#sorry will come back and add image descriptions later !!
autisticredhood · 2 years
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casualartisanninja · 5 months
This was a long time coming.
So, first of all I’m sorry that this took me so long to make, but there was a lot of information to sift through. I’m not planning on coming back to Tumblr in any capacity beyond this but the truth needs to be out there. (And if you're curious about the profile picture/description/etc, I had to dress this blog up a bit so it didn't look like a bot and trigger any algorithms.)
Content warnings for this post: 
Heavily discusses kinks and has screenshots of fetish art
References grooming/pedophilia accusations
References transphobia/harassment accusations
This is going to be an EXTREMELY long post with lots of screenshots, so the rest is under a cut.
Edit: Here is the end of the post so you can read it all at once. https://www.tumblr.com/casualartisanninja/747977941832613888/loose-ends
The incident in Hobqueer’s server
I think a good place to start would be the spark that set off this whole chain reaction. 
I’m not sure how long I’d been in that server for when the NSFW in general incident happened. But one thing’s for sure - I didn’t start the conversation about NSFW topics. Like I mentioned on the Reddit post where someone had found me and started accusing me under my comment on the Janitor.AI post, I saw the people there discussing mpreg and oviposition. I looked at it and thought “wow the rules are a lot more lax than I initially thought!”. Yes, I know, looking back, that should’ve been a huge red flag. I also know that, looking back, I should never talk about NSFW in the general chat- even if everyone else is doing it. “If so-and-so jumped off a cliff” and all. I’m really sorry that I did that, and it was definitely a lesson for me.  But I really wasn’t thinking about that at the time. It wasn’t my intention to hurt anyone, and I especially wouldn’t have done it if I knew minors would be there. I know it wasn’t an 18+ server, and it was just a frankly idiotic move on my part. I just saw “Sniper pregnant” and pictures of the mercs with big bellies, and let my better judgment and reasoning get clouded.  However, the way that they’re portraying this incident is extremely intellectually dishonest. Gabriel failed to mention in his callout post that those minors were looking at and sharing fetish art of the mercs, leaving out most of the context for those. Thankfully one of my friends from Chipspeech (who I’ll leave anonymous) joined the server to check and see if the fetish art was still there. It was. Hobqueer and the moderators never deleted any of the discussion, and worst of all they left the fetish pictures up in full view of everybody. One person, who later admitted to being a minor in a dm, even gave a pretty graphic description of a tentacle hentai/mpreg comic. Be warned, this contains NSFW content. I blurred the names of anybody who isn't mentioned in this post.
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I've run out of room for images, so I have to add the rest in another reblog. This will be a very long thread with a lot of images, so please bear with me.
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meanbossart · 8 months
Massive ask compilation time OH LORD
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YES, her journals are a fun read. I somewhat wish there was more to her and The Dark Urge's interactions, too - she's wonderfully evil and clearly very attached to you if you're playing as that character, but I had hoped there was more of a reason for her obsession besides just "you were fun to cut up", haha. I remember reading her journal over a couple of times looking for something I might have missed.
His reaction was pretty in line with the Narrator's cues, just immediate rage over what she had done to him - DU Drow may be a masochist but that's reserved for people he cares about! So, her and her posse met a swift end. Also, despite the fact that the whole tadpole thing turned out being for the best, I think he's easily overtaken by resentment over his lost glory-days whenever faced with it so directly (he misses living in obliviousness) - not to mention his profound fear of vulnerability, and of feeling... Small. The way Kressa spoke to and of him would have absolutely shook him to his core, especially by doing so in front of the others.
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THANK YOU so much for your kind words first of all! As for the question, it depends a bit on the timeline; his dislike of female drow, especially at the start of his tadpole'd journey is pretty irrational and faith status wouldn't be of too much relevance, he just thinks It's in their nature to want to put him down and be conniving, and wants nothing to do with them.
Later, and especially post-game, he might at least give them a chance to prove they aren't "like other drow", though it would take him a lot to ever let his guard down entirely - UNLESS you seem like a complete fool LOL he's actually easy to trick into dismissing you as long as you don't mind playing the role of a dumb idiot.
But if not, he'd have an extremely short patience for any attempts to exert authority over him or his actions - or jokes at his expense, or any level of smugness or secrecy. Nymea would definitely feel kept at arms length because of the gender+race combo alone and have to put up with a lot of snideness. Basically, she'd have to treat this 6'4" feet tall freak with kids gloves to ever develop a rapport LOL
But also... The vampirism may "help"? He'd consider her a "lesser drow" for it. In that regard her attitudes toward Astarion would probably come to be relevant. I'm not sure about that aspect of it to be honest!
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First of all, this is a hysterical scenario because he Would just fucking put the ring on without thinking about it LOL so thank you for the laugh that mental image just provided me with.
Oh he wouldn't care though. I mean, he dislikes drow in general, but he is a drow (up for debate, but you know, generally speaking) and he thinks he's pretty great. As long as he's still huge and strong he could wake up a woman tomorrow and not give a damn. And, frankly, his dick could turn into a pussy at any point in time and it wouldn't change anything about his character save for having to add a recurring UTI problem to his character sheet - he'd probably have fun with it.
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TOTALLY FAIR, I'm very sorry it went past the point of enjoyment for you, but I'm glad you knew when to put it down!!! We're in our hand-holding and elf-smooching era now with the occasional visceral description of violence LOL SO YOU'RE WELCOME IN IF YOU'D LIKE. Thank you for dropping by!
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Just putting this here because - I actually haven't decided yet, so that's pretty funny you asked LOL I'm leaning eyes closed though, nothing like a smooch to calm the big weirdo down.
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HAHAHAH WELCOME BACK, I've been around this whole time! But I was hanging out on twitter for the most part. HOPE YOU'RE INTO THE DND STUFF LOL
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DROW DURGES RISE UP I'll be honest with you friend, DU drow's lore has been as accidental as something like that can be, so much of it has felt completely organic in the way it came up - I guess that's what good RPG does to your brain. The rest of it has just been a wonderful opportunity to develop my writing that I decided to take full advantage of this year. Thank you so much for the lovely message!
Aaaaand I can barely muster something to say that feels like an appropriate response, but again I wanted to acknowledge all the sweet compliments people take the time to leave in my inbox. Some of you guys' comments about the things I create blow me away, I think I'm pretty confident in my art but... Damn, makes me so happy to know the stuff I create can hold a little special place to some folks. Thank you all so, so much for taking time out of your day to spread a little kindness around, and make mine a little better.
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Again, thank you all for humoring me, have a lovely day folks!
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hinatastinygiant · 9 months
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10 | Crazy Love
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Fem!Reader
Serpents and Roses
When you get to your magical artifacts studies class, you tune out your professor completely. Instead of participating in the lesson, you remove the necklace that Ominis had given you and place it on your desk. You then take a hard look at it before opening your textbook.
You skim through the pages until you find the chapter on magical charms and protective spells. You find a picture with a similar image of the necklace Ominis had given you and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Protection Charm," you whisper, reading the description below the image.
"A simple charm used to keep away unwanted advances or danger. Can be applied to anything from a piece of jewelry to a house. The stronger the wizard casting the spell, the more powerful the protection will be."
"Great," you mutter, glancing over at the necklace and then at the class around you. He must think you're helpless. That must be why he gave it to you in the first place.
You shake your head as you stuff the necklace into your backpack. What an idiot you were to wear the stupid thing. You're not sure whether to be embarrassed or angry.
As class ends, you are one of the first to pack up your things and leave the room. As you step into the hall, a body nearly collides with yours. "Oh, sorry, Y/N," a blonde-haired girl your age smiles at you. She smiles at you kindly with her hazel eyes as she adds. "Hey, by the way, there's going to be a party tonight in the forbidden forest tonight. You should come if you haven't already been invited. Hosted by Gryffindor," she says with wide eyes.
"Yeah, sure, thanks," you nod. What luck, you grin to yourself. That necklace must've been good for warding off fun.
"Y/N!" a voice shouts as the girl leaves.
"Garreth," you turn, greeting him with a small smile.
"How was your day? Can I walk you to your dorm?" he asks.
"Yeah, that'd be great," you say as the two of you begin walking. "Hey, are you going to that Gryffindor party tonight?"
"Shh, keep your voice down. I was going to ask you about it but not where anyone can hear," he frowns, looking around cautiously. "Do you want to go?"
"I've never been to a wizard's party. Is it fun?"
"The best kind," he nods. "Want to come with me and my friends?"
"Thanks for the invite but I think Luna and Amit will want to go, too. I'll probably end up going with them but if we can't find the clearing, will you come get us?"
"Of course," Garreth grins.
"Awesome," you smile, relieved to have someone like him around. "Thanks again. My dorm's just around the corner. I'll see you later, yeah?"
"Yeah," he nods, seemingly proud of himself for something. "See you later, Y/N."
"Another party?" Luna sighs as she falls back on your bed.
"What do you mean? This is the first party I've been invited to... Were you invited to another and didn't ask me to go!" you gasp.
Luna laughs. "No! They just always do this stupid party. It's so the Gryffindors can show off. I've been before."
"But... I thought we were going to stay out of trouble this year," Amit chimes in, confused.
"Yeah, but it's different now 'cause Y/N is here," Luna sits up, a twinkle of mischief playing in her eyes. "Y/N wants to go, don't you, Y/N?"
You nod. "I've never been to a party like this before! I'm excited. Plus, it's our last year and all. You have to go, Amit."
"Fine, okay, I'll go. But if I drink too much and puke, it's your fault," Amit relents.
"I'm okay with that," you chuckle, "So, what do you do at a wizard party?"
"They have food and drinks and games and music," Luna tells you, counting on her fingers.
"And people get drunk," Amit adds. "Like, really, really drunk. I'll keep an eye on you guys, promise."
"Yeah, we'll be fine," Luna scoffs. "Besides, Garret will be there looking out for Y/N." You watch as a smirk grows bigger across her lips.
"Oh?" Amit chimes in. "You and Garret, eh?"
"No," you shake your head. "Luna, please."
Luna watches as you walk over to your dresser and begin to rifle through it for something to wear tonight. Suddenly, she gasps and stands to her feet. "Wait, Y/N, don't try anything on. I think I've got the perfect thing for you. Amit, I love you but it's time for you to go! We'll be out when we're ready!"
The next time you see Amit, you are dressed in a semi-transparent bodice with long, sheer sleeves that puff at your shoulders. Your bodice and sleeves are embellished with sparkling details that shimmer in the light. The neckline of your bodice forms a deep V-shape, outlined with a glowing, neon trim that forms a choker around your neck. The fabric is adorned with glittering, sequined patterns that cover your chest.
Luna had given you a headpiece with luminous, crystalline structures resembling leaves and branches, with bright points of light at the tips. Your earrings, necklace, and choker are also illuminated, seamlessly blending with the glowing theme.
"Wow," you say, taking your own breath. "This is beautiful, Luna."
"Thanks," she giggles. "I made it myself."
When you step away from the mirror, you look at Luna whose outfit is equally beautiful.
Her makeup has glowing, iridescent pink and purple eyeshadow that extends beyond her eyelids, creating a starry, sparkling look around her eyes. Her cheeks have a luminous pink blush with the same starry, glittery look as the eyeshadows. Her lips are glossy with an ombre effect, transitioning from a darker edge to a lighter center. Her septum piercing also compliments the subtle highlight on her nose and cupid's bow.
Her outfit is the image of a fanciful and vibrant piece of clothing, with a bright pink, ruffled material. The garment has a sheer quality with a corset-style lacing in the front. She also has several choker necklaces including one that has a cross pendant. They all have gemstones that match the colors in her makeup and dress. It's a perfectly put-together piece that compliments her beautifully.
Amit's jaw drops when he sees the two of you, his eyes lingering on your dress. "W-wow. You both look so amazing!"
"I know, right?!" Luna giggles, pulling you close to her but still being careful not to smudge your makeup. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah," he grins. "Shit, I must be the luckiest guy in the world."
"You definitely are," Luna winks.
You can't help but smile as the three of you sneak out of the castle and walk towards the forbidden forest. When you arrive at the location far away from the school's entrance, you enter a clearing in the forest that is booming with music. You can hardly hear your own thoughts as Luna takes you by the hand and begins dragging you through a sea of people.
"How the hell does this not get shut down?" you shout at your friends once they stop to catch their breaths.
"It's got a sound barrier," Amit explains to you. "Besides, we're pretty sure that the professors are already aware that it's a tradition so they don't tend to bother."
"Look, there's drinks and games over there," Luna shouts, pointing in the direction. "We should check it out!"
The three of you head in the direction of a long white table with a black cauldron resting on top. The smell of something delicious makes your stomach growl.
Luna grins as she grabs three cups and pours each of you a glass of the cold liquid. She then hands one to you and one to Amit. "Try it!"
"What is it?" you ask, sniffing the steam rising from the cup. Whatever it is, it smells like the most wonderful thing in the world.
"Wizard's Sangria," Luna smiles at you as she raises the cup to her lips. You do the same, the two of you drinking the contents at the same time. "It's good right?"
"Yeah," you beam at her, your cheeks feeling hot all of a sudden as you look at her. "What's in it?"
"Sangria, vodka, berries, and oranges," Amit tells you as he looks down at the drink.
"What's wrong, Amit? Feeling shy?" Luna giggles.
"Wait? That's it? Then why is it called Wizard's Sangria? I'm pretty sure back home that's just a Vodka Sangria," you shrug.
"Uh, well," Amit mutters. "There's also Amortentia?"
"Amortentia?" you hum. "What's that? Some kind of potion?"
"It's a love potion," Luna giggles as she nudges you in the side, causing goosebumps to course down your body.
"What? Why would someone-"
"To get some," Luna chuckles. "I'm sure there's a lot of broken hearts and jealous boyfriends at this school."
"Why would they put it in the punch though?"
"To get everyone to loosen up a bit," Amit rolls her eyes. "It works by heightening attraction. Basically, the closer you are to the person, the stronger the effects. And since the potion is mixed with sangria, the alcohol is a lot more effective."
