#sorry for the rather late reply cherry!!
pandoa · 2 years
I love how you used Epel's Union groovy bc is one of the few groovies he's not sad/depressing/re thinking his life choices :,) I love seeing my boy so happy!!
yes yes, my exact reason for using his union groovy as his fic banner!! it's just so precious to see epel smiling so freely and looking like he's genuinely having fun without any constraints holding him back. like after seeing the despair in his ceremonial robes groovy, i just had to use a picture where our dear farmer boy was actually happyyyyy
also, when making his banner, i was debating between using his union groovy or his dorm uniform groovy but icing-covered epel won my heart lol
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nariism · 8 months
Can you do a Wriothesley one where we take care of him when he's like sick or injured 👉👈 gotta treat my husband ykyk😞
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a/n: hii i'm sorry this is kind of late! got busy with life stuff so i died a bit. anyways please take this sickfic <3
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you've been spoiling him to no end.
if his sinuses weren't painfully congested and his throat didn't feel like he just swallowed glass, he would probably be smiling.
right now, he just feels miserable.
wriothesley has always prided himself on being the picture of health. to your utter jealousy, there was absolutely nothing in the world that could get him sick. even in the deepest winters with the chill of the sea sweeping over fontaine, he would walk around with only his jacket dangling off his shoulders.
you'd like to think that this is karma for all the times he rubbed in your face how he would never get sick.
"you didn't have to dive into the water like that," you scold him.
"i did have to," he replies stubbornly, lip jutting out like a child. you smear your finger across his pout to effectively wipe it off his face, laughing when his head falls forward against your shoulder in response.
"it’s just a necklace."
"it’s your favourite necklace." he quickly corrects, as if that would justify the extremity of leaping into the sea and not surfacing for three whole minutes.
"oh, sweetest..." you coo, holding his head against you and laughing again (much to his dismay) when he sniffles in a weak attempt to clear his sinuses. "you didn't have to do that."
you can feel him physically deflating in your hold so you stammer out: "but i really do appreciate you getting it back for me!"
the man just pulls away with a scowl, looking like a mixture of a kicked puppy and a cranky old dog. "you owe me for that."
"owe you?" you repeat in disbelief. "and what would you like, hm?"
"feed me."
his face lights up again with amusement as you freeze, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water trying to process what's just been requested of you.
if it were anyone else, you would have thought it was a joke. but you've known wriothesley long enough to know the telling pull of his smirk, the lazy yet smug expression screaming that he's being dead serious.
and, well, he did leap off a bridge 30 feet in the air after your charm slipped off your neck. and he did manage to recover it, returning to you like a matted wet animal all pouty and shivering from the cold.
the cherry on top of it all was that he insisted on clipping it back around your neck, prolonging his state of being drenched in freezing sea water and guaranteeing his sickness.
so... you suppose you do owe him this at the very least.
that's how ten minutes later you end up straddling his lap, warm bowl of porridge in one hand and a spoon in the other.
"open." you demand, spoon already squeezing past his lips. he chuckles, allowing you to feed him even in such a compromising position.
you look completely flustered, too. he can feel the tremble of the spoon in his mouth as he swallows his meal. maybe it's the iron grip he has on your hips. maybe it's the fact that your bulky, brooding, monster of a husband is acting like he can't feed himself.
either way, your embarrassment doesn't go unnoticed and you're sure he's enjoying every second of it.
"i should get sick more often," he muses.
you groan, realizing that you'd rather take his endless gloating over this.
"no... please don't."
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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iznsfw · 1 year
The Devil's Telephone
IVE's An Yujin x Male Reader Smut
6969 words
Categories | model!Yujin x photojournalist!you, rough sex
Barely edited. Who cares, I did great.
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"Is it true? What they say about you?" 
You're nervous, fidgeting  in the king-sized bed with your arm leaning against the mattress. It feels odd to be in a rich and attractive girl's place without being naked. Not that it's something you've experienced before anyway, but it's like breaking an unspoken law everyone but you was oriented to. But you have your manners, and so does she. Supposedly.
She's still beside you, her expensive clothes hiding not her shapely form. And to think it looks beautiful without the need for oil painting all around it or nakedness. That pretty smile, that also intimidates you a little, is the cherry on top of the cake that is An Yujin.
Speaking of, there's one right now between her lips. She's toying with its strand of a twig, tracing the cherry she got from the bowl beside her bed along the pink hills of her luscious mouth.
"After everything I did," Yujin says, "what do you think?" 
"I don't really…" Struggle to find your words. "I, I don't really dwell on—"
"If I'm a slut or not?" Yujin finishes for you, smiling teasingly. 
This conversation's a mistake, now that she's using words about a subject you tried to tread on lightly. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm sorry."
"No offense taken. I get it."
Yujin lifts herself off her comfortable lounge position on her bed and instead sits on the backsides of her legs. Her hands are on your lap rather than her own. Should've been a sign for you that this is going nowhere but in a downward spiral. 
"You want to know if the rumors are true? If nepo model An Yujin's really a slut, like they all say?"
"Uh… sure?" 
Yujin gestures her chin to your crotch. "Whip out your dick. Then you'll see."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me."
"I'm not," says Gaeul. "Say that one more time and your career's over. No going back."
The small smile that's an everyday accessory to her features is gone. That tells you that what she says is what there is to her statement. What you hear is what you get. There's no underlying tone to it; she's completely serious, and besides, when has Gaeul ever lied?
Wring the looped lace of your camera over your head and place it and the device that can make or break your career on her desk. "Nope," you say. "I'm not doing it."
"You will," Gaeul says. "Nobody else will do it."
"Can't you get Jiwon to show up there?" It's worth a try, right?
"Like I said, no chance. Rei's with her on vacation. And Yunjin is out of the question."
"God fucking dammit." 
Looks like this day can actually get worse. First, you miss the taxi going to the studio, ending up being about an hour late to your meeting. And then the nervous intern almost spilled coffee all over your camera. Luckily, the scalding liquid only ended up mostly on your pressed shirt. It's like the day is toying with your feelings, trying to see how far you can get without breaking down.
Your eye twitches. The day might see your breaking point after all. 
"Gaeul," you say, "I'm a photojournalist, not a fucking Seattle professional."
"And so are a quarter of the people who go to the fashion week," she counters. Gaeul exhales through her nostrils, then leans forward on her desk, hands folded. "All you have to do is stand in for Chaewon and take the photos for each model. Don't worry about the caption."
"How'll I know what they're wearing?" 
"I can do that for you. I'm quite the fashion enthusiast, if I do say so myself."
You don't see the sense in it, like, at all. "Then why don't you go take the photos?"
"Because I don't want to, newbie," replies Gaeul simply. She swings her legs over the table and places her palms behind her neck. "You can sit here all day whining about I'm-a-photojourn-this and I-can't-do-it-that, but you're still going to go through." 
Gaeul's a rather straightforward girl, yet she can still make her blunt words sound frightening. You have to show that you can hold your own, too, and that you're not going to back up. Ever.
"And why do you think I'll give in so easily?" you challenge. 
She smiles. "Because An Yujin's going to be there, and unless you live under a fucking rock, you'd know she's the main attraction."
You aren't dumb. Of course you know her. It’s impossible not to know of her when the magazines all scream her name and the camera flashes crave her presence. It’s hard to navigate life without at least seeing a Yujin standee for one of the brands she sponsors or her face on soju labels. She’s become a household name that, even if you somehow wished it to be the other way, she's become an inescapable force in every Korean’s life. That’s just how it works. It’s been like that for as long as you remember.
She rose up in the industry at a young age. Being her age, you can remember the buzz she creates among your classmates, from head-over-heels, hopeless romantic boys and adoring girls (and a few girls who'd die to be able to touch her, too.) She's on their phone wallpapers, in another cutesie pose, and on the photocards in the back of clear cases. She's here, she's there, she's everything everywhere. 
You're familiar with her, but nothing about her except the usual: she's a model, she's an idol, she's a—
Ah, how should it go?
The girl beside you at the event, who's rather tall and if circumstances were different should be on the runway herself, tells you it goes like this: "She's an international free-use backstabbing slut."
Well, you didn't expect Kazuha to say that so easily (she told you her name earlier just so you had something to call her during the mandatory small talk),  but you know what she's talking about. However, you have no right to say Yujin's a slut when you're dressed… well, dressed like this. Your whole outfit is an embarrassing array of rainbow colors. Even your tie's pulled into passiveness by the colorful dress code. If this is what those high fashion enthusiasts call "fashion," you're glad you're not a part of them. You'll be glad to keep shopping at your local thrift store. 
Hence, "I wouldn't put it that way," you say.
Kazuha smirks. "How would you say it?" she asks. 
Why is she so interested in what you think about her? You suspect Kazuha's one of those girls who's rather jealous of the stick-figure models strutting the runway but would deny it with all her soul. Maybe that's it. She's jealous that she sits there in the audience while perfection after perfection makes themselves known to the public. 
"She's…" You snap a pic of another eighty-pound model walking down the runway. "Uh, promiscuous. That's all."
Kazuha grins. She purses her lips and writes down on her notepad, probably intending to use your statement as a headline pun. "Maybe we should switch jobs," she says. "You can be the devil's advocate journalist, and I can be the white knight photographer." 
Exhale loudly. For fuck's sake, you want to tell her, I'm only here to do the job I didn't want in the first place. Why has she chosen you to play with to fulfill her boredom? Whatever game she's set, you're not joining. 
"Look, what is it about Yujin that you hate?" you ask. 
"She fucked Jang Wonyoung, those MCs she used to partner up with, that actress from the period drama who was on Produce, too… everybody."
"Okay." You look at her pointedly. "Source?" 
Kazuha gestures a rude index to the runway. "Look at her. Look at her and tell me she isn't a slut. I dare you."
You look up from the lens of your camera for once, and as much as you'd like to come to Yujin’s defense, seeing as there’s no evidence to all those allegations and being a public figure with all the criticism must be the deepest ring of hell, you see what Kazuha means. 
You hate to say it, and you’d love to pass no judgment, but the prodding journalist is right. Yujin isn't skin and bones like the other models, nor does she wear light makeup. However, her confident gaze that not once settles on the floor immediately makes you think, wow, now that is a model. She only looks forward, stepping onto the smooth floor in heels that make her much taller than she already is. Her eyes are lined with this sharp, blaring dark that makes her brown contacts stand out and makes her look like a black cat. So much for Jiwon’s nickname.
But that isn’t all. It’s far from done, because it’s not Yujin’s arrogant smile that drips of sultriness that confirms Kazuha's allegations for you, nor is it her makeup. It’s what she’s wearing. Her chest nearly spills out of the oddly-cut neckline of her blouse, and it’s see-through, meaning that even if her busty figure is in some way contained by the clothing, you can still see everything. For example, her tummy lined with her abs and a small tattoo (barely noticeable, but enough to cause a few tabloids to freak out); her wide hips, and of course; the bare flesh of her breasts. The fabric tape does nothing to hide them when her brown nipples beg to be seen through the fabric. Each bounce coerced by her confident strut is out there for all to see, and so are the jiggles of her full thighs. 
Which part of everything do you have to immortalize in a photograph? You don’t know. You just keep taking pictures. There’s plenty enough to create a video of her walk without actually having to record one. 
Seeing your dropped jaw, Kazuha grins satisfactorily. “Told you,” she says.
You aren’t done looking, though. As the press and audience scream her name, (they all know her name—she’s bagged so many brand deals, shot more than enough magazine covers, and performed songs you couldn’t count on two hands just so that any type of audience can recognize her), Yujin steps up to the end of the catwalk. She smiles at all the attention, setting a hand on her waist before blowing several kisses to the audience. 
And, of course, she finishes off her umpteenth walk with another scandal:
Shredding her blouse into pieces. Yujin rips it clean from the seams, letting the lost dangle of fabric finally reveal the whole of her chest. Her skimpy shorts are the only thing remaining complete on herself. 
The viewers gasp, and you do, too. But you're hypocrites, the lot of you, for you remain interested in scanning every bit of her enviable body. Secretly, you all know that some part of you were looking there even before her blouse ripped.
You haven’t seen a model do that before, but then again, she’s not just a model. She’s plenty of things: a singer, an idol, an ambassador—
A slut. A full-on, shameless, lives-up-to-her-name slut.
“So,” you say, resentfully. Your camera’s in your bag, and Gaeul is on the phone with you. You’re proceeding out of the vicinity like everybody else. It's eight p.m.; someone’s bound to be hungry at this hour, and that someone is you.
You can hear the giggle in her voice as she asks you, “What do you think?”
“What do I think?” you say, flabbergasted. Zip up your satchel bag and walk through the rain. “Gaeul, the girl just ripped her shirt off in front of everyone! This isn’t what I signed up for!”
What should you get tonight? Minute Burger? Maybe McDonald’s or some sushi? You’d take anything—you’re pretty hungry after the long show. If this is how hunger hits after shows, you’re glad you don’t have to go through the whole fashion week. By Saturday, you’d be as dead as everyone was after the stunt Yujin pulled.
“I thought you knew about her, newbie,” replies Gaeul. She’s clearly poking fun at your reaction. What’s also clear is the obvious fact that she picked you out for this job just to see how you’d handle it. Would you go crazy? Treat Yujin as a Victorian man who’d just seen a lady’s ankles would? Oh, she’d love to find out.
“I didn’t know she was…"
“Oh, please be normal about it. You’re a photojournalist. You handled the dead guy who was stabbed alright, but a woman showing her tits is where you cross the line?”
“It’s not that,” you say tiredly. Your stomach is really growling now. “I guess… I think…”
Your phone drops to the wet cement road. Like a haunting phantom, Yujin appears out of nowhere. It's like she suddenly materialized from the fog of the storm.
You don't know where to look. Yujin's still dressed, (somewhat), in her ruined blouse. The thing is even more transparent as the rain beats down on it. Still, she looks perfect. She is perfect. You know that without having to be a fan of her. 
The light from a camera hidden in a beaten bush makes you flinch. If the crouched man in black taking photos of Yujin isn't there, you'd have accepted your fate to get struck by lightning. Yujin raises her eyebrows questioningly, and you're forced to compose yourself once more.
"Uh, hi," you stammer. Bend down to pick your sodden phone up. Darn it, it's dead. How will you contact Gaeul now?
"You're one of the photographers, right?" asks Yujin. Unlike you, she doesn't care that your phone has met its end, or mind that her boobs are out in the open. 
You mutter something of agreement, but you're still tinkering with your phone. The battery's probably broken, which's a pity when your late mother gifted it to you on the last birthday you had together.
"Damn, must be nice to snap photos of a half-naked chick, huh? You liked seeing me up there?" 
That makes you stop fiddling with your destroyed gadget. "I," you say, cornered into confession but still trying to gather a burst of energy to escape, "I'm not—"
"An Yujin," she says, as if the whole world doesn't scream her name. As if she were just another girl out there who's a little too friendly. She doesn't offer her hand; she grasps yours and shakes it firmly. 
You have no other choice but to be acquainted with her there and then. You tell her your name, albeit nervously, as you slip your phone into your pocket. What is she planning? Why is she out here with you? 
Yujin grins. "Nice to meet you. Want to come to a party at my house? Starts when we get there."
Now you understand what she's planning. What else would you expect from her?
First things first, though: where should you look? Her chest is a dangerous option. To look or not to look? That is the question—you choose the second option. Note the dim stars in the foggy sky. Look down at the road blotted with raindrops. Remark inwardly about the state of your shoes and how they're too expensive to be dragged through a weather like this.
Second, should you go? Gaeul would be looking for you. She'd want the pics immediately so she could put them in the magazine and on your company blog site. But you haven't had fun in years, and for a girl with the wealth and status of Yujin, it might be a new beginning.
Work, however, comes first.
"I'm sorry," you tell her. You really are. Yujin seems like a fun girl outside of her wildness. "I don't think I—"
"Great! Come on, I'll drive you!" 
That's how you end up in a limousine for the first time in your life and learn that An Yujin doesn't take no for an answer. 
The seats are dark and soft, and there's two long aisles of it for thirty pax max to occupy. However, despite the spaciousness, Yujin still chooses to sit snugly beside you. Should you feel flattered? Intimidated? You struggle to choose for this question.
You wonder where you're headed. The infamous Jang Hills where celebrities like singer Son Seungwan and model and humanitarian Jang Wonyoung, who owns the place, reside? The rain is too strong for you to be able to see where the vehicle's headed, but you suspect that's the destination. There's no other. 
"So," says Yujin. She's still sitting comfortably beside you. Her smile dimples her cheeks, and it just doesn't match the boldness of her ripped blouse. When she wears that smile, she looks like a girl who's too cheerful and innocent to be… the way she is. "Would I have to pay you to see my photos?"
"For god's sake, Miss An, put on some clothes before you scare the guy," chuckles the driver, shaking his head. He's a tall, dark man with the typical shades and a rosary on his rearview mirror. You wonder if he prays for Yujin sometimes. 
"But that's no fun," she says, the pout on her face growing wider when her driver tosses her a black fur coat (that still reminds you of her when you note how the chest part is gone) and sleeveless innerwear. Seems like he keeps clothes in his car for situations like these. "Clothes are so big and boring, you know. Totally outdated.
"Anyway, about the photos…?" 
"Oh, you don't have to pay," you tell her. But you know that money isn't a problem with Yujin—she can buy you and your whole life if she chose to. 
"Gimme then." She makes grabby hands, and your camera eventually ends up in them. Her eyes sparkle with narcissistic adoration. "Oh damn, I look hot. Delete this, though. Bad angle."
"I– okay." 
"My tits look amazing, don't you think? Come on, say my tits look fantastic."
"Ms. An," says the driver firmly, albeit his tone holds some of the amusement in it still. "Put on some clothes."
Yujin rolls her eyes, but she does. And you watch as she strips, painfully slow. She pulls the soaked blouse above her wet body, showing her bare, beautiful arms and pits. Even her soft midriff is perfect. And, try as you may (must),  you can't stop looking. Several snaps and pinches would be too weak to pull you back into reality, because there's the goddess that she is to look at. You figure out now why your former classmates were and still are obsessed with her. She may be a wild little thing, but she's got an amazing body, an amazing fashion sense. Everything about her, even her boldness, is enviable. Desirable. Unreachable.
The clothes mold to her beautiful shape. The damp, slightly messy hair only adds to her beauty. You can feel yourself getting warm. 
"We're here," says Yujin cheerfully, oblivious to the way your eyes are raking down her perfect body. "Here's your camera. Wouldn't want it to break like your phone. Pity."
Getting up to open the car door isn't part of a wealthy girl's everyday life. Yujin isn’t an exception—she has her driver to do that plus assist her out of the limo, and when he does, you're welcomed into a whole new world.
The rain has halted. Signs of its earlier presence, however, can be seen on the drops on the maze of bushes. There's statues of Eros, gray and mighty with his strong arms and arrows, perched on pedestals to the entrance of the mansion. Through the gate, you catch sight of a large pool, where heiresses and friends of Yujin laugh and swim. It's no land for lowlives. You are the exception, somehow. 
