonight ☠️
Click image for better quality, I’m so sorry idk what’s going on with my tumblr as of late😭
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Here’s the song it was based off of:
Bit of a disclaimer for this, Sol is not abusive or a purposely neglectful parent. It might seem that way out of context so,
Bit of a backstory on this drawing:
Short ver: Orions dad leaves for collection often, so, to try and prove he should be able to join his beloved father he attempts to fight a grown Titan. Little dude almost dies, but papa saves him only to show his disappointment about the immature action.
Long ver: Sols a good dad but he’s often cold because he’s such a serious collector. He constantly had to leave Orion alone when going off to planets and on one particular day Orion thought it was a great idea to follow Sol to a planet which, unfortunately, was full of titans.
Orion, being the immature child he was, decided it would be a great idea to fight a whole ass adult Titan. Of course he got his butt kicked and would have almost died if not for Sol who saved him just in time.
Of course, Sol was pissed off that his son disobeyed the biggest rule he had set which was obviously: not to follow him, no matter the cost. And, of course, Orion got a bit of a parental scolding which he took as pure disappointment from the only person he truly looked up to.
He probably cried later that night while listening to TV Girl.
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mosthuggableffxiv · 11 months
"Didn't Quite Make It" Poll
Propaganda (including the Estinien rant I alluded to a while back, which is probably the outside edge of allowable propaganda) and images below.
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Erik: "talks down to the wol constantly, assumes they're an unintelligent musclehead, preaches to his fellow ala mhigans about the 'correct' way to rebel against garlemald in a similar tone, generally kind of a massive dickhead through the majority of the questline"
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G'raha Tia: "He was an annoying little shit (I love him now though. I’m so sorry G’Raha T^T)" (Note: the submitter specified that this was just for his appearance in the Crystal Tower raids and not later on)
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Hancock: "Just look. At his face. He is a smug little capitalist bastard who just happens to be on our side."
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Khloe: "the myth of three lines"
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Krile: "Spends her first interactions clowning on Alphinaud pretty harshly and while he usually deserves it he is also my baby and I want to kick her ass for it"
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Lue-Reeq: "Brags about having so much money, gives out pocket change he mooched from his parents. Whines when the WoL has a poorly-timed Echo. Prevented me from having quality time with the Bard Boys in ShB."
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Radlia: "I’m gonna be honest her facial expressions are fun to imagine socking her to but I’m mostly submitting her because I feel bad for ranting about my personal vendetta against est*nien earlier. She’s a lovely heel character! Very punchable." (Note: this was the same submitter as the above Estinien rant)
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Rhitahtyn: "Poor bastard. I'd say beating him isn't even fun anymore but the new solo duty is actually very cool."
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The Warrior of Light: "Cause it's us"
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2. The Cracked Teacup
It was a good, pleasant day. The day was shining and Mitsuki was currently getting her ass squeezed by her husband Masaru with one hand and her breasts kneaded by another. The duo rarely spend quality time together, Masaru works at a chemical agency that usually has him on call, and sometimes the hospital needs Mitsuki for her Glycerin as a youthful study. So when they are together now with nothing to bother them except for their son when he gets home from school, they are going to take advantage of it. 
That would have been the case if Katsuki hadn’t sent them a photo of Izuku’s swollen and bruised back. The brutality of the image sent a massive boulder in their stomach, staring at it in absolute horror. Who the fuck would dare to hurt their Izuku and did they think they would get away with it? 
The question was who?
Mitsuki immediately texted her son back, demanding answers and he did say that he was again beaten at shitty Aldera. However, according to Katsuki, this was before Physical Education, and it didn’t add up. It was a question that Katsuki asked that sent the Bakugou’s mind spiraling.
Was it her?
There was no way in hell Inko would do this, she loved her son conditionally from what they have seen. Even when she bore Izuku through certain means she still loved him, or did she?
Mitsuki knew that she was prejudiced against the Quirkless, and she had good reason to. However, the blonde thought it was on that particular person. Did that hatred transfer to Inko’s child?
".....You don't think Inko is actually abusing him, are you Mitsuki?"
"Are you calling our son a liar?"
"Of course not, but the fact of a mother abusing her child is unprecedented-"
*SLAM* "Don't give me that bullshit, Masaru! I knew Inko for so long and the fact that she is possibly abusing my Little Mochi like the photo Katsuki showed us, then that is pissing me off! She has been doing this from right under my fucking nose and I had no clue!"
"I know Honey, but we don't know for sure she was the cause." Masaru said, pulling off his glasses to massage a headache that was forming. "It could also be from Aldera, you know how the world treats those who are Quirkless."
"Well, if I had your Quirk, Masaru, I would shove my hand up their discriminating ass and melt them a new one, painfully!" Mitsuki said sharply, holding the phone tightly in hopes to strangle the person who hurt Izuku before tossing it onto the coffee table.
The duo looked again at the photo with disgust and worry. To them, Izuku was a kind and innocent boy, and those injuries on his back were making their blood boil. Even Masaru, who is usually the voice of reason, can't seem to control his anger.
"Babe, you're melting the couch." Mitsuki said with a deadpan, and her husband looked down and then smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." He then poured baking soda on the affected areas.
Mitsuki sighed and looked at the photo once again, that gut-punch feeling getting worse. She had asked Katsuki if Little Mochi was beaten outside of school and he denied it, stating that he was with him to Aldera. He did say they went their separate ways after a stupid fight, and her Mother Instinct Radar was telling her that something more was to it.
She also knew by the tone of her son's text that he had that instinct as well, and now he is in protective mode for Izuku. He had not realized it fully yet, but the BS radar is more than just conscious reasoning.
Mitsuki sighed in frustration, remembering something she had almost forgotten. "When Inko and I were younger I knew she had prejudice against those who were Quirkless and the reason. However, I thought she had agreed to raise Izuku normally no matter what the outcome. Now, I realize I should have listened to my gut back then...had she really reformed?" 
"We need to trust Katsuki to keep an eye on him until the weekend, from there we can ask Inko if Izuku can spend a couple of weeks here over the summer." Masaru suggested, giving some thought. "From there we can ask Izuku if there has been anything wrong."
Mitsuki huffed. "The brat is always with the Little Mochi and whenever things feel off he gets extra pissy, yelling at him to stick by his side or with his group." She said while making notes on how to make sure Izuku will be here, but then her mind thought about something that was worrying her. 
"If that was the case of the abuse, then why did they go their separate ways after school? I wonder with Katsuki's mouth did he confront Izuku about the injury? Or was it something else? Something doesn't add up."
Mitsuki then reached for her teacup right next to her, fingers inches away until...
The duo looked at the teacup in shock as a crack suddenly formed alongside it, followed by a sense of foreboding filling them up soon after. A few moments had passed when Mitsuki suddenly got up and pulled off her apron.
"To hell with this! I'm going out!" She then grabbed her keys, and her big purse and ran out the door with a slam. Masaru didn't even bother stopping her. His wife's MIR was flaring ever since they saw the photo and when the cup cracked in a superstitious way he knew that today was going to be a hellish day.
Katsuki was fighting the Sludge Villain, trying to get the noxious muck off of him with his blasts. He would be able to get some off but since the fucker was so fluid his Quirk was practically useless. Tsubasa and Riko were flung away from the other two and could not get closer to try to save the blonde due to fear and flames.
More blasts were created from his hands, creating more flames in the alleyway. Shortly after the commotion, the area was now getting surrounded by civilians looking at the spectacle like he was part of a freak show, not even doing anything to help but take pictures. Several minutes later the Pro Heroes arrived on the scene and the crowds cheered.
"Orah~!!" Death Arm ran towards Katsuki and the Sludgeman and punched the villain hard, or at least tried to. The moment he made contact it sucked his fist in like it was Oobleck, keeping him in place.
The Sludge Man laughed, "You are just a matchstick compared to All Might's fists!" He then grabbed the hero, launched him up into the air, and flung him into a large garbage dump, leaving a body print on the steel.
"Damn, I can't get a hit on him! Kamui, can you do anything?"
Another hero with branches forming out of his hands was keeping a safe distance but he had the two kids in his branches. “I can’t get any closer, the flames will incinerate me!”
Death Arms cursed again and went back to Kamui. “Backdraft! Are you near the area, we need you to sweep the Villain!!” 
“Once the fire trucks arrive to take care of the fire that kid caused I can, I am busy at the moment from spreading it further!” Another Hero with fire hoses on both his hands and in a fireman gear yelled in his earpiece. “Other than that we need to wait for backup!”
Katsuki opened his eyes wide at the familiar name Izuku has only from him. He looked to his right and saw that Izuku was running toward him with a look of shock and fear. 
“Let go of him!” Izuku yelled and with a swift movement, he spun while continuing to run and threw his backpack at the Villain, effectively hitting one of his eyes with a book.
The Sludge Villain writhed in agony, causing the said villain to lose some of his grip on Katsuki. The said blonde gasped some fresh air and looked at the greenette who was now at his side, trying to scrape off the sludge.
“Are you nuts, Deku!? Why are you here!!??” Katsuki yelled, really hoping that Izuku would run away.
“I don’t know, my legs just moved on their own!” Izuku yelled back and tears started to fall down his eyes. “And…you looked like you needed-ack!”
“You stupid brat!” The Villain screamed and grabbed him and held him over the air. “Someone as weak and pathetic as you is useless to me. You should have run when All Might saved your stupid life!”
“Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!” The villain started to squeeze the greenette and he could feel some of his bones cracking. The Sludgeman then laughed when he heard a snap and one of the boy’s arms twisted and fell limp. 
Katsuki flinched when he heard the same bone break and he was cursing. Dammit, Deku! You are going to get killed! He then looked down at his arms and steeled his nerves. He had no choice. Fuck it, I would rather lose my arms than lose the Nerd right now. I swore to protect him, you are not taking him away from me!
“Let him go, you fucker!” Katsuki yelled and started to bring his blasts to the limit, he grunted as he started to feel the pain in his muscle and tendons. Once he built enough energy, he forced his hands towards the villain’s face. “UP YOURS!!!”
Katsuki released a massive explosion big enough for the Sludge Villain to scatter and the two to recoil from the shockwave. He landed hard on a pile of debris and his arms became discolored after the recoil damage, and Izuku got sent the opposite way and hit his back hard on a brick wall causing him to cough hard as the air got knocked out of his lungs.
The blonde’s ears were ringing from his blast, disoriented for a few seconds before he was able to sit up and his arms were hanging useless. He then looked around and saw that pieces of the sludge were scattered and unmoving amongst the flames.
Good, I got the fucker. He thought finally, then looked straight ahead when he heard several coughs and saw that Izuku was trying to get up from the ground but was struggling. He decided to let him rest for a few seconds until something in his gut was telling him to look above the greenette, and what he saw made his blood run cold with dread.
Izuku was in pain and numb at the same time as his back slammed hard against the wall from the shockwave, yet he could feel last night’s wounds tear open and bleed once again. He coughed to get his lungs back working from the impact as well as he was struggling to get oxygen. Once the numbing sensation had started to fade, he heard something that he had never thought would hear.
“Izuku, LOOK OUT!!”
Izuku looked up at his friend in shock from him screaming in fear before a shadow appeared above him. Things seemed to slow down the moment the greenette looked up and a large piece of the brick wall fell directly on top of him.
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lunarfeat21 · 2 years
Hello tf community, it has come to my attention that Tara Strong (yes, THE Tara Strong that voice your favorite characters here), decided to direct a quote on unquote “environment friendly” nft movie called ornamental.
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As you know, we (the community), hated nfts to the core due to the reasons I’ll be listing in the following (for the people in the back):
Nfts stand for Non-Fundible Token, a type of cryptocurrency which are files you, only you, can claimed ownership for and sell for a high price like art galleries (please excuse for my crappy understanding, I kinda learned the basics of nfts).
They’re used in money laundering, tax evasion, and investment frauds (essentially scams on steroids).
Causes computers to overheat (nfts are a type of cryptocurrency relying on blockchains), releases huge carbon gas emissions and it’s bad for the earth.
Since they rely on blockchains for security reasons, there are claims that they move to other digital ecosystems (that’s a bit sketchy there).
Low ass quality jped
The sole purpose for them is to create artificial scarcity of artworks to boost its value, however, nfts had zero value in the eyes of artists. If you are an artist (especially digital artists), the next line will relate the hatred I had for nfts.
For whatever fucking reason, asshats of the nft community (yes they had a community) stole artworks from artists who made said artworks for their own profit (at ridiculously high prices). Scams and environmental issues are bad enough, stealing artwork that isn’t yours, turned into a stupid low quality files that you claimed ‘ownership’ for and attempted to sell it is where I draw the line.
That is degraded for the artists who work hard on their crafts, wasting our time, sleep, sweat, and tears on, and then nfts came along and stole it for their selfish gains (leaving us empty handed, filthy parasites).
Especially pissed at them for literally stealing artworks from dead artists, yes you read this correctly, DEAD ARTISTS! (Who the fuck are you and how dare you steal, claim ownership, and selling artworks from the dead! Where is your decency? Are you even human anymore!?)
I don’t know the experience of having my art stolen and sold for a shitty quality image, and I’m sorry for those who are affected by it. I give my condolences to you and wishing you the best to reclaim what is yours, we won’t stand this kind of thievery.
I was brought aware of this by Hero Hei on YouTube today, and I wanted to give him the credit for it (and in the video there was a tweet listing the three major issues nfts have, it’s way more digestible than mine).
Tara in her part (and those participating in the dumb movie) made a bad move like other companies, and they get the backlash they deserved. Somehow in some way, Joel Cassady (whoever he is) is delusional to say the least…
Tara, you may voiced characters that bring us joy, what you are doing now is inexcusable. Cancel the bullshit movie, and never pull this shit ever again. My heart was shattered once, and I cannot allow this to happen again.
People, let’s gather around and as a uncontrollable force of nature, pressure her and participants until they could not take the heat. Make a reminder to them that we don’t tolerate nfts. At all.