"And it only affects whatever person you look at first," Luna hums, and only now do you realize how close she is to you. "So, tell me, Y/N, who is the first person you saw after taking the first sip?"
"Well, it was..." you gulp. Has Luna always been so beautiful? It's seriously hard not to stare at her. You feel your heart skip a beat as she moves her lips closer to yours.
"Y/N?" she says your name again.
"Um," you stammer, looking over her shoulder. "I think it was some random person. I don't know."
"Really? Cause you're the first person that I looked at," she grins mischievously.
"Oh," you gasp, looking down at her lips. You feel your body temperature rise as her lips draw even closer.
"Y/N!" another voice calls out. You quickly snap out of the trance you seem to be in to see Garreth waving as he walks your way. "Hey, how's it going?!" he asks all three of you.
"Good," Luna and Amit reply, but you remain quiet as you watch him pour a cup of Wizard's Sangria into a plastic cup.
Luna winks at you before linking her arm with Amit's. "Y/N, we'll let you two talk. We'll be nearby if you need us, okay? Text me if you need anything."
"Yeah, thanks," you smile at her subconsciously as you watch them walk away.
"How's your night going?" Garreth grins after taking a sip of his drink, causing you to do the same to help relax your nerves.
"Alright," you smile back at him.
Garreth, with a sly grin, leans in and says, "Well to me it looks like this party just got a lot more interesting since you're here. Care to dance?"
"I'm all for making the night interesting," you grin as Garreth extends his arm out to you. After the two of you toss out your newly emptied drinks, he leads you to the middle of the crowd. The next thing you know, a fast-paced song is playing and everyone is moving around you. As your body follows the rhythm of the music, Garreth's hands are suddenly on your waist. Your heart skips a beat when you realize it.
"Is this alright?" he whispers low in your ear.
"Yes," you reply, placing your arms around his neck. "This is great."
As you dance, you allow your body to relax against Garreth. Time feels as though it's suddenly stopped as you lose yourself in the music. Before you know it, the two of you are face-to-face, your lips only centimeters apart.
"Y/N," he calls to you softly.
But before you can reply, another voice calls out to him instead. "Garreth!" you hear, only to look over and see Oliver Nott pushing his way through the crowd towards the two of you.
Serpents and Roses
A/N: How I imagine you and Luna looking :) First pic is Luna. 2, 3, 4 are versions of how I imagine Y/N. 
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Serpents and Roses
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lighthouseshepard · 3 months
honestly amazed at how easily you seem to write amazing oneshots!! any tips? i’ve been trying to get back into writing (esp fic) and the motivation is just eluding me 😭
HI ELLA honestly thank you thats so kind ;_; 💖💖💖 ive been mulling this over since i saw it trying to come up with a good response but. eloquence is eluding me too 😭
i think honestly for me its just like. picking one Specific Concept and going from there! one idea or feeling or scene you want to get to, and then i usually work around it to properly shape it out! like for the yorick one, i knew i wanted him and john to be bickering (well john was bickering at him bc yorick is. yorick) so i started with that and then the thing with the nightmare just kind of naturally developed! theres another in progress right now where i knew i wanted human john having his first birthday party (was supposed to be done on the third HAHA OOPS) and so im kinda just rolling with that mental scene of him opening presents.
i also like oneshots cause they feel like cozy lil spaces to explore a bunch of different angles from! which is usually how i go from "oh thisll just be 300 words ha ha" to "god what have i done (: "
as far as motivation goes im literally coming out of a four year dry spell of having written NOTHING. not a wORD. and then i started listening to malev and got really abnormal about it <3 and that absolutely helped. not worrying abt whether something is 'perfect' helps as well! i get scared sometimes of even starting stuff bc i know it probably won't match up to the image i have in my head. but thats ok! drafts are drafts for a reason. even if you just start with some lines of dialogue and a few descriptions of what you wanna add to later the story can grow from there! i usually do that too, write down what i have and then come back later with fresh eyes. also helps to either start small - begin with a narrow focus on one thing and widen the "shot" - or start with action! hit the ground running kind thing where you drop the reader into the middle of something already occuring.
i dunno if any of this helps or is what you were looking for JFJEJDH im sorry. but im literally ALWAYS here if you ever want prompts! im chock full of aus at any given time❤️
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ryqoshay · 1 year
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: When Shio Met Lanz
Primary Pairing: Shioriko & Lanzhu Rating: G Words: ~1.3k AU: Angels, and mention of other monsters and supernatural beings Time Frame: Sometime before the main story
Author’s Note: This idea has been rattling around in my head for a while since I had a wonderful conversation with myonmukyuu about her ideas for a SetsuAyu AU story. (I had to come back to this comment and change it for fear that it may give the wrong impression about this chapter. Hopefully I’ll remember to explain in the notes of a later entry to the arc.)
Summary: A young Shioriko arrives at a Hunter training camp and encounters an interesting angel.
Fair Warning: This chapter may focus on the childhood friendship between Shioriko and Lanzhu, but PoH as a whole will eventually add Mia in for a R3birth OT3. Thus, if that’s not your thing, do feel free to skip this. Elsewise, enjoy.
“Nee-san, look, an angel.”
“Shioriko,” Kaoruko responded, “you know it’s impolite to point out the nature of others.”
Although the tone was teasing, Shioriko knew her big sister was actually scolding her.
“Impressive.” The woman the two were approaching turned. Though her eyes were as sharp as blades cut from sapphire, there was a warmth within them. “Pray tell, little one,” She knelt down to Shioriko’s level and offered a smile “how did you determine I was an angel?”
“Your aura matched a description I read in one of the tomes my parents gave me.” Shioriko explained.
“You detected my celestial aura, despite my abilities to suppress it.” The woman’s smile grew. “Very impressive indeed.”
“Shioriko is exceptionally talented.” Kaoruko boasted. “Even if she can be a little blunt sometimes.” She tousled her younger sister’s hair.
Shioriko furrowed her brow. While she couldn’t deny she enjoyed her sister’s affection, she wished Kaoruko would stick to head pats instead of messing up her hair.
“Shioriko…” The woman stood as she thought for a moment. “Ah, you two must be the Mifune sisters. Your family legacy as Hunters precedes you. Your parents chose well sending you here for training.”
That’s right, training. Shioriko and her sister had traveled to the mainland for training as Hunters, a profession many in their lineage had held. Hunters were a worldwide, though loose organization, hired by those in power, to protect their people from creatures hailing from myth and legend. And while Japan had become somewhat of a safe haven for monsters, cryptids and other supernatural beings over the last millennia or so, the shogunate still employed Hunters to deal with those they deemed as threats.
“By the way, I am…”
Shioriko missed the woman’s name as she suddenly became aware of a much stronger angelic presence, one that was certainly not being suppressed. She turned and…
“Nǐ hǎo!” a voice cried excitedly as its owner dropped from above into a tackling hug. “Huānyíng!”
Those were greetings in the local language, right? Shioriko thought to herself as she shifted her weight to avoid falling to the ground under the force of the glomp.
“Lanzhu.” The woman scolded, her tone lacking the teasing Shioriko was used to hearing from someone like her sister. “Do not scare or injure our new recruits.”
“Duìbùqǐ.” Lanzhu…? replied.
That was an apology. Shioriko was sure of it. Except the girl hugging her did not sound anywhere near apologetic.
“I’m sorry.” The woman said, her tone actually sounding apologetic. “It seems my daughter is excited to finally have someone her age in the camp for a change.”
Her age? Shioriko questioned silently. Angels could be children? Angels could have children? She didn’t remember that being mentioned in the tomes she had read. She thought angels manifested from celestial energy in Heaven in their adult form. It would seem she was wrong.
“You’re Shioriko, right?” The girl asked, switching to Japanese.
Shioriko craned her neck to finally see the girl attached to her. She was practically the spitting image of her mother, though much smaller; definitely a child. Same sharp, sapphire eyes, though they sparkled with more exuberant energy. Pink hair, though maybe a shade lighter. And wings. Brilliant white, feathery wings, leaving no doubt as to her heavenly origin.
Shioriko opened her mouth to confirm Lanzhu’s question but was cut off.
“Lanzhu will show you to your quarters!” The girl announced, releasing her embrace but grabbing Shioriko’s hand instead. “Just follow me!”
As if Shioriko had a choice in the matter of following. Lanzhu’s grip was strong as she pulled Shioriko up the main throughfare of the encampment.
“Don’t be too long.” The woman called from behind. “Today’s training will begin soon.”
“Wǒ zhīdào!” Lanzhu called back without looking, instead dodging around a few individuals on the path.
Shioriko did not understand that phrase and realized she needed up hasten her learning of the language. So far, Lanzhu and her mother seemed fluent in Japanese, but as a visitor, Shioriko knew it was prudent to learn the language of the land instead of relying on everyone else to know her own native one.
“And here we are!” Lanzhu suddenly stopped in front of a decent sized structure. “Lanzhu make sure that your quarters be next to ours so my new best friend Shioriko and I can hang out easier.”
Best friend? That was quick. Then again, Shioriko couldn’t say she was opposed to the idea. She didn’t know Lanzhu all that well yet, but she seemed nice enough, if more than a little bit willful and probably far too accustomed to getting her own way.
“Like it?” Lanzhu asked, but as before, she did not wait for a response before dragging Shioriko inside. “And when Lanzhu heard Shioriko like to read, she secured all the books she could!”
Lanzhu let go of Shikoriko’s hand so she could spread her arms wide to present no less than a dozen shelves, crammed rather haphazardly around the central room. Apparently, in order to fit them all in, one had to partially block the doorway to what was probably a bedroom. Two were set at an angle, with one partially behind the other, as together they were too long for that wall. Several more were leaned against each other instead of against the wall, awkwardly dividing off part of the room, though Shioriko saw potential for a reading nook there.
And the books. By the gods, her family didn’t have that many books back home, in a much bigger area than these quarters. Lanzhu had managed to overflow the available shelving space and stacked many tomes on top of them. And on the tables. And the chairs. And the floor. Shioriko couldn’t help wondering if there were more shelves and books in the other rooms, but she would have to check that later. She could also tell at a glance that nothing was sorted in any meaningful way, but that could be a project at which she could chip away over her time here.
“So, is this enough?” Lanzhu’s question brought Shioriko’s attention back to her.
“Enough for what?”
“For Lanzhu and Shioriko to be friends.” Lanzhu’s expression became somewhat anxious and concerned, an unexpected shift from her earlier confidence and cheerfulness.
Shioriko blinked, not entirely sure if she understood the question or its explanation. Did Lanzhu believe she needed to give grandiose gifts to others in order to earn their friendship? Shioriko was familiar with many gift giving customs, but in most involving individuals that were unfamiliar with one another, the gifts were usually trinkets or small favors. Certainly nothing like what Lanzhu was presenting. Also, since Shioriko was technically the guest or newcomer, should it not be her giving Lanzhu a gift?
“Lanzhu-san.” Shioriko decided to use her given name, as she realized she did not know her family name.
Shioriko nodded. “Lanzhu, thank you. This is all a wonderful, and unexpected gift.” She couldn’t help a small smile as Lanzhu’s expression started to turn hopeful. “But I believe it to be unnecessary. I am willing to be your friend anyway.”
Lanzhu surged forward into another tackling hug, forcing Shioriko to once again brace herself or risk being knocked down.
This may take a little getting used to, Shioriko thought to herself. She herself wasn’t the best at making friends either, having spent much of her time lately either training or reading. But there was something about Lanzhu, beyond just their closeness in age, that intrigued her and made her genuinely interested in friendship.
“Shioriko?” A voice called from the door. “Lan… oh wow…”
“Nee-san.” Shioriko greeted her sister as the older girl entered.
“Looks like someone is going to be having fun organizing books for the next few weeks.” Kaoruko smirked as she continued to look around.
“Anyway, I was sent to fetch you two for training.”
“Lanzhu will show you the way!” Lanzhu declared, once again pulling away from her hug and grabbing Shioriko’s hand.
Yes, this will definitely take some getting used to… Shioriko thought again as she found herself being pulled along by her new friend.
Author’s Note Continued: Yeesh... How the heck have I not posted anything since March 1st? I know work and life have been busy, but... And it’s not like I haven’t written anything, I obviously just haven’t finished or posted anything for a quarter of a year.
Well, hopefully, this will break the lull.
Currently, I have a three part arc in mind for this LanzShio background story. And I am intentionally leaving plenty of room to come back and add more stuff later if new ideas come to me.
And finally, I’m not 100% set on actual ages for either Fang or Lanz here. Maybe they really are just a year apart. Maybe Lanzhu only looks young, but as an immortal angel, is already centuries old. I’m leaning toward high single digits for human Fang, but again, Lanz is an angel, so I may come back later, or maybe clarify in the next entry, if I figure things out by then.
Edit: Almost forgot. Yes, I typed shogunate up there in the early paragraphs. As in the military power in Japan for something like 700 some odd years. Not fully set on the exact time period of this chapter, but mild spoilers, it will be revealed later in the arc that this is before the Sakoku period of isolation.
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livewireprojects · 1 month
The 12 Pains of Baconmas(I'm sorry for the mess)
So my first online friend after the ones I made on YouTube started to do their own things & I started to be active on old DA was someone that currently goes by Halotherebuddy.(Links to their carrd & BlueSky pages) They're not on DA anymore & some of their other accounts are abandoned or deleted.
I use to draw stuff based on things they were into with characters I had interacting with their's. One of the shows they liked was Monster & Robot about two characters of the same names in a world of monsters & robots were everyone likes bacon. Well they have a holiday called Baconmas that thanks to having not seen stuff in years I dunno if this replaces Christmas or if it's another holiday similar to it.
We thought it'd be funny to make a parody of the "12 Pains of Christmas" by Bob Rivers with Baconmas. Here are the images I made for the thing since I decided to post my old Sonic related ones.
I want to mention that this was back when I made crazy crossover shit. This went from only Monster and Robot characters & OCs to adding Homestuck & semi unrelated OCs.
