#sorry this isn't very coherent or like
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I wanted to reply to these both at the same time because i feel they go so well together.
The anon at the top brings up such a great point--that they basically have a greater share in loving their faves.
To anyone sad about their faves losing or voting for the less popular Pokemon, just remember this is basically a popularity contest! And popularity infers no value judgement on its winners and losers and the people who vote for them! I know people joke a lot about objectivity, but at the end of the day this is all very much subjective, and the only real difference between a small community of fans and a big community of fans is that one is made of less people.
I think the way Pokemon is set up too is that there really is no such thing as bad taste? (I'd also argue that this is technically also true for many other things but that's beside the point gjfigjfi) Like--Pokemon are pretty much equivalent to our animals. Being invested in certain animals doesn't really give you more or less by way of coolness. (I'm sure there's some specific circles that would beg to differ, but that's just it, those are specific, limited circles, not society as a whole.) The same thing can be said about Pokemon. And the beauty of it is that there's something in every Pokemon that's going to speak to at least one person, though probably many more.
I also usually do vote for the losers, so at least we are, for the most part, in things together!
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daz4i · 1 year
wait I'm not done talking abt fyolai. let's look at the anthologies art
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(sorry for the big sample lmao this is what i had on hand)
fyodor is in a bath of what is likely blood. if i had to guess I'd say it's symbolism for the whole story, really - blood being spilled by him or in his name, so he can achieve his goal. he is deep inside the blood of those the doa have hurt
nikolai has a part of his leg in it. he's helped spill some of that blood, after all, with his murders and his part of the plan to frame the agency. however, he could easily get up and go with barely a stain anywhere else on him. not because his hands are clean, but because he always makes sure he has a way to escape. he has agency. he is not being controlled by fyodor to stay in the tub. he spends time with him willingly - just like he went to meursault to put fyodor and dazai in the game willingly, even though he could escape and no one would even think to look for him.
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this art was actually the catalyst to my previous post abt them, bc one interpretation i keep seeing is that fyodor has the upper hand, almost controlling nikolai, probably under the assumption that he's manipulating him somehow (which, tbf, I'm p sure this is what fyodor thought he was doing too)
however i feel like this art is a way to show that's not the case
fyodor has a fork in hand, already in the cake. he could easily just use it and bring it to his mouth, he doesn't need nikolai to feed him, and he'll probably be cleaner about it too. i think, this is symbolism for his original escape plan from meursault - we recently learned that one of the prison guards is a vampire, meaning he had a man on the inside the whole time. nikolai showing up and putting him in this race can technically achieve the same goal - he's still eating the cake after all - but he's definitely making the whole ordeal way messier
it's not that nikolai is 100% in total control or something - fyodor could push him away if he wanted, or possibly kill him in meursault - but he's still the one taking the reigns, making a choice for fyodor, going into his personal space and making sure fyodor notices, both on the inside by putting his fingers in his mouth, and outside by practically enveloping him.
tldr: nikolai 1 always has an escape route. he's not giving in to just whatever fyodor plans 2 is in more control than he might give himself credit for
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larsnicklas · 5 months
i will be so so so heartbroken if tj o.shie hangs up the skates midseason like i really don’t think i could take it — for all that i might talk about other capitals more when tj came to the capitals i immediately and fiercely fell in love with the way he played — with tenacity, and sometimes with reckless abandon, but always with every bit of his heart. scrappy and tenacious and just determined in the way that the best players are; the sort of teammate that every guy wants. a quick fan favorite, and that was impressive on a team that already boasted so many stars at the time! he really wears his feelings on his sleeve when he's on the ice, and the fanbase responded to that. (the capitals fanbase is one that has been primed to love players with emotions brimming and spilling over to the surface — just look the captain.) i know he didn’t start here but he’s such a fixture, such a mainstay. i can’t imagine the team without him.
tj plays the game with everything he has and then he gives you more, even when you think it’s impossible. he’s put his body through so much to show up for this team and he’s come through for them time and time again. i think maybe he should be selfish for one time in his life. i don’t actually think it’s selfish at all, but even if he thinks it is i wish he’d put his body and his future wellbeing first. and like! i don’t want him to stop playing. when he’s out there i know he’s going to give his best on every shift, whatever that means from him that day. i know he’s going to keep guys engaged and focused on the bench. i know he’s always going to make me proud to be his fan.
i don’t want to see him have to concede and retire before he wants to. it feels so unfair all the time. but i hope he knows that he’s given this org and the fans more than enough. like we could never repay him for what he’s freely and gladly given. i want him to be able to hit the ice with his kids and not have his back bother him! i hope someone he respects and trusts in the caps org has told him things along these lines. like. if this latest injury is a back thing… i don’t know if it’s worth it. only he can decide but like. i hope he does what’s best for him and his family. and not just what he thinks he should do for the team. :(
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lemondragoncheesecake · 3 months
Ok, now that I saw your latest post about Kai and The Chameleon, now im more confident about this question...
How would they work? I mean, yeah, I love your hcs of Kai as someone dominant and pridefull and all bc it feels in character but...
According to Viola Davis, The Chameleon is sadistic and i dont think she would be the kind of surrender easily for a man/woman, so...
Im interested in your thoughts :3
Who said the Chameleon was surrendering to Kai?- I mean all Kai has is that loincloth, man ain't wearing the pants in this relationship. Lol.
Serious answer: she's the "dominant" one. Kai was captured by her and absolutely under her power, and not just in a literal sense of having been drained and caged; yes, she's smaller than him, but by no means a pushover weakling. I think Kai sees alot of himself in her- both having that sadistic, prideful, and power-hungry personality which lends itself to a mutual attraction; but they aren't, obviously, on equal footing, considering the Chameleon's nature and the nature of their relationship.
Kai, as awful as he is, has nothing on her. She's a different sort of monster entirely (andweadoreherforitabsolutequeen). What I mean is: Kai wants to rule side by side; she wants to rule alone. I think, however, there are these times they make a pretense of equal ground, enjoying snapping back at each other, pushing each other's nerves, a little back and forth (perhaps grinding between, when the tension is high)- but she's always quick to shatter that fascade, the one illusion she won't tolerate; after all, neither of them are deceived, not really.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
"aaaand he's right behind me, isn't he?" Is an overplayed joke but I think ppl are focusing too much on the joke out of context like. It's not the line itself that's the problem, I've seen this joke done well, the problem with this kind of overplayed quip is when assembly line blockbusters use it as a substitute for actual characterization and thought out jokes with set up and pay off.
