#sorry i haven't thought about him in a while but i saw very cute pictures of him last night and today ☺️💖
le-velo-pour-dru · 5 months
Bill Beckett... 🥰🩷
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lucy90712 · 1 month
Hiii, I was wondering if you could write some Marc guiu, him at his family party and always telling the reader he loves her and giving her kisses making her shy and hide under his hoodie. x
I’m not sure if that makes sense 😂 but .. yeh
A/n: this is awful I’m sorry 
I have spent countless hours with Marc's family, after he introduced me to them for the first time and we got on well he has taken me to his house when they are around all the time. My family don't live in Barcelona and I don't get on very well with them as I had a tough childhood so being around Marc's family is really nice. Every time I see them they are always so sweet and make me feel so welcome which makes me feel like I belong in Barcelona a bit more. 
Recently Marc has been really busy with lots of matches and training so we haven't got to spend as much time together as we would like. We weren't supposed to see each other until the middle of next week as Marc had a match yesterday and then his family were holding a get together for some extended family which he was going to. I wasn't supposed to go to this reunion of sorts as it's supposed to be for family only but after his match last night Marc texted me asking me if I was able to go as his parents wanted to invite me. I made sure that I was actually invited as I don't want to intrude on a family gathering but he assured me that his parents wanted me there as I'm family to them. I could've cried hearing that they think of me as family but those emotions were overtaken by nerves at the thought of meeting Marc's extended family for the first time. 
Marc told me to dress up a little bit and I took that seriously so I sent him about a million pictures of different options for him to pick between and he picked a blue dress which matched what he was going to wear. He loves for us to be matching so we can take cute pictures and so that it makes it more obvious we are together when we are out. Being the gentleman that he is he offered to pick me up even though this party is being held at his parents home where he lives and of course I wasn't going to say no as I'm desperate to see him as I missed him. 
He came and picked me up from my apartment about an hour before the party was supposed to start as he needed to be there before everyone else arrived but he wasn't going to miss the chance to pick me up. He arrived at my door with flowers for no reason just because he wanted to get me flowers which he does quite a lot because he's just the sweetest boyfriend. We spent a few minutes just stood in my apartment catching up on things that have happened since we last saw each other even though we've texted every single day we still love to talk about things again in person. The time came that we had to leave so Marc grabbed my hand and we walked down to his car where he opened the door for me like he always does before getting in the drivers side and settling his hand on my thigh which has become a habit of his when driving. 
Once we arrived Marc's sister quickly stole me from Marc so I could help her with her hair which is something I often do for her when I'm around. The two of us get along really well she often asks for advice from me as I've been through school and know what it's like to deal with all the drama and sometimes we gossip about Marc especially when he's around as we both know he hates it. Today she was telling me how glad she was that I was able to come as Marc hasn't shut up about how much he's missed me and how much he's been sulking about the fact that we haven't seen each other all week which I thought was cute but naturally his sister thought was cringe. 
After a while there was a knock on the door and Marc came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and shoved his face into the crook of my neck. There are times that he can be very clingy but that's usually only when we are alone as when his friends around he's busy laughing with them and when his family are there we always refrain from too much pda. I'm not a huge fan of pda in general but especially around Marc's family as I don't want them to feel uncomfortable plus I hate people knowing the way we interact in the privacy of our own places. As much as I hate it on a normal day it felt nice to have Marc close to me tonight as I've really missed him this week. 
"Can I have my girlfriend back?" Marc asked 
"If it means you stop holding onto her like she'll disappear if you let go then go ahead" his sister laughed 
That was all Marc needed to pick me up over his shoulder and carry me back downstairs while I protested. I was so worried that my dress was too short and that I'd flash his family despite me having shorts on underneath but luckily none of them were in the living room when he reached the bottom of the stairs and put me down. Just as we got downstairs the doorbell rang and people started to arrive Marc's parents welcomed people in and then Marc introduced me to everyone as they came to greet him. Meeting this many new people makes me nervous usually but after meeting the first few people I relaxed quite a lot as they were all so nice. 
Everyone sat outside talking and eating the food that had been ordered I sat on my own out the way watching as Marc talked to some of his aunts and cousins. I assumed he was talking about football and his recent matches as that seems to be what everyone knows about. He smiled at me mid conversation and then he beckoned me over so I got up and joined him. Within seconds he had his arms around my waist as he got me to stand in front of him so I could join the conversation. As I talked with his aunts about my plans for the future and university Marc pressed the odd kiss to the top of my head or my temple which made me blush every time but I tried to keep the conversation going. 
Over time more people joined the conversation and somehow I ended up sat talking with all of Marc's female relatives. Marc stayed by my side the entire time he didn't really say anything but he kept and arm around me and pressed kisses to any part of my face he could reach whenever I wasn't talking. He also whispered lots of compliments in my ear and told me how much he loved me over and over again. I know he was doing it because he's missed me and he's feeling clingy but it feels like he's just trying to make me blush in front of his family. 
"You two are such a sweet couple" one of Marc's aunts said 
"You remind me of when I first met your grandfather although he stopped once we were together it's nice to see young love" his grandma said 
"You better not let her go Marc girls like this don't come around often" his cousin said 
"I don't think we have to worry about that he always wants to see her and he's always talking about her" his sister complained 
"They are very sweet together I'm glad Marc found someone like y/n she's such a lovely girl and they make such a lovely couple" his mum said 
All of these compliments made me feel really shy. Compliments in general make me feel shy but hearing so many people say nice things about me and my relationship made me want to crawl in a hole and never come back out. I could feel that my face was on fire so I know I looked like a tomato. I hid my face a little in Marc's chest as I didn't want his family to see how much just a simple compliment makes me blush. Marc just smiled at me as he always says he thinks it's cute how shy I get but right now I wanted to wipe the smile right off his face but I can't. 
The rest of the night was a lot more chill as I spent most of it just with Marc until everyone left and he gathered some things so he could stay at mine. I was exhausted after spending all evening talking to people so we both got changed and got straight into bed. Marc got in bed after me but as soon as he was under the covers he was already pulling me close to him so I was resting on his chest as that's his he likes us to sleep. 
"Thank you for coming today I think it's pretty obvious but my whole family loves you so you are more than welcome at family events from now on" he said 
"I'm glad they all like me I always worry about what people will think of our relationship" I said 
"Well you don't need to worry about it everyone important in our lives thinks we make a good couple so if anyone else thinks any different they don't matter" Marc said 
"You need to stop saying things that you know will make me blush" I laughed 
"But you look so cute when you blush I love when you get all shy because then you hide your face in my chest and that might just be my favourite thing that you do" he said 
I didn't know what to say to that so I just kissed him and settled down to go to sleep while thinking about how nice it is to have a second family who love me more than my own family and a boyfriend who treats me so well.
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mysticficti0n · 1 year
hi bb, could you do a sad/fluff between 2023tom and his old school crush please but make it happy at the end? (but he's not with Heidi, just him and Bill are doing something like met gala or red carpet)
I know I haven't really given a great explication but you can write fucking amazingly so I don't think you'll struggle
love ya
okay this is such a cute idea! literally in love so ofc I'll do it!
(all my attention will be back soon but I'm taking time to do some request as I have so many and all you guys have such good ideas!)
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞ 
Meant to meet again...
warnings- none
words- 1.2k
(also I am so so so so sorry Gustav and Georg aren't in this I couldn't think how to incorporate them but they're mentioned!)
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Y/n stood on the carpet watching actors, actresses, models, musicians be snapped thousands of times, she'd interviewed over 20 people by this point but just kept getting the same old boring replies "oh were so lucky to be here" and the fake laughs, it's what you get being a interviewer- fakes
the sea of photographers seemed to switch direction, facing down to the entrance, Y/n walked forward from her place peering down the carpet and two tall, shaggy haired men stood there but she couldn't figure out who it was "BILL BILL! THIS WAY- TOM TURN THIS WAY TOM" it clicked- Bill and Tom Kaulitz. she'd forgotten about the twins from when they left school, she knew the twins so well back then, best friends really, sharing lessons together and always laughing and skipping lessons they didn't like, hiding in cupboards when teachers called their names down the halls
Y/n straightened her dress while seeing the twins climb the stairs and she couldn't help but get a giddy feeling as they walked towards her, they both looked so different to how she remembered- Bill had black spiky hair and Tom had dreads that he'd constantly mess with when he was bored in class "Hi!" Bill started coming into shot of the camera so that her team could start filming
"hey! How are you two?" she asked grabbing the pair microphones
"good good, you?" Tom had a look across his face the girl couldn't really understand but she smiled to him none the less
"very well- enjoying the night and speaking to everyone! so if you wouldn't mind I'll introduce you and ask only a few questions then let you go because I don't doubt theirs about 100 more people who'll want you after me!" she laughed to the two now men, not boys she used to know
"I've herd that a few times" Tom joked getting a shove from his brother "what! it was funny"
"okay ready to start?" she asked turning back to the two who nodded "okay- roll... Good evening everyone, I'm Y/n Y/l/n from CBQ News and tonight I'm here with Bill and Tom Kaulitz, how are you-"
"Oh my god! I knew it was you!" Tom had wide eyes and mouth agape looking to the girl, he knew he recognised her, her eyes, her nose, her smile, her everything he knew he knew it from somewhere
"holy sh- Y/n!" Bill covered his mouth as the girl laughed nodding "you look beautiful oh- I'm sorry were ruining the interview but we haven't seen you in like nearly 20 years!" he spoke to the camera then looking back to the girl
"I know you left school when I think- yeah I was 15 and you two had just turned 16" they nodded still staring at her, Tom couldn't help but remember what he thought of her all those years ago- Y/n was his school crush from when they were 7 to 17 years old, yes 17- though he never saw her when they left he still thought about her all the time and looked back on the picture the two took the day they we're leaving, she was smiling with her arms around his neck, hugging him. Sometimes he missed school- not the bullying or the stares but the times in class were they'd just burst out laughing until they felt sick "so- back onto the interview" she laughed "who're you two wearing tonight?"
the boys gave their answers, making remarks and laughing as they all watched someone fall up the stairs but Tom still couldn't get over Y/n, she looked even more gorgeous, her hair perfectly fitted to her face, her dress looked so good on her though it had been so long- his feeling were trickling back in "can I say, you look great Y/n- not even great, amazing tonight" a blush painted her face and Bill looked toward his brother, the memories came back of the nights him and Tom would be sat talking about if he was going to finally ask out Y/n but every year he made an excuse, he was planning on asking her to prom but they left before it happened and she ended up going alone, thats what Tom's friends said anways-but god does he wish he just took the plunge
"aw thank you! you two the first to actually say something about me tonight" a smile came across her face
"we'll they're arseholes, you're one of the best dressed here!" Bill laughed
"god you two stop its giving me an ego!, anyways thank you so much for this- its great seeing you again after so long" she and Bill met in a hug, he'd missed these, giving her a kiss on her cheek before Tom pulled her away into his arms, her hands went around his neck, his head resting on her shoulder and hers lay in his chest- just like the photo "thank you- its been amazing seeing you" she spoke to Tom quiet enough for the mic's not to pick it up, pulling away from the hug they still kept their arms on each other. Bill knew that Tom was probably going to be talking about this hug for the next week but he didn't mind- he knew what It meant to him
"I've missed you Y/n..." she nodded trying to hold the tears back, she didn't realise how nice it felt to be with them again and just being in their arms- especially Toms- would make her so emotional
"me too..." she breathed
"god you're going to make me cry- stop Y/n" Bill chuckled blinking up trying to discard the tears, Tom still stood with the girl unable to pull from her
"okay- hm, well you two- I hope you have an amazing night and maybe I'll see you in another 20 years?" the three laughed, but Tom wasn't about to wait another 20 years to see her again, he couldn't
"hope so!"
"aaannnd cut-" the camera man called and the three breathed, she took the mics back and thanked the pair again, when other interviewers realised that they'd finished Bill and Tom's name bounced around again
"have a good night guys, I wont hold you up anymore" she sadly grinned rubbing Bills shoulder feeling a weird pain in her chest- like she was saying good bye again
"ugh I'd much rather stay with you but, we both know what these things are like" Bill gave her one last hug, squeezing her tightly and saying thanks once more before he was dragged by someone she didn't even see but he was gone and only her and Tom stood there
"guess I need to say bye to you too hm?" the two shared a laugh
"yeah.. yeah" Tom couldn't let his nervousness get the best of him this time, he knew if he didn't say anything he'd regret if for how many more years went by before he saw her again "I- I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna grab drinks one of the nights? or even tonight if you can do you want to sit with us- Gustav and Georg will be at the after party thing- it's fine if not of course I'm guessing you've already got a table with some people and-" the guitarist rambled on making the girl infront of him giggle
"I'd love to go get drinks with you Tom- and also sit with you all tonight" he felt like he had gone back to being 16 for a second as the words left her mouth "so I'll meet you by the doors at say, 9?"
"Yeah 9 works, okay!- I better go so" he hugged her again pressing a kiss to the top of her head "bye!" she waved to the man who was smiling so widely it hurt
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sammy-halpert · 9 months
"That's just cute now"
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Author note: I just haven't seen a new fanfic for ages, so here you go!
Warnings: some cursing, rest is pure fluff <3
You and Wilbur are friends since around four years and have moved in together a year ago. It was very common for Wilbur to be either by his computer all day or with his band, but he still uses every break he has to spend it with you, but obviously he doesn't tell you that and makes you belive he has some breaks alone.
You've had a crush on him the day you saw him. His tlal figure towering over you, his soft presence, his little dirty jokes and the British accent were really something for you. The crush had become so big, you noitice everything. You noitice if he has a new piece of clothing, if there is a new picture in his phone case, even if he gets the smallest paper cut you find out.
But again it felt like he just sees you as a close friend. One time you and him had been watching a movie and he had held you, cuddling you. Of course, he was tired and everything. The next few days it felt like he was ignoring you, avoiding eye contact... blushing?
Wilbur left to record a new sorry boys video, till 7pm, currently it's 6:21pm. Cuddled up in your bed, wearing a t-shirt as you are scrolling on your phone, back faced to the bedroom door. Lovejoy is playing in your headphones and the sound of some videos as you scroll by.
After a little but you come across an edit of a certain someone... (I'll add the video you saw because I am very fucking delusional and I need as much detail in everything possible :D)
'Oh fuck' You thought. Being attracted to him and then seeing these videos made you want to kick your legs and giggle like a high-school girl. You really love this man more than you thought. The next thing you know, you find yourself on a rabbit hole on Tik tok and watching the edits of him, saving them one by one and putting them into an photo album of him.
You've been collecting pictures of him since years, taking some yourself and others from the Internet. It feels to weird have so many pictures of your best friend and admiring them every time you couldn't sleep, but you couldn't help it.
After a while of collecting the videos you take your time and start to look at every single video or photo in the album, zoning out a couple times to think of how to confess to him. You know it's the best thing to just tell him straight up, but you had five worries.
What if he says that he doesn't like you back ? That will be the most awkward friendship ever.
Courage. You don't have it when it comes to Wilbur and confessing.
The 'Oh no I'm gonna fuck this up so bad' feeling the second you try to talk to him about it.
He misunderstands you. What if he thinks you said something else? You already had mustered up all your courage and he didn't understand it. No thank you, another time.
What if he immediately ends the friendship? What if he doesn't want to live with someone who has a huge crush on him? Yeah no, not taking that risk.
You are so lost in a trance you don't hear the front door open. The pictures of him just make you feel like you're on a cloud and turn your eyes into hearts. You are indeed hear over heels for him.
"(Name) I'm back!" Wilbur shouted from the front door as he take soft his shoes and jaket. He stops as you don't answer. "(Name)?" He shouted and looked into the direction of your room. He frowns as worry swarms over him. Did something bad happen to you. He hurries and throws his shoes into the corner instead of carefully putting them there.
Headphones still in use and you are still lost in the pictures. You can't get enough of his looks. The pictures really had something and you didn't noitice his steps or shouts of your name.
Wilbur opens your bedroom door without even knocking, too worried. "(Name)?" He sees you on the bed and mentally sighs relifed. You haven't noiticed him yet, and he knows. An idea gets into his mind and he silently sneaks to your bed, your bsck still facing him and the door. He was about to give you a tickle attack before he saw what you are doing. You are... Looking at images of him, and edits? He watches you swipe in the galleries and they never seemed to stop.
A smile creeps up on his face. You like him back?! He couldn't belive it. He was glad he doesn't have to isolate himself anymore after they cuddle because he needs to recharge the act of not liking you that way. But he won't need the act anymore.
Instead of tickling you, he lays down by your side and spoons you, arms wrapping around your waist and a face nuzzled into your neck, a familiar scent entering your nose.
You quickly turn your phone off in hopes he didn't see anything and take off your headphones. "Oh- hi Will. I didn't hear you" You mumble, blushing. Usually you never cuddle expect for when watching movies. "Mmh... I know" He hummed into your neck.
Spooning isn't your favourite cuddling position so you turn around and nuzzle onto him, head resting on his chest. He pulls you closer and caresses your hair.
What is going on? He is never that affectionate. Like never. Not even while watching movies. Did something happen?
"I see you've spent your time missing me?" You could hear the smile in his voice as clear as day, his hand now resting on your arm, thumb strocking you. "What?" It came out of your mouth without thinking any further and a chuckle moves his chest.
"I mean, you must have missed me a lot that you didn't even hear me come home, because you were too busy staring at my photos." HE SAW THAT?! Now that's where embarrassment becomes cringing. Oh please just make him think you are playing a prank on him, but he knows you're not that big of a prankster. The furthest you go is make him say 'Ben Dover.'
"I was cleaning up my gallery" You mumble and bury your face into his chest. This is so embarrassing. It seems he's catching into that crush of yours, but he seems very cool with it.