I was originally going to give random info here & there but I realized the pictures are really confusing so I tried to describe what was going on. I'm going to repeat this but this is old, I don't remember the context of some of these nor some OCs(that belong to Halo) this is due to the fact while I'm in contact with Halo we don't talk on a daily basis & we don't talk about Monster & Robot anymore. I only saw like one or two episodes & Halo knew more than me.
I tried to scrap together context & info from my DA posts for these but they don't help much cause they seem to act like I'd still remember everything or something.(Also some laziness & tiredness was involved)
I'm sorry if this confuses anyone trying to look at this, this is just a post showing off past memories. A lot of the mess comes from younger me not fully being able to handle working on this but wanting to finish it up & the fact younger me thought it'd be funny to add in crossover stuff & my weird amalgamation things which adds to confusion.
These were all originally posted to DA in December of 2012(Apparently posted December 20th & December 21st)
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For some context Mecha(the person you see at the top in the first two pics & rigging the lights) is Halo's OC, she's suppose to be married to Gart(Robot's older brother). Snow(the person holding a stick in the first pic) was my OC that for some reason I imagined being Mecha & Gart's adopted kid. The character in the third pic that has no idea where they are is a troll version(apparently named Allien) of Snow that was my one of Homestuck OCs. At some point I stopped using them & they became my OCs Kiku & Sammy.
I used semi gijinka Gart(he's at the top of the third pic) because I think I got tired of drawing him & drew him in human style. I made a comic that made context to it were an explosion while saving Snow led to Snow going blind & Gart having to be put in a new body.(This incident made him care about Snow as he only cared about Mecha in the past)
Page 1:
Mecha giving the day
Snow & some fankids looking for fireworks. According to the description it's a fankid named Izzy & her friends. Going off a later pic Izzy is likely one of Mecha & Gart's kids.
Page 2:
Troll Mecha & Mecha annoyed at rigging the lights for the factory
Still having trouble with lights, Snow is messing with a stick with a pet marf
Page 3:
Humanoid Gart listing the third thing
A drunk cop, Mecha still pissed along with a confused troll
Still looking for the firewood, Alucart(who in the middle pic below I misspelled as Al'cart) climbed a tree
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The guy at the bottom of the middle pic's name is Wrent, I think he's meant to be Mecha & Gart's kid. Also I messed up the guy being mentioned's name his name is Alucart not Al'cart.
Allen is another OC that got a mix of things I was interested in at the time & is technically Snow as well. Like Snow & the HS ver he later became Kiku & Sammy. I think he might have been meant to be the "human" version of the troll OC cause there was meant to be a human ver & troll ver.
I got really tired at some point while working on all of this so things got lazy over time.
Page 1:
John(from Homestuck did the bucket prank on Gart & I'm near by
Monster & Alucart dealing with Baconmas cards, Alucart is I think messaging Snow. I dunno why but I kind of liked him & sometimes drew Snow being interested in him.
Mecha is getting even more pissed, the cop is still drunk & Izzy had to get one of her siblings(Wrent) to get Alucart out of a tree. Snow knows this won't end well.
Page 2:
Gart getting hit with a bucket, guessing I did that
For some reason light bulbs at Robot's work(a bulb factory) are exploding
Snow was asked to help & ended up drawing a certain game symbol that Alucart recognizes. Not sure how Snow managed to draw this since he can't see.
Mecha decided to call it a night, drunk cop & I dunno why Jane & Roxy from Homestuck are here
Wrent & Allen mention that the scene for searching for firewood is on standby due to Alucart breaking his leg
Page 3:
I don't know what the context for the character that has a "G" instead of "g" is about, I want to guess another fankid or chibi/kid Gart.
Halo's OC Tiki distressed about seeing her family
Normal Gart dealing with explosions in front of Robot. Robot dealing with Gart's Christmas cards, I dunno who is helping him with them I think she might be Aris but I dunno.
I gave up drawing the bar for the day
Mecha getting Snow prepared to go out into the cold instead of working on the lights
I ran out of space & decided to make a joke about it
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Snow, Alucart, Wrent & some others helping with cards along within the middle at the bottom right Alucart losing at rock, paper, sissors.
Also the static is connected to Allen, I was complaining about Firework CS3 in the DA description cause it was hard to work on compared to when I use to use ImageReady CS.
Page 1:
Gart getting tired
Perry dealing with cybernetic charities
Tiki distressed, Robot & Gart(humanoid again) hiding from the exploding bulbs
Snow, Alucart, Izzy & others helping with cards. Drunk cop again
I think Gart showed up to either take Mecha home or see how she was doing & she's pissed. Meanwhile the kids decided to look elsewhere for firewood after Alucart recovered.
Page 2:
Gart wondering why he hears a radio(god teir mode Allen appearing) & then spit taking at Izzy wanting shit
Gijinka Perry & Tiki still scared, also more lights exploding
Alucart helping with cards again & I have no idea who this cop is, the DA description(which isn't helping) says he's a cop which is the only thing I know about him
Mecha is getting pissed again. Izzy, Emma(no idea who that is, haven't interacted with these characters in years) & Alucart are doing rock, paper, sissors & Alucart lost.
Page 3:
Gart having a bad feeling about something(or someone behind him he hasn't noticed yet)
Snow & Alucart trying to find a parking spot to go get firewood, for the decription on DA I apparently forgot he had a broken leg.(Also for anyone confused hot air balloons or at least air ships are common ways to travel in this show)
I apparently made a flashback scene for an excuse for the annoying kid, I also realized Izzy isn't a Gart x Mecha fankid after all.(The kid annoying him is Izzy as a kid)
I got really lazy at this point. Perry, Tiki & more lights.
Robot is helping Monster with the cards, Mecha learns Gart left her blinking lights & Alucart has no idea what aisle to go down. This was also during a time were I didn't fully understand heghts so Snow despite being Alucart's age is shorter than he should be.
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I think at this point there was so much the only way to put everything in was by circle panels
Page 1:
Gart running for his life cause Allen scared him
I make a joke about Baconmas traditions, more charity stuff, Alucart got something that should come with batteries but doesn't, Snow got a new hat & more parking issues.
Younger Izzy panicking, Tiki wrapped up at home panicking, drunk needs toilet paper & more exploding lights. Also Gart gets forced to do the rest of the Christmas cards.(Apparently they're not all his they're his family's list & I guess Robot got stuck with one half & Monster helped him)
A past version of my self-insert Sonicsona & a kind of familiar running off to get Knuckles supplies for rigging the lights. For context I use to sometimes go by Izzy cause I thought it was interesting.
Karkat is here for some reason.
Page 2:(Final page)
For some reason Allen was able to disguise himself by going into an older form.(This was oddly inspired by Hana from Ojamajo Doremi, I stopped using this idea at some point)
I don't remember the context(at this point any context I use to know is long gone along with knowing who most of the OCs are), I got lazy again & for some reason John from Homestuck is here.
Monster & Mecha notice the drunk cop, this is the only reason I know he's a cop. Gart dealing with younger Izzy on a sugar rush. Perry got forced to help with donations.
Blaze worried about her in-laws, Eggman & Sonic hiding from exploding lights & Gart gives up on the cards.
Italy(from Hetalia) can't find a parking spot & Japan(also from Hetalia) wishes he hadn't been riding with Italy. Also I know this is out of order.
Anime Kirby with Lololo & Lalala needing help with rigging the lights while Mecha gave up on rigging the lights so is getting for some reason sought after firewood while telling Gart to stop bothering her.
For some reason I added Keroro into this.
Sorry for making everyone that decided to read this train wreck. As fun as it was to draw at the time & as nice as it was to go down memory lane this is a confusing mess without context/inside jokes
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doublegoblin · 2 years
Cavern Chronology: Log 5
[Greetings, This is Epsilon. With V still being out of the office I was instructed to email this section of transcription over to you. I’m sorry if anything is missing, I’m still kind of new and still learning. Sorry that isn’t meant to sound like an excuse! Also I am sorry if this is out of line, I have been asking the others and nobody will give me a straight answer, but why do we not just attach the video files we collect? Once again I am so sorry if this is out of line! I just think it would be a much more efficient method of doing things. The new stuff should be coming in the next few months. -Epsilon]
Description: [Enter information here, include all relevant information. You can copy and paste the entry from previous submissions or write it all out yourself. Just be sure to follow the assigned outline.]
Note: Once you’ve got the stuff from Rico go through and put it together in one big document, he’s pretty good about putting things where they need to be so don’t move anything around. You’ll need to then take this file and make it into a .zip before sending it over to T. As you can see most of our work is handled by other departments, we just make sure there aren’t any outside bugs or issues before we send it up the pipeline. Then all you need to do is add it to the message as an attachment and shoot it across. You’ll know you’ve done it right when T writes you back. Give them a couple of business days, if it’s been about a week or so just send them a follow-up message, there is a lot to go through so it sometimes gets lost. Last thing, be sure to delete all of these extra messages, T isn’t a big fan of sifting through extra data. Plus if you don’t, we’re going to give you a lot of shit until you learn ;).
Date: 08/08/02 Time: 07:33
So this is going to be a little different than the last few files. We were lucky enough to stabilize the file before the camcorder went on the fritz. So not so much of a transcript for this part, more of an image ID.
To refresh: the image we’ve collected is a shot of what is being called a “conspiracy board”. A large cork board that you can find at really any major office supply store, supermarket, or anywhere that really sells stationary. This looks to be a cheap one. The frame of the board is most likely made of balsa wood, or maybe pine with an uneven and ugly looking stain job. The cork itself has some pretty large holes between the pieces, not just from wear and tear either. X did mention that along the lower edge there is some discoloration, they propose water damage. Besides the pieces of paper tacked to the board there are also some pretty neat looking stickers and enamel pins from different fandoms. I’m not sure if it matters much, but X and V both said to include it anyway, but the board is laid horizontally so it is more wide than tall.
On this board are several pieces of news articles, newspaper clippings, hand written notes, photographs, and of course Clyde's own drawing of the door. We’ll be designating larger items as their own entry but the smaller ones are placed into groups. They will be presented in the order most likely to be accurate to Clyde’s talking points later on. All of these items are connected by red push pins with a red string wrapped around each pin. Some string hangs limp, most likely cut at some point and just never cleaned up. I’ll be honest, some of the hand written notes are more out of focus items are educated guesses, for those situations we will mark them with (?).
The items:
A: A yellowed newspaper article, most likely a local paper. The date at the top looks to have been mostly lost during its removal but the year states that it is from 1979. The headline reads “YOUNG MAN MISSING IN NATIONAL PARK: FAMILY LEFT WITH QUESTIONS AND GRIEF”. Under the headline is a photo of a young hispanic male. Under this photo is a description that reads “Jacob Ortiz (17)”. The main text of the article is as follows:
“The community sends its thoughts and prayers to the Ortiz family in the aftermath of this tragic incident. Following a week-long search, Jacob Ortiz has been declared dead by local authorities. Jacob Ortiz had been out on a camping trip with his father and younger brother when he went missing. At this time the family has requested to be left in peace. We also ask that those in the community give the family their space in this dark time. Interviews with the father and younger brother can be found on (Page 4, Section A). The local sheriff has requested if anyone still has any information, or if new information has been found to please contact him. To quote ‘Anything you think could be useful, please, let us know. The least we could do is bring the boy's body back to the family, they deserve that closure.’ A closed casket funeral and memorial service will be held at 5pm on Tuesday at the Lily Family Funeral Home. This is an open invitation to the community.”
B: The interviews from the previous segment. These segments have been removed from their main page and only the words said by each interviewee have been preserved.
Mr.Ortiz has said the following “We’d only been out there for three days of our week long trip. It was early morning, I didn’t have my watch on me but it had to be no later than 7(am). I’d gotten the boys up for some oatmeal, mixed with some edible berries I’d foraged just the other day as a surprise. Jacob was the first one awake so had to go off to, you know, take care of his morning business. I let him know when we’d be eating and to not go past the treeline. He hemmed and hawed like all teenagers do, but he knew the woods could be dangerous, especially in that kind of vulnerable state. So he ran off with roll in hand and I got his younger brother roused and ready. Once the oatmeal was done I called out to him. Didn’t hear anything back. So I called again. Nothing. So I’m starting to get worried, but his brother reminds me that he had brought the Walkman on the trip so he might be listening to his music. Well I wasn’t having it, I thought I’d scare the crap out of him, a safe reminder that wild cats and bears love to catch you by surprise. But, when I get up to where I saw him headed, nobody there. So I start shouting his name, stomping through the forest, anything to get him to hear me. That's when I found the roll of toilet paper, set on top of a stump, just sitting there. I’m sorry I can’t talk about this anymore.”
PJ Orzit (Younger brother) had this to say “So we were on this camping trip right? I’m sure my dad said all that stuff already. Well he gets me up and the first thing I smell is burnt oatmeal. Then he starts callin’ for Jaco, I let him know about the walkman, and then he takes off into the woods. So I’m sitting there trying to pick around the crusty bits when dad comes out with this worried look on his face. So I’m thinkin’ ‘oh no what did he do now?’ and he says Jaco is missing. I…I didn’t think much about it then and kind of laughed it off, I regret doing that. So I follow him into the wood and see the stump with the toilet paper. I also saw his walkman there on the ground right next to the stump, the cord was wrapped around it, like when you want to put it away without the cord getting all tangled up. We spent maybe the entire day going up and down the woods. It’s like he just vanished into thin air man. I don’t care what the cops say, he’s still out there, he has to be. Jaco is real smart, really good fighter too, when we were younger he’d always kick me butt when we’d play pirates. He has to still be out there…he has to.”
C: Another newspaper article, most of the text is faded or the paper is damaged in some way that it’s hard to read. The date at the top says 1989(?) 1986(?) or 1988(?). The headline reads: MOTHER OF TWO VANISHES, VACATION TURNED TRAGEDY. On the page is also the location of San Antonio, Texas. 
C1-C3: What appear to be a collection of modeling photos. The subject is a black woman of approximately middle age. 
Ca: A postcard, the handwritten wording is illegible. On the front in bold gold words “Wish you were here”
D: Printed screenshot of a new site. WEEKEND RETREAT LEAVES SEVERAL DEAD AND TWO MISSING. Along the side, circled in red marker is a political ad, VOTE: CLINTON.
