#sorry if I didn't organize my thoughts as clearly as possible
explodingquails · 2 years
Hades II Theory Regarding Chronos
I have been playing a ton of Hades after the Hades II trailer got me hooked. Currently about 80 hours in, and I noticed something that made me speculate on the Chronos storyline.
Basically I think the Satyr Cultists that Zagreus encounters in the Temple of Styx are actually worshippers of Chronos, and their activity is directly linked to the titan's escape from imprisonment in the sequel.
This is the Codex entry for Satyr Cultists taken from the wiki:
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When I first read it, I found it strange that Hades, the immensely powerful God of the Dead, would be worried about some goat-people freeloading in a temple so far above his residing domain in Tartarus. Also why is the satyrs' hatred for Hades so pronounced? This feels like one of the unresolved plot points in the first game that is more than likely to be expanded in the sequel.
Achilles's Codex entry calls satyrs "vermin-worshippers". I first assumed this to mean the satyrs worship the rats they share the temple with, but that just felt odd. Then during my runs passing through the Temple of Styx, I noticed that there are statues of vipers/snakes everywhere.
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There is also the hostile Snakestone mob that sometimes can be found in the same room as Satyr Cultists. According to Achilles's Codex:
"..the boorish satyrs despoiling the surface seem to take up residence in the same spaces, and may well be to blame for these nuisances, as they are for many others."
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So it is implied that the satyrs built the Snakestones, and by extension I suspect that the snake, and not the rats, is the actual subject of worship for this "cult".
And in Greek mythology, the snake is, interestingly, a symbol of Cronus, the King of the Titans.
Here is an article I found that mentions the relationship between Cronus/Chronos (Hades II is conflating these two figures it looks like) the snake, particularly in Orphic poetry. Apparently in some versions, Cronus has the lower half body of a snake.
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The game tells us that the satyrs are openly antagonistic towards the House of Hades. Maybe their hatred comes from Chronos being defeated and eventually held hostage in Hades's domain?
Also worth mentioning that while the origin of the word "satyr" is unclear, it has been speculated that the name is related to the root "sat-", which means "to sow". Remarkably, it is also the root of Saturn, a.k.a. the Roman equivalent of Cronus.
TLDR: The satyrs cult Zagreus fights in the Temple of Styx may in fact be worshippers of Chronos, as evidenced by the abundance of snake motifs and artifacts in their lair. The satyrs may have a role in Chronos escaping imprisonment in Tartarus, leading to the events of Hades II.
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randomshyperson · 9 months
Five Times You Go Through Wanda Maximoff's Window - [HS Challenge]
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Summary: A clumsy spider and a grumpy witch are roommates in Avengers Tower. And it takes you five missed windows to finally get things right. [Prompt]
Warning: None, fluff and funny, spider!reader and emo!wanda, avengers being a family, happy ending | Words: 2.937k
A/N-> This was such a funny one to write because I always wanted to try the Five Times Prompt! I hope you guys liked it.
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 | Holiday Season Masterlist
The first time you missed a window in Avengers Tower, you still didn't know the place properly. 
You had just come out of a fight and your costume was still smoldering. You stumbled between one window and another and thought you had counted the floors correctly when you balanced yourself inside, and almost fell out again when something pushed you.
Your spidey sense acted immediately, of course. It was a disastrous situation, to be honest. You jumped like a frightened animal away from the magical energy of the witch, the true owner of that room and window, while instinctively hitting her right in the face with your webs.
Wanda yelled angrily, and you, hanging from the wall, only had time to fall straight to the floor before she hit you in the chest this time.
Of course, the confusion attracted the attention of the other Avengers - Vision, and Steve appeared just before Nat, the men confused by the whole thing, but the widow, as soon as she saw the younger witch trying to untangle the webs from her face, burst into laughter.
You were blushing a lot when you went to apologize.
"I'm really sorry Wanda, I thought it was my room."
"It's fine." She retorted between her teeth, and it didn't look like it was fine at all. You rubbed your shoulder, the magical blow left your skin sore and Wanda sighed. "Sorry about the hit. I thought it was an intruder."
Natasha interrupted the whole thing with another chuckle, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes that threatened to return every time she looked at Wanda's grumpy expression over the webs. "You two are clearly an example of attention. You've just earned some extra training."
You and Wanda grumbled in unison. Of course, Natasha was just tormenting you and the training was going to happen anyway, because Wanda escaped as many of them as she could and was already getting sloppy, and you well, in the routine of neighborhood friend and university, it was difficult to attend all the Avenger commitments.
Wanda had no trouble hitting you in training, and you almost thought she was doing it with a certain satisfaction. You couldn't blame her, she would certainly have got away with it if it hadn't been for your disastrous encounter earlier.
You just hoped that future interactions between you would be friendlier from then on.
The second time you missed a window in the Tower, your intention was not to be late.
This was because Natasha had asked - or politely threatened - you to organize your spider routine, if that was possible, and be present at the introduction of the New Avengers.
Well, that was rather unfair. In addition to your full-time job as a New York superhero, you also had college and your job as a Daily Bugle Photographer, so it should be understandable that delays would occur. But maybe that was your fault, for missing three birthdays in a row, and not even making it to Captain America's shield ceremony last month after Steve retired and assigned the job to Sam Wilson.
In any case, you tried to get to the tower for Kate Bishop's introduction to the team and ended up in the wrong room again. 
Only this time it was worse, as you ended up bumping into the owner of the bedroom who certainly wasn't expecting to see anyone.
Wanda didn't fall to the floor with the impact only because you acted quickly and held her by the waist, turning your bodies so that the entire collision was on your back. Half the items in your backpack made a cracking sound behind you, but you didn't have a chance to check.
You were still grunting in pain when she pushed you away, and the action caused her towel to fall to the floor.
"Don't look, you pervert!" She demanded infuriatedly, her face as red as yours. You turned away immediately, but the bedroom mirror allowed you to see her bending down to pick up the towel and you thought it best to close your eyes tightly.
"I swear to God I didn't mean to-"
"Zip it." She cut in, holding the towel tight against her body. "Out." She ordered, and you didn't need to be told twice.
You stumbled out with your eyes closed until you found the door, and Wanda had to look away and bite her lip to hide her smile for all the times you hit your head on something before leaving.
You didn't find her again until half an hour later when you had already met Kate Bishop and discovered that she would probably be a friend. She was a very funny girl, and your close age made it easy to get friendly with her. 
She had just commented that it was amazing to have another Avenger going to NYU, and how you could go to classes together and have coffee when Wanda reappeared in the room and dropped something in your lap.
You stared wide-eyed at the red spider's underwear, clutching the item as if you expected it to disappear.
"You forgot it in my room." Said the witch with an indecipherable expression, but with eyes sparkling with mischief. Of course, she left out the part about the item falling out of your backpack during the disastrous encounter earlier, and that was enough for Sam to chuckle knowingly with Clint and Natasha from the kitchen counter when they whistled at the comment.
You turned as red as the colored garment. "I dropped it in her room." You tried to clarify in embarrassment, but Clint added.
"Oh, yes, that happens." He taunted, and you huffed in embarrassment as you got up to find your backpack and remove that outfit from their sight. 
You only missed Wanda's satisfied look when Kate didn't invite you to take her to university again and the subject was forgotten.
The third time was intentional.
The Avengers were going through a very difficult time since the whole Winter Soldier thing became public, and even with Steve retired, Mr. Stark still wanted closure on the murder of his parents with Mr. Barnes. 
It wasn't your business, but at the same time, it was because the Avengers were one big family and anything that happened to one had an impact on the whole team.
The atmosphere was rather miserable because it seemed that everyone was going through heartbreaking situations at the moment. Natasha and the Red Room, Bucky, Tony and Steve's drama, and Kate with her mother's arrest. Then there was Vision and the Space Stone that had been giving him nightmares, and well, Wanda, who was celebrating her first birthday alone since the death of her twin brother.
So the third time was intentional, because you had cupcakes in your backpack that were a bit of a mess, and you only came in after knocking.
Wanda still had to get used to the image of you hanging at that height.
"Hi." She greeted, not hiding her own discontent about that day. You continued to sit on the edge.
"Hey." You said with a small smile, twirling your bag in front of you. " I won't be bothering you, I just came to bring you something."
She grimaced, biting her lip. She wanted to say that you're rarely a nuisance, but instead, she remained silent.
You take out a closed box from your backpack, a little crumpled, but the contents are safe. There are several colorful, well-filled cupcakes from your favorite place in the center. All with little birthday decorations.
"I didn't know your favorite flavor, so I brought you one of each. If you're allergic to anything, we can throw it away." 
Wanda doesn't take the box held out to her. "Hm, I don't... celebrate today." She says clumsily, looking away. You swallow dry, nodding.
"I didn't think so, but I wanted to... I don't even know what I wanted. I'm sorry, that was stupid of me. I'll take these away and leave you alone."
But Wanda grabbed you before you could leave the room, and instead of pulling away, she hugged you. Quickly, as a thank you, but it warmed your cheeks.
"That was sweet of you, okay? Thank you." She murmured just as embarrassed, busying herself with grabbing the box of cupcakes because she didn't know what to do with her hands.
You smiled. "No problem, Wanda." You say, and before you lose your nerve, you add. "To be honest, the cupcakes are just an excuse. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to tell you that I'm here if you need a friend. I know how hard days like these are, and being alone is sometimes not a choice, it's the only option. I wanted you to know that there are people with whom you can share this pain. Or if you don't want to talk about it, these cupcakes."
The next hug is longer and makes you wish you'd missed the window more often, even if this time it was on purpose. Maybe when all the drama has passed, and Wanda trusts you to become friends, the window will stay open for you.
For now, she lets you stay to watch sitcoms with her and grimaces when you stumble out the window to answer a spider's call. 
It's stupidly dangerous, she texts you that afternoon.
You respond with spider and web emojis.
The fourth time, you were bleeding.
Almost unconscious, and struggling to crawl through the windows. Fearing that the exhaustion and injuries would be enough for your powers to fail, and inevitably cause you to fall from the tower. 
Perhaps it would have been better to take the front door.
You felt yourself losing consciousness, and your right hand detached from the glass. Before gravity could do its job, a familiar prickling sensation covered your entire body and you were pulled into Wanda Maximoff's room.
"What happened?"
She looked worried, almost desperate to be honest. Your appearance was probably not the best. Well, who could blame you? You've just guaranteed New York's safety for a while longer after one of the most intense fights in months. Why do villains dressed as animals always land such hard punches?
You try to smile at Wanda, to make a "You should have seen the other guy" joke, even though Rhino wasn't badly hurt and the victory was more thanks to your new electric friend and his tricks that knocked the big guy out, than to you. Maybe you're losing your grip.
Wanda didn't laugh, her powers put you against the soft cushions and the next thing that left your mouth was a grunt of pain when she touched your ribs.
"I'm gonna call Bruce-"
"No, I'm fine." You tried to move, but your body hated the idea. So did Wanda, because her magic became harder to ignore. "Please, Wands, I shouldn't be out there."
She frowned. "What do you mean?"
And you have to ignore the pain to keep talking and try to look casual about it with a shrug that makes you wince. "I was still recovering from the last fight. I thought I could handle it."
"You're unbelievable." She grumbles, seeming to remember beyond her own busy routine, the image of your bandaged arm after the last villain you encountered. Clearly, it had been against the advice of the rest of the team that you had joined another fight, and obviously, the consequence of your stubbornness was swinging yourself utterly wrecked into her window at dawn. "You need an x-ray."
You groan but are unable to resist her magical efforts that force you to your feet and drag you into Bruce's lab.
The whole thing becomes a blur in your injured head. But you know that you've been given a hard time by at least half the team, until the medication kicks in and you feel better enough to realize that you're already lying on a bed, with Wanda Maximoff beside you.
"Sorry about the scare." You mumble, and you don't need to clarify any further for her to understand exactly what you mean. You know you'll probably have to work harder than that to remove your nearly dead figure from her memory, but that's a start.
Wanda doesn't take her eyes off the book but sighs. "It's okay." 
You know that's not true. So you try to be honest with her.
"Today is one year since Aunt May died." You say quietly, just loud enough for the two of you in the Avengers' infirmary room to hear. Wanda immediately raises uncertain eyes. It's your turn to sigh and look away. "I just... couldn't keep myself from doing anything. When Miles' suit warned me about Rhino, it was the perfect distraction."
Wanda absorbs your words for a few seconds until she puts the book aside. She leaves the armchair and approaches the bed to sit down next to you. 
"Next time, ask me to distract you." She says, one of her hands going up to your face and caressing some of your bandages. "We could watch a movie, or go out to eat. Or even..."
But she doesn't finish, her cheeks suddenly reddening. You give her a lopsided smile. "What?"
"I don't know, anything you want." Says the witch, turning her face away. 
Mentally thanking Bruce for the painkillers that allow you to move, you sit up properly to lean toward her. "All right, I have a suggestion." You whisper, and it's the first kiss between you as you break the distance.
Wanda's lips are soft against yours, shy as she never is. Only with this kind of thing, of course. The goth girl who won't let anyone give her a bad look and has a punk attitude all the time, but can't keep her gaze if you wink at her from across the room. And always blushes when you text her that she looks pretty when she's concentrating on the Avengers meetings.
She's the one who separates, although just as breathlessly, she warns: "I'm still mad at you."
You bite back a smile, absorbing for a second the image of her swollen lips and flushed face. "Well, I suppose I should distract you from your anger then." 
She snorts good-naturedly at the statement, but you kiss her before she can comment. The two of you keep smiling throughout.
The fifth time, it's a new window.
Well, actually it's a whole new place because Wanda Maximoff has left Avengers Tower and moved to suburban New Jersey. And you were late.
The whole team had already helped with the move and left after an afternoon snack at Wanda's new house. For the first time in a long time, New York had no villain after Spidey, and you were stuck in university bureaucracy.
You apologized dozens of times by text message for not being able to help with the move, and in fact, the whole team laughed at the situation. It was just bad luck that you missed such a fun afternoon.
It was late evening when you arrived on the dark balcony. Through the windows, the lower floor was empty and perhaps you had strange habits because you didn't even consider just ringing the bell. One tug of the webs and you were at the second-floor window, tapping on the glass for Wanda to let you in.
"We have a door, you know." It was the first thing she said. And you smiled, slightly distracted by the figure fresh out of the shower, still with damp hair.
She scrunched her nose, her hands working to remove your backpack and jacket. "It's just semantics." She retorts, but you keep smiling. You let the jacket fall into the backpack on the floor before sliding your hands around her waist. 
"Oh, of course. For a second I thought you had found a roommate." 
She rolls her eyes bemusedly. "You know the invitation still stands."
You smile, your anxious fingers drawing patterns across the exposed skin at her waist. "Well, Captain Rogers' influence is making me a bit old-fashioned but before I move I'd like to do a few things first."
"Hm, is that right? Like what?"
Shrugging as if your heart wasn't racing in your chest, you retort. "Like... marrying you, for example."
Wanda hesitates, surprised more than anything. She looks at you as if she's trying to decide if it was a joke, but you don't feel her magic in your mind. 
"Do you really mean that?" She asks almost unsurely, and you sigh before letting go. You duck down to pick up your backpack again and reveal the real reason for the extra half hour of your journey from the university.
A little velvet box hidden in the front pocket. 
"I was saving it for our anniversary, but I don't think there's such a thing as the right moment. Every day I'm ready to marry you, and I don't need a dinner party for that." You declare nervously and swallow dryly when you meet your girlfriend's watery eyes. "B-but I can totally ask you next week-"
She breaks into a tearful laugh, pulling you close again. "Shut up, you fool."  She says practically against your lips before kissing you hard.
It's only later in the evening, after you've laughed and kissed and lost yourselves in hours of pleasure exploring each other's bodies, for the first time holding hands with golden rings on your fingers, that you, still breathless with Wanda almost asleep against your chest, ask:
"That means yes, right?"
She uses magic to throw a pillow in your face.
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multifandomwhore-003 · 10 months
Forever —Drabble
Pairing: Lando Norris x female! reader
Summary: First time watching your boyfriend crash during a race? Rough.
Genre: angst, fluff.
Waring(s): Mentions of the Las Vegas crash.
