#sorry i like to pick out titles first lmao i have very few no-title wips
grimalkinmessor · 11 months
I'VE BEEN SHOT @ectoplasmicsoda
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(Soda you have no idea what you've done help—)
1. Ivy On a Chain Link Fence
2. Nearly True, Pretty Lies
3. Swallow
4. The Perfect Genius of Our Hands and Mouths
5. Cherries
6. Razed
7. Tighten Up Your Noose
8. Come Whiffling Through The Tulgeywood
9. Copper and Gold
10. Churn
11. We Bleed In Perfect Harmony
12. Scorpio
13. Time Travel (L)
14. Time Travel (Mello)
15. Light GONE
16. Scorched
17. Horror Moonriver
18. Selkie Light
19. Lyra
20. Vessel Dabi
21. Fantasy
22. Swan Dive
23. Violet Violence, Spread Your Legs
24. Adventure Time AU
25. Variable
26. Potential
27. Time To Take a Shot
28. Clover
29. Heart Stopper
30. Every Rung of Your Ribs
31. All The Dying
32. The Lacking Art of Subtlety
33. Reverse AU
34. Cut Your Knuckles On My Teeth, Honey, And I'll Bruise Your Knees
35. Gently Go At Dawn
AAAND I'M GONNA STOP THERE BC JESUS CHRIST. This is only three fandoms worth, and only the ones I haven't posted anywhere 😭
I do not have thirty-five people to tag so I'm just gonna,,,, @asmallmoon333 @ghost-malone @willofhounds @brothercrush @lucky-ass-nerd @ohdeadlynightshades @lukewarm-beef-stew @lineli225 @seventhfracture @tswwwit @gh0stbeeee Do my best! And also cheat by inviting literally everyone else that wants to do it you can just say I tagged you :3
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sungbeam · 2 years
here to flood your inbox with the questions✨
3, 4, 9, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, (IM SO SORRY FOR STEALING SO MANY NUMBERS BUT THESE QUESTIONS ARE SO GOOD), 28, 29, and 34
signing off with love
- ash
ash jie !!!! tysm for ur ask ^_^ and omg ty for the influx of numbers hehe <3
fanfic writer asks
3. What's been your most popular fic this year?
oh it was definitely my beomgyu drabble mine !! it was the fic that got me a ton of my followers and it's my first post to reach 1k and 2k+ notes which was super exciting :')
4. What piece of writing are you most proud of?
find my answer to #4 here!
9. What's a scene you wrote this year that you're particularly proud of?
hmm kind of a hard question cuz sometimes i think i'm a genius and other times i think a scene just doesn't work 😭😭 but ,,, i'll say i remember being super satisfied w lost at sea the pilot episode/chapter for my *cough* unfinished riptide!mark lee series ha,, haha
15. Are there are other writers or artists who have inspired you?
OH MY GOD SO MANY (´Д⊂ヽ i'm just gonna name drop :') @ethereal-engene ofc, @loveliestfelix @korijime @jaehunnyy @leejungchans @goldenhypen @/maijunejuly @petrichor-han @tranquilpetrichor @justalildumpling @polarisjisung @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l probs many more as well ksfbkenf but thank u all for being such amazing people who light up my dms and dashboard and make me want to keep writing and dreaming :')
18. Do you have a fic that you wish received more attention?
lmao a few tbh so i'll recommend a few 😁
— cruel summer (kim seungmin)
— the cage (yoon jeonghan)
— in all your endeavors, forever (kim hongjoong)
— 11:22am (jung sungchan)
19. What was your favorite comment, or piece of feedback this year?
definitely has to be ash jie's full review of in all your endeavors forever like having a whole post dedicated to a very through review of MY OWN fic just,,, omg it just made my day fr like woah mind-blown yk? so thank u sm jie :'( 💖
but in general, any feedback or comment just makes me so warm and fuzzy and excited !! once, someone told me they came back from the dead to remind people that i was one of the best writers here and tbh i could cry 😭😭😭 ??
21. Not a question, but a challenge! Say something nice about your writing!
*panics* UHM!! i,,, like that i've been improving in the description department? idk bro (´Д⊂ヽ like i'm trying to be more patient with my descriptions and i def have some work to do w solving my white room syndrome, but i think i'm getting better w touchy feely emotional things lol
23. What fic did you enjoy writing the most?
i actually really enjoyed writing the fics with crack/humor in them a lot! i write a lot of angst and i do enjoy writing that too, but i also love writing banter sm
will specifically mention this jungwon fic and this nct dream fic tho
28. What is your favorite story or chapter title you came up with this year?
OOH !!! uhhhhh i really like "cruel mercy" (wip), "bird hunt" (wip), and "dear chan, have you ever been in love before?"
29. What was the funniest comment or piece of feedback that you received?
AHAHHAHA when i posted the one beomgyu drabble for my october mini series, almost all the reblogs were talking abt how tf were those cheesy pickup lines attractive 💀🤡 tbh only beomgyu could make corny ass pick up lines attractive but yuh ✨ also whenever em rbs my stuff, she's so funny sjfnejfbj like i once posted a fic at 2am and she rb'd w smth like wait y aren't u asleep beam (ignoring the fact that she was also not asleep 💀)
34. What's the weirdest thing you researched for a fic?
LMAOO i don't think i remember half the things i google while in the moment tbh 🤣 but i vividly remember going down the rabbit hole of cheerleader positions and stunts for this one wip bc idk what any of that cheer stuff is called (´Д⊂ヽ and i think soon i'm gonna need to spiral down the dance rabbit hole too @_@ like figuring out waltzes and tangos and what that one dance intak did for isac :')
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fangroyal · 4 years
i'm really curious about Dawn of the Conformists!
Somehow I just knew someone was going to ask about this one, and I’d have to find a way to actually explain it.
Which is honestly totally fine because I do love this crazy thing, but...
So this is CuRed (aka Michael/Pete, aka the curly-haired goth kid and the red-haired goth kid, because I’m pretty sure this is one of the rarest rarepairs I ship, and I don’t expect everyone to know who they are. 😂😂😂). Fun fact about me: they are my OTP only second to Dron, SO YEAH.
This one’s obviously way post-canon, when they’re of adult age and all that. It’s got zombies. It’s got roadtrips. It’s got pining and misunderstandings and epic human-on-zombie fights. And, you know, conformist stuff. Or, moreover, zombies that are obsessed with so-called “conformist” things. Because, you know, the goth kids are so annoyed by that kind of thing, haha. Which is fun for me, as a fellow goth, because I actually like some of the things I’d be ragging on myself.
ANYWAY, it’s a problem project for me because...ugh. I’ve just had it lying around for so long at this point - since September 2017? I think??? - and because of that, it’s gone through several transformations from the original idea. Essentially, whenever that was in 2017, I wrote down an outline and a bunch of snippets of scenes, was SO excited about it - and then I got really super sick in summer 2018, and have since not written anywhere near as much as I used to. (An issue that plagues me to this day. *sigh*) And up until a couple months ago, I would only open the folder for this one, like...once or twice a year, read through it and smile and remember how much I loved it and this ship...and then I’d continue to do absolutely nothing with it.
The reason for this is because after what happened to me in 2018, and now that I’m pushing 30, my writing style and my relationship to my writing and the kinds of stories I want to tell have all changed so much. And not that I’m trying to say what I wrote for this story three years ago is bad, but it’s...it’s, uh, not good??? Okay, so, by “not good”, I really mean it’s just...it’s too much like my old writing. And not just the words themselves, but the character development, the plot, my strange need back then to be very, you know, shock for shock’s sake. 🙄 Like, when I was younger, I admittedly didn’t have a great grasp on a lot of the pieces and parts of writing. Not saying that I’m a fucking expert on it now, of course not, but I do prefer the way I write now - my style, my voice - a lot more than what it used to be.
So when I inevitably opened up that folder again a couple months ago, and once again remembered how much I used to love it, I was struck by how much I wanted to change about it, to make it more like how I write now.
And so what was once actually called The Walking Conformists became Dawn of the Conformists. I decided what was once two old friends realizing their small mountain town had all turned into zombie-like “conformists” - that they needed to get away from there, move to another state, another city, where Henrietta was waiting for them, and thus the pining and hijinks sprinkled in between - needed to be more of a gradual “what the fuck”, both cracky and not, zombie’s placated by conformist things experience, a la Shaun of the Dead (i.e. the name change). I wrote up a few lines about this one scene that really stuck in my mind for the new treatment, and THEN...promptly didn’t do anything else. Again. 😂
Because, you see, I’m also having a lot of trouble translating the old outline and snippets to the new version. I don’t like a lot of what it once was, but I do like some of it. And unfortunately, the parts I do really like still relate to that whole roadtrip/moving idea, aaaaannnndddd....I don’t know what the fuck to do about it, haha. If anyone out there is willing to, I don’t know, alpha? or something? and help me out with this transition, I would appreciate you forever.
ANYWAY, I’ve rambled on enough, I think, LMAO. So I’ll give you snippets now. The first is one of the pieces I do still like from the original - a little glimpse of our poor angry boy Pete raging at himself over just how much he wants Michael. The second is part of that scene that gave me the desire to start crafting the new version. (Both are very rough, I’m so, so sorry.)
Old Version:
Pete had tried his best to make himself look like he hadn't gotten dressed in the back of a car, nor brushed his teeth in the woods with a water bottle, but he feared he hadn't succeeded. Michael looked immaculate in that way that drove Pete absolutely insane. Normally, his hair would be gelled down on the sides, top swept forward in a delicate wave down one side of his face. He was, of course, lacking in such style today, his hair mussed instead, curls tousled all about his head ― and yet he still made it look like the goth fashion statement of the century. He was even sitting there wearing that stupid fucking dangly raven's skull earring Pete had gotten him for his birthday at least four years ago, and it made Pete want to gouge out his own eyes.
He took out his frustrations on his last piece of sausage instead, spearing it violently before shoving it in his mouth.
New Version:
Pete jumped back, knocking into the counter and sending an empty mug crashing to the floor. His hands scrambled behind him, his breath coming in short pants. The man swayed on his feet, a hanging piece of skin on his cheek sagging low enough that Pete could see the layer of muscle tissue beneath. He glanced at the bread knife at the far side of the counter, wondering how quickly he could reach it before the intruder came for him again.
Then, the man slowly raised his arm and pointed at the menu above Pete's head.
Pete blinked. A hour seemed to pass as they stared at each other, and then the man gestured emphatically, and Pete ― against his better judgement ― stepped cautiously forward and followed the man's finger to the spot he was pointing at.
This had to be a fucking joke.