Like I saw an article that described the Russo bros dialogue in their latest film as feeling like placeholders for funnier jokes meant to be added later, and that's very much what "and he's right behind me" is being used to represent in the recent wave of memes parodying it and movies that feature it- it's dialogue that could be funny in the right context but reads as annoying, insincere and overplayed because writers and directors employ it just as a way to
a) self parody in a way that creates distance between the film and the audience- which is distance from criticism, yes, but also distance that halts all investment and identification between the story and audience
and b) make their job easier at the cost of quality. Because "he's right behind me, isn't he?" Is a tried and true joke that doesn't tell us anything about the character saying it other than "they're meant to be funny and sarcastic and likeable" in the most generic sense of all those words
because a blandly likeable protagonist is easy to write, and they want things that are easy to write so they can put them on the assembly line. Which is frustrating but I do understand it's mostly a product of corporate monopoly and strangling studios. I'm sure most of these writers would like to make something better but just. Cannot be bothered to when the film is guaranteed money based on brand name clout alone AND they have to deal with execs who micromanage projects that fall under their 'brand'. Why write jokes that feel specific to the characters you've created, or engineer characters with comedy in mind? Thats too personal and gimmicky and high effort- slap a one-liner on them and now you've got the human equivalent of a palette cleanser when you flit between summer mega movies. Except every meal is a palette cleanser, and in the end, it tastes like nothing at all.
#ramblings of a lunatic#sorry i just. saw something that annoyed me#where they judged the quality of a thing (admittedly a thing i like so I'm very biased here!) by the fact that they personally felt#that it was the kind of show that would include a ''hes right behind me isn't he?'' joke#and it's like. i get what you're going for and other parts of your post are more coherent in your grievances#(you think it's generic)#but like. idk i just feel like turning specific lines that are overplayed but ultimately neutral on their own-#-into shorthand for ''generic and bad'' is like. gonna be unhelpful in the long run#idk feel free to add on to this with expansions or anything you think i got factually wrong if i did say something completely untrue#just like be civil yknow. like i have good faith for the ppl who follow me don't get me wrong I'm just. not in the mood rn for tomfoolery#this is highly unedited and i might wake up tomorrow and find it incomprehensible or just. poorly articulated#but for now you're getting my moaning and groaning as is. o natural babey#Anyway yes- mega blockbusters made on an assembly line are bad and they produce bad movies.#But it's less to do with a couple individual words that appear often and more abt the conditions surrounding their production.#it's why i keep calling them assembly line blockbusters#to the person who once compared the mcu to cinematic fast food...hows it feel to be so deeply correct#(fast food good sometimes and I have nostalgic favourites but by god it cannot be all i eat or I will get very sick)
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if u have a special interest in brainwashing i think you would simply explode if u watched karmaland (IN A GOOD WAY IN A GOOD WAY) (there’s a crap ton of plot points connected to brainwashing and the loss of memory, it’s really interesting and the way it ties into how the characters interact and the overarching plot line makes me go insane) (bonus post i found a couple months ago about the theme of memory in it: https://shikai-the-storyteller.tumblr.com/post/699057572266885120 )
HIHI I'm so sorry about getting to this late Oooo I really love that! (Checked out the post you sent) and from what I've just heard about Karmaland around it sounds very interesting! I gotta love me some good old fasioned loss of memory but everlastingly connected to some events vibe, because erasing the whole of a person is HARD. I cannot speak on a series I haven't watched, but that post is very interesting and those sort of plots have my whole heart. The main thing is that I really only speak enough spanish to have survived high school, and I still almost failed. I wanna get better at it but learning languages is just not something that comes to me with ease. Along with that, I listen to QSMP a lot in the background, and I couldn't do that if I needed to read subtitles constantly lol. There's something also to be said about how to be involved in the main qsmp plot rn you generally need to speak english but I feel like that is a victim of circomstance along with other things - People have noted the lack of Hispanic streamers online and how the French also seem disconnected from the main lore. Without going on too long of a rant I actually enjoy that I missed some content and lore that the Brazlians have and discovered it through the community, lol. Which is a long winded rant to say "I feel lucky that I am in the primary audience for the qsmp lore and I really don't feel like I could keep up with it if it wasn't in a language I spoke" Maybe sometime in the future, I'd love to check it out, or really if there were english plot summaries about I'm sure they'd be amazing, that's absolutley my sort of plot. If you have any reccomendations I'd love that!
I hope this was coherent lmao I have spent the last while feeling quite sick but sometime. Sometime I will ramble on the role that memory seems to play in the QSMP. sometime.
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horizon-penblade · 2 years
I love headcanoning that Fortinbras is ace if only for the Meme
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angelizs · 2 years
Hi hi! I just wanted to thanm you for the super nice tags on my jade series. They were the first thing i saw when i woke up so im vv happy!! Also, your layout is super pretty and may the mischievous cat visit your dreams asdhdls
Good morning dear!! Thank you for sending an ask, that's literally so sweet of you ?? I'm grinning so wide right now, if anything I should be the one thanking you for writing such an amazing series!! ALSO THAT'S SO NICE OF YOU, Che'nya is welcomed in my dreams anytime !!!
