#sorry ive just been seeing like. so much shiver hate
lynxz-studios · 1 year
splatoon fans will see shiver winning a splatfest and immediately act like shiver herself crawled out of their screen and called them a slur
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‘Til The End of The Line
Pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, shooting and getting hurt
Summary: You get injured in a mission, and Bucky cannot bear to see you in such state.
Author's Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
I am so sorry for being gone (school’s been killing me)
I appreciate every feedback! Thank you for reading, enjoy!
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“Ready to kick some ass, kiddo?” Steve’s voice was calm, almost soothing, but you could hear the adrenaline beneath his words as the two of you adjusted your parachutes. The jet engines hummed around you, a subtle reminder of the mission ahead.
You grinned, giving your suit one last check and tightening your grip on the gun in your hand. “Yeah, I’m gonna beat the shit out of them.”
Steve smiled, not bothering to correct your language. With him, you were always an exception.
Moments later, the wind was whipping against your face as you both jumped from the jet, splitting off into the night sky. Steve took the left wing—the more dangerous side—leaving you the right. Tony had assured you it was safer, but as you slid through the narrow gap in the door, the freezing cold hit you like a wall. The air inside was frigid, bitterly reminding you of Bucky’s stories about the winters he hated so much.
“As far as I can see, it’s clear here. How’s the situation there?” Steve’s voice crackled through the comms, full of concern. You knew he cared for you deeply, saw you as the daughter he never had, and would have taken a bullet to ensure your safety.
“It’s clear here too, Cap,” you replied, trying to ease his worry.
“Let’s stick to the plan: I’ll draw out the agents while you head straight to the operations room and grab their file IV data.”
“Copy that. Be safe, Cap—and I mean it. If you need help, just call me.”
“I will, kiddo. Be safe yourself. And promise to call me if you need anything.”
“I promise. Let’s fucking go.”
You raced through the deserted corridors of the right wing, a dagger in one hand and a fully loaded gun tucked into your suit for emergencies. The cold air bit at your skin, the silence amplifying every footstep. Suddenly, a loud, thunderous noise echoed behind you. Instinctively, you thought it was Steve, but it wasn’t. The sound was coming from your side of the building.
Before you could react, you were ambushed by over twenty armed agents.
On the other side of the wing, Steve was facing his own battle. He tossed a grenade down a hallway, expecting a swarm of enemies, but only three agents rushed at him. Something was wrong. There should have been more.
“Shit,” you hissed into the comms, struggling against the overwhelming odds. Steve heard the panic in your voice, but he couldn’t respond—one of the agents had him in a chokehold. His grip tightened on the comms as he heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire, followed by a loud thud that made his blood run cold.
“Kiddo, you okay?” Steve managed to gasp out, but all he got in return was a pained groan.
“I’ll get to you in less than a minute, I promise,” he said, desperation creeping into his voice. He could hear your labored breathing through the comms, and it was tearing him apart.
“Steve…” Your voice was faint, each word a struggle.
“Hmm?” he replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the dread clawing at his chest.
“Are the comms… still being recorded?”
Steve’s heart sank. He knew what you were doing, and he hated it. “Yes, kiddo, if there weren’t any changes to the plans, it’s on record.”
You exhaled shakily, the breath catching in your throat. There was only one person you needed to reach out to. “Buck…”
As soon as Steve heard the name, he knew the weight of what you were about to say. Even after four years of being together, Bucky’s name still brought shivers to your spine, thick with emotion.
“If by any chance you get to listen to this, Buck—”
“Y/N, kiddo, no, you’re not dying. I won’t let that happen.”
“You don’t know that…” Your voice was helpless, a reflection of your dwindling strength.
“Just stay there. I’m on my way. Please, don’t give up on us.”
But a part of Steve knew this might be your last moment. It was an instinct, a gut-wrenching feeling that he couldn’t shake. So he didn’t stop you from saying what you needed to.
“If you get a chance to listen to this…” You fought to keep your eyes open, tears mingling with the blood on the cold metal floor. Your mind flashed with the future you had imagined—a life with Bucky, growing old together, watching your children grow up. “In another life, we might—maybe we could have grown old together.”
Steve’s heart clenched as your voice wavered. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, but he knew there was nothing he could do except listen.
“I wish I could have given you babies,” you continued, your voice cracking with emotion. “Watched them grow in our backyard… I’m sorry that I can’t be the one to give you that life.”
Your vision blurred as sleepiness started to consume you. You fought against it with everything you had, but the darkness was closing in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that this is how it ends for us… I’m really sorry.”
“And if this is how it really ends… Promise me you’ll find someone else to love, to open up to. Find someone else… Call someone else ‘doll.’ And don’t grieve too much.”
The darkness was overwhelming now. You felt it pulling you under, felt the life draining from your body as blood poured from your wounds. “You deserve to be happy… And the past doesn’t—doesn’t define you.”
Your last words were barely a whisper. “I… Love you, Buck. And I’m sorry I couldn’t say that more often.”
And then… silence. The darkness consumed you, and Steve heard nothing but the empty static of the comms. He refused to believe it, refused to accept that you were gone. He sprinted through the hallways, throwing open every door until he found you, lying motionless on the floor, your suit stained crimson with blood.
He scooped you up as if you weighed nothing, his legs pumping with every ounce of energy he had left. The jet’s engines hummed steadily, but inside the cabin, chaos reigned. Steve knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he assessed your injuries. The bullets had done their damage—one near your heart, another through your stomach, and the last through your left arm. Blood pooled beneath you, soaking through your suit.
“Kiddo, hang in there, please,” Steve murmured, his voice tight with fear. He grabbed the medical kit from the overhead compartment, spilling its contents across the floor. His hands worked quickly, tearing open a pack of gauze and pressing it firmly against the wounds. The bleeding was relentless, and he knew he needed to act fast to save your life.
You were pale, your breathing shallow and irregular. It was a miracle you were still breathing at all. Steve knew he had to stabilize you before they landed, or you wouldn’t make it. His mind raced through the limited medical training he had received—enough to get through emergencies, but nothing like this.
He fumbled with an IV kit, his hands shaking as he tried to insert the needle into your arm. Your veins were fragile, but after what felt like an eternity, he got it in. He attached a bag of saline solution, knowing it was only a temporary measure.
“Stay with me, kiddo. Buck won’t be so happy about this,” Steve whispered, his voice trembling. Your pulse was faint, but still there. He applied more pressure to the wound, checking if you were breathing again. It was labored, but there were no signs of a collapsed lung, thank God.
He grabbed the portable oxygen mask and gently placed it over your mouth and nose, adjusting the flow to give you the support you desperately needed. Your chest rose and fell slightly more steadily—a small victory amid the chaos.
With one hand still applying pressure to the wound, Steve fumbled with the jet’s communications system. “Friday, please check if the team is ready for immediate surgery.”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Stark has everything prepared, and Dr. Cho is on standby.”
“Can you connect me directly to Tony?”
“Connecting now, sir.”
“Cap, how is she?” Tony’s voice crackled through, tense with concern.
“I think I stabilized her. We’re landing in three minutes, max. Thank God this jet has autopilot, or else… she wouldn’t have made it.”
Tony was silent for a moment. It wasn’t the time for pride or self-congratulation. He was kicking himself for not being more cautious, for not having medics onboard, for underestimating the mission. You were the youngest, the brightest member of the Avengers, and he couldn’t bear to lose you.
Steve checked the wound again. The bleeding had slowed, but it hadn’t stopped. He packed the wound with more gauze, securing it tightly. You needed a blood transfusion, surgery—everything he couldn’t provide here. All he could do was keep you stable until they landed.
“Tony, do me one favor,” Steve said, his voice thick as he wiped the blood from your cheeks. “Please… Don’t let Bucky see her like this. He won’t be able to handle it.”
But Tony’s response was firm. “Sorry, Cap. James already knows. He’s waiting at the airbase. And he has the right to see her.”
Steve nodded, though his heart ached at the thought. “Okay, Tony, thanks… We’re almost there.”
The jet descended, the lights of the airbase coming into view. Steve cradled you close, whispering words of comfort that he wasn’t sure you could hear. “We’re going to make it, kiddo. Just hold on a little longer.”
As the jet landed, the hatch opened to reveal Tony, Dr. Cho, and Bucky. Bucky’s face was ashen, his eyes wide with fear as he took in the sight of you. Steve gently handed you over to Dr. Cho and her team, who rushed you to the medical bay. Bucky stood frozen, staring at the blood that covered Steve’s hands and suit.
“She’s alive, Buck,” Steve said softly, his voice raw with exhaustion. “But she needs you now more than ever. Don’t lose hope.”
Bucky nodded, swallowing hard. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think beyond the sight of you lying there so still. He followed the team as they wheeled you into surgery, praying with everything he had left that you would survive this.
Part 2 is up y’all
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ilovepaigebueckerss · 3 months
long nails? no problem
paring: p.b. x fem! reader
summary: based off this request!!
im so sorry that my reqs have been taking so longgg. my writing has been so SHITT and ive just hated everything ive tried to write. honestly dont like this that much but I had to post for my babies so. NOT PROOFREAD YALL ALREADY KNOWW
You weren’t the type to get super long nails considering the fact that you were a short nail girly at heart. (and gay) But something came across you making you want a tiny change.
You saw the cutest XL set on pinterest and you just had to get it. So you sent it over to your nail tech and she said you could come the next day at 3.
Now here you were on your way to your techs house at 2:40.
my dumb blonde: Sent $100
note: for ur nails 💗😘
You chuckle at the notification knowing she doesn’t know what you were getting would bother her just a little. You type a quick respond and put the car in drive.
thank you pretty💗💗
The sound of the front door creaking open causes Paige to jump off the couch and run towards the door. She stops in her tracks when she looks down to see that your nails are longer than usual. You notice her looking and speak up, “Ya like?” You hold your hands up wiggling your eyebrows.
Paige walks closer and grabs your hands to get a closer look. She begins to pout, “Babyyy” She whines. You giggle, “Im sorryy, they were too cute NOT to get them” You shrug your shoulders and give her a sympathetic tight lipped smile.
You begin to walk towards the kitchen to set your things down while Paige walks back to her spot on the couch. “Remind me to send me your change” You say looking into the fridge. Paige hums in response and continues to look at her phone.
You quickly close the fridge and turn to face Paige, “I know you’re not giving me the silent treatment” You say rolling your eyes in a joking manner. Paige looks at you but doesn’t respond. You begin towards her sitting on her lap. She immediately tenses up.
You lean down and whisper in her ear, “You know I dont just have to use my fingers right?” Paige shivers as your cool breath touches her ear. “Show me then.” She says huskly, causing you to immediately get up and lead her to the bedroom.
use ur imagination for the rest 🥰 (im sorry i js CANT write smut)
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kroosluvr · 2 months
hi!! as a fellow royal trio-truther ive been ADORING and loving your posts so much <3 you mentioned that you've like mentally re-wired shusumi so i was curious if you had a list of head-canons for how they develop in the game/post-game!! Im super curious to hear (: also any head-canons for the akesumi dynamic would be great bc I hate how little the game developed them together !!!
OMGGGGGGGGG HAYYYYYYYYYY ok so. first. look at this (idr if i posted this here already but if i did look again heh..)
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ok now ill actually talk under the cut
note that some of this is headcanon territory bc i just be frolicking at this point
some backstory i fell in love w sumi as soon as her art was revealed i was like omfg peak design PEAKKKKKK i love her so much so i was really excited abt her but i feel like there were so many loose ends w her confidant and namely her crush on protag sometimes doing her a disservice (it turned ppl off from her (understandable bc i also dislike when writers make a female character out to be dependent on a male character) but also made other ppl weird abt her in the same breath....... shivers. people who overly-romanticize/sexualize mentally ill characters (especially girls/women) freak me out sorry
anyway that put me off frm p5 fandom for a hot minute. BUT regardless. i think people often focus on like "shy cute sadgirl kouhai crush-on-protag" for her which on top of atlus's.......mediocre handling of her also does her character a disservice... shes so multilayered!! she houses such insane convoluted levels of distress and fear and anger and reluctance and most of all STUBBORNNESS. i think her headstrong personality is not really emphasized in fandom but i can totally see it (maybe its just me but).
ok moving on to my shsm delusions i think to turn sumire's canon crush on its head i want to make them doomed to never get together. i think 3rd semester is so tense and high-emotion that royal trio are so deeply intertwined w each other:
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like they all are mildly-to-a-lot suicidal so they hold onto each other so tightly to make sure none of them spirals and does anything bad. i think in the end they just want the other two to be Okay, even if they themself doesn't. if the other two are ok, then it's all good.
ok back to shsm LMAO i think seeing their relationship as like an odd high-emotion situation makes sense. they love each other, obviously, and provide each other comfort, but the idea of a relationship slips thru their fingers like water. is that right...? is that how it is? like i said up there they just crumble under the weight of their own love. tldr theyre in no place to "date" each other........ but they have their "almost." they're inseparable, they love spending time with each other, but knowing in the back of their heads that it won't last, and they'll have to leave it be one day. "sometimes when i really love someone i leave them alone forever." peak shsm to me. "let's run away together - but what if it's not enough? what if all of this fear and sadness still stays? i take a man down to the river and he throws away his sadness but hes still left with his hands, he's still left with the river (paraphrased richard siken). peak shsm to me. i think they try to treat eachother so softly and gently that it fucks it all up, actually. peak shsm to me. it's not codependency in the sense that theyre not trying to save each other - they're just trying to salvage out some love from it all. all of these terrible things that happened: there's still love, right? there's still love. but the pain can't all be sifted out, and everything still hurts. but they still love. (they just don't date or even talk to each other much after graduating and i think they talk to akechi but to each other its suddenly COMPLICATED. i hate these guys)
ironically i think if you throw akechi in the mix it stabilizes out and i think shuakesumi could totally have a happy married ending. but shsm as a pair i dont see endgame for them. peak for me is that theyre in love and then they spend the rest of their lives trying to forget each other (they don't)
(If this sounds ridiculous and stupid im sorry. i just like shoving too-many-emotions onto my favs sometimes (a lot of the time))
IN REGARDS TO AKESUMI i think my latest 2 comics describe how i feel abt them pretty well!!! link 1 and link 2. actually i think akesumi's friendship is a great way for me to explore how i see/portray/feel about sumire, because i see them as way more similar than the game pays attention to. they're both stuck in their ways: sumire in her cowardice, hiding from the incident and refusing to move on, and akechi entrenched in his own traumas and feeling like he doesn't deserve more than that. their self-hatred manifests in two opposite ways but its very similar at the core. they both like. have no fucking clue what they're doing in terms of handling their pasts so that's why i think them working together to get around their own respective traumas is so fascinating: akechi is terrible at it, pushing sumire too far, but at the same time that perspective is something that she needs. meanwhile, her sensitive and observant personality shows akechi that like, you can have This too: a soft, good love. to have someone care about you unconditionally, so gently. you deserve that, too. yeah i can explode my head off now
i did not proofread this.
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liliesonpandora · 1 year
heyy!! So I read all of your avatar fanfics and omll they're amazing!!!
And I was wondering if you could write one about Jake and neytiri, where neytiri is sick with the stomach flu and Jake takes care of her?? Ik its random but I love the wholesome Jake an neytiri ones! if you to busy and can't it ok!!👍❤💗💕
Hii omg thank you for reading all my fanfics and being so sweet 🥹 Jake and Neytiri have my heart, I wish there was more out there for them. Tysm for your request! I hope you like this one just as much as the others☺️🫶🏼
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Jake reached over and felt the absence of his wife laying next to him. He opened his eyes and sat up, trying to make out her figure in the night. She was at the other end of their home. “Neytiri?” He called to her.
