#sorry if this is incredibly half baked it is 3:30 am
theradicalace · 1 year
rambly post about splendid, splendont, and moral codes under the cut
thinking So hard abt these fuck up superheros you don't GET it.
okay, so like, splendid has been shown to be very single minded and tunnel visiony, to the detriment of other people, right? like, exploding handy's plane, setting petunia and giggles on fire, vaporising cub, and boiling a whole lake just to catch two thieves. he has ALSO been shown to disregard the well being of others to get what he wants. turning back time and letting a bunch of people die to save his bread, half assing a bunch of rescues to try and do his laundry, half assing a DIFFERENT bunch of rescues to read a romance novel, getting a bunch of people killed trying to track down mole and his camera, etc. AND he's been shown to react disproportionately to small slights. blowing up mole's car for honking at him.
all this paints a very interesting and.. frankly unflattering view of his morals. the kindest possible way to read it is just him being incompetent. the way i interpret him as a character goes heavy into headcanon territory and is only loosely based in canon.
to me, splendid has a very shallow and somewhat warped view of "good" and "evil". he's got a strong obsession with being "the good guy" and "the hero", but he doesn't really understand what that means, and he's mostly just repeating talking points without really thinking about them. thieves are criminals, criminals are bad, etc etc etc.
he falls into the trap of thinking he's a good person, and so everything he does is correct and justified. he would not be afraid to let someone he views as "evil" or "a criminal" come to serious harm or even death, for "the greater good" even if their crimes were just like, robberies or being a public nuisance. (do you see which characters i'm mentally autofilling here. there's a fic i want to write about this but that's a project for another day.) i do think he generally has good intentions, though! he's just got a lot of cognitive distortions going on up there that he should probably unpack with a therapist sometime.
now let's delve even further into headcanon territory, and talk about splendont, who's characterization i have entirely made up!
splendont, i think, frequently falls into the trap of getting too caught up in his rivalry with splendid. however, i think, if and when he's given a chance to work entirely independently, he would develop a more complex moral code.
i think he wouldn't put much focus, if any, on stopping crime specifically for the sake of stopping crime. not important to him. i think the core of his beliefs would be "i don't waste my time catching petty criminals when there's lives on the line". he's definitely not afraid to get his hands dirty and resort to violence, and he doesn't always consider the full ramifications of his actions, but he definitely tries to keep civilians out of harms way, and has a more public safety oriented mindset than splendid does. to him, being seen as "the hero" is not important, and if asked, he won't actually ever call himself a superhero, or anything of that nature. superpowered, sure, but he doesn't care for titles. i also think he's a very "ends justify the means" type of person, and can often be seen spouting off about "i did what i had to do." and all that good cliche stuff. could maybe be classed as an anti-hero? rough around the edges for sure
in conclusion: i want to study them both in a lab and my head is full of argumentative dialogue for them that i may never write
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frontierdavinci · 2 years
50+1/2 out-of-context-dnd inspired rp starters
//Let's make this a proper prompt list. All quotes from outofcontextdnd and, hoh boy, make they for some interesting RP starters.
1. “I forgot for six levels…”
2. “Are you sure you’re not a supervillain? Your motivation is literally to conquer the world.”
3. “What’s the silverware’s dexterity?”
4. “I’m an adult and I can make my own bad decisions!”
5. “Okay new rule, if anyone’s eyes start glowing ominously kick them in the junk immediately.”
6.  "It’s like 52 card pickup, except it kills people!"
7. “I had a similar plan, but it’s less stupid.“
8. And something miraculous happens. Your brain, it actually works!
9. “My acrobatics skills allows me some moral flexibility.”
9A. "I’m acrobatics as fuck!”
10. “I sit in the corner and consider murder.”
11. "If I see a wanted poster with my face on it, I sign it."
12. “Yeah there’s no way you’re getting out of this without being on fire.”
13. “Can everyone stop over-reacting? It was *only* a murder!”
14. "Stop being disappointed in me wearing clothes!"
15. “Guys, I swear I didn’t mean to escape prison, it was an accident.”
16.  "Rock, Paper, Scissors, BURNING HANDS!"
17.  “We’re not pirates, we’re aggressive bullet salesmen.”
18.  "Talk to the horses BEFORE we decide to stake the place out!"
19. “I am a genius when others help me. “
20.  “It was such a beautiful plan, it just didn’t survive contact with reality.”
21.  “I strive to be helpful and unsettling, I suppose.”
22.  “Hey buddy! Wanna help me do something stupid?”
23.  “I have two skills: Destruction and Style.”
24.  “Whatever their half-baked plans are, we need to make sure they don’t interfere with our own half-baked plans – otherwise we’ll all end up with quarter-baked plans and that’s practically raw.”
25.  "As a bonus action, I commit arson."
27.  “In our defense, we’re morons.”
28.  "Once it makes sense it will hopefully make sense"
29.  "You’re damaged, but in a good way."
30.  "Just to be clear: we’re all down to resist arrest, right?"
31. “I didn’t think about what to do when I got up here, I expected to fail” - “We all did”
32.  “Oh, I remember you from the darkest corners of my nightmares!”
33.  "Sorry about all the arson, I was trying to not die and got carried away."
34.  “Other than the looming threat of death it’s been fun”
35.  "Did you just propose to the enemy?"
36. “We have too much dignity for that.” - “We do?”
37.  “I think if we don’t set off all the traps we’re not doing it right.”
38.  “Oh yeah, almost dying is pretty much a habit at this point”
39.  “That is an incredibly evil act. Let’s do it.”
40.  “Are you inventing new theological branches just to spite me?”
41.  “I only murdered one guy! How does that make me a bad person?”
42.   “Stop killing (them) for a second!”
43. "Oh no, my evil cult got weird."
44. “We have to make that one special dead.”
45. “Sure, I could knock but I don’t want to, because I’m a criminal.”
46. "How do you safely remove someone’s skull?"
47. “I had everything planned! Except for soap. I never accounted for soap.”
48. “Ok its time to free a horse from hell jail”
49. “That’s adorable. We’ll kill (them) last.”
50. "When do the repeated horrible deaths begin?"
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devilscreekballad · 2 years
A while ago I posted THIS for story opening lines prompts based on quotes from outofcontextdnd
Have a long list:
1. “I forgot for six levels…”
2. “Are you sure you’re not a supervillain? Your motivation is literally to conquer the world.”
3. “What’s the silverware’s dexterity?”
4. “I’m an adult and I can make my own bad decisions!”
5. “Okay new rule, if anyone’s eyes start glowing ominously kick them in the junk immediately.”
6.  It’s like 52 card pickup, except it kills people!
7. “I had a similar plan, but it’s less stupid."
8. And something miraculous happens. Your brain, it actually works!
9. “My acrobatics skills allows me some moral flexibility.”
9A. "I’m acrobatics as fuck!"
10. "I sit in the corner and consider murder."
11. If I see a wanted poster with my face on it, I sign it.
12. "Yeah there’s no way you’re getting out of this without being on fire."
13. "Can everyone stop over-reacting? It was *only* a murder!"
14. Stop being disappointed in me wearing clothes!
15. “Guys, I swear I didn’t mean to escape prison, it was an accident.”
16.  Rock, Paper, Scissors, BURNING HANDS!
17.  "We're not pirates, we're aggressive bullet salesmen."
18.  Talk to the horses BEFORE we decide to stake the place out!
19. “I am a genius when others help me. “
20.  “It was such a beautiful plan, it just didn’t survive contact with reality.”
21.  “I strive to be helpful and unsettling, I suppose.”
22.  “Hey buddy! Wanna help me do something stupid?”
23.  "I have two skills: Destruction and Style."
24.  "Whatever their half-baked plans are, we need to make sure they don't interfere with our own half-baked plans – otherwise we'll all end up with quarter-baked plans and that's practically raw."
25.  As a bonus action, I commit arson.
27.  "in our defense, we're morons."
28.  once it makes sense it will hopefully make sense
29.  You're damaged, but in a good way.
30.  Just to be clear: we're all down to resist arrest, right?
31. “I didn’t think about what to do when I got up here, I expected to fail” - “We all did”
32.  “Oh, I remember you from the darkest corners of my nightmares!”
33.  Sorry about all the arson, I was trying to not die and got carried away.
34.  “Other than the looming threat of death it’s been fun”
35.  Did you just propose to the enemy?
36. “We have too much dignity for that.” - “We do?”
37.  “I think if we don’t set off all the traps we’re not doing it right.”
38.  “Oh yeah, almost dying is pretty much a habit at this point”
39.  “That is an incredibly evil act. Let’s do it.”
40.  “Are you inventing new theological branches just to spite me?”
41.  “I only murdered one guy! How does that make me a bad person?”
42.   “Stop killing him for a second!”
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mommymooze · 4 years
Big Girls, Big Hearts
The Golden Deer are devouring their lunch on a sunny fall afternoon. The conversation is lively as they are quite the boisterous bunch. Rumors are spreading about strange things happening in Remire Village. Everyone is working themselves into an anxious state about the perplexing rumors being overheard. Hilda decides it is time to lighten the conversation.
“You know, every year they hold a ball at the Academy. The students get the chance to get to know each other better in a more friendly environment and its sort of a reward for working so hard as well as a possible way to find future partners.” She grins widely.
“A ball?” you ask. “With dressing up and dancing? I’m a commoner. It’s only for nobles, right?”
Hilda scoffs. “No silly! It’s for everyone! Dancing and romancing!  Time to find love and intrigue, hugs and kisses.”
“Um, this is an optional event, right?” You ask nervously. You’ve never been to a ball. Never had to learn to dance. You would rather beat up 500 bandits than go to a single ball.
“Come on (y/n) . You are the bravest person I know. What’s so scary about a little dance? Getting to hold a special someone in your arms for a bit, maybe even a kiss in the moonlight…Ooooh so exciting!” Hilda clasps her hands together daydreaming wistfully.
“Maybe I can catch the plague by then.” You grumble at your empty plate in front of you.
“No! Don’t even think that. We are going to get you ready and dressed up and you will not believe how beautiful you will look.” Hilda stomps her foot at you.
“Yeah, like putting lipstick on a pig, but with fat swollen lips because I’m allergic to it.” You further groan.
“Pish Posh! We can accentuate your good qualities yet keep you comfortable. I may let you wear shoes with less than 3 inch heels even.” Hilda puts her finger on her chin plotting further ways of dressing you up.”
“Balls are for petite cute girls like you and Marianne. My arms are like tree trunks. I am bulgy and lumpy. Not a sweet and delicate flower such as yourself.” You moan on, hoping she gives up soon.
Hilda puts her hands on her hips. “Yes, I can be a delicate flower. I also wield an axe just like you. Those things are heavy and take strength to swing around. Yes, I will admit to having a few muscles. Not everyone wants a delicate maiden that falls over from the slightest breeze. Some want a good hunk of warm and loving body to squeeze them back until they can’t breathe. Everyone knows you are incredibly strong. Didn’t I hear about you carrying Dedue to the infirmary not that long ago? I bet Felix or Sylvain couldn’t do it at all, but you just whisked him up and hauled him across the monastery like he was a little kid and ran him up the stairs to the infirmary.”
You blush furiously. “What was I supposed to do? I walked into the greenhouse just as he slipped on the wet rocks and he was knocked out. I couldn’t just leave him there.” You are hiding your face in your hands, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Hilda laughs. “(Y/n), We watched you carry him bridal style running to the infirmary. I heard that when he found out he blushed for a half hour straight.!”
You want to crawl under the table, settling for crossing your arms and burying your face in them.
Hilda tugs your arm, “We are hitting up the dressmaker in town. Gonna get you a killer dress, show off those muscular toned abs and legs, and get you set up for the night of your life.”
“Nightmare of my life more like.” You mumble to yourself.
The battle at Remire is terrifying. Thomas turns into a really creepy ghosty old guy. The Flame Emperor shows up being threatening. The worst part is the villagers. They are going crazy killing everything, even their own families. They didn’t know they are attacking their own loved ones, their own friends. The Deer try so hard to rescue as many villagers as possible. You work to subdue as many of the possessed ones you can. They are still someone’s family and hopefully the madness is temporary. When the battle is over you look at the village, not much is left of it. The smell of smoke and burnt everything is thick in the air, choking everyone, making their eyes burn.  Finally, after the cleanup is done and all the villagers are treated for injuries, it is time to head back to the monastery.
The Golden Deer are unusually quiet as they silently march back to the monastery. Even Hilda is quiet after what she had seen. Ignatz makes his way over to you as the group keeps walking back to the academy.
“You ok?” He softly whispers to you.
You take your sleeve and wipe the tears from your eyes. “Yeah, I just got a lot of smoke in my eyes there. Thanks.” You mumble back, hanging your head a bit lower than it was before.
It is a long walk back. Everyone finally makes it into the monastery gates and the group splits up, everyone going their own direction.
Claude takes you aside. “Are you going to be okay? I’d be happy to chat if you want to. The professor is a great listener too.” He says with a look of concern in his eyes.
You don’t know where your tears are coming from now. They haven’t stopped since you were in Remire village. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. Professor Byleth comes over and puts her arm around your shoulder, leading you to her room. She pulls out a tea set and prepares tea.
“You know I lost my parents in a fire. Watching the village burn brought the whole thing back.” You stare down into your teacup.
“I’m sorry.” Byleth responds. Her face is not extremely expressive, but you can tell she is being very sympathetic from her body language.
“Do you think I can talk to Seteth about helping them out some? Isn’t this something like what the church would do? It is so late in the year and many of them don’t have secure homes to live in.” You ask, the tears slowing.
“My father and I spent a lot of time at that village. That was where the church found us.  I will talk to him as well.” Byleth nods.
You return to your room to try to sleep after such a nightmarish week.
The next morning you check with Seteth about assisting the village. You find that he has already spoken with Captain Jeralt and Lady Rhea feels that this is an excellent idea. After a few days of gathering supplies and materials, a small caravan heads out to Remire. Professor Byleth, the Golden Deer, Shamir, Jeralt and all his former mercenaries who had been incorporated into battalions, Alois and some of the Knights of Seiros, and surprisingly, Dimitri and Dedue.
The town elders meet with your group, discussing their wants and needs. Repairs to the structures that are salvageable should begin quickly. Tasks are divided between those that are experts in certain areas assisted by warm bodies that can lift, move or hand things to others. Ignatz is working on a map of the to be reconstructed village. Since assistance has arrived so quickly, there are fewer residents that will be leaving for other towns, happily staying now that they have some support. Everyone has something they can do. Cutting trees, clearing branches, gathering wood and kindling, sifting through burnt houses for useful items that can be salvaged like utensils, plates, and tools. The young go with the old to fields gathering heather, reeds, and straw for thatching the roofs.
You start with gathering salvaged bricks together to repair buildings. Even Lysithia can carry a few bricks at a time, you tell her 30 are needed at this house, 15 needed here. A few Knights head off to a local riverbank for sand and water to make the mortar.  You clean and prepare the bricks, measure the materials and have someone stir the mortar mixture. Soon you find yourself up on a ladder with a full mortarboard spreading an even layer of the compound, then place a brick, lay more mortar between it and the next brick. Starting with the smaller repairs first there are now several restored residences that will keep the wind and weather out.
As the sun goes down, everyone gathers in the center of town around large cauldrons full of soup, together with fresh baked bread made by the residents from the supplies brought by the Academy volunteers. Many of the townspeople are crying thanking everyone for their help. The Knights certainly push that this is by the grace of the goddess and the church. Others are simply happy to help in any way they can.
You grab some soup and take a seat near Dimitri and Dedue. They greet you and welcome your presence.
“I am surprised by your bricklaying knowledge. I had no idea of your talents.” Dimitri smiles.
“My older brother was a bricklayer, I helped him out often when I was growing up. I can’t wait to get my hands on some hammers and nails once the brickwork is complete.” You grin. “I am surprised to find the two of you here.”
“Hey your Princeliness, Dedue, (Y/n). Mind if I join you?” Claude takes a seat next to you. “We really appreciate your help. We did not expect other houses to send anyone.”
“I am very interested to see firsthand the reconstruction after disasters such as this.” The prince says excitedly. “It is wonderous seeing everyone come together with a single mindset of rebuilding. Everyone is helping in so many different manners. The strong are carrying bricks and trees, cutting wood, lifting loads. The weaker are preparing food for everyone, gathering materials and completing more delicate work. I am amazed at how much has been accomplished in just a single day.”
“Agreed. Many hands make light work.” Dedue nods. “I am happy to lend my strength.”
“Both of you are certainly welcomed with open arms. There is plenty of heavy lifting to do.” Smiles Claude. “I hope we can replace a few homes before we leave. Talking with the elders, there are some families doubled up in the same house. At least if each family has their own place it would be much more pleasant making it through winter.”
“Another important thing is to provide these people support and comfort.” You softly speak. “Let them know there are others out here who care for you as your fellow man. I do not know any of these people, but I do know about losing things to disaster. People that had no idea who I was helped me, kept me going when my life was crushed by disaster. Now here I am, helping out someone else that I have no idea as to who they are. I just want to help them. I hope it keeps them going as well.”
Dedue nods and smiles. The two house leaders agree that this is a great learning experience for everyone. You take the empty dishes leaving them to chat amongst themselves and head over to Byleth who is sitting with her father and their former mercenaries.
“Byleth, Jeralt. I wanted to thank you personally for helping bring this together. It didn’t sit right with me leaving these people behind and in such a ruined state.” You say, a smile finally crossing your lips.
“If Seteth would have said one word about not helping with this I would have punched that ‘No’ right off of his face.” Jeralt laughs. Byleth smiles. “This is a great learning experience for everyone. I think all of the classes should complete a project like this. Hands on learning is the most practical. Even Lorenz is finding some hidden talents as a result of this experience. I think he has a greater respect for Leonie too. That girl can turn a pile of trash into 100 different useful things.”
After dinner there’s not enough light to work on building without making it dangerous. So you decide to knit a sock or two. That way you can talk to everyone and when you’re done, someone has a new pair of socks. Win-win! There is plenty of chatter to go around the campfires with everyone in the village telling interesting stories of its history, or funny residents who did silly things, famous village romances or deeds. They also share stories of when the Blade Breaker came to town to save or help them. Being in a village isn’t all peace and quiet. There were some exciting and spicy tales shared until the cobwebs filled everyone’s heads and it was time to sleep.
The next day is just as busy with more homes being made whole by the end of the day. Construction is started on two different houses. One for a larger family, one for a smaller. Everyone gives their all in some way or another. Gathering kindling, firewood, food, finding the animals that were scattered by the calamity. Suddenly Saturday morning arrives, the last day the group from Garreg Mach will stay for rebuilding. What a difference everyone has made! Every family in Remire has their own place to stay without having to share. There are a long row of stalls for wares in the new Marketplace. There is even a barn and stable to keep horses for the community. Firewood is stored to keep the homes warm. It is everything the smaller village needs to get them through the winter. There is a celebration in the village center and tears are shed. However, these are all tears of joy as new friendships have been forged and the feeling of a job well done can be left with the people. The march back to the monastery is full of high spirits and happy hearts.
Back at the monastery you look forward to a warm bath and sleeping in your own bed. Just as you’ve changed into your nightgown there is a knock on the door.
“Um, I was just about to go to sleep. Can we talk tomorrow?” you anxiously respond to the knock as you stand at the door.
“It’s just me.” Says Hilda. “Come on. We’ve got some girl talk to do.”
You roll your eyes as the chipper pink ponytailed girl comes bouncing in your dorm.
“You haven’t forgotten the ball now, have you?” She winks.
“Oh yeah, that.” You stammer. You kinda sorta did forget.
“Tomorrow we’re going to town and getting a dressmaker to take your measurements. I know exactly what you need to wear.” She bubbles out excitedly. “I think you would be adorable in yellow. I saw the most darling shimmery satin material that would make you look like a princess.”
“A muscular, big shouldered princess.” You whine.
“Girl, you have no idea how to work with what you have, and you have a lot going for you.” Hilda smirks. “Now, I’ve been thinking. I know that you can’t wear lipstick, but I was hoping you can do some lip gloss. It has different things that go into it. Some are even flavored. Have you ever tried any?”
“Um. No.” You shrug sheepishly.
“Great! Hold still now.” Hilda has you in her grip as she plunks you down in your chair and starts carefully applying some gloss to your lips.  “There. How is it?”
You mush your lips together. They aren’t tingling or stinging. They don’t feel like they are getting fat. She pulls your mirror from your dresser to show you your lips.
“They’re just shiny.” You say, looking confused.
“Shiny is healthy. Gloss makes your lips slippery. It’s really good for you in the winter. When the cold air hits them, they stay soft and won’t peel. Your lips are really pretty. They’ll be lined up around the building wanting to get a turn to kiss those cute shiny lips.” The pinkette grins.
“But this is a dance. Where is the kissing coming from? Do I have to? I’m so confused.” You plunk back down on your chair with a big frown.
“Listen and listen good. Pretty soon we’re going to graduate, everyone is going to go their own way and you’re my friend and I’m just trying to help you get the most out of life. The ball isn’t just a celebration for nobles. It’s a chance to get to know the other students better in a different environment, a casual and fun environment. So many people have met the love of their life at this very same Academy event! Who knows what will happen on that glorious evening? The magic is calling for you, I can hear it!”