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rinnepegger · 2 years
hiya! i saw the matchup event and wanted to request a twst matchup.
fave music genre: i like all but i've recently been obsessed with Billie Eilish's "Happier than Ever" album and I really like a lot of the songs from League of Legends / Arcane (Playground, Get Jinxed)
significant childhood memory: i remember, when i once lived in a two story house, how i would stare down the edge of the wall on the second floor down to the first floor and contemplate jumping for funsies (this is how i developed my fear of heights 😍). i also peed a lot in my room cause i could not figure out how doorknobs worked for the life of me and i always cried and it ended up getting so bad that the carpet in my room had to be removed. and i just thought of the time i cut off all my hair (terribly) because i wanted to look like dora 😭 and then i lost a chancla and cried for days about it. my villain origin story was when i raced my grandpa to the car in chanclas (the same pair where i lost one) and fell onto the road and it scraped my entire face because i face planted
cat or dog: i'd like to say both with a slight preference to cats
attractive qualities in a s/o: mutual respect, and that's about it
i've never attended an all girls christian school, and i sleep with one teddy bear (his name is brownie!)
LMFAOOOO i saw your ask and wanted to get to it asap all of your childhood memories mmake me giggle LMAOMAOA but thanks for participating!! yyayya!!!! hope u like your matchup because i dont care if u dont like it/lh/nm/j (please dont take what i said seriously im so sorry if i hurt your feelings AAAA)
(This ones for you shawty!) I match you with...
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Jack howl!!!!@!#;
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You're in luck, since this furry is able to keep up with your impulsive and chaotic ass. Double combo since he's somewhat able to convince you to tone things down a notch, though he can't lie that watching you do stupid shit is rather amusing.
Occasionally you might need help with burning out the last of unwanted and unecessary energy in you, and that's where his athleticism manages to benefit you both!
He enjoys taking you on hikes and slow jogs outside, perhaps stopping by at a cafe once you're done, for ice cream or drinks if you're up for it?
Either you need to drag someone along into your shenanigans and to get in trouble with together, or you need someone to fill in the constantly growing void of loneliness and sadness within you!
Lucky for you, Jack is able to handle both your problems!!!!
He's not the biggest on PDA and affection, but holding hands and the occasional hug in public is enough to make him flare up red and leave him craving for more.
He's able to respect your boundaries and expectations for the relationship, while fulfilling all your needs and wants.
Though it may not be obvious, any keen eye can pick up on the soft gleam flashing in his eye whenever you're around and how he seems to be less uptight and more relaxed physically when you're around. The fondness in his voice speaks more than he ever will say aloud, as well as the patience in him which just never seems to run out!
He's just way too in love with you to ever get pissed at you tbhhhh.
Behind closed doors, he may seem more sentimental and open with his emotions for you. That's when he's also more prone to being teased by you, not that he minds too much. Seeing him— a usually uptight and stoic person— so comfortable with you is something you never want to miss. Ever.
He'll take a bullet for you and even get in trouble on your behalf, despite it potentially being detrimental to his model student image.
If anyone dare to spread any nasty rumours about you or frame you for something you didn't do, he's going to put himself on the line and defend you with his life, though it might result in him getting a little physical. Yet, he can't bring himself to neglect your pleas to show the student some mercy. Regardless, the truth will prevail..!
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absoluteindulgence · 3 years
Imagine being that couple that breaks the bed during... y'know🥴 pt.2
A/N: Hey Y’all, I’m back at it again with the back at it again lmaooo Part 2 is here and I hope y’all like it.... This one is a little bit more vulgar (Characters are aged up 18+)  Here’s PT. 1 for those who haven’t/or want to read it.  And thank you guys so much for OVER 1K NOTES ON THE FIRST ONE. I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS GONE GO OFF LIKE THAT 🥺. AND I’M GLAD I MADE Y’ALL LAUGH AND FEEL THE SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT LOL
On your way there, you wonder if his honesty is going to be the result of another flustered mess that you can't see your way out of
You get to the store, and immediately everyone greets you; your face is welcoming, but on the inside, your grieving.
Kiri goes up to a clerk focusing on curtains and asks where to find a bed frame.
Willing to help, they show you where to acquire them. Kiri asks about different sets doing his best to seek out more superb quality. The clerk is understanding, looking to please their current customer, informing that they have more in the back.
He's grateful, and playfully the clerk asks why y'all need a new bed frame, and Kiri says,
"She called me “Big Daddy Riot,” and I snapped, and now we're here."
So straight to the point, the clerk blankly stares at you, but you hide your face not to make eye contact.
"A-anyway, whatever sturdy frame you have is fine, no matter the cost," pulling out his wallet, he says, "I'm ready to pay."
Now you should be embarrassed but now... You're kinda turned on. He was so serious about taking care of this that calling him big daddy was totally worth it.
No matter the purchase, he's very thorough with his expectations, the manly way.
And there’s just something so manly about a man pulling out his wallet with that "I'm willing to pay" attitude. Whether it's his tone, the way he grips his wallet, imagining it’s you being gripped like that (again)...🤤
You smile awkwardly to the clerk, “Give us your best, please?”
And so they do, not only with a complimentary warranty that you can renew anytime but with WATERPROOF SHEETS.
Heading back to the car, Kiri packs everything in the trunk and backseat, then comes to your side of the car. You get in saying, “Well, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” 
"Well, don’t speak too soon, Princess. They just gave us some high-quality merchandise, but we don’t know how long it’ll last.” Pulling out of the parking lot, he looks at you with a quick wink, “I mean, not everything can be unbreakable like me, right babe?"
This spicy, smart-ass.
It's definitely your fault, and he's gonna remind you all the way there.
Getting in the store, it’s not your first time there, so you already know where to find the frames.
Only you care that it matches the rest of the bedroom’s aesthetic, which could make the process harder.
Denki teases you, saying that it doesn't matter and that you should just choose a bed frame so that y'all can go the fuck home.
A clerk nearby sees y'all having a hard time, offering to help.
You tell them that you need a bed frame that fits your eccentric bedroom. They understand and go through the ones that you've already seen.
You say that you need something more robust than what's been displayed.
They nod, telling you they have the perfect set, disappearing to the back. They come back, and the set is perfect, but Denki is a skeptic.
"Hold on, babe, I'll handle this" He inspects the box looking at the weight of it, leaving no word on the damn box unread. He finishes and says, "Sorry, just had to make sure, wouldn’t want a part 2 of Pew Pew now, would we?"
Your eyes dart to him, the clerk is confused, "What's Pew Pew?"
Imitating a prince-charming tone, he says, "The weakness my true love bestows upon me it is strong and keeps me on edge."
The clerk waits for you to explain, but you say nothing.
Breaking out of character, he says, "Basically, she got on top of me and wanted to spell out my name, resulting in...... yeah."
He shows a photo, and your stomach drops to your ass, "WHEN DID YOU TAKE THOSE?????"
"When your fine ass was taking a shower, you're crazy if you thought I would keep this to myself!"
Y’all get the set, and buy more towels and get complimentary candles. You put Denki on WAP suspension too 😔 , lmao.
No offense but y'all a goofy-ass couple lmao
Y'all just be doing anything in the bedroom and now y'all at the store looking GOOFY-HYUCK
"Well, it started with how high could she jump onto me, and it resulted in a WWE match...."
Sero showed pictures of the private handy work that led you two to go shopping for something more sturdy...
Why the fuck does the room look like discount Cirque Du Soleil? His tape is all over the fucking ceiling, on the floor, and most importantly the bed frame because you dizzy, one brain cell together having asses tried taping the bed back together just to keep on fucking
Resulting in the frame FALLING TO SHREDS
The clerk has never seen no chaotic shit like this in their life!
It is so fucking bad they have to use EYE DROPS, just to confirm WTF they're looking at
"I know it looks bad, but at least we're not hurt" He smiles so earnest it’s almost as you weren't sexually destructive beings.
The clerk disappeared, coming back after 10 minutes with 3 other clerks as they carried a set filled with steel, metal chains, and high-quality leather.
The clerk said, "This is a one of a kind set; if you manage to break it, we will personally build you a steel cage so that your wrestling match can continue."
Sero looks at you, excited, "Wow, Babe, let's buy it."
Y’all buy the bed set and get a lifetime coupon of high-quality sex toys sent to your home, and of course, y’all try the shit out without thinking of the aftermath.
Back at square one, and the clerks are scared of y’all now 
Already at the store and Shinsou is doing all the talking to the clerk~
"I told her to go to sleep; she defied me, so I had to punish her..." Realizing he said it out loud, he looked at your face.
If only you could Thanos yourself
The clerk looked slightly uncomfortable, "Well, from what you are describing, I don't know how that would result in breaking the bed."
"Well, my Kitten is a little disobedient and needs many forms of... persuasion."
Putting his hand on your shoulder, he showed his wicked smirk.  
I mean, was he wrong? He wouldn't even let you do the talking. If you spoke out, he would turn up the vibrator attached to your clit.
That was the challenge he placed on you before y’all left the house, and you willingly obliged until he told you his condition. Now he had total power to switch the narrative like it wasn’t him waking you up in the middle of the night after coming back from a long day of heroism.
The clerk squinted at you with a worried/ suspicious look... "O-okay, give me a moment."
They come back out with an exclusive set that was just imported overseas. The box images make it look so beautiful and regal; you’re shocked, wanting to tell him how much you love it but don’t wanna say.
Knowing Shinsou, it’s a trap to punish you.
"Wow, that’s beautiful. We’ll take it.”
Sometimes his dominant side pisses you off, but it’s clearly a turn on, you want to mouth off, but you nod instead.
Shinsou pays for the bed frame along with some pillows, and the clerk offers complimentary essential oils that you can come back and get free refills.
Heading to the car, Shinsou sweetly asks, “Now that we have reinforcements, are you ready to go again, Kitten?"
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
omg I am so sorry I completely forgot to put the alphabet 😅 E C J M T for Shanks for the angst alphabet! thank you and sorry for the mistake! ❤️
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Angst Alphabet - Shanks
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a/n: hiii! Thank y’all for requesting! To the second anon, I went with Shanks (I hope that’s ok!!!) 💗💗💗
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A-Accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)
It would depend on how much he felt he could have prevented it. However, Shanks understands all to well just how cruel the world can be. He can’t constantly be in control of everything, so although it would be devastating, he would have to realize that this is reality.
B-Break up (How would they break up with you?)
Shanks would use the excuse that he is a Yonko. He’s no good for you, and you deserve so much better than an infamous pirate who only brings danger. While these are just excuses - ways to make breaking up with you easier - he really would be speaking from the heart. Shanks has always felt this way but never voiced it, but now it’s finally time to let you go.
C-Crying (how would they make you cry?)
He leaves for long periods of time and refuses to you along. You know he’s only doing it for your safety, but it hurts that he doesn’t think you’re strong or responsible enough to join his crew on their voyages (note: he doesn’t actually think you’re not strong or responsible – his pirate life is just extremely dangerous, even as a yonko).
D-Death (how would they react to your death?)
He’s seen and experienced a lot of death in his life so he’d be a able to cope with it a little better than others would. Even so, your death would still be heart-breaking (he would mourn privately though). Now, if he literally saw you get killed in front of him then RIP to the person who killed you because they will be the one/s to die next.
E-Emotion (what is one emotion they would try to hide the most and how would they do it?)
Shanks is quite an open book. If he’s angry everyone knows. If he’s happy everyone knows (etc.). But, if I really had to pick one… I suppose it would be sadness or grief. He feels obligated to put on a front for his crew (although they can see right through it). He tends to let out his sadness and grief when he’s alone.
F-Fight (do you two ever fight? How big are the fights? What do you fight about? Etc.)
He tends to crack jokes before your fights can escalate into anything too serious. Sometimes it’s intentional, but other times it’s just his personality shining through. And rather than serious fights there’s just a lot of teasing and taunts between the two of you.
If you were to have a serious fight, it would be about both of your safety (As would most fights with any of the One Piece characters).
G-Guilt (what is the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
More often than not, Shanks finds himself able let go of a LOT of shit. But the one thing he can’t seem to stop feeling guilty about is his failure to show up to Marineford on time. He knows he’s not directly responsible for Ace’s death, but that doesn’t stop the overwhelming guilt. If only he had gotten there a few minutes earlier.
H-Heartbreak (what would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break-up?)
Coming back to you after each voyage is something he always looks forward to. However, that happiness is short-lived when he realizes he has to leave again in a few weeks. It’s always so painful having to say goodbye again.
I don’t think he would be too different during a break-up. Perhaps he may crack a few less jokes, but other than that, his personality and demeanour when around others remains the same. It isn’t until he’s alone that he lets his smile fall.
I-Injured (how would they react if you are badly injured?)
Undoubtedly, he’d be concerned, but he knows you’ll pull through (you have to pull through). So, after that initial concern has passed, he’ll be feeling all types of pissed off. Whoever, or whatever, injured you will pay – and honestly, he may not even deal the perpetrator himself (his crew is already on it - you are like family to them).
J-Jealousy (what do they do if they are jealous?)
I honestly think Shanks is just the type of person to just tell you if he’s jealous. But he wouldn’t say “uhh I’m feeling a little jealous” or anything along those lines – no. Instead, Shanks puts on a little pout and does a massive fake sigh until you finally ask him what’s wrong. That’s when he hits you with the “I guess my attention just isn’t enough for you”, and you’re like “HUH?? MF WHAT?” He’s literally such a child HAHA.
But, if there’s one particular person he really does not like you being around and they won’t leave you alone, then he is not at all opposed to just shoving his tongue down your throat right in front of them. That’ll definitely get the message across.
K-Kill (would they kill for revenge?)
Shanks may be a goofy and laid-back individual, but he will resort to violence if the situation calls for it. So, it is very likely that Shanks would kill for revenge. Maybe he wouldn’t necessarily do it himself. But, if he orders it, it’ll definitely happen.
L-Loss (what is their greatest loss?)
Gol D. Roger’s death was probably one of the greatest losses in Shanks’ life. Roger is the reason Shanks is a pirate today, and young shanks was absolutely broken by his death.
(hard to write much for this one seeing as shanks’ character is still quite a mystery to us!)
M-Mistake (what is the worst mistake they ever made with you?)
