#sorry for the spam! this is the exact same post as before
leesakuweek · 2 years
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LeeSaku Week 2023 (March 20 - March 26)
Love is blossoming in the first week of spring! Come participate in LeeSaku Week 2023 to celebrate this underappreciated ship!
Daily Prompts
Day 1 ~ Promise || Free Day
Day 2 ~ Dreams || Jutsu
Day 3 ~ Seasons || Healing
Day 4 ~ Bloom || Mission
Day 5 ~ Any AU || Tears
Day 6 ~ Dedication || Swap
Day 7 ~ Strength and/or Weakness || Heart
We have two prompts for each day of the event. Please choose between them, combine them, do them both separately, skip days entirely, repeat the same prompt more than once, whatever inspires you! (Day 1’s Free Day prompt means you can do whatever you want for that specific prompt.)
All LeeSaku content is welcome, in any form and medium. We look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!
Please see our Rules/FAQ before participating and send us an ask or message if you have any other questions!
If posting to AO3, here is our AO3 Collection.
Late entry period is until April 16th. (But posts will still be reblogged until the last day of spring June 20th.)
Please consider reblogging this post to spread awareness of the event! Thank you!
If you are on Twitter, we would also appreciate a retweet to spread the word there too!
Follow our Tumblr blog for pre-event activities!
See below the cut for additional event information and the Bonus Bingo Board:
We have a Bonus Bingo Board to go with the Daily Prompts if you want to make things a little more interesting. This part of the event is optional.
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For each Daily Prompt you complete, you can check off one box off the Bonus Bingo Board! Turn in your Bonus Bingo Board to us at the end of the event if you complete a whole row!
(Are things getting hard trying to match the Daily Prompts with the Bingo Board boxes? As a hint, we left an exploit in the rules so you may use Day 1’s Free Day or any other prompt multiple times if you wish.)
Daily Prompt Champion & Bingo Board Champion
If you are able to create something for each one of the seven Daily Prompt days, you will be awarded the title of Daily Prompt Champion. If you get at least five in a row in the Bonus Bingo Board, you will be awarded the title of Bingo Board Champion (and extra bragging rights if you get more than one row complete).
For both titles, we will create a showcase post of all of your work you submitted for the event and tag it as “#leesakuweek champions” where there will always be a part of the blog to show you off. If you wish, in this post we can also plug any of your socials or anything else you wish to show our support and appreciation. :)
Art Assets Credit: jynosawffuenp, aegisowl
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(the post editor malfunctioned and after a series of unfortunate events the original ask post is gone, so I had to make this screenshot mockup of the ask, sorry)
Thank you for prodding me to finish up a draft that's been sitting there for an inexplicably long time.
I will divide puns into exact homophones, which are pronounced exactly the same, and near homophones, which consist of the same phonemes with different tones. Though exact homophones are much punnier in speech, Internet jokes rely heavily upon text input and most people use phonetic-based Chinese input systems, meaning their autocompletes will often suggest near homophones and people will use them if they're funny enough.
To make this slightly statistically sound and not just me making up random puns, I grabbed 700k viewer comments from the years NiF was available on Youku, 2015 to 2020 (courtesy of danmu box). These danmu/弹幕 comments are timed to a particular moment in the show so they splash across the screen while you watch.
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Let's start with the heavy hitters:
Xie Yu/谢玉 is an exact homophone of xièyù/泄欲, literally discharging desire, which means satisfying one’s lust or orgasming. Xie Yu's name occurs 5000+ times in the comments versus almost 900 orgasms.
Prince Yu/誉王 is an exact homophone of yùwáng/欲王, meaning prince of lust, and a near homophone, of yùwàng/欲望, which means desire (or the chaotic evil penis). The latter is far more likely to be autocompleted and shows up 1500+ times versus 200+ for the prince of lust.
Yùjīn/豫津 is a near homophone of yùjìn, 欲禁, or forbidden lust/abstinence. Because bath towel/浴巾 is an exact homophone and again far more likely to come up first in autocomplete, people overwhelmingly refer to him as the towel. In the comments, bath towel is used nearly 7000 times, 10x more frequently than his actual name, which is made up of two not-super-common characters.
Mei Changsu is often addressed as Su-xiong/苏兄 by Jingrui and Yujin in canon, which is an exact homophone of sūxiōng/酥胸, a literary term for supple and beautiful breasts that might have the same old-fashioned connotation as heaving bosom does in English. I'm going to call him gorgeous tits because he does bear a striking resemblance to the azure tit:
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I've seen Chinese MCS fans note this resemblance before, but these birds don't have titillating names in Chinese so you can have this bonus joke for English speakers. Anyways, gorgeous tits are invoked in nearly 6000 comments versus almost 1200 for Su-xiong itself.
Now you can enjoy one of the comments from the above screenshot exclaiming over these names:
浴巾裹着酥胸,泄欲,这都什么什么 a bath towel (yujin) wrapped around gorgeous tits (su-xiong), orgasming (xie yu), what is all this
And the following off-color joke retold many times throughout the episodes:
Why is Mei Changsu called Su-xiong and not Mei-xiong? Because he has gorgeous tits, not tiny ones (Méi-xiōng/梅兄 is an exact homophone of flat-chested/没胸).
Here are some rarer-but-still-good puns:
Gōng Yǔ/宫羽 is a near homophone of gòngyù/共浴, bathing together (cue viewer comments about how she and bath towel belong with each other).
Níhuáng/霓凰 is a near homophone of nǐhuáng/你黄, slang meaning you’re perverted.
The emperor lives in Yǎngjū Hall/养居殿, a near homophone of penis hall since yángjù/阳具 is the yang implement, though it's most popularly punned with pigpen (I wrote about this here if you scroll to the end).
The travelogue Mei Changsu wrote annotations in, 翔地记, is an exact homophone of xiángdìjì/降帝记, or records of subduing the emperor (which I can only interpret as MCS’s Dom Diaries on how to conquer Jingyan).
To conclude, here’s a stacked area chart of the four horsemen of punny NiF names and how often they're spammed:
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shadowfoxsilver · 1 year
jackrisstuff/jacrstuff/jacrsstuff/ jacrstuffsposts/jacrstuffsblog psa/beware
Update: As of 7/26/2023 all accounts are now down! Unfortunately this kind of scam still pops up as other users so please take caution if you get asks like this from accounts that are only a few days old and don’t show any images as proof of who they are. Always ask questions.