I have a lot to say but I didn't want to spam your notifications so I kept to the abridged version in the tags ksjdlskdksk well, since you're here I'll talk a bit more about my thoughts on it (under the cut), hope you don't mind ^^
I first read it before setting up my account actually and it stayed in my mind because you work very well with catching the readers attention and making them curious!! also, I loved your Jade characterization, how you describe his feelings of shock and his thought process, his opinions on humans, the way he tries to distance himself but can't, either due to his curious nature or the universe trying to play matchmaker (or both, who knows). I'm going to be honest and admit I don't like soulmate aus that much (dunno, the idea there's someone predetermined for u it's kinda suffocating ig) but this one got a GRIP on me. LITERALLY YOU MADE ME GET INTERESTED. I love love love how Jade tried to challenge that cliche within these types of aus of immediately throwing his things to the air to persue his soulmate, how he keeps his interests in mind first and foremost!! (although I did find very funny how Azul admited he would just abandon everything on spot)
at the end of the first chapter I was SHOCKED FLABBERGASTED STUNNED AT A LOSS FOR WORDS literally just stared at my phone for a while processing it because it was the LAST thing I'd have expected to happen. and immediately hurried to read the next part because I needed to know what would happen after that.
his inner thoughts on the beggining of chapter 2 made so much sense it was SO satisfactory!!! "A soulmate to him was this entirely new concept. He did not dream of someone filling him up with overflowing emotions. Jade wasn't empty." THIS THIS THIS it's soooo in accordance with his character.
The elective class made me curious to take it as well, honestly, Crowley please accept my enrollment letter I wanna be there too. The way he can't help but want to know the reader's name, so interested in them while they don't even know about him?? SOOO GOOD!!! the idea of him wanting to know reader's name is. so endearing. it's just an innocent interest you know?? him getting his hopes up about reader's beliefs and then being let down immediately WAS SO FUNNY, especially after they don't raise their hand on the soulmates one LMAO
him still thinking about reader's name makes me feel. some sort of way. imagine someone being so interested in you even your NAME becomes an object of interest??? I. I want it.
the opposites attract bit is SO TRUE that's what I think as well!! I'd love someone who compliments me well so we can share experiences and help each other grow! but I'd never be with someone whose core values are drastically different than mine.
also it's very funny that he thought of just. straight up telling the reader about what happened just to see their reaction. HIS HOPES GETTING UP AGAIN (even mine got up after the string reappeared) AND THEN HIM NOT WANTING THE STRING TO BE CUT? HIM STANDING TOO STUNNED TO SPEAK AFTER READER MENTIONS A BOYFRIEND?? THAT WAS. SO FUNNY, THE JADE HUMBLING you're so right I love him but sometimes he should be knocked down a peg. just for funsies
chapter 4 was actually really cute!! finally some interactions between the two! I was kind of surprised about reader lying, but more so about Jade noticing the flowers enough to know the meaning of them, which was also pretty endearing, in it's own way.
"Always. Always if they are connected to you. Perhaps he was the silly one. But you smiled. That was enough." SCREAMING SOBBING SHAKING SLIDING DOWN THE WALL
and. I'm so curious about chapter 5. will Jade finally learn reader's name? will reader discover about their soulmate connection?? will the red string come back??? this and much more in the next issue of A human myth of red, stay tuned!!
in conclusion: thank you for your series I have. many thoughts about it. it has stayed in my mind and I've been thinking about it! you're doing great <33
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devilboyblues · 1 year
how far away are we from when you have another streaming service open in your browser, the site comes up as "hey! >:/ not good enough for you huh? i don't like having that other one around. you're gonna have to pick ME to continue T_T " and you have to close the other tab
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absolutelybatty · 2 years
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POV: She's wondering why you're doing geometry in a cave.
Salloween22 Day 25: Cave
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
Abram darling, i have two questions:
have you unlocked the secret shrimp emotions from being awake so long?
i'm shuffling through your Omar but mmmm i cant find songs that itch my brain. you know the songs that tend to do that, do you have any recommendations?
hello my love ksdhfshd
1. i am prety sure i can hear shrimp sounds. i don't think i've ever drank so much coffee in one day before, which is fascinating cus i have definitely drank a lot of coffee. it is still a 0/10 experience and i would LOVE to experience some Sleep. alas. we are going on hour uhhhh 32 or so.
2. mmmmmmm most of his songs itch my brain but i think that may be somewhat of the Blorbo Effect. that said tho, the songs that i definitely vibe with the MOST are: In The Sunrise, Om Om Och Om Igen, Moving Like That, and Läppar. ESPECIALLY Om Om Och Om Igen. it's simply one that is *chef kisses* but for his slightly slower songs i do also love to listen to Breathe and Dum, as i think they just have powerful moments in them that i like to sing along to!!
i would also definitely suggest his cover of Symphony, and this performance specifically of his cover of It Takes A Fool To Remain Sane! i love the acapella version from YR a lot more than his 'official' cover of it
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talaok · 9 months
Like a Virgin
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
summary: It's been a really long time since Joel has felt the feel of anything else besides his own fist, and once you remind him how good the real thing is... let's just say it's hard for him to live up to his full potential.
warnings: smut| unprotected p in v sex, premature ejaculation, very touch-starved Joel, and allusion to oral sex (f receiving)
a/n: I don't know what to say lmao this is a thing for me ok, don't judge (and also you can't tell me this isn't accurate, like this man hasn't gotten laid since the moon landing probably, and you expect him to last? no way babe). Also I'm sorry about the title it's funny to me lol
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Now this wasn't like him.
He hadn't done this in a long time.
The last time he had sex with a woman he'd just met (or any woman to be completely honest) he was 25 years younger and the world hadn't gone to shit yet... so yeah, a long time indeed.
But you were so fucking beautiful, such a pretty face with such pretty eyes, and god but that mouth of yours-
And plus you were new to Jackson, you didn't know yet about all the scary stories folks liked to tell about him, and you were kind and funny, and... did he mention hot already?
Just one night of letting loose, that's what he'd told himself, and then he was gonna go back to his old closed-off self, but for now... for now, he was too busy throwing you on his bed to think about anything else.
You were getting rid of your clothes and he followed your lead more than willingly, almost ripping the buttons off his flannel in the rush.
He bent down to kiss your neck as his hands hurried to your tits.
God, he'd forgotten how good it felt to touch a woman.
And when you let out a little whimper, he swore he had ascended to another universe.
"Joel please"
Fuck him, but he wasn't inside of you yet, and he was already feeling far too close to coming.
Guess fucking his own fist for two decades really does something to a man.
"need something?"
He was acting wayy too smug for someone who was feeling like a virgin all over again.
