#sorry youve waited so long for something so short
bonedom · 2 years
oh god... daddy.
i want you to break in and find me in my bed, only in my panties and high out of my mind~
pin me down, im too sleepy and pliant to fight you anyways..
i'd just lay there and take it. take whatver sick shit you wanted to do to me and moan all pretty for you..~
what would you do? ..huh daddy?
would you play with my sweet pussy?.. or would you hold my hips and take whats yours.. fuck my tight warm cunt... rough me up even tho im being a good boy for you.. ~fuck~
god daddy im so horny for you!! please tell me what you'd do to me if u found me all perfect to use.~
<3<3<3 (im back😜)
turns out im high too, mind numbing sensual sex with tons of spit swapping sounds good rn.
(im back for tonight.)
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theemporium · 10 months
steve noticing a new shirt or a new song youve become obsessed with. asking you about it and just smiling as you explain (the band, writer, movie,show whatever.) R"what..?" S"Nothing-" R"Youre making that face-" "well if you must know, ive got the cutest most precious woman as my girlfriend." or something like that-
this was so cute!!! thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
Steve knew you had been waiting for the book to come out.
The second you found the date, you had marked it in your shared calendar and drawn a bunch of doodles around the announcement that it was very hard to miss.
He knew you were excited, he knew how long you had been waiting for it. Steve took the extra initiative to make sure it was the perfect day. He had worked out with your coworkers so you had the day off on your rota, made sure the pantry was stocked with your favourite snacks and left a few cans of your favourite drinks in the fridge (along with a bottle of wine).
He drove out early to the next town over so he could pick up the book the second the store opened, drove back before you woke up and left a note and a kiss on your forehead before he headed out for the day to work a shift at Family Video.
By the time he came home in the late afternoon, you had finished the book and you were buzzing off the walls. Steve didn’t think he had seen a sight so fucking adorable. It made up for the constant teasing he received from Robin all day about the way he was head over heels for you.
You lifted your head up off the couch where you were laying, a grin spreading across your face when he walked through the door. “You’re home.”
“Someone’s happy to see me,” Steve teased as he made his way over, leaning over the back of the couch to press a long, greeting kiss against your lips. “How was your day, honey?”
“Perfect ‘cause of a certain someone,” you said with a teasing tone, though your smile became more sincere as you dragged him into another kiss. “Thank you, for everything.”
“It’s what my girl deserves,” Steve stated simply before smiling. “Let me go change and then we can order some food and you can tell me all about your book.”
And that’s exactly what you did.
After changing into some sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, Steve ordered from your favourite takeaway place before he settled on the couch across from you. He was leaning against one arm, you were at the other and your legs were intertwined in the middle with a blanket over you both.
You are animated and enthusiastic as you spoke, your hands moving wildly as you gave him a run down of the previous books (as if he had forgotten from your previous rants) before launching into everything you had read that day.
He hadn’t meant to zone out, and he didn’t really. He was listening, he would be damned if he didn’t listen to every word that came out of that pretty mouth of yours, but he couldn’t help but let a giddy smile take over his face as he watched you ramble on passionately.
You seemed to pick up on his expression as you were mid-way through a plot twist, the words falling short from your lips as you flushed at his expression.
Steve blinked, his brows furrowed slightly. “What’s what?”
“You’re…smiling all weird,” you said, almost laughing as you spoke.
“It’s nothing,” Steve said with a shrug. “You’re just…so cute when you talk about your books.”
You could feel your cheeks heating at his words. “I’m sorry, I’m probably talking so much—”
“Hey, no,” Steve said with a shake of his head. “I love when you share this with me. It’s like being a part of it, without actually having to read the books.”
You snorted lightly. “You really don’t mind?”
“Listening to my pretty girlfriend talk all day? Of course not,” Steve scoffed like the concept was absurd. “Like I said before, it’s cute.”
Your smile was almost as giddy as his.
“Plus, those lil’ sex scenes give me good inspiration—”
“Kidding, honey!” There was a pause. “Okay, I’m only slightly kidding, but there’s some real good tips in those books.”
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sitp-recs · 9 months
heyo!! been loving the super specific rec lists youve been making lately :)
do you have favorite fics that include riding! as in. riding cock. bonus points if there’s good dirty talk about it. don’t care who’s on who as long as it is HOT! but obv i love drarry most. hope this is fun!
An ask after my own heart 🥹 thank you for the delicious request anon, here are some fics with memorable riding scenes imho. This reminded me of my fave Starker PWP but that’s neither here nor there so I’ll keep this short & Drarry. I hope you enjoy! 🔥
Move by @shealwaysreads (829 words)
“Come on, fuck yourself on it. I won’t make it move until you do.”
You Either Fuck or You Get Fucked by @fw00shy (2k)
"That's not how fucking works. Fucking's…" Draco waved a hand in the air. "You either fuck or you get fucked." "Sure," Harry said. He took out a Sickle. "Toss for it?"
in charge by @bonesliketambourines (2.4k)
Draco's bossy. Turns out that extends to the bedroom, too. Harry likes it—a lot.
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed. “Draco Malfoy, how do you plead?” I’m super fucking guilty.
Like Gold by @the-sinking-ship (4k)
Draco runs away from home on the back of his boyfriend’s motorbike.
Catch the Snitch (No, Catch My Heart) by prolix (4.5k)
Draco secretly loved when Harry lost a match.
Sexplanations (Of the Horrible Sort) by @bixgirl1 (7k)
Harry's willing to put up with a certain amount of injury, as long as he and Malfoy can keep doing... whatever it is they're doing. Maybe. Mostly. Especially if there might be more to it than sex.
The Page Eleven Wars by fireflavored (E, 8.5k)
In a gossip-hungry post-war Wizarding World, Rita Skeeter has a wildly successful column in the Daily Prophet known as Page Eleven. Naturally, her favourite targets are the poster boys of the two sides of the war: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. Bored and annoyed, the two take up tabloid baiting for sport and pleasure.
It's the Love of the Chase (That Created the Ride) by @lqtraintracks (14k)
Draco and Harry are new Auror partners. It's a bit dull. Until they finally see some spell action and things get a lot more interesting (in Draco's pants).
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (15k)
As Draco leaned on the wall to wait for them to get dressed, he could not help feeling like he had done a very kind thing by disrupting them. Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had. The man had saved the bloody world—okay, mostly Europe—the least someone could do was give him a proper shag.
you look so fine by michi_thekiller (E, 16k)
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate. Dark!Humor or Crack!Horror, you decide.
Buy A Heart by xErised (E, 17k)
Draco's cock hardens as he looks at the invitation to the charity auction; his golden ticket to one wild night of desperate sex with Potter to get rid of this inexplicable obsession. His heart whispers that one night will never be enough, but Draco is beyond caring. All he knows is that he will pay any price to have Potter over and over again.
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 (19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (20k)
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w and @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (22k)
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July / Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why / There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more / Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore / Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss / And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks (23k)
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
In Your Arms, Rests My World by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (24k)
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it. “You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
Embers by @shiftylinguini (41k)
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice.
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mggsv · 8 months
Mr. Ghostface
gn!reader x Harry Styles (18+)
summary: “Wanna see my costume? I think you’ll like it.”
warnings: roleplay, slight dom!harry, choking, slight degrading, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks)
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“Halloween’s tomorrow.” Harry muttered as he walked past you laying on the couch. He pats your head as he walked by, humming softly. You look past him at the various halloween deco youve been putting up the past three weeks. “Why weren’t we dressing up again?” you sigh, knowing damn well you wanted to go trick-or-treating.
“You gave up crocheting your outfit.” He chuckles and pauses. “I actually grabbed something on the way home today.” That makes you sit up. You close the book you were reading and stare at him. You watch that dimple pop out and his brows raise. You almost moaned at the sight- it’s not everyday you’re in a relationship to the Harry Styles. “Wanna see my costume, I think you’ll like it?”
“You have my full attention love.” You whisper. He laughs as he excitedly headed down the hallway of your apartment. “Be right back!”
What you expected was another Dorothy outfit with you being Todo. Not this…
“What’s your favorite scary movie?” You hear, before Harry’s fall frame slowly stepped out from behind the wall. He had on the mask, but you knew it was him. The accent was still there. He held the white voice box up to the masks’ mouth, a knife twirling in his other hand. He wore a thin, loosely buttoned up white shirt that was visibly wet to expose the tattoos hidden underneath. You sucked in a breath when he came closer, and you took note of the black silk robe he wore, untied. Still, he kept on his dark sweatpants.
“I asked you a question..” He took long strides forward before he got to you- still on the couch looking at him in awe. The knife- fake, was placed on the coffee table. You clear your throat, acting helplessly as you laid back on the couch. “Oh- I’m sorry Mr.Ghostface. My favorite scary movie is the Bride of Chucky.”
You hear him let out a small chuckle which makes you grin a bit before he’s leaning over your body, careful not to shift all his weight on you. His gloved hands going for your chin, lifting it so he could see. “What should I do with you..hm?” he hums, fingers dragging down to your neck. “Are you worth killing?” he murmurs? Your thighs rubbed up against one another, your breath catching as it suddenly felt hot.
“No..Mr.Ghostface. Spare me..” You moan as Harry’s hand wraps around your neck, squeezing gently. “Please.” You whimper. You reach forward to tug your fingers through the buttons on his shirt, watching them all unlatch with ease. “I’ll do anything..”
“Take it off.” You hear him say. You furrow your brows in confusion before you reach up for the mask. You could hear him panting..His cock hard in his pants. Fuck you couldn’t wait any longer. You snatch the mask off, a smug smirk resting on his flushed face. His lips clash with yours, a moan slipping from his lips while he attempted to take the robe off, and then the shirt that lazily hung at his elbows. He groans softly, that gloved hand squeezing a bit harder while you raced to pull your shorts off.
“Been waitin’ to do this since I got the damn thing” He couldn’t wait, neither could you. He slipped into you so easily..fuck you loved him. The way he stared into your eyes while he choked you with no mercy, moaning with each thrust. He was sensitive in most parts, you knew that. “I..I love it-“ you gasp out, only to have him bury his face in your neck, that familiar feeling of him filling you up coming along, “I knew you would.”
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 42
A/N : the requests for this are at the end due to a spoilers, please dont skip down, just read from the beginning thanks :)
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, fluff, let me know if i missed anything
“so” marc starts, looking to the boy beside him. “mit, huh?” 
“yeah, i’m lucky they accepted me” peter answers, the two conversing on the roof.
“are you going with any friends?” marc asks, making peter hesitate before answering.
“not exactly” he says quietly, and marc can tell that he doesn’t want to talk about it.
“so what exactly do you need my help with again?” peter changes the subject and marc nods before speaking.
“y/ns birthday is tomorrow, and i need you to distract her while we set stuff up” he explains and peter nods.
“just take her out patrolling for a few hours, me and layla have to pick something up anyways” marc says.
“cool. who’s layla?” peter asks and marc sighs.
“my girlfriend, now focus” marc begins, peter nodding and looking at the ground for a second before looking back up at marc.
“she’s already going to be suspicious because her friend- boyfriend isn’t going to be around, because he’ll be with us” marc cringes at a certain word that came out of his mouth.
“and you have to make sure she doesn’t get near the apartment, by all means necessary” marc finishes, and peter nods.
“i’ll just finish teaching her what i need to, besides i have to leave in two days” he tells marc, and he nods.
“we’ll text you when you can bring her back” is the last thing marc says before heading back inside through the open window.
“thank you sir! i’ll try my best!” peter yells after him, making marc smile before he closes the window and shuts the curtains.
and that’s when jake speaks up for the first time in hours.
“give me the body. i want to see her” he says quickly and quietly, marc instantly giving up control to let jake take over, so that he can silently speed walk over to your room where steven had carried you.
you were sleeping peacefully, with taweret in one of your arms, and one of jakes favorite hats in the other.
jake felt himself tear up, and so he went over and slowly kneeled down beside your bed, blinking away tears as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face gently.
“lo siento, cariño” he starts slowly, taking a breath.
“the bird messed up a mission and i got angry. i didn’t mean to.. i didn’t mean to scare you like that”
“perdóname, amor. por favor” he whispers, leaning in to press a short kiss to your forehead.
“Te quiero muchísimo” he finishes, standing back up and leaving the room, leaving the door cracked as he goes to sit on the bed with his head in his hands.
“she already forgave you, man” marc starts. “she knows you would never hit her”
“but i still made her flinch” he answers darkly.
“don’t be like that, mate. it was an accident, it happens-“
“just drop it” jake grumbles, falling backwards on the bed while rubbing his eyes.
“tomorrow is going to be great, trust us” is the last thing marc says before the three of them decided on sleep.
you woke up with a frown planted on your face.
you knew exactly what day it was, and some new information made it ten times worse.
you slowly got up and made your way to the kitchen, seeing as your dads were still asleep.
you sigh and start making coffee for jake, who you assumed was going to front when he woke up judging by the hat over his eyes.
you wait for the coffee to brew while you picked out his favorite mug and got a muffin for him.
you set it down on a small plate, and finished waiting for the coffee.
once it was done, you poured it into jakes mug and set it beside the muffin on the plate, then you walk to set it down on the nightstand, hoping it wouldn’t get too cold before he woke up.
you sigh and walk back to your room, only closing the door halfway and sitting down on your bed cross legged.
you think about how different you are from other kids your age.
you’re 17 now, and most teenagers have their drivers license and all, but you haven’t even looked into drivers training.
you need a parents signature so it’s not like you could if you wanted to.
you didn’t give a single shit about your birthday to be honest, it held no importance to you or anyone you’ve ever met.
that’s why you never told steven, marc, or jake.
you knew it wouldn’t burden them, but you just didn’t want it to be a big deal.
you didn’t need pretty gifts, or a cake, you just wanted the day to feel like any other.
but every single year, it just weighs on you, and you can’t stop it.
you close your eyes and let out a breath, hearing someone get up from the other room, signaling that they were now awake.
you pull your phone off the charger and begin scrolling through your social medias before hearing footsteps coming towards the room.
the door slowly creaks open and you turn your head to see jake, with a tight lipped smile.
