#sorry im answering late i just finished it late last night
raustenacious · 4 months
Fantasy High Junior Year episode 2 spoilers if you haven’t watched it yet but i have to talk to someone to see if im normal and other people agree or actually im just losing my mind over insignificant details
im calling it now I think maybe this Thing Fig has made a deal with and her stomachaches and bad luck (the cement on the stairs ?) has something to do with Gilear and how he has been having so much good luck. also there is this association with dairy and we all know about Gilear and his yogurts. idk just. when Fig had cottage cheese on her shirt i instantly thought of Gilear. maybe im reading too much into it and Brennan only gave Gilear that good luck to get him out of the picture bc hes clearly taking away the bad kids’ support systems but the Seacasters are rich like they could just pay for it. there was no real reason that Gilear would have had to win the cruise in a raffle. idk how they’re connected but i think they are.
i will look incredibly foolish if im wrong but if youre reading this in the future and I was right HAH I FUCKING CALLED IT BITCH LET IT BE KNOWN THAT ON JANUARY 18TH 2024 I FUCKIN CALLED IT. IDK WHAT IM CALLING BUT WHATEVER IT IS I KNEW IT I MADE THE CONNECTIONS
unless im being silly and those were really obvious connections but i didnt see any posts about it (maybe i missed them idk) anyway. yeah. also im sending this on anon because im afraid to make theories bc what if im wrong. im workin on that lmao
Yeah I totally agree with what you're saying. Especially Brennan going as far to say that Gilear had just won the 10% off the ride to the airport. I think it's definitely connected.
I hadn't put it together that Brennan was taking away their support systems until I read this and yeah you're definitely right. And I feel like it vibes with how being a junior feels like when you're struggling with burnout and just exhausted it feels like no one can help you but now he's exasperated that feeling by fully taking their support systems.
Yeah I also agree she definitely could've made a deal with some devil of dairy or something and it gave Gilear the good luck cus that boy is notorious at doing things well. And the bucket of cement ripping Doreen's fishnet stockings from the very first episode of Fantasy High has got to mean something
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hughesurdaddy43 · 5 months
Come over
Summary: I'm setting off. But not without my muse
Pairing: Quinn Hughes x fem reader
Note: IM sorry guys this one is actually so long so I cut it in half so the next part Ill post tomorrow & its gonna kill you
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It's been three days since you've last seen Quinn. 72 hours since the two of you shared a kiss. 259,200 seconds of you replaying that moment in your head, over and over again.
Quinn had already left for his away game, and not seeing him in person again after he single handedly took your breath away was driving you crazy.
You sit on your couch, having yet another lazy day after opting out of going into your office today. Your mind is too much in a daze to deal with annoying coworkers who are a little too interested in your friendship with the famous hockey player. With your computer in your lap, you try and focus on an email from your boss that has gone unread for the last four days, and as soon as you start reading the first line, your phone starts to ring.
Quinns name flashes on the screen and you don't hesitate to toss your computer to the side and answer your FaceTime call. He flashes a smile as soon as the call connects. It's dim where he is, and you soon realize that he's on the bus. His under eyes are dark, and his beard is a little more scruffy than usual, but that doesn't stop you from thinking he's still the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on .
"Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?" You ask Quinn, raising your eyebrow at him. It's a mom kind of question, one that you know Ellen would ask if she had seen him awake this late at night after he had played, and won a game.
"Couldn’t sleep," He tells you, and you know it's a lie. His poker face never worked on you. You roll your eyes at him letting him continue. "I actually wanted to ask you something."
Your heart does a backflip, which seems like the only thing it's been doing lately.
"Go for it." You tell him.
Before Quinn responds, you watch as he pulls his headphones off and look off in the distance. He's talking to someone on the other side of the phone, so you take another moment to admire him. The way he listens intently to whoever it is he's talking to you, how his eyes don't look away until he's finished talking.
He makes it easy for you to remember all the reasons you fell in love with him.
"What are you doing right now?" He asks once his attention is back on you. You let out a laugh, pulling your phone closer to your face. "I'm waiting for that question you wanted to ask me." You say in a 'duh' tone.
Quinn laughs, following your own actions and pulling his phone closer to his face. You can't help but stare at his lips, reminiscing how they felt against your own.
"Oh yeah, I'm flying you out to Jersey. To watch me and my brothers play. Well," He pauses, "Just Luke actually, Jack's out with an injury, but mom and Luke would love for you to be there."
"That wasn't a question, Quinn. And what about Jim?" You tease, and Quinn smiles again. "Jim is Jim. So, you'll be there?"
You shrug your shoulders, looking over at your computer that still has the email from your boss on the screen.
"I already bought the flight and the hotel, and it's" Another pause, "10:45 right now. Your flight is tomorrow at 9 in the morning, and you'll get to Jersey some time in the evening. I have a driver picking you up." A final pause, Quinn catches his breath. "It's all taken care of." He says softly.
It's times like this, where you remember Quinn has money. Where he's willing to spend a lot of money for you to be anywhere with him, but with the sweet gesture comes curiosity and you can't help but wonder if he's done things like this for her.
A part of you wants to tell him no. You have your own life in Vancouver. Your job, half-assed plans that you'd already made with your friends, you can't always drop everything for Quinn. But he knows you better than he knows hockey. He knows you'll be there.
"I guess I should start packing then, yeah?" His smile grows wider, "Will you text me when you're boarding?" He asks, and you nod your head 'yes'
The both of you stare at each other through your screens. Silently admiring each other. Secretly acknowledging how easy it is for you two to be together.
Once you hang up, you immediately run to your closet. Most of the items hanging up are Quinns. Hoodies, t-shirts, old jersey and even a couple of suits that he's left after late nights and early mornings. "What's mine is his" You think to yourself. You start throwing in a mix of yours and his clothes.
New Jersey is a cold state, something you'd learned the hard way after a failed trip a few years ago. You'd insisted that you didn't need to bring a winter coat on your trip because you already live in a cold climate, you were used to the cold. Quinn reminded you how you were always cold, and that you'd definitely needed to bring your coat, but like a stubborn child, you'd ignored him. "I'll be fine," You had told him, and instead of arguing, he let you figure it out on your own.
You stare at the winter coat hanging up. The winter coat Quinn had ended up buying you because he had gotten tired of you stealing his.
And it's almost like he's listening to your thoughts, sharing your memory even though he's thousands of miles away, because once your phone dings and you look down at your home screen, you see Quinn has reminded you to make sure to bring your winter coat.
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goosita · 6 months
first of all i love you. really. everything that you're writing is making my life so much better, so thank u <3 if that's okay for u, could you write something where reader is a single mom, she has a little girl and her daughter is very attached to billy? and it's the most sweetest thing ever cause billy loves her, calls her little princess (very sweet tooth 😭) one night, her daughter asks billy to read a storie for her to sleep and he does so and in the end, she says something like "i wish you were my dad" and it's just so cute and funny cause she gagged everyone, reader is like "babe!!!!" while billy is in shock but at the same time his heart is melting 🥺🥺 (sorry if this is too much, just write if u want!)
oh im. gonna cry and sob and piss everywhere this is the sweetest softest thing ive ever read yes oh my god
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billy would be so so sweet with your daughter, especially if she was around 4-6 years old. at first you were worried that a man like him wouldn’t want anything to do with a single mother, especially one as young as you. but he never asked you to explain, and never judged you for it. all he ever did was treat you like a queen, and your daughter like a princess.
and your little girl is just enamored with him. she follows after him like a little duckling, so much so that billy starts to call her “ducky”. it makes her giggle every single time, always makes billy smile all warm and fond. they get on like a house on fire, your man and your baby girl. billy teaches her things like how to ride a horse, how to tie all kinds of knots, how to rope a little goat even. your daughter tells you one evening, her little face very serious, that she thinks “billy knows everything, mama. everything!” you want to let her believe it for as long as possible.
on this particular day, all 3 of you had spent the day together. billy had showed up bright and early to take you for a picnic out in a meadow behind your house, a daylong excursion that lasted until the sun slowly set. it was late spring, cicadas beginning to sing in the tall grass. once it got dark outside, billy pulled out a jar and showed your daughter how to catch fireflies. once they had about 10 of them, they sat on the blankets with their heads ducked together to observe them, giving each one a unique name.
“let’s call this one tommy,” she says, pointing at a bug near the bottom.
“perfect name, ducky. how’d you get so good at this?”
your little girl giggles, shrugging and letting billy name the next one. it makes your heart so happy to see a man with so much patience and love for your daughter.
when you finally return to the house, it’s time to get your kid ready for bed. tired and pliant from her long day outside catching bugs and weaving flower crowns (that of course billy taught her how to do), she goes down without much of a fight. she does ask billy to stay and tell her a bedtime story, though, and he’s never been one to deny that sweet little face whatever she wants.
you half-listen as billy spins some wild tale about a princess who slay dragons herself, one who doesn’t need a prince to come and rescue her. she’s strong and brave and guess what? she looks just like your little girl, same hair color and little lilac colored dress. his story makes her smile, even as her sleepy eyes begin to blink more slowly. when he finishes, he leans down to kiss her forehead softly and tuck her blanket around her small little body.
“i wish you were my daddy,” she murmurs sleepily, rubbing her eye with one small fist. you see billy freeze and slowly look to you, unsure what to say.
“oh, baby—“ you start, taking a step forward. billy gently cuts you off, which you welcome, not sure what to tell her.
“you know, ducky, sometimes i wish that too,” he whisper conspiratorially. her eyes light up curiously.
“really?” she asks, looking up at him.
“mhm,” he says with a nod. “but i think this little thing we have going here is even more special. you know why?”
she waits for an answer, eyes full of curiosity and wonder at the man sitting on the edge of her bed.
“because i didn’t help to give you life, life gave you and me to each other. and that’s pretty special, don’t you think?”
your little girl smiles, nodding her head. you swallow hard, your eyes feeling a little misty at the way he loves your baby and she loves him. it’s so pure, so unconditional the way they’ve attached themselves to each other.
billy smiles at her and brushes her hair away from her face, giving her chubby cheek a soft caress.
“sweet dreams, baby girl.”
“goodnight billy,” she says with a little yawn, snuggling down into her pillow. billy blows out the oil lamp beside her bed, following you out of her bedroom and closing the door softly.
“i’m sorry if i overstepped, i didn—“ he’s cut off by you grabbing his face and pulling him down into a dizzying kiss. you smile against his mouth when he doesn’t hesitate for even a second to kiss you back, his arms winding around your waist to pull you closer.
“thank you,” you whisper when you finally break away for air. “for loving both of us, for taking care of us.”
“sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me for that. i’ll always be here to take care of my two best girls,” he says with a grin, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. “and who knows? maybe one day soon you’ll let me put a ring on that pretty little finger and that little girl in there can call me whatever she wants.”
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
im starving for 42 miles and i agree w ur hcs so can u pls write a fem reader fic where we’re chilling at home n he js barges in one night all roughed up n he has heaps of cuts n is bloody- and we get concerned but we know not to ask so we js silently patch him up while he stares at us (and hes got like sm thoughts in his head ab how much he loves us and appreciates us etc) and u can finish it off BUT YEAH
also pls include the pet names cos his accent has me WEAKKK and ik he def calls us ma and mami😩😩😩
Ofc Love!!! I’ve wanted to get this done for a bit now so here it is!!:
A/n: keep requesting miles!42 and regular miles fics please!! 🩷
Warnings: suggestiveness at the end, make out sessions, angst, fluff, groping(it’s consensual and it’s only seen when you squint), love confessions, possible spoilers if you haven’t seen atsv yet
3:00 AM
You: miles, baby are you okay?