"That's just cute now" He mumbles under his breath with a soft chuckle. "(Name). I know that if you have more than eighr pictures of the same guy in a row in your gallery, you are simpinggg" He says in a teasing tone but he was dead serious. "You wanna say I have a crush on you?" You scoff, trying your best to make it seem like you find it funny that he's apperantly so wrong.
Wilbur sighs. "You won't say it so I will." A soft hand comes up from your arm and gently pushes you s bit away so you can look at him without breaking your neck and then comes to your chin, tilting it up to look at him. Then he comes up close, his nose only an inch from you." I love you. Not bestie way. The romantic way." He leans in but centimeters befor your lips he stops. Puppy eyes look into yours and you feel his breath again your lips as he asks in a whisper. "May I? Please"
You know Wilbur is a huge gentle man, so it wasn't a big suprise he asked for concent and to be honest, you liked it a lot. A nod from you was all it took and his lips are now pressed against yours. The hand on your chin moves up to your cheek as the other tone is tucked under you and on your back.
Butterflies fill both of your stomach's as your lips move rhythmically against each other. After a moment or two he pulls away and looks at you with this familiar look in his eyes. Before this you always saw those eyes as his normal rest look, but now you realise, it was a look of love. He had looked at you so many times with this look you thought it was his rest look, but his actual resting face was around his other friends. Around you, he's the softest softie you'll ever know.
An adorable smile curls his lips and you couldn't help but smile back. He holds you close and you wrap your ams around him aswell, cuddling onto his warm and soft presence.
"You're mine now, (Name)"
If anyone wants to join the taglist, let me know!
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qveerthe0ry · 7 months
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part One
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Summary: Frankie hasn't dated in years, but now he knows what he's looking for. He's just not so good at asking for what he wants, and you're willing to help him work on it. Word Count: 8,156 Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, subby!Frankie, soft dom! reader, talks about gender non-conformity, sickening fluff, Frankie is way too cute and sweet for his own good, kissing, making out, handjob (m receiving), anal fingering (m receiving), dirty talk, Frankie has a praise kink, no use of y/n, no physical descriptions of reader Beta: @perotovar (my angel ilysm) A/N: Sorry for talking about this for a month straight without posting it lol! The title is from the song (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear by Elvis Presley which I admittedly haven't listened to but I saw the lyrics and knew immediately it was my Frankie. I hope you enjoy, and I'm always open to criticism and thoughts and thots!
Frankie hasn’t dated in years. He hasn’t really had the time, between his first child being born and navigating co-parenting with his ex, along with healing some very deep trauma and getting and staying clean. 
It just hasn’t been on his mind, if he’s honest. He’s been busy finding himself, as Pope calls it. And he’s not wrong. It’s taken a long while for him to be comfortable in his own skin, to come to terms with the things he’s done and the baggage he can now store in an overhead bin, rather than carry it around with him at all times. 
But now, he’s ready. He knows himself, and as a result, he knows what he’s looking for.
Someone kind-hearted and down to earth. Someone who’s independent and established, but not just looking for a hookup. Someone with a sweet smile and a desire for enjoying the little things in life. 
Someone like you. 
He’d swiped right and left dozens of times on men and women alike, but as soon as he saw your profile on whatever dating app he’d downloaded, he was hooked.
You were gorgeous. He felt the heat from your smile through his phone screen, so happy and genuine and sweet.
You were funny, the answers to those weird icebreaker questions full of witty remarks.
You were smart, clearly, from your shoutout to your alma matter and the ‘boring’ job you mentioned in your profile.
He honestly figured he had no chance at all. His face is only getting more wrinkly, and his hair more gray, and he’s never been the sharpest or funniest guy in the room. 
So when he swiped left and you matched, he was stunned. He was even more shocked when you messaged him before he could even think of what to say to you. 
Hi cutie 🥰 
Despite the fact that he was home alone on his couch, he had the sudden urge to look behind him, as if you’d be talking to someone else. The back of his neck got so warm, and your boldness only made him more into you. 
So he messaged you back
Hi :) how are you?
I’m surprised we matched, honestly. Pleasantly surprised 😊
Same here :) Why the surprise though? I’m sure you match with everyone
Not at all, it’s hard to find people whose type I am on here. I usually use the queer dating apps but I opened this one out of boredom. What are the chances?
What are the chances, indeed, Frankie thinks, as he gives your profile another look over. Frankie doesn’t understand how you aren’t everyone’s type. He feels a little bit like he’s talking to a celebrity, looking at your pictures and just a snippet of who you are on this reductive dating app. 
I like the odds :)
As your conversation continues normally over the next few days, Frankie learns a lot about you. He also learns a lot about himself. 
It’s been so long since he’s played the field, so to speak, that he’s rusty as all hell and a bit awkward. He’s afraid to flirt too much, every message deleted and re-written at the risk of sounding too cheesy or too forward or too much. 
You aren’t afraid to flirt. You send ‘good morning, handsome’ and ‘sweet dreams, pretty boy’ texts every day and night. You tell him your day would be better if you could cuddle someone, you tell him when you’re taking a relaxing bath that you wished he were there to join you. 
And to say that Frankie likes it is a massive fucking understatement. 
He adores it, he thinks about you constantly, all day long while he works without access to his phone, all evening long while he waits on your replies, all night long, when you’ve bid each other goodnight out of nothing but courtesy for each other’s sleep schedules.
You lead him along like a timid puppy on a leash, showing him new things with patience and care and it drives him insane. He wants to meet up with you so bad, or even just call you on the phone to hear your voice. He thinks about it, late at night, if it’s higher or lower in register, if it’s smooth or raspy. He wants to learn everything about you. 
That being said, he’s not sure if he’s ever met someone who’s ‘non-binary/gender-fluid’ before. He doesn’t get out much, he hardly talks to anyone who he hasn’t known for years. 
So he googles. It doesn’t really help. He understands what it means, but he doesn’t know what it means to you. He wants to ask you a million questions, but is afraid to bring up even one, and ruin the moment, or sound like an idiot. 
You’re so kind though. So he bites the bullet. 
Can I ask you a question?
Your response comes almost immediately, now that it’s evening time, both finished with dinner— his takeout vs. your leftover spaghetti. 
Of course, pretty boy ❤️
He still flushes deep when you call him that, heat spreading all throughout his face and neck and chest. 
How did you know you were non-binary/ gender-fluid? 
He frets over the text a bunch before he sends it, making sure he worded it the same way you did in your profile. His heart pounds as he waits for your response. 
I’ve always just kind of known I didn’t feel like a man or a woman. I used to think everyone felt somewhere in between, and it was just normal to not feel like I checked either box, but then I realized no one else around me felt the way I did. And then I learned all the terms and whatnot, later on, and knew that’s what I am. Just kinda in between, neither and both, sometimes one and sometimes the other. If that makes sense?
His smile splits his cheeks as he reads your in-depth response, eating up every bit of information you’re willing to give him. 
That makes perfect sense to me. Thank you for sharing :) 
It doesn’t scare you off?
Frankie scoffs, as if anything about you could scare him off. At this point, you could show up on his doorstep with a dead body in a bag, and he’d throw it in his trunk, dispose of it, and then ask if he could maybe kiss you.
Not at all. Nothing about you scares me :)
It’s a few more days before Frankie works up the courage to ask for your phone number. You tell him you were wondering when he was going to finally ask for it. It makes him itchy to think about you waiting for him to ask, making him be the one to do it. In a good way. In a way that kind of makes him stiffen up in his briefs if he thinks about it for too long.
But now, as he settles in from a long day at work, his grin splits his face from ear to ear as he reads your text.
Can I take you out tomorrow night?
He likes it… a lot. He feels so fucking new to all this, like a fumbling newborn calf taking its first steps, and how forward you are eases him so thoroughly.
I’d love that :)
Meet me here at 5 for dinner. Casual dress, but I’m sure you’ll be handsome in anything 😘
It’s the longest 22 hours of his life, and it’s the shortest, all at the same time. Texting you, making funny jokes like his bones aren’t about to creep right out from under his skin with all the nerves buzzing his body. Thinking about you, dreaming about you, one right after the other. When he wakes in the morning it’s like he didn’t get a wink of sleep, his anxiety drumming up a million different scenarios of how it could go right and wrong. 
Calling Santi mid-morning on a Saturday when he knows he’s spending time with his family, because if he doesn’t talk to someone about this he may just float off into the ether. 
“I’m so fucking nervous, Pope, what do I do? How do I act? Can you just stake out at the bar and feed me lines through an earpiece?”
“Pendejo, fucking— grow a pair man. You’re cute and funny, you’ve got this.”
Reading your texts with pupils shaped like hearts:
I can’t wait to see you tonight, cutie ❤️
I finally settled on an outfit
Is it weird that I’m not even nervous? I’m just excited to finally meet you
It is weird, Frankie thinks, but doesn’t dare tell you. It’s weird how he can’t even eat the plain toast he made for lunch without feeling bile rise in the back of his throat, and you’re just excited. It’s weird how he’s never, ever felt so gone over someone, and you haven’t even met yet. 
It’s not weird, it’s sweet :) I’m excited too &lt;3
It’s not a lie, but he’s omitting the truth a bit. He’s excited but he’s nervous, picking meticulously through his closet to find something casual but not too casual, something he likes the look of himself in, something he thinks you’ll like the look of. 
It only gets worse as he stares at google maps. The restaurant is 2.6 miles away, 11 minutes from his house. It’s 4:30, and he wants to leave already, but thinks maybe it’s better to deal with the anxiety in the comfort of his home rather than the parking lot, in case you’re there early too, and you can see how much of a fucking wreck he is. 
He watches the minutes tick up in the corner of his phone screen. At 4:36, he gets up, fusses in the mirror one last time, and leaves. 
When he parks in the lot in front of the bar & grill, you’ve already texted him. 
I’m here a little early, got all green lights. Saved us a table near the back. See you soon!
It’s 4:52. 
He takes a deep breath through his nose, closes his eyes as he lets it out gently, counting just like his therapist taught him. And again. And one more time, and finally that anxious tingling in his fingertips is muted a bit and his heart rate is only slightly above normal. 
He pulls the key from the ignition, gets out of the car, and makes his way to the door. 
He finds you instantly. 
You’re looking at him, and you’re smiling, and getting up from your chair as he approaches you. He barely even hears you greet him with all his blood rushing in his ears. 
“Hi, Frankie,” you say, and your arms stretch out to invite him in for a hug. 
He melts into your arms, his strained “hi” muffled in the crook of your neck. You squeeze him tight to you, and he hears you chuckle next to his ear. 
“Knew you’d be even cuter in person.”
He huffs out a laugh as you release him, and the tips of his ears burn. But you’re smiling so sweetly at him that it eases his nervous bones. 
“You look— can I call you handsome?” 
Fuck, he thinks, so fucking awkward. 
But your grin gets even wider. 
“Only if you mean it.” 
“I do,” he sighs, “like straight out of the cologne ads I’d rip out of my older sister’s magazines.”
He holds his breath as you react, the flutter of your eyelashes and the quivering of your lips and your laugh, bubbly and bright and soothing. 
And he isn’t lying, not even a little. You’re rugged but soft, romantic and alluring, and he can’t take his eyes off you.
Even as you take your seats across from each other, and the waiter comes to take your drink orders, and as your gorgeous eyes flit across the pages of the menu. He can’t stop looking, watching your mouth curve into a smile as you talk about your week and ask him about his. 
It’s pathetic, really, when the waiter asks if you’re ready to order, and you ask if he knows what he wants, because he hasn’t taken a single glance at the menu himself. He just hopes to god the dim lighting of the bar hides his flushed face and tells you to order first while he skims the menu. 
He ends up ordering exactly what you got, and floundering when your hand finds his on the tabletop. He watches your fingers trace his own from his nails to his knuckles, and flips his palm up for you to rest your hand in his. 
“I’m glad you came out with me tonight,” you tell him. 
His eyes flicker up from your joined hands to your smiling face, and his nerves completely melt away from the heat of your gaze. 
“Thank you for asking me,” he says.
“Would you have asked me, if I hadn’t asked you?”
He bites the inside of his cheek, and there’s a teasing glint in your eyes. 
“Eventually,” he nods, “I mean… probably.” 
Your eyebrows turn up in question, and he realizes how that sounds, jumping to backtrack. 
“Not like that! I just mean— You know… You’re uh… well, I feel like you’re way out of my league. And so maybe I’m a little… intimidated.”
You smile, then, and sigh, and squeeze his hand as you call him a sweet boy. It makes the room feel like it’s a hundred degrees warmer, like Frankie’s clothes are suddenly two sizes too small. 
“You aren’t so good at asking for what you want, are you?” 
He laughs then, and shakes his head. 
“Not really, no.”
“We’ll have to work on that, then.”
He clears his throat, and tugs at his collar with his free hand, breaking his gaze away from your face as you chuckle. He looks to find a waiter, or maybe an HVAC guy that could crank the AC to sub-zero temps for the remainder of the date. 
No luck. 
The rest of the date goes well. Surprisingly well. Frankie was worried that he’d be so out of practice that he’d freeze up, or say something stupid, or do something stupid, like knock over a drink or get food stuck in his teeth. 
But you’re just so easy to talk to, to click with. Of course, you’re the one who facilitates the conversation, asking him about his favorites— movies, TV shows, music, time of year. 
But he likes to think that he keeps the ball rolling well enough, is aware enough to remember to ask for some of your favorites— holiday, food, cocktails. 
By the time the check comes, he hardly realizes you’ve both had empty plates in front of you for a while, talking and laughing through your meals like you’re just catching up with an old friend. 
He protests when you grab the check, because of course he does. You’ve given him this incredible night, your comfortable company, your sweet smiles, and he feels like his offerings pale in comparison. 
“I asked you out, Francisco,” you tease him, having just learned his full name a mere 20 minutes ago. 
And he can’t really protest anymore, what with the shiver that’s tingling his spine and the goosebumps he tries to hide by gripping the chair underneath him. So he lets you pay, and thanks the waiter, and feels a rush of sadness when they come back with the check to sign. He really doesn’t want this evening to end. 
The apprehension falls second to the sensation of your hand on the small of his back, leading him out to the parking lot. 
“Where’s your car? I’ll walk you there,” you say, your thumb pressing a soothing circle into the base of his spine. 
So he walks to his truck, a little self-conscious about the out-of-dateness of it, and how he didn’t think to run it through a car wash before this. But mostly he’s just nervous about ending this date on a good note. 
“This is me,” he says, barely above a whisper, stopping at his driver’s side door. 
You smile at him when he turns to you. 
“Thanks again for coming out with me. I really did have a great time.”
This makes him smile through the unease, even as your hand drops from the small of his back. 
“I did too. Would you uh… wanna hang out again soon?”
Your face lights up, and Frankie wants to capture it in a bottle and take it home with him. Keep it at his bedside to use as a nightlight.
“Are you asking me on a date?” 
He chuckles and looks down to his feet like maybe it’ll redirect the flush in his face. You grab his hand, hanging by his side, and luckily you don’t make him speak again because he doesn’t know if he’s even able. 
“I’d love to. Really.” 
He smiles when he looks back up at you, only briefly, because you drop his hand and take a half step back. 
“Call me about it.”
Your brow arches at him, because you weren’t really going anywhere, but Frankie’s mind is running a thousand miles a second. He thinks back to all the times you’ve goaded him into asking for what he wants, so far, and how it hasn’t bit him in the rear yet. 
“Can we— I… Can I kiss you goodnight?”
Your smile softens, and you take that little half-step back closer to him, and he feels all the tension leak from his shoulders. 
“Yes, you can. Thank you for asking.”
He huffs, and smiles at you, and you’re reaching out to cup his jaw and grab his hip, and Frankie closes his eyes far too early, but it’s okay, because he feels your body heat and then your lips. 
He can’t hold back the hum that rumbles from deep in his chest, or the way that he goes a little boneless in your grasp. He finds your forearm and squeezes it, and your bicep too, anything to ground himself as your lips part and your tongue teases the seam of his lips. 
But then you’re pulling back, and it’s over far too quickly, and Frankie is also acutely aware of how tight his jeans feel. His face feels like it could melt right off of his skull. 
“Call me soon, Pretty Boy.”
He nods, speechless, and watches you disappear between the cars of the parking lot. On his way home, he’s already fretting over whether or not he should text you tonight, and what kind of date he should plan, and if his breath was okay when you let him kiss you. 
Frankie is perfect. 
You’re still not sure how you found this diamond in the rough that is Tinder. You thank every god you know the name of that you got bored and opened the app on auto-pilot that night. 
First of all, he’s so cute. He’s handsome in such a boyish way, with his dimples and unruly curls and patchy beard. 
But he’s also so kind, the way he talks to you like it’s a privilege, the way he asks careful and curious questions about you like he truly wants to know the parts of you that are deeper than what’s on the surface. 
Every simple text from him makes you smile, the way he always tries to make you laugh or cheer you up when you’re overwhelmed with the demands of life, as you often are.
And meeting him in person solidified everything you thought about him.
He seems like the textbook definition of a golden retriever boyfriend, if you ever get to call him that much. You hope you do.
In fact, it seems like it’s moving quite quickly in that direction when Frankie asks if you’d be down for a movie night. Some blockbuster he missed in theaters is finally streaming, and he thinks you’ll like it. 
You don’t tell him that you didn’t miss it in theaters, or that you thought it was just okay. 
You do tell him you’d be down to watch it, only if he came to your place, where the walls are thin and your surrounding neighbors all know you and watch out for you. Just in case he’s really good at acting  like a sweet, safe guy. 
You find yourself giddy as the weekend approaches, daydreaming at work about how the night will turn out. You tell him to come in comfy clothes, because you’ll be damned if you wear jeans in your own home, even for this sweet man. He doesn’t seem to mind one bit, that’s my favorite kind of outfit :) is his cute response. 
