#sorry idk what you guys are using for tags to avoid spoilers
beelsfridge · 1 year
Goodbye (For Now) Pt.2
Nightbringer Spoilers Ahead (maybe a little ooc)
(Idk how to tag properly)
You knew you weren’t suppose to stay in the past for that long. You knew you didn’t belong there. You had to get back to your time eventually.
And even if the brothers were warming up to you again, you had to say goodbye. The worst part was that they would never know why you really left.
“They mean forever Mammon. It means they’re never coming back.”
“Huh?! What are ya saying Satan?! Stop bullshitting!” Mammon yells at him.
You could feel all eyes on you stare you down in confusion.
“He’s right Mammon..”You say in a less enthusiastic tone than before. Mammon lols betrayed by your words as he steps back away from you.
“You’re leaving?…”Leviathan says with clear disappointment.
“I am..”You say as the air grows thick around you.
It’s quiet. A tension between you and the brothers that quickly becomes suffocating until Asmo throws himself toward you.
“You can’t leave!” Asmo yells out as he clings onto your arm,”You can’t! Who else will let me talk about myself and agree with everything I say?!”
“Asmo…”You say with a pained expression as you look to the others.
Beels eyes can’t meet yours as he mumbled something about no longer being hungry while Belphie mutters something about having a bad dream.
“Why?!” Satan says grabbing you by the collar of your RAD uniform as he yanks you from Asmo in anger,”You’re suppose to be our attendant! You can’t just leave!”
“Satan let them go you’re going to hurt them!” Asmo says.
Satan doesn’t move his grip from you and all you could feel is the anger and resentment radiate off of him.
You try to come up with a believable excuse. After all, they can never truly know why.
But why are they acting this way?
“Diavolo said I’d be your attendant until you’ve all adjusted to being in Devildom…” You tell him as you avoid eye contact,”And you’ve all adjusted to your lives here already so…”
“Bullshit!” He tells you immediately,”That’s not the reason and you know it! Tell me the truth!”
“Oi Satan! Calm down!” Mammon says.
“I can’t stand being here anymore.” Levi says bitterly.
“Let me go Satan..”You tell him with a sad expression.
You can see his angry expression change to one with guilt as he lets his grip on you go hesitantly.
“I just don’t …understand why...” He tells you.
You don’t respond to him. You didn’t think they’d be this upset over you leaving.
After all…they always didn’t seem to care when you were requested to appear at the House. Would it have been better to have just disappeared and not say anything like Solomon wanted?
You feel a gentle touch on your hand,”Don’t go MC..” Mammon tells you with a sad expression.
“I’m sorry Mammon..”You say pulling away from his touch,”Maybe you guys will understand one day…”
“Then why not help us understand now?…”Belphie asks,”Why?…” He seems hurt by your words,”Did we mean so little to you?.. sure..we weren’t ..best of friends ..and expressing ourselves hasn’t been easy..but ..didn’t we mean something at least?…”
“Of course you did. ….You don’t know how much.” You say honestly,” Truth be told…i was never meant to say goodbye ..the plan was to just disappear without ever saying a word.”
“That’s cruel.” Beel tells you.
“You were just gonna leave us and not saying anything?” Levi says hurt by your words,”Who does that…?”
“Would it have been better that way?” You ask them honestly,
“Of course not!” Asmo tells you.
Belphie shakes his head in disbelief,” I can’t believe this conversation is happening.” Beel hums in agreement.
This didn’t make sense. Sometimes you’d go days without seeing them and when you did reappear you were hardly acknowledged unless you were in the midst of their schemes. And let’s not forget the whole reveal fiasco that occurred.
“I don’t understand.” You tell them,” I thought you guys…didn’t like me?”
“What’s MC blabbering about-“ Mammom says clearly confused,”We care. Did you not pick up on it?”
“You ..”You say confusingly,”You….you care about me?”
“Of course we do!” Mammon says angrily,”Where did you get the idea we didn’t?!”
Been hums in agreement.
“Oh…” was all the words you made out. Did you just misunderstand? Or did you not notice that these versions of the brothers had different ways of showing they cared about you?
You could feel the hot tears begin to fall down your cheeks,”Well..cause I was a demon and then I lied about it so I assumed…. “
Everyone looks at you with sad and tearful expression as you start to cry.
Levi has a surprised look on his face,”H-hey wait -don’t do that.”
“Waaa! Don’t cry MC! You’re gonna make me cry!” Asmo says as he hugs you lovingly as his face begins to tear up.
“I’m ..”you say between sobs,”I’m so grateful to have met you guys. I’m really going to miss you all.”
“When you say it like that..”Mammon voices breaks as he attempts to hold back his emotions,”Ah dammit MC, ya making me all emotional.”
“And we will miss you as well.” Another voice speaks out from behind.
“Lucifer?..”You say trying to stop your tears as you turn to his direction.
His expression is soft yet still stern. However in his eyes holds glints of sadness at your appearance.
He sighs deeply,”I had a feeling ..that this day would...” He tells you.
“but I was also hoping…”He says his eyebrows furrow,”that it would never come…” He says with a disappointed tone.
He looks at his brothers before looking at you.
He sighs as he grabs ahold of your hands,”I’m not the best, when it comes to expressing my true feelings..however..I think I can speak for all of us when I say..we are thankful for all you’ve done for us… you made the transition of living here, in the Devildom, easier. And We couldn’t have done it..without you…”
You can’t recall a time where he’s ever been this honest. But his words seem to Pierce your heart completely as you feel your eye bubble up again with tears.
“We will be sad…to see you go…”He tells you squeezing your hands tightly for a brief moment.
You can’t help it! It’s all just too much!
You find yourself hugging Lucifer tightly as the tears stain your cheeks. After a few moments you feel a hand pat your head gently.
“Thank you..”You whisper to him. You didn’t know how badly you needed to hear him say those words to you.
When you pull away you look at everyone else. While you’re sad that you have to leave them. You know they’ll be waiting to see you again.
One by one, you hug each and everyone one of them. Reminding them that they are just as important to you as you are to them.
You remind Belphie that if he ever has trouble sleeping again -to look to the stars and count as many as he can because somewhere out there you’ll be looking at them too.
You tell Beel to avoid eating foods that will upset his stomach and that if he ever feels an uncontrollable hunger to think of silly sad stories about that food. He tells you he’ll try. And you smile because that’s all that matters.
You tell Asmo that when he starts to feel insecure about himself that he needs to your words and chant them to himself until he no longer feels that way.
You remind Satan that he’s doing his best. And one day he’ll realize how far he’s come. And if he ever feels angry, to look at the cats in the yard and befriend them.
You look at Levi, he seems so upset. After all, he thought you’d be friends forever. But you remind him, that you are always going to be friends. No matter where you go, and you tell him that if he ever feels lonely, he needs to remember he has brothers who love him just as he is.
When you break apart from Mammons he pulls you right back in. You feel him hold onto you for his dear life. You feel his body tremble against yours.. and in a quiet whisper remind Mammon that he needs to keep his buttery fingers away from trouble and he laughs. And you tell him, that he is the glue for all his brothers. That he needs to remember he’s just as important as everyone else. That he has to look out for them because they’d be lost without him. He responds with a cocky”I know.” Before he lets your hand go with the last thing he feels is the touch of your fingertips.
And finally you get to Lucifer. Despite his cold touch and attitude, his hug is quite warm.
He tells you with a whisper as he kisses your top of your hand ,” if you should ever need a job as an attendant.” you’d know where to find him. Causing you to both laugh quietly amongst each other. As you pull away from him he grabs your arm gently back.
His eyes say it all.
“Don’t go.”
You grab ahold of his hands and hold them gently in yours with a reassuring squeeze.
And in a quiet whisper….
You bow respectfully to Lucifer.
His head runs circles at your words as he bows back.
“At least send a postcard or sum Yknow.” Mammom wipes his tears with a murmur agreements following his statement.
“That might be a little difficult -“ You tell him with a reassuring smile,”But I’ll try.”
“Don’t worry.” Another voice says. You turn to see Solomon standing there with a smile,” they’re in good hands. I’ll be sure, to pass their messages onto you all.” He extends his hand out to you.
You take it with a smile,”I can go home?” You ask him with hopeful eyes.
“It’ll be like you never left.” He tells you with a knowing smile.
“Alright then… I guess….“You say as you turn back to the brothers.
“Goodbye, for now.”
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flowerslut · 1 year
whats supposed to make it so depressing? sorry you don’t have to say anything if it s a spoiler but you have me nervous with what were going to get!
no omg okay so. i’m 1000% joking about it being “fine” but I don't wanna like... idk... give you guys anxiety about it or anything. you will absolutely and definitely have to heed the warnings though! with all honesty I’m expecting some people to nope out after they see the tags and that’s entirely fine, and hey! that's the whole purpose of them!!! so people who don't want to read certain content can avoid that content!! I'm going to make a separate post in a few minutes with the current list of AO3 tags I'll be using. I say current bc I've been adding more and more tags as I think of them
just be aware that it's.... a lot of tags. there are three selected archive warnings, plenty of content/trigger warnings, and a whole lot of random various tags (and thats not even counting the character tags bc boy do I have Plenty Of Characters taking part in this fic)
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elmmni · 3 years
mr q that was fucking amazing
like i kinda wanna kick your characters kneecaps in but it was very well done excellent job sir <3
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twelvegrimmyplace · 7 years
initial track-by-track first listen impression of Harry’s album below:
Initial thoughts: struck by how NOT pop this album is. It’s barely there. SOTT is the def standout option as a single for sure. 
I mostly avoided the leaked lyrics/hot takes from the listening parties, but I did see some and there’s so much more texture and playfulness here than I was expecting based on that stuff. Aside from one song which you will see below im soooooo so into this album. It ticks so many boxes of things I’m into sonically. I’m surprised how much I like it already! 
Meet Me in the Hallway – fucking love this what a way to open. “I gotta get better, I gotta get better” oh man. Has an underlying hint of the Gary Jules version of Mad World. Vocals sit nicely with some of my fave mid to late 2000s indie tracks. This is riiiiiiight up my alley. 9.5
Sign of the Times – old news. Love it still. 10
Carolina – love the vocals on here. Love the slight distortion and it sounds a little less show boat-y than the live performance bc of it. 8
Two Ghosts – the chorus lyrically reminds me of a 21 Adele track; not into the verses at all. Reminds me a little of like a Ryan Adams track or something. Didn’t love this one if I’m honest! It also sounds out of place on the album imo. Not surprised this was written so long ago. Idk the word to describe how it sounds to me – maybe a little immature or half baked? It just sits there and does nothing for me. Like it’s fine but def the weak spot on the album for me. 4
Sweet Creature – this song has grown on me since I first heard it (not that I ever disliked it). In contrast to the track before it, and a lead in to the back half of the album, its sweetness is so effective. Like a refreshing palate cleanser. Bumping up to 7 or 7.5. 
Only Angel – oh hey now we know where the piano from his commercial came from. Looooooove the production on this (well done Jeff Bhasker). Gorgeous lush intro. His vocals are killer on this. Dumbass lyrics tbh. A very fun song. This will be great live. 7
Kiwi – what is this 90s grunge x arctic monkeys realness??? FUCK IT ALL THE WAY UP yes!!!!!!!! “but im into it, I think I’m into it” SAME This is going to be an amazing driving song I can already tell. HOW FUN. 9
Ever Since New York – lovely and soft; the drums at the 3 min mark are fucking GREAT. Pairs so nicely with Meet Me in the Hallway I think – both feel v indie rock to me. Kind of missing the higher ‘tell me something’s’ in the recorded version tho; brings it down a little. 7.5 maybe an 8? undecided. Probably closer to an 8.
Woman – lmao at that intro. omg. Pink Floyd influence here for sure, but also: this is going to sound crazy but this is kind of like an alternate universe version of a track off Solange’s A Seat at the Table? It’s probably the piano that makes me think of it and chords in the background and vocal intonations. I love this. 10 From the Dining Table – you can FEEL this on and in your ears. Fucking gorgeous vocals and emotional tone. Stunning really I absolutely love it. I can see why Nick loves it <3 10
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bdudette · 2 years
Caving Love - E. M.
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Summary: In where she loves him but never said it. Maybe until his incoming death they will both confess ?
Character: Eddie Munson x F! Reader
Warning Tags: Fluffy but Angst ?!?! Curse words, Steve sucking at relationships but still giving advice ?, kinda cute ngl, Bad ending —maybe ??? , character death in the future ???, spoiler s4, detailed song fic. This is cringe overall cuz I’m still rusty —
A|N: I have nothing to say other than this was so long I had to cut it up lol. This is my first music related fic so idk how to do this — yeah. It was between Accidentally In Love and As The World Caves In — yall can see who won lol. Just used half of the song btw 👀
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Part 1 Here ⇝ 2
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My feet are aching.
And your back is pretty tired.
And we’ve drunk a couple bottles, babe.
And set our griefs aside.
Falling in Love. Falling in Love with someone was something people couldn’t avoid nor could they do anything about, especially when it came to changing with whom they fell for in the first place. Eddie Munson. Eddie was the one she had started liking since she was young as her younger self had gained a giant crush on him as the guy basically showed off his true self with little shame and full confidence. Both growing up to become high schoolers of different sociable places that didn’t allow them to interact as much as they would’ve liked.
So when all of a sudden, he was linked to a murder he didn’t cause and was soon roped into this upside down world, she was scared. Scared of this love that shouldn’t get in the way of this new mission to save the world. Scared of what could happen to Eddie Munson in this said cruel world of monsters similar to the board game the man played.