You look at her like she has two heads.
“Come on! Loosen up! I told you I will get you through this. Let’s start with the dance lessons. If you are dancing with a guy, he’s supposed to lead. If you dance with a girl, then either of you can lead, just agree who is to lead before you start. So I am going to lead. That means you put your left hand on my shoulder on the same side, and put your right hand into my palm on the other.” She grabs your hand and waits for you to put the other on her shoulder. “Good. Now don’t stomp on my feet, you have socks on, so put your toes on mine so you can follow me. The lead person is going to take their right foot and step forward, since you are following, you take a step back on your left foot. You will be moving backwards mostly, so the lead person watches to make sure you don’t crash into anyone…” Hilda goes through the basics of the box step for the waltz. You don’t quite crush her toes, and just maybe you do get the hang of it a bit. She tells you to look at her face, don’t look down. Stop looking down. Looking down will mess you up. You crash and fall over on the bed laughing once and she makes you get up and try again.
“Enough for your first lesson. You did great.” Hilda smiles. “So tomorrow after breakfast, we hit the dress shop.”
You yawn, “Sure…” and wave as you see her out the door. You would have bad dreams about going to the ball and stomping on everyone’s feet, but you’re too tired to even do that and actually just have a good night’s rest.
After breakfast Hilda practically drags you to town.
“Maybe I should just wear pants.” You grumble.
“Come on, you would look so cute!” She giggles.
“Cute is a bunny or a baby chick. I feel more like a silly goose.” You whine.
She hauls you into the dressmakers where a tall redheaded woman with a lowcut red dress assists you. “Hello dahlings.” She greets you at the door. Hilda curtseys, so you do too.
“Madame Palmyre, I’ve brought you another beauty in need of a dress for the ball.” Hilda proclaims.
“Hmmm. Hmmmm. Well. Athena. Hmmmm. No, Artemis! With the shoulders of Atlas. Oooooh. Yes.” Madame coos and ahhs as she walks around you touching your shoulders, lifting your head, raising your arms. “We must measure, quickly!” and shuffles you to the back where you are hastily stripped to your undergarments.
Madame’s hands work at a fast pace. She’s put special strings around various parts of your body, writing numbers down. Hilda stands next to her and they chitter and chatter with each other for a while. You decide to put your clothes back on.
“Lovelies, I shall have it ready two days before the ball. She will be magnifique!” Madame Palmyre raises her right hand with a flourish and a wide smile.
Hilda drags you to the cobbler to see what sort of shoes would be best. You glance at the boots longingly.
“No. “The Goneril girl shakes her head. “Cute. Not clunky.”
“Hilda, I have feet shaped like a duck.” You groan.
“Come on, work with me.” Hilda finally finds the shoes she is looking for. “Check this out. There is almost no heel, the toe is rounded but the way it is made, it gives you room for your wider foot to be comfy. Still cute!”
You look at the shoes, then at your friend. “I know you know what you are doing. I am so clueless. Just promise me I won’t want to cut off my feet by the end of the ball and I will wear whatever you want me to.”
“Gotcha, fam!” Hilda smiles as she puts in the order. The cobbler takes your measurements and says they will be ready next Sunday.
Hilda takes you to the final store of the day, which is great because this is really getting confusing and exhausting and overwhelming.
“Hey Mattie!” Hilda greets the owner. “We’re here for lipgloss and earrings.”
“But I don’t have pierced ears.” You look at her puzzled.
Hilda grins. “You will.”
You are a brave girl in battle. You fight and punch bad guys in the face. Intentionally letting someone stab holes in your ears is a whole different story. You were brave when they created the first hole and stuck the earring through. But when they stabbed your other ear with the needle, the needle that kept getting bigger the more you looked at it, the tears were shooting out of your eyes like rain.
“It’s done, its done. You’re fine! Look! So pretty!” Hilda is patting you on the back showing you the mirror. Mattie gives instructions to turn the earrings frequently and keep them clean. They should be well healed by the time of the ball. She helps you pick out some mint and honey flavored lip gloss.
You feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Not even fresh treats from the bakery tempt you. You just want to go back and hide. And maybe punch out a Duscur bear. Do something more familiar and relaxing.
That night you can’t sleep well. You always sleep on your side and no matter how you crunched up or mauled your pillow it still hurt your ears. You are going to die from lack of sleep long before the night of the ball. That is a welcome end, you think to yourself.
The next morning, dark circles hang heavily below your sleep deprived eyes, you barely make it to class in time. Lysithia notices something different as soon as she comes into the room.
“Your ears are pierced. That is so cute! I’ve been thinking about it. I may do that too some day.” The white haired girl muses.
“Hey (Y/n), Lysithia! Look who has more holes in her head! Just kidding.” Claude says as he taps his own earring while looking at yours.
Hilda strolls into the classroom followed by Marianne. They come to sit beside you.
“My ears are killing me. You better take good notes. I am going to sleep through class.” You warn the mischievous pinkette.
“And you’ll be cute doing it too. Yes, sometimes beauty can be painful, but it will go away soon.” Hilda tries to reassure you.
“I wish I could use magic on it, but it might make your earrings stick to your ears.” Marianne comments looking at her hands.
You rest your hands on your books and your chin on your hands. Nothing is touching your ears and you fall asleep before Hanneman comes in and starts his lecture about crests.
The excitement surrounding the ball continues. Your stomach starts to twist in knots every time you hear the word “Ball”. You have your new shoes and Hilda makes you practice dancing in them and walking around your room in them so they are broken in enough to not hurt you on the night of the..you know.
Hilda drags you to town the Sunday before the ball to get a fitting for your dress. She’s being a real stinker, because she makes you wear a blindfold so you can’t see it.  It comes with a special bustier, lifting your bust to be plump like a partridge (Madame Palmyre’s words). You had no idea what a bustier is in the first place. They picked and primped on you for a few minutes and then took the dress away, letting you get back into your comfy clothes. It wasn’t too uncomfortable, but you certainly wouldn’t battle in the dress, you chuckle to yourself.
Hilda continues with dancing practice. Marianne joins so you can observe them dancing as well. Marianne, the best dancer in the Deer glides gracefully across the floor. You feel like you are stomping around like a moose with four left feet. You are getting better though, you hardly step on Hilda’s feet any longer.
Soon, too soon, the fateful day arrives. The ball is this evening. They have classes in the morning so that everyone can get ready or in your case, panic in the afternoon. You just know you have a fever, you’re sick to your stomach. You should go to the infirmary so they can pronounce you on the brink of death and give a written note excusing you from the…the thing.  Class finally ends, before you can escape, Hilda, Annette, and Dorothea grab you and physically take you to Hilda’s room for hairstyling and makeup. You try to excuse yourself because you forgot your lipgloss, but they are on to you and will not let you go. You have no idea how they can fit so many females in the same room and still have room to work on them all. You hope you can escape when getting lunch, but no, they are too evil and have lunch brought in for everyone.
“(Y/n), I have the perfect jewelry to match your look.” Hilda giggles. She holds up gold crescent moon earrings, bracelet, and a matching necklace. Many “oohs” and “ahhs” are heard from the others. The stones in the bracelet are perfect, they are a pale yellow and black, matching the colors of the dress. Hilda sends you off to your room with Annette and Dorothea to get you into your dress. The songstress shows you how to put on the sheer and dotted with gold sparkles thigh high stockings without ripping them, teaching you how to fasten them to the garter belt. They adjust the lacing of the bustier so that you can breathe easily and move, yet your bust is enhanced, which is quite embarrassing, but then you look over at Dorothea and she’s super enhanced and ready to spill over the top of hers any second. Finally they help you lift and pull the dress on. Soft yellow chiffon at the top, gathered under the bust into its empire waist. A black airy stretchy panel starts there and goes to the bottom of the dress, flaring out a bit. The front is just past your knees, the back a few inches above your ankles. It visually pulls your waist in. Dorothea has that perfect hourglass figure with a waist so tiny that you could almost enclose it with your hands. You have much more um, meat, around your waist, the muscles alone make you twice as wide as her, but with the black panel it flares so you really do look, dare you think it, feminine. You thought the slightly puffy sleeves would make your shoulders bigger, but they just give you more freedom of movement. This is the most comfortable and beautiful dress you have ever worn. Madame is a magician.
Dorothea nearly has tears in her eyes. “Our baby looks all grown up.” She sniffles.
“Wow.” Declares Annette. “I need to meet this seamstress. She really knows her stuff. Its like you’ve been magically transformed. If I didn’t know it was you under there (y/n) I would say it was a different person.
“Come on, you are going to make me cry.” You were emotional before, but seeing the whole outfit, you do feel like the princess Hilda wanted you to look like.
Suddenly it is time for everyone to head to the ball. Many of the women head off to meet their dates. Hilda and her date, Marianne, look adorable together. They have the same purple flowers in their hair and their dresses complement each other perfectly. They walk with you toward the sound of music playing. The students are filing into the large room for the dance, the variety of colors and styles are striking. Everyone looks so beautiful.
You wander over to where the Golden Deer have congregated on the side of the room. Raphael is wearing a shirt that fits across his chest, although his muscles in his arms still look like they are about to burst through the sleeves.
“Hey, (y/n). Glad to see ya. You sure look pretty.” Raphael grins. You take it as an amazing compliment, he usually only notices food.
Ignatz is nervously pulling at his collar. “I haven’t been to a Ball before. The monastery really went all out for this. The food, decorations, and presentation are a work of art.”
The house leaders are called to the front accompanied by Hilda, Hubert, and Mercedes. They perform a special dance together that includes changing partners. Of course, Claude has to ham it up by dipping Edelgard who is a bit shocked but recovers well from the unexpected move. The special dance ends and the surrounding students now fill the dance floor.
Leonie sits next to you with a plate of appetizers and sweets. “Go grab some food, (y/n). They have some amazing things on the banquet tables. I tried this gray stuff, it’s delicious.”
You quickly shake your head. “My stomach is so jittery. I’ll stick with apple juice.” You weakly smile as you take a sip.
Looking to the left, there is an anxious Lysithia trying to drag a dressed-up Cyril out to the dance floor. You laugh because he looks more nervous than you. Hilda has Marianne out on the floor, the couple gliding along smoothly like the floor is made of ice. Annette is smiling widely as Ashe is guiding her safely around the other couples. They look too cute.
“Ahem! (Y/n)” you suddenly hear a male standing next to you, breaking you from your trance.
You jump a little in your seat to see the Prince of Faerghus bowing low and asking you for a dance.
You stand up and stammer, “Oh, yes. Thank you.” You place your right hand into his left as he leads you among the dancing couples. Hilda’s dance practice pays off as you have yet to stomp on the Blue Lions leader’s feet or trip over your own. You chat about how happy he is having participated in the rebuilding of Remire and how some day he will rebuild Duscur as well. Just as the song ends, he bends closer to your ear.
“I think Dedue would like to have a dance with you as well. He is a bit shy, but if you wait patiently close by him he may gather enough courage to ask you, unless of course you ask him first.” Dimitri smiles as your face turns completely red.
You can feel the burn of the blush all the way to the back of your neck.  You curtsey as the song ends and he leaves to find another partner. You just happen to be close to where Dedue is standing, the tall man is against the wall, his hands behind his back, eyes flitting from couple to couple. You decide to stand not far from the Duscur male.
Watching the students dance, Claude pulls Professor Byleth out onto the floor. You laugh at the shocked look on her face. Balthus is dancing with Manuela. He has a grin from ear to ear as he twirls her around, making her laugh. Perhaps this is what everyone needs, to have a night to forget about their problems and issues going on and simply enjoy themselves, if just for a little while. You find yourself swaying with the music as you look over at Dedue who takes a step towards you.
“Are you enjoying the ball?” Dedue asks softly, smiling pleasantly.
“Yes. I was not looking forward to it, however now that I am here it is nice. It is good to see our friends simply being happy.“ You answer him. “Would you like to dance?”
Dedue bows, “It would be my honor.” He says, taking your hand in his.
He is so incredibly tall. The top of your head is well below his shoulders. You have to crane your neck to look into his face, but it is worth it to see his gentle smile.
The white haired man looks down at you, “You are small.”
You nod as you smile, trying not to laugh because compared Dedue, absolutely everyone is small.
Dedue continues, “You are very strong.”
You blush, mashing your forehead into his chest. This giant man just said you were strong.
He is not finished. “And cute.”
Your ears are burning because you are blushing so hard. You’ve never been cute before. You’re having a hard time looking into his eyes while you are blushing so hard, so you decide to focus your sight on his strong handsome chin. Breathe, don’t forget to breathe.
“You have many wonderful talents. Not only fighting and helping Dimitri.” You tell Dedue, daring to look in his eyes again. “In the village I was impressed by your construction skills. Your assistance helped us complete more buildings than we had originally planned. Thank you.”
You both smile at each other as you continue to dance for the rest of the song, as it ends, you curtsey, he bows.
Before you take one step toward exiting the dance floor, Claude mysteriously appears behind you, taking your right hand in his. He kisses the back of your hand.
“May I have this dance, my Deer?” Claude smiles widely at you.
“I cannot say no to our Leader-man. That would be against the rules. Not that you pay much attention to rules, Claude.” You laugh as you place your left hand upon his shoulder.
Dancing with Dimitri and Dedue had been proper and elegant. Their steps carefully measured, in perfect time with the music. Dancing with Claude is like holding on to a leaf in a whirlwind. You moved up, then down back then right then spun and twirled. One time he had spun you around you thought he was trying to fling you into the middle of the orchestra. You think it strange, then funny, then you begin to laugh. He twirls you away from him, then pulls you to twirl the opposite way around toward him, your chest lightly crashing into his as you laugh together.
His steps suddenly fall back in with the tempo of the music, you following. Your laughter calming, you gasp a bit as you are slightly out of breath, and dancing very closely with Claude. You feel his right arm around you, his fingers close to the center of your back, his chest is warm against you.
“Hilda told me that if I play my cards right that I might get to dance with a beautiful princess tonight.” Claude purrs softly in your ear. “I think I have a winner here.”
You blush profusely, trying to look away from his dazzling emerald eyes and failing. Claude’s grin is as wide as you have ever seen it. Suddenly the music concludes. The orchestra takes a brief break.
He bows and you curtsey back.
“Thank you, princess (y/n).” Claude Grins.
“Thank you, Duke von Riegan.” You smile.
Hilda runs up to drag Claude off to gossip about who knows what as you grab a seat and catch your breath. You will have to honestly thank Hilda for making you go to this. You catch your breath in the quiet during the orchestra’s break. Your heart has simmered down after beating at such an excited rate for so long.
You glance about the room. Looking left you see the orchestra has returned, preparing to begin, to your right you see two different redheaded gentlemen headed your direction. Oh my…
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays (Chapter 7)
Happy Halloween!
Warning: Minor burns
Chapter 6 | Masterlist | Chapter 8
V- (8:04 AM) Happy first day of Halloween!
L- (8:05 AM) Virgil, it’s October 1st. Halloween isn’t for another 30 days.
V- (8:05 AM) We must be celebrating different holidays. Halloween lasts from October 1st to October 31st. For the entire month, you watch cheesy Halloween movies and decorate your home in black, purple, and orange. Spiders and bats become your daily esthetic. There are no exceptions to this rule.
P- (8:06 AM) I have arachnophobia and most of our decorations are green. Is that alright, Kiddo?
V- (8:06 AM) … There is one exception.
L- (8:07 AM) This is preposterous.
R- (8:07 AM) Calm down, Specs. Let our Dark and Stormy Knight have his holiday. We don’t want another incident of Pi Day, do we?
V- (8:08 AM) What happened on Pi Day?
P- (8:08 AM) Logan wanted to spend the day memorizing as many digits of Pi as possible. Roman told him that Pi day was only for baking pies. Logan decided to etch as many digits of pi as he could fit into the crust of a pie before baking it. Sadly, baking isn’t Lolo’s exPIEtise.
R- (8:09 AM) He almost burnt the house down. It was hilarious.
L- (8:09 AM) I will back down from this argument, if only to preserve my dignity. Since you decided to text us at 8 AM, I assume that you have plans to celebrate your “first day of Halloween?”
V- (8:10 AM) Yep. I’ve got my Scooby-Doo VHS tapes, an entire gallon of iced coffee, and enough decorations to cover every square inch of my house. Life is good.
R- (8:11 AM) Wait which tapes?
V- (8:11 AM) Zombie Island, Witch’s Ghost, Alien Invaders, and Cyber Chase. The 4 best Scooby-Doo movies to ever exist.
R- (8:12 AM) Now I REALLY wanna watch Scooby-Doo
V- (8:12 AM) What’s stopping you?
L- (8:12 AM) The desire to have a stable income
R- (8:13 AM) I’m starring as Van Helsing for our theatre’s production of Dracula. I’ve got rehearsals and performances almost every night.
V- (8:13 AM) Sorry. I’ll watch it in your stead.
R- (8:14 AM) Gee, how thoughtful of you
(October 8th)
L- (2:32 PM) Virgil, did you seriously buy MORE chocolates?
V- (2:32 PM) Do you like them?
L- (2:32 PM) That’s not the point.
L- (2:33 PM) This is the 7th set of sweets you’ve sent us in the past 8 weeks. First of all, this is extremely unhealthy. Second of all, how much money have you spent on these? Third of all, you tend to send chocolates specifically when you’re planning something that we disapprove of. So what, pray tell, are you planning this time?
V- (2:34 PM) Wow, I didn’t realize you were keeping track of that.
L- (2:34 PM) I keep track of everything. Quit ignoring the questions.
V- (2:35 PM) Okay. First of all, if they make you happy it doesn’t matter. Second of all, if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter. Third of all, if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter :)
L- (2:35 PM) …
V- (2:35 PM) Besides, you wouldn’t want me to STOP sending you sweets, would you?
L- (2:36 PM) … Curse you and your knowledge of my sweets addiction.
V- (2:36 PM) :)
(October 15th)
L- (5:47 PM) VIRGIL!
V- (5:48 PM) Hm?
V- (5:49 PM) You have no proof
L- (5:50 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of a door. There is a square of TP taped to the door, the words “VIRGIL WAS TOTALLY NOT HERE” written in sharpie]
V- (5:50 PM) See? I was totally not there.
V- (5:51 PM) And I sent you pre-apology chocolates, so you can’t get mad!
R- (5:55 PM) I don’t know WHAT you did, but Logan called me, screeched your name, and hung up. Keep up the good work, storm cloud ;)
(October 22nd)
V- (3:42 PM) Hey Pat?
P- (3:42 PM) What’s up, Kiddo?
V- (3:42 PM) You bake, right?
P- (3:43 PM) It would be very hard to run a bakery if I couldn’t, Kiddo!
V- (3:43 PM) True
V- (3:43 PM) So what do you do if your cookies catch on fire?
P- (3:43 PM) WHAT
V- (3:44 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of an oven. The door is open, and inside is a tray of Pillsbury ghost sugar cookies. They are all on fire]
P- (3:44 PM) PUT IT OUT
V- (3:44 PM) HOW
V- (3:46 PM) [*Photo attachment*]
[The photo is of the same oven. The door is still open, yet the entire inside of the oven is covered in foam]
V- (3:46 PM) Now what?
P- (3:46 PM) First of all, turn off the oven.
V- (3:47 PM) Done
L- (3:48 PM) Are you alright, Virgil? Did you sustain any burns or other injuries?
V- (3:49 PM) I’m fine. I burned my wrist but it’s not that bad.
L- (3:49 PM) Will you please send a picture of your injury?
V- (3:49 PM) [*Photo attachment*]
[The photo is of a left hand. The hand is long, slender, and pale. The nails are long and painted black with cat noses and whiskers. The person’s wrist has a minor burn wound, around the size of a golf ball]
L- (3:50 PM) You are correct, Virgil. It appears to be a minor burn, no need to contact the hospital. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you tend to your burn at your earliest convenience.
P- (3:50 PM) Go wrap up that burn, kiddo! Make sure you add burn cream, too!
P- (3:51 PM) AND OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOUR NAILS! They’re PAWsitively PURRfect!
L- (3:51 PM) Please stop
P- (3:52 PM) Alright. Wouldn’t wanna have a CATastrophe, would we?
L- (3:52 PM) Please. I beg of you.
V- (3:53 PM) Okay, all patched up. What do I do about my cookies?
L- (3:53 PM) Make sure your oven has fully cooled down before attempting to clean it.
P- (3:54 PM) You nearly gave me a heart attack!
V- (3:55 PM) Sorry, won’t happen again.
L- (3:55 PM) I assume that this means you will be buying post-apology sweets? I assure you that it is unnecessary, Virgil. Your health and safety are more important than confectionaries.
L- (3:57 PM) Virgil?
L- (3:57 PM) Please refrain from buying more sweets.
L- (3:58 PM) I’ve already gained 3.4 pounds alone from these “Gifts”
V- (3:58 PM) Too late, already bought them
P- (3:58 PM) You don’t have to, Kiddo!
P- (3:59 PM) And Lolo, don’t blame V on your weight gain. I know Ro’s not the only one sneaking whole jars of jelly from the cabinets at night.
L- (3:59 PM) Virgil, how much are you spending on these sweets?
V- (4:00 PM) Would it help if I said that I get a discount since I purchase chocolates almost weekly?