"Please- I need you inside me, Joel"
fucking damnit- he shouldn't have asked that, his dick was now really suffering the consequences.
He didn't risk saying anything else as he got rid of his boxers, but of course, you just had to come out and say:
"oh wow, you're big" with the sexiest fucking voice he'd ever heard.
"want me to stop?"
For some reason, those words elicited a criminally hot smirk on your lips  
"Definitely not"
You were looking at him like a starving woman and he had to look down to where he was moving his tip to your entrance to get away from you and your dangerous, dangerous gaze
He pushed into you slowly and god fucking damnit but the sounds that you made... those sweet little moans and whines you let out as your warm pussy stretched around him and hugged him better than anything he'd felt in years... he had no words for it- no coherent sounds could make it out of his mouth except for a few groans coming deep from his chest.
"Good christ"
that's the only thing he managed to murmur as he bottomed out and had to take a break to try not to bust his load right there.
"fuck you feel so good" you moaned, as your hands gripped his sheets "please move" you begged, your voice breathy and pleading, and godfuck he should have really thought about it before doing this.
"Joel please-"
"I just need a moment darlin'" he explained, closing his eyes to try and remember how he used to manage to last and coming up completely empty.
He could feel your expectant eyes on him so even if he sure as hell didn't feel ready, he did as you asked and started to move.
The regret reached him extraordinarily fast as he felt your walls tightening around him and as you cried out for him like an angel sent straight from heaven.
"fuck-" you moaned, looking up at him with doe eyes that made him wonder if you really just knew what you were doing, if you actually enjoyed torturing him like this
"god you're so deep"
Yeah, you definitely knew
"and so big-" you cried
He gripped your waist to try and ground himself as he thrusted into your fucking perfect cunt.
"oh my god-yes!" you moaned, your back arching from the bed as his thrust got harsher in the hopes that that would make you talk less.
"just like that Joel- oh-" 
And Joel was tough in a lot of ways and he wasn't one to give up easily, but shit you were making it hard for him.
"Please don't stop- fuckfuckfuck" you begged, shutting your eyes close at the feeling.
And that was it, he couldn't do it anymore
"please stop talking" he breathed, his eyes resuming their tour of your eyes, mouth, and bouncing tits.
"nothing it's just-"
And before he could answer you had grabbed his shoulder and forced him to bend down to meet your mouth with his.
"you just feel too good Joel" 
"fuck." he groaned, not able to stop his hips from moving no matter how much he wanted to "shit"
"what is it?"
"Jesus Christ I-"
"is there something wrong?"
"n-no just- fuck I'm sorry sweetheart"
And that's all he could say as he abruptly pulled out of you, his spend covering your stomach not even a second after as he growled so loud his neighbors probably thought he was getting killed.
"shit" again, he sighed, his forehead falling to your shoulder.
"oh" you couldn't help but smile as everything came together
"I'm sorry darlin'" he breathed, leaning away and standing up as shame filled every inch of him.
"It's just- It's been a long time since I've done... this"
You sat up, your legs still dangling off the bed, as you admired his handy work on your belly.
"And you... you're just real fucking pretty" he huffed a half-laugh "I'm sorry"
You looked up at him then, meeting his mortified expression.
"No hey" you smiled, placing a hand on his torso "It's fine, I understand"
"god this is embarrassing, I feel like a sixteen-year-old all over again" he shook his head
"stop" you cooed, gently caressing his skin, as a mischievous spark lighted in your irides "It's fine, really" you promised, "and besides..." you bit your bottom lip as you slowly spread your legs "you could still make it up to me, y'know?"
He groaned again, falling to his knees between your thighs
"that I can do"
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Imagine Malleus getting in the body of a fragile you with iron deficit (you know those people that just sit/lay in bed chill and somehow got their wrist sprained? yeah i am one of those people) Btw: i recently came across your page and i literally feel in love with your writing ❤️, as a person who can't do much activities because of my fudging frail body creators like you give me a lot of motive to keep going it's really nice to read such high quality things and see such nice people, and as someone who consideres themselves very judgy(? i can tell you are one incredibly amazing content creator/writer, i'm sorry if what i just wrote isn't very coherent but it's just me being very excited thanks to your content ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much!!! I'm so happy that my writing is able to help you! I'm glad I can do this for you! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Iron-Deficient Body Switch | Yandere Malleus Draconia
It’s increasingly bad for you
Because he’s not as willing to listen when instead of a minor bruise your whole wrist is broken
Or how your heart occasionally beats incredibly too fast when your not doing anything strenuous
Or how your mouth oddly waters not for the water in the glass but for the ice
He can barely comprehend that someone as lovely giving+ as you is constantly going through this
But his respect doubles immensely when you forge on
Demonstrating your strength that seems typical for others
Of course it’s nothing in the face of his strength
But it’s something 
And that might be your only saving grace against Malleus’ locking you away
But one wrong fall or close call 
Or even a mere brush with danger for you and he’s absolutely done
If it’s not a tower it’s Diasomnia
If not Diasomnia, Briar Valley
To think you’re focused on returning to a world that hasn’t cured you immediately sickens him
“Stay with me, my Child of Man. This way I can show you the true capabilities of magic.”
He’s asking now
But he won’t be for long
He’s determined to help you, save you because in his mind what freedom you do have just can’t be had because of your body
He wants you to be healthy
To be able to enjoy all that he wants to experience with you 
Without you being in pain or hurt
“Please, let me do everything for you. I couldn’t wish for anything more than to help have you.”
Let him pamper you that way he might respect your freedom a bit more
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Request!!! If I may~ How will they propose? 💍 For Lyney, Xiao, Wanderer, Albedo, Cyno, Kazuha, Tighnari, Kazuha, Heizou, Wrio, Kaveh, Alhaitham~ (feel free to remove some characters or split it if its too much to do at once :3)
Currently in wedding mood and brainrotting about how will the proposal go. Aaaaa 🥰🥰
I love writing wedding proposals, they just are so beautiful and full of love, I hope you enjoy! <3
P.s. I did cut out alot of them but I will most likely make a second part!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Will you marry me?~༺}
CW: Very fluffy! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour, Albedo: My love, Wanderer: dummy, Kazuha: Butterfly)
(Includes: Lyney, Albedo, Xiao, Wanderer, and Kazuha!)