One time he completely forgot a date night that you spent SO LONG planning. It wasn’t just any date night either. It was a date you planned on his final night before him and his crew had to leave again for a while. You spent hours waiting for to show up, but he was nowhere to be seen. Finally, he showed up at your place, breath reeking of booze. You just looked at him and it hit him (he was like “OH SHIT”). He started apologizing profusely. He didn’t try to make any excuses, he completely owned up to being a shitty boyfriend. But, the moment he knew he had well and truly fucked up was when you just nodded and waved good night to him, wishing him safe travels – you didn’t cry, get visibly angry you just left alone. Shanks knew that was far worse than any yelling.
N-Nightmares (how often do they have them? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
I literally am not joking when I say this but I think Shanks practically drinks till he passes out so even if he were to get nightmares he wouldn’t wake up LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO (ok maybe I am joking with this one but also kind of not).
In all seriousness though, I don’t think Shanks has nightmares very frequently. It’s gotten to the point where any fear or things of that matter that could be nightmares for him, have become so common in his life that he almost finds it not frightening to think about.
O-Outrage (how and why would they get mad at you?)
He would get mad at you for placing yourself in unnecessary danger. He’d call you stupid and irresponsible, even though he doesn’t really mean any of those things – it’s just the image of him potentially losing you forever is replaying in his mind and it absolutely terrifies him.
P-Past (what has happened in your relationship that changed the way you saw each other?)
You saw him get serious serious once before. Like the kind of serious where he uses his conquerors haki and everything. It definitely caused a bit of a change in your relationship as it was terrifying to witness. You’ve always known Shanks was strong and intimidating when needed, but that moment really showed you what it meant when people called him an “emperor of the sea”.
Q-Quality (what is their most dangerous/toxic quality?)
Not wanting to openly express his sadness and grief in front of others can be a very unhealthy quality. Shanks doesn’t allow himself good enough opportunities to express him emotions in a safe and healthy manner.
R-Rejection (how would they react to you rejecting their confession (or the other way around))
(First of all WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO REJECT SHANKS ANYWAY LIKE HUBBA HUBBA I LOVE HIM ANYWHOOOOOOOOO…..) Shanks is the type to just shrug it off. He’d be a little disappointed, bc c’mon the hottest most amazing person he’s ever known just turned him down! But he knows not everything in life goes how you want it to. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and this just happens to be one of the things he’s lost. So ultimately, he’ll just shrug it off. (he will definitely get teased by his crew though).
S-Scars (battle or self-inflicted)
Shanks has no self-inflicted wounds. But he does have a scar across his left eye given to him by Blackbeard. He also has a missing arm which he (heroically) sacrificed as he saved lil Luffys life (does a missing arm even count as a scar?)
T-Trust (have they ever broken your trust?)
He’s never given you any reason to not trust him. He’s always open and honest with you. Well, as honest as he can be without placing you in any danger. Trust was something needed from the get-go of your relationship because he would be gone for long periods of time. The two of you wouldn’t be able to last without trust.
Oh, also if shanks ever did do anything to break your trust you best believe his crew will beat his ass (especially Benn). You’re family to them.
U-Urge (how badly do they want to see you after you guys separated?)
My god does he want to see you. He would give his other arm just to be right by your side in an instant. He’s gone for weeks, sometimes months, at a time. Shanks loves his crew, they’re a lively bunch and he trusts them with his life, and vice versa. But they’re not you. They don’t provide him with that same feeling of home that you do. Sure, this could be fixed if he let you join the crew on their journeys, but he absolutely cannot place you in that kind of danger. You’re already in enough danger as it is simply being in a relationship with him.
V-Vicious (what do they do when they lash out on you?)
Rather than lashing out at you, Shanks tends to give you the silent treatment. He looks at you without a word and just turns away. He does this in an attempt to make you feel guilty and as if everything is your fault.
W-Weak (what makes them feel weak how do they try to avoid it?)
There isn’t much that makes Shanks feel weak. But, being unable to be near his s/o is one of the few things that does make him feel weak. It’s a constant struggle between wanting to have them around him constantly, but also not wanting to place them in any danger. Ultimately, he decides that not placing them in danger is the better choice, despite how much it pains him.
X-X-ray (what do they hate and show it most obviously?)
Shanks can handle being picked on and ridiculed himself, but he will not tolerate that sort of behaviour towards his friends. The second someone goes after a friend (or someone else he cares about) they are done for.
Y-Yearn (what is one thing that they want but can’t have?)
Z-Zero (what do they do/say in your dying moments?)
He’d try to crack a few jokes to at least help you feel better. Other than that, he just tries to make the most of your final moments together.
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matchamabs · 3 years
this is. not a good ranking. but surprisingly there r some very sexy towers so whaddya know 👀
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the starting point,,,, the og,,,, the great plateau tower! this tower is a pretty easy climb, tho the whole like... almost killing u and sending rocks flying everywhere n shit is :(( lots of footholds look nice and all the water surrounding it is pretty. not to mention this is the tower u can climb and see ALL of hyrule on so its definitely good 6/10 not the sexiest tower but it has a lot to offer. i believe in it
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the fact its on the other side of a huge fuckoff river that i always die trying to swim across makes the dueling peaks tower really piss me off but it looks rlly pretty next to it. still, its like. not a hard climb, but if u fall off ur basically fucked. the nearby bokoblin camp also makes me want to chug bleach so! 4/10 its hard to live up to the great plateau tower and frankly its not doing a good job of it. cringe tower next to the fail river
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ok look. its normally not that bad! but i did the hateno tower for the first time whilst i was off my ass on malibu and my god did i have a bad time. the thorns,,, the lack of stamina,,, and im not exactly a tactical player either, so. ruined the tower for me a bit. its very aesthetic sitting up on the hill tho very nice very neat. very majestic. 5/10 thorns are sexy but not when you’re drunk :(
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thanks google for giving me only the lowest quality res of lanayru tower. tbh im biased against this tower bc it rains every time i try and climb it so FUCK it. its a good looking tower tho?? its a bit lopsided but i think it gives it character! hey if italy can make it work,,, 6/10 lanayru region has a wat but thats all its got to offer
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hm! fuck this tower! okay ignoring literally everything about ridgeland tower, its pretty! the lake surrounding it,,,, its very prim. even the wizzrobes make it look kinda nice. its a sexy tower but thats literally all its got going for it bc climbing it is an atrocious nightmare! 7/10 its like the rlly hot girl at school who has the personality of a tire fire
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ill be honest i dont remember much of akkala citadel tower aside from the fact it was guardian central and i only climbed it literally after i beat ganon LMAO. truly its the chad of all towers. but sitting on the very top of the citadel,,,, surrounded by all the nice trees,,, it looks like it rlly belongs there. the malice at the bottom doesnt even look good tho. sorry dude who said this was the sexiest tower- its not :( 7/10 everyone tough until the trees start beeping
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u know what i rlly like eldin tower. its kinda cozy lookin in the rock and the volcano in the background is pleasantly menacing. its abt as far as u can go without getting crispy, so its one hot ass tower. its got guts. ambition. its a tower i can respect. 5/10 not perfect but a cute addition. shes doing her best.
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now THIS is a sexy tower excuse the poor quality image BUT wow,,,, woodland tower,,, this tower could be on fire and breaking down and it would still look hot. even tho its standing in a monster camp it rlly rocks it. the skull on the top,,,, this tower is the goth of all the towers, especially since its so close to hyrule castle. 8/10 this tower likes 2 accessorize
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the hebra tower is VERY pretty,,, the blue rlly matches the snow everywhere so u know the tower has good colour coordination,,,,all the ice at the bottom is also cute. annoying but cute. very prim. its like the tsundere of towers. 9/10 chilly until u get 2 know her,,,
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,,,,, well. i like it, at least. all the ruins around it rlly brings out its, uh ... malice. and in fairness they offer a quick way up there so this towers got backup plans for u. it cares for u. tabantha tower may be covered in malice but it makes it look Good. it rocks it. it works. 6/10 you did your best considering the circumstances
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gerudo tower,,, its by far one of the sexiest. it just descends into the ground forever. the open space around it. the spiral mountain. the few and far between footholds. kass sitting on top. i like everything about this tower. visually, that is. climbing it is an absolute ballache of a chore. but its worth it,,,, for this tower,,, 9/10 if i could marry a tower,,, i probably wouldnt marry this one. good try tho.
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hebra tower is hard to beat but central tower doesnt actually look That bad. the footholds that go all spirally up look rlly nice, and all the ruins around it is tres good. u get to see everything from the centre of hyrule which is rlly nice positioning. the guardians? hm. rlly ruin the atmos. it sits there and looks rlly pretty for when u get off the plateau and then BANG guardian laser. betrayal. i love u,,, but i can never forgive u,,, 6/10  this thing probably has laser marks all over it but hey just think of it as sexy battle scars,,,
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hh i dont even remember this one tbh but i think its the lake tower and thats like. in faron. shows how much i care about it. if i remember right it keeps raining when i try and climb this tower so. i have a bias. i think its average tbh. the rainforest around it is SUPER nice until lit everything tries 2 kill u so. its a safe haven in a dangerous forest. it means well. 4/10 sweet but not hot. stop getting me struck by lightning.
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this is one windy bitch! the wasteland tower! the footholds r all up at the top which is kind of a look but its surrounded by a swamp which,,, hm. not the sexiest choice. if i was trying to attract someone i probably wouldnt sit in a puddle of shit but u do u boo. 5/10 it looks nice on the top of a mountain but the functionality is dogshit
conclusion: theyre fucking towers idk why i rated these it was hard and i hate everything 
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Ugh, okay, chapter 81 of AoT, and I’m in the corner cryin’.
But seriously, what an emotionally powerful chapter this was.  God man, it’s gonna’ take me a minute to get my thoughts in order.
Well, first of all, Erwin, and all of the recruits, watching them sacrifice their lives here was just so absolutely, emotionally powerful.  Just incredibly moving and heartbreaking.  Even after Erwin gets hit and falls, (and the panels here of him dying are truly devastating, powerful images) to see the recruits continuing to charge forward, to carry on in his stead, it really is just so intense, and as well speaks to Erwin’s own power as a commander, how he was able to inspire these people into giving their lives for a greater cause.  To see their courage in the face of certain death, carrying on Erwin’s spirt here, it truly was one of the most moving, and also one of the most heart-wrenching moments in SnK up to this point.  I felt so much for all of them.  The way Marlowe thought of Hitch too, in the end, never realizing it was because he was in love with her, ugh, my heart.
Now contrasting that, and I swear to Christ, I really, REALLY don’t understand how anyone can sympathize with Zeke given the sick display he puts on here, his cruelty and ego-driven rage towards these young men and women, and how he lets his rage towards his father fuel his violence towards these innocent people just... it pisses me off so much.  I can’t even.  I mean, Zeke is one twisted, sick mother fucker.  He’s demented, truly, the way he swings wildly between violent rage and perverse glee as he kills them, and then has the unmitigated gall to act like he feels sorry for these people, how clearly he thinks of them as pitiful and pathetic, their sacrifice as meaningless.  He treats them like their lives are pointless, and then has the nerve to play at sympathy for their plight.  What pisses me off the most about Zeke is how utterly self-centered he is.  How everything he does, everything he thinks, is filtered through his own view of the world and life, and how he never once stops to consider the lives of others, their own views or experiences.  Because he’s deemed his own life as worthless and without point, so too has he deemed the lives of every other Eldian.  He’s far and away the most self-centered, ego-driven and selfish character in the whole series.  Oh, he just made me sick here.  His own hypocrisy is equally disgusting, with how angry he becomes when Levi dares to make him pay for what he’s done.  As if he can’t believe anyone would dare cause him harm, unable to comprehend why they would even wish to do so, as if he’s some great, godly figure sent to the world to bestow his twisted sense of mercy on those he deems unfit to live.  Just the whining, hysterical reaction he has to getting fucked up. The ego on this guy is seemingly infinite.  He truly is despicable.  Just a pathetic child of a man taking out his issues on everyone but himself, throwing temper tantrums when anyone dares to challenge him on what he’s decided is right.  Fuck Zeke.  Seriously, just... fuck this guy so much.
Now, enough about him, let’s talk about Levi.
Truly, some of the most heartbreaking moments we’ve seen with Levi up to this point happen in this chapter.   The moments following him taking Zeke down (and yes, that whole sequence was epically bad-ass), just seeing the depth of Levi’s pain here was so devastating, and incredibly moving.  You can see how preoccupied he is with what’s happened.  Zeke isn’t even his main consideration or concern.  He seems almost distracted, looking back behind him, out over the field of his fallen comrades and friends, and wondering in an almost frantic, inner monologue to himself if anyone out there is still alive.  He’s hoping beyond hope that someone, ANYONE, is, so that he can save at least one person.  This goes back to Levi’s determination to keep the new recruits alive back in I think chapter 78 or 79, ordering them not to die, and then trying desperately to get those with the horses back on the other side of the wall.  It really puts into perspective just how devastating this is for Levi, to see all of these people, dead, crushed to death by rocks, all of these people who just a short while ago he had been doing everything he could to protect.  To know they had to die to save only a few.  HIs desperation here, the way he clings to the hope that at least one person is still alive, out of all of them, to be saved, the way he reminds himself that as long as they’re breathing, it can be done, if he gives them the serum, it all just drives home in the most poignant way just how pained Levi is at the sacrifice they’ve all made.  It drives home how much it’s cost Levi, to allow them to do it.  I said before that him making that choice for Erwin was Levi going against every, innate feeling and instinct that he has, the need to protect and save people.  Levi had to go directly against his own nature in order to make that call, and the consequences of that are plain to see in these panels.  His wide eyed, shocked expression, the frantic, mantra-like thoughts going through his mind, almost childlike in the way he keeps asking if anyone is still alive out there, if there’s anyone he can bring back.  And the way he thinks of Erwin specifically when he asks that, it serves as such a cruel reminder that Levi’s just given up one of his dearest and closest friends.  That he’s just willingly lost a person that meant so much to him, in order to obtain any sort of victory for humanity.   It reminds us of the personal cost to Levi.  Another person he’s lost in this battle for humanity’s salvation.  Ah, he just breaks my heart so much here.  And also how it’s that hope, that desperate wish that someone is still able to be saved, that stays Levi’s hand from killing Zeke immediately.  How it’s purely Levi’s wish to save someone that keeps him from killing Zeke then and there, it truly speaks volumes about what kind of person Levi really is, about how much he values life.  