You: are you mad at me for the joke I made about your braids being fluffy?
You: I didn’t mean it
You: text me when you can. Love you 🩷🩷
You fell asleep exasperated like you’ve been doing for the last three weeks now. Miles hasn’t been answering any of your texts or calls and has been leaving you on seen for no reason. When you did see him in person, he looked tired and diminished. Ever since his dad died, he’s been acting weird like this; but you could understand why. Although him and Uncle Aaron were closer, Miles was still really close to his dad and his dad loved you. You came over Rio and Miles’ house every day since then and tried to provide solace to them but Miles was always gone when you came over. His room looked different too, having ditched the bright superhero posters and traded them in for boxing gloves and a punching bag. Thankfully, you had established trust with Miles and he knew he could come to you any time, you just didn’t expect him to come through your window at 4:00 AM on a Saturday morning.
It was about 3:15 when he saw your message, he wondered why you were still up and what were you doing but he couldn’t ponder the question for too long because he had someone chained up to his punching bag.
“Miles? Get off your phone, man.”- Uncle Aaron’s voice brought Miles back to reality
Miles did as told and geared up to kill the young boy who looked exactly like himself when all of a sudden, the chains fell and the doppelgänger swung at Miles’ perfectly structured face. A few of the punches connected but he was still able to subdue the mirrored image of himself(if everything went right).
However, Miles’ suit had been clobbered, his clothes covered in blood from a broken nose and blood from the fight. Even though he won, he couldn’t go back to his house because his mom would admonish him for this and Uncle Aaron was keeping watch so he went to your house.
You heard faint tapping on the window that you had assumed it was a bird, until the tapping became a loud knocking. You scurried up grabbing the nearest thing that looked like a weapon and went to the window. You found a battered Miles and knew something was wrong:
“Miles?”-you whisper shouted
“Ola mi amor” he said, trying to be suave but flinching in pain
You opened the window and let him in. You knew he was rough and bloodied up for a reason but it was late(or early depending on how you look at it) and you knew he wouldn’t tell you why; a small part of you also knew but chose not to acknowledge it. You just silently grabbed the first aid kit and patched him up as best as you could. You noticed he had a broken nose:
“Rough night?” You Said, trying to ease the tension
Miles didn’t reply, rather he looked at you through bruised eyes and simply nodded.
“Your nose is broken. You should probably go the the hospital for that” you said, nonchalantly
“Can’t you fix it?” He mumbled
“not easily” you mumbled, mocking his tone
He gave you an annoyed glare before saying:
“I’m sorry to come in late like this. And I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you, Mami; it’s a lot going on that you wouldn’t understand and I’m trying to protect you.”
“It would’ve been nice for you to call or text” you said while closing the first-aid kit.
“I knew you would’ve worried about me and I didn’t want that” he said, hanging his head
“I’m your girlfriend, it’s my job to worry about you” you chuckled
It was like a Disney movie, Miles realized that if no one else would, you would hold it down for him and that you were gonna be there through thick and thin. He knew he loved you but this solidified it in his mind; he knew that if he survived long enough, you were gonna be his wife. It would be you waking him up everyday, it would be you kissing him goodnight and good morning, it would be you carrying and having his babies. Some days, he would wake up and wonder how he got so lucky with someone like you but he never thought too much into it because he knew he would find a way to sabotage it for himself but now, he didn’t care:
“I love you, Y/n” he said
“I love you too, Miles” you replied softly
“No. I mean like I love you so much that I can’t stand it, I wanna marry you, Y/n and be with you for life. If no one else has me, I know you do and I can’t even imagine myself without you.” Miles said
You started to tear up before crashing your lips onto his. Your lips moved in perfect sync as he grabbed your hips with one hand, and cupped your face in the other. You stayed this way for a while until Miles slipped his tongue into your mouth, battling for dominance against your tongue which he emerged victorious. He started moving his other hand to your ass as you moved yours to his chest when suddenly, you hear your parent call out:
“Yeah” you replied nervously, Miles leaving a trail of kisses down your neck
“Breakfast is ready” they shouted
You looked at your phone as Miles rubbed your back and saw it was 8:00 already.
“Shit” You Said under your breath, partly because of how Miles was making you feel
“Go Mamà, we’ll finish this later” he said against his neck
“Okay I love you, call me this time” you smiled
“Por supesto, Mami” he replied
You went down for breakfast and sat in your normal spot:
“Y/n?” Your parent said
“Yeah?” You replied
“What’s that on your neck?” They smirked
Damn it Miles
Por supesto- of course
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Tomoe x Fem!Reader
A/N: sorry the ending is rushed, this has been in my drafts for months so I finished it quickly to banish it from my drafts
warnings: creampie, rough sex, oral(fem!receiving)
if you would like to be added to my nsfw taglist, please comment saying so! make sure you’re taggable, and have your age in your bio!!
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In the early morning at the shrine, Tomoe is usually busy. Whether it be washing clothes, sweeping the halls, or trying his best to wake up his Mistress for her college classes, he didn’t get much time to relax.
However, this morning was different. Instead of being out and about, Tomoe was tucked away in his room, unreachable by most.
(Name) had been the land goddess for over a year now, but she’d never seen Tomoe act the way he did now.
Whenever he’d help her up onto their ride, or even catch her before she fell, his touch lingered much longer than it should. He’d pull her into his embrace randomly, when it had been rare for him to do that before.
The jealousy was next. (Name) already knew that Tomoe prided himself as her first and main familiar, but he’d become much stricter lately. Usually she allowed both him and Mizuki to sleep in her room, separated by paper walls, but the last few nights ended with Tomoe dragging Mizuki out and forcing (Name) to sleep alone. Now when Mizuki even glanced at you Tomoe would growl defensively with his arm around you.
Recently she realized something. Tomoe’s usual soft gaze had become harsh and… hungry. As if he was looking at food he couldn’t have.
She first noticed the way his eyes followed her when she walked around in only her short night gown and slippers, the end only barely reaching past her ass. The second time he’s accidentally walked in on her changing. It took a second too long for his gaze to shift and him to apologize before closing the door.
That was the last straw. (Name) was determined to find out why he was acting so strange. She quickly dressed herself before marching down the hall. Before she knocked on Tomoe’s door, she paused.
Mizuki and the others had left the shrine to study humans, and that meant the two were alone. Usually that wouldn’t change anything, but Tomoe’s behavior worried her.
‘Why worry, it’s tomoe. He would never hurt me…’ (Name) shook her head and knocked on the door.
“Tomoe? It’s (Name). We need to talk.”
She listens for a moment, hearing only the sound of hitched breathing and panting.
“Go away.”
(Name) nearly gasped at the husky sound of Tomoe’s voice. Was he okay? Better yet, why was just the sound of his voice making her feel so…
“Tomoe, if you don’t come open this door I’ll be calling Mizuki to do it for me. Im worried about you.”
Tomoe huffed, and (Name) could hear the sound of him standing up and approaching the door. She waited, but he didn’t open it.
“Worried for me… stupid. Should be worried for yourself. I can barely control myself with you right there.”
(Name) blinked, placing her hand on the door. She could almost feel his intense body heat through the wood.
“Tomoe… I don’t understand.”
He scoffed. “Oh but you do. You understand well, (Name). I could smell your arousal from a mile away. Don’t play dumb.”
He wasn’t wrong. The way he spoke to her, his hitched breathing and husky voice. She rubbed her legs together, partially in embarrassment, but also to help ease the ache in her cunt.
“Tomoe… are you in heat or something?”
He didn’t answer, only the sound of his breathing to tell her he was still there at the door.
“Please let me in. I don’t want you to suffer like that.”
She could feel his hesitation, the way he reaches to slide the door open, and finally his hand on her wrist.
He pulls her in, pushing her against a wall and crashes his lips into hers. She barely had time to blink before his tongue was slipping into her mouth. He doesn’t even give her time to think.
Tomoe’s hands drift from above her head and down to her nightgown, pulling it up slowly. (Name) shyly tries to hide how wet she was by pressing her legs together.
Once her nightgown is off, Tomoe’s eyes wander down her body. She hadn’t been wearing a bra, so her chest was on full display for him.
His hands cup her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples.
“T-Tomoe!” (Name) manages to whimper out. Tomoe stops, his hands visibly shaking.
“Your chance to leave is now, (Name). I won’t be able to stop myself again.”
He waits for her to leave, watching as she slowly coveres her chest.
“No, I’ll stay. I won’t let you go through this alone.”
(Name) tried to make it seem like she was helping him, but her actions were less than noble. She had been in love with Tomoe for a while, so being treated like she was so desperately needed by him made both her heart and cunt ache.
Tomoe studied her for a moment, his eyes trained on hers.
Before she could think her back was hitting the soft surface of Tomoe’s bed. She had forgotten how strong he really was. He was always so gentle with her, but now he was crawling on top on her, his weight keeping her held down.
She reached up to gently run her fingers through his hair. Tomoe noticed this almost immediately, bending slightly so she had better access to his silver locks.
(Name) smiled at Tomoe’s red face. She’d never seen him so blushed before. She wondered if it was just because of his heat or also because she was underneath him.
(Name) was given a chaste kiss before tomoe slid her panties off and scooted down to stare directly at her pussy.
“Tomoe, don’t look!” (Name) whined out, closing her legs shut.
“Shh. Need… taste…”
Her usually eloquently spoken tomoe could barely speak. His hands pried her legs open with enough force to cause bruises. Tomorrow he would be ashamed and gently care for her, but today that was the last thing on his mind.
(Name) didn’t have time to prepare, his tongue was already inside her. She let out a moan, gripping his hair less gently than she wanted to. Tomoe didn’t seem to mind though, he continued tongue fucking her while his fingers rubbed her clit.
“F-Fuck, Tomoe!”
She mewled, cumming on his tongue. Tomoe was quick to pin her down after her orgasm, positioning his cock at her entrance. “Can’t take it… need you so bad…”
He pushed into her, not even stopping to give her a moment to get used to his length. She grit her teeth, baring the pain before it melted away into pleasure.
“Feel so good… so warm…” he whimpered into her ear, his tail swishing back and forth.
“T-Tomoe!” she whined, her back arching to meet his thrusts. “P-please! Faster!”
He complied, a hand reaching down to rub slow circles into her sensitive clit. It was obvious that he was experienced, making her cum on his cock over and over until she was fucked dumb, only able to whimper and whine underneath him.
Only then did Tomoe’s cum fill her up, his cock continuing to thrust into her as he calmed down. “God… my sweet girl…”
After his head finally cleared, he looked down with a panic, seeing the freshly forming bruises he left on her thighs and hickies on her neck.
He was quick to pull out and tend to her injuries, muttering apologies and giving each wound a kiss. It was all worth it in the end, if she got to be spoiled by Tomoe.
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bueckerslover · 3 months
si no le contesto - s. golbach
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sam x latina ! reader
warnings: cursing in spanish, arguing, drinking. use of pet names.
translations will be provided
7 missed calls from mi amor
incoming call mi amor
answer decline
1 new voice message!
play delete
“samuel si no contestas ahora mismo ni siquiera pienses en volver a casa, me estas estresando!”
“Samuel, if you don't answer right now, don't even think about coming home, you're stressing me out!”
6 voice messages remaining
play all delete all
“sam, don't forget to pick up the advil before you get home”
“hey sam, i know you're busy but i wanted to let you know that i just finished the report and that probably when you get home i'll be sleeping be careful ok? i love you”
“sam, i'm getting worried answer your phone”
“samuel, enserio ya deja de jugar y contesta tu telefono”
“samuel, seriously, stop playing and answer your phone”
“oye, sam, ya vente a casa, ya es tarde”
“hey, sam, come home, it's already late”
“samuel contesta tu pinche telefono ahora mismo, que estas haciendo?”