Lyney held up a card for you, but it wasn't like any of the others in his deck, in fact it wasn't even one you'd ever seen before, "Ooo did you get new cards Lyney? I thought I'd seen all your trick ones!" He chuckled softly, knowing full well that the card in your hands was not only one of his tricks...but also his whole heart, "This ones particularly special Mon amour, watch~"
You trained your eyes on the card, paying close attention as his hand waved over it, just like magic, the picture changed...showing nothing but a ring, a beautiful ruby ring. You weren't sure what it meant, if this was a trick of the eyes...or possibly a moment you'd been dreaming of, "Lyney-"
"What do you say? Care to spend forever together? Cause...I know I want to. I want to spend every single day with you." The magician smiled at you sweetly, you felt like your heart might explode, tears welling up in your eyes. There wasn't any other option, "Yes! Of course yes!"
"Phew, I was getting alittle worried." He pulled you close so he could kiss your cheek and before you could even open your eyes, he'd changed the card into the ring it had once shown.
"What are you up to my love?" Albedo sat down next to you, his arms wrapping around you almost automatically so he could pull you close and rest his chin on your shoulder. He just loved being so close to you, holding you and just watching whatever you were doing, it was almost like his way of studying what you liked.
"Just reading something. It's a love story and truthfully it reminds me of us." You leaned back into him, laying your head back so you could see his reaction...to your surprise...he had a slightly mischievous look.
"Do they? I suppose it isn't to difficult, our romance is truly out of a novel...do they happen to get married in the end?"
Your heart skipped a beat and suddenly you felt flustered, "Yes...why do you ask?"
"Just wondering if it's as accurate to our love story."
"But we arent-"
"Not yet, but if you say yes we could be~" He kissed your cheek as he reached into his pocket, retrieving a small black jewelry case.., "I promise it will be a happily ever after~"
"You arranged your teapot?!" You were in awe, unable to even form a coherent thought as you looked at the now beautifully decorated surroundings. Xiaos domain had originally never changed since he received his teapot, in fact he almost never used it as he preferred to sleep outside. He was originally going to give it to you...say you could build a home for the two of you to live together, but then something had changed his mind.
"I'm...sorry if it's not perfect. I was going to ask for help from the other adepti, but I decided I wanted it to be my own creation. My creation of the perfect spot for us..."
Your cheeks became dusted with a light pink as he spoke, he'd made the perfect spot for the both of you...and he'd done so in the perfect way. "Xiao I love it! We are going to live here together right! This will be our home!" You couldn't contain your excitement, you wanted to run into the home in the middle and squeal, but he seemed to have something else to say.
"Yes...but it's also more than that." He stepped closer to you, his hand gently intertwining with yours as he stared deeply into your eyes...he captivated your attention so easily when he did this, "I want this to be the place of our wedding. The place where we make our promise..."
"Yes...if you will have me. I would like to marry you. Please?"
"Can I open my eyes yet?" You groaned quietly, trying to peek through the cracks in Wanderers fingers as he lead you deeper into the forest, to a area you'd thought was off limits. You didn't know what had gotten into him, why he was so keen on making sure you couldn't see anything until he said so...why he seemed so absolutely and utterly nervous. He never got nervous, flustered maybe, but nervous? Maybe he was plotting something, "You're not trying to kill me are you?"
"What in teyvat are you talking about? If I wanted to kill you do you really think I'd go through the effort of bringing you here?"
"Maybe. Maybe I'd know if I could see where here is..."
"You can look in just a minute. Now shush and watch out for the branch at your feet."
"You said just a minute 5 minutes ago." You felt yourself wanting to roll your eyes, but to your delight he actually removed his hands so you could see...and it was anything but what you were expecting.
It was a miniature village, filled with creatures you'd only thought were in story books..and even crazier was the large cake they were grouped around. The letters were definitely wonky and some of the words weren't even spelled right, but it clearly read, "Will you marry me?" You spun around to meet Wanderers gaze and he simply smirked at you, "Answer my question dummy~"
"Kazuha what is this place?" You gasped softly, taking in the vibrant hues of pink trees and the sweet smell of tea brewing, even the grass somehow held a magical feel due to its light blue tint. How this all could be in a cave was beyond your understanding, but of course it didn't surprise you, Kazuha had a way of finding the most beautiful hidden spots and he always enjoyed sharing them with you.
"It's one of the few places in Inazuma that I could come to after the decree had been set in place. It became a important part of my life, somewhere I could hide out and write my hymns and sorrows. Now I come back to show that the darkest part of my life has ended and is now replaced with the most bright and wonderful light. You of course being my light butterfly, I thought it only fitting to bring you here for this.."
Your eyes widened slightly, during his small speech he'd gotten more nervous...and then towards the end he seemed downright flustered, which was so different than his normally calm collected personality. "Bring me here for what?"
He smiled shyly at you, feeling like his heart might explode as he kneeled before you, retrieving the ring he had hand crafted for this very moment. He could tell you were beyond shocked and he hoped dearly that it was in a good way, "Will you marry me butterfly? I need my light in the dark...I cannot see any future without you..., every thought of the next day is centered around you and the love I can give you. Please, allow me to love you...forever and always."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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seelestia · 2 years
SUMMARY. some headcanons about sumeru men as your boyfriend in the modern ages. (teyvat who? we only know earth.)
CHARACTERS. tighnari, cyno, alhaitham, kaveh, scaramouche/wanderer.
GENRE. fluff, crack, modern au.
CW. lowercase intended, use of pet names, written before kaveh and wanderer's release, scara is referred to as kunikuzushi.
THOUGHTS. this format is a bit different than my regular ones, but i hope this is still able to tickle a little laugh out of someone <3
✰ masterlist.
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boyfie!tighnari whose unofficial job is to cook meals for the both of you; he actually doesn't mind, but what worries him the most is if you step into the kitchen — unless you manage to prove the existence of your culinary skills to him, that is. (#y/nramsay??)