When she didn’t respond, he began to walk over to her. She was hunched over, and over her shoulder he could see a bucket in her hands. He placed a hand gently on her back. “Hey, you okay?”
She looked up at him with a pained look and shook her head. He bent down and placed his hand to her cheek.
“What’s wrong, you feeling sick?”
She nodded. “I woke up because I felt pain in my stomach. Ive thrown up twice already.”
“Aw baby, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. You should’ve woken me up.”
“I wanted you to sleep, I know you’ve been really tired lately.”
“Nah if you’re not sleeping soundly next to me, then fuck that.”
Neytiri managed a smile at his vulgar language.
“Did you eat something bad?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Hm, maybe you have a stomach flu or something.”
Jake barely finished his sentence before she hunched over the bucket once more and proceeded to throw up a third time.
Jake quickly scooped up all of her hair in one hand and rubbed her back with the other. They stayed this way for quite some time, until it seemed like the vomiting had ceased. He eventually put the bucket aside and got up to retrieve something. He returned with a water jug in his hands.
“Here, have some water. You’re probably really dehydrated.”
Neytiri gargled a mouthful of water and spit it out. Then she lifted the canister to drink the rest of the water.
“Don’t drink too much too fast. Only small sips every now and then” he warned her.
She sipped a little and passed the canister back to Jake. “I really hope that doesn’t come back up.”
He let out a little laugh. “Lets sit here for a while and hope for the best.”
He opened his arms wide, she crawled into his lap and leaned back on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, his chin resting gently on the top of her head.
Neytiri groaned and hid her face in her hands.
“What? You gunna be sick again?” He asked with concern.
“No, I just hate that you have to see me like this.”
Jake looked down at her in awe. It baffled him that she could still be so shy and embarrassed when she was nothing short of amazing in every aspect. He thought it was adorable. He removed one of her hands from her face and interlocked their fingers. “In sickness and in health, right?”
“Hm?” She asked while looking up at him, a little confused.
“Oh, its one of the vows people say when they get married.”
“Ahhh, I understand. As my husband, it is your duty to watch me vomit.”
Jake chuckled. “Pretty much.”
He felt like he’d known Neytiri for his whole life, so he often forgot that she was from a different world. Often times, it would be silly little things like this… a phrase or a food. But other times, he would think about the fact that theres an entire part of his existence that she would never truly know. ‘But that part of me is dead now,’ he would think.
Jake felt Neytiri tremble in his arms, so he rubbed his hands up and down her skin to create some heat. “You’re shivering.”
“I’m really cold” she said as she leaned more into his hold. “Thank you for keeping me so warm.”
“You’re burning up,” Jake said as he placed the back of his hand gently on her forehead. “I think you have a fever, baby… you definitely have the stomach flu.”
“Ugh, how long will this last? I’m so tired,” she said with a yawn.
“1 to 2 days, max.”
“Okay, could be worse. But my duties…”
“I will take care of your duties.”
Neytiri opened her mouth to protest but Jake spoke before she could. “End of story. Don’t worry about anything until you’re better.” He got up to dip a cloth in some cool water. He rung it out and folded it up thinly before placing it on her forehead. “Hopefully this will be okay until morning.”
“You’re very familiar with this illness.”
“Well yeah, I mean we would get sick all the time as kids.”
“You and your brother.”
“Mhm. Tommy and I would take care of each other…because we were all we had.”
Neytiri placed a hand to his cheek, wanting to let him know that she was there for him. She always felt empathetic and sad when he talked about his brother. She knew so much loss, but so did he. At least now, they had each other.
Jake put his hand over hers and locked eyes with her. When they looked at each other, they had a shared understanding. He knew he had her heart. “You should get some rest for now, lets go to bed.”
Jake lifted her up and carried her over to where they slept. She looked up at him in adoration. “Yawne,” she said to him softly. He smiled warmly back at her. After placing her down, he got into bed next to her and opened his arms. “Alright, come get this hot body.”
She smiled and settled into his chest, feeling his heartbeat against her ear. ‘So this is to be loved by him,’ she thought to herself. She surrendered to him and let herself be taken care of, something she was not accustomed to. Heat filled her body, fatigue washing over her. She let her eyelids drift down, now surrendering to the sleep. “Goodnight, my beloved. Thank you for taking such good care of me.” She told him with her eyes still closed.
“Sleep well, my love” he replied. He played with her hair until he felt her breathing slow… fast asleep.
Neytiri opened her eyes to Jake looking down at her. She had slept in his arms all night. She smiled lightly… grateful that he was always there when she woke up.
“You’re finally awake.”
“Hm? How long was I asleep?”
“About 12 hours.”
Neytiri’s eyes widened as she heard this. “What?!”
“Yeah, you were knocked out… which is a good thing. You need rest. How you feeling?” He asked while caressing her cheek.
“My stomach is still upset, but I do feel better than yesterday.”
“Thats good, you think you might be able to have some food? Just something small.”
“I dont really have an appetite but I think I feel well enough to eat.”
“I got you some banana fruit, it should be easy on your stomach.”
“When did you have time to get that?”
Jake peeled the banana and handed it to her. “A few hours ago. I got up and left you here sleeping. You didnt even stir. I came back and you were in the same position I left you in.”
Neytiri nibbled on the fruit as he spoke. She couldn’t believe that she slept that long.
“Oh, and I went and got this from your mom.” He grabbed a small bottle from his pouch. “You have to drink it twice a day to keep your fever down.”
Neytiri thought about how much he had done to care for her, and she was so thankful. “You are a gift sent to me.”
“Uh oh, I think this illness is worsening. You’re talking crazy,” he joked.
But Neytiri was serious. “Believe me when I say this, please.”
Jake sighed. It was always difficult for Jake to hear such kind words from Neytiri. He was forever filled with guilt over what he’d done. But he knew he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself, so he can be a better person for her. “I’ll try.”
This was enough for her to hear for now.
“You feel a little hot right now, so drink up.”
“Yes sir.”
Jake held the bottle up to her lips carefully until she had drank one dose. She grimaced immediately after. “That taste is absolutely horrid. If my mother was not Tsahik, I would have thought it was poison.”
“The strongest warrior I know gets defeated by bad tasting medicine. Thats an interesting concept.”
“Listen Toruk Makto… we all have our weaknesses.”
“You are mine.” He pulled her into a tight hug, not wanting to let go.
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angel-shaw · 1 year
Genevieve/Sweetheart castle audios
HI! This is my first fic for Castle Audios! It was supposed to be smut but it turned out to be hurt comfort XD. 
Tags!!!: @dollscircus @wolf-sweetheart
Word count: 3633
CW/TW’s: light descriptions of past fights, light description of wounds, charters being distressed about another chariter being hurt 
Description: Evie taking care of Knight after they got hurt in a fight, knight being insecure, sweet comfort. 
“Sweetheart? Are you still sleeping?” Genevieve called softly into their shared room, not wanting to wake the person inside if they were in fact sleeping. But that proved to not matter.
“No, I haven't been sleeping for like… twenty minutes.” Their horse voice answered.
Evie opened the door more with her hip and flicked on the small lamp by the door, a warm yellow filling the room. She saw her lover sitting on the bed, the IV attached to their arm preventing them from getting up. They didn't look good, their eyes tired and bandages covering their wounds a dark red from when they had been bleeding more heavily. But it was a lot better than it had been a few days prior. Evie shivered at the thought of her lover when she had regained consciousness in the woods, she pushed the thought to the back of her mind. They were safe now, they were with her. 
Evie smiled and stepped in, closing the door and walking up to them, “ Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, I thought you would be hungry for something other than fast food so I tried my hand at that one dish you said you liked but I burnt like all of it so Claire gave me a hand,” she laughed as she placed the tupperware on the bed side table.
“Oh Evie… thank you. You didn't have to do that i know how the recipe can be-”
“Ahah! None of that, I wanted to do it for you. You aren't feeling well and I know how stressful being cooped up is for you so I'm going to do all I can for you.”  
She bent down, pushing stray strands of hair out of their face before kissing them. She could feel them smile into the kiss, leaning forward to kiss her more. Their hand came up to tangle into her hair.
When she felt the string of the IV she pulled back slowly, making sure not to pull on it. As she pulled back she could feel her knight try to follow her, trying to continue the kiss.
“Hey now, you gotta eat silly,” She laughed at the pout on their face. 
“But I want more kisses,” they giggled as they tried to resume kissing her. 
“I will be happy to give you more kisses but you really need to eat something sweetheart, it's been days since you’ve had any real food and I can tell it's taking its toll,” Genevieve said softly, hand cupping their face as she leaned in to plant a soft kiss on their nose.
They grumbled but made an effort to sit up more, the pile of blankets along with the IV and bandages making it a lot harder than they expected. When Genevieve noticed that they were getting upset as they struggled to just sit up she put her hands under their arms and lifted them lightly with her still new strength. She moved the pillows so they could sit comfortably.
“There we go!” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to their forehead, “comfy?”
They looked up at her with nothing but love in their eyes, and nodded with a small smile on their face. 
Evie smiled, “good, now you eat and i'll get new bandages and the stuff to clean up the blood.” 
She could tell they wanted to protest but they didn't, probably because they knew how much she hated seeing them covered in blood, especially their own. So they just nodded and accepted the warm food she had brought them. 
She placed another kiss on their forehead before going to get the stuff, they enjoyed the delish warm meal she had taken the time to make for them. It made their insides warm, not just from the warmness of it, but from the care their girlfriend, their mate, put into it. It differently wasn't the best but she had put the time and care into it, so to them it was the best thing they had ever had. Plus they hadn't been able to eat proper food so again, the best food ever at the moment. 
They watched Evie walk around the small room, gathering what she would need to change the bandages. She walked back and placed the items down, smiling at them. 
“Do you like it?” she asked, the worry on her face clear.
They nodded, holding back the wince from the slight shot of pain it caused. “Its amazing baby, thank you”
The worry on their girlfriends face washed away, a bright smile replacing it. “Oh I'm so glad!” she leaned down and kissed their forehead, “I know it's not the best but-”
They interrupted her, “Nope none of that baby, it's perfect and exactly what i needed, it means so much to me baby, thank you.”
It made their smile wider when they saw a very slight blush creep up her face. Even though she was a vampire, that didnt mean she couldn't blush, it just took a bit more, something they were happy to find out.
Once they finished eating, Genevieve to the container and set it off to the side. She then sat on the edge of the bed, putting her hand over theirs. They smiled at her, she smiled back. It felt almost normal, as though they weren't injured or hooked up to an IV.
“We gotta change them,” She said softly, not wanting to disturb the moment but knowing she had to.
They nodded, “Where do you wanna look first?” 
They were smirking, trying to lighten up the mood. They knew that she didn't want to be the one changing the bandages, but she knew they didn't want or trust many others to do it. Clare, maybe Beth, perhaps a few others but they felt most comfortable with her. They appreciated her stepping out of her comfort zone to help them stay as close to theirs as possible, so they would do what they could to make it better for her. 
Evie smiled and rolled her eyes, smacking their arm playfully. “How about your legs? From what I saw…They were less injured then your….” She trailed off.
“Hey, it's ok.” They said, rubbing her upper arm. “Ya we can start with my legs, i'm good with that.” 
She took a deep, centering breath, “Alright, let's do this,” she said, smiling again. 
They nodded, smiling back at her. Pushing the blankets off of their legs, stretching a bit. 
“Do you want me to get the bandages off? I can take care of my legs, so you could just see how to do it.”
“Baby, I can do this, plus you're here to help. I know you can do it but I can tell your nervous, let me help, please.”
She could hear the desperation laced in their voice, and she knew there was another reason they wanted to help. Genevieve took another deep breath, nodding.
 “Ok, but only one. You show me how on one and I do the other. I'm not letting you hurt yourself more just to help me with my aversion to blood, got it?” 
They nodded, silently thanking her for understanding what they couldn't say out loud.
They decided to work on their right leg, figuring it would be easier. They slowly unwrapped the cloth, wincing slightly as it pulled at the dried scabs. Evie had them take a break removing the bandages so they wouldn't get hasty, she helped them clean the part they had already removed.
After that, they continued to peel off the bandages with Evie helping to clean it. Their legs were not too injured but it was still bad, hence them not being allowed to walk around or putting weight on their legs yet. 
The two of them talked as they switched legs, despite her saying that they could only do one, she let them pull the bandage off of it too. The talk was light, mostly Genevieve telling them what the others had been up to, Beth and her mates shenanigans, how Claire and the ranger had been at each other's throats and how she thought they might have kissed. 
When they finished cleaning and re-bangieding both of their legs, she moved to their chest at their request. 
“It's kinda hard to breathe, It's probably just bandages being as hard as they are now.” They had said.
She of course didnt mind and didnt need a reason, but by now she knew they felt they had to give one for why they wanted something. They were working on that.  
As she slowly unwrapped the cloth she cut it occasionally to make it easier. Dropping the blooded clothes into the trash. She repositioned them so she was behind them, taking care of the wounds there first. 
“I was so scared…” She said quietly.
They stirred a little, instinctively trying to turn to see her before cringing at the sharp pains coming from their chest and back.  
“Careful!” She scolded, placing her hands on their shoulders, “I mean it sweetheart.”
“I know, I'm sorry,” They said softly. “And i'm sorry for scaring you, but i did everything i could” 
Genevieve sighed and went back to cleaning and disinfecting the deep wounds, “I know you did, and I know you were protecting me. There wasn't anything either one of us could have done to stop those guys… What were they again?” 
“Bear shifters.” They said coldly, still enraged by the two shifters' actions.   
“Right…bear shifters. But I was so scared when I came to and saw you on the ground…i thought…i..”
“Hay,” They said, placing their hands on her thighs that were on either side of them, “I know..you don't have to say it baby. I'm sorry I was so reckless,but I didn't have a choice, they were trying to hurt us, hurt you.”
They could hear Evie sniffle behind them.
“I'm ok, I just wish I could have done something. I'm supposed to be stronger and faster, but I just went down. And you got so hurt.”
“I'm alright, see?” They squeezed her thighs, “I'm right here, I'm alright. A little useless right now but ultimately ok, and you're ok.”
It was minor but Genevieve heard the bitterness and self loathing when they said ‘useless’. 
“Hay, no. You are useless sweetheart,” She said pausing cleaning to put one of her hands over theirs, “You saved me, and now you just need some help but that's ok”
“I couldn't even sit up without your help eves, I'd say that's pretty damn useless.” They said it with a smile and a laugh in their voice but she knew.
“Sweetheart. You are not useless in any way, you just need help right now.  That's ok, please don't beat yourself up over it.”
“No! No it's not ok, I'm supposed to  be able to keep you safe and i can't do that when i cant move. You never should have gotten into that fight. I should have been able to stop it or get you away from it before you got hurt….but i failed. I wasn't able to keep you safe Eve…” As they talked their voice softened, falling to a near whisper.
“Oh sweetheart,”  Genevieve's voice was soft, not pitying but caring and full of concern.
She pulled her partner back, so they were resting on her chest,head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms gently around their waist, making sure not to touch the wounds. They were crying now, trying to stop the tears running down their face. 
Evie rocked them gently side to side as they cried.
“Shhhh, it's ok now baby. I'm safe, you saved me. I'm ok because of you, it's ok. Let it out there you go,’’ she comforted them quietly.
They held their arms around hers, gripping her tightly as they rocked with her. The two of them stayed there, rocking gently for a while. Once Genevieve noticed they had calmed down and were taking deeper breaths, she stopped rocking.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you.”
“It's ok, I forgive you and i'm not mad at all, i know you didn't mean to baby.”
“I just…got so overwhelmed. I hate not being able to do simple things by myself. I hate it even more when that means the people I care about have to do them instead.”
“I know sweetheart, but you're not a burden. I'm happy to take care of you, just like you would me. We all need help sometimes, even with the little stuff.”
