#sorry i'm in a bit of a hurry; might update this later
New Season 2 leaked images from fernsehserien.de
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These two pictures just showed up on the pages for Episodes 1 and 2.
1: Aftermath
Robby with his cyber-shield and a new exo-suit, fighting a large new Cybertronian (?) character.
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2: In Ruins
A reflection from a helmet visor, featuring another new character who looks vaguely similar in color and shape to the first.
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Episode 3 currently just has an Earthspark poster from Season 1, and Episode 4 doesn't have an attached image yet.
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jungjungmochi · 1 year
Unspoken Feelings
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- Berleezy x Fem! reader
- 3rd person point of view
- Reader is Krysta’s sister
- This might be short and I’m so sorry! It’s probably so bad and I’m really sorry! But I’d been in a hurry to update you guys. I had a lot going on with my apartment and stuff but I’m now present and hopefully this will get you through!
- Angst to Fluff
- Summary: Even if the relationship didn’t last, biting down on the tongue hurt. So, with a bit of awkwardness, hurt feelings, and the push from your sister, it was time to confess with the unspoken words. Wanting to fix it all.
If someone had ever approached you, told you that you wouldn’t last with Berlin, it would’ve made you give out the biggest laugh of your life. Not you and Berlin. The couple that did almost everything together, the couple that showed up in videos, the girlfriend that always did photo shoots for the merchandise. The supportive girl and her protective boyfriend who cuddled her at night, assured her everything would be okay. It felt unreal. But it was the reality, and it hurt thinking about the way it would be the truth, even if you didn’t want to accept the reality. Every bit of what someone would say, was true.
It was rough remembering the split from Berlin, Krysta remembered seeing your tears. She felt for you, her intentions to introduce you was to never watch you two fall apart, it was to never watch you both get hurt. And sometimes it took you to assure when she apologized a thousand times that it wasn’t her doing and she shouldn’t take the blame for the miscommunication that both of you had. Having to give her a talk about how it was your relationship and not her responsibility to worry about something she had no ill intentions for. She remembered showing Berlin a photo of you, which turned into him being genuinely attracted, which became the desire to meet. And when it happened, you wanted nothing more than to be together from there.
It was like any other day, today work called in early, as much as you despised opening, you still preferred to secure your job and money. Not wanting to go without, so you’d stick around for a few hours of your shift. Which is what you did, and now after the dreading hours of trying to keep calm and not explode on the rude customers you had for the day, it was time to sink into the comfort of your home. “Oh you’re home from work!” Krysta smiled. “Girl please. It was the worst. I hated it! Some girl came in yelling at me and it didn’t help that I couldn’t hit her! She stood there and complained for an hour before she was told to leave. I couldn’t reason with her.” You scoffed at the thought of the lady from earlier. This caused your sister to let out a laugh as she shakes her head slightly. “Well. Y/n. You can’t fight customers. Sadly. So I’m glad you didn’t hit her.” She hums. Yeah, glad. You were happy you didn’t either, you were still upset, hurt. And had anger from your break up.
These feelings didn’t go by easily, even your sister could sense they were still there. She knew, and deep down she wanted to make sure you’d always be okay no matter what. Even if it felt like your three-year relationship was really a waste of memories. “Look. Y/n, if you want us to stop being friends. We can. I won’t hang out with him…” she said. At least you knew she always had your back, but you had no reason to make your sister stop her friendship. Mainly because it was never her fault in the first place. "No, Krysta. I'm not going to make you stop your friendship with him. It's not your fault that things between us ended." you assured. She still felt bad, she hated seeing you so down, knowing you still love him, even though you made it obvious based on your reactions upon hearing his name. "Besides that. Would you like to go out and eat tonight?" she asked. A small smile had formed on your lips. "Sure, later tonight we can go. I need to get out of these damn clothes," you said as you smiled at her. She always knew a way to cheer you up.
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The sounds of people chattering filled the room, but it wasn't so bad after all. Being able to sit at the table and eat with your sister, share a laugh, and have some drinks, which drinking has never fully been your best suit. You remember the time Berlin damn near exploded upon hearing that you walked home drunk late at night. But, once again, he was there. Because he made sure he would find you and get you home and well taken care of. Krysta couldn't scold you though since she would be sober if you did get drunk.
"This ended up being better than I thought." you giggled lightly with the small tint on your face. "I did dread work today, so this makes up for the work I've been doing, which sucked because my manager never has my back," you mumbled under your breath. The waiter walked over and he smiled. "Everything going good?" he asked as you two hummed. "Can I get another one of these?" you pointed to the glass. Krysta kept her eyes on the man, making sure he wouldn't say or try anything. "Of course." he smiled, taking the cup before walking away. Sighing, you glanced at your sister. "You don't have to stare him down so hard," you replied as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "It's my job to look out for you when you drink a lot. Guys are creeps. Y/n. You need some form of security." she stated.
Upon hearing those words, you thought of him, the times Berlin had assured you and made you feel safe despite the setting you two would always be in. It felt like hell now without him, would you being careless be enough? would it regain his attention so he would stop being stubborn?. Maybe he would hear you out but the desire of his attention was too much. He would never hear you out, let it go. "Has Berlin always...be strong-minded?" you asked. The question was sudden but Krysta cleared her throat. "What do you mean?" she asked as you sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if his strong mind is what makes him feel like he doesn't have to hear me." you frowned as she did too. "What? That's nonsense, Berlin would hear you out." she hums.
The doubt sank in. "No. Because he doesn't love me."
Then the tears welled up. "He never did."
Why couldn't you forget him? "I mean why?"
All you wanted was for him to listen. "He broke up with me."
And were you to blame? "He told me it was my doing.."
Would he ever listen? "He wouldn't even stop for a second."
Did he still think of you? "Maybe he's moved on."
Krysta hated this, watching as you crumble and wonder if you were really in the wrong. But she didn’t have time to comfort because ole and behold, Berlin was there. She couldn’t help but clear her throat as she had grabbed your hands. “Y/n that’s not the case. Berlin loves you.” She said. “He didn’t even take the time to listen to me, he just assumed I was cheating, and that shit hurt.” You huffed. Your sister could only shake her head, why couldn’t you two just make up? That’s all she wanted. “I don’t want him to think the worst. But he’s not even willing to hear my half of the story. So the reality is that we won’t ever piece our relationship back together.”
Berlin was always hyping you up and when he let you go out with the girls. You recalled getting dressed cute, makeup going, hair going. You felt good about yourself, even coming to the time he told you how good you looked. And the idea of that night when you kissed his lips and told him sweet words before you left, you always put Berlin before them and didn’t mind staying home to watch movies with him on some days you didn’t wanna be bothered with the outside world. He was always so sweet and willing to do everything for you as you were him, but your heart always aches when you recall the ending, the moment he accused you of cheating.
How could he? His y/n was no cheater but he just had to assume you were cheating because you hung out with a guy friend. Did Berlin have no recollect concept that your friend wasn’t into women to begin with? He was so damn cruel that night. Assuming that guy was taking you home, calling you a cheater in front of all those people and some actually believing him. Krysta never once accused you or believed you were, the simple fact and thing was that he was a ticking temper bomb. And at any moment anything could trigger him to react to situations, even if it wasn’t that serious to need a reaction of his. And you remembered the nights Krysta had to lay awake with you. Comforting you through that heartbreak and false accusation of his, going far as to listen to you cry for hours, cry yourself to sleep. She had no words, only comfort by listening and you were forever thankful your sister would listen to you that long, putting her sleep schedule behind for you.
“Y/n. He thought you were cheating…that’s why you need to talk to him. You can’t keep letting the idea of him break you like this. I know somewhere deep down you wanna be with him” she frowned as she shakes her head. “But you can’t if you can’t speak to him, if you don’t. He’ll go his whole life thinking you wanted anyone but him.” She hums softly. Somewhere deep down, you knew Krysta was right. Even if you never ended up with Berlin again, she was right about clearing the air with him after the accusations. “Look. I’m gonna go use the restroom. Berlin’s here…” she mumbled before getting up to use the restroom. Somewhere in you, you couldn’t help but keep your head down as the guy brought the drink before walking away. Fighting the urge to turn around and glance at him, you missed him so bad, you wanted to look back at Berlin so bad.
But it seems, you didn’t have to glance to know he walked over to you. “So you’re out again.” He said as you look at him with a hint of curiosity before humming. “I came out to eat with Krysta.” You spoke, grabbing the drink to take a sip. “Are you sure that’s the cause?” He asked. Dear God no, there he goes giving attitude, that tone of being right, digging under your skin. And in this state of mind? You couldn’t help but grip the glass tighter. “Don’t accuse me of looking for a boyfriend.” Your tone now giving him the same attitude back. “Oh I thought you were very happy in that relationship of yours.”. And the sarcasm dripped off his tongue, how could he be just so, annoying with it.
Krysta watched in fear of what might come next. “You know. You don’t know anything about that night because you refused to listen. So is it really my fault that you remained stuck up and felt right? You thought I wanted to cheat on you?. Please Berlin, where’s the proof? Where is it besides the accusations your mind made because you’re mentally missing a screw to your brain?” You spat harshly as your voice held venom in it, desiring nothing than to prove his ass wrong for once. “Since you came here to put me on the spot. Let’s talk about you.” You huffed as you stood up, looking up at Berlin in annoyance. “How about the times you went clubbing with the guys and you had girls all upon you? Is it justified because you’re the man? Because it’s just, guy things? Please Berlin, educate me. Oh wait. You can’t because you don’t know shit from that night. Now bite your tongue. And walk away.”. You downed the drink, slamming the glass down before grabbing your bag and walking out the door. Krysta had quickly rushed to pay so she could see you, speak to you about this, but Berlin beat her to it when she noticed he was following you out to the car. Could you two get anymore worse?.
Berlin had grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking. “So you think drinking is going to help?” He asked as you groaned loudly. “What’s going to help? You weren’t so concerned about help when you left me. Wouldn’t listen to me! You know what Berlin!” You spoke loudly, pulling you arm away. “You can’t claim to love someone and be the reason love hurts. Did you ever love me if you don’t trust me? In fact. I’m done crying tears over you. I’m done crying and crying, and grieving a whole relationship you didn’t care about. You threw our three years worth of love down the drain for your ego! And you have the nerve to come at me like I want a man. I would have one if you didn’t mean shit to me. I never wanna speak to you again.” You huffed, walking to the car with the anger going through you. Deep down, your sober heart knew it spoke words, but half lies. How could you be over him? You weren’t and you did want to see him again. This is not what Krysta meant when she said to clear the air.
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Sitting on the bed in your pajamas, Krysta had watched as you sighed heavily. “That liquor really makes you bold.” She said, trying to lighten the mood. “It does huh? I think I shouldn’t drink it anymore.” You replied more monotone. Never mind, cheering up the mood after that would not happen nor be easy. “No it was a good thing, Y/n. As your sister I think you need that release. This gives Berlin a chance to really consider what this whole breakup has done. To realize that he’s wrong, and to give you a chance. But I need to push you to do it. To make peace and if you never end up together again, who cares. You two have unspoken words. It’s obvious with that tension from earlier.” She nods her head, trying to encourage you to make the move to speak to him again. It would require something, that push.
“When I watched you two, I clearly noticed the tension and I noticed the hurt you both felt. He refuses to speak to you about it but don’t make it easy for him to avoid it till you speak your peace. Let it go. Off your chest. Talk.” She frowned as she rubs your arm gently. And you knew she was right, you two required peace. Something between you two, bad blood mainly, was the whole reason it felt the relationship was crumbling around the two of you. “I’ll try…”
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Trying? Now it’s been three weeks and you had plenty of time to try and piece this back together and you couldn’t find a way to fix it. Berlin had took what you said to heart, and you figured he did when Jojo called to check on you and the subject of Berlin happened. Today was shop day, you got invited to go with your sister and some part of you wanted to decline but again it was Berlin, it was all fixable if you both allowed the other to express that heartache felt that night. Sticking the casual but cute outfit of yours, not wishing to stand out too much since your sister always had a thing in telling you what would be best to wear for something’s. She really was the best part of your heavy days.
Upon walking the mall in attempt to bring up the mood, your sister had been looking at outfits for you two. And everything was super cute for whatever plans might come up. “I’m telling you. You’ll look cute in this dress! Can’t go wrong with a bit of red unless it’s styled incorrectly.” She giggled as you chuckled behind her. “Right. Because red is the color everyone can magically pull off. But I guess trying the dress on wouldn’t hurt.” You nodded your head. She squealed with excitement before skipping away to find someone in the store that could give you some access to the changing rooms.
Standing by the clothes, and beautifully lined dresses, you hadn’t expected anyone else to be around. “Excuse me…just wanted to come over and say you were beautiful.” The guy spoke. That’s when your eyes looked at the guy, he was pretty handsome in your eyes. “Awe. Thank you.” You hum, giving a gentle smile. You’d hope with that he wouldn’t push too much, but it was worth a shot. He’d nod his head before giving a response. “I actually spotted you earlier and I got nervous so I couldn’t find the words to tell you that but I gained some confidence to come and say it now.”. Poor guy, he was nervous, no lying about that, but he also seemed the pushy type since he thought stepping closer would result in anything better.
“Could we maybe. Exchange numbers? Go out?” He asked, there it was, the date but it’s not a date, type of tone and question. He was pushing his luck. “Ah. Sorry but no thanks.” You chuckled nervously. Hopefully he’d walk away, no means no. Turning your back to walk away and quickly find your sister, he had only hummed. “Sure but you know, you could be a nice girlfriend. I’m sure just one date could prove that we would fit together?” He said. “And I think you’d be a perfect fit for even me.”. That’s when you felt his hand get placed on your shoulder. He was the type of pushy creeps that Berlin had always warned you about running into.
“No seriously. It’s fine.” This time your throat ran dry, nerves. “No really! I swear you’ll like it.” He nods his head with a large smile. This time, you felt the world crashing down but only for a moment. “She said No. now leave her alone.” The stern tone spoke from behind you two. Both turning around to spot Berlin, he looked like he was ready to kill the dude over this. “Now get away from her.” He said harshly. He was still protective huh? That was a good thing to know. “Move it.” Jojo cut in as the guy glanced at the two before quickly leaving the store. You finally felt the relief and ease of breathing, not realizing the guy had you holding a breath. “Thank you..both of you.” You spoke in a low tone. Keeping your eyes down as you didn’t know what to say. “We need to talk.” Berlin grabbed your hand, pulling you away as Jojo watched, clinging his tongue before Krysta stood beside him. “Where are they going?” She asked as he shrugs. “Either an argument or something else, I don’t know.”
Some part of you felt he had something to say but again he could just be using this moment to scold you and accuse you once again of something. That didn’t matter though, since you now stood outside of the mall. “Look Berlin. If you came to accuse me-“ you were cut off by his words. “I’m sorry.” He apologized. Your eyes had soften a bit as you glanced up at him with a bit of disbelief to his words. “What?” You raised a brow. “I’m sorry. I said. I’m sorry for the way I acted at the restaurant when it was just time for you and your sister.” He said. He sounded genuine, good. You felt good knowing he did in fact mean his apology to you. “Berlin…have something I need to say too…” you mumbled in a low whisper. He did still catch on, so he was all ears.