“samuel, answer your fucking phone right now, what are you doing?”
the girl paced back and forth in the living room constantly looking at her phone hoping to see at least a message from her boyfriend but nothing.
samgolbach added to their story.
the girl clicked on the notification slightly sick to her stomach that not once did she get a call back from him but he posts on his story like he was not ignoring her calls a few seconds ago.
instagram opened up to the boys story, it was him at a party the flash from the phones camera being the only source of light shining in the boys face as he held a tequila shot towards the camera before shooting it down his throat making a face as the liquid made its way down.
“he could post but not answer my calls or messages? just great.” she thought. as she was analyzing the video it skipped to the next story colby’s story it was a video some what similars to sam’s but sam was in the background talking to a girl but not just any girl his ex.
they were laughing and drinking together before she grabs his hand and starts taking him upstairs that’s when the video cuts off.
not only did he not answer her calls but now he was cheating on her “wait no sam could never cheat on me he’s not the type” she thought as she sat down on the couch “or is he? no don’t doubt that he’s an amazing boyfriend he would never cheat on me” her thoughts raced as she tried to distract herself.
“think about what they could be doing right now, how hes probably doing everything he does to you” the thoughts had her head spinning.
she couldn’t have these thoughts not at this moment. she made her way into her room deciding to just sleep these thoughts away.
after a few minutes of tossing and turning to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in the girl was finally tired enough to let sleep take over.
the low creek of the door opening and closing shuffling and the feeling of the bed sinking behind her woke her up she knew it was him the smell of alcohol and perfume not just any perfume a cheap knock off of her favorite perfume filled her nostrils
“hey honey” spoke sam as he placed his hand on her waist “how was your night did you finish that report for work?” he didnt listen to the voice messages
“si, ya lo terminé trajiste el advil que te pedí?” “no, im sorry babe i forgot” liar “oh really?” she asked not looking at him “yea, the meeting lasted longer than i expected” “is that so?” she sarcastically replied grabbing her phone and heading to her instagram and opening it to his story “because according to you and colby’s stories you were at a party” she showed him the video as she pushed him off her to get up.
“yes, i already finished it, did you bring the advil i asked for?”
“what?” his voice slightly lowered “yea, i saw them didn’t think about restricting me first before posting did you? oh and don’t get me started on the fact that you were talking with your ex in colby’s video or the fact that she took you upstairs”
“babe, that’s not true we didn’t go upstairs” he replied as he got out of the bed “don’t try to lie your way out of this! i saw the video and it clearly shows that you two went upstairs!” she argued.
“y/n, please you know i would never do anything to hurt you!” he exclaimed as he slowly walked towards her “no sam, aver donde te vas a dormir porque aquí en mi casa ni te quiero ver”
“no sam, see where you're going to sleep because here at my house I don't even want to see you”
“what y/n you can’t be serious it’s four in the fucking morning!” “ni modo mi amor hubieras pensado en eso antes de llegar a estas horas oliendo a alcohol y perfume barato” she said as she pushed him out of her apartment closing the door in his face and locking it.
“too bad my love, you should’ve thought about that before arriving at this time smelling of alcohol and cheap perfume”
mi güero <3
babe i’m so sorry i couldn’t make home last night my flight got delayed and i had no service at all
baby? are you mad at me? i’m sorry for not responding sooner or answering your calls you know if i could i would have please don’t be mad at me.
wait you’re probably still sleeping you most likely finished that report so late last night
yup, you did those voice messages you left i’m sorry i couldn’t answer but i’m already in my uber i have the advil and i’m bringing you your favorite breakfast from your favorite restaurant:)
as sam got off the uber making his way into his girlfriends apartment trying to balance the coffee with the breakfast bag his luggage and his phone he carefully unlocked the door making his way inside.
“y/n, honey it’s time to wake up” he whispered softly shaking the girl awake “huh?” she responded standing up and rubbing her eyes “goodmorning beautiful, go wash up while i go get your food from the kitchen” he smiled as he looked at her lovingly “sam?” “yes baby?” he asked turning to meet her eyes “what are you doing here?” she asked “what do you mean what am i doing here i live here silly” he laughed slightly “wait what” she whispered looking around.
“are you alright babe?” he asked worried going back to kneel down next to her “si estoy bien solo un poco confundida” “why, are you confused love?” he asked looking at her confused written all over her face “weren’t you at a party last night?” she mumbled confused “a party? no i was stuck at the airport in australia last night” he replied pulling out his phone to show her the pictures of him goofy around at the airport with colby.
“that’s weird never mind i think i just had a bad dream” she explained getting up to go get washed up in the bathroom.
i must’ve been dreaming because sam was clearly stuck at the airport with no signal. the things my brain comes up with when he doesn’t answer me.
this is probably shit but i’ve been super busy with practices and school but i’m on break so imma try to grind and get some stuff i’ve been working on out anyway hope you enjoyed this :)
🏷️: @sturniolobendystrawsposts @hearts4chris @patscorner @lexisecretaccx @tubl-mc @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloblogs @sturniolos-blog
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
Hi, could you please write a lando Norris fic with angst prompt 1 thank you 🥰
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pairings: lando norris x reader
warnings: break up, implied drinking, kinda asshole lando at first
authors note: thanks for requesting! prompt 1 is "do you even love me anymore?" side note, it is so hard to find a gif of lando in which hes not smiling. also im so sorry for the ending i have no idea how to end angst
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
The two of you had fallen in love surprisingly fast, but the process of falling out was slow and torturous. Fate was cruel, adamant on hurting you.
Instead of late night talks, the two of you would sleep facing the wall, neither wanting to risk seeing the other. Cute dinner dates turned into eating leftovers in different rooms, not wanting to risk a conversation. Small gifts and bouquets were to be seen no more, the house growing more dreary by the day.
You weren't sure if it was worth it anymore. You loved Lando, too much if you were being honest. But at this point, you weren't sure if he loved you back.
You noticed it at the beginning of the end. The way he always had an excuse. Whether it was streaming on twitch or calls with Zak, he never did anything with you anymore.
And you had tried, my god had you tried.
You had done everything. You had meticulously planned dates and activities based on his schedule, shifting around your own. You had been understanding, comforting, whenever he claimed he was too tired to go out to eat. You figured it was just for a while, that the stress had gotten to him and everything would be okay soon. But nothing changed, and 3 months later you found yourself in the exact same position.
Honestly? You were tired. Tired of your relationship, tired of Lando, and tired of putting effort into something he clearly didn't care about. You would give him one last chance, one last time to show he loves you.
That day, you wait for him in the living room. He had gone out with a few friends and it was well past 11pm, the time he had promised he would return.
Hearing the click of the lock, you mute the movie, watching the door open to reveal a tipsy Lando. His eyebrows furrow together at the sight of you on the couch.
"Why aren't you asleep yet?" he asks, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water.
"I wanted to talk to you, remember?"
"Can't we just talk tomorrow, I'm tired" he responds, before turning towards the staircase.
You knew you had to speak now, his understanding of tomorrow would never come. You look down at your hands, almost whispering the next words in fear of what his answer would be.
"Do you even love me anymore?"
"What?" He turns around immediately, looking at you.
"You heard me."
"Of course I love you, why are you even asking me that?"
"You've said it 2 times in the last week."
"What?" he scoffed. "You're counting now?"
"What else do you want me to do, Lando? We've spent maybe 1 day together in the last month. You're always making excuses and leaving and- I don't even know. What am I supposed to think?" You stand up, your voice increasing in amplitude as you grow more and more frustrated.
"I don't know Y/N, maybe trust the fact that I love you!"
"How!? You haven't given me a reason to in months." Letting out a sigh, you shake your head. "Nevermind, I don't know what I was expecting by doing all this." You get up and head to your bedroom, speeding up when you hear Lando trailing behind you. You had prepared a small bag with enough clothes for a week, should the conversation not go well.
Thankful for your foresight, you turn around and see Lando standing in the doorway, interested in finishing a conversation for the first time in ages.
"Why do you have a bag packed?"
"I'm done. I'm leaving."
It was ironic how quickly his face changed. His hard expression turned soft at the realisation of what you meant, the anger in his eyes was no more, instead it flashed with fear and sadness.
"Done... with what?" he whispered. The tables had turned, now it was him who was afraid of your answer. He waited for your answer, mouth slightly parted, taking small breaths, fearful of what would happen when you broke the tense silence.
"You. Us." Your voice was cold as steel, wanting to leave the house as soon as possible. Leave him as soon as possible. You could feel the emotions building up inside of you, threatening to burst out, but you hold on, not wanting to cry in front of him.
You try walking past him, but his hand grabs your own, pulling you into his arms. He was now stood directly in front of you, still blocking the doorway.
"Darling I- I get that you're mad but we don't have to break up." His voice is hesitant, not wanting to accidentally say something to upset you further. "
"We do, Lando."
"No no no. We can- I can fix this, darling. How about we spend time together this week? Yeah? I'll clear everything, it'll be just the two of us, all week." His mind was scrambling, going through every possible action, trying to think of ways to make you stay. "Please, my love. I love you, I promise, so much. I'll say it a million times a day, forever."
You sigh, eyes filling up with water as you try to hold back the tears. He didn't deserve to see you cry, see how much he had hurt you. "Lando, I would've given anything for that a few days ago, hell even a few hours ago. But you didn't care until it was too late, and that's not my fault." You don't look at his face, knowing that his expression would break you. Instead you look past him at the door, shrugging off his hands and walking away.
"Wait! I- I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry and I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much I love you. I'll do anything, my love. Anything. Tell me what you want and I'll do it."
You stop, but don't turn around, knowing that Lando was standing right behind you. "I don't want anything from you anymore, not when I know all I'll get is disappointment."
You leave, heading to your car. Lando stands still, staring at the door, watching, praying that you would come back. That he hadn't messed up to that point. That it was all just a nightmare.
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24kmar · 5 days
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐘 (A. Donaldson)
Part 2 of Thigh to Thigh
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Art Donaldson x fem! Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ MDNI, smut, angst, language, fluff, love confession, happy ending 🩷
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: The aftermath of the argument with tashi.
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𝑰 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒚 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖, 𝒀𝒐𝒖
The argument you had with tashi has been replaying in your mind. The same question running in circles in your head. "Me or art?". And to add insult to injury, art heard all of it. Was he asking the same question? Him or tashi?
You had been avoiding both of them. Being succesful uptil now. While finishing an english essay you heard a knock at your door. It couldnt have been your roomate. She was at a lecture right now. Getting up and answering the door to your dorm, you were met with art.
Art-" you gasp being cut of as he pushed his way past you, into your dorm. "We need to talk" he breathes out, sitting on your bed. "About what?" You play dumb, crossing your arms nervously. "You know what" art looks at you.
Look y/n, im not asking you to pick me" he rushes the words out like hes been holding them in for ages. Chewing on your lip, you hug yourself. I just need you to know how much you mean to me," he sighs, tears brimming at his waterline. Which causes tears to brim in yours too. "even if we stay friends or dont." "you mean so so much to me." He cries, tears falling down his face. Standing up, he cups your face "I would destroy myself for you" "Art-" "Listen to me-" Art you should leave"
Silence. Pure fucking silence.
Nodding, he opens the door and speaks up before walking out "i love you". That makes you freeze completely, but not without tears rolling down your face.
