#soulmate rules
braveclementine · 3 months
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
1. Yes, you could date someone that isn't your soulmate. But it would be for 'practice' purposes. You can hold hands, hug, kiss, even give each other orgasms if you really wanted to, even have sex- but with possible consequences.
2. Having a baby with someone you're not soulmated to will result in the child being either sick or growing up to be evil (got the idea from the wizarding world where if a parent is under a love potion or spell, then the child grows up with zero emotions- aka Tom Riddle)
3. Yes, normal kids under soulmate bonds can still be sick or evil, it's just a guarantee if the baby isn't under soulmate parents it will be sick or evil.
4. You can have sex outside of the marriage/bonding ceremony, but the bond is stronger is you wait to have sex after the ceremony
5. By taking a trait from your soulmate doesn't mean your soulmate loses that trait. It just becomes a part of you. It also doesn't mean that since you're bonded to all of these superheroes you get their powers. For example, if you had been bonded to Peter Parker, you might suddenly find yourself being a little happier since that kid runs on enthusiasm.
6. You do not wait to have all of your soulmates before you get married. Obviously, Tony and Stephen didn't wait, nor did Steve, Bucky, and Sam wait for you before they bonded.
7. Your soulmate can only feel pain that is directly applied to their soulmate line
8. Not everyone shares the same soulmates. For example, Wanda is soulmated to Vision. Elizabeth is soulmated to Vision. Vision is soulmated to Wanda and Elizabeth. But Elizabeth and Wanda are not soulmated to each other. Likewise, Wanda and Vision are not soulmated to Pietro or Hogun, only Elizabeth is. However, because of their shared soulmate bonds, Wanda and Vision will gain some sort of trait from Hogun, Pietro, Jessie, Katherine, Sif, Fandral and Volstagg, because Pietro is bonded to Jessie and Katherine while Hogun is also bonded to Sif. And then Sif is bonded to Fandral and Volstagg as well. Yeah this rule is a bit confusing, I agree. I just like making life difficult on myself.
9. No one gets their lines until they are six months of age.
10. Left arm is for your soulmates. Right arm is your own line.
11. The person has to say their own name in proximity of you in order for you to know who your soulmate is. Their name will become a part of their line.
12. Most soulmates have at least one male, female couple even if there are multiple of the same gender in a bond so that mates can have at least two kids. It is very rare to find a pure lesbian/gay couple.
13. Most people have solid soulmate lines. Having multiple lines means that you have a lot of problems and worries in your life- aka why all superheroes have several colours. So there remains the mystery- why does Elizabeth have so many colours? And I guess Billie Eilish for that matter.
14. No- Contraceptives do not exist in this world. After all, there is no reason for you and your soulmates not to have children.
15. Adoption is rare as for some reason, if the child is not of your soulmate, or related to one of your soulmates, you don't have unconditional love for him/her. This is why the rules are so strict. Children should only stay with their soulmate parents. However, family can take care of you as well (like Aunt May and Peter Parker)
16. You could technically have sex with a soulmate of a soulmate. (Coulson and Fury could technically have sex if they wanted because Maria is a shared soulmate). Though it doesn't happen often, nothing bad will happen of it (like cursed children).
These are all of the ones that I can think about for now. Maybe updated in the future so you can come back and read this one if you need reminders of the rules. Let me know if there's still an unanswered question.
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the-narwhals-awaken · 2 years
new soulmate au
So a lot of soulmate AUs- and this is a benefit, not a flaw, saying this right off the bat so people don't get mad- end up linking people beforehand, before they meet or in some cases before they're born, even. Which is cool, it lets people have fascinating dynamics, but I was thinking about another option.
Everybody is compatible with other people in certain ways, whether romantic, platonic, familial, something else entirely, whatever. If two people get close enough, they begin to form Soulmate Bonds. The first Bond is always their truest name (as in truest to themselves, not necessarily what they were born with) inscribed someplace on the other's body. The closer people grow and the longer relationships go on, the more bonds form- the closest and longest-lasting relationships leave significant permanent marks that can grant powers to even vanilla mortals, let alone those who already have powers.