“What was meant to be a radical get-away for a group of teens has turned into anything but. Investigations are still inconclusive but local authorities propose gang violence or wild animal attacks. Early Friday morning the mutilated bodies of local teens (1) were found by amateur hiker Paul during his yearly trip around the park. At this time the whereabouts of-” the rest of the text is not visible on this piece of paper.
E: Handwritten notes by Clyde. Appears to be bullet points for the upcoming video. 
F: A pamphlet showing a map of a local tourist destination. A caving trip.
G: Crude illustrations of fantastical creatures such as Mothman, Bigfoot, and some other third thing which is obscured by the paper folding in on itself. The first two have large black Xs drawn across them.
H: Clyde's sketch of the door. 
[End of relevant data]
[This has been very informative, thank you Epsilon. As to your question, I encourage you to maintain this curiosity. This format is simply the best way for me to digest this information, sound is hard to process. I look forward to working with you. Best wishes -T]
0 notes
quest-draws · 4 years
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[Image description: A black and white comic titled Adventures in Re-Veth-ification: It's Been A While. Luc Brenatto, a white passing 20 year old halfling with a curly dark ponytail and short beard, a loose fitting shirt, and a button earing, is sitting in the kitchen of the Xhorhaus with Beau Lionet, a scarred asian woman with short hair who still looks in her twenties despite being much older.
 In the background Fjord, an older half-orc with graying hair and beard, both loosely tied into tails, is pouring himself a cup of tea while Caduceus Clay, a firbold with a long mohawk piled into an updo, chops vegetables at a counter.  
“...And that's when she shot me in the ass,”  says Beau, smirking.
“Holy shit,” Luc replies. “That's pretty crazy.”
“Heh, c'mon kid, you know your mom.” Beau says. She makes a dismissive gesture, “Though she was still a goblin at that point. She calmed down a bit after she changed back”
Luc stares at Beau, confused. “When she... sorry what?”
“When Caleb turned her back into a halfling?” She says. She smiles a little awkwardly. In the background, Caduceus stops chopping to look at them, concerned. “... After we lifted the curse?” Beau continues. 
Luc just looks baffled, bordering on alarmed, “Lifted the- Mom got cursed!? When the fuck did that happen?” He says
Beau, Fjord, and Caduceus all freeze, looking at Luc with pained and awkward expressions as he waits for them to answer his question. 
Fjord breaks the silence first. “Well, this will be terrible,” he deadpans “I'll get Veth.”
“I'll make more tea,” says Caduceus. 
“I'll be real with you-” says Beau, putting her hand on Luc’s shoulder. “This conversation is gonna suck balls.”
A short jump in time later, Luc is sitting with his head in his hands, yelling a long drawn out “Aaah” while his mother Veth, a chubby halfling woman with partially braided hair and facial tattoos, tries to comfort him. 
“... you were just so young, Luc, and it was confusing enough with me just showing up again and I was so worried I would scare you- I was scary! And you were so young-” she rambles. Fjord and Beau are beside them, with Beau leaning on the back of Luc’s chair and Fjord gesturing emphatically by Veth. 
“I mean, you knew she didn't come home right away, what did you think she was doing when she was Nott? Why'd you think we called her that?” Fjord says.
Luc slams his hands down on the table. “I was five I thought fuck all!” he shouts. “ And even if I had thought about it I wouldn't have gotten to 'goblin curse' from 'Nott the Brave' because that's fucking insane! That's like expecting me to get to 'Ex-Wizard Assassin' from 'Caleb'!”
“Wait, you know about the wizard assassins?” says Veth. Beau looks at him from over the back of the chair. 
“Damn, how'd you get to wizard assassins before goblin curses?” She says. 
"I don’t fucking know, Beau!” Luc yells. Caduceus takes Veth’s empty tea cup without comment. 
Veth puts her arm around her son. “Oh, baby, I'm so sorry,” she says. “If it means anything, it's not just you I kept it from- It took months to tell the Nein. Hell, I didn't tell you're father everything until...” She trails off, a look of realization creeping over her face. “Until, uh....”
Veth suddenly hops down from the table and rushes off, speaking so fast her words slur together “Fuck, okay, hang on a second i'm gonna go get him-” 
Many cups of tea later, Yeza, a halfling man who looks like an older version of Luc with no beard and large glasses, and the rest of the Mighty Nein have joined the others in the kitchen. The Brenattos are all at the table- Yeza and Luc are staring off into space, while Veth has both hands on the table ans is looking to the two of them with a slightly manic expression. Beau is still leaning against Luc’s chair, now with a cup of tea in hand. Fjord is sitting with Jester, a middle aged tiefling with short dark hair and one broken horn, on the counter eating sandwiches. 
Yasha, a middle aged aasimar with white hair braided with flowers and an eyepatch, sits on the far end of the counter, straining to see over the people closer to the table, namely Caduceus, who is pouring more tea to add to the plethora of mugs now littering the table, and Caleb, a middle aged human with glasses and long hair in a side ponytail, who is standing behind Veth with his hands on her shoulders. 
“And that's everything!” Veth shouts, far to excitedly. “All on the same page! Everyone good?”
The rest of her family look profoundly nonplussed. 
Luc leans back in his chair. “Ah,” he says. 
End description.]
Being in your twenties is just like *accidentally unearths repressed family trauma in a casual conversation* *accidentally unearths repressed family trauma in a casual conversation* *accidentally unearths repressed family trauma in a casual conversa-*
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english8muffin · 4 years
Vogue morning routine
Y/N Y/N/L’s guide to effortless natural makeup
Summary: you are asked to do the Vogue Beauty Secrets video and your two boys decide to join the party
Word count: around 2000
Warning: none, just pure floof!
I apologize in advance if there are any spelling and/or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language (+ this is my very first fic)
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HEADLINE Henry Cavill’s new girlfriend, designer Y/N Y/L/N reveals her everyday morning routine in recent Vogue video: Y/N Y/L/N shows off her secrets to the perfect fusion of European and Asian beauty.
You stood in the spacious bathroom of the hotel room, only wearing a big, fluffy, white robe, that was actually Henry’s. But since the man was in the gym, you took the opportunity to lend it and bathe yourself in his musky smell, that calmed your nerves. Last night you started panicking, thinking you would probably look stupid for the entire world to see, luckily Henry and Kal tried to calm you down with cuddles and kisses.
This was the first ‘interview’ you would do, being such a young, successful entrepreneur really caught the attention of the media. When you first started your small online shop, you never would have thought you would end up here. Five years later, with a steady income, the job you always wished for and the man you had a crush on since the first time you laid eyes on him. Being a creative, it really made your heart soar with happiness, seeing all your products, your babies, in new homes where they would make others happy.
You were really proud of yourself. Henry was as well, and he made sure you and everybody around you knew. You were apprehensive at first, being with such a well known actor, who was also much older than you, it made you nervous of what people would say, what the media would say. You didn’t want to tarnish Henry’s image. You knew there were people with a much bigger age gap, but still, people were ruthless. So you both decided to take it slow, being careful with going out in public and social media posts.
You stand in front of the large mirror, which had a camera attached to it and open up your makeup bag. Right before you went into the bathroom, you made yourself a nice cup of tea, trying to stay calm. “Hi! I’m Y/N and today I am going to show you my everyday makeup routine,” you say with a smile, “I am not a dermatologist so please don’t take what I say too seriously.”
You grab a small white washcloth and hold it up, so it was in the frame, “First, I am going to wash my face and put on a few drops of serum,” You dampen the cloth and wipe it over your face and neck. You put a few drops in the palm of your hand and pat them into your skin. “Now I going to use my jade roller to massage the serum into my skin. It’s quite funny seeing so many people use these nowadays. In ancient China they were mostly used by the elite to keep there skin ageless. They would call jade the Stone of Heaven. It’s really helpful for the people who wake up with a puffy face like me,” you chuckle.
Somethimes you’d wake up with puffy cheeks, which led to Henry calling you his chubby bunny in the morning.
“Just a quick tip, and this is for everybody, make sure you always use SPF. I personally use SPF 30 and this one is shine control, since I tend to get an oily skin, but you can also use a regular one or a foundation with SPF in it. Believe me when I say your skin will be thankful.”
You grab the small tube of sun cream and show the amount you’ll use. You even convinced Henry to wear SPF everyday. At first he said he didn’t think it would make such a big difference, but when he realised you were going to be the one to put it on him, he was convinced about its benefits and adamant to wear it everyday. After working the thick cream into your skin, you put on some lipbalm and rummage through the pouch in front of you. When you find the product you’re looking for, you hold it up. “Now, I am going to put on a bit of concealer, this one is from Maybelline. After this, I will use a lighter shade under my eyes and on my acne scars that I have here,” you point and circle around the small cluster of scars on the sides of your cheeks.
Before blending out the concealer, you smile at the lens and put in two bright yellow hairclips, to keep your dark locks from falling into your face. “I probably should have done this at the start,” you laugh. The nerves creeping up a little. It wasn’t that you where a shy person, but knowing thousands of people will watch this, did something to you. You were always a very easygoing person, who could talk with pretty much everybody. But knowing people were going to watch you do something so intimate in a way, and would probably comment on it, scared you a little. While you would be 100% yourself, doing something as mundane as getting ready. If they didn’t like you now, then they probably won’t like you later. And that was what made you so afraid.
The bathrobe falls a bit down your shoulder, but you ignore it, since your hair fell down your shoulders in big waves. “Okay, brows. I used to block them in really dark when I was younger, but now I try to keep a light hand. I’ll use this Got 2B Glued as a brow gel afterwards. The tails of my eyebrows tend to move if I don’t use a strong enough gel. If you’re Asian you will understand the struggle.”
You quickly finish your brows, put some bronzer on your face and eyelids and take out your liquid eyeliner. “Am I the only one that acts like I’m a beauty guru whenever I do my makeup? Like, I’m just acting as if I’m used to this, right now, but to be honest, I was really nervous to do this video for Vogue,” you admit, “they will probably regret asking me,” you chuckle. You finish your eyemakeup with curling your long lashes, thanks to your mother’s genes, and add a coat of mascara.
You take in a deep breath, excited to show everyone the product you had been waiting for. “The next thing I am really proud to show you guys, because I designed the packaging. This is the new limited edition blush and highlighter palette from Dior, which they created for Lunar New Year!” You beam with pride, holding up the elegant looking palette. It had a darker toned glossy finish and the borders were the traditional Chinese looking frames, which were 3D and were surrounded by a wild variety of peonies. In the middle of the lid was your Chinese calligraphy in big golden brush stokes that said ‘year of the Ox’, the clasp was designed so it resembled an antique Chinese coin and on the side hung a jade charm.
“You can pre-order this palette now, I think they will put a link-thingy in de description. I wish you all a happy and blessed Lunar New Year, 祝农历年新年快乐牛年大吉!”
Just as you’re about to add some blush to your cheeks, the bathroom door creaks open and a curly-headed, sweaty Henry pops his head in. Fresh from the gym, and were you thankful for his new intense workout, because he was truely a sight to behold. A cheeky smile graces his handsome face when he spots you in front of the mirror, only wearing his robe, which made his grin widen.
“what are you doing in here? Are you hiding from me? Playing hide and seek is it?” he teases and rakes his large hand through the tousled curls, but just as he’s done speaking, he sees the camera behind you, and blushes. “Oh, I didn’t know you were filming, I’m sorry darling,” he smiles and gives a small wave in the direction of the camera. You led out a giggle, cheeks turning red already, if he’d keep this up, you wouldn’t need to add blush. You couldn’t focus anymore, he looked so attractive, only wearing his black gym shorts and a tight dark blue tank top. Damn that camera, otherwise you would have jumped him. Henry, thought the exact same thing. Seeing you, only wearing his robe and your hair still a bit wild from this morning’s cardio, made him hold back a moan. Those two cute, yellow clips in your hair could have fooled him, because you were anything but innocent.
Before he’s about to close the door again, he blows you a kiss. But his actions are stopped when a big bear makes his appearance. Bolting past his dad’s legs, Kal comes into the bathroom. Henry tries to catch him but misses. The black and white akita excitedly sniffs his head around the sink, trying to see what you were up to with all the stuff lying on the marble counter.
“Kal!” Henry whisper-yelled, trying to stay hidden behind the door. But you could still see his massive body crouched down behind the wood. It was rather funny, seeing the large man so panicked about getting his dog to listen. It kind of reminded you of that one video from BBC were a professor was being interviewed and his baby and nanny showed up in the background. While Henry tried to get Kal’s attention, the dog just sat next to your legs, and smiled when you pet him behind his ear. He was your good boy.
You both knew there was no other option but to keep Kal here, once he saw you do your makeup, he wanted to watch and get his ‘makeup’ done as well.
Henry also saw the look in Kal’s eyes and let out a sigh. Might as well stay with his two loves. He stood up from his position and walked to you, wrapping his sweaty but oh so save body around your figure, and placed a prolonged kiss on the exposed skin just by your shoulder. So far for taking it slow… He pressed himself thighter against your back, hiding his face in the crook of your neck and intertwined your hands, slowly rocking you two back en forth. “You look beautiful, my love,” he whispered, so only you could hear it, at least you hoped the camera wouldn’t pick that up. You let out a little giggle, like the inner schoolgirl you were whenever he was around you.
“Kal loves when Y/N does his makeup as well, don’t you boy,” Henry explains with a smile and looks down at the bear by your bare feet. Kal gives a small ruff and sweeps his tail eagerly. “Did you show them what you made,” he asked you with a wide smile, and looked straight in to the camera, “she worked really hard on that design, so I hope you all like it,” he declared proudly.