“Krysta told me to get this off my chest. And I owe that to you and myself.” You shake your head. “That night you accused me of cheating, I didn’t mean him at the club with my friends to cheat on you. I went there with them and he was there. But he’s not into women Berlin. Him and I have nothing but friendship for each other. But instead of explaining myself. I want to be honest. I can’t do this without you. I’m having such a hard time without you because I realize I love you too much to let go so easily. That shit at the restaurant? I didn’t mean one word from that.” You frowned
Just say it. “I’m really sorry.”
He needs to know. “I’ve cried and I realize..”
You can do it. “I realize I love you more than myself and I can’t do this life without you Berlin. I know it’s not helping you understand except the nights I stayed up crying and I’m grieving you! I’m grieving you and I just want you to not be mad at me! Because I’d never piss you off purposely! We may have our differences but my heart belongs to you and I’d never cheat! I’m in love with you and one day I wanna call you my husband! Berlin…”.
There it was. The truth. The nights you laid awake crying and imagining your life without him, it hurt, but finally you could be free from the words that held you down all along. “Y/n.” He grabbed your hips. “I love you too. And I’m sorry. And one day…I’ll be your husband because what I feel for you is there. And I miss you.” He admitted. He’d lean down, moving his lips to yours before giving you a loving and passionate kiss. A man of his words, and the relief felt great. “I misjudged your friends, I assumed they had knew all along but they didn’t, they didn’t know cause it was never true.” He frowned. “I made that up in my head and I accused you but it was wrong. It’s lonely not having you interrupt my recording with food and kisses and drinks. And I just want you to always be mine. I miss it. Waking up with you, I miss it.”
That felt good for the two of you, your relationship with him meant the world to you, Berlin had always been there. And the nights of lying awake and wanting to break down into tears. Was finally over because the two of you held the relationship into nothing but miscommunication. Something you’d be sure would never happen again.
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kpopsickies · 1 year
could you do one where seungmin is super sick (emeto) and chan cares for him for a couple days?
Sickie: Seungmin
Caretaker: Chan
I told y'all lots of updates were coming =)
Seungmin p.o.v
After what felt like an eternity the members of stray kids were finally allowed to have a break. We had been so busy with schedules over the past few months but finally our company was allowing us a few week break. Almost all the members were oin home to visit family. I was excited it had been a while since I had seen my family.
But the night before I was supposed to leave I had started to feel sick. I sincerely hoped it was just from the excitement. The discomfort kept me awake late into the night. It was almost 3 AM when I started to question the possibility that the discomfort of my stomach was a bit more than just excitement. It had changed from a dull ache to a nauseating, aching, just generally horrible feeling. I started to feel nauseous and felt bile creeping up the back of my throat, I climbed out of bed as quickly as possible, the movement jostled my stomach and caused it to churn. I hurried to the bathroom, I was so sick I didn't even bother to shut the door, let alone lock it.
Chan p.o.v
I heard a crashing noise from the hallway. I was trying to figure out who possibly could be up so late, well I guess early. I was about to investigate the sound when my question was answered as I heard a harsh retching and then the sound of vomit hitting water. I hurried to climb out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, where Seungmin was bent over the toilet. I knelt down next to him. “I rubbed his back as he continued to throw up. he whimpered softly. Its okay Minnie. It will be over soon“
“hyung it hurts.”
“I know. Just try and breathe” He whimpered again.
“I know Minnie. Are you done throwing up?” he nodded, “I think so” I helped him stand up and I gently lead him to my room. My roommates already out of the house on their vacation. "Sorry hyung."
"Dont apoloize, You cant control being sick"
"Still, feel bad"
"Sick bad or guilty bad?"
"Both" he admitted softly, he rubbed his stomach. "I'm going to grab a heat pack. It might help with your stomach." Seungmin nodded. I moved the trash can next to the bed. "There's that in case you get sick again bud" He nodded, his skin was pale and looked tinged slightly green. I left the room, only a moment later I heard a "Hyung?" it was weak and sounded pained. The call was followed by an unmistakable gag and then the sound of vomit. I hurried back to the room and started rubbing Seungmin's back as he curled over the trash can, expelling the contents of his stomach.
His body wracked with painful sounding gags, I felt his back muscles tense with the force of the vomit. The force of his vomiting combined with his sobs wretched his whole body forwards. "Min you need to breathe" I whispered softly, rubbing his back comfortingly. He sniffled, "hurts" he said softly. He leaned back against my chest, "done?" 
"Think so. For now at least." He wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "How long have you felt sick for?" I asked him, I gently moved him off my body and picked up the bowl and took it to the bathroom connected to my room to wash it out. "I dunno. Stomach felt off all day. Didn't think I was sick though." 
"Have you told your parents yet? I think the best thing for you right now is to stay home. You need rest." Seungmin shrugged, "it's fine. I-" he swallowed down a gag. He gently rubbed his stomach. "Need this?" I asked handing him the trash can. He shook his head. "I'm tired. Just wanna sleep." 
"That's totally fine." I allowed him to get comfortable in my bed. I went to lay down in a different bed, but he whispered lightly. "What's wrong bud?" 
"With me?" I was confused, "did you need something" 
"Cuddle please" he said softly. I smiled slightly, I climbed into bed next to him. He curled into my side. Thankfully he fell asleep quickly. 
*The next morning*
Seungmin p.o.v
I woke up feeling nauseous. Thankfully not as bad as I did last night, but enough that I knew I only had a matter of time before I threw up. Chan hyung was still asleep, and I felt bad waking him up last night, so I was very careful to not wake him up. I remembered that Chan was the only other one still at the dorm. All the others had already left. Chan had ultimately decided not to go to Australia, and was going to stay at the dorm. Which I was very happy about, especially because I was starting to wonder if it might be best for me to not visit my family. Especially with how sick I still felt. 
I went to the living room, I took the garbage can with me as the nausea was growing. I sat on the couch, I considered watching a movie or playing something on my phone, but the thought of doing anything made me feel dizzy and I didn't want to make the nausea worse. 
Chan p.o.v 
I woke up a bit later than usual, this didn't surprise me, especially with how much Seungmin was tossing and turning last night with his fever. I was surprised that Seungmin wasn't in the bed next to me. I got out of bed and went towards the living room area and saw Seungmin laying on the couch, his eyes closed and the trash can was next to him. I noticed the smell that showed he had thrown up at least once that morning. I couldn't quite figure out if he was asleep or not. But I did very quietly remove the trash can and I cleaned it out. When I got back Seungmin was sitting up on the couch, rubbing his eyes. "Morning" I said, he flinched at my voice. "Hey hyung" his voice was rough, I assumed it was from how many times he had thrown up. He noticed the trash can was clean. "You don't have to clean up after me hyung" 
"I'm just taking care of you. There's nothing wrong with that" I rubbed his back. He smiled somewhat shyly. "I just want you to feel better." 
"Thanks hyung. Uh, I don't think I'm going home this week" 
"That's fine bud. I was going to suggest that" 
“I just feel really awful” he admitted softly. “I know its not fun to be sick. Especially with a stomach bug” Seungmin nodded, he suddenly clamped his hand over is mouth. I moved the trash can right under his chin. he gagged and gently pushed me away, he vomited into the bin. I placed a comforting and on is back. I kept it there the whole time he was getting sick. “Chan hyung?” I looked at him. “Can we watch something?”
“of course” I helped him get comfortable before putting a movie on the tv. e seemed content, so I went to clean the trash can out. When I returned I sat next to him. “Tank you so much hyun.“
“No problem"
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astral-athame · 10 months
Hello! My name is Sapph! Welcome to my RP blog!
This blog is for an indie, witch, OC of mine: Cassia Keller. I'm currently making a more well put together bio page for her (including different verses), but in the mean time, this is where you'll find all the information you need <3
(Last Update: 1/1/2024)
Here are a few things to know (Feel free to read just the bolded stuff if you’re in a hurry, the unbolded just elaborates):
Mun is 25+ and will only rp with those who are 18+! If you aren’t 18+ please don’t interact. I’m just not comfortable with it.
I don’t write much smut, so I apologize if things head that way and I end up dropping the thread without warning (I don’t usually drop threads intentionally, it’s probably just stuck in my drafts until I’m in the headspace to write it, but that day might never come, so I apologize).
I have a separate side blog for nsfw content! I'll might reblog some smutty over there, though in general I prefer to write it on discord. It's not a smut shaming thing and I'll never judge anyone for writing it on their main blog! I just don't feel confident in my smut writing abilities so I like to keep it a bit separate sometimes.
I’m super slow with replies most of the time. Totally feel free to give me a nudge if it’s been a while since I’ve replied. I lose track of stuff so easily and then feel like I’m not allowed to reply to it when I remember it because it’s been a while.
I’m technically semi-selective, but mostly not selective at all. Aside from the rule of only writing with muns who are 18+, I’m actually not particularly selective.
I’ll ship just about anything with just about anyone, but I still reserve the right to not ship with a character, especially on first interaction.
Cassia is bisexual, so I'll ship her with any gender &lt;3
REBLOG KARMA: I try to be respectful and reblog things from the source or from a meme blog or whatever because I understand why people don’t want to be feel like they’re being used as a meme source. If I ever reblog something from you that isn’t a reply, I’m sorry. I try not to let it happen, but sometimes it does.
That said: REBLOG WHATEVER YOU WANT FROM ME. Seriously, it doesn’t bother me at all. You don’t even have to send me a meme to reblog it. Just... go ahead. Reblog it. It’s totally fine by me <3 (Though I would definitely prefer if you sent me a meme when you reblog.)
OOC conversation can be really hard for me. I try and usually I’m fine when it comes to plotting, but I drop the ball a lot or come off as cold a lot because I just don’t have the energy to talk ooc a lot of the time. Please don’t take it personally, it’s just that my social battery is usually at 40% or less in general oTL
If we’re shipping something together and you’ve decided you don’t ship it anymore / don’t want to write it anymore- please just tell me. It'll make life a lot easier on both of us <3
I may add more rules at a later point, but I think these are the most important ones <3
Handy Dandy Navigation Links!
The Icon PSD I Use (PSD by asa-resource!) The Divider I Use (Divider by Saradika!) Ask Memes Replies (every single thing I reply to should be tagged with this!) "About" (random headcanons and things that apply to Cass) "Visage" (pics of Cass's FC- Fiona Palomo) "Aesthetic" (all the pretty things~) "Thoughts" (similar to about, but more directly from Cass's head) "Desires" (just stuff Cass wants- mostly relationship things) "Alt FC" (Cass's original fc) "Wardrobe" (things Cass would wear / probably does wear) "Music" (songs Cass would listen to ) "Skills" (stuff Cass is good at- mostly music and baking things)
Other Blogs! Rogue Multimuse (main) Multimuse (secondary)
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Riye (A Favor) - Alpha-17/f!Reader fic
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Third installment of my Alpha-17/fem!reader fic!
Word-Count: 3,100
Warnings: aggressive flirtation, Alpha is rude.
You carefully straightened the neckline of your shirt, eyes on the refresher mirror. It might be silly, but today marked a full month since you had come to Kamino, and you wanted to look your best.
Your outfit had survived the morning, despite a meeting with several Kaminoans who wanted updates on your progress. You had been able to deliver good news - that you were right on schedule - but a sense of doubt overshadowed any triumph you might have felt. The first deadline had been met, but the next one promised to step up the workload, and you were already feeling overwhelmed at the idea.
Still, you were determined to push the negativity out of your mind. You would figure out a better schedule to complete the work later. Today was a celebration.
The bad thing about taking more care with your appearance was that it attracted more attention than usual from the cadets. You had politely turned away two different groups of young men by the time Alpha was due to arrive in the cafeteria. Another cadet - alone, this time - was doing his best to keep from being dismissed as well.
"Was it raining when you came in, ma’am?" he asked, leaning over you. "I have flight drills after this and it gets even more dangerous in the rain."
You did your best not to smile at the obvious way he was hinting about being a pilot. "You know, I think it was raining the last time I was near a window," you told him, voice grave.
"Then I'm going to need some luck to survive," he said dramatically, flashing you a smile he clearly hoped would be charming. "I've heard a kiss from a beautiful woman is a good start. What do you think? It might help me survive the afternoon."
"I wouldn't count on it," a dark voice warned.
The cadet stood as straight as possible as Alpha approached. The captain brushed your new pilot friend aside with a twist of his armored shoulders and sat down. He proceeded to start eating, ignoring the cadet completely.
Any other cadet would have backed away, thankful that Alpha hadn't decided to throw them directly into the oceans of Kamino, but this one was more determined than most.
He winked at you from behind Alpha's head. "By the way, my name is-"
"She doesn't want to know your name," Alpha told him. "Get out of here before I decide that I want to know it."
"Very flattering, Captain," the cadet said cheekily. "But Jango's face isn't the one I want to wake up to, yeah?"
Alpha swallowed his mouthful of food and deliberately set his fork aside, standing slowly from the table. He drew up to his full height before turning around. He was taller than the cadet, forcing the younger man to look up.
"Now I'm extremely interested," Alpha said slowly, his slow and methodical voice dripping with menace. "What's your designation?"
Behind him, you winced. You hated how glaringly obvious it was that the Kaminoans considered these men products. Also, this cadet might die in front of you and that would almost certainly ruin your ability to eat in the cafeteria anymore.
"CT-7115," the cadet said with a grin.
"Ah, part of Zackra Trem's group." Alpha raised his comlink. "Trem."
"Alpha," a female voice returned immediately.
"I've got one of your pilot cadets here in the cafeteria. 7115."
"Broadside," Trem said, clearly recognizing the number. "He's one of my best, Alpha. Don't break him too badly."
"No promises," Alpha replied, turning slightly back toward Broadside. Since you were seated directly behind Alpha, you couldn't see his expression yourself, but it was enough to make Broadside's grin slip for the first time.
"I'll make you a deal," Trem offered. "I'll give him hell here and then send him back to you tonight. I'm sure he could help you demonstrate something unpleasant to your ARCs."
Alpha considered that for a long moment while Broadside shifted uncomfortably. Eventually, he conceded, "That works."
Trem laughed. "Do I even wanna know what he did to you?"
"Harassed an uninterested female."
The laughter emanating from the comlink's speakers cut off abruptly. "In that case, I think we should coordinate punishments. I'll be in touch, Captain."
The transmission cut off suddenly and Alpha looked at Broadside once more. "You had best get to your training, son."
Broadside, looking suddenly concerned, nodded and hurried away. “What was that?” you asked quietly when Alpha had sat down across from you once more.
“I told his superior officer about his behavior.”
“What more than that?” you pressed.
Alpha grinned suddenly, and it was half a snarl. “It just so happens that his superior officer is Zackra Trem. It’s not my story to tell, but she’s got more reason than most to hate that kind of osik behavior.”