Update 2: As of 8/13/2023, their back under jacrstuffsblog.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by jackrisstuff that reads as follows: “Hello sorry for tagging. Please help a black mother in need. I'm diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to my lungs, neck and brain. I'm in a very vulnerable situation with no treatment because l'm unable to afford one. Currently I'm homeless with my 19 months old daughter because we cant. Anything appreciated” and ends with a beating heart emoji. /End ID]
Just a heads up to my followers and anyone else, this account blocked me when I requested them to provide evidence that their a real person needing support. Instead of answering my concern and replying to a link that brought up suspicions, they opted to start spamming asks to my mutuals/followers in efforts to try and get them to share the aid post. This is clear proof they don’t intent to prove their a real person needing aid and are just spamming asks to everyone they can find instead of proving they actually need support.
I do not want people to be scammed because a blogger decided to spam my friends askboxes. If you got this ask, I also suggest you to ask the person for proof their legit or block them before they can spam your followers/people you shared from. It’s sickening they likely stole someone’s real fundraiser pictures to pass off as their own ill daughter.
This is exactly the reason why I try to tell people please don’t spam asks to get support. There are scammers who do the same thing and don’t like it when public concern is brought up. The email they give is linked to a suspended twitter account that was sending the same message but had an entirely different pic.
New url is jacrstuff. Their trying to avoid my alert now which further proves their not legitimate. No one needing aid would change urls like this.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by jacrstuff that reads as follows: “Hello sorry for tagging. Please help a black mother in need. I'm diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to my lungs, neck and brain. I'm in a very vulnerable situation with no treatment because l'm unable to afford one. Currently I'm homeless with my 19 months old daughter because we cant. Anything appreciated” and ends with a beating heart emoji. /End ID]
Update 2: Url change again instead of verifying who they are and still trying to get away from this warning. Now under jacrsstuff.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by jacrsstuff that reads as follows: “Please help a black mother in need. I'm diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to my lungs, neck and brain. I'm in a very vulnerable situation with no treatment because I'm unable to afford one. Currently I'm homeless with my 19 months old daughter because we cant. I'm struggling for medicines, shelter and groceries that really puts a lot of stress on me. Anything help with a bearing heart emoji used and then and is very much appreciated ending with a praying hand emoji. /End ID]
Additionally, if you search their email provided in their post, it shows up with a suspended twitter account using the photograph of a white adult woman with a child while the asker claims to be a black adult woman with a child. The twitter post seems to use the same exact wording as the askers post though I am unable to find the source of the image they used for the twitter post.
Update again
yollandde on twitter is now running the same scam.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
Oh man I saw your totk issues post and I agree 100%!! Those are all things that have really bothered me about playing totk, and things that made playing it not nearly as fun (the dungeons, the shrines, the building, etc).
Especially the map!! When I tell you I was so disappointed by the maps on totk, I was hoping for something new! It really just feels like a modded botw, not an official sequel.
I was wondering what your thoughts are on the concept of “what if they had sent link to the past instead”? So the surface map would feature huge differences in the land forms and buildings that exist, and we’d get to see more ganon whenever he visits Hyrule, or go out to the desert to see Gerudo town, etc.
If they really wanted no sheika tech, they could also just have it being newly built? And you could introduce the new characters and such, etc etc.
(I also think the past champions are such a missed opportunity? If botw is about grief and loneliness, and finding hope in the hopeless, and Totk is about coming together despite that, it could have been really interesting if Link had gone to the past! They could have used the past setting as an eerie reminder to what Link and Zelda had lost when the Calamity struck!)
THAT BEING SAID: I’m not as familiar with the legend of Zelda lore, and haven’t played totk very much! I wanted to know your thoughts on this because you seem to have a lot of story and game mechanic knowledge that could explain why this could be a bad/good idea!
(Plus, your discussions are always super interesting to read, as is your custom totk lore, so I’d love to know what you think🩷)
I’m sorry if you’ve already answered an ask like this! If that’s the case, feel free to point that out and I’ll go through your ask tag if you have one:) I hope you have a great day!⭐️
im glad you enjoy my rants, i often feel like im being overly mean but tbh were else could i just rant as much as my heart desires without getting spammed by annoying people (certainly not on twitter lol)
i have talked alot, and i mean ALOT, about totk and my issues with it, both lore and gameplay wise, i dont claim to be an expert on any, though i am an old zelda fan and aspiring gamedev, i really only talk about what i feel about it, what i think about it, and by all means im biased as hell xD
if you dont know yet, the "ganondoodles rants" tag is where all my rants go, so if you are interested in reading more on my totk thoughts thats the way to search (given tumblrs search in blog works ..)