You ended up doing your makeup routine with your two boys in the background. Henry left for a few minutes to shower in the second bathroom your hotelroom had, and came back clad in a pair of light jogging trousers and a sweater. Even though you were inside, it was still a bit too chilly to walk around in short sleeves, being mid-winter and all. He just sat on the small wooden bench by the door, still in frame for everybody to enjoy and behold. His hair now damp. He was reading in a book and patiently waiting for you to get ready, occasionally looking up and laughing when you would wet your hands or Kal’s special makeup brush in the sink and pretend to do his makeup. The dog would bark excitedly and give you kisses. “Wow Kal, you look so pretty,” Henry told the big floof with the chuckle.
“Okay, this was my -somewhat- everyday makeup routine! Thank you guys for watching this chaotic mess, hope you laughed a bit, bye-bye, 再见!” How do those vlogger end their videos? Smash like and subscribe?
Behind you Henry looked up from the pages of his fantasy book and arched his brow, “Hey! No shout-out for your special guests? See you all next time!”
WOOHOO!! This is my very first fanfic, I really hope you enjoyed it. Liking, reposting and commenting would mean a lot to me! If you do repost this, please do not edit or copy my work. I worked really hard on this.
Much love, Nahmi xxx
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sunshineseung · 4 years
Journal Part 1 // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 2.8k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!virgin!jeongin, invasion of privacy (not the cardi b album), smut within the smut??? [handjob, begging, “mommy”], mentions of voyeurism, light dom/sub themes, “mommy” kink, teasing, stripping, blowjob/oral (m!receiving), no swallowing
☀️ | synopsis: Yang Jeongin babysits your two children, and he’s always been the most polite boy you’ve ever met. Unfortunately for him, he leaves his secret journal at your house one evening, and your curiosity got the better of you.
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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Being a single mother was never in your plans. After your husband left you with two kids, your world nearly fell apart. You went from being a stay-at-home mother to working two jobs. The daycare took care of your dayshift, but your night shifts were harder to arrange a babysitter for. That is until you offered the position to your next-door neighbor’s son. They complained about how he was in desperate need of a job, being in his first year of college with no work history. Your offer was perfect for them, and Jeongin was happy to fill the position. He was always the nicest kid, and you could see his eyes light up at the idea of working for you, or more likely, at the concept of getting paid. 
He’d come over to your house at 5:00pm, book bag on his back, ready to do homework while he watched your kids play. Your two daughters were quick to warm up to him, and the rest is history. He was the best babysitter you could ask for, and even if you had to stay late at work, he was always understanding. Jeongin was a perfect kid with good grades and a good heart, and you’d always see him writing in a journal. When you asked him about it, he’d say he’s “writing a story for class.” It was always the same excuse, day after day. You paid no mind, more worried about the status of your kids after you’ve left them with a teenager for hours. 
Jeongin was very protective of his special journal. It was just a regular composition book, but whatever he wrote in it was sacred to him. He’d hide it from you when you walked by and hold it close to his face as he wrote. Whatever he wrote was his little secret, but if it’s for a class like he said, it can���t be that terrible, right?
Returning home from a late shift, you see Jeongin settled on the couch, sleeping with his phone in his hand. His head was back and his mouth was wide open, snoring loudly. You nudge him to wake him up, but he doesn’t budge. All you can do is scoff at him and check on your daughters in their room just as sound asleep as their babysitter. Going back to the living room, Jeongin’s turned to his side, snoring quieter than before. You sit right at his feet and get comfortable, kicking your feet up on the coffee table and turning on the TV. When your heel lands on the table, you kick over Jeongin’s journal, the book falling to the ground and opening to a blank page. 
Your eyes dart to Jeongin and back at the book, and you’re mentally debating whether or not to look through it. You’ve hardly talked to the boy aside from a few conversations about school in a “back in my day” type dialogue. This would be a major invasion of privacy, but there’s no way it’s a diary. He writes in it constantly, how would it be a diary? 
You pick up the notebook, looking at the cover that read “Yang Jeongin Journal 1” on the title lines. Skipping to the one of the first few pages, you read a couple lines, which turns into reading a paragraph, and later an entire page. The more you read, the more you begin to understand why he hid it from you while boldly writing in front of you. Your jaw hangs slack as your eyes glaze over the lewd words written on the page. Your mind is blown imaging the sweet boy Jeongin imagining these scenarios, especially when you realize that you’re the other character. 
Her hand feels like heaven wrapped around my cock, stroking me up and down as I quickly become breathless from the sensation. She looks into my eyes, staring me down like a predator watching her prey. Her touch quickly becomes overwhelming as my dick starts to twitch in her hand, begging to cum despite her only beginning to play with me. I thrust into her hand, hips quaking as I seat myself again. “Please let me cum, mommy.” Y/n laughs and nods her head, lowering her lips to my cock, ready to catch my release on her gorgeous face.
Seeing your name on the paper makes your heart jump. All of these dirty thoughts that Jeongin pens in his journal are about you. As you shuffle through the pages, your name is practically highlighted to your eyes. Every few pages, there’s a description of your body or what you wear, occasionally an imagine of you undressing in your bedroom window that happens to face Jeongin’s bedroom. Although you always keep your curtains shut, Jeongin’s writing describes him hoping that you leave your curtains open to put on a show for him, undressing slowly until you notice Jeongin jerking off in the house across the fence. 
You slam his journal shut. You’ve seen enough. Laying it down on the table as it was before, you attempt to calm yourself and watch the TV you’ve been craving to watch since you got off work. Despite your best efforts, your mind begins to wonder to Jeongin, sleeping quietly beside you, and how ecstatic he’d be if you’d reenact some of the scenes he wrote in his special journal. 
Jeongin groans and stretches, finally waking up from his nap. You tap his leg to signal that you’re home, and he nearly jumps out of his skin feeling you near him. He coughs as he sits up, pressing down his shirt to get out any wrinkles and fixing his hair that looks like a bird’s nest. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You laugh, smiling brightly at him as if you weren’t just reading his book of sexual fantasies. “Did you have a nice nap?” 
“Yes, yes!” Jeongin fumbles over his words, worried that you’re about to fire him for sleeping on the job. “I’m so sorry! I promise I didn’t fall asleep until after the girls went to sleep.” He bows his head, sincerely apologizing for something any college student would reasonably do once work was over.
“No worries. I’m sure my girls were in good hands.” You reach for his journal and hand it to him, and he begins to turn a bright shade of red. He knows what’s in that book, but he assumes you’re still naive. “I almost used your little book as a footrest, so put this somewhere safe, okay?”
“Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to leave it out. I was just writing in it until I fell asleep.” He grabs his bookbag and shoves it in gently. 
“Wow, you write in that thing a lot.” You cross your legs and you face him, totally ignoring the television show at this point. “How long have you had that assignment for class?” 
You clearly caught him off guard. He seems confused before he remembers his lie, widening his eyes once he realizes that he’s about to dig himself into a hole. “Oh, it isn’t just one assignment. It’s for my creative writing class.” 
“Ah, I had a creative writing class too.” If he was going to lie to your face, it was only fair that you rebuttal with another lie. “Can I read some of what you wrote? Maybe give you some critique?”
Jeongin’s mind went blank. He broke out in a cold sweat. If he lets you read it, his life will be over, but on the other hand, if he doesn’t let you read it, it will look sketchy since it’s just supposed to be innocent writing for a freshman level college class. 
“Uh, it’s a little personal.” He’s adamantly avoiding eye contact with you, looking anywhere but your face. “I don’t think that would be appropriate since you’re my next door neighbor.” 
“Not appropriate, huh?” You can’t help but smirk, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees the sideways smile grow on your face. His heart begins to dip as he finally starts to connect the dots, thinking that his job, no, his existence as your neighbor could end within a matter of minutes. “What’s so inappropriate about wanting your neighbor, who is over ten years older than you might I add, to sit on your face and call you her baby boy? Hm?” 
Jeongin is frozen in place. He’s been outed. All of his wildest sexual fantasies have been revealed to the woman he wants to do them with. Knowing you’ve read his journal at least a little bit, he can’t help but get hard under his joggers, mentally cursing himself for wearing them once he notices your eyes drift to the tent in his pants. 
“Sorry, but curiosity killed the cat on this one.” You scoot closer to him, taking his hands in yours and rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand to warm him up. “I can’t believe my neighbor’s cute little son grew up to be such a dirty minded boy that can’t keep his thoughts in his head, but has to put them on paper so he can read them and imagine his neighbor fuck him again and again.”
“How much did you read?” Still with his head down, he squeaks out the question that’s been running through his mind since you started teasing him with your words. 
“I read enough.” You remove one of your hands from the hold and perk his chin up so he has no choice but to look at you. His eyes are sparkling with lust as you’re just centimeters from his face. “Tell me, Jeongin, what do you want me to do to you?”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
He pauses to ponder and collect his thoughts. Everything he’s ever imagined is running through his read: the pet names, the toys, the punishments, the pleasure. It’s all too much, and he can hardly speak another word before you pet his face, holding his head in your palm as he shyly presses his cheek into your hand. 
“M-mommy,” he had never said that word out loud to you before, “can I strip for you?”
“All for me?” You smile, gladly accepting this offer. “Go ahead, baby boy. Show mommy what she’s been missing.”
He removes himself from you and stands up, timidly facing you as you lounge back on your couch. His shirt goes first, being neatly tossing onto the couch where he once sat. His fingers fiddle with the hem of his sweatpants before he pulls them down, showing you his bulge that’s painfully pressed against his tight boxer briefs. He’s bigger than you expected him to be, but that’s welcomed in your eyes.
You hold your hand out, stopping him before he can pull down his underwear. Standing up with a groan, you walk around his body, eyeing him up like he’s a buffet. One of your hands gently grabs at his ass, squeezing the skin between your fingertips and making him whine. You bite your lip when you hear him, sounding cute as a button despite the situation. From behind, you pull him back to you and run your hands around his body to feel his toned abs, finally moving upwards to tease his erect nipples. You feel him take a deep breath to calm himself, but when one hand pinches his nipple, he whines again, louder this time.
“Quiet, baby. You don’t want to wake the girls, do you?” When you whisper in his ear, all of the thoughts leave his head. You’ve hardly touched him and he’s dumb, and as embarassing at it is, he loves feeling helpless in your arms. “I haven’t seen another man like this in ages. You’re exactly what I need right now, Jeongin.” 
“Y-you need me?” He can hardly believe that you’re just as horny over him as he is for you, although his longer dates back far longer than just an hour or so. You hum in his ear as your hands slide down his torso to his cock, palming him over his underwear. He hisses and moans from the lightest stimulation. His reaction to all of your touches is perfect, and you can’t wait to see how he reacts when you’re riding him or sucking him off, although you could do anything to him and he’d be thankful. 
You remove your hand from his cock and pull down his underwear, finally seeing his length in all its glory. He gasps from how fast you undress him, but at the same time, he loves being on display for you. As much as he wants to hide his erection out of reflex, he holds his arms to the side tightly, allowing you to come in front of him and take in the view. 
“Jeongin, are you a virgin?” As embarrassing at it is, he nods and holds his breath, waiting for you to answer. “Aw, my pretty little boy’s never been fucked? That must be why you’re so infatuated with me.” 
You get down on your knees so you’re eye-level with his cock, now red and angry, begging to be sucked. Although your skills might be a little rusty, if your ex-husband’s reviews were any indication, you were about to blow this kid’s mind. With a little lick, he’s whining and staring down at you as you wrap your lips around the tip of his cock before moving back again and wrapping your hand around him like he’s always imagined. 
“Do you want to sit down?” Your voice sounded so calm and gentle, it was honestly shocking to Jeongin since he could hardly speak at all. He nods, and you take him to sit back on the couch. He spreads his legs for you to sit in between, once again jerking him off with one hand while the other plays with his balls. You kiss the tip before taking his member into your mouth, bobbing your head only around the tip. 
Jeongin’s convinced himself that he’s dreaming when he looks down to see your face moving up and down the very top of his cock. It feels so good, better than he could have ever imagined, and surely better than his hand. As you slowly start to take him more into your mouth, he’s clutching onto the couch cushion for dear life. He gets close very fast, tapping his thigh with one hand to try to convey that he’s about to cum. Quickly catching on, you take him fully into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat, almost making you gag. 
After a few twitches of his cock, you feel him cumming down your throat as he moans out expletives from the overwhelming sensation. When he’s finally done, you pull your mouth off of him and let his cum drip out of your mouth and onto your chest, which was still covered by your button-down work shirt. When Jeongin finally opens his eyes, he’s greeted by you lazily resting your head on his thigh, looking up at him, waiting for him to come back down to Earth. 
“Ah, thank you, mommy.” In his post-nut state, the name he’d given you leaves his lips more hesitantly, but he knows that’s what you want to hear. Looking up at the clock, he notices that it’s past his self-determined bed time, but he’s still dazed enough to not care, at least for a moment. “That felt so good.” 
“And maybe tomorrow night we can do more, hm?” You slide onto his lap, his soft cock resting between your thighs. “I’d love to ride my baby boy and finally take his virginity… only if you want of course.” 
“I- … Yes, I’d love that.” Before he can say another word, you kiss him on the lips, and despite them just being around his cock, your kiss is sweet, and he needs more of it. Trying to avoid a make-out session, you pull away and get off of the boy’s lap, telling him to get dressed and go home so you can both sleep.
Your goodbye to him is the same as always, waving as he walks back home, but knowing what’s going to transpire tomorrow night, you can’t help but finish yourself off after being all worked up from Yang Jeongin. You decide to save your panties from today before you get into the shower, because they’re absolutely drenched and you’re sure Jeongin would love to have them for when he’s home alone. 
After pleasing yourself in the shower, you peek out your bedroom window. Just as you had hoped, Jeongin’s curtains were wide open, and he was beating his cock with one hand and sucking on his fingers with the other. He was clearly thinking about you by how he’d had his journal sitting next to him opened to a random page. 
You sleep good that night, pleased and excited for tomorrow. Although you were always the submissive one, you came to realize that maybe being the one in control was just what you needed. 
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drabsyo · 3 years
Drabs, I know that you usually draw Fleur with slightly darker blonde hair than Narcissa. Was it a choice so that it’s easier to distinguish them from each other or was your Fleur maybe slightly influenced by the actress from the movie who had darker hair?