"This… this is your house?" 
"Yep!” She nods positively. “Daddy gave it to me after he died from a heart attack."
"My condolences," you say. As the guards open the gate to Yujin's mansion, you admire the place. It looks like a temple for cupids. Perhaps it’s Yujin they’re worshiping.  "Did he have heart conditions before that?"
"No." She shakes her head then waves happily to one of her friends at the pool. "He just saw me wearing a bra over my crop top, and he dropped dead."
You snort. Yujin looks at you weirdly. That's how you realize she isn't kidding. 
"You're serious?"
She opens her mouth to say something, but forgets it. It's a long story that doesn't need more sequels. 
Just the second drink of the night and you’ve met more celebrities than an average person would see personally in their whole life. As the dazzling disco ball shimmers rainbow colors all over the place, you catch sight of more than plenty of pretty and handsome faces. Over there is Jang Wonyoung, one of the models who walked earlier, and Miyawaki Sakura, a famous CEO of more beauty lines than you can count on ten fingers. Whether their beauties are handcrafted or God-given, they all have something in common: they’re all A-listers—they’re relevant, popular, used to this wild lifestyle. Camera flashes have trained them not to flinch at the gliding lights. This is an everyday routine in their book.
However, you’re used to being behind the camera, not in front of it. You’re overstimulated by the sea of laughing, moving bodies and the loud music. While Yujin happily screams and downs several shots, you stand idly beside her, dizzy and tired. 
“I don’t think I can handle more.”
“Past your bedtime?” asks Yujin, grinning. She waves at Wonyoung and points at you, mouthing something to her, to which the model winks in response. You wonder what kind of exchange the two models had that granted an unusually smug look on Wonyoung’s face. You’re certain it’s about you, but you don’t know what it’s about. You’re not even sure if you want to discover it.
“It’s not that,” you say embarrassedly. “I’m… I’m not a party person. I get lightheaded easily.”
“Wanna take a break? Go to my room?”
Now that’s a red flag. It doesn't even try to hide its true color; it waves proudly in front of you. You’re the bull who went straight for it. 
Yujin’s bedroom is the size of your living room, with a large bed to match. Curtained pillars stand on each end while posters hang off the walls. You suppose that the people on them are the ones Yujin looks up to: IU, known as Lee Jieun whenever she ventures out of singing and into acting; Marilyn Monroe (no explanation needed), and a few other nameless models and actresses. A lot are old posters of seventies’ pornographic films. Lights frame the mirror on the dresser table. 
“You’re a privileged girl, miss An,” you say. It’s the only way you can respectfully say that she’s kind of a spoiled brat. But maybe that’s your jealousy talking.
“I know, right?” replies Yujin, twirling around. “And please, call me Yujin. You can sit on the bed if you want to.”
Your mind toys with the idea of the posters on her wall debating if you’re the hundredth person to have come over or the thousandth. Nevertheless, you want to stay neutral; it’s none of your business anyway. So you take a seat on the edge of the softest mattress you’ve ever felt while Yujin does so, too. She kicks her boots off on the carpeted floor. 
“Hey,” says Yujin, “want to play a game before you doze off?”
Just how many red flags does this girl have? “Er, sure.” You shrug. Maybe it’s just a game, nothing more, like she said. 
“Since we barely know each other, let’s take turns asking each other questions. Dibs on the first question.
“I haven’t seen you in shows before. How did you end up there?”
A safe start. “One of my coworkers was sick,” you explain. “I had to fill in for her. My turn.”
“Hit me.”
“Did you take modeling classes?”
Yujin laughs as if it was the funniest thing she’s ever heard. “God, no,” she says. “Classes and workshops are scams. All I had to do was ask my daddy to ask for a spot for me.”
“Must be nice.”
“Right? Did you take classes for photography?”
“I took one of the scams, yeah,” you say, earning a giggle from Yujin. “I’m a journalist first. It’s all I know.”
Meaningful silence fills the air. You remain hooked on your sentence, realizing how true it is. Photojournalism is the only thing you’re good at. It’s sheltered you and brought you so many opportunities at the same time. You don’t know how to find other hobbies to make your forte when you’re stuck in its bubble, and its bubble only. Without your camera, you’re nothing. Without people like Yujin to take photos of, you’re nothing, too. 
You suppose you should break the heavy silence. But you’re unsure if your question should be asked; it might trigger a violent response from her, although she’s been nothing but laid-back with you. And you don’t particularly want a rich girl to ruin your career. You’ve gone so far that the only direction to look at is forward.
But you must learn to take risks.
"Is it true? What they say about you?" 
You're nervous, fidgeting  in the king-sized bed with your arm leaning against the mattress. It feels odd to be in a rich and attractive girl's place without being naked. Not that it's something you've experienced before anyway, but it's like breaking an unspoken law everyone but you was oriented to. But you have your manners, and so does she. Supposedly.
She's still beside you, her expensive clothes hiding not her shapely form. And to think it looks beautiful without the need for oil painting all around it or nakedness. That pretty smile, that also intimidates you a little, is the cherry on top of the cake that is An Yujin.
Speaking of, there's one right now between her lips. She's toying with its strand of a twig, tracing the cherry she got from the bowl beside her bed along the pink hills of her luscious mouth.
"After everything I did," Yujin says, "what do you think?" 
"I don't really…" Struggle to find your words. "I, I don't really dwell on—"
"If I'm a slut or not?" Yujin finishes for you, smiling teasingly. 
This conversation's a mistake, now that she's using words about a subject you tried to tread on lightly. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm sorry."
"No offense taken. I get it."
Yujin lifts herself off her comfortable lounge position on her bed and instead sits on the backsides of her legs. Her hands are on your lap rather than her own. Should've been a sign for you that this is going nowhere but in a downward spiral. 
"You want to know if the rumors are true? If nepo model An Yujin's really a slut, like they all say?"
"Uh… sure?" 
Yujin gestures her chin to your crotch. "Whip out your dick. Then you'll see."
You’re flustered. Did Yujin—this tall, alluring model that’s got her whole life ahead of her yet nothing to lose, this irritatingly attractive Yujin—really say that to you? Or was it something lost in the swarms of shouts and music from outside of the room? Maybe you’ve misheard. Maybe you’ll keep playing safe tonight. 
But those are just mere maybes with no connection at all to what’s about to happen.
“Can’t do it yourself, pretty boy? Let me help you.”
Yujin lifts your satchel bag from your shoulders. You find yourself raising your arms to help her. It’s like the what and tension in the air have infected you and made you into this heated, lustful character far from the real you, because if this were truly your own self, you’d say you had a career. You’d say this shouldn’t be happening. You’d leave the room instead of helping her unbuckle your belt. You’d do anything but this.
Perhaps she’s changed you.
Yujin slips a tongue along the path of her luscious lips at the sight of your bare thighs and cock. “Our friend here,” she says, “needs a little help from me, no?”
“Yujin…” you moan, and it’s humiliating, especially when barely anything sexual has happened yet. At least, anything sexually physical. 
Luckily for you, she curls her fist around your dick and gives justification to your breathy sounds. Maybe the rumors about how she likes to get around are true; Yujin knows how to work her way with a cock. Her warm fingers jerk your flesh at just the right timing, letting the hardness build up before doing that too with the pace. She’s looking at you with this wild desire in her eyes that grows bigger when your erection does, too. Oh, and that smile—if looks could kill, An Yujin would already be arrested for your murder.
“Now that’s not so bad, is it?” she remarks. She spits on your cock. Her wet saliva coats your length with just enough to let her smooth palm slide along itself pleasurably. “You like this? Just wait until you feel my pussy. Or maybe my lips would do first? The higher ones, I mean.” 
Yujin’s lips descend onto your shaft, welcoming it into an impossibly soft and wet heaven. Yujin’s little tongue flicks at your base gently, even daring to lick at a little part of your balls before working their way up. It deliciously slides upwards at your veins.
“Fuck, Yujin. Your mouth—fuck, it feels so good.”
“Mmm.” Yujin engages in an open-mouthed, sloppy kiss with your tip. “I know. I’d fuck me, too, if I could, but I have you to do that.”
“Right,” you say breathily, because she is. If she’s sucking your cock this well and her cheek’s painfully stimulating as your cockhead brushes it, how much better would her pussy be? You’re definitely fucking her, even if your experience in this is zero. Yes, that’s also right: you’re a virgin. Zero experience, no bitches.
But, if it means anything, it’s the other way around. It’s Yujin making you her bitch. She may be serving you with the lips and kisses of a good girl, but her eyes tell you that there’s more to it than you think. You’re hers, see, for this night, and that’s all you ever will be. You’re no photojournalist anymore—you’re Yujin’s one night stand, and that’s the only achievement people will ever remember to your name.
“These’re so fucking full,” murmurs Yujin as she admires your heavy balls. Sucking on them lightly before smiling up at you, she adds, “Make sure to blow all of it in my face, ‘kay? Promise me.”
“Think you can handle it, Yujin?” you ask, and it’s another embarrassing moment you’ll relive forever, for your cockiness will never get on the level she has. Your voice shakes too hard and your cock drips too much—it’s clear who owns who at this point.
“I’m a big girl.” Unfazed, she smiles. “I can handle myself.”
“Y-you sure?”
“Oh, don’t play hard to get it, baby,” Yujin coos. She pleases you with one hand and glides her fingers on your thigh with the other. It’s deadly. She’s deadly. “Let your guard down. It’s just me.”
“And you’ve said that to how many people?” you shoot back.
“More than you’re worth,” she quips. She winks at you. “Now cum for me.”
Ouch, but it doesn’t matter when her lips provide a great suction to cool the burn. It’s making your cock feel the heat instead, forming the tightness in your stomach more. Her hands massaging your thighs causes your sensitivity to reach an all-time high. Yujin’s covered your shaft in such an amountful that just one lick sends your toes curling. She licks, she sucks, she laps at your weak spots and delights in the upward push of your hips, but her hands keep your legs down. Can’t have her meal escaping. She wants all of your cum, and when Yujin wants (no, needs) something, she gets it. It’s how she’s navigated life, having everything her heart could ever want brought to her by whim. But if she has to work for your cum, then so be it. Either-which-way, she’s not giving up until she gets it.
She kisses your cock deeply, almost making your lips jealous. She sucks on each sensitive side and your dripping tip. What takes the cake, though, is how she downs the whole thing so suddenly, slipping itself inside her tight throat and letting you fuck it. Gasps can’t be contained by your pursed lips, and their cycle of repetition continues because of her. Because of Yujin, Yujin and her stupidly desirable mouth.
“Fuck,” you whine. When she hears that, she pulls away. Like rain, drops of semen make slick landings on her face. You keep expelling several shots of the thing she so desperately wants, and you realize that, even with your own pleasure being fulfilled, you’re still serving Yujin. You’re still giving her what she wants: your cum on her face. The fact that she’s playing with you remains stoic.
“Ah, this is the best.” Yujin licks her cumstained lips. “I could have swallowed it all like I did with these cherries here, but I can’t let it spoil the main course.”
“W-which is?” you inquire, still panting. Can you handle more? 
You find out through Yujin taking off her black vest. Then, she slips out of her jean skirt. It hugs her lower figure so nicely that it nearly makes you mourn their departure, but you find a better thing to gawk at, and it’s Yujin’s ass and thighs. She may have dressed earlier, but the panties were off. She cares not for modesty, even outside of the modeling industry.  It’s just not who she is. 
For that, you’re glad. If Yujin were modest, you wouldn’t have had the chance to see her fat ass and shaven pussy up close. You wouldn’t get to see her sway her hips side to side, letting you see from behind how her ass ripples and bounces, or let you peer at her dripping thighs. 
"You're weaker than all the others," Yujin notes. "I like it."
Should you be offended? Probably, but you aren't, because there's her approval. There's her saying that she likes how easily you break. There's her on the bed with her pussy spread by her fingers, revealing her tiny hole and needy clit.
There's a lot to look at is what you're saying, and a lot to take in consideration. For example—
"Ohhhh, fuck," moans Yujin. She rubs her core and gets a feel of how wet she is. "I'm so wet, see? I'm so, fuck, wet from blowing you."
Yujin leans against one of the pillars of her bed. What makes the sight of her masturbating hotter is that she's still covered in the face with cum that soon drips down her neck and onto her collarbone. She looks like she's been used incessantly, to the point where no amount of cock or finger can help her reach a good enough high. Although you're still sensitive, you begin to jack yourself off to her.
"Shit. Ohhh." Her head tosses backwards and she shuts her eyes. "This feels so good. Make me feel even better. Use your mouth."
It's all about what she wants, but you find out that you also want to put your mouth on her. Stop jerking off to kneel on the floor and place your hands on her thick thighs. You have no idea how to do this except from porn, but she moans loudly when you flick your tongue upwards, so you must be doing well.
Yujin's so wet that she dribbles on her expensive sheets. The feminine scent of her drives you crazy. Due to that, you pick up the pace of eating Yujin out. She's delicious. Better than any expensive meal you got going out. 
"Oh, fuck," mewls Yujin. She grinds her clit down on the flat of your tongue. "That's it. Eat me out like that."
Next, guide your tongue to her slit, catching the juices she has. Push it inside, make her thighs suddenly clamp around your head. Painful, but worth it, because as useful as her makeshift earmuffs are, you can still make out her heavy moans.
“G-good, god, so good. Don’t you stop, don’t you fucking stop.” 
“I won’t.”
The force of your mouth holds nothing back as it holds Yujin’s nub captive. She pulses in your mouth, and you can sense that she’s close because she’s screaming. She's squirming, she's writhing, she's—
“But I, I thought you said—” You were having such a good time, too. Why did she have to ruin it?
Yujin giggles. “I wanted to cum on your cock,” she confesses. Sweat rolls down the sides of her face. “Let me?”
She’s subtly assertive like that, asking you first before making you do it anyway. She’s so used to getting her way, so used to letting people bend reality into the form she wants. And you’re becoming one of those people, as you lie down on the bed and let her mount you. You don’t suppose anyone would refuse either—her splayed lips rubbing your tip seems like a good thing to have in exchange for being under her ownership.
“Fuck,” you curse. Maybe this is better, in hindsight. Her hole grasps for you, but she teases it by only letting her clit glide along your cock. “Miss An, ah, Yujin, you’re so—”
“Pretty? Successful? Tight?” She sinks down on your dick with a smirk that differs from your weakened look of bliss. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”
They’re all perfect adjectives to describe her, but you weigh in the most on the last. Her soaked slit swallows you without time to properly take it in. She just keeps bouncing on you, a millisecond going unspared, as if she’d die if your cock weren’t ramming in her all times of the day. By her desperate moans, you think you’re right. They’re heavy, hanging onto your mind for too long that it just makes you throb harder inside. 
You reach up to grab her tits. The bra-like innerwear she dons blocks you from experiencing the whole of it, and Yujin takes that into consideration, through which she pulls it up her arms and off herself. Her bust now moves up and down freely, looped in your mind like a constant reminder of how lucky you are to have Yujin fuck you. She may get around a lot, but whoever she fucks is like her: a hell of a catch.
 You lift yourself up to suck on their brown nipples. She moans ferally. Her pushing your head deeper into her tits is how you realize you’ve wanted to do this, to suck and play and slap her chest, ever since you saw them be set free on the runway. It’s funny how two mounds of flesh can hypnotize you just like that. You’re trying to defeat the impulse actions they convince you to do, as if they were spiritual entities on your shoulder each to twist your decisions. But both are devils—even from their source, it’s clear that An Yujin is no angel.
“Yes, so good!” she screams. Her eyes are shut as she rides you with an impulse and speed that surely can’t be human. The pleasure she unleashes onto your cock as her pussy clings and gropes it must be the embodiment of the deadly sin of lust itself. It was written before in holy books, preached as a warning in churches. There’s no explanation for how angrily she impales herself with your cock. “Your cock’s too fucking big, I’m going to cum all over it!”
You spank her ass, and the plentiful skin wiggles right back into your hand. Seeing her face twist up into this pained yet blissful reaction inspires you to continue. That and your cock entering and exiting her hole, plus your kisses following the path of her neck makes Yujin go crazy. 
“Fuck me!” She’s fully unhinged when she cums. Her short yet sharp, alliterate downward thrusts of her core leaves red on your thighs. She’s kissing you with this hunger that’s been fulfilled, in a way, but with which comes gluttony. She can’t have enough. She can’t have enough of your dick. It starts to scare you how she’s like the girls your pastor warned you about in Sunday school—she’s a gluttonous nymphomaniac greedy for things that aren’t good for her. Aren’t good for you.
Having sex with An Yujin makes you debate if you should go back to your religious roots and pray again. You’ve heard about the devil hiding behind human faces, and she completely fits the criteria: charming, deceiving, gorgeous beyond human comprehension. However, her divine body also can be something holy. It’s something that’s more than worth worshiping.
Which is which: evil or good? Angel or demon? A goddess who descended to earth or something far, far more dangerous? 
Whichever, you just busted a load inside exactly that. 
“Come on, tell me,” you say. Yujin’s teasing banter piques your curiosity to higher levels. “Did you really fuck all those people, or is it just,” shrug, as if you couldn’t care less when you do, “you know, hearsay?”
Yujin strokes your chest thoughtfully. The aftermath of the rough sex has left her almost invalid, but after a shower, she’s good to go. You followed suit after.
“The devil’s telephone,” she whispers.
“Here. You know where to call me.”
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winstonsns · 4 days
hii! can u do johnny scenario w f reader whos head over heels for him and whos love language is physical touch?
head over heels (request)
authors note: sorry i’m posting this late!! i love physical touch so much :3 sorry if this isn’t good enough, i’ll try to make it longer next time. i hope you enjoy though 💗
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johnny x reader
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
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you were in your room upstairs, reading a book about the tudors history that had just came out. being very interested in the book and all the new information you had just learned, you almost didn’t hear the doorbell.
but the noise had pulled you away from the book, you sat up from your bed and walked to the window, pulling the curtains away and peeking out. you saw your boyfriend, johnny, standing on your front porch, waiting patiently for someone to answer the door.
by the time you opened your door and ran downstairs, your parents had already welcomed johnny into the house, and were chatting away with him. your parents stopped talking to him and walked away, leaving the two of you alone.
your boyfriend smiled at you, you walked to him and trapped him in a hug, both of you feeling the comforting warmth from each others bodies. no words being said yet, you looked up at him and put your hands on his face, giving him a long kiss.
the two of you had missed each other after not seeing one another in so long, which was actually three days. when you both pulled away from the kiss, you both looked at each other other lovingly.
