#sorry i didn't have a comp prepared :(
winterfergerart · 3 months
So I'm gonna make a personal kind of post here. TW for death in the family and my own post-covid symptoms.
Last year my grandfather died. He was the man who raised me, so he was more like a father than a grandfather. As he was getting close to death I was asking my family if there was going to be an inheritance which, I specifically said at the time, I need to know so that I can know what to do about my SSI disability and plan ahead.
People just said I'd get a 'tidy sum' or 'deferred comp' at best. No steady numbers. So without knowing what I'd be getting I had no way to prepare. I think they just thought I was being greedy and wanted to know selfishly. Not that I needed regular medical coverage.
He died without having said anything about being proud of me, but the family found a box of all my pictures growing up in his closet. Other people too, but mostly me, and I didn't know what to do with that because he never really said that he was proud of me or anything.
Because of that his death hit me really hard. Like, the entire span of his slow decline, from the year before to the day he died, I kind of withdrew from a bunch of my friends. Years ago someone put it in my head that wanting help when you're troubled is manipulative so I took it to heart. I pulled away from a bunch of people that made me happy because I didn't want to stress them out with my problems. I pulled back from my hobbies 'cause I didn't trust myself to engage anymore. I was hurting too much.
After he passed, other than a few people, I was all alone.
I received notification concerning my inheritance in December and I filled out the paperwork in early January, specifically requesting that I be given some time to prepare before receiving payments. They didn't listen. So I had to get off SSI, lost my insurance, had to loosely plan to buy some. It's not a lot of money, but it is too much to recieve public assistance.
But I thought, maybe I can do something that makes me less dependent on the government now. I can get married. Maybe I can go back to school. Maybe I can start a small jewelry and miniatures business. Maybe I can invest. Maybe I can start volunteering at domestic violence shelters.
Then two months ago, I caught Covid for the first time in 4 years.
The S.O.? Oh he was fine. It seemed like a bad cold. But me, first it was the fever, and then my lungs deteriorated for two weeks. Doctor round one? "It's a Covid cough, it's expected." Doctor round two? "Yeah, Covid cough can go on for a while. Here's sudafed and cough pills."
It took my blood oxygen to drop into dangerous levels (90%) for anyone to take me seriously. And despite that doctor trying so hard and giving me great meds, I just had a massive relapse and today I'm struggling to breathe again. I'm sitting here crying and coughing up chunks of god knows what. All this being paid out of pocket, because I don't have insurance and no one listened to me. About the inheritance, about the deferred comp, about the insurance, about how badly my lungs were doing post-Covid.
I had been exercising every single day for two years. I was actually starting to lose weight. I was so proud of myself. Now that's all been set back. I was gonna get married. But SSI is holding me in this sort of limbo where I'm not covered but I'm also not free.
I miss my support system. I've loosely tried to reach out but I've not been very good at it because I always sucked at social anyway. I'm sorry that I threw it away while it felt like I could only radiate badness and loss. If any of you are still out there I miss you and I'm sorry I abandoned you. I thought I was doing us both favors and we'd be better off without each other. So I'm throwing it out there that either I'd love to hear from you again, if you're still watching this account, or please just know I'm sorry I let you down.
PS. I don't want money. I just want to see a bright spot again when every time I get ahead I get knocked back.
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goblinpuppy35 · 4 months
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Out of Place Together
University Remus x Male Reader
(Previous Chapter) - Part 3 - (Next Chapter)
Summary: An academia-core themed story about the Marauders during their final year of university in the Muggle world. Soon after meeting each other  Remus begins to fall for one of Sirius' friends Y/N another shy student.
CW: Implied previous truma
Lights faded and the small stage fell into complete darkness. After a pause audience members began to clap. "Claire can you give me a cue when all the actors are back on stage please" Y/N ask letting his fingers pressure off the comps button to his headset. A soft crackle emerge around his ears before the stage managers replied "Okay, yeah all actors are on stage, ready for you", thanking the stage manger Y/N from the box set off his last lighting cue. All the stage lights shot back on revealing the ready and waiting line of student actors, who with beaming faces took several bows. After which they gestured to stage left to encourage a round of applause for the stage hands and then their arms rose up towards the box, as a recognition for the technicians. Y/N always felt a smell amount of pride in this moment, looking down he smiled to himself. 
While the actors left the stage and the members of the public began to stand from their seats and ascend the stairs to the lobby, Y/N switched on the house lights, thanks the stage manager for all her help, then removed his tight headset and sighed, leaning back and resting his hands on his neck. Tilting further he scanned the clock above, 10:45pm, his eyes began to drop. As planned Y/N had arrived at the drama theatre at 7:30am that day. Preparation for the performance had been productive but long, between rigging lights, checking cables, testing the smoke machine and helping actors know where spotlights appeared for their marks, Y/N had barely had time for lunch himself that day. "One down .. three more nights to go" muttered Y/N turning to his fellow technician across on the sound deck. Tiredly grinning at one another they began to shut down the equipment. 
After checking and clearing up the stage it was just passed 11pm as Y/N exited the building from the back, his breath instantly creating small clusters of clouds. There was still a substantial group of friends and family all huddle around the actors sharing hugs and compliments. While people watching Y/N hardly notice a small collection of people making their way to him. "Y/N!" was all he registered before the figure of Sirius leaped upon him, bring him in for a long bear hug. "Sirius! Ah you came, thank you!" Y/N chuckles against his friends shoulder. "We all did!" declared Sirius stepping back and presenting James and Lily, waving towards Y/N and  behind them towered Remus. Y/N was shocked, his eyes wanted to stay fixed on Remus' but out of politeness they flickered between everyone's. "He came. I can't believe it" Y/N thought. They all chatted in the cold night air, Sirius insisting he could have done a better job then the lead actor and James admitting he didn't quiet follow the plot but enjoyed watching the fight scenes. "I thought the lighting was great" Remus chimed in before allowed his manic friends to take control of the conversation once more. This comment brought Y/N's eyes back to Remus' and they shared a moment which felt so precious to Y/N, his wrapped his fingers around his shirt sleeve tightly.
"Will you come out with us for a drink now Y/N?" Lily asked sweetly, shivering slightly as the breeze picked up, James wrapped his arm around her. "Sorry I can't, this show week will be pretty intense for me but I'll definitely need a drink after the final performance on Saturday" Y/N said and Lily egerly agreed as the other two started to make their way down the street. "You coming Remus?" called out Sirius, the tall man was hovering next to Y/N with his hands deep in his pockets, "Errr no, I was going to offer Y/N a lift home again if he wanted it?". Y/N stared dumbly at Sirius and then at Remus realise the question was directed at him. "Oh gosh, thank you Remus! if that's okay with you that would be really helpful!", Y/N felt himself rocking on the heels of his shoes and a smile stayed painted on his face. "Well you two have fun" called out James grinning, carrying to walk down the street the two man where now alone.
"Honestly, I really liked the lighting you did. Especially creating those lightening effects!" insisted Remus as they approach his car and ducked inside. Y/N enjoyed having someone noticing the work he was putting into the show and happily spend the car ride home explaining how the production worked behind the scenes. Remus seemed genuinely fascinated and while keeping his eyes on the road still asked numerus questions, enjoying each answer Y/N gave him. Driving down Y/Ns street Remus' car slowly halted outside Y/N student house, behind closed curtains shown sickly neon flashing lights and a slow repetitive thumping could be heard seeping through the brick work. Staring pensively through the passengers window Y/N let out a long groan and exhaustion. "Your house mates have impeccable timing don't they" Remus said, tapping the steering wheel with a long finger. Y/N stayed stationary, he felt deflated, he had several long days with early starts ahead of him. Remus studied Y/N's face, "Do you have all the stuff you need for the play in your bag" he asked. Y/N nodded still staring out of the window, his trance of despair was broken as the car engine erupted to life again and Remus began to reverse the vehicle. "What are you doing?" Y/N asked looking back at Remus, he couldn't help but stare down at Remus arms, his large jumper sleeves pulled back to his elbows revealing his skinny but tones arms. Small muscle definition on display as he held onto the steering wheel. Y/N bite the inner part of his lip. "You can't sleep there Y/N. I'm taking you back to ours. Sirius would insist the same if he was here", Y/N didn't argue, in fact he was relived by the suggestion. 
As they drove across town again Y/N told the story of how when him and Sirius were on the same course Sirius has demanded to play the leading role of Juliet, resulting in a month long fude with theatre kid turn star pupil and local commercial actress on the course.  Each time Remus laughed, his deep husky nosies made Y/N cheeks blush and his fingers fidget. He found the sound intoxicating. By the time they arrived at Remus' house it was close to midnight. 
Remus opened the door to the living room but before he flicked the light switch a series of curses fell from his lips. Peering in between his chest and arm Y/N could make out two figures, one draped across the sofa, boots still on , and clutching a half drunk bottle of something with the other half poured down their shirt. The second unconscious guest was on the floor facing downwards, an attempt to get undressed was made by this individual but alas they had only got as far as pulling their trousers down to their ankles, shoes still on, before surrendering to a drunken sleep. Both were snoring loudly and irregularly. "Fuck sake. These are Peter's mates" Remus grumbled visibly annoyed by the unexpected guests. 
Y/N's own levels of exhaustion were finally getting to him, making his eyelids heavy and his legs slightly wobbly. He just wanted to sit down. In his state he suddenly said something he normally wouldn't dream of uttering, "Can you take me to your room please Remus". The tall man looked down in surprise but his eyes quickly softened in-between strands of his messy brown hair and nodding he guided Y/N up the stairs. They passed what Y/N assumed to be Peters own room, with the door half open, several crumpled beer cans laying in the open door way where sporadic snoring erupting from with in. As they passed Remus grabbed the door handle and sharply closed the door. Remus entered his bedroom and started fumbling to find a light, Y/N frozen in the open door way, suddenly feeling rather nervous. A click of a lamp created a dim radial of light from the rooms far corner. Remus room was small with a large single mattress laying on the floor above a grand four panelled window, the view from outside was endless darkness. There was a chest of draws with a mirror and cassette player on top of it, on the other end of the door was a shabby armchair with a battered guitar propped against it. Every other possible space in the room was littered with piles upon piles of books. One pile nearly surpassed the height of the armchairs armrests. Even the lamp next to his bed was on a makeshift stand out of several thick spine book piles. Y/N simply had no idea where to place his feet, the room had an overall vibe of organised chaos. "Please come in" called out Remus as his quickly removed several books from the bed.