Flinching as you hear the door shut, you just stand there. Standing there hugging yourself, while sobbing.
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𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏
Its been two days since you last spoke with art. Those two days have been miserable. Downright depressing. You missed him so much. Knowing you hurt such a good person made you hate yourself. Especially hurting someone cause they loved you. Why did you tell him to leave? You didnt want him to leave. You needed him to stay, now more than ever.
You've just been bedrotting, barely eating, missing classes, the whole nine yards. Today, you decided to go to class. Not wanting to mess up your grades. The whole day was draining, dreadful even. Everything reminded you of art. You decided to blow off some steam. Going to play some late night tennis. You were just lazily smacking around the tennis ball.
Thats when you heard footsteps. Turning around, you saw art. With a heavy heart and sweaty palms, you greeted him. "Hi" you said nervously. "Hi" he replied, hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "Can we talk?" You asked "Sure" he nodded softly "my dorm or yours?"
His dorm was closer, you didnt want the walk to be long. Far too awkward. The walk was silent, but not awkward silent, calm silent. Like nothing had happend at all.
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Now at his dorm. You both sat on his bed. "Im so sorry art" you spoke, tears rushing to your waterline, guilty look in your eyes. Tearing up, art spoke "y/n-"
"I never meant to hurt you-"
"Y/n-" "
"I just didnt kmow what to do-"
Pulling you in to a hug, cutting you off, he spoke "Its okay, y/n, really i understand. It was a tough situation" he sighed, rubbing your back. "You mean so much to me art" you huff out into his neck "i love you" you admit nervously, pulling away from him to look at his face. Searching for emotion. Thats when leaned in and kissed you.
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𝑰𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖
"I- i love you" art whimpers, cock drilling in and out of you "i love you- soso much."
"Hgh- i love you too. So much" you moan , pulling his hair, legs wraped around his waist as he thrusts into you. Soft yet powerful thrusts, full of love, and adoration.
Art trails a hand down your body to rub your clit. Making your back arch and eyes screw shut, letting out a high pitch moan. It was so much at once, the nips at your neck, the fast yet delicate circles around your clit, the thrusts, the love.
"I need you" he gasps "You have me" you reply, confused.
No, like i need you to-" he cuts himself off with a moan "i need you like you're oxygen" this makes your heart swell and eyes fill with tears. cupping his face, you rest your forhead against his "your mine and im yours, always" you kiss him. And like that you cum together in unison, looking into eachothers eyes, forhead to forhead.
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𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒅 𝒈𝒐 𝒂 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Chest to chest, face to face. You lay in silence, taking in the moment. When art breaks the silence.
" You know i meant every word, right?"
With the confused furrow of you brows he continues "id destroy myself for you" he pauses to interlock your fingers "im in love with you y/n" he admits.
"Im in love with you too art." You admit smiling "i pick you".
Now its his turn to be confused, "what?" He asks confused.
"If its between you or tashi, i pick you art"
With that, you both smile lovingly at eachother
He was family. He would kill for you.
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daisysliv · 2 years
now or never | eddie munson
word count: 4035
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie's plans to confess don't exactly go to plan
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff if you squint, mentions of drugs (not specified), smut, p in v, protected sex (wrap it before you tap it mfs)
notes: sorry for being so ia for a while, i just started working, and by the time i get home, im too tired to even write, but i managed to get this done over the last few days. this was my first time writing smut, let me know if you like it! this is one of my personal favorite fics i've ever written, so i hope you like it <3 there is a part two for this in works so let me know if that's something you would like and as always, not edited, so all my mistakes are my own
stranger things bookshelf
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Standing outside the burgundy-colored door of his best friend’s home for what felt like hours but was merely a couple of minutes as he gathered the courage to ring the doorbell. He released a puff of air that he had been holding and lifted his finger to ring the bell, only to hesitate and lower it again. He repeats the same action a few more times. He was shaking, not from the cold breeze that nipped at the exposed skins of his hands but with nerves. His heart pounded against his ribs so hard he thought it would burst out of his chest at any given moment.
Truth be told, he had no idea what he was doing here so late or what he was going to say if you answered the door; all he knew was that if he didn’t tell you how he felt now, then any and all courage he felt would be gone. He could already feel it slipping.
He shook his arms out in some lame attempt to get rid of the nerves that coursed through his veins. He had been nervous and overthinking this all day, but it didn’t compare to how he currently felt now that he stood outside your house. Muttering a few words of encouragement to himself, he finally rang the doorbell and turned his back to the door to try and gather his jumbled thoughts before it inevitably opened.
The door opened with a low creak followed by a velvet-like voice that had taken over his every thought, “Eddie?” Spinning back around, a nervous smile tugged on his lips, and—fuck.
You looked beautiful, which wasn’t anything new. You always looked beautiful without even trying. He stood there in awe, his lips parted as his eyes danced over the woman in front of him. You looked like you had just finished getting ready for bed. You wore a Black Sabbath that he recognized as the one he gave you at school when you claimed to be cold while sitting in the cafeteria, paired with black sweats and her face bare of the makeup you had on earlier in the day. “Did we have plans or something?”
Snapping out of his trance, Eddie shook his head, his eyes never straying away from you. You smiled at him and moved out of the way, opening the door wider to give him room so he could enter. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“No, everything is good. I just…” He trails off, his back facing her as he surveys the living room for any signs that your parents are there. “Are your parents here, or did they leave already?”
You shook your head as you shut the door, making sure to lock it. “They left a bit ago. Got the house all to myself for the next few days.” You followed him to the living room and moved around picking up the disregarded trash that was piled on the coffee table. “I meant to call when they left and see if you wanted a movie night, but I fell asleep. Why are you asking?”
“Well, I didn’t really want anyone to witness possible failure on my part because I…I have something to tell you,” A warm smile tugs on his lips as he watches you dump the trash in your arms into the nearby trash can. “So…can we sit and talk?”
“Yeah, just let me finish throwing this shit away. Robin and Steve came over after school before my parents left, and I couldn’t be bothered to clean after they left.” You rambled while carefully placing some dishes in the sink, the alcohol into the fridge, and threw away a few more pieces of trash that you found lying around. Eddie paced the living room, rubbing his hands over his jean-clad legs to wipe away from the sweat that gathered on his palms. “Do you want something to drink?”
He shakes his head and darts his tongue out to wet his dry, chapped lips. He could feel his nerves taking over the longer he waited to get this over with. He could feel the courage he took weeks to gather slipping away with every second that ticked by. “Princess, please just… just come here.” Eddie pleaded, his eyes on his best friend, hoping you could see the desperation in his eyes. Fortunately for him, you knew him and could hear the desperation in his tone. You moved towards where he was and took a seat on the couch, folding your legs under your butt and adjusting the hoodie you wore. Eddie followed you in sitting on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees, and he ran a hand over his face.
He hadn’t thought this through all the way, and he didn’t know how to approach it. You were able to sense his nerves, so you reached forward and grabbed one of his hands. “Eddie, what’s going on? Whatever it is, you know you can tell me.”
“Shit, uh… I hope that what I’m about to tell you doesn’t ruin anything because I value our friendship more than anything. And I know I’m not the easiest person to be friends with, but–”
“Eds, spit it out.” You cut off his ramblings, your eyes locked on his, and he could feel his heart speed up in his chest; that same pounding feeling from earlier. He was certain that one day he would go into cardiac arrest around her.
Now or never, Munson. He thought. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out, his throat feeling dry and scratchy. He felt sweat form in the palm of his hands and felt his cheeks heat up. You looked at him with concern carved into your features, your eyes scanning his face, looking for something, but he didn’t know what.
“Are you high or something?” You blurt, pulling your hand out from his.
“No! I’m clean. I just… I’m nervous.” He spoke, his brows knitted together. “Why would you automatically assume I’m high?”
You shake your head, letting out a breath of relief. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re all jumpy and won’t get to the point, and I haven’t seen you like this since the day before that… that night.” His heart clenched at the mention of the night he reached rock bottom a year and a half ago. It had been a hard week leading up to it all around, and he finally reached his breaking point where he felt so alone and unwanted that he took everything he could to not feel that way anymore. Eddie could hardly think of that night without being bombarded with the image of his best friend's face when she stumbled into the trailer and found him barely breathing on the couch.
He was awake but unaware of most of his surroundings. He could speak, but it came out slurred and incoherent. His complexion was turning bluish-purple, his lips already blue, and a thin layer of cold sweat coated his body. His pulse was barely there, and his breathing had turned shallow but erratic.
He barely remembered anything once all the drugs kicked in, but he remembered waking up in the hospital a few days later with flashes of that night swirling through his head, but there were only a few things that stood out the most. The sound of your voice cracking while begging for him to stay as sobs racked your body was one of them. The broken and distraught look on your face was another. That one haunted him weeks afterward. It still did sometimes. The doctors told him that wouldn't have made it if you would've arrived just a few minutes later.
After that night, he never wanted to see that look on your face or his Uncle Wayne’s face or hear the way your voices broke ever again. He didn't want to feel himself slipping away slowly and not being able to move or call for help again so he made it his mission to stay away from that shit. You were there for him through every single step he took. You never left his side even when he had his mood swings, and he couldn't have asked for anyone else.
“I know, and I promise you, I'm okay. I just have something important to tell you, and I'm scared that it'll ruin everything.”
“It won't. I promise, so just tell me.” Placing your hand in his once more, you intertwined your fingers, smiling at the warmth that shot through your body. Eddie smiled at the same feeling, not realizing you did the same.
His eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment, the urge to just press his against yours, to know how they felt and tasted, grew stronger with each fleeting second. You, however, didn't notice the not-so-subtle action as you were too focused on the warmth your body felt whenever you made skin-to-skin contact with the man. It was like a warm blanket was being draped over your shoulders after being in the cold longer than you should be. It was like curling up next to the fire with the warm blanket and the comforting smell of cookies floating around the room.
Looking up, you force your eyes away from your locked hands and stare at him, your eyes finding his light brown eyes already staring at you. At that moment, he felt a surge of confidence wash over him, all his nerves disappearing, and he lifted his free hand to cup your jaw, the pad of his thumb tracing over her cheekbone.
He watched your face contort from concern to curiosity the longer he stared. With a nervous smile, Eddie leaned in closer, pressing his forehead on yours, your noses touching and mouths hovering over one another. You were so close that all it would take was one wrong move from either of you, and your lips would touch. His eyes darted back down to your lips, taking note of how yours did the same, the once nervous smile now a smirk.
He looked back up to your eyes, searching for anything that told him that you didn't want this to happen; he didn't find any. “Eddie,” You whispered seconds before he surged forward and pressed his lips to yours in a searing kiss, full of pent-up tension you had been suppressing for years, your eyes immediately fluttering shut. You moaned quietly at the feeling of his lips on yours, your free hand immediately gripping his long hair, tugging at the root while the other disconnected from his hand to wrap around his neck.
He hummed against your mouth, the groan building in the back of his throat making itself known. Your mouth opened with a gasp when he placed his free hand underneath the hoodie you wore, on your waist to pull you closer; the warmth of his touch sent a shock up your spine.
Despite the awkward position you were in, your lips moved against his in perfect sync until the need for air became too much, and, with a lot of hesitation, Eddie slowly pulled away. His eyes opened slowly to look at you while he dragged air back into his lungs. Your eyes fluttered open shortly after his, your chest heaving as you fought for air.
“So beautiful,” He murmured, wearing a dopey grin on his face.
A smile pulls at your lips, and you tighten your grip around his neck, pulling him down to connect your lips once again, now craving the feeling and taste of them more. Eddie responded quickly, removing his hands from where they were on your body to grip underneath your thighs to pull you into his lap, swallowing the noise of surprise you made when he did. He smiled against your lips, his heart still beating rapidly against his ribs.