You get everything ready the day of; your coziest blankets hang off the arms of your sofa, your fridge is stocked with fresh fruits and your pantry with candy and microwave popcorn and chips (I’ll eat whatever you get :) his answer to your questioning of his favorite movie snacks, of course.)
And then you sit around and wait, excited nerves coaxing your body to straighten things up that have been straightened up a million times already. When Frankie texts you his ETA, you park yourself on the couch by the door and stare at it until there’s a knock on it. 
You may count to ten before you get up to open it, just to hide how eager you’ve been to see him again. 
Your throat does get a little dry when you answer it to find him in a dark blue t-shirt that hugs his arms and light gray joggers that hug… Other things. 
“Hi handsome,” you smile, pushing down all the nerves and the less-than-PG thoughts. 
“Hi. I um… I brought these. I noticed you ordered them on our uh– well, at the restaurant, and I didn’t want to show up empty handed.” 
You watch a flush break out on his face, and his neck, and wonder how far under his collar it actually spreads. 
He’s holding up a six pack of your favorite beers, and he’s smiling so shyly, and you have to crowd in closer to him to press a kiss to his heated cheek. 
“That’s so thoughtful, thank you.” 
He giggles— giggles, Jesus Christ— and you take them from his hand to let him come through the door. 
You set the beers in your fridge to let them chill as he kicks off his shoes. You watch him from the kitchen as he takes in your place with his pretty brown eyes. 
“It’s really cozy in here,” he tells you as he fiddles with his own hands. 
“Snuggle up, get comfy, I’ll bring us some snacks.”
He nods, so obedient, and hovers by the couch before settling on the seat in the middle. 
Sly move, you think, and you can’t hide your stupid grin as you gather some snacks. 
When you turn off all but one lamp and deposit the junk food on the coffee table, you notice he’s inched himself closer to the arm of the couch, like he was second-guessing himself. That just won’t do, you think, as you settle in right next to him, so close that the length of your body is pressed against his. 
He doesn’t look at you, just stares at the Roku City scrolling across your flat screen. For a second you think he might be uncomfortable, but the way his breathing is uneven clues you in on his nerves. 
You reach over him to grab the blanket in the arm of the couch, and you feel his muscles tense up when you press against him. 
“Huh? Sorry, yeah?” 
“Are you okay?” 
He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head and sighs, heavy and long, before looking at you.
“I’m so nervous.”
He smiles in spite of it, lopsided, dimples so cute that your lips quiver with the urge to kiss them. 
You smile back, and drape the blanket over both of you, patting his leg through it. 
“Nothing to be nervous about, Francisco.”
It gets a laugh out of him, a huff through his nose, and his shoulders lower the tiniest bit. You slowly reach up to cradle his jaw in your palm, careful not to spook this little baby deer of a man, but his face leans into your touch. 
“If it helps, I think it’s really sweet that you’re nervous.” 
“Thank you… I think?”
You laugh at him, and watch as your reaction makes his eyes brighten. You want to kiss him. You want to smooch the absolute daylights out of him, but there’s still 3 hours of a pretentious movie to watch, and there will be plenty of time, if he’s amenable. 
So you just pinch his cheek before you let go, and try not to look so smug at the heat that consumes his face as you get the movie up and running. 
Fifteen or so minutes into the film, Frankie has relaxed into the couch, though he’s stock-still beside you with his arms glued to his own sides. You just want to cuddle, at least. You’ve been thinking about it for weeks— getting his warm, solid but soft body against your own. 
You’re certain he won’t be the one to initiate it, but that’s all fine and dandy. You rearrange yourself a bit, and sling an arm over his shoulders. He looks away from the movie towards you, and you give him a smile that must be comforting. 
He sinks lower on the couch, and leans against you, his messy curls pressed against your shoulder while his arm drapes over your lap. You think you hear his satisfied hum under the dialogue of the characters, and you let your head rest against his. 
This is nice. Frankie’s so warm against you, the most comforting weight all lax against your side. Your hand creeps up from his shoulder to his head, and his hair is so silky when you finally work up the gall to run your fingers through it.
You can feel the way it affects him when he shivers and presses even closer into you. You watch the movie like that for a while, snacks untouched, fingertips stroking his scalp as his soft curls slip through your digits. Every once in a while his head tilts to look up at you, piercing brown, and each time you smile back down and ruffle his hair.
It’s just after the first big conflict of the film when you feel Frankie shift against you. His arm moves in your lap, and you watch his thick fingers grab your thigh over the blanket. 
It shocks you how such a simple gesture makes your temperature rise. You hum and let your nails scratch more firmly against his head. You can hear him gasp, and feel him move impossibly closer, like he’s trying to fuse the two of you together. You glance down at him, past the curls you’ve lost yourself in, and his eyes are closed. Further, the curve of his nose and pout of his lips, his chest that’s heaving with his excited breaths, you notice a suspicious tent in the blanket, and you don’t want to assume, but the context clues are all there. 
Frankie is hard. 
You can’t blame him. You’ve been aroused since you pressed his body against yours, a slow simmering underneath the surface that’s made you feel so comfortably warm and relaxed. 
You shift, and you swear you hear a barely-there whine leave his lips. You move just enough so you can press your free hand to his chest. Under your palm, you can feel his heart beating, a pace that’s concerningly higher than appropriate for sitting and watching dialogue in a movie. 
His head turns toward you, his hair slipping through the grasp of your knuckles. He looks up at you with those puppy eyes and his pupils are so dilated that it makes you take a deep breath. He turns his body  toward you next and there it is the hard line of his cock pressed against the outside of your thigh. You see him shudder at the friction, watch his eyes grow droopy as they flicker down to glance at your lips. 
“Can I kiss you again?” 
And he asks so sweetly, voice a little hoarse from the silence, that you couldn’t dream of denying him. 
“Yes, Frankie.”
His lips tremble until they meet yours, so soft and chaste, a stark contrast to his scruffy beard and mustache. His breath hitches; you can hear it and feel it. His chest shudders under your palm and pushes air out to gust against your cheeks. You feel his prick, too, twitching against your thigh as your tongue peeks out to tease his pouty bottom lip. 
He pulls back so much quicker than you want him to, but it’s also such a reward to look at him this close. His lips shiny, his cheeks flushed, his irises completely usurped by his pupils. His mouth hangs open and you can’t help yourself as you slide your hand from his chest to his jaw and pull him into you once again. 
A surprised little noise works its way out of his throat, and his hips jerk forward, and then he’s groaning as his cock throbs against the outside of your thigh. The noise makes that feeling in your gut draw deeper, lower, and you make one of your own in response. 
His hand rests dutifully still on your thigh, but you can feel his fingers twitching as your taste buds rub against his– a friction that has no right to be as delicious as it is. You want him to feel you up, to touch you all over, to give in to the desire that’s blatantly pressed against you. You want to hear these noises he seems to be holding back, the whimpers that just barely make it past his vocal chords before he cuts them off. 
You pull away this time. Pride swells in your chest as you look at what you’ve already done to him. His curls are even messier now that you’ve run your fingers through them over and over. His eyes are all glassy when he looks at you, pouty lips slick and red. 
He sits so still, aside from his heaving breaths, like he’s waiting for your command. 
“Tell me what you want, Frankie.”
His eyes widen and christ, if they get any wider they’re going to suck you in like a supermassive black hole. 
“I– I’m okay, I like this.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. He nods, trying to convince you, as he not-so-subtly pulls his erection free from its trap between his body and your thigh. His eyes cast downward, but you swiftly grab his chin in your hands to bring them back to you. 
“Francisco,” you mumble, “ask for what you want.”
He gasps and bites his plush bottom lip, hard enough that there’s little indents when he opens his mouth. He shuts it again, and squirms against you, and finally opens it once more. 
“I want you to touch me.” 
His request comes out hardly above a whisper, all broken and breathy, and his gaze settles somewhere behind you. 
“Is that all?”
He nods quickly, eyes snapping back to you. 
“I swear– I just wanna feel your hands on me.” 
Your smile widens as his face gets so serious, eyebrows knitting together. 
“That’s good, that’s really good,” you mumble. 
The shudder that visibly rolls through him is like a shockwave, sending every one of your nerve endings on-edge. You huff, an amazed little breath at this fucking guy in front of you, so responsive and timid and utterly fuckable. 
“You like that? Like being good for me?”
He nods again, more apprehensive this time, but he can’t hold back his whine when his hips press against you. The possibilities of all the things you could do to this man stretch far and wide; it’s entirely overwhelming. 
“Sweet boy,” you whisper, because he is, “c’mere.”
You pull the blanket off of you both, and Frankie reaches down to adjust himself so it isn’t so obvious, like you haven’t felt his cock twitching against you this entire time. It’s so endearing you think you could cry, but you’re much too turned on for sentiment at the moment. Instead, you guide him to straddle you, hands on his slender hips until his thighs cage your own. 
For a moment you just watch as he sits patiently, obediently, waiting for your next words like his cock isn’t leaking a pretty little damp patch into his sweatpants. His chest heaves with every breath, and his tongue licks and bites at his swollen lips, and his eyes stay trained on your mouth in anticipation. 
“So pretty,” you whisper. 
His long eyelashes flutter at your compliment, and he turns his head to try and hide his reaction, but it doesn’t mask the way his prick twitches under gray fabric. Your hands find his waistband and tease the edge and you delight in the way he shivers. 
You need to feel more, so you press your hands under his shirt and hum at what you find. A soft tummy and smooth skin that makes way for a small trail of wiry hairs. It’s all revealed to you a moment later when you hike his shirt higher, reach for pecs that are more solid than you imagined, and the smallest nipples you think you’ve ever had your hands on. 
You look back up to his face for permission with a quirked brow, and he nods eagerly, grabbing the back of his collar to shed the material and bare himself and it’s so lovely. There’s so much tan skin, hardly any of it is obstructed by hair, just the errant freckle here or there. And you can’t help it, you have to lean forward and take one of his nipples into your mouth. 
He gasps your name, but one of his hands finds the back of your head to keep you in place. You hum around the little nub, so small you have trouble getting your teeth to bite down on it, but you do and then he groans, his hips jerking in your hold on them. 
“Is this how you wanted me to touch you?”
You lean your head back to look him in the eyes, to watch a pained expression flit over his face as he tries to come up with an answer he thinks you’ll like. 
“I like this too,” he nods, “but I, um… fuck–”
He cuts himself off to hide his face in his hands. He is so cute and so sexy at the same time, it’s making your brain go haywire. 
“Tell me, Frankie. Be good for me, Pretty Boy.” 
He shifts on top of you as he looks up at your ceiling. You soothe your hands up and down his flanks and wait patiently for him to find the words. 
He drops his hand from his face, fists clenching down by his sides, but he finally looks down at you and smiles, shy and sweet, just a hint of that dimple you adore rearing its head.
“Touch my cock? You got me so hard.”
You smile bright at his request, and nod, and press a kiss to his sternum. 
“Anything you want,” you mumble, “just gotta ask. Just like that.”
He looks pretty proud of himself. There’s a twinkle in his eyes as you look up at him, and you take a playful bite of his skin and savor the gasp it coaxes out of him. 
“Let’s get these off, yeah?” 
Your fingers sneak under his waistband and his skin is so hot under there, searing. You only have a few moments to bask in the warmth before he stands up to remove his pants and briefs in one bashful move. 
He’s so gorgeous, bare for you, vulnerable, excited. His foreskin is all pulled back, revealing a delicious looking string of pre-cum from his slit. You desperately want to lean forward and taste— but he didn’t ask for that, and you won’t give it to him unless he does. 
Stunned a bit silent, you pat your lap, urging him to settle back over it. Much to your delight, he does, quick and obedient. An approving hum bubbles up out of your chest, and he preens as he sits on your thighs. 
There’s a very wicked feeling in you as you stare at him, completely naked, while you haven’t shed a single layer of clothing. Control, and trust, and power. It’s overwhelming in a way that makes your lungs feel too inflated for your rib cage, to know you could take advantage of it, and to know you never ever would. 
“Good boy,” you whisper, finally, testing those waters. 
Frankie’s dick twitches between you two, and you huff and smile and wonder how something so perfect and precious has literally landed right in your lap. 
He’s been more than good, and so with one hand you grab his hip to steady him, and the other takes his cock as gentle as ever. A sharp inhale inflates his chest as you stroke the smooth skin, a teasing, feather-light touch that makes his legs tense up in your lap. You watch him disappear and reappear through the loose circle of your hand, watch another clear droplet bead from his slit when you squeeze him tighter. 
“Does this feel good?”
He’s watching your hand work when you look back up to his face. He nods, a jerky movement that seems to shake his entire body, and he’s so on-edge. You feel it in the way he shifts his weight on top of you. 
“Words, Frankie,” you urge, a soft smile on your face. 
“So good.”
You hum, taking in the way his eyes flutter open and closed, the way his adam’s apple pokes out when he leans his head back. 
You reward him by speeding up your strokes. You squeeze his hip with your free hand, kneading at the soft flesh there, while you lean forward to press kisses into his virtually hairless chest. His skin is so hot it feels like it could burn you, flushed such a pretty color, just like you knew it would be. 
He whines when you gather up more pre cum with your thumb and gently massage it into his frenulum. You look up to find him staring down at you with glassy eyes, bottom lip tucked tight between his teeth. 
“Can we kiss more?”
His voice is breathy, and you nod, and a fresh wave of arousal flushed through your system when his lips eagerly meet yours. 
It’s sloppier, this time. Noisier, too, as you tighten your grip on his cock and begin to properly work your hand up and down his length. You steal his breath and his noises straight from his lungs, feel every shudder he pushes out when you twist your wrist just right or squeeze tighter. 
His hips start to meet your thrusts, rutting into your hand, such a desperate little thing on top of you, all for you. You want to encourage him to take his pleasure from you, and so you slip your hand back from his waist, find the perfectly pert globe of his ass with your palm. 
“Haa— shit.”
His words muffle into your kiss as his hips stutter in rhythm and you lean forward to smirk into the bald patch of his beard. 
A gasp wrecks through his heaving chest as he nods. 
“Please, fuck— please.”
You hum into his jaw and squeeze his cock and his ass respectively. 
“Please what, Pretty Boy?” 
He leans back. You watch him squeeze his eyes shut and shake his head from left to right. 
“Tell me what you want, Frankie. Know you can.” 
A big gulp of air, and then he opens his eyes to look at you, then blinks them shut again as his head lolls back in his shoulders. 
“Touch me there. I— I can’t—”
“Shhh,” you take mercy on him, bringing your hand up from his backside to cradle his jaw in your palm. He tilts his head into your touch and opens his eyes.
“I got you, sweet boy,” you remind him. 
He nods in understanding, shifting to kiss the heel of your palm. You let him rest his lips there as he catches his breath, feel them quivering every other upstroke of your hand on his prick. 
But as he makes to move, you hold his jaw steady in your hand. His eyes flicker back to your face, and you wonder if you look as wrecked as you feel, if he can tell how beside yourself you really are. 
Slowly, so he can pull away if he wants, you trace the pad of your middle finger along the seam of his lips. You’re awestruck at how they instantly fall open for you, greedy, something you’re definitely looking forward to exploring more later. 
For now, you watch with hooded eyes as he takes it into his mouth, tongue curling and lapping at it. You briefly wonder if fingers are erogenous zones, beyond turned on at how warm and wet the inside of his mouth feels, how he suckles and releases, bobs his head over and over until you snap out of it. 
“Good boy. Fucking perfect,” you sigh.
He gets a cocky little goofy grin on his face at the praise, but his prick twitches against your grasp. You squeeze it for good measure, and more of his pre-cum dribbles over your knuckles. 
You lean into him again, and he leans into you, holding each other up. Your mouth finds his pebbled nipple once again as his prick drags across your shirt and saturates it. He hisses at the friction, then gasps when your hand grabs his ass cheek again. 
You pull it as best as you can with one hand. It isn’t too difficult with how it fits so perfectly round in your palm. You squeeze it, massage it, note how the littlest hint of peach fuzz feels against your clammy hand. You wonder how it would feel under your tongue, too, how it would taste, how the fatty flesh would feel between your teeth. 
His hips stutter forward when your finger, slick with his saliva, strokes the very top of his crack. And you don’t mean to tease too much, but his jerky movements and satisfied sounds when you do are like music to your ears. 
Finally you find his hole, fluttering around nothing, so little and tight, all for you. 
Frankie sounds pained, so much so that you look up from nuzzling his chest to watch his face. His brows are drawn tight with how his eyes are squeezed shut, and his mouth is hung open, slick with a little drool around the corners of his lips. Without context, maybe he would look pained, too, but the way his cock throbs and dribbles in your hand paints a completely different picture. 
And what a pretty picture he is, gulping for air above you, thrusting his hips back into your finger and forward through your fist, like he’s so out of his mind that he can’t even make it up. 
You apply more pressure to his impossibly tight pucker and sink your teeth into his skin at the way he whines for you. You do it again, and again, a patient little rhythm until it relaxes and the very tip of your finger slips into his warmth. 
He groans, clenching tight around you. 
“Okay, Frankie?”
He laughs, a little puff of air, and you feel it where you’re inside him. 
“Gonna make me come,” he chokes.
“Yeah, don’t— fuck— please don’t stop.”
You hum into his chest, squeeze your hand tighter around his prick as you speed up your strokes. He’s groaning now, deep and low and constant, like he couldn’t hold it back if he tried. 
You wiggle your finger against his rim, tugging him open for you, toying with the elastic muscle. He’s so pliable everywhere, opening up to you, happily taking what you give him. 
In a stiff moment you think he isn’t into it, because he freezes up and goes silent. You make to slip out of him, but his warmth just drags you in.