Thirty minutes later Y/N had successfully made his way into the room and onto the mattress. Perched on the corners edge he was flicking through a paperback he's found in a pile which after scanning the spines he believed to all be poetry. Remus re-entered his room after going down to the kitchen to make them some tea. There was a subtle but cool breeze which sept through the old window frame which Remus apologies for multiple times as he passed Y/N his tea. "It's really nice Sirius was able to get you guys to all come along, turn outs like tonight are great for everyone's moral in the department" Y/N said in-between blowing on his hot mug. "I demand Sirius had to bring us along actually" Remus said sipping from him own cup, "Oh really?" the hairs on Y/N's arms started to prick upwards. Cradling his tea Remus smiled and then looking up met Y/N's gaze "Yeah, because I wanted to see you again". Placing his mug on the ground Y/N picked up the book of poems again and awkwardly began to flick through the pages, "Why .. I mean you barely know me", "Maybe" mused Remus "but I like all the parts of you I know about so far". There was a strange echo in Y/Ns head which was urging him to get up and leave, instead he continued to scan the books pages, trying to ignore how Remus has not stopped staring at his face.
"Ode to a nightingale by John Keats" stuttered Y/N tapping his finger on the open page "it's a really good one". The duvet under them moved slightly as Remus shuffled a little closer to Y/N, "Read it to me" he requested softly. There was a pause as Y/N contemplated this, rotating himself slightly so his back was to Remus, clearing his throat Y/N began to recite the poem. "My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains. My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk." his voice jittery at first then gradually smoothing out as he got into the flow of the verses. He could feel Remus' presents behind him and tried to focus simply on the words upon the page. He was nearing the penultimate verse when he froze as the obvious sensation of Remus' hand gently placing itself on his waist became apparent. The book in Y/Ns hands suddenly felt weighted, nearly slipping through his fingers before he placed it beside him, his eyes still facing forward as a second hand was placed on his opposite hip. The feeling of tightness returned to his chest. "Is this okay" Remus whispers into Y/N's ear from behind. Several thoughts were rushing through Y/N's mind at once, closing his eyes he waited for them to calm down. Once peace re-entered his mind he tilted his neck to the side, meeting Remus face, which was closer to his than he thought. God Y/N thought he was beautiful, his piercing blue eyes gleaming against his strong features. Wisps of hair falling down over his forehead, almost covering his eye.
Their heads leaned in together and their lips met. A slow intimate kiss was followed with a second, and third and forth. Remus' moustache brushed up against Y/N's nose and he felt the taller man's warm forehead rest against his. Each kiss made Y/N desire another and as they opened their mouths Y/N let out a relaxed sigh, he could feel Remus' lips curve into a smile between embraces. As they continued Y/N began to feel Remus' weight above him and Remus' arms gradually guided Y/N's body down onto the mattress, with Remus' own body above Y/N's now. Everything around Y/N from the duvet to their clothes, to Remus cheeks felt so comforting and soft.
But then Remus' hands dipped under Y/N's shirt, reaching his bare stomach and a sharp feeling of panic hit Y/N in the centre of his chest. As Remus' finger tips glided around, Y/N breathe quickened and images started to flash inside his head. Imagines which made him tense and scrunch up his brow. "Stop" muttered Y/N barely audibly, then again loud enough for Remus to hear and freeze his actions. Seeing the clear distress on Y/N's face he pulled his hands out of Y/N's clothes, "I'm sorry! What's wrong?" he asked as he let Y/N sit up and place his head in-between his knees. Y/N felt foolish and ashamed, "No, nothing.  It's fine. I'm sorry, it's just" he paused and tried to steady his breathing. Remus sat next to Y/N, his hands resting on his knees and observed him, wanting to help but not sure how. His ocean blue eyes look at Y/N's fidgeting hands and then rapidly tapping foot, then back to his hands. After a moment Y/N sharply sat back up, brushed his hair out of his face and exhaled loudly, "I haven't .. for a while .. and the last time was .. well it .. it wasn't" Y/N paused as he felt one of Remus' hands place itself on top of his clenched fist. "It's okay" he said kindly, Y/N smiled weakly and stared up at Remus, "You have beautiful eyes" Remus remarked and delicately kissed Y/N's forehead, just above his eyebrows, Y/N laughed bashfully and looked towards to ground "And I like the way your cheeks blush" Remus remarked planning a single kiss on each side of Y/N's face, Y/N could feel his tension reducing. "Would you like to get some sleep here? I can sleep on the floor?" Remus asked sincerely, "No please stay, I'd like you to stay" Y/N said, finally opening his fist and interlocking fingers with Remus, it was now the messy brunettes turn to look down and blush. 
Turning off the lamp and room was engulfed in the night, the two men laid down on the mattress. Y/N put his back against Remus' chest and felt one of Remus' hands drape over his hip while the other made it's way to his head and he felt Remus fingers gently caress him hair. They seemed to fit together so naturally. Peaceful sleep came to both of them gradually. 
Y/N's mind was blank. Quiet. Then his subconscious flashed and pulse abruptly. Again and again with violent painful images and scenes. Bright red filled his mind. "Stop .. stop... STOP" screamed repeatedly inside his mind until the noise was defending and then silence. Silence and the picture of a face. A face he knows all too well. Even silhouetted in the dark Y/N still knew those terrifying eyes anywhere. His own eyes shot open and he was awake but Y/N wasn't sure at first. He jolted up right in fear and tried to remember where he was, his pupils darting across the unfamiliar room. "please don't be here. please don't be here" repeated frantically in his mind. Looking down next to his he saw the vague shape of a body. Remus' long body next to him, still asleep. Scooting along to the end of the bed, Y/N rested his feet on the cold floorboards, placing his hands over his eyes, "Stupid... Idiot" escaped his lips over and over. 
"Y/N.." Remus' body shifting behind Y/N as he rose up from his sleeping position. Y/N wishes he was somewhere else. "Y/N .. your shivering" Remus whispered ever so lightly against Y/N's bare neck. Y/N could only answer with erratic hitched breathing. Within the dark the sound of rustling fabrics arose and then Y/N felt the woollen weight of Remus' jumper going over his head. He didn't object to Remus helping him put it on, despite feeling foolish, all Y/N could currently do was sniff. Wrapping his knuckles into the cuffs of the oversize knitwear. The jumper smelt musky just like Remus did, it was pleasant. A secondary pressure came upon Y/N as he sensed Remus' slender arms snake under his armpits and wrap around his stomach. Remus' legs were either side of Y/N and using his arms Remus pulled the whimpering Y/N up against his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" Y/N's voice quivered, he felt humiliated, refusing to acknowledge how nice being this close to Remus again felt. 
"Shhhhh, it's okay" Remus murmured gently into the crook of Y/N's neck. In the dark touching one another felt even more intimate. "It's not! I don't like people seeing me like this" Y/N sniffed getting more frustrated with himself with every sentence he spoke. "Why?" Remus asked calming, huffing in the dark Y/N's cheeks grow warm. "Because I don't like people seeing how broken I am". Y/N was trying so hard not to cry but both men could hear the quivers rising from his throat. There was a long gap before Remus spoke again. "Have you noticed the scares on my body?" the question took Y/N by surprise yet as he thought back to their previous meetings he suddenly become aware of several notable scars littered across Remus arms and rising above the collar of his jumper. Y/N remembered even seeing one just above his eyebrows. The scars seemed to vary in freshness, "Umm yeah I have, on your arms and stuff". "I have lots more." Remus said plainly "My infliction has left me feeling like an outsider my whole life. It makes me scared to every let other see me for who I really am". "Your infliction?" repeated Y/N confused. Another long pause passed between them. "I'm a werewolf Y/N." They both sat in the dark, motionless. 
"Does that scare you?" Remus finally asked. Y/N honestly thought about it, "no" he replied. "It's alright if it does, you don't have to pretend" Remus urged, "No I know, but genuinely it doesn't frighten me" Y/N said confident in his own words, "I still trust you Remus". Y/N felt Remus grip on him tighten suddenly. Both men felt cathodic and in sync drew each other back down to the mattress in their embrace.  There was still a few hours before Y/N had to get up so they tried to rest for a little longer. 
It was early the next morning when Y/N woke up significantly calmer then before, still wrapped in the tender arms of Remus. Y/Ns eyes felt heavy with sleep yet his company was an endearing way to start his day. As he shifted around to face Remus he watched the gorgeous man's face slowly flutter awake. Once Remus' eyes adjusted to see it was Y/N's face smiling at him he grinned back, "Good morning" he grumbled. "Hi" Y/N said softly placing a hand on Remus cheek, his fingers running over his skin in circles, "I'm afraid I need to get going". They both pouted dramatically before laughing and then groaning both proceeded to get up.
Y/N was at the bottom of the stairs by the front door putting his coat on as he heard Remus' foot steps creaking down towards him. He was wearing the same baggy jumper and pyjamas bottoms Y/N had seen him in the first time they met. This made Y/N smile privately to himself. "I'm sorry for last night. Not the sexiest thing having someone have a panic attack in your bed" Y/N attempt of humour was masking a  mortified mountain of self hatred. As Y/N was preparing another self deprecating statement Remus without a word leaned down and kissed Y/N tenderly on the cheek and then on his neck. The second kiss made Y/N gasp slightly. "The first night with someone should always be filled with the bearing of one's soul and fears." Y/N awkwardly twiddled with the strapped on his shoulder bag, he badly wanted to kiss Remus back. "I liked you Y/N" Remus said honestly "And I would like to spend more time with you but we can go by your terms and pace okay" and Remus out stretched his hand. Y/N studied it carefully, taking note of the scares spanning across the knuckles "Okay" Y/N hummed taking Remus hand, the touching of fingertips transported him back to last nights embrace. They stayed smiling and shaking each other's hands, both clearly enjoying the touch. "Can I take you home again after the play tonight" Remus asked, a look of hope in his eyes. "Yes" Y/N replied quietly before turning to the front door and opening it. They both whispered goodbye to each other, taking in each other's faces until the very last moment as the door shut, separating them.