And then of course there’s Levi’s reaction when Pieke catches him off guard and steals Zeke away.  Levi’s stunned horror, as he watches Zeke escaping is, for one, I think, because his chance to save even one life is being taken away, there before his eyes, and, of course, because the purpose behind all of his comrades sacrifices, the reason they gave up their lives, in order for Levi to kill Zeke and provide those left a means of escape, is being rendered meaningless.  We then see Levi’s stunned horror turn to unbridled rage, as he realizes the promise he’d made to Erwin is slipping from his hands.  He can’t allow for all of these people to have died in vain, he can’t let their sacrifices mean nothing, he can’t let that stand.  Once again, the depth with which Levi values the lives of other people is truly incredible, and the emotion in these panels is perhaps the most powerful example of that quality in Levi up to this point in the story.  I just felt so much for him all throughout this.  
When you think about what Levi’s been through here, too, how before he even went after the Beast Titan, he’d already run himself ragged taking down some unknown number of smaller Titans to protect the horses and the new recruits, and then in order to get to Zeke, he had to take down probably a dozen or more 12 or 15 meter Titans, before finally taking the Beast Titan down, all this by himself, it displays the strength of Levi’s will so powerfully, how much of himself he’s willing to give in order to further the cause of others.  For him to then continue to go after Zeke, after all of that, just the way he never gives up, never stops fighting, exemplifies how wholly Levi truly embodies the ideal of the Survey Corps, and the fight for humanity.  What an absolute hero he is.
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The warm morning sunshine was the first thing you felt as you woke from your sleep. The bright light stung your rested eyes but with a few blinks it was manageable.
Looking over at your bedside table, the digital clock read seven sixteen. You had wanted to set the alarm to wake up earlier, but Michael always complained that the sound it made was annoying and gave him headaches.
So you had to learn to wake up early so Michael could get his beauty sleep, not that he really needed it.
Said blonde was still fast asleep on his back, arms on each side of his head and soft pink lips slightly parted as he took shallow breaths. His long eyelashes fluttering ever so gently on his cheeks as he dreamed, something good you hoped.
He was dressed in the red silk pajama suit you picked out for him last night, the first three buttons of the top undone which exposed the smooth skin of his chest.
He was so beautiful, unlike most men he was soft and loved to be taken cared of. There was nothing anyone could say or do that could make you any less in love with him, and he loved you just as much.
You protected him and never judged him for the way he was like those in his past had. They were so focused on what he was and what he was destined to do, that they never stopped to ask him who he really was outside of his father's dark shadow.
As you watched him sleep a fond smile crept across your lips, you leaned over the blonde and gently kissed the top of his exposed chest.
"Michael, it's time to wake up." You whispered placing another kiss just above the previous one.
You felt him stir and let out a soft groan as you began to kiss his neck.
"Five more minutes." You chuckled at how childish his whine was.
"Come on puppy, it's time to get up." You watched as his eyes fluttered open, ocean eyes seemed to almost glow as the sunlight hit them.
"Morning.." He greeted with a smile. You reached out you brush a few strands away from his face, enjoying the smoothness of his skin and the happiness in his eyes.
"Did you sleep well?"
"I dreamt about you. We were at the bottom of a clear blue ocean. I was lying on your lap, you were humming a song and running your fingers through my hair as I fell asleep. It was beautiful, peaceful."
He always had such strange dreams. Sometimes he had nightmares that were so vivid even you got chills whenever he'd talk about them, but you always loved the ones he got that made him smile in the morning.
"Your too cute for your own good sometimes you know that?" You kissed him and got out of bed to stretch your arms above your head to rid your body of any excess tiredness.
The grey T-shirt you wore to bed lifted as you did, exposing your upper thighs and ass which Michael gawked when he sat up. He couldn't help but think how sexy you looked wearing his shirt and nothing else.
Your skin always had a sort of glow when the sun washed over you. Every curve, your hips, your breasts, your long legs, your natural hair that framed your face made you look like a goddess in his eyes.
He'd never thought that after everything that went went in his life, all the blood and bad choices that he would find redemption and safety in the shape of you.
You were the first person to treat him like an actual human being with feelings and emotions instead of just the antichrist that was destined to destroy the world and remake it in his father's image. That part of him died the moment he gave himself to you.
"Are you going to stare at me all day, or are you gonna' get up and get ready pup?" Blush dusted his cheeks and he averted his eyes to stop from staring. He got out of bed and helped fixed the bedding before joining you in the shower.
After that you guided him downstairs to the kitchen and began to make a healthy breakfast for the both of you, while Michael sat at the counter and watched you.
French toast, eggs, sausages and a pot of freshly made lemongrass tea was on the menu and you took pride in the fact that you only took twenty minutes to make everything.
"So what do you want to do today pup?" You asked serving him his share. Since you didn't have to go into work on Saturdays, you always let Michael choose how you'd spend the day together. You owned your own business and it took up alot of your time, so you dedicated a day just for Michael since he hardly gets to have you for himself.
"I was thinking we could go to the park today, the weather's nice maybe we can have a picnic?"
"That sound like a g-" The loud ringing of your cellphone cut off the conversation and drew you away from the kitchen counter to retrieve your phone from upstairs.
Apparently one of your employees made an error at work and they needed your help to fix it before it caused problems for the software. You inquired about the error and thanked the heavens it wasn't something that you needed to leave home for.
"Michael I'm going to be in my office for a few minutes, finish your breakfast and watch some TV until I'm done OK?" You called out and got an 'alright' as his answer.
About an hour has passed and Michael was getting bored of watching TV. They were showing some low budget show about vampires and he was in no mood to sit through it.
What was taking you so long? You had said a few minutes and it's been an entire hour and you haven't left your home office.
He hardly gets to spend any quality quality time with you and now your work was getting in the way of his day. He wasn't happy.
Deciding he's waited enough, Michael clicked off the TV and marched up the stairs to the see what was taking you so long. He decided not to knock and just barged in ready to demand your attention but stopped himself as he saw you typing furiously on your laptop and talking sternly at whoever was on the phone.
"There is absolutely nothing you can give me as an excuse right now, this could completely crash the servers and we can loose Gigabytes of data because of this."
You always looked so fierce when you were pissed off about something. Your usually calm and collected demeanor was replaced by one of dominance and authority that always made his knees weak. Just the sound of you scolding your employee made him hard and made him want your attention even more.
He closed the door behind him and walks over to you, fully determined to get what he wanted despite knowing he wasn't allowed to disturb you during work.
"Y/n are you almost done, you promised that we'd spend time together today." He whined kneeling beside your chair. His big blue eyes looked up at you but you didn't even give his a side glance.
"Today is my day with you they get you every other day, can't you handle this later?" You shot him a serious glare that shut him up but it didn't deter him from his mission. Being ignored was one thing, but you brushing him off for your work on his day was the last straw.
You didn't question him when he crawled on the floor to get under your desk. You didn't even question when he spread your legs apart to make room for himself in the tight space.
What did get your attention was the sharp tug of your panties that made them snap when he tugged them with his finger. The pull was so strong it pulled you along with it.
He could be such a brat when he couldn't get what he wanted. You didn't mind it but your work couldn't wait.
You could tell he was getting impatient as you hardly reacted to his desperate acts for attention. The way his teeth nipped at your inner thighs and the wetness his tongue left in it's wake as he licked your folds with vigor.
You'd be lying if you weren't getting turned on by his efforts.
If there's one thing that Michael excelled at was pleasing you to the best of his abilities.
It took all of your will power not to moan into your phone as his tongue slipped into you, his hands wrapped around your hips to pull your lower half flush against his mouth.
"You do know there will be consequences for this, don't you?" You said into the phone while grabbing a fist full of Michael's hair, making sure that he knew she was talking to him too.
Absolute chills ripped through you as he moaned loudly against your sex. His hot breath against your dripping sex was euphoric and you could help but grind your hips into him to get more.
"Listen to me, today is my day off and I have business at the moment to take care of. I'll deal with you and your mistake tomorrow." You ended the call and threw the phone on the desktop.
You pulled away from Michael and yanked him by his hair to get out of the tight space.
"You can be a real brat sometimes you know that?"
"You were gone for so long, and I-"
"You know the rules about coming in here don't you?"
"I know. I- I'm sorry."
You sighed and gestured to him to get out from under the table and to lay down on the floor. You followed after him and took the position of straddling his hips.
He looked so adorable beneath you, eyes full of anticipation for whatever you were going to do to him at that moment, you almost felt sorry for him.
"How do you think you should be punished puppy?"
Usually you would spank him or put him on time out for disobeying you, but he was right. Today was his day and you broke your promise.
"How about I do something we'll both enjoy, but at the same time you get your punishment. And if you're good we'll get ready to go on that picnic right after, sound fair?" You asked, which he immediately agreed to.
You slowly began to ride on top of Michael, his semi erection perfectly positioned against your sex making the friction delicious between the two of you.
The hairs on your neck stood up as a wave of chills ran across your skin when Michael let out a desperate moan as you felt him grow harder under you. His brilliant blue eyes glazed over in desperation and pleasure that motivated you to move faster.
"Y/n, I.. I want more..~" He panted, gripping your waist and meeting your humping with vigor.
"I know you do puppy, but this is all you're gonna get."
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boarix-draws · 3 years
First Kiss Friday
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Wraith (sole survivor) and Hancock
I was tagged by the wonderful @marvilus-magpie​ (a loooooong time ago), thank you sweetheart! Anyone up to share? Consider yerself tagged. @ me an everythin’!
Please tap/click for better image quality
Context below (from Promise Me/Wraith in the Ruins)
After administering another round of Med-X and stimpaks, Wraith set herself to work. She was trying desperately to think of Hancock as just another ghoul citizen and not as someone she cared deeply for. She was proud of herself for not immediately crying when she first saw him and the fact she was able to keep her hands steady as she stitched him up. But with his arms on her shoulders and his face so close to hers, quietly watching her work with his great dark eyes…
He’s alive! I don’t care that he hates me… well that’s bullshit I wish he didn’t hate me… but, he’s alive! Don’t cry! Don’t you dare embarrass yourself now. Don’t do it!
“You cut your hair again.”
She had been wrapping his broken ribs but paused to look into his eyes, “What?”
“You told me you were thinking about growing it back out. Guess things are still too messy, huh?”
Suddenly pissed, she gave the bandage knot a harder than necessary cinch causing Hancock to grunt in discomfort, “Are you fucking kidding me?” Her anger dissolved any feelings of insecurity and she growled into his face, “Small talk? You ass! You great, fucking asshole! I can’t believe you! I… I…” Losing her momentum she finally gave into her tears, “I was so fucking WORRIED ABOUT YOU! WE FOUGHT AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! THEY TOOK DAISY AND YOU WERE DEAD! AND NOW YOU’RE NOT DEAD BUT YOU STILL HATE ME AND NOW YOU’RE… DOING… SMALL FUCKING TALK?!”
Hancock didn’t even try to shush her or fight back. He accepted her beratement as his just due. When she had finished yelling, he felt a rush of bravery and before he knew what he was doing, he had cupped the back of her head in his hands and set his forehead against hers, “I’m so sorry Wraith. You’re completely right, I am an asshole but I never hated you. I couldn’t ever hate you. I… I love you.” As she sat dumbfounded and blinking, Hancock decided to go-for-broke and set his lips against hers in a gentle, tentative kiss.
“Fuck you.”
That wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, “Wha…”
“You think you can just… say that?! I’m… so… oh, to hell with it!” She dove back in to kiss him soundly, hands gently cupping the back of his bruised head.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Flower Shop Next Door (Yuta x you) ft JaeYong
I am here with a new Yuta x reader fanfiction and a side pairing of JAEHYUN X TAEYONG ... I hope this is fresh and fun and enough fluff plus smooth flirt from Yuta! 
It’s another usual day, the ring of bell whenever a customer enters the shop.
“Welcome,” is a regular greeting you always say to everyone coming in, be it looking around the shop or making an appointment and going into the working station.
“Welcome and good morning to you!” you greet a guy with blonde hair covering his eyes and his lips are pursed when he sees the number of people in your store. You feel weird when you see the apron he wears around his body, where is he from?
“What can I help you with?” you move from your cashier station and walk to his side.
He shakes his head, “I am not here for an appointment, I just want to ask are those your customer’s cars?” he points to the small parking lot across your store.
You peek from his broad shoulder and count the cars, well there are four and two of them are parked on the other shop’s area. You remember there are four people right now in your store.
You cough, “Um I think so, why?”
He sighs, “Can you please tell them to move? They’re hogging my parking space and my customers cannot park at all.”
You nod your head slowly, “Well I am sorry, won’t happen again they’re about to be done in” you glance to your watch, “In 15 minutes, their tattoos are small.”
Yes you are working in a tattoo parlour and this guy over you, you wonder where is he from which shop actually because you have one shop on either side of your studio. One is a coffee shop and the other one is a flower shop. They’re both new shops and you’re the oldest shop here.
“I am from the flower shop next to yours, please tell your customers to not park their car there.” He runs his eyes around the waiting room. It’s totally different from his shop, there is no sweet fragrant, no soft colors all black and dark. He did not see any sign of flowers or plants here and that looks horrible for a Nakamoto Yuta.
“Looks like you make beautiful tattoos here,” he scans the pictures of tattoos you print and portray around the room.
“Yeah, our customer’s satisfaction is priority here! We accept custom tattoos too, maybe one day you want to consider making one, I’ll do yours! Discount since I messed up with your parking lot.” You feel bad that his customers must walk further.
“It’s okay just make sure this do not happen again.” He smiles and your heart flips. He sure looks super handsome with the healing smile on his face, “Oh we haven’t properly known each other yet, I am Yuta.” He reaches out his hand and you smile as you shake his hand, “(y/n). It’s nice meeting you!”
He nods his head, “Well, I just want to tell you that. Maybe we’ll see each other more often. Come to my shop when you’re bored or have a break. You might be interested in placing fresh flowers here in your store.” He winks.
You laugh, what a smooth way of flirting and marketing. Yuta sounds like a fun guy!
“Sure I’ll hop in once my rush hour is over. I just realized we never visit each other nor do we know one another! Ironic isn’t it that we’re even sharing one of our walls together.” You laugh and he laughs too.