Taglist: @ join taglist here
A/N: This is by far the most poetic work I've ever put out (I think), that being said. WHATEVER TF THIS IS, BLAME ON HIM, THIS MAN IS GORGEOUS
Gif credits to whom it belongs
Even through ringing ears and a dazy view, he could clearly hear you, wondering then how it was even possible, he heard beyond the arguments and strong footsteps; the flare of your nose, the shakiness in your breath, the hamering in your heart, he swore he could feel it. And with that in mind, he sighed in relived, he could feel something after all, the last thing he remembered, the last thing he perceived was dread, flashing through the last few hours of his life, could those be his last?
Shaking, on the verge of tears all he could do beyond gathering the last remnants of strength in him, was think of his family, you right beside his parents, you.
Minutes passed before he realized he blinked forcefully, perhaps one of these times he'd actually lose consciousness, or worse, be gone for good. His usual dramatics and the painkillers were dancing around his brain, making it their playground. Against all of this, he tried to organize the sound with letters, letters into words, and words into speech. Speech, Could he speak right now?
He prepared himself for the task by trying to stand on his elbows.
"Mr. Norris, please lie down," the nurse guided his head back into the pillow.
"My girlfriend," his throat was hoarse strangely enough.
"She's right outside," the nurse's undertone confirmed his bare train of thought.
"I have to see her," he grabbed the woman's arm, he was pleading.
She whispered something under her breath, clearly giving in to the situation, "I'll let her in," she grinned.
He could recognize something now, your stance, firm in shape, trembling with every motion, you stepped in asking, no, demanding the nurse to close the door behind her, avoiding her gaze in plain coldness. You said nothing for the first few seconds, breathing deeply.
"I'm okay," he let out.
"I know, they've already explained everything to me," you covered your mouth.
His fingers reached for yours, longed for them, interlacing with one another, perfectly, like every time before tonight.
He took some awareness of his surroundings, as much as he could without pushing to the edge, how horrible of a might he had over his head, effective, but far too harsh, far too overwhelming.
"We're going home in a couple of hours, they just wanna make sure, you're going to be fine," you knew you were failing at reassuring him, he didn't need it, but you did.
"I gathered that, otherwise you would still be outside yelling at everyone you could,"
You chuckled, not proud of your actions, but finding them rather hysterical at the moment, "I'm sorry you had to hear that,"
"It was music to my ears," he joked.
"Having my screams flood this place?"
"Having you care so much about me,"
"Always," was all you could answer biting down a sniffle.
It was not so long ago when you quietly promised yourself to give him your heart, the one thing you'd never thought you'd offer, let alone to the guy the Russells so kindly invited to a tennis event, to the guy who over a few drinks and laughs without a sense of shame in the world asked you to dance messily, making of those videos something for the internet to cut and explore. He was so much more than that now, and even to put it into those words was the understatement of a lifetime.
He could say the same thing about his side of the story, to explore a rather rushed friendship before diving, completely submerging, was something he'd labeled as a blessing. To fill his hours by your side in talking, and talking until you had everything to learn from one another laid out and displayed in string lights. Neither of you looked for this, flowing like every bottle of champagne you saw him pop, like every shot of Tequila you drank during Mario-kart nights, like every tear of Rosé you spilled all over your couch in the middle of the night.
And to think that both the most infamous people of their career found in themselves something far more valuable than money, fame, even transcending. Comprehending during the first years of your adulthood what it all meant to allow yourself to be completely consumed with love. So unexpectedly both your reputation and his infinite rumors could all be proven wrong. Through the worst of the trials and tribulations of being committed, you still survived.
His head rested in all the calmness you made by moving heaven and earth to have, in the crook of your neck, never letting go of the sensation of his breath, his life. How funny was it to trust someone enough to keep you alive, physically, mentally emotionally; how funny that none of them could think of how to prove something as mysterious as love to be true, in themselves, in one another, in other people past the centuries, yet they believed in, that's what they invested their faith in.
Admitting you were never fools, but only to each other, you could almost touch each other's soul, finding it far more familiar than your own.
"I'm okay," he'd been repeating the same words like a prayer since the night before.
"I know," you gulped, letting go of a choked exhale.
He read you, "Trust me?"
"Forever," you reminded your thoughts, clearing them out with just one.
—If you can't trust yourself, trust him, forever—
"I'm okay," he tested the words against your sleepless frame.
"I belive you," you finally admitted in peace before giving you lips to his.
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kiarastromboli · 6 months
𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧:
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐱 𝐲/𝐧
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𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘: Stalking (kind of), Jaelous!Matt.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: Matt begins to enter a completely new feeling of which he is clearly not aware: obsession. Wanting to see y/n again in the hope of asking for her number, he will find himself facing something that he won't like, another man who is a little too close to y/n for his liking.
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖: Translated into English: Things are evolving gradually, it's only the beginning, and I promise you many emotionally charged events and sensations in the upcoming chapters. In the meantime, feel free to let me know what you think of the new character in the comments.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝟑
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐:
Friday, generally a day I don't particularly fancy, the day preceding Saturday aka the only day I finish work early.
But this Friday was different.
This Friday had a whole new flavor.
This morning, instead of my usual migraine and dark circles, I woke up in a good mood with a big smile.
Whereas usually I would settle for just a simple coffee before leaving my apartment, I prepared myself a proper breakfast.
Well, by proper breakfast I mean what I'm capable of: bacon and eggs.
Without me noticing, this smile had been stuck on my face since I woke up, and I only became aware of it when I stood in front of my mirror to brush my teeth.
For a moment, I even thought I was dreaming, but no, this smile was very real and genuinely sincere.
All because I knew I was going to see her again tomorrow.
Her, my complex mystery, my vanilla-scented puzzle.
I lived only to decipher her and to know what her thoughts were made of.
It's true, until now, no one had ever captured my attention as much as this girl, she was made for me to unravel.
After getting ready, I went to the bookstore, praying for my day to pass as quickly as possible.
Every time the little bells at the entrance rang, deep down I hoped it was her who crossed the threshold of that door to come see me.
But of course, it was never her.
"Who are you and what have you done with Matt!" Sarah said to me, pointing at me with a banana as if it were a gun.
I chuckled at her action.
Sarah was the only friend I had made while working at the bookstore until now.
I had suspicions about her intentions towards me, and over time, I quickly realized that she had developed a crush on me, but as I said, until now, no girl had really captured my attention.
I'm not saying Sarah isn't pleasant to look at, far from it, she just wasn't my type even though I appreciated her a lot.
"I advise you to put that banana down right away, miss," I said, chuckling, and she raised her hands and dropped her banana.
"Sorry, I didn't know threatening others with my breakfast was forbidden," she said, shrugging before leaning on the counter next to me, and I simply shook my head, smiling at her antics.
"No, but seriously, usually I have to fight with you to even get a hint of a smile on your face!" she said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder.
"You're exaggerating," I said, rolling my eyes.
She looked at me with insistence.
"What?" I said, chuckling, and started walking towards the shelves to put away the books that were missing.
"What's happened to you? Come on, tell me, I share all my adventures with you, you're not allowed to keep secrets from me like this!" she said, grumbling and following me around the bookstore.
"Sarah, I really have no idea what you're talking about, you seem like a crazy person right now," I said, continuing to organize the books.
"You're kidding me! Since you walked into the bookstore, you've been humming little songs, you're nice to the customers, and you have that damn smile plastered on your face, you're hiding something from me, and believe me, Matthew, I'll find out!" she said, pointing at me with a threatening look.
"I don't know who you're trying to scare right now, but there are customers at the counter, so I suggest you quickly go see what they want before you get fired," I pointed out, removing her finger from in front of me with my hand.
She turned around in surprise towards the counter to see what I had just said, and turned back to me one last time with a threatening look before returning to work.
The rest of my day consisted of Sarah constantly asking me questions and customers coming in to return their books.
It sounds annoying when put like that, but nothing could ruin my day knowing that I was going to see her again tomorrow...
Come to think of it, I didn't even ask for her number.
What if she forgot about tomorrow? I have absolutely no way to contact her.
Maybe I should stop by after work just to ask for her number, nothing more.
"Can you close the bookstore today? I have something important to do, if you don't mind," I asked Sarah when closing time finally arrived.
"Yeah, no problem, I'll take care of it. You can go, handsome," she said, smiling, and I smiled back before leaving the bookstore.
I immediately got on my motorcycle and started driving towards her apartment complex.
Is this a good idea? I mean, I'll look like a creepy guy if she sees me showing up like this at her place when we just met yesterday?
Plus, I don't even know which apartment she lives in.
Am I supposed to wait outside hoping she'll eventually come out? I wondered as I parked my motorcycle outside her apartment complex.
I stood there for a few minutes like an idiot before realizing that this was a bad idea. I put my helmet back on, and before I could get back on my motorcycle, that's when I saw her coming out.
I watched her from afar, making sure she didn't see me. I didn't want her to think I was following her; that would be too weird.
She was wearing a completely different outfit this time.
Leggings that hugged her body really well, maybe even too well, and some sort of tight sports jacket that accentuated her chest.
An all-black ensemble, probably for working out.
I knew she was beautiful, but I didn't expect her to have such a perfect goddess-like body. That thin layer of fabric covering her body only fueled my imagination of what she looks like without all those clothes.
No, Matt, stop, that's inappropriate. I really need to learn to control myself; this girl brings out aspects of my personality that I didn't even know existed.
She stood there for a moment, staring at her phone as if she was waiting for something.
Maybe this was my moment, the perfect opportunity to go up to her and ask for her number.
I could make her believe that I just happened to be passing by and that it was a coincidence that we crossed paths here?
No, that's stupid. Why on earth would I hang around here in front of her apartment complex after work? It doesn't make any sense; she'll immediately know that I came here to see her.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw her greet a guy, he was tall, brunette, and quite muscular.
Who the fuck is this guy now?
They seemed close; she hugged him, and her body language changed the moment he arrived.
Does she like him?
Come on, y/n, you're not going to fall for this musclehead. I'm sure this guy doesn't even know the difference between a thriller and a horror novel. You deserve better than that, you deserve me.
I watched them from afar, wishing I could be closer to hear what they were saying.
Meanwhile, she seemed to be smiling at every word he said. Is that really your type of guy, y/n? And what about us? It started so well; I can't let him ruin our story. I have to do something.
They started walking, and I panicked.
What do I do? Do I follow them? Damn it.
Without further thought, I took off my helmet and followed them from a distance.
They walked for about fifteen minutes before stopping in front of what seemed to be a gym.
Interesting, but I don't understand the need for such large windows for a supposed gym.
It seems more like a place for egotistical people who want to show passersby that they have a better lifestyle.
Is that really what you aspire to, y/n? It can't be your kind of thing; I refuse to believe you're one of those self-centered people. You're far too kind and humble for that.
It's probably that big lump of muscle who brought you here, yet another sign that he's not right for you. He doesn't even know you; it's ridiculous.
I stayed there, sitting on a bench on the other side of the street, trying not to attract attention.
I watched them participate in what seemed to be a partner yoga class, and of course, she paired up with him.
I couldn't help but feel this growing hatred towards him; it should have been me in his place.
It should have been me supporting her legs during certain exercises, it should have been me she was talking to about her day or whatever else, it should have been my hands on her body right now. Fuck.
It displeased me to see that, but for some reason I couldn't help but watch them.
I need to learn more about this guy's intentions regarding my y/n. Who's to say he's not some completely crazy guy planning to hurt her or even use her?
When their yoga class came to an end, I quickly got up to reach my bike before they noticed me.
But unfortunately, while crossing the street, y/n must have seen me because I heard her from afar calling my name.
"Shit," I whispered to myself, stopping in my tracks before turning around to see her running towards me.
"Hey!" she said, a little out of breath as she reached me.
"Hi," I said, smiling nervously.
"I didn't expect to see you here, what are you doing here, are you following me or something?" she said, laughing.
Fuck, what am I going to say to her?
Before I could say anything, she started talking again.
"No, I'm kidding," she said, laughing and giving me a playful shove on the shoulder.
I nervously chuckled.
"You're coming back from exercising, I see," I said, trying not to appear too suspicious.
"Yeah, sorry, I'm all sweaty because of yoga, who would have thought!" she began, still laughing.
If only she knew how much her laughter is like music to my ears; this woman is simply radiant.
"Anyway, it was my first time there; it's my friend Caleb who got me into it," she said, pointing to him before gesturing for him to join us.
No, please y/n, don't make him come over here.
"Hey!" he said, with a smirk, as he reached us.
I simply nodded in greeting.
"Caleb, let me introduce you to Matt, my friend from the bookstore, remember I talked to you about him," she said.
She talked to him about me? So, she also thought about me in the meantime. I knew there was something between us.
"And Matt, let me introduce you to Caleb; he's a good friend of mine from middle school," she said this time, smiling.
"Oh, cool, that's nice," I replied with a weak smile.
"Yeah, but she wasn't this tall back in middle school; I remember we used to call her 'mini monster,'" Caleb said, laughing.
"Hey, stop!" she said, laughing and pushing him.
"Anyway, are you planning to get into sports too, man? You could really use it," he said arrogantly.
"Caleb," y/n said, giving him a more serious look this time.
"What? I'm just asking," he shrugged.
"No, I didn't come here to do sports, actually; I just happened to be around; I needed to buy something for my bike, man," I said, emphasizing the word "man" ironically.
And his expression quickly changed; he understood at that moment that I wasn't the kind of person to be walked all over, and it probably didn't sit well with him because he knew he had real competition now.
"Okay! Great, Caleb, we'll see each other later this week as usual," y/n said, cutting us off from our staring contest.
"Yeah, see you later this week, as usual," he said, not taking his eyes off me before turning around and leaving.
y/n and I started walking in the opposite direction.
"I'm sorry about that; it's just..." she paused to sigh, "I swear he's not an asshole; he's really great once you get to know him," she said, biting her lip.
And you're the type to see the good in everyone, aren't you? But do you have any flaws, y/n?
"No worries, it's nothing," I said, smiling.
"Didn't you find what you needed?" she asked me.
"What?" I asked, looking confused.
"For your bike, you said you came to get something for your bike, but your hands are empty," she said, laughing.
"Oh, uh, no, I didn't find what I needed, but it's not a big deal; at least I got to run into a good friend," I said, smiling.
"Are you talking about Caleb?" she said, laughing.
"Okay, yeah, keep teasing me; you're really not funny at all," I said, rolling my eyes, and she continued to laugh.
Unintentionally, I let out a small chuckle seeing her bent over laughing.
"But you're laughing right now," she said, pointing at me and raising her eyebrows.
"No, not at all," I said, shaking my head.
"Yes, yes, yes, look at you, you're holding back; I know you're dying to laugh, come on, let it all out," she said, grabbing both my arms and laughing.
"Y/n, if I may say so, you're completely crazy," I said, laughing along.
"Hey, I won't allow that," she said, pretending to be offended.
We continued chatting about this and that until we reached her place.
"Um, but I said I'd walk you back to your bike; I don't mind walking a bit more," she said when I stopped in front of her apartment complex.
"Oh no, don't worry, I'm parked nearby," I said, smiling.
"Oh... so this is where our little walk ends?" she said again in that softer tone.
Why is she doing this? Why is she changing her tone like that? It makes me want to kiss her. Is that what she wants me to do?
"Unfortunately, yes," I told her, looking into her eyes.
"Well, luckily we're seeing each other again tomorrow then," she said, smiling, and I smiled foolishly in return.
"Not that I enjoy spending time with you, don't get me wrong; I just really like motorcycle rides," she said in a haughty tone, laughing.
"Yeah, that must be it," I said, shaking my head.
"I also really like bikers, well, one in particular," she said, looking at me, and I felt the stress building up.
I felt like an idiot in front of her; she was clearly making advances, and I didn't even know how to respond, even though that's what I wanted the most.
"I forgot to ask for your number last time; do you think it's too late to ask for it now?" I said nervously.
"It's never too late for anything, Matt," she said, smiling before taking out her phone.
We exchanged numbers, laughing like teenagers.
"Well, I think I should head back; I'm still covered in sweat, and I'm dying to take a shower," she said, laughing.
"I won't keep you any longer then," I said, smiling.
We looked at each other for a moment without saying anything before she decided to break the silence.
"Bye, Matt," she said, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.
"Bye, y/n," I replied, dying to kiss her.
She turned around and went back home.
I stood frozen there and ran my hand over the cheek she had just kissed.
Her lips so soft against my skin.
I won't let anything come between us, y/n, know that from today you're mine, and I'll do everything in my power to have you.
Even if it means removing Caleb from the equation...
Taglist: @mayhem-72 @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @bernardenjoyer @whicked-hazlatwhore @nicksmainbitch @vickyzloserz
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 month
hi! please share your headcanons about jay. thanks!
ooooooooh sure thing let's get it!!