“you can come in, you know this is your house right?” you ask rhetorically and he nods, coming in to stand awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“it’s yours now too, mi vida” 
“i know- but listen.” you start. “just forget about what happened, please” you plead, and jake shrugs with a sigh.
“i’ll try” he mumbles, making you smile.
you beckon him over with your hand, so he slowly comes over to sit beside you on your bed.
“just forget, it doesn’t matter” you tell him again and he nods.
“now you say it”
“what?” he replies, making you tilt your head at him.
“it.. it doesn’t matter” he says hesitantly and you bring him into a side hug.
“see? i’m proud of you” you tell jake, and he nods again, this time not hesitating in hugging you back, and taking his hat off to put it on your head and over your eyes.
“you really are too good for us” he chuckles, and you adjust the hat on your head so that you can actually see.
“if you say so” you’re about to continue when your phone rings, blitzkrieg bop playing signaling that peter was calling you.
“hang on” you tell jake, and answer your phone, making marc sigh in relief.
“hey peter” you say calmly. “what’s going on?”
“yeah hey y/n, i was just wondering if you wanted to come up and practice your swinging with me” he asks and you feel yourself smile.
“i’d love to, i’ll be on the roof in five”
“okay cool i’ll see you then” he hangs up quickly and you snort.
“do you mind if i go train with peter for a bit?” you ask jake and he nods.
“go have fun, and take your time, you know he’s leaving soon” he tells you and you nod sadly.
“i’ll be out for a while then” you tell them, and they don’t seem too disappointed.
“i’ll see you guys later then” you wave, and the suit forms over your body, except the mask.
“and one more thing” you come back over to jake and throw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly for a minute before turning around to leave.
jake stood in your room for a few minutes collecting himself before it was marc’s turn to front.
he and layla were meeting somewhere to pick something up, and then it’s stevens turn to make you a small cake.
they just had to rely on peter to keep you away from home long enough for them to do it.
“so you always have to make sure you actually have somewhere to shoot your webs” peter starts, and you nod as if it’s obvious. “or you’ll-“
“fall and die, yeah i’m not that stupid” you scoff, looking over the edge of some random roof you both landed on.
“nonono- i didn’t mean you’re stupid because you’re not but-“
“i’m messing with you, calm down” you chuckle, and peter lets out a breath of relief.
“alright, so there’s different positions to swing in depending on what speed you want to go” he starts again and you nod, paying full attention.
“to go faster, either make your body smaller or straighten yourself out horizontally, and to go slower do the opposite”
“what if my webs all of a sudden don’t work?” you question a little off topic.
“they won’t” peter assures you and you purse your lips.
“alright, now let’s practice what we just learned”
“okay- we have the papers, and stevens going to do the cake, so now we have to go get casper” layla says quickly, both her and marc speed walking down the sidewalk while marc has a beige folder clutched tightly in his hand, the other holding one of laylas.
marc got to the door first, and he didn’t even have to knock for casper to open the door and come out with a small box in his hands, one so small he could fit it in his pocket.
he smiled at marc and shifted his eyes to layla.
“is that layla?” casper asks, and marc nods.
“yeah, now let’s go” marc leads casper down the steps to walk in between himself and layla.
marc sees that casper has a small box in his hands, and furrows his brows.
“what’s that?” he asks, and casper sighs.
“just something i thought she would like” he murmurs, and marc smirks at him, making layla scoff at him.
“so, what’s that” casper changes the subject, pointing to the folder marc has.
“something i thought she would like” marc retorts, making layla chuckle.
“don’t be mean, he’s just a kid” she defends casper and he scoffs.
“thank you ma’am” casper nods at layla and she puts a hand over her heart and gasps.
“this kid is more respectful than you” she tells marc, who rolls his eyes.
“not when he’s kissing y/n on the mouth”
“wait, they what?”
“we’ve been at this for hours, i think it’s time i get home” you tell peter, out of breath from trying to swing away from him.
he’d made it a challenge.
if he could catch you, then you owed him ten dollars, but if he didn’t within an hour, it was reversed.
you gave him ten dollars.
it was only because you got distracted by a bird.
peter checked his phone before answering you. “maybe i can get you some lunch?” 
“i have food at home, but thanks” you begin to make your way to the edge of the roof when peter jumps in front of you to make you stop in your tracks.
“peter, i have to get home, i don’t want marc to get worried” you try and tell him, but he insists on blocking you from leaving.
“let’s uhm…” peter tries to think, while you cross your arms and glare at him.
“we can keep training” he checks his phone again. “for another forty five minutes” he says and you scoff.
“you’re being weird, i’m going to go home” you nudge him out of the way and just before you can even bring an arm up, peter shoots a web out, sticking your hand down to the edge of the roof.
you whip your head around to glare at him. “peter, what the hell is your problem? why aren’t you letting me leave?” you grit out at him, making him wince.
“listen, i’m just going to miss you, so i don’t want to you to leave right now” he says but you see right through him.
“we can hang out at my place then” you try to get him to crack.
“but here- it’s perfect! we can go patrolling, anything, just please let’s stay away from your house right now” he pleads and you scoff.
“why aren’t you letting me go home, peter?” you ask again more calm and he sighs.
“i can’t tell you” he murmurs and you sigh.
“when i get out of this, i’m hunting you down and beating your ass”
“yep. understood”
“alright, the cake should be done in twenty minutes, what do we do until then?” steven asks around, layla and casper stopping their conversation to think.
“me and layla still need to sign some of the papers” marc tells steven, so he gives up control so marc could do his business.
layla and marc had to sign a couple papers, and then eventually steven and jake had to as well.
now all they had to do was wait.
well, after frosting the cake and sending peter the ‘go ahead’ to drop you off at home.
if it got to that point, that is.
you dodge the web coming at you with a quick spin, peter not giving up as you shoot some at him as well.
“let me go home, parker!” you exclaim at him, trying to get enough space to jump off the roof and swing away.
“i already told you, i can’t yet!” he swiftly checks his phone again.
“just tell me!” you yell back, shooting out another web, and barely missing.
peter doesn’t respond, and that was because he felt his phone buzz.
he was relieved, since you’d been trying to fight him for about fifteen minutes straight now.
“okay- fine, let’s go” he says, re reading the message from marc saying, ‘bring her home now spider boy’.
you freeze because of the unexpected change of heart. “..what?”
“yeah, come on i changed my mind” he swings off without you.
you shake your head and scoff. “he’s lucky i don’t throw hands with him” you mutter to yourself, jumping off the roof to swing after him.
“okay, don’t overwhelm her. from what khonshu told me, she hates her birthday so keep it subtle” marc explains, casper nodding in confusion.
“she’s going to be so mad..” he murmurs, going unheard by marc.
“also some ground rules, and i’m looking at you, hart” marc points to casper, who freezes on the spot.
“no touching, no hugging, no kissing, and certainly no fonduing in this house, got it?” he says and casper nods quickly.
“good, now-“ marc is cut off by the door opening slowly, your head peaking in to see marc and layla standing in front of the couch, and casper a few feet away from them.
you slowly walk in, peter doing the same.
your suit fades away as you look around the room, looking for anything suspicious, the silence awkward.
“..did you send peter to distract me for some reason?” you ask marc, and he doesn’t respond.
“steven” you turn to him in the mirror, since he’s most likely to crack under pressure.
“nope. wait but that’s a lie and i don’t want to lie to you” he mutters and marc face palms.
“happy seventeenth birthday, y/n” he blurts out and your eyes widen a fraction.
“how’d you-“
“it was khonshu” jake goes right to blaming the bird, but you believe him.
“so why couldn’t i be here?” you ask, slowly walking over to sit on the couch, peter lingering by the door.
“we were… preparing?” marc says in a questionable tone, which makes you raise an eyebrow.
“there’s a reason i didn’t tell you, but if you put effort into it i guess i’ll play along” you say quietly, and everyone in the rooms nods and smiles in understanding.
“so let’s start with the cake then” steven says once he fronts, and your eyes widen a bit.
“you made me a-“
“your favorite” steven smiles, moving to the kitchen to get it from the fridge.
it was a relatively small cake, since they knew you didn’t even want to acknowledge your birthday in the first place.
“you really didn’t have to-“
“don’t even start with that” steven waves you off.
“yeah y/n, this is your day, try to enjoy it” casper says from behind you, moving to stand beside you, layla and peter doing the same.
you sigh and hesitantly nod, watching as steven cut the cake.
“after this, we all have a little gift for you” casper starts and you groan. “hey- don’t do that- anyways, yes i know we didn’t have to, but we wanted to do you can’t stop us” he says smugly and you flick him in the forehead.
he brings a hand up to where you flicked him, and glared at you, making you chuckle.
layla comes up and throws an arm around your shoulder, and you lean into her while a smile forms one her face.
“happy birthday, little scarab” she says, making you roll your eyes playfully, fighting off a smile.
“thank you guys. really” you tell everyone.
after everyone had eaten some of the delicious cake steven made, peter was the first to give you a gift- to your dismay.
“so- this is edith 2.0, she’s your personal ai.” peter explains while you slip a pair of cool looking glasses onto your face.
“there’s a robot in these glasses?” you ask amazed and he nods excitedly.
“she can help you with anything- and i mean anything” he starts.
“just don’t almost accidentally blow up your classmates” mw mutters and you raise an eyebrow.
“thank you so much-“
“oh that’s not all” he tosses a small silver ring to you, a small button in the middle.
“press it” peter grins so you do so hesitantly.
right when you do, a metal suit takes over your entire body, red and blue with a golden spider in the middle of your chest.
you gasp and look at peter with wide eyes. “holy fuck” you whisper. “this is so cool-“
“it’s all yours” he smiles, and you rush over to hug him.
“thankyou thankyou thankyou” you chant, peter hugging you back, wide smiles on both of your faces.
you pull away only to look down at the new suit, and then back at everyone else who are all surprised, and overjoyed.
you press another button, and the suit disappears, leaving you with just a smile.
“that’s literally the coolest thing ever, thank you so much” you thank peter again and he nods.
“alright, who’s next?” marc asks and points to casper, who’s breathing picks up a bit.
“yeah yeah- i can- i can do that” he starts, standing up and walking towards you, leading you a bit aways from the group, but still so marc can see if there’s any ‘funny business’.
“listen, you might not like it but i saw this and i thought of you” he hands you the small box, so you hesitantly take it and open it to see a silver chain necklace with a two small gems hanging off it.
a red one and a blue one.
“it reminded me of your spidey suit” he explains further and you nod and look up to him.
“i love it” you breath out.
casper looks up at you and blinks a few times. “you.. you do?” he asks and you nod with a smile.
“of course i do, it’s beautiful” you tell him, and you lean forward to hug him.
he instantly hugs you back, and you hear marc clear his throat, making you turn to flip him off before letting go of casper, box still in your hand.
“i really do love it. thank you” you finish, both of you going back to the group, where layla and marc were backing up and leading you along.
“we need you alone for a moment if that’s okay” marc says and you nod, turning to wave to both peter and casper.
layla and marc lead you to your room, where you see a beige folder on your bed.
you furrow your brows and look back at layla and marc, who nod to it.
you make your way to the bed, sitting down where the folder was once you take it in your hands.
you look up one more time for reassurance, both of them nodding.
you slowly open it and gasp softly at the first words you see displayed on a piece of paper.
you feel your eyes tear up, and already a tear drips down as you look back up at marc and layla.
“are you serious..?” you ask and marc nods.
“you don’t have to say yes or sign anything but…” he trails off, layla squeezing his hand for reassurance.
“..can we adopt you?” he asks quietly.
you slowly start nodding and toss the folder aside to throw yourself at both layla and marc.
they reciprocate your hug as best they can, while you cry into marc’s shoulder, layla running a calming hand through your hair.
“oh my gods, i’m so relieved” you hear steven say.
“well of course she was going to say yes, she doesn’t call us her dads for nothing” jake sasses back, making you chuckle, pulling back from layla and marc.
“so now you’ll have three dads and a mom, how’s it feel?” layla asks and you smile at her.
you move to give her a separate hug. “it sounds amazing, mom” you whisper, and she hugs you tighter before letting go.
“i love you guys, thank you so much” you start to quietly sob into your hands, marc and layla both making sure you don’t freak out.
“you really want me?” you ask both of them through blurry vision after a minute.
“oh honey, who wouldn’t?” marc responds and you sniff, wiping your nose on your sleeve.
“you really want to be my parents?” you ask both of them, and they instantly nod.
“of course we do, you’re the best daughter we could ever ask for” layla replies and you nod, turning around and shuffling through your nightstand for a pen.
you instantly sign whatever needs to be signed, doing one for each of your dads and layla.
legally, you were not technically a y/l/n, spector, lockley, grant, and el faouly.
and you honestly couldn’t be happier.
you came back out with the papers, an ecstatic layla, marc, steven, and jake behind you.
“guess who just got fucking adopted?” you ask both casper and peter, who look at you with wide eyes.
“hOLY SHIT?! WAS IT YOU?” peter exclaims, being the first to congratulate your still sensitive and teary form.
after him, it was casper who just straight up pulled you in for a quick kiss, making you chuckle and smile after, hugging him while marc squinted his eyes at the boy.
“i’m so happy for you!” casper says and you chuckle again.
“i love all of you so much” you say around the room, making everyone catch your contagious grin.
now, this was the first night you spent as a y/l/n-spector-grant-lockley-el faouly, and being honest it felt great.
you knew you were family before.
it just wasn’t official like this.
you still couldn’t believe they loved you that much to legally adopt you as their own child.
they wanted you.
they actually wanted you.
they all loved you so much that they had to officially make you their daughter.
they wanted you.
they wanted you.
they wanted you.
it felt silly to say it out loud, since nobody ever wanted you before.
this was your home, and this was your family.
this was where you could make memories to tell kids, maybe even grandkids someday.
this was where you had ups and downs but always having your dads and your mom by your side.
this was where you could share anything without feeling like you’ll be judged.
this was where you could be loved.
this is where you are loved.
you are loved.
and you always have been.