“Okay then (y/n), I’ll go back and see you!” he waves and leaves your shop. You can see his silhouette turning to the right and you’re more than curious to see his shop. Or maybe you just want to see his smile once again.
You’re occupied by some more clients and you are looking forward for lunch break.
On the other side of the store, Yuta enters the small shop filled with fragrant and colourful flowers.
“And? Did it work well? Does she want to understand you?” A man with pink hair asks his friend about the discussion.
Yuta nods his head, “She’s cool about it, even asked apologies. You should see her works Yong, they’re nice.”
His friend, Taeyong, just hums a yes and focuses himself again on the flowers arrangement he wants to put on the display case.
The flower shop is also in high demand today, they’re the only fresh flower boutique in the block and people love the quality these two agile men make.
“You’re smiling wide, did she catch your attention? Haven’t seen that smile since your last breakup.” Taeyong nudges his best friend who is working with an unusual smile and energy. Well usually Yuta is cool and stoic, there is not much emotion and that is how they can run a good business. Taeyong is warm and many older customers loves his service, but younger one love Yuta’s cool image and thus choose to buy flowers there too. It’s a business strategy for them, but actually it’s just their true image.
“She doesn’t have any flowers in her shop, must be a bit crazy.” Yuta tries to deny the fact that he indeed finds you cute too despite the dark shop you run.
“And she must see you like some sort of soft guy, who’s a good boy and won’t make tattoos.” Taeyong teases him back, well what is the point of denying your heart right?
“Yak! I am just thinking maybe we can give her flowers and she can be a regular customer.” Yuta snaps his fingers, “Smart marketing strategy right?”
Taeyong shakes his head, “If you like her, just give her some.”
Yuta doesn’t reply anything instead he’s busy greeting the people coming inside.
You want to quickly end your shift today and maybe treat Yuta for a coffee, mostly because you still feel bad about hogging his parking area and also because you want to know him more.
“Who was that earlier?” your friend, Jaehyun appears from the working space behind you and asks you about the discussion with Yuta.
“Oh it’s the guy from the flower shop, his parking area was used by our people. I feel bad, should I bring him coffee?” you look to Jaehyun, he’s a best friend of yours and his works are also cool.
Jaehyun shrugs his shoulder, “I know the other guy who works there, Taeyong and I guess the one here earlier is Yuta right?”
You gape in surprise, “How did you know them?”
He taunts at you, “because when they opened, I went to congratulate them and get to know them, unlike you who really like to just sit there and daydream.”
You smack his arm, “I must be working on someone’s drawing! I am not that rude.” Your voice softens towards the end, or maybe you are careless.
“Yeeah yeah, just buy them coffee. I think there are only two of them, but to make sure maybe you can take some peep.” He pushes you and you almost fall.
“You’re annoying. I hate you.”  You roll your eyes when he sends you a flying kiss “I love you too! Now see and buy them coffee. You may even win their numbers. I want the pink guy’s number if you can get it.” Jaehyun winks and you just shudder. Ugh your longest best friend who you sadly hate and love at the same time is a pain in the ass.
Luck must be on your side because when you take a look from the windowsill, a lot of customers are inside and you can see that the only people in uniforms are just two men there. Jaehyun was right there are only two of them and oh they both look good.
You make your way to the other shop beside you and order two coffees,
“Hey Mark!” you greet the barista today, well you’re a regular here and he knows you well.
“Oh (y/n)! Pumpkin spice latte?” he asks for he knows you love that in fall time.
You shake your head, “Give me two caramel macchiatos, to go.”
He notes your order without much question, and you leave the room after thanking him.
You knock on the door and enter when the pink haired guy see you. The shop is less crowded now, you see Yuta focusing on arranging a bouquet while Taeyong handles the cashier.
You take a look around the bright store, you love flowers! You’re great in making flower tattoos and you did not know the two hot men here are running a really nice flower shop with various flowers.
The last customer leaves the room and Yuta’s eyes meet yours. “Oh (y/n)!” his voice comes out warm and the light in his eyes is twinkling. Taeyong clearly stifles back a laugh and tries to put on a poker face.
“Yuta, I’m here just to drop you guys coffee. An apology for what happened this morning.” You hand them the coffees and they’re glad for it.
“Wow, thank you! You don’t have to do this.” Yuta nervously chuckles.
You smile, “Oh it’s okay also I feel bad I never greet you guys. My friend Jaehyun even knows you already but I haven’t.”
They nod and drink their coffees, “It’s from Mark’s shop?”
You hum and walk around the store to see their flowers, “I think Yuta is right, I need some flowers for my store.”
You turn your heels and face them, “Pick a nice one for me please?”  
Taeyong nudges Yuta, the blonde man shyly walks to your side.
“I suggest some Peonies for good fortunes,” he shows you the flower and you like it.
“Please make it nice and do you have vase?” they nod “Perfect!”
With that Taeyong takes out some Peonies and tidies them up for you, he places it inside a vase. “Oh let me take this to your store, Yuta will assist you. Let me see where it looks best.” Taeyong leaves without another word and here you are alone in the shop with Yuta.
Yuta feels he is weird, but he seizes the opportunity to know you more.
“How much are those?” you ask but Yuta shakes his hand, “No need. That is from me and Taeyong.”
You force him to charge you but he doesn’t want to.
“Fine what can I do in return?” you give up when he decline your cash.
Yuta smiles and wipes his hand on his apron, then leans into the counter and stares into you with that loving gaze. You’re drowned in his beauty and oh why didn’t you know him earlier.
“I prefer you accepting my offer for lunch tomorrow?” he places his arm over his chin and you just want to press his cheeks because oh he looks so dreamy.
You nod and blush, “I guess that’s a nice deal. I’ll see you tomorrow then, I’m quiet sure Jaehyun will be pissed if I am not back any sooner.”
Yuta grabs your hand before you can leave, “Oh trust me, before Yong goes back he’ll be preoccupied.” Yuta winks and your jaw drops. Did the two of them hang out frequently.
He laughs and picks out a lavender rose, “For you, look up the meaning and tell me tomorrow the answer. Yong is here, you should return.” He ruffles your hair and you confusedly walk out of the store. Taeyong says good bye to you too and his face looks super happy.
Puzzled, you shake your head and walk into your store. There, Jaehyun is taking a picture of the fresh flower arrangement. Taeyong places them in a nice place and you try to process everything.
“So, you won his number already by yourself?” you tease your friend when he’s already busy texting with his phone.
Jaehyun snaps his neck to you and hugs you quick, “I didn’t know what you did there, but thanks for sending Taeyong here to send the flowers.”
You push him away before he can smooch your cheek, “He walked here by himself! I didn’t even ask him to do it.”
Jaehyun’s ear turn red and you clap your hands, “Looks like it’s not one sided this time Jae!”
Jaehyun laughs and you also feel happy for him. “Oh what is that?” Jae points out the flower in your hand.
You smile looking at it, “Yuta asked me to find the meaning and answer it tomorrow on our lunch.”
He gasps, “Lunch? So fast! Yak congratulations girl! You’re no longer solo!”
You roll your eyes, “What the hell.”
He suddenly types into his phone quickly and gasps, as he shows you his screen.
You squint your eyes and read the article he showed you.
Your smile grows and you feel butterflies in your stomach. Yuta sure is a great florist and a flirt!
You know that tomorrow will be a nice day and you’re excited to tell him you know the answer.
Yes a lavender rose means love at first sight and guess what that flower is super rare, Yuta just happen to have a bunch of those lying around the store today, before a customer bought all of it.
Yuta also knows what kind of tattoos he might make when he has time, of course lavender rose with your initial on it! 
thank you for reading 💖🤗
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More Than We Hoped - Ch. 2
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Summary: The Daily Bugle drags Spiderman, Tony forces Peter to come up to the compound, and that black haired man packs a punch.
Word count: +6.6k
Warnings: violence, injury, blood, angst...to be honest I think that’s it for this chapter
A/N: OK so I am actually really nervous to put this chapter out. It feels a little different from what I usually do. It felt like the story took on a life of its own, and also...this is all Peter. Y/n is not in this chapter. However, I am gonna have her in the next chapter quite a bit, so hopefully that will make up for it!! Anyways...I hope you enjoy this!
(Oh and this starts off directly after chapter 1!)
series masterlist | main masterlist
Still Saturday 
Peter sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn’t holding the phone, “Hey, Tony.” 
“Yeah, you’ve already said hello. Got anything else to say?” Tony’s voice deadpanned over the other line. It was sassy, but Peter could tell that he wasn’t necessarily in trouble...yet.
“I just woke up, what else did you want me to say?” Peter said off-handedly. He really wasn’t awake enough to handle where Tony wanted to take this conversation. Plus, he really did not know what was going on.
“I don’t know, you tell me? Why did I wake up this morning to see Spiderman’s name in a trending article from the Daily Bugle?”
“Would you believe me if I said, ‘I don’t know?’” Peter asked.
“Not really, no.” Again, Tony didn’t seem annoyed, but Peter couldn’t help but feel he might be getting a lecture somewhere down the line.
“Honestly, Tony, I haven’t even had time to read the article.” Peter responded evenly.
Tony let out a sigh, “It’s not great, Pete. Whatever you did on patrol last night—they’re spinning it like you lost control, and the guy is in the hospital because of you.”
“What?” Peter said in shock, “Hold on…”
Taking the phone away from his ear, he put Tony on speaker, so he could bring up the article to read.
The same twinge of foreboding that had hit him earlier came back as he read the headline again:
IS HE REALLY OUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDERMAN? Masked Vigilante involved in near lethal apprehension of defenseless substance abuser.
Clicking the article’s link to read more, he was greeted with a photo of his superhero alter ego. The photo showed Spiderman looking like he was being cornered in an alleyway. One of his hands was lifted urging whoever was in front of him to calm down, while the other was gesturing to the heaped form behind him. Anyone looking at it could see it was a body sprawled out on the ground, but the image was such bad quality barely any details were discernible. 
His eyes went quickly to read the beginning of the article:
In the early morning hours last night, distress calls were phoned in by a number of residents of the Bright Valley Apartments. They were alerting authorities of a violent disturbance in the alleyway next to their building between Spiderman and a nondescript man. 
The recorded calls are still not available to the public, but an eyewitness says the man seemed frantic and was lashing out. They said Spiderman struck the man a number of times until the victim was incapacitated. 
When authorities arrived at the scene, Spiderman was still present before webbing his way out of the situation without properly debriefing the authorities that came to the site. It is unclear what the masked vigilante’s intentions were with the victim that has now been identified as Wayne Campbell, who has been known to use drugs. Campbell is now in the hospital with severe internal injuries and is in critical condition.
More was said underneath, but Peter had already seen enough. The feeling of foreboding deepened into a sloshing mess of worry, hurt pride, and a sense of sadness. There was too much misinformation and exploited truths in the first few paragraphs alone for Peter to say it was anything but what it was...
“They-They wrote a slander piece about me…” He said softly, switching the phone back to normal and bringing it up to his ear.
“Looks that way...Sorry, kiddo.” Tony said in a similarly soft tone before continuing, “Know anyone you’ve pissed off lately?”
“No one I can think of,” Peter responded in a sort of mumble after sitting quiet for a moment, thinking.
“Thought you might say that. That’s why I sent Happy to grab you and bring you back to the compound, so we can get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, how about you catch me up on what Spiderman’s been getting up to.”
“What? No—Tony, I can’t just make a trip out to the compound!” Peter exclaimed. 
“Why not?” 
“Because I’ve got...” Peter paused. He felt he was needed here, but with his brain still stuck on the article he didn’t say that. Instead what came out was, “...homework.” He finished, closing his eyes knowing how lame that excuse was.
“Yeah, that hasn’t worked for the last 12 years, not gonna work now.” Tony said matter-of-factly.
Without missing a beat, Peter quipped back, “Technically, I didn’t get to use that excuse for 5 years. So really it’s only been 7.”
“Uncalled for,” Tony said. If they had been in the lab together, Peter could imagine that his mentor would be pointing a wrench at him and raising his eyebrows to emphasize the point that he was hurting the old man. A small smile tugged at the corner of Peter’s mouth at the thought.
“So, you gonna tell me what really happened?” 
The question sobered Peter quickly, making him momentarily forget about going to the compound. He blew air between pursed lips, his cheeks puffing out. “Whatever is happening is so screwed up, Tony…” Peter said quietly.
“It always is.” Tony said this with such sincerity Peter could almost hear the memories coming to life in the retired superheroes head. Tony cleared his throat and spoke up again, “Just start at the beginning.” 
“Yeah, Ok.” Peter breathed out, and he began telling the story of the last 3 nightmarish nights he’d spent patrolling. 
It took 45 minutes before Peter was getting to the details of last night. To his surprise, Tony had let Peter talk without much interruption, only small clarifications here and there and a hum to show he was paying attention.
Once he finally went quiet Tony spoke up, “And you haven’t found any connection between the 3 victims?” 
“Not yet, I haven’t had time—” Peter was cut off by another call coming in. Looking at the contact, he saw it was Happy. He’s seriously making me go to the compound? No questions asked?
Sighing and not hiding his frustration, Peter quickly said “I gotta take this, it’s Happy.” He didn’t wait for a reply before accepting the new call. “Hey, Happy,” he said, adopting a much lighter tone than a second ago.
“Peter, where are you? I’ve been waiting outside for the last 15 minutes.” Happy said in a familiarly gruff greeting.
“Crap, you’re already here? Sorry, Happy. I’ll be right down.” Peter said as he jumped up from his spot on the bed and hung up the phone. He began grabbing at random clothes around the room, hoping they were clean, and throwing them on.
Soon, all that was left for him to do was find his other shoe. Shouldn’t be too hard right? Wrong. He turned over everything. At one point he even stood on the ceiling thinking a new angle would help him—It didn’t. Just as he was starting to get really frustrated, he found it hiding in the corner of his room where he could have sworn he’d looked at least three times before. 
“Ah-ha!” He cheered triumphantly. The victory was short-lived when his phone began to blow up with texts from Happy. Each one getting steadily more grumpy in how they said he needed to get his ass moving and down to the car right now.
So in a chaotic blur of motion, Peter grabbed his lone shoe, his backpack, a granola bar from on top of his mini fridge, and jogged out of his room with only one shoe on.