But who knew that Eddie also felt the same with these romantic feelings, he had since years back and just never mentioned it to her no matter how many times they’ve interacted before — which wasn’t extremely a lot but he still held a deep crush for her and he feared the rejection he was sure to come if he had ever confessed.
So when this opportunity came, he decided to shoot his shot. In this new world of death.
“ Hey, uh — [Y|N], right ? I mean — of course it’s [Y|N] what else would it be since we’ve already met a bunch of times before with group projects and all and well — I’m rambling — I’m uh — Eddie, “ Eddie smile awkwardly, biting the inward of his bottom lips as his face felt hot and his chest felt even hotter with embarrassment on how he was talking non stop to this beautiful person in front of him that he had a huge crush on since a long time.
It didn’t help that dustin was in the back looking at him with a ‘ wtf ? ‘ expression at how Eddie was interacting with [Y|N] as the group walked through the woods of Hawkins.
But the young woman didn’t mind this, deciding to smile at Eddie with a slightly nervous expression herself, “ Of course I know who you are, Eddie Munson, yeah ? I’ve uh - seen you play for the Corroded Coffin, in middle school, “ at this revelation, Eddie gaped at her, doe - dark eyes staring at her with awe and wonder as his own heart organ gave abnormal beats that he was sure were 100% related to a heart disease called love.
[Y|N] was fumbling a little with her words, nervous that Eddie would think weird of her to even remember his still existing group, so she just kept on taking, “ I - uh - I remember since I did write a letter to your group, I really loved watching you guys perform, you guys were the ones who kinda got me into hard core rock and metal music , so — yeah , that’s weird, I’m sorry, “ she gritted her teeth, keeping her lips closed as she tried not to speak anymore as to not embarrass herself but the only thing she really did was caused the school’s ‘ weird ‘ metal kid to fall even more in love than he already was from just watching her afar.
He stopped his steps for a moment — along with [Y|N] — whilst they spoke. Staring at the gorgeous girl in front of him.
He gave out a shaky sigh, moving one of his ringed fingers up to his lips and in between his teeth as he stared at her with so much adoration in his beautiful big eyes even though she couldn’t really see it since she was looking away in awkwardness, he hissed out air from his mouth before forcing his hand away from his face as he shook his hands in front of him and jumped a little on his spot , “ No , no , no — Jes — You’re good, fuck — “
His sudden outburst caused [Y|N] to look at Eddie in sudden fright and confusion, causing the young adult to back up a little before taking a step closer to her again, “ you’re more than good, you’re fantastic ! That was you !? You really inspired my band group to keep on playing ! You — you …. You seriously are amazing, [Y|N]. “
They were both flushed at this point , excited at the fact that they were talking to one another and yet oblivious to the fact that they had a thing for each other. And they kept on walking towards the moving group. Glancing at one another ever so often. Their interaction caused some of the people in the group to smile at how sweet they seemed yet most of them gagged and rolled their eyes at their obvious, cutesy shit that they didn’t have time for.
They both couldn’t help — really couldn’t — but want this moment to last longer. Far longer than what came after.
The papers say it’s doomsday.
The button has been pressed.
We’re gonna nuke each other up, boys.
‘Til old Satan stands impressed.
It wasn’t long before things started to get even worse for them. To Eddie’s own surprise — they started fighting bats. Freaking bats ! What the fuck did he get himself into !? Well — he didn’t actually get into this shit willingly that’s for sure — but damn ! And then they found out that they were stuck in 1983 ? At least they were able to contact the kiddos before anything and started heading to his trailer — but — DAMN !
He didn’t get the chance to interact with [Y|N] at all !! What the actual fuck !? He is blaming it on the girls for taking her attention with all the talking — or maybe he should really just blame himself since he was too nervous to go up to talk to her again and decided to stick himself on Steve’s side — who seemed to notice his disappointment and hesitation.
Steve glanced at Eddie when he heard the 50th sigh coming out of the metal guitarist. Eyebrow twitching a little bit from annoyance but thankfully he has grown patient from having taken care of the kiddos for a while now. Though — that patience quickly snapped when he heard the weirdo starting to sigh again, “ What’s the matter ? “ he spoke with a hint of annoyance in his voice, this being the second time they were speaking to one another after the previous one where Eddie encouraged his pinning towards Nancy Wheeler — basically.
“ What ? What ? Nothings the matter ? What do you mean ? Everything’s fine ? Nothings the matter with me, pft, what’s the matter with you -? “ Steve rolled his eyes at the rambling as he continued to walk next to Eddie, “ Spill it Munson, you basically broke the worlds record on a person sighing within 10 seconds. “
Eddie wondered for a moment — is a record like that even a thing ? — before shaking his head before stifling a sigh at the feeling of Steve glaring at him when he saw him almost open his mouth to do that again. “ Well — it’s [Y|N]. She’s what’s matter with me — and not even in a bad way ? She — I — I just don’t know ? Usually I’m good at talking with everyone and all but — “ he looked forward, heart stuttering at the sight of the said woman walking next to Nancy and robin with a determined expression.
“ Fuck — anytime I try to talk to her I keep embarrassing myself ! “ he whisper-yelled, looking back at Steve who only looked at him with a quirked brow. “ And I can’t help it — she’s just so fucking awesome and sweet and just so kind I — I wanna tell her I like her — basically love her — but — what if she doesn’t like me back ? “ Eddie groaned, moving his hands up to rub his face, trying to avoid rubbing his rings on his eyes.
“ I don’t even know why I’m talking about this to you when you don’t even have a solid relationship yet, no offense, “ he slumped while Steve looked at him with a gaped, offended expression as he laid a hand on his exposed hairy chest, “ a lot of offense taken ! “
Steve decided to push that aside and try to give some good advice in romance to the other boy. “ Look, Munson — what you have to do is just talk to her. You did that earlier and it went well ! Well — kind of ? It wasn’t bad — just a little awkward ? Besides ! She looks like she likes you too ! Trust me. “
Eddie looked at Steve with furrowed eyes. Looking back at [Y|N] before faltering in his intense staring when the said beautiful woman turned to glance at him and — and freaking waved at him too with that cute smile of hers — he gave out a shaky sigh this time.
Steve rolled his eyes at how helplessly in love Eddie looked, did he look at Nancy like that too ? Steve shook his head before patting at the metal lover slumped back, “ besides, how would you know she doesn’t like you if you never say anything ? Come on, we only have one life to live. “
Nodding before straightening up his back.
“ Yeah — You’re right. We only have one life. Gotta love it as hardcore metal as possible. Just like Death is. “
Steve looked confused and slightly concerned as he tilted his head towards Eddie as he didn’t even get the reference at all , “ What ? “
And here it is, our final night alive.
As the earth burns to the ground.
It wasn’t long before things got more complicated for everyone. Yet so intimate for the oblivious - and seeming - star crossed lovers.
Oh, boy, it’s you that I lie with.
As the atom bomb locks in.
Oh, boy, it’s you I watch tv with.
As the world, as the world caves in.
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
Haikyuu Fanfic recs: bamf/spy AU ;)
Hello loves! ~~Here I am, once again, not finishing one of the other drafts that I have and making a different post~~ (meant to be sung with the make it shine tune) Pretending like you didn’t just read that, I am here to recommend some bamf/spy AU fics because currently, that’s my vibe LOL. No this will NOT have mafia (even tho they are bamf’s) because this is supposed to be spy/secret agent orientated :))))))) (I say this, but if they overlap, they overlap.)
Because of the nature of this list, many of these fics will prolly be a little/lot graphic with their depictions of violence so beware and be warned! I won’t put individual warnings cause like I said these are all a bit graphic in their own ways. That being said, let’s get down to business (cause Mulan IS a bamf) ;)
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading (ESP THIS LIST) and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
Super Spy Husbands by leurauxe /IwaOi/ I LOVE THIS SERIES AKJASFDJK READ IT. It’s SO good and I love their actions scenes and the BACKSTORY OMFG THE BACKSTORY. The proposal fic was SO GOOD AAJSFJLS. Like everyone is done so well in these fics and the plot progression? YES PLEASE.
Hell Mission by codename_bewareofthefangirl (T) 22.7k /IwaOi/ okay IwaOi yes yes but Akaashi? MVP boys. It do be like that sometimes hehe. Anyway, the interactions between them (IwaOi and the whole squad) are gold. Also Iwa and the shower scene? Yes daddy ;)
sorry baby by sketchedsmiles (M) 34.3k /SunaOsa/ THIS!!! Okay you might be thinking wow this seems weird but just read it. I love the way their relationship slowly comes to be and like at the end SakuAtsu just knows ajkfhaldjf. Also when Osamu did the thing (at the hotel) I FREAKED OUT LIKE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT but it’s okay. They fixed it :’)
bang! now we're even by Authoress (M) 11.9k /BokuAka/ yes you might recognize this from my other post LOL, but I really love this fic so here it is. AGAIN HEHE. Also, Akaashi in a dress? Like the tags might state, what more do you need? The characters are done beautifully, and the story development is SO good (like THE TWIST UGH).
hq detective AUs by valiantarmor /BokuAka, KuroKen, IwaOi/ again, from that same post EHEHE. Man do I really love fighting in my fics LOL. This was super good and the plot itself kept me really engaged (what a twist omg). It does talk a bit about mental health issues, but it’s done so well, and they really did this AU justice! The three fics can be read separately BUT they’re all done so well, I think you should read them all :)
The One With The Spies by hangoverhater /Multi (but mainly IwaOi)/ PLEASE,,, the fics in this series? HILARIOUS. THE SECOND FIC ”Well, this is a nice change of scenery.” “It’s a prison cell.” “I was being sarcastic.” HAD ME DYING. Poor Daichi, he really needs those days off :)))))
on the eighteenth by skittidyne (T) 5k /KuroKen/ I love fics where the characters are forced to face their feelings. This is one of those fics LOL. It’s done so well and the small details (as Kenma loves) are inserted really well. Like the first night where they fake doing stuff? Amazing LOL.
Punches by Sebastians_senpai (M) 1.5k /IwaOi/ hot Iwa hot bamf Iwa. Like entrance? Hot. Killing people? Hot. Anyway I want a boyfriend who will protect me if I get hurt. Can I be Oikawa? (you know being Oikawa would be an honor in itself)
just a boy undercover (and a boy with the getaway) by volchitsae (M) 14.1k /SakuAtsu/ twin fight rendition number idk but it’s good so whatever LOL. Is it really a SakuAtsu fic without one mention of a major twin fight? (probably yes but in this case no LOL) This one was SO good and I love how annoying Sakusa is >>>> for Atsumu. Also the acceptance at the end ajfakdlf HEART WARMED.
to crash in orbit by aceun (T) 2.8k /SunaOsa/ I LOVE BEING UNPROFESSIONAL ON THE JOB!!!!!! I adore how they know each other’s tendencies and how Osamu is like, I know he’s hot LOL. Also when they talked about Rome and Prague it made me laugh OMG. And RIP Osamu’s watch, worked hard never to be seen again LOL.
the unfinished kiss by Ellieb3an (E) 6.3k /SakuAtsu/ I told myself, less or no smut, but here we are. Honestly you’d think I learn I never stick to my own rules LOL. Anyway, this is SPICY so avoid if you don’t like smut heheh. I absolutely love when they use fighting as foreplay like adflkhf yes PUNCH HIS FACE (does that make me violent? probably LOL).
In knives and bullets by badreputation (M) 8.3k /SunaOsa/ UGH this one. Suna and Osamu’s relationship is *chef’s kiss*. And like I love how it isn’t too rushed and they took their time (also angry Suna is HOT). Like the tension at the house during the thing and then the PROPOSAL (LIKE YES). I always find myself coming back to this fic cause I just really love it <3
training by Sebastians_senpai (M) 3.2k /IwaOi/ again the smut.... ANyway, this one is some bamf Oikawa and head-made-of-steel Iwa LOL. Also some avengers talk makes it’s way up (and need I say, Iwa probably did look hot af when he did that), and him constantly hitting the other guy (cause spoilers hehe) made me laugh (ie. targeting LOL).
glass stained black by unrequitedangst (E) 31k /SunaOsa/ OKAY I said nO mAfIa Au’s well.... Technically it’s a SPY mafia AU so teehee. Also another repost cause why not LOL (but altered cause my writing is atrocious). The character development of Osamu is really legit and despite being mafia, it’s not that heavy or angst of a fic (but you should still definitely read tags and warnings first). It’s a non-linear fic (which I really liked, cause I love non-linear hehe) and the organization just adds another level to the fic development!
I love BAMF so if you have any to recommend, DO IT. Always up for more bamf/spy/secret agent AU’s HEHE. Also this turned into a collection of the same ships LOL IM SORRY, but I have a type and I think it’s very obvious hehe. I hope you all were careful about tags because I got lazy LOL. And this wasn’t in any particular order so I should’ve done it by ship, but I’m too lazy to do it now LOL. Hopefully, you all enjoyed this list and tbh for my other lists tbd, I might take out commentary and just put like the names (with links ofc). We’ll see LOL. Stay safe and have a great day! <3
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floreleine · 3 years
That GM prequel fic - part 3: Florence's POV
Part 1 (Madeleine, <1k, G)
Part 2 (Scarlet, 1k, G)
Ships: Floreleine & ScarletMay
Hiding the entire fic under the readmore this time for Part 1+2 spoiler reasons! This one's also rated G (or T if we're going for swear words and alcohol consumption I guess), a little over 1k words.