“i missed you, johnny…” you mumbled, him replying with, “i missed you too, y/n…” still looking at each other with love. you smiled at him and grabbed his hand, guiding him to the kitchen, asking him, “do you want anything, hon? we have a lot of food, snacks, drinks, actual meals…”
he questioned, “do you have cherries? and um, water?” you replied and smiled, walking to the fridge and grabbing cherries, rinsing them as your mom had taught you. you then dried them off and put them in a bowl, grabbing a napkin with it. you took a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, holding both the glass and bowl, stating, “we can go up to my room now!!”
as the two of you walked upstairs into your bedroom, johnny had thanked you. he gently grabbed the bowl of cherries from your hand, holding your hand with his instead. you blushed, knowing that he knew you always loved being physically close to him. he noticed you would always try to get as close as possible to him, always having a hand on him wherever the two of you went.
you opened the door to your room, you put your hand on johnny’s back, leading him in. he sat on your bed and placed the cherries on the nightstand next to you after you had sat down. you put the glass of water on the nightstand next to you, it not being far out of johnny’s reach.
getting up from your bed, you turned the television on and flipped it to a channel both of you liked. it was a funny cartoon the both of you enjoyed watching together whenever both of you were together. you then walked back to your bed, crawling up next to your boyfriend.
you had loved him so much, so much that not even words could explain. you only knew how to show it through touch, and he knew that. he was fine with it, rather leaned towards it than not.
but you could sometimes have the words to express and describe your love. you would talk to others about him constantly, sometimes them getting so annoyed to the point of leaving mid conversation. but you didn’t care, because johnny wouldn’t do that to you.
he was someone who you had loved dearly, you talked about him so much that almost everyone knew every single little detail about him. but little did you know, he was as head over heels for you as you were for him.
the both of you were obsessed and in love with each other. whenever the two of you were seen by others, including the gang, they would always see you as the perfect couple. they might not have believed in love if the two of you weren’t together.
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authors note: sorry this is so short lmao i’m disappointed in myself but didn’t have many ideas 😭
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serickswrites · 2 months
Bring IX
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Warnings: referenced captivity, referenced torture, referenced restraints, rescue, mcd
Right Hand was somewhere soft. And warm. And so gentle?
The last thought had them wrenching their eyes open and shooting up despite the pain. “You’re safe, Right Hand,” Hero said from their chair in the corner of the room. They had a book in hand and a mug of something on the table next to them. “How are you feeling?”
Right Hand sank back against the pillows. “Where’s Sidekick?”
Hero’s eyes tightened. “Answer my question first. How are you feeling?”
Why did it matter? What about Sidekick? Were they ok? “I’m fine. Where’s Sidekick, please? I….I need to say something to them.” Where does one even begin to apologize for torturing someone?
Hero put their book down on the table next to their mug. They raked a few fingers through their hair. “Sidekick is in the orchard. Where I buried them.”
Buried them? No. That would mean, “Buried them? What—“ Dread filled Right Hand. This couldn’t be. 
“Villain slit their throat just as I arrived.” Hero’s voice held such sorrow that Right Hand’s own heart ached. 
“But you asked Villain to let them go, I don’t…no.” Tears filled Right Hand’s eyes. Sidekick was dead? This was all their fault. If only they had the guts to defy Villain sooner. 
“I was begging for your life, Right Hand.” Hero’s gaze pierced through Right Hand’s guilt. 
“My life, why? My life is worthless.”
Hero snorted. “Your life is anything but worthless, Right Hand. I saw that you were strung up and tortured right next to Sidekick. It takes a lot to defy Villain’s orders.”
“But I did it too late. I wasn’t brave enough.”
Hero shook their head. “You couldn’t have known, Right Hand. I don’t hold it against you. Sidekick wouldn’t have either.”
Right Hand swallowed around the lump in their throat. “What happens now?”
Hero watched Right Hand for a second before answering. “That entirely depends on you. You’re welcome to stay here until you are fully recovered. Then I’ll take you wherever you want to go. But I’m hoping you will stay here and join me.”
“Join you?”
“Yes. It takes a lot to stand up to Villain. And it takes a lot to admit that you were instrumental in my friend’s death. But it takes even more to stand up against someone that will hurt you because it’s the right thing to do.”
“I…I…I shouldn’t accept. I’ve done terrible things.”
“Then think of it as atonement for what you’ve done. You’re not evil, Right Hand. And I would much rather have you on my team than let you go out and be murdered by Villain.”
Right Hand sat quietly for a few breaths. Join Hero? It had it’s possibilities. But what if they were like Villain. Nobody could be as bad as Villain was as it turns out. “Ok. I’ll stay. But only as long as you can stand me.”
Hero gave a wan smile. “Welcome to the team, Right Hand.” They stood up, tucking their book under their arm. “Rest up. We can go over the terms of your contract when you’re feeling a bit more yourself.”
Before Right Hand could reply, Hero left. “I’m sorry,” Right Hand whispered to the now empty room. “I should have stood up sooner. I’m sorry you had to die. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I took you.” Right Hand dabbed at the tears rolling down their cheeks. “But I will protect your friend. I won’t let anyone hurt them. I promise.”
Tags: @ha-ha-one@skys-fantasy@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@a-place-to-put-poetry@subval01 @smuwfy-side-blog @friendlylandcrustacean@annablogsposts@st0rmm@freefallingup13@lit-lists@saltyontheside@pieswhump@bookworm7543@st0rmm@whump321@kyommommo@written-by-jayy@straymiku@hopefullywritingahit@idkwhattodowiththisaltiamsorry@freefallingup13 @crabofthewoods @cherry-holic @galaxysmask @thewhumphut @mefattortoise @lthrboy
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catiuskaa · 1 year
Quick Question: What the Hell?
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GIF by quokki
@starlostseungmin and @gimmeurtmi hear me out, you people with good taste:
mafia!seungmin, bc yes, min supremacy.
(warnings just in case) 🌻we know seungminnie wouldn't hurt a fly, this is a fanfic, FANATIC FICTION ME LOVE, everything went out of my mind and pinterest ideas, just that <3 🌻this is made entirely because I could, which I warn you- it may not work. 🌻will contain shitposting, drama, angst, pinterest and tumblr prompts and a whole bag of sarcasm. 🌻as a cherry on top, mature content too, swearing is a must cause well its mafia not my little pony but just a reminder, i warned u already. 🌻i am confident in my english, however, its not my first language so it may contain some mistakes- sorry in advance.
this was laying under some works of mine, so I retouched it a bit... should I keep it going? I mean there are like five more chapters finished, but the story isn't. I'll leave the first one here, pls enjoy it!
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"Congratulations, Detective Dumbass. You were so desperately interested in what I was doing, weren't you? Now you know. What are you gonna do about it?"
I narrowed my eyes. "Ok, emo dog, isn't there anyone else in your 'I can show up bleeding' list or was I, the late night shift Subway stranger, your only option?"
"I already went to my other option. They gave me this," he groaned, gesturing to one of the biggest wounds.
Wait. Stop.
Just let me pause real quick for a second. Let's back up, and start somewhere before that.
Remember that meme? "Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation..." That's the only thing that comes up to my mind whenever I try to explain what happened that Monday night or dare I say Tuesday morning, at 1:51 a.m.
What was I doing? Well, absolutely nothing, because no one, absolutely no one shows up at a Subway at that time, not on a bloody Tuesday. My shift finished at 3 am, the last of the day, so you know, I wouldn't try to summon demons into the shop, and I was just there to get paid a minimum wage. Not like I wanted to get Hell involved.
It had rained outside, the wet street and the puddles that the rain had formed were still there. I thought it would last all night, but it stopped suddenly as if someone had turned off the hose. I had music playing, but no headphones in case someone called or entered. I allowed myself to be a bit carefree, but I was still at work.
And then, it happened. For the first time in what seemed like forever, someone showed up and made the automatic doors open. It was a pale, young man. He was wearing an oversized black hoodie and black jeans. He walked towards me, and for a second the thought occurred that I was going to be robbed. He settled one hand on the counter that stood between us, leaving the other by his stomach, making me notice that he was sort of bending down a bit, but before I could say anything, his face lifted, his gaze met mine and I froze.
Those dark brown eyes stared at me deadly. I shivered. It felt like if I started thinking too hard, he would be able to read whatever crossed my mind.
"Is he here?" He asked with a soft and tender tone, yet not a soothing one, rather than what you would expect for someone with such delicate facial features. Still intimidated, I simply shook my head sideways. I knew I was alone inside the building, but, is who here? Would it be possible that he was looking for Jisung? He had given no signs of life since he stopped coming to work, and that was almost a week ago. Every time I tried to contact him, to make sure he was OK at least, the automatic voice message simply replied that the number dialled didn't exist anymore.
After my silent reply, his gaze lowered and I heard him scoff.
"That's great," he whispered, in what I perceived, full of sarcasm. With that reply, my body trembled. Fuck. He now knows that there's no one else in here.
But before I could think of anything else to say, he slowly walked away and left.
What in the fucknuckles had just happened? Well, I'll be damned, because I for sure didn't know.
I looked outside. A not-so-heavy rain had started again, the one with those tiny drops that were barely noticeable. Suddenly, a loud crash made me jump in my place. It had come from behind the store. I snapped out of whatever daydreaming I was in, noticing red marks, more like stripes on the floor. Like ropes. Red ropes. What was that doing there? It was sort of like a path that pointed outside. 
Ah, c'mon man, you gotta be kidding me.
The loud crash was repeated, only weaker this time. I questioned my life-long decisions and wondered if I was being a wimp by having the urge to pretend that I heard nothing. I thought to myself, it couldn't be that bad, right?
I left the register and walked to the backdoor, and slowly peeked outside. A scenario welcomed me, and I had never —not even in my wildest dreams, and trust me, I had a vivid imagination—conceived of seeing... whatever that was, with my own eyes.
Describing it as bloody would be accurate. It was the same guy from minutes ago, except he looked even paler, and his black hoodie was nowhere to be seen. Instead, what looked like a once-white t-shirt covered his torso, but it was full of blood and cuts. His arm was laying on what looked like the worst part of the scene, making me unable to see it, and I didn't know if I should've been thankful for it.
He had sat on the ground by laying on the wall and slowly slipping off. His head was tilted, resting on a dumpster... could that have been the source of the noise?
The need to scream 'NEVERMIND' and get the shit fuck out of whatever that was kept getting bigger and the one to be a hero was getting emptier. But sadly for everyone, it was not empty yet.
And just maybe, I wanted to see those dark brown eyes again...
Screw everything.
I cleaned the "red ropes" that turned out to be the bloodstains of this idiot that shows up bleeding to death on a Subway at 2 am, turned off the lights and closed an hour early. I exited through the backdoor and he was still there, which was good because I could help him, but at the same time bad because I felt he'd be the type to reject aid in any way. If he hadn't run away, he just couldn't. And that was bad. Really bad.
I got down on my knees, put on the plastic gloves I had kindly borrowed from the store, along with a first aid kit that was compulsory to have in there and shook him once. Twice. Thrice. He wouldn't wake up.
For a moment, I froze again. That's what I thought, I knew this guy. He had shown up several times asking for the missing soul that Jisung had turned to, with some blond boy with a deep voice and a strong accent. But never alone, never late at night, and most importantly, never bleeding.
"Hey," I murmured. I repeated myself, each time louder, but still gently. Suddenly I heard him groan, and I couldn't help but smile calmly for a second.
"What...?" His soft tone almost weakened me, but I knew deep down that he could pass out again any minute, and maybe I wouldn't be able to wake him up again.
"It's OK. I'll take care of this, my guy. You are a lucky bastard 'cause I know what I'm doing, but I need to take you elsewhere. I can't patch you up in this place. Can you stand up?"
He weakly moved his arm from above his torso and I saw the worst part of it. Let me tell you, those were some large cuts. Still, I refrained from expressing anything, no disgust nor pity. I knew that Brown Eyes was in a whole lot of pain and trouble, but he most likely knew that too.
"Whaddya think, can I?" He showed a weak yet sarcastic smile.
Son of a bitch. "That's my question here, smiley face. You either do so or you die due to blood loss in an alley behind a Subway." I smiled back.
He frowned and tried to get up, but failed and if I hadn't caught his arm mid-way and passed it over my shoulders for support, he would've fallen to the ground again. I took off the cloth I was wearing as a hairband and made him keep pressure on the biggest wound.
"It's only a couple of blocks away, on the street in front of us. Will you make it?" I asked, trying not to sound too worried. He simply started walking. I just hoped no one would see us.
I helped him walk till we arrived at the number four, with its red old hideous door, and I supported his weight as he slowly lay on the wall as I opened the door. As we walked he kept mumbling, saying nonsense, talking about some 'district nine' but when we entered the building he shut up, and I swear I heard a silent cry when he saw no elevator.
"Second floor. You got this."
The fact that he didn't answer, not even with a rude comment made me worry a bit more. We did the same thing at my apartment's door and I made him wait just a bit more, running inside and taking the oldest towels I could find and I made him lay down on the now covered couch.
Okay, it's just an almost-dead guy cut like sliced cheese on your sofa. You're a med student, and you work night shifts. You've dealt with worse.
As soon as he settled down, I saw a relaxed yet bothered expression on his face, and I felt a bit bad because of it, but I couldn't let him sleep, not yet.
"Stay awake, please. I need you awake, uh..."
"Kim... call me Kim," he said, almost in a whisper.
"This is going to hurt, Kim," I said in almost a sing-song voice. I was surprised to hear him sort of giggling.
"Not more than this already." His eyes were like tunnels, looking sunken, lost, looking as if someone had turned the lights off.
"Sorry beforehand..." I opened the first aid kit and sat on a stool that I took from the kitchen.
Gloves still on my hands, I took my now ruined and bloodstained cloth and nonchalantly ripped open what was left of his shirt, to see all the cuts. I counted five. The bleeding had already stopped, but I had to clean each wound on his torso and forearms so they wouldn't get infected. I took out sterile wipes and cleaned the three wounds that were on his torso. Fortunately for both of us, the cuts weren't deep enough, so no stitches were needed. I noticed every time he flinched, and for some reason, it pained me each time. I shook my head, trying to get whatever emotions out of the situation as I dashed to the kitchen and took a damp cloth and used it due to the lack of antiseptic I could use to clean the blood off his body. I then took clean gauze and wiped the wounds dry, and used a big sterile dressing to cover each.
"Hey, Kim. Kim, lean on me."
He shook his head slightly, looking confused.
"F-For what?"
For some reason, the question annoyed me.
"Support, dipshit. I need you to sit still now, so I can treat your forearms and finish up."
What else would I ask this shit for?
After I finished, the so-called Kim lay down and fell asleep almost instantly. I took a blanket from my room and quietly sat on the armchair in front of where he was.
The guy sleeping on my couch had five cuts and bruised knuckles.
I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh.
Next time, I'm packing up my crayons and leaving.
~Kats, who literally found this out of luck right after remembering that she writes a whole lot of shit to forget about it lol
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dreamingofyeo · 5 months
Jar of similes ☆彡
Yeosang x gn reader fluff
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1570 words ~ unedited ~ inspired by Black Friday by Tom Odell
~ comment or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent taglist
~☆彡 ~ Tumblr's algorithm works from reblogs so if you like my work please consider It :)
You walked down the path towards the fried chicken place, you’d been working on your art project all day and hadn’t realised how late it had gotten until your stomach had rudely reminded you. Your surroundings were, to a non artistic eye, rather normal and even dull in comparison to the rest of Seoul. You found it beautiful though. The cherry blossom petals on the ground, the odd feather here and there. The sounds of the city at night and the sight of its lights reflecting off of the puddles on the ground. Taking note of all the colour around you, you pull out one of the little jars you keep in your tote bag for exactly this occasion. You crouch down on the edge of the path, scooping a few of the petals into the jar to recreate the exact colour layer on for your project. You stand up and place the jar into your bag before carrying on down the path, you hadn’t even realised your phone had slipped out of your pocket when you’d been crouched down, too engrossed in your whirlwind of thoughts and ideas for the colour.
You wouldn’t have noticed at all if it were not for the sound of boots jogging to catch up with you before a tap on your shoulder. You turn around confused. That confusion is quickly replaced by intrigue and awe as you take in the young man before you. He is ethereal you can tell that much even with the mask and bucket hat and also familiar. Features sculpted onto his face perfectly yet in an utterly unique way. Like a painting. He has a birthmark blossoming from his left eye in the most delicate way, you’d like to paint him. You wonder to yourself if he’d be interested in modelling for you to do so. He could certainly do it professionallyi with his looks anyway. An idol even perhaps.
His voice snaps you out of your trance, it’s deep and mellifluous, though a little nervous and awkward all the same.
“Excuse me miss, you dropped your phone.”
You know that voice. As he holds out your phone with both hands, the pieces click into place but you decide against saying anything about it, not wanting to make him uncomfortable or risk it just being a huge coincidence that he looks and sounds just like Kang Yeosang of Ateez. So instead you steel your nerves and reply.
“Ah I’m sorry, thank you so much” you say politely, bowing to accept your phone back.
You smile awkwardly and turn to walk, but not before asking if he was also going to the chicken place, considering there wasn’t much else down this path. Inwardly considering that he is Yeosang after all so the likelihood is high.
He nods happily telling you he’s been craving it.
You look down and smile to yourself, now walking next to him.
“What’s your name?”
This catches you completely off guard, you forget your name for a moment but get it out regardless, asking him for his in return. You knew it but it was an open opportunity to confirm it.
“Kang Yeosang, it’s nice to meet you.” He says, you don’t miss the beat of hesitation before the reveal though.
You smile and return the sentiment before speaking in as calm a tone as you can manage.
“I thought I recognised you, I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to be wrong or make you uncomfortable, or both.” You say, laughing slightly at the end.
His head snaps to you at this, confusion and surprise written in his eyes.
“You know Ateez?”
“Yeah of course, you guys are so talented I love your music.” You confirm, smiling at him.
His eyebrows shoot upwards even more if it were even possible.
“You’re atiny? Who’s your bias?”
You laugh, “not telling, you can guess when we’ve picked up the chicken.”
Even through his mask, you can see the pouty smile forming on his face. You almost crack. Almost.
You talk and laugh for a while with Yeosang on the way to get your food. He’s certainly surprised, not used to having such tame interactions with fans outside of the occasional wholesome fancall and fansign experience. He’s being treated like a person, not like a doll to be criticised and controlled like some people who call themselves fans seem to unknowingly consider him to be. It’s nice. You’re nice, he could see himself being friends with you surprisingly easily. He’s also not blind, you’re very pretty, but he won’t let himself go down that road. He speaks up again after a bit of comfortable silence.
“How long have you been in Seoul for?”
“Not long, a few months.”
“Have you managed to make friends yet, or anything more?”
“A few friends here and there, I don’t think I’m built for dating here though so it’ll likely just stay like that.” You chuckle lightly.
“Why’s that? You’re very nice and I’d be lying if I said you didn’t have the looks for it.”
You feel yourself flush, looking up at him in shock, did he just compliment you?
“Was that a compliment?”
He laughs, that beautiful and adorable yet shy laugh of his.