@aniskywalkerslvr, on june 8 2022, - Hello!!!!! A person who is so in love with Baby Scarab series and I was thinking what if at the end or in the middle of the series The Moon Boys and Layla adopt the reader? Just a little thought! You are doing an amazing job, and an amazing writing!🫶🏻
@you-bloody-shank, on june 22 2022, - so i had an idea (maybe in like the near future or something) where it’s y/n’s birthday and marc steven and jake being the amazing dads that they are throw her an amazing surprise party and she’s just like OMG AND SO HAPPY BECAUSE THEYRE THE BEST DADS EVER and layla casper and khonshu can be there too. i know it’s not like detailed or anything but just the general idea of throwing a birthday party for y/n because i think it would be really cute and fluffy and marc is just like happy birthday kid i love you ahhhhh ok that’s it lol.
anon, on july 2 2022, - Hello!! I was wondering if maybe like Steven,Jake, and Marc decided to make it official and got like papers to adopt the reader? And like the reader is really emotional and the boys get nervous and believe that they took it to far until she starts hugging whoever is fronting and she keeps on repeating “yes!” So now the reader is a Specter/Grant/ and Lockley. It’s alright if you decided to not put this, by the way I love the series!!! &lt;3
anon - what if y/n was telling someone (maybe Layla) how much she loves her dads (and she actually refers to them as that) and they hear everything (maybe giving them more courage to ask her what they wanted)
anon - Casper and Layla meet up, anyone? Love how this series is going, keep up the good work
A/N : this took longer than i thought lol.
i finally had the moon boys and layla officially adopt you guys!!! i really hoped you liked it, and i made it a birthday episode bc fun fact - its my birthday too <3
i also saw thor love and thunder today, it was great i loved it
but i love you guys way more, see you in two days :DD
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites
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hauntedppgpaints · 29 days
hey warden it’s mkjt anon! so i hope youve been well and seen that our boy ivan got his extension!!!!!! for millions of dollars!!!!! and i was wondering uh. in the beej au. how sam reacts to this? maybe?
i’ll see myself out bye
BELOVED. im so sorry this is so late. but i finally did something about it!!!!!!!
two more years.
When they separate, Sam nuzzles Ivan’s cheek, and caresses the other with his thumb. “Two more years, Vanya. That deserves something special, yes?” He asks, eye wrinkles appearing when he smiles. Ivan trills back, sliding his hands down Sam’s sides to come to rest at the alpha’s waist. 
“Only if you want. Don’t have to do something big- can be something small.” Ivan replies, shifting his legs so Sam is more firmly sitting in his lap. Sam sighs quietly, and leans back a little as he thinks. 
Something to celebrate Ivan’s extension. Not something so big, because it’ll make Ivan uncomfortable. But something big enough to really celebrate a big thing like this. What to do, what to do… 
Sam smiles, wicked and sly, as an idea starts to form. “I know that smile. What you think?” Ivan asks, hesitant but smiling back at his mate. Instead of answering, Sam gets up from Ivan's lap, and slowly sinks to his knees between Ivan’s legs. “Sam- what-?” Ivan sits up, eyes wide. Sam settles into a comfortable position- knees spread wide to spread his weight out, hands on his thighs, eyes looking up at Ivan through the lashes. Sam leans forward slightly, and presses a kiss to Ivan’s inner thigh.
“Maybe I can warm you?” Sam offers, trailing his nose over the slight bulge in Ivan’s shorts. His tongue follows, catching on the fabric and feeling the heat of Ivan’s cock hidden underneath. “You can keep me between your legs for a while, let me keep your cock warm.” Sam flutters his lashes, and Ivan laughs, like he always does when Sam does that.
When his laughter fades, Sam can see how wide Ivan’s eyes are. How dark. Oh, he’s interested. Sam can smell Ivan’s slick, and can scent how it’s gathering between the omega’s legs. A shame it wont get used, this time. “Yes. Yes, I like that.” Ivan finally says, reaching for his waistband. Sam leans back enough for Ivan to shed his shorts and underwear, and shuffles in closer when Ivan settles down again. The omega’s cock is chubbing up, and Sam can already feel his drool starting to gather. 
“This is going to be messy, Vanya.” Sam murmurs. The first drops of drool are already beading at the corners of his mouth, threatening to start sliding down his chin. 
“You like it messy, Sam.” Ivan shoots back, taking his cock in hand. He tilts his hips up, and slowly feeds his cock into Sam’s waiting mouth. He groans quietly at the wet heat, and Sam hums in response. Ivan stops when Sam is halfway down his cock, happy to just let Sam warm him right there. 
But Sam has his own ideas.
With another quiet noise, Sam shifts forward again, and takes more of Ivan’s cock in his mouth. Alpha drool eases the way, and when the head bumps into the back of Sam’s throat, the alpha takes a deep breath, swallows a few mouthfuls of drool, and keeps going. “Sam- alpha, блять-” Ivan gasps, cupping the back of Sam’s head. It’s only when Sam’s nose rests against Ivan’s pubic bone that he settles in a little more, and hums again. 
He blinks up at Ivan, lashes thick with unshed tears, and he starts to purr. 
“Sam!” Ivan yelps, fingers tightening in the alpha’s hair. Fuck, that feels good. A rumbling vibration around his cock, already enveloped in tight, wet heat- oh, he’s not going to last if Sam keeps that up.
The purring falls to a low level, and Sam’s eyes fall shut as they settle in for the long haul. Sam falls into a rhythm- take Ivan’s cock down his throat for as long as he can, before leaning back and resting for a moment as he purrs around the head of it. Rinse and repeat. Ivan can tell that Sam is singularly focused on the task, and that everything else has fallen away- much like on the ice. 
The minutes crawl on, Ivan entranced by the sight of his alpha. Sam’s lips stretched wide around his cock; the slight bulge in his throat; his long lashes fanned against his cheek; the drool creeping down his chin; the wet sound of his cock sliding down Sam’s throat. 
Eventually- Ivan doesn’t know how long they’ve been sitting there, locked in and entranced by each other- Sam pulls off, and takes a few breaths. “You want to fuck my throat?” He croaks, wiping his chin. Ivan’s breath hitches, and he nods. Sam smiles, and leans forward again, sticking his tongue out so Ivan can feed him his cock once more. 
Ivan slowly slides in, pausing to let Sam loosen his throat and prepare. “Блять.” He grunts as he slides home once more, running both his hands through Sam’s hair to get a grip on the back of his head. Sam hums- he’s ready.
Ivan starts up a steady rhythm, fucking into the tight clutch of Sam’s throat and enjoying the heat for a brief moment before sliding back out. The sounds coming out of Sam’s mouth are disgusting- a wet squelch whenever he pulls out, a guttural grunt whenever he pushes back in- but Ivan is so, so into it. It doesn’t take long for him to lose the rhythm, and with a final thrust, he comes down Sam’s throat with a low cry.
Sam swallows everything he can, but as Ivan pulls out, some of his cum dribbles down the alpha’s chin, adding to the mess on his chest. Sam swallows a few more times. “Fuck,” He tries to say, but his voice is a wreck. Ivan can see Sam’s cock, heavy and hard between his thighs, leaking precum and knot inflated and ready to fully pop. But Sam didn’t touch it at all. 
“Fuck, that was… we need to do that again soon.” Sam tries again, resting his forehead against Ivan’s thigh. Ivan pets Sam’s hair a few times, the both of them needing a moment to catch their breath. 
“Yes. Yes, please.”
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1d1195 · 4 months
I knew immediately that once I saw it wasn’t going to be an “easy” read that it would not be your vibe lol ITS NOT BAD THOUGH! like I it’s nice to turn your brain off! And tbh i bought it bc it was recommended by an actresses/writer I like 😔 was it an impulsive buy? YES but honestly i needed to feel something bahah and I trust your opinions too bestie!! And I will FOR SURE give my review if I think you’ll like it!
NOT ME WANTING TO CRY WITH YOU SAYING YOUVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT ME😭 Sam, literally you don’t even know how nice that is 😭 and yeah I did see you mention that! And a new series that’s college based, SIGN ME UP!! I can’t wait to live through the MC bahah I love romanticizing school even if it makes me wanna jump off a bridge sometimes bahaha but OF COURSE I’ll like it!!!
I’m so sorry you’ve had a rough week, that sounds like HELL! And I don’t blame you for calling them psychopaths! They are WILD and I know I was once a 14 yr old and I was kinda crazy! But I never took it out on my teachers lol you can tell me when you’re ready and I will gladly read your rant!
Definitely relate to readers block! I get it ya know bc in an odd way you do get attached to the plot and characters so they have to mean something! I remember the first time I had to take a “break” from reading because I was just too DEVASTATED over the ending of a book it literally was when I was 14 lol
I REALLY DID LOVE THE NEW EXTRA! I didn’t mind it was so far into the future! It was so good I meant it when I said I was hurting from how cute they all were lol and awww Sam my heart is literally so warm with how sweet you are! I seriously couldn’t hold in how much I loved reading your stuff so in my head asking for an emoji was a big deal bc idk fear of rejection?! Dumb I know but I needed you to know how much your work IS appreciated! So yeah I do honestly have to thank Protection for that!
And don’t say sorry, I LOVE reading your responses! Idc how long they are! And you know I’ll get back you no matter what!-💜
I’m a big fan of treating yourself. (I have never denied myself of a treat.) I hope it lives up to its expectation!
Exactly how I feel with readers block! The same thing happens when I’m writing too. If was SO hard to move away from Love and Dryer Sheets and onto Dolcezza. It happens every time!
You are the best and so so sweet! I’m keeping this response short in case you have time to read my update today and have to send another! 😉
Love you!
0 notes
buffalowingsfortwo · 2 years
8/6/22 12:26 am
ash to faith
theres no way to be calm about this. ive had too much caffeine tonight, and i saw your letter probably 4 hours ago. the only way to describe what im going through with this is to compare the situation to a new friendship or a middle school crush where person A texts, person B responds days later, and person A thinks "oh, i'll wait [x amount of time] to text back so they know im just as distanced from this as they are." humiliating as it is, its my brand at this point, and i have to show strength through consistency. so im sorry. but im back.
i get what you mean when you bring up the idea of "what do/don't you know" and i struggle with it every time i write. i do like the idea of speedrunning the past year or whatever and just hoping some of it sticks. i dont know. i just like to talk about myself, probably.
relationships at a weird point, but its probably fine. ill be honest, they do hear about you a lot, so i feel like i should be bringing them up to you. im not sure if youve seen them recently, but if you havent, they look the same in every way but they grew their hair about as long as mine used to be, and they have facial hair. we look different and we are different. i have an overwhelming addiction to buying them things and making them wear my clothes. our families havent met yet, but everyones pushing for it which i hate, so much more than i can explain in words. their family is really cool though. they have a mean sister that literally hates me, but another sister and 2 parents that love me. i have a really good relationship with their mom which feels better than i could even explain. i joke around with their dad, their nice sister gives me hugs and tells me shes always happy to see me. jaxx loves my siblings in return, and theyre polite with my parents.
my family is pretty much the same as it used to be, but also not really at all. i cant remember if you were here for this or not, but shawn moved to pismo beach with our cousin tanner and his family. shelby graduated from ucla with a degree in environmental science. charlies living with us right now, and we spend most of our free time together. my mom and i are friendlier than ever, but we do annoy each other a lot. we dont yell like we used to, though. pauls paul, not much to say there. toby and emily have grown so much, and we do fight a bit, but i love them more than anything and i really am proud of who theyre becoming. michael has caused more drama than i could ever explain in one letter. hes a really long story. id love to tell it someday. anyways.
ive told shelby, shawn, and charlie, about our current standing. i think its okay to be honest at this point and admit that its hard to stop myself from talking about it. before this, they knew we fell apart, and they knew that we both sucked (which i think is a point of agreement but do correct me if im wrong), and they knew that i was over it. but obviously i never was. as far as my parents know, there is no story. we just stopped going by each others houses. i just stopped including you in plans, and i just stopped celebrating your birthday, and i just grew up. or something like that. im glad they never asked. even at our worst, i wouldve defended us to them. some lines i wont ever cross.
i wonder all the time what your family thinks of me. if they thought that i was evil, if they thought that i was sweet, if they missed me, if they were glad i was gone, if they never noticed at all. but maybe its better if i dont know. the scariest thing about us coming back together is the idea that ill (hopefully) have to talk to your mom again someday and acknowledge that i was gone. i think of when i came to you with flowers and cupcakes one day and she thanked me for always being there. i dont know that i can buy her, or you, enough flowers to make up for it. but i do plan to try. if i need to, ill plant a full garden for you so the supply never runs short.
"make me up, make me up, youre the reason im alive. this is how you remember me now, and just out the door is killing me." - schoolboy by grouplove
0 notes
reidsnose · 3 years
Black Eye
Tumblr media
overview: reader and spencer go to reader's highschool reunion as a fake couple
genre: fluff i think
warnings: mild violence and swearing, a guy being kind of a total creep, and mentions of bullying
a/n: idk if its any good again just love the idea but it was inspired by a dream i had last night (thank you temporal lobe) so yeah let me know what yall think !! :) also im posting this at like ass oclock in the morning so whoops
you and spencer had gotten yourselves in quite the situation.
your dreaded highschool reunion was just around the corner and you made the mistake of complaining about it to penelope. she was always trying to make everyones life easier (and more interesting) so when she heard you had no date she took it upon herself to find you one.
it didn't take a lot of looking, none at all actually; because Penelope had already been trying to figure out ways to get you and Reid together.
you two were undeniably perfect for each other. you were an amazing team at work, you hung out alone all the time (though both of you denied these hang out as being dates, Garcia had her own ideas on this), and you were both very obliviously head over heels for each other.
and somehow, through the magical ways of Penelope Garcia, you and Spencer were now sitting in the parking lot, fake married for your high school reunion.