“Thank you, I really am sorry for yelling. Are your ears ok? I know they are a lot more sensitive,” They asked, turning their head to look at her.
“Mhm,” She looked at them too,” They are fine, now how about we finish up cleaning these wounds and bandaging them, then I can see if there is any way we can get you out of bed for a bit, sound good?”
They smiled while sitting up. 
“Ya. sounds good.”
Evie smiled and kissed the back of their neck, they giggled. 
Once Genevieve had finished with the bandages she moved off the bed. She kissed them before going out to see if they were cleared to get the IV removed. When she came back in, she brought Clare and a healer.
“Alrighty, I know we weren't able to heal you all the way yet, but we should be able to either tomorrow or the day after. Even better news is that you're all clear to get the IV removed, which I can do now for you.” The healer said, smiling.
They nodded and watched as the healer removed the IV.
“Now,” She continued, “You do have to make sure to drink plenty of water and fluids. I also want you to try and not walk around too much, I know you must want to but your legs weren't a priority when you got healed initially so they are still sore and you should be careful with straining them. You also need to eat a good amount, I already went over good things for you to have with Claire here,” She motioned to claire. “Other than the other basics like don't strain yourself too much, no heavy lifting, ect. You should be good to go!” 
“Amazing, I'll think we've got it from here,” Clare said, mosining for the healer to follow her out of the room. “We will take good care of them while we wait for them to be healed the rest of the way.”
Clare winked at the two of them before closing the door on the way out. They could hear the two’s voices drift off as they got further and further away. Genevieve smiled and walked over to the bed, her partner pushing their legs off the bed. She put herself in between their legs looking down at them with a goofy smile plastered on her face. 
“Well hi there” They said leaning back on their arms to look up at their mate.
“Hi~” She said in a sing-songy voice.
They raised their eyebrows, “Would you like something?” They asked, smiling.
She leaned down, hands on their cheeks. “Can I kiss you?” She asked in a quiet voice.
They nodded, “When would I ever say no?”
She closed the small distance between the two of them. The kiss wasn't hurried. They just stayed there slowly kissing, holding each other close. They only stopped when there was a knock on the door. Both of them jumped, Evie jumping back as if they were teenagers caught making out in the gym locker room.
“I'm coming in you two!” A voice called in.
It was claire. 
Claire opened the door, seeing Genevieve brushing her skirt off, looking anywhere but her and smirked knowingly. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked her sibling, “I know you just have to be itching to get out of this room.” 
“Oh god yes. I have been here for way too long. I'm feeling pretty alright, a bit sore but that's to be expected.” 
Claire laughed, “I'm glad you're doing alright,” She stepped into the room and closed the door, walking to them. “You really scared us, I'm glad you're safe, but don't do that again.” She said putting her forehead against theirs. 
If anyone else had said it, they would have fought it, angrily re-explain what happened, but they knew that's not what Claire ment. She was their Alfa, but more importantly to the both of them, their sister. She was scared when Evie had called crying and told her what happened, they had scared her and they did feel bad about it. They silently promised that they would do everything they could to make sure her and Genevieve would never have to be scared for them again. 
Claire pulled back and patted their shoulder, “Im making dinner if your hungry, i know you ate not too long ago but-”
“Holy shit I want more food. Who the hell do you take me for Claire?” They interrupted her, laughing before cringing because, oh ya, still injured. 
Genevieve was at their side immediately but they were fine. Claire smiled and turned back out the door. 
“You know, I wouldn't mind carrying you out to the main room?” She said it in a teasing voice but they knew it was a genuine offer.
They scoffed, “Oh hell no, now get out.”
Clare laughed and made her way out, closing the door behind her. 
With just them and their mate in the room again they opened their arms, an obvious sign for her to come close again. She did. Reclaiming her spot in between their legs. 
“Hi again, pretty,” She said, laughing. 
“Hehe hi gorgeous,” They leaned up, a hand in her hair pulling her down into a kiss.
When they pulled away from the kiss, mostly because unlike their undead ate they did in fact have to breathe, they giggled, “No but really, Claire is right if I stay in this room I'm going to go insane. 
Evie burst into laughter, almost dubbing over in her fit. She did trip over the partner's foot, causing her to fall forward with a yelp. They both fell back onto the bed, her only not landing on their chest because of her vamp reflexes that let her have an arm on either side of them, holding her bove, if only just. 
She was still giggling, but softer now, “Sorry i just,” she started before going back into her giggling fit.
She was beautiful, almost an angel. So they lean up and kiss her. She is shocked at first, but melts into it. Humming happily into the kiss, they could feel her smile, it made them happy. 
When they pulled back Genevieve was smiling down at them, them smiling back up at her. 
“I love you,” They whispered
Genevieve flushed, “I love you to,” She whispered back.
She leaned down again, this time only for a short kiss. 
“Hay Eve,”
“As much as I love you on top of me, falling back onto a bed doesn’t result in the most comfortable positions especially with booboos.”
“Oh! Oh ya, I'm sorry!” SHe got up quickly, helping them up as well, “Wait… booboos? Really?” 
“Oh shush I've been babysitting a lot recently,” They laughed, smacking their mates arm playfully. 
“I can't believe you, you're so cute,” She kissed them again. 
“Ya ya, so you've said, now are you going to help me get out of this room or not? Because if you don't , I'm gonna do it myself and you're going to yell at me.” 
Genevieve could tell they actually would try to do it themselves and would most definitely regret it, so instead she kissed their nose.
“Alright, alright, would you like me to carry you sweety? I could carry you like a princess!” 
“Oh no-” 
They could tell that their girlfriend had her mind set on the idea that she had thought of and no matter what they said could talk her out of it. They were going to be carried around princess style. 
“Oh yes!” 
She bent down and put her arms under their legs and back, then lifted. They let out a yelp as she picked them up. 
“Hi sweetheart,” She said sweetly, a bright smile on her face. 
“I hope you know, i am going to say i hate this every step of the way.” 
“Ya i know, but it's nice getting to be the knight for once ahh Ahhh?”
“Oh my god,” They rolled their eyes at their girlfriends antics. 
She giggled maniacally as she opened the door and walked the both of them out the the main room. Even though she could have run and gotten them to the room quickly, she didn't, walking at a steady pace down the hall. Partly because of her anxiety, partly because she enjoyed carrying them around. 
They reached the main room and she set them down on the couch.
“There we go! Now let's get all cozy and we can watch a show,” Genevieve said as she climbed onto the couch, settling into her mate's arms.
After the two of them had fallen asleep to a show, Claire walked in to tell them that food was done. Instead, seeing them curled up looking peaceful she decided it could wait. She pulled out a blanket and covered the two of them. She left a note saying that food was in the fridge, to text or call her if they needed anything, and that she was going out for a bit. The last thing she did was flick the overhead lights off, smiling at the two lovebirds as she left.
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nolanhollogay · 1 year
where did you come from ?
chadtateethan love triangle but not really bcuz ethan made that shit up in his head !! also chadtate being in love and vaguely hornknee about it
Tate would like it to be known that he wasn't a party person. Or he wasn't in the past at least. During high school he hadn't had the same rose colored glasses as his peers about getting wasted on the worst alcohol imaginable full of people you would have to see the next day in your AP English class.
Honestly, he wasn't into parties until a month or so ago, the trauma connected to the last party he went to enough to deter him.
But Chad was persuasive and he convinced him to go to a party a friend of a friend was throwing and one thing led to another, and now Tate mostly enjoyed parties.
Probably because he and Chad used it as an excuse to make out – not that they usually needed an excuse – but that was neither here nor there.
As expected, they were pressed together, in one of the corners of the basement of some frat house Tate only half remembered the name of. Delta something. Or Zeta maybe?
Chad pulled away from their kiss, sliding his hands from Tate's back to his waist. "I missed you today."
Tate snorted. "You woke up next to me."
"Yeah but," Chad kissed his jaw, making Tate shiver, "I didn't get to see you all day after that. I missed you ranting about how everyone in Prof Crane's class is derivative, and performative, and some other -ive."
Tate was too distracted by his lips moving down his throat to be offended at being teased.
Both of them jumped out of their skin, and Tate reflexively reached for the knife he kept in his pocket, before he realized who it was.
"Jesus fuck, Ethan," Chad said, releasing Tate's waist to press his hand to his chest, feeling his presumably erratic heartbeat. "Where did you come from? You can't just sneak up on people!"
Ethan pouted, looking like a scolded child. "Sorry." He ran his fingers through his curls. "You just said you'd walk me home when I was ready to leave."
"You're ready to leave already? We just got here," Chad said, more concerned than annoyed because he was a good person. Tate, on the other hand, was less than pleased.
Ethan shrugged. "It's been half an hour. But I guess you didn't notice because you ditched me as soon as he–" He waved a hand in Tate's direction, "–showed up."
He said it as if it was a joke, but Tate could still hear the bitterness he was trying to mask, and fought the urge to roll his eyes.
Chad uncurled himself from Tate, turning to Ethan, face apologetic. "Sorry bro. Didn't mean to leave you out."
Ethan stood straighter, smiling wide, as soon as Chad's attention was on him. "It's okay. I just.. You'll still walk with me, right?"
Chad nodded. "Yeah, it's no problem." He turned to Tate, looping a finger in his belt loop. "Wanna come with?"
Ethan's face crumpled over his shoulder.
Tate shrugged. "Might as well. Safer in numbers."
Chad whooped, because he was a huge loser. "That's my boy!"
If possible, Ethan managed to frown even deeper. "I have to go find my coat. I'll meet you outside."
Tate waited until he was gone, watching him retreat up the steps basically stomping, to say, "He wants to bang you so bad, and he hates me so much."
Chad rolled his eyes, though the action was full of affection, a hint of a smile on his lips. "You keep saying that, but I don't understand why. He's just my friend. Not everyone who's friendly wants to fuck me. You have nothing to worry about."
"I know. I'm not threatened by him. I'm just stating a fact. He hates me because I'm stopping him from fucking you," Tate shrugged. "It's not my problem."
"You're ridiculous," Chad said fondly, pressing a kiss to his cheekbone. "Let's go before a strong gust of wind knocks him over or something."
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flingza-roller · 2 years
Sorry if this is bad timing, but I just saw your post about lorikeet and I love them! Could you tell me a bit more about them and your other splatoon OCs?
OHO YES! there is no such thing as bad timing to ask about ocs, im just incredibly happy that somebody is interested!! heheh time to Ramble (this is long sorry)
ok so im gonna stick to the bird kids cuz theyre a lot easier to explain GSJFD (maybe someday ill give my other ocs refs and backstory stuff....)
all four of em are very much based off how i play the game as each character, so i pretty much just grab my in-game behaviour and give it to em as a personality.
so, lorikeet! splat3 is still very new but i think ive somehow already solidified their personality lmao. theyre super reckless, pretty much always falling off stages and getting themself splatted by doing stupid things like running headfirst to a tacticooler or trying to challenge the eliter that wont leave them alone (i think mahi-mahi is the absolute worst for this). they like to go a little bit cazy and get as many kills as possible, which is silly when the only mode u play is turf war... (on that, there is not a single splatoon game that has gotten me to like ranked/league. i played it a few times and then swore off it, so now all four of the kids hate ranked lol)
lori fucking ADORES deep cut so theyve got the three earrings in their right ear bc they wanna be like shiver and frye. on deep cut, they love splatfests and all the music n fun stuff that comes with it. theyre weirdly not too competitive when it comes to defending their team, BUT they will go extra feral during splatfest turf wars and go complete beast mode. they still dont have a main weapon? favours brushes but thats pippins thing so they should probably pick something else GDKGS
oh they have the worst adhd brain. if they see something cool happening in the bg of a stage they will just straight up stop in their tracks and watch for a while, completely oblivious to whatever is happening in the match. and of course the moment they hear the tacticooler they will run for it even if theyre literally in the opposite end of the stage.... stupid. favourite stage is yet to be decided, gotta let the game marinate for a while longer
as the new agent 3 lori is pretty good at following orders, they just kinda... die in the dumbest possible ways. trying to jump through walls, walking straight off ledges, accidentally attracting attention to themself by throwing lil buddy right next to them. but theyre pretty good at fighting! also they like annoying the captain, because of course (this doesnt bode well for kiwi)
id like to build more on their character eventually but that requires me playing more splat3 and ive been rly unmotivated to do so >:/ ive barely played any salmon run and still havent touched table turf. augh. lori u will grow as a person i promise
now PIPPIN! (she/they) theyre my kid from octo expansion! shes very silly but surprisingly strong and skilled. never asked for help from OTH and went through every single test multiple times to get every weapon ticked (hell). also enjoys fighting inner agent 3 because ??? clearly a lot more competent than theyre letting on.
so once pip came to the surface they were very much like "id rather NOT do the whole fighting thing again" and jumped into turf wars with the intention of just having fun and messing with people. her gear set is 100% QSJ cuz she likes annoying the enemy team and then jumping away like a coward when theyre cornered (it jumpscares people bc they dont expect an octo to jump THAT fast).
she uses brush so that they can draw love hearts in enemy base :] they think its very cute and gets sad when ppl ink over it. also if an enemy tries to initiate a party they will always join bc make love not war etc. always goes for the highest inkage (highest score excluding win points was over 2000) favourite stage is inkblot art academy!
zero sense of fashion btw they either wear the QSJ gear or whatever they think will make her look hot (big fan of the octoling armour and marinas crop top). sometimes changes gender to Boy bc why the hell not, gender is arbitrary.
when grouped up with the others, they like teaming up with pigeon to cause chaos and havoc. shes very excited to see lori joining the team cuz theyre equally as insane as the other two! kiwi is the only one carrying a braincell here rip
PIGEON time!! (also she/they) technically my first oc because splatoon 2 was my first game! so she definitely has the most going for them. foil flingza main (my beloved), absolutely a frontliner and goes for the kill as much as possible. very good at sneak attacks! main gear is almost entirely special charge up (sorry. im the og missile spammer) except for ninja squid which they use to scare the shit outta ppl.
pigeon adores the birds u see hanging out on various stages, especially the pigeons (naturally). favourite stage is moray towers! i never said we had good taste. moray is excellent for roller users and allows for fast clean base inking >:]
like the others they love a good squid party but isnt always in the mood, HOWEVER she will never splat an innocent partier bc thats a dick move. if theyre not a threat, theres no need to splat.
outside of turf, pigeon is actually not a very violent person. very sweet to their friends and oh so very lesbian. she sees a pretty girl in the square and goes 😳 (btw this DOES work in battle, be a cute girl and they will be distracted). fucking absolutely obsessed with squid beatz like you have no idea, aims to get gold on every hard mode song. favourite songs to play are frantic aspic, shark bytes, and entropical. she and pippin love playing games like this together, i bet theyd be great dance duo.
in hero mode, pigeon is naturally a completionist and obtained every weapon. fucking loves harassing marie and annoying her as much as possible. adores callie so much <3 their best speedrun time is 40 sec on octo samurai (sadly cant reach the world record of 39)
unlike pippin they actually have a pretty good fashion sense, always coordinating their outfits and ink colour to match. a very stylish squid!
now kiwi is an interesting one. i first played splatoon 1 in beginning of 2018, so sadly i missed out on the splatfests. still got plenty of turf in and played hero mode repeatedly bc i have brainrot!
so kiwi (again. she/they) is really into amiibo challenges, especially the kraken challenge. being a kraken for that long makes em feel powerful, and its lotsa fun. they actually spend far more time on hero missions than anything else, they enjoy turf on the occasion but find it weirdly intimidating (favourite stage is flounder heights!). she feels most at home in the valley, with craig and the squid sisters. theyre far too sympathetic toward octolings (unlike pigeon who just goes fucking ham) and tries her best to just avoid fighting them entirely. because of this, shes pretty good at stealth missions, especially since she rarely makes much noise anyway. theyre definitely the most low-key out of the four agents.