“What else would it be?”
You shrug and laugh it off.
“True, well thank you, I feel honoured considering it’s coming from you.”
“What do you mean?” He asks.
Is he messing with you? Surely?
“It’s hard to explain. You’re one of the prettiest people I’ve ever seen to be honest, so it’s just a high compliment coming from you.”
Now it’s his turn to flush, he laughs under his breath thanking you quietly.
“You don’t believe me?” You ask, teasing him now.
Now it may make you cringe in the morning but you couldn’t resist. You pull out another little jar. He looks at you quizzically.
“I collect things to mimic the colour of for my art projects.” You explain quickly before getting to work.
He watches you in confusion, as you flit around the path and nature around you, picking up seemingly random pieces and collecting them in the jar. You bring it back to him, taking his hand and placing the jar in it.
He analyses the contents with just as much confusion as before. A feather, a petal, a dandelion whisp and a leaf skeleton.
He raises an eyebrow at you.
“I’d put a snowflake in there if I could, but if it helps you understand, you’re pretty like all the delicate parts of nature.” You smile, already cringing inside for tomorrow morning slightly.
His eyes soften though, and he smiles and thanks you, pocketing the jar before continuing to walk to the chicken place with you.
As if to make the city lights more pretty than before, it begins to rain. Yeosang groans slightly, having forgotten an umbrella. You laugh and turn to him.
“You don’t like the rain?”
“Not when I don’t have an umbrella.”
“There’s not much point to them, you get wet anyway, might aswell just accept and enjoy it.”
“Enjoy it?” He asks incredulously.
“Yeah! You can feel completely free in the rain. It’s something people usually avoid, a little bit like emotion if you think about it, if you enjoy it then it feels freeing in the same way as feeling your emotions, not caring about anything, not about the people watching you or getting wet and cold, it’s just nice.” You say, you cringe at yourself slightly but you decide to take your own advice and just accept it this time.
He smiles, “I guess you’re right.”
“I usually am.” You laugh.
“Somehow I don’t doubt that.” He says seriously.
“I was only joking but thank you.” You laugh again. An idea strikes you.
“Come on I’ll show you.”
He’s yet again confused, “show me what.”
“How to enjoy it. Dance with me, no steps nobody to perform for just enjoy it.”
He laughs now, shaking his head at you.
“Come onnnn, let me be right again you won’t regret it.” You plead with him, tilting your head almost teasingly.
He shakes his head again, this time in defeat. You smile widely and take a hold of his wrists pulling him into the centre of the empty path. The rain is hammering down around you both now as you dance with him, no steps, no strings, just two souls exploring the joy of being alive. He’s laughing with you now, jumping in a circle with you, arms swinging up and down to no rhythm but your own whims. You let go of one of his wrists and motion for him to twirl, the water under his boots sprays out and splashes you increasing the laughter sounding from you both. He returns the favour and keeps twirling you around until you dizzily stumble to a halt in front of him, holding onto his jacket to keep stable. He wipes the soaked strands of hair from your face and you look up at him, he looks so happy. He smiles down at you.
“You were right.”
“I told you so.”
You finally reach the chicken store, and walk back along the path, cracking jokes and laughing the whole way. You reach the intersection where you turn left and he turns right, he turns to you and speaks softly before leaving.
“You’re pretty like the rain.”
Taglist: @voicesinmyhead-rc @decadentstrangernacho
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Title: Serendipitous Love: A Fortunate Accident
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Chris Evans x Reader
Words: 2.3k
Warning: Other than cursing, none.
Synopsis: Reader is in a café minding her own business but catches Chris’ interview and has some words of wisdom that Chris happens to overhear.
Note: Based on Chris’ “laser focused” interview. Yeah, it’s late but I’m always late. LOL.
 Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG
 ***Not Edited/Proofread***
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You’d spent the day working. From six in the morning until now, six in the evening. You’d barely taken a break except one or two stops at food or refreshment stalls along designated park and city locations. You’d had a few caffeinated drinks and a granola bar or two. Other than that, you’d been too busy, too wrapped up in everything you had to get done before the day ended. Now you were tired, starving, and ready to go home but you were sitting in this upscale café going through the tens and tens of pictures you’d taken and getting a head start on the editing and touch-up process. You were on a deadline and every minute counted.
 “Can I get you anything to eat?”
 You jerked your head up to look at the dark-haired beauty who was waiting with a smile and a notepad.
 “Uh---I wish. If I ordered it, I wouldn’t eat it anyway.”
 “Too busy writing?”
 “Writing? No.”
 “You’re not a writer?”
 “Nope,” you replied.
 “Wow, I’m sorry. You look like a writer.”
 You smiled; this wasn’t the first time you’d heard that. “No, not a writer. I’m a photographer and painter.
 Her eyes lit up and she smiled wider. “Really? Wow, interesting combo. What do you shoot? How do you combine them?”
 “Uh—well there are many different ways especially since I dabble in all types of photography. A lot of times I do the shoots and then bring it to canvas in different ways. For instance, this picture.”
 You showed her the photo of the sun peeking through a fully bloomed cherry blossom tree. She “oohed” and “aahed” as if she’d never seen a picture like it before.
 “That’s beautiful, the way you captured the light, so it looks ethereal and divine to make the cherry blossoms look so romantic.”
 You smiled at her compliment then continued, “I’m touching it up trying to bring out the best so when I get in my studio, I’ll bring it to life on the canvas incorporating elements of this using tangible things like the petals of cherry blossom, specks of leaves from the tree. Hopefully when I’m done, if I’ve done it right, it looks like the photo is alive.”
 You looked at the waitress who looked transfixed on the photo before her.
 “Wow, that’s—incredible.”
 She gasped then looked at you. “Oh my god, are you—you are, aren’t you?”
 She did a small jump then smiled wider. “You have to be. You’re Y/F/N & Y/L/N. Right?”
 You smiled and nodded slightly ducking your head from embarrassment. You liked to keep a low profile even though your work was blowing up and had been for the last two years. Attention always made you uncomfortable, always made you self-conscious. Maybe it came from years and years of art school being the loner girl who stuck to her art and the off beaten paths.
 Whereas other artists loved to bask in the glory of their fame by doing interviews and photoshoots trying to spread their name and face; you liked to do the opposite. You’d turned down the majority of offers for photoshoots and interviews that wanted to throw your picture all over the internet and magazines and opted for those who focused on your art rather than you. You liked to believe that the art spoke for itself and said everything you wanted the world to know.
 “Oh my god, my boyfriend is a huge, huge fan of your work. I am too. It’s so original and unique.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I’m in art school too and we’ve done several projects centered around your pieces and those classes are always my favorite.”
 You did your best to fight off the embarrassment that was rising in you.
 “How—how did you know it was me?”
 “By your work. It speaks for itself. No one else can replicate it. No one else can come close.”
 You smiled with pride feeling like your message truly did come through in your art. It did speak for itself.
 “Can I have your autograph?”
 She held out her notepad and you froze. This did not happen often. Maybe if you happened to be at a gallery where your work was on display, but those events are far and in between because you always opted out of being at galleries when you stuff was being shown. It made you cringe to watch people inspect and critique your work. It took a few moments for you to snap out of your awkwardness and reach for her notepad. You signed your name, asked her what hers was, then added a nice message
 “Alissa, don’t give up, work hard and remember if you love the art, the art will speak all on its own. Thank you.”
 When she looked at it you thought she would have an aneurysm from how wide her eyes went.
 “Thank you so much!”
 You nodded then a few voices around you gasped. You looked around then looked to the nearby seventy-inch TV. An interview was coming back from commercial.
 “Oh my god, it’s Chris Evans,” Alissa the waitress exclaimed.
 You pinched your lips at her reaction. You may be a loner and like to keep your anonymity, but you knew about the world’s most famous and desired baby blues. He was on the opposite spectrum than you. He was everywhere all the time. You cringed thinking about his lack of privacy and the anxiety that possibly caused him. You knew it would destroy you.
 “Oh my god he is so fucking hot,” Alissa continued.
 You snorted but when she looked back at you, you realized it hadn’t been as quiet as you’d thought.
 “You don’t think so?”
 You studied the man on the dazzling display tv and went over the mauve colored shirt he wore that worked with his complexion and the full scruffy beard that was well groomed and fit him perfectly then the tightness of his shirt around his biceps. The man loved his smedium shirts, you thought.
 “Um—do you?”
 “Of course. My god look at those eyes, his lips, he is completely symmetrical and photogenic then his physique—he was built with a woman in mind.”
 You snorted again then pressed the back of your hand to your mouth.
 “Wow. You boyfriend must be very secure.”
 She giggled, “A girl can dream, can’t she?”
 You nodded then looked back to the tv. Something felt off. “I don’t know don’t you think he’s---a little—too--.”
 “Hot? Yes.”
 You smirked and shook your head. “No, perfect. He always appears so perfect. Either what he wears or his image. Maybe it’s his team but he doesn’t seem realistic. It seems like there is this illusion that is painted across a canvas for the world to see and believe and I don’t know—I’m not fully buying it. The world is so hellbent on idealizing him and making him seem like prince charming that it washes away the real man—whoever he may be.”
 Alissa bobbed her head from side to side as if she was trying to see what you saw but she shrugged. “Illusion or not, real man or not he’s still hot. That’s what matters.”
 She walked off to tend to other customers but as you looked back to the screen you shook your head slightly. “Is it though? Must be a lonely life,” you said out loud to yourself.
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He was frozen. Over the course of the last five or so minutes he’d gone through a few emotions. Curiosity, intrigue, humor, embarrassment, and now stupor.
 “It seems like there is this illusion that is painted across a canvas for the world to see and believe and I don’t know—I’m not fully buying it.”
 The words of the woman he was sitting behind clung to him.
 “The world is so hellbent on idealizing him and making him seem like prince charming that it washes away the real man—whoever he may be.”
 He didn’t know what to say or think. This woman, whoever she was really saw through all of this. Apart from being slightly offended, he was more interested to know more of what you thought about him. In his world, everyone told him what he wanted to hear, everyone treated him like this big shot whose shit didn’t stink, everyone kissed his ass and tried to curry favor with him, man, or woman. He never knew who was genuine, never knew what people really thought about him. While most of his interactions in the field were genuine in how he portrayed himself, he often found it difficult to really and truly be vulnerable the way he could be with his friends and family. This woman whoever she was saw right through the Hollywood smoke and mirrors game. He was both impressed and cautious because she’d seen through it.
 A snort caught his attention, and he looked back to her table. He was fully blocked thanks to the impressively tall palm leaves that were used as both décor and privacy barriers. He sidled closer and listened in. From the tv, he heard the beginning of the question he knew was coming and slightly cringed from how exposed he’d made himself with this one reply.
 “Chris, your character is pretty obsessed with tracking down Sierra six. Is there anything in your life that you’ve been that laser focused on?”
 The restaurant was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It was like everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for his answer. He looked up and watched his awkward babbling and fidgeting.
 “Ya’ know, we’re gonna do this. I’m gonna—I’m gonna give you a good answer. Uuh—the answer would be that—may—maybe laser focused on fi—finding a uh—a—a partner ya’ know. someone that you wanna liv—ya’ know look I love what I do, it’s great and I pour all of myself into it but, but e—even this industry is full of pockets of doubt and hesitation and recalibration. In—in terms of really trying to find something that you really pour all of yourself into may—maybe it’s about trying to find someone that you—you’re looking—looking to spend your life with. So—so maybe that.”
 He cringed again but not because he was being disingenuous but because he was too raw. He felt too exposed. He didn’t know what possesed him to be that open. Maybe it was being asked such a good question, an original question that his mind went blank, and he got real. A bevy of “awws” erupted around the café and he shook his head, but it was the one scoff that perked him up.
 He watched her lean back in her seat and cross her arms. She didn’t speak right away instead she stared at the tv though he was no longer on it, and it had changed to some other random interview clip from someone else. For some reason, he wanted to know what she was thinking. What other read had she picked up off of him?
 “Interesting. Guess he’s never heard when you seek it evades and when you relax it finds,” she said.
 He wanted to see your face now. Who was this woman who flung her thoughts and opinions about people around so freely?
 “Everyone knows that when you try to find love you never find it. The universe sends love to you hence, love finds you. If you want it too badly only heartache will come. Serendipitous love, a fortunate accident.”
 She sighed then he watched you look to your phone then spring into action packing your things up.
 “Excuse me, that was beautiful,” a woman at a nearby table said to her.
 He watched but only caught a half glance at the side of her face. She timidly smiled then nodded.
 “Oh, it’s uh--something my grandmother always says.”
 With that she picked up her bags, dropped a fifty-dollar bill onto the table then walked away and out of the café. He was stunned speechless as he thought about her words.
 “Serendipitous love, a fortune accident,” he repeated tasting the words on his tongue. They tasted sweet--like a sweet promise.
 With a smirk on his lips, he stood, dropped a hundred-dollar bill then placed his sunglasses on his face. That was when he walked to the waitress she was speaking to minutes before. He made sure to keep his head down, this would be the worst time to get recognized.
 “Excuse me.”
 She spun around with a smile, but he kept his head down and turned to the side.
 “Can I help you, sir?”
 “Yes. The uh—the woman you were speaking to over there,” he began pointing at the now empty table. “The photographer.”
 “What did you say her name was?”
 “Y/F/N & Y/L/N.”
 He repeated your name, tasting it on his tongue. A soft smile spread his lips before he scoffed and nodded.
 “She’s an amazing artist,” the waitress continued. “Check her out if you haven’t already.”
 He nodded then thanked her and walked out of the café. He looked right and left then saw her a block down with her camera raised high lost behind her lens. He could have rushed down the street to you but stopped himself.
 “A fortunate accident.”
 He smiled to himself.
 “Chris, over here,” Megan said waving him over to the waiting black SUV.
 With one more glance to her direction he sighed then stepped ahead climbing into the truck.
 “Y/F/N & Y/L/N,” he whispered once more as the truck pulled off passing you in the process, but you were still lost in your lens, seeing but not seeing.
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362 notes · View notes
tips on subtle manipulation? I want it to be clear (or at least somewhat noticeable) by a reader, but not to be noticed by my main character.
Subtle Portrayal of Manipulation
Here's the problem: not everyone has the same understanding, knowledge, or experience when it comes to manipulation. So, for the same reasons your character doesn't realize they're being manipulated, some of your readers won't realize it, either. That said, you can't rely on the reader to pick up on subtle clues. You have to be clear about what's going on, but that doesn't mean the character has to realize it.
The key is to have a character who does realize what's happening and use them to clue the reader in. This can be the manipulative character themselves or a third character who witnesses these interactions. So, your portrayal is made up of three parts: -- the manipulative act -- the clueless reaction by the one being manipulated -- the knowing response by the character who realizes what's up
Let's say Character A is clueless that they're being manipulated by Character B, and Character C has witnessed some of these manipulative interactions:
The Manipulative Act
"Oh! A, can you give me a ride to my show tomorrow night," B asked as he stood and put on his coat.
A frowned. "Sorry, I can't tomorrow night. I promised to watch my little sister so my parents could go to dinner, and they live on the other side of town. C? Can you take him?"
"No can do. I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow morning and won't be back until next Tuesday." I tried to sound sorry, but I was glad that neither one of us could bail B out this time.
"Oh. Well, no big deal," B replied, waving it off with his charming smile--the one that always made A's insides melt. "I wouldn't want you to have to drive a few minutes out of your way to save me a 30-minute walk. I'm sure the cold air will do me some good--if I don't catch a cold." He added a lilting laugh to the end that made him sound upbeat but forlorn. It made me cringe, but I could see A's wheels turning.
The Clueless Reaction
"You know what? I can just leave early and show up a little late to my parents'. They'll just have to deal with it."
"Thanks, A!" B grinned and strode out of the cafe with all the confidence of a successful conquest. A gazed wistfully after him, blissfully unaware of how she'd been played.
The Knowing Response
"Why do you let him manipulate you like that, A?"
"B? He's not manipulating me--what are you even talking about? Are we villainizing people for asking for rides now?"
I ignored her and focused on finishing my cherry cobbler. It irked me that she couldn't see what he was doing to her--what he had been doing to her for weeks now.
Alternatively, you could have C just think about what they'd witnessed (rather than confronting A about it), have them confront B about what they're doing to A, or have them discuss the situation and their frustration with a fourth character. You may even choose a combination, or have multiple different characters in A's life who is aware of what's going on.
And, another alternative would be to have B be the one who tips off the reader through their own thoughts about A and behavior behind A's back. All that matters is that someone is cluing the reader in even while the character being manipulated remains oblivious.
I hope that helps!
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viceroywrites · 13 days
reunions and opportunities - chapter ten
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gary x fem!reader
both of you didn't get the ideal high school experience it would make sense that you both would be dreading the reunion.
little did you know how many doors would open after that.
ao3 version here - chapters on tumblr are slightly rewritten and restructured.
content warning: fic contains smut in later chapters. discussions of mental health including trauma and potential ptsd (aka gary is traumatized).
chapter ten
After a rather eventful evening, deep slumber hit Gary and you like a truck, both of you passing out shortly after a much needed cuddle session, forgetting to set your alarms for the busy days you had ahead.
You both awoke to the sound of the Game of Thrones theme song blaring from Gary’s phone, a ringtone he had set specifically for the Monarch. You tossed around for a bit before letting out a soft whine, lightly tapping the henchman’s broad shoulder, “Babe, your phone…” Groggily, the buff henchman fumbled around in the sheets, searching blindly before fishing it out from underneath the pillow.
“Hello?” He answered, his voice husky and deeper than usual.
“Morning, sleeping beauty. Do you know what time it is?” The Monarch’s dry, nasally tone replies back.
Gary blinks at his boss’ question, rubbing the sleep out of his heavy-lidded eyes as he pulls his phone away from his ear to check. His pupils quickly adjust to the light and widen at the sight of it being almost noon.
“Oh my god! Babe, wake up - you’re late!” The henchman sits up in bed, shaking your shoulders gently as you had almost fallen back asleep. You fumble for your own phone, gasping as you see the time and a series of texts from Sheila asking if you were okay. Instantly, you roll out of bed, rushing to the bathroom to get ready.
As the bathroom door shuts behind you, the Monarch stifles a chuckle, “Babe? Really?” Gary groans at his boss’ teasing, pulling on the jeans that he wore the previous evening. “Sorry, we can’t all be creative like you with your bajillion pet names for your wife.”
The light-hearted tone shifts as Malcolm mentions that his encounter with Red Death did not go as planned this morning. “Oh dude, it couldn’t have been that bad.” Gary mutters, anxiously glancing over his shoulder at the bathroom door as he hears the creak of your shower knob turning the flow of water off.
“I swear he could have killed me right on the spot just with his voice and stare, 21. Though can you believe he knows my work? I mean come on, this is the Red Death we’re talking about.” The Monarch remarks before cutting the conversation short, “Anyways, time to get to work, lover boy. Get your ass back here ASAP, we’re going to have to come up with a Plan B.”