"do we need to go over our back story again?" you worried, looking up at him.
"our backstory is basically all true anyway we just fall in love after a little bit. and i have an eidetic memory so i remember; you're my wife you should know this!" he joked, trying to relax you. "we got this! we're gonna be so married!"
Spencer had actually never been this nervous in his life but he was trying to be brave for you. it would be more embarrassing for you both to show up like nervous wrecks than if you had just come alone. he was just happy to get to be fake married to you.
"the marriedest!" smiled, fist bumping him.
"now lets go make some people jealous!" he chuckled getting out of the car and jogging over to your side, opening your door before you got the chance to; like a true gentleman.
you stuck out your hand which he happily took into his, neither of you commenting on the redness you both had sprinkled across your cheeks. as you walked in, you saw all the people you dreaded seeing.
the boys who tormented you were balding and the girls who made sure you felt awful everyday had wrinkles riddling there skin. you were surrounded by botched botox and bleached blonde to cover graying hair. you felt terrible to admit it, but you were a little happy to see that their beauty had faded like this; they made their looks their whole personality in high school, you couldn't help but wonder what was left for them to be. not that it mattered, but you and Spencer were undeniably the most attractive couple there.
you actually had an ok time, you had spotted a few of your friends that you hadn't seen in quite a few years and it was nice to catch up.
Spencer had wondered a bit, but not too far, he was talking to some guys who used to be in science club when you were younger. you smiled at the thought of what they might be talking about.
"y/n! hey youve really filled out!" you heard a gruff voice from behind you.
you turned around and were met with the very unappealing face of the ex quarterback. Spencers attention had been caught at the sound of your name.
"um..hello," you muttered, trying to covertly back away from him.
"i see youve got a ring, interesting i dont remember us getting married!" he said in an incredibly creepy tone.
"do you know im a federal agent now?" you said through a gritted smile.
spencer had already begun walking towards you, he could tell something was off.
"ill tell you what sweetheart," he put his hand on your shoulder, pulling you slightly closer to him, "you can put me in handcuffs any day."
you threw his hand off of you and drew back your fist, but were cut off before you could deliver the punch but his hand engulfing your own, and squeezing.
"THATS MY WIFE!" spencer yelled in a voice you had never heard from him before.in the blink of an eye he was standing between in front of him. "do not ever talk to her like that, let alone lay a finger on her or so help me God i will-"
"what beanpole? what are you gonna do? what if i did this?" the man asked.
and then he sent a swift punch to Spencer's face.
thats gonna leave a mark.
in a matter of seconds, Spencer had him overpowered, laying face first on the floor with his hands uncomfortably angled behind him, completely helpless.
"now i'm going to let you go and you're going to walk out of here unharmed. if you try anything like that again, ill let my wife handle you. and i promise if she gets a hold of you, you'll be a dead son of a bitch." Spencer muttered in the mans ear, gruffly pulling him up by his collar and shoving him towards the door.
"were leaving." you said, grabbing Spencer's hand, trying to ignore how incredibly attractive he looked right now.
"babe if you want to stay we can stay," he offered as if he didn't just have his shit kicked in by a coward with misogynistic tendencies.
"honey, i want to take you home," you smiled, liking the way it felt to call him a pet name. you walked into the parking lot, "what were you thinking?"
"i was thinking this guy is trying to hurt you and i was not going to ever let that happen." he answered confidently as you two reached the car. "plus this totally made the marriage thing more believable. i wouldn't get a black eye for just anyone."
"thank you. i'm sorry you got punched trying to protect me." you sighed, feeling incredibly awful about the whole thing.
he chuckled, "id do it again."
you fought hard against the blush creeping up your face.
"i gotta say, the black eye really suits you. you look pretty badass." you chuckled, trying to change the subject before it got too sappy and you said something you shouldn't.
"maybe it should just be my new look," he joked, looking down at a ping from his phone. "uh oh."
"we have a case?" you asked.
"yep. and hotch wants us in the office asap which means we cont stop by either of our houses." he sighed before starting the car.
the drive was mostly silent. but a comfortable silence. Spencer thought about how in the moment, he didn't care how many punches the guy threw at him, as long as it meant you were ok, he was willing to take it. he knew he loved you far before that moment but that truly solidified it.
at the same time you were thinking of how quickly your time as a 'married couple' was over. it felt so right to call Spencer yours. so unexplainably perfect for the two of you to be together. if only your time wasn't cut short by a sucker punch.
you neared the building's parking lot. you looked over at Spencer who you could very easily tell was lost in his own world.
"whats going on in that beautiful head of yours?" you asked, causing him to stifle a smile.
"just thinking." he answered.
"what about?"
"us." he stated, pulling into his parking spot.
oh. oh.
"do tell."
he hesitated, "if i tell you, and you disagree, do you promise it wont change anything about us?"
"i promise."
"did it feel right to you? us being together?" he asked, his eyes innocent and filled to the brim with a mixture of anxiety and adoration as he looked at you.
"yes. it absolutely did. and i was so mad at the assclown for cutting our time short," you admitted, "and punching you in the eye, obviously."
"i- i'm not sure how to ask this but- do you...would you..sorry i-" he stammered.
you cut him off, pressing your lips to his. his hand gently cupped your face, deepening the kiss and you both felt like you were on cloud nine.
"thats exactly what i was trying to say," he cracked a dopey smile, causing you to chuckle.
"i've been trying to say it for so long." you confessed, causing him to smile impossibly wider, "we gotta go hotch is waiting."
"just one more kiss?" he asked, which you gave in to, obviously. and then another. and another.
maybe it was good thing that he got a black eye that day, because when you got to the office the whole team was so focused on it they didn't even notice the hint of your lipstick left on spencers lips.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n, Tommy, Jack and Tubbo
Pairing: Platonic jack/tommy/tubbo/reader
Summary: another day another adventure
Content warning: cursing / I didn't proof read
An: reader has bright unnatural hair I wrote a lot, I can't figure out how to add read more on mobile I'm sorry
The music you were currently listening to was interrupted by the discord group notifying you that you have a new message.
y/n: I mean I've currently got hair dye on but it’s being washed off and dried in around 20 minutes, why?
y/n: WAIT TUBBO?!?!
tubbo: oh yeah I forgot to tell you
y/n: how did you forget you know what nevermind, I’m glad you’re here :]
jack: we should be here in an hour so you have plenty of time to get ready
tubbo: what colour dye y/n
y/n: you’ll see soon enough as apparently, you’re all showing up at my house
Tommy: I suggest you wear comfortable shoes
y/n: I am terrified
Tommy: you have nothing to fear... for now
luckily it had only taken you just over 40 minutes to get ready giving you roughly 20 minutes to prepare for the adventure ahead. or so you thought, as soon as you sat down ready to check your phone the sound of Tommy and tubbo laughing could be heard from your room, jack sent a message “hey we got here extremely early I’m sorry there’s no rush the others have been distracted by dreams music :)”
grabbing a backpack from next to your bed you had quickly chucked your phone and purse into the bag unsure as to what you’re going to need today.
as soon as you opened the door you were met with an ecstatic tubbo who instantly pulled you into a hug unable to contain their excitement of seeing their friend
“I look exactly the same”
“Now I’m no genius y/n but last time we spoke you didn’t have unnatural hair”
you paused for a moment as tubbo had a point the last time you and tubbo were on face time your hair was classed as a natural colour however today as a fuck you to your school which didn’t allow unnatural hair you decided to dye it your favourite colour.
“you raise a fair point now if you don’t mind releasing me from your grasp I have to lock the door so no one gets in”
“Tommy unlock the door let tubbo and y/n in”
“Hello to you too Tommy”
“well if we weren’t going to get noticed at the shopping centre earlier y/ns bright fucking hair will definitely cause people to notice us”
“oh I’m sorry I didn’t expect to be going shopping with a bunch of Minecraft streamers today”
“don’t you stream Minecraft?”
“This isn’t about me jack”
the trip to the shops was surprisingly relaxing y/n sat at the front listening to jack sing along to songs playing on the radio, however, it was clear the boys had something they weren’t telling y/n which became evident through Tommy and tubbo bickering in the back of the car about who was going to tell them. it was a relatively short journey due to the fact you lived close to the city centre
“let’s go shopping boys” Tommy practically yelled to everyone, tubbo held his phone in your direction then looked towards you, nodding at him you grabbed his phone and began recording
“I'm vlogging”
Tommy walked over “YEAHHHHH”
walking past cex you had to put up with Tommy making sex jokes until you made it to game, you stood holding back your laugh as you filmed Tommy and tubbo fighting about who’s paying whilst jack went off to buy a Minecraft squishy and mug despite everyone’s arguments against it. soon enough fans came over asking for photos with you all once the group of fans left jack took over recording for tubbo whilst you went off to quickly buy some games that you could play on stream.
“want a wig bro? jack!”
the four of you walked into the shop, you couldn’t help but stand in awe looking at all the bright colours already questioning what colour to dye your hair next the sound of Tommy and jack being amazed pulled you out of your thoughts
“Gogy goggles, I’m actually buying them”
“i wan’t a pair”
“no, you’re getting a wig jack”
“I don’t want a wig I want George”
“y/n has bright hair and they’re not complaining”
“what do you have against people with colourful hair jack hmm?”
“I'm not happy”
“you look lovely jack”
“we’re getting so many looks”
tubbo stopped everyone to ‘fix’ jacks wig which resulted in everyone laughing once you had finally stopped laughing you noticed tubbo had walked off and you were convinced jack had randomly decided to record strangers until you saw tubbo going up and down escalators
“oh there he goes again”
“pov you’re thinking about bees”
“where to next boys?”
Tommy pointed towards the lift
“Is this a lift for us”
Tommy noticed the safety sign and automatically made comments about it
“keeping us all safe is what I would say if I wasn’t carrying a knife”
“oh same Tommy”
“look you can see me”
taking that as an invitation to join the vlog you stood behind tubbo and pointed at the sign again and looked at Tommy and jack
“keeping us all safe is what I would say if we weren’t about to do this-“
the three of you went to jump up and down
the four of you quietly left the lift however you were convinced that the public heard Tommy comment on having a knife and you threatening to jump as once the lift opened everyone was staring at you but it could also be due to the fact you had brightly coloured hair and somehow convinced jack to keep the wig on, you all spent a long time trying to convince Tommy to get a new outfit, eventually you went into another shop a certain keyboard caught your eye
“I’ve found my home, ill stay here at the gamer bunker”
you decided now was the perfect time to sneak off to buy the keyboard that had caught your eye, once tubbo noticed it was too late you stood holding the bag with your purchase leaving you stood in the middle of the shop defending your purchase to him claiming that it was a business expense and not just because you thought it looked cool.
“you told me you wanted to save your money”
“it lights up tubbo and it fits the vibe of my room”
Tommy placed his arm on your head treating you as an armrest as you were shorter than him and he knew it annoyed you
“they have a point tubbo it lights up”
once the recording ended you made your way back to the car
“say y/n you wouldn’t mind if me Tommy and jack stayed the night as tomorrow we were thinking-“
“sure thing”
the next day you were woken up at 9 am by Tommy stood at the foot of your bed
“hi y/n”
“WHAT THE FUCK- oh hi Tommy Jesus christ do you know how horrifying that was to wake up to”
“Sorry bout that but if I didn’t wake you up now you’d only wake up in the afternoon and we need to go soon I’ll leave you to get ready”
you noticed a note was next to a jumper on the floor ‘hi, thanks for letting us stay the night I really liked your hoodie so I decided to wear it today here’s mine in exchange- Tubbo :D’
normally you’d be concerned that someone stole your hoodie as you live with your parents however today was an exception once you were all ready you set off jack pulled into a McDonald's drive-through so you could all get breakfast
“nice hoodie y/n”
“Thanks, someone took mine and decided to make a trade”
“you’re welcome”
the journey was quiet again you sat next to tubbo in the back Tommy sat at the front screaming at jack and trying to distract him and people around you decided to took a picture with tubbo who now had his arm wrapped around you as it was rather cold in the car and posted it to Twitter ‘@ ranboosaysstuff wish you were here :D’ less than a minute later you received 2 notifications ‘ranboosaysstuff replied to your tweet: same’ ‘ ranboosaysstuff has tweeted: *the spongebob gif*’
soon enough you all arrived at mint golf to say you we’re excited would be an understatement
“can I get the shortest club you have”
you stood hiding your face in the jumper tubbo left you whilst you laughed a few minutes later you received a call from ranboo the others said they’d sort everything for you whilst you answered
“what’s up tall one”
“stay safe okay”
“ranboo it’s mini-golf I’m not fighting criminals”
“yes but I know how clumsy you are”
“first of all rude second of all fuck you third of all jealousy isn’t a good look on you” you managed to say through laughter
“jokes aside please come to the UK boo”
“oh sure I’ll go book a plane ticket now” *ranboo ended the call*
ranboo made jokes like that before however this time sounded a lot more serious and you had no idea why he called you so you made a mental note to call him again later. once with friends again you were met with Tommy telling the worker all about you all
“yeah we’re big on the influencing”
“What on earth did I walk in on”
“no time to explain let’s go golf”
you were handed a club and a ball and were dragged away by jack
tubbo joked about getting a hole on one as soon as it was his go, you bet £10 with jack he wouldn't
“hand over the money y/n”
you looked at Tommy who was now recording you handing jack the money “so today we have learnt to not underestimate your friends and that gambling is bad. you lose your money to a tall bald guy”
to put it politely you and Tommy found out that mini golf is not your calling in life
“ill stick to streaming“
“you’re both losing by the way”
“yeah well- why and how does tubbo have soup”
tubbo stood cradling the soup as though it was a child
“Some things I can’t explain to you”
you stood tilting your head to the side questioning where the hell he got soup from
“soups like a small child I take care of it as if it was my own”
you couldn’t contain your laughter at this point the confused faces of your friends alongside tubbos happiness of soup sent you over the edge so you decided to just sit down before you fall as your knees were already weak from laughing too much
“where did you get the soup from”
“I manifested it”
after a few solid minutes of arguing over soup you and Tommy dropping the phone you all continued with bowling.