In the books Fleur didn’t seem to have much description other than having long silvery hair (waist length?) and having this glow around her. So like with Narcissa, what works have influenced your design of Fleur?
It’s fascinating sometimes to read the artist’s perspective and your previous reply to the anon about Narcissa has been very interesting.
Thank you!!! 🥺
I was actually pretty embarrassed over how enthusiastic I got over the whole hair thing, but I'm glad it made some sense at least 😂 And now that I've been given even more reason to talk about it... (Let's face it, I shouldn't even be allowed on this website to begin with, ya'll have been way too nice to me.)
Only click on keep reading if you want to read Some Nonsense.
I did consider Fleur's actress when I thought about her hair color. Though I pictured it to be something of a mix between movie Fleur and Elsa’s (from Frozen) hair. But the way I drew Fleur's hair, the way it falls across her shoulders, that was more of... well, I imagined Fleur to have effortlessly perfect hair, like she doesn't seem to need to style it so much because it's already whimsical as it is, what with her being part-Veela. There were a lot of fanfictions that helped me to sort of see a better image of Fleur in my head so really, I owe it to all the talented writers out there!
It's also the same with Narcissa's case. Though I decided to give her paler hair, compared to Fleur's, because I wanted to emphasize that air of vulnerability Narcissa has—this image she conjures, like she's this fragile thing made of glass, which typically in fanfiction is what Narcissa uses so that Voldemort would overlook her a lot, hence why she wasn't given any "missions" or "tasks" while Voldemort was in Malfoy Manor. Slytherin preservation. This "fragile" image was something Narcissa capitalized on and maintained perfectly, but in post-war Cissamione fanfictions, she no longer has to put on that façade—she starts living for herself, but the quiet sadness about her never really goes away.
I really did struggle at first, I had to find a way where I could draw them without confusing people and myself.
So, again, I sifted through a lot of canon and non canon material about these two characters which funnily enough made me see some kind of parallel going on between them. I know. Fleur Delacour and Narcissa Black. Parallels?! It's nuts. But again, this is only within Fleurmione and Cissamione fanfiction, and it really helped me to draw them better. (At least in a way that made them distinguishable from one other at first glance, I’d like to think.)
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These 'hair scenes' are mostly the bits where Hermione "first" sees Fleur. Hermione is entranced, a little curious, sometimes she feels indifferent, but the general theme is Hermione immediately finds Fleur beautiful—which probably explains why Hermione in fanfiction sometimes thinks Narcissa could be part-Veela like Fleur. And as you can imagine, that's where my struggle began.
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You'll see what I mean in a minute. And just like last time, remember that this part comes with spoilers.
🔹 In Fighting is our form of Flirting by InsomniacAndBi in Chapter 2 Hermione sees Fleur for the first time. This is the first Fleurmione fanfiction I've ever read, and also the first time I've encountered Fleur's character. Tall, bright blonde hair, won the genetic lottery, aristocratic features, face held in a scowl, floats into the room with effortless poise, immediately starts demanding things out of people... Sounds vaguely familiar, doesn't it. Like some other blonde we know.
"Non!" A voice from the doorway said. "This is not what was agreed."
For a moment, Hermione thought about ignoring it but turned to glance over there if only to quell her curiosity. A girl stepped into the room and Hermione's phone call was forgotten in a moment. She knew that it wasn't nice to stare but Hermione couldn't help but do it because, in all honesty, this was the prettiest girl she had ever seen. She was definitely taller than Hermione was, with bright blonde hair and...clearly she had won the genetic lottery.
Her skin practically glowed and it looked so smooth and soft. It made Hermione wonder if she used those fancy beautification charms or had a very lengthy skincare routine. Or maybe, just maybe, this is what being rich did to people's faces. There was no doubt in Hermione's mind that this girl was rich - like extremely rich, like even rich people thought she was rich. That kind of rich. That was the type of rich that this girl was.
Also, only super rich people curled up their lip like this girl was doing.
She breezed into the room like she was floating and Hermione hastily ended her phone call and promised to call back later.
"This is not what was agreed," The girl said again and Hermione felt incredibly small sitting in front of her. Not to mention, the girl's clothes screamed 'I'm rich and I know it' and Hermione's screamed 'I'm so out of place that I might as well be a bull in a China shop'.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Hermione managed to get out when it became apparent that the girl was waiting for her response.
"You are English." The girl looked shock for a moment at Hermione's accent before shaking her head angrily. "This is not what was agreed."
🔹 In Oath of Silver by i_shall_wear_midnight immediately in the first chapter, when Witcher Hermione first meets Fleur, it's something Hermione quickly notices. Vivid sapphire eyes. Silvery blonde hair that shimmered in the torchlight. And once again, right off the bat, Fleur is pushy. She wants things done her way. It’s just so cute how she doesn’t even let the fact that Hermione is a Witcher, an extremely dangerous outcast in society, get in the way of that.
(I'm sorry for this but I just have to gush about Oath of Silver. Hermione as a witcher is just so fitting for her character; she possesses that natural eye for detail that remarkable witchers have, witchers like Geralt and Vesimir (a skill that gets even more honed through the Witcher Trials). Hermione even has Geralt's dry sense of humor, a bit rough around the edges, brilliant, snippy without really meaning to (because she asks a lot of questions and would rather get to the point), but has a good heart.)
The witcher figured that would be the end of her human interactions for the evening, but only a few minutes later, the stunning newcomer from before appeared before her. Upon closer inspection, Hermione couldn’t imagine she wouldn’t be conspicuous in any group of people she happened to find herself immersed in. The woman was looking back at her with vivid sapphire eyes, and silvery blonde hair that shimmered even in torchlight. Her attire was travel-ready, but elegant.
“Bonsoir. You are a witcher, oui? Or perhaps a ‘witcheress’ is more accurate? I am not familiar with all the terms…” She watched the beautiful stranger patiently while she fumbled through Hermione’s professional title. As if the distinctive, amber colored cat-eyes hadn’t given her away, the brunette mused wryly. Eventually, the blonde gave up and sat herself down at Hermione’s table, her medallion twitching faintly as the stranger got settled. Hermione filed that away for later. Her new dinner buddy seemed to be oblivious to the curious and concerned looks now being thrown her way at boldly taking a seat at a mutant’s table.
“I came from Ellander,” she began in a non sequitur. “The temple, and spoke to the priestess Nenneke, who told me about you.” Hermione continued eating her second serving of stew and waited for her to get to the point. “I would like to hire you as an escort as I travel back to Toussaint.” The witcher finally put her spoon down.
“Sounds like you ought to be asking some mercenaries to be your bodyguards,” she responded, eyeing the bow the woman was carrying on her pack meaningfully.
“A pair seems doable, and I’d prefer you.”
“I’m not a bodyguard.”
“Yes, technically, I am aware,” she replied, beginning to show signs of impatience.
“Then why are you soliciting a monster-slayer?”
🔹 Witnessed here in Time and Blood by whistle.the.silver is probably the most interesting one because it uses the concept of Veela hair as a wand core brilliantly. Again, this comes with huge 🛑spoilers🛑. Read the italicized words at your own risk. I can't add the entire clip here, as the topic of Fleur's hair is littered throughout several other chapters. But this story shows us a Fleur who is willing to do anything in order to protect Hermione during the course of the war.
My memory is a bit foggy, I haven't read this story in months, but here's what I remember:
This takes place during the time of Shell Cottage, where Fleur is married to Bill and takes care of Hermione. Fleur didn't expect to fall in love with the young brunette and, as the Golden Trio's time in Shell Cottage comes to an end, she worries over Hermione's safety. Fleur, using magic only known to the Veela tribes, does her best to offer Hermione protection in any way that she can--even going as far as to study what Lily Potter did so Harry could live. At one point, Fleur cuts her own hair with a length now roughly above her shoulders to give Hermione a new wand. But this isn't the only bridge Fleur is willing to cross to make sure Hermione survives the incoming battle. Fleur's grandmother, Ron, and even Bill himself, is a little sceptic over the propriety of Fleur's actions, but Fleur is determined to do whatever it takes to make sure Hermione makes it out of the war safe and alive.
So that was a lot to wade through, I know.
But if you've skipped all those parts for the sake of missing spoilers then let me go ahead and explain why the parallel between Fleur and Narcissa are there. Sure, it's plain to see that they have similar physical characteristics, but they're also similar in other ways.
In Witnessed here in Time and Blood, Fleur is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Hermione during the war: sacrifice the secrets of the Veela, make Hermione a wand, make her marriage and friendship with Bill suffer, be scrutinized by her Veela tribe, etc. And didn't Narcissa do the exact same thing during the war to make sure Draco made it out alive? They both chose to 'betray' everyone else for the sake of this one person. Not to mention, in Extinction by rubikanon Narcissa even makes Hermione a wand. (I’m telling you, there are so many parallels between these two ships and I can probably list more but I'd rather not make this post longer.)
Here, I’m just going to go ahead and say it—it’s almost like Fleur and Narcissa in fanfiction have the same love language.
A glaringly obvious difference between them is their upbringing, and we could argue that this why Fleur tends to be more open with her emotions while Narcissa tends to be more carefully guarded with hers. And I don't know if writers realize these parallels but as someone who's a huge fan of both characters and as someone who makes the occasional fanart of them, it's a pretty difficult detail to ignore. This crazy conspiracy all started because I had to find a way to make both characters look distinct from one another... It's just so interesting that writers from two different ships unknowingly make these parallels with two completely separate characters who are often at the opposite ends of the seesaw.
But again, let's take a look at Extinction by rubikanon. (I know. Extinction?! AGAIN?! Always.)
Spoiler warning!
🔹 Extinction by rubikanon has a marvelous take on this, as it turns out Fleur and Narcissa are actually good friends, and if I remember correctly, occasionally exchange letters (I’m unsure about this bit, I might have read it in a different story). They just get along remarkably well; I imagine they both share a kind of mutual respect for each other, a quiet understanding for the way the other woman carries herself: poised, meticulous, they pride themselves in their work, they both know how to handle an Ocean Of Secrets™, they're both accustomed to being under the spotlight of the public eye, and they’re both dedicated to their loved ones. Needless to say, Fleur and Narcissa are both giddy over the prospect of being with someone they love and adore, and end up meticulously planning numerous (I think it was hinted) double dates (Fleur with Bill, and Narcissa with Hermione) with the same kind of endearing enthusiasm that leave Hermione and Bill with no choice but to agree to the whims of their respective lovers.
(Scene seen in Chapter 23: Build Up Your Defense 2 of 2)
Narcissa and (Hermione) I were sitting together on one of the couches when Bill and Fleur arrived later. They showered Teddy with kisses on his little cheeks. He'd gotten past his clingy phase and adored us all, struggling to walk around the room by bracing himself on everyone's knees.
Suddenly Narcissa reached up and grabbed onto someone's wrist behind her head. "Don't even think about it," she said.
"That's just scary. How did you know I was there?" George stood up from behind the couch, a toy spider dangling from his hand. Teddy shrieked with laughter.
"She has eyes in the back of her head," Draco said.
"Mothers," George grumbled, sitting down close to Angelina. "Dump her, Hermione. I need you to date someone more prankable."
Fleur looked in surprise at the two of us on the couch. "Oh, la vache! How did I not know zees? You are lovers?"
"We're dating," I said mildly, though we really were lovers. In every sense. I glanced at Narcissa and bit my lip as heat spread through me. My imagination started planning a middle-of-the-night rendezvous.
"No wonder she (Narcissa) was so adamant about healing that curse," Bill said thoughtfully.
"Adorable! Simply adorable!" Fleur exclaimed, sitting down on Narcissa's other side. "We must go out for a double date next week, all four of us. We'll dine at L'Escargot!"
Narcissa's eyes lit up.
"Oh, no," I said.
"You won't have to eat snails," Narcissa said. "Please, mon amour?"
"French doesn't work on me."
"Please?" She kissed my cheek again and again. "Please? Please?"
Laughing now, I pulled her in for a kiss on the lips and said, "Yes, alright. But only because I have fond memories of trying new foods with you."
"As do I," she agreed.
Then we realized everyone was staring. Narcissa cleared her throat and straightened up, blushing. Draco made a face. Ginny looked a little more favorable. Harry held in laughter, and Andromeda hid her camera.
"Adorable!" Fleur declared again.
🔹 Also, I just have to add Sugar and Spice by waltzlikeits1698 because Chapter 4: Happy Birthday, Harry is absolutely hysterical. During Harry's birthday party, Hermione sulks in a corner because Fleur has apparently been avoiding her. Ginny decides to do something barking mad, something Hermione typically falls for.
“Ooh, someone’s grouchy,” Ginny teased, retracting her arm and facing Hermione fully. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” Hermione insisted, although even she could hear the pout in her voice.
“Sure seems like it,” she snarked, summoning two shots and offering one to Hermione with a waggle of her eyebrows. Hermione pulled a face and Ginny shrugged before downing both, one after the other. (...) “You know, I spotted a tall, blonde drink of water hanging around the stairs.”
“What!?” Hermione exclaimed, whirling around and leaning out of the room to look at the staircase. Sure enough, standing at the bottom and resting a slender hand on the bannister was a tall, blonde witch who made Hermione’s heart stop with her mere presence. She had started forward before she knew it, her heart taking up an even quicker beat as she crossed the few steps and reached out a hand to clasp her elbow. The woman turned, that beautiful blonde hair catching the candlelight as it moved in one long sheet.
Hermione retracted her hand in horror, her eyes widening. “Mrs Malfoy!?”
Narcissa Malfoy raised an eyebrow at the witch who had practically accosted her. “Miss Granger. Can I help?”
What was she even doing here?
“Uh,” Hermione said dumbly, “sorry, I just… need the loo. Can I-?”
She gestured lamely to the staircase. Both women stared at the perfectly reasonable gap that Hermione could easily pass through. The moment stretched on.
Slowly, Narcissa returned her inscrutable gaze to Hermione, who squirmed uncomfortably in response. She then took a small step to the side and gestured for Hermione to pass. She did so and, as she turned the corner of the staircase, sent a deadly glare at Ginny, who was practically pissing herself with laughter.