Gary swallowed the lump in his throat, reality settling in that he’s back to his role as Kano. “R-Right.” You stepped out of the bathroom right on cue as the heavy conversation wrapped up, already dressed in your Guild uniform as you toweled off your damp hair. 
“Put the phone on speaker, 21.” Gary’s eyebrow quirked at the Monarch’s command, obeying his leader’s wishes. Your head tilts in confusion and Gary can only respond with a confused shrug himself.
“Hey, [Your Name], take your time, I texted my wife that you two lovebirds slept in and according to her, all you missed was another stupid Guild meeting.” Both you and Gary blinked at each other in surprise at the Monarch’s kind gesture.
“Thank you!” You chimed in and the Monarch chuckled in response, “No, no, it’s the least I could do… thanks for finally popping my loser henchman’s cherry.”
The Monarch let out a cackle, a shit-eating grin spreading across his features as Gary’s protests echoed from the other line, barely picking up you hissing to Gary  ‘How does he know?’ before he hangs up.
With caffeine in both of your systems, Gary and you reluctantly parted ways, leaving a soft kiss on his plump cheek as he opens the door of the black sleek car that pulls up to the Monarch residence for you before it whisks you away.
Before he can even ascend up the steps, Gary sees the Monarch, donning the civilian wear he wore for reconnaissance, standing at the door with a devilish grin. 
“Enjoy your evening, Romeo?” Malcolm ribs his right-hand man, elbowing him playfully in the side as Gary walks through the door. The henchman groans, “Seriously, how did you even know?”
“Come on, 21, I know the sound of a man’s voice following a night of passion with his lover.” The red-haired villain chuckles, patting Gary’s broad chest, “Also the fact that you actually took my advice and wore something other than that blue plaid button up you’re always wearing told me you were planning to get laid.”
“Alright, alright, enough about my sex life. God, that’s so gross that my leader knows about my sex life. Hey, wait, how did you know I was a virgin?” Gary asked before pausing the moment the Monarch gave him a pointed look. “You’re right, self-explanatory.”
The pair descended down the stairs into the Blue Morpho cave to brainstorm Plan B but not before the Monarch almost slipped on the knife Gary had carelessly thrown to the ground the day prior after his fateful chase from you.
“What the fuck? Where the hell did this come from?” Malcolm cursed, picking up the object and examining it closely. “I don’t remember your Kano costume coming with knives. Looks almost like my wife’s.”
“Probably because it is hers. My girlfriend tried throwing it at my head yesterday as she was chasing me down.” Gary sighed as the gears in the Monarch’s head began to turn before clicking and grabbing the henchman’s shoulders.
“21, did she get a close look at you? Do you think she suspects you’re Kano?” The Monarch said in a serious tone, his expressive eyebrows furrowing into a glare. Gary quickly shakes his head, attempting to wriggle out of the grip his boss had on him.
“Oh god, no! I don’t think I would be standing here if she had any inkling. All she said at dinner is that she suspects that Blue Morpho is doing the killing or that he has “something” over Kano’s head to get him to kill.” Gary stammered as he reflected that the latter part of your claim had some truth to it.
The Monarch looked in his henchman’s eyes for any trace of doubt and as 21 stared back unwavering, he released his grip and let out a sigh. “Alright, stay on your toes, 21. I need you in tip-top shape so I can relinquish my wrath onto Dr. Venture once again.”
“Right… So Plan B, maybe a hostage situation with his daughter and wife?” Gary suggested. 
The Monarch stared at him incredulously, “Are you kidding, the man would slaughter us in a second if we even laid a finger on his family?” 
Gary hummed and tapped his lip as he thought of a solution, “Well, what if we don’t actually take them? Maybe tell them to go to a friend’s house or maybe the in-laws for the evening?”
After some thought, the Monarch grinned, beaming with almost pride at his henchman’s quick thinking, “21, you’re a genius.”
“You’re kidding, right?” You say in disbelief at the sight before you.
“I wish I was…” Sheila patted your shoulder, taking in the sight of Watch and Ward dressed as Hank and Dean, Phineas Phage as H.E.L.P.E.R and an OSI agent that you were unfamiliar with, Hunter Gathers, dressed as Dr. Venture.
“Oh, I have to get a photo of this to send to Gary, this is pure gold.” You chuckle in pure shock and amusement as you whip out your phone, snapping photos of Watch and Ward who try to shield themselves from your camera.
After you’re satisfied with the ridiculous amount of photos you’ve taken, you take a seat next to Dr. Mrs. the Monarch by the pool, tilting your head, “So where are the actual Ventures? I’ve heard so many stories here and there about them from Gary.”
“Well, Dr. Venture is at Quizboy’s house, and then I think Shoreleave, he’s an OSI agent, took the Venture boys out to show them where the real fun in the city is.. whatever that means.” Sheila says with a shrug, fishing out a pack of cigarettes from her coat. The raven-haired villainess curses under her breath as she realizes she forgot her lighter. 
To her surprise, you fish out a pocket lighter from your coat, “You always step out for a smoke after our Meteor Majeure meetings when you’re stressed and look pissed if you forget your lighter in one of your other bags. Figured I’d carry one around.” You chuckle, lighting the cigarette that rests between her delicate fingers. 
Taking a slow drag, Sheila blows the smoke in the opposite direction of you before giving you a gracious smile, “Thanks, sweetheart. I swear you’re one of the only reasons I’m still sane with all this crap going on,” gesturing with her cigarette towards the shenanigans unfolding before you.
You chuckle, watching Hunter Gathers admonish Watch and Ward for breaking character, “I know it stresses you out dealing with all these air-headed villains but I know you love your job on the Council. I can tell from how you command the room and get everyone in order. I’ve honestly learned so much about the Guild and henching from the short time I’ve spent with you.”
“Well, if you can command a horde of over a hundred men dressed as butterflies, you can command any room you walk into.” Sheila chuckles before her gaze drifts to you, “You have the potential to do the same, sweetheart. Have you given any thought on what you want to do with your future with the Guild?”
You suddenly find the loose thread on the outer lining of your jacket interesting, toying with the material as you muddle over the question that has been weighing on your mind recently, “Well, I know  for sure I don’t want to go back to working with Wide Whale, I don’t know if I can go back to being just Sirena’s bodyguard and having to deal with those chauvinistic henchmen 24/7. They don’t even call me by my name half the time - just ‘girly’ or ‘lady’.”
Sheila gives your shoulder a sympathetic touch but before she can reply, Phantom Limb clears his throat behind you two, “While I’d hate to ruin such a tender moment between mentor and mentee, I’m afraid the council members need to meet to go over the plan for the evening, Councilwoman.”
The dark-haired villainess rises to her feet, helping you up with a reassuring squeeze on your hand, “We’ll talk later.” before following Phantom Limb inside.
Day quickly turned to night with the Monarch and 21 successfully executing phase one of their plan - just having come back from Red Death’s residence and changing out of the robes that Gary just so happened to have leftover from his DND campaign into their Blue Morpho and Kano costumes.
However, phase two had not gone as smoothly after Gary and the Monarch abruptly hung up the phone to their ransom call, following a Liam Neeson style threatening monologue from Red Death.
Breathing heavily in the claustrophobic pod, Gary contemplates how he ended up in this situation, only having genuinely feared for his life a handful of times in the many years of behind a henchman. As Red Death easily cuts through the pods with his scythe, the henchman immediately gets on his knees alongside his boss, begging for mercy and explaining the fake hostage situation. 
What he did not expect in return was a pep-talk from the wise villain. 
“But actually, how do you stay sane, knowing you killed people? Like doesn’t that consume you?” Gary questions as he offers Red Death a towel to wipe up the blood on his hands after killing and vaporizing the bodies of the villains he had locked up who decided to reenact the Saw Series in the basement bathroom. 
“I’m assuming you’re asking more how to keep it separate - this,” Gesturing to the Blue Morpho cave, Red Death remarks, “and your personal life.”
“I mean I’m sure it’s easier for you, your wife isn’t involved in the Guild but my girlfriend is… and with me being Kano, our relationship is starting off on the wrong foot with me lying to her face every day.” Gary sighed, rubbing his sore shoulder after the Monarch gave him a few, albeit weak punches to the soldier over not telling him about the bathroom.
“Well, it’s a balancing act, young henchman. All I can say are two things - remember where 21 ends and Gary begins. They’re both you, similar to how my bloodlust is a part of me, but it’s not all of me.” Red Death hums, handing back the bloodied rag before patting the burly henchman on the shoulder, “And I’ve learned that the key to a happy marriage is honesty. Eventually, this Blue Morpho escapade will end, and you and the Monarch will both have to face your partners with the truth. You get to choose whether you want to do it now or later.” 
“I do get to choose, don’t I?” Gary mused.
After Red Death leaves, Gary changes out of his Kano costume and spends the rest of the evening attempting to scrub off as much of the dried blood out of the porcelain tile as the Monarch requested, wanting to use the bathroom as soon as possible.
The henchman pulls his phone out of his jacket pocket, swiping through the texts that you had sent - Watch and Ward dressed as Hank and Dean, a selfie you took with Brock who appears to have begrudgingly agreed, and finally, an update text that you had made it home safely. His thick fingers type out the message, ‘Hey, can we talk about something tonight?’, hovering over the send button.
As he makes his way up the stairs, Gary freezes at the sight of the Monarch embracing his wife, who is fuming that she got ‘stood up’ by the Blue Morpho tonight. He sees the anxious look on his leader’s face as he has to lie to his wife, comforting her when he is the cause of her stress and frustration.
Gary ends up deleting the heavy text, heading up the stairs unnoticed. He instead types out, ‘Looks like someone had an eventful evening’, hitting the send button before flopping onto the mattress in his ‘room’, a currently unrenovated room in the Monarch residence.
Your response came in the form of a FaceTime call request, which Gary quickly answered, hoping to hear about your day as a way to distract himself. The moment your face pops into vision, his features soften, a smile breaking out as he admires your beauty through the tiny screen.
“Why hello, m’lady. Don’t you look cozy and quite ravishing I must say?” The henchman lays his compliment on thick, earning him a chuckle with a playful eye roll. 
“Yeah because your DND dice shirt on me totally screams sex appeal.” You tease, pulling the neck of the shirt up to reveal your nighttime attire that you had stolen from him a few days prior. 
“Well, you have this paladin wrapped around your finger.” Gary chuckles tiredly, raising his hand to rub his droopy eyes. The back of his hand comes into vision, flecks of red dotting across the back of his hand.
Your eyebrows raised at the sight in concern, “You didn’t fight at all today, right? Like no arches or any jobs you did to help the Monarch raise his EMA?”
“Yeah, why?” Gary questions, not realizing the traces of blood still on the back of his hand.
“I could’ve sworn you had blood on the back of your hand, Gare. I thought you were hurt,” You say softly, tilting your head as you wonder what it could be.
Gary’s eyes widen visibly as he glances at it before letting out a nervous chuckle, “O-Oh, that’s just red paint. Yeah, the Monarch wanted me to touch up some parts of his study and the house that Manolo missed.”
The henchman breaks into a cold sweat as he sees your perceptive eyes narrowing at his reaction but your gaze softens as you question why you even doubted him.
“Oh right, sorry… I just got worried for a second that you might have gotten hurt.” Your voice wavers slightly, biting down on your lap, “With the Blue Morpho still loose, it just makes me nervous about your well-being, especially considering that one time that the Blue Morpho slipped in and tranquilized both of our bosses.”
Gary relaxed slightly, almost forgetting that the Monarch pulled that stunt in order for them to arch the Doom Factory.
“Hey, if anything happened to me, I would tell you. Plus you’re more at risk than I am considering you’re out with Dr. Mrs. all the time,” Gary attempted to shift the conversation into a light-hearted beat, “Besides, look at me, I’m built like a tank compared to the Monarch and Dr. Mrs. It would take much more than a tiny tranquilizer dart to take me out.” 
A sense of relief rushes through Gary as you grin at his joke, “What do you think would take you out then? Bear tranquilizer?”
Gary lets out a tired chuckle, reaching back to let down his ponytail as he feels sleep slowly approaching, “Mm, that’s probably Samson level. Speaking of which, isn’t he wicked cool?”
You nod, letting out a soft yawn as you reach over to turn off your overhead light, the dim, moody lighting of the fairy lights strung about your room still illuminating your features.
“Super cool, I’ll have to tell you about it tomorrow. Getting sleepy.” You hum, settling into your covers. “You should head to bed too.”
“Alright, I’ll let my m’lady get her beauty rest. Good night.” Gary sighed, reaching to turn off the light.
“Good night. See you tomorrow, m’lord.” You playfully blow the henchman a kiss which he cheesily catches and holds to his heart before you end the call.
As Gary lays in bed, he wonders to himself how much longer he can wait to tell you before sleep overtakes him.
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austinsgirl · 2 years
Rather Die | Chapter 8
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word count: 2336
cross posted on wattpad
rating: nsfw
master list
Her heart pounded. Beating at what felt like a million beats per second. She truly wasn't expecting that from him.
Victoria texted him back, "Yeah, those were nice :) We can do definitely do more of that and go on a date. Just let me know when and where!"
He responded quite quickly, "Perfect! How does tomorrow sound? Maybe we can get some Italian?"
"That would be amazing :)"
"Great! I'll pick you up around 7."
"Sounds good. I'll see you then."
"What are you all smiley about?" Mila asks Victoria.
"I just got a date for tomorrow!"
"With Ashton?!"
"Oh my god. I can't wait to see the look on Eliana's face if you guys work out."
"Oh, I know. She'll be pissed, but whatever. She did me so dirty."
"She really did. I don't even follow her on socials, but she'll still pop up. All she's been posting is mushy gushy shit about Austin."
"Ew. I swear, she's probably already saying 'I love you' and it's been like a week."
"Well, she used hashtag 'love my bf' so, I can only assume."
"She's so dumb. They both are. I can't believe how she changed him so quickly. That date we had, he was so humble, kind, down to earth. He didn't strike me as the type of guy to fall for the slutty model type. Now he's letting her bitchyness rub off on him, making him a total asshole."
"Yeah, even in all his interviews for Elvis, he was so much different."
"It's like she's a siren or something and casted a spell on him."
"At this point, it wouldn't surprise me."
The next day
Victoria & Mila make their way to set in the morning for an 8am call time.
"Guys. Its 8 o'clock in the morning. Why must we be sucking face at craft service right now?" Vic asks Austin & Eliana who's making out, as Vic is only trying to get her coffee.
"You're just jealous that I stole your mans." Eliana says.
Victoria rolls her eyes. "I'm not, but whatever. Can y'all just get out of the way though and take this elsewhere? Thanks."
"Mm, no." Eliana responds.
"Cmon baby, let's take this to my trailer." Austin says.
Austin & Eliana take off to his trailer.
"Ew. I can't believe them." Mila says.
"I know. And I have a kissing scene with him today."
"Double ew."
"For real. Wish me luck."
Victoria got her coffee and went off to her trailer to get changed before going on set.
"Where's Austin?? He was supposed to be on set ten minutes ago!" Anna our director says.
"He's still in his trailer getting ready." Sarah, a producer says.
Anna rolls her eyes, "We need to tell him Eliana isn't allowed on set anymore. She's too distracting."
"Thank God." Victoria thought to herself.
"Maybe we can just have a talk with him to start. If things don't change, then she's gotta go." Sarah says.
"Yeah, you're right. Don't wanna fully take away privileges."
"Fuck." Victoria thought to herself again.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Austin says running in.
"About time." I say to him.
"We'd both be late if it was you & I in there." he smirked.
"You're disgusting."
"Jealousy, jealousy."
"Okay, Olivia Rodrigo."
"Nothing. Just a name of one her songs."
"Alright, places please!" Anna calls out.
Austin & Victoria get into places.
"Annnnd, action!"
Jake walks up behind Allison as she's cooking at the stove.
"I can't believe you're finally all mine." he says.
"I know. It's been a long time coming, hasn't it?" she responds.
"It has."
Jake puts his lips on her neck. She very much enjoys the feeling. He turns her around to give her a passionate kiss.
As Victoria kisses Austin, the memory of her first kiss with him came flooding back, but as soon as she tasted Eliana's favorite cherry vanilla lip balm on his lips, she was immediately brought back to seeing them kiss at the club, & was just absolutely disgusted.
They finished out the scene and Vic immediately wipes at her lips.
"What? Didn't like the kiss?" Austin asks.
"No, I didn't. I could literally taste Eliana on your lips. Disgusting." Victoria replies.
"Now, how do you know what her lips taste like?" Austin asks.
"Because I know she uses the cherry vanilla lip balm 24/7."
"You don't like it? I think it tastes good."
"I used to, but not anymore."
Victoria walked off set and went to her trailer for a costume change to finish up the last of the days work.
By the time the work day was done, Vic & Mila had to rush home so Vic could get ready for her date.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Mila asks as they walk through the apartment door.
"I'm thinking my black mom jeans with that burgundy cropped tube top, with my white sneakers. Of course I'll accessorize with some gold jewelry."
"Are you going somewhere super fancy?"
"No, it's like in between. Not too fancy, not too casual."
"Gotcha. Good thing your hair is already done."
"Right? I just have to touch up my makeup & get changed."
Vic rushed into her bedroom and quickly got ready. There was a knock on the door right at 7 sharp.
"Hi!" Victoria says, answering the door for Ashton.
"Hey! How are you?" he asks.
"Im good. How are you?"
"Im great! Ready to go?"
"Yes, definitely!"
Vic & Ash headed out to the restaurant, and got seated right away as Ashton made a reservation.
"How was work today?" he asked.
Victoria stuck out her tongue in a disgusted matter. "Honestly, so gross."
"How so?"
"Well, started the day with Eli & Austin making out a craft services first thing in the morning, then I had to kiss Austin all day after he'd be making out with her."
"Yeah, that is gross."
"Mhm. I could taste her lip balm on his lips. I couldn't deal."
"That cherry vanilla shit?"
"It was good at first, but it got tiring."
"I bet. She's literally worn it every day since we were five. It's fucking lip smackers."
"They still make that??"
"Damn. My sister had so many of those."
"I did too. Id always get some whenever we came to America. They didn't have them in New Zealand."
"That's how you & Eliana met right? When her family went on vacation there?"
"Yeah. Then every year, we'd switch off. Every year for like 8 years? Something like that."
"That's crazy. It still just boggles my mind on what happened. And I feel so bad that you go to work everyday with that constant reminder of that just because they're always there."
"I know, and thank you. I really hope one day I won't ever have to see them again. I'm just gonna get through this movie, and when it's coming out I'll do the press and such, but after that, good fucking bye to the both of them."
"They probably won't even be together by the time the movie comes out."
"Probably not."
"Really wish I would have checked out her track record first before getting serious with her."
"Yeaaaah. She really did cheat on every single guy so it's just bound to happen to Austin."