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Family Isn't Always Fair
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Matildas age: 14 years old
Tw: Seizures, Hospitals, Family Arguing, Yelling, Mentions of shots
Summary: After Matilda's sister got diagnosed everything changed and she didn't get much attention as she used to. That was until she was diagnosed with Epilepsy and their entire family crumbles with one Chaotic night.
Of course they didn't show up. They are always paying attention to my older sister Sophia. Ever since Sophia test results came back they've been acting like I don't exist. It's been like this for 3 years now since I was 11. 
My competition was today for ice skating and they promised they would show up but turns out they had something “come up with work” I just know thats a code sentence for something that came up with sophia. 
I haven't even had the time to tell them something that's been going on. My teachers and friends notice i blank out a lot and i've brushed it off for awhile but it's gotten to the point where i even got detention for not paying attention in class
Walking through the door I don't hear anyone or the house being filled with chaos. “Mom? Dad? I'm home”I shouted. Just as I thought no one, not even Sophia. All I see is a note on the counter with dads card saying I can door dash if I want too.
I heard someone knock at the door and I waited 30 seconds before getting up hoping the dasher had already left.
I was finally dozing off when my family came home
“Mattie we’re home” My dad yelled while putting the groceries on the counter.
I walked into the kitchen to see my dad already preparing dinner. “Wanna help?” 
“Sure, it's not like I have much to do, '' I replied, finally relieved that I got to do something with my dad for once.
“Hey, so i made first in my ice skating competition” I said, trying to make some small talk
“That's good Mattie, so are you moving onto the final round? Jay asked while finishing up the pasta on the stove.
“Yeah and i'm going up against my biggest comp-” 
“Your biggest what?” Jay turned his head towards Matilda when she didn't reply. “Mattie? Can you hear me” Snapping his fingers in her face.
(Authors Note, Even though abscess seizures last less than 15 seconds I'm going to make this last for around a minute reading it may seem longer but it's not that long). 
Jays POV
I called Hailey to come downstairs because either Mattie was pranking me or something was seriously wrong with her.
“Yeah jay what's up?”
“Somethings wrong with Mattie, it's like she's just staring into space and she's not moving.”
“What do you mean she's staring into space?”Hailey tilting her head in confusion 
Jay waved his hand in his daughters face and she didn't respond
“Alright i'm calling will” 
I was keeping an eye on Mattie but before Hailey could call will, Mattie started moving aging. 
“Mattie, are you ok? What happened” 
“Yeah im fine and i don't know what happened” Her voice obviously confused 
“What were we just talking about?” I asked. Will taught me in these situations I should ask questions if something bad were to happen. 
“Uhh, I don't really know. It's like there's fog everywhere in my head”.
“Hails stay here with soph im taking her to med” I said almost dragging matilda off the kitchen bench.
“Ok, keep me posted. I'll tell voight you can't come in tonight.”
Connor “Ok so we ran some tests and it's epilepsy. It seems like she suffers from absent seizures from what she told and what you experienced with her. “ 
As Connor checks up on Mattie I feel ashamed to even be a father. How did I not notice this, she had been suffering for a while. I made it seem like Sophia is my only child, I made her feel left out, I made her… I made her feel like a glass child.  
“Jay, JAY!” i was snapped out of my thoughts when will was trying to get my attention
“Sorry just thinking about something” I murmured
“I'm going to tell you this now, whatever happened whatever your think isn't your fault. You couldn't have prevented it no matter what you do. She's gonna have to live with it for the rest of her life and you guys will manage it I promise you.” will said while walking to sit down with me. 
9 months later
Things are different nowadays. Hails and I have been arguing more now over Sophia on how I never pay attention to her and I spend all my time with Matilda now. We started attending couples therapy 5 months ago, and so far it's working . We've been arguing less and spending an equal amount of time with the girls. I still do spend a lot of time with Matilda but Hailey does have to know.
“Sophia, hurry up if we wanna get good seats then we have to leave now” I yelled upstairs while grabbing my keys and matilda's small bag. 
“GO MATTIE” i cheered probably louder than everyone else.
Matties POV
Spin, Jump, Spin again anddd pose. I received an applause from the crowd and started to skate off the ice. I headed to the locker room and took my skates off and put my guards on.  I walk around to find my family talking with my coach.
“Ahem?”My mom gives a look that means stop and behave.
Finally they finish and come over to me
“You did an amazing job honey, are they not doing awards today?” mom said as she hugged me
“No, they said something was wrong with there scoring so they'll release them out by email to us” I groaned
'`How about we go out for dinner, whose turn is it to pick?’ My dad asks
Before I can answer my sister shouts out “Olive Garden '' I don't really like olive garden that much but I prefer to have a nice family outing than to argue. 
Once again me and my sister are fighting but this time it's bad. She had snuck out last night and got caught. She blames me because I didn't answer my phone to let her in. She ended up having to go through the front door which sends a notification to our parents phone every time the doors open. In my defense I had to sleep for my competition. I wasn't about to have dozens of seizures because I was sleep deprived. 
I was talking on the phone and my sister overheard me saying “She was a spoiled brat and she's annoying” Truthfully i was talking about this girl in school that everyone hates. Next thing I know I was hanging up on the phone then next I was being pushed to the floor. 
Haileys Pov
Me and Jay agreed that we would just let the girls fight now. They always made up and the fights were never physical, only verbal. 
We caught Sophia coming back home at 3 in the morning. We grounded her until winter break which is in 1 month. The whole fight went on for about 20 minutes before jay told them to shout 
Quieter before the cops came. 
I was showing Jay an instagram post when there was a loud thud. Me and Jay both shot our heads up towards the ceiling. “Girls stop throwing stuff” i just looked down at my phone then looked back up when i didn't hear them shouting. “Matilda?...Sophia?” Me and jay both shared the same look and got up to see the damage
“Mattie, soph what's going-”Jay's voice in a mad tone “Mattie, oh my gosh.”
Walking in we see matilda having a seizure and sophia just standing there in shock
“She's having a seizure, Sophia. I need you to run downstairs and get my radio” Sophia just stood there looking at me. “Sophia so help me if you don't go get that radio you will wish voight would have dealt with you instead”. By saying that Sophia snapped out of whatever she was in and ran downstairs.
“What happened? She never has epileptic seizure in awhile” i asked
“She could’ve hit her head or something because i don't know how you get from standing the ground” Jay replied while checking his watch as hit the 30 second mark.
Sophia finally brings up my radio and radio for an ambulance. “This is 50-21 gorge. I need an ambulance to my location, 15 year-old female having a seizure.  
At a minute and 30 seconds the seizure finally stopped. We rolled Matilda on her side in recovery position. Jay checked her pulse to make sure it's steady.
I ran my finger through matties hair, i couldn't hear jay asking where the ambulance is i just kept playing the scene in my head.
(Forgot to change the pov so this is going to to be in 3rd person until  Voight is done yelling at Sophia)
“Hey Mags” will said while putting his tablet down
“Hey will, you need to control your niece”
“What did she do this time?”
“She told me last week that she wanted to live with me because i let her eat ice cream while she was over at my house because "everytime i come to your house you let me ice cream"” She replied and made a squeaky voice
Will let out a small chuckle “She for real said that? I can't blame her i would want to eat ice cream all the time too”
Just then the buzzer went off signaling that someone new came in. Will ran over 
“What have we got”
“14 year old Matilda Halstead, found having a seizure in her bedroom” The paramedics said
Will knew he couldn't treat her because she was family. Connor and Ethan stepped in for the place of will.
“Ok, we're gonna move her to the bed on 3, (1-2-3).” Ethan said while getting ready
“Hey matilda, can you tell me how old you are”  Connor said while rubbing her sternum
Will just stood there looking through the open door. It took will to fight off every thought to go in there and help.
Just then Natalie walked in to begin her shift. “Hey will, how are you?” When she didn’t get a response she turned around to see Will standing there. “Will are you good?”.Natalie caught a glimpse of what was going on and decided that will shouldn't be seeing this. “Will, how about we go sit down.” Natalie brought will into the waiting room where the rest of his family was.
“Ok Matilda you're going to feel a small poke.” Connor was telling Matilda what they were doing even though she wasn't responding. 
“I want her taken up for a CT scan and I want the results as soon as possible, say Dr. Goodwin orders it.”
Connor didn't care if he got in trouble for lying about Sharon Goodwin's words. Matilda was family and he would do anything for her no matter the consequences.
Connor walked into the waiting room to see Jay, Will and Natalie. “So she had a seizure because of how hard she hit her head. She also has a mild concussion. I want to keep her for 3 nights just for observation. She wasn't reacting to the meds we originally gave her so I want to rey giving her something else.” Connor explained
“Why wasn't she reacting to the meds”. Jay asked obviously concerned
“I don't exactly know why, I wanna take her up for testing if it's ok with you and hailey”
“You can do it, Me and hailey give you permission to do whatever it takes to help Mattie '' Even though hailey was here he knew she would give permission.
“We moved her to a room on the Peds floor, but she is awake so you can go see her,” Connor said.
“I have to go take care of patients but ill make sure to come see her when i can. I’ll find someone to cover you for a couple of hours” Natalie said while getting up
“Thanks Nat” Will replied while walking away from her
“Hailey take a break or go see your daughter, I’ll deal with her” Voight stepped in.
Sophia let out a gulp knowing shes dead. If you were in trouble and Hank Voight stepped in to deal with you, you might as well just go to jail.
But this time was different, something about the way he was talking was completely different from when he would usually yell at the kids when they were in trouble. This time he was…he was Comforting and nice.
Hanks Pov
“Sophia, you do understand that your parents are extremely mad at you”
Sophia was too scared to even talk. She thought if she said something Hank would blow up at her.
(Idk what else to do for this part let's just say that hank didn't yell at her and he listened to why she did what she did)
Matilda’s Pov
All I could hear was ringing and muffled voices all around me. When I tried to open my eyes I immediately shut them because of the blinding light. I can feel someone holding my hand and I finally open my eyes to see my dad sleeping in the chair, he moved close to my bed and my uncle will talking to my mom catching her up on what happened, to wherever she went…
My head is pounding and my mind feels hazy. “Did I have a seizure or something?” I think to myself.