"nari, i'm home!" you chirp, closing the front door behind you. the smell of something tasty wafts through the air and you peek into the kitchen like a curious kitten.
immediately, you are greeted by the sight of tighnari at the stove with your favorite apron on (yes, it has "kiss the cook" on it but tighnari would throw a ladle at you). it doesn't take long for him to notice your gaze lingering on him. tighnari doesn't even have to look back as he hums, "welcome home."
you lean against the wall with an impish grin on your face, "so... what's cookin', good lookin'?"
your boyfriend shoots you an unimpressed look, "...go take a shower, (y/n)."
boyfie!tighnari who combs your hair for you when you're half asleep in the morning. he takes care of his hair very well, so he might as well help you while he is at it. tighnari reasons that he does this because you look too sleepy to function normally… but maybe, he just likes admiring your sleepy face. (that trail of dry drool, though, not so much.)
"hey, hey, stay still," tighnari huffs an exasperated sigh when you start to lean forward in your sleepy state. he puts a hand on your forehead, stopping you from moving any further. "i can't brush your hair properly if you keep nodding off," he shakes his head.
you mumble, "so... tired..." his eyes soften slightly at the sound of your light-headed tone, "yes, i can see that. now, stay still."
boyfie!tighnari who tells you lots of unnecessary botany facts that you don't really ask for, but he looks cute nerding out, so you just listen without a clue.
"unnecessary? you might need these facts in the future," tighnari frowns, clearly taking offense when you throw his botany facts into the "unnecessary" category.
you snort, "yeah, for what?"
"for the possibility of me disowning you and leaving you to fend for yourself in the jungle one day," he says that so flatly that you almost do a double take.
he sounds like he's been planning that for years but he is just joking, obviously.
boyfie!tighnari who chides you when you get sick. no, he isn't mad, he is just very concerned... and disappointed. so, you get a nagging boyfriend with a mix of both.
"...are you mad at me?" you ask through sniffles and a runny nose. "no," tighnari replied as he places a neatly folded and soaked cloth on your forehead.
"you look mad," you point out with a pouty look. "no, i'm not," he responds with that dry tone again, trying to hush you by gently shoving a thermometer into your mouth.
"...i'm sorry," you mutter.
"if you are, then don't do that again. i thought i told you that—" and off into a ramble he goes. (in his defense, he cares for you so it only makes for him to worry... and nag like a mom.)
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boyfie!cyno who clings to you like a koala when you wake up. you're like a source of comforting warmth that he can't help but snuggle. who would've thought that a scary fellow like him can be seen literally melting into you?
"cyno, i can't move," you utter quietly. as much as you'd like for him to cling onto you longer, one has to rise and shine eventually.
"...sorry," your boyfriend mumbles into your back, slightly muffled but audible and coherent enough. great, now you feel bad for telling him that.
boyfie!cyno who leans against you when he plays a game on his console. or, have you sit close to him when he is playing a card game because you're his "lucky charm".
"are you sure you'd win if i stay here?" you lay your head on his shoulder, peering into the console he is playing in his hands.
cyno nods without tearing his eyes off the screen, "even if i lose, i still want you here, anyway."
(is he... flirting? does he even realize he is flirting? yeah, he probably doesn't and he's cute for that.)
boyfie!cyno who puts little candies in your pocket for you to munch on when you feel bored.
you can't help the sneaky grin that makes its way onto your lips as you ask, "are you giving me these so i'll think of you when i eat them?"
this catches cyno by surprise. he almost splutters into a fit of flustered coughs, but he manages to hold his composure. "well, i-if you want to," he says meekly.
well, sort of managed to, anyway.
boyfie!cyno who scowls back at anyone looking at you the wrong way. scary bodyguard privilege, maybe?
"cyno, what's wrong?"
you raise a confused eyebrow at the stern expression on your boyfriend's face. he is looking at something behind you, but that deadly glint shines in his eyes already speaks volumes.
his arm sneaks around your waist to pull you closer, "nothing. somebody was just staring at you."
is he possessive or just protective, who knows? perhaps, both.
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boyfie!alhaitham who sneaks glances at you from over his book when he is reading. he denies it, though.
"you really think you're sneaky, huh? i can see you looking at me from all the way over here," you laugh.
with how much time alhaitham has spent rolling his eyes, you would've thought he lost them by now. but your lover doesn't look ready to give up.
"are you sure you weren't just seeing things? i was too immersed in the book, if you haven't noticed," he responds to your daring statement (which contains the truth, actually).
you hum sarcastically, "sure, sure."
"think whatever you want," there he goes rolling his eyes, again — but he is fooling no one with that little smile on his lips.
boyfie!alhaitham who predicts the plotlines of every single movie when you two have a movie night.
"it's getting too quiet. i reckon it's probably time... and..."
you are quite literally spooked out of your mind, holding onto the pillow in your chest like it's a lifeline. but alhaitham can't seem to relate; with the way he leans back to take in the scene on the screen, he looks more bored than anything.
"—there goes the jumpscare. i saw this coming from twenty minutes ago."
you scrunch your nose in annoyance and throw him a light scowl, "can you, at least, pretend to be the least bit shocked?"
alhaitham scoffs before letting out the fakest noise of fear, if you've ever heard one. "...ahh. there, are you happy now?"
"this is why i hate you."
"what a roundabout way to say i love you, i appreciate it."
boyfie!alhaitham who acts irritated when you want to use his shoulder to sleep, but he lets you anyway, albeit he does so very grumpily. (indirect reference to a previous work i wrote!)
the weight of your head on his shoulder doesn't bother him that much, but he can't have you getting used to this. certainly not.
alhaitham sighs tiredly, "my shoulder isn't a pillow, you know?" you nod, yet you don't move an inch as you reply, "i know."
"i assume you also know that neck pillows exist? and for a very cheap price?"
he almost wants to push you off and throw a blanket over your head. not that it'll shut you up nor would he actually do that, but a man can dream about peace.
"well, if you know, then act like it."
"no, ignorance is bliss."
alhaitham hates that philosophy but he likes you; so, he doesn't really have much of a choice, does he?