SO!! why do i name them all after birds? because.... i like birds :D yes im a wannabe ornithologist and birds are my main special interest. i also mainly name them after aus/nz birds cuz im just Like That. we have cool birds in australia, and lorikeet was just far too fitting to pass up. (btw pippin is short for peregrine falcon)
despite being so skilled in hero mode missions they do actually get hurt a lot and almost always has some kind of bandaid or gauze on her body from various injuries. is it a lack of skill, or just recklessness? hmmm (its definitely just because she doesnt take enough care of their body lol).
if kiwi were to be captain in splatoon 3, theyd definitely be just constantly scruffing new 3 by the collar to stop them from doing something stupid. is very afraid of a new idiot joining the gang, as if pip n pidge werent bad enough. all 4 as a splatfest team would definitely be the most chaotic thing possible.
also theyre this way because when i draw squirds (tagged on my blog as "wings au") i think its fun to see how different they all look! kiwi would certainly be more fitting as a bird of prey but i think they look so silly with the stubby wings so im not changing my mind. this does mean shes real fast at running! pip and lori are the fastest flyers, pigeon is just kinda in between rip
final note, theyre all at LEAST 18 just so that its not weird. they all use she/they except lori, whos exclusively they/them. they all fucking hate ranked but love hero missions. also all of them have 1 braincell bouncing between them (mainly held by kiwi)
if u managed to read this far, thanks for ur time!! ill eventually draw all these silly bird kids together as squirds, i think itd be fun.
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smoosnoom · 2 years
hi moon!
hope u slept well <3 or at least… enough.
i got a notification right after i finished my final so it’s a little gift i guess? (i did great btw. probably bc it was english and i’ve been practicing when i was writing u this daily compliments).
“Mike Wheeler knows he’s a bad person.” he’s not. i know it’s a projection. that’s why im sure he’s not.
“He doesn’t regret it, though” as he should. i would probably do the same. but it would’ve ended even worse for me bc i cannot fight And my knuckles aren’t bony.
“Will doesn’t think too much about it” oooh, mike is so wrong.
““Stop smiling,” he chides, although that makes Mike’s mouth tilt up again, and Will is biting down a smile, too” they r so 🥺🥺🥺
“He wouldn’t be able to say anything about Mike punching anyone, with his own history of getting arrested” he would probably like mike a little more
““Alright, paladin,”” omg im DEAD bc mike is his defender, his savior, his knight in shining armor 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
“Still, he can’t hide his flinch” okay at least one of them can’t fully control his body. good.
“Mike isn’t brave” maybe he isn’t brave but he’s not coward (i know that im talking about). a bit impulsive. even hot-tempered. not a coward.
““You’re my best friend,”” i always eat it and leave no crumbs. i love when they say best friend thing before trying to do something Not platonic. u can write it every time and i’ll be kicking my feet every time.
“it hurts, sometimes, how bad he wants to be Will’s” my little queer disaster mike wheeler 🥺
““You think so?” Mike forgoes any ounce of dignity. “Please.”” i looove them. both so desperate and ready to love each other 🥺
“pressing a kiss on the corner of Mike’s lip, right where there is no wound.” smooch as a reward for protection and recklessness. here’s my smooch as a reward for productivity and talent 😚 but here’s also my frown as a punishment for self-deprecating thoughts 😠
““Later,” he says, concern still etched in his face when he looks at Mike’s cut, and the bruise he knows is slowly making its appearance on his nose. “I promise.”” u’ll get as many kisses as u want.
“before he turns into it and presses a kiss into his palm.” such a gentleman. first he saved his lover and now he’s kissing his hand.
even if everyone else in the world would hate u i would still love u. and it wouldn’t be fair. not even a little.
k love u, see u tomorrow 🤍
alya i will have u know i got around . three hours of sleep when u sent this . which is probably concerning but im Alive 🫡
YAYYYY I CHEERED 🥳🥳🥳 so happy u did well omg i knew u would !!!!!! the fic was posted Just for U now ive deemed it so . a gift just for u
KQHFOWJFLDJOF OK have we considered . ignoring the projection
u know if it helps me neither 😭 ive fought only one person and u know . it is not how they sell it to be
HELRNFPRK mike moving up on jonathan's list bc of this 😭 god
I AM SUCHHHH A SUCKER for will calling mike paladin and mike calling him cleric like . it Gets To Me .
SRORPPPP WHEN WILL U LET ME LIVE ok every time i write the word "shiver" i think of u now . this is a curse
maybe he is not a coward . Perhaps . ill listen to u
ALDNCK YAYAY its just bc . i think it's so nice to establish they are best friends before anything else like that is what makes them soo unique . they have that before any romantic relationship
NOOO im sorry i won't do it again (i lie, like a liar) but omg illtake the smooch 😚 feeling great !!!!
☹️ if no one got me i know alya got me My knight in shining armor 🫶 love u always !!!!!!! 🤍🤍
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spicyavenger · 3 years
Next door part 4
Biker!bucky x reader
Summary- Bucky Barnes is a biker with a bad reputation, he’s intrigued by his neighbour and hates her boyfriend.
Warnings- domestic violence, non-con, gaslighting, victim blaming, emotional abuse, coercion, mentions of child abuse, allusions to eating disorders and self-esteem issues. ⛔️PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS BEFORE READING AND LET ME KNOW IF IVE MISSED ANYTHING⛔️
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, feeling completely numb. The new bruises that were forming on top of old ones made you feel nauseous, you weren’t the type of person this happened to.
You shivered when you thought of the night before, when Jack had said he got “carried away” when you were having sex; apparently that resulted in bruised ribs and a black eye.
You sighed, beginning your daily routine of dabbing concealer on the purple blotches.
“How’s your friend doing?” Winnie asked.
“Ooo have you got a lady friend?” Becca teased.
“Enough Becs.” Bucky grumbled “It’s not like that”
“Do you love her?” Becca smirked, intentionally irritating her older brother.
“Stop teasing him Rebecca.” Winnie said softly “he’s just trying to help.”
Becca fell silent at the use of her full name.
“So how is she Jamie?” Winnie asked again.
“I’m not sure Ma.” Bucky replied honestly “I’ve seen her a few times but she won’t talk to me, he’s filled her head full of all those stupid rumours…she’s probably terrified of me.”
“We all know you wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Winnie said softly “she’ll come around, just give her time.”
Despite spending an hour in the shower scrubbing your body you still felt dirty, you couldn’t wash the feeling of him off your body. The house felt suffocating, you felt trapped.
A walk would help, you mustered up every ounce of motivation you had left to get dressed and leave the house, as you did you saw Bucky pulling up on his motorcycle.
“Hey.” You said softly, remembering how kind he’d been to you when you spoke in the garden.
“Hey Y/N.” He smiled softly “are you heading into town? I can give you a ride?”
“Just going for a walk.” You explained, smiling at him.
“I might do the same, always find it helps to clear my head.” He smiled back.
“You…you can join me if you want?” You suggested timidly.
“I’d love that.” He grinned, immediately jogging over to stand beside you.
“What have you been up to today?” He asked as you began your walk.
“Nothing much, what about you?” You answered.
“Been to see my Ma and my sister.” He replied “Becca has a boyfriend now so she’s constantly glued to her phone.”
“How old is she?” You asked.
“17.” Bucky sighed “too young to have a fella if you ask me.”
“You’re very old fashioned.” You chuckled.
“Just protective.” Bucky smiled back “don’t like the thought of anything else happening to her.”
“Anything else…?” You asked cautiously, unsure if Bucky had meant to divulge that much information.
“Oh…yeah…” he scratched the back of his head “our dad was a piece of shit…mainly to Ma but eventually he turned on me and Bec too.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that Bucky.” You said softly.
“Ma found it hard to leave.” Bucky explained “thought he’d change…thought she still loved him.”
“That must have been hard.” You said sympathetically.
“She’s a strong woman. Even after everything she’s been through she’s still got so much love to give, I don’t know how she does it.” A sad smiled graced Bucky’s face “she reminds me of you.”
“I…I…Jack doesn’t…he wouldn’t.” You began to stammer, worried that Bucky would start questioning you again.
“Don’t worry doll, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” He said softly “just know that when you’re ready I’m here, for anything you need.”
“You’re a good person.” You said softly.
The conversation quickly changed, Bucky telling you stories about the club, often making jokes about Steve and Sam. You told him about your siblings, about your passion for art and how you used to paint. He listened intently to every word.
“Why don’t you paint anymore?” Bucky asked.
“Oh…supplies are expensive and I’m not working at the moment.” Your cheeks reddened “Jack didn’t like my paintings either, he doesn’t want them around the house. I’m not very good.”
“I bet everything you make is beautiful.” Bucky said softly.
“We managed to move everything in time, they didn’t find anything in the raid.” Sam explained “we need to think about what we’re going to do long term though.”
“We could try negotiating with the new chief?” Scott suggested.
“He doesn’t seem like the type to negotiate.” Natasha scoffed.
“So what do we do?” Everyone turned to Bucky.
“We need him gone.” Bucky said “we need him to be fired.”
“Easier said than done.” Steve said.
“Once he has a criminal record he’ll be fired.” Bucky mused.
“So we frame him?” Sam questioned.
“It’s an option.” Steve spoke up “although it would be better if it were a genuine crime.”
“Dig up a little more dirt.” Bucky said “we’ll find something.”
Everyone stood up to leave, but Bucky signalled for Steve to stay behind.
“Everything okay Buck?” Steve asked once they were alone.
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” Bucky said “but I need to ask about all that painting stuff you do.”
“I draw Bucky.” Steve rolled his eyes “I haven’t painted since art school.”
“Right yeah…of course.” Bucky said quickly “but you know what art supplies someone would need to start painting?”
“Are you wanting to start painting?” Steve asked.
“No, it’s not for me.” Bucky shook his head.
“Okay…” Steve’s voice was filled with confusion “I can take you to the shop I go to? They have a section filled with painting stuff.”
“Let’s go.” Bucky said enthusiastically, immediately grabbing the keys for his bike.
When Jack came home from work you were wiping down the counter tops in the kitchen.
“Come sit down Y/N.” He said as soon as he walked through the door.
“Give me a minute babe, I’m just tidying up.” You responded.
“Sit. Down.” He demanded, his voice dark.
You immediately began to tremble, knowing an argument was on the horizon.
“What’s wrong?” You asked calmly as you sat opposite him on the sofa.
“What we’re you doing on Tuesday afternoon?” He asked.
That was the afternoon you’d gone on a walk with Bucky, your heart immediately sank at the realisation.
“Answer my fucking question!” Jacks voice boomed.
“I…I…” you stammered out.
“I said answer my fucking question!” Jack screamed, but you barely registered the noise. Too busy focusing on the beer bottle that flew past your head and shattered on the wall.
“You’re scaring me Jack.” You whispered.
“Don’t even bother trying to play the victim.” He spat out “what the fuck were you doing?”
“I just went on a walk.” You said quietly “Bucky was coming home as I left and he came with me.”
“You fucking humiliated me.” He said aggressively “I got a call from Brock saying he saw you when he was out on patrol. Do you know how fucking humiliating that is?”
You didn’t respond, looking down at your lap instead.
“When I ask you a question I expect an answer Y/N.” Jacks voice was stern.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered “I’m so sorry.”
Evidently your apology wasn’t sufficient, and Jack didn’t want to spend anymore time talking.
His fist collided with your face, causing you to fall to the floor. The punches kept coming, over and over as you begged him to stop. You felt his weight pinning you to the floor as his hands wrapped around your neck, you struggled for what felt like an eternity; but eventually your vision turned black.
This time was different, there was no apology. There was no pleading for you to stay. Jack ignored you for the entire morning, staying silent as you made his breakfast. Stomping around the house and grumbling under his breath.
“I’m going away for the weekend.” Jack said before he went to work.
“Where are you going?” You asked timidly.
“None of your fucking business.” He snarled “behave yourself whilst I’m gone…or you’ll regret it.”
You nodded your head enthusiastically, desperate to avoid another altercation.
Jack grabbed his bag and left, slamming the door behind him. You let out a sigh of relief once he’d gone, at least you’d have one weekend of peace.
You were catching up on trashy TV whilst you waited for your pizza to arrive. Jumping up excitedly when a knock at the door sounded.
“Oh…Bucky.” You were shocked to see the man before you.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry for just turning…” his words vanished in his throat when he took in the bruises and swelling covering your face and neck “what happened?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You shook your head.
“Y/N…if he did this you need to get out now.” His voice wavered.
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” Your voice was almost pleading.
“Okay…okay doll.” He sighed.
“Why did you come over?” You asked, keen to change the subject.
“Oh…yeah I’ve got a little something for you.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“For me?” You questioned.
“Yeah, erm it’s just in my garage. I didn’t want to bring it over…I wasn’t sure if Jack would like it…” he said softly.
“He probably wouldn’t.” You laughed.
“Can I show you?” Bucky asked, gesturing for you to follow him.
You knew Jack would be furious if he found out, but curiosity got the better of you. You followed Bucky into his garage and gasped at the sight before you.
“Bucky…” your eyes filled with tears as you spoke.
“If it’s not right you can tell me…I won’t be offended.” He said nervously.
“It’s perfect.” You whispered as you ran your fingers over the easel which was situated in the middle of the room. Your eyes drifted to the stack of canvases beside it, and the collection of brushes and paints on the table.
“I know you said you missed painting, and I just thought it’d be nice for you to have the stuff in case you wanted to start again…you can keep it here if you think Jack might be annoyed…” Bucky was rambling, nerves getting the better of him.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough Bucky.” Your eyes were filled with tears “this is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
“You deserve this and more sweetheart.” Bucky’s heart broke when he saw your reaction to what was a simple gesture of kindness, it made him want to shower you with love and affection 24/7.
“I…I erm I’d just ordered pizza.” You said nervously “if you want you can come over…I have some beers in the fridge too.”
“Won’t Jack be annoyed?” Bucky questioned, unsure what time your boyfriend would be home.
“He’s away for the weekend.” You explained.
“Sure doll, that sounds great.” Bucky grinned, following you over to your home.
Note- thank you for reading, feedback/asks are so appreciated and make me so motivated to write❤️ lots of fluff between Bucky and reader coming up soon! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged.
Tags- @airyonna15 @silentkiller2374 @dottirose @vicmc624 @ginger-swag-rapunzel @rrrrussosstuff
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falcqns · 3 years
Hi i have a request like a Chris Evans x reader and like the reader clean they’re house and chris have this book that he put like important stuff and the reader put that book on their coffee table and proceed to clean and when chris got home chris took a shower and find his book and he ask the reader and the reader said it was in the coffee table but when chris check it wasn’t there and chris got all mad bc it’s important and the reader said she will buy him a new one but chris said i will never be the same or something like that and chris stormed off and a few mins the reader saw the book but dodger have it he was ripping all the pages and stuff and the reader and dodge go to the shops and buy a new book for chris and when they got home chris was already there still mad and the reader gave the book to chris and the reader say something like “I know you said its not gonna be the same but I bought you a new one bc dodge kinda uh play with it” something like that and the reader apologized you can do whatever you want there, pls end it with a happy ending thankyou!
better than the original
pairing: Chris Evans x sensitive!Reader
warnings: angst, mentions of a DDLG relationship and little space, but no actual DDLG in this one, fluff, super sensitive reader (aka me, I cry over everything)
a/n: kind of a part two to "wrong person"?? readers not little in this, but its in the same universe!
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you thought he would have been appreciative of you cleaning the house while he was on set, but to your surprise, he got mad.
"where's my book?" he asked, looking around the living room, disregarding all the work you'd done.