The nature of the Bonds is dependent on what the relationship is like and what they need out of it. Relationships that need to stay hidden tend to have subtler Bonds, while relationships that are flaunted tend to have flashy Bonds. People who need a constant friend get to share ink on skin, or perhaps hear voices. Sometimes it's not always wanted- somebody who hides injuries often can have those injuries marked or known to their Soulmates in some way, or perhaps it cuts through a closed-off person's defences, but it's generally seen as a blessing or at least something neutral in the aftermath.
Platonic bonds do tend to be more subtle or casual than romantic bonds, and familial ones even moreso, but all Bonds can be whatever's needed for the situation. They often can, and in the best relationships do, blend into one giant mess well enough that they can't be distinguished from each other anyhow, so people generally accept that and move on with their lives- and it's proven a lifesaver, with enough Bond differences that queer people or anyone in a forbidden relationship could claim a Bond as platonic instead of its romantic nature, or in some cases vice versa to serve as a distraction.
Casual relationships often do not form bonds- both people need to be putting intent into the relationship to form them- but at the same time, people don't always recognize the more subtle Bonds, especially if they're aligned with skills they already hold. The one type of relationship with active energy that does not form Bonds are mutually antagonistic relationships without a genuine possibility or probability of reconciliation. In this case, such a Bond would only cause more harm- bonds between rivals either form when there is enough mutual respect that they could, theoretically get along and they do not Have to fight, or because one or both needs the support to get out of their situation and the presence of their opponent will provide significant aid towards that goal.
Of course, a relationship that ends would result in a loss of Bonds if it is truly fractured. If it fades over lack of maintanance, naturally and slowly as some things do, then so too do the Bonds, fading and vanishing until the only thing left is their name, written in grey on your skin. If it breaks viciously, in a fight or disaster, the Bonds tear- leaving scars physical and metaphysical, and the name dries into the color of their dried blood. If your Soulmate dies, then the Bonds wither and their name fades to scar-white, where it functions as a faint, light scar.
I thought this could be interesting- bonds connected to relationships, but in a different way- one built rather than enforced, one that's complex and unknown and so much more complicated and allowing for the full network of human interactions to be celebrated- and perhaps, help choices be made differently.
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itsmuffiiee · 3 months
Woah.. hey everyone!! Sorry for disappearing for a bit.. good news! I have a colored version of sun I plan on posting later this month! but for now please enjoy these doodles of the sillies! Been having a rough time and thinking about them always makes me feel better!!
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“Sun- Shut up” is my personal favorite of the doodles doodle.. ‹𝟹
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arctvros · 1 year
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high school sweethearts to college fiancés
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imfinereallyy · 11 months
Dinner Date
For STWG daily drabble and, more importantly, for Goldie @steventhusiast. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world. I know you’re asleep right now, but it’s technically still your bday here. 
“Dingus, this is a really fancy restaurant.” Robin leans back in her chair, but her hand plays with the fork on her napkin. 
Steve sips his wine; some of it tips over the edge onto the tablecloth. “What? Can’t a guy take his best friend out to a fancy dinner?” He tilts his head and takes in his best friend. What was once an awkward teen now had a beautiful, but still awkward, woman in her place. 
“Steve, I love our friend dates, but usually they take place in a greasy diner or dollar pizza.” Robin picks the fork up and starts twirling it into her napkin. Steve watches her get mesmerized by the wrinkles that wrapped around the silverware, even though they both know the napkin should be in her lap by now. 
Steve smiles softly, moves his napkin from his lap to the table, and begins to mimic Robin. “Okay, maybe I wanted it to be a special occasion.”
Robin giggles at Steve's poor fork-twirling form and leans over the table to fix it for him. “All occasions are special when we are together, so that doesn’t really mean much.” Robin’s nose scrunches in concentration as she gently guides Steve’s hand. She has done this plenty of times before, guiding Steve where he needed to be. Like taking him to the bookstore near her college so he wouldn’t have to go into sex with Eddie blind, or when she taught him how to whisk eggs properly. Both are equally important skills he now uses in his everyday life. “But you seemed nervous. You keep sipping your wine, and I know for a fact that you hate dry wine.”
Steve puts down the glass that was halfway to his mouth, “It’s not my fault Moscato tastes like candy!”
Robin snorts, “Seriously, Dingus. It’s just me. What’s up?”
Steve puts down the fork and his glass and looks Robin in the eye. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man.”
Steve expects a lot of reactions out of her: excitement, an eye roll, hell, even straight-up rejection. Maybe a little speech about how weddings for them aren’t even legal. Instead, a look of betrayal crosses her face. “You asked Eddie to marry you, and you didn’t even tell me you were proposing?”