Fleur had arrived. Hermione couldn’t explain exactly how she could tell, considering she had been in the duplicated bathroom for the last ten minutes after humiliating herself in front of Narcissa, but she knew it like she knew that it was levi-O-sa.
(...) (Hermione) She tried to avoid eye contact with Narcissa on the way back down and was thoroughly unsuccessful: the witch had physically reached out and laid her own hand over Hermione’s on the bannister, forcing her to stop and look up. Then, with an intention behind her eyes that Hermione had neither the brain capacity nor the energy to delve into, she said “It’s Ms Black now.”
Then she had released Hermione’s hand and turned back to her conversation with Andromeda and two wizards Hermione didn’t recognise.
Come to think of it, there were a lot of people Hermione didn’t recognise.
Anyway, long story short, this is the result of reading both Fleurmione and Cissamione—
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But RIGHT. At the end of the day, again, these are just some crazy little things I picked up on and I may or may not be right, no one has to agree with me, everyone can disagree with me. Actually, yes feel free to disagree with me. I need to get out of this damn site and you know, touch grass.
Okay. Well. I'm gonna stop here now. So. Bye. But thank you anon for this lovely ask!! I’m really touched that you wanted to know what inspired the way I drew Fleur 🥺💕💖 But still. So sorry for this massive word vomit!! 😂
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Sick Day, Part 2 - Noon
This is Part 2 for my bby @silverwolf319 💖💖💖 Something soft and comforting for the days you don't feel well. Here’s Frankie Morales making you take a sick day.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Word count: 780+
Rating: soft mature, 18+ only
Outline: Frankie Morales x “You” (gender neutral reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: mentions of illness/nausea; one curse word; Frankie being all soft and comforting
You wake again hours later, head pounding but feeling less nauseated. The brighter light leaking in from around the blinds lets you know that it is probably close to noon. Your mouth feels like it’s stuffed with cotton, and you sit up and reach out to grab the glass of Gatorade that Frankie had left you. Your blurry vision betrays you, and you hit the glass with the back of your hand, knocking it across the tray table. “Shit!”
Frankie calls from the living room. “You okay in there, babe?”
“Nooo…” you moan. “Spill.”
He comes into the room a moment later, kitchen towel in hand.
“I’m sorry, Frankie. ’S on the floor now.”
He crouches down and starts mopping the floor. “Babe, that’s okay. I’ll clean it up. Did you at least drink any?”
You grunt and shake your head. “Not yet.”
Frankie sits back on his heels. “You know you need to drink something if you can keep it down. Why don’t I go turn on a warm bath and you can soak for a bit. Take your ice chips with you.” He looks into the plastic tumbler and shakes it. “Well, ice chips and water now.”
He stands up and holds his hand out to you. “Come on, sweet thing. Let’s get you into the tub.”
You let him take your hand and walk you to the bathroom. Frankie runs warm water into the tub and adds two scoops of Epsom salts, then he helps you undress and holds your hand steady as you step in. The water is perfect, and you sigh as you sink down into it.
“Thank you, Frankie.” You close your eyes and lean your head back against the cool tiles.
“You got it, babe. I’ll be back in a little bit to check on you.”
You nod, already half-asleep from the warmth of the tub.
Your eyes pop open, meeting Frankie’s warm brown ones. He lifts his eyebrows at you and points at your plastic cup. “You need to drink something. Sip, don’t gulp. That’s an order.”
You give Frankie a mock salute and reach for the tumbler of icy water, taking a dutiful sip and then setting it back on the edge of the bathtub. He turns and leaves, and you let your eyes close once more.
Just as the water is getting cool, Frankie returns with a fluffy towel, warmed from the dryer. He scrubs your back and then helps you out of the tub and dries you off, wrapping the warm towel around your shoulders.
“There’s clean clothes on the bed for you. Do you want to go back to bed or go lie down on the couch with a movie?”
“Movie sounds great. Thank you, baby.”
“Okay, you go get dressed and I’ll make you a little blanket nest on the couch.” He lays a soft kiss to your forehead.
You go back into the bedroom, shivering just a little, and put on the clean folded clothes that he has left for you; a pair of your favorite soft pajama pants and an oversized T-shirt of Frankie’s, the image faded and the neck stretched out just right. By the time you get back to the living room there is a pillow and a blanket ready for you, and Frankie is sitting with the remote in his big hand.
He props the pillow over his hip and pats it. “C’mere, baby. And there’s a fresh cup of Gatorade for you. You can’t pick a movie ‘till you drink some.”
You nod and sit down.
“I’m drinking, see?” You take a long drink through the metal straw, and the cold of it made your lips sing. The sweet-salty liquid hits the back of your throat and feels amazing. You take a second big sip and put the cup down, then lay down on your side on the pillow. Frankie pulls the blanket up over you, tucking it around your shoulders.
“Do you want Jurassic Park or Muppets Take Manhattan?” Frankie knows your comfort movie requirements for sick days. You want something familiar, movies that you have seen enough times so that you can just turn your brain off, let the film simply wash over you as you rest.
“Jurassic Park, please… thank you. I love you.” Frankie puts the remote down on the coffee table and laces his big fingers in between yours. He gives your hand a comforting squeeze and then runs his fingers up your cheek and across your forehead, soothing you with soft strokes.
“I love you too, babe. Just rest.” Frankie continues to stroke your forehead, then he switches to rubbing soft circles against your back.
You are asleep before the T-rex eats the goat.
--- Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
My “all fics” tag list:
@anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul
@kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @quica-quica-quica @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001
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lilblog-asatreat · 3 years
Prompt: Guard on a break; petty; shimmering lilac lake
(Prompt from Roll-A-Prompt Writing Journal Boxed Set)
It's been three months since the IPRE crew escaped the animal planet, and Taako's at his limit. This world they touched down in is completely devoid of civilization again, including talking animals, which means there's virtually nothing to do except study the Light of Creation, which they recovered a few weeks ago, and interact with the only other six people alive on the planet that composed of Taako's crewmates. He's almost always in the small lab with Lup and Barry as they experiment with the Light, and the times they aren't doing that, all Lup and Barry want to do is talk about it. Magnus trains almost nonstop, (seriously, does the dude even sleep?), and it seems like the only times Taako can get away from listening to him practicing his war cry is when Lup and Barry drag him away to the lab to figure out how he came back to life. Merle keeps singing the same damn four Pan hymns while he studies the new plant life offered by the planet. (Not to mention the time Taako walked in on him alone in the bathroom with what he would assume would be a beautiful looking flower if it wasn't wrapped around his... never mind. It was an image that he wanted to burn out of his memory to say the least.) Lucretia won't stop pestering him about talking about his feelings and his past all in the name of getting an accurate account of their mission (and little else to talk about). And Davenport has convinced himself that even after three months of radio silence, that force, the Hunger as Lucretia calls it, is going to come back at any second, so he has to stand guard on the ship in case he has to shoot everyone off into the sky at the drop of a hat.
Taako is sick and tired of everyone's bullshit. He needs a break. Apparently that isn't in the cards for him though because as soon as he steps out onto the deck to try and enjoy the fresh air, Davenport stops him.
"Taako, I was just about to go looking for you. I need you to stand guard out here while I go take a breather. I've been out here for hours, and Lucretia said... I need to decompress, I guess? Anyway, I'll be back shortly."
Suddenly, Taako would rather be anywhere else than on top of the deck.
He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Davenport, my dude. If you were already talking to Lucretia, why didn't you just ask her to stand guard?"
"She wanted to go with Merle and Magnus while they forage for food. We're running low on supplies." Davenport says.
Taako frowns. "Why didn't you send me to go out and forage for food then? That's kind of what I'm best at."
"Because you're really good at sending up flares and showy magic, so you can easily send up a signal to get everyone back on board at a moments notice." Seeing Taako getting angrier, Davenport adds quickly, "They'll be fine. Besides, Merle's been studying the plant life more than you have, so he probably has a better idea of what is edible and what isn't than you do."
That does not, in fact, quell Taako's anger.
"Well thank you for acknowledging I am an elf of many talents at least, but I'll have you know Merle hasn't been so much as uh- studying the plant life as you say- as he has been fucking the plant life. So if you want to eat dirt because he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, that's fine, but don't complain to me when I can't make anything that tastes acceptable from whatever the fuck they bring back."
"Just go enjoy your break. I'll be up here waiting for nothing to happen until you come back."
Taako turns his back to him in a huff, and Davenport sighs but doesn't comment. Instead, he makes his way down the plank and onto the beach of the lake they're parked on.
It's a very pretty and calming scene to look at especially while coming down from an argument. The beach is made up of grey-blue sand that seems to get softer the closer it is to the ethereal lilac water that shimmers under the glow of the setting sun. The branches of the trees and other greenery surrounding the lake sway gently in the cool breeze. Taako walks over to the railing, leans against it, and sighs, blowing a stray strand of hair out of his face. He looks down at the small form of his captain sitting cross legged at the edge of the water. He doesn't want to talk to him, but he feels like he should probably at least try to make peace. No one knows what's happening and if they'll ever get back home, and if Taako has to spend the rest of his life with only these people, he might as well not make them hate him. He sighs again before making his way down to the beach.
"Hey," Taako says as he plops down next to him.
Davenport looks up at him with a start. "Taa- I told you to-"
"It's alright my man, I left Lup in charge," Taako lies. "Listen. I'm... sorry... about what I said up there. It was a little petty of me to uh get so upset over being told to guard the ship for a few minutes and not being sent on the foraging mission. But also, Davenport..." He sighs and turns to look at his captain. He has dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes look dead tired with a glimmer of constant worry and stress. Taako feels a pang of guilt for being short with him earlier, but he ignores it. "Look. The Hunger isn't coming. At least not for a while. You've been standing up there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and it's accomplishing nothing except making you more stressed than you need to be. And uh, quite frankly, it's also really annoying and stressing me out when you're also pushing that main focus on other people. You need to relax, my dude, before you give yourself, and everyone else, an aneurism."
Davenport turns away from him to stare out at the water. "I guess... I suppose you're right. It's just been so hard not knowing what's going on or what's going to happen to us next... I'm in charge of keeping everyone together and safe and making decisions that's supposed to benefit the team and mission as a whole, and I don't know how I'm supposed to do that when... this is so far out of what I imagined this mission was going to look like."
"Yeah, I don't think being the sole survivors of two apocalypses was part of the job description."
They both laugh a little at that.
"Anyway," Davenport continues, "it's not like y'all have been making it any easier, but I know it's because no one knows how to handle this situation, so I'm not upset. It is slightly annoying listening to Magnus train at all hours of the day and night, but I can talk to him about that later. And Taako, you really need to stop stealing people's stuff and moving it around on them everytime someone annoys you." Taako starts to protest, but Davenport cuts him off at the pass. "I know you're the one taking my stool, and I have caught you hiding Lucretia's notebooks in the kitchen cabinets. It's really petty and annoying, and that shit needs to be kept at a minimum."
Taako laughs. He pulls his knees up to his chest and continues to stare out into the water. "I promise I'll stop doing that if you promise to take breaks more often and stop pushing everyone to be on guard 24/7."
The two of them spend the rest of the evening in comfortable silence, watching the sun sink beyond the horizon and the stars blinking into view, and the bond engine at the back of the Starblaster glows just a little bit brighter as a new bond is formed.
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jenmyeons · 4 years
After Hours
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pairing: kyungsoo x female reader genre: established relationship, smut warnings: explicit descriptions of sex, phone sex, dirty talk, (sort of guided) masturbation, horny soo, do not read if you are under the age of 18 
word count: 1.6k (unedited)
summary: in which kyungsoo misses you and phone sex ensues 
He has only been gone for a week yet his absence is already taking a toll on you. Waking up alone, cooking alone, eating alone, spending the evenings alone - all things you despised but were forced to do for years until he stumbled into your life. You look down at the now empty plate with a heavy sigh which fills your empty apartment. For what it’s worth, the dish you had served yourself was a good one and you are proud to say that you have turned into a decent cook over the years of living alone. However, any meal is best eaten in the company of a loved one and so you can’t help but long to once again share yours with the man currently in another country.
The sound of your phone vibrating against the kitchen counter startles you out of your thoughts and you rush out of your chair to see who is texting you.
From: Soo ❤️ Call me when you have time
You waste no time and call him right away - not having to wait more than a signal or two before your boyfriend’s deep voice greets you on the other end.
“That was quick, do you miss me that much?” He teases and it infuriates you how much you love it when he does that. A sign of comfort and love on his side.
“How is Japan?” You ask, trying to divert him off the topic of your discomfort with being without him.
There is a moment of silence from his side where only the faintest sound of bed sheets rustling together can be heard in the background.
“Sorry, I was just trying to find the TV remote under the duvet,” Kyungsoo says and then there’s silence again while he thinks back to your first question. “Japan is great,” he continues, “Chanyeol and I went to this really nice restaurant we were recommended for dinner so we got back to the hotel a while ago.”
You hum in reply as you squeeze your phone between your ear and shoulder in order to gather your plate and utensils. “That sounds lovely.”
“It was nice,” Kyungsoo concludes, albeit with a hint of uncertainty lacing his tone. “I wish you could have been there with us though, you would have loved it.”
“That’s okay. We’ll go there together in spring, just the two of us when you’re free,” you reassure him with the hint of a smile at the fact that he seems to be missing you almost to the same capacity as you have been missing him.
While you get started on cleaning up, Kyungsoo tells you all about the different dishes he had ordered and how eager he is to try his hand on a few of them when he returns home. You eye the half finished glass of red which is still left on the kitchen table and move over to take a sip, very much content to finally get more than just a minute or two with your lover, despite his busy schedule.
“Did you have dinner?”
“Yeah, I had just finished when you texted me.”
This time it’s Kyungsoo’s turn to hum, satisfied that you did not skip out on eating for the sole reason of him not being there. Expecting him to say something more, you quickly down the rest of your wine and head towards your shared bedroom to get changed into something lighter than your sweatsuit for bedtime.