"I'm sure it's around here somewhere." you said, helping him look for his favourite book and trying to ignore the upset feeling in your stomach at the way he ignored the clean house.
he rounded the couch, and you heard him exclaim. "oh for fucks sake." he said, before storming off towards the bedroom. you furrowed your brow and walked around the couch. you sighed when you saw Dodger chewing on it, and ripping out the pages.
"Dodger! No!" you said. you took it away from him and placed it on the counter before going after Chris.
"we can always get a new one," you offered, but you knew that was the wrong decision when Chris turned around.
"that's not the fucking point, y/n! that was my favourite book, and even if we replace it it won't be the same!" he said, and he slammed the bedroom door shut behind him.
you felt tears coming to your eyes. you were insanely sensitive, and Chris knew that. he knew better than to yell at you, because you would start crying and wouldn't stop until you he assured you over and over that you weren't in trouble, and he wasn't mad or disappointed. you understood that he was upset, but it still hurt that he got mad and yelled at you, when you clearly didn't mean it.
you walked away and back to the living room and sat back down on the couch, where you remained for the rest of the night, your tears never ceasing. you were just trying to help, and show him you could be a good girlfriend and eventually wife, but instead you made him mad, and angry at you.
you spent a cold and lonely night on the couch, shivering from the cold that the knitted blanket couldn't block out, not wanting to anger Chris any further by joining him in the nice warm bed upstairs. just the thought of the bed made you eyes well up again, wanting nothing more than to cuddle up to him.
eventually, you woke from a restless slumber, and your tears retuned when you remembered that Chris was still mad at you. you glanced over to the book that still laid chewed up on the counter, and decided to go and try to find him a new one.
you stood up and grabbed your wallet and car keys, before leaving the house with Dodger on a leash.
you drove into town and found the first bookstore you could find. you walked in, and your eyes lit up when you saw they had just gotten a new shipment of them. for $15 you could get the regular book, or for $25 you could get a signed copy with a bookmark. you thought about it for a moment, but decided to get the signed copy, even though it cost more.
you paid for the book, and made the quick drive home, hoping that the book would put Chris in a better mood, if his sleep hadn't.
but, when you walked in the door, you knew that wasn't the case. the door shut behind you, and Chris came barrelling into the room.
"where the fuck were you?" he demanded, and your eyes widened. "ive been calling your phone, only to find out that you left it here, while you left, with my dog, might I add, to god knows where! why the fuck wouldn't you tell me where you're going? do know how stupid and immature that is?" he yelled at you. you tried to will yourself not to cry, but it was useless. he stood in front of you, eyes dark and face red. to you, he looked terrifying, and you wanted nothing more for him to go back to the nice Chris you thought he was.
tears slipped down your cheeks as you handed him the bag and Dodgers leash.
"I-i'm sorry. I k-know how much that b-book meant to you, a-and I just wanted to r-replace it so y-you won't be angry w-w-ith me anymore. I-I got the s-signed one to-o. it comes w-with a book mark. here-s your d-dog." you said before running off trying not to cry even more.
you ran into the bathroom, and to the linen closet where you had your little hideout. you climbed in and shut the curtain behind you, and let the tears come. you could feel your headspace approaching but you pushed it away.
you'd upset Chris, and he probably hated you for what you did. you knew that the book you bought could never replace the original, but you thought he would have liked it. you took Dodger with you because he needed some fresh air, and he loved going into stores with you.
you just wanted to prove you could be a big girl! that's all! he was really mad at you last night, so you knew even if you were little, you wouldn't get the care that you needed, so you pushed through and remained big for him, but even that wasn't good enough.
you don't know how long you sat there and cried your little heart out, but soon you heard Chris entering the bathroom. he took a seat somewhere and started to speak to you.
"y/n, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you like I did. you didn't deserve that. you worked so hard on cleaning the house and I didn't even acknowledge it because I was focused on a book. I should've let it go when it happened because its a book. I was wrong. it can be replaced. the one you got me is so much better than the other one, and I love that you got it for me. I shouldn't have yelled at you. you're insanely sensitive, and you were probably already on the verge of tears when you came in the house, and me yelling at you was not the right thing to do. I could have asked you calmly where you were going, instead of getting angry." he explained. he waited to see if you would say anything, and when you didn't, he continued speaking.
"and I'm sorry for saying that Dodger was my dog. he's not. he's ours. you take such good care of him, and I know you were only entertaining him because I was still asleep, because your such a sweet girl. I'm so sorry baby." he said. you sniffled, and slowly crawled out.
you walked over to him, tears still pouring down your face, and leaned against him. he immediately embraced you, and rubbed your back as you cried.
"I didn't mean to make you mad!" you sobbed, and Chris shook his head.
"no baby. you didn't. I could never be mad at you for something like that. you're okay. i'm not mad, i'm not disappointed. you're not a crybaby, its okay to cry." he recited like he always did, squashing all your fears before they could even enter your head. he lifted your head to look in your red and swollen eyes.
"have you stopped crying since last night?" he asked, and you shrugged your shoulders.
"n-not really." you said, and Chris sighed sadly.
"c'mon. let's go back to bed for a little, it's still early." he said, and you followed him into the bedroom.
you drifted off less than a second after your head hit the pillow, and had a peaceful sleep knowing that Chris wasn't mad at you.
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Halstead!Sister fanfic 🍭
Tik tok
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Summary : Jay is called to lily's school because she got in trouble. And ends up at med . (but not too serious you know? .)
Warnings : Teenage stupidity at its finest. and 💉s. And a litte sibling floof.
Word count : more than 69.
Note : Immense apologies for my idiotic grammatical language blunders. Also, I'm really new to writing stuff. Proceed at your own risk. I'm warning you. DO NOT PROCEED.
It was midday and  team was knee high in paper work. They hadn't caught a case yet, so they were stuck at the district. Jay's phone gets a notification and it catches his attention.
Jay : God..... sarge is it okay if i take of for a few hours? I'll finish this at home.
Hank : Sure. Is something wrong?
Jay : *sighs and starts reading the text *~~ Mr . Halstead, you are requested to pick up Lily Halstead from the school premises and meet the head. ~~ i gotta get there.
Hank: Go. It's family.
Adam : Maybe she punched another boy like last time.
Kevin : Hey, in her defense, the kid called her a bitch.
Jay: i swear if this is that again, I'm gonna kill her.* Stands up taking his jacket.*
-----------at school-----------
As jay parks his truck, he sees a dad pinching his soaking wet son, who is draped in a towel, by the ear, leading him to a car.
He enters the school hall to be greeted by a disappointing sight. His sister, lily, was soaking wet from top to bottom, shivering. Then lily's eyes looked up from her shoes.
Lily : Ugh. Where's Will? I told him to call Will. *She said, her voice quaking.*
Jay : why? *he asked in a stern voice.* Cuz you know he won't shout at you, but i will?
Jay answered his own question making lily press her lips close. But it was the truth. Will was much calmer than jay. He never shouted at her unless he absolutely needed to, but even then, he would calm himself down and return to being disappointed. But it was different with jay. ALOT more different.
Head : Good that you're here Mr Halstead.
Jay : it's fine you can call me jay.What did she do?
Head : Well, it's come to my attention that she started a challenge. Lily and a group of her friends, snuck out of school grounds during break and went to the river for a - for a what exactly lily? -
Lily: a tik tok *sighs*
Jay : Seriously, Lily?? *She just looked at the floor, making patterns from the water droplets.*
Head : As she put her and her friends in harms way, she is suspended for a week but no charges have been taken yet. But this behavior will not be tolerated.
Jay : Thank you , sir. Trust me. She will not repeat this. *Glaring at lily*
Lily : yeah, sorry. Won't happen again. *She said half heartedly. In all honesty, she just wanted to have som fun. And well, she DID. But the fun didn't last. Right now she was freezing and could barely feel her fingertips. She was only wearing a tshirt and three fourths covering just after her knees. *
They walked silently to Jay's truck. He let her sit in the passenger seat first and grabbed a spare jacket from the trunk. He got into the drivers seat and tossed the jacket to lily and turned on the heat. She immediately put it on and felt a little better. Jay turned on the engine.
Jay : I knew you were stupid, but not that stupid. Seriously lily, WHAT THE HELL???
lily : I thought it -would make- a good tik tok. She breaths heavily as she tightens the jacket around her.
Jay: jumping into a RIVER? it's mid October lily. In what world does that make sense to you?? you're grounded for 2 weeks.
Lily : WHAT... no jay.... it's not like I killed someone or anything!!?!!
Jay : great. three weeks it is.
Lily : Ugh. *she sniffles and rubs her hand against her runny nose. Lily noticed that Jay missed a turn towards home.
Lily : Jay, Homes that way.where are we going??
Jay:  Hospital. You're getting sick. Hopefully Will's still there.
Lily : what ? no........ no jay . I'm fine. I promise. You know i hate getting poked!!
Jay : it's not up for discussion lily! You should've thought of that before you snuck out of  school and jumped into a RIVER!!!
* This shuts lily up for the rest of the ride. In any other situation jay would agree with her, but not this time. Not when her hands were shaking and her teeth gittering.
---Chicago med, in the ED------
Will : oh my god lily, what happened?
* Will asked as Jay and lily walked into the ED. Jay had a strong grip on lily's shoulder*
Jay : Guess who decided to start a challenge and jump into a river?
* Will let out a laugh *
Will : you're kidding right?
* lily lightened up and was glad to see Will take it in a better manner than the other brother. *
Lily: whaaat?...... It was for a tik tok.
She chuckled and went to hug will. His warmth felt so good.
Will : God, you're freezing. * he said in amusement as he hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. He saw jay glaring at him.*
Jay : Will.
Will : What? At least it's not alcohol or drugs Jay.* He turned to Maggie* Maggie let's Get a room. Blankets, warm saline, possible hypothermia.
Maggie: you got it. you always keep your brothers on their toes, huh?
Lily: have to some way.*She said, throwing a smirk at Maggie *
Will: Come on.* In a one armed but still tight hug he Lead her into a room. Lily could hear jay signing behind her. She knew that jay thought will was being too lenient with her. *
Will : Won't hurt a bit, I promise.
*Lily still looked away as the IV was put in. *
Will : told you so. *he knew that his siblings shared a deep hatred for needles *
Lily : yeah...... you know, Jay told I was grounded for three weeks..........
* she tried to get Will to change his mind while he was still in a good mood. He raised his eyebrows at jay. *
Jay : and it stays that way. she SNUCK OUT OF SCHOOL WILL!?!
Will : yeah..... but 2 weeks should do it, you know? *he smirks at Lily*
Wonderful. You didn't take my warning.
If bored out of your mind : Masterlist here
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broiunno · 3 years
License to Steal - Act IV
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License to Steal
Act I // Act II // Act III // Act IV
summary: Min Yoongi is your new protection detail upon your return to your father's side after being sent away during a bloody gang war. Now the dust has settled, you've been called back to your old controlled life, and leaving you an unwilling participant in your family's plans. You don't know what they are but you are no longer willing to be the obedient, protected daughter. You don't really care in the least of it makes Yoongi's new assignment hell on earth- So you'll carve your own life out back home on your own terms.
-rating: 18+
-pairing: min yoongi x reader
-word count: 5.8k
-warnings: swearing, gang activities includes drug mention and eventual drug use, the slowest of burns, organized crime, toxic af family dynamics, BEWARE IN THIS ACT: graphic family abuse (father initiated verbal and physical assault- does not fade to black), violence, blood, graphic descriptions of torture, and graphic sex scenes will be included in this work.
-authors note: @chelsea-chee leading the au as usual. I love her the appreciate her as my love, writer, and my beta. Her works are *chefs kiss* Thank you again beautiful <3 PLEASE NOTE: I AM REALLY NOT EXCITED TO POST THE NEXT FEW ACTS. They deal with heavy subject matter and I don't fade to black at any point so please note my works are for mature audiences, warnings are there for a reason and in bold. You are an adult if you are reading this work (per the warnings) and you are responsible for the content you consume. Thank you. ILY all and I love asks about the characters. And that's all I have to say about that...I'm sorry for the wait. I've had covid. I'm back on a better schedule now.
You fumbled with your hair as you tried to rip your fingers through the still damp strands to assemble it back into a semi-presentable pony tail as the door slid open to your father’s office. You really did wish that you had been able to go upstairs and shower. Or at least change your clothes from the workout gear you currently felt sticking to your skin from the cooling sweat. As a breeze drifted from the vent as the air kicked on, you shivered violently, shaking your head and shooting a hateful stare in Yoongi’s direction as you stepped into the office. Appearances were everything in your family. They were the first level of protection to ensure threats stayed at a minimum. A show of strength and cohesiveness discouraged any hair-brained ideas from a weaker or less organized opposition.
Your father raised a dark, thick brow, turning from the man was speaking quietly to, his expression unreadable as you inclined your head slightly in greeting. “You asked to see me?” you said quietly, keeping your eyes downcast. Since Yoongi had mentioned your father was summoning you, you knew it couldn’t be anything positive. This soon after your arrival? Nothing good would come of this. You had just grabbed onto the distraction of Yoongi until you both stood in the office, feeling stripped bare, awaiting whatever admonishment was about to be delivered.
“You couldn’t make it a full forty-eight hours without causing me a migraine,” your father said sharply and you kept your eyes trained on the floor, as you replayed yesterday in your mind.
“Father, I don’t know what you-”
“Y/N, you weren’t even back a day and you spent how much?” he said, aggravation lacing his tone. “I had to call in Kim to look at your accounts immediately. You’re a fucking hassle.” He huffed and your eyes finally lifted to the stranger that stood next to your father, noting that he stepped away from your father and bowed quickly.
“Nice to meet you, miss. I’m Kim Namjoon. I’ve been handling your accounts and will continue to do so.” You felt your lips part in a soft ‘oh’ as you studied the broad planes of his face, full lips and intense eyes. You felt like he was picking you apart in that moment as you took your time to absorb his ash blond hair in a relaxed, but carefully crafted style. His skin tone was golden; a contrast to Yoongi’s milk-like skin. He glowed, and you couldn’t tell if it from his melanin or the fact that he was radiating intelligence.
“N-Nice to meet you too,” you stammered and managed to close your mouth as he pushed up the rolled sleeves of his white button-down shirt. You swallowed hard and tried to claw through the mental fog that had overcome you. With the teasing from both Jungkook and Yoongi, being presented with another god-like man was the last thing you needed. “I will admit I’m a little confused; my spending was never a problem when I was away? I mean, it’s not like I bought a car.”
Your father barked a laugh and threw up his hands. “You have no grasp on what I do to make this money that you just piss away Y/N! And you COULD have bought a car with the amount you spent yesterday! Like I said: a god damn burden!” he hissed and you flushed slightly, taking a step back unconsciously as you watched his neck flush. Yoongi hadn’t said a word, but you knew you could still sense his dark presence in the corner of the room, not looking at him to notice his eyes narrowed slightly as the scene unfolded.
“Y/N, I’ve had an idea. You’re a daughter. I can’t do much with you. Your brother who I could actually have used is dead. Your mother-” He stopped as he watched your eyes bulge and he shook his head. “I can’t have more children. I’d consider it disrespectful to her memory,” he mused, a hand running along his chin and you couldn’t help the scoff that escaped you, but your jaw snapped shut audibly as your teeth clacked together after the noise passed your lips.
Your father’s eyes flared to life in challenge and he glanced at Namjoon, lip curling. “Did you calculate her estimated cost of living and monthly expenditures? Do you have solid numbers?” he said shortly and Namjoon just nodded, eyes flicking between the family members silently. “And did you adjust for a profit at the margin we discussed?”
“Yes sir,” came the deep steady voice, Namjoon’s eyes traveling your figure, his gaze not heavy with lust or desire, but full of curiosity. “The monthly amount that you should request for that profit is in the proposal if you would like to review it.” He finished and cleared his throat. “I can return if you want me to look over the contract,” he said softly, clearing fishing for a dismissal and your father granted it, offering his hand and you felt your mouth tighten in confusion.