And then his cock jumps in your grasp, and his hole clamps around your finger as he gasps your name, and he’s coming. 
He shakes with it as he soaks your shirt and drips over your hand. You stroke him through it and marvel at the way he feels in your grasp and around you, violent waves of pleasure that you can sense where you touch him. 
You look up to watch him tremble through it and he’s gorgeous. Sweat drips from his messy curls at his temple and paints a glimmer down his neck, all pulled taught as his head hangs back. His chest tastes salty under your tongue where it heaves, you can’t get enough of the flavor, or the wicked beating of his heart under your lips. 
And his noises, fucking delicious, wrung-out curses that just keep tumbling from his red lips. His stomach trembles with his shaky breaths, and he sounds so wrecked as the last bit of his orgasm tricked down the back of your hand. 
His whispered chants of “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” slow to a stop just as his joints unlock and his muscles relax. You take it as a sign to loosen your grip on his spent cock and carefully slip your finger back out of him. It earns you one last whimper before he sags into you, a boneless little heap in your lap. 
You unhand him to hold him against you, wipe your hand on the discarded blanket beside you so you can stroke his back with one hand and his fuzzy little buttcheek with the other. 
You tell him how good he was for you, how pretty he is when he comes, how much you loved getting to do that to him. 
It takes a while for him to catch his breath, and his huffs tickle that sensitive spot on your neck just below your ear. 
“Holy shit,” he sighs. 
You nod, because he’s correct. Holy shit, indeed. 
His voice is a little hoarse, and you’re conflicted. You want to hold him as long as he’ll let you, but you know you should get him some water and at least a towel. 
You shift under him and he whimpers, wraps his arms tighter around your shoulders.
There goes that idea. 
You hold him closer, and smirk at the contented sigh that leaves him. 
“I think… I think I just imprinted on you.” 
It startles a laugh out of you, and he chuckles too, a tiny happy sound against your collar bone. You turn to kiss his heated cheek, and he lets you, before he turns his own head to fuse his lips to yours. 
This kiss is lazy, unhurried, and the adrenaline from making him fall apart is slowly making way for more of that sticky-sweet arousal from earlier. 
“I wanna make you come,” he mumbles against your lips. 
You shake your head, but kiss him some more, as to not give him the wrong idea. 
“Another night, Pretty Boy.”
He makes a disappointed sound, but continues to kiss you until you have to part for air. His brow is turned upward in question when you pull away. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
You’re shaking your head before he even finishes his question. 
“Not a single thing, Frankie. Just wanted to take care of you tonight.” 
His shoulders relax at that, but his face is still confused. It’s a cute look on him, with his pouty lips and big brown eyes. 
“You’d tell me right? If I made you uncomfortable? You can tell me. I don’t wanna upset you.” 
And christ, you feel your heart melting and oozing through your rib cage at how earnest his voice is. 
“I promise, I’ll tell you.”
That seems to quell his nerves, as he sinks back into you again with his sweaty curls pressed against your shoulder. 
You’re sticky in more ways than one, and Frankie’s only getting heavier in your lap the sleepier he gets, but a giggle bubbles up out of you when you realize you’ve never been more comfortable than you are right now. 
Frankie huffs in response, and you press him even tighter against you. 
You don’t know where one-and-a-half dates and one sickeningly hot orgasm places the two of you. And maybe it’s greedy to think about with a handsome, sweet man in your arms, but you can’t push down the overwhelming feeling of wanting more.
next part
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Double Date
Pairings: Oscar x black!OC
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, use of drugs (marijuana), my smut writing skills
Word count: 4.5k
this is the longest thing I've ever written but I'm sorry I was not splitting it so if your attention span runs long enough to read this, enjoy 😂also I didn't re-read or re-edit the beginning cus I'm too high rn so sorry in advance
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ALSO some of this was inspired by Entergalactic on Netflix. If you guys haven't seen it I highly recommend that you check it out, it's a fucking masterpiece, the soundtrack is bomb, storyline is cute and it's so visually pleasing omg. Kid Cudi really did his thing.
"So, look I know you're in your post-breakup mourning period... but.." Carmen took her hoodie off her head to give a full scowl to her sister, she could already feel the question about to come out of her mouth and she was in no mood. Fresh out of a long relationship, Carmen was a weeping mess that barely saw the light of day for almost a month. The man she thought she would marry and live her life with seemed to have had enough of her and made it clear in those exact words. Harsh. And that's what really hurt the most. Not the typical "I don't think we're working out." But a gut-wrenching "I've had enough." With no explanation.
When she told her sister, Vanessa, she suggested that they burned his things before he came to collect them but she couldn't find it in herself to be that girl— her sister said that didn't have anything to do with her and decided she'd perform the act herself but Carmen did find it funny to see his reaction when he saw the pile of charred clothing on the sidewalk. She was appreciative of her sister, her built-in best friend.
Vanessa looked at her with puppy eyes. "But what?" Carmen answered. "Okay so there's this guy that I've been talking to, his name is Jose, and he wants to meet but I'm kinda nervous so I asked if it could be a double date and he said yeah that's cool-"
"Nessaaaaa." She groaned. She was in no mood to even see a man let alone go on a double date with one. "Pleeeease! Please Mini." She pouted using the nickname she gave her since she was born. Carmen rolled her eyes tossing her head back as she looked at the ceiling to weigh her options, she'd been cooped up in her apartment for a while and she was starting to miss going out for a little drink here and there but she just didn't want to see the opposite sex for a bit. But it was for her sister and her sister would do the same if the roles were switched.
"When is this?"
"For fuck sake Nessa."
"Sorry. But please?"
Carmen sighed. "Fine."
"Yes!" Vanessa cheered. "What does he look like?"
The older sister scrolled through her conversation finally coming across a picture of the two men, pointing to Jose and the other guy who'd be joining them. Carmen took the phone to get a closer look. He wore a completely shaved head, moustache and goatee which suited him well in her opinion— her eyes darted between the two men noticing the matching tattoos on their neck, and her date with a teardrop one under his eye.
Her sister grimaced. "Yeah?"
"Are they in a fucking gang?"
She mentally cussed her sister out, she should've known that this was what she was getting into since Vanessa always had a type, but she already agreed to this predictable catastrophe.
The time for the date came quickly and Carmen was thoroughly underwhelmed as she got ready, already planning out what could go wrong in terms of her lack of social skills— she felt like she was already lucky enough to get a boyfriend the first time around due to her awkwardness and now she was being launched back into the dating pool. Sort of.
The sisters arrived at Dwayne's Joint, it was a new spot in town that they had talked about trying out and Vanessa figured tonight would be a good night as any. They sat inside a booth waiting for the boys to arrive, the two sisters giving off very different energies. Vanessa was excited while Carmen sulked ready to get this over with so she could go home, light a blunt, and go to sleep. "You look pretty." Vanessa complimented. Carmen tried her best to make the most of it, she did dress up in a casual black halter top and paired it with a brown skirt, around her waist were her regular waist beads with one sitting above her belly button and the other below it so her belly piercing could be seen. She threw a white knitted cardigan over it but would most likely take it off soon because she was getting a bit hot already.
Her locs, that haven't been retwisted in the month, had been brushed and put up in a ponytail so they'd be out of her face and look somewhat neat. If she had to say so herself, and she did, she looked good.
"Thanks. You look pretty too girly." Carmen smiled. Her expression soon faded when the bell above the door rang signalling a customer had walked in, her heart fell to her stomach when it was the two men they were meeting with. "Here come your boys." She mumbled. "Hush." Vanessa scooted out of the booth and opened her arms to Jose, her sister stood almost stunned that the man almost ran to her scooping her up in his arms and off the floor.
She grumbled at them. Is this what she was going to endure all night?
She and his friend stood awkwardly not knowing if to introduce themselves to each other or wait for their counterparts to do it. The two broke the hug and Vanessa smiled. "José, Spooky, this is my sister Carmen. Carmen this is Jose and Spooky."
Carmen delivered a small wave only to receive a nod from Spooky, he looked like he wanted to be there as much as she did. The four sat down, Vanessa sitting beside her date and Carmen with hers. For the first few minutes it felt like a normal double date as far as those go, Jose did ask Carmen a few questions and made conversation with the two girls but soon all his attention went to Vaness which was fine because that's who he came for anyway.
She didn't know what to say to this "Spooky" guy, every time she looked over at him he was just staring at everything else not even making the gesture to look at her plus he didn't look like he wanted to be bothered anyway so she just went on her phone until their food arrived.
There was constant giggling across the table and consistent compliments and it made her miss her relationship even more-- she used to be like that too and she wished she still was. Her thumb hovered over his contact name, she knew she should've gotten rid of it by now but she didn't want to, she contemplated texting him even if it was to have a conversation for the moment but she didn't so instead she put her phone down on the table and placed her hands in her lap.
"So..." A shockingly deep voice said next to her, she was surprised he could speak at all. "So... you don't say much."
Spooky chuckled. "Neither do you. Guess we have something in common."
"That and friends who drag us to blind dates I guess."
"That too."
Saving the tension in the air was the waitress holding their tray of food, Carmen was grateful for the interruption plus she was mad hungry. The group ate and chatted a bit. She was enjoying her food until her eyes wandered off to the door, she gasped and slid down in her chair causing all eyes from the table to be on her. "What? What's wrong?" Her sister asked. "Damien." She whispered.
Vanessa turned around spotting the ex-boyfriend with a new girl on his arm, she looked over at her sister. "Who's Damien?" Jose asked. "Um, he's someone she used to date."
"What are you scared of him?" He joked. Carmen shook her head, she sat up straight frowning at the new girl. It'd only been a month out of a four-year relationship, how come he had someone already? Was she always there?
She couldn't see it but Spooky saw her expression and the way her mood changed especially when she saw that they were walking toward them to get to a table behind them. "Of all the places." He heard her mumble. He sighed and decided to do her a favour. "Come closer."
"Come closer." Carmen listened and shuffled as close as she could, Spooky swung his arm over her shoulder catching her by surprise but she wasn't so stiff anymore she kind of relaxed under him. Damien and his date were getting closer, his smile turning into a frown once he saw her and Spooky.
They stopped in front of her table. "Carmen?" She looked up and fake smiled. "Damien, hey. What's up?"
His eyes shifted over to Spooky who was giving him a death stare. "Nothing, just hanging out, decided to try this new spot."
The air was thick once again, he nodded at the boys who didn't even blink at him, he cleared his throat mustering "See you around." Before going about his business. Carmen let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding, her eyes stung as tears that she didn't want threatened to break their barrier. "You okay?" Spooky asked, she nodded going back to her food only able to take one bite before she knew that her tears were about to embarrass her.
She snatched her sister's car keys off the table and said. "I'll be back." Spooky got out so that she could, he watched her walk out of the establishment the last thing he heard was her whimpers.
"Aww, what's her problem?"
Vanessa's ears found that snarky tone. "Maybe she didn't wanna smell your funky asses sitting right behind her."
Damien's date turned around. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me dog tits." She laughed. The girl gasped. "Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?"
Before Damian could answer he looked up at Spooky who was still giving him a look of disdain. He closed his mouth and asked her to sit down before anything got worse. Spooky took it upon himself to go check on her, he wandered off into the parking lot and not too far from the door did he see her with her head down with fog around her and smoke coming from the windows with the smell of weed in the air.
Inside, Carmen's eyes were red from both the Indica and her tears, she sniffled closing her eyes and rested her head back. She knew coming out tonight would be a mistake. Willing to Trust by Kid Cudi played while the weed took over she felt herself being carried off somewhere else, floating around in her head until a small tap on the window disrupted her peace, she looked over to the passenger's side and to her surprise it was Spooky.
She unlocked the door inviting him inside, she turned down the music taking another hit of her blunt. Carmen sighed putting her feet up on the dashboard. Spooky noticed her Scooby-Doo socks and laughed, she scrunched up her nose stifling her laugh too but she couldn't help it. "Shut up."
"I didn't say anything." He snorted. She looked over at him, her eyes falling on the details of the tattoo on his neck-- the crucifix that you'd more so see in Catholic churches but instead of Jesus and them on it the word Santos was etched into his skin, she scanned him until she landed on the other tattoo of the teardrop under his eye. "Something you wanna ask me?"
Spooky watched as she took another puff, checking her out just as much as she did him. She handed him her blunt and he gladly took it. "What's your real name?"
A dimple poked out when he smiled. "Oscar,"
"Hm, what caused Jose to drag you out of the house Oscar?"
He licked his lips and she didn't know if it was the weed but it made her tingle when he did that. "Eh, he's my hermano, just trynna be his wingman so he could get some pussy you know?"
He handed it back to her. "Gross." She giggled taking a hit. "Yeah? Like you're not helping your sister get some dick?"
"Fair enough."
The two sat in the car and talked for a surprisingly long time as if they were on their own separate date. It was a nice conversation and it helped take her mind off of her troubles for a bit, they hadn't even noticed how long they'd been gone until Jose and Vanessa came out hand in hand with containers sitting in a plastic bag.
Oscar saw them making their way to the car and if he was being honest it was a bit disappointing, he was enjoying Carmen's company she was a fun person to talk to, she was funny, she had some pretty crazy stories to tell and he liked getting to know her. She rolled down the window to greet her sister. "Thanks for dining and dashing."
"No problem." Carmen winked. "Alright let's get you home girl."
She looked over at Oscar and back at her sister and whispered. "Are you and Jose not... you know?"
"I want to but I mean I can just take you home."
She lightly shook her head, her sister getting the hint and smirking. "Um, Spooky do you mind taking my sister home? I mean if that's okay with you, Carmen?"
"Yeah, that's cool with me." She looked over at Oscar with hopeful eyes and he agreed to take her so they switched cars and were left in the parking lot watching the other pair get into the car and drive off. He walked her over to his Red Impala and she was sort of impressed by it, it was a beautiful vehicle and the interior was just as nice.
They wasted no time falling back into the conversation they were having before, leaving the venue and driving around with no destination in particular until Carmen suggested ice cream-- her munchies were kicking in and she was craving something sweet. They pulled up to an ice cream parlour that wasn't too far from her apartment complex, it was sort of empty except for maybe a group of drunks who were in the same predicament as they were.
"So, this Damien guy..." He started. Carmen saw that he was asking for permission to talk about and she nodded granting it. "How long was that?"
"Four years."
She laughed, that was almost everyone's reaction, assuming it was because that was getting rare nowadays. "I know. Hm, I thought everything was fine and perfect and one day it wasn't." She sighed drawing circles on the table with her nails. "You know, you plan your life together, everything is we and ours and us...  then it's not and you're being told how they've had enough."
Oscar half smiled. "Well, that guy's fucking stupid for letting you go ma. Stop dating these square-ass bitches."
Carmen burst out at his attempt to console her, it was funny and it was cute and maybe he was right, maybe she needed someone who wasn't so uptight she did find that being with Damien sometimes required treading lightly on things and it could be annoying but she just accepted it, maybe now she needed someone who was more like... Oscar. So far she found him to be fun, and he sounded like he was down for anything as long as it was amusing.
A text came in on her phone lighting the screen, instead of reading the text she read the time and her eyes widened. It was almost 2 am. "Everything okay?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, just Nessa asking if I got home okay."
He slowly nodded looking at her lips, her septum piercing sitting just above her Cupid's bow another piercing planted on her right nostril, the light freckles scattered across her pretty brown skin, the subtle makeup on her face and her pretty natural lashes coated in mascara— he felt like he was staring at an angel. She started to blush and looked down at her lap.
"You ready to call it a night?"
She wasn't, but it was already late as hell. "Yeah, guess we should go."
They left the shop and once again entered the car, the ride was kind of silent aside from her giving him directions to her place but it wasn't a weird silence like how the night started, they were officially comfortable with each other. The ride was short considering she did live by the ice cream place. Oscar turned off the car and opened his door, Carmen sat a bit confused.
"What? You thought I was letting you go up there by yourself? Come on, ma."
She beamed, the little nickname growing on her, she trailed behind him like a lost puppy into the building and inside the elevator, she clicked for the fifth floor and leaned against the handrail. She looked at him noticing one of the buttons on his flannel shirt was unbuttoned, without processing it she reached over and fixed it for him. Oscar thought the minor detail was sweet, made his heart jump a little when she got close, close enough for him to really smell her perfume that didn't fade away for the whole night— sweet like mangoes.
The doors parted and she went ahead of him to find her place. Apartment 504. He made a mental note, you know... just in case.
She fumbled with her keys and unlocked the door swinging it open and turning to face him.
Invite him in. Invite. Him. In.
"I-I had fun tonight. Really."
"Me too." He agreed. The two stood looking at each other not sure what to say or do, not knowing if they would be on the same page if action took place.
Kiss him. Just fucking grab him and drag him inside and just fuck the sh-
"I... um... I'll see you around?" He nodded wishing her goodnight before he crept down the hall and disappeared back into the elevator. Carmen closed her door and banged her fist against it. "So fucking stupid."
It was a nice and breezy afternoon in Freeridge but Carmen couldn't take notice, the events from two nights ago, though small, were playing through her mind, their conversations and laughter going on like a broken record. Vanessa sat across from her younger sister still in a bit of disbelief at what she was told earlier.
"So... no kiss?"
"No." She murmured. "No, dick?"
Carmen glared. "Bitch if we didn't kiss what makes you think we fucked?" Vanessa put her hands up in defence. "People fuck without kissing."
"Yeah, weirdos."
There was a moment of silence before she asked another question. "Not even a hug!?"
"For fuck sake Ness, no!" She completely folded over resting her forehead on the park table, she was frustrated at herself for not bringing him inside that night even if they didn't end up getting intimate she would've enjoyed just talking or even smoking until the sun rose. Doubts played in her head that maybe she was only feeling this way because she just got out of a relationship and he was the first guy in her line of sight, but last night felt so nice and relaxing, they got along so easily once it was just to the two of them.