"Y-you want that?" Pete asked. The man gave another insistent growl, and he leaned away from him, his pulse twinging in his neck.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," he huffed. "Fine. H-hold on, just ― just stay there, okay?"
Pete tried his best to remain calm as he waited for the milk to steam. It was difficult to do with a definitely possible living corpse standing menacingly on the other side of the register, boring holes into his back with cold, dead, surprisingly wide-open eyes. Pete struggled to keep his hands from twitching as he poured espresso into a to-go cup.
When all was said and done, he plonked a large pumpkin spice latte onto the counter with a nervous nod of his head.
The man picked up the cup, and ― seeming to suddenly think of it ― flailed his free hand for a moment before dipping it into a tattered pocket of his jeans and fishing out a small pile of something that might've been a muddy piece of trash, might've just been a clump of dirt, but most certainly was not any form of currency Pete recognized, and slapping it onto the counter. Pete eyed it with barely-concealed disgust.
Then the man took a sip of his drink and smiled. Or at least attempted an approximation of a smile. His skin cracked from his lips out and threatened to fall off his face entirely. He grunted something that sounded suspiciously like 'thank you' and shuffled towards the door, cradling the cup lovingly between both hands.
"Sure thing," Pete mumbled, hovering anxiously at the register as the man leaned against the door, swinging it open and disappearing into the night. Before it even shut, Pete was already striding across the room, grabbing and yanking it closed, flipping the lock and switching off the neon 'open' sign, gripping the handle with shaking hands as he sank to a crouch.
"What the actual fuck."
WIP Title Game
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llazyneiph · 5 years
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its been a busy fuckin week for this mod my ladz!!! i thought i would just give an end of week run down how everything is going, everything added so far and my to do list! also discord!!! and patreon!!! but i’ll talk abt that after this!! a general run down if u dnt know what this wip mod is:
The Royalty Mod gives your sims the opportunity to being the reigning Monarch of your game. They have the chance to become a Beloved Ruler or a Despised Tyrant (and will be treated as such!) They will be completely in control of a custom tax system, will the be benevolent and keep the taxes low or be greedy and fill their coffers with their subject’s simoleans? Be careful though, your actions will affect your citizens and their views of you! Your Monarch will be the most important piece of the puzzle, as they will be able to give titles to family and friends... or even a random street vendor. Having your Monarch bestow titles such as Crown Royals, Royal Partners, Servants, Court Wizards and more, keeps you out of CAS and IN your game! No more stopping and starting your gameplay!
A general overview of everything included so far:
Monarch: - A custom Heir system: Your Monarch can choose anyone bestowed with the title of Crown Royal or Royal Partner to become the next in line to the throne! And if they decide they made a mistake, the Heir can be disowned :((( sad lyfe As soon as the Monarch passes away, the Heir will automatically claim the throne! - If your Monarch dies before they get a chance to name an heir, then any Crown Royal or Royal Partner can vie for the throne. Whoever the people choose (gets to reputation level 6 - very good) first, will become the next Monarch! - Teens and up can become the Monarch, (lookin at u edward the 6th) - Custom tax system! Raise taxes to get more money instantly and in your weekly tax collection, but incur the ire of your subjects! Lower taxes and you will lose money and earn less each week but your subjects will love you! - Your Monarch will draw a crowd wherever they go! Even with no fame points they’ll attract a mass of adoring onlookers. (But no paparazzi for my historical players) - Make world-wide decrees - Listen to your subjects pressing concerns by telling your Trusted Advisor that you will hold a hearing, get that gud gud karma!! - Make anyone a Crown Royal! - Make the land celebrate your own birthday with a new Monarch’s Birthday tradition, with custom goals to be met! - Don’t walk like the rest of these peasants, make sure to enable your royal stride to royally stand out from the crowd. Not enough? Enable your regal glow to really drive home that you’re better than everyone else! - Royal greetings! - Allow your subjects to commence Sunday trading on a lot with the Market lot trait! Townies will come and man the stalls every sunday 9-3 and the royal family can peruse and purchase to their hearts content! -probably more that im forgetting!!!
Heirs, Crown Royals & Royal Partners: - Titles are bestowed by the monarch, crown royals & heirs can be titled at birth and Royal Partners can be titled after marriage! - Both can be named as Heir, and both can vie for the throne if the Monarch dies unexpectedly! - Your Monarch can make anyone a Crown Royal, so if you gameplayed that your Monarch adopted a poor orphan kid, then they can have a shot at the throne too! - All have multiple different social and skill modifiers, so they can make new friends fast and be better at everything than them! - Also all have their own socials - ALSO all can be completely banished from the royal family - u can defo marry into the royal family if u wanted, and make ur peasant family the next gen of royals ;))) - loads more but im so tired
Trusted Advisor: - Your Monarch will choose their trusted advisor! they advice! u on stuff! so choose wisely! - everything about taxes, beginning situations, domestic affair (and planning to add LOADS more) goes thru ur advisor, just like it does in real life and by real life i mean i think i just made that up - way more 2 come bros
- brand spankin new custom animations!!!!!!!!!!
Planned to Add (p much the same as last post): - unlockable interactions based on skills such as charisma - bad monarch reputation and tyrant trait to have the possibility of triggering a revolt??? - Custom situations to trigger weekly events such as royal hearings, banquets ect. - custom situations to trigger a bunch of npc servants (big maybe) - Mass Excitement over royal babies - Mass Mourning over passed over Monarchs - Mass Excitement over new Monarch - Options for crown royals to steal the throne - Sentence to death - Way more custom socials - looking into craftables - Perhaps more of a focus on the working class - more magicky type interactions for court wizards - just like. so much more. but its 1:30am and my brain has stopped working
ok now i wrote this out it rlly doesn’t look like a lot but i have so many gatdamn plans for shit i still gotta add. plus i will probably end up making hair and a few clothes and objects too. also omg guys im totally gonna make one of those fancy fuckin trailers for youtube :))))))))))) also was i on fiverr lookin at voice actors to narrate it...? maybe bitch
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anyway i said i would talk abt patreon so here it is!!!
first things first, let me just say that no, i absolutely do not think i am entitled to a single cent of anyone’s money!!! I would/will still put 110% into this mod and my future mods because I absolutely love doing this. At the moment I’m currently working on this mod about 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week (animations bruh), which is kinda insane. but I want this to be everything everyone’s wanted from EA for years.
I made a Patreon for those who would like to support me. If you do decide to become a Patron I am endlessly thankful for that, not just the monetary value of it but the fact that you believe in me enough to do that.
Every cent of any pledge goes towards my saving fund for my course next year, which for those of who don’t know, I’m currently a first year Game Design student!!! In complete clarity, I’m looking at a $15,000 loan atm, so literally anything helps if u do decide to pledge!
Tiers start at $1 and all tiers have access to a private patrons channel in my discord! u can go read what u get with the tiers over on my page! I’ve offered as much as I can, but since im super not down with exclusives, pls let me know if u think there’s anythin more i can offer u guys!!!
Tier 2 does include a one week early access to my content. I feel like this is the most I’m comfortable offering, and I will always stick to or under EA’s rules when it comes to Patreon.
Tier 2 also offers first picks for Beta Testing, but depending on how many (if any) tier 2 patrons I get, it may work on a rotational system as I still want to include people from tumblr in the beta testing. I don’t want anyone who can’t afford patreon to feel left out, so I would still offer some beta testing spots here and it’ll be first come first served like normal! i don’t want it to feel like i’m gatekeeping my cc. i hope this is okay with you guys! For those who aren’t in a place where they can become a patron, but still want to stay included in everything related to this mod, I now have a Discord Server that anyone can join! speaking of >>>>
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we have a discord ladzzzz!!!!!!!!!
If u wanna stay up to date on everything I’m doing regarding the mod, or u have a question or suggestion, or there's something wrong with one of my mods that u need fixed, or tbh if u just wanna hang out with some cool dudeeees n chill n chat n have a jolly time then com join the discord!!!!!!!!
i’m going to be posting updates and screenshots of the mod process much more frequently there (probs like a few times a day tbh lmao) and it’s much easier to get a hold of me there if u have any suggestions.
and tbh we just gonna have a chill time and i want a metric fuckton of memes and gifs. if that doesn’t sway u, we have a whole channel dedicated to only pics of guy fieri. u will be banned if u post anything else there. u were warned.
ok god im so sorry this is literally 10 years long but i just had a lOT to say but like, mods goin good lads. i just want to make something that gives the game more play ability and keeps u in game and out of CAS. its excitin stuff. thanks for listenin.
                              PATREON | DISCORD SEVER
                    see all royalty mod updates on my tumblr here
also im v sorry if u join the discord like right after this is posted bc i am most definately fuckin asleeeeeeep
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missfaber · 5 years
author interview
I was tagged by @orangeflavoryawp, thank you so much! 
I already know I’m going to enjoy this way too much, writing is such a lonely endeavor and I just love talking about it, sooo... I apologize in advance for rambling. 
name: Madeline/Maddie 
fandoms: this is complicated because there’s fandoms I very much consider myself a part of because they’re just a huge part of my life, even though I don’t contribute content to them, and then there’s fandoms I do create content for. So idk where the line is drawn! 
fandoms I contribute/ have contributed to: Avatar the Last Airbender, Game of Thrones, Merlin BBC, Once Upon a Time, Legend of Korra
fandoms I haven’t contributed to but are so dear to me: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings (my two favorite things ironically lol), and lots more 
where you post: AO3, used to be ff.net and livejournal too
most popular one shot: by kudos, it’s as if death itself was undone (zutara, atla: katara wakes up to azula in their house and wants to find out a) why she is welcome b) why zuko is acting so weird) 
most popular multichapter: by kudos, it’s soldier, go bravely on (jonsa + gendrya, got, complete, rewrite of the last episode of got with sweetness and angst and action, and may i say some common sense?)
favorite story you wrote: fuck omg this is difficult lol! because I both criticize and love all my stories in equal measure, I honestly don’t write anything that i don’t love, that doesn’t give me butterflies / actual chest pain (from angst). I feel like I’m being asked to choose a favorite child lol. so I’ll try to justify these picks somehow... 
closest to my heart: soldier, go bravely on (also mentioned above). this is the fic that brought me back to writing fic, and to tumblr even! I was on hiatus (that I didn’t know was a hiatus because I had no intention of coming back) for six years before writing this fic. I wrote it so quickly after the got finale, it was such a passionate and fevered few days and it just sucked me back in to everything I used to love as a teenager. It was also a nice stretch out of my comfort zone, because of the dialogue (which was so tightly planned it’s ridiculous, I wrote the whole fic as a screenplay type thing first to make sure there wasn’t a single dialogue word not needed) and tv-episode style. It’s also such a wish-fulfillment fic that I can’t read certain parts without getting a bit teary. for all those reasons and more, this fic will always be so special to me. 