"Honestly, let it. You tried telling him, so."
"Seriously. Oh, and he was late to set today because he was too busy fucking her in his trailer."
"Yeah. It was so annoying. The director and head producer is going to have a talk with him. If they don't see change, they're not going to allow Eliana on set."
"They shouldn't be allowing her at all."
"I know. Tell me about it."
The two placed their order when the waitress stopped by their table, then continued talking.
"How was tour life?" Vic asks him.
"It was great! I'm sad it's over but it is nice being on break now."
"I get that. You really put on an amazing show, Ash."
"Thank you." he smiles. "It means a lot."
"Do you have an idea of when the next album will be out?"
"Hoping for next summer, then tour again in the fall."
"That'd be cool. Release some nice summer jams."
"Exactly. So, I've always wondered, do you like living here or in New Zealand better?"
"Def New Zealand. It's my home, ya know? LA is great, but NZ is where it's at."
"You'll have to take me sometime?"
"Oh, of course. Id love too. It's definitely my favorite place in the whole world. I'm planning on going back after the movie is done. After all this shit that's happened, I've wanted nothing more than to be home & to see my mom."
"I bet. Your dad passed away right?"
"Um, yeah. He did."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Thanks. I'm not too keen on talking about it until I'm really comfortable with someone. I regret telling Austin, but we just bonded over the fact that we both lost a parent at a young age. But that's all down the drain now."
"Well, whenever you are ready, I'm here."
"Thank you, Ash. Really. So many guys would try and pry every little detail out of me about my life."
"I would never. I respect your space."
"Thanks. I appreciate it."
They finished up at the restaurant & made their way outside.
"Hey, wanna hit up Dave & Busters across the street? Play some games? Get some drinks?" Ashton asks.
"Sure, Id love that." Vic smiles.
They head across the street and grab a drink before playing some games.
Of course, they hit up Victoria's favorite, air hockey.
"Will you stop getting goals??" Ashton complained with a chuckle.
"Sorry, can't help it. I've always been good at this game." Vic shrugs her shoulders before knocking the puck in for another point.
Then they moved onto the skeeball.
"This one's your game, huh? Look at those points your racking in." Victoria says to him.
"Usually I don't do this good, but somehow I keep hitting the higher ones."
"All I'm getting are 50s, but that's normal for me."
They make their way around, playing more games and sipping on drinks. Vic is definitely feeling the alcohol.
They find the game where all you do is shoot some basketballs into a hoop.
"Shit, I'm sucking so bad at this." Vic says.
"Here, let me help you."
Ashton gets behind her and places his hands on her arms, helping her aim.
"Alright, try that." he says.
Victoria throws the ball, and finally makes a basket. She looks back at him, smiling. "Thanks."
"No problem."
They stare into each others eyes for a moment before they go in for a kiss.
"That was the best kiss I had all day." Vic says.
"I'm glad. Wanna get out of here?" Ash asks.
"Yeah. Let's."
They make their way to his house.
As soon as they're both inside, they can't manage to keep their hands off each other.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks.
"Yes, I'm sure."
Ashton & Victoria makeout as they make their way to the bedroom.
They quickly undress themselves before getting onto the bed.
Ashton gets on top. He works his hand on her clit as his lips work on her neck.
"Oh, god. That feels so good." Victoria moans out.
Ashton keeps doing his thing until he makes Vic orgasm. Once she releases herself, Ash works himself inside her now soaking wet center.
His lips are still on his neck as he thrusts into her. Her hands are all up in his hair, tugging at his ends.
It's not long until they both release themselves & go in for round two.
The next morning
Victoria is woken up by her phone being blown up by Mila.
"Hello?" she answers half asleep.
"Um, where are you? We have to be on set in like 20 minutes."
"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I stayed at Ashton's last night. Um, can you just bring me a change of clothes and I'll meet you there?"
"Yeah. Do you just want leggings and a t-shirt?"
"Yeah, and a bra & clean panties."
"Got it. I'll see you soon."
"Thank you, love you."
"Love you too."
Vic hangs up the phone. "Shit."
She quickly gets out of bed.
"Hey, you good?" Ashton asks her as he's still in bed.
"I have to be on set in 20 minutes."
"Oh, fuck. You want me to give you a ride?"
"Please, if you don't mind. Who knows how long Uber will take."
"Of course. Im sorry, I should have taken you home last night."
"It's fine. Don't worry about it."
Vic quickly got dressed in last nights clothes & Ash threw on sweats and a t-shirt before heading off to the studio.
"Hey, thanks for last night. I really had fun." Ashton tells her as he's dropping her off.
"I had fun too." she kissed him before she got out of the car. "Thanks for ride. I'll text you."
"Sounds good."
Victoria rushed to her trailer and quickly got ready, then headed to hair and makeup.
"So, you stayed with Ash last night?" Mila asks her, as they're both getting their  hair done.
"Yeah, I did."
"Did you do it?"
"Oh, yeah."
The girls high five & continue to chat.
Once they were ready, they went out to craft services.
"Hey, uh, is there a Victoria Williams here?" a man, asks, holding a vase of red roses.
"Um, yes. That's me." Vic says.
"These are for you. Have a good day." the man hands her the flowers.
"Thank you."
Victoria reads the note that came with the flowers. "I had a really great time last night. Maybe we can do that again soon? - Love, Ashton xx" she puts the card back in the flowers "Aw, that's so sweet."
"Um, did you just say Ashton??" Eliana asks, as she over heard.
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gamblingcaffeineaddict · 10 months
you came to me with carnations and snowdrops
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mizuena angst, memory loss, character death
a/n: short idea I came up with a few months ago, enjoy :)
Ena dreams of a familiar stranger with pink hair and a blue jumper every night. Why does the sight of them make her feel so sad?
Ena has been having strange dreams lately.
She dreams of a mysterious yet familiar person with pink hair and a red bow. However, before Ena could see the person's face, she woke up.
Ena groans in frustration. Just who is this mysterious person??? And why do they keep appearing in her dreams every night without fail??? It's pissing her off.
She looks at the clock. Akito is almost done with school, so that means it's time for her to get ready for her nighttime classes. She instantly becomes even more pissed and gets up from her bed.
It's currently 1 am, so Ena gets online on nightcord.
"Enanan, could you edit the new mv this time?" Kanade asks.
"Oh, sure!" Ena replies. They've been rotating turns to edit mvs since they haven't been able to find a permanent editor. The last one they had lost interest and never came back.
Ugh, why did they have to leave? Their videos were really good...
While looking for some inspiration for the video, Ena tries to find the video that the former editor did. They were really skilled, so maybe Ena could learn a few tips...
As she watched and inspected the videos closely, she noticed the upload date. Seven months ago... how strange. Ena clearly remembers that niigo has been editing videos by themselves since the editor left... but they've only been editing themselves for 3 months.
At least, Ena thinks she clearly remembers it.
"Here's the final piece!" Ena presents a finished piece of artwork to the rest of niigo.
"It's very nice." Kanade applauds.
"It's okay." Mafuyu responds in her typical blunt manner.
"It's okay?JUST okay?!! I spent hours on this, so the least you could do is put a little more sincerity in your response!!!" Ena flares up suddenly.
"Well, maybe you could add a little more colors. Like light blue and pink.”
Something pops up in Ena’s head. The color combination... is awfully familiar. But why is that?
Was it that strange person in her dreams? come to think of it, she thinks they were wearing a blue skirt..
"...Ena?" Kanade calls out.
"Sorry, i'll think about it," Ena says. "I'm going to sleep early tonight. Good night!”
Ena promptly logs off nightcord. She grabs her sketchbook and a pencil. Maybe she will remember this person if she draws them.
Ena screams with fustration. All she had was the back profile of this person. Pink hair in a side ponytail tied with a red ribbon. A blue skirt and white shirt. But that’s it. No face.
Ena gives up and decides to turn in for the night, for real this time.
“Enanan!” she hears a distant voice call to her. She opens her eyes.
“Come on Enanan, or we’re going to miss the train!”
The train? Ena hasn’t been on a train in a while. In fact, she hasn’t been able to step into a train station without feeling sick. When did she even start feeling that way?
Ena focuses on the person instead, but they grab her hand and drag her to the train station. This person… had pink hair and a red bow! This was the person Ena was looking for!
But for some reason, she couldn’t get a clear look of their face. Suddenly, the scene changed around her. Well, I guess it IS just a dream…
Ena now stands under pink cherry blossoms, softly glowing in the warm sunset. The sight sends a pang through her chest. Waves of nostalgia and sadness overcome her. It makes her feel like she’s missing something, or rather, someone.
“Isn’t it beautiful, Ena? I thought you would’ve forgotten them after all this time.”
Ena turns to the person. Pink hair, white shirt, blue skirt… and pink eyes. Their reminded her of shimmering pink opals.
“Forgotten?” Ena scoffs. “There’s no way I would’ve forgotten something as… as beautiful as this.”
The person chuckles. The sound of their melodic laughter sends butterflies to Ena’s stomach.
“Well, you did. We haven’t been here in a while.”
The mysterious person sees the flash of confusion flicker on Ena’s face. Sadness darkens their eyes. “Well, I guess you’ve really forgotten everything, huh?”
For once, Ena is unable to speak. She doesn’t know what to say.
This person obviously knows Ena. But Ena doesn’t know them. Yet, a familiar feeling tugs at her heartstrings.
They smile sadly. “I can’t really tell you everything because you’ll forget anyway. But I…”
Their words are lost and are muffled suddenly.
“Wait! Who are you?! What did you say?!” Ena yelled. But the only image she was left with was that mysterious person’s smile with a sorrowful expression in their eyes.
Ena wakes up immediately and gets out of bed. Quickly, she gathers her paints and brushes and scrambles for a blank canvas.
She sets up her easel and gets to work. Her hand moves on its own as she sketches the mysterious person, as if she had done it hundreds of times before. Everything came to her naturally as she continued to paint.
Ena finally sits back. She looks at the clock. It read 7 AM. Damn.
How long has she been painting for? The sky was still dark when she started, but now the sun slowly started to rise from its slumber.
The artist worked tirelessly to paint the fading image from her dreams. She worked and worked without stopping to rest. But now that she’s done, she can finally look at the finished piece.
The person’s silhouette was highlighted by the golden glow of the setting sun behind them. They wore a regretful smile and soft eyes underneath cherry blossoms, with petals drifting around them.
All of a sudden, Ena felt tears well up in her eyes. Before she knew it, she was crying.
She sobbed uncontrollably, and she didn’t even know why for a moment. The butterflies in her chest, the warm feeling when she heard their voice… and the pain of seeing their smile.
Memories came flooding to her, one by one. The missing gaps in her memory were filled. And with it, came joy and tremendous pain. She remembered everything, even the reason why she lost the memories of the most important person in her life to begin with. She could vividly see the blood, the tears, and the train. Her friends and family tried so hard to get her to remember, but Ena couldn’t. She cried even more with guilt and shame. How couldn’t she remember?
Explanation: Mizuki and Ena get into an accident (presumably a train accident), in which Mizuki dies and Ena loses her memories of Mizuki. Nobody can get Ena to remember Mizuki no matter what they did, so they eventually just gave up. i guess you could say mizuki got fed up with that and appeared to ena in a dream.
also, according to my floriography book, carnations and snowdrops represent heartache, consolation, and hope.
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badasgirlfriend · 6 months
paper rings ₊ ⊹ - bada lee social media au - 005
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pairings: bada lee x takahashi yui
prev - masterlist - next
a/n: im a yui apologist my girl was just defending herself, also the way i hate this chapter omg sorry it sucks
taglist: @avocifera @badasgff @neuftaeng @ethereallicsstuff @fae-the-wanderer @itsbokutosjuicyass @badapooks @wmnrhot @mightymyo @tikitsune @kissablening @badasgirl @badabonita @prilux @i33avii @italiekim @strawbn1ng @blue4hour @jjlovesbada @samiosisig @currentfications @mikaleialt @1luvkarina @waveartistry @dexthzone @seullovesme @pinksults @hoping2756 @dkluvs @neuftaeng @aprilsavagegirl @awkwardtoafault @kdacase @rootingforbada @taruusmoon @mrkrabs1990 @badasoneandonly @exactlycoralfox @nimxie @luvyoutwice @bluesimps-world @justaharmlesspotat0 @lil-elliesgf @haechansbbg @pupbistro @linnnsworld
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Yui sighed and tossed her uneaten apple on to the tray with a scoff. Her appetite had been long gone after the sight of the pitiful people entering the cafeteria. people entering the cafeteria.
Yui knew she wasn't being mean, she was just being honest. Most people took it the wrong way, almost as if they are too fragile and delicate to accept the truth. So what if she called a random girl's outfit ugly? She was just helping her; she needed to know how she looked before walking around the school like that. You got in her way? Well, you shouldn't have.
If you say something bad about her, or even try to argue back when she calls you out for something, that's when the real trouble starts. She'll make sure you regret it. She doesn't care what people think of her, as long as they know who's in charge and who's in the right.
"Yui Soobin is throwing a party, we should go" her friend interrupted her thoughts
"Sure" was all Yui replied, her tone still indifferent and uncaring.
Chaeyoung groaned as she saw some girls sitting at her boyfriend's table. "Look at those bitches, flirting with him knowing damn well I'm dating him. How could they flirt with a taken man?"
At that, Yui rolled her eyes. The cherry on top was seeing Wonyoung agree with Chaeyoung's assessment of the situation.
"It's not the girls fault Chaeyoung but your boyfriend's. He's enjoying this because if he didn't he would be sitting here smiling at you, not them" Yui said, her tone bored. Then she turned her attention to Wonyoung, who immediately turned away. "And if I were you, I'd be more worried about the people you call friends rather than those girls."
Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows she was clearly confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Yui just gave her a fake smile "Ask your boyfriend, not me"
Chaeyoung turned to Wonyoung, her eyebrows furrowed "What did she mean by that?"
Wonyoung shied away from Chaeyoung's gaze and simply shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, maybe she didn't mean it. You know how Yui is"
The brunette girl shook her head amused, the nerve of this girl
"What are you gonna do about this whole Bada situation" Wonyoung changed the topic
"I explained everything yesterday" Yui said with a smirk as she admired her new manicure. "Sieun is hopelessly in love with her. Lately, she's been pissing me off, so what's better than to completely destroy her?"
Wonyoung and Chaeyoung continued to smirk and laugh, their friend was truly something different
"Imagine seeing the girl you hate the most with your girl you love. Hope she enjoys her sad tragic ending" Yui pouted, her tone dripping with bitterness and hatred.
Her eyes scanned the room, searching for a certain tall girl, but she was nowhere to be found. "Where is she anyway?" she wondered out loud, only to be interrupted by a big slam on the table. The trio looked up towards the girl in front of them, their expressions now scowling and full of irritation.
Wonyoung stood up and went closer to the girl, who was a crying mess "Yah what the fuck do you think you're doing"
The girl didn't spare a glance at her, keeping her focus firmly on Yui. "You're gonna pay for this"
"Who the hell are you?" Yui barked, her patience was running slow
The girl felt all eyes on her as everyone in the room watched the drama unfold. She generally liked this kind of attention, but with this girl yelling at her like a psycho, no.
"I know you did that to Eunbi" she sniffled, unable to control her emotions. "Because of you, she is now expelled" she added through clenched teeth.
The three girls burst into laughter, but Yui suddenly stopped and gave her a sympathetic look as she tried her best not to laugh again. "I'm so sorry to hear that, but babe, I didn't do it" she said as she pointed at Chaeyoung.
Chaeyoung smirked and blew the girl a kiss "I did it, did she like it?"
The girl shook her head, shocked and unable to comprehend how they could enjoy this sort of thing. "You three are crazy. How do you enjoy making people suffer? Spreading rumors and lies about them. She got fucking expelled"
Wonyoung rolled her eyes as she sat down next to Yui. "We heard you the first time. We just don't care. She'll find another school, another teacher to mess with"
The girl pointed at Yui angrily, her eyes glowing with fury. "It's all your fucking fault, you stupid bitch."
Yui's expression darkened "If you don't want to get expelled as well, I suggest you remove your finger from my face right now."
The girl slowly lowered her hand, looking at the three girls one last time as she left the cafeteria. Yui's eyes never left the girl's silhouette as she departed, she would make sure to finish the job.
"What a crazy bitch" Chaeyoung scoffed "Who does she think she is to tell us what to do?"
Wonyoung snickered "The way I don't even know who she is, that's how much she matters"
"She made me really mad" Yui said clenching her jaw, she noticed that her hand began to shake from how angry she was "Someone needs to teach her a lesson"
"Do you want me to do something" the blonde suggested "I can see if anyone has any dirt on her"
"No need" she shook her head. She could easily order her friends to get this done but where's the satisfaction in that. This was her problem she had to take care of
Yui suddenly stood up and grabbed her bag "I need to do something" she them a kiss in the process in which they returned
"Where are you going?" Chaeyoung asked
"I'll tell you later, Wonyoung I'll see you in english" she replied and then headed towards the hallway.
She tightened her pace, her blood boiling with rage. The atmosphere was so tense that she could feel others sensing her anger and making way for her, as if they knew what was coming.
She looked around the hallway, not seeing her anywhere. Yui groaned, how did she lose her so fast. Thinking where she could've gone, she saw her two friends at the lockers. Yui approached Minnie and Somin who were engrossed in conversation "Did you two see a loser crying around here?" she asked, but when she saw their confused expressions, she groaned and added "black hair, not that tall, she was wearing an ugly yellow hoodie."
Minnie nodded immediately. "Oh Jinsol, yeah she went to the bathroom-"
Yui didn't wait for her to finish and sped off to the bathroom, she needed to get this done. She entered the empty bathroom and closed the door behind her, the sound of it slamming echoing through the room. Taking slow steps towards the corner of the counter, she thought about sitting down, but after seeing the wet surface, her mind changed.
She leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, waiting for the girl to come out. Her patience had reached its limit. She wanted to make her pay for her actions. However, she had no intention of causing any physical harm to the girl, that wasn't her style. But a little reminder and warning how she should behave wouldn't hurt her
The girl finally came out, her head hanging low, not noticing that Yui was there. She threw something in the trash and went to the sink. When she looked at herself in the mirror she flinched when she saw Yui standing right by her side.
"L-leave me a-alone" Jinsol stuttered, turning on the faucet, hoping that the running water would help hide her trembling voice.
Yui's response was nothing short of cruel. She smiled and said "Now, why would I do that?"
She came closer to her side "You had fun screaming at me and my friends didn't you huh? In front of everyone you acted real brave, but now that we're alone you're stuttering like a pathetic bitch that you are"
Then, not giving her time for a response, she smacked her bag which was left on the counter, and everything fell into the sink. "Look at me when I'm talking to you" Yui commanded, grabbing her arm and turning Jinsol towards her
“What the hell? Are you out of your mind?” She yelled back, grabbing the now wet things and stuffing them into her bag.