and to answers your question, i have touched on it briefly, sending link back in time before the shiekah tech existed would have been an easy way to excuse how they jsut got .. rid of it, bc they didnt, it literally didnt exist yet- and for reusing the map- though that argument falls a little flat bc ... they coud have already done that in present totk, like i brought up in one of said rants, things like flooding gerudo desert, collapsing death mountain, drying out zoras domain etc, and changing the location of the main populations would have already done alot without having to redo the map in its entirety;
the little changes to map itself really wouldnt that big of a deal if they didnt also send you to the EXACT same locations AND repeat the SAME LOCATIONS AGAIN but in the underground, like thats a fact i have talked about multiple times bc its so illogical in every way, anywhere theres a settlement on the surface theres a bigger mine below, its so stupid, the shrines conenct to a lightroot, the same, again, you dont need to explore bc theres nothing TO explore (its also extra weird bc theres one below taburasa (tarrey town) which .... link literally build with dumsda (hudson) a few years ago .. unless that got retconned too idk wth do i know anymore honestly- AND it makes the sonau extra weird bc why the hell do they have a bigass mine under every settlement ESPECIALLY UNDER GERUDO TOWN like, that just adds to my suspicions towards them)
anyway, link to the past was the point and yes, it could have solved a few issues (mainly shiekah tech and the whole "story" taking place AGAIN in the past completely disconnected from you the player) i personally am not so much a fan of it, but that mostly comes down to me just not liking time travel, i dont like going back in time, i want to play and do things in the here and now, i want to repair the damages of the calamity, find out its origins, maybe fix that too, i love to learn about past stuff too, but that more in text, no literal flashback (unless done well), i want to connect to the past but it also holds alot of mystery that maybe shouldnt be touched upon, some mysteries and unkowns are much more interesting when left as such, i want to THINK about things and come to conclusions that are logical and makes sense in hindsight even if it wasnt clear at the start, i dont want information and what to think about it told to my face over and over like im stupid
after botw i really didnt care much about the past, maybe about the acient hero who alot of people specualted to be of gerudo origin due to its red hair- which also got a monkeys paw curled bc in totk they do sth with but its so stupid and insulting that i do not accept it as canon, say what they want, there are no dog people anywhere in the past nor present botw/totk wtf is that i hate it- and its not even .. why is that the reward for that, it has literally NOTHING TO DO WITH TOTK ITSELF I COULD YELLLL AAAARGH
main point is that really, i wanted to explore the past .. in the present, i hoped to find broken old shiekah structures, old labs and maybe some left over damage and records from when the old king persecuted the shiekah for their tech, i wanted to know where the ancient energy the shiekah used was coming from, what the boss arena in the middle of hyrule castle really was- so many things just discarded and acted like they never happened or mattered; i dont want to travel into the past, i want to discover whats left of it, piece it together, discover dark secrets you can ask no one about bc all that knew about it are long gone- thats what intrigued me about botw, it felt like there was so much left to discover only for totk to throw it all away and just do its own thing .. but not commit to that hard enough either so its neither its own thing nor a sequel-
.. that wasnt really what you wanted to know was it? xD sorry i tend to ramble on if someone seems to give me permission to
to sum it up, i think it COULD work, sending link to the past instead, if done well, but so could canon totk have been, it could have been done well but wasnt for reasons i dont know and tbh even fear bc i worry its sets a dark future ahead of zelda; i personalyl am just not a fan of time travel so i dont have that much to say to it :O
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superman86to99 · 4 months
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Worlds Collide: The Milestone Side, Month 1 (July 1994)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We now have a newsletter! It's the exact same thing as this blog, but in email form. You can subscribe for free at: https://buttondown.email/superman86to99 (make sure to check your spam folder for the confirmation email) More details in an upcoming post!
"Worlds Collide" was pretty unusual for a Superman-related crossover event: it only included one of the four main Superman titles (plus two spin-offs), it happened right in the middle of another Super-storyline ("The Fall of Metropolis"), and it came out right before another crossover event involving alternate worl-- sorry, "timelines" (Zero Hour) but had absolutely no connection to it.
The basic idea is that Superman, Superboy, and Steel meet the characters of Milestone Comics' Dakotaverse thanks to a mailman who switches universes whenever he goes to sleep. However, at least in this first month, the Milestone side seems way more into the crossover than the DC one -- their issues are completely devoted to the event, while the Super Titles have a ton of other plotlines going on. (Then again, they always had a ton of other plotlines going on in this era.) In an effort to help our readers understand what the hell's going in the Superman issues when we cover them, here's what happened in the Milestone ones:
Static #13
This issue isn't technically part of the crossover (it's from the month before it started) but it does show the other side of the scene from Man of Steel #35 when Fred Bentson, the aforementioned superpowered mailman, unwittingly switches universes in the nude and runs into the Dakotaverse's most famous inhabitant, Static.
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Fred tries to steal Static's flying disk (or "Static Saucer," as they called it in the Static Shock cartoon) to take it back to Metropolis as proof that he isn't just dreaming the Dakotaverse. He doesn't succeed and runs off, leaving Static like "eh, probably just some nut and not something that will end up putting the existence of multiple universes in jeopardy..."
Hardware #17
This issue reveals Fred's other superpower: picking the worst possible sleep clinic in every reality. We already saw him going into a super shady Metropolis-based one in Man of Steel, and this issue shows that he also went into one owned by Edwin Alva, Milestone Comics' foremost unscrupulous businessman (and the boss of this comic's titular character). Alva wants to exploit Fred's reality-hopping powers, so he orders Hardware to go into the DC Universe with him in order to find out how they work.
Hardware obeys and finds himself teleported into the middle of Metropolis, which is in such poor shape after the events of Action #700 that he initially mistakes it for Detroit.
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After saving a woman from some bizarre would-be rapists (that you'd never see in a Superman comic), Hardware suddenly sees Superman's Pal, Steel, looking at him from the other side of a mirror. Both are big black dudes who used their super-smarts to build themselves badass robotic armors, so I can't blame the universe(s) for getting them mixed up. Steel breaks the mirror from the other side with his hammer, causing Hardware to fall into a nightmare where people from his life call him a sellout and a terrible person.
Hardware wakes up back in the city of Dakota, and it turns out the only thing he managed to bring from the other universe is an issue of the Daily Planet... which is still enough to convince Alva that he can use Fred to conquer two worlds.
Icon #11
Superboy #6 (which we'll cover in the usual Super Titles Round-Up post) ends with Fred accidentally taking Superboy into Dakota. Icon himself, who is pretty much the Dakotaverse's Superman, barely appears in this issue, but that's fine with Superboy because he gets to meet, and be a perv towards, his sidekick Rocket.
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This is the issue where Fred realizes he can create beings with the power of his imagination, which is bad news for everyone around him because he's an anxious little fella. Fred starts bringing his biggest fears to life: first, an army of IRS auditors who look like Superman's enemy the Parasite (who attacked him in Superboy #6)...
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...and then, a building-sized version of his Fifth Grade bully. The young heroes put aside their differences to defeat the big bully in the most appropriate way they can think of: Superboy uses his tactile telekinesis to drop his pants, and then Rocket pushes him down while he's distracted.
Superboy, Rocket, and Icon (who finally decides to show up for his own comic) take Fred back to Alva's sleep clinic for further study. At Alva's, Superboy tries to hit on Rocket again, but she freaks him out by simply being a pregnant teenage superheroine, something that can't exist in the DCU.
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Oh yeah, and this leads to an important event in Superboy's life that I'm surprised didn't happen in his own comic: the moment he realizes he has no bully button.
Anyway, Alva gets Fred to teleport himself and Superboy back to Metropolis by asking him to imagine himself "as a bridge between worlds." This works a little too well, since not only does Fred jump universes again, but he also creates a literal bridge between them...