most proud of: wolf, circle north (jonsa, got, alternate season 7 & 8). this is the longest fic I’ve ever attempted and the number I’ve hours I’ve sunk into it is astounding and i should be ashamed.  It’s going to be obscenely long (my outline is 70+ chapters) and when I pull it off, best believe it’s going into a bound book so I can look at how thicc it is and be like, “I did that!” lol. The range of POVs is one of the most challenging but most rewarding part of this fic, and why I’m so proud of it. This is another wish-fulfillment fic for me, not just because it’s another fix-it fic but because I have been writing bits and pieces of this fic for about three years. I kept thinking of jonsa scenarios and little scenes I would have loved to see after season 6 and writing them in a little secret doc, just for me, as I never thought I’d write fic again. After writing “soldier” i had already broken my hiatus and I realized this fic was an actual possibility, so I put it out into the world. I couldn’t be more happy that I did that. Not only did it give me the chance to be in such an excellent, lovely fandom, but the feedback I get is so validating after having this be my secret little project for so long.  
most formative: Coffee & Cigarettes, (merthur, merlin bbc) I’m ashamed to list this and the merthurs reading this 100% want to kill me for having the audacity because it’s incomplete and hasn’t been updated since 2013 when there’s only one chapter left so what’s my excuse?  I call this the most formative for me because until I published this I didn’t really have a fic that people followed and liked, eagerly awaited updates for, and commented regularly on. I was writing a lot of one-shots and atla stuff on tumblr (I used to RP lmao I was like 15 ok?) This was the first time I experienced so many fic-life things, like being excited to get AO3 emails, etc. This was the first time I started to really focus on character which is so important to me now, my writing is completely character driven. Not to mention Merlin and Arthur’s dumbassery and sheer attraction and denial is just... *chef’s kiss* 
guiltiest pleasure: my recent foray into nedsei, who am I??? one more word and you won’t survive, just international hate sex
story you were most nervous to post: ummm idk I’m usually excited not nervous, since for me fic writing is just fun, I write things I’d enjoy reading and that I’m proud of. I read my own fics more than anyone else does, I guarantee it. am I a narcissist? who knows I guess I’ll say “soldier” again because I hadn’t posted fic in six years.
how you choose your titles: wow the hardest part of fic writing for me!!!!! thanks!!!!! lol. Okay so for my work titles, which are always terrible and I literally regret them immediately after posting, it’s usually just some words I play around with and string together that are somewhat thematic and related to the work... they’re always terrible lmao, I hate making titles. I mean, look at “soldier, go bravely on” and “wolf, circle north” for god’s sake, I hate them lmao. But I have to pick a title to post, so!!! For chapter titles and one-shots I’ll usually go with a song lyric, and especially for my chapter titles I spend so long seeking out the perfect one that reflects some thematic or emotional content of the chapter somehow. I’m very proud of my chapter titles for wolf, circle north. I have a doc on my scrivener just for chapter titles that I created in the very early stages of writing it, where I just dumped HUNDREDS of song lyrics that I thought I might use. Then by them I wrote some scenarios where they could work. here’s a screenshot:
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It’s so helpful now. Sometimes posting an update will take an hour more than necessary because of me going through that doc, finding the perfect lyric. 
do you outline: OH, DO I OUTLINE... Hell Yeah, I outline. I couldn’t live without outlining. I love outlining. My outlines have outlines. I’m a planner centric, calendar centric, bullet-journal bitch so of course I love outlining. In all seriousness though: I write out of chronological order. I feel my writing is best when I write the scene I’m in the mood to write- unfortunately this scene could be ten chapters down the line from the chapter I’m gonna post next. This is the biggest reason outlining is necessary for me. If I didn’t have an outline, my story would be a non-post-able mess. 
I wasn’t kidding when I said my outlines have outlines. For wolf, circle north I have, um, a few. Character/location centric outlines where I bullet every scene that needs to happen for that plot to happen cohesively (these were all more or less completed before I even started writing the fic), then a “loose” outline that I copy everything from the other outlines into for some semblance of chronological order, then a Polished Final Outline that I write from. I know that sounds psychotic. It’s how my brain works. Some photo evidence/explanation:
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And here’s a screengrab of my Final Outline, this is pretty much how it is all the way down- The POV character is italicized in the front, I talk to myself a lot in there, let myself get carried away, will sometimes write out whole segments of the scene if they come to me while outlining. Spoilers for chapters 1-3 of w,cn I guess!!!
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Then, because scrivener is awesome, I get to see this outline in the corkboard view (I input every scene as a card) and so I get to see every part of my outline as a Synopsis on the right hand side of the doc where I’m writing the scene:
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The POV and status tags (which are completely customizable) on the lower right are helpful too. This post is just a scrivener ad. 
complete: 9 works 
in progress: 4 works
coming soon / not yet started: I have so many fics in the works, I’m an indulgent person so if an idea comes to me I usually go with it for a time. I’ve had a very not-serious Jonsa PLL AU I’ve been writing on and off since summer. I have three different fairytale AUs (also jonsas) I’ve been working on and one time travel AU for @sunbeamsandmoonrays. I can’t say when or if any of these will see the light of day, because my priority is my WIPs and my original writing. But the most prevalent are my Halloween fics (one jonsa, one gendrya, one merthur) which I really want to be able to put out this month, but only if I meet some other goals. I’m trying to rein in my indulgent ass, ya’ll. 
do you accept prompts: no. sorry! but I do workshop ideas with friends, for example the nedsei fic happened that way by talking with @flibbertigiblet. But I don’t take writing prompts in my inbox. 
upcoming story you are most excited to write: my halloween merthur fic. it’s witchy, sassy, and I’m so excited to get back into the heads of these characters.
Tagging! @uchihabat @anniebibananie @noqueenbutthequeeninthenorth @sailorshadzter @vivilove-jonsa and any other lovely writer soul who wants to do this!
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
Sonic and the Mayhem Master (Full Fix Update Part 1) - Personal thoughts!
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So, if you have followed this blog for a while, you might have caught wind of a few things that I like, from music to series to videogames and, specially, Sonic fangames.
No, I’m not here to talk about Sonic ATS once again, but I’m going to talk about another very nice fangame I’ve been following for at least two years (my Spanish blog had more info about it though): Sonic and the Mayhem Master.
The last time I reported on this project was during my SAGE 2019 coverage, which... didn’t set the world on fire, let’s put it that way. There were two main demos back then, and after that, we recently got more updates from author Trinitroid. The “Full Fix Update” as he calls it’s the latest show of progress, but it’s currently split in two parts, with part two yet to be released as we speak.
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What’s in store for the Full Fix Update? Well, a lot, actually.
First of all, Trinitroid claims around 70% of the old bugs have been squashed, and I can confirm that stuff like UI scaling (present on all previous demos) are no longer a problem to me. Other stuff, like deaths bugging the game progress are still an issue, but the author is aware, and I do believe there’s more to love about this update past technical issues. Let’s also remember that this is still a heavy WIP, and even the first text screen when you boot up the game tells you about how this is more of a “playtesting demo”.
The biggest thing about this update is the content available to play through. You can now explore a longer part of the first chapter of the game, “Lamp of the Deadly Mist”, while also tinker around with the basic gameplay systems in place, something that the author says he wants to focus on first, before continuing with the story and his more ambicious ideas. I did explain some of the basic ideas behind the plotline on my last report about the game, so I’ll assume you know at least what’s going on and why Sonic and Amy look and feel so different to their canon counterparts.
The first part of the Full Fix Update lets us play through the first part (lmao) of Sonic and Detective Amy’s first assignment on the city’s power plant, meeting some different robots (some friendly and others not so much) along the way, and even interacting with different parts of the environment that give some nice additional text and some funny comments like this one. I always enjoyed this new steampunk-Sonic universe Trinitroid is creating, and the different exchanges along the way are still a highlight of the project. Amy is such a savage in this game, lol.
Like what you’ve come to expect of a RPG, this game’s dialog has a good amount of charm and, should you choose to interact with most stuff along the way, can give you a healthy amount of backstory and development. There is a part where the story kinda breaks up and picks up again in a fourth wall breaking “Sorry I haven’t finished this section yet” dev message, yet it’s done in such a fun way it works very well this early in the dev process.
Also, many, many references. Won’t spoil you on them, but there are some pretty cool references sparked here and there.
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How does it play, though?
As with each demo, the author keeps on improving the basic gameplay systems that will power the entire adventure. This is a RPG game... with a twist. Instead of passively taking on turns and carefully thinking about each step, Mayhem Master takes a more active approach, as you have you keep dodging the enemy’s attacks and building your MP meter for a few seconds, until they overheat and you have a small window to decide: do you spent your MP points attacking the enemy? Do you heal yourself? Do you decide to power yourself up with a random permanent boost? Do you skip your turn (granting you a MP boost for the next turn)? Or do you simply roll the dice hoping to land on a 50-50 change to flee from battle? You only have so much time to think before your turn is over, and the game will ask you to multitask as you make quick reactions. Even though I kinda miss the old, card deck based battle system, the current one works a lot better in terms of creativity and possibilities, according to the author. 
I need to also add that the difficulty curve isn’t yet in place as of this update, and it’s something that Trinitroid fully acknowledges, so things can take a while to get used to, and difficulty spikes will happen to you as you play. Still, I do think this approach to combat could make it a very big selling point, should Trinitroid’s wishes to make this a different indie game out of this in the future come to fruition. So far we have only seen a very small enemy selection, but every single one of them has their own battle quirks, and some of them can get wacky very fast, so don’t underestimate them. The only thing they lack is maybe to make some comments in-fight, but I don’t think that’s a priority, and it could potentially distract you from the actual battle. Just sayin’.
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So, that’s where things stand right now. I started covering this game around two years ago, and I'm rather happy to see it still coming along, no matter how fast or slow updates may come. Back in 2018, I remember pointing out the unique art style and premise of this game, and the fact it took the RPG route, as I was going through a “Hey, we need more Sonic RPG games” phase. As the second part of the Full Fix Update looms on the horizon, I’ll start to pick up my coverage efforts, because I really like what I’m seeing and I want more people to talk about it. Who knows, we may be on the brink of something special, be it for a Sonic fangame or for a future indie title.
So, give this one a shot, be wary of technical issues along the way, and maybe we can talk more about it, what do you say?