L- (4:00 PM) VIRGIL
V- (4:01 PM) :)
R- (6:58 PM) Why does all the interesting stuff happen while I’m at work?
V- (6:59 PM) Get wrecked Princey
R- (6:59 PM) :(
V- (7:00 PM) Don’t worry I got you sweets too
R- (7:00 PM) :)
(October 24th)
L- (2:32 PM) VIRGIL!
V- (2:33 PM) Did you get your sweets? Send me a pick! I didn’t get to see the end result
P- (2:33 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of three vases, each of different colors. The light blue vase is filled with tulips made of white chocolate. There are also chocolate-covered straberry and a giant chocolate lollipop with the words “I appreciate you a chocoLOT!” The red vase is filled with milk chocolate roses and another chocolate lollipop that says “Good luck slaying Vampires!” The navy blue vase is the most elaborate (probably just to mess with Logan). It’s filled with dark chocolate tulips AND roses, with a whole jar of crofters nestled into the middle of the bouquet. It’s lollipop reads “Weight and Cost are just #s!”]
P- (2:34 PM) These are ADORABLE, Virgil!
L- (2:34 PM) How much did you spend on this, Virgil?
V- (2:34 PM) Did you not read your lollipop?
V- (2:35 PM) Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t buy the chocolates if I couldn’t afford them :)
L- (2:35 PM) My digestive system can’t afford them.
V- (2:36 PM) Well I couldn’t give you pre-apology chocolates so I had to give you epic post-apology chocolates.
P- (2:37 PM) Well, I cannot wait to eat these! Seriously, I’ve already eaten half a tulip. And these vases will look so pretty holding ACTUAL flowers! Thank you so much, V! But remember, you don’t have to do this. We don’t need apology sweets!
V- (2:38 PM) I know, but it’s comforting to know that there’s at least ONE way I can interact with you guys beyond texting. I’m sorry that I’m still not comfortable talking face-to-face yet.
P- (2:38 PM) That’s completely fine, Kiddo! Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you’re ready.
L- (2:39 PM) I agree.Though I still do not see the purpose of excessive spending on our behalf.
R- (2:39 PM) Well I find it extremely thoughtful, storm cloud. I would type an entire ballad of how caring and kind you are, but I must get back to work. I shall speak with you tonight, fair raven.
V- (2:40 PM) Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me.
(October 31st)
L- (10:17 AM) How are you feeling about your “final day of Halloween,” Virgil?
V- (10:18 AM) Incredibly depressed
P- (10:18 AM) Aww. Why’s that, Kiddo?
V- (10:19 AM) You guys know how I travel around with my friends, right?
V- (10:19 AM) Well apparently we have to travel out today. We won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.
R- (10:20 AM) I’m deeply sorry, my precious stormcloud. If I may ask, why do you have to travel tonight?
V- (10:20 AM) My friends like to go to parties out of town, and I go to make sure they don’t get themselves killed.
P- (10:21 AM) I’m sorry you have to miss Halloween, Kiddo. I know how much you were looking forward to it.
V- (10:22 AM) I’m still gonna wear my costume. Just because I can’t celebrate at home doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate at all.
L- (10:22 AM) What costume have you decided to wear?
V- (10:23 AM) [*Photo attachment*]
[Photo is the bottom half of someone’s face. They’re smiling, with black lipstick and fake Vampire teeth. There’s red liquid running down their chin.]
P- (10:23 AM) That looks FANGtastic, Virgil!
L- (10:23 AM) I hope you have an amenable experience at the party, Virgil.
R- (10:24 AM) I agree! You look amazing and I hope you enjoy the party, storm cloud. Do not worry, I will watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in your stead!
V- (10:25 AM) Wow I feel so grateful
R- (10:25 AM) :)
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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Hi I wanted to request some Kirishima x reader angst! It can be anything, surprise me! Cuz I’ve been craving some angst lately... also, I really like the way you write, it’s great! ♥️✨✨
“I can’t keep kissing people and pretend that they’re you!”
Eijirou Kirishima
Pairing: Kirishima x Reader
Warning(s): Swearing??
Genre: Angst babyyyy
Word count: 2301
A/N: Hiiii! Thanks for requesting! I’m glad you like my writing, although I’m still pretty new and I’m still trying to perfect angst. But hope you enjoy!
I don’t own the art!
You sighed and shifted uncomfortably as you watched your ex gassing up another girl. You guys only split up about a week ago and he's been with 3 girls so far.
You were so glad he was taking it much better than you were. You were happy he wasn't sitting at home eating tubs of ice cream and crying until 3am in the morning.
Sighing softly, you took Mina's hand wanting to leave the shop as soon as possible.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think he was gonna be here I thought—"
"It's okay Mina, really," you say giving her a smile. But she could see right through it. Your eyes told a different story.
She huffed but decided to not talk about it anymore. Instead she ranted about a new lipstick she saw saying that it would totally compliment her skin colour.
You tried to listen, you really did. But all you could think about was how quickly Kirishima moved on.
Had our relationship meant nothing to him?
Was it all just some...joke?
Did he really love you?
You thought about the first time he told you he loved you. It wasn't at some romantic park, with cherry blossoms fluttering gracefully beside you as he declared his undying love for you.
It was when you first moved in to your small cozy apartment. It was tiny, cheap and had lots of room for improvement. To other people it looked like a filthy shack with rusty windows. You and Kirishima weren't different, but you guys had put the time and effort into renovating and making it look like a tornado had just passed through.
After all your hard work on the first day, you and Eijirou slept on dirty mattress that were set up in the master bedroom and shared a thin blanket that could barely cover the both of you. It wasn't the best, but you two made it work. It until a few moments later when he whispered in your ear that he loved you.
"Y/n? Y/nnn," a voice says snapping you out of your thoughts. You come back to reality seeing a hand move up and down in front of your face.
"Huh? What? Oh, yeah that colour would suit you," you say hoping that she wouldn't catch on.
"Oh sweet little Y/n, I stopped talking about that a while ago, I asked you how you were holding up," she states. You don't need to ask what she was talking about, you already know.
"Well, I've watched at least 4 romcoms and have gone through 2 buckets of ice cream and well on my way on my 3rd one, so not good," you say finally opening up on your whole situation. You give her a sad smile.
"Damn, I'm sorry about the whole thing, I've been trying my best to try and cheer you up," she says.
"But it looks like it's not working, so what do you wanna do next?" she asks determined. You chuckle softly.
"Mina, that's sweet and all but I don't need you to cheer me up, I'm fine," you say putting on the mask again. You're not sure why, you opened up about how you were doing, she already knows, so why are you putting the wall up again.
"No, Y/n, you literally just opened up about how you were feeling you can't just back out now," she says like she just read your mind. You bite your lip anxiously.
"It's fine," you say quickly.
"No it's—"
"Mina, it's okay, I'm okay, I was exaggerating," you say, you look into her eyes. She doesn't believe you. You could practically feel the sympathy radiating off of her. That feeling of wanting to help.
You didn't need her help. You didn't need anyone's help. You were okay, you were fine. You could get through this by yourself and it would a cakewalk.
"Thank you though," you say gently grabbing her hand. Mina gets this doubtful look once again, but she chooses to ignore it.
"Okay...well I've got to go now! Me and Ochaco are baking muffins for the class reunion tomorrow!" she beamed excitedly. Your face drops.
You had forgotten about the class reunion. Wonderful, more chances to see Kirishima with making out with his new girlfriend. You wonder which girl he would bring in this time.
"You do know there's a class reunion tomorrow, right?" Mina asks raising a brow. You subconsciously nod your head.
"Yeah...yeah! Mhm, I remember, can't wait so excited!" You trying not to panic.
"Okay...well I'll see you there! Bye!" She says and you two part your ways.
You wave and sigh to yourself.
Eijirou had gone to live with Sero and Kaminari. So you had the apartment to yourself. He was still in the process of moving out so you had some of his items.
As you went to get ready, a scarlet red card had been poking out of Kirishima's drawer.
"Nope," you say to yourself, "Not even going to touch it, that's so disrespectful to go through his things like why would you even—"
With no self control whatsoever, you rip the card from the drawer and open it. Your eyes shot up as you read it.
Our one year anniversary.
You think back to where you and Eijirou had your 1 year anniversary date. July 29th. He took you out to watch a beautiful sunset, he even took the time to grab blankets and food. After the sunset you two laid and watched the stars.
You feel a certain ache in your heart. Deciding to ignore it, you put the letter onto his drawer and crawl under the covers of your bed. A million thoughts running around.
The next morning
"You're going! And that's that!" Mina says struggling to pull you off of the bed.
"No! I see them all the time why do I need to see them today?!" You yell clutching onto the sides of your bed.
"They're your class! We learned how to be heroes with them! Now c'mon! Even Bakugo's gonna be there!" She shouts and with one last tug, manages to rip you off of your bed.
"Fine," you give up, "Only because I wanna see Bakugo," you huff. Mina yells in delight and goes to get you ready.
At the party (30 min in)
You made your rounds to everyone. Said hi to every single person in the room, except Kirishima. You gave him a polite smile but decided to not go any further.
Only half an hour in and you already want to leave. You grab Mina's arm and ask if you guys could go yet.
"We just got here! Let loose, grab some drinks, have some fun~" she days wiggling her eyebrows. Gross.
You roll your eyes and went to catch up with Momo.
(3 and a half hours in)
You finally got your chance to speak with Bakugo. He was a good friend, didn't push you away. That's actually how you got closer to Kirishima, and eventually how you guys started dating. Through all of it Bakugo had been there to support your guys relationship.
As the night went by you can't help but miss your UA days. Everything was so simple back then. You feel tears sting your eyes but you quickly blink them away, not wanting to seem vulnerable.
You feel that same ache in your chest again.
"Heyo, Y/n! C'mere for a sec," a voice called out. You turn to see Denki standing along with Eijirou and Hanta. You raise a brow and gulp but walked towards them.
"Yeah?" You ask. Denki's eyes shift over to Kirishima's and he awkwardly coughs.
"I'll be right back," Eijirou says and walks away. You raise a brow at Denki.
"Uh," he laughs nervously, "One second, hey Kirishima! What the fuck?" He yells and runs after him. You eye Sero suspiciously but all he does is shrug.
"He still loves you, ya know," he says casually. Your breath hitches but you force yourself to stay calm.
"Does he actually?" your voice was quiet. Almost inaudible, but thank god Hanta's a good listener.
"Yep, just because he's with all these girls doesn't mean he's not over you, maybe that's just his coping method," Sero shrugs as you and him watch Denki and Eijirou yelling at each other.
With your last bit of hope you whisper something to yourself.
"Maybe," and with that you hunt down Kirishima.
"This way, nobody'll hear us and I feel like we should talk in private," you mumble leading Eijirou around. You suddenly stop and drop to the ground, signalling him to come sit with you. He sighs, but follows.
"Let's talk," you say shortly.
"What do we have to talk about? I mean I've moved on, you've moved on—"
"How do you know that?" You interrupt. That shuts him up.
Running a hand through your hair you sigh loudly. You open your mouth to say something but Kirishima beats you to it.
"Look, I won't lie to you, I'm not happy, and by the looks of it you're not either," he says. You don't let him finish.
"You're not happy? But you're with all these girls and—"
"Because I didn't know how to get over you!" He yells. Your eyes widened a bit and you fall silent. Kirishima breaths.
"You're...am amazing person Y/n, incredible, you treated me so well and were there with me when I wasn't at my peak," he confesses. You nod for him to keep going.
"And you were so special to me, and when we broke it off, that hurt, a lot actually, I didn't think anyone could have that effect on me," he says smiling slightly.
"But I'm here, to ask you, if we could get back together?"
That was the question you had feared all this time. Simply because you weren't sure, you loved Kiri, you had spent so much time together and really have gotten to know each other. But on the other hand...maybe you were better off just as friends.
"Kiri I...I love you and you're so special and dear to me but, I feel like we should stay as friends," you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. Your eyes immediately darted down to avoid his gaze.
"Please, just one more chance, one more chance and if it doesn't go well...I'll let you go," he sighs. You were overwhelmed.
"Look, there'll be other girls for you to date and get to know maybe if—" but you were cut off.
"I don't want those other girls Y/n, I only care about you,"
You didn't know why, but something about that line sparked that burning anger in your chest.
"Then why did you date those other people," You growled glaring at him slightly.
"Wha— to get over you!" He says raising his voice.
"Do you know how hard it was to lay in bed every night not having the person you love beside you?!" He screams. This makes you angrier.
"And you think that didn't happen to me? You think I just got over this whole breakup in one night? You think I don’t love you and get jealous every time I see you with those girls?!" You screech. Your minds blurry, all you can think about is fury, and yet you continue.
"Why don't you just go and make out with 15 girls to get over me huh?!" You shout with tears in your eyes.
"I can't keep kissing other people and pretend it’s you!” He yells. Your heart stops.
Suddenly, you can think clear. You can see clearer as well. You start to think straight and look at the situation properly. The burning feeling of fury starts to melt away.
"Eijirou..." you start but soon realize you can't finish that sentence. You look at him and find out he's crying as well. He takes a breathes before he speaks.
"Y/n...I don't know what I'd do without you," he states.
"And I'm sorry if I was being pushy, I'm sorry for a lot of things but I won't list them all out," he says chuckling a bit. You smile softly.
"I'm sorry as well, I should've seen the situation from your perspective," you murmur. It was then to realize, that you really do love Eijirou Kirishima. He really was the one.
"And I get if you don't want to get back together, I just thought I'd try but before I go, I just wanted to let you know that...you deserve so much better, you're a truly amazing person and any guy would be so lucky to have you, I just wish I was the one," he says smiling sadly.
Although you can't see it since he was turning away, you just know he was tearing up again. That's just how he's is, he's big softie. A softie that you won't let go.
"I truly do love you and wish you the best of luck in life," he says before turning to walk away. You panic and force your legs to move.
"Eijirou wait!" You say grabbing his arm. He turns around with hope in his eyes, that same sparkle that you've always loved. You smile softly.
"I'm willing to try again," you say. He gasps cutely before chuckling and picking you up to spin you around. He leans in for a kiss before hesitating.
"Can I ?" He asks. You giggle. Truly a gentleman.
You don't answer, instead you crash your lips onto his.
Through all of the tears, mistakes and downfalls, you two always seem to make it work out in the end. You push past those thoughts and pull him closer, glad to have him back.
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saccharineomens · 4 years
I want to know all the answers from your 100 question meme
Something you find romantic? Answer whichever #'s you feel comfortable answering; I want to know all your inner musings 😝
cat why do you do this to me
i’ll be sticking them below a readmore, then!
1.  Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes! Unless you’ve communicated with your partner that it’s okay.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Hmmm this is a really hard decision. I usually say telepathy, but I like shapeshifting, too. I loved the Animorphs books as a kid, even though I didn’t read them all.
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Monetarily? Nah. But I like to think I’ll still have strong, rich friendships and I think I’ll have enough money to live comfortably alone. 
5.  Tell us some funny drunk story. I just don’t really have one rip. Drunk people are hilarious but normally I’m the DD. I’ve got several pleasant stories, though! There was a time me and my best friend went to a pub and drank cider and played board games and video games until closing time. Afterwards we stopped at an Insomnia cookies, a storm caused the electricity to go out, and we got a half dozen cookies for free. (well, I felt guilty, so I left them a very large tip.)
6.  Why are you no longer together with your ex? I was going through college, it was long distance, and I felt he deserved better. We keep in touch, though.
7.  If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Well, painlessly, of old age, in my sleep, of course. But if that’s not an option, out of all the ways of dying, freezing to death seems the most humane. You just get tired, cold, and sleepy, and then you just...don’t wake up.
8.  What are your current goals? Graduate, mostly. Long-term I’d like to live with friends in a big house and my cat, and have enough free time to garden and craft at my leisure, and have the ability to travel wherever I’d like. I’d like to work on a game or movie I’m really passionate about, and I’d love to become a director someday.
9.  Do you like someone? I mean, I like a lot of people, but I assume this means romantically. So, kind of? I find a lot of people attractive and have a ‘if they wanted to date I’d be down’ feeling, but I don’t have serious feelings for anybody specific.
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? Hmmm I have a terrible memory. Myself, perhaps? I have a really hard time with getting up when my alarms go off. Sleep inertia’s a big problem for me. This has led to me being late to classes and rushing to get ready, which is stressful.
11. Do you like your body? Ehhhh. I guess. It could be improved, like by not having health issues. 
12.  Can you keep a diet? Ha! No.
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I hope you have a wonderful day. The universe doesn’t care about us so be excellent to each other!
14.  Do you work? Constantly, every day. I work to learn new things, accomplish school assignments, make money, feed myself...All my life is is working, right now.
15.  If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Salad! Because anything can be a salad. Tuna salad, fruit salad, salad with salmon...
16. Would you get a tattoo? Oh, absolutely. The only reason I don’t have any is because of money. I have like five small ideas and one very large one that i’d like across my back. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Food, my family, and my friends.
18. Can you drive? Yes. Do I have a license? No.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Probably sometime in the past month by my mother, but she’s just about the only person who does.
20. What was the last thing you cried for? asdfjal;ksdjfs it was Treasure Planet. Jim and Silver’s relationship is just [clutches chest] so beautiful.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of, sporadically. 
22.  Is life fun? Yes!
23.  Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I mean, I prefer you excuse yourself, but more or less yeah.
24.  What’s your dream car? My sib got this really nice Prius used at a good price, and it has a lot of room and it’s a hybrid, so Nice. I don’t tend to pay much attention to cars, as long as they’re comfortable and low-waste.
25. Are grades in school important? I admit that they’re important to me, but that’s something I have to unlearn. My worth isn’t determined by other people.
26. Describe your crush. Ugh. I’m bi, guys. I get crushes on people all the time, every day. Saw this really pretty redhead in the cafeteria over a month ago, and I saw her again yesterday. She’s a couple inches taller than me and has really pretty curly hair, but I didn’t really, like, stare, so I couldn’t describe her face well past ‘cute nose’.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? Nothing jumps to mind. I guess I’m still falling over myself after seeing Mad Max back in like 2015, that was just the coolest experience ever. I find delight in just about every movie I watch, though. The second Jumanji-sequels movie was just as fun and amazing as the first. Klaus was just incredible in so many ways. 
28.  What was your last lie? I...really just do not remember. Probably telling myself “I’m gonna do my laundry today” a few days ago? Whereas I DID do my laundry today so HA
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I saved this question for last and it’s late and I honestly can’t remember anything, asdjls sorry. My memory’s awful y’all. 
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Oh absolutely. I mean it wouldn’t be if they weren’t uncomfortable with it, but they always are.
31.  Something you did and you are proud of? I did my laundry today? washed dried folded and everything. I also braved the nighttime neighborhood around my school to solo a Pokemon raid, which was cool. I’m proud of my animation done at the end of the last semester, and of how my teddy bear modelling is doing this week.
32. What’s your favourite cocktail? How am I supposed to choose this? How can you ask me to choose this? I’d have to line them all up and try one by one, honestly, before I could tell you. 
33.  Something you are good at? I’m pretty good at drawing anatomy and expressions, I think. I’m good at baking/cooking, although I lack creativity in the kitchen. I also think I’m a pretty good listener, and a good friend? 
34.  Do you like small kids? Most of the time!
35.  How are you feeling right now? Frankly, a little drained with all these questions, but determined to finish them. I’m a little hungry. I’ve got a lot on my mind, and wish I was doing homework, but I also can’t get myself to do it right now. 
36.  What would you name your daughter/son? Not sure! Every once in a while I’ll be like “ooh, that’d be a great name” and then don’t remember to write it down. Besides, I plan on adopting, and most kiddos already have names.
37.  What do you need to be happy? Money, friends, family, good food, and a place to explore. 
38.  Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Not particularly. No one other than, well. The rich people I’m pretty sure everyone knows I dislike.
39.  What was the last gift you received? Well, anything my mom cooks for me is a gift, but the last Proper gift was from my friend @ wefflebugs , who got me a blu-ray copy of Into the Spiderverse and some coffee for Christmas  c:
40.  What was the last gift you gave? I gave my sibling @ aconfusedbird a keychain of one of the two Bubble Bobble dragons and kept the other for myself, for their birthday. Handmade from Perler beads. We’d play that game for ages as kids, and we always fought over who’d be the blue one.
41.  What was the last concert you went to? I think it was The Shins? They were so awesome!
42.  Favourite place to shop at? Well, I quite like Target. But I also adore small resale shops. They always have some really awesome things hiding there.
43. Who inspires you? Oogh, a lot of people. Like a million and a half artists I’ve met online, ones I only know their screenname for, inspire me to get better at art. James Baxter and Sergio Pablos inspire me to get better at animation. Wefflebugs’ art always has such lovely colors, which I adore. featherdragon15′s art has gotten a lot better lately, and that inspires me to keep working hard too! Not to mention they’re working for nasa which is rad af, and also inspires me to keep working toward my dreams. My sibling aconfusedbird inspires me a Lot in a lot of personal ways, like to be more kind to myself and to keep moving forward. My mom inspires me to keep gardening. roachpatrol/roach-works inspired me to get into welding, lizardlicks inspired me into wanting chickens and a small homestead. My teachers inspire me to keep working hard in school. 
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? 19, I think? I’ve only gotten properly drunk once. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat another boiled peanut, but other than that it wasn’t a problem lol.