Your hands tangled themselves into his hair, tugging at the roots and eliciting a groan from the metalhead. He leaned back on the couch, his hands going to your waist to hold you still when he felt you move. You were the first one to pull away this time, your eyes remaining shut while gasping for air for a minute before diving back into his lips. “Hmm,” He hummed against your lips.
You giggled at the vibrations it sent through and down your body. You pull away, keeping your hands tangled in his hair. “Does this mean what I think it does, or do you go around kissing all your friends like that?”
“Only the real pretty ones.” He jokes, and you remove a hand from his hair to smack him in the chest, throwing your head back in a laugh. Eddie took the opportunity to duck forward and attach his mouth to your neck, your laugh quickly turning into a gasp.
“Upstairs.” You said through gasps while he worked on your neck, nipping and sucking gently. You were sure he left marks behind.
He reluctantly pulled away, and you took the chance to disconnect from him, pulling him up off the couch. “Lead the way, princess.” He smirked.
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As soon as your bedroom door closes behind you, his lips are on yours again as he presses you against the door. “Are you sure about this?” He asks breathlessly, his lips already back on your neck.
“Yeah, fuck, please.” 
“Just making sure.” He leans in again, covering your lips with his. You wrap your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him. He was warm, despite the cold air that filled the room from your cracked window, and you felt like you were dreaming. 
He moves his hand under your—his hoodie, running his hand over your skin, and you can't stop the shivers going up your spine. You're tingling everywhere, all your senses zeroing in on him. His scent, the way his body felt against yours, the way his lips felt. Everything. 
You throw your head back, giving him more access to your neck, and it doesn't take long for Eddie to suck and nibble on your skin. “You're so beautiful, princess.” Eddie leans his forehead against yours, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. 
“Eddie…” Your eyes dart back and forth between his own, your heart pounding against your chest. “Kiss me.” He obliges and plants a quick kiss on your lips, and then he picks you up with one swift movement, making you squeal.
Your back hits the mattress as he lays you down, a giggle tumbling past your lips. The chain he wore swung in your face, and you reached up, hooking a finger through the chain to pull him closer. You meet in another kiss, all tongues and teeth, while you busy your hands with his undoing his belt. Eddie uses one of his hands to support his weight on the bed. “What do you want?” Eddie lays his forehead on yours, his cheeks flushed. 
Instead of answering with words, you wrap your hand around his and run it down your body until the heat of his hand is seeping through your sweats, and you feel the gentle pressure on your center. You feel yourself get even more turned on. Eddie rubs his hand over your sweats ever so slightly, but it’s enough to make your heart pound faster against your ribs.
“I see. You want my hands?” 
“Please,” You nod quickly, bucking your hips into his hand.
Eddie huffs out a laugh with a slight shake of his head. “I have no choice but to oblige.” He quickly gets to work with undoing the strings on your sweats and hooking his fingers into the waistband, and pulls them down, exposing your underwear that you were sure was soaked through at this point. And you couldn’t bring yourself to feel embarrassed about it. He takes off the fuzzy socks that you wore to keep your feet warm before pulling the sweats off your legs completely, kissing his way back up until he’s resting between your legs. His hands are on your hips, yours in his hair as he gets closer to where you need him the most. “You’re so wet for me, princess.” You could hear the smirk in his, but you don’t get the chance to think more over it, let alone say anything in return, because in the next second, Eddie is running his tongue over your covered core. 
You let out a curse when the tip of his tongue finds your clit. “Right there.” Your grip on his hair tightens, and you feel his fingers press into the skin of your thighs. 
“Hmm, I think I’ll have to get closer.” 
“Fuck, please.” You wouldn’t be surprised if you turned into a puddle at his touch. With nimble fingers, Eddie pushes your panties to the side, his breath now hitting your wet folds directly, causing you to let out a high-pitched whine.
“So fucking beautiful. Definitely worth the wait.” And then he spreads you with his thumbs and dives in, circling your clit with his tongue, lapping and sucking on it. You can feel sweat begin to form, your whole body growing hot under his ministrations.
“Fuck, I love the sounds you’re making, princess.” He replaces his tongue with a thumb, and the sudden change in pressure makes you moan loudly, your thighs clenching. “I'll take my time with you next time, but, right now, I gotta have you.” 
You definitely were not complaining. As much as you enjoyed the foreplay, you needed him inside you, reaching the places you couldn’t. Eddie sits back on his legs and pulls off his jacket and shirt. Just as he leans back down to cover your lips with his, he stops, his brows knitting together. “Condom?” 
“Fuck, uh…my bathroom. Top drawer.” You tell him. 
He smiles and lifts himself off the bed. “One second.” He disappears into your bathroom, and you reposition yourself so you’re on your knees, waiting patiently for him to return. You hear him rummaging around through the door for a moment before he reappears, a foil packet in his hand, stopping in his tracks at the mere sight of you sitting nice and pretty for him. His eyes visibly darken. “Fucking hell, sweetheart,” He groans. 
You don’t take your eyes off of him as he walks over with a triumphant grin on his face. Your eyes flicker down, catching the outline of his hard cock visible through his pants, a low whimper passing your lips.
“God, you’re so hot.” He pulls his bottom lips prisoner in between his teeth as positions himself behind you, placing a kiss on your shoulder blade. His lips sent a shiver through you. 
You look over your shoulder, watching as his stomach flexes as he unbuttons his jeans. “You aren’t too bad yourself.” Your mouth waters when he pulls out his cock. His eyes never leave yours as he rips open the condom wrapper with his teeth. 
You watch him roll the condom on, and then he’s got a hand on your hip while the other wraps around the base of his cock. “Are you ready?” 
You could only nod as he ran the tip of his cock through your folds a couple of times, nudging your clit, and causing you to tighten your grip on your blanket. “Please, Eds…” You whimper, your eyes squeezed shut, and then he’s slowly pushing into you, filling you up. 
Both of you are breathing heavily as he pulls out a bit before sliding in deeper, repeating that until he’s sheathed all the way inside you. A loud groan tumbled past his lips. 
“You're so tight, sweetheart; feels so good.” He pulls you up by the hips, so your back is against his chest, and he moves one of his hands to your cunt, his middle finger playing with your clit, making you clench around him. “So fucking good. Better than I could imagine.” His words make you smile. You place one of your hands on top of the hand he has on your hip, and he withdraws himself before thrusting deeper into you. His hips build up a rhythm that drives you insane. You push your hips back, meeting his thrusts as you widen your legs, wanting him even deeper. 
Eddie picks up the pace, the sound of his skin slapping against yours and both of your moas filling the room. “Fuck, the things I wanna do to you.” Eddie grunts; his deep, gravelly voice sends a shock through you. 
“Why don’t you do them then?” You look back at him, a challengingly glint in your eyes. 
Eddie lets out a strained laugh. “Oh, I will. Next time, you won’t be able to walk for days. I’ll have you in all the ways I could only imagine late at night with just my hand.” 
“Tell me about them.” Your words are followed by a moan as he hits a particularly sensitive spot within you.
“I wanna make you cum so many times you can’t remember anything, not even your own name. Wanna have you so cock drunk, you can’t form proper sentences. Gonna have you bent over in front of a mirror and make you watch yourself fall apart on my cock.” You never thought you’d hear Eddie speak like this, and you can’t deny the way it makes you feel. Hearing him say these things while he fucks into you drives you insane. “Wanna see you on top, riding me with your tits bouncing with every movement, fuck.” He grunts, his thrusts speeding up. He moves in and out of you without problems. Each fantasy he’s told you makes you wetter than before, making it easier for him to slide in and out of you.    
The coil in your stomach is wound tight, and it looks like Eddie isn’t gonna last much longer either. “I’m gonna cum, Eds. I’m so close.” You collapsed onto your elbows, your upper body no longer able to stay up.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” He wraps his arm around your torso, moving you back up against his chest, and you’re able to hold onto him better. Being back in this position allows him to find the spot that makes you throw your head back with a moan.
“Right there.” Eddie’s whole body is tense, his skin covered with a sheen of sweat as he pounds into you. And then his thumb finds your clit, and you’re done for, an intense orgasm washing over you. Your walls clench around him, and that’s all it took for him to fall over the edge. He grunts into your ear as he thrusts into you a few more times, his cock twitching as he unloads into the condom.
Both your chests are heaving as you slowly recover. You’re now lying flat on your back, your head on your pillow, and you run your hands through your hair, brushing the strands stuck to your face with sweat away, looking up at the ceiling as you try to comprehend what just happened.
You just had sex with your best friend. And now everything might be ruined. God, you felt so stupid. You just ruined everything, and for what? Something that probably meant nothing? 
All these thoughts run through your head whilst Eddie lazily caresses your thighs, letting out a deep breath before he finally removes his hands from you and stands from the bed. You hear him walk into the bathroom, and you take the opportunity to sit up, the fabric of the hoodie you still wore stuck to your skin. Eddie walks back into the room, wet washcloth in his hand, his face still flushed a pretty pink, and you realize he has put his boxers back on. He opens his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it, your voice hoarse, “it’s late…you should go.” 
He stares at you in surprise for a moment before his face falls, and he slowly nods. You lay back down, not having the will to watch as he puts his clothes back on and leaves. You wait until you can hear the roar of his engine before you let the tears fall.
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part two
notes: since tumblr apparently has a limit of how many people i can tag, if i noticed i had you in multiple taglists for stranger things, i removed the duplicate so i can tag more people!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it's crossed out that means i couldn't tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow @evanbuckbuckleyhowlett @wildestdreamcatcher @mushroomdemon9 @levylovegood @1-800-prostitutes @AllieAprilKnox @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @moshpot24x @AlohaStitch_626 @lucyispan @linkpk88 @juneb3rry @loveshineslikethesky @liyinzen
@hehehehannahthings @polarisfae @Pinksloosh @mushroomdemon9 @bvmbshell @lilahloopsy @yeosangs-left-ass-cheek @angelbbygrl @wandamaximoffs-deadchild @marauderssworld @watchingteav @moshpot24x @scorpfairy @cherrypieyourface @soph69420world @itsquinoa @linkpk88 @milkiane @daffodil0darling @pastel-abyss-x @maruushkka @kiwi5335
@polarisfae @spookyconsultingcriminal @findleynovadachs111 @1-800-prostitutes @marvel-starwars-nerd @marauderssworld @lovelyladymayyy @mcueveryday @watchingteav @ts1mikas @moshpot24x @scorpfairy @WolfOstar @pettyassbitch @pumpararapam @karagrace @susbuttercup @cherrypieyourface @cupidlvrrr @eddiemunsonhellfire @soph69420world @itsquinoa @lucyispan @centralperksfunds @daffodil0darling @pastel-abyss-x @zervopoulouu @3belladonna
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dopenightmaretyphoon · 8 months
Happy Birthday Hon
Authors Note: This has been a long time in the making, im sorry it's short.
Trigger warnings: one-sided feelings, bad mother?
If there was one thing you hated more than anything, it was your birthday. You had always had bad experiences, whether it be your family putting your twin brother first or yours, exs forgetting you just lost all hope in birthdays so you didn't celebrate it. You always woke up to half assed text from your mother reminding you that you're another year older without being married or having kids.
When you had first started at Abbott, Melissa was determined to learn everything about you. You were happy to answer most questions apart from when your birthday was, so in true Melissa Schemmenti style she stormed into Ava's office and demanded she told the red head when your birthday was. Ava gave Melissa the information not really thinking about anything.