Immediately, Steve clenches his stomach in outrageous laughter, nearly having to bend over the table. Steve tries to take Robin seriously; he really does. But she is supposed to be the smart one out of the two of them. 
Rage takes over Robin completely as she reaches over the table to start slapping Steve’s arm. “Don’t laugh, you asshat! I am actually mad at you!”
“Ow—” Steve laughs. “Ow, Robin!” Another giggle escapes him as he gets her to sit back in her chair. “I’m laughing because, of course, I didn’t propose to Eddie without talking to you first.”
Robin settles a bit at this, “I’m confused.”
Steve reaches for her hand across the table; Robin doesn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his. “I’m asking you to be my Best Man first, doofus. Before I even pick out the damn ring. Which I definitely need you to steal one of Eddie’s rings for me so I can get the size; man watches those things like a hawk.” 
Robin squeezes his hand, “Wait, why would you ask me that first? Isn’t that kind of backwards.”
“I do everything kind of backwards, babe. Kinda the Steve Harrington special.” Steve rubs a thumb against the back of soulmate's hand. “Of course, I ask you about being my best man first. There would be no wedding without you, so if you say no, there would be no proposing.”
Steve could see tears beginning to fill Robin’s eyes, “What are you saying?”
“Whoever gets stuck with me gets stuck with you. We’re a package deal, babe.” 
Robin throws herself across the table, knocking the wine everywhere. Steve laughs and clenches her tightly. “Of course, I’ll be your best man! Someone’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself going down the aisle.” She sobs.
Steve’s throat gets thick, “Pretty sure that’s the father's job, Robs. And you’d have to fight Jim for that role.”
“Fine.” Robin sniffs, leaning back to look him in the eye. “But I get stand by your side as you make a complete fool of yourself with your vows.” 
Robin leans forward, placing her forehead against Steve’s. “You and me against the world, babe.”
Steve hugs her tight, “You and me against the world.”
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minty364 · 11 months
DPXDC Prompt #71
The bats have a protocol for everything including what happens when you meet your soulmate, unfortunately when your eyes meet for the first time you both cycle through the most important moments in your life and the bats obviously don’t want their secret identities revealed so they essentially kidnap them and are taken to the cave. This is a problem for Danny, he was just trying to get away after his parents vivisected him and dehumanized him to the point where he had a muzzle. Great his soulmate is a bat and he’s been kidnapped and he’s already traumatized his soulmate.
it can be any of them but I imagine Damian seeing red and getting furious at all of this. He’s getting all of his siblings together and they’re going on a murder spree, Jason approves. Danny just goes along to the cave seeing as they know his secrets as well, might as well get a hot meal and bed out of this.
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s0fter-sin · 9 months
prince!ghost and lord in waiting!soap
ghost is a warrior prince, next in line after king price and it’s always been accepted he would be the lone ruler; never one for entertaining the courts or indulging foreign rulers trying to consolidate their power. he hardly acts like a prince at all, in name only when he spends more time as a pseudo captain of the guard. price has never begrudged him that, not when he himself has been a lone king since his inauguration
though he’s a warrior prince, he’s never lost the favour of the people; many see him as a guardian even if he doesn’t interact with the people as much as benevolent and stalwart king price. who he does interact with is the kingdom’s children; always ready to bend a knee and listen to bright voices, to praise stick swords and shields or hear the plight of a struggling family. it was a common belief that if he wasn’t out protecting, then he was with the protected; face covered, blonde curls shining in the sun
soap’s always loved ghost. as his lord in waiting, it’s been his job to attend him since they were young and even as a child, he’d idolised him; his skills in battle, his surety. he thought his life would be nothing but service, clothing a brat prince and making sure his shoes shined. but ghost has proven more than that; he treats him as an equal, consults him on strategy and court politics and over time that idolisation turned into love
and ghost has always felt the same. he’d begrudged the idea of a lord in waiting, not wanting someone always in his business but then came this spitfire who never missed an opportunity to push back on him; to make him dig deeper. johnny is more than some mere servant; he’s his confidant, his best friend, his… everything. he could be simon with him, not prince ghost
but simon figures that out too late
king price gets word from king shepherd, a kingdom they’ve only recently stopped feuding with and he’s offering up his son, prince graves, as a way to bond their kingdoms together and firmly put war behind them. price is ready to deny him, he doesn’t fear war from shepherd, when he sends some ancient laws that leave him unable to refuse. he hates it, hates that he’s ruining ghost’s happiness and feels like he’s betraying his adopted son but there’s nothing he can do
graves comes to their kingdom within the month and it’s clear from the moment he walks through their gates that he’s the opposite of ghost; arrogant and conceited, his ceremonial armour glossy and untouched by battle. he’s dismissive of their servants, of their ways, of their people and ghost hates him
graves insists that the wedding happen as soon as possible, pushing the craftsmen and cooks beyond their limits to prepare and every moment ghost spends with him, the more he dreads his wedding day. every evening he retreats to his room, exhausted, and it’s all johnny can do to keep him afloat; trying to keep him positive as ghost falls away and simon breaks in his arms. he wants to whisk him away like the old tales, the pain his oldest friend and love is in making his heart ache but all he can do is promise to be there with him
but it seems graves wants to take even him away
“soap’s been my lord in waiting since we were children,” ghost protests, voice barely clinging to civility. “i wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable worker.”