45. How old were you when you first got high? I haven’t, actually. I don’t have a reason not to or anything, but it’s just never felt like the right vibe yanno?
46.  How old were you when you first had sex? I guess it really depends on your definition. Personally, I’d say I haven’t yet.
47. When was your first kiss? Well, I played spin the bottle when I was seventeen, which was technically my first kiss, but if that doesn’t count then it was about a week before I turned eighteen, and I kissed the guy who’d become my first boyfriend.
48.  Something you want to do until the end of this year? Play video games....I wish I had infinite time to play video games and watch movies and draw and just...enjoy my time on earth, you know? Without feeling like it had a deadline.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I try not to live with regrets. 
(50 is ‘post a selfie’ but im on a computer)
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Either aconfusedbird or featherdragon15, i think. 
52.  Name one thing that terrifies you. asdkfjal;sdf i’ve been listening to too much magnus archives and got recommended to ‘not be too scared of one thing’ if i want to avoid the creatures, so uh. hard to decide. I guess I’m scared of...hm. people who just lack the ability to create bonds with people? people who don’t care about other living things. humans can be fucking terrifying. 
53. What kind of books do you read? Oh, just about anything. Fantasy, realistic fiction, romance, mysteries, thrillers, scifi...all are great. I didn’t used to enjoy nonfiction but it really depends on the nonfiction.
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? You’re going to have a best friend someday, and it will be everything you wanted. Things with your mother will improve when you’re in your last few years of high school. You’re going to become a great artist.
55.  What is your favourite flower? Not sure! I like many. There was this one flower i found in high school that smelled incredible, but I’ve no idea what it was. I should find it again.
56. Any bad habits you have? ...Well. Not waking up when my alarm goes off is pretty annoying. My procrastination in general’s frustrating. And, well, just between you, me, and the rest of the internet, (tw: self harm) my trichotillomania causes me constant distress and anxiety.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? People who want to learn new things, are kind and compassionate, respect me, and have a good sense of humor. Someone I can be adventurous with.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? Well, i answered a similar question earlier, so I’ll answer for the second most recent time I cried. I was in Pennsylvania, the day I had to fly home, and when I went to check in for my flight, all the seats were taken, and I needed to pay for an upgrade if I wanted to guarantee a spot on the flight. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, except that for both of my flights to get home, an upgrade cost $70. And seventy dollars was a big chunk out of my budget for, you know, food. So I cried out of stress and frustration with the airport companies for charging me seventy bucks for ten more inches of legroom that I didn’t want nor need.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? Not really! In terms of what’s normally accepted as “food” in American society, that is. I don’t care much for worms or insects. Other than that, I’m interested enough to try almost anything once.
60. Are you in love? In love? No. Am I full of love? Yes, for many, many, many things. 
61.  Something you find romantic? Oh man, anything could be romantic if done by someone I care for. I think gentleness is romantic. Quality time is my love language, so if my partner cancelled plans to spend time with me, that’d be romantic. I find romance in trying new things and going to new places.
62. How long was your longest relationship? Four months or so. It’s the only relationship I’ve been in, though, and I hadn’t intended for it to go past summer, so that was longer than I’d even planned on haha.
63, 64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? Opposite sex? Uhhh kind of hard to answer this one. I mean, i hate the culture in which men are raised to be, but I’ve heard that ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains aren’t particularly predisposed to anything in particular? Like, both men and women are capable of emotional intelligence and compassion, it’s just that our culture doesn’t encourage it in men. 
65. What are you saving money for? Food, college. I might treat myself to a school trip to Disney, but I don’t think I have the budget rn. As a student I’m kind of coasting by on the bare minimum rn, I don’t have anything i CAN save up for.
66. How would you describe your bad side? I mostly just avoid you or try to not spend time with you. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I am. I care about other people and try to make other people’s lives easier and happier. I try every day to become more sensitive to other perspectives. I do what I can to benefit the earth for those who will come after me.
68. What are you living for? Ooh, deep stuff. I’m living for helping other people. I’m living for my friends and family. 
69 (nice).  Have you ever done anything illegal? Pfft, guys, jaywalking is illegal. So yes. I’ve also drank while underage before. But nothing really big, no.
70.  Do you like your body? Wait a second. This was number 11, too. Well, I guess I’ll change it to What don’t you like about your body? Which is my under-chin. It’s kind of a double chin, kind of not. But while most things I could change about my body, I don’t think I could change that without surgery. And yeah, I’ve thought about it. Not that I have any of the cash for it. I also wish I didn’t have (tw: self-harm) trichotillomania, so I’d have more eyelashes and eyebrows.
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I think I probably have, to douchebags. Like “hey, that’s inappropriate”.  
72.  Ever sent nudes? Nope!
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? God, no. Big #1 no no for me.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! Agh, okay. @ aconfusedbird, @ busket, @ loreweaver-universe, @ orange-plum. The four blogs I don’t actually follow, but whose blogs I visit every day. It changes around every few years. It used to be a different bunch back when I first got on tumblr. I really have no idea why I haven’t followed them. Habit, I suppose? Also, it still won’t let me tag my sib for some reason. (nvm I removed the tags, i don’t want to bother them)
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? lmao uh, that’s kind of an understatement. I can’t list all my favorite games, but I’m very fond of The Last of Us. I have played. So many video games. I’ll chat about them anytime!
77. Favourite TV series? Avatar: The Last Airbender, I think. It’s really hard to top that.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Not really religious, no. I do think that there’s probably a god out there that sparked the Big Bang. I don’t really follow the Christian God because despite what every church service said, I never felt like He loved me. Jesus was a super cool guy, though. If there’s a god out there, I think they pretty much keep to themselves. Maybe have some fun watching creation, but don’t really interact with it at all.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? asdkfj;as i don’t remember. probably my textbook Directing the Story by Francis Glebas? It was a pretty cool book about moviemaking.
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? I’ve reblogged a lot on the subject. I respect those who practice it, but it can cause a lot of environmental harm. In theory, it’s not bad! 
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Like eight years or so? Maybe nine? wild. I visited blogs daily before the number got high enough i was like ‘okay i’ll just make an account’.
82. Do you like Chinese food? Oh, yes!
83-85. McDonalds or Subway?   Vodka or whiskey? Alcohol or drugs? Subway, whiskey and alcohol.
86.  Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes, yes, and no!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? I’ve had this one for many years now. I really like the word ‘saccharine’ -- inspired by @ saccharinesylph back in the old days -- and i couldn’t just name myself ‘saccharine’, so i needed something else. and I was pretty big into Good Omens at that time, and I was like ‘haha! saccharine, good, omens. saccharine omens!’ Plus, it feels like a very positive and comforting name, and I strive to be a comforting person. 
88. What are you scared of? ok i def answered this moving on
89. Last time you were insulted? uhhhhhhhhh no idea. oh, wait! i know. i was getting graded on my performance at my job late last year and i disagreed with the grade my boss gave me. It was like ‘person shows considerable care of their community and goes above and beyond to educate others’ and i was like ‘oh yeah that’s, like, my whole Thing, my whole Goals and Personality and Ideals’ and then my boss came in and was like ‘2/4′ and i was like ‘wtf??’ Apparently she felt that i just wasn’t really applying that part of myself to my job, and i was like ‘you serious? i’m doing a lot!’ but also she’s my boss.
90. Most traumatic experience? A series of emotionally/mentally abusive things my mom did during my childhood. It’s definitely had the longest lasting effects of any trauma. Permanent anxiety problems, ptsd, my self harm, the whole shebang. Don’t worry, though, like. Things are way better between us, and she’s apologized many times.
91. Perfect date idea? Going on a hike! Maybe walking on a beach. Just spending time together and talking. Eating some delicious food. Spending the entire day with each other, then curling up and cuddling at home and watching a movie. then talking some more. lots of handholding and kisses. im a super hopeless romantic.
92. Favourite app on your phone? the internet, ofc lmao. But other than that I use Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go an awful lot. 
93. What colour are the walls in your room? At school a boring white, although I’ve taped some art up. At home a really pretty light blue color that I did all myself.
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? I do! And I like so many channels, honestly. I really like Rachel and Jun, and I really like Pop Culture Detective. I’ve seen a lot of jackscepticeye’s stuff, too. Proko, Vox, and Sinix Design are all good too.
95. Share your favourite quote. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” -Dr Seuss
96.  What is the meaning of life? To be happy, enjoy yourself, and love others!
97. Do you like horror movies? Ha ha ha, not really. I liked A Quiet Place though. 
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? She’s cried sometimes over how she treated us in the past. Sometimes it happens because I talk about how she’s hurt me. She always expresses regret and apologizes again. 
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I feel lucky with how I met my best friend. We’d had band together and kind of both thought each other as a cool person, but we didn’t really hit it off until a couple years later and she saw me drawing Homestuck fanart in Psychology lmao. The rest is history. Love you so much, Haley. I feel lucky my mom realized she was being abusive and stopped, too. Not everyone gets that. 
100. Can you keep a secret? Oh, definitely. But do tell me what needs to be secret, otherwise I won’t know. For example, my sib asked me to keep their gf busy while they bought her a present, so I tried, but then she was like ‘oh, where’s your sibling? we should find them’ i was like ‘oh no, i think they’re just buying something, it’s fine’ but she was stubbornly moving toward the checkout and i was like ‘stop, i think they’re buying something for you’ so i. kinda told a secret? i didn’t tell her what the present was though.
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eulogy34-blog · 5 years
5 Simple Techniques For banana face mask
Application: Apply the mask on your face (specifically on afflicted parts), and leave it on for ten to 15 minutes. Then, rinse off your face with lukewarm water. Adhering to that, clean your face all over again with cold water. -When you rinse your face with lukewarm drinking water, clean it yet again with chilly h2o a few minutes later on. This will likely tone your face and increase the firmness of the face muscles. In this financial system, why spend $thirty or more on a leg wax when you are able to do it you? I've numerous close friends who wax their unique legs and I learned a recipe for your sugar "wax" on the Double X Internet site for Gals. Editor Hanna Rosin shares her family's recipe. Selfmade honey face masks are very easy to make. Honey is perhaps mother nature's most nutritious foodstuff, containing nutrients and enzymes not even recognized by scientists these days. Honey is frequently revered to be a fountain of youth and wonder - let us find out how to implement it Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice makes a extremely efficient Do-it-yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has solid antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Homes which make it incredibly successful versus acne. This mask should not be employed on presently dry skins, and it is actually a smart idea to consult a health care provider ahead of making use of this mask. So, When you are collecting the kelp you, keep away from really polluted places. Should you be acquiring it, Make certain that it truly is gathered and created in a location with as small a level of air pollution as you possibly can. 2,Q:Could I obtain a sample ahead of placing order9 A: Sorry, we couldn't deliver sample. three,Q:What exactly are the conditions of payment you offer9 A: We take payment of T/T, Western Union. 6,Q:What on earth is your warranty9 A:Absolutely free exchange and return again assurance if there include top quality problems! This face mask is black in colour and developed with ventilation holes that may help you breathe effortlessly. In addition it has an activated charcoal filter, a large proof hook and loop closure that may make certain a cosy in good shape. • Give a healthy glow in your skin by mixing three tablespoons of orange juice in 50 % a cup of natural honey and smearing this Remedy on to your face and neck for 20-25 minutes.   I am all for elegance guidelines and appreciate components which i have already got . I take advantage of coconut oil everyday to help keep my skin hydrated but will combine it with honey and avocado . Thanks for a few awesome tips ! If you can and you've got the mandatory components, then It is necessary. Nevertheless if you don't have the required ingredients or time, then ensure it is frequent although not every day. The easiest body scrub of them all, this scrubs absent dead skin cells, and softens and hydrates your skin. Mix with each other olive oil and sugar until finally it varieties a paste Skip to look We use cookies to offer you a far better on-line practical experience. By continuing to look through you acknowledge our privateness and cookies.
face mask - An Overview
Time for you to say goodbye to acne and pimples. Mix orange peel powder with oatmeal and baking soda to create the last word pimple annihilation face mask. If you'd like to use this mask once more Later on, create a new batch. All-natural face masks similar to this can generally continue to be about a week inside the fridge, but just to be Risk-free, start out fresh new every time.[four] That is used to discover distinct browsers or products when the obtain the support, and is employed for protection motives. Prepare with the mask by washing your face and tying your hair again. Use heat h2o to help you open up your pores. If you are wearing makeup, you have got to acquire it off working with make-up remover. Make use of a heavier, richer one particular throughout the Wintertime, as well as a lighter just one throughout the summertime. Take into consideration a moisturizer that contains SPF to guard your skin against the Sunlight's dangerous rays. It is best to only make sufficient for use each day but understandably, when life is busy it could be simpler to make more upfront. Rinse from the mask soon after quarter-hour, and pat dry your face by using a towel.[7] The yogurt assists with shrinking the glimpse of pores, and tightening pores. The orange juice aids with refreshing skin cells, and softening harsh skin traces. To test if you have oily skin, push a paper napkin towards your forehead. Any time you pull it away, it ought to be soaked in oils. Increase the olive oil or coconut oil. You will require 2 teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin experience soft and sleek. If you don't have olive oil, You need to use coconut oil in its place, which is also quite moisturizing. [24] Use brown sugar for any gentler scrub and white sugar for a regular scrub. You can utilize any type of oil you want, but coconut oil or olive oil would function ideal. Require something stronger? Try salt! Check out a banana mask for wrinkled skin. Combine and mash a ripe banana, one teaspoon of orange juice, and 1 teaspoon of basic yogurt. Utilize a fork to create a clean and perhaps, consistency. Therapeutic massage and operate this mask on to your face, and Enable it soak into your skin for approximately 15 minutes. Now crush and powder your peels into a high-quality powder employing a foodstuff processor or blender, without incorporating any water. This content material is precise and legitimate to the very best on the writer’s know-how and isn't meant to substitute for formal and individualized information from an experienced Expert. Follow the simple fifteen min stay pack time using this mask and pat dry having a thoroughly clean towel. It's going to depart your skin experience gorgeous and clean.
5 Essential Elements For skin care
I only use standard cleaning soap when bathing. I smoke. Now I just would like to get my authentic complexion back Specially on my face. I started providing Uncooked lemon to my face for 3 days. Nothing at all happened. I want some easy recommendations to resolve this. Thanks. As I grow old I have been seeking something that could assistance sluggish the ageing system down a little. On the other hand, our skin is below assault 24/seven by quite a few aspects – ranging from involuntary publicity to damaging radiation (including the Sunlight) to eating plan. Keep away from investing an excessive amount time during the Sunshine, and often put on sunscreen when you do. Select sunscreen with a minimum of 15 SPF. You'll want to wear it each day, even in the darker, colder Wintertime months. Egg whites assistance tighten skin, earning them a powerful home treatment for reducing appearance of crow’s-toes below and close to eyes. That’s a wonderful strategy! I as well use coffee grounds & coconut oil for cellulite. I didn’t know i could freeze. I used to be maintaining a bunch of made use of grounds in a very mason jar w a dab of coconut oil in my shower. I really like the frozen version as a substitute. May function very best because it’s stored fresh new. Will test. I’ll have to help keep an eye out for them. I don’t Feel my food market carries them, but I believe I'm sure an area the place I’ll be capable of finding them. Thanks!! Utilizing a mask everyday might be a bit an excessive amount of for skin. Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVZ6srdJX30 out two periods each week and when it adjusts with the skin, You should utilize it around 4 situations weekly. Her buddies have been impressed at how excellent her skin appeared and pestered her for your recipes so she decided to set them on line so she could assistance Anyone. Invalid e mail deal with Subscribe to L'Oréal Paris Emails By enrolling I comprehend and agree to the privateness plan and conditions of provider, such as the use of arbitration and also the waiver of any course or team claim to solve disputes. To your skin care pure face masks, there is not any organic component that may be a reasonably near substitute for turmeric. About the milk, powder milk will function best because the mixture will only need a little quantity of water. If you use liquid milk, you won't get the good thing about milk by this minor amount of money. If you do not need to use milk,just liquefy the coffee with a few drops of water and after that include yogurt. This information was co-authored by our trained workforce of editors and scientists who validated it for precision and comprehensiveness. You may use this mask daily. Immediately after utilizing this mask, if you feel your skin remains to be dry you may apply a good selfmade moisturizer ( ) or every other moisturizer of one's option. Meditate. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088296957930240 is an historic practice that's been about for hundreds of years—and permanently rationale! Many of us find that it can help them obvious their minds and chill out.
The best Side of face mask
@ Pralad: You should choose care of one's skin consistently. Include things like the following tips is your skin care plan. Combine a person tablespoon of organic Uncooked honey and 50 percent a freshly squeezed lemon in to your bowl and utilize around your face, steering clear of the attention location. Now, Permit your skin soak up all this goodness for fifteen-half-hour (based upon how delicate your skin is). Wash away with heat drinking water, finishing with just one splash of chilly water to close your pores. Pat gently with a towel to dry. Enable your skin breathe For the remainder of the working day, or comply with up with your favorite moisturizer/serum. The #one cause of wrinkles is sun harm, so it is vital to utilize a sunscreen of at the very least 30 SPF from your early decades on even in Wintertime and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: Just one for the night time and a person for that working day that includes UV safety. Just how much you exfoliate is up for discussion. Some Girls have skin that gets scaly swiftly. Some others glance dewy and new with minimal fuss. Dermatologist Dr. By drying out the skin and bringing each blood and oxygen into the skin’s surface, cinnamon will make a very good acne fighter. (ii) Orange juice is stuffed with Vitamin C, so operate to rejuvenate skin cells and lessens wonderful traces and wrinkles. Mix honey and cinnamon alongside one another, and use towards your face. Leave the mask on for ten-thirty minutes. The antibacterial Houses of both equally honey and cinnamon make this honey mask ideal acne-vulnerable skin. Filled with citric acid, lightens dark skin and evens out discoloration. Diminishes dark places and pimples blemishes. 3. Honey is a organic moisturiser which allows in keeping skin delicate and supple. I generally use two-three drops of purely natural moisturiser in face packs to keep the contents very well balanced so that the mask will not strip the all-natural moisture and hydration from my skin. Since it burns I am able to’t leave it on for way too prolonged. I clean it off and apply the rest of the banana and leave it on for 15-twenty min and clean it off with cold drinking water and complete off with a moisturiser. I am loving it. Perfect for troubled skin. In my view it is an effective combination for a mask to deal with acne and pimples, as a consequence of next reasons: (i) Cinnamon may help rid your face or again of acne by equally drying out the skin and, once again, bringing blood and oxygen to the skin surface. Yes, You should use banana with orange peel powder. For superior benefits include in total cream milk also and come up with a thick paste. Apply this mask on all the face, preventing eye region and go away it about half an hour. Then gently take out it with warm h2o (don’t rub your face as it can irritate your skin). I use weekly after Multanimitti with Rose water, Sandal with Rose water and experimented with Papaya fruit pulp with Banana , lemon , cucumber mask, only papaya with Besan Powder and tomoto juice with lemon. I actually fed up using this acne and oil on my fore head System: Take a ripe banana and mash it which has a spoon or a fork in a bowl until it types a smooth lump absolutely free pulp. Add 1 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of lemon juice and mix the substances completely. Wash your face by using a moderate cleaning soap and make use of a delicate towel to pat it dry. I by no means realized a banana could possibly be so flexible from the alternative ways You may use it. Thanks. Voted up.
