#sorry this was long lol
HIIII I finally have a chance to respond to this
Keep in mind this is gonna be loosely based on g3 canon but also it’s kind of just based on me customizing/playing with my dolls and deciding what their vibes are, so I’m probably gonna contradict canon a lot lol
I like to imagine there’s a synagogue nearby monster high that has like a ~20% monster population since the school opened up. The rabbi is very enthusiastic about including them, he really enjoys all of the new questions about scripture that they raise. When one of the people at his synagogue came to him to tell him that he had constructed a Golem, the rabbi was thrilled. He was not expecting a flesh golem, but beggars can’t be choosers.
So Clawdeen and her siblings are Jewish on their mom’s side. Holiday dinners are huge and chaotic events, and siblings usually end up fighting over the lamb bones on Passover. When Clawdeen brought Draculaura home to meet her parents, her mom made a joke about blood libel that had to be explained to Draculaura.
Frankie’s only parent is their dad who constructed them, and he’s Jewish. After an ongoing debate about when Frankie should have their b’nei mitzvah, since they started school after being constructed only a few weeks prior, the rabbi threw his hands up in the air and said it was past time since clearly they were at least 13 in terms of maturity, so Frankie got b’nei mitzvah’d on what was technically their 1st birthday. Their friends wore their monster ball outfits to the party afterwards >:3
Frankie’s dad is very supportive of their nonbinary identity, and when Frankie said they were nervous about introducing him to their girlfriend, he told them that they had nothing to worry about. If she made Frankie happy, he would absolutely support the relationship. He was not expecting his child to bring home the pharaoh’s daughter to the Passover Seder. It was awkward, to say the least. After several meetings with the rabbi and a lot of family drama, Frankie’s family came to the conclusion that Cleo was welcome in their home. After that she started coming to holiday dinners often, and Frankie’s dad came to understand that her father was not treating her well. This solidified Cleo’s place in his home- how could a Jew turn away someone who was wronged by the Pharaoh? Cleo and Frankie stayed together through high school, eventually getting married. Cleo converted as soon as she moved out of her father’s house.
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fatcatlittlebox · 2 years
your last haladriel meta made me think about how - at least in fiction, which must contain a grain of truth - sociopathic murderers often *want* to be discovered. that they deliberately leave clues to their identity because they want an audience for their genius, or to be admired. and i wonder if gal is sort of maybe like that for sauron? in that, being recognised and understood by a being as powerful as she is legitimises him? idk, curious to hear what you think.
I’ve pondered this myself and I think that sociopaths do want to be discovered, but that is a compulsion borne from narcissism. Sociopaths don’t actually want to truly be “seen;” they have a cultivated, stylized version of themselves that they want to project. And it’s all hubris and delusion. They want to be viewed as powerful, genius, virile and good. They want credit and acknowledgment. But to actually be “seen” would usually reveal the opposite.
I’m not saying Sauron isn’t a sociopath. It’s just not what unfolds with Galadriel. He doesn’t reveal his greatest self. He shows her his most human self. He never says he is good. He doesn’t claim to be noble or brave. Up until the end, he doesn’t flex his full power or strength either. While his form may be fair, he is at his most vulnerable. That is not what sociopaths want to project to the world. He admits his screw ups and presents his weaknesses to her. He calls her out for her manipulations and contradictions. Galadriel continues to challenge him and I genuinely think he feels that tension arises in him something brighter. Which, as a smith, is something he can appreciate.
And I honestly don’t think he cares about being legitimized by Galadriel’s approval. Not for himself or the outside world. I just don’t think that matters to him. He is Maia. An elemental force. He knows himself. He doesn’t need the creatures of Middle Earth to understand what he already knows: the truth of his power. His goal is order and perfection. The living are just brush strokes to his grand design.
Which brings me back to his connection to Galadriel. I don’t think he sees her as a pawn but his potential partner. If you’ve seen Hannibal, it reminds me alot of the bond between Hannibal and Will. For all his evil, Sauron’s need to be understood isn’t pathological. It’s universal. Isn’t that a major facet of love? To look in the eyes of another and feel the self-hatred overcome? It’s part of what makes life worth living. It’s the fundamental question of who made the prophets. Is it our need to understand the gods or their need for us to understand them? Is it both?
With Galadriel, I think he sees his complement. A mutual need to be understood and understand. He feels re-affirmed in his purpose. He confesses, without guile, that beside her he feels peace. And he looks genuinely shocked when she admits she feels it too. I think in his mind this is when it CLICKS. When she reciprocates. THIS is right. He believes in order and he knows there can be no order without balance. The alternative is chaos. He will always be drawn to her. That is his peace and probably the closest thing to love he can feel.