Blood Syndicate #16
The bridge scene is repeated from different perspectives in Steel #6 and in this series, which follows a bunch of gang members who get superpowers after the police throw radioactive tear gas at them. As a result of that incident, known as the "Big Bang," half of the bridge connecting Dakota with the gang-ridden Paris Island was blown off -- which is pretty convenient for this crossover, because Metropolis also has a half-blown-off bridge, courtesy of a fight between Superboy and Spider-Man But Evil during "Reign of the Supermen."
Now Fred has merged both half-bridges into one interdimensional bridge connecting both universes, which is very confusing to the Blood Syndicate gang (for once, when I call a group of superheroes a "gang" I mean that literally). It gets even more confusing once they cross the bridge, thinking the bombed-out Metropolis is Dakota, and hear people talking about Superman. You know, from TV! Wait, does this mean the Blood Syndicate watches Lois & Clark?
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Then they run into Superman and assume he must be some insane "Bang Baby" doing cosplay, while he assumes they must be working for Luthor. It doesn't help that they're quite rude towards him and drop swear words no one in the DCU has probably heard before. The issue ends with the whole gang about to attack Superman while one of them, a talking dog called Dogg, says "Yo, Superman, where's Krypto?" (SPOILERS: In Superboy #6, with Bibbo.)
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Worlds Collide #1
This one-shot brings all the characters together as we transition from the "meet and fight" to the "team up to face the greater threat" part of the story. Fred finds himself back in Dakota and runs into a bunch of high school kids who are working on their own comic book. When Fred looks at one of the pages of the comic without meaning to, he summons its equally destructive hero and villain into existence.
One of those comic nerds happens to be Static in his secret identity, so he gets to work on stopping the runaway characters and soon bumps heads with Superboy as he's trying to do the same thing.
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At this point, Fred starts enjoying his powers a little too much and adds his own childhood comic book creations to the mix, all of whom look like him but with way more muscles. Things get really chaotic, and this is when we learn that Static actually reads Superboy's comic -- though I'm confused by his mention of the "no belly button" thing. Does this mean Static read Icon #11 up there? My head hurts.
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Rocket also drops by to help, and there's a bit about Superboy panicking when he realizes that she, a jacket-wearing teenager with "kinetic energy" powers who works with an iconic superhero, is his Dakotaverse counterpart. This reminded me of Magdalene Visaggio and Darick Robertson's Superboy pitch in which Conner Kent transitions into Connie Kent and becomes a superheroine called Skyrocket -- if DC hadn't rejected the idea, they could have used this scene as foreshadowing. (I asked Visaggio on BlueSky if she knew about the Superboy/Rocket thing when she picked the name Skyrocket and she said "Nope!")
At one point, Fred merges with all of his creations and becomes a super-jacked gunslinger with wheels for feet. When Superboy makes the mistake of criticizing his fashion sense, we learn the ultimate source of Fred's trauma: Adam West's Batman.
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Meanwhile, Fred's body is also at the sleep clinic in Metropolis and somehow at Alva's lab at the same time, and both places are trying to pull him to their side in order to exploit his powers. The process tears Fred apart, both physically and psychologically -- leaving in his place a giant, all-powerful, scary-looking being calling himself RIFT. He even does the "Fred Bentson is no more!" thing, so you know shit's getting real.
As for Superman, he's losing his patience with the Blood Syndicate, especially after they dare to mess with the hair.
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After some more fighting, Superman finally convinces them that this isn't Dakota, it really is Metropolis from the comics. They're like "ah, okay, not our problem then" and head back to Paris Island... just as Rift grows so large that he's able to pick up the entire island and throw it in the ocean, creating a massive tsunami wave that seems to be about to wipe out what's left of Metropolis.
NEXT IN "WORLDS COLLIDE": Shit gets even more real! (But not real enough to impact the other Superman titles.)
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blohshdollx · 20 days
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mason thames x fem!oc
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: miguel mora confronts rory mora about her celebrity crush
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 735
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: ty for 450 followers omg. this is so surreal.
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"i hate people with big mouths." rory said as she made a bagel with cream cheese on the phone with javon.
"the triplets, yourself, or your fans?" javon said. "um, what do you mean me." rory said snapping her head to her phone.
"well you told everyone and their moms about your celebrity crush. not to mention on your secret account half of your reposts are edits of him." javon said.
"okay well- that... that doesn't mean anything." rory said.
"i know you're not dumb. don't start." javon said. rory sighed, walking back to her room with her finished bagel.
"he knows, and i know he knows. people absolutely spammed his comments. i bet half of those people don't even know him, just wanted to piss me off!"
"has he like dm'd you yet?" javon asked. "shockingly, no. i don't think he can, i don't follow him." rory said.
"so...he's your celebrity crush but you don't follow him?" javon said.
"javon. if my fans saw i followed a guy my age or even close, they would go ballistic and start dating rumors. you know yours would do that too." rory said.
javon nodded, "but hey, maybe it's fate. maybe you guys will fall in love."
"are you stupid. my brother would kill me, mason's practically like his brother." rory said.
"even better, don't have to go through the older brother not like the younger sister's boyfriend phase."
"first of all, miguel is quite literally only two minutes older than me, and secondly, javon, please remember i know where you live, and i won't hesitate to save your parents and siblings before burning your house down with you in it." rory said with a smile on her face.
javon let out a sigh, "i love this amazing, kind friendship we have rory, i really do." he said.
"aw javon, me too."
⋆⁺₊⋆ ❦ ⋆₊⁺⋆
"miguel one more photo please." rory said as she fixed her coat
"rory it's fucking cold out here." miguel said as he snapped another photo of his sister.
"well, this is pr and besides, i need a photo to post, so you'll be okay." rory said posing again.
"okay, thanks." she said going over to take her phone from her brother.
rory started to look at the photos that were taken, favoriting ones she wanted to have for her self, leaving the others to be posted.
"so, when were you going to tell me you liked mason." miguel said.
rory's head shot up, "what?" "you heard me, when were you going to tell me you liked mason?"
"well for one, you're saying it wrong. he's my celebrity crush. so like, i find him attractive but i don't have a chance with him. so not a crush, celebrity crush." rory said.
"that's basically a crush." miguel said. "no- miguel, it's not the same thing." rory said.
"how does that make sense?"
"because it does?"
"rory, we both know i'll fight you." miguel said, opening the slide door and walking back inside. "okay okay, i'm sorry." rory surrendered.
"back to my question, why didn't you tell me he was your cru- celebrity crush." miguel said.
"for this exact reason, i didn't want to be interrogated." rory said sitting at the kitchen island.