A Review Of pineapple face mask
The usage of egg white face mask remedies is growing in reputation in spas all around the entire world simply because they provide a number of Added benefits into the skin with no severe side effects that ingredients like retinol and alpha hydroxy acids in some cases trigger. Nonetheless, before you decide to choose to use an egg white mask, you must understand how it'd influence your skin and regardless of whether it will have any effect on the kind of skin difficulties you’re trying to handle. Cinnamon can be harsh on sensitive skin. For those who have delicate skin, take a look at the mask around the back of one's hand initially. I've attempted lots of property facials, but I have in no way heard about, or tried a banana mask before. This really is so fascinating :). I can't wait around to test it. Many thanks for sharing, so you're images are awesome. When it’s put on the skin rather than with your belly, sugar can be a good magnificence assist. It’s moisturizing; it contains glycolic acid, which encourages cell turnover for youthful-wanting skin; and its tiny particles make a terrific exfoliant.[1] You can mix sugar with any range of ingredients to make your own personal face mask. This effortless banana face mask uses turmeric and baking soda that may help you get glowing skin and cut down pimples and blemishes. Stay acne-absolutely free with common application. Do you do a thing Odd like rubbing some thing around your face right before a date (or something vital), too? Or possibly https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care+tips may have A different humorous ritual? I’d enjoy to listen to about it! Leave me a remark and let me know so I know I’m not the only weirdo who does this stuff Increase all of the components in a little bowl. Use a fork to finely mash the banana although mixing the substances. If the combination is simply too thick, Be at liberty to include a few drops of drinking water. Don’t push really hard. The sugar will do its work even with Light strain, so resist the urge to press down difficult while you distribute it more than your skin. It just felt 'organic' to choose up the eggshell and dab the remaining white onto my face esp concentrating around the parts beneath my eyes.. its worked for me at any time considering the fact that withj no damaging Negative effects so try out it on your own.. :) go natural! Stay away from utilizing a sponge to exfoliate your face as these can entice useless skin and microbes, creating you extra very likely to split out. The proteins that are contained within an egg white mask support the skin enhance and retain its elasticity, which can be crucial On the subject of minimizing the looks of wrinkles. You’ll get quite possibly the most Advantages using Uncooked honey. And if you’re willing to splurge, you may’t defeat Manuka honey. This honey from your Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is undoubtedly an antibacterial superfood with a great deal of immunity and first-help Added benefits. will test, appears simple plenty of. can these be created in advance and just how long will it maintain for once egg white is removed from egg shell? Save the egg yolk and discard the egg white (or put it aside for another recipe). Egg yolks not merely assist nourish and moisturize your skin, However they may additionally aid minimize the appearance of blemishes. You need to use the egg white to help make a simple face mask. To learn the way to make one, make reference to the part on this page on creating a straightforward mask.
coffee face mask for Dummies
Let it dry. You may utilize a third layer of whisked egg whites soon after 5 minutes for greater skin tightening. Merge matcha powder, honey and oil in a little bowl and mix very well. (When you don’t have matcha powder, Minimize open a green tea bag and utilize the leaves.) Implement this to your face and go away it for quarter-hour right before washing off warm h2o. Honey has awesome antibacterial Qualities that enable sooth discomfort and motivate the growth of latest skin tissue. Preparing: Combine the three ingredients to acquire a high-quality, uniform mixture. Permit it stand for around ten minutes. did not point out amount, and it is floor coffee just not the moment just one, correct? as well as powder milk? can it's use something else, milk has fat : Smear the thick paste on your face & neck leaving the eye and lip location bare. Depart it on for fifteen-twenty minutes. Slowly therapeutic massage the face with heat water to gently exfoliate. Wipe the mask off which has a wash cloth after which you can splash cold water on your face. Apply your standard moisturizer. @vishnum969: Certainly, egg white is extremely successful For several skin circumstances such as acne susceptible skin and ageing skin. I loved the eggwhite, lemon and honey mask and I will utilize it twice weekly. What recipes am i able to use for day-to-day to bolster my sagging skin, lighten the dark marks below my eyes and assist my turkey neck? Just give these masks a consider. They are really pretty much free of charge and you don’t require to search the planet for getting the necessary ingredients. Briefly, you have nothing to lose except your acne. Why not give it a try? Some assert this mask removes dark circles. So I've diluted this mask with water and applied it evenly below my eyes. It did make the beneath eyes appear rather less dim. Add the dairy solution and stir right until a smooth paste sorts. You can use significantly less dairy if you like a thicker paste. Before we move on to how to create the mask, let's consider the significance of Each individual of the other additional ingredients: How it works: Uncooked milk is useful to open up up the pores of the skin. This can help the banana to purify the skin from in just. The banana helps in maximizing the glow and wonder of the skin. Sorry, we just really need to ensure you're not a robot. For ideal final results, remember to make certain your browser is accepting cookies.
banana face mask Can Be Fun For Anyone
Implement the combination in your face and neck. Using gentle, circular motions, apply the combination for your face and neck with your fingertips. No one will check out any facial products which never fetch any Added benefits. Bananas have an incredible advantage on your wellness and and also on our skin. People are: Several thanks, I stay up for attempting these masks. I make my own cheese, and wash my face with the whey - It is usually superb - I would consider combining it now with some of your respective mask substances! Many thanks Thanks a whole lot for amazing recommendations… I tried Banana + honey + Lemon combination face pack.. and its truly magic it began working on my face.. slowly my holes are disappearing and I am able to see circulation in my face…Thanks yet again Milk and Banana is among the finest combos for the face mask. Also, one of the simplest face masks being designed the banana and milk do miracles on your skin from smoothening to brightening. Technique: Have a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon or maybe a fork in a bowl till it sorts a easy lump free of charge pulp. Include 1 tsp. of honey and one tsp. of lemon juice and blend the components totally. Clean your face by using a mild soap and use a smooth towel to pat it dry. Bananas are full of iron, potassium. Honey is a purely natural healer. It had been even employed by Egyptians for managing there wounds and cuts. Following implementing face packs it is possible to often use ice cubes wrapped inside a towel to therapeutic massage your skin. This will likely pack up opened pores and forestall Dust and pollution from producing their way in. If you're able to and you've got the required components, then It's a necessity. Nonetheless if you don't have the required components or time, then make it Recurrent although not daily. Leave the mask on for quarter-hour. To prevent the mask from dripping everywhere, take into consideration laying down or sitting down in a snug chair with all your head tilted back. You may as well use this mask while in the bathtub if you are soaking or taking a stress-free bath. • Those with oily skin can implement a handmade face mask geared up by incorporating two tablespoons of environmentally friendly clay, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and slightly water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. Apply a moisturizer to your face and neck. Seal within the moisturizing outcomes on the scrub with all your favourite moisturizer. little herbs – I love using and recommending honey in my recipes In particular UMF Lively honey as it’s super strong like a healing, antimicrobial and moisturising ingredient. woooooow!!!!!!amazing great face masks…:D I've lots of challenges on my face like dark places,tough skin,blemishes…:( i just want to know what number of times in per week I am able to use these masks????and will i apply only banana each day???thank you…:)
The Fact About strawberry face mask That No One Is Suggesting
For hundreds of years, people have been making use of honey masks for a treatment for acne and for curing other marks, scars, spots, and blemishes. There is certainly not just just one recipe for a honey mask that treats acne, but relatively, it could be made from distinct combos of herbs along with other substances. That is utilized to discover certain browsers or devices once the obtain the service, which is used for security motives. This information is accurate and real to the most beneficial of your author’s knowledge and isn't meant to substitute for formal and individualized guidance from a certified Skilled. From time to time a slave or a felony was quickly granted the insignia and standing of royalty, only for being killed once the Pageant ended.[16] The Carnival of Venice, by which all are equivalent powering their masks, dates again to 1268 Advert.[17] The use of carnivalesque masks during the Jewish Purim festivities possibly originated inside the late fifteenth century, although some Jewish authors claim it's got generally been part of Judaic custom.[18] will surely test dis tomarow ….aaj i have to organize my chandan pack…. Kal pakka isko consider karoongi waise me tooo love having oranges a lot Caution: Aloe Vera supposedly has no Negative effects, and there aren't any stories of it getting allergenic. Even so, many people could possibly be allergic to honey. In https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-Using-Natural-Ingredients of your allergen history, it is best to test it in your wrist before you decide to apply it to the face. Just before source:- steptoremedies like polycarbonate have been invented, visors to guard the face needed to be opaque with tiny eyeslits, and ended up a sort of mask, as frequently in mediaeval satisfies of armour, and (such as) Outdated Norse grímr meant "mask or visor". Disguise These an artist holds a highly regarded situation in tribal Modern society due to the do the job that he or she makes, embodying not merely elaborate craft procedures but additionally spiritual/social and symbolic know-how.[27] African masks will also be used in the Mas or Masquerade with the Caribbean Carnival. There are plenty of banana face mask Rewards one just should know about which mask is finest for what skin type. For this, we have been in this article that may help you as We now have classified the face masks based on the various skin care requirements. In Roman gladiatorial tournaments masks ended up from time to time made use of. From archaeological proof it is clear that these have been not just protective but in addition helped make the wearer look much more intimidating. -They continue on to drip, even after application and can produce very a mess on your own flooring or clothing. The best face mask for acne can’t be obtained at a dear Office retailer. In actual fact, it only consists of one particular component and it’s most likely by now inside your pantry! It’s amongst my own favorites: the Uncooked honey mask. It is a thing that the many beauty industries are employing in their solutions as a consequence of it several skin Positive aspects. Fundamentally, the quantity of honey ought to be ample To combine nicely Using the pulp. Blend properly right into a uniform paste plus your apple honey mask is able to use.
yeast face mask for Dummies
Whether it is The standard really hard-boiled eggs which can be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or simply creamy poached eggs with a stunning runny yolk, eggs are an very cheap and adaptable home staple. didn't point out amount, which is ground coffee just not the instant just one, appropriate? as well as powder milk? can it's use another thing, milk has Excess fat : Hi Samm! Sure You can utilize honey and minimal drops of water. But milk or milk derivatives get the job done very best in mask but I have delicate acne inclined skin (with a few new wrinkles as well :/ I'm only 27 a long time previous while) could it be Okay for me?! Can used coffee grounds get the job done In this particular recipe? I’d prefer to utilize the grounds from my espresso machine right after my morning coffee! Incorporate the olive oil or coconut oil. You will require two teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin feeling smooth and sleek. If you don't have olive oil, You need to use coconut oil as a substitute, and that is also quite moisturizing. My skin is Tremendous sensitive And that i split out like crazy if I use coconut oil on my face. It seems to work great if I utilize it essentially everywhere else on my human body…go figure. Cut down your anxiety levels. Anxiety can don't just wreck havoc on your thoughts and rest, but your skin at the same time. It may result in acne, breakouts, and various skin troubles. Established real looking objectives and limits yourself, and depart time each week so that you can do things that you take pleasure in. Subscribe to America's premier dictionary and get hundreds extra definitions and State-of-the-art lookup—advert absolutely free! Mix the egg white and lemon juice. Utilizing a fork, speedily whisk The 2 substances until the egg white will become foamy and frothy. It’s loaded n antioxidants and can help your skin for getting smoother and improved. If you want for more youthful searching, wholesome skin, then as an alternative to an apply switch to an orange every day. two. Lemon juice is ability packed with all the goodness of vitamin C and is very good for oily skin. It clears blackheads and whiteheads and likewise stops new breakouts. It clears current acne likewise and lightens complexion about a time period with standard use. Lately, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go5TQBn0kf0 started out Placing coffee extract in lots of in their formulas. And permanently explanation! Wow, I can’t wait to do this! Planning to try out it tonight since I can’t hold out. Right here ’s the insane point I placed on my face. …I purchase the huge aloe leaves while in the deliver segment at Wegmans. I peel them and Reduce the insides into minimal chunks which i put in the jar and continue to keep within the fridge.
sugar face mask Secrets
This material is accurate and legitimate to the most effective from the author’s understanding and isn't intended to substitute for formal and individualized tips from an experienced Qualified. Terrific posting. It is good to grasp that there are normal components within your kitchen cupboard or refrigerator which could double up as skin nutrition for mend and wonder. Avocados and bananas are 2 of one of the most moisturizing ingredients found in face masks. Incorporate the honey and you've got the perfect mask for Tremendous dry skin. hi That is first time l,ve ever utilized egg white & witch hazel, wow wish id heard about it prior to it good , l get bags less than my eyes which has most deffo served the luggage , thanx a great deal of , if Anybody has any orther Strategies that will help bags beneath eyes id be so greatfull, thanx yet again xx Refreshing papaya mashed , some drops of lime juice mixed in helps make a nice mask for getting older skin. Papaya is higher in Enzymes. It firms the skin and allows also with sunburn. I retain it on for approximately 20 to thirty minutes . When you say Egg White, does it actually must be an genuine egg white or can I use egg white from a carton? I've an Egg white Carton and I want to ask if it is similar to making use of an Genuine Egg white Egg. Is any individual obtaining this? LOL! Chorus from speaking or smiling Along with the mask on mainly because stretching the restricted skin may possibly lead to wrinkles to appear. Inside the hour it will require to get a chemical peel, you will take a 12 months from a face. Are not able to manage the value tag to get a month-to-month peel? Check out some over-the-counter peels that operate above the study course of per month, like Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Peel (buy from Amazon). These are frequently crafted from leather-based with appendages of fur, feathers or leaves. Some cover the face, some The full head and tend to be very abstracted sorts. Navajo masks seem like inspired with the Pueblo prototypes.[33][34] The top face mask for acne can’t be purchased at an expensive Division store. In reality, it only consists of one ingredient and it’s possibly now in your pantry! It’s considered one of my personalized favorites: the Uncooked honey mask. Let it dry. You could possibly implement a third layer of whisked egg whites immediately after five minutes for higher skin tightening. In sport the protective mask will often Possess a secondary operate to produce the wearer seem much more extraordinary as being a competitor. An additional tradition of European masks created, much more self-consciously, from court docket and civic gatherings, or entertainments managed by guilds and co-fraternities. These grew away from the earlier revels and had develop into obvious because of the fifteenth century in locations like Rome, and Venice, the place they created as entertainments to enliven towns and towns. As a result the Maundy Thursday carnival in St Marks Sq. in Venice, attended because of the Doge and aristocracy also involved the guilds, together with a guild of maskmakers. @Llzziforan: It is not encouraged to keep on any face mask on overnight. Preferably you should keep on a face for quarter-hour. An individual essentially asked me about trying to keep their yogurt face mask on for The complete night time and I gave a similar reaction. You could find the remark listed here: ...
sugar face mask Fundamentals Explained
Considering that the peel is full of vitamin C, it safeguards skin from totally free radical problems, keeps acne at bay and promotes a wholesome glowing skin. The oatmeal deep cleanses your pores and drives out any Grime, grime and oil within the surface with the skin. Here's 5 efficient face packs for an acne-no cost skin. Use a ripe avocado so that it's much easier to mash it right into a lump-free of charge paste. You may also freeze, then thaw it prior to mashing to create matters simpler. Should you have a blender, use it as an alternative to a fork to swiftly and proficiently Mix the avocado into a lump-free of charge puree. If you will get the mask with your eyes, It's going to be pretty irritating. If you ingest it, the raw egg within the mask might cause food stuff poisoning. You can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No knowledge is shared with Facebook Unless of course you have interaction using this type of attribute. (Privacy Policy) Exfoliation may be the step many people skip in their weekly skincare regimen. But if you start correctly exfoliating your skin, you can see an Virtually fast variation. How often am i able to do the skin brightening mask? is also the mask reusable or should really I come up with a fresh new batch each time? Baking soda in this treatment can help in eliminating the surplus oil within the pores that may clog up the pores bringing about acne breakouts. Deal with yourself to an opulent wax treatment like they are doing in posh spas worldwide. Dip hands into heat wax then peel away leaving hands tender and supple. Decide on one which fits your skin kind and also you are with your approach to finding quite a few benefits of honey on your skin! An orange peel face mask may possibly audio like a strange notion, but it surely has many Advantages to supply for the skin. It is full of antioxidants and vitamin C that assistance tighten and tone the skin, supplying it a wholesome glow. @IntimatEvolution: Thank you! Normal magnificence is far safer than chemical cosmetics and I'm extremely enthusiastic about them. If whatsoever any skin issue prolongs even right after having tried out these remedies for over a stretch of time then it's best prompt to refer to a expert or a fantastic dermatologist. This is often used to gather details on traffic to article content as well as other webpages on our internet site. Unless you are signed in to your HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. The elements expected for creating orange peel face mask for your oily skin and acne are provided below.
A Simple Key For skin care Unveiled
Who doesn’t enjoy scrambled or sunny-facet up eggs with toast for breakfast? Whether more info from stepto remedies is a hearty early morning meal or simply a late afternoon brunch, eggs can be cooked in a variety of techniques and served on various occasions. To generate powdered orange peel, simply just preserve up orange peels from the organic oranges you eat, remove the white fribrous elements on The within of the peel, and clean them in heat distilled h2o. "It can be genuinely quite exciting to learn about skincare ideas. This text helps me to overcome my dry and uninteresting skin. I'd like to understand more details on methods for dry skin."..." a lot more RT Raven Tson Gently exfoliates and scrubs skin clean. Absorbs and gets rid of impurities and Filth in the skin’s surface. Just washed it off. Skin is smother, complexion only a taaaaaaad little bit brighter (not as boring) and even. Pimples and redness equally as prominent, maybe a little bit more (believed I suspect that’s from the cinnamon’s Normally granular and abrasive texture). Raw honey by by itself is Beautiful, but you can also mix and match other food stuff-based elements to tailor your mask to your exceptional skin kind. @salamat: Use once every single 3 days and get the job done your way nearly after each and every two days. Will not use daily, as orange peel can be a strong, exfoliating and peeling component. The main element is to make use of it continually for at least per month right before getting significantly radiant and glowing skin. Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com doesn't assure any distinct results on account of the processes talked about here and the effects may possibly differ from person to person. Skin care consists of a lot more than simply cleaning it and utilizing lotion. Furthermore, it entails using a healthful diet regime, finding enough snooze and work out, and running stress degrees. Your unique skin kind can also determine any additional therapies in addition, for example employing exfoliating scrubs or moisturizing masks. [24] Use brown sugar to get a gentler scrub and white sugar for an everyday scrub. You need to use any type of oil you'd like, but coconut oil or olive oil would function very best. Have to have some thing more powerful? Check out salt! Wow, honey is so scrumptious, and it turns out It can be incredibly valuable! It's like the most effective of both equally worlds, it is so fascinating that often the very best cures are present in character. Voted up! Because cinnamon is so impressive, I might advise only using this honey mask the moment every week at most. You should use one of many other, gentler honey masks on other times for those who’d like. When the time is up, rinse your face gently till every one of the mixture is totally gone. Pat dry with a towel. If the face is dry soon after this mask, utilize a drop of coconut or olive oil as a normal moisturizer. Egg whites don’t just perform to tighten and nourish your skin, Additionally they are extremely full of collagen and might help your skin’s elasticity. This consequently lowers the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s-feet close to your eyes.
The yeast face mask Diaries
We may perhaps use conversion monitoring pixels from marketing networks like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to detect when an ad has properly resulted in the specified action, for instance signing up with the HubPages Assistance or publishing an write-up on the HubPages Provider. Raw honey by by itself is Charming, but You may also combine and match other foodstuff-dependent components to tailor your mask towards your distinctive skin style. Hi, pls allow me to know how frequently we must always use the mask specially for lightening the skin. is it a everyday mask or when in a week mask ? Below’s A different fantastic banana face mask for glowing skin that can even assist in lightening the overall skin tone. I wish to find a thing that aid the skin to return to a firmer point out… it just started to turn into a bit… euh… slack… at specific space. It seems honey also naturally absorbs extra oil, which will help protect against acne – and Which means amongst some great benefits of honey on skin is You need to use it rather than lots of chemical-laden in excess of-the-counter acne creams and ointments.” – from Honey Colony Should you have an American fashion coffee device, utilize the coffee grinds inside the filter; if you have an Italian style device, just unscrew and remove the particles left in between the areas of the cafetiere. (You'll be able to find and add upto five photographs in a very remark. The total measurement of all of your pictures must be lower than 1 MB. Click on button and make sure to pick all the images you want to add.) This can make it The perfect component to be coupled with banana so as to decrease the high-quality strains and wrinkles. Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, Alternatively, are recognized for their power to moisturize and hydrate skin, leaving it using a healthier glow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrofaJlKAMk are great for individuals with dry skin. Yoghurt, as everyone knows, is actually a loaded organic source of protein as well as contains lactic acid. This causes it to be the very best component to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin. The very best face mask for acne can’t be procured at an expensive department shop. In fact, it only is made up of a person ingredient and it’s probably previously in the pantry! It’s certainly one of my personalized favorites: the raw honey mask. Thank you the two! I am thrilled to obtain my hub chosen as Hub from the Working day! It is so remarkable and it will make me particularly delighted! Thanks for your personal practical remarks! When you have underneath-eye circles, mix in some drops of olive oil and apply it to the world to notice the revitalizing impact. You might also have an interest in: How to use a Face Mask Effectively Ways to stick to:
A Review Of yeast face mask
Check out carefully If they're suitable for your skin type. If you choose some thing appropriate you'll be delighted with the results: Enable it stay for twenty to half an hour. This mask may well provide you with a tingly come to feel but before long it can fade. Don’t forget to vary your outfits before making use of this mask. Next the recommendations right here and customarily getting superior care of on your own (eating well, receiving sufficient slumber, doing exercises, controlling stress properly - there are actually article content on these subjects listed here if you want them) may help. Exercise excellent hygiene, prevent touching your face, wash your apparel and pillowcases/sheets regularly, make use of a natural laundry detergent If you're able to, and prevent utilizing dryer sheets or material softener (they will aggravate acne for a number of people). Sit for fifteen minutes while you Allow the mask do its do the job. You may use this the perfect time to soak inside a bathtub or get lunch ready. If the time is up, Carefully scrub off the mask utilizing warm water. When it’s all off, splash chilly drinking water onto your face to shut your pores. Pat dry which has a towel. As we all know that a banana is made up of Vitamin B6 so generally it can help to delay the getting older approach. In addition, it moisturizes the dry skin, as vitamin B6 also tighten the sagging skin and it guards your skin from absolutely free radicals. One more thing Every time applying this sort of masks Be sure to tie your hair again because it tends to make your hair messy and results in the sticky result. Hello I manufactured the face mask but experienced not honey so just produced it with egg and lemon I fell asleep and experienced it on the majority of the evening Once i get the job done up and squandered it off my face was sore and crimson have you any strategies remember to Don't choose your pimples. You may make the inflammation worse and you've got a way greater risk of getting a scar even following it goes away. There are a variety of fine solutions for obtaining rid of pimples in this article on wikiHow. Thanks for producing your account on EverydayMe. This information or solution has actually been added on your favorites. As I get older I are already attempting to find a thing that could assist slow the ageing approach down just a little. Nonetheless, our skin is below attack 24/seven by numerous variables – starting from involuntary publicity to harmful radiation (like the Sunlight) to diet. Incorporates more info at social media -inflammatory and skin lightening Houses. Aids fade acne scars and decreasing swelling and redness from acne. It truly is up to you. It is best to get it done immediately after washing your face, that is Ordinarily carried out each morning and night. Plenty of people use masks while in the evening, as that is once they have the most time. selling every type of oranges. Each time which i drop by the market for browsing, I don’t neglect to choose a packet of oranges to quench my really like for this favourite fruit of mine. So, by now you must have recognized that now’s publish is about how to help make a highly effective face mask for oily skin making use of this speculate fruit. Women of all ages have been applying orange because ages to pamper their skin and it is probably the insider secrets at the rear of flawless skin For most Women of all ages, who not just consume it on a regular basis, but also utilize it in a variety of kinds like pulp, juice and perhaps within the dry peel powder kind on their skin. A little warmth the honey and add it on your egg white together with the yogurt (make sure it’s refreshing).