Vanessa smirked taking a sip of her drink. "Okay, I'll be serious, why didn't you invite him in?"
She shrugged sitting up straight, she played with the straw in her cup. "Are you scared of him?"
"Do you think he's ugly?" Vanessa teased. "I don't."
"Girl, I know you haven't been in the streets for a long time but it's okay to think with your punani sometimes. No disrespect you've come to me complaining about your sex life sometimes, so if this is an opportunity to get some good dick, you better jump on it. Pun intended." Carmen ran her hands over her face letting out the longest groan knowing her sister was kind of right, she hadn't had to think with her punani in so long because if she wanted dick it was right there. She sighed. "Can you ask Jose for his number?"
A devilish smile spread across Vanessa's face. "I sure can."
The sun set as quickly as it rose and Carmen was back in her apartment after spending the day with her sibling, she was successful in getting Spooky's number but had yet to text him, every time she opened the empty thread her thumbs would ghost over the keyboard and she'd chicken out turning off her phone. She decided to leave her phone alone and took a quick shower to cool her down but it wasn't helping.
After her shower, she doused herself in cocoa butter and sprayed a little perfume to feel extra good before putting on her oversized grey sweater with the Space Jam characters scattered over it.
"Alexa, play Angel by Kid Cudi." It had recently become her favourite song to smoke to.
"Playing... Angel by Kid Cudi."
She lit a spliff she had rolled earlier and made a mental note to hit her plug for some more loud since this was her last. A moment to herself in this big-ass apartment, she was getting used to being by herself and in some way found peace in it. Her phone buzzed and she looked down at a text from her sister.
LochNess🐍: Did you text him yet?
Carmen put her phone down telling herself she'd answer once she was done having her moment, until another interruption came, this time it was a knock on her door. She was confused, no one really came to see her unless it was her sister. She sighed outing the last bit of her spliff in the ashtray and trotted to the door, she looked through the people and gasped when she saw who was on the other side. She quickly unlocked her entrance revealing Spooky on the other side.
"Spooky... hi."
She didn't know it but Spooky was nervous, he came over after Jose told him he gave Carmen his number he didn't have much of a plan or a script of what he was going to say to her. On the other hand, she was thinking about what her sister had said earlier, it was okay to think with her pussy for once and she did. It took both of them by surprise when she pulled him down by his black shirt connecting their lips, like a scene straight out of a book she tugged him inside and he reached back closing the door behind him.
He glided his palms across her lower back and down her bum grabbing a handful of her bare supple skin, she was soft and smelled so sweet. Carmen giggled feeling her feet leave the floor, legs soon wrapped around his waist. He slid off his shoes and walked over to her couch. Surprisingly none of this affected their kiss, chasing each other in desperate neediness. He sat with her in his lap, hands resting on her hips. They pulled apart for less than a second before he began to nibble at her neck, she smiled lazily letting out a hazy laugh at his facial hair tickling her skin.
Oscar gave her one last kiss on the neck before leaning back on the couch, she caught his eyes running down her body. "What?"
He shrugged. "Nothing. Heard you been thinking about me." Carmen groaned and buried her face in her hands, he chuckled at her sudden shyness. "I'm gonna kill that woman." She whined. Oscar moved her hands away and held them in his own. "Don't. I been thinking about you too." He said before cupping her chin, pulling her down this time.
Clothes were in a rush to be removed, tossing every piece on the floor until the cool breeze came in touch with their bare skin. Carmen hummed feeling his teeth graze against her sweet brown skin, his thick fingers padding down her torso and dipping between her legs. Oscar groaned at the feeling of her slickness coating his fingers, a light gasp followed by a whimper graced him as he pushed his fingers inside her cove. Her nails lightly dug at his biceps. If she was being honest, she just was willing to skip the foreplay, she wanted him and she wanted him now.
She whined wrapping her legs around his hips, he laughed breathlessly knowing what she was asking for so he stopped playing and gave it to her. He removed his fingers and lifted his head from the crook of her neck, his chain dangled in her face as he hovered over her his eyes gracing her every feature. A slick remark was about to come out of her mouth but was quickly shut down and replaced with a quiet moan feeling him fill her up completely.
Their chests pressed together as he returned to his position, his lips back on her neck adding to the feeling below. She whimpered feeling that first stroke, the second one so slow and delicate he wanted her to feel him against her walls, the third really hit-- it was a hard thrust, an erotic groan sounding from both of them. Carmen held him close, with every collision a new sound spilled from her plump lips, sounds she didn't even know she could make.
"Feels so fucking good, oh yes!"
He left sloppy kisses on her skin. "How are you so fucking wet? Hm?" His tone was cocky and she couldn't lie, the pleasure he was giving her had earned him that right. Her trembling legs never left from around his waist, using her body to beg him to go deeper. His hand collided with her hip squeezing her tattooed flesh in his grip. "Where's my answer mama?"
"You made me so wet." Carmen whimpered. "Shit! Right there!"
Oscar was pounding into her soft spot so hard her eyes disappeared to the back of her head, her legs came loose as she tried to push him off but he wasn't budging, he smirked ignoring her plea for him to ease up, she was close anyway he could feel it. Her pussy gripping him like she owned him and from now on it did. He was hooked, he was dizzy, he was ready for round after round— he never wanted to leave inside her.
He leaned down capturing her shivering lips in a slow kiss, tongues sliding past each other. He groaned when she would struggle to kiss back. "Spooky... fuck I'm cumming!"
Her nails clawed up his sides and dug into his skin once her hands reached his back. "Cum for me princesa." The words barely left his mouth when her back arched, her nails dragging down his back until her hands were right above his cheeks, she was pulsating around him. He slowed down his thrusts dragging out her orgasm for as long as he could and until she tapped out. They lay there out of breath and in a lustful aura. Carmen had finally started to breathe normally before Oscar picked her up and carried her off to an open room that he assumed was hers. She laughed when he tossed her onto the mattress. 
"I'm not done with you yet, hm, I want you to always think about me." 
I know I promised Rio but i finished this first so boooo
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic. comments and reblogs help and are deeply appreciated
be cool as always🤙🏾
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imyourbratzdoll · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you can do something with dex from zombieverse? I recently finished the show. Maybe like a zombie au version with fluff? Like how they protect each other and like little sweet simple cute actions if that makes sense like when she gets cold etc 😭 I feel like dex is being slept on since I haven't found anything like an x reader. He deserves some love 🙏
hi! hi! hi! thank you, thank you, thank you for requesting him!!!!! I've been wanting to write for him since I saw the show and how hot he was!! I really hope you enjoy this and feel free to request more of him in the future!
summary - the apocalypse strikes out of nowhere while you are shopping, thankfully there's a good-looking man that rescues you and makes you fall for him in a short amount of time.
warning - zombies.
I couldn’t find a gif, the picture isn’t mine:(, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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You thought going out and getting some essentials from the grocery store was going to be fine, what you didn’t expect to see was people being attacked or dragged into the back room with your hand still gripping your bag. “Hey! Hey! What’re you doing?!” You yell, slapping whoever’s hands are on you only to stare wide-eyed at a zombie coming in your direction, a small scream escaping you. “Okay! Keep dragging me! But quickly! We’re gonna die!” 
You both make it into the room, door slamming and you turn to finally look at who it was. Your eyes widen and your jaw falls to the ground. “Holy shit, you’re hot!” If it was even possible, your eyes widened even more, slapping your hand over your mouth as the rest of the people in the room laugh. You quickly bow your head and move over to the table taking a seat. 
Thirty minutes go by and everyone has come up with a plan. You can’t help, but sneak glances at the man in the green tracksuit only to turn away flushed when he continued to catch you. Someone snaps you out of your thoughts with a groan, complaining that they are hungry. “Oh!” You pull your bag up, waving it around as there’s some snacks and drinks packed inside. “I remember packing this in here so I didn’t have to grab a basket. Here.” You hand it over, watching them tip the contents out and go through them, sneakily you grab a bottle and some food before making your way over to the man that saved you. “Excuse me…” 
He turns, staring down at you. “I thought that you might like some before it’s all gone.” You hand the food and drink over shyly. Dex smiles, taking them from you.
“Thank you… I am Dex, by the way.” 
You grin, “Y/n. Thank you for saving me.” You continue to stare into each other’s eyes, only looking away when someone clears their throat. You both turn and pay attention, you feel a soft poke causing you to look over your shoulder and see that Dex is offering you some of his food. You didn’t know it was possible to fall in love so fast. 
Your eyes widen even more. “Huh?!” Your head whips around, seeing everyone is staring at you with their eyes wide and jaws dropped. “Did I say that outloud?!” The women begin to giggle, covering their mouths before they direct the attention back to their planning. 
Dex taps you again, looking down at you with a gentle smile. Without any words, he offers his drink and you feel yourself become flushed when you realise he’s already taken a sip and it’s like you would be kissing him. You didn’t know what was wrong with you, you had only just met this man and you’ve already confessed your love and now your thinking about kissing him… He was very handsome though. “Thank you… I’m sorry about before…” 
He waves you off and you swear your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as his eyes drift over you, checking you out. Time passes, you and the remaining survivors have made it into a truck, tucked away in the back as two members of the group sit in the front, driving. You shiver, you weren’t expecting to be out all night so you didn’t dress for when it got extremely cold, your head was also drooping to the side from how tired you were, but you didn’t dare sleep. You didn’t want to fall asleep incase something were to happen. 
You don’t notice the recently nominated leader beside you, watching you or that he unzips his green and white jacket until he places it over your shoulders, giving you a smile. Dex pats his shoulder, pulling you closer gently as you rest your head against him. Slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep, he smelt so good even though you’d been through so much. The group watched as you slept and Dex stared at you with a small smile on his face before looking out and watching for danger. Something inside him wanting to make sure you weren’t in danger. 
You wake when the truck comes to a stop, squinting out you notice there is another truck and a car blocking the road. Everyone gets out and you pull Dex’s jacket closer to you, slipping your arms through the sleeves so that you aren’t so cold. “What’s happening?” You cover your mouth as you let out a small yawn, leaning your head against his arm, subconsciously. 
“We can’t get through unless we move them, but we’ve noticed that this is a delivery truck so we’re going to check for essentials.” You nod, listening to him.
“Why don’t we just drive around? There is enough room?” You look at the road, wondering how you are in a group of not the brightest people. “But we take the delivery truck. We could either fit inside or find a secluded place to look through and find what we might need.” You look up at him, noticing he’s staring down at you with a look of admiration. “What?”
“Maybe you should be leader.” You shake your head with a small smile, “I mean it. We could lead together? I’m sure that the group would allow it.” He nods to himself and you stare at him, this is the most he’s talked this whole time together and you only just realise he talks the most when he’s around you and no one else. 
Lee Si-young appears behind you. “I am happy to give up my position, I didn’t really want it in the first place and you two seem like a better team.” She smiles and before you can think about thanking her, she disappears. 
“Zombies! Quick!” Dex wraps his arms around you, moving you away just in case. You whack him.
“You dumbarse, if you are protecting me, who’s protecting you?” Your cheeks puff out, glaring up at him.
“Shh, get back into the truck.” You comply, something in his tone makes you want to obey him and only him. 
You guys manage to get both trucks and drive to somewhere where it looks safe and secluded before you all begin to search the delivery truck. Dex finds some chocolates and begins to make his way over to you, clearing his throat so you can turn your attention toward him.
“Here…” He hands them over, looking down at his feet and your face heats up, a soft smile appears as you gently take them from him and grab his hand, pulling him somewhere away from the group and you sit, pulling him down with you. 
You open the packet and hand him one, your eyes connecting as you both take a bite of the chocolate. Neither of you notice that the group has hidden behind something, heads peaking out as they all watch you with giant smiles on their face.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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vavoomed-for-crowley · 5 months
Since everyone is sharing their experience with meeting David Tennant, here's my story:
Of course, I was just as nervous to meet him as most people but I was able to steady myself before it was my turn by taking a few breaths (just because I tend to be nervous at eye to eye conversations in general). In the end, I had to re-do my Photo-Op with him three times because of my glasses and felt really bad for the people in line having to wait even longer because of me. Which is why I was so nervous the third time, that I broke off a part of my Sonic Screwdriver while trying to pack away my glasses. I apologized while fumbling with the screwdriver to not waste any time and he was so kind, said it's okay and already placed a hand on my back while I did so. We did a pose where we both hold the screwdriver together and it's such an amazing picture. Our hands even form a heart, which was not on purpose but it's such a cute detail. In the end, I was able to look into his eyes again and apologize once more (for taking so much time when actually, that was not a problem to anybody. As my therapist would say, the stress is just made up by my head).
At the end of the day, I went to get this photo signed and I was first in line. Which I was not prepared for. The first thing I said to him was that I hope he gets to enjoy the day here despite his schedule. Which, for some reason, made him look up at me in surprise. He then said he does and I handed him the bracelet I made. A rainbow bracelet that says "Ally" and told him it's a thank-you for all his support of the community and that he helps many people with this, like @ineffable-ezra (Yes, I mentioned you like I had promised). He looked at it and said "Thank you so much! I really appreciate this!" He did not smile. He just looked genuinely thankful.
Sometime later, I saw that he forgot the personal dedication. Which was okay but everyone else had one so I went back to the line and asked if it would be a problem to get the dedication real quick. You must know, his schedule was already delayed and I didn't want to cause any more stress. And it was okay. The fan that was in front of me, talked to him a bit too long but his manager didn't interrupt them nonetheless, even though time was running out. Afterwards we got told that they don't want to be rude but he has to get to the airport. So I just said I'm sorry to be here again (like, how many times do I get in the line again because something goes wrong) but he forgot the personal dedication. And he looked so surprised! "I forgot to write your name? I'm sorry!" Told him it's okay and that it was lovely to have him there and that I hope he enjoyed it.
The thing is, when I read other stories, most people made more out of their time with David. But if you know how stressful a few minutes of delay can be for the entire schedule, you don't want to cause any more trouble. And I really tend to worry myself too much with thoughts like this.
David was so kind nonetheless and didn't let me feel like he was stressed (even though he rushed out to get his flight at the end of the day).
I'm just very grateful I got to meet him at all. He was so kind. Of course I wish I could've or would've said some more. Like I wanted to tell him I hope the bracelet fits because I wasn't sure about the size and such things... But for someone with a neurodivergence, I just need my few seconds of preparation which I haven't had. And when I think about it, it's the small details I enjoy so much nonetheless. His surprised look when I said I hope he enjoys the day, like this question was really unexpected for him or the gentleness when I was nervous and genuine appreciation for the bracelet.
We all know he's a sweetheart but I think events like this truly show how lovely he really is.
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Hii! 😊 I just read your latest post with Kayden x childreader and Jiwoo and it was as good as the previous parts 👌🏽 Especially I liked the little scenarios based on the actual story and how well you managed to put childreader into it. My absolute favourite part was when reader had a conversation with Ameyong in the hospital and she was SO SASSY 😂 (the “I throw you out the window” part had me cackling 🤭) It actually reminded me of Kayden’s character so much.
Sooo… here I am with an idea based on this, asking if you could write some little scenarios /headcannons /little fic (literally whatever you choose) with childreader that took over majority of Kayden’s character traits (she’s with him since she was very little so it’s likely that she took after him) and it shows so openly 🥹 I picture this moment after Kartein joins them, so when they all see her acting like mini Kayden version, Kartein points it out to him and Kayden has his ‘proud dad moment’ 😭❤️
Sorry for it being so long but I got really excited after I read your post and got this idea. If it’s something you don’t feel like writing it’s fine, I just though that I share it with you! Take care! 🥰
I'm glad you like my fic and it's a really cute idea as well so here's come head cannons and a few short fics
Head Cannons
*Child reader always copies the hair style Kayden wears. She also has little baby hairs that stick out, which she clips back with clips that look like lightning bolts
* child readers transformation is a little 2 month old orange kitten, she has the same stripes as Kayden. Unlike Kayden she's really small and fluffy, she can fit in Jiwoo's front pocket.
* she doesn't use this form at home unless guests are around ( Baekdu doesn't know you can transform they saw you walking outside with Jiwoo in human form)
* at first she complained like Kayden about being carried in kitten form, but she started liking it cause she can feel warm and feel Jiwoo's heartbeat in his pocket.
* after the kidnapping incident she stays in Jiwoo's pocket and hisses at dangerous people who come near to Jiwoo.
* Kayden carries her by the scruff in kitten form, he catches himself cleaning you on various instances.
* like Kayden when she first talked to Inhyuk in human form she also expected treats, since Inhyuk would give her little kitten form treats. Inhyuk gives her little sweets whenever he sees her since he thinks she's cute.
* she sleeps on top of Kayden in kitten form.
*when she first transformed the older cats coddled her, at first she would back away hissing. After finding out they helped Kayden she was nicer and they always end up grooming her.
Short fics
Y/n isn't very intimidating being a child and even less intimidating in kitten form .
She has tried to intimidate people like Kayden, but they just think she's cute so she'll try to threaten them in the most outlandish way.
Exhibit A
It had been right after Jisuk had discovered Kayden and you could talk. You decided to scare him after Kayden.
" if you tell anyone about me, I will drown and boil you in apple juice"
You say to a kneeling Jisuk
"I won't reveal anything about you to anyone!"
" ok you're free to go, remember I can always find you."
After that you prance back inside, leaving Jisuk to wonder many things.
Where would you get enough apple juice to drown and boil him? How would you carry him? How would you knock him out? What would you put him in to boil him?
He's having nightmares while you haven't even thought that far. Jisuk now brings high quality kitten food for you.
Exhibit B
You got really obsessed with penguins of Madagascar, Riko and Private ended up being your favourites. So you learned how to summon a gnome that could magic you up small items.