“What contract?”
Namjoon grabbed a briefcase and inclined his head to you stiffly in farewell before his long legs carried him out the doorway. Your father’s gaze didn’t leave your eyes as he spoke. “Yoongi, see him out.” Yoongi nodded and started after the tall man in silence, not sparing you a second glance on his way out.
“I asked you what contract?” you said softly, struggling to keep your voice even as your father stepped closer to you.
“Well, you went out. Spent a lot of money that you’ve done nothing to earn, and caught someone’s eye in the process. Someone worth a lot of money and who would be an asset to have closer to the family at this point in his career.” Your father clasped his hands behind his back as he continued to close the distance between you, each step he made, you felt your heart plummet further.
“Father… what exactly are you implying?”
“I’m not implying anything, Y/N. I’m telling you. Someone’s made a bid for your hand, and it’s the only thing you’ll be good for at this point. The shopping sprees, your lifestyle. I can maintain them, but if someone else is willing to do so, and the marriage benefits me in my business, I’d be stupid not to pursue it. Do you think I’m stupid, Y/N?” he said, voice getting dangerously quiet as he reached out to tuck a piece of hair that had escaped the rapidly put-up ponytail behind your ear.
“You can’t sell me off like fucking cattle!-” you said, flinching away from his touch, and his large, calloused hand shot out to grab your chin tightly. He forced your face back towards his as you tried to jerk away, squeezing hard enough to make your eyes begin to water. Your heart thudded out a dangerous irregular rhythm as you breathed hard through your nose.
“I can’t? Y/N, you seem to be under the delusion that you are free from the responsibilities that come with being in this family. I suppose that may be my fault. I was too soft on you, pitied the losses I caused you to have. I always had your brother anyway; there was no harm in indulging you. But now, you’re the only one with my blood in your veins. You’re home to do a service for this family. Everyone else has given their lives in some way. Did you think you were special?” His words were measured and cold as he studied you, grip not loosening on your face. You would be bruised tomorrow as you felt the throb set in from the pressure he was applying.
“You may order me to do it, but I don’t have to go along with this,” you hissed, barely able to open your jaw, but clenching your teeth to get your words out, rage licking up and down your body. He had taken your entire life as a child, as an adolescent. Did he really think giving you a few years of freedom put you back in his debt so far that you owed him the rest of your life?!
No sooner than the words were out of your mouth you heard the sharp crack, and felt yourself stumbling backwards into the wall. You blinked quickly as you registered the pain in your head, immediately starting to pound as the metallic taste of blood filled your mouth. You barely had time to regain a semblance of your bearings before your father was upon you again, face chillingly blank as his ringed fingers gripped the base of your ponytail, ripping your head back at an awkward angle, a scream breaching your bloody lips. The noise was cut short by another blow, snapping your head to the side before he jerked your face back to center.
“Who do you think you are, you little bitch?” he said with a lilt to his tone as you choked out a sob, unable to keep it from escaping your lips. “You really thought you weren’t going to do shit to replace that money you spent?” When he finished speaking he gave your head a violent shake, as if to scramble your thoughts further. It was completely unnecessary, as your head felt as if it was splitting with the pain he had rocked through you with his blows and harsh grip. You felt the start of a purely hysterical giggle break through, spitting out the fresh rush of blood that ran in your mouth due to the cuts in your cheek from your teeth. You noticed a piece of the skin from inside your mouth flapping loosely that made you nauseated if you dwelled on it.
The laugh was probably the worst response you could have had.
You heard a soft hiss, and your father stepped into your space further, hands darting from your head to wrap themselves around your throat and squeezing. As your hands scrambled to scratch at his hand, his arm, his face, anything, you wished you were surprised at this. You wished you were hurt because you were shocked, but you weren’t. There was blood in the water and he was a shark. He built his life this way.
“You don’t have to go along with this…” he said softly, voice void of emotion, “but you also don’t have to keep living here either. How long will you make it without this family? You’d never make it out of the city.” He mused and continued to squeeze, your vision starting to spot as you tried to draw in any bit of air within the hold he had, the choking heaves under the weight of him making the blood that had pooled in your mouth from his blows spill over your chin grotesquely as it began to stream onto his hand. “So will you behave for once in your fucking life?”
You were hyper aware of the tears streaming down your face as you managed the smallest of nods. You supposed he was right; you had never imagined you would be used in the family in any way. Your entire life had been lonely, and even though you hated it, you had resigned yourself to it. His hands unwrapped themselves from your neck, letting you inhale a burning gasp of air as you slid down the wall, and onto the floor. You coughed and rocked forward onto all fours as the shaking of your body didn’t allow for much more than consciousness.
Your father pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the crimson of your blood off his hand before tossing it to you on the floor. You could barely recognize the quick but unhurried footsteps coming back down the hallway to the office before they stopped short.
“Yoongi, take her upstairs.”
The flush from hustling back to his boss’s office drained from Yoongi’s face as his eyes widened at your figure hunched forward onto your elbows on the floor. He watched you hack as your body tried to clear your airway. Yoongi stayed silent as he reached down, crouching next to you and attempting to offer you a hand so you could stand on your own, for which you were thankful. You felt the physical pain, but no emotions as your mind sluggishly screamed at you to just accept his hand and stand. You needed to walk out of here on your own. You knew you wouldn’t make it all the way to your room after the assault, but you didn’t need to. Just to the elevator.
You reached out your hand, shaking hard, as you clasped at his large palm and hoisted yourself up, letting him pull lightly as he stood with you, noting that he was still silent. You tried to ignore how your vision swam before you, willing your knees not to buckle. You couldn’t pinpoint if the unsteadiness was from the blows to your face, the lack of oxygen, or the tears that had thankfully stopped streaming down your face but still filled your eyes.
Yoongi seemed to read your mind, shifting his grip from your hand to your upper arm, nestling in your underarm and gently steered you to the door, but let you support most of your weight on the way out. You walked in silence as he didn’t rush you down the hallway, both of your eyes trained on the lift door as he typed in the code. As you waited for the door to open you felt your shaking legs betray you and start to bend. You glanced away from him, the movement of your eyes causing a piercing pain to shoot through your head. “Please,” was all you rasped wetly as you put more weight and started to sink, but the pressure holding you up immediately doubled, Yoongi’s support forcing you upright, even if it made your shoulder raise. It would be almost imperceptible from your father’s office if he was still looking in your direction, but you doubted he would. He had already received your submission; he didn’t need you for anything else.
Yoongi didn’t seem to want to take the chance that he was still watching, stepping into the elevator and continuing to only hold you in one place. His grip was still disguised as if he was walking you out in the same way he may escort an associate who was no longer welcome - in such a manner that would deter any further escalation. No one would be able to tell he was the only thing keeping you upright.
As the door slid shut to the elevator the facade crumbled, you lurching forward and gasping out a sob of pain, tilting your head down to let the blood that had been collecting in your mouth pour out onto the floor. You forgot how much mouth wounds bled. Yoongi was not bothered with the grotesque display as he swiftly adjusted his grip to wrap around your shoulders, his other arm sweeping at your feet as he lifted you with apparent ease. You shut your eyes as the tears began to flow once more, unable to restrain the moans and whimpers of pain that escaped between gasps as you cried. He still hadn’t said a word, even as you turned your face into his suit jacket, inhaling jaggedly as you tried to focus on the scent permeating from him, trying to place it through your snot-filled nose. The only thing you could recognize was the warm, woodsy scent of patchouli as you reached a shaking hand up to hold onto his jacket tightly. You knew he wouldn’t drop you, but it grounded you all the same.
You tried to slow your breathing, but failed as the elevator door opened and Yoongi strode quickly to your bedroom door, bending at the knees and somehow using his crook of his elbow and his body to turn the door knob, the only change in your positioning being that you tilted slightly as he spun it. He kicked the door with his foot gently as he stepped in, by-passing your bed as he carried you into your bathroom, carefully getting on his knees as he lowered you into your large bathtub as he placed you there. You continued to breath quickly, your gasps becoming sharper as your gentle shaking soon became uncontrollable. You released his jacket as he stood and you pulled your knees to your chest, shutting your eyes finally as you heard the tap briefly run before a cool rag brushed your chin, eyes flying open as you flinched away.
“Shh, I need to see your face. I have to get the blood off,” Yoongi whispered, and you finally looked at him, noting his face was still paler than normal. “Princess, I need you to take a slow, deep breath okay? Can you do that? Your lips are turning blue; you’re hyperventilating. You’re safe,” he murmured, brows pinching together in a pained expression you had never seen on his face as you tried to nod, attempting to take a long breath in but ended up gulping in air multiple times on the way, the blurring of your vision worsening as Yoongi grimaced, your breathing speeding up again, your shoulders shrugging with the effort to take in air. The last thing you heard was Yoongi’s tense exclamation of “Shit!” before you blacked out.
When you awoke, you were under the covers of your large bed. You sat up quickly before groaning from the ache in your head, then realizing that opening your mouth made you want to scream from pain. Between the squeeze on your jaw and the cuts inside your mouth, it was safe to say you would be saying very little for a while. You glanced towards the window, noting it was inky black outside.
“How long has he hit you?” came a cool voice from beside your bedside and you turned to face the source, seeing a figure standing beside the small table, casting a shadow with the aid of a lamp. Had he even left? Yoongi had shed his stained suit jacket, but still wore the white shirt and same suit pants. You only knew it was the same shirt due to the blood stain from where your mouth must have painted him. Instead of attempting to speak, you shrugged in an attempt to get his gaze off of you. It was piercing and unnerving. You felt as if this was the beginning of an interrogation, and you didn’t fail to notice the color had still not returned to his normally pale face. Now that your mind was a bit clearer you were able to recognize why it registered so deeply with you. He was the embodiment of white with fury. “How. Long?” he said again with such harshness you swallowed hard, ignoring the fire that licked down your throat as you did so.
“That’s a joke right? He’s always been like that. I just normally am better at avoiding it,” you forced out; your words were almost incoherent as you tried to move your jaw as little as possible as you spoke. That was bearable. Good. Not that you had expected it to be, but at least your jaw wasn’t broken; that would have been a pain in the ass. “What time is it?”
“It’s three am,” Yoongi hissed as his eyes glimmered in the near darkness, pushing off the wall and grabbing a glass of water off the table and sweeping a few pills into his hand. “Take these.” You took his offering and a small sip of the water before carefully throwing the pills to the back of your throat and washing them down, sighing softly. “They’re pain pills. They’ll help and you’ll be able to go back to sleep in a bit.”
You didn’t answer but pulled back the cover of your bed and slid out, noting that your bloody shirt had been changed but you still had on your sports bra and leggings. And your ponytail had been taken down, which was probably a good thing since your scalp was still aching from the hold your father had you in.
“Y/N… don’t.” Came Yoongi’s voice, still unemotional but a bit gentler than his earlier tone. You didn’t turn back to him but stopped your path to your vanity, obviously trying to look at your reflection in the mirror to assess the damage.
“Is it that bad?” you grumbled, turning to him and you watched him shrug.
“It’s not good. Don’t worry about it tonight. No bones are broken from what I can tell. I wiped you down the best I could. Just change once I leave and get back into bed.”
You let out a deep breath but finally stepped towards your closet instead to grab an oversized t-shirt. You could work the bra off under it and slip your pants off once you had it on. “Why did you even stay?” you said softly as you set to work, your muscles aching as you attempted to change modestly. You don’t know why it even mattered, but in this moment it did.
“I needed to know if he had done this before. I needed to know if this was the first time. When we were kids, you weren’t around all the time. Sometimes, I’d go months without seeing you. I didn’t know if this was a part of it,” he spat out, visibly tensing as he took a loud steadying breath.
You shrugged as you pulled off your leggings, successful in stripping your bra off under the shirt, and padded back to your bed. “There were a few reasons he kept me separated from everyone. It wasn’t all because he thought I was too precious to see any of this.” You climbed back into bed and tried to settle back into the plushness. Yoongi took a step closer to you, his mouth slightly open as he watched you try to get comfortable, seemingly unable to stop himself.
“Y/N…” he said softly and reached a hand towards you and you stiffened, eyes narrowing, and he took note, dropping his hand slowly.
“Yoongi, I never asked for your fucking pity.”
“I know, and it makes me want to help you even more.”
You blinked and tried to register what he was implying. “Help me?” you repeated, shaking your head as you felt the same hysterical laugh bubble up that had made your assault that much worse in your father’s office. “No one can help me!” You laughed, eyes widening as the smile twisted your features. “This is my life, this is what I was born into. This is what all those shiny things cost, Yoongi! I always knew it but I forgot.” You watched as the pained expression from earlier slid back over his features, and you raised your eyebrows in response. “I appreciate it, but unless you’re willing to put a bullet in my fucking head there’s no saving anything.”
“Who says it has to be your head, Princess?” he said gently and you swear you felt the world stop.
“Don’t say shit like that Min,” you hissed, baring your teeth and shaking your head. “Even if we don’t always get along, I don’t want you dead too.”
“Whatever you say Princess,” he said, a smile tugging at his lips as he cocked his head to the side. “Are you alright to sleep? You don’t feel like you’re going to vomit?” he asked seriously, watching as you shook your head.
“I don’t have a concussion,” you grumbled but as you watched him smirk and go to grab his jacket you felt your heart speed up. “Yoongi- w-wait.” He immediately stopped, as if he was anticipating your words. “Can you stay here the rest of the night? I know he won’t do anything but I-”
“Let me go change my clothes. Is that okay Princess?”
“Yeah… I just don’t want to be-”
“It’s fine Y/N. I’ll be right back.” You stayed sitting up, watching him as he dismissed your attempts at explanations and justification as he walked out.
You sighed, leaning against the leather headboard and let your breathing even out, even as your heart still raced. The pain began to slowly ebb as the medication took effect; what had you even taken? It had to be something strong as a comfortable fog began to cloud your thoughts.
You didn’t know why you felt the need to have him here. Did you even need to explain? He was technically your bodyguard. You had known each other most of your lives. You had just suffered through an assault; staying with you was reasonable. Even if the assailant wasn’t unknown, nor were the motives. At the end of the day, Yoongi’s presence made breathing a bit easier. His presence made you feel safe.
The door opened again and you sucked in a breath as Yoongi re-entered your bedroom, one hand carrying his gun and holster, the other a hanger with a clean pressed suit. “I’ll wake up before you,” was all he said in response to your surprised expression as he studied you. He mistook the shock on your face as being accredited to the suit. He was an idiot if he thought you cared about the fact he would dress here. You were too busy drinking in the sight of his lean figure in low-slung grey sweatpants. You tried to rip your gaze back to his face but you got caught on the black ribbed tank top and the swirling black tattoos covering his shoulder and chest before disappearing under the material.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos,” you choked out, feeling your face flush and mentally slapping yourself. He may look like sex on legs, but you looked like you just had the shit beat out of you. Which to be fair to yourself, you actually just had the shit beat out of you.
“Oh, I forgot,” he said, a small smirk tilting his lip up but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He draped his suit over the chair to your vanity and carried his gun with him towards the plush armchair in the corner of the room.
“The bed is big enough Min. I won’t touch you,” you said breathlessly, trying to force away the blush that was deepening across your face. He seemed to freeze and take a few steadying breaths.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Princess.” His voice was controlled but quiet.
“Please Yoongi…” you said just as quietly. “It’s just for tonight. I won’t feel safe if you’re all the way over there.”
It was definitely an over exaggeration. You hadn’t really expected him to even agree to stay in your room with you. The chair was the reasonable option. You knew you were pushing it.
“Princess, I-” He breathed, the airiness of his tone making your belly somersault and it gave you a tiny shiver.