“tubbo get out of the way of my dream ball”
you stood recording jack cheering him on tubbo had different plans and kicked the ball away resulting in jack giving up and copying what you had been doing most of the rounds, after missing the hole 3 times each go, picking up the ball and placing it in the hole however again he missed
“you can’t be serious”
“golf isn’t for everyone big man”
Tommy took the phone from you to record “pov you’re me golfing”
“how do we get across there”
“probably the bridge”
Tommy pulled to rope moving the bridge across the gap
“Why thank you, Tommy, wouldn’t have been able to do it without you”
you laughed
“you're extremely welcome y/n it was extremely easy because I’m a big muscly man”
golf was finally going well till you hit the ball a bit too hard causing it to go over the fence tubbo was able to get the ball back
“I’ve been watching a lot of doctor shows” you stood amazed at how far you made the ball go
“see the issue is its mini golf. if this was regular golf I'd have got a hole in one I'm telling you”
“I'm never being in your vlog again”
jack looked at you and tubbo who was now laughing at you pretending to worship the can of soup in the hole
“Tommy please come back”
the rest of the game was chaos, you kept missing the hole then claiming to rage quit golf tubbo and Tommy kept making jokes jack left his drink somewhere then had to go back and find it, no one had been paying attention to you which allowed you to take the score sheet and make it so you had won the game eventually he game was over you had declared yourself the champion of golf despite the fact everyone was better than you including Tommy
the journey back was chaos you called ranboo who claimed he only called you to plan a video/stream with you however it was clear that wasn’t the reason tubbo whispered to you so no one could hear
“I think he wants to be here with us I think he’s jealous”
you laughed and nodded
“of course”
eventually, you all made it back to yours, ranboo said goodbye to everyone then ended the call now it was time for you to say your goodbyes. since your love language was physical touch you hugged everyone. As you walked into your house Tommy yelled “Y/N HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT PLANES”
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::Showing Catra My Paintings of Her::
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Can't help but imagine showing Catra my drawings of her: her catching me with my face in my sketchbook, pen fluttering around in my hands, and my eyes quickly flicking to her to take in each detail.
There's a short minute where I get lost in the drawing, drawing in the shadows of her face and figure, as well as a small shadow trailing behind.
That was until I looked up for another glance at my kitten only to find her missing from her seat on the couch. I look at the empty spot for a moment, stupidly being like, "she was right there-?"
Only for her to swing her legs over from the back of the loveseat and plop down next to me, "Whatcha doing, princess?"
I can't help but laugh saying, "you're so dramatic, you couldn't have walked over like a normal person?"
"Since when have I ever done something like a normal person?"
I snicker, "Fair enough, Kitten."
I look back at my sketchbook, instinctively hiding it from view, until I see Catra point to something across the room and go, "Hey is that a bug?"
"What!? Where!?" With a surge of panic I look toward the otherside of the living room, and don't catch on until I feel her sliding my sketchbook out of my lap and hear her laugh besides me.
"Wait-wait-wait!" The words sputter out. "It's not done yet!"
"Hush!" She says flippantly and playfully shoved me. She laughs at my playful glare until she looks back at the book and her eyes go wide. "Is...is that me?"
My face turns a deep red, "Uhh, yeah...yeah it is...I know it's...it's not great, I still have-"
"I love it, princess."
My breath gets caught in my throat as I gasp, "Really? I was afraid you wouldn't."
"Are you kidding?!" She laughs. Catra then brings her hand to her hair, "You drew it short."
"Yeah, um..." Getting nervous, I scoot up to here and gently begin to take my book from her, and say, "I have a couple of when you had your long hair."
"You what?" She questions as I flip through the book to find the other drawings.
I pass the book back to her, "See, I drew this that day I was having a really bad flare up and you were training the others..."
She laughs, "I look so mean."
I laugh along with her, "Hmm, I prefer intimidating, but yes, you did look um...scary."
"Wow," she droned sarcastically, "thanks princess."
I giggle with my hand slightly covering my mouth, "Sorry." I then flip the page to a picture of her on hordaks throne.
"Woah! When did you do this?"
"Right after you called me in-" I blushed and bit my lip-"I thought...you looked...hot- ANYWAYS!"
Catra burst out laughing and teased, "I'm sorry you what? You what? I didn't quite catch that, princess."
"Shut up, don't-" I struggled to talk between joyful laughs- "don't make fun of me."
"Awww," She coos in fake sympathy, "is my princess embarrassed?"
"Stooooooooooop!" I whined and hid my face against her shoulder while she continued to laugh.
Catra then flipped back to the picture I was drawing her originally, she then inquired, "I remember the other two, but I can't think of when this was."
I smiled fondly, "That's um...that's because it's not based off on anything that's happened."
"Oh?" She looked at me with a raised brow, "Where did the idea for this one come from?"
I started to get nervous again, and began to play with the ends of her short hair, "It's kinda a long story, but um...do you see this shadow right here?"
She hummed.
"See how it has long hair, meanwhile you still have short hair in the drawing?"
Her eyes scrunched together in confusion, "How come?"
"Well..." I bit my lip again nervously. "You'll also see, even though your shadow has long hair, she doesn't have your head piece, the idea was that your shadow is...a younger you."
I noticed how her face softened at the revelation and I continued, "I wanted to show, how much youve grown since...um...Shadow Weaver. She hurt you...so much and I know it took a little while for you too move on from all the suffering she put you through."
Watching as her ears slumped, and her face fell made my heart ache for her, so I moved into her again and caressed the side of her face.
"But look at you now, kitten." I beamed at her, "I am so proud of you, and am so happy that you've allowed me to love you...that's um..."
I trailed off before meeting her eyes again, those beautiful blue and yellow eyes that remained so bright even in the dark. "...that's why your shadow is your younger self. It was to show that, even though the past is still with you and you'll always carry it, it doesn't control you anymore or hold you down. It just follows you from behind, a silent reminder of where you've been, and of how far you've come."
As I finish my explanation, I notice her just staring at me, an unreadable expression on her face.
Worried, I go to ask her if she's alright only for her to place my sketchbook on the table and receive a soft, slow kiss.
I softly place one hand on her cheek just in time to feel a single tear meet my skin. Without moving very far, I open my eyes and begin to say, "I'm sorry, did I make a mistake?"
Catra laughs, "No princess, I just," she kisses me again, "I'm not sure how else to thank you."
To which I smile; "There's no need to thank me." I whisper as I return her kiss, "You stayed with me, eventhough I'm a bit weird and annoying sometimes-" We both laughed. "-and I'm so lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend."
"I love you, princess."
"I love you more, kitten..."
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The drawing this is inspired by: The Shadows That Consume Us.
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(Hold up!!! Before you read this, at the bottom I've left links to the first 4 parts. Go read them first, so youve got all the back story.)
((This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
True to your word, you sent him the address later that day.
You agreed to meet up in the afternoon, telling him the meeting up time to meet.
Stolas had suggested a dinner date, but you had turned that down for some reason, telling him you had a better idea.
You had actually asked him on a date.
So happy was he, the rest of the day seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, the owl caught in a blissful haze.
Eventually it was dinner time, where the prince found himself eating alone, again.
He hadn't eaten with his family since, well you know.
He chose something simple.
Grabbing the plate of last night's roast, he popped them into the microwave.
As he waited for his meal to heat, he quickly scrolled through his phone.
He was checking your voxtigram again, enjoying the collection of photos of you.
As he looked through he found the picture of you and Blitzø, the sight sending a pang of regret through his chest.
It was strange to think, just a day ago, he'd been head over heels for the Imp. Totally infatuated with him, and now... now he knew the truth.
Blitzø saw him as a meal ticket,nothing more.
He was just way to get to the living realm. What an idiot he'd been, a few kind words, a bit of sex there and he was totally under Blitzøs spell. He felt like an idiot.
His eyes shifted to you, and such warmth bloomed through his chest.
But you. You were genuine. You didn't want money or power, you wanted to make him happy.
You wanted to actually spend time with him, he wasn't just a meal ticket to you, he was someone worthy of love an attention.
He knew you weren't in love with him, not yet, but you would be, he'd show you just how worthy he was of your love.
His thoughts were interrupted by his dinner finished heating up.
He ate in silence, Stolas spending the whole time staring at the pictures of you.
After dinner he went for a shower, the hot water cascading down his body, the heat reminding him of the warmth you brought him just a day ago.
His thought slid to his time with you, fantasising about how intimate, how delicate and seductive you'd been.
The complete opposite of Blitzø.
His thighs ground together, his breath picking up as he slid a hand between his thighs.
He imagined you, holding him close, treating him like that delicate work of art, bringing him pleasure he didn't know existed.
Pleasure racked his body, his breathing hitched. And before he knew it, a mind shattering orgasm wracked his body.
After recovering from his little self pleasuring, he cleaned himself up and got out of the shower.
Walking into his room, he fell on his bed, feeling quiet satisfied. Curling up in bed, he fantasied about what the next day could hold for him.
He had a dreamless sleep that night waking up later than he had the morning prior, finding himself again, well rested.
Getting up, he went about his usual morning routine, all the way until he chose his outfit.
You had said something about wine, so did that mean it was more of a fine dining establishment. But you had said a pizza place right? So was it more of a casual, family restaurant.
He spent nearly half an hour thinking it over before he just decided to text you.
Stolas: Is there a dress code for tonight? I'm just picking out my outfit and don't want to come over dressed, I want something that to wow! you.
(Y/N): Hehehe, not really. Pick something casual and probably bring a coat as well, It gets kinda chilly out there at night.
(Y/N): We'll only be staying at the restaurant to eat, then I've got something planned for afterwards elsewhere.
Stolas: Is that so? And what have you got planned, something exciting I hope.
(Y/N): Nu uh, no hints. You'll just have to wait till tonight.
Stolas: Not even a little hint? 🥺🥺🥺
(Y/N): Nope, but I can promise it'll at least be the most romantic thing an Imp has ever done for you.
That kinda stung, bringing many unwanted memories to the forefront of his mind. You quickly texted again,
(Y/N): Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything like that. I just, doubt an Imp like me could match the typical royal date.
Stolas: it's alright, I understand what you meant.
(Y/N): But I can promise it'll be the most romantic thing someone's done with you on a budget.
Stolas actually laughed at that, falling onto his bed like a teenager. The two of you exchanged a little more info, before he finally picked an outfit.
He chose a fairly simple outfit; A stylish pair of jeans, a simple red and black T-shirt with a rather attractive heart pattern across it and then it was one of his favourite leather jackets with a beautiful fur collar
He left the manor grounds just as the sun began to set, the city night-life around the manor already beginning to pick up.
It was a fairly short drive, most people knowing to stay out of the way of a royal limousines.
Finding the street and location you'd described, he had the limo park in front of a rather unassuming building, not really looking any different from the hundred other boarded up buildings on the block.
Getting out, he stood there for a few minutes before he heard you call out. 'Hey good lookin, looking for a good time?' Turning around, he found you approaching.
You carried a simple wicker basket, wearing a humble, yet fitting attire,
You wore a stylish black T-shirt that seemed to just cling to all the right places, your jeans were faded, but not enough to warrant throwing out. And a pair of simple black shoes.
When you got closer, the demon piped up, 'If you were planning a picnic, the basket kind of gives it away.' He told you playfully.
You released a laugh, shaking your head. 'Nah, all that's already set up. I just don't wanna carry everything from here to there by hand.' You told him simply.
'Ooooh' he cood, 'and what is it your getting here, hmm?' He asked, playfully gesturing to the building.
'Oh you know, this and that, you'll be surprised how much they serve here.' You told him just as playful.
Stolas stood up before looking around, 'Speaking of what they serve here', I can't help but wonder where "here" is, this doesn't exactly look like a restaurant.' He told you, gesturing to the rather dull wall of buildings before you.
You just chuckled, looking up at the prince before telling him, 'Dont judge a book by its cover, dear prince of mine' you told him playfully.
You hadn't realised it, but when you called him yours, it sent a wave of euphoria through the owl that he simply couldn't describe.
His mind was addled, the owl clutched himself as he watched you speak, to caught up in this feeling to catch what you said.
He was snapped from his stupor, when he found you were looking up at him, seemingly expecting a response.
The owl panicked, snapping to attention and blurting out, 'Of course, words to live by,' before he just stood there, smiling like an idiot.
You stared at him for several moments, the awkwardness so palpable you could practically see it in the air.
After another moment, Stolas shook his head, 'S-sorry, uh, what was that last thing?' He asked, trying to salvage the situation.
You chuckled, shaking your head, 'nothin, let's go shall we?' You asked him, stepping forward.
He followed close behind, following you into a nearby alleyway.
He followed in silence, but as your path grew longer he decided to ask where you were going. Only for you to suddenly stop and turn towards a large metal shudder.
Looking up at him, you did a little knock on the shudder, before just standing there.
A few minutes pass by before Stolas whispered, 'what are we waiting for?'
You laughed at that, before telling him, 'He always takes a minute to get here... any second now.'
A few seconds go by, just as Stolas was gonna pipe up again, the shudder suddenly shot up, revealing an middle aged Imp carrying a shotgun.
The Imp stared at him for a few moments before looking down and spotting you, 'Oh (Y/n)! Didnt expect you so early.' He told you, lowering the shotgun, 'who's the string bean?' He asked bluntly.
You just laughed as Stolas became indignant, looking himself up and down before asking himself if he really look like a string bean?
''This is my...' you hesitated for a moment, the owl held his breath, waiting for you to finish the sentence
'... my date' you finished, 'this is my date "Prince" Stolas.' You told him firmly, enough pride in your voice to make Stolas flush.
The Imp looked him up and down, 'A prince huh? Damn (Y/n), really pickin up your game' The older Imp gave you a rather lecherous grin.