Examine This Report on strawberry face mask
-Manuka Honey is claimed to become your best option in terms of antimicrobial Homes, And that's why Manuka Honey Masks are viewed as the simplest. • Those people with oily skin can use a selfmade face mask geared up by incorporating two tablespoons of inexperienced clay, a person tablespoon of powdered milk, and slightly drinking water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. I absolutely beloved reading your hub! As a youngster my mother would use egg white on her face, but I'd no idea about all another elements you could use to lighten dim spots and hydrate skin! Strategies: Use this combination three to 4 moments every week (even a day by day application is okay), but you should definitely get ready it clean each time, as it is rather straightforward to organize and handiest at that point. Keep the mask on for ten-quarter-hour. In the event the combination has entirely dried in your face, Carefully scrub it off applying warm h2o, tackling all areas of your face within a circular motion. Pat dry that has a towel and marvel at The graceful come to feel within your skin! Get ready to the mask by washing your face and tying your hair back again. Use warm drinking water to assist open up up your pores. For anyone who is carrying makeup, you will need to consider it off applying make-up remover. Warning: Lots of individuals are allergic to cinnamon and it may possibly at times deliver discomfort in individuals with an unusually delicate skin. Consequently, this mask need to be employed after screening somewhere in addition to to the face. As this mask could possibly get messy, It might be a smart idea to tie or pin your hair back. https://steptoremedies.com/dry-brushing-loose-skin/ might also want to take into consideration draping a towel around your upper body and shoulders to safeguard your garments. Make this happen prior to deciding to visit mattress and leave the mask on overnight. Rinse your face with warm drinking water the next early morning. It is recommended to do this for two months and afterwards evaluate the outcomes. Great things! The only real trouble is that I am vegan. Are you aware of anything at all within the vegetable earth which can substitute egg yolks and egg whites for face masks. Would love (and I'm absolutely sure other vegans would also) to understand what it really is! Approach: Have a ripe banana and mash it by using a spoon or even a fork in the bowl till it kinds a smooth lump free of charge pulp. Increase 1 tsp. of thick yogurt and 1 tsp. of orange juice and mix the elements thoroughly. If you feel the combination is too thick to apply, add a couple of drops of orange juice. Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Doing this will likely get rid of any Dust and buildup before you decide to exfoliate. Make sure you pat your face dry Carefully using a clean, dry washcloth ahead of making use of the sugar-baking soda combination. Many thanks to your recommend. I've genuinely used the house treatment such as you reported nevertheless it darkens my face. i similar to the Obviously home treatment as it has no chemical ingredient within but i dont want my face to generally be darkish. At first, utilize the yogurt evenly about your face and leave on for quarter-hour. If after a couple of days you feel like your pores are smaller sized and skin Over-all improved, attempt trying to keep the mask on for a longer time subsequent time.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facemask About banana face mask
Make a simple mask with honey and almond oil. In a little dish, combine with each other one tablespoon of honey and ½ tablespoon of sweet almond oil. Apply the mask towards your face, preventing the attention spot. Within a bowl, take some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Ensure that the amount of sugar is equal to the peel powder and in this article you've got a simple recipe to a stunning smelling lip balm that’s successful and easy to help make. Put together to the mask by washing your face and tying your hair again. Use warm drinking water to aid open up up your pores. In case you are sporting make-up, you need to choose it off applying make-up remover. Thank you for creating your account on EverydayMe. This information or product has become additional on your favorites. Use a heavier, richer one particular during the winter, and also a lighter a single throughout the summertime. Consider a moisturizer that contains SPF to protect your skin from the sun's destructive rays. This is often what I use. I have Tremendous dry skin that flakes regardless of the(with this particular exception)even coconut oil won't get it done for me but olive oil is HG In relation to hydrating my skin it is the another thing that real leaves it glowing Whip up just two elements to produce a highly effective face scrub that exfoliates and deep cleanses pores. This material is accurate and true to the very best of your creator’s expertise and is not meant to substitute for official and individualized assistance from an experienced Specialist. Orange peel has strong Attributes that support retain troublesome pimples away. Apply https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1084943307875086336 of the zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and travel out the Dust, grime, excessive oil, and germs, all of which lead to pimples and blackheads to variety over the skin surface. You should how long till I start out viewing outcomes when I start utilizing the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently should I utilize it in per week? Clay masks are great for controlling oily skin. Honey allows break up excess oil and hugely absorbent clay gets rid of it whilst Carefully exfoliating. Bentonite and Moroccan Purple are two of the greatest clay options for balancing oily skin. That is made use of to collect information on traffic to article content along with other web pages on our website. Unless of course that you are signed in to some HubPages account, all Individually identifiable info is anonymized. To make use of orange peel powder to be a all-natural cleanser, Incorporate it with a little drinking water to create a paste. Utilize it in your skin and go away it on until finally it dries wholly. Lastly, rinse it off with lukewarm h2o. Mix all the above elements within a bowl. Gradually include water right up until a thick paste is fashioned. Working with clear fingertips, therapeutic massage a thick coat from the combination on to your face in a mild circular motion.
The best Side of strawberry face mask
Individual the whites from the yolk and conquer it nicely with a fork or by utilizing a blender (it'll finish up on the lookout like foam). Be certain to not smile or talk with the face mask on! This may stretch your skin across the mouth and eyes and actually induce wrinkles to sort. Each morning, a splash of lukewarm drinking water is all you would like. If you have Tremendous oily skin, you can cleanse your skin once again each morning. Never clean your face with hot or cold h2o (both of those may cause broken capillaries). Author Data What a awesome plan! I really like obtaining the most out of your objects I acquire, And that i always experience terrible composting nice, fragrant orange peels. Now I understand how to proceed with them! How I utilize it is the fact I blend orange peel powder along with chickpea flour, lemon n a pinch of turmeric. My face is blessed using a wonderful glow n shine You can find a superb cleanser within the drugstore. There is not any need to invest $40 on a flowery wash. Stay away from bar soaps as they have an inclination to dry out the skin. For you personally organic styles, you could cleanse skin with milk or yogurt (who knew?). Orange is extremely beneficial for the skin since it has anti-growing old, toning and astringent Houses. This citrus fruit helps boost skin texture and complexion. Your just lately seen objects and highlighted recommendations › Watch or edit your browsing history Repeat as essential. Most industry experts recommend from exfoliating over twice weekly. If you have many blackheads, you could just utilize this combination into the regions where you have blackheads. Avoid Placing on broken skin. Should you have any cuts or open acne on the face, steer clear of making use of the scrub to People spots because the lemon juice will sting them. Furthermore, the friction from making use of the scrub may perhaps make your acne worse. Combine all the above elements in a small bowl. Utilize a thick coat with the combination onto your cleanse face. Enable it sit for 15 minutes or right until it dries out. Whisk during the honey. Do that until eventually the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Incorporate into a medium-thick Resolution. You could alter the level of honey and olive oil you employ dependant upon how thick or thin you'd like the scrub to become. This can be a definitely straightforward mask that I get pleasure from frequently. It only has 2 substances so it only requires minutes for making but the effects are outstanding.
yeast face mask Fundamentals Explained
Making use of a white face mask created with what may be clay, Grande dealt with herself into a clearing and hydrating skincare action that is frequently neglected all through fast paced moments. — Christian Allaire, Vogue Ahead of robust clear supplies such as polycarbonate were invented, visors to protect the face had to be opaque with modest eyeslits, and have been a form of mask, as generally in mediaeval satisfies of armour, and (by way of example) Aged Norse grímr intended "mask or visor". Disguise Wash your face with a delicate cleanser. In the event you have been to implement a scrub face clean it could irritate your skin. Exclusive types of masks began to emerge in pre-Hispanic The united states about 1200BC, While there is evidence of significantly more mature mask types. For additional honey Concepts, try out honey and cinnamon for brighter skin or honey with cocoa and cream to exfoliate. Banana is full of skin-beneficial nutrients and one of these is to decrease the indications of growing older.Certainly, banana will let you banish those high-quality strains and wrinkles. Masks Enjoy a crucial element in planet theatre traditions, particularly non-western theatre types. They also continue to become a significant power within modern day theatre, and their utilization usually takes many different forms. Disclaimer: TheHealthSite.com would not warranty any particular benefits on account of the methods talked about below and the final results might vary from person to person. Combine matcha powder, honey and oil in a small bowl and mix well. (In the event you don’t have matcha powder, Reduce open a environmentally friendly tea bag and utilize the leaves.) Use this to the face and depart it for 15 minutes in advance of washing off heat drinking water. Implement a moisturizer in your skin. Seal from the moisturizing effects of the scrub with your preferred moisturizer. This face mask utilizing banana, honey and yoghurt should help in balancing the organic oils of the skin and also restores the purely natural lustre of your skin. Avocados and bananas are two of essentially the most moisturizing elements found in face masks. Add the honey and you have got an ideal mask for Tremendous dry skin. to.The peppermint sugar cookies on your own are remarkable and Tremendous fluffy. They have the proper number of peppermint flavor and make for a very yummy cookie.But the white chocolate coating and peppermint Korean masks have a protracted custom connected to shamanism and later in ritual dance. Korean masks were Employed in war, on the two troopers and their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to generate absent evil spirits; to recollect the faces of good historical figures in Demise masks; and from the arts, specifically in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays.
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vennilavee · 6 years
lost in Japan
Pairing: lance tucker x poc reader
Summary: lance is away at the olympics and you feel his absence.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of smut
Word Count: 2383
A/N: I can’t get this dude outta my head lmao. listen to 3:15 by bazzi for a prelude to this. then listen to lost in japan by shawn mendes. sorry if my tenses are off, that always messes me up no matter how many times I re-read before I post. enjoy, thanks for being here
Nights before Lance has to leave are always the hardest for both of you. He thinks maybe, just maybe, if he stays awake as long as he can, he never has to leave you. And he can just stay in your arms, waiting for a time that will never come.
But time does come as he gives you something slow, and sweet to remember him by early in the morning before he has to leave. Lance’s touches are slow and electric, lazy and charged, his movements into you languid as his hands cup your face. Despite his unhurried movements, he has you reaching new heights and seeing stars with whispers of his name on your tongue.
For someone who was a self-proclaimed asshole, he sure was sweet and tender with you.
You help him pack for the remainder of the morning, sneaking in more than a few kisses that resulted in another round of sex on the couch. 
You take him to the airport, never letting go of his hand the entire drive there.
Lance gives you a big kiss just before the gate, lifting you up in his arms and you yelped in his arms but respond immediately, feeling everyone at the airport melt away from the both of you. His team cheers behind you and you pull away, a little dazed.
“Something to remember me by,” Lance winks at you, “I’m so romantic, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, right,” You roll your eyes with a smirk, “The only thing more romantic than that is if you proposed to me right now.”
“I love you, princess,” Lance says earnestly, kissing your forehead. He ignores the calls of his name from behind him.
“Good luck, baby. I’ll be watching. Be safe, call me when you land?” You suddenly feel vulnerable. He gives you one last hug and kisses your hair again before making his way over to the gate. 
He gives you one last wave, and turns around, knowing that if he sees your doe eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist dragging you along with him.
Distance used to just be a word for you- a word to define how far a place was from another place. Distance was a word you used usually to describe places, not people. Even when you spent weeks, months away from your family, you didn’t really feel it. Of course, you missed them, but not in that bone crushing way that made your heart ache in your chest at the mere thought of their voices.
No, that was reserved for Lance Tucker. You both had recently moved in together, deciding that the original distance between the two of you was too much. You had picked up your things and moved into a new apartment with him near the training gym that Lance had become head coach of gymnastics at.
The decision to leave wasn’t even really much of a debate, to your surprise. You hadn’t hesitated when he broached the subject. Lance was half of your heart now, and any sacrifice you made for him wasn’t truly a sacrifice. Because you loved him, and you would never hold it against him. 
The old, single you would probably have scoffed at the current you. Independence was a label you wore proudly. You still were independent, but in a different way. In the way that you had learned how to exist in a long distance relationship while giving both him and yourself what you both needed. Lance has taught you so much about yourself. He has showed you hidden gems and treasures about yourself that he has proudly pulled out of you. Treasures that you didn’t even think you had.
It was serious. That scared you at first, causing you to shirk away from him a little bit, initially. But he knew you better than you did apparently, because he had given you space for a little bit before confessing to you that he was in this for the long haul, if you were.
Lance was a different person, too. He knew within the first month of dating you that he was in this for the long haul. You both had been surprised when he was the first one to say ‘I love you’- it had slipped out when you had tried your hand at baking brownies for his entire gymnastics team. 
Of course, they came out terribly, but he made his team pretend to enjoy the taste of your sugary cardboard, for your benefit. At least out of the pair of them, one of them could cook- and it wasn’t you.
Lance was in Tokyo for the Olympics this year and you were so incredibly jealous- you have always wanted to go to Japan. He had begged you to come but you couldn’t leave work for that long.
FaceTime wasn’t enough, phone calls weren’t enough, pictures weren’t enough. You feel his absence the most when you slept at night. The apartment didn’t feel right without him in it and your bed was empty without him next to you to hold you close to him.
He was your very own space heater, after all.
Hanging up with him during your last FaceTime call had been particularly painful for you. Your schedules only seemed to match up when it was late at night for you and mid afternoon for him. Lance felt bad keeping you awake, but you didn’t care. 
“How are the girls doing? Keeping them hydrated and happy?” You asked with a yawn. You’ve wrapped yourself in one of his hoodies and are laying on his side of the bed. His scent is barely there, but you lay there anyway. It still gives you comfort.
“They’re nervous. Excited but nervous,” Lance said. You heard his own nerves in his voice and you wish you were there with him to soothe them.
“They’re going to shine, Tuck,” You reassured him with a smile, “You’re their teacher after all.”
“They miss you, you know. Keep buggin’ me about why I didn’t bring you with me. Leila said she misses your brownies,” Lance snickered and you feigned hurt.
“Hey! My brownies are good!” You protested with a pout.
“Don’t pout at me, baby girl,” Lance murmured, “Makes me wish I could kiss you.”
“For the last time, I’m not having phone sex with you,” You said with a giggle. 
“I wasn’t trying to-” Lance sighed, “Okay, maybe a little bit.” 
Your smile faded slowly and you sighed heavily.
“I really miss you. My heart misses you,” You said sleepily, “You’re my whole heart, you know that right?”
“You’re my whole heart, princess,” He said, wishing you could be with him, “I love you.”
Before you knew it, tears sprung into your eyes and trickled down your face. It’s only been two weeks, and you’ve gone longer without seeing him. But this time just feels worse, somehow.
You had made the decision right then that you were going to surprise him in Tokyo. The thought makes you sleep a little easier, and when you wake up the next morning, the first thing you do is purchase plane tickets for the next flight you can take out to Japan.
Lance is cranky, to say the least. It takes almost all of his self-control to stop himself from snapping at his girls, at his staff, at everyone. They all look at him with a mixture of pity and annoyance. They know his attitude is because of your absence.
It doesn’t help that when he tried calling you, since the mere sound of your voice always calmed him down, you hadn’t picked up. He almost chucked his phone at the wall but restrained himself. 
Maybe you were just busy at work, he thinks to himself. Or maybe, you decided that you couldn’t do this anymore- the distance was too much.
No, he forces himself to steer away from that train of thought. You would never do him dirty like that. He trusts you, he loves you.
Lance repeats those words to himself in his head like a mantra, waiting for you to call him back.
Hours go by, and you still haven’t called him back. Lance is annoyed, taking out his irritation on his girls. You’d scold him for doing so. But you won’t even answer his texts or his phone calls. So he sits in his room and pouts, staring at his phone as if it’s wronged him.
Tokyo is absolutely breathtaking, you decide as you scan the city from the airport windows. It’s around 1:15 AM local time when you’ve landed and the city lights are comforting and encouraging, despite you being alone in a brand new city. 
The airport itself is frenetic with energy, people pushing past you quickly while you soak all of it in. You’re a little tired from being unable to sleep properly on the flight, but you barely feel it because you’re bouncing off the walls with excitement at being able to see Lance soon.
You probably stick out like a sore thumb, with cluelessness painted all over your face. You’ve managed to call Lance’s assistant ahead of time so that he could let you into the Olympic Village undetected. You expect to be thoroughly checked through security prior to arriving to the village, since you hadn’t arrived with the rest of the team.
You don’t care though, because that means you’re one step closer to being with Lance. Giddiness bursts in your chest at that thought.
It’s nearing 2:30 AM local time by the time you’re knocking on Lance’s door. The exhaustion is catching up to you now, but your heart is racing in anticipation. Something warm spreads throughout you as your knuckles rapping against the door in nervousness.
You wait a minute and frown when you hear no movement behind the door. Lance wasn’t that heavy of a sleeper. You knock again, a little louder while dialing his number on your phone. You hear his ringer go off and he’s probably groaning at the sound. But he answers-
“Hello?” Lance’s voices is hoarse with fatigue. You knock again, whispering a soft greeting so he doesn’t know you’re behind the door. He can barely hear you, but he’s still adjusting to all the noises around him.
He grumbles, cursing under his breath before he throws the door open, ready to curse whoever is knocking at his door at 2:30 AM into oblivion. 
But it’s you. Lance blinks at you with wide eyes, the neurons in his brain firing slower than usual. It’s you- your curly hair is tied up in a ponytail, you’re wearing one of his hoodies and a suitcase is standing on your right side. Your brown eyes are tinged with fatigue, your glasses sliding down your nose, but your smile is shy.
It’s really you. 
“You got plans tonight, baby?” You ask meekly. Lance yanks you to him by your forearm and you squeak, before he crushes you to his chest. His embrace is so tight that you need a minute to breathe. But this is your favorite place to be. 
He’s the missing puzzle piece that you’ve been looking for.
It’s only been two weeks, two very long weeks, but he feels your absence even more now that you’re in his arms.
“How did you- what are you- how was your flight?” He tugs your suitcase into his room, refusing to take his eyes off of you. The dark circles under his eyes are prominent, and you know he’s been stressed. 
“Long,” You reply, “I was a couple hundred miles from Japan and I... just couldn’t get you off my mind.” It was corny, but it was true. 
Lance presses his lips to yours hastily and you sigh contentedly, letting him push you up against the wall behind you. He lifts you up easily and your legs wrap around his waist, tugging him closer to you. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours, trailing a finger down your jawline.
“You need to sleep, boo,” You whisper, “I didn’t mean to wake you-”
He shushes you with a kiss but you feel bad, you really do.
“You missed my dick so much that you flew all the way out here?” He teases you with a smirk.
“Yeah, I flew three-thousand or so miles because of your stroke game, Tuck,” You roll your eyes fondly, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“I missed you, too,” Lance murmurs, his hands roaming your sides, under your shirt, “I was mad at you today.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” You ask curiously, raking your fingers through his hair. You missed this.
“You didn’t answer any of my phone calls,” He pouts at you and you laugh. 
“Don’t pout at me, baby. Makes me wish I could kiss you,” You mimic his words from the other night, “I hope you haven’t been annoying with the girls. You’re a menace when you’re cranky.”
“That’s so incredibly rude,” Lance says, pretending to be affronted. You kiss his cheek and leave his embrace, telling him that you’re going to take a shower to wash off the plane ride. You force him to get back into bed and at least close his eyes a little before you get in the shower. He protests, wanting to join you, but you lock the door behind you.
You know he’ll be awake waiting for you, so you make it quick. By the end of your shower, your heart feels a little more at ease. Your skin smells like him.
Lance moves over for you and you slide into bed next to him. You’ve become so accustomed to the bed you have at home that you have to spend a few moments fidgeting to get comfortable. Lance tucks you under him and envelopes you with more than half of his body. His head is in the crook of your neck, his hands loosely on your waist. You hum happily under him, your hands trailing up and down his bare chest. Your fingers travel up to his hair, and his eyes begin to close as you play with his hair. That always gets him to sleep quickly.
You allow yourself to sleep when you hear his breaths even out against your neck. You both sleep better than you’ve slept in days.
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Man with a Plan/Zig x MC (Reagan)
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SUMMARY: Zig takes drastic measures to help his girlfriend, Reagan, relax and it leads to unexpected results 
Man with a Plan Zig x MC (Reagan)
Reagan was like clockwork.
Anyone who knew her well knew as such. No matter how late she went to bed the previous night or how early or late she had a class the following day or even if she didn't have a class. She was always awake at 6:30.