As he made his way down his hallway, his phone rang for what felt like the thousandth time that morning. He picked it up without looking at the contacts name, and answered, “I know Happy, I’m on my way down right now. Couldn’t find my shoe.”
“See, I keep telling you to put trackers in them, but do you listen?” Came Tony’s amused voice over the other line. 
Even though he had not expected his mentor's voice on the phone, Peter smirked and shot back, “Says the old man that can’t find the wrench that’s still in his hands.”
“That was one time!” Tony’s voice said defensively before changing the subject, “So you haven’t left with Happy yet, I take it?”
“Just getting out to his car.” Peter said, walking into his dorm’s elevator.
“Uh-huh. While, you’re on your way up, try and think through what might be similar to each incident. We’ll use that while going through the info your suit gathered during patrol.”
“Speaking of—Tony, I need to be back by tonight to go patrolling again. I need to be there for the next person that gets affected by this thing.” 
“Yeah, no can do, Underoos.” Tony said. It was said with a casual finality, even off-handed in a way, and it irked Peter for some reason. 
“What do you mean?” He said slightly annoyed as he left the elevator. 
When he neared the door leading outside, he realized he was still not wearing his other shoe having been so distracted by Tony. He put his granola bar in his mouth, and began moving in a way he knew was not even remotely graceful as he tried to keep forward momentum and put his shoe on at the same time.
“There’s too much heat around the situation now, Pete. You need to stay away for awhile.” Tony broke through Peter’s concentration of staying upright as he barreled through the door to the outside.
Once he managed to get the shoe on, Peter paused for a second to take a bite out of his granola bar before moving again. He answered his mentor with a hard tone, “I can’t just drop this, Tony!”
“The media has gotten involved. That automatically makes this trickier. It’s important to tread carefully now.”
“I know I need to be careful,” Peter groaned out, “But I feel really close to a breakthrough! I just need a few more nights of recon. Please—”
“You have any leads?” Tony cut him off before he could keep talking.
Peter faltered before replying. He really didn’t have any leads, and it was clear Tony knew that. He had just hoped that train of thought would work on Tony, and he would be allowed to patrol. “I mean—no, not really.” Peter said quietly, opting for honesty in this moment.
He heard Tony sigh, “We need to be smart. This isn’t a recon-then-action type of mission anymore.”
Peter had made it to the sleek black car that would take him to the compound. Pausing in front of the passenger side, one hand on the door’s handle, Peter started talking, “I know, Tony, but these people—” 
Tony cut him off again, “The answer is still no. We’ll talk more when you get here.” 
The annoyance that had been simmering under Peter’s skin throughout the whole conversation, sparked at that moment. “Fine,” He snapped, and hit the phone’s red ‘End’ button. Opening the car door with a particular amount of aggression, he slid into the seat with a huff. 
Happy immediately began pulling away from the curb as soon as the door shut. A sour silence fell over the two figures, with Peter staying silent and glaring out his window. The other, usually more grumpy, older man glanced at Peter frequently as they made their way upstate. Peter felt the stare each time, knowing the older man was trying to get a read on him as he quietly brooded. 
Over the many years they had been in each other’s lives both had gotten relatively good at reading each other. In this particular situation, it was obvious Peter was frustrated about something, but he knew Happy was trying to piece together what might be annoying him.
“Tony did something again, didn’t he?” Happy’s voice finally broke the silence.
“You could say that,” Peter muttered.
“Whatever he did, I’m sure he has his reasons.” 
Peter had to resist the urge to roll his eyes, Happy didn’t deserve that. “Happy, no offense, but I really don’t want to talk about it.”
“Ok, fair enough.” Happy conceded easily. The rest of the drive was silent, only the soft sounds of music were heard.
When the car rounded the tree lined bend that led up to the compound, Peter’s emotions did a bit of a dance. He always loved seeing this building. It was a symbol of something so much bigger than himself, even bigger than him as Spiderman. Excitement always sparked in his gut as he thought about what and who it held inside and all the inner workings that even he didn’t fully understand yet. The weight of its purpose was inspiring while also being rightfully intimidating. Peter had yet to shake the feelings of being inadequate when thinking about it all. No matter how much he had wanted it, he couldn’t stop wondering if he was good enough to be an Avenger, of being a part of the moving pieces that title gave him power in, and what it meant to protect the world. He was just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman after all.
Today, though, that wash of emotions was dampened by his frustration over why he was here to begin with. He felt like Tony was calling him here to keep an eye on him. Like he didn’t trust him, and it stung.
After the car pulled up to the giant glass doors of the side entrance, Peter said a hasty goodbye to Happy, got out and slammed the door shut a bit harder than necessary. He bounded up to the door, and stepped into the building.
Almost immediately, Friday, Tony’s AI, greeted him with an even tone “Hello, Peter. Should I let Boss know you are here?”
“Tell him I’ll be down in a sec.” Peter answered, but instead of going directly to the lab, he made his way to the large communal kitchen to make himself a sandwich. 
Friday’s voice came through the silence of the kitched “Boss is asking for you to come down to the lab.” The AI paused then added, “He says to just bring the food with you.”
Peter rolled his eyes, Tony knew him a little too well sometimes. Taking a massive bite his sandwich, he grabbed his plate and started his way down to the lab.
When he turned into the large state of the art lab, he was greeted with a view of Tony’s back. 
Since Thanos, Tony had changed from what he had looked like during his active days as Iron Man. It wasn’t for the worse, he had simply changed, gotten older. His hair had gotten distinctly more salt and peppered, even more than when Peter had been remade after the snap. The wrinkles around his eyes had gotten more prominent, and they highlighted the smile he’d started wearing more often now that he was a father and genius mechanic rather than a superhero holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. 
He also had a prosthetic arm, a constant reminder of the day he saved the galaxy. When you could see it, it was a surprisingly tame color—a dark charcoal grey. “You can wear it with anything,” Tony had joked when asked why it wasn’t bright red. It still held Iron Man’s trademark colors of red and gold in its details, with a bright blue light filling out the crevices or other details that the nanotechnology didn’t cover. The scars from the wound that traced their way across his skin came up his neck and stretched up around his ear and cheek. Anything else around his shoulders and chest was usually covered by a shirt, unless he was in his tank top fixing his cars, or swimming at his house in the woods. 
The biggest difference for Peter though, was the softness that had taken over Tony. He was certainly still the cocky, confident man he’d always been, but he didn’t hold himself that way anymore as a suit of armor. Now that confidence was worn as a person slowly working on their monsters and ever so subtly finding hope in who they actually are. It was a softness that came with years of therapy and walking through it all with good friends and family. Peter was proud of Tony for that, and was grateful he got to be a part of it.
Currently, Tony was in a basic long sleeve black shirt pulled back to his elbows and his usual chop-shop jeans that were filled with grease and other stains. 
With his back to the door, he was surrounded by three different holographic projections. One was the schematics and details of Peter’s Spiderman suit. Another was a news feed scrolling and continuously playing any news that might be relevant to his search, and the last one had numbers, graphs, and other data that Peter quickly realized was the data from his suit. 
The suit, while being his, and even his own design, was still hooked up to the main Stark “cloud” that Tony had created for everything that held Stark technology. That meant Tony could bring up anything he wanted from Peter’s suit. 
At any other time, this would have annoyed Peter, maybe even offended him. The two of them had talked at length about the Baby Monitor protocol, and over the last 4 years had slowly lessened it all so that Peter could be his own person, having complete control over the responsibility he had as a superhero. Tony had promised to no longer check the data or videos on his suit unless Peter let him, or asked him to. For this particular moment, even in Peter’s already frustrated state, he knew there had been an unspoken agreement that Tony would help. That meant he would look into these details. So Peter let it slide, and while taking another enormous bite of his sandwich, he walked up to Tony’s side and asked with a mouthful, “Found anything interesting?”
Tony turned his face towards him with both eyebrows raised quietly asking the parental question of ‘really? while eating?’ to which Peter gave a noncommittal shrug to say ‘yup’. Tony lips twitched with amusement, and he turned back to the projections, answering, “No, not yet. Was waiting for you actually.”
Swallowing the bite, Peter said, “I think we should get Friday working on whether or not the three victims have anything in common with each other. Then you and I can look through the surveillance Karen saved through my mask’s camera and see if there is anything we can see for clues or leads.”
Tony nodded, then said, “You heard him, Fri. Start seeing if there is anything to connect these people together, and please upload the videos from Peter’s suit so we can start watching them.
“What time frame do you want to focus on for the videos?” She responded.
“Let’s see, everything starting from Wednesday at the beginning of my patrol to the end of the last entry on Friday,” said Peter.
Friday didn’t respond. Instead, a new hologram popped up in front of the two men, and the first scenes of the surveillance videos began to play. They silently began to watch together while Peter finished his food. 
Three hours later, the pair were now sitting in chairs, eyes slightly glazed from the amount of random footage they had already gone through. Peter tried not thinking about the fact they were still only on Wednesday night. They had fast forwarded through most of the early evening of that night, until right around when Peter remembered it all started. 
When he heard Karen respond to something he said by saying, “You said never to call a night ‘calm’ because it tempts the universe,” he perked up in his chair and spoke out loud, “This is where my senses started going off before I heard the whimpering.”
The suit’s camera showed the vantage point on top of a building looking down at the still busy street below. “Pause the video,” Peter said. Getting up from his chair, he raised his hands to the image. With an outward wave from both hands he expanded the image to be twice the size it was before, essentially engulfing himself and Tony in the scene.
“My senses went off, but I couldn’t see where it was coming from. It was too hard to tell with so many people staring simply because I had swung overhead, but I know someone was staring for another reason.”
Tony looked at him questioningly, “You know when someone is staring at you for another reason?”
Peter nodded and shrugged, “Yeah, there’s a difference in someone staring innocently, and someone that is staring for another reason. I don’t know why, but I can feel the difference.” 
Tony nodded slowly, and his face briefly flashed a ‘huh, neat’ face before he turned back to the image. “Friday, start scanning the faces and see if there are any that stand out. Let’s start with criminal records or anyone that Spiderman has dealt with directly.”
“Certainly.” Friday responded.
In the meantime, both men were staring at the screen seeing if, on intuition and instinct alone, they could pick anything up. After about 2 minutes, Friday spoke, “There are three different faces detected that have misdemeanor records, none of which are connected to Spiderman for their arrest nor their crime.”
The 3 faces showed up with their records next to them, and it was clear right away that none of them were who they were looking for. One had a public indecency charge, another was a DUI, and the last had the only genuine criminal record for assault, but it was from over 20 years ago.
Peter sighed at the news feeling disappointed, while Tony leaned in. “Friday, run the video and see if anyone stays focused on Peter when we know the whimpering started.”
The time between where the clip started and when the whimpering began was only a few seconds and it was impossible to truly focus on the faces with the way the camera whipped in the direction of the whimpering when Peter had heard it. The audio itself didn’t pick up on the whimper—it being too faint for the microphone—but it was clear enough when Peter had heard it. When nothing could be seen, Tony called for the frames to be slowed down to a shuttering frame by frame pace. 
In the blinking frames that could be seen right before Peter’s head moved, only a few people had remained focused on the superhero. An old man who had been tending to his store front, a child staying planted in awe until his parent tugged him along, and a tall slim man with black hair, suit, and...a silver tie.
“Wait!” Peter blurted, “That guy, right there. I recognize him! I saw him last night.”
“Him?” Tony pointed at the blown up image of the man.
“Yeah, he was coming out of the alleyway right before I went to help the last victim.” 
“Friday, you know what that means.” Tony said to his AI.
The silence lasted for only a moment before Friday was speaking to the room, “His name is Everett Mercury, age 25, born and raised in New York City.”
“Ok, can you tell us anything else about him?”
“Actually, boss, his file and any subsequent information that is regularly available or traceable for the average person is coming up blank. This lack of data would normally suggest all information for Mr. Mercury was wiped clean or is purposefully untraceable in most technological databases.”
“Well, I think that means we found our guy, what do you think, Pete?” Tony said, snapping his fingers together and spinning on his heels to look directly at Peter.
Peter gave a small absentminded nod as he only kind of heard Tony’s question. He was still glaring at the face in front of him, thinking. “Is he anywhere near the second location?” 
Again, the silence filled the room until the AI spoke, “Based on my recognition software, there is no record of him being at the location of the second victim.”
Peter groaned,”Dang it!” all though he used entirely more colorful language in his head.
“That doesn’t mean that wanna-be-young-Keanu-Reeves here isn’t our guy.” Tony said lightly.
“No, but it doesn’t confirm it either. Plus, we don’t know anything about him,” Peter shot back.
“They don’t usually make it that easy for us.”
Peter knew Tony wasn’t trying to goad him. He wasn’t even trying to be condescending, but after the week he’d had, the fear of the unknown and the frustration that was just sitting at the bottom of his stomach mixed and boiled quickly. “No they don’t. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t hoping our first lead might have been a little less vague. What are we supposed to do with this information, Tony?” Peter said heatedly, whirling to face his mentor with a glare.
Tony met his stare with raised eyebrows and a slight cock of the head. “I’m sorry, did I miss something?” He looked into Peter’s eyes for a second, “Are you mad at me?”
“How does this help people, Tony? How does me sitting here with you, finding out this guy's name, in upstate New York, help anyone?” Peter said, not answering the question.
“Pete, this is only just the beginning. We’ve only been here—what? 3 hours?” Tony said, checking his watch.
“Yeah, and by the time I get back someone might already be infected by whatever-the-hell this is and could even be dead!”
Understanding washed over Tony’s features at Peter’s words. “You’re upset I said you couldn’t go patrolling.” It wasn’t a question. He had said it as its own confirmation.
“Have you watched any of these videos, Tony?” Peter said with quiet intensity pointing back at the projected image, “New York needs someone out there protecting them, and right now, no one is.”
Tony remained silent as he looked intently at Peter for a moment, his lips pushed up in thought. When he finally looked away, he gave a heavy sigh, and his hands came up in a loose shrug before he said, “Ok. You want to go out and patrol. Then I won’t stop you.”
“What?” Peter said slightly shocked, “You’re gonna let me go?” He was not expecting that reaction. He thought he would need to put up a fight, argue a bit more. Even then, he didn’t think Tony was going to allow him to go. 