You scoffed, stepping forward and asking 'Can we come in or are we just gonna stand around talking all night?'
The elder Imp just huffed before stepping out of the way.
The two of you walked into a somewhat narrow stairwell, the prince having to crouch walk to squeeze in there.
'Sorry 'bout the tight fit there your highness, we usually only get Imps down here, it'll be more roomy downstairs.' The old Imp spoke up as they made there way down the stairs.
Stolas chose not to reply, choosing instead to just take it in stride.
It was another minute of walking down the cramped stairwell when they suddenly entered a much larger chamber, the owl able to stand up.
Once he'd stretched his back, Stolas got a good look around, and found himself transfixed by the splendour of the place.
Honestly the place could probably give most of the restaurants he'd been too a run for there money.
It was a large hall, clearly some old structure with black bricks making up most of the walls.
A number of quaint little lanterns hung from the roof giving the whole chamber a pleasantly dim atmosphere.
A series of tables filled the centre of the chamber, each one decked in a cloth, with its very own candle lit center piece.
The architecture created smaller arches along the walls, many of them gave way to small booths where other Imps were enjoying there meal. While others were filled in by wine wracks, each one filled with a variety of bottles.
'My it's... it's...' before Stolas could finish, you cut in, 'yeah... I know, it's not exactly the rits, but for an Imp run business, it's pretty sophisticated.' You seemed disappointed, likely having interpreting his stunned silence as disappointment.
Stolas quickly cleared that up, telling you 'it's beautiful, I've never seen a place like it.' He told you honestly.
Looking down he found you positively beaming.
Reaching out, you grabbed his hand. You dragged him along like an excited child, taking him to what was obviously the front desk.
Placing the wicker basket on top the counter, you binged the bell.
A moment passed before a shorter and clearly much older Imp walked out. Upon seeing you there face lit up, 'Oh (Y/N), so good to see you.' They said cheerfully, pulling out a medium leather bound book from under the counter, they looked up and said, 'Lets see. Ah! Here you are. One table. A high ceiling and a strong bottle, correct?' They asked pleasantly.
You just nodded, them quickly putting the book away and began leading you away.
He found himself led into another chamber, this one much smaller but still just as pleasant.
In this one, a quaint little chandelier, giving the room a pleasant warm glow.
The older Imp quickly left, promising to bring menu's upon his return.
You led him in 'Beautiful place, isn't it?' You asked, seeming a hundred miles away.
'It is' He agreed, never taking his eyes off of you.
It took a few moments, but eventually you locked eyes, a smile growing across your lips.
After a moment, you seemed to snap back to reality, quickly walking over and pulling out one of the chairs, 'Your highness' you told him, an almost seductive tone to your voice.
'Such a gentleman' he spoke playfully, taking his seat.
Pushing him in, you walked around and took your seat.
Sitting down, you leaned forward, the two of you sitting in silence for a moment, neither of you sure what to say.
Eventually you spoke up, 'Can... can I ask you something?' You asked hesitantly.
Stolas, seeing the mood shift, leaned forward, responding with 'of course you can... what is it?'
You took a moment, placing your mouth behind your balled fist, 'I just... I just want to know... What is this?' You asked somberly.
That took him off guard, 'I, uh... I thought this was a date,' he tried to lighten the mood.
You did smile at that, but it was short lived, the sombre look returning.
'No... I mean like, you and me. What is this?' You asked him.
Stolas found himself at a loss.
What were you?
This was a date, wasn't it? So that would make you a potential couple? But he was already married... so, what the hell did that make you?
He sat there for longer than he'd like without an answer, before he felt he just had to say something. 'I don't... I don't know.' He told you honestly.
'I mean, this is a date? And I uh...' He didn't know were to go.
Out of options, he decided to do something that hadn't gone the best for him lately, but with you he felt it would be his best course to take.
He was gonna go with his gut.
'I want there to be something.' He told you, 'You make me feel like... like I deserve to be loved. Like I can be loved... Something I haven't felt in quiet a while.'
'I haven't felt like I really deserve anything in... Hell.... Decades?' He was tearing up now, his voice thick with emotion, 'I don't know if I deserve love, (Y/N).'
'I only ever seem to end up hurting the people I care about.' Tears formed in his eyes, the owl gripped his head, 'Lately I feel like a curse. Like I can only bring pain and misery to those around me... and after what I've done, I can't help but feel I deserve it.'
He looked up at you, a little smile across his face, 'But you... you make me feel like... like someone cares about me... Like someone cares about what I want. And you don't want anything from me... your not just using me as a means to an end... You care about me.' He was shaking now, a gentle tear sliding down his cheek.
He sat there for a moment, on the brink of tears, just as he felt you grab his hand.
Looking down he found you gently grasping his hand. You slowly inspected it, gently running your fingers along the long slender digits.
'You know...' you began, unease in your voice. 'I had no idea what I was doing, that first time.'
'I wanted to cheer you up, make you smile.' You let out a little chuckle, 'And as cliché as it might sound, I could tell you just wanted someone to love you, to make you feel something.' you smiled up at him.
'I knew you needed some kind of affection and I... I couldn't just let you sit there, drowning in despair. So I did it, I gave you the love you needed' You told him, your voice getting a little unbalanced.
You looked up at him, your throat tightening and voice becoming shaky, 'And if after that first time together... I after what we did... you had said you wanted to just pretend like nothing happened. I would have accepted it. I could have accepted that.' You told him firmly.
'Theres so much misery around me, so many suffering for no real reason. So if I could make you happy, even for just a moment. I'd be happy.' A smile spreading across your face.
'I don't know what's gonna happen next.' You told him. 'And I don't know what's gonna happen next.'
Your voice grew firmer, as did your resolve. 'But I wanna get closer to you and you wanna get closer to me. So how's about we just... see where this goes?' You asked him.
Stolas was a little shocked, 'You... you'd really do that, just give it a shot, to be with me?' He asked incredulously.
You just nodded your head, a little smile across your face, 'I... I wanna be with you Stolas, if that's alright with you?' You asked almost playfully.
Stolas couldn't help but laugh, vigorously nodding his head, 'Yes, Yes, a thousand times Yes.' He told you getting to his feet.
His emense height allowing him to lean over the table, locking you into a passionate kiss.
The Owl couldn't help it, he pressed into the kiss, so much so he was scared he might hurt your lips.
But he just couldn't help it, he was feeling such passion right now, all he could think to do was get as close to you as possible.
Hey Hey. Doing some old stories now. I've got so many requests I think I'll just relax a little, do them at my own pace.
This is the 5th part of my series Here's the link to my other chapters
so check that out. I'm gonna be doing some more of my own original works lately, but feel free to leave a request, just don't expect me to get to it any time soon. Any way, hope you enjoyed the story. Bye Bye.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
a/n: im a seijoh stan and theyre my little plant babies
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
this is so long oml i hate myself
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theyre an actual boy band istg
lets be honest, they probably thought you were just another oikawa fangirl
they thought you just wanted to be closer to their captain bc you were another delusional girl who wanted to live out her fantasies
lmao im not trying to be salty
but when you just stared blankly at oikawa tooru after he called you a beautiful flower,
stageplay hinata calling you a mugwort
the team just about threw themselves on your feet
tbh you werent really there to get a boyfriend or for oikawa
you just needed an after school club and the other teams already had managers
the only sport that didnt was the boys volleyball team
imagine why
you were actually a little wary, since you knew of oikawa, being a first year yourself, and you were aware of his psycho fangirls who could probably kill you
but you needed a club that would last you for the next 3 years to graduate
it was kunimi who actually recommended being a manager
you were in his class and you noticed him sleeping in the morning so you gave him your energy bar
you shrugged and smiled
thats why he tolerated you more than others
you were nice and you were the only one who noticed his tiredness, even the teacher left him alone, and did something about it
sometimes, you even gave him an energy drink
‘can you tell me why youve been so tired lately? i dont think ive seen you wake up until lunch’
he opened the snack and started munching while replying
‘early morning practice for volleyball is still a big adjustment. our captain demands us to be there 6 in the morning sharp and if we’re even a minute late, we’d have to run laps. like for every minute youre late, you have to run those amount’
oh my why is kunimi talking so much
but i love kunimi and first year seijoh boys rights in this household is valid
you furrowed your eyebrows
‘but yall are still growing and you need all your sleep. if i were there, id yell at your captain’
he grinned slightly, imagining your short height beating up their captain
‘meh. you want to be our manager? i saw you looking at the clubs board yesterday and we dont have one so you could take the opportunity and beat him up then’
ofc you agreed bc kunimi was best boi and you just wanted him to have enough sleep for once
after class, he waited for you to finish packing up and when you finished, yall left the classroom
until another guy with a spiky hairstyle joined you and you noticed him as the guy who sometimes came over to eat lunch with kunimi
‘oh, hello l/n-san’
you smiled gently
‘drop the formalities, kindaichi-kun. its only fair.’
he nodded before walking beside kunimi
‘kindaichi, l/n might be our new manager’
the onion head excitedly looked at you
‘really?! yes! so we dont have to fill our bottles ourselves anymore!’
kunimi glared at him and slapped his stomach
‘shes our manager, not our maid’
you laughed but placed an arm on him
‘its okay. i was a manager for my middle school volleyball team so i know a little bit about being one’
the two shared a look
god, they really hit the jackpot
as yall walked closer to the gym, you noticed the big pile of girls huddling at the corner
kunimi sighed
‘l/n, ill warn you ahead of time of our captain. hes kinda,,,, too much’
but you flashed him a smile
‘hes not the first one ive handled’
oml player-chan!!!
so when you opened the door and entered the gym and oikawa hit you with his normal antics, you just stared at him
‘okay and?’
hanamaki and mattsun howled before rushing to you and grabbing you in a hug
‘girls like her really exist!!’
you gave kunimi and kindaichi a signal of help and they nodded before gently prying the senpais off of you
‘senpai, please’
you gave kunimi a grateful nod
coach irihata went up to you bc wow, kunimi has a friend with of another gender?
‘how can we help you, miss?’
‘im l/n y/n, first year, and id like to apply as the manager’
internally, the coach sighed bc you werent the first one to apply
the reason they havent had a manager for years was bc of oikawa’s fangirls hiding themselves under that false facade
but he saw you brush off that comment oikawa make with no hint of fluster or blush on your face so he decides to give you a trial run, in guise of seeing if you could handle these chaotic boys
‘do you have any experience as manager? or do we need to teach you the ropes?’
‘i was a manager for 3 years in my middle school volleyball’
he nodded
‘ill give you one month. a trial run of a month to test the waters’
you agreed and your trial run began
kunimi mentioned that morning practice starts at 6 am sharp so you set your alarm for 5 to get ready and get to school on time before the boys
you remembered how to set up the nets so you quickly put them out (using a step stool bc we short) and ran to get the basket of balls
their water bottles were filled and you were in the middle of lugging the big basket of towels when the third years entered
the 4 of them usually came earlier than the rest so they saw you dragging the basket of fresh towels and wipe your sweat before smiling at the work youve done
iwa was so happy bc it was usually him who did this stuff and now that he had someone do it for him, it was like a god-send
oikawa’s eyes shone and he waved at you
‘yohoo, y/n-chan!’
you cringed at the loud voice of the famous oikawa tooru
‘hello, oikawa-san’
he chuckled at your politeness before hugging you
‘you did all this for us? youre so cute, y/n-chan!’
instead of the normal blush and love-struck eyes, you were actually very uncomfortable of the sudden skinship and you quickly ran to the side when iwa hit him at the head
‘shittykawa! leave her alone!’
makki and mattsun stood next to you as the boys did their usual fight
‘is this all an act or are you really not attracted to oikawa?’
mattsun shot him a surprised look bc why was he so straightforward
but you just shrugged
‘hes cute, i admit. but ive seen much cuter and the boys in my middle school team was basically full of him so,,, and i hate guys who think theyre all that just bc theyre blessed w a pretty face. if anything, ill probably go for iwaizumi-san’
pop off S I S T E R!!!
you just won the heart of these two
slowly but surely, they all came to accept you and iwa straight out loves you bc you maintained this routine for the whole month of your trial run
and you still remained indifferent of oikawa’s advances and he was even impressed and slightly agitated that you werent paying attention to him
‘y/n-chan, one date! just one!’
you huffed before looking up from your clipboard
‘i like men, oikawa-san. not boys’
that comment made the guys shriek
‘y/n-chan! youre just a first year! you dont need a man!’
‘youre not a man, oikawa!’
you left oikawa to be tormented by his teammates and went to go and hand over the report to the coach
he was impressed by the notes you made bc they were ones he even missed
like the split-second of hesitation that kindaichi usually has that goes unnoticed but you immediately saw
or the wince oikawa has whenever he so much as jumps an inch
you could even tell the difference between iwa’s spike and if he was being easy or he was going full-out
this added on to the fact that the boys loved you and irihata actually saw kunimi try more 
but he thinks its only to earn your praises
‘y/n, youre officially the team manager’
yall celebrated at the normal hang-out spot which was the ramen shop and it truly shocked you at how much these boys ate
granted, this was the first time you ate together but you didnt expect them to eat nearly 5 bowls each
you could only finish 2 and you already feel like throwing up
‘honestly, how do you guys not gain weight after this?’
the table you sat at, iwa, kindaichi, mattsun, and kunimi, looked at you and shrugged
‘i work out’
‘i run’
‘i fast’
‘i poop it out’
lmao im sorry i cackled too hard at this
you stared blankly at mattsun’s answer who said it so seriously that you snorted a laugh
they watched you and your laughter bc you havent really expressed yourself as much 
so they made it their goal to see you laugh more
‘y/n-chan! you need to eat more!’
oikawa shouted, clearly food drunk, but you shook your head aggressively
‘i only planned to eat one bowl but he just had to shove another down my throat’
‘but you need to grow, y/n-chan!’
‘i want to grow taller! not wider!!’