There will be at least 1 more part of this, and then I might post a revised and possibly longer version to ao3.
Bc idk where to put this in the fic itself yet, quick setting overview: they're not sitting around a table but instead Florence and Madeleine are sitting on a small couch, Scarlet is next to Madeleine on a wobbly kitchen chair and Anna May is sitting opposite them on a barstool at the kitchen aisle.
That night, the librarians plus Scarlet (and minus Baby, who is sleeping in the next room under a security camera that both Madeleine and Scarlet insist on checking every other minute) are sitting in the kitchen together for dinner and a drink.
Or five drinks in Anna May's case, as she downs the first one in one go and hasn't let go of the Whiskey bottle since. Florence can't blame her, really - if Madeleine had run off with some guy, no matter how early in their relationship, only to return a year later with tears and a baby... She has no idea what she'd be doing right now.
Madeleine and Scarlet are talking about the child right now, sharing child-caring advice - Florence is fairly certain that Madeleine has her knowledge from books and only from books, but she seems to have picked out sound advice from all that she has read at least - and Florence has to smile fondly at how Madeleine is glowing at the prospect of having a child in the library.
Scarlet is careful in her replies, not wanting to commit to anything, her eyes shifting back to Anna May whenever she doesn't think that the others are looking.
'She's afraid she'll kick her out after all,' Florence thinks with a quiet sigh. 'Can't blame her, Anna knows how to hold a grudge, and with how she is drinking right now... It isn't her friendliest appearance'.
Still, she thinks that they will work it out. They better. It's been a while since she has seen Anna May have an emotional reaction to just about anything, and it can't be healthy to keep it all locked inside, pushing all chances of happiness away.
Madeleine must have heard her sigh, and she leans back against Florence's side. Florence squeezes her arm, content to have her by her side, glad that they, at least, don't have to worry about their relationship status. Being with Madeleine always relaxes her, makes her feel like everything is alright in the world.
Madeleine presses a kiss to her chin and, after checking that both Scarlet and Anna May are looking down at their glasses, nods in the direction of the door. 'Should we give those two some privacy?'
Florence tilts her head for a moment to consider, then shakes her head, nodding at Anna May, and Madeleine winces a little. Yes, Anna is barely keeping it together now, who knows what she may say or rather shout if they left them alone... Anna May should get a chance to cool down, before she ends up saying something she doesn't mean and would regret.
As if on cue, Anna May throws back the rest of the Whiskey in her glass in one gulp and loudly brings it down on the kitchen counter as if to dispel the silence that has fallen.
Madeleine looks like she wants to remind her about cursing with children in the house again, but Florence squeezes her arm to stop her. They don't need to irritate Anna May even more right now.
"I'm sorry," Scarlet says immediately. Florence doesn't think that she is apologizing for anything in particular, just for the situation in general, for present and past.
Anna May gets up and turns around, putting her glass in the sink and turning on the water, but then just leaning against it with her hands holding onto the metal edge and her knuckles turning white.
Florence is trying to decide whether to step in or not when Scarlet speaks up again in a shaky voice. "I can - I can leave, I don't have to -" she gets up, clearly ready to bolt, and Anna May flinches, but she doesn't turn back around.
"No-one's" leaving, Florence says at the same time as Madeleine says "No, don't be silly!" They share a smile, and then Madeleine squeezes her hand before getting up and walking over to Madeleine. "Come on, let me show you everything. You can sleep in the room with Samantha, me and Florence aren't really using it much anyway."
Florence watches them go with a soft smile. Madeleine always knows what to do, what to say. She's so grateful to have her.
Once the other two have left, Florence goes up to Anna May and slams the still-running tap down, making her jump.
"Stop wasting water and get a hold of yourself, Anna!"
Anna May whirls around, clearly ready to fight, but Florence just throws her a deadpan look and she deflates.
"Fuck, I don't know what to do." She slurs her words a little, but not as much as Florence would have expected after that much alcohol.
"Right now? You are going to drink some water so you will not be terribly hungover tomorrow. And tomorrow, you have got to think about whether you want that woman and her kid to stick around or not."
Anna May flinches a little, but when Florence sighs and pours her a glass of water, she takes it without protest and gulps most of it down in one go.
"I dun' want her to leave," she then murmurs, staring down at the glass in her hands. "She left me once, I don't want her to leave me again."
Florence sighs and pulls her into a hug. "Bloody hell, Anna, why did you never say anything? You must have been fucking heartbroken, and all you told us was that you gave dating one last chance."
Anna May half-laughs, half-sobs and clings to Florence like a lifeline. "Don't know. Didn't want to be weak. Didn't want it to be real."
"Oh, Anna," Florence sighs and squeezes her tightly. Then she takes a step back and fixes her with a hard look. "You've got to tell her that, you know that, Anna May? She is going to run away just to give you space while you are not talking to her because you're afraid she might run anyway."
Anna May sighs and grimaces a little, but nods. "I - tomorrow. I'll tell her tomorrow, before I can chicken out." she sighs. "I mean, it's not like I know whether she'd want to - whether she still-" she sighs. "She only left me because he didn't want to share, but maybe by now she's just over me."
Florence shrugs. "I can't look in her head, Anna, but from the way she looks at you... I think you guys will figure it out."
Anna May nods uncertainty, then frowns again. "And you'd be fine with it, if she's staying here... Indefinitely? I mean, she has a - kid -" she adds with a somewhat perplexed expression on her face, making Florence laugh. She's half of a mind to say 'congrats, you're a step-mom!' but stops herself at the last second. There will be time for that kind of joke when the peace between Anna May and that Scarlet isn't quite so fragile anymore. "Exactly," she instead replies. "So you know Madeleine will be mad at you forever if you let them get away."
Anna May snorts. "She did seem quite... taken by the kid."
Florence nods, frowning a little herself now. "She's always wanted kids, she just accepted that it isn't sensible in our line of work, and that I am not interested in them anyway. Seeing her with Samantha, now I'm wondering..."
"You did nothing wrong," Anna May reassures her. "And fuck, can you imagine having two kids around? It will be bad enough, trying to protect the one from everybody."
Florence sighs and nods. "I suppose. But I'm sure we'll manage. ...are you going to be alright now, or do I have to hide the Whiskey?"
"I'm not a drunk," Anna May replies a little offended, and Florence grins.
"I know you're not, but you sure made a great impression of one earlier!"
Anna May groans, and then she turns back to the counter to refill her waterglass. "Fuck, I'll be so dead tomorrow."
"Sleep in, then. Me 'n Madeleine will make sure Scarlet won't take off before you're awake and had your talk with her."
Anna May nods sharply. Florence smiles and squeezes her arm. "Well, get some sleep. I'll check on Scarlet and Madeleine."
Anna May nods again, and Florence sees her lean back against the counter with a deep sigh while she is leaving the kitchen. She really hopes that Anna May will take her advice to heart. Some heartbreak can't be avoided- but the one between her and Scarlet doesn't seem quite so inevitable.
Part 4
@phoenixhalliwell @thesevenwondersofawitch another update, hope you liked it!
If anyone else wants to be tagged for this series, lmk! Not tagging my usual GM tag list in every fic update as that would just be spammy.
Taking prompts!
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katara0524 · 3 years
Impromptu Ramblings about the NEO:TWEWY Demo
In case y'all weren't aware, I've been a pretty big fan of TWEWY for a couple years now, and with the sequel coming out next month, the excitement I feel for this game is greater than ever :) I played the Demo for the first time yesterday, and following a couple views of some livestreams of others playing it, I felt like sharing my (very ramble-y) thoughts prior to the release of the full game. This post WILL contain spoilers for both TWEWY and NEO:TWEWY, so if you want to avoid those from now on, please block the tags: #twewy spoilers, #ntwewy spoilers, #neo twewy spoilers, #ntwewy, and #neo twewy ^_^ Oh, and if you wanna keep up with any other posts I make about my experience with this game, please refer to the tag "kat plays neo twewy" :)
-First things first: I have not watched the Final Trailer and I don't plan on doing so to avoid spoilers, especially after the pre-release era of KH3 where a lot of the later trailers spoiled a lot of the endgame content. That being said, I've seen some minor screenshots from the final trailer including what many believe to be characters from the original TWEWY, namely Shiki and Joshua. That is all I know about the Final Trailer and I would very much like to remain as blind as possible going into NEO :)
-The very first cutscene was quite ominous in the sense that this game is likely going to be about "changing fate" (a recently common theme in Squeenix games, which I do appreciate), perhaps leading off from the end of A New Day in the OG and trying to stop an Inversion of Shibuya. Also worth noting that A New Day had similar aspects in which the main character experienced "future visions" of tragic events, although in A New Day these events were not able to be changed, while in NEO it seems like one of the main "powers" our protagonist has is specifically to rewrite these events and avoid a "bad ending." Very interesting indeed!
-I really like the revamped comic book style dialogue scenes, it's much more fluid and modern, which is an excellent direction for the series to take!
-I would love to have an actual PokemonGO knockoff of Final Fantasy creatures, please Squeenix that would be incredibleeeeee
-Also the LINE stickers??? Are so cute???
-I would just like to point out that Fret is an absolute treasure throughout this entire demo, he's hilarious and I will protect him with my life
-UHHHH don't like that Fret picked up some Reaper Pins just out of nowhere.....or the fact that they're apparently popular all over Shibuya.............did y'all not learn anything from the OG game or what lmao
-Okay so when I first got the "curry or ramen" scene and heard NPCs talking about the new curry place replacing the old ramen place I became IMMENSELY distressed that Ramen Don was totally cut from the game because....well, Ramen Don is a King okay?? But I'm glad to learn that no, he didn't fall off the face of the earth, he's still in business and he's the one opening the curry restaurant lolol. PHEW, crisis averted!
-.....I don't like the sudden appearance of a Wall Reaper and being able to read NPC thoughts. Wtf happened when they left the ramen place??? Are they playing the Game alive somehow?
-Okay so I have my own theories about this "Swallow" character and what they're up to but considering this is only the Demo and I still Have No Idea What's Happening, I'm just gonna say that I think Swallow intentionally led Rindo and Fret to the Crossing so they could join the Game. I mean, add in the fact that Swallow still communicates with Rindo during the Game and you've got yourself a suspicious character right there lol
-"Hey they're shooting off fireworks!" Fret honey that's not fireworks oof (see also: "*laughs* I'm in danger")
-WOOOOOO way to traumatize Rindo right off the bat like that LMAOO
-The visuals for the intro are VERY GOOD, the song is pretty decent until it gets all "screamo" (which I absolutely cannot stand sorry lol)
-Shoka is every Customer Service employee ever and I respect that
-Susukichi went from being "meh" to "WOW THIS GUY IS FUN" in the span of 10 seconds and I also respect that (he is also built like an Absolute Unit which is hilarious)
-The Wall Reapers (and just Reapers in general) seem.....way nicer and more helpful this time around?? Like in the OG the Wall Reapers were SO RUDE gfhjgjdfkhn and yeah I'm sure we'll get some like that but the juxtaposition of the first Wall Reaper in the OG compared to the first one in NEO is insane.
-The puzzles are quite a bit more entertaining this time around even if it's generally the same "fetch quest" formula lol
-"Rindo's Group" way to go Fret HFKJDGHSDFKJ mans really left the default name in there lmao
-OKAYOKAYOKAY so to those who aren't aware I am a MASSIVE SIMP for Sho Minamimoto, he's my absolute favorite and I think about him daily. HIS INTRODUCTION IS. INCREDIBLE. I LOVE IT SM.
-GOD hearing him actually SPEAK FULL SENTENCES is just SO SURREAL I love this sm
-Also the remix of his theme???? NEO TRANSFORMATION????? IT'S SO GOOD????????? It's like gone from a Boss Theme to a more triumphant sounding theme and I am HERE for it (every version of Transformation is just INCREDIBLE and getting a new one is even better)
-I Love Him, Your Honor
-Also idk how exactly but it's kinda weird seeing Sho in the OG vs NEO, cuz while he's mostly the same Insane Math-Obsessed Catboy, he's.....calmed down quite a bit?? Like OG made a whole point of how poorly he cooperates with others (not to mention just being completely unhinged and trying to kill everyone), whereas here in NEO he's......actually kinda working with others??? HELLO???? Sir what happened to you and Neku during those 3 years I would love to know all about it
-I guarantee you Sho is still probably scheming shite and will likely pull some total insane BS later down the road, and I am very much looking forward to that. Also, is he looking for a certain Pin or something??? Cuz he keeps talking about different Pins and even mentions "this is just another Psych Pin" like he's actively looking for a Pin to do something with. Maybe it also has to do with the "latent powers of Players" thing he mentioned as well??? What is this dude UP TO oml (also is he in contact with Neku at all?? they're both technically fugitives at this point right?? WHAT HAPPENED AFTER A NEW DAY I AM BEGGING YOU)
-I seems like Sho ALSO has an idea of what's going on in this specific game (even if he won't admit it straightforward). Per his quote "The game's 142,857. Factor it out," he's essentially saying, "This game is a neverending cyle, figure out how to get out of it" (or at least that's what I got from his "cyclic number" nonsense lolol)
-I do like how Sho mostly stays out of sight until he's needed for a battle or assisting with a mission, that's kind of on par with his whole "uncooperative" quirk from the OG, plus he might literally have to stay out of sight of other Reapers and Players considering he's likely breaking the rules of the Game (not surprising considering him and Neku broke practically every rule in the book during OG)
-The nicknames for Sho- I can't- They're so FUNNYYYY GFHJSDFKJ
-He goes from being called "Pi-Face" and "Tabooty" in OG to "Mr. Minami" and "M-Teezy" in NEO LMAOO
-(Wowee I just realized I've been mostly talking about Sho oopsies sorry y'all, this is what I meant by thinking about him almost daily he is THAT much of a fav of mine ghfkjsd)
-Okay RIP Fret and Rindo for not getting literally ANY explanation as to how the Game works OOF, that is kinda cringe that whoever gets the Pin earns points, not whoever erases the Noise (which like I understand but also URRRGGHHH I WANNA SEE THE SQUAD SUCCEED)
-"I should be going home now it's getting late" Oh you sweet summer child-
-Also love the mention of parents in this game???? KH you could learn a thing or two from TWEWY (poor Rindo's mom fhgjkdh)
-KUBO IS HILARIOUS I SUPPORT HIM AND HIS GROSS FACE (also thank you Final Trailer thumbnail for spoiling my suspicions about him very cool smh)
-Kaie is a LAD I also support him, go King type those funky texts I believe in you
-FRET PLS STOP SCANNING FHGJKSDHKJFGHFKJ he's like me when I scan in OG during Weeks 2 and 3 and see Taboo Noise coming after me ghfjdshfj
-Also Rindo can you stay off your phone for TWO SECONDS ik you're trying to figure things out but Fret is a jelly boi and I don't want him to be upset with you my guy
-Sho being an actual sorta mentor to the kiddos?? Who are you sir this is so unlike you ghfgskj what happened to the guy who tried shooting children in the face 8 times over LMAO (granted he's probably just using them but it's still nice to see him actually cooperating and sharing knowledge with the kiddos aaaaa)
-hgjkfshgkjf "we aren't glorifying capitalism on my watch" THATS SO FUNNY TO ME GFHJFSDGHJKS (also an all-orange ensemble is disgusting you deserve jail for one thousand years fkn Cheddar Goldfish Cheezit ass woman)
-gfhsgjf Poor Rindo embarassing himself for the sake of the Game that's incredible
-R e t u r n t o M O N K E. That is all.