You could very well guess the rest of that story. Your heart twisted for Trem, though you had never met her. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Nice, but she wouldn’t appreciate the sentiment,” Alpha told you, not unkindly. “Feel sorry for your little pilot. She’s a Weequay who ran with Mandalorians for the past few decades. Whatever she makes him do, it won’t be pleasant.”
You chuckled at that, trying not to actually feel sorry for Broadside. In the time you had been hanging around Alpha, most of the cadets had eased up a bit on flirting, but every now and then, someone crossed the line.
Alpha picked his fork up again and shot you an intense look. “Why are you dressed like that?”
Though your immediate instinct was to be embarrassed about being overdressed, even mildly, you rolled your eyes at him. “Anything looks like too much when everyone else wears uniforms all of the time. Remember that day I wore a necklace?”
“Yeah, I remember,” Alpha said, snorting. “A necklace. What are you, a Senator?”
“Your ideas of fancy clothing are extremely skewed, I hope you know that,” you told him, adjusting your collar again.
“Hazards of the job,” Alpha replied with a casual shrug as he returned his focus to his food. “Looks okay, though.”
You paused, staring openly at him. Had Alpha just complimented you? Surely not… The universe wouldn’t survive such unexpected behavior, not without signs that space was collapsing in on itself.
Alpha noticed you watching him and lifted an eyebrow in question while he chewed. You just shook your head and applied yourself to your own lunch, avoiding his curious eyes. Explaining your thought process there would be an intensive effort, especially if your goal was to keep him from being uncomfortable.
Fortunately, avoiding Alpha’s eyes let you notice the approaching cadet sooner than your companion did, and you had time to brace yourself before the young man - even younger than you were used to seeing - opened his mouth.
“Excuse me-”
“Kriff,” Alpha said loudly, dark brows crashing down over his eyes. “Go away, kid. I’ve already ruined one cadet’s day and I have no problem adding to the list. She doesn’t want to talk to you.”
“N-no, sir, of course not,” the cadet told him, nodding respectfully at you as he went on. “I wanted to talk to you. Is it true you served with General Kenobi?”
"What?" Alpha asked, sounding uncertain for the first time since you had met him. You quirked your brows, unsure of whether to be amused or concerned.
"General Kenobi," the cadet repeated. "And General Skywalker, too! I heard you went on a mission with both of them. What was it like?"
"Look, kid, I don't have time to answer all your questions about Jedi-"
"That's fine!" the cadet told him. "I already know everything there is to know about the Jedi. I want to know more about your experience, specifically."
The muscles in Alpha's jaw flexed and you quickly interrupted. "What's your name?"
"Dogma, ma'am," the cadet told you, making an apologetic face. "I know names are against regulations, but my batchers won't stop calling me that. My designation is CT-4287."
“Nice to meet you, Dogma,” you said politely.
Dogma's cheeks darkened and he gave a tight nod. "You too, ma'am."
"Stop flirting with the poor boy," Alpha chided and you gaped at the captain. So much for trying to help him.
"Dogma, I'm sure Captain Alpha would love to answer any question you have," you told the young cadet, grinning triumphantly at Alpha.
"Wait," Alpha ordered, catching at your wrist before you could stand up. His hand was ridiculously huge and you found yourself shackled by his gentle grip. "You haven't finished eating."
You grinned wider at him, slipping your wrist out from between his fingers. "I'll take it with me. Have fun, you two!"
Dogma gave a half-hearted wave while Alpha glared.
The rest of the afternoon was spent locked away in your office, working on the second major project you had to complete. Your concerns about the deadline were unfortunately proving correct. The icy grip of stress and fear were squeezing your heart, and you were honestly relieved when someone knocked on the door of your office.
“One moment!” you called to the unseen visitor, but they didn’t seem to hear you. Instead, they continued to pound on the door until you opened it. You were unsurprised to see Alpha on the other side, glowering down at you.
“You’re mean for a nat-born,” he grumbled, brushing you aside as he pushed into the office.
After letting the door slide closed once more, you followed him over to your desk and plopped down in your chair. Rather than sit in one of the chairs opposite you, Alpha leaned his hip against the side of your desk, much closer than you were comfortable with.
In a show of belligerence, you crossed your arms and lifted your chin as you replied, “Serves you right for being rude about my outfit.”
“I didn’t say anything bad about your clothes!” Alpha denied, befuddled.
“Yeah, well, you didn’t say anything nice about them, either,” you argued childishly, conveniently forgetting his half-compliment at lunch.
Alpha frowned. “You want me to… talk about clothing with you?”
Well. Put that way, it did sound a little silly. Of all of the things you were sure Alpha did well, deep discussions about fashion might be beyond him. Honestly, they might be beyond you, too. You sighed. “No, I don’t want you to talk about clothing with me, but I was trying to look nice today. I put a lot of effort into this.”
“I don’t understand why,” Alpha said. “You look… fine… every other day.”
“Fine,” you repeated dryly. “Thanks, I was going for fine.”
“I don’t understand what I did wrong.” You were able to hear the growing frustration in his voice. “What do you want me to do?”
“Maybe don’t act like I’m wearing a ballgown to work if I show up wearing a necklace!”
“What is a ballgown?”
You stared at Alpha, the simple question making your brain screech to a halt. It was like a chasm had opened between you, and it made you reconsider a few things. Since you had arrived on Kamino, you had treated the clone troopers as if they were people you might meet out in the galaxy, but that wasn’t exactly true. You still believed that they were people - of course you did - but you were only just coming to realize how different they were from anyone you had ever met. While the troopers shared their own experiences on Kamino and had been trained to be perfect soldiers by the time they shipped out, they were startlingly young by the standards of the rest of the galaxy.
“You know what? It doesn’t matter.” You fiddled with one of the many datapads littering your desk rather than meet Alpha’s intense gaze. “I am sorry for siccing Dogma on you, though.”
“You should be,” he growled. “He asked ten questions before I could shake him off. Ten!”
“Wow, that’s what? Five days worth of questions?” you teased.
“Five days for you,” Alpha told you seriously. “For anyone else, that’s more than I would ever answer.”
You were unreasonably touched by the reminder that Alpha let you learn things about him that no one else would ever know. Moved by a sudden surge of warmth for the ARC captain, you repeated your prior sentiment, but more fervently. “In that case, I honestly apologize for unleashing Dogma. If there’s anything I can do to make him back off, please let me know.”
Alpha’s stare was level and unwavering. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” you agreed immediately, not understanding what a wildly stupid idea that was. That was fine - you would learn… and it didn’t take long.
That night at dinner, Alpha came in and sat across from you, but instead of starting the meal in silence, he leaned across the table slightly to get your attention. Lowly, he asked, “Are you still willing to help me with Dogma?”
“Yes,” you agreed simply. “Do you have a plan?”
“Yeah. Flirt with me.”
You fought not to react visibly to that. Carefully keeping your face blank and your voice flat, you replied, “What.”
He leaned even closer, eyes lit with excitement. “I’ve been threatening and trying to alienate Dogma all day, but the only time he was uncomfortable was when you flirted with him.”
“I didn’t flirt with him!” you reminded him. “I just said it was nice to meet him.”
“Fine,” Alpha conceded. “We’ll just have to do better than that if we’re going to convince him to leave me alone.”
Abruptly feeling like this was the worst idea anyone had ever had, you tried to speak in your own defense. “Alpha, I don’t think this is a good idea-”
“You said you would help me,” he reminded firmly. “He’ll be here in a minute. I need your answer.”
Your heart was pounding, one of many warnings that this was a bad idea, but you nodded anyway. Alpha smiled - he actually smiled - and the expression looked menacing on his face. “Good.”
In a moment, he had circled the table to sit beside you, his huge frame making you feel ridiculously tiny in comparison. He wasn't wearing any armor at all now, and you could feel the heat of his skin through what little space there was between you.
You tried not to obviously tense as he spoke next to your ear. "There he is, get ready."
Impossibly, Alpha managed to get closer to you, tugging behind your knee slightly so that you were angled toward him. When he had finished posing you, Alpha’s large hand lifted to cradle your face. His fingers brushed over your cheekbone before trailing down to your jaw.
"My little neverd," he murmured to you, face filled with affection.
You didn't have to feign embarrassment at the warmth in his tone matched with the intense eye contact he was giving you. When you replied, you tried not to sound squeaky but only managed to sound shaky instead. "You know Mando'a is my weakness."
He laughed, a low chuckle that sent delicious chills running over your skin. “Why do you think I use it?”
“Alpha…” you chided, managing to sound mildly flirtatious.
“Come on, little one,” he urged you, voice velvet in a way you hadn’t known it could be. “Let’s go back to your- Ah, one moment, neverd. Dogma, sit down.”
You looked over to see Dogma standing at the other side of the table. You had never even noticed, your entire focus narrowed down to Alpha. Dogma looked as embarrassed as you felt. While you were focused on Dogma, Alpha’s arm snaked around you, pressing against your waist to pull you flush against his side. Your face flamed and Dogma glanced away.
“Sir, I- I’m sorry, I forgot I’m on duty tonight,” Dogma muttered, speaking so quickly it was difficult to understand him.
“Sorry to hear that, cadet,” Alpha replied gravely, flexing his fingers against your side. It made you push a little closer to him in reflex, the tip of your nose brushing the space under his jaw as you tried to look up at him. Alpha shivered, and you weren’t sure how much of the motion was acting. “Maybe later.”
Dogma gave an awkward nod and hurried off.
Alpha started laughing even before he let you go, his muscular chest shaking against your shoulder. After a moment that felt like it had stretched an hour, he pulled his arm back and slid away a bit. You immediately felt the loss of his closeness and suddenly you were horribly uncertain of what expression you were wearing. Just in case it said more than you wanted it to, you looked back at the entrance of the cafeteria.
“I feel bad,” you admitted.
"Don't," Alpha advised, looking toward the door as well. “He’ll be fine. He’s a good soldier, just a little…”
He trailed off, apparently content to let his thought stay incomplete. You glanced over to him with an eyebrow raised, but his eyes were fixed on the door. “You can see every access point in the room from here.”
“That is why I chose this spot,” you agreed.
“Switch with me tomorrow.”
“Not a chance,” you refused. “This is my spot.”
“Then I hope you like sitting next to me,” Alpha told you. Surprised, you laughed up at him and he met your eyes. “You know, I’ve never seen anyone blush on cue.”
“Hidden talent,” you explained vaguely. Alpha didn’t seem convinced, so you changed the subject. “What does neverd mean?”
You laughed before you could stop yourself. “Civilian? That’s what you used as a term of endearment?”
Alpha blinked blankly at you. “What’s wrong with it? You are a civilian.”
“Yes, but,” you thought over it for a second, “-it’s not very romantic. Usually, people say things like ‘dear’ or ‘sweetheart’.”
“How should I have known that?” Alpha asked.
It was the ballgown situation all over again, and more than you were willing to tackle that day. “Well, some warning before you want me to go undercover would be helpful.”
Alpha snorted. “How much warning do you need?”
You pretended to consider that for a moment. “Two business days, minimum.”
He frowned fiercely. “If you get two full days of warning, I expect more. I need you to show up in a disguise with three different accents ready.”
“Harsh terms,” you told him with a smile. “With those negotiation skills, you’d make a great senator."
Alpha gave you the darkest scowl you had ever seen him muster. “Watch it, neverd.”
Idly, you wondered if Alpha would protect you from himself, but the amused glimmer in his dark eyes told you it would be unnecessary.
A/N - Pretty sure Broadside is wildly OOC, my bad. Also, sorry for the weird image for this chapter. I didn't really want the text bubbles in there, but I needed to keep Alpha's sassy hip lean.
Taglist - @imabeautifulbutterfly @cagrame @mysticalturtleenthusiast @marvel-starwars-nerd @lackofhonor
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1-800-hellraiser · 3 years
She's My Collar
Requested by: No one
Words: 936
Aged up: Nope 
Song: She's My Collar - Gorillaz (ft. Kali Uchis)
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Daniel x Fem!Reader
!TWS!: Mentions of cults, mentions of murder, and swearing 
"She's the serpentine, shes my collar. I send a message, never call her. And now I wanna taste another. And it's safe in a persona, she's my collar."
     You and Daniel were always super close, so close in fact, that you can sometimes sense when something was wong with him. Knowing him for a while might have contributed to this, since you're both in the same...religion. He can do the same for you as well, you both don't know how this happens, but it doesn't matter. Sensing when Daniel is hurt is actually pretty helpful, you can go and try to comfort him and make him feel better. 
      As you're making a grilled cheese, you get that familiar feeling. The feeling you get when Daniel is hurt in some way. Sighing, you text Daniel and ask if he's okay, because you got one of those feelings. You finish up your grilled cheese, you get a text back. 
Danny ☆
Thank you for checking up on me N/n. I, in fact, am hurt. I applied for a job at a summer camp. I had set up a plan, purify the kids and the counselor, then help them ascend. The counselor figured me out and during an intense song/fight with one of the counselors, I drank some kool-aid I had made for the ascension ceremony. Now, I am at the hospital, getting my stomach pumped.
Do you, by any chance, know what the visitation hours are at the hospital you're in?
Danny ☆
Visitation is from 8 am to 8 pm, why do you ask?
     You leave Daniel on read as you get ready to head to the hospital. You know exactly what hospital he's at because it's the only one close to that summer camp he's talking about. You only know about the summer camp because you thought about applying as well. You realized soon after, you're not good with kids. After grabbing your things, you hop in your car and head to the hospital.
       Once you arrive at the hospital, you hurry in the front doors and make a bee line for the receptionist's desk. "Hello! May I ask why you're here today?" The receptionist asks in a thick southern accent. "Hello ma'am, I'm here to visit a loved one who recently got their stomach pumped. His name is Daniel Garcia, he's caucasian with blond hair and icy blue eyes. He's wearing a white button up, white shorts, and white boots." You describe, the receptionist nods.
       "Okay sweetheart Mr. Garcia is up on floor three in room two ninety six. I just need you to fill out some paperwork and write your name on this sticker to let staff know you're visiting." The receptionist explains, you nod and sit in the waiting room to finish your paperwork. After the paperwork is done, you hand it back to the receptionist and make your way to floor three room two ninety six. 
      You politely knock on the door, a couple of seconds later, a nurse appears in the doorway. "Ah! You must be Ms. L/n, I've heard so much about you! I'm nurse Bailey, it's a pleasure to meet you." Nurse Bailey says, holding out her hand. You chuckle and put your hand in hers "The pleasure is mine, Nurse Bailey." You say back, "Alright, I have to go attend to another patient, just press the bedside button if you need me Sweetie!" She says to you and Daniel before walking away. You wave goodbye and enter Daniel's room. 
      Taking a seat next to Daniels bed, you chuckle. "What's funny N/n?" He asks, you kinda blush at the nickname. "Danny, I know you're clumsy, but I didn't think you were clumsy enough to drink your own kool-aid." You say in between snickers, Daniel frowns. "Awww don't be like that dear," you say, lifting his chin up, making his aquamarine eyes meet your e/c ones. "I know you can get a bit carried away sometimes but that's one of the most attractive qualities you have. You're so passionate about everything, it makes me interesting and want to listen." You finish, giving him a gentle kiss on his temple.