"rory if you think he's attractive...unthink that." miguel said.
"what? why?" rory said. "mason is like my... two.. three.. four...my fourth, my fourth sibling." miguel said.
"did you just.. count how many siblings you have." rory said confused. "not all of us hava a photographic memory."
"that has nothing to- whatever."
"he's like my fourth sibling, and you're my..."
"your twin sister miguel."
"twin sister, and actual sister. that would all be too weird for me."
rory sighed, she took a tangerine and started to peel it. "well miguel, you don't have to worry. as i mentioned, he's a celebrity crush..i have no chance, i won't try anything."
"how'd you find out anyways?" rory asked. "eh, i went to go comment on the photo mason posted, and i saw your name in the comments so detective miguel mode went on and i saw something about a video with those triplets so i went to the time stamp. it was the most replayed anyways."
"not even shocked." rory said. "wait...so you were being nosy?" she spoke again.
"rory, get out my sight before i start to throw hands." miguel said.
"wait miguel!"
miguel began to crack his knuckles.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@quaxkingshs @icollectrubberduckies @lordofthefrogs11
comment to be a part to the tag list!
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boy-gender · 5 months
something i wanna mention re: your post about the bots stealing photos, it’s important to note that many of these come from transphobic, exorsexist, and intersexist targeted data breaches and are sourced/scraped from malicious sites/boards like the k-farms.
i’m ace and sex-oscillating (sometimes i’m fine with seeing sexual things sometimes i’m not) and even when i’m at my most sex-repulsed i want everyone to know that the sex workers in the tag are some of our most vulnerable population members (no matter their gender(s) or exact identity/terms) because they’re being targeted by these sites.
idk sorry if this is reiterating your post but you’re the first person i’ve seen mention the importance of “these photos are stolen btw” instead of “oh yucky porn” like. y’all some of these are photos which were only intended for one or two people to see. these workers can now no longer regulate that OR how people interact with them.
they get so much harassment because of stolen photos when it’s been ripped out of their private accounts…. it’s awful
Thank you so much for adding that. I sometimes forget that not everyone is aware of how dangerous sex work, even purely online not in person sex work, is. I should have emphasized more that sex workers are not the danger; they're largely *in* danger.
And not just of being harassed, having their material stolen, or being targetted, but also by the death of internet privacy and net neutrality. Bills like fosta-sesta, and it's successor kosa- which is moving forward as we speak- are steadily erasing protections for anyone who creates nsfw content anywhere on the internet. It removes software and data tracking that allow sex workers to vet their johns before they interact with them, especially if they're going to meet up in person, and that data was one of the CHIEF ways human traffickers are found and arrested, and their victims tracked down.
KOSA isn't just a danger to fandom- though it is *also* a danger to fandom- but to very real people doing a job as old as time. Outlawing the expression of sexual materials is never going to stop sexual activity, it just forces it to be done in the dark, where sex workers, a large chunk of whom are queer, are at increased risk of being harmed, killed, or losing their ability to make a living.
One of the things I said in my post was that sexual materials belong on tumblr like they belong anywhere. Some people may point to the fact that that's no longer allowed under the terms of service- regardless of what tumblr "clarifies," they still ban it, especially from trans people. I was here before then. I was here when net neutrality still existed. And I am going to continue to operate under those attitudes until the end of days. I don't post sexually explicit materials myself, but I am never going to tattle on people who do, and people who do report those real users (not the bots) to staff disgust me.
If you're sex repulsed, I get it. I'm personally repulsed by the smell of pomegranate perfume. It's a trigger for me. But I am responsible for my feelings- it wouldn't be right to demand everyone everywhere stop wearing pomegranate perfume, and by going in public, I run the risk that I will bump into someone wearing it. I will have to remove myself from that situation.
And the same is true for if you don't like sexual content. You are responsible for what you do with those feelings. It's okay to have them; you can feel however you want about sex! But it's not okay to demand that other people cease harmlessly expressing themselves to conform to your feelings, and it's not okay to act like a fucking cop and purposely try to interfere with their job because you have the ick and don't approve.
Sex work is labor. Sex workers having ways to protect themselves and others is as close to "unionizing" as sex work gets. Stop interfering with what are basically their labor regulations. Block and move the fuck on!!
Do report the bots though. For SPAM. For STEALING MATERIALS. Not for the sex.
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amiharana · 1 year
Okay, so I've read a couple of Revalink soulmate AU fics but I can never get through them because honestly I've never really liked the concept. And honestly, I feel like there's a decent chance Link would feel the same.
I mean, you've got a guy who didn't really get to choose almost anything about his life - he's a knight because his father was, he's Zelda's guard because he was selected by the King, he's the chosen hero because he's destined for it - and then he doesn't even get to choose who he falls in love with? And in most soulmate AUs probably has a literal physical mark on his body constantly reminding him of that fact? That's not romantic, that's existentially horrifying!
This idea might already be a thing but I've never really read fanfic before about a month ago when I got the Revalink brainrot so I don't know, but here's an idea I call the anti-soulmate AU.
Basically Revali doesn't have whatever soulmate-identifying mark exists in this story, and Link does, which is part of why Revali resents Link while Link is in some ways envious of Revali for the opposite reason. Somehow they end up actually talking to each other and grow close, and eventually Link basically decides "fuck it, I don't care that there's some destined perfect partner for me, I'm choosing to be with this guy." And even though they provably aren't soulmates and their relationship maybe isn't perfect, they still love each other and are happy together.
There can be some angst about Revali feeling insecure since there is someone out there who objectively would be a better partner for Link even though Link doesn't actually want to be with them, and about how this is basically depriving Link's soulmate of their perfect partner. Who that person is doesn't really matter, but making it Mipha would add even more to her whole "tragic one-sided pining" thing. Or it could just be some random person, like I said it's kinda unimportant.
Anyway the Calamity happens, and since Link kinda-sorta-dies whatever soulmate mark he has goes too and he's finally totally free from it. I have no idea if that's a thing that happens in these AUs, like I said I don't really read them much, but it kinda makes sense and fits this story so whatever. Maybe have Revali be revived after Ganon's defeated so there can be a happy ending.