Just then my dad wakes up and sees me looking around the room. 
Jays pov
I can see Mattie’s eyes and she is obviously confused and wondering why she's here. It's not our first time here and everytime she ends up crying because she doesn't remember what happened and she's confused. 
“Hey Mattie, how are you feeling?”
“Like I was thrown in a washing machine on a spin cycle.”
“I can see your humor and attitude hasn't gone away.” I chuckle
Just then will and hailey come into the room asking all type of questions
“Maybe you guys need to calm down on the questions and-” Before I could finish Mattie started crying.
“Why’s she crying?” Hailey asks concerned 
“She usually cries after waking up because she's confused and scared. Plus you two bombarded her with questions as soon as you saw her” I reply with a snarky tone
Just then the pager went off“ Shoot i gotta go take care of a patient i’ll be back later Mattie.”
“So did you talk to Soph” I said breaking the silence
“Yeah i yelled at her for like 2 seconds before voight came in.”She said looking down at the floor
“And what did she say?”
“She explained everything and i understand why she pushed her”
“Really hailey, you're protecting sophia again? She's the reason why we're having this conversation right now.” I yell but in a whisper
“Jay, how about we talk about this at home, we're in a hospital.” She says
“Fine, we'll talk at home. ”
I am so fed up with Hailey always protecting Sophia in these types of situations and using her disability as an excuse for her actions. “You're never here to see what's going every time she's in the hospital the first night, You're always at home with sophia.” I snap
“Well, yeah who else is going to watch her?”
“HAILEY, she's 16 years old, Mattie was staying at home watching her at 12 when we were at work and when sophia wasn't home” I yell but none it down because it's night time and i don't want Sophia and Mattie to wake up.
“I WAS WITH SOPH ALL ALONE HAVING TO DEAL WITH HER” she yelled back in a whisper.
“You seem to prioritize Sophia over mattie. Did you forget that you have another daughter? You made me feel like i needed to pay attention to Soph more than Mattie”
“Jay I-” She tried to speak but I cut her off. “No, I need to talk. Matilda has felt miserable for 3 years because of us. I didn't even realize I was making her childhood like mine. She felt like a glass child for years hailey…YEARS, and now when i try to hang out with her and be with her you need to put yourself there and say that “You should take Soph with you” I imitated her “Sophia this, Sophia that” I imitated her again “Do you ever get tired of talking about sophia?, NO YOU CLEARLY DON'T” I yell this time “GOD HAILEY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU HAVE TWO KIDS NOT ONE, BUT TWO.” I shout in her face “I am so done with you right now-”
Just then Matilda walks in the kitchen wondering what's with all the shouting
“Dad, what's going on?” she asks
“Nothing Mattie, go back to bed i’ll be there in a minute” I reply with a smile
She runs back up the stairs and I turn back to my wife. “You don't even go to her competitions anymore…” is all i could say. I couldn't stand to see her right now. 
I walk up to mattie room and knock on the door frame “Hey my favorite ice skater, can i come in?
I walk into Mattie's room and sit on the bed. 
“Hey dad?” 
“Are you and mom gonna split up?” she asks me with tears in her eyes
“Oh Mattie, I really don't know honey. Me and mom are just going through stuff and we aren't happy with each other right now” I tell her while bring her in for a hug
“I heard you arguing about me and Soph, but mostly me” 
“We just had a disagreement about something that had you in it. It's fine, nothing bad was said about you. I reassured her
“You don't have to talk to me like i'm five anymore dad” She said making the word five very clear
“You're still gonna be my tiny little baby forever though” I chuckle “Mind if I sleep here tonight?” I didn't want to sleep in the same bed with hailey let alone be in the same room with her.
“Why” Shes asks
I quickly come up with a lie that she will believe due to the recent events “Will and Connor said i need to watch you just incase you know”
“Sure you can go get the spare mattress in my closet because i know you wont sleep in my bed because you complain i move in my sleep, plus i don't wanna sleep by someone who snores like a bear”
“You got one thing right, you move in your sleep like crazy and two I do not snore like a bear, I sleep peacefully like a baby.” I say while bringing the mattress and blanket to the room.
While setting up the mattress I realize I don't have a pillow “Hey Mattie do you have a-” I get cut off with her throwing a pillow in my face.
“Here's your pillow you big baby”
“Alright go to bed before i ground you for doing something stupid, i'm gonna use the bathroom real quick”
I came out of the bathroom to see Matilda passed out in her bed. She definitely missed her bed while being at the hospital. 
I get into bed, well the mattress and think about what I'm going to do tomorrow. I can't continue living with someone who acts like this and doesn't recognize her other daughter. Let alone see her when she's in the hospital.
Things are different now. Hailey wouldn't agree with me on how she's wrong about Sophia and how she “can’t” take care of herself. A few months after the whole thing with Sophia and Matilda we got a divorce. We dropped the charges that were held against Sophia because we didn't want it to hurt her future. Me and her still work at intelligence but i don't come in for work unless i need to. I do cases from home in my office so I can be with Mattie and I don't have to see Hailey as much. I do go into work every couple of days to be with the team and talk about cases and whatnot. 
Mattie alsojust celebrated her 15th birthday with family and friends. As an extra gift from me to her I took on her dream vacation to paris. I even tried to ask hailey if she wanted to come but she said no and that she had work that week. I knew it was a lie because I knew her schedule and she probably just said that so she could take care of sophia.  Mattie, even a national titIe when she went to Nationals. She was the highest scoring out of the entire competition. I couldn't be happier. 
Although I do miss our whole family being together it's been better now that we're apart. I've gotten to know Mattie way more and had to listen though all the girl drama. Even had to help her when she first got her period and i didnt know who to call because Hailey and Kim were undercover. 
Life may be different than it was. What maybe a year and a half ago, but were going to be fine and were going to live with it. 
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family” - Anthony Brandt
This is way longer than it is on wattpad because i combined both chapters into one plus i like changing the title in tumblr for the fun and looks if it. Just a little quote to close out this story
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literaticat · 1 year
Can you please clarify "Chapter Books" for me? It's not a category on QueryTracker so would it be put inside the general "children's" category? Also, what's a typical word count for an early chapter book? Lastly, is there even a market for chapter books? Thank you.
I know for a FACT you didn't ask me for the word count of a chapter book when I DON'T. ANSWER. WORDCOUNT. QUESTIONS. And when I literally posted a cheatsheet to chapter books -- WITH WORD COUNT -- less than 48 hours ago. I know you scrolled A LITTLE bit. I just *know* you did. (If anyone else out there didn't, though, here's the cheat sheet again.)
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For anyone else trying to come at me with word count questions do me a favor and STOP. Read this post. Literally all I know about word counts is in this post. It's BY FAR the most popular thing I've ever written, it's probably the first thing that comes up when you google "children's book word count" or some such, and I have nothing else to add. If you have further questions ("but what about THIS random sub-sub-sub-genre of whateverthehell") -- just find some comp titles -- OTHER BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE SAME GENRE OR CATEGORY -- look up their word count -- and AIM FOR SOMETHING IN THE BALLPARK OF THAT WORD COUNT. Sorry, I hate to go off, but GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR WORD COUNT, MAKE IT THE LENGTH OF A BOOK, WHAT'S NOT CLICKING????
OK. OK. Now that's out of my system. Ahem.
"Chapter Books" is not a category on Query Tracker, you're correct. You can click "Children's Book" or "Middle Grade" and just specify that you are querying a chapter book series. Pretty much any agent who reps "children's books" or "middle grade" will also rep chapter book series, unless they specifically say that they do NOT want chapter books.
There is not a huge market for Chapter Books -- but then again, I have sold a lot of them, so... ??? I dunno.
My pro tips -- read the sheet sheet above. Then read A LOT of chapter books. (No, honey, more than that.)
Your chapter book *must* have a strong central character(s) AND/OR some kind of high-concept "hook". (Realistic stories tend to have a strong central character and follows them book to book -- think Judy Moody, Alvin Ho, Jasmine Toguchi, Ivy and Bean -- fantasy-type stories tend to have a high concept hook that may or may not have the same characters in every book, like vet's office who takes care of magical creatures, rescue dog who goes back in time to save kids in peril, a school for villains, survival stories from major disasters, etc).
Your chapter book *must* have series potential. (I have only ever sold chapter books in multi-book deals, usually 3, 4 or 6 books. Publishers are not interested in one-offs for this age level. I would suggest you write the entire first book, and a proposal for other potential books in the series. This proposal can be just a page -- a paragraph talking about what the series IS, and then a little paragraph for each potential book. This can be a separate document, or at the end of the first book document.)
You must be prepared to write chapter books quickly. (Publishers buy them in multi-book deals because they often want the first two books to come out simultaneously or within a very short time frame, and they want multiple to come out in a year. If you know you are a slow writer, that might be a problem! Luckily, though, they are shorter than regular novels, so...)
Your advance will not be high. (Margins are VERY low on chapter books because they are mostly sold in paperback and are low-priced. So your advance will reflect that. And you may have to share royalties with an illustrator.)
Good luck!
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rinkwrites · 11 days
Day 4/36 - in preparation for my YL project
Sorry for not posting this last night I was very tired and couldn't force myself to be productive
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Breakfast - big bowl of cornflakes and all bran - >>> comfort meal fr
Snack - chocolate cookie, we get snacks in the middle of our double lessons sometimes
Lunch - leftover pasta from last night, and chocolate animal biscuits
Dinner - takeaway curry, chicken tikka masala which I didn't really like, peshwari naan which is my FAVOURITE, and a vegetarian mushroom starter which was really nice but v v garlicy.
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Law Society Meeting - First meeting today, not a lot of people showed up which was disappointing but there was a lot of confusions as the school wrote the wrong day on the clubs list, and the start time was only announced the lesson before as the teacher we asked to makes the Teams was busy and didn't get round to sorting it. We went over basic law knowledge, did a Kahoot and talked about what will happen over the year.
Speech & Debate Meeting - first time doing this because before it clashed with my curling training. It was really fun, I love debating so so much. I've applied to represent my school in a competition, and I hope I get picked - but its unlikely as a lot of people applied and they're doing names out of a hat to ensure fairness
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Bio - It's starting to click, but we're starting on problem solving now, which I'm normally really good at but it was super difficult. I didn't understand half of the questions and my class is really loud which makes it difficult to concentrate.