You were hiding with Kartien behind a wall as Royst tried challenging Jiwoo, and you summoned a gnome.
"Riko, one lighter and gasoline stat."
The gnomes gives you the lighter and a small tin of gasoline. You're about to go out of your hiding place towards Royst before Kartien picks you up by the scruff.
"don't even think about it"
" he's mocking big brother!"
" you'll get Jiwoo and your dad in trouble if he catches you"
" but-arggh fine! I won't set him on fire"
"hand over the lighter and gasoline and unsummon the gnome"
"no buts, hand it over and unsummon the gnome. I know you'll come up with another scheme to get back at him."
"alright, fine!"
You say sulking and obeying him.
Kayden being proud scenario
Pluton had recently moved into the home, and you made a fun discovery; he was the easiest person in the house to trick and convincing. He's in dog form and you're in human form.
"Mr.Pluton can you give more cookies please?"
"what did Kayden and Kartien say?"
"papa said I can only get four cookies, and uncle Kartien said I can only have the 4 cookies after I ate an apple."
"how many cookies did you eat so far? and did you have the apple?"
" I had 4 cookies and I already had the apple"
" I can't get you extra cookies, you'd be going against the 4 cookies rule"
" but I had two apples, so I can get 4 more cookies"
"I don't think it works like that"
"but Mr.Pluton the apple is to go against the unhealthy cookies, so I can get 4 more cookies and suffer nothing"
" I guess, but I can't break Kayden's rules for you"
" but then you'd be breaking uncle Kartiens apple rule"
"I- that is true but I can't give you the cookies"
"*sigh* okay I guess you're too scared of papa"
"I'm not scared of Kayden!"
" it's okay Mr.Pluton, papa is incredibly strong it makes sense that you're scared."
You say gently pating his back
"I'm not scared of him! I'll get you those cookies"
Pluton transforms back human and gets you the cookies
"there I'm not scared of Kayden"
" thank you Mr.Pluton"
You happily walk away as Pluton is proud that he proved his bravery.
"she tricks people like you do, she acts like a mini you."
"of course, I raised her and she takes after her dad well"
Kayden says with a smirk
"Plutons is an idiot for falling for that. I would never fall for such a trick"
"sure, of course you won't."
You did get scolded by Kartien later for having 8 cookies.
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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djsjxjsj i hope i'm not late?? i probably am. aaaa my own faultcjxjsj [but] i haven't written for my fave disney nrc malewife (/j ily, jamil bbg—) in a while. but i forgot the contest either ends on the 10th?? or submissions close on the 10th aka. i missed the deadline?? aaaaa for submissions to @merotwst 's and @cvlutos 's #jamilsummercontest (here) aaaaaa also was this also an excuse to write for najma/write some najma-jamil brother-sister action? uhhhh looks away. LISTEN. i love them! the crumbs we got of their interactions are still on my mind aaaaaa lastly, am i also using this fic as an opportunity to brainrot about the new spiderverse movie and its album? yes.
mention of the ramshackle prefect (gn!yuu). but it'll mainly be about jamil and najma bc i love his sister almost as much. spoilers for al'ab naariya story, scarabia chapter plot, jamil's backstory, and maybe???? a spoiler for the new spiderverse movie?? if you squint. also really bad arabic.... i tried.... other than that, i present very cute, soft fluffy letters between reader and jamil detailing their lives apart during summer break (assuming the scalding sands' fireworks festival is in the summer. aaaa).
jamil could practically see (name)'s red face as they read his letter briefly written amidst the asim family chaos.
Dearest (Name),
Kalim and Najma were disappointed you couldn't join me this year for Summer break. I actually had to stop him from convincing his father into sending for you personally... Camels, elephants, and all. You're welcome!
Despite that, they wish you all well. My mother is insisting I return to NRC after break with some of her homemade shawarma. And please tell Grim that there will be enough for him as well.
The fireworks were beautiful but it wasn't the same without you by my side, ya nujumi. I missed turning to the side and seeing your smiling face, eyes alight with a childlike wonder. My heart swells with remembering that first Al'ab Naariya. You turned back to me urging me to join you and the others to dance.
Najma just asked what I was smiling about. I tried to lie but the smug look on her face told her all she needed to know. She'd like to also say a few words.
Hello, (Name)! My older brother is laying on his bed right now screaming into his pillow. Ya ummi and I are laughing right now; she has never laughed so hard in a long time. Yesterday the Asims gave us the afternoon off to enjoy the bazaar. You should see the haul Jamil brought home for you and Grim. There's— lotliIItLyjkq
Sorry, ya shamsi. Najma does not know what she's talking about. I got them as gifts for her— ljyIL
Jamil is lying! He is so red right now, (Name)! I want to take a picture to send you but he took my phone! So awful, right? Ah, the Asims are calling for us and abina is about to bring out the belt if we don't resume our work soon.
My apologies, ya qamar, but as Najma said, I have to return to work. There are rumors from the other servants that Kalim is "missing." He's probably with the animals in the garden. I will write to you again shortly. You are always in my thoughts, (Name), ya hubi. Make sure to not stay up too late talking to Ace and Deuce. Take your medicine and potions and eat at least two full meals a day (I know you're not a fan of breakfast). Don't forget to drink plenty of water too.
With Love,
Jamil Viper.
he wanted to write more and tell them all about the new stalls selling mouthwatering foods, soft, vibrant, assorted silks, and other painted, colorful wares he saw at the bazaar. he wanted to tell her about the concert he miraculously got tickets to for one of their favorite music artists. there was also the pet parrot his parents finally let him get! it had to stay on the asims' property. but kalim said he'd personally look after iago for jamil.
there was also a new playlist he made the other night after coming home from a movie he and his sister went to see. jamil lays in bed thinking of his sister's latest fictional crush and thinking of all the things he'd do to keep his girl and her father while living his best life doing what he loved. jamil wished that were him. he wished he could have (name) by his side, still please his family, and see the world. he wanted to learn about the magic and cultures of other lands in twisted wonderland.
wishes and reality are two separate things, though. and the chance of them intersecting and wishes becoming reality was slim. for now, though, he was content and letting things be. he'll find kalim, drag him to his next meeting with possible mergers and other clients, read the evening itinerary to kalim, go home, help with dinner, wash and dry najma's hair for her, bathe, and go to bed.
....that was the original plan. however, najma must have thought it funny to hide his headphones after she finished her chores and homework.
"what are you looking for, brother?"
jamil glared at the girl leaning against his door frame as he rifled through the belongings on his desk. "you know exactly what i am looking for. drop the act, najma!"
"not until you write another letter to (name)." she grinned and crossed her arms over her chest, straightening her posture.
"huh?!" he stuttered.
"it was written all over your face. you wanted to write and tell them more about everything that you saw and experienced yesterday and today. ever since you came home from school with your friends and (name), you've changed. mom and dad haven't stopped talking about it; they think i went to bed but i can hear them. they aren't as quiet as they think." the younger sister laughed at jamil's stunned face. "you don't know all this since you sleep like that one princess in those fae tales. i've caught you snoring a few times, actually. wanna hear it? i can show you if you don't believe m—"
jamil grabs najma's phone again before she can pull up the videos. "just—! give me back my headphones. and i'll write to (name)."
"nah," najma shrugged and walked off. "letter first. mom and dad are out finishing up some business with kalim's parents in their estate. you can blast your music all you want."
groaning in exasperation, he still couldn't deny that he'd rather have sent (name) a proper letter rather than the one he mailed earlier that afternoon.
normally, he and (name) would text each other or call. but one magic carpet ride after a rough exam, they told him about how they used to write letters to their childhood friends whenever they'd change schools. so the first time jamil and (name)'s other night raven college friends went home for holiday break, he started writing letters to them. and ever since that sweet, thoughtful surprise, whenever they were apart, jamil'd write letters to them while they'd send back recipe cards with handwritten notes featuring the story behind each food. sometimes they'd drop details about their family back home or include tiny magic trinkets or bits of stationary sold at sam's shop. a note and a smiley face tied around each item: "saw this and thought of you, ya qamar. ;p"
bringing himself back to reality, jamil sat down and began another letter. with this one, though, he made sure not to leave out a single detail of his day. softly he smiled as he included lines from old poets and added in folded star maps, photos of a dog he saw sitting outside a cafe, a tea bag from the little old lady next door. but this time — instead of signing off with a simple "With Love" like his last letter — he penned a lyric from their favorite song, nodding his head to the music as it played from his speakers.
"Your my star, hubi. My one light. We gon' link up, just like the rumors."
Jamil Viper.
ya shamsi: my sun
ya qamar: my moon
ya nujumi: my stars
hubi/ya hubi: love/my love
ya ummi: my mother
abina: our father
— is2g if i got the arabic vocab wrong, i am going to cry. @softbajis djsjsj idk if this is right or notdjdjdj i am so upset. oh well....?
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 6 months
My Thoughts on the First Three Episodes of X-Men 97
I was hoping to do the 3 episodes separately but i've been really busy, so I'll do all 3 episodes altogether. Sorry if i've missed anything.
X-Men 97 is awesome, I love the animation and the mature tone, it already has some blood and swearing in it already.
I love that they gave the intro a update, they included Morth and Bishop, got rid of Warpath and the purple headed guy, with Lady Deathstrike and Emma Frost.
Originally the old line up was Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey and Professor X.
It is now changed to Cyclops, Jean got bumped up to 2nd, Storm is now 3rd, Wolverine 4th, Morph is 5th, Rogue 6th, Beast 6th, Gambit 7th, Jubilee 8th, Bishop 9th and kept Professor X at the end
Love the voicing acting, some of of the changes to some voice actors haven't bothered me. I took to the changes very quickly.
The fight scenes have been brilliant, very well choregraphed.
The first episode, To Me, My X-Men, was great.
Gambit in a crop top was hilarious.
Love the big picture of the original X-Men with Professor X. I hope we see Iceman and Archangel again soon
Love Morph. At one point, when I saw Archangel, I didn't realise Morph changed into him, lol. it also happened again, in the next episode when he was Lady Deathstrike.
I thought Jean was going to faint after going into Henry Gyrich mind lol but should she be doing that while pregnant.
Cyclops using his optic blasts to land was awesome.
The fight scene's between the X-Men and the Sentinels was great.
The 2nd episode, Mutant Liberation Begins was also great, bit of a mixture of emotion and funny moments.
I'm glad they kept the 'Previously on X-Men'
I love that give the intro an update and Magneto is now part of the line up is now 1st.
Wolverine reacting to Jean going into Labour and driving like a lunatic was hilarious.
Baby Nathan is cute, I laughed when Jean said to Scott that the baby has his eyes..
Love the sisterhood moments between Jean and Storm.
Love the fight scene's between the X-men and X-Cutioner. I could tell he's voiced by Cable's old voice actor.
Storm losing her powers was pretty emotional
I'm not that familiar with Rogue and Magneto's relationship in the comics, I know she had a fling with Joseph, Magneto's clone. I did used to get the X-Men comics but it was under Essential X-Men in the UK ( it was 3 comic books in one book) I started during the Onslaught Saga (I can't remember when I stop but it was before Jean died for 100th time and Cyclops got with Emma Frost) but anyway It does seem a little creepy as Rogue is her 20s maybe and Magneto possibly is in his 70s, but I'm intrigued to see what happens but do I feel sorry for Gambit though.
Fire Made Flesh was a great episode, very intense and emotional, but it felt hard to watch because of baby Nathan being put in a containment tube and being infected by the techno virus.
I did wonder why Bishop was here at first. I thought maybe he got fed up going back to the future and finding out nothing has changed so he decided to stay in the past lol, but it was because his time traveling device was broken.
I didn't notice Storm was taken out in the intro, the first time round.
The episode had some pretty creepy moments, Morph in the shower scene. Gambit seeing Magneto and Rogue sort of melted together ect.
I didn't realise who Morph changed into at first as I don't know much about Illyana Rasputin, all I know she's Colossus's sister and she died of a virus in the comics. I should read more about her.
Jennifer Hale voice acting performance, voicing both Jeans was brilliant.
The psychic moment between the the 2 Jeans was great.
I do wonder when Sinister swapped the 2 Jeans, I think maybe during the episodes Beyond Good and Evil.
So clone Jean has renamed herself Madelyne Pryor and has decided to leave. I wonder if she comes back.
Storm appears at the end and is approached by Forge , hopefully he can bring her powers back.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
helo helo was down for a bit but am back for now
how have you been ???? hope you doing well and fine and alright and OK and healthy and is safe.
the unboxing video is soo cutteee i could literally feel the excitement and I was squealing with yoh also I love ypur chrome bg it's pretty my guncher also the traumatic side of me whenever I saw u handling the cardholder kept seeing the letter from cher O_O am sorry am as traumatised as gun when he wakes up to an empty bed in ep12 and freaks out o.o
annddddd I saw these videos and thought you might like it
hope it makes your day!!! <3
also that was such a beautiful topmew discussion it gives so much depth to the trailer and the pics and guess what I am someone who focuses and gives attention to eveey little detail while watching something I like tjough i don't k ow how to put them to words it's all in my head I otice it all and reading your discusiions/analysis pure bliss is what I felt <3
also I zoned out for a while and forgot whaf i was about yo say... anyhhoo... have a lovely day/night
#the unboxing video was soooo cute
#atp I feel cherkrub is like a kink for them?
#it was beautiful you are beautiful inside out
#bye see you later
#I am really sorry if I am annoying you with all these asks of mine randomly
hi hi hi :) i hope you're feeling/doing better now. the weather is constantly changing so i hope you'll stay hydrated and just overall, taking care of your health ^^
thanks for asking. i'm doing well. but i'm a bit under the weather so i'm just resting at the moment. i hope your wishes for me will be granted. i appreciate it very much.
AHHH thank you :') i still couldn't believe it came waayy earlier than expected. but i'm thankful it safely reached me before other things happen in my life hahaha. i've changed the background because it didn't show up when i refresh the tab :( a bit sad but it's no big deal. wait— i'm sorry... now you've mentioned it, that moment was indeed traumatising. couldn't even imagine how lost gun felt when cher left him with only a note. <'3
op the first video! i watched it without the audio yet i still blushed! aside from it being a religion, i think it should be illegal... it has awoken some questionable things in me that i choose not to address. xD
it did make me smile :( how cute! p'book is really adorable <3 thanks for always sending me these cute videos. i'm so happy to look at them all.
i think you've seen this before but it's so best friend behaviour and i love that about them :') why are they such dorks? goodness. they need to slow down. and this too... i have tears in my eyes every time these pictures pass my timeline. how wonderful. i hope they'll be happy with each other for a long time.
oh my God, you read my discussion??? i'm going to hide now—
thank you. i haven't seen much discussion on only friends probably because the show hasn't aired yet. but i think it's fun to build up theories and make speculations before we get the real thing (just to see everything crumble because i'm always wrong xD). anyway! i'm glad the discussion provided clarity to your own input about the characters. i'm also thankful that you saw what i saw! which is cool! i'm such a sucker for colours/symbolism so it's nice to know someone sees it too.
hahahaha it's ok. i do that all the time. and i just wanna say thanks for wanting to talk with me. i have a feeling you have a lot going on in your head and i also have many thoughts. therefore when we communicate like this, i feel like my ideas are clarified to an extent, which is liberating. so thanks op for sending these asks. i'm thankful.
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aceontheline · 1 year
Helluva Good Time (Maybe) (Pt. 2)
I didn't even really have to wait until Blitz sent me a text message because when I woke up the next morning, he called me. I was mildly panicking when I saw his number pop up across my screen. He told me that he was on his way and told me to wear something casual and cute. Done and done. We hang up shortly after that and I go throw on some ripped jeans and a decent t-shirt with flannel over it. I just barely put on makeup, then got some water & a light snack before I left my house. Right as I step out, there's Blitz, waiting in his van and blaring music. Clearly enjoying himself too, as I see him headbanging and giving the "devil horns" gesture with his hand. I giggle at the sight of it, knocking on the passenger side window. Sort of humiliated, Blitz asked me if I saw anything. I lied in order to humble him. He wiped the sweat from his brow and told me to get in his van. I asked where we were going.
"We're gonna stop over by that HUGE mall here in the Gluttony ring and just enjoy ourselves. Then maybe back to Imp City?" Blitz asked.
"Oh sure! I haven't been to that mall in forever! Can we invite some of my friends?" I follow up.
"Who was that girl in the coffee shop? Caitlyn? Maybe her" Blitz replies, sounding a bit huffy.
I called Caitlyn and asked if she wanted to come to the mall with Blitz and I. She said that as much as she wanted to, she couldn't today. She had a rough day at work during her night shift and needed the day to decompress. "So sorry! Hope you feel better" I said in my usual positive tone, to which she thanked me and hung up. Blitz smiled. "Looks like it's just you and me. Cool, let's go" he said happily, driving away from my house in a heartbeat.
Truly though, we did enjoy the time we spent together. Buying new clothes, seeing different stores and finally getting a moment to just sit down in a more one on one conversation. Based on his body language, I could tell that he was trying to get closer and closer to me. Blitz talked more about his job because I asked him about I.M.P and how it all worked. Then he asked me about myself. My hobbies and interests, all that good stuff. "Are you really interested?" I ask. Blitz nods firmly. I told him that since I was younger, I really enjoyed cooking. When I was back up on the surface, I even opened a side business where I sold decorated cookies and cupcakes.
I also told him that, even though I wasn't very good at it, I liked to sing. Blitz smiled and assured me that I couldn't be THAT terrible, considering all the trash he's heard on the radio. A soft smile crept up on my face, as I felt my face get warm. Was... Was I blushing? Blitz chuckled at the sight, brushing some hair out of my face. Presumably so he could see my blushing face. He gazed at me for a moment, then quickly pulled his hand away, as if he knew he messed something up. I asked him if he was okay, to which he nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just thought I saw something in your hair" Blitz replied sternly.