Revalink as a concept is always just a little bit contrived. You have to mess with the timeline of the backstory if you want them to be a thing pre-calamity, you need to change how the Champion ghosts work to have them be a thing mid-game, or you need to have all the champions come back from the dead in order to have them be a thing post-canon, and you almost always need to mess with their personalities to have it be even slightly plausible. It's always kinda messy and doesn't totally make sense, and in this story that would basically be true in-universe and that's exactly why Link wants to be with him. He's pretty much the exact opposite of a perfect, destined partner who fits together with Link flawlessly.
Sorry for basically writing the entire synopsis of a fic that doesn't exist and probably isn't even that good of an idea, but as I mentioned I have the Revalink brainrot and I have no friends who I can send ideas like this to and I need to tell them to somebody.
so first of all, NEVER apologize to me for writing a whole fic synopsis in my askbox. my friend, are you familiar with my blog? all i do is write the longest fic rambles in the world here instead of writing full-fledged fic to upload to ao3 ☝️😭 so please do not even worry!!! i like ur fic idea a lot and it's good!!! and if you'd like, we can be friends and u can do what crow cryiling (affectionate) does and spam my inbox or messages w your ideas whenever you want 🤍 i luv to hear about revalink always
i honestly really love soulmate aus because i'm a hopeless romantic 😭🤍 SORRY but i do agree that to write a really good soulmate au for revalink, you can't just put any soulmate au template on them. like revali himself will actively break the fourth wall to fight against it because it just doesn't fit their dynamic; their whole relationship is built off of defying fate, re:your second-to-last paragraph. canon botw doesn't outline a clear path for revalink to ever be together in the way it might for zelda, mipha, or sidon even, so we'll always have to bend or break the rules of their universe for even a glimpse of future where they can be happy together 🥹 but it's the best part of their dynamic: they weren't supposed to be together, but goddamn it do they look good together.
i remember reading a fic where link and revali did have soulmate-identifying marks (i forgot what it was called but link's soul mark was revali's entire monologue in the revali's flap memory, and link hated him for it LMAO), but the idea that link would despise seeing the mark is so 🥺💔 i'm imagining maybe link was so excited to have one as a child, but after pulling the master sword and becoming a knight of hyrule, he now sees how he's doomed his soulmate to being tied to him and how he's responsible for their future or whatever. link has gotta develop some sort of altruistic complex about how he has to serve the people even at the cost of himself, i can't articulate it well right now, but i hope you get what i mean??? but that influences his resentment at the existence of the soulmark — not that he resents the person who is his actual soulmate, just the fact that he has one because he views himself as a burden on his soulmate as a result of his current position in life.
revali being born without a soul mark makes me so sad 😭 mixing this with my hc about him being orphaned, but revali getting bullied for not only not having parents but also not having a soulmate 💔💔 some of these rito kids are dickheads talking about "the goddesses wouldn't grant you even one person who would love you, haha!" and it definitely influences his workaholic tendencies training to become to most powerful warrior ever. he copes by saying he thinks soulmates are ridiculous and that there was no way there was another person in the world who could be perfect for you, that you should be given the ability to choose who you wanted to be with (but deep down, revali wants to know who the goddess would have chosen for him, if he did have a soulmate ㅠㅠ)
what do you think the conversation between link and revali would be like when they decide they want to be together, soulmates or not? what about the moment they fall for each other? who falls first? would it be mutual pining and trying to resist at first, because revali knows link has a soulmate who he deserves more than revali and link holding back because he knows what revali feels about the whole soulmate thing? or do they fall in love without holding back anyway, with link not caring for his soulmate at all like you mentioned? making mipha link's soulmate........ so tragic i feel bad for her fr if link resented her for being his soulmate kJDFKJD 😭 i lowkey wanna write these scenes tho idk HAHAHAH
the soul mark disappearing after link "dies" and is put in the shrine of resurrection is a really interesting idea though! like what's the mechanics behind that? i feel you'd have to go back and decide how the soulmate system works; is it a mysterious magic that no one can figure out? is it decided by some god of fate or love, hyrule's counterpart to aphrodite/eros? how did the magic decide that because link was "dead", he can't have a soulmate anymore/disconnected him from his soulmate? or what if link's soulmate died during the calamity before he was put in the shrine and soulmate-logic was like 'if your soulmate is dead, the mark disappears' so link's mark fades mid-battle and he doesn't realize it? and furthermore, link waking up in the shrine a century later and looks at his hand or some shit where the mark used to be and either (1) feeling a strange sense of melancholy at the empty spot on his skin or (2) looking at it but feeling nothing at all, and continuing with getting out of the shrine.
you could also explore how soulmate dynamics change throughout the hundred years he's gone. i'm sure plenty of people died during the calamity and lost their soulmates, so how does that alter the whole societal norms and culture surrounding soulmates? are people still born with soulmates after the calamity? do you think it becomes a taboo, that it's dangerous to meet your soulmate because what if you lose them? or do they see it as a mark of fortune, that love still prevails even in this near godless world after an era of tragedy? and then how does link interact with the world following his awakening, to find out that people have soulmates and look back at the empty, unmarred part of his skin and wonder, did he have one too? who were they? did he love them, and did they love him too?
AND ANOTHER THING, if mipha was his soulmate back then, does she still have her soul mark on her ghost?????? what if she did because well. it's her spirit and not her actual body, so when link meets her again post-waterblight, she's saddened by not only link's lack of memory of her but also the fact he's lost his soul mark. and also remembering that link would still probably resent her if he had his memory.
furthermore, there's two scenarios that instantly come to mind when i think about post-calamity revalink here. (1) revali seeing link post-windblight but link doesn't remember and revali having a similar reaction/feeling to mipha, but is having an internal conflict about whether or not he should be happy that link no longer has a soulmate he's bound to or sad that because of that, he'll never have another chance with link again because he's dead </3 or (2) champions are revived but link still doesn't remember his time with revali pre-calamity so revali is trying to give link an out and let him go to be given the chance to love someone else in his new life, but for whatever reason link is still drawn to him, moving to rito village and practically living in revali's shadow. it's another slow-burn of them falling in love all over again and maybe link gets his memories back?
if you ever plan on writing this, my friend....... feel free to send it to me because i'd Love to read it. like fr. there's so much potential for this one
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moodymisty · 2 years
❀ Misty's Follower Milestone Event ❀
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EDIT: Event is finished!!! Thank you so much to everyone who's sent requests or kind words, it's been a blast!
Wow guys, thank you!! It means so much to see people enjoying my writing (and my silly chatting), and I hope to continue making you all happy <3 Deciding to come back to tumblr was the best choice I made last year.