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thepixarau · 6 months
How do the Pixars celebrate Christmas?
And since Christmas is coming up, are you going to write anything for it?
Aaa I’m so glad someone finally asked this! I’ve been dying to talk about the Pixars’ Christmas traditions/routines for so long!
First of all we have the Secret Pixar, which is exactly like Secret Santa. All of their names are put into a hat and they each must pick a name and buy a present for whoever they choose. It helps reduce the amount of shopping they have to do, since it would literally be impossible for every one to buy gifts for every single person😬 Aside from the Pixar they chose, they also shop for the kids, their partners, or even close-close friends.
Then, there’s the long-running tradition where the new Pixar(s) get to paint their own special ornament for the Christmas tree!🎄 They’re free to decorate it however they like, though usually they go with a design that represents their movie.
They have several other ornaments as well. Their tree is fairly tall and wide, so there’s plenty of room for generic Christmas ornaments as well as Pixar-themed ones sold by Disney. The lights change from warm, yellow colors to multi-colored depending on the settings. Their tree topper is, of course, a sparkling Pixar ball that lights up with the rest of the tree✨
Baking is almost an everyday-thing during the month of December. Food doesn’t last very long in their household, so when there’s a fresh batch of cookies cooling off on the counter, you can bet it’ll be all gone within an hour. However, some of them do get clever and hide their desserts in certain places so that they have some saved for Christmas Day. As for the dinner, Remy and a few others who volunteer to help end up cooking and preparing the dishes. The main course is almost always a turkey, but every once in a while they mix it up with ham or even goose. The Pixars spend thanksgivings with the Disneys, so Christmas dinner is strictly all for them to handle…it gets stressful😅
Taking the kids to see Santa at the mall is priority. Every day starting with December 1st, they will repeatedly ask the adults “so when are we gonna see Santa?” “Can we see Santa today?” “Why haven’t you taken us to see Santa yet??” And it will repeat until they give in and bring them to see the jolly man himself. It’s typically the younger kids, though, like Dot and Nemo and even Dash. The older ones won’t bug them as much, but will still go with them because well, who doesn’t want to see Santa?🤷‍♀️
Christmas Eve is incredibly hectic in the morning. Making sure all the presents are wrapped and under the tree, having stocking-stuffers ready, preparing the ingredients for dinner, etc😆 It slowly progresses to a more calm, tranquil atmosphere as the sun goes down and everyone can finally relax and enjoy the holiday. The rest of the night is spent drinking hot cocoa by the fire, watching classic Christmas movies, singing carols together. But most important of all, is when they all put on their cozy Christmas pajamas/onesies and gather in the living room, along with the kids and pets, and listen as Woody or Mike read to them, “The Night Before Christmas”
As for your second question, I do intend to write a little one shot about Secret Pixar and the other traditions as well! However, I’m incredibly busy preparing for the holidays myself so it’s hard to find time to sit down and write😅 But I’ll do my best and if it’s not done before Christmas, I’ll try to post something before the year is over!✨
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so you will come back even though you said cap4 was racist? im genuinely wondering not trying to be mean. glad to see you back on tl
hey anon, I didn't take it as being mean, don't worry and thanks for asking ❤️ but nope, I'm not watching the movie nor interacting with it in any way shape or form. and I'm not "coming back" in that way either, I've captured every frame, thought about every possible detail and made endless timelines, there's nothing really to come back to, or offer, I might just hang around a bit more than before to check on my mutuals and stuff, so I'm not going to be posting much IF i decide to actually reinstall things and connect again to the internet
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Hiya I’m a different anon here but I found it really interesting how John seems to think Martha is the favourite child of Henry…has thing feeling inadequacy been going on for mother of then their whole lives? How come neither spoke to eachother about it or seem to notice
yes!!! that was one of my favorite bits of the last chapter 🥲
both of them feel a HUGE amount of pressure to be perfect, and both of them feel at certain times that they're in competition for their father's love.
for Martha, we see a lot of her feelings on the matter. John is the oldest, and that's always going to carry a certain weight to it. he set a really high bar for the rest of the kids. he's also at a different stage of his life with his family (even though we find out that perfect family isn't real but anyway) and Martha feels like she needs to be at that same place and in a stable relationship on our way to eventually getting married, but she's years younger and she really shouldn't be at that place yet. and there are also things that Martha doesn't see between Henry and John.
Martha wants desperately to please her father and follow in his footsteps, but unlike with John, there's actually less pressure for her to follow in his footsteps. which stems from sexism and Henry's views and expectations regarding his son versus his daughter.