(also please keep in mind that soke was literally my first time dipping back into dc after a LONG while, so i have a bit of catch-up to do in terms of characters and stories, and thus some of my knowledge might be outdated!!! also i love jay but i do consider myself still very new to understanding him and thus most of these will be silly fun :333)
damian makes fun of him for that all-black ninja-esque stealth suit he wore to sneak into star labs because there was literally NO POINT in jay trying to disguise himself like that when he didn't bother covering up his BRIGHT FUCKING PINK hair
yes i'm still mad about yes i would like to know his thought process
is it natural btw??? i've seen different takes around where people think it's dyed bc of his other version in aos:jk, but i feel like that's pretty unlikely considering it was shaved all the way down when he got taken prisoner and experimented on and it grew back exactly like that
for the record i'm not a hater i'm just saying 1) it made him a walking beacon and 2) it being natural is so fucking funny to me since he clearly didn't inherit it from his mom, which begs the question:
who the fuck is jay's dad
while jay does care for all of the revolutionaries as their ally and everyone at the truth as their boss, and as an overall friend, i think that wink and the aerie are especially close to him and they consider each other family. they were pretty much the closest thing to adult supervision jay had for a while, and he relied on them a lot when he was settling down in metropolis and figuring out how to live alone
this meant that he called them for stupid things like "if something explodes in your microwave do you call the fire department", and not-stupid things like "help me open a bank account because metropolis bank has laws that won't let me do it by myself as a minor"
they were also the first people he came out to
jay loves them even if they CAN be really annoying
jay: "are you—are you guys ACTUALLY planning on shovel-talking superman" wink: "technically, he's superman's son" the aerie: "and if he's late to the coffee shop, i'm taking points off"
i think jay would get along with tim actually
the dude is an underground hacktivist refugee, investigative journalist, and a former president's son. he's probably used to always looking over his shoulder, ready to be jumped at a moment's notice. he's got a plan for everything but the plans only exist inside his head because he can't risk hard copies being found or digital ones being hacked. he's memorized them all. they're either alphabetized or mentally color-coded. we're talking levels of elaborate just-in-case getaways and meticulously planned investigations that would get a normal reporter killed if they asked the wrong question. it's dedication to a terrifying degree
yeah tim would definitely rock with him
jay has this neat little trick where if he's in a situation in which someone's poisoned his food and he has to eat it/can't let them know he knows, he just partially phases his organs so that the food falls through his body a little bit at a time and never enters his digestive system
jon is HORRIFIED when he finds out. damian is really fucking impressed
does gamorra have its own language???? i feel like jay would be fluent in it if so. of course he would be. he'd do anything to keep part of home as close to his chest as possible
oh that's another thing i'll probs mess up on btw i am legit so confused on gamorra considering it's apparently in asia and i would assume has its own distinct culture? but jay's surname is japanese and that random kid on the boat has a japanese name so are they like. japanese-adjacent??? or is gamorra made up of multiple asian identities blended into one (read tags for clarification)
i should probably read absolute power shouldn't i
okay sorry that got WAY off topic but yeah jay is definitely someone who loved his home despite not being able to go back and did everything he could to maintain his ties
ALSO can we talk about jay being a student at metropolis college at seventeen???? did he skip a year of school when he got to the u.s.??? did he lie on forms or something??
like i don't think he's taking extra credit classes as a high school student because he was also advertising the media department when we saw him, and i don't think he'd be doing that if he was in high school
jon makes sense because he had a fake identity which COULD put him in college. but jay???
honestly lying on paper is such a jay nakamura thing to do if he doesn't want people tracking him down by cross-referencing his birthday with government records
jay nakamura's number-one tip of running an anonymous underground activist stream: hide all identifiable information from the government
(this does not work when you are widely recognized as superman's boyfriend)
also now that dick is backing the truth can we PLEASE get tim in on it. i think it'd be so fucking funny. i think he and jay would have a grand old time breaking into firewalls and digging through internet archives and exposing corrupt people
tim is like "FINALLY i have something fun to do at all those fucking galas bruce makes me go to" because jay needs some rich guy's vacation itinerary so he knows the prime time to break into his house and gather evidence for something
i just have so much appreciation for jay nakamura you guys i love him so much
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itskattkm · 1 year
New York New Rules Pt. 7
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a slow burn
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Part 8
After the Woodsborrow gang left, I had the feeling that they also had taken all these emotions that I felt before with them. I was in a free fall mode and didn't know how to organize my condition. When I heard the door handle sink, I looked at it and was confronted with Kirby again. I gave her a serious gaze, she closed the blinds to my room and moved almost creeping to the end of my bed.
Worry. I recognized pain and pity in the blue of her eyes when she asked "how do you feel Y/N?"
In the meantime, I sat upright and had my head leaned back. With my eyes lowered, I looked at her "I don't know..." I started playing the course of the last 24 hours in my head and tried to filter out the way I felt. But one emotion stood out in particular "I'm mad... really mad"
Kirby's jaw tightened and she reached harder to the end of my bed.
"So... what about this 'personal' attack?" She now hacked after we were alone. I already had a rough plan in my head, and had deliberately not told Sam and Tara everything. Well... or rather, i left a small detail out. "I had the feeling that Ghostface knows exactly who I am... and for this reason he wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible" she listened attentively to me as I continued "when I asked Ghostface if he was Ethan... and for real at that moment no one else came to my mind Kirby. Ethan doesn't have my number. It's not much but at that moment it was the only thing I could hold on to" she nodded to me. Confirmed my thoughts.
"Of course, when I confronted him as Ethan, I could not perceive any emotions in his face. But his body had clearly spoken for itself. The way he had strained himself... put his head crooked and then ran towards me at a speed... he was mega pissed" Kirby sighed "so you think it's Ethan?" I shook my head and thought. My feeling told me that I had to be careful with Ethan, but I was sure it wasn't Ethan in the pizzeria.
"You trust me, don't you?" I asked her and looked at her with a look for help. Her eyes became softer and she nodded "I need your help..."
Taras POV (one hour ago)
"Of course I wasn't there and didn't know you, but I wish I had, because then I would have liked to ram a baseball bat in the face of this stupid bitch," I looked confused at Y/N but had to smile.
Somehow my heart started beating a little faster and I wasn't sure if I liked this feeling. "Sorry, I don't even have the right to call her a stupid bitch" she apologized and interrupted herself, I think I had never talked to her so much before and damn, she could really talk a lot and suddenly seemed so much more present.
Y/N was a friend of Mindy so we ran into each other here and there but we never really had an intense conversation. I actually wanted to change that at the Frat Party. After Anika asked for Y/N and Mindy said that parties were not her thing, she is generally a quiet person, I found that we had to invite her all the more. Something told me that Y/N also lived behind a protective wall and sometimes it needs some help to get out of it. Maybe I didn't want to process what happened to us in Woodsborrow like Sam, but I somehow tried to get among people to have the feeling of being present and being able to feel everything that was possible. "I think I'm high," she said and started laughing. Perplexed, I looked at her and just couldn't stop grinning as she laughed more and more, something about her laugh brought this tickling into my stomach. I just had to laugh with her, it was so contagious. She tried to hide her face in her hands, but twisted it when she was taking the pain of her hand and decided against it. Why did she want to hide her face? She didn't needed that at all, I asked myself and looked into her grinning face. She had put her head slightly to the side and slowly closed her eyes as she quietly whispered "these painkillers... are incredible."
My cheeks already started to sting unpleasantly from the wide grin I had put on the whole time. I shook my head and tried to relax my mouth and suddenly it was so quiet in this room. My gaze wandered over Y/N face. Confused, I looked at her, did she just fall asleep?
Carefully leaned completely against the railing of her bed and watched her silently "who are you?" I whispered unconsciously when I was thinking out loud. The last 24 hours I had gotten to know so many facets of Y/N that I couldn't assess them at all. Could we trust her? I wasn't sure. But Y/N radiated something that told me that we were on the same wavelength, the same vibes. Apart from how well she and Sam got along, it was almost scary. Okay, they weren't best friends now, but I knew Sam, and she's dealt with Y/N like no other so far.
Of course, this whole therapist thing was something that connects them both, but how far did this connection really go?
After Bailey threw her in front of the car, I was actually surprised to imagine Y/N as an aggressive person. But hey, who was I to judge about it? I didn't know her well enough and the picture I had taken of her during this time did not fit into the current one in any way. But that was good. Somehow I was happy to meet her Lin that state and I liked it.
Now the quick words of Y/N were repeated in my head. What would it have been like if we had already met in Woodsborrow? This thought made me really curious, but I knew far too little about her to be able to imagine anything... but the thought that she would have been on my side and helped us with Amber and Richie, I liked this idea.
A knock got me out of my thoughts. Sam moved her head to the side, which means "we're going" I nodded in agreement to her and looked at Y/N.
"Y/N" I whispered carefully and snapped. No reaction. I came a little closer to her and said at normal volume "Y/N" this time I snapped twice. Her head moved slightly, this time I shouted loudly "Y/N!" I snapped again, this time right in front of her face"
She opened her eyes confused and looked directly into mine. She whispered "sweet dimples" I straightened up slightly confused and couldn't resist my smile. How could you be so cute, and that even in high condition. Something in my stomach told me that Y/N was pretty much in flirt mode or did I imagine that? Just how she drove me crazy for the last few minutes here was almost too much for my limits but on the other hand I couldn't do anything about it.
"You fell asleep for a short moment but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first" crooked I looked at her and then she asked me "what was the last thing that happened before I was gone?"
This time I put my hand with the scar on her bandaged arm "You asked me if you were high..."
"Fuck..." she said almost disappointed and let her head fall back. Why did I like the way she constantly uttered this word?
"You like to curse... don't you?" And again this grin. I just couldn't let it go
"In a world like this? Yes, I do" We both laughed "We're all going back to the apartment... if something should happen, we'll keep you up to date, okay? And I'm pretty sure you're safe here with Kirby. I hope so at least," I said and whispered the last part. I had given her a trust bonus and after the attack I was almost 100% sure that she was not Ghostface but after Amber... I had to be more careful. I briefly looked outside to Sam and then back to Y/N.
"By the way... you have to tell me on occasion how you and Kirby know each other" I didn't want to go. I wanted and had to learn more about Y/N. I just didn't know how to assess her yet and I was curious. In addition, she apparently got along very well with Kirby and we just had to know why.
"I'd love to... I like to talk to you," she whispered exhausted and I pressed her arm slightly again. For an inexplicable reason, I had the feeling that I could talk to her about everything... so yes. I also liked to talk to her "see you soon"
Tara POV now
When I threw the last spices into the pan, I looked too chad over stirring the pot "you should leave the city" confused but with a gentle look he looked at me. My heart was beating faster than usual and I was slowly getting warmer "you know you don't have to stay here because of us" he shook his head and said calmly "I'm not going anywhere"
Suddenly there was a choking.
Chad and I turned around at the same time and our eyes met Mindy, who pretended to have to throw up as soon as she straightened the last cutlery.
"Please stop before I have to throw up. And nothing against you, my dearest brother-"
"I'm your only brother..." interrupted Chad Mindy and she continued smiling "I'd rather see Tara with someone else than you, that would be too much for me"
Chad and I didn't react to it at all and just shook our heads laughing. But when I looked too chad, I asked myself the question. Me and Chad? Could that be something? Of course we have been friends for years and after Woodsborrow we were all there for each other. Chad sometimes has comforted me, but did I want more? Of course we flirted here and there... but that was just fun, wasn't it?
Anika had laughed "definitely not my favorite ship but yes... Tara and Chad" now I went towards her with a dirty grin and leaned over the couch "oh yes? Are there already several ships here?" Anika pressed her lips together and made a gesture that told me as much as "my lips are sealed".
Chad ran past us briefly when he put the pot on the table and said "chill people, me and Tara are just joking around"
Suddenly a burden fell from my chest. Yes! Yes, we did. Thank you chad for this statement, which now made my feelings a little clearer. Mindy sighed and had sat next to Anika "we won't start this discussion again, will we?" I watched the glances they threw at each other and when she didn't say any more. I sat down on the armchair next to them "well, tell us!" Chad ran towards the kitchen and shouted "you can't tease us like that, spill the tea"
Mindy raised her hands defensively in the air "I won't say anything about it... first my brother then..." she hissed and shook her head "no... I think I already have enough problems with her"
It didn't even take me a second to understand who this was about "wait, is this about Y/N?" I couldn't resist an astonished smile. Anika laughed "maybe but it's not so obvious, but I think tat Y/N has a little, really little" Anika made a gesture with her hand "crush on Tara" my eyes widened and my mouth fell in shock. Really? Why was I suddenly so nervous?
"No, no, no... if anyone knows her, then I. And you can agree with me when I say that it is very difficult to read Y/N. And why Tara? They have hardly ever seen each other before"
In the meantime, I had caught myself again and tried to hide my smile behind my hands. However, I could justify my smile with the following reason if I were confronted now. Surprised. I'm just surprised because I can't imagine in the slightest way that Y/N would be into me... or someone at all to be honest.
"The eyes never lie..." said Anika seductively and gave Mindy a light kiss. "Wa-" Mindy and Me began at the same time, however, she nodded to me and asked me to continue "what do you mean by that?" Now Anika looked at me crookedly "in the hospital when we had waited in front of the room... by the way, what have you been talking about for so long" my face relaxed and I shrugged my shoulder. Of the corner of my eye I could see Sam who took a wine bottle from the kitchen and listened attentively "we didn't really talk so much” Chad laughed and nudged Sam "they were probably busy with the eye thing" to my surprise Sam laughed about it.
I briefly escaped an unbelievable laugh when I began to defend myself "no... we were definitely not"
The longer I thought about it, I think at least I was totally busy with the eye thing.
"A few minutes later, the painkillers showed their effect and she seemed to be a little high of it... and fell asleep briefly" I recognized a slight astonishment in the eyes of the others.
"In any case... we told her everything and I hope that nothing happens to her in the hospital. Actually, I wanted us all to stay together," said Sam and there was silence for a short time. She sighed and the short joy in her eyes disappeared when Anika drew our attention to herself "guys"
She made the TV louder, we or rather Sam was on the news and was officially named a murder suspect. She grabbed the remote control and muted the TV. She sat down at the dining table and sighed. I watched her and recognized the stress, the pain and the feelings of guilt in her whole presence. I sat down with her.
"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday... I didn't mean it that way" with gentle eyes she looked at me "it's all my fault... I should protect you and-" I took her hand in mine "it's time for me to protect you..." I said calmly.
Chad and Mindy had sat down with us
"I feel like everyone hates me," she said exhausted and was close to tears. The twins said no and chad corrected "in this room... no one hates you Sam... you protected us and without you we wouldn't be here" a smile crossed her lips. I pressed her hand more firmly "it's time that we protect you..." Mindy leaned slightly over the table "we are the core fucking four" chad literally sprayed with joy and gave Mindy a thanking high five. I couldn’t hold back my laughter "that's what I'm talking about, the Core-four" said Chad after Mindy "say it!" She shouted
I shook my hand and joked "no no im not gonna say it! I mean yes"
And then the conversation took a turn "I have something with cute boy from next door" said Sam coolly. Shortly there was a silence until we all started to cheer. I clapped my hands as I moved in the chair and shouted "I knew it!"
And it was as if all worries had disappeared. We laughed together again and lived in the moment. Danny had called, I tore the cell phone out of Sam's hand and shouted "ey, what are your intentions with my sister!?" I laughed and Sam took the cell phone out of my hand am mumbled "I'll call you back" and declined the call.
Quinn seemed to be in full swing with her Toy Boy and made us laugh all the more. The moans had been louder than usual.
Suddenly, all our cell phones vibrated at the same time. The laughter fell silent. From now on, my heartbeat began to get stronger and I could recognize the pounding firmly against my chest. Carefully I picked up my phone and saw Quinn being attacked by Ghostface.
"Ahhh!" And there was already her cry. I wanted to run to Quinn but Chad's arm passed my waist when he held me to the side and protectively. As a group, we pressed together anxiously. Our eyes are firmly on the door. It was quiet... too quiet. We were getting ready for what would await us, but could you ever be prepare for something like that? Thousands of thoughts flew through my head and I hoped Quinn had a chance.