“there are plenty of decent servants in our kingdom; you’ll forget this one soon enough,” graves waves away, carding a possessive hand over his curls and it’s only bc he’s looking for it that soap sees ghost’s jaw twitch beneath his neck gaiter. “it’s custom for one marrying into our kingdom to embrace all that it has to offer, leaving who they were behind to become someone better. you’re entering a new life with me; you don’t need the baggage of this dreary place.”
soap feels sick as he walks behind them, his blank expression hiding all sign of his breaking heart.
“soap is beholden to me,” ghost declares. “we were sworn together by the old laws. i’m afraid a custom isn’t enough for me to break a vow to the gods.”
graves lets out a disgruntled noise, tugging harshly at one of ghost’s curls with only a thin veil of fondness; his conceding smile not reaching his eyes.
“i never made a vow to the gods,” johnny points out later. “price gave me to you because he was sick of me setting fire to the kitchens.”
simon hums and sets his freshly cleaned armour aside, turning to him with a twinkle in his eyes he’s barely seen since sheperd’s missive. “you pinkie swore that you would never leave me; that’s more powerful than any promise to the gods,” he says and soap’s thrown back fifteen years, to a willow tree big enough to touch the sky; to two boys from different stations who didn’t care that one was dressed in silk and the other in scraps.
johnny feels a lightness he hasn’t in a month as simon winks at him. “besides, do you really think graves is smart enough to figure it out?”
the days pass quickly, graves’ veneer of affection growing ever thinner, and before either of them are ready, it’s the eve of ghost’s wedding.
he’s said nothing, done nothing but stare at the wedding robes graves had tailored for him in the fashion of his kingdom and johnny doesn’t know how to break the silence. he draws out each second as he fusses with the cape piece and ensures the shoes shine in the fire light until he has no more excuses.
he sighs as he straightens up, brushing off polish onto his pants. “i suppose this is where i leave you,” he says with a weak smile but it quickly dies when simon still doesn’t look at him. “i’ll be here in the morning to help you get ready… good night, simon.”
johnny bows and makes for the door, trying to convince himself he didn’t just say goodbye.
but he’s stopped by simon’s hand loosely wrapping around his wrist.
he looks back as simon finally tears his eyes away from the robes, looking at him with such clear longing it almost brings him to his knees.
“i don’t want graves to be the first man to touch me, johnny,” he confesses and johnny’s breath hitches. “i don’t want to be married to another… not when the one i’m set to wed isn’t you. but if i have to do this… please let me feel loved one final time.”
simon’s thumb brushes the back of his hand; their kingdom’s greatest warrior caressing him with a touch light as silk. he doesn’t pull johnny in, doesn’t need to; johnny’s already sinking into his touch.
desperation and love tinge every movement; johnny dancing his fingers over simon’s neck gaiter until he all too happily removes it, baring his scarred cheeks and lips. johnny kisses each one, willing his love and his touch to linger above all others as they move together; sharing breath, sharing body, sharing soul the way they wish they always have.
when ghost makes his way down the aisle, it’s not in the fine embroidered robes graves had laid out for him. he’s in his battle armour; dark and weathered, the sign of the ghost, the warrior prince, going to battle. the only thing missing is his helm, tucked under his arm.