-Dialogue during boss battles is HELLA cool i love that
-HHHHH THE KANON SCENE MADE ME A N G E R Y FRET STOP SIMPING MY GUY says the girl with a Literal Simp Encyclopedia and simps for pixels on a screen daily
-Can't wait to see the other Reapers :eyes emoji:
-CAN'T WAIT TO SEE NAGI MY BELOVED YEAHHHH WOOOOOO AAAAND that's about it for the demo lolol, I absolutely CANNOT wait for next month, this game is gonna be INCREDIBLE holy hell Prepare for more simping, more screaming, and more vibing from Yours Truly :) I fully intend on sharing more general thoughts like this on both Tumblr and Twitter so it's not just reblog-retweet-reblog-retweet with the occasional comment fhgskjd
If you wanna witness my insanity up close and personal I have a Square Enix Discord server called Sea Side Dreamers! You can look it up on Disboard, or you can add me on Discord @Katara0524#9244 for a direct link :) We have topics about Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, NieR, and ofc TWEWY (as well as other topics!), so if you want some good ol' chaos and chitchat, you're more than welcome to join!
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crowstan · 4 years
Sanders Sides post except I haven't seen it before
Ok this post is inspired by an absolute flood of Patton and Logan in a skirt, on my Instagram, which was not anything related to any of the dnd or homestuck tags but whatever. That whole mess that happened yesterday inspired this, because as y'all know: I love analyzing things weirdly and what is blogging but analyzing your own thoughts in an odd way? Anyway, spoilers ahead because this is what I've unfortunately been leaked, which means I got this stuff via spoilers.
What is Sanders Sides? So, I actually have no idea and I want to go in bare bones because. I never get to go in with little info. All i know is that it's by Thomas Sanders (he apparently does have a tumblr, I did not look up what it was because, once again, trying to get the barest and best experience I can and I worry that may taint it in some way). All I know about Thomas is that he did vines that I really like and that he has his pronouns in all of his bio's, which so far makes him very ok in my books because I have not met one person who is in any way harmful to others who has their pronouns in their bio. Then again i don't see it often anyway but regardless. And that's literally all I know about him and Sanders Sides, so. Stuff that I have worked together with the unhealthy amount of spoilers I didn't willing get that made me want to make this. -They are all symbolic or are humanoid versions of like, different parts of someone? They're also color coded which my little color coding heart loves sm! There's morality, creativity, creativity #2: electric boogaloo, logic, anxiety, and deciet which may also be denial? not sure about the last bit. -Morality's (moralities?) name is Patton, and his color is light blue. He is the dad character and is bad with any "negative" feelings, which, mood. He is one of the sides i saw in a skirt and may be my favorite possibly, simply bc I Do Not Have Good Male Figures and he's a dad character. Name a better duo than good dad characters and my lack of any positive guys in my life that aren't my age. He's part of the "core four", whatever that means. Really likes animals? I mean that does make sense bc, morality, but also that's different for each person. overall conclusion: now my dad. (/j) -Next up: Anxiety. Name is Virgil (?), color is a shade of purple. Don't know what one bc purple is one of those colors i can't remember too well. Seems like how I imagine my anxiety but a little less focused on death. I would befriend him were in not for the fact I Cannot approach people unless I'm actually dying and even then I can't. Apparently was a "dark side" at some point but now isn't? Redemption ark ig, idk what a dark side is or if it would be equivalent enough with "evil" to have that be a redemption ark. Final conclusion: wait, is that me but cis and let loose in a hot topic? -Creativity #1. Name is Roman, color is red I think. A prince character, and I'm not sure what else to add. I think he is a theatre fan, amd also I would avoid him at all costs because as friendly as he is, we don't have the same vibes and i would panic. Definitely drinks his "respect women" juice, and it's actually "respect women" juice n not whatever the hecc it is that people who /say/ the drink "respect women" juice drinks. he'd go out of his way to make sure your drink doesn't get spiked. this man is hella good, 10/10, would trust but not talk to. -Creativity #2, apparently the brother of Roman? His name is Remus, color is green, and i say this with my full heart: I love him. he seems like the kind of person who barked at people in middle school bc he thought he was a werewolf. who drank an entire bottle of glue in kindergarten at had to go to the hospital and did it again. he's the kind of person who would offer you up a worm and tell you disturbing facts about animals and then go off and play his little games he made up with twisted scenarios. and you know what? that's amazing and i absolutely love that so much. I know nothing about him except he eats deodorant and is the embodiment of intrusive thoughts and "oh god /why/" scenarios you thought of for some reason. -Logic. Name is Logan, ah, really similar to what he represents but I mean, still a very good name. His color is dark blue, aka my favorite color besides dark grey. Really likes jam? I feel like this man has read the dictionary and has "different vocabularies" he uses for different events and people, which may be a self projection but. Def Ravenclaw vibes bc!! hear me out!! not stereotypes!! I feel this man, the literal *embodiment* of logic, would value learning and knowledge which is part of what makes a ravenclaw! so it is not self projection, it is *knowledge* (/hj). that's it, i would absolutely love to debate him sm but i feel like that would be similar to that time i talked about Quadrants with a friend for an hour and they had no idea what was going on at all.
-Last one, deceit/denial. I don't know if he's denial as i got that from a little comic that i thought was funny because it had a pun. His name is Janus (don't know how to pronounce it, been saying it like Jay-Nuhss), and his color is yellow. apparently part snake or something and!! I love snakes. Apparently was in a courtroom at one point, and we all know those are fae territory, so possibly a fae (hj). apparently has multiple arms!! which does not fit in with the snake bit, as snakes have zero arms, but regardless still cool! I know the least about him, and I'm definitely looking forward to watching him!! i love snakes sm.-
moving on from the sides slightly, apparently there's another one, who's color is orange! from someone who vaguely knows about colors but knows enough that each side more or less relates to their color, i have no idea what this side could be! best guess is it's just Thomas in a top hat. I never learned about orange because orange, yellow, some reds, and some blues are very stabby to my eyes and i will get a headache so I just. never learned it. why would i learn about a color i literally can't look at without my eyes hurting? I do know orange is a caution color, and in nature it cam be found on dangerous stuff as a "stay away!" color, and pared with black it doesn't kill my eyes and those are the Halloween colors. So maybe caution? Or some dangerous thing? It doesn't make sense, as those aren't really "sides" in the traditional sense, nor with anxiety being a sort of "caution" thing. Anyway, I would need more info on orange and, depending on how the orange color is, i may react more negatively. Like with blue Christmas lights.
-there are lots of puns!! i love puns!! i don't take the opportunity to make many, but i love them sm. just like snakes! and cats! in fact i actually know a lot about cat behavior
lmao that's literally all i have, I'll go watch the whole series and also talk about that later in smaller posts, each post being one or two episodes depending on how long it is
(ah jeez it got all messed up again, under maintenance!! sorry about that!! the tags got all mixed around too!!)
(update #2: still messed up but I'll need to not use my tablet to fix it, which i can't do rn! sorry y'all :(!! )
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klonoadreams · 4 years
Been on a Villainess* kick, have some of my favorites (*not all are villainess but most are)(mostly manga not webtoons, sorry if that's a deal breaker)(wow, there was more than I was expecting, feel free to ignore!)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!- if you're a fan of the genre you've probably already read/watched it but! I'll rec it anyway just in case
The Result Of Being Reincarnated Is Having A Master-Servant Relationship With The Yandere Love Interest- or that one where almost everybody is reincarnated and trying to stop the bad ends
The Villainess, Cecilia Silvie, Doesn't Want To Die, So She Decided To Cross-Dress!- er, exactly what it says on the tin
Fiancée’s Observation Log Of The Self-Proclaimed Villainess- good mostly outsider pov
Endo And Kobayashi’s Live Commentary On The Villainess- if you could change the story of a game (as the player), would you?
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is A Villain- accidentally getting involved
The Reincarnated Villainess' Dark History- reincarnated in your middle school fanfic
The Villainess Is Adored By The Crown Prince Of The Neighboring Kingdom- very shoujo
Tearmoon Empire Story- no isekai, just trying not to die
Fiancee Be Chosen By The Ring- no isekai or reincarnation, just dorks in a panicked arranged engagement
I'm The Prince’s Consort Candidate However, I Believe I Can Certainly Surpass It!- magic arranged engagement
Middle-Aged Man's Noble Daughter Reincarnation- yes, if nothing else, read this comedy
OHH, I’ve read most of them actually!!! Y’all underestimate how much me and the guys in my server just INHALE these things.
We go at them carefully, cuz some of them tend to be a bit...YEAH.
There’s one where our MC ended up with black hair and dark skin (which isn’t really dark, she’s got a light olive tone at best in the cover art) because she can control darkness that made a LOT of people wary of her, when really, she’s just a nice kid... BUT UHHH, the implications about THAT.
And not helping, is that in the comments, there were some spoilers from the novel, that later on, she loses her dark skin, like...wtf?????? EVEN WORSE, THE WAY SHE’S TREATED IS CHANGED IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE OF IT (they treat her BETTER).
I just dropped it after that, I’m not even gonna bother with stuff like that. Idk what’s going on there, but I literally cannot deal with that shit cuz of the implications. (it’s called  I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn't Mean I'm a Bad Person!)
(literally the premise is so damaging, and like, I’m nowhere near pale, but I’m still on the lighter end of brown, so seeing that is just...it’s gross)
ANYWAYS, the Old man reincarnated as the villainess is AMAZING. Literally all started when the Zoids Mangaka was posting stuff on twitter about what HE wanted to see from an isekai like that.
I followed it pre serialization, and am currently following it now that it’s been serialized. Literally, old man KEEPS FUCKING RAISING FLAGS. BECAUSE HE’S BAD AT BEING MEAN. He’s just...A DAD. But also, really nice.
The Fiance’s Observation Log is also good!! Was following it when the LN was getting translated, and then immediately jumped to the manga adaptation when I saw it existed.
Same goes with our girl, Katarina in Destruction Flag Otome. And a lot of these, really. Eheheh, when I came across Destruction Flag Otome, I went on a BINGE on novel updates under the villainess tag.
Read the Yandere one, and I have another one to suggest, It Seems Like I Got Reincarnated Into the World of a Yandere Otome Game. Lycoris is our girl, and she’s doing her best to avoid getting killed, but like...ehehhee, the yanderes are still THERE, despite her meddling. It’s just that it turned into a softer yan, where everyone is just protective of her. It has some elements of horror and psychological stuff here, which is what makes it so interesting.
There’s May I Please Ask You Just One Last Thing? if you want some catharsis since our MC will beat the shit out of those who piss her off. The downside is that the guy interested in her is...really pissing me off, since he only likes her because everyone else bores him like. No. Just no. That’s not romantic.
If you want to use a premise like that, Fiance’s Observation Log does it better because it started off with him being a CHILD, and doing things cuz it was interesting...AND THEN HE GOT ATTACHED because of it.
The Daughter of the Albert House Wishes for Ruin is AMAZING, our MC wants to be a villainess because she has REASONS, but the problem is THAT SHE KEEPS COMING OFF AS A TSUNDERE. And the Heroine just accepts that, like “WOW!!!!”
Milady Just Wants To Relax is a good one if you want fluffy beast-kin getting treated nicely by our MC, who opens up a cafe after reaching her destruction flag. She’s having a nice time and the beast-kin have taken to protecting her. They try to stay in their human form, to keep her from feeling intimidated, when in reality, she likes their beast form. It’s just fluffy times here.
I have so many others to recommend, but I just suggest looking up the Villainess tag on mangadex.