“Yeah. You want to patrol. I won’t stop you.” Tony said lightly.
Peter looked at Tony for a second, hesitating. His brows furrowed as he searched the man’s face. Something about Tony’s reaction bothered him, but he couldn’t think why. Why was that so easy? The thought was momentary, a sparked instinct to push for more information, but as soon as it came, it was swallowed up by the new thoughts of getting back to the city. If he could patrol, maybe he could do better reconnaissance, maybe even find the black haired man himself and question him.
“Uh, right.” Peter breathed out, “Then I’m gonna go.” He turned and started to leave the lab. Right when he got to the door, he looked back and saw Tony had already turned his back on him and was looking at each screen he had pulled up. He had started playing the frame-by-frame video again. His arms were crossed, and it was clear he was thinking and assessing everything he saw. Again, something in the back of Peter’s head told him he should stay, but he pushed it back stubbornly. 
A couple hours later found Peter atop the lone skyscraper on campus. It was a massive clock tower that used to ring every hour with a real bell, but it had since been turned electronic, telling the time silently as it watched the students wander below. On nights when he needed to just think Peter would find himself up here, especially when he couldn’t be bothered making it to his usual favorite perches closer to the center of the city. Tonight, Peter was watching dusk settle over the city, thinking of a game plan for the night’s patrol.
Somehow, the other incidents had happened right where he was, no need to search far and wide. That left Peter with little direction as to where to start, but he still had to get moving. The shadows were growing, and that meant more alleys to hide in and go unnoticed. 
Standing up, he shook himself loose, and flicked out his hand. His two middle fingers came to the base of his palm, tapping his web shooter to life. It responded with a string of web flying over to the next building, and just as Peter stepped off the tower, he spoke to his AI, “Karen, I want you to monitor for raised temperatures, and scan every face you can for Everett Mercury. Let’s make tonight worth it.” 
“Initiating scanning parameters.” Karen confirmed.
As Peter swung, he felt his senses open up and his nerves coil like springs. The anticipation he held for finding another victim was growing, and he hated how afraid he was. It wasn’t just the fear of these people getting hurt. Frankly, that he could deal with. He’s had to deal with it. It was a responsibility of a superhero to deal with the fear of people getting hurt. No, he was afraid of seeing the side effects of this thing again. The glowing eyes, the pulsing veins, the shrill cry that comes with each victim—it was haunting. He was also afraid of holding another person in his arms as they fought whatever it was they were affected by. He didn’t know how many more people he could watch seize and drop into a comatose state. 
He was uneasy, and he felt a little ashamed this thing had dug its claws into him so quickly, but the apprehension he didn’t want was still there all the same. With each flick of his wrist that carried him farther into the city, he tried to think of a way to turn that fear in his favor, but all he came up with was a sour and shaky form of adrenaline. 
Much later into the night, Karen’s voice came out clear in Peter’s ear,“My scans show a man that fits the description of Everett Mercury by the ATM’s on the corner.” 
Peter swung to the nearest rooftop, and upon crouching and turning around to look out at the four-way intersection he felt his senses buzz lightly. That annoying warning was back, and his skin crawled at the feeling. He spoke quietly to his AI, “Where is he?”
Before Karen could answer, Peter’s eyes found a black haired figure in a sharp suit standing motionless at the corner. When Peter found his eyes, he felt his stomach do a flip. The man was staring straight at him, unflinching and unfazed as their eyes met. His eyes were cold and dark, set within a face of stone. Each second felt stretched in time as Peter looked at him. He stood expectantly, like he had known Spiderman would be there, looking for him. As if to confirm the suspicion, a small smirk began to play itself on Mercury’s lips before he broke eye contact, turned and in a few steps, seemed to vanish into thin air.
“What? What was that?” Peter whispered harshly as he stared wide eyed at nothing, “no no no no!” 
In a panic, he shot out a web, and launched himself down to the other side of the intersection. As he landed lightly on his feet where Mercury had been standing, he looked in all directions only to catch a glimpse of the dark suited figure slipping down a darkened road at the end of the street. Peter sprinted in that direction, and when he turned the corner he was met with more empty space. 
What the hell?!
Scanning the area, Peter saw that he had run into a large empty courtyard. It was rundown, with pipes coming out haphazardly from the walls, concrete benches spotted the outskirts of the central space where the ground had broken and the cracks were growing grass and weeds. It was lit by a solitary orange street light that shone weakly at the entrance making shadows fall over the far side and its corners turn black. 
As Peter squinted in the direction of those shadows, he saw a flash of movement in the corner of his eye. Flicking a web in the direction of the movement, he knew he had caught nothing as it hit a pipe with a hard hollow sound. 
He jerked his head in the direction of the movement, and felt his body crouch instinctively, muscles tightening, ready to launch into motion. 
Another glimpse of movement, and another web that hit nothing. 
“I know you're in here!” Peter spoke out into the courtyard. Still crouched with fists clenched, he felt his heart hammering in his chest, and adrenaline coursing through his body.
Peter tried to hone in on his spidey senses hoping to locate the man that way. He felt the familiar buzzing at the back of his head, but the warning felt like it was coming from more than one direction. There was nowhere that didn’t feel threatening, and his mind began to go fuzzy the longer he tried to focus on it. It was like white noise slowly getting louder as the threat started to close in like walls.
In the fog taking over his brain, Peter didn’t notice the air shimmering a few feet in front of him until Everett Mercury had materialized in front of him. The man stood towering over Peter’s crouched figure, a smirk still on his face. 
As quickly as he had appeared, his body crouched and shot out a hand which connected with Peter’s sternum and sent him flying into the wall behind him. After the hit landed, he vanished into the darkness again.
A voice, low and smooth came from the dark, “I’m not the one you should be focusing on, Spiderman.”
The impact had knocked the wind from Peter’s lungs, and he slipped to the ground on all fours coughing. He tried to right his breathing quickly as he scrambled up and got into a ready stance again, saying breathily, “Oh, yeah? And your cloak and dagger thing is what, a party trick? Doesn’t exactly convince me you’re a good guy.”
Peter didn’t get an answer. Mercury appeared at his side and shoved him hard enough to make Peter stumble towards the center of the open space. Peter tried to correct his balance and figure out where his opponent might be coming from, but there was nothing but mental static.
“It’s not about me being good or bad. I just follow orders. You on the other hand...What are you doing to save all those helpless people?” The disembodied voice spoke casually. It sounded like it was circling the perimeter of the yard. “You’re wasting time, Spidey.” 
Peter knew he was being baited, but that didn’t stop a spark of fear and anger to go through him at the thought of more victims. Fuck, please be bluffing.
“Why are you doing this?” Peter growled, trying to stay focused on the task at hand.
“Why am I doing this?” The voice answered, amusement laced its deep tone, “I’m not doing anything. They seek us out.”
With the white noise still muffling his senses, Peter didn’t notice Mercury come up behind him until he was whispering in his ear, “They ask for it.”
Peter whirled around to see Mercury standing right in front of him. With a knee-jerk reaction, Peter shot out his fist, but he hit nothing as Mercury smoothly ducked out of the way. Peter pivoted to counter the dodge, but the dark haired man’s eyes flashed with an intensity that charged the air. It felt like the split second between when a fuse runs its course and the firework finally erupts. Except, Peter wasn’t ready for the explosion. 
Mercury lunged forward, and swung his fists at Peter. First a straight cross, then an upper cut, then another jab. Mercury’s fists were flying, and each hit was made with a trained precision. The ferocity of the attack caught Peter off guard, and each blow was thrown with such brutal speed and power that he felt defenseless against them as they slowly pushed him backwards towards the wall.
Finally, a particularly harsh punch came and hit his face. Peter’s body gave him no choice but to drop to the ground dazed. He felt warm blood flow from his nose, and in the back of his head he guessed his nose might have been broken. 
The other man, barely breathing heavy, stalked closer to Peter’s hunched figure, and mumbled something under his breath that Peter didn’t catch over the ringing in his ears. Then he picked Peter up by his shoulders and slammed him into a mess of pipes jutting from the wall behind him. A loud crack sounded, and pain radiated through Peter’s ribs as one of them broke on impact. His head rocked back into a lead pipe, and he felt the edge of yet another pipe’s broken opening cut into his skin because of the sheer force he was being pressed into it. Weakly, he tried and failed to squirm out of the other man’s grasp. 
Mercury glared into Peter’s masked face and spoke in a low menacing voice, “You might not believe this, but what’s happening is for the better.” He looked between the two bright white eyes with cold intensity and growled, “Don’t fight this.” 
He let go of Peter, who immediately slumped to the ground, and stepped back. Shadow engulfed Mercury’s figure once more, and he was gone.
Peter sat on the ground, clutching his torso, and trying to breath through the pain that was currently coursing through his body. It had been a while since he had been beaten up this badly, or been so taken by surprise. Why wouldn’t my spidey sense work? His pain addled brain couldn’t think of a reason just yet, and his main priority needed to be getting back to the dorms. 
“Hey Karen, how far are we from campus?” Peter whispered out.
“You are currently 2 miles away.” The AI responded.
“Great,” He said a little high pitched, “I can do that. No problem.”
Shakily, he stood up and raised his arm to shoot out a web. The broken rib screamed in protest, but gritting his teeth against the pain, Peter shot and pulled himself into the air. 
He must have blacked out as he swung back because Peter would not have been able to tell anyone how he managed to make it back to his dorm room that night. All he remembered was waking up on the floor during the very early hours of the day with Ned shaking him awake.
“Pete. Peter! You gotta wake up!” Ned’s voice was full of worry. 
He groaned as his friend continued shaking him. He reached up his hand and swatted clumsily at the arm connected to the hand shaking his shoulder.
“Oh, thank god,” Ned sighed, “Dude, you’re a fucking mess. What the hell did you do tonight?”
Peter couldn’t form coherent thoughts just yet with the pain and disorientation his injuries were causing him, and just mumbled, “Patrol.”
“Yeah, figured that much out myself. I meant what happened to you?”
“Everett Mercury.” Peter said briefly, still trying to stop the spinning in his head.
“Whose that?” Ned asked curiously.
Just then, Peter’s phone began ringing and buzzing on his desk. Ned reached over Peter’s head and handed it to him. The screen’s brightness bit into Peter’s eyes and he flinched while making out the series of texts coming in from Tony.
Tony: We need to talk.
Tony: Mercury is enhanced and highly dangerous.
Tony: Do not engage with him. We need to make a plan
Too late, Tony... Peter thought as he felt each injury pulse in time with his heart.
There’s chapter 2! Please let me know any feedback you might have! I’d love to know if there are things you are hoping to see, or if you have any thoughts about the story in general. All reblogs are so incredibly appreciated! 💙❤️
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30 notes · View notes
yvainegelinemarie · 3 years
🖤🌸𝔐𝔯. 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔎𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔞 2021 𝔙𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔡 ℜ𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴 🌸🖤
I’m late I’m late for a very important dick appointment, date!
✨ 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝐒𝖕𝖔𝖔𝐤𝖎𝖊𝖘!!~ ✨
Idk about ya’ll BUT these new karma cards got me all 🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻
TW: Proceed with cation!! Do NOT open if you do not wish to soak your panties and/or cry your eyes out at my appalling sense of ‘humor’ 
*Today I will be rating the new Valentines Day art for the Karma cards. The rating process was done by comparing them to their previous valentines day cards and how they went against one another on their level of sexyness within each card. 
🌸 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓 | 7/10 | 2nd Place
⚰️ My daddy he be lookin fine a FOULK this evening with his tiddie out. My baby knows how to keep me fed if ya know what I’m sayin.😏💦
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⚰️ This beautiful, breathtaking, princely, lavishing work of art!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHGHJTE5LILO; (srry, orgasim seizure). 
⚰️ It’s just *pats eyes with handkerchief* I have never in all my life, witnessed a man of this design. Please, don’t mind me. I just need a moment to bask in the glory of this angel. 
⚰️ The 💦water droplets💦, his bedroom eyes, that CHEST- I-I...I just need a moment...
⚰️ Lucien has once and always stolen my heart BUT I do have to say that based off of some past cards, last years valentines card, and compared to Victor’s card this year that my Lulu has to come in second. 🤧
⚰️ His sultry, princely and sexyness is all there but we all know that Lucien can pull off a very dominating demeanor. Yet here he’s just giving me very submissive vibes this valentines. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
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⚰️ And then this card has the AUDACITY to turn into this?!?! 👀👀
⚰️ Sighhhh...It is just so hard to watch MC living your dream... 
⚰️ This card just looks so sweet. The carressing embrace, Lucien’s calmly surprised expression, it’s just all so gentle. awwwwwe!!
⚰️ Although this card is very romantic Lucien still looks very submissive and sweet. (Like homie looks like he’s never done this before which. LIES. BITCH I KNOW YOU) 👏🏼👏🏼
⚰️ One of the things I love the most about Lucien’s character is his very teasing and dominating aura and last years valentines card sucked that up and did a beautiful job of expressing his teasing personality in the artwork. I am hoping that maybe where this art is lacking the date itself will make up for it.
⚰️ I do find this card to be the second most sexy out of all the boys but I feel like it just doesn’t feel as Lucien as I would have liked it to. 
⚰️ I do however find the artwork to be very beautiful and embracing. Especially when the card is evolved. The way Lucien holds MC in the second card creates this very innocent and warm embrace that reminds me of two people just on the verge of falling in love.
⚰️ It is a very sweet and romantic card and it is quiet cute to see Lucien all blushing and off guard instead of his usual impassive self.
🌸 𝐊𝖎𝖗𝖔 | 6/10 | 4th place
⚰️ The bestest boi of them all!!! 🥰
⚰️ Litterally nothing gets sweeter than Kiro!!
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⚰️ So sweet, so fun loving! This sunshine of a boi makes life worth living! ☀️☀️
⚰️ Kiro is definitely the one who shows up at just the right time to make life a little better and brings out the inner child that my sun in capricorn tries to repress so intensely. 
⚰️ And this card does that sweet and playful image justice. Always stay warm Kiro!!! AWWEEE!!!
⚰️ All I can say is I wish I was that dog so I can paw Kiro’s chest too. 🤭
⚰️ Now, It pains me to put Kiro last but it is just that I feel that his card lacks a lot compared to the valentines card from last year. 