“Yoongi, please. I need you next to me. Just tonight.” You shouldn’t be so worried about getting this man into bed with you, but now that he was here in front of you and it was so close to happening, you felt you might cry if he denied you.
You watched his back muscles rippled as he tensed and tried to relax. He turned wordlessly and walked to the opposite side of the bed, setting his holster down and climbing into the king-sized bed with you. “Go to sleep Princess.”
The drugs had to be prescriptions, not that you really expected a member of an organized crime family to just take a regular aspirin when they were in pain. “Is the oxy working yet? It should start soon if it hasn’t.” You hummed your assent as you squirmed down into the bed and tried to keep the smile from your face as you reached over and turned out the lamp. You took a deep breath and shut your eyes, savoring the heat that quickly built from having two bodies under the covers of your bed, ignoring the slightly annoyed sigh from the other side of the bed.
“Be quiet Min, I’m trying to rest,” you said softly and a soft dry chuckle cut through the silence as you let sleep take you.
Yoongi’s POV
Yoongi listened to the soft sounds of your breathing as they lengthened and deepened, the pain pills having done their job perfectly. If only he could have done his job in such a manner. He had been given a job: to keep you safe, and he took it seriously. Even if the one assigning his work was an abusive piece of shit. Yoongi let out a sigh, glancing over at your figure in the dark to make sure his huff hadn’t disturbed your slumber. It didn’t. You were still laying there, eyes closed and unaware, your face turned towards him to afford him a view of what exactly your father had done in his absence.
He felt his teeth grind against each other as even in the dark, he could make out the near black bruises covering your neck in the clear shape of hands, a bloom crossing your smooth cheek as well. Even your chin and jaw were dark from bruising; evidence that your father had held your face to force submission. It had worked. He opened his mouth and stretched his own jaw to try and stop himself from continuing to grind his molars down to nothing in rage. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to forget how you looked and how he felt when he entered the office, watching the blood drip onto the floor. How he wanted nothing more than to simply pull out his gun and lodge a bullet into your father’s knee before proceeding to swing the butt of his gun down onto him until he shattered every bone in the pig’s disgusting face.
Until he begged him to stop. Until he begged his daughter to tell Yoongi to stop.
The daydream made Yoongi smile a full gummy smile and chuckle for the first time today. He would stop when you told him to. If you told him to. Now that he knew your father had put his hands on you before this, he wondered if you would just let him continue until his mania at seeing what had been done to you was sated. He knew it wouldn’t be until he heard your father’s death rattle, knowing it had been at his own hands.
You stirred slightly to readjust in your sleep, drawing his attention back to the present as you moved closer to him in the bed and he sucked in a breath. Even beaten and bruised you affected him. Even carrying you in that elevator down the hall as you clutched onto him. He had been spiraling down into violence but as soon as you grabbed his jacket, he knew you wouldn’t withstand even him raising his voice to anyone without shattering. You were normally so fierce and seeing you broken made him want to tear apart this entire society you both lived in, even if it was all either of you had ever known.
It was then he had decided he would be what you were asking of him with your sobs and how you clutched onto him; he would be as gentle as could be and give you whatever you needed tonight. Tomorrow he would begin the undertaking of dismantling your father piece by fucking piece.
He had watched over you after you passed out; you had woken up briefly for him to get you to take pain medicine once before you actually were able to speak to him. Before you asked him to stay with you. He wanted to pretend it didn’t make his icy heart crack, the way you tried to explain and justify his presence. He would never ask you to in this kind of situation. When Yoongi returned to his room, he attempted to steel himself for a night of sitting in that uncomfortable chair, and a sleepless day tomorrow. He had gone more than twenty-four hours without sleep before.
But when your eyes, even if they had started to become glossy and dilated from the drugs, began to run over him, he had to try and think of every unsexy thing he could fathom. You had just been fucking violated and just with one look he felt the blood travel away from his brain and pool below his waist. Why did he think he would be able to wear sweatpants while staying with you? You destroyed every semblance of self control he had. He still hadn’t forgotten your teasing in the elevator prior to this shit show.
Then your soft drowsy voice had called out to him just as he had regained his mental fortitude and continued to the chair. You would be the fucking death of him and he didn’t think he would really mind. Now, as he laid here in bed with you trying to ignore the fact that you were shifting closer to him in your sleep, seeking his warmth, he closed his eyes. He had anticipated the pure fury of tonight keeping him awake, but instead it was the fact that he could feel your breath on his neck, that if he turned his head back to you he could still make out your absolutely gorgeous feminine form from under the blankets. The dip in your waist and the curve of your hips, sloping into your soft thigh. Yoongi’s eyes shot open as he let out a soft hiss as he felt his member stiffen in his sweats, one large hand reaching down to palm himself, and he willed his hard-on to disappear.
He dropped his eyes again, confident he would get his bulge to go down without waking you, and as he tended to it, a soft small hand reached across his middle, making his forehead furrow. He tried to take a steadying breath, and tried to not imagine that the events of last night weren’t the reason he was in your bed. That you had just invited him to bed because you wanted him there, not for security but because you wanted him as a man to share your bed and body. That he could roll over to face you, slip his own hand up that oversized shirt and rub soft circles into your skin before slipping his hand down in-between your thighs.
Yoongi felt his cock twitch and himself harden further, forcing another deep breath in and out as he circled back to try and think of grotesque things to make his longing subside. You at least had stopped wriggling in the bed in an attempt to get closer; he was thankful for that. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter and tried to calm his heart and regulate his breath to make it possible for him to drift off.
This was going to be a long night.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Yandere ex w/ Midoriya and Bakugou
Request: Can I request some headcanons about Deku, Bakugou annnddd whoever else you'd like with reader and they are currently dating
Reaction to reaching you from your crazy ex boyfriend who is...very powerful and has managed to corner you, alone. You're scared, you're a civilian.
" oh shh. Don't cry baby, i'm here. Now that I'm here, you're all mine, now that you're done being silly. You and me forever"
( thought that'd get the creepy factor)
I'm just a sucker for rescue missions. I'm just so interested in how they'd approach that situation, how they'd comfort reader afterwards
Thank you. For reading this if you don't do this
Which is totally fine! - anonymous
Bruh rescue missions are just *chef’s kiss*. I’ve been having a mini Deku and Bakugou infatuation and I just wanna see more fics with these cuties and their civilian s/os. Like legit there aren’t enough fics with quirkless/civilian readers out there and I’m sad. Love ya.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: stalking, attempted kidnapping, mentions of toxic past relationships, being chased, eventual fluff in the form of comfort, TW BEWARE. 
Midoriya Izuku/ Pro hero! Deku
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-Izuku believed you were an angel walking on earth. 
-He met you in the brink of death *literally* when you stitched him up and stabbed an IV into his arm. 
-It was love at first sight for him tbh and he is proud to admit it too. 
-Soon enough -and after many many more visits to the hospital so he can be treated by dr. L/N- he asked you out and now you’re living together. 
-He knows about your ex and he hates him for what he did to you. 
-He has coaxed you into relaxing many nights after you’ve had terrible nightmares about your ex finding you again and this time not only putting your freedom on the line but also Izuku’s safety. 
-You know he is a pro hero and all but you can’t stop seeing him on your apartment floor, unmoving with your ex looming over him. 
-He is always there to chase that horrible darkness away and replace it with the warmth of his love. 
-So as time passed, thoughts of your ex became less and less frequent until they stopped popping up throughout the day all together and you were happy with that. 
-Then the universe decided that it should serve you with a good old traumatizing experience to spice things up. 
-You were walking home after your shift at the hospital was over, exhausted out of your mind when you felt the hairs at the back of your neck rise.
-It was like a sixth sense, knowing that something was up. 
- “Y/n-chan~”
-Your blood ran cold at the familiar voice, your mind going blank as you quickly fished out your phone dialing Izuku’s number while speeding up. 
- “Hey angel w-”
- “Izu he is here. H-he is f-following me.” 
-You heard his feet hitting the pavement on the other line as he ran down the busy street, completely forgetting about the patrol he was on. 
- “Where are you angel?”
-Sharing your location with him you took a sharp turn and into a convenience store, walking to the very back and hiding behind a few shelves, your eyes glazing over as you heard the sliding doors ding as your ex stepped inside not even a minute after you. 
-When did he get so close?
- “Izu please.” 
- “I’m almost there Y/N, I’ll protect you I promise.” 
-You held your breath as footsteps got closer, Izuku’s breathing keeping you grounded as they echoed through the other line. 
-Dipping behind another shelf you zigzagged through the aisles hoping to lose him as you slowly and quietly made your way to the entrance, your plan being to run outside and find Izuku. 
-Your plan though was cute short when an arm wrapped tightly around your waist bringing you flush with a sturdy chest, your ex’s head dipping into your hair and breathing in your scent in an exaggerated sniff. 
- “You like the chase Y/N-chan~? I’ve got you now.” 
-Izuku’s panicked voice could be heard coming from your phone as he listened to your ex talking to you. 
-A whimper of your actual boyfriend’s name left your lips in an attempt to get away from him but his grip on you tightened making a sob escape you as tears cascaded down your cheeks, too many awful memories of your past relationship flooding your mind. 
-You wanted your Izuku. 
- “Aww baby don’t cry. And my name isn’t Izuku so don’t make that silly little mistake again because it doesn’t make me happy when you call out other men’s names. I got you now and everything will be back to normal in no time. Just you and me my sweet Y/N.” 
-You thrashed around, your hands clawing at the arm wrapped around your waist and the other one that was holding your chin. 
-In your panic you didn’t even hear the ding of the store’s doors as your boyfriend stepped in, eyes immediately locking on your crying features and the outer fear in your eyes as you ex tried kissing your neck.  
-It took him mere seconds to untangle you from your ex’s grasp and pull you safely into his chest, a punch flying right into your attackers jaw as he fell to the floor with a loud thud. 
-His hands went immediately to cradle your head near his chest, rubbing soothing circles on your back as you sobs wracked through your body. 
- “Shh angel, it’s me I’m right here shh. He can’t hurt you Y/N.” 
-Police sirens echoed outside as a few officers poured through the double doors, Izuku scooping you up and taking you outside trudging the familiar road to your shared apartment. 
-You wouldn’t let go of his hero costume as he calmly set you on your shared bed, whispering to you that he was only going to the closet to help you both change. 
-It took him a lot of time to actually calm you down and when he managed it he called his agency to inform them that he would be taking the day off. 
-The only thing he could do after that was hold you as close to his chest as he possibly could, reassuring you that he wouldn’t be coming anywhere close to you from now on that he was officially gone. 
Bakugou Katsuki/ Pro Hero! Dynamight
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-It was a stupid argument that escalated and now he found himself crashing at Kirishima’s. 
-You two hadn’t talked for about a week now and Bakugou feared that you had had enough of him and you would break up if he called. 
-He felt awful.
-He just wanted to go back home to you, kiss you, hug you, be back in his normal routine with the love of his life but no he had to be stubborn and push you to your limits with a silly argument that he doesn’t even remember what the fuck it was about. 
-It was the third sleepless night for him and he couldn’t stop his brain from drifting to you and what you might be doing. 
-You on the other hand were terrified out of your mind. 
-Not long after Katsuki stormed out of your apartment you had started getting texts from an unknown number saying things like “He is finally gone” and “Now we can be together again dolly.” 
-The nickname had sent shivers down your spine, memories of your toxic/yandere ex flooding your mind. 
-Katsuki had helped you run away from him and heal after those dark days. 
-Walking to the kindergarten you worked at became a constant threat.
-You were always looking behind your shoulder for anyone who might be following you, coming very close to calling Katsuki more than once when you thought that you had caught a whiff of your ex. 
-You began asking your coworkers to walk home with you using the excuse that it felt kinda lonely walking alone.
-Things reached a tipping point when the photos started coming in. 
-Photos of you in your class helping the kids, on your way to the station to catch your train every morning and even from inside your own house. 
-Photos of you putting on one of Katsuki’s hoodies was filled with manic scribbles of the word stop as a big red circle was drawn around your boyfriend’s sweatshirt. 
-It terrified you and you wanted nothing else than to call Katsuki and beg him to come back. 
-But despite it all your worthless pride and ego got in the way convincing you that you would fight your ex with your own two hands. 
-All those thoughts were tossed out the window when you heard your ex’s voice outside your apartment’s door on a late Friday night. 
- “Dolly open the door~” 
-In less than a second you had pushed the kitchen table in front of the door, your fingers hastily dialing Katsuki’s number, tears already streaming down your cheeks as your ex pounded at the front door, his voice and pleas becoming more and more aggressive as the seconds ticked by. 
-Two agonizing minutes passed before Bakugou answered, his gruff voice reaching your ears from the other line as he answered with a short “What”
- “Katsu please h-he is trying to get in. H-he is at the d-door. I-I don’t know what to do.” 
- “Baby lock yourself in our room and try to barricade the door. After that hide I’ll be there before you know it.”
-You could hear a door slamming shut and his hasty steps coming through the other line. 
-Doing as you were told you locked your bedroom door, pushing your dresser in front of it as more bangs came from the front door the legs of the kitchen table scraping the floor as the door almost rattled off its hinges. 
-Ducking underneath your bed you let out a few whines to which Katsuki answered with reassuring words. 
- “I’m almost there baby, I’ll save you. Fuck, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby. I should be home with you right now keeping you safe from that lunatic. I’m sorry I love you so much.” 
- “Katsu please hurry please. I-I’m so scared. Please.” 
- “I can see our building don’t worry-” 
-A loud thud came from the kitchen and only a few seconds later something rammed into the bedroom door ripping another whimper from your throat. 
- “Oh my god Katsu he’s in our house!!” 
- “Y/N, dolly, why are you making this so difficult my love? I just want” *thud* “to love you” *thud* “the way you” *thud* “DESERVE!”
-In one finally push your dresser was finally knocked over as the door creaked slightly open, your ex squeezing through the crack a laugh and a breathy moan of your name escaping his lips as he stepped inside.  
- “Katsuki I lo-” 
-The only thing that Katsuki could hear was your scream as he barreled up the stairs to your apartment. 
-He was gonna skin that bastard alive for hurting you and then he would skin himself alive for allowing this to happen. 
-He will never forget the look of pure terror in your eyes as you ex was pining you on the floor, your eyes darting through the room desperately searching for a way to escape this. 
-Katsuki tackled your assailant, straddling his waist as he let punch after punch connect with the bastard's face as you cowered to the far corner of the room. 
-After a few minutes of relentless punching your ex was knocked out cold while Katsuki was cradling you to his chest, rubbing circles onto your scalp as you sobbed in his chest. 
-You don’t remember much of what happened later, too exhausted to process anything and too comfortable in Katsuki’s arms as he led you to Kirishima’s house to spend the night. 
-He refused to take you to a hotel, he thought you would feel safer in a familiar environment. 
-Kiri left you two alone as Katsuki prepared a bath and a change of clothes. 
- “Katsu…” 
-His name left your lips as a mere whisper and it broke his heart. 
- “I can’t go back to our house...He had been in there….he had taken pictures I-I” 
- “Shh it’s alright. It was getting kinda small for us anyways. Shh Don’t worry about it.” 
- “I’m sorry Katsu, I’m so sorry.” 
-It would take a lot of hard work to build up your sense of safety and he knew it but he was ready to give it his all for you. 
- “No need to apologize baby. You know I would do anything for you and your safety and I’ll be here next to you now matter what. I love you and I will never stop. You kinda have my wrapped around your finger, woman.” 
-You let out a weak giggle followed by an “I love you” of your own and a little peck on the lips, as you snuggled close to him, his arms bringing you safely to his chest in a way to calm your nerves. 
-You really did have wrapped around your finger.