THAT SAID, do keep an eye out for any red flags that pop up. Because you never know when you’ll come across another Abandoned Empress. Anyways, thanks for the recs!! Gonna read Tearmoon Empire Story!!
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sugarlino · 4 years
we all lie ♛ hhj
genre(s) : angst , sky castle!au , school!au , strangers to lovers!au , best friends to enemies!au
pairing(s) : reader x hyunjin , reader x everyone eventually tbh ;-;
w.c. : ≈ 1k
desc. : welcome to SKZ castle. you’re on your own now, with no family to depend on. you have your friends by your side though, right?
warning(s) : mentions of suicide , mentions of death , mentions of guns , mentions of religious beliefs , funeral setting , a few lame time skips because this is a prologue before the real action starts :’)
a/n : this is the prologue and sort of a sneak peek to a series i am starting, inspired by my favorite k-drama of all time, sky castle! this is kind of focused on the children more than the parents, unlike the actual drama, and the plot is kinda similar to sky castle (there are quite a few changes though) so if you don’t want any spoilers for the show, i suggest you don’t read this series!
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December 2017
Everyone repeated the word back, but you remained silent. The heavy rain felt like hail ― no, chunks of salt ― as the droplets hit your body, you being the only one there without an umbrella. Was staying dry really the important thing here? Your mother was gone, and the only thing everyone else cared about was keeping their designer clothing dry. How could they be so selfish? Or were you overreacting? It’s not like using an umbrella at an outdoor funeral was illegal...
Your thoughts were interrupted by a gentle hand on your wet shoulder. When you turned around, you saw your best friend Rosie’s mother, who was a friend of your mother’s as well, staring at you with pity in her eyes. She looked sad, but the way her heavy makeup wasn’t running in the slightest was proof that she hadn’t shed a single tear yet.
Oh, you poor thing, you poor poor thing, she probably thought. Left motherless before even starting high school. Left without any family at all, your brother having run away to avoid going to university and live with his girlfriend. Your father was an absolute coward, leaving the funeral early to get the paperwork ready to move out of SKZ Castle.
“I’m not going with you,” you firmly told your father. I’m not going with you and leaving my whole life behind because you feel guilty. I know you know this is all your fault!” you screamed at him. “You coward. You’re leaving because you’re afraid of what everyone here will think of you, right, father? Everyone knows you’re at fault more than anyone. Father, this is your fault. Just leave without me, please.”
You felt your eyes sting with more tears at the memory of the night it all happened. About how you woke up at the sound of the gunshot, but went right back to sleep. You assumed your father was letting some steam off, as he and your mother had had a pretty harsh argument daily for the past few days. Your mother left the world that very moment by her own hands and your father’s own gun, and you went right back to sleep because you just didn’t bother checking.
You sunk to the floor, your hands now muddy and weakly clutching to the wet grass. Rosie’s mother crouched down next to you, being careful not to get her black dress dirty in the mud. She patted your back comfortingly as you sobbed, your throat feeling dry from all the sobbing. Her eyes were watering as well, but you failed to notice as you were blinded by your own tears.
“(Name), let’s go inside now. You’ll get sick if you stay out here any longer,” she tried to convince you. You heard her words crystal clear but chose to ignore them, feeling too numb to reply. “(Name), honey, please.” Still too numb, you buried your face in your dirty, muddy, hands.
2 weeks later
“Don’t worry, (Name), I’m sure my mom and dad will agree, and I’m sure Rubie will be excited to have you with us too,” Rosie assured you. She had offered to ask her parents if you could start living with them as your father was getting ready to move out. You had accepted, hoping it wouldn’t be too much trouble.
“I’m really sorry about this, Rosie,” you apologized. Rosie shook her head, pulling you in for a hug.
“Don’t be sorry, I’m more sorry,” she said. You smiled weakly at your best friend’s generosity.
Her parents did end up agreeing, and the family maid got your own room ready in the basement. You weren’t a fan of basements, but you were grateful anyway. You thanked the family constantly, but every time, they just nodded with a sad, pitiful smile on their face. Everyone at the Castle pitied you and your family. You pitied yourself even more.
1 week later
“Already?” You were shocked. Barely a week after your father moved out of SKZ Castle and you moved in with Rosie and her family, a new family was moving into your old home. You couldn’t help but feel upset at how unfairly fast life was moving.
“I know, right?” Rosie scoffed. “Apparently, my dad’s boss chose this family to move in barely after your dad resigned and left! Unbelievable, right?!” Rosie shook her head. “How could they do this?”
“Dad said that that family has a doctor-dad too,” Rubie, Rosie’s little sister whom you treated as your own, stated matter-of-factly. “I guess the Castle is reserved for doctor-dads and their families.”
“But Seungmin’s dad isn’t-“
“You think I don’t know that?” Rubie interrupted her sister as she rolled her eyes and hopped down from the window sill, skipping towards the door. “For someone with the highest scores in your grade, I’m surprised you haven’t heard of sarcasm.” Rubie stuck her tongue out. You stifled a laugh as Rosie grabbed a pillow and threw it at the younger.
“You wanna die?” Rosie threatened, and you couldn’t hold your laugh in this time. Only a week of living with Rosie’s family, and you already felt more welcome than you did with your own biological family. Your parents focused on your smart, successful big brother so much that they forgot to even ask how your day was, being too busy asking your brother for updates on his school work, grades, and “competitors”. Yet, no matter how much you loved and appreciated your best friend and her family, it wasn’t the same. You could tell how hard Rosie was trying to cheer you up, but you still felt down most of the time.
“The nerve of that little...” Rosie groaned, turning back towards the large window. Her eyes widened. “Wait, look!” Rosie tapped your shoulder aggressively as she pointed at the new family. “Look, look, look!”
“What?” You grabbed your shoulder in fake pain and glared at your friend before following Rosie’s finger to the family. ...huh? You cocked your head. “What about them?” You observed the trio, but couldn’t identify anything too special about them aside from their clear astonishment at the huge mansion you used to call your home.
“That’s the really smart kid that my mom told me about. He went to some school I never heard of, but he’s transferring to Go Saeng High ‘cause he got the highest rank at his school! His scores are tied with mine. I can’t believe he’s the one moving in!” Rosie basically screamed, fuming in anger. You tsked at her competitiveness before squinting at the tall, young guy holding a small, black and white dog in his arms.
“Who even is he?” you asked, slightly taken aback by how good looking the young boy was.
“(Name), that’s Hwang Hyunjin.”
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a/n : so that’s it for the prologue / sneak peek! sorry it’s so short, but i have some major plot points planned out so i will write as much as i can as often as i can before i start planning when to release each chapter! (i didn’t wanna make this a chapter thing, but it will be easier for me as i am busy with summer school) i am also figuring out how to make a master list and links etc atm. i might make a tag list as well if somehow, this series ends up doing well as time goes on. idk yet hh!
also! a heads up! a few of the chapters to come in the near future may include sections that are not from the reader’s point of view, but rather a 3rd person pov of another character! i will make sure to clarify~ super excited for this series!
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♛ series masterlist : we all lie ♛
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peeterparkr · 5 years
hi lovely nancy!! 🧚🏻‍♀️ how about a blurb of #40 with tom please? ily ✨
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.” 
 Helloooo! Ooof yess!! Ily 💕
Idk why I wrote this so long i’m sorry 
warnings: angsty, fluffy, 2.5k 
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When the truth speaks loudly there is nothing that can be undone. And you had learned it the bad way.It started out in a bar when you had barely paid any attention to him. In fact, you had both been stuck with each other for lame reasons, your respective friends were about to hook up and you both had the role to entertain the remaining friend.
He didn’t know, but your friend had dared you to get the one and only Tom Holland to ask you out. You were good at getting dates so you accepted the dare. You’d ask her to get rid off his friend, whom luckily she was attracted to, so you could be with him. You had told your friend exactly what she’d do. And Tom had noticed how you had guided your friend into getting with his friend. Your advice was on point, telling her the buttons she had to push to get the man to her. 
And she had. So you had your own game to play. 
“Want me to buy you a drink?” Tom asked, watching his friend leave. 
“Sure, martini, dry,” you said. 
“You were good,” Tom said. “I had never seen Haz ask someone to dance right away.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you chuckled. 
But he had flirted, just a bit, saying how lame both your friends had been at flirting, but how amazing your advice had been for your friend to get Haz to the dancefloor. But you both knew what exactly was coming, you’d probably have to tag along with your friends and let them be while they had all the fun. While you and Tom had to lie that you were having fun. 
“You knew this was happening,” Tom said. “You were conscious you’d have to stay with me, but of course you’re not complaining because you got the lottery didn’t you? Tom freaking Holland,” he laughed. 
“Ah, sure,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m sorry but no, I’m afraid the only sole role I’m playing tonight is the one who has to stay with the friend so she over there can have a good time.” 
Tom grinned. “Are you? Or is she really the one to be playing that role?” He pushed. 
You smirked. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I have no interest in you. I’m only happy she might get some.” 
“So, they’re getting laid and that’s it, what’s special about it?” Tom chuckled. 
“She’s not,” You grinned. “You see, my advice will lead to a date, not a one night stand.” 
“Is it?” Tom chuckled. 
“Yes, I’m good with that,” she chuckled. “You’re boring me, so here, please take care of this, I’m going to dance.” 
And you gave him your purse with a sole purpose, so he could see it and you knew that he’d probably get out your phone, which had no password and he’d call himself to get your number and save his own.  
He did as expected. 
And eventually, he called you. As you had expected, two days later. So he insisted, just as you had expected him to, that you guys should hang out as well, because well, you’d both be alone for the next few weeks considering that you had been right and that your friends hadn’t slept together but they had agreed on going on a date. 
And that’s how it started, first with bowling double dates, then with you going to his parties, then you’d end up at his house helping him with whatever it had occurred to him, barbecues and late-night movie dates. But then, you weren’t with Monica and Harrison. Suddenly both you and Tom were hanging out together without them.
“I got a date,” you had said to your friend. “Give me my fifty bucks.” 
“I’ll give you a hundred if you get into a relationship with him.” 
So it had been. And it was just going to be slightly awkward at the beginning, that’s what you expected. Going to the movies, and going out for dinner. The usual getting to know each other and slightly boring date, that’s what you had expected. But he hadn’t taken you to a fancy restaurant or to the movies, he had decided to do something more fun, so he took you to a boxing match. And that was fun. You both yelled and laughed and had fun. And you had screwed it up because you had kissed him on the first date. 
But so it started. Dates on cafés, bars and picnics under the stars.. Late nights under the white sheets that meant only a melody to you. Breakfasts the next morning with burnt eggs and burnt waffles. Ending up ordering something. 
Visit museums, fancy restaurants and not so fancy ones. Midnight snacks and moonlight secrets.  Cuddles and snuggles and inventing new ways to kiss. Hand holding. You know, cute little dates that would insist on him coming up with a new theory of a new movie. You sharing your favourite books with him and him practising lines with you. Learning about movies that had made you cried and movies that hadn’t, like both of you had cried with Toy Story but neither had cried with A Walk To Remember. Weird pet peeves, like the fact that he despised ketchup or the fact that you hate when people crack their knuckles. 
Background stories with sad memories and childhood stories that were too adorable to forget, like his first Spider-Man comic or your favourite Barbie. 
Then it was public…just slightly, so you’d be seeing your pictures on the internet, and some major gossip on an article you’d avoid reading. 
You had still applied your dating strategies until you weren’t anymore. Suddenly you had broken your number one rule, you were in love with him. And you had taken him to meet your parents and he had taken you to meet his family. 
And before you could back away, the words had slipped by. “I love you.” 
It had been nice, easy, and so not planned. 
You were watching Stranger Things together and you had promised each other that you wouldn’t cheat on each other by skipping ahead. Tom had this horrible habit of spoiling every single series or movie to you. But he had promised he’d wait on this one. 
“I’ve been ignoring all social media,” he said. “I don’t want any spoilers.” 
You bit your lip. “I haven’t been ignoring it,” you confessed. 
“Oh my god, you know what happens, don’t you?” 
You wrinkled your nose. “I might have seen something, but I’m not entirely sure, I closed the app before I could see anything.” 
“Oh, so then I can feel okay about saying this,” he said relieved. “I might have skipped ahead…” 
“You…what?” You frowned. 
“Oh my god, I’m sorry!” He said. “But I couldn’t sleep! I needed to know, if I didn’t… Okay, you see these dark circles? Those were because I couldn’t sleep without knowing, oh my god, I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, what do you want me to do? I’ll…I’ll do anything, want me to eat a spoonful of ketchup?” 
“Oh my god, Tom,” you laughed. “What?” 
“I’ll go get the ketchup, I’m so sorry,” he said and you went over to the fridge and took out a spoon. 
“No, no, oh my god, no Tom, no,” you laughed. “Gosh, no it’s okay, don’t do it.” 
But he had already done it. 
“You’re so stupid, I love you!” And you had said it. 
“What?” You chuckled, clearing his throat. 
“I… You love me?” He asked you. 
“I…uh, didn’t say anything,” you screamed. 
And he had dropped the spoon and ran to you to kiss you. “I love you, too.” 
So, you were screwed. Because you did. And without knowing it, you were in a relationship. And it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal. Because you had completely forgotten your bet. 
Everything had been screwed, until one morning when your friend and roommate came to your room, unbeknownst to her, Tom was in your restroom, washing his face. 
“Here’s your 100 bucks,” Monica said. “You did it, congrats.” 
“What?” You asked. 