The day of your birthday came quicker than either you or Melissa would have liked. Melissa had spent most of the night before setting up plans and making sure to get you new supplies for your classroom as well as a few things for yourself.
You woke and chose not to look at your phone, you got dressed and headed to work but unlike normal you are the first teacher to arrive. You never beat Barbara and Melissa, you shrugged not thinking much about it and head to the staff room, walking in you sat in your normal seat on the couch and finished off the grading you started last night.
Melissa woke up in a panic, she had slept passed her alarm which made her late. Not that she could be since her alarm would make sure she would be at work at least half an hour earlier than the other teachers. She sighed and got dressed making sure to pick up your presents and headed out.
Barbara walked into the staff room expecting to see you as she had seen your car in your normal spot. As she walked in, she found you curled up on couch reading a book
"Happy birthday sweetheart"
You nealry broke your neck spinning around to see Barbara stood at the coffer machine
"Uh yeah... thanks I guess"
You chose not to question how Barbara knew and went back to your book. 20 minutes later Melissa walked into the staff room and sat next to you.
"Happy birthday hon"
You had heard Melissa boots on the floor walking towards to the staff room so you had already put down your book and sat better.
"Thanks, what's all this?"
The red head looked at you confused
"Birthday presents, what did you think they were?"
You shrugged, looking a little confused, trying to think about who's birthday could be the same as yours
"I'm not sure, who's birthday have I missed?"
Barbara and Melissa share a confused and worried look, Barbara was the first to speak from the table
"No one's sweetheart, it's only yours today"
You looked between the women even more confused now, millions of questions went through your head. How could they have known? Why have they got your gifts? Is this some sort of prank?
"/n? Y/n?"Melissa saying your name snapped you from any and all thoughts
"Yeah? Sorry what did you say?"
"Are you okay hon? You seem a little out of it"
The read head repeated
"Yeah, I'm okay. How did you know? Why did you get me gifts? Is this some sort of prank? Where are the cameras?"
Once again worry and confusion is written across Melissa’s face
"Ava, we care about you, this definitely isn't a prank and the cameras aren't here yet"
You sat there for a minute taking everything in. Barbara walked over and sat the other side of you.
Barbara unlike Melissa had choice to keep a distance from you as the older women didn't want to confess feelings for you knowing her best friend had a massive crush on you.
"Sweetheart, it's your birthday. Everyone deserves presents and to be celebrated"
Melissa hummed in agreement, both women watched as you processed everything. You turned Melissa to face you and kissed her, it took Mel a minute to release what is happening but the second she does, the red head pulled you closer and deepen the kiss.
Barbara watched happy that her best friend and you were happy despite the aching feeling it gave her that you would never like her.
You spent your birthday happy for the first time ever, Barbara faked a smile the whole day and Melissa happily spoilt you.
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julibeeline · 2 years
love at first sight with wilbur and tommy
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[wilbur and tommy x fem!reader]
you were working in the same office building as him, having no idea who he was
around midnight, you hear screaming and laughing coming from a few corridors away
and although you were patient for at least half an hour, it just wouldnt stop
so eventually you got irritated and reluctantly got out of your chair
as you walked towards where all the noise was coming from, it just got louder and louder
you unintentionally banged on the door with a lot of force, the sudden built up anger surprising yourself
and all the sound comes to a stop and you just hear nothing
wil thought he was alone in his floor, as he purposely streamed extremely late at night
he also didnt hear any footsteps coming?
but when he heard the sound of someone banging on the door, his eyes went wide and his smile dropped
his head snapped towards his monitor screen, as the call fell silent 
thinking he was in trouble, he got nervous, opening the door
he was met with a very pretty girl, taking him aback for a second
“hey, do you mind turning it down a bit? im trying to finish off my work” 
she says, awkwardly smiling to show that she wasnt really mad
“OH yeah yeah sure im so sorry for being so inconsiderate, ill be quiet” wil rushes to say, blush creeping up his cheeks
“thanks, have a nice night” she smiles, turning around to walk back down the hallway
as wil returns to his chair, he leans back brushing his hair with his hands, talking in a deep breath
the chat blows up, feeling the second hand embarrassment
“chat she was so pretty..oh my god i feel terrible” he whispers, bringing his mic towards his face
the next morning, he subtly looks into every office door close to his, trying to find the face he saw last night
he was filming the amusement park vlog in alton towers, with wilbur and everyone
they were just walking around the park, looking for rides to go on
wilbur was walking in front of him, tommy sluggishly avoiding every scary ride offer
“so tommy, you ready for some fun?” phil says mischeviously
but when tommy doesnt answer, wilbur turns back to see what happened
tommy’s looking at someone waiting in line, not even listening to what they were saying
wilbur doesnt miss the way his lips curve up into a small smile as he stares
“hey uh d’you mind we ride that one? that one right there” tommy asks and wilbur immediately takes the hint
as they walk towards the ride, wilbur whispers to the camera
“guys i think tommy just fell in love”
when they’re standing in line, phil jokingly shoves him towards you
this leads to you having small talk with him, and tommy eventually asks for your number
when you give it to him, it literally brings his mood up exponentially
he agrees to on every single ride after that
and the whole interaction was left in the vlog
occasionally chat asks about “vlog girl” 🤭
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lacyscabinet · 5 months
mean!dom!lottienat x bratty reader with aftercare, you can choose the plot!!
A/N: dear anon, this is definitely not what you asked for im sorry, don't come at me, or at least not ONLY at me because in fact, this is a collab with @lottienatswife:) go follow her lolllll, craziest collab ever. We are not smut writers and this is personally my first smut ever lol, we just decided to have fun with it!!!
Also this is pretty long :)
hope you'll enjoy either way :) (Marina if you see this go away this is not for you, this post is Marina DNI)
TW: smut, lots weird stuff, quirky seggs, tentacles are mentioned, dildo attacks girl's face, toys and ropes :)
Night at Lottie's
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“Where are you parents again? On a business trip” Nat asked from Lottie’s bed, Wannabe by the Spice Girls played in the bedroom, Natalie didn’t exactly enjoy that but whatever made her princess happy.
“They are at a funeral actually” Lottie answered from her spot in a rocking chair near the bed, lately she has been getting into reading, the current book she’s reading? Poems of Sappho, she told you and Nat multiple times that she would’ve loved to join a book club, if only those were real…
Nat frowned but before she could say anything Lottie continued “Uncle Joe passed away last night”.
After her affirmation Nat moved from the bed and got closer to Lottie, placing a hand on her knee “I’m so sorry Lottie…was it a peaceful death at least?”
“He was actually eaten alive by a dolphin-” Lottie couldn’t even finish her sentence, suddenly interrupted by the door slamming open, you were running for no apparent reason, maybe the writers just need a narrative expedient to make you end up sprawled on the bed…or maybe not…who knows? I definitely don’t.
Either way, Nat’s backpack, which was conventionally thrown on the floor, made you trip and not so gracefully fall on the bed, face planted in the mattress, bum in the air, emitting a little groan.
“Eager aren’t you?” Nat exclaims and without missing a bit she gets closer to you and just like you landed on the bed her hand lands on your ass, giving it a smack.
Lottie gasps still sitting comfortably on her chair, looking intensively at your interaction with Natalie “Little sapphics” she whispers with a hint of amusement.
“Hey!” you yell at the contact of Nat’s palm with your skin, but Nat doesn’t really seem to care since she has her hands already placed on your hips, flipping you around and manhandling you until your back was against the headboard, her body straddling yours and keeping your hands in hers. And even though you felt like a barbie being tossed around by a three year old kid you actually didn’t mind at all, and while you and Nat were clearly having the time of your life Lottie opened a package of organic rice cakes and munched on it while watching attentively “It’s just like national geographic” she mumbled to herself while chewing.
Nat leaned in for a kiss and who were you to comply after all, and as the smooching got more and more heated your bodies grew sweatier and sweatier, especially your hands, making Nat falter, causing your foreheads to collide in a painful crash.
*some time later*
As Natalie straddled you, with her hands on the wooden headboard this time, Lottie, finally may I add, got up from the rocking chair placing her rice cakes on in and walking to the bed sitting down on it next to Nat who was already aiming at your shirt pulling it off with ease, revealing your bra. Natalie shifts over to look for something in the drawer, rummaging through it and pulling out a quite peculiar object out of it.
“Is it a unicorn horn?” Lottie wonders as soon as she looks at it
“I’m pretty sure it’s a dildo Lottie” you said, still laying under Natalie, your affirmation made Lottie’s eyes squint “Then why is it rainbow?”
“I don’t know maybe it’s gay” you shrugged as Natalie kissed your neck not really caring about whatever conversation was going on between the two of you, raging hormones they say.
Slowly realising the destination of the gay allegated sparkly rainbow toy Lottie’s eyes widened  "NAT! NO.... IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH!!" Lottie yanks it out of Nat's hand, and gets out her purple- "it's not purple its heliotrope, damn I’ve told this to the production so many times and nobody listens"... heliotrope dildo... it was bigger than the rainbow one “It kinda reminds me of an octopus” you said as you looked down at the thing “Did you know that one of the tentacles of an octopus is actually it’s dick?”
“Not now Lottie please” Nat brushed her off as she started undoing your pants, pulling them off she smirked at the sight of your undies...Peppa Pig printed underwear was really something...Natalie bit her lip she took off her own pants, as did Lottie. Nat was wearing her super special underwear, pink Hello kitty underwear, Lottie on the other end showed off her spiderman (writers care to specify it’s PS game spiderman) panties.
"So…my little gold digger…” 
“Lottie, leave the dirty talk to me please-”
“SHUT UP...can I tie you up??" You look at Lottie... and shake your head, you already knew what was going to happen, she did it all the time, and you needed money for that one dinosaur pillow. As expected Lottie groaned and pulled out  her wallet which was conventionally already on the bed "I'll pay you"
 "deal..!" You happily take the money shoving it inside Nat’s bra “Keep it safe baby” you gave her breasts a pat pat “Since when are my knockers a piggy bank” she mumbled but neither you or Lottie paid too much attention to that.
Lottie had already taken out the purple…no wait…heliotrope ropes she kept stored in a small box and tied your wrists up to the bedpost. So now that you’re stuck like a worm on a hook Nat and Lottie exchange a knowing look, as Natalie adjusts a harness to her hips
“Kinda looks like a bricklayer's belt”
“Shut up” 
Then she immediately pulls off your panties and once they are discarded she lays her chin on the mattress to see your core "....mmph…" Nat hums in satisfaction once she sees the faucet was left running “While Lottie’s parents cry at the funeral I make this pussy cry” 
Suddenly Lottie shoves Nat away, taking her turn to stare at you. Determined, Nat pushed Lottie down the bed, gracefully slapping her face with the glittery gay dildo, and just like that, after she regained her spot on top of you, the object found its home…once again.
After a couple of small thrusts Natalie really started going at it and you started moaning, in that exact moment, jealousy creeped inside Lottie and once again Nat was shoved away, this time ruthlessly shoved down the bed and onto the floor. Taking Nat’s out of you so she could insert the heliotrope toy. Your faucet kept running, until it broke and Lottie cheered, she broke it first.. and Natalie groaned still on the floor, annoyed.
Lottie carefully unties your wrists, placing little kisses on the small bruises the ropes caused.  "You want shoulder rubs?" Lottie asked, while pulling you on her chest to let you rest your back against her breasts "What about pussy rubs?" Nat smirked.
Before you could answer, Lottie shoved a rice cake in your mouth as Nat just groaned, unbuckling her harness and throwing it aside. 