As a manager:
oh boy
you basically grew into kinda their mom
‘oikawa-san! you need to rest your knee or youre going to hurt yourself! i will drag you home myself!’
‘kunimi, if you try to get this one more spike, i’ll buy you a bag of those caramel bites you like’
‘iwa-san! if you hit oikawa-san too much, youll destroy the little braincells he has!’
‘yahaba-san, nice dump!’
‘is your knee okay, watari-san?’
yall really forget that watari and yahaba exist sometimes smh
it was part of the work
keeping up with seijoh
so to keep them encouraged, you gave them praises that they always demand for and they always turn to you whenever they did something good
mattsun gives you a look whenever he blocks iwa’s spikes and you give kindaichi a head pat whenever he blocks some too
bc of how you are with them, sometimes, they forget that you are actually just a first year
they get shocked whenever you walk in with kunimi and kindaichi and talk about the current homework bc it slips their mind that their hard-working manager was actually just a 15-year-old girl
so, they try to ease the burden whenever they can
like iwa offering to help you whenever you have to take their jerseys to the laundrymat
or offering to help you with your assignments since theyve only been through it once
more like watari, yahaba, and iwa bc the matsuhana are clueless and acts like they completely skipped that grade
oikawa’s fangirls ltr dont leave you alone!!!
now, its known that youre the manager of the volleyball team bc oikawa has boasted about your efforts and such
this obvs ticked off a bunch of girls bc they were jealous that you got to spend more time in a single practice with their precious oikawa-senpai than they have their entire lives
more than once theyve cornered you to threaten you to stay away from their senpai or youll have something coming for you
you never take them seriously bc you can fight too and you just give them a look and push them away
but this one time
okay tea
the self-proclaimed president of the oikawa tooru fanclub, kenta miyo, cornered you at the bathroom with her other minions
you were just washing your hands and drying them off when she marched up to you and grabbed your hair before tugging it back
obviously you were surprised and shouted
‘oi! what the hell?!’
‘you slut! you need to stay away from my tooru, got it?!’
ehm what
you hissed and wrenched her arm from your hair and pushed her away
your hair was now a mess and you were fuming, already sick and tired of the torture these girls put you through
‘he belongs to himself, not you! so stop being delusional and leave me alone already!’
she signalled for the girls to hold on to you which you slapped away but they forcefully grabbed your arm while you kicked at them and struggle to get out of their hold
jesus what do these girls eat
miyo watches you struggle with a smile and cackles
‘oh? no fight anymore, little kouhai?’
you glared at her
‘i dont want to beat yall up bc id get yelled at by tooru so you need to let me go or regret it’
at the mention of his first name, her eyes widened and her face twisted and she slapped you
‘oi! respect your senpai, you brat! dont you ever say oikawa’s first name!’
your lips curled
‘oh? thats funny, because he actually told me to call him that since he wants his cute little manager to be very comfortable with him’
you achieved a feat that she has been working to get her entire high school life and miyo was not happy
‘ive been with him for 3 years and you just suddenly show up out of nowhere and call him that?! i dont think so!’
she had her hands around your neck and you gripped her arms, making her wince
but you laughed at that comment
‘heh, thats pathetic, isn’t it? here you are, my senpai, who has been vying for his attention for 3 years only to be ignored yet a mere first year, who shows up out of nowhere, has been asked to a date nearly a million times every day. that must be tough’
she shrieked at that comment and threw you on the floor, making you accidentally hit your head at the edge of the sink
yall im actually so bothered by this scene and im wincing as im typing
you bit your lip to prevent any sound of pain to escape bc you knew thats what she wanted to hear from you
but you werent going to give her the satisfaction
instead, you looked up at her, hatred swirling in your eyes
‘youre freaking psycho, you know that? once tooru and hajime knows about this, theyre going to give you hell. they wont ever let this go bc im the manager of their prized team and their little baby sister. so go ahead, do what you want with me. bc i paid too much for these nails to be tainted by dirt like you’
saiyo, a girl you noticed to be watari’s classmate when you went and visited him, nervously tugged on miyo’s jacket
‘miyo, we should go-’
and she poured over a carton of banana milk over you, making you wince at the sticky and cold liquid
the tough facade was crumbling and you were now screaming for help in your head, hoping that stupid theory from yahaba about team telepathy to work
but it didnt
when miyo and her girls left, you sat on the floor, soaked and sticky and bleeding
then you begin to cry angry tears
you were angry that you were being treated like this just bc you were a manager
you were angry that you let them do that to you
you were angry that you prized your nails more than punching her square in the nose
you were just angry
staggering on your own feet, you stood up and leaned on the sink, eyes widening at the dripping red liquid from the gash on your forehead, staining the porcelain sink
you were stupid and unconsciously touched it making you wince 
‘shit, that hurts’
you whined quietly
there was little you can do with toilet paper and water to clean yourself up but you managed to at least stop the bleeding
you knew you had to be put on concussion protocol just in case bc you that hit was quite hard but at the moment, that wasnt your concern
practice has already started and this was the first time you werent present for daily practice
this was confirmed at the constant buzzing of your phone in your skirt pocket which you didnt listen to and instead, started thinking of ways to go to your locker and get your stuff and fake being sick but at the same time, not be seen and relayed to the team
time was ticking and you had to come up with a plan fast before oikawa will send the team to come looking around the building for you
once you looked at your reflection and smiled big, you decided it was enough to not show the pain you were in right now
girl im hurting for you
you peeked out of the bathroom door and saw the coast was clear so you quickly ran to your classroom, which was thankfully empty, and quickly grabbed your things
but as you were packing up, the tears just kept falling
it didnt stop as you bolted down the stairs, using your cardigan to hide your face from the public
once you were safely out of school grounds, you finally took out your phone and reviewed through all the worried and concerned texts from the team group chat
but you just replied, ‘im fine but i just feel really sick right now. girl stuff’
you smirked, knowing that would keep the boys away
but oikawa had to go and ask you to call him
‘y/n-chan! do you want oikawa-senpai to come over with chocolates and ice cream?! wings or no wings?!’
your jaw dropped at the question and clearly scandalized by the question
the team was too as shouting began and you could faintly hear iwa scream, ‘oh my god, shittykawa!’
‘im seriously okay, oikawa-san. i just need to be alone right now and ill try and get some sleep. good bye’
then you hung up
there was no way you could tell them
they were in their last year anyways so doing something about it wouldnt matter
and you were strong 
but apparently not strong enough to fight them off though
you would cover the wound with concealer and continue on with practice tomorrow as if everything was normal
but there was only so much you could take
just yesterday, they trashed your locker and a week ago, they took your bento and threw it away
you even got into a fight with this one girl but she scampered away, too scared to do anything alone
so you were actually just tired and want everyone to leave you alone
believe me, youve thought of quitting sometimes
but youve actually created a bond with these boys
like when you take hanamaki to get cream puffs whenever he loses against iwa in arm wrestling
or when yahaba calls you at ungodly hours to express his worries for next year and to fill oikawa’s shoes
it was simple moments that you shared with each player that kept you from not leaving
soon, you found yourself crying again and the looks pedestrians were giving you was starting to make you uncomfortable
a girl, with her gross hair in a bun, puffy eyes with a bleeding wound and walking down the street
that was a sight
so you cut a corner to an alley by your house to escape from the judging eyes and you were too busy wiping your eyes to see a boy who was crouched down on the floor and ended up walking over him
omg my baby kyoken hello luv!!!!
you gasped and you were surprised and quickly apologized
kyotani was originally about to yell at you, no matter what, but he saw the state you were in and concluded you were either from a fight or was beaten up
he recognized that and decided to just glare at you and go back to feeding the stray dogs and cats
you breathed a sigh in relief when he didnt yell at you bc that wouldve been the last thing you needed today
‘sir, im sorry for hitting you. if there is something i could do for you, dont hesitate’
he ignored you and you focused on him paying attention to the strays
going into your backpack, you had a milk carton and a sausage stick from earlier
you used your thermos lid to serve as the milk bowl for the cats while you peeled open the meat and used your scissors to cut chunks of it for the dogs to have some
kyotani watched as you went into action to feeding the animals that people usually ignored
he knew you
well, he recognized you
when he watched from the top of the gym, he saw you as their manager who ran around and helped everyone
sure, he still didnt trust you 
but he watched you grin and smile as the animals started to eat
‘im in a hurry right now so i have to go but ill feed you again tomorrow, okay? you too, stranger-san. ill bring food for you too’
then you stood up and ran away, probably in a hurry to fix that wound
he wouldve offered to treat it for you but he remained silent, watching the cats mewl at the now empty lid
the next day, oikawa was worried for you and when he saw you at early morning practice, he practically glomped to your side
‘y/n-chan! you okay?! oikawa-senpai was so worried for you!’
you cringed but nodded
‘im okay, oikawa-san’
‘senpai, y/n-chan! call me senpai!’
‘im not going to feed into your kink, oikawa-san’
*cue everyone busting a lung*
to this day, no one still knew what happened to you
you kept it quiet and you were sure you got everything handled
except for one person
kyotani was smart and for some reason he knew you got beat up by the fangirls and the perpetrators were easily found bc he saw them huddled around your locker, probably trashing it again, and lets just say, 
no one is def going to mess w you now
back to manager moments!!
during practice matches, the boys rally around you to prevent other teams from sweet-talking you
they make sure no one gets past them and always have excuses to get your attention
you knew what they were doing but you pretended not to, heart warming at their protectiveness and hunger for your attention
even though you have your own jacket, the team gives you theirs all the time like oikawa has his special team jacket w his name at the back and when he feels threatened by schools like johzenji, he makes you wear it
‘youre mine, y/n-chan and i want that blondie to know’
‘ehm, no, oikawa-san. im iwaizumi-san’s’
oikawa screamed
lmao training camps w them is CHAOTIC
reminder: threaten to quit everytime they get too much
your hugs are the best!!!!
you have a special hug for every player
oikawa gets his favorite which was the normal arm around the waist with your arms around his neck while he snuggles in your neck
iwa gets flustered easily so you hug him from behind so you cant see his flustered look
mattsun actually likes the jumping in the air so he catches you type of hug
makki is more tame and has his arms around your shoulder with his chin on your head
yahaba is the twirly kind where he just picks you up and swings you around
watari also gets flustered easily so he likes the one-arm hugs
kindaichi gets blushy at the slightest touch from you but he gives you a hug from behind you himself where he can bury his face in your hair while you caress his arms
kunimi, now he likes it when you squeeze him extremely tight bc it makes him feel loved and feel alive
kyo doesnt even talk to you what makes you think you can give him a hug
their lost for shiratorizawa really broke them though
you made them their own bentos for nearly a week to keep them encouraged and gave oikawa extra attention to keep him from sulking or practicing late
‘oikawa-senpai, lets go watch that new movie later’
then the arrival of our baby kyoken
yahaba was moody the whole practice and you were currently trying to keep him from spiking a ball to someone
‘even just today, he’s late’
‘that stupid dog’
he just keeps mumbling and grunting
and then the said dog arrived
you peaked out from behind iwaizumi, who protectively went in front of you
shock ran through you and you pointed at him
lmao puppy what
youve called him that since he refused to tell you his name, but you call him that bc he paid special attention to this one baby beagle
he raised a hand in greeting and you gave him a smile
‘youre a player here, too?!’
he ‘glared’ at you but nodded stiffly
the team really thought that he would lash out at you but he is surprisingly tolerant
the power of the manager
he still hasnt talked to you but he does respond to you and even helps you with chores, still not talking ofc
hes so tsun tsun and he deserves my heart yall
however, youve heard him talk to iwaizumi, and iwaizumi only, so youve heard his voice before
ngl, you were flustered by how gruff and deep it was
then their loss to karasuno
bruh, it was KARASUNO
the entire team fell apart and after the match, each of them ran away from you to stop lashing out
you were also on the verge of crying, seeing the broken look on your third years
your precious third years
you decided to give them their own space but you heard a loud banging sound from the bathroom
yahaba and watari were outside, clearly trying to talk to someone in there on coming out but it got louder
okay you were lowkey like, ‘hm, i should not be here’
but you recognized that voice
you knocked at the boys door to be respectful
‘kyo-san? its me, y/n’
he was silent but he did unlock it
you took this as a sign to enter and you gave yahaba and watari a smile
‘i’ll be fine. go to kindaichi and kunimi. they need your comfort right now’
tbh, you were surprised the bathroom was still intact but you saw the stall door at the very end being rattled and shaken
you remained by the door but you wanted to go to him
‘kyo-san, please come out so i can treat your injuries’
he expected you to say those words like ‘its okay’ or ‘theres always next year’ but you didnt
instead, you knew he was hurt and wanted to help him
he continued to give a few punches to the wall and the door before emerging
you wordlessly treated the wounds and offered your hand
‘im here, kyo-san. dont worry, im right here’
at the ramen shop, you told them to eat as much as they want and wordlessly gave them your card, slightly crying inside bc you know this was going to be like over a hundred dollars
but you were treating the boys bc they deserved it
you sat beside kindaichi, who was just sobbing and apologizing, so you were wiping his tears and holding his hand under the table
this precious babie
bruh i was sobbing when i watched this part like uuggghhhh
after dinner, you walked with the other third years, knowing they would go to the gym, so you gave everyone else your special hugs before sending them home
‘text me when you arrive safely, okay?’