"Probably just loose strands. Tis the consequence of having long hair" I reply, twirling a chunk of my hair.
Blitz nods and keeps talking about cooking related mishaps he's endured, like nearly setting his kitchen on fire while trying to make eggs. "I had to get better at cooking. After all, I got Loona" he insisted, looking at a picture of her. I ask if that's his adopted daughter he mentioned before. Blitz nods in response, showing me a picture of her. She looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place her. I shrugged this off as coincidence for now and just asked him about work again. He was talking business for a long while, before he asked me about my job and what it is I do.
Truthfully, my job wasn't as exciting as ever. I was in charge of coordinating parties and events for people. It was a lot of work, but I got a lot of money in return for it so it didn't matter. Plus, I do enjoy the feeling of organizing things, especially if they go well. Blitz asked if I helped out with anything major recently. "Yeah, Beezlebub's party actually. She was really chill through the whole thing and paid me well" I reply, showing him pictures of the venue. He looked shocked, saying that he was actually at that party, asking me why I didn't go.
I said it was because the party was on a random night in the middle of the week. I needed to work the next day, which was true. Blitz then asked me if I'd want to go to a party with him sometime. He knew my kryptonite... I agreed to go with him to one that was happening next weekend in his ring. He already looked excited, telling me all the details I needed to know. It was a bit of a larger party, but I could manage it. After talking all of this out, Blitz and I continued on then left after a while. We went back to his place in Imp City and watched some movies until...
I woke up a little while later, my head in Blitz's lap. He was looking down at me, asking me in a sarcastic manner if I was "comfy down there". I laughed in his face, hitting him lightly with the couch cushion. He and I were laughing, not realizing that we were... Also "play fighting". Blitz and I were still giggling, until he looked down over me. Both of us were blushing a bit, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest a bit. Shit... This would've been a real movie moment if he were to-
It was happening. I felt it. He smiled at me in such a way. It was... Warm. Soft. I could feel his heartbeat somehow. It was fast and chaotic. He apologized for pinning me like that and got up quickly after, hoisting me up.
"It's okay. I do dumb shit like that with my friends a lot. That was fun though" I say, returning the look he gave to me. Blitz blushed a bit.
"Heh, yeah. It was nice-" Blitz replied, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's getting late though. I should get you home" he finished his thought.
I nodded, putting my shoes back on and waiting for him at the front door. He and I left shortly, rushing to his van. Blitz put on some music for us to listen to on the ride back to my place. For some reason or another, he decided to get bold with me. He placed a hand on my thigh, occasionally stealing glances at me. Once we got back to my place, Blitz said he needed to ask me something. He took a deep breath and then gazed into my eyes softly. He mentioned how he knew that we met not too long ago and that we were mainly talking over texts and "Facetime", but he wanted to ask this for some time now. Blitz sighed and then asked me if I wanted to actually be his date to that party he mentioned earlier.
I suggested that we at least go out on a trial date first. Maybe a simple dinner date on a weeknight. Blitz agreed, saying that he knew a decent place in Imp City, telling me to dress somewhat decent. I agreed and hugged him before stepping out of the van. I felt him hug me in return... It was nice. Then we pulled away from each other and went our separate ways for now. When Blitz got home, we hammered out the details over text. It would be a Wednesday night, as the party was on Saturday night. It would give him and I at least a few days to see if this push in the relationship is what we actually wanted.
Knowing me though... It's exactly what I wanted. I had to become even more desirable to him, so I asked around for advice before heading to bed, having absorbed a bunch of information. I was already counting down the days until Wednesday, which seemed odd. It didn't matter. I had a little sliver of a hope for happiness.
Previous: ( Here ) ; Next ( Here )
Masterpost: ( Here )
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newmih · 2 years
An argument
Words: 1166
Characters: Newt x female reader , a guy named Will because Newtie has to be jealous of someone
Request: I would like (if possible) a picture with Newt :p I'd also like (IF possible) that it happens in the block, we won't be matched again, and there would be a jealousy thing (I let you choose if it's my side or Newt's).
A/N: I haven't posted for a while but now I'm back… maybe? By the way, thanks for the 150 followers, it's really huge for me! /English is not my first language. Sorry for any mistake I made./
Bonne lecture
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I laughed again. It was the first time in a long time that I hadn't done that with someone I hadn't known very long. Usually my only company in the glade was Minho, Newt and sometimes Alby. I hadn't really bothered to socialize with anyone else since I'd arrived, and I wasn't really interested in the boys in this place anyway.
Will, as he was called, had only been in the glade for a couple of months but we got along pretty well. I mean, if I stopped lying, I'd say we got along pretty well. He smiled at the joke I had just told and took the opportunity to discreetly put his hand on my arm. The sudden movement surprised me but I wasn't really counting so I let him do it, waiting to see how far he would go. With Minho and Newt by my side most of the time, no one was really trying to approach me so this altercation was more fun for me.
The discussion went on for a few minutes and I finally took the lead and leaned in to whisper something in his ear. At least, that's what I was about to do before a very loud throat clearing interrupted us. I froze as I recognized a tuft of blond hair that I saw out of the corner of my eye. Always at the right time, right?
"Newt. Heyyy. How you doing man?" I shifted to let Will have a chance to talk to the blond. Oh boy, the look on the former runner's face didn't bode well. For some time now, he had been regularly starting arguments without me understanding why. Maybe men have their periods too.
The new guy stiffened at the sight of Newt's face and backed away slightly. The blond man in front didn't even bother to give him any more attention and he turned directly to me. I could feel his eyes burning through my skin and the tension was so thick that Will decided it was best for him to get away from here. "Um… Well see you later Y/N."
When he was finally a few feet away and I was sure he couldn't hear us, I turned to Newt, gave him the blackest look I could before yelling as loud as my vocal cords would allow. He flinched but kept a straight face. Realizing that he wasn't going to give me any explanation for what had happened and that he would ( again) act as if nothing had happened, I turned my back on him and walked away from the teenager as far as possible.
Footsteps sounded behind me and I rolled my eyes. Obviously the message hadn't gotten through and this idiot had decided to follow me.
"If you ask me, I think you're overreacting. "Remember when I asked your opinion? Neither do I." I continued to walk toward my hut, quickening my steps. Part of me hoped he would leave me alone but the other part desperately wanted him to not let go, ever. Damn feelings! I heard him growl before he took me by the arm, forcing me to stop at the same time.
"Let go of me, assface." He rolled his eyes before answering in the negative. How stubborn he could be. "Newttttt!" He simply smiled, as if he thought my pissed off self was cute. Jerk! He took my other arm and a shit-eating grin appeared on his face.
I sighed and lifted my head, clearly annoyed by his behavior. "You have your whole life to be a jacked. Why don't you take the day off?" He cocked his shoulders at my remark and put his hands on his hips. He was stubborn and didn't let go of things easily, which was something I liked about him. But when he stubbornly argued like that, all I wanted to do was push him into a pile of shit.
"Y/N. Stop playing the child." "Playing child? Me? I hope you're kidding! You're the one who's been playing child for the past few weeks." He shook his head. "Nonsense. You're saying nonsense." "Ha because that's really mature behavior." I stared at him in silence, since he didn't seem to be willing to answer me.
"BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? For the first time since I arrived in this prison someone is really interested in me! For real!" My sudden outburst made him back off slightly and his eyes softened at the sight of the milky tears that had managed to run down my cheeks. A long moment of silence passed and I began to think that he would never answer me. Too bad, my life here was already miserable, with no hope of freedom. I wasn't going to let myself feel for someone who clearly didn't care about me.
I shook my head and walked away. "Because you deserve someone who values you." The whisper coming from the blond was so faint that if I had taken a few more steps, I probably never would have heard it. I froze in my tracks, wondering what was best to do.
"Are you jealous of Will?" Finally, curiosity had overridden my desire to get away from trouble and the message my brain was sending me: way too many feelings all at once! "No!" His hasty reply made me smile and I hid it behind my hand.
"Really? Because you should try to be more convincing you know." He opened his mouth, closed it, only to open it again. This time he managed to speak, but the words he said didn't make sense together. I burst out laughing, not being able to watch him struggle anymore. Newt crossed his arms and frowned. Damn, his adorable frown.
"Damn it Y/N! Could you please stop laughing and help me instead." I shook my head before finally managing to pull myself together. "Sorry, but it's kind of funny watching you try to fit all your vocabulary into one sentence." He shook his head, a smile beginning to take over his handsome face as well.
Then he walked over to me and without giving me time to react he took my face in his hands. "Easy there." I didn't know who I was trying to calm down, him or me. But what I did know was that I had wanted to kiss him for so long that I didn't know if I could hold back any longer. And with his face so close to mine, my thoughts were slowly starting to blur.
"Can you picture us? You and me together?" His breath hit my face and I pretended to think at his questions. But I'd long since had my answer, and I couldn't make fun of him anymore anyway. There wasn't enough space between the two of us anymore. "Yeah. Sure Newt." He smiled at me and looked for any sign of reluctance in my eyes before finally closing the gap. It was about time, jacked.
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m-jelly · 3 years
Okay but how about Modern!AU where reader make a fidelity test on Levi over phone with a friend, like Petra or something like that?
Hi Anon. At first, I had no clue what this was, then I researched it. First thoughts are you would never need to do this with Levi, because he'd never EVER cheat on you. So, you wouldn't need to test him. The man is loyal as fuck and believes he's lucky that a woman finds him so attractive that they wanna fuck him and have a future with him <3
Sorry if it's not what you want. The things I saw online might not be what you were thinking, but it said stuff like setting someone up with a fake flirty woman or man?? I dunno. I'm an old lady and confused. The stuff I know is those things in magazines you did as a teenager xD So, I based it off them...
I'm so sorry if this is not what you wanted!
Tests reveal nothing.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and Tags: Modern AU, romance, couple, love, being in love, silliness, joking around, cute.
Concept: While at home as your CEO partner Levi is at work, you call up your friend Petra and catch up with her. While talking she comes across some silly questions in her magazine and asks you them about Levi. As you go through them, you realise just how loyal and wonderful your man is. When he comes home, you shower in him in love.
You wandered around Levi's apartment and missed him terribly. You wanted to cuddle and kiss him loads, but he worked so much. You accepted the fact that he was demanded at work a lot, so you would have times when you wouldn't see him for a while.
You lay on the sofa, then took a picture of your thighs and pelvis. You sent it to Levi and said your pillows miss you. You giggled when Levi text you back very quickly calling you a teasing brat and he will cover your thighs in bites when he gets home.
You let out a long sigh, then called your friend Petra. "Are you busy?"
Petra hummed. "No. Just reading a magazine right now. Levi at work?"
You pouted. "Yeah. I'm bored and miss him."
"Wanna do something stupid?"
You rolled onto your stomach and kicked your legs. "Like what?"
She flicked a page. "I have one of those couple tests in my magazine, wanna do one?"
You laughed. "I haven't done one of those since I was a teen. Do you remember the ones where you find out your celeb boyfriend?"
She snorted. "Oh yeah. So, wanna do it?"
You traced patterns on the sofa and shrugged. "Sure, why not. I know what it'll reveal. It'll show me Levi is a very loyal guy and I'm fucking lucky to have him. You know, I'm his first and only love?"
She awed at your information. "That's so cute."
You hummed and smiled. "He is a secret romantic. He's very loving behind closed doors, but in public, he doesn't show it too much. I think it's nice like that." You patted your hand down. "Okay, first question!"
"I trust my partner so much that I am willing to let him participate in activities which other partners find too threatening."
You smirked. "Well, yeah. He can do whatever he wants."
"I mean, that's trust right there."
You nodded. "Exactly."
"I feel comfortable telling my partner anything about myself, including the bad."
You laughed at the question. "Of course. I'm an open book with Levi, he actually loves hearing me talk about myself."
"So sweet. He seems the type. You want the next?"
You hummed. "Please."
She sighed. "Alright. I know my partner will always be ready and willing to offer me strength and support through thick and thin."
"Yes. If I could shout yes, then I would."
"I swear you two are like rocks. The next is asking about making choices. If an important choice had to be made, would Levi prioritise your welfare?"
You sat up. "Always."
She hummed. "I'm going to skip the next one, it's asking about if he would cheat and I know he never would. That man is just obsessed with you. You are his first in everything, right?"
She sighed. "I highly doubt he'd cheat. I've seen or known a man to be so obsessed with his partner." She clicked her tongue a few times. "Skipping some...oh, does he keep his promises?"
You hummed. "He tries to keep most. It's hard with his job, but he does his best to keep his promises."
"He's a gem. I know he'd do anything for you." She smiled. "You've got a wonderful man on your hands."
"I do."
Levi slammed open the front door. "BRAT!"
You giggled. "I gotta go. Seems like the handsome man has come home. I'll talk to you later."
Petra chuckled. "Good luck!"
You ended the call and smiled. "Hi."
He stormed over to you. "Give me those pillows, now."
You put your phone down, then patted your thighs. "All ready for you. I bet you're glad I wore shorts."
He pulled his blazer off, then kicked his shoes off. He sat on the floor in front of the sofa, then put your legs over his shoulders. He hummed and ran his lips over the inside of your thigh. "So perfect and soft." He nuzzled your thigh and hummed in happiness. "How was your day?"
You squeezed Levi's face with your thighs. "Boring. I missed you a lot. I'm glad your home."
He nipped the inside of your thigh. "Happy to be home."
You smiled and played with his hair. "You know, I really fucking love you Levi. You're the most perfect thing in my life."
He blushed a little. "Wow...uhh...I wasn't expecting that, thank you." He leaned up and kissed you. "I love you too. You are my everything, brat. Everything okay?"
You nodded and hugged him. "I'm perfect. I just want to give you my love and appreciation."
"It's very welcomed." He squeezed you. "I adore you." He lifted you up making you giggle. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me." He covered your face in kisses. "You and me forever."
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [four] // wanda maximoff
summary: taking Wanda to meet your parents wasn't the best decision in hindsight...
warning/s: none i don't think?
author's note: i’m not sure what to say other than sorry in advance oops
part one | part two | part three | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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The restaurant my parents chose wasn't too flashy but rather comforting and homely, with an Italian theme and matching cuisine. It was bustling with people, but it didn't take long for Wanda and I to find my parents sat at the back waiting for us.
"You gonna be okay?" I asked, glancing at her with a comforting squeeze of the hand.
"I've got you, haven't I?" she asked playfully, her accent thicker than usual as she spoke. And though she was joking, I knew there was truth to her words which sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy.
"You're cute," I said with adoration, appreciating how lovely her eyes looked in the dimly-lit restaurant. "Come on."
Hand in hand, we approached my parents' table and I had hopes that tonight would go well. My parents weren't exactly intimidating – at least anyone I'd ever known hadn't got that impression – but I still worried for Wanda. Unlike her, I couldn't read minds, so I couldn't tell if she was actually looking forward to tonight or if she was just doing it for me.
"Y/N, you're here!" my mum exclaimed with a grin when she spotted me.
"I am," I said with a nervous smile, before motioning to Wanda. "And so is Wanda, my girlfriend."
"Yes, Y/N mentioned you would be coming," my mum said with a friendly smile, looking to Wanda, before motioning to the table. "Please, sit, sit."
I squeezed Wanda's hand gently before pulling out a chair for her. She smiled at me appreciatively before I took a seat beside her, facing my parents.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Wanda," my dad said with a nod. "Y/N mentioned you plenty of times when we'd call to catch up with her."
"You, too," Wanda spoke politely. "Both of you. Y/N told me that you're travelling the world, is that right?"
I leaned on my hand and glanced at Wanda, who shot me a mischievous smile. Quirking a brow, I mentally applauded her. Getting my parents to talk about their travels was an easy way of bonding with them – they would tell every server and customer in this restaurant about their travelling if they could. She'd cracked them instantly.
I'm just that good, milashka (cutie).
Trying not to laugh as her words echoed in my mind because of her powers, I leaned back into my seat and listened in as my parents went into a ramble about their ongoing adventures. This was pretty much how the rest of the evening went, as the four of us dined on expensive wine and delicious pizza. They seemed to be getting along well, with Wanda asking all the right questions and giving them her picture-perfect smile that impressed all the elders. Heck, she was even impressing me.
Naively, I appreciated how well the evening was going until my parents decided to talk to Wanda about her career.
"So, Y/N mentioned you're one of those Revengers," my mum remembered as we ate.
"Avengers," I corrected her, mildly embarrassed.
Wanda chuckled, glancing at me, before nodding. "Yes, I am. For over a year now, I've been working with them."
"Them being Iron Man, Captain America, the Black Widow...?" my dad asked, looking up as if trying to remember the rest, further embarrassing me.
"Those are the ones," Wanda quipped with a nod.
My mum hummed in response as my dad nodded before leaning back in his seat and eyeing Wanda curiously.
"I can't imagine your job is the safest," he began. "You protect people from threats, right? Keep them safe."
Wanda seemed caught off guard, but recovered quickly. "It's got it's... dangers, yes. But I can handle myself. I've got powers and I know how to use them."
"You do," my dad agreed, before his eyes flickered to me briefly. "But Y/N doesn't. She's just a regular human."
I set my fork down on my plate and looked to him calmly. "Dad, what are you saying?"
"No, it's fine," Wanda said reassuringly, resting her hand on my leg under the table. I grabbed it and held it as she continued to speak to my father. "Y/N doesn't have powers, you are correct."
"And dating an Avenger, I can imagine, must put a huge target on her back," he said with concern, and my mum nodded in agreement. "How can we be certain that she is safe?"
"Your father is right, Y/N," my mum said, giving me a look, before her expression softened as she looked to a startled Wanda. "We're not implying that you're incapable, Wanda. We can clearly see that you care about our daughter. And you're a lovely person. You're pretty much perfect."