"you little... ugh, fine."
boyfie!alhaitham who quizzes you on random facts. he doesn't expect you to get them all right, of course; let's just call it "sharing is caring" but with the concept of knowledge.
why are you even subjected to this? you've asked alhaitham this before, but he tells you every time that this is just his definition of 'fun'. (and that if you love him, you'll indulge. talk about affectionate blackmail.)
"...do i look like albert einstein to you?" you gape at him, crossing your arms against your chest in disbelief. how are you supposed to answer that isaac newton level question?
"if you do, then i wouldn't have asked," he smiles. a smile that you don't think you feel relief upon seeing, you can just sense that there is a hint of sadism somewhere in his expression.
"what do i get from this?" you are ready to whine your way out of his little game, but his answer to your question has your interest marginally piqued.
alhaitham affirms, "anything you want."
"...a kiss?"
that is alhaitham's way of saying yes; well, granted that you can somewhat answer the question, anyway.
"—and don't you even think about using google," he adds. darn it, looks like you're not gonna get that kiss.
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boyfie!kaveh who just feels his chest fluttering, his stomach exploding butterflies, his legs weakening every time you call him "your boyfriend". (he is the biggest simp for you, naturally.)
"kav, you're so old-fashioned for liking that type of sappy stuff," you stifle a laugh behind your hand. kaveh feigns a dramatic gasp, "ah! old-fashioned? i am not." he speaks again, but with a sulky hint to his tone this time, "being called yours and calling you mine are not sappy, is it not the truth?"
okay, he looks proud for saying that.
"flatterer," you roll your eyes. but then, you grin wide as you add, "my flatterer."
and only by doing that, kaveh swears you just shot an arrow through his heart. oh my gosh, you're so unfair, but you're also so cute that he wants to kiss you and smother you and— ahem, moving on.
boyfie!kaveh who always tells you that you're his only last thread of sanity whenever he deals with alhaitham.
"can you believe it?! that was what he said to me, word for word, verbatim! that jerk, i'll hide his work phone where he can't ever find it."
"good luck on that. he is about the same height as you, babe."
"[y/n], my love, you were supposed to be on my side!"
(okay, maybe you just wanted to tease him a little but god, that pout on his lips is beautiful.)
boyfie!kaveh who immediately keels over the spot every time you wear his clothes. how you look so adorable, how you smell like him... his one weakness.
"oh. my. days."
standing in the kitchen and that is the first thing you heard. not even a "hello" or a "good morning, love". you turn around, the shirt you stole from your boyfriend's corner in the closet on your figure, with a hand on your hip.
you frown confusedly, "what? what happened?" why, did the toothpaste run out again? you are about to ask until you see kaveh pointing a finger at you like a madman.
"my clothes. you're wearing my clothes," he stammers dramatically. you tilt your head questioningly, "...yes, and?"
"what do you mean, and? c'mere—"
boyfie!kaveh who kisses your hand as a greeting, as a habit, and as a hobby. he denies it but he really is into that old-fashioned thingy, huh?
"that tickles," you giggle when kaveh's lips brush against your knuckles. "a fitting greeting for my beloved, of course," he plants another exaggerated kiss on the back of your hand.
"if you like my hand so much, you might as well put a ring on it, then."
"wha— wait, did you just— did you just beat me to it? are you proposing to me?!"
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boyfie!kunikuzushi who always gets blushy-angry whenever you compliment him for literally anything.
you already know that your boyfriend is a man of many talents, if only he were willing to show them more often. this time, though; you somehow manage to persuade him into being the cook for tonight. don't ask how, you have your ways.
you bring a spoonful of food to your mouth, "mm, kuni, this actually tastes pretty good!"
you hear a gasp, an offended one.
"what do you mean, actually? of course, it'd taste good," he shoots you a glare, holding back an insulted snarl in the back of his throat.
"pfft, okay, okay. you should cook more, embrace your malewife side."
"my what— i will throw this plate at you."
yep, totally worth it.
boyfie!kunikuzushi who suffers because kids love flocking around him. he can't believe he is doing this, but he has no choice but to send you a desperate look that says "help".
this sight in front of you right now is far beyond priceless. seeing your grumpy lover being surrounded by enthusiastic children tugging on his sleeve is too good, too good.
you wonder what exactly attracted them to him? he isn't really someone who looks welcoming — but eitherway, you are enjoying this.
way more than you should, actually.
"d'aww, kuni, the kids love you!"
"...i wanna go home," he deadpans at you lifelessly while the children continue to jump around him.
boyfie!kunikuzushi who snorts when you accidentally hurt yourself but he still cares, at least. (he finds amusement in your clumsiness, one hundred percent.)
"so, i wasn't paying attention and walked into a glass door today—"
"...did you just laugh at my pain?"
"no. anyway, let me see the bruise. put some ice on it."
(at least, he cares.)
boyfie!kunikuzushi who grumbles every time you give him affection like an automated puppet (pun intended).
"ugh, stop doing that," kunikuzushi mumbles through gritted teeth; but not in a hostile way, he looks more... grouchy than anything. as per usual, of course.
you're merely holding his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, he looks annoyed. but the funny thing is that he is barely resisting your affection at all.
you poke at him jokingly, "what? i'm just squeezing your hand. not like i was trying to squeeze the life out of you."
"it's annoying..." he scoffs before trailing off into a quieter voice, "do it again."
(is this what they call hypocrisy at its best?)
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @hcikazu @tsuk4sa-yug1 @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @dearmarri @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden @lemontum — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
© SEELESTIA, nov 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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stardustlixie · 15 days
Okay hear me out...
Ot8 cuddling with the reader for the first time they have their head on his chest and his heart starts going crazy cause he's so nervous and he gets all shy and embarrassed ears getting all red 🤭🤭
Ugh I go crazyyy for shy skz
Okay that's all for now :))
omg okay. super fluffy scenario. shy skz will actually decay my brain someday I adore them.
I'm gonna do this is a sort of hcs format so if that's not what you wanted, sorry!
• shy baby. this man is a shy baby through and through.