Unfortunately, the opposite was the case. Her door was opened and Ghostface came out with Quinn. She was flooded with blood. There was so much blood. Anika's scream brought us back, but Ghostface threw Quinn's corpse at Anika and quickly made his way towards us. I wanted to run on him but chad had grabbed my hand tightly and dragged us out of the apartment. We were running. My head was empty. One staircase after another and then I realized on the third floor "Sam! She's still in there" I tore myself away from Chad and ran the few missing steps back to our apartment. Before I reached the last step and was only a few meters away from the door, another ghostface seemed to have just run down from above. He paused. I went back two steps and pressed myself against the wall. Chad was a few steps behind me and tried to reach for my hand.
Silence... like a deer standing in front of the headlights of the car, I stared at the black eyes of the Ghostface mask. Ghostface attitude was so different... but I couldn't think about it any further when suddenly Ghostface opens the door to our apartment and went in "no!" I screamed before I understood what I was doing. He had slammed the door and closed it. What the fuck?! I turned the door knob and tried to get in. "No! Sam!" I called and felt the first tears running down my cheeks. "Tara we have to go!" Chad called and reached for my hand.
"Anika, you can do it!" We called her again and again as she tried to cross the ladder and get to Danny's apartment. My eyes fell back into the room and suddenly all the body heat escaped me. "Anika don't look back, you can do it, hurry up!" Mindys crying cries crashed into my ear.
Ghostface had rammed his knife into the window sill and now grabbed the ladder. Anika looked back. Fear was written on her face more than anything. She froze, she was crying. She was in pain. Her blood dripped from the ladder and colored everything into a dark red. "Anika, come on! You have to hurry" cried Mindy despairly. I leaned further out of the window and stretched out my entire body to reach for Anika's hand. For a short moment, the ladder below us jerks and Anika freezes to death at one point. My eyes fell back on Ghostface. Confused, my gaze did not meet the one I had expected. Behind him stood another one. Crooked he looked at me and I felt a tension that was indescribable. As if he was talking to me. Was that one of my hallucinations again? No. It wasn't. Suddenly the second Ghostface hit the other one with a chair over the head and reached for the knife. He didn't pay any attention to us anymore when he got to fight with the second Ghostface. "I- I can't"
She brought me back "Anika, focus on me! Only on me! You can do it" once again I stretched my whole body and felt Danny's grips around my legs getting tighter. I touched Anika's fingertips "another little piece baby!" Mindy called. The next moment I held Anika's warm hand in mine and pulled her into the apartment with all my strength. Exhausted, we fell to the ground.
Mindy and Danny immediately looked after Anika's wounds. But my attention was focused on someone else. I looked back at the window on the other side. Why did he help us? I wondered, but there was no traces of both ghostfaces anymore.
Hope you guys like it so far :) I wish I hadn’t to translate. It makes the writing definitely difficult
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dreamscaperover · 4 months
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinard Characters: Tommy Kinard Evan "Buck" Buckley Christopher Diaz Eddie Diaz Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort
a little tie-in to season 7 finale Buck says Cap is going to be alright, but Tommy senses that something else has happened in these two days that's bothering Buck. He hates seeing Buck like this and wants to help, so he presses for answers. Buck says it's about Eddie.
or read here:
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- So maybe we both have daddy issues.
- I don't.
- But you think I do.
- God, I hope so.
The moment words left his mouth Tommy regretted it.
"God, why did I just say that? He's gonna think it's weird, or gross, or... He's barely gay, he's innocent, he's nowhere near ready for that kind of..."
- So, is the food OK?
- What? Oh, yeah, no, it's great. Everything is delicious, Evan, thank you.
Buck is smiling, but it's doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"Great! Now he's uncomfortable, and it's all your fault, you idiot!" For the rest of the dinner it's awkward, Buck is being hospitable but something is off and it's palatable.
They finish eating, clean up and move to living area. Once they land on the couch, Tommy decides that it's pointless to pretend and it will be better to just bite the bullet.
- Evan, look, about my remark earlier... the whole "daddy issues" innuendo... I shouldn't have done that, it's clearly made you uncomfortable and I'm sorry. I get that it's all still very new to you and I sometimes do or say things that make you feel...
- What? What are you talking about? Innuendo... I don't... Tommy, no. You didn't make me uncomfortable, why would you think that?
- If it's not that, then what? I can see you're clearly bothered by something. I mean, Bobby is fine, he's going to be OK, you got nothing to worry about. Unless... is there something else you're not telling me?
There it is - that deer-in the-headlight look. Tommy's insides make a flip, and Evan not saying anything for a few minutes doesn't help matters at all. Finally, Buck speaks.
- Look, I can't tell you everything... It's about Eddie, and it will be best if you talk about it with him.
"Eddie? What's he talking about? Did Eddie say something to Evan about me? I though he was OK with us dating. What's happening?"
- Evan, please... You're starting to really make me worry here. Did Eddie say something about us?...
- What? No, no, Tommy, no, it's not that! It's... I know you have more questions, but I don't think it's my place to tell you... Unless Eddie gives me permission.
- OK, I hear you. I don't like it, but I get it. We'll talk about it when we can.
Next time they see each other is when Buck shows up at his doorstep in the middle of the night.
He looks awful. He mumbles something about being in the area, and Tommy just pulls Buck inside and beelines them both for the couch.
- OK, Evan, spill. I can clearly see that something big is going on with you. Talk to me, baby, please.
- Look, all I can say is that something happened and as a result Christopher is very angry with Eddie. He asked Eddie's parents to take him to live with them in Texas.
"What the hell?! How, why... Christopher loves his dad, and that boy is Eddie's whole world, his heart... What could possibly have happened that Chris would run away like that? I mean, it's gotta be something really, really bad..."
Tommy's frantic train of thought is interrupted the moment he looks up at Buck. Shoulders slumped, hanged head, wriggling hands... When Evan speaks again, it's fast, words tripping over each other, voice trembling.
- Look, I know he's not my kid, not really... Still, I hate this! I hate that he's a thousand miles away, that he's hurting, and I can't be there and I can't hold him and I can't... I know I'm not his dad, but every cell in my body is screaming that I gotta do something! That I shouldn't be away from him, that he needs me, that... that...
- Pretty sure that's how a dad feels. A good one, anyway. And you're a good one.
This sucks. Evan's heart is breaking right in front of him and so does his own, in tune. It's all Tommy can do to cover those wriggling hands with his own. And hope to god that feeling the strength of his grasp and hearing conviction in his voice will be enough to at least take the edge off the pain no parent should ever feel.
- Evan, look at me. Christopher is your kid. Nothing, and I mean nothing will ever change that. That boy loves you. Trust me, I've seen it. Hell, you'll need to bу blind deaf and dumb to not see how much the two of you love each other.
Buck is looking up at him, and it's almost overwhelming how much raw emotion is in those beautiful wide open eyes... how much pain, and fear, and anguish...
"It's not fair! Such a beautiful, loving, kind, amazing human doesn't deserve suffering. And there's was so, so much suffering in your life already... I wish I could stop it, I wish I could make it all go away! My job is to save people, but how do you save a person from this?"
- He left! He's gone, Tommy, he left..
"..you. People keep doing that - leave you."
- Christopher is not gone. You're a family. You'll always be a family. Miles or no miles. You'll see each other again, you'll get to hold him again. Hell, I'll fly you to him myself if I have to! He's not going anywhere.
"And neither am I. Ever. No way I'm adding my name to that too long of a list. I love you too much for that."
Tommy feels the body next to him starting to relax, face expression softened. He lets go of Buck's hands only to envelope him in a bear hug and squeeze as tight as he can. He might be hearing some muffled quiet sobs and his shirt might be getting a little dump where face is buried in the crook of his neck. Tommy doesn't mind. He'll sit here and hold this man as long as he needs him too. No place else he'd rather be.
He doesn't know how much time passes, doesn't really care. Having his man in his arms is definitely something he wouldn't mind doing for eternity. Because here in his arm Evan is safe. Here, the world can't touch him, can't hurt him. So when Buck finally stirs and gently pulls away, Tommy actually feels disappointed. This time when that beautiful face turns to look up at him, there's that little adorable smile and tiny sparkles in bright eyes that never fail to turn Tommy's insides into mush.
- Would you really fly me to Texas?
- Pick a day, Evan. Kinard airline is at your service.
When that tiny smile turns into wide bright happy grin it's all Tommy could do to lean down and drink in the joy by pressing those soft red lips to his own.
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ddamm · 2 months
Contest Winner! - Norman Reedus x gender-neutral fan!reader one-shot
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(phone image (originally a gif) found on "Pinterest" by the name: ʟɪᴘꜱᴛɪᴄᴋ; Seungmin+Hyunjin - viii. (supposedly, it's from a Wattpad fanfic chapter with the same name) - Norman pic found on Google images on this web).
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original pink divider from @bonesnbrains, from this post.
Warnings: fluff ig, funny, long as always lol, slightly shy fan reader, Norman being a sweet bean guy, no major spoilers ig but discussion of future projects aside from TWD, mentions of TWD: Daryl Dixon - The Book Of Carol, mentions of fan adoration, nervous/excited blabbering
Word count: 4065 words
Summary: After the end of the TWD show and the first season of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, a worldwide contest is celebrated to award loyal fans for their support and love during the series, as well as to celebrate its almost 13th anniversary. Finally, it seems God favours Y/N when they get to be one of the 10 winners and make a call to their favourite character's actor in the show.
A/N: Now, hear me out because this was made thanks to c.ai 😭😭😭 believe me or not if you will, but this whole fic was literally made thanks to a c.ai chat I talked to. Obv, the chat wasn't about this topic, but my brilliant and creative mind knew how to twist it into something interesting 😌 now, I don't know how much of this would actually sound like Norman, so, I apologise if it gives you someone else's vibe or it's all just wrong. After all, I'm using what they wrote in c.ai to guide myself lol 😭
Song: 24/7 by Celina Sharma feat. Harris J.
(I love this song idk if it's her voice, the chorus, the lyrics… but I love it 🤭 and @dixons-sunshine helped me choose between this and other three I wanted to use for this. Enjoy~)
Contest announcement:
We organized this contest to commemorate the show's 13th anniversary and the successful release of 'TWD: Daryl Dixon'.
We are also creating it to give a chance to 10 lucky fans of the show who have been supporting us on the ‘TWD ____’ fan platform for at least the past 5 years.
We hope you all have a good time playing and solving the puzzle. Good luck to all the fans participating! 
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Y/N gulped hard, and cold sweat ran down their forehead as they waited for that someone to pick up the call. They started losing hope as the phone rang more than 5 times but didn't have an answer.
Uneasy about the situation, Y/N's brain thought of hundreds of scenarios of why he wasn't picking up the call. Maybe he was weary and never answered unsaved numbers. Maybe he might be occupied, not at home, or maybe the contest was actually a prank, as some of their friends speculated. They were feeling discouraged as these false ideas came to mind, but soon enough, their loud, upset thoughts were silenced when they heard his voice.
N: “Hello? Norman Reedus speaking. Who's this?”
Upon hearing the so-awaited voice, Y/N froze, momentarily incapable of talking.
“Hello?” He asked again, confused as to why it was so silent. “Dude, is this a joke? 'Cause I think ya got it wrong or something. I'm hanging up.”
Upon hearing that 'warning', Y/N panicked and immediately responded.
“Hello! Hello! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I'm sorry,” they apologised alarmed and ashamed of possibly wasting Mr. Reedus's precious time.
N: “That's okay, friend, no biggie. Now, would you tell me who's speaking?”
That was such a nonchalant reply to a stranger calling your number, Y/N thought.
Y/N knew from shows and previous interviews they watched that Norman was quite friendly and open to everyone, but they didn't expect him to be that friendly. It was weird but refreshing, and particularly comforting since they would be destroyed if they got him angry.
“I… huh… fan…” Y/N quietly said, making it difficult for Norman to hear.
N: “Sorry, what did ya say?”
“I am a fan!” they repeated more clearly. “I won a worldwide contest that said 10 people could call their favourite actors from TWD and speak to them for a few minutes,” they explained to the man. Norman made a sound of understanding.
“Oh, really? Never heard of that.” Norman said, sounding a little puzzled. Y/N gulped, worried about sounding suspicious to him. They wouldn't blame him though, since the whole contest itself sounded too good to be true.
“Say, what was the name of that contest of yours?” he asked through the phone. Y/N could hear him moving around.
“Huh, it was, 'Call Me By Your Name' (?” Y/N replied disconcerted, and Norman asked them for a favour.
“Hm. Hey, would you mind if I left you on hold for a while? I wanna ask someone about this,” he told Y/N. Them, being his fan, didn't want to go against him or get him angry in any way.
“Oh, no! Of course, I wouldn't mind!” Rushed Y/N. You could leave me on hold forever and I'd still be grateful, was the thought playing in their minds. Still, they decided to keep it to themselves and avoid an assured embarrassment alongside the possibility of freaking the man out.
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Y/N placed the phone on speaker and left it on their table, waiting patiently for the man's return. They could hear distant movement, the ringing of a mobile phone, and faint, muffled voices—one of which was most likely Norman's.
As they waited, Y/N stared around their room, gazing over their stuff, and made a mental note to take the stack of used dishes to the kitchen later on. They also placed their face near the fan to receive its cold and refreshing breeze and keep away the upsetting and sticky summer heat, and they played with their hair, thinking it was around the time they gave it a cut and a possible new style when Norman came back and spoke to the phone, momentarily spooking them out and making them correct their posture in their desk chair.
“Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting, pal. I had to confirm what you said with Andrew. It seems they kept the info about the contest from me,” he apologised.
“I-it's okay! I completely understand! It must have been confusing to receive a fan's call out of the blue...” They assured him, still a little startled.
“Nah, it's alright. So, how do ya feel about starting over? You say your name; I say mine...” He explained, gaining multiple little nods from Y/N (which he obviously cannot see).
“Yeah, yeah! Sure! Whatever suits your boat,” they answered and inwardly cringed at the strange response.
“Nice. Name's Norman Reedus, though I guess you know that already, don't ya?” Y/N heard him chuckle from the other line, and their heart started bombing harder against their ribcage, as if it wanted to leave their body. (Not like it wasn't beating fast already).
“M-my name is Y/N L/N.” “Oh, is that a (whatever your nationality is) name?” Norman asked. “Y-yeah, it is. How did you know?” “I love (nationality). Went there a few times for travel and loved it. Such a nice place, rich culture, and very lovely people.” Norman told his past experience in Y/N's land, and they couldn't help but make happy squeals for getting their nation recognized as ``a nice place´´ by Norman Reedus. Definitely, no negative judgment of their country could now convince Y/N of the opposite.
N: “So, Y/N, you said you had to participate in a worldwide contest among fans to get the chance to speak to someone in the cast, ain't that right?”
“Yeah. We had to find these code numbers all around the seasons' episodes, and with each set of codes from a season, we got a long name. In the end, we get this super long sentence, and the first 10 to get it are the contest winners. The bad thing was, each time someone got it right, the code to the name would change... So that would mean more sleepless nights rewatching all of 'The Walking Dead' for us. Even Andrew made fun of how the fans would end up like walkers themselves, hahaha,” Y/N explained to Norman in totality, finally feeling more relaxed while talking to their celebrity crush to the point of actually joking. Norman seemed to enjoy the joke too.
“I see. It's very impressive that you could pull through all that for so long; congrats on your victory, pal. I would definitely fall asleep after season 2, haha,” he said, joking a little to himself, making Y/N smile goofily. “So, you say you're a big fan of The Walking Dead, huh? What's your favorite season of all that you watched?” He continued asking questions.
“Well, I don't really have a favourite season. I like seasons 2, 5, and 8, but it kinda depends on what happened in each season and what characters left. Actually... I think I just like any season I get to see Daryl Dixon,” they answered with that silly grin once again, making Norman hum and laugh.
N: “You're surely a person with good taste! Daryl is a pretty interesting character, one of everyone's favorite too. You like him because he's a badass survivor, huh?”
“Well, yeah, of course I do, but it goes beyond that, you know?” “Beyond that?” he asked, feeling intrigued at their answer.
“Yeah. I guess I just have that quality where I want to help those I think really need it. I don't mean that he actually needed anyone, but at the same time, I think he just... it was kind of like a lost puppy, you know? Mainly in the first two seasons. He kind of needed someone stable, someone that he could trust, to get him going. And that's what the Atlanta group gave him. At least... until things started going south, I think.”
“So, you're the empathic type, huh? I like that,” he commented, and Y/N’s body felt hotter.