       Daniel looks up at you with a lovestruck look. You smile down at him, wrapping an arm around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for another, more passionate kiss. You feel euphoric. You've been wanting to do this before he left for his assigned mission. He was gone for a month, of course he would text you, but you just wanted to hold him in your arms. You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to help people ascend with him, just like the good old days. 
      You both pull away from the kiss, panting. "I never knew you felt this way for me, darling." He says, stroking his thumb gently across your cheek. "I hide it well." You say, shrugging. "That doesn't matter now honey. What matters now is that we're together again. We always will be together."
(A/n: Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter, I kinda ran out of idea's while writing it. I also wanted to let you know that I go back to school September 7th, so updates might be a bit slow. Anyways, drink water and have a good day/night!)
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skygal-178 · 2 years
ENSLAVED [anakin fanfic]
A/N: Heyyy! Wow! I feel like this update didn't take too long..! kinda proud of myself. *applauds self*
So I left you of with a bit of a mystery last chapter.. not to give away too much away, but I'm very excited about this one! Lots of surprises await!
wordcount: 2.130
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Mos Shuuta, Tatooine
A couple of days have gone by since Silena has seen Anakin last, after they got back from their day of adventures. And to say she was worried is an understatement. None the less she gets up to work everyday, looking out to the throne. Hoping to see Anakin again, but she doesn’t show up and not the next day or the next. Aside form Anakin’s mysterious disappearance, there has been a shift in conversations around town. With Jedi being the hot topic of discussions. It’s the day before the Boonta Eve Podrace, and Silena remembered Anakin talking to that Twi’lek girl about taking them to watch the race. If only she could contact her, instead of having to wait for her to do so. Deciding to shake it off for now, Silena heads back to work. During her shift however, she looks over at the throne multiple times. Still no Anakin, and  to her surprise, their Master is also nowhere to be seen. Quickly putting two-and-two together, a slight panic rises in the pit of her stomach. While continuing the hard work in the kitchen, Silena is working on a plan-of-action in her head. After work she’ll head out to Mos Espa, picking up Kitster. Going out to find Cal and the others for help.
Of course, it feels like centuries have gone by by the time Silena’s shift ends. And so she quickly makes her way down to the quarters. As she passes by Anakin’s door, there’s rummaging sounds coming from inside. Her eyes widen and before you could even blink, Silena enters his room. “Oh my.. Anakin I-” She starts rambling, but is interrupted by the sight of an empty room. Looking around confused about where the rummaging came from, maybe she just imagined it. But right when she turns around to leave, a sad looking Six pops up from behind the desk. “Bo-beep?” “So you haven’t seen Anakin either, huh?” Silena sits down on Anakin’s bed, Six carefully scoots over and settles himself against her thigh. “Wanna go on an adventure with me? Find out what happened to Anakin?” Silena asks the little droid. Immediately he rises to his feet. “Be-boop bop!” “Alright, let’s go then!” Silena chuckles. They exit the sleep quarters and head out to the landing pad. The pod-speeder they borrowed still under the tarp in the same spot they left it. “Hop on.” Six hops up, gripping onto the part in front of Silena.
Mos Espa, Tatooine
Some time later, they arrive in Mos Espa. It’s suspiciously quiet around town. The feeling that something big is on the cusp, lingers down the streets of the usually lively city. “Strange..” She whisper to herself, frowning at the sight in front of her eyes. She makes her way to the modifiers shop, no luck there. So onto the next stop, the local Cantina. Entering ‘the Sanctuary’, relieve instantly washes over her body when she spots the familiar red haired guy. Accompanied by Katie and Lyna, they’re sitting at a booth in the back. As she approaches the booth, that’s when Silena notices the two hooded figures sitting at the booth aswel. “Sil, hey.” Cal greets her, looking up from the conversation. All eyes now on her. “Uhm, hi. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.” “No, not at all. Please come sit.” Lyna moves aside making space for Silena to sit. “Oh no, I’m kind of in a hurry.” Silena declines the offer. “Did Anakin not come?” Lyna asks, moving back to her original seat. “That’s what the hurry is about..” Silena pauses for a moment. “Something happen with his arm?” Cal asks, now a bit worried. “No. I mean I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since we got back after the accident..” She starts to explain. “I think he might be in trouble..” She tries her hardest to shove the possible scenarios to the back of her mind. “.. Our Master has been gone all day as well.” “You’re a slave?” A high pitched female voice speaks, making Silena look. It’s the figure sitting furthest back, a young female Togruta. “We can help find him, right Master?” The girl looks up from underneath her hood. “Hold on, young Padawan. We have a bigger mission here. That’s our first priority.” The other figure replies, an older human male. Have read her fair share of legends and stories about the Jedi, Silena recognizes the terms and a shivers runs down her spine. Enzo was right! It’s not just rumors, the Jedi have come to end slavery on Tatooine! “Oh yes, I’m sorry. This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano.” Cal introduces them. “I’m Silena. It’s so nice to meet you.” “What did you say you’re friends name was again?” Obi-Wan asks, leaning a bit forward towards Silena. “Uhm.. Anakin, we work in Mos Shuuta together.” She replies, at another mention of Anakin Six pops up from behind Silena’s back. “Oh goodness, who’s this little guy!” Lyna immediately lights up. “He’s Anakin’s.” A soft smile appears on Silena’s face, as she remembers that day she met Six. “Well, if your friend is who I think it is.. we’ll help you find him. Maybe he could help us in return.” Obi-Wan states. At this point Silena has sat down next to Lyna in the booth, since this conversation has taken a slight unexpected turn. She’s listening intently to the Jedi sitting opposite her, answering all of his questions about what had happened exactly and when and where she had seen him last.
Mid-conversation Obi-Wan com-link beeps, indicating a transmission coming through. “Master Kenobi, are you there?” A female voice speaks. He excuses himself and heads outside through a back exit. “I’m here, Kreezs. What’s the matter?” “I found someone who has a string connection to the Force.. I have been sensing the Dark side in him.. he’d never hurt anyone or used it to harm, so I didn’t wanna disrupt the mission. But the situation has escalated a bit..” Kreezs’ voice sounds apologetic through the com-link. “A Sith.. here on Tatooine.. Where is he?” Obi-Wan strokes his beard in thought of how or why this is happening. “I locked him in a Vault, I’ll send you my location.” Another set of beeps set of the com-link. “I’ll meet you there. Don’t engage until I’m there! We don’t want any further escalation to unfold!” “Alright, see you soon.” The transmission is cut off and Obi-Wan heads back inside. Informing the group about the situation at hand. “I wanna come with you!” Silena insists, getting up along the two Jedi, ready to follow suit. With no time to argue and in need of any extra help they can get walking into this unpredictable situation, Obi-Wan nods and looks over to the others aswel.
The Vault, Tatooine
A loud bang from the impact of Anakin’s mechno-arm hitting the thick solid metal doors echoes through the room, resulting in a visible flinch from the two Twi’lek guards standing on the other side. It’s been two days, two days of no sleep, two days of pacing back and forth, two days of this freezing cell. And it’s been two days too long. “ARGH! LET ME OUT!” Anakin yells, his voice low and harsh, followed by another loud bang against the door. As he lets his anger and fear fill his mind, he lands another pound against the door. His mechanical fist leaving the beginning of a dent in the solid metal surface in front of him, fuelling his anger and going in for a fourth time, and a fifth, and a sixth. It’s on the seventh punch, a crack opens at the seem of the door.
Cy’Mone is waiting somewhat patiently on Master Kenobi’s arrival, as she hears the pounding coming from down below. Her heart skipping a beat with every loud bang. Never has she ever seen anybody or anything transform in such a way as Anakin did. It’s almost like this beast inside got released and just took over. The brute strength and rage he has displayed in front of her, it’s terrifying. Not being a fully capable Jedi, but merely having a baseline connection to the Force. Finally, after what felt like forever, her com-link beeps. Indicating Kenobi’s arrival, and looking at the security holos, he didn’t come alone. In fact a very familiar face appears behind him.
As the doors open, Obi-Wan immediately enters. But Cal stops Silena to talk for a moment. “Hey, I saw you recognized the voice through Obi-Wan’s com-link.” Cal states. Silena looks up at him, then down to her feet. “It sounded like my Master, but that can’t be.. right?” “I wanted to tell you, but.. the Jedi has been working on this mission for so long. I couldn’t risk it.” Silena’s eyes widen in shock. So Cy’Mone has been working with the Jedi all this time? “I know this is a lot to hear, but I think she has to be the one to explain it all to you. For now I just wanted to give you a heads up.” Cal smiles at her, hoping Silena would return the gesture. Which she does. “Thanks for telling me. I guess my life will be completely flipped up side down from today forward..” She chuckles. “Yeah, probably.” The two quickly catch up with the others, who are already inside and talking to Cy’Mone. As soon as Silena comes into view, her Master speaks up a bit louder. “Maybe she knows more.” She states, making Obi-Wan and his Padawan turn around. “Knows more.. about what?” SIlena asks, confusion written across her face. “About your boyfriend.” There’s an obvious uncertainty in her tone. Silena collects herself, pushing her many questions for her former Master aside and focusing on the situation at hand. “He’s not my boyfriend. And he hasn’t really told me anything. He was gonna, but then he disappeared.” Silena replies. Just when Cy’Mone is opening her mouth to speaks, there’s another loud bang coming from down below. Grabbing everybody’s attention, as the two guard run up the stairs out of breathe. “What happened?” Kenobi asks the men. “I’m sorry, we tried to hold him back, but he broke through the doors.” Cy’Mone eyes widen in utter shock. Obi-Wan slowly walks over to the top of the stairs, looking down and reaching out through the Force. “We managed to turn on the electron wall to the stairway.” The other guard states. “He knows we’re here.” Obi-Wan pauses for a moment, thinking through what his next move will be. “Wait.. did you just say that he broke through the cell doors? Aren’t they made of solid steel? How did he do that?” Padawan Tano speaks up. “With a mechanical arm.” Silena replies, still feeling a bit of guilt about that whole situation. “Well, that’s just wonderful.” Kenobi sassily states. “So we’re up against a Sith with a mechanical arm. What else is new!” “He’s not Sith!” Silena quickly defends her friend. “Well, let’s find out shall we.” Obi-Wan begins to make his way down the steps, not giving anyone time to protest or stop him. “Wha- Master wait for me!” Ahsoka quickly rushes over and down. It takes a moment to sink in what’s happening, but they remain where they are. Trusting the Jedi Master’s decision and letting him proceed.
As the two Jedi walk right up to the electron wall, Anakin is quick to turn towards them. “Are you done chatting about me.” He gnarls at them. “Master, shouldn’t we call for back-up?” Ahsoka whisper to Obi-Wan, taken a back by the sight presented in front of them. The cell doors has been completely bursted open and outward against the wall opposite of it. While Anakin is pacing from side to side on the other side of the red glowing wall. His posture tense and heavy. A stone cold expression on his face, with these yellow eyes piercing right through you. It’s almost like they’re glowing. As a shiver runs down Ahsoka’s spine, a soft voice speaks from behind them. “Anakin..?” Silena slowly steps down behind the Jedi, fear written all over her face. Upon seeing her Anakin’s demeanour immediately softens. His muscles relax and his fists release. Looking down at Silena, his eyes slowly fade back to their regular Egyptian blue color. He notices the way she looks at him, afraid and confused. He senses it all through her body. “Sil.. I-” Before Anakin can finish his sentence, she backs up up the stairs and out of sight.
A/N: As Anakin himself once said: This is where the fun begins!
next chapter
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no-whump-on-main · 3 years
Apartment 307-8 (Grabbed by the hair)
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Hi guys!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. School and work have been crazy but luckily I'm out of school next week so I'll have much more time and be posting more frequently! Apologies for the short chapter, I have no idea why but it just kicked my butt lol. I tried doing some cool multimedia stuff, I hope you enjoy! This is @sableflynn's BTHB request, grabbed by the hair.
TWs: Creepy, possessive whumper, mention of branding, also this chapter made me sad bc I love my mom and Elora's mom is sad so warning for that lmao
Elora was still lying there crying hours later. The tears had slowed from her initial keening sobs, but they still fell steadily down her face, accumulating in a small puddle on the tile by her head. She could see a bit of her reflection in the salty water; just her eyes, mostly. She saw green eyes that had once been so full of hope and life that were fading, the slow abandonment of hope almost making them gray out. She wanted to lie there forever, staring into her own eyes, until oblivion took her. If she cleared her head enough, she could pretend she was elsewhere, somewhere warm and loving; the blanket draped over her body did help with the fantasy, though she always knew somewhere in the back of her head that it was just that: a fantasy. She was still here. With him.
Clyde tried to give her time to recover, but his patience wore eventually. He began to get antsy after a few hours of watching her lie there, doing nothing but cry. Admittedly, he did enjoy it at first-seeing her so weak, so docile, because of him-but it eventually grew tiresome. Watching each tear drip down into the puddle became like watching paint dry.
He stood up abruptly. Elora was startled by the motion, flinching before stilling and watching him very carefully. What was he going to do?
“Get up,” he said simply.
Elora froze. She still felt sick, dizzy with pain and the lingering scent of her burning flesh in the bathroom. But why would he care about that? Why should she disobey him, when she knew what would happen?
Yet pride and pain got the better of her again.
“I can’t,” she whimpered. She felt weak. “I hurt. You hurt me.”
The piercing sound of a loud, sudden laugh began to echo through the bathroom. It reminded Elora of the laugh of a hyena. She winced.
“Darling, did you not think that was the point?”
Her expression hardened and her heart thumped in her chest. That was the point. She wanted to say something, but her mouth suddenly got dry.
The man simply grinned. “Get up,” he repeated, but she didn’t. She just laid there, dumbfounded.
He groaned angrily, rolling his eyes. “Fine,” he grumbled. “Be that way.”
He gathered up her hair in his hand, locked his fingers in a tight fist, and pulled up. Elora yelped and scrambled to get to her feet to relieve the pain, but he didn’t give her the chance; he carelessly dragged her off, out of the bathroom, through the hallway, and into the living room. She screamed and thrashed wildly, her hands desperately trying to push him away as her scalp burned like fire. Again and again, her feet scraped the ground to no avail, kicking and kicking but never able to gain enough traction to stand as she was mercilessly dragged. The man finally dropped her on the floor at the foot of a worn leather couch, releasing his death grip on her hair. Her hands immediately flew up to her head, applying gentle pressure to her scalp to try to ease the burning pain as she looked around the new room.
The living room was barren, like the man had half moved into it then given up. There was a dusty box in the corner, the couch, a worn coffee table, a small stand, and an old TV. Other than that, it was empty, in an eerie way. The aged carpet spanned the floor like an ocean.