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elcall · 5 years
SKY-GIRL vs Yuzukosho - Aikatsu Stars Oneshot
Title: SKY-GIRL vs Yuzukosho
Summary: SKY-GIRL announces their first comeback stage, and Yuzu wants in! 
Characters: Yuzu, Yume, Ako, Mahiru, Yozora, Tsubasa, Lily, Haruka
Soooo.... this is well overdue ^^” I said I would write it in August LAST YEAR lmao so instead of writing my other WIPs I decided to finish this one first >> 
A high voice shouted through the air, “Down with S4!” A moment later, a bundle of bright yellow shot through the sky, landing with a twirl under an arc of roses. 
“Yuzu-senpai?” the girls gasped all together. Yume, Ako, Mahiru, and Koharu were all gathered in the S4 gardens. 
Lily trailed into the S4 gardens behind the pop girl. “Hello, everyone.” 
“Lily-senpai!” Yume greeted in surprise. 
“Yuzu-senpai,” Ako blinked sternly, “what do you mean by that?” 
Yuzu raised her fist, “Yuzu heard that Yozora-chi, Tsubasa-chi, and Mahiru-chan are reforming SKY-GIRL!” 
Mahiru smiled and nodded from her seat, “Yes, that is true. Onee-chan, Tsubasa-senpai, and I are all excited for the reformation.” 
Yuzu slammed her fist onto the table, “Down with S4!” 
The girls flinched back, not knowing how to react. 
“Yuzu,” Lily began calmly, “you are no longer in S4, so this seems like a threat to the girls.” 
Koharu tilted her head, “What are you saying, Yuzu-senpai?” 
Yuzu crossed her arms, grumpily, “When SKY-GIRL formed, Yuzu formed Yuzukosho with Yume-chan and Ako-chan!” 
Yume and Ako nodded. 
“Yeah, I remember,” Yume smiled. “We did great together, and Ako-chan and Yuzu-senpai really helped me pick myself back up since it was just after you left, Koharu-chan.” 
“Yes!” Yuzu said, “But Hime-chi wasn’t around then, so it was two S4 members versus Yuzu!” 
Ako deadpanned, “Yuzu-senpai… that doesn’t… make sense.” 
Lily sighed, “Yuzu, tell them why you are here.” 
“Okay!” Yuzu perked. “Mahiru-chan, when is SKY-GIRL returning?” 
“Ah, our live is going to be in about two weeks, and three days.” Mahiru replied. “Why?” 
Yuzu proudly put her hands on her hips, “Because that’s when Yuzukosho is going to be making a temporary comeback, too!” 
Yume and Ako gasped together, “WHAT?” 
While Yuzu seemed very aloof about her plan, Yume took it rather well, agreeing with the idea, however, Ako was the most worried. 
“Yuzu-senpai! You can’t just jump those kinds of things on us!” Ako fretted, “Two weeks! That’s not enough time for me! With my show and acting and-” 
“Don't worry about it!” Yuzu cut her off, untroubled by her dilemmas. 
Ako jumped, hissing with her paws out, “How can I not?” 
“I think it’ll be a great chance for all of us.” Mahiru said, “After all, last time, Yuzukosho and SKY-GIRL lost to the Admins.” 
Yuzu patted Lily on the shoulder proudly as said girl blushed happily, “Thank you. It was with the help of Yuri-san and Miki-san.”
“Of course!” Yume recognized. 
Koharu looked at Mahiru, “So where exactly is your performance going to happen?” 
Mahiru beamed, “Actually, we're going to do a charity event for the fair.” 
Yume lit up, “That's a perfect place for us to join!” 
Ako nodded, “It really is!” 
“So it's agreed then!” Yuzu proclaimed, “whoever gets more donations wins in this S4 versus S4 competition!”
Mahiru jumped out of her seat, crying out as she slammed her hand down onto a pile of tiles. “Yes! That gets me excited! Onee-san and Tsubasa-senpai won’t back down from this either!” 
Yuzu threw her hand out in front of them, “Then, Yuzukosho has reunited!” 
Ako and Yume put their hands on top of Yuzu’s and all at once they threw them up, “Yeah!” 
“Okay! Welcome to Yuzukosho’s first meeting back!” Yuzu cheered, with Yume and Ako sitting with her in a private room. 
“Happy to be back!” Yume smiled.
“Let’s do our best,” Ako agreed.
“Then, let’s start by choosing a song,” Yuzu said, opening one of the books they had gathered for the meeting. She flipped through the pages of the book, each page with a song and lyrics. She continued passing over the pages, neither one of the three girls objecting, as they scanned through the lyrics for the feel of their stage. 
Expressions of concentration plastered on their faces, Yuzu continued to turn another page, already more than halfway through the book. 
She left the next page open, all three reading over the lyrics. 
“This…” Yume muttered, her eyes growing wide. 
“Excitement of meet and bye bye of sorrow…” Ako read out. 
Yuzu put her hands down on the table, standing. Ako and Yume turned up to her. “This is it girls!” 
“Yeah!” Yume nodded.
“I agree,” Ako said, “the lyrics in this song seem to fit well with our theme!” 
Yuzu pulled the song out of the book, “Exactly! We’ve got a great catch here!” 
Ako grabbed the next book, which was the dance choreography collection. “Let me find the choreography to this song.”
“Yuzu’s pulling up the video already!” 
“I’ll start looking for our coords for the stage then!” Yume contributed, taking up one of Yuzu’s Shiny Smile card binders. 
Over the rest of their time, they collected the dance instructions and decided on the coords they would wear with the stage. 
Ako smiled, “Now that all that is set, we can now focus on our practice.” 
“Sounds good to me!” Yume smiled. “We have all week to do so. Let’s schedule our practice times,” she said, taking out her aikatsu mobile. 
Ako and Yuzu did the same, and they quickly organized their practice times. 
Yuzu put her hands on her hips as she looked at her unit members, “Great! Yuzukosho’s show is now up and running on the road!” 
A clap sounded, then, “This meeting is now in session.” Tsubasa spoke, a notebook in her hands. 
“My, Tsubasa-chan, do we have to be so formal?” Yozora smiled. 
“Yes, this is an important meeting to discuss our stage against Yuzukosho’s sudden emergence again.” 
Mahiru tapped her leg, “Well it seems like Yuzu-senpai came up with the idea suddenly.” 
Tsubasa shook her head, “That is very Yuzu-like.” 
Yozora laughed, “We should have expected it.”
“Anyways,” Tsubasa moved on, “we have our song chosen, and our practice is going well so far. Mahiru, have you been practicing the last two formations that you were struggling with?”
“Yes I have,” Mahiru confirmed.
“And how is it going?” 
“I think I might need some more self practice, otherwise I feel confident that I can merge with you and Onee-san,” Mahiru answered.
Tsubasa smiled, “Good to hear.” She looked to her peer, “Yozora, have you found coords for us to wear?” 
Yozora pulled open her binder to a page where three sets of coord were. “Right here,” she passed it to Tsubasa. 
Tsubasa inspected them carefully, then nodded, “These look good.” She passed the binder to Mahiru to see. 
Mahiru smiled, “I think this style will go well with our song.”
“Exactly!” Yozora smiled. 
Tsubasa wrote notes down in her notebook, then looked at the two girls. “Looks like we’re on track. Just a few more days until our debut show.” 
Yozora nodded, “That’s good to hear! We’ll surely give a spectacular show!” 
Mahiru grinned, “That’s right!”
“Perfect! Yuzu won’t know what hit her with this performance of ours!” Tsubasa declared. 
Yozora giggled, “Seems like you’re as riled up about this as she is, Tsubasa-chan.” 
Tsubasa blushed, “Th-that’s not true, I’m just excited to have a successful charity show…” 
Mahiru grinned, “I am too! SKY-GIRL won’t let down!” 
“Of course!” Yozora nodded. 
Tsubasa grinned, “Let’s give it our all, SKY-GIRL!”
“Ehh?” Haruka cried, “Yuzu-senpai and Ako-chan and Yume-chan are reforming Yuzukosho to go against Mahiru-chan and Yozora-senpai and Tsubasa-senpai in SKY-GIRL for a charity event?” 
Ako leaned back in surprise, blinking, “Well… that’s about all of it.”
Yume nodded, “That’s right, Haruka-chan.” 
Haruka pouted, “No fair! Haruka wants to participate too! But she doesn’t have a unit!” 
“Sorry, Haruka,” Mahiru said, “but it’s okay. We’re booked for this event anyways. Perhaps in the next one we can have you, as well.” 
Haruka kept pouting. “Fine,” she muttered. 
“Yoo-hoo, everyone!” Yuzu’s voice called out as she leaped into the gardens. 
“Yuzu-senpai!” Yume greeted, “How are you?” 
“Doing well!” Yuzu grinned.
“Hello everyone,” Lily waved, coming up beside Yuzu.
“Nice to see you, Lily-senpai,” Mahiru smiled. 
Lily looked around the girls, “I’ve been hearing about Yuzukosho’s practice sessions from Yuzu, but how is SKY-GIRL doing, Mahiru-san?” 
Mahiru smiled, “We’re doing well.” 
Yume and Ako inched towards the girl, trying to keep nonchalant expressions on their faces. 
Mahiru blinked at them oddly, “What are you two doing?” 
Yume flailed, “That’s it?”
Mahiru’s expression didn’t change. 
Ako moaned, “You aren’t going to say anything else about your practice?” 
“Oh,” Mahiru realized. She smiled, “Of course I won’t. I don’t our hard work to go to waste by spoiling it to my opponents.” 
Both girls’ faces fell. 
Yuzu laughed loudly, “That’s Mahiru-chi for you! Good going!” 
“It was worth a shot…” Yume murmured. 
“We should’ve expected it,” Ako said in defeat. 
Lily looked at the bluenette frowning at her seat, “Whatever’s the matter, Haruka-san?”
“Haruka’s upset because she doesn’t have a unit!” 
“Ah, I see,” Lily nodded. “When Yuzukosho first performed, it was for the school’s Fall Fest.” 
Yuzu smiled, “Yeah, but Lilliene and Mikki and Yuri-chi totally beat us!” 
Haruka sat up, “You beat them?” 
Lily blushed and nodded, “Yes, but it was with Miki-san and Yuri-san’s help.” 
“Is that so…” Haruka muttered. 
“Ah anyways, Yuzu’s here to get Ako-chi and Yume-chi for practice!” 
Ako and Yume stood. 
“That’s right, we should be off,” Ako said. 
Yume waved to the rest of them as their unit walked out of the gardens, “See you guys later!” 
“Bye,” Mahiru waved, then looked down at her own aikatsu mobile. “I should get going, too then. See you, Lily-senpai, Haruka.” 