“You have a relationship,” she said. “Remember? The bet we had? That if you got him in a relationship I’d give you a hundred bucks, well there you go.” 
And he had listened. And you couldn’t even explain it to him. 
“No, Tom, Tom, Tom, I’m sorry, she didn’t mean-” 
“No, no, I get it, it was a lie! That’s alright, you won the lottery didn’t you honey?” He yelled as he was storming out of your house. “It’s okay, y/n, I’m good. You have a hundred bucks, hope they serve you well.” 
“Tom!” But it had been useless. 
Your days became pathetic. You listened to sad music to make you sadder, and you saw outside with melancholy from the car window when it rained as if you were the star of a video from the 2000’s. All this while you took advantage of the rainy nights to go out and drive to listen to songs that your mom probably used to listen to, but that now they became too special because the fool you were decided to internally dedicate them to him.
So you became a slave to silly things. Pathetic things. Like when you ate chocolate ice cream while watching the Netflix screen over and over again to end up watching Friends for the twelfth time. Turning around in bed and not being able to sleep, just like you were right now. Everything was tasteless and colourless as you soon were realizing that you had to let Tom go. You’d cry over silly things, over Stranger Things and over ketchup. 
You had tried to call him, but he’d never answer. 
When the truth speaks loudly there is nothing that can be undone. And you had learned it the bad way. 
You had mailed him a box, that included two things. An issue of the first Spider-Man comic he’d ever read and a dvd you had found of A Walk To Remember. 
It had a note. 
I never thought I would be in love with you if we are honest. I never thought I would ever even get the chance to meet you. There were days in which I couldn’t believe it, but then I realized that you had been there to teach me a lesson. You know, like it was simple like it was meant to be.
It wasn’t something that happened by chance, you know? Nor was it planned, if it had been it would have been sudden and easy to forget. How things should be, with a specific schedule and a goal. Too bad we were looking elsewhere.
I wonder, did I know? Did you know that I was going to hurt you?  Had I known, I would’ve never approached you, why would it be necessary to cause so much pain and guilt in someone who just wanted to give a little life to you?. I understand you don’t want to see me anymore. 
I would say that I am already clean, if I were. I would say that it doesn’t hurt anymore, if it were true.
After devoting enough thoughts I have but one explanation, I’m stupid, I realized how we spend time, infidelities to the heart and deception to the mind. Games that only enclose in dungeons from which you can not find a way out. Dark places from which the low light we find is a reflection of illusion.
I think I went through too many things with my foolishness of not wanting to tell you when I could, not wanting to look for an alternative and not wanting to stop protecting myself. Yes, it began as a bet. It was my fault, I suppose, to believe that I wouldn’t face someone like you. Had it been anybody else, it would’ve been easier, still wrong, but easier. But you never know, I used to say that my heart was indomitable and if now I found myself writing a letter. I forgot it was a bet. Because you made it easy to forget. 
Which reminds me of things that aren’t easy to forget, Tom. Like any silly girl who has a fondness for the seasonal doll, or a guy who can’t forget the first issue of the first comic of the superhero he gets to play now. 
I was never a fan of flowers and less of the conversations at midnight. Being honest, I like to fall asleep early. I was never someone who cried at stupid romantic movies, but then I realized that when the person you love the most is gone, you find yourself crying over those stupid romantic movies. 
Which brings me to my second gift, I hope you watch it and maybe just like the first issue of that comic, you never forget me.
I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, because I know I don’t deserve forgiveness. I just need you to know that for me it was never a lie, what started out as a stupid way to win a hundred bucks ended up as the best adventure I’ve ever lived. To be the best story yet to be told, and to the series, I might want to skip ahead to see if we ever cross paths again. I know you were a fan of spoilers, so, mind giving me one, now? Do they end up together again? 
Sounds pathetic, but it’s pretty. All I have to say is, I’m sorry. And I need you to know this: “I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
And he hadn’t answered. But you didn’t expect him to. But Monica had tried to cheer you up, and she had taken you to the bar. 
“Now you will do exactly as I say, okay?” And she had left to the dance floor to bring someone over. And said someone had sat beside you and you hadn’t looked up. 
“Hi,” it was Haz. 
“Hey,” you said, looking at him. “You guys want me to leave you alone?” 
Haz chuckled. “I’m afraid the only sole role I’m playing tonight is the one who has to stay with the friend so him over there can have a good time,” Haz whispered. And you turned around to see him. 
You walked over to him. “Tom, I’m so sorry…” You said. “I’ll let you crack your knuckles, I’ll crack my knuckles.” 
“Sh,” he shook his head, watching you as you tried to crack your knuckles. “Oh, gosh don’t ever do that again. Now I see why you hate it.” 
And you were crying in a bar. “I’m so sorry.” 
“Spoiler alert,” Tom said, leaning over to kiss you. “She wins him back”
fic based on this blurb
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murkycran · 4 years
Summary: "First, there was never any proof that was even me, and secondly, I have a hatchback, Virgil, obviously any hypothetical opossums in cages would be stored in the back rather than on my leather seats." 
"I was literally sitting beside you when Remus asked you to help and you said yes-" --- It's pouring when they leave the movies, Remus does his best to get them all banned from the theatre, Virgil's ride canceled on him, and only three of them are wearing rain boots.
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Gen
Characters: Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Sleep | Remy Sanders
Tags: Friendship, Teenagers, Alternate Universe - Human, Fluff, Remus' brand of humor, Anxiety, Angst, very small angst where Virgil is having negative thoughts, But Nothing Too Bad
Words: 3410
Read on AO3!
As the end credits rolled and the lights of the theater brightened to allow guests to leave, the sudden lack of theatrical music revealed another sound.
"Is that rain?" Virgil asked, leaning forward in his seat to look at the others.
Remus was already out of his seat and hurriedly making his way...up? the theatre steps, rather than heading for the exit. Roman didn't appear to be paying attention at all, seemingly trying to reach down the back of his shirt for something while Logan checked his phone for missed notifications. Janus gave Virgil a dry look. "No, that's not rain at all. It totally sounded like that before the movie started."
As if punctuating his words, a rumble of thunder shook the building.
Patton hopped to his feet and dug around in his drawstring bag for a bit before emerging with a collapsible, lime-green umbrella clasped in his hand. "I hope everyone came prepared! I wouldn't want the weather to dampen the mood!"
Virgil completely missed the pun, because he, in fact, did not come prepared and was already dreading getting his clothes soaked. Janus at least remarked, "I'm not sharing my umbrella."
"Nor am I," Logan agreed, standing up as he put his phone away. "I told everyone in the group text earlier today to bring adequate rain gear, so no one is going to be able to use the excuse that they 'didn't know'."
Virgil sighed as he stood with the others and they began shimmying down the aisle towards the stairs. "Yeah, well, I kinda ducked out of the group text after Remus started threatening spoilers for the movie."
Speaking of. "HEY! Hey, guys, look!"
Virgil already felt a wave of mortification sweeping over him as not only their group but everyone else still in the theatre turned towards the projection booth at the top of the stairs. Remus was using his hands to make shadow puppets of dicks in front of the light coming from the projector.
"Oh my god," Virgil choked out, suddenly wishing the ground would swallow him up. Janus and Logan both wore unimpressed looks as Patton chuckled nervously and called back up to Remus. "Hey kiddo, maybe come back down? We don't want the movie theatre employees to ban you again."
"Patton, stop acting like we know him!" Virgil hissed. "Everyone's looking at us!"
"Normally I'd relish the attention," Roman spoke up as he finally stood, still shifting his shirt and jacket in an odd fashion, "but I have to agree with the Dark Knight on this one, padre. I'd rather we all not get banned because of my brother."
"Glad to see the everlasting, unbreakable bond of blood between brothers is still as strong as ever," Janus said.
Logan pushed his glasses up on his nose, raising an eyebrow at the tamer twin. "Roman, what are you doing?"
Roman's reply was cut off as Remus made a mad, cackling dash back down the stairs through the last of the people leaving the theatre as employees appeared from behind the projection booth door.
"We should leave quickly," Logan said. He was checking his phone again. "I'm getting flash flood warnings for our area."
Virgil groaned. "As if Remy's driving wasn't bad enough."
They all shared a wince. No one carpooled with Virgil twice after riding with Remy in the driver seat.
The remaining five - since Remus was no longer in sight - began making their way down the stairs. Roman lagged behind after every few steps, still tugging at his shirt behind his back. After reaching the bottom and glancing back to see the twin still struggling on the stairs halfway up, Patton finally asked, "Do you need help, bud?"
Roman huffed frustratedly. "Remus kept putting candy down the back of my shirt during the movie. I got the Twizzlers out, but I'm pretty sure he also dropped some Reese's Pieces down my collar. I think they're stuck to my back from sitting between me and the seat cushion."
"Oh, so that's what he was doing," Janus said. "I was wondering why he was moving around so much."
"Aw, what a waste of candy," Patton pouted.
"Dude, just go in the bathroom and take your shirt off to check," Virgil said.
"Yes, please do that," Janus agreed, eyeing Roman warily all of a sudden. "If you're going to be riding in my car there will be no melted candy left behind in the seats."
Roman sighed but finally stopped pulling at his shirt and jacket to follow them the rest of the way out. As they neared the bathrooms, Logan asked, "Why didn't you just stop him from doing it?"
The twin scoffed. "Uh, have you met my brother? It's Remus, you can't tell him to do anything, and it would've been exactly what he wanted: me making a scene in a dark theater. Besides, I got some revenge by shoving SourPatch Kids down his shirt, too." The last bit was said with a bit of pride.
Janus groaned dramatically as Roman left them outside the bathrooms. "Great, two people littering candy in my car." He sighed as he made his way to the benches against the wall opposite of the bathrooms and sat down, pulling his yellow, faux snake skin-patterned backpack into his lap and opening it.
Patton took a seat beside Janus and Virgil sat on Patton's other side, slouching down with his hands shoved in his pockets. Virgil said, "I know for a fact that you helped Remus smuggle possums into the guys gym at school two months ago using your car to back up to the back entrance. Yet you're worried about a few pieces of candy?"
Janus rolled his eyes as he pulled off his left shoe. "First, there was never any proof that was even me, and secondly, I have a hatchback, Virgil, obviously any hypothetical opossums in cages would be stored in the back rather than on my leather seats."
"I was literally sitting beside you when Remus asked you to help and you said yes-" Virgil started to argue, but Patton cut him off quickly, desperate to avoid the argument that was sure to start. "Janus, you brought rainboots, too?"
The teen in question had pulled two shiny yellow rainboots out of his backpack and already had one on. "Of course I did. My regular shoes are too nice to get wet. Plus, these keep water from getting on the cuff of my pants."
Logan was looking at the garishly yellow backpack somewhat dubiously. "How did you even fit those in there? You snuck in all the drinks in that bag."
"Please, I'm a very efficient packer. Carrying five bottles of soda in just because you all are too cheap to buy from the concession here was child's play, even with my boots."
"I wore my boots, too!" Patton excitedly stuck his feet out, proudly showing off his cat-patterned rainboots. "Why didn't you wear yours in? They're so cute!"
"What if it hadn't rained?" Janus asked as he packed away the shoes he'd originally been wearing, now sporting his yellow rainboots. "I would've looked like a fool."
Logan said, "There was a ninety percent chance of rain."
"Still didn't want to risk it."
"Risk what?" Roman interrupted, finally leaving the bathroom.
Virgil stood up, looking at his phone. "Janus ruining his hypothetical reputation."
The hoodie-clad teen missed the impressive glare Janus shot his way. "Excuse you-"
"Guys, where's Remus?" Roman once again interrupted (to the relief of Patton and Logan).
"I think he's outside," Logan said, pulling out his collapsible, navy blue umbrella. "He's probably waiting on us."
He was right. Sort of. Outside the rain was pouring down hard enough that a mist was being swept under the overhang of the theatre by the wind. The parking lot was visibly flooded with only a few cars left in sight. They found Remus using a sharpie to draw on one of the encased movie posters placed outside the building. "You guys are slower than corpses. I've already drawn on Shia LaBeouf's movie poster over there and remade it into a masterpiece. Want to see?"
Everyone was thankfully saved from answering by Virgil's strangled noise of frustration. "Guys, I have a problem."
As Patton held a hand out for the sharpie (which Remus turned over with only a slight pout), he asked, "What's wrong, kiddo?"
"Remy just said he can't pick me up. He thinks the tread on his tires wouldn't stand up against this much rain and he's worried we'd hydroplane."
Well, what Remy actually said was this:
Sleepy bastard: hey V, sorry but I can't pick u up tonite. it's raining 2 hard *sad face emoji*
Virgil: seriously? how am I supposed to get home?
Sleepy bastard: gee, idk, ask ur friends? call an uber? hey, I'll even pay for it bc this is kinda my fault
Virgil: what
Sleepy bastard: I keep forgetting 2 go get new tires and I'm afraid the tread wouldn't get any good traction with it raining this bad. can you imagine getting out in this like that, with MY driving? *horrified face emoji* one of ur friends is some rich kid, right? i bet he can afford tires, probably the BEST tires *several dollar sign emojis*
Virgil: oh my god
Virgil: youre my cousin and youre literally leaving me out in the cold
Sleepy bastard: gee, babe, it's almost like that driver's test u refuse 2 take might actually be worth taking now, huh?