John sees Martha as favored because he thinks Henry is a lot easier on her than he was on him. a lot of the pressure Martha feels is more based on the dynamics and expectations that are unsaid. with John those expectations were stated a lot more explicitly. he thinks Henry is softer on Martha, and therefore he must love her more.
ALL of it really comes down to Henry's subtle sexism and how he treats them differently based on that. and things that one of them sees as a favoritism is actually seen as emotionally stifling to the other sibling (ie the praise over John's family or Martha not being pushed into politics quite so hard)
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1997berserk · 22 days
10 & 24 for any fandom you want!
10. Worst part of fanon?
Honestly regardless of fandom, I think my engagement with fanon (as opposed to canon + my own interpretation) is pretty limited. I appreciate 100% that some people prefer to engage in diff ways than me and that's fine but the worst part of ~any fanon for me is that I think it encourages people to make assumptions ab characters/themes without understanding why you're characterizing them that way. imo you miss an essential part of engaging with art if you start with a popular interpretation and try to prove backwards using canon, rather than developing your takes from what you observe or independently want.
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse?
Oh, the hypocrisy of toxic relationship discourse every time, every fandom. Probably it's not what I consider the most noxious— I'm never these days in any actually popular fandoms really so I get exempt from a lot of the most significantly annoying discourse luckily lol. But it's really bizarre to me to have always been in fandoms predominantly for works on "toxic" (poor word choice, but ykwim) relationships or dynamics and consistently see some really truly arbitrary line drawing going on. I thought about this with Saw a lot because like, I'm primarily invested in Lynn and Amanda (clearly) but I see people from various fandom backgrounds have a huge problem with shipping John and Amanda and I can't really understand that. We're all clearly playing games with the characters' dysfunction and suffering and so on, and there's such a huge range of interesting interpretations that could lead to shipping them, or not doing so. I think my favorite part of fandom stuff is that my preferred takes can be SO different from others' and I get to see different interpretive views, so I get annoyed seeing the nouveau generation of ship wars work against that.
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It’s solar and wind and tidal and geothermal and hydropower.
It’s plant-based diets and regenerative livestock farming and insect protein and lab-grown meat.
It’s electric cars and reliable public transit and decreasing how far and how often we travel.
It’s growing your own vegetables and community gardens and vertical farms and supporting local producers.
It’s rewilding the countryside and greening cities.
It’s getting people active and improving disabled access.
It’s making your own clothes and buying or swapping sustainable stuff with your neighbours.
It’s the right to repair and reducing consumption in the first place.
It’s greater land rights for the commons and indigenous peoples and creating protected areas.
It’s radical, drastic change and community consensus.
It’s labour rights and less work.
It’s science and arts.
It’s theoretical academic thought and concrete practical action.
It’s signing petitions and campaigning and protesting and civil disobedience.
It’s sailboats and zeppelins.
It’s the speculative and the possible.
It’s raising living standards and curbing consumerism.
It’s global and local.
It’s me and you.
Climate solutions look different for everyone, and we all have something to offer.
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wanderer-clarisse · 6 months
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early morning sunlight at Bag End
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dravikso · 1 month
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cotl fandom do we fw long fur narinder or should I kill him immediately
redraw here
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enderscribbles · 5 months
Dunmeshi request, Chilchuck and Marcille interacting? 🥺 Or standing next to each other that works too. Could be hugging, or sharing a meal/food, or…
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Got a bit out of hand with the prompt XD I ended up doing a scene inspired by this fic! Based on that time Marcille Izutsumi and Chilchuck were sharing a bed in chapter 47. It felt very memorable so I tried to recreate it but I kind of went offscript because I was basing it on my recollection of the fic lmao
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^Obsessed with this guy and how he lets Izutsumi use him like a hot water bottle bc it's comfier.
I think he'd hardly ever act this soft + tolerant of physical affection unless it's situations like this: When the others are too sleepy to remember it LOL
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ophernelia · 11 months
you’re so right about your post to what i said it just rubs me the wrong way because some simmers i see on here already barely have other sims that don’t resemble whiteness and yes it’s your game do whatever you please but it’s weird asf for you to take a sim … a premade sim and change their skin color completely it’s just annoying if we barely have representation as is why change it you know.
Yeah, I get what you mean. It's a lot stuff that I've seen that's real iffy, but it's not like I can go uninstall the game off their pc lol. It is worth mentioning and discussing though! In some cases, I think it can be helpful too. Maybe people aren't thinking about the social connotations that doing that has. Even with the color correction, there's so much cc out there that people don't even know about. So, that may be new for them too. I try to give a bit of grace.