“Are you still there?” You question when Kyungsoo doesn’t say anything, taking your phone away from your right ear to instead put the call on speaker and leave it on the top of the dresser so you can have both hands free as you change.
“Yes, sorry. I got lost in thought.”
“Oh. What were you thinking about?” You reply while pulling his black hoodie over your head and fold it neatly to put away later.
“You,” he declares without hesitation.
Feeling the heat of a blush in your cheeks you reply, “that’s flattering, anything in particular or just me in general?”
“Both.” His reply makes you halt in your search for a comfortable nightgown to sleep in - the one he shyly gifted you on your first Valentine’s Day together. You quickly gather yourself and pull out the next drawer and to your luck spot the red silky fabric of the negligée. With your body heating up with the implications of his statement, you grab your phone from the dresser after discarding your sweatpants and settle on the empty bed.
“Tell me about it,” you urge.
Much to your frustration, Kyungsoo ignores your request and instead asks “have you settled in for the night?”
“Yeah,” you sigh and a long stretch of silence follows your statement, making you wonder if he is falling asleep at his end of the call. “Soo?”
“I’m here just… thinking.” Kyungsoo’s voice sounds strained and your brows naturally draw together in concern at his odd behavior.
“You okay, babe?” There is a slightly worried tone to your voice and the labored breathing does nothing to ease your concerns that he might be anything less than fine.
“Yes, except I’m getting hard just thinking about you in our bed and it’s proving to be quite distracting,” your boyfriend states bluntly followed by an awkward laugh.
A blush once again heats up your cheeks, this time accompanied by a familiar tingle in the pit of your stomach. “Would it help if I told you I’m wearing the nightgown you gave me?” You ask teasingly, knowing fully well it will do nothing to ease his situation. Quite the contrary, actually.
“The red one?”
“The one and only.”
“Fuck,” Kyungsoo curses and the faint rustling of fabric returns at his end.
Your free hand moves at the image of Kyungsoo palming himself through his boxers and settles between your legs - one of which you draw up to give yourself easier access to touch yourself through the fabric of your underwear. Imagining his hands smoothing over the softness of your skin, your breath hitches.
“Are you touching yourself, baby?” He asks breathlessly and the hum you give in reply comes off as more of an embarrassingly needy moan than affirmation, though it may be all the confirmation he needs that you miss him as badly as he is missing you.
“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” he prompts and takes the opportunity to rid himself of his boxers while you slip your hand inside your panties.
“You. Your hands. I’m always longing for your hands on me,” you tell him with a choked up moan as you spread your wetness over your throbbing clit with your fingers, wishing it was Kyungsoo’s fingers their place. “They ground me and they feel like home.”
Kyungsoo stays silent save for the heavy breathing and lewd sounds of him stroking himself and for a moment it makes you wonder if you killed the mood with the depth of your previous statement. However, you don’t have time to worry for long before Kyungsoo speaks up.
“Good. I wish so badly that I could touch you right now.” It’s quiet again as he contemplates what to say next. “The first thing I want to do when I get home is to spread you out on our kitchen table and eat you out slowly until you’re desperate to come on my tongue.”
Your breath hitches and a needy ‘yes please’ leaves your lips at the absolutely pornographic image of his hands firmly holding your thighs apart to keep you at his mercy.
“You’re so pretty when you come,” he continues, albeit breathlessly. “Are you close, sweetheart?”
His nickname of choice leaves goosebumps over your exposed skin and you sink two fingers into your wet cunt with yet another breathy moan escaping you.
“Sweetheart,” he begs pleadingly as his question goes unanswered.
“Yes,” you grit out through clenched teeth. Your climax is closing in but you need more. “More, Soo. I need more.” Your neediness elicits a moan from your boyfriend and by the sound of his labored breathing tells you he’s close to his own undoing. The thought of him coming all over himself making you impossibly wetter.
“How many fingers?” Kyungsoo asks shamelessly and you answer without hesitation. “Add another,” he instructs and you comply without complaint, whining at the added fullness though not as fulfilling as your boyfriend’s slender digits that always seem to find the perfect spots without difficulty. Three of your own seem to do the trick though as you feel a familiar burn in your belly.
“Kyungsoo I’m close,” you whine breathlessly as you increase the speed of your fingers moving in and out of your cunt, creating rather obscene squelching sounds in the process but you can’t find it in you to be embarrassed.
“I- fuck. Me too, baby. Let me hear you.”
Throwing all inhibitions out the window, you let out a loud whimper as your orgasm creeps closer and closer and Kyungsoo’s labored breathing over the receiver as he listens to your wanton moans. Hearing you so close to your climax seems to push Kyungsoo over the edge as he groans out your name, cursing as he strokes himself through his orgasm. You follow not long after with a string of whimpers and his name falling off your lips as your legs shake with the force of your orgasm.
After taking a moment to catch your breaths, Kyungsoo is the first to speak up.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” You chuckle in exhaustion.
“For indulging me,” Kyungsoo explains and you hear him pull out what you assume might be tissues to clean himself off.
“Of course, it was fun and I needed this.” You tell him with a tired smile spreading over your lips at the equally exhausted laugh your lover lets out over the phone.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Soo.”
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riceacc · 3 years
How to Teambuild on ARB And Score the Highest
Yes, even if you can’t read Japanese because I can’t either
Hey y’all, it’s Picklesz and here I am for a post I don’t think has been made yet! Although I can find some translations I don’t think anybody has made a guide on how to score the highest in this game, and with the advent of tiering — or you just want to high score contest all the songs — I think this may be helpful for newcomers or people who simply don’t know what the card skills mean (it took me a while to memorize them all too). And has someone who has played the game since day one, I know my way around things :)
Disclaimer that this is based on my own research from playing the game for over a year and figuring out what's good myself although I think I am right
Anyways, on with the guide!
What Actually Matters?
In ARB, there are a few things that matter when you build a team, some way more important than others. Namely, there are three things. In order of most importance:
1. Leader Skill
This is clearly the most important. Leader skill determines how much of a stat boost you will get, and some of them won't apply unless you meet certain criteria (but more on that later).
2. Auto Skill
Auto Skill determines what boost you get while playing a song. These can either make passing the song easier or increase your score: obviously you want increasing your score if you want to score the highest.
3. Stat Synergy with the Leader Skill
The least important but should at least be mentioned. Leader skills can boost one, two, or three stats (though there's only two cards in the game that I know of that increase three stats). If you get late game, you'll want to have all your cards in your team to have their highest stat/stats be the one that the leader increases.
I will be going over all these in depth! So lets start with the most important one.
Leader Skills
Leader skills are the first thing you need to think about when building your team. Generally, there are only two leader skills that you want when building your team: multi-division and division only. These skills, however, have specific requirements; if you don't meet them, your skill will not activate. Multi-division requires that the cards on your team be from three or more divisions, while division only requires that all your cards be from the same division.
These skills are the best skills because they have a higher boost than all up and division up (division only and division up are different). If your leader skill is maxed, multi-division and division only will boost your stats by 120% while all up and division up will only be 90%. Even their level one are better, so unless you have a maxed all up card and not a multi-division/division only, you should always be using one of those two skills.
Examples of the skills:
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The text on the right side of the slash signifies what type of leader skill it is, this one multi-division. Notice how the text below has 120% in it...
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While this card only has 90%. This skill is all up, and as stated earlier is less than either multi-division or division only adds up to.
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So when it comes to division up and division only, how can you tell the difference? This card is an MTC only card. Notice how it has character after MTC...
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While this one does not. This one is simple division only, division being MTC on this one. These type of cards will all have their division abbreviation to tell you which one it is (BB, MTC, FP, M, BAT, and DH).
So, how do you upgrade these cards to get to the 120% percent? Well, there's two ways: star pieces and leader skill tokens.
Star pieces you can use on any card! You can get them from tiering in events and in the biscuit shop once a month. However, you can only get the gold biscuits to buy them from selling SSRs and SRs, so I recommend selling dupes from the event box that you don't want to get these and use them on cards you do want.
Leader skill tokens you can also use on any card but there is no way to actually get them. You have to wait until ARB decides to give them out, usually on half-anniversary or anniversary - that's the only time we've got them in the past.
One last thing: in the long run, you want a leader skill that increases one stat only. This is because the boost stacks much better when it increase one stat by 120% rather than two stats by 60% (all stats doesn't exist on any multi-division or division only card so don't worry about it). You can tell if it increases one or two stats, because one stat will say 120% in the description while two stats will say 60%. However it's really not a big deal unless you really need those few thousand extra points and you have like. Ten maxed cards so you can afford to be picky.
Auto Skills
The bread and butter of your team. While you only need one card to have a good leader skill, ideally every member of your team will have a good auto skill that boosts your score (from here on out, I will be referring to score boosts as simply boosts).
So what is a good auto skill? Well, if you're just starting out, it's any skill that scores, but if you want to score the highest there are four specific skills you want: critical tap, combo boost, perfect boost, and tap boost. Don't worry, I will actually be at least briefly going over every auto skill because there are a LOT and being able to recognize the text for each one is important (although unfortunately due to the ten image limit I can only show pictures of the best ones 😭). So in order of best to worst, here are all the auto skills!
Critical Tap
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Look for 4% in the auto skill description!
Easily the best auto skill. It gives you a 4% boost on all notes, with the caveat of being the timing on notes gets stricter. You can disregard that because it literally does not matter if you get a perfect or not when you are getting a 4% boost on every note you tap and if you're reading this guide you're probably getting full combo anyways. This the the highest boost you can get on every single note so having at least one of these is amazing.
Combo Boost
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Look for 3% in the auto skill description!
Basically a poor mans critical tap. You get a 3% boost on all notes as you as you keep your combo. Again, most of y'all are probably getting full combo anyways and if not you can always use the autoplay cassettes!
Perfect Boost
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Look for the word "perfect" and 3% in the description!
A poor mans combo boost (see the pattern here?). You get a 3% boost on all notes as long as they are perfects. You probably shouldn't use this with critical tap if you don't get a lot of perfects as the timing gets harder but it still is the third best auto skill.
Tap Boost
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Look for 1% followed by 3% in the description!
Lastly, the poor mans perfect boost. You get a 1% boost on all notes except tap notes; you get a 3% boost on tap notes. As the overwhelming majority of notes are tap notes, you can essentially disregard the 1% part unless you are playing Ore Ga Ichiro which I swear has a flick note every other note.
Those are the best auto skills in the game, however there are many others. I'll go over them all briefly here :)
Scratch Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 6% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except scratch notes; you get a 6% boost on scratch notes. The 6% boost sounds nice except you rarely have scratch notes so uh. 2% boost on all notes is not very good.
btw the green notes are scratch notes if you didn't know
Long Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 3% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except long notes; you get a 3% boost on long notes. This doesn't even have a niche because you can literally get a 3% boost on every note with combo or perfect and a 4% boost with critical tap. Literally what were they thinking when they made this skill. Don’t use it.
Flick Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 15% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except flick notes; you get a 15% boost on flick notes. That sounds nice until you again remember you rarely have flick notes except when playing Ore Ga Ichiro Part A. In fact, some songs like Sensenfunkuukou Part A (god I hope I spelled that right, Jiro's first solo if I didn't) don't have a single flick note in it despite the fact they give this skill to every Buster Bro event card I swear. So really just stay away from this one too.
Perfect Up
Don't look for anything this skill sucks 😭 but for real this skill will simply have the word "perfect" in the description.
PLESE DO NOT USE THIS SKILL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. This skill makes all of your notes perfects. It does NOT score at all. If you are aiming to score obviously you do not want a skill that doesn't not score. I am so sorry if you rerolled for ARB Riou or Dice back in the day because they both have this skill and it SUCKS and does NOTHING.
Um. Anyways. Here're info on how to upgrade skills and what they do!
You can upgrade your skills with either skill tokens or rainbow auto skill tokens. Upgrading your auto skill makes your skill last for longer whenever it activates and will have a shorter time in between activations, so you definitely want to upgrade them.
You can buy skill tokens in the event shop, biscuit shop, or coin shop. You need three mic tokens and ten attribute tokens for every level, and once you hit level 5, you need specific division tokens as well. It is pretty expensive but it does get easier over time to stockpile.
The rainbow auto skill token you can only get either when they give them out OR you completely empty the event box of the rate up card. Once you do that, they replace the rate up card with the rainbow auto skill token. You have to either be ridiculously lucky in the box or spend every minute in the game or both to do this, but it is possible.
Now that that long section is over, on to the last part of this guide!
Stat Synergy with Your Leader Skill
As alluded to earlier, you eventually want all your cards highest stats to be the stat your leader skill boosts. Honestly, you should NOT worry about this until you have several maxed auto skill cards and a maxed leader skill to use it with. But for those who are at that point, here's an example of the stat synergy I am talking about.
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These teams technically have the same skills (the Jyuto and Riou card I switched have the same auto skills). In fact, on paper the second team should score higher because I've upgraded the Jyuto card's leader skill so his power score is higher than Riou's. But because their stats are different, the Riou card actually works better on this team because it works better in line with the leader skill and leads to the teams ultimate power score being 2,000 points higher, a pretty noticeable difference.
The case is not always so clear cut, because, well, not all cards have the same auto skill. But if you want to score the highest, especially if you are tiering, you will want to keep this in mind.
So how do you figure out the trade-off between stats and skill when the cards you are switching don't have the same auto skill? Honestly, you just have to play a no attribute song twice and find out :( I don't have a surefire way to track this. In my experience if you are debating between two cards and one of them is Riou the Riou card always scores higher. I do not know why and that is probably just me because I own all of his event cards but uh. Put Riou card on your team :)
Anyways! To increase your stats you actually have to enhance the leader skill of your card. Those ways were outlined earlier, but this part of the guide is why I actually recommend you enhance event cards of characters with good auto skills that you KNOW you are going to use. If they have a good auto skill you can get a max card with maxed stats for free! Again I would not do this unless they have auto skill and you WILL use them since it takes a lot of time but it is totally worth it.
That's all for my teambuilding guide! If you guys would like to see more guides on ARB I am more than happy to make more! Feel free to send my any questions through my ask or reblog and ask :) Take care!
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