showing his hair; curls gone and shaved tight to his skin.
a thing done only in a time of great mourning.
graves looks irate and it’s the only spark of joy ghost feels as he stops before the altar; set beneath the willow tree where johnny promised himself to him. one final insult.
ghost is silent throughout the ceremony and in spirit and in grief, so is the entire gathered kingdom until the priestess reaches the final vows and suddenly, a great roar rises above the crowd as seemingly every child in the kingdom swarms the altar.
ghost is too shocked to do anything but let them push him away from graves, bullying their way between them like they’re preparing to protect him just as he’s always protected them.
graves is furious but the children stand firm in the face of his threats until he moves to strike one-
and freezes as soap’s blade finds his throat.
“you would dare hurt these children?” he growls, sword following graves as he stumbles back. “you’ve kept up your charade the entire time and here is where you show your true colours. i think it’s time i show mine.”
graves splutters as johnny turns to the priestess and king price, falling to one knee and offering up his blade. “your grace, i wish to challenge prince graves for the hand of prince simon!”
his voice rings clear and he feels the eyes of every person in the kingdom.
but he only cares for one man.
who is watching him with more love than he’s ever felt.
“who are you to challenge me?” graves sneers. “you’re nothing more than a servant; no better than the dirt on my boots.”
johnny doesn’t bother to look at him, too caught in the love in simon’s eyes and the grateful look on king price’s face. “then you should have nothing to worry about. you’ve been crowing your accolades from the rooftops since you got here; let’s see if you live up to the hype.”
because simon only ever introduced him as his lord in waiting.
never as sir soap- his second in command and one of the greatest swordsmen their kingdom has ever seen.
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inactiveobeymeblog · 7 months
⚠️NSFW Ahead⚠️
What if MC was an angel but they were also there when Lucifer was an angel?
Starting out, what if MC was really young when their connection to Lucifer first began?
What if at one point MC had to attend an angel meeting bc of their guardian angel and they developed a silly-little-kids-crush on Lucifer the moment they laid eyes on him?
Imagine MC with starry, sparkling eyes while they gawk at how magnificently beautiful he is.
And during the meeting, Lucifer randomly comes up to MC and is like, “And what is your name?”
MC would be so shy bc that’s what little kids are like when their crush pays any attention to them and MC would whisper their name and he’d go, “Oh, really? That’s such a beautiful name.” And makes MC so happy because Lucifer just said he likes their name!
But skip a little into the future where angel MC gets a little older but they get really scared over something and they run into the nearest dark place, which just happened to be the alleyway where Lucifer was walking by.
He sees MC sniffling and gets so worried and approches them calmly then says your name and goes, “Are you alright? Is something the matter?” But MC doesn’t want to talk to him and just positions their body away from Lucifer, getting all defensive and defiant.
Lucifer eventually gets close enough to where he can crouch in front on MC and place his hand on their back, soothing them by rubbing it slowly.
“Can you tell me what happened?” But MC would still refuse to talk and Lucifer would sigh in defeat.
He digs something out of his pocket and presents it to MC and they look at it. With MC’s attention, he says, “This is a magical necklace. See?” And he would make the necklace softly glow with his magic and MC is in awe with it.
He then takes MC’s hand and places the necklace in their palm, closing their hand around it before saying, “If you ever feel scared, hold this necklace right against your chest, and I will always be with you in spirit. No matter what challenges you face, just know that with this necklace, I will never leave your side.”
Then they never saw Lucifer again after that day, but MC has always worn the necklace and never let it out of their sight.
Then fast forward to when the war begins.
MC is older now, about maybe 7000 angel years (looks like about 20-30 human years) and their frantically looking around to see if they can find Lucifer.
They know he’s probably forgotten about them, but that doesn’t mean MC won’t fight along side him.
But MC’s heart is shattered when they see Lucifer is falling from the heavens.
They scream and run towards him but they couldn’t help him. They’re on their knees and they start to cry.
After the war comes to an end, MC is devastated and broken. They’re not in their right mind anymore, with having just witnessed the love of their life slip from their fingers and fall to his death.
MC thinks Lucifer is dead until several thousands of years later, Lucifer’s face shows up in the Celestial Realm once again accompanied by his brothers and the demon kind’s son. But this time his wings are black, he has pointed spirals adjourning his head, and aura is that of a demon.