The pressure didn’t do much and Elora dropped her hands, still wincing as the man plopped himself on the couch behind her, the leather making a loud crackling noise as he sat. She whipped her head around as her shoulders raised up to her ears instinctively. The man made a sour face, his features twisting into an ugly frown.
“Relax,” he commanded, forcefully pushing her shoulders down. At first, she tried to wiggle away, but that idea was abandoned when he tightened his grip, clearly as a warning. He grabbed the TV remote from the arm of the couch and turned it on. It started on some history channel documentary about cars, but Clyde quickly flipped through channels until he found the local news station.
A grin spread across his face as he read the blue banner spanning across the bottom of the screen. They were just in time.
His hands wandered to Elora’s scalp and began to gently card through her hair. She inhaled sharply, and it took everything she had in her not to immediately shove him off. Somehow the gentleness felt worse than the pain; the false sense of care disgusted her. He was a maniac. He hurt her, he branded her, and now he was sitting on the couch petting her hair, pretending like none of it happened. It didn’t escape her attention how he set her on the floor instead of the couch, below him, like a dog.
The banner was bad enough, but she felt sick to her stomach when the station cut to a reporter sitting at a desk with a picture of her on half of the screen. It was the picture her mom took of her at the orchard last fall. It was candid; she remembered it. She was intently focused on a butterfly off on a tree, ignoring her mom as she snapped the photo. It was one of her favorite pictures of herself. And now, it was plastered all over the news.
The reporter on the TV began to speak. “Tonight, a desperate mother pleads for her missing daughter’s safe return. Elora Larkin, nineteen, of Barnstable county, Massachusetts has been missing since Friday night. She was last seen walking home from her job at Agathangelou’s bakery, wearing khakis, a black t-shirt, and black sneakers. The police have opened a tip line and are offering an unspecified reward for any information that leads to Miss Larkin.”
Elora felt a lurching sensation in her stomach, so visceral she wanted to throw up. That was her. On the news. Gone. Missing.
Behind her, the man chuckled.
“Look at that, baby. You’re all over New England.”
“I’m not your baby,” she snapped, turning around. But her head was spinning. All over New England? It wasn’t the Cape Cod news station on the TV. It wasn’t even a state news channel. It was entirely unfamiliar, the reporter’s face one she’d never seen.. So he’d taken her across state lines, making her chances of being found lower yet.
The man shushed her and put a finger up to her lips. “Watch.” She almost bit him, but decided it wasn’t worth the inevitable punishment that would follow. Besides, they might say something useful, something that could help her. She needed to pay attention.
The screen changed, and a missing persons poster popped up. Hers.
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It was up for a minute before it faded away as the reporter came back on the screen.
“Such a sad story. Everyone in the studio is hoping and praying for her safe return. Unfortunately, vigilance is so important in this day and age. Up next, we have a recording of a press conference with the girl’s mother.
The girl’s mother. Her mother. Elora felt her heartbeat thumping in her chest.
And there she was. Jodie was standing at a podium in a building that had to be a police station. Demetrios was standing by her side, offering support by merely being present. While Elora hadn’t seen him cry even once in all the years she’d known him, he now looked like he was on the verge of tears.
Her mom started to speak. She looked so sad. Withered, like the life had been sucked out of her, from fear and overthinking and sleepless nights.
“My daughter-My daughter Elora has been missing since Friday night. She’s got-she’s got blonde hair, and green eyes, and she’s real tall. I’m sure pictures have gone around by now. She was walking home from work and-and then she disappeared. We were supposed to have dinner Sunday and she never came. It was supposed to be her weekend off. I- If someone has her, please, I’m begging you, let her go. Bring her home safe. She’s a good kid, she works hard, she rescues cats in her spare time...she doesn’t deserve this. And Elora, if you’re seeing this, I love you. I love you so much, honey. If you chose to leave, please just tell us you’re okay. It’s okay. You can go see the world, just tell us you’re okay. And if something-something bad happened, we’re gonna find you. I promise, baby, I love you and we’re gonna bring you home. Promise.”
At that point, she set the microphone down and began to cry, tears streaming down her face as she hurried off to an exit, the cameras following her for a few moments. Elora’s heart twisted in knots. Seeing her mom’s face brought her so much joy, yet knowing how worried she had to be made her feel sick with guilt.
But she promised. She promised she’d find her.
“That your mom?”
Elora stilled. He already knew the answer.
"She’s kinda pathetic. Could barely keep it together long enough to tell them about you.”
She went cold. “Stop,” she seethed. Her voice was eerily calm, given her anger.
"Or what?” he replied, twisting her hair up in his hand and giving it another tug.
Elora was silent. There was no or what. She knew that.
The reporter came back on the screen.
“Well, folks, that’s all we have on the case for tonight. Remember to be safe and vigilant. This has been Hannah Brown with News12.”
The man released her hair, picked up the remote, and turned off the T.V.
“Notice how they only talked about you, not me?”
Elora turned her head around. She was crying.
He scoffed. “I said, notice how they only ran their mouths about you the whole time. Never said a word about me. You know what that means? They don’t know jack shit about me. They don’t know who you’re with or where you are. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but we’re in Connecticut. We crossed state lines twice. They’re never going to find you, you know that?
She tried to hide it, but he could see her expression falling with every word he said, hope beginning to seep out of her. She shook her head vigorously, her bottom lip trembling.
“N-no! No, they will, you’re just crazy! You’re just fucking crazy!”
A scowl formed on his lips. “No, they won’t.”
She opened her mouth to protest, but in a split second, his hand was gripping tightly around her throat, cutting off her air. Her eyes went wide.
“No one is coming to save you.”
Elora swallowed, fear bright in her eyes. She tried to rip herself away, but the man raked his fingers across the fresh brand on her collarbone, sending her to the ground, keeling in pain.
“We could’ve had a nice evening if you behaved. Listened,” he grumbled, standing and once again grabbing her hair tightly before dragging her off towards the bathroom.
Tags: @exploringspaceinpyjamas @all-whumped-out @badthingshappenbingo
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Mafia BTS! One Step Closer
This was requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt
This is honestly my favourite imagine. Read my other mafia imagines on my blog, I'll try updating the master list soon. I hope y'all like this one!
Let's get it!
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Kim Seokjin:
After a month of living, or more like being forced to live with The Kim Seokjin, you figured that he wasn't so bad. He might have come off as intimidating at first but he honestly took great care of you and you couldn't help but like his company. When you were brought to his house, you were terrified. And Jin knew that too, maybe that's why he kept his distance. But eventually, you wanted him around you because it was maddening to be cut off from the entire world.
It was a long day of meetings and negotiations for Jin. He held his coat with one hand and dragged it behind him, climbing the steps to his house and telling the bodyguards that they could leave for the day. The thought of seeing you made him happy, only if it actually made you happy too. He unlocked the door and stepped inside his humble abode, sighing as he leaned against a wall. The smell of food filled his nostrils, making him frown. Hadn't the cook already left? He glanced at his watch, raising his eyebrows at the hour hand which pointed at 11. Walking towards the kitchen, he dropped his coat on the couch, wondering why you weren't sitting on it and watching TV like every day.
You carefully held the tray of food in your hand and made your way to the dining table. You had decided to make dinner for Jin and yourself. Blame it on the growing feeling of warmth every time you saw him but there was no turning back now. You let out a soft gasp and almost dropped the tray until Jin's hand rested beneath yours, steadying your stance. "You scared me." You mumbled and pushed him aside, continuing on your way to set the table. Jin's jaw went slack when he saw what you had done. Until a couple of weeks ago, you weren't even ready to be in the same room as him and now here you were, making him dinner. Jin bit his lip to suppress a smile, he felt nothing but profound admiration for you since he saw you and it only kept increasing.
"Are you just gonna stand there or will you join me? Perhaps, you can tell me if my food is better than yours?" You said, smiling slightly. Jin cleared his throat and nodded, taking a seat beside you on the table. You served his food despite his protests and waited eagerly for his reaction. He took a bite of the tempting meal and let out a moan. You chuckled, making him widen his eyes at the sound of your voice. He was definitely in love with how beautiful you sounded when you laughed. "I guess it's that good, huh?" You asked, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. Unable to say anything, Jin nodded. Of course, it was good, anything you did was good. You both finished eating in silence. When Jin stood up to clean up, you shook your head. "There's a hot bath waiting for you." You said and took the plates to the kitchen. Now it was getting too much for Jin. He really wanted to ask you what was going on and so he did. Just as you placed the plates in the sink, you felt hands on your waist before being turned to face Jin. You placed your hands on his chest to maintain the little distance that remained. "What is this, Y/N? Should I get my hopes up about our relationship or are you going to go back to being cold from tomorrow?" He asked, staring you down. You blushed and closed your eyes. How could he expect you to talk when he was standing so close to you? Gathering all the courage that you had, you opened your eyes and stood up straight. "Although you brought me here without my consent, you showed me that whatever people say about you isn't completely true. And clearly, you care about me so I'd be an idiot to not consider the chance of us being..... something." You said, fiddling with the buttons of his blue shirt. Your heart was pounding. This was basically your confession about how much you liked him. Suddenly, you felt him kiss your forehead and your eyes widened. He pulled back to find you staring at him with eyes still wide and lips parted. He chuckled before closing your mouth by pushing your chin up with his finger.
"I promise to give you the best of me."
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Kim Namjoon:
Namjoon had been stressed since the very day he brought you home. You thought it was because of you but later on, you realized that this is what his life was. You wanted to find your own place to stay but Namjoon didn't let you. He said you weren't safe out there yet and he wasn't gonna let you risk your life. Completely oblivious to the fact that Namjoon liked you, you continued staying with him in his big house.
You sat up in your bed with a gasp, sweat trickling down your forehead. A nightmare had woken you up, a nightmare of the reality that you had escaped not too long ago. Your father's figure beating you and tying you down was vivid. It felt almost real. You took in deep breaths and closed your eyes to calm yourself down. With trembling hands, you reached out to the glass of water on the nightstand only to send it crashing down. You cursed under your breath when you heard the shattering of the glass. After listening to the sound of hurried footsteps, the door of your bedroom opened to reveal a panicking Namjoon, looking around the room for any signs of trouble. "Are you okay?" He asked, stepping inside. You switched on the bedside lamp and tried to get off the bed, completely forgetting about the broken shards. "I'm fi-ahh!" You let out a cry of pain, sitting back on the bed. Namjoon rushed to your side, seeing the shattered pieces of glass and your bleeding foot, he shook his head. Without a word, he lifted you up bridal style and took you to the bathroom. He set you on the black countertop and took out a first aid kit from the cabinet. "What happened?" He enquired while tending to the cuts. You stared at him intently. Why did you have to meet someone so handsome but so dangerous? "I had a nightmare. Sorry for waking you up." You apologized, hissing occasionally whenever the antiseptic made contact with your skin. He shook his head and grabbed a bandage to wrap up your foot. "You didn't wake me up, Y/N. You worried me." He said, not looking up to meet your eyes.
You blushed, your heartbeat becoming more audible to you. You liked him, didn't you? You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw him place the first aid box back in its place. You stepped down the counter and tried to walk, limping till your bed. Namjoon had no intentions of letting you go wherever you wanted to. You were completely different from the life that he had and he needed you. He just didn't want to scare you. Yes, he was being selfish for keeping you with him for his own mental stability but he knew he was the only one for you. At least he wanted to be. Cleaning up the broken glass, he switched off the lamp by your bed and turned to leave. His breath hitched when you held his hand. "Can you sleep here? Just for tonight?" You asked in a small voice, afraid that he was gonna reject you. He gently removed his hand from your hold making you sigh. Just like you thought. You raised your head when you heard the door to your bedroom close, eyes widening when you saw Namjoon move to the other side of the bed. He got in next to you, pulling the blanket up to cover you both. You quickly laid your head on his chest, not even realising what you were doing. But when it hit you, you mumbled a sorry and tried to move away, only to have him hold you tighter. Namjoon was scared that you'd be able to hear how bad his heart was pounding but he loved how you felt in his arms. Maybe you felt the same way? This thought made him ecstatic. "You know you're safe with me, right?" He asked, wanting to hear your voice. The light from the numerous skyscrapers illuminated the room, leaving shadows on the walls. "I do." You whispered, feeling content with your life. Yes, you had a rough life until now but it doesn't always have to be that way. Maybe Namjoon was the key to your happiness like you were for him. Maybe this was the start of something beautiful. After realising that you had fallen asleep, Namjoon carefully kissed your forehead, not wanting you to wake up. But you were awake and you heard the words that he muttered to you, the words that confirmed your feelings for him.
"I don't know what but something about you makes me feel a little more alive and a little less lost."
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Min Yoongi:
The hotel suite was quiet apart from the sounds of the television and the occasional howling of the wind outside. You stood near the huge glass separating you from the balcony which looked down at the entire New York city. Sighing, you went to the closet to change into something comfy. After about 20 minutes, you came to the conclusion that there was nothing in your closet which was as comfortable as Yoongi's shirt. You had worn it before when he wasn't home and quickly discarded it when he returned so what was stopping you this time? Changing into his white shirt, you went back and opened the door to the balcony.
In the three months that you were forced to stay with him, this was the first time you missed Yoongi's presence. You noticed that lately whenever you saw him, your hands would become clammy and your heart would race as if it were in a marathon. And the fact that he always took care of you wasn't helping. Sure, he kidnapped you as leverage against someone but he didn't hurt you at all. You watched as the rain started pouring and the sky turned darker. You closed your eyes and embraced the little droplets that touched your face. Not being able to contain your excitement, you ran out to the balcony and twirled around, letting the rain wash away your thoughts.
Yoongi entered the suite after meeting up with his members. You thought he brought you to New York because of some business he had to take care of, at least that's what he told you. But he had lied. He brought you here because he knew how much you wanted to travel around the world. This was just the beginning. He discarded his suit jacket and folded his sleeves, looking around for you. He longed for you in ways you didn't know. He used to think it was just a little attraction but later realised that he was whipped for you. Yoongi's heart skipped a beat when he saw you standing in the rain, wearing his shirt. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that the shirt was now wet and it didn't do a very good job at hiding what was underneath. Yoongi blushed and clenched his jaw, trying to control himself. He slowly walked over to the entrance of the balcony, calling you inside. "Y/N, you're gonna get sick. Come inside now!" He said, loudly for you to hear him. You turned your head to see the man invading your thoughts. You bit your lip, realising that you were basically standing naked in front of him. Slowly, you went to where he stood, water running down your body. He stuck his hand out for you to take, not wanting you to slip on the marble. You took in a deep breath, it was now or never. Taking his hand, you tugged at it, catching him off guard. Yoongi moved closer to you, under the rain, confused by your actions. The rain drenched him but that was the least of his worries. His mind was running with thousands of things he wanted to do. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his body against yours.