Wanda swallowed hard. "But?"
My mother frowned. "But dating you is bound to put our Y/N in danger. She could get hurt just for being involved with you, with your friends. She doesn't have powers to protect herself. And I can't imagine you're around her all the time to keep her safe."
As angry as I was at my parents for saying this stuff – even if they were saying it out of love – memories of the incident flashed to mind. They were right, but it was a risk I'd accepted when dating Wanda. What good was it doing by bringing this up now?
Noticing Wanda's silence, I spoke up instead. "I appreciate your concern, guys, but I'm an adult. I understand the danger I may be put in by being with Wanda. But I love her and I know that she is here for me if anything were to ever happen."
"We know," my father said, giving me a small nod. "We just thought we'd share our opinion anyway. It's been weighing on us for a while is all."
I sighed quietly. I couldn't exactly fault them for that.
"Anyway, never mind that," my mum said, setting down her fork. "Now that we've got that out the way, let's order some dessert, yeah? Our treat."
Nodding, I let my parents get excited as they perused the dessert menus before them. Instead, I looked to the quiet brunette beside me and saw how lost in thought she was, eyes focused on the table and stuck in a daydream.
With the hand that was holding hers, I patted her hand with my thumb to earn her attention. She looked up suddenly, questioning gaze falling to me. I frowned and quirked a brow, wondering if she was okay. She forced a smile my way, squeezing my hand reassuringly, but I didn't believe her. I also couldn't question it right in front of my parents, so I decided to speak with her later.
Dessert went by quickly as Wanda, suddenly, wasn't very talkative. I didn't know if my parents noticed, but I sure did and I felt extremely guilty. If I had known of my parents' concerns, I never would have brought Wanda to meet them tonight.
After the evening came to a close and we all stepped out of the restaurant, I expected to be going home with my parents since we lived together, but they claimed they had more plans together tonight.
"Wow, you guys have more of a social life than we do," I joked when they told me to make my own way home.
Wanda barely smiled and I felt bad.
"We'll be back in a few hours," my mum promised, before pulling me in for a hug. "Tonight was fun. A great final night before we leave tomorrow."
I returned the hug and as I gave my dad one, I heard Wanda thanking my mum for the lovely evening halfheartedly. After saying our final goodbyes, Wanda led me to her car in silence, giving me time to try and put some jumbled thoughts together coherently.
As she had been for the past hour, Wanda was quiet on the drive back to my place. Whenever I would glance in her direction, she'd be chewing on her lip and focusing on driving, though the blank expression on her face made me think that maybe she was distracted. It didn't take a genius to know she was thinking about my parents' words and I suddenly felt guilty for putting that all on her.
"I'm sorry," I blurted halfway through the journey. "I'm sorry for what they said. It wasn't fair of them, I know that. They just... they meant well, Wanda, they really did." I tucked my hands under my thighs, wincing as their words echoed in my mind. "It doesn't change anything though, y'know? We're still us. We're still okay. I don't want you to feel like anything's changed because it hasn't."
I paused, swallowing hard, and glanced her way. She didn't even look my way, still in the same position as she was before I started to speak. Looking back to the road ahead, I let out a disappointed sigh, figuring she wasn't in a talking mood. I didn't blame her, but I hoped she would have understood what I meant.
The remainder of the drive was like this, Wanda deep in thought and me huddled under an imaginary blanket of guilt. When we finally reached my house, she turned the engine off and I waited for her to say something, literally anything. Her fingers drummed against the steering wheel mindlessly and I figured she was out of words for tonight.
"I'll ring you in the morning," I mumbled quietly, opening the car door. "If you want to speak, that is."
Leaving her there, I grabbed my bag and headed to the front door, but stopped when I heard her get out the car, too. Waiting, I turned around and watched as she approached me, eyebrows knitted in thought.
"Please say something," I said with pleading eyes.
She licked her lips, biting her lower lip so hard I'm surprised she didn't draw blood. Finally, she released it and looked to me with apologetic eyes.
"Your parents were right," she said.
I blinked with confusion. "What?"
She nodded, looking down at her shoes momentarily. "They were right, what they said. My life puts you in danger."
"Yeah, I know," I agreed, crossing my arms. "I knew that when I got with you, but that doesn't change anything."
She gave a disbelieving smile. "Seriously? Y/N, that changes everything."
"No, it doesn't," I told her sternly, growing frustrated. "This is the stuff you sacrifice when you love someone."
She sighed, shaking her head and looking away. "You shouldn't have to."
"But I chose to," I said, clenching my jaw.
"Don't you remember what happened last time?" she asked, stepping forward and holding my hand. "The incident?"
"We said we wouldn't talk about that," I reminded her with a low voice.
"But you remember, right? When they took you and I wasn't there? They could've hurt you!"
"Shut up!" I told her, raising my voice. Pulling my hand away from hers and taking a step back, I continued, "Why are you saying that? You came! You helped me!"
"But what if they did something to you before I got there?" she snapped. "What if I hadn't got to you on time?"
The memories came spilling into my mind, escaping the locked box I kept them in. Tears burned the corner of my eyes as I tried to think about anything else.
"You remember how scared you were?" Wanda asked, frowning at me with exasperated eyes. "You couldn't be by yourself for weeks!"
"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled, clenching my fists. "Why are you trying to frighten me?!"
"Because you should be frightened!" she retorted, stepping closer to me. Her dark green eyes were swirling storms of rage as she added, "It could happen again!"
I shoved her away from me, pinching the bridge of my nose with annoyance. Tears slipped from my eyes at the terrifying memory of what happened, what could have gone wrong, but I ignored them as I swallowed down the lump in my throat. Why the hell was she acting like this? Making me so angry at her for no reason?
"It's not even just that," she continued, jaw tensed. "How many times do I get hurt because of work and you get worried?"
"That's because I care about you," I muttered through stinging eyes.
"This will always be my life," she said, a hint of regret in her words as she looked to me. "I can't change it."
"I'm not asking you to!"
"Exactly! You're not! Which means you'll suck it up and stay with me and will live your life in constant concern for my well-being. It's not right."
I opened my mouth to respond because what she was saying was entirely stupid. But my emotions got the better of me and no words came out. Instead, my bottom lip quivered as I sucked up a breath.
"I need time to think," she suddenly said, anger disappearing from her voice and being replaced with an astute calmness.
My gaze snapped her way and through blurry vision, I watched her step back with her hands on her hips.
"So you can what – think about breaking up with me?" I said bitterly, and despite my anger, I didn't expect her to look at me with a softened expression, meaning my words were correct.
"Maybe it's better that way, Y/N," she said gently, eyes meeting mine.
I squeezed my hands together and tried to breathe through the pent-up anger that she'd caused, but the longer she stared at me, waiting for a response, the more I wanted to explode.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I muttered, scrunching my eyebrows together.
She pressed her lips together, looking away, and it only pissed me off more.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Wanda?!" I yelled. "You're quitting on our relationship because, what, you think I'm in danger? Well, news flash, honey, the worst already happened and I'm still here!"
She barely flinched as she avoided my eyes.
"You're a fucking coward!" I said, pointing at her. "If you needed an excuse to end things, you could have just said so!"
Breathing out, I wiped my tears away shakily. I expected her to argue back, to realise she'd made a mistake and regretted her words, but as I waited, I knew she was certain of her decision.
"Fine," I settled, brimming with rage. "Fuck off, Wanda."
Still, nothing.
Turning on my heel, I stormed to my front door and went through my keys with difficulty, hands shaking with anger. I heard Wanda's car door shut from behind me but didn't bother turning around. I clearly didn't need to as I heard the tyres screech against the road and knew she was gone.
Kicking my door with frustration, I found the key and opened up before heading inside and slamming the door behind me. How dare she break up with me because of something that I chose off my own back! She just gave up like we meant nothing to her, not even bothering to talk things out with me! And selfishly, she left me feeling pissed and resenting her more than I ever thought I would.
"What a bitch!" I shouted into the empty house, throwing my keys to the side harshly.
When they clinked against glass, I looked up and saw the vase of flowers Wanda had given me before dinner.
"The first and fucking last," I said dryly, before grabbing ahold of it and throwing it against the wall without thinking.
The glass shattered on impact, leaving a mess of water, flowers and small shards on the wooden floor. I looked at it, the brokenness resembling how my heart felt. As the adrenaline of my actions and previous angry words wore off, all that was left was hurt and pain and oh God, Wanda was gone. She'd left me. She'd given up.
I sank to the floor, pulling my legs up to my chest, and hugged them tightly. Stifling my cries, I dug myself into my knees and felt a pain in my heart. Why didn't she fight for us? Did she not love me enough? Was I not enough?
"You ignored the memes I sent you, I thought you died."
As Natasha pushed right past me and into my house, I blinked with disbelief.
"Sure, come right in," I mumbled sarcastically, closing the front door.
Following after Natasha, I found her making herself at home in the living room, plonking herself on the couch and pulling her feet up comfortably.
"You could have sent an emoji or something," she continued, giving me a knowing look. "They were some good memes."
"Well, forgive me if I wasn't in the mood," I said sourly, joining her on the couch.
Her playful smile faded as she picked up on my words. "How are you doing, sweetie?"
I ran a hand through my hair and leaned my elbow on the back of the couch, getting comfortable. It had been two weeks since Wanda broke up with me and in those two weeks, I hadn't been doing particularly well. I guess you could say I was still in a slump. A horrible, tiresome, angry, sadness-filled slump.
"I'm fine."
She pursed her lips, looking like she wanted to argue, but thankfully, she didn't. I was glad – the last thing I wanted was to prove that I was okay when, really, all I wanted to do was curl in a ball and suffocate under my duvet.
"I'm sorry," she said, resting her hand on mine. "If it's any consolation, I think Wanda made a huge mistake."
"Ah, so she told you," I said with a nod of realisation. I hadn't told Natasha the specifics of why we broke up, but clearly Wanda did. I guess it made sense – they were teammates. If anything, I was surprised Natasha still wanted to speak to me, instead expecting her to side with her friend.
"She did," Natasha answered. "And I think she's an idiot, but that's not my business. I just came here to make sure you were okay."
"Really? I thought you wanted to show me the memes," I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood with a small smile.
She chuckled, slapping my hand gently. "That, too... but seriously."
My smile faded as I looked down, my finger playing with my trousers distractedly. "I'm not okay, but I'll get there." I began to glare at my trousers, my anger for the witch returning. "I have to be. Because she doesn't want me anymore... fuck her."
"I'd rather not," Natasha mumbled.
Though my anger was present, making me tense like it had been the last few weeks, I couldn't help but smile at Natasha's words. Then laughter bubbled from my lips and for the first time since Wanda left, I felt momentarily happy.
"I'm glad we can still be friends," Natasha said, making me look to her with a smile. "I know that you and Wanda are over now... but I still like hanging out with you."
"Me, too," I said in agreement. "Thanks for coming to check in. You didn't have to."
"Yeah, I did." She nodded before offering me a small, encouraging smile. "You're gonna be okay, y'know."
I wanted to believe her, but despite how pissed I was at Wanda, I still loved her. And I couldn't imagine stopping, though I knew I'd have to if I was to make it through this.
Getting over Wanda was a difficult process. Everything I felt was a mixture of resentment, exhaustion and misery because I missed her. I missed being able to call her when I saw somebody do something stupid in public; I missed kissing her when I hadn't seen her in a long time; I missed hearing her adorable accent first thing when I woke up after she spent the night; I missed her.
Two months followed the breakup and the only time I'd see her was when she'd dodge Anna's apartment upon knowing I was going to take care of her. I guess I was glad in that sense, as it meant I wouldn't have to deal with her awkwardly. But it also made me feel like shit because it meant she didn't care about me at all. Clearly our breakup wasn't affecting her like it did with me.
And it was definitely affecting me.
I was scrolling through Instagram one day when I saw a particular post on my feed from Natasha's account. Yeah, one of the Avengers had a private Instagram account. She gave me her username when she saw me on it one day and I remember being so confused to how she had it.
"I'm an Avenger, not a hermit," was her response, and from that day onwards, we followed each other.
So, I saw a post on her Instagram and it was some goofy photo of her, Tony, Bruce and Wanda. They were posing with exaggerated smiles as Natasha grinned up front; the caption said something about working long days, but I wasn't paying much attention as, naturally, my gaze fell to Wanda.
Just like everyone else, she had a playful, exaggerated smile on her lips like nothing kept her down, but what stood out was the sling around her arm and the cast underneath. It must have happened in a mission or something and it wasn't my business, but I couldn't help but worry. Was she okay? Was she looking after herself? I wanted to text Natasha and ask, but I stopped myself.
She'd broken up with me for this very reason. I wasn't agreeing with it, but for a second, I did see why she'd made her point. It still wasn't fair though. She didn't get to make that choice for me.
We weren't together anymore, I reminded myself. She broke up with me. It had been two months and I needed to let go. If she didn't care about me, why should I waste my time and energy caring about her?
Not letting it get to me anymore, I simply liked the post before continuing my scrolling. Though I knew that deep down, her face was imprinted in my mind and I still worried for her well-being.
The fourth month following our breakup was when I properly saw Wanda again, excluding the times she would duck out of Anna's apartment upon my arrival to care for her. It was also the first time since the breakup that Wanda made the effort to speak to me.
I was sat eating dinner on my day off when I got a call from the hospital nearby, interrupting my meal. The nurse was explaining how Anna had fallen over and hurt her back and was now in a hospital room. She was calling me because she thought I'd like to know since I was her registered nurse and carer. I was glad to get the call, immediately pulling my shoes and coat on and rushing over there to make sure she was okay. She didn't have anyone else apart from Wanda and I – it was no question I had to go.
Though, of course, I didn't really think about the fact that Wanda may be there until I saw her there. I also didn't consider the fact that I was wearing my pyjamas when I stepped in the lift and headed to Anna's floor. Too late now.
After asking the receptionist where Anna's room was, I found Wanda hanging around it outside the door. With only Anna on my mind, I approached her and tried to hide my panic. She spotted me instantly, stopping her pacing and looking to me with tired eyes and a frown on her face.
I didn't care that she looked worried, nor that she was holding up well since we last spoke in anger. I didn't care that she'd dyed her hair a reddish-brown colour, nor that she managed to pull off both that and the whole 'loungewear' look in a place surrounded by blinding white and blue. I didn't care that my heart ached when her green eyes found mine, nor that I missed seeing her so close and not in my dreams for once. I didn't care about any of it. Or, at least, I tried to tell myself that.
"What happened?" I cut straight to the point, stopping in front of her. "Is Anna okay?"
Wanda nodded instantly. "She's fine. She tripped over her dining room chair and hurt her back. The doctors just checked her out and said it's nothing too serious, but she won't be able to walk for a while."
I pressed my lips together, feeling the panic wear off at the sound of good news. Anna had always been more than just a patient to me and the last thing I wanted was to hear she'd hurt herself badly.
"Can I see her?" I asked Wanda, quirking a brow.
"Yeah, of course," Wanda said, before looking away awkwardly. "I was just waiting out here for you. The nurse said you were coming."
I chose to say nothing as I walked past her and into Anna's room, seeing the older woman laying on a hospital bed and staring at the ceiling. When she noticed my presence, she smiled at me and motioned for me to join her side.
"It's so good to see you, milaya (sweetie)," she said happily, as I stopped by her side, "but you didn't have to come! I'm not dying."
I heard Wanda enter the room behind me, but she took a seat on the chairs opposite the bed. Ignoring her, I smiled down at Anna and grabbed her hand.
"Don't say that," I told her gently. "Of course I'm here. You're my number one priority. I had to make sure you were okay!"
Anna waved her hand in typical Anna fashion. "I've suffered worse. I'm absolutely fine."
I knew it was best not to question her, so I didn't.
"I'm glad you're both here," she said, looking between Wanda and I, making me swallow awkwardly.
Since breaking up, I hadn't mentioned it to Anna, but she wasn't stupid and she'd clearly noticed that we weren't spending time together anymore. I didn't know if Wanda had told her, but if she had, Anna never mentioned anything. Like now, she simply looked between us both with a grateful smile, unaware of how awkward we felt.
Thankfully, the awkward silence was interrupted when a doctor walked in the room. After introducing herself, I asked if I could speak to her outside about Anna and she happily obliged. She told me about Anna's condition and how it would affect the way I cared for her, especially regarding her new medication, and I asked anything and everything to make sure she was truly okay. After being reassured that she was, I thanked the doctor and returned to Anna's room, only to find Wanda and Anna in a heated a argument.
I couldn't tell what had got them so fussy as they were bickering in Russian, sentences too fast for me to comprehend with my limited knowledge of the language. It got to a point where Anna began slapping Wanda on the arm, looking angrier than ever, so I stepped between them and pulled Wanda away.
"What the hell is going on here?" I interrupted, holding Anna's slapping hand down to the bed and raising a hand to keep Wanda at bay. I looked between them, seeing the frustration in both their expressions, and asked questioningly, "Well?"
Wanda said nothing, eyes avoiding mine as usual, so I looked down to Anna who was glancing between us before spouting off into another ramble in Russian, trying to grab Wanda so she could yell at her directly. To my annoyance, Wanda tried to push past me, yelling back, and I was unfortunately caught in the middle as I attempted to keep them from ripping each other's throats out.
Thankfully, their bickering came to a halt when an unknown voice called into the room: "What is going on in here?"
I looked to the door, following the mystery voice, and saw a young woman, maybe in her thirties, standing in the doorway and looking between the three of us with confusion. I had no idea who she was, though she seemed familiar. Judging from the confusion Wanda had, she didn't seem to know either.
"Sasha," Anna breathed out with surprise, and then I realised. That was Anna's granddaughter. "What are you doing here?"
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