I don’t really talk to much about myself on here, but I'll give a tiny bit of backstory. I’ve had this exact same blog since around 2011, it's seen so many fandoms, but I purged it in 2018. After that I completely quit posting online; Until last year when my depression decided to come back hard because of some irl issues, and I ended up going back to Star Wars and Darksiders as a comfort. Posting again was incredibly nerve-wracking as it had been so long since I’d written anything beyond silly personal drabbles, but I’m incredibly happy to see even one person enjoy what I make. I have zero shortage of self doubt for everything I create, but even if it sounds cheesy, nothing makes me happier than knowing something I created has made someone smile.
But wah wah enough sob story, onto the event! A sentence prompts list! I tried to make a good amount of spicy ones, some sfw ones, and even one or two angsty ones. Feel free to take any sentence(s) or prompts from here and send me a character in my ask box! Or multiple, if it strikes your fancy? Any Star Wars or Darksiders character is welcome, and I'm more than happy to stretch my legs and do a character I don’t do as much, or haven’t before.
I'll accept asks for this for around the two weeks or so give or take, so feel free to send something in if you'd like!
(I won’t be using my tag list on these posts just to avoid spam)
All the prompts are under this readmore, to avoid having a super long post.
↳Sentence prompts
“ I can’t stop thinking about you. ”
“ You really need to shave. ” 
" I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t distract me. "
" Where do you think you're going? "  
“ You should go. ”
“ You have no idea how much I want to kiss you. ”
" Never tease me like that again. "
" Kneel. "
" Sorry, couldn't sleep. "
" I want to do bad things to you. "
" Do whatever you want to me. "
" I want you in my mouth. "
" Quit looking at me like that. I know what that look means. "
“ I just don’t like the way he/she/they look at you, that’s all. ”
“ You don’t own me. ”
" You don't have to be gentle with me. "
" I'd cut out that attitude. "
" I'm not letting you out of my sight. "
" You really want me? "
" I, didn't know you liked that. "
" Ask nicely. "
" I can't stop thinking about you. "
" Want to sleep in my bed tonight? "
" Can you teach me? "
" Keep talking. "
" You look so hot when you do that. "
“ Can you help me? ”
" Um... I'm stuck. "
" Were you crying? "
" I hate you. "
" You're so fucking cute. "
" Why do you never talk to me? "
“ I, I think I’m pregnant. "
" You need to choose. "
“You're shivering... do you want my (clothing here)”
↳Scenario prompts
Needing something off the top shelf and needing to ask for help to get it down
Finding out they have a momento of you somewhere on them they bring everywhere
You or them saying a petname by accident
Soothing you or them after having a nightmare
Caught partly undressed or totally naked
Sharing food
Having to bathe together
Sending or saying something naughty to them during an inopportune moment
Accidental(?) flashing
Stealing a piece of their(your) clothing
Patching them up after a fight
Cuddling up for heat
Making them(you) blush
Giving them a nice (sexy) surprise ;3
Being given/getting flowers
Secret relationship
Reading together
Getting caught/catching them during a 'private' moment
And again, thank you all so much!!!
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
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and it feels like the start (of a movie i've seen before) - two
Lockwood has never been able to stop wondering if he adapted parts of his parents that weren't so obvious to him every time he looks in the mirror. He's never had anyone left to tell him he walks with a stride just like his father's or his lilt while he speaks is just like his mother's.
He's never been able to remember how his mother threw his head back in a laugh the same way he does or the way his father ran his hands through his hair in frustration, messing it up until it stood in spikes in the exact same way his son does. He doesn’t remember clearly enough to draw the comparison himself.
He’s walked around with pieces of his parents he no longer recognizes for seventeen years, none the wiser of where they came from. So it takes a while for it to sink in, that the reason the things he does for Lucy feel like déjà vu, is because they're all the ways he's seen his father love his mother.
or, Part 2 out of 5 times Lockwood repeats acts of service for Lucy that he's seen his father do for his mother and the 1 time George finally gets peace from their pining (and some of Lockwood's vulnerability as well).
Written for @locklyle-week Day 5: Love Languages on Ao3
Please comment if you enjoy reading! Sorry if the chapter updates feel like spam but I have an aesthetic ready for each day to fit the vibe hence the repeated posts.
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softpine · 1 year
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i literally can’t pick a favorite child fjksjds i think anyone who reads my story would be able to guess which characters i personally connect to the most, but that doesn’t always mean i love them more (actually sometimes it means love them way less lol). but the character i’ve had the longest is definitely rosie!! before simblr, i played a longgggg legacy family and rosie was the first child from like the 9th generation. i created a simblr just to share pics of the camellia family, but then i got attached and we all know what happened after that. but yeah, definitely rosie (and isa by proxy) 🥺
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does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night chaaaanges
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awww cute!!! it’s always good to see a deer successfully cross the road lmao. we have so many deer in the area and i live on a busy, blind corner, so it’s always terrifying when i see them cross
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since 2018!! i’ve been writing original stories since i was literally 5, but in high school i mostly just wrote fanfiction, so it was really nice to be able to get back into my own universes and characters through simblr. i’m most proud of how much better i’ve gotten at writing fleshed out characters! and i’ve learned soooooo many new skills for this story. i learned photoshop, blender (poses and 3d modeling), general film-making / cinematography tips, etc. i actually made a post here where i shared some of my favorite things i’ve ever custom-made for my story!
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@arrpegio​ omg thank you and i’m sorry 😭 that post killed me too, i just want her to be happy :( thank you so much for reading!! 💖
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@minamill​ aww that’s so sweet 🥺💖 i love a good fireplace, i wish i had one
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i actually still haven’t watched season 2 yet 😭 i really need to get on it because i’ve seen tons of spoilers already ugh. but i’m saving this message in my actual inbox so i can answer it when i do catch up!!
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@morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy​ thank you, that’s really nice!! luckily it seems like the spam has stopped, it only took like 3 straight days of reporting lmaoo
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it’s hair 445 - 451 (all the same hair with different bangs variations, so i can’t remember which number corresponds to the exact hair i used, but it’s in there somewhere) !!