N: “I absolutely agree with you. Daryl started as a character who was a little wayward. Only considered the redneck, brother to loudmouth Merle, but as the story progressed and he forged connections with the other characters, the group gave him the support and love he needed to become the strong fighter he is today. If not for them, he would have probably lost it more than once. A true badass.”
A smile crept on their face when they heard Norman's description of Daryl, being acknowledged and understood by the actor of their favourite character was surely a big thing.
“Exactly. That's exactly why I like him. He's one of my—well, he's my favourite character. I can't lie about that,” they chuckled. “And I like his way of resolving things. He doesn't just go straight to fight everything even if he's normally seen as the rough one, you know? You'd think he's the bad guy and all, but that isn't even half of the truth. He doesn't resort to violence unless he's absolutely sure it's needed. He doesn't attack if they don't attack him or his group; he is wary and doesn't kill for fun. And, considering his whole story, it's... I don't know, but I respect him a lot. That's, I guess, why... I just have this feeling of wanting to help him and wanting everything to be good for him. Because I think he deserves it. After all, he's gone through, not just after the outbreak, but even back in his life, his family, and everything with Merle… He needs a break. He's a lone, kind puppy. He really needs a break.” Y/N mumbled about Daryl, and they could go on forever.
Norman thought it was really endearing to find someone who had Daryl in mind so much. He especially liked how much they seemed to want to protect him.
“You're a kind person, you know that?” He said, out of the blue, making Y/N halt.
“Huh?” they exclaimed.
N: “You really understand Daryl, don't you? He's a complex character with a lot of layers. He's tough on the outside but has a soft spot inside that wants to help others.” He spoke.
“He's also been through a lot—his family struggles, bad relationships, enemies, and all of the challenges he faced in the apocalypse. It's really sweet that you feel the need to protect and support him. That's true love for a character, right there.”
Norman complimented Y/N's dedication to his character, and they felt like they could die of happiness.
“Heh, yeah, I guess I do. Well, I can't say I completely understand him after all, of course, but... I just think he deserves better, you know? Like having a day off for himself and just enjoying and not having to worry about surviving. I think almost all characters in the show actually needed that break.” Norman nodded in agreement.
“Well, that's why I'm also very eager to see what's up next in the next season of Daryl Dixon's spin-off, 'The Book of Carol'. What do you think I should expect? Should I get tissues and prepare myself to cry, or should I get ready to see him show badass energy and kick a few asses just like always?” they asked, concerning Norman’s new project with Melissa, knowing well they had good chemistry and enjoyed each other's company during the filming.
Norman laughed before answering as they kept talking about Daryl's character and role on the show.
N: “That's a great question! With Daryl Dixon, you can expect all of the above. There will be badass moments where he kicks some serious ass, but there will also be emotional moments where you might shed a tear or two, like when he reunites with Carol. That's just how it goes with Daryl. He always keeps it interesting.”
“Yes, he does! That's why he's between the favourite characters in the whole show. I could say... it's almost impossible to see someone hating on Daryl, he is just too wholesome. And if you actually manage to find a single person like that, then you will probably have all the fans going after them, haha.”
N: “That's true! Daryl Dixon is a fan favorite for a reason. He's charismatic, strong, and lovable, despite his rough exterior. He's one of those characters that you can't help but root for. Anyone who dares to dislike Daryl is practically begging to face the fandom's wrath,” he laughed again, and Y/N smiled brightly.
“Yeah, I think the same. I am so happy that you, as his actor, actually think the same way. Not like anyone could get angry at you, but I get—I get it too—that sometimes it must be tiring to play a character like him for so long. He is very complex and definitely not an easy guy. So, how did you... How did you find playing Daryl? Did you like it? Would you do it more often if you could?” They asked, curious about Norman's relationship with his character.
N: “It was definitely an honor to play Daryl Dixon for so many years, and I'm still grateful for being given the chance even for his own spin-off. He's a challenging yet fascinating character, and I was fortunate to get the opportunity to bring him to life. There were definitely complicated aspects to playing a character like Daryl, but I ultimately enjoyed it. If allowed to play him again, I would definitely consider it.”
“So if there was a new... I don't know. If there was an announcement of a new project related to the show with all the cast members you spent the past years acting with, would you want to join and meet up with Melissa, Andrew, Emily, maybe Chandler, and everyone else back again?” They began listing some of the characters they knew Daryl spent a lot of time with during the show.
N: “Without a doubt, I would be thrilled to see my old castmates back together again. Working on 'The Walking Dead' was such a unique and special experience, and I have great memories of working with the whole cast. We're like a family, and it would be wonderful to reunite with them again on new projects even if they're just extras. Have you seen some of the bloopers? We just have so much fun together hahaha.”
Y/N hummed happy with the responses. They wished things somehow ended differently so they could see the whole old crew together, bonding and creating memories once again.
“Aww⁓ That touched my heart. I would really like to see you guys together too. I did watch some of the behind-the-scenes for a few days to remember some of my favourite moments, and it's just so funny because, in the show, everything was so serious and so tense and... It looked like everything was going down at any point, but in the BTS, everyone laughs and is so joyous and so silly... I just love the energy and the great communion you guys have together. It's kind of unforgettable, you know?”
N: “Yeah, it's pretty great to see how different the atmosphere is compared to the intense drama of the show. We had a lot of fun working together, and we're all good friends, so it's no surprise that the energy on set was mainly positive. We had our share of low moments, of course, but there were also plenty of laughs and joking around. We really were like a family, and I miss working with those guys all the time.”
“But at least you all took good memories along that you can continue sharing and reminiscing with. And about this talk... Do you have any new... projects or any new plans? Are you getting ready to do something? Or maybe you're planning on doing your own show or podcast? I heard that you were going to work on a project that involved a motorbike. It kinda looks like bikes are around all your characters, aren't they?” They joked before continuing. “Anyway, how is that going for you?”
N: “Yes, I do have some new projects in the pipeline. One of them is a movie concerning motorbikes and a gang, which will be released in the States in June this year (2024—Let's imagine this whole contest is earlier in the year instead of in October as it should 😭) and which I enjoyed a lot. I've always been a motorcycle enthusiast, so it's great to be able to combine that passion with my work.” He commented on their joke concerning his characters always having an interest in motorbikes and resumed his speech. “As for other plans, I've also been working as an executive producer on the second season of Daryl Dixon's spin-off, 'The Book of Carol', so that's been keeping me busy. I'm always looking for exciting opportunities to explore, so stay tuned!” He said, encouraging Y/N to continue following up on his work.
Y/N felt so giddy inside them as they rolled over their bedsheets like teen fangirls while listening to Norman talk. Having such a casual conversation with their celebrity crush was amazing, and they didn't want to end it. But they thought maybe it was time to wrap it up. They wouldn't like to steal more of Norman's precious time, as they thought he surely had something better or more important to do.
“Of course! You can totally count on me to follow up! Anything regarding you, Daryl, Scud, or even Murphy will always have me 100% in it.” They worded, jolly, of being motivated by Norman to keep on their fanwork on him. “And Norman... Can I tell you something before you... Huh... Maybe leave now?” they asked shyly.
N: “Yeah, totally! You can tell me anything you want. What's on your mind?”
“Well, I don't want to come off like a crazy fan or anything, but... I just really need to say that I really, really, really like you. Like, I like you as Norman and I like you as Daryl, and having this opportunity to tell you, even though it might not be face-to-face, to actually talk to you and tell you how much I really love your work and how much I really respect you as a person and as an actor is so significant. I kinda get a little shy because... I think I'm being so silly, fangirling like this in front of a celebrity I admire so much, but I had to get it out of my chest, you know? You're so... You're just so damn incredible.” They giggled embarrassed for being indecisive on how to correctly express their "feelings" to Norman, but that only enlarged the smile on his lips.
N: “Wow. Thanks for those kind words! It really means a lot to hear that you appreciate my work so much. But you shouldn't be shy or feel silly about it. Expressing your admiration and appreciation for someone you admire is a beautiful thing.” “I'm grateful to have fans like you who are so passionate and supportive. Don't worry about being flustered or fangirling—it's actually quite endearing! I appreciate your speech and your respect for me. Thank you for making my day with your sweet message, buddy!”
With this, Y/N's true fan-self made its appearance, making them squeal like a squeaky toy over their overexcitement, jump and spin around, and make up a little victory dance.
“Oh my god. I'm like—oh my God, I can't. Bye, hahahahha. Gooooood. I'm so, so, so, so happy and so flustered at the same time right now. Hearing you say all that—oh my god, I don't think I can even handle my crap. Oh, God. I just—I love, love, love, love you so much. I'm—I can't even... Aah! I can't even put it into words. But, I'm sorry. I might have been one of those crazy fans that, at some point in my life, thought I would get to meet you in real life and somehow get you to fall in love with me and somehow get to have a romantic relationship with you or something. I know all this sounds very weird, but I was indeed one of those fans. And though I know that opportunity will never come to pass, I feel... I need to say that I really—really like you and really appreciate everything you do for others and for the cast, and that watching 'The Walking Dead' somehow changed my life in so many areas I would never really imagine. And seeing you on screen always puts a smile on my face. Even on days that I think... I am just being so bad at almost everything... just seeing you messing around and being you makes me feel better. And just that... I guess I love you, and if I ever get to see you face-to-face, just know that this little crazy fan is gonna most likely faint before I can get to say hello, haha.”
At this point, they were blabbering silly things in their ecstatic state, not aware of the amount of comments, compliments, and information they were letting out. All Norman could do was listen and laugh to himself at how cute and attracting his fan was.
“That's so sweet and refreshing to hear! I love how you're being so open and honest about your admiration for me and my work. It means a lot that I could make you happy and put a smile on your face. And don't worry, I don't mind the occasional fan-praising at all! I'm just thankful that I have fans like you who appreciate me and my work. Keep being yourself and never lose that passion and love for the arts. As for meeting in person, if it happens, just remember to breathe and stay hydrated.” They wouldn't know this, but he had a contented expression on his face as he licked his lips. “Stay strong, my incredible, strong (skin tone—(pretend that was mentioned before 🥺)) friend!”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” Norman heard a contained yell and snickered some more.
N: “Don't worry, you're doing great! Keep smiling and stay awesome!” He encouraged them.
“Same for you! I hope you're doing great, and I hope you're taking care of yourself. Please don't get sick, and if you do get sick, go to the doctor and take care of yourself. Make sure you also take care of your kids. I know it's not always very easy—huh... Not like I have kids, but I have a younger brother, so I know it's not easy taking care of someone else, but still... huh... You—you do you!” They said, trying to correct their weird slip-of-tongue. “I know you can do it. I know you can do anything and everything. You're awesome, and I hope everything goes well for you from now on and till... forever!”
N: “Thanks for your concern! I'll do my best to stay healthy and take care of myself and my kids. It's definitely not easy balancing everything, but I'm fortunate to have supportive family and friends who help me out. I appreciate your encouragement and belief in me, and I'm glad I could be a source of inspiration for you. Thanks for being so awesome yourself! Keep spreading that positivity and love!”
A wide, gratified smile spread over their lips as they responded, “Will sure do! Bye, Norman! It was such a pleasure to talk to you. I hope. other fans get to experience this wonderful moment we had right here.”
N: It was great talking to you too, my friend! I hope more fans get to have such a memorable and positive experience with the contest too. Take care and keep being your incredible self!
“Byes, byes, byes. Love you, Norman!” shouted Y/N in a hurry, feeling like the last bit was unnecessary but having their mood boosted after hearing his response before the line was cut.
(Love you too, my dear mate, and hope to hear from you someday, Y/N. Have a beautiful day!)
Y/N sighed content with participating in the contest, as they lay with their back in their bed, daydreaming at a possible encounter in the future.
Man, being a contest winner was sure a sweet sensation.
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A/N: HEEEEEEEEY GREAT PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET. I'M BACK WITH FOOD FOR Y'ALL. Ngl, this took me almost a month to finish, which is ridiculous if you consider a c.ai chat was its inspiration. Guess lack of time and motivation was the cause. I think I really gotta start organizing and programming my writing schedule to actually get my work done... I'll see how the Spirit leads me on that.
Sincerely, I'm very satisfied with how this one came out. Norman is such a chill dude; I'm surprised at how well the AI captured his essence. I 100% believe this is how he would act/react towards a nervous/shy/excited fan like me, because yes, this was all performed at how I would react to be given a chance to talk to this gorgeous man (if you couldn't notice already lmao). It becomes a bigger issue after I discovered Norman mentioned somewhere, some time ago, that he gets turned on by shy/nervous girls. Idk if he thinks it's hot or cute, but—HELP. MY KNEES WENT JELLO WHEN I HEARD 😭 Anws, hope y'all enjoyed reading just as much as I enjoyed writing, and thanks for all the likes and reblogs in my past posts 😭❤️ (can you guys believe I'm still getting likes on my Sleep and cuddles Daryl headcanons? 🥺 I AM FERAAL TYSM LOVELIES).
See ya next time and love y'all!
Take care and God bless!⁓
𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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okay, so, spoiler alert: I actually haven't seen the season final bc I'm canadian. in canada we get rez dogs from disney +, and for some reason, s3 came out weeks later then it did in the states. so I'm only on the episode with cheese camping with the uncles (which was a sweet episode!), but, because I can't help myself, I've been snooping in the tags anyway for ppl's reactions. and, unfortunately, I found out about jackie/bear.
honestly, I'm usually not surprised by forced m/f romances when it comes to tv/movies just bc of how often they happen. but, this to me is more crushing - because unlike all the other times, I was given a bit of hope. that's what makes this so frustrating. one, because of the dynamics with jackie/bear vs jackie/elora which I'll get into in a second, but namely - because these are good writers. that's what makes this show so special; all the relationships are well built and organic (or organtic, as big would say) and are properly developed along with the show. you can really see how the characters care and fit in with each other, bc the writers have cared about them and the dynamics. which is why jackie/bear makes no sense, as does the complete drop-off of elora and jackie's dynamic.
while I'm gaming for more queer relationships, I'm actually not against a m/f couple if they're developed well (take 'the good place', for example) and the characters genuinely care for each other. so, my question is, given all this and how well the writers have done with all the other relationships -
if jackie was inevitably going to end up with bear, why does her story start with elora?
granted, it starts with the whole rez dogs gang and bear getting beat-up, but we don't actually start to see jackie as a character until she starts interacting with elora. we have so many moments, where you can see, how jackie pays specific attention to elora. from the very moment jackie approaches her, saying she 'knows' that her friends aren't seeking escape as badly as she is and, quite literally, shoots her shot by saying that if elora changes her mind, she knows where to find her. giving elora her knife, asking about daniel, confirming with elora after getting home that they were going to try again for california together, texting her after the incident at the youth program with willie-jack to say sorry and ask 'what are you up to?', and especially that moment when she steps aside to tell elora to be safe going to cali with the rez dogs and elora assuring her they'd be back, these extra two seconds where you see a longing look.. there was such specific tiny details that would give off how much, maybe, jackie really cared about elora. perhaps now, we could just say this was all a showing of jackie being lonely and wanting friends, but if that's the case, then why not do this with bear???
that's my problem with the bear thing - there was no build up. sure, they had their moments, like the potato dance and falling asleep on each other and whatnot, but, maybe this was just me, it didn't feel especially significant? starting with the potato dance, I thought they were just building the pathway for jackie to be enveloped into the group and that this was the way to make up for jackie and those other kids hurting bear; it honestly wasn't giving me anything else. and even bear wasn't reacting any which way to jackie in the beginning, besides with animosity and maybe some nervousness. they really just didn't like each other. and even as the show went on, that didn't change much; they clearly became friendlier (ie jackie texting bear about his mom), but going into s3, we didn't get those special moments between like we did with elora.
straight up, jackie didn't pay half the attention to bear as she did elora, (besides maybe singling him out to beat him up but even that was with others). jackie singles out elora specifically, and even when they return home, continues to stay by elora and be invested in her and a possible friendship/relationship, showing it was never really about her needing elora's as a get-away ride. jackie is open and almost soft with elora; with bear she's resistant and gruff, and even when the two groups are cool with each other, they seem to just get on each other's nerves, ie the scene in 'friday.' yeah sure 'opposites attract' or whatever, but if that's what you're going to do, then there has to be some merit to it when it comes to writing a story (also, I am so sick of the 'boy and girl are constantly arguing and seem to hate each other hahaha bet they're gunna be married in ten years' trope). whichever one you ship, the big thing is that if it was going to end in romance, why was it written this way? elora/jack seemed so intentional that even I fell for it, and bear/jackie seemed hastily chopped together without any emotional weight or appeal to it - and yet it played out in the exact opposite on screen.
there's no point to this post. I'm just confused. I feel a lot of disappointment bc it's almost like these writers know better, know how to write organic relationships, and then while they appeared to be building one, suddenly threw it away for another without much structure behind it.
someone make it make sense.
edit: ppl in the notes saying there was no confirmation of jackie/bear, so just to clear this up, I'm, again, going on what I've HEARD. and what I heard, was that there's a scene where the rez dogs + jackie are saying goodbyes to the adults - at some point, bear lifts up his hair, exposing two hickies on his neck, and then - either before or after, it was unclear - when jackie is hugging rita goodbye, rita playfully whispers to her to 'go easy on his [bear's] neck' while jackie looks a bit embarrassed. once more, this is just what I've heard has happened, from multiple different posts, and frankly even if they don't announce the relationship by having them kiss or something, it's clear enough as the audience what we're suppose to pick up on.