Sports Leaders - Did some booklet work and played some games, I'm looking forward to the lesson where we actually help coach the kids. I have some booklet stuff to fill in for HW because I missed the last bit of the lesson last week due to having to leave early for a rehearsal of the speech I had to give in assembly.
Double History - Did some independent reading and answering questions which I love. My class works incredibly slowly which gives me lots of time to read ahead which is nice. I do need to start cutting down on how much I write for answers because it'll cost me in the exams.
English - Finished analysis of 'Assisi' and started on 'Visiting Hours' I quite likely MacCaig but I loved Duffy.
HW - none
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Ran around a bit in Sports Leaders but nothing terribly strenuous. I need to get back into the habit of exercising in the morning
actually go to your singing comp rehearsal
remember to pack lunch
cello practice
hang up clothes
sort out stuff for canoeing expedition this weekend
remember to buy snacks for the next law society meeting
work out what clothes you want to buy for America trip
sort out Halloween plans and costume
None of these pictures are mine, they are from Pinterest, credits go to original owners, I will try and use my own pictures when I remember to take them.
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OH you don’t have to feel obligated to write if you’ve got things to do ^^’ (I won’t say NO but just that I wasn’t trying to get sum’n out of it on my end you feel?: I did see a recent reminder for divorced Frankie though - any thoughts/thots you’d care to spare?)
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he is in his heart and soul, a project dad/husband. this means that this man? always fixing some shit or starting a new project around the house. You cannot stop him.
you guys get a fixer upper house when you first get married. It's below your pay with some issues here and there, but frankie worked contracting jobs with his dad since highschool and took wood shop every year so he insists he can fix it.
you'll come home to power tools scattered on the dinner table and paint covering his pants because "why would I pay somebody twice the amount it's worth when I can just do it myself?"
if you go to the thrift store with this man and point something out saying "we could fix that up, don't you think." please be prepared to come home and find him working on it in the backyard.
he's covered in saw dust and has the imprint line of his goggles around his face but he's grinning and pulling you into his arms.
"jesus christ francisco" "what? You said that dresser would look nice in our room"! "but i didn't think you were going to actually get it!"
your clothes getting covered in sawdust and wood-stain as he kisses you and claims its "workman's comp"
francisco cursing up a storm while reading the instructions on a crib your mother bought from ikea because "these instructions are like the fucking davinci code" and tossing them aside before saying fuck it and making his own.
a beautifully crafted bassinet now sits in the nursery of baby Isabella Morales :')
After the divorce, this doesn't change.
There's a moment where something breaks and you turn to tell Francisco before realizing he isn't there.
You wait until after you drop elizabeth off at school to cry.
thirty minutes later youre at home when the somebody knocks at the door.
there's a tension, sure. you open the door to see your ex-husband standing there, toolbox in hand and mouth open like he wanted to say something but it dies in your throat at the sight of your red eyes and trembling lip. 
“Isabella.” he answers. “she uh, she called me.” 
part of you wanted to be mad. That elizabeth told her father that you needed help, that you were struggling. Another part wanted to be mad that she was using her phone at school which was a whole other conversation to be had
but you simply nodded and stepped to the side, savoring the way his hand grazed yours as he walked inside. 
he doesn’t mention that you haven’t taken the photos down of all three of you together, he simply opens the cupboard under the sink and gets to work. 
its the closest thing to domesticity he’s had since the divorce. the pair of you subconsciously slipping back into the little idiosyncrasies from years ago. 
you put a pot of coffee on as he grumbles and grunts under the sink, poorly disguising a laugh as a cough when he goes to sit up and smacks his head on the pipe. 
shuffling from underneath with a now red mark on his forehead as he points a scolding finger in your direction. “you are horrible.” but you hand him a warm cup of coffee and he forgives instantly. 
you sit in silence, shoulder to shoulder on the kitchen floor. 
the job is done. he could leave, go back home with a goodbye and ‘I’ll pick Isa up this friday.” before going back to his small apartment that would feel even smaller after having a taste of what home used to be with you. 
But he doesn’t. he sits in silence, savoring the way you foot sways back and forth on the tile floor until you finally speak. 
“I’m proud of you. You know that?” Your voice is tiny and frail and you tilt your head to look at him. 
My god he could just cry. 
“I’m really proud of you, Frankie. Me and Isabella both are. You know that, right?” 
Did you have any idea? what you were doing to him? 
the love of his life, the mother of his daughter and the reason he was still on this earth, staring at him with such emotion and love in your eyes he felt like a voyeur just for looking at you. 
He looks away, down at the chipped cup in his hands, one you got on a roadtrip when Isabella was only 2. 
Francisco doesn’t trust his voice to not fail him. So he only nods. 
You look up at the clock and curse. 
“what? what’s wrong?” 
you shoot up, feet sliding on the floor as you scurry forward. “Isa! I was supposed to pick her up from school ten minutes ago!” 
you grab your keys in a mad dash, barely sparing a glance over your shoulder to the man you married. 
“You wanna come with?” 
He stares at you, slack jawed and silent. 
“You would let me-” 
“of course. We can..get lunch. I think it’d be good for her, yeah?” 
Isabella doesn’t say anything when you pick her up from school. 
She was ready to snip that you were late, and its embarrassing to be picked up late, but then she noticed frankie sitting in the front seat and smiling at her. 
“Good day at school mija?” 
she doesn’t ask if this means you’re getting back together, or why you’re both picking her up or why his hand rests on the console, occasionally grazing your arm as you drive. 
“It was okay. Can we get Burger King? I’m hungry.” 
she just enjoys it. The little look she sees you give her father as she inSIST on ordering a strawberry milkshake despite the fact she never finishes them, and the way he holds out his hand behind the seat for her to give him fries and the way you laugh when he holds one up to your mouth at a stop light. 
she should clog the garbage disposal more often. 
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ggukseoulcafe · 3 years
— tomorrow, tonight | kth
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pairing: kim taehyung x reader
genre: ceo! au, exes to (?) au, childhood friends to (?), angst, maybe fluff if you squint
rating: sfw
summary: Life blesses you with sweet misfortune on your important day in the form of your ex returning , as your new boss too. But it's nothing you can't handle. After all, it's just work. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself. But what about your feelings that start to stir up?
word count: 1.4k
warnings: angst, heartbreak, alcohol consumption, hints at bad relationship (in the past), oc and tae being bad at conversing like normal people, ceo taehyung deserves his own warning, poor attempt at humour
a/n: this was written as a part of @houseofincantations's the seasonal blues event prompt #59 from fluff (but me being the dumbass that i am made it an angst fest)
lyric prompt - tomorrow tonight by Loote
i feel kinda inspired for this au so i may or may not turn this into a mini drabble series (´,,•ω•,,)♡ i hope you enjoy!
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The blaring ringing of the music in the club- all incoherent to you as you wallow in the sad nostalgia of hopes lost and bonds broken- makes your head hurt a little more.
Nothing could have prepared you for the situation you found yourself in earlier today.
This couldn't be true.
There was no way you were still in love with Taehyung.
Not when five whole years have passed since you last saw him.
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few hours ago
You are in your office's cafeteria, making yourself a cup of coffee before joining your superiors for a publicity meeting.
Oh God, this better go right.
This meeting was really important from your current project's perspective as the whole outcome of the project depended on it.
The company visiting today was going to be present for the meeting and you had to try your best to convince them for headlining the project. After all, your personal career graph could make a steep rise if you managed to ace this one.
Taking a deep breath, you swiftly turn around, ready to do your best when,
"Argh what the fuck?!" You hear a deep voice growl lowly.
Already moving to help, you quickly grab some paper towels from the counter and pass it to the stranger, "Shit I'm so sorry. Really. I didn't notice you there," you look wide-eyed at the man who's now wiping his suit jacket, looking down as his hair hides his eyes from your view.
"Can't you be a little more careful?" He lowkey spits.
"I said I'm sorry. This area is pretty much empty around this time everyday. So I didn't expect anyone to be here. I'm just-" you sigh, "I'm really sorry."
"Whatever," the man mumbles as he looks up towards you.
And it's like the moment freezes.
You can swear on your favourite noodles that you are not breathing right now. Or actually; you are pretty much on the verge of hyperventilation.
"____?" He looks surprised. No. Shocked. That's more accurate.
And you? Hearing your name leave his perfect lips after so long has you almost slipping into a trance. Except, you catch yourself. This is your workplace.
Clearing your throat, you try to sound as nonchalant as you possibly could with your breath still hitched, "Taehyung? What are you doing here?"
"You work here?" He asks instead with raised brows.
"You don't reply to a question with another question, Taehyung. But yes, as a matter of fact, I do," you fake a smile, "I mean....why else would I be here?" You look around, pretending innocence.
Taehyung snorts in response, "Still the same sassy woman huh?" He retorts, "But let me politely remind you that you are the one who goes about spilling brown liquids on the company's guests first thing in the morning."
"That's coffee and you know it," you sigh out, "And I said I'm sorry. Really. If you want, I can just get that cleaned for you?" You look at him, biting your lip.
Why does he have to be so handsome? Life isn't fair huh? Sending your childhood friend who's also your ex back into your life even if it's just as a company guest.
Company guest?
You almost choke upon the realization. There's no way. Please, it cannot be what you think it is.
Looking up at him cautiously, you try, "What are you here for, Taehyung?"
He looks at you like you're saying something out of context, "Me? I'm here for a meeting. It's regarding some project publicity."
Oh fuck your life.
It just had to be that your ex that you know you are still very much attracted to had to be the guest for the meeting you are hosting.
Does it get any worse?
You look at Taehyung and he's staring at you sceptically.
"What?" He mouths.
You consider telling him about the situation but decide against it. You'll just have to do what you can and see what happens.
Instead you ask him again, "Are you sure you don't want to get that cleaned?" You ask, pointing at his suit.
He lets out a non-committal hum, "Nah there's not much time left anyway. Besides it's barely visible on the dark coloured cloth so whatever. It's fine." He shrugs, pouting adorably.