Sleepy bastard: ok srry that was a low blow. but rlly i think u should try 2 get a ride with ur friend. not kidding about my tires being shit. college is sucking my bank account dry and i don't want 2 add a car repair bill, or worse, a hospital bill
Virgil: ...fine
Sleepy bastard: cool cool, I'll leave the lights on for u. lmk if u decide to spend the night at a friends house instead
Virgil almost would've laughed at that if he wasn't currently wondering how he was going to get home, because spending the night at one of his friends' houses, unexpected and uninvited? Yeah, right, like he'd do that. He needed at least two days' notice in order to psych himself up into talking to anyone else's parents, let alone inviting himself to their house unexpectedly.
Thankfully, he didn't have any reservations about asking his friends for a ride. "I need a ride. Can I go with one of you guys?"
The rest of the group shared a glance. Janus spoke up. "Well, technically I was driving everyone home... Roman and Remus were dropped off and Logan rode with me here from school since we had a debate team meeting after school. Patton had a GSA club meeting after school so he rode with me, too. My car only holds five people."
Virgil felt the first stirrings of panic winding up in his chest - he's such an inconvenience, if only he could make himself take the stupid driving test without freezing up - only for the fear to die as Remus suddenly scoffed. "Of course you can fit more than five people in that fancy car of yours, Dee, you're just not trying hard enough."
"Remus, you're not riding on the roof of the car again. We saw what happened last time," Logan said in a somewhat exasperated tone.
Patton paled. "Again?"
Roman waved off the cat-loving teen, unfazed. "Trust me, you didn't miss much. They were going so fast I didn't even get a good video out of it."
Patton made a choking noise, looking increasingly more worried. "Guys-"
Remus giggled, slapping a hand down on Patton's shoulder. "Don't worry, Dad, I was so pumped full of adrenaline I didn't even feel anything when I landed."
"You're going to give him a stroke," Virgil muttered, eyeing the increasingly paler Patton warily.
"The point is..." Remus cut in, "if the back cargo space is good enough for my opossum friends, then it's good enough for me. Problem solved."
"Hypothetical opossum friends," Janus hurriedly corrected. "But sure, we can try it."
"Cool, great, quick question though-" Roman said, staring out at the flooding parking lot. "Why the hell did you park so far away?"
All eyes turned to squint out through the virtual monsoon that was coming down. At the farthest end of the darkened lot sat golden Chevy Bolt, illuminated by the weak beam of a parking lot light pole.
"So people wouldn't park near me and risk scratching my car, obviously," Janus said, completely unbothered by the fact that his car was at least a good fifty yards away. "Unlike some people, I brought an umbrella and appropriate footwear. I can just pull back around and pick you all up so you don't drip in my car."
Completely disregarding his words, Remus suddenly shouted, "First loser to the car gets shotgun!", before taking off headlong into the pouring rain. Not to be outdone by his brother, Roman cursed before running after him, yelling, "NOT FAIR!"
The remaining four watched with varying reactions of dismay, amusement, and confusion.
"...Wouldn't the loser be the last one to the car? And I thought Remus was going to ride in the back...?" Logan asked.
Janus hummed. "He is. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get wet."
Virgil once again regretted his life choices, looking down at his worn-out converses and tattered jeans. "This is gonna suck so bad. I'm going to be soaked the second I step out there."
"I don't know," Patton said with a smile, still watching Remus and Roman chase each other in the rain. "It looks kinda fun to me."
"Oh, please," Janus started, shooting a wide-eyed look at Patton, "don't tell me you're actually thinking about-"
The glasses-wearing teen shot Janus a bright smile. "Pleeeeease?"
The blonde teen stared hard at Patton, trying to resist. After a few moments, Janus finally crumbled with a put-out sigh and roll of his mismatched eyes. "Fine, go for it. Seems like everyone is out to ruin my car's interior tonight, you might as well join in."
With a gasp of delight, Patton leaped forward and put his arms around the shorter teen, exclaiming, "Thanks, Janus!"
Looking a bit like an indignant cat that didn't want to be held, Janus awkwardly patted his back. "Sure. Whatever."
Virgil was snickering to himself at the look on Janus' face, only to be startled out of it by Patton shoving his collapsible umbrella into his hands. "Here, Virge, you can have my umbrella since I won't be using it now!"
Then the cat-loving teen was laughing as he dashed out into the rain, ignoring Logan's call of, "Be careful!"
The last three friends watched as the others gleefully ran about the parking lot. Roman reached the car before his brother, but Remus just jumped on his twins' back and held on, making Roman shriek indignantly and stagger as he tried to adjust to the new weight. Patton was finding the deepest puddles of the parking lot and jumping in each one with giant splashes, his laughter echoing across the parking lot even in the rain.
Janus sighed once again and pulled out his umbrella. "Well, I suppose it was about time I had my car detailed anyways."
As Logan opened his own navy umbrella, he said, "I suggest we walk at a slower pace than the others to the car. Not only could we slip if we ran, but running in the rain causes you to get even wetter than if you walk because more droplets are hitting you as you increase speed."
Virgil hummed, taking note for the next time he had to go between classes when it was raining and opened the bright green umbrella Patton had lent to him. It popped open to reveal two eyes and a mouth resembling a frog's face on the green fabric. Cute, he thought to himself (but didn't dare say out loud; he had an aesthetic to maintain). Mumbling, he shot a "thanksforlettingmeridewithyou" in Janus' direction.
The blonde teen's mismatched eyes lit up and he grinned. "What was that, Virgil? I don't think I heard you. Speak up a little bit."
The hoodie-clad teen huffed. "You heard me, I'm not saying it again."
"Hm, rude."
All three of them stepped out into the downpour and began making their way through the flooded areas of the parking lot. Virgil's shoes were soaked in virtually seconds, but at least his hair and eyeshadow was dry. Patton had nearly made it to the car at this point as Remus chased Roman around the vehicle, going in circles while shouting at each other.
Janus twirled the keys in his hand but made no move to unlock the doors until he was standing at the driver's side door. Patton moved to get in the door behind the driver's seat. He was soaked to the bone and grinning as Virgil came to stand next to him and shared the umbrella with him (even though it wouldn't do much good at that point). Roman, thinking Janus was about to unlock the door, stopped running to stand and wait at the passenger seat door. "HA! I call shotgun."
Stopping turned out to be a mistake. Remus, still thoroughly engrossed in the chase, tackled his brother right into the wet asphalt with a triumphant cry. Logan deftly stepped in to take Roman's former spot and it was only then that Janus unlocked the car.
Everyone sans Roman and Remus quickly piled into the luxury hatchback that no high schooler had any right to be driving. As Janus cranked up the heat to full blast, a soaking wet Roman swung open the door to the backseat and dove into the last open spot behind Logan, grumbling. "Seriously, Remus, why? You just succeeded in getting us both completely wet. This jacket is probably ruined now, thanks to you."
Remus, who was already crawling into the cargo space behind the back seats via the back hatch, blew a raspberry. "Just get it dry-cleaned, you baby. Besides, some of us like getting wet, if you know what I mean." The comment was collectively ignored.
"I can already tell there's going to be scuff marks from the pavement," Roman said as he examined the fabric. "I hope those Sour Patch Kids I put down your shirt melted to your clothes when you got us both wet."
"Oh, I already ate those."
There were more than a few disgusted faces in the car at that particular statement. Roman looked horrified. "That's so disgusting- How are we even related?"
A question everyone had heard numerous times...
"The car isn't moving till everyone is wearing their seatbelt," Janus stated, sternly eyeing the backseat passengers in the rearview mirror. He and Logan were both already buckled.
Virgil scooted over a bit for Patton, who had taken the middle seat between Virgil and Roman, to reach his buckle. "But Remus doesn't have a seatbelt."
"Remus doesn't count," Janus said.
"Yeah, emo," Remus leaned forward to poke Virgil in the neck. "God herself couldn't kill me."
Virgil gave a full-body shudder at the poke - Remus' fingers were freezing - and leaned forward to get away from the offending hand. "I swear to god, Rem, if you keep that up-"
Patton paused in trying to wipe away at the water obscuring his glasses and turned in his seat, squinting. "Now kiddos, play nice-"
Roman snorted. "I don't think my brother even knows how to 'play nice'."
Remus jabbed freezing fingers into Roman's unprotected neck in gleeful retaliation.
Tuning out the less mature back seat passengers and setting the windshield wipers at full blast, Janus shifted into drive and began to slowly pull out of the nearly empty parking lot. Logan studied him out of the corner of his eye for a few moments before saying, "I would think you'd be more upset at the amount of water we tracked into your car, Remus and Roman especially."
Janus shot Logan a mischievous grin as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Oh, I'm sure I'll find a way to collect on this favor with each of you at a later date."
"Of course you would," Logan sighed, already dreading the implications.
The blonde teen simply snickered, finally pulling out onto the road to begin the ordeal of dropping everyone off at their respective homes.
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bugborgs · 5 years
quotes are not exact bc unfortunately i have the memory of a 90 year old granpa AND ALSO my reactions/recollection of events are absolutely NOT in order lol BUT
also again anyone who wants to is free to message me if u wanna talk about the movie or if you want spoilers i guess??? lol ALSO im gonna turn anon on like i said after i post this 
Someone in my theater actually brought a bigass infinity guantlet and wore it to the screening lol
I don't really like Tony much but ngl the opening scene with him and Nebula on the Milano was so good omg
i love that nebula and rhodey seem to be friends omg??? like she called him specifically to make fun of scott im djhkdjhsd
“Rhodey, be careful coming in, there’s an idiot on the landing strip”
hulk giving scotty a taco after his got blown away lmaooo
LOTS of cheers and clapping when cap held mjolnir!!! like SO much you guys
HUGE cheers when everyone was un-dusted
when t’challa, okoye, and shuri showed up, i heard several “Wakanda Forever!”’s from my audience
i think the guy sitting next to me even did the Wakanda Forever arm cross
LOTS of cheers from my audience when pepper showed up in an iron suit
lots of cheers when valkyrie showed up on her pegasus too!!
People were actually audibly crying at the end
there were at least a couple distinct criers i could make out
you will Know When if you've seen it
I wasn't one of the those people but no disrespect to those that did i feel u man
I DID however cry like a fucking bitch at Nebula's scenes
So many of them
Y'all I was near sobbing what the fuck
And Gamora???? Wtf TEARS
not. Happy that she's still Dead but ://///
"I have blasters, or you could use knives if you want"
"Ooh yes please use knives!"
mantis what the fuck
Mantis darling.......you've been hanging out with Nebula too much jahsgshsgs
"As far as I'm concerned that is the ass of america"
"That IS America's ass"
I'm still crying about nebula
My endgame wishlist mostly came true lmao
They almost made me feel a Tiny emotion for Clint and nat so like
Good job marvel
I called nat dying but it was iN JOKE FORM LMFAO I joked about it with my friend for last minute predictions last night
And rhen it DID happen and I'm laughing fuck
I almost had like 10 heart attacks over Nebula this movie
Nebula. ........😭😭😭😭😭
"You can change" "he won't let me" fuck u marvel
"I tried to kill you several times. Then we became friends. And then sisters"
What the FUCK yall
Peter dancing and singing along to come and get your love.......classic
"He's an idiot, isn't he?" "Yeah"
I'm not. suuuuuper happy about the Peter-Gamora scene
I know it's pre guardians Gamora so she like. Has no attachment to him or anything but
Idk it seemed callous to turn it into a joke after Peter's reaction + what happened in IW
i kind of laughed tho ngl but i hated myself for it kjsdfkhjfshkjs
I have mixed feelings about the Nebula - Gamora scene at the Avengers compound like I'm not mad? But it left me feeling SO SAD
I don't know how I feel
im just gonna like
cry about nebula all night
y’all im so sad
Thor killed me this entire fycking movie
I wish we'd had more valkyrie but omg I'm so happy to see her
Idrk how I feel about caps end?? like
ok i guess
i SERIOUSLY thought tho like
when they panned over to him on the bench
that they were gonna turn him around and he was gonna be just
a fuckin SKELETON
that would have been hilarious but also terrible and im glad it didnt happen but i also kind of wanted it to lol
Sam receiving caps shield tho...!!!!
Nebula should have killed thanos lol
Sorry you can't change my mind :)
that being said seeing thor fucking decapitate thanos was fucking amazing god bless
sidenote this movie was a lot?? bloodier than i was expecting esp with other marvel movies that avoiding showing blood/death
like the dora milaje killmonger killed in bp comes to mind considering hawkeye. slits a dude’s throat in this movie
and you see blood
im still crying about nebula
im never gonna not cry about nebula
ANYWAYS I HAD A LOT OF FUN i wanna go rewatch it like. immediately. i still stand by my tag statement that i dont think it’s a perfect movie and i have some issues with it but honestly? most of my main wishes came true so i can like
not forgive it but i can overlook it :^)
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punkcryptids · 5 years
okay, so throughout the recent life is strange games i have made posts such as this one; I would make a bullet-point list of my ideas and thoughts of the game, certain little lines or details and shit. i did this for the farewell episode, i think before the storm (at least one of the episodes), and captain spirit. i tried to do this for life is strange 2, but Tumblr fucking killed itself when i tried, like i even restarted the fucking episode to redo it. so i don't think ive done these for life is strange 2, but honestly they're a lot of fun to rant out my opinions of the game and the little details and shit so, without further ado, here's this -spoiler full- little list.
also, little sidenote: i had no clue this was supposed to come out, i heard jack shit about it so like, the day after it was released i saw an article, googled it, and fucking died and felt so stupid. so anyways. let's begin.