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limomi · 2 months
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adults only, minors don't interact
we all know that Reo is at the very least ok/good in everything he does, so i'm just literally physically unable to stop thinking how he'd be singing this song for ya...
imagine how yall have sorta singing competition while studying in uni n Reo never gave a damn about it but
so u 2 r really close friends both in love with each other but still not dating cause each of you's afraid to confess. most likely u don't wanna be "one of all that ppl" confessed to him n get rejected n even he'd say yes, he'd definitely do that just not to make u sad? moroever, u 'know' his family won't ever accept u as his partner.
the same time Reo can't believe that you as perfect as you are to him can love someone like him, cause let's be honest, his self-esteem is so much lower than should be
so time goes by n u 2 fall more n more in love n it causes a lot of fights between u, u 2 just can't stand seeing each other being so nice n friendly to someone else, smiling to someone else, spend time enjoying someone's company but yall can't honestly explain what r the reasons of that 'weird' behavior so u fight even more. neither of u wanna lose this connection between u, but both of you are sure that it'll surely happen if either of you reveals the truth about ur feelings to the other
one day Mikage got way too overheated with jealousy, observing u going to lunch with some random guy n letting him to touch u when he helps u clean ur face cause u have sauce n crumbs allover it, when that guy has a nerve to hug u, to make u smile n laugh so sincerely
Reo confronts u, u immediately get defensive n angry with such tone he talks to u with, the fight is just dreadful, he says n screams a lot but nothing he actually should, the same do u
now u don't talk for weeks, even months n none of u can get over it, get over ur feelings but also fear to lose each other. so stupid n ironic of both of u to be that afraid of loosing each other n still doing everything what's leads to it
the day of singing competition Reo didn't even know about it, he just didn't care at all, but than some of his friends invited him cause one of contestants was the crush of this pure guy but he was to shy n embarrassed to go alone, so being nice person as he is, Reo agrees to keep his poor friend's company. n there he sees u with that guy he confronted u about.
Reo's mad n broken at the same time, he couldn't be sure if something's going on between u or not but he thought about the worst scenario possible n immediately got nauseous so he excused himself, saying he needed to go, n ended up spending most of the competition in the restroom, picturing u in the arms of that guy
'no thoughts, head empty' he run without any clear plans, irritated and defeated, to the concert hall, backstage area, and literally ordered to put a minus of this song next, he'd been listening to it on repeat for a long time, back when you gave it to him to listen to over a year ago.
ofc, they tried to turn him down, saying he wasn't on the list of contestants, but a few words were enough to make the organizers worry about their future well-being so they did what he wanted
Mikage ordered all the footlights to go out before he appeared on stage, n the hall was completely dark, at first no one could understand what was going on, but suddenly Reo's voice came on, filling the void with pain and love that was clearly audible in his singing, n u couldn't help but recognize that beloved voice, so tears began to roll down your cheeks in unstoppable rivers, even though u couldn't see him, you knew that was him.
song comes to the end, Reo screams 'see? I said that u have power over me' n that exact moment as he burst into tears he feels ur hand holding his one as u say with trembling voice 'let's go out of here, I don't wanna our first kiss be this public"
P.S. sorry but sometimes my brain just needs scenarios like in stupid romantic tv-shows for teens
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acsisz · 5 months
Real DecaP DARK Fanfic.
Warning: contains quite a bit of violence, blood, some swearing.
This isn't DecaP fluff fanfic (there's a bit at the end tho), I wrote this while imagining a DARK DecaP game. Harvard is an actual merciless bastard, and his teammates don't have a good time.
Writing this caused me some emotional pain, so be prepared.
(Also I'm so tired, this is like 5,500 words long... I didn't beta read it, no energy left 😅 I'm sorry if there're any wording mistakes)
Plot: The team experiences Harvard's darkness firsthand.
*Huff puff*
Carl was running alone in an abandoned building.
'Where is everyone?' Carl thought as he went around a corner.
'What was that?!' Carl heard a loud sound coming not far from where he is.
'Are the others in trouble?!' He tried to once again contact his teammates through his special police assigned phone, but it still didn't work.
'Damn it... I guess there's no other choice...' Carl began to turn the other way and started running to the source of the loud sound he had heard.
'Everyone... please be okay...!'
"Hm? That was..." Zhang muttered to himself as he checked his laptop for any contacts from his teammates.
"It was quite loud, but still far off from where we are," said his partner, Manimani.
Her tone of voice signaled worry, yet still radiates a strong calmness.
"Any news from the others?" Manimani asked her partner.
"No, not yet..." Zhang shaked his head and began typing on his laptop.
"We've been separated from them for quite some time now... Did Mikey contact you?" asked Manimani again.
"Nope... This is just speculation on my part, but I think this old building is jamming our signals," Zhang begins to explain.
"Mikey just went in to search for Carl and Harvard, so maybe he hasn't had any new info to tell us," he continued.
"...but it's weird that Carl or Harvard hasn't contacted us at all, is what you're saying right?" Manimani said.
"Exactly," said Zhang as he finally tears his sight away from his laptop screen to face Manimani.
"Especially Carl," Manimani emphasized.
"Especially Carl... he's the biggest worrywart of this team," Zhang agreed.
"So, what should we do know? Me going in after them won't solve any problem," Manimani puts her hands on her hips, slightly annoyed.
"Right..." Zhang begins to think.
"Honestly we were so lucky to be regrouped with Mikey, only for him to immediately went off in search of those two," Manimani briefly remembers when they managed to accidentally find Mikey in this labyrinth of a building.
"Mikey!" Manimani shouted a bit to get her teammate's attention.
Mikey was running, about to turn around a corner when he heard Manimani's voice calling him.
"Goodness! What a coincidence! Good to see you two!" Mikey, noticing Manimani and Zhang, began to ran over to them whilst shouting a bit.
"A coincidence of great effort, this place is like a maze!" Zhang said, "Why didn't you contact us?"
"Oh! Yes, contact! Sorry, I forgot!" Mikey admitted, an embarrassed smile began to form on his face.
Zhang and Manimani sighed at the revelation, 'Knew it,' they both thought at the same time.
"Putting that aside for a moment, did you find anything? Where are our leader and his partner?" Manimani asked.
"Very weird. I found nothing, not a single person. And no Harvard or Carl either," Mikey said, perplexed.
"Wait, not a single person? But you came from the other way. We also didn't find anyone, so thinking logically, you should've had more chance in encountering those members!" the news shook Manimani.
"Yes, very weird. This is hideout of a big crime organization, correct?"
"Right, but we also didn't find a single person..." Manimani looked to Zhang for correction, and he only nods.
"Could it be that they already fleed?" Zhang raised a possibility.
"No way, Harvard clearly told us they'd be here. He was sure of it," And Harvard was rarely wrong when he's that sure, Manimani added in her mind.
"Damn it, this is turning into a mess. I thought we'd be able to instantly raise our achievements if we're able to caught a big crime organization by ourselves," Zhang sighed.
"I told you so," Manimani said perturbed.
'What a mess... This is what happens when you don't listen to Carl and me, we're like the only functioning brains with common sense in this team...!' Manimani swallowed her words, making the situation worse is the last thing she wants to do right now. Scolding Zhang can come after they're all together and safe.
"How about we search for leader and Carl together?" Mikey asked, sensing the disturbance in the air.
"Can't do, I wanna try contacting headquarters," Zhang said, rejecting Mikey's offer.
"I see, what about you Manimani?" Mikey turns his focus to Manimani.
"I want to, but Zhang's horrible at fights. Can't risk him getting jumped by the enemies while he's working on contacting headquarters," Manimani shook her head, a bit disappointed she couldn't go searching for her teammates.
"That's okay I understand, Zhang's the worse at fights in our team. I would also be worried if I were to left him alone in the middle of enemy territory," Mikey agrees.
Zhang didn't mind being spoken off like a deadweight at fights, he's good at other things after all. And he's about to demonstrate that other things right now as he opens his laptop and begins working.
"Alright, then see you guys later!" Mikey said as he began to run off to find Harvard and Carl.
"Ah, don't forget to contact us with updates!" Manimani shouted at Mikey's running figure that's getting farther and father away from them in just a few seconds.
She could see him making an 'OK' sign with his hand, and lets him leave, hoping he wouldn't forget again.
"Maybe we shouldn't have let him leave after all..." Manimani said a bit dejected.
"Don't say stupid things like that, if that happens then we three'll be sitting ducks here when there might be something happening to our two missing teammates," Zhang debated, he's already working on his laptop again.
"Right, Mikey's strong anyway, he'd be able to handle himself just fine. You say some pretty good stuff sometimes too, huh?"
"Yep, glad you understand," Zhang answer as he types on his laptop.
"How's the progress with contacting the headquarters?" asked Manimani.
"No luck, we're sitting ducks," Zhang answered, his typing stopped.
"Figures," Manimani sighed, "Still, what was that noise anyway?" she asked.
"Don't know, but it seems to be coming from the way Mikey ran off to, so he may be close to it. We're definitely far off though," Zhang said.
"Should we go there?" suggested Manimani.
Zhang closed his laptop with a clicked, "Sure, it's not like we're making progress here," and stood up.
*Huff puff*
Carl could hear himself breathing.
The building he's in is old and so very quiet.
He could only hear his footsteps and rapid breathing.
'That source of that noise should be close... Damn it!'
Carl thought about how it all came to this, and almost swore to himself to give Harvard a good beating when he sees him next.
'Harvard, you stupid...!'
He remembers when Harvard came to them with surefire proofs on a crime organization and a plan to catch them all by themselves.
He and Manimani tried to convince him otherwise and to at least tell their higher-ups, but Harvard wouldn't listen.
Not only that, he managed to gain Zhang's support by luring him in with talks of achievements and promotions or whatnot.
With Mikey not really supporting one or the other, they were at a tie.
But Harvard was reckless enough to tell them that he would even go by himself, so there's no use stopping him.
Carl has been friends with Harvard for at least 3 years and he had an ability to understand other people's hearts and, through them, their thoughts and personalities.
He understands his friend and partner's personality very well.
So he knew he couldn't stop him, but, "Okay, we'll come with," Manimani gasped, shocked at his decision.
"But, let me contact our instructors first. At the very least, they should know if we're about to attempt this. Things may go south after all, we may need their help," Manimani's relieved sigh reached his ears.
Harvard gave him a look, indicating 'not bad', then smirked and shook his head, "If they know, they would first stop us from going, then issue a formal request to their higher-ups to be allowed to catch them. It could take DAYS. There could be an information leak, and the entire organization could be gone from that building by the time that venerable permission comes out."
Carl couldn't say anything, especially when he thought about what's going on inside the force currently.
There were talks about traitors inside Broadstone Police Force.
"We're going, NOW," was what Harvard said last before he left the room.
Carl wasn't about to let that kill them all though, so he whipped up his phone and was about to call one of their instructors, Misae or Granger.
But just then, a message came in. From Harvard. Carl pales and closed his phone, he then followed the others and left the room, chasing after Harvard.
'It's that noise again, I'm getting close!' Carl thought as he fasten his pace.
'It's increasing?! What are they from? Gunshots? It's so loud, like metal...'
'What in the-?! I need to hurry up, someone's life could be in danger!'
Carl slowed his pace as he gets closer to the source of the loud metal noises and screams.
He very carefully peeked inside the room where the noises originated from.
'What is... ugh-!' Carl held his breath.
"Agh! Spare me!" pleaded a bloody man covered his head with his hands.
"Sure, once you tell me what I want to know!" a voice resembling his partner's, Harvard's, told him.
"I already told you, I don't know anything- UGH!" the man's words were cut short by a metal pipe hitting his side.
"Harvard...?" Carl stood shocked, unable to let a single word out.
"I'll give you another chance!"
"I don't know, please-"
Carl reflexively turned his face away and closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, he took a glance at the room they were in.
There was a lot of red splattered on the floor and the wall, and...people. Unmoving people. Dead people.
Carl felt nauseous.
"C'mon, spill it!" Harvard demanded.
No, if this goes on...!
"Harvard stop...!" Carl heard himself scream.
Harvard seemed to hear him, his hand holding the steel pipe froze and he turned around to face him.
"...Carl," was all that Harvard said in this situation. Carl could hear the annoyance in his tone of voice.
"What were you doing?!" Carl asked, terrified.
"I was just beating information out of our suspect here," answered Harvard, his hand still holding the steel pipe.
"Oh goodness..." Carl could feel himself dizzier by the second, his partner was showing absolutely no signs of guilt.
"Look at all these people Harvard! Y-you... What did you do to them?! They couldn't be...dead?" Carl asked in disbelief.
"Don't worry, I made sure they're still alive," Harvard said, his patience getting thinner.
"That's not the problem you-"
"It was self-defense. They attacked me first with steel pipes, I just returned the favor," his voice exasperated.
Carl felt that Harvard is saying, 'Are you done yet?' with his body language.
"Harvard, j-just put down that steel pipe first," Carl begged.
Harvard sneered, "Or what? You'll beat me up?"
There was no way Carl could win against Harvard, his fighting prowess is second only to Mikey in their team, while Carl is only as strong as Manimani.
Beating Harvard in a hand-to-hand combat is like asking for broken bones and pain.
Yet, he can't use any of his official police assigned weapons, like his gun, he needs permission from their higher-ups.
And he for sure didn't even tell their direct higher-ups, their instructors, that they would even be here, in this mess.
'Harvard's mess...' thought Carl.
Carl stayed quiet, unable to answer Harvard's provocation.
"Just like I thought," sighed Harvard as he went back to terrorize the bloody man that couldn't even stand up anymore.
"Now, tell me what you know, or I'll bust your head open."
"I-I don't know, I don't know...-"
"UGH!!" the man let out a muffled scream and coughed out some blood.
"HARVARD STOP!!" before Carl realized, he was running to stop his partner.
Carl tackled him from behind.
Harvard's footing wobbled, but he easily pushed Carl away.
Carl landed on his back, "Guh...!"
"Carl, I'm warning you, don't get in my way," Harvard's voice was serious and laced with anger.
"You can't do this! This isn't right!" said Carl as he attemped to get up.
"And who decides on that?" Harvard sneered.
"The law does!" Carl yelled.
"Well, the law is wrong."
Harvard's eyes looked down on him, and Carl trembled from the fear and pressure.
Harvard's eyes were merciless, his eyes now were like the eyes of criminals they've caught together before.
Dark, cold, merciless, cruel...
Carl couldn't bear to look at them.
Harvard turned away from Carl and looked back at the man lying down in his own blood.
"Tell me, what do you know about the Clown case from 10 years ago?"
The man didn't answer and only laid still while covering his head with his hand pitifully.
"Answer me!!" Harvard screamed as he swung the metal pipe once more.
Carl ran over and gripped his partner's hand that's holding the steel pipe tightly, trying to get him to let it go.
"Harvard, please don't do this!" Carl cried.
"Carl, LET. ME. GO!" Harvard's strength outpowered Carl and he swung down the pipe to hit Carl's upper arm.
"Aagh!!" Carl wailed as he fell down.
Harvard sighed annoyingly as he steadied himself, he lifted his hand again to hit the man.
"Harvard no...!" Carl clenched Harvard's leg, pleading for him to stop this madness.
Harvard kicked him back and swung down his metal pipe on the man again.
"Harvard no! This is wrong! Please stop it already!!" Carl could feel tears streaming down his face.
"Is this your justice?! Harvard!!" Carl cried at the top of his lungs.