Yep. You sure are attracted to him. Even after all this time.
"Thank you," you smile, "I'll get going now, got work to do."
"Oh yeah sure. Go on ahead," he holds out his hand in a 'this way' gesture that has you smiling a little wider.
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Surprisingly, the meeting goes smoothly.
As it comes, Taehyung is all professional and doesn't let any sliver of the past relationship between you two slip through into his judgement. Sharp nods and intuitive listening. That's who he is when it comes to work, you learned today.
As you're moving back to your cabin, you hear Taehyung call out to you, "Hey, ____!"
Turning around, you watch him moving in your direction with a grin on his face.
"You were amazing today, ____," he says honestly.
You blush at his words. "Thanks."
"Uhh I was thinking.....," he fidgets, "Are you free this Saturday?" He rubs the back of his head, looking, almost pleading you to consider his offer.
"Saturday? I guess. What's up?"
"Oh I thought maybe we could just catch up? I mean.....we'll be seeing each other more often now that this project is finalized," he lets out.
You consider his offer. It sounds like a nice idea to break the tension between you two.
But will it be nice for your heart though?
You nod your approval anyway and he grins so wide that any apprehension you had lifts away. You're sure you made the right decision.
You're sure.
Until some weeks pass by with you working under him for the project- where you learn that he's the CEO of the company headlining your project. Crazy.
Until you notice that's he's still a gentleman at heart. Always offering help and sharing comfort words. Encouraging you for sharing your ideas. Making you feel safe and heard.
Until you start wanting more than just his help with work and motivating words.
Until you realize that yes, you are indeed in love with him. Again. And just as bad.
Until you learn that he's dating a woman through a common friend of yours. Maybe someone who suits his current life much better than you ever would.
Until it feels like shards of glass digging into an old wound before falling away.
Until it feels all too late.
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time skip- few weeks later
You're in a club, drinking away your feelings. Again.
Apparently, Taehyung has a way of making you do just that.
The bright neon lights in the dark club make you feel dizzy. Or it could be the drinks.
Who knows? Not you, that's for sure.
What you do know, however, is that it's true. You are indeed in love with Kim Taehyung.
Because how else can you explain the sharp pangs in your chest at the thought of him being with someone else?
Five years have passed and he still has this hold on your heart, ever present wherever you go.
Yes, your head hurts.
And when you think about Taehyung, it hurts a little more.
But then that song comes up, booming through the club like it's mocking you, and you feel your heart hurt too.
So I pour another shot
And I pretend that it's your lips,
Chase you down another round
Until I taste your whiskey kiss
You remember singing those very same lyrics with Taehyung at the top of your lungs back then.
All vivid memories.
And the difference is, back then, he closed the lyrics with a kiss on your lips.
Remembering that makes your heart break.
And when you remember Taehyung's smile at the end of the song, it breaks a little more.
So you decide not to let it end.
You decide to leave the club before the song ends.
And you do. You leave.
But it's Taehyung you're talking about. Of course he has to be present in your life, in the best and worst moments, at all times.
Because as you successfully leave the club before it could break you any further, another trace of Taehyung follows. Affecting you far more than the cold bite of the winter air ever could.
This time, in the form of his name lighting up your phone screen. He's calling you, this late at night. Huh weird.
Making sure your voice is steady enough, you answer the call, "Taehyung?"
"____? Where are you?"
You frown. He sounds kinda breathless.
"Taehyung, are you okay? What's up?"
"Are you home?" He rasps out, voice all desperate.
"No, I'm not. But why?"
"____, we need to talk."
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all rights reserved ©ggukseoulcafe | copying, translating and/or redistributing the work is strictly not allowed.
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years
……what was the incident with beau and bunny 😏
The "incident"...that clearly made Beau uncomfortable to talk about in front of his, at that point, father-in-law. The incident that let it be known that Bunny and Beau weren't just hanging out...
I Don't Know About That
Summary: Ari finds out
Pairings: Beau X Bunny
Rating: explicit
Warnings: unwanted groping, angry Beau, angry Ari, cockwarming, loss of virginity (technically), 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.5K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Beau & Bunny Masterlist
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"Beau!" James shouts seeing that Volkswagen van roll up the driveway. "Beau! The Bunny is here!" Beau was abnormally quiet today. A few of the larger crew was sent to the build to finish it up, and James forgot that Ari was even here.
"You two have been spending a lot of time together," his deep voice tells Beau. "Thanks, she's been feeling out of sorts until you two started hanging out. Curtis was scared that she'd spread her wings and go back west," it was a thought that had been plaguing Beau's mind, but he couldn't worry about it. He just enjoyed spending time with the hippy girl. "Well, go on, go get the food. Knowing my Bunny she's made enough for everyone."
Beau lays down his tools and starts jogging down to meet her, mumbling out a, "My Bunny," before he gives her a warm smile. "What cha doin' Bun?"
"Well," her eyes quickly look around to see if anyone is looking before cupping his cheek and giving him a gentle, sweet kiss, "I brought you guys some lunch."
He blows out a puff of air, before his own eyes start looking around the build, "We can't do this here. I'll go clean off the table, if you wanna bring it in?"
"Okay," he tucks a tuft of her messy wavy hair behind her ear, before watching her skip off to the van. He turns around for one second. One quick moment, and doesn't even think about the pig that had been eyeing the tiny little girl from afar.
"That's some service," he says to her. Arleigh ignores him and continues to get the lunch, wishing she could exclude this douche bag. He leans over trying to look under her dress. Unsatisfied with the view he lifts up the frilly dress.
"What the hell?" her hands go to push her clothes down while she scowls at him.
"You know what you're doing, coming to a job site with all of us. You're wanting the attention. What's the kid got?"
"Get off me!" Beau comes running towards them, sucker punching the man in the face.
"What the hell man?" the man sputters from the ground. "Why the hell is this stupid bitch even coming here? Every fucking day. You fucking that hippy pussy? Is that what this is?"
"This stupid bitch is my daughter and she can come here as often as she wants," Ari's thick body towers over the man, while Bunny runs over to Beau holding his hand tightly.
"I didn't know."
"You didn't have to know. I don't pay you to be a disrespectful asshole to women. You come on my job sites, you conduct yourself like a man should. Get your things, and get off my site. You can come by Friday to collect your last check."
"But...Beau hit me."
"And you assaulted my daughter. James is already calling in the sheriff to make a formal complaint."
"Dad, stop."
"My daughter comes here out of the goodness of her heart, bringing lunch for everyone, that her and my wife prepared for us, and you think you have the right to grope her? Because she's wearing a dress? Learn something," he turns to nod a thanks to Beau, and looks at his daughter who's still trembling. Four years on her own, and she's still just his little Bunny.
"Eva would have punched him herself," tears well in her eyes, and her other hand grabs towards Beau's. "I wanna go home," Ari walks to his daughter giving her a big hug, and even still she doesn't let go of the young boy. Whispering an I'm sorry in his ear.
"Bunny, you can't drive. Beau, take her home. Stay with her. I'll make sure we get your truck to you. She seems to feel safe with you. You'll get comped for the rest of the day. Go on," Ari gives Arleigh a kiss to her head before turning to walk away.
As soon as he is out of sight, Arleigh clings to Beau. "Bun, let's get out of here, okay?" still unmoving, he scoops the little thing up, and carries her to the passenger seat. Jogging over to the driver's side, and takes the long journey to her house. Turning up Arleigh's favorite band Fleetwood Mac, as she sits there thinking.
"I don't wanna go home."
"There! Just pull over," Beau pulls over a bit, and looks at her. Bunny's shivering had stopped, but she still looks scared. "He's right."
"No he wasn't."
"He is. I wore this dress to get your attention."
"You already have it, Bun. You have it everyday. No matter what you wear, you have my attention. You can wear a paper sack, and you've got it. I gotta admit though, I like the short dresses that you wear with no bra, for when it's just me and you," she giggles looking up at him.
"I don't really own a bra."
"I could tell."
"There's a bed in the back," pulling at his hands, she leads him to the back, even when he says her full name, "Shh, just kiss me, and we'll see where it goes," sitting on the bed, Beau begins to sink down over her. His lips connecting to every part of her exposed skin with the most gentle care he can. Reveling in the taste of her sun kissed skin. The honeysuckle smell that is one hundred percent Arleigh Grace.
Her little fingers pull at his shirt, and she starts kissing the freckled skin on his shoulders. His hand drifting up her dress, while her fingers struggle to undo his belt and pants. "Gah!" she shouts in frustration. His mouth pulls off her nipple, smiling up at her. "You're clothes are so hard to get off, and you're already sucking on my tit. Get it off. I don't want our playing around anymore."
With a cute little laugh, he stands up to wiggle out of his pants, leaving the boxers on, and she nearly drools at the bulge in his pants. "You think you can handle these?"
"Take those off, too," sitting up she pulls off her dress, and starts shimmying out of her panties, leaving Beau to gawk at her. "B, I'm laying here naked. What's a girl gotta do?"
Beau starts to get in his head a bit. up until now, he could play it off as having fun. But now, he knows it's that much more. There's no reluctance this time. Not feeling like he was doing something to hold on to someone. It's exactly what he wants, even if he doubts his abilities. "Bun, I'm not that experienced."
"Me neither. We'll figure it out," giving her a sweet smile, he walks over to the bed, staring at her drenched core. "I'm not afraid, B."
"Me neither," he whispers. Lining himself up, he slowly sinks into her. Overcome with a sharp pain, Arleigh's voice whines out, "Oh shit, Bun, I'm sorry."
"Don't stop," she assures him, and Beau fully sinks in, and holds his position. Arleigh just stares up at him panting, unable to speak. "I'm sorry," she whispers.
"You're perfect, Bun."
"Is everything OKAY!?" As quickly as Ari opened the door he closes it back. "I thought you two were just friends."
"Oh. My. God. I had to have you pull over on the side of the road, knowing either my dad or daddy was going to drive by."
"Can you not say that while I'm inside of you?"
"You know, I'm gonna just go. Is everything okay other than your lack of being friends?" Ari's eyes look around the sky, the trees, the rocks.
"Yeah, dad. We're good. Please leave."
"Yep. Okay."