*spoilers ahead, ill tag the post too but smh once got anon hate over this shit*
ok just to start this off, the little like "last time on life is strange" refresher is really nice and unique and i fucking love it still
the wolf drawings v cute
not game related but this fucking incense im burning is floating across the screen and it's so fucking ominous
why the fuck is Chris a racoon
okay now game points for the a c t u a l fucking game??
ok this fuckin music fuckin kicking
ok i like the choice to start this episode with like a flashback, i really like that choice (also three bullet points in a row i start with "ok" v original)
yo sean wanna give me that weed bag? could use some brother skksks
fuck Daniel his room nice af
honestly the instant thought when Daniel came into Sean's room was that he was stealing his weed? cause I could've sworn that's where it was in the first episode
i love his dad sksksk
i hate that fucking toy okay, it's awful
ok low-key, i hate kids and if i Sean I'd be so annoyed? because like he came into Sean's room when he's been told not to, and like snuck in there, and then lied about Sean hitting him (bc I didn't hit him) and then as soon as Sean goes to apologize he's like "get out" like u little hypocritical shit hhhh. love Daniel but it's fuckin annoying
"and don't touch my stuff" (comes into Sean's room and touches shit)
Sean is a dick to Daniel sometimes but like he still acted like a good brother in the end and i would've been pissed so like good on Sean lmao
*inhales* AAAAAAAA
love the drawing of the deer smoking
wonder why they got kicked off the ranch
i want a fucking joint Jesus Christ Sean fucking share? rude ass
ok so ur shirtless
good doggie
accidentally trapped the dog whoopsies
american grafitti
"fuckin ranch of hell AVOID" what the fuck happened there?
i like penny, he seems cool af
Daniel's fucking hair yikes
also why the hell he being a dick to us for? why the fuck it so hostile?
I like Finn too
"it was my turn" you had been throwing them?? for the entire morning wHY IS HE FUCKIN MAD AT US??
Daniel is pissing me off I s2g
why is asking about the watch a "big choice"
oh okay so finn replaced sean and now daniel is just a little fucking asshole about it
big Joe big angry
he just fuckin hit her head what the fuck hell yeah I'll intervene fuck you??
why does he want to talk to me what the fuck did i do
okay if Daniel loses us this job i will fight him
am i really trimming weed rn i dont think y'all understand how much my stoner ass is jealous
uh? random ass glitch of flying scissors
okay whatever sounds effects are in the background of talking with Finn sound like lis 1 music and im freaked
if we get caught while training I'm murdering someone
new emo daniel
that music is fucking intense
"im not a kid anymore" I'm gonna fucking hit this kid I s2g
pass me the BONG
"how come you can and i can't" YOURE NINE DANIEL GODDAMN WAIT A COUPLE YEARS
ok Sean, you had one like mediocre bong hit and like two hits from that joint like you should not be that high. high screen is cool tho
someone pass me more weed
I have taken 3 drinks of this beer and Sean cannot see anyone but the guy he's focusing on
i wanna stay with these guys ffs I don't want to go to mexico
fuckin daniel, hhh i feel bad that I didn't go with him but i wanna have fun :(
edgy boi now
this song is a bop tf
i feel like they haven't had as much copyrighted music in this season
nice work montage
i wish there was an option to say I'd buy Daniel some food that he wants :/ I get we have to save but fuck :/ trying to win big brother points and game won't let me
thank u Merrill im glad ur not mad at me uwu
don't punch out finn i love him
why is Daniel showing him his powers like i get he threw the thing at big Joe but why this necessary,,,
can we give Daniel a haircut now like im sorry but his fuckin hair
they like took 1 drink of that beer and it was done what
you cannot fucking use daniel if they make me i will feel like shit
gimmie tattoo
ok ik I should probably say "wolf" bc of the symbolism throughout the game but like fuckin surprise me Cassidy
what is with this episode and fuckin nudity
i can literally see her nipple under the water wtf u good
I didn't talk to anyone else, just Finn and then fucked Cassidy so ya know
fucking finn are you fucking serious
shut the fuck up stop trying to convince me shit
fuck you I didn't fucking do this
fuck you finn
and you got him fucking shot you fucking proud? hm? fucking dick.
ok so Cassidy is still here, and Finn, and Merrill, and I swear to God, if fucking Daniel left us I will fucking
okay so uh this episode? not my favorite. at all. especially because the choices didn't fucking matter. the "big" choices are supposed to fucking matter but they didn't and that really kinda pisses me off. and idk. i didn't care for this episode but like :/ time to wait till august
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i-am-parsec · 6 years
Unaddressed Letters - Part V
                                                           Leaving Jacksonville - part I
The night they leave is warm and quiet. End of the summer, the streets downtown are still fairly crowed after the sun goes down, Stacy has some costumers roaming around the thrift shop while Chase, just across the street, sweats in the kitchen of a Mexican restaurant, trying to leave no meat uncooked and no drink without ice.
During a brief moment of precious spare time, he checks his phone.
“Call me when you are done with the dishes, kitchen boy" reads the screen.
His heart skips a beat and he frowns. Of course she’s texting him, they are friends. They go back home together every single night after work. This is not something worth a heart-beat skipping, when the fuck is his brain going to get the memo?
He can’t continue his internal screaming - those burritos aren’t going to make themselves.
The young girl puts her phone away as an old man approaches the counter. Dark eyes, whitening short brown hair, a full goatee and about two heads taller than her. He doesn’t look scary per se, but neither does he look friendly and yet Stacy is invaded by an strange feeling of warm comfort when met by this unknown client and ponders, for a second, why. When it clicks, her hands freeze. She keeps her gaze glued on the light blue shirt she’s bagging, choking back the tears. It’s always like this, something ordinary, unimportant, pulls the trigger and the pain rushes to her eyes. She manages to snap out of it, but not without the man noticing.
“Is everything okay, ma’am?”
Fuck, even his voice is similar. She fails at smiling and looks away.
“Yes, sir, it’s just…you look a lot like...uh, my dad. Well, not a lot, it’s mostly the beard...I think…”
As she looks down, it’s impossible to deny the burn in her throat and the shaking of her hands. Not now, please, not here. Crying during working hours in a thrift shop that’s probably – totally – laundering drug money.
Well, that’s a new low.
“Did you lose him recently?” asks the man gently, prompting her to look up.
“No, I…I lost him when I was kid. He was shot…a robbery gone wrong…”
He nods, no trace of pity in his features, only compassion and understanding. Maybe he lives in town, maybe he also lost someone in the hands of the corrupted and greedy. Maybe he knows this pain too.
“I’m sorry to tell you, darling, that it won’t ever stop hurting, especially in your case, a loss so unfair, but let me tell you this…” the old man stops for a second, and then, with more conviction than Stacy has ever witnessed in her entire life “…you are strong enough to handle this and any other nonsense that life throws at you. You just gotta remember that, always."
Her phone buzzes for a long minute but she doesn’t pick up. She’s still holding her breath when he gives her the money. She wants to tell him to not worry about it, the shirt is on her, but with such a tight budget, every cent counts. All she can do is smile and thank him.
Another call. She tries her best to sound calm but Chase can tell something's wrong in the tiredness of her "hey". She explains quickly, hoping to ease his friend's mind - he's already anxious mess by default, wouldn't want to fuel it up - and after repeating at least ten times "yes, Chase, I swear I'm ok now", she sighs and then asks.
"Can we go down to the bar tonight?"
There's a second of silence. She hates drinking or, to be more precise, she hates seeing him drinking. She claims he likes it a bit too much for his own good. She continues.
"I'll hurry up and close this dumpster in a minute, and then we go straight down to Joe's, what do you say?"
He knows what his friend is doing, she's avoiding herself, avoiding the thinking, the pain and honestly, he can't blame her. He's been there, done that, and she always stayed by his side whenever he went into Emotionless Drunk Mess mode, so he has no problem returning the favor now.
"I say I'm covered in sweat, blood and other unknown bodily fluids so maybe we go home and take a shower first?"
When she laughs, he feels his heart become a little lighter.
"First of all: ew, gross; secondly: We take shower? Are you suggesting we take it together, Brody?"
And there it is, that's the Stacy he knows and loves - a teasing smart ass. This time though, he doesn't let her words fluster him - too much - and attacks back.
"Of course, Walters, we gotta do it for the environment's sake, you know? We gotta save water!"
"Oh, yeah, totally, that’s why, it has nothing to do with you dying to see me naked."
"I feel so insulted you would even dare to think that, young lady, I am a gentleman!"
"Oh, sure thing, perv. Okay, I'll finish here and meet you outside in a bit."
The smile on his face lingers all the way until he sees her walking out the store. He nods curiously at the bag on her hand. She smiles like a kid planning a prank and simply winks.
“I’m just borrowing a little something.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s called stealing, Stacy.”
She chuckles and then, as she usually does, starts a fire in his chest with just a short phrase.
“Don’t judge me, I just want to look pretty for our date.”
She’s joking, Brody, she’s fucking joking, like all friends do.
Just as they get to their stop, their bus arrives.
“This must be our lucky night” exclaims Stacy surprised. Once they are settled in their seats, she rests her head  on his shoulder and grabs his hand. Chase simply does his best to not suffer a stroke.
“We have to get out of here, dude. Soon.”
“That’s the plan” stutters the young man, wishing he could sound a bit less nervous by something that they have been doing for years now.
“Yeah, I know, but we always talk about it as a goal in the future and I…I don’t know. I feel like we shouldn’t wait too long or we might end up never leave this town” mutters Stacy with a sudden grim tone.
“Don’t say that, dude, of course we are doing it,” says her friend as her grabs her chin, looking for her eyes, all awkwardness replaced by the imperative need to bring her smile back “we promised we would, didn’t we?”
She nods half-heartedly and snuggles up against him, like a lost dog hides from the rain under a frail tree. As he hugs her, bringing her closer, he whispers against her dark hair: “Let’s set a date.”
“For our wedding? Sorry, Brody, but you haven’t even proposed to me yet” she jokes dryly.
Ignoring the sudden rush of heat on his body, he replies: “No, dumbass, for our escape!”
She come out of her shelter and looks at him with a hint of excitement on her eyes.
“A date?”
“Yeah, a date. Tell me when you want to leave.”
She bites her lower lip - one of her many quirks that drives him insane - and inhales slowly. As she breathes out, she answers: “End of this year. That should give us enough time to save a decent amount of money, make a good plan and maybe find a place to rent.”
“Well, end of the year it is. December 31 we are getting the fuck out of Jacksonville.”
And when he laughs, she feels the whole world become a little lighter.
More info, previous chapters, tag list AND HEADCANONS under the cut
First and foremost, I apologize for any mistakes in the chapter. This one wasn’t proof-read either and on top of that I wrote it on a rush but hopefully it’s decent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
All chapters in chronological order, here. Previous chapter, here. Next chapter, here.
SO, yes, this is a two-part chapter - truth be told, I’m only posting this now and not both parts as one since I’m quite busy and have no time to finish writing it but I still wanted to post something now as, idk, a christmas special???? whatever, I just wanted to post it, lol
* As you may have noticed in the last chapter, Chase and Stacy’s daughter - Esperanza (which, by the way, means Hope in Spanish) - has a VERY Latino name, well, that’s because my hc is that Stacy is latina! Well, half latina, her mom is latina, her dad is white and because Stacy is white-passing and her mom knew about the struggles of being a Latina woman in the US, Stacy’s parents decided to give her a very white first name, so she would have it “easier” in life. Spoiler alert: she didn’t have it easier in life. Like, at all.
* Despite that, she still has a very Latino second name - Dolores (which means Pains in Spanish *winkwink*) - that she loves just as much as she loves her Latino heritage, and that’s why she named her daughter like that - Chase 100% loves the name as well.
* This is kinda spoilerish (because I will explore this headcanon in far more depth later on the fic) but I still feel you guys should know: Before they were the best of friends, Henrik and Chase were penpals - they met through an elementary school penpal project and kept writing each other all the way until adulthood, when they finally met face to face.
* Neither Chase or Stacy had pets - or were allowed to have any - by the time they became friends, but they both love animals and started feeding a cat they always came across on their way to school. They named the cat Sam.
* Stacy is allergic to cats. She loved Sam from a distance.
* Chase knows quite a bit of Spanish Stacy taugh him. She didn’t teach him just for funsies but because she ended up getting him a job in a Mexican restaurant and the owners didn’t speak English. She was very impressed by how easy it was for him to get used to the Latino enviroment and how good he turned out to be at cooking.
* Chase knows Stacy likes her second name better than her first, but sucks at pronuncing it correctly so he only call her Dolores jokingly andsometimeswhentheyhavesex
* They weren’t each others “first”, but Stacy told Chase after they did it for the first time that she had never enjoyed sex before him (and Chase almost cried because of such huge compliment).
* Esperanza is fluent in Spanish and English and knows a bit of German thanks to Uncle Henrik. Henrik is also Esperanza’s godfather.
I have way more headcanons but all of them are incredibly spoilery, so this is all you get for now. Now let’s move on to the next chap-
❤  Tag list ❤: @amyxmiaplay, @beck-pma, @closedworldofmathiel, @darktrash-drash, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @flyingfishflopsthings, @fruitycasket, @happysingingturtles, @hiimizzyxoxo, @hishex, @kitnkas, @mcomegalletas, @mijako98, @mjjau, @mysterious-cupcake-ninja, @mysticalanimallover, @novasingalaxies, @plutoandpolaris, @probablyghosting, @randomartdudette, @saltyweirdbi, @sassy-in-glasses, @scarlet--raven, @septicuniverse, @skyewardlight, @thevampireauthoress, @youllnevertaketheskyfromme
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