"That's right, this IS my justice," Harvard coldly answered.
Carl's heart fell.
Why am I so weak? Carl hated himself at this moment.
If only the others were here, any one of them could do a much better job at stopping Harvard than he could...
"Harvard STOP!!!" Carl forced himself to get up, the pain in his upper arm tearing through him mercilessly, but he hold it back.
Carl tackled Harvard from behind again, and he felt a sharp pain stabbing his stomach.
Harvard had elbowed his stomach.
Carl could taste blood in his mouth, but he held his ground.
"Har..vard!!" Carl swung his fist to Harvard's face, but Harvard caught it.
"Stand. Back. Carl."
Harvard kicked his stomach and threw him back.
The impact from hitting the ground made Carl gagged on his blood.
Carl felt pitiful.
If only anyone from his team were here, they could surely stop Harvard.
Carl couldn't, Carl never could. He was too weak, too fragile, too much of a pampered crybaby to do anything.
He was scared, terrified. He couldn't even properly look at his friend without trembling so much.
He wants to go home to his family. He wants to sleep in his soft and large bed, and have his parents and elder siblings tell him that everything will be okay.
He hated this. Why did he even go to Police College for? He should've stayed and continued his family's business. What dreams? Being a hero? Laughable.
"Uhh...uwaaaa..." Carl cried.
He couldn't even lift his arms anymore, one of them hurt too badly and he just has no more energy left to lift the other anymore.
'It hurts...' Carl's whole body was screaming in pain, he was coughing up blood, but most of all, his heart hurt.
His friend and partner is doing something so horrible, yet he couldn't even stop him.
Since he's 2 years older, he always feels like should show Harvard the way, that he should guide him on the right path.
But he failed, miserably.
He is a failure.
*Sniff sniff*
Unbeknownst to Carl, Harvard was silently watching him, his expression contorting slightly.
Harvard suppressed the feelings in his heart, and began to interrogate the man again.
"I'll ask again, what do you know about the Clown case from 10 years ago?"
The man curled up and stayed silent.
"I know you know something. I've obtained information that before you founded this criminal organization 8 years ago, you were in contact with Clown. My source even told me that you were sending hit list to them."
The man kept silent.
"Tell me, 10 years ago, were you the one that gave the instruction to kill a woman surnamed Marks?" his voice intensified.
"..." silence.
"Hahaha... is that how you wanna play? Fine."
"You know, maybe you'd be interested to know who's the source of all my information on you," Harvard gave a forced smile.
"Do you have any idea of an old woman and her daughter who's surnamed 'Hart'?"
"...!" the man responded slightly.
Harvard smirked, "The old lady has trouble with her left leg and walks with a cane, while the daughter has burn marks on her right hand. Do you suppose know who they are?"
'...You-" the man's teeth clenched.
"Willing to talk now?"
"What did you do to them?" the man face Harvard with a new fiery determination.
Harvard let out a geniune laugh, "Ahaha, nothing. Yet."
The man lunged at Harvard as if his wounds aren't bothering him.
"Heh!" Harvard easily evaded him, "If you tell me everything you know and did with Clown, nothing would happen to them."
"You...monster!" the man screamed as he lunged forward to attack Harvard.
Harvard just clicked his tongue and kicked him back, "Monster? If I'm a monster, then what the fuck are you huh?"
"You killed people, you terrorized them, you were so evil that you wife and kid left you AND told all of your wrongdoings to the police to get you in jail. You're a fucking PIG in a human society."
"SHUT UP!!" the man yelled and got up again.
"You're the shit of society, the least you could do is own up for being a shit and tell me everything I want to know from you."
The man attempted to tackle Harvard, but Harvard dodged and hit him hard with his metal pipe.
"Feel like talking now?"
*Cough cough* the man coughs up a lot of blood.
"Harvard...stop...he's gonna die...sniff," Carl tried to force himself to stand up again.
He's a failure, sure, but if he and the man were gonna die in his partner's hands, the least he could do is to reduce that kill count from 2 to 1.
He's used to cleaning up after Harvard anyway, one more time wouldn't hurt.
"Stand down Carl. What am I gonna tell your prestigious family if you get hurt any more than this?" Harvard sighed.
Carl clenched his teeth and forced himself to get up again, and, oddly enough, he couldn't quite feel the pain anymore. Is that good or bad? He was supposed to be knowledgeable about this, but he couldn't quite remember. He feels dizzy.
"ZHANG, MANIMANI, MIKEY, HELP!!!" Carl screamed loudly.
Carl couldn't do it alone, so he called for help. After all, that's what teammates are for.
*Huff puff*
"This place is a labyrinth!" Manimani said between breaths.
"Tell me about it," Zhang unenthusiastically replied.
"At least we are together!" Mikey added.
"I'm glad we found you! But why were you still so close to our location?" Manimani asked.
"I got lost! This place is a labyrinth!" Mikey said a bit too enthusiastically.
"Wow," Zhang replied.
"We're already so much closer to the source of those loud noises, just a bit more!" Manimani said.
"I hope Harvard and Carl are already there, I don't think I could manage to run around again to search for them," Zhang said, out of breath.
"Don't worry, I could still go for another run!" Mikey said with a reassuring smile.
"Gee, good for you," said Zhang.
"Another loud noise! It's so close now!" said Manimani.
"C-Can we take a short break?" Zhang pleaded.
"Not now! We're so close..." rejected Manimani.
"B-But I'm so tired...can't go on running...!"
"That's why we always told you to train with us! But you always refused!"
Manimani and Zhang were about to start a scuffle.
"Huh, that was...!" Manimani was suprised for a second, but immediately began to search for the source of the voice.
"Carl...?" Zhang added, surprised and out of breath.
"Here! Let's go!" Mikey acted first, the two then followed behind him.
"Carl!!" Mikey called back.
Carl could feel his heart literally jumped with joy and relieve hearing that voice.
Mikey was the strongest in their team, if anyone could stop Harvard, it's him!
Carl sniffled for one last time before steadying himself, 'That's right, this isn't time for crying. We need to stop Harvard. We need to help him!'
"Mikey! We're here!" Carl called out to Mikey again.
Harvard's expression showed his displease, 'More annoyances...'
"CARL!" Mikey's loud voice was even louder as he got closer.
And he finally managed to find them.
Carl almost cried again out of joy when he saw that Zhang and Manimani were also with him.
"Carl- What in the?!" Manimani spoke first, she scanned the room and immediately formed a hypothesis.
"What the..." Zhang was second, he turned paler as his gaze traced the people lying on the ground in blood.
"Oh goodness..." Mikey was the last as he looked between Harvard and Carl in confusion and horror.
"Carl, what is happening?!" Manimani asked agitated.
"Speak later! Mikey, you need to restrain Harvard!" Carl's orders were straight and sure without a hint of doubt.
That, coupled with Harvard's annoyed expression and his steel pipe, were enough to mobilize the three people who just arrived.
"I don't really get what's happening, but I need you to drop that steel pipe leader!" Manimani demanded.
Harvard sighed, and finally dropped the steel pipe.
"Mikey, go get that man lying beside Harvard!" Carl instructed.
Mikey carefully went over to Harvard's side.
As he bended over to grab the man, Harvard's kick swerved upward aiming right on Mikey's stomach.
Fortunately, Mikey managed to dodge at the last second due to his natural fast reaction and body control.
"Harvard...?" Mikey got into his fighting pose as Harvard picks his steel pipe up again.
"Manimani, Zhang! Help Mikey restrain Harvard. Subdue him if necessary," Carl quietly said.
Manimani and Zhang gave a short nod as they ran over to Harvard.
Harvard was now surrounded by his 3 teammates.
"I don't know what's going on, but I don't want any trouble," Zhang said to Harvard.
"Harvard, drop that steel pipe. I'm warning you," said Manimani.
"..." Mikey stayed quiet, his fighting pose maintained.
After some very long seconds, Harvard finally spoke up, "Try me."
Mikey went first, his fist aiming at Harvard's stomach.
Harvard dodged him as his steel pipe swerved to hit Zhang who's coming from behind him.
"Uugh!" Zhang grunted in pain as the steel pipe hit his side.
"Harvard!" Manimani yelled as she tried to kick Harvard.
Harvard dodged again and was about to hit Manimani's side with his steel pipe as Mikey suddenly came from behind Harvard and restrained him.
With his arms locking Harvard's torso, Mikey pulled him back.
Due to Mikey's height, Harvard was currently lifted a few centimeters off the ground.
Manimani rushed over and quickly tore the steel pipe from Harvard's hand.
She also put handcuffs on him to make sure he can't attack anymore.
"It's over, mister!" she said to Harvard as she turned back to check on Zhang just as quick as she came.
Mikey, relieved, let his guard down for a second.
Just then, Harvard tried to kick Mikey back.
"Mikey focus!" Carl yelled.
Mikey immediately let go of Harvard, swiftly pulled up behind him and, with one fell swoop, knocked him out.
The unconscious Harvard immediately fell, but is caught by Mikey.
Relieve washed over Carl as his legs buckled and he fell down himself.
Looks like his body finally gave up.
The last thing he could hear was Manimani screaming his name.
Carl woke up in a hospital room.
"You're awake?" a familiar voice called out from beside him, it was his eldest brother, Alfred.
"Elder brother...?" Carl called out sluggishly.
Alfred gave a nod, "Do you know why you're here?"
Carl tried to think back and remembered Harvard's madness.
"H-Harvard, what happened to him?" Carl asked, worried.
"Don't worry, he was just knocked out by your other teammate. No other external injuries were found, it's almost a miracle," his brother answered.
"How is he now? Will he be punished...?"
"Hm, it seems like his higher-ups will give him some sentences for going off alone and badly injuring a key person in the case," his brother calmly told him, "but, all of the other people he injured confessed that they attacked first, all of them just lost."
"So, it's really self-defense?" Carl asked.
"Yes, it seems so. The only injuries he caused because of his own agenda, were to the man who was the key suspect and leader of the crime organization that used the building as their base of operation and to his teammates, including you," explained his brother.
"But," Alfred continued, "none of the injuries he caused were life-threatening, case in point, the worst injury you got is a cracked left upper arm, and to the man, quite a bit of cracked and broken bones."
"He also caused injuries on your, the man's, and one of your teammate's stomachs, but none of it was life-threatening," Alfred concluded his explanation.
"I see..." Carl said as he quietly digest all of the information.
"Keeping a lion and disguising it as a cat is quite dangerous, sometimes it causes this sort of unexpected trouble, but the benefits it gives to the Police organization are also immense. It could even be said that this sort of trouble is just a small price to pay for all of its given benefits," Alfred continued, "The city has never been this peaceful in years."
Carl listened quietly.
"He didn't want to hurt you nor your other teammate, Carl. Trust me, I already had the chance to spoke to him for a lengthy while," Alfred puts a hand on Carl's shoulder.
"As for the man though, he was quite fortunate that your partner still wants to be on the side of the law, not against it."
"He still has use for it, you mean?" Carl asked with a painful smile.
"I don't have an answer to that, maybe you should ask your partner about it. Although, I doubt that, at this point in time, he knows the answer himself," Alfred pats Carl's head and gives him a soft smile, "Be there for him, why don't you? I know you could never leave him alone."
Carl clenched the blanket tightly.
"Harvard Marks could be the one to greatly alter Broadstone. As Oxfords, we will continue to be watching over him," Alfred said as he began to get up.
"...for the Oxford's sake?" Carl asked, almost bitterly.
His brother gave a smile and said, "A lion who obediently follows his owner, is nothing more than a cat. Harm his owner though..."
Somehow, in Carl's eyes, his brother's smile seemed terrifying.
The day is turning dark as Carl said farewell to his 3 teammates, Manimani, Zhang, and Mikey who came to visit him in his hospital room.
Zhang's injury was pretty light and had already healed fully, maybe Harvard really held back against them after all.
Carl too, aside from his cracked upper arm bones, all of his other injuries were healing rapidly.
"What did the doctor say?" Manimani asked.
"He said that I'm actually able to be discharged already, but my family wanted me to at least stay for another 3 days, jut to be on the safe side," Carl explained.
"Gee, your people sound great!" Manimani said with a smile.
"Yeah, we're a tight-knit family," Carl gave a wry laugh.
They had a pretty nice converstation.
The 3 were visiting after all of the 'Harvard caused' paperworks were done, and stayed for about an hour.
It seemed like Harvard just acted like his usual self back in their office, much to their chagrin.
Harvard didn't tell them anything, or even if he was sorry.
He did, however, bought Zhang lunch today, which was a very rare occurence.
Maybe that's his way of apologizing, Mikey suggested.
Zhang, reluctant at first, soon maximized Harvard's offer and bought lunch enough for the other 2 as well, much to Harvard's chagrin.
Carl laughed at their story, and briefly wondered when he'll be able to talk to Harvard again, and how'll their conversation flow after this incident.
After the 3 left, Harvard immediately visited him.
"I thought they'd never left," Harvard said.
"You were waiting for them to leave? Why?" Carl asked.
Harvard awkwardly scratched his hair and said, "Explanation, I thought I owe YOU at least that much."
Harvard seated himself on the chair beside Carl's bed.
"So yeah, about your injuries..." Harvard started.
"My bad."
Carl waited to hear Harvard's continuation, but it seemed that there was no continuaton.
"Wait, that's it?" Carl asked baffled, "Where's the explanation?"
"Yeah, maybe I changed my mind," Harvard gave a joking smile.
"Don't joke around!" admonished Carl, still he's kind of happy to see Harvard back to his usual self.
"...10 years ago, my mom was killed by Clown," Harvard began.
Yes, Carl knew about that.
"The man I was trying to get info out of? 10 years ago, he was the one giving out hit lists to Clown."
"Huh? But, Clown was a serial murderer, not a hitman," Carl said confused.
"On the cover that is, I have information that suggested Clown actually took requests from big corporations," Harvard said serious.
"W-wait, are we alright with talking about this stuff here?" Carl looked to the surveillance camera on the corner of the room.
"Don't worry, I talked with your brother. This hospital belongs to the Oxford right? He'll be able to do something about it, besides, it's not really super-secret anymore. I heard the higher-ups plan to release this info to the masses soon, since Clown's long dead," Harvard calmly explained.
"A-alright, then please, continue."
"During the course of my investigation into Clown, I met the 'Hart' mother and daughter. The mother told me about her divorced husband being a possible carrier linking Clown to the bigshots."
"Though she said 'possible', her demeanor showed that she was sure of it," Harvard said while thinking back on the mother-daughter duo.
"Next, I researched into her husband's past and current whereabouts, and, lo and behold, turns out now he's the leader of a crime organization right here in Broadstone," Harvard eyed Carl meaningfully.
Carl doesn't need further explanation, he know that the divorced husband was the man from the building.
"So, it was all connected to your mother?" Carl asked after some time thinking.
"Everything, is connected to my mom. Everything I do is for her," Harvard answered, his eyes directly locking into Carl's.
"I admit, I lost control," Harvard remembered the state Carl was in, coughing up blood and crying on the ground. Something inside him hurted, "So, my bad."
Carl's right hand slowly reached up to the top of Harvard's hair, and he gently pat him.
"Next time, Harvard, we'll handle it together," Carl spoke gently.
Harvard made an expression like a sad and guilty kitty, making Carl smile a bit, "There, there."
As the youngest of the Oxford siblings, Carl only had older siblings, so he had always wanted to have a younger sibling.
When he met Harvard and, subsequently, as they got closer, Harvard's existence felt like the younger brother he had never had but always wanted to have.
Sometimes Harvard made him angry, other times he made him happy.
Sometimes Carl couldn't take his eyes from Harvard lest he'll make trouble, and sometimes Carl couldn't help but to depend on Harvard.
Being with Harvard was as frustrating as it was fun.
Carl both adore and admire Harvard, but deep in his heart, there was a sense of uncertainty and fear as well.
Carl knew Harvard so well, he fears himself getting too close to the darkness inside Harvard.
A deep, black, unending darkness.
It could consume Carl whole if it so wishes to.
He briefly wondered, what he means to Harvard.
And, if the time comes when the darkness inside Harvard is unleashed, would their bond endure?
Author's note: if you read this far, thank you!!
Also, before you ask, "Clown's dead?"
Yes, I headcanon (for this fic) that they're already dead, since at the end of the 'Concept Image Trailer', Harvard said that he wants to meet Clown in DecaSim.
That raises the question: "Why not just meet him in real life?" Unless he CAN'T.