Though it was technically 6:20. Her bodies alarm clock was 6:20. So every morning she woke up at 6:20 and spent ten minutes in bed, organizing her day, before her eyes on instinct would go to her alarm clock just as it was about to ring, so she could she could shut it off and get up. It was her routine, her pattern.
She'd been like this for as long as she could remember and she had never deviated.
Well, until she started dating Zig.
She was worried at first, that he would find it odd so she delayed him staying over and her staying over at his for longer than she wanted. He knew that she liked her schedules, routines, and patterns but he often worried and expressed it that he felt that she over-schedule herself and within that never ever scheduled any real relaxation time. She argued that she did pointing to all the times they hang out and all the times she spent with her friends. Which he countered with reminding her that whenever she did that she would compensate by staying up too late. He knew her too well.
He always took a gentle approach in his attempt to help her relax. He used her own habits against her, in the nicest way possible. He encouraged her to be a little freer, more flexible. Seeing past her miss perfect preface almost straight away. Showing her that sometimes it was okay to say no and that she didn't need to be there and please everyone.
Much like how she had helped him believe in himself and take chances and try new things. He was helping her. They weren't changing each other. They were encouraging each other to be better healthier people. They balanced each other out. They were what the other needed. That's why they worked. And neither of them could imagine life without the other.
Zig, did understand however that some of Reagan's nuances were too complex for him to deal with. So when she was ready for help he would support her. Though he did what he could to break some of Reagans ridged habits. His latest fixation improvement was the fact that she never slept in.
And this morning was no different.
It was 6:20, on a Sunday and Reagan, was awake.
Doing what she usually did thinking about what she needed to do today. She had finished all her homework, assignments and extra circulars as well as prepped for exams in a couple of months. But she had wanted to do some reading for her upcoming classes. She would have done it last night but she and Zig had gone out last night.
Last night, Reagan couldn’t help but smile. They had gone to a concert for one of Zig’s favorite bands last night and it was incredible. They were both so high on life and they got back to hers late and stayed up even later. It was the perfect night, just the two of them, acting like they had no cares in the world and the only thing that mattered was the two of them, together. And it was only a few hours ago. Exhaustion washed over her at that moment. She was so tired but she was still awake. She couldn’t help it. She looked around her room and then looked at Zig who was sleeping beside her.
He was sleeping on his front while she was on her back. His arm was wrapped around her waist regardless. She enjoyed the morning more when Zig was by her side. His breathing was calming. She liked to watch the rise and fall of his chest. It was nice to listen to, it reminded her that she wasn’t so alone anymore. His grip was tight so she couldn’t move much in fear of waking him. She reached up with one hand and thumbed the edge of one of the many bookshelves that surrounded her bed. Using it as leverage she propped herself up slightly, not enough to disturb Zig, so she could see over Zig and look at her alarm clock. As it should have been going off any second.
But the time changed and nothing happened. Zig must have switched it off. Her immediate thought was to ‘accidentally’ knock off a book and wake him up but she knew that he had done it with good intentions. So she had to figure out a way to get off his grasp gently enough not to disturb him. She settled back down softly. She was by the wall so she couldn’t escape easily. He probably did that on purpose last night as well as switch off her alarm clock and she had been too preoccupied to notice.
“What are you doing?” Zig’s groggy voice suddenly asked from Reagan’s side.
She jumped slightly before looking over at him. Half his face was still buried in the pillow. So only one of his eyes was looking at her.
“Sorry, I was trying not to wake you,” Reagan whispered sliding down back to his eye level.
“That’s not what I asked.” He commented, flipping over so he could lay on his back, like her which meant he finally let go of her waist.
“Go back to sleep, Zig. You had a late night,” Reagan instructed, kissing his shoulder as she sat up.
“But you did too,” He reminded, reaching out for her, “What are doing, Decks? It’s not even 7:00am. It is Sunday. You went to bed at 3:00. Stay in bed with me. Rest, please,”
“I’m not even tried,” She insisted.
“You’re lying,” He countered.
“Then why am I awake?” She offered.
“Because you feel like you need to but you don’t,” He argued, “You have nothing to do today but to relax with me and according to my schedule we are going to sleep for another few hours,”
“I do have stuff today. I need to prep for my classes plus the guys…” She began to list.
“That’s where you are wrong,” He smirked up at her.
“Oh? And you are sure of that?” She questioned.
He nodded.
“Are you going to explain yourself or are you just going to keep lying there?” She inquired.
“Sure,” He grinned beginning to explain, but he continued to lay, “First, I gave you enough time before the concert last night so you could finish all of your seemingly never-ending to-do list of yours so I know you have nothing to do that is due tomorrow on Monday. And I know that all your supposed pre-reading is actual pre pre reading because you are already ahead. So you can afford to skip it today. I made sure that no one is going to bother you or us  today because I told everyone that if they have a problem that they need Reagan for to call me instead.”
“You’ve thought of everything,” Reagan admitted.
“I did,” He nodded, “I turned off your alarm and switched sides while you were sleeping,”
“So I couldn’t escape?” She probed.
“I’ve learned from the many times of trying this and waking up alone that you always find a way. So I put an alarm on my phone under the pillow so I would wake up when you wake up and make sure you didn’t leave,” He continued.
“So I have nothing to do today, at all?” She asked.
“Nothing at all,” He confirmed, “So why don’t you lay back down,”
Reagan slowly slid her legs back under the covers and nuzzled into Zig’s side. His arm wrapped around her and he kissed the top of her as she rested it on his bare chest. She instinctively began tracing his stomach with her finger.
“So I really have nothing to do?” She asked again.
“Well, we can do whatever you want,” He corrected.
“What if I want to work?” She said.
“Besides that.” He chuckled.
“So we have no schedule at all?” She continued.
“Nope,” He confirmed.
“No objectives?” She asked.
“None at all,” He said.  
“But what are we supposed to do without a schedule?” She asked.
“Go with the flow?” He suggested.
“I schedule my flow,” She countered.
“Well, in all honestly I do have a sort of schedule. Only because I thought it would be too much to throw at you on your first ever full day of relaxing,” He sighed, giving in and telling her.
“Then what’s the plan?” She asked eagerly, relieved.
“Stay in bed until 10 or 11 and then do whatever you want.” He explained, simply.
“That’s it?” She demanded.
He nodded.
“But we don’t even know what we are really doing,” She argued.
“Why?” Reagan finally asked.
“Because you deserve to relax, Decks. I’m worried that you are going to ware yourself out. So I took drastic measures so much so that you can’t fight me on this,” He stated.
“I wasn’t going too,” Reagan chuckled.
“Good,” He nodded, “Now close your eyes because I know you are even more tried than I am,”
“There is just one problem,” She said after a couple of moments after Zig had closed his eyes.
“What?” He asked, his eyes flying open.
“I don’t know how to relax,” She confessed, slightly embarrassed.
“Well, you know one way,” He quipped with a wink.
“I meant ways other than that,” Reagan chuckled, swotting him.
“I figured you wouldn’t,” He chuckled, “So I based on what I know. I made a list of all the things you’ve told me you want to do but haven’t ever gotten round to doing because you work so hard all the time,”
He leaned over and opened a draw and handed you the hand written list. Reagan looked over the list, shocked at many things he had remembered, some were from months ago. Bake cookies, catch up on Modern Family, go see a foreign movie at that old cinema she loved to walk-by, go to the library and get a book for fun, have Zig teach you how to dance.
“I can’t believe you remembered all this,” Reagan commented.
“I remember everything you say,” He whispered sincerely, rubbing her arm.
“Why would you do all this, Zig?” Reagan asked seriously, sitting up abruptly and looking down at him.
“Because…” He began, sitting up to after her, he turned to face her, putting his hand on her cheek, “You work so hard and not just at school and stuff. You work hard for everyone in your life, you parents, the guys and me but never for you. You do so much for everyone else on top of all the academic pressure you put on yourself. So I decided even if you didn’t like at first to do this for you. Because you are incredible and deserve it,”
“No one has ever done something like this for me before…” Reagan said, still so overwhelmed by the intentions of his gesture.
“Well, now they have,” He smirked.
“Seriously Zig,” Reagan smiled, “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,”
“It’s the least I can do,” Zig grinned, “You deserve the world.”
Reagan said nothing. She just got on top oh his waist and looked down at him again. The palm of her hands gliding up and down his torso.Gazing into his eyes. He was surprised at her actions but she could see a small smile form on his lips. His hands went up the back of the shirt she was wearing, his shirt.
“You’re freezing,” He commented, his warm hands cooling against her skin.
“I love you,” She finally spluttered.
His eyes widened and he stared at her in disbelief.
“What…?” He questioned, taken aback.
Now it was her turn to smirk. She leaned down close her hands falling to his hips for leverage. Her lips inches away from his.
“I love you,” She repeated, with more confidence.
It was the first time Reagan had ever told Zig she loved him. It was clear that they did through their actions previously and they had said it in other way but neither of them had said the actual words. But Reagan couldn’t hold it in anymore. She needed him to know how she felt and after what he had done, how could she not be in love with him.
It took Zig a few seconds to recover from the surprise. His eyes lit up and he smirked yet again before wordlessly grabbing hold of her and flipping her over so he was on top of her. He kissed her hard his hands on her face before starting to trail down lower.
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” Reagan asked breathlessly, a slight of self doubt in her voice.
“I was going to show you,” He responded, “You seem to like this grand gesture thing,”
“And you can show me,” She beamed, “But I’d still like to hear the words,”
“I…love…you,” He said kissing her in-between each word, his hands entangling with hers above her head.
“One more time,” She asked.
“I love you,” He repeated.
“I love you too,” Reagan giggled, as he lightly rested his forehead on hers.
“Love me enough to go back to sleep?” He asked.
“I thought you were going to show me how much you love me?” She reminded.
“I am…by cuddling you until you fall asleep,” He winked before yawning almost on cue.
“That wasn’t what I had in mind,” She admitted, slightly dejected.
“We have time what’s on your mind later, remember? They day is yours,” He said, falling heavily beside her and pulling her close once again.
“And I wouldn’t want to spend it with anyone else,” She grinned, turning and kissing his nose briefly.
“Good night Decks, I love you,” Zig chuckled as he closed his eyes in attempt to wind down but his soul was electric and his heart with racing knowing that today was the first of a lifetime that he would get to tell Reagan he loved her.
“I love you too,” She returned.
Reagan shut her eyes and fell asleep to the sound of heartbeat and the fact that today was in the first day in a lifetime of telling Zig how much she loved him.
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whatta-babe · 7 years
Sweet Cake Sweeter Kisses| Sam Holland
A/N: So I just finished writing a one-shot. Pretty shit. Haha, yeah. I decided to move out of my comfort zone and write an actual one-shot instead of a headcanon. I was inspired by Sam’s Instagram story that he posted yesterday of a Spider-Man cake and the fact that the Holland brothers are very competitive against each other. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Light swearing
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          It is February 13, and you are mentally preparing yourself for what may or may not be a traumatizing experience. You see, every year your boyfriend, Sam, and his twin, Harry, have a competition on their birthday. Who has made the better birthday cake for their brother? It is a vicious and yearly battle between the 2 boys, and as of right now, Harry is in the lead by 1 point.
        The entire Holland family (including Harrison because he is an honorary Holland) decided that Harry’s cake was better than Sam’s camera design. So yes, Sam is super bitter. You had not been able to cast in a vote because you are incredibly biased towards your boyfriend of 3 years. And no one better tell Sam this, but you are kind of glad that you were not allowed to because you would have chosen Harry’s as well. Shhh!
        But this year Sam decided to bring out the big guns- you. With your super-mega-awesome baking skills (Sam said it, not you) and your literally-oh-so- amazingly-amazing artistic talent (you can quote Sam on that too), you were going to help Sam win this thing.
        It had taken a lot of groveling on his part before you finally crumbled. Honestly what really sealed the deal was when he was pressing gentle kisses up and down your neck. He should not be allowed to do that because he knows how that turns your brain to mush! The nerve…
        But here you are now, tying an apron over one of Sam’s shirts that you had stolen some time ago. You really hoped that you could help him win this year. The reason that you had been so reluctant to agree in aiding Sam was because you didn’t want him to be disappointed in you if you couldn’t help him succeed. Of course logically you knew that he would never be because Sam is the most loving boyfriend of all time but still.
        As Sam strides into the kitchen with his long-ass legs, he dons his own apron. It was going to get messy in there. “Harry is at Tom’s flat right now making my cake so he won’t be bothering us for the rest of the day (mind you it is currently 9:35 am).
        “Great!” You swiftly pull Sam down by his neck to kiss him square on the mouth. When you pull away just as quickly, Sam whines slightly as his lips chase your retreating ones. “Nuh uh, mon ange. We need to start baking.”
        With a small pout, Sam’s freckled face settles into a concentrated one. He is skimming the old recipe book that is laying on the counter top. Your partner had asked you to bring it because you would be making the chocolate ganache cake that you had once made for Sam when he was having a series of bad days. He had been instantly enamored with it, and he was sure that it would score some major points with the Holland judges.
        “While you start baking the cake, I prepare the icing, fondant, the piece that we had backed yesterday, and the tools we need to decorate this,” Sam informs you authorially. You roll your eyes because even though your babe is a total sweetheart, he practically becomes a different person when it comes to making these cakes. His competitiveness with his brother is extreme.
        After 30 minutes of combining ingredients and getting every measurement just right, you finally place the 10x12 pan in the oven to bake. You sigh as you lean against the counter to rest for a second. Sam had been very no-nonsense for the last half an hour, and it was quite tiring. You knew that he just wanted to beat his younger twin, but you had been kind of hoping that this could be a fun coupley activity. But then again, you had also been expecting to be traumatized.
        Speak of the Devil, and it shall appear. Sam seems to materialize out of thin air, and you jump a bit as he comes behind you and wraps his long arms around your waist. He places a smooch onto your shoulder blade before resting his head on yours. “I’m so sorry, love.”
        You frown in confusion. “What are you talking about, darling?”
        “I know that you aren’t having a lot of fun, and I also am aware that I’m being a bit of an ass.”
        You quickly turn in his arms and bury your face into his chest. “It’s ok,” you mumble.
        “No it’s not, sweetheart.” He takes ahold of your chin to tilt your head up. “I’ll chill out.” He then proceeds to press kisses all over your face. Cheeks, nose, eyelids, chin, forehead, lips. No part of your face goes un-kissed as he smothers you.
        You giggle in delight and smush his face against your hand as you push him away. The oven timer then goes off. Perfect timing! Quickly grabbing the oven mitts, you bend over to collect the freshly baked cake. From behind you, you hear your lover groan.
        “If you weren’t bending over a hot oven, I would totally smack that ass.”
        “Sam Anthony Holland, you get your ass to the table so we can decorate this cake! What a little shit…” you finish mumbling.
        You carefully walk over to the table where Sam had set up everything you need to decorate the cake while you had been making it. As you two chatter quietly to yourselves, you cut the cake into different shapes and attach them together with icing while looking at the reference picture as your boyfriend starts almost water coloring the fondant that covers the base of the cake. You two had made that piece yesterday, as it would have been impossible to complete the entire cake in one day.
        When you finish constructing the object, you begin to carefully write the dainty words onto it…
        5 hours, 1 flour, and 3 ½ icing wars later, you have completed your masterpiece. Good God you are exhausted! You better freaking win because if not, you are going to take this beautiful piece of art and shove it in everyone’s’ faces.
        You lean on Sam heavily as he drapes his arm around your shoulder. He’s kind of hanging onto you because he is just as tired. Who knew decorating a cake could wear you so much? You situate the cake in the middle of the platter that the Holland family had gotten the boys a long time ago specifically for these cakes. With the help of Sammy boy you cover it with the lid. Tomorrow you will find out the results.
      You are startled awake when Paddy jumps on you and Sam. Both you and your boyfriend groan in pain.
      “It’s time! It’s time! We are going to vote now,” Paddy rushes to speak before sprinting out of the room. A few seconds later you both hear his footsteps scampering back, “Oh, and happy birthday, Sam!”
      You just look at each other in amusement and start to shuffle out of bed. “Happy birthday, mon ange,” you whisper to him as you kiss him sweetly. You then proceed to bend down to grab the oddly shaped present that you had hidden under the bed.
      Sam stares in aw, but refuses to take it. “No, love. You already helped me make Harry’s cake. Plus, just being with you is present enough.”
      You wrinkle your nose at him and grin. “As sweet as that is, babe, just accept it.”
      He sighs in defeat. “Fineee,” he says dramatically before quickly tearing it open.  He gasps in excitement. “It’s us! In a book!” he cutely exclaims.
    “Haha, yes my love. It’s a photo album.”
     Sam takes you by surprise when he lunges at you. You two fall onto the bed because of the momentum. As he starts kissing you, Paddy arrives again.
     “Ew, guys! I told you to come on already,” he whines before leaving once more.
     Both of you giggle together as Sam aides you in standing back up. “Let’s get this show on the road then,” you egg Sam on as you walk together down the hallway into the dining room.
      In said room, every Holland is looking a little bit fatigued but very excited nonetheless. It looks like Christmas day all over again.
      In the center of the table lies both cakes covered with their dish covers to not ruin the surprise. You don’t know about Harry’s cake, but you sure are glad that the Holland parents had gotten these boys such ginormous platters because damn, the one that Sam and you had made was extremely large.
      Paddy is practically buzzing with excitement as he waits for Sam and Harry to stand behind the cake that the other twin made for them.
      The moment the cakes are unveiled, it seems like all of the air in the room is sucked out. Everyone except for you and Sam had gasped in amazement as they gazed at your cake.
      Their eyes are glued to the realistic looking camera and suitcase. Attached to the beige bag is a blue passport, and there are special printed edible pictures adhered onto it with frosting. And perching on top of the case was the camera that you had baked the day before. It is quite the sight if you may say so.
      Paddy breaks the unnerving silence. “Welp I choose Sam’s. Harry’s is cute and all with that La La Land themed, but it’s got nothing on Sam’s! How did you even do that?”
      Everyone murmurs in agreement. “Y/N helped me,” your boyfriend boasts. “Try it! It’ll be the best you’ve ever tasted,” he continues to brag while you try to shut him up.
      You’re blushing when you say, “It’s just an old recipe that I have. It’s really nothing.”
      Tom, who had come home for a small break in his hectic filming schedule, starts moaning then. “Dis is da befst frukn thig eber,” he states. When your boyfriend’s family all agree, you blush.
      “Okay everyone! I think it’s time to vote,” Sam rushes.
      In one minute all the votes are cast, and Paddy finally makes the announcement. “We, the Holland family, have pronounce that the winner of this year’s Sam/Harry Twin Cake Duel-Off is… Sammy “Mon Ange” (at least according to Y/N. I still don’t know that it means) Holland with a 4 to 1 vote! Just saying, Harry, it was mum, and I’m pretty sure that she only did it out of pity.”
      You all laugh at the end, and the whole lot congratulates Sam and you. Sam simply won’t shut up about you! The bragging is never ending with that boy, is it?
      You turn to observe Harry and notice that he looks slightly glum. When you walk over you say, “Aw, Harry. Don’t feel bad about losing! It’s beautiful.”
      Harry nods. “Yeah. I’m honestly not really mad or disappointed about it. Yours is really amazing. Thank you for the cake. I hope Dad took a picture before it was cut into.” Harry gives you a sweet hug
      “Of course, dude! You’re like my brother! I’m glad you liked it. And I’m pretty sure he did. If not, Sam and I took quite a lot yesterday.”
      Sam strides over to you and leans some of his weight on your side as he slips his arms around you. “Let’s try some of that scrumptious cake that you made.”
      You snicker at him. “Scrumptious? Who says that? But yes, let’s. I’m also definitely trying Harry’s though too.”
      Your partner nods his slightly red head. “Yeah! Thanks for the cake, man. It looks really nice.” His arm leaves your body when he wraps his arms around his twin. Sigh. How cute!
      When they untangle from each other, Sam seizes your hand to pull you to the two baked goods. While he cuts a piece of the cake that you had baked together you collect a slice of Harry’s. It really is pretty.
      You and your lover proceed to sit down at the table with the rest of the loving Hollands, but you too are in your own little world. God. You love him so damn much. And helping him out wasn’t so bad. You too had such a pleasurable time doing it together in the end.
      In the enchanting bubble you and Sam had made with the love and affection for each other you and your loving boyfriend feed one another pieces of delectable cake. Sam blushes and giggles as you try to wipe the frosting that he had accidentally smeared on you. When you can’t seem to find it, Sam leans in and kisses the frosting away (that was apparently on the corner of your mouth) before moving to your lips. It is sweeter than any cake you have ever eaten and decide right then and there that there is nothing lovelier than the tender kiss of your soul mate.
@tomhollandhollaatme @peachyyvibes @samhollandsfreckles @webslingerholland
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lloydaesthetic · 7 years
Some general information about lactose intolerance, because I’m getting tired of all the misconceptions around it.
First of all, what is lactose intolerance? Many people think of lactose intolerance as being entirely unable to process lactose. In most cases, that simply is not true(that’s usually more along the lines of a milk allergy, or the more severe cases of lactose intolerance). Lactose intolerance is simply a deficiency of the enzyme lactase in the body. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down the sugars in milk! It breaks down lactose.