"I'm glad that wasn't your other dad," Beau grunts. "Him and his axe terrifies me. He'll chop it off. Wait, is your dad gonna talk. I really don't want to die."
Arleigh laughs up at him. Her tiny little titties jiggling with each bit of laughter. "Are you really that scared of my daddy?"
"Yeah. He's terrifying. He chased me with an axe when I was little. I was at the Drysdale's, and I don't remember that much, but he was chasing me. And laughing. He only stopped when Mrs. Drysdale told him to quit torturing me. He was torturing me. Imagine if he knew we were having sex?"
"We're not. You just hovering over top of me," Beau's face falls flat while he looks at her. "You're not into this anymore are you?"
"It's not like that."
"I get it. You're a poor, pitiful, wittle baby who is scared of Sheriff Everett. How about we go back to the cabin? We had a good flow on that bed loft?" Beau gives her a nod. "And I expect a repeat of this moment right here, even if I have to climb on top of you."
Beau cocks up his eyebrow before pulling out, "I'd like to see you try," causing Arleigh to take a deep gulp. "But we'll definitely repeat this when we're not on the side of the road. You think I'm still getting paid?"
"Seeing how he seen your ass...I don't know about that."
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yaboymercury · 6 years
Ripping 9 to 5 - Butler
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Jeremy had enjoyed his first term at university but was looking forward to getting home for the break. Especially becuase he would get to see Adrian again.
Jeremy was really hoping to finally make progress with some guys at Uni but he was still held back by his massive crush on Adrian. It had been holding him back pretty much since he moved in.
The short of it is that Jeremy's family is rich, and Adrian's family went broke when he was a teenager. Being friends with Adrian's father, Jeremy's mother offered to let Adrian live with them. And being the good person he is when he turned 16, a couple years before Jeremy, he offered to be a butler for the family not wanting to be a freeloader. Resistant at first, Jeremy's parents insisted against it, but not wanting to be a freeloader Adrian was adamant.
Jeremy didn't mind as long as it meant that he could still spend time with Adrian. But it did change things. Jeremy found Adrian being more private with him, being more formal, more professional. Jeremy still harboured a crush on him and he still got warm energy from him, but their relationship had changed.
Going away to Uni was his first time not living with Adrian for a while and he missed him. Which is why he decided that when he came back for break he would make an active effort to reconnect with him. And now they were both fully adults he wouldn't have any restrictions.
Walking back into his large family house he said a brief greeting to his parents and had to pry them off him to get to his room for some privacy. Lugging his suitcases up the stairs he could call Adrian to help but he wanted to surprise him.
Getting back to his room for the first time in ages Jeremy felt happy to be back in his element, everything was the same except for the fact that the window was wide open leaving a cold breeze chilling the room, so he quickly closed it. He began to clean himself up in preparation for his reunion with Adrian.
About to leave the room satisfied by his lathering of deodorant and combed hair, Adrian walked towards the door. But before he could arrive he could hear pounding footsteps getting louder from outside. Getting closer to the door so he could get a better hear of it, the door was swiftly pulled open from the other side.
There was Adrian in his typical butler uniform, in those same tight trousers which contributed highly to Jeremy's sexual awakening and that same glowing face. But something was different. He was sweating on his forehead, squirming uncomfortably and had a hand on his stomach, and a shocked expression on his face obviously not expecting the sight of Jeremy.
But Jeremy didn't mind and if he had the element of surprise he could easily reconnect with him. He leaped forward and gave him a tight hug which was responded to with a grunt. Again he didn't care bring so close to him again was contorting. He pulled himself off the butler and gave him a proper look over grinning.
"You miss me?"
Finally breaking a warm but formal smile (yet still looking physically uncomfortable) he replied:
"Yes Master Jeremy very much so."
Putting on am exaggerated frown Jeremy punched him in the arm saying:
"God how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that, it's just Jeremy," Pausing a moment he looked back again at Adrian winking "or whatever you want it to be." With a giggle.
Ignoring Jeremy's advances he walked into the room still looking restless "So um, Jeremy, why are you home early?" He couldn't really make eye contact but he sat down on the bed rubbing his stomach.
"Oh yeah sorry, I gave you the wrong date, thought I'd surprise you" Still smiling Jeremy was happy he was finally seeing a more human side of Adrian.
His butler pondered this for a moment gulping and then looked back to Jeremy with a desperate look. "Jeremy please do me a favour, could you please vacate this room?" It was said with urgency, but obviously not more urgency as Jeremy had to reconnect with Adrian.
"Oh trying to kick me out of my room now? Gosh did you develop an attitude when I was gone?" It was all said playfully and Jeremy wanting to make some contact gave Adrian a weak shove on his side as he sat next to him on the bed as a mock punishment.
But obviously the push caught Adrian off guard and he fell onto his side onto the bed away from Jeremy and grunted what sounded like 'Crap not now'. Surprised by the relatively bad language from the man he didn't hear the rumbling from him, but he certainly heard what came next.
Never in his years of knowing Adrian had he ever imagined him farting. And now all of a sudden Jeremy's nose was being assaulted by a rancid stink exiting his asshole. Adrian was a red panting wreck on the bed after letting the fart out.
"Master Jeremy, I'm so sorry I never meant for you to see that..."
Jeremy wasn't exactly enjoying the smell gagging on it a little, he was surprised that Adrian could produce something so stinky. But seeing him with his guard so down for the first time in years overjoyed him, so he thought he could take advantage of it.
Putting a hand on one of Adrian's he leaned towards him. "Don't worry I still like my Butler, even if he does have a smelly ass." Jeremy joked but it seemed to only make Adrian blush harder.
Adrian leaned up and stood up from the bed pulling his hand out from under Jeremy's and used it to attempt to waft away the lingering smell of his expulsion. "Again Jeremy I'm sorry you had to experience that I really am, and I'm glad to see you are home safe, but I have things to do so I'll see you soon."
Jeremy couldn't have this, Adrian being his same old cold butler self. Especially after ripping the worst fart Jeremy had ever smelt. As Adrian began to exit the room Jeremy grabbed his hand holding him back, making Adrian give Jeremy a sad look back.
"Adrian what changed with you?" Getting serious for a moment Jeremy was able to grab his attention. Adrian took a deep breath sighing and closing the door in front of him. He turned back to give Jeremy and earnest look.
"Back when I was sixteen a lot of changes began happening, with me especially," this time she sat voluntarily close to Jeremy "I became you're family's butler as you know and I've always been in debt to your family..." He took a deep breath "Which is why I knew that when I developed feelings for you I could not follow through on them in case of being unprofessional." Jeremy's heart was pounding not knowing what to say so letting him continue. "Also around the same time as all this was when I started developing my gas problems, in fear of being even more unprofessional I isolated myself from you even more so neither you nor your parents would discover this. I also took the opportunity of your unused room when you went to university as a room to relieve myself, I'm sorry if that sounds crude and I'm sorry if you feel violated but there is no point lying about anything anymore. Feel free to tell your parents as much as you want I'm sure I can find another job..."
Jeremy had enough of Adrian's negativity so he made sure to cut him off with: "You're not going to have to quit!" Which gave Adrian an excuse to smile weakly. "And why didn't you tell me you liked me did you never suspect that I liked you as well?" All Adrian could do was look down in shame. "And why didn't you tell me about your gas problem it really wouldn't bother me it can't be that bad?!" With that last statement Adrian cringed in response.
"Believe me Jeremy it can, and I'm desperately sorry but could I please relieve myself outside or in the hallway I would never want to subject you to that again." He began to try and leave the room again but once again Jeremy pulled him back. Seeing Adrian uncomfortable hurt him so he decided that he would fully accept that side of him.
"Adrian I really don't mind, please don't leave"
Adrian just looked at him then covered his face with one hand embaressed and leaned over a little.
I did stink, it was disgusting, it reeked. Jeremy wasn't going to pretend it didn't. Maybe he even played up his reaction to play with the mortified Adrian even more but just so he could surprise him more afterwards. After suitably gagging on the rotten stench filling the room, Adrian looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown.
"Jeremy I'm really sorry, I know how much I stink, I really can't help it."
Right as he finished the sentence Jeremy decided it was time to strike. He practically tackled Adrian to the ground and gave him a moment to reject him and then followed with a kiss. It was a great moment for Jeremy lifting a weight from him but he knew he had to explain himself to Adrian.
Pulling himself off Adrian's mouth he ran his hands along the body underneath him.
"Adrian I think I can put up with your stink, especially for you, I tried to forget about you at university but I couldn't so I know I can put up with a little gas."
Adrian looked shocked but happy "Thanks Jeremy, I'm not sure where we can go from here with all these crazy bloody circumstances," Jeremy was happy to hear that he accepted that they could go somewhere "but believe me when I say it's more than 'a little gas', how can you be sure you can put up with it?"
Jeremy didn't exactly expect the conversation to be going this way but he wasn't exactly willing to give up. "Test me, give me the worst you've got! And if it let's me get more well acquainted with that bum of yours then I'll be more than happy!"
Shocked at the crudeness of Jeremy's offer Adrian managed to break a smile but was still worried on Jeremy's behalf. "Are you really sure I don't want to hurt you?"
The warning only made Jeremy laugh. "Dude it's only a few more farts how bad can it be?" All Adrian could do was respond with a sigh knowing he wouldn't be able to get Jeremy to give up.
Adrian just stood up in front of Jeremy arching his back a little, feeling a little happy he's finally able to show off his ass which he is so secretly proud of, knowing the complimentary his tight trousers have on it. Jeremy wasn't complaining having to resist full on spanking the man choosing to only lightly rub the cheeks.
It hit hard, surprising Jeremy even though he expected it. The rotten winds blowing out of the butler's ass blew back his hair and made his nostrils flare. The fart seemed like it would never end and it seemed like Adrian was making no effort to stop it spreading his cheeks out with his hands.
The gas finally subsided and Jeremy tried to catch a breath of fresh air but the oxygen around him was fully tainted. Looking back at him Adrian asked:
"Do you see what I mean now?" He looked at the pitiful sight of Jeremy sitting agape his eyes watering from the stink. It was sad for Adrian knowing that man he loved couldn't put up with his gas. "I'm really sorry Jeremy..."