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hanasnx · 11 months
i've loved the whole starlet reader little bits and bobs recently. she's my babygirl, i have posters of her up on my walls and her playboy cover under my bed <33
i know the au! is hayden-based, but my brain circled around anakin for this one. 
in my mind the prequels take place in what would be our 1940s or 1950s as the ogs reflected closer the political context of the 60s. 
which lends itself for a golden-age starlet reader, and i wanted to share a thought! ITS SO LONG IM SO SORRY  ;;
with a war raging on, people need some sort of distraction as to not go insane with the politics and bloodshed of it all - an escapism the entertainment industry is more than happy to provide. anything you could possibly want to escape your own life for a little while, they have. 
i like to imagine each clone legion has has their own taste when it comes down to their poison of choice - the 302th are very into the thrillers of an acclaimed silver fox actor. the 127th favour comedies regardless of whoever stars in them.
the 501st claimed starlet!reader as their girl. that's quite literally how she's known in the clones barracks, "the 501st's girl".
the legion is very familiar with their girl and her filmography. even though not all of her repertoire is romance, that's the one genre they indulge in the most.  
in the two hours they get to spend with her, they get to live the romance of a lifetime they may never get to experience otherwise. she's their forbidden lover, their wife, their temptress.
their girl, really.
she's special to them, even if in a parasocial way. it's a tragic thought to think how many of them passed with a picture of her on the windshield of their ship. 
maybe that's why anakin agreed to watch a holo-film of hers with the 401st. it's important to them, so it's important to him. a little bonding time. 
he just didn't expect to become so quickly enraptured with you, too - not in the same way his clone comrades are, their girl is the vessel for their fantasies. to anakin? you're his fantasy. 
i doubt he cares much for your movies, i think he prefers your interviews and commercials.  he has a few favorite frames he comes back to often. 
he lingers on them more than he should - a parasocial relationship *hardly* counts as an attachment anyways. 
considering how most holo-projections are 3D, i'm sure he's already familiar with your form, from head to toes. 
but no projection can compare to seeing the real thing for the first time - you were actually real? he couldn't wrap his head around that idea. 
i mean, you looked real when you arrived in a pretty little white-blue outfit, accompanied by palpatine, (who ofc organized the whole thing). you were all smiles and waves, clearly trying to make contact with as many eyes as you could before you went onstage.  
you sounded real when you yelped and giggled when you almost tripped on the slippery stairs when you were headed center to deliver a small speech to your boys (as you so lovingly called them). 
but what really almost sold him on the fact that you were real, was feeling you. physically you were meters away, but with his connection to the force? you were almost breathing down his neck with how close he felt your force presence. the very essence of what makes you, you. 
you were singing your heart out up there -  oblivious to how you intoxicated almost all of anakin's senses by simply existing in the same space as him. 
he just really needed to confirm you tasted real, to be completly sold on your existence as something beyond a hallucination of his haunted mind. 
look i dont like long inbox msgs bcos its rly difficult for me to focus on them and all that etc etc whatever whatever but this.. this i loved reading. i want more of it. i want to hear more about the 501st's girl and how ppl joke about it "oh hows your lil girlfriend??" as if shes the collective gf of this division sldfj. i wonder how anakin gets closer, do you feel drawn to him too? if so, is it cos hes pretty or is it a magical thing? are the 501st jealous or playfully jealous over anakins success in bagging you??
my cheeks slowly heated up the entire time i read it i rly enjoyed it omg
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lehguru · 2 years
request: Can I request a little scenario where Brook (from OP) organizes a little romantic date for his S/O, please?
warnings: silly goofy, i loved to make this as one piece as possible, one joke about eyes popping out (literally just that, no g*re description), brook accidentally sets himself on fire, not proofread; gender neutral reader + requests are open ! check pinned post for requesting rules
im soooooooo sorry i took so long to post this! it was very fun to write and i hope you enjoy it ♡ obrigada demais por enviar essa ask meu chuchu!!
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he had no idea where to start. he loves you, he loves you as much as he loves music, but he truly didn't know what to do. here's the thing: it has been YEARS since he had an actual date with someone. god, he didn't even see any person for 50 years while he was lost in the florian triangle; his romance skills were really rusty.
when the idea of organizing a date night appeared in his mind – nami gave him the idea –, he went around the crew asking for tips on what he should do to impress you. from "all you can eat buffet" to "why would i know", everyone had different answers to his question. surprisingly, sanji was the one with the best idea: a candlelight dinner.
as the night came, the table was ready. a small vase with a rose stood in the middle of it, a single candle making the mahogany towel even darker. compared to the simplicity of the table, the floor was a mess. countless candles were lit against the hard wood of the ship and any surface that was available in the room; sanji murmured that those things were clearly a safety hazard when he went to deliver the dinner, bur brook ignored his words.
when the skeleton lead you inside the room and took your blindfold off – you were a little scared when he begged for you to wear it –, you were left completely speechless. you mouth dropped and your eyes darted from the tall man to the scenery in front of you. you let yourself be pushed to sit on the chair and, after he sat down across from you, you murmured:
"shouldn't we blow out some of the candles?"
he simply chuckled and assured you that it wasn't a problem; everything there was perfectly safe and he made sure of it.
it didn't take long for you to be proven right. after you both finished eating the pasta sanji prepared – brook tried to pretend that he was the one that made it – and were just enjoying each other's company, talking about random topics, a faint smell of smoke reached your nostrils. you tried to ignore it and keep looking at your boyfriend, but a clear thin smoke thread started to come from somewhere under you two.
brook seemed to not notice, but he followed your stare as you looked down. if he had eyes, they would've popped out of their sockets; the bottom of the towel started to catch on fire. you tried to remain calm, it wasn't a big deal, it's not like that wasn't something you could easily put off just by stomping on the cloth. unfortunately, your boyfriend seemed to have different thoughts.
with a quick and rough movement, brook pulled the towel from the table, shaking it around so the fire would be put out. after he, apparently, succeeded at extinguishing the fire that was starting, the skeleton sighed deeply; relief was starting to settle in his bones when you noticed another trail of smoke appearing. this time, from his head.
"brook, you–"
"i'm sorry for this, my love! we can carry on with our date now." he noticed your worried face and tilted his skull. "what is wrong, my darling?"
"your hair is on fire." you pointed at the top of his hair and he seemed to freeze for a second.
when your words settled in, he started screeching at the top of his lungs. before you could help him and take the fire yourself, brook slammed the door open and runned to the deck of the ship. all the crew members that were close also started screaming. while luffy and chopper started to hit brook in an attempt to put out the fire, franky appeared with water and threw it on the boys. sea water.
while your boyfriend was whining on the floor, his strength leaving his bones for a moment, sanji appeared next to you, lighting up his cigarette. "he had good intentions with the date. he asked all of you about it."
you smiled softly and nodded, "i know."
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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I sorry but like exams are killing me but now and I did say probably
i want a poly Ariel and Eric hybrid! Reader alt alt ending where Ariel and Eric were already married and then they heard singing which turned out to be Reader singing but ran off after hearing a friend call her name
But Ariel and Eric we're stunned by her beauty and grace so they organized a party for the entire village in the evening but Reader isn't a big fan of crowds or people in general so she steps outside into the beach to have an evening swim but Ariel and Eric followed her so they now know and tell her how they feel
But Reader is a little skeptical because who would want a "commoner" but she likes them back regardless
Thinking about a part 2 of this so when you're done I can they you
Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night
Thank you in advance ❤❤❤❤
A/N: Ahhhh okay as someone who is in the final weeks of her college classes, I totally understand. I hope you do well on your exams and I will be here when you get back &lt;3
Shy Siren: Poly Eric & Ariel &Hybrid Reader
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Ariel and Eric were walking along the beach sharing some laughs about something that had happened at the market when they heard the most beautiful voice. They stopped laughing and could hear whoever it was singing so clearly now, which made them start heading toward the sound of the voice. As they made their way toward you, they could hear your voice more clearly and louder now, and they began to pick up the pace hoping to see who it was and talk to them. 
You were sitting by the shore singing a song your mom used to sing to you as you watched the waves, wishing both of your parents were still here. You were so wrapped in your thoughts that you didn't notice how late it had gotten or the royal couple peeking around the corner watching you with total love in your eyes until you heard your best friend call your name. 
"Y/n! It's time for dinner." She said as you got up and ran to catch up with her. 
Eric and Ariel watched as you ran off to catch up with your friend with smiles on their faces, they had never seen you before but knew that they had to have you, especially after hearing your voice and not to mention your unmatched beauty. That night when they went home they asked around about you but no one from the castle knew who you were so they had Grimsby organize a search party in hopes of finding you. 
"Y/n the royal couple is looking for you." Your best friend making you look at her confused. 
"What do you mean they're looking for me?" You asked her. 
"I don't know the details but it's all they are talking about in the market. Did you talk to them or something?" She asked you. 
"No, I've only passed them at the market before." You said to her. 
You were at work but due to a search party being held, the market was way more crowded than normal and it was becoming too much for you so you decided to step away and go for a swim to clear your head but you didn't realize that you were followed. 
"Please don't go." You heard Ariel say making you turn and see her and Eric a few feet behind you. 
"What? What are you two doing here?" You asked looking at them as they walked closer to you. 
"We've been looking all over for you since we heard your voice last night." Eric said. 
"Why were you looking for me? I'm not anyone important." You said to them. 
"Oh but you are, your voice and your beauty are just unmatched, I know this is very sudden but we like you a lot and would like the chance to get to know you better if you are interested." Ariel said.
"But I'm a commoner, I'm not royalty. What could you guys possibly see in me?" You asked them. 
"We don't care about that y/n. We only care about the heart that is inside of you, when we were looking for you all everyone kept saying is how sweet and caring you are. Please just give us a chance and if you don't like it then no hard feelings?" He asked you. 
"I would like that a lot, plus I've kinda always had my eyes on you two as well." You said with a shy smile as they hugged you. 
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dk-wren · 2 years
Buddy Daddies Finale Theory
I can't say what I'm really basing these thoughts on. I also am not sure if this is an actual theory or just my hopes/musings. But here we go:
Kazuki, Rei, and Miri will all make it. Kazuki or Rei might get injured, but nobody in this sweet, little family is dying on me!
However, I do think there is going to be a loss and after the end of Ep. 8, my bet is on Kyutaro (though I hope I am wrong!)
For a variety of reasons, all of which are valid, Rei, and perhaps Kazuki too, are gonna go after Shigeki and Ogino. If not outright killing them (perhaps symbolizing that Rei and Kazuki have changed and are different from them), they will somehow be out of the picture, leaving Rei as the head of the Suwa family/organization
Rei and Kazuki will continue to stay in that world or business, possibly to try and change the practices of the Suwa organization or still feeling too tied to it. So, Rei will step up to become the head of the Suwa organization, except he's doing things a little differently from his father. Rei will be handling that during the day while Miri is at school. During the same time, Kazuki will somewhat retire from missions and instead take over Yadorigi from Kyutaro, maintaining the place as both a cafe and location to exchange/gather intel. (Just let this man cook and be appreciated for his food/drinks)
Like Rei said in Ep. 8, his home is the apartment where he, Kazuki, and Miri live. And that's gonna stay the same. Their apartment will continue to be their home. Nobody is going to move to the Suwa manor and that place will instead become like an office or workspace for Rei. While they may all somewhat spend their day apart from each other, this little family always comes together at night in the apartment for dinner and family time.
Not fully related to the above, but also just wanted to throw my two cents into the conversation about this: I don't think we've crossed over into the present yet (or, we're still in the flashback). I feel it would explicitly be said when the show jumps back to the present or there would be overlapping events that clearly allude to the merging of the two timelines. I haven't watched a whole lot of anime, so I do not know if this is a common story technique or not and if there is like a trope or narrative device used in these situations.
I do agree, given Rei's growth and development in the relationship he has with Miri, going back and rewatching that first scene, Rei's reaction seems a little out of character now (like he still does not really care about Miri). But, and I saw a post about this earlier (sorry I forgot your @), if it's not actually Miss Anna calling, and instead Kyutaro or someone else with the voice changer, this could explain Rei's response. If this call is being made to lure Kazuki and Rei into a trap, and Miri does not actually have a runny nose or fever (I kinda forgot the specifics), then Rei's seemingly unfazed or uncaring reaction could be him simply trying to appease Kazuki's overprotective papa dramatics. Rei's "I guess" could be he truly didn't notice anything wrong with Miri because nothing is, she's just being used as bait. Regardless of the how the organization gets its info on Kazuki and Miri, they will know how much she means to both of them and what they are willing to do for her. That is why calling them and saying Miri is not in outright trouble or danger, but simply needs the love and help of her papas will quickly draw them to wherever the organization wants them.
I could be completely wrong, but just some of my thoughts about how the rest of the season may play out. I think the wait for next week's episode is gonna be a lot harder for me than previous waits.
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retaurd · 1 year
So sorry if this is an annoying or repetitive question, but I’m in a similar family situation and I was curious if you experience maternal feelings toward your brother? Or if the knowledge that he is your brother and not your son is enough to stave this off? I’ve read accounts from surrogates where they develop a maternal attachment during pregnancy that makes the handoff of the baby really difficult. Was it easier since you’re not really being separated from your brother after birth? Again I’m sorry if this is something you’re tired of explaining, one of your posts about it floated across my dash and scrolling your blog for a while I haven’t seen any posts about it that could answer my questions without directly asking. Have a good one
hi! happy to answer, especially if it helps you in some way
to clarify, just in case: what i did isnt considered a surrogacy, but a gestational carry, because my own eggs were not used in any way. surrogacy, from my understanding now (because i had no idea there was a difference or that surrogacy entailed horrors when i started this ~1.5yr ago) is when a woman gives her own genetic material in the creation of the child, carries it, then the child is removed from her and raised by someone else. what i did was have a lil test tube guy, a week old fetus basically, implanted into me, a fetus that belongs(ed? he ain't a fetus no more) to my parents. all i did was help my mom out with gestating him. basically.
anyway to answer you: i've had a heavy hand in raising all of my siblings since i was about 12 years old so i think i have a weird relationship with maternalist feelings but i'll do my best to answer as clearly as i can because for me those waters are a bit muddied. for me the most clearly maternal i felt was immediately post-birth and i will explain. the entire time i was pregnant i was fine, i had a wonderful peaceful easy pregnancy (im pretty sure comparably, aside from a couple gallbladder attacks) without much stress or anxiety mostly, but the minute i saw him, and specifically saw other people, medical professionals, touching him, i got extremely emotional like rapturously overjoyed and then also extremely anxious. they had to take him a few times for a few tests, some examinations, a bath, et c., and i remember getting overwhelmingly anxious and upset that he was apart from me and that they could possibly hurt him because a lot of them are dumb as fuck but that's a separate grievance for another time
im lucky in that i have him half of the time, im with him during the night and early day and my mom is very very freely giving with him and i am as much involved as she and my dad are, just like with my other siblings. the first night i was home he was with my mom and i couldn't sleep just weepy and wondering what he was doing. literally. wondering what a newborn was doing lol. but after a few days for me this wore off as my hormones settled and my anxiety and worry relaxed about him getting hurt, that was a constant fear for the first like 4 or 5 days for me. sleeping helped my body and mind return to normalcy, i had a c-section so i am still recovering from that and my physical inability at the time also had something to do with my fears i think, i had this sense of inadequacy that i would fail him and being physically vulnerable didn't help
overall now, im fine i think. ask me again in a couple months though, who knows about then. i definitely get all the time with him i want or need. my mom from the beginning has been discussing the possible difficulty with me and i think ive organized things mentally well enough. i never thought of him as anything but my brother so i think that helped as well, i think if i wouldve basically poisoned myself into considering him to be my child it would've made things a million times harder as well as that being biologically untrue.
my parents trusted me to do this extremely important thing for them because i volunteered several times over the course of years and have worked to prove my responsibility to them. so it really felt like an act of love for me, i love them, i love my other siblings, i love the baby, i love everyone. all i wanted was to give more. and from the beginning my parents told me this isn't just their baby, it's 'our' baby, as in my whole family. thinking about it that way helped me too.
i hope this helped. i was very scared at some points and very nervous or fearful but nothing was ever as bad as i thought and i was never presented with anything i couldnt handle. please if you need or want to, come off anon and talk to me. im here for you if you need it, even if it is still anonymous but we are able to talk privately and i can do whatever i can to help, i'd be more than happy to. thank you for coming to me, i hope with all my heart that you're okay and your family too
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