Yui’s eyes followed the movements of her, but something caught her attention, an opened pink package with two test sticks inside
Pregnancy test, god must be on her side today
Smirking, Yui tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, Jinsol could only watch, afraid of her next move. She sighed as she cupped Jinsol's cheeks. "I feel bad for you, I really do" she said in a soft, gentle tone that completely contradicted her usual persona "The way you crave for so much attention, it's so sad honestly"
She flinched when taller girl put her hands on her shoulders, her grip tightening "Don't let this take control over you again Jinsol, because if you do this shit again I will literally end you. Do you understand?"
Jinsol didnt speak, she didnt trust herself enough to say something afraid she'll break down
"Do you understand?"
"Yes" she mumbled, but Yui's expression didn't change. Her head remained tilted, as if urging Jinsol to continue
"Im sorry, it will never happen again" Yui smiled and took a step back
"Good girl, you can leave now don't waste my time" Jinsol nervously rushed to the door. She was gone in a flash, and Yui was alone again, or so she thought
When the door closed, she turned to the trash bin and saw, what she assumed the stick wrapped with toilet papers. Idiot. Yui scrunched her nose in disgust as she grabbed more toilet paper and took the pregnancy test. She unfolded the test and immediately saw two lines appearing on the stick.
"Baby on the way" she huffed a laugh, wrapping the pregnancy test with more toilet paper and tossing it into her bag. She looked in the mirror fixing her hair, fuck her friends for not telling her that she looked a mess.
A a tall girl got out of one of the stalls, making Yui pause. The girl gave her a small smile as she went to the sink. Yui held back and didn't make a move just yet, observing her from afar.
When she opened her bag to grab something Yui saw a familiar book "You read 'These violent delights'?"
The girl's eyes widened not expecting Yui to talk to her "Uhm yes- I just finished, so far it's my favorite romance"
Yui hummed, applying some lipgloss "Same" she already regrets for opening her mouth because now this girl won't stop talking
The younger girl smiled "My sister Bada loves to tease me about it, she's not a big fan of romance fantasy books"
At the name being mentioned Yui her regretment is long gone "You're Bada's sister?"
She nodded "Yes Im Eunchae, first year"
Yui smiled an idea popping in her head making this whole plan a lot easier "Well nice to meet you Eunchae, if you want I can give you the sequel, I have the book"
"Really?" Eunchae said in awe "Yes please, if you don't mind"
Yui chuckled, nodding. Poor girl "I'll give it to Bada she can give it to you"
Eunchae nodded excitedly, she didn't expect her to be this nice. Her friends were kinda wrong about her "Thank you- wait are you two friends?"
"Not yet" Yui mumbled zipping her bag, taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she added "See you around Eunchae"
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"Walk faster Wonyoung, you have long legs for a reason" Yui said, her tone annoyed. Currently they were sprinting to make it to english class. They would be right in time if Wonyoung didn't decide last minute to change her bow because she got the wrong shade of pink, stupid thing if you asked Yui, and she made sure Wonyoung knew. No one is paying attention to her dumb bow
Wonyoung pouted "My shoes are hurting me, you never cared if you're late, why now?"
Yui is 100% sure the reason she's gonna get a migraine is gonna be because of her friends stupidity "Use your fucking brain for once Wonyoung, I need to sit next to Bada and if I see that dumb blonde bitch sitting next to her start hiding your bow collection because I'll burn them"
Wonyoung gasped and covered the pink accessory with one hand. “You wouldn’t dare!”
She gave her a steely-eyed glare. “Don’t test me" she warned. Without waiting for her friend, she pushed the door open and stepped inside the class
All eyes were on her, but she couldn't care less. Her eyes darted around the class and finally landed on the captain sitting at the back of the room, busy with writing something, completely focused on that, unaware of the noise everyone else was making in the classroom.
The smug look on Yui’s face immediately fell when she saw the blonde girl she despises approaching Bada. With a snap of her fingers, she quickly caught Wonyoung’s attention and motioned her head towards Sieun. Wonyoung immediately understood the message and followed Sieun bumping hard into her, her body collapsing with a girl
Yui rushed to the back of the classroom and instantly sat next to Bada. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled sharply, that was close. She couldn't help but snicker when she saw Sieun’s face turn bright red as she realized who was sitting next to her crush. Yui gave her an apologetic, yet also mischievous smile
Bada groaned as her desk was nudged, causing her to make another mistake. She tilted her head expecting to see Sieun, who was usually seated there, but instead, she was surprised by the famous brunette girl smiling at her. This completely threw her off guard
"Hi, I'm Yui" she greeted her with a smile as she stretched out her hand.
The basketball player looked at the hand, then up at her, with a slight annoyance on her face. "...I know."
"Oh you've heard about me? That's cute" she tucked her hair with her hanging hand, her smile remained there, but inside she was fuming, leaving her hand open just like that who does she think she is
"Deep breaths, Yui... you've got this. Just don't let your anger take over" she reminded herself silently. The two girls couldn't have looked more opposite. Yui was dressed sharply, with a neatly matched uniform and perfectly styled hair. Bada was all sloppy, with loose buttons on her shirt and a messy ponytail.
It was like night and day.
Very hot, in her opinion, but that's for another time
"Not good things," Bada mumbled loudly enough for Yui to hear, hoping that will shut her up. But boy how wrong she was
"Aw, you know how to make a girl's heart flutter" Yui said with a mock offended tone and placed her hand on her chest. "Well, you know people like to talk" she said, "aren't you gonna introduce yourself?"
Bada dropped her pen with an exasperated sigh as she leaned her head towards her hand and rubbed her eyes. If she thought finishing her homework was hard, the parrot next to her was making it definitely harder "I don't think it's necessary considering you know me from twitter" she finally replied.
"Ah you got me there." Yui leaned closer, her expensive perfume filling Bada's senses. She smirked, noticing the girl's mistakes.
"Considering the multiple mistakes you're making, you really should have accepted my help." She said, her tone full with confidence
At that moment, the teacher stepped into the room, causing an immediate silence among the whole class. Some students suddenly rushed to their seats, others took their time
Wonyoung let out a cry when she noticed she has to sit with Sieun "Keep your distance please"
"Mistakes? Where?" Bada argued defensively, she kept a close eye on the teacher's movements.
"I literally just copied everything from Google"
Yui pointed out one of the answers. "Hamlet is a revenge tragedy drama, not a fantasy drama, Bada."
The way her name rolled from her lips sent a shiver down Bada’s spine. Yui's attention had shifted towards the class and the teacher as she began explaining, but Bada found herself unable to focus. You would have to be utterly foolish not to see that Yui is incredibly attractive. Even though she disliked her, she couldn't deny that she was one of the prettiest girls in school. Her elegance was undeniable, her back held straight, head up. It was hard to find even a single flaw in her. Well outside, because if you look inside she is the most evil person you'll ever meet
Bada didn't hate her, she just disliked the girl. She saw her actions to almost everyone
Yui sighed. "Your friends are staring... just like you" she said, keeping her face forward. "Well, they're glaring, but you're the only one keeping an eye on me."
She turned to face Bada, but the older girl didn't move "So what? Are you gonna spread rumors about me too"
As much as it annoyed her she was kinda enjoying this little game they were playing. "You're fun" she admitted with a grin. "I like you, so I will not spread rumors about you.
"However, if your friends continue to keep throwing glares my way, then I can't promise the same about them" she added, letting her tone get slightly louder to get them to stop. At these words, Bada's friends went to their phones
The lesson continued, Mrs. Park going on to explain more about Shakespeare's writing style and overall works. Yui yawned purposefully showing her growing boredom, while Bada found herself slowly and gradually spacing out, letting her mind wander to other places.
Yui glanced towards Bada, who had placed her hand on her chin and was staring intently in the direction of the windows. As she observed her, she began to notice how beautiful she actually is. Even better for her
"Alright, class, even though we have now learned about who William Shakespeare is, we must still do in-depth research and do projects about his works if we are to fully appreciate and understand them. You'll do them in pairs just how you're seated" Mrs. Park explained calmly.
Yui's eyes lit up at the mention of this task, and she began to grin smugly. This was going perfectly but Bada was not as happy about this news. She disliked the idea of being partnered with Yui, but she didn't have many other choices. The thought of spending more time with someone she didn't like was not something she looked forward to.
Ms. Park continued to address the class "You will need to delve thoroughly into the characters and their roles in the play and write your opinions and interpretations on their actions. Additionally, you must consider the plot progression and whether or not you agree with how the play ended,” she suggested. “The more information and details you include, the higher the chances are that you will receive a higher mark.”
Bada looked over at her best friend, Minah, and tried to convey her deep frustration by making a teary-eyed expression. Minah saw this and let out a small snicker while mouthing the words "good luck" to her.
She really needs it
Her attention returned to Yui who was telling her she was good with whatever, which prompted Bada to shrug. She eyed the list of plays which was written down on the board and quickly perused them.
"How about that one, Twelfth Night?" Bada asked, hesitantly, awaiting Yui's approval.
"Sure, that works for me." she replied, seeming satisfied with her choice
The teacher completed her rounds around the room, stopping at each desk to collect information regarding each individual's choice of play. Finally, she made her way over to Bada and Yui. "Bada, Yui, did you agree on any play"
Bada smiled "Uh yes, twelfth night"
Ms. Park's mouth became a thin line "Well, someone has already selected Twelfth Night. You need to choose a different play"
"Twelfth Night" Yui repeated giving her a sweet smile
Mrs Park being the nice teacher she is returned the smile "Im sure you heard me the first time Yui, your classmates already chose that one-"
Yui replied sharply to the teacher without a hint of hesitation "Yes, I heard you but I don't think you did. My partner and I have decided on Twelfth Night and we will have that one"
The girl stared at the teacher as if challenging her. If she wanted a quiet peaceful year, she should know what to do next. Everyone stopped their conversations and turned to the two girls and Mrs. Park. She attempted to force on a smile, but her displeasure was palpable.
"We don't mind changing it-"
"It's okay, Bada you girls can have Twelfth Night. Minah and Haechan can choose a different play" she suggested with a fake smile. She then looked at the other two students waiting for them to agree.
"What no, we got it first" Minah argued back, sendinf death glares to Yui
Mrs. Park clapped her hands together moving to the front "It's settled then. You two will complete your project on Julius Caesar, and we're all done here. Class dismissed."
"Can you believe that bitch, she stole our play, that fake ass-" Haechan covered Minah's mouth dragging her away. Knowing she's ready to fight Haechan chose peace for his mind today
"Let's go"
Yui got up from her seat, collecting her things and preparing to leave. Wonyoung was already waiting for her outside the classroom door.
Bada was slow to follow, but she quickly caught up and grabbed her arm. "Why did you do that" she hissed slightly towering over her
The shorter girl liked that
"I didn't do anything. I got the play that you wanted."
"It wasn't that serious" Bada said gritting her teeth "We could've changed it, Minah would get the one she wanted"
"Awh poor girl" Yui gave her a small, coy grin in response "Tell her Im not sorry"
She then took out a small letter from her bag and handed it to Bada. “Text me for the project, when you're free. We will then talk where we can study. I need to go now…”
She then fixed her skirt with a flirtatious grin. “Kisses.”
She left the class and walked away, leaving Bada all alone. She looked at the letter Yui had written for her, noticing her name written with a heart on the I. Her phone number below her name
"Man I can't wait to go home"
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Yui slammed her locker close after she grabbed what she needed. She leaned back, eyeing the principal's office. "Come on" she whispered to herself
"If she's pregnant, where's the bump?"
Yui was close to hitting her head against the lockers, she doesn't deserve this. Well either hers or Wonyoungs if she keeps asking dumb questions
Chaeyoung replied "And then you said you're going to apply for a scholarship," causing Yui to snicker.
"Come on, can they just get out already? I can't wait all day" Yui said, checking the time on her phone again.
Her plan was to go home and immediately go to sleep, but when she saw Jinsol with an older woman entering the principals office, she stayed, sleep can wait
Chaeyoung smirked eagerly "Now this is some juicy drama, I can't wait to see what happens to her."
Yui nodded in agreement, smiling mischievously. "Yeah, she had it coming after what she said to us."
She watched students go by in a monotonous manner. She received many greetings but paid little attention to them, not even returning the greetings back.
Then, a familiar voice called out, "Hi, sexies" wrapping her arm around Wonyoung's shoulder and leaning against her.
"So, Yui, I heard about your little plan with Bada," the girl smirked, nudging her
"Never do that again," she then threatened, making Somin roll her eyes. "And Chaeyoung, try to keep your mouth shut for once"
"Im sorry it slipped"
The three girls engaged in a conversation about Chaeyoung's boyfriend, to which Yui immediately became uninterested. She hoped her friend would open ner eyes and see the way he mistreated her, which was clear by the fact that he was openly cheating for everyone to see.
Her ears perked up when she heard the principals door open, the familiar black haired girl leaving the office with her annoyed mom behind her. Yui snapped her fingers making the girls stop their talking and look at her
"Girls it's my time to congratulate Jinsols mom on becoming a grandma" opening her bag, the japanese girl took the plastic bag, which in it was the pregnancy test
Somin gasped "Oooh nice, tell her to invite us to her gender reveal party"
The girl put on her angelic face and rushed over to Jinsol, appearing like a concerned friend who genuinely wants what was best for her. "Jinsol," she kept saying, "slow down- Jinsol."
Jinsol slowed her pace, allowing the girl to catch up. She looked at her with a confused expression as her mother followed.
"What do you want?" she asked, sounding surprised and slightly annoyed.
Yui nearly cursed the girl out for speaking to her that way. She had to keep up her act, though. "I've been looking for you all day," she spoke softly, hiding the contempt in her voice.
"If this is about what happened earlier, let it go please" Jinsol exhaled, hoping it had nothing to do with what she did.
Yui shoved the stick towards her, making sure both Jinsol and her mother could see the two lines, clearly visible.
"Are you crazy?" she demanded. "Why would you leave this here for everyone to see? You're lucky I'm a good friend and grabbed it before anyone else saw it."
Jinsol's face was as pale as a ghost as she saw the pregnancy test in Yui's hands. She felt her stomach churn inside, as if she was about to vomit everything she'd eaten for lunch. Those two lines had suddenly multiplied into four, then eight... she felt dizzy and like she would pass out at any moment.
She looked over at her mother, who was already staring at the test stick. Her mouth was so dry her lips felt like they were cracking. Her mind raced with thoughts and panic as she struggled to find an explanation. She could barely breathe, the pressure of the situation starting to feel like it was crushing her.
"Mom-" she reached for her hand but was rejected immediately. The older woman didn't even let her begin to speak and yanked her hand away with disgust.
"That's your mothe," Yui pretended to be shocked "Shit- I'm sorry, I thought you told her that you were pregnant!"
The older woman immediately looked at Jinsol, who was already crying "Mom please"
"Jinsol what is she saying? What is that pregnancy test" her mother's voice was cold as an ice and Jinsol felt like her knees will give up at any moment
Jinsol shook her head her tears falling "D-don't listen to her please I can-"
"You're going to be a grandma, Jinsol wanted to surprise you and tell you today, but..." Yui paused and narrowed her lips, attempting to gain sympathy for her actions. "The secret is already out! My apologies for ruining the surprise."
Yui grabbed Jinsol's hand, keeping a tight grasp. She wouldn't let go, despite the girl's attempts to pull it away.
"Congratulations, Jinsol," her mouth curled into a devilish smile "You are going to be an amazing mother"
Jinsol couldn't believe how cruel Yui could be. She looked as if she were going to jump at her and rip her head off.
Yui finally released her hand and gave her a sly wink before turning around to her friends. They were all in a fit of laughter
Behind her, she could hear the furious screams of Jinsol attempting to explain herself to her mother, who obviously refused to listen.
You can never win against Takahashi Yui. She should've known that
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reactivatedrockstar · 9 months
[If I've been coming on stronk for threads or seem pushy for any reason, I deeply apologize, I've been stressed af I'm going through it and writing and plotting is how I cope. If you really want to know, I'll put it under the cut, but it's both job related stress and heavy topics.
I've been thinking about quitting my job at the daycare. I work the hardest and make the least. People who started three months ago are making $16 while I make $13.50
I never call off unless I'm contagious- not sick- CONTAGIOUS. I've had "hand foot mouth" blisters for a month now, and more are appearing, so idk what I have- I was reprimanded for calling off because my AD decided to schedule five others off tomorrow. And she's acting like my bestie to my face, but talks shit behind my back after I've explained to her that I need communication- all she had to do is tell me what she wants, and I will do it!!! She doesn't even do that. But it's my fault for not reading her mind, despite the fact that she promised she'd communicate with me. She clearly does not care about any of us, and I've only been demoted despite having scissors thrown at me for a whole school year- FOR $13 MIND YOU!!
On top of that, I moved out in February, and live on my own. Mind you, I am on the spectrum, and I am having more burn out and meltdowns bc of the dishes on top of my work stress. I recently got a dishwasher, so that's helped, but it's put my behind financially that I'm beginning to worry that I won't be able to afford Christmas gifts this year.
And the cherry on top of it all is that my cat has cancer, and every treatment option for her will leave her gut-wrenchingly miserable. So my precious baby will have to be put down. I've had her for at least 10 years. (Probably 12.) Today I went to my parents house and sat on the couch for a second, she ran up to me and just. Loafed on my chest for half an hour. All I could do is cry.
Writing is very much my escape, which is why I've been so eager lately. Maybe I'm not being as pestery or annoying as I think I am, because yall don't have to listen to the 18 voices in my brain that don't turn off screaming at me to check for replies, but I am so sorry if I've come off as impatient.
This is by no means an excuse, but rather an explanation.
~ Twoie]
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Tommy blurb with “It’s __ in the morning. Why are you just coming home now?” pls?
Hi there! Thanks so much for sending this in! 🥰❤️
*I’m Celebrating 1K Followers...thanks for the love!
Where’ve You Been?
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Warnings: smoking, mentions of weapons
It’s just after midnight and the Shelby family home on Watery Lane is quiet.
(Y/N) is surprised that the living room of her home is empty as she enters through the front door late at night. She also doesn’t hear any movement from over in the betting shop, and the doors that separate it from the living space are closed, so there’s no one over there either.
She slowly walks up the steps to the hallway of the second floor, and immediately sees a stream of light coming from underneath the door to the room that she shares with her fiancé, Tommy.
Without trying to make much noise, she walks down the hall and comes to a stop in front of the door. Instead of just barging in, she knocks softly on the door to alert him of her presence. She’s learned to do this the hard way after she immediately entered the room one day and was met with the firing end of his revolver. This greeting quickly taught her that the bedroom was Tommy’s safe place...at least from the real, outside world. He was still visited by terrible nightmares, but they weren’t as easy to get rid of.
After she knocks, she twists the handle and pushes the door open. She’s met with Tommy, who’s sitting on the edge of the bed with a cigarette between his fingers. He looks up from whatever he was staring at on the floor to meet her eyes when she turns after shutting the door behind her.