“Goodbye,” Lily smiled. 
Left alone, Haruka stood up and jumped in front of Lily. The idol didn’t blink. 
“Lily-senpai! Haruka has a request!” 
Lily only raised an eyebrow as Haruka continued with her proposal.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to SKY-GIRL versus Yuzukosho’s charity event!” Anna-sensei’s voice rang over a large crowd of people at an outdoor venue. “Today we’re collecting money for the children’s hospital! Both units will be performing, and you get to choose the winner by donating under their unit! Whichever unit gathers more donations, will be victorious in this event!” Anna lifted her hands in the air, “Now let’s get this show on the road with SKY-GIRL!” 
The crowd roared as SKY-GIRL collected themselves backstage. 
Tsubasa, Yozora, and Mahiru stood beside each other, aikatsu system machines just ahead. 
“You girls ready?” Tsubasa asked. 
“Of course,” Yozora smiled. 
“Yes!” Mahiru declared. 
In each of their hands, they held their coords. In Yozora’s hand was the Pink Sunshine Fringe Coord. Tsubasa held the Water Sunshine Fringe Coord, and Mahiru the Yellow Sunshine Fringe Coord. 
“Mahiru Kasumi, like a radiant light!” 
“Yozora Kasumi, like a glimmering star!” 
“Tsubasa Kisaragi, holding nothing back!” 
“SKY-GIRL, let’s go!” 
SKY-GIRL made the stage, performing Love-Colored Passion. 
After their performance, Anna-sensei addressed the audience once again. “Thank you SKY-GIRL! Don’t forget to donate under their name if you liked their performance! However, don’t forget about Yuzukosho, who’s up right now! Let’s go baby!” 
Yuzukosho took their places at the aikatsu machines. 
Yuzu smiled at Ako and Yume, “SKY-GIRL was good, but we’ve got this in the bag, girls!” 
“I’m not worried at all!” Ako grinned. 
Yume nodded, “Yes! With our song dresses, we’ll do great!” 
The each held the set of their coords. Yuzu took the Yellow Skip Coord, Yume the Vivid Skip Coord, and Ako with the Emerald Skip Coord. 
“Yuzu Nikaido, fun is the best!” 
“Yume Nijino, ready to go!”
“Ako Saotome, making her dazzling entrance!”
“Yuzukosho’s show time!” 
Yuzukosho performed Ai Girl for the audience. 
Anna took the crowd after Yuzukosho finished. “Thank you, Yuzukosho! And that’s our two main performances for today!” 
SKY-GIRL gathered at the side of the stage, watching Anna-sensei speak to the crowd. Yuzukosho joined them quietly, waiting for their cue to take the stage for the final words. 
“Both units did great today, but we have an additional special performance for you!” Anna announced. 
The crowd cheered in joy. 
“What?” Tsubasa gasped. 
All the girls looked at each other in surprise. 
“A surprise performance?” Mahiru repeated. 
“By who?” Yume muttered. 
 Ako questioned, “Did anyone know this was planned?” 
“Yuzu has no idea, but now she’s excited to see it!” 
“Well, no matter how it happened, let’s watch,” Yozora decided. 
To their great surprise, it was The Admins. Lily, Miki, and Yuri took the stage, performing One Step for the roaring crowd. 
After their stage, both Yuzukosho and SKY-GIRL rushed up to the stage. 
“Lilliene!” Yuzu called cheerfully, “You surprised us!”
Lily smiled, “I’m glad. It was a rather last minute arrangement.” 
“By who?” Yume asked. 
A bundle of blue bounded onto the stage. “By Haruka!” 
“That’s right!” Haruka grinned, swaying left and right, “Haruka was upset that she couldn’t perform, but after she heard that the Admins beat both Yuzukosho and SKY-GIRL last time, she couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to reform them!” 
Miki nodded, “Lily-san and Haruka then contacted Yuri-san and I to join them for today’s event.” 
“I had to take a flight, but it was well worth it,” Yuri smiled. 
Yuzu laughed, “That’s great! You three surprised us all!” 
Tsubasa smiled, “It was quite a wonderful surprise.” 
“Your stage was spectacular as well,” Yozora complimented. 
Yuri grinned, “We hope so, because,” she turned to the audience, “The Admins are also participating in this competition!” 
“What!” Ako gasped with the girls. 
Miki nodded at them, “Yup! So everyone, get over to the donations and make sure you donate under The Admins!” She winked. 
“What’s this? Promoting yourselves?” Yozora laughed. 
“No way!” Yuzu cried, “Vote Yuzukosho, everyone!” 
“Yuzukosho for the win!” Yume joined. 
Mahiru grabbed tiles and slammed her hand through a stack of them. “Donate for SKY-GIRL!” 
“No, The Admins!” Haruka shouted back. 
The ten girls started calling out their respective unit names cheerfully as the audience shuffled towards the donation spots, many of them calling their choices with them. 
After some time, when things had settled down from all the excitement, Anna-sensei went up on the stage. “Thank you everyone for donating today! We have totalled all the contributions made today, and we have the final results!” 
SKY-GIRL, Yuzukosho, The Admins and Haruka were lined up on the stage. 
“Let’s see the results!” Anna called and a chart with all three unit names started growing their total bars. Each bar raced against each other, until the first bar to stop was… 
“And SKY-GIRL earned the least!” Anna announced. 
“No way!” Mahiru cried. 
Moments later, the golden bar stopped growing. 
“Next is Yuzukosho!” 
The final bar, in orange, grew much larger than the other two, before it finally stopped. 
“And the winner with the most contributions is The Admins!” 
The crowd cheered loudly, and so did the girls on stage. 
“Thank you everyone!” Yuri called. 
“The Admins did it!” Haruka cheered, leaping in the air. 
Lily stepped forward, “Thank you everyone for your donations. No matter who you voted for, your contributions will greatly benefit the children that we are raising this money for.” 
Tsubasa smiled, “I am a little upset that we didn’t make it to the top, but SKY-GIRL has a long road ahead of them!”
“Congrats Admins!” Yozora smiled. 
“I can admit that their performance was well worth the most donations,” Ako smiled. 
Yume nodded, “I’m glad!” 
Anna waved to the crowd, “Thank you again everyone! Have a good night!” 
Yuzukosho’s song → Ai Girl - Lyrics - Skip Coords
SKY-GIRL’s song → Love-Colored Passion - Lyrics - Sunshine Fringe Coords
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prisoner619b · 5 years
riding dirty (wip)
I’m not finished with it yet buuut I’m still enjoying this short story so if you like the first page let me know so I get pressured to finish it lol
AU: Modern setting
despite the title, it’s not smut (title started as a joke but then it stuck lmao)
Lance was running as fast as he could from the group of bikers chasing after him. His feet pounded the pavement beneath him and he was suddenly glad for the years of gymnastics he took when he was younger because it made jumping over motorcycles and fences so much easier. He stole a glance backwards to see how much space he’d won between himself and his pursuers. The one who he had particularly pissed off was still in front, trying to climb the fence that Lance was able to get over in a matter of seconds. While Lance was reveling in this good fate, he ran straight into someone. 
“What the hell?” The boy asked, currently underneath Lance in a tangle on the ground. 
“Shit shit shit,” Lance said quickly, jumping to his feet and helping the boy up. “I’m so sorry I’m,” He looked behind him and the biker had made it over the fence. “I really need to go.” He made to start running again but the stranger he’d all but mauled grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. 
“I think I’m owed some sort of explanation.” He said.   
“And I would love to give it to you some other time but,” Lance tried to pull away from the man in front of him, who only tightened his grip on his arm. “I’m really, really in a rush to get away from some people so if you don’t mind,” 
The stranger looked at the man who was advancing on them now, who was grinning widely at the sight of Lance being held up and unable to run away. He looked at Lance, who was about half the size of the man coming over to them and sighed. “Stay here.” He said, letting go of Lance’s arm. Lance took a few steps away, ready to ignore the order, but stopped when he saw the stranger advance on the one chasing him.   
“That’s very nice and all, but you’re no bigger than me so I don’t think,” Lance stopped talking when the stranger shifted his weight back and launched a kick directly into the center of the man’s chest, sending him stumbling backwards onto the cement. 
“You little fuck.” The man hissed, picking himself up off the ground despite the ache that he must have felt in his chest. His eyes burned with fury and Lance knew it would take a lot more than a kick to stop him. “Meyer!” He called out to one his friends who just arrived on her bike. “Get over there!”  
“That’s not good.” The stranger said as the one called Meyer and a few people on motorcycles as well as the ones who had been following on foot prepared to join the fray. 
Lance had started looking around for places to run to but the stranger had grabbed his arm yet again. “Get on.” He ordered, pulling Lance behind him and onto his motorcycle. Lance decided it was best not to argue since this was probably his best shot at not dying tonight. He jumped on the back of the bike and held onto the stranger tight as he shot off down the road.  
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somuchtowrite · 6 years
WIP Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @whywritewhenyoucansleep (sorry it took so long!!) and @sundaynightnovels, and i think a few other people?? sorry if i missed you, thank you so much!!
1. Describe the plot in one sentence? 
A mage needs to save his siblings for a cause, but that cause is turning out to be much more mysterious–and dangerous–than he had thought.
2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel and taste to describe the aesthetic for your novel.
Sight: Mist Smell: Pennies Sound: Metal on metal Feel: Heat  Taste: Mint
3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for the novel?
Conqueror - Aurora Warrior - Aurora Learn to Let Go - Kesha Revolution - The Score Agnes - Glass Animals Who We Are - Imagine Dragons
4. What’s the time period and location in which the novel takes place? 
Modern times (late 2017 I’m thinking?)
5. Are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded? 
For a long time, I thought I would call it The Sanctum, but then I found a book with the same title and decided that wouldn’t work (plus I actually ended up removing the plot point that had to do with a sanctum because it became unnecessary). I’ve considered a few other titles, but I’m still not sure how I feel about them. For now, I just refer to it as Lark and Eli, which of course won’t be the final title but works for now:)
6. What’s the first line of your novel?
“Eli was being followed, and he didn’t like it.” (To be edited, I just wrote it to get words on the blank page and it worked!!)
7. What’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
“They’ll just get a new batch of mages and do it all again, and I won’t be able to escape.”
8. Which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
Eli blinked. “What?”
9. Who are your character(s) faceclaims?
I don’t do faceclaims it messes with the images I have in my head. No one looks exactly like them, anyway, and I don’t really see the point. I’m sure it’s helpful for some people for visualizing their characters, though!!
10. Sort your character(s) into Hogwarts houses. 
Eli: Hufflepuff Lark: Gryffindor Viktor: Ravenclaw Xendalia: Gryffindor Kane: Slytherin
(I want to sort so many other characters but it would take up so much space askdlgdklsdjf)
11. Which character’s name do you like the most? 
I love Lark’s name. I found it in an article about words that you could use as names and absolutely fell in love. I also think the name Andrea is the most gorgeous thing ever, which is ironic since I gave it to arguably the most unpleasant character. Oh, and I can’t forget about the name Naomi, which I adore (again ironic, since she’s even worse than Andrea).
I want to say more but I’ll restrain myself, but know that I love all of my characters’ names!! I wouldn’t choose them if I didn’t think they sounded nice lmao
12. Describe each character’s daily outfit.
At the castle, the standard outfit available to everyone is a plain white shirt and black pants, but they have the option to wear whatever they were wearing back home (which obviously depends on the character, since they all have different tastes). The only characters who dress differently are Xendalia, who wears sort of dialed-down, medieval-esque outfits, and Celene, who typically wears a long, blue silk dress with no shoes. Along with that, the minor gods have a sort of uniform with armor since they guard the castle. 
13. Do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
Eli has a scar on his chin from Naomi pushing him onto a dock when he was seven. It serves of a constant reminder that she truly hates him, which is something he tries to push to the back of his mind as much as he can.
Mostly everyone else has scars all over, if not from their own trials then from getting cut while training. Emma in particular is riddled with little scars since she’s put so much practice into her swordsmanship and doesn’t believe in using anything but the real deal. Plus, the wounds that Lark heals almost always leave a scar, no matter how big they are. Lark heals everyone, which basically means everyone has them.
14. Which character most fits a character trope?
Depends on which trope, I suppose. I guess Xendalia would fit into the strong, unflinching stereotype because of how she grew up, and Viktor is the silent intellectual that shows up in a lot of fiction. Still, both of them have so much more to them that I have a hard time putting them into a box like that. Every personality has been done before, but not by you, you know?:)
15. Which character is the best writer? Worst?
Viktor would be the best writer, if only because he knows his way around the technical aspects of it. Still, he doesn’t exactly have a way with words, so that side of writing would be best left to someone else. None of them have much time for writing, but I could see Sarah writing angsty poetry in her room before greeting the next day with a smile.
As for the worst writer, I would say it would be either Luke or Andrea. Luke because it wouldn’t interest him in the slightest, and Andrea because she wouldn’t see much of a point. Neither of them have really written before, and they’re not exactly eager to try it out.
16. Which character is the best liar? Worst?
Andrea and Nicholas, but in different ways. Andrea is good at covering things up, lying after things have happened to keep herself in the clear, while her brother has a knack for keeping things a secret to hide the truth.
The worst would have to be Lark. When she blushes, it’s way to obvious, and she’s the kind of person who can’t even tell a white lie without turning red.
17. What character swears the most? Least?
Ashley swears quite a lot, but she knows when to reign it in. Andrea curses excessively when she’s angry, but barely ever when she’s not. The least would probably be Jasper, mainly because he’s only twelve, while everyone else just curses an average amount for a typical teen–probably still too much, but enough to get their points across.
18. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst?
The best handwriting would probably go to Sarah or Emma. Sarah likes things to be pretty to look at, and that includes her handwriting. Emma, on the other hand, doesn’t care much about the aesthetic, but she’s still an artist. Pretty much anything that comes from her hand looks nice, whether it be a drawing or a letter. Viktor’s handwriting would be an acquired taste, consistent and blocky.
Eli or Lark would probably have the worst handwriting. Barely legible, actually. Eli’s just because he never tried very hard when he was younger and it shows, and Lark because she writes so fast that her letters flow together until it’s impossible to tell where one word ends and another begins.
19. Which character is most like you? Least like you?
I like to think Lark’s reactions to things are similar to how I think I would react in her situation, but I could never be as calm about everything she is. Everyone character is just their own person, and though I’m sure parts of myself are woven into each and every one, I’d have to do some personal self-reflection to figure it out (which I don’t ever plan on doing, thank you very much. I’ll repress my feelings as much as I please xoxo).
20. Which character would you most like to be?
Caroline Joyce, Eli’s very human, very irritated best friend who gets shoved into the story against her will. As much as I would like to have magic, I’d rather not be subjected to the crazy world Eli and the other mages have to live in, and Caroline has a good balance of normal and magic. At least, as good as it gets when your best friend is a mage and drags you along on his adventures.
Phew!! Tagging (if you want to!!) @things-waiting-to-be-written, @marewriteblr, @drabblesofthesoul, @plutocoeurwrites and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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11 Questions
Rules: Answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions of 11 people
I was tagged by @timetravelingpigeon, thanks!
1. If you had to change the genre of your WIP, what would you change it to?
Horror. Easily. I’d keep the relationship dynamics but I would make it more of a horror. I wanna lean in the sci-fi/horror direction for the later books anyway once the real big baddies become main players. Not too much, but some psychological nastiness comes into play so I’m trying to make it chilling.
2. What’s your favorite writing POV? First person? Third person limited? One or multiple POV’s?
I’ve answered this before but I want to answer it again because my answer has slightly changed. I’d said first person POV was my favorite (or preferred or something, I think) but third person is a lot easier to work with in my opinion, because first person is so limited and you can’t really get a feel for what’s going on outside of the narrative character’s field of understanding. That being said, the Thriving series is third-person limited anyway, so, like, what do I know, lmao
I generally don’t like reading things where the POV switches characters if it’s first-person. Third person POV changes don’t bother me, in fact, I’ve had to do that for the end of book 2 and the beginning of book 3 (what?? why?? spoiler alert: I’m not telling)
3. Have you thought of a title for your WIP? How did you pick it?
I call this the Thriving series or saga or whatever. I chose Thriving in particular because it’s kind of a play on the fact that Warren calls the alien “Thrive,” and it may or may not foreshadow things to come for some of the characters, and I just like how simple it is.
Each book (bar the first one) gets a second title, and they’re all one word summing up the events that take place, whether it’s the main event or a b-plot, if you will.
4. How easy is it for you to come up with outfits for your OCs?
Oh gosh...I was gonna say super hard but come to think of it, they pretty much dress themselves. The stuff I have the most trouble with is the cultural alien outfits. The form suits and the human clothes are very easy to describe for each character. Especially for someone like Warren, who pretty much just wears plaid shirts, jeans, and/or baseball tees all the time, or Guetry, who wears enormous shirts and tight pants or futuristic casualwear. Or his own band merch lol
5. Who is the oldest OC in your WIP? (Either in-universe or when you made them.)
In the books, the oldest character is Thrive without a doubt. He’s approx. 8,042 years old at the time of the first book, and boy, sometimes it just hits me that that is a very long time, holy shit
6. Have you ever written fanfiction (even if it wasn’t posted online?)
Uh...that reminds me, I have a website to take down lmao *propels self into the sun*
I don’t wanna talk about that but yes, I have written fanfiction, and I have posted it, and I have even created a website for some of it, and I want it erased from everyone’s memories hahahahahaha. I mean generally I’m not ashamed of having written fanfics but it’s the content I’m more concerned about lmao
7. What are your OC’s favorite colors? (List as many or as few as you want)
Warren’s favorite color is turquoise! Guetry’s is purple (you don’t spend every waking minute looking at a purple glow inside of your eyeballs from your service AI and not grow to love it, unless you grow to hate it, in which case I’m sorry). I don’t think Thrive has a favorite color. Sussa’s is pink, I think. I have no idea what everyone else’s favorite colors are tbh
8. What is the most significant/important/often-appearing object in your WIP? Or, what is one object that one of your OCs cherishes?
Technically there are two that Warren cherishes dearly. The first and most important, the one he carries with him throughout the entirety of the series, is a letter his mother wrote to him before she died when he was eight. He’s never read it, and though it’s been ripped to pieces once, and opened and read by another character another time, he can’t bring himself to read it quite yet. But he has to have it with him or in a guaranteed safe location no matter what.
The other object is kind of spoilery and isn’t as sentimental as the letter. I can only tell you that Thrive constructs it and uses it. Then it’s later destroyed in a big way. I’m still trying to decide if I want to bring it back or let it be.
9. What’s that one word that you can never seem to spell correctly?
Restaurant and exercise, both of which I just now spelled correctly on the first try. Out of all the times....
10. Which arc do you like better/think is more interesting: a hero who starts slowly slipping into evil, or a villain who decides to try to be good?
Mm! This is a tough one. I personally think the villain-to-good arc can be overplayed, but frankly, I also think that’s okay. Hero-to-bad is very interesting because it begs the question of if they had that villainous quality lying dormant within them the whole time, or what event or circumstance could’ve been strong enough to push a good person into becoming evil.
I think I prefer villain-to-good because there’s always room for it to be a fake-out, or for there to be a betrayal where the villain maybe wasn’t good after all, or didn’t want to become all the way good. And then it can be played with guilt/remorse or nothing at all. The reverse can be done with hero-to-good, but I don’t think that’s as entertaining in my opinion.
11. Do you have any minor characters that are trying very, very hard to become one of the mains?
Actually yes, but I can’t say anything about him because his existence is a spoiler. I’ll just say that his name is Calen, and he’s a lot more fun to write than I thought so he kinda keeps showing up lmao
Unfortunately, I’m where this particular tag game goes to die since I a) don’t have a lot of mutuals to tag and b) have tagged people for this before and no one felt like doing it, which is fine, but I figured I’d save some trouble lol
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kalloway · 6 years
I Dream in Fear (old Dragon Age fanfic WIP)
Decided to just throw this up there - I wanna find the motivation to finish it or re-write parts of it, but tbh I’m actually pulling dialogue from it rn for a different dialogue idea I had lmao
But hey, it’s here if you want. It’s long, so it’s under the cut. I wrote this back in January 2015, apparently. Wow.
Hope it’s okay! I’m not formatting it at all before queuing this so if it’s weird... let me know - I know my theme’s garbage for this sorta thing rn OTL
There was a blade breathing down her neck as the silence hung heavy in the room. He tried, but his breathing was ragged; nervous. So quiet it was, he was ashamed to consider that his Knight-Commander could probably hear it form where he stood – judge it, criticize it when this ordeal was over – oh Maker, have mercy upon this terrified young Templar. Perhaps forgive him for the sin he'd considered acting upon. Duty had held him firm, but this mage – this woman – had managed to shake his stubborn will.
He was not supposed to do what he did. He was a Templar – plain and simple. He observed, he protected, he fulfilled his duties. He did not become a stammering fool and he did not become irresponsibly smitten with a mage simply because she had smiled at him once. He wasn't supposed to, but he did despite himself. Was he ashamed of this? Of course, but he found that every time he told himself 'no', he'd catch a glimpse of red hair and a flash of those honey-coloured eyes, and he'd forget his own oaths. He didn't even know her, and yet he knew far more than he cared to admit. She was very talented however, even First-Enchanter Irving had mentioned it once – but was it not wrong to pick favourites amongst those that may not even-
No, of course not.
He simply admired from a distance, trying to understand what exactly made him feel this way. Before he knew it however, the Templars' shifts would rotate, and she was out of sight... but not out of mind.
Some days were better than others in this situation. He wouldn't mull over it much and attended to his duties like any other Templar – though with the odd glance he'd give her when he thought no one was watching. Then there were days he became helplessly paranoid, fearing for her for minuscule reasons that he'd blow out of proportion. That mage over there seems like he's standing a little too close to her to just be on friendly terms... Was that Templar staring at her too? At the end of these troublesome days, he'd pray that he would grow out of this phase or... condition. How long he'd denied it. How long he'd attempted to brush it off as nothing. But it was nothing. Nothing good would come of it most certainly, but was that the only thing that drove him to all this concern and stress over a mage – a woman – that was nothing more than one of many charges he watched over? It was all too confusing for him, and he feared that it would start to show. He feared he'd be caught, or worse yet – she be the one punished for his own seemingly uncontrollable infatuation.
It was early one evening that he spoke to her directly for the first time. He was assigned to a watch in one of the libraries in the Apprentice Quarters. He didn't even realize that she was there – and therefore wondered why he was sent to a seemingly empty room to begin with – until she'd suddenly moved out the corner of his eye to scan more of the tomes on the tall wooden shelves. He didn't dare move from where he stood, but he watched her run a slender finger across the spines of the tomes, searching by title or author possibly, he didn't bother to choose one. He simply observed.
After a few minutes of searching and three tomes in hand at last, she finally spun on her heel to take notice of his presence with a simple greeting of, “Oh, hello Cullen.” He swore his heart ceased to beat when she said his name. He had never told her his name... he hadn't even spoken to her before!
“How do you-? I-I mean...”
She blinked once before she sputtered out a reply, “Oh, I just... overheard another Templar...” She trailed off, uncertain, “I'm sorry, that was probably very rude of me. It was not my place, Ser.”
He was taken slightly aback by her concern. Was it concern for him? No, no, no. Don't think like that. He felt like he was being strangled of the air in his lungs... why was it so hard to simply speak to a mage? “Oh, uh... it's no issue. R-really! You can, uh... you can call me what you like. Er- within reason, of course.” He felt like a fool.
She gave him a weary smile in return, “As you wish, Cullen.”
And that was the end of the conversation. Cullen spent the rest of that night berating himself for being such an idiot. Things only became worse the next day when he overheard a conversation between two mages as he made his rounds through the Apprentice Quarters. He only caught part of the conversation, but he had heard his name and mention of 'Amell'. That was... Cullen had panicked upon hearing this conversation, hurrying past that section of the mage quarters so he didn't have to hear any more of it.
Yet despite this, the routine remained unchanged, save for odd mutual glances at one another when they passed. It was embarrassing for the both of them. However she was undoubtedly more ignorant on such matters than he was. When he'd first become a Templar, they had blatantly stated that Templar-Mage relations were not tolerated, especially within the same Circle. He had wondered at the time why they would have to mention such a thing in the first place. After all, was it not common sense?
If that was the case, then Cullen had none.
He spoke to her again, this time in the Senior Mage Quarters on the second floor. She was waiting outside the main library/stockroom in the hall, where Cullen was walking. He'd considered trying to ignore her, but that would be terribly rude, especially if she made an effort to greet him should he do so. Therefore, he chose to simply (or tried, at least) to ask her why an apprentice mage was on the second floor.
She'd turned to him with bright eyes, “Ah, I'm waiting for Tomkin – you know Tomkin, yes? - to gather some tomes he believes might prove useful in my studies.” She suddenly turned bashful, “He says it'll help me get ahead with all this stuff. I told him that wasn't necessary at all – after all, I'm not really all that special – but he's quite persistent, he is. The only reason I'm actually here is because he said he didn't want to leave me unsupervised downstairs. Maker only knows why he's so concerned about something so trivial.”
There was that familiar dull pain in his chest again. Worry. He had a terrible, faint feeling about why the mage Tomkin would be concerned leaving her alone, but he dared not think of it too much. Instead, he did his best to brush off the grim feeling, especially when he caught sight of aforementioned mage making his way back to her no doubt, with an armful of tomes. “Oh, I-I see. Er, very well... carry on, Amell.”
He cringed and silently cursed himself. 'Oh Maker, it slipped I swear!'
She furrowed her brow at him. She noticed. Cullen panicked, he wasn't supposed to refer to mages by name... it wasn't proper protocol! Much to his surprise though, the young mage in front of him only said one word , paired with a stern look in reply: “Miriam.”
He almost asked her the most idiotic question, but she had turned her attention to Tomkin, who has returned and ushered her back towards the Apprentice Quarters with the 'reward of knowledge'.
It suited her.
After learning her name – her informal name at that – Cullen felt almost giddy for the rest of the day. He didn't pray for forgiveness that evening. He didn't berate himself yet again for his foolish, impulsive actions. He was completely and utterly infatuated.
He spoke to her once more after this, back in the library once again. She saw him and gave him her usual bright smile – her eyes warm and welcoming – that never failed to set his heart aflutter. They were silent for quite some time, until Miriam had returned the tomes to their designations and seemed to be preparing to leave for her quarters for the night. She stopped in front of him after glancing around, presumably to ensure they were alone. She then turned her gaze upon him, “It's funny, how we always seem to be in the same places these days, Cullen.”
He could listen to his name pass through her lips forever... He quickly snapped back to his senses to the best of his ability, “Ah, y-yes. Well I, uh... I take this particular shift once a week. I... suppose our b-being in the same places besides this is... it's just a coincidence I'm sure.” He mentally slapped himself. He sounded like he wasn't too fond of her implications, when it was really quite the opposite. But what was he supposed to say?
“A coincidence, perhaps. But it's not like it's a bad coincidence. I mean, you're more forgiving than most. You have humanity... restraint. Something most Templars appear to be severely lacking, from what I've been told.”
Her compliments caught him entirely off-guard. Technically speaking, she was crossing a fine line with her subject matter. But he found himself reduced to a stammering mess yet again, “Y-you think I- H-humanity?” He scoffed at his failing voice, but it came out far harsher than intended, “All Templars have humanity... Mages do as well. You do.”
Miriam sighed, “That's not what I meant , you- Ugh. The other Templars... they just follow orders and don't care about their charges. They'd rather do as they please and scowl from afar. But you... you're different. It's a refreshing change, not having to be paranoid every waking minute.”
No words tumbled from his lips this time. Rather, his adoration for this mage only increased and was threatening to show. Though she had indeed somewhat insulted his Order, her sharp comments were not directed at him... well, not entirely. He'd noticed she had the tendency of being rather snippy with those she spoke with, so it didn't bother him nearly as much as it should have, although it still brought a twinge of shame for his own misinterpretation. That concern aside however, she was still taking the time to compliment him on a trait he himself had grown to dislike. He feared his compassion would interfere with his duties as a Templar, and had been scolded by Knight-Commander Gregoir for it more than once. He'd tried to detach himself from his charges and had done so successfully with all but one.
'What made her so different?', he'd occasionally wonder.
He'd wanted to spill his feelings to the woman; to break protocol and let it out so he wasn't so worked up about it. He wanted to take her slim hands in his own and compliment her – on her beauty, her wisdom and righteousness, everything.
Before his wild train of thought had found its end, Miriam had hastily bid him goodnight before leaving for her quarters. He watched her retreating form. His gut twisted uncomfortably – he should have said something. He shouldn't have even been thinking of such things to begin with. Such thoughts were dangerous, they told him.
He would regret his silence the following day.
The day of her Harrowing.
There he stood, overseeing her Harrowing – the most important day of her life. Cullen had not been informed ahead of time like some higher-ranking and more experienced Templars may have been. Gregoir had simply approached him out of the blue and commanded him to follow. He did so, but only knew what he was in for after reaching the fifth floor of the tower – the Harrowing Chamber.
'This Harrowing is like any other', he told himself, 'but why does it feel so... wrong?' He was never this nervous – this afraid – for neither himself nor the Mage he was 'guarding'. No, that's not what it was to him at all.
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Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag 10 other people.
Note: posting this again because the first time I did it wrong. Lmao! Sorry. Hope this time it’s ok.
Tagged by @flyingcatstiel - thank you darling!
1. How many languages do you speak? List them, even if still learning or already forgetting. 
I speak 4 languages, spanish, english, french and portuguese. Spanish and english I think I know them well especially the first one I hope!  Although I’m always learning more english every time I can because I tend to type whatever comes to my mind really fast and I’m full of typos (sorry). I’m still learning Portuguese, and I’m starting to forget French sadly, I can read it and listen to it and understand a little but speaking it is becoming hard.
2. Favorite Dean/Cas moment on the show?
This is very very hard, I used to love them so much on the show! And now I found them so ... nothing..... so depressing. But well to answer the question I guess I like all the little moments from season 4 and five. Like them sitting on that park, having Cas confessing that he has doubts, the phone conversation on My Bloody Valentine when Cas appears at the morgue, Cas letting Dean know that an archangel is protecting Chuck, almost all the moments from “Free to be you and me”, the “Cas, personal space” moment, the fbi badge incident (the first time, the second was just lame writing to make Cas appear dumb). There are a lot! But from those two seasons mainly, I have a few faves from season 8 (the hug in purgatory of course), but it’s all tainted by how Dean treated the whole crazy!Cas debacle. Let’s say that after season 6 I became the bitter Cas fan that I am today. 
3. Favorite fanfic tropes in destiel fics?
Ohhh, I love rom coms! I only read aus so the rom com trope is on my top five. I love misunderstandings like in Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by  Sparseparsley. I love Au!angel Cas, gedry on LJ has a lot of them, they are old, buy sooo good, it’s a shame we don’t have more from her. And above all I love bamf!Cas give me give me give me! Example: The Team by palominopup.
4. Fruit or vegetable you don’t like (mango is not an acceptable answer, pick another one)
Mmm I don’t know. Maybe avocado? Don’t kill me! But I tried it so many times, and was like meh! Mango, I love though.
5. Tell me about a destiel fic you’ve read recently and really enjoyed. [please include title, author and link]
I’m re reading old ones lately because I couldn’t find anything new to really enjoy. BUT, you rec Angel Cookies by noxsoulmate and it was such an amazing surprise! Everyone go read it, it was great! 
6. Which one of your own (recent) fan works (fic, art, gif set, vid, side blog, etc) you are proud of? If you don’t have any, give a shout out to a (recent) fan work that you really loved. [any fandom, please include title, creator and link] 
I love 99% of the fics by palominopup, she is amazing, I’m waiting for her to finish her last one to read something new, because I don’t read wips. 
In art I fell in love with Cas with Brilcrist work, sadly she deleted a lot of her spn stuff, but what you can find is amazing. But she is my favourite spn artist, although it’s not recent. 
7. Recommend me a new TV show to take my mind of SPN. Tell me why it will help. 
I will always recommend Brooklyn 99, it’s not new, and it’s a comedy, but it’s amazing imho. Out of the really new tv shows, not much to recommend, I watched a lot of pilots and it was all meh. I watch two realities that I always come back to, because it takes my mind out of things, Face Off, about fx and make up artists, zero drama and only work. And Project Runway, that yes, it has some drama, but I love Tim Gunn and the new season is amazing.
8. Are you going to watch season 13 of Supernatural? If not, when did you stop watching the show? (I’d love to know why but you don’t have to justify your decision)
Idk, and if I do watch it would only be the episodes when Cas is in, so I guess not a lot to watch there. I only watched spn for Cas tbh, I stopped watching mid season 6 when it all became too painful, after that I stopped watching for a few months again and then returned but only for the Cas’ eps. I hate the show. I hate what they did to Cas, what they did to deancas, and I hate how out of touch with reality the writers are. They are writing a two mains show, when 99% of the shows now on tv are ensemble casts. Above all things I hate the homophobic, misogynist, racist that is Robert Singer, and how his views translate into the show. Spn had the opportunity to be epic, now is just some show everyone complains about.
9. Cats or dogs?
I like both, but I’m a cat person forever and ever.
10. What is your happy ending for Cas on the show?
Cas in a motorcycle, being human or not, happy with who he is and putting himself first, riding into the sunset :D. But seriously though, Idk, the show surely destroyed Cas, I don’t know if there can be a happy ending for him at this point, sadly. But if something that I’m sure I want for Cas is to be at peace with his decisions and to find a place to love, and people to love him back. 
My questions, mmm let’s see...
1.What other shows you watch?
2.What is the most amazing place you’ve been to? It doesn’t have to be somewhere exotic, but a place you felt happy to be at.
3.Do you think deancas still have a chance to be together? Or the ship is already dead, killed by the writers and producers (and you know the actor that says it doesn’t exist? (skip this one if you don’t care one way or another)
4.Please recommend me some books? Fanfiction has taking my life, I need to read other stuff too.
5.Pet peeves?
6.What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
7.If you could have a soundtrack for your life, what songs would be on it?
8.Where do you think spn stands now? Is still a good show? It entertains you? Or gets you more mad than happy?
9.If you can have a superhero power what would you choose? Why?
10.What movie/tv show did you think was going to be amazing but turned out to be horrible?
Tagging a few people, @zeeimpalaangel @lldyj @bitemyholyass @haven3333 and Idk if you guys want to answer anything about spn but I’m tagging you because curious! if you do @goldmetalvictor and @deathtwonormalcy
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angstgods · 7 years
WIP Tag:
this one’s gonna be a doozy. i really need people to love me right now lmaoooo
tagged by the love of my life @zeldaismyhomegirl you get that subculture pallet girl, im here for you if you need some cheerleading! 
(I’m including five wips. Bell Toll 13, my novel Untitled, a yoi clusterfuck called Serendipity, another yoi clusterfuck called Cabaret, and an Evak tentatively titled Pacing. This is gonna be a long fucking post so if you actually care about my wips and stuff, give it a look, but yeah. very long lmao) 
First Line Tag:
Bell Toll:
“Pick up, pick up, pick up...”
“Oh, thank fuck, Vic–”
“I’m sorry, but you haven’t reached Victor Nikiforov...”
“Goddamnit! .... Oh my god, okay, yeah hi, Victor. I can’t do this. Pick me up. Pick me up right goddamn now.”
(I gave you a few lines but... I mean clearly I haven’t worked on it at all because I want death and if I even continue I have to revamp a lot of it so.... idk be patient with me.) 
Untitled (novel): To feel comfortably alone is a state of being few can achieve, incomparable to mindfulness or zen, it isn’t simplistic enough to sum up in a book or a magazine article. 
(Wow... so much plot... so much insight... aren’t cha soooooo curious)
Serendipity: A pair of tired eyes and unshaven cheeks prowled down the street, headed for the intersection. With his hands in his pockets, he huffed out a cloud of fog, breath cooling before his eyes in the November wind.
(wow... that could be literally anybody in literally anything.... so specific... im such a genius) 
Cabaret: A wide eyed tourist apologized in clumsy French, bowed his head, and stole away into the night with his nose to the pavement. He was looking for something. 
(Lmao three guesses who that mess could be.)
Pacing: What he loved the most was that dumb little smirk, the way the corners of that mouth creased up to accommodate it. The degree in which thin lips smirked communicated a variety of emotions outside of expected smugness.
Any Line and/or Favorite Line (aka teaser line): 
Bell Toll: “Yuri!” 
Standing a few paces into the hallway, Karl took in his roommate’s bare skin– and the way his arm was folded up to cushion his face against the doorframe– with badly concealed horror. In a state of undress Yuri hadn’t really seen before, Karl blinked from behind frameless reading glasses. 
“What’re you doing here..?” 
(Say something about my ocs. This whole interaction is golden, you don’t even knowwwwwwwwww the roommate is an easter egg for my aussie buddy.) 
Untitled (novel): He processed the familiar bass in that voice he’d heard so much of now spoken from the lips of a complete stranger. He could’ve passed this man on the street, oblivious to how close they were in mind alone. Now there was a body to learn and understand, a thin face with stark, angular features to study, dark eyes to gaze into. Hidden under a strong brow, his eyes could’ve been blue or brown, their color minimized by the darkness that shadowed them, but they were warm and inviting regardless of their color. They drew him in. 
“What can’t you learn from books?” 
(heh heh heh >:3c everything i touch is gay. what can i say, im a book twink. also, lemme know what you think. i started the demo and ill post it soon.)
Serendipity: (This is gonna be a little long cuz i love this whole section)
With his head hung, Yuuri hustled into the shop at 6:15. His eyes were cast down, avoiding whatever look Charlie wore on her face. She hated having to open alone. He headed fast into the back room to hang up his coat. He was barely finished unraveling his scarf and pulling off his hat when the first customers trickled in. He set to work right away, diligently pulling perfect shots for a few lattes and seeing the early risers off on their days. After putting thankful smiles on three faces, he was brave enough to face Charlie who was standing at the other end of the bar with her jaw on the floor. 
“Yuuri,” she started, sifting through her vocabulary for the right words to say, “you are–”
“Late, I’m sorry,” he apologized automatically. “I had a... I’m sorry.” He nervously scrubbed his hand over his face, raking it back through his hair slick from the shower. A navy blue hat swept it back out of his face. The bridge of his nose felt naked in the absence of his glasses. 
“Are you wearing contacts?” Charlie questioned, openly ignoring his incessant apologies. Yuuri could feel her eyes on him. He looked in her general direction but never at her face.
“I lost my glasses,” he admitted, thanking his lucky stars that he managed to find a set of contacts at the last second. “Have you seen them?” He chanced a look at her face. She’d opted for gloss instead of her usual black lip today. The edge of her nail poked at the side of her mouth. Her eyes were lidded with a look of consideration, but her brows were lifted. She regarded him with approval he couldn’t recognize as such. He frowned. “I know, I look like a mole. You don’t have to say it.” 
“You look hot, Yuuri,” she promptly disagreed. She took in all the lines that made up Yuri’s face. Without his glasses, he had to focus his vision tightly on what he was doing. It made his jaw set and his brows sinche together. His cheeks weren’t hollow and gaunt, but that didn’t stop the high points of his cheekbones from casting shadows down his face. There was something different about the way he carried himself that put it all together. “Did you get laid last night?” she asked, and the shock widened his eyes, making him look more like his usual nervous self. 
“No,” he denied, cheeks turning red. Charlie smiled at the chance to poke fun.
“You totally did, don’t lie. You seem looser. Come on, was it your roommate? The… the shady one. What’s his name?”
“I am not–” he shot off with defensively high volume, finishing his thought with a little more composure when a woman looked up from her book,“I am not having sex with my roommate.”
“Something happened.”
“No it didn’t.” 
“Tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell!” 
“You fold like a lawn chair. Tell me what happened... Yuuri! Fold! Fold! Fold!” 
A cheerful voice cut through the struggle and Charlie fell silent. Out of the snow’s wrath, Victor sighed and loosened his scarf to unveil more of his face. Snowflakes melted in his hair and on his lashes. His cheeks were flushed, but he beamed with a cheeriness no human could possess in such miserable weather. He stopped at the counter, brightly greeting Yuuri and a girl Victor saw a lot but never learned the name of. 
“You left your glasses in my car.” 
(Coffee shop shenanigans! also Charlie looks like Lauren Hill and I’d die for her) 
“Why do you do it?” Otabek asked, letting the question hang in the air while Yuri slowly picked apart the buttons on his shirt with pruned fingers. Water from the bath spilled over the sides and onto the tiled floor, but Otabek stayed still and peaceful. 
“Because I love men,” he replied somberly, “this is the best way to catch their eyes in that way...” Yuri leaned further out of the tub, the dimples at the base of his spine rising up out of the water. He ghosted the pads of his fingers down past Otabek’s collarbones over his heart. His skin was tanner than Yuri’s, warm and taut over strong muscle. “Perhaps someday I’ll find someone who isn’t disgusted by me,” he added as an afterthought, “but that’ll take years if it happens at all.” 
(think 1920s france, the soviet union was just formed, jj is an asshole) 
“Wait.” His words contradicted his actions, his nails scratched over Even’s scalp, displacing his hair. Even the tone of his voice disagreed with the command to wait. But the last thing Even wanted was to make Isak uncomfortable. Running his nose over the seam between his abs, he froze in place and waited for an explanation. “This isn’t fair to you...” Isak admitted from deep within himself. His brow was furrowed in thought. “I don’t... What if I can’t do the same for you?” 
(ill probably just write this as a one shot cuz i dont even really see people wanting this but oh well lol) 
And thats my wips! Not gonna tag anyone, but if you like, send me your wips id be glad to give you feedback and PLEASE read me to filth. if these call out to you lemme know! 
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