• chan will always be someone to cherish his significant other and he will take everything seriously, every little milestone
• so early on in your relationship, you're at his place for the first time, you both hang out and watch a movie, he's no stranger to touch but you bet he's gonna be super surprised when your hands suddenly wrap around his frame and your head comes to rest on his chest
• the effect would be immediate, poor baby's heartbeat would quicken and all coherent thoughts will leave his brain
• you know how chan's blush starts from his ears before it can reach his face? yeah his ears will be suuuuper red. it's like he's frozen in time, you can see him gulping and you can't stop the laugh that escapes you.
• your giggles are what finally snaps him out of his daze "channie what's wrong?"
• "wha- oh. no. nothing." his arms wrap around your frame and their is a stupid dorky grin on his face the entire time. he does not pay even a second's attention to the movie, too busy memorizing how your cuddles feel to notice the screen. the boy is smitten.
• you know he isn't a very expressive individual at first and it takes him time to open up, he's not the one to be super touchy either so you're very doubtful whether or not you should initiate anything.
• you see him getting jittery offstage after a concert, he must have been overwhelmed, you're new to this, to him, but he's your boyfriend nonetheless and the concern you're feeling isn't making this any easier.
• you drag him away from the staff and crowd and take him back to his hotel room before the rest of the boys, by the time you get him there you know for a fact that he's having a panic attack, he sinks into his bed and it doesn't matter if the most you've touched him is a few hugs to greet him, you wrap your arms around the boy's frame and pull him close.
• if it's two minutes or twenty you don't know, but you separate the moment you're sure he's calmed down, not wanting to make him uncomfortable
• "if you're fine i'll leave, sorry if i kinda over stepped your boundaries there."
• you're very surprised when he just opens up his arms, inviting you to lay down with him, and you smile at his nonverbal invitation before joining him.
• if the shy smile on his face didn't tell you better, then you'd think he's having another panic attack with the way his heartbeat is rising, you can feel it with your head on his chest. none of you says much, but words aren't really needed.
• one look at this man will tell any sane person that he is the best cuddle giver EVER, changbin is very affectionate, he is touchy. that's how he expresses his love
• but you're not really a very open person, it took him so long to actually get to the point of dating you so he's afraid he might do something wrong or make you uncomfortable if he rushed into his way of expressing adoration, so he mostly just settles for words of affirmation and don't get him wrong, he loves the small smiles and the words he gets in return, but he's craves physical affection nonetheless.
• but one evening he's sprawled out on the couch after a shower, and the power of a curly haired, bare faced binnie isn't unknown to anyone and boy is he surprised when he suddenly has his partner laying on him like he's a body pillow.
• changbin.exe has stopped working.
• his arms come up to hold you in place and you rest your face on his shoulder. "hey binnie", "hey baby" he chuckles, you can hear the surprise and the nervousness in his voice so you just dig your face into the croom of his neck and make yourself comfortable.
• felix has to hear him rant about this for weeks after.
• hyunjin isn't the type to date someone unless he's really invested, but he also isn't the type to do something in a rush. but the boy is very much touch starved.
• it's a painting date at your place, do the paintings you makes for each other go well? yes. but do you also end up smearing paint on each other for the sake of it? also yes. it's almost like a toddler playfight.
• you adore the boy, but he sucks at initiation, so it's you who initiates the kiss that turns into a make out session afterwards, that ends up with you straddling him, but instead of getting off when you separate, you just choose to lie down half on him and half on the bed.
• safe to say the boy is surprised, because it takes him a whole minute to process before his arms come up to hold you. his face is sooo red.
• "hey love. you're blushing a concerning amount." he just whines out a 'shut up' and makes himself comfortable, he never quite gets over the flustered state.
• hannie is not a man of patience, he is also not someone with a lot of time. that means you've been dating him for a month and you've been closer to fucking than you've been to spending actual quality time with him.
• which leads to this, you came here to find him working on his song, he gives you a quick greeting but you're not taking that, he's startled when he feels you taking his headphones off and giving him a pointed stare. "han jisung." "hey baby..."
• a minute later you have him beside you on his bed, a movie playing on the laptop he was previously working on. he whines about needing to finish the song but you just tell him to push you off if he dares. he doesn't.
• your head is on his shoulder and if you didn't know any better you'd think his anxiety was the reason his heart was beating so fast.
• sweet sweet baby that he is, he's probably the one who initiated the affection, early on too. but considering your sort of closed off personality, poor baby was sooo hesitant when he did. you weren't very touchy, definitely not as much as him and he didn't want to ruin anything.
• so he was very careful with how he pulled you close to himself, face red the whole time. he was very close to losing himself in an abyss of overthinking when he heard you chuckle, "you're adorable."
• and when you wrapped your arms back around him was the moment you signed up for a lifetime of koala felix. good luck ever getting him off of you now.
• he isn't very affectionate. we know. he expresses love with bickering and insults more than he does by normal means. so no surprise that personality trait is apparent when you're trying to solve a puzzle with him.
• "oh lord you're a fucking idiot!" he says when he finds you trying to make something funny out of a few of the thousand pieces of the puzzle. "you're dating said idiot though?" "you being my idiot does not negate the fact that you are an idiot" "whatever loverboy, admit you have a soft spot for me!" "nuh uh."
• maybe it's the way his curls fall over his eyes, or the way his glasses sit at the bridge of his nose, or the involuntary expression of concentration, but something prompts you to push him back on the couch and take a seat beside him, arms coming up around his waist to hold him in place.
• for the first time in his life, seungmin does not have something snarky to say, which surprises you enough to check up on him and find him blushing profusely as he stares at the floor, small smile playing on his lips. "you're real quiet now loverboy." "baby.."
• "huh, wasn't i a fucking idiot just now?" you giggle as you boop his nose, his hands coming up to wrap around your shoulders. "you're baby. for now."
• you weren't even dating when it first happened, you were having a sleepover with the boys and you woke up shivering, in half sleepy wits you decided to snuggle into innie's side while he was asleep.
• he woke up before you, and was in awe when he found the home you'd made beside him, your face completely relaxed, quite comfy with your head on his chest apparently, half of your body was on top of him, so even if he wanted to, he couldn't move without waking you up.
• he just lay there smiling to himself until some of the boys woke up. you were later given photo proof of your sleepy actions by a very amused felix.
• and that's what prompted jeongin to confess.
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