"Y/N, stop me before I do something you won't like." He mumbled, leaning his forehead against yours. Your breathing was heavy and so was his. You slowly pressed your lips against his. He was taken aback initially but soon moved his lips against yours. He dug his fingers into your hips and deepened the kiss. Eventually, you both pulled away, gasping for air in the rain. He had kissed you before but you had pushed him away. He was absolutely surprised but happy at the same time to have you kiss him. "Let's go inside before you catch a cold, yes?" He said, cupping your cheeks. You nodded shyly as he held your hand and took you inside. Embarrassed by what you had done, you started towards the bathroom without a word only to be stopped by Yoongi's hand gripping your wrist.
"That meant everything to me. I hope you know that."
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Jung Hoseok:
You yawned while staring out at the moon, the dashboard clock contributing to illuminating the dark interior of the car. You glanced at the time, groaning on seeing the numbers. 2:03 AM. You turned your head to the driver's seat where Hoseok was supposed to be sitting. But he wasn't. Instead, he was inside that gloomy and creepy building, having an emergency meeting at this hour. You just wanted to sleep at home but he wasn't ready for someone to break in and take you away in his absence. You hated it. You hated that he was so protective of you. You hated that he had kept you with him against your will. And most importantly, you hated that you didn't hate him anymore. You shivered due to the excessive cold in the car, the air conditioner obviously doing its work. After hesitating for a bit, you turned off the AC and grabbed hoseok's jacket which hung at the back of his seat. Putting it on, you examined yourself in the small mirror, coming to the conclusion that you looked better in it.
You were almost dozing off when the door to the driver's side of the car opened, revealing a very tired and frustrated Hoseok. The meeting hadn't gone the way Hoseok wanted. He felt like he could blow someone's brains out but he tried to keep his calm when he remembered that you were here with him. He sat in his seat and glanced at you, sharply inhaling when he saw you in his jacket, snuggled into the seat with your eyes closed. He cleared his throat and turned to close the door when you opened your eyes to look at him. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. It took longer than I thought. I completely regret waking you up to bring you with me." He apologized before sighing and leaning his head on the steering wheel. You frowned at how upset he looked, concern spreading across your face. "It didn't go well, did it?" You asked in a soft voice. Hoseok felt his heart swell at hearing your calming voice. He had completely forgotten how much he loved to listen to you talk. Sometimes he'd purposely annoy you just to hear your outbursts. He shook his head, gripping the steering wheel tighter to prevent himself from throwing his arms around you. He lifted his head to look at you, eyes falling to his jacket. He mentally declared that you looked better in his clothes. Maybe, someday he'd get to see you in his clothes on a regular basis. "It was cold and I was underdressed." You explained, seeing him looking at his jacket. You glanced at your silk shorts. Definitely underdressed. Hoseok gave you a curt nod and turned around to start the car, only to be stopped by your hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to you, seeing the small smile on your face. "Whatever happened in there, I'm sure you'll figure it out." You said, praying for your words to turn out true. Not being able to control anymore, Hoseok wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You gasped at the sudden gesture. Why weren't you pushing him away? Because strangely, you felt good being in his arms. Without a thought, you lifted your hand and hugged him back. Hoseok's eyes widened when you responded. He was expecting you to push him away and then slap him. He tightened his hold and buried his face in your neck. You closed your eyes and stayed like that for a minute before pulling away. Hoseok muttered a quick apology and you replied with a small 'it's okay', turning away from him to hide your blushing cheeks.
The soft purr of the engine comforted you throughout the ride as you leaned on the window, feeling your eyes getting heavier. Maybe it won't be so bad to fall for him. Hoseok kept stealing glances at you while driving simultaneously. He saw your eyes drooping, knowing you were gonna fall asleep any minute now. Just as your head tilted down, he stretched out his arm, making sure your head rested comfortably on it. Even though it was gonna hurt, for you he was ready to endure it. He knew that soon you'd want him just as much as he wanted you, he couldn't wait for that day. Smiling at your sleeping figure, he shook his head before mumbling to himself.
"Nothing in this world can intoxicate me as much as you do. And I love it."
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Park Jimin:
You descended the smooth stairs, trying to ignore the hangover headache and focusing on the bigger problem that you were soon gonna face. The problem being none other than Park Jimin. It had been a week since the night when you told him that you wanted nothing to do with him and it was better if you two stopped seeing each other. Of course, you were surprised when he simply nodded and assured you that you won't ever see him again but it was hard to forget the hurtful look that he carried with him. The man who was supposedly ruthless, let you go because you wanted him to? Well, that was new. Since that night, you had spent every second reminiscing on how happy you felt when he was around, despite having witnessed him killing someone in cold blood. You were just scared, although you knew he wouldn't hurt you. The decision was taken in the spur of the moment and you wanted nothing more than to hug him and kiss him while apologizing. But you figured that he would think of you as a gold-digger, wanting him and leaving him as and when you saw fit. So you cried your heart out and ended up in a bar to try and forget about him. As if things couldn't get worse, Jimin was there and he saw you drinking non-stop. It angered him to see you getting wasted in a place like this. So when you were stumbling on your way outside the bar, he carefully took you to his home instead. Anything to be close to you. Jimin was in despair, he thought you were happy with him, he made sure of that. But obviously, he should have known better than to take you with him to the warehouse where he handled all his problems. He didn't want to kill someone in front of you but that stupid man was making inappropriate comments, all directed to you. And so that night ended with you telling him to leave you alone. He couldn't imagine you getting hurt by a rival or a power-hungry newbie, hence, the decision of giving you what you wanted.
You bit your lip on seeing Jimin sitting on the couch, a number of papers scattered in front of him and his back facing you. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you thought of what to say. But Jimin beat you to it. "You're awake. Good, I hope you took the pills I left by the nightstand. Someone will be taking you home in some time so be ready." He said, not even turning to look at you. Jimin was trying so hard not to give away how bothered he was by your presence. He was positive that if he turned to look at you, he would lose control and do something you wouldn't want. Whereas you, you were hurt. His cold behavior was like a stab to the heart. He made it seem like nothing happened between you two. Without knowing, a tear made its way down your cheek. You missed him terribly and you regretted leaving the best thing that happened to you. When you didn't respond, Jimin had no choice but to turn and check if you were even there. He was sure he had heard your footsteps. His heart broke on what he saw, you wiping away a tear and looking anywhere but him, trying to hold in your sobs. "Y/N, why are you crying?" He asked, standing up from the couch, cautiously approaching you. Your eyes widened when you heard him, you didn't think he was gonna look at you until you left. You were caught off guard, not knowing what to say. Before you could even think, the words had already left your mouth. "I can't do this anymore."
Jimin frowned. Your voice was a bare whisper but he heard it. "You can't do what?" He questioned again, narrowing his eyes at you. With that, you let a cry out, quickly covering your mouth with the back of your hand. Jimin froze in his place, this was the second time he was seeing you cry, the first time being when you both met. "I can't stay away from you! This entire week I've been thinking of ways to just apologize but you already hate me!" You cried, shaking your head. Now it was Jimin's turn to be caught off guard. Did you really just say you wanted to be with him? Your legs gave away and you started to fall to the ground but Jimin wrapped his arms around you, holding you in place. He hugged you, his head resting on top of yours while you cried in his chest. "I didn't mean it when I said I want nothing to do with you. I was just...scared. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Jimin." You mumbled. You both stayed like that until your crying came to a halt. "Did you really think I could hate you?" Jimin asked, feeling upset with himself. You nodded, not wanting to say anything. Jimin broke the hug and placed his hands on your shoulders. "The only thing I'm incapable of doing is hating you. The past week has been a nightmare for me because you weren't here. I'd take you back in a heartbeat, Y/N." He said, wiping away your tears. Without another word, you kissed him. He immediately returned the kiss, his hands tangling in your hair. He had been dreaming of his lips on yours, feeling ecstatic that this wasn't a dream anymore. Breathless you both pulled away, leaning your foreheads against each other.
"You drive me crazy, I'm never letting you leave me again."
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Kim Taehyung:
You carefully walked up the stairs with the cup of coffee in your hand. It was 1 AM and Taehyung had been in his study since he came home. You could tell it was one of those nights where he just wanted to be alone. In other words, nothing was happening the way he wanted it to. But you couldn't help yourself, you needed to know he was okay, even if he was gonna yell at you for entering his study which was prohibited. Reaching the door to the study, you took a deep breath before knocking on the door and opening it without waiting for an answer.
Taehyung had come home after finding out terrible news. Someone was threatening to kill you and the way they delivered the message wasn't very nice either. To say Taehyung was angry when he saw the dead body of one of his men bolted to the door of his warehouse was an understatement. The piece of paper stuck on the dead man's forehead which contained some horrible words directed to you only added fuel to the fire. Taehyung had marched into his study without even looking at you, he didn't want you to see him upset. Not that you would care about him. So when you entered his study holding a cup of coffee in your hand, he was shocked. He looked at you with a frown, watching your every move until you placed the coffee in front of him. "I made it less bitter, hopefully, it's up to your taste." You mumbled, clasping your hands behind you and looking down at your feet. Taehyung was the most ruthless yet generous mafia leader you had met. Correction. He was the only mafia leader you had met. But unlike what you expected, he took care of you in ways that touched your heart plenty of times. He paid for your mother's treatment and never hurt you once, causing your downfall into the endless pit called affection. You didn't want to say you loved him yet, you couldn't. Because despite everything, he still kept you in his house without your consent.
Taehyung stood up from his leather chair and took a step towards you, his proximity making you gulp. "Why are you here, Y/N? I told you not to enter this room, didn't I? Besides, it's late and you should be asleep." He said in a very calm voice. You slowly looked up at him through your lashes and bit your lip in nervousness. His eyes stared into yours, making you blush for some insane reason. You quickly looked away to avoid his gaze, taking in the interiors of his study. "I was just checking up on you." You stated, shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. Taehyung raised his eyebrows at your words. Checking up on him? He tilted his head, looking at you from head to toe. What happened to you? "You seemed upset and you didn't even look at me when you came home. You also missed dinner. I was... worried." You sighed, finally meeting his gaze. Taehyung could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest. He couldn't believe the words leaving your mouth. When he didn't respond, you shook your head and went to sit on the couch right in front of where his table was. You leaned your back against the leather and stared at the ceiling, feeling embarrassed for even trying. "Someone wants to hurt you, Y/N." The words left taehyung's mouth before he could even think about them. You instantly widened your eyes and looked at him. "What?" You whispered, being caught off guard by his words. Taehyung's face turned serious as he walked towards you and kneeled down. He took your hands in his and looked at your scared face. "You heard me." He said, waiting to see how you react. This wasn't what you were expecting. You couldn't even begin to think about why someone would want to kill you. But for some reason, the news wasn't too scary. Because you knew he was with you. "You won't let that happen, right?" You muttered, looking at him with hopeful eyes. Taehyung smiled at your trust in him. He placed a hand on your cheek and caressed it. "Never." He whispered as you held his hand which was on your cheek. You slowly leaned forward and placed your lips on his forehead, his eyes closing at the contact. His heart was a mess now, he didn't want this moment to end. Only if he could stop the time. You pulled away and admired his face. He was truly an ethereal beauty. Opening his eyes, Taehyung gazed at you lovingly, kissing the palm of your hand as a blush crept up your cheek.
"I'd risk everything for you, if it meant having you by my side."
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Jeon Jungkook
You glanced at the clock, groaning in frustration on seeing the time. 4:35 AM was no time to be awake and you knew that. But how could you sleep when Jungkook hadn't come home since he left the previous morning? Usually, you would be told if he was gonna come home late but this time there had been no calls. And the worst thing, you couldn't do anything but sit and wait. You stomped your feet and walked around the living room, looking at the door from time to time, as if that would make Jungkook come home. This was one of those times when you regretted everything you did. You had been nothing but cold to Jungkook since that day you stepped in his house. And even though sometimes you drove him insane with your attitude, he never lay a finger on you. You let out a defeated sigh and sat on the floor, burying your face in your hands. What if something really bad happened to him? What if he.........
You didn't even wanna think about it. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. Please come home now." Your voice cracked as tears stung your eyes. As if on cue, the door was thrown open and Jungkook staggered inside. You gasped and stood up, taking in his appearance. His face was twisted in pain due to the numerous bruises that littered his skin. Your eyes widened on seeing the blood on his shirt, seeping through from some wound on his abdomen that he clutched firmly. You ran to him and helped him stand straight before closing the door of the house. "Are you okay?!" You asked in a panic, not knowing what to do. Jungkook looked at you and frowned. He did feel a little drowsy but nothing he couldn't handle. He saw the tear on your cheek that had escaped your eye. He slowly reached his hand to touch your cheek and wiped the tear. "Are you crying, Y/N?" He asked, his voice a mere whisper. He felt happy seeing you cry, not because he was a psychopath but because it meant that you cared. And the fact that you stayed awake until this late, proved to him that you really did care. You sniffled and held his shoulder, trying not to meet his eyes. "Let's get you cleaned up." You mumbled and helped him to the bedroom. Once reaching the bedroom, you slowly moved to the bathroom along with a not-so-stable Jungkook. Sitting him on the counter, you grabbed the medical kit and tore apart his shirt before tossing it on the ground. Blood made you beyond squeamish and you really wanted to throw up but you held back. Patiently, you cleaned the large but shallow knife wound on jungkook's stomach and treated his bruises. "Y/N, you still haven't told me if you were crying. Was it because I came back alive?" He provoked you. You glared at him before cleaning up the bloody cotton swabs and bandages that lay around. You were hurt that he thought that way. You cried because he came back alive? Did he think you hated him that much? "Yeah right. I stayed awake until I got some kind of news about you only to have you ignore my calls. I worried my ass off and even thought of going out to find you myself. But of course, Y/N is only capable of hating Jeon Jungkook, isn't that right? You're unbelievable." You said, once again feeling the tears in your eyes. You never cried. You must be feeling too emotional. Without giving him another glance, you turned to leave the bathroom, gasping when his hand grabbed your wrist before turning you around to pull you close to him. Your noses almost touched, your hands were on his bare chest trying to maintain whatever distance remained. Jungkook tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "You can't blame me, Y/N. Can you? I've been trying so hard to get you to stop acting so distant and cold. If you don't give me a chance then how am I going to show you how much you mean to me?" He asked, making guilt creep up your bones. He was right and you were already aware of that. After having a small internal battle, you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, feeling him freeze at the sudden contact. Jungkook could feel his heart pounding so bad. This was the first time you had been so close to him and it was driving him crazy. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer if that was even possible. He buried his head in your neck and hummed at your scent. You were perfect. After a minute, you loosened your hold on him and prepared to pull away when he tightened his arms around you. "Just a minute more before you go back to being your old self." He said, making you frown at his words. "I won't." The words fell from your lips before you could contemplate them. Jungkook smiled, he was loving the way you were being a little more affectionate. He pulled away to look at you.
"I just wanna give you the crown you deserve, my Queen."
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Finally an update. It took longer than I thought. Also, I'm thinking of postponing the unearthly release date cause BTS'comeback is around that time? Consider this an apology update. Let's see what happens....