Lottie pampered you with little kisses on the top of your head while she rubbed both your shoulders and neck, slowly, Nat crawled back on the bed, giving a kiss to both you and Lottie, hugging the two of you and laying her head on your shoulder.
*later that night*
“Y/N? Are you still awake?”
 "I never got to fiddle with your riddle”
“Technically you-”
If you've reached the end, here's your throphy 🏆
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felixsramen · 1 year
Yours Truly
Previous<<<<< Next>>>>
This is part 3 to my Skz poly fic.
Warnings: None
You slowly wake up. Your eyes are still heavy and you keep them closed. Yet you hear voices coming from the kitchen.
"Who is that?" A voice says.
"Why is she here?" A familiar voice you recognize as Hyunjins.
"You know her?" The first voice says.
"What the fuck happened to your hand?" You hear another unfamiliar voice say.
"First off Seungmin you remember the girl Chan and Hyunjin brought home." Jisung says.
"That's her???" Seungmin says.
"Yes. And to answer your questions Hyunjin and Changbin. Minho took me drinking last night after I asked him and I saw Y/N, the girl who was standing in Chans and Hyunjins door way that morning, getting harassed by two guys. Who would've done god knows what to her if I hadn't noticed and told Minho." Jisung says and you can tell by the quietness that the boys were probably pitying you.
"Minho got angry and knocked both guys out when he saw they were pulling her." Jisung says finishing.
"That doesn't really explain why she's asleep on our couch." Hyunjin says.
"Well she didn't have a ride home and she didn't want to stay at the club and who could blame her when two dicks were harassing her." Minho says adding to Jisungs statement.
"We came home and she helped clean Minhos wound. Then I stitched it and realized it was late. I told her we'd take her home if I wasn't drunk and if Minho didn't have stitches in his hand." Jisung says remembering last night.
"I told her if she was uncomfortable I'm sure a friend could come get her but she didn't want to. We offered her our bedroom but she was adamant about sleeping on the couch." Minho says sighing.
You hear another sigh. "Is she okay?" You hear a voice ask.
"I don't know she said she was but if I were her I'd probably be shaken up about it still." Minho says.
You get up off the couch. One of the boys notice you.
"Hey she's awake." A blonde guy says.
All the boys file out of the kitchen eyes on you.
Jisung comes up to you.
"How'd you sleep?" Jisung asks you.
"I slept fine." You say nervous of all the eyes on you.
"I'm sorry if we woke you up." Jisung says. You shake your head.
"You didn't." You say to him.
"We were just about eat breakfast. You're more than welcome to join us." Jisung tells you.
"I couldn't interrupt all of yours breakfast." You say denying him.
"You're not interrupting. You're a guest." The blonde who noticed your presence earlier says.
"Are you sure?" You say still unsure.
"Felix is right you're more than welcome to." Minho says trying to reassure you.
"Uh sure then. If that's okay with all of you." You say looking at them all. The 7 of them all nod their heads with smiles on their faces.
Suddenly the front door opens. "I have breakfast!" Chan says walking in the front door with 3 bags full of breakfast foods. His eyes meet yours and he smiles.
"Oh hi Y/N." Chan says as if you were a friend and not someone he and Hyunjin slept with last week.
You wave. "Good you're back. I was starving." A black haired muscled guy says.
"Changbin you were not starving." Comes from the one you assume is Seungmin by his voice.
Chan walks into the kitchen placing the food on the table. He takes the 9 to go boxes of food out of the bag. He hands them out sticky notes on top with names.
He places the last to go box in your hand. "I wasn't exactly sure what you'd want so I got you some blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon." Chan says dimples showing as he smiles at you.
"Thank you." You say softly and Chan nods.
"Here you can sit beside me." Felix says patting the chair beside him. You sit in the chair and open up your food.
You thought it'd be a lot more awkward yet conversation was flowing like normal. "I know we didn't do a proper introduction but if you'd like I can tell you who's who to make sure." Felix says with an accent.
You nod. "Im Felix and the one who looks like a fox that's Jeongin or I.N. we call him Innie he's our youngest." Felix says and Jeongin stops eating to wave at you.
"You already know Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Minho." Felix says and they acknowledge you with a smile before going back to conversation.
"The one sitting next our youngest that reminds you of a puppy that's Seungmin." Felix says and Seungmin waves going back to his food.
"The muscular one is Changbin he's a big baby pretty much." Felix says and Changbin pouts at Felixs words.
"That's all of us." Felix says taking a bite of bacon.
"Can I ask you something?" You say quietly and Felix smiles at you telling you that you could continue.
"You aren't from here?" You say and Felix smiles at your observation.
Out of his mouth becomes one of the most beautiful accents you've heard. "Naur. I'm from Australia and Chan is too. I know you guys were a little busy to ask questions about each other but we both are from Australia." Felix says and you nod to him showing that you were listening.
"Chan doesn't exactly have much of an accent anymore since he's been here since he was younger. I just came here recently like 6 years ago." Felix says continuing on.
"I like your accent." You say and you feel like you see as Felixs eyes get brighter and his smile bigger.
Felix laughs. "Thank you." He says.
"I do however talk to Chan quite a bit to make sure he keeps his accent." Felix says laughing.
"That he does." Chan says and you look over to the Australian who was listening in on your conversations.
You laugh at the thought of Felix speaking in his accent to Chan.
You start eating your food as the conversations continue.
As everyone finished breakfast Jisung and Hyunjin had started an argument over clothes.
"Chan would even agree with me." Jisung says to the male.
"I'm not in this." Chan mumbles remembering the last time he had took a side.
Felix watches as you look on in confusion. "Last time Chan chose a side all his shirts had a giant hole in them." Felix says as he laughs at the memory.
You laugh at what that would look like. "Next time he won't choose Seungmins side over mine." Minho says taking the last bite of his pancakes shrugging.
"What was it about?" You say asking and Felix shrugs.
"I dont know. I think it was something about Coffee." Felix says.
"It was because Minho drunk all of my coffee that I bought for me and Chan agreed that he should've bought me more." Seungmin says rolling his eyes thinking about his drink getting drank.
"You left it on the table!" Minho says.
"It wasn't yours!" Seungmin says back.
"Lets not argue about this again." Changbin says cutting the boys off.
"Fine." They mutter in unison.
"Good." Changbin says to both of them.
You look at Felix and notice he has a watch. Felixs looks at where your eyes land on his wrist.
He taps it and turns it to you. 10:08 is on the watch. Felix smiles at you.
"Do you have somewhere to be?" Jeongin asks you noticing that you had looked at the time on Felixs watch.
"Well not at the moment but I have to go home and get ready soon for an appointment." You say thinking back to your calendar.
"Oh well I'd be more than happy to take you home." Changbin says offering you.
"That'd be great. Thank you." You say gratefully.
Everyone throws away their to go boxes of food. "Do you mind if I go change real quick?" Changbin asks you.
"No you can go ahead." You say and smile reassuring him.
"I'll be just a second." Changbin says walking off to one of the rooms.
"You do know you owe me a date." Comes from the table.
"Innie I promised you I'd make it up to you." Seungmin says while walking over to his boyfriend. His hand goes to Jeongin waist and Jeongin places a hand on Seungmins chest.
"I know but it's almost been a week." I.N. says pouting.
The sight alone warmed your heart at the sweet moment between the boys. Seungmin sighs. "I know love but I promised Ji I'd go to that stupid concert last month and it was last weekend I'm sorry." Seungmin says putting his head against Jeongins.
"Hey I liked that concert. You didn't have to go." Jisung says pouting.
"I went for you Ji because I'm in love with you and I'd do anything you asked me to even if you wanted me to walk the ends of the earth with you I'd do it in a heartbeat." Seungmin says looking at his other boyfriend.
Jisungs face turns red of embarrassment. "You keep saying sweet things and I get embarrassed easily you know that." Jisung says whining and hiding in Chans neck who rubs his back as him and the rest of the boys laugh.
Seungmin faces back to Jeongin. "How about Sunday we go to that new cafe that you've been telling me about." Seungmin says sweetly to the boy he's holding.
Jeongins eyes brighten up at his words and a smile appears. "Really?" Jeongin says. Seungmin nods and smiles at him.
"Thank you!" Jeongin says happily. Jeongin gives a quick peck to Seungmin.
You could watch the scene before you all day. It was an adorable sight to see.
"Hey?" Felix says from beside you.
You look at him. "We're throwing a party Saturday for my birthday would you like to come?" Felix says asking you.
You're surprised at the question and Felix notices. "You don't have to but I figured why not." Felix says unsure.
You look at the other boys seeing if they showed any signs of not wanting you to come yet they all smile your way.
"Yeah sure." You say smiling at the freckled boy in front of you.
Felix smiles back at you. "Okay good it starts at 6. I can give you my number if you have any questions." Felix says and you nod.
You go to the living room and return with your phone and you notice Changbin come out the room.
"Took you long enough." Hyunjin says scoffing. You hand Felix your phone and he types in his number.
"There you go." He says handing you back.
Changbin pouts. "I couldn't find my hat then I found it on Jisungs dresser." Changbin says.
Jisung shrugs his shoulders. "Can I not rep my boyfriend?" Jisung says and all the boys laugh.
"You can rep me all you want." Hyunjin says from behind him wiggling his eyebrows.
"Gross Hwang." Jisung says throwing a plastic cup at him.
Hyunjin dodges it.
"We can head out now before Hyunjin makes any weirder comments." Changbin says eyeing his boyfriend.
You laugh. "It wasn't weird. You guys made it weird." Hyunjin says from behind him.
"Sure." You say.
"Thank you guys for letting me stay." You say and they all smile and nod at you.
"See you Saturday." Felix says and you nod smiling at him.
You follow Changbin to the car and get in you both buckle your seatbelts.
Changbin starts the car. He pulls up the GPS for you to put in your address.
"How are you going to get inside your house?" Changbin asks as he starts driving to your address.
"My friend dropped off my key under the mat this morning. I know it's not exactly the right place to hide a house key." You say looking at him.
Changbin laughs. "You don't know how many times Jisung has forgotten his keys in the house that we had to hide one in the bushes.
You laugh. "Is it always that crazy?" You say asking.
Changbin laughs at your question. "Most of the time. Even crazier on the weekends." Changbin says.
"You're going to be in for a long Saturday." Changbin says.
"Your birthday parties get crazy?" You say laughing.
Changbin laughs again. "Yeah last time we woke up and had no idea where Jisung was. Chan was opening a cabinet to make cereal and Jisung was literally asleep in the cabinet." Changbin says laughing at the memory.
"He slept there all night?" You say laughing.
Changbin nods smiling. "I don't know how he fit in there and no one knows how he got in there in the first place." Changbin says and you laugh at the story harder.
As you calm down Changbin pulls up to your house. "Thank you for the ride and the conversation." You say.
"Anytime." Changbin says smiling at you. He waves as you get to your porch and lift up the mat.
You unlock the door being met with silence. You close and lock the door behind you and go to the curtains as you watch Changbin pull out of the yard.
Something tells you that Saturday is going to be crazy and much Crazier than Jisung sleeping in the cabinets.
@queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines
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ge0rg1ewaa · 1 year
"They set it up!" - Neymar jr
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A/n : this is so confusing and idk if it makes sense. I just wanted to post something, anything. hope u still enjoy it :)
[Third person pov]
The smell of freshly prepared pasta wafted through the corridors of the apartment. The atmosphere was soothing with a blanket on the couch & a favorite movie on the TV. The setting sun and its last rays were the only thing that could be seen through the window.