⚰️  We were hit with a very sexy Kiro and there has been plenty of other very VERY sexy Kiro cards up to this one that it just causes this one to hit different, you know? 
⚰️ This one really captures Kiro’s loving and boyish personality so I definitely love it over all as a Kiro card. I think that it does wonderful in that aspect. But for valentines day? I expect something a bit more saucy...like an underwear model shoot maybe... 😜
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⚰️ BUT THEN we get THISS!!
⚰️ S-Shirtless Kiro *Internal screaming* kahhhh!!! I can’t take it I. 😝
⚰️ Sometimes I forget just how HORNY Kiro issss.... 
⚰️ I think it’s safe to say that MC is only making that face NOT bc Kiro took that magazine but bc she be getting poked sitting in that lap like that.- 👀🍆
⚰️ Shirtless Kiro is an upgrade from what we had before BUT I still feel like this compared to the other guys and other very sexy kiro cards before that this still only gives a very innocnet and homey vibe.
⚰️ I do think that this card is very cute but when rating it on it’s quality of sexyness comapred to the other boys, I sadly have to put Kiro as last place. 
⚰️ I am just hoping that next year all the Kiro stans get rewarded with a nice Calvin Klein underwear shoot. (I know I’d be happy)😌😌
🌸 𝐕𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗 | 8/10 | 1st Place
⚰️ Tall, dark, and handsome AS FOULK!!!
⚰️ Victor never comes in to play no games yall!!!  👏🏼💦
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⚰️ Did I say Kiro was horny? because I take that back. Sometimes I forget how BADLYYY Victor is trynnnaaa FUCK in EVERYYY date. 💀
⚰️ But like I ain’t mad. First off, Victor, daddy, can I have that designer bag? I’ll suck your di- 
⚰️ Just the abs, that boujee ass robe even the cute ass fucking ties on his arm I-
⚰️ Victor be putting the standards for guys really fucking high in my book. AND I AIN’T MAD.
⚰️ I just love this card. It is honestly my favorite out of all of them (sorry Lulu) It’s mature, it’s sexy, it’s elegant, suttle, and EVERYTIME I look at it my heart flutters. This card is VERY Victor and a beautiful design of his character and it makes me VERY horny happy. 💦💦
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⚰️ T-That angle... *blushes* He is ready to go to town if ya know what I mean.
⚰️ But given that facial expression he’s already busted it- 👀🤧
⚰️ On a real note tho. Victor looks so sweet and vulnerable here (*what a pussy) it’s so cuteee!!! Like I ain’t ever seen him look so sweet. (*fucking bitch.) 
*I have a love hate relationship with Victor since he always likes to piss me off!!! But he cute so.
⚰️ Again I think that this card is my favorite out of all four of the valentines cards this year. I feel like the intimacy in this one is there. The imagery is very sexy but soft. I love their pose and I think that this card sells where we all like our minds to wonder off too. 
⚰️ My absolutae favortie part is the simple pull on Victors unbuttoned shirt. It is just so sweet and so soft of an embrance.
⚰️But also Victor’s hand on the counter. I want that hand to smack my ass so hard fuck. 😋
⚰️ If I had to (and I do) make one complaint about this card it is that I honestly HATE Victor’s expression in the evoled. It’s just too soft and sweet for my liking. And as a Capricorn myself I can assure you that any slip up of us expressing even just the slightest bit of our vulnerability to anyone we will rip ourselves apart head to toe for years on that one single event and I assume that even during Victor’s most intimate times that stone cold look would not fade as easily as it does in this card. 
⚰️I think that it is beautiful and no hate to the Victor stans who think he looks hot AF in this card. I am all for it. I just personally like my capricorns whipped into shape. 😌
🌸 𝐆𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓 | 7/10 | 3rd Place
⚰️ This one gave me the most and best shock.
⚰️ My favorite Gavin cards are by far this and his valentines card from last year. 
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⚰️ There is just something about Valentines day that gets Gavin in a sexy mood. (you’re secretly a hopeless romantic, aren't you Gavin huh...huh???)😏
⚰️ First off, GAVIN!!! I ain’t ever seen you look so SEXY. Sending me Eboy vibes to the MAX ughhhhh!!!! 
⚰️ I love the straps on his shirt and the fact that it’s wet and the glove PULLLLL!!! FUCKK GAVINNNNN!!! 💦🔥💦
⚰️ Gavin for me is everything that’s hot that I just can’t get behind but I WANT to get behind. You know? haha.
⚰️ He’s just such a good boy and a sad boi all at the same time and he holds a soft place in ma heart (but he’s definitely a one night stand and then I never call him again haahaaaa ahhhh) 🤧
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⚰️ And then this card!! It is so cute! SO sweet!!! and just very beautifully intimate. They look so in love!!!
⚰️ I just know for a fact that this night is very gentle and very passionate. 
⚰️ S3x with Gavin may not be intense, but it is love that we all at one point need okayyy!!. *cries* 🥲
⚰️ Gavin’s card is probably my 3rd favorite out of all of the boys this year. I do really love his pose and they are very sexy and very sweet and also very Gavin for his event cards. I also enjoy that his expression is still very true to his character in the last card (I’m looking at you lulu and vic) 
⚰️ I just feel like the art lacks a lot of story in Gavin’s cards (even his ones last year too) They just look like they took valentines day photos together lol. 
⚰️ I don’t hate them and they are very beautiful I just wish there was more going on then what looks to be like Gavin modeling for a brand of Makers Mark Whiskey lol. 
⚰️ I actually haven’t played a single Gavin date🤭...so I don’t have much to say on how he reacts to MC outside of the regular story line and I am sure that his valentines date for our English Sever with him was very wonderful. Based off of Gavin’s main story character I wouldn’t consider him very romantic or at least not the one in control of planning their dates. I think that of all the boys Gavin’s Valentines would be the most laid back and I would like to see more of Gavin’s character coming through with the artwork of these dates if that’s the case.
⚰️  On a serious note these cards are very beautiful although...I think I honestly enjoyed last years Valentines cards more than this one (the ones we got this year in the english server)... (omg...no way...she said it)
⚰️ Don’t get me wrong! All these cards are VERY sexy and I do like it but I feel like they almost lack intensity that last year SOLD us. 
⚰️ I guess what I am trying to say is they all feel too vanilla if you know what I mean... Gavin’s card is the only one that gives me a sense of spice despite him being the sweetest out of all the boys. I just feel that these in comparison to how lavish last years cards were that I want to see more intensity. 
⚰️ I am curious to know if the cards will ever get to that point (I know that the game wont give us full blown porn scenes...*sigh* lol) but I am looking forward to seeing some imagery to withhold the imagination of such. 
⚰️ Basically I’m sad that Lucien had no scratch marks. That-That’s it! You caught me!! I just want to see my daddy’s skin all scratched up!! Is that too much to ask for?! 
⚰️ This is all written for shits n giggles. Please take this lightly and kindly let me know what karma card you liked the most. 
Thank you for stopping by, 🖤 Yvaine. 
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butgilinsky · 4 years
diner // rc
warning; language, drinking ig but i think that’s it?
summary; when y/n tries to run from her problems at the boneyard, she might’ve found herself running into a new one
word count; 1.6k+
requested; Hey!! Idk if you are taking request but if you are can you do one where you like jj but he’s in love with kie so you distract yourself with rafe?🤭 
i’m sorry if this isn’t what you had envisioned, but i can’t NOT write soft rafe and it’s become a weakness of mine
here’s a series based off of this one-shot!!!
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it was easy to find out that all of the pogues had a thing for kie. hell, half the time y/n found herself looking at the girl for just a second too long. kie inhabited every quality the boys listed off about their dream girl. she seemed to be just about everything every boy wanted, and every girl wanted to be.
and 9/10 times, y/n would say that none of this mattered to her. she was never jealous of her best friend, because she didn’t need to be. however, falling for the blond delinquent of the group turned this upside down for y/n. 
she doesn’t remember when it started, but she found herself falling for jj. she found herself smiling just a bit wider when he was around, and any time she was drunk and he walked her home, she found herself wishing he’d never leave. 
and for a while, y/n was able to push this thought to the back of her mind. she knew jj liked kie, which made this that much harder for her. but hiding things was in her nature. she’d grown up keeping things to herself, perks of being an only child in a home where her parents were never home. 
which meant there was only one problem with this plan. john b knew the girl far too well to let her emotions slip by him. 
“you’re staring again.” y/n tore her eyes away from her two best friends, both leaning into each other while they danced in the sand. 
y/n turned to faced the sandy haired boy smiling softly at her and shot the rest of her beer down her throat. she stood from her place beside john b and let out a heavy sigh. 
“i’ll be back.” she mumbled before walking away from the boy, kicking sand up as she wandered to nowhere in particular. 
it hadn’t been all of five minutes that she was walking before she a body stopped in front of her, copying her movements in order to trap her in place. 
“hey pogie, how’s your night going?” she rolled her eyes at the tall boy with a cocky smirk on his face and scoffed. 
“nowhere, rafe. why do you even care?” he laughed gently at the question, both of them knowing exactly why he cared. the only thing that pissed off the pogues more than getting into a physical altercation with them, was when the kooks hit on y/n or kiara. 
it had happened too many times to count. kie was at a slight disadvantage since she went to school with them for 9 months out of the year, but she also stood her ground against them. y/n easily gave into the interactions, letting the conversation go further before she simply walked away, as opposed to kie that would jump at the opportunity to shove the kooks away from her immediately. 
“maybank and kiara look pretty close tonight.” he looked over y/n’s shoulder at the pair of friends that looked far from a pair of friends in that moment. 
y/n rolled her eyes, face to face with rafe’s chest while he looked behind her. her eyes lingered elsewhere, trying to rid herself of the images flashing through her mind. 
“do they? i haven’t noticed.” rafe laughed at that, knowing far too well that that was far from the truth. 
“well that’s a load of shit. you stare at the kid all night long and drink to forget about how they look together.” a small smirk grew on y/n’s lips as she tilted her head back slightly to look up at the boy in front fo her. 
“have you been watching me, cameron?” the way his eyes snapped down to meet hers told her everything she knew, but he still scoffed and shook his head.
“in your dreams, pogue.” she rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh, catching the boy’s attention once again. 
“you can fool just about everyone on this island, rafe, but you’ve wanted to get into my pants since you were in high school. just because i didn’t jump at the opportunity doesn’t mean i didn’t notice.” his eyes blew wide for a split second before returning to normal. 
he tried to brush it off, but he didn’t succeed. different things rushed through his mind as he tried to figure out how he was supposed to react to this information, and what he was supposed to think about it. 
“come with me.” he grabbed the girl’s hand and started trudging through the sand out to where everyone parked their cars. 
the girl rolled her eyes but let the boy drag her away anyways. 
“i’m not having sex with you in the back of your truck, rafe.” 
“we’re not having sex, y/n. we’ll do that later.” she bit back a laugh and just followed the boy, shocked to see him open the passenger side door for her. 
she pulled herself into the truck and watched rafe run around the front of it before he pulled himself in beside her. it wasn’t until they’d driven for a few minutes in silence that she asked where they were going. 
“just trust me, yeah?” she scoffed, not knowing how she was meant to trust the boy that had beat up all of her friends on more than one occasion, but kept quiet. for some reason she did trust rafe, as crazy as it sounded. 
it only took a few more minutes with rafe’s speeding tendency before they got to where they were going. it was the only restaurant on the island opened at this hour, and she loved it. she didn’t come often anymore, not having the money or the ability to convince her friends to come with her. 
“i love this place.” she whispered softly, more to herself than anyone else.
“i know. you used to come with your dad all the time.” her head snapped to the side, narrowing her eyes slightly in shock. 
“what else do you know about me, stalker?” he laughed gently before stepping out of the car, ignoring her question. 
she followed suit, stepping out of the truck after him and following him into the diner. he held the door open for her, which only slightly surprised her this time, before they slid into a booth up against one of the large scaled windows. 
she watched rafe look through the menu, though he didn’t need to. most people that came to this diner knew what they were getting without looking, everyone had their usual order here. 
“you’re staring.” y/n clicked her tongue softly before the boy looked up at her, dropping the menu onto the table and intertwining his fingers together. 
“i’m confused.” he raised an eyebrow in speculation, waiting for her to continue. “you dedicate your life to harassing the pogues, but secretly know things about me that my best friends don’t even know. and then you sweep me away from a boneyard party to take me to a diner that i haven’t been to in years.” 
“years?” she rolled her eyes, surprised that that was the bit of information he clung to. 
“yeah, years. hard to eat out all the time when you don’t have much money. plus, the pogues never want to come all the way out here so we just eat at the wreck most nights.” she shrugged, not finding the use in dwelling on the small pity party. 
“they don’t come here with you?” she shrugged again, not knowing why it bothered him so much. 
“are you going to tell me how you know weird things about me? how did you know i came here with my dad, and how did you know that i like jj?” she leaned over the table slightly, only pulling back when an older woman stopped by the table to pick up their orders. 
she was surprised when rafe ordered french toast, figuring he’d be more of a waffle guy, but let it pass when she ordered her blueberry pancakes. she turned back to rafe after the woman left and leaned back over the table. 
“i know you used to come here with your dad because rose used to drag sarah and i here to bond with us. you were almost always here, and when you weren’t, your dad was picking up a to-go order. i know you like maybank because it’s fucking obvious. you stare at him constantly and always have the same gloomy look on your face when he’s with kiara.” 
she rolled her eyes, still finding this whole situation out of character for him. rafe cameron was the biggest ass on the entire island, and here he was, showing real interest in something that wasn’t cocaine or impressing her father. 
it was odd to see rafe both sober and genuine, but y/n liked it. she liked this side of rafe, and it wasn’t the first time she’d seen him like this, though it had been the first time in a while. 
“well that’s odd, cameron, but slightly endearing in the weirdest way possible.” he laughed gently, though it was the most genuine laugh she’d ever heard. his smile stretched across his lips, almost reaching his eyes, and his eyes lit up slightly. 
“but tell me things i don’t know about you, y/n.” 
that diner quickly became a place where it didn’t matter what side of the island they lived on. it was a place where y/n met and fell for the real rafe cameron, and rafe met and fell for the real y/n y/l/n.  
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