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @luluwiie​ @threeamwriting​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: I'm currently going through a Harry Potter fever ('tis the damn season), so I thought I'll write something. I might write more of this story, (maybe turn it into a multipart) we'll see. If you'd like to be tagged in this, let me know.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I had always supposed that reaching the sixth year at Hogwarts meant subjects would get way more demanding and complex, and I to be proven right, only two weeks in were needed.
Added to the usual difficulties, we would be hosting The Triwizard Tournament. Having the castle be almost twice as crowded as the other years, when all you crave is a quiet spot to study, wasn't ideal.
As I said, the first two weeks were already hard enough.
During the third week though, believe it or not, things got even worse —and our guests hadn't even arrived yet.
The Slytherin common room was quieter than the library these days, that's the sole reason why, at 3:35 pm, my best friend and I were already making our way there.
To our luck, we arrived just in time to see the two redheaded troublemakers par excellence high-fiving each other besides my common room's entrance.
"What on Merlin's beard are you two doing here?!" Both of them jumped at the sight of two Slytherins.
"The question is what are YOU doing here?" One of them questioned back, probably attempting to distract us. "You two should be in the library."
"What did you do?" I squinted my eyes at them and, while one raised his hands in surrender, the other just shrugged.
"Nothing." He motioned at our door nonchalantly. "If you don't believe me, check it yourself."
My friend and I shared a reluctant look, and before I could say anything, she was heading to the door.
"Mathilda wait—" I gasped when she sunk into what appeared to be the stone floor.
"Okay now, I wasn't expecting her to actually do it." When I attempted to step forward, a hand on my forearm prevented me from it.
"Don't step further." He warned. "Just in case."
"I'm not stupid." I hissed before grabbing my wand, which made the tall redhead back off. "Revelio." Slowly, a swamp was revealed to be where the entrance hall to the Slytherin common room was supposed to.
Now that it was visible, both twins hurried to get my friend out of their giant prank.
"Get rid of this." I ordered as they pulled her up, her bottom half covered in mud.
"Pffft... no?" One of them scoffed, walking away from Mathilda and stepping closer to me. "It's a masterpiece. It stays."
"If it stays, I will throw you into your masterpiece." I threatened, putting my wand back in my pocket.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try."
I glared at him, partially because I hated that cocky attitude these two —specially him— always exhibited, but also because I had to look up in order to make eye contact.
"Listen Weasley,"
"It's Fred." Oh what would I give to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
"I don't care." Refusing to step back as he clearly wanted to achieve by towering me, I stepped forward, lightly pushing him back with one hand. "You will remove this from here or I will walk right now to the Potions Classroom and split on you."
The twins seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes only. After a moment of silence, the one with my friend spoke. "We'll get rid of it right now and you won't say anything." I nodded, my eyes still fixed on Fred's. "Just so we're clear, this was not set up for you."
"The next one will be, though." Fred assured me with an almost wicked smile. "I'll make sure you can't use the revelio on it."
"Is that a promise, Weasley?" I asked in an unconsciously defying tone.
"You can be sure of it, Y/l/n."
"It's Y/n." I retorted, mocking him.
"I don't care." I rolled my eyes when he did the same, finally breaking eye contact with him.
"C'mon Thilda," I held out my hand to her "let's see if someone can sneak us into the Ravenclaw common room."
"You think Fred meant it?" Mathilda inquired, the worry slipping through her words as she played with her breakfast.
"I doubt so." Angelina, who was sitting in front of us, replied without even looking up from her quidditch history book. "They seem more trouble than they are, really." I scoffed; it was easier for her to say that; she was a Griffindor after all. "Deep down they're nice sort, Y/n. They won't pick up on you for ruining a prank."
"I don't trust them."
"I'm not saying you have to—" Angelina jumped slightly when a wad of paper hit my face.
"You were saying?" I grunted, making eye contact with the red haired boy waving at me from the Griffindor table.
When I opened the wad, it read:
'miss me? —Fred ;)'.
"Look at his smug face." I hissed. "I'm gonna-"
"Ignore him. You're gonna ignore him." Angelina finished, fairly unconcerned. "I assure you he'll get bored in less then two days if he can't get a reaction out of you."
For the sake of having breakfast in peace, I only dedicated him a fake smile and did as my friend said. It seemed to work, until it was time to leave for class.
"We should get moving." Mathilda spoke, putting her plate aside and picking up her things as I did the same.
"I have a free period now." Angelina informed us. "Or as free as it can be. You?"
"Divination. Y/n?"
"Charms— Fuck." I whined as something dawned on me. "Those gits are in my class." I spared them a glare. "If they ruin my favorite subject I'm gonna—" a sudden splash of water on my face left my shirt soaked for at least the next hour. "You got the nerve—!" I yelled at the guy who was already making eye contact with me.
"I do, indeed!" He cut me off, winking at me from across the table, his chin resting on the palm of his hand with a teasing grin dancing on his lips as he asked, "what are you gonna do now, Y/l/n?" His twin brother, though I could only see his back, was clearly not enjoying this behavior.
Mathilda checked my gaze, dreading the worst. "Y/n, don't. You're gonna make Slytherin lose points." She knew the warning wouldn't do much, but at least she had tried.
Angelina, instead of backing our friend and try to calm me down, got up and walked to the table where the Weasleys sat.
"I hope you know you're dead." Angie stood in front of me, before using her book to tap my brother's arm. "George, move."
The three of us spared a look at Y/n, who had, ignoring McGonagall yells, stepped over her table to get to us.
"Move. Now."
"Ssshit." My brother moved just in time for Y/n to repeat the same forward move on our table.
It's not as if I didn't have the time to move and run away, she hadn't rushed; on the contrary, she walked calmed and composed, and still I did not move an inch.
I guess a part of me wanted to know what she'd do to me.
"Look at you." I began to wind her up again when she climbed off the table on my side, sitting down on its surface with her shoes over the bench. "Doing the impossible to be near me, how romant—"
My sentence died off abruptly as a handful of scrambled eggs was mashed against my face.
I heard a burst of laughs around me. "Blimey! I'm sorry, Fred," she feigned worry, smearing what I assumed were the remaining rests of my breakfast all over my chest. "I hope you're not late to Charms because of this." She whispered near my ear, making a shiver go down my spine when her breath hit my neck. "See you there, yeah?"
Her hand squeezed my shoulder and her fingers ran over my shoulder blades as she walked away.
I felt a napkin placed in my hand and I was quick to remove as much scrambled eggs as possible from my face, just in time to see Y/n exiting the Great Hall with McGonagall jogging after her.
"You know?" Lee asked, drawing my attention. "Picking up on the girl you fancy is kind of a toddler strategy."
"Yeah, Fred," my brother agreed. "you're not an eighth year-old anymore."
"And you chose the wrong girl to nag" Angie added," if you keep it up, she will surely kill you." She held back a teasing smile. "And you should be careful" she nudged George. "I don't think she can tell you both apart, you can end up as collateral damage."
"But you wouldn't let that happen, would you?" I rolled my eyes when George scooted closer to our quidditch chaser.
"Depends on how annoying you are." She faked indifference as my brother searched for her eyes.
"I don't fancy her." I not-so-randomly stated. "But I can't stop pranking her now that she ruined my breakfast."
"You can and you will, Weasley." I jolted at McGonagall's voice behind me. "Twenty points from Gryffindor." At least I'm not grounded, I thought. "And you're grounded for the rest of the week."
"But Y/n��� Ouch!" my brother kicked me under the table so I would shut it.
"Y/l/n has received her fair share of punishment, too, Weasley." The professor gave me a poorly masked, disgusted look. "Go and..." She waved her hand "Clean yourself up, Y/l/n will inform professor Flitwick about this incident. And Weasley," She stared at my brother. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to Charms too?"
"Yes ma'am." He replied, throwing everything into his bag, getting up and rushing out of there, not before grabbing his robe.
"The day's promising." I groaned, handing my things over to Angelina so I could go to the bathroom.
"You made the day promising by messing with a Slytherin, you twit." She pointed out, putting my things over hers. "Now go clean those eggs from your shirt."
"Aye, mother!" I headed off before Angie could add anything else to the conversation, loosening my tie as I moved forward.
As I cleaned off everything I could in the nearest bathroom, a random thought slipped into my mind.
Had Y/n been punished too? And if so, would we fullfil the punishment together? It seemed logical that if one of us got grounded, the other one would get grounded too; consequently, it would only make sense for us to—
Shut it. I mumbled to my own mind.
I didn't care. I did not care if she was punished or not. It was none of my business.
I don't fancy her, I thought to myself once again.
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cdroloisms · 3 years
Since starvation is canon imagine Dream in the future having to deal with the mental effects of it. His armor doesn't fit and feels like carrying hard rocks that hit him in his bones painfully. It's harder to do things that he did so easily before. He used to be able to move freely, whenever he was trapped he could rely on his body to carry him away from any bad situation. He could climb trees and run and swim so eaily but now it's so much harder, so much more tiring. It's a trapping feeling that follows him around constantly.
aww this ask made me sad ,, yeah post-pandora recovery is going to be a Bitch And A Half. just *shakes c!sam* stop violating basic human rights you creeper man you. 
anyway, have some more syndicate c!dream angst!! 
tws: ed mention (kinda), disordered eating, starvation, trauma, torture (mentioned), vomit mention, internalized ableism (? dream makes a few statements that sorta brush off his trauma), pandora’s vault/prison arc
His armor doesn’t fit anymore.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow. Dream may not be like Techno, is hardly as careful with his armor - he’ll slap on a Prot IV, Mending, maybe Unbreaking if he’s feeling generous, but he’s never really managed to shake the careless ambivalence he’s learned to regard most of his belongings with after their inevitable destruction, not after the chaos that made up growing up with Sapnap and George - not to mention the training from manhunts. His armor was a rushed, simple thing, made much the same way as he would craft any set in iron, the extent of its personalization limited to the neatly-printed “Nightmare” he used to mark each piece as his own. Even so - it had once been his, his constant companion as he traveled around the server, as comfortable over his shoulders as a second skin - it wasn’t pretty, or well-crafted, or worth anything much at all, but it was his.
He doesn’t have very many things that were his from before.
Most of the set is still left on the armor stand Techno had left in the room, only the chestplate missing from the wooden dummy so he can hold it up with his own two hands. He brushes his hands over the surface, feeling out the familiar runes scrawled over it back and front, hardly even legible thanks to his rush job. It’s clearly taken a beating or ten, nicks and scrapes covering it back and front - some familiar, most not - and he frowns as he shifts its weight between his hands, heavy and leaving his arms straining even after just a few minutes.
He’s no stranger to proper training - knows, still, after so long without sparring or practice or anything, that the set is too heavy for him. He may lean towards a lighter armor than most to allow for his movement and parkour, but it was still made for someone well-practiced and healthy - nothing like the wreck of bones and skin he’s become after months without proper meals and torture. He can hardly hold up just the chestplate alone - he’s not stupid. Netherite is heavy, and he can hardly manage more than iron for an hour or two.
He bites his lip, before tucking his head to his chest and pulling the chestplate up anyway.
His hands are clumsy as he pulls the straps tight, fumbling weakly with the buckles in a way that makes his teeth grind against each other. The weight immediately presses against his still-healing ribs, making them creak and ache dangerously in his chest, and the sudden, gasping pressure on his lungs nearly sends him into a panic. He ignores it all, focused on the worn leather on either side, pulls each piece as tight as it will go.
He’s not wearing any padding, and the feeling of the hard metal against his bones is hardly what anyone could call “comfortable,” calls back memories of himself, a foot on his back, pressed against unforgiving obsidian. He breathes in another slow, shivering breath, chest struggling to expand against the weight, and stands in front of the mirror.
He looks dumb.
It reminds him of being a kid and trying on Sam’s diamond armor for the first time, completely dwarfed by its height and breadth, waddling around awkwardly from the foreign weight strapped to his chest and the awkward way it hung off of him. His armor is more familiar but no less unfitting, hollow spaces lingering that should’ve been filled by muscle and fat, his sharp edges digging uncomfortably against its surface. It hums with the same feeling of unbelonging, like he’s taken something that belongs to someone else entirely, the same heavy discomfort that comes from wearing someone else’s shirt or drinking from another person’s mug. Hot tears spring to his eyes, and he stubbornly blinks them away; it’s just a stupid set of armor, really, it doesn’t matter at all-
“Hey, nerd.” Techno’s voice is muffled outside the door, and he knocks softly against the doorframe twice - a request to enter. Dream stares at himself a moment longer, debating whether to shuck off the chestplate first, before sighing and kicking at the floor - once, twice, granting permission.
The door opens slowly, but Dream’s traitorous body freezes anyway for a moment, muscles locked and tensed painfully under the heavy armor, and he forces another breath into his lungs to stave off the panic. Thankfully, Techno knows about his stupid brain enough to know to give him some time, leaning against the door frame as he counts off the seconds in his head until he looks back up again to signal that he’s ready for him to come closer.
His eyebrow lifts and he gestures at the armor he’s wearing. “That’s your old set, right?”
He nods, worrying his lips between his teeth as he lifts his hands to sign. Yeah. Ranboo brought them from S-N-O-W-C-H-E-S-T-E-R.
“Makes sense.” Techno’s face twists as he struggles to follow Dream’s signs; he’s learned quicker than he would’ve expected, at first, but there’s a few things that Dream needs to fingerspell, still. He looks him up and down, a wry smile on his face. “Isn’t that a bit heavy?”
Dream gnaws on his lips further, trying to decide what to say, explain what has left him staring at the mirror in silence for upwards of ten, fifteen minutes now. If he was more in the mood, he’d make a joke about his self-absorption. Instead, he looks away, signing with quick, overly casual movements.
Wanted to see if it fit. It doesn’t anymore.
“Ah,” Techno’s voice, low and drawling, has picked up that knowing tone that Dream’s learning to hate. “I see.”
He frowns, keeping his eyes trained the bottom half of the mirror, to his too-skinny legs peeking out of the bottom of his sweatpants. He tries not to look at himself too much now, doesn’t know what to make of the near-skeleton that stares back at him when he bothers to look, all sharp edges and unnatural hollows, the foreign ridges of his spine running down his back and his ribs sticking out at his sides. None of it is his - not this armor, not this body, all of it belonging to a Dream that hadn’t been through the fire and brimstone of Pandora, that didn’t recoil at the taste of potatoes, that could eat more than two meals a day without throwing up.
He shakes himself out of his own thoughts, tasting iron from where he’d torn apart his lips with his teeth. He balls his fist, pulls it to his chest. Sorry.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” He can hear the sound of Techno shifting from side to side, awkward in the silence hanging thick and heavy in the room, “Anyway, Phil’s made some stew. You goin’ to join us?”
The question gives him pause for far too long as he weighs his options - he knows he should eat more, knows that it’ll be the only thing that helps him fill out and heal and finally start recovering from everything in Pandora, but no matter how much he knows his mind still recoils harshly at the idea of more food. He’s not hungry at all, or maybe he is and he just doesn’t feel it anymore - it’s hard to tell, in this new normal. Everything’s hard, after Pandora.
In a few minutes, he finally signs, biting back a flush of shame at the clear surprise in Techno’s expression.
“Alright, whenever you want, nerd.”
Techno walks out the room, and Dream sighs, a wheezing heave of breath that leaves him exhausted and makes the chestplate feel heavier than ever. One by one, he reaches for the buckles, maneuvering them open so he can pull the netherite over his head and let it fall onto his bed. He stares at the thing for a few minutes longer, lips pursed, at the messily drawn runes and the unfamiliar dents along the top edge and a gouge carved on one side, deep enough to expose a slight blue line of the diamond underneath, and huffs, turning away.
He’ll have to call up Ranboo or something later to see if anyone wants an old set of netherite armor. He has no use for it, anymore.
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