‘yes, mom’
oikawa’s speech made you cry bc despite only knowing them for not even a year, you already feel like a family
you didnt want your family to be broken but you knew they would all go their separate ways eventually
there was a big hug pile of third years on the side where you took a picture and sent it to the group chat
you had to eventually go home after helping them clean up and when you checked your phone, a fresh batch of tears rolled down
each from every person on the team but with the same sentence and same words
‘we love you, l/n y/n. thanks for everything.’
ngl i dont think this was that good and its like 8 in the morning and im extremely tired
i want to do karasuno, nekoma, and fukurodani but im so exhausted i cannot right now
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himbowashington · 3 years
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Part 4: Claiming the Archangel Michael
Part 3:
(ALRIGHT YOUVE ALL WAITED LONG ENOUGH! Back by popular demand the fourth installment Michael and his gift reader fic again thank you to everyone who’s liked reblogged or showed interest in this series or in my writing in general. I truly appreciate each and every one of you! I just wanted to remind everyone to feel free to send me any requests or fic ideas my inbox is always open and i’ll do my best to accommodate you and as always let me know what you think if you’d like more of this series and if you’d like to help out a starving artist my Ko-fi link is in my bio if you feel so inclined Thank you and now back to your previously scheduled program! Let the sinning begin😈😈😈😈)
-You’re both silent as you walk the rest of the short journey to your apartment the air tense between the two of you
-Michael keeps glancing at you but will quickly look away when ever you catch him, fidgeting nervously
-your hands shake as you take out your key to open your apartment. Michael notices and takes your hand in his to steady it, turning the key in the lock. You gasp slightly at the contact and you can feel rather than see him tense
-the next few moments feel like a lifetime as you wait for the door to click open before you’re both stumbling into the apartment.
-you’ve got michael by his tie pulling him along with you, though he doesn’t seem to mind in fact it grounds him in a comforting way
-He closes the gap between you and the kiss almost sears you with the force it. You wrap your hand around his tie a few more times to solidify your grip and Michael smiles deliciously against your mouth he makes a noise somewhere between and hum and a growl before speaking. “Oh, you are perfect, aren’t you?” he says pulling back slightly to look at you adoringly. You give him a smirk. “you have no idea.” You reply pulling his tie closer to force him back forward slightly. “I’d love to find out.” He replies and you laugh fondly. So quick witted, so Michael, you think to yourself pulling him forward for another kiss before pulling away.
-The archangel Michael whines, literally whines at the loss of contact, looking doe eyed and confused back down at you scanning, waiting. Enough with the waiting, you think to yourself as you begin to step backwards towards your bedroom pulling him along with you. You stop when you feel the bed against the back of your knees. Something about the movement seems to sober Michael up slightly, as a nervous look passed over his face. “Are you sure? me?” You laugh, but in a broken sad kind of way as you look back at this beautiful man, this archangel, who thinks he is nothing. “Of course I am.” you breath out, and in one swift move you spin him around and push lightly on his chest, releasing his tie to let him fall back on the bed.
At that moment he winces, and you remember oh shit his shoulder. You hurry to him again, apologizing profusely. “Michael, I’m so sorry. I- shit I didn’t even think about-“ before you can finish your sentence you find yourself flipped upside down in the bed beside Michael, who sports a mischievous grin on his face. You laugh again, hitting him lightly. “Bastard.” He places a kiss to your nose in a gesture that is heart achingly sweet, “it worked didnt it?” “For now” You reach forward to start helping him out of his shirt but are stopped by his hand which knocks your out of the way gently.
“Michael, what’s wrong with you talk to me.” You say dodging insistent kisses before he pulls back frustrated. “Cant you just- Can’t I just pretend to be normal just for a few minutes- just for this.” he says desperately and your world tilts off its axis. “Michael you are normal.” “No, I am not. I’m- I my body is not like my twins. It’s-“ he pauses for a few moments blinking away tears. “It’s broken.” he finished hanging his head. You want to cry and scream and hold him all at the same time but you go with the last option saddling up to his side.
“Michael..” you call softly frowning as he continues to stare at the ground. You crawl into his lap forcing him to look at you, taking his head gently in your hands. “Michael, -“ you pause as he looks up at you eyes full of tears and pain and suffering and you pause just from the sorrow you see in his eyes. “You are perfect. You. not your brother, not his body. Your body. Michael, you are my guardian angel, you are strong and you have been through a lot, but neither you nor your body is broken.” You say quietly, running your hands soothingly through his hair. He exhales slowly, eyes closing for a moment. “Michael, I want you. I want to be with you. The way you are.” His eyes snap open. “I don’t deserve it.” He breathes out, shakily. “Who said anything about deserving.” you reply and you rejoice at seeing him crack a smile. “I - don’t want to disappoint you.” He says honestly and your heart breaks for him.
You gently reach your hand forward at a slow pace towards his shoulder, giving Michael plenty of time to pull back but this time he remains still. You make contact, and he gasps slightly and you lock eyes monitoring his reaction. After a moment you shift to slip your hand underneath the collar of his shirt to touch the bare skin underneath., you can feel the elaborate scarring of his shoulder, a constant reminder to both of you of what he’s been through. You squeeze ever so lightly at the edge of his shoulder reassuringly, “Just be you.”
It is that moment, that exact moment, that Michael falls deeply, eternally, and irrevocably in love with you and realizes that he belongs to you always and forever no matter what happens. He will always belong to you. You’re seared onto his heart like a brand but one that he wears with absolute pride. He is yours and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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intersex-support · 2 years
ive tried to send an ask a couple times and im not sure if its being eaten by tumblr or something so sorry if youve gotten smth similar a bunch ^^;
but i guess in short my question is am i able to use the term intersex to describe myself if i have several reasons to think that im intersex (several hormonal signs and apparently my genitals dont look dyadic) but im not 100% sure of anything?
Tricky question that comes down to whether or not you feel like it would be helpful to you, because it is up to you.
I would say yes, because even if no official labels exist for your body, there are still a large amount of body variations that exist which aren’t well studied. If you have several reasons to think you are intersex and dyadic just does not work for you, intersex would definitely be appropriate and a lot of people find more specifics later into identifying as intersex.
It’s okay to not be sure, and it may be difficult to diagnose (either self or medical doctor), but intersex can be a label that brings comfort and connects you to other people, which can lead to a better understanding of yourself and your body.
I think I might have seen your ask but it either got eaten or it’s so far down that we’re having a hard time keeping up, I hope you didn’t have to wait too long though! There’s no need to be sorry.
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 4 years
Visiting Yuji in Tokyo
“yuji x reader where she was childhood friends with yuji and its basically the friends to lover sort of thing? and basically reader is visiting tokyo and meets up with yuji for the first time in months?? bonus if gojo and megumi are there :)”-anon
Damn its either super short or long no inbetween huh? Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted! Some of the characters are little ooc (when are they not when i write them-).This turned out much much longer than it needed to be
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You and Yuji have known each other since kindergarten
He’s such a sweet kid its always really fun to hang out with him
You guys play lots of video games together and are basically inseparable
Constantly reading manga or watching anime its great
Your parents disapproved of you hanging out with a dude all the time but you could care less
Why should you only be friends with your own gender? Thats so stupid
You always wondered about why yuji had such great strength and speed but he says he was just born that way
Hes just built different
Around middle school his grandpa’s health had dropped and was moved to the hospital
You did your best to make sure yuji stayed in good spirits and often visited the older itadori with him
He’s not the best at wording things but hes always there for emotional support
Maybe it was around 7th grade you noticed something was different around yuji
Like he himself hasn’t changed but whenever you look at him your heart just melts
Your thoughts or compliments seem more filled with love for him and thats when you realized you started to fall for him
Thinking the crush would go away you didn’t act much on it
Oh what a fool you were
Around 8th grade yuji had started acting kinda weird around you
He’d be much more easy to fluster and tenses up for a second if you ever make contact
You confronted him about it and cue the very awkward and middle school like confession
“I really like you!
You were so happy you confessed back and said that the only reason you didn’t before was because you feared to ruin your friendship
He says even if he somehow didn’t like you back that something like that wouldn’t effect anything
From then on you guys are such a wholesome couple
All the cuddles
No fancy dates just casual arcade or movie sort of things
His grandpa gave him a hard time but approved of your relationship
Throughout 8th grade summer and the beginning of highschool everything was going great
But a few months into highschool lots of things happened
Yuji’s grandpa had passed away, he and his friends in the exorcist(?) club had gotten hurt and after that night he had weird markings on his cheeks right below his eyes
And to top it all off now he was supposedly moving to tokyo??
“Yuji why are you moving away? My parents would gladly take you in you know”
He tells you he can’t explain why which breaks your heart
“Who are you staying with then??” he stops for a second and it pains him to lie to you. “A distant relative of mine, he works at a private school and thats where i will be going from now on.”
“But what about us?”
And so you guys decided to do a long distance relationship
Every night when you can you call and chat for hours
But thats not enough
You want to be held or hold him, you want to just cuddle or atleast be in the same room
It pains you to have a relationship through a screen and you grow respect for those who do
Trust isn’t an issue since you know yuji wouldnt even think to cheat at all
Probably doesnt even know what the word means
But after a few months you decide to go to tokyo for a few days
With the help of your parents you rent a room in a hotel and head there
Were just gonna pretend your parents are super super chill(and slightly uncaring like my parents would never let me) and lets you go to a whole city by yourself for several nights
You were super nervous and excited
Its your first time visiting a huge city like tokyo and its gonna be the first time you see yuji in months
Itadori was super excited that you were in tokyo
So excited that he got lost trying to head to the hotel you were staying at
After an extra hour you guys finally meet
He walks through the hotel lobby doors and gives a smile and a wave
In an instant you tackle him in a hug which he GLADLY hugs back in
After just holding each other for a while he decides to show you around
Hes still clearly learning the area himself but he’s very excited to show what he does know
“The place over here makes amazing sushi! Oh! And over here they sell little action figures! Oh oh and over here the steak is kinda bad but its cheap so its worth it! And-” you could only smile as he pointed in random directions with one hand, the other was busy holding yours
Buying food from a bunch of random vendors and wearing silly getups you guys take loads of pictures
Tons of hugs and cheek kisses
Yes its frowned upon to be touchy and stuff in public in japan but honestly you guys could care less
The sun was setting and you guys were currently sitting at a park munchkin on some crepes when you turn to him
“Yuji, do you think i could visit who your staying with? I’d hate to impose but i just wanna know if your in good hands”
His chewing pauses
Its not like he didn’t want you tell about jujutsu
But he doesn’t want you to be apart of that world, he wants you to stay as safe as possible with no harm ever headed your ways
With him being a vessel for sukuna gojo had told him that he and his friends could potentially be targeted
Theres a reason sorceres put up cloaks when engaging in battles and its so normal civilians can continue living in peace without the knowledge these monstrosities actually exist
“Mm its a bit sudden and he’s out on a mis-er meeting right now so maybe tomorrow?” he says
You frown, you can tell he’s lying but he wouldn’t do it without a reason
“Fine. But Yuji. Just know that if you ever feel unsafe or want to come back your more than welcome too. There will always be a spot for you at my home” you say hugging him
You both kinda forgot you were holding crepes and when you pulled away from each other laughed as the ice cream and sauce was smeared all over your shirts/jackets
He walks you back to the hotel and says goodnight with a kiss
The next two days went by in a flash
Just spending time with itadori, even if it was just sitting in silence has been the most fun youve had in months
He had showed you many places and has boughten many small trinkets for you to remember
Your phone has grown about 300 photos just from the past couple days with him
It was about midday of your final day in tokyo and so you both wanted to make the best of it
You both where sitting inside a cafe exchanging stories and just chatting when suddenly two people walked in the cafe
One was very tall and had spiked up white hair and was wearing a blindfold, and the other had spiky/messy black hair
You didn’t think much of it at first but did question the blindfold
‘A fashion choice?’
Turning your attention back to yuji you gave him a soft smile as you listened to his ramblings about a manga
“I love you” you said cutting him off
Immediately his face turned red and whatever he was just saying turned into stuttering nonsense
Before he could respond he let out a short yell when someone placed a hand on his shoulder
It was the two dudes who walked in from earlier
“So this is what you’ve been doing.” “Fushiguro! Gojo sensei!”
The shorter one who looks yuji’s age started talking about how it wasn’t good to turn his phone on mute and go out the whole day
The tall one gives you a wave
“Sorry to interrupt your date but we gotta take yuji away for a bit” he says grabbing yuji’s collar
“Wait who are you guys?” you ask and they pause to give short introductions
“Fushiguro Megumi.” “Gojo Satoru, nice to meet ya miss girlfriend” “How did you know??” Yuji says making gojo laugh
“Its pretty obvious, you didn’t do much of a job hiding it” he says pulling yuji a little bit more.
“O-Oh im L/n Y/n, nice to meet you” you say realizing you forgot to introduce yourself
As the three chatted along with each other, you sat in silence as you tried to remember where you heard gojo’s name from
‘Oh yeah, he’s the one who yuji described as his relative. Even if it was really fast since he tends to change subjects whenever i ask’
“Wait Gojo? White hair...blind fold..are you Yuji’s relative?” you ask making both of them pause
They both turn towards yuji who gave a sheepish smile
“Thats me, im his mothers little cousin” Gojo said, a very quick and random asspull
“So why does he call you Gojo-sensei instead of uncle…Satoru?” “Well if im his moms cousin that would make me his cousin once removed wouldn’t it? And he calls me sensei since im a teacher at a school he goes to”
“And what about you?” you ask the other boy
“A classmate.” he says in a very short and uninterested tone
“Welp lets go” Gojo says dragging yuji but he quickly resists
“Wait wait! Sensei can i please stay? Today is her last day here and i don’t know when i will be able to see her again”
The teacher and student stares at each other for a long time
You have literally no clue what the blindfolded man could but thinking its so hard to read him
Then again you just met him so
Gojo sighs and lets go of yuji
“Just this once, and only because im the greatest sensei you’ve ever had. Lets go megumi. See ya miss girlfriend” gojo says walking away with a wave
Megumi looks surprised but follows him “really?” “Yeah yeah its fine, its only a couple of grade 3’s anywa…” as their voices faded when they left the building you gave yuji a look
“Are you going to get in trouble?” “im probably going to die in training…” “huh?” “nothin”
The rest of the day you guys hang out and its mmm
Yuji would be such a good boyfriend hes so wholesome
When its time for you to part he give you a big hug, kiss and ‘i love you’
You do the same and tear up a bit
With one final photo you head back to your home town
You make it a mission to visit tokyo more often and yuji tries to visit you whenever he can from then on
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