“Where’ve you been?” the words tumble off of his lips quickly, as it’s what he’s been thinking since he returned to an empty home more than two hours ago.
“I was at Cherry’s house,” (Y/N) replies simply, setting her purse down on the wooden chair in the corner of the room before she turns back to him, a small, brown bag still in her hands. “We got to talking and I didn’t realize what time it was,” she then tells him as she moves over to the bed so that she can sit in the little space that was left on its edge.
“You had me worried sick, love,” Tommy sighs when he hears what she’d been up to, dropping his head as he let a line of smoke out past his lips.
“I’m sorry, Tommy,” (Y/N) frowns, hating that she’d made him worry about her whereabouts. “I made this for you though,” she tells him then as she raises the bag that was in her hands slightly.
Tommy glances up at her as she says this, and he can’t help but chuckle slightly at the smile that’s on her face. He then looks at the bag for a moment before he takes it from her hands. (Y/N) watches, giddy with anticipation, as he slowly opens the bag and reaches into it.
“A cupcake?” his statement comes out more like a question as he holds the small dessert up to get a better look at it. It’s decorated rather simply, with a thin layer of plain, white icing on top of what seems to be vanilla cake.
“You didn’t think I’d forget your birthday, did you?” (Y/N) asks as she smiles over at him.
“You didn’t need to do anything for my birthday, love,” he says then as he moves his eyes from the dessert in his hand to her.
“Yes I did...it’s part of my job of being your fianceé,” she disputes his statement, her words making him smile softly.
Tommy takes a moment to decide whether he needs to go on with giving a spiel of how birthday’s really aren’t important and don’t necessarily need to be celebrated or not, and ultimately, he chooses not to. He doesn’t need to dull the kindness of the gesture she’d done for him. There is something on his mind though that he does feel the need to bring up.
“I really appreciate you doin’ this for me, (Y/N), but you can’t be bein’ out this late without me knowin’ where you’re at,” he says, the latter half of his statement coming out in more of a worried nature than anything else.
“I’m sorry for causing you worry, Tommy,” she responds, feeling the need to apologize to him again even though she’d already done it earlier. She then reaches over to rest her hand against the back of his neck. “You feel clammy, love...are you ok?” she asks as she notices the thin layer of sweat that’s covering his skin.
“That’s just from worryin’ ‘bout you. I was ready to send some men out to try and find where you were,” he tells her, making her sigh softly...she really did have him worked up over her absense.
“Next time I just won’t let Cherry get into all of her man troubles. She can go on all night with them if I let her,” she comments, a smile forming on her face as she thinks about the wild stories her friend had to share with her.
Tommy chuckles at her statement. “Not all men can be as easy going as I am,” he jokes lightheartedly, a smile on his face he looks over at the woman sitting next to him.
“Oh, yes because you live a life of simplicity, Thomas Shelby,” she grins as she teases him right back, the both of them laughing now.
“Yet you still want to marry me,” Tommy says when their laughter’s died down. His eyes match hers and she can’t help but smile at his words.
“I’d marry you regardless of what I’d be gettin’ myself into,” she tells him as she leans in slightly so that she’s able to brush her nose against his. “I love you, Tommy,” she whispers, watching as a smile forms on his face.
“I love you, darlin’,” he repeats the sentiment before leaning in to press his lips to hers.
(Y/N) holds the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away and glancing down at the cupcake that was still in his hand. “Are you going to have some of your cupcake?” she questions him, looking between his eyes and the dessert he is holding.
Tommy exhales a breath of a laugh before he takes one last drag from his cigarette. He stubs it out in the ashtray on the bedside table before he looks at the cupcake in his hand. “I think I’ll have it for breakfast,” he makes his decision after a short pause. (Y/N) nods and watches as he reaches over to set the cupcake on the bedside table. There’s a noticable grin on his face when he turns back to look at her, “I think I’ve got my eyes on something else at the moment,” he tells her, and in seconds, she’s wrapped up in his arms and being lowered onto the bed with his lips on hers.
I’m back to writing fluff fics after having my few moments of angst haha ... hope you enjoyed!! ☺️💕
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blueparadis · 2 years
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+CWs : afab-reader,modern au,pornstar au, cafe staff reader,fluff, strangers to fwb to affectionate partners, mutual pinning,indication of open relationship,a/b/o dynamic, alpha!tengen (recessive), pornstar tengen, sub tengen, omega reader, switch reader,domish reader, power play, sub-dom dynamics, roleplay, heat cycles, branding, imprinting, edging, use of pet names,mind break, exhibitionism, praise, teasing, cunnilingus, f-oral, m-oral, blow-job, unprotected sex, knotting & bonding, use of cock ring, overstimulation,consensual sex-recording, creampie, bodyworship & aftercare. +wc : 3k +type : oneshot | tap here to view more.
+. SYNOPSIS : Pornstar Tengen Uzui got a crush on a girl,so he decides to pave her way in his world.
+. NOTES : this is a part of streamers collab hosted by beloved Eris (@touyaphoria )
Busy streets, bubbling chatters, breezy days yet your heart sank at the thought of working on extra shifts. Being around people was never exhausting for you rather you enjoyed working here, where every day you could see a new face. Perhaps it was you who was worried about your pheromones since your heat cycle is going on. It wouldn't have been a problem because dominant omegas can control themselves during the heat but who could ever have the potential to deny an alpha.
As the thoughts kept lingering in your mind you served meals from table to table, greeting people with a warm smile until a man, who was sitting in the utmost corner of the cafe caught your eye. He was sitting bluntly, staring at the menu card playing with chicle gum. You walked up to him to help him, he seemed distressed but you didn't think of the possibility of meeting an alpha when you're on your cycle. It sublimed from your mind.
“Sir, may I have your order please?”, you enquired and a pair of dark scarlet eyes shifted on you. He had the most lustrous eyes. Even a person like you, who doesn't acknowledge people easily gazed at him a little longer than you should; he did too. You cleared your throat making him aware of his gawking gaze earning a low pout from him. “I - I want something sweet”, he mumbled locking his arms into his chest. You couldn't hold yourself from giggling.
Instead of embarrassing him out, you bit the inner walls off your cherry-tainted lips exclaiming, “Okay Sir but I need you to be more precise than that...” He puts his index finger on a random menu under the highlight ‘milkshake’ while his bubble gum burst with a pop. Without hovering over the table, you waited for a while and took the menu card saying, “cold coffee”. He nodded. It was too much. You immediately turned around exclaiming, “coming right up”
“Hey”, a bold voice halted your steps. “Could you make it two please?”, he asks and you tilt your face slightly giving him a nod. As you entered the kitchen, away from his stares you exhaled out deeply cursing yourself to be such a heated mess. You couldn't calm yourself, it felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest. After preparing his order you gathered yourself a bit to interact with this charming alpha again.
“here!”, you said keeping two glasses of cold coffee on the table. As you were about to leave he asked you to stop but you didn't. So, a firm hold grabbed your wrist. As you turned around he immediately released his hold. “Sorry, I — I didn't mean to…to do that…", he said apologetically. “Enjoy your— no no one's for you”, he cut you off gaining a surprising raised eyebrows from you. You would have declined it immediately. First, it was against the rules and secondly, you had to work late.
But it's almost closing hours and you wanted to explore him a little more. “so, you're treating me now?”, you replied tartly making yourself comfortable on the opposite seat. He didn't speak instead he started to enjoy the cold coffee. Your lips curled up at the corner as you did the same. “How long have you been working here?”, he asked with an exhaustive tone, melting on the table. His buffy arms covered his beautiful face yet his eyes still looked at you for waiting for an answer. “Uhh yes almost more than a year ”, you exclaimed in a low voice and he hummed in response.
His eyelids barely kept up, it was dropping occasionally. Few hair strands fell over his eyes. You really shouldn't expose yourself like that, to an alpha who's about to enter in his heat. But at that moment you wanted to touch his smooth hair and you did. Tucking his hair behind his earlobes you brushed your fingers against his cheeks. He sprung up in surprise eyes widened focusing on you. Probably it was his instinct, he rose for the chair, eyebrows grew closer and he immediately left the place. “So much for treating me!”, you pondered. You noticed his disappointed fading footsteps yet his burning red ears told otherwise.
After he left you noticed that he left his wallet. You were about to submit it to the lost & left counter but curiosity took the best of you. A few credit cards, and a visiting card. It read “Tengen Uzui, your favorite lustrous pornstar” You scoffed thinking about how he see himself or was seen by others. It had some contact information but it would be too audacious of you to use it just to return his wallet. Besides, you're well versed with patience, unlike most omegas. Days passed, he didn't visit. It's not like you missed him but you didn't want him to have such a strange memory of you and hence you craved for his presence, his scent.
He walked into your cafe, dressed in a black suit, hair neatly jelled backward after two weeks. You were in his blind spot so you eagerly watched how his eyes scanned all around the place, searching for something. Another staff attended him but he was gesturing, describing someone. It couldn't be you surely unless he is here to complain which would be a lame-ass move. Breaking your thoughts someone called you out and let you know that Mr.Tengen wants to talk to you. As you walked up to the counter you noticed his broad stature, hands rested over the table.
“There you are … I forgot to tell that day, that you've—you slide his wallet pausing his serotonin talk. He didn't check but judging from your silence he understood that you did. He throws his head down chuckling like a boy saying, “So...?” “Yeah what? What on earth do you expect me to do ... fulfill your fantasies... listen to your blabbering that how people are just in it for sex, how lonely you're”, head collapsing with thoughts yet all you could say was a yes with a beam. And his next set of words took your breath away, never in your life, you wanted to abide by an alpha's words before.
“I've been watching you, for months I guess but that cold coffee was my first visit. So, I was thinking hmm … he clears his throat hands folding into his broad chest inhaling deeply he continues, “that … that how you'd be perfect for my next roleplay stream” He let out a sigh of relief and all you could do is to respond with a “Huh?” He did not just say that out loud right amidst all these hubbubs. Even though no one bothered to listen all the background noise seem to fade. “I'm taking a short break Mitsuri.”, you yelled and dragged the man into the back alley of the cafe disappearing through the backdoor.
Tapping your heels rashly you demanded a proper explanation while Uzui was constantly checking his watch, occasionally meeting your eyes. “You can't just ask someone like that and why it has to be me? Why not someone from your line of work.” He was already so nervous and now more than ever when you didn't stop showering questions at him. “Eh? Isn't that obvious? I like you.” and your jaw dropped at his straightforward confession as you scoffed thinking is he really an alpha? An alpha never bows to anyone, they chase.
“so it's a yes right?”, he yelled as you walked past him. You need time to think but according to him, what is there to think? He kept talking that how it's safe and will be a premium range stream, this & that. Turning around you walked up to him earning a pause. You grabbed his tie pulling him closer to your face kissing him on his cheeks whispering, “I need time sweetheart, time to think.” Tengen was impressed how you didn't tip-toed to kiss him like his other omega subs. He nodded saying, “Yeah, of course here is my contact number: FUCK I CAN'T DO THIS RIGHT NOW!”, he yells and then the obvious happened.
He pressed you against the wall, his broad grips curling around your waist while yours roamed over his nape as he continued to pepper kisses all over your chest. He shoved one of his legs in between yours as you pulled him closer by grabbing onto his collar sucking his soft sweet-scented lips. He breaks the kissing moving onto your pulse point sucking, digging his teeth as you guided his hands under your shirt over your boobs. “I knew you'd be perfect.”, he whispers giving a firm squeez as he rests his head on the cave of your shoulders. “Sorry”, he mumbles and you started to cough.
He held you by the valley of your waist as you tried to calm down, breathing heavily. “Geez so kind of— to mark me just before your heat cycle”, he flinches at your tone. You noticed how wary he was of his pheromones as he maintained a stoic expression yet the way he gently supported you, aided you spoke of his kindness.
“Ah I hate this", a thought seemed to pile up at the back of your head but now you need him to calm down, to stop his exploding pheromones soaking yours. So, you palmed his face rubbing circles with your thumb you whispered, “It's all right Uzui, calm down... I know you're a recessive alpha”, a low grunt reached your ears as you said, “You don't have to be the lustrous Pornstar you know!” with a smile.
And then a day passed. He was waiting outside the cafe for you leaning against his car holding a fuming cigarette in between his hands. He ran his fingers over his forehead saying, “I'm so fucking tired today” “That's better”, you said sitting on the front seat as he locked his side. “Umm How so?", he enquires putting his seat belt to which you replied, “You'll see” he hums. You lean towards him pecking on his cheek ordering, “Now start the car!”He doesn't. He lowers his head chuckling covering his face with his palms. A deep breath and he says, “You should warn me before doing such things...” ; turns out he lives close by.
The room was neat, organized and you were almost impressed, almost. “Did you do all these?”, you squealed with excitement but he conveyed that the credit belonged to one of his subs. You didn't press him further. It's a sensitive matter. He was standing behind you; you knew if you turned around he would immediately throw you into the bed placing kisses all over you. You didn't want that, you wanted to ruin him.
He handed you a packet, probably had some props. “I'll wait,” he said. He was about to leave the room but you said he didn't have to. Within a few moments you two would be buck naked, skin rubbing against each other, soaking in each other's heat so what's the point of being such a gentleman? He watched you as you changed your dress into a lacy set with a mask. Being so threatened by your beauty, he lit another cigarette. You noticed there were few sex toys and that cute cock ring caught your eye.
A devious grin laced your lips while Suzuki made himself comfortable on the bed.“You're smoking too much”, you complained being seated on his lap, unbuckling his belt. You took the cigarette from him and held it in between your teeth as you started to unfurl his tie.
Of course, he didn't resist, he was tired: lucky you, you don't get sucked up in an alpha's raw heat. Even a recessive alpha is feral in his heat and it made you wonder what made him so serene, was it you? “It's a shame that you can't see my face!”, you whispered taking his cock out of his pants discarding the cigarette. He hissed, hands rested on the mattress for support as you leaned for a suck.
“Ready?”, you ask he nods like an eager kid ready to play with his new toy. The first suck made him groan, quiver his legs as he propped on his elbow throwing his head backward as you ran a lap of the tongue along its side. You continued to suck him with occasional strokes and his cock sprung up straight on his lower belly. He leaned forward, breaths unsteady, and taking up the cue you kissed him stroking his cock.
White spurs of precum spilled your hands as he breaks the kiss. You took the cock ring and clipped it around his balls you started to suck again. Now, his hands clenched the bedsheets as you sucked the soul out of him. “Gawd, stop, please... I'm gonna cum ...stop it hurts...”, he could barely speak but you didn't pay any heed rather you stopped sucking recognizing his first orgasm.
You guided his hands around your waist as you kissed him, sucking his lips breaking them with a bite on his lower lip. He was licking his lips constantly, hands reaching onto your lacy pants. “Aren't you an eager one?”, you said closing the gap. He hooked his buffy hands around your plush thighs. Removing the cloth he started to kiss your slick wet folds, his nose nudging your bud making you moan louder than him. “ummhgh you tastes so good.”, his breath hitting your clit as he sucks your bud.
Eyes rolling white, threatening your sanity as you tried to keep your moans down exploiting your lower lip harshly in between your teeth. You swayed away from his mouth, leaving him hungry. Grabbing his cock, tapping onto the entrance you exclaimed, “What a mess you've made...”, as white strings came along as you pulled away. Unclipping the cock rock you sat on his lap. He guided you as he pushed his cock into your juicy gaping hole. His grip on your arms as he pushed a little hard-gained an agonizing moan.
A little movement and it burnt your sweet spot sending euphoric sparks. He is still half-dressed, chest glistening in sweat tie still curled around the nape. He removes your mask and you immediately bury your face into his chest. It's not the cameras, it's embarrassed by looking in the eye right after having him crumble like a sandcastle after a dash of your dominant omega's heat. Tengen couldn't help but started giggling. His cock clenched by your gummy walls as he lovingly wrapped you amongst his arms. “Don't worry there are no cameras today”
You sprung up yelling, “what?”, cheeks burning red as conveyed it's just a test run giving you an amused pout. You complained why on earth he didn't bother to tell you this earlier. To be honest, he wanted to but you were so eager that he couldn't just kill your excitement.“ don't worry baby girl, we can have another round” he said swiftly slipping you underneath him.
He started to push his fat cock in and out slowly, hands rested alongside your face as he coos, “Now I can finally see your pretty face” and kissed you before you could respond. It wasn't just a ‘test run’, it was affection flowing through his veins. You regretted everything that has happened till now. And before you drown in guilt you took the phone from the table.
Jerky hands, rough movements, and moans were recorded as you placed it on the table accessing both of your frames, well most of it. He didn't react to your impulsivity rather he unhooked your bra having a view of your bare beauty. “God, you're so beautiful”, he praises before starting to suck onto your perked nipples. Hands slip underneath you for a better grip while yours curls around his nape.
Taking your nipple in mouth he starts to thrust harder, deeper rusting your senses earning a trail of moans. He groans as you lock your legs around his hips. The tip of his cock hits your sweet spot so much that it burnt, aching walls clenching around him. “It hurts...it hurts,zui—it hurts — pull it out...pull it out”, you scream eyes welling up with tears.
He pauses but you're so fidgety and restless that he holds your wrists keeping you in position. “I just knotted you... it's gonna hurt more if I pull it out”, he slips in making you almost snap but he rolls over the bed having you on top of him, easing the pain a little.
You heavily pant, eyes looking at the camera shutter and then back to him. You start to bounce on his cock guiding his hands around your waist. “oh fuck...fucck”, you scream thrusting harder, quicker with deep strokes, boobs bobbing at rhythm. “you're clenching me so much I'll cum—if you clench me like that baby”, he speaks and next moment spurs of white fluid coat your gummy walls.
You tried to pull out but he lock you in your embrace saying, “Do you mind if I stay like this for a while?”, he asks to huff and hissing. He throws himself over his body, saying, “no I don't” he turns off the phone recorder. He props up, having you on his lap taking your hands, and kissing. It made you nervous. You didn't sign up for this, for this unfamiliar affection.
You buried your face into his broad shoulders avoid his gaze saying, “I'm hungry. Feed me.” His face being close to your ears made you press your ears as he spoke, “We should get cleaned up first.”
“No!” — “we aren't getting cleaned” — “one of us is” you protested.
“I can order food and meanwhile you should get cleaned and I shall help you with that”, he replies. His face his stern. It gave you chills for a moment but eventually you agreed. He pulled out his cock, mixed cum dripping from your cunt as he watched you drowning in embarrassment.
“Woah”, he exclaimed scooping you so easily into his arms heading towards the bathroom. “what's with that face?", he asked noticing your pout.“I'm still mad that you're gonna fuck me again", you mumbled to which he cackled and whispered into your ears, “That's a lie” and pressing a long kiss on your forehead and he was not wrong you thought curling your hands around his neck to pull him into a kiss.
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