That being said, someone with a mild lactose intolerance can usually still have small portions of yogurt and cheeses, but a cup of milk might still cause a noticeable level of discomfort(slight bloating, indigestion)--often within just a half hour or so of drinking it. If someone with lactose intolerance experiences this discomfort, a way to alleviate it would be to completely avoid dairy the next day or so while homeostasis works its magic. Personally, I go easy on dairy the next few days(I tend to eat small portions of dairy in general because the discomfort is common).
There are many types of lactose intolerance(and many, many, many names, I’ll stick to these): 1) Primary/Technical lactose intolerance- The body naturally produces less and less lactase as you age until you become intolerant. Happens slowly over time. 2) Secondary/Temporary lactose intolerance- The intestines experienced an infection, disease, surgery, or other illness that caused the lactose intolerance. Often this intolerance in noticeable rather immediately, and the intolerance can even be reversed with proper treatment of the underlying cause/disease. 3) Congenital lactose intolerance- The body is born without proper functioning lactase or lactase production. The first two types of intolerance are rather common, this one is much rarer, many people have never even heard of it.
Not everyone with lactose intolerance completely avoids dairy. Since lactose intolerance is simply a deficiency of lactase, it’s usually okay to still have a little(especially with dairy such as yogurt or cheese rather than milk—since yogurts and cheese are much less hard to digest even with less lactase than milk). Some people’s bodies stop producing lactase entirely, but many still produce a bit of lactase, just in much smaller amounts. 
There’s also lactase supplements(like Lactaid), which work to help your body breakdown the lactose that it has trouble dealing with on its own. Not everyone takes the supplements, and often the people who do tend to have worse cases of lactose intolerance anyway so will still mainly avoid dairy. In many cases, having just a bit of dairy in the diet can help build up a bit of tolerance(note that lactose intolerance—aside from secondary lactose intolerance, as of yet cannot be cured, this really doesn’t help too much, and can be counterproductive if you’re on the more severe spectrum).
Hell, I really love ‘Mr. Heisenburg’s article he wrote on the subject himself(link in quote), so I’ll just share with you what type of stuff he’ll eat as he wrote himself.
“I am a technically lactose intolerant person. My body does not produce the lactase enzyme, confirmed by genetic testing (23andme). But guess what? I consume the hell out of dairy. Cheese and yogurt are daily staples. But that’s not all. Sometimes, I go ahead and do something crazy: I drink a glass of milk. If it’s a small one, not much happens at all. If it’s a tall one? Maybe I shouldn’t be too social that evening. And that’s exactly what technical lactose intolerance is: it’s just a limitation on how much lactose you can consume before things get less than comfy.”
For me, I do small substitutions. I like protein, don’t have much money, can handle a bit of lactose, love the taste, and am slightly addicted(when we do manage to digest dairy, we’re digesting the protein casein which is literally broken down by our bodies into morphine which has an opiate effect), so I continue having small portions. I really can’t drink regular milk by itself without feeling sick, but I’ll have the more fermented dairies. 
I’ll have parmesan cheese with pasta, mix yogurt with fruit, make a smoothie with water instead of milk, use almond milk for cereal as well as scrambled eggs and baked dishes, have water based ice cream rather than regular if I have it at all. Usually I try to keep to less than a serving or two of dairy(non milk) a day, but I’ll make the exception for socializing, holidays, or if I haven’t had any dairy for a couple days. If I feel unwell, or know I felt discomfort the other day, I’ll refuse dairy even if it’s a holiday or special occasion.
Problem is, I eat dairy sometimes, and other people can’t really tell if I feel unwell because I ate dairy or not(notice how I said ‘other’ people, I know because I’ve experienced it so often). So people will say I’m not lactose intolerant. People with lactose intolerance are usually very aware of their limitations, so don’t say they’re lying if they still eat a bit of dairy. I also ate a lot of dairy growing up, I loved dairy! Funny thing is that you can grow into being lactose intolerant! That’s a real thing!
In fact more than half of the population become lactose intolerant some time over the course of their life times. Many of the cases are much more moderate of even undiagnosed simply because all it is is a lactase deficiency. Since you can usually still eat some lactose without getting the more intense symptoms, I’d assume many simply chalk it up to getting older. People who don’t get lactose intolerance over their life time actually have a thing called lactase persistence, since that’s rarer than lactose intolerance!
The human body naturally produces the most lactase as a baby, since the body is getting most its nutrients from breastfeeding. As the baby grows, the lactase production decreases as the child starts to eat and gather nutrition for their self or from other sources(cereals, breads, salads, weening off of breast milk and more into a varied diet). Many people as they grow become intolerant entirely, some just lose a bit of enzyme production, while in the most rare cases they continue making more than enough lactase to continue digesting lactose their entire lives.
Aside from the most natural deficiency that comes with age, it’s exceedingly common for lactose intolerance to develop after intestinal infections or diseases(of which I’ve had many infections and have a non curable disease, unfortunately).
Common symptoms of having more dairy than you can digest are indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and just gut discomfort and pains in general(if you’re unable to digest dairy, it can sit and ferment uncomfortably in your intestines for a while). Symptoms usually occur between 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption, but oftentimes can last for a long time, or in worse cases kick in almost immediately.
TL;DR: There are tons of lactose intolerant people with varying levels of intolerance, please don’t erase their lactose intolerance just because you personally don’t see them as having it. This is one of those chronic illnesses that isn’t so blatantly obvious, but is incredibly widespread(much more common than you think, it effects more than 1 out of every 2 people).
Sorry this got so long, it’s been something that’s been building up for a while. Thanks so much for reading!
Sources: x, x, x, x, x, and my own experiences.
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twisted-petal · 7 years
To Those Who Thought I Died: I Did
This is going to be quite the lengthy one. I have no clue who is even on here, I have not checked, and I do not care; This is just going to be a massive vent post as I have no one to talk to, and the few who know half of this shit are either gone because of it, or I did not like their responses and I do not feel like dealing with more of it. Some of this will also be me trying to convince myself that I’m not as fucked up as I think I am, and that I truly did what I thought was best to avoid confrontation or whatever bullshit that happened.
“2016 was the worst year ever!!” Many people said this, and for me it’s still 2016. Too many thing have happened since the start of last year, up until now, that have completely shattered who I am was. All that work I put into finding myself, creating myself, and nearly coming to accept my existence. Here I am at ground level.
Most of this shit is my fault, and despite what some have told me, I believe I am to blame for every second of every incident - whether I understand it or not. I am supposed to take responsibility for my own problems as an adult, right?
At the start of last year I got incredibly sick from walking to and from work all winter. As much as I hate taking days off, I just could not function, and they barely had me working any days those three weeks, anyway. I took the bite out of my paycheck. Even though my savings from my previous job were meager, I knew I could take it fine enough (so long as there were no emergencies). This sicky tidbit comes into play later.
Around this time I was also (sort of) dating a co-worker - Corey… After spending more money than I am proud to admit to bake him cupcakes from scratch (I had no baking supplies, either) for Valentine’s Day, he tells me he spent the morning with an ex (who he caught getting plowed by her ex, in their home), and that he realized he still had feelings for her, so who would not come to see me. Gee. I wonder what happened. ¬__¬ Maybe it didn’t. Maybe it did. All I know is that I am too nice for my own good, and yes, he is going to be a major topic throughout this post; I accepted him back.
There was a side to him that truly glowed for me, a part of someone I adore, and a part that he (and many others) does not show anyone else. His passions, his past, his fears, and all sorts of dumb shit. Because of this, and the few times he would surprise me with thoughtful action, I endured far more than I should have. I will get into his sexual guilt, later. Maybe… Iunno, just done talking about him for now.
One of the nice things about him was that if I had a hard time walking home, all I needed to do was make him feel bad enough that I was hurting or that it was pouring rain and he would finally pick me up and take me home because he was worried. To avoid more about him…
Almost three years ago I injured myself at an old job and I was never able to the injury checked out or fixed. No Worker’s Comp as my store manager saw me as a liability since there were no cameras, and she believed I wasn’t following the rules; Ironically enough, this was the one day I was following the rules. Longer story short, as this is a post for 2016-present: I slipped on the stool I needed to reach the top of the trailer (solo truck unloader), twisting my ankle, banging my knee on a point of the metal accordion rollers on my way to the trailer floor, landing on the side of my foot, and twisting it a couple more times. I then continued unloading the truck, helped everyone get the U-Boats (weird carts) in their place, and finished my shift stocking what I was assigned. Then stocked my departments the next day. Aaaannnd just kept on working
At my last job, it was a three mile walk to and from, which I started in fall, along with moving in with a friend’s brother (more on that ordeal, later), and with my already bad knees hating the cold, I was now dealing with an ankle that absolutely despised the cold and gave me Hell. Walk to work, stand at the register, stock shelves, arrange inventory (Christmas trees, lights, various decor, plants, soil/mulch, cement bird baths/lawn statues, grills, mowers, lawn furniture/umbrellas, pots, etc.), run carry-outs/help load trucks and shit, cover other departments, push pallets, and other stuff I should have been doing on my ankle, then finally walk home to take care of my bunny boys, maybe eat some noodles while watching Game Grumps, then sleeeeeep.
It is not news to anyone that as known me for very long at all that I do not like to burden anyone; I do not like asking for/accepting help or complaining/making a fuss over things, nor do I like confrontation. I just deal with shit. I do as I’m told. I see to others’ comforts and needs before my own. I am too nice for my own good. Yet somehow, as I’m about to vent/rant/vrent (about), I got kicked out of where I was. I seriously have no clue why! He legit refused to explain. I asked. The entire time I was there he would not tell me a single fucking thing! Such as: late-night parties I would come home to at midnight, leaving town for 3-7 days where I just assumed the role of cat-sitter (nothing new there, and guess what, more on this in a bit), needing any help around the house or financially, letting me know he lost his job (saw unemployment letters while sorting the mail. I get it’s his business, but we live together and I’m there to help?), if I bothered him in any way, or, just… Anything.
Point being: I wouldn’t ask for a ride, and I would frequently turn offers down. When I had my early morning shifts my roommate offered me a couple rides since he was up early anyway, but after a ride or two I started to feel bad as he ended up needing to wake up earlier to take me. There were a few I accepted because they seemed too concerned to deny, and once or twice I called up my roommate due to some shady characters hanging around me after my shift (when I was scheduled late at night).
Honestly, I did what I could to just stay out of his hair… Cleaning the few dishes I used (generally ate noodle cups - more on this rant and more in a sec) immediately or the next day, didn’t mess with his stuff even though he gave me permission on most things, and avoided asking for assistance or favors or asked to borrow anything, and I tried offering things to help out like buying the washer and dryer I had living with an old boyfriend (so he didn’t have to drive to do his laundry and I didn’t have to walk as I felt bad for asking and he wasn’t offering - though a friend drove me to another town to use his…), and getting Food Stamps to help, as per his request.
Now… Originally I suggested we buy a cheap washer and dryer together, to which he would continuously ignore my messages until finally getting upset saying he didn’t want to, so I bought a set myself. I wasn’t about to haul a sack of laundry for a mile, use up a bunch of quarters, and hike it back every week or so, and I thought I was being helpful in offering to help pay, or even pay for it myself (which ended up happening) if he would just check them out with me. Apparently I did wrong? The only explaination I received was that he just didn’t want to, and that then he wouldn’t have an excuse to drive to his brother’s place to play games… Either way, I told him I was getting them and that he could use them if he wished.
As for the food… I kept him up-to-date on the status of my benefits (when I was getting them and how much), and told him if he wanted to get anything to let me know. Whether that be asking to pick things up from work or go on a shopping trip. The only thing that he ever said were complaints that he only ate ramen (which was far from the truth, and how he couldn’t afford food after I was lowering the amount he paid in rent by paying him is beyond me), but he would never ask, and I was tired of reminding him that I had my card and we could get food. … Correction: He asked me to buy supplies for him to make enchiladas for his fu-friend, but I didn’t get the message until my lunch break at 8pm, sooooo I was too late. My bad… Sorry? I would have… I told him I work ‘til midnight…
So for the most part I would eat cheap burgers at McDonald’s (woo! 10% discount! More than my own employers gave me…), ramen, noodle cups, and other microwave stuff here and there, and he seemed to make a lot of rice dishes so I hiked home with a 20# bag of rice and showed him where it was (he never used it). I was saving my benefits for when he finally took the initiative and offers to finally get food. Ended up getting my benefits cut because of this, which is the main reason I started eating more. Even though I felt horrible for eating at home because he never asked! He’s a big boy. I told him I had them and we could get food. I… Ugh! Repeat rant…
The cat… I miss him dearly… He just showed up one day. I exit my room one afternoon, housemate was gone, and there was a small, black kitten staring at me. He became my little buddy… Always greeting me when I got home and begging me to pick him up so he could rub his face on the bill of my hat efore clawing his way to sit on my shoulders. I played with him every day (freaken high energy thing!), and was training him to fetch and other small commands. I’m a dog person… ^^;
His owner neglected him… His (Ninja’s) bowl would be left empty all day… Brief explaination of the day-to-day: Housemate left for work about 4:30 am (I forget when he would get home, as I would usually be working, and he often wouldn’t get home until much later in the day), and I generally left work around 11am (whatever my shift, I was gone at least 12 hours from a full shift and walking). I checked his bowl every morning and night. Sometimes he would have a few bites left and sometimes it was empty. There were a few days where I was in a rush and didn’t have time to fill it. On these days where it was/near empty, I would get home and the bowl would be empty. He informed me early on that his plan was to keep it filled. I kept it filled.
Oh hey! Character limit! XD I’ve barely begun and only know to extend this by making multiple posts… Posting in reverse so hopefully it’s a more seamless read… If read.
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rueur · 7 years
Morning Pages #19 (25.01.2016)
Wednesday 25th Jan - 7:35 a.m.
So Ikaros came over yesterday, from about 3 till maybe 7. He had just come from seeing Jacob and a friend of his. They have this social tactic where they just approach girls on the street and talk to them, trying to pick them up or make friends. Jacob invited Ikaros to try that out, and Ikaros quite definitely did not because it sounded very very weird to him, and also a little out of line. Of course, a lot of the people Jacob and his mate talked to didn’t want to be approached by a random person on the street because that’s how most people tend to be on any given day. Especially in the city, I mean you have your guard up around men in the city because everyone’s in such close proximity. Anyway, I think this taste of the urban single life got Ikaros in a bit of a sorry state, because he decided to get curry tofu and then hop on the train and come and see me. I met him at Northcote station where we shared an intensely passionate kiss on the railings of the path leading from platform two to platform one, the place that flooded (or floods). He lifted me up and just kissed me, held me, for a very long time. When he finally let go, I realised that my earphones had snapped in my iPod and were irreparably damaged. Sweet, but such is the price of love.
He gave me a piggy-back down three streets just because he felt like it, and also maybe because he wanted to show me what he’s capable of now that he’s been going to the gym. I will say he’s gotten stronger, fitter, and he’s looking really well. Really fine. Goodness, if he weren’t such a dickhead, he’d literally be my perfect partner. In a perfect world, I’d just marry him. I would, in a heartbeat.
We had a conversation I’ve lately only mostly been having with myself today. I told him that during my writing of these pages, I’ve come to realise that we’re not going to end up together, and if we do try to end up together, it’ll implode and we won’t even be in each other’s lives anymore. And I didn’t want that. I want him to be happy, and I don’t want to hold him back. And I want myself to be happy too, and vice versa. So, I told him that what I wanted from him was an ‘open break-up’, in the sense that we’d still get to see each other; we’d still get to hang-out, maybe even have sex, we’d still get to talk, we’d be in each other’s lives because we love each other. We just won’t hold each other back by shackling ourselves to each other, because even if it is willingly now, there are certain aspects of our relationship that will overtake or overpower our love in the near future. I told him that I needed to be with somebody who could support me as a writer, who could let me know that what I’m doing is good so that I can drown out all the professional rejection I am yet to experience. And I didn’t say this to him, but I secretly thought that he needed somebody who wouldn’t ever belittle him for not being a confident reader. See, I thought that would be me. I thought that the fact that he couldn’t read my work would be a good thing, because I could write about him. It occurred to me over the past few days that I will need somebody to critique me who loves me, not just strangers. Ikaros has never given me adequate feedback, because he and the written word don’t get along. However, he is still an immensely interesting subject and I am going to write so much about him. I’m going to write about him all the time.
What happened when he came over was I tried on my new dresses for him and he isolated the blue one as his favourite. We had very passionate non-penetrative sex (at his request, I sat on his face), had a shower together, got fish and chips at the Northcote Fish and Chippery, and some beers from IGA, and then came back to the apartment and watched The I.T. Crowd. I let him try some of my mango and toasted coconut ice cream, and then I walked him back to the station. We’ve made a date to go to Gong De Lin on Sunday, the day after my show runs.
It’s 7:49 a.m. now and I am roaring through these morning pages. I think I’m finally feeling good about writing these at a rapid pace, because I’ve stopped having to write hard truths, or write things that I’m secretly ashamed of. I still haven’t told Ikaros that I’d already seen Evan before all this had happened. As far as he knows, I haven’t seen Evan since I met Evan on Friday the 13th. I think it won’t be of any issue, however, from this point onwards. But I am a little worried about Evan asking me about Ikaros, not that I should be though. I’ll just say he’s my ex, and that we had a good relationship but foresaw a very inevitable eventual end, so we just nipped it in the bud so that we could stay friends. Ikaros is most definitely one of the most important people in my life, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. Of course, anything could happen. I don’t see Marcus that often anymore, but I still love him from afar. Malith is most definitely my best friend. I could still end up marrying Ikaros, growing old with him, once we’ve achieved everything we’ve set out to achieve. Anything can happen.
I posted three photos on Facebook last night, after he left. The first one was of one I took during this peculiar day he spent at mine, where he just decided to hide under the bed in mock terror of me. I captioned it ‘ded’. The other two photos were taken on the train this day I went to the beach with Isaac and he went out to meet Melike: 12th of December, 2016. I captioned it ‘thanks for tolerating//matching my boundless ‘sass’’. My brother liked it. I feel really good about everything that’s been happening in my life right now. I just hope that Evan doesn’t feel threatened by Ikaros’ web presence on my Facebook. I feel like the main reason I waited so long to add him was because of Ikaros. It’s not that it’s complicated between Ikaros and I, it’s just that it’s complicated to anyone outside of us. I’m fairly certain Nick and Lucas are also really curious about how close Ikaros and I still are. I don’t know, to be honest I don’t even care what they think. I care what Evan thinks though. I really really like him, and I just feel like we could really have something. Not that I’m looking for something else right away. I don’t know! I’m a firm believer in the idea that you meet people and you learn things the MINUTE you’re supposed to, and for cosmic reasons that have all been predetermined, prewritten, predestined.
I was talking to Lauren about this the day I first met her, in the Royal Botanic Gardens. She was talking about the idea of free will in relation to determinism, and I felt like it aligned fairly well with my own beliefs regarding the set path of human life: faith in fate. I also told her about my ideas regarding soul mates, and how sometimes people are meant to meet each other, for either romantic or platonic reasons. You just have something to gain and something to give that will aid in both your personal growth. I feel like I was destined to meet and fall in love with Ikaros, and that that love would grant me things I wouldn’t have otherwise found at my young age: self-confidence, and the principles of self-love. I feel like if I hadn’t met Ikaros, I’d have let myself be walked all over professionally for a long time to come, maybe even into my mid-thirties. But Ikaros has taught me the power of determination and tenacity. He’s also taught me about the benefits of light-heartedness. This was such an easy relationship to be in. We were kids, we were having fun, hell we ARE having fun. This relationship, like him, has been incredibly hedonistic and in that way, it’s been pure. We had few roadblocks and so we were able to love deeply, and I got to experience what that is like without watching it die away, although it did falter from late October till maybe early January.
I’m actually nearly done with my morning pages for the day. I think I’ve only got about half a page left to go, which is ideal because it’s six minutes past eight and I should feed the cats before 8:30 a.m., and I’m fairly certain I’ll be able to do that. I think that this morning, I would like to have some of the canned spaghetti for breakfast, with some chickpeas? Ikaros used to make me that sometimes. He’d get canned spaghetti or baked beans, heat them up on the stove. I’d put some bread in the toaster, and maybe fry up some eggs if we had time, and then we’d put it all on a plate and eat with a knife and fork. He always made me crack eggs for him because he was very unconfident with them. I thought for ages that he just couldn’t do it, but honestly he just wanted me to do it for him. It’s like the way he wants me to check his back for pimples, or brush his hair: it just makes him feel loved.
That’s another thing I’ve learnt from him, is how to let your partner know that they’re needed. He made me feel so loved and needed, it was actually quite lovely to feel indispensable, even if it is an illusion. I’ve always been a little bad at that; I’ve always felt the need to be self-reliant. Looking back on this break-up and how I ‘pioneered’ it as the most practical step for us, even that seems like a desperate plot for me to prove myself to be self-reliant. I love being in a relationship though. I love giving my time to another person and having them appreciate that. I love supporting somebody, emotionally and spiritually and sexually. I love the idea of spending the rest of your life with a kindred spirit, inhabiting a shared space with them and building an idyllic future for yourselves together. I just really love being in love, and I am really good at it. I just know that when the time comes, I’ll get to experience all of this with the right person. And when things get hard, this person will stick by me and I will stick by them. And it won’t seem that hard at all.
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