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qualquercoisa945 · 5 years
could you love this? would this one be right? well if i'm being honest, i'm hoping it might
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Title Inspiration- If I'm Being Honest by Dodie
so. here we are. last chapter, huh? we've come a long way, honestly- can you believe it's been six months?- and i've changed a lot since the first chapter. not just as a writer, but as a person. and this is gonna sound sappy, but i owe a lot of it to this fic. it's the first multi-chapter i've finished and the first fic i've ever posted. i don't know where i'd be without it- and quite honestly, i don't want to know. but i do have some people to thank, in no particular order (and these are all tumblr urls so just bear with me here). first of all, one of, if not the first person to ever know of this fic's existence, @ichlugebulletsandcornnuts, who was the actual sweetest when reacting to it and was one of the main forces behind me beginning to post my stuff. thank you so much for everything, i owe you so much 💙💖 then, the actual ray of sunshine who beta-read through this fic, @lailaliquorice, who has been nothing but a positive force in my life and is just an all around great friend and is again, an actual ray of sunshine personified. so laila, thank you for everything and i hope i get to hold you again soon, sunshine 💖💙 next, @i-was-a-writer, someone who's been nothing but supportive and enthusiastic about everything i've told them about, and who's helped me keep a level head when my mind decided to be bitch so many times. thank you for helping me and supporting me, rico, i'm so glad you're in my life 💙💖 but obviously this wouldn't be complete with the actual angel in my life who's been there for me since fucking day one, @the-quiet-winds. when i first dmed you julie, with that crappy ass maragon fic, i had no clue that i would find one of the most supportive and fantastic people in my life. i'm not joking when i say that you've changed my life. i love you so fucking much my angel, you're the best older sister i could ever ask for 💖💙 and last but definitely not least, you all, who have read, liked, reblogged and commented on any of my fics. i wouldn't be where i am today without you all, and thank you all for giving me a reason to keep on posting them. i love you all 💙💖 i'll probably rewrite this fic eventually. i've considered maybe from a different point of view? we'll see. but for now, this is the end. so with all the sappy stuff out of the way, sit back and enjoy the last chapter of the kitty snaps fic. it's been a wild ride, but a good one. thank you all for everything 💖💙
Trigger Warnings- Hospitals, mentions of appendicitis, surgery, and stabbing in the context of a metaphor. As always, ask me to tag anything
The day had started… Well, definitely not well, considering her and Kitty’s… situation, but not terribly, all things considered. At least, Jane had managed to stick to her usual routine, which considering how chaotic things had been lately, was a win in her books.
Well, until she’d gotten that phonecall while on her way back to the theatre from her break between the two shows. She’d nearly let her phone fall right then and there as she heard Cathy retell how Kitty had fainted and how she’d had to call an ambulance, and that they were currently on their way to the hospital.
As soon as she knew where they were heading, Jane made her way to her car, not daring to hang up in case she’d miss any updates from Cathy, just barely keeping herself from speeding there as she drove to the hospital.
She was just barely out of the car when she noticed Cathy running over, and swiftly she pulled her bandmate into a hug, that was cut short by the latter pulling away. “It’s appendicitis.” Cathy explained without much pretense, and Jane herself could only barely mask her panic. “She’s in surgery right now.”
She felt Cathy’s hand give her own a light squeeze as, at least she assumed, her expression begin in morph into one of panic. “Hey, breathe. Times have changed, love, especially in this regard. It’ll be alright.”
Jane forced herself to take in a deep breath, nodding quickly. “Right, well, let’s go in, yes?”
The time spent in a waiting room felt like torture for Jane. The other queens had tried to get her mind out of it, but eventually they’d had to go on and thus it was just her and Cathy, whose mood wasn’t much better than her own. Finally, she resorted to simply watching the time, waiting in silence as she tried not to slip into panic.
She looked up from her lap when she hear three sets of footsteps rush over, watching as Catherine, Anne and Anna rushed over. She vaguely listened as Cathy gave them the same explanation she’d given Jane, before they all sat down near them. To her surprise, she noticed Anne sit down on her free side, and then they all fell into silence.
It was a few minutes later when she felt a light tap on her knee, and she looked up to face Anne, who nodded towards the door before getting up- a silent invitation for her to follow.
So she did. Jane followed Anne outside, and they stood there in silence for a moment before the latter spoke. “How’re you holding up?”
Jane couldn’t help but role her eyes at that. “Take a guess.” She muttered out, a seldom-heard bitterness lacing her words.
“Welcome to the club.” Anne replied with a shrug, leaning against the wall. They fell into silence for a while longer, before Anne spoke up again. “I’m not gonna say all that “oh, times have changed” bullshit because you and I both know that’s not gonna help. But Kitty’s tough, even if she doesn’t seem like it. She’ll be alright.” Anne seemed to pause for a minute, and Jane opened her mouth to speak before she continued. “And if you need to talk about it, which no one can blame you for, we’re all here for you.”
Jane nodded, but whatever she was going to give as a reply disappeared when she noticed Catherine go through the doors.
“Jane, she’s awake, and she’s looking for you.”
Kath had woken up to dull noises and a hazy vision. She just barely remembered asking for Jane, but now that she was slightly more awake and sitting on the hospital bed cross legged, she couldn’t help but lightly bite her bottom lip in anxiety as she waited for Jane to come.
If she did come.
The thought snaked its way into her mind nearly silently, only to immediately hit her like a truck. Would Jane want to come see her? After her outburst, and her behaviour following it… She couldn’t help but worry, wrapping her arms around her waist as tightly as she could without it hurting.
She was snapped out of her reverie by the sound of the door opening, and she swallowed dryly as she waited to see who it was.
And it was Jane.
Kath wasn’t quite sure what went through her mind once she’d seen her. All she knew was that a sudden wave of emotions hit her far too quickly, and a word she’d been wanting to say for god knew how long finally made its way out her mouth.
She wasn’t sure what Jane’s immediate reaction had been, but she did remember quiet footsteps hurrying over, and a gentle kiss being pressed on the top of her head, followed by a dip on the mattress next to her and Jane pulling her into her hold, which she sunk into, her face buried in Jane’s shoulder as she let out a week’s worth of emotions through her tears.
“I’ve got you, love.” Jane’s voice felt just a bit more distant than it should be, and so Kath pulled her tighter, whimpering softly. “It’s alright.” She focused on Jane’s soft touches and words, using them to keep herself grounded as she cried in Jane’s hold.
As the tears slowly started to slow, Kath’s hold on Jane slackened while she slowly, slowly processed just what she’d called Jane before her outburst. Once it hit, though, she all but jumped out of Jane’s arms, not even able to look Jane in the eyes as she mumbled out a teary “I’m sorry.”
“What for, love?” Jane’s gentle yet confused tone only served to push the metaphorical knife deeper into her heart, twisting it around so it’d cause her even more agony.
“For calling you…” Kath gave a sideways nod, hoping Jane would get the message. It would seem she did, though her response was nothing like the one Kath had been expecting.
“Oh, darling…” Kath froze when Jane cupped her cheek, finally looking up to meet Jane’s soft gaze. “It’s alright, dear. I’m not mad.”
“You should be!” Kath finally exclaimed, sitting up straight. Jane recoiled her hand in shock, and so Kath made herself slow down a bit. “I was awful to you last week. An- And I’ve been ignoring you ever since and I-”
“Kitty.” Jane’s firm yet soft voice snapped her out of her reverie, getting her to focus on Jane. “You were understandably angry, love. I should have listened to you, and I’m sorry you felt like you had to lash out for us to listen. And…” Jane paused then, and Kath braced herself for the worst.
“And you’re right.” She blinked at that reply, tipping her head to the side ever so slightly. “You’re right, he wasn’t- he didn’t love us.” Jane finally murmured out, and it was then Kath noticed an odd sort of vulnerability that she couldn’t recall the last time she’d seen on the eyes of the third queen.
“M- I mean, Jane-” “If you want to call me mum, you can.” Jane interjected softly, giving Kath a soft smile when she looked up in shock. “I mean it, love. We can ignore it and pretend it never happened, or, if you’d like, you can call me it. Whatever you’re comfortable with, love.”
Kath found herself pondering on that for a few moments, she’d wager maybe a minute, then nodded and fell back against Jane. “Well, mum,” she spoke the word slowly, almost hesitantly, but the light squeeze from Jane’s arm around her shoulders pushed her to continue, “it’s alright. And, I’m sorry for losing my cool like that.”
She felt herself relax even further into Jane’s embrace, struggling to keep her eyes open as emotional and physical exhaustion began to seep in after the incredibly loaded conversation she’d just had. She perked slightly when she felt a light pressure on top of her head. “Sleep, my little love. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Jane’s soft words were all she needed to fully relax, and although she didn’t feel like everything was fine just yet, she felt like things were heading there. Slowly, but surely, she’d get there, she found herself promising to herself, no matter how long it took.
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madfantasy · 5 years
Good -early- evening
Hello everyone★ how are you today? I'm just noting again x"
I feel so, amazing, I should say. After weeks of high steam pressure I am much relaxed and able to enjoy my time. I adjusted somewhat to the ever changing sleeping schedule, and my dreams returned to occur. I'll never forget that dream about Sev, I woke up radiating with glee, in oppose to the dream itself— it was bizarre and mysterious (just like most of my dreams really, heh). The highlight of it that he was wearing this, well, he was like Boggart Snape, and I was like 'why are you wearing this?!' and he's like ' let me concentrate' he was locking a door with a spell, tapping the wand on the door handle. I was tugging on his hand because we were in a hurry, then we went off— running into the foggy alleyways of London. He told me that it was a hoax he's planning but I don't remember what happened next. So, I got to see him running in that 🙈🔥
Another fortunate thing happened is that I spent the last few days testing every and any drawing software I could get my digital hands on. I stumbled on one in particular and it's actually amazing in stimulating traditional brushes. Like how water colours dries and how oil colours blind. Here it is if you're interested:
Rebelle 3 
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and Leonardo is nice with lining too.
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But what's fortunate for me is I downloaded some demo as usual and actually enjoyed drawing in it and didn't feel like a chore of figuring out everything or see that it could paint (which was I looking for), the software was everything I ever wanted. I came to save the picture cuz I didn't realize I've just drawn something worthwhile and it told me buy me first. So the sketch is gone. The minute I closed it I realized I remember the software's name vaguely, when I read more I was furiously reminded that I bought it-- years ago!! Actually it was at the time when I first bought things online. I found the email after much digging and there it was!! In the invoice! I entered it and I got my version! I can't describe how happy I was feeling- a minute ago I was thinking this in the only software I loved between the dozens I tested and I found that I've bought it years ago a minute later. (It was on sale and when I got it ,, my pc was too weak to handle it so I didn't use it as much and forgot about it. But now it's updated obviously and amazing).
So happy, so grateful 💛
I might be using this *keep reading* divider to put my progress for the drawing itself, I have screenshots of that alot and I'm getting a bit tired of my twitter, so I think it's one way to keep things tidy. And hide things I don't wanna see, hehe. Don't you say?
Oh also, here's the link to the full mermaid picture- my private blog. (I can't give out the password at the time being, sorry dears. )
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Unplanned consequences
Summary- I can't spoil all of it but it's #9 for miscarriage for my Jack # stories.
Sorry it took me awhile. Probs spelling mistakes. Implied smut some kissing etc. Hahaha enjoy!
Jack x reader
"oh. No no." You had been waiting for a little to see the results.
You had been dating a hunter for about 5 months. things ended about a week ago when you figured he found someone prettier. He'd been hanging around with his girl a lot, so you guess it was just a game to him.
You were pacing back and forth. And now the results were positive. Positive.
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positive that your life was going to be turned upside. Positive that the Winchester's would throw you out. You met the Winchester's about 1 year ago on a hunt when you were caught in a trap, good thing they came or you would be Zippo right now.
It was a little weird at first with there mom being back and then her leaving them since you didn't know the whole story at the time. You were there when Jack was born and you've been helping him through. At first you didn't like him much just like Dean but he was so clueless and puppy like that it didnt last long. You guys were pretty close and you had a little bit of feelings for him but you pushed them down since ... You seen him being born not that long ago. He was practically a baby.... But grown.
Jack was very protective of you which you loved and didn't have because your ex the last month before he left wasn't like that. I guess you knew why now. You guys were young though, you knew it wasn't gonna last forever your only 24.
Back to reality you always wanted kids but not when the dad was .... You know. And at this age ? With this life ? Wasn't really a paying job. Guess it's time to leave. After you cry of course. You cried for about 20 mins when you heard a knock on your door. You wiped your face very quickly. "Who is it?"
"it's Jack Sam and Dean said that they found a case and was wondering if you wanted to come."
"um I'm honestly not feeling too well."
"what's wrong maybe I can heal you."
"no it's just a little bug. Thanks anyways."
"no problem. I'll go tell them."
You started packing everything in the room they Gave you. You looked around and didn't see anything left behide. Sam and Dean yelled goodbye and 30 mins later you heard Sam and Dean leave. You looked around taking in the image trying not to cry. You closed the door and walked away starting a new life, Sam and Dean wouldn't be able to handle of this and they didnt need a baby in the house to worry about, hearing it cry and keeping them up. Stealing a car you drove as far away as the bunker would take you. You should probs smash your phone so they don't track you. Maybe tell them your on a hunt or something yeah! That could keep you for at least a month.
"Ugh "
After 7 hours of driving you pulled into a hotel to get some shut-eye. You should probably see a doctor. Gotta find an identity to steal since you don't have any insurance. After three days you finally got a text from Dean-
" where are you?"
"I found a case I'll see ya later."
"a case ? Where ? I thought you were sick."
"I got better it's okay."
"y/n? Where's the case? You shouldn't go alone."
"I'm not a hunter is there already."
"then tell me."
"don't worry about it I'll be fine. Your not dad okay? I'll be in touch. Take care :)"
'Somethings not right' Dean thought.
"hey Dean where is y/n?"
"uh, on a case she'll be home soon."
"Oh, alright. Wanna watch a movie?"
3 days later
You been updating Dean about the case trying to make up excuses saying you don't see anything and your hitting a dead end. Maybe you'll come home after checking it out one last time.
"are you sure you don't want help?"
"I'm sure, Dean thanks."
"okay, well hurry up so we can do game night!" Hahaha what a dork you laughed.
Day 5
"you some more leads and it's going good should be done by tomorrow.
End of Day 6
Finally "got the son of a bitch" and "you'll drive home tomorrow you're tired."
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you told them. Maybe they might not want you in the bunker but they would still want to help and see you. You were thinking about telling them so you texted Dean saying you had some good news for him alongside the others.
You started getting a pain a little in your stomach and you decided to finally see a doctor. You fell asleep - waking up to a little lain and some blood? Down there wth? You couldn't have gotten your period. You ran to the bathroom and you felt something plop.
That's not good. You knew what it was. Not that you really wanted a baby but you were kinda excited. Negative. You cried more now about two hours and your phone buzzed. Dean asking if you were on the road yet. you didn't answer. About an hour later Dean texted saying "hello?"
You couldn't move from crying and eventually you couldn't cry anymore so you went out to get some liquor. Two bottles of rum and you were definitely drunk. You cried and screamed and broke things and slept, and cried and repeat.