What a lot of people don't understand is that having a diverse game matters even if it is your own personal one. All types of media we consume have an impact on our world view and that also includes video games like the Sims. While, things like cowplants and aliens may not impact you significantly, its the subtle things like the beauty standards we set within our games. It may not be an outward statement of "only slim black haired sims are beautiful!", but to constantly use that archetype of like an "it girl" in your game is reinforcing some (probably subconscious) beliefs. It may not be intentional or intended to be harmful either! But sometimes we have to investigate where those feelings come from. It's worth the introspection.
There's also a level of nuance there that has to be considered though. A lot of us make sims who look like us! (Whether we intend to or not lol) I have so many sims that are my exact archetype and it's not even done purposefully lol! But regardless, diversity matters. It's good to include and to safeguard. It benefits each of us!
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minyicho · 1 month
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Cape Barren goose (look at themmm!!)
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Canadian goose (no.1 guard goose)
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Barnacle goose (those are some cool looking stripes!)
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Cackling goose (I bet this goose has a great cackle)
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African goose (such elegance! and poise!)
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Sebastopol goose (so floofy)
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Egyptian goose (pretty colours!)
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Ruddy-headed goose (check out that pattern!)
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Bean goose (this looks like the kinda goose that would enjoy some beans)
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Embden goose (the classic)
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Toulous goose (majestic beasts)
feel free to reblog with your favourite geese that I might have missed!!
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buggachat · 4 months
im gonna be honest i think the "adrien being a sentimonster was randomly thrown in season 4 with no planning on the writers' part" theory is really funny. like the writers of this show are just so bad at their job and so stupid that they tripped and fell in season 1 episode mr pigeon and accidentally spilled "a strange relationship to feathers" all over adrien by accident. they stubbed their toe on the coffee table and accidentally set up a mystery surrounding emilie's relationship to a feathery miraculous in season 1 volpina before we even knew what its powers were. then they spilled coffee all over their favorite shirts and at the same time spilled more white feathers around adrien in season 2 episode gorizilla. while writing the same episode someone had a really nasty sneeze and got boogers all over the script that said "use the imagery of two twin rings intertwined as the opener for the film of adrien's dead mother". they forgot to look both ways before crossing the street while writing the season 2 finale and were struck by a truck labeled "the peacock miraculous gives life" and then by a second truck with the license plate "it does so using white feathers identical to the white feathers that surround adrien in his ads" at the same time. they plummeted down an open manhole and hit the ground with a loud whack that sounded like "sentimonsters like bugette are just as real as any human..... and isn't bugette so...... perfect?" in season 3. on their way to the hospital they slipped on ice that had frozen in such a way to perfectly resemble the sentence "the word 'perfect' is consistently used throughout the series and by the creator ominously to denote how characters like adrien and kagami are 'different from everyone else', ever since season 1 episode simon says". during season 3 someone on the team got food poisoning and when they threw up felix came out instead and started another whacky series of comedic errors. the answer to the mystery of "how and why did emilie die? what life did adrien's loving mother create that she was willing to die for?" was originally gonna be "idk maybe she just exploded or somehting" probably, but then there was a really painful rock in one of the writers' shoes while walking to work that put them in a mood so bad that they forgot their original plan and instead made some bullshit up that somehow ended up being something that made sense with what we knew and put all the puzzle pieces together and actually made the show even more interesting and impactful on a rewatch because it put a lot of shots that at the time seemed random into a new and logical perspective as clear foreshadowing. it's actually impressive how stupid these silly clown writers are that they put strangely specific things so consistently throughout the entire series that resembled foreshadowing while never actually having intended it a single time! like........... really.......... really impressive............... i think..............
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simonghostrileys · 8 days
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STUDIO GHIBLI + flowers 🌼🌸
Spirited Away (2001) Pom Poko (1994) From Up on Poppy Hill (2011) The Tale of Princess Kaguya (2013) Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) Howl's Moving Castle (2004) The Cat Returns (2002) Ponyo (2008) My Neighbor Totoro (1988) Grave of the Fireflies (1988) The Secret World of Arriety (2010) Castle in the Sky (1986) Porco Rosso (1992) Only Yesterday (1991) When Marnie Was There (2014) The Wind Rises (2013) Princess Mononoke (1997) Whisper of the Heart (1995)
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funkycloewn · 5 months
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The aftermath:
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The reason why Jax is intimidated by Ragatha lol
Moral of the story: Don't foolishly joke around like that smh
Credit to @sm-baby for the Carnival AU!
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glitchedcosmos · 3 months
Sonic and Shadow never really wanted to admit that they liked each other, especially to their crush's face, but that went flying out the window when Sonic took one of Shadow's threats during their sparring sessions as flirting, and he went for it.
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Sonic got gut punched immediately after.
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