But of course despite the stench intoxicating Jeremy's brain he still had his priorities straight. He grabbed Adrian and pulled him down into another surprise kiss making them both smile again, but Adrian still had doubts.
"Okay so maybe it's a little bit worse than i expected but do you really think that will put me off you?"
Finally giving Jeremy one last serious look, "If you can put up with this one, you can have whatever you want okay?"
Jeremy nodded in response gulping but ready for any challenge. Adrian stood in front of him again but this time he slid down his trousers and underwear displaying his bulbous shining cheeks spilling out his trousers. In spite of their beauty they did come with a natural stink but Jeremy could handle that but it reminded him of what was to come. But mainly Jeremy was focused on finally getting a good view of Adrian's uncovered ass, he was practically drooling. He was so distracted that he barely registered Adrian say:
"I'm sorry for this Jeremy..." And without warning he pulled Jeremy's head into his ass fully smothering him. Jeremy would resist but the cool sensation of being inside Adrian's cheeks was amazing. With a grunt and a rumble inside his rectum, Adrian let loose.
Jeremy could hear Adrian moan in relief letting that one out. A shitty odour attacked Jeremy's nostrils unfiltered by any clothing, this would have repulsed him more if he wasn't in such a heavenly ass. It hurt him to smell but the feeling of Adrian's hole winking on his nose actaully aroused Jeremy which surprised him. He could tell Adrian was about to apologize for his stench again so Jeremy thought he would surprise him, maybe even punish him for forcing his head in his ass.
Adrian began to feel the orgasmic sensation of an explorative tongue invading his hole. The sensation was amazing making him buckle over more, he was certainly beyond the realm of unprofessionalism so he couldn't exactly ask his master to stop. The pleasure on his hole was getting so good that it began to tempt more gas out of his ass.
Rancid farts began further stinking up Jeremy's engulfed face, but Jeremy had gotten to a point of the smell of Adrian's anal pheremones was beginning to turn him on. Still rimming the butler he decided to put his hands to use using one to unbuckle his trousers and begin rubbing himself and the other to rub Adrian giving him a hint of where this is going. Adrian noticed the shift in atmosphere and smirked realising just how kinky his master is. He unzipped his own trousers giving Jeremy's spare hand more freedom to explore.
The smell only got more intense filling the room with a scent of ass stink. By this point both of them needed release, their dicks throbbing. Jeremy pushed himself out of Adrian's ass gasping for breath.
"Adrian!" He pulled the man down to face him by his tie in a less serious but still commanding tone he said: "I demand that you put your flatulence to good use and release those winds on my member!"
With a sadistic grin Adrian gave him a quick kiss and said with a more sadistic smile "As you wish..."
He slid his body down resting Jeremy's shaft in-between his cheeks and letting his own push up against Jeremy's chest.
The gas began deep and rumbling, blasting hot gas vibrating against Jeremy but also the gas which escaped managed to instantly cloud both of them filling their nostrils with the rancid cheesy stink making them both moan as it overwhelmed their senses. When the fart reached a crescendo Jeremy thrusted against Adrian stimulating both their dicks enough to prompt climax shooting ropes onto eachother leaving Jeremy's chest and head and Adrian's ass soaked, and the room reeking. Jeremy knew the room was old but he didn't remember the paint peeling off the walls before.
Both men fell into eachother giggling over the insanity of their sexual experience but also in relief that they can finally be with eachother.
In that moment Jeremy was hoping that Adrian's new butler services would extend to putting him to sleep with his ass gas every night, but he was sure that he could persuade the gassy butler somehow.
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cs-discourse · 6 years
here we go
ok this attitude has been pissing me off long enough that it's time for one of my Big Ole Posts (tm) about how shitty this is! thanks. 
uuuuwuu every1 whos concerned abt biased judging in comps is just soooow entitled !!!1 i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11 bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 also my last braincell just died pleas h
so here's the og post in question for quick reference
i honestly have no idea why people keep bringing up this idea of bias in judging competitions because, while i do think there is a type of bias that certainly exists, i think a lot of so-called "bias" that people have is ... not whatsoever like what people think it is lol. artists are people and there's always going to be SOME kind of bias no matter what you do, because it's literally fuckin impossible to NOT be biased. by that i mean:
your taste in plots/types of characters/medias influence your judging
quality of writing or art can influence your judging
the person who's applying for the adopt you may have previous judgement about
even if you say you aren't biased, you STILL have preferences and tastes in things that you prefer more than others, which in of itself is a kind of bias
people who know you (friends for example) will naturally know what your taste is. 
a competition is judged based on what form the artist thinks is best, right? 
NEWSFLASH EVERYONE'S IDEA OF "WHAT'S BEST" IS DIFFERENT FROM PERSON TO PERSON ..... "BEST" is literally the most subjective thing there is, and while i agree that there are certain aspects of art and writing that you can use as objective measurements of tangible skill, it's... still subjective. what people think is "best" will vary from person to person because we all have different tastes. so, essentially, this boils down to the idea that the winner of an adopt competition will ALWAYS be the form the artist liked best, because that is what the artist perceives as best. so like. when people appear biased in adopt competitions towards friends or certain circles, it's probably because they're literally friends because they have similar tastes in things, and therefore the form the artist likes best is naturally going to be from someone who shares similar tastes. 
so whenever i hear about """bias""" in competitions i just kind of roll my eyes tbqh because it's usually followed by complaints of "BUT I PUT IN SO MUCH EFFORT" or "I WROTE SO MUCH MORE THAN THE WINNER" uhhhh. if adopt contests were won by effort alone it wouldn't be a contest, it'd be an endurance test lol. literally just "who has the most time to waste writing out 60000k words of absolute meaningless fluff"... because, i hate to break it to you, but ANYONE can write 5000 words of mindless drivel that has literally no substance to it. 
now in caps for emphasis. takes a deep breath
quality > quantity, always. like, i'm sorry you put in so many hours of effort but, those people who win with MUCH smaller wordcounts... did they not work to get as good as they did with writing? you put in 5 hours into one tryout. but others, take me for example: i have been writing for over 10 bloody years. i've worked hard to improve my writing, so you can't tell me i "didn't put in as much effort" as you because i did. i put in YEARS of work to get better so doing simple things would take me LESS time now. inb4 IT'S UNFAIR! dude, the literal definition of a contest is for the best to win. it wouldn't be a contest if it wasn't like that lol. it'd just be charity. what you should be doing instead of complaining about it is ASKING FOR CRIT and WORKING TO IMPROVE like a good sport? i get that it's discouraging but you should be prepared to lose when you join a contest. it's valid to be upset about but the moment you say you deserve it more than others JUST because of your effort, then i have a problem. 
and you know, there's gonna be times where i think a comp winner is objectively less skilled than other tryouts. honestly i just kind of shrug that off on account of different taste lol. sometimes that's just how it be, bc of those predetermined biases i mentioned before, and maybe a judge and i are just in completely stages of life so what i call quality might not appeal to the judge. that's also fine. anyway this really got off on a tangent but i'm leaving it in bc i think it needs saying. back to the og post
 > i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11
wtf didn't i address this in a different post
here let me link it for you
which was replying to this: https://cs-discourse.tumblr.com/post/179838988303/179837734509-idk-anon-i-kinda-agree-with-the
i said it once but i'll say it again: artist entries aren't main adopts lol. people don't work for artist entries. all you fucking do is post on one like "can i have this pls" .. there is... no effort put into that lol. main adopts you WORK for. it's a CONTEST. claiming an artist entry is NOT a contest. if a bunch of little nasty gremlins come running up to me like a hungry horde trying to be the first one to claim my design, i think giving friends first pick is COMPLETELY FINE, BECAUSE WHAT DID ANYONE ELSE DO TO "DESERVE" THAT DESIGN? nothing. you did. nothing. you're literally coming here with this attitude that NOT GIVING THINGS AWAY TO STRANGERS FOR FREE SOMEHOW EQUALS BIAS? i literally do not understand your logic whatsoever. like. i'm trying really fucking hard. at least with main adopts the "payment" is the effort you put in trying to answer the artist's prompt. i know i sound super dumb repeating myself but i don't know how much simpler i can make this concept tbh
and this is EXACTLY why i say ya'll are fucking entitled because merc and any of the kal artists could be making REAL $$$$ selling their own designs and adoptables and art and NOT deal with all the bs ya'll throw at them. they're literally here because the ENJOY MAKING ((( FREE ))) CONTENT for you, and they're not obligated to do this. they can stop whenever they want. if you had to pay per hour for the length of time collectively worked by ANY species artist staff, the lot of you would be fucking broke. i'm actually constantly shocked that species artists work like, 8 hours or more on some of these gorgeous designs just to give them away for free in a contest. 
so, yeah, as someone who hasn't spent my entire life on CS (i've only been here for a year and a half), ya'll seem pretty fucking entitled to me lol. the world outside CS rarely gives out such gorgeous designs in write-to-adopt contests so i'm honestly baffled at the amount of bloody entitlement i see
>bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 
this part i don't actually understand what you mean. do you mean they... help judge other comps? or like, enter them? i don't get what you mean by "weigh in" but listen, lol. just because something DOES happen doesn't mean it gives you a good reason to assume the worst. i mean... of course it happens. it's statistically impossible for skewed contests and bias to NOT happen, because there's always going to be cases of it happening. but like, what proof do you have that merc will be biased lol? like, real proof? because your main point i've basically debunked and don't believe in at all. do better than "i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11" because this doesn't make any sense to me for the reasons i already listed above lmao. if artist entries were supposed to be contests they'd be contests. what the hell makes you important enough to get first dibs on a stranger's work. ARTIST ENTRIES AREN'T EVEN MADE TO BE GIVEN AWAY, THEY'RE MADE AS ARTIST ENTRIES.... LIKE.... JESUS i struggle to understand ya'll
anyway im done here, if you wanna actually talk and debate this hmu on discord at lysander#9229 bc if you actually talk to me instead of spew this hot mess on the blog i might actually listen to you and change my mind and be nice about it instead of being a condescending bitch. 
wait one more thing
>also my last braincell just died pleas h
yea clearly
p.s., why do you ppl keep going to the blog to give critique on merc's designs when on literally every other design merc makes there's this:
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here i even linked it for you. idk why it's so hard for yall to give constructive crit like decent human beings
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