It had been too long since you answered dean so he went to tell Sam to go track your phone, when he walked in with something.
"What's that?"
"how long has y/n been gone?"
"about 10 days why?" Jack says.
"guys" he turns the thing around. "I don't think she's coming back."
We had narrowed eyes and eyebrows.
"she's pregnant."
"ahhh ouchh." Jack listened and heard your SCREAAMING and pain.
"Jack what's wrong?"
"it's y/n, UHHHH..... Shes In pain. She's screaming. .... "I have to go." He said and flapped away.
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"Y/n calm down calm down. what happened ?"
You gasped because he startled you.
"Jack not now." You screamed while crying.
"you're hurt. Tell me what's wrong?"
He grabbed you and sat you down so you wouldn't keep throwing things. you cried into him for about 5 mins when he asked you again what happened.
"did someone hurt you?"
"no Jack "
"is it because your pregnant?"
That made you want to cry more. "No."
"I'm sorry did I say something to upset you?"
"no......it's okay. How did you know that?"
"Sam found something and said you were."
"oh. Great okay." He wiped your face. "Please tell me"
"fine. I had miscarriage okay."
"what is that?"
"it's where the baby like... Dies and it wont be born."
"oh. Why not?"
"I don't know Jack, I don't know"
"Well it's okay I'll be here for you every step of the way and like Sam says it'll take time."
"yeah.. yeah thank you." He grabbed your face.
"I love you y/n"
"Yes. Almost ever since I laid eyes on you. Your beautiful"
"thank you."
Your faces were so close and you could literally see every pore and every vein in his eyes. But his eyes were beautiful. 3-2-1-.
His lips were on you. You were shocked. They were so soft but ... You weren't expecting that.
You kissed back and he pulled away.
"I'm sorry I'm not good at it."
"no your fine. It's okay "
"maybe it's not the right time."
You laughed "don't worry it's the right time." You pulled him back to your lips and sucked on his lips. This was the only thing that matter at the moment. You ran your hair through his hair and laid him on his back so you were on top. You straddled Him and you guys both explored each other mouths. It was getting so heated to where you guys where dry humping. You ran your hair all over his body and he did the same.
"I like this" he says.
you laughed "I like this too." 😉😉
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"Aah, stop screaming!" Jungkook shouted out, one of his hands on his ear facing me, and the other on his arm which I had hit for the thousandth time. "And stop hitting me!!"
"I can't believe that you did this to me, Jungkook!!" I fumed with anger...or was it despair? I looked at the person in front of me, my so-called best friend, aka the biggest liar in the whole world. He had lied to me about everything...he knew everything. He knew why I had left the airport without talking to him, he knew that those rumors were not true, heck, he even was the one who planned Tae and Jimin's night stay at my place. Yes, planned. Not a coincidence, a conspiracy.
"Hey it's not my fault that you couldn't trust your best-ow!!" He was cut short as another punch hit him square in his chest, and he screamed. "Aah, break my bones, will you?"
"I don't think that's even possible-" Another voice came, and I turned towards him. "You!! Just. Drive!!" I hissed. "Okay," was his short and quick reply before he smiled nervously and shrunk back on his seat.
"Hehe." I heard Jungkook giggle, and I turned to him, my right eye twitching. "Funny, is it?"
"Uhh, I..." He trailed off, looking around the van. "Yeah..?" I said, narrowing my eyes, and his eyes went wide as he put his hands in front of him as a shield reflexively. "Aaah.......Y/N..I just wanted to talk, I swear!!"
"Kookie..." I said gently. Looking down, I took a deep breath and looked back up at him. "If you want to talk to someone, you call, or text, or visit." I smiled brightly, before dropping it off completely.
"...YOU DON'T KIDNAP AND GIVE THEM A FREAKIN' CARDIAC ARREST!!" Another series of punches. He started screaming again. "Aah, Y/N-ah, Y/N-ah, aah, I'm sorry!!" He curled up in a ball to avoid my punches, which didn't work. "Yaaa, Y/N-ah, I'm your best friend, stop!!"
"Let that poor boy go, isn't that enough for today?" The great driver turned back again, and I turned towards him. "Says the one who was supposed to stop him from doing stuff like this but instead is driving the van, wow," I said, clapping sarcastically. "Some big brother you are."
"He is not big." Jungkook said, sitting upright in his seat, smiling. We both looked at him with narrowed eyes, and he gulped, going back to his curled position.
"Y/N...give him a few punches from me."
"Yep." I heard Jungkook whisper before he put his head between his legs to protect himself from yet another series of punches I threw at him.
"Y/N-ah, Y/N-AHHHH!!" He kept screaming as the van drove silently in the cold night. "Yaa, enough, stop!! Aah, ow, aaah, eommaaa!!!"
By the time the van stopped at my door, I had updated him on everything that had happened last Friday night and the following morning. He kept listening quietly, looking intently at me and nodding in between. After I finished, he looked out the window of the stopped van. "First of all, I had known for a long while what decision you were going to take, and why. And...I am proud of you."
"Thanks." I smiled, visibly relaxed. I also had known that he knew, all that I had hoped for was his approval.
He looked back at me. "And second, I think Jimin hyung is right."
"...about laying low?"
"No, I was gonna say something else, but that works too." He said, nodding. "Lay low, at least until we convince Tae hyung to talk to you."
"He's not okay, is he?" I frowned. Jungkook shook his head. "Why?" I asked, hoping to find some answers to my long hanging doubts. Was he really over me, or was it all just a facade? I had to know if my hunch was right or not. Instead of answering right away, Jungkook looked at Jimin, and they both shared troubled glances. After a moment, he looked back at me with a conflicted look on his face. "I don't know...might be possible, yeah."
"Okay." I was not sure if I was right or not, but this time too, I felt like something was going on between them...something I couldn't comprehend. "I'm gonna go then." I said, turning towards the van door. "Y/N-ah?" Jungkook called, and I turned around. "Yeah?"
He smiled, and then pulled me in for a hug. "I'm sorry for lying."
I chuckled, and put my arms around him. "Why are you apologising, silly? It's always okay, as long as you stay by my side."
"Aww." I heard Jimin pouting, and I turned towards him with narrowed eyes. He smiled sheepishly, causing me to roll my eyes. "Goodnight, you two." I said, getting out of the van, advancing towards my house.
"Y/N-ah?" He called again, and I turned around, rolling my eyes. "Yes, Kook?"
"Hang in there."
I smiled, brightly this time, and nodded.
"Bye, Y/N." Jimin said, and drove off into the night, leaving me alone at the footsteps of my house. I turned back to go towards my door, smiling to myself, and then I froze, looking at my door for the first time since the rumor had started.
"Why do you think Tae is not okay?" Jimin asked Jungkook after a long moment of silence, once they were far away from my house. Jungkook looked at Jimin sadly. "Last night...." He trailed off. The silence seemed to stretch on long.
"Yeah..?" Jimin asked again.
Jungkook gulped, looking out the window. "....he was crying all night long."
Jimin sighed, closing his eyes. "We need to get them to talk."
"Yeah...but if he's in that condition, we need to give him some time until he comes around himself."
"How much time?" Jimin asked, a sad look in his eyes.
"Hmm...how about we give it a week?" I said, looking at what was written on my door in bold black letters.
Stay away.
I was closing up the shop when my phone rang.
"Hello? Am I talking to Y/N Y/L/N?" A female voice, which sounded very professional, asked from the other end of the line. "Yes this is her." I said, struggling with the door as I held the phone up to my ear.
"Hi, I am calling from the local news channel. We were wondering if you had some time to drop by one of these days and have a little chat?"
"About what, exactly?"
"Just the regular stuff, you know," She laughed. "About yourself, your job, your dreams, your friends...perhaps?"
I clenched my teeth. "No thank you." I cut off the phone and turned my attention towards the door, mumbling to myself.
"Excuse me!" I looked up at the voice to see a girl in front of me. "I'm sorry, we're closed for the day." I said, smiling apologetically.
"Oh, that's okay, I just wanted to talk to you." She looked at me, sharply, and then smiled sweetly. "I wanted to drop by earlier, but it slipped my mind."
I had a feeling I knew what was coming, but I tried to deny it anyway. "It's okay, you can just come tomorrow-" I started but she cut me off. "Don't think you're going to get famous by leeching off of them, got it?" She glared at me, her eyes narrowed into slits.
"Yunah!!" Before I could say anything, a guy came running towards us, presumably addressing the girl. "Where did you run off to so fast, I thought you dumped me or something." His eyes fell on me, and he stopped. "Whoa, you're Y/N, right?? You're a freaking legend, man...can I get a selfie?" The girl looked back at him with widened eyes. "You wanna get dumped for real??"
The guy looked nervously between me, and the girl. "No...but..this is a once-in-a-lifetime opp-"
"Don't call me." The girl hissed, and walked past me, casting a last glance at me. "I'll deal with you later, slut."
"Wait...Yunah! YUNAH!!!" The guy ran after her, leaving me alone with yet another experience to return home with.
Stay away from them, was what it said on my door now.
"Ahh, what the...can you look where you're going, Y/N??" He said, rubbing his chin after it had collided with my head. "Same to you, Yoongi." I smiled sweetly. "Actually, back at you, Yoongi."
"Yeah, sorry." He said, jogging at his place. "Okay, bye."
"In a hurry, are we?" I said, a smirk coming on my face. "Going after a girl?"
He looked at me with an unfathomable expression on his face, and then it was replaced by his cold, unbothered glare. "Yeah, that, or....saving you from the cameras around us."
"Cameras?" I looked around. "I don't see any cameras."
"You're not supposed to see them now, are you?" He said, and I sighed. He was right.
"Bye now." He said more urgently this time, looking behind me. "Uhh, Yoongi, just one second, can you tell Tae that I wanted to talk, it's important-" I was cut off as he shoved me backwards, running off ahead without saying a word. "Yoongi!!" I called after him, but then stopped as he had vanished from sight.
Was he trying to avoid me, or was he being true? Either way...one thing was for sure, I was drifting apart from them, if I hadn't already, and the process was destructive...both for me, and for them.
My phone rang at the exact moment, and I picked it up. "Hi, have I reached Y/N?" A Male voice asked me. "Yes...?" I said, trailing off...waiting.
"I wanted to meet up and ask a few questions regarding-" Yep. That was all I needed to hear to cut the call off.
"Hi, is this Y/N-" A male voice asked, but before he could advance any further, I cut him off. "Nope." I said, and hung up. Let me breathe, I'm already in a supermarket. Full of people.
"Uhm..can you please move a little bit please?" I turned around to look at a girl looking at me. "You're in my way."
"Oh sorry." I smiled apologetically, and she frowned. "Oh, okay, I know you. Makes sense why you're hogging it." She said, looking pointedly behind me. "Huh?" I turned back, and blinked twice. Behind me was a cardboard cut-out of Jungkook.
"Leave at least something for us." She said from behind me, and I closed my eyes.
Stay away from them bitch, said the 'inscription' on my door now.
"I said I'm not interested in any kind of interviews, meetings, questionnaires, whatever, now leave me alone!!" I slammed the door in the guy's face, and sighed. At this time of night? Seriously?
I came to my room, and flopped down on my bed. Burying my face in the pillow, I wanted to scream, but no sound came out. One tear fell down my cheek silently and dropped on the pillow. I punched the pillow hard, cursing, and then turned around, holding my head in my hands as another tear threatened to fall.
Ring ring. I sighed before picking up my phone, fuming.
"Hi, is this Y/N-"
"NO, THIS IS NOT, OKAY?? JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, JUST--WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME???" I screamed into the phone, letting all the frustration out of me.
"Whoa, relax." The girl sounded startled, but gentle. "At least check the number first." Fuming, I did...and it said Hoseok...I was confused.
"Uh...this is Hoseok's phone...who is this?" I asked. You know this voice, my mind said to me, and I told it to shut up, because I recognised this voice, but no way in hell was I talking to her.
"That doesn't matter right now." I could feel her smile in her voice, and the way she talked to me, was so gentle, so friendly, that I wanted to break down right there and then. I had needed that kind of voice for a long time now. "How are you holding up?"
"Barely." I laughed, an emotionless laugh.
"Y/N...perseverance, okay?" She said slowly. "I know it's not easy, but...please whatever you do...don't quit."
I smiled for an unknown reason. Something about her voice....I knew who it was, I just didn't want to believe it. "I promise." Hesitating for a moment, I finally dared, and blurted out the words that were itching at my throat. "Thanks for talking, by the way. I'll let you get back to your work now."
She laughed merrily. Yes, it was her. I was right. And she knew I knew. "Glad. Hope we can meet sometime." She hung up, and I sat up, staring at my phone silently for a long while...feeling slightly motivated to fight, to persevere.
After all, there were still three days left in the week I had promised myself.
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Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.19
Part 18//Part 19//Part 20
For other parts and the MASTERLIST, please refer to the link in my bio. Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what new questions this update raised in your mind, and ask me anytime!! Or...if you have anything to say, you can let me know by DMing me and let's chat. Everyone is welcome here, and I'm always waiting for your beautiful words!!! Stay updated, and happy reading!!!
Summary: Your close friend, Taehyung, shares a secret with you, a big secret: You have had a crush on Jimin for the past 6 years. But what he doesn't know is that you have done something bigger than that, something that could destroy many people's lives in seconds. That's a secret for you to keep. But something even bigger is floating in the air: what you have done could destroy BTS's friendship forever...but that's a secret even you don't know yourself.
Pairing: Reader × Jimin/Taehyung ft. Other Members
Genre: Angst
Tag(s): @slut-for-fandoms
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romeorussia · 8 years
I'm glad to see u coming back !! I def do judge my work on notes, so it's totally understandable how hard it is to look past that... please take all the time u need before coming back !!! ur followers (+ romeo) still love u~ I do try to occasionally send messages to update blogs but I don't always, so I'll def make sure u get some from me in the future bc I rlly appreciate this blog!! I'm sorry I never sent one before :( looking forward to seeing ur updates again!! 💖💖💖
I’ve got an idea on who the author might be, and if I’m right, I’ll be really flattered as I highly appreciate your opinion~I am sorry for the breakdown, you know, I wasn’t like that before? I guessthis state of mind was triggered by an accident that happened to me in January. I was on my way to the office, and I should say I was in a great hurry that morning. On the crosswalk a black X6 chased by the police drove against the traffic lights on the wrong lane and passed right in front of me and a few more people. I’d never seen anything like that in my whole life before and just froze, struck by the fact that if I had been walking a bit faster…
After that I couldn’t stop thinking what people would have thought if it had happened. Did our followers really care? Would they notice if I were gone? Would they remember Romeo Russia later on? My friends didn’t pay much attention to that accident, and I tried to find any proof that I would have left some trace and that I was meaningful.
Ah, anyway, now I don’t want to look back. This blog is something I can do for people I love wholeheartedly, something that allows me to express these feelings and not feel voiceless anymore.
Thanks for your encouraging message! I’ll be back up as soon as I get the articles done~
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