MC hears wind that Lucifer and his brothers are here as a last resort to restore peace between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm.
So when Lucifer and company enter the main estate of the Celestial Realm, MC waits by patiently until the sun dims down and the doors finally open once more.
MC waits until Lucifer is by himself.
Lucifer is walking into an alleyway when MC walks up behind him. They’re about to grab his shoulder, but Lucifer reacts quickly and pins MC to the wall, his forearm on their chest.
“Who are you?” But MC is too stunned to speak. He asks again and MC snaps out of it.
MC explains everything and Lucifer slowly backs away from MC.
“Show me.” MC looks at him confused. “Show me the necklace. Prove it to me. Prove to me who you say you are.”
And MC shows him the necklace.
Lucifer walks as close as he can and shows his own version of the necklace.
They’re the same shape, same design. A gold heart with a tiny angel feather in the middle, only now, Lucifer’s is black.
Lucifer brings his closer to MC’s and both necklaces start to glow. Lucifer slowly looks up at MC and looks into their eyes for the first time ever since that fateful day, and wraps his arms around their neck, leaning in to kiss them.
MC immediately kisses back and wraps their arms around his waist, pulling him closer.
MC’s heart is pounding, thinking of how long they wanted this day to come and now they finally have it.
Their first kiss is slow and sensual, then they break it to gasp for air. When they share their second kiss, a flame ignites their heart’s desires and they share a passionate and equally lustful hunger for each other, their lips moving fast and sloppy.
By the time they share their third kiss, they’re in MC’s bedroom, Lucifer on his back on MC’s bed.
They both kiss with such veracity as if it would satiate their ever-growing desire for each other.
MC’s hands are focused on removing Lucifer’s clothing, while Lucifer’s are focused on removing MC’s clothing. But when they both are naked and exploring each other’s bodies, they stop moving for a moment to stare into each other’s eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?”
MC kisses Lucifer and preps him with a bottle of lube he had summoned.
Hearing Lucifer moan for the first time only makes MC harder. MC scissors Lucifer open until they think he’s ready and Lucifer hands them the bottle of lube.
MC wastes so time in lathering themself up and inserting themself inside Lucifer.
MC loves the way Lucifer arches his back and clenches the bed sheets.
MC adores the sound of Lucifer’s sounds. They sound so pretty, so perfect, exactly how they imagined them to be.
Then MC starts to move and they don’t stop until the sun brightens again and they both pass out from exhaustion.
It’s only the morning after that Lucifer reveals the truth about the necklace.
“It’s a necklace that ties one soul to another, then their souls form an eternal bond. A bond that can never be broken.”
A Soulmate Bond.
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kalsiferdraws · 7 months
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Stan and Richie get high together from time to time
I just feel it
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taievieu · 3 months
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superficial / sincere?
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albus severus is the human embodiment of be gay do crime, in this essay I will-
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ambeauty · 26 days
Anti-SydCarmies be like I want Sydney and Carmy to be together in every way under the sun just not THAT way…. Hmmm🤔
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devastatinglygreen · 3 months
colin trying to change who he was after being ignored by the people he loves back home (especially penelope) and penelope creating lady whistledown after being ignored by everyone is something very personal to me and i think more people need to be sad about it with me
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devondespresso · 1 year
headcanon that scoops free ice cream for employees rule inadvertently trained stobin to be totally cool just taking shit from work. banana for the banana splits? lunch. tiny little sample spoons? they're cute and they give them out to customers so why not them too. ice cream at the bottom of the tub? its getting thrown out anyway so it won't hurt if it misses the trash by a few feet. and whoever was running starcourt was too preoccupied with secrets and shit to care if the minimum wage food court workers took a few sample spoons home.
like I'd love to see stobin get fired from job after job with the the one consistent footnote being that they were suspected of stealing shit (but could never prove it, no decent cameras to use against them and these weird teens refuse to rat each other out. they were interrogated by Russians, hr has nothing on that)
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rhymaes · 8 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) // Anne Carson
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bctoastyyy · 1 year
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more <3
more beat (wanted to redraw it but got eepy) the reapers ever kariya and uzuki, beat in a dress that he rocks, doodle(s) from a fic im writing, and warm up sketches pertaining to an animatic im making and dont get distracted from working on!
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