Today was Y/n's day off and she decided not to bother going out, to be honest, she wasn't in the mood either. Yesterday, she broke up with her boyfriend of a year and a half because she found out he was cheating on her. She didn't do anything all day. In the morning she went out to do the shopping, but since then she has been at her place, reading the unfinished book and finishing watching the last few episodes of the series she has been bingeing on lately.
After pouring herself a portion of the pasta, she headed to the sofa, taking her phone from the charger. The girl had not yet checked her social media, her phone flooded with messages from Instagram, Twitter and Messenger. There was nothing interesting in the internet world. There were no dramas at the moment, or at least Y/n hadn't run into them. One of the messages was from her boyfriend well ex now, Neymar jr, and read 'I'm really sorry. I promise you, I haven't done anything. You know I would never touch anyone else expect you. I love you. Baby please answer me. ' and stuff like that, but Y/n just blocked him. Less than a minute later, her phone rang. As soon as she saw that it was Neymar, she let him ring, but as soon as she realized that he was not going to give up so easily, she picked up the phone, but remained silent, letting him speak.
"Hi meu amor. I know you are there, but you are silent because you want me to speak, so I will speak and tell you everything. The other night after we won the game we went out for a treat but we got drunk and I don't even know how I got home. I swear to god I don't know the girl who was next to me. They set it up! We haven't done anything, I promise you. I know the pictures you saw don't do justice to my words, but I have a video where she is paid to lie next to me half naked. I'll send it to you so you can make sure too. Eu te amo muito. Eu nunca faria algo assim para te machucar. Você significa muito para mim. [ I love you so much. I would never do anything like that to hurt you. You mean so much to me.]" After he explained everything to her in one breath, Y/n unblocked him to send her the video. And he was right. The girl could be clearly seen haggling for the amount of money and eventually getting it, before taking off her dress and laying down next to the sleeping Neymar. But how did she get into his room?
"You can see for yourself what it's all about. I still don't know how she managed to get into my room and who helped her and why they took pictures, but at least I can rest assured that you know the truth." Neymar sighed, his red eyes filled with tears once again. He doesn't know how he let things get here. Only a day since the love of his life left him, but he doesn't know what is happening around him. At least now that Y/n had let him explain the ugly situation, he hoped she would return to his arms. He missed her, her touch, her kisses, her voice, her laugh, her presence in general. He was so deeply madly in love with her that he was ready to leave his family and end his career for her, and we all know how important family & football are to him.
He was just about to hang up the phone when her soft breaking voice called. "Ney, im so sorry. I should have let you explain earlier, but because of my stubborn head, I didn't and hurt both of us. I wish I could hug and kiss you. I miss you." Y/n said, her voice quiet but understandable. She knows that's not possible because of the miles that separate them every day.
" Se você descer e sair, seu desejo pode se tornar realidade. Se você descer e sair, seu desejo pode se tornar realidade. " [If you go downstairs and go outside, your wish may come true.]" Neymar replied with a small smile that could be heard in his voice.
He was here. He was finally here. Her smile shot across her face. Y/n would finally see him. She was so excited that she didn't even bother to get a jacket and flew down the stairs, opening the front door as quickly as possible. And here in front of her stood Neymar. With his classic smile and different hairstyle. He opened his arms and Y/n ran up and jumped on top of him. Her legs wrapped around his hips, his arms around her back and under her thigh to keep her from dropping to the ground. She nuzzled her face into his neck, smelling his fresh scent & he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her shampoo, which smelled of vanilla and cinnamon.
They pulled back and smashed their lips into each other's. Their lips seemed to be made for each other and fit together like a puzzle. Ney couldn't seem to enjoy Y/n's cherry lip balm & her hands were tangled in his curls.
"I missed you and I'm so sorry I didn't believe you at first." Y/n whispered, forehead pressed against Neymar's.
" Tudo está bem agora. Eu te amo." [ Everything is good now. I love you.]
" Te amo mais." [I love you more.]
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zedrine · 7 months
hii, can i request a sunny x reader? it's where reader is like. working on homeworks for 2 hours straight and they notice sunny wanting their attention silently so reader stops working on the homework, teases sunny for it, then gives him big kisses
i LIVE for touch starved sunny you don't know how much i adore this boy 💔💔💔
Z.4 — “an hour or so.”
WARNINGS : swearing (only a few tho :D)
DESC : already mentioned
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Swoosh, swoosh, swish — clack, click, clack
Hours and an hour (from 10pm to 11pm), pages and pages, spilled ink and pencil shavings. If this wasn’t Hell, then, fuck, it doesn’t exist!
“UGH!” you exclaimed quite loudly, banging on the page-filled coffee table; something (like a black figure) flinched on your peripheral vision — for a moment there, you’d thought it was the Grim Reaper about to snatch your soul.
But as you quickly veered your head, your sore eyes softened at the sight of your boyfriend cowering away in fear, slightly trembling as he breathed deeply.
“Sunn, hey,” you hastily (yet quietly) crawled over to his side, kissing both his cheeks and nose, “I’m sorry, luv.”
SUNNY’d just woken up whilst MEWO snuggled against his chest, but still sleeping peacefully after the loud bang. “Sorry,” he whispers, eyes closed as he leans on your hand caressing his cheek, “w-what time is it?”
“Eleven pm, but don’t worry — I’ll be finishing soon,” you grinned, kissing his forehead next. He sighed, both in frustration and relief from your touch, “That’s what you said, thrice, forty minutes ago.”
You chuckled, “Yeah, yeah, sorry,” you scratched MEWO’s chin, making her stretch by instinct. “Just… two more assignments, then I’m done. I promise.”
He only looked down at MEWO as she shifts her position, hinting that he, surprisingly, was sulking. ‘Cept you were too drained (or stupid?) to realize it.
You then crawled back to your laptop; one hand typing some essay, then switching tabs to a presentation slide, while the other hand wrote down answers on multiple booklets at once. Yikes.
But, even after all these tasks, you felt a sense of uncomfort.
And that’s when you finally turned your head back to SUNNY, who was looking straight at you, seeping into your overworked soul. With no emotion displayed.
You stared right back at him — any other person would’ve mistook him for being a creep, but you saw his eyes. They were.. strangely glossy; full of tears on the verge of overflowing. “Sunn,” you called.
He stayed unresponsive. Instead, he looked down, fidgeting with MEWO’s droopy paws — like a behaved child, waiting for his sister. Lover.
“Yes?” he responded, finally, but in a stern tone. His voice showed no quivering, but he seemed as if he’d shatter upon a single gush of wind.
You sighed — you knew this night wasn’t going to be easy, especially when you have a clingy boyfriend; “I love you,” you said, “I–”
We all know how “I’ll be finishing soon” would end up like.
It was silent for a moment or two, until you finally stood up — but SUNNY stayed silent. “Hunny,” you called, reaching out your palm to him, which he reluctantly holds. But his head was still lowered.
You placed two fingers on his chin, “Look uuupp!~” you said in a singsong tone — which made him grumble, and you a soft chuckle. “Look,” you placed your hands on his drooped shoulders, then sighed, “I’ll stop now.”
He jolted his head up, shocked, “But..” he hesitated as he spoke lowly, hands fidgeting with one another, “what about your projects??”
“Nah,” you shrugged, “fuck them. I’ll finish them tomorrow.” You cupped his face with both hands, kissing his face from all directions as he giggles softly from the affection.
“Mmh!- Stop!-” He grumbled between laughs.
You booped his blushed nose, “Aww, look! You’re blushing!~” He shut his eyes closed tight to stop you from attacking his face any further, “N-No, I’m not!”
“Heh”, you chuckled. “Get the bed ready,” you kissed his forehead again, tousling his locks. “I’ll clean things up here.”
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strangerquinns · 2 years
34 with Matt Murdock?
Matt Murdock x Reader
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“Hurts.” “I know. It’s going to hurt some more, okay? Deep breaths. Im sorry- I’m so sorry-”
You jumped slightly at the sound of something smacking against your window. You stood there for a moment, confused since most of the night all you'd heard was the soft sounds of rain and the city in the distance. But then, quickly, you remembered the late-night visitor you'd been getting the last few nights. A long few weeks have passed since he'd last come to you for help - honestly thinking last time was the last time.
Quickly you moved across your small apartment toward the window that led out onto your fire escape. Lying across the small metal landing was who you expected, the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
"Fuck," You cursed low under your breath before moving to help him into your apartment. His body leaned heavily against yours causing you to let out another groan. His body loomed over yours as you led him toward your aged couch.
Matt hissed out in pain as you set him down onto your couch. You grabbed your kit from the top of your fridge and walked back into the living room. As you moved to take off his shirt, it seemed the movement brought his consciousness back. His hand wraps around your wrist tightly.
"It's me! It's me!" You called out, voice rising with panic for a moment. "It's m-me..."
Matt panted harshly from the pain that was moving through his body. But the moment his senses came to him, your scent wrapped around him and began to calm him. He was able to smell your perfume and the shampoo you used earlier in your shower. The faint and lingering scent of your dinner, or was it your neighbor down the hall?
"S-Sorry," He panted heavily as he relaxed against the couch more. "I'm s-sorry..."
His tongue moved across his lower lip his body still tense even with him knowing where he was.
"It's ok, I've got you. You're safe." You sighed and continued to take off his shirt.
The Devil's battered chest came into view littered with bruises, new and old, along with deep cuts littering his defined chest. You began to clean away the blood and saw the damage he'd gotten himself into. Your stomach rolled with how deep some of the cuts were that spanned across his chest. Normally whenever you asked him what he'd gotten himself into he'd never answer but there was something in you that wanted to know what hurt him.
"I-I'm sorry...I-I had nowhere else to go," Matt spoke softly, voice strained and tight as you continued to clean him up.
"It been a while since we've been in this position, was thinking for a second something had happened to you." You spoke as you grabbed your needle and thread from your kit. "Or worse found someone else to patch you up."
Matt smirked slightly, his black mask still wrapped around his eyes, "Never...just hadn't gotten into as much trouble as tonight."
You hummed softly before starting with the deepest wounds at the top and starting to stitch. Matt's hand reached out and gripped your thigh tightly as the needle dug into his skin.
"Sorry....sorry, sorry," You spoke quickly.
"N-Ne-Never used to that," Matthew groaned loudly, tensing up again as you started another stitch. “Hurts.” 
“I know. It’s going to hurt some more, okay? Deep breaths. I'm sorry- I’m so sorry-” You spoke the more and more you continued to patch him up.
As you finished up you made sure to lay bandages across the stitches. Matt slowly moved to sit up from his lying position. You untied his mask from around his face to clean off the cuts along his cheek.
"Think we can now get to the point where I can know your name?" You asked after a long moment of silence.
Matt sighed heavily, "Think it would be better for you if we didn't."
You couldn't help but let your shoulders sag as you began to clean up. Matt could sense the shift in the room as you moved away from him and your footsteps leading toward the front of the apartment. He hated the heavy sadness that started to suffocate him. Matthew wanted nothing more than to allow himself to get to know you. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't.
That he had to keep you at a safe distance.
"W-When will I see you next?" You asked, coming back into the room
"Mmm, I'm not sure," Matt spoke, slowly rising up from your couch, "Hopefully not for a while."
Your lips turned down in a frown and slowly nodded your head, you knew that he couldn't see you. But you were afraid to speak. Even with the circumstances of you seeing him only when he needed medical attention, you couldn't help but come to care for the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
Matthew left out of the window and was gone before you could say furthermore. A small tear fell down your cheeks as you walked over to shut the window tightly. Matthew stood there for a moment and listened as you shuffled around your apartment, the sound of your tears breaking his heart.
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