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cherienymphe · 2 years
"I want only drama free writers in this community" proceeds to cause drama on a writer's blog.🤦🏼‍♀️ Make it make sense lmao. I don't know what's so hard to understand but posting your writing and seeing only spam likes (those spam likes consisting of maybe 10% of your followers and the rest being blank blogs), people going through your entire masterlist at the speed of light, and getting zero feedback, or acknowledgment, or any kind of reaction is tiring. It feels dismissive. A like doesn't do anything, not only in terms of feedback but also in terms of sharing writer's works because tumblr is a platform based on reblogs. But literally so many writers have said this before.
Sorry you have to deal with these anons when literally every writer on here, even their 'drama free' faves, is thinking the exact same thing😭
Yeah that was wild to say because I'm like the 50th writer on here to bring this up so it's like were you ignoring the rest who said this before me or...? And coming to my inbox with nasty and hateful shit is literally being the source of the drama. There's nothing drama filled about me simply saying I don't have a desire to post on here anymore. Especially when I didn't even make some huge post about it? This is stuff that started because I answered some asks my gawd 😭
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avocado-frog · 9 days
Headcanon tag
Thank u to @riveriafalll for the tag sorry that the url isn't lined up with the thank you but i had a really hard time spelling and had to copy paste and now i can't fix it 😔
Rules: use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
Going to do it for all of the main characters + the one side character
Logan could easily survive The Hunger Games.
0/10 I don't think he'd have it in him. also he's older than eighteen and he'd be even LESS likely to want to kill a kid when he's eighteen. also my man has got the survival instincts of a rock, I fear
Leo knows the lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up by heart.
6/10 this is canon because Jaxon probably sings it all of the time every single day. Lily finds out that it annoys Leo and obviously that's her favorite thing to do so she gets in on it. so now Leo knows the entire song.
Cass chews her nails when nervous.
9/10 yeah I think so. but she'd see something online about how chewing your nails can Actually Kill You or something and it'd freak her out enough to quit (she's very me coded)
Kai stole a lollipop at the checkout when he was 5 and he still feels guilty about it.
8/10 it's really funny to me. The idea of accidentally breaking a rule makes him wither away
Lily likes board games, but no one else wants to play with her.
7/10 I think she's more of a card game person. She gets very competitive and got into a fist fight about monopoly at least six times
Jaxon can't spell resturaunt.
10/10 i'm pretty sure that he's illiterate, actually to be fair I can't spell it either
If Dylan likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
10/10 canon canon canon. They like to collect things that they find in the garden- especially rocks- but I think that they like going to gift shops to find polished rocks for their friends. Elliot has a box full of Dylan rocks. they're very particular about which ones they give to him. Elliot's favorites are obviously the purple and pink ones, but he likes the sparkly ones as well
Ryan is awful with technology and doesn't know how to use a smart phone
7/10 I don't think he has a phone until well into the first book. i don't think he knew about technology before that lmao
Sam knows FNAF lore
10/10 oh god. yes. He is an eleven-year-old in the 2010s of course he knows fnaf lore. his favorite is foxy. he was the kid in the movie theater going "har har har har har har harharharhar" the whole fucking time (if you listen really close you can tell that i was sat next to an 11 year old doing this exact thing when i went with my friends)
Elliot can play the kazoo.
10/10 I think that Elliot takes up a lot of weird hobbies and that he's got a kazoo in his pocket all of the time. He learned kazoo to annoy his sisters in particular and you know who probably got him one? fuckin jaxon
Another open tag because I'm doing a mass finally-posting-tag-games-that-have-been-in-draft-hell and don't want to spam the same six people lol. feel free though!!!
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polarized-here · 1 year
Hey there, thanks for caring about others but the ‘cancer aid post’ by cleverhottubjellyfish is a scam bot.
Scams like this are very common on tumblr. They create a new blog, slap a few reblogs onto it to seem legit, and then start sending out asks requesting donations. You can turn on post dates in settings to see how old a post is.
In this case the user’s blog was 1 day old with only a handful of posts before they started asking for donations. This person previously was running this exact same story under the username ‘jacrstuff’ (and various changed versions of the name when they got called out) and has so far used 3 different PayPal addresses for the same story.
The blog kyra45 posts a lot of callouts and info on tumblr scams. If you delete the post, you could also report op for spam or phishing
Ah thanks so much! I had a feeling it was scam, but I still wasn’t too sure and just wanted to be safe rather then sorry! But yeah thanks so much anon!!
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3lawzdef1ant · 1 year
Hey there, thanks for caring about others but the ‘cancer aid post’ by cleverhottubjellyfish is a scam bot.
Scams like this are very common on tumblr. They create a new blog, slap a few reblogs onto it to seem legit, and then start sending out asks requesting donations. You can turn on post dates in settings to see how old a post is.
In this case the user’s blog was 1 day old with only a handful of posts before they started asking for donations. This person previously was running this exact same story under the username ‘jacrstuff’ (and various changed versions of the name when they got called out) and has so far used 3 different PayPal addresses for the same story.
The blog kyra45 posts a lot of callouts and info on tumblr scams. If you delete the post, you could also report op for spam or phishing
oh my god thanks so much for telling me I'm so sorry
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cultofsappho · 2 years
new tumblr scam?
Hey does anyone know if theres a new glitch/bot/spam thing happeneing with asks?
I've gotten a couple asks from random real-seeming blogs asking for help with, specifically, rasing money to pay for thier cat's surgery.
It wasn't suspicious at first, and I was going to try to help promote the first one, but then I got more. and they all use almost the same exact text in the message with just a few alterations. same phrases, same emoji at the end, but link to different blogs and different posts.
Then, I go back to the earliest message I got, and that blog has now been deleted. Looks exactly like it would if a blog was deleted for spam.
They all use these phrases, copied and pasted, typos all the same:
"Im so sorry to interrupt you for a while", "I know this might come strange", "take a look the post I pinned for my lil cat, we’re in desperate need of help so a reblog/boost might definitely help us a ton!", and "Pls send me a msg for a response or answer the ask privately if you could. Please? 🙏"
They all match word for word, with some filler in between.
When I go to the active blog, the replies have been hidden on the post and it only links to a paypal.me account for donations. A few people have reblogged but put in the tags that it seems fishy.
If this is a group of people genuinely looking for help, then I hope that account wasn't deleted in error. But if it is a scam, I don't want to accidently promote it.
Has anyone else seen this before?
UPDATE: Trust your intuition y'all, it's def a scam!!
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as soon as i saw that deleted blog i